: Later frpnLrJfew, Mexico* JDOO.2 ~Tiu>{flrat .direct mail from Albu-; New.Mexlco, arrived at Neosho, Missouri, on, -\thaA7fh nU.'j thirty-one' day* out.*- The mail,Sria.-inter-’ rupted byawalr-party of Kiowalndiabs] buti flhdtffb&i the mail party, weundiug the principal chief, putitbehi to flight. The mail which left Neosho on the 16th Qofc. 'vrat not seen or beard of' Mr. Hall,' who'conducted the' snail, travelled without mapor compass, and expresses the opinion that the time'can be reduced to twenty-one ’"ddySr . . • -- "V ‘ ' The 'Slaver ( Echo. Case—A Writ of. : j Habeas Corpus, v- «/*?,’*'_** • -'OotuMaii, S. 0., Pec';2 —The&ouo&el for the 1 prison ers in the slaver Echo case, to-day petition** fo? awnt of Attieur corpus, to bring-tho prisoners before court to show 1 reason why they should not be detained longer in custody . The court granted the' writ;whlch4* made returnable on Saturday, at ten o’clock. 1 Tlijs will bring bp the evidence and argumenUn the case.. TheOrsnd Jury has been farther discharged until Monday.. . The impression appears to be that the prisoners wilU}* «?W| and ih6’case be taken to another district. ~ : . -/ Congressional Election in jllmoifi- t Er- Louis. Pee 2.-**Gorernor BlssolLof Illinois, has issnod a proclamation celling, a>peolarelection, to bo, held on the 4th of January, to .ftU. the-vacancy oeea-’; 'eloped by thedcith of Bon Thomas L Harris. THE CITY. .;WAhtrof' Spßß&T Theatre, —This evening Miss AQna .'Orniao, an established' and well-descrvlhg actress, takes a Farewell Benefit/ The* perform ances'wNl consist of' “Loop Year,’’ wlthrMies CruiseU3 Itfiss O'Leary; dancing Uy Miss Lud-, lain; and “The Irish Emigrant,” in.which.John T>rcw will appear, the fair beneficiare appearing as Hatty with songs. Though Miss Cruise bos not played much, of late,.at.Walnut-street-Tfceafiro, the publio cannot forget hor many excellencies,* and we only do her justioe when wo say that off' the stage as’weira&ttpefttfj she has won, by high desert. the good .opinion and wishes of all who know her. If there be anything likeVgallantry among ns; Miss. Cruise most have a great house this ovening. ‘ ; Elegant and Plain Residences, Business* Stands, Farm,' Country- Skat, sale oh Tuesday noxfc, 17th instant—sixteen proper*, of them very valuable, and to be sold poremptorily. See Thomas & Sens* • advertise*. i&oaUu - - ‘ 11 ; IMPORTANT AHBKSTB—LOTTERY AGENTS Oaf rnJWDViTH all tosir Paiapubbualia,—Porsome! Iltae past several of onr efficient detective police officer* hare been oa the qui vine for the agents of the Jlary laod-lottery, who nave been carrying on a very exteo-, sire business la this city for some time past,' and have ‘obtained large sums of money from many persons who were iliy able to Jose what has been wasted Jn this; manner;' Perhaps there is no' business carrledten in our city that has - been * the meaaa of reducing so many of eur cltißoas to a point almost' verging on starvation, ■■ as this nefarious imposition. The poorer classes are the Odes who suffer most, who, after once commencing, are irresistibly led on by the hops of growing suddenly rich - , Testerday afternoon one of the officers tracked one of the notorious gang (there being three In number) to their headquarters at the eorner of Beeond and Walnut streets. When the officers reached the establishment, and entered with one of the exchange clerks, a scene followed which beggars description. Cries of murder were raised by the alarmed and highly-terrified, And doubtless guilty men, but'the officers nolens voletts hastily secured-them. They found on tho promisee about thirty thousand dollars worth of lottery tickets, books, BChomee, and all the modus operomli for car* rjing on an extensive, and, to them, highly profitable business. They wore the agents for the Palapsco, Belle Air, and Roauoko lottery companies, The man* ner in which they telegraphed their numbers from one point to another displayed an ingenuity and tact worthy of abetter cause./ Instead of using figures they used the nam°s of arti cles, animals, Sco. For instanoe, if the numbors were 1,45, 60~they wanted to telegraph, they would send words like hat, dog, shoe, which Would represent the above numbers. For tho purpose of avoiding detection, it was necessary to change the names or figures every 4ay. ro M to elude the vigilance of the telegraph ope rators. The parties were tften before Aldermao Free men, auiieverally held to bail for a further hearing, as their counsel, Mr. Brewster, was engaged In .the Alliboneand Newhall ease. - * - Great credit is due to detective'* police officers Schlemm, Mlrkil, Smith, and Wood/ who, by th*ir Un tiring efforts, and unceasing vigilacoo; have succeeded in “bearding the' lion In-hfs den ” The above named officers also secured a lot of the small fry engaged in the same'business In consequence of. this descent having been made, many a dark office, with glazed window and green curtaiu, was closed before the usual hour, and the occupants and frequenters -thereof could be sees standing around the corners Poking wise atone another, and as If'they were suspected of having dab bled In the lottery tickets. Even the colored popula tion, who have been running, their fancy numbers, seemed to feel the' shook; aod regretted tho unsuccess ful denoaoment oftheirloogcherished plans.- r ' FXRB,—BQtw.een thr eeand four o’clock yea ferday morning/' Officers Dishing and' Naulty, ,of the Ninth district, discovered,a Ore at a house in Qebhard’s 0 art, Carlton street, between; Sixteenth and Seven tear tb. The house was occupied by Patrick Cahill and family. Patrick was' charged by-hls .wife with having fired the buildiog, and was taken to the Central Station house, where the. matter was under investigation yes terday by lire detective Blackburn. Several Are ■ com panies came upon the’ground; but the flames wore ex tinguished before they, arrived.. ' . ; - \ Goboneb’s Inquests.— Coroner Fenner he/d an inquestxesterday, on the body of CharlesSnitb, who fell deadib the ilfe*t; ou Tuesday afternoon, and ren dered a verdict of death from “ natural causes. 55 Ho was a very industrious mao, and leaves a wife and tiro children. \ . > ■* Patrick Devetroy, a child six weeks of age, son of John Bevenny, residing in Eighth street, below Fitz water, was overlaid on Tuesday night,'by its mother. From the evidence elicited, it appears that the mother was almost constantly Intoxicated. Every effort has been used by her husband to reform her, but without avail;- It is to be hoped this will prove a solemn warn fog to and be the means of effecting her reforma tion. The coroner held an inquest yesterdiy, and ren dered a verdict of death from gross neglect and careless ness on the part of the mother. . A women named Elizabeth Finnegan. sged fifty yean;' residing fa Broad street, below Shippeo, died very sud denly on Tuesday evening, of heart disease. The Coroner held an inquest yesterday afternoon, and ren dered a verdict acoordingiy. Child Bubbed. — Yesterday morning, a child of John Smith, residing in. Sixteenth street, be low Washington, was badly burned by Its clothes taking fire from a chimney place. Accident. — Yesterday afternoon, about 1 o’clock, one of the horsea of the Second and Thh data. Passenger Railway ran off, and after slashing the front part of one of the ears, fell down and broke his leg. . ' ; Fine.—A. slight tire was discovered last 1 night eb ut 11 o’clock, in the Fourteenth ward, in Par rish street, below Thirteenth, id Watson’s coach fac tory. It was discovered bj’Officer'Gambling, who promptly, with the sid of a raw buckots of water, suc ceeded in saving a large Amount of valuable property. FINANCIAL AM) COMMERCIAL. The Mohor Market# - * rnita»M.rHiA, Dec. 2,1858. - In the stockmarkel tfaere' is no change to record, pHeea rwuairiligaboat the same, with small sales. . Fancy stock* are very dull,-and without a prospect of 7 euly improvement. Money la easy for good paper, bat v notmdiiy found for Investment in anything of at all dbubtfulcharacter. The Evtning Bulletin collects the tonnage, of the Beading Railroad Oompaoy, and tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company for the last four yesre, as Th* figure* ftpeak.for themselrc*: Beading 8.8. Lehigh V*I.B, .It ...2 213.292 9.003 ~.2.088,903- - 163.740 - - 1,709 651 - 418,235 .1,642,691 470,998 ■1665 ,'1857.'..,.. The new sill of the Montour Iron Works, at Dan* viUe,‘Vas 4 put Into operation- last weak. It baa been .standing idle for upwards of a year. Tbe extensive rolling mill at Colombia, Pa., was sold at sheriffs sale on the 6th uf., and was nought by the .Columbia Bank-fox $22,400. PHILADELPHIA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, December 2, 1858. RSfO&TSD BT KABLET, BROTHf, & 00., BAIfS’KOTX, STOOX, 1 AHD EIOHAHOE BROKRRSj EORTHBEOT OOBXBft THUD 4»D OHBBTHOT STREETS. . .... WEST BOABT>. 2600 Oitj 6s. R.O&P 99 2000 Saia Canal 6*.. 36V }lOOO d 0... ,0&P B 9» 6 Sn'o&Brie 8.... 15 1000 His«ltoti Bda... OIT 4 Bear Meadow.. 60 >loooReadingß6s J 7O SO 2 d0.....’..;.. 60 " '6OO MP«tmaß6s.ch 62# 100 Beading 8....55 25 V W"* do. 02# 300 do.,** 26v d 0,.,,...... 63# 100 do.,.*..CMh 25# 1000 qatawlsta R 7m. 48# 100 d0,.....0a5b 26k 1000 v do os«b 48# • 8 HarrJaburg R... 69 -lOOOUWghNares.i 98 24NPennaS 8k 1000. -d0......... -98 J 2 Minehlll R 01# £OO d0,.........,08 300Bohuyl N*r..... 9 260, do 9S 1 Meobaßank...; 33# .1000 Susq Canal 6a b& 36# * BETWEEN 25000 Poona ss, Coops " aSwn 97 H . 100 City 6s 99 12# 0 Gas...2ds 127# TMeohißk 28 8 ' do 28 18, do. 28 - V. . SECOND MOO City 6«,n,CJcP 103 ,1000 80b Nar os, ’B2. 71# 200 \ d0.71# 1902 do, M 71k 18300 ; do *72 86 . 10000at'a7B, coupon 52 1000 -d0,.,.; 43V 3000 doObatlQ*. 67 1600 Read R da ’gs.bS 74# CLOSING PBH l BOARDS. 10 Union Bk, Tenn »swn 09)4 10 Miaehlll B eij 2 do'. 61V JOO Beading R... 56 20 X 100 do 25 L' 2 FarAMeo 8k... 60 > BOARD. 40SahuylNav..,,. 0 ' 60 Penn Tojrn’p Bk 36. 6 oam& Am ~, s 5 117 3 do b 5 117 100 Beading II .. s 6 26% 25 tfecbsßk, lota, 28 OOPenaa R; lota.. 42K 3 Girard Bank.... 11% 6 Commercial Bk. 60% [OE3—STEADY, i Jiid.Aaked, Bek Nav Stock... 8% 0 do Pref lfijf 16# Wmsp’t&Blmß.lO *lov do 7alatmtg.72 73 „ do 2d..61 -62 Long inland.. Girard Bank A\% 12- Leh Coal&Nav...soft 60ft do Scrip ..29 29$ N Penna R Bft 8% do . 6s 62 62ft Now Oretk % ft Oa*awis*a ft.... 0 0$ Lehigh Zina 1 1% Bid.Ashr.d. ...... 99 99# ' do 99. 99# '9s , | fio v 'do ’80,74 # 74#' P«nn4E.........42# 48 I ,v'do lrtm.fti..,lo2#lo2 ::4t> jjdm 6*,...91; 9l#| -• MorrUOso C0n..43 49# v v*d* J»wf. v.,. .108 r 109# V#oWrt»ar6fl J 82,71# 71# 0b..78# 74# v|JfdiTS~ITEJM[-S. ) r E«RotJTB ,Yj6r /WABHiEGtOK.—Quite a number •of Honorable H. C.'aare la fowa en route for the Wo leant tblat very many ot them will, before Jeavmg, mat bn friend M- T. Willis, at B* H. Eldridge’s lOli.fnttUin HaU Clothing Emporium, ifco. 321 Chest— imfc atreetj for the. purpose of: providing themselret tjlothlpgsuiUble td theapproaehrng gay cessonat tbe National Capital. ; Those of ourreadirs.who have sot, jeCdtfne £oj ihonld *yalllbbmeftWee of the present op- db ' - “THij PBKRSTXVAKii' BXjiK trial of \ihOPenfiflyivania Bank case isabrorbing public attea* - ,'tloflfca'nd there are all sorts of surmUes as to the result; UdderstpOd that after this aultfs at end, therelato - be trial of tbe suits gotten up at'the Brown V. Btbns Olothlog Ball of Rockhlll 9c Wilson, Nos. 603 and • .MfilCbestnut street,- above' Sixth. There can be no resultof that trial; "clet&ing in‘great variety, , frMh' jJttda fhnn bet*'goods, consisting of blaok, brown, . - sacks, aod raglass, for moderate or cold wMiiher iVusinMa eoats from beaverclotha; pants' ~; - ofjfanbjr Scotch, French/BnglHh, and - American cassi ; merebt and doeskin pants. A large cSHSimeres, » ‘ rt.tlns, out to thelaieetyrylea ;. aim, a larger '~f\ f gentle me n’s forntiblng goods, bf. the very ■V styles* at' tbe\’gT«at;clq thing :rKtebls, NoVfiOT Chestnut street,, iupert>engraving indjthejbeautifiit Art Jour- fifth and qßestnht.-for a iglitrineSnttlUatwM- oi? Pcc. -3| 18*8. BUM TUflSSA..i.J.' ;•'•’t 20 UfGHWATEH.,...-- lO Brig Ada VUrve*,' Cameron, 12 d&ys from Pictou, NB, • with’ freMtdtte to H Winsor’. ' * Brig Ormus, Baker, 6 days from New Bedford, with .pi| to flbeber, Sacking Jfc Col' " “ Brig George Amos, Niohola, from Boston. . Behr Tally, 8 days from Fredericks burg, Va, with shorts to captain.'. fcohr Specie, Look, 7 days from New Bedford, with an assorted cargo, bdund to Savannah. Put in in dis tress, to repair, having encountered a violent gale from NNW, on the night of the2sthln«t. offMontauk Point, whioh oauspd her to spring a leak that increased to 3000 strokes per hour.' Was compelled to throw overboard a portion of Cargo, and had. the rest damaged; split jib, and had a portion of rigging carried away, ' . , fobr David Faust, Moslander, 6 days from Wilming ton, NO, with naval stores to'B 8 Stetson & Co. BchrJob Green, Agen, I day from'Odessa, Bel, with oats to jas L Bewley & 00. _ , 5 ‘ Bchr Afina Maria, Hillyard, 1 day from Smyrna, Bel, with wheat to JBsß&rratt Action, . . .. Bchr. Sami 0 Loud,':Co'ok, 0 days from Augusta, Mo, with aJSpIM arid Cider w order. ' m . _ T . „ !i Bchr B W Behton, Gandy, 10 day* from Newbern, N 0, with naval stores‘to Cochran * Jtuszeu.. gohr John AHassard, Laws,2 days from MUford, Del, With bark and com to Richardson A Overman.. • BchrJames Barratt, Jr, Fennell, 2 days Trora Laurel, Bel, with lumber to Jaa Bairatt & Son. ' Sehr A C Beeves, Lake, from Boston. Bohr H A Weeks, Weeks, from Boston. Bchr H A R'gera, Rogers, from Boston., Sohr Roxanna Maria, Oox, from Boston. Pobr Alert, Champion, frem Boston; Bohr 8 F Solliday, Beaman, from Boston. Schr Alabama, Vangilder, from New Fork. 1 Bchf Boxanna Burloy, Marts, from New York, £chr Lamartine, Johnson; from Now York. ‘ 6chr Lizzie Tay2or, Taylor, from New York, fiohi* JL HesS'Leper, frcmNoW York. Bohr E Chester. Brower, f*om New Bedford, fichr Restless. Smith, from Blghton. • Bchr Gilbert Green; Weaver, from Lynn. Bohr, Charger, Kelsey, from New London. ’’Bchr'J Compton, Sharp from Norwich, Bohr B Thompson, Lloyd, from'Salem. - Sloop J B Fish. Bell, 1 day from Lewes, Dal, with mdse, AoMooaptaln. * - ; .OLBAB9D. Bteamshlp Boston,-Bellew] New York, J Allderdice.. ' ■Barque A I Harvey. Miller. G&mbif, W Coast of Af rica, Cummings & Bon. ' Brig Delhi, Kenney, Port an Prince, Thomas Wattson & Sons. Brig jas Crosby, French, Portland, L Audenried & Co. Brig Elisabeth, Libby. Mobile, Pettit, Martin tc 00. - * Brig' Gsorga ‘Amos, Nichols, Pensacola, Tyler, Stone & Co. •- • ' ‘ ’ ' - Brig Orison Adorns, York,- Portland, C A Hecksher Ic Co; - •; Schr Huntress, Disney, Newburypcrt, N Sturtevant &00. - Bohr Ossuna, Torrey, Boston, do Sohr Lady Suffolk, Baker, Baston, do Bohr Lamartine, Johnson, Richmond, - do Bchr Alett, Champion. Richmond,- Tyler, Stone & Oo Scbr Victor, Scare, New Bedford, L Audenried tc 00, Schr I Compton, Sharp, Blghton, Hayes & Godshull. SohvLizzie Taylor, Taylor, Providence, B Mllnes A Oo Sehr B Burley. Marts, N York, Bancroft. Lewis A; Co. ; Schr ; B Chester, Browor, New York. Reppller & Bro. Schr R Thompson, Lloyd; N York, Brown & White. Bchr J L Hess. Loper, New York, do Behr 8 F Bolliday, Seaman, Fall River, do Bchr MarthaWrlghtington, Wrightington, Fallßlver, Oabeen (l Oo “ • Bchr A C Reeves, 1 Lake; Boston, Sinolckaon 8e Glover. Sohr H A Weeks, Weeks, Richmond, Morris Sc Murphy. Schr H A' Rogers, Bogers, Boston, Baum, Ogle Sc Oo Sohr Restleis, Smith; Savannah, L Rothermel. Bchr Gilbert Gteen, Weaver, East Greenwich, N Sturtevant Sc 00. Sohr Charger, Kelsay, Providence, Klakiaton Sc Oox Sohr Roxanna Maria, Oox, Newburyport, L Aulenried Sc 00. . Bohr Rose, Brooklyn, do Scbr Ceres, Meredith, Providoa.ee, do . Sohr Alabama, Vangilder, Savannah, Sioniokson Sc Glorer. ■ - „ Str J S Shrirer, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of The Pres*.) HAVRE BE GRACE, Bee. 2,1868. The Klogston left this morning with 11 boats, laden and consigned as follows: 1 Neptune, wheat, cloveraeed, Ac. to porot Sc Bro, and blooms to O B Campbell; Catharine, wheat, corn, and blooms to Humphries, Hoffman Sc Wright; Byder Ally, blooms to Wilmington, Bel: Elijah Harris, coal to John Balej; Espy and Kresler. lumber to Malone Sc Taylor; Oharles Blanchard and Win H Young, lumber to John Craig; Economy, Charity, H H Wright, and 0 R Bu:ka lew, coal to Delaware Oity. 1 (Correspondence of The Press.) . . . . READING, Deo. 1,1858. The following boats, (Tom the Union Oanai, passed Into the Schuylkill Canal vo*4ay, bound to Philadel phia, laden and consigned as follows: Jas Hopper, potatoes to Mr Hoffner; Col J K Rhodes, bituminous coal and sumac to J Perot A Bro; - Atlantic, lumber to Malone Sc Tayl>r;G W Miller, flour and grain to Budd Sc Oomly.' fOorrespondonoe of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., NoV 80,8 A 61. Mr Baker, pilot, reports the barques BOwena, for La guayra, Jos Cook, for Marseilles, Elizabeth J, for Do merara, brig Silvia, for —and schr Ohas Hatch, for George*own, 80, having passed to sea yesterday. Mr Jobn 'W B»ndere landed to day, and reports tho barque* Belle, for Boston, John Wlnthrop, for Pernam buco, brigs Delaware, for Barbadoes, wm Moore, for Havaoa, sohr Worcester, for Mobile, and a three-masted sohr passed to sea to-day. - Tbs brig Minnie Miller apd scbr Lillie Dale, in company with the entire fleet, left the harbor this morning. Wind NW, and cool. • Yours, &o. WM, M. HICKMAN. IBS' TBLIOXATS.j (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) Qatb Island, Deo 2 4 25 P M. Tho U S steam schr M W Chapin, destined for the Paraguay expedition, under oommand of Lleot. William Boncfeendorff, went to sqa this morning. Nothing in eight bound in.' Wind 6, and weather stormy. , , Yours, Ac, . THOB. B- HUGHIB. ' /; ‘ MEMORANDA. . Steamship Empire City, Griffin, for Havana and New Orleacs, cleared at New York yesterday. Steamship Cshiwba. Bullock, for Havana and New York, cleared at NeirOrleana 261 b ult - Bhip Raven, Jenkins, for Podang, cleared at N York P North Carolina. Foster, hence for St Oathirlnee, Brazil, which pat into* New York, cleared again yester day for her original port of destination. Ship Belle of the West, Howes, for Boston, cleared at OalonttaOctfi Ship Miles Blandish, Gardner, for Boston, cleared at Calcutta Oct 9. , Ship Continent, Gibbs, for New York, oleared at Cal cutta Oct 9 Ship Isaiah Crowell, Turner, oleared at OaloattaOot llforßostoo. Ship Midnight, Brock, oleared at Boston Ist Inst, for Ban Francisco. , ' , , Ship, Express, Milton, from Liverpool, arrived at Bombay OQt 12. f hip Forest Eagle, MoLellan, from Liverpool, arrived at Bombay Oct 12.. - Ship Thos. Wattson. Lsprelle, at Galveston, for Eu rope, with a cargo of cotton, was blown ashore 19tb ult. She would bare to dlsoharge part, if not all, of her car go to get off. Ship Oriental, Whippio, for“|3haoghae, |iatied from .Bombay Oet 18. - Ship .Nottingham, Robinson, Tor Now York, Bailed , from Bombay Oct 20. Bh!p Ohilo, HeUls, from New York, arrived at Bom bay OoilO. . . , Ship Leona, Norris, for New Orleans, sailed from Bombay Oct 23 Ship American Union, Otis, entered for loading at Li verpool 18th ult. for Philadelphia—destination changed from New Orleans. - Ship R 0 ?oovell, Scovell, sailed from Marseilles 14lh ult. for Philadelphia.. ‘ Ship Tohawanda, Julius, for Philadelphia, was in the river. Liverpool, 19th ult—since reported passed by the ,Europe. Bhip Sea Ranger, Burnham, sailed from Bristol 18th alt for Cardiff. Ship Alice Monroe, Oummings, from Liverpool Oot 9 for Savannah, Is reported by telegraph to have been wrecked on the Ismcs, so date. Part of her cargo would be saved. Vessel a total lo«a , Barque Powhatan, Simmons, for New York, (not Phi ladelphia, as before reported) remained at Palermo 6th Nov. Barque Orirn, f tevoos, from Montevideo Oct 1, ar rived at New York yesterday. Batque Tangier. Hall, from Coplspo, Ohill, arrived in Hampton Road*Bolh ult.- Barque Norumbega, Senders, at New York lit Inst, from Galveston, had encountered heavy weather, split Sails, 40. Barqne Old Hiekory, Holmes, for New York, was at Trieste Oct IT. watting wind. Ba qae Roebuck, Ohaee, from New York lor Rich mond, was in Hampton Roads 30th ult. Barque B G Wilson, Peacock, from Charleston for Boston, remained’at Holmes* Hole A M 30th nit. Barque Mahlon Williamson, Sobarfforth, from New Orleans, waa below Boston Ist inU Brig Herald, Briggs, for West Indies, cleared at Nor folk 30th ult. Brig Myra, Fuller, hence for Boston, was at Newport Ist inst/ . ' Brig Isola. Grinin, from Stiem for Philadelphia, at Newport Ist Inst, Brig Bonaparte, Taylor, hence, arrived- at Maohlas 22d uTt. v ’ ■ Brig Hiram, Gaboon, reported bolow, sailed from Ha lifax 23d ult. . T Sohr 8 A Hammond, Paine, cte&relat Boston Ist lost for Philadelphia. , -fichrs Lather GhUd; Nickerson, from Portland, and Invincible, Hodgson* from Calais for Philadelphia,were at Newport 30th alt. Bchr Bright Star, Henrltcy, hence, arrived at Halifax 10th ult. 9 Scbra E J Pickup, Pickup, honco for Pawtucket, J B Bleeeker, Edwards, do for Providence, W Loper, Robin son, do for Lynn, and Almira Brannan, do for New Lon don. arrived at Now Yorkyestorday. Schr Billie T Qhaitre, Ohartro, for Philadelphia, Oleared at New York yesterday. Cohr Fanny, sailed from Inagna 12th ult. forOien fuegos. fichrs Deborah; Lfifllow, Dr W F Powers, Errlelcson, M Howell, Rowell, J Deverty, Oarrolt, »nd 8 Ueteay, from Trontou for New Haven, arrived at New Yoik yes terday. Schr Poeahontis, Sparrow, heads, arrived at Mobile 27 th Bit Pobr W 0 Merahon, Cole, from New York, at Mobile 27th ult. Pchr J H Planner. Dtcey, from New York, at Wil mington, NO, 30th ult; Schr M Reinhart, Peterson, for Philadelphia, cleared at New Orleans’26th ult. with 350 Uhdg sugar, 200 bbls molasses, 60 bales hair, 60 hides, 160 empty casks, and 20 pkgs mdse. , 1 y ' . Schr New Jersey, Yanncman, for Warehsm, sailed from Alexandria lst inat ; Bcbr A Middleteo, Jr, Sipple, for Somerset, sailed .from Alexandria l«t lust. BohrWL Day ton, Babcock, hence , arrived at Provi dence 30th ult Sohr WH Malller, Davis, hence, arrived at Somerset 27th hit. ' £cbrs Almeida, Cartwright, and fll J Carlton, Bhailor, for Philadelphia, Billed from Providence 30tb ult. Sloop Standard, VancHof, hence, arrived at Alexan dria let inet. Bugs Mars. Nichols, cleared at New Yorkyestorday for Philadelphia; Saving Fond.—Five per Oenti interest.— NATIONAL BAJBTY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, 8-W- corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Honey reeelyod in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Honey is received and payments made dally, without notice. The investments are made in Real Ratals, Mortgages, Ground Renta, and such first-elaas securi ties ssth charter requires. Office hoars, from ffo’olock In tko morning nntil 6 o’clock in the afternoon, nd on Hnsday aod Thursday evaafnxs nntil 8 o’clock- ffcfl - No'Mere Poisoning.—For yearn tue Files ha» been One of thb most prevalent,' as it is the most ob stinate disease knoVn to afflicted humanity aod the medical faculty. , This Is to bo attributed to the use of -white and printed paper in tbe water-doset., White paper is made of colored rags, and. IS otherwise (ow ing to the chemicals required in bleaching) intensely When printed on, the ink makes it doubly dangeioua and deleterious* (Utbtit’S medicated pa per for ttto water alt set la a grand invention, calculated ,to banish the Plies, as i{ la both a sure cure and pre ventive. Healthy, as. well as afflicted people, will do well fo patron's* this excellent and novel article. It Is meeting with favor among all medical men of stand ing, many of whom buy it for themselves and families, and is alrrady for sale by all the large and small drug houses. Remember that lt is pure paper, (manufac tured from Manllahemp,) and medicated after an - en tirely new plan. It is very cheap; one thousand sheets coating only $l, gold, wholesale and retail, at the office 'of the inventor, No. 41 Ann street, New York,'and by , T. BOALLBHDIB & 00., •> i ■ =N. W. corow of Third and Walnut srsets, fhB7*6t ‘ ? ! . ; BWiftdeipWa. Special Notices. Robbery.—December 2d. Sometime lastiiigkt the Flouring Mill of Mr. Heebner Bozone,-in Norris town, Pa,, was entered, and one of Parrels, Herring, & Co.’* best Patent Powder Proof-lock and Sate was blown open with powder, and $1 600 in cash taken out and carried away. Some four or five weeks since, three thieves entered the Flouring 61111 of Messrs Dorr&nce & Boron, In Briztol, Pa., and tiled alt night to blow open their Safe with powder, did not succeed in getting it open; their Salamander Safe waa manufac tured by ETANS & WATBON, and that was the reason. They have a few more for sale,’of the same kind, at their store, No. 20 South FOURTH Street. Philadel phia/. It Constipation of the UoweU.—How many of our citizens are Buffering from tbia disease, and expect log to be cured by the use of violent purgatives, which debilitate the system, and cause a letarn of the disease with increased asperity ? Is it not better to hare a remedy that will cure, _by giving strength and vigor to the bowels, enabling them to perform their functions in a natural manner 7 Buoh a remedy is “Hoofland’s Ger man Bitiers. 5 * It will not purge you, but by Its great in vlgoratlng and tonic properties, will g.ve your system a tone that will enable it to perform all its functions in a vigorous and natural manner. For sale by the pro prietors,o. M. JACKSON & CO., 4tB Arch attest, Kt 75 cents per bottle, it - Cutaneous Diseases.—Cutaneous diseases are more mortifying to the prldo than any other human ills. - Let those who value a fair bkin purify their blood by tbo u«e of PERUVIAN SYRUP, whioh removes such affections by stimulating the absorbents to take up and expel the morbid elements, by tho natural out lets of the system. For salo in. this olty by V. Brown, comer Fifth and Chestnut, and Hasswd Sc JJo., comer Twelfth and Chestnut. d?4tWtf Cure for Cough and cold.—As soon as there is the slightest uneasiness of the Chest, with difficulty of breathing, or indication of Cough take during the day; a few J3roton*a Bronchial Troches .** Containing demulcent ingredients, they allay Pulmonary Irrlta tiqn. Sold wholesale aod retail at F. Brown’s, corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. nolG-eod-12t Soug For The Million. Aib— ' ,{ The Soldier's Tear." Before the gloss the maiden stood, to take a last fond look At the remnant of a head of hair whose loss she ill could brook; Tho fame of £att {t Ltistralc ” is not familiar to hor ear; Sho knows no “ Hair Restorative," and sheds a bitter tear. A few short months ore past—behold that maiden on her knees! And throwing loose her long dark hair, whioh flutters in the breeze, She breathes a prayer that Hanoi’s name in after time may live— The inventor of the “ Sau L«ifrate, ,, groat Hair Re storative. She rose and sought the glass again—ah! do not deem her weak, For beauteous are that maiden's looks, and smiles are on her oheek, Sho Is but one among the hosts that Jules Hanoi shall cheer; Bo suro his Hair Restorative saves many a bitter tear. Sold by all the Druggists, and at the Laboratory of JnLua Uauel A Co., No. 704 Chestnut street, Phila delphia. nSO-Gfc Burnett 5 * Cocoaluc, A compound of Cocoa-nut 011, Sec., for dressing the Hair. For effiosoy and agreoableness, it Is without an equal, Jt prevents the hair from falling off. Jt promotes its healthy and vigorous groioth: It is not greasy or sticky. It leaves no disagreeable odor. It softens the hair tehen hard and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp skin. It affords the richest lustre. It "tmains longest in effect. BURNETT’S COCOAINE. Boston, July 19, 1857. 10- Mxbsrs. J. Burnett Sc Co.—l cannot refuse to state the salutary effeot in my own aggravated case of your excellent Hair Oil— (Cocoaine ) For many months my hair had been falling off, until I was fearful of losing it entirely. The skin upon my head became gradually more and more inflamed, so that I could not touch it without pain. This irritated con d'tlon I attributed to the use of various advertised hair washes, whioh I have since boen told contain camphone spirit. By the advice of my physician, »o whom you had shown your proceaß of purifying tho Oil, I commonoed its use the last week in June. The first application al layed the Itching and irritation ; in three or four days tho redoesssnd tenderness disappeared—the hair ceased to foil, and 1 hare now a thick growth of now hair. Yours, very truly, SUBAN R. POPE. BURNETT’S COCOAINE. |0- A single application renders the hair (no matter how stiff and dry) soft and glossy for several days. It is conceded by all who havo used it, to bo the best and 1 cheapest Hair Dressing in the World. Prepared by JOSEPH BURNETT A 00., Boston. Rj* For sale by dealers generally at Fifty Cents a Bottle. n27-8m One-Price Clothing o! the Latest Styles, and made In the boat manner, express!/ for bitail balbs. We mark our loweat selling prices in plaih hgobbb on each arttole. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and otur Obb-vbio* btstxx is strictly ad hered to.' We beliovethla to be the,only fair way o! dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. JONES k CO., anST-ly 004 MARKET Street. W. Henry ratten, Manufacturer of Window SHADES, and Importer of CURTAIN and UPHOLD BTJBBY MATERIALS, DACE and MUSLIN TAINS. BSOOATELLBB, SATIN DR LAINE and WORSTED DAMASK, RAPS, MOREENS, PLUSHES, GIMPS and TASSELS, GILT 00BNI0E8 and CUR TAIN ORNAMENTS. Gilt Window Shades, with all th trimmings, as low as 70 cents each, dust received from Auction a large invoice of Onrtalns, which are offered at the following unprecedented low prices: Muslin Curtains, $1 00, worth $3 00 a pair. Laoe « $2 00, “ *4 00 “ “ Tambour Laos << $3 00, « $6 00“ “ Quite heavy “ “ $6 00, “ $lO 00“ “ Elegant rich Embroidered, $lO 00, “ $2O 00“ “ Damask Ourtains from $lO 00 to $l6 00 per window, complete. Ourtains made and put up at the shortest notice, by competent workmen. W. HENRY PATTEN, 030 CHESTNUT St., oclZ-Cmos Opposite Jayne’s New Hall *5O, S5O, 860, 800, 800, 800, 800, 800.— SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES.—PRICES RE DUCED.—A new and elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for $5O, and the general soale of prices greatly reduced. AH who want a substantial, simple, and re liable Sowing Machine, which has an established repu tation for doing the very best work on every kind of material, are invited to call at oar office and examine the new machine?, at the reduced prices. They ©an not fall to be satisfied. I. M. SINGER A CO., no2-tJ22 No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. marriages. In Germantown, December Ist, by Rer. Warren Randolph. Mr. C. BARL ELLIS, of Philadelphia and Miss LAURA A. P. WARD, daughter of Samuel L. Ward, Esq., of Germantown. # On Thursday evening, the 26th ult., at St. Peter’s Church, by Rer. Wo. 11. Odenhelmec, D. D., Me. GEORGE W SMITH, oi th*s olty, to Miss ELIZA ANN BURTON, formerly of Delaware. * On the 30th November, by Rev. Francis Church, of the United Presbyterian Church, Mr 8 AMU EL BAIRD to Miss MARGARET STEWART, both or this city. * On Thursday, l'sth November, by the Rev. Pennell Coombe, Mr. JOHN H. DUNGAN to Miss BELL, daugh ter of the late George Ooakoden, all of this oitj. * On the 29th nit . by the Rev. Gideon J. Burton,' GEORGE 11. OLIVER to MARY £. MURPHY, both ofth'sclty. * On the 29th ult., WILLIAM M. WICKER9HAM,Tn the 35th year of his ege. The male relatives and friends of the family aro in vited to attend bis funeral, from his late residence. No. 510 Cherry street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Woodlands Ce metery. * On Wednesday, Dec. 1, ROBERT T. EVANB. Sr., in tho 79th year of his age. The friends of the family aro Invited to attend tho funeral (without farther notice,) from bis late resi dence, wo. 320 North Ninth street, on Saturday. 4th instant, at 11 o’clock, A. M., to proceed to Woodlands Cemetery. # On the let instant, ADALBNB VIRGINIA, daugh ter of George and Ad&lene Sketcblej, aged 8 years. Tho relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited lo attend tbe funeral, from the roiidonco of her parents, Second street, below Federal, on Fri day afternoon, at 1 o’clock, toproceod to Mount Moriah Cemetery. ** Ofl-theSOLh November CATHARINE McGUEGOIt, aged 17 years and 10 months. The relatives and friends of tbo family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from tbo residence of her mother, Mrs. Catharine McGregor, in Sepviva street, eno door below Dauphin street, on Saturday morning, Decomber 4th, at 10 o’clock, without further notice, toproceod to Mount Vernon Cemetery. ** On the Ist December, Mrs. ELEANOR 0. MENDEN HALL, relict of Dr. John W Mendenhall, in the 68th year of her age (Boston papers please copy.] Her friends and those of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the resi dence of Wm Glenn, near Holmesburg, 23d ward. on Saturday morning, 4th Instant, at 10 o’clock, without 1 further notice. ** On the Ist inrtaut, Sirs. MARGARET G. WOOD, wifo of Joseph Wood. In the 40th year of her age. The friends and relatives of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, No. 1610 Vine street, ou Saturday, 4th instant, at 1 o’clock P. M. #* On the Ist instant, Mr. GEORGE F. BLAISE, Sr. in the 63d year of his age. ' Ilia relatives and friends and those of the family are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral, from his late residence, No 23 Maryland street, above Race, between Fifth and Sixth, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o’clock ## Outhe Iso instant, WILLIAM ROBINSON, son of William and Eliza Robiusou, aged 6 years and 0 months. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence or hie parents in Salmon street, above Emory, Nine teenth ward, late Richmond, this (Friday) afternoon at 2K o’clook, without further notice. On Wednesday morning, December Ist, IBAAO HES TON, Jr., in the 10th year of his age. The relatives and friends of tbe family are invited to attend his funeral from the residence of his father, Isaac Heston, In Hestonvllle, Twenty-fourthward, this (Friday,) the 8d Inst, at one o’clook, without further notice. # Suddenly, on the Ist instant, JOSEPH MULUOL LAND, son of Jamos and Anne Mulholland, aged 2 years and 3 months The relatives and friends of the family are repeotfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents. Washington street, below Columbia, this (Friday) afternoon at three o’clock, without further notioe On the Ist instant, Mrs. HANNAH KELLY, aged 70 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, Owenitreet, between Twenty-third and Twenty fourth, below Spring Garden street, this (Friday) after nocn at 1 o’clook, without further notice, to proceed to Cathedral Cemetery, * PRESS.-PHTIADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1858, rv-T-r 3 * Theßev.iW- B. Stevens ivllldeliver his LLS celebrated lecture on “The Sacred Wafers of the Holy Land,” at Emanuel P; E. Church, Marl borough street, above Franklin avenue, on MONDAY EVENING, December 6, at7>4 o’olock Tickets 25 cents, each. Family Tickets, admitting Three persons 60 cents May be obtained at Dr. Vaughan’s Drug Store, Quoeu aud Shakamaxon streets; Mrs. Moore’s Dry .Goods Store. Frank.ln and Hancock; Adam Mofflt’e Grocoiy, Frankford road and Franklin avenue } A. Davies’s Dry Goods Btoro, Frank ford road, above Norris, and at the dior on the even ing of the Lecture. dS 3t* ' Notice*—A Stated Meeting of the “Fhila- Lks DELPHIA Association of Principals of Public Schools, 55 will bo held on SATURDAY MORNING at ten o’clock, at the old “ Modolfiobool,” Cheater street It* JAB G BARNWELL, 0. S. rytgaa Philadelphia Medical Society.—A stated UsJ> meeting will be held on SATURDAY, December 4tb, at 7)4 P. M.,at tho Locust-street Lyceum. Re vised By-Laws to be acted on J. J.RJ2K6IJ, M D., d3-2’> Rec Secretary. George W* Cnrtls, Esq*, will repeat his Uj3 great lecture. Playlor Women, 55 bofore the Literary OoDgresa, In Concert Hall, on MOND \Y EVENING, December 6th. Tickets 26 cents. For sale at the Bookstores, and at the Hall. Doors open at 7. Lecture to oommence At 8 dS-31* rv-ss» A Fair of Useful and Fancy Articles, lk3 for the benefit or the TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH, Germantown. (Rev. Mr. Albert’s,) will be held at the TOWN HALL from t*o Oth to the llth of December, inoloslve. The patronage or the publio is respectfully solicited. d3-3t* ry'ss* Safeguard Insurance Company of New |XJf YORK and Pennsylvania.—PmLADsnrnu, De cember 2d, 1868. Notice is hereby given, that the annual election for Directors of this Company, for the ensuingjear. will be held at their office, in Philadelphia, on MONDAY, the 13th of December, Instant By order, HENRY R. FOOTE, d3-dlot .Secretary. ryy To be sure of a Llto-sizo Likeness, you mast get a Photograph in Oil. If you want a cheap, small picture, get an Ambrotype atREIMER’S GALLERY, SECOND Street, above Green. It* University of Peunsyivania«--Depart- MENT OP MINES, ARTS, AND MANUPAO TUHE9.—The Introductory Lectures in this Depart ment will be delivered as follows: Prof. J. F. FRAZER, Mechanics aud Obemlatry, THURSDAY, December 2, at d P. M. Prof. F. ROGERS, Civil Eoglueorlug, THURSDAY, Decemb«r 2, at 6. P. M. Prof. 0. B. TREGO, Geology and fiiineralozy, FRIDAY, December 3. at 4 P. 61. At the UNIVERSITY, NINTH Street. d2-2t rvrv=» Lectures on Geology,—Dr. Boynton re- Ux3 spectrally announces, that, in compliance with the invitation of a number of distinguished citi zens of Philadelphia, he will give his Coarse of EIGHT ILLUBTRATBD LECTURKS ON GEOLOGY, AT CONCERT HALL. COMMENCING FRIDAY EVENING, DEO. 3a. And continued two evenings per week till closed. The seme Coarse will be given at HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, DEO 6th. And continued two evenings per week. Pxograuub.—MECHANICAL ASTRONOMY. Illus trated by Experiments In Natural Philosophy Proofs of the igneous condition Of the interior of the Earth Composition of Rooks—-Gold Deposits. First Created Animal Life. Coal Beds, and how formed. The Rep tiles and Monstersof the Pre-Adamite World. Warm Blooded Animals. The Present order of Animals, and the Homan Race. Harmony of Geology and the Bibio. ; Each of the above subjects will be illustrated by a senes of PAINTINGS, covering the entire end of the Hall, ami which were executed at a cost of more than $1,040. These paintings, which will be changed every evening, form a very beautiful and attractive Exhibi tion, and aid greatly in the simplification of the subject. Tickets for the Course, $l. Teachers and Stodents, 75 etc. Single Admission, 25 cts. For sale at Hazard’s Bookstore, at Stackhouse’s Drug Storo, ooroer of Eighth and Green streets, and at the door. Doors open at 6 ft. To commonce at 7i£ o’clock, d2.Qt (Y'~p> Post Office, Philadelphia, December 1, LLS 1853 —A FOREIGN MAIL will be made up at thin Office, on FRIDAY, December 3d, (closing at 8 o’clock P. M ,) to be despatched for Liverpool by Steam ship CITY OF BALTIMORE, on Saturday, the 4th. dl-wf 2t GIDEON G. WEBVCOTT, Postmaster. iv-s=» The Ladies’ Fair, for the sale of Fancy ILS and Useful ARTICLES, for the benefit of the Italian Chapel In Marriott street, east of Eighth, is now open in JEFF&RBON HALL, corner of SIXTH and OHRISTIAN Streets. dl-4t» ry*sE=» Notice.—Howard Fire and Marino lusu 1L RANGE COMPANY—At a meeting of the Board held this day, THOMAS L. LUDEBS, Esq., was uoanimoueiy elected President of the Company, in tho place of John Q. Diehl, Esq., resigned. CHAB. A. DUY, Secretary. Philadelphia, Nov. 80, 1858. dt-3tif fv» Jayne’s Hall Prayer Meeting.—All will Lk_3 be glad to learn that until further notice the BUSINESS MEN’S UNION PRAYPJB MEETING will be held again iu Jayne’s Hall, dally, from 12 to I o’clock. This is the moat centra] and convenient lo cation, and THOUSANDS can be accommodated. All aro cordially invited to attend, and Iho meeting is open for all to take part who are members of any Evangelical Church. n24-tf tv^sj l The Clinic of the Female Medical Col- LL_2 LEGE, No 627 ARCH Street, Is open regular ly on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, from ll tol o’clock. Ladies will always be found in attendance to examine and prescribe for patient*. dl-lm ry-sss» Post Office, Philadelphia, November 30, lB6B.—The through Mail from Chicago, Bt. Louis, Cincinnati. Pittsburgh, nod the West generally, that has been received heretofore at half-past one in the afternoon, arrives at this ofilco now At nine o'clock in the morning, and will be delivered from tho boxes and by tho carrlora immediately after it* arrival. di-St GIDEON G WESfOOTT, Postmaster. ry-sa Office Philadelphia Gas Works, Nov. \ys 25th,1868. Proposals will bo received at this office until noon of the 30th December next, for the Palo of Stock of tho Germantown Gas Company, and, also, of ttae Richmond Gas Company, to the Trustees of the Philadelphia Gas Works, as an Investment to the Sinking Fund cf said works. nVO-tdSO. W. FENNELL, Cashier. Have you seen them 7—That saperb En* Uof gravirg, • THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH” and the beautiful ART JOURNAL, which are furnished to subscribers of tho Cosmopolitan Art Association, can now be seen at B. H. Host’s, northwest corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT, for a short timo only. n 29 6t ryr=» Philadelphia Exchange Company, Not, 29,1858.—A general meeting of the Stockholders of the Philadelphia Exchange Company will be held ou MONDAY next, December 6. at the EXCHANGE, for the Election of NIhE MANAGERS to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other buaiues*. n?9-tt W. S. GRANT, Secretary. Second and Third-street Passenger Rail- UJf WAY.—Wn and after MONDAY, the 2flth inst., the CARS ou this Road will run from Riohmond and Kensington, toMifltin street. (Southwark ) The Second street line of Omnibuses will run North from Coates street Passengers going up Second street will be fur nished with omnibus Tiohets by tho Conductors of the Cara. Parents and others are particularly requesto 1 to pre rent children from running with or hanviog on the Oars. n3O-0t JAMES VERREfi, President. Railroad Companies and Haitian Life.— LkJj The legal duty of all Railroad Companies to adopt at once, promptly and generally, precautionary linprore ments of tried and undoubted value, calculated to save life and mitigate danger, needs no argument to convince a thinking man. But, unfortunately for tbe people and the stockholders, there are quite too mmy of those Id authority who do not sufficiently realise their responsibility in this matter. Their thoughts aro occupied about too many other things ; their duties as Superintendents aro clearly not their sole thought aod study. Large fortune* are accumulated In a few years from small salaries, and tho verdant masßes of tho com munity look up to our railway officials as if they were the Great Blogul. Bat lot ub ask how many of them perform thei-duties with a single oyo to the interests of the Stockholders, and the safety of Ihoir employees And the proelons lives that Are daily committed to their keeping Suppose, for Instance, as was suggested a few years since, that a seat be provided In front of each locomotive, and one of the directors required to rldo in front of osch passenger train, bow loDg would It be before the aforesaid officers would make the inquiry of their mechanics: Aro our trains arranged to stop as soon as they possibly can be ? We also have a profound conviction that they would, have an earnest desire, also, to hold the reins themselves when in that posi tion. This tony l>o a strong case, but it is directly to the point. It is abs'olutb folly and the trbikst stu pidity to run a railroad train a moment without giving tho foremost man upon it, of bis ownvolitirn. the power to arrest it instantly, if required The time, we trust, 2s not far off when men high in authority, in receipt of priocoly salaries, can condcscrndto give those minor (to them—primary to the traveller and stockholder—) subjects a little of their Attention It is an unfortu nate fact for tbe interests of railroad corporations, that Comparatively few Bmart, able men work for salaries. Tho men of thought, and men of action, are their own employers; they have the forethought and judgment to adopt and get the benefit of improvements before they are driven Into thorn by public sentiment or legisla tion. We wish it were fullyunderstood by railroad of ficers that the success of all groat entorprieos is de pendent upon attention to little things. An officer may neglect improvements calculated to produce economy or improve work, or anything of that character; bat to neglect any precaution fur the safety of human life, or the control of tho fearful momeutnm Inheront In ©very moving trtin, is a fearful reeponsl ty for any man to assumo, and wo undertake to say that no man possessing the qualifications for a Railroad Su perintendent will neglect to give attention to sue’* de vices for one moment. It la, or rather ought to be tho most important thought of aSuperlntendent’s business, to anticipate and provide the antidote for every danger to which bis train is liable. A man of sufficient abili ty and conscience for the position would hardly rest until satisfied that he had performed his whole duty in this matter. It is perfectly idle for a Vrosidont cv Superintendent to say, or endeavor to quiot his con science by saying, that nothing will happen to ns, wo are all right aod safe: to be *ure, nccloen’shave oc curred, but we never shall have auother train out of time—we never shall have Another axle break, or wheel either; eur rails are all rigbt. Tbo cattle along our rood aro better educated now; nobody will ever place obstructions on oar traok, or pry open the rails. All thcvillainß and rogues are In State Prison (What a blessed thing it would be if this latter clause were fact ’ We wonder whore some railway managers would be then.) AcciJents will occar, that esoapo the most rigid scru tiny. Wbeols break when least expected, axleß ditto, rails ditto, chairs also. Murderous villains will plaio obstru tlons on tho track, and numerous causes con spire to make a rrompt stoppage of the train a fre quent necessity. It will not do, Messrs. Railway offi cers, for you to say in reply to this, you aro bored to death by new improvements of ail sorls. snd do not know what or bow to decide; you ought to know; and if you do not, you ehould confide in tbo bettor judg ment of those who do. Itiaapwr way to shirk your responsibility by saying these are the opinions of some over-fnnguine inventor, and entitled to no considera tion. lhey are stubborn facts which we are prepared at all times to substantiate. We make no statements wo are not prepared to prove ; and we think we havo given a sufficient amount of .thought and study to the subject of railroad accidents to know wha* will pio duce tho largest amount of sifetv in railway transit. Our familiarity with railroad mechanism dates back os far as 1832, and we are egotistic enough to think that no cannot bo charged with being a novice. Perhaps the greatest nmouut ot differonco in our case, as against that of most invoutow, is this: We never came be fore the public until we had a TftiEo.pnovsD. amdpkh pkcjtbd imvkntiox; we consequently have nover had to unsay anything. We wish railroad officers to uod'rst&nd as early ns possible that wo are not to bo classed with those who present them improvements of uutrled and doubtful value, nor do we sell patent rights and ask companies to incur tbe expenses and trouble of experiments. Wo know just exactly what wo propose to do, aod we in teod to do it, snd we also intend that every railroad company in the Union shall adopt this improvement or some o'her equally as good for the purpose It is to be hoped that the time is nonrlv at hand whon railroad trains shall be hotter contiollsd thsn hereto fore. Thero has bflen altogether too much trusting to luck in these matters, and It will not do We urge all companies to adopt our improvement at onco. while wo aro selling cheap ; you will como to it, gontiemen, and you will evince your wisdom and forethought by acting promptly and buying it while you can (ch-ap) i and as an evldouce of our good faith and honistyof purpose, we will say that we will furnish the machines for tho entire passenger equipment of any road, and will allow four months trial before settlement, and each company shall bolts own judge as to whether tho Im provement is desirable This precaution, wo under take to say, will promote tbe security of life and pro perty in rrilway trains to ho extent hit’ierto urknown, or, to use the laconio language of the late Nicholas Dean, its universal adoption would mark a new era in the safety of lifo and property convoyed by railroads. We refer, in conclusion, to any of the officers, engi neers, or inaster-reochanicß of the following r ads: Hudson River, Clevo'and and Toledo, Ter/e Haute and Richmond, Michigan Central, Old Colony and Fall River, Panama, 9cc , &o , Ac. U.B. RAILROAD OAR-BRAKE CO., No. 81 PINE Bt., N Y. W G. Cbsambb, Bec’y. no!2-ft-18t rvrs=> Home for Invalids with Affections of IX3 THE CHEST. S. W. corner PARKS find CHESTNUT Streets. 022-lat West Philadelphia. ry3=» Have you seen themT-That superb Ett lisJ graving, “ THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH” and th« beautiful ART JOURNAL, which ate furnished to subscribers of the Cosmopolitan Art Association, can now ha ae«n at E. H, Hunt’s,northwest corner FIBTH and CHESTNUT, for a short time only. n 29 6t ; rys?=» Corn Philadelphia, Uo? November 28, 1858.-At the Annual Election, held 16th inst., the following gentlemen were duly elected Directors of the Bank: A G. Oattell, O.J. Hoffman, James Steel, Samuel Bolton, Hugh Craig Robert K. Neff, William H. Gilpin, B B. Orayeroft. Dell Noblit. Jr., Alexander Whilldin, Edmund A. gouder, Jaob T. Alburger, Samuel T Cauby. Ant at a meetiog of the Bo&nl of Dlreetors, by a unanimeua vote, A. G. OATTELL, Edq , was elected President, R K. NEFF, vice P/ealdont, and J W. TORREY, Cashier. n027-10t Two Courses of lieclurra on Geology,' the LU3 one in \he Afternoon and the other in the Even ing, are now in progress of delivery in the SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTLTUTB, CHESTNUT Btreet. Northwest corner of Twelfth, by J. ENNIS, Principal of the lostitute. The leotur flare Illustrated by'dia grams, specimens of rocks, and geological excursions In the onvirous of our city. n29-6t . Havo you eoen ibemf—Tiiut superb Eu-. LL3 graving, “ THE TILLAGE BLACKSMITH” and the beautiful ART JOURNAL, which are furnished to subscribers of tbo Cosmopilitan Art Association, can now be seta at H. H. Hunt’s, northwest comer FIFTH and OBESTNUT, for a short time only 029 6t rvV l The East Mahsnoy Railroad Company- The undersigned Uomiuisiionora (being two of those named in the Act of Incorporation of said Com pany) do hereby appoint the Eighth day of December, A. D. 1858, between the hours of 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. of said day, at No. 407 LIBRARY Street, above Fourth Street, in said city, for the Subscribers to tho Stock of said Company to meet to organize the Company, and to eleot, as provided by law, a Presilont and Twelve Di rectors, to serve according to law. ' lowland jonbb, I. N. BUCK. Pbiladilfbu, Nov. 22,1858. »023-d2w JCfCta ftabiiraiions. JJJISS McKEEVER’ 8 NEW BOOK, LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, 26 Booth SIXTH Street, above Chestnut, WILL PUBLISH TO-MORROW, SUNSHINE; Ob, KATE VINTON, HARRIET B. McKEEVEB. A very neat 16mo volume. Price 76 cents. “ In the simple story which forms the subject of this unpretending volume, it tuabata the aim.of the writer topresent a youthful Christian in the midst of much in firmity, still adorning of God,’ her Saviour, in all things.” 1 Iu order to divest religion of that aspect of gloom which many worldlings are disposed to throw arouod Its pith, the chief character has been described as pecu liarly jovous and haepy, and therefore the book has been named SUNSHINE. • In the bright atmosphere which she spreads every where around her, it is designed that the unselfishness of true piety should be held up for the imitation of the young; and, in the strong contrast presented between the glitter of worldly pleasures, and the oalmer joys of religion, to exhibltthe excellence and superiority of the latter as the source of the purest and most elevated happiness. d 3 MAGNIFICENT WORK! miles sTjflL3srx>xsia: ILLUSTRATED, With express permission and approbation of the author, To be published immediately, ready for the Holidays. VOLUME OF PHOTOGRAPHS, From Original drawings by Johu W. Ehnlnger, illus *•* trative of the COURTSHIP OF MILES STANDISII. BY HENRY W. LONGFELLOW. There will be eight or ten large Photographs of the rocst exquisite character, executed by Mr. BRADY (the eminent Photographer,) whose name alone will attest the tuperiotUy of the pictures These Photographs will be past-d upon heivy pUto paper, with Uteraoot iog cream-colored leaves (containing tbe descriptive text, the whole to be bound in large quarto massive Turkey morocco covers, with bevtled and gilt edges— making altogether a volume entirely filled with original Photographs, a magnificent enterprise, never before at tempted in this country. PRICE SIX DOLLARS. ftjThe expenses incurred in (perfecting so rare a volume compel the publishers to beg that booksellers will please order early if they desire any copies of tbis volume, as the very slow procean of priming (nothing being done in cloudy weather ) will prevent a second edition of the work from being reidy before Ohririmas, and consequently only those ordered in advance oan be promieed *#* Highly finished specimens of these elaborate Photographs will bo sentby the publishers, postage upon the reo’ipt o’ $1 Booksellers ana others by ex hibiting these may procure subscribers before tbe pub lication day. RUDD & OARLETON, Pi bilshers and Booksellers, dc3-3t No 310 BROADWAY. New York. The most superb presentation BOOK PUBLISHED: WOMEN OF BE At TY AND HEROISM, FROM OKMIRAMI3 TO EUGtNIE. A Portrait Gallery of FEMALE LOYRLINKBB. ACHIEVEMENT, AND INFLUENCE. , WlfhNioetten Flu's BteolEngravings, BY FBABK B GOODRICH, Author of “ The Court of Napoleon,” One elegant 4to. volume. Turkey Antique, or Turkey full gilt. Price $l2 60. LIST OF PORTRAITS: 1. Eomiramie. 10. Mary. Queen of Scots , 2. Penelope. 11. Pooihontas 3. Corntlfa. 12 Nel!Gw>nne. 4 Zenobia. 13. Lady Montagu. 0. Beatrice. 1«. Marie Antoinette, fi. Joan D’Arc. 15. Maid of Saragossa 7, Isabella. 10.AnneHaseltiueJadson. x 8. Dl&na do Poitiers. 17. Charlotte Bronte. 9. Anne BoJeyn. IS. Victoria. 19. Eugenie. This elegant book is pnnted from a new font of pica type, cast purposely for it upon extra-sized calendered paper, made to order, and bound in real Turkey, in new and rich style, by Somerville/ The Portraits are from Drawings by Champagne and W&niesford—most of them authentic copies—and en- Craved on steel, In the highest stylo of art, by Hall, lalpin, Hollyer, Jaohmao, and Rogers. DERBY k JACKSON, rubluhors, No 119 Nassau street, Now York. And for sale by tho principal Booksellers. Sent by express, free of expense, on receipt of price. d3-f&m-2t Anew book by the author of “CONE CUT CORNERS.” NOW READY, MATTHEW CARABY A narrative of his Adventures among Friends and Strangers, in Country and in Town, By Benanly. 476 pages, 12mo. Price $1 25. This is a new book in a new vein, The series of the principal events on which the Btory is founded are laid : n New \ ork; and the purpose of tho work ia thus set forth by the author in the preface : “ It does not aim to demolish any particular Institu tion; to correct any special social evil; to aid auy great reform, orto discuss soy of tae leading questions of tbe times My simple purpose has been to narrate one of those episodes of individual life which not unfrequentlj occur under the complex sooial relations of the present time, and la which an unusual combination of circum stances, very simple and natural in themselves, exhibits the play of human thought and feeling in a striking manner. MASON BROTHERS, Publishers, d3-3t 108 and 110 Dasne street, New York. £jgnl Noluts. Letters testamentary to the Estate of ROBERT MoMENAMIN, Deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons in debted to the estate of the said decedent will please make immediate payment, and tho&o baring claims against the Raid estate will present the same to the undersigned. MATTHEW THOMPBON, N. B corner Tenth and Catharine. A. H. GRAHAM, M. P., 1332 Lombard street, Or to their Attorney, WM. B HOOD, d3-f-0t ' No. 242 South Fifth atroat. Sillier ttlarc J E. CALDWELL & CO. HAVB BHMOVJSD TO TliElß NB IV MARBLH BDILDING, No. 802 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE GIRARD HOUSE. Bospeotrully invito their ountomere and the imblie to inspect their netr Gocda, aeluctod by one or the firm recently In Europe, comprialng SUPERIOR WATOHBS, RICH JEWELRY, DIAUOHDS AND PBARIB, UTHUSOAN, FLOBBNTINE, ROMAN, AND NEAPOLITAN SETS, BRONZE CLOCKS, CANDELABRAS AND STATUETTES, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, WRDDINa STATIONS RV, and CARD ENGRAVING, OPERA GLASSES, FANS AND HAIR PINS, JSIiESANr NEW STYLE PAPIER MACHE. gLEIGHS, SLEIGHS. A largo lot of Alt slzea, for aalo by S. W. JACOBS, d3-fr m&irJOt 626 ABOH Street. Bread and pie bakery. A general assortment of Pies made of the very best materials, expressly for family use. Superior Brefll, fresh morning and noon. 0. D. OASSADY, 1223 MARKET Street. WHITE FISH.—OO barrels, and 200 half barrels Mackinaw WHITE PISH. A superior articlo, for sale bv o. O. BADLBB, A 00., d 3 ARQH St., Boconfl door below Fiont. CRAB-APPLE CIDER.—Just recoived a supply of genuine Crab-apple Older. Quality, this season, Tory fine. Tor sale by JAMES R WKUD, 223 Sooth EIOUTII Stroot, below Walnut. MESS PORK.—ICO barrels “Citr 99 Mess PORK for sale by 0 0 SADLER ACO , d 3 A Ren St , second door be’ovr Front. SALMON.—4B Tierces and 84 Boxes Hall -10 fax Salmon. Tor sale by 0. 0. SADLER A CO., jtfnoS 108 ARCH Street, tlctail sUrn (E>aa&o. w INTER DRESS GOODS REDUCED. DOUBLE WIDTH SATIN DE OHENE, PBOH TO 81 CBHT9. TOIL DE OHEVRES.2S to 20 costa. SATIN TRAVEBS to 22 « BAYADERE VELOURS 60 to 87 “ ARA81M5...,., ....I •••••*•••••.81 to 25 *» UNION PLAIDS 25 to 18 « ALL WOOL BAYADERE PLA1D5.....43 to 37 (« PRINTED VELVETS 81 to 25 “ PRINTED FRENCH MERINOES 80 to 65 « PLAIN STYLE POPLINS 60 to 87 “ just prom auction. ALL WOOL PLAIDS 31 << CURWEN BTODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 460,462, and46l North SECOND St., d3-lt above Willow JJLAOK AND COLORED CLOTHS, For Ladles’ Cloaks, Baglans, and Circulars. Cheap lots from the late Auction Sale*. CURWEN BTODDART fc BROTHER, 460, 452, and 464 North SECOND Street, It above Willow. ©ILK VELVETS, K 3 FOR CLOAKS, ftv, Lyonsand German Velvets, ot superior qualities, at REDUCED PRICES'. CURWEN BTODARD & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 464 North SECOND F-tteet, It above Willow. (GIMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS. JUJ Lace and Tamboured Oartains, and Muslins in the piece. Also, Vestibule Laces. SHARPLESI BROTHERS, 43 CHESTNUT & EIGHTH. fFIABLE OIL CLOTHS. JL Various styles of Woods in best quality, 6 X widen. SHARPLB3S BROTHERS, 43 CHESTNUT & EIGHTH. ENGLISH JACKET PLAIDS. t—i Olo\h Plaids for Jackets aod Coats, and Ladles’ Dresses, of superior quality. at reduced prices. SHARPLKSS brothers, 6t* WANTED A Situation as Assistant Bjok keeper, by the Advertiser, a young mar ried man. Good reference will be given. Addmss “ Industry,” office of this paper. n3O-4t* VATANTED—As Agent or Collector of v v Renta, 4co. Good reference, and security given if required. Address “ Collector,” office of The tress. nSQ-Ot* \]\f ANTED—A situation as Salesman in a w firet-claa* Wholesale House, by ayoungmanwho has had five years experience In the retail trade. Ad dress *♦ WEST,” this office. n27-6t* WANTED —To Rent, for the winter sea son, with Immediate possession, a Furnished house of moderate else, with modern improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of this paper. . 004 WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES v v CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or ohild will be aoeepfed. 'Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No. 817 MARKET Street above Eighth, north aide. fJIO IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. TO LET, The Fivc-Btory BROWN-STONE WAREHOUSE, No. 45 South SECOND Street, " Near Chestnut street. Suitable for the PACK AGE, OR OTHER BUSINESS. RENT LOW—For a Term of Years. Possession given January Ist APPLY ON THE PREMISES. d2-lm fa FOR SALE—The very pleasant Three? IiSTORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, No. 217 South NINTH Street, below Walnut street. It has very lately been putin complete ropalr, and has nearly all the modern conveniences. A portion of the purchase money may remain on the property. Apply to L. W, GLENN, next door, or to GLENN fc CO., 726 Chest nut street, up stairs. d2-2t* mTO LET—A {small neat house, No. 60 BE.K’S Street, nor’h of Christian, and east of Front street. Rent $7 a month. Apply at 619 VINE Street d2-2t* mTO LET.—A STORE AND DWEL LING IN HESTONVILLE. Tweaty-fOtttth ward, large yard and stable Inquire of E. H. COGGINS Engraver and Printer, d<-3t* 36 North EIGHTH Street. jpr FOR RENT—The DWELLING No. Una 616 LOCUST Street, (or Washington Square,) from the Ist of January, 1869 The house is three stories high, with basement, back building, Ac., now occupied by J. W. Forney. Apply at the office of The Press, or at the house. n023-tf Mb TO LET— The large, well lighted, and BEiLellgible STORE, No. 33 'outh SECOND Street, which will be vacated by the undersigned on the first of January. Rent very moderate. Apply to nolS-tf A. H. ROSENHEIM fc BROOKS, as above. TO RENT.—On the Ist January next, the vary superior and extensive ROOMS, (2d, 3d, 4th and fiUpßoors, each 24 feet by 146) of the NEW STORE, 633 MARKET Street. The building is one of the fine improvements on the upper side, between FIFTH and SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartage way 20 feet into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premises. nol-tf MTO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to Water Street, 148 feet deep. Also, the Doable STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the beet locations for large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and COACH-HOUSE in OHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear of Ash land House. Apply at 273 South FOURTH Street.. se29-3m* BOARDING. —A private family, having a desirable house, handsomely furnished, wish to board several gt-ntlemen who will pay a liberal price ; an equivalent for the comforts and attention given them An excellent opportunity for those seeking a pleasant and permanent home. References given, and required. Address “ Central.’ Press office. It* BOARDING. —Vacancies for a Gentleman and Wife or two Single Gentlemen, at No. 41 North Tenth Street. d3-4t* PHILADELPHIA BOARDING. —A Room vacant on First and Second Floors, at 418 PINK Street, below fifth. dl-wfrAm3t» BOARDING. —A few gentleman can be accommodated with good boarding. Location within a minute’s walk of the Exchange. For address apply at this office dv-3;* Bailey & 00., rOtMMLT BAILEY A KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JSWELBY, PLATES WARM, AND FANOY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of the pnbUo. SILYBR-WARB, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND GUN STORE. PHILIP WILSON & CO., 435* CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW FIFTH, WILL OPSM MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, An assortment of FINE GUNS OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, AND THOSE OF THE MOST CELEBRATED MAKERS IN EUROPE. The attention of SPORTS M EN In requested to their Stock, which they can pr SHALL NOT BE BURPAB3KD By any in the United States. RIFLES, FLASKB, POWDER, SHOT, Ao. GUN FURNITURE IN ALL VARIETY. nolB.tr 1000 Have jaat received, BOYS’AND CHILDRBN’S OYEBCOATS Which they offer t. tho Public at. TENTH & CHESTNUT STREETS. nW-lYtif DR. M. CALKIN’S HAS RETURNED to the City, and may he consulted at hie office and reeidence, No. 247 North NINTH Street. Honrs from 7 to 10 A. M , and i t« 7 P. M. u24-12t# D?. McALLISTER, having returned to the city, baa resumed the practice ofjbis P* o * 6 ® B ’ o ® with Dr Ganliena, at 253 Nor h ELEVENTH street, below Vine. Office hours 7t09 A. M<, and 6toB F. i. D27-otii* ffv HORSES TAKEN TO WINTER.— Stnhlinpand hey good, with plenty of litter. Rnriniyw MfladnwH if desired, oo pleasant days. Terms fow .Tre of Mr. r JANNEY, No. 826 MARKET Street, or Dr? SOHOLPIELD, 82S South FIFTH Street, and Tht Fren offioe. ®*»* Ml * COatit* I. N. MOORE, Ist Lieut. Ist Dragoons, Recrnitlag Officer. -for Sole anir to £ot. Soar&iua £Uatrl)£o, JJttDflre, &c. PEARLS, AV WHOLISALS AND UtAH.. ©mis, pistols, &u PISTOLS, Clolijing: 1002 BOYS' CLOTHING F. A. HOYT A BROTHER FROM NEW YORK, SUPERIOR STYLES AND FINISH, aKBATLY REDUCED PRICES. assembly buildings, atnnaemeniß. TMES. D. P. BOWERS’* WALNUT-3T. ITJ. THEATBH, oottwr of NINTH aM I^AUTOI' Streets ' ; ' - f ‘ : -* " THIS (Friday) EVENING .-December 3,18 M. - LEAP.YE iB Mr Dimpl«.. ••Xofc* Drew Miss 0 ’learr... • WiM Ann* Ottrin HANDY ANDY. ; Handy Drsif Prices of *a mission—Second Tier and'Feihiiy Circle, and Third Tier, 36 oenta; Parquet* 87X oente; Drew Circle, 50 cents; Prirste Boxes, according to their locale, |8 and $5; Single Beats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at half past 6 o’olock; Curtain rises a? 7 o’clook. \JITHEATLET * OLABKE>» ARCH-ST. J V TfißATM.—WiUiwn 0. Frederick*, Acting an Stage Manager: THIS (Fr'day) EVENING. Deeemter 3, 1863, - . OUR AMEBIOAN C@UBIN. Trenehard, onr American Oooain. Mr. J. 8. Clarkj Lord Dnnueuy, Mr. Wheatley. „ ' , „ CHAIttRS ii: ' Captain Copp, Mr. Gilbert; Mary Copp, Mrs. Draw. Admission, ‘Jtb eta. Sheared geate in Dress Oirolo,*t?? a eta; Orchestradtslls.&Oets; geats!nPrivateßoxes, 7% ota; Gallery, 13 eta; Galley for Colored Persona, <16.0$ t- PriTate Box* to Gallery for Colored Persona, 88; c£»; Whole Private Box, $B. Doors open at half past So’eiook; eommeneo at'T, precisely (VATIONAL circus, WALNUT ST., il above EIGHTH—LEWIS B. LENT, - B| THIS (Friday) EVENING, Deeembefcß, 1858, THE- CONRAD BROTHERS.' EQUESTRIAN FEATS. DON JTJAN. . To conclude with the Pantomime of THE BTATUE BLANCHE. „ BOALE OF PRICES. Olroleand Parqaette ........40 omit. Children under ten years of age..*....... ...20 »*' Family 0irc1e.,... ....."......•#..♦,,..20 * f Doirs open at quarter to 7 o’clock. Performance* wuicommene* at 7, and terminate at 10*, precisely. ternoou e ” oraaaCe * 00 uth Side, Where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, haviogon baud a fall supply of GOODS for Gentle men’s wear. SAMUEL H. MATTSON. n25-3m-lf No 1126 CHESTNUT Street. manes. FARGO, & 00., 400 CHE3INDI STREET, Purchase the Interest COUPONS STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND SI,7SO.—MORTGAGES *|POjlivx/of these amounts, wall secured, for eaie. Apply to J 8. HUBER, n 27 206 South Fourth street.