The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, February 09, 1859, Image 1
-,,, ~- ''. i• iU!•ile''lnlr/P4k:l'lljrTi"- Xa 2 .TX ! -'5,P,,,41Y4A1RV1Z*610.5! ' ..' " .„,, „rumcwa - ,.. • , F - , 21 . ,- - , ~, Am, ' -''- ... , -, eißri,-I'r =t,'"%rlaluins!`'''''..- - = = "i 4l ' , o• , o•Y•f;#l, I *.tl '7' ",,''''' P - 1., ',. ' - ''' '1,4 444f :" ' • WiteViON .. -4 k l e',„ .4 ; - 0 ,2faki- , ,, tt , ! - • ' will', , 1k,T11„! .. 'g*:,_L, I), ' - '• ..t tirdtw litikDOZ 4 4 ll ''rali-, iiii -, .t. ..--7,,e w liewai..# '' , 'Tzta;nwir.?Miqt,,44 0,1 NY...," - ` o X v.A f l ' - '''';:ciieir „, _ y „ IT , i 1) ,A ;;; , Ago:4u i1ii4.4141443 7 s.ii r ' „ ,, ,. ' fi'• ,9k,, l l*Ari rql, !r:iai l it Utiaiy,,t:tl4V ,4 '" '' .l 'l ' •., - " . rt";;%• 74t, ,,,i , ir ',lilUPUrf ' ~ ..."7,•;' .:.;.'-- ,', tiVa t .... t o. sibseribors, 0/ 1 , . ~ ,„,, , ,i , e i i yiwgi, .4'..., $2 00 ~.. 4• ,141.' .fl uu n s tr- 44 '7 r ith_v• .471 , 4 a. itCi v.•,,t'' - , - -'lO • t,VV*2 I ,S; - ccv-nt.',tti:4l hi ow lui t on ' ..;`tL-zi - i l4; Wi l low. -.. 29 90; . C..= ' 47,6451:24.10,1t1,14,r4',:;"*, t., .":4141ipt.v.Sfaztla , v i iii7441 , , i i ~,„,..-,--,„tb77,idt.o ' , Ai' ''''' , ~.., tVP 040.. -.... j ; m i t 1,0 :Algailtli tal l-' •- e lq e r .+3..alAkttNll••.•,Zilisif .;•.• j• . " , i - 4.ii: , j 4 ' - 44. dgu jaromx P!. 11 . 1 , '.. 9: .„=' l. •- ' 01111 ,0 4114 ' :: , ' , ,'Lloue"' 4, - .‘ , 13•10010" . 4 1 ,t , bt , . i 1 ,, ~.,... ---_ - 7.7"4-, , .., —,,, - 'IONGrOQP I - ..-', , , ... _ • •• I ' ••-•,----.,,,, ,- -- i-- . i -',---,- =•.-1.,,141:ri,r-v.'i• e' ,4 , ... 0 4 0 ,,,, 4 . 4 . 0 I,ge: II : , :sl.v.. --, ~.,..- it it ilr I S T t ' ' :f .141V114 ' 'IL ' WIXAs M.,l! * :lt-4 a:: 1 .`.:- ';',' ct ,-- 0,!...rtr 1 1 . 1 A171,10:P.,4,:,:'" ;y ve'4 e . 4 ~.,"1 ‘ ,..ri .. ," 4 ...=' - ':i ,` A i 0111joininercelatiiii . )',4(9.?0/!1.111",":^7.27-17..ti.Y.,,.;•'#i's,,,.V.:''.:-P:. ': ~,.,;-.ll';''-',,.;;;3..i144:1"u0110tai1Y --"'-'7'l. .Zl',':',..: • , ,:te,io• 10 , "' '_ . - --':• , ._ ee ' ~,, ,1- ' z..:11`.7.; ~._ , ' • AxitaKtilirAifgAtlACOSPiliAßßlop; Tu iklmiyatit,'Jk:fllL:i;..j,t,„;)„.„-.:3 . - - ..1100(81r ZIEREIMERQUWMAITRAQ# 4 4AR9 °tally • A ;r4iskrAs , c , t; - ' • F 2 is ; ter I "1,1,1 • ''' ' / - *W;# 9, : , 24 4 - J 1 6 4 9 1* . - ;;'AR ' Yclki t.- * A ') : I IIIIiftIF.NORTit c TIIIII4) , STRIET: • Pli e e; to ' Ma orPV* 3 l 4 . al[2o4o24MSllol4l3P 4 l :i'Aerrillirgefiiiiitziiitraottye stook or - - ' • Abilatt , tekt . 41n , ..P4gray'pitr efirp0..14 , 9 • • 4 , ;.•Tosrly; , , . gMk:„K.21f#X1,. , ,.f..,b,, 1 1,1, 0 1F9,; , . N,41.71,:,-, „„ doEnks-t, ' , .-, , ... - etas7 ,4 ,- i °Mil 14104M".;m8PRING , TItt v,Av.lOOO. A 4l l CA 4.1 • xf I:Pte.:lml ..riP;" i'. , : , i' " 'T3 -1, , ( I', ''' ' .", .SEIORTRIDGE;;&I3RO4 ,,,, , ,•::h4ol'iiil4l.l4iigiiii/, 'arLiV - it-ii,`;') 4 "' : 3 , ~...- , 1 ~' 'M RilirsiiiP,V iippiii:' '''' ''. 1-1 -. 4as- ~:•.;, 1, ,„,>;,,- ~--, ~.I#' '4 ‘? ' 17 1':: 1t':13:1 1 k 0 3 :) 1',.._1 d -, • : :4•2,4, , t0 . Flikilaati STAIRTi :',,, , ' .., 1 , arr. 11111t9r0 , 1440141ite41110 Of ? %. , iflr r 5.,,, :-,;, PORE.62I6I' , DOMESTIO , OIOOIIBi. '..., ... &Meted a:prosily Milk' ii iiiftwlto• thwhiterestil of pesa =AND Pllo3ll o l° 8110)110JUDILDNAIR#8, To whioh theY.foOPeolfellyttrfltetlifi ntiesiif the Trade: , :!:;-.0 - 1,..,;?+'‘. 1.1, ;:' ,. 191; it,.. ,-,‘ , -,:=',..!..{:- •-. . . n . U.-...A • iillt MOCK 01V1131111t17.011 UM, tad 9r6011 Sit be =seated. promptly et the - , ~I, ',. - QPRING-AMPOIMATIONtirrAti::-D ,- • . 3 , • '• ,,, ,,HEREIN,EI-4146: OT'A le. - AppleiibtravitilifiC9ik.tegti;' • • - ",:•"_•st:3 ,- ,.: . I , 7tABBOR.Tid:ENT • •,.1 • TE:1441,4-Eifq.:::-..••',V1411k0.11A1t#13.1.: - - TT -W. 7* . al i TA:'" IBwint," tELESdsit ,**virLS. nogiglit 102 ' 8 m iitOVESP, Ti . DEOOIIIISKYi diet?OIIRCADE, , • - , lmportersjuid Jobber of -; OthI i E3, I OASSIBIEREi.',NESUNGS," i 3 Aso, oqops.oiis , pyifp(Aodzwipi , i ' MEN - Aticii.idYik*EAtt. NO. Bai •-• Are now ilikrinithiltir BPBI)t *oilo:kr :'- fro which they !write the 'attent4con anq panhasen of such woollk, fel-2cc SITEIC;:PRICE - ; - &CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS FORRIeN- liktME64o, - Liar.oooDs, fel am • ' ' S - OF & 00- faIt)JET, '"" 1 IMPOitere ; -'--' • ' , 101`141Pi%440, 1 ***?)1 11 (.6 0 9D8 ,, : - Oka now complete end medyier,bnisein; SHAPLEI6H, & CO, IttROS,TESS , OX LINENS, - '2., , Y 1 WHITE 'GOODS, • , EMBROIDERIF6fi Ô. 820 IiARKET STREET: . . 'lJ7",oFrilqt (teak, Welited ioti;? .. blifltikrejosia i' 6 ? , .of!te. ll •,:) ll .Te over 91tered . ' • - : 'rebl-88137, SPRING OF isai. WM. H. BROWN_ 8c CO., • NO. 416 - 14.01C11T STRUT, Ate new tebeiitiff iiiierleetive end imiefullyielooted PCiDEIGN - AND - SAIdERIOAN_ - DRY GOODS - - - To which fa*, forte the stiontlon Of Fushun". 4 4 -43- ' X I EI - WA l l B / , 0„a ` `s TRE.E T. f`lr• c..z . A ° P!! l Yr", l l l ‘!g - .:• 4 • 06 0P14 , : -. fr . •• • -6,13: , -; • - Ci 4 •••7'l•-;",,, pßiCoa FEatturS, & co., • Tinpo ; itors of CfOODS; . 0;1.; . iImBROID . BILVIiko.) st l'YI V/431 ` 6 F il • D' n0.'525 MARKET Btreet, below 11.4= (V.:A.000. 172Fr - oF-THE-BRIVITir OF •itlftli`3ll/t.130111-414 , in #6lert*,inake:rottn . iiitOr' - OPIUMA-A3ooPB,'.4*'illiffir.Ronolwietto 01,11- onC,4!zw, . ' Whitey Ina* regig4ll 0440 I tillor4 ,l l/ 34 Mkoj. NW) thaikeldebiat•to' put 'ielticrtil Kii S tAi tisk - &Oin. 'iSiCeibicaillitalT74:(ttrini oniVediiielifisid'obtali' ~ , - thole' -if 4;11 , -. 4,:x., v;.i,,,,..., ~-, , ,t y.,ki ..t. ~t 7: • -- . rant itaint.orketase--;•_4?„•••03.1:•.-,,,vr, -, _ '-;•-:.,..:AVVitli c t i filies.p....• : ;.7 , •:••::3:• -: --43 - - i - '0 virmarlosatiliat,-, - f - r , - . z -- - - • - '4nnisgiaturtasevison:sqtrAu4liiiims , "•- -, `,......'::::4% - -:''iWtotsill:•: aiblittie lid iti4Or.-- , - - ' •:=-4 3 4.4. _ IIII9H-SEt&r. griIAWLE!',. : Al t. xmiszeAtillolo truants - - ,-. . - - l iiii i tet , .....24;;ANOV altaitstuia, '• colni"*. ;. _- 'Finitif4wistnisibtoscostinisin - * soldiers* hv ow3stagritc_oktosi-thadxsurrog srsongwo . 444ooloqtryerg,- - ord.ixtiuiy•othetitoodi -; :- . - - ton,apert tig4l4o.4ifivet:tus: I call, and Myatt :don't`'i. el _ Mil"Vreftitldifith drafty,' •.-Ddiet -lotget?",v; - $' 4 77."7:112/2LBOTI, :;'', :;•.i'i-51t!'01214:5-4401-:?3,21-iiiniptarenn - - t •• -• • „...,_„: _„........, , on ftr , -;.10x.9011 , --zAhmet- 4taireina. 141 i tifidnitra. RW,ooo.rgirebdir AbitddiP.All)l4los ate aid( fathregyinit Fie Wile; 411)IneltiMbIl tT , 9.11 , 1; , f10r.0 1 4, • . - EITEMIEN 8.)÷1., , , -, :1...:., - . 1 ,, :i' • ; . . „. ` 's a 'i- Mx;' ~~~pa~~+u Q.lYY~n~~llll.ers.'.,~ ~S *;4481:)11', &110/53, WISOLIBLLE-JOBBtES OP L-• „ „ , , , • si r 1 •11, • - ' - • - - - .0/08T.41,9100,,#N.1)'. „yr §Tptias, • ILKSPTI:OI4.) . PY - 1400p3:' ' ' .Alll3eri l l.'J,Ql7iNgS; & C Ate now prepared to bait silage ' " • NE* AND ATTBAOTIVN OTOON, - T•irAloh ttiay sak ' - - , THE .-ATTIIINTION: 5 4;BUY1 1 1 15 . :, • • IMIE=I jr:Mg.:-/tf,C)A.VP - tittia SC co;: 'and,Wlrlittale De&ler 'Skr "'fa° 0 Xi Itt 0142101ii' pe . , 14,14010;S, ke. '3l:l4.liiingET: STREET, ; . ieblAcer' • • • ' • , „ jatiN gTRYKER go 00. • - ; , :-,D Y - -G. 0 . - • lirr eloobs .13:ffightiioitislitatsvairoiro3t; tea oOldioir for r Vini - AltoTowpAOKAGm, ; - "310 ItAltEllT ' PHILADELPHIA . - - - f 4' • M00L1pTT09K., , G)2,410,,8i CO., . • • Imp:lrteta and Wholpasto.Dealans, OLOTHS, - - . „ oimentOze, • * - and .; TAILORS ' TRIMMING S ; • ''''• • ' A Philidalphl6. ' 44G CO, IMPOBTABBANDJOBBAp3 latT:i4N *,,D - 01111E ST DT ~,Rlr-;- G +C>ODS, . sr.No 307 iii:RICET2,B:TRELETi Borth eide, aboe Third *hied, ''? PBILADSLPIi[A: k do, ivnoLielLi DB AiLElto ; , 4011+Bill'N'AND)D011P,STIO tonlr ',GentitrSi''' , • ' 2.6, AR T-S E E I r , 441400 in 'below2*;.floiitli _ JO SHUA P:A±LY. IidPOBTItg AND.,4OBBER I .g;9',U ; tra AX D 3EO MESTIO - N' . O:- :2:1.8 1 4ril ii-71.,4,T - ;;S:TIL E E T. !fo!fivipirr:ory day for 466.1" 4 .: Crt.TY-IJILD_ 1859 O:AMI.V, i1,01313; - .3 621 . 11ARKIT,Otres6, arid 618 bf:iiienutoin Street, - • tll.l . sllTßTktti3 AND' JOBBERS f#Lit....175,;.t%A.:a'44*72 -. 01 , 001:43, jeleiernow opeb a • complete stoely to , wblei they in yititiitratiiiitloa &buyers; • ' febl'.gm fafttf Vltg-,q,Dobcf. fitAßTni§; PEDDLE, f f . 1:449p4pg, MOAT/In AULDELVARB HOIIjiSY~ __ "'" " • • ,`" autiVXS, 1,1149 • - r _ - - . NORTic 70IIRTS. STREET; IX.l.32looilll,Bgtimr HOTEL, . liffeifor tale the most coMpleti Etta' of goods their line to bi GAO la the -- ' - lINITED BTAT,BB, ‘. • 'ClOnelethig of HO,Bl.llltY of " ever) , g•rlitle, !GLOVFA for men, - Mid children oomprieing an easortment of'Cvet 800 kind', ~ lINDEINEI.I4BB and , LlilllllN ..110151Sit 8111,It'iii and OOLLAIt9, "LINNti RANIIIIIiOHIEC3 and SHIRT `O O , l l. a. 14ittirS ILASHO BELTS, pith ..olasiin of entirely 130 W Ppilgal, with art endless 'variety, oVietione t to whichShey invite the attention of , : • • vrsr-orksß WiIEITERN•ANII 801CIIIINDE • -7 BITTEB13:" • • -,',fel4m MoOA.IILEY,BROTORi & BREWOTER, 28 NORTH FMB:VA ESMET, MITO just opened no 1111t#11 NEW 'SET;ING STOCK ,HOB.llllliY, : GLOVES, and TO Which they htvitetlhe niteoon of first-ohm buyers, Oar etciehAl paTtlottlerly 'pdiPte'd f.o the SOUTHERN• TRADE 801-lAFFER &I ROBERTS, {29IIABSET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF =SIERT, eLoIrEs, • - , mum 1911118, OOMBEI,` , • ' ' BR - GORES LOOKING-GLASSES, GERMAN AND NRENOG TAROT GOODS, . TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. fol-em grAT.R., - w quipr,&9-LASS, IMPORTERS AND 71101.1i113ii r 'DEALBRI3 iioSitatY;- - • GLOVES, - ' ' rAzune GOODS, BTO. • • 'NO, 428 MARHET STREET, ANOTN NHILADNLVIDA. n- DIIHRING CO., , • „thippagas' ,t .7c:twins swim og ,&ND GETIMAN'BOBIERY, :YARNS, : TERN&D9, 2BMALL wian, NOEL', 26 221 . . NORTH - FOURTH=; BTREir fel.Bm .41:11.1I-43ORN t 7 .9 NEB. ON. ,;". • - Importer and Manttriottior - oV 'SILKAND.-_ STR4W BONNETS, z , LiteiHOBIE , and TANAKA RATE, ARTIVXOLAL IttOIVERB, 817d111,8, &et. .Lich the attention of City and Country Dealer. le IJOUCIItett , ;;T-- q• - • ,••• , , "• 4- • IsTe.)::*2,I I ,IAWC.ET ST., • Below PI VT febl-8m r*:o • - _ WOOD, & NICHOLS " "'I-'442 BakOviii ' Prom' their old stand, 46 South BZOOND street, to 12511,ErSTNUT, STREET. ' Tke, ;total Department wilt les ,Olosed for a few weeks. ~., +A v ,S , " ATI ,* 0" . - .kV t . ' , I 4 ti , ",` -7 ',:i ''; #O 7-t" f li vt.. ~, .. . ~ , . . t r.: , j..„.'-•.. - i ll .. , 4 , p p., , 2 ',...,.`,..`,. ';' ! ii ' 4 , ~.. i. , k , , ~,-, ) 1 ~.. ~, •..,‘. '•, 'v. • , , •- • , ‘'.-- ~•,t •- il - • . t . . 4 N . \\ I j v c „ 0 /,,/ Vt., • . ,_,,,,„. • „. ...-,,,,...ef, ~,,,. .4,:: NV c i , 1 . , ./ . , ,) • •,• , ,,k;,tss. _-_,, , . ... V °. "( ' If• I i , 4.. I ' ''' '''' . . 7--.--- '; .'i--,-..,_ • • ,„" 4-1'.;0,01 c: ' -- i. , lq,' 'i. •,.• .•••::. ,*- --- , t . - -- i ...„:,:.. ~,,,D ;: - ,„..-_.-.....--:-...:?.,...._, - _,..--....,_ :.: _,, . ,g 4 1., :, iiqi ,'"- . 1 =:',1,.1 ,F.. , i --- ' - ' • ,, „ ~ ''''. ..'••:.... ... , 1....:'-':' , '••. - .-- , P9 ,. ..- ...• . • - -, :',i" , . 7z - lw-"A.. AP-Af?:::,:.-•-- -. - • '., :........i,";:,.._ 4 :,:f:f• ,, ‘04 , ' . -,- ii ~ tr.. " '' " 4 .1 i). ~• ! '' " .' ' ' ,i ',::: 4 :: .. 7,. , . . - . • y: 0 1•• : • ..• i , - • ....-•,,, ;0 ~ , , ..a„. „ .._er- ,r, ; : , 1 . , ......, - i „t y , 2 -- - 7. - -- , ,-1.• -• • • ~•. •••• • 2 . _,,, , , A11ik v . ..... .. . . ...1, 4 : , : .. 41 , j........,, z -4 - _,J:::... ',':' ;.,:,',,? •,:: , : ... • -- := 7,, -;;;;„, - ..... ,--- '_,- --.... , ±o L 0 it , i Y:L; ';.I. nci - ~ 211 4i r ' . . - — ,. .:. ' : -.7 . 44 ,,..11/../iit , ..:4 - 1. -- ...'••• - .11, i .----"''''==--,,--.-----,_ ----- -'-----. --'.. .. - ....-W-•"..- - - 1 - -- J% --- - -'..... L 1 : ... '' ' , ~., . . . •,..,..0.5,..• ~.. . • ••••.,..... ~.. ......,..4 to r ' ' I. - 1 - : ' ' " ' .- . •• l e '"Y! , , .•• .. - 4:71': --) ,. .. , -v - : -- H , . ~, ~ • ii , ~,,,,.: . =ME ~:- , . .. _ FAttoy coops, ; Wig "dootro, facfmlnission , ionoes. CARP.b.ITINGS, "" • ' '" ' OLD THi, AND MATTINGS, • • • WOLFE :WILSON, 'Ba CO., comiiiisszox zaznonerii," No; 182'01113i3Titti v STAEBT,' . Agents for • . TAPESTRY' 'VELVET " PLY, INGRAIN, VENETIAN, POMP; 'DUTOH, „ ' OOPTON; LIST, and ,RAG „ . CARPETS; Which we are receiving dally from the Manufacturers, and are preMnd to" Offer the trade'Cli lib.fal terms. ' Having the Agency for some of the but and most de sirable goods, we MO offer indtnandeatcnot heretofore to be had in Philadelphia. All goods cold at Manu facturer's prices. Orden carefully attended to. • • try-, Also, Agents for Bleck and 'White Wadding : a :large supply-of which We bare oeisetantii on band. febl-4to " • FARRE4I. & MORRIS; . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. II P ORTER ti OP 01.OTHS 3 DO'HERIIIB, ITO., ' 282 CHESTNUT SMUT, tebVitm , PMl24,lphla :WEST, FOI3ES & LLOYD, 219 CHESTNUT STREET, Offer for pals, ON TUN MOST FAVORABLE TNBMB, ,• GOTTGNAGNA - ' - BHIRTING STRIPES, - : TIOKING-B, . °SHARI:MG STRIPES, > OIGIOKB; -' ' MINIM: - TWEEDS: SATINETS, ' •OASSIGERIO. &0., /"./ i joil4itis tf• In full gissortmenbt. - • ' = _ WiETJFAOTERERS LED IMPORTERS. GEO. PEAR - OE Sa CO., 241 01IESTNOT ' ST., PHILADELPHIA, 87 AZZI E 4 PAilfr. rLacl, EIRI TORE. We have DOW °pan a large and varied assortment of LACE-GOODS; imported for .the coming moon, to which &Malone will be made by eaoh steamer. : The IfiLLIN*BY TRADE will End a desirable line of BLOND LAVES; JOINED BLOND, QUILLINE IB , ie., " • , A great variety of NETS for MANTILLA MANII•. . fdd.f m 1r4112 H • DOMESTIC COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, Noe. 126 aiIdI24OHIIBTNIIT BTR3ET, COTTON, , LINDN, WOOLLEN' AND PRINTED CARPETINGS., * lnvites FMnthorn .. and. Western boyars to examine s ]ergs tAd laeortnienent iniiindLox Many haiilattercurnotbsFors offered, ifs 00TTON.WARP, IMpg,' ' WOOL AND WORSTED, suppoutz, NW:N(ITM DRUSSZLLB, DarefallyNELBOTND in the - looms, WARRANTED of uniform quality from end ,to end,. and beLbg made oblelly in, this vicinity,. can be sold'on more favorable arid-by the UNEQUALLED RAILWAY NADI LITIED ot oar olty k eeot to all lfeetern points at leer 'eatrenee than from - any other market. Ja24-2mtr RIDGWAY, •HEITSSNER,, '& 00.; , Impertereof WOOLLENS, ;Are rteetriiig fun eon:Hies or SUPERIOR CLOTHS. ;TOMLIN% :Nroiiiiiefollowing celebrated mantaseturers— tPEUlDEßlO THICKENS( Little Tleket.) ;W: JOHANNY , ABIIOII. 'MITERS Sr SCHMIDT (B. and M. Clothe.) - :ESSISONA. Alarmism. TORINNLINS le 00, end others. not CHESTNUT Street 111EILLS & SHEETINGS FOHEXPORT. ...Ike BROWN, BLEA.MED, & BLUE DRILL& NNAVY-&--LIOUT 811ENTING13, - Raltable for Export, for sale by ' ' PROTHINGRAM & WELLS NowIA FRONT ST., ¢ 35 LETITIA ST. fiats attb Cape. ,11WER,BON,* SOUTHMATD, Sr CO., ILANIINACTDREBB AND WBOLEBALN DEALERS HATS, CAPS, AND STRAW GOODS, BILK AND STRAW BONNEITS, - ARTIFICIALS/kW/88, HUMES, &o 816 MARKET STREET, , PHILADELPHIA. feldm C,H. GARDEN, & CO., •HATTS'AOTDREES AND WHOLESALE DEALERS CAS, FURS. BILK AND STRAW BONNETS AND STRAW GOODS,, ABTMOTAL FLOWERS , FEATHERS, ROMEO, IcaL, am , ' No. 600 and 602 MARKET STREET, EXTENS B Ar it r e SlVO aora rl s ifig . TERMS, LOWEST PRICES. ffibl4hn 1859. SPRING STYLES. 1859. it.-AGARD Be CO., 328 MARKET STREET, Invite the attention of Bnyere to an ENTIRE NEW and complete etook of RATS, 'APB, BTEA.W GOODS, ho., Which they offer for Oaoh or on the wad credit. feba-Bin* tUboletale elotbing CLOTHING! AT WHOLESALE. C. px .A. xt. mr. wEss az SON, 838 MARKET STREET, SOUTREANT CORNER ON YOUR= ernatT, Offer for tele, on the molt LIBERAL TERMS, A new end extensive Stook of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, ADAPTED TO THE SOUTHERN AND WESTERN TRADE, TO WHIOH THEY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS lob 14m CLOTHING. The ffubwiribers now offer at Nos. 420 and 428 MARICETI3TENRT, '(UT STAIR') A large and complete *took of OPRINO and BUMMER CLOTHING, Of all grades, ,made up in Tarp superior manner, to suit the SOUTHERN and 801:1THWEBTXON NAMICNTB, Which they will sell to their old ouStomers, and prompt Pa.ling Merchant' generally, on the usual terms. LEON BERG Be CO. febl•lm IL/PPINCOTT, HUNTER, & SCOTT, Manufacturers and Jobbers • - COMMON, SODIUM, AND• - FINE CLOTHING. We Invite speolal attention to our complete line of MACHINE BIANTISAODGBID GOODS, Smbraeirg Italian Cloth, Alpaca, Duck, and Omni mere Coate; also,rants and Vests. '3. • - No. 24 MARKET BTRBET. febl.ltn A. T. LANE, WHOLESALE CLOTHING, No. 419 MARKET STREET, NOT/CE TO DEALERS IN CURTAIN FIXTUBBIL—I have appointed BLABON & SMITH. Eole Agents for the sale of my Curtain Pi:- tares in Philadelphia. The Trade will be supplied at faetory priees, freight added. B. S. PUTNAM. Boston, February 1, 109. fe4-2rn pi-MADELpiIIA, IvEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1859. 51 SOUTH FOURTH STREET; l IMPORTNREI AND watorantar !MALIN IN - LADIES , ' DRESS TRIMMINGS, • ' Inrite' an early eielealniilon of their NEW AND IVEILIAssORTED SPOOK OP ' CHOICE 'SPRING GOODS ageotea with dlraet riference to • the • WANTS OY TH& TRANS, They call partfecilar attention to their very fine va-. ;riser of BERLIN ZNYHIII and SHETLAND WOOL?. , Prom their long eonneotion with the well known mmunity:taring and importing house • WM., H. HORSTMANII ,k SONS, 'And their own aottialitanee with - all the MANKATO OT EUROPE, they are prepared to offer SUPErn, STYLES- at i'ERSUASIVIO PRIOIIB, to CASH and !SHORT•TIMB pnrohicere. - $ fel4m al •& A. - KVIMPER; , , 33 SOUTH TOURTH , sTREET, Importers and-Wholesale Dealers in LADIES' 'DRESS . TRERMTNGS, ,Call the particular attention of the Trade to their isplondid impartment of BUNCH POMPOENETTE, ?and AMERMAN PIIBOHIA BALL TRIMMIN4a,: RING PENDANT BUTTONS, We are prepared to execute large 'orders for Bilk ;Mareeillea /fringes, ?Panels, Oords,Buttons,lo., it Our 'own Factory, SLEEPER & VENNER. Wholesale e Manufacturers ' UMBRELLAS AIQD PARASOLS, - - 886 MARXIST BTRENT,. • _ ' ,PHILADIII.I4IA, Are now making nicipGthau one hundred and fifty different varietleaof,NnabfeMas, of ,everyaire, from 22 p) 40 inches. " Their assorhnent ot.:14.1AA801,8 is also vary large, and for variety of dealsido4yles, Hnieh, and prices, ax. coeds theta any preifoWseason. Buyers Who have nOt ; kW 8. , ikF.4 make •of goods will find their time welcdPfit in looking over this well- Sind. stookovhfoli ineladee 14ANAMOVELT/NS net to be ms,tostii ilsotakert., • • ."-! rehl-sin JUSTICE & STEENMETZ, HARDWARE • COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND - IMPORTERS. MANUFACTURERS or ' RIFLES - .160 SHOT GUNS. N. W. CORNER' OF FIFTH AND COMMERCE. ' ; Donationlyou bane A large ausortmeritof Floes, Penal eylvaola Slates, Fine Pooket Cutlery, ied a geueral ea. mamma of - DOMASTIO AND FOREIGN HARDWARE, 1 fel-Im WIVI. D. 'GLENN, • - NO. 26 SOUTH, FOURTH' STREET, . , IfEO.I,IIBALI.PIALIR IJJ • FANCY GOODS. PERIMISIBRY, BRUM:IFS, 001188, • A4TlOlall3, ' Now In store, a Very large and complete assortment for the - SPRING TRADE, Including eyerY saleable aitiolo in the nosh and many novelties. 'The 'attention or buyers hi respectfully solicited. Prices as low as those of any house in the tads, either hi this eity : or New „York., fet•gai 8110 E FINDINGS. . 1 ISAAC, BARTON CO. ' 85 SOUTH SECOND STREET, IMPORTERB OF AND -DEAVAILSIN FRENCH AND ENGLISH LAST/NOS, •SILII AND, !MAT* GALLOONS, , - - : FRENCH KID, PATENT LEATHER, :ELASTICS, SOOT A . V.EB, 'LINEN SHEETING% DRILLINGS, &0., ho. feba-Im* EDWIN W. PAYNE, Imp Oder and Dealer BOOT, RION, and GAITER MATERIALS, Iron Building, N. W. corner AROH and FOURTH Sta. LASTINGS, GALLOONS, SIIEETINUS, Million Ain, PATENT LEATHER CONGRESS WEB, TOILET SLIPPER UPPERS, febi.Bm3 SHOE THREADS, LAOEh, wro. WM. JOHNS & SON, IN KIWI BTUFFI3 and TIIIMMINGO, LASTINOB, GALLOONS, , LAOBTO, &e., &o, AT THE OLD STAND, Northeast corner of POGUTS end ABM Skreete feblaut WM. P. WILSTACH & CO. SADDLERY lI.A.RDWA.R.ti;) OARRIAGE TitiMISINtS, AND HARNESS MOUNTINGS, No. 88 NORTH THIRD STRERTi THE LARGEST STOOK IN THE CITY. `.. 117 Sign of ME GOLDEN STIRRUP. ifeb./-1m CARPETINGS. AGENCY OV THE AUBURN THREE PLYS, SUPERFINE'S, AND VENETIANS, 11.1NDIA`OTUAED BS JOSIAH BARBER, With all grades or WOOL. WOOL AND COTTON, and ALL-COTTON INGRAINS. ATWOOD, RALSTON, & CO., bIANUYAOTURERB , AGENTS, Ja3l-Bin 60.0 MARKET STREET. WEEELEa & WILSON'EI SEWING MAORINES, RIMMED PRIORI,. NEW STYLE, $6O. Al! the former pattern§ $26 lees on each Huh A NEW TENSION. NO WINDING OP UPPED THREAD. A H.11137E1t . WHIOII. TURNS ANY WIDTH OP R&M OR PELL. 0191018 628 OHHIPTNIIT Street, Philadelphia. No. 7 West STATIC Street, Trenton, N. J. No. 7 But GAY Street, West Oheeter k Pa. oeltofe'26 HARRIS'. BOUDOIR SEWING MA OIIIINE Is offered to the public as the most se. liable low-prided Sewing Machine in rise. It will sow from six to eixty stitches to an inch, oc all kinds of goode 3 from coarsest bagging to the finest cambrics. It Is, without exception, the simplest in its mechanical cenetrnotion ever made, Andean be ran and kept inorder by a child of twelve years of age. The DURABILITY of this machine, and the QUALITY OP ITO WORK, are WE , ranted to be nrumrpassed by say other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per mi nute. The thread needle taken - directly from the spools, WITHOUT TER TROUBLE 01 RSTRINDIIO. In fact, it le TRAOhilie that is wanted by every family In the land, and She low price of THIRTY DOLLARS, et which they me sold, blimp them within the reecho almost every one. 8. D. BA.KJR, Agent, dSl•ddm W-cow-dm SO South RIGHTII Street. 101S11.-- 300 quintals Grand Bank Cod .14. Fish. 150 half bbls. White PIA. 600 bbls. Mackerel, in whole, halves, quarters, and Eighths. Sallbon, In tierces and bbls. 50 6610. Plokled Haddock. 400 do. do. Herring. For sale byj . 0. 0. SMILER & 00., fe2 ARCH Street, 7d door above Front. PHILADBLYHTA tgrimaringo• Umbrellas. Oaibtuare. Sautp Vi Zljae~iiriaiit~s. (Buooessor to the late Joe T.J ohns,) Importers and Alen Sabblery garbtuare. IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS, AND DBALIBB IN between Market and Arch, PHILADELPHIA Carpetings etwing Jalachinea. 4 . : ,. [ , 2 ... ',..,:, • ~, . - 4 #DNESDA.I",. i'MintirißY 9, 1869. rpopreselons of Washington--No. 3. the' Capitol, in'lcraphingtoe, is at least as Well adapted for the purposes fer which , it enot s ereeted'as'any other GoVermient iniirithe world. It Posseaseri . thiee great rid va,ge67.internal convenience, magnificence oft-aPpearanee,, and. unique beauty of situa ticiP.' Passing by the mere adornments,within ami l liithout—the architecture, the sculpture; thCpaintirigs--1 would ,here simply refer to the4irst impression caused by this truly mag ni4sentbailding. 'frith the growth of. the city and of the Unl,on, the expansion of the Capitol has taken plots. 'General WASHINGTON himself laid the ceiter•stone in September, 1798, and it was so Or completed, when Washington became titelfieat of the Executive Government, in 180 that Congress commenced its sessions, within • its, walls, in the November .of that 9.94 4 - , Wantonly injured- by , fire; by the Brittsh,in'lBl4, the Capitol underwent re-con. titration in 1815 and following'years, and bad cost'nearly. $2,000,000 up to" 1,880. -- Still it waktmught necessary to ' enlarge it, by the ad on of two wings, and the erection of Si 'iargtiand statelier dome over the Rotunde ss or aen#ecof ' the •Niiiens pideilairePiiielitetioni or tto ba,:` ,pibathilve been placed before the public, front' :tint time. None appears tame more faith. I ;30 d, 'at 'the same time, s raore spirited, than, thri(3Northeast View drawn and engraved' by . MOtainy S'AILT.ADI, cif 'this cite. It shows the'Arhole building as it will bo wherrthe ex ' tinisfen is completed.. The stately dome will he Owned with Onsliiroares statue of Ame tit* upon 'its summit. The boldness and hre4th of this view: distinguish it from ordi narr architectural works: 'The introduction ortlinres:is spiritedly carried out r and the on grg la finely executed. 3 , *.whoe apae,O occupied by the Capitol, inol9ing the s now wings and Itio galleries or talo''Oris which ,connect theta with the main rdlding;, is 'estimated : at about , four acres.' ;‘hetiotal length is °etch hundred and fifty feet and the. highest plevatiom will three hureired feet. On Independence Dog , 1851, I'Veildent Faxiforts :laid the - corner-storie of the' tensions, the plans:of which were inven. ted lied executed by Mr. doss. A:inseam, ar ch. itilet t , of New York, thbugh we believe that CaNlisres, who was appOinted, Superinten. dent,: f the works in 1.858, ,aud.hde .adroitly Maihged to conduct the improvements, is him.' self' onfessediy ignorant of architeCture, and hailtli the , time ignored 'Mr. ANDERSON, the erigilial Planner. cc Sic vos nos vobis I" Tliti - ViewJVOm the dome, or from the. eletv. led Main entrance of the Capitoi, is such as gannet be 'matched in any, other, city in the world. Looking right on, through Peonsyl: vaniS s ivenue, the Presiaent'a Ilona? 'appears in the distance, and, carrying the eye beyond that, peorgetoWn forms the • extremity of the view. , Look where you may, a noble city, well Tald 'Out, is before you, while, on the left, the Potomac's waters flow by—a noble river,, at a distance of nearly three hun , d t red miles from the sea. Niww; In point of situation, the New Parlia minitilonse in London, forming what is called it The" New Palace of Westminster," the 'Worikocenpled by any great Public building in Eftrope: When the phi Parliament House was Veined ,down iri:.lBB4, the judicious Idea, suggested by RORER? Permand other practical menkres . , to erect a new and stately Legisla tive Toledo in the highest part of Hyde Park,. a' site of known salubrity; the foundation being gravid; and' one 'on which meney'and taste could,raistra building to be a crowning erns. 'lniii&i. l 4l4ttphcmetronolirat att,st that, it was resolved; in the true spirit of "old fogyitiniP to rebuild the Parliament House upon its old site, the most imprepef and hil t wholesome in London. For the New Palace of Westminster, built beside the Thames, is so nearly on a level with' the unwholesome waters of that infected river, that its basement rooms are flooded and filled with the fetid stream at every spring-tide. Moreover, the main sewer of that part of London actually inns right under the new House of Commons, and the cihalattons from this polluted source, ate So aboiainable; during the summer Months; that the health of the raw:abort of Parliafrient is thereby grievously affected. Again—from ahnost every part of Washing ton, the Capitol may be seen, and when the statue-crowned Demo is completed it will be as a landmark, visible miles upon miles away. Now, the new Parliament House in London, built upon ground, one half of which has ac• tually been taken from, or rather bodily dumped dostit ifito, the Thadied, necessarily lice se low that it can scarcely be seen, except froth the opposite Surrey-side or the river, from come of the bridged Which span that stream and from few elevated planed. it is a long, low building, in the English Gothkesque or Tudor style, which prevailed during' the reign of HENRY 'VW, arid was the Magi l. mate successor of the early Gothic which is so majestic, beautiful, and striking In the Eu opran cathedrals of a much earlier date. Nothing can be more ornate than the scalp titres and carvings of this imittense building. But, it is all carting, and windows, and state: ettea, and heavon-pdinting minarets. Thb basement story is as plain as plain can be—nt terly out of keeping with the elaborate deco rations of the Mighty mass which It sustains: Moreover, our Capitol is built mainljt of white marble, and in a climate which can never insidiously destroy or injure it. The Houses of Parliament, built of a brown stone, are al ready suffering premature decay—the stone crumbling away, under the influence of the damp climate and sea. coal smoke of London, before the edifice itself is completed. Various expedients have been suggested and resorted to for the prevention of this decay, but all in Vail. One hard frost inaltillatell dampness into the brown stone, and the alternate action Of thaw and sunshine separates the integral particles, so that they crumble away. The carved work, with which the whole exterior of the building is curiously decorated and inter laced, is the first to suffer, and, of course, the first to show the failure. COvering eight sores of land,. or twice the space occupied by the Capi tol at Washington, tbo,now Palace of West minster does not by any means present such an extensive, commanding, or beautiful ap pearance. Noun knout better than the fair sex that a stout figure seems to be diminished by dark attire, while a slender form appears to extend its proportions in white. Thus, perhaps, our snow-white Capitol looks larger than the Parliament Palace in London, though it fs actually less. It is isolated also, and placed upon an elevation, which must tend to increase the comparative idea of its vastness. In our Capitol, too, as extended, the public apartments are better, on the whole, than those in the New Palace of Westminster. With the exception of the approach through Westminster Hall, (erected by Wn,rams Au- Fie, and judiciously retained in the new building,) of the hail in the base of the Vic tofia Tower, and of the rooms in which the Lords and Commons hold their deliberations, time is comparatively nothing in the new pilace of Westminster worth noticing. Two Is an Octagon Hall, not nearly as good al our Botundo looks, even now, in its transi tion state. Neither of the Libraries ought to bf named on the same day with the beautiflil aid extensive Library in the Capitol. In siert, with the exceptions we have just sto lid, the interior of the British Parliament is areatly inferior to the'leterlor of our Capitol. The mere lobbies, or, approaches to the Le iislative Chambers in London, occupy fully Eileen, times the capacity of either House. %he hall through which the Sovereign enters tie Parliament-House is thrice as largo as the onse of 'Lords itself, which was built to ac tmamodate 450 members. And by some in- explicable calmilation, the Reese of 0013i1D ,, ns, to contain Ogi members; Is mridli 'sritolter than the Lords, with one-third fetver ocim pants. This is just as if the chamber in which our Senate sit was to be considerably larger than that which our Representatives clumpy— or if, in short, the more umherons'the body to be accommodated, the more limited should be the Space prOided for. there.' The 'ne'w PalaCe of Westminster', on which nearly $15,000,000 hall already been, diponded, (and it is very far, from_ completion,s is so much .cut up into lobbies and ,Committee rooms that there really is scarcely any thing to be seen, I should say to be admired, except the actual Legislative Chambers. As with ns, these are respectively located in the northern and southern partkorthe building. In the Capitol,: on' the Contrary; net much apace is given to the corridors and, passages—enough for convenience, and no more. One very de cided superiority the Capitol - has—namely, its splendid basement. It any man' have doubt (as I had, before Seeing it) , whither the im mense weight of the • new, Dothe 'would not probably he too much for the' foendation on which the liOtuedo steeds, let him go down into the crypt, carefullyexaMine its Construe-, tion, and depart, pretty. well, eminent:l that upon such a basis almost any Weight can , bu, placed. Not far from this 'crypt, a startling differ.: ence is perceptible between the excitement la the Legislative Chambers, 'and the Supreri; Court room. Nearly' all 'Die, judges' were,in, A . 401?11 luripg myllyert ing to - an argument fkom ,the i Xttnrany,,,Gene r , !rat In Europa, , these venerable-keads lathe ;la* Would have -been encumbered . with pow 'deredborseohair wigs," clerical bands, 'ermine tippets, and cuinbrons 'robes; while ,Mr: Brack, and the other adrobates, Would also appear be-wigged, be-banded;and be-gowned. If, as the song says, ‘c the , wisdom's in the wig," we are greatly to be commiserated. From a room in the basement of the Capi tol came the accustomed sharp sound of the mallet and chisel upon resisting marble. On the door I saw the name of Mr. H: D. ISAurr- Maas, our Philadelphia sculptor, and made bold to enter. The eager artist wai busy on a marble bust, of. Speaker Ona, Whidli he has been commissioned to, ,execute for some of that gentleman's friends,"and, a good likeness, as well as a finelr-wrought work of art,- it promises to be. On the walls hung numerous medallion portraits, in basso-relievo, of distinguished personages, and I was not surprised to see as many female as male subjects. Among them was a duplicate of the exquisite' medallion - of ' Miss LANE, which I afterwards Saw:neatly, framed, on the, drawing-room table in, the White House. There 3s very little resemblance, it will be seen, between the Legislative Chambers in the Capitol at Washington and those in the, new Palace of Westminster, in tOndon. tut there is 'considerable , general resemblance between our Sepate-Chambet,,aed the' .Chatabei : of Peers, in the Palace. of the Luxembourg, in Paris, and also between our Rail of Repre sentatives and the old , Parishm• Chamber of Deputies. Perhaps, as this article has already overstepped all reasonable lithitS, Irmay be al lowed' to defer, trail another 'day, a norepari son of these various Legislative Ohainbers, . Washington. , [The following earnest stanzas are from the pen of a very accomplished and gifted lady, Mo. Rom Vertner Johnson, whole Vita 'Regent of the Ladled' Mount Vernon Association , for the State of Ken tucky, and, we moat say, are beatltifully and, truth- Lilly written. They are worthy of the object for which the-Women of America have associated—the purohnse, for the Union, of the Home and Tomb of ,Washington.] • • , • , - _Mien qur battle•ary of "freedom!" , Pealed defiance o'er the sea. When the :veteran heads that raised It . blare to perish, or be free, , When s tilton Our oointryetaltar , - enelkefial_tue And our eag - Floated out its golden shoe, Liked living thtog of beauty, Which defiance seemed to ding On our foes, sr/ Ile waving cater ud As some guardian Angel's wing— Who led on ourbeits to combat? Who conjured them neterto yield? • 'Heath that radiant etaudard marching Onward to the battle-field. Who with catch and proud reliance Pointed where It waved on high, • And bade those Who marched beneath it, To protect their neg, or die 1 Who rssigried lionieta sweet 'echidna, And looe , e fond Allurements there, • Fog the clash and clang of battle, With Its grim'and ghastly glare? Who aroia Usk our foot with slaughter, Where the hot lead felt like r uin, Decking off a tear of sorrow, As he looked noon the Blain ? (Yriende and foes all heaped together). Whole brave heart wee never steeled 'Galant a touch of human pity, Though triumphant on the field? Brat° In dombata wire in tounoil, Who, by prudence And commond, lilanted ariintarnfahedliatiner Firm on our eloved land? Down the gory tide of battle • Wheri our roes were visaed and lost, On nolumbies shield 6f /freedom, One bright name her love embossed. Name of-him—who when eleterions Of his ransomed country thought, And though hailed ail Patriot, Hero ! Por himself, no honors sought; - And, with honors heaped upon him, Crowned with Fame's undying crown, Taming fondly to Mount Vernon, Lo I he laid them meekly down, Glorying in hie country , ' freedom, (Not that by himself 'twee won.) History With Her donntteas heron Ha, no peer for Ntrashlogtou ! "Frani the lurid clould of battle When our star of Peace arose, Won by long campaigns and marches, Perfect was the chief's repose; But, While yet hie 'willies backlog • In the light of borne—the great And good, of his proud country called him To command her Ship of State. !Chen again, from fair Mount Vernon, With a saddened heart he turned, For whose calm and blest eacluslon, Like an exile he had yearned. Softly on our young Republic , Pell the sunshine of his sway; Cloudless Was the radiant dawning Of its full and perfeot day. Never was a better pilot Called our Ship of State to steer, GOD hie safeguard and reliance, There was naught from man to fear. Would be could behold Columbia In the zenith of her power, For the freedom he bequeathed her Proved a rich and priceless dower— Proud and glorious Rudd nations, On her ehores two oceans beat, Snows about her brow are wreathing, Rome blushing at her feet. ,Onward Mill her tide of glory From Maine's toy hills has rolled Westward where the blue Pacific Bathes her bosom veined with gold. Boundless wealth—uncounted millions, Flow from her abundant breast, Yet beneath a tomb in ruins Seel—her Father's ashes rest. Children of our fair Republic, ' Vell the splendor of your fame, Piing to earth your starry banner, Wblle endures this burning shame, Never should our guardian Nagle O'er the bright Potomac wave, While rank grass and weeds are springing— Dark mould gathering on his grave. Shall Mount Vernon fall to ruin, Where he rests in deep repose, For whose loss a wall of sorrow From the startled world arose? Proud those lands had been to claim him : Ye ehonlu blush to feel that they • Would not leave hie hallowed homestead Thus neglected to decay, 'Math those stately trees he rested, Dy that river loved to roam, .Dver grieved to leave Mount Vernon, Till the Angels called him home. khan the hand of Desolation Spoil that mansion, tomb, and grove ? Never—for our lore shall save them, Woman's deep, undying love. Lo i beside her country's altar, Woman kneels, and breathes a prayer flood cad brave men of our nation, Turn, and lay your offerings there. LIAXINCITOM, Jan. 20, 1869. Mrouromr proposes to build a new capitol for herself at Lensing. It is proposed to be fire proof, modern Doric in style, two hundred and sixty.flvo feat on its northern front, and two him dred feet on ita southern; estimated cost $500,000; material, brisk, faced with Grand Rapids marble, provided the latter shall prove durable enough. •FOREIGN,f INTELLIGENCE.. [ger #46m4111" Asia 1 14' 4. l lfßif" ) 4 THE Tfi f:ClemitAy' „ , Lomoot, ThittedayH' fro prem . ii:trisiklis Mists; thilpitiori that the at aims ithitthaiiiair,"istei vs the 'ilareiclvainli was Moir tattled out of °oust, • Lam informe4 that the noCeis.of„deolk. ration built length' beep served,. and that the Mite wilt priefilibt* °bine oil trial,' though it is not 11101$ to belearl-beforeVone. • It is verrunforttu*te,that ss froM the ractAf 41Sr. Thaelferay having' beettbe subleit'of Mr. Tates's offensive artio:o, and MF •Diokent the'most proms- neat supporter of Mr. Yates aqinst tha i oommittee and the alai), the arliginallnat rof quarrel should, almoit insiensibll; have &sou . ed the 44/44A of faction fight between the Tartlet 0f, , ,0nf;,,tw0 leading novelists... An smuting, t h o u gh nnything but an edifying, :chapter might, be' 'added to a intuits of the 44 Quarrels 'fif Mahan'," out of 'this mitterialt,Whielt.,thit SVOIT, has ready,aupplled,,or Wilkey to , farnish,„beforp it, is finally disposed of.' 'talk bf: the lakewiirmners of one'& doctuaintantia to A , m411416* , not" tithow , how inony,upoognaolgy , sealoav ad4erents.,le, be gets into a row, It hi,trtie the same opoesion is apt. to reveal a 'host of good nitured friends " Although raouses a th is Ger r v ie& s fr a a n eza has .lniendr. cemented more intimaeles divided more lite mory h pples'ordi ri cord th o m he l m e teriei wh riP a p he roundthe skirts of literary oelebritles r than qu iet, sensible ontaiders," l ignorent of thewratholOl, " celestial minds," would conceive possible.- True; it is a tempest% 'a fisaltaip; hat - then the tea-chu b set on' a tathot-oonop'csouojablor,- and thereat snob an ,abrtmleinoe of spoons—Jerrold. might '. Wl' f4l--fn It; thnt •P. froth's rarely, and `itios rise - to - nos , end of Wanda:and speoulatkm, , • • - -•,- • ,NAPLF,E3 POIJTIOAL TOISOITITO3 TO TIZ BANISIIED TO Amattl. [Proof the tondon,Titossa ; • „• , • NApiapl, Jan; 45, ~,The marriage of the Hared!. tary Penne if the Tee neat/ bas teen Ina*. rated r ,,byca' dierife":protifeini!liik*,' arid-by' 'anethealWafeenkisteifilhhinettemelle:rithiviato:lbri trial Of. portions ,aoting.. , agate*, the :internal trahltdfity of the State, and tater lei the` - eat. Itiviutecimeitinielitedidinfiate to theiptiidabre of Menterarcitsio Isettimpday, -wed Aot he,persows eon. fined in the Oder prisons in, tits ,eame way, The Intention td transport' theni to a foreigit and a ills; tent country was 'protested -against by , the 'Pri sonere, and Abe protest,. as S, hear, was sent tp, bta Majesty, but all in vain. Before leaving *thiserta the royarwill witintintatedi that before the re. turn of the King: all thepolitinal pristrners should be sent out of the kingdpal , - • -..- TO-morrownben; in all p r o babilit y' , Voerlo' and' bin notnpanions will htiVe passed, freidltiontesar. elite, at a • distance from ~ Naplesi to .Posznoli, , where they will be permitted to see their friends before leaving.,The Firameaca, and another steamer, which hs bad her irtme takewentof her, will touoli , .Pozzuoli, end; take these, unhappy men on board., After tea years in prison Irene, under th dece ptive and lying tale of acorn= mutation of punishnient, thesemenwill tie foreitly and illegally taken out of their own.totuttryg and tranaperted to a distance 'several thousand miles from their horned! t6ld tkat their deillrits lion will de Me United States and there is a real•• eon for believing that as a. matler,of eourtasy„ the Neapolitan Coven:i/int his communicated, its in tentions to the minister : of the treitesi State d , , w ho; as the minister of a free eourstry,le not 'we - post, Lion to enter .into a treaty with any, other. Si,ate, eithertn receive Or reject etsitgraiite. -- Perhips this te.ti fact of which it will be diftletilt the Neapolitan ,Government,, but-such- information as Mr. Chandler could communicate he, doubtless, has oomnifinieated. • • • • ' - • As' to the existence' of .11ie Protineial llommte sion in NewVork,,and,, other ~emninissions .7chloh watch over the state, of the 'emigrant/1j ao riot know whether' I may rely upon an impreseiotithat I nevem/mired from a ninon( affeetinit to be well, informed ;„but if, eo, the 4800/titan qoparrimnit flat' alltho'its subj et . ects tei'he ' burden °Watt' Govereitneni of the , United Statis. Istatethese things from .; a. ;desire, to, be .striolly..impitetieli though I do not see that,. even , if, true they gin alter the state of things, or ison4rt *ha I cannot but consider a violation of haw• and , right into' a- - generous or politic ;act. , I need • not-eay that the prisoners of Montelarchlo are inn deplorable state of minden findingthat after;ten years in prison, and in irons, they are hi 'be trantpotted to the States - of Amerada - some broken down in health,' some penniless, most leaving friends behind them The friendli of humanity antioipate a warn?-and generous reception for these onteaste from .their up, tive land among the free citizens of the „United States. They will, doubtlesii, efery'effOrt' to 'alleviate their erifferings. but still the aot of the Government is the same ; • Witt violent—it in am el—it is illegal , • Peed°, and his friends ..vreer mite this hour, The commutation of their punishment was read 'to them on the 9th tilt:, and wesklgaed on the-27th of December, notwithstanding by the express order: of , the, Inspector General of the Bagnio they have, not beep _relieved of their chains.Mace,by a epeeist act of grace, 1 1 101 4 61 k -permitted to rettirn to - Menieh, , there to' reside, with his wife'sfriends.'' Ifl gavispoken strolgly of the-,treatment 'oft the ninety-oneeondemned. prisoners named in the aot of grace. what,shall say of the deportation of - one hundrek men. or more, .the in' , Slits Maria ldriParentit;' to America—of talus - who , have rosier been even 'ln-' lortntated by a police inspeetor t _er tried,o. - damned - With equarfght, this antratitaid might - sweep the streets of Naples, and wind off all whom they might find into' forcible exile. - Whit have the prisoners in' Sante Maria, 'Apparents 'done? Nothing. There is not acharge against them, and yet they..wilLbe taken and put on board a vessel, and sent, at title inclement season, across the At-- lantio. it le needless to 'say that the gni:mei/don produced on all minds here by what is being - done; is of the Mostpainfal kind ; and the consequence remotely will be fraught with danger.' There to a general disgust felt at the acts of the Government; and' what ought to be a season of rejoicing is, to say the truth, a season of apprehension awl mourn ing. ' . AUSTRIA. it. S. N. Negotiations were to be immediately commenoed in the London money`marketlfor a loan of about £6,000.000 sterling' for the ,Austrian Government. Baron Brentano, Who 'tatted England six years elm on•a similar -.Weston, was on his 'way:Vont Vienna to London. The rate of interest is stated at 5 per cent. The statements by 'German papers• of a coming interview between the Emperors of Prance and Austria, were considered in Paris as unworthy of credit. The Vienne, correspondentof the London Times says that in Southern Germany there has not been such a political ferment 'aim 1813. Popular 4o monstrations of sympathy' and loyalty were taking place whenever the Emperor's father appeared in public. The Austrian Government had requested Tao eanyto assist the Austrian : forces with men Bud money in ease of war. The Taman ministers were divided in opinion. PBBSSIA. The Prussian budget exhibits a oomdderable increase in the expenditures, caused by•the pro-. posed development of the nafy and the inereeeed expenditufe for the Orown. No new tax; hciwever, would be neoessarY. The National Council, after a very animated discussion, had rejected, by a great majority, the appeal of the Government of Geneva against the decision of the Federal Connell concerning the Ita lian refugees. • • • • • The Markets. Bicruatroow, sparfin, A CO.'S 0111011LAR,— Livaarool., Jan 21. Cotton—There has been no abatement this week of the deafer to sells and in conse quence prima, still tend downwards, bet it is only in the value of Uplands that art actual deoline'of one six. tee nth of a penny can be quoted Orleans and Mobiles, being better adapted for the qualities Of yarn most wanted, command more of the attention of Iniyerre, and prices are better supported In Manchester there fa a pause in the demand, but producers having contracts yet rdnning, hold aloof f, om the market, and prices are nominally steady Middling Orleans, 6 13.10 d; Mo bile, 630; Ilpiande,6Xd lb. Bal. - DM/VS —This week's arrivals consist of 2,816 bbla 1,185 eacke flour from the United States; 470 quar ters wheat, 3 177 aide floor from Francs . ; 9,557 quer tare wheat, 1,020 quarters corn, from the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Farmers' deliveries of Wheat for the week ending last Saturday were 109.495 quarters, at 414 3d. against 117.485 quarters, at 48s Bd, in the corresponding week of lest year. Since Tuesday the Corn trade has ruled dull, and all the markets held throughout the country show a ten dency to lower prices ' At our market today the attendance of buyers wan small. Wheat in most limited inquiry, nominally, without change in value, there being no transactione of any importance to quota • the turn, however, wan in favor of buyers. Pour c lew and minimal there in Mill no suitable quality offering. Indian Corn dull and rather easier ; European yellow offered at 27a 61029 i. American white in the merest retail sale at 33083 e 6d 4r quarter. We quote Wheat, red Chicago and Mil waukee, 4e &1063 ; Indiana flerlds 64 ; white Western •, S outhern 607 s outhern 707 s 6d. 4P' TO the, latter -rates fon beet qualities in retail. Flour nonileatiy—Philadel- Phis and Baltimore 20021 e: extra Ohio 21e22e; vie; New Orleans 21023 s ; Western 190201 bbl. In dian Corn—Mixed 28029 e yellow 296079 a 6d. Base.—at a further reduot on in prices a Wel:mains/a has been done this week, sales reaching about 1,000 tierces at 7880100 a 40 tierce. The best descriptions of new are coerce and study, , Post was In improved mined, and 2403 s 4p' bbl dearer, with salmi of about 1,000 bide. ' Beciox.—The plentiful supply of Irish and home cure prevents any improvement in demand for American. New Cumberland cut can be had at 455. Ounces is in better inquiry, at fall prima. Lam, ,continues very 1110 W of 0618, at 56s for fine In retail. TALLOW is again In improved inquiry, at full rates. Butcher'a Associatio meet ote at 535058 a 6d 4, cwt. In London alio, the maelo.ed firmer at an advance In prices, the quotations for P. T. 0. being 53s 8d056s 6d, Spot 53s 64, March alone. Ole fel, April to June ROSlN.—Common less inquired for; sales of the week not exceeding 1,000 bbie, at 5a 241 to 9,5 e fid. Medium and fine still neglected. BAne in good demand. About 000 hhde Philadelphia have met buyers at 8s Oil to Os 6d, and 3,000 bags Balti more at Os 61 to Is. ' °att.—Sperm scares; 10 tone winter baggs sold at £92. In whole nothing done. assns.—For Clover there has been come speculative demand, caused by unfavorable accounts of the mop in England, as well at in France and Gera:soy. 0012811. °table eaten of flue new American have been made, chiefly at 555; 58a, hoirever, has been paid for really choice quality. A few retell sales of Timothy at 26a, MR. Caknn's, the biographer of John O. Calhoun, states in a letter that the Senator never was connected with any of the denominations of the Christian church, but regarded religion as an essential property of the inner man. "He looked," says Mr. Crabbe, " simply to the com mandments of his Creator." ' . . JOHN HARTMANOVhOSO credibility is vouched for In the Leavenworth Times, says that last fall , he struck a vein of gold, about 80 miles'senth. of Cherry. creek, from which he dug, in 25 days, $3,000 worth of gold, and the vein did not seem exit taste() in any degree. ' - DWL—The original Yankee clock manu facturer has gone hence. Seth Thomas died at Plymouth Hollow on the 29th of ,January, at the age of 75 years.l He was the origiriater of the cheap Connecticut clock, Which in its early day was considered the great iwyention of the Km TWO - CE.NTS. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. ,jilmiggikplafikrAMAVllteigkitir mintiltifollowinginless • M l 6 ' Pr n r ie tt l "f r 4 hi Aro z 4 . 11 , 141 guimik'of tkim /Omar tit that Aproseloakfi fit ihofipoirrapki, bui onii,4l tliesbeiishalla ingttmi upon. 2:1 ' yrs 'mu be greatly. obtigekle SogOlinult InANIMP: Tanis and other_ elated far Jantribillkopik,Sidalt. fhs ear 10 P.710f _4l thi rine* el nitho'ourrountinceoirrirrlnnintrater or population, or any intoicomp t a 14.4,70/ irp**s.4ltA tog to the generalsweler. _ - • itatitintiesinuk„- • "Wararrxr, Venikriur.—; et, Ahmin.; 2r; Irks, Irenderra Zasop, l / 4 „ - q; Oar -A mmo Nineinnmanntrz Intoits;.,.altamiat MaarAboat TOW1:0 o'l Automat Clatour.-.. 0 Via - sbitloorgies Miimigerif":o Rirtt7lolo Owa rg! l 7.ALSo4itaai Amos*, Oia arobatto 41s ", i A- • =s lieidtia Beritinifie=-%.g reiiiiitlaincri , ! Ttiollilarfied dittiiiryOrdast-Lu *AO Diming. , • , MalkeionoWsnestinsfr.-4.leatiame from` Pim, Ge m a - t i! " i 9rtlYb 304.44pPe-DaPonA94,pwrin. mental, Pril u t: , 4l 4 P l l7BßlPPl4'4" ' - • . - flOnThOfsans: PUBLIC ..,ScaCipps - ,-iThir body. held e elated meeting 'pandit,' afterucun, albeit chamber.'at dixth'end'edeleht streets: - The following commtnicitions were mitred t - ' Onsfromi the „Tint nation, naps the" privilege _ of erecting • new 'pr imary - ,schoollionse in •the • eastern part of thane : eon, thersbiLirethitiehoridriod ihiltren nneradded Toniilol-_,_ i o‘ , - •1, • - One front the Kith Ragtime:ad/Ng_the Drlvjlers oC renting an addition! room forsohool Ose -firtmr.the 'Thirteenth' nettoWLasiong nate is condor/. saltool for boys be eitablbthed to that aceton e. communinatiow 'was remind from the Zighik lOC- Hon. *lab we present - 11/fill " Ty the %Bawl° f Controllers or the7Yablie - Sekool of Ids _First Ins . - The undersigned , tt a committee Synnintad - by the beard of directors of-the Eighth' notion; 'to 'address your board onrhestibleot or the itoligtos ;famished to the Bebop's toodertheir charge, beg leayste, roll your attentiontabe followhwietatut : 0 • • Par elcingtimspentthete keelson' muck eoinpleint on the PArtNf-thonomoiltteel and tonshoral of Woo its, simattresehoobs* thli:esetton, ale prat from for delay; and often front' the lb/oltiti' :Wieeraihst'in quisitkers rerelsrAT, Anismon the re,floinatolivr sesplles trecaponmAi. ,rov frietraett7Wl-_. dont. deroney,' froneuteuxondliglizo.:. the artiolestaralalted least or those anions ma - Minor -,butospeen t . partlealmir in" 'the incinadvanoWniseese of thasidunis r Atatit - as this modern =Want fain llikCatioir i them 41 lltne :11.1gIntel importansti le :stilarter that eyeteafefillisist....•, • In. regard to tint_difdean,„the.tesehers,pf, .ttreouner Belibo ire 'Wet to lie Vonitroller i o :0114Ca; 4-spia" WSW fiTlMltylMODeraf_bilkjitrAggrilittePal - 'winch they stand fit urea inse but hive nub Aiy - recurs calitioS to • ,onlorgeurtotitle embernsaments which= turban huesect ?nen with in I smarties inetroation upon thuareektratit, rath a dereteet testily or text: bbake. fithe'farery. 'mama' matters are still worse. We are not only:nose r blie toilet 130011111/47 napplienAnt vying to,theigor time we have been dew/Ted of titans Ms la pee of , Weise schoobriii a:tray deplorable condition. In one retool , for hoitaineAkerethasulein Die Intiesie.• book rot a large clear of crilldranotaiLlhia.,boallair, ref from °es to tom whits the taleher:tiiirts,: ber niombry to histrat iehelirs taxertistr.= We are Coned, 100, - -to call-toes atteotloti to tbs.-rem, bad quality of many of.the articles provided _Mums. „ The boon are so insecurely bound that it la eat sag, :- even for the most carefal, to preserve therm J books are of the commonest and. anent Paper: and is to the Pena; they ars entail); totgly nefit forthe nee for each they arifiruisltad , tolts , Thin liit Metier - nem to es,one,of-arrat:entotoiniOnesat, for erttett we. t Consider how importenke hunch of edneattonseannK, i /hip is. IC ie mit easy to exegirenti the trouble - which we encounter in mato; aerrOriirress-- vim •, wretched, ( *Morino ,for-penaorlileh ron ark,totorefol farelebod totote Need at If- ceate per 'gross. , Tblsissinetter'Wegently - iviptiribt immediate iefortn, end Until wins &semi lc mad* vs,_ moat &handcar An; strnction in peturuse-,h We forbear to enlarg open • thilmiortanes" dims mace and etbermatu • :ef inolern lllaitaafioat. '-Those 4e think, particularly. lop one grainmerAitheols. , ,most , - ealrable; but et present we respeettally., but„risolt, earnestly, , reqinset the boarittninpfditfierta then sr.' tleies on their list, which are Indispeturably ,neceetaty,- - e/ed enrofforbets fastcoetthe akidzere 'tinder moan mast be aberuie ' • • t In *shame end on behalf of thebbertl , a - dr, • litighth notion. - - - • - - f W. 1 ED 'ConiMittami: 7: • , rartiAllorrixi' •."-` - - ll'attanstsituaan.,4,oll4;, to conunuideethin MIS red#lrld ba - 1311 * till 11101Mitibiat - h „ iEetion, siting fermi:Wok to *et r e: tasip•itory beasC to" weld fo: saboot inaPootat Irlatah Isflocattet on Charles ' One fromi the Seboid thilitiki 'Sheol balding' in.lhat entlin 'are ' , int supplied Yrlth. the necessary bones t t.• -. ithie from the Twenty.fitst ention. regeadding that the salary'or the Itenelielper bar =tug annum ;sold their thannePstuadi.„_ttoallontaldwdll*" ' t 4 be applied to' tie BtaVtof qf • 7.°". ~„_ weed sahmT•hoaer. . . ',One from the teacher of the'Hertra iieyttilehrootw' hbuse, sequeatteg that, hia j ealikry, be, tememeut Walk standard recently sgreed:ipate, as the copmeamthes)pf, , Sacherirof similar reboots. ""- +A emomunteation vas remised bats Proftelimat. - - ithyd,tandering his reeigustlonaa P•ufessorot r e osophy . ind Cheridetrjr the' High. Ochnot: 1: 4+ "lee from the . Het- Xvi..l3odrdmilasja, whit& he dOmplains that the gementut o c i lf of , lutbe NOrthat'ind Medid school lit' oreitfonalM the greater part of the tilde :bathe employed frtamistalmen-c— -cetton, end Alt the eery limited mime of tiros dertad td pliysicat eiertissr faarfollY" on Hie eiholirs: Mid often. in •the own of. shittartd" *hived and impaired constitutions; also. conderunteg tire.Ametalumidfuthie : i tntiouil'as being entirely, unfitted forihe,ur of the scholars: After Some idfibt-deldith , Oen eras referred o sonimittei. - „ I • ~. ElliPollll3,ol . pllollMaliFJ,,,,,, for The einlinittoo dii'dta 4 Antik!Pdr Imur gr i t current expaiseiyithieb;widiroameatti bt, ' „ iThialemmlttee en: 43choob Mfirudttlefiss report ' eontainirig_thec4xneere.f_the Arradiottiti teatjtle receipt The,Oommitteacer.lemoddiiii andrerairtselabools roportiol rittologoe NbiekllMo ll l l l*. howliester of the direaten of the With ration soirees. bat - one mission of the Zine•atzeet Grammar &aka. - hPeod ta- Orniiriiisevoi -mimosa= or taw. ti im of Miss Nary flap as • tautest of or cdthe "horde of tee 10th esetton.:. •. Arrested! •- The ,Q•youottero , Qtissta47/ 11 M 111 .flubont • document ' stating that daring the peat month the. schools trete gefieraily heiftlW amdfticits Ind tbei attendance full, with the eiaantles of s etheciarl the tipmeteenth Relation, whero the sittarkdawse Fat sm. usually soh& The ermmittee theretbrii recommended f the.did . Initial Of thirtanehir Or ita.ooli • - :The member •from the Ninetemith rode ite.exeleler and stated that this committee were laboring under a wrong impression, having reported the enrage attend mice one hundred end twentyeight,'Wben in'reality Rees one hundred and forty eight.; - After some slight debate, the report was withdrawn, the committee to report at the next stated meeting. Allison roes to make a statemeetot, pone of the Mils of the Publics cahoots. Dining his visits, as a member of the quarterly committee, he was lately atinrilletto Sod some of the teachers and pupils en gaged in making Daley artistes during school hours for the contemplated fair, and stated that he had been in formed of men where. poor children had begged from do to door, for, oney to ; be : dended to the purpose of procuring materials for making fancy article' .The Oommit•ee - on Supplies reported a number' of sehool books. maps, Pce i as aidtalslefor wheal purposes. - After being elightly amended.itirall adopted. .A motion was made that contract for mingles report be referred to a • committee who iho6ld berauthorized to award the contract troths lowett and beet bidder. It wee morel that _the board now proceed to award the &lariat. The amendment was lost; and the- ori ginal motion adopted: .. - 'A resolution was offered authorizing the Committee on High School to advertise to receive applications for protesters of natural philosophy and chemistry and of the German language. It was referred to the Commit tee oaHigh Schools to report on the expediency of es tablishing %pertain professorship in that school. A revolution WWI submitted lostmoting the teachers of the different enhool. to discontinue the practice of making fancy artides for the contemplated yeir under penalty of forfeiting thatrailaries. • • - Several r f the members discussedthevestion *teen alterable length, some of islicnotra mix applauded the seal manifested try the different 'bashers in their *a damant° *id the funds of the Washington Monument inociation; but censured the gracile* of engaging in the work doting saltoel-houri. • Mr. Booth,. who. submitted the, resolution, warmly urged ate passage, as he strongly censured the prickle*, ant thought it should be condemned by the board. - Mr. Janson rose and stated that, be thought It would be well &Seethe 'tile resolution to the section where the discovery bad been made, end thought the, board , had no right to make the rule a general one. After some further debate,-the ayes and nays were called, and the resolutions were adopted. Mr. Pry offered a resolution that there shall be but one session daily of the female granimar Abode, ooze mewing ,at 9 A. M., and closing at 1.110.. P. AK. He— moved to refer the' miller to icoonimittse to reporkat the next meeting. !A motion Rae made to lay the resolution upon the table. Agreed to. Mr. Booth pored that the resolution, requesting the -. teachersto discontinue the practice of making the tansy articles be published in the newepapers. Withdiasnr. A motion was made to noonedder the vote on the , resolution, Not agreed to. The meeting adjourned. ACCIDENT AT Bff.OOEDYN.—The Herald of yesterday, speaking of the late terrible accident at Brooklyn, gives us the following item of information in relation to the unfortunate woman who perished in the flames!, who it appears was a resident of Philadel phis : " Mr. Edward Gill, arrived from Philadelphia yesterday noon. The telegraphic despatch which had been transmitted to him by one of hie brothers, in formed him briefly that he bed been boned out, and re questing hie immediate return.. He was met at the de pot by his friends, who gently Communicated the sad intellitenea, and the shook affected him to each ado res that he bee Mom been laboring under illness. -The dreadful news completely unnerved him. - He is also at the hours of Ma brother in Carlton avenue ' The hunt. fel of the unfortunate 'victims will take place to-day, from thelftni place church, in the immediate neigh borhood where the fire occurred. The servisses will coaimenise at Ld o'clock. The remains will be conveyed to Greenwood Cemetery for interment- The bodyer the servant, Ann Beeman, lies at. the residence of her pa rasite in Batter street, near Hoyt. ' Her remains will be interred is the Catholic - . ' An evening piper, speakingof Mrs. Gilt, and her reel deuce in this city, says " that ter maiden name was Miss Bilzabeth Barnum. Beer several years she was a teacher in one of the nubile schools of Philadelphia. She residsa in the family of Mrs Bogen, Chestnut street, below Third. She was beautiful end intelligent, and was much esteemed for her amiable qualities by a, large elide of friends. In 1852 she was 'Married to Mr. Gill, and went to reside in New Pork, where her hus band was engaged in beelines." • ATTEMPTED INFANTIOLDE.—An insane ,WO - named Mrs. liarali!..ifainer, attempted to take the life of her Min children, en Monday list, at her reel dance in Shippen street, between Eighth aid Ninth. She first seized the youngest. aged about two years, and threw it down stairs. Her - husband wad attracted by the noise' of the MI, rushed' toi . .the apartment above. where he obserred Ida Alfa with a razor, in the atop cutting the throat of the otherchlld. succeeded in rescuing the littleone, however. Mrs. 'Harper was taken to the Means asylum yesterday morning. AN OLD MEROHANik GONE.—We regret to learn of the death of Mr. john Stone, senior mem ber of the firm of John Stone & sons the erten. sive delimit. in min/wry goods in this city. .31r. Stone was originally from New England, but had been a long time in business in this City, where his charac ter stood deservedly high in the commercial community. He died at his residence, at the age of seventy-three. ANOTHER. SERV:ilia HIIII.NHIG_OAISif.-- - A little girl, aged semi year.; daughter of DaVid Metlullcingh, residing in Raul street ; Camden , was deverely burned yesterday morning, by her clotbingnecidentallY taking are from the stove; while filling it with noel. Altholugh her wounds are very saVeye,they are not supposed to be of adulterous character. Riuthitty.—Fre on* BattedWad ` eirested on Monday evening, at Sixth and Lombard streets, - on suspicion of haying stolen ermantity of, ladies , fine un der Clothing found in his posawairni. The' garments were all wet. They can be 'seen' at the Union-street station-horse. He was committed for a farther hear— ing. Siddrito or EARTH:—The cultreit on Chris tian street, above Front, caved. in on Monday night, The gap caused by the accident is very ;ergo. HIGH SCHOOL Commattoniietii.—The com mmicemebt of the Central High School hares place on Th u mb,' Morning, at 20 o'clock, at Jap.e's HA. •