The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, March 11, 1859, Image 1
„." , .{-t."J114-....` . 1- ”, ~._ . , . ~, , - . „- • -,L,... . - • jgg. " ,-.' ~., -7- 'Y. , 4 '''''t-11. iii * i p ilk 14 MYk.;l-'''li;)4ii:4-.16:4:' i9ooo* 4 VI II .iplY, .. 'I A % ' - ,- - 0 7.- k,- , „, ---..- wilireittlii-,i.,,,1,,c4 ,-z` - - v ‘i ' -* 4 4116000-, 7- -..,,' ' 7- ' - " , -. l4elidpt /1. - - -',.. , 2 lilmprkar„„Tip.4 , , ,,A, , ,,) o v..n5,.........---..t..... ii,,,,,,,t-am4.,..i...?....= _1?7,.: 4 4:W - ' , ,, 4 '' • - '''. - ,imiatina— sit ~144 .itompuith , ..„..-....›,,,,„ _ _ 1.666-• bur6k) , ~. , -14 - ;. - . isow ' irilr ogir4. • ''-",:„,-_,TIrsile `h. "P ) ,1. ~'-''''''''S. -.4,,, , - . _,,:,,4 , e. 477,164,,, ', ,Aboirat, - ,SA-4.4. , P ft- , , •,, 1.. , ~r;- ' ,'.l4i,E• ,p ''4A 4 l* - - -,attg*izy.tm7., 42 40 , ~ ---- '460(3/410, t. ,A 0k..-•.;•*,,T*; ; 6.00, ' l, .. te---;""A',`---h,1.."..,„;..,..144 . ~,• ~,, poi -tit ~..,4 0 - 1 , .. 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At ~ „ ,- , ,. 1, . •2, ',- P 2. 1-- "ii:iii pailyVkAr ' --- atiriustira ,31.4i0'i0 , f .r44,11 1 i uk b •..., vi a ho:aalok "P--, ' ''.7cilitittel4'.,44P-'04...,,,,,11,4k06vtvA1it'a1l V1'4Y1''1"4.:„):77, ..,.:.--,..._i r.0Pfkr,,,t,,.:_,,.--4-:-.-.;ams,-'lL'AmPliirt,. - --4:4P,:wil- ' 4 , - ,;' - . - .GEO P. wAY- :' -:"5:, W , PIC7 I .4 7 FAIr. .014 him . _ Diliik,SPsllT= AD Vz. •0359 ; =,.1[0 1 14_066'411111, 7 ' po*V4Arlipilvigt, - ,;'; ..pot% ctialisifWeßomptisamiaccniaint-JrAALTAB 4 N. sP—Ariba took isika; 'O,/*: Will kir "maw. promptly wr I: Loy/pm • ';gP U{O= ritrckikmkpitS.,„,,, , • -*'‘24 4'HERRINCP4V,OTZ 1F;117 - i)rpiir itIIIIITII , a9d.MARKET 13141:1 ofre", 4 ,r '-•;;_ • , f r git , D 9 Atl o _,L Tjf. =`„ , - ,4 - 'l4 ,.. :VftV - ei:=4 , ;S44OOIMEENT;'-- ' 1 - •? if: • 'Pr": ; 6114/111,. - . 4 •=ee , '-4 RIBBONS,'; • • VllMMil'iroS;' • - -EMBISI/glq,,P4/13J - a.,-itF4'& 99t-:: ~., ..,, .- :, ~,, - --.,!.....,,-- :!`,•.. Af-4,-,,, ,&--,iio*, ..,..-...,,,:,,,,„.,(4,. ,::- :-.=,...,--,siipL.-• ' ' ;,; , r.- -- ,: i ':: ',:p-01k‘,77,,,?,-,7%;iticw.;:,,,, 2,, -,-,,::- ;,-,AODE4: .'-'•1 7:4040";"77400t;t11, ' 5 ' , W-2 - ::: 14. .fid#741.71.Z i .44 7-: - 0 ,. :Zi1itii4;17:'::,;;,;;,,,:-_,.,,:, ; rii):ii,lri,-• 1•:.,,,,,_,' 9:' ACOURSNYiLAFOTIROADE; & , ",. ' • 1,1 , t Asa Jobbers , 4 , 11 A Ith"V CIAitERAERZS, F.VES . TINOS, 1 . _, • kw"' *l4ittiit , = Ar• micraesiving their ,; 4 "..;77 4 , 4rit ki, 4 l.ls4l:tr ) .064.01,44k7,07g. irosEriciie' , Alnevottairicetattlookii," - -; - . '--';:=IIIS?.II(ARKitr!STREZi'. - 4iiii , j4los'Atel , -407?'MARKE743719111%, • ' 16iiitis! Wd Doinertps ART_ 000D6., eompbtiytil for babes: - febl.436t sit* VV.O4OO;' - slivoivido.. " - - 114POitfiRWOF •; • t: • YtACEthl4l4 ':•: , E I BRWERIES; 829t - YARkEt - IdTalikYk %m.:94-04set. m.1_444114* a,teoies: resite#* oiciriqrk4V,ol::l:44f.:olll4,l*wokATe , sl94lNo , pikiesiv , MtAitini 4 BßOWN - o'oo, - eil4 ra#liro eat.iiioEaltralleotf4, rOiailgii:400 11 ;!0001*IttAN -pItY-.,:;(100#6; "-- ' • -; • - - CO:, p - ,co, • , 'GOODS;?„,:. ‘•- ' liii,eti•biloW Sixth: JOSUNTA ' EVAaraIV zaII#SOMICANtr,JOIIIIIIII 7 :0-44 441) , 1tk RE gi t 0 _ 11: 44- -411111104 Ai; foi ‘• , M.11 1 .4PP•11 1 .*A 1 4,TRAD. 7 4-x , -= ' OR , id , • • vlkrioas, and , , isilllei , -A,,Th a',. 'iiing,7,:g.',lt,. aITI, i(),T' ime9-4,ili it f,'" _.:'' ..zfi,lo ;: 7, •.' g;si ' ' lr- 4 tiki-7,,....-bro .i-k..,,',...,.= ~it,E5.4„4.t.,-(x),T. d.r A lt , A ' ,S•istiv,.,„, illara , lit,!!'l.4* if kl • '':': ' % liva' :; 4,1'4":7 ' k - # krig'?''' '4, ' ',i4;;', •S*'s 0 ' i..„, .. „,4111101rit'iti"-`'--,,, ,-, , / ---joi ''..i;4•'-me.t - ' 1.,..,..,:/..#!•19f1P)5059,, 7, l ; l4ol l irtii % • , ~ -7-7....4 _ , ,iA416,,,,,ixt.,, 7 ,,. , 1 ~;47rT---;i*ot,- v . , i.,,,„, :: .$4400;,41-4,or 4 r:., , amorgv: rf fik xr.* - -.*-•1,-f-4 ;-;- .1 lagUllig ' - ilf, ' ; - 4 - - --. krlloo:likiei 40...' ' ',ltr_44- f",. lt: ~~'^- •;~:. or".• - 7.,,,' w ,,,,,,z.,,, ~„ i„, , ..-',.;'. 4X i , -. ,,.--- , Y A' - ' 1 ',..,."-' '''''' , i '', '. ,, , ,, ,,,,i, 1 - a': 74' phi„,,o :.,, 5i- ; : ~,I ,:e.:. ,L. ~4 ,;=v• i• !,44:4144,.'2,,/-'`,":w.”' lin :,,,,,. 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(I --" :-):: •'4 .- ''j • -,/ - • , --,' . • 1 ''): "'" ' '-' ' ' .' -s':-..;• •••::: : :•••)-,r c'it-i•-.- ty:'''.t•T‘', %is - ''':-: ,- "..,'.-. , t-!.. ........•:..e, , ,-.....x.m--7-' , .-•• .: 4 :_ .--" ' . - .-f .'.-..... -..;... • -_-:.;#F-4:4& • , ~, ,-• , -'? r ,. ~. , 1 6 , 1,, .1 -, 'O, • ...• •••.,.. r '..- 41 - - z_._.,_ _" 4 - I c -4 -,1 1 .., ...,),, - •f:- .-: .:. i i1 ' r. 3 7 ; 1 i .i' . ... ',,-. '' . 1 :' art -- -i.. -. ....- -, .' - ,a- - ,,.d. ° - ,4 I . ..: :•:' ' . -.! :j- Ail_ ~,. -'-' lie` - ` - ---;=-:- -,'-'7 - '''''' `;`,:') ;''' - • '' '• ' '' ‘ '' ' ;„).)..,,,_ '''' . '"'"' - ' ---- ---. 1 --"' - ' --i .t 3l l l ttz,: z ; •••;:i....;'' -. •:.-, :. IS. - ; , :::0'-• '':'.'-' '=...ti..-::''' -'- ' ' .i r g,d' ° - •la.',; . ;:'_'• -Fr, , -*.t' - `3.- . ' ;• ' ..', .- . • ''•-•- T-•.' -.• . ~ , - „ „ • ; _ :r , ',-- .••••:-. '2 - .-,Z .,,,, -- 8, ...--_-"•---,-•,-.-.- ~ ; ..'.) . , _,•'. ,T ' • . - ,;,E v. , ' . •-,:q 't•> f.)‘-':',....., - ''''' 'r • • ;' ) i • ...i--, ) -,), p_t -- „ . 4 7 ;0.24- ----.4..0 , . - • • ~ ,)- .' ••: „- • - ...- - -..-. - ' ''• : '„' - - - .-_ • ' ' ',r . . :•-- c - - , ,--. '-' -' 1 • ; . ' - ''' .4 :'''' - '''' ' .--,-, .. .. , . . . -, , '''. ',-• , .-, , , ;::,,,..., '4'l _ . . - ... ~, : i';•=l- : - 'l3".ii,:ii7l-::,1- ,',--d ,:;,,..:'.p.,,,, , ,;:1t ;1 ,- ; , !! , ..'" i''' - ,h ; ',k 4;1,', •'''''',..!'-';'-'. v OCirs-1,11. . d;;;>1 - ,:' ..1-.1 :-. 3 - ~ 0 '4 , -+ :A-2 . ~ . - 4 , . .'4, , , o' ',, , . - .11,,r, -. .;Z:ii, - . :7*: ',lt MEE i :~^ QOM;: _ -2~==No ~ ~ ~.9 Q: 40Pacte• - • ' '.•-• • • -- - - IPORRIG and DORSEMIG DRY GOODS, Iplcoiid,g,d Market, JAMES,' SANTEE, -'1111 5 011,1710 Joßbnas }1 ) N 9 it, ',a - 4 ECM •• ." AND -Anii,Rui4r -0 , (5 D S 238, AiD 241 sTREEt, Abovellace4trest.' Agentifor , . , ~ • 141341041. EigOONDfl ' 4e:bl6 2nl'/' kiisi mg, ' • •'' " '• '•• Lops luzain.; D. D. Earls LATA -SIMON", itilrOß744o.- AND JOBBRAB ,- • P D NO:47NORTHTHIRDITREXT, _tm,1,5,01! 50110 1 40 ,departments , and ready for .414,01. ,Ittsrektats,,ltook sit t puts of respectfully solicited to sill sad en rattat far Asap:grit. - , • „feblB.Bm * , ANSt'Adi-1.; REED, & co., G: 0, DS , ;So., 180. NORTH THIRD STREET, gloattpiest ooioei Tteled aurfpbiirfatit.,) , , PRLNO: PiP.ORT*TIONS, 1860. ' •SIBL.E.II' , II , IOI,TEIIF(4 - WOODRUFF, 7 - • > 828 MARKET &MEET; - • • riminat.ruta, Have now In stores Complete On( ; • - SPLENDID , STOOK tie* and - choice Alec baso - istratii sonia &time, • - -.- ',,EUEEBSDEVE:VOLANts BABION. - 6nIiNADINEB, PARIS OWANDIEEIi J aCcoPiAT„ dw , &a- ... Alto itirtilinkiEo E XET Itp.B . pss, MITTS, HIB OLOVEIt, • --' . - lintAWLSrall litielltbMi - -; ',toned doiner; &sire, Btell: itiCObantilla Lace 14antllia, new and ‘4.eintable Phapeeoi.d.yAn. • ' - • . We ignite the attanttpaot bayaia to our vedaA Stoat; reeling confident that fe , tin,agar' Deineelnentil that rrili prove extlataatinf, ooi .ntenk etribrikoes some of . the wmat - linitrohle goodinow febliam SPRINO.OF 1059. • ;•1';•;- .265" AGIREEir :STREET /14POATWFAIND"-WHOtteiLE - 70DBEitti OP 040T,Oiags; AND VE-STINes, - ato vite4 attimmagiot sersrzsts to inlited. - ' SO. ~f 4l ll q. WV 42 /1(.9 .9,9j1g1, , -8-10:14:R3LETAST BEET ;- ..t., ) 1 ' 1 T 11 ' 4 7 41 14 P.n 6 r - . , Y. Ta whiel the:, ask: , ' Mk . AITSIYTION pr BUYERS. lAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., - Thiriortere • sod Wholesale DOalere „ cr!.. - oho; -;• , _ •.e ' 04182114&11110, • - BLANKErai rte. $O4 MAR I* STREET. • ~~ITKiAN; JONES ; & CO., DEI4I:I,ERS f .0 . 11 E N D DO.M.HISTIO •DRY 6rPODS;, 240 IX . :IK T S T-R ri ITtf . 4?ors t*atk aide, febl4l . iIIIrADXI;I4I2/i. ' , daies' 4lDress_ ; t~riminings 4so x'IrEIVIPER; 38 ;MOTH' FOURTH BTRRET, - , • Eartherkaall ,l/il : holesalaD,ealare LADIES' DRES S TRIMMINGS, thin thei particular attentloCot the Trade to their elihutdlA saatnrtmant of. 788 NOW TOMPONNETTE, and AmenTo 'TdpBO,ECIAAIALL 1211Ihitlitle8, 1111:qq. PENDANT BUTTONS, &e. :traits preistrod , to execute large orders for Epk and iiiterdllaaArtagee;T4ielp;thit'd.e, Buttons, dco , et our oti tai3tor9,, „71, _ , • - feb2.2m Vrovisjoik gouges , H.,NEß.- - ,s, co., - waoilsgsl is iusgralYis „ I: , AinrCUREREI of - • „vac, - mr,,- MEATS, • sad 96lti end 966 N. Iltopyr Bt. mussmisEi, ioug , sod on aosortment of AlitiVlPlO.Nl3.zon inol alas: U TONGITE ..ttO4 BMlltof, onr,OWn OuringT bath Ott, and Western, nn hood j,qualltrgnorontled: - 116R13 sielportloularlyinvliOdio calf and cionitne ,Ottriteeti. - : fetal ant* .11Aolceale erocrre 'UNGERICH & SMITH, • - „ - svuommAral - - 00;413 . , NORTH - . .ruiRp_STABET, mui•: . „ tiarbtuart --- :111110PRE;'171.ENSTJEY AI CO., ~iI'coI.:427.IdASKET, and 416 vommaraqx o treeli, "tq - TILLADt.itPHIA, , 100 .344413,tfy on load a tow MoOk ' 4. OF • ~ HARDWA:II,E ' OUTLIMX, IttuliEl, -IPhiAt9ir4yo x 4lo LUYERB on Liberal Tcrm4 TRUITT BROTITER & CO., •z , ITLARDWARE -.01:J/VERT, • . • JILARIKET- %%FAT," z ,624 .2 4- 4 1 q sirra, NORTIi ST EC rinupsLrma iz,aobs GOOD 'ASSORTMENT , :'OP .-; -STRAW - .'GOODS; ARTiFiOIAL , AND STRAW, eelir;virie - ty, aro now opon , _ and for raltii`itt a sisal advance upon first cost, for oath, at 13. WARD'S, Nos 103, I . od, and 107 NOTE, BE STREET, -marlo•l2of • Above Arch, East side, ILLINERY AND . STRAW:GOODS. • • A MOAT 0031PLET1 AND ,011010 E , AIIigORTMENT • - ; 111.1:1)3ONS of everid - osoription, • ' • BONNET SILKS AND CRAP.hS, ARTIFICIAL E'LOWERS,BUO.U.ES, ' And °tier Millinery • S-T•R•A • GOODS, . • OF XVSO:Ir 60210EITABZE VAPUTT, Is now, open for examination by, and solo to, DAM AND - PROMPT SHORT-TIME BUYERS, • At ispnall 'advance upon first - Coat. ', • - Tliose 'destiona ar oaring mime: in their purchases should ere no sweaty call. • - • - ROSENHEIX, BROOKS; lc ••-• • 431' MARKET STREET, iebl4-3132 ' (Lale:of 88 South Kooon4 Et.) 1859- 1859 STR4'ff.,.O.O.QDS ROUSE. THOMPSON • & JENKINS S . 2i3 * :MA'It.KET STREET, . , InVite the ittenthittot buyers to their extensive stook of Ladirs! Strew eqp, tltlk Bonnets, Mime , Flats and Bloomers;. Men's,. Boys't and 'Children's' fatal - AMA eel Floweret linebee, , yrintralugs, &o. - Being eialusively, engaged' in this branch of ,basiness, purchasers will find it to thatx . interest to examine our stmk before parolaaaing. - : 3 - 1 TllOB. 1. IigLaLICY,„ (fop:nevi,' of Wilcock, Bogen, 'dr. Prwley„) . now engaged with the above howl?, eoliolia fiontlierfriende en examination of the stack of Melton. Thompeop . da Jeokine. " febls-2m FIATS, FURS, STIVAW , •GOODS, ARTIFIOTAL, , FLO*E.RB,`RUCH&S, do; . , , "HOOPEB, - ..& BIANUYAOTDRNEth AND DEALERS ,Nos. 19 and 21 South Fourth Striet, (up stairs,) • Hato on hand an ontirelynew and oomplete stock of the above goode, laid in 'for OMNI, to which the attention OYlniyera le . „. . Dada. HALLOWiLL, late of the firm of Chas. Hal & Co., long knoWn to the Slide, would be pleased tio see hie frtonda at the ;ware - rooms of Mears. Hoopes & Davi& "- 7 ' ' =' • feb9-2m STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. 'repio 4 iod from onr aIQ etan6, 45 S . onthlsl7,con3 725 CHESTNUT STREET, NEITICIRX SIVIINTSI -AVID ZIOUTS, We are now prepared to inhibit to our nwrous,pn, tone a. OOMPT 4V4TE STOCK STRAW RATS, BONNETS, MISSES , : and-CHILDREN'S HATS, BLOOMERS, OAPS. - 'IIANCIY'AND oimPz BONNET!, • FRENCH FLOWERS, - k - RIBBONS: LAOES, RUCHES; ko Embracing Mall an woodmen& notqualletio Me city, sud wo respectfully incite the Wootton of merchants to our Spring - Stoon.• - • , :Oath and short.time buyer will tinS itepecially their interest to give , }Twirl:oW fita-tin , - - T HILLBORN JONES. , to• - - Importer and kanufaaturar ' OP SILK AND STEAM' BONNETS, 14611011.1( eta PAI AMA BATO, ' ABTIFIODA IILOITEBB, IWOHBS, To Which thiaattontlon • of City and Country Dealers is solloited. • NO. 482 MARKET ST., • Below, T H. febl4nt 1859 MILLINERY,_ 1859 AND STRAW GOODS. - igew and complete assortment of SILKS, RIBBONS., FLOWERS, -, ' , MUM, MIMEO,- LACES, , Aod every other article in that line. ALSO, . STRAW, BONNETS AND • STRAW TROCKY.Nas, Embracing an 'enactment al:mutt:llW in this city, and to which we Invite, the attention of buyere Those purchasing. for cub, or on short, time, will do welt to give us a call before seleeting elsewhere. , M. BEIpTHEIM, & fe24.2ra En. 111 SOUTH. SECOND STREET. METROPOLITAN RIBBON ROUSE. RIBBONS, • RIBBONS, • , RIBBONS, AND MILLINERY' GOODS. Of every description. OItd,PNS, BONNET SILKS, BRANCH FLOWERS and SPRIGS, RUCHES, lca., .!co. J., C. &W. E. TABER. • - ; • No4E. south SECOND Street, mhlAin FREEDI4Y & 430" . ; , 216 MARKET 6tREET, IMPOILTNR/3 AND JOBBERS Olt LACES, EAIDRCIDEEIES, 1i:'11ITE GOODS, .to., ,Have now in dote a complete angortradnt of all the new:aod desirable Wilmo t which we will Bell at the lowest prices STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS. I. S. CUSTER; liewHAOTIIIi&11 AND WEIOIMALE DEALInt IN STRAW RATE MILLINDDY GOODS, nor NORTH OROOND STREET„ PHILADELPHIA. ' felll-2m* BONNET RUMS. Nro are agents for the rasettfeeturete for the - Kale of the above goods, and .hare now In store a complete 'aerortment, which wo will aell,tothe trade at the MANOBAOTIMIR'II WWI= PRIOES Wo aollatta call, and examination our stook, B. FREEDLEY, 245 lI&RHET Street Boobs NEW ROUSE-FURNISHING STORE, N 0.1020 CHESTNUT ST., (01TOSITR TIIP. AISADEMY OF BINE ARTS ) The subscriber will this day open with a VERY prAtIRABLII ASEORTURRT OF 0001)7, .COSSIEITIAI OP TABLE OOTLBRY, . OVAL WATTEnI3, WOODEN WARM, PLAIN, Pt ANISEED, and JAPANNED TIN-WARP, and ;mob articles In general as are uattany to be found in p. FIRST-CLASS 1-1017SE - F:p . RNISHING - STORE . , All of which Witt be offered at reueoeble prices WILLIAM- YARNALE, (Late of the armor hitiftPllY & TAIZZaLL ) miml-mwf Sm BBLS. SPIRITS TURPENTINE' in Ark" store and for Ribs by G. 0. 'VAN AIItIIINGB, JR. 10North wiLtuvA, •Yr , •'` lifitt,AbEtP 1.4 1 ' IA 7 MARCH' 11. 1859: .ffaittp Vitro C6c0bt5,,..,1 SPRING TRADE - .' • . • H. ,bII,iIHING 06%00. • Nos. 26 and... 26 NORTLLRODIftTIe - Ti" , • Um Just opened their , reositiF7 7 IMPORTATIONS : ENGLISH, D GER*A.,IY , ' -HOSIERY; - , GLoyEs,ANA SRA 4L1,W10; And sidielt Juspeattou oettietr - CompltA yrell assorted stook, - . ESPECIALLY A.DAPTEE;.:,TO - ": , BOD'rIIERN AND BOUTDIV.IIST,PYM.:4I)B „te46-81u. BURNETT, SEXTON &EAVEO4NUEN ' Are now opening at their Store, No, 4.09-11 A RA .10 V_EiT:a2lo.4?. - ', • Above - Fourth, North tilde, A NANDSOMEI NEW .5PE.T.1yG.:4.21.1',L13 , .'': FANCY - *DRY ' 6000;4;2 OF, TIMM OWN IMPOIITAT/Off!:Ct - •` And seleotion, WWI they offor for sate to hie ticiee: all parte of the United Mates, On the inoetlllati44ermi. l feb9-Sm - . 311 . 01)AULEY.,BROTFIER, &BRPWA#.ti, . - 23 NORT.W F0:134'2.11 STREZ". . HlO/0 Aug opened ea oath* " ;ti3lt NEW -SPRINO I I`, ' .450,te‘ nosnaty, aLoyEs, and FANCY 00b144, ,, '' To which they invite the attention of ilent-ohow Oat stook in partlonlarly adapted to the , • ' SOUTHERN TRADE. "."•", • fol Int - 00f1AFFER, ,Bc ROBg4 1 :4%.9; 429 mama stuivr, • • A.,' ' IMiVRTgRS AND .10BBERS; OP HOSIERY, GLOVES, • SMALL WAOLS,'OOMES, - intuatius, Loorrnio-atAati aEItMAN AND PAEN'OH PANOy GOoDEI,'; Alpo TAILORT TRIMMINGS. OOfB nio 01)oc6. CONOVER. eic BROS' BOOT, SHOE,/30.N.HRT-, 4 0, AND - , PALM-LEAF HAT 'WAR.EHOJJS,E • No. 524 HARM STREET, ;, Bettiein Fifth end Sixth, - i. , pwl4in PELITADELPIITA::,I HENDRY & HARRIS, mAIk7IIPAOTURERB AND wnotafBALS DNALIIIk • -4- • BOOTS AN D SHOES;;V- N. W. 00R. - THIRD AND ARCA ,STRpTqP':. PHILADELPHIA WHELAN , Bc ` Co.; WHOLESALIC -DRIAVERI3 • •• BOOT AND . , , STRAWOOO.I39 N 0.513 MANKET'S;TRENT 1421-1 m BOKER & BROTHERS, WHOLESALE BOOTS .ANp SHOES, 432 MARKET STREET, GESEEDIM BOOTS AND' SHOES. , The Babserlbers have completed their SPRING ST-OCK OP BOOTS AND awn, Which they are prepared to offer at the lowest prices, on their oval terms, VAN DIISEN, SMITH,'& CO., 4p3 MARKET STREET, • feblb2ol • Above Fourth, up Maim B . P. WILLIAMS & C 0. ., WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE • k.) WAREHOUSE. No. 18 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. feb3.2cri Jos. 13.'1"1-/OlsACINE40/sT .5r CO., WHOLESALE • BOOT AND SHOE WAREIIOUSE, No. 314 111.A.RIK.ET 81.11iET. itr A Urge and general anointment of taeteru and Oity-msde 6hoee constantly on hand. febl•Cm SITING STYLES, J'. Ay B.A.tizrs - ).w.:au, WHOL:IO3AIA UNALERB AND MANUFACTURNRA OF STRAW BONNETS AND HATS, BOOTS, - t HOES, Being prepared Fit otter gcGat ioVcatuetfte to buyers as Jotthere in nay other market, invite an ex. auxin:Mon ot.their stork. No. 34 NORTH FOURTH STREET, fetam Near the Men:haute , Mint, Philadelphia. LEVICK, 4Sc' BOOT AND liffoll WARNED:MD AND MANUFAOTOII2 , No. 525 MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. We have non on hand an extensive r took of Boots And Shea, of all deactiptlous, of our own and Buten) Manufacture, to which we invite the attention of Southern and Western buyers. tebt.3m Oabblerg i) a rbware, WM. P. WILSTACH & CO. MAN lIPAOTURERS, AND DEALERS 1N SA.DDLIERN' CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, AND HARNESS MOUNTINGS, No. 88 NORTH TIURD STREET, Betweon Market and Aroh, PIIILADELPHIA, THE LARGEST STOOK IN. THE UTE it r Sign of VTR OCILDEIN STIRRUP. ffebl.2m T E. ROLLER,. NIP • TBBINICH BOOT AND 131.1021 MARNA, No. 21 south rmair nnt &r Philadelphia, ot, third door above Chest. , Deg to Inform hie friends and the public generally that he haw opened. AJUBLIMIS on Ms ern account, as above, where he, will always be happy to receive a con. tinuatlon of their timers._ As the senior partner 01' the late firm of ROLL ti ER bailor, probably no other guarantee in necennary to an, appreciative public or hie ehtlre ability to fill all orders la hie line with the ut most satisfaction. 'Remember the number: 27 South NINTH Street, third door above Chretont." 11.1' 300 Ali: A „ l t i 0 r . 0 1;2 . N .1 2.gra1 1i , 0i fole.te lot North .4 c.•.,,.,.,„,.....„.,:,;..,,;,„, 1 1, -FRIDAY, 1869. .. The Author of g Ten Tho an d Yehr.ti oThe,antber of cc Ten Thorisand a Year" MS ,realized 'ono.flfth of 'his own imaginary for tune." 'Under 'an Ant of Parlianient,; Bassett some seventeen yearn age,' the Chan, e.Mlor — ohtained a "hindsoine . , addition phi patronage, being ,thereby, allowed to appoint two: Masters .LunaCy, each. with , a •life, salaiy, of. 4.1009 per „annum. vanancX 'having • recently_ ocenrred, ;the e Chancellor l .(Lord. • Onannsronn) clearly . understood that >; like' .charity, should' begin home. Therefore; to' avoid all' solicitationa; trout outside, and 'probably to relievn_ fippli tfmte_from the Mideaserdness,of suspense, he! ;appointed his. own soroopr, an outer bar-1 rister,".tfaMed:Mtaezna,,Who had never heldl ff4,4,ef- during.all the yesi.s. , , he tad been ..Cnlyia few• weeks before, this - came l Bseontalaidtbeen appainted' Chief Megistrari :in e,Batkrurptii7it4lo,;:a ealaty of ".£1,200 'per ; snnri~it. r fn .'tills inpacif7 istiend„! r*.4 5 4 1 ,11,04 , 400,..6:6001:443'*X' Awtr::lo:;;Pr9,.l44ltk,;+4 ,l fAitY, A9o.944v4maigfwiftliYeo irgu the.!chance of aristocratic ihigera,,jns signing genfteftleialdocutnents;:in fad,' be , have to-make some show, at least, 7 61' , dbing Oil 'WO' ;Mho Silifsitsi LnimoY,"'-hoziCitoed. did* :visit, and . theti`, to - 4.'iootoy and 41, Oleo in Lie e oln #,lnn Fields,.where, ,while he read thonowspurge And took ids . midday glass of s',lnentillado' , tand biscuit, his, clerk did all the ; , •.. Yn thelittileetigense' of the word this svikk-a' sinecure-4ivirdilfr ii - Otiol*ed • ati, cc:within& io do; ail- 1 . 4 6 ' . . 44p4:04. apppiatcck private. Speretgrkiptck the,itankinikto4agislrarship,:vacated• bythe # l36 l6 B Nrevation.., Bak there , ism' dark ah' Roll tra alive/lining to -each , , ofdcisi ',however heantiffil ' , Ste/tempt. -• A ceitald 11.rj 01,rvzi , bimself alawYer;antiloi:cif Many pro= iessional worlisout a questiOn in the House of Cinitinotes pf which member, sale 'thislT/06ms' appellate/eat, declaring that the. new iitaster:in , Lunacy knew nothing of the law, that he was in all respects incompetent, 'and that the' Chancellor in giving him thei r office 'was' - guilty or the srossest : nepotism.'; Neat day , Nr, PIBRAELI infortned the p/Mlic, In a - iiieeitatenlopt to the House of, Coin mous, theq.:On.his qualifications being thus indely iMpagnea; . the illustrious ilmomp indignantly resigned 'efilce ! .; poor man I how hard is his case 1 , .receive only 11,00 per• m a Tint; dialog , life, for doing nothing la the; ..nkruptoy Court: '" i Then gruo 3ttestlon:.who'shall be the litistitu:i 4 1 ' "' - -inter much ithi 2 ,- IN. - i:: 4 , .....,,,,..,41:6eCi41request 4 7 .-e l _0 : - L.,4 q . , -...,-..,, y..: 'wier's.. 4 5,,i,, r . - 4.1) .0.236 4- 415 r. SA.Any.L.W,taansc i M. - ,„,,tj.r ididliurst,:woll .knownvin this A:ountry, by repqtatiou, as author of (f:The 'Diary of a late Physieltn, ,, , the novel Of ti'Ten Thi:mind' 'a Testr-'(beth ;Of , which 'had` n' serial inn" though I 3 ;deli iumse,:gagozi l ie,) of a remarlc, able atteniii . t atiloCery, called as Th4Lily and_ the Bee s & slid of . i . i ouricetslic sius-Opt prose, fenifineri'l:t.,'Cironinidmitlal ..inildencei entitled ?c*w,alid 4 1).eit .? ?, in.Whbali an innocent Min 4#0,3 - epiter„ag bat the last penalties; ofstiL 10441/evitt..,a 4 .-Viwillfuli. 4 !'!::. ... ',, '".-,7- ,stigeoilfiliWaiuriv; iitilahe coi;liibi4l,liiti Providence evidently showed its,love for him; . . by:sovet'ely chaSterdig him - . . , ,„ 3 There are other writings of Bs.iium, Yirannim, not quite ao well knima in this country, whose intrinsic value _is greatly higher. He edited an edition' of Illackatone's .Commentaries, which is a truly valuable work. He Wrote an Introduction'to the 'Study of the Law, which, though rather diffuse, is as good a Verde Mecum as any law-Strident need desire to have at his right hand, fo'r frequent reference and consultation. Ho delivered a Lecture, which he eventually expanded - into a book, on the duties, fights, and • education of Attorneys and Solicitors. _ln England, be it reinem hored, 'the barrister is merely an advocate, while the attorney is the'real 'practical man of aw. If he limit his practice wholly or even .chiefly. tciChfinceryhusineas, lie is a Solici tor. If he confine hirrisolf to common law and Nisi ,Priui, he, is an Attorney.' How Loril.Ennay, Prime Minister of Eng land, became so much interested in Mr. SAMUZI. WAAREIt is not a matter for specula tion where it is known that his Lordship is a very grateful man, and considers himself under no ordinary obligation to the author of tc Ten Thousand a-Year." :! _gt is simply, as a man of letters, that WARILBN• Von the fain)* of, the Premier.' SdifllEL WARREN came into the World some two-and fifty years ago ) and is a 'Welshman by, birth—having first breathed. this Mortal air at Wrexham, in Doi*lgshlre.. In this same Wrexham, by the way, is a church, as large as a Cathedral, known, far and Wide,. as'one of the Wonders of Wales. fits father; also a SAMUFL, was a Norfolk man, who, after. having been knocked about in the world,.as mate of a merchantman, abandoned the seas and eventually beenue a Methodist preacher. The elder W.kanzat was an extremely •well-in 4 formed man, and had his learning duly re cognised by hating the honotttry degree of Lt. D. conferred upon him, by a Scottish University. Ho greatly favored the establish ment or an University, for the education of young Methodist students, ' more especially those intended for the pulpit. When it was got up, greatly owing to his own exertions, Dr. WARREN expected to have been placed over it, as Prineipal. - Ito ttias het offered any Professorship, and, in n fit of an getz;sep,artited from the Methodist body, his congregation siding with hini, and establishing themselves in an independent union, under the title of Warionitem This was about twenty-Ai!, years ago. Not long after, Dr. Ilrehasx was admitted into Holy Orders, in the Church of England, by Dr. SUMNER, then Bishop of London, and now Archbishop of Canterbury. Most of his congregation con tinued with him, when lie . Obtained the small incumbency of All Souls, Manchester, where ho has a very limited income, but'from which place no offers of preferment have been able to detach him. The younger Sa!MEL Woiturr was sent to Edinburgh University, to study for the medical profession. In his first year ho ob tained the prize for Poetry, and another for an Essay on 'Comparative Jurisprudence. The success of this last induced him to abandon Xeculapino for Themis, and, in 1828, he tai lored himself a student at the Inner Temple in. Lonifen. Ho studied hard, writing in Black wood "merely for support. Ho practiced as a Special Pleader from• 1831 until 1837, when he was called to the bar. Calculating on some assistance from his father's local Connexion in Lancashire, he - went to the Northern Circuit, where, though he never has had. a flrst•claea' practice, ho has been tolerably successfiil. In London, too, be had a pretty large number of clients—the cautious attorneys who would hare avoided him as a writer of,novels col. tivatlng his acquaintance because ho bad written popular law books. 'Finally, he was In such fairly lucrative practice, in 1851, that ho was able to run the risk of being made Queen's Counsel. ill threugh,be continued to write for Black wood. Early in 1852,' when shuffling 'Lord lona it IfIiSELOS contemptible Ministry were turned out of Office, and the Derby-Disraeli partisans came into power, WAIIII.EN wrote some very able and graphic, articles in Biacl4- wood in defence and eulogy of Lord Danny. The result Was that be was rewarded by the Recorclership of Hull, an office worth .2800 a Year. the .rfallOwing year, when Lord Dalt sr‘Was installed as Chancellor of Oxford,. in ,succession to the " Iron Dolce," tho Uni versity made him D. C. L.—her highest honor. In February, 1850, he was elected M. P. for the 'borough of Midi/alit, and was-re-elected' lib IStitz 'Dior ainie 185`2, he 'bait 'constantly writCen • 'Black-timid' . aittpleit ',Kipp - Oiling Lord Dkatir. therefore, *lien an LidObiericy Omit , !misiticinerahip' was lately irtiOited;hyllie death ofO office'(tl;so per annete for life)*as tendered tri"Wiutiti,,rt, Who . declined ..Sfeaterahip . Lniticy,' how ever, with largek'aidaiyo and no labor; was too great a terePtaticiri, 7 and Kieft , quitted Parliament, in ivhiCh'ite.Only did not fail, but has abnidrintleituirtitit'ontiF4444 'devotion to literature, " • VrAnnnit looks inneh'ysiinger than his' actual age. 'Held 'straight in, figure, compact.iu forreland well looltlng festnres. lie Obti- { shinny **aril glasses,'anif dresses with *sititlied: neatness and taste. In manner he is eaSii,atidt ‘'gentlemanly. } lie , Is decidedy a religions' • ; " Alt!icaigh' inceaglifol' author, W.,kaaF# is 'riot S'ysfy g 064 yo!,) , OadliastiTt nnpleasppt risbit of pausing, in tits middle or iiiiiiaria,, , forpo purpose ,of ia : ielje 4 cVng'aforat Efo`a,ses toOmaiir ' , Words-41,g Nat 'acaidonsatioa• ' 'ti Diiry, of a most 453 'difOcti79Thihrsl/114 tekiy3bfitlok It Asiieictiiiie pin Aubrey equld' :Isti A • !i l ipAg A ti shOild•;n9t: nni's isiitif aitsPly ,ptose"pi *ji l Ette ' papoi's arts pretentions 4 " clever: `1 is' writings uppii'pirofes'sionu sub= jects ar0 . ..0)160W , i and 4.13 'ai)y,nonc NOtlstif at 6614 . 1110 , Wianaaii 1 1; 1 atotiSni'rtiiidyin." Naa f a gait elocpionco. Rat Vfie'Press f . . . =Ain. ration : - R to knoviii to pouf. ihs.dera that i the'lter,46hn Hord is deliiering ti ilicirse of tures en •Aeoloslattioal History,' at PonegitHall, 1 14 ,4 itheir.alutlingrWortirand - tere 'merit ardiger• ibeplyagt so generally known, ,[ I I it,: : 1 - ..- 7 . - . 1 ' The subject ` itself is forbidding rather thanak , tractive to most minds, from the, tact, that Ecolesi. *deal' history, ,its, it , appears in no beat, is tiearthily.; e",..4ry:1 - end' .uninterwting- detail - of Detentions.) about- trilling f' theological - dog. 80 'Bf^ Mid Moment - fo - any' but the Ininiedi, ido 8 l' 0 3 481 '0 ioii ' 'in it'll' ne he '--- ' 'd by artiost common ha:tient the memory of •therAatherahas beenvoM. , tatted to the custody , of the Rotnen'Ciatbolici Phurat; and tie it 0011208 to flail thitt'those ' men, great 'in iribilleet - and mighty is power, whose lives were,spent in battling for the good and true,. OratwhOse aoldevernents •have made all coming generations„ their debtor, are 'either 'held In Superstitions reverence 'oh . the - one - iied, 0r,.. on. the other, consigned to •unmeritettoblirion. .1 - n,,tis; heads of ,rdr;lord they become instinot with life ; their flesh and-blood portraits Stand oat before yen; drawn with tincaitnittongraildscpener and justness Of ,dainestlOn, while their charaoter, And quiditioe, trhether for :warning -or imitation; are yreeentedno eloquently and4oreiblY that yOu danuot fail to beintereate4 Whila'yett:m , ane leis mire of being inetruoted, Re inika of, effendi long peat es though; he had' partiolgated•in than, and. maltim yen - feel , as if you ales had witnessed the , Meats' , he deserting: •,, That, Its a i lesiturer, bellace dopyist is apparentl, and whatao, ein n ,iti he thOligt4 of 'his style,-ao ene will dung that his cenvietions are expressed iriolear and .pungent language, ie-• Marta:de for compactuent , and force; and even itheri you disagree with his conclusions, yeeltre 'Whaled that he is no less honest than earnest. - , Therein a freshoestiland 'originality ii-his*ro. „a:cations; with an .cconsionalicin Of baihOi4l,C ?punt in.:oo A very agreeable' eealeming.: ,WAle No. Lord iti'tioi fieefnim - fanlit, botit_in ski:piA4 414 - ter; ,Yer fareiy,have .12hottrd .leotaree,lvith` , wlieli X, ,heln 141,ter, gloated Or ;more in a.meted. -. As each 'lecture isa finished tind:eoiri , : , 1 ''''''i r ßiu,koV o l*,:* - -it. , ptoTtivliktoi.c - w . etiteiS• Or Hilatetieta hor,l' t*-ottliiins'"of. Val._ , ladapitia • will 'show their apprealation of , that which ,is really , excellent, • by - giving hibi full home for the; remainder of his 0011/80. ' . : ,- , ' • J. W. W. East paitimore'Ciniference. [COrreepondonee . ot The prescf ll= Wrutrinarorir, March B. • The Conference was opened with prayer and singing, conducted by Dr: Cullum. Oa motion, copies of the'deoleion of the commit tee in • the case of Rev. E. Butler were furnished to both proseoutor and defendant. iThc question, who is received on trial? John W. Brown, John B. Brown, John Brown, John E AMos: Emory Butirman, D. 0. John, John A. Monroe. James • G. Moore, John B. Polsgrove, Martin L. Smith,. Joseph R P.. Swan ger, Reuben Sowall;Amoa B. Smith: - - Benjamin 0. Lippinoott ,was received on trial, and to be transferred to Territory. " 'On motion, the. Conference proceeded to• fix the place for the next annual session. Petitions from Chamberaburg, Danville; 'Williamsport, and two from Baltimore,'and LowlsbUrg, were pro- Rented. 'Lowisburg, Union ;dountyi Penna., was' selooted:• • . The'oommittee en - the Seimenls Unicin 'Bethel Made a report. The report . states 'that in the Itothel solo* three hundred professed cenversions during the post year—mne Wundred of whioh were seamen. The resolutions dealers the cause worthy of the oentldenoe and symratthybf the public. The committee on the cause. made their report, which was adopted. The committeemn tow:lasi:Me made a report.' The resolutions deplore,,the decline in the intermt; pledge to use all magneto, promote, the , cause, and carry out the disdiplinary rideptitentperanue. The order of the day wag - milled up. The rise. Wiens • ion•elavery were uitanisousty • voted agniont 7 or,' in other words, the. geet.,Baltimgre l e t o i nf . drenrie is . forth , e discipline oP the,,,,Ohurch.:,.as The question of lay representation in the Gene, tel and Annital Gonforenowt was very extensively disoussed. The vote on the resolittions t etoodi for 62 against 79. E Jamlion wig pliood 'On the euperaunie rary Bet., Adjourned, • Ravorren.. [Per lee Itraessj - A GREAT 'DIP/TAMP. —An etchange says " tt3o rather surprising that whilst ocean steamers built by private enterprise make voyage after voyage without damage, there is scarcely a Go vernment steamer that makes a voyage without having to put in somewhere to repair machinery." The abtve artielo, which is passing round the Country, does gteat injustice to theinavy proper, which existed before Mt. Tou'oey took hold of the helm, and will exist after ho has retired to the banks of the Connecticut., vessels 4ery, rarely break down. Th'o, Mississippi hits been. soventeen teats in etlintaienfon and has never 'broke down, and there are otheri of ognal merit:' But 'the vessel's purchased by Mr. Tones.) , on the same principles that he contracts for live oak and machinery are constantly breaking down ; all or neatly all of them have done:so, and put into foreign ports to repair damages. The Toucey Pots, as they are 'called in the service, have now boon bought by the department, and will cures' Gm reputation of the navy for years,'uniess con demned ae soon as they return home from Para guay. These vessels have been smuggled into the Navy at twice their value, and will soon double their first met in repairs. NAVY. Mediation of Brazth. .The just and friendly Governnient of Brazil is dimmed to 'accept the office of mediator in our difficulties with ?araguay, add there are many and cogent reasons why we' should embrace the generous offer. We have nothing to fear from the want of a fair, sound, and competent judgment _ on the part cf the drat Power of SouthernAmeriea• ' for, above all the nations of our double Opntinent, Brasil is the most firm'and judicious friend of the UnPed States dts whole charaoter and policy tend to the preserva tion of amity and thO inmost) of commerce with this country, and at the same time its multifarious relations with the feebler States of its own eon ti. nent make aeure and careful line of justice a primary necessity. Whatever there is of truth or falsehood in the declarations of the Paraguay press and Govern ment that the reelamations—outside of the shot at the' Wate t v,Witoh—are ,based on false and fraudu lent statements, would. then be sifted to the dress, and the whole ease placed in the clear sunlight by a capable and impartial arbiter..;, Brazil is our natural ally., It is in §untli Amerioa what our Union, is on the Northern Continent—the only s t rong ' and stable' Power in the midst of :weak and conflioting, anarchies. These two loading Powers have in their diversity ofproducts and pc , cellar locations a vast field of reciprocal interests, and not'one rough point of conflict: and this hint of a disposition to mediate may be made the plea-, sant beginning of a closer intimaoy in their future relations. Paraguay must, in any ease, be brought to a just settlement. We cannot, take less, and we ought not to desire more, from a feeble sister re public; and if this can be had without effusion of blood, and In Sash a fern as to prove to the world that our Deuce and our mode, of pressing it are alike honorable, It will be' something /mom plisheff in favor of the American name. Brazil will be entitled to the gratitude of. an' American _Governments if it can avert aver, and aid in ce menting a durablo peace "batwegn Paraguay and the United States —lVaslsington States. AN OLD LADY TURNED 017 T or DOORH BY HER SON—ltnn Woman named Susan Davis, 70 years ist — Ogeoias - oil - Thursday night last at New 'York, tarried out of doors' by her son.. Sbei applied to an acquaintance living at No. 201 Ninth •avenne.' . Ile kindly 'forniihed lior with food and shelter. About five o'clock yesterday she was found dead in her room. The coroner wag notified. •TwO:cumrs...l Bo Girt '"eurgiissiatirlsmigiqxy,ignict., vellzAngT 4 CLAiltes 4uica-sYs#lll' PRATAP ,, — " Weirton. sL , "•Widon 4 tranonand . linw , WitientogmtlimrtlitigiiinglseOltirlOtte — Odri "Y• 01 . , ATIQPI'A• 1 44-11; . . ; NvirosAL. 414 1 1*, , Grilit ..4 3, 0 01 Wri "Leath! , &HMIs fl otnpan — y. 4-:• " and .Irguentrian; - Ogii 4.49!mig" I.= 'AO' I=s LiY:' fl..t=PA Martononapt gra , glaggf, `Chan from - 0 nui, PantimMion, pinning, and filmrkAtik • Tamer's Annemine.-W oerateii Negro Zommt3Modop,lfarotte L lpriging,,ond - Danong.q ; BDILDIIIa •: : •',• . 1 - • . ll3othibrasiohin'or deft isr stated; • Feeetingl yesterday . ttnernooti. , ,. at clo0 . 0L; This body met at three , n , sdook, yestetdaTafterniron, , Ur - Wharton In theebevr. - • . The followtqg qatiumintelitions. and , lietittoairlierel recqtrad : ,ope attinerotikiiatined; ask ag that the Wegaei Tree] Institute be • pet:mkttek xernata , Ittipting gafddn Hall.' :••• - 1 011011'011 a ; S i . Merrick and O. mete; remomdren • tig paiktaht the pavy3gef seetela ,pot. er,a-ptriet 1n (The; One ninsibronslpielead,r , rhinnitiihtinviiielitniti s li l e remotest of thensint const,t, floripg,Gerdo linefeeni the - 'lntel of the en - feral - coutte,pskUnt forthetter accommolatione lot tlie t &meta; connertnicatiemend petitiot ih martenti„74 Inikihri fir' the paettleandfgritalh/ Of el' et 0 •4 ,1,1 thi , Twentronithrient.onelfertyte ON prefer lf_CSlnmhile'tteentlee.. end /Wag , • 'thireon alO'AlkeirciFtkri:irretriWltuf,t L°3,l 4 o ,ll 4:o l 4ol ll, iitatft Wet , oran ,attd own. om the Tfortheisa LltmicitHestHelititinipiii?; iinen.ethes "the' elnatnielef ot.a maTesf,lßTelnlyefentit enr , kjihetnetna .13giesi ant 6004; one from .08 %ft". raNtlt_ltnetthi #int Dipartreenifelative tetli - rtighteiind Tmilifges'dt-the city; one from the ilehuyikill Navigation Compel* se= tense to the emit banke at Pairmeonit, which are cow_ aidereertheeetere„ac.eestalta *:gateetosigioW, -Plane& there Dl he city enthesitiee. hese bee n sensovetir fern ,to the Ilanntlitteir ea Trat.F. - • • - rtrlaCM"t4kflr/RI ZePeived fionS.thefelentiollessi of nbilp Schools, enclosing anesoloyon eveklna.„-fos apfintirlatithi to- therende the laitirrof the *Weenie , of-moral and mental philoimehr int Hie WO MOW, Henreid to . the Oonintittee.en Schools. - . -One fro . m-Mr.-01ty 'Teti-stair; calltellie 'attention e Connell" totheleat thstaincetheanth ,NoVember hist he h•le Seoeived no return of ,ontatande, , taxes from the , IteceiVeS Of Taxis: Alpose- the nffer ;of,„that , Mikes at a.time,whesethe ettp,raelin.nied ;nhonee...lte riMelied 'from hien on the 20th of, Tonna ,s 3 l s, 9 o o,iddinsHebrdary , lllthnOilloti.aeronittof hta it:44loolone, but without, .any atatement„ nit to, thel iearet taisito which theta itoonnforneisi 10 kat:treated: The ,reenitts than this 116.5 7 .000.01' , thti mthi "f. tugs • lattgo n i," ,usekin.napng linlqndebtedpe p r *4147 ylitkoqt 4e; ,knowledge of the Ciente-oiler. . 1 4 entilhatte# or:thictlietAsteirei!fittTiasi ithe clerical force in hie department ismotudnalent, to: enable him to make thine returns bioneptl.t: Ti. communicetian wastrefesed the—Centblltheeeelit ,ance. . . The co - Inmate., of conference on ardinent:e-regn ,lating passenger rafirraye reported .thelx , inability to, r i g' nWere . lte4ret VPaaeto Ward' of 3applies, ,, said board toconsist of .tlae - iniada of ..,tbe Several departments. 'Referred In the Committee on; Putante. — Aironn ordinate proilditig ford home - of oorrection and employ ment.!,.l4terred, to the Ootrunittes • n Pobr! Mr:Carman read In place ~ r ur- o rdinanee passenger ratlwaye r -a bilteindlar,fe that ./oft in pones.: quence of the dteagrartoentrit the two Climbers. The barolay clause isorelttbd, in the bin, and the tra on each oar is Oxod at, thirty dollars, Parsed. t6a indirianee was idopted by wbieh the preceeds - of he jostle( Oeobor. , lafet, are .)iippiopziitte4 to the eon: - traction of Cooduko,. Moore aork.Vlne-threet gala The committee reporte4 - akordivienee tivattstania • itional dlvialon to the Itraliteeoth cara t The bill &obit:lota on CO r tan'sil siathoriitni a lOait fOr t i ke, fortiori exteasimaof. thalwarerlrorhO;:*Tba prier{. pal obs*ot of Mid hill la to fur' rash e.t.a] supply. of we-, tacit* Oa loath Oro !atattho - of eityT , Tbe yeee and : liaya ,were polka- on- the~lywage,of, bill, And no ta'thile tames. - , 1 Wawa. Neal, Cortratadiaridtaiii, LOWY: a n d Otto:kis debated It at coo/041mM* yfb.Sob, ItAttss passed by a vote of l 6 you toaeye omit. , , komtunanication was received fr om lbw COY Baler fpr giving a sttflinpat of expeollitarat of-the Uttiatlts! Taixaogar 'Railway The Reds are as lottoi• ; - Construction of the rcTed 1148,2141 t - ' --..--__, _ 11011lug*toolk o h0ij0e5ek0 . .... 0 .,....., 80,099 TO ~-, 226a1 estate " - - - ' - • '' - 87,26:3 66 ' ' Legal expenloos • t o ', •' " 4.,1, 88474 Insurance, ( pootetu,t2),;,„ , , - &LW , • erateurtrent o taX6ii;4l: , - • ''' •- " - 2 17115 T '''" i ' / ~ ;Total — l ' ' _sl72 611 18 ... The blll ,Trom'Oemmtn ChStinoll,roeveylng a nntaiiiir o Yeephiti oo ll rPf PTidhq for.. tit*, item:nor ;In inhichf e refits shill be Opened - and Pet%ed walk received.. . , I..iffeolfitfortprot,sofeg-.1 or .thfr- patina. er Ittifririiiii 'street ,efuitira.d to the bit* heafi,oft ,940 Peliftrare deer s'conourie.l in: - • - , „ • W as Also, a resolntion proaldifit for the .patlok of a , farif- - etrahle =father' ofatreeta in,the s upperasotlon efllll1 7 ,1 4 ... v, ; The hifi,fleettlflos Brotkans other etreeta'he ettialai f anahltetwagoiuf (before reperte9 etas pitted JIF ,m,nl•-• nal r .:,11... , -'• --;',.‘,-- , , -,- -,, ', NJ - - v. e• . 71, 4 1 -!MA. 1 117..„, ~ ~ 1.• ~! *, . liar, naraztra s .411111 . 1) ott - p etotkata_ - P tntatif;:tto coliouind in .: ,,, ...=:. . ,:f-e. i , , -1. , The bill empowering the 11411eIver of ranee to arapl4 three additional permanent clerke 1n _hie hie office wee passed' finally, 'Adjourned: , • • • - „ , . .I. , . ' • - -. •ok4 - `tea",- ~pplotati COMltolf COVIIOIL Krider submitted a -potl4ll.for ext - extentada of the Bealtlmm lelegraph`to geosud sod ; Reed Assets, Shorted. r ' ' Mr. Case, a petition fora matketstand on Ninetlenth I treat. Referred to Committee - on Markets. Mr. Dennis offered a petitioffirom Judge Liwrie W. kt: Meredith, Ern., anti others, !taking . for additional aaeommodatiene for the law library Referred to a epe *lel committee, consisting of klesers. - Denoit;lL Miller, and Wister. Petitions for pering 'Ceresln pot one o fN oble,}'Pat. Isis, and Perktomen streets wet* read antreferrest.", . . Mr. H. Miller presented a ,pitltion, for laying water. pipes on Papier street, fromliineteenth street to Ridge avenue, which was referred to Committee dn'Water, • • • commuutostion watteetimitted by Mr. Potter, ; from the Northern Liberty Gas Coinpaoy, *Whig their hotness to, furnish gas on the same terms, se the city mks.. Referred; after some debate, to Committee, on Gas. Petitions for the erection of market.itoruses,oo Gintrd, avenue were 'presented - by Messrs. Gillingham, Gay, a gimes, Wilder Moyer, andllrOwn. Referred to Otim manna oh Markets. ' " A Tennorifitratioe • from ce n - mem era of the sr against removing the criminal court to Spring Garden" Hell was referred to the Committee on City Property WetherilL 'submitted a preamble and reitthriona directing the Committee of Mimeos to h quire into the oxpediency of purchaaing the building on Fifth street, below Chestnut `now occupied. by the American philo sophical Socie ty . , Agreed to.' • . - The Chair 'submiVed a cOmmemdcation from farmers and gardeners, asking permirsion to etendthtir wagon" argued Penn Square. Referred to the Committee on Ma keta. A communication from the - liell•ringers of St, Peterre, Church relation' td ringing , the - belle on Washing.: tours torthdty. Referred. to Committee of Finance. , • A petition was presented' by Rally wiring for ad ditional market-houses on South Eleventh street.' 'IIO-' tarred, ?dr. Recker: of Committee On Finance. subniltted an Ordinance authorisiog the appointment of "threei olerti In Receiver of Faxes' sates at a eatery of V3to., Agreed, Ailen, a resolutiohjinthorlaiair *bin:steep or the city iceboat to otpley conned: to defend the city !Phut a end - by - - the 'Commercial- Teenrance 'Company, for dareagel wollered by loin of the brig Y,rergreen: •Agried to—lreas 84, nays 33. Also, an drdin nice mating an appropriation v1'32,- 114813 topay debts contracted by the City Oomeession em in 1958. , ••• . • . Also, en ordination making an appropriation - of $5160 , to E. Heritage for auditing and nettling up the an. counts of Wm. $1,203 to Hr.,Y,ohn lli. Duitua for arranging the bloke in the Controller's office ; .1201 . to Y:Dallana ; S2CO to the widow of the lite mode, and 3400 to the clerks in the City Treinmrer's offis. , Agreed to. Mr. Haoker moved that the rules be suspended, to enable' the - Chamber to 'ake tip the bill . authorizing a loan for the purpose of extending the City Gas Werke: Agreed to—yeas 03 waylaid._ • .„ ~ • . sir. Manuel uttered an amendment providing that at least onohalf,of the a uto alien be appristed forth. to trodnotion 'of main and earring' pipes and meters 'think ins withdfaWn. •2 - The question arose on the ordinance attached, which rise to a very long' end animated debate, which -was l pertiolpeted la by Hassle. Buliook, 'Becher. Bar- Bialuel i Dsnais, Potter, Cooley, Whiter Wetherill, W. Conrad, tasoher, and others - .The amendment was ,not sgreid to by la vote of 34' to 31. tic, Buttock offered an amendment that ' the Sae wrrtt. shonld not be allowed to, band any dwelling Iwuees in the' neighborhood of the work! without per. min ion from City Oonootla'; which Wen etietpUti ,Potter moved to further amend by adding Cu. other prowler. that the expense of foretelling gas to-the lama shallmot ttioord tireetplive denary per annum to coat 18. MD, and that the- coat of eXtloguitihieg nod lighting each lamp ghat' not exceed six dollars and five mute tot each lamp. . _ . A point of order 30 AO rallied that the amendment Wee not germane to the bill. " The Chair submitted the point to the clamber, and It was declared out of order. The question then arose on the ordlnanoa, 'and it was postrned to Thursday neat at four o'clock A. ~ raresage from the Mayor eras received, vetoing a bill oporopriating money to steam fire-engines - and the fire department, „ „ , • _ The bill was poetponed. , idr. Manuel submitted a resolution that the division house of the Fourth division oI• the Twentieth ward be changed to the southeast corner of Eleventh street and Girard avenue. - , Sir. Bullock, obrilrman of the Committee of nigh= ways, anbrnitted a Mll with an ordinals°e for the repair of -email bridge and the paving of Certain streets. The ordinance was agreed to - The yeaa'snd nays were called on a resolution anther. r'slog ttto t:111114 . 11 up bf ceitain streets in the Nineteenth _we'd, and no.qaorum voting, Chamber adjourned. - VEBNON ere requested . to acknowledge on behalf of the yiee•llegent , of the Mount Vernbn.Ladies' Absoelation, the' recelpt'of the f3doiring stims : Frain Messrs. Ct. W. 0 $5O; W u. P... 110; F.B, $5; 3 . W. K., $6 ; J W. St ; • " A lifriend,"ls; 'pavlova Ledge of Odd Fellows, No. 258, $0; Mrs V. Ny.; $25" ; Men Ti., Delaware, Co; Sire; 11, $10; Dire , S 5; tiara J. $2 60; ?dins j :S P"15 10; 1,1147 P. sr ; 115,2'7C7•46; Was E. el fie T he ' widow , e ; The, valorem dangb. tee "$l. . tiontnbotlons which maybe received hereafter will be „k,,ewiedged in the Sifonat V crams Regialsr, t a: paper issued by the association. Commanleations may be ad,' dressed to the Vlee•ltegent, - No. 1016 Sprtice tarot, or' Box No bla poet office. ~ • • Tlll5 Nub( RAILROAD.—TheRidge-avellUe Prvginger Railroad wag opened on Wednesday attera noon, Whed two ears" passed ever the road .with the director's and a number of Invited guesta: • The loner. .ork'Aieh'street between Fourth and -Fifth 'etreets,'L bag been laid with cast, iron,: dispeseing r -wltb Wooden string -nieces. Tweutpfenr oars will be plated on the toad on Monday next. - , . TnE POST OFFICE was' closed yeetektligifrom 22 q l 3 l O O, M. to 2 u'oloelr, E. K.', during the fitneral of Governor Brown. 7.41 u act of .truapeat to the deemed wee announced In the moil:61)g pspera, but, thoneanda of pastime either overlooked-the item or forgot it, sent% quite a throne of persona, wended their way to Third and Dock streets between the hours named, ant( Were brwoeht to a ateed! by seeing , the closed dear/ vsf Uri office. , ; „ , From a paragraph in our. local columns, a few days atone, Wale persona hivie Inharrtd that the Raw. William Biebep intends to rennentsh the ratnfatry and' comathnee the praat.ce of medicine. Such, we are alai to gap, hi not toe case, nor did we intend to *Clayey anch • an irtipiltpi,owirk the cattett I.lferti4 to. . Wiiiszer Bersir.—We were , Inforined 'yes:' terday morning, by Lieutenant Hampton, that there ere no lees than four hundred placea where 1 neer IA bold in his Metric.... which la composed of the Third and loath wards: Norm To:OtilutaiiroWliterrs. . ckft rif k irot l. l7 , 4":lo, l 4,1 ' Wait itig eats . qirsiy "wad it 4lii,irk,lX.P iirlaiiiiliAo.o4l#4ll 1"1"J -sivitti~.,,,istlismillt711f10, Isola out other IttututloT - oquttibuitos• ghisk.:ffig, ituniout newt oilikeT 14 ,izapair putkialar kVii'P l : 6l N el 4; L #r mom, 7:?z,fekt. - et • ;, il,RF8T1011,1)T taeetbig 0 . 1. -Qiir 8 01 #144.05 0 9o4rolprioomslooorouoio !wenAN#-N 4 Ni tb to 4 *, ii o 4l eiirPkb?Ftil.l94l4*74x _ayeynf ihnaiiio. The nwowilire •Itinit-16 sinneittiff, , Mal 4i/illoalarl7 fa thetchoolaaireaoirilliri apoare p alb_ sfallatlee:2Rrell r iulmintigri of esre, %Amid ap Alt WO of ok-eaddeil Allem of Mit ami d /Melba Miaforoirlia 3 / 1 1 0slatItfmtriellVr wiYontaf aeiniabifeltinhen. U P° 74 0 " Pu t. / 421 . 11 5 12 /flit 1bit.4 0 .0 1 14. 1 4 0 4 0 6 / 00 ig, would,Chit -r eedit Above sionfe. Sal* clieatiliool•htnems' lie' impalimaatio the free cgrin4 nri the +scholars. abnabitAin. fillairmbtoleraabe. rpmminhe r ijaa oe three fearful of-the trattrof-Nifentam`? The 'GreisaYsleh-itreet" New lreskowd the lite'4oll4eiit In licoordyer,iiirtrfralft la the Wadi of all. • /f,thelloore4 Phiclinhoide/hoclr mentioned b. nntivirds, Ind its tbe-ada{ber of datirelaid -boa 'Weeiritelithii*atiof scholarti. many kparont lallorNkildisiwnwald rkides' Id iYn - offspriog,,scid,,anuiy,a. child OOWJ roguldoNog- ta,th. Idiesit -tomb would fir the Monza of Alialinnortath. LTlMairturacioldeeit thatixamase the city of Richmond, Virginia, in 1811, whlai hiegoile Into hiatory. in which a haretter gf.peregpqq hot their liten by the biirillient'this theitte,whilirtbellealiace woe witneulog the perferlasepeOtet. ploy:, might hairs beery fa aptaCiaclA4vrA - ,Prv*cloit e.ive.i.tpon opened antitiirde :1110a44 Ineat4l:: l l . ba,,enaole or 1111chniondltotitidihjthet tfetiebtileeion; Ind - '4lll the t he e tescank.hellolo.o4) - .eiteole cemetnuttedirith • iriereallesZeturniacei %hap, ashy shota4 the cootrillicarloie y_Fmairr a4cipthig this ilea In onr ownisehOolinii eligkinalhatoiroaletherreoevesiT to naikein 2sysheematterepa sippAo-.oe,ceiraileaciet, fribonikeh inalig a g ii lataaatilket, ajiagasscia Mt F. • S/ aa . 41/17. •0. • Tfr V'" 4 aihavalhariblikak haat qtelOirset.the baltrAtlelfverghtthetlitled ledgeil ;11 - eiliewithei Use, a a.slageoprony Armteke ,the, twig salts tionadiut ietnead' it` th e or 'Agin toinere,: who Braced in a nnutler on board the itest . !bait alltiatonOmr • a few reef a1t94.1 Meet, thtdealhotterlisehand;!: L i &mere is, been leldled lantseolule 1111 and.themonod indicted urn hienik Wedneela.e . ehtet. ii belteyed la !lump bean infilqted-,br man iettleeheer•ce L ln. ee ; terns of , close Intimacy, -Tatted,the,eet, eteetete haather rn a - ,bratal 'lnainter,blecklog or, cyst; and, I .otherwlenbraltreatlei betVand indlrgthebnitellty by ;shoot:rig bar!, Tlntdelered_reines4 with fewmweinty ;hi& "makes the rollitnlese of her waaa4A• maitydarer how In a bolder light; fern/lei tor& lassnerne, aaal as- V•tea taat ,Flaa:vatt, alt:aiimi :her law weteceeeled„ he tuan.whq littrlthout dattht -the perpetrator of the - main a daspa*ta faMih.arho baa lima eheettal ffaitron former has'no ;et been at : • eiTr PktitiltilaiiaktrAiAltg:: l •Thii &Wittig - 4 ismed gehtlemou hare been appointed, par ttiiiiiii. attozaptyled irirpiiiitolaibettoihe ideititakta VA)* , - 8 0099ArlialbeviAltiarist nit culifikty** - Bolopii: , timiarz.2B, - )Boo,tlidiriaacWwiimsAzazviitkepor - Itoeslogo; loosoo ypot.:.ltott,ssql,Mitirr - , e qtl i iteri..HderrOrAt:, 4 oo4h Rae lt a nr- 4.711 .? , le* ilWetrorrtgisti lel i-13i. - Geoirjri , A . 39•1oiret,- , boob '.9..-Leresaterdtau_ J, -W,- J, -W,- IttoireClX9l4 Catir-"- - an? The obleit of tiltroommitteemrtilito been by ns- f erripirollte tiree'keiii *kw or the meeting { hider shoos: LugPioee thyy wertrimq9otatedole ;alines& in TitY Prose , i ( the 24th talMmp, 4,tv ikit Are Apto,thypee .. ..t oCtify iwiyir ; 'illiSt Amine,. ft - syy,ot ippr - eheterter T .: Ire vrefito:arcimplleit' their *liege Or atlaimobiilP ' if any, hero beep,iollueeredsbf Yeah miias; :itartio re. , 1 tort he;reettir_,lf deprortt;:e99e9triitpt!) - 11 fo4hel '! , , 011, : . .; ireeting to - he oniiveltift for thyt pttinee t - , . ...-• LTA' op '/7.1.99ENG E ;89.4110 9 89Crie p . f ~t Ileotg:lik, Capreiii; GAryln op attea o , yes ' tiirdsi =whine roi , 9 Irslin'ih . ;.jilh $ jarit rt;tilbt MIL' 1 I 1 ofolloirlAiiiisszei9tire,' idivira, k Inviii4l dud 143,; . , r.'lliiiimsitti;tresi.lhoyiUde;: Dir I a /34,14* k homes: B. iLlinueltlit -11::-Xmory.19: a. ihriTetwa.- lerrs saki/Wit, .7,B,Nriter...T,il:We4girorthp- A; ,T u - f oderiett; 9: irrtt94 16 . : Itarat.' Roy, Et : N.. Kent,. 9 .B • l l.ltjzoloWlC,W3`Handeriiii•' P:lt.- - 14 - Coits; ' ,Tomes NewtonsW.,- , -114 -Johnsoo, , , : F4 Malty' !Oho -: a "A*•_. R . * . 7"9 3 - 141 / 6 .7 4 */ 8 1 35 Y0 1111 01***4 , ' idifir 4 *" : , i4 -14 t'l jeAt ei ~, ; ,W04 * 97. , . ~ e - I2PIG J i went to the hone.of mv o siggtooi lo fAXOI , kfMli . fte i tiii," ditrint,ll iipitibl!," oit to to' too - , Viit;44o,:",,Ti#:..; ghee; io • miiii . :`..oiwitiiipiillWd la/ain ' t t Oitiiik - h r been dank , :1111.11, erbdi'ileteirithieto'i bir - popee , " tarok hey .sio .holoy, Ina . ,proviil•4o4 l l% • Ow Polar/. ",- 13 of la Ittoymeoitygrilloo,yrbrther . shirmat stet, rill_ ~ Arai? roorbhigll7 . Aldermen' Iftwtit4itt* , , .„ 4 ~, 1 Comiriptiireltali: l - 1 0iititoifigtifixOntrI.' 'to tiO '1? "- ielo - ' 1 ' ,pir Wiii arierfied ibrArt e , lob Jelite ay ora#4,_. of the rhaigio6iiiiitiiesi ooiiii - 15444 - iiiiiii:nao ',' ai tbeltigireetor6 ieLiirlitiriiaiir:iiiiiiitiliiii' *tookroad. 'Bo wily tlihirelottore Aliternewiend9o, , l 1 1 1 4 ,,, a4 .1: c t! 1 ? - ! i n e, P 9 MT f- - --.• I ~..,.!, i WHE mom:Timm Reis. The swig' of are; 4 ( 4°W1f 1 . 4 . 4' *4*P !111 AP" VP I O4 VP* fair leCther.. bOttit ot . 044.1,14*0. Mosiikoat..4talioxe,*t_ ..'v • riktft , " ? l 11 •14•:4 111 4. 0 D7. 4 4.41 1 7,0 1 5 0 •••1 0 •4- 'i / h reiVb orioi ' id lkythitltorayr.s one 19irhyArrtiy: -_, - 4; , g -, ~ ._, LA:Raittil!:«ltiiblei tolloti . , ,Votliiiltpie- .., Atio _roar oeilitiiisy-*i OW, iiiiiitotplatti:bidvt, fite . yras;Nr 'on - aineedivAtiottiokeisiteitilti‘ityi hioa,.." 111141."--.47. :: :411: 1 34.76k ;F 4 , 7 / 4 :' 47. -4,717 2 7:1 ": " ' • THE ' COITJELTS:': YT.ttrEfilt.d.F!fr - PitiIdISTITSII. , ism:feted for ThsPrearal -- it/WIPED STATES' DISTRICT CollitilidAo' Odditalader eas& Of Augustin RSepyierlyi: charged with =skim; arid pandas, comoterfelt money, , doll/00am and *tarts ra,thelnerrendered*o verdict of igurity of.miesia Seittsinee'weirdeleired: - • '-- - iwumPitokov ant on :Kt Itrini-on. the airlifts of:paining and sttempting_ to, pals ,eonaterfait quartets. The defac:llmi randthepiodisailutinies-z= thht of lnyleglarmpradinsi to the amintry; - entbring2 tog it to the oily for saia. It.wea testified 'MAIM be pained seven etiunterfett OiYartars on one than. and two quarters it the Black gorse • Taterci of another nt the time hh,Pingli the money belied other quarters of a rtmiltr character in lilt possession. In payment for twb blithely of born be gave to Isaac Roberts, of Mont gomery..two quitters; width pftr ad' to be - counterfeit: Whenthe defendant was arrested there were counter feit quartere !mind ou kith. • • 4 , , he preseentien arilehaded. and. - slxint 'thirty '- witnesseetwere rizeinined provhig the defendant's, good eh meter, and. although; admitting -he ,passed the • moWelilitt It wan net 'With a - pithy - intent. It was Alamo that the defendant was careless in his method - of hendM2g mown:never lien:dishing it plosely either 7 whim:paling or receliing it.! Jury out., _ QUARTET:: SESSIOIVCS-411dgtt • Lttill(o.=-Ed 3 ward Driffj was araiged iittimpthig 'te imam, ' dO•isr eounterfeit note of the WeaternEank ripen Breaks. It appears that the defendant went intothe. grocery store of the prosecutor and asked the price,. of him. and afterwards Mirchesed It and gate in pay. want a counterfeit lisre-dollar note The promentrr had just read au account of the o - un , erfeit• note ironed - open the Western Dank; end be - loniediatidY took - the defecdantinto. eualudy..". 'Verdict guilty:'• fentenced to - One yeiVe imminent:nankin the Rote= Penitentiary-.._ John If.:(tordori was oloarged,With receiving. a gold watehi valued '4110; the propartyhf Willfim P: An- demon. knowing it te be stolen. It is allemattitat the waft was stolen by a girl named Ida,Btawart. = The girl. Mt the watch in poatess'oo of Mrs. Wadley, 'after: shestele 'it, and :the defendant ears& t, the house' of - gr.. B, tatu,s..T ,ao„sakiti, t o iTardiet -The determent 'w a il sentenced to_One•yearta imprisonment in tit_Bastern Penitentiary: ' ' ' 'MPlitalm Dorsey charged with' assialt end Int- - Eery upon ldr:leaulty, a porta ofilner.•_ It ;immure that the defendant • wits - intoxicated. and' ne went to the hori•is of a citizen and rmuested a g'ass of limier; and - We relived, , Me was thee requested to go away, but he wonted not do so, ant the assistance of the pfosecutor wad callei in to take him away. The editor took, hold of him totake. him away, when, it Is alleged, the de. pendant struck him. The defendant has been in prima abide February last, and the' District Attonny said be would abandon the case, as he thoughtthe defendant - batmen Bulletin:1;1Y Patilliked: :Verdict notguilty, and , the pay the costs.. . - . - - John etnetz was charged With aellingjimior on Sun= day , Admit hiOnisontastifled that hiwinit to the store of the defendant on , December with a friend, and they bought some brand] and gin . 'V erdict gaily; Sentenced to pay a floe lit 1425 and costa, and to, be int. peered in the County Prison for th irty days. A Fry was charm dwith Intent to poison bia wife. - It JP. pears that the defendmitientlionete Me wife one night, and that, Snarl* went awayvit Is alleged that come meanie was found tying upon a board which coy funds dish of sour; cirout. Tr it was not proton that the defendant put anYpotsen into the dourciont, nor that .he eyrie pct it upon the board. It was net liven proven that the powder was arsenic. Verdict not guilty. • . THE Grata of 1778.—The following his been - rescind from a newspaper published at • the time of tho 'Revolution: "The following droll ,affair lately happened at Icluderhook, /row York :. A young fellow, ari enemy to Cie' likieirtlea of Amert-, ea, going to a quintet froths, Where a number' of young women were collected; and the only man - in the company, began his aspersions on Congress, :as usual, and heldforilt some time on the subject, till the glib's; eitasperated at bill rmpudenee, laid 'hold Of hies', striptied him naked to the waist, and instead of tar, covered hint with molasses, and fox' feathers took the downy tops of doge widen- grow in the meadow, and coated him well, and then let - Itiatlgo. Be in* prosecuted every one lof,theln, and! the matter has been tried before 'Justlee ilohoonmaker. We nave - not, as 'yet, heard his worship'w.judgment:. , It is said that Parson Bud's daughter is conoernekletthe affair." • ACM ACCIDENT occurred lateiy in Boston on the Hudson 'Railroad,: a' little Irish . boy being crushed under• the 'wheels of the train and being lijured severely.: The •residents of the neighborhood hearing of the aceident, turned out ea muse and, were proceeding to tear npthe rails when a strongdetachttiont of police wasisett to the soon° and dispersed them. : - Hartmna - n AccaMlrri,—z.A. fireman on a freight train, from Taunton,' Uses.; list Weaned dir 'morning, fell from the engine while it:was under a speed of twenty miles- an hour, and was pioked up with only a few bruises on his person. His escape from death may be considered almost miraculous. • - - . A &bail' 'Minn.—Mr. Garrett,, a farmer who residediresiAlbacy, New York. is a man of ready decision , and invmpt notion. One day last week he sold Ms farm for $6,000 the next settled $2;140 pn his wife and children, and on the follow .tug eloped with a servant glirte - califorala. ?'.ICOHESSIST, at- - Lyons, him (*covered the meats of removing, inentaneonsiy, - from the hands, the steins preduned by nitrate of in photography. It is shanty, to pat, !Mooed 'in the watermsed. , Sl]; ACoinaltr.—AtNowark, N. J., on Mon day, Mrs. Abby Baldwin, an old lady, aged silty:. - eight years, fell into a cistern NMI° the rest of the ;In .he • lived f"with were absent, and was - Jimas Al: Baden; Esqc, •of Boston ' harseiat t the Rev. Homan ..11umahrey-five hundred -da lsrs,'in remonse to an _appeal. th,..latter , medt, in behalf of the Young Men 'e Te9zr,ar,y4soactittlori or 'Pittsfield, Mass. • . ' iiiiitilvoas; I.l4olitti;B..feiv 048-pima a little giri`tobk ir'doseeilladdaulm•,:whiolt nearly kUlsri. hen" She kadd aits'Aison **Cam wished to go to heaven, to her little brother. , • A Hoax - ;--The story.aboilt thci dbiebvpry of itiniaekable old ooins; - gigantio'skeleloneote., id a oaf. , IP,Ohio,, la an unmitigated hoax, and was !Aged - asiflurleigne. - - lx Nnw Ironic, two new theatres are to be built—one on the site of Mozart Hail, by Mr. Bourdon% and the other by Mr. Eddy, in the Bowery, nor Oanal street. F '~"J s