..14V - 4 5 .; . • = 3:45H*" • -,,,- 47ev4t-Sft;',''''',"-1-4•14•F• aitaedl - el , ,I*Dertedi r, . itaiiiihPo - ;'Teilifet; tOt•Vtlif 'Of ... tlk'lekl 2 T -, f 11 4' 1r,110L2/4 1 .01.A . ? ' l ' ,!,,- ~._- -.--- .t . ,l . le,leapialies,sl,6ll. 9,4. , ...44.4;-, 7 , 41,7',Ar gg . ':A , 34 4 : 1,1,- 4' , ~:. , - '" ' hylves - ter frAbger 4,llawik 4 NeiiitlialiriVi ' 4 , , e01. - - .=-'x4olsaejteikati,t PitrikaiiMMAlW"k4"'-de' pid ‘ i . '..; ..ifofulant'Liwi ihifiße WOW -InsigiintAigkanpshtuf , ' 1 - - , 4 th.. e ArePirit , Or 4 1 ritAr t"411 1 14 VO .ell ,TP,II 0403 *Ova 0 b stro+o a ult by.1 1 %14 mim.4OO I . I OYOGIROct+ , roOrhtisitll ,tee fr ii.hjx.Presiieft and w Pr- 031 "- s n° 1 t del ',gip:no A 9 , 74.43 6 .birrt'kund'a vpiittokistrkim -Ituthi i 'Pci.mitt Olve . f5,;:.1.. fund in fakthanditontho, gar 4 1,1 1ttes Pettr,fht43,ll4lo.lo,and-Aa G a i t, off th suit Mieteidte , Of-Aklaiklutrex 4 - 4/3 0 ,10.;11) , .. , - . -neefit goal, IT , : .. 07:PerOnc•Xus.:4-airown :,- cod - 4 4 , -N , AClRlb o l4 , ,ttePtiffi3koeenw notion . 0, IVls i s 4 71 7M 7 1% 14 1: 1* r ` l' 1 I t ei r tAi l u i "s' ' ":. en lege t, , e,,. feu *MK NIEL auperiOr d matt • 41 rantit., Terdnt for the agendas:tint Woe& :tfird,„-r,dr,ldaPitlir I Gri 3 : 11 1 11 0 - f fatfitteaduttif-7W7 1 • ''' -, ,:_,n4fldnuof.7" 09ifeT:-:-4ialge s, Stron4:4 ,, Thq '.. -jrchistktisptist gliuguiv„or:Tobis'it,',i - tifilit7Olefbes Os .1 1- !phitioex , An Arleen , on a"ba l tk; hr Indemnity lolteripc4 - , :thikihilAtiffit'' - firinkthes payinentf dfltene - whith , .t,thilD' Twits nialisty - tii•par.“ . oliasio foetite44lntilttorlr: Jowl te..!Ernoirair.iii. Eton; Ind •Itiosit, ,ni - N9r; eo•• • partnere tradlirf;tco:--' Ali , aOtion ritrawheok.;,„Ttrgat , for thVOialritiff ree-5 6.4 7, 150 . --; '-' 6 ''''''''' ') i . ;`,4 ' , ' ii'Ai ; .,4 . , The Globe panel .Ineuranos Oelnos! , 7 --- --.--. - -- A.ligneart , 4liierehVosi" the VOMMq - elfeJON.'-,PP:mr"°° Companya , ltetdio , repertiatV aii ii6001;11i ji pfilloyaf ' rettismande . ;Tordlet;for.thejplitititiffnik 11,408 14; rubjeeeter'itei-opiiese of,ttie court in b r- imu, oApoinli reastacti ~ `- . ..- -i '',4•,, ---- , ' , ,'- t '.. - , , ~,0 ,. -i "^ - Efenry,l7BakerOhirtail:"ltalidg,l'ilnd thinliultiiikor; tradlisg,AO., ni: - TharnialViTeltoeC- Defoiefflipairtedi Verdict fortheld'aintiit fdif;s2l3:2o::l , -z-t - W''-''' , T - n '" ,-Villiegigi 'i &tassels ':s-,ltidge I Pliomfiloii.4-4 / o mayi,Lirtl, -- irige'Aislitat wiili picking tbis„pooket of .141re,Gringdr.,4Thie.dIfondent,WO tried tabgt feWiAe.l* tadolAaikeifkcfslOtir'bekid out IdWatit - j - werifitnahle - *a avel - atßarAm 4itehihred by Jgdp Thropeon.` We; - - ' 3- tardily the'neweravalgatn Wiwi up, AmtNkohleet, Whe - ' *trashed thitdefindint testified that she *as getn proith. ', ing *rested,. and wsa„ In Ihu•,mehrhbourhoidnf • fielentN And. hisfkat atmaternd, *lll, datettell, with her band in '' life. arankseAldelstrr yarrNst g'ulttyolententml,,fe - ti nairttuLin coast, Prialm; ,-;:_,,,,, tr;:l,-,-,, , , - .. ,--.),-, , . A . i ' :, lim ascia:defendant., wee then' chilled ;Wig!, CoP7 -mating a, similar offence ; Mrs.-Danagh wee the prose ; -• entor to this ease.: Tenliettiot'grillty,, - , ' --, , -Jamee Kalil', ' , alio! Itoote 'mod Shove; wag charged Ild t hfilabituer4;et titian. adionnt - At ti - ro*ty 'or• mitt ... , Addliiil.. , ,fitidiogitilty.,l dentenbed-teone years r fin! : prieontnant in tha„carantrpriaon,:.;:in, -,, 4. „v i _„,. , , ‘ l. , Alberio Witte' Area: - eharged , lwith,the tsfegarote . cheek of Alumna 'Nmetiele-for: $1,500; upotilhe ink - of Noith Amories. ,, - --fibi'lleferslantmilided on Washleitl - ,ton fetuses; near 8 eventh - etreet, and' wises lately ed and brought to , the uity , Dran Meer' of Kepi& II Jul , ry, from New Orleans,. ,' Both the prosecutor and def ;fondantmin& ifpautati.','..Ye!diot-stulAy.-` , ffanifince de . fern& -- 4 - ol- -..„,,,,, -I :-. ,'3 ~....,,,-, .. ,1 1,1, - , -- - ,,,,4 ',. 1 William' Babb eruieherged ;with - , istallelosis mischief, id breaking down the, machinery and orsin ,, of a bakeryi, • Atryont. ~.. - - --, ;I,- ~ -,,-.•.• 1" . ...1- 4, - 1 , ''(: • Comasessc-Prataii=4llidgei -,LuilliSsi:-,pasnici- TIOS 1111141111) ...Y•iiiidi,i2moirilliiiahO',eoll.lll ', Or foi both puttee' in the case oDuustare Deschamps ci. The Second And / fhirdntreet,Paeseoger Railway Company, applied. lii : court 'and, aniMuncrd !that the disapse meats between the parti4s bintbrah - inufeatiVattUrd, and thatthsvinierietion granted wee and the order for the getondint to desistrinntug.thill. e t t° l79 l .„., receloded. ~„ _ . „ , _ ..,,, .7,„::..- ~i'l.,:;:f , r linPottallottC:: i:1168 8 8 1 80d,_ for,Kl•Radtja„ AdAtAliZAll—Bitimaitrid tabOigea - Otto -t% • , jgoalattga.4g4lllXidiiit .Virenfil; -dasadatibittao,Tbak.Wabeter; Jr; 218 too 60 dastaak bbl. do thialtior:ltttitrimaion &MO; JO ea d0, 4 41.3 - 11ansools - Co; 122-lora22sad4,4kdiati.A,Taitt; B,loca Wardle & Ste; Yealtbi 21) , 10A0 A:A .A.Aribi!avog;2.o Uor M Us 27 titer= car A ntelo; ,186'Itaalt,bbbUded,opt 3r. Boehm; 60 bra 3,11.11624%..60 balliyarit Z WoOrpl.,*Bo,Bt,lB9.bbla floatcdoi s l2"liart'llaxitiod Ottotratjon- 4 do.feShern tr. " 346 *Oat Parker Tolaid;.2 butt:ldea Julia Mood 1(0 bble tar Cochran 8o1u1sell; 8 basolbathers 12 do seed 6 bar mdi. MIL& r ratdi 2 but.ike liJOhprotrk,Od; lb g amottrg tobacco Olt Orattllon;_l6 Noel ritiOtA - & K C gel; 83 do W Prtarf22 diP - 6.0tildwall;180 do Tom re s Bbawati; 171 dolin do itu.a A, W Prettytaanr, OS o . fattL3 ,font . do Or; 'Ol %triply iskalt, 'Novato SO Or; 046". Money, Collies 1 kit wine 'Ellie de Our irollt.Abbla brand.t.Kirtpatrtak k Deb.vatd do , ,Lant; ..‘";& - M - yora;:.26 del awls', 11.7180,p(ii 23316161 'adodzo o 1 ,44 5 0: 114 0 1 7, 1 04 1 4!-S 688 . 410 886 'f;i % l'-.4. , ,0;1 , ,i4 . 41111.011,PR1AAMA5P 9lr - .43#01, orkiati - a,P-Aw Adverpool, - 11 ov: 33 • Tra33ll33atintiill:: -. ‘ " - Rio•dirlangro;soori = Bus Mita . - 4 7 , 0dhonicarArres and Roar lo:'7:::11..:::;,:;%''''."41poo , ii.:L4BoAtio4,4ogoi Ohadbonrnhltolcss Itosatio; scrod 84liar! kfilv • - Barbsdoesi 1°33 14 3 1403" ' '• '" Ssians, 0304 113333th i 3333104300 n A. - jutifieljtittiligAnct• - ~ INAL.Vi9NI, P .I IO64t UAILrn[ M inoia';2 I), 4119 i ADS iiii i':"!;..1,111 JA:k I 1117 N ' 0,10 „WO t: *Mit . , 44,,,,/,...,:".2116 'a*s '4 - ' 7-4%, - -,‘`-• t.',',ARRIVITI. — ''''`:' ''- "''' ';' L t ' yOfetintilitZlilti:vhirepop4s i 10 liteitli'filA'Rew York, With mdse and pasiangeueto 471unall Alidiedloti. Passed &tight torque at lieestiltiten's ; ned,afeell4l l ol, ll 9rtore ' Wand*: '"'''-"' " "-_ -" - t '''' ',./ ' ' • 1 ~,, BANl lll i 4t l 4 rfayilayi!taltop, la days front gawp. with ItiettO.fteie,l4 Alrei, - , 4 4.- - -- , x a ,-... 1 ..' R' .. ,%14.148 2 iliremOrloo_ . a t Cdr4Verr ' ono lol o9. 3 4).F.Wil - , , WAY tia All • ttr•UE,F,ROV '4 , 4 . ,3-1.' ,,, ,11,1-i,"„. '''''' Behr:AdelalderlitielMiselc--,syin.o"!4,s3"PYlP4F,4 ''' Bawer, With it ea* trehitaia '-;", :-`....' ‘ , .- r - Th -',' ' t Bohr lobsi'Li Thimai, Till; e 4, day, ficini;Otwyesul;'7/e1; with Mein and oats to kliewtey,ft Co. , -. ttolir Ilidden; 0 Op:lWe e t 'T Bay lain peadetios, Der; ittle 4 Pßlo l e iad osta 46 J.. 4 2 1". 0 At*1 8 9,1 1 .4.a.4/."4 ris:.. f ' l'_,Bahr Lidlia! Chetah. Bteauglumil.Ani roto.,:ifpr,Fs „Abf Del, woxa k ta,to;it Berrett te.lien."Z.,..-4, “."..- -4.1,. - ;..,„gehr James 6,Ble,7erie, 110111oBeWortati,day frooPßaf lTer, Del with ikirn sod oits,to 4NI B 111,9 & Now,. 4 P-:saltr: boigwarvX.extb , f3l l l l YAo l3 l - 0AIN,i1, 1 ,!1; TPlti Wlleatteflii - tareatt4:l6Bt, - 4-'ll l- ', ' - 1",, --,, e. e ',', I - t'''Behe,'Ania - ' , ll7irin,Ellilyrird;-7. da771'01.1?113 Georg s, . Del,' . with . ilitatt,lo24lll,Barptt eallot:r. , 7 ” . -: , ' . Bat Yjigials, Vodnii7lA.z. tto, f , Odessa, Dii,,,p)i . oortio Jos Dirratt - ft Bit; z""- -- ', '' , '''''" , t :I ° .': Oahe 'NT PleknipZ'Plakappl - 117fitrht - illtiW.Taik; - with dse Jaime 841 8,7 e,,,,, t"' - ' - I'i c i ' l7 '' ' Elehr Wm ' Lorei Robinson," 7 di ii m clipperedir) • merc'erith lish,'W 7 iiditlOrkmaifi 4 rt..i4 - ' ' Behr Disk, - 8 idttlgrot Il_diya, ttimaterpror 7nrniillth oduktiThiol- 571r ioak c a %.143'.4..x..1 frlgr , ..2r , . ...., 1 Bohr •Allan .Darrillgolleo) l B l 4o.'7_rent Boston, in ": ballast to wilatiist,Vleo_ „ , ".,:e , t', 'l';,txl'''X , -t.t , '4'4' . • • -' 14 3144 - - 411 rlislletlIeletel 1 , diy,hent Little Oreek liar. Ca , ingileeriesistitieheitt'her I:Bewley en" Co., -' 4. ` ...c. reltrAWallettriegaption;.l day Item Bmyentqllll; with earn ter frftwley in, Co.. ~ , ''... ` - , - , - t•- tir, ,tßehr-Alllal7i Rtdraals,l day frail' Camden, Del, with , ' Oita tO .I' I. Bawls,' * - 00:', ', `.," --- , , ,„, , - ' , -2r Sat Vidillii,lreston, from Boston, ,- ‘,-.. *, „ i _ , • - ~ - , s , llctir Ipeeia, • ~sainarrr- from Beaton- .1.-.-' ~ , •', •,, :' , i liehr Piddinooolt,iiirronglisi from itestori,%, - --• ) "Bohr Mary Bilssnetn, Baal, Matt BOarnar ' ... , ' '1 ' ' 2 Bohr Northorn - LightfLiko) fromßanda rt r. , '-'f' l Bahr Lewis (lhartar. Elnalara. frant'l l lo Torr../ - - 1. t .... Mei mirkPitistios;lowitlei; feint 710 - 1 3 Yorkt "+ - s:..' Babe Mary Aims • bureelal Man Mirleointi , =" 2 4 -f""'""- ; gloinfollilspiott di, ftrint - odissor, Del, rill whist liedhrtiOut!te , Damn. , r,' ', . '.. ........--,---;,...- ,` -- ,- , - - ._ , 81T.0W72;r,' uli , :8 - ,,X , , IlmAnd Hihniminn, - Abbott4 nom le le aim : a ) ' -P. * 4 '; Pz.t3;e4 ,4 ' 6 ,A : .-.„ ".01aimulD, -`,,,,,,'....... • . i itsiiiimiDliiitinr, copinyf 10,1*, - 4 A l / 4 11 f0414e0- 2 Deign° Ilp Mimi, Bfieln ; Ilisitio4 Tyler; Iltoill,'t Co. • -Wilt itrotio Ontirbridgo,7tingstpo, dem,:,,Woy.7„arlidt - waw a) ; ~,- _- -, •-- -- --- - - -_'. -..,,. '.- .;-..".... ',,- • - - Brig 0,66i.61 . 11,14ibi00ir: iithie..4o4 ntatrtnt , .41$ goi,, - .4? - 114;;,,r. ...•4- ,- • ~,..; . trl , .. , `".5. , ..r ) ,.. 1, 1 , Brig Ohleopos. MAO, itattor. D Cloopieir , z7-.5.,... , 18ebvirilir,Moulteri,l6wirsiddi-lioitenfitottleildari 8041;118 Poileite.'reitei, lablliVA g. t" , Z4rk deg ...., sake Alice Yoster,' , Dbar_leitittt_WB7lll o B 8 Co Oche o,4„,llookiher.tituidreinnoind Ailtartommt 4 OP. •-•: -- EtAXP.elltiotillodkrBB llo l l Blior'llain - - ' ..7,* do -,',- ! .7", ,801sr,AtiarkDoefirIng, Diet, Providenea% ililloesk Co' Ailitehnltary Anne - .'Bowen, Providence. ', - ,da,;, - ,6, ;„ iteltrAM7BBl93ipth)."..titedaa:4B),Yme-.88 1 18 , poll' • ii..d .. .tt.Kt , or - 0 r,.., - . - --:,z 4 •--- -- 7;"''. - ;;. - - `."- 1 • : ~." Doilfar,r - 'do s A , - 1 - 41/11071tTNI11111, =wit xta a Dried &b.,. I Ilearrdr Chester ) Peridereiraleatoort Otrialaktiall%:olo - eeri -,- ". I,,,lldiftir 8044 Bonier., Bolton; Z,llothorntel. •• ..',Wh , ) .. , ‘..-er.rstr, it Rultosi alip o All ll altiplarie/9 , Gam, i,:tcd, - - - -af s - - f - - 4 1-si : vv . 1;,4..t wti F..... ~., ,,i - - -, "-J. rid ..;,,,,,,,, ~),f 1 - A:l,(Doorwipentltotei otThiePteis.)77..z- ~....S 1 , , - ~ ,,-- -.x._,,i•f.) , ..,:wi, 4411.111878gir Davelliti , -Who .ticilowtog basin, trim. Ur Onion, • thaw - Ankt. the llohayiltlit Cisit ,ta.day, boned t0 , .-1 , el: ', ,, Phist. lodon'aod corniginol *iArilows .1. , '.., 4 ,,,,,, ::=,;r lr. Cl) Sioluttd, flour and rye to Dodd k Doily; h a i _;Kline,ettitmlnpui void 74 eiptator , Two Brothers (eine :-.4 yosil 0140 Dui Rerrheylrints pinned 001 - ,Beeketicee", lumbar; ta - Niorema,rig- Ohestaietheeeirafti , thober-tp achookllt Pilivkattou Oaf =nom" Orielt;idintoinorou wet to It A kl.rieyrorip.tnyitil kalien,inmhar to B T .7,anneyt / 11111elhareyeltot I , ,,Werks, nartton:BrlP.Celeit lentth- --; t..,,r„..1 - ,,,,-4- i5.1,54,4.41 , -(1.4 , ..et 4 -.. ,-0.- 4 ,5-,, N. ii. e;"-:. xii;o44"itta' egeleinett-t-k.„+ iwel -4 ; 64,4, 1, en. 1, - P-3 , 4lloteespaidittaieot therrkllredilphindizehingij - ,„,,,,,,..,44-‘,4‘e,,e4/4411W00;1711,1400ov 111eljt 1114 l -*• Ths bo6lll o ' D a vid 480187.;'7roirraditswiski and sebr yr .11•.4)rnoret ennicia, thar,hitharitieuklefuseien this morilitg,lol,Pinlidedplils..., Several xeliels pissed to "•'' 7 "" kT od . - Nobit 4 B Ai harbor ineept..thel, tug Amer en HA iebr., 13.8,1i4wni.3 , ,Wind4V , o.fr. ~; ; yb a Irratririte- - - tWXyltrilitol7.llUBl. t .),.., ....; - ,,, ....r.,limr,Wirissintirl'd -. 2 .... , .%+1d • ...-': I 4 ,, i - mintipm4.64 , 4t.tu tanalaphia lizallann.4 ' - - ' OAJM Istian.-Bov 79; 4 , PAKI 1 The brigs.ltsly.n.Milllkonc rionr.teard.etrea,, Xdnird, Not Wint.lnitii, atureblif o , ll4lTiewiel. B.** an east . ore' po'eti.litslate ledei; pissed np thutifternion 0 Mind - " nor. i l , '"" .-".' :".--- - 0 DV 7 1 / 1 8 ' „rn,l'e;;4Ti, 1 2112 MMIII I '' ' • ~, .-.......- - 7 - 787 . 1 , 81 4" w ' ' -- 1 - ' . . 14 4 41 - 801 acsat Tan rani! Mignlanarte, from Ohirltetod boiled to Blot ' timora. l oll ll,ll 3 l kro 0! irloavoidisakespisko eiriso, his P'at hiheripilititer isadli. .In it, gat e laijost la lingo spurt'if her slitio: ...,";” . „,, ',"," , ,-, ,' , ..... , _, ~., i • ' 4 c. , -• - ^',' i .41- "" - - : -7m r maxis row.deo_vq39. , bitic Ari a t e ri a t o. yea seo t i e r r i d o s o yi s niA! o litTO „, ti ., , j t f ., f;? 2 , j ,: . '", ,1 t n 1 i ~ 7. V*, ' '1 %-% = '-' ,, Wlgsw - °amuse, Nov,. IR, , ;,:Arrived. chips Oliver Moses ind Baas.Dipel from ' .. t. varpaol; Berkshire; froth Londinf. elideniffeeni 10 York ,' The ehiltHoirroUi Butin*ltittAdtqa4.l4l4llt *1! in - her hold tn-ntillt:A.TlraTMOk=a 4 A-poopkinir care - mere dimigod) hut oply,,iiiglitly, r"...4 -,,, •,;.-,.,,' -. ~ -, in ' , A NehOIRKOAINII.Nt-e - : , , I , i: ( 64'4 lacitooltiatsw, hence ; safes& it N4Torlt ,risterditt - --•;---'4 ,- ; , -0,,, , ..f..-...,..,., --,...- "'"' 1 '-'' '.° ls t o aaatik' i -4 1024 40/f),t,Zr fit-- 1 4,rn0N.,91,0', ~.it sity jo it Ylioptdeli i t , .c ,4 1- "i:IW - 01;1:: Tie elt A ll 4 l ll 2: o4B 4'7 4. 4 W r'tszantlifi 7 . „tabus, Nri ei r, • ,for. SW - tn, ,. Ye 1 1,,,, r i , ' ll - I " i giriliiitagr craritr V ail - sl NeW , Pl4,7l l Steeday. .._ ,-:. -....?-,-_,, „.,_.' s ''',,L ''?n - ,-, i `-' ~ _ .2.L„;s3filipiedik.,lleatee; bit; for Om I l ia l li mit °l " l44 4° Ajtrai k d i :a l ti;Vgii 3 aAl4;ii9Orii?tO Y 4ll. fa se t s from Nea r a 'cud.- -- . -.24'7. '" -1 1 :- - 'l P il giPf u #' so , 4 ° l ;: °lo fl n" ';t l ; 2 o l " ri t1 4 :0445" - - - lot - , .. - 10 7 . , .- ,... ,-.. 4-, - , ~,, - .-e4 -It 1 , sliiheiriltliiWithi;Eigtefi 70,17e3tfoltiOpr_ it ".. ; 41 •iltohifoliniturtitirt* 270 hililr.groltiMottitif it 'Vtltrei gapappete2-4 , ', • -re-.' 0 --. , 0-a4J" - , gott tishod, ,, ,tor 14181116tCbtetrid , At 1 ~ .tp "Altai t-- areeP" of Isottan, , ittned it - `‘ -. : - .o g .roli, l otr - I d Ar :.! ilitiqf 414 1 1644 K Bit itC c 3117 : til et . ,bittfili&l4, al ' ittactswipAionstituilit.'loo: oo- 4 1 011por i- - - - LedvAliVilit4r.r,t7,"' "'" ' to w ed , 110104111 111111'11091)11111;10 11 10 11 ,/r , , t-• ~ 'fiqiiti 3 Oth•ritilrAtVaktOr. '''''',.44lW ' ' f,1,, , pa-v-iii 4 , -1.11 ,, ,,dr°12-1.. -., ,i, trbliwitillit i . _. DO. at li!twPOrt ilib int r t• ;0" ~eerie ,_,,- ~. , ! ,o-,,,.4 ititittis_'lr. dOtloctspl.b. t tgqr-Art It ti v iet X ,-,- ‘..• e- AeritirWetdivanigiv ,- -- - - c t u, .... wari f i t ‘adincttg.rossitogosiiierat poruand. , - , - ,,,.3 , . , -,-, 1 ,6 1 - tot , ltimmii-, ,-:-. 1 4,*§444fea..k..14.1, ...:,' ce.r.,a.„4 , i . r.,' ,„. ..',e;,... , .,3l , l44lltnibi,forlf,iiTans,,eipared 4t - , ~.-., ~ , , , , ,?vpulutio t .lpi c...„0 ,-, 4 - 7 1 13r0).Atir; . , - 3 ; ',- ; 5 : ,, , , 11'' /3103R.4413,br. - -b 0 4 . 1 ,1 i . ;i 7,4311, ' ' ,5 1 4" tilialliiiiiivid I t ' •-- 1- .•',,eiri,..oh lean ititle lorry ~t -", - - 2 L ,-=' * 2, - ,- 7 - - - ; 1" ''''' •' t ',1.1-=!2M , ' , .." niat." ithtiltioirkiter4olltedPilldfoiti °timid " - ;'-tv ' , .4 or .1011001p41.1% , 4 ' 14,4 -' 1 4-= '• z , 3.??.''. - "'fighttiiiefalitierialll/1•100001:20411ek; 41 7 :rV r' S- ' WV6OV/ 7 g X.O-10TOTNI r so.Awl I 0 '4,'•' , .;-ti' '~ Witi4 ' PlNlrriotifer Aortrou# v,,::;,,,,,,:fiv---„,:j-.1:-.:.-,-., M I tME;EM==MMEinMENI :77 •:7s. - • iaitO`iiii:4ol.4;Atirciii:Glbbwinci,Lidr:luffolk, Baker, Illeorinitetlkoto 3,Aurinst . . tli Lttet.t?llegigii!4lo44** at i!LIIM"Pui AgrA l erriZi'llii,htifet; add 'inst. for Writellad'• • t"t•tt k• - ‘ , ` ; Mitre ICAO 111enting,_Sbarr; trt• ey, ,Jet 11analor, Nentett, N Bitting, WhirrifitOtt.VilitibllttePt 1 1 . 1hg 8 th i' l o l ' • • foroi f Piermojitt;•Nyi"yiel "itbat •wllirdwgten; Del; 18th last. .•!•;,,I,4o4roline Smith, limith , for Now Haven, will sail •Donll9llthlington, Del, te-dsy, litoNtltlohardpoppar t 'l,swil a• hence, aillrk v il N.l c.- "j:• , - - 'Ochre B -0 ,Ohestec,alikwkY.7and kLietni rl3o* ,: g Bedford 18h 70-Philadelphia ~,lOkt„,-1)larY•IP Mifflin; Whin; cleared 'at `New 'Tom 'yesterday • . ,•,„ , : - .l3elfrpharger,'Nelsey,:h r iiyiett:',!r!vilttt Ate7:l4titidon; , - 71101147.9,i010r O. and Munn Bray, Naylor, hence • aritretthlNew Bedford 18th IRO, Belte,Octian QueenittirkeU, eloied l ittl, i - N7P,rratV l7 * , lint: for Philadelphia. '••- 'kg Bair Jape, Ilk 104 . at , -80 hr lonatiliA }tan Cobb, hence; arrival it 9harles-, lon 18th _ ", -:; ''' Bahr Templeton , iloolgBOre, foiliflth#,Ori(?ljitttld it Oh atlestcollattr • • • • • •. 0 . . ' Seim Jura Montt, OriiirelltV: "Vet i fillm ic fr w- jarlit * , ll l l l h ar i dl a n t g, ' ' and It It Brown, No dl !On Inputs et Providence 17th Inst. - _ •Schre.Nlitett,‘Vreavery ,T , Ponderi Nilietteworth, C flmtth. Broil/ 4.60 d Oneida, lionper,uDed from Proj peace 1 . /MI(0,1ot • tiehrlyo4ltWitter, Potter, from Providence forMil.j larleitfilit;alNewport 17th . ' • Naiad' Qbeit}'Hubset aVliee - Pali iliver'l6th knit - - , , propelloillthstr-Robinbin'i'cleared at' Net; York Yea lehlay for Phlladelphle: •- • • ••,• • - • - • • The elde.wheel steam Carter; 78 feet long; 18S-fiet'beare, 6'd tone; with a•loirtprerettre ooeder sirs engine, and - built in 1834, of White oak: Waif sold' t the VeretanteLlaxelliengfraterilit; by 11 Therese & lionsi 'to cleergertinilltiet for $l2OO atlif , Olß.lBlo4 ~ N ew • York viedefday from Liver pool Sept 28th, , reportsV , 0O - the - 25th; 28th, and 27th of Ootbberi in let 42 and Dinkel ;:eaperlenoed blurriest:to '-f r oVel4Tv ev iu l i ttYgre r m i malt7lll:l°iiietlittrta meets, frwo toe rreekete;- ehippy,e'd b oi.y sea, whirl, atom n forrkil homes, washe d away pump house, second cabin eod steerage -langways, skylights, stove buiwirksi , ond wished overboar W m Morena; 'second - oilicer‘ or - marsh, Ober& •Prioyer; aliChsel,Ternyi Heory'Thirop- , Woritattonteni and- m Colteri passenger; all of whoni were not seen attaiderdeV,ifid the rudder aprtutgekot titbit was takenln tow 70 r -milis .11•811e7 - Bandy,,dook; bystearn-triglYm'Et-Webb, Neary et the time frone•NlYr 4.1•*•-••• is e4iutii4 ta4olte at ral WrAVj • billSs I Pltti; 811 to to loanod tenitanl • :Lialitp (4y/tat-Palace, of , New,Bedford i llimMorke, from Macao for ...Bombay Which carried away'part 'of - stele while at anchor in Ilacallian -Stealth, (before reported) wee at hlstasholoe, fix tones esetpf the port of, 'Zmba- Migts'en 'the 29th oflttlY, her tieing perlY coati Vtotedq Expected to proceed for Boulbay'in le d,aye.-- iltMonica, of 'Pittston; Stinclideld; before'reported at the Delawar e, Breakwater. hidietreas;.from Jackson arrlved'abNe*York , ll3thluit. la-bound-to Bee: toe,,and plaid er viiatte: Va. the 14th IMit off thri Dapas — er Ihe -Delaware, to a'heiry gale, eprabg 'fore topieret and farilard, leittalhe and sprung' sleek ; , perriefred heavy weather throughout the passage:. 16th Iloole on hoarible • Naphleon Il Maths' h -phte-pilot, and attempted to reach Philadelphia, but wee preYented by the heavy weatorly winds, and com. petted to brtog the, pilot-to New York. • Z. , i , j 1,4 %. r'NOTION , TO Ikt,Clollo ,d 7 .;• Notice:lg .herabfgiven that iblippLibitTattiesik plicAd to walk tba rsitistiee to"Saco afiVer, Maim* is tollows: Nientolst.itailApaz—Spas triaoy patated-I?fisOki anti `liiiiliertioa: . •. = ,'„• Wood wit,: Btegi Islandlittioument,--.Yrby'B3o lit ilinorso feet NE or ledg e; in tl tethinna• orwater—d feet alibi) ledge at high water. ny, - • RAU ISLAND Linos—Spar buoy painted red, marked d, with bearings se lollows:• BtigeTalandMonnment BW•by fijia;ly in!! es. Wood - Island Lighthouse 135 abouttOleet 5 of ledge, in 5 Wheats of , water, with aboisbl feet otwater on - ttiet edge"atfoetwator., .Notice •1c ale° , gbrdn'lliattbo'lrell•boat hag been re moved from Bootie Island Ledge for repairs; and a Mit °tau tin buoy: painted black, moored In its bided; with the initials It I L in white letter' ,• • . . By opier.of , thelighthOutte TtOard • ' ^ I -7. -THEO. P: OBSSNL Lightliptist Inspiatot; let Diqf Portliiti4 Nov. 17, ISO:. DOMISTIO' PS)BTB . . . ' NEW YORE, NoY.l4l4%.F,!ebtp Xxsefs'or, Swift, Li. verpool,;f AO, bfaryyt Itucire house, St 3 3 alp? de ' Onbei scant AirOni.Ordeby,'Heorgetown,po; Wen li Dealing, Brste*Baltiniors. - -- Oldviblpd "It Hamilton Lewis, New , Origins; Tease Webb, Entobinson; Liierpool; Oral:lame Holley, Men toe, Antwerp; barque'T ,Custle, Bdrooode brigs Zone Priest, Glasgow; Jibes' Teen. 'Betbadoes,• Portant, DeOrbsi 'Oporto; lit wilkinsi Joan, NB; sebodAqtracd, Hoff, Nessins;/ N Lindsay, Loche;lierielsk,-.U;'-trothere, Dtryi borrolki J Holmes,-Brewster, Outmost); H 2daybee, 'Higbee, Wlt• taingten.'NOr Setah Bright, Noble, Berabear. Ls; •T ri Myers, Cobb,Sinbile;- W A Ellis, Nieholi, ton; NO. ,Lt - POWDIRHORN, Texan. Noi port, berone Has. tsing,` , Oreenconi r for Heir Yerlc, ready; "tabu Passnort, Histlibsir, for do in about Et deysiintheinOtriorson; N Gardn, - HallealWand. Robert Palmer, Niobola, for: do OlepP;fotllew Orlecina; Woodbine; Ta7lloKiforYrinklinf Lt;" 'Mains II Hill, Blot, fordo or reibckftlieblit* 0-Terbelr. Oole,'atidliiiy Norton, Peony. (the bitter from New York) for Yonsscobt..Ylent 'tddeepet RRIVAtE3' AT - ,TTIE . I ) IpCIPA.I, -HOTTIP, '117".20 013 O'9V6OIE nue 31011013 G. GlltaltDMol7Bl—Okeetnut istreet. below Ninth, R Carte/irk?. it, Harrisburg Mrs Napier & da. N klimsbad , r , PM Barren, N Y- W.LtAllen, ':L 8 Coolidge, ilooton Derevre, Milivankeer , 4 =N W410611,1b1d •"- • WhiteheadMewarE% B P etameN Y slT=lloiie; Dolton 3 't/ B ir'Pleeo f BOstori Mr:Bantry, LE 0 Sherman; . ,Aillonituart N Y 1 e ^ ' B B Hart &la, N Y Wthlarrif. Wilmington , = P A Bonaparte, Pratte. ;JAI/tree, U 8 AT 0 P Church, blempblor.,..: i P Elleat&larlingland i.lldialt-Awtdali.t/eigli.ML F. A Fonllyytt Y '== John IL b`la ,t 2.. Mae _,.. • e Hut, N A. - itt Rutledge & la. Penn Mrs B Matthew., Clisoinn Min 'B.rsbayr,,Ohialeaton 0 Matthew., Charleateidqq-Wm Temple,,timyrnai Del Cleo Bibb, Ala • 7 0 Ileigbea &bailor Jain Webb,' 8 C.,: Min Webb, 8 0 ' • t.g , :er.';-:-.2 flawing. Albany • P A EloutbrooydtN Peter Bald.) Jr,' Danville Wvilitder;lbutrillei Ya 'X P Mahrway, Alstliatiey,Mtri .7, Ezra Yarneworth,Boston 0 Inap,N.Jl_,— , l - 7,•, , f<ti 3 ', • .1 . Mo&lllster W W Britat;' , ll-Ir.), :1. 11 Heves; Dover, N H Dike Pdliii.baiviv•t Dike, Bolton ;- Aug p Manton, Brooklytt - ,3NDolline, Brooklyn ,ddiy.Taylarl Boston!: - 4111.110ndlipp, N • ~...E.f.ilumn,loniarthe.By4.—Ohea Barry, Boeion. Zenridliosie,,Baltlinoo• t , W- g Gomm , & coo, Ye. ttridF attoll' .NeoJelt,lllchni'd,Ttt Ivuilidgeire; itatitubroct sift Sondotr,lll BD iwurence, New "London Altandall, N Y • W Coalman, N Y •? - 7olui F Pickett, Baltimore Le . id, Camden. Del 0 D Alieldbald -U Lliitobermk, N Wing jone4BieliMond,Va P X Maroomble, N Bedford . . . MERCHANTS!, MCTEL , lourth" - St:below Ares. filtristol,'Sorinteir - j-•• .;," A lirkinard, N lt• • P CamobelL - BLairsitlie Mei N Y ' R loop, Taut - , Borne, Maine JO Howell;"Mame, T - 8 H Smith dsla - ;•lidniiNirn„,. J,lLlearia - k. le , Tennessee ; R Qtßaele:Md. - _;:_n Silts, Columbus, 0 - 7 ,'; , :p' . i7.Tttatervl3 r," ,hawnee i OlferadtelitiZstrette` ' -3 Maras; N le - 31SfAtintrIng, New W.'Whee'l6l 7 ,l2tailisbexg - ItHlettar "Paddest, Ng , ' .3011 ; 011 HellogiuN Y . J 0 Gpodwin,,Vii -'- • - Id Pinta* •IfentiMartlnt Ye • '.lFirZliorot - : - " • Hp7/14-74e511,"ebreettimioti DllOl - $l4 - aii •• 3 kell'Neiraik;N J `TP gailfotan,' Pittaborglr' , ;,7 elan York ' • Bainter,'Ohlo • F Kuhn, Baltimore - 3 7 Orawfoid; Pltteliurgh H Earful,' Pittthurgit J. ittensfj-Ltiokilaveri ••. II Farnsworth, Loth Haven P Itithi;;;;tga": ! • ' RII Ldeg , Lineaster M.Plitrary,ll4 , R T Cream &Li Del • HB6oserj 'Dr Nawleh Pa -B Hi hood(POtturille - Lowenthal, Rock Island -9 oele, .1A T Mtn ltsi 410 , IffxrD-Lafffriplird:t 77 - • -•' flo.llo 4 estrintStreel, above FIRS. J L Delaplairq-Del - A Tistritbstoek, Lan P R Owens, 8 CarOliria 0 IlltuatonjW cheitet -N M Olaey,,New Castle J Hardesty, Harrisburg, Tia'Nftilhompson&la, Roston Us. Thoutpionaktiton , J - Enkertort, NV Chester ttob Lewls, - 14eir-Tork,""' lan lf Ounalpi; bledisiPit 11.01eason, Gleasolz; Meta''' NOTtiwid,.'Nerirsik,'N.r; t: dna II Thompson, N Y tllluekley & Haven' 0 T Nolss, N York R 7 Thorne, New York 317 Walter -Patlarthe Molts!, Pittsburg Qaol‘o ; A Myer', ktaa4vllto VIANKLIN liCliill4oBestout street,' abervilitlrd. 0 Teasti;gi,A TI Flinn, Wilmington - 'f A P Nish, Roston 4, „ A Crookii; Mist' t." N 8 Bradfoid, Boston - Joseph 1434. " - :f Itimmond .141,01tietter lyr-11,Allen;WasItligl74 - - • "•• • irlinerfaisitt , ' 'Pittsburgh: , Misa Mite:4*MT ItaJJ4aoiliqr, N Y _ , , 11,ATIOWAL1110TEL 7 —Itane abOve Thid. Jitollinshead, x rlerr/ *o -- .TS StiOfeb:PittattOP.- ltartrain,N Y. 'T Holier; Lehigh OW Smith, Sunbury • , E P Ellrich,Pottsviller , -, , ,,,-.7 0 Richardson, Pottsville T HOlarh.,innosilor- Mayer, Harrisburg Thoro r Daltimorp U Vanderwerken, H Jidentliercrottaylihs , A Nichols, . A Happen/, Eewtowri,-.4,i, T arm, Allentown Z Ilubier,Allentovrsr, J P Toland, N Y -• T WlI Flood Pit -; 4 .. W 13 Hauck, Lebanon , ,- • D ;Way lopbgton Winkoop, Itarrisparg —• • • DADLNYtiOI3IAII,MOTSIL—Eeeond street, below Tina' Deo Pickering do de; Pa,- John Dueeik: son, Pat- ' W T Trego,'Pa D Raffensperger, Ohio • • , Jae --' Jacob Eutbarn,Ta.• • - , $ 011arvey, MlddlStotrn B H Janney, oolerbtry , °bac Janney, Pa, - ,=:„•, Wu:it/rarer Pa K. Smith', Pa, -, 401uul Magill, Pa B.Laebelic, ra, - - DOalwallarter, Pa .11,.Beans, Book' A 0 Beans ; Barka co • A Corson; Jr, Hacks co ;:',llBuclaraimiPopleattara aamt B Brosdrairit, Per.s:,-.-i0 McCarty, ris B B Tomlineon, Pis - B Kirkbrlde, Attleboro ,Alos t Germen,Newtenin W W Bioko, Newtown Win Atkinson, Newtown . • B Keuho, Newtown Y Oarc,pocicc . co, Taylor, Pa 110tINT VllltNoWTlOrne.ltaeond at., above Arch. B West: bbirativniPa -0 T Adams, AY , Lt Mint, Oleatflald - ).,;,.,,sl.1 1 ,Thoinpaots, Olearlteld Heed, AVlsWitra Mies I g Patterson, Del Mrs B Patterson. Delmore ft Henderson. Lrooming Co w paynolda, Lycontlpg.oo, rACJ Morrison, NJ Lewis plipleri llomaryllio, NJ . , , . • . , MADISON #Ol7Bl-Beeon4 et., below Arch. Lyman TFunnutiafri . R T W Walsh; NJ' G G Yetolson, JobnetoitniPs 7F gager, Albany t • T 0 .1141.10nPAlbeitt ~.4.i't, , 'Ar 14.110 Miller, Cheater cc, Pa .11.1oHnootc0bIturElfdliTO '-= '.lt B Deaf, Boston -111gonegan,-1.1tW.b0rg1e , , ,. ;: 5. ~. .r...':, f] .: ~ .I , DX.AOICI.XXAV.JI6TXL•=Ttdtd ab.lkorhlß . lacti Molder, lliading,.. , Adler, L Roads, Bybury , 'll Roads; Byberry -o_Xwada,Pyber,cr, Win Padova, PO • r, Bros Moses Xoldocion, , B Borgia', Mint , ;Wm Grlbir'2Thoollxig P 0 , Yeast Willi am sport,; P Haldeman, Ps U y f rool,le ; D - MOsoi, Bootioniery co Dr,P, ;ohnycfootadcle ; Pa • • tavei %Arai, I:Merril `' 0 Bowls, Pt Become goßvPo, ' ",`P Welktl, Allentown , • I) X Oleumnews ' c. Hiller thunneytown " Bl ACK BEAR MB— ifth and erobant streets. J X Al ison,Jdopedale, Of , L Ow.*libightner,Huntingdcn eo ~0, ,0„ X` 4 ohod, Marietta, Pa I -1 6 " 0 "r; GathroprWest Grams 9. o od,lrlioATinth Pi T N HaWthcop, DelT lan BrOWI3, to " Xis& X 0004, Chester co Milsll,Villamon#o4soter,oo John ; Haley, Cec il co; Md 0 IVBeittlyriXy' Ohosteeco' • ""t 13 Dailey, Schuylkill co Miss Fi r lrattlAillih,.-DA, o,* • ,• Saint G: Cooke, hid ,Dt SpakMaid, Del co, Pa ,gyets, aboatee ; Eina taltuk. Chester co' X XskOr;Pol:co`;',' - ,, ; A, Alla ~Wesc Chester „Wloklf iatiud Hhei l ettun, Pa, 111 19 1 - 0 PPirbAr4i' , C, • • 40:040- 4•Totra itriet t Atm' y• 3 o:ttomatii. 1 , ;1'11 1.1 . eawrard s Buton .vialchiitdirSiodkolo 7 t II 0 Besockßooki Co,- .1 I *mks Co 0 Stophlcr, nuctwooz J aFifaltir s Zit! Qrlitik4 11Dougtoyitiaatortorp3V4 1 tif te, 512 „p.p. ,EttE S.-,PIMADELPI-lIA. • SATUKUAY• NOVEMBER 20. - 1858. - --ecrial- - - Notc#6: • Whales UfAckors.-Ladies who 'mos desk :delicate foodi , -frSe'' ftiom" an fewerfetrtendenotilhotdd :OatVire;4l4iitli,,;sl,:wiiiiiya--,kenzrtk °Timmins. These apt kEnOlj.nnon the itontaqh, , and impart to the systent,a- pleasant InTitoratiori, and renewed .T are °nit nt'the Terzi)Oet;.kinde of, nourishment introduced lotO . _the ourpery.- Be core indlot - lhoso otsmood with the mole of A. true *lns Crackers =doe -, , , " : Trio# ninisjs,lioniCholde linen ',betni 1/isolated thsl/40';'tirsibletAilei0e;:_genariroptioni ,; And hesi gradiiii and otters. stkapproaohes slight heekbignolighVLePitiinint . b1iCx1.... - -anit the -- pet of tho death"! i:littt 'if stie4lf any onss Roald tai."ll4oAl:Asimailito:oOrdlitil In {ha first or .aeonsid,soid.feonielimes even in the third stage of ,the fraosidlatorellet iretild-'enion i - and.life be pro ggifistiln Loryngitis, Isthine; lirone.httbsi inutparlicitiarly Group.: The Uttar disease, the ter •ror, of parnnts, L completely inheenous 'ln presence of and'insi by , a" fen doses. „ :.!Prepared only by Dr, a M .JACIKSON, No. 418 Axo stioetopd'"foi 'sale - 'Druggist, - and Eltotekeeperi :throinghone the' United -States and 'bounds. Price 75 'alibi per bottle. - -• . it J. 'Fair, ,Propositton.—We understand that Jules Hanel & 00., in offering ilJutes Haust , s'Agte. ffienne: Hair lrenordior, - ”, agree` that if it .does'aot riatorelhe hair and wiiiikers, liowerer grab, to their Original life-like color, in lees that -three weeks, they mill rotund the money paid for . it. Thirff.novatei Ix _warranted not to oontain any deleterious isubetanae. Por said by all respectable Pinggiete, and atthe LaboM7 tory of iTiff,:eti UM:Om &. Oiri,Pertumore ant tmportere, 703 Cazerigor Street,. Philadelphia. note-it One•Prioe ClOthiniCif the'Lateat Styles, nail made in the best lasilii.fer,':etirasely tar ENTAIL BALES. We loWeet Selling - pricas in Plans sismairs on each article. All goods made to order are warranted liAtift4otoii, aril 'Olll , CIAN-PllOll starch la strictly ad hered to. We believe this to be ,the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all alit:rested alike. - • • JONES d CO., . 5 .10327-2 y. _ • . 604 MAIIKIY2 atrael. • Bnenetl l B (hypos ~,...• - , • A - stngle'sppllastlon renders the hair—no matter how &II and diy—soft se' eral days. Tk is . ../Elii-DEBT AND ,bNIEAPRST ,D4R• DRESSING IN' TEE MOULD.: HABSABD & CO., Twelfth and Chestnut Sts. Bole Agents, For sale brdealersgenerally, at 60 ett per bottle. ' , , _ , , nolo.ll sso,i 860,450, sso, sao; sko, sso, kIitOHINNS.—PRIONS DIIOND.—A new. and,nlegant Tangly Sewing- Ma: thine for, UO, and Ake rgeneral Neale of prices greatly Reduced: 'AN. WhO want a' subatantlal, simple, end rel. 11 - 10 Semite` litantio 6 , illitch has an eatablialisd tation.,fl4,doinejlii very best work on every kind of material, are Invited to call at our office and examine the noir iiiialitnes; at "the reduced prices. They can not (drip to satigladir , SINNE24: „ rici21.722 ; , No. 602 4:111.2J3T6111T Street. ' To ., ;AU -.who • :Wont *ono - 7. —• Jones & 00., -.-Drekers, • Northwest ' earner of ' THIRD - and HABRELL., STREETS, below • LOISBARD, advance 'easy liberally, In large and email amounts,' upon -,depositi W4ohes,. -Diamonds, • Jewelry, -Guns, -Clothing, ike., on' Moderate terms: Office hone from to 7 P:111: op31•lm Fiand.,-Plv• Pei Cents Interest.— 'NATIONAL BARETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT : Intent, 8; W. earner. of THIRD, Philadelphla. Money lireilved In any auto, large or email, Mad interest paid frdi the doy of deposit to ,The day* withdrawal. Money is reeelyed and payments made dilly, without adios. The ineestments are made in Neal Estate, lefortgagisi Oro - awl Ifente,, sad 'Stich first:elms mut. ; XBll as th charter requires. Offfenhours, from 9 o , oloak ikthe morning until 6 o'olo ok in the afternoon, ad on Mender and Thttraday neoplasm until 8 &cloak., foe ; Nothing to of more Importance to the Corn fort of atom* than a good COOK wrolta .KO4I , ,TING STAB, box boon in euocesafidoperat:on some five years, and there, , :kas neverimen introduced to the public a COOK STOVE that has given astlifsation so generally. It will DRAW, BAKE; Mari - 110114,131101 L, dco., In the most perfect manner. - I will return the prise paid for it if It falls to do as A J. OALIAGIIER, oell•mwsdat ' 805 N. Second St., above Tine. Gallagher'. Sunrise Gas OVEN, Fiat TOP' COOK STOVE, LARGE OVEN, VERY HEAVY PLATES, AND MADE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER. I WARRANT It to ' , DRAW, BAKE, ROAST, &e., I hare been'engaged in the manufacture of stoies for many,years, and roan safely recommend the SUNRISE to ray friends,' If it fails to; perform is above stated, .I•iviII'RETURN YOU 'THE MONEY PAID POR IT CAN YOU ASK MORE? - ooll.mws26t - , A. J. GALLAGHER. • St: Vitus's Dancie.Tilis distressing , -and moitifyinenerronstiffection is left generally, either s tir, take Its natural course, Cr IS fisted on general jirinol• Flea 'With Tory little enceinte. The venous symptomi - are - notthe - dieesse_itoelf;and premieti front' functional or Organie 'derangement, in the nervous centres; No medicine has been found equel,to the 'PERUVIAN SYRUP, in checking invOinntity• nervous tram filings known as St. Vitne , a Danes. - •- ' •-k!or sale in tide Brciwn, earner Hittli end Nhestnnt, and C 0.," oorner .. Twelft,L and - - oeNi-dficatf Stew Tenanting* ,aid Zephyr Stare and Fae- TORY.-1-..0. ISAXWELL & SON,' Southeast Ble tint& and'Ohistaut: , oe2l.lta W. Henri Patten, Manufacturer of Window IMAM; anelnikteieler, of OLIBTAIN And lIPIIOLI am MATERIALS, LAO! "and MUSLIN CUE. PAINS.: DBOOATELLIIB, SATIN DE LAINE and WASTED DAMASK, RAPS; 'HORNIER, PLUSIISS, GIMPS', aid TASSELS, GILT_ CC/SEISES and UR. .T.A.7.77 ORNAMENTS. _Gilt Window 13hades, with all th trimmtngs, as low as 76 cent* each.' Just, received from Atactionv. large invoice of (Jadeit', which are offered at, the following unprecedented low prince: Multi' Curtains, , st 00, worth $lOO a pair. Lace . I , $2 00, " $A 00 " " 4-Tambour Lute. $3 00, " 46 00 " " OUlte iiossy U 4 " $5,00, n $lO 60 Elegant richSmbroidered, $lO 00,' a .420 00 <',J' •c Oeuoist Curtails, from $lO 00 to $l5 00 per window, cemplefe. ;made sod put up at theistiortent • notiee, by oompetemt workmen. HESRI.PIITTIIN, 450 OIISSTNIIT St, :':liel2.4l2toe Opposite J sine , aNew Well , ', Wive:el:lbis Consuming Stoves !...Unless these StoiCkatumide inn proper manner they are no better than the common old•fashionel heating Stores. " imploinoite• but the best workmen, and nee the cholcest_imported Thuds Iron. , I warrant every du Consumer X . se ll to be SULLY xgott. to those D hat On , exhibition in the Tranklin Initi‘te,'und which attracted the attention and ,cdrCiration - :of 'biters generally, The Committee conceded that GALLMtitilit'il make of SILV.NIVg eAs CONSUMING STOVES were the best inthe Xxhibition. t ball - attention to thnfolieWing letter : I have examined the 'Sliver Gius Consumers nnfactured s hy Mr. A ".1. GALLAGHER, and pronounce them fully moat to any I have eyes seen. The 'Runde Iron 1. thaiistar Digit', the Workmanship unsurpassed. The whole glove ,fully embraces my Invention. I re. oommend -, Wlth pleasure to my friends and the iublie Mr. Gallagher!" metier Btoses. I. B. SHAME" Move Manufacturer - NO. 806 N. SECOND, above Vine. Setunenta linvtnn , Eand—Northwest - Sterner 'or gesond and Walnut areas. - "Weaves deposits 'ln' sums - of Otte,.' Pedlar ' and . urraids, from all eliesoia thicOnimnolty, and allows interest at the rate or livelier coat. per annum; • ' , Mee open deny, from 9 until 6 isielook, and on Mon. daytind fletunder ,ungl 9 in the erilning. „President, Irrienklin Yell; Tresanrer, and flenretasp, •Oherles 'Morrie - - • .• lhaaani W. Bally, NO. UN Market Street, Importer and Dealer in tine Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wire.,First-Oleas goods OanstantlyAn hand. The Subscriber, Pollux cash fox sterptrticlt; enabled to iell at ra small' advance. Those about purchasing would do well to call. All roods warranted as TlMM eateed: • asi-861 ' . ./S , Grover it Baker'. Golebrated , rosotlf lowing AUORINIS, ' ' 4) ." • 0 ' ,1, r 1 A Nisvi $150.'" • ' “" 730 01112111102. B , PUILIDULTNIA.. 4 ThisicAlsehlnes sew from two spooli,ind ferrii seam o uniquilled strength, bounty, and elistlotty; ;inkleh will zip; even if every fourth atiteh be out They are unquestionably the' best in . the market for Ism* use.:- . • ".• • ; " I:, — dellS-tf psluarouAacaamui..ta siarriagca. On the 18th by the Boy. Cameron Macßae; Rector of Bt. Jobn'e Episcopal Church, JAMES P BrILRMANto MAGGIE 0,, daughter of George Read, Esq. On the 10th. August hat, by, Rev. Joseph 11. Ken nard, Mr. JOSEPH JOHNSON to Mica T. OIT, both of this city Oct. 11th, by Rey. Daniel Gaston. Mr, WILLIAM WILSON to, Mize - SABAH - PEACOCK both of Phila delphia. tt On the 16th ibdtent by Dm Gaitan; Mr. BRNJAMIaI W. GAUSS, - ,of Nell county Md., to RAWL, daughter of James,-Paul, Rag., of Philaiel - On tbeleth instant by Bey; ioseptrlVllenuard; Mr. J. WESLEY HAMMOND to MISS LYDIA ANN PIISEY, both of Cheater county. " -- On the 10th' instant. at 'Et `Peter's :Ohnteh, by Rev. W. 'IL Odenbeimer, Mr. - EDMUND BROWN to Mies MARY ANN MooAtiLltY, both of Philadelphia. Maths. , . . , On the sinning ante lath inetatiti at the Greatßend 1 Penney Wants, ldre. 08IEON ABED. . . . , Due notice will be% islyenj of the date and place o funeral On Wednesday evening, Nov. 17th, JACOB W. HAINES; in the 64th year of his age. - . The relatives and friends of the family ' are respect. fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late reel. ,dence, Whiternarsh, Montgomery enmity, on Monday ',morning, Noy; 22, at 10 o'clock. - ists Os Wednesday night, 17th Bstint; Mr: GARRETT MANZANT, in the 67th year (Ilia age. •'• '• " • ' His friends and acquaintances, also. the members of Asbury Benetiolal Society, are respectfully invited to. ,attend the funeral; from his late residence,, No. 147 North Fourth street, below Race, on Sunday afternoon, next, at 1 o'clock. * On the lithAnstant, SARAH ANN . YOUNG, In the 95th year& her age. , ' The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from her brother's residence, No 221 Poplar street, above Second, this' (Saturday) afternoon; 20th instant, at 2 ° s ob:mit—to "pro need to Odd Bellows , Oemetery;: • * ' On the - morning or the 17th Instant, BENJAMIN EASTBURN in the 86th year of his age. The relatives - and friends' of the' family Are reaped-- fatly Invited to attend the funeral; from the' residence of hie son.iii.law, Dr J. It. Reading, Somerton; Twenty third Ward; Philadelphia, thin (Saturday) morning, 20th instarit,"at 10 o'clock; To proceed to Cedar Rill Oeme on the 17th instant, OATICARINEI.VANLEBRi-wi(e, of Samuel Vanleer; in the 28th year, of het age. > , The relatives rend friends of the 'family, are 'rat et- , tfully,invited, to attend the funeral, from the rest ends: of her husband, S. W. corner of Front cad John streets, ehisoitoreey),ofternoonottfl, o'clock. To - ,^lokioeed tq Wharton MrX. °Mach, , Judgment attar Death;—Lecture by /Rev: TQ•MORIWW, - EVENING At 7; thilYergist ClAYit.clbji9 DAWN', ptidielrouitti.;,lo, Riv. T. , Litcliwlltpreaoli To-Morrow at 10K A. ft,7:, and 7 o'elobk , at TWELVTg FILBaItT Streets.. !,. :At*. tyr. Heston wlti'penned in Nninzeiti U. 3 M. N. ORIJRO/1, Bitifet,,belon Vinci;YEVERY AvErizNst, next Week, tit 74 Peleele Pr cmt_ otr e ae o te e n: at o eti ng o ; o t i n o - cit. pe esrmt , ! reof , o , Nazareth M. eh l taCti, !(thlitnentli 11_3 , st ; beIowALDAY. nOl. 'preach on BIINNA.Y., at 103Co'Olook A.ll. 'ltov;N. I;EtT44 ON P. M. Beryls:op ird4cilsiotirnitoonlokpo3 came hoinr. Protracted mepitig.iin 'maven, , ITen~en.=W►iat , y. , sohn 113 , (ADM illtlts On Ali subjuk: TO4lO flll.o W, px.?. M, Oharo,h,'lioll,A.D iiOGE,f4.O4ll Bti9e s.- is ay Cialvarv- Presbiterlan Church, Locust Ll,3' . Strbit. ,The - evitning Berlin' Se 'discontinued. Services hereeftorat I.ON aa III:, and 3,ri P. Al. , , It* 4 I Rev. Thos.Street. of Green Hill tihnrch, LL:3 *lll preach in' the A/UW.OAR MEORANIO3 ) HALL 'Corner/North and George streets. To-Itonnovit (Sabbath) 'AVTIIR/100N at 3)( o'Clook. it* `_ Refeeme , Dutchr Church.—Thil 077.Churob will be open TO-3100,R0W. BVERILIO. et 7g o'olook., sermon by thpPantor,.Rev. W, T U t TAYLOR.: Young -111en , s Christian ASSOCifitioll: The Regular Stated Monthly Meeting ot% the Y. M. 0. A will be held on ,MONDAY EVENING next, November 22.7818, at the Ransom-street Church, RAN SOM Street, between Eighth and Ninth, A fall'At• tendance to earnestly rcqu.sted. The_ Ladles are .o3r dlally Invited to meet with us. , lt* - JAd H. BELL, Recording Seey. Easiness illea'a Union Prayer Mooting AnntraneenT.—This will be held ou TUBSDAT NaXT, 2.3 d lost., in JAYNPM HALL, at 11% o'clock, preoisely. Rey. JOHN OffAldriEltil will preside,Alt bring mlntatera , day,) and a number of our moat mei neat tpeakera, including 'come of our business oxen, will participate. A meeting at intense Interest In an. ticipated. Come all who can.. - ' n2O-11t* MNational Hall, Market, shove Tweltthi ind WantllnOon Hall, EIGHTH and SPYING GARDEN, T. 11, STOOK f ON, will PreachllVV.) at the former pleee,l.OK A. ; and at . the latter,.B' P. M. All friend. of Elate CHRISTIANITY heartily incl. ted to attend. Vree seats and fete collections. • ltik (trSermon to Voting Men.—By request of ibe . Young Mon'a Christian Association, the Rev. A' A. WILLITS will preach a Sermon to young men, by DIOII3O plirmiasion. on SABBATH EVENING, diet Jost , at half-past seven o'clock, in the First Mitch Deformed Church, N. W corner of RYVBNTH and SPRING GARDEN Wrests.. Seats reserved for young teen. Medical Students invited to attend. lt* ncrSplultuallsin.—Thos Gales Forster' of the A~ eitnn Banner of Light, will Lo Lure at SANWA - PETTIEST HALL, on SUN DAY MORNING at Inx, ander Spirt Control,_" On the IneMelenry of _Orgen`witione na a means of Unman lledernp. Von," and at TX P. 1,1„0a-the question What and whore le-QadV,t these will he the lest Legtures by him at present. A =thrice 5 cents. lA* arSpecial Notice.—lion. Joel Jones will , deliver, the next Leann of the regular CourFe, on' Commercial Law," in the Lecture Room of CRIT TENDEN'S 'PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COL LEGE) on MONDAY EVENING, 22t inetant, at 8 o'clock. Free to'ull Business Men rrltniard Taylor, 'Esq., before the People'i . LITERARY INSTITUTRI, In Concert Roll, THURSDAY HYRUM, Noy. 26. Subject—g , Life In the , North." Single Tickets 26 cents. For sale of tho ,Booketoreo.„ ' n2O-IHe , 'lmportant to Lusl I es. —Sarah IL _Young, 113. AI. D.. of Massachusetts, will give a /Dowse of SUM Loatures to Ladle's on the Female Organism, in the lIANDEL and HAYDN ASSEMBLY ROOM, N. B. corner of Eighth and Spring Garden streets, comment. tug WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, November 24th, at 8 o'clock, and conlinulog TUTIRSDAY and FRIDAY, 25th and 26 li, eame hour First lecture rams. Adml Mon to the others 25 cents each. Theee Lectures will be il luetrated by Diagrams, Skeleton, Manakins, Models, &a. - n2O 2t-lf* gri A Mercantile Education Is not attained by Committing to Memory a set of Rules, or plodding mechanically through certain forma. The study and thorough comprehension of fundamental principles, and. the mouteition of ideas relating to hotliness are hllepeusable. The. Counting-Rouse Course atERVAIsT to STRATTOWR MERCANTILE COLLEGE embraces all this, and comprisee thirty prac tical Manuscript Sets illustrating actual business. No text books are need. A good buslneea•haad le guar anteed to every 'student. - It Eclectic Medical College.—Free cni and Sure al Clinic, by Professore-PAINS and CALKINS. on 151:DNS-OATS and SATURDAYS, froaa 2.P.M" - . . MAME ALL CALKINS, 7t. D, Dean, n201e3 sit • . N 0.24.7 North NINTH Street alerttniof the Board of . Trade.—A Sta. - ted Mooting of the •Adsoolatfon of the' Board of Ade will be held at their items, No. 605 CUESTNOT Street, on MONDAY LVENING, 224 twet., at hall-peat 7 tOclemk: The - report of the Committee on the Auction Laws of thin State, and the auction basilican of thin city in re. baton to their influence upon the Commercial welfare of Philadelphis;will be submitted to the 'Association. The attendance of meMbens and of the publiclener.. , ally in requested. n2,08&.,n2t it7Notice...Tho Third Instalment of Five Dollars per share on tbo Stock of the Beeomd I:hird-ntroet Pamenger Railway Company of Thlia. delphla wlll be due Red payable at the Office of the Company, No. 226N0. WALNUT St ,on or before N , umber 20th,1858. • By order of the Board. DENBY BUARWOOD, ooltl-tuthe-tN2O aseretaty Notice.—The Board of Managers of THE-LEMON VALLEY RAILROAD 0011- DAN X have TIM DAY declared a Dividend of Three Car Cent on the Stork of the Company, payable in aah. clear of State Tax, for the Six .Months ending Slat October, 1808. Interact at the rate of Six per Cent. per Annum will be paid on the Stock of the Company, in Stock, for the Six Months ending 80th day of Apri , ,lB' 8 Payable to the Stockholders!, or their legal represen tatives on and after the ;lit 'December, prol at the Ofacsko ' t the Ontnpany, No. 303 WALNUT Street, J. N. HUTCHINSON, Treasure Philadelphia, Nov. 9th, 1808. tioll-tiathsatdtel, Irs-Bawls of Plicenixvlile...—Phcenixville, Ney.i3th. 1869 —Notice 4 e hereby given that - the Duke for receiving subscription to thv Capital Stock of the "BANK OP PLICENIXVILLB," will be open at the Ph®n'zviile Motel, in the Borough of Phceoixville. Pa.; on MONDAY and - TUE2DA,Y, November 22 end 22; from 10 A DI. to 4P. DI, of each day. - .• - The provietonil aubscribers, nod all , others, are re. spectrally requested to come forward at the time above puttied and take Btectri on which live Dollars per share will be required to be paid. The Commissioners have the satisfaction to announce to the Stockholders and the public;-that when the above requisition be complied with, sailleient stock will have been taken to obtain Lotter/ Patent. - By order of the Board of Commissioners, • n011.4t N. M. ELLIS, Secretary. i... Firemen's and other Union Prayer MEETINGS, under the auspices of the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. ON SABBATH AFTERNOONS United Stetee Engine, Wood, below Crown et.,ltrom 4 to f. o'clock. • • • • • . Poona) Ivanio Mee; Eighth At., below Green, front 4 to 5 o'clock, . United Hose, Brown et., below Twelfth, from 4% to 6%_ o'clock. Perseverance Roe., Quarry 'Wet, below Third, from 4% to 6}l, P. M. ON SABBATH, at 734,P. 11. *Diligent Engine, corner of Tenth and Pilbert ate. , Delaware Engice, South at., abovo NineteMith at. Western Engine, Oallowhill, below Sixteenth at. ON TUESDAY, at 7% P. M. America Regina, Buttonwood, below Third et. Piffled°lehnt Engine, Seventeenth, below Cboetnnt Robert Morrie Rose, Lombard et., above Eighth et, Columbia Rose, °berry, above Seventh et. - The Atheoesate t at Itiolulesburg. - ON WEDNESDAY, at TX I'. M. Eingsessing School ouse, Darby road. Independence Engine, Spring Garden. near 24th at. • Southwark Engine, S. Third, above Waabington st. Diligent Hose, Madison, above Race at. Derry Clay o.ub Boom, Oheatnut street, West of Seventh. ON TILUJIRDAY, at 7‘3 N Libertyifose, New Maria., tame Coates it. United etates llose, Eutteowood, below Fifth at. Schuylkill Ilmo, Locust it., below Thirteenth et. Naval Asylum, Gray's Ferry road. Fairmount Engine, RI ige avenue above Wood ,it. flood Will Rose, Wood it , below Twenty-Third. Olub Room, corner of Fifteenth and Filbert sta. Fairmount Hose. Pleasant street, above Eleventh, ON FRIDAY, at TN P. hT - Western Moe, Twentieth st., above Lombard at Vigilant nose, Eighth at., above Wharton et:, Warren Ilose, Barker, above Eighteenth et. Bpriug Garden Rome, Parrioh, near Eleventh at. DAILY. * Diligent Doglno,corner Tenth and Filbert eta., from 4 to 6 P. M. Handel' and ilavden Ilatl, from 4 to f o'clock. Medical Student meeting, every morning, from 8 to quarter before 0 o'clock, at room of the Aesociation, 1009 and 1011 Choainut. Indies and Ohristlan friends aro affectionately invited to attend. By order of the Executive Oonnnittee of Young Men's Ohrletiau Association. sell-sat tr "University of-Pennsylvania. DIPARTNENT 07 1,11N28c ARTS, AND MANUSAOTURES, mosso or 1858-1850. Tho winter couno or InFdruotion in this Department will 00111111112C0 on TRURSDAF, Deeembor 2a, 1858, and will be cent need no follows • MEOIIANION AND OEDIDEITRY. Prot. JOUN F. FRAZER, Monday and Thurediy; at 4P:11. ONOLODY AND LININALOGY Prof:Oil/IRLO B. TRlCGO,Aueaday and Friday, at '4 P. DI. orna IaGINZWRINtI, ortatariso, AND CoNSTit/OTTOM. Prof. BADMAN ItOCIERB, Monday and Thursday, at 6P M. ' "Prof. B. OTIS 'KEN DAI,I,.—A Conned Methemettee may be tollowt d by those who desire to do so t under the , dirnetlon of the Professor of idathomatioe. The, Lectures , will be aunq Illustrated by Modell' rcrawloge, and Ppeelmene 'The 0 'time may be attended either singly or together. ARRANGEBIgNT OP 001:11t88. " PE.OB. FitAZEIt. TIMMY or Maoruaton and Its applioatlon to tint oonntrnotion Grit:matinee. . . 0111 , 14 WHY : its theories, and the properties of bodlei and their compounds: its applioatiotmla the arts KENDALL. - • , • AMAX!) Trigonometry, Plletleal Astronomy. Theory of instruments and observations. FEW'. BOGBIIS. ' • • - CIYIT. Illiornzaarno': Bonvariso : triangulation and compass, linear, mining, and hydrogniphio surruying. OONSTROOTTON: ati7ngth or materials, Inlilionry, from lug; antilibe apsolal applications to railroads, canals; and tratetwerks. PROF. TnEao Gsommr as applied to the origin, order, and geo 'graphicaldietributionof v.& formations, mid' its prac tical, application to mining, manufactures, and agricul ture. Iltairßatedt, as applied to the constituent materials of rocks, the eatrrnal and chemical chancier of one and mineral subAtancon, ibex cohnootion with the vit. rims rock formations : and their uses in metallurgy and Insnafactores. Attendanee upon these courses to entlraly voluntary, and they are not oonneoted with the ordinary College Instruction*. ' ' Bar any one Conran. - $5 00 B . or the whole series, including Mathematical struchon 15 00 The lectures will be contlaufed until thnend of March. Tor Tichete, apply to Frederick Dick, janitor, at the Bniversity—LNorth Building. And (or information re opeothsg the etudibe, to BAUMAN upoluts, lirAN 01 TYR I'dOULTT, West Rit4nhouse Equtro ar• Home . for •Invalide Wittt Affections of TIES 011.1381'. S. W. corner PASHA and OLIESTNUT Streets. 0n214m West• Ptsiladalphts. [Er Beeline's, Mett , s 'Union Prayer Meeting Da~iy from Twelve to One o'elock, in the oaoeom•street Oberon. - IbINCI I beWn there? •If not, why? Bpeoiat Prayer for 'Sabha!: &hoofs on 131iturday. Prayer for onr.Firemon on Thrtredsy. These services are deeply Interesting. ' • no7_tf CtENTLEBIETT'S '‘'- : , - 1177 ff DUARTE AND ELEGANT - STYLE OF IIAIII•OUTTING, , - .lmparting o ORAOEFOL Appearance to the Head Boom, 28 AROADB, West Acenue.'- 110 MEN'S WAXED AND WATER-PROOF BOOTS, WOMEN'S OALYSKIN BOOTS with heels suitable for the Country trade. or Prices: eity manufactured at ; DUTTON'S, - s .140. , 111 - .North 'IIBCIOND.Street, ((east s'Ale ) aboi,o , Azakstreet,, - ,.- 1,3 4, MN OT TRH RED BOOT. I I D 20.204 New 'Publications. ";t.l i Oaddetillyzthem 01111,1 e a tapping, ' ot r#plog it my cham• bar door,- - it . • , vlstMr,li I mititeiatt r ; ;napping at my ottam= . "BUY-MlllB BOOR, IP: NOTHING • _ — "DST 'PUBLISHED, , , POWS' .1,!DET1C.a.!,,,,.1YR188, •• • p • dlearitifaily illuetraied ivith more than ONE HUNDRED OfilladNAL DEBIGES. By DAltial V, • - • - Briqua , • L, TENNIBLI' - °RONEY • ' '" -:13.11.11LTON, • - MA.DOI", , • ~. , t , dro., ho.' And engraved in' the flout style of wont' engraving by LINT9N,.qq9PIitR, • ,SplendidlY . Beruid p ,rloe Ska poLLAis. , . in Morocco, Num DoLiana. • if ROB Maracas mtiCh - alon - o among Poeta as BALVA. , TOR' Ii.OBA. among Fairitire. (Spectator London ) J. S.•RBOWIiIL - D, Agent, 34 Beckman at. • it r Beniby mail, pbstago prepaid, on receipt of nelea r . - n2044,&21 otno, &1icbt,8,11,16,18,12,2a, h 24-10 WAPSWORTH'S THANKSGIVING. SERMON • ' Will be ,Publinhed in ' PAIIPHLII. 1/911151,1P1t108 10 'Akin, TIIIMAY, the 2M instant. ALB°, IN Ty.A.oi 808 MAILINO, PRIOE CENTS • J, W. BAARLIIY, Publisher. i520..21.* ' • '4B North FOURTH Street ItI,3SQ•—• ! THE , - PHYSIOIAN'S VISIT— E" ,1114 DIARY AND 8008. OW BR GAGEMENTe FOR 1809—NOW BRADY. Price for '25 Fetlents, cloth, flexible 50 cents. Do 25 ! do twain, with poctet...7s 'coots. Do ~, 50 do cloth, flexible - 1 75, cents. "Do 50 i do tuella, with pooket...sl -.Price for HQ Patients, bound" In 1 or 2 volumes, at various prime:, • , .I.SZEDLDAV.FD OOPIP , ' ' For country Flyeletans;or 'others fernishlog, Medi. alma to their 'Patlenta, or for special memoranda or 'Cases, &c., &0., various algae and atyles of binding' ug- Copies in lied, free of postage, upon the receipt of the prioe attached. - , , Desom viva eintootrze of the above, and of Medi Books, turnhhed free upon aeplteation. LINDSAY & IILAIIISTON, Pub'share, ' 'it2o ' I ' 25 South SIXTH Street. THE GREATEST WORK OF THIS AGE, • OR WANT AGM, ' = OINpE KING JAF&S', 1010 SAWYITWEI NRW TRANSLATION THE, HOLY BIBLE. A labor of Twouty years, by ono of the boot 'Hebrew and Ureok Scholars In - our countrj; an Indefatigable worker and a true man. - THE NEW TESTAMENT Is NOW READY. ' P4no In Moth $l, In Etorroceo 41 25. Plat Edition 10,000 Copia. JOHN P. JEWETT, & 00., Pubthhers 20 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. 101/ BALI BY MRS. E. R. HARADRN,- Soto Agent for EMbidelph la, GALT & VOLlClititlt'o l 8116006 t to 00WPEIPPIIWAIT COO CUPATIMP iitieet, above Sixth, no2 7 ta tb & sagalf Philadelphia. Legal Notices. TN THE_ ORPHANS'. 'COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHIL ADRLPITIA. Notate of OMONOR W. BURR, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that CATUARINE,BURR, widow of the slid decedent , has died in the Orphans' Court hoc petitice, and an iippralsement of personal pro perty elected tole retained by her under - the provisions of the aot of 14tItApril,1851 . ; and that unless exceptions thereto be died, on or before FRIDAY. the 31 of De cember. 1853, the said appraissment will be approved by.the Court • . - GEORGE W. THORN, - n2O. sitsr.4t Attorney for 0. Burr. %pritnltural. LI ANDRWZIPS RURAL REGISTER AND ALMANAC acat THE YEAR 386 Q —For Slratultona Distelbation —.Contains a monthly calendar , for the Farni,the yegetablo Garden, the Blower Gar den, the Green.honse. he.. To vhteh Is added a com plete catalogue sf. Gillen Seeds, with fall direction, for planting. Also, catalogue, of Flower Seeds, with 'Mechem' for cuhure l eatalogues o' Agricultural and Ho.ticultural Inploments and Tools—furnished gratis on application. D. LANDRETH tr. SON, - Seed and'Agrioultaral Warehouse, Nos. 21 ant 23 South SIXTH Street, Ph ila , it* • . Implement and Seed Warehouse. nemovals. WK-OVArit" JOSHUA E. DAILY , ITILL OPEA 111/ . NEW STORE, :NO'. 213 MARBIET, STRBET,, Wain alDg, ADOVD SEOOXD, ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22, EZZIM ENTIRELY NEW STOCK 07 <: 0110108, SCARCE, AND DESIRABLE FANCY AND STAPLE , WINTER DRY GOODS,• wprisnY TIIE BPEOIAL ATTENTION OP ALL CITY AND NEAR OABil BUYERS. itlattev. WANTED—To borrow $BOO on a LIFE INBIIII ANOTPOI.IOY for $1,500. Legal in terest aad a liberal ,boasia will be paid. Addrama EL ,DILIDGI4 at this office, nolB4t* TNST.I.TIITION FOR THE TREATMENT OP ALL DISBABES OF Tll TIIROAT AND LUNGS, urn 'VINE STREET. —Den BEACH & KENT respectfully invite the attention of Consump tives and other invalids to the superior and unparal leled success which has thus far followed their charmed Pneutna fie System of treatment in all aftee'lons of the Obeid, Enlargement of the Joints, Eternfuls;eto. Oases emmidored hopeless and beyond the teach of medicine/ aid, hove, by this prompt and active agent. been re. stored to perfect health and nsefulneh., We bailer. the day for drugging and drenching the system with debilitating and - museum medical agents. in t'do vain hope of permanently coring Tubercular Consumption is part, and that, from the introduction of our new phi tot oyhical, and, above oil, suture/ method of combat ing this class of diseases, must ennuis a general and thorough reform In a'i former methods of treatment. Eels rence to oases cured Examinations, daily. free of charge.',...Boars, nine to Ave. n2O At* WING'S FARINA CRACKERS.—Many Ladles speak of these Crackers In the highest terms as a delicacy Which every family should bo sup. plied with, not only on account of their excellence as a nourishment and very pleasant taste, but an article of every day nse, to *greater or lees extent, on smelt of their great vale, In misintsloing a healthful tono of the optima, which Is indlsponeable to that natural beauty and cheerful Mateo( mind so desirable. . . All those who may wish to procure these valuable Crackers ebould understand that there are no genuine Farina Crackers made but by bf r. WING ; all there arc etatuped with the name " A WINO " Allow no person, therefore to pomade you to buy any Crackers for Fa rina but WINO'S. WINtI'S FARINA OBAOHERS may be procured of the best family grocers generally, by whont they are extensively sold in different portions of the United States, and at wholesale only or A. N. THOSIP2ON t 00., We 221 and 225 FUI.TON Street, New York, or BINGER & BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, No 145 South FRONT Street, Phila. n 20.57& d4,11-4t 11 oFiN p. MEAD & SONS Rare Just completed a Great lAIPROVIIIIENT IN TRA AND COPPER BETS, Whereby they can be placed on Stoves to boll Tea sad Coffee. JOHN 0. .ME.AD SONS, n2O-2t NINTH AND OHNSTNIIT G"TLEMEN WOULD DO WELL BY calling on PIM & RENBIL, lag North NINTII Street, above Oherry, and have their old Garments male to look equal to new, by cleansing, or dyeing f and A QUARIUISS, FISH, AND PLANTS 1.11. NOR BALD, 14 8, SEVNNTII Street It* MANILA AND JUTE ROPE, COMMB, Manufactured and for isle at the lowest New York ptidel, by WEAVER. FITLER & CO.. No. 23 N. WATER Knot, and 22 N. WIILUVER n017•2m - hITE-FISIL—A. very Superior Article of ,4 Alaoklusts ,, In Half Dbls , Just received In Btore, and for sale by .0. 0. SADLER & CO., no-2 , 103 ABODE street. nEatinf.-1,000 bales Navy and American 'Cltkum, is store andof r axle by WEAVZR - . FIT LIM & 00 , nol3 NO. 23 N. WATER St, and 22N 'Wharves. 111 ALTI MALT I=Booo. buShels superior .13J1. Now York and Canada Malt; 17 tone Duotwhea. Meal; 16 tone Oar,, Meal, at National Ilatlroad Depot, 1221 MARKET St. Inol6-6tit] -0. PItENTZNI,. WiiiBfrEy.-a0 bble., 21:4 do. (Miller Rickereton's) Old Monongahela 'Mickey, adore end for sale, by A. MERINO, nolj.tf 140 Small PRONT treat VZ R Y OURIOUS, SCAROE, RARE, V. AND OLD BOONE bought, by JOHN CAMPBELL. Elighesk pristpald. Orders attonded to In every Btoto of tho Union. Books Imported from %mop. nl9-Elm PROVISIONS..; -2,400 pieces City Smoked Shoulderll 3 l l,Boo pines ally ombked name. For ole by O. C. fiADLER;ar. 00,, 103 4011 atoiet. WILL OPEN,. NEW GOODS. Nov landing from BAYADERE BILKS, EVENING OILED, MOIIt ANTIQI 3, With a ♦artety of LATHST PARIS STYLES AND NOYELTIRS •` ISIS and 132 . 0 CHESTNUT Woof CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS. WM. P. CAMPBELL, • ' No. 1196 CHESTNUT STREET, IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER or CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, Has now to atonic an elegant assortment of latest Styles and every variety of Fabrics. _ noIT-Ot G REAT' SALE OF BEMIRE SHAWLS AND CLOAKS!!! Unpreeedented BaTains! We 'ye had a perfect rash! We'ro selling an immensity of Goode! Our trade's increasing! Our Mode of doing businens seems to meet . witia gene ral approval !! Namely— " To have But One Price! , c• To sell Cheep for Cash." " Never to misrepresent Goods In order TO EFFECT BALES." " To deal fairly and juatly, and wait upon all auto mere with attention and politeness.” " Thus to gain their confidence, and keep it by con. tinutngto do right " THORNLEY do °HIM. We have now on hand Excellent Long Broche Shawls for $3. SUB better quality for slo,sll, $l2, $lB, $l4, $lB, $lB, $2O, $22 and $26. Square Broche Shawn from $5 up to $ll. Long and Square Blanket Shawls in every variety. Children's, Misses, awl Gentian en's Shawls, &a. God Black Cloth Cloaks for $3. Every other quality and Style for $3 up to $lB. A JOB LOT OF CLOAKS BROM LAST SEASON AT - TIALF.PRIOR! Best Week Silks for 600. to $l.BO pei yard, Rich Fancy Silks 'really beautiful. , Every variety of DRESS GOODS: CLOTHS!' OASSIMERIS!! EIATTINETTS, Au.!!! Heavy Black Beaver Clothe, fine/tench do., &0., &o. Blankets. Flannels, Linens, and Manlius. In fact no better stock of general Dry Goods canto m found than at - - THORNLEY s °THEM'S, Northeast Owner .11.1ORTH & SPRING GATIDBN.• n01.34f WINTER. OASSIMERES &_ CLOTHS. Now London Stiles Omlloaeres. Ladles , Superior Oloak Cloths. Beavers, Castors, and Ohinchi llae. Black Oloths and Fine Doeskins, Vidrota, Satins, and Oaahmoro Vesting. Boys , Oaseitnered and Jacket Olotbs. SITARPLESS BBOTHEES, EIGHTH & CHESTNUT Strada; R.LANKET LONG. SHAWLS. • JLP Just opened several hundreds of Long Blanket Shswle, of new designs and full size at $4 60 and 66. STU RPLESS ' BROTHERS, nol2 EIGHTH lc CHESTNUT Streets. VILENO.U. MNRINOS. A , full assortment of Preach Eferinos, In all the qualities, from 05 cents to $1 26, Including come lots unusually cheap. • - SHARPLESS BROTIIIERA, nol2 EIGHTH & OILESTNUT Streets. SINE . STOOK GOODS AT LOW P. s me w L nags, B, OLOAKS, nektrliANß, EYRE & QUAWLS, FROM THE LAST AIJOTION, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. • Brodie Lon Shawls Brodie Square Wooihn Bound Maralea. • Extra Nina Plaid Shawls. EYRE & LANDELL, • FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. QILKS FROM AIIOTIQN THIS MORN ING. 1 lot Plaid Mtn, 16 cents. 1 41 Rich Evader°, $l. 2 " Splendid Style. $1 25, • Freueb Blue Bilk", $l. Brown ‘i $l. EYRE & LA.NDELL. no3-2m FOURTH AND ARCH BTREBTE. ILACK BEAVER CLOAKS.— A line assortment (tutelage goods. Prlees from $5 to $2O. 000PBA k ooritatD, nob S H. corner NINTH & MA} ICHIT Ste. OURNING WOOL PLAIDS.— Au Auction lot heat quality, at AO gents. COOPER it CONARD, nos O. E. corner NINTH k VINEST QUALITY BLANKETS.- Extra largo bison. Also, medinra and low priced do. COMM & CUNARD, nob S. B. corner NLETIL & MARKET Sts. VLOTHS AND CASSINERES of 'every deeertptlon, for Ladies', Gents', and Boys , wear. COOPER & CONARD, no& B. E. corner NINTH & MARKET Ste. WIDE VALENCIAS.-6.4 Bayadere goods from Auction, 44 conic 000 PER t COWARD, nob B. E. oorner NINTH & MARMOT Ms IGIEUILLDELPHIA.. CENTRAL SHAWL .111- , AND-MERINO EMPORIUM. BROOMS, STELLA, BLANKET, , AND MEN'S SHAWLS, , A general assortment, unequalled in this market. WRENCH REVERSIBLE MANTLES, with round corners. New and desirable PRENOII ?MINORS AND CASHMERES, from 88 cents to $1 por yard. WUITE AND BLACK CASHMERES. SUPER LYONS BLACK PILK VELVET. BLACK ERICNOII LADY CLOTH. LADIES' boat quality ORDERED KID HNIVES. tIENTS , DOU EILE STISCIIED KID GLOVES. 100 Sots FRENOH ()AMMO COLLARS & OUEFO. at $1 per Set. - DAYADERII SATIN TRAVERS. LUPIN'S ALL-WOOL DE LAINEB, &a. DRESS MATERIALS, in variety. WEL3II & BALLARDVAL FLANNELS. CRIB & BED BLANKETS; and FURNISHING GOODS generally, At the LOWEST PRICES, for CASH. (WALES ADAMS, 0080 Eighth and Arch streets. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS.— - 8. V. R. HIINTHR Has REMOVED from No. 30 to No. 40 South EiRCOND Street, where he is now prepared to furnish the Ladles With a fresh and well-selected stock of DENSE! GOODS, To which he inOBPII their attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW PRICES. N. B —A large amortment of Broohe, Stella, and Brenah Blanket Shawls. Aloe, a variety of Bilk and Cloth Circulate Oonstantly on hand, at the 4 . °LOAN ZNIPORIIIII," No. 40 Booth 81100 ND Street. FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. RAGLANS, DAILY. PINE CLOTH RAGLANS, ELEGANT BEAVER.RAGLANS, RIOII VELVET MARS. Elegantly adorned with REAL LACES CROOILET, &0., &o. OPERA CLOAKS. The largest and most varied stock of then fashionable OVER GARMENTS, At the widest range of prices, and suited for MOURNING, PROMENADE, AND PULL DRESS COSTUME, 121EMEll PARIS MANTILLA .!c OLOAE lEMPORIIIM, J. W. P R 00TO•R & 00., 708 CHESTNUT STREET. Chino!alums anb Copartnerships. NTOTIOE.—The Qo•partnership heretofore 11 existing between BETH W. BOLT &WM I. TAYLOR., under the name and firm of BOLT & TAY LOR, has thin day been 'Unmixed by mutual consent. The affairs of the late firm will be nettled by SETH W. HOLT at No. 251 North SEOOND Street. ANTIS W. lIOLT Wed. J. TAYLOR.. Dated Philadelphia, N0v.15, 185 d. The business will be continued by SETH W. BOLT, at the old stand, No. 2.69.N0rth SECOND Street, where maybe found a large assortment of fresh Groceries and Ship Stereo N. B.—Orders will receive prompt attention. nle 2t* TPHYSICIANS.—A young Physician To le &drone of an• engagement with a gentieman having an extensive Practice, who requires the aid of an Assintant. Good references will be given, and terms moderate. Address DOOTOR, office of thin pa. p er • nolB.6t* IopREAD AND PIE BAKERY.—A gene ral assortment of superior PIES, fresh: every day, mrde of the very beet roaterklo, erprearly tor. Family nee.' 0. D. CABS +Uri n011.4t4 1338 Market Mot. Uttaillarfi ‘ ll, . gobs; IN n PEW SEVERAL OASES. ISTZADItit i'AIiDgIIBLGT, ZNOI.VDING SILKS TWO VLOUNORD ROBIN, 133211= VNLVET POPLINS, PLAIN BLACK POPLINS, ,ENDR9IDE . RIEI3, EVENING. DMUS, &a NEW GOODS THOS. W. EVANS & CO., F SEASONABLE MERINOSS, , LAINSS, . FLANNELS, - BLANKETS, &a NDELL, Founrs AND AflON 'personal. =RE Wants. - AVANTEP—TEmployment asKonsekeep orf • vor to do general Housework. Apply, at," Afro) dates? No. 18111lonsall etreet. , it* •ANTED.—A ph eat„ of mrdtnm sire.. Evens te.Watrion's 'realce preferred. Adftlegs .g Choeter," . Bloed'e Despatch', . n2O 4t* WANTED, --A situation as Salesman in ti Wholssas Grocery Ifonee, by a man who ha hadoonsiderable experience in bueinere, and who can sell a fair amount of Goode, to cash and four' months' near Penneylrarda trade. Persona desiring.- en inter view will please address 6, 0 0 0,,” at this office. nl9 814 IVANTED—By the tiret•of Janttarrnexti a situation as 8008-KEEPER In a Wholambi Store or Factory. Undoubted references will be 01 , 024 Address ‘, Tadao," at this ' ..nl9-et* fI3OMPETENT, TEACHER - - OF THE French and German Language desires tonngage his aerrlces In a 1217hu01. Addre ss GOdireh" offi c e this paper. - xIF•StiS ttrANTED.—The advertiser, ayoung ma v v of active business habits, is anxious to semi an engagement with a Manufacturer to sell Goode on Add Satisfactory- reference 'be eye& Address MERCANTILE, - oface The Press: . nolB.6t* WANTED.- = By a young maimed a An:tattoo in a Wholeiata Store to assist; at Books, and make bimetal( otherwise maul to bis tmoi ployer. (Mod referencee will be given: Address T. 'O4 office of The Press. n018.4t, WANTED—A. Book-keeper in ik , ' Whole.; sale Hardware More. ' Good rererenaiis quire& Address JUN, at tills attics, , VVANTED .; neeond-hand Furniture Car t either 'ter hire or purchase.' Addreii SIMPSON, Bloodte Dispatch. nolB4t* PARTNER WAIITED.L—Tho ' advertiser; deelrotie 011ie:464g hie bneinem, Whine to take a Partner who' can furnish $5,000..118! business is safe and profitable, which will be shown on an inter- TieW being h.d. Address - MANTRACITURPdt, at this office. . . nolB4tit • A PERSON, BASING:AN ACCURATE -CM- knowledge of DRUGS, is deeiroua of-obtaining Situation with a manufacturer of a Patent Medicine. Beet of reference. %Address lIIPPOORATBS, at tb l o. office. ' • 'noli3-4t* THE ADVERTISER, BEING WELL',AO - throughout Pennsylvania, is demi:auk of obtaining a aft - nation aivA.GBINT in any kind of busi ness.-- Can - produce flat-clue reference. 'Address RT, TRICK, office of Th. Pelts. - nolB4t* WANTED—To Rent, for the winter sea; son; with immediate' possession; all'arnished house of moderate stsei with modern improwemente) west of Tenth,stropt,., Address A. g.,offloe of this 004 VVANTED, ME THE UNITED STATEN CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, • unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing; and medical attendance. Pay from an to Ira per month: No man having a wife or Child will be moo tad. Apply for MOLINTBD EITIRVICIIN at No. all MAHHNT Street; above lighth, north aide. , , I. N. MooRE, let Lieut. bit Dragdone, Reernitlng Moor Sox Sate ano. Let. BY AUCTION-=—The Handsome"and nu. Desirable BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE. No. 1620 PINE Street, (Union Place.), , sonth side of the way, with double TUBER-STORY Back Buildings, re plete wi h modern conveniences, and in ffret-rate order; 20 feet front by 130 feet to Stone street; 30 feet in width, will be sold on TUESDAY EVENING, Novern , ber 23d. Oan be examined at any pme previous to male. Clear or all incumbrances. Two thirds of the phr chaie money may remain on mortgage. - ' - TIIO3IAS it. SONS, n2O-3t* Auctioneers. PUBLIC SALE OF LOTS, IN' CAM. N. J.—Will be exposed to public sale, on MONDAY, November 22, 1858, at 2 o'clock P. M., on the premises, all those certain - LOU OF GROUND. 18 and 20 feet front by 100 feet in- depth, situated on IIUDBON Stmt. between Federal street and Bridge avenue, in Middle ward, in the city of Camden, N. J. These lota are in an eligible situation, being convenient to the Court Rowe, and within five minutes walk of the Ferries to Philadelphia ; 'and are Wear of all insure brew*. itW - • TERMS—Oneheit Cash, and the balance secured by bond and mortgage. . • • • PAUL 0. BUDD, Anotionecei ii2o.2lie Third at., near Plum at., flan den, N. J. orm TO LET. A very desirable new MU STORE and three-story DWELLING with three story donble-book buildings, in complete order, with all th 3 modern improvements, just finished, No. 219 North NINTH Street. will be rented together or sepa rately. Apply to WILLIAM. JAMISON, northwest corner SECOND and MARKET Streets., ' nol7-6t* ma TO LET:—The large, well lighted, and italeligllde STORE, No. SS -oath SECOND Street, which will bavacated by the undersigned on the Ardor January. Bent very moderate: Apply to nols-tt A. 11. ROSENHEIM & BROOKS, u above. ea FOIL RENT, FROM, JANUARY, let, JO. 1858. the Bret-class Granite.front Store, No. 124 North THIRD Street, above Areh, mdt.ble for the Hardware, D y Goode, or any otherhesyy business, be= lug well lighted and commodious. Terms estislactory toil responsible tenant. Apply at No. 124%, second story. . nola-It If* MCI RENT.--On the lat'Jannary next, the very superior and extensive ROOKS, at, Bd, 4th and sthtloors, each 24feet 6).146) of the NEW STORE; 683 MARK BT Street. The building is one of the fine improvements on the appenetde, .between FIFTH end SIXTH Streets, having two fronts, the north one on a rear Street with good cartege,way 20 feet into SIXTH Street. Apply on the premises. , , nol-tf • pc) LET—The third and fcitirth-story rooms of No. 13 North EIGHTH Eltreet. Arplytto J. W. 13P5NOER, 2d floor, No. 73 North /Dugan Street. nolfLtu th a•Sts gTO RENT ; a STORE on DELAWARE Avenue, below TINE Street', remains . through to Water Streetil4B feet deep. Also, the Double STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the beat locations for large Beninese in Phila delphia. Also, - STABLE and COACH-HOLM in OHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear of Ash land House Apply . at 273 South FOURTH Street. - ee29-11m* Uniirgiab CAMDEN AND AM MO' ' ri BOY RAILROAD COMPANY. FOR NEW YORE. CHANGE OF HOUR. On and after MOND kV, the 223 lost_, the EVENING MAIL LINE will leavo PhUadolphia, WALNUT BT. WHARF, at 6 instead of 5 P. AI , as heretofore, via Camden and Jersey City. nolB-4t W. H. GATEBIER, Agent. iMmffeig PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY NOT.IOE TO PHILADELPHIA MERCHANTS WBBTIBN SHIPPBRA THR WINTER RATES ON PREIGHTS WEST WARD by the different Railroad lines wilt take effect in BOSTON AND NEW YORK on the 15th Indent, and in PHILADELPHIA upon freight' destined beyond Pitts burgh on the 16th inst. The rates are lower than former Winter prices by Railroad. Sayi PROM PHILADELPHIA TO let Ohms. 2d Class. ad Olara. 4th Ohms. Columbia, 0.....51 20 $l.OO $ 82 8 2 Cineinnati, 0.... 1.80 1.10 90 67 Lonieville, 8y.... 1.60 1.27 1.05 80 Indianapolis, Ind. 1.15 135 95 70 fit. Louie, Ido 1.80 180 180 95 Chicago, 11l 160 1.25 1.10 80 To other points In the West at comparative low rates y Bail,.and at the nine! difference below Bail rates when shipped by river from Pittsburgh. 11. H. HOUSTON, General Preight Agent P. it. R. Co.. Pattim., Noy, &I, 1888. nob-12t (bung, pitta's, NEW G-lIN STORE. PHILIP WILSON & CO., 492 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW FIFTH, WILL MIN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 92, An assortment of .FINE GUNS OF THISIR OWN MANIIPAOTUREI, THOSE OP THE MOST CELEBRATED MAKERS IN EUROPE. The attention of Nl' OR TSIIEN. Io requested to their Stock, which they can promise SHALL NOT BE BURPABBID By any In the United Staten, PISTOLS, FLASKS, GUN IMENITIIRE IN ALL VARIETY nolB-tf BAZAAR, NINTH AND GEORGE STREET/J.—AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, Ac., on SATURDAY_ MORNING, at 10 o'clock, corn. prising Estate of J. J. YANBYCHEL, deceased, via : gj • A pair of Bay Horses, 6 years old, can trot close to 3 minutes together. A saddle and harness horse. 6 years old. A Germantown wagon, by Watson. Erne light no-top wagon, by Watson. One do do by Watson, pole end shafts. I . One light Phaeton, built by Watson, in Soglish style, nearly as good as new. One set double harness by Lecey et Philips. One do do by Hensel. One do do by Gibson, N. Y., cost Imo. One -do - do very hght. Ono elegant riding saddle; 3 sets steel polo chains ; 9 suits mummer and winter horse clothing, some very costly; 4 elegant whips; halters; one city tr op sad dle and equipments ; of stable fixtures and furniture. The whole to be sold without reserve. ALSO A sorrel horse, 8 years old, 16 hands high. A sorrel horse, 0 years 01d,16 hands high. A pair of dun carnage horse.. A sorrel horse, 5 years old, 15% hands high. A long-tail bay horse, 0 years old. A bay horse, 8 years old. 16 hands high. A sorrel horse. 6 years old, 15% hands high , A gray horse, 8 years old, 15% hands high. A black stud-colt. 8 years old. A northern-bred bay horse, 7 years old. A Canadian bleak horse. 7 years old. A chestnut sorrel horse, 10 years old. Also a Watson carriage and harness. A broWn mare, 16 hands high. A brown mare, 15% hands high. A long-tail gray mare 6 y are old. A gray horse, 7 years 01d,15 hands high. A sorrel horse, 15% hands high, 6 years old A bay horse, 16% hands high. 9 years old. A grey family horse, 9 years old. A bay mare, 6 years old, 15% hands high. A bay horse, 7 years old, 15 bands high . Also, other horses At the commencement of the Sale; will be sold Risme collection of desirable new and second-hand Including two Carriages by order of the underwriters. Mr" No postponement on account of the weather. :119 SIR ALFRED W. /1)14105091 A MRlijiiotipiiitf4'ot •CA- • - ITALIAN'OPI9RA, • ; Madathe OAZZANIGAL., Mr. ATRAso.4oElreivkalfitry annonniet - that he hat effected -an • engagement' with that groat: 'and' favor- Ito, Prima Donna.:, , • - Madame iI&ZZLNIOA, for TWO NIGHT!!! ONLY",:pritir toiler depirtoze for Malaine frliZ ANIGIL will appear, for the 'saltine in Yhdledelphli, on MON• DAY and WEDNESDAY, November 22d and, 24th, In two favorite Operas: • The sale of seats for the two Gasseadga Nights will 0913111101208 to-day. • ON MONDAY EVENING, Noveniber22d; Gaisaniga Night:= - . POSITIVELY LAST HOME OF THE _SEASON. - THIRTEENTH SUBSCRIPTION NIGHT. • - ' • - Madame GABBARD:LA • will appear; for the laitiind only time,' In: liniaettl'a Onion Opera of =. L I;I DS.EZIA - cad: - LIJOBEZIA BORGIA . .. . Madame i4AZZ ANIGA. DIJOA ALHONI3O Signor AMODIO. GENNARO SignorBRYONOLL MAFFIO 9TRAXO9OII. on a tons—kr BTRAII.OBOII and Sig. NIVOLATT: ADMISSION, One Dollar. Reserved Beats,' Nifty Conte extra, which, can be secured daring the day. All seats which have not - been Reamed during the„dar will be Mold on the evening of the performance at own noxuaiii with the exception of a limited number of arrows heist, which will be retained for the accommodation of stran gers, at $l,BO. - . _ . 'Pickett; for the Balcony; andß and Liections of the , Parquet, can be had atthe Offices in Chestnut street' the Parquet Circle and Centre of Parquet at the Academy. Family Circle. 50 cents. .Amphitheatre, 25 omits. Doors open it 7, ' '.Opera. Commences at 8. . ACADEMY OF MUSIC.- - :GRAND GALA MATlbtelli! MagmLSON. The het OPER A MATINE CO E will take phonon TIIIMDAY AITERNOON, November 234, when Madame COLSON will appear in a grand Opera A moat extraordinary performance will be given. _ A GRAND CONCERT -WILL BE GIVEN XIL' at the klifBlokL - PUND }TALL on. TUESDAY EVENING, November 23,1858, In aid of the Banding Fund of Zion.p.E. Church, in - " - which the following artiste will appear: • less ESTHER BOLSTER, who has kindly volunteer - ed her servleee. - - - - FRAZER., the celebrated Tenor. ' " Sir WEBER, the THB PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA. 7 AN AN.A.TItIIR VOCAL QUARTETTE. CARL RENTZ • Conduolor. Mr. B. CARR CROSS Pianist. • Tickets, 50 eents—to be 'had at`Beck" h Lawton's, Southeast corner or Seventh and Chestnut ; Lee & Wilkes's, 722 Chestnut; Coniston's, 147, North Eighth Street; Burns & Slog, Southwest corner Eighth and Chestnut Streeta;• - aatt,. at the Door. Doors open at 7 o'clock; commence WE, no7o-31 WIATLEY & CLARKE ' 3 Afto.l).-ST s T E nitsTßß.:—Nytmamill. Prederlake,Actlki-ilet Stage Manager: - • • • - ' ' ' - BATIIIIDAY BVPINING. November 200668," BAIIVEBTT,B, _4_, Mr John - Gilbert ; Count Hendee de grand vat; Mr." Dolman ; Panvrette, Mn .Tphit Drew; The Duch'ese of Beaulieu, Mrs Stone'. - _ - To conclude with, fret tithe this mason, the Grandy:of A WIRE pOlt TUB GEABTAOHB. • - - Adrolealon;2s ate. Secured Bests in Drees Circle, ink 'ate ; Orchestra Btalls, 60" eta; 13eata in Private Boise 76 ote ; Gallery, 13 eta ;,Clailery for ColoredPersous, 26 ; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 88 ate; Whole Private Box, $8: ' -Doors open at half past 6 o'clock; commence al 7, precisely. - 4 - RS. D. P. BOWERB I.3 WALNUT-BT. THEATRE; oorner - of NINTH and 'WALNUT Stree4s This SATWIDAY .EVelbatili; November 20,.1401. Will be presen!ed, haltspeareis celebrated Tragedy If moment) Tim - nt. • To conclude with the Oothedietta, in I.Act, sant, 41 YOUTII, LOVA, AND, FOLLY _ Prices- Prices - of admission—Bound Tier and Flin WOO and Third Tier, 25 - cents; Parquet, 87% ce nts; Circle, 50 cents; Private Boxes; according _to Met locale, $8 and 26; Single fiesta's' Orchestra and Private Dues, 75 cents. Doors open at half put 6 o'clock; Ourtain riles 'at 7 o'clock. _ - - -rgATIONAL CIRCUS, WALNUT II above EIGHTH-4EWIS B. LENT, Manager. Maimlficent Equestrian Spent:l,e%6 - THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON and -EFENINCi, No - • 'ember 20, 1868, .; In addition to a variety of performances In the Ring, the evening's' entertainment will include Gur,Eques trlau Spectacle entitled - • - - • THE GAMES GP THE ERUSADBRS; - Or, Recitals of the Trials of the Knights of Malta. Which requires the combined efforts of One of, • • Men imid Hoises. -1 SCALE Olt PRICES.. - Dress &rale and Parquotte Children under ten yearn of age lsmtlj Circle Doers open at - gnarter to 7 , o'clock. Performanoes, will commence at 7X, an 7 terminate at 10,X, J Performances on Wednesday and tiattuday Af ternoons. - - • - MUSICAL FUND HALL.-- - TN& ONLY MAIIINOTH- CONDE= of the Sea son will take place,. . • . THIB (SATURDATIEVERINIL Noiember lINPBSONDENTED 0011DINATION — OF TALENT ' -„OLTIIERAMEI:ETENING.,- -All the .artlebror the :LEAMAN OPERA., Inelsefdlig the OEOHESTRA. and ,0110R1:18; will appear when the - moat exquisite Program:Le will be offered, With MADAME COLSON; - ANLLE PABODI, MADAME IL E • MILHOEST, MADAME STRAEOSO, • DIMONOLI, LABODETTA, - „ - AMODIO, BABILI, MAURICE STRAKOSOIL , - . . . , The price of adrolgelon has been axed atsl. No extra charge for remerved Resta. Beata eitilxi aeeured without extra ebirge; TODAY. at LEE dr: WALICKEVII and 'BMCK & LAWTON'S Mule bteres.- - . . PROGRAMME FOR TOR MAMMOTH CONOERT 4T TILE MUSICAL FUND HALL', ON SATURDAY. 1. Overtax° to Dar'Frefachutz, Winto, - - -• • • • _ ORCHESTRA. '2. Aria, "Stahat Mater," Rossini SW AMODIO . 3. We Met by Chance.. ... — Mad. StRAKOSCH. 4. Duetting I , Ohs Vol di phi," Donizern, SW. DE WILHORST and Sig .BRIGNOLI. 6. Tersetto Proof Monart , e Don Giovanni., r • PARODI, Mad. STRAROSOH, LABOOETTA. 6. Axle du Grace from Ilobart Le .D ' Mad:COLSON. 7. Quartette from the Stabat Maw, by Eo9lll4lj' - Ante . PABODI , Mde. STRARDSOH. &gnarl LABOOETTA and N. PAIGLI. E. Overture;Libena, by Relfelor OROFTESTRR. O. Kathleen MaTonrneen•Mad. 0010:DB KIM:10113T 10. Romanis, by Mereadante...B4. ETTORE BA 1141. 11. " Ternetlem i n from the Oratorio St. 'POW', 12. Serenade from Don Pasquale._ _ 18. Dnett from Matilda di Chabran, ' Mad DE WII.IIOIIBT and Mde. COLSON'. 14; Star Epangled }humor, - MRIe PARODI and Mde, STRARDSCH. lb. Prayer from Mass in Egypi Rrssini, by the ENTIRE COMPANY, CHORUS, - ORCHESTRA, &e. Conductors-If. BTRAKOSOH, Sig. NICOLAII.- - - Subscribera to the Italian Opera and Season.tick et holders have the. privilege of free admission, and may take their choice or seats at the ticket offices. MUSICAL FUND HALL.—THE GER MANIA ORCHESTRA. will commence their Public REHEARSALS on , SATURDAY next, Nov. 20th. Single Tickets 25 cents; a package or eight tickets for 51, which may be obtained at Andre's,llo4 Chestnut street; Beck A...Lawton'', corner of Seventh and Chestnut, and at 'Vie deer of the Hall. The per formance commences at Sy', o'clock P. M. nol7-tf BY SPECIAL REQUEST -FATHER KEMP'S CELEBRATED OLD YOLKS, Consisting of thirty-seven Bingen, from Beading, Moss ;will remain ONE WEEK LONGER IN PHILADELPHIA . . They will give Ole Concerts, comer.enring 21713SDAT EVENING, November 18th, AT NATIONAL WALL, MARKET IiTREST, Aseisted by a Grand Orchestra, all clad is costume of 100 years ago. The unparalleled Bunsen of this Class la all our large cities, In reviving the Sacred - and Patriotic Mesta of our fathers, guarantees satisfaction to all their patrons. Grandsire Foes, though goiog on to 98, and his Son David will play ye Ancient Fiddles. The Market-street Horse Railroad, by Its connections with other roads, will leave passengers from all park of the city at the door of the hall. Tickets 25 cents each i for sale at Walker's Musk Store, Chestnut street, above Sixth ; at Gould's, B.S. corner Seventh and Chestnut, and at the door. - - Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performances to o c namence at quarter of 8 N. D.—On SATURDAY Afternoon, at ttg o'cloolc, the Old Folks wiligive a Concert to Children, at Ten cents a Ticket ; Parents 25 cents. 'IAN.I'ORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, adjoining the - Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, For the patrons of SANFORD'S OPERA HOME. THIS EVENING, . . WIN be presented enford'e tine verelou of - UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. The largest Oompany of MINSTREL/3 IN Tin WORLD EVIRY BUYING New Songs, aloe; (Menial., Refrains ' ".' watratElblylltleßEN. Admission 25 cents; Ohildren 12X cents. fl 7 On Thanksgiving Du TORRE rerformances, via: 103 i, 2N, and 7K o'clock in the evening not-In. HERRING'S GREAT PICTURE has ; ar rived of the TILLAGE BLACKBhIITE, and will be on rablbltion fora few days only, at the Store of A. G. BOBINBOWB Picture Gallery, - or.BB-tf 910 OHESTNIIT Bt., ab. NINTH: ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND ORESTNITT Streets. Immense attraction. New Novelties. Change of Programme each Exhibition. The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and SPIRIT RAPPING. Go and eve SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Ventriloquist and wonderful dlagiclan. Performance every Evening during the week, al half-past 7 &chick and on Wednesday and Saturday At ternoons at 8. Admission. 25 taints t Children. la mints. nelNS—brt R imy & co., poi,. POWIYEIB, SHOT, ho BAILEY KITOHEN, Hoe removed to their Calf Piro-proof ; Whits ll:tattle NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOME. Now opening their fall stook of IMPORTED J&WELRY, PLATED WARE, AND To which they invite the attention of the pnbliel; DILISIONDS, AND Ar VIIOLIIIALII AND Lawn. Nurt-iftf ISAAC P. BRANIN, LIMIT COACH it CARRIAGE BUILDER, FRANKFORD, PA. All work warranted to give satisfaction. (Were ree peetfully solicited. nolo.Ant* CARRIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for OARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction gnazentied. selß-Setif CORNELIUS & BAKER; • Stanufacturero of LAMPS, CHANDELIERS,' GAS FIXTURES. ko. STORE, 710 WIESTNUT 33:11SET: lIARUPACITOBIIa, 821 CHERRY Street ; and EIFFEL and COMISIDA oao-imit Pram, fgvw' t ot!..p, '''' - g t Mlle PADODI. .81g. BDIONOLI Watttico; itztoelrp, SAG 81.9 CHESTNUT STREET, 761103 r QOODB, PEARLS, Carriapes. (Sas lixturto
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