iSSfe,. n Aiem^SHtaamMXmmsK^rttfUmu- £j lii !j ' 9|MpHNWlffi ' dlutaace betwetn cur'piwet j^^tiio/*aadlmln{flied7 j : K2r4 r ;•; r , maytO' M&Ss - ddei'* > - : -^ffwiifl<«SBKi*®^M*.fi«lilM-j(obill l .Bb»'' f'.itt> oU;7.Uika »h»lo **T-»V»r;,‘V°.fA j »^i>|^%i ;^«^^j^^^^wt^®^|¥yoml'S"yfotlJ"iTwpooi,' t fi»r> wwiSw.p*n»if' p>t. ko^'o^f^rt^i-^t^9iu^ ! for ; - BtoWl*,' wsyto m frotcTPorto - felsfe^H^^^Sf MSo*|&q|A'.V s%&&>s&. iiCBUpsWi(l?fliOw4i?»3WT«lwl?ot*»M4 »tQ»I* n Co>pw,at«OTi:y w*!.- 4 fiftH.'ToobfffvA JE!atl'!ii#,Ool«ln»o;,Qu,Wo r of,fh* P»- dftH^uon,NoW-OrtB#B>;' Wk. B*e ,Jt«ki'AH*?*',**•/ /i'Hcwiy.rfSr" oth?uli,'bark WhnVOhtier, l£‘>C Vv.' . tpuAibbftlrPMiuAK Neir.Yprk f v-': - - \jibtb* Harojßjtcii) Nelson* Johnson's Ist* Dill j TO toils;/skip : Marianna. ■ ' ■' / Paget Sound; brig OltOß)SSa'Pedf ,i’*'' 'f' - / ' * sT£j. Porttaij-Pluiei' Puget Souuff.^ 1 '- •’. .Age, Watkins, As*. OBXtSAIfSj Be& -Magnolia; , Boude&n, \u*j YPalma, r : Grmaadej/ Barcelona;' Atiiericaii, r/Oardehaa; Martha Asplnw&U. unship Robert Waterman, Hoard r Matagordfc; i Llisle Jo Crowell,' r Liverpool; Wiltwnls*' teacdthlpGen Busk, Santiago; .. Waahbunif Marr/man* Boston: G W Hall; >pb«7T; 'barks Prinee of Wales..Mb natt.LWer* >rges,Bocklahdj btlgM A- oUrfnSj Waters,. 'tegsj§W9> n Silt $/ THIS WMMIJKCh'Vt S^;'- ,RP HOUSE—Chestnut ilwt, l»lowNinth, , 'nr'njiWorcester: /B Btearnr..NJ r - \9t!' tod - -., a King, Cai ; # • - tf, Leespoxt ~ aR T WoOd,DI , *?;c . . r r pßflMUn.Dftl 2 - - . t chins, totoga JtßSmith, New Bedford P.TDoyle.N x 3-••; .WWOfaase, Bl* P Whitehead. N Y *A\ -A B Smith Samuel' Wllli’ti/N Y;" •' J.JVB Hunter, Reading ’Sidney W How, Boston - ~'WH Jamwon, Boston 0MBrootarBo«ton v/; , t JBBSecnmbr Boston - AKellogg/Hodcrille, Ct. A W Porsberg, NY' • . BStockdait, Ky - , r ' - J-E Coleman, Conn > :oA'£aetou J ,ponu LNoreross, Boston - WWateon, Harrisburg': • Geo MRobwon, N J JohnHßriggi, NY, Aug Schell* NY”'' - AArWghtmtUjN Y 4 . . t .-Prof Ruff ZSterli m ' *-> - Mrs Shallows, PottsvlUe O JTrtmaniNY ,*,v i D 0 Sturges, N Y „ BEJones.Pottivllle • :: Hon W Donaldson,Pottsv’e BKNewellyNY ? i;, W H-Merritt, N Y XT Smith,JN-Y- t. j 1'?; i, XMDenmanand lady, N J WWheelook, N J . >_• Reuben Smith. N J OB Biddle; NY• •„ - ’ ; Me Rawed; N Y Thos.Groom.Boaton \ ill RVMredge, Burlington B Gibbous,’Bath • 'Mr Donpby & la,N Y . DNhopeSjK Y- . r, f M Bottom N 0 ; . . JB Do Haven, NY,,. - a Meserole & le,Brookljn Wm B Wood, Maine ; . Tabb& la,N Y DTWatson,N;Y > * .JJamUon/NY W John Ala. Jr-Y -, ,:, - JW_ Sedgwick, NY^ RfiNlpboU, NY-.r),vVj. ; ,-B S (rOOdrichiNY. . £ Bowden, Winchester .: ,‘B Marsh, Jeraer o»ty » Oapfr POrter, NY,.;.- -W- Y K Robinson; NY r . Richd Hill: Richmond ; J 0. McOpUum, California JohnHHsll.NY - JMKesd.NY DL Sprague N Y ... - John H»ll, NY ; * . , X,W;JSvane.k la, Nashville: John Mereband. Bait - E'S - BMGIom,~N.Y- Beverly C Sanders: Balt; '.A J Barnes, Ya Louis Mara,N Y..;,.8tG 8 Case, 8t Louie Dr Schley, Maryland, O. A Outliber t.Ga ■ _ Ur Rodgers A Ja,W*shlngton P E,Doolittle It la, N Y Mra'DooUtte,« Y - •- Mr Budd, Charleston, 8 0 r stmt, below fourth.- -; a M Biddle'& l»/’Qhlo 1 r johnson.Blairoo, Pa PB JoBWr?» V': V , ‘'~ y H BMSIIer. Beading .‘ ' Miaa Janbßeiff; Reading -SHeuMiAlbany ' J L" / B M fyeY Ashland* Pa j btHaghal£WestOheiittVj, Patterson, Juniata Co: V'TY&ndjka, jPruiklln_c6 v ' : TirD P f tewart, Texas; s~ C;lti c TcmUi]B6aj H HeroerV Pa '-j- ■" V A D-Werner, BeadiCg -‘ -';"iI) a Buxtom, Beading , ?. B'Mertagtu OatasaquV’< ':AB Palmer, Illinois P^APirtlet.aUlnoisr:. J.PMCorrell,Baton <5 Dudley,'Xaaton; ‘ .JG Beading, Now Jetnoj O Bartlee, New Jersey-'Y.-P Bussell, Baaerne co .. - GV,Moirl*i Ohio' V'YVJ Tompkins, Pa TGPorsterjlUinott:* , v B Peck, Conn 8 Brush. New. York .. ; JP Otfaley, New Jersey AH Klrne; Arkansas.. ; .v A J Bees, Ma^land in ROHANTB’ HOTEL—fourth it., below Arch. Saiddlet-Wssll’ii, Pa ■ ' ;B H Henderson. Pa J-B G*n*id,'Pittibiirf. ty M Sherman. Ohieigo MW lIoNeJr. N'J- -' Mrs B M.Blyler. Loner ThoS HWolle,Bethlehem AKBpeneerfßoClieeter -.BrHoIJTf AU>. . Wrap Elliott; Pa'ir./.u % -mxaiA Barrett. Phlta BBBeddig,Pa ‘' ;YBH Bwaneey.Pa . BPYfoi to r.hl OhunkV->#> ;Wm Shone, N J HonAikpacker, Pa/-, ij-'Z 8 Ward. Harrisburg WWMoore,Baeton 'V- IG, McKinley, Htrrisb AH Lore, «;T' ,? -h Palmer, Lewisborg rEAllKlitNiHolJBK r .okestnut ittMt i • above, Third. J Bbgera, Dejtoh.Ohio,.: "j'B.WHllaioY& la. 3 Oily A Willett& U, NY; >. ;t E Bidgely, Dover* Del OM Allmoml, Wilmington?. THDorell, NY' JHLowreriPhtfa-' >‘*f D Hoeeker, Pilla J H Laird; Plilla. • ' A LWWiame, NY v AN float, NY yv.‘ / BGowley,NY’ , ' G Y Brown, Salem, filaaa 0 ABogers, Salem; Maks MraDWPareone, Mtu' -%• MreG w Howe; NY S.W D A Br»jton, P*ll River" Jolm 0 hmllh, Ohio - JC *M!!KIQA«:'HO't at., abort Jlflh. Mt-ttgifcX?,?"' ~ BbbtKtogVNT SHS*,Blo«y ,N? X. ObuO Lord, Stimuli OhUT Tr*ah, Cuba Daniel DlokeyY?* ■ 5 O.HoUbwell&li, P* MlttAPhiUips, Pa , WStiairvOiintoa-? D Portoondo, DtfV ' O.HWeed, Boston D E,Orbokatt, Newark: , YPratt. V'9^p fi • '- y- HP.etertoh A fatni Delcol A J Glilett, Oobn ' tW H Mann'-Mllttm, Pa.. ; JoaBflaad.;Bdeton . i JVT RdwAl Me.'? ' Qeo APi^| , MeV' l ; .>;^;;^:^j3hataaan j NX. •'. Third.,V C, : 3 O flarmia. Town Hill j PBarker, OehtreTiUe B Miller, MUlereborg c y LB Shelters,- Beading j - iiClara ! y;;v>^Jf [ Hambletbn)iMyerttowa: ;k«r,;Lujcaater v.Wm Bloft»ium,.Oonn Hint ~* ini - W Baoiß co, n hSb irtireefrVi ; WUI»r<: ’ HC Deb** 6 00, P» Jhertor Banting) Delaware co,?* /ij'OHeiitet'eo,'Jeueo, w ebster. Baoke co 'Jveet ObenterxD Book, Oheeterco, v :h. ;f - .XONHOTJBL—Sooond it'., »l>oir« Aroh 3»r'H' tIi,NY Staten, Pa'; MiffS o&rr»thO4 NY ; ' itliOi M;T-:^ : POTiirton,N/ ; . '■ :■*.*! ’ ' /•iftr MADISON HOUHl—Sfoonfl bole* toll/ HBAUiwn, Mellon, Mass ’ j Jobn Atkl&eonyFitubug Bobt Connell; Fa ' Bt/AOHr%BAB^HOXBI»—Third at., ab. OallowhW. 3 HMohr, Pa t 'f\A.Bnikmaii,PeieterviUe -AWLoder, Otttutqu*, .0 Helfrioh, Pa , 0«o W Wolfj D*nbord , , H Maurer, Pa , ;?obn Beobtel,\Pa- ■a* ’•* r B Kosnnerer. Pa iWßßoyer, flßjr4eriawn;^' , ., , ‘t ' ■ -;,: v ßAti> BAGXE—Third street, above' Gallowfcill* BKUfiflAPottirme t/ i.t'A BeediFotteTMe . Chat P Week. Pa A ;./: Sanmelßoye*; Pa , |AWBaylor*Bchtt',Harea<~.;LßHemperly, Pa ' vSWere^iddletottA^rt •- • •/; 'Sjicriai Notices. ;.»ayage»s Seeing Dollarfi ; . DOUBLE TIIEJAi). :. , it# ' -Dyspepsia,—.There Is prebnblyno disease which. experieace/haSI so amply proWd to be remedia* ,ble WETO u Dyepepsla. The inveterate-forma 1 of this disease hare been com- onrei-by,ih!s medicine, as ample 1 ' testimony of ;someof ourfiHtolUseaeproTesi '- :,i -; thiaeJtyby f .Br©wn,oonier Ylfthand 'Chestnut* and Hsuunrd AOo.,'eoraerTirelfth and ;.VV dlO-dfcWtf .Hope,—ThereUyetjiope for the dyspeptic! Do not despair, !r you Hire been unable t» And relief, Hoof Slab’s Bittbkb Willcure' any.and every XMeofpyipepßla/ ItwUl, cure a very, case, of Liver ,oompuist'. the yellow - and sallow ap-. 4>earasoe from- the skin and eyes. It will restoretbe nervous .system to its or , glnal ‘Tigor ,and glve, entire itedth' to the baly.' v For sale by 0 .31, JACKSON & ' 00„_418’Afchfltreet l at7ft cents per btftUe,. It i jthe GreatestWender of the Age.—The Ean ATasvipbxiVoß Hiiß Bfsmßs. or Jules Hiu*l,lu ’vigor ateij r« a tares/ end beautifies the hair, and changes grayhalr andr yhisVera 'to thelr orJglnftl life color. It U n'ot a Djyt\ apd ,#lll not splltho skin or lfnen. Sold by ail pruggiiis/and laboratory of JunssHaosn ; Oo;iNo;7o4;Ohestnht'shreet, Philadelphia, : Bfc i Savage’s, «awingMachines—Thirty Dollars, *»OTO>B'THHBAD.''- ' ' .I*.* FlneClethlngarthe Mbstßeasonable Prices, Frock the finest quality j fbafs, Prdmehitde Coats,. and Overcoats, of en* ctirely’new styles,.sad finest quality; a full assortment of fine blflck and fancy Oassimqre Pants, .and a splendid stpck ef fine Silk Velvet, CMhinere, Silk, and Casslmere Veits, - all ! cut J ‘msdfl, attd trimmed in the most elegant style, at -,« BOBERTH.ADAMS* New Store, 1 48-tjai ' , - B.E; corner Seventh and Market its. r- .Oreai Sdfo RoVbcnr at Piorrlstownf Decem 888 Ist, timp last night the flouring mill hf Mr,' Joseph Veione,ln Norristown, Pa., was entered, an(loneofFafrc 1 j?* r ribgj' k Cb,'s best patent Powder- Vroof iock and Bafe.-i; v- - ‘v. * ■ !>“WAS BLOWN pPJBN 'WITH POWDBR, and g1,9001n earii taken ouYaod carried away. This We is now In front of Brans \k Watson’s store, No 20 South; Pont th street, ifhere we most respeotifully inrite thepuMlo to call,And examine how those New Yorker# make their safes] They screw, their doors together with =the smallest ikind of 'wst.lron screwß, and from the ap* jWrance bf this safe, it oouldnothave taken more than one musket load of powder to blow the absre saf o open. -Ir OoVqbSR r lB th, 1868 —Three tbleres entered the. Floaring'MiU of Messrs, Dbrrance & Doron,' In Bristol, tried .ail bigM to .blow,open their pbwder, whioh hsd $260 in cash, but did hot succeed in 'gattlhkiVopen; Their Salamander Safe wag, sianufae* r\. -* • ; , /^ : ;iYA'NSdbt?atson; lr k They hard A few. morefor/saic, of the same kind, at their A tore, No. 26 BonthFOURTH Street. Philadel- V;';-v'‘V ; -V' T y. /V. V''' ; >.:K. ln The Freitj of December 4th, the %ll6wing:/'•'V’ v’•' -• \" K ' V,‘«AU our safes are warranted to give perfect satlsfac* 'tion,orthe tno.hey Wiilbb retuixed. Oo^» f^Ve£EVANS : A'-WATSONj Would' - ask iall parties h>Tlng ykrrel, Herring, k Co.’s fiafes •ttrtidm adrahtife of l^the'abof e offerj and return them 'their'; aii they wlil find that In a few with whieh the Safes fare filled u(* %gtrPprtlon belßg oil of yitriol) will eat out'all the Iron.' A’ipMtmeh of thelr Ohampibn Safes may be seen fappA* efibiir-aiore, whlch'ls eaten full or holes now* , vf -BYANS & WATSON, KoI 268outS,WJBTH Street. !*»»•*;*«• talent Strlee. and maimer, eipreiaiy iortvtxn. siiaa. la ream narou order are warranted Btßrai, „ ..We bellore tilts to b# : tba'qhlr f&l j nrarof i t 7 £ t? i * 1 M‘:' -• ' ‘f'>:!\\.- - • J r ’ C-- ,' , - ■SaTrafie’* Sewing-Machine*— Thirty Dollftts.. ; '< ' / DOJJBMS IHBEAD.' • , «* f Fttrfel, Hotting,*: ««•’» Patjunt Champion aff .too oalJSafsa mido in tha City which havo. never fcedh .Betted by Bui in thi« city for uowly five ye«*P“*l daring'that time wehavemadaiind cold .twice aa mray Stfea, at leaet, as any other maker i double ‘kenomVr br our flafes have been attempted hv BnrgiarSi and mor g than : iwioe aa many have been tried by JiM. - ; We now propose to>njr other manoftotaiors in thla oity, to give thimldoo forevery Safe, of °“'?™ whloh hae been opened by Burgiare, provided they will alaoinakens THaaiMsorpaa. I BTe "propose an additional $6OO for every safe of onr make whioh has had its contentsburned up in acoiden- Ital Urea ■, and will give $6OO. to any other gafe-maken hi thia city whowiU make na the aame offer. 1 The subscribers do not warrant any of their ordinary Oounting-robm Befea'to he'proof against ito the attaoka of. Burglars ?nnder any circumstances, and never have flone so; but for money purposes,'©/wheremore than 'ordinary security is required) we. have always reooirf mended oar' coUbiubd; Barglar aad Fire-Proof Safe as protection against experienced and seientifio thieves. Wewill guarantee to give better security against flre and rogues, for the money, than auy other manufae- Ituretcan. f. r The Baft advertised by a disappointed and envious op* position aS having been blown up, at Morristown, was not one of oux r make, nor was .it even a “ Herring** Patent Oh&mpion Baft.” Thesafe was one of “Wil der’s Patent,” made many years'ago, and sold by Mr. Parrel when acting agent for a New York house. Yet, ; we do not hesitate,.that there is no Fire-Proof Safe made in this market, (and sold ordinarily aa such) whinvestments are made in Beal Estate, Mortgages, Ground Bents, and such first-class securi ties as th' charter requires. Offioe hours,'from 0 o’clock in the morning until So’oloek ini the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o’clock, fed Burnett’sCecoaino^ ■• BURNETT’S OOOOAINB. A tingle application renders the matter how. stiff and dry—soft 1 and .glossy for several days. It is ran Bbbt asd .Cbripkbt Haib Dbissiko i* thi Would. HAZZABD ' 00., Twelfth and Chestnut Sts, Sole Agent, For sale by dealersgenerally, at 60 ota per bottle. . , ' nolQ-tf Savage’s Sewing Machines—Thirty Dollars* DOUBLE THREAD. > It* Grover le Baker’s Celebrated Family Sewing MACHINES. A NEW STYLE!—PRICE $6O. 760 OHigTstn* Stibst, PHtLAD2LPHii. These from two spools,and form a •earn of unequalled strength, beauty,' and elasticity, whloh will hot rip,' even if. every fourth stitch be out. They are unquestionably the best In the market for ' amßy use. ' • ./ - - oolfi-tf irrssap ton A QtacuLiu. - < -,/ . seamon’a .Saving Fund—North west /Corner ;of Second and 'Walnut streeis. Deposits reoelvsd jin small and large amounts, .from .all olasses of the McuhunUy,. and, allows .Intemt .it tike. rate of five \ ' Money may-be drawn by oheoka wlthout loss of iste-'. •riert,, ;/C For many- months my,heir had been falling off, until I was fearful of losing it entirely. The skin upon my head became gradually more and more inflamed, so that I could hot toneh it I without pain. This Irritated con dition I attributed to the ose of various adverttse&hair washes j which 1 hate since been told contain o unphene spirit. * ' By the adWoe of my physician, to. whom yon had shown your process of purifying the Oil, I commenced its use thelaat week in Jane.' The Ant application al layed the Itehlng and irritation ; in three or four days the redness and tenderness disappeared—the hair ceased to fall, and 1 have now a thick growth of new hair. • . Toots, very truly, " . BUSAN B. POPE. BURNETT’S COCOAINE, Q7* A single application renders the hair (no matter how stiff and dry) soft and glossy for several days. It is ooneeded by all who hare used it, to be the best and cheapest Hair Dressing in tke'Wotld. Prepared by - , ': JOSEPH BURNETT & 00., Boston. ' For sale by dealers generally at Fifty Gents a Bottle. n27~3m 850, 890, 890, 890, 890, 890, 890, 890. SINGBB’B SEWING MAQHINM.—PBIOBB BB DUOBD—A new'and elegant Family'Sewing Ha chine for $5O, and the . general scale of prices greatly reduced. AH who want a substantial, simple, and re liable Bewlog Machine, which has an established repu tation for doing the very best work on erexy kind of material, arelnvited. to call at our office and n*»mirui the new machines,' at the reduced prices. They ean not nai satisfied. I. M. SINGER & CO./ no2 the ■ Bast • Mahunoy.VßTsilroadJ : U3l COMPANY, No. 407 LIBRARY Street.—Phila delpbia.Dioember 9th.3868; ~, . / Seilei proposals will bV received at this office until one o’clock «*. M , on WEDNESDAY, tho of ‘1869,‘ for 'excavating a Tunnel'through the' Broad Mountain, aod the approaches to the same, ' - - A Map and Profile will be exhibited, and all necessary, informatioa given on application at the;Company’s office. . i,/; i ' „ • -rT ,■-.•"**■ ' .The Board of Directors roserve the right to reject any aod all proposals which may.not be considerod tOryin all respects.’ , dlO fmfewtj*6* JOHN ANDERBON, Epgineer, - ry-r=* The Philadelphia. Wilmington, and Hal. LJJSV TIMORB RAILROAD OOMPANY, Decem ber 10th, 1868 —The annual meptisg.ot the Stookhold-' era of this Company wilt take place in' WILMING TON, at the offlce of; thA Company, on fiiONDAY, the 10th of January next, at 12X P M., for tho election of. Directors to serve for the ensuing yo&r, and for the transaction of such other business as may legally come, before the meeting. ■ dlO-f&mtjslO ALFRED HORNER, Secretary. rv*=» Commonwealth Insurance Company, of STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—Office N. wToorner of FOURTH and WALNUT Streets.—Phila delphia. Docember 6,1868, * Notice 1b hereby given, to the Stockholders of tbia Company, that the onuual meeting, and an election for ten’Dlrpctors, to serve tho ensuing yeari will take place at tho‘office of ’ the Company, on thefitst MONDAY (Sd) of January next, at J2o’ dock M. d9-t}a3< SAMUEL 8. MOON, Secretary. - Office of the East 111 ah anoy Railroad Irjj COMPANY.—Philadelphia,Bth December, 1858. At a meeting of tho Stoolrholderfi of the Xatt Maha* noy Dallroad Company, held THI» DAY, the following officer* were chosen to serve until the next annuel elec tion pbbsident: WIILUM 0. PATIBaSOH. DIRECTORS. - - Levi Dickson, J; Pemberton Hutoblnaon, George B. Jnstice, Jamea Dundas, Frederick Fraley. ' William 8. Wetmore, CharleaHanry Fisher, Richard Kear, Archibald Mclntyre, Thomaa A. Biddle, Joseph Patterson, John J. Thompson; d9-at# , r rfsrs* Commercial Mmual' insurance Com- AMT, rear of No. 218 WALNUT Street. A meeting ofthe Stockholders of this Company will be held on MONDAY, December 20,1868, at ten o’oltcx! A. M .when an electiou for EIGHT DIRISOTORB, to serve for the ensuing three years, will take place dBl2t JOHN MoOOLtOM, Beciatsry.- . The Clinlo of the Female Medical Col* I_L2 LEGE, No. 027 ARCH Street, is open regular ly on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, from li to 1 o’clock, Ladies will always be foond in attendance, to examine and prescribe for patients. .< „ dl«lm ‘ ive*a> Geology. —Dr. Boynton will give hie U 3 Third Lcoiute at Concert Hall, on FRIDAY EVENING, December 10 Season tickets, for the re maining six Lectures, including the Galvanic Exptr £• mentif 76 cents. Single admissions, 26 cents. To com mence at 7)4 o’olook. , dB*ot# . A Lecture on Chink And Japan, In. UJj NATIONAL HALL, FRIDAY,'Dec. TO, at7tf <1». M ,‘by Bet. R. OIVIN, Chaplain V. B Navy, who has recently returned from these countries, and will show their political and religions relations * to' onr. country. Tickets 20 cents, at the door. For the Bed ding M, E. Church, The eelebrated' Meyers’ Family, of Boston, will sing before and after the Leoture. They, hate filled the largest Halls In., Cincinnati and Boston with Wondering listeners. • , ~ defl-Bt* ryss» Fair for the Episcopal Seamen’s Mission LLj open dally at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, from 10 A. M to 10 P. M. . : d7-6t' rv-==» The Fair of the Western Provident So* ILj OIBTY AND CHILDREN’S HOME, of the 24th Wan], will open at the COMMISSIONERS' HALL, cor ner of MARKET and PARK Streets, on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, at 8 o’clock and continue during WED NESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, from 10 o'olook A.M. toIOP. > The West Philadelphia cars mn to the do»r. d7-4t* Gallery, Second Street, abeve ~ Here art, triumphant, our attention claims; Here life seems speaking from a hundred frames; Men, women,' children, throng the pictured walls, Bach form, e&oh face, its living type recalls; Features, oom plexion, attitude, attire, Beauty’s soft smlle and manhood’s glance of fire, . - Truly reflected at a rabid rate, ’ To astonish life with Its own duplicate. Think not these photographs by sunlight made, "Shades though they are, will like a shadow-fade; No! when toe llpi of flesh in dust shall lie, And death’s gray film o’erspread the beaming eye', Then REIMER’fI pictures, mocking at decay, , Will rresh and vivid as to-day. d&ot# Commonwealth of Pennsylvania., UJJ ■„ . Trbibubt Dhpaktuskt, > HisßiSßuaa, Deo. 2d, 1668 - ) At a meeting of the Commissioner* of the Sinking Fund, hell this day, it was Jiesolved, That the State Treasurer be authorized to issue proposals to buy, from the. lowest bidder, One Hundred Thousand Dollars of State Five Per Cent.- Loans Nottco is therefore hereby given that sealed propo sal! for the sale of the whole or any pari of $lOO,OOO of State Eire Per Cent. Loans will be received at the Treasury Department, at Harrisburg, till 2 o’clook P. M of the 10th Decamber, A.- D., 1858, the tame to set forth the amount offored and the price asked, and to be endorsed, *•' Proposals to sell State Loans.” , The bids will be opened and allotments made to the lowest bidders on that day. •H. S. MAGRAT7, State Treasurer. ryxs=» Safeguard Insurance Company of New UJj ItOHK and P«aQBjlTanifi.-~Pcii.ADKLrpHu, De cember 2d, 1868. , Notice is hereby gircn, that the annual election for Directors of this Company, for the ensuing jear, nil! be held at their office, in Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the 18th bf December, instant. By order, HBNBT B. POOTX, Secretary. iv-sss» Jnyn»'i Hall Prayer Meeting.—All will IL3 be clad to learnthat until farther notice the BUSINESS MEN'S UNION PRAYER MEETING will be held again in Jayne'* ' Hail} dally, from 12 to 1 o’clochi ThU is the moat eentral and convenient lo cation, and-THOUSANDS can be accommodated. . r ;‘ ; All are oozdlally invited to attend, and the meeting is open for *l\ to .take part who are: membera of any Evangelical Ohorch. < . : ,n24»tf A rysa Office. Philadelphia Gas Work*, fiav; *...iuM /"Proposal!! will be received at tW* office until'Mon or ' theSQthDecember' next, for the' iale of/ Bto&k of the: ‘Germantown Gaa Company, and; alao, of theßfqftnibfctf' Gaa Company, **-*t > i Tikiuii.i l 4U|''nj*t r W«*»aW r iJ««Anv*«troent work*. n9Mm,* v.; vW, yBNNKLIi t Ocahiag// rys* 1 Home for Invalids with AfletUsu ef ohbbt. ‘ B. W. comer PARKS and OHEBTNUT Streets. ~ &22-lm ~ 3; /.. f - : - Wftrt; Philadelphia, ryr=j» Rciilroad CeifejtaAies and Haman Life.— Us 3.. The legal duty cf all Railroad Companies, to adept at once,' promptly and generally, precautionary improve-, ments of tried'and undoubted value,' otlculatdd to save life and" roltlkate. danger, needs no, armament to r convince a thinking man. dint, unfortunately for the people and the stockholders, there are quite too msby of those in authority who do not sufficiently realise .their responsibility In this matter. Their thoughts art occupied about too many, other things j their dutlea a# Superintendent* are, clearly 'not .their sole thought and study. Large fortune* are accumulated in a few years from small salaries; and the verdant muses of the com munity look np to oar railway officials as if they were the Great Mogul. But let ns ask bow many of them perform their duties with a single-oye to the interests of the Stockholders, and the safety of (heir employees and the precious Uvea that are'dailj committed to their keeping. Suppose, for instance, as was suggested a few years sinoe. that a seat be provided in front of eaoh locomotive, and one of Ibe directors required to ride In front of each passenger train, how long would it be before the aforesaid officers would make the Inquiry of their mechanics: Are our trains arranged to stop as soon as they possibly can be f We also have a profound conviction that they, would have an earnest desire,- also, to hold the reins themselves when in that poll* Uon. This may be a. strong ease, but it !s direotly to the point. It is absolute jolly and the veriest stv viDitr to run a railroad train a moment without giving the foremost man upon it, of his own voUtionrthe power* to arrest it Instantly, if required. The time, we trust, is not far off when men high in authority, In receipt of princely salaries, can condescend to give, these minor (to them—primary to the traveller and stockholder—) subjects a little or tholr attention. It is an unfortu nate fact for the interests of railroad corporations, that comparatively few smart, able men work , for salaries. The men of thought, ana men of notion, are their own employers; they bare the forethought and judgment to adopt and get the benefit of Improvements before they are driven into them by nubile sentiment or legisla tion. We wish it were fully understood by railroad of ficers that the success of all great enterprises is de pendent npon attention to little things. An officer may neglect improvements calculated to produce economy or Improve work, or anything of that character; but to neglect any precaution for the safety of human life, or the .control of the fearful momentum inherent in every moving train, laafeirful responsi ty for any man to assume, and we undertake to say that no man possessing the qualifications for a Railroad Su perintendent will negleot to give attention to sac'* de vices for one moment. It is, or rather ought to be. the most important thought of a Superintendent’s business, to anticipate and provide the antidote for every danger to which his train it liable. . A man of sufficient abili ty and conscience for the position would hardly rest until satisfied that he had performed bis whole duty in .this matter. It is perfectly idle for. a President or ; Superintendent to say, or quiet his con science by saying, that nothing will happen to ns, we are all right ana safes to be sure, accicentihave oc curred, but we never snail hare another train out of time—we never shall have another axle break, or wheel either; eur rails are all right. TLo cattle aloog our road are better eduoated now; nobody will ever place obstructions on our track, or pry open tho rails. All the villains and rogues are in State Prison- (What a blessed thing it would be if. this latter clause were fact! We wonder where some railway managers would be then.) Accidents will oocur, that escape the most rigid scru tiny. Wheels break wheu least expected, axles ditto, rails ditto, chairs also. Murderous villains will place obstnrtions on the track, and numerous causes con spire to make,a prompt stoppage of the train a fre quent necessity. It will not do, Messrs. Railway offi cers, for yon to say in reply to this, you toe bored to death by new improvements of all sorts, and do not know what or how to decide; you ought to know} and if you do not, you should confide in the better judg ment of those who do. It ia a poor way to shirk your responsibility by saying those are the opinions of some over-sanguine iuventor, and entitled to no considera tion. They are stubborn fnota. which we are prepared at all times to substantiate. We make no statements ,wo are not prepared to prove; and we think we have given a sufficient amount of thought and study to the subject of railroad accidents to know what wiU pro duce the largest amount of orfety In railway transit. Our familiarity with railroad mechanism dates book as lar as 1882, and we are egotistic enough to think that wo cannot be charged with being a novice. Perhaps the greatest amount ot difference in our case,, as against that of most inventors, Is this: We never.came be fore the public until we had a tried, proved, ahdpsr fsotbd ihybntioh; we consequently have novor hod to unsay anything. ■ We wish railroad officers to understand as early ss possible that we are not to be classed with those who present them improvements of untried and doubtful value, nor do we sell patent rights and sake omponics to incur the expenses and trouble of experiments. Wo know just exactly what we propose to do, and we In tend to doit, and we also intend that every rai’rood company in the Union shall adopttbis improvement or some other equally ss good for tne purpose. It Is to be hoped that the time is nearlr at hand when railroad trains shsll be better controlled than hereto fore. There has been altogether too much trusting to luck in these matters, and It will not do Wd urge all companies to adopt our improvement at oaoe, while wo are selling ohoap’; you will come to It; gentlemen, and yon will evince your wisdom and forethought by acting promptly end buying it while you can (oh>««p); and as an evidence cf our good faith and honesty of purpose, we will say that we will furnish the machines for the entire paaseng*r eqclpment of anyroad, and •will allow four monibatrial before settlement, and each company Bhall belts own judge as to wh other tho im provement is desirable This precaution, we under take to say, will promote the security of life and pro pertyjn railway trains to an extent hitherto ueknowu, or,'to.use tho laconlo language of tho late Nicholas Doan, its universal adoption would mark a new era In the safety or life and property conveyed by railroads. We refer, in conclusion, to anyef the officers, engi neers, or master-mechanics of thq following r*ads: Hudson River. Cleveland and Toledo, Terre Haute and Richmond, Michigan Central, Old Colony and Fall Bivor, Panama, &o , &0., *O. U. 8. RAILROAD OAR-BRAKE CO., ' _ „ , No. 81 PINE Bt., N. T. W. G. CflEiMii, Bae’y. . nol2-f t-18t PRIVATE LESSONS IN DANCING. MUSIO and KNGHSH BRANCHES. A Lady. experienced In Instruction, la dealrous of obtaining puplla in tho above acoompUahmenta. olaMea meeting twWanca received an the mr»t favorabla terms. All the fashionable Danoss taught In Twelve Lessons. Address “ Visiting Governess,” Blood’s Dl- Watch, dlO-lm-if TV*. E. MoOLELLAN, ■ i**. Removed to No, ,UU. WAINUT Btre.t, - dW-lw Nortteant comsr of fiftmthatmt. Stowing. Gr. B wt i* e ' m b n’s; goods. * vi - , ; The largest Rflßortmoat In the city, and comprising ittio neweifetylei of— FANOY SOAItFH, J Nf-PK-TIkS, - - ofiovia, 1 • j HANDKsnOiUEFS, MUFFLERS, SHAWLS. DRESSING GOWNS. SMOKING CASS, Ac. SUITABLE IfOR . HOLIDAY presents. [ Also, every description of, Shirts, Collars, Under shirt*, Drawers, HalDHoae. Suspenders, &o.» will be found at * • • i ’ ' SPENCER’S, ! ■ '■NO. 839 CHESTNUT STREET, ADJOINING THIS GIRARD HOUSE. Snx ©ooira# Jp’tTß'S FOR LADIES. A LARQB AEBOBTMBNT IB OMEBED 0? ELEGANT AND FASHIONABLE FURS, , CONSISTING OP BEAD- SABLE, MARTIN, MI»K, PITCH, AND OHINOHILLA, • AT VERY LOW PRICES, Bt "DAVID H. SOEIS, NO. 022 AKOH STREET, ABOVE SIXTH. dlfrtf. . ~ - av ■ ijoliilaji @oob. GOODS CHRISTMAS AND THE HOLIDAYS, W.D.GLENN, , HO. 28 SOUTH IOtJRIH STREET, Offers nt, low prices a large variety of now goods of bis own importation, consisting In part of—-- INDIES’ TRAVELLING BAGS AND OABAS, PAPIER MAUHE WORK-BOXE3, DESKS &o, ’ . .TOILET BOTTLES, < - Richly Gilt and Decorated. •fTORTEMONNAIBS AND POCKET-BOOKS, 1 • wv. In great variety. • • ; ’ FANCY INKBTANDB, . In Bronze, Porcelain, Glass, &o. OABD OAfIBB, CIGAR OASES, CIGAR STANDS, In Rosewood and Ebony. * DRESSING CASKS AND PORTABLE DSBKS. "" MEMORANDUM - > AND BALL TABLETS. -■ ODOR BOXS9 AND GLOVE BOXEB. MEDALLIONS IN PLASTIC IVORY. • SCOTCH WOOD PANOV ARTICLES, SN P ; ' BOXES, &o. ' : - CHESSMEN, BACKGAMMON BOARDS • Together with many other articles, to all rf whiohth attention of dealers and the publio Is lari ted. (Express (Companies. R 5 wnr ci^iwjBCTnHOLIDAY PRESENTS* The ADAMBBXPRE3S COM* PAttY win give particular attention and care to the forwarding of HOLIDAY PRESENTS intended for re sidents of other cities. Thewtiolw should he well packed, sod addressed with the same of street and Dumber of dwelling. When the.deUTSry is desired oU ft particular date, it should be noted ou the package Philadelphia, December 9. JOHN BINGHAM, Bupt., Peon Division. dlO-dtjal* if ikmouals. JJEtMOVAL. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, HAS REMOVED TO No. 1128 CHESTNUT BTRBET, ~ - 18180 8008 BSX.OW SWBLFTH. . - •; South Bide, Where he U prepared to execute all orders In hie line, having on hand* full supply of GOODS for Gentle* men’* wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON, No. 1120 OHEBTNUT Street. n25-Bm-ir ifloneg* FARGO, & 00., 400 CQBSTNUT STREET, Purchase the Interest , COtfFOHS ( ' ~ _ ’ i \ » Off OALIffOBNIA, j CdT.tjtl |j. E d" MEAT.—The subscriber hM tiuL - commeoeedmanofecturlng hie KB PLUS ULTRi MINOKD MEAT, -which he offers to hi* customers tu Urge or east! qum titlea Oroers through Blood’s Dl*p%tcb will he puno tually attonded to- JOSHUA WRIGHT, ‘-SPBISG GARDEN and JPRANKLIN Sts., « dfr.lmdf , . - Philadelphia. HOUSEKEEPERS, LOOK TO TOUR JLI, INTXBBBT.—Great Bednotion in the price of OOAL. Cheapest and best. The subscriber having made -contracts for his supply 0! Coal, is enabled to olTar very superior Family Coal at the following re duced prices: Broken Egg and Btove-..........54 00 per ton CooUog 876 “ “ Large Nut...~ 860 “ • « Small Nat,,.. 825 “ " Warranted td‘ give satisfaction and full weight in all “o*B6* at Hick’s Old. Central Yard, 8. E. cor. MARSHALL and WILLOW Streets. d9-Sm HP. & w. C- TAYLOR'S * ' PHILETREIRA A complete HAIR DYE and Dressing together, em bracing. In high perfection, all that is requisite for Coloring. Eofienfog, and'Beautifying the Hair. To be had at .the principal Drug and Variety Stores, and of the Manufacturers, 641 North NINTH Jitreet, Philadel phia. dIQ-lm A Grand Terrapin Lnnoh at Bryan’s Onr Home, Library street, above Fodrtb< from eleven to twelve o’olook This Day. N. B.—Old Stock Ale and Choice Llqaora and Cigars always on hand. It* 1 Brick-making machine.—The only practical one in uto. Machines—County and State rights for sale, patented February 2d, 1868. Re ference can he given, where they can be seen daily at work, by addressing 0- OARNELL, Germantown road, abovo Fifth street, Philadelphia. dlo-3m* • /COUNTRY PHYSlClANS.—Advertisers \J who wish to reach COUNTRY PHYSICIANS, es pecially at the South • and West, in the best possible manner, can do so through the MEDICAL AND SUR GICAL REPORTER, published wisely, in this city. Subscription price, S 3 per annum, in advance. Also, A LARGE CITY CIRCULATION. Address the EDITOR, 701 ARCH Street, Philadel phia dlo-frtuth-8t» TV'OTlOE—Subscribers to Imlay & Bicknell’s' I' Reporter, by calling at the Office of Publication, can receive slipa describing the new Counterfeits upon the Lalghton Bank, Lalghton, Mass., and upon the Far mers Bank, Bangor, Maine. It CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.—Personawiah \-J ing to make an appropriate and valuable present oandoso-by pmebasinga barrel “St Louis,”Ken tucky, Ohio, or Harper’s Ferry, (Va.) Extra Family Floor, and Monroe oounty Premium Buckwheat Meal, from ALLMAN &IZEQNDEB, It* Fourth and Vine. QPENINGDAY OF 'WINTER HATS. OAKFo R D 5 S WILL OPBH ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER BT2V, The most beautiful and unique styles or DRE SS HATS Ever before offered to Gentlemen. OAKFORD’S, d7-St NO. 6M CHESTNUT STREET. ROCfERIES.—^O; DONOGHUB, .16 3. U.3T WATER Street, offers for sale, to rednoehis stock during this month, at reduced prices for Cseh, Philadelphia end New York Bteam Refined Sugar and Syrup of various grades, Prime Coffee. Cuba and New Crop New Orleans Molasses, Sifted Pepper, and Ada raautine Candles d(Mm* All in want of brushes sbouia go to CLINTON’S NEW BRUSH EMPORIUM, No 098 Chestnut street, above Ninth street. The same variety cannot be found elsewhere/ nor the same quali ty bought for the same money. Here can be found Brushes of eveiy imaginable character—for the Toilet, the Artist’s Studio, and for Household purposes. UO-8t RD. SCOFIELD, IMPORTER OF HA * VANA CIGARS—La Normandes, La Fire Flys, La Blticas, Figaros, Maria Antonleta, Pressed; Florde Rio Beco Regalias, Plor de L&Pat, Jose Ma. Vlchats, CamplitU*ntos, and many other brands of superior qua lity, at reduced prices, No. 837 Chestnut street, under Girard Home. d9lm Auction, commission, and gene- UALAGBKOY BUSINESS —P WELLINGTON having permanently located blroseir at Pensacola, Fla., informa the public in general that he has opened on PAL AFOX Street, nearly opposite the Market House, a general Auction, Commission, and Agency Business, and would respectfully solicit consignments of all kinds of goods and merchandise for Auction, or on Commis sion. d6-mwAf2niAW2m S SNYDER LEIDY—J AS. M. LEIDY, • PHnclpala of DEIDY BROTHERS’ ACADEMY, Nos. 149 and 150 SIXTH STREET, near Race, where a knowledge of WRITING. BOOK-KEEPING, and ARITHMETIC la made certain to every pupil that may enter, ACADEMY open day and evening, DEWING machines. ►3 BAVAQ-fl’S PATENT. THI MOST BJMPLH—MOST PHBVBOT. No. 782 OHE3TNOT STREET. The most desirable Sawing Machines for Families vet nwdo. d 8 Imlt# CHEESE. —500 Hoses Herkimer County CHEESE, of superior quality, for Bale by ' ' O. 0. BADLER, & CO., d 9 ATtOH fit., second door below Front.' PORK.— 409 barrels New Mess Pork for ■ale by • . 0. 0. SADLER A CO., d 9 ATtOII 8t. r second door below Front. GIN.t-80 Pipes (Dutch Company’s) in bond, usd for sale by Wit. H. YEATON, 210 B. FftUNT 8i uo% i'v.w-vsr.r'.v: QBE AT 'DI SP IrA* MOURNING- GOQDS. IN EVERY VARIETY! PRESENTS FOR LADIES fnr MO'tXßisrajTa-. COLLARS, SLEEVES, LAOS SETS, . CRAPE SETS, HANDKERCHIEFS. PANS, HAIRPINS, ' '■ ‘ - BRACELETS, ' ; BROOCHES, f SCARES, " ( VEILS, „ ‘ ' GLOVES, SILKS, - CHINTZES, MOUO. DELAINES, VALENCIAS, PLAIDS, SBAWLB, OLOAKB,' • HOSIERY, BALMORAL SKIRTS, LAOS MITS, KID GAUNT LETS, BLACK DRESS GOODS. BESSON & SON, MOURNING STORE, 808 CHESTNUT STREET. PATENT BOILED BLACK SILKS, Biisi OLOBBT, HKAVT, AMD DUBIBLM! FAMILY MOURNING. The subscribers have secured a large stock of BLACK GOODS, suitable for winter wear, consisting in part of— MBBINOKB. . ' - ' THIBET LONG SHAWLS, CASHMERES, BLANKET DO. BOMBAZINES, BE AV’BCLOTH CLOAKS, ALPACAS, CRAPE VEILB, . - MODS. DB LAINBS, MODE OR LOVE VEILS, D ‘UBLB WIDTH DO, OitAPE OOLLARS, StMISESr 6LEEYEB, 4'AHAMaTTAB, ENGLISH CRAPES, BOMBAZINE ALPACAS, KID GLOVES. BABPOCRB, FLEECY BILK GLOVES, SATIN DB CHINES. LAMB’S WOOL HOSE, POULT DB SOIE SILKS, FLEECY SILK HOSE, GROS GRAIN SILKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, ABMURE& DULL BILKS, BLACK AND WHITE CHINTZES, BLACK MOUS3BLINEB, &o. BESSON & SON. PHILADELPHIA FAMILY MOUfiNING STORE, 80S OEOTSTSTTJT STREAT. GOODS—BEMOYAL. JOSHUA L. BAILY, Having removed to hi. NEW STORE, NO. 218 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, HAS HOW OPSN An entirely now and sttraotlve STOOK of WINTER DRY GOODS, * FOR SALE BY THE PIECE OR PACKAGE, TO CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-OREDIT BUYERS AT A GREAT REDUCTION raox RECENT PRICES. dlo-12t SPBO$ PB0I ‘ AI * REDUCTION, ACCORDING TO ODE USUAL CUSTOM, AT THIS SEASON. WE WILL COMMENCE ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 6TH, TO BELL OUR LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OP ' SHAWLS, , QOODS,' &i., GREAT REDUCTION FORM KR PRICES CLOAK DEPARTMENT. In this Department a oorreapondtng Reduction will be made, in order to keep oar large number of hands In the klannfaetnrlng Rooms employed daring the winter. OUSTOMEBB IN WANT OF CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WILL FIND IT BREATLY TO THEIR ADVANTAGE BXAHINE THIS STOCK, THOS. W. EVANS & CO., 818 CHESTNUT STREET. Beaver raglans. An attractive stock Ladies* Cloaks and Raglans, First-class work and materials. COOPER A CONARD, d 7 8. 2. corner NINTH A MARKET Sts. Valencia plaids. Two fresh lots of these G»y Plaids. Bayadere, Oaahmeres, and Valencias. One lot figured wool Be Lslne* at 25 cents.- COOPER A CONARD, d 7 8. E. corner NINTH A MARKET Sts. fiHRISTHAS PRESENTS. V*/ Merrimao Prints. 18# et. Gay Delaines. 16 ot. and 18# ct Dress Goods of various kinds, reduced from 26. „ . . Good Blankets, Warm Shawls, Pine Brocbe Shawls. COOPER A CONARD, d 7 8. £. eorner NINTH A MARKET St«. Black beaver cloths. Heavy Beavers. Pine Black Cloths. Large lots Clothe from Auction marked at a small ad* vance. Blacks $1.25 to $3 60. Heavy Grays and Drabs $1 to $1.76 COOPER A CONARD, '.,dlMt* AYonng Man, tt/grednate of the Central High School, des r/a a sitesflon ns Assistant Clerk.' 1 A;bertabn,” N 0.16 Caielioa Btreet. . \V ANTED— edacatedlady, a'sitjia - V tliraaa GouaßkeeperorGbverueW.lnarespeotar Die private family, .litre aba'- will aecnre the comfort. i£i* „ mo - GoodreferenoeagiTan. Addrea. •'Mixon,” tblaoßca, , ( dlO-dt# W-*^TED—To. exchange for city , lots, , . 1 ’ .ad Bood. of a Oompuiy whieb promisee .Adflre.jGK..tthiaefflea, V^TANTED—By & young married conple, a * T , jL^ nl where tbe rent may be laban ‘ A s ' ” “ftbla pttper. ISTANTED—A loan of $2OO for 4 months’. VV, Undoubted aaanrifa- and goid Interest will be giraa. - Addreaa Finance,* 1 at tile oOae. dlOJt* A*/'’ANTED—On or .keford the'lst of Jann- V v ary, asi tuition by 4 competent youa* man,(e good penmiu. and jadgO bf 'modey,) in e Whulesaie Grocery,- Provision, or Produce' Commission Hou««, u Book-keeper or Salesman.-City mod Country reference. Address “ H..Harrißon,” Prtss OfflcO/thUday, or De- after to-day, ,/r . dlO St* XXT ANTED .—A' yoßng, energetic' bnainesa V V Man la desirous of investing 212.000 fn a bn.l nesa already establlahad,' that wlllyield-a fair retain for the capital. - Address “F, D.” ' ■r. rr. d9-6t*..- WANTED—By a yonng, man/ar sitaatidn * .a Salriman tnaCoramtiudon Dry Oooda Bona.. The moat aecptable xeferancu can be given. Address v “ Salesman,” atthla offlee. y,~\, 'idSefltji-- .1690 non —■*■ GENTLEMAN wished We, to form a Partnareblp in tbe Ex. ?”d Money, or Note Brokerage Bnaine-a; w.U innuab from ten to twenty thoGfan'l dollars. Those de sirous cr forming a oonneetton of Uiis.kind, and who thoroughly understand the business, and can rive refer ence, address tl Broker,” at PriaTofflce. . 8 dB-6t# , ANTED—To Rent, for the winter sea-' with' Immediate poaaearioau-a Furnished house of moderate also,.with modern improvements* west of Tenth- street. Address Ai M. J , offlee of thie paper. a oo* , THE UNITED STATES -* • CAVALRY—>AbIe-bodied, unmarried mm:7 to whom will be giv*® good pay, boanl. albthinif, and medical attendance. Pay from *l3 to Wpermontk/ ?® 2?SrfelJaSf wiU be doomed; Apply fw MOTJSTW> SENIOR at No. 817- MARKET Btmt' •bore Eighth, north side. jfor XTOB SALE .--A large amonnt of yaloabla A Real Estate in thsTowbs of Miuneapolis f ; btiU-' water, Hastings, Little Falls, Crow Wing, and Glencoe. - and 1,100 acres of wild lands in Minnesota. To Oario talista desiring substantial and, r paying .investmehm,- these are rare ehanees." Address or.apply to P, REEOE. No. 9 North Front street...’do«2t* •/ Mwalnut-sthbet house 1 fob SALE, No. 1223, north TffBLFTHr 24 leet front by 168 deep,'.with large Dining-room .'nur« : eery,- and Kitchen, and every oonleaienca. . *12.000 may - remain on mortgage. Apply to, E. 8. Whelan A Co.; 309 Walnut street. • * ’ d9-dlofc-rp TO BE LETH-The,2d, 3d, aoental iron fronts and isln one of the best business locations.'. The present oobupahte design moving to a larger store;. Apply oh ses. . ,w * *" V* dB-tf INTENSIVE PUBLIC SALE OP dHNI JCi BUBEB. ' l % .- t Willte gold at Public Sale, onMOJfDAT HOBtflB&t Betember 20,18fi8,b/ JAMBS A, JRESMAN. tioneer, atthe Depot of the;* Second and _Th!rd«ftt*ei Pasaenger’lUilxojd/ia RICHMOND, Reading Railroad, about, r 80 biffNIBXJBBJS, . T ; Being the Stock of Messrs. Glenit, £«o| Bone;, FeV ten, Vansci-rer, andDwchatnpa. Aleo, v 40 SLEIOHS; , With a number of extra Wheels, and a large quantity of Harneu, of the above Lines. . - ,i •» _t The attention of . Purehasen Is invited to the above, sale, u it comprises the Stock of several of the largeat UneeintlieOitjofPhiladelphia., £7 ORDER 07 ’ r JAMES VERREE, FioiMent. gjj TO INSURANCE OFFICES. , OFFIO* ROOMS TO LET. . . '•Tbreo Beautiful - ... COU N l I N-Q- BOOM.bV ■- ; In : Grigg’* Fire-Proof Baildiug,on the'Seeood floor, 1 front, Ifo. 226 WALNUT Street,luitatteforlsrarancs,' or anybthsrGompanieaneeding communicating room*. - .. JOHNGRtGG, , r 826 WALNUT StrwrtL •' BOABDIKG.— i lady and twodangfcler*” rviah Board for the winter. in a private family. “ Address, stating terms. “ Amelia,” office of Tht fnss. dlO-W -r , . ; •> rr «-/- BOARDING.— Several_ gentlemen can ob tain good .JBoarflft KILLINGBWOBTHf No 41 NorthTENTH Street. • - v.• • . rdo-6l*: BOARDING.— Several highly respected persons will find desirable board In a respectable private family. Location central:' Address * 1 A' Ar,»* office of TAe Press. v-p-w c9Bt*' WHEATLEY k OLABK£’ ff AROH-ST. TV THEATRE .—William 8. Fredericks, Acting aid Stage Manager. THIS (Friday) EVENING. December 10,1889, OUR AMERICAN COUSIN. - * Asa Trenchant, our American Cousin, Mr.J. 8. Clark; Lord Dundreary, Mr. Wheatley. SIMPSON & CO.- ;Mr. Simpson,Mr, Gilbert; Mrs. dimpaon, Mrs. Drew. Admission, Sects. Secured Seats in Dress Ourole, tt7M eta; Orchestra Stalla L 6O eta; Seats in Private Boxes, to eta; Gallery, 13 ots: Gallery for Colored Persons, 26 cte; Private Box In Qallary fcir Colored Persons, 88 eta; Whole Private Box, |B. ' Doors open at half past 8 o'clock; oomaenee at T, precisely. •'' ~ ? , MBS. D. F. BOWERS*. WALNUMT. THEATRE, corner of NINTH and LWALNOT Streets. »v* ..v~ r BENEFIT OF HISS J. M. DiVENPORT. . THIS (Friday) EVENING, December 10,1818, MEDEA. Medea, Hifs Daresport; Orensa, Miss filchings; Cri tia, Mrs. Perry; Cleon,Mr Young; Jason, Mr. Perry. OUR WXFfi. Marquis de Ligny, Mr. Perry; Bosine. Hiss Richlegs. - Prices of admission—Second Tier and Family Ulnae,' and Third Tier, 26 cents; Parquet, 37)4 cents; Dress Circle, 60 cents;-Private Boxes, according to their locale, Bft and 86; Single Seats in Orohestr* and Private* Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at half past-d o’dock; Curtain rises at 7 o'clock. RATIONAL CIBQTTS, WALNUT ST., it above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, Manager. THIS (Friday) EVENING, December 10,1868, , - THE CONRAD BBOTHEBS. ’ EQUESTRIAN FEATS, GYMNASTIC FEATS, By all the Company. The performance concluding with the ballet of the COOPERS. - E Principal characters by the Foster and Denier troupe. SCALE OF PRICES. Dress Oireleand Parquette.............. v «..i0 oeats. Children under ten years of age ...20 “ Family Circle 20 « Doers open at quarter to 7 o’clock. Performance* will commence at 7, and terminate at 10)4, precisely. Performances on Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons. . ITOE PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OP JL THE FINE ARTS, No. 1025 CHESTNUT STREET, IS OPEN DAILY (Sundays excepted) from 9-A. M. till 8 P. M. Admission 26 cents. Children 12 oeuta. Shares of Stock, entitling th* holder’s family to ad mission at all times, 880. 1 . , dT-tf CJANTOBD’S OPERA HOUSE, to ELEVKNIH Btrwt, adjoining tha ranMjlmala BaUroad Depot, for the patrons of sanyord’b opera house. I HIS EVENING, Will be presented Sanford’s true vewien of ANDY’B DRSAH; 08, THE MAGIC APPLE. The largest Company of UINBTBBLB IN THB WORLD. EVERY EVENING New Songs, Glees, OkotttMf, Refrains, Ao., with Dancing by the BANVORD CHILDREN. Admission 26 cents; OhUdren 12# oenttf. d4*tf Assembly buildings, tenth and CHESTNUT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change of Programme eaeh Exhibition. The LEARNED 01* NARY BIRDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Go and see BIGNOR BLITZ. The great Ventriloquist and wonderful Magidan, Performance every Evening dorjng the week, at half-past 7 o’clock and mi Wednesday and Saturday Af ternoons at 8. _ _ _ Admission, 25cents; Children, 18eents. nott-lm* i’l/lUSIOAL FUND HALU.—THE GEB- Ifi haN IA OBOHESTRA will oommenoe their Pnbllo REHEARSALS on BATURDAY next. Not. 20th. Single Ticket* 26 cents; a package of eight tiokets for fl, wkieh may be obtained at Andre’s, liOd Chestnut street; Beck A Lawton's, oorner of Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door of the Hall. The per formance eommenoosat 8# o'cloohP.M. nol?-tf £JABBIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS. 00A0H AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Ordtn (or CARRIAGES from all parta of tbo world «x ecu tod wit], promptness, and ootlefactloo goarantlod. i.IS-Bmtf' ' 1002 JSAAO P. BBANIN, 4 LIGHT COACH a CARRIAGE BUILDER, frankeobdTpa. All work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders res pectfully solicited. nolo>Bm* (gLEIGHS, SLEIGHS. A largo lot of all sirae, for sale by S. W. JACOBS, mkwlOt 026 ARCH Etrwt. FISH.— 635 Barrels Nos. I, 2, and 8 Macke rel. 80 do and florets Salmon. , 40 do Seafifcad. t ‘ , 246 do Mackinaw White Fish. * . 437 do Halifax and Eastport Herring, 600 Boxes Scaled Hen-leg. Also, .. 630 Quintals Ground B%t>k Codfish, ft** salebv * “ 0. BADLSR& 00., _ . 4f ARCS flt*» m«ob4 door abeTt Erent* : I. H. MOOBE, . IstUtut/lst Dragoons, , ' Offloer.^ i SoaiMna^T amusements. GREAT BILL Carriages.