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VEV. l iZt i llitoo4 4 4 l .iitoe ffirilTak row , , 00 0 , 4 *mi ff/ 1 ' 44 •ei athsw , sag Ome , the ; BritalurilWioa4loll4,m , ..tio"ht fr0m „'rt50id0dd0.011444411.1..0146.1.04, WWI ot 440,100t00K uti JOlMOMl44bl44llKibmokt i'frikaos lsrm, off, to.tAriLoggiti - oi t mk; oolik Moto, from imomm.r.to Stakosili.DoZoor gUr ymikr,E AU4offeel:: 331 Brig - Scams • A' lett kw" , EtrlgAt itaiectimfricioio;ar#lked*,.ximen, tztrtimiN.Poi - owd-u , 441/A4 - tv.-0-1 - ; -; • 4 1, A 4 INES --, , -- •""'"rs 7-: '.:' - :";'," ---- , , ,,..,,,z;,: r , - - is .- :' , -;;;. , yr-5-.:iit, UMW '. • ....- V-,. 4.,... 714 .0 * ~' ; - 4f ftllllrgieC • "- 6 ,. ' '..11 • ',' - Z' i '• 4 I, .. - •:r,c,*,,,ltti.- _ '- _ -..,,. .3f t irvraV , 44¢W-iailiid tV- tl. --,- -il 5• •• - '•• - ''. ''' -:'111344. -• ':1 ' * Azi# L Asori,mc. Nt• 4 ..mN-. ii. , 4 , ~.'-'• yi.' •.•'-iti', lair,' • ,f,iv.1.4,4,1•4&4*.. '0i1:494 Pk, -- -. , 'is t e ••,• '• 'O. ~ . ylvv - A-fgeT, . c=6 -r ieg ~ :;;;I• :. / i" ,, tv. ; ...rl-r; ... ,_.1 ., ; :., .....;,,,,,;;;,..,.7,-ut.,'-.,,•;iii, 410 i;, Pl4'. !4171-7474','W—alt, * li —___ " 3 .k Allr") I W,ashington trving, , :L" As far u hive had tit/los to..examine thePropeoneing, Lsptenstory, and ffYnOnymonwDiotionary, it glvea me great eatiefam, tien, and ailieire to mil 'to be well o &hoisted to total the purpose for which it professes to , intended,th supply the waists of Common ffshoole, and to be cleat manual far schools of A higher ifireer. o lion. Josiah Quincy, LL,D , late President of liareard pollege:isaye :-.'The public have long. since passed Judgmedt on yOur onallacatione, and the lapse of many years hen confirmed Its earliest dealsiens.? _ Rev. Edwerallitehcook; /st P resident of Am- heat (*liege says: =" Hsieh:p hied "ildi the hab't of using the Universal and Orltleal Monopoly, almost enelnelvely;ifoi 'areal years, t eball welcome the new One; with itthoproVernenta and additions I , jOh9it 0 L 1411, 1 -1. Ever ethee the publication of Your large tiletionary, I have had linear mo in My library, and one of the smaller editions I have always had on my table s a; everyplace Where my priblio datiel rail mo." Rev. filiphalet Nott, O a liroeident of Caton Col lege, e4e: t'ith the large work (the Nnivereal and Critical) I have long been familiar, and can cheerfully bear teertimooY to Its grief inerits: is at once a menu, ment to the honor of its author, end to the country thee slgnallied by his labors Prof.,C. C. Felton, LL D , of Harvard College, says : The Influence of your works laraptdly extending, in oppoeitibn, lodl am \ sky sure that your great Dictionary will become the standard ay.:or:here? Atev.7llllani Stearns, il.D.,'•Drealdent of Amherst College, soya have already looked Into it (the AiadeMic Dictionary) anfilelentlyto iio,thati it lea great imp:Overcoat on your 'motet work, which: to lag* of sly work of the kind, Is the greatest plebe." " Rev. Charles 11. klaney,Preiglentot Oberlin College, says It la r and timely, a highly Loport-mt book. It is needed in 4eirly every family, and will be much valued:by the reader. ll - • „ _ itev.lJames 'Walker, President of Ifarvird says It (the *Academic) Is, beyond Otfestion, the most convenient Dictionary, for the study table, and for common axe, which I have yet seen " Frolinglinyten, LL D., Prealdebt of Rut gers 'College, rays I shall prize it as a Mort valu able help in all its departments." Kirkwood, LL , ?resident of Delaware College, says regard the woes as one of sae; merit„'admizably adapted to the : iises for Which it la designed." Rev:lT:Mies II: Dodd; Preeldento(yreasylvanla Irl!rattiri says :—" Per the y parpoife or convenient con imitation, by readers Of every olast,and more especially by the: student isho arlticil, a practice!, rel eu eitenelie aviatizatinoti ii#4=Ae*:P.usiish s lind Amerlean language, anaetlied, there Is no Dictionary . ceptlal to this?) " ROY: Benjamin Hale, D.l) President of Robert Fret. College, says —:".I have Used,yoo plotionary for nutty piano, with great satisfaction, had. 4etir - smallei one We been *Abe habit of yecoreiniyilig , kr the nee of dpil/411 _ Bev l b, Collins, President of lekinsoxt Cottage, take pleasure in saying that it (the iica , • detalci i,eetca tame loTatilf the conditlinis of &coalman reference Dictlonary Mite 'l•streitly thin any one now - before the itablte,". • Stec: William A. Smith, I/ 13., President of Randolph MaiontJollege, nays;—•' I tun Imyi to&tate that your additions to the, plan ataally priraned'in works of the Mad cro decided. IMYrovemente, grimly tnortaMng the praottlal verne of a dict;onary...?, 8. li.Taylor,Ll:334 Prinnlpat pf Thillips Academy, todOtter, elytti-;-” The BbitlontrYeetrcis to me to com bine ttnneual eicalledelmi, and as a mandator general use, and for high schools and ooltegte, ft hie no Beim. xturJf - • . Rev. Mark Honking, D.D., Prelident of 'William's boiled°, says The work- Boerne to mrs to' 4 0e tory complete, nodes well adapted for the purpose Intended its anything oan'srell be. hate your large editidt lU bonstant nee:. lied heouard . Woodi, President of Bowdoin College, says:—" I assure you thitt , have fotind no coomlon to alter the favorable opirnon't long ado forined of your Dictionaries, In comparison with &D J' °there which I have had an opportunity a exiihinb Prof. Arthur M. Piro, A-laq William's boiled., says 1 do not hesitate to pronounce it eminently adapted to high - schools and academies," , . Prof. Sainuol E. - Smith, A. M., Waterville College, says It is, in my ludginent, the malt, contonia nt and valuble Dictionary for the nee of those for whom it le especially designed with whlab. I am noluainted." Rev. Alonso Potter, D. D., Bishop ol Pennsylvania, says Your larger Dictionary bee been ray principal resource over since it was pnblished.. Bet'. R. E. Pattlion, D.D.. President of Waterville College, says r.,—*; It is manifestly 'superior to any other work of thoduisui general deiegn." l Prof. S. G. DrOwn, A. it., barb:l6llth College, rays —"needs. to MI by far the moat comprehensive hod valuiblo manual that I AM acquetOled with." Prof. it. II Barney, A.lll , dornmiesioner of Public Schoids in Ohio,. gays I regard Wordstar'' Rte. mental and Camprehensive Dictionariel as the beet school dictionaries eatant.il Prof. Aaron 1411114un5,,A. UnlVerlitY of says:—"it is undoubtedly the beet itindard which we head as to ortliogriphy and pronunelation." 1Mo: Horace Mann, LL D., Prealdent of Antioch Col lege, sags my writing, eraking, - and teaching. I have endeavored to conform to'lhe roles for ortho graphy and proininelatlon As contained in IVorcesterbs Dictionary." Prbf. Francis Lieber, 11 D. Routh timalina College, toy', consider it the beet of all American diction :l4mi of the English language." Rev. John Wheeler, D D , President of University of Yerniont, I have 'need Worcester s Universal and ,flritioal D otlonary in prefennee to any other, for constant refer - el:me." Charles Sumner. United States Senator, Eve : "The Universal Dictionary I haVe used comae:lily, and almost daily, since He publication.' I have no hesitation In ceiling it the beat Praidfcaldlctlonary of theßnglish language." Prof. William Superldtendent or Schools, Chicago, Ill. ' rays As a standard of orthography and pronunclation, the compilation of Mr. Woroseter is O far in advance of rll other works ita clam. - Prof. fames T. Champlin, Waterville College, says: —• ,, As a niedinur dictionary for common, every-day use, I ktiow'of Cantata it." ' • lion. George Bancroft; LL D siye Oa questions of orthography; I shaft make it my standard; allowing myself rare deviations, or porter, no deviations what- Horace Webider, Lb D., Principal Free Academy, New York, says:—'' Worcesterbe Dictionary of the Eoglish Languago hra been in nee in this Institution from its commencement, and Is considered a standard work. The prevent edition, anti - Ming the" synonyms EA the - 'language, is much superior to any former one, and possesses a high degree of esaillenoe,. Prof. E. A. Johnson, University of City of Now York, says:-...M The fulners ,aad compve of the vocabulary, the minute and careful attention: bestowed upon the suideet of orthoepy, the propriety id the orthography, the clearness andesztetnesarof the definitions, together with: the slice , critical noted on unauthorized words, prOyinciallisage; to., which are fohnd throughout the volume' ire excellencies which diatinguigh this above any otheydbstionsz7 within soikabWledga.ll . John S. Hart, LL: to:, Principal of the High School, Philedelphia,says The work of Dr. Worcester to, In my opinion, one of uncommon ortoetleuce AK a pronouncing Dictionary, iitiviatte 'is Tory - great.. The principles of orthoopy,adopted by the author am sound and copserviitire, and inellibd Of notation at once complete and simple. The exhibition of authorities, in' the CIA e of dioputed or doubtful pronunoiation, is a rune of great indigestion to the Inquirer, giving the means of au intelligout opinion with very little him. But, independently of ite merits ae a pronouncing Dia penury, Dr. Vi l oiceeteen work ham a high valor es a eotnPrehenelvw and learned voesbularyof the language, replete with information, and marked throughout with ;the loglatlicaturesof the gather , ' mind." She might fill a volume with eircilar extract', but the torten rill suffice to show that Wprarater's Dic tionaries atwregarded by thellterary men olthe coun try ai thelttatidsid winks of tho'Boglimh language. sV,Ogat6tßA'B QUABTO,DICTIONARY rapidly at,pioacilng oomplettott;:end ire hope to pub lista it In May next. We are preparing an edition for sabserlbers at the low price of $740 per copy. It will be printed on extra tine paperovith large margin, as per `speoinceriocipy, which may to seen at thobook stoke of d. B. SMITH & COr, No. 610 OIIESTBUT StßzEr, ,f 025 NOTICE TO DEALERS,; OUR'rAIN - Itee eppetnted MABON MITE( 8010 Agents for the - gale of my OurtaLo Pic tures In Plastlelphls. The Trade vein be supplied at thotory 'ekes, freight added. • 13.0. PUTNAM. ; Boatpa, Itelattagl, 1959. lA4 2m hem Ibblirationc- ENGLAND% _GRNA.T. EPIC( GOULD & LINCOLN' rualteit ON MONDAY, PEBAUAttr 98,4 THE LIFE OP :JOHN ; ZELLTOI4'.I Nkrteted in conneetlontrith thoPolitioalOnclotlastleel, -and - Literary llletzry of the Timex. BY! DAVID ICA'SSON", ; Pr.:Amor or 'X agnett tter!aure in Valves:lay College, London. VOL.I, if , lo/1 NOS TO 1689. OOTATO, CLOTH fitie work has real* ed the highttet praise from Eng lislicrities, lied IA initkittod to be one of the finest blo papilla In the languege. ft °outlaw' two admirdble parti 'its of Milton, one in hie tenth ant the other in his twenty-drat year, and two pages of fao aimlles of lull handwriting at' different periods of his life. It la el. together a faaalnatlng volume, and a worthy tribute to the great poet of England NOTIONS FROM INOLIIIII ITIVIEWS is The author intelendeavored not only to sketch ton each an he use, the rereaentative poet and literary man of hie day, but to odbibit him in connection with the more notable phouornena In which hie life tree oast, ite "state politics, lie ecclesiastical variations ife lite rature. and apeettlatiVe -thought such an h retinal ar a does Mr. Ittreonle Life of Stilton occupy, There it teams a page which does not bear 'Mate. of careful antiquerian reeearch'and thinnte 511 well as extensive reeding. The biographer bee large acquaintance With hie pe, , ric_d deep lore for hie authbr."—lAtheiolitun' Mr. Masson seeroa thoroughly lb node nand the eitaraoter of the period he boa ,ehotten for illustration. lk - ' 0 hay ~ we hope, cohveyed to our Yelii6ts a tolerably compete impression of the able and delightful telt - kite, of its pada tag abd general otccellence. The whole reading public are bottod to afford him their warmest eueowigemerit, and to forget all .minor dilfercnceabf opinion in contemplating labors delitined we trust. lb increase the Earopeao reputation of oar litehtnre."— I Literary (tactile. READY ON ALE I:oth'sw MAROR /TIE ANNUAL OF , SCIENTIFIC I)ISCOYERY ; or. Year Book of Yacta In Silence and Art for 1869. 1.11 liovid Wope, A.M. TY•th a Itkenete of Yrpf. 0..11. Aritehin .)2 , 210. oltth. ELM' marl-ta th e 81 VOR MASTER B ILD RS}, , TOURNEPhiRN OARP taI&RP; a n d , CAR PONVERSI AP.PRNNTIOPP CARPEN'INLY AIABB BASV ; Or,-The Science and •Art of Training, on a new and Improved Fyatem, with fineable inetrueloos for baddips Balloon Fawn, Barn Prames,l3lllElirnmes, Church Spires, !to., 4c Comprising also system Of Bridge Building, feint 111119, Betim?..to of boat, and foldable Tables. Instrated by thirty.eight plates and two hrindrbd figlite 3 . By 3Villiam E. 8011, Architeet and Builder. One vol., aro. Price $3. I. This work teaches a" new system of trairdng, by simple end exact rules, given with mathematics! pre cision, yet In language es free from technical taws as the nature of the co4l will admit, so _that a coillbson school boy eon dederatand limit, and every man be his Own cir;enter, if he chooses.il LIN DSAY or BLAHISPON, Publishers and Booksellera, fe26 No 25 South SIXTH Street...looU Cheetnut. NEW, B )OKSI NEW BOOKS! 1199 A 111.0 RAFITIOAL tublOlN OF St, AUGUEI• TINE' ' By Bey John Bailie, author of "Life of Adelaide L Newton." • MENDIP ANNALS; Or, A Nur - Attie of the Charita ble LaboiA cf Hannah and Martha More. Edited by Arthur Roberts, hi A. EDDY ELLERSLIE ; Or, Old Friends with Noir Faces. By A. L. O. b., suthoreas of The Adopted Ban"'.'TonoB IWILVIViI NEW IIiSTORY OF TUE CONQUEST OP VEXInO.., , TOE MOTHE'R'S MISSION ; Or, Sketebee of Per) , Day Life." E} the author of 40 0Vject of Life." Moo. PALLSSY, The Huguenot Totter. lemo. Per sale Won , prices ty WILLIAM S. & ALPRBD IfARTIDN, • foN „•• 806.0RNMIIT Strta. Philada. 10P ARE, SINGULAR, AITD VALUABLE 1300X8 Dwight, eold, and olcbanged .7. SABIN, To Antique Rook Stitie, fel7 ' 27 South SIXTH. Street far Galt and) to Ett. 64 TO RENT—VIE VALUABLE MILL , M MPH ttlY- AND WATIIII, PHIVILSOH, well known Es ROBBSON MILL, situate on the Rilge road, In the TWENTit-PIRAT WARD, Philadelphia high, Mill House is about 00 feet solar., four stories with a large' Attie; and is well' calculated for mann feminine purposes. either of woollen or tattoo goods. There ate twit good walbr-wheele, and ths *sift-pont Is one or the moat valuable in the city of Philadelphia. The mill contains all the machinery for the moon. factoring of dour, with six ran of atones. Possession given on the let of drily neat. For fur thetinformation apply to JONATHAN NON gliON, neht-tuthe et* On the prembies: VALUABLE HOTEL PEQPERTY for SALE, or LEAN. . • Eligibly situated at Hometown, on the most public thoroughfare running out of Baltimore only four miler, from the Merchants' Exchange, supplied with an ele gant perk, gardens, fruits, &c , together with coven gores of ground. The Hotel is new, built of brick, three otorlee high, with fine cupolii, cod arranged with all the modern Mt- Orovernentic 'dratted upon high ground, and oernrcand log an utikepassed Mot of the day and 'q-rounding countiy,. Regular lines bf omnibuses pass the dear. yor torther information, apply or direct to 'WILLIAM T M.AP.KLaND. No. 80, Portland street, Baltimore, Md. end-12t A N OLD-ESTABLISHED FIEBT-OLASS RESTAURANT AND DINING. SALOON FOR Std.,it, sitaated in the most central and business part or ilia city. kiss done, tdr toter ten passe, a Assbrata business AddreeilJ.P. W., Post Office, ,ben terms, , wilt be made known, mhl•Atis x-4 ARGE LOT ON NORTH PENNSYL TANIA RAILROAD—TO COAL MERCHANTS, MANCSACTIIRENS,•AND OTHERS —TO RENT OR inliblMDll...h. - 1.0 , 1r - olr,"10111 - 1WtrIrmatitorunatea on Germantown Menne, tiboro Trout street, having oz. tenetTe Milldam suitable fot a vareboutte, wenn. featuring ourpoma,, or boat ond iinie trade Terms /iberal. Applj . to'JUHN wn,LtAms. GfriPikiiTOWN A+ollllo and LATIRIL Ft FOR BALE-AVOIIII.STOR BRIOR. Mi. DWELLING, No. 171 b ARDEI street, three.story back buildnig ; parlor, dining room, and kitchen on the first floor. Donee built In the beet manner, with alt the modern Improiernente; in complete order. roe-. iesaion given abont the .I.lth of 4011. ApPIT Z. S. OKLDWELL, • $22 01INSTNUT street. PAPER MILL TO RENT.—The Paper Mill known as !UNWELL MILL, eltnsted on the Wisesblokon Creek, sod one mile from Chestnut fill Railroad Station. This Mill is adapted to make floe Book repere. It hes three engines, one foar machine, 62 limbos *ids, and all the app6Mehaness for the sue. careful ruoultaltoroof paper. korrodelon given Who cllttely. Apply to, or siddrooll. ozone): rr. Latta, Aikit 6 . 901 th ai .111 shiht, rflO RENT.—On the Ist iitnuaty verredperior tad eitenelie Roops 52.1, 3d, 4th and sth Spore, esch 24 feat by 148) of the NEW STORE, 613 MARIiiiT Street. The building Jenne OT the fine leirriieniente the ripter /tide, bet Ween Ifil/TH and SIXTH St - resin, baring ilia front*, tad florin one on rear Street with good mita& way 20 feet Into NXTIi. Street. Apply on the preiniaew nol-tf aw TO 'LET. - --..9n old-fashioned STORE, Ma -that, tool. Focooft. Mint $lOO wear. Apply to Mr. PETIAT, 828 MAItttET Btroo4. fe2B.4t* , • Retail Elm Or/olio. ciPENING OF NEW SPRING GOODS AT FIIIMIDEP OENTD.AL 'DRY•OOODB STORE, EIGIITFI AND ADOII BIRZEIB: New and allot.. styles Dclolll4. New awl chola styles Poll de Mmes. Now and &solo. Stott% (*lngham.. , New and choice, Priondiy do , New and choice 44 Rainbow tllnnttes: New and °Woo Nnwllsh and. Medina* Prints. New glad °bolo. Preach Brillidetall. Now and choice Challiell and Detainee New Meek Bilk., Alpacas, Madonnas, Lavelle., Mobaire, Debege, Days - terse, ,to , The season will be commenced at very law prices. WINTER 000D8 OLOSING OUT AT BAOSIFIOBD BATES. GOOD BLANKETS, a still greater redaction. Do. Broohe Shawls, i <‘• Do. Blanket And all other goods pIIARIDg out at SeGPIOXI. ittIISIDA 0 STOOK, A complete variety. Beat make flannels, ?Minnie% Linens, Table Linens, Napkins, bleak Tlea, tcd.,,te MAUVESA DAMS, EIGBITLI ea:44IEOG Streets. (es•s to tk•tt THE QUESTION THAT Ainsgs' the mind of the pobile ie Where can we spend oar money to the best advantage f The answer that we would give them la, At lifoßbßOY , e, where -you can Sod everything in our line at the lowest pos-able prices, SPRING GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Pail de Chrme, Veletas, Velem,.las, Silk Foulards, of varloue etyles and importer qualities. A beautiful assortment of neck Silks at low prices A large lot of Merestllea and Alendale Counterpanes from $1.12.4 t 042.60. Au iitensive assortineet of Clothe, Caseimeroe, and Satinets, very eheap. Table a loan, Toweling, Shirting Matins, Chintzes, &e., &c. . A large lot of Collars and Infanta , Weide below raga . tar prices, ' f tette, Brecht) one Shetlaud f bawls very cheap. A large lot of the celebrated Princess Royal flopped Skirts, warranted the beat article of the kind ever manniaolured, at sl.gb and "MX . No. 11 South NINTTI Street. fe24-thstu-tf 1859. upwgz,tßai'llg r l rind 1859. BUM. INA MANTILLAS, • Polllt WIIDLEBALit TRADE. To which wo Invite the attontion of SOBTFIERN AND WESTERN MERCLIANTS. .T. W. YROOTOR & 00., fo2I 708 DIIESTNUT Strte., NEW SPRING GOODS I . THORNLEY h CRISM, EIGHTH AND MIMI CARDEN, Are daily recoiling New floods, • • BOUGH CHEAP FOR CASH, And whieh, to maintain their far.ratned reputation for SELLING VERY ICTIRAP, They are determined to rail for • SMALL PROFITS! Rich Fanny Silks, Brat Elect Silks, • Good Plain Eilkd Handsome Dayidere Silks, Marceline and Fl..mence Mau. Eatln Oicallieg, Mossy Yalenclas, Chenno Itostoris An immemo variety or New and Vary Rich Patterns FRENOWAND ENGLISH CHINTZES. Beat Fronting and PLmily LINENS, of our one direct importation, Cloths, Oftestmere=, altislins, Flannels, &0 ., Ac . THORN - LBY N, Cower EIGHTH& SPRING GARDIetr, felt) HELL FOR CASH, AND BUT ONE PRICE 1” 'WOOLLEN DRUGGETS AND CRUMB OLOTAS —Just opened, a flesh ossortmuut cf 104 ,12 4, and 10 4 Drons' e'. Also, largo and extra largeJ3ordered °lefts Small and medium do. dn. THREPITLY OARRETS.—.4 large lot of now styles, this day opened, at low plicen. DOILY k DRORTIFID, Nn 040 011MATNIIT Street. y DWELL CARPETS AT 76 OEITTS.- q-4 lost rd, a ratgo tot nt San Lowe!! Tog. Ma (t pots, tow pattern... to La void At BEV CHI Y.F.TVEI CENTS A YATIL.BB 0 fal2.tf N. 920 CHESTNUTStrot.t • •• ciROSi El' I,ls. GUSH TAPES IL/ TRIEB.—We are 110 W magi' dg our Spring Stock of r i d , c ar p e ti n g'', which we shall sell at the lowest cash prices. DAILY & BROTHER, fe1241 No. 820 011B8TKI Otroet. 3notitattre. R ICHARD S. - SMITH, Agt. * CDR. THIRD AND tAiNTIT' STREET RETURN OF TEE LIyERPOOL; AND -LONDON FIR* AND LIFE INSURANOE C0M1 2 .41.1\1"2". IN CONTOEMITY WITH THE LAW,OF P.I4NNEMEVANZ4, ) POSITION OF ; THE CO_M. PANY. • _ AIITIIORIZ ED CAPITAL 1}10,900,000 Of will.h is paid uji ' - f168,422' - - . - Reserved fund 214,616 Life fund " 631,269 Pire reserved fund 168,710 - .0,095,0 n it gr. ie $6,140,C92 00 The liability of the entire body or- ebareholdere an limlted: All Directors muet be proprletore in the Oom• pear Rl ViINU OF TUlt OOMPAhIr FOR - OJ YEAR AT Lesr ATATR BIENT...t • 141# * 7,23350," RESOURCES fIT .UNTTEb STATES. - ASSETS. • •," • Oattion hand with Dirnotors, in Neil Yotk. $78,741 28 gab Jul - tends of agents and in Ondis - e - of - transallsglon Alai.... City Stoats, all of Kate of New York - Virginia Unto hotnla Amount of stocletield as collateral security for loins Asnonnt of Lonna On bonds:and mortgage, boootithtlng fillit,lleo 9n 6661 eotate, on 41laiehlfter6 it 1e66 ttitsn on 6 'tufo Ihte rent dd. , • LIABILITiES Amount cf claim forlots nor:tended $16,000 otti INCALE IN UNITED STATES. Amount of oatitpremidms reteifed . - Pe7,a3200; Amount of Intermit money recetied from in yestments of the flompany , Anionnt of , pretutume earned' . • - EXPENDITUItES. - Amortnt of loGnea paid in 'United Mates deriug the year ert44 030 67 Arn,untpald for reinsurance, • - 3,331 43 gg to ' return premiums' Rii,bid 64 Amount dirldepdpajd durlpg the yeas thirty pet cent, Antonot Of eiyentes, fr.oltnting feet and - COMMililliolle tragelltS and offieers of-the ConlyAny • ' • - 90,1392 28 Amonat of tenet; paid by the Company.... 8,188 18 STAIR OP NEW YORK, ' City and County of New York, se: - Patera Me, Liantel Settee-4 , Commissioner, reeident la the city of New Cork, duly coranilesioned And iluelP 'fled - by tne Execatiro authority, end cinder the laws of the Efate of Pennsylvania, to taka the acknortiedgment of deedai, &o , to be tiled or recoiled thertdn—personally #ppearel ALFRED PELL; to trie ersonaily known to bt the Resident Beereteu of the Liverpool end London Fire and Life Insurance Company, of the city of New Mirk, and the said -Alfred Pell, being duly sworn, de poseth and sattlethat the foregoing 'internees are true and correct, to the best of his knowicoge and belief. ALFRED PELL, Resident Secretary. Sworn and subscribed to before me, thie twentriteurtli day of January, A. p. 1815, DANIEL BEIXAB. Idealt 1 • febl9-i tu&that FIRE INSURANCE. /ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. Cash Amato, Jan. 1,1859 $1,867,920 08 MANHATTAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. of New York. Cab. Janata, Jana, 1859 BPRTNOFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. • Cash Aiseta. JAIL 1,1859 44+3,754 80 NORTH AMERICAN FIRE /NW RANCE COMPANY, Of Hartford. Cash Amato, Jan. 1, 1869..... 300,860 00 IRYINO FIRE INSURANCE COM, Pititt of New York. Cash Amato, fan. 1. IPB9 941,864 81 MERCHANTS' FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Hartford. Cash Ameba, las:1,1850 939,070 8g Policies issued, and lama equitably adineted and promptly Rag, at his Agency, by 1308 WELL do WILSON, Agents, No. 210MGT STREET. THE AiUTVAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ABSETS•OVER $6,300,000, The whole of which is the property of the insnred. This Company in now prepared to issue Policies en LIVES Or MILDIM'S, payable it the age of eighteen, twenty one, or twenty , five years, either with or with out the 'mum 02 TIM TOTAL PRI:511IIM. PAID, in case the party assured does not attain the speelficd age. Por rates and othim partionlara, apply to P. RATCHFORD STARR, Agent, N 0.452, SMITH FOURTEL STREET, tetti-Ito PHILADELPHIA ENTERPRISE 1:1413tma.a..w - c3z 'comp.a.zra.. This Oorapanyi Madras Btitidings, Yumiture, and merchandise generally. against loss or damage by fire. The police of this Company expressly provide that when dssignedhe'eci4dierni security, they alien not be ♦vraotxn nY sat cos of the owner of the property In mired. Entire security Is thus extended to the holders of Clhousti Miura and flontoemsa, notwithstanding re sent declaims of the Clones of I ow. • • Ground Rents, Mortgagee, Ilfechanfas' Llano, and othat' Seatultita on Beal Estate, wi ll 1013 b 8 apaotally Insured If deified. tigEoroßs. F. itatelitord. gerdecal L. DeAregn, Wilithin Witte, Oeorge Sinatt, Natbro Frazier, , John H. 2ri,son, ;Om F. Atwood, B. A. Fekneetock, Benj. T. Tredlok, Andrew D. Cash, Henry Wharton, J. Livingattin * FxrDiStir. P. R faTCHFORD STARE, PresidOni. CHARLES W COXIS, Secretary. TEWPOBAILY OFFICE! 162 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. febli•Sm I HE QtTAIMR CITY INBllRAttlit I. :COMPANY. PIiILADPILPHIA, Pa. BUILDINGS. :Na. 403 WALNOT•Btreet. CHARTER PIIIII , IITUAL. 1141 and Burp P 324 351 42 Paid up cal :pt. . . Chartei r ed Capital 600,000 00 insures aSattelt loss or damage by Fire and the perils of the sea. Inland Navigation, and Trinepottation, on the moat favorable tem!. Losses promptly adjusted and paid.' DIIIEO7OEB. George it Hart, .11 W. Bailey, • E P. Rose; Andeew R. ()Bambara, A. C. Cattail, - o:iarles G Jahn G. Pate. Ef. B. Coggshall, - Postai. Perkins, Samuel Jones, lon. R. bI. Pedlar. onions. " GEORGE U. MET, President. E. P. ROBS, Vice President. It. R. 0000 SHALL, Secretary and Treeenrer. S. It. BUTLER, Asb 2 t Secretary. rohl ' - INSURANCE-AND T-13-I(3ARNPComPLNIT. Comnany's Buildings, B. E. corner WALNUT and FOURTH 6treats. Open from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Incorporated 1850 by Legislature of Peanaylventa. Capita/ $500,000. Charter Perpetual. Insures Lit es during the natural lire or for short terms; grants annuities and endowments, and makes contracts of all kinds dependir g on the ismseot life Aoting also as Executors. Tnietwa. and Cusrdiuss. Policies of Life Influence Issued at the usual mutual rates or other veil Companies—with profits to the as enred—st Joint Week rates,• 20 per cent. lost than above; or Total Abstineneerrates 40 per cent. less than Mutual price. SAVING IMMO. Intereet at 6 per cent allowed for every day the De poet remains, and paid back on demand In Gold and silver, and Ohecka turnithed, to in a Bent, tor use of Depp••eitors. # This Oempanv bag PIIVIT MORTGAGES, REAL NSTATD, GROUND IttaN re, and other ilest.clasa In vertments, as yell es the CAPITAL STOOK, for the security of Depositors Irt this oft-established Inetitu• Goo. AtEXAN DER waiLLerN. President. SAMUEL WORK, rce President. TORN O. SIMI Secretary JOHpi B. WILSON, Treasurer. 00000 Or TOOOOOlB Alexander Whilldm, lion. Thos. Sargent, Samuel Work, Jonas 'lawman, 'John 0. Parr, . William J. Howard, 'Louie A Godey, John 0 Wins, Salm P. Simons, George Nugent, ' T. Bemoan Darker, Albert o:ltoberte, H. II lildridge. MEDICAL BYL3IOTeRII. J. P. BIA, .1. Newton Walker, 11. D. In attendance at Clompany , e Office daily from 1 to 2 o'clock P. M. . rnhl.2m QAFECUARD INSURANCE CONFAB - 1, B. C. Censer of FIFTH and WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. Capital paid in (securely inveetedi $200,000 Surplus - 81,450 Thin Company having been thorough reorganised, Is now ready to maim Insurance upon all kinds of pre. party, merchandise, d O , against LOSS or DAMAO)/ BY FIRE ONLY, upon favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Jacob N. Reeler, , Ron. B. B. Cushing Francis Illackburne, • Charles P. Watrour, Robert P. King, ..Ehhu J. Baldwin, E B English, J. A. U. Ilaahrouck, George 11 Levis, Aaron Clops, Joseph E. Btidfold John ht. Beach, Ma Prentice, - Matthew Kelley, Edward {Stier, Alex. C. Lawrence P. B. Birokhead, Alfred Clapp, Henry R. Foote. Wm. E Eorbea. JACOB ih. EEJOUR, President, ' Minn - R. r 00 1 .4, Secretary. , PHILADIMPIII %. Pee 23 i . ISIS RP MB CV LANDik tlO., LOOKING•GLASS_AND PiOTUXH•PSALiH MANITFAOTUREP,B, WIIOLLTAL4 AND fln 19r,tenoive Stook of Oli PAINTIIRIH, WA THIt-OOLuit AND INGRAVINOO, All 41 mi. Low Prices, 606 ARABI ABOVE PHILA. alba A# 111 1 1 11;4 -- . (1 )7n 1 P4 11 ,:" NORTUERN ASSURANCE COMPANY NO. BIODICGATE STREET, LONDON rum irrO'l.arm ASSURutMO,E. AT TOMS MiD Ailito4D Established to 1833-2rloceriated by Eipeai Abb OATITik4 £1,209.760: - 86,298%80 Paid up Capital and ear. _ plat' Z438!72 4 1 82,191 M 02 Annual Birreatte 108,740 18 8 938,780 12 PIRE DEPARTMENT. tTiail Company Intureaalaiest loss or damavi by Pre almost enry description ' Of Ptoperty. The rates of pre mium are moderate, Mid the conditions of Immranceare framed with the greatest liberality be Policies of this Company are not only guaranteed by a large Capital, bat-also by the unlimited pm aor.al responsibility of nearly one thousand shareholders. try. Lesseii•proinptly adjusted and paid without re ference to Lonaorr. - ZU. . . Lin - .DF, I P A &TALENT All the:advantagee of a ilutaal Association are united with the Senora/ of a Proprietary Company. Toe listed or Pasieuss are based upon the safest and most approved dits,"aud 'rosy be made payable to salt tife.oonvonience of the Aesdred. • - - - Prospectuses', Tables of 'Antes, /indications, fte,.,pay be obtained at the Offloa , • = ' .Evardiyithn for Life Intarsime notoook ffi NIL;GIABLOETTY, Agent;' No. 37 South - Tbtrd Street. . _ RS3EIIIOIOIB Moore. fit sokrt & Drotter,lio 13 Bank street. • .Myers, Casittorn, & Co . 2:52 Mnikat atteat'. " Wm. Melte. &Co , Beath Front " B. D. Thompson &C 0,45 N. Water street. " Jos. B. Ititoieli, Bsg., , Pres. 31fes:Vsok, ,TeTes Dunlap.„ Preildenn Union - Pant. Hon iirm. A. Yoder, 633 Walnnt street, Tote dn'get Supreme Court., • , • ; tete.s.tu Eh ttay3 VULTON's-INSURANCE; ADJUSTING, ANN COLLENTLNG-ONFION, - No. GOB OHZEINTIT OTRNIT, - - PtiiatqeortisA.. , 66,089 98 182,60 td 3,000 00 The undersigned having been watt:Zany engaged for a nureber of yeare fn 'dfiferhut Capacities of, the,lneu rence-bneinees-Abr .sererst years in adjusting losses eselnsirely for the Insurance Companies—now offers his cervices to those' ittstaining Imes or Damage by Vire to .ProPertY,lner.red: in making out the/cep:refs of garde log or damage in toll cornplinnon with. the intricate and. ettuning auditions of roam. Or Ilea/lance, In emi r s meaner is irk satinets pies' or eactule ,-fOr reduction or litigation by Sonmenies so inelinedi or others. He will give particular attention to the Collection of plaints against. Inm:trance Companies. . - Parties sistaining lose- or damage by fire, as above, will OM it to their interest to commit the undersigned as soon afterthe fire as passible. • fe 22-Imif* - • /AXES MILTON. fitti Elk; (xt 47,:05 00 425,273 00 GUAT WESTERN INSURA.NtE AND TRUST COMPANY. - ' • ' OPP/OR IN COMPANY'S BUILDING, Cla *Aunts O.A.ViTAL AND Bilif.Ll3B, $2112 208 03. lialtiti3ll against Loss or Damage by VIM:, MARIN/I. CARGO, and INLAND tN3IIIIANCID.. - „ SIGROTOIIB Ohatlos D. Lathrop,. Wll3lemDariing, ; • Alexander India, N. Tracy, ' John O. Minter, James - D. Smith . ; leeao Hamlehurot, John B. Vodge_d, J:11. McCurdy, - - Thomas Potter, ' TbOo. L. Gillespie,'- Obarlqa ' ' Daniel t.Oalllor, ,T , arhan Elloctua. 0.0. LATHROP,'Prealdent.- • ' • " WM, DARLTNO, Vice Presideit. 1A14743 WRIGHT; Boo 7 y and dild-diaiiirti Gala - OD !Atitigni. IFtriNESS, BRINIAT, & 00;,• l No. 420 VAS V STRUT FAL2 OF IMPORTED AND LOBIEBTIODU 000 De. 02 'rondo& Mornlog v • March Bth, at 10 o'dlOfft, rbreirtalmse, on 6 mOothol erodit—: , , . , an4oo packages mai tots of fancy and itspit, d domestic dry goods. - - tE7 Blimps and catalogues early on the morning of sale. • , • 1 - WIMP fORD, AZOTIONEER, AL au Eirmittit Map, betfreen PIPTII and PETIT, Noah Aide , BALE OP 800211 ANif glilaßa ON YOUR IitONTHS , ORvinT, - This Morning, Match 34, at 10 o , etaele, will be sold bi_os'i , agdel Ur 4 months' credit: ithent 760 ciiiett boots. dhow', and Imogene, optislatirg of the tuna) easartmeot or city aed &Worn nsannfaature, to *dab tbe " attention br she tra3e, and bayous generally, is 'pertienlarly invited. SCOTT, Jr.; AUCTIONEER; No. 481 • OHNSTNI7I 4 STIMRT; 'opposite Ake Oust= Moue, hetweon FOUR= 404,FIFTH FIRST LAII4E• PIIIIRRIVIORY SPRING SALE 0 1 / 400 FIRt.ES'OF'OARFETS.. „ .0n Fiiday, 373,239 00 March. '4 4 h, *lll Air+ sold at the. ralearoom. 1!o.481 Maestr:it strtet, by Catalogue, commencing at 10 o'clock On a liberal credit, r, large and 'varied 'assortruent.of, . Burr hear, three ply, . Tenitian,- ingrain, thtepatil. Rag, and Het. To which the attention of city, and country bolero is .. invited. . , fig•'Eampien. and eataiognex 'ready early on tb morning of pale.. • . BALE Olf VALUABLE OM PLINTIEGB .PROM TER GALLMV OF MRFIaRIL H. R: DIRSELDOM BIIUADIVAY, NEW YORE.. On Morning. Net., by catalogue, commencing .at log o'clock, Will be sold a oboloe collection of oil psinUogs from the gallery of the above well known tlrm. Particular attention is invited to this sale, which will be found to contain many orivinal Moturee of great value,' together. with copies by celebrated artists of works of aeknoitledged merit -- Also, anelnied., floe colored , Ithogrepbs, pastel drawings, rich ebloa vases, bronze statuettes, to. ti' The whole will be arranged for examination with catalognedattuleilars nrnri , " ll to Ito •a WANTED —Two lade to learn the - station bszinese Must reside with their peroote. GUNN-XT.& SONS, ar • BEAL ESTATE Atrarrotrennis, - - - - No. NO WAX:MX=IST FIRST SPRING BALE. This Evening', March 31, at 73( o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, wilt be sold— Eett.te of Dr.Jobn K. Mitchell, Deed, TEE VALUADLP. RESIDE&OE AND LOT Olt GROUND, southwest ooreer of Walnut - and Eleventh streete, lot 28 feet on Walnut, by 146 feet deep on klerepth street to Chilli:dog street, with an exe.-ltent stable on the rear. This Is a very valuable property, hoirg In a central inaction, and having fronts on two desirable streets, is well-built, and furnished with all the modern conveniences. - Nfitate of J. 11: Esse, Deed, - • - 2 EGENE-13TOEY BRICK DWELLING, loath side of Farmer fitreot, 62 feet seat of Bevectli street, 'between bfarket'and'Arclistreets, lot 15 feet' (cilia by 44 deep , eubjeot to a ground-rent of ga. 163.- Same Estate.—TRRIMISTORY 31110 K DWELLING, south aide of Farmer street, adjoinirg the above on the east, lotls feet front by 40 feet doer, TRACT Or 884 ACHES 0? SUPERIOR TIMBER AND PAM LAND, with the improvements, situate in Middle Smithfield township, Monroe county, Pa abent 8 miles north of Stroudsburg, and one Mlle from the Delaware and LitekawannaWoad. The timber it principally oak and attestant; there is also on the tract a splendid red•etone !parry i is convenient to mills, tanneries, Morse, An., and in every way deelrable. FOURATORV BRICK RESIJENGE, 'with all the modern conveniences, northwest corner of Eleventh and Graff streets, below Vine great. , BECOND SPRING BALL On Thursday, March 17th, 1869, will include— . qy - OrPhaue , Court Sale—Eststs of John Afoul!, Deceased. 7).711-STORY STORE AND DWELLING, elith Et., above Arab, east aide; lot 16 1.0 , 46 feet. - HANDSOME DOUBLE THESE STORY RES aIENOEI, wlth aide. yard, northeast earner Of Baca and Thir teenth forests; lot CO feet front, with a three•story tria atr;,:llag in the rear.l "U - 0 .,T1 . 18 PROPERTY, finished with the moder L aco A f2ieners silos. No 313 Market street; lot 17 feet 3 inches by 138 feat Lett Estate of Dr John R. Mitchell; DeMtee. VALUABLE Lin OR GROUND, south aide of mai: Let street, west of Twerrty.first street, 66 feet front by 125 feet deep to Aeh alley. 11ANDSOME COTTAGE RESIDENCE, supplied with all the modern eonverlenml, northwest , corner of Pine sod TIM streets, West Philadelphia! lot 110 by 173 feet. - TEEM SPRING SALE OnTbuTrAly, March 81.1 t, 109, on the promise!— ELEGANT BUILDINEt MRS or every de.irable site, on the Township Ltne Rend, Melton Avenue, and Lime Kiln Tutnpike, neer Garinantown. 4J Lithographs can be had at the cfltse. (lA.RD.—J. - M. Clummay Bona, twat - 10mM w 11.3 hold regular salon of Baal Estate, Blocks, ko. Also, howlehold firulture at &railings. t . ST A ' • V . • • . - 117 On oar Private !rote Iteirlater will Aiwa be found a very large amount of real eetate, ineludleir every deseraptfon of city and eountry property Z. 111 attmmic? & Rorie, Beal Notate Broken, 420 WAI % ,1 ST Street below Him k. QAMUEL NATHAN'S, 'ACTUTIONEBI4 I.o' and &SONNY LOAN 0111"1011, No. 224 South THUD Meet, below. Want, opposite reer et., c.is eight doors below the Ixekanae. Hoorn of bantam from 1 a:cloak, A. 114 *olU 10 oialoolrhathe evooleg. •. Orit.door sake, and sales at the Amnon MIN!, as traded wet the ant tatalsatm CAPITAL VZOO_OO2, -12stiblesent for the fool TAirfp Terra: iblser.rea made from one dollar to thoneande en Din monde, Silver Plate, Watches , Jewelry, Henlime, Use (dandles, Olothing,liunitare, Bedding, Cigars, ((halos( lndrumente, Gam, Horne, Carriages, end ((loads of errE d.exiletic.:•turLean a ny length a ono agreed rm. All adeaneee, front one hundred dollars and npererdell will be charged S per eon!. per month; SIB and over, the lowest market rate.. , . This Store Hoare haring a depth of ISO feet, Molars, Ise and thief-pmfritalte to etoro all valuables, and_ ye; vete wetobmen for the premix - ea ; &leo,* heavy lug ranee effected for th e kneel or all parson, having Rode tivaneed upon. , l(. 11.—L fin account or hiring an and:Aired capitol, We °See Is prepared to =the rid-rause on pare ZEUS rOCtOty end accommodating totals than any other Ir Urfa oily. • - Honey advanced to the poor, in mall =mute, with; oat any &Sup. PlilVAtill SAL. Gold Patent tee*: and ether Watches. Mehl, coo Making will be sold at redress( Paters. - sot-tv 1102 4 .r i0 N t a r c r. Min ! 4. B.l:7ojU l iNENN es BIXTB =TRAMS little% cßp.t.fi PUBLICI - AGOOMMo DATION. MOMPY I Money liberally advanced in large or small amounts, from one dollar to theumnds, on gold and 'lnver plate, diamonds, watches. JeWelry; fowling please, "mtilool inetruments, furniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, eigarif, - bardware cutlery, books, horss, vehicles, her, nese, and all articles of value, for any length'of time agreed ori, at Nathmss , Principal , EstablisA?nent, southeast corner of Sixth and Race streets: PROMISSORY NOTES, with collateral discounted at the lowest market rates, GREAT BARN.SINS Itr .WATMIES, JEWELRY ; .ko., AT PRIVATE BAWL atNATNANS , P R 'NOW AL ESTABLISHMENT, B. Et - Corner of SIXTH and RACE gtreats.—The following articles will be sold for less then half the rime' store prices: Slue gold English patent full jeweled and plain, of the - moSt, approved and best make, in hunting cases and double bottomed. Fine gold escapement lever and 'leplue watobes, in hunting ease and open face, some of them extra fulljeweled and best realm. Silver English' patent lever watches, es capement lever and lepines, In hunting otos and open fare, some Very superior : English, Swiss French, and Quarlier watches; fine gold, Nest, fob,' ,neck s and children's chains) fine, gold pencil eases and. pone, bracelets, breastpins, finger.rings, ear-rings, studs me dallions, and jewelry generally. Superior Havana cigars at ill per thotmar.d, in boxes of 210 each, will beaold by single box or quantities to snit purobasers.. Nu.. eue.rous fancy articles, ito., ti A BB TF.; TA Li, TINMEN'S SOLDER; -1) TYPII METAL, ronnuflotared nod for solo lamp for ash. ' • - JOSEPH DAHER & FON, fo2B.ot* . '630 ItACART. or 621 North SP.OOls/D CORDS, Eco.—A. full assortment Cords, Twine. constantly on and strt for sale by WIIMVER PITLER, &- CO., NO, 2$ WATER tit. and 22 N. wuln,vss. Phrliament STISEiT flifir - xrec-ugr, ikieJ 4 y 4 ii)v 4- iiirtirrnma f•ci.TAT' aftraeriymem4.lo.) • - , DE BALI TOI ) OO4IBNELMISi r"" • ' books • it The-J'lrt y l wxrcid , PlllidelpllllC: . Tridit •Us apr , - , i tm iZrroko., *JR 00153*ryge41 015 OA ,ogna ntrw treads4e,ent a i n t o g inveces,%- fr inVie prizioitell#44pit :tkrwitiont, , ,tikep ;Enna,- TSPRING!IitAttB-4OCIE-61m 7A72:' btrd Spring Sallei:StlT C ft ; Banrth Sprutg Fifth Spring ' fala;l2d Mitch. -- , - Ei7; :Part of the_kandbilla for. tfiejirlitt e W ass New SAVE OF 813P111tIOR. Yfialiiir PIANO•FORT.giI.IIIIANTAV7 li0011.• CagifB, peue.nr, 2 - • - Aom:)_-,, Oar sale this; aioratag ;at the audios( store, will Coe3priae, besidee.7oo lota anastler. band furniture ; elegant iossantni piano -fertentale try goboinster k Oo.; otegant resewood - piano-Corte nude by Ohickerfrig, Fionch plats - roantsi mirrors{ drawing- . room' nd,oliambir furniture, One Brtiateli,fograla:and Venitiau earpeto, bada and bedding, China - and easawina. ke., forming en attractive sscorttneat.' worthy tbotinn of ladies and others destrotot or iprnbaahn. 117 , Oatsclognei ttoktendy. and the articles arranged . for examication. — - • _ go,Tocedaylltealig, - 15fs - ch lth it 7 =o'clock, at .tha=Phitodelphli, , lll, chouge, will be sold, ptc7lotOt to roil t3tato•- • _-- Vor coconut of_wboro It may :eloncerO.L. _ foorlslOol shares '11(0 new) Ban lersoiliso toad 211 , iir• :dation. - Tam OPHISQ-13ALE,411,30TE sth,. - -Wlitineludo—••• , • Qrphsniii. o'4'4 Sals:—Estate of Or. tpasHoterty, - Peet! Lf.EQV LOI PY 0110 USD;lira."l4l UNA", .!:5 }Vet. - on Airi itfeet,..ithedt ,165 fletetsep, Ilansysmit,'Tvien.• ' ty-diat ward. ' .'t - Bi% loath. east' "Ide of Duke: street, inorthefeli;ef enlti "treat, 9?ineteen 4 h - wesd.late THREB,F.Tortir - max lIIVELEir4O4-dlottSsa.t aide of 0014 "trait, northpf: Drown street, imiwAgintb . - - ward, Ate Richmond.A RBdf.NEH3 fiTAND - tninr-sfori; brink atord-Ed conthemt earner of Broad and Bedfol'i sFroets, with Umbriek dweitirge in the rsitr onl3e4ifipn A street. . t - • - Tili-Mg•trciiiYOiC bard street - seat of Tenth street. - • -- lIANDPOMM 3100311 ft ItEeI.DENOF, with —side yard No 021 North Thrbtli street . above Poplar ht. _ THIME- NEAT MODERN: RESIDANCEI3, Nos lo, and 20 Bouth 131xteitntb ereet, above Chestnut uar or Rieke' and Motto • Otteits;' between Fifteenth and Fhtteenth. and .viielettaxisit bastontetitetiOf , -, - - , THRIVSTOR.r4iPICK N0._121 Loin bardstrdet oast of linond street: _ - . RUSIN etRB SrAND —Tbree.ntoyy brick .ob3re, _ and 719. Ocllowbpj street; .40 'ef dig . _ Milt - TESS STAPID.Tbree-story brick Awl -Vid dwellicd, northwest corner of Fovea% and Y.Arriils airretu, • , . . TWO . .Tilitit-attlitivtiltl - 011 - DMILLINGS, - Ea renal attest. north n , Parrish. TRAIN TiItriCR•RTORT DWEILLTROR N O5 . 708, 703 i and 707_ ?twelfth 'treat. went of Storm:Alt - St: • DELA:What 'MARK —Valuable farm, . acre on thi co* road, leading from Milford to-Feeder:ea acd Venom Motion, on the Delaware Railroad, Neat county, . _ TEIRDE STODtbEICH DWELLING. No.,s43Lßaiit , flirt etreet, between Wallace' and.Melcn, and Thhieesl.ll and Broad- etreets: • • - - FRANKLIN STREET —Llanduinirr well.bullt mod- , ern reeldense, No. 919 Franklin streyt, above Poplar street. has the modern irlirrivemnl4l ' Peremptory Sale VALUABLE mkarrsitsißssif PROPERTY, Southeast - owner of Eighteenth street r. two stores 'on" the - term% with ArirlelltiEntetd• aadr dwellirgabave. APO, tee,- brink storesand and one brielYdwelline;-Nos .•snd Eighteenth etreet. The Igric 010 to be sold together - WOW:tut reserv3: morD3o.tiE MOOERN I101:01-STORY RESIDENCE, gontlivresVeorner of Seventeenth'-and' (keen streets. It i 9 kttitablilor ipbirsiehitY. - SAte - ist Nod. 189 aud, /41 South Fourth &mei. ; BUPIIRIOR FIIRNITURIC,- PIANO-FORTES, FINS FRENCH PLATEIII4IIUIOIIS, • BRUASELB OAR. 2EIB, lto This Morning, - - - At 9 o'clock, at the - elution:4Am; an extensive amertment of excellent socood-hard farnitttre, elegant piano -fortes; floe mirrors, carpet', eta., from faMilies detaining - tioneektlepingi - retacred to the doze for con venterme at We. - • - Mee; an elegant recleaned piano-Torte nrade_by &ink ertug. Alto, a himerier. doulitle•barrel gnu, made by Bytine t in leather ease. - Also, &General Waehtnaton Aare.. ' - :„ EtAil - WOKE 71.711. - FITUIII4 - ,. RosEwocry rIANg, - .11:41 CARPETS; - BOOKOASII3, be: , _ tbo entire EilevaitidrawtokrOodt. +illnlng•rboni, and Clamber funk-ire °tibia, fine 14 . mi:tweed Ow. made by flohcei2riAer_lc!Co d of a - gentlemili declining hob steiTing The entire furlttfalairm nitda-'63 ordei:,,And ban been Intl*, bat a short - ' - = ELEGANT LONDON BOOKS AND FINE ENGRA- On Ifriday ;March Obi at Bye otelock , atibc, auction aioro, ailf be cod a large collection of yalnable act! elegant Lem* don books, on 'various aubjecta t many_ of high ova* and • Also', en 111T11106 of Gist -emit NNGLISH , .Comprising favorito frol,)tets .by eloizeurt = l on✓lofl Books art engrarlogit now wronged foreassal nitlon. • ' AT,PATTATA'AALIII,_ - A iiiindeoie • r tablvOnsorlth "coacli=bonaai ind large lot,"Valn *WO. afar ' NewleineY: etENBIMI, - .ELP•AUCTIOri'AND COMMtBBIOII Ro.-46 .Ellllllll kttrosiet , Ara: •-•- EXE`AACIT, PiaItIUMERTOPAZiaIt E03.14,,T01L1a A.RRIOLIig; Aa• •-•- - • TE, , a ETettog,. , At the auction tiore;.' at 7 o'clooki will be sold. lots perfumery., estrente,An; • BILLIARD TAILRA. - WITH: M ARUM END°, :AND PATENT, CITBITIO3Bi B*API. CUES, On Eatardsy At the auction .tore: At 11 -o'clueur k,oloA,eng,-"aiencenanlenn„.n.e., balls end caes. A. ZLIZON. Maotiouser. • 'EY' CousigumintiOrnew arid- aecond•hand :iruseo;' hold twat-are, plano-fortacoilii..pets, watcheeilecroby,' &A., respectfully sollaym% - on which liVeral cats al eaueeawill be made if Tregairtd. • ' if'Out-door Saletstteaded , t 6 promptay. Margo'' as moderate an In other house In tllds city. . • tegai FN THE OR PHANS' UR T ,FHR THE -I, CITY AND COUNTY O&-PHILADRIPILIA. Estate of AlkrtiEW SMITH., deed. The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, - settlee and adjust the aceount,of 10IIN UAW., Aallalt Ana J. IdoCOli NELL, Executors of last pill and testa ment of the deceased, and to make distnbutlon of the balance In the hazule of the accountants, rill, for the purpoces of, bf - appointoent, meet theparties In tereattd on MONDAY, Match 7th, A It, 1359, at 4 o'clock P. M.. at his Ogee, No. 23 South TIIIHD Street, in the city of Philadelphia. fe24-thatet WILLIAM 0. EIATErtIA.N, Auditor, N, °Tit:E.—Application will be made for the J. 11 renewal of Certificate No:9, dated 3CEI,-sth; Mel for Two Hundred and Flay' Eheree - ot the Stork of the Rowlesborg Iron and lumber Co., to the name of the eubteriber which bas been lost - - CASPAR EIIiUNN, CORNWALL. Lebanon ern:may% fel7-th2ta iiailratat MBAMti NEW YORK LaiEs, ME CAMDEN AND Amsciy AND PHILADVIVA -- AND TRENTON RAILtOAD CO '3 'LINES, - PROM PHIL ' , DELPHI& TO NEW UCH AND WAY PLACES, t.a.ras WAY, viz ,TABS, At e A. U. via Camden and Amboy, O, & A. Ac, - comraodation 22 2.8 ,At 6 A. AI , via" Camden and Jane,' City, (Hew - Jamey) - Accent:it:natation ' 2 25 At BA. M. via Crimean rind ;easy Olty, Morning, _ Alan 00 At 10 A. bklitierrttcat,ria Tacony and Taney - City. Itioroutg &Ovalle S P M. via Camden and Arabet Q.B: A: Ex- '- prditt.t... - 800 At n P. Bi. ; vla Camden, and Jersey City, a: MPS Mali" - 00 . At 3P.M tla Camdan and Amboy. Accortunedathan i ' (Freight and prolenger)-Ist Clam Ticket.... 2 25 ' 24 Claes Ticket - 160 At 5P M. via Camden and Amboy, toobnincodatiOn, (Freight and Pansengerlst Wass Ticket... - . 2 26 - • close Ticket...,, 1 - 75 At 11X ‘l. 31: Its.:l2.e3?•),ngtork.,Ed . " .. Jirsey City, tght - 225 • The Et P. al.-Mail Line rune daily. The 11XINight Mail. 8 Ittrdaya excepted 117 Expreini Lines /top at Principal Stations only. For Belvidere, Easton, Flemington, ho., at 13 A. M, and P 81. from Wali.tt-Etreet wharf. For Water Gap, Btrondebutg, Poranton, Wilkeebarri, Mor.ttoee, Great Bend, &a at OA. Al Delaware, , Lackawanna, end Western ' -• ($ )For Freehold, at'll A. M. and 2P, fu.. . giFor Mount Belly. ate a, . IA(, 8 and 6 p.m. fog WAY LINES For Bristol, Trento.. ore., ac Y.X. P. it/, tromtrelr etteet lobed; and at 43( P. M. from Kensington Depot. For Palmyra, Delano, Borerlyi Burlington, Bor• st 8 P: 111. Steamboat Rickard Stookt&t, for Bordentoom sad In termediate plates at 2) P. ELy. All Lidos except the 11X P. AL Night Mall; and 434 P. 1. Way (Qainton's) Line, lease Welnut•etreet n bur. - Fifty pounds or baggage only's:Unwed each passenger. Passengers ate prohibited Iran taking Anything as bag gage but thelearearing apparel. All baggage goer fifty pounds to be paid for entre. The company limit their responsibility tor baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be reliable for any Hoorn:at beyond VW, 0, " cent by epeeist contrast. • March 1, 1859. W3l. If 4 trznin t - Agent; FOR-THE- no.§ ..o,uTn The Pi iLADI{LPHtk WILMINGTON, AND RAI TI MORD RAILROAD COMPANY - no* offers Through- TR:Statute Wilmington, N. ; Charientea, S. C ; An. 'goats, Atlanta, And Dalton, G..; Anokallle. Na•h- villa, Chattel:loom - Grand Amnions., and blemphin, Tenn.; Runtafille, All.; end New Orleane. Also, to the lens distant Southern cities, and to all prominent Western pointer, an heretofore. - The eteameltp - ISABSL makes Pemi•Monthly Trips between CHARLESTON and RAVAN it, and offers e tory clearable ton a to patzengens for the latter port, avoiding Cape Batteris. • For tickets, or farther infOrmatinn, apply at N. W. corner SIXTH and OHIMITNIIT Ste., or at Depot t BROAD, and PRIDES Ste., Philadelphia. - S. M. PBLTON, Preside - fa2..lSze fob. Ist.,IMI . 0H A E PLACE Or DEPARTIIBE OF NEW - rum. Lots. On and after.IIIEBDAY, lat March, the Morning Mail Line will leave,Walwat-etreet chart at 8 A. M. , and the Evening Mail at 0 P. II. ; via Camden, Trenton, aniderrey Cityy. • . The 10 A. if. Line Will leer& Walnut-street wharf, by steamboat no Tacony, thetce by care to Jersey City. The New York 8.4 A: M. and ag P, M. Lines from Ken-Ington Depot will he dlqcontinied after Monday, the 28th Instant; 1e23.6t WM. H. GATZEIR, Agent. - p c: -- ing NO CE—OHESTER ' _, RAILROAD _.pAg wooliß TEA tlitt JiCIR DOWNINGTOWN AND /N -UM tINDI ATE ATATIONS -,-- On and, after 1 at Senn. try 3869, the:Passenger Trains far DOWNINGTOWN, will start from the Paesenger Depot cl the Philadel phia and 'Reading Railroad Oompany. cortex of BROAD and VINO Streets • MnR.NINIF TRAIN for Downingtown, leaves at 710 AFTERNOON TRAIN for'Dovningtoven, leaver at SOP DAILY (Sundays txoepted.) ' - fly order of the Board of ifanageriof the rmiaciel. .his and Reading Railroad Company W. IL - MOILURNN.Y.Y, 3ure4r7. ACKEREL.-463 Bbls. Nos: 1,2; and 8 LTA Mackerel, whole,liali,.kni quarter bb!s..briginal packages, for sale by ••0, C. BADLrik& CO;, - eeils ARM! Skeet. 2d dcwr above Trout. 1 JOTIOE.—PLIIMBING 4. I TING- la' woarianltics manner, at 'verk incdtiete cliargta, by WM. WA TTON, N. - W. corner TWELFTH 11'18E1MM (MEM; N. I3 7 —Country work promptly attoodell to. 411-imill, 200 BBLS. 2•SOSEN In store ArLd for. We by Q. 0. VAN AWNING_ fe1044 ' • pi Nat& WHAM& ERNE