... ■ :• 4* * t^r nre-tSj'*-. v 4'ci.v g ‘<i& «y>W« Un* , T»t»- B*li,; Ww (i4Mni>«tiß; odiOHj “1 t. praiortar;; Jrrlßt*4/ldB»:m*», tcjtal'M'lM * r»4«Hjaiiw>t»;''.->' -;: ' . , ‘J-" -- ; .'L,. ■ - L’. ' ' ”’ ■ ' ... . 1 .■: r OiBBi \rOjftjKrftJi*£;;V..„" : .<; thb lath atHWKSWSiHait ::ia:i«kloK.'wHlliB-fou^Ki4»jjr^Mffl!*dlsj;i^^V^« -: snßrfcTingl, *.o D»tB 0F.«*I« will oainade: knpwu_ 1q ; ■ future »a«rUMßiß^^<>-:iliiH7a'V)’?v!t : So3?.w;i> , r ?» A/n - \ to* v<B JimMrTaithbiWJn’bl^MtWsrWWipVlb.,?^;;! , - change,'Hill beeold for-Mooautof Hhom it mij q0a,,,! * /.,'■■ Wo ; a bbok R‘l)!%y^ .i»lh«iP*»S^ , »p'll«eb>^'-iaat»bb*'Obmp«Ji>,* •‘.rjwh datedi&pteaom s>■£&*•*«. s•,■< t<%- / ” ' : Ub ,3 tot; jfi<WFr*flor«dfafoft)fta»g» book K‘P7WS, •;* no, .'*/v No *4 forfd.OOO.recorded in mortgage'btokß. D, W., H6.23,page's* >vYr,v;Y;. -~.,jpß?iLv 1 . N6;6 forfS.OOOyreeordedln mortgage book'RrD.-W:r ' # ivJ-.a:.n> V'. 76 tioA'OinppfioK \- Alio,i)o#;tKltd,6r«pitbnt-rtght r rorr the, mMufso * ture or'wiap:- € ThWftthar twii»llilrdg CJUlbelied onrei... ’ .loMWe.'jpDfjijjij-.-g »urf 1 jiiijr iß'/.i' ' ■’psr^pp^^r^^- - *uad.Atlan-;, tio ; l 4 ■’ -ISSfI 'aS foUoWTMiS^^X.--^ r ‘ *■-'•• •'-*•• •-•/•-*.- V:,-.o c *pf.^m r j^nor>hs^^4ftrti?^flh4norJhweM ; , HltstatWrS>-. .. .. Oaey borifce^t'^arter ; of the'riortliwflßt r ’qoatfter of north of, ' .fate# A' i'li'rf d'vl i' Ooe. owl^- aa»r|er, or sonth^t. 'i' rftbge Hof ect io tiie pk/mept of $5O-30, , ,-.-• Ona > btW^®|4s'^^eBfena^t«op/i.|h«,jrpT^ o , a i , V.' ; ; 'OilO rtthitr, MPTtheftatyqnarter nf tha gorithaast iqiuriiir Nq«r«7>' northsplj V-:^lM^siWW»j!B^%WiK^P^, '. of s47fa^l ■ qMrtbrofpiPm^.gWa.lp;S6^2T,'6oilli. J « l ,' Odd atbK^i / e' jicrtliWfeflt:(ldarter. > of ''tb9 n()rtheabt .. quarter l9a range ■ ;;.?-svji?aSf(liupiBi coal^oompa '-rf ',' - S«.A' {(Vf'4t :JanaUTf»tkf*t?:«:>J««kg»tlttß;PUlAd«lphU;Bl -Tf,«.-.'.-«.i-i,: ' -;;’• Mb6#/| fcSlg.jfa^i.lSjliSirßiaoiu-.Cpiawßij.'isr.j) •- W »Tggpp»P<ae»»4Biy/^ i fc^»^«!f<i,»^ rBVPHINfr^' :AiA3B3aßßTß^t:i=»ia&i»t^3ad*iif«Bi-xao»ti«te • ->BaUdiog-tot; 'nOrth vOf. l&rke t etregt,-betireen - . Delaware'Jlf^.andtßmWraMtt/teWioW'iJeireiflp-- ' owsucnio,: - IfINQ; No.\oi7 v ßdhth oe*enth itreet/wUh^ihree'etoryi , rNprth - . Tenth ■trtet,' abdre goplar; r '<riV- - &£:&% ': - Bamer-Betite.-fOUB feet r Apm-; ■ t ■ B«r«aUr&-AW - <WJ»dw A-vy : 5 VAIUABLIIPBOrtBTIM;I3*RMAHipWN, Hiln : : «traat,J Ifaihlugdonyt-ltojjpKioAiflAXbt'iirXißAa/.iuii ?. hcn»»; on^Mkl^birtAl.^^ftAV " 10inene*4i®h^Hnrea’«<mw^-fe^;\^ :^;?e^sfei' ... BHAa?»AOKS«Br*BMi I fcflllt' thl«*.rt6lTt fi«W) dwelling*., B • flttee t.t The v - wm u-m'mSS&mv* <‘ ‘v.- ';,. rt*w«noe,with ■<#&&■ . - heuHi^ttftnrtre^hjrsrlrropppeltrthbfWleffllldtrtir-'- • dance of/g<B^l:w^ifiWroti»M3Bwl'j??S?^i7?? s^*5 :■ CBHOBlfA&Bß^STtiJU^BiTe’^Mmk^ad^yatdaMdl . IoU, Shb^toi^«l)t/Jto«iefWTts3Pehh'#trteß.t'Will , ;6w»dld‘ ~ - fine fh^nren^^^^Ußgtoißl^efnwrtSe-'Towrii- Ohtitnnt Hill - - iitowhoie-ofthe above estate r-s hair oii account of rtMoving 1 .../X;«: v.‘ - r ', Y- nTr^all £ pirtleuEiwtoHaiafilll,'A Yitil PT/l, Y . OF WX A v TB AJt.r-A;weH : eeeQred"grottpd-renfcof JK&X » year- - - hieoators’ ROUND - RES T.^A-well-secured irredeemable gron&d«rent of • , s36ay^ar^-cle&rbf tmcee . V -YY; v7, -;r^ pSoHMAM? SUi^M^MDiSwO^OAI? •_,. : -a---YvYYQo Thurilay'M^raftj^r'^ - ; ■-It-ftjrwlgat .the anetion-' store, as >v .extehslT», , "■> oon-v . "‘■ < -_• • XUo[ s^el^aflti , OiWwoodrT;octaTer^Bno : -forte~-r'-' .;-' Alio, .»n-elegant;rosewood 7VocthTM, ■ made nr.Behbmaeker*-'iv-;:.ign H«rtkEiaH*Hß(rSpSSS&&^4l* ••■ -,, i--^f,' ! .!«">' * £ H *•- And BVerr eTonioj nommsculng. »t ?rf' ! -piMoifi.* FCRWTOgfeYWftßOffi^XfaifldS/pOABv - gaffes&w^sr» A «°* ol « B > ; At c»t«loguej will be •Qld a large, uaortpient oriapenor furniture, oom> prlalTjg;iapßrior'wM#o^- f Jasaf ipringM*V«in r .and,.ic>oSbg,fibalr«^sKHiat«U^M)a - Teaneue*/marble top. eof&tables, iteade/Joarpete, dresdog bareatu, wMb-staiufip, tftrdl , robei, bpofcttwei,. §Uw-pUted'W¥tfp , p*intii)gs, piano ; fort., ; X&xuAt . Alm,.os at first or sale, as la ▼oloo •fhri'foi’ tottr) (hmprfiibg inpirfcbfgrey afid ’white opera eloaka, Siberian jetiirrel ’talmaa, Vreneh aable root from-HtoehMter. JralMd/to whies ere.would .mu wfe-w tip - Cy Otnulgnmehtaor house • BK»s<uiM,taitt}iA7/. fciu’s-s: ' ; IX7* Outdoor sales attended to bromptiT. Charges ' iimoderate s* ; : \ jr^GimifEf ” }... Ylsto S.T VRVfATM BALI. , -*xi' FOBP~JSB6TIOITEEEi No. s* a^M4DJrM^s; E fefrfwst6toiHi;v6ißBi;'r. Aleo, iho’Mma lisortaoijt ,of ,r?»dy-, imrtii’oWtWffiiWMfiSPSf S?6«oiit«:,>u»VneM 4OTt», 'ca»Bim>£e;>irO»u]netpinW,; ( V64t«,A:c‘., ,to,cloie tls .goe»t^)KiUij i ,«li!jre J »alp,;|, T ,.-.':;;;;- »y > ■tgfesamssffiF. ■■; - ‘ No. 481 ‘jQ.IOHKBTNTJTWrREST;'opposite itt» OMtom SSi S'N AT&i M Bj AtrGTXONEER OOBtUIHBIOH MBOHAHT; '8. r «. ;: oorntt' iiuoa atrtet*! 1 i i-u it -!■■■• - SITj'StJ^LtOfiQqQUMQBATXQN;; 1 ' '' f ; .!. , aoWrw tHoa BAnWj'oii KOld aidßllrer'plßtflV jiwBlr7j 'fo>rllnfe-'Me«Ba,, mnaicit WW4r«:«utjfe;.bsokii;MoAir, , V«hloK»,li»r! : ‘ill'ai'tibieß’of ot tiunb Principal. .Establishment, ‘ f*tr»e^ lIBSOaY-}ToTi*a?ifith' o<4lat*i:M, diseouatedat I^B4fc<*AfisS7lK c *WATOHEa; JHWSLRt; I ?JgVlT»!flAlil?iat ANS‘ ERINOIP A& LlsßHBKs|.B;tS Corner bf.fllXTH ud RAOB abld'fqHeaa than Ini'gotd Eogueh patent pled And ;plain. of the' moit/approy*d;and best and f .ddut?lS' bottomed'. ApertentloTer Arid. leploe>»t«fa'e»nn; hunting d jsejHp Of themeitta full jeweled adit JceV.l&lirer "Bnglisli peteDt' lota eij itlerer cißeand/open Yeij aiipetlbrj.'JSngllHb,!-Bwi«. French,’and >r :watoh^Br,'fine'\gold t Vestt Job. tndek;- aad n , B^)hai^vfflae/gold I 'ped<dV:<wieß and.pew/ ta, weMtfrlni.' ear-TlngiJ, atndß. me -4 And Jewelry-g6ae"raUy',' SnpkftorH&Yanacigarg Vrt&otuabdi in boxeß' of ;SOO each) irill be Bold s c box 4 shit purchasers.’ Nu laolnubnswbffii^arinersljips; . VV.reriberßAiTe ,tbdl diyaMociated thimirWosfor thn.trin.-iActicaofthjd'Wlio'eiala JSAncy Drj-Goodi and Notion Bu*twM.*t..Ho,l3J-North THXBD.Strait, no-; ,der the tula of Hlftlß-,*,BBOTHBB. t r- - . JCI-.T f 4a i* .MASON HIBSEI, I ■ iWOPOiD.HIBSH. . - PhluielpMl, •. . JaS.Bt* . IJyasOLUtlON.—The Arm of PALMES,, JLfj BIOHARDSON, &,00: :6iplrod on lhB let-day flfjanubry, 1850. JOHN II PALMEIt, BNOS-BIOH iABDSON, and WILLIAMiDi'MAXWJiIiL will continue as heretofore, under .the. same name aid firm. aod are alone authorised to settle the outstanding •businessWlhe’late'flra ,< '°. :{,i; f .‘ -•' - >< i • ' JOUN B. rACMBR,' : ..V -• f- • r ' BNOS'RItJItABbaON, • Jji.fi. } v. THOMAS 8. DBOWNJS, ' , I . I VffILWAM D. MAXWBLL. - 'tNew Torki Jahuar/1, lS£9.<~ ;i ; / - • JaS-dl# ’ .1 *XMITEB» PARTNERSHIP.—The Sub vliiTtfcriberglierhbf give notice that they have entered •IntaalilihltedPsitaerahlp, agreeably-to the provis'ons of~the ihwa of- the Commonwealth/of re 'launf to Id&ited Partaeriibipfl.' ?v ' v,‘ - 1 - 'That fchefifotxle'or‘Ann under which paid partnership Mtiobej conducted!*' 1 * B. WOOD. HARSH, <fc HAY iWAßO>>'>’ -s j:u\i ti *> * ‘ * 'i'Tbat fthe’general Mthre of l the Buaineaa Intended-to 'Sbm&nfaoted la the Dry Goods-Jobbing and Ofietblng •> - -..i. itho-namefl bfall the. general and special part* iherelbs are-BRNJAMIN' Vj MAHSH (general partner}) LBWIS'.W .'"HAY WARD (general partner}, EDWARDIYI XOWRBKND f general partner), HENRYHENDERSON (general parttier)i BIOHAED WOOD(general partner), ALYEED HPO3TER (gene partner), ItIOHABD D*. WOOD -(special partner),' and JQSIAJQ BACON (special partner), and all ot them tbesaid partners, general’and" special, reside in the OltyjofiPniladelpbla t -H-'..:,'. / ,: > * Vrhatithe aggregate' amount of the capital contributed iby.th® fepeolsl partners to thVCommoo Stock, Is -Two which‘ One hundred thousand dollars,- in cash,’: has 'been ’so contrlbated. by the.said RICHARD DShWOOD,- special partner,, audof %hlch,f One?hundred-thousand dollars; in cash, has bOTh'flojco&trlbuUdi'hy the said JOSIAU BACON, Rpe felal’partner; va: ■ < . r r-(That|theperlod.at' whicU the said* partnership is to 'commence, is the thirty-brat day of December, A.P. &85$; and the period at Which it will--terminate, is the thiity.flrit daydf- December, A.D:‘ 1803.^ I <7 77- BIOHARD Special Partner, ■i -vnttr 1 - « ■ JOSIAH-BAOON, Special Partner. *-**:-;? *' BENJN.V:MARBfI. •- C -V : HAYWARD/ - - 1 RDWD. Y; TOWNSEND; ’ V * >s> HBNRY HSNDBRBON { . i - -- BIOUARDiWOOD. - Sit *4 *'■ 'iut;s ALEBBD HrPOSTER. i Sip 1858. w- .h**- - ,-mifirPßlP heretofore ejdrtfnrfbetween BENJAMIN flint of JBKNJAMIN'O -BORNOR &00., ts-tttfs day diMolWd'b/mntoel consents- '< ■ * ■ *- v . Tbe business will be Settled by either of the partners at the 4ld stood, No 23TARGH street, between Second ‘andf-Third-street*, end the name of 'the late firm used .'Only InllJadidAtlon.'- . > c ■' - ‘ ' BBNJ O. HOBNOR, . JOS. Q. BITIMfiNHOUSH. * 'AQ&MnSUim: ** ■' jal-flt# : * '■•>i "--i , •§■o3l Gi'RITTEimotJSE, of; tho Into Arm «10. B. 0. BOKNOB'A.OO;rwUi.oontinuo the Wh«e sale, ln all.'its branohefl,aa JherfitoforeVat.tbe oJa inand. ' t \ ./ ffhftr&fol for jiai't JtAToM. he solicits the coelom or tho fortaer b'trbnaof B A 00., and hopes by Htriot attention t£biiamosa ; 10. cootlime to give entire < ,6tSi-No.- 831/SciH'»K bit* Becrad and third ata, ■TFactdry—At COOraBYILM, Twenty.third ward. iWilw ’ •rjJHl!' HERETOFORE Arm LitßrothfetJe p4*t }* wi 4»/ dtogdlr'ddb/ maln&l i ZfiKx .5; BoMtttwttMrawing froortfca firm. b»' »euled.br*itber or, tlie part* l-:-K }r‘. #V< V ■*;- CHARMS B, TBtJITT, t jbobt. w*. ..... irielphUjDepembet 81,3608., j Jal-12fc , ofTrnil Consent w-TAe ■ :nnHB : UNDBESIGNED 'WILL r-CON. -Jl - TINUB the General Hardware Dtitlnea at No. 529rMABKEV strekn and No. 520 OOMMffBQB/hfteet, Ltwder the.flrxn Of.Traltt Brotbfer A Co. - ! - ' ' -'CHARLESB,TBUITT' I . TRUITT,' J ,''i ‘ : . •-• •: SAMD. V. ORRUTZBOBG. Jfcfiaryr v tSs9,’ ■ 1 > ' jal-12t ! of GUIIiLOU, iM ’oo', being-' dissolved' by .the 1 death of Mr- Charles P. Anderson j the business of- said ’firm will H'Settled-by the sarriving*bartner -at No. 327 ;MARRBT strebt. j/ - ’ ' * BENB GUILLO U. (PtOF ARTir FRSHIPw;—: Tho; v Subscribers this day aasoeiated'themselvea'for.the Jm> noratidn and Jobbing of Hause-fuipiabing Dry Goods, Jh£|He |B>ore jlately.- occupied by GulUou, Anderson. &.■ .827 MARKET street,’Tinder lhe. name and style ouGuillottj Emory, & Go, ; ? > - ' ' : 1 t iV: .RENE GUILLOU, , " J .. ,JOHN;|BMORY, . - .. j..frank brown. JbrSgUatii) ta.Let; PAPBE . Mltr.' TO”, BENT.—The: Papor JL Mill known as HANWELL MILL, situated on the Wlssthlokon Oreelfi RaUrosaStation; Thii*.HUL is.adapted to make fine “Book Papers.^lthas three engines, one four fi2Anehes wide,«nd «J 1 ihe apportenanees for thersne- manufacture of ■paper.- given imme diately; Apply to, or address.' *- 1 - i , s L, GEORGE H. LBYIS, * ftj by No. 30 South SIXTH Street. - iFOB^SAtdB~A; handaomo, pew three- with threa-a’ory back balldinra) f* finished throughout in flrst>ol»B!J stylo, and' has all ihemoderh improvements. - Located on TWKN rTXKTS Street, above Race. And will be sold a bar gala,. Apply to BtJBTON&'LANING, No. 602 AROH .. t : . Ois-’tf •' FQR.BEfNT—:Tha DWELLING No. ' LOOUBT Street, forWasblngtonSquare,) from', jf Jjilfas*sy l 1 l85&.-; The house id three stories itli b«emant,back building, to., now occupied . Torney. Apply.at .the office of Tht Press, or ton«j>., “ ; ‘ ’ n023-tf thelitj byJ.W Atihel fJIO tho Ist' Jtamary tfexy the end ektehalveßooMB, (2d, Bd, 4th *7140) of the NEW STORK,; ’ The la ope of the tine -improvenient* oh the npbef'slde,' between It?TH and SIXTH Streets,-bsvfngwo'frbnts; the north one os a' rear Street with good cartage ,way2Q.feet, into SIXTH Street.l Apply on the prenff&s;* /’ -■- nol-tf piRKY'SBI/AJfKCiooSr i AND'BTATIONEBY ESTABLISHMENT. ‘ S.':V/ OORNBRi TODHTH AND BAOB; • }PREMIUM "AWAHDED •" ■ - By ti6>RANKLIN;iN3TITOTBr9r Minofactorlng i • ‘ Sripertof Account Books ' - JIMIJJ Intending,to,open .neif.Bookii on the flrat of the Year from,a good Kthck oh baud, or have them td addin tajr dMtred’irtyleVJirh edperior manner'.' BOOK-B|NDINCr;Of \ii9t?, executed’ In : ton hnest hod inbat jrabatanttat manner, at Ibw'jfrieM." '• ■/ MAGtAZINES bound from 60 eta.to $2 60 per Tolume. MUfllO .houndjh a hetriind’fcandiome ptjrle; from $1 ,to93> ) '’>'c ' f..- ‘-t 1 ‘i • OLD’FAMILY BIBLES rebound, to loolc andwenr »* / ..»»*" - > ‘ ,;av EBBBX’B JaOOK-BINDBBT.,. , s- " yoUBTn end BAOB. -;?,©B#W; wil> ittobasw. • P\3StTET''6':g6¥s, * ! imiwrtanlofHAVANAOiaAßS. v-s-i.-i -:,218 South yKOHTgtreot, }ARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS KGAIUS—A choiea inroica of thefo oalehrotod joa-boardhtlgi t NowMr»i ,J daUre3paotad frora 6, MilorMlo low, br • OOABLKB TKTJ,, ■ . I tlout *lowSwonO; * i . - *>.*■* ‘ jw. o _■ |0»oon8 qiorv J 'Segara, ol)oIco huia»,kjrl*to In trail undatore,for ulo. iiUBiSo, MO Bbath'j, ~m F t »i^M”gri^dtFbKTllg : rooiBßE6TLY 'Mifttl’SllHKD tr 0. K. BARGBNT,- Fatlafmtlon J*ordert s lMfc at N©vBM OBQBfMJH Street. ’sl, • v ■ ja4-2m* ■ I*l I f 4 uait«c4lte3i «a etigantjrtoekof R&VBINt ■ !do?ij£? pianos/ jjSi&Dal i.o^l’fl'^Sin'imapiasraßr ’rt«.;‘ ,mxu-j ■■- '-_i; kMtaiSiticß. (OD GROOERIES ;r:-:- ’; J ,VIT JAre tRIORS!! ! ... !, -,L‘< .. pf H iiS r v' Mi-A T*BO N, ■ rHWBST^COBNM-TSNTH” AND ATIOftBTB, j WhandrstrtHrgenersUy' receiring;THß BEST iROCKRIBS, wfajcff bfrwjU doll at,-sjie piofcfc KEA *BLB PRICES FOR CABQ.l>Hiring a LABOR ''fie la MnfltJeiit of being, able to suit, Loth in / (&dprice, aUpereonj-tawantof. the article, la MsoTt(QßDt ( emLr«cM;«Ter/Ui!QgJit tho.waj of ;QBOdRRIS3, and ha, j?puylirQipqCifall/ invite, **£FoPX S oo * •rMolowagfte him Mall# It will worth the trial. , , • noW*9m i ejjs ( INTHE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS/ FOR THE OppNTY OJP PHILA.DBL- -811!? Divorce. March 3? And'now ipecembar.ißtb, JB5B, on motion, of J. for. -Libellunt, the' Ceurt grant a role on the Respondent to show 'cadee-why a decree of DJvorce ahopld* not. be en- above case. Returnable on BATURDAY, January let, 1850 4 aUOo'clqck M. . .. .. . :* Bta~Yott KilUp'leMe.takeuotiG© of above rule. ' . • - • To-Mr. EDWARD J. REYNOLDS, Respondent. i*.,BKR&*ANT<PRIOH, . -- d2l-tu&th2w . Attorney for LibelUnt. ,, CPEpIAL NOTICE*;fr-Dealors in Goodyear’s Patent forVulc&nlsed Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs, and all other Fabrics and articles made by combin ing fiortrassubstanoeswith threads or sheets of vulcan ised rubber unless,the sameare properly, stamped or and 1 , by. tor obthori ty,vibey cannot be legally disposed of in the United State* I Merchants;and deaJerjrare-.invited to examine .specimenb now in store*'and to give their orders for the Bpring ftradetothe undorslgned I_EXCLUSIVE l _EXCLUSIVE OWN* HR OF! THE TlTlißa 'AND 'EXOLUoIV • RIGHTS IN a THE PATENT for these goods, which embrace all •the styles heretofore manufactured • or.’lmported, and many others. . AL«O,UOKNBEB TO MANUFACTURE AND BELL Terms—may be obtained on application to niestNo.2BCOURTLANDT Street.N- Y. .n24-lV HORACE H. DAY. ~V: 1 iSrgag-.«ni>.<EtemioUa. . pHOBMAKEE &CO., ■ ; - ■ .r, Yanafaptcrers and Dealer‘PAXNTßj VARNIBHIB, «nd WINDOW. GLASS, Northeast coner.FOUB.TH and RAO* Btriets, Philadelphia'. • / r ; ■\ Sole {Agents, for the sale of, the celebrated Vloreffe JHateGlass. - * a u - mh2B.tf fflAW’ & BEERS' _ _ ' 7 X :.! .. lubrioatAj.g grease, < . the best and cheapest compound for’ greasing the axles of OMNIBUSES^OARRIAGEB. CARTS',.KRAYS and WAGONS; bad HEAVY MACHINERY. ' . . . ■* For; sale -in tin cana, kegs, and‘..barrels', by all the DRUGGISTS tn the city andthe MANUFACTURERB, , < V*loArrt , . . Ho 18R0UTH WATER Sfcwart ~ | ®<JUeUe Sartitl«o; ' ; IT 13 A I) YE,. ANDA PERMANENT ONB.—H. P. ft W. O. TAVI,OK’S. . , . , , • EHXLETHEIKA. ■ A complete HAIR DYB and Dressing together, em bracing, In high perfection, - all that is result!te for Coloring, Softening, and Beautifying the Hair. To bo had-at the principal Drag and Variety Stores, and of the 'Manufacturers64lNorth NINTH Street, PhlladeU phia. i < . 1 » ' * dlO-lm IT IS tfOT A DYE l - _ JBBOUE’B HAIB COLOR IfcBSTOBBR will to. store Qrfty Hair to itn original colpr In from ten to twelve oays, and restoro the Hair where It has fallen off and become thin,. I. 11 _IT 18 NOT-A DYE! used aa freely astf&ter, andisthe mostboau- Ufa! Dressingfor the Hair now in use. • ~ Thoufeaoda in difforentparta.of the Union hare testi fied to its wonderful Tirtue*,and all who hare weed It join In their praise of it. v Sold, - ?? hole sale and Ret&il.'hj Sr. BWAYNB tc SON, No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, tbo e MARKET. Soli Agent s/or Philadelphia; - ‘ Trade enpplled l Carriages. jsaAgp. BRANIN, 4 LIGHTCOACH & CARRIAGE BUILDER, -FRANKFORD. PA. Atl work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders res pectfully solicited. nolO-Sm* Sob printing. NE W JOB FEINTING OFFICE "THE FEESS,” Is prep&rod to execute neatly, cMapl/and expeditiously, ktkbt. caeca i ptioh or PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, - V#? , PAMPHLETS, PAPER BOOKS, CIRCULARS, BLANKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, POSTERS, HANDBILLS, Printing Tor AUCTIONEERS, LAWYEUB, MERCHANTS, MANUFACTURERS, MECHANICS, BANKS, RAILROAD AND INSURANCE • ; ' , COMPANIES. , . ?rr : Ail orders left at the Publication Office of The Pr«*»,-No, 417 CHESTNUT Street, Till he promptly attended to. . . dl-tf rjpflE WAREHOUSING COMPANY OE-PHIIiADEIiP 111 A | DIRBOTOBB. PATRICK BRADY, PLINY FISK, ‘ ALEXANDER HENRY, GKO. L. HARRISO*. A. J. PLBABONTON, WILLIAM NEILBON, WM. B STRWART, S. R. ORAWFORD. ; / j PATRICK BRADY,,President, * ’* B. B; ORAWFORD, Tice President. ' ; WILLIAM DUNN, Treasurer., WILLIAM NRILBON, Seeretory. • - CLIFFORD 8. PHILLIPS, Warehome Hooper. THE WAREHOUSING QOMPANY OF PHILAD’A ABB FSSFA&BD 90 ] REOBEVE GOODS ON STORAGE, Whether in Bend or Duty Free, at Current Bates, and will issne receipts or warrants therefor. Application may be made at their OFFICE, IN THE TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, FRONT AND tOOK STREET. A. NEW AHDIMPOKTAKT discover r PRENTISS'S WASHING AND SCOURING SOXjUXXODT, PATENTED JUNE 22, 1858, . This important discovery has just been patouted by the United States, and it Is now confidently recommended .to Manufacturers', Housekeepers, and others. It is a labor-saving preparation, and coßts less than half of any other article known for ■ cleansing purposes, While it cleanses, whitens, and- purifies Cotton, Li non, and Woollen goods of every description, it will' not injure the most delicate fabric. Certificates of its value have .been given by some of the leading manufacturers of the country, as well as by many reliable housekeepers and oitisens- Manufactured by the Patentee, and for ale by SAHUEL GRANT, Jr., & CO., 189 SOUTH WATER STREET, Jj23-thtu 1 ijgl i NEWLAND & CO., ' LOOKINQ.QI.AS3 AND I’ICTOUE-FISAMB - MANUFACTURERS, r ' 1 WHOLESALE AND BKTAIL. An Extensive Stock of OIL TAINTINQS, WATER.COLOR DRAWINGS ' AND BNQHAVINQS, . ‘All at very Low Prices,. * 604 ARCH ST., ABOVE SIXTH, PHILA. d7-Brt» • '[||ANTLA ; AND JUTE ROPE, OOItXPS, TWINES, ETC.' ManulMtapM »n 4 for «*1« at tha loxeit N,w York pries, bjr ' WEAVER. FITJLER & CO., No. S 3 N, WATER Street, and SS N. WHARVES. nol74m' ’ ( AND OLAMFS. ’ V^andsorubs. . N®. ;i, per ««; ■; N*. 6.11 liperilcn, ? - a# 76c. «'* 0. 126 « 8. SToV 7/ 160 «» 4.1000. »«i f 8.- 176 « CLAMPS -0R0w,,51.26.per. osen, 7 Bow, $1.76 per down. 8 Bow, $2.25 per doien. EtJSNBY C, EOKftTJIN, *• NorUr BTBD Rtreet >fcf]*4«lnM> ana’COLORED GLASS. W® have juat received a comprehensive and va ried stock ofthis truly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to Churches, Vestibules, Conservatories, and other buildings, where it ir deemed necessary to embel lish, or to give a, chaste And elegant appearance. Any color maybe had. either plain or ornamental, elabo -atelyorltfrelier/ ZIEGLER-fc SMITH, , Wholesale Drug, Paint.and Gla»s Dealers, . nnr HAeond and Greta ste BRANDIES.— United Vinyard Proprietors’ COGNAC, in % and old, vintage*/ -, . tifiennessy it Co., do. do., in bond, and for sale by A *fItBB.INO.I4d South gHONT Street ja4 if BUTTER. —69 tubs Goshen' Batter just re i'vcived, andfor ealeby-*i i -. , •■ ' • ...... '‘" 0. C. 8 ABLER, A 00., 40 , C indlT fit.l SAcnml door bAlow Vmot-' ."CUSH.—6B6 Barrels Nos. 1,2, and 8 Macko* A* rel;*" 80' do nod tierces Salmon, ; - -.= 40 dd SeaShad.i' ' f . - 246 - do. Mackinaw WlllloPlsb. »'f ■} 487 - dp ilallfa? and Eastport Herring, r ,666,80«s Scaled Herring. .Also,; 680 Quintals Ground Bank Codfish.' «d®bjr 0 O.'aADLRRA 00., 1 dfl ABCS Bt.j second door abort Pron THE TUESDAY, JANUARY 11. 1859. NO MOBB PAIN, NO UOItK BUKUMATiSM, Or StffnessiOfthe Joints, Lumbago, Iliad aches, Toothaches,' or Suffering from ■' other Bodily Infirmities, TUB -RAPID AND COMPLETE EPPIOAOT OP KADWAY’S . . READY RELIEF, IST IHSTAHTLY BTOPPI2TO TJIB MOST yTnntym . PAINS AND ACHES, BURNS, SOALDfI, OUTS, WOtfNDS, BRUISES, ETC., ETC.,' renders R important that every family.keep a supply it in the house. ’Armed with this remedy, a household, 1b always pro* tooted against sudden altaoksof sickness. Thousand of livesW persons have been saved,by Its,timely qse, who were suddenly seised In the night time with Cramps,. Spaimsj Vomiting, Cholera, Yollow Fever,'and other violent,di&eaflps ' Let a dose of this Remedy he'taken. Internally, as 1 the-case may require, when suddenly seised with Pain or Sickness, and it will instantly; re lieve the patient from pain, and arrest the disease !, ; ItADWAY’S READY RELIEF RHEUMATISM ....•.•••...'.ln four hours, NEURALGIA..., ,In one boor ORAM P .In ten minpiee. A.. in’ fifteen minutes .TOOTHACHE.. ....In one nfinutei BPABM9 .In five minutes. SIOK HEADAOnB..... . In ten minutes: CHILLS AND FEVER ....Infifteen minutes. CHILBLAINS .In fifteen minutes. INFLUENZ A In six hours’ SORB In ten miontes. 8URN5.....'....'. .In twenty infantes. FROST BITES.; AGUE [CHEEK..... PARALYSIS LAMENESS pRUISEB, The moment it is applied to the injured partff all - ; PAIN AND UNEASINESS CEASE. Look out for counterfeits and imitations, , . Purchase only ' ■ - RADWAY'S BEADY RELIEF. . . Price 25 cents, 60 oents, And One Dollar per bottle. Agents in this city: DR. SWAYNE & SONS, W B.ZKIBBR, dll-tu s & eow in W T. R. CALLENDER. PERUVIAN SYRUP, ! os PROTECTED SOLUTION OF PROTOXIDE 0? IBOS Having 1 successfully passed the ordeal to whloh saw dl» ooverles in the Materia Medina are subjected, must no* be received as an established medicine. Its effloaey L ouriog! * • DYSPEPSIA,- Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia. Bronohltii and Consumptive tendendas, Disordered State 'of th* Blood, Boils, Seurvy, the Profitrating Effeots of Lead o: Mercury, General Debility, and all Diseases whleh » quire a.Tonio and Alterative Medicine, is beyond qnei ' The proors of its efflcaey are so na £&. merons, so well authenticated, and o-‘ * Qc k peculiar character, that suffeten 1 canz>0 '’ reasonably hesitate-to ’ reoeivt & WiNpyjfe E^ e proffered aid. ' V" *3 The Peruvian Syrup does not yrofe»» V jflst!# to be a cure-all, but Us range Is extee ' sive, because many diseases, apparent!) unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding from o» cause, may be cured by one remedy. - The class of-diseases for which the 1 Syrup provides! ’ours is precisely that which has so often baffled tin highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangibU the'witnesses accessible, and the safety and effieaoyc.' the Syiup iucontrovertiblo. < Those persons who may wish for an opinion from di» Interested persona respecting the character of the Bynty cannot fail to be satisfied with the following, among na merous testimonials, in the hands of the Agents. Tk* signatures are those of gentlemen well known la tki oommunity, and of the highest respectability. The undersigned having experieneed the benefits!al t!* feotsof the “ Peruvian Syrup,” do not hesitate-to'**• commend it tothe attention of the nnblio , From our own experience, as well as from the* tssti mony of others, whose Intelligence and integrity axe ’a) together unquestionable, we have no doubt of iU eflia* cy iu oases of Incipient Diseases'of the Lungs and 3lp* oliial Passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint,' Dropsy. Neuralgia, £o. -Indeed, its effects would be incredible but from the high character of those who hare wit nessed them, and hare volunteered their testimony, u we do ours, to Its restorative power. Rut. JOHN PIERPONT, THOMAS A. DEXTER. 8. H. KENDALL, M.D., SAMUEL MAY, 4 THOMAS C. AMORY, PETER HARVEY, JAMES 0. DUNN, RhV. THOS. WHITTBMOftX} BILL-HEADS, LABELS, It Is well known that the medicinal effeots of Protox ide of Iron is lost by even a verc brief exposure to alt, and that to maintain a solution of Protoxide of Iron, without farther oxidation, has been deemed impossible. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point .is at tained by combination in away before.unknown,aai this solution may replace all the proto carbonates, *1; trates, and tartrates of the Materia Mediae. • ,•*;> A.A.HAY£B,M.D.,' Assayer to the State of Massachusetts. 10 Boylston street, Boston. •. BOLD BY ' r N. L< CLARK- & CO., Froprloton, No. 5 WATER Street, Bolton: . F. BROWN, : FIFTH and CHESTNUT BtieetL - HABSARD A 00., : TWELFTH and OHEBTNUT SWeeU Jels-tu th aat-Om wOm • Agents for Philadelphia. The liver invigoratoht> raarsßan ar dr. Biaroao, - '• COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM' QQMB, Is one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the pnblio, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and' more effectual than any other medicine known. Itis notonly a UotAarite, butaLiosr reme dy, acting first on the Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on tne stomach and bowols to carry off that mat, ter, thns acoomplifihing two purposes effectually; with out any of the painful feelings experienced In the ope rations of most Cathartics. It 'strengthens the 1 sys tem at the same time that it purges It, and, when taken daily in moderate doses, will strengthen ami build it up with unusual rapiditr; The LtTßßisoneorthe humanbody; and when it well, the powers of the oped. Thasfoffiackissl on the* healthy action of Jierformanoe of its funo ii at fault tbs bowels are sjstom suffers in eonse- Liver—-having-' ceased to eases of that organ, one made it his etudy, in a years, to find some reme aot the many derange ble. To prove that this re person troubled with Li lts forms, has but to try a certain. These Gums romovo all the systom, supplying In of bile, invigorating tho digest well, purifying the health to tba.whole tua e&use of' the disease—ef- BILiOOO ATTiOKS aro Ur,prevented by the oc- IKVIQOBA7OR, One doae, after eating, stomach and prevent the log. Only- one dose, taken NiaUTUASB. Only one dose, taken at gently/ and cores Cos- One dose, taken after 1 »rsu. ' ITT" One dose of two relieve Siok Headache. One bottle taken for re the cause of tbe disease, Only one dose lrnmedi while one dose, often re- Oholmsa Mobbdb, and a IT7"Only one bottle is system the effects ot me ness. ' 115" One bottle taken sauQurnees or unnatural Philadelphia, Ono dose taken a eliert Ti gor to theappotite, and ’One dose, ofton repeat auiai In its worst forma, oomplaints yield alinoat One 'or two doses cure in children; there is no remedy In the world, »fl it 10” A few bottles cure absorbents. Wo take pleasure in re- commending this roed.- clue ad ft proTOutlre for Pimcßand Aguk, (Jdill Phthr, and aUPRTKRQof. aßn.iooaTrrK. It ope* rAtes with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify; to Its wonderful Tlftuos. , All who vu tt art giving tMir unanimous ttstimony «'n its favor, \ (P~ Mix Water in the maul A with the Invigora{or t and swallow both together. THE LIVER INVIQOBATOR Is A SoißKTtrio Medical Discovert, anil in daily work ing cure#, almost too groat to believe. It cures as if by magic,ev«n the first dost giving benefit , and seldom more than one Dottle is required to cure Any kind or LIVER Complaint, from tbo worst Jaundice or JJys pevsiato a'common Headache. All of which aro the io* salt of a DISEASED LIVER* PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Dr. SANFORD, Proprietor, 846 Broadway. New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT * SONS, 218 North Second Street. . Retailed by all Druggist*. Sold also by SAMUEL SIMES, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, and F. BItOWN, Fifth said Chestnut streots Pliilada. anl3 tu th fl-ly Thk great standard remedy or THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. THE IMPERIAL DHPURATIVE FOR PURIFY INO TUM BLOOD AND STRENGTHENING THE WHOLE SYSTEM. The Imperial Depurative, prepared by Dr. Lounr berry & Co., is now acknowledged as the principal Family Mwlioiue for tho cure of OAXORBOimaffeotion* and SoAorunooe diseases generally. The saceesswblcb attoridd Us use Id these Inyotorate diseases has no oquat, It }s n<Jw used in those diseases with complete success, where all other means have failed. ‘Two or three bot tles Will satisfy any one of Its gro&t curative properties. Hip Disbasb and Wbitx Swrli.ino, Ulobbatiors of the Bombb, Mourn, Throat, &o. Its beneficial aud healing characteristics are soon observed in those com plaints, No.matlor of how-longstanding they may have been, they will yield to the proper use of the IMPE RIAL DEPURATIVE in a short time. Tkttbb and Scald Hbad will as certainly yield to this medicine as it is used. Disease* of the Bkin and all eruptive complaints generally cannot long remain after using a few bottles of the Imperial Depuratire. Its TonFo properties, as well as Alterative, render it valuable to weak and delicate females. » 1 The groat purity, strength, and v&lao of this Family Medicine Is unequalled In the cure of all diseases origf n&tiugln an impure, condition of the blood. It expels all,the virus or diseased matter from the blood and tb invigorates the system. Those using the Imperial Dopuratlvo and wishing ad vice in their case, will'reoeive evory attention by eiter or otherwise. - Prepared and sold by Dr. LOUNBBERRY So 00.* No, 60 FIFTH Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. For ealo also by J. P. Long Sc. Co., Lancaster, Pa. J. H. Baser and B. S. Stevens. Reading; Pa.' Holman A Co., JHarrlsburg, Pa. 0. W. Epting, PottavUle, Pa. T. So C. W. McOlintpck, Easton, Pa.. James'(liven, Westchester 1 ; Pa.: Schmidt Sc Co., Allentown, Pa. Simon Uau, Bethlehem, Pa. Dr.U. W.Leslie, Bristol, Pa., and Druggist# srcnerallv aull-niwA^atCm CLATE! SLATE!! SLATE!!!-Uooflng Blnte, of «II aim, »iul at T,ty lo*r k»pt ooa stantty on hand, and for sale by NBIUNG, FOX, & 00., QSRMANTOWN ROAD aud THIRD street. N. B. Slate Roofs put on In the best xnaniw, and te- Atrlßg attends dto. All work wwraatM. ($i $ JUciruinal. NO MORE SICKNESS, HAS OUBBD AHD IK ALL OABSB Of WOUNDS, STRAINS, and CERTIFICATE OF DR. HAYES. princlpalregolatorsofthe performs its functions system are fully devel moet entirely dependent the Liver for the proper lions; when the stomatfi at fault, and the whole Snence of one organ—th® o its duty. Forthedis of the proprietors has Sractice of more than 20 y wherewith to oountot raeatfl to which it Is lla- medy Is at last found, any vbr Oomplaiht, in any of bottle, and conviction Is morbid or bad matter from tholr place a healthy flaw stomach, causing food to blood, giving tone and c h l n e ry, removing the footing a radical euro. , cured, and, what is bit eaflional use of the j.ivka is sufficient to relieve the food from rising and sour- before retiring, prevents night, loosens the bowels TITNMKSB. oach meal, will cure Dye- teaspoonfuls will always raalo obstruction removes and makes aporfectoure. ately relievos On one, peated, is a sure cure for preventive of Cholru.i. needed to tbrowout of t ( he dicino after a long sifck- for IAORniOR removes al color from the skin. : time before eatiug gives makes food digest well, ed, cures CuuohiO Dub wbileSuuuxßandßoWKL to th'e “ attack* caused by Worms surer, safer, or spoeaipr never fails. Dbopbt, by exciting tho -ftk&icina!. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL—THE ’GREAT PAIN ANNIIIILATOR AND REMEDY* FOR, DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. Bottles 12jr, 25 and 60 oents. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE' rHABTSKOBNE’B CURE-ALL should bo'keptin all families, lu case of accidents or suddon sickness. - HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Rheumatism. ' SARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Cramps, Cholic, Pains In the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSUORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Pains in the Limbs, Side. Back and Breast, , HARTSUORNE'S OURE-ALL cures Sprains, Bruises, Scalds and Burns. . ■ HARTSUORNE'S OURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. UAHTSHORNE'S OURE-ALL cures Cholera, Diar rhoea and all Pain. ’ HARTSUORNE’S CURE-ALL cares' Ear Ache and Deafness from a cold. HARTSHOBNE'S OURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion : also, Canker and Sore Mouth and Sore Throat. - * ■ 1 ' UAHTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures all Spinal Affeo *tions and Weakness in Limbs. BARTBHORNE'B OURR hLL Is a great tonio to Weak Stomach and Dowels, ad Improves Digestion. 1 Ip-iAa the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain In the Limbs and Body; also, Stiff Neck—every person should get a bottle. It aote upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood and Bones: and, by Us warming eleotro-magnutic bower, ex pels all pain' from the system. Get a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at Its happy effects. . N. B. If you have a Cough,-use UAHTSHORNE’S Pectoral Byrap of Wild Cherry, it is the host Cough Syrup In the World. Dottles, 26 and 50 cents, and $l. . Tf you aro Billions, use HARTSUORNE’S ANTI BILLIOUB PILLS. They aot upon the Liver, Stomach ,aud Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Foul Secretions. , Boxes,-25 qents. Sold by R. H. JENKINB. - No. 56 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Markob and Chestnut Streets Slmes’ Stores, Chestnut and Markot streets, j Garrlguea’. Tenth and Coates etreots. .Wagner’ff. Teutb and Lombard at*. anl2-th s tndtf if A new and valuable discov ery. Bit . HAM’S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. IT STIMULATES, KXHILERATE9, INVIGORATES, BUT WILL NOT INTOXIOATK OR BTUPIFY. This dellcioue Boverage is aunorior to all Invigorating Cordials, Schnapps', Nervlues, &c. in use for the cure of Dyspepsia. Nervousness, Heart-born, Drowa ness, Kid ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, &o , os It will Invigorate and strengthen, but will not in toxicate or stupify. Persons who have become habitu ated to' tho excessive nse. of Toboqco. Opium, and Spirit uous Liquors, will, find speedy and permanent relief from a'dcsiro to use these destroying agentSj by, taking a bottle or ‘two of ibis DELICIOUS MEDICAL BEVERAGE ! 1 Weak and sickly Females will find Dr. HAM'S IN VIGORATING SPIRIT a quick and sure cure, it being a Regenerator as welt as & Strengthener of the Human System. Each odiriplftibt thkt the AROMATIC INVI-‘ GORATING CORuIAL la calculated to cure is named upon th® wrappers accompanying each bottle, and full directions for use are aho minutely, given. SPRAINS, FBIOS OMa DOLLAR TUB BOTTLH. Prepared by DARIUS HAM, -Principal office, No. 48 WATER St., N. York. For Sale by T. W. DYOTT & SUNS, n25-3m 218 N. SECOND Streot, Philadelphia. Snsittcss QTards QAMUEL HEPBURN has transferred hi's k 3 Law Office from Carlisle, Feuna., to No. 711 9AN BOM Street, (between Chestnut and Walnut,) Phila delphia.. Ho will attend to any business entrusted to Mb care, in the Courts of ’Philadelphia or in th® in terior of the Btate. ' .Philadelphia, November 24, 1868. n?4-3m ISAAC T. BEDFORD, BRICKLAYER No 211 PEAR Street, back or 21® WALNUT St. hear the Exchange; residence B'U NOBLE Street. ' Rangers and Heaters built and repaired, and &11 kinds of Brick Work done. Orders by Despatch Post promptly attended to. Dost of reference. nol(i-2m# riIHE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE, J- 820 OHBBTNUT STREET, forwarda PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZE.' DANE NOTES aod SPECIE, either by ita own LINES, er In conacotion with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS ana UITI3S of the United ptatea. ■ 3. 3. SANDPO&D, A*nar*l RaTMiplnt«n<ieat2 Alex, mckinney, . ’ ATTORNEY AT LAW, GREKNSBURG, PA. WiU practice In Westmoreland, Armstrong and In diana counties. gell-tf *. V. ABBAHO. A BEAMS & MAYER, rJL • ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HAVEN, Pa., Will Attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. Special attention given to the ooUeo tlonof claims. Got. Wm.F. Packer, Harrisburg, Pb.:L. A. Mackey, President Look Havonßank; General D. K. Lock Haven: Hon. A. White, Lock Haven: Simon Boofct, Lock Haven: Bullitt fc Fairtherue, -Philadel phia: McFvland, Evans, & 00., Philadelphia; Evans fc Watson, Philadelphia,' Phillip M. Price. Philadel phia; Bon. A. Y. Parsons, Philadelphia; Williamson, Tarter, fc Co., Philadelphia; Tener & Davis, Phila delphia; Hon. James JJuruside, Bellefonle, Pa.; J. W. Quigglo, Esq., Philadelphia. Jy 20*tf r*HAELES TETE, COMMISSION MER KS CHANT and Importer of HAVANA BBGAKB, (New) 138 Walnut street, second story. acl -ly ®inudtional, OALLAD SINGING AND GUITAR.- T. BISHOP, m% FILBERT Street. d25-lm* a ONG’S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, JLiN B. comer EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD fits. • COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT,—Book-keeping in all its various forma; preparing Students thoroughly for situ&tioos in any branch of business; Plain and Or s&mental Writing: OoramercialOaloulations: Law and Correspondence. No institution in the United States giTCfl a more thorough and practical conrse. In this department no teaching Is done in olasses, and is open DAY and BYENING. Time unlimited MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT—(Separate from the above.)—Young Men and are prepared for any grade of an Ecgltrh and Clas sical Education; tls :BpellTng, Reading, Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, fco., Ancient and Modern Languages, with aß.thtr higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of five months commence September Ist, and February Ist. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues famished gratis. . mh26.tr , F. DONLBAYY LONG, Principal’ g CRITTENDEN 5 * A* \J COMMERCIAL OOLL] OHBSTNUT and 81YFNTB An Institution, designed TIYX BUBINEBS. fBOABD OF TEUSTSSB. rB. B. Gomegya, Franois Hoakin*. GtoTf* H. titturl, David Milne, John Bnarbawk, David 8. Brown, IfjMic Haolter, A. V. Parsons, D. 33. Hinman, I Frederick Brows. Joahoa Lipptacott. EVENING- SESSIONS after September-16th. Each Student has ikditiddal ihbtmjotioh }at this Institution, and a Diploma from here is the boat re commendation a young man can have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may be hod on application at the College. , seS-tf BRJTANT St STRATTON’S OHAIN OF Rational mhroantilh collkoss. pm ladalphia-College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CUEUTNUT-Streeta. If or information, call or send for ‘ circular. Jelft-tf EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. SSNTDfJK JjEIDY—JAS. M. LEIDY, • Prloolpala of LBIDY BKOTnEM* ACADEMY,' Nop. 143 and 150 SIXTH STKKKT, uear Haoe , where a knowledge of WAITING, BOOK-KEEPING, and ARITHMETIC) Is male certain to every pupil that may enter ,ACADEMY open day and evening, i'OH CHARLESTON AND SA SSSSyaSi VANHAH.—RBBON’B LIHB. GOODS IIKOJIViID AND BILLS 01 LADING BIUNSB JfiVJSRY DAY. The sv.lendfd flr*t*elMs side-wheel Steamships KJSYdTONU STATE and BTATJS OF GEORGIA, Wow ftmu a weekly lino for the gouth aod Southwest, ofce of the? 9 fOiijiK juiliag every SATURDAY at 10 o’clock A, i!., alternately for Okarleaton aa-1 g*. Tannak. Until the steamship State of Georgia has reoelrod her new boilers, tho BtoAratihip Knyatoue State, iu order to aaeommod&to paaßOEgera and tho trade, will make Weekly Trine, alternately to Charleston And Savannah. FOR UfIAJKtiSttTON. s The steamship KKYfITONE BTAT3, Captain O.P Marnbmao, itSW sail on SATURDAY, January 15th, at 10 o’clock, A. M. FOR SAVANNAH. The steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, Oaptain J. J. Garrin. will sail on SATURDAY, January 22d, at 10 o’clock, A. M At both Charleston a»1 S&Y»uotth,'the,i»flinpjt«iOfin«cl with steamers for ?ic?U4& and ,Ta?ana, And with rail roads, Ac,, for tU places in the South and Souihwtil. FREIGHTS ItSUUOXD. Heavy Freight at an .average of 16 per o*o*. below New York steamrixin rates.. XNfiURANOa. 71U5JG3T jui<J UtoUitAilOH ou ft pioportio* o! goods ablppat! flosth will lo fooud to be lower Ty tho.’t *lilp<j Lhsui b/ fa: 1 iag >oiii.ls, (JttV.a ?10 fiO Bleer»go'<o 3 ©g Sseiirtica Tieiot.', good foe ilio presuat y«>r. Ho «C IsobiUeof !a nignod affjr fbe iMp hus RM’.id, l?c*r fioi^bfc up'./ to A. Qfth.'';.*, ir.i Vo. ««« (Ist.*) t!l) tierth \7K*rr*f, SL?;tnia ht Oh»rl«A*aj 8. «Y. T„<?. J’.UDD. Ag«nU iß&trAnnftfc, 0. A. UHSINBR ft, 00, Hot IHoridn/Jcou* OWrtWvoa, aim*#? OAROJjJtfAj •torjr Tuenaaj. Yor ?]orida, from 2aTar.?jabj stf.-y;i?r<! BT. MARYfI and 81*. JfOUfci?, evory TnsoJ&y had flatarday. lfor Harau) 1 .. from Oh*rle»tou, gtaiausr IBABSf-, or tho 4th «zu! 39th of orarj month. Ja 0 STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVEU SS&VOOr,, BKLPAST, DUBLIN, AND LQUDQN DI3IUIY, without delay, for MO. llofrarn tickets, good for nix moalhu, to eltlior or the Above places, by any et*-umer of the line, SUO tor the round trip, out and hack. faoh nkwvokk, Glasgow, Saturday, Jan 22,12 o’clock M JS-llnburgh, Humming, Saturday, Fob 10 12o’o1ockM. Glasgow, Thouisou, Saturday, Match 19, 12 o’clock, M. rsoM UI.\BQOW. Kdinhurgh. Gumming, Saturday, January 22d. Glasgow, Thomson, Saturday, February 19. Edinburgh, Gumming. Saturday, Mnrch 19. JtATKS OF PASSAGK. vaosi OLiSuuw. First Qiaos..... .•••...........16 guineas. Steerage, fouud with oooksd provisions.... 8 First Glana., fiteeiiwu, found with cooked provlploac 30 00 Children under 14 years of ago, half fare; Infanta in Steerage,free. Return tickets available within nix months, by any Btearoer of Uiie line. First Olaso .$l4O Steerage SCQ An expcrinnced-Snrgcon attached to each Steamer. For freight or passage Apply to WORKMAN A. 00., 123 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. ROBERT GfcAIG, 17 Broadway. Now York. HALL & LONBY, Buchanan’s Wharf, Baltimore. jaß THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAM- FROM NBW TORS TO LITBRFOOL, Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Paaiage FROM BOSTON TO LITKRFOOL. Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin Passage...... The ships from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins, CANADA. Oapt Lauo, ARABIA, Oapt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Oapt Millar. ASIA. Oapt. B.G. Lott, NIAGARA, Capt. Andor- AFRICA, Oapt. Shannon, son, EUROPA, Capt J Leltch. These vessels cariy a cleat white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow; rod on port bow. ASIA, Lott, leaves N York, Wednesday, Jan 6 CANADA, Lang, loaves Boston, Wednesday, Jan 12 AFRICA, Shannon “ N.' York, Wednesday, Jan. 10. NIAGARA. Anderson,“ Ronton, Wednesday, Jan 20. KOIIOr'A, teitch, u UohUui. Wednesday, Feb. 2 Berths not secured until jmid for. An experienced Surgeon ou board. Tho owners of the o ships will uot bonccoimtable for Gold, Silver, bulliou, Specie, Jewolry, PreoiMia Stones or Meta's, unless billn of lading are afgnod therefor aud the value then of therein expressed. For froight or passage apply to jal«tf R. GUNARD, 4 Bowling Qrcen. SIVBIRKOIS fH I AiADK LJP HIA i£OK, «orth«Mt ooxssr of H titreetfl, to at jousg m«a for A O3 SiJlßpitlf; raOM NKW TORS. llBO 75 . $llO 6O Jnonrfliue ffiornganuo. gECURITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. 0-A.2PIT-A.lj STOCK, 8900,000 (itl* PAID IN.) SURPLUS, 845,888 19, FOR FIRE INSURANCE ONLY WILLIAM D SDSRIUSItD, Agent, Jal>B tu th tf O M M O N IV I J INSURANCE COMP* PKNNBY DIKKC baltu ANY OP xni2 BTATJ3 OF ri;VANIA. 010R8. Dr. David Jayne, Thames S Btevrart, John M WhitalJ, John M. Duller, Edward 0 Knigkt, Thomas W.‘Evans, John K Walker, Henry Lo*is, Jr., Isaac Joanes, John Allen. OffIOKRS. DAVID JAYNB, l roslil.nt JOHN M.v*miTALt. Vico Presidiint. 8. 8. MOON, Secretary. OFFICE N. W. corner WALNUT and FOURTH Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Delaware mutual safety m- SUftANOH COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY OHE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE B.K. COUMSEI TtURD AND WALNUT Streets. Philadelphia : •MARINE INSURANCE * ON VESSELS, ) OAI'OO. • yTo all parts of the World. FREIGHT, \ Inland insurances On Goods, by Hirer. Canals, LaXes, and Land Carriage, to a! parts of Ibe Union. PIRJB INSURANCES On Merchandise ffonerally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Ac AfSBTS OF THE COMPANY, . ’ November I', 1866. fiondr,Mortgages, and Neat Jfstate... $ 71,863 86 Philadelphia City, andotbor Loans 297,050 60 Stock in Maiiroads and Insurance Companies 25,30’! f.O Hills Keceirab o 201,066 36 Oafth on band' Balance in handu of Agents—Premiums oq Blarlue policies recently ismied—anil otter debts due the Company 01 288 14 ITOEB. J&Dies 0. Hand, Theopbllas Paulding, James lraqu.ilr, , William Ejro, Jr., J F._Peolston, ' Joshua P. J£yre, Samuel K. Stokes, Heury Sloan, James 11. M’Parland, I’honmß 0. (land, Robert Xlurton, Johh n Brrnplo, Pllteb’g P. T. Moreau, fl J.T. Logan. “ M MARTIN, President, i. HANP, Vice President, i rotary. dlo-tf -William Martin, Joseph H Seal, Edmund A. Bonder, John O.Darla, John R. I'enrose, George O Leipor, Edward Darlington, ))r. R M. Huston, Wm. 0 Ludwig, Hugh Craig, Spencer M’llrnine, Charles Kelley, 11. Jones llconko, Jacob P. Jones, WILLIA Tilda. 6 HENRY RYLDUfIN, Seot SAFEGUARD INSURANCE CO«S.PANT, C 9 409 WALNOT Street, Philadelphia Capitalpaidlu'(securely invested)........ ...$2OO 000 Surplus 31,400 This Company having been thorougl? reorgan ird, is now ready to make Insurance upon all kinds of pro perty. merchandise, &o , against LO?8 or DAMAGE BY PIRK ONLY, upon favorable terms. DIRECTORS. Uou. 8 B Cashing Charles If. Walrous, Elihu J. Hal'dwin, J. A. If naibrouek, Aaron Close, JolmM Reach, MaHLotv lleiloy, Alex. O. Lawrt.uco Alfred Clapp, Wm K Borlwi. KHRLiUt, President, Jacob N. Keeler, Francis lil&ckburne, Rolxrt P. King, £ B English. George 11 Levis, Joseph E Midfold Jolm Prentice, Edward Wller, P K. Birokhead. Henry R. Foote, ' JACOB N IfRKRY It Foot*, Secrete PjMLADKLruU, Deo 231 Great western insurance and TRUST COMPANY. OFFICE IN COMPANY’S UCILDING, 403 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $275 253 03. Insures against Loss or Damage bv FIRM, MARINE. OAUUO, and INLAND INSURANCE DIRECTORS: Oharlee 0. Lftthrnp, | William Darling, Alexander Whilldiu, J 3. Tracy John 0. Hunter, James B. Smith, Isaac Hazleburat, John R.Yo'Jgee, J. K. McCurdy, Thomas PotUr, Tbos. L Gillespie, Oharl-a Harlan, Daniel L. Collier, Jonathan J. Slocum. 0. 0. LATOKOP, V’rfkident, WAI. DARLING, Vice President JAMES WRIGHT, Sec’y anti Treasurer dSJ-d&Wtf AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., xJL INCORPORATED 1810 CHARTER PEE tKTVAL. No. 810 WALNUT Streot, abor<s Third. Philadelphia {laving a large paid-up Capital Stock and Barplu> Invested in Hound and available Securities, contiuuet • insure on DtrolHngs, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Persona) Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted DIXHOTOSB. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Caspar W. Morris. Samuel 0. Morton, James 11. Campbell, Patrick Brody, Edmond G. DatDh. Charles W. Ponltaoy. GEORGS ABBOTT, President. THOMAS B. MARIS, Secretary. j*2B-yir CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 119 South yoUHTH Street. CHAETUK PERPJSTUAL. Capital 8200,000. Organized ISO!. Privileged to insure Hotwea, annually or perpetaf 11?; Pereoiutl Proparty, annually, or for * less period; take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Kisks; receive De posits j hold Trots and grant annuities ■ ALFRED WEEKS, President. 1). O. TYLER, Vice President. 3, W. Haiti**, Becretary. . nraaoroafl. Bon. W. D. Kelley, 3. W. Forney, P. B. Mingle, . * James Watson, Ludlam Matthews. William Cart!*, G. ?. Tomer. Alfred Week*. B. 3. W. Bonder, C. ft. BioHng, 3. L. Hutchinson. J.W.Stokea, JelS-ly Life insurance and trust com pany.—ThoPKNN MUTUAL LIFE INBURANGB COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, $612,725.03. INSURESLIVES for abort terms, or for the whole tsrm of llfo—grant* annuities and endowments—pur chases life Interests in Real Estate. and make* all oontraots depending on the contingencies of Life. They &at as fixeoators, Administrators, Assign*** Trusters, and Crnferfilsne, noma*. Daniel L. v Mill«r, ’ BsmaalS.Btoku, Benjamin Goatee, William Martin, Richard 3. Ncwbold. James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph IT. Trotter,'' William H. Kern, Jamea Button, Samuel 0. Huey, Tbeophllns Paulding, Charles ITallowell, Edmund A. Soader, Henry O. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, llodolphns Kent, John W. lloruor, William H. Uarr, EJH* 8. Archer, , Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Stain. John Q. Brenner, P.B. Miohlar, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLSU, President. SAMUIL X. STOKXn, Vioa Pres’t. Joan W. Hoanoa, Secretary. nJ3-iy- ASTERN INSURANCE COMPANY.— J-4 OFFICE No. 6 EXOHANGE. Authorized Stook Capital, $‘.00,000. Charts* Pbrpktual. Fire Risks on MerchAnHse and Buildings. Marine Risks on Vessels Cargoes and Freights. Inlaud Transportation Risks ou,Goods per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboat*, taken on favorable terms. DIRECTORS. -Andrew Cochran, Robert P. Taylor, William’l. Brown, Thomas Sbaw, Richard G. Biotvslmry, Georgo Cook man, Peter D. Myma, Charles SL>y, Robert B Walker, Jacob Reed, Jacob Lukens, W. 0. htotesbury, ANDREW COCHRAN, President. William I. Brown, Vice-Prerident n3-tf Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. Thos. L. Luffera, Wra. F. Leech, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, M. W. Baldwin, Wm. K. Hamlin, JohuO. James, H. U. Shlllingford, A. J. Bucknor, 0. E. Spangler, Jehu W» Sexton, 11. 11. Houston, William Raiguol, Wm.H.Lovo, "Rdein Booth, Charles F. Norton, John Garrison, Lome Myer. G. 8. Warno, President—THOMAS L. LUDBRS. Vice President—E. 8. WARN* Secretary—Oil ARLES A. BUY. rolß-tf iixakcxa. A. TREGO, REAL ESTATE AGENT “* • AND CONVEYANCER, RIDGE AVENUE, first door below Thktoeuth str- ot. attends to the pujrchMO and salo of Real Estate, Negotiating Sefturilk*, Routine Houses, a (Ml Collection of HtfiTto nod Ground Ruuts, and Interest Monies. Satisfactory references given. OQll).3mf* If R. CORSON, S-M-* REAL ESTATE BROKER Monsv Loaned on Bond and Mortgage * Collodions promptly mode. scl»-ain NORRISTOWN, PA niIONISJB A 00., fJPECItt AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, PHILJi Ddi.m lA. Rofer to the lUxxs and Baoxias of PhUadelphl*> hotels (ini UsiimaaiiUv TONES HOUSE, 9“ HARRISBURG, PA., (Erected in IMT.) ELEGANTLY PURNKHURD, MOW OPEN TO VISITORS. my29-y WELLS OOVBRLY, ProptUfc* DE LANE Y’S saloon and RESTAU RANT, N. K. corner THIRTEENTH aod CHESTNUT Streets, .Philadelphia. no2-3mo WM. A DJI LANKY, Proprietor. PROSSER’S - BESTAURANT7 No*. • 808 MARKET Street, four doom above KlGHI'n, South sido, Philadelphia. Oysters Stewed, Roaatod, Pried, Pickled, &0., &0., for Homo Consumption and Transportation. N. B.—Dinner from twolre to threo o’eloflk ortlfitr ntift 3v.?n. SAMUEL V. KBARIOK. J YmQttAH MBHRJOK. WILLIAM H MBBHIOK. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. k 3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, Manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for 1 and, Hirer, and Marko service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tan<>B, Iron Boats, Ac . Cast ings of all kinds, either iron or brara Iron frame lloofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Rail road Stations, &e. Retort* and Gas Machinery of tho latest And mest improved construction Every description ct plantation machinery, each as Sugar, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains. Defecators, Filters, Pumping Boginas, &.e Solo Agouts for N ltillloux’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; N'lsmyth’s Patent Hammer; and AspinwaM A Wtokey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar I'rhin inft Machines, > aus-y ijffPJtOVEI) BURNING FLUID.—We jL are now manufacturing, ami aro properod to soli, a Burning Fluid jnuch less; liable; to, ejplqdo than tho 'common wo can confidently rooommrnJ it aa belug much safer. SARNALL A OGDEN, oclO-tjaie 478 N. THIRD Stmt, abore Noble. YORK LINES. Tilt. UAMDBN ANP~AMBOy AND PIJILADEMVA. AND TiU'NTOM BAII.DOAl) Cl> 'S LIMP-S VMM J?UIL»3>KLPUIA TO NKW YOBK . AKI) WAY L>LACKS. • Wll.l, I.BaVB A i KOLLOWB, vis: FROM IC K.N SINttTON DEPOT. ’ Faro from Kensg’n Depot to New York, At 8# A. M , Morning Mail, Ken sington and Jersey City At P. M., Evening Mail, Ken sington and Jersey Citv........ M , Night Mail, Keating louo d Jersoy 01 f y 2 25 The 6# Kvfisitg Mail Line runs daily. The 11#' Night 8-vturciays excepted ■ The Odra of the Fifth amiSixth-street City Passenger Kail Trey Company will convey Passenger* to and from Kenslngt n D-pot. ' FROM WALNUT-antHET WHARF: Philadelphia At 6 A. M. ria Camden and Amboy, 0. A A. Ac* commodation. 12 26 At 6'A M , via Camden and Jereey City, (New Jemny) Accommodation. 2 25 AVIO A. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Express..' , , g 00 AtUt’.M via'Oamdeir and Amboy, 0.& A. Ex press 8.00 At3P-M via CatnJeo aod Amboy, Accommodo , tion—lst Class t... ......2 26 At 3 M. via Oamden and Amboy. Accommoda tion—2-1 Olosa 150 At Z}4 M. vi.i Camden and Amboy,'Accommoda* * ti »p—lfit'UJseS.* 226 At 0 4 P.M vin ramden *nd Amboy, Accommoda* • ■ tiou—2d Oiaflfl 176 ID“ Express Lfne j atop at Principal Station* only. Fcr UeWidere, Easton, Plam!ngton,-&c . at 0 A. M f For Water Gap. Stroudsburg,Scranton, Wilkesbarre, Mont. ose, Griat Bend, Ac , at 0 A. M , via Delaware, Laokaws.no*, and Western Railroad. ' - For Freehold, at 0 A. M. dnd 2 jp. M; For Mount Holly, at 6 A.'if .8, and 5M P fil. • WAY LINES' ’ For Bristol, Trenton, Ao., «t 3 P. M., ar.d 4W P.M. from Kensington Depot. - - ' For Palmyra, liaooocks, Bererly,-Burlington, Bor detftown, Ac.; at 3 P. M : . Fifty, pound* of baggage only allowed each paaseoger Passenger* are prohibited trdm taking anything as bag: gage but their wearlng'appi el. All baggage over fifty pound* to bo paid for extra; The company limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not to reliable lor any amount beyond $lOO. eX ceofc by fipeclal cHntract. Jano»- J 11,18£0. Wil. H GATZMKB. Agent. north - pennsyj,- VANIA BAILKOAD. —WIN TKK AItItANOKMHNT. 42,067 86 FOB BETULBUEU, DOTIESTOTYIf, &o.,mdb» rallipAa connections for Easton OatatriitA, Allentown, : Wllliimsport, Munch Chunk, _ Elmitn, Heileton, Magiua Falls, ~ On and after WEDNESDAY, December 21. 1858 Pan roager Tralna .ill teiya EBONY and WILLOW streets, 1 Philadelphia, an follows: For Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Haileton.&o, (Express) at 980 A M. Pm-aengcru for Easton by this lino can spend two hour* in Bethlehem, and an hour audahalf In Easton, aod return the same evening. For Bethlohoai, Allentown, Munch Chunk, Williams port,' Klmira, and the West. (ExpretS) at.. 2.16 P M. For Doylestowo, (Accommodation) _ at 8 46 A.M.andMP. M. For Fort Washington, (Accommodation,) at; 6F. M. f 608,804 70 TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave HetUshem (Express) at? A.M.and6F M. Lewe D.iylostown (Accommodation) at 7 A. M. and 3 30 P.M. Washington (Accommodation) at 7.10 A. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia, fir Fort Washington, at 0 30 A. M. Philadelphia, for Doyleetown, at 4P. M, . . Doylestown, for Philadelphia, at 7 A. M. Fort Washington for Philadelphia, at 2.40 P. M. . All P.ineoger Trains (except Sunday Trains) c mnect at Chatham street with Fifth and Sixth Street* Pa*s?n ger itii'ruad. Fare to JMhlohem,sl 60; to Mauch Chunk,s2 CO; tu E*<tou, $1 50 ; to Doylestown, 80 cents. <l2‘J - ELLIS CLARK; Agent. pHIIiADSL'raiA AND EJjHIKA RAIL t ROAD LINK.—QUICKEST BOUTS to Elmira, Wilkesbarre, Buffalo, Chicago, Bock Island, Niagara Falla, Milwaukee, Burlington, Montreal, fit. Pan]*, Detroit, Danlinlh, ami Bt, Louis. Ptaienger train* will leave the Philadelphia acd Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD And VINE d-reets, daily, (Sunday* excepted,) as follows: 7.30 A. M. DAY EXPREBB, For Uiicira, 'Niagara Fall**, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, !*.o?k Island, Galena, gt. r*nl3> Burlington aod SI. Lotus. 3,C0 P.II- NIGHT EXPRESS, So: £lmira, Niagara Fall*. Buffalo, Defroit, Chicago, Milwaukee,Book Island, Galeus.. Bt,Pauls, Burlington ►ad Bt, Lo-iis. The 7.80 A. M. train run* through to HARRISBURG, stopping at all'Station* on the Lebanon Valley Branch of the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad. jsn At Kapert, for Wilkesbarre, PlttAton, Scranton, and all stations on tho LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMBBUBG IMILBOAD. cheeked to Elmira, Buffalo, add Suspension Bridge. H 7* Ticket* can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line s * Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Street*, and at the Pas senger Depot, oomerof BROAD ami VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily excopied,) for all points West and North, at fi Freight* must be delivered bofore 3 P.M. to insure their going the same day. P-r further information apply at Freight Depot, Broad, below Vine, Or to OH AS, 8, TAPPRN, General Agent, N. W. cor. Sixth ana Chestnut Street*. ool.tr . Philadelphia. i£S£££ K PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON,- AND BALTI MORE RAILROAD. On and after Saturday, December 4,1868, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Perj^ 3altimor ® J at 8A - m *j 1 M., (Express,) and For Wilmington, at BA. M., 1,8.80, and lIP M. For New Castle, at 8 A. M„ and l'and 8.80 P. M For Middletown, at 8 A. M., and 1 P. M. For Dover, at BA. M., and IP. M. For Beaford at 8 A. M., and 1 P,JH* - trainB_for Philadelphia; Leave Baltimore at 8.80 A. M., (Bxpres*,) 12 noon, am 0.40 P.M. - Leave Wilmington at T-20 and 11.40 A. M., 2.26 an 8.55 P.M. ’ Leave New Oaktle&t 6.46 and H. 12 A.M., and 8.01 P. M . .* * Leave Middletown at 10.20 A. M., and 0.80 P. U. Leave Dover at 9.20 A. M., and 4.35 P: M. Leave Seaford at 7.46 A. M,, and 1.45 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. If STB Wilmington it 9.10 A. 51., 1.66 P.M., ind lg.lt A. M. ■ SUNDAYS onl? at 11 P. M. ftom Pkilxlflpkli toßll tlmore. Do do 6.40 P, M. from Baltimore to PhiU delphle. Freight Train, with Passenger Oar attached, will raa aa follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryrille and intermediate places at 6 00 P. H. Leave Wilmington for do do do 666 P. If Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 8 00 P. M &o 2 8. M. FELTON* President. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN M. AND NORRISTOWN "RAILROAD.—WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16,1863. FOR GERMANTOWN, Leave ThPadelphia 6, 7)4, 8 40 inin., 9U, 10k'. 11W A. M„ 1,2, S, 4,6, 8,7 l 8^9,10. IIX-P. it. Leave Germantown 6,7, 7Jtf, 8, 010 min.. 10 U. 11W A. M., 1.10 min., 2. 3,4, 6,6, 7,8, 9,10* P. M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia 9.20 min. A. M., 2, 6# P. M. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M., 1.10 min., 5V P. M. ’ CnKSTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Lenta Phllmlelphiu 6, 1 y,, 8.40 min., lltf A. M., 2, 4,6, 9 P. 61. Chestnut Hill 7.10 min . 7.35 min., 8.60 min.. 11.10 A. M., 12.60, 3.40, 6.40.7 40 min. P. M. _ ON -SUNDAYS, Leavo Philadelphia 0.20 min. A. M., 2, 6jV P. M. Leave Oheatout IHll 8 A. M.. 12.60 6.20 min. P. if FOR OONSUOUOCKBN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 9,11 A. M.,103 min .3 10 min., 6.60 mm , 11 V P. M, Leavo Norrlstowu 6,7, 9.11 A. M., 1, 6-40 rain P.M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 0 A. H. and 3 P. M. Norristown 7 A. M. and 5 P. M. Leave Philadelphia 6#, 7 36 min., 9, 11 A. M., 1.05 min . 2 05, 310 min., 4£, 6.60, 7.46 min , 11V P- M. Leave Mauayuuk fIX S 8)j;, 9«, 11^ 8,4, 0 10 min , 8 45 P. M SUNDAYS SAME AB NORRISTOWN. CHESTER VALLEY RATI ROAD FOR DOWNING- Leave Philadelphia A. 11. and 3.10 min. V. M. H. K. SMITH, General Superintendent, no!3 • rDEPOT, NINTH and GREEN Sts. _ YALfiICY BAILTiOAD —BA9- SKNGKR TRMN3 *OR DOWNINUTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE hTATIONB —Od and after Tat Janu ary lBW,th« Tiaiua for DOYNINGTOWN, will start from the Paeaeugar Depot of the Philadel phia aud Reading Railroad Company. corner of BROAIT auJ VlNfi htreeta HORNING TRAIN for Dovrmngfcown, leaves at 7.50 AM AFTERNOON TRAIN for Downlngtown, leaves at 3.80 P M. DAILY (Sundays ixcapted.) By order of the Roerd.of Manager* of tho Philadel phia and Reading Kailrosd Coaipnuy CIO W. 11. aioILIIKNNTSY, Secretary. Philadelphia washing and VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. YfA hfcTft removed from cur uM BtAcd ia Waiutit at roe l to the LARGS STORE, Ko. 1010 OUEbTXCT street, a Taw doors below tho St. Lawrecee Hotel, where ear old friwuda and Ch* public are reapeslfnUy invited to exiuniue oar extensive stock of Warm Air Yarnftces. Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Enameled Stone MunU'a, Parlor Coal Grab;*, Ac., *O. We art? now manufaoturiog OUJI.SON’ri CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAB CONSUMING FURNACE, t.be inont powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and vailed l.> ?ll olasses of buildings. A**o, now and beautiful patterns of Low Do Grate*, aod Parlor Coni Orates of all sires aud pattern® We h&ve nlrio commenced the manufacture o ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn sylvania s<ane. Tiip*a Mania!* •’ire awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at th* lat» iUirun/Z ErhU bition of t\* Franklin Dutiful* n/lftu city. They represent all the Tare and beautiful AxTiqus Marbles are not injured by Nmol*. Coai (fm, , Otl or .IciUs, and are sold Wboleral* ana Retail, At fnuex lsss prisi th* n MarbU. Call and ut tfum. ARNOLD A WILBOM. BTNJ. M. FELT WELL, Superintendent. Philailelnhie, April, 1868—ap34 ly jf.Jf AKDWARE.—The subscribers, COM- O. MISSION MERCHANTS for the Bale of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, would reaneotfnliy call the attention of the trade to their stock, whieh thoy are oft ©ring at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists In part of— Chain*, of all kinds—Trace, Log, Salter, Breast, Ox, Uovr, Fifth, Back. Wegou, Stage, Tongue, Look, Ship, Mina, and CoC Chains. The celebrated u L !! Hone Nails; Stone and Sledge Hammers. “Wright* ” and other Anvils; Solid Box and other Vices. Bhort and long handle Pry Pans: round and oral Bake Pans. “ Martin’s n superior Piles and Rasps; Bed Screws “Excalalor ” Safety Fuse: Blasting Tnbe*. Corn, Grass, aud Brier Scythes; Hay, Corn, aad Straw «*nlve*. Hiy, Manure, Tanners’, and Bpadlug Porks. Rake*and .’lces; Shovels and Spades, of all hinds. Tacks, Brads, Shoe, Clout. and finishing Nalls. Oast aud Wright Butt Hinges, Bcrewa, Locks of all kinds *. Cutlery, Bams and Pumps, Axes, Hatchets, Ham mers, Pianos, and other Tools, Ac., Ac. W. G. LEWIS A EON. inil-v No- «I COMMERCE Street. OR ARTIFICIAL LARD fi. SPECIAL NOTICE TO PHY3IOIANB.—The above otter* a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfaces, whieh combines the following advanta ges : A good aad unvarying easily washed off with water, dissolves all substaacon that aro soitt blo in water, hence facilitating Instead of obstructing thoir absorption, aud dots not get runcitl. Tho last properly alone renders it an Invaluable acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesalo and retail, at OIMEO’B Laboratory and Pharmacy, sou Twelfth aad Ohtftoßt street. KaiiroaJt £ines »3 00 FOR MANAYUNK NOTICE.—CHESTER iScuftcutr*. ARNOLD A WILSON, BVCotf££64J re H. X !I4ittt7<<Oß, 1 HiulrwJrlDintg, rpnE pjsnnsylvaniacewtkal 1 o5J>. -. MU. ojiPAffltrr or laVitld from uliiton, New Y Express and Fast Line* run throe ah to' Piti«bnnr Without chaoge of Car* or Conductor*. 8lf *» ®*eb Trill. • WoodiuO's SBESipRnN* n*T?v“M“u f 4 ! 1 ’ Cba tx - DN3 BAI1 ' Y! M#l ‘ Lilies, Sued*,. PLHadelpbls at 7 30 A. M. Express Train lepras ’ «* 11 00 P M nsrri<lrait Y s TKAIN v L * AVB AS FOLLOWS:' wSS* A “°“?a*«»®. J<» o. itombi.,-1.00 P. If. gfssSaijg; the regular Line of Steamers on the Miaals lppl or Obu> Rivers. * • ' .. . ." .it7“jFare always a* law as any other Route. t ,ilB {completion-of- the'Western connection* of the . K&ilroad lo Chicago, make* thi* the- DIBEOr LINE BETWEEN THB EASC AND THE • ’ GREAT NORTinVEST.:' n The connecting of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at j dll drayage or ferriage 1 1 Flight, w WVT * D B of tline, are advant-ges TrerefllJfpnwlo! . *!“?*•« ° f Jft ' ,gh, ’V „ . j. „ FREIGHTS WESTWARD - By this Route height* cf all d-eesiptlon* ean he for wardeq from Phllldeiphia, New York, Boston, or Balti m re, tonoy point en ihe-RiHroad* of Ohio, Ktntuckr, Indiana. ;iowa, or Mi»«mri, by Railroad direct. % ' 1 * J the Pennayivsnia Rallrda t alao conoectsat Pittsburg wnh Steamers, by which Gopda cau be forwarded ,t-any port on the Obin, Muskingum, Kentucky, Teonetuire, Cumberland. Illiool*, Miuissippi, WiacOTi-ln.iliaßouri, Kamai. Arkan/ai, and Red Rive s: and at Cleveland, Sanduaky, and Chloigowith Steatnors to all ou tbe North Wf atern Lakes Merchant* and entrusting thetranaporta tiou of] their Freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on it*. tpsedv-tra'oMt ■ L ■ •_ - TUB RATES OF FREIGHP to any'point in the west by the Peanßylvaola Uailroai ate at all time* a* favr.iabto a* are charged by other Railroad Oou>- panieß- ifj" Be particular to. mirk package* « via Pecno, tailroid ” Merchant* in the West orderiog goods from the East, will do, well to direct them to be shipped by this Route. For F ejgbt Cnn'ractsor Bbippiug Directions, apply to. or address either of the following axeatu of the Company: . , D A.STEWART, Piltaburg:; Doyle & Co , Steubenville, O ; U.S. Pierce & Co TlaoesviUe, O j J J. Johnston, Ripley.O : R ajcNeely, Maysvilla, Ey ; Ormabyi Cropper Portsmouth,O.; Paddock A Co., JeffergonviUe. Indiana: H. W. Brown, A Co., Cincinnati, O ; Athera A Hibhert, Cia cinnati, O'j B. O. Meldrum, Madison, Ind ; William Bingham, Louisville, Ky.j P. G O’Riley A Co , Evans ville. Ind NW. Graham 'A Co. Cairo, 111.; R. P. Sa»*. St. Louia, Mo,; John U. Harris,Nashville, Tenu j Harris & Hunt, Memphis, Tinn ; Clarke & C->., Chi cago, III; W 11. H. Koonts Alton, 111: Murphy A Walle,Dubuque, III; or to Frejg&v Agent* of Rill roads at different point* in the West. - , Parties sttecdlog to their ow'd shipments from the But, will find it to their interest to eall on tbe Agents oi »t the following places before shipping; or letter* addio?sed to either of them on the sar*j:ct of freights, will meet with prompt attention. - B‘J. fcNEEDKR, Philadelphia. 61AGRAW A KOONB, 80 North street. BaJt’mord. LEECH A 00.,2ABtorHouse.orT8.WlUiamat.'.N.Y, LEECH ACO 54 Kilby street, Boston.' H. H. HOUSTON, Oea’l Freight Agout, Phil*. L. L. HOUPT, Gen;} Ticket Agent, Phil*. , . THO 3. A. £COTT, Gen’l Sap’t, Altoona, P«. )*3-Iy • . • , Sanings jfunitz “ A' little, but often,'fills the Pune.” FKAKKLIN SAYING FUND— No. 136 South FOURTH Street, between Chestnut and Walnut, Philadelphia, pay* all deposits on demand. Depositor* 1 money secured by Government. State, and City Loons, Ground Rents; Mort gages, Ac. This Company dfem* safety better than large profits, Consequently will run no.risk wit’i de positor*’ money, but have It at all times ready to return with 6 per eent interest to the owi-er, aa they bavo a always done_ ThlaQumpany never suspended. * *' Females, married or single, and Minora can deposit in their own right, and such deposit* can be withdrawn only by theirconaenfc Charter perpetual. ’ Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania, with authority to receive mo ney f> om trustee* &ud executor*. ‘ LARGE and small sums received. ’ Office open dally from 9 to 8 o’clock, and on Wednesday evening, until 8 o’clock. - DIRECTORS. Jacob B Shannon, Oyros Cadwallader, JohnShludlor, George Ruisell, - Malacht W. Sloan, Edward T. Hyatt, Lewis Krumbhaar, Henry Delany, Nicholas Kitteuhon**, Nathan Smediey, Jo*. Q.Satherthwaile, Ephraim Blanchard, Joseph W- L'ppincott. JAOOB B. SHANNON, Preildent, Ctbub Oadwallad-k, Treasurer | dlB-y - . “ A Dollar sored la twice earned ” THE SPKDfG GAHDEH SAVXHQ TDND. _ , (Oiunim n m uviunu n Tjoramrixu.) PIBPMDAL OHABIBB. . IIVM PER CENT.; Interest alloyed to Ddpcsfovp, - and all Moneys Pasd.back.oa Demand.- ■> OPPIOE, 831 NORTH STREW*... ./ (Ooxbolhutios BAxjcßuu,dixo.) - - This Institution'ls how. open lor the transaction of business, and la the only Chartered Saving Pohd.locc.ted In the northern part of the city. The Office wfllbe open (daily) from 8 to BE o’clock, and also on MONDAYSand* THURSDAYS, from 6 until 8 o’clock la the Evening. JONABEBB. Frederick Hlett, John Kessler, Jr., Stephen Smith, James £. Bring**, John P. Levy. Jacob Deck,;, Hon. Henry KvBtrong, Joseph Cowell, Daniel Unaerkofler, ' JYwwley’Bray,* " Bon. Wm. Miilwaid, ' Robert B .Davidsen,' ProderiekStaako, , P. Cl Sllmakev. Frauds Hart, John P. Verrecj.' Joseph P. LeOiers, George Knecht. President. JAMES S. BRINGLS, ' Secretary, GEORGE T. THORN. apffl-Iftf RATING FUND—FIVE FEB CENT. IK -13 TSBXST—NATIONAL BAJ*ETY TRUBT COM PANY.—WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WEST OORNEB OP THIBD, PHILADELPHLA. IxooaroxiTMD qt txb Stats of PakxsrLVMiu. - Money Is reeelTed In any anm*, large er small, and in terest paid from tho day of deposit to th» day of with drawal. TheoHoa is open *v*rjr day tram B o’clock in the mornlag tlUfi o J cioct la tte evening, amd ochlonday cad Thursday evenings till 8 o’elook. BON. HSNEY L. fcSNNIB, President, BOBSBT BJELIBID&3, Yloe Pmident. Wa. J. Evhd, SeeretKy. DKTCYOftfI: Hon. Hway Xi. Benner, P. Carroll Srewsler, Sdwardli. Carter, Joseph B. Barr , Sobertßolfridge, Prancds - Sami. H. Ashton, Joseph Yeraes, 0. Landreib Mnnn« v Henry DiiTanderifer, Money us received and payments made dally. I'he hlveatmente are made in coui'emiUv with the nrarfftiftiM of the Charier, in RSAIi KSTATX HQRT &ACK3B, GROUND KSKTB, and aneh first clp.\* securi ties U will always insure pvrfoot security to the deposi tor*, and which cannot tail io give permanency and sta bility to this Institution. asl-ly KSAtitJO f'UlfD.—tfHlTED STATES ►3 TRUST COMP A NY, oorn*r of THI&D tad OflIST* ITOTSt?O2tf. Luge and small sums received, ana paid back on da ro&aA, without notice, with YXVB PER OBNT INTBR JiT from the <l*v of deposit to the do* of withdrawal. OSes hours, from 9 until 6 o’elcok evcrr day, apu oa MOW DAY XYSWINGS from T until 9 o’dlock. DRAFTS for sale on England. Ireland, tsi 5-»t3s.r«a, Iforu £1 upwards. Pr*flHop.t-g‘mnilN E. OSAWfORB ■Vraasursr—PLlNY FISK. • Teller—JAU3S It. IfUNTSB. CHESTNUT GROVE WHISKEY.—A de sire to lessen the consumption or impure spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution, has induced the offering to the public of an article which the aualyzaticn of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chomint, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, * Carafe, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all qm>«i.luo, io be the raoatpureand ponr.equently least iryoxvms spirits ever offered tho American public. CERTIFICATE OP DR JAB. S CHILTON. I taTft analyzed aaamjle of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Air. CUARLXS WHARTON, Ja.. of Philadelphia, and baying carefully tested it. I am pletsod to etntc that it is entirely free from poisonous or substances. It Is an unusually pore and tine havered quality of Whiskey. JAMES T, CHILTON, M. D., New Ycrfc, Ei-pt 3, 1513. Analytical Chemist. Psn.iDKi.r3iA, Sept. 9, ISM.' Dsaeßik: Wo hare eaiefuliy tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you sent cr, and find that It contains neao ci’the yo.Voi’ous substance known fas f HBic Oil, r, bieh is the characteristic and injurious lugredieut of U»a Whiskeys in general are. Tory respectfully, BOOTH, GARRSTT, * CASIAO, Aualytle*»l Cfaetolsw. ToCaiRMSS WHIMOI, Jr., No lid WALNUT St, Phi’advliVhls. 0c22-dti ?l ‘** |\?K/iJNIJIKi3. —±*iuoi Oastillou,” Jtfarett, S-" an* other Cognacs of various ln ball pipes and quarter casks; l’sllovoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half nipei, half casks, red ous-elghth casks. Inwjrted and for sale by HjENKY BOEL3N &00., ft*iJ Ml and s*iS Pont 1 ' Fourth rt**et — IT IS OF TUB HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every oua to know they will get the most for their money, especially such times as these. ZIKGLRR fc BMITII, Wholesale Druggists, corner of SECOND .and (SIiNEN Streets, are disusing their White Lead, Ground Taints, ot alt Colors, and Window Glace, all of the best quality, at prices which will be pleasing to barer* - eoll Brick-making machine, which makes the Bricks auJ temper the clay, rashes from one to three thousand per hour. Upwards of thirty in use. Patented February 3d, 3858. Machines and rights for sale Counties, or one-fonrth of the Patent, will be ro.d. Known to be the only practical one in use. Ad dress C. OAKNELL, Germantown road, above Fifth street, Pbiladrlpl dlo-tmrlO UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY. CHICAGO, ILL. The subscriber, having had muoh practical experi ence in selecting and locating lauds in the various land Districts in the Western States, has unusual facilities fur making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OB CASH. Having Surveyors constantly »'b fas Jisld to make personal examinations, he oan always make the most judicious locations. Lauds unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be la lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references glTen when required. |p~ Money invested in Kansas and Nebraska) and any of the Western States. 8. BALIBBURY, 40 CLARKE Street. Chicago. TRUSSES!—Genuine French, fo ' TRUSSES! Genuine Prench, for Children. TRUSSES! do do. Ladies. TRUSSES! Approved American Styles. Supporter Braces; English Abdominal Beltsj Syrin ges, & jjetf and improved eelf- injecting article specially adapted ,to Ladles’use Also, bath-room or hjdrant Enemas; Trftneh Pessfcrio*.Breast Pumps; Infants 1 fiTar’tfng.Fl'flks?' Nipple Shells and Shields. For sals by OALEII-B- .NEEDLES, Pharmaceutist, and Practical adjuster of A! eohauical Remedies,v" d. W jorner TWELFTH and RAO B Bls., Phlla. Ladies 1 TOoms—eatrauw on Twelfth street, next door teitoxe, arti-ta
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers