The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, December 10, 1858, Image 4
i lisffiteiifsiisss —-||MaMiifcgßßßBggBgaa vV'tMKRBSS&gi ■ ~; ' . ' o^iiiC^C6iiri : 'Silß—sf6tatft Df 'ThMdor« B/'Witmer,; ''tih'yy’yy:-,', .. l^S4|*fciND” 3 i>qOfcif»Bi!Bg':'6n;'Oano«i'«tiMtj ] A-' • In^? J &.'^-'</,< v^iiwm« i aMffl*tortwo.wnifr«*'»fia» aook.; '■ \ ' %>;* ftiijv'vr s Ff/s ?;->:-~\y.- ;‘ V • Bt*l^^Braßps&3«|o@nmaß%kß.iß»W'! 'y.s, ildre.V.. -\ -/ -t , \- 5 :-:.<* •- \ : >v 6BQtJin),_Wuhija*ton iuidO*k«treata, tbor*] U,\sy?Ht thU*>i 900,fat front,2lfK feetj H"““ ''"' l^^^s^^Mss\ .wmAhMh| . 1 of-lßenjiniln H. I .VOWIBSBDMMiBiIIOBOONDiiMSTS.'BQNDS, - * *?<af:i. i - %^B^Bgag»SrS£j!kgsaiiraßtfesgaaf^aMfcis«i^ ; ■ f («S#*<r*M,JIIBBBDMM'ABIJI. GBOnjtTO-BBHT : H • fb(j«wi»Wn«!^fli»iJ l^4J •='.,<«' i 6 ">> :.fc)?«B»teft.^ : IISEPEBMABI,E gBOPNB.RBKT * *’ W^BSW^ortS«« r irtUf, ; fdf 12 .• - " r t>j)«?«mb«r. jpihist u'o’olock, comer, of : Beookir«tfd ' Wgheit'.blddiiyifor jpprorwi tin-* »,*& j.foarfOolortKldoj *■ rii'iqnepoWM}' hori ’"* ‘ Mtt!iMt^fei|i^cb>^ wpper ;kt«4in ket .j v *t§£^£^pfeT*dfa v ['.pltoa ~%|bB ' 'Tsi&BAtA ‘ - - a.ii®lOl(ajGf<.*lW -POSTS; lIBDSTBASBBV AND , ,’,- ;i-PWTOBtAI(- WOBHB—A- HPMBER OP THEM AiSiifSiiKy^ f ■i-MAoTinm - v ;;'S<‘fe^;s! S-aoittrta»y' AnlSaturtw Srnnlngn,: .A-r/ii’, -~~ -fyji »Bae«*ottM*ntdfT»lo*tiftm!scBlljLiie6aBbo'oli*, ele ui plfltcrlil worlts. Ao., Ac. .;-=. -r- . ■ .' ■<■■- Catalogues, ' and’; i 'tONDON. : : QnT6e«4>y,;jf«4a«air,*Tlmr«a»^»odSKil»»'»T»nliigi( o wn.»l>r^ -' -t; - i * i ‘icJ&ewattllUrc^fiiTOxf^p^^ou^a^hlataj^iogrApVjr -V, - -C~- )r twel,botmnj“jSja r floirl-;' •,• T^i^>Tad>itfßM'mgtoiry.'l>Pg^*ge? • -v.; '^utJflßreboaoiar.Bhanuuiy'otherSmporUnt»nd lnt«r- V" t ■■' l on^th«:fifie’^tfiiilgldV ,V'---'- '. \k .Aidth^^ylßgi^SaUlaiajt»tldatfbf'T«l7.ljig4 '*&s*& :'-' • .-/[• ' b»-»irAnje<l : _ v for' ; ei*iln*t!on - vSsawmp^^w. KJmiOB •PPBNITPBB. PIASO-POBMIf PINI jy : PBBNOH-~PlAT>"»OMM)B8.-BBPaBlXig : -'OAB. ’.'r-.- • ■ri •>; l -.-.?.-agffM'.fcaWWi-' W , ; Hnrt)anto(az<»tl»ntHaana-k*ndrkratt«ni«la(*nti : - |U*>ar(intaMMinini>n.;«>n*tt,- •ta.,,<raa<print« ,: lUsatM;aMllliUg:AiiiiMkM;liiS, nDl<>T«d to tk« 4tor* ■X t! ?'.<%.;-V ■ ; r^'»»- r YWs’‘^tt^n?B; , Art«niirßHiMWarj:;':': ;i -;;. -.*_■ SOBAP.OOPPBB. BKASgmON MDSKSr XOOKS; • -;.’ /';■■ -f s i-.-v- : :r .;,-Dew»b«li : jJ7tlii'At'Up’olo«kv* t * ll »'B-8-A««ii»],’ - Brideiburg, wlthoUturtletr«,'tli«:follo»i*J condemofed i »M«»;Tf*f;l4sHSilmuket;JoolnV(.fllqt;in»ivlngoo<l - :- ord«r ; 14,112 . bu»ket-i bre«ch’ «rtwi ; .H 9 malkflt it rtMtated Bbt«tli>g«}>M7Si4«dt*ts)>»rrtl»; 1,819 tt«, ii »jBI^ANI!r»KSn>SN(JB'A!jn:»IJB«ITOBB.i.t: fi- ’ :’;-1;,;- it,'; '■ ’■ Mon dir Morning, >■:,.’'"- ■??> ~-v-; on! rirll lborolilat putl [ c 1 •■- ' •»lo n on-lhn i nr«ml»«n,-,th«'hiuid>omB»roi:r-itorr l>rlc^ . ■ - *table, nad ln the rear; andfci^niOdM^rinipr^^i^ntiind^conriid^inoinV^. BtSOANTDEAWINO-BOOMANDOHAMBB* ipn taannifff f^yjtriroqm , wlg/-iaiq,win'jOflw>a. ; Aj > - tie? ftirniturajr. »%:Kui?i)BK'J>Eennasßima<r>s stock or u. i :^^'*^^^eiH*4oAßlKEE®TOMTOM.fcs:<v^/- ■S -»t , ' /bf o»t*ltfgu»,;Ui» btlfcnes.of Ihiitookotelepmt 6»ljln«{ . farttta«*v,o(,M»»»«. r Kl«a4«,'D»gintiorfc : 00,,de • «^nl4|s? a * i «»- I «*>lW?»r”*;«««B>Mr»l‘ili»<)rtra»ntbf _ , foral tarodlir th*b efl t :»»nn«.ei(ireMtjr , for priTAto ulei, And nmaMb-; ’ X' -'! ilUi^.ahMii.Ja^^adja.torr’aklsaniSiilfflißfria^ ~7 ;'t)ierelo:fr6m:;a»<!B*64«r.ioiiiliUbg'liip«t'ofor«r-, ■ i)oaW,'r»gUa»,;ilMM. toa ffook: M»v!'Wtns«M f i»«ls^ . ane:TrticK'»naaniMW<l&M«'n*nte,illk-tel7 >- L - ret.ailk, fcatin, cloth, and otherreaU: coat, pant, ml „ ' WcMhmnafallkiJroollknrpWdatfUinai'atWCT.'cliititj’ 0- , »t»ti,!)Ui« fc*nf*:t»M>ma long M4,’«ia*i3«aurU f la. di»«>:WMnw *pp»re]fr«l!«r»l)/ s ;bMta,JfltM>,;umW f Ik», P«|Mol*rl>9oka,.ljiWea, highly jntuttkwd.r-^ToutnarrMMMtou.jiflattiiMi'grttttiutt, l -r, »ju IftkDSSKßMaifaaolH?«fMk|iAt!Hj».pf«Mi| ’ r t'.li^e'<forfi4d|,Ja»>tir6«d»,.bcilat«r«Juid.pUlowifqiiilt«, _ <e' " - go«lX ta«: i>•'■'>'' --1 - S*m«» «lg»Sj dagiMftwtjji* .«*»«*, )aig»iai»:. do ft-' , '-',:«raip!dt«i-5r1.0i-*]l.,tha neoMMny urtlelMirMitiifad for .>: ' ■ ;> ; «o,.op«Ju ; tor,'.aap#licn-dcabl6..barrel.,/owJing-pieoea, -■ />S|K*BPiiB»«» Ki2ifi+;.:‘-a‘;. i "iv/;.. . v--.;0j.0a.k8,, < _AUo, '6ol«d(ei» an» 'ParlanTadoSildaka and faglana, n, K*>* frtaU .alia. BAIK 0P TSIJiBNTIRIS CASKS BMBBOIDEHIES— « •- t-« ■Vi.i i.OO'Wedneßdv Morning, .. t „ i “W .commencing atlO. o’clock, bvctta- o s:a ore4ft, ttg iarWiHuid mbit dosirablo lot of i tWaaeaion, cqnaiatlog in : part ' OOLLABB. -V "’V v.. . -i ; ■«-.' v , r ? m Hn® to vocy hlgh-.oost ; embroideries, book’ and- jaoonet oollara of newest styles, haring boon re oontly Imported for beat cltr retail aalea. >■■ ' •> • SETS, CQMABS, ABD BMMYWr/O ■ i . Alio, embroidered book and jsooset sets, oollars, and *- «?»® matflb?rnibf|Eigrfrbin to very fine ; doautldig to which the attention of ;oity retailers and, jobbers is Invited. ‘'“V , , PTfAIN AND EMBROIDBBBD' LINEN-QAMBRIO ' - HANDKERCHIEFS. i ;‘Also,* ladles* and gents’ clear lawn handkerchiefs, la ' dies* •'? - - > J - - , r HQNITON ,LAOK HOODS. Also, a line of. superb heal ten laee oollari and sets. \ ' .DjCiThd’wHolej cowpriaiDg a full assortment of new l style embroideries, arranged for .examination,! iflth'Catalogtfes/ early on tfce morning of sale. ; SALESROOM, i "M J2WHARKBTBTBBKT,• - . . ; BBTWBBN BKCOND AND THIRD STREETS;.;,. i .OXBU.— attention.of purchasers to the < positive sale of ready-inadV; clothing,' tailoring gdoda, Ac.,-to'be made this morning, at XO o’clock. r- ~ ' —-Also, on* jrapertor sewing machine. > -ID* The whole mey be.examined previous to sale,• ■Jii, Uii “SWJf hft Mftralnst 5 *• 1 •* -" ‘* • f - ' * '-' Bale of ready-madeolothing,-tailoring goods. j Dr> <SnLLIAM\H(: jSTEBB, ; (JENEBAL X> t AtTdTIOii ‘INIX OOifttlßaiOirSTOßß, No. 46 THE ENTIRErHOUaBHOLP s PUBNITURB OP Ai ' QBNTMttaKIXBOIiffiKQ'HP.USJSKIBPING. , '■ •: i- Commencing at 10 o’cjoekfi In Garden Btreet,l&rit houae abore Thirty-sixth, : - Will household furniture,' carpets, mirrors, housekeeping articles* &c., ofa gentleman re-; moving. •‘t i.yvi'.-f'r i.c9 - BUPJSBIOR; NBW AND.! SECOND-HAND .PIfBNI-] PLATE MIBBOBB, BRUBBBLB *7A? 1 ? OABPETS, MATED WARE, Ae ; l^Ott'.Batprda/Atorning,- .. * \<; i ■ the'-auctlon store, will lie sold by] Catalogue, a large and superior assortment of rosewood, t walnut, and mahogany furniture, carpets, plated ware,! Ac,,Ao. c - SBOOND-HAND 7UBNITCRB. - Also;,a lot of;second-hand furniture froqra family refcOvlhg.'comprisibg dressing bureaus, Brussels and ingrain carpets, Preneh bedsteads. Ac. .' -AQUARIUM AND PISH GLOBE.. _ AlSo.fat 11 o’Cloolr,'! aquarium; with fish and plants. Also, 1 largdjflah.globe; * - j ID* Consignments of new audsecond-hanl house hold furniture j piano-fortes, carpets, watches, jewelry, liberal cash ad vances will be male if required fi */ -- ’ ’'' - 1 ; |[7* Out-door sales attended to promptly. Charges as moderate as any,other hou^.inthiieit^. pHmOP r-J!QRD,,r } AUCTIONEER, No. A SaO MifeiT BTRMT, ttMii lim and SIXTH, Math aide,. ■ _ ‘ J,;M. iGUMHEY. ,& SONS,-: v .. .v • READ BBTATJH. AUCTIONEERS, ■ “ No; STREET. CARD,—J-.M.-GammeyA Bona, •anotlonean, will hold rcgolar mlu ofßoal Eitate, Stock*. So. Alao, household furniture atrdwellings. - BBAL ESTATE AT PjtlVAT* SAIiB. JET Onvoor FriTAte B*le Kogjator iriU almm b« fpunlf» Terr, lW2e,.«monnt lOfml.MUt*,; including efßrydMftrfpuO'ft of eltr'anfl country property. ‘ ; u j: u. gummby & a6ka, r n - 620 W JdXWS gtreet, below BUth, ; cjahoui. ! iirdxxdKEEß. SAMnXIi NATHANS’ GBHAT BAM- OF JOBFSIT ' &t South THffd' , atreet| beH>w-Wamut, opposite Feat* sireetj'rfales* room in jtoprj months* credit ■ 1 - i‘*On tuesday Mornlng/V - December l4t&} tf Hgobr* borna. firsMlM* gold silver fine gold Chaika, fashionable jetf* ielry or «»cription,4oul)le*deallDg bozos, opera glasses i>ttiisic&nn'Btrameiits>'dre«lh|f bascfc/jOolt’* re. yolving pistols, snperlor Snglish fowling pieces, efgafs, laminated steel duelHng-platols, sutTejor’i transit 1&» atrnms^t,. telegraph *: \\ ?*< ; v x : 109 wperiol fittt-eUtt'Mld'httnlinfc oud.patant lever watohes/hramdle4 2 gettalne)i made-by the r most tp- Jo«,Johnson."Eohlnson; Cooper,,Bbskell,and others., V-' t , s-<w * 100 double-back" 18. karat BogHah. patent le veroirßtebaijriilaln'mnd full Jawelledrwarranted’ to-be genuine makers, and in perfect *»' P ;60'flnrtHjlaaaliiJjss , lS-karstgol4 hinting' cmlerer watches,. warettnteift«t‘elaMttmC4re«iknjr*iid : gshu • inerasikers&f.* %> t •''>A' 1 > ?iloo.*aperlbr gold-Engllah/Frincbi'andSwlja watches. ' injjerfeotOTderr ;.f\» iV '* ..s--'** v6O snperior ladles»3 8-israt gold lepltte aod'falljew celled anchor levsr watches. by approved ma [ *L-±-~ ~ *, >'A ~• -» . iwatch'i extra heavy eases, white 4ial^btfjeVeTy'made br<|lather',FreW6j-JJilB-watoli-‘TMelm the premium at ip* Wortd?*Salr ln-liondenj cost tiTS.MiU .s< rlTerytsuperiorlS'karatgold hunting heavy-ease !; chrpnpgraphj |ri4epen4e»t quarter seconds, rubr jew ; -els, white dial, made bvAugujrtinPerret. and imported ;eiprejulj for hone training, castiSOO. o. V>—- •.: : -'X'Terjr soperiotfextrXheaviKOillfornifc gold 'hunting Joseph Johnson, full [Jewelled, white dial, and ioUd, California geld curtfvest' icbalqnnd' key The - watch and chain waa cased and i to order la California', yreighs'oue pound, and mat vfry superior erghV'Uy'gold hintinglever watch*' . .fill Jewelled, white. dial,.warranted<ta r rnnxfdll eight ‘days, and time to the minute, eoet $3OO. f - lyery f ;suj>erlpr f qpfn face 18-karat gold English da iplexwatohj-'roade Joy. Benjamin. Webb, war ranted diamond jewelled, and correct,time*keeper, cost : I $l6O. • . ' ‘ '!, f V ' i 1 verT heavy ,cUBgolihanting EoglisKpatett icVer watch; Taylor movement, marked Oonrul, 00.,-full iflwslled. ooits2oo., .. lTeryßiueitr* i»i7.cM«;wki™t gold hunting ; English pit«nt/lem; w*toh,'.whlta dial, fell jewelled, meae hy B.’'lvToblia &Co., warranted gennlne, and ; fltglU 1 - -r-; ; lTe, 7 floe extri heiry esies, 18-kMit gold hunting sßnglUh leieriwatshi] goldidljl.- flTe.pißra of extra •jewels, made by Mvl. Tehlaa Sc Oq..'warranted genu- .\ r \. iVp_rß,lsilver, auohor f * lepine, and othdr aiuu perfect order,... : -Odoroload]d ladies? sqt of diamondsand opals , 'luPatlssf 38 * ftrat «*Wi&cd cost (.v diamond and Oriental,-Pearl . )Naiklaoe,cd6tfu London $l,OOO. . ; \ One breastpin, brilliant of the [first water, cost $l9O, : . ! One splendid scarf pin; solid California gold, squirrel [bolding in Itsdaw one large brilliant: and solid gold ’bearholdlog in its daw onalarge rnby; with solid gold ;mirh chain attached;'oost $176.' . iA o ”.* iafegfe'htonqdiamond -breastpin, set in daw. ;blade enameled, costflOO ’ - -One clDgle stono dlimond finger-ring, brilliant of (the first-water, very .heavy , setting, cost at [Bailey’s / ’ . f -One'diamond..fiogeri*lng, with,one large .centre, iand four Small'briuiants of the first water, cost 'in Paris>loo. ~ * . ~ • _ 80HB BILVBK WARS, r One. superior solid ailrer coffee urn; weight 100 opn ;Cea, American standard, made by Bennett & Oeld iW«u. - c -- \.,v • v i One solid sterling sliver waiter. iNcw Ywk < $loo er ° rS OnJ, •^■ taerJc * n standard, cost In | Solid* Bllyer f6rlts t .sblid »il re triable andMeaspbons, Solid slirer butter knlres and salt spoons, sUrer cream pnugt and. cups, slirer ladles, and oUfer slirer ware.'all standard. " * . ( GOLD CHAINS-ANDFASHIONABLE-JIWELRY. f Fine 18-karat solid gold rest chains: solid gold, neck •and ff hard chains :if&e Oallforatagold fob chains; 200 iflnWt' , ciuali^ ,t goU‘ F hrfiaatpla s and-ear-rings for Isaies: •600 first quality gold 'Jlhger-rings j one. French sec •breastpin, and, grape style, dmnofeea of ;grape,.made..of. pore pearl, cost In-Parls $76 j , solid; gold bracelets, gold bands, gold baoklfs, Jsleere buttons, shirt studs, cases‘and hens,''; Abe gold ' Klpairyery fine English laminated steel barrel du -ejlingptttott In caie,' complete with all implements— hostsloo-, . . 1 - - \ 1 slirer mounted ColV* six bfirreJ rerolrlog pistol, in nase, complete, with all Implements—cost $5O. . ), Colt’s revolving pistols, i 6 double-batreVKbgljih'/owling pleoci. 4 Superior English double-barrel fowling piece and ride i j-oosts7o; ;r »r t n i? • v -■ . -•* BURVBYOItf AND TELEGRAPH INSTRUMENTS, ; i SaperiorSurfeyor’stransitlhatrnmsnt,perfectly new,' and In complete order—cost 1350.. Also, one .telegraph instrument in perfect or-Icr, and complote In case—cost |. DRESSING OASES AND DEALING BOXES.’ V I.- Bnperior ladles’ french dressing case, complete. | Onerery fine double dealing box In perfeot order, with secret spring, cost in Paris 600 francs. ” • >•**.' HAVANA-tIGABS., j 80,000 fresh imported La Florde Sola Hab&na Cigars. *ll of the first quality, and taken from custom house MUSIOADy-MAYHEM SURGICAL IN* | BTBUMBNTB. j Findtoneviolins. | Three sets of Mathematical Instruments, complete fa f! ®hfee sate of surgical Instruments la cue. 1 ' PAINTING AND liSTTJBR PRESS. i_ -wft.ifitt* painting - of-jW&shtagton end the American >rraycrcßaijjgtheJDel»*a?e, -Painted, on copper. 1 :0 /* * book end ink. Met *25, Fancy boxes, balance handle knives and forks,- and' manvAttielsrnoi ennaerated.\ fjOBDER.OP diamonds, pistols, « uo ,*t instruments, will sold *bl2 t'r * r The goods will be numbered and open for examina tion on Monday, thel3th’, fr6m lO M . until 5 o’clock, P.M. * , ■> - -- ,1’; - ,-v \ Hours. Of bniiii6Bfl from T o’clock, A. U., an til 10 I’oloek in the evening*' ;-i Xf t -V } House, et< WndedupOQtkemostsetlsfectorrterms. . -v . , S. OAFITAIr $300)000. 'v rf t U ; . | J.StmiUhtdfer tht last TMrtV 7irrft> v< ; Jawelrjy Hardware, Mer? Wuuxdfse,' Clothing, Parnitu re. Bedding. Cigars, HWo*l C*iri<tf«s/.arid goods of .fTerrdeacription, - , - | «w..swMtis #ay Uae^lk J^)Mmt finti * depth of 120 foot, hiM Uxg9 I T*?ltaw store *ll Tftla*l>lu,inil pri| I KSwf 11 '' M?rt * 0f “ * 4rio “ i ll * T, ‘‘K *«“ ."3'! lo s *“ mpiwi, iPjf. P®w Is prep*r#d to niike advances on more satis ! HBont/alWiosJ to Ja^pylltaicmotoj.wrtij V2&*;■-■••%lia'jfmtsauaa. ’ ."' fw p»t«dtx«*ar »naQ)th*r Witohwt, Man, »sj plothluggilllln eiiMttwilneM cri<iB«, ui-’lr jjfcjAfMLA mami s'-. ••*. vi>m ». waw ttxmfai Sa If, WawTtf, .. {6§tKV3S£* ..v t •*s*%*£ 't fj 4 ifV VOTIOE —Letters of, Administration of the • • * , Estate-of MABT TVULIfIj Decoised. have bean graotKl^thß.midenlgoed./.Ail.persons jn4ebt«d to said ’Estate trill -please make payment t atfd' thOßO'hav- Ing claims or dem&ndswiU make known the game with' Ottt delay to •■• ■ ; ■ SAMUEL fcTF.VENBON, . noH-thßL* All North FRONT Street. on f *B moatti’i itaplo- Imported*) IN TflE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE -°,™ y ANI«OUNIy;OF, PHI kadelthi A. £*»*• otuoyO WHARTON BlOKLHY'deoeued. Thei Auditor appointed by the Court to. audits settle, and .adjust the account of LLOYD W. BIOKLEY, Ad ministrator of Llojd Wharton Blokley, deceased; and to repsrt distribution of the balance In the babels 61 the accountant, will meet tho parties; interestedj'at hie ?®ce, No. 8H Aroh street, oh •TUESDAY,-December 14th, 1868 at 4 o’clock P.M. - ■ ' . * - dZ-thatu-Bt JOBBPH P.ffRINTQN, Auditor. iNEER, 5 W 0.431 * Ua-the Custom! Streets. } OVJBB TWENTY • VERMAN t TOYS. * tock,th« *\o6k lOUfiQi oompria* ; ap4 approacli iriety'of Jfrtncli >n of the trade IN THE ORPHANS’ COURTtFUR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF.PHILADELPHIA. . Estate of JOHN KEATING, deceased. The Auditor appointed by'tha Court to audit, adjust, and settle tbeacoonnt of WM. V\ KEATING, Exeoutor, and to report distribution:, wlilmeet the parties inter ested os TUESDAY. the.l4th of December, 1868, at 11 o’clock A. M., at his office: 70S WALNUT Btrest. , dl-wfr&mßt THOMAS BaLOH, Auditor. lon, wlthoata- % v for c&pSj gloves, LETTERS TO THE Estate .of'ROBEBT MoMBNAMIN, Deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. AU persens in debted to the Restate of the said, deoedent will please make immediate''payment, and thoto having claims against the f sald estate will present the same to.the undersigned; ,i -vr,v MATTHEW THOMPSON, • * .. _N. B comer Tenth and Catharine. : - A.H, GRAHAM, M-.D.,., r >j. l\> *• J 832 Lombard street, . Or to their Attorney, .WM. B HOOD, ‘ dB-f-6t No. 242 South Fifth street. IN THE. COURT: OP. COMMON- PLEAS ;PP PHILADELPHIA, - „ - In the matter of the .Assigned Estate of THE NORTH AMERICAN COAL'COMPANY.' ; --- Notice .given- that the undersigned, ap pointed .-by the .Cottct of Commom Pleas, to audit, adjust, and settle, the accounts of JOSEPH L. MOBS and JOHN 0 “BULLITT, assignees of the North AineHcan Ooal Company, and to report dlstributlon of the balance,in.lhe:naods of said Assignees, will attend to the duties of his ; appointment on TUESDAY, Do-. c*mbet’2li,lBßB, at-4•o’clock, at hia office,.No. 1 038 WALNUT Street, in the.dlty of Philadelphia.-when and.where aU persons interested therein- are .required to'attend.’r, • t,-\ - j <r dB-nfm 6t ~M. BUgBRLL THAYER, Ayait?!, *J SALE': OF VALuAfit-K' BALTIMORE > WHARR.PiIOPKRTY.r-wm offered >t .notion, on WEDNESDAY. 16th December, at.l o’ the MBBOHANTB’ EXCHANGE BALEB-KOOMB, No. 19 South GAY Street, Baltimore, v that valuable Wharf Property at Canton, kbown as the '. - . PATAPbOO CANDLE FAOTOBY, - With 111 Its'extensive buildings ahd water privileges. This property fronts 209 feet on Clinton street, about 370 foot on Beoond.'Avehhe street/209i feet on Some of the deepest water in the harbor, and can be extended 400 feet farther to the Port Warden’s line, making Hie whole'extent Of the property 209 feet by nearly 800 feet. There is a large aWelling hpon'the beside extensive buildings in which have been stored at One time over 10,000 todisjof guknof iJ,\L . ' -i j An immense' CoaTbusiness could be done on tins pro perty, as with proper or 12. large vessels could be loaded at onetime. The. Northern Central Rail road reaches noarly-tq the property, and a oonneotion withitcould'eaiilybefciade." Terms, one-third cash, balance In six and twelve months, with interest," ‘ GIBBON It 00., Auctioneers. A plan of the above maybe'«eeh; and farther particu lars obtained, upon application to > • - JAMES J. BOBBINS, d4-10t 148 Fourth street, up stairs. SPECIAL in Goodyear’s to Patent for Vulcanised Rubber Suspenders, Braids, Webs.’and all other Fabrics and articlrs made by combin ing fibrous substances with threads or sheets of vulcan ised rubber are notified that unless the slide are properly stamped or labelled with my name, and by my authori ty, they cannot be legally, disposed of In the United States Merchants and dealers are invited to examine specimens now in store, 1 find to give their orders for the Spring. Trade to the undersigned, EXCLUSIVE OWN ER OF THE TITLES AND EXCLUSIVE BIGHTS IN .THE -PATENT for these goods, which embrace all the styles heretofore manufactured (orsiruported, and many others. /*' ~ " ~ ALSO, LICENSES TO MANUFACTURE AND SELL —and the Terms—may be obtained on application to me at No. 23 COUBTUCNDT Street, N. Y. n24-ly V - ■) j T; ; • T HOBAOE H. DAY BAILS’ te BROTHER’S CARPET WAREHOUSE, .No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET. WE SHALL QPEN. TO-DAY ANOTHER INVOICE OP . ENGLIBH * TAPRSTRT BRUSSELS, <OF v , “OROSSLBY’S” CELEBRATED MAKE, AT ' ONE DOLLAR YARD. Carpet buyers will find our stock full and of fresh styles, and PRICES VERY LOW. noB-tf CdOTCH'ALE,'LONDON PORTER, AND *3 BROWN STOUT. . B. Yoonger, l A IfBt.,Ann>< Brewerr, Edinburgh, In ■tone pints. , ’ Mnlr £ Sou’ BpntVllng Ale, Bdlnburjh, In >tone pts. Binsi& Williams’ London Brown Stoat, io glass pts. - do do Porter* la glass pta. Pr Bleed &Oo.’s Dublin Stout. In stone pts. In store and for sale by WILLIAM H. YBATON, 219-South PBONJ Street. ft OL»D WIWF aTOfiE/* - ►3 NOW OABBT’B. ; .Old No; 76} ne* 828 WALNUT Street. SnMer’sWlnes were ‘'always pronounced by good judges to be unsurpassed. and were, in reality superior to any in the market, rartof the old stock I hare yet “ on band; "which consumers would do well to try. now that r the market Is overstocked. with adulterated liquors for ,to selljlaring the Christmas Holidays. - - Wines and Liquors sold by me. if unsatisfactory, can bercturned. JOHN OASKY, Ja., V d4*lm Successor to J. V.finldor. GROVE WHISKEY.—A de (\J giro to lessen the consumption of impure spirits, ■knowing their Injurious effects upon the constitution, i has induced thb offering J to the publio of in article which the analjsation of Professor Chilton, Analytical (Chemist, of New York, And Messrs. Booth, Garrett, A .Camao, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to (be the mostpnreand consequently leostinjurious spirits ; ever offered tHe American publics i >. ; CERTIFICATE OP DR. JAB. R CHILTON, r I hare analyxeda sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, ♦received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON, Jx.. ol Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I am {pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous for.deleterious aubstances.. It is an unnsually pure and ,flne flavored Quality of Whiskey. JAMES B. CHILTON, M.D.. . i New York, Bept. 8,1868. Analytical Chemist. 1 PniLXDKLrau, Sept. P, 1858/ t DxixSu: We have carefully, tested the sample of ChMtnut-Grove ; Wklßk«y-which you sent us, and find (that It contains none of the poisonous substance known -Us Fuslo Oil. which is the eharaeteristio and injorious ol; the, Whiskeys in general use; * : Very respectfully, - r . BOOTH, GARRETT, A OAMAO, I - Analytical Chemists. - To CffiXLiß WffiftTOV, Jr., No/28 South PRONT Philadelphia. , oo2W^a2l ; fjottlt' dtt& Uiestattvonl*. ABOA.DE HOTE It, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, ! EHILADEIiPHIA. * COHDUOMDO* IB* ElWOnxX PLI». : A new lease for a term of yean baring been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will eon 'tinue to be eondneted as heretofore, oh the European ’plan, and the prlees remain unchanged, ria: Room Pm DaT:6oar j>i*xh boo, , BngikiAM a*d vw- Til, baoh, 87#o. r " • 1 1 The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every, .thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated in winter by means of Steam Pipes, for which xu> extra charge is triads. ‘ ' - a - i - There is no bar kept in the house to be a source of annoyance to guests. . The accommodations are designed wheliy for business men—hence no ladies are received. ' ID* This houae is never dosed day or night. - ; j ' , J. D. BROWN, ooMm B. PE YOUNG, JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, Pa., ■MOANTiy JUfiNiaSS?^ 10 r NOW OfEN TOVIBITOBS. i mjW-j ... WELLS OQyiBIiT, Pretmtai.' iThBIiANEY'S SALOON AND RESTAU jJLi hAKTt'N. E. corner. THIRTEENTH and jOHKSTNUT-Streets, Philadelphia. - j no2-Bmo wM,, APB LANBY, -Proprietor. PROSSER’S REST. J- -.AtTRANT, No. • OOBMABKET Street, four doom above JSIQHtfH, South '«lde, : Philadelphia. 0 raters. Stewed, Bom ted. ?ried, Pickled, See., &e., for Home Consumption and Transportation, ‘ N,8.--IHnherfrom twelre to three b’oloek., . -■ „ 0e22-tf |£NGRAVING3; JAMBS, S. EARLE * SON, JlarejusV opened a new and extensive assortment of KN(JBAYINQB‘ V _ ' Colored and plain,Line, Mezzotints. ! Llthograph-Also, a very elegest and choice selection FOR GRECIAN PAINTING.- ; All the works of LANDBEEB, HERRING, TURNER, AUG. SCHEFFER, DBLA ROCHE, HOKAOE TER* ner. COSTUMES, FANCY DBESSES, : LANDSCAPES, OHBQUO LITHOGRAPHS. i Fao-slmUes of Original Drawings.' PHOTOGRAPHS from Original • Pictures, and effects of Ban and Clouds. , . • i : „.. looking-glass warerooms , } - . ABB GALLERY 0? PAINTINGS, ~ l da 816 CHESTNUT Street. •CURST PREMIUM AWARDED B 7 THB : FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, NOVEMDER, 1888, TOTHS WEST PHILADELPHIA STAROH-MANUfAcTURING company von tnaiu uaamniso. ? F E AR OH AND CORN.FARINA. THOMPSON; CLARKE, & YOUNG, . 13Q and ISO Sonth FRONT Street, l 027-tf V ■ Agents for the Company. & BEDFORD SPRINGS.—THIS 'MBL well-known - and'delightful Summer Resort will be opened for; the redentlonof Thdtere' on the, 16th of June, and kestogen‘until thelstol October ' i The new tod spiolotu ‘Building* erected but year are now folly completed, add the whole establishment hai been furnished in superior style, < and the accommoda tion* will of a,oharacter not excelled in any part of the United-State*. ? : i The Hotel Will be under the,management of Mr. A. O. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manner*,' and the amplest assurance of oorafort and kind treatment. , . 1 IriadditleototbeOthermdaniof aeoeu,iti*deemed proper to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Ohambewburg. frhe Company have made extensive arrangement to supply" deafiS and individuals with i{ Bedford Water', byf.uo BaiTilj Aarboy, and in'bottles, at the following prises, at the Springs, vis: m • v.. :r- - 1 For a barrel (mulbery).. ....... *.«•.•••• $4 00 •; '' 'Do;, f0ak)..i....i....«.»»..**»«»-6 M , ' ii Do, (mu1berry)................. 8 00' i • m Do; (0ak)...,.. 8 00 ; Uarboy,lo ga110n*...................... .8 25 i .Bottles. IJf pint, per d0wn.............. 160 * The barrelA arecatefullypMbateaj'ia Jhatjmr* phfcseri'tnSy depend npon receinng the -Water fresh' BIBFQttD.ION*JtAII>SBfiINGB OOm C ttjlF-V Bedfcrt Oratft Vij . Ueoi ‘' >/.. ~ 3fslices. Carjietinss. mines anlr Citrnsts. .. .. o„(,iggg •. • | STATE :> I ! - _. , Ko. #4l POCK STBMT, .. I , KIIT POORTOTHE POBTOPPIoi.' j X.NT,JSRE SITfIVE PEB 01JNT. i •"-/ »' • {. >_ ‘ _ . '•. If MonejrrwfllTedDiiLTjindflTeryMONDAY BtEtUNG, j , . OH DEPOSIT, J ;‘ j IN BUMS' LAR&B AND ’< ' ' ■ ' AHD ' J '■ '■ ■ ' p PAID PJIOK JOAILT, ’ 1 MOM 8 o’Otgok IA..M 1 A..M. f TO 3 O'CLOCK P. M. j»irOBITO»» OAX.DXAW IHHJ* KOHHT4BY;OHHQKBj A# ; » sahi, i* sxaixaa. • 080. H. HART, Presidents, ■ ' Treasured y. HBNBY HA.YJSB.'Tftller. BeZ&tJanl T hit spEma;:Q^DßifSA.viKd' [OIAKTRUD ST TBS LIOIBLiTUftB Of PuntßTLTisii.i . iPSBPMUAIi OHABTSa.- “£rf, FIVM PBB OHNT. Interest allowed to Depoaltortfi OYYIOB, 831 NOttTH THIRD BTRBM. (OOHBOLiDAfio* *' This Institution is ncrw>operi-for the transaction of : b twin ess, and is the only Chartered Saving Pond located In the northern'parlorthe city. 'j The Office will be open (dally) from 8 to aj* o’clock* and also on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 6 util ' 8 o’olook in the Bveaing. ' **«?*“*»*•“ 'IUNA&1B0, ; Fredorlok Klett, . Joan P Lerr, Hon. Henry K. Strong, a Daniel Underkofier, Hon. Wm.MUlwara,; Frederick Btuke,- ’ *■ * Francia Hart, .. . JoMph L P.l*Olere, c • ' Preside* geeretary, GgQRQB T 4oin Senior. Jr., James u.PriMl*, Jacob Sock, Joseph M. 0 enroll, J. Wesley Bray, ■ Bobertß: S&yldsoa, ' Pi O.’BHmiker; John p. Vorree, , • George’Sneeht. - ’ Lt, JAMES S. PBIMQZiB. SHORN. epfflilW* CJAVUra FITKOr-FIYE PEE GENT* UK £3 T36BXST—NATIONAL BAFBTYV* TSUB’P - COM PANY.—WAIsNUT OTBSIBT. BODTH-WBBTOORHBB OP THIRD, PHILAPHtPHtA.,, «j; v - 1 K g ZsoomroiAno bt tks Brin ov P«rtSTiiriiriir’ ; Moneyis .rewired in any som. Urge er small, and in terest pud from the day of deposit to the day * of Jwith -1 drawal. '• : \ f - j r,y ‘ » <• t ,vr The ofloe ft'Open’every'dayfrotne o'olook in the morning tm 5 o'clocn in tfce'orenlng;' and on Monday aadThn»}Uy evenings tills o’olook. 4, HON. mftfßY L, RBNOTIB, {President; . _ y •HOBjmFnawßiiwa,: We smidehV I WM.' JVHmd, Beefretttyi- ; • ■“ - 1 - : mßMroui’ t Son. Henry I*. Benner, - , V. Carroll Bxewntti Bdward L. Oerter, - Joseph B.Baxr ,'•_ . ■ Robert Selfrldge, . Wxvf&U*. ..J ? > ' fiaml. &. Ashton; * * ' Jwsbph Yeries, ' ,0. liondreUx Mann*; • * Henry Diffenderfitr* Mono/ is received and payments made daily.' * The nrestmenta ore made, In. conformity with the provisions of, the Charter, in BBAB3STATB MOBT &AQJBA, aBOUND BINTS,imd snoh first olus Seehtt tisa as will always insure perfect sesifrity to the depoU lors/wjd whloh oannot £aU to give permanency ana sta bility to this Institution.. . . %Bl.£r KJAVING FUND.—DMIiTBI) STATE'S O TRUST COMPANY, oorner of THIRD and OH3OT HUT Street*. - r .. \ f ..... „ Large and entail sums rewired, and paid back on da mandj without notice. with vmf PERQBNT INTBB IST from the day of deposit td-the'day of withdrawal*'- Office hours, from 0 until 6 . o’olook erery day. and 09 MONDAY BVBKIKGO from 1 until 9 o’oloekT* '' DRAYTB for eale on England, Ireland, and Sootlasd, from £1 upwards; ‘ VL * President— flTßPnßN B. ORAWTORD, Troarorer—PLINYTISK.-, Teller—4AtDlS B. HUNTSR (Conte ttioncrg. Kris kringle headquarters.— •We have just received our French Oonfectlonery, 'end are manufiotnring a superior Article of MarahMel i low Gum Dropa,'Bon Bohs, v Orfeam-Dates. &e. - Call land’stipply yourselves with the best Gonfeotionery in thiseltyjat -• ' J.ttPPRtES & BVANBV 1 noie-gtn No. 718 MARKET Bt.j bet. 7th and Bth. « dobarto, S FUGUET & SONS, • Importers of HAVANA- CIGARS, -ae2B-~ ~ - 216 South PRONT Street. FIGARO, CABANAS ANDPAETAGAS ;a , BBGARS.—A choice inToise of these oelohrated brand* on board brig “New Bra,’J-daUr ezpeotedfirom Savaaa, and tor aale low, by OR ARLES TITS, : (New) 188 Walnut street, below Second, **l . ", ‘ Baeond Stave SIERMAN CIGARS; 800,000, various r brand. In store and for sale by WM. H. YJBATON South PRONT Bt. ,'■•••_: not Stoves. \ SOMETHING .HEW,—GAS;BUR ■ NINGCOOKBTOY3S.—I would respectfully call f in the attention of the public to one of the greatest i wC improvements ever introduced in Cooking Stoves Benges—the burning of the arising from the F ooal, by which means Is saved 80 per cent, in fuel and also more inteuße heat thrown to the bottom of the 'oven.. We effect the burning of the gases by means of a jhollow centre-piece, perforated on the under side, whioh . admits the air in a h*ated state to mingle with the Sues, thus aiding its combustion, and causing V flanie > pass around the oven equal to a wood fire. Thisim- Srorement also presema the centre piece from sinking own on the fire, thoroby ’savin£the expense of repairs. jOne of the Stoves CAN BE SEEN IN OPERATION >t 1116 MARKET Street, ,- .Manufactured by. JAMES -SPEAR, Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Chase & 'North,) 1110 MARKET Street. tepttMmo AND JUTE i .... HOPE, _ J OOKDS, TWUSTEB, STJCCf.’ 7 Manufaoto»d and formal, at th. lonwt New Tori prioan, by . WEAVER, EITL.ER & GO., i No. 93 N. WATER Street, and 22 N. WUAK7E3. nr>l7-2m jjANDSOBUBS AND OLAMPS. HANDSORUBS. No, 1. per do*. 2. 76c. » 8. 870. •< 4. IOOe. “ ' CLAMPS. 6 Row, f 1.26, per oxen. ' Bl.76!per'doien. 8 Row, perdoseo, HENRY 0. EORSTEIK, rail - UNorth®SiaD Btra.t Fbn«l«UbU rjpo AEOHITEOTS AND BDILBEBB. ACADIA FREESTONE. f Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tom of this beautiful Btonp, both of the BLUE, GRAY, AND BUPP TINTS, the former of which, for softness and delieaov of color. Is unrivalled For the character of this atone please examine the following buildings: Joa. Harrison's, .Eighteenth street and Rlttenhouse Square; r Harrison’* Building, Locust street, between Boren* teenth and Eighteenth. r * ? r * -' Samuel Smith’s West street and Blttenhouiq square* Mrs. Peterson’s No. 1210 Wa]nut street. 1 - A. K/Womrath’s,4ls Arohstreet.'<> ' Samuel Himes’, Twelfth and Chestnut streets. ■ T.K.J. Fassift, Seventeenth and Locust etreets, and others. 1 ARNOLD A WILSON, Agents, ‘ PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING , - WAREHOUSE, 1010 CHESTNUT BTREfiT , ; : sald-8m • B. M. FILTWXLL, 8 ' v Anew and valuable ; DISCOV ERY. DR. HAM’B AROMATIO INVIGORATING SPIRIT. • IT STIMULATES, EXIIILKBATE3, INVIGORATES, BBT WILL NOT INTOXIOATE OB BTUPIEY. This delicious Beverage is superior to all invigorating Cordials. Schnapps, tyenrines, Ac. in use for the core of Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Heart-buru, Drows ness, Kid ney Complaint, Delirium Tremens, Intemperance, Ac., as it will invigorate'and strengthen, but will notin* tozittto or stupify. Persons who' have become habitu ated to the exeessiTd use of. Tobacco, Opium, and Spirit* uoub Liquors, will And speedy ana permanent relief from a desire to use these destroying agents, by taking a bottle or two of this' •/. .. ... ‘ DELICIOUS MEDICAL DEfEUAGE Weak and sickly Females will RAM’S IN* 7IGORATING SPIRIT a’quick andtura cure,it being a Regenerator aS well as a Strengthener of the Human System. Each complaint thatrthe AROMATIC INVI GORATING CORDIAL is calculated to cure is named upon the wrappers accompanying 'each' bottle, and fall directions for use are also minutely glTen. •PHIOH OXB DOLLAR PBB BOVTLB. Prepared by • DARIUS HAM, Principal office, No. 48 WATER Bt., N. York. For sale by i •>-* T. W. DYOTT- A SONS, n26-3m 218 N. BEQOND Street, Philadelphia. T-TNITED STATES GOVERNMENT U land locating Agency, . CHICAGO, ILL. ' The subscriber, haring had much practical experi ence in selecting and locating landsld iiie various Land Districts in the Western States, has unusual facilities for bmfctag valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR QABH. : Having Surveyors constantlf in (hi Jleld to make {tersonal examinations, he can alwaya make the most udieious locations. - Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil' and salubrity of olimate, near-the line of, railroads, may now be In - - lOWA AND WISCONSIN. 1 , Batiefeetory refereneea given when required. 10" Money invested in 'Kansas : aftd Nebraska, and •ny of the Western State*. • B. SALISBURY, « OLARKE Street, Ohioago. First premium, prank us insti tute, 1868, to ORARY>B PATENT BRICK MACHINE and BRICK KILN. The/ are how offered, With fall guarantee to perform In & ,rer/ tuperlor way as regards cost, quality,'and' quantity* Address J. W. CHART, o&re of I. P. MORRIS A CO., Port Richmond Iron Works, Philadelphia. ’ . N: 8.~1 will take an interest with any one who wishes to engage in the manufacture of Brick in Philadelphia, and guarantee that Brick can be made -at one hair the eost Of the common process. , J. W.O. ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. VJ- We have just received a comprehensive and va ried stock of this truly beautiful. and Architectural ap pendage' to Churches, Vestibules,- Conservatories, and other buildings, where it Is deemed necessary to embel lish, or to give a chaste and elegant appearance. Any eolor may be -either plain or ornamental, elabo* lately or In relief. ■ ' ZIBOLER & BMITH, - Wholesale Drug, Palnt,«and CHms Dealers, aa2ft-dtf rtOr Saensd and Green at* ' OLASMA OS ARTIFICIAL LARD.— Mr SPECIAL NOTICE TO PHVSIOIANS.-Thd above offers a Tehlole fortbe exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfaces, which combines the following advanta ges i A goodnnd unvaryisgoonaistenoe, easily washed off with water, dissolves all oubatasaes that are solu ble In water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and does not .get rancid. property alone renders it ah invaluable acquisition to* the practitioner. -Preparedand for sale wholesale and retuJ.At * ' SIMBS’I Laborator/and Pharmaoy, ' , oho 'Twelfth and Chestnut street' HEIDSIOK & OO.’S CHAMPAGNE.-.A constant Bupnly of the original ocunluii brand, in bond and in otora, lor lita by WILLIAM .11. YBATON, aolo agent r for .Ponniylraniai No. 818 Bodtii-FRONT Btraot. . >■ > noS OAKUM. -A: lot go :.'jtock< of ‘Navy- and - American Nary! Oakmn on hand and for rate by ■ . ■> WEAVER, FITLER A 00., noJS Ho. 88 N. Water it., and H. Woutm. r|UIE ONLY ARTItILB -UNKIVAI/LED M. - INMAHKHT, j V ' - with Immense HOME! »• • EUROPEAN DEMAND - . s The reasonwhy, is 'that by Nature’s own process it restoresthern&taral color permanently after thehair* hQ’omea-gray; aupplfea the natural fluids, and -thus • makes it grow on oafd heads,'removes all dandrnff.itCb lng/and bdatfrora the scalp,' quleUkhd tones up the 'nerves, and thus cures nil nervous, headache; and may bd relied upon to cure all diseases of the scalp and hair: It will, stop and keep it from falliog off: makes it soft, glossy, healthy , and beautiful , and if uSed by the Joan? two or three times a week,’ it wilt never fall or ecomegray; then readers, read the following, and judge ftr yourselvesj • . , 1 ' ‘ i ' ' ' ' , N*w Yobs, Jan. 8,1§63.. MESSRS.. o.' J. WOOD £,00., f ‘ '; _• 1 -Gentlemen; HaTing heard a gooddeal about Professor ;W eod’s Hair Restorative, and myhalrbeingqulte gray, I made-up. my mind to • lay aeide:the prejudices which' •I. in common, .with a great many,persons,-.had against all manner of patent medicines, and a short time ago I - commenced using your article, to test it for myaelfi ... ; tThC'resuU has been .so very, satisfactory that I am 'Tory glad I did bo, and lu justice to jou, as/well as for the encouragement of others who .may be as gray as 1 •Wai, but who having my., prejudice without my reasons' for setting it aside, are unwilling to give your Bestora tire a trial tiU.thejhavefurther-proof.- and -thebeat proof being ocular demonstration I write you this let* iter, which you may show, to any such/aud'alao .diroot them to me for further proof, who am in and out.of the ‘N V♦WireHailingEstablishinent everyd»y. . , la now its natural color,'and' muoh improved •in appearance • ovory way, being glossier and thicker, and much more lioaltby looking. I .am, Yours Bespeot* . HENRY JENKINS. ; Corner Columbia and Carroll street's; Brooklyn. 1 « " LiviMQsros/A’a., Pab. M. JB6B. rior. WooD—Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative has done muoh good in tbia patt of tho country. My hair ihafl been slightly ditnimahinfr for several years, caused, j| suppose, from a slight burn when I'was quite an in .taut. I have been using your Hair Restorative for six .weeks, and I-find that I h*vo a fine head of hair now •growieg after having u*ed all other remedies known to bo effect. I think it the most valuable remedy now extant, and advise all who are afflicted that way to use ■ jnoor remedj. You can publish this, if you thick pro ■psr.' . Yours, *o., 8. W. MIDDLETON' ! ' Psilißslpaii. Sopt 8,1867. i PHOr. Wood—Dsm Bir: Your • Hslr Ilostorattve is 'prOTlog to mo. Tho .rout, and also the ibaok part of my head) almost lost Jfcj covering—was, in i jfact, bald. I have used-bat 2 half pint bottles of your (Restorative, and now-tbe top of my head Is well studded with a promising crop of youtag Hair, atd tbe frontis also rooeivlng Its benefit. I have tried other prepara tions without any benefit whatever ; I think, from my town personal recommendation,l can induce many others •'to try it.. Yours/ yespiotfully, \ I ; D.B.THOMAB.M.D.,- .. ' No.4B4Vineatreot. ; i The Restorative Is put up in bottles of three sires, (▼lb: Large, medium,'and small; the small holds ifa Sint, and retails for one dollar per bottlethe iqedlum o|ds at least twenty,par contT. more in proportion than the small; retails for.two dollars per bottle; the large •holds a quart. 40 per cent, more in proportion, and re* (tails for S 3 a bottle. . .. . I O.J. -WOOD & 00./Proprietor., 812 Broadway, New York, (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing B»tablt«hment,) land 114 Market street, St. Louis, Mo. , - 1 , And sold by all good Druggists and’Fanoy, Goods Dea lers* •. v nql6-mwfBm A-oowlnwky-8m Philadelphia warming and /VENTILATING warbhobbb, i We have removed from our old stand in Walnut'street Ito the LARGE BTORB,-No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, •afew doors below the St. s Lawrence Hotel, where our , old friends and the public are respeotfully' invited to examineottr extehslVe' stook'of warm Air Furnaces, (OookiDg’Ranges/.Bath .BoQers, .Rogistem, Enameled Btone Mantela, Parlor Coal' Grates, &b;,‘ Ao. We are I now manufacturing CHILSON’B OELSBBATRD PAT ENT. NSW COAL GAS, CONSUMING FURNACE, the • most powerful and economical Heater, over ihvonted, : and salted to all classes of. buildings. /; Also, hew and beautiful. patterns of r Low Do .Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all sises and pattern 6 We have also commenced. theT manufacture o. ; ENAMELED . STONE,, MANTELS from Penn sylvania Stone. These Mantels were awarded a i SPECIAL PREMIUM at the late Fair and Exhi bition of the PVanklih Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Axtiqcb Manstss, are not Injured by Smoke , Coat Gas, Oil or. Acids, and. are sold Wholesale ana Retail, at tn«eh less price than Marble, Call and eu them - ♦• ’ -ARNOLD A WILSON. VXLTWBLL, Superintendent. Philadelphia. Anril. lv HARDWARE. —The subscribers.. COM MISSION MERCHANTS forthesaleor FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. HARDWARE, would respectfully ■ call the-attention'of the trade to their stook, which ; they ore offering at lowest rates. Our assortment oon , lists in part of— . of all kinds—Trace, Log. Halter, -Breast, Ox, Oow, Fifth; Back. Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Lock, Ship, ; Mine, end Coil Chains. • The celebrated “L” Hone Nails; Stone and&ledge Hammers; - . • • . - “Wright 1 ” and other Anvils; Solid Box and other ,¥Iom: - • - . • - Short and long handle Fry Pans; round and oval Bake Pah*. “Martin’s” superior Files and Rasps; Bed Screws. «Esqalsior >’ Bafety Fase: Blasting Tubes. . Corn,Grass,and Brier Scythes j Hay, Cora, end Straw Suites. . Hay, Manure, Tanners’, and Bpadlng Forks. 1 Rakes and Hoes; Shovelsand Spades, of all kludl. > Tacks,'Brads, Shoe, Olont, and Finishing Nalls. ' Cast and Wrought Butt Hinges, Screws, Locks of all ; Mode; Cutlery, Rams and Phmps, Axes, Hatohets, Ham mers, Planes, and other Tools, Ao., Ao. -1..: ' W. G..LEWIS.A SON, _ 7 rnhl-y • No. OOMMBROB Btroot. -ROBERT SHOEMAKER & 00., h 4 r- wiOLEBAL*;DRUGGIBTB, r (Manufacturers and Dealer . ..PAINTS, VARNISHES, (sod WINDOW GLASS, Northeast corner FOURTH and (&AQB Streete, Philadelphia, //•Sole Agenie, for the aale of the celebrated Floreffo •PjateGlata, - . mhaB*tf ■ i lAg^pitrirgrjJYTn— X JBROMK’S HAIR COLOR RRSTORKR wiU re a^ore;Gray v Halr to its origlnal color itT from ten to twelve days, and restore the Hair where It has fallen off ■and become thin. . ■ \ ITISNOTADYB! • It may be used as freely as wator, and is the mostbeau* tlfol Dreuinsfor the'Hairnow In use. ■. ;Thousands is different parts of .the Union hare testi fied; to Its wonderful virtues, and all who have seed it Join in their praise of it.. Sold, Wholesale and Retail. by'Dr, BWAYNB & SON, J?o, 8 North SEVENTH Street, above MARKET, Sort Agents for Philadelphia. • Trade supplied. DETERSIVE SOAP.—Time, labor, and money eared. In using it,- clothes do not require any boiling or rubbing on w&Bhboard .One pound will go ds far as 'three pounds common Rosin Soap. War-, ranted to give perfect satisfaction' or monoy refunded. Itls .deeiaedlr tho cheapest washing Soap ever offered to the pnbllo. Manufactured only by' YANHAAGEN& MoKEONE. for sale by all r£ speotable Grocers in the city, and wholesale only by TRAIN & MoKEONE, ocMm 22 South Wharves. Ne. 6/H 12 per do*/ 8/1 at k;■ 7. 1 M ** . 8. 1 76 « HPAW & BEERS' -B- RUBRICATING GREASE, . the best and cheapest compound for greasing the axles of OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and HE AYY. MACHINERY. ’ for sale in tin' cans, kegs: and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS In the,city ana the .MANUFACTURERS, 'MMm • ‘K n 1R ROT7TTT WATRR RtrM*. IT IS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for-every one to know' where they wlU’get the most for their money, especially such times as these. ZIEGLER & SMITH, 1 Wholesale Druggists, corner of SECOND and GREEN Streets, are disposing of their White Lead, Ground Faints, or all Colors, and Window ’ Glass, all or the best quality, at prices whioh will be pleasing to buyers. ■ ■ • oall g ONG’S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, XJN B. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Sts. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—Book-keeping in frit its various forma; preparing Students thoroughly for situations in any branch of baslnesrf: Plain and Or ' n&menUl Writing; Commercial Calculations: Law snd Correspondence. No institution intheUnlted States gives & more thorough and practical course. In this department no teaching Is done' in clasaoa, and Is open DAY and EVENING-. Time unlimited 'MATHEMATICAL AND OLAB3IOAL DEPART MENT~(Separate from the abovo.) —Yoang 'Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an EnglUh and Clas sical Education, vis: Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Thiloßophy, &0., Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of fire zdonths commence September Ist, and February Ist. Pnpilarecelved at any time be fore or after these dates and oharged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. mh26-tf P. DO NLEAYY LONG, Principal \J COMMERCIAL GOLI CHESTNUT and SEVENT] ! An Institution designed TIVB BUSINESS. BQABDO? TRUSTEES. B. B. OoaegTi, Pronoia Hosklni. George Q. Staari, Darid Milne, . John Bp&rhawk, Davldß. Brown, Isa&o Hacker, A.V. Parsonn. Hlmnan, Tiederick Brown, Joshua Lipplnoott. 25VENING BES3IONB after September'l&th. ■ Each Btndent has iHorriDUAi. jsbtruotion Tat tbla Institution, and a Diploma from hero is tho best re oommendation ayonog man can hare, for obtaining a good altuation. CATALOGUES may be had on application at the Colley wB*tf HfIONS.A.F.ROSAT, ' - . TEACHER OF FENCING, BABBITT'S GYMNASIUM, <w2s-J2m* ' ■ MARKET Street, aboce Eighth. Bryant & sthatton’s chain op NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGE!!, l’il lailelphla College, Sonttie&at oorner' SEVENTH Mil CHESTNUT Streets. Tor Information, sail or send for circular. ' Jel6-tf EVENING SESSIONS HAVE.COMMENDED. PERRY’S BLANK BOOK . AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT, S. W. OORNER FOURTH AND RACE. PREMIUM AWARDED lly the FRANKUN INBTITDIS for Manufacturing Superior Account Books FIRMS intending to open new Dookß on the first of the Tear, can select from a good stock on hand, or have thorn made In any desired style, in a superior manner, BOOK-BINBXNG of every description executed in the finest and most substantial insnnor, at low.prices. MAGAZINES bound from fO cts. to $2 50 per volume. MUSIO bound In a now and handsome style, from $1 tos3._ . OLD 7AUILY BIBLES rebound, to look and wear equal to new. PERRY’S BOOK-BINDERY, FOURTH and RACE. Oldest established Bindery in Philadelphia. n23«2m rfOLLICOFFER’S -ANTI-RHEUMATIC «Li CORDIAL is the only preparation ever placed be fore the public that has performed so many MIRACULOUS CUBES Tho most prominent and influential citizens hear wit ness of its efilcaoy. Theabondant ovldanco from all parts of the country is enough* to warrknt u 3 in pro nouncing that it is the greatest wonder of tho age. It is an Internal remedy thatsirihesat the root of the disease, and thus eradicates it entirely from the system. Prepared bv - THEODORS DILKS; Chemist, • NortheastcornorofPlneandßixthstreets,' . "oo7«8m - Philadelphia. CJLATEI SLATE! 1 SLATE 11!—Roofing £9 Slate, of all sites, and at very low rates, kept con stantly on hand, and for salo'by FffiEUNG, fOX, * 00., (JJBBMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street, 8. D. Slate lloofo put on in’the best roannsr,'and ta *»r«r.r *'♦♦•-*'l* * i! «/|.V m/SONONCAHELA WHISKEY.—6O Bbls.' JLtJL pure Bye-Whiskeyi in store and for sale fey WM. B- YBATOKj 916 South PRQNT St. nob flarZrwffr*. ' ABHOLD t WILSON, sadoassoas re s. k> rriKsiaov. ffiJrnja oitir Ctjetturala. fiEdncalian®!. HILADELPHIA SOS, northeast corner of I Streets. to fit young men fox AOS Sookbiniiina. JUe&Hmai. INBLAMMATORY AND OHRONtc RHEUMATISM. -iBS&W -otnacmi OFFICE OF THE DELA'WABE MU TUAL SAFETY INtURANOE COMPANY. ’ PsiLADsipHra; November 10,1868. The following Statement of the affairs of the Com party is published in conformity witha-provision of-its Charter:- Fbeuious received from November 1,1867, to Oote betBi; 1868 1 J ' " On Marine and Inland Bisks. •*. 1361 803 62 Oh live Bisks..! 118,414 17 , $470,217 70 PattntuMS on Polloies not marked off Novem ber 1,1867....;. 826,184 02 Premiums marked off is barked, from Ist of Novem ber, 1857, to October 31,1658: ' On Marina andlnUnd Risks*'..*s39o,64l 75 • On Fire Bisks.- . 123,011*68 i $513,663 43 Interest, <ko ~ received daring same period.'., LOSBBS,,EXPXSBBS, &0., during ; the year aa above— Marine "and Inland Navigation L05jea. ( ......V....i 1245,170 16 Fire L055e5;,,.;,.4. 41,2(59 21 Return Premiums.,,. .... 41,753 14 Reinsurances, Commissions to . A gents; 1 Ta'iee, &0.. Expenses, Salaries, • Rents, Bta ' .tionery, dec.. 18,607 82 . .... '5395,240 00 Burplafl., 4 ,..,.9147,964 06 ASSETS OF TIU COMPANY. November 1,1858 Par. . *. Marl;it Valus. .103,050.. Philadelphia City six pbr cent. ''' i. -Loan.ti I i.5105,1i4 00 80,000. .Pennsylvania State five per cent. • * Loan.... .'...i...... 83.516 00 31,000.. Pennsylvania State six per«cont. Loon. SO,ooo,.United-.States.,Treasury 4W per ', - -cent Notes ~ 80,113 60 60,000,. Pennsylvania Railroad 2d Mort ’ gage six per cent 'Bonds;... 45,376 00 20,000. .North Pennsylvania Bailread Mort gage six per cent. Bonis 12,000 00 - 15,000..800-shares Stock Germantown Gas- Oorapanyy interest and principal guaranteed by the City <?f Phila delphia 14,026 00 1 6,000. .100 shares Pennsylvania Ballroad Company...'l;-.;..4,887 60 6,000..100 shares North Pennsylvania Ballrcad.Company 860 00 1-209..8D shares Philadelphia Ice .Boat i A/irv Steam Tug Company... . 1,200 00 1,000. .2 shares Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Company 200 00 250, .6 shares Philadelphia and Havre de Grace,Steam Tow-boat Com pany... 200..2 snares Philadelphia Exchange 1 C0mpany.,.......... y. 1340,700 Cost $318,207. Market value, $310,199 (0 'Bonds and Mortgages. .10,000 00 Beal Estate,'office.building.,;,,'.....6l,B63 35 Bills receivable for Insurances mide......; 201,660'86 Balances du&at Agencies^—premiums on Mft- i - > rine Poljsles recently issued—-and other* >* ■ : - - debts d«S?the C0mpany....,,,..,,.^.;;.' 61,288 14 Scrip afi®*4£ock of sdndry Insurance Com panies^. Cash. deposit in Banks... _ November 10.1858. The Board of Directors have this day declared a Di vidend of SIX PER CENT, in Cash, on,the original Capital Stock, and bIX PER CENT, on the Scrip of th 6 Company, payable on end after the Ist proximo. They have also deolaied a Scrip Dividend of TWEN TY*FIVB_PEB GENT: on the_ original Stock and on tbo Earned Premiums for the year, ending October-31, 1868, certificates for which will be’issued to the.pafties entitled to'the same, on and after .the tot of December next. > Oj* Preamble and Resolution adopted ,by the Hoard. Whereas, The increased means of the Company aris ing from Profits, and which will he derived from the Increased Capital Stook under tho late amendments to the Act of Incorporation, render the farther eontina-, anoeof thdGh&r&nfee Capital unnecessary, therefore Resolved, That the Guarantee Capital be discon tinued, and the notes represfnting the same be deliv ered up to the makers thereof, as soon as the Bisks taken daring the period embraced in said notes shall , have determined. DIRECTORS. William Martin, James D. Hand, Edmund A. Bonder, Edward'Darlington,-' Theophilos Paulding, K. Jones Brooke, John R. Penrose, Spencer MMWaine," John 0. Davis, Thomas C. Hand, James Trsquiar, Samuel E. Stokes, William Eyre, Jr., J P.Penleton,* Henry Sloan,. Robert Button Joseph B. Peal, Jaoob P. Joßes, Dr. R. M. Huston, James B. M’Farland. George G Lelpor, Joshua P. Byre, Wm 0 Ludwig, John B. Bemple, PlttsVh Hugh Craig. D. T. Morgan, ‘ Charles Kelley, J.V. Logan, “ WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOB. 0. HAND, Vice President.. HENRY LYLBUBN, Secretary. . nol3-4jr JNSURANOE COMPANY OF THE JL STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—WEB AND MA , JUNE INSOBANOE—No. 4 BXOHANGB BUILDINGS. ' Chartered in ITo4— Capital— Asieta, Jana ary 1,1858, $847,440.60-100. • ' - . All invested in sound ana available securities— ocmtt ' nae to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Btooki of Merchandise, Ac., on liberal levins. DIBKOYOBfi" Hoary ]>.• Sherrerd, George H. Stuart, , Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr.j Charles Macalester, * Tobias Wagner. WUUam B. Smith, 1 Thomas B. Wanton, ' Johnß.Budd, Henry G. freeman. ’ • William R White, Charles S. Lewis, George 0, Carson. HBNBY D. SHERBERD; President. : William Haama, Secretary. Je9»'wfrm>tf THK QUAKER CITY JNSUBANOE COMPANY, OFFIOB 408 WALNUT BTBBBT, PHILADELPHIA.—CAPITAL and SURPLUS $277,- 805.86.—Insures against LOSS or'DAMAGE BY.FIRE •andthe.PJSRIL&.OF THE,BEA. INLAND NAVIGA ■VX4>H-+ta*Tn i¥cpnp 'Pi'urnu v -■■■,- < |o* TBN per cent* in cash returnedon'the~d*rne<r premiums of OpenJnland Policies. - • >omciaa. , .... .. .. HART. * Vice President—B. P/BQSS; * 1 Secretary and Treasurer—H R. COGGBHALL. ' Assistant Secretary—S. H. BUTLBB,' - DIRECTORS. - \ Qm. H. Hart, a. yf. Briley . . . , • ? Andrewß.Chambers, A. 0. O&ttoll, Ji L, Pomeroy, ' Joseph Edwards, - Oh tries G. ImUy, John G. Bale. • H, R; Goggshall, Foster 8. Perkins, Sami. Jones, M. 8., Hon. H. M. FttUcr. ' ae2l«y Attest, H. R. COGGBHALL, Becy. A MBBIOAH FIBE iNSOEAJSOii 00., ,-t3L Incorporated isio charter per ’ P ETU JULa. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third; Philadelphia V Having a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Invested In sound, and available Securities, continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furnltftrg, Merchandise, Vessels in Port ana their Oargoei, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted, sikuoxom* , George Abbott, Lewis, • JohnWeleh, ' Caspar Wi Morris, /' Samuel 0. Morton* ~ James B. Oampball, ' Patrick Brady, . Edmund G. Dutilk. Charles W. Poultney. GEORGS ABBOTT, President. ~ THOMAS B. MARIS. Secretary. ja2B-yif riITY INSURANCE OOMFANf, No. 110 South FOURTH Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capita1........................*300,000. Organised 1851. Privileged to Id sure Houses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, annually, or for a less period j take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks: rooeivo De posits ; hold Trusts and grantannultles - ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Yioe President. J. W. Mixtixx, Secretary. Diaioioas, Hon. W. D. Kelley, J. W. Forney, P.B.Mingle, James Watson, , Ludlam Matthews, William Curtis, 0; f. Turner. Alfred Weeks. B. O. Tyler, ,J. W. Bonder, C. . J. L. Hutchlnsen, ■ 3. W. Stokesi JelB-ly . i f IFE INSURANCE AND TRUST OOM SLi PAHY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of-THIRD and DOOR Btroeta. Capital, 8618,726.03. ' INBUREB LIVES for short-terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life interests In Beal Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. . They act as Executors, Administrators, Asalsneo*, Trustees, and CtoardUns. Mtffiyxsa. Daniel L. Miller, Simuel B. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, _ William Martin, Richard 8. Newbold, James B. MoFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Eueton, BamuelO. Huey, • Theophllns Paulding] Charles Hallowoll, Edmund A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphus Kent, John W. Hornor, William H. CazT, Sills 8. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Rebertsou, ' Joseph M. Thomas, Warner U. Basin, John Gk Brenner, % P. 8. MMfer, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL 3. BTOHEB, Vice Pres’t. Join W. Hoaxoa. Secretary. nlg-1? triOJi MOarWEALtH nan IEBTJBAHOB OOMrAKX, BT AT* OI'EBNHBtL'VANIA . OFFIOB, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND. WALNUT BTREJSTB, rßix.Accz.rsiA.» g«fcs»rlt*4 Capital, WCO.OOO. r&id np Capital, s2oo,ooC 01**0*038. Dr. D. Jayne, TTios. S. atewaitj H. li. Benner* J. M. Batlor, J. H.WhltaU, 3. K. Walker, Idw. 0. Knight, M. R. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr., B.K. lXossto. DAVID JAYNE, H. D., President, THOMAS S. STEWART, Yioe PrM’t. BAMP«I B, Moor, Secretary. j*Bß»y Fire and inland bisks.—fans INSURANCE COMPANY Capital 9100,000. (Organised under the Aot of Assembly relatiro to In snrince Companies, passed April 2d, 1858.) GEORGE W. DAY, President. -THOMAS S. MARTIN, Vioe-Prealdent., WILLIAMS I. BLANOHARD, Secretary, Qffloe 411 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia# DIBKOXORB, George W. Day. | Jacob K. Vaughan, William W. Walter*, J Henry Lewis, Jr., Charles Richardson, - D, B. Birr-iy, Barclay Llppiuoott, | John W. Ererman, Jos. R. Brognard, A. H. Rosonheiqi, Ghaa. Stokes, fo24«y j M. Stern. Eastern insurance company*— OFFICE No. 6 EXCHANGE. Aothobizhd Stook Capital, $300,000. Chart** P*rp*toal. ' . Eire Risks on Merchandise and Buildings. Marine Risks on Vessels Cargoes and Freights. Inland Transportation Bisks on Goods per Railroads, Canals] and Steamboats, taken on favorable terms. DIRECTORS, Andrew Cochran, George A. Wright, William I. Brown, Thomas Blmw, ' Richard G. Stotesoarj, . George Cookm&u, Peter D. Myers, Charles Stoy, Robert B. walker, Jacob Roed, JaoobLukens, W 0. btotesbury. ANDREW COCHRAN, President. William I. Brows, Vice-President. n3-tf , Howard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY. No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, DIRECTORS. Thoe. L. Lu'lers, Wm. ?. Leeoh, J. KdgarThomson, llobt. W. D. Truitt, M. W. Baldwin, Jchnll. Diehl, John 0. James, Wm. K. Hamlin, A J. Bucfcnor, H. H. Shillingforl, John W Sexton. 0. K t Spangler, William Rolguel, - H.H. Houston, Wt Edwin Booth, Wm.H.livro, John Garrison, Charles?. Norton, E.B. Warns, , IsaaoMyer. - " Present—THOMAS L. MJDSBB: •' Vice President—E. B. WARN*. Beoietar,— CHAßLES A. BUY. «e»-K rtrov. 29,1858,—CHANGE OF HOUB.— ■LI ' ; PENNSYLVANIA ’, . OSRTKAL BAILEOAD PHILADELPHIA TO VITTBWBGH, WHEELING, . . INDIANAPOLIS, .. ■ BPJDBHNVILLE, ‘ ' Of.NI'ELAND, - CINCINNATI, ■ . , CHICAGO, . lodisvillii, bdbhngton, , BT. LOUIS,’ . • ST. PAULS, ■i _ NEW OBLEANS, . . _ Ana all Intermediate Pointa in " IILINOIB.,KENTOOKY, MIOHI GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, MISSOCBI, , - KANSAS, AND NEBRASKA. .PaMeneera to potote,irert of Pittetnrgh, WBmUbSi Cleveland and Oresthne Lave okoiee of nmiee,'andare reqneeted to make a retention Before applying tor tick." THESE THROUGH TRAINS LIAYS PHrLADEL ■ • PHIA DAILY, - FOE THE WEST: ■ (Mail .Train and Fast Line, Sundays Excepted."), - I.SATS PHILADSL- jBHTUSSIUO BSAOH PaiLA -1 . MIX. I ' ' DBLPaiA. ; ' Mall tratnat.-...7.30 A. M. | Mall train at.. 11,00 night; Fast 1ine...«*,.! 00 P. M. l A. Express mai1..11.00 night. I Express mail.'.. 6.00 P. M. Tfawmall train stops stall the stations between Phils delphiftand Pittsburgh.- , , ; , FAYTJLAIkO LSATB. WAY TBAJSfI AIBITX. Harrisburg ao-. , —Harrisbnrgac -5 oonunOdation.l.OOP.M. oomraodatidrilT.M.P.M. Lancaster, and ' ' Lanoaster and' ~ l .;. .4.30 P. M, ...12 20 PiMi (Sundays'iaeepted ) ‘ * . PwaengeM for BUNBUfIT, WII*LIAMBPOBT,- EL MIBA, imFFAt°. AND NIAGUBA FALLS, leare Philadelphia at 7.30 Aril,/and- 4 P. I M. ' •The ears leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger station, southeast corner of BLB7ENXH and MABKV7' jtroets.entrwice utreety where through tickets to all points'West can be obtained. *' Baggage Fill be recelred at any time dEringthedsy. No charge for handling baggage. - - - t Per further Information, apply at the Station, bW tween the hoars of 0.30 A.Af.y and 31 PM ■ - 5 - v THOMAB 6100 KB, Agent Penn's B: Coy $766,401 81 29,660 22 $643,208 65 48,428 68 21,210 00 PHILADELPHIA,. GERMANTOWN : * nisTown;raiiboad.-wintrr ARRANGEMENTS. : , c ON AND AITER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18,185#. T -' ~ :'*OR QBKMANTOWN, ! ' -' i'--’ Leive Phi ndelphle 6, 7#, 8 40 min.’.##, ll A.M ,1,2, 3, 4,6,8,>7, 8,», 10. nit p. S’ . Le»vo Germantown 8,-7,7K, 8,910 min.. 10X.11V Leevo Philadelphia 9.20 inin. A. M., 2,6 V P.H. - ■ Leave Gormentown 8.20 .min. A. M.,1.10 min., 5 Y CHSBTMJT HILL RAILROAD. - , Philadelphia 6, 8.40 mlh., HXA.M.,2, 4,6, OP. M. • c• • i. . Leave CheatoatHill 7-10 min., 7.35 min., 8.60 min., 11.10 A: M.,-12.60, 8 40, 6 40. 7.40 min. P. M. :- ON SUNDAYS,' Leave Philadelphia 0.20 min. A. M.,2, p.M. Leave Chestnut Bill 8 A. M., 12.60:6.20 min. P. M. FOR OONBBOHOCKffN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6#. 0,11 A. M.,'l 05-mta., 8.10 min., 45.60xnm',1! £ p. 81, '-t . Leave Norristown 6,7, 9,11 A. M., 1,8«, 6.40 min. P. U. , . ON SUNDAYS. .LeavePhiladelphiaoA M.andB P.M, Leave Norristown. 7 A. M. and SP. M. • 90R MANAYUNK Leave Philadelphia OY, 7 35 min., 9, 11 A. M.,-1.05 min . 2 05,3.10 min,, 4J(,-5.50,7.46 min, 11Y P. M.' * •** **’“* GHEBTIR N viLLRY RADROAD: B SOR°DOWNINtt. .... ' 8,220 00 42,067 85 $669,804 70 . TOWN. Leave Philadelphia OX A. M. and 3.10 min' P.M. Leave Downlngtown 7j{ A. M andl P, M , ; -4 ' 'General Superintendent. n<?l3 - DEPOT, NINTH and.GKEEN fits. IJHXLAiMSLPHIA ASA 1> JilhliUHA k.aiq It B pAD fclNB.-MIUIOKEST ROUTE to Elmira, WiUeabaiTe, .Buffalo, Chicago, Bock lelaad, Niagara £^,. M £ r 6 Montreal, St. Peals, Detroit,- Dunlieth/andSt. Louis. - • 1 • ' Passenger trains 1 wiU leave the Philadelphia a«d Beading /*ailroa4'‘Depot," oorner v BROAD tad YXNB Streets, daily, /Sonoa/H excepted.) y follows, , ' Por Elmita, Niagara Idle; Buffalo, Detroit; Ohlcago, letond; Galena, Bt. Panto; BnillngSn; and Bt. Lonle., r ~ ■' 3.80 P.M. NIGHT SXPRES3, Jor Blmlra, Niagara Jalto, Buffalo, Detroit,, MUirankee,Rook lalend, Galena. Bt. Panto, Bnrlinston and Bt. Louie. : . Tha 7.80 A. M. train rune through toH ARRISBUBG, stopping at all'Stations on-the Lebanon Valley Branch of the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad. ' _ •,aui> ... At Bupert, for Wilkesharre, Pltteton,Scranton, tad aU rta«oa» «m the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBUBU RAILROAD. .a . r-Tj ' i -■ Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, tad Suspension Bridge. . _ ID* Ticket oan be procured at the Phlladelphli end Kinlra jtoUroad Line’s Ticket Office, Northwest comer of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pas aengerDepot, oomerof BBOADand VINE. " '->V‘ THROUGH EXPRESS'FREIGHT TRAIN,. Leaves the Depot,' Broad street, below Vine,? dally. jjSuodaja oXeepted,) for,all points West and North, at ft Freights must be delivered hsfore 3 F. fit. to insure their going the same day: 4 : w . For former, information apply at.' . ] - ' Ftflght Depot, Vine," Or to CHAB. S, TAPPEN, General Agent,,. , N. W. cor. Bixth aM Chestnut Streets, . ' * • -Philadelphia.;. [\TEWV TOEK. LINES.—THE OAttDJBH J,l AND AMBOY &AILBOAD AND PHILADELPHIA' AND TBBNTON BAILBOAD COMPANY’S LTNKB. IBQM PHILAPgLPHIATO NIW tfORK,AND WAY Xt3iYvufon<mv,~Tii: : - _ r - ~ ?»■; At 9A. M. } fit Oanidaa and Amlojr. 'Aoooatßodi^ ti0n,,.“0**•»••••• S tt At 6,A. fit., rift Pftmden and Jaraej Olty. N. J. Ae* - eommo4aMoa.;.ii:., a 26 At 8 A. M.j Tlft Jersey Clty ? 'Ufarnlar . -M, A., TUI Wuuw*..- -, . Mail • •in* . . 8 00. At 10 A, M.,‘by Steamboat JohnNeileon.Tla Taco* ‘ ; " ;. ay and Jersey Cit^Morning ßxptm.£.i.\UXi9 » ;At 3P,M;, Tla Oamaeaaad and A. > 3;GO jAfSP/Mi Tla Oamden'and ferny'iJiiyrJfTnntoi ‘ ■, S’CO At 8 P.U,, Tla Camden jod Ambojtf Acoonneoda-"V ;S». 01m ...v.5..-.i.iV*‘..r3 2» At 8?• J 1 * Camden and'Amboy, Accommodt-. -.,.. r «°®> IjrtolMB.;svi •*».............i.*■8 as Atft^jt,jTlaO&mden,aad'Ambofi / - TboSP.M. llat TOiA diii/, alt othera.Bnndajt ei«* copied A*JB# J?*.M* z fi«a Kensiogtonßfpot, ■ Oitj,Mail,Saturdays excepted,,,, i,*.; a $2,26 .Exprew sinee stopat thrf principal stations only. /• * -Jot Belrldore/ Barton/ Plemington,\&e:, utflA. M<, »aa 3X P. M. frma ffUmit ■ - ‘ >■ • ■ Pot VTater Gtt>, Btroudjlraig, Jtonirit6i,;WlU««tan»,! Montrose. Great Bend, ?v Ac';. at 0 JC. K.,TlicD«lAWttV Lackawanna at Western Baflroad. * For Freehold) at 0 A. Mfand 2 P. U, . Wei Uoant Holly at 6 A. M., and 2K and 6P.M. _ * WATO&&3S ■ - ' For Bristol, Trenton. *o., at 2£ and 4 P. H., ForPa!m»i»,BanosoM,B*T«r37|Bwll»3tCn,Wd«*» town Ae., atSP,. M. V ; Steamboat Biciard Stockton for Bordantown, and in termediate place*, at 2 X P. M- . ~ . Steamboat John Neileon, for Tacony, at lO and lljtf A. W . and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P.M. : _ °*jf QXceptllX P; M, 1 e&7j» Walnat street whwf . - of baggage only allowed each pas senger. Paßsongen are prohibited from taking any tiling as baggage bat their 'weiring apparel. AU bag gage oxer fifty pounds to be paid .for extra.' .The Com ■ piny limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable" for any amount be yand HOO, except by special contract. * WM. H. 3ATZHXB, Agent Q. A A. B. B. CO. fennsyl- VANIA RAILROAD. FALL ARRANGEMENT. nr BETHLEHEM. DOYLESTOWN, &0., and by doge railroad eonneotiona for Easton, Catawisaa, - New York city, Allentown, Williamsport,' Water Gap, ManohOhnnk, Elmira, - - - Wilkesbarre, Hazleton,.. , ' Niagara Falla, Scranton. OnandafterWEDNESDAY,August2sth, 1858, Pas semjer Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets. Philadelphia, aa follows: . ' For • Bethlehem, Easton, Wilkesbarre, Water Gap, Scranton, &0., (Express.) at 0.15 A. M. ■ Por Bethlehem, Allentown, M&uoh Chunk, Williams port, Elmira; and the West, (Express,) at2.ISP.M, . Por Doylestown, (Aocommodatlon,) at 8.48 A. M. and 4P . M* j Por Port Washington, (Accommodation,) at 9.4 b A. H. and 0 P.M. - TRAINS POR PHILADELPHIA Leave Bethlehem (Express,) at 0 A. H. and 6 P.Bf. i Leave Doylestown (Accommodation) at 7 A.M. and 3.90 P.M. * Leave Port Washington (Accommodation) at TAO A. M. and 2.80 P.M.' , . Doyleatowu Trains run daily. Other Trains dally, Bund ays excepted. *' All Passenger trains (except Sunday Trains) oonnect at Oh&tham street with Pifth and Sixth Street Passen ger Railroad. \ Pare to Bethlehem.,.. ~..$3 so . “ - ManohOhnnk, a 00 . ,{ Easton.... I 60 ‘ u Doylestown 80 FOR SOHOOLEY’3MOUNTAIN—Bj 6.16 A. M. train to Easton, thence by N. J. O. 88. ana D. L. & W. RB. to Washington, thence by stage, arriving at the Moon tains at IP. M. Pare $8 JO. au2s tf ‘ ELLIS ORABIt, Ar^nt OKNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD .-—THi JT GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, At 1 antic cities with Western. North-western. andgSoutb western States, by a continuous Railway direct. ThU Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all potte'on'tho western-Rlvera,- and at Oievoland and Banduakywith all ports os the North.western Lakes: making the most DIRECT CHEAPEST, and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Freigh can be forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. BATES BBTWBHN PHILADELPHIA AND PITT BURGS. • «. P»BF OhiKi—Docti, Shoes, Hate, and , Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (la boxis bales and trunks),Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Teathsrs, Purs, fc« 00: por 100 lb. gaeotn> Class —Domestic Sheeting-, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Dsngrt (in casks), Hardware. Leather, Liquor, (in casks,) Wat! Paper, Wool, and Sheep Polte, Eastward,Ac.Ac,. 76o. per 100 lb. Txxan OuAt*a—Anvils, Bacon and Perk, Salted, (looso or in sacks), Paints, (dry and ,1a oil.) Cils L (exsept lard and rovin').6sc, per 100 lb Pobsw Class —Coffee, Pish, Bacon, * * Bsef, and Pork, (in casks or boxes . ea3tward) l Larda«dLardol?,N* i >*i Soda Ash, Gorman GJay, Tar, Pitob, Roaln, Steel, Manufactured To btcoo, Rosin OR. Quoenewarc. ■ Sugar, (hhds., bbla., nod boxes,) Ac., «Ve. per 100 lb. Flock—sl 00 per bbl., until further notice. Gxaix— 9sc. per 100 lbs., until further notice.‘ Covtok— 72 par bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice. 1 In shipping Goods from any point East of PhUadd- Pennsylvuni* S.iltmiJ.** All (Jopas WMipied to Xhs Awafa of till I»«d, stPhUtulelpai. or Pittsburgh j Wll do forward,d without detention. * . S.MOrnr Aasrea.—Olorka * Oo OblMzo j P«ker A fc 00., Moaipbu, Tsna.j It. V. Saio fcCo.. Et. lotla Mo.; P. (}. O’JUlry k Co., KYar,BTill., likU.l!.; Wei Bingham, Loulavtilo, Kentucky.: IS. O. Moidrnm MadUon, Indiana; H.W. Brown « 00., and Athert' A Hibbard, Cincinnati: H. 8. Pierce A Co. Zanesville Ohio; Leeoh & C0..N0. 64Kllbrstreot, Boston: Leech A Go., No. 2 Aator House, New Yerk, No. 1 William st. New York; B. J. Bneeder. Philadelphia* MsgrAW A Boons, Baltimors; D. A Stewart, Pittsburgh; H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H; J. LOMBA3BT, dad- General Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. Hg*|ga SALAMANDER SAFES. M™liy A large assortment of . * s^SBt * EVANS A WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOOKS, Equal to any now in Use. ' ' IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, & 0., 0a in good terms as any other establishment la the United States, by EVANS A,WATSON, . No. 26 South FOURTH Street, ' . ■ v •" Philadelphia; , PLEASE GIVE US A CAM,, - - - ‘ aiJS-tf ■ SUGAB:—2SO Boxes prime Yellow V/ Hnui in Btom and for uls by. A. MSBINO, MSD 1M Bentk IBOMI «nrt. SailroabCines. SliiOlS. Jfirt proof Sitfes 5145* ” ■y- '.r-'MOBS B4nMi»B.-V^"ji-sS¥J£i : ,|or Middletown, ,! 8 A u'^4 3 B ' 3 - 1 »ai 6.40P.M., r* -“"*“r # ®‘n<«^M4,> f U,a6Qß," pJtr *f* a.ikinitßSrVw-■; '-b ,■ Irt»To Jo«*»t 9,20A.M;1 . • I-wo Sa&fordat7.4s A. A, and 1.45J?7m; ; F• - -t ‘ XXBAIHB fOB. BALTIMOBB.. . .: BIIHDAZ3 XI 'Mfc from PUltdeJoiilittfßil.N i ':®*.;.-„».4p. ; ufaitm *•*»!&»<Oir’»«»*&;arm ruf I *^ LsiToWlltolngtonfOT - do' Ao"^dtf ; 6 65P/3 - ' Baltimore forHnTre da Qraoa rr; do ; 900 P. M ■ noa ■ -‘ g- M--?milOK.l.fraeldart- seaewii^-j AM 881 CAN EOTAL MAH BlBlk Wtlrß. .* • »•* ‘ •'' *•?;- c?-'v ’ ■ ■ ' non *mr tok to uthtool.: •: i ,j gtorCffloPyMge....... Bo«oao»Ste I* 12 •’«•■ *m» Mira * unarm.-■*•-*? • ;•--•• 0W»f0»1t0PMMge............i.i.,. i ,;.v.;.....jiM Second Cibla PMSi^s.....M eJl^B from Boakm c*U *tHalir»x. ,*; ' I CANADA. O»pt. L»i*. ' 4fABIA,Oip» J.Btois*. I AMSBiaivOllpt. Wio»mM ABIA, Ol.jV. i..G, Lott. , f NIAGARA, Oaßt-Bjl).-: o»pt.giiMuiQfl/1 atJKopArooji j-xiitdi. 1 Ti«M tmmlu «*riy « 81wtri»hlte light »t a wMwMi' sera cons Urboard bow;'reden port -r * QANADA, Lung, Wednesday, Dee. ;>‘s ;Beo. -8... \ 15. PERBlArJudkJitf,' /* York WedncSdayT D*e/23. : - ARABIA* Stonej BQBtdn/Wednesday.• Deo. 29.’ ASIA,Lott. fi N York,-.Wednesday, Jan-6. CANADA, Laogs- " ‘‘Boston, Wednesday,' Jan 12. APBIGA, Shandong <c N’Yorir, Wednesday, Jah 19. , Berths not eec?ired.nntil'paidfor.. An ©xperiyuced Bqrgeoe.qau&oard,. . The owners of these ghvpewllJ.natboaccountable to! ww, BUrer, Bunion; specie; Jewel#; P wetow StoftM or Metals, unless Mils oriadxng ire-atehe* therefor and the value thereof thereinexpressed, v- t c J jfo? freighter passage, apply to -/ . • MQI-y.. , . SCtJNAKD v 4 Bowling Greta. STEAM, TO GLASGOW* LIVES SIS POOL, BELPAST,,DUBLIN;. AND LONDON DEfiRY. without delay, for $3O. . •’ Return ticketsgood for six months,--to either of the above places,-by any steamer oMhe line, $6O for’tfae; round trip, out and back.. .... s - - , ,•* - M - - »*Q* SXWTORX. ..... • . t Edinburgh, Gumming, Wedhoeday/Ded22,l2o’clockM Glasgow,Thomson/ Saturday.'. 3an:2S,l2o»eloiikM -m-:--.* yao«aLASflOlr.'{--t'.' : ‘s7v Glasgow, Thomson, Wedneft-Jay, Decemb«r 28d.., .. Edinburgh, CummiDg.'gafnrday, January 22d. BATES OP -*“ J “ ' T . . ; - yadir olaboott." * > v^ ; “ Yirst 0155*........... guineas. Steerage, found, with .cooked provisions.; 81 ft - •- - --^/Yfteifjriiw TOSS. •/ . \\.r '■ Eirat’olass^;.-."i.;.-..*T.. J .'rM,-tK.- r .'....ii.;.5T6 00 Bteerage, found with cobked provisions..;...... £0 09 Children under 14 yean of age, hhlf .fare: Infants in Bteerage,free. * : • - v*" - -- Betorn tieketS'available within alif months,'by any steamer of this line. - - , - . •■- .j . Ilrit 01uii.......... .,140..8teetijpj........ .$BO An experienced Burgeoo'attached to eaoa fiteuser., ' For freight or passage apply to 'V WORKMAN & CO., 123 WALNUT Street, JPhUadel phia.4.^ .{ '-■i y -Y .?'■ J > ‘v ■* -i •- -c ..HOBERT. OBAIG, lTßroadway, New-YwV v- HALL A. LONEY,' wharf, Baltimore. . n 027 p ''-; "A'-T^; jA, TOK. SATAi^NAII,.Ga. —Heron’s 59K LIKE—ONLY afcGOL/LR LIHS-QOODB RE OEIVED AND BILLS LADINC4 SIGNED BVlttY D \Y. —Freight ar.<l injmrance .t leejt' thsc fiailinr Tee. Ml ntee, by the .teeniehip KKYSTONB .STATU,. G.rt, C. P Martbman, to teiI.oo.WDDMFaDAY. Dee.. 15, .t 16 o’oloeh A. M., from tosanS whurifioraVlhe ft. Tor- further'Jartlthlsri SleMe'eeeMirertleuueut el Bteemfihln K»i STONE BTATK, tu-tileraiwr, i Jor freight or pwsege *ppr, to - . , . ■ -v: A. HNRON.Ji:, T - ; - - . .838 North Wherreu, xgS&iC: FOB OHABtBSTOIT'AtrD ,SA- TffllßßK YANNAB.e-HEBON’g LINN. ' ' GOODS BSdIiyitDAHDBILLa 01 LADING &lOHID . „s.- • .i; • ‘dayc r-. , r - ~; ' Thbsple&di&Srrtrioiatodde-wliii&SfeiUnShiM 1 v > . v -' i KSYSTONB STATE aSd ; BTASB '• OY ; GEORGIA, A Now form 7 a weekly line'for the 1 Soatlfwert, one of theae shlp* sailisg etery SATUBDAY- at.l| e’oloct A. tf. s , alternately for/ Oharlestoa.ssd Bn-.' vannan. - *-• , r .? . ':..hotiob.V- ' Until the steamship Btale or.Georgla lus received her new boilers, the Bteunahlp Kejstone. gUte, in order to accommodate passengers, and.;, the trade, /wOT-make Weekly Trips, alternately to Uharlestcd'and Satanhah. ' SO »CHAN LESION Pi*.* -^5 The steamshipsKßYBTONß~STATNrOapta&TOrpV Marsh man, will sail on. WEDNESDAY; December 21. at 10o’clock, h\ 1 5*.l¥&£rP& i 'S&s ;• . •- - - YOR SAVANNAH. .- .V , The steamship., Keystone.' State; CAptaln:Charles' V. Marahinan. wIU saU on. WEDNESDAY/Decamber 15/ AthothOjurlunoaurlßtTumhhfthuaoAiiaoounMr YlorU. amlSBTaru>/’u4:with'nn- - mdu, Ao.. tax dl pIMM la tk. Sooth «oi : cffMBIGaTB.-B*D]tloJa). %;fc^-?f.''' . Heavy Yreight at an iTerage of eeat.'balow. New-York .rteimahlnrat ?&*.• -- . ArA iNgUEANOE/-/ . ISEIGHTi and -IS SURAK(Ul s oa alaige pnqwrtlca of goode. shipped South wiU.' he-:fousd to he lower ty : thw aWpatnA&^saiUa^^fiselSi ■ -- - Cabin piMftgo«»»»«o»M»ty»»>»G»A»«<««WGG*sBfl W-;t ’Jhceursion .Tickets, fortkeprMdnt : /NO btUThf j 7 Ycr.freighter - Agentsln o.‘-Ar A Tor Hori/la, from Okaxlertos, CAI^LINA V•tety TneedayA o -- v s -' . Jor YlofidA, frma ST; YOHrfa.CTeij- Ta'.M»yimarSSr4.T„ - .»ii«.6om,Oh«le«toa.«t6an«r-liißMLToa' th»«tt'»n4UtltBf jrewyrooatK-iv.. ;<I ‘Xi-",4«Ur' 1858fcS^S^tta858^ MEMPHIS AND NSW ORLEANS UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET LINE.—The splendid Eoatk-of this old -and popular LINE will -leave Memphis and'New Orleans,aajieretofore, on* : r ' u MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYB, & IRTDAYS. - ' MONDAY PACKETS.: , . NEBRASKA... ..Cant. IRVIN, BEN PRANKLIN iV.Capt. J. D. CLARK. - WEDNESDAY PACKETS. JOHN BIMONDS.. Oapt. JAS..P. SMITH. 1NG0HAR....... Oapt. BURDETT PARu. ’ PRIDAY PACKETS. • 8ELTA8T........... ..Oapt. W«. WRAY. -H. B. W. BILL.. T. H. NEWELL. U7*. These Boats connect at Memphis with the Ball roads from -that point, aleo -wflh-regnlarsPaekete fox St. Louig. LouigTille/ Cintdhnati/ 1 and Nashville, on their respective days. Leave Memphis Immediately on the arrival orthe Memphis and Charleston Railroad Oars. Passengers can arrange their arrival go as to .avoid delay at Memphis longer than business or plea sure may require. . _ ' ' . For information, Inquire of 'J. J. RAWLINGS r ' At Webb A Rawlings’, 816 Main St, Memphis. S. H. Shook, Adv. Agent. s ‘ ocl£-2m Jpumor Sattte. PIANO FORTES. rTETfI lu'rt reeeirbd; rtoo'b oi BATIK. K&OON, It S OLARS, UALbKI.DA VIS * OO..And GAEB &. 00: 8 PIANOS.' tOtOBt-. ONS of best wdity. »t j:a. 6001,D’8.' .. 8. B. eonwr BITINTH and OHISTNOT Hl. ; . * mhlß-v/...... ; e&psm e xoß.t'iiENT, Warranted 11.5 f f »NEW YORK. PIANOS; celebrated for-tone, .touch,'durability, and tasty appearance. 7,Octaves, PLAIN and LOUIB XIV,- Pearl inlaid, and Pearl keys, for sale, from’ $l6O upwards.' Also. PIANO 3 to rent. JAMES SELLAR, 270 South FIFTH &tteet, above Spruce, sole agent for'CamxDiagsfc Canfield. and'J A 0/ Fischer. " . nolS r lm# gjggsi GHIGKEBING & SONS, M&oa- Tl 5 T I rfacturers of GRAND, PARLOR-GRAND, SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. This is the largest and oldest manufactory in the United States, having been i ESTABLISHED IN 1828,. Since which time we have - ' MADE AND-SOLD TWENTY > THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED PIANOS, - And. have received as or their BUPBRI ORITY over; all others, 11. Gold. .18 Silver, and 4 Bronzt Madals. '. . - . . CD*-Pianos to Rent, Tuned, and 'Repaired. .BRANCH HOUSE In PHILADELPHIA It at 1807 CHESTNUT Street. oc6-8m . . BITUMINOUS GOAL.—The undersigned is prepared to furnish thexitiiena cf Philadel phia with a superior article pf BITUMINOUS COAL, suitable for burning in parlors or Rotaries; making & cheerful and pleasant fire. All orders left at the office, No 42& South FOURTH Street, will be - pro mptly at tended to. DUNLAP MCLAUGHLIN. Philadelphia, November 29,1858. dl-12t* rfnKESSWELL & WILLIAMS, Mo. 206 WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply ship- Esrs and consumers with superior Broad Top ooal from sncaater Mines. . ooitf FO3f, 9c CO., wholesale and JL retail dealers in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL OOAL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN. TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard—RACE and BROAD streets, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Goal from the most approved mines, under eover, aodpre ared sxpreHly for family nao . , feS-y TRUSSES !7-rGoimiiie French, lor TRUSSES! Genuine French, for Children. TRUSSES! do do. Ladles. _ TRUSSES { Approved American Series: Supporter Braces{ English Abdominal Belts; Syrin ges, a new and Improved self-injecting article, specially adapted to. Ladies’use Also, bath-room or hydrant Enemas; French Pessatle* ;■ Breast Pumps; Infants’ Nu:UngFl sks; Nipple Bheils and Bhleld<)'. For sale by CALEB IT NEEDLEB; Pharmaceutist, a/\d Prs'rtical adjuster of Meohanic&Vßemediee, 6, W iorriet TWELFTH and RACE Six., Phlla. Ladies’ rooms—antranco on Twelfth street, next door tostore. -'•! ' - sols 8m g PHRENOLOGICAL ; EXAMINA TIONS) with written descriptions of character, includingadvice in reference to business, health, selMmproTement, &e., are made day and ere? ning at,-: »OWL£R, WBLLS. & CO.’S, .Families rutted when requested, and a liberal dla ount made to clubs, QS3 oh»lbmtt*.. PhlUdalcM* N FOR DIRECTORS. held on the 15th of Norem len were elected to'serve the' AT AN ELECTIOI of the Union Bank, I her, the following gentlemi ensuing year, yiz: James Dunlap, John M. Pomeroy, Peter Meger, Davldpaust, Jacob W. Goff, ‘ Milton Cooper, Charles M. Pay, *». J'l*b<!tmau, John H. Chambers, D' Senat, William B. irartlen, “ Robert Kelton, , , liaae Barton, " And at a'subsequent meeting of the Doulap 'was elected’ President; ' John-SI- Pomeroy, Vice-President; Jaipes Lesley,. Cashier, and o.’ W. Davis Solicitor of the flank'. - -»- ■ -- J: LBSXiRV 1 , Cashier.. Piriet'-Oastillbii,”ltariett, MfiS'ptSef OwnuM. of TarioM half ptaes add Quarter oaaju : Bocielfe Brandis*, pjue uft&ifc, In half daks, ftnitawßigltlr oasis,"lmport*! aad for buobj •■*• * *" K ’ *-" • HSNBi SOBliin & 00 M m art 833 Booth Joortt rimt. ?r2£g?SS|: