The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, February 26, 1859, Image 1
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Se 4 ''''W:; , .Vo,B7ZiaY ,-- 10Milti!,' , ' - , , , ,, , c ,, , ......f :i1 , , ivA 1 , r ,,i„ , • k....4itc .., .....,.,, v -,414, - .. A A`i• 4 ,- 4 4, ' , • (424, , , , 1M•: : -',..1-, ~,, I , ~--• , ;';:fici5.:',. ,5 1. , ,,,;:j,, , ,, , ,,, • -_-- , , ''',,,, ,. : 44m ? -4.- • 'l , l-',=.4 - 5` , : t, ! ,, ':: : " -- !! ., - ,. - :; . : q,. , -,.t4/1 .,- :,:i7.::, .... , . 4 .P. , ,,,, ; , -,.r...,....,..., - .„, - PI! _rim - m(4 .Etlya4 0 Co 7 'Ft -r4' ll , _ , - • 4-" , • " 6,a 0.11 - j ot , R u t Dip . „ $ ',0141)-1,4k • • . , :;161/,1Will1114411D11: , - 11 ; 000 1 /04-000 ; 11 4 59 3'4A.tarIESTOWITS*`, 4 WO O P klt VPF, - , e•'' , ' ,-- ? . , 1 11.,'13 10 414 4 11t1irs I MT", - - 1400,; ' 0$0 la 44iiiiiik:imiplets - Xrktl4 l o,oE.C: 'AMR . V;-• - , - 1-A•14. 1 * 1 ,...„ 141004- mile:urn i , ;l 5#4 , 47 , iri os• ear wok ;my is maelypt. TA: k e , ";•:" •• - IV - OISITIIittr , STUEST ? : tx. 0 3. oniony pel siti*Hopm. s l: l 4 Nft' l 3 4 X?" ) _*.4 '4l;: ! . . -. ; , , , &. BULB ) 1011 N 11•:, - '•• • spot" , jAlsisps , , i 77- , 1-143 i t ; ; ^ 431 si;:filigitEol3l S -.1.42#0T, 109 P.! • . ~ 4kIAVOTTi 40 EIKE S. & 04, 67W-ti firs•pormj timer gimes - ' . law - Allek*ieramisiiviirooz, • _ 11.44,q - thry NAL z, ;,;A - • •-.• • • Tux &ill6llloN • QI RIIYXItiI. 1„- ," • j'Ati .11,‘ rCIAIitErBELL ed co., - 'APO -- , 'MOW .Ic, S r iNZKER 83 00' z (11-4.0 , • neg,mmtpig. .1111 . 11tIOAN • eOODll AND CIAtILPDIS, 1110,1010 , 80mbidinArst Alicortoij low for 01a11, 4: *''.q-c: 11 1(1/9 1. :,4 1 0 )11 011 :0 1 1F40/ 1 ) of; . ;V}mi4s;lroNris.Bo,oa, yroorousixdo, wa*Lans DRY' Aagopoi haltio,nrafrfallhts *l 4 AO, 10111,011LIPHIAL ' ,Lr: - - tIIIOIIES LID OWL '"4 ; ~••~-= . ASp: D Ct!tA 13T 1011 X E ~ -.- . 1- 1 , - Prt*AioriesiarbY :**l.Y.6o:rtzl***o4,l'ok4t:k MfoomMolt.cikiirri _ zi.:4o:oll,*'*!NO: "we: • .1111111 - 383 MAEKEIT ‘STREET, 10? . • n: ^ , 7 , Ja it oVirg &c°'" ;;nuosTLlicrug - _ - AK D 011311 "13 7t'f 001! 6' irf‘oooD.P;-' Jo 3 oTtlirt 0).1.1A111E, EMEN SENN . .• ~,,,..,:,,,,,,,-,-,....,,,,,,,,, .•••, ~,,,r, • -,-, - -•-• . ,„: • •,, , ~ ••. ~ „, 1 f;'• N. %. / / /2" '''-''' : •• - PIT 'tt . ' • ; , tS,• (0. , L o . ' ' ‘ -,'' i%O l it'l / 1, , 1: - .-.,- -d ' 44 +4 le ' ) • ~.:t o i., . .„... _ • . • tett .4. ..... - 4- - 1 ' 32 ' 6 ' 1- i , ... ~,,,,/74,:...„.---..„ ___ ...;.....„...._- --1 ~,„, :delgall 4 . '-` ' d s '' ' ' • '''. -' -.. r . - UMW , AP P I _Al , S.: , ~. - d . :4 != ' 'l' OM wit 11 A k . :,0 ' ' ':• . . li t t T ,P ~ "';'-'. ! i- - . -•t . .. '1 ' - " ' '!• .0s .'4•T'3,-- = ..- .' i' l •'; ‘, ' ' ' ' ' i'' - '• : f/ --'-`, l'::, ''',--' ..-: - '--"' , ~ ,.. ,,- ; f' ' .: ''.- """*."": , , -- r„ ..-"',* '' . _ ',';`,.5.7".V',;-' ; ,' ; ' ;t ' 7144b--?,•fV ;I's,q), • r 7 4. , feiNe /11&0!)1t: . %)kly , a , VOU - 1.19‘ 'li'l , ";';'-"Aqtlt,44lobit-4,obbets•• „ , .1000 nig! i‘ - .0 11 ,Na IftPc 4 , ARTi#Ollll OW, - L 7 11114 5 1 i1441 0 10/11 eK t i tpr ,? • - ..4 1 0it f' 141 . 1.0 44 . - 1 0 0 1 4 (011eitata : - MAVAIAIITOORP;I i It. 4101 N, US WALNUT Shot, abet; lithth; , 01 , 16 • i , , ', ,-,;---14Wiiterp.,0004-._ 1859:1,, - .1859 _ H-0 ft, 84 4 - i rlio*.0014;1$0 JElstKl*k loelOe 5 2 fi 4*X.IIVX /11117r,. - tliii - stt*lon of buleili (Ci 'thole exturetni steak. bf tarpoit 41.* kna silk , muse tkiti sna Elokakkri;*ekig,'***, aad Wareff i s Saki; 12t46. Phi .110( 411 4 Andiellr_Triliii*lsgat 80 ; • • ' 11,111 . •,,T#o47ll,lyAkigerd IA this branch' of trtuda,ear,, purffilsoorirl4 130.10:* t t lups' 41exizedie• (Alt TH08:: W. - I.l4Liallri (formerly of :wileocii, Fraligya IWyt ionstiged with the - *lave' kouseiroltelts froml,la faxidisictirkialaititia oldie stook at Musa Thompsoil & lockins. , ' - • $ "feblb-Stut. 31-IEL L/1 4 11.Y iair, OrgoDS.; IiIOST COUPLED AM, CHOICE Ammerman RIDIIONS or i*emdfiOptlc9, 7:: :BONNET 01163-1.0 jiILATES, .' . t: ! ',-* - ' , t41121r4)1A1, PL0W*13, , ),11191i1l .-: 1, ; -,': - ;.l:'',;' . 1:: Ani 3 OtiporhOiserif:lo44/0; -': )IC'. -ma iir )1010 - 4 1 :401_ ....10.1ssiz .-70kaps.1104 f:-",(i,liiiiolOApooktoOmuNtaiotioNlrg, 011111PA5N.4104117 stkossquis Orass; • Tien sto L ehOl oic4.'ci;viog szionti in title. pgreheeU itkoidd, gyieiuratfoadriolt.' . ' RoSEtiIIIMG'BRO,OII3;: fio C0.,,' , 431 (Lao or No. ss South Second St,) ~;; A.Tsi 131‘34,1V,,G00D9.,T,• ARTIFICIAL; •FLQWERB; - RUOREEI; &e. . L 1 - 106.PES , 41:44R14.1311:1R!Ill8ib/D 114.19:44 IL &Rath Fonith Street,. (ep stain) gave aaluta so mainly new awl complete stock of the *Wits goodilteld in - for Q4#l, to which the attention of bllf.. 4 b tadfid. • 4 , . "boritozoittuoidto qt, gni of Chu. He. ;ortgitt.:6lf.,g knows tiOthe bide, wont* bepleased ter Ste &keen it Atto e;!ne of *mai. Hoopes O. ,0 FALIVNEa 00. r • , • DEetaßli •R.Z333301V8. Etas, AND MILLINERY GODDS, .N0."127 , 01IIIIITNITT STREET 4 QTRAW AND 1414plint, - GoDs. .„.. . Anvil% mobri t;i:pn?,:olst g4d,iitapb:44 Soup. Botot4 " - ,•• Toga ire i l a s i Ty w ii ;• It 3:: si n ,COMPLETE_ STOCIC *TOM 1111ili, smirk IanatiP•a•COHIXDUIVII HATS I „ Atoosass, onseiB - tANQ! AND OVAPi DONNITIV _ - • 11INOR NLOWIIRS, „ 7 1111110511, LAWS% - - • - AMISS *0 Bmbinefne in 'i ll in anoiiiniont inninallnd in kas lud i tz riwiw i tuji attantko-at- !ninths:M to t ni sl llltortrnni; b;tynn;will iad itnmotui OHIO. StiiltbAtosoripaimali. , • - ,-fi , -'141 4 1001,11, -WOOD, A NiODOLO. ijr.„ 1 141;.. „ !„a2.1t4 0 /14 1 f5t,..'„: 11111C'' -A*l) BtRAW BONNETS; I.lo9soiiidwatiatA. HATS, • ASTINIOLth /LOWERS, atrouse,ie. To which 1340.00 ft Oify sod polantry*Dskrif .NC). 482 NIARKET Err.. sow • II ITM. fal4ta Osstsonb Oboes. : HENDRY & • HARRIS, IUNUIAOTUREUe AND "WHOLISAiII DNALIRS IN • BOOTS AND ,SHOES, N. W . cort,.THiau, AND ARCH STREETS, MILADILPII/A. Ml-1M 'WHELAN & CO., *mamma tx BOOTS, MONS, ' AND - MAW GOODS _ . N0.'.513 .MARK-ET=STWEET NOT'S r AND SHOES,: TbullulUmillunillUT!!xupleted theft or IFy.P it S IC • •: MOOTS. AND SHOES,' WhOb theism Prsieridio offer Mike lowest pricer, - "111411e usuil *ow VAN,Dirlqpi, ~ ~SIMS,'& 00 • 403 MARKET STREET, . bbldllm ' • Yourtk; up stitra. B. P. WILLIAMS & WHOLESALE BOOT AHD SHOE WAREHOUSE. No. HI SOUTH VOURTH STREET. fistoB-2111 JOB.. I. TI-XONipeIOINT 4fg - wiiotEBALE BOOT AND SHOE • WIREBOXIBN, - -, • • No. 814 MARKET STREET: 117 A line stsd patrol anlortmeat of lantern alid Oftsi-iiado illnmnfoonitently on hunt. , febl4o2 SPRING STYLES, 1859. - AC Sa.T.7l•7l:MatEll.. wnoimma DEALER! AID MANUFACIIIIIIMI STRAW BONNETS AND HATS, BOOTS, HOES, &o.„ , &o. • 204 ptoioro' to' ea so post inducements to *pm at Jobbers in , M 1 other ototkot, Invite an en ointnot4on oftkote stook, •,,' No. &I NORTH FOURTH STREET, Ut Ito . thit Moinitonte Hotel, Villadolplato. r i tVICIK„' RABIN . ; 8,1 ". t 9 . 00 T AND /31101 f WABIHOMI ,„ • AND fdANIIIOVOIVI I No; 511511ANNETNVINET; Phllaiolphis. Ws tont so Mod se inctoioloo stook or Hoots rod MmHg ! 4 01111 . 6140401111, of our Own and Itaotird Illooofisto,lo vbfeh we bolt* Um ottralon of *Otkifilfilflr4llOf,lnkjin. fotd4oli ARRIAGEs Olt TIN 2[AICIPAOI.I7II of WILLIAM , D. ROGERS. 1009 O.II9,BTNUT STREI,I' p 911940 - „ 206 BBLS, No. 2 ROSIN in store and for towit ado by O. O. VAN ABILINGII Mier VS North r., , -- ncrlaves. REpouToß'r, ptITUDELFHIA, 'ISATURDAY. 'FEBRUARY - 26. 1859. 0 1 )cii : l*i.!ifis'!•:;''''i . ': . ' 1 ,'i ; -NINP ' Imparters or•and:Dealm -•— t - -, S.FrOL"VktAAtir.FA9TU.F.q*, G99D, 4(41 /11#iii!of Bhoi Toela lIPPIILD+B. PATENT BOOT *At OB*Pitiff MAP 1111411: = , , , Aqoutio..*gas. - 1 szWING human Eike, :1113.111ADS, iNGLIBII,IIIII34O* AM:BRICIAif 1311011TERidOe • .relliltmirla • gIIOX FINDINGS. • ' •,• - • „ • I 8 :AA0 BARYON 4c. (10 :4 - 85 soryfi: SECOND STNERT,, ," IMP,ONTREN Go AND DEADENSIN PROTON AND REDDISH' LAST/PIGS, SIMARD ,UNION GALLOONS A LAOETS, • ", PENNON KID, PATENT•DEATHER, • ELASTICS; BOOT WEB, ' "- "LINEN' stimanios, DENDLINGEi &a. EDWIN , W. 'PAYNE, . .Impute4l4l4**r , 20 °T , alloß, soelATlll'l4)473ltrAWk` lon 11411.114ng, N. W. conisi4:lo4 and LaitTlNGß,'s . , errOsiiti, , _ • • luilwriNG B , • timater, ooNouss W EBI TOILET UPPisai4:4 , fobtata] SHOI Tait,EADO; LAOB3, aso. WlYf. ,7:0B"JNIO ithieeeesor to the late Joe. T. Jokey) , Importers sod Dealer* , ' ' ' • :t ,800,1/.ISTUTTLI and Tlithattlo.4; • immaitte - • GALLONS,' -AT,„T.IIII•OLD—STAND, — , Northwit cOnter,or'PotWen aid ARM Streets, '-• • • S'attrg Org . :eisoolge. SPRING TRADE: ' - 41. 'bIIIIIIINO:ac 00., Noa.- 26 and NI NORTS POURTIOSTRIIET,.. ' :gays jazt.opensd IMPORTATIONS - -• -ENGLISH AND GEB•m4 r isr HOSIERY, • GLOVES, ANDSPLALLWARES, And lone% an inspection of their Complete and mei amottodatocli, ' ' ' ,• - ES PHOIA TAT' ADAPTED-TO - AND - SOUTHWESTERN POE. tebb.Bm - - ' - - BUR NETT, SEXTON` & SWEABiNGEN Are now opening at their Otero, No. 409 DIARKET.STREET; Above Fourth, North NU, A lIANDBOMS 188011THEPiT OP NEW SPRING-STYLES OF „ . FANCY DRY • Goap, - Or TOFU OWN rIiPOATATION ind fliOlotligefoi solo te , borfor frOfO. all polio of My MOW NOW OofOO moot 111101 toitoo, • A I t T IN . S, • PEPDiarii & HAUDUCIIC) 1119' . 01131'1R11101p1Myal,E111.111 BhOYSd; sad , HOOlllltY, - ' No. 80 NORTH, roupartUrntßßET, -:-,-ii •; ir, iy!! tow liEQW x,tralict4l7l4 4 :ol4' - : - 1,- oftsret.#4. - stiii*Aoti , -'4 . : • ,- lnunin epos!, • , '----' -, --', , Ooortitiotiiir gosniar at troll Bed e, . .. . ' ULOVES for swo, *oaten, aid , Whoa, ilOmpitslog ILI seaditment of over 800 kindle,' , UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWNRS, • ,lININ BOSON SHIRTS and DOLLAR!,' LINSIN CAMBRIC HANDKIRCIHINIS aul SHIRT LADTHI3 nAario HILTS, with *haps of entirely new designs, with an endless variety of Nations;td which. they invite the attention of FIRSZOLASB WlaltilitN AND fIOTITILIRkt - BUIERS.. MoHAHLEY,BROTHER, &BREWSTER, - S 3 NORTH FOURTH STREET, . HIM Just opened an entire NEW. SPRING STOOK Or HOSIERY, GLOVES, and , FANCY GOODS, To which they hilts the attention of that-oleei bttyrit, Oar stook Is particularly adapted to the SOUTHERN TRADE. ' "to SCHAFFER ec ROBERTS, 422 MARKET STRUT, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS • . or • • mistEirsr, aLovn, MULL WAIIO, COMBO, BRIISMES, - LOOKING.NLABSES, GERMAN AND ?RENON TANOY GOODS, AND • TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. • 41.8 m SITER, VAN OULIN, & GLASS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IY ROOMY, GLOVES, PANOY 000D$, ITO. . NO. 423 MARKET STREET, felana 1301/11 1/072111N,PN11/ADILPHIA. Umbrellas an Parasols. STEEPER & FENNER, Who Wale Manufacturers ti or UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 888 MARItET STREIT, ' • ' , PHILLDELYIIIA, Are now making more than one hundred And fifty different varieties of ,llmbrellos, of every elm, from sea to ao Inches. Their assortment of PARASOLS to oleo very largo, and for variety of design, styles, finish, awl prime, ex, mode that allay previous sewn. Buyers who have not has 8. make of goods will Sad their tuns well spent in looking over this well. made stook, which includes MANY NOTEILTIMS, not to Po milk elute/mum , ' , ID On: grimminge; EV A.NS & HASSALL, ' 61 861711 FOUR= STREET, IMPOIITNES AND WHOLNHALN DRAMS IN DRESS AND MANTILLA TRIMMINGS, Invite the attention of 0485 ADD BHORT•TIMI ADYNIIB ' TO A NEW AND SUPERB STOCK 01I0I0E NOVELTIES FOIL MI - t~PRIN Ca SH JA. SEI .1•T . rcrownt AND POEPONNETTE TRIMMINGS, CHENILLE DROP-BUTTONS, BOOTIZT PRINOES, &a., &o. BERLIN ZEPHYRS, SHETLAND WOOL, NEW ST4LIII CLASPED MUMS. Thu ROLM IN THE MARKET. T & A. TEMPER, 83 OCIIITH POUR= SUM, Importers and 'Wholesale Dealers to LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, Can the *tinier attention of the Trade to their splendid .assortment of ramou POMPONNETTB, cad AMDIIIO kV DIYI3OIII.A. BALL TRIMMINGS, SING piumnft BUTTONS, ko. W. are prepared to eneente Urge, orders for Silk and Marseilles fringeS; Tense% Cords, }fattens, 8,4., at oar own notary, r, febs4m iUanti). TIOMMEROTAL .11;Np TRANBLLING ORSDITs ,wmtlable In nil 'tido of 'the world; Opened with the house of Memo. 01011011 PIIABODY & 00,, of London. , Apply to • ' OAW) XACALEBthIt, & 00. fe'f-tf INAIMUT ' I would I were my Clountry's Bard , • A poet by a right divine My mind a token of sweetest - thOught, That by, all the Sisters Wine. , That gifted, blesed, throughout our land , Thereabould molt tteams of song' be poured, ' That drowning wrongs would dying prove "The penmen mighty than the sword.. , I would I were my Ootnitryht Bird, And, favored with the Mn..)' smile, - leceiving from my Dade Bad • • • Melva& to live in splendid style. Aye, more then that, so much that I ' AI , thous' "in each month thatpassed • , Might layaside—oh ! each a, cc lay" The minstrel would not wish his u clog of Independence Rail— ' - -In ev , ty,frennan , a heart - enshrined Where sainted sires of u Seventy-six 'Our Country's Deciarition signed. The instrument oftruth and right • Which en that sacred halt had birth, And made us independent, free, The first of nations on the ear h. I'd Bing of Dennett'e Tower Wall, • The great Emporium of Trade In which there's been not one alone, -- i • But many dastaratiess made. For all deala e, who purchase there, Their indepeodetme when they see „ ' The garments rare, at prima fair, Which tusks them with their money fret. The fickleness of Fashion'S Queen, - Displayed in ever-changing styles, sing, and of the follies, too, Of those who live but In her smiles. I'd sing how like atyrant. eke The sceptre o'er her subjects away.; 'Supporting regal pomp and pride, And moat oppressive tax she lays. • . And then, to melee that tax all light . # AS may be, would attention call ;•••• To One otFeehion's marts, in which, It le indeed'eXtremely ' , .*And that is where the millione The Tower fell, as Bennett'' „known— :, ' , lf moth's you'd buy at prices 16w, ' * • •: Then parches, there, and there alone. DEFEETT ;fc CO., at 618 *Market street, are now offeXing their Winter stook at, such low prices that no mok, in want of clothing, can have an excuse for not realfehur a bargain.' Dislasvore. ;Gaud 'COmpiiny.—A 'Anted meethigoof Stockholders will be held on 110 - , D AVPI4OII, lteb. 28, at T Woloak, it NO. 421 WAL leliretteet.' lan election for Vice President and three ItilreeSors. • 13, U. Hamm, fitir-Atit - ' • • Secretary. Nettie—Office et this Pittsburg, Fikrt WAYNIt, AND 01170A00 RAILROAD CO.— irtatroan, Yebrnary 25, 1869: ' Thi.`,Annrial Meeting of -the Ellookholderi In the oi Pittsburg. Port Wayne, and Oblong° Railroad Corn. ApanYF , 11l beheld St the Rooms or the BOARD OP TNA, in the city of Pittsburg, pn TvEspAN, the Pink trot March next, at a o'clock P M. at which 'the Rey.ort of the Directors foi the year 1868 will be presented. -.._,Phrifelection for &teen Biro:dere to /Jervis the fn.' artip yriatwill beiraid at the same place ' onWADIIRd- DA. , th e 10th proximo, at 111 Weimar A. 1.1. Thelransfer Boole will be closed, from the 2lstkto th Minh, both inclusive ; mid the holders of Stook 'the2lOhlo Cod Pennsyliints, Ohio and Indiana, or led :Volk* and Chicago Railroad Companies, ;which c,ot linen conwerted into the stock of the new cool.' iirgat time,' *lll 'not be entitled to vote at said piveitAceifil " - - • ''SlocWidera presenting their eertilloates of Mock id It i t gaiiry. to any Ticket Agent on the line of the t tl olll tie Rxearelon Ticket from that Sty , 011 tpLAlPlttebprg. and rethrn for One rare the round 'Seth goet,front Marsh 2144 to April IR, butii incigd e, kyder Of the President f - .AtulusTua BRADLEY, Secretary. ZtbslndelPhis, Srshrisady 17th , '1150Q— % , .7. ~,, WILLIAM H. IifILBUEN. , lorooblyn.,— , lrethe Undersigned; bootleg heerdyour ad . , +ONO,' •$, Life' and °banger Cr Ale•anderNaroll ton illetolyipolten Of by those in trholor.indgroent we hi „reniodo Otooddenee,- and trolleying that ite , de. ilveryinjada eity would move intereating.and Instrne.; U» to Waved °eglantine in reviving and'ilinattating tarn Orential7, and ,oheraoter of that' Illustrloua nun, - do responotdeddy:reolneat that you will flO4llO a day. when it -ell Y'' ,,, Ortnolent -• to comply with or whhes In ' 7 truly, you's. - Japer Warding ; S Henry Darling, , - ' ' Marine Wadsworth, •Wro. Ooppea, John Tonkin", Richard Newton, - Geo. W. Woodward; /L W. Dgoaehet ; .4. W. /Tomer ; RITZ B AN: = zohn 0.4nol ) 1- , A.. A.-Willlts, ~ ' I Oswald Thompson; outyn, liebrnary 2.111,1807. H. Shelton hisediannie; Gib- senor I.loil/01gli; mpltanotwl:Weest, A TUESDAY dtditre - - • et . I){.seno . ol the foregoing, the Sec WIIMASS PhPh WIL tr. feedllasly kaporrnas the blind reaseher, former plebs to Cionsrees, svfildellreria leave on the gi We it'd Charotor of Allexatder Eferolltpa,ll al, JAVNR I B Ma LL, TITESDAT IMPLINO, Mach lek - T10tet4 . 25 - eente. to be' had at the yariorte 'Wok and arodo stores. sod at the door ea the (moping. Poore open at I 1 to ooromenee at 9 feiti4okhl VNotlce.=:.The' Minister, Trusteee, Eltlera s and'Desoons of the corporation of the German V. Congmgationi Race street, below', Xourth, PhilsOelphis, will maks apoliation to the present Lees Isar* for 'authority Wail, in fa eimple, their lot of ground on the math side of Green street, between Hit. Utah and Sixteenth streets, miming. beck to Oeutre street. WILLIAM SSROE/RR, Sarwery. Pebrary 210869. fe22.6t*, a. F 1 rementh ..and other Union Prayer MEETINGS, under the atuipices of the YOUNG NEWS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. :ON.SABBATII JaVETWOONS, Gallo! States Engine, Wood, below Crown at., from 4 to 6 P.M United States Hose, Buttonwood, below Fifth, 8N to 4,1 g P. M. - United Hon, Brown et., below Twelfth, from 4N 40 DM Paraeyeranos Hose, Quarry 'street, 4. to 6 P. M. PenWlylvanksßoitt,Eighth it., below Green, from to 4pg P. M. . Vi M gilant Hater below Second etroet, sg to P N -.ON SABBATH, at TN P. M. *Diligent Engine, corner of Tenth and Filbert etc. • Delaware Engizei, South et., above Nineteenth et. Vigilant Hoes 2 gbth street, above Wharton. ON' -TUESDAY, at M. - • America kkogine, Buttonwood, below Third at. Plillabilphia Engine, Seventeenth, below Chestnut. Robert Mania nOt,e, Lombard et., above Eighth et. flahnylkillHoie, Locust it., below Thirteen th . Itioyamenilag Home of Industry. . - OR WEDNESDAY, at TN P. M. Hunisne Hose. Wood street, below Third. Independence Engine, Spring Garden, near 24th it. Bulletin Binding 6 P. M. ON THURSDAY, at 03i P. M. Southwark Engine, Third. below Carpenter. ententroy Nbool Home, Kingsessing, Darby road. ' N. Libertylrose, New Mithot,aboeo Goatee et. Naval Aeriem, Orgies Perry road. • PairmountEngice, Ridge avenue, above Wood it. YalrmountHose, Pleasant etreet,'above 'Warmth. Good Will Hose. Wifod it , below Twenty-third. Diligent Hose, Madison, above Baca et. Western Engine, Collowhill, above Sixteenth et. Independethe Mese, George below Twenty-tbird et. ON FRIDAY, at 1)g P. AI. ' Western troth, Twentieth et., above Lombard it. Warren Hose , Barker, above Eighteenth et. . Spring Gar/012 Hose, Parrish, near Eleventh st. Lafayette we; Fourth, near Brown it. Bulletin Sanding, 6 P. M. ;Motels' ePrayer Meeting, Saturday evening, at ig o'clock, at Silliest Hall, Tenth and Silbert streets. Sunday aftprnoon, at 4 o'clock. at Moohanice ' Engine Ithli,Browniud Fifteenth streets. DAILY. *DiligentEngine, 5 P. M. Medical Students, at 1009 Chestnut, 8 A. M. Ladies andOhristiati friends are affectionately halted to attend. By order of the Executive Committee of Young Men's Christian fietoelation• Jal6•eat lf Wnahlngton Monument AllloCia. TiON, OP THE FIRST SCHOOL DISTRICT OF As•oclation is composed. o f Dirsators of.the lenbllerSchoolir, and Associations bear ing the nami of Washington. The *Meet in to build a Monument tc Washington in the city' of Philadelphia. Under the naosgement of title Aturostition, a PAIR will be held foe the sale of Fancy and Useful Articles, oommencingen WASHINGTON% BIRTHDAY, Tishm an WM, to be open for two weeks, at NATIONAL HALL, MASH= Street, below Thirteenth, south aide. Donations In Goods and "Fancy Articles will be re *Dyad by ant of the Pnbila School Teachera or Mana gers, and the name of the donors deposited In the Monument - heaeon tiehlts, 25 mite. Single admlinion, 10 oenta thildren, 6 ante. Pali to continue two weeke. By order of the Committee on Fair. 'fel6-12t GEORGE P. GORDON, Chairmen, 01 Pentisylvania Railroad Company Pazarsnrara lebrnary 15, 1859. L YOTIOE ?O BTOOll4Ol,O3RB.—The annual Elec tion for Dlrictore will be hold on MONDAY, the 7th day of Mara, 1859, at the Office of the Company, No. 284 South MED Millet. The Polls will be opened from 10 o'clock A. M. until 0 o'clock P. id. No share ce shares transferred within minty days next preceding the eleotion will entitle the holder or holders thereof to rite. EDMUND SMITH, fele..dtmld' Secretary. Meichante' Inns AIBBOHANTS EXOJ ennary 26th 1869 At an swill meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, held on the 24th inst., the following persorui were elected DIREOTOItEI for the ensuing year : Ohm. • lhompson, ' Ohas. H. Shoemaker, William V. Pettit, John M. Pomeroy, Charles 11. Wright, Daniel Stone. Wm. A. 01 1 ..bisith, Nathan Smedley, Beni. L. Vcohiton, Samuel Hepburn, B. P. Waster, John J. Patti:isms, , John A. Marshall ;And at a subaequent meeting of the Board of Trus tee', the 'plowing offisers were duly eleleoted : President—CHAßLlS D. TOOMPSON, in place of Wen. V. Pettit, reelgued. - Vice Preildent-411ABLES H. SHOEMAKER, and felt 8m D. J MoUANN, Secretary. - TrGirard Bank—Phlladelphia, 'January 81,1859.—A epeeist meeting. of the Stockholders of this Bask will be held on TillititSDAY, the Ed of March nest, at 12 o'clock M., at the BANKING 110IIIDS, for the pullout of scoapting or rejecting shertaln so t of Assembly, entitled Ais Lot toCleneoltdate the Stock of the Girard Bock," approved the 28th day of Janu ary, 1859. By this Act it is - proposed I .p change the 'Value of the Shares of Stock of said lista from the pre- Sent par wane of twelve dollars and fifty ceote per share to Ally dollars per share, by cancelling the pre not oertlfleatee of lit9ek, and issuing new ones, upon the ratio of One to four, so that, hereafter, the par value of said Mask shall be Dilly Dollars per share." - And, also; for the purpose of deteruiledng the amount of tke Boot required for the fleshier, as provided for In Buppleteent to an Act ragttlathig Banks." apProied the 7th day of May, A. D. 1815. - '- feDdtmlul W. L. SDIIMPFDR, °ashler.- tiPbdland Cemetery Company.- , The 101- 'l3 inertia Manage/a and Mars hats been eleoted for yeatlBs9l I President-ILI K. PRICE. ' • John 0 Feehin; William W. Keen, ' John OrNitebell,• Ferdinand J. Dreer, William 11. Ware, - 'John 13.'illobitalin," • John Lindley, Tessa Elliott. fleoretary and Treasurer OBEPH D. TOWIiBEND. The mangrove have pained a regulation requiring both lot-holders and yloiters to present tioketa at the en trams tor almloslon to the Cemetery. Tickets may be had at the Moe of the Company, , AMOR Street, or of any of Um Managers. ‘. ' fe4-Ina Poetical and Practical. 1:11' UN BARD OP Tows, BALL otlllgedioyott tor your pouts eettire'on rance Company, No. 12 FLANGE ralLADaLrniA, ;!rtss SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28..1869. ,• Dr. Worcesterte 'Quarto Dietlontiry: • We copy from the Bost on Coarier the following' interesting artlole; desoriPtive of new quarto Dictionary, by Dr. Worcester, which le non to be published Worcester's Dictionary haslongheen an accepted standard, and we are glad to know , that we are seonto have a larger work, prepared 'by the same careful hand.. ' • It will be seen by an advertisement in the pro- per .00lumn, that the controllers have recently adopted Worcester's series of Diotionarien forth, use of the pupils - in the public schools In the great house of literature there areman shins; more and leas • stately, and more • and less; 'apaeious. /tr some dwell the emperors and kings of the intellectual - world—the great' Inventive minds in soienew and literature—who enlarge - the domains of knowledge, stamp their own - image and superscription on the age in, which they live, cast anew the moulds Into which opinion is ran, heave ancestral errors from their deep-worn bed, • and weave, their own thoughts into the, universal' heart of humanity. But there are also tither mad. stone, less - capacious; less magnificent,- in which mild° intellectual rulers of sweep less wide and ,:dominion less ample, but who. have their soeptre and, their 'sovereignty, not broad, but enduring—writer's and • thinkers who' establish .between themseives , and , their readers• relations ' which have something of the, sweetness and ten derness of personal love—whose hooka are clasped Mese to the - lioart; laid under •thei , piliew,lmokell into the carpet losur,•and -carried -about In the pocket. Guch are 'Walton, and Goldsmith, - ad Oharies Lamb, andKeits,rind Beraugeirotnd per.andour own Irving. .' - And there. are" still. other mansions in which dwell a ohm of writers who lay ncielaim to' the' Minors of. invention and originality, who never address the synipithien and sensibilities of.tbe human heart, awaken no emo tions of love or gratitude in susceptible bosoms,' l but who yet toil 'faithfully and lonestly in their appointed vineyards, and leave a name and praise behind them. • In. this :Mass are ranked , the drudges and laborers of literature,-the patient collectors and ,reeorders foots, the `annalists, the gatherers 'of statistics , the ;makers - •of concordances :and ; Indexes, , the compilers -of, gasetteers, encyclopedias, and , books of refer- -, ends generally, "Theee men work at their tasks with all the steadiness and regularity of a farmer or a mechanlo. Theyhave a 0 heights of inspire, tion to soar to, end no depths of depression to sink into. They dwell in'a tranquil - region, wbere'the winds of passion do not blow and tho lightning shook of disappointment does notehatter the fair fabrics of hope. ljeterepn 4 given amount of time and se girep amount of work there is with them 'as 'sure,* proportion as in mechanical or manufac turing employments. They bear, the same rela tion to men 'of high inventive genitia—great poets and great novelists—that Morse-painters and wood carvers do to artiste like Turner or OrawfOrd. • ' - Among such Hterary_workmea the lexieographer holds a' high plats*. Bic labor is in 'some sense -drudgery, imt , it is also, something more. With, out patient' industry he can do but little, but if be I 'have nothing hut patient induida will'uot Much. He =let haye amplephileleeeal knowledge, ostensive reading, atmurate habits of discrimina tion, niob perceptions of shadefof inetinitig, and a sound Judgment: Hr. Johnson, in his celebrated preface tohis tionary, says: "It is the fate of those who toil at ' the lower emnloyMents of life to be rather driven hi the fear of evil than attracted by the prdspeot , of good.; to be exposed to censure , ithout hope of praise;to be disgraced Itymisoarriage;sr punish ed for neglect, when success would have been with out applause 'and diligence 'Without reward. Among these unhappy. _mortals is the writer of dic tionaries, whom mankinsilave coasidered, not as tho pupil, but the slave ot•seienee,, the pioneer of literature, doomed only to remove :rubbish and,' clear obidructtionrfeem the paths through' which learning and geniusi g eas forward to conquest and glory, without beato a smile on the - humble drndgethat facilltatee t ,eir progress. ' very other author may aspire to, praise • thelexioographqr can only hope to escape reproach ;•and even thin intga- Jecompense has been yet panted 16 , very Dot the, good dootor; when he penned this Asa ;must piece of lamentntion; was indulging Menself , fa that :luxury 'eft self-disparagentent to wbtoh minda.or lilt melanoludy ipood ate - often given: His preface) was refuted by tbat whioh followed It for his dic tionary ,, with , . its, fanite, or .rather defootg, rkfevrork: e tally, n- d Ali:, 'a ciring'iarrifoor, ug e tenders; ar.:Jblectson put some of the bistperbt of his'mind into his dictionary; he subsequently said that ' it was easier ,te, him to write poetry titan te - compoee, his 4tottonaly—hig mind was lees on the stretch in doing the one then the other." Upon this User= vation 'hir.- Oroker • remarks in a note, and with entire truth, that "there is hardly any operation of the intellect whielt requires nicer and deeper. tonsiderition: than definition. A thousand men may write 'verses fur ono who has the power of de fining and discriminating the exact meaning of words and the principles of granimatioal arrange ment." . Wotan* ' our, own country one olthe most distinguished living lexicographers, and one of the most faithful and conscientious workers in the unambitious brit useful departments of literary investigation in .the person of Dr. J. E. Wor cester, a brief sketch of whose life and labors will serve as a fitting introdnotion to what we propose to say as to the great work se has in pre paration, and has song beenoocupled upon. He was graduated at gale College, in 1811, and from that time to the present' moment ho has been principally 000npled in the field. of lexicography. He oonimenoqd his labors in this department by editing “Jahhion's English Diotionary* as im• proved by Todd, and abridged by Chalmers, with Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary . Combined which was published in Boston in 1817, and im mediately took its place as the best English die.' tionary extant for popular and piratical use. He was next employed by Mr. Sherman _Converse to prepare an abridg ement of .Dr. Webider's Ameri. can Dietionary. Into this work Dr. Worcester in. trodimed upwards of three thousand words which had escaped the rosearoh of Dr. Webster in the preparation of his larger work, but which have oboe been added to it by his successors. jn Is3o he produced his " Comprehensive Pro- nouncing and 'Explanatory Dictionary of the English Langitage ' " a book universally prised among intelligent teachers, and which has done more to establish atoned pronunciation through. out the schools of the country than any otherwork ever published. In 1846 he completed his Uni versal and -Critical Dictionary of the English Lan guage," which will ever stand a monument of his (Rabin! and Indefatigable Industry, correstjudg. rant, and sound learning , It contained, in the various vooribulariee, upwards, of one hundred thousand words, and has received the warm com mendations of scholars Wherever the English tan . .„ page is need. ' - Upon these several manuals of Dr. Worcester, the peculiar characteristics of his mind were die- Snotty, impressed. Conspicuous among these we should rank his sound good. sense, and accurate Judgment; especially displayed in a cautious dis trust of innovation, a due respect for established forms, and a reluctance to push a pedantic system further than it can be legitimately carried. • To this cardinal trait of mind should be added an in vincible patience of toil, the results of which are seen in a great amount of philological knowledge and. a thorough acquaintance both, with the labors of his predecessors and with the origin, structure, ' and growth of the English language. We may always rest assured that any conclusion to which 'Dr. Worcester may have come, has been reached, after patient refleotion and ,careful examination of the subject on all sides. . - . It is hardly necessary to say that the merit of a lexicographer, and the vain.) of his labors, depend in some measure upon the qualities he has not, as well as upon those he has. He should be free from °retaliate and whimsies of all kinds ; he should not have any hUbbies to ride, any theories to main tain, any etymological windmills to fight; he should have no twists or knot, in his brain, and ne mental eccentricities to lead him astray.. He should have a healthy mind and a symmetri cal understanding, entertaining all propositions' with hospitality, but treating nontawith-partiality. Dr. Worcester in a man whose intelleotual organi sation meets all these requisitions. His mind is serene and unimpassioned, and moved by no stronger impulse than the love ofirath. - His is a indlofal understanding, that beam the arguments on both aides before deciding the case. ' The manuals which Dri Worcester has thus far published have been more or leas elementary in their form* and scope. In malting them he has al ways been carefully bolleeting and preparing the materials for the work, which is to be' the Drown ing and closing labor of a long life of faithful W literary toll. e moan his great Dictionary of the English laugaage, which is now in the course of publication by Messrs. Hiokling, Swan, ,b Etewer, and will probably be given to the pub.' lie in the course of the coming spring or summer. This workthe publication of which will make an era in thaliterary history of the country—will be comprised in about eighteen hundred pages, and will contain a full vocabulary of the words now used in literature, art, and science, together with such local and obsolete terms as are likely to be met with in writings of enduring merit. In ortho graphy, it will represent the best usage, both in this country and in England ; and, we think, will form the standard by which the spelling of the country will be regulated, thee putting to flight the tasteless innovatione whioh have of late years been creeping into our books and newspapers, under the mistaken notion that all the aberrations of a language so irregular in its structure as our own can be brought ender the yoke of a rigid sys tem. The pronunciation 0f..a1l the words will be exhibited by a system of notation which will be easily understood ; and with regard to words of va rious, doubtful, or disputed pronunciation, the best authorities for the different modes will be given. Great attention has been paid to the department of etymology, in which we believe it will be found to be more full and trustworthy than any other work' of the kind. The definitions will be fully and accurately discriminated, distinguished by numbers, and exemplified, whenever practicable, by citations from the best 'authors ' To nine per sons out of' ten this is the most important depart ment of a dictionary. Few men, not scholars by' taste or profession, have any great interest in the origin and formation of words, but everybody has occasion to consult' a dictionary for the mean ing of words, and the popular judgment formed of a dictionary is. made up mainly from this de partment. 'We feel assured that Dr. Worcester's Dictionary will meet in this respect the highest-requisitions alike of the =Misted and the general mind. Here, particularly,. will his judgment, hie, good taste, his accurate knowledge, and his nice discrimination, find their appropriate field for exercise. And wo can further say that the number and value of the citations from authors of established merit and re putation, both .English - and Amnion, rill Dona. Two cram mend It Gym as a:reading booh, dip hito ingthe unwanted momenta of - the day.:-as a tressitiY:of *dal menu and beautifid haespes.LL Theertatnient* of synonyms* will forte * Work, and the arahers said.Wrihihr of our tongue will find it a great help . in'thisiii 14 'the Idditkins it will...make to their vocabulariluidliyinidireob. lug them to the eveet ahadeedwieuding of, which, they are in enarch. . And list, but riot diotionarywill have a featuro• widelef , it *Wes! it: part totheenterprislng ,liberalitynftthe era; It will, e copiously Multratetty.aroodeno, of minute slim, happily dive-tilled Into ' the - Pulpy and in innumerablecasse pretiating an inehin - oils definition to the eye wide% a pm, isidibuket words would in vain attempt toconnautdpete to the` TUyoung persons, *apt:olefin:in le UV be a Most important, advantage.y. Much , „important -matter will be given in the introduction. and,la the aP pendix; will 'he 'added Walker', Nei to the 'Pro. annotation of Olaasioal -=and' tiorititur, Proper. Names, much enlarged and improved • a pronoun-, clog Vocabulary of - Modern Geographical Mant a ; a polledtion of phrases and- ifiotations from forolgri - languages; and la ofk the.prinolpal abbravia, Nona used in vnitingand,prinUng. :We have bad thellekeure or el'a . loge no it a itee te of this Dictionary as 411411;beetrwiready" stalelt off, comprisiog, the iirst:thrwlyttilitoirlibe saPiw bet ;..frem.these, we; can' conadently predict 'that, in point Of type; _paper, r andlovea-worlecthe volume will redact high-credit .. upoi allyrkohave taken perein thomeahanioakermuttiow of-,k, This rage is_ fair, tasteful, • and ve-oomforting. Dtbden 'wouldn't*, priMmittaed B.' l, lovely_n - page ; the paper Winn'. lii :tabu& Dolor the type is; ble a r and handsome-, and !the, West , wort excellent.. There - 1m add - garb, the Dictionarywill be worthy -of 'it, attbliatiNal merits. t. , , • • - • - --- THE , :CITY: . A Tsrunitrer, ./eoSeDldgg.—essiedi Of iodett,. dtarlem are becosolog roalte,ihequent A asd,,thress-teerthe of the Arcs now,cs-dale 10 # 11 ,to th• verb of We have heretirt9o4;naiithised the fief Oei 4 fri, oecurrid-at GrOinsetown on Weduniterghorkfri *bleb the bonier and' stable attached to the eisistry'esisidiee is; of Mr. R u lings CowPerthwatt Wersiniarely drntroyed e as well is their entire eoetents. The. hothouse, con. talabig a'connber of "sizable- Plante, 1111 1 / l alao'partially - destroyed. The toes will_probably oneount *parker' hoodred dollars. irhich Is fully covered by%insane*. Mr. - Ootsperthwelt tuteleg towelled tO thebity teethe winter season, the " lace wee left is ehergeofsh Welsh. man named lame 'Rent, The stens Sishe tint gi4eii his eon Phlllp,.who, upon beteg quittosed, an improbable stor*eltat, he wok taken Into, euatrstr by ;Maar - Shied; of the Itteetessith" ward:-Ale - Nam hronaht to the Central Mattes neterdeg,aserenaslaed. -by hvire Hershel lilsekleurh, when be OtelfneStO bar., tag fired thelirlldlege : says that heeeteied the Stable with match, and set dos tojeloS Ardraoder thelnsoder, ftPUI 141111200' the 'dames oranmanleated the mow above. Ifs nye hit was prornpted to the 410 m." I mission of 'the sot by two older boys: Towns Bees was yesterday sent to the House of Befogs., B • Hash= WITH _treOLARY.--- nrkit P a'. tersori end Wm. Browning were invited by-Lieutenant it endorsor', assisted- by °Meant Beau and . Weir;'Or, the' Reserve C or, petards:lr morolne taken befa ll s Aldennswßettler, on the charge of _herglastoellyr•ee., terrier the jewelry , eters of , !red. 0111ftlE0110,4 I N0. , 1530 South I' wentistrirotreet; on the 92d of learhere shed taking therefrom h onentity refjewelry:.. Who building was entered byprylog 'Ora restligtekthe yard; 0141 obtaining an entrance' to the basement; aad then forcing open; the door of -..this stese:A.The: rehbetyeee. tracidto.this *belie by geps!r of 'earlingn i , which snare female-- their neebenrion.• PattersosewierarannlttirW in default of $2 01l bail, toeofwelt it Goya, amli *ewe ing was kiddie sl,oooball to - await i farther hearted; and also committed; in default of d1;000, to aneWerthe' chaise of stealing ri coat, harsh 331 girth and,Oheettat streets. ' - lew niglitatigo; links::: eatitea , iiicie tenement, halted the' basisiof the Poinisilug ereek,Virenty-thlid was**liif - net ott are and totally 'defamed. Thalinildlag wn *meek by,, James Towneend, of Book, county, and is fully lisSureit in the Buck. County Idatual'lmiurisice inumacey.'lllo - of the bailees , standlaciemetafreas any,: dwellings, sad of nil having been Irarned:to the grenid, - leaves no doubt' but 'that it in the work of an learn ' - Mary. ,Bire'Deteative Blackburn, sink - lie aoststemed energy and perseverance, boa been.endsked—in elfgng the matter ; and tit- learn% that,:thne - mother of, singular circumstances liscu Isea ellettedidikkik *MU be developed in si - fecr day* , gatow-svonicLA jiet itbpnt: '844 oleloak Yesterdayttioniiing; and the filitiOrrilikei fell, yet not *ery thick and fail, - delft the entire dityi e late _hour Meet Jilght,,Tlusre . biasai every resjieet of arr obl•faidiloned,eacorliterii, but the late date • etr the petal data, lomsediately pi probability thi weather "- stolid 7 141 1 / =an, Rained' ail still*, stove Offerson;lttasr`int the lip Di aTtrhire pet lbw, at - The weindiesitirslitt iligbt cue„and the. gentlemaniassUrdpated lathing:unions from the result of - the Mc, ♦ few dap since howaver,-. 14r. Brady - was attucted oeiious llbseea; which' presented all the, . symptoll. that esearloned , bli. hydrophobia. Medical easistane• was promptly called in and everything was done that Miran skill could devbjs, but his ease le pronOnnoad , a hopeless one, and lie will doubtless fall a viethir to this :moat horrible 4COIDENTI3.-- , DaTill Dolan eag yesterday 3:11-4 mined into the lipiseopsi lackspitil, suffering from a compound comlnuted - fradure,of the lbonts ofthe band, the ?salt a blow [min a II Melon& of a felloir-laborer. Op the same day.lfinbeel. Haman - , a young Gar. wan,: Wes brought to , theacke institution, with Were injuries of the heed, faoe, end right um, caused by a premature explosion Brantford. . _ - AaOIDENT AT FRANYOD.-011 ghnrsday anarnoon two men were eererely inland 'by the "pre mature explosion of ablest near Irankfordz - They were engaged in digging a drain into lager-beer .vault, end the nue hung fire.' They then attempted - to draw it ent - when it exploded, injuring there - in -the, most shocking warier. They were taken to theloepitel. VIE Insann Max.—The insane man, whose peculiar e,ontuct e have before Mentioned, and who was listen to th e Slith•witri statioirlionse, left this city yesterday, aocompanlad by his wife, for their home in New York city. Linn;Cl GRAIIMABA011007 9 :1111.1DIgilliG.— , Mr. Sickle, principal' of the &hose school, hiving Se-` signed, the vaoancy has been filled by the appointment of Mr. B. J Brodie, who will enter upon his duty on blonder, the 28th Inst. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE: Samezose, lib. 88,181 • BINATE. The Benets met at 1Q A. M. =The following bills "was reported with a favorable reconimendation i To authOrtle the State Treasurer to resettle the ae eounts of the rataklin Insurance Company of Phila delphia.- The resolutions instructing the donators end request ing the lispresentatives in Congress to vote againet the Increase in poetise. - • To incorporate the Philadelphia and New Orleans Steam Nevigation•Amopiny. - • To incorporate the People's Jo/nestles Company of Philadelphia. To reduce the number of dirsotore of the American' Insurance Company of Philadelphia: The bill relative to banks • To incorporate the Port Kennedy Railroad, /*Wont gomery &panty. The roilowttlgbilhi Were read in - " - Mr. BOLL, ofChester, one to regulate the 'notice et fees of sheriffs in cases of attachments.. Mr, Rio:swam of Moutgomeryoa Supplement to the' Balmont-stenue Plenk-roed Company. The resolution of inquiry relative to the payment of tonnage. tea by the Pe.msylvanla and other railroads The general banking law came up in order. By the general conatint of the Benito, the bill was referred to a special committee of seven The supplement to the act relative to tanning loco motlies sod cars on connecting railroads. was pissed. The bill to prevent frauds by beech ()Moore passel a first reading; and was laid over. - The bill to make decrees for the payment of inane id' equity proceedings, and Ilene on real estate, with the right to revive and continue the fame by writs of safari Odds, was passed. The bill relative to testamentsry trustees was titan up end considered in committee. Sending Its conside ration the Senate adjourned. - - Aetna:wow 8118111100. • . - rho Senate met at three o'clock. The bill entabilehing the Delaware and Schuylkill Basin Company passed . The bill eetablishing a normal wheel in connection with the Westminster College, in Now -Wilmington, Lawrence county, watt discussed, and mu pending when the Senate adjourned to Monday afternoon, at 8 Wok oh; The Home, on re-aasembling, resumed the col:dders tion of the appropron hilt, - Mr. Limitation conclude' hiO Speech in favor of the appropriation to erect a monument in honor of °Wrens *tato in the war with Mexico. - The coalition on the section was taken, and decided in the negative The bill then passed drat reading through Committee of the Whole. Adjourned. Mr Elsner. ofßradford. offered a resolution to pay David R. bleCiairt - seven dollars per dsy, and mileage, whilst a 'Ming member of the Legislature: • • The notation was not agreed 'to—yeas 33, nays 89. The House agreed to have no session to.morrow e and attend the funeral of Mr. Wood - A large number or bulls were reported by the stand ing committees. The consideration of the general appropriation bills was resumed. - The appropriation for the erection of a monument In memory of the citizens Who lost their Threa on m ez i oc , led to a long dismission. SpeakerlAwnszcs modest, able speech in favor of the appropriation. The. question was still pending When the Bouts adjourned The Government Organ Recommends the Relivel of the - Tariff of 1840. . . WASIIINOTON, Feb. 25,—The Vision of this Morning Pays that it has become perfectly obvious that no men. cure of revenue can be adopted by the present Congress in the short apace of time remaining of rte existence. It therefore tecommende the revival of. the tariff act of 1815 tot three years, and the 'redone of treasury notes, arguing that thin scold be done with per Democratic consistency, and that those who re fute to vote for this virtually vote to atop the wheels of Government " • The concluding resolution of, the nrjori'y of the epeeist committee on naval contracis and abuses wee Inadvertently omitted in.tbe transmission of the Con greszional report of yesterday, It is ae follows: • • ResolvediThat nothing - has been proven in -thin in vestigation which impeaches in any way the pommel or official integrity of the fieeretary of the Navy. The Na.y Department this morning received a die patch from _Lient. Drains, commanding the -United States ship Vincennes, dated Norfolk,' which he stateir that he bad captured the slaver Julia Dean on the toast of Africa, and brought-her into that port. Angtniluit Irsgeron, represented as • passenger on board, the Dean, died on the passage to the United. States, previously requesting that his effects should be sent to his wife at Haven It is empposed that he was the captain of the Dean, and that his offsets comprise a great ii-al of treasure - - The department; this 'morning, sent ordeis to Lieut. Brans to turn over the plan on th Dina to the tici4d Staten marshal for trial. It is supposed that the Dun is owned in Oharlestan. • ' • The Vincennes is ordered to. be examined, as it me lillpliat4 she qua iajare4blattilas4 on a rear. IOTII!3d001 zolvdttlib toimi g erviiis .41 kmay onamialiiitke nat.* soinpiimill' am= attiwto the tYikoft6ol7 l bit 'au* tbe au" 4 1661 10 written spa. - _ W. 41 4 1 1 ° off, arise lie_ assi era, 144 I # lo 2ti Othfii iia1** 1 4 4 4041,2 rallFiralfit siiii** miiy; i4i4ritiism. of peshaes, beisteresti m e brie reeeet roiser- , pierg4twilionio.] - The irodaMsaiebein2lll**o.bemi*Nliteelisintims, bufKlawkinnnilir*'.7'ol;,,,Soll4:lll.6/. -: - " In. b ' ' 4 l' 4 .' l ' 4 o°T, bOgr Aid - 1 , N 14 4/0/1 1 .. VOW '-' base Mei Seamed: :Sielitidat - ' 4* , _Mileapf.-Imii;-, .. tlie Oliliii:isnifialiM;'' 'Ciiits,6l - 444f1ti0 to Nit in Ann. ' OeStille ittilkiridatrio,Die , Mat:Of iiiiiifee:7,, - „abile eart , Melaisee are' lide Mile* mid panel - not iti•:":: TeMt, , lbiii - - are 'llaiir. -7 'Telsiii-' Mali laifeM MOM .: . r , ,Minniiinct ridtt abbit, -, • ,. ltair!lisi' 7 '''- iva nted. , iviatiiisem4biiiiiii - W4sall.sWolo o l,lito r -f__• Ours drUillMsedliabiniarotrii.,:-Doebanwier read: - d mtber-- Prioransitay,hlpeeno. - 014M'ait*: Umber ' . ' —Nothing doing' N 4t V * 4 l... :"si•-fm Mlti!i „ =lf ' • irarits of Tallaatlinia feiettpi_leaiera,',9ll. ,haVi beeer;- - quiet: ' Provided. are dial; bat theteMailiia Willa- oft. Aldo ia dull. - Marais* Is' viiiOlid.l l llllliii ie ''' scares. "Teas and Tobacco are bitteS.'' Wool anisgsami as leet - quotedi Vb. Dry finnan laid. sal ibiiii' = nsitiq — -- Sotto. thts week, wad both tie "emitabeteit - Mid Job' ', holing bat. buts busy with thsli Wutoss..oisittossfoio, - '. who are,, still - ;_buyittog Aketly- -, lirowo.! sed Oils .wA!siL , . - -_, -PatMr_ are ii,4lllthinighlpjlandinii, th*Aillem-_lii: - n m t . "it L.P.N1..4 AM I TIPPI , * ( I I 7.. ~, ._ . nni.illrhoon.• ._.... lia lPiilit UP..^ Ll'lblisFt . Mitßiirj.o l --illis --: ' rtila. *lies; :ishie,reirs-,,:: ii :_iiiikVa; .. , sorted Adair! o.taii dagesii : • help.. iii ir itit t; fully : fully quoiilcas: "iiiiines end Oette.4ii ilia - take. to a fair anti* and the stook 'rai ssiti li-ltddik'-'n •.- - -11roollsaa Me drariettl a iteakili 401ns a , ail: . _ *trip sesta ar.tatiraies.-,-;„ ft... ''':-..---,' F - F. -. - F. ti- , F.-F._ f,F -- - • F :. ctliaADl TlViliellttblitnisiotataillimusd;bethrog y , - o s p i s t hiloosposwiltios'ilitithits 441014 barb pit 4 tip Abair pliddi miritme4lll . 4l6l. - MO els.." -, oEmilt ' ' -, weekiandelas ambit beam* itottpeutdisrat ini-. -- i' • brsee. Moat 10,060,iiisli .ll'dolieppnril'em,idpesers&-ea, nil , atoned litbiolOf ittiChiliesitits.-iiiii.lMEWPWrAr' -- bbltorottrilbtallyoteestailmitnelliM .I=oephos,-,•,- ea toms Ms; prlvat.... Mit tiolosi - - ' - 3ig1it..,.... aatt the' market* at iteMmit- trie. Ileeee - bsehm. ii: _.- _ - fair logilb7 Ur theltipwly 4 st 4 iso-lesistrtssaeorithl• , : • We range far inpaillne sad Slaws sad t'llzhe...,-: : Tr CO for ?Jimmy lobr.iiii aunts ilt - yellapowittobt _ - Heated hiptin , Mit KO bite idd' at , 14.4.125 M .-' ' ,Clani Meat Is very italet: , n l Theisosefeibelditiams -"._, bat Dm demad itoosil,sa¢ riupai..oloo _0(044.1,2,4,i ,z , . 000 bbliDnendehinirahlreed raids remea.-•._ , ..,__„_' ••, , • - The followhip aselbellaMeridadirtertireaidzitair'f" - for the week (Mbar lieli Iti'isiii i:, _ ..,,.. ~ _ , ~..„,,„ -`• Halt barrel. at imerime........, .. . ..,,..,....,. 'Am ',..'„.• - aterrattr of Jintardne - - ' ' ' - ..;:',:51,041. , !-L Do. , : -,line --- -''' " ^' ' 4 ' "' ' 7, s dit _„ - i. , ,74 - ,Do. - -'- ItiddANSfr -4- .:.- '.l'' i . "_•;no!'-i- - .rla t - "' ' : •J Do. gdi - . - Do.A -- - •' . oersi , lteel , `.t.; . : ..... .............................. .D O . - - ' Caidmead:4. . 4 .4 ,,,,, i4.11.iiiii-4,"4-,- . -- - ' - . 4 L.i -- :' ",--" ~...- ' 4, ` •=4; - •-•-• . ,--:--:, -,L ' Total: ''''''' - i - '.'-‘ '''''' '- ' 4 " - -'' - Aliv: -i- - : , Willia,T.--Mweieselptr_ „ ainiefiteett4retricseidtblV" .. ' • bulk of iteManttoll,alnan itbe-tfeemoribmses.; ? . ::: 'fieldirer. bare Seedbed m admire' Sil rasp V bin- : - Was of 1,866' be. fair - end" team red - at'11114061.451 , .' - , i• eeter•Arteeeor do aillthOod ilk am ordhady ali rim ,-. ), white, at ill 4561-70. .Iksoissar Uwe la Ottstabtibt-lbe=; , z.,.[ • - advance; with willOof 2 COO bee Peampleriedivat felp; - - .p . otoolor bras: 41ort his -Um iistettledivtti 1411 4 / I , n- It . , VI 000 3 !gai..7 1 4 1 0 , r, la at ,11•66- at. gs . .so#, swwwpav ,Atcci:: *as" elniax _enix Ailangte linn... -1 0-3 , 011 , i 4 and in - stati.' ', oats Mihtithisiodoettli Wit '-_ ' 4 ". bilk 6010/10,11; LW Pftiortnado - . t ilikii - 08i. 3,410 blis,Nor. :Yak itrlitr,o44 itt fii . ln., - pit, ..e... - ";.,- a t . itwhislt at Slat 10 ' , bag: '--- -r - • -. , _,- :--;"'_ •q PitOVID I O 6 II.-hdlaisiesipts:ibesti ArbotEraminit) , - - • tettalm derma la Undled i! Mas 4 1 . 1 02 0 (aAilalit -;4:ZI - . ip tni. - ; In The 'M. labsr.iliesslo,o We, iii'....:--ii-,,.. ship Jamie at $lll.lOlO forts r tomia , ~ ._- ~ km bees in detrispsestimenti oissid.' . - fitedDratip;Mr o_ Vain. at . 11010 oIlianids - esad ' 0 10.51 BV, isieti‘asididi isei:% -.. esthosliaktiwilts - -tkidat litairat' lOgii; 'an at _inciwmpallifinime_.l4o - dibealdemispdge, -,--4_, awl and - sideritim* -.i'' Dud soatlnaeo mink sat eland _with emitter Mail Wet iif ID& sad thaseit it IVO. - 4' •-,. Ine r and keg. ataiintaXe-romidevadd arilftermhi.;;; - =;:!--' - - 1 Hurter heoleert la better intuit ; e itoil poimairtolikkA; -, , 103 S aal Closhea 120 Tho I saes Tr, lidld likklitilliblii-n. ISe ible,'ltad Thilltito li Usti `.'illisiosillitaiiiiils ''' f , , -964,- lb , Isns ite_loWerrerith - salat atlitalitiliaark - - 'Ef..- ,- '' • METALS —The ineitet Jot krarporm ll a ,„ ticak..t.„,, -- ,:. and there lea fair lientrpeds .-ternrit ,i' . • *Mat -,,.. 8,000 UM _antluinite. POW : itlialiollitlerar4hlk-iiir= •=. WI" Aim Page OA Al2lith• bittossiohit tiootoltrist ~,,.-) free egos front Men ~-LA 11.1. - ci int Both ,lllanai ices " , .. - Ana inn, Wirt inlynen - k?Alaci, aiiiiiiilana rTpoe ...: 'thiamine rel.-bit utetisit.,t4mot:Maisjiii*llisace. ,_ _)- Atititio, As* 6 feeitemar at, steel. , ,.Ondiee.•.*Me4.-, _,..- ' rimed ... - Mlles. hiefileiosot DM foe linettilliibeedb. har. mil motto lee disesiain aid DinliebrYdlibilltii. 4 .-. teh.rd rl / 0 4 ;;14 ! ,1114. *r 01 9 11 0 01 .S t Ill i *,': •--.,- ." •"`"*"-- f - ..,..,,,- 4. ..- ~ -Bag__ c'iros l TSAlivet least or iiiiiiretharans.', Virg* light, sari thl'esspind llidteat, at-efts ',.,.:-•,"` .0. 1., bolder* Molm the LOWS Illtutreio,4,i,-, 4-iiif'.4xf ;• 010111 , 115.4M - Adiatintlia tarthee. - ramt , 4 -:,. '.fife. alty mite are reported st 20e; and* amout.wee..7v ?s -es ia. leg 0, mis kiKFAin. , ,linitnt: ,Slii .. 4 0,4*Cnn"'"" -- 34 wits.. _-,, - --,.. ,, r , -:-...' _COAL - .0.-- L for air - - . _ lteek es head`,4ojl 11, 10 144,00e.,0-.0001 0411.000 _efhteirterher - Ottleoetr oo iilf.iiiihilii lathe tOoir4i- - A-- aeoletik-INgia. 00,0611;310,000-221,00O-4.1%, tit. 41,004 10.000, Immo ;Ammo . : _ • ox. tolireette 10,0011' - - 36,000 -- J•1111,1111C .742 000 ' • - Hz. other 111,000, - • npoo. - Total export. 75.040 72.000 '115,400' _49,0t0 - 00117 - 11V, - - - -The-weet Ault* Oper • - the week?' ogee ontiioettele , l oo o l o2 l PatUX6ll-10,,, ) 500 kegs lastugyia 4123:104 mild bege - jive,ett Its tb l 4 MUGS AND Oltii,—Theret'oeetioOlitsoeti le mote, &moe the ere gods liat - 2jra 7 e,,'Borix etitee 19,10, ue Dye Itt96ei Bel Hods 2.,Vtr:"Zut India WEN. • OR at s lB4 ,,ttataMba, an d C r! d ' ,l4/1 PMH, 42 1 t rnik l ,•,;"' • kept reteeteL • - - 9RIJIT —loather sales of 4,footomits Brody Omar. and Lemorm ore reported. at $2e2.60 and.,bunah Itet- eine, to tote, at 112 80482 60 per box. Dried 'Apia§ are ' in, efeedy demandi 9.lide l Oir ant tvdtdmid Puebla: 9X to 13ofor ona.leriand helreti v ae In quality. Oran berried are doll. at from Wto $1 par bbt-, - 11.911,—.61eakirrat aro fireitar - leittli indiatiromatore at - 116 60017 for NO.l4l3estiP.9o,for We, hvandilieldi for No: 3. Prokled Herring Minim from $3 to pm, the letter ratelor new: - 'Oen& are erotilth.traNta '"- . . _ . . • -. , PE&TWER3.Goott ',stem ciimanind•i6ajp•F `Th. shoe ttais: • - -••- - - ' . •-• . . 76112IfillTil.—A. "mai en- tile berth•for Leedom Is— getting 26senTe 61 'per ton for weights. - Chatters to the West Indies are. melting at equal - to St Perhhl ant and batik, foreign port churn Sail, TO. the Smith - the rates are without atop' The "Horton peek. ate are getting 260 for doer, So for gran,-s2.7l.6wireer;..' and 6e per foot for measurement .goods. .Coal fralikta - are uneettled. and little or nothing doing. - - GTANO••• , -There Se no shiny In prime. Sombrero is selling at 'taper ton. . 1161dP.—ButTlittle' stoolhere; sad no ialis worthy of %meteor& reportert. , -;- • ,•-' - • MOBS are wanted, bat the atoekti - etionieiliesited. - An Import of about 11,00tyPernsaibiteo Whet - LSO, 6 MM. - • • HOPS aye Erne with - ern and Western at 16010 e per ni:WeeerlteirteltroditS: - •" LVATILBS. of prime (panty fa wanted at but inferior deemiptiens are - LIMBER is doll; skipping begirds,- are sense &tine aelb 60 per If Part. Lot are wanted at g 1.100,1,16. donne Yolat Is wanted and soiree. r Shingles' brim rather better priors. • • - • IdOLAEBES is uneettled.witk robs of 100 lolds , lfew Orleans at 40i, on time. Cabe to coming forward more - freely. A- cargo of Trinidad, and one of Cardftise, hare been dismased of on tome kept private. NAVAL STORES are Inset re, With small sales of Common Rosin at $1 and 100 bbis No. I and San at 2106 per bbl. Tar and Pitch (matinee se loot quoted. The demand for Spirits of Turpentine - is limited, and - prices are hardly miintalpe . 4 : l-rato pkpitipg at.4tX o6oepar, gallon. : . . 0LL13. - -:-Linseed Oil Is leferat,twltli salsa at tlitt.,= lard r-r- - ON i* held, trolly at sl.os.forstioter. with Pi ' , AMU store at $llO. - Fish 011 s are unlit to the trade Sit ItION is dull, with small imtu at BAra44 int time, BALI.—No traassotions - .have beau reported to ' - quotations. . - • -• SPDllTS.—Brandy Ind Gin continue is lest quoted. Salsa ot New Nogbuse Rum at soave. Whiskey meets a limited inquiry only, wi h saes of.Obin Ws at 118 X too; Prison do at 29e; Pena's. do at Ttni2lic hhds See - VC • and drtidgetkeestelio: - - 81111105.—The domains for Oloteresed has fallen oft. and priers hire again deollned—sales of SCO bui, at to Sisto.l6 ha- for fair tb - irime ; AO/ bass from " cond bands, at lletll lb Timothy is , worth $2. 3.26, with Wee of StO tout at tb'e latter rats. Plansmed - wanted bytes crushers, at $170.15* SIINdO s --790. bags Melly sold at $75652 erten, .6 MOIL - ..SOAP.—There has been' an satire inquiry for deter. dill, with saki of 1500 boxes it Twiao Va lb. - 2 -.- TALLOW is mares, and - held' more' linnly, +anklet,/ of city rendered at lleallXo lb: each.. • - - SUGAR -The market hue ruled dull, with Increased arrivals; prices. , however, remain without change. - Sales of 40) hbds New Orleans at TM nBe ; 800 hbds Chiba at 70730, and 4,000 begs Brazil at No, all on time. • - - TWAS.—Tbere hoe tote more doing to bled', and prima, and prim are looting up ; the stoats are mode , rate . TOBACCO has been quiet, and ,the sales, of bath leaf, and manaraetared Totem) are may In sainan 'way tor the steely of thewants of the home traes., WOOL —The market Is firm and the - stock light among the /alit we notlee'fall-blood and One at 55882 e, and mixed at 456520 ir lb, net. - • Proposition to Boy Cuba. The New Orleans Delto recommends Spain to recall the long list of possessions whieh have bead wrested from her by the, rapacity of, neighbors who now oantingly ptifese an anxiety to protect her from the greedy spirit of the United Statei. The following synopsis, from the Delta ' of the manner in which the 'Spanish empire has been passing away for Some three hundred years, is quite suggestive at this - moment : 1165—Malta surrendered to Xl:Lights of St. John. 1620—Navarre and Beanie ceded to Prance: 1640—Portugal was lost. 1649—Einseelon lost. 1648—Netherlands became independent. 1626—Barbadoes seised by the English. _ 1655—Jamaica seized by the English. 1704--Glbraltar taken by the English. 1718--Incas taken by the EnEliebt 1759—Dominion taken by the English. 1797—Trinidad taken by the English. 17th century—New Granada, Guadeloupe, and half of St. Domingo veined by the Premeds., 1800—Louisiana standby the French. 18th century—Sardinia ceded to Duke of Sa voy. " Oran and hissalquin ceded to Morocco. " North of Italy ceded to the Bourbons 1759—Siolly and Naples escartolpeted. 1819—Florida sold to the United States. ' 1821—Half St. Domingo lost. 1825—Mexico finally lost. Frans.=-2C German natnraliat lice deaetbed six hundred swiss of dies, which he Au ordWeted within a distriot of ten miles. Thirty thousand different Mods of haw* which raj upon wheat, have been connoted. suggests the multitudi nous infinitude of_tila total .- . ExoanOon amount! of 'envoi hafts been discovered at the mines of the Veiled Meadows of Ariame. It lies in blocks and panels; In many. instances masses weigh tone, lidding from seventy to ninety' per cont. of idno with copper. - Tun Islunnan of aulinale now in use- iu the. , army is stated as follows hy„, the , department :- 6.060 cavalry and artillery horses; 2.576 hones in_ the Quartermaster's Department { . 1 3,830 taulas ; 4,5 lime% and 192 onto. ' •-- - _ T . f {- r4~~ _~~> _'