The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 11, 1859, Image 2
- . 1-11 4"="77 - -- r . , . 140 , 114 "...- .. rtiii' - ~ . iirit*ktitoOkoktf: * :;:4. ;:: i• liliAllitneWC*lfit*, IP -' - '' *4 "! , N likiiiti ii, 44 - 4.- - . itatisio , • ~ -'' ' '' ' '' ' 'lllif ' 4 r 4 tlli -, IV . 6**. i . A t f Or A 4x i V ito 4 .* 4.41 0O 6l :ul:l-i'k0tt5d,i 1 l e , i t,. W 4 o*g , *u i lm : 6 l *- 0 t 0 ,I ( t i ;4-0(440: 4,svqiii -4r .44,,ipoia-BiioitiSllintivi,Yo„ * , t4 Naob 4•7* l6 i'`” .l '' "iii:,*.ll .014iniiqui 4 rolom "'''' - rair-* - lik i ,t l l l ,-''''' 414*-10,1104_, Y,lialaikitbsill 'U ri* tW:/-i90#4450,i4*-s'li•kP*,.'',.'mgl,6ilr,V'Co,og,,ll , 0401:141::961ThilifliaChiitisifig$14,tiii: " li=t4.oo4 l **XiliOlet , ', 4 tfirtier - Or '. 3 f ' - ' ' s•ititoii i isit'Aidrive.t.Misi*:- : ile "liiititoo -61 CfitItif-8 6,614, -Oi 4 Ort?'::: , •=r 'l . .,„*CoiaitAiiiCifeekllsitil-kiefiroisairj",Wert,l trout-A iretiqiiiitoWli*ZliPONATl#4',*('goo - 'tit'ffe-° l4 eti*l'Xll)OW*;:to- bi lima It - l'lr 1014,4 TOmeouHV' , . ",,,..;,-,, N wt ',. '-: ~ ', '10441 , 6* -154 - "Of liisTeee kit lioYe ' 1 ' . l'iik'Vlibv'4*4 o °.ifAllztAioli***P I • ---•`-'''-. , 4 7,114';. e i Ttit' 4 4‘,.4.l*li**s'Biiell'erian, „. ,„,..jt.#2ll._ ll 4"iii li(i.'kri,. ~ .iitkoores*lll with Peuise4swm Alla re , il 3 Mlolra 7 sat lysiy i - viiii ,4elitter:it kiktr,'W l l -1 f; :F°Cv4/‘ , -,.... .„. eir1,”., ,, ..„1- , y'Veit'. .;• ki ~, ~ ,e - - ' ti , it,' - Ine*oi , •' - 4 *-tbel , is Ars ~...,,_ , ,liigkitiNiiiiiooll#o,4l.4lW/40i1 - - , 00441144''' • 04 , 41.** , • )4w iti. , A.-Itifirt*slifea:titv.l4.4l ii*Dittiiii: Tot ototirs*A:iii.:',l4.tAoWit , i • Belli& of- Eliiiiilesii"ooTrikid'tho*Nira' „,?f #eariiipx 0, 1 ":11. 11 P,lei, ~:ff, . 'i -:.:-- ~1.:::,,, , .404,4#4:rwits .iii . texiiptOi to-I.W* down litt, Vogel Ofitl4lo4l*--iatirdiii atiftelooiq,o:*** ' - tliiirrirtiellOsSedyttsAlitilitiliPoieweitli; Ifoillifiaofg'A* gii'! 40 dkioierwd: and eitiit:' 6 4 4 1 40 Al , friAlm l * ii-N#l.Pii4.o , 4 ° ' 4l6 *lit. -Z• , ,fl' , 4 ;1.4 .- ; ',7 The relemerr, ' at : oilli !kik eabiossale lA' - lipteityl iilljui'politssiiter hoirialirred tl ! ti offtoo:*ii: l 9,4eilt***t=leeenftWee titool,w3o, , liti: tbd,Wikriewitit4C!4!„*Ceithi**;illiOkii* of, tie • - PiilVOlk4)4llk**°l4.* own toope,tii PI , tll'itiretl.:' l ,4li(o4Cflii o 9it hiii` . kdiVilfalltiathirferfie:ol4oool‘lo2ilt; 3 ed:44 - 44440!;Poitarmia" r'' , -i d".11411;31;' • „ t - ', likireiiiptieee-ioliiittig 'olio In iferitoilf - - - 14 - iAft:.falligo,wei.k`te'onilat irlth'thi 4,11' nation ofililiii4soriiaiiii oropif-ilis 'Prlso4ol l 7!‘ iiiiewr,?!Wei:leltias4ol;Xlliftib4lifert Aiiiktr, Itiot:l=."*. jelli 4', go sottillei 4( li,idesoiri Ala, IA "rithAiielgtiiithinkiitA 4111ola - oh. "saw ti llllStheleitlif ditliV4 - iiiiiiagiiasiai, U, and, thitiVia , s4ftvaiiiiiiiehe leb44#Joiliek fro tbit'Sriiikeallitti*i,rePikeit Certihk, foN- Plit t liti****failtillOgmhlehideetatel W Would' bi5it 7 2•1470% - tiltia ritVY*Abiesiitt,a.i, date 04.,iiiit;44 0 4:if dmiihtei,44 - t • Malt ria•Oitißiliolii**ilifol‘tea: iflik' d******l. ?, - - ,3,*,eif:!,,,F.iliti,lo mike, at: all wore ii,ll`, .votelti*-011-I,lfira;liskstialhied ' - k ,4 ~...,,„4._ ~,,-..„.,,,,..1itiiiik -:•-, el : wpiiitiodwiatitViiiiikrepxo4o3 , , wow.. i'orie iiiii‘ili. , ,likpOrgoimtocont, - - izigginiiiiiiiiikocio.iwitiowobir ow anialie-Ave.' - :rtntas,', ts.l**,vidot*Ootiff2 -• ; lneilisrilaCtiiiii-lisileeeleoWiirC44444 , ltrtil - ,AftiAlti,!4'94oo:4lo l ._..-_ , ';;1r,..: Alis: , loo t *tr*ollof .451, - . 4•A gsnigi;. OW? 7 ..:,,ur:...g00rK01.04,04,44,0,,,0..."i0f 1410 4 sprostkW4.o6.ll4ol4oo I'4 ongit A li . ra i na b o uu t ' .4er-x fothei*iptroWnliOne'llile .lOa* dliliSW:wilVfor thP , Vaiiik roulf* wisk beirtstit '656;t4-irs:'-W44 r , 'i? •-- ''':='; ,F, ..1. , •-- , 'kik . bild it NO* 4 *`;' e*t r ia' :',P ll ltifigtolii _ Cola or itilii,l:4 l4 o ll o. - ::1 ..,!**4V-I"44o4W nataiii"MirAt•t'9l:- feisiterti'llalW**: ~ro, i ',.`.olletPri*ir -3;(1001444 Yofi 0104 -• reiiiiiioKWl. 4, 1 ;V:144- 4 bollitkth* Olf-**j . olittiloPl 41441.44 , 4**1rk 4 1ek ~ ~, , - ~,-,...'-ffj i i ,a ve4 4-v..._.,-, v , - -3,r.z., , ..§.144.- :P ' --.l!z OHMOMIO a_ --itaiii_ii, ititeivotiCA**l6 - 0 . r.911/400M, Hid . ' if lriTor - liorliftaY - 4.4olliAtAlig - ,4 , 7 ink* of. this illti s 'illti k eiiidifee , loillitizi or 'sheet the lot et Afelt..*-Tlile leiloi he.. tkiiniFin a very :OK time, and loder'itimorkarifith#SirlY; tdo AO* 01:„04 0 ):#* 4 ,- ef10444 ill** mot a 444 • novii,4olsiqm6o - ii•ebiet-loserOiroilivE , LY 6 l4l l 4tifidolielXll)4% tif,foreeheif,X tiliuieo'ty; n, 111 . 1 1 11 "f1; 11i4C'fre * t tr i dj4 i34l 4 4 ** * * 4 . lo . lea'lif!)itoWyr, , B ll 44 o o,44 - .;oiri' - ;:tiiit io soca eiSiiiiiiiitiielo the fidliliseat Of thirtoirtof of - 11 / I °l4l. fielliilT,ltt o tr-; ll t l4 Ariiqlk, 70 , 44,4741111.4iii411 1 -f reenC Iligewskontltleirritltit'AtislOtrOdiiitioi of the 10orifs*VoiAto7itiiaaiii70:**, -, n 31 1.4 4 - 4 144 44 1. . 1 900 - 4164kbiiiiicatil , re, fosse iiiipieartiwidipdirtst*Orpillii`*4 Oyer IyhiOlfi;'lttA,:iioW the :AsistPC 4 ,114-,*tiod::to 044*..11,r010i :.thi'fnow liOoroi t :_oreor, - 1 404,,, tiatiele Agothet;;OriA"likit ,th4#4-"WWlitt,' l rilii* 0et,40,;,, , :j, , 7, , ~ ,„,::,',.- ...,,,',,,, „ , . ~:, V: ~. • Di-ciisniara:64i T ioge imp ketidut esciapi 4* th* x"! 7" , A 04 01 1O . :hoic6iitili ia : 41 .4 4 i bige24l**47-,r., :440 1 *IfOilti&Pii#* Proiii , ormi l ltork,‘,Wrlt tp OUl!dity rot th#l,lo, zuro#4l,:ts - f VI - 'i'" .. ., ;-' --1 .1 1- '- `,..' Tkoitairo T 4 000i avast witiv; . tiliik s th o Ifirshl raw** 'thud ire wiekpousictstiVotiouthiliiii r at r eitifoi: • istpfiwA i thilliWilkrlhiPiriiN!Po• - 0 _ teak' ,..:i,0004014 -611 4 wed "Olt' ***l" , :***43 l 4 liiperlirioeiki;- 2 ` and 4l-:4lo*lliet'litidVwnfoll will be the • sane, - gond iilr.. — : - ..:,' ."..,','.. -.-,, Ii(e'i,lstartiniiitiiVio:vi: iiii,iii44 Aar molatiOlf..,foliaou4S*llo - 90billai ,#• 1 !, • two ifiekie4iiiii .16totiViti(tio9Viiii ok ~ :-- - :,-. , 1:4„ , ,-= , . 2to . eoyookiesuitio 40iNsiptsliatti 21:341041241Egteltt:V1' -4 *Ho l ol(ll44iYhil",4ll,lo4W4Mo* ' 1126 421 1 4:11010WPOOPtie01 th/n 4 ;._ - 1 1°4 * 4116.414 54k 1 ) 4 4°, C*l .- I Vir..4; - ' LogaNiltilittijoir - 44tar ' 3 i4* t 1 the ll / 1 101***4' . 9446 1 411,1,04' • l'sritik (40 1 4 9 ni*0• 01 0#4 36 -*(Akir frow.thii.ieeiiie*tUititviltittiotlisitlisie, Chni*oirti&of A*: f Ntle*,Voit 0 1 00 , 441,' of o.o.iipligtkirtliAt' ti;.4414:041404 , foiii6 ow , Penwillorisa lieettie4eiVilb it-fiftwiirdeit'a"AK •'-' Tht Y 4 .404 1 0 4 00,i0.0„ 1 1 1 ** 1 4**44 1 5 ' 11 ” 94 : 11. 4 411 rAt ,I*Oisii.,:"li .011114 hi.' Joni - iiietoot iromigrolkotvoqiil*i* nto LeCni*Ytikl, l 4:tittolia: - Aiiii: I ke lasC ' , 4' triiiSit - lielj iatil , lon ' 6111 44 iattikii:#46V4Weilrlifiitlii** - ' =of=awiiwitiots4o , ,,Vliiiiletit . iboi:of AO* or , . eriiir l ieWeiti*******l;ii tfiiwl***l; ; _• . • ab0**i~t51i44116,;1411441.441 - 4rf fildiiiiiiiMkTiPiihkliii:th**l`al: l'i*lbtfliAi4 - 004;ifeigl:ilw hod 2d**loft ! Mi,e4i i )kliiiii , resi44 , 4u , ttiirerwgwrsiMe i Sifslid,loidlt the, grwrfg-!.steiiiiPlbe'AeA'44 , ,4',Aillerbi g ive a - abli 10 11 - 4 .41 1 1004',. ii44*;ll4ol‘aitiOtitit. lick 41 0!1!',:-.-4.144:14r:'-ori*Oir*J01114'. iiost, 41,4h4 _ , :earcidea ithiilowkeMid iiioli - •a dilliimiwgidirt:borriiii4el'twoot 43wiriepori: her )r*Ofgrfililkeinetliiii,V,t4tln*liet itttt o (** 4 , • laid ot i firqt*OVl:,,ili• t At# Of bed 4 Awii.(4lo:Wk tP ~.. ..11.14.4 • up 04-I,ooW4nctet*iidl)lows4i-ilie Ale /51,1dt/iia. 4 .4 iiF 41441 * 4 44, 46 04 - - i.? k0itz104410,4 1 4. 1 5k0r - ArivisoucoiCiiktbi' :°r*** 11 ICAllki1014;"irlil hiuiliiwilloif4 tlUe eiele"iiwutrkflPit` '''-i*Vtiti f thiir i pl ~.1 11 Te. 4, , 11 T. . liq.e. ~ - --Afcs , , -...,,{ - S ii, 4 ...,,„, i „-k„,,i,„,„,......,„„,.,„,„, ..t.,,,,“..„....44. 41 11 0 1 iialt, and watetiiii ' **l th - 414ofolol*rolittesage 41 Ott ' 1 112,40***14404-014mkottl* 011 ,, 1t andis Viiitiotit444,9444oo »A' .= ''.''', . ..i` -.t; - Erdt.44friArOrtecali**ti*eleiwi OA lis' woultillOigyMP:AtiottiCtlift,i'W 4 *Aillilio'll°4,, ' he Ih° 4l o=looCitilti,igol9o,,'llain:* olol; 1 z „,. ' °hi° lr 4 - foroos.ii 'idle Yteo,k *ought -_ 1r , ,: _SWIM, i!,' ,17": r * f rr ' '. ''' ll'''' l l4 - " '11 " 91- t o*" . "- Tilsit :: :0444 - 6401 5 04 -mili4itificoef:;: !rOgo 11 - .• koPi.r.L.J'Tf.n",....*,:-=ett!r4, : • • ~11 e • „; _ -"-, ," ' :.- '- "ittiii'rniefitri.Oltny. When Ir. Bediatian was nominated for Proaident, while agreeing ,to the , domestic , policy :set forth . in theUbminnati Platform, especially that known. to refer *Kansas, he Was not so well pia. r ue with flut . deetrines as seriedin'regaid:to tha4, , Oeign reret. ,-77 ". 4 - , bi supposed ahoild'espseiiii* be',,i Corgunitted to h is diseratiOn apd - 2304 1 4600t40a, bed had ' large exieiteXce in **lemur el otir. Conti-. try - 1 4th nther'X*Oril•!'ile'llied4i4i tfiktr- mower the committee of Foreign Relations id_the; Senate ; lour years_ State tinder; Pieeident pour. ; , and - Minister - at the Conet.:4.l36:liinteifiom 1853 to' Ilkiti - rind itleitAtO, i'lf . 4144likisi rto ' overlook and conucJ.,='..,#o!.'4-#4/ 1 9rIsuiv lunch-- 01 -- the- Federalißdniirkintralion. -- . mq - ,Atd - not wish to Ire'Cootrolledratillit • question by party icen, venni* or written directions .,. It was right, he frequ ent ''said,` ieneaaarY;thst, on the thittelt iltialittif;_Akieliblide, Shield . be dis 'llinettlyjatd.,.down,!,i-andr Inexorablys'lldbered to,Q; tnt the MehagetheittTeftbn'foreignr&,. # ti tdM #.14-ig*l..._,-.04-040ii../i.i3OnbitratiOn, te take adviintagOok.cothiplielikitia - lithey,might 'tube. 6 "Thilii*deNettioiy lliniresirvisily, ii „,:ll4 o tt*lUMen who, Cause ,to ask or sien - toihisrlipinionit.':;4nd if it had built& bared: tii, it, intik tinie - been aniunceishil ai it wee. just and;potriotic. ~ But we regret to esy„that,„the:foreign policy ; of.;t4e. present General Adininistration, is' almost -u great a fillureyna ite'dornistio policy. , ~ - - ;liiittrcifni"the deftkilde,.. - 0 war rolls from' AVery.,,Seetion towards. taly. It seems that *Otirl„S h with all ; her, former . glory—her Em perorlliti'..disestridant" oU. the (bosom -the )I4Sers'ef., Europe ! is to ,be humbled and hiokin doWn;atwhativer•bost and "onwhit ePiT,istilia ,-. o Pree Italy" has very little to do with the Matter( - Wu:lo'onm a deidide Ag ethii;:.sideC powers were ite willing and .enil' Out° throttle ieltalk as they now '* . deas to _he 40,,yuphold •jt: - -:"Sardinin 'and ',„rtiulciN and . ',100. - 411 the ,nienibers of the alliancelhat'lmlped , the "sick mau”, In the griribn',„Oe';',;•fik,.ftrititei Wxecetkin ;of. their policy, arranging their own household for • I#4,.Stoltf.;i4,o4,;litt.O' the inkling of this centi= . 1 1,ent•,,'' ; ,' _,",0" - '''•:'''',,'„•'''''' '_ '": l ''' .,. , t :-X t pitlipd,iwitli,;;lter schemes , , and ?France 'With betrMetuf:l4tiAir ,ititid his' halkecognised Wegotiationsk Met thoslture indications Of--this 1 'P t #l te tt e i :• 11 i' this :', - etetti'l,', 4 - things, 'Vienna ibeaomes a'Peint ei;extreme and extraordinary 'interest. The s ,":ljnit4;;Statell Might .•to have !if. that' , Court :its :,prirestil ablesti'ortd. meet ‘4l l o l 4,o`c.4 4 tgaiiingliii i n , ii- 6 ti thle- Of wai4l - -ef!;:the ;:foeeign • Powers thOili:4l4.l.44Preientatiiiiie,,ind taking ad ealltage,,of;:: themi,*llt,-Inch 'a jiMe, and at 1 iliiiiii - s4ofiiiti, iiiv;6.l.lNor Amu ' ' one of the heroes 'Of the late` investigation in, Congieei, I (to revive no other recollections,) lathe Arne -1/01/ Vitiator fr ." . ,'' ':' .', -- ', 1; At,-,010 ill English Court - we' have • Mr. Ilattili zf able A 'upright,_ and, experienced, it la'Atinliihitt , Lbow; much , Can. ho de for his „Ceuntey„i-when ,lie, - ; known - that he :does kat possess- lie . aonfidence of its heme Mimi; *ration ?:-.vrlion•he learns thrOugh its daily :fottriais -that: the - President longs to recall hlM.7,,—,whert,-he sees .a set of wretched spies like 4ittnin; Valdenerinens salaries to watch hifi'i c and bis - nisnelateet.--,and - when he knows that a, willinirteelyalkeSWGoan' ticker wee:lint. tel.. the - AIM* =States, beeause' he :could ilatteener'Preiddenti '(in - the strength cithis -patronage-of; that President', while, he as American Minister in : Loudon) and obz : tale Seeritatidden fttnuMr.'Dirmis, ..ii4,*eiksfAiwildi iiitinal-tbe United States ltMiniiiiish'courtieraWben he, hrew off his, 01,i1,944,it00d disclesed; an uneerupulonS Angliih agent In - potato:A*6lo I, '.: . • ' 1 1 . t grill; itt;,limiow remains'a respe,etable -and infierkelegentigiUn; ,popular-beca use he Ida, Ye whist, agreeably , ir and - -'"'has nothing else to do ;:?`"!: intliat, lc fiel(is Paris it, this time fittioldand'Original.intellectl ; ' ' -- ': ', ;!, I, At *ailip444t.loll Col. Fames, our new Spain, ever reach Madrid with the 4frixiiffifien Mk:Peeked upon his back 7, ' - - - ,,!Rat', if: we need a`Alatitignishet diplomat at tts*,:fiethe;thite hang, and statesmen ,of .',bigh , l'eletrisetek, always 'at LondMs -and Paris, t__be-,P OI, IcY, '0 sending first-rate min, to , the 'cWrerreitt " iiitit'erninents - of this - centlient is beyond question.. Indeed, beiteadbf leading 1 :4e:-lthiteistien: to" believe ' , that 'the' name . of i L arant '‘;',, - .., rt,'A e 'r , -tt e ,,Ao"*o : t aiitillras: , - -14;41, - 4, should he taught to aspire to a.l oil in - 110' Stites - and 'llion our own bardire and` lying , -intermediate , be-• tWeen the AtlanticwidClite' , Pacifie: , It ft .withthesek-qtat - „"steorigiet'; it; lt( r eier "thti'`vait' theatre that we • should bruit' not_ hrctuvription', Or- that_ our !ill** l 4hilatii ~ ;,,bit ~ Ary, • =one , example ;and • , ,454.riAtsilitutliiii.,. 'Teti: since : ' the present ilidMiniiitintien has commenced,' what , has ;been, -"lett". te• enforce „uppn ,the ' people of these Stat es the Influence - Of ;American insti tfOlN erTtitifi'Priho/Pkis -of the. Arietican psople?., Almost tipthing:::,„Oin any one call ICI mind even - two of our diplomatic represen. tialives who have risen ateire'medloprity ?; We illsilieiCeit Rimini M. iPl;ene and RICH , 46:ipiDn'itctii)* ‘: rik hei grit; pit: tin the grvaat:eierCif Central American , negotiation ,tad: diplomacy, 1!9,.11!tvht4. abpolutcly no talent, no experience; **veer little patrietism - - Wr p#l4 - 0 - #iip;Or navies to, make Witmer, Ron „. more ;', striking : ,' But , may; lye ' not ask Whither Aiii not ..b46iegti6Etion that the foreign ) ; like the domestic, policy of the pre '_aent',Pedetai Administration e- has been a moat - Altasbous - failure ? '' A.:RePublican Advocate of Popular tlo. - r. yereigntyllpftenh of Eli thayer. _ -•,! Aslie hive repeatedly shown. in former ay. -tiOes,, political; nneations,'Oennectedmlth the, government 'of the wide =Territorialdomains - of Ati irititid States must Inevitably - continue SO arise,- from time to time, to demand fitted-, ;doh- aud'indese' soma' welWeilied: and well. isatilledliels of:action-is , fallyeatablished, to -sus! )-441n feeling : throughout the'Confe ,decacy, particnlarly , anew* those who-are deeply interested In the - slavery: ;question. hien plantarp:ingteirted by diferent clines! ,RitituteiFicti; - ;4lti- , alhaists f the, 'South :14140241'1:100*PtiOn ;' - #O , Mi the National GO iYeeprient for `the , protection of slafory; the -altiafstif Ain all.firth :. demand - intervention 14, - the Nailoiat Goiernment to prohibit sla *try-0 ,the , kopubir Sovereignty Democrats, ;44hiliese-iito- sympathize aithihem, demand 4ht Vhe-trholtisubjeet Shall be to the ~in figien'ent ofZthe - People of *lle Territorhis, i 4 " 'nn 'ar;:- 4 ..4...;iiilitninstannoti, as' will afford fair lop o rtnidtlee 4 hit 'An their,arlateat in regard to the character of the r:,.. 11 . 1 -4 14 1. , g°44! tG.,,.bot established in their midst. r,PS. era , long-time tbdo the Republican - party wore ar i4apod:itiOogd phalanx against this latter doe tit*, and nearl;the' entirSflouth virtually ao: quiesced In It. But the practical, experience -,ofAtippettittlen•-ln,Fassan has been of such a oll'okinieelol6*endei Smth= ultraists dia. 'aithdied ;with It i and ire find theM now elamo- Ai% at:loudly:for, Ologreasional protection of 91 !;,frmits:the 'Territories as the . Republicans ternuirly - elintinsedter the Wilmot Proviso'. At o ". ll )l,l, 6 ; . :i.lnfithO'inorn sagaeloui and far-see t'pg perabees of the it epublicaq, party-plainly 1fiC.4 0 .4 3 /1., Of Atordoktbat , the Wilmot Pro slut hi itdead urns that_ there to no . prospect ?ptitelgiiiifoiliithe logialative and Exam tliyi branches-of the Oitfeirninenti, and that crap titit i adeptid,, in all humeri probability ,the Supreme Cloort would. declare ,it - iineon-, 1 Ittljut - (iiii,kandAiiirefore- null and . void,.:Appr e Xn(erated 'their 'denuirids; and maintain'- the 4oilltikhilliiiffoitiliy, in tl .. io ‘ TOtifOrie's ii All thui i gie intOio:Otit,of - fieedoin.:reggire, and all thatWinkle:ft should be demanded. No mad , the' intelligently considers the 'political' cam; ) o,W,4o. l ::iitihepedatry,and - , the Political ebai -leteF of AbbietOlivliuM It, destinies are nevi_ candelll)i(jAttralftlef, entrusted; eau' believe 'that hie Ipolley or the 'extremists on either: 401--0-thAttlUestbin - can 'have the' remotest 4 4. 04Pqetifitte 400ic . W,0. 6 4.; -o f lie 4144 i an' iiitabObitaw,' - of :the -., land, , -._;3 l rher t - oan: a *`ilinot liteiltss nos the United. States Benatei leaders eflhe"' 1 4 06114 n ' i)orti: know .1,41*i:toll that, In tie ordinary of things, such - :a - result cannot lim ; accomplished " for inany t iciii,,to come;',and when , can a law hi *,tect'slo63o,lltllOn'T:otittories;by positive leiiiiitloli, 'Peas' , in the 'National House of titillp,itte*ty,ii,..i::.Dertalnly, not - in the pre-' *al Congress ; ;NO aN the next Congr , ,me will' ~ halm i, meirlY4-4WO 'Repreitentatives tr i m tkO l'di . tt - -. :tr . ;l i kini'ztti fii n:;: the • , South, , there no apiiiipool:-. Of •S;the?, - ,eneetthent of '_a iilitt**Stfir lama ;* . f, . iuci, a-'6lbuniil:: irespeenvo champions of these extreme itAto InevetriirisiAtt'# thin, ,0 OOntinnti'n bit r i tV1:44400i in ,:figitifion ~of the 'subject/ If• t i, 24 -rippos, - 0 do'-so. eq.': ' The ;nitres of `•'.lloiiii:'siii itta iii; vituPeinte i and bitterly rujm:94.itifoutb'snd her inetitutitanti and .7:1. ) , ,•4: , Sr , !'- 1- -' .r. 7.- :' :- ~ .. , , • li'rtc4l ~.- ,'; f.14,1,f,tt0. :: • , • ... - ,-, - - the Representatives of the South may be , haughty, insolent,. impracticable, and deter- ; mined in their clamors against the occupancy and - control of the Territories by non-slave holding settlers. RIR neltfleOttjlel3o con tending factio,ns cai'afiain - clear:triumph in Aocontpitiingedzhetween them. , l l'here is a middle' ground,' :Jitdgment of all 'Parties s hall turn, approved , and which, lither thOji approve it_ or n04,t90 become, in spite of'tliem, for all practical jourPoses, the' policy of the Government. It is to allow the people of the Territories to regulate the ques tion of slavery for themselves without foreign 'interference or control. The - wbole Routh virtually sustained this principle when it en dorsed •thew Kansa- and - Nebraska bill ; and. the Republican and American parties endorsed it when their Representatives.voted, for the ,CritteUde ‘ n-Montgomery amendment.. It may im,,thit this principle will, work . disastrously - 6 . *EI, itinveholding power of the South. •If It does; that 11 their Misfortune, not the fault of,the NationelGovennnent. If there is not enough slaVery to commend it to the favor able cOnsideration,of, rnatorfty, of Abe reel dente new Territory, the National Govern ment is no more bound to enforce It upon them than Is to enforce it ripen tite,Citi sena of the free States., If the People of ,the, Ter ,. , ritories want slavery, let , them havesit but if they are ~,to bave it amps them, let 13,0 phi* in their midst by their own voluntary not by theinterventletinf. the Federal GoVernthent. , 'A very remarkable tribute to the justice and wisdom of the docts'ine of Popular Sove reignty, when fairly applied, is, contained In the' Speech ,of;Hon. Ear. THAYER, of Massa . chntiOtts; - ,delirered•in • the House of Repro ... , • sentatives , on the 8 4 th of Febrnary, last. It is well kisewn that this gentleman is an unyield-', ing Toe • sof ,slaverY ; that he: was , a leading. spirit of the ,Emigrant - , Aid SoCieties which went out into R.,ansits, - - from, Massachusetts, thicits 'af ter the p a ssage of the.'Nebriudia for. the pnrpose „rif noels n to make It a free State,;'that,,he Ornate& in pe , rion with the herder ruffians nf,Missaitil upon the plains of Ranstus ;, and : that, : praptically,. and theoreti reify; he is; perhaps, as, well acquainted, ,with the whole •operation,of deterinining the cha racter of new Territories as any member of the Republicanparty. Re ridicules the Idea of persisting In attempts to , prohibit slavery by Congressional enaCtment. , He declares that ho deemic, the eireviise of that power inex", 'peditinti ai the'present time, if it could be ap plied," = and states 'that Abe, contest in Kan ;sea would hive beeri Settled at a much earlier day, than it was if the interests of the free " State party had not been injured and crippled ~ by the demagogues who proclaimed r in 1856, 1 'that it was lest to freedom. That wismity not Misrepresent him on this Subject, we give his leiact language t "There is another olass. sir; composed of the political Oataandras of the Republican party, who are always propheitying, in the middle of one great disaster; that another still greater is about to' , Come- 7 who are continually , saying that slavery has always bad its own way, and always will have itz--that avert ander the bred Scott decision, wilt yet be established , in Massachneetts and New Nampshire-t.that secret intrigues are going on for establishing it in, Canada, as well , as for putting the White Mountains and Cape Cod under, the lash. [Laughter.] I have an amount to settle with these men.' I have met' them, and found theM a great impediment to the progress of free. dom in, this country. - In the contest for free men and frhis labor in Kansas, I strum here that they were a greater obstacle' to. our progress than the border ruffians - , the Oablnet and power of Prod dent Pierce, or the bad travellieg in the State of Miesouyie-for.-they were' the; country with the cry that _Kansas was lost., With qui viring' lips :and moist eyas,, they Went, about orying that alt was loaf. The eject was• to semi hundreds- and thousands of men: whO would hare Jamul our good colonists in Kansasyshi wring away to the - cold regione - of lifinugsota. I have an sympathy _with these men, Of this class - was Visa in the,dayaotDavid, Who thought, that - be:ante-tile oxen stumbled, the ark of the Lord would surely fall; and he stretched out his trembling hand in support of Omnipotence. Smit , ten by the Power which his doubts had insulted, faithless Wass died up on thespot, Why he died, / ask notanimentary to tell me. - Why any snob are left is not se clear.. Without faith, either in - the powerofOod or the destiny of man, they libel freedom and - slander freemen. -They have no joy, la the present, and ns hops for the future. They seem pre-destined to' disaster 'and defeat ; and woe. to- the party or-project in Web they assume au; therity or egeroise influence. - To a manor this elate the Fremont - 11re Is one perpoittai nightmare ; • and What the Astute wilt be, who can say? Canis, be aired? , (tan amen he saved without faith, or b one, or, Weke,' with only.repentarteeHand even that consisting not in , ssrrow for his own sloe bat far other people's virtues ? ,ALaughter,l W hy, what . *ha se would, be nob:sere amused than be was before. 'Me never mould zee the tree of life or; the river of Ste, never would- have a harp :n his band—but a eprglass,_ and skulking ,abont the battintnnate. apd peering off intotilinsittshia spade,, [laughter it he ebould ,ahantie td see Dred Scott or the Su preme Court; oven though they might be beyond 'the great gait, he would think they were coming GS establish-slavery- on the golden pavements of the New Jerusalem. [Laughter]" - ',ln another part of his.speech, be says If it bad-not been for preontive Intervention, and for the cowardA predtctions af faint•lteart e4 anti-slatellt men of the( North, that Kansas would be lost. I think, sir, that the contest might .have'been ended' before the year 1858. - tat as it was, notwithstanding all the attaches In her way,' .the contest began to grow insipid during that year for want of opposition from the urn-slavery, side, and T left it, as Atoblion and Stringfellow had already done.," Since that time we know very well what has beets the history of Kansas. It is now apparent that there 'are at least ...eight or - nine-free-State men' in that Territory to one slave- State man." , '• = • • =lt is high time, that demagoguism on this subject - should cease; that the impracticable ultraists of tho North should ailehce their load Clamors for Congressional interVention against slavery cease shedding their hypocritical tears over imaginary griefh, and trust to . the strirtly energies and intelligence of the plo• nears of -our frontier settlements to work out their own destiny—and that the ultraists of the Srintis should abandon their absurd and Im practicable schemes Sir conVertlbg this gtriat nation . -founded by those who gained Its liherties•and framed its Constitution for wise and honeflffentpuriseiets:--Into' mere Mlsera ble engitiri:fer - extending the arias. Of shlarery ) and , cease .placing the. interests of the slave holder-ant his nontrol.ever hiiiiegroes in , the _ - t i l a o tgu ...,r ard American progress and clVilila-' • Business "Itt Philadelphia. The contrast between -March of 1 . 868 and the March 0f1859 suggests itself to many a happy citizen, as kw &sada along our great Witness, thoroughfares and sees our hotels 'crowded with visitors, hears the. click of ham= . mete closing boxes up, observes our groat mer , cantile malts crowded from morn till mid:- night, and knows that our places of' amuse neist are thronged with delighted audiences. Nei are these the Only - evidences of the pros. perity which is brightening all around us. Far away in the Interior the same indications are manifested. Even Mr. Guzman', of' the New York Tribune, while passing througlcthe north ern, portionof Pennsylvania some two weeks ago, hailed the presence of the reviving spirit of trade. We use his language, adding that what was true, when he wrote -is still more gratifyingly tine to-day : ,-. . , ._, "We rooked through a , considerable seotimi of -Eastern Pennsylvania last week, and were grati. liedlto find its business recovering from the long niehtmare of paralysis following the revulsion of 185'. . Everywhere furnaces long out of blast are 1 being refitted and blown in; iron, long piled up to awaiaa pnroboser, es moven , . off to assured market. ; coal and ores are in increased demand, giving ready employment to labor and the pros pect. for a butte season es excellen t. 'We shall be disappointed if Pennsylvania does not mine and sell twenty per' cent. more coal in 1850 than en any; 'farmer year. And, while Scranton • and the t Laokawanna 'of are.looking well, we think the valley . of the Lehigh, as a whole, is looking better. This little valley, hardly larger than it good shred county, hooets of having, during a resent year, made one•eighth of all the iron ; produced in' the Country. ' This may be exaggerated ; but - there can be no doubt that the ironi coal, and lime are so grouped as to render the Snaking of pig iron Iterent a low price more feasible than almost anywhere else. - ire are as , sured by . an intelligent iron -master, bred to the ' basiiteseen Wales, and thorouglu'g familiar with. all its processes in both count/7,68f that the current belief that the British snake iron mere eConosni catty than we' o is - an entire - In:stake. - . Cheaper In one sense-the British iron is, becinie the labor .which -digs the ore; mines thi coal; - bialla the 'limestone, brings them together and folios them 'into', Iran and' e tag, and runs thelciniei into pigs for; market, is paid thirty to forty per emit. less in Great Britain', thin-here, to that the British meter 'may ~ b o - afforded for fewer' dollars nor 'ten.:btie each ton- has cost more labor - there ,than toil us. , -14- ether words, - the labor of a thou- Sa 'miry - devoted to iron-making Ist the Le hig s Valley will 'trochees more iron each "tear than a like amount, eimally welt - wattled, will predate in Great .11ritatn. do, the presumption that British - furnaces turn out more iron per. day ;Or, per annum. 'than `ours, to etujounded. 'rats ,Otanetroa Works Wave furnaces) at Oat:l -eague; hi 'Lehigh - county, three miles above Allen tow4,laye a capacity; when in fall blast, of 45,000: ,tons,perantrun ; and no •Britisit 'lmirti..4 of like ,extent. and , cost,'. - produes an igual ' cruantsty.' And: the Crane Works," though excellently de signed and Well managed, lire by no means sluffa ,lar in their effieieney. Be who would see to what' extent the roving of Manna' -labor by machinery and steam ', bas -been parried !wear day should ' ,spend fit few bout: !n-watching the anfomatle pro .oesses !oonslantly -in use within _and around' a modern furnace." • • 4'6e presence In 1 - 1:111adelph1a of so ,many Sentliern r ili#iehitets (at a period ithen the it4Ole West - and NOrthwest has hardly rOOO - from, the *Plods which struck 'lt so inddeifyih iB67),frioyea the' healthy THE PRESS-THILApELPHIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1859. tion of busliess in thh Southern States, amd establishes the fact (long ago apparent) that this great city will always be - a favorite point with them,lcorilleatedocwe ,are to the South by the moat, 4*i-rapid, and Safe Commuid- . cations, and'enabled to, 'er facilities.equal, if not superior,.totheie,Offered' by other cities, surionnded with a thousand ;attractions in the health pi,* locatiorio the rapid growth -and singular beantY 'our' eitY, ottr-ftne hotels rand places of amusement, and , the' fact, (now beyond : dispute,) that cistern - en can - reach Philadelphia more conveniently and comfort ably than they can reach Now York. All these things aranniversalltknewhthrot,ighont the iind;_we jairceive,,generally acted upon. We congratulate Oirtr merchants ppon the brisk and auspicions; opening of the pre sent season. • BY MID ,NIGHT MAIL. Letter from " Occasional:" 9orrespoodenos of The Press.] • :'WesurNaiox, Mosel% 10, 1859 You will hardly believe that the Washington prison is one, of the most miserable, tette:fetus, and altogether , ungainly straotaros in the United States: 'There is,hardlya county town, in Virgi nia or in Peansyliania in which there is not a bet-. ter prison. It is a shortie that COngress.hati ifo long neglected the appeals Of tho authorities of Washington to remedy Cliff ireat evil: The pri soners do'no work, andliten"convicted of different degrees of crime are thrown' all , together,' some times in one room. There iasoarcely any. venti lation,;,no water,that iSluot brought febm,an old Pimp without, and, none of those ether core.' 'nienceffrieoessary,to the preserva tion , of the health of the unfortunate beings whO are olustorod here. - Mr. Sickles has had allotted to , this guard' -room, whioh is really not iscrootiifortabla as a com mon cell at'Oherry Hill. 'No carpet except an old Mat on the floor, a miserable Old eet, a few boxes and rioketty chairs., and. the -ventilation was so' ,defective_ that, in order to obtain air, he purchased himself a common tin, ventilator, and, had it placed in the window instead n f a pane of ,glace. - Now, 'that attention has been attracted, to the shatneftil dpfloienoy_of this , building", by die-11-lim ber of visitors who call 'to see me Sickles, I am not -without • hope that:the next' Congress make an appropriation for' such a building as will,not be a diecredit to 'this - great and growing metropolis. I notice that Cm-Evening Star is all in rte power to enlist public opinion against - Mr. Sickles in the 'approaching trial, by copying the most inflammatory 'articles, 'When I reflect upon the POpnlation to whirl these appeals are directed, theft' - Object Carina be - miennderstood. On the other . htind, - I eta' happy to inform you that the nearest friends of the deceased Dir. Key greatly deplore these manifestations, and that the Chief Sustjoe of the 'United States, .liir. Taney, himself, though well known in early, life as one of the most spirited and 'chivalric men living, one of the first-to resent an Mina andpunisii and, therefore, not apt to be controlled by too pas sive a spirit, advises moderation, if not submission.' Mr. Sickles - himself preserves his • equenbility," asks no defence at the.hends of the press, and while the Star goes-on:with Malan-oes, the Pun nets friendly to Mr. Skittles, in this city, ,preserve a !significant nuance. The Damoaraoy of New Hampshire will protest steadily' against the appointMent, of Barannd Darla, of Now Hampshire,as fommissioner of Patents. Hellas m erely .4lloguiehed himself as a jobber in Congress since he loft this offiao, and by his unscrupulous War upon General Pierce upon a mere personal The, man who has earned the appointment of, Commissioner of Patents fs SeMusd T, Shugart, long the faithful chief clerk, and Often - the acting commissioner, la the absence of .lUdge Meson, who . pr:eoetied' Mr. rfou., teis to the Patent °Moe have bad frequont oppor tunitiei to realise the' ;join. of stash a man as Mmgert, whose politeness and attention have fa:47 litatedthe business of Many - drvertputrloben inventor, who had no money to, agl i g and whose time wae• memo. ~et In revising Congress, DIP feat, that stWugly,.. or of epemffo duthia. rd.,* self ,to be outvoted :a own Cablietotheri.... a House of Representatives 'at his back, an d Senate that be could have made subservient with a little of the nerve that he displayed in attacking the Democrats who stoodeup for the doctrine of - popular sovereignty—while he was in the. Vice President's 'room algning bill., Mr. •Cobb "(the , angry enemy of Yennaylvanits and her Interests) was in the Mouse fighting:ler the Senate talc arm postage), and for the timntk-bitilion debt bill; both , of which were - essential to 'the defeat of the tan graphing interests of the - North Oebb, Mr. wing She, pa , ' trpnage of, the , Administration to imbue men - ' vote for these two -measures,' be, order that the tariff question might be pushed over, and an extra session prevented. This page, of history-should not be foigottan. - —, • In disposing of the'anthraelte coat agenoy for Pennsylvania, Mr. Buchanan had marked otit,',ln his own way, a plan that tVotild hate gitrefi gate ral satlefaction to the people and to hie friends. Ae a dietingatahed member of the Cabinet told me the other day, (deploring the disclosures made by the investigating Committee, ana particularly the denuriotatloa of that part of the Administration policy referring to the coal agency,) Mr. Be ohanan's idea was to appoint a weil•known friend of his in Philadelphia (a merchant if MO stand leg) to this egthey, and had he'done this all par ties would have said amen. Ile took the other course, however: be saw that the coal agency was "a Juicy piece of tender-loin, and thought it too mud, for one friend—so he oonoluded to bay np two` ld onemiee by cutting it Into alines. giving one to Itunteri'another to Uetk, and kill another to 6inith. the result Was that, in dividing the spoil's, the President and all parties wore de. : teoted s and an 'examination into the facts has covered the whole condom with disgrace. PROVERS= MITCHELL AT TEN ACADEMY ON Wm .—Thep have bean few men upon the lecture board of late yeast, the &w et OP at tracting bitge albilimass, night after night, at an advanced price of admission, equal to Professor. Mitchell, of Cincinnati. His recent course on As tronomy-7a science with ,which hb (mines!! the moat wonderfai faiAillarity-4olivered at Jayne a s Hall, was a remarkable sueoess. test evening hi gave the Arst lecture of his sew course at the Academy of Mutic; and a brilliant affair it wee, both as to the quality, and extent of the audience, andthe chireaoter of the address. His entdoot on this Weldon Vas "Tho Astronomioal tiseeverits made by human Thought." and we may say that hie treatment of it was one of the rarest d;splej of genies hive ever enjoyed ills powers: of graphic desoriptions of the immaterial are almost magical, and we doubt if any living man at the present day possesses the gift, in equal degree, of making the most abstruse and Intricate truths of science, so' perfectly clear to the mind of a popular audience. MS subject tonight will bo "The Discoveries made by Telescopic Po'wers," and on fiaturlay evening, his closing lecture, will be on "The Discoveries made by the Power of Mathematical Analysis." -. Letter from Harrisburg. (Correspondence or The Press.j Ifsnereetreo, (Carob IC, 1&30 • The aotion of the Renate yesterday, on the general banking law, was deeidedty singular andomrprising to 50 whole's's heard the boasted professions on the principles of banking It exhibitsanother of the oddities of legials. the digressions, whisk, though It may bring tempi:eery ruin to the prospects of tho'bill, , may also annihilate the political schemes of some EaDatorm. A general and distinct prinblple, embodied Ina bill carefully framed, (liable, as are all bilis, to objections In Its detalle,) bracing In itsecope the people's' wish and welfare, en evidenced by the peculiar and unjust features of the, present syitem, and by the popular voice, through a watchful Executive, his failed to receive the Benateie sanction. The proceedings on this question run . than A motion to substitute the original bill. for the one reported by the special committee. was defeated by a strong vote ; and yet, when the first notion of the bill, as reported. came before the Senate, it wee defeated by &vote of 18 to VS. Meyers. Parker and Randall voted afarinatively ; Messrs. Bierselis and Wright negatively, Some have mots an attachment to the workers and workings, of the 'system now doing its mimblef end wrong, that nothing but the Judgment of their constitu. eludes will arouse. °there retreat behind objections to immaterial features, while others, slower; but, amazingly inconsistent, and continually on the alert for impracticable reform, attempt to_ frown down as se=lifil't:dwobbasteevrreartronnoaniVeitmhoet the ir -ultra rn i r r im lec . portant subjeat. Asa finale to yeeterdayls performance, a motion was made to reconsider, and consideration of the same wig postponed for the present. The friends of the ineeenre are still confident, but amid the ebbs and flows of sentiment, professions and sots, predictiens are vain. Mn the hill of Mr. Moll to restrlet the home and circulation of bank notes to the denomination or twen— ty dollars and upwards, there was a prosy revival or varying views and then the bill wee again sent to its - rest by a decided vote Drirlog the diecosssion Mr. Baolleld, whose mixture of !ogle, good move, and wit 10 rcirsehing to wearied listeners, moved au amendment that banks Shall not be allowed to issue notes of any, description *will% though somewhat of a Jest, was adopted. Any attempt to classify .mon or parties, In' these times, on the suhf eat Ot bane. Would bo an im mense undertaking. Taxmen& banquet the first Thomas Birch, William Francis, B, 0, Brooker, and George Smith, are here watching the "prorrase and in. tercets or the movement for the modification of the auction laws. The principal point in the proposed change is Meld to be a graduation in the price of Hennes according to the amount of Wes. Mr. Randall has presented a further supplement to The .act :incorporating the city or Philadelphia,” by which the prayers conferred on the City Tree:outer by the third and fourth emotions of an act vacating pact Of old 'Master . sired, or Mestere line,' in Penn town ship, in Philadelphia county, ' , are conferred, ort the Rseetrer'er 'Taxes. All suits or proceedings to be in the name of tbe atty. - ' The veto of the ad to incorporate the Oity But Wing Association, will be strenonalre opposed by prominent members In both brimehes , In thelreure, it is thoright that the action of the Governor will not be intetained, This objection to the bill is that, instead of being a building , assooittion properly, so 'called, It conra r a *posers to loan money to a misohlevorui manner. O'her blue are on the , Illee of a stroller nature, and the anxiety of their Meade to secure their passage, will Mate the force against the veto strong and determined. In tbe House, the private eatariler is beteg rapidly die. poled of. and. an adjourment about the let of April seems proboble. 1. he appropriation bill 'is, as yet, no- Witted In the Belisle. • Atmore. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEqRAEI:I.- ARRIVAL OF' THE ARAEIA: (be Week Later from Europe. FRENCH WARLIKE. PREPARATIONS War apparently Determined on ENGLISH MISSION TO VIENNA. Eyqectod' IVlthdrairall of. Troops The atlantic relegrai de—a Orem; Cable. to COTTON ACTIVN-ADVANOE IN CONEOLS HALT VAX, Marcia 10,—Tho royal mail ateamehip Ann bia, - Capt. Stone. from Liverpool, with dates to two cOokluelf.P. M t of the 26th ult., arrived here at 0 o'clock this morning. The screw-steamer Ninawae to sail at about tho lame time at the Arabia, or lidatim and NeW York. The steamer Haugaroo, from New York, arrived out on the 26th tilt: The Britfeh Government bas agreed to guaranty ft Per amt. on ..EBCO.OOO capital to the Atlantic Telegraph Company, to be expend.d In the construction of a now cable. ,Lard Clowley bag gone on a epen'al minion of cone 11 . 0101/t 0 Vienna Thellovernmeht has offered a subsidy or 18 00) per voyage to the-Galway steamship lies. _Lord Lyons, the' new minister to the United States. Sailed for New' York on the 821 ult. The Bogliah Ministry hod aunoneced in Parliament the hope that the Trench and Austrian troops would soon be withdrawn front the Papal Mice. ' _GREAT BRITAIN In the House of Commons, on th% 24th, attention was called to the seizure of the *Utah ship Herald by the Portugueite, On the Brosembique coast. The Go vernment admitted the importance of the case, end, Raid that the Portuguese Government bad been'ealled' on-for suiplanation.' Sir Charles Napier inquired whether the ?lest Lord of the Admiralty wan aware that a few nights s , nee ' Trench wor vessel was anohdred elf Epithelia, and de parted before morning, and whether it bad been done for the roman° of taking soundings ' r Pahington reVied that sostia vessel hod visited Ppithead, but whether It was for the purpose of taking anundlnge he could not say There was, however, nothing unusual in the fact Antir some debate in which the Government opposed the nriOact; leave was given to bring in a bill abolish ingtietlnetion between the oaths taken by Catholic , and testant members of Paelament. On 45th ult., in the Howie of Peers, Lord Maim es bury said that him Government was led to believe that, at no Tory dietant period, the Austrian and Preach troops_ would evacuate the Roman States, at the re- I (mentor the Papal Government in the House of Commons, Ur :Marna add thatlthe otter of a conditional guarantee had been made to the Attartie Telegraph Company, but whether or not the ' offer bad b.ep accepted he *ea unable to say. LordPaliaerston, in the House of Commons, called attention to the state of Europe, with the View of ha -1 'fairing from the Government whether they were in a twitter, to mtke any deolarationa that pease wee not likely to be interrupted, He briefly reviewed the pre sent position of Burope, glancing at the warlike pre parettoaa everywhere in nrogress, and avowed hie ina bility to discover any sufficient mum of war, other than the long existing Jealousies between France and Ane. 'trim with - regard to Central Italy, brought into mere active operation by the joint occupation of the Boman States, and which could only be brought to a termina-' tion by a simultaneoue withdrawal by these Powers of their military ocoupation. lie etrengly recommended that the Government nee their good emcee to Ming about such aresult, and did not despair of their suc cess Mr. Yemen °wagged his annotation that the great P.swers had no wish to disturb the settlement of 1815, although there were circtirestances in regard to Italy Calculated to excite apprehensions. The Government, to the face of the warlike preparations going forward, had not been idle in the interests of peace, haring availed themselves of the friendly relations in which they Mood with both Trance and Austria, and he bad good reason to hope that the Papal States would ere long be evacuated both by Prunes and Amite', and that, aoo, with the eeneurrenoe of the Papal Government. He might add that Lord Cowley had gone to 'Vienna on a in , tonoo, the erect charecter of, Which be could Dot, of course. state , bitt which Waif rice of Conciliation. trader these circumstances. he amnia to the Henze to postpone further discussion on the subject, and trust to the earnest efforts of the Government to preserve the peeve and , promote the general proSperity or. Bu sane. Lord John Russell expressed the satiefsetion which he derived from thebtatement aid his hope that every effort would be made by all parties to pfomote the Mainz tenance of 1,51 a, J. Parvenu therk,brought forward the navy esti :Wee, the details of wh'oh were taken out by a pre vious steamer. Ile stated the Increase in the num ber of men for the year to be practically seven thousand, awl that the proposed addition to the navy was twenty six powerful steam vessels. General debate ensued, in which Mr Charles Natter asserted that Prance bad command of the British chan nel and the Mediterranean sea, but thin Mr. Pakington Warmly dented The number of men asked for was promptly voted. Leridoh pepere ening ze the moderation displayed by told Palmerston, nod rejoice over INeraell , e eatisfaotory esentances. . . Lefd.Oowloy. British minister at Paris, was to be .ftutreened to London, and thence despatched to Vienna iaepecial mission , - lltls movement had a very favorable Mien, partictt lull on the continental beureea. A general meeting of the Great Ship °pewee had been held In London. It wee car adeptly predicted that the Great Eastern will be ready by August, and will certainly make her trial trip to Portland The regular sential general meeting of the Atlantic Telegraph Ontepany IMP held in London on the 23d The edictal revert gives in detail the feats and figures, *Ma Were published at the recent extraordinary meet in;, It cave the Cable remaloola politely the name gate. and that no effart bee been needs ti resuscitate it. owing to the leek of !nude: The directors are trot without hope that it, may yet be rendered available. The chairman, the Hen. B ITortley, In moving the adoption of t he deport. entered at length Into the yesietten and preepeetwof the company. Ile stated that the' Government hes positively refused to give an nn. conditional enarantee, but regoilations were still pro. miming, and he had just received intellieeme that, tinder certain conditlece which del not appear to offer any Insurmountable objection, the Government bad con sented to give a of eight per' cent on the new capital of six hundred %emend pounds for twenty. five years. , - ' lie wee not prehated. to ehtee until particulars Of te. Coulteend any de site action for the Attars, bet be thought the enterprieo Should be poptdarlard by retied. leg the price of the Shelve to a minimum atandard. ' No steps, lmowever, should be taken *ithout the autho rity of the shareholders, another meeting of whom ekould be called shortly. The report wan unanimously 'adopted, and the retiring directors re.eleeted. The shares ,of the company bad improved ba tiro hundred and twenty, at two hundred and forty pound', tinder the Government.pyorimith. At a lerinie It, London by Rev. Welter Mitchell, on the Atlantic Telegraph, special attention was drawn to Important _experiments and greatly improved cable In vented by Professor Hughes 'Lent Lyons sailed from Plymouth on the 22i for New York, In the Memo frigate Cameos. It le naderato , d that the Government had intimated. to the Galway Bteam Company that they are prepared to grant a entai - y of 13,000 per voyage for a fortnightly mall to America, alternating between the porta of New yqzk. Ind Boston. At the name tittle, the tordpiityl}ra called on to allow that they have tb6 neweisiwy ricV niery ability, and are to make arrangements for the construction of vessels meltable In every respect. The London Globe states a baronetcy is about to be cdnferred on Mr. Canard. . , The commission appointed to eons:der the nubjeot of manning the navy hsve made a comprehensive re port They proplee n plan which, by means nr volun teers, will add 80,000 wen to the reeerve. They I , ke- Os preppie increased pay and other advantages to gen non, The Increased expenditure is eathaated et RAPOSO3„ Sdnin James, the well-known counsellor, ikah been elpetel a member Of Parliament, trout Ndryloemo, by a large majority. Woe. Armstrong the inventor of the new ride can pee, which beam his acme, hid been presented to the eon, and rebelted the honor of knighthood The or er dentition hire i• at ongineei to the War liepitit m at for rifled ordnance." The apbolntment is regard ' sea votyplgnilleant foot OCCASIONAL One of Armstrong's guns was being experimented with at Wooliri oh with great reerenk., The &obit Exchange, on the eed, wan firm. end elfghtly higher, owing to Lord ()meters mission to Vltava. On the Lith end 245th the tone was quieter, 0111 vides gave waystnnighth THE J f tTEST. pa Telegraph from leridon to Liveroool LONDON, Saturday.—The Times' Hy article of Friday evening notes an inactivity do fande—a teridermy of ro. clewed weak nose from political cansesbelogoontradictrd by the supply of money and the prospect of Ito in. abase. tiINDON, gaturday.—The Daily News oity article of Friday evening says the funds showed renewed heart'. nett, owing almost exclusively to the news of a decl• dad fall in the Parte funds, and left off an eighth to a quarter per cent, latter than yesterday To the dis• rioimt market, to day, the demand was more active, cod grit-clams Mlle were taken at 2 to 2,i„' per cent. The bank commenced to make their usual quarterly advs.c. coI up to the lath of April, on approved mercantile b Is. The Stack Exchange rates for loans on Govern. m ht securities were merely nominal. FRANOE—WARLIKE PREPARATIONS. Fromo Freyae the rumens continuo of a warlike cha ratter. but Lord oowlers mission bad hemmed the bopea for p eace, the Pans correspondent of the London Herald says thitt war bee been Co tar resolved on that a corps to commerce the campaign has been designated, and or. dere have been given to the lilleteter of War to pre. pare the plan of cps/alone. It Is mid the representatives of foreign courts In Perla have abandoned all hope of a Nola° solution of tbp present diflloultles. It is reported that orders to prepare for a campaign In,ltaly wore given by the Emperor of France immedi. at aiter his return from Uompeign ether circular has been issued by the Minister of th I nterior to the protects of the various departments, th purport of which it to express the confident hope that, notwithstanding the Ituopecoria desire to main tain peace, should he be forced to war, he may count on the patriotism and devotion of the French people. A War Odic° circular directs that the mope shall be trained to forced marches and night bivouacs. All the military surgeons have been ordered to join their corps. Immense quantitiee of lint bad been sent to Lyons. AU the regiments of the Imperial Guard are to he supplied with rifled cannon on the new plan / letter from Genoa rays Franco brie taken up seven transports to be held In readiners at that port The American residents et Paris gave a ball on the 221 of February, in honor of Washinutonbi birthday The Parte Bourse advanced IN AP cent. u.der the news of Lord Cowley'e oscine mits , on. . _ .. ~, AUSTRIA. • - Tbe London Times , Vienoa correspondent soya the Octant Duel still beilaves in pesos, but the Emperor, being of n different inimical, is preparing far a vigorous defence or the Italten Ptates The Times also gates that the Austrian army in Italy la to be placed on a war footing. HANOVER. TL a iteeond Ohanah.r had unanimonely reeolved to re quad the Government to obtain from the Federal Diet rerolutione no oalcul rted, by their unanimity and an. emetic mention, ea to avert the threatened danger of war but, if asoese.ary, to repel with the United Pede. oat Power the attacks o a Austria and Germany. ITALY. It WM reported that the Nmperer Napoleon le abon to visit the Mon of Sardinia The Pledmonieno volunteers had withdrawn from the frdotters of Modena, and had been ordered to vendee themselves to the interior. Three new forte are to be constructed In Venice In Nix weeks Prre thousand workmen are employed lu their construction. The fermentstlon Neal Inereeeirig et blllece, lONIAN ISLANDS.. Vie Unita Parliaineut lied rejected Gladstone , e pro feet! of reform. _ . More troops bed ipte to the Danube. The Government was arming six frbratoe, and pre paring numerous transports Their destination, in eau. of war, would be the Adriatic. RUSSIA. It wa9 eaid that lluagf Se negotiating a loan of ilea tAillic no with the Rothoohfide Commercial In - - - I.J.VICHPOOL OOTTON MARKET, Friday, Feb. 23. "Sba salon; of the week amount to 42 00) bales, ladled ioy bolos to speculators, and 6,000 bales for ex• port. All qualities have suffered a alight deoline on the week, in coneequenoe of the unfavorable none from Atrusrlos and the continuance of Warlike Tumors on this Continent_The decline on Uplnnde is ,Vd, and Orleans and Moblle 1-104: The market closes dull, but atoady, with sales teals! of 7,000 bales, %Wading I,6th bales to appointors sad fat export The following aro the authorized quotatloss : l air. Mi „ta' 7 Mobile 7 t( Uplands 7 - 611.16 fiom Ram c; czrm TCrItRUY The kook In port Is estimated at 381,003 baloe, dine 321,030 bales of American. torus circulars coy good Orleans Cotton be unoltanged in rico. THE I,ATESr uy EMU., F AT Ult LIA V A FTCATIO IN —Meters. Claire & Son'a circulars report 'tat Cotton had an adv./mewl tendency today, under the papilla assurances made in t " Parliament yeets May The prices are I.looXdialgliev, than yesterday. Holders ask, and in some cases get, 7,l for Middling Orleans, , The,eaten to- day are estimated at 7 000 balsa ' STATE OP TRAbB —.The advice. from Mauthester- Show that trade there was dull, owing to the war ro.' mere, but sellers were firm HAVRE MARKET. Pebraary —The market opened buoyant at the commencement of the week, but eloesd doll ; gales of the week, 0,000 bides at 1011. for New Orleans tree ordinate., _ Stock in port 175,000 bd.!. The advisee from the ronnufacluring di. !elate for the week are favorable. BreadelniTe doll. but ste.dy. Ashes firm, but quiet. I Oile spry O Me quiet „, LIVERPOOL SURIADFITUPPS MARRET.—lltessre. RI/Marasco, Spence. h Co , quote 7/1 ur dull, and Prench lots freely offered at the reduced rated of DM ' lea per oental of 100 lbs. Wheat very dull, but steady In price. Western red 10 quoted at belligeOird ; white at o.7deelOs; Southern 10-mIOMM Corn dull at Units 31, for both mixed And yellow. LATVST —ll.eadeinfrA continua dull LIVERPOOL PROVISION.MABHET —Meca'e Big.. land, Athya & Company, Richardson, Spence & Compa ny, Javan Mollenry. sod others quote ' Beef firm but quiet In eame calve an advance of :Is 64 had been eb. tained. Bacon st.ady 'Lard quiet and nominally nn. changed, choke had sold for Oda: Cheese bad slightly advanced on all sorts Tallow slow of pleat unaltered prices. . . LTV ORPOOI. PRODUCE MARR.I4T.—The Bra er'n circular genitals ashes quiet at 2966V296 64 for Pots and 82s for Pearls finger deli, bet steady Coffee thin. Rice quiet Carolina is/mane, and commando full prices, being quoted at t9a 610216 fez !Meng to fair. Quer. citron Bark was quoted at 96 64 for Ithiladelphia and 70 61 for Baltimore Oloyerseed quiet at 66411124. Timothy Seed active at a alight advance. end was eel, line at 306083 a Fifth OM were generally. unchanged Rosin firm at 4n 10d6s for orimpon, on tfie apt. and do 01 to arrive, and 12 olifis for fine Aplrlte of Tur pentine firm at ta.ar466 01, olosieg at 410. Tea firm; Comma to !Vela 2d. , - .. LONDON MAREETB.—BatintßrOthere quote Bread stuff's dull. bat seedy. Iron steady ,• Welsh cello are quoted at 46 58; here at .E 8 2s 6d CM 58 Auger quiet. Coffee firm. Tee Cern; common Onngou Is I,lid. Bice quiet. Tallow steady at 52e 9.1 Lineeed cakes in god request; New Y.+, in bbla £lose; Boston. in hags, £4lse Limed nil 20s 6d029a 9d. Pperm Oil ..£9Bco 100. Soririte of Turpteitine firm, and held at 438. The Colonial Wool wire commenced quietly, mod prices were not materially charged ' LONDON MONEY MLOIKET—Lonnort, Friday even ing —Vile money mstket is slightly easier. owing to Ito locrens.d abnodacce. Console closed at 951(095% for both money and erelnnt The bullion in the Bank of England h•s increased £205000 since the last weekly staten.ant. ASIEBICAN PECIUDITLIIB.—Meeere. Bell & Co. quote: Maryland 6 per cent bonde 05 it 97 Maseachurette 50.... - lON atlo3g mieelesippi Union Bank 50 - 14 it 38 Ohio 64. 1876 96 as 98 Pennsylvania 5. - MO 833 i ' Do bonds, 1877 86 ex. 87 Tennessee 6a 82 c 84 Virginia 56.1889 ... P 5 as 87 Boston City its 00 CD 92 Do dyg . 93 es 95 Illinois Central 78. 1860, Freelande 84 cB6 Do (111 77 ® 7O Do shares discount 36 e 34+,( ' New York Central 6s 85 cB7 Do . do 71 93 8e 95 Erie Railroad 7e and sinking fund 38 as 42 DS , shame' - 13 as 16 1 Panama 'Railroad bonds, 1859 100 elo7. Do ,do ' 1865 ' 95 es 97 Penrieylvania Central 64, let mtge 91 to 93 The London Times' of Battirdity reports calve of— Illinois Central bonds, 1875 at ' ' ' 803( Michigan Brothers,. sinking fund at 68 Erie 3d mortgege at 88 . LATEST—Lotinoe,,Raturday. noon.—OonBo's 95%m 90X for money, mod 95,7096)i for account - , closing firm. THE THIRTY-SIXTH CONGRESS SINLTE—EXTIt& Less than a quorum of Senators answered to their names when the Senate was called to order. Mr. Rios. of Minnesota, from the committee ap pointed to wait on the President, reported the perform ance of that ditty, and that' the President had no fur the, communication to make. The Senate then adjourned sine die. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. Mani sena, March 10,1852. SEMATt. The bill to anthorine the Adjutant General to issue arms to the &At Legion, of Philadelphia, wee repot ted adversely. The following *as reported favorably : A supplement to the itot providing for the sale of the bridge ilt the Salle or Schuylkill. - 11, Walnuts read a suppleOent to the act incorpo rating the Chestnut Hill Water Company. The bill to robibit the banks of the Commonwealth from issuing notes of a less denom , natlon than twenty dollars was postponed Indefinitely by a vote of ayes 18, nays 14. The following bills were passed Poineorporetethe Eastern Iron Company. The Fairmont t Market Company. A supplement to the act incoroorating the Commer cial Fire Insurance Company of Pennsylvania. - A supplement to the Philadelphia and Trenton Rait. reed Mr IlAtinaLL read a bill eupplementary to the act relative to tenants and owners of mineral lands, an, thorising them to develope the same, Adjotaned BOUSE. , Thin befog petition day, a large number were pre rented and appropriately referred, - Tbe following Mlle were read in plaint - - ' ' One to incorporate the Philadelphia and Foreign Steamship Company. placed on the private italeudar. Oce to incorporate the Delaware and Schuylkill Steam Tag Company. One In incorporate the Union Building assoolatton of Philadelphia. To Incorporate the pennerleania Annual Conference of the Metbodiet protestant Church. Mr. Ilausastrif, from the' select committee to whom the !subject was referred, *sported an lot to me; WT . the amnia's laws ae committed. ' - Mr bloOturta moved to reconsider the vete on the bill incorporativg the Green and (loales.street Pawn ger Railway. Agreed to—yeas 61, nays SA. The bill w e then talon up, and a motion to postpone it was agreed to—you 46, nays SO. The balance of the Fenton was consumed In the con eldesailon of private bills. The Rouse agreed to appoint a committee of con ference on the bill abolishing the Board of Guardians of the Poor and the Board of Health. Adjourned. . AFTERNOON ensetos. ,, m The iIoREE et at three P bl , and proceeded to the censideration of pfivate Mils, a lafge number of which Were paired. • - .0. mw ion of Mr. tfavicastrle, the bill incorporating tlie Philadelphia and roxelga Steamship Company was reused. On motion of Mt. Mktt.l.,the stipplement in the Set consolidating the city of Philadelphia way paged. The bill providing for the adjastment of the accounts of P. Woos Morton, late City Treasurer of Philadel• phis, was passed. An act to incorporate the Market Savings Fund BO oletT was pissed. Adj turned. Funeral of Postmaster General Brown. Weeurturrow, March 10.—The Yardmaster General's remains lay in elate, thin morning. in the emit room of the Freeldent's house, sod crowds thronged thither. , The services commenced at noon. The funeral ad aeon' wee delitreted By Rev. Mr. Granberry, of the BC tithern Methodist China The PreePent, hie Cabinet, distinguished gentlemen connected with all branches of. the Government, the relatives of the decensed, and others, were present, to gether with the diplomatic corps, who were in fall Court dreee. he procreate's was very long, and in it were many private as well as hired carriages. While the cortege can moving belle were tolled, and minute grins were fired The pavements were lined with spectators The corpse wee deposited In the Congregator's' Ceme• terY, to be hereafter removed to Tennessee. The order of 2118 procession woo ae foliates: The Morella' of the United States for the District of Columbia. The Officifttlog Clergymen. i`he Physicians who attended the des:awed. „ OMODI'DIS OF driIIASSEMENI3. Mr. Davis. Mr Gain, Mr fielded, Mr. Crittenden, . Mr. Bright, Mr. 'font. flt.t. frmes. Mr. Fitch. Mr. Floyd, Secretary of Mr. Johnenn, of Ashanees. Wee Mr. Thcrrpson, Secretary of ledge Catron. the Interior. Judge Clifford. Family and relatives of the deceased. The Rteeldent et the United ' , Wee end the heads of Departments The Senators and el• Members of the Hence of Repre sentatives from the State of Tennessee. The t ergeant at.Armo of the Sheets. The Senate of the United Staten, preceded by it Presi. , dent and Secretary The other offiaers of the Senate, The Sergeant at-Arms of the Donee of Recresentatlves. The ex Members and Members elect of the Rouse of Representatives preceded by the Speaker and Clerk. - - The other officers of the House of Representatives The ...titer Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States and Its officers. Foreign ministers and their mitten. The Assistant Postmasters General. and the other of ficers and Werke of the Yost& Woe Department. Tho heads of tumult. and the officer& and clerks of the ameba' Executive Departmeota. The officent of the army and navy and marine corm The Governors of Staten and Territories. The judges and officers of the Court of (Beim. The judge , ' of the Circuit, Criminal. and Orphans , Courts of the United States for the trial of Columbis. with the members of the bar and celesta of the - Revere comers. All other dell officers of the Government. Tho corporate authorities of ?Testi tegton. The corporate authorittee of Georgetown. Such societies and fraternities ae may desire to join the Proceeaion. Citizens and strangers. The Whaling Fleet. ST Louis, Haruki 10.—The papers by the overland mull frinolob Irtoriolulu advices to January 12th. Arrived. Jauntily lath, brigantine Angenette, from New Bedford. !lOW, December 14th, bark Alexander, for New London. Sailed, December 241 h. clipper Week and 'hip Cow per, for New Bedford, If lee., The Africans from the Wanderer. SlAVAtillfin, March 10.—Racy rumors are *Oat in re.. Wien to the capture of a portion of the Africans landed •br the slaver Wanderer, by the Ilnited•St+tes ofileers It to said they were token front the custody of the °Mears, and siihrequeotly rearrested. It is feared that the contest will result in bloodshed. Attempt to Burn the State-House at Boston. pono N , bie r oh lo —A diabolical attempt sea made to burn the State-House this afternoon, by firing aWe of shavings In the basement. Fortunately, the tiro was extlegoished without much damage being done to the building. Wisconsin L egislature. MIDISort, tiara 10. - The legislative committee, con sistlog or three DepubDeana and two Democrats, sp. polo ed at the request of ex-Governor Ilashfcrd to in. vestipte the charges of corruption preferred against him in connection with the disposition of the laud grant to the La Crosse Railroad, have made a unanimous report fully exonerating. his offilsl conduct as being highly honorable, and in the opinion of the committee directed solely for the promotion of the best interests of the Elate Chicago Wheat Statistics. ceiximao, March 10 —The &Holt In the reCeipts or wheat from the harvest rf lin at this anint, is elated by the Commercial Express of to Jay to hare reashed 6,780 000 bufhols compared with the orop of the pre vione year. The total IMCOMII I 4tiOn of flour and grate, lag week, was equal to 70,000 bushels, agahaa 145,000 for the same Week of last year. The recelp's of wheat hero Ninon the tat of January ie 170,000 b ushels lens than at Milwaukee. , Maikets by Telegraph Da LW moan, Mambo 10 —floor firm at 60.31 forliowor 1 street, and p 6.25 for (.41 o Wheat firm av. 40m1 85 for whlto, and $l. 45.it1.60 for rod' Corn buoyant at 78 mato for wlelte. and 85e86n for yellow. Pruettlona quiet. Ilietm—Sidea aall at 0531 More Pork fs quoted at SlB 60. Whinkey dull at 25e for Ohio. Save:Melt March 9.—Cotton la lame of Flue, but quo tations me nualtered. drotraTt, Biwa' 9 --Oottcu quotattous tato 4 irithou obanae. LlLtlo basinos94oit4r. - . ersoranart: fiLereh 10 —Floor doll and nominal. IVhiekoy firm awl In good demand at 24X o. Mem Pork $l7 00. Banda and bulk Ideate firm. Nothing done In Lard ; quotations adraneml Me, Rad now de manded. Washington Affairs. WASHINGTON, March .I.o.—Ciongrese heel approprt•, ated slo',ooo to enablAmt. Mullen to condone the _ eetabllehmeiat'oflela 2sOad from Port Watia.tral..i la, millet eiuttn,Fort Baotou, on the souri Ater., he WilNeette , ibil city next week for they earnsnfl; hie labors4lhe ree d'erill rasa through a wild :and hitherto nriewelMed region, and, when completed,;, -will prove of great arliantsgi, to the immigration into. - ,Orrgen and Washington. The Renate to•gatetentleme4 the nOminoVoO of 14 ar" I ' ray Whalen as .colleeter at Mete, Pennsylvania, J - 8.? M. Tanoleave, ak_Distrietlitorney of Waehlugton Ter.! ?Rory, Andrew J.- - Thayer se District Attorney of , 1 Oregon. Judge Holt had not, to-day. resigned the office of , Commissioner of Patents. Had he done co, while the; Senate ma in session, ;Shwa would have beers a legal', neoeseity for the immediate appointment of hie 'lama— eor, for which the President se net yet prepared, A. numPer 'of Senators ,left this -evening for' their' homes Senator Bigler and hinters ily proceed to-mor row:to Harrisburg,- - The Ohio State Tres story Defalcations. 01.11VKL6ND, March 10.—The report made by the Commiesioners appointed to investigate the .defaine tion of Mr. Breslin, former State Treasurer, ie e Yalu ruinous dominant. The Commissioners state that they visited Mr. Breslin in Canada, The latter soknOvel edgem having concealed about, $2OO 000, which he pro pNord to repay into .the State Treistity, Be declares that he never received Ake $l5O 000 charged against him. and that the b.lance or $2OO 000 wee lost chiefly by loans to insolvent railroad companies, by, eitablish, leg the Bank of Indiaaspolia, with: auxiliary braneheri throughout the Rate or Indiana, and by various other booking proj eta in Ohio, Indiana and Ma ryland. Tbo report implicates Mr. Breath:lie predecessor, Mr Blies in Muffler traosandiooe, Gibson, Bros Ikea succesaor, In concealing the defalcation. Loss Op. Philadelphia Captain. • Nruvota, March soboonvr Luther Childs, from Arecibo, bound to Minh.lob's with a cargo of .ugar. Captain Nickerson Iron loft overboard. on the 26th of Deco .bor. The vessel has been taken' fn charge by the custom-house oflicera. - - - FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL The Money Market. ' Tuicamwrirre, Maroh 10,1859. Reading Railroad Mock advanced % to day at the stock beard, which edranoe . was the redeeminr fea'nre of a dull day. Rene and Tine-street Paireenger Reilway stock sold at 48%, adeoline of 6% from the. last pra t/lone quotation, AB the 'Riney etoeke ire dull Long Island Railroad sold at li, Lehigh ,Zane at 3e, North - Pennsylvania Railroad at 9%, Lehigh Palley Railroad brought 48, Weet Philadelphia Passeoger ,Railroad 49, and Schuylkill Navigation Preferred 19X. A few sales of bank stock are reported—Girard. old issue. at l2,sf. new stook „fa, Commonwealth 28%, Western 68, Phila. delphia 1103(, Planters , Bank of Tennessee 107. , EneMess is good, and money plenty at low rates for prime paper The general Banking Law we had hoped to see enact ed at this eessiou of the Legielature has some appa rently to ao untimely end. This is to bs renetted, as such a law is a decided improvement upon the plan of granting special charters. It would protect the public sgsinst logs fn consequence of reckless speculation on the part of the hanks, and give to the holders of bank bills the double peourity of State ideate and a paid op capital. There can be no gond reason urged why a General Banking Law shonid not be Pained, nod* rabies all new institutions of this cluiraster would be incorpo rated, with Secured circulation, and to the provisi ons Whereof ion , existing Unto become - eubjeci.When their epeeist acts of incorporation expired.' Tho Bre.' ton Past comments favorably upon' the operation lit knit such a low in illtuisichugetts; and. - demands thiatlt BUR be continued on the, The Pest midi another argument, substantialli the Smile given by Go- earner Packer in his annual message, recommending that bank note circulation should be secured : 6, Subsidiary ti all the reseal* just given - in:fifer of thieenadtMentiltut, nevertheless, an Important con a'derati,m In the cam. is the fast that the dem and f.r the public stooks created and sustained by the increasing Vumber of hooka under the general law. secures for these prime securitlea a prime price in all timee and plume, and thus incidentally benetite a large class of permanent investors whenever they ere obliged to tart with their property, while it renders these securities in better favor with another clue, who aro satisfied with torderate I/209019P, but who deeire the greatest possible regularity of market quotations.) , The New York &tack brokers 'are bestir engaged in a bear movement against the clock of the Cleveand and Toledo Railroad Company, which, it seems, ti bat no friends," it having sold` from thirty-one down to twenty-four. , The Beaton L.dger given the following 89 the result, of the arbitration in the case of Joseph G. Martin's operations as broker with the Bank of Commerem and 0 W. Long & Co. : 66 This lave, it will be remembered, grew out of cer tain trensarstiona of Joseph G Martin. broker, whereby be pledged for Ibis own benefit certain bends of the city of 'Portland (we believe) placed in hie hands by an in. dividnal for sale to the Bank of CM Tema The owner, applying to Mr. Martin for the. proceeds, found that ,they bad been wed by him, cod that he•waH unable to respond. By advice of counsel the owner 'stopped the mime on the hands of the bank. who immediattoy noti fied Mr. Martin that his loan of $1 COO must be paid In order to do thte, he appealed to Messrs. Long & Co., brokers, for a loan of .33900 on the bonds held by the bank. They gave Mr Margo their, check on the bank for that sum. he to return them the bonds. With other foods he made up the amennt due the h-rk, and paid the note, but- the enabler, under in structions, refuted to give him no the securities, eta. ting that an Injunction bad been pin upon them bY - the Owner. t•Of donne Moors, Long & Company, on learniug the 'tete, demanded of the.benk their money, - -rittich, they 'contended, wee wound.' retained by the bank i Oa their re f usal, a suit was instituted by Munn; which, by con. mutt of parties, was referred to Brilltam Itchier and E. U. Verity, Reg , for ertitostfou; wbb, 'after fault hear ing, have awarded that the owner of the bonds shall allow Messrs. Long & Company one hair of their claim, aid allowed Martin to give each party hie notes for the balance, both parties d riding the expenses of refe rence. There were 'nicalegal palate involvid in ibis case, and. bad it gone into court. would have to. relined probably for years. Linder theelienmatnnces, this result .is probably' the beet thing that ecn'd be done by Miens. 'Long 1 Company, though it does not, by any means, alter the Character of the origloaktrans. mations." • " A new railway has been completed from Port Dal hotel*, on Lake Ontario, to' Port Coll:aerie, on Late Erie; a distance of twenty. five milers, which is designed to transfer freight froni the one lake to the other; and that obviate the necessity. for 'reseals to pays through the Weiland canal. It is designed to afford increased facilities for the transportation of freight and produce. in two ware In the first place it will exped,te the passage. Vessels are now often three days in getting through the canal, while MOTO' autdiso can be lauded at one end of the road, and in one hour be at the other end readli for reshipment. - .1111LADILVRIA STOOK SXWIANGI SUM, Muth 10,1860. ESPOILTIII ET MANLIBT, fowl, & - act., aincturn, iftiOCIR AND NIODANII 1101118, NORTKRIBT 001111 MST AND osasTNErr 13TAILTS. FIRST BOARD. 2000 Oily es 8.........03 lf 0 Read B 2419 4000 0& Am fit '03.66 8419 8 Girard Bk old.. ...I'd 9000 Batt)! R Be '70....82% 2ro L Did B b 5 1 1' 600 do '80.... 73 100 do b 6 11 600 do ..73.. 103 do b5ll 1600 Harrisburg It tist..oll4 .100 do b 6 11 ' 2 Penns It 49 to 4 Germantown 0t5..03 1 Bead ft —.call 2434 3 Commorwrtth 100 do b5.24.)4 2 Pbils, Bank 11832 150 do N Penna R 150 do 240 9 do' 03, 0 do 24N. _ BITIVBIN BOARDS. ICOO Oity 6n 99x 0000 Catawba& Oh 103 70 100 Oity Bs '74 80 1 Went Phil& R...... 49 0000 Read ROn '48.1,5.91 :CO Lehigh Bice 1000 och N.. 03 '72 ...SIX 26 aloud Bank 61 . 600 0& Am 81'07...A8X 27 Wont Bent.". 2 dye 69 1000 N Penns R 03....88 100 L In'd R b 5.11 2COO do 68 4 Leh Val, B 43. 8100 ND BOARD. 0000 City Os New.....100k 3 Penna R oki 1070 do B B 00'( 10 Oontmonor , th 8k..22x 2 , 410 do 93 6 Penny. R. 475 i 2000 N Poona R Co —.O 4 do 43 360 Leh Zon In lots.. N 101 Soh Nay Prer......063€ E 0 N Penna B 934 26 Plant•re Bk Tenn 107 ,01.08ING PRIOIB—STBADY Bid. Asked Philo sa. 9934 90 34 do R..... 99N 99%6 do New.. 103 108{0, Penne 63..... ....9234 Reading R ' ^44 24,4‘ do 114070_8234 88 do Mtg 0044.01 92 do 'do '88.78 73 Penna B 48 4 334 do lent 65.... • . 101 N do Mtn 610r01 On Dy off 47N . 48 do Prof 105 10614 sohnyl Naval 'B2 Ti 7234 lkdi Nay Imp. 65..77' 7734 Phlladelph The Flour market is not so active today, but holders are very firm in their views; sales reach about 2 000 bbla at $5 37%05 50 for sucertine. including 300 bbls Broad.etreet mills do at $5 75; 500 bbis extra do at $7.12g ; COO bbls Western do at $7, and 200 bbla family et $7.25 #r . bbl. The retailers and bakers are fluting ni , derately at the above figures, and fancy brands $7.50 m 8 bbl. Aye Flour and Corn Meal are firm at pre vious quotations; sales of 253 bbls of the former are reported at $1 37% ; the latter is held at $3.75 te' tbl for Pennsylvania Meal. Wheat is wanted at 16501603 for good and prime rade, arid 170 u 1603 for white. Bye has advanced, nod 500 bus Pennsylvania sold at Ste. Corn Is wanted at the Improvement n iticed yesterday ; roles of 3,000 bus yellow have been made at 88a, afloat, and 850 io store. Cats are firm ; some small Salmi are reported at 58 cents for prime Pennsylvania. Bark is firm but qniet, at $32 for tat bin. 1 Qnere:tron. Cotton is firm and more active t several lots have been taken on apeculation at 12%c for good middling, and l'ta foe middling fair Uplands, cub. Groeerien continue dolt and all rotted buslaeas doing Sugar ant Molasses at about previous rates. Provisions are nominally tin• changed, but there to little or nothing doing in the way of sake. Seeds—about 2to bushels, Cloverseed have been sold in lota at $6 5046 76 for good, and $7 ba' bushel for very prime quality, the latter from second bands. Timothyserd to wanted at $2 25, and Flaxseed $1 76 boebol. Whiskey is bald rather more firmly; we qao e drudge at aeo, Ulla et 27a, and Pennsylvania and Ohio bbls at 28m200 ifc gallon. New York Stock E. 1100033 1003 U 63 2 7.1, 101% 5010 Missouri 63 blO 55% 8000 'Nino 6a '9O 91 6000 Cal Bt Is N lid 8134 1000 N Carolina 63 08% 1 13000 N J Ci.nt 24 mt tO lt 60 Del .b Mid Co 531;i1t 10 do 810 91 N 11 SO Corn Ex Ilk 100'4 10 20 Union Hank 1127.4' 21 5 Faciso I 3 S 7014 111 18 N Cent 11. £0 0( 50 do 814‘ 20E THE MARADTB. Asans —There le a moderate bualnesa doing at $5 75 for Pots, and 85 Tamil 67% for. Peoria. Comm as'e, it ieported of 000 bap St. Domingo, for export, at 0%0 math, andloy auction 280 bags de, m o ced Maracaibo at 10%0111(o Pnl7lT3 —By auction were sold 225 omen Bordeaux Primes ' in alma Jars and boxes, at 11% eslsXio, and 850 kegs ant tibia do at 5% 83103. FLoon —State and Western Flour hat further de clined fXIOo. pith Woe of 10001 bbl, at 54 25.135 for reJectl, Ss 6085.76 for superfine "State, $0.50,30 60 for extra do, 65 Oak 05 for R09.1.01:1 Weettru, $6 80,8 75 for extra dr, and $6 One 76 tor,shlpplog brai.da of ex tra round hoop Ohio. Canadian Flour la helm', with eaten of 500 bbl-, at $6 tOO7 60 for extra. Nourhern Flour is nottre with sales of 1.600 bbla'at 86.200 0 GO for common to mixer, and 56.7508 25 for extra. Ceara —Wheat to dull bat unchanged, with mall: aalea at yeaterday , a quotationa. Corn 1.3 drill, With tri lling aalea of Western m xed at F 0087.3 i Southern yet. low at 850870. Rye In quiet at 000920. Barley is dull at 70*150. Oats are dull. ' WIIIBIIIit la quiet, with ,else of 900 bbl, at 28 X*29 coati. :xchange, March 10. 0 HOARD. 100 And RR , R 150 31 53 Nor P Prof b2O 39 30 Mich Con R 6234' 25 Panama R eOO 112 100 QM & Chic R boo 70% 100 do b6O '(100 do 650 TOA ' 350 Ohl & Rock I 61 103 do RIO 01 110 do bOO 61 150 do n l O 00.7 50 Clev & Tol R bap 27 c 200 do - 131 r 'AP ,• . , , , - ... . Ec.7" see Fuel ,P.oge.,. , . , ~._-1 -:- ,- • . - - • Tim JouBlmpp?!.,•CottpwArNBBB--Mk3s MIATINGOP VII LADIES' jtitaziart..--,Yesteriai alter. noon another nitetibit ioiAbejoilipiiiiten'edsidwainerso society (L. B.) wee held hi Yraa ' kllu Hell The body organised by eallivelir. - Jeeib'Oefelo the abate', who, in o. few briefiemarke, ahem& the *bight of the:mooting. Rho rellowieurepointlons( exproasfinenif the scene of the mastingl Were Zia add nnintmonsly &denied; -,-: Whereee, We. the Sart - mermen sordWricirref ,iire • braocb, in the honorable'. peac , able, and praise worthy endeavoi,ro, better One ohndition, by raising the hitherto devectated .price of aar, labor, have been - proscr‘bei , and treated 44. felepa 07- . boss (whew° selfishness alaida the- lion'a re are), Who has wantonly and .wittont anytaiiiitii‘etispioyeel oelba, officers, In uniform, armed; with.bit and, 'barreled revolivra,; to stand in llfs,,i+try: ( or the purpree of creating an impression - net -we; were 'violent and lawless crew. and.w'ma this dev4r*,..failed. ratified the &met sof a peaceable, gteet,,and orderly member of this organization and had him diegged . fore a corrupt and magie rata, who, 10thoat shade* of evid.nie, bound WM- Orli, to, court, and while the muse was being heard beforiktlioaforfeatd nor' rue. 'and 'Tonal Magistrate; 'tirother:, - . pee her wait punished in the same manner:;,frtierefOre, Iteeolved: That we. the journeymen cordwidoerli, (L have the eght, in corn-on nkb all other ottizene, to walk Ate attests - - of Philadelphia without bring molested by 6 t Beth Bosses or armetiplite officers • . . r_ Reirdved, That we claim the right to try and pe '— etude them to join mirorganization and to better their condition. • • Resolved That no intioildatirn will have the least effect In deferidog no frnm one efforts to amoral - ell the manntaeturers to accede to our modeinte and remits hie bill of wagee„ , Resolved` That' we ere fieflrm In our , determination , to coerced. as we were noon the first day of the etnke, and that we will are every lawful Imams in eur power to "ring this strike to a suceeivfal testis =s e Resolved. That - we hereby thank our tiethren of the' men's breach for, the sympathy expremed for no in the meeting of yesterday, and Oust wa hereby reciprocate Ibis fraternal feeling; sod will do all in our power to aid 'them at any time. Earneatspeeches were made in relation to the 'abject by Meagre. Roberta, Rene, and, otters. which the crowded state of cur columns this morning prevents re from rnblishme After which Mr hitched Kane moved that a vote of thanks be given to the reporters of the prescwho bad been present at this ant other meetiogs if the associa tion ..Tbis was carried' amid much_apalause, a'ter which they adjourntd." . . OPENING or TIM 'CAERE ' X/EKE-T..-01103 `tffeet o• the late finproienient - lit O'er eVitein of.max kete fa the various new market' knees tha t are tow _irtal . springing upartrindruif ,, ,Thei„Uataiti -ntow ti te+-. alert haff granted Several charteidto'cOttoretle* heti with the perpbse of erecting market heretic for thi, accommodation of the public: What cotimietinne have failed to do, private eaterprise has ettmenied indecomr. . ,liir.,Tohn %Mar luis erected the latest building of thin charseer In the atty.- , The 8441684 c situated oe Synth street, be'ween Fifteenth and Sixteenth struts. The Mulder woe vid H, fdilleev the architect, Mr. Camera*, and - the- gee-fitter` Tariirq Mahon:2l , 3 nrwth Twelfth .1 refit The floor of the building 1 , 4310 feet by 65. It fathree eterias high, with an elevation of 65 lent. ' - - - There are &treaty stalls In the market. allot which rented. ,There stalls are: arranged-W - gonna, the butchers' staila'in - the middle; , and the farmers , and gardenera , ontdde.? The lilfa are of brick, the front halos of ornamental b ick, and. iron work, built in Ho man style. There la a cellar indernefith, ailed with spattiout vaults, and as fee-bonne in thiireac capable of etowl ng onCilleniatul Mee of Ice for nee of farmrre. The, eecond - Acura the building is fitted up for a ball roam, and tte third atory is divided off for , Mem ly or secret eocletiee Attached to this building II *X estabrehment for the map ufaatoreof lard oll—thp pre- Sees 9f which la very interesting, tbotigtrwe have ant time to explain liner,. - • Last night It was firmally" oPined. Several ,dls, tinantshedpereons were invited. sod among:thee', pre- Pent - we noticed Councilmen- "Leidy, Denton."Kridea, Norman, Bradford : add Williams, - Colonel P. S Sohn D. Watson, 101. q , Chief Engineer iNaron, du. S. .Planigen Esq., and others: < '•— ' There was a banquet, and a greataffair it was The tables were spread from one end of the mirkat" to the other. They were ttabti with'every delicacy; in season and out of season, to plane ,the eye and tempt the palate • Thencennaer, ansabering shout two Modred, sat down about l 0 o elock,Soseph D. ,Ptanigen pre-, 'siding. and Philip B. Whileaulating.. J: Eater eat on Planigen's right, and Mr. llrgub,art on hie left, while Mr. White was assisted" by S= ti'n .r dsr Leidy. and Stephen Benton There' were many Speeclies; and moth drinking, touts without number. and applause illimitable, wine sod whiskey. brandy and champsgne, and we know not what. The fan ran fast until a very hoar—we won't say hour late—when the company guijournad, wishing every =COO to Mr, eater endfils • eaterprlee._ . . : aisai.•-r-Yesterday afternoon: a • man Famed James - bugherty was severely injured by the premature explosion, of la Wet; while he rev en gaged at work in a , unitii, near "Ilitiosylvailitivenne t Coates etreet., The nufortaneta man was ,track between the shoulders by arrenil Pieees of atone, which produced the most laterals angering. , • Ann lir rrison,lnted thirty' years. received a savers Cat an ter head yesterday morning. by being ,track with a book; bip_ae Thomas Liania, at a - greaser,. in Water shave Doak ,StiOat4. Both f, the shove caret were admitted to the Penneyivan'a Hospital. • - Baidg.t Somme, the women-who nes abot by. a man at Eighth and E nth streets, on Wedoead.iy night. OM-. maintains her silence...and refuen to dirolosetheneell of the perpetrator "The ball has rot yet been removed from her thigh, anti up to a late hour lent evening she appeared to be angering atreatdeal of pain t CORO9EH',9 ladSi.- - Tho ' Corti , lier WAS to attend at the Twenty-tblid ward' libation loose, last evening,- to 404 awingtost,oi,ti4y,bogiq.a. George Horn It appearsAhei he wee - diumiered about six o'clock het evening - leitithi woods; . neark'iatkford, in an insensible twod:tion . .i and was ,vertiovedletine-1 atetion.lnium, "Where he died, about, nine - Waite:dila the . . A MtXTO.I.I4 !"—One of the most curious questions talked abort in Vera Cm, when the last Steamer left;'erat oh which eta., the Liberal or anti-Liberal, the ivell-knowia General , Negrete, Moonily incomniiMW:CefitralitifitrOOpS at Perot°, `stood. Iu fini - fOrty-iight beers pre. - viotui to the passage of, awn last extraordinary ho had " prononaresi'!t>ll l l Tess ,tban:;tareafitimes first, against Miran - fon, though in favor of. nobody in partioplar ; then for a few heart for him; and - finally against him again. The moving aquae of this political weatbercookiam was the conflicting reports in circulation as to Miramon'aronwpnisa= - tioh of the army of the east In his descent upon Vera Ores it being generally understood tint alt the officers of the old army,-excepting only Cobos, whose. fidelity was - undoubted, were to be-dis missed. . Bat in any cage, " pronouncing" must; be to Be; grate, by this time, as easy' and natural as guar. rills fighting. Originally a &trite Anna man, be was among the first, we believe, to pronounce for the revolution which placed Comonfort in power; subsequently ike pronounced against - 41e President for the Taeubaya platform; afterwards against -it for the Constitution; then.again against the Con stitution for the Tacubitya regime Under which he was fighting heroically and patriotically, like all the rest of them, till there seemed a proepeot of his removal, when he whips over on the other side.—N `- - • EITSNsivE MILLINERY EVABLISEMEN7-117 our notices ,f leading boainess homes in the various departments of trade in -lisle city, we hero hitherto omitted referring to the popular millinery establishment of Mesas. M. lneasnsio fr. Co., located at No 21 booth Second, street' In point of extent, lute. and misty, the stock of millinery goods now offered Whit Well-known firm will Compare favorably with atirottier in the country. being in many reelects, we - may say, unrivalled, from the fact that, to a moot complete lire of bonnet materials. as such, they have this season added to their huffiness a full assortment of straw goods. The first floor of their house is devoted entirely to riti 7 , bona, bowet silks, French and Amerieau flowers, crates, laces, and in fact everything embraced untleithe bead of millinery go - de in an =manufactured state. The variety and extent of this part of their stock, this rea l! in, is worthy of spec'al notice, as frcm the well filled boxes which literally flank both sides of this room, from floor to ceiling—to say nothing of their'elsient counter display—we should infer that the most festidloortboy ere from lffalias to California could besotted to a nicety• In the second story the now feature of their business le more immediately conspicuous -•lti thisffspartment the profusion of Arai bonnets, and trimmings of that o'am of materials, together - with the choice array or 'flowers, ruches, and other fancy articles presented, rev. ders the exhibition an eminently attractive one to par. chewers, the ovidsnce of which we had before in in a very tangible form—as we passed through their estate llehment a day or two since to make our observation— in finding their atoi e thronged with customers. The third story of their building contains revery heavy supply of vole, cons'eting mainly of packages of du- plicate articles or those exhibited in otheVparbs of the house. Bid.dskod Soh Nor Stook... 974 10 do Prof '9 19S Wmoet Ilm R. 9,4 do 75133 mts.ll 73 do •31 ' F 6 Long Wood - 074 11 • Girard Rank 505 51 LettCloal &N0v...50)4,61, Lehigh' Sado ^8 10 N Peons R 9% do Co "8 68s Now Creek % Oatawicos R.... S o Lehigh s 1 a Markets. 151Anarr 1.0-XTening Their trade, althstigh largely with niannfactrirers and retail dealers here in thOnityi le aleo very consi derable with the country, extending to every pert or Pennsylvania, and to almost every section ihrovigtout the South end West. I.Xerung TM Rev. E H. CHA CitiZelili Will be glad to learn of the opportunity of hearing this favorite lectors board orator, to be afforded at Concert Hall, on Wednesday evening next, under the auspices of, and for the benefit of, the Union Temporary Home. We congratulate the managers of this excellent charl.„ table Institution upon hawing secured the services of so popular a lecture ,, , es the atmontmement of his appear ance before a Philadelphia audience is afirays equiva lent to filling whatever hall be mpy occupy, to its ut most capacity. His subject. on this occasion will be "Woman and her Work," a theme which none to more competent to treat with interest and profit to the masses than Dr. I. 11 011IIMICO PaEVMATIC Berns.—Fer Consumption' Br onchirs. and all other disorders ortbe throat and lane. Dr. Beach may he consulted at his reridenoe, 1122 Vine etreet, froml2 31 to IP. M. ConsuDatioa Free Mg. Loan's GREAT LECTRIIR ON RIORELIEU, so mile'. admired at Concert Hall, will be repeated this evening at Handel and Haydn Hall, In no discourse has Hr. Lord compressed more Went ant learning than in this. WAR RUMORS continuo to come with ominous toned across the great waters, and the natters of Eu rope are maxilla:HUl their honts for the strife. 3n oar own happy hare, bow great the uuttraat that presents ! Here all is peareUnt tranquility, and inert Fir `roe the' even tenor of their way to M. H. Eldridge's' Old Franklixi Hall' Clothing Smporinm,” Ho E. 21 Chestnut street. AN ASCOUNDING CATALOGUE.—n is stated that there are eaventy different styles of skirt Some have slightly descriptive names—such ae the "expansion,' the union cord," the "Princess Royal," Sm., while others bear titles of dreact,lnysterlons Import, ouch ae the "union hair" and the ,4 bustle skeleton." - In the, department rf men's gear there Is one general distinc tion, which conveys an Idea of all that is excellent and elegant. This la pimply the garments wade at the Brown Stone Olothing 11411 cf Beokhtll er. Wilson ) Noe. COS and COS Chestnut street, above Rath.. , AMMO the Romans, March, from Mare, ITU the first montti„ 3nd marriages made in this month - were amounted unwire, as well as unhappy. The Patens . cared March lent.monat, ot length month, because the dap did Bret begin, in length; to exceed the nights; In mottle of Protects glad, - 2: • With aspect ferocious sod wild ; Now pleasant, now - mitten and end, • Now forward, now placid, and mild. - Bush le the' ioethi chars atm' of - thta month, which is, in general, (told, with keen ,y4tde,, the air clear and healthy, 'Tie the first sprihy ',Oath; and reminds one foridhly of the,kecomirg tesl4,lusitt ;Granville Sicken, the greet eletblii, No. 607 Obsetairiptiset. ;44, - THEE eCitT. CITY ITEMS.'