•-•%.,AA'W.:1• 7 • -,,,,- .- , •1" ,,. ...: , 7:,..4,. ,,,, ,-, 4 ,- , 1- , ;;:A.F•• - •;" , t. , ,•.•';•: - ", - - - - ,- . ,,, . !i''lei:ff-:';' - ' - ' '' ' .; , !• , .- 4- , -- —t•le,. r ..,.... , .0-.2,...---,•:.,. ' , ~.. c • , ...., , ,t• ' -:.',,, P---- , ... .. ;• , •:4i-0.:•: -.1 :>, -*,. -, 4,,,it. _ 1.- -' %Nue LitentaiDeersei forßosten, Cleared at Sankt 3 MOONY _VERNOkIIO7IIL-;.Secend ay. 0h0r,1e.4 )11 . ..,1:,,• , ,, . '7,11 4 -1, :.4 ~"4 . .....4 ~..10 0: 4 1 0 , ,,,,, ,, -,,,, ~,_ ~ „ ~,, i .- ...,. ,-- . ~.,. . , .061 A Ifailr Ma's ' 811 Lewis, pa • • :r • - : '-'-' '-- ,- ~,-1 4' '',,,.1"--. ---c„, -: ~. ..... -'4,-i -Slfaiqtrelldinhatton, Grii, cleared it Nei IfOrk 18th .W j Kelly, Conn • ,• , ~ litre Timmons, PhDs ~,, ,, ,r, " , -"r , .4,.... - • --,..,'".., Ind: lot Sydoet,llllW: , - ' - , . ~., :' ' • - ,• ''r ;"'`,.-- ,•'-- . 1 r_ -, ' ' , ,_."'' : ",--•‘-'-' '' ' ' ' ''' . tr:- .. • I t 10 P Cue js ifig, 6" a. ,_,..iy„,a, Barque lishnemau, Abbott, for `PhilatielPiffet,Oleared -. BLACK BEAR HOTEL, , Third et., ab. Oallowhill. -.:*;.. 'l5 i ei c.ir* • 9ll,6;o # 4.l‘‘ e, it New York 13th Met. ~ ~ ... ,- ,- : • , , ' „Christepher•Buebuor, Pa • John Gerhard, Pa ttiteNer-rOleaS-4/0 , 'Barque :Lady,'',Pfankliri, (Br) 'Gerstet, 'foi'llampten Wm Smith, Bucks co '-• ' ; Oseper Rode, Bytom • t 'ipmerialtiVr - ethleffltt tot sailed iroM'Clallab Sept 2'f. ~ ~ . II Eddowe, fdoreland, Pa ' _ ~, -*,OOO-yk,#l,-tikiniC4 '', Hi - Light, P.O Alexander, Merryman, from portlead for „ Philadelphia, At Negr,York 18th inst.:- ; • BALD EAGLII-Third street, above Oallowhill. '-,-' ~ VOlffittit.47 l 4. •'. Elthltilt David a Wiinti;rbite9a, cle!un..l- a'. c'" l 9 l . John Early, Palmyra, Pa', Andrew Kimmel', Po • il. ,• - '''-' 4a icette•Aqirlil 40, ton 10th inst.' for Boston. ' , . Samuel Kimmel' & la, Pa l'. - '‘Erbt*qitlicZll, Borgne Aitineyi. - • ECM; cleared. at ,Boston 12th lost. ' ' A ishis4ii forAlgoa'BoY, °GIL -' ' ' .- • ~• , • e ltrirqiie Felix (robibly Charles' B Lel a Lodi St Do. ~ . „,., , lealCifetoa..... ' ' '' ''itaidge, ~ tn.- mango for phasdelphts, waespokenlO r th last, la 86 42, . Comfort, Bucks ad', ', li G o4f t. H uu ßr p odh u Brodhead, Pa ..,;,/, TiMrd';liiiiirtkix to „.,, ''', iti,r ii i iii H N., •long la 284, •• - ' .` ',' , " ''. . ,.. . ~, , . 1 , 3 , 1 „, g o o! Itm,v.7l l ' • • , Brig Stated' keine; Coates, &Med Itt'bley Ynrk ldth ". u ' , A . beet _'-‘ ,l ,- ", nrc• .., 1., ~,,,- 1 i m , 7o . 2 h . J Hill & san, Germantown R Conlon, a gn, noyltown ' . P Price, Doylestown ''- • - r "...-41iLny,=1 , 6Afriai.,-..,t, , ,74.,,,,......, ~...±i,- ~. ~.,,,,., . o,r, noaos yree ..: ~,. ~ .., , , „,. , _ .1 ' Mogul Esetintrn Pa Daniel Poor, Pa •, ~. r,.., ~, I - rt• -.. r , - ..-..t%' - ... '‘ -.., • ''' st ickle''" '2: ‘ " - Brig Bonita, Hat* [ Cr 810 'de Janeiro, eleafeil 4N ' .: •,- ~ .....4 - - --,1,A , 4,llllok:: , ggiy.fßAYS4 1.0: cents' 2610 .- e; .-„,..... , _ ,, ,r ..„..,... i - ;,..-„,...;;- ~.. , •-•.--:,-•A„:,- Brig, Ohattanoogi, Nitrite, .-"-rfsa-V44,-"A."4.,,0_4.re.41A, ~.,„, . , ~.,,t , .., ~f , ,,,, York 12th inst. -' '- '.,, from maul, arrived up uu • LI Morris, Willow Grove John Davie Pa J Place and 1 4 4. Pa JR Overlield, Pa .' ',;'!„ , -;c :- ;','"?. fii,:i•ltli 4 keetali ' ho iherYlf. , ''';!..•`,..•;:, ,!..,t •Biltimoro 3.ath-inat.. :- , ,- : . Goo W Porker, NZ , Geo W Abel. NJ , - , 4-' , •=-• ,-..1.. • ••.,., ._.._ 1 : , 1 1 , ,,x .. „ , _,,, ,, i4 -- R a l e m i d i . merir, ; for phi/0.64.1a, .sailed from .T Lewis Fisher: N .1' .._w- Webster, Pa l N J :pativu n itie ins , , , _,., ~. ~ _ , , ~, w Myers ; r: 0, a a, Pamirs., ~,,'*;•'• z Erik - eat/me, (Dutoti Rudyk, for"Pnilimelphia, was lOading.at Rottsirdans, 20th nit .- . ', ~ , - ; - ''''Brlg ivnt 'Orowtotd; Colbilni, keine; arrived at Port- Marriages: , , • land 11th inst. . , ~,, • •,.• -, , At the residence of the bride's father. Orange, N. J . ., se4r E W c lard ee e K 2earn if4: ro l n B a l ennore,,arrtred. 0 wedneeday. November 10th, E. Y, SLACK, of Phi at Charleston 12th hut:, `, • -, -- I " - isrdelphia, to E. D °ROWELL. * Bohr Admin., iiiown, hence, (attir ed at Gloucester On the evening of the Bth instant, by Be,. A. G. McAuley, Mr. THOMAS M. LAUGHLIN to Min MAR ' Bahr II kleitori, Mayw s , hence at Wilmington, WO, THA. BEATTY, all of this city. * 1111einst: ' .:'," A. PIERCE to Else MARY J. BARRANT, both of s'" Wilts D Cannon," Watkins, and, Petrie „Wiley, hence On the fith inet, by goy. J. Humphrlea, Mr. ISAAC at Itlehmendl2ll met. , . ~ , •• . Cecil county, Maryland. * Sohre - Gpirge A Tittle, Adams, and, E 0. Atwood, At wood; cleared at Bost:m*l2th lust. for Philadelphia. On the 10th, alt. , by Rev. Joseph H. loose, Mr. THOS. GRAHAM, o Dirs. ABBY R. TITLOW, Jr,,r., Solna Wm H. Bowe, Wiggins Globs, Jones, and Fly. bo th of this city.' * away, Davis, sidled from pall River llth Anat. for phi. On the 11th 'natant, by Rev. Dr, Blackwood, Mr. ladelphia. ' ' ' ' _ • ' • JAMES BOYD, of Philadelphia, to Mies MARGARET •- ichsi. john - ,Werrin; inter; Simi Flake. Weaver; ANN MoKEAG, of Germantown. - * ligiclitinuntlay;:oloora, Burrotighti; JI, _Rees, toper; Sophia. Ann, Smith, and Gaseile, Somers., for Philedel. - ' .phia, nailed from Proyidence 12th Inst, - - , Bohr UrbMilli Norton 'hunts° for Plorwlah;at New latatuo. ' . ' ' 4 jetetelitalAtlettit.....- , .... ~ • . . iCitithba..-, 'Sehr Jim ,Welgott; Gallagher , cleared at Boston 12th On the 18th inet., Mrs. ISABELLA, wife of Adam tnet for.,Philisdelphia. , , . McElroy, aged 69 pears..' ''' 7 o:' Clog. , --"Selfri.: -- Albion Hart , and Tilton, hence at The relatives and friends of the family are respect .`"A''Sabru... 'ffeWpsirflOthinib. -• • -- , •• , fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence s'**.- - . Bohr E J PlektiUjFickup, for Philadelphia, cleared at of her husband, No. 11 South Ninth strert, , thie Mon- ItiO" ••'-lifitpc ,New York 18th - inst. , -, • .. , day) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without farther notice t. t.:,.,, •"Bchr Starlight; York, hence, arrived- at Portland • 4 I ilth Tait, ' • , - On the 6th Alt., in Stockton, Oat, .TULIET V , wife " I , Bohr Undine, .Bieleyi hence, arrived at Stonlogton of Benjamin B. Lippincott and daughter of John Mau -1 . ~ demon, Esq., r f thig City.'* 'l., ','Holts Neptune, Nutter at Salem Ilth inst. [trim Dela. On Aridity, 12th 'natant, ALAROBItit, daughter of . 1 1, 'IMO . Illty. , •, • lehe end Jane Bond, aged 18 mouthe. t ' L liohrs L U Endicott , Leeds, 7,1. flees Loner, and Jae 'the relatives and friends of the family are respect ` "AII.E I IY.Ii B I. riblaPlloo, - hence, arrived at • Providence fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence 13 11th'inst. .` • , .'- -•. , , . . ~ of her parents , 413 Smith Thirteenth street, this (Mon 's - Sohn Adelaide, Smith, an d J• 11 - Itieley, Boyce, Hanoi lUD morning, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Monument ii fronsyroridence 11th inat:lorrldiadelphis., • • Cemetery. -136hr - V,eo Pales, Niotorson; ,for )Philadelphia, sailed Suddenly, on Thursday evening, 11th instant, JANE from Pievldonce 11th inst,' and went into Bristol: 11., Inf. of, Edwin Hall, and daughter of the late Robt. I, , Behr • ,Plidor, Soars, fremilloston for, Philadelphia, at M. Ford ,. • 'Neirport Ilth inst.' , ---Her funeral will take place,from the residence of her .Sehr.Obarlell Oarroll.Tratt,henee, arrived at Pros'. hugband, 229 North Twentieth street, tomorrow (Time , ,dencellth list; with, iose ol Jibboom. , - . , day) morning, at 10 o'clock. ** .-,. Sabi, Abbirton, Ohitroisill, henoe:for •Plymeuth, On Fridayaionsing, llth instant d aug h t erOANA L. - galled front liewpirallih i m o, „ ~, , , , , COOK, wife of Mathew Cook, and of John and Bohr, PliceroX, Upton, hence" arrived at Gloucester Margaret Hilt." 12th * The relatives and friends of the family are respect. Bac SidheY Prioe, ' Godfrey, hence- for. Fernandina. fully invited to attend the funeral, from her father's was spoken 7tla bet ; Ist 84 ion 74 80. ,„ - ' realdence, , No:2ll'North Eleventh street, this, (Mon _ ~SabrLavid nut, Moglander, front NOW York at Wl'- day) mo rning, .. Ilk)); o'clock. ~ To proceed , to LOwer nolugton;bll 11th inst. - ~, , , , ' * Bahr Bing Dove, Johnson, hum at Alexandria 13th Merlon. *• 12th instant, THOMAS ENGLAND, aged 84, within five days. , '--- - ••••••' ' f0II • r Alia ' Plal4ll,,Leverteu;soiled from Alexandria The relatives and friends of the family are invited ----•' 18th list: ~.. • - ',, . , . , . ' to attend his funeral, this (fiecond.day) morning, at 11 -- ' - ''' , .''' 3, -' .1/14110dallOnlii t 71 Tinto .. wichioaion, from Ri c h mon d r oc o'clock, from his late residence, No. 1217 Class street Philadelphia, at Norfolk lath inst to finishloading. above Girard arenas: Interment at, the 'friends) . [Reported fer thepresS:j '-:". 24 :i..'"'''''''''' '''''''' ' '''' - ' r - Propellor °lmmerse, Long, cleared at ,Altouly 12th ,Western Ground. * , . •gr ,g(fait4R,.:_tsa i 7 ohigi c hiiciadin7, o 7,l76 - ;00Y fiat: forlllilLsAtilphial !,. - , ' - ' On the 11th of November, at the residence of her lin feet Pieketie26o,ooo WWI tliaßtr.t:Galiti. '•••-- _'‘ " , ‘r, .',',..r.:' , -______-. - 1 ,- .., , '-,',.',. , , ' . sen-in.lais, Mr. G. N. Morison ELIZABETH RAE. r .• ~, BAVANNA/I.l.43teanuthin State - of ,Geltsgbi; Gaiiiii --‘ " •-__: " , MAIIH*IB MISCELLANY. • • VEY, widow of the late Samuel ' D. Harvey, in the 72d ' 192 hileedinifesticilado eattaieHiy, 64:140Devitt; 18.1 ..-,ehip,Wessenger, iliranicomb, flora, • New York • (not year of her age. belee cotton Cirelnio6 , llarkinnierrde WOW &,,' Gavetti from London) for St Catharines, Bruit with a cargo of Due notice will be given of the funeral. ''' * -• '-80 dtfO•r.Bell , ll do 3 IfenhO Webs' &'o9;^ 08 do 4 1. coal, on government account, put into St Tbonma pm- On the llth instant, Ma, JANE SMITH, in the 74th • ' °tiler & Son; 98 do Staire, Careen"& Corhf tit (leo 'done to 24 inat, with loss of man and unarm mots year or her age. * Sitabiour,"'2o - 110"11Tattete ti l l - Ocir9s de D lialemon.;&, ,- Bohr Robert I,,Meteeri Robinson, of and from Phi's- On the 12th instant, WILLIAM, Infant son of John ~ 00V61.4agefeetberasOlqutundaCB M Jona*, fc - Orir76 delphia fOr - Boeton, with *cargo of 210 teas coal, im the and Jane Boyd • • • * *kage'Yeathen,Parkerolandi 40 babe 'do - broatice• meseel chit went ashore South of Shark Riser, NJ, on Oeiditenk Xggibbi'gOdo giolton•yarrl2.B Woodward & the trio - ruing or • the Sth inst. It is thought the vessel Health Report. , -,,Stiolali.slo&friltAlße,,,roelreV-Benelrl,2l2o-64 Price & will be a total lon.' She was a good A assegai, of 180 ,„ „ . ... . HEALTH Orries 'November a 3 loco • - . =ON" A e."41“9049141-o,4loilikeOgel2o liegejleittleell age P on e, bait at PO, In. 1261,.0wned hy the cap. , , , • :-, , pkginadia 'rations conugnigal, c , ':'• ~ . ..'ii,,,, 4 -„,. ,-.1,,t. • •-•'. '' SIM andparties In Philadelphia, and was not insured. _ Interments is City of Philadelph i a front the- Ott to , Behr - Victor, pram Boston for Philadelphia, at New- , 1801 •of November, 1868. • , " - payv,g,Oßpgiy,,,c ,, BoAlßD of TRADE,' _. _ -;,, port - 11th hal, saw,t,ite game morning a large fore.anti. r.- el . , . „1,04, 1 ,„," po il ip a bi t -4 1 ,„....„. -TIT.= 43, •, , • , aft Schooner saltine on tht•leland of Peeve, Vineyard a. sr r.• p zuviiiiv.ilibui,- Ookiimasor'rilitlitizini. ; Soondi was full of water, pails hanglog loose, and aban. , DlBll4BBB. ii..' ;;;, DlBlllBBO. e. .. .;11e, w 0 1 ,11, Jam ie_ , ~f, .. + ++,,' +++, -, ''..+ -- ,Z +,. -. ' &Medi. crew, apprised to have left Inc a boat, Pe there ' • F a F 1 , - - -- . ,• - There was a large rook under her, bow- ,Tooktter to be • a Bareatabls vessel . • ' - - - .- ' „„;, 7 - 4,,4,,,-.44 - ' - „,AL.IEy'If.EIV - ;711GE, - -,-,' -',-. ,: ~,.1...,, , • 614 Mortised: of ' Beth, - at New Yrk from Leghorn Albuminuris 1. fever, Remittent:. 2 Aneursms. ..... .... 1 , . ..ple - -iLrEBSleilggligt‘Siolunsfee, ?hands:pa& ' rename Prom Oaf 20set to 26th, in l et 82 16, long 55; . Scaret 1 1514 Wyoming', littrttint lit.V4:.: - ..-;Lisrerpcsol; Nov. 28 experienced tremendous heavy gales , from, 85W to W Apoplexy 1 . Typhus 1 RursinwAturillagheit#4,NClrgratfe, - Alontarden And.r" '; SW, wliMh: &Sneed, the 'ship to leak;rbroke the Mein cancer 4 r , Typhoid . 7 1 Casualties......... - Hernia • - 1 -Baena' AP* '''' `'' ' '-' " - --" --- - ';' goon itlnsiet t 'ass:sprung topmast, and unstained other da. ~,„„„,„ -••"' • 2 7 ~„„, . .. ~ . 1 . BarnaeTiaveller; Randall '- - ' Rio de Janeiro,' soon- enagn., Oot ,29, lit; 82 60 , long, 66. spoke, end supplied 0 - 0 •;i: ..... .... .• " • ``' ..812 "°", ` 4. '" n " ' • •Seete.eie Be MgegelOWYbein ''.4'.1.v.,•.......". 4 .iitc5iiric.", - imon• barque Oriole, Grind from Nantes, 84 day ' from at Do- est , of Lungs I " Lunge •••• 818 Brain 2 8 .St & Bowels. 2 1 .11strituall - OhrlbeurneeldelLe_e.'4,.i.,i6llMairiei aeon; udege, with lots of malutopmut and other spars, decks o h ~ • • 2 - lirtg„Eferold.:.,.. ...-.;,'.......: .... •„- Barbados", soon - swept; &c, which was done dtuing • were gale on the cdera In &alum. Inanition ...... .... 8 ..-U r - A7o B fOrks figti . ae ' -.- ' Barbadeee, soon 20thAtet, • in lit 88611,tong 50, , • , _ • Merbus- •• 1 Jaundice :.• wen 'n of • Lungs 84 1 Mania-a-Patt...... 1 1 ‘., ",,Brigilrease„,outexbridge .11. . . :..-XingstoniJam, soon:" '‘,.., Simms•-Enfeeble, abandoned;vros boatded Nov let,' f . . . _ t /it 42 42,'Icrig 51.82jZthe foremast Wag We 4 geno.o l olol to Convulsions 8 lifarasmus 8 1 •. .. -,-'4-"3:,?"'.:,*ficpjuirif....:.?ici5e.:!...;4.vr....., ,-; - , the deck, be/tags/1 carried awey *lose to the bows, and Dropsy, Brain.-- 8 Measles ....... ..... .1, , _,- , , , . .. . , ~,, ,S, g*„ mute*eteE*9B*. 4 r , ..-- , , -,.. . -main toptasugt gone., She had not beenlong abandoned. '' Chest 3 Old Age ...... ... di Mesas of Brain- 1 Purport . • . 1 7 i , Ott*Now. puu.linicx..riu.i , r4civi , 15,,-.lsib. ~ Heart...; 8 2 Scrofula 2 1, Liver ... 1 Still. Born ... 0 attifiklEff'".;:::: - .4,.,7 4;1 itrisraiti.,:.. .. .2,.4j5i Drowned , ..... .... • 1 Table Mesenteries. 8 ..., .', l': ; :Ailtgil./.44 . 4.4k4i4V. , _ft .i ‘•!." , VP". 01 . tV! .. !•• 9 .- 85 Dysentery 1 2 Unknown .. . ... .... 8 Debility 8 0 Whooping Cough.. 1 , - - ,gd.,,,.., , rilisilunt , - • Effusion on Drain.. 8 •••"=„1-,...gt. ..- - Fever, Bilious 2 91 85 cm MS ABOYN TOMEI WIRE ... 491 From 40 to 60..........8 18 II 60 to 60 12 11 . 60 to 70 18 ..... 2 l' 70 to 80 6 ~...1 II 80 to 90...... . 8 ~.. 4 to 90 to 100 1 ...:28 :.. - 4-4 7 -M. ,- -o- '' - -3:,P;4: =444...4 '.......'," ...1-4 , J - --;:: . - '4 ~ "- - 'l.g . ; 3 3 4.!' f "'`.7 ?. ... 4 4«tfiet ~.q' -,...* - e4t - '• , V.4 . .."9r.';,;=4.-rg.,; - :x44.' - ..4, - .---..-..- .- - . ,-, 1 i;-'4 :q ' 4. '' -4 4Y- : . , .9', f i ) . iii: ,—, . . ./ .. „ ~ . , , - , ,):vi,-.„..- , . , -., , ..c„, ,,,, .v.q t v...--...e..,..,-,./ , - .4... , .-,-.. , . , .... , ---Tlig PRESS.—.PIIII.ADELPM . MONDAW-‘ NOVEMBEIt ' 15. - 'lBsB,''' "-- ~,,,.., , , , ,,,, . ,...,...,,,,,„5.,,, ~,,_ ~, ~. ~,---: „ -. . • ...A x „...-,.., 4 , ?. A.........„ ; ,1 i * ,- - , .. , :: , .0ta1, ,c .' , , .., ...A , - , .-.0: ,, At.,:t - 10 , , , ..• r, R - :o 7 7ri --- -:•• - _' z,_,.1-:f...:.k.,#..,‘-y „ , , ,L , -,. -...: ....;: :ig,litsoi.milt*Atfgovtl!itb,tiklinj'.iliten.l' f - 4'4l 7l , l6 '•iigi ,- # 9 . - Wi11 t 4.14151 1 4154i - k i, F.0 147. T 4th ' 4 4 - ';'." l--, ,• ~ ..91%/Mr3 l .tkintrittrt.r4l.lrbt lidl a o r.,rt a yforr.. '.` .';'`... -.• 3 ,-. Idit..4ldouktigit.g. - 61 1 41 1 1 P4 1 4! fi PP, 4 1krhecti for, : i' s • - 4, - ..- ....tt_.wrieti p ,a,),..,-ottliouef446o:4-o j irootilltitii - - -•':•:4l4it CiV o ttiti lll4 kfliV*Ciii 6l 4 l 4 l l I t e,, f s l - 4 .,. irki t ,;(4ll 4 o - Vi'mt...iiikick, .-,„ 7 - ,I" Ablgrfi.,*l,l ll tortkittr r i fil f. 6 0.4,410 4- nt ..., ,1'.* .. : ; . 104,, , #ict0 r! i,6-44: , :fi joiiiih! i.ciat --., 1 ;, , P=" ''! • Akt etrall i n t l ik 'r A4:: : ,.so7(i ii *.fiiiiii. b .. tor "v - ' -15 / 6 „.4 . 4 , 1- - glikpkgnil44l4lglidifc poiledu„, , ' Ncil .`P'' .- :;119,1 , tkt,i:41 ; 0‘ VI . A ' ,4 • 4,,:, ..:''' '..,t'l;'" ' aWASOD;JA,t wake*lolcents f eaohtto op p(I , - 2,liitt'YEki ' ' .4, : : :' 4 Y .-4-' 6 , :t..! 1-3k 1 0 - ' , i -; - . ---- - , — ,?4 , ,z -1 ~, . s: ;tifiat',4o4o:Sei4lo4slo:644;r _ : fi t" '; .% . 4 •-•_ , ' 444l4,Pikott'l4ltl,o4esloicie, Bread.ifink:;:void Ibid,Ooft*godi - ejlii MO :ebld et -...11•4/"; Chu4 - 41143:r.: *thing dtdi - 01 - fl4 - obili§iigbibbbt. -, ,"-' - '-' , ' -41 .' -- '' ' "" ;. ' -- - -"- . ,4= . 45-,A1,-;;; y:-. 41* Bowaliot - Mijoinikiipublhibskr of Lb. to, 3 l.idial•Via liateiti*tr,KAilak - krei ' ii t 4 - A 11 #44Z: 4 , 04041 , 1 '.4 , **4. 1-011 0.14,1 011 ,ieji - it , the Mount Irett4l - oioe 444004_that shit distinl • geletted• 'gentlemen 'lrtMeontiltente fin itidoWifeedy tokiks 4 , - sKiiilt:. ihi ` iUrALqtteettoii I - At &di 'Artatt - *olooo . "i:liai ‘ qa :kficillisroi% thr bubltaAa --*lntad'sidttoldtiSt.t.tek idii:rib id' tbl 4 'ibrziHits' Mi.:foil, - I tigiiioiiiiyi.iili!OlAtiling•Tieaf .i.e.koicidit '.i. Wilson, **31, 0 A 7 19 1-- ,, 6 *., Akit ' ian# -444;14ti:iiililitiz, The : peblie, sppetetellork and' petrenage enable', the priple, Aide hi v ethild ; littelteeiy.eittleli , 31 .%' A 0"..V , - ,r, - 'A 7-- - -,, ,, --,.; -,,,, • -7.,A., -, -,, , _.:, '-' , A,t,',l3tigagiv 5ydd,i1.451 . 3-Ra AD raidfill Oe01211411; ' soknowletticer,:,teie4ai'4ler'iltit;',7lhrtei7liik lila i - ' Cieetitetegjeleonipver Ootite,'Beelutie Coste,sllete n'*-iie, eit- aid 407"iii•opits f Pub aid -ism peek - .• 610th4eiet , eiriettel-Peece t,Vlsithiit of Mk Oetink Yareeliloiy Ojefill-,ceelaiitil '&444.;4lol4ixteidlogi'v+; of !E ' rtely llfendf4l - pfirlarliii4Whioh'to - make sotto- Slone, nett 4heite,ol4keisihile•hi , the fa/3114101u of air bli.eit A ibi.iNditdia:Olotbl4.Biiipikifine iif-'llrani '-,301413.#..104;tri1d07 Ifbikfnut`bitiep:tr`,.. - f'`': -, ' , 4 .. ..,.- ~..: ,e,=.14-,,,,nN.r ...... ; 44.. ~..-kr our .= _ , :c.Tyrdastutud - Ab Bru(Ond.;' , -Opii of iixobbliges , _ , .. 4 fall " the -.;" 1 .0 , -orPP f 44geP! 440 COAA I 7I ge, , thh! .IttriAgjiAtkoat ol „:o 2s *.o,l - iiliVeN:_ti s kyloti - oroplrs, ,Ifoferretta:lat 16,090. rate will-mai agood crop :3' bibritiiotitakstilid)44, 4iii*.iti**iner;ll,43tlilxl the deatti,of an. editor' .; .„ idy a 4 14 - yriug ` ii" bight4ided ,if,''Youtsei ", idgildirdgkiii - 01W:;!...P,IrbaRst bomiA i ,f444o,4o,tiej=4,:,t*;:,..bift4b.led s.'3l.:6ol . oforatory;wA lockfood editor44g ~ A tbio Delooolity,orti.lickod lite si e-b u d - 4146=tir i ii.,,)13, o , ll.l4oi Whole Art of Perfumery Price, $1.26 Kurten on the Art of Manufacturing pospa. Price, $l.OO Noadla Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis. an 7 Price, $1.50 Overman's Practical Mineralogy, 'Assaying and kfloiog. Price, $0.76 Wrightls American Praoecal Receipt Book. - Prise, Si 00 A New, Complete, and Descriptive C a talogue of bledi• cal, Pharmaceutical, Dental, and Sciontido Works, with Prices Annexed, sent free upon application. LINDSAY a BLARIBTON, Pahllabors , Philadelphia. BALL ROOM HAND, BOOK, with more than 89:/ of the hued and most fashionable dances elegantly illustrated, and full explanation 1 and every variety of the latest and most approved figures, and Calls for the different changes, and rules on DEPOH MENT. AND THE TOILET. And the wriourkrz DANCING. At MEWS Dookinore, No 105 South THIRD Street, below Chestnut. Price 87 cents. nolti-mwf-3t taisaaintwna anb vintnetobips. FIRM-of SPARIIAWK, DICINTON WIIIPPB was dimeolved on the 4th lst. by the death of TIIOAIAB P RPM - MAWR', The lowliness of wed firm will be Bottled by the eurvinng partners, at No. 302 Street. WILSON DONTON, 11. A WIIRTS, Surviving Partnere. Philas , Nar.16,3888,_ n01641* riiHE P.A.RTNERRHIP -HERETOFORE exieting under the firm of DODD & O'BRIEN, House and Blgn Painters, situated at the S. W. eorner of SIXTEENTH and GRAVE Streets, le this day die. salted by =lntl consent. November 18, 1858. JOHN H. DODD, CHAS. O'BRIEN. lt* NOTIOE.—The Partnership heretofore ex -11 toting between,Peter Oliphant, John Woodside, and George filoalpin, under the firm of OLIPHANT, WOODSIDE, & Ov., has THIB DAY dimolved, , . been , by mutual consent. The antra of the late firm will be settled by PETER OLIPHANT and GEOROBSIoALPIN, at N 0.407 Anon. Street, Philadelphia, • , , GEORGE, Moat PIN, . , P. OLIPHANT, „ , . . . JOHN WOODSIDE. . Philadelphia, Nov 10, INK - ' The bueineu will be continued by P. OLIPHANT and GEORGE MaALPIN, at the old plus, No. 407 AROLE btreet. n012.6t* TRUSSES I—Genuine French, tor Adults. Tn.III3BESI Genuine French, for Children. TENSES do do. Ladies, ,TutisSEs ! Approved American Styles. • Supporter Braces ; English Abdominal Belts; Spin• gee, a new and improved eelf.lojactingartiole , rpeoially adapted to Ladles' use. Also, bathroom or h 3 draut Enemas; Trench Pessaries; Breast Pumps; Infants' Nursing PI .eke; Nipple Shells and Shields. Par sale by CALEB It. NEEDLES, Pharmaceutist, and Practical adjuster of Mechanical Remedies, S. W. corner TWELFTH and RACE Ste., Mills: Ladles , rooms—entrance on Twelfth street, next door to store. nada am 'loll ALT 1 MALT I-800.0 busbels superior IVA New York and Canada Melt; 17 tone Dnetwheat Meal; 16 tone Corn Meal; at National 'Railroad Depot, 1224,11ARKET St. [nolb-Ot*l 0. PILBNTZEL TAW & BEERS' 11 LUBRICATING GREASE, the best and cheapest compound for greaeing the axles or OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. _ Tor sale In tin cans, kegs, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS in the olty and the ISANUPACTURERS, loa-ses No la POWER WATUII Straet BUT YOUR BLINDS AT KRONE JIHRGEWS, No. /8 North TWEIMII Streit. Every satisfaction is given, or no onlo. Old Blinds done . up equal to new, - - noiB St MS WEE STEAMER '""EXPRESS" WILL disoontinne her tripe to and from Bridgeton, for thie season, on MO ci DAY. th e 15th met n013.2t* fsIENTLEMEN WOULD DO WELL BY I,l* calling on DUALS Ss MMHG. 169 North NINTH 13treet, above Cherry, and have their old Garments mode to look equal to new, by cleansing, or dyeing and repairing. ' nolit4t* ABRAM SLAOK'S ENGRAVING, DIE Sinking, and Embossed Printing, Bdiplope, sad Beal Preen lianufaatory, No. 1 Montle SIXTI( Street, Plalladelpihts. Fe • - ' •saul24lla, HORSES TAKEN-TO WINTER.— ,Good Water, and Stabling. , Gbarge low Ronneooo, 130110LPIELD, 324 South NUM{ Strad. and S. T. OHILD, 13.1100 ND -Street. abore DROWN. nolo.6t* NIONS.A.F.ROSAT, TBACIIER Oa PANOMG,, BARR7ITT 2 I3 GYMNASIUM, cgo7.l2m* . MARlNFTBfteet.aNmeld4lol irk ARUM:-1,000 bales Navy and American l Ur osaam, iri store and for oats by W.NAVER, RULER, & 00 , nol3 , NO. 23 N. WATNR st , and 22 N. Wheuves. A PPLES.—A small consignment of Con zii.,' ' nootiont Russets. Yor sale by . . O. O. ?SADLER& 00., . n 62 . 102 42011 . street. faALMON.7- 48 Tiero - es and 84 Boxes Han fax Salmon. Nor sale ny' o. BABLXII kOO j 'two• „ 108 All.Olll Street. 11WILITE-FISH.—A. very Stip°;tor Argole of ti blittkinswss la Half BLle juit reaelved ln Rbbre,And for isle by 0! 0: SADLER, 8 CO., no-2 - 108 AROH street. ANTRISKEY.-80 bbls., 20,1 do. (Miller V -Riokorsteres) Old. Monongahela Whiskey, atone qnd for sale, by • A. MERINO, ottll4l, . ,140 iSotath FRONT treft , . . A LI•801",P?S PACE ALE—In Rhds —A constant supply on hendla Custom-house:Stores,: for silo by WILLIAM IL YZATON, 210 Sputh-RMONT Street. . nob ONONGARELA IV.IIIEME Y.-60 Min. .I.ll_pare Aye Whiskey in store end for sole by WM. Ur lIIATON 210 Soma FRONT M. • ' nor . Retail tarn (boobs. NIIAIVLS, SILKS, CLOAKS:I ,• uA.v.E NOW IN STORE A LARGE ASSORTMATUN RICH IPANOY DRY, GOODS, - • SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS, . - ' ENGLISH HOSIERY, • SHIRTS, and DRAWERS, , • • To whi , la they invite the Impaction of their ; • OUSTOHERS AND THE PURIM.' All the leading aztielei in their STOOK have been lin : . • • • - ported direct from EUROPE, And many of them were niannfactnied expressly for their ' ' it ETAIL , TRADE. L. J. - LEVY & ' Give particular: care to the excellence of all the varloul fabrics which they offer for solo, and ensure their ; customers the prices will be found, at all timed, to conform with the low- • cat rates ruling for Ma& • lar articles in OTHER STORES. - 809 & 811 CHESTNUT STREET. nolti-at GREAT SALE OF BROCHE SHAWLS AND CLOAKS ! ! ! Unprecedented Ba-galne! We've had a perfect rush! We' re selling an immensity of Goode! Our trade's increasing! Our Mode of doing busineas seems to meet with gene ral approval!! Namely— " To Have Brit Ono Price." ,• T.) sell Cheep for Oath." "Never to misrepresent Goods in order ' TO NPPBET BALES." "To deal fairly and justly, and wait upon all ousto-, mere with attention and politenesa." "Thus to gain their confidence, and keep it by eon-, tinning to do right " TRURNLEY dl O.IIIBM. We have now on hand Excellent Long Broobe Shawls for $3. Still better quality for $lO, $ll, $l2, $l3, $l4, $l6, $lB, $2O, $22 and $25. Square Brodie Shaw, from $3 up to s'l. ; tar g et s ° , , q ;l a i r s e set la a nk tarngi n ia e i t i l l 's e ge r w v 4,l 4 l.. GOO/ Black Cloth Oloaks for $3. - Bveryother quality aod fityle for $3 up to $lB. A JOB LOT OP CLOAKS BROM TAST 'SEASON - AT HAIR PRIOR! Best B'aok Silks for 500. to $1.50, figured R loh Palmy Bilks really beautiful. , " Every variety of DRESS GOODS. • CLOTHS! OABSIMERBB! ! BATTINETTS, &e.!!! Heavy Black Beaver Clothe, fine Preach do., &0., &c. Blankets, Plannele, Linens, and Muslin,: lc fact no better stock of general Dry Good, moan found Than at • • , • • THOHNLEY ih OHISM'S !godhead Owner EIGHTH & SPRING GARDEN. non-tf — WINTER OASSIMERES & CLOTHS. Now London Styles Cassimeree. Wise' Superior Cloak Clothe. Beavoys, Ciietors, and Chinchillas. llleok • Clothe and Bina Doeskins. Velvete, Satins, and Cashmere Vesting. Boys , Cassimeroa and hieing Clothe. SHARYLESS BROTHERS, nol2 ' EIGHTH & CHESTNIIT Street!: BLANKET LONG •SHAWLS. Just opened several hundreds of Long Blanket Simile, of new designs and fall idzo, at $4 50 and $5. 811ARPLESS BROTHERS, nol2 •EITIIITII k CHESTNUT Biennia. 'WRENCH MERINOS.. IL: A full assortment of Stench Merino, In all the gualltles, from 66 cents to $1 25, !minding some lots unusually cheap, SHAMPLESB BROTISSItS, nol2 BIGHTH & OMISTSUT Streets. VINE STOCK GOODS AT LOW P IP' SEASONABLE lOEB. SILKS, , EIHA.WLB, CLOAKS, RAGLANS, DE LAINES, FLANNELS, , BLANKETS, 40. ANDELL, EYRE & FOURTH AND ABM QBAWLS, FROM THE LAST AUCTION, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. troche Long Shawls ' Broche Square Shawls. Wooll.n Bound Months. • Nitro, Pine Plead Shawls. • EYRE 6c - LANDELL, ROURTII AND ANON STRINTEL ; LICS FROM. AIIOTION THIS MORN k, 1 lot Plaid 81110, lb cents. 1 4 , Rich Beyudere, El. 2 ti Splendid Style, $1 25. French Blue Ellke, Sl. Brown • " EYRE ec LAND ELL, NOUILTH AND AEON BTILINVI I.ILACRC. BEAVER CLOAKS.- - -A fine astortment firet•cleee goat. Prices from $.5 to $2O. ' " COOPER & CONARD, nob O. B. earner NINTH & MARKET Ott. M OURNING WOOL PLAIDS.— ..MIL An Auction lot beat quality, at RO °auto. COOPER h CONARD no 6 0. E. corner NINTH & HAMLET Bt6 VIINEST QUALITY BLANKETS.— Extra large dm. Also, medium and low prloed do. COOPER & CaNARD, no 6 8. E. corner NINTH & MARKET Eta. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES of emery 4•llotiston, for loollen , i Dente, and Boys' wear. COOPBR & CONARD, no 6 8. R. earner NINTH & MARKET Ste. Igir ID E VALENOIAI3.-6.4 Bayadere •T goods from Auction, 44 cents. 0001 , 1111 h CONARD, nob ,' 8. B.'oornor NINTH to MARKET fits. BARGAINS PROM AITOTION I-D AjY J-1 1 ' GOODS OR AP HOE THE MILLION I • • '• We wlll open on MONDAY, Bilk Babes. at $16.50, cost to import $26. IMO yards Black Bilk, beautiful, at 44,56, 62, 75, 67, 61 to 11.15. • 1,056 yards French Morinoes at $l, cost to import 8145 2,000 yards figured and plain Merinoes at 80, 68, 65, d 780., worth double BtXt. yards beautiful "black all•wool Dehdnes, only 28 eat!. A splendid assortment of Mankato. 2,000 yards .01oths, fresh froth auction, for Ladies' aud gents' and Boys , wear, from 160.. $l. 21.25, $1.60, $1.15, $2, $2.25, $2.60, decidedly the greatest bargains In the city. . Brecht), Stella, Illanket,'Oashmero Shawls, the great est bargains ever offered. 10,000 yards Poll de Charred, Delaines, Debeges. All-wool Plaids, only Blunts, usually sold at 50 cts. All-wool Delatnes only 25 cents. Doialues in great variety , and every style.' Cloaks and Dusters in every style. higELNOY respectfully Invites the Ladles to call and examine his stock, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our prices so low, wo defy competi tion. - MoBLROT, oot-mwf-tf No. U South NINTH Street. PHILADELPHIA CENTRAL SHAWL as AND MERINO EMPORIUM. BROOME, STELLA, ULANKET, AND MEN'S SHAWLS, A general assortment, unequalled In This market. /BENOIT REVERSIBLE MANTLES, with round corners. New and desirable FRENCH BIERINOSS AND CASHMERES, from 08 cents to $1 per yard. WHITE AND BLACK OASHMERES. SUPER LYONS BLACK SILK VELVET. 2 • BLACK TENSOR LADY CLOTH. LADIES' best quality ORDERED KID GLOVES. GENTS , DOUBLE STITOHED KID GLOVES. 100 SetsBRENCH CAM BRIO COLLARS A 011 tin, at 01 per Set. BAYADERB SATIN TRAVELS. LUPIN'S ALL-WOOL DE LAINES, fco. DRESS MATERIALS, In variety. • WELSH & BALLSEDVAL FLANNELS. CRIB A BED BLANKETS, and BURNISHING GOODS generally, At the LOWEST PRICES, for GASH. CHARLES ADAMS, ocBo Eighth and Arch streets. GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS.- 8. V. R. HUNTER Has REMOVED from No.Bo to No. 40 South SECOND Street, where be Ia now prepared to furnish the Ladies with a fresh and wollaeleoted stook of • DRESS GOODS, To which he Invitee their attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW PRICES. N. B —A large assortment of ,Broche, Stalls, and french Blanket Shawls. , Also, a variety of Silk and Cloth Circulars Constantly on hand, at the CLOAK EMPORITIBI, ,, No. 40 South SECOND Street. .FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. OPENING DAILY. 'PINE OLOTR RAGLANS. • ELEGANT BEAVER RAGLANS, RIOII VELVET OLOAEO Elegantly adorned with REAL LAOES, CROMET, &a., &a. OPERA CLOAKS. The largest and most varied stook of there fashionable OVER GARMENTS, At the widest move of pricer, and stilted for MOURNING, PROMENADE, AND MULL DRESS COSTUME, AT THE PARIS MANTILLA & OLOAR EMPORIUM, J W. FROOTOR'B4'OO., 708 CHESTNUT STREET.- Uemoualo. `ItE `M 'O V A L. FRY & CARSON have removed their WHOLESALE CLOTH STORE to 802 HAMLET Street, lower side. Being thankful to their Coetomete for pant favors ; they hope anentinuance of the same at their new Store. • , nol2•ot* Gas Sixturce CORNELIUS & BAKER, • Alanulanturers of ' LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, GAB BIXTUREB, &u. 8TORR;710 CHESTNUT BTREIXT. , MANIIPLOTOIIIite 821 4311ER1VZ„ titreat, and Flltrli and OOLUMSIA ' 0n25-13nit ATOGITIO. afiatbingq anb Ron. pllllOlll. Ir. larplON. J. TAIJONAA litlllllol *ILLY-111 Ir. 1111110 Z. 'OOI3THWARIE FOUNDRY, PII7TH AND WASHINGTON STRUTS, rumannLrgia. MERRIOK & SONS, IfflDlNDmite `AND MACHINISTS, mannfeotnre High and Low Preemie Steam Ingines s for Lend, Weer, and Marine et:melee. • 1 - Boilers, eskometers, Tanks, Zion Boa* &0., Oast. Ironen kinds, either Iron or Bram • frame roofs for ass Worke, Workshops, Bsllmed Stations, &o. Retorts and Die' Maohlriery of the lateet end matt .Improved oonstruotion. Avery desoriDtlon of Plantation meehiriery, eneti Sager. SW, and Gridlllle Vaontun Pans, Open Meant Treble, Defeeetore, Yilteie Pumping Mosinee, he. Sole agents for Patent Sugar Boiling hpparetne; .Nearoytlee 'Patent S team Hammer; 7. P. Boos' 'Went Yet!. Motion for Blatt eleohinery end !Debbi Pewee, , Stquirhitendent—B. tZ. BAltTab gERMAIf 0I(14.11S. 800,000, various brand in store sretpr sttlo by WN. YVATON oats //MT 81. • pob (APFIOE, - OP _THE - DELAWARE *U- V , VITAL' BAPETY DM:MANOR COMPANY. ,ParLanm.rnra. November 10.1568. ' The following Statement of - the affairs of the Corn piny le publbthed in conformity with a provision of Ite Charter: , Paaainrs'rebeived from November 1, 1867, to Cote. bar 81, 108 : On Maride and Inland 1t1eke....8361 803 82 On Pire Rieke - 118,414 17 ----5170,217 70 rimming on POltoles not nark od off Noma- bar 1 1857 . 525,184 02 PREMIUMS MARKED 011 RP !WM, from lit Of NOlOlll. ber, 1857, to October 81 1868: _On Marine am! Inlimn tieke....5890,541 75 On 11re Make 128,011 68 Interest. dceremixed during same period Loser's, Expanase, &c., during 8543,208 05 the year as above= Marino and Inland Navigation 1.011411 - ' • - $245,170 16 Fire Losses., 41,289 21 Return YremiumS . ' 41,768 14 Re.insorancee, Commissiorui to ' 0 " ' Agents, Taxes, Bco • • 48,428 88 Nzpenses, Salaries, Banta, Btu- , - - thumb &o 18,607 82 , , 5395,245 00 - . - , . fingius - $147,954 C 5 • MARTS OF THE COMPANY. , November 1, 1858. ' - Par. Market Value. 103,050—Philadelphia City tlx per cent. Loan $105,144 00 89,900,.Penneylvania State five pe rcent. , " - Loan 83,215 00 21,000—Pennsylvania' State six per cent: Loan- 21,210 00 80,000:.IInited States Treasury 4,1 per' • cent Notes 30,112 50 50,000—Pennsylvania Railroad 24 Mort._ • gage Mx per cent Bonds - 45,875 00 20,000—North Pennsylvania Railroad Mort- ' gage six per cent. Soule 15,000..300 shares Stock Germantown Gut Company, interest and principal guaranteed by the City of 'Phila delphia 14,925 00 5,000..100 shares Pennsylvania Railroad Company 4,837 50 5,800..100 'harem North Penneylvania Railroad Company 850 00 -1.201-80 shares Philadelphia - Ice Boat •• and Steam Tug Company 1,200 00 • 1,000..2 shares Philadelphia and Savannah ' - Steam Navigation Company ' •• r 200 00 250..5 dimes Philadelphia and - Havre - de lioat Cora- PanYGrace' Steam Tdw. • .. .. , 200..2- Shares Philadelphia Exchange ' . ! Company...," • 130 00 310,700 Out $318,297. Market value, $319,199 t 0 Bands and Mortgagee - - -10,000 00 Beal Estate, office building 61,363 35 Mils receivable for Insurencee made ' 101,666 36 Balances due at Aganalea—preminma on Me,- rine Policies recently issued—and other debts due the Company 61,288 14 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance) Com- pardee 8,220 00 Cash on deposit in links 42,087 85 The Board of Directors have' this day declared a Dl .ridend of SIX:PER CENT in Oath', on the original Capital Stoek, and eIX,PER CENT. on the Scrip of the Company, payable on and after the Ist proximo. They have also declared a Scrip Dividend of TWEN TY-FIVE PER CENT. on the original Stock and on the Earned Premiums for the year ending October 81, 1858, certificates for which will be issued tolhe parties entitled to the same, on ant after The 4st of December next. fl 7 Preamble and Resolution adopted by the Board. Whereas. The increased means of the Company aris ing from Profits.' awl which - will be derived from the Increased Capital Stook under the late amendments to the Act of Incorporation, render the farther continu ance of the Guarantee Capital tinnaaeaaary, therefore be it MERINOES Resolted. Tbat, the Guarantee Capital be dleeon tinued, and the' notes reprettating the same be deliv ered up to the makers thereof, u soon as the Bleke taken during the period embraced In laid notes shall hare determined. William Martin, Edmund A. Ponder, Theophilus Paulding, John P.. Penrose, John O. Davis, James Traquiar, • William Eyre, Jr., Henry Sloan,' Jeseph H. Beal 'Dr. K. M. Huston, George G. Leiper, Wm 0 Ludwig, Hugh Orilg. Charlee THOn. 0 HENRY LYLIIIIBN, Bee MARKET KBE INSURANCE CO. OP THE OITY OP NEW YORK. OAI3II CAPITAL 817EPLIJ8 78,200 TOTAL ABBETEI ' 11278,200 DIRECTORS. BENJAMIN H. HOWELL, Prtsidimt. Philetue li. Holt of 238 Front street. - Joseph P Wickham, late Wichhamht & Hutchinson Silas Davie. of A.H. & S. Davie. Oliver H. Shepard, of Shepard, Rowe & 00. Henry Rowland, of Rowland & Ranks. Alfred L. Rowe, of T. et. 1 L. Rowe. Wm. P. Miller of Wm. P. taller & Co. Stephen W. Gahm, of S. W. & R.B. Gaines. &Reba L. Walton, of Walton, Little, & Co. Nelson Sherwood, of Nelson Sherwood & 00. Henry G Reeve, of H. G. Reeve & 00. Daniel T, Willetsiof Willits & Co. Albert L. Ds Camp, of Baker & De Oami. -• John lif..l2,prioo, Jr, of Bruce, Odell, & imam% Stephen imielniton;of 210 Front street. Enoch Ketcham, of B. Ketcham & 00. Win A Cummings, of Beards & Onnuninge. Henry Lyles, Jr., of Lyles, Polhamus, & Co. Brewster Valentine, of Valentine & Bergen. Geo. B. 'Whitfield, of G. & J Whitfield & 00, Albert Havemyer, (late Havel:Dyer & Moller.) Tennis W. Quick, of Quick & PHommedieu. David H. Dunmire, of Ede y & Tarnure. JOllO T. Navarro, of Mora Brother., Navarro & Co. Edward Bill, of fle Broad street. Nathaniel W. Chater, of Peter V. Ring & 00. Wm. H. Goodwin, of - E. Goodwin & Brother. John Priebie, (Freeland, Squires, & Co.) ASHER TAYLOR, Vice President. • Insures on Buildings and Personal , Propertyuf every deserlitien against Losior Damage by /Pire, on the molt favorable terms. , • HENRY P.' PREEHANi Secretary: INECOIANGE IN TRIO ABOVE OOMPANY OAN BE EV/30TM THROUGH STEWART &. JOHNSON, No. 208 South FOURTH Street, PhMadelphia. ool•hm&w88bIf EASTERN INSITRANCE COMPANY...— OFFICE No. 6 EXCULNGE. - AUTHORIZE/ Brocz CAPITAL, $500,000. Ontrivan Pasraroar.. The Risks on Merchandise and Buildings. Marine Risks on Vessels. Cargoes and Freights. Inland Transportation Basks on Goods per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats. taken on favorable terms. „ , DIREOTORA. , . •, Andrew Cochran, George A. Wright, William I. Brown, . Thomas Shaw, Richard G. Eitotenbary, George Cookman, . Peter D. Myers Charles Stoy, . Robert B. Walker, Jacob Reed, Jacob Lukens, W. 0. Stoteebury. ANDREW 000IIRAN, .Preshient. WILLIAM I. BROWN, Yloo-President. nB-tf irtaz'. PENNSYLVANIA -.---- 'BALLROdD COMPANY. THE WINTER TARIPT ON PERIM:ITS lINTWANN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTSBURGH will take effect on MONDAY, November 16th, 1858 BATES BETWEEN PHILLI)A. AND PITTSBURGH lECOND CLAIN Taman OLASS POUSTII CLANS f PENNSYLVANIA ILROAD OObtrANY. NOTIOB TO PIIILATOILPHIA MIROLIANTS THE WINTER RATES ON FREIGHTS WEST WARD by the different Railroad lines will take amid in BOSTON AND NEW YORK on the 15th instant, and In PIIILADELPHIA upon freights deatlued beyond Pitts burgh on the 18th inst. The rates are lower than former Winter prices by Railroad. Say: lit Wass. 21 Class. 31 Class. 4th Oltuw. 20 $l.OO ;82 - 62 Oinohmati, 0.... 1.80 1.10 90 01 8y.... 1.80 1.21 1.05 80 Indianapolis, Ind. 1.85 1.15 95 TO Bt. Louis, Die 1.80 150 180 95 Chicago, 11l 1.60 1.25 1.10 80 To other polite in the Weet at comparative low rates by Bail, and at the usual difference below Bail rates when shipped by river from Pittsburgh. General Freight Agent P. R. R. 00. l'amtDl,, Nov. lid, 1858. " n0E.1.12t CHOICE GOODS for the ROL IDAYS. MARTIN &„QUAYI 4 E'S STATIONERY, TOY, 4 FANCY GOODS EMPORIUM, • No. 1026 WALNUT STREET. A oho'te and elegant assortment of Goode suited to :the coming HO LAD AYS, comprislng articles of utility. taste, and ornament, selected from the latest Imports ;tiona expressly for the City Retell Trade. •61. & Q's Stook embraces every variety of Delis, Wax. Crying, and Sleeping, ho., together with a large ivariety of ;PAPER DOLLS, WRITING DRSICS, PORT FOLIOS, lISERARIIIMS, - SOUP 1100118, PORT-MONNAIFI9. With a large assortment of Games, Feuer Boars; 'Juvenile Hooke Doll Furniture, Theatres, Stables, Warehouses, with a - general assortment of Toy and Raney Articles. FANS! FANS! PANS ! " - Latest style Pans, Silk, Crape, and Linen. 4110? prleket lists, Ha il e? and Niloketo. 11010444 nraate &amanita. ---..----..-$818,568 48 jlTovitither 10.7858 DIBEOTOBB. James D. Hand, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Spencer Miriam), Thomas 0. Hand, Samuel E. Stokes, J -P. Peniston, Robert Burton, Jacob P Jones, James B. Mitarland, Joshua P. Eyre, ' John B. Semple, Mb% B. T. Morgan', , g J. V. Logan, MARTIN, President. ). HAND, Vice President. menu. n013.4w ...3200,000 It aitroab dints. LOOAL IMMO= NOTIOE 90 cente per 100 On, .75 ~ E. J. BNEEDBII, Freight dgeol,Ponno. R. R. Oo IVZSTERN SHIPPRRA PROM PHILADELPHIA TO H. IL HOUSTON, ljalib a a eikrobo. ~,. ;fit•.' _ erg': <,.a,.~c ... ~-~Haak~^r . ~.«..¢etc. !' H99:P <• b~=i.AziY .+ nS~C~~#~ -Ara Sate-,atibla JUL: - - 1 thlid fourtb:stori rcioinq of N 0.1.3 North lltrin Street. , Arply to J. SPRNOER, rd floor, No - . 73 North BIRTH Street. ' nole..mwt-SW, di* - TO. LET—The large; well lighted, amt NUell g ible , STORE, No. "88 oath SECOND Streeti which will be vacetelf by the under's' pled on the ilnitio, January: Rent very moderate. 'Apply to ' • tr: Reanmsret do nnooke SIRABT.JE BUSINESS STAND:, FOB; RENT. —On the first of. Jimmy, the drat, third and fourth Room of the STORE, No 21 - North TERRA Street, over 200 feet deep. N -. This is a desirable losatioUl for buelnoeo, being very near Market meet, cod to an approved tenant, would be rented On favorable te•me. Aptly:to- EtiiLIVENIEST.7B,- 8785,401 81 ruil7s:4tit , 429 8. POIJRTH lit.t opposite idbraiy. FOR, RENT, FROM J4NO4RY,Iat,.. 31 ' 1858. the first-aim .Granite; front Store, No, 124 North THIRD 43treet, above Arch, sait.ble for, the! Hardware; D.y Goods, or any Other ltavybotalness, be.; Jog well lighted and commodiotui.r. Terms ast4botio l 7l to a responsible tenant. Apply, at No. ; 1243.1 , second; story., ' - • nolVit 22,650 22 F °4-, SALE , L-sao s ooo.—A flret-class amply Sewed SIORTOAGE for $30,000, on valuable Pro-, perty In Camden opposite Philadelphia, having fork..? teen years to run. Interest ,sembannually paid? promptly ; title undoubted ' Por further particulate,! addreseßOX 010, P. 0 Philadelphia. 'nolo : 3t* I 11$13. TO LET—A BRICK MANSION AND' , iva PRAIRE TENANT HORSE, with other out.bnild; logs, pumps,'and excellent springs of 'water, -- with slz acres of land ; situated on 'Earrovrgate Lane, west of Paifsenger Railroad to Piankford. Apply EVANS, HEDGE Street, above tinny, .Winkford. B.....lmmediateposiession given. ; EOl3 Ot* orti FOR SALE.—The desirable THREE.; 21141.1310RtititIOICDWNLLYidG; with double threo story back buildings, _and..inodern conveniences, on the, south side of GREEN Street, No. 1681. The lot Is 1.9 d feet 6 inches deep to ()enter street, allowing room for n stable, if wanted. Immedlee poesession given. Ap., ply at the ~nether Yard; exyzraisEWristEltreet, low Green street, • nolB-6t* FOR:SALE- 2 -Tb° Good Will and Fix.; La tam of. the Globe Hotel, Oztle ttreot; below Cheetant, oppoeite Independence Square. Inquire oil the Premisee. nol2 12,000 00 AA FRONT PARLOR' or Office to Rent; with Boarilleg, N0.'121.8 WALNIIP Street, Phila delphia. - • - OR SALE.—Erie City. Coupon , Bonds " will be taken In payment ter a valuable Vet of ground on Blxteenth atreet. Apply to • CHARLES BROWN nob-12t* N. W. corner BROAD and L00179T SW RENT.-4)n the Ist- Jannary'next, the yev_enperlor and extemive ROOMS; (2 , 1: M, 4th and athMoors, each 24feet by 1413) of the NEW STORE, 688 MARKET Street.' The building le one of the fine Improvements on the upper side; between PISTE and SIXTH Streets!, having two fronts, the north ode on a rear Street with good cartage way 20 felt 'lnto SIXTH Street. Apply on the promisee: " nol-tf ' ITO BENT, STORE:on DELAWARE Avenue, below VINE Streeti running through to Water Street 148 feet deep.* Alan, the Double STORK, corner of THINE and QUARRY Streets; 40 feet front, one of the beet locations • for large BUBiLleal in' delphia. - Also, STABLE and• 00A011.-HOUSE in ORRERY Street, above SEVENTH, in VAS orAah , land Home - Apply at 278 South VOIIIITH Masora $003,804 70 QEVERAL PLEASANT •BOOMSIO BE iet, with BOARD, ,at N 0.4 SOUTHWEST PENN EQUARB. - - `"- nols4ltitil CARD. -Our challenge, given in the morn leg and evening papers of the 12th inst., having been accepted by the representatives of the FINKLE SEWING MACHINE, we hereby announce that the funds have been deposited by ns in the hands of a re. responsible party, subject to the decision of the Frank lin Institute Committee, and the required three days notice has been given We shall therefore be ready to make the trial on TIIZeDAY • next, further notice of which will be given as soon as the preliminaries have been arranged. . LADD, WEBSTER & CO., 820 CHESTNCT Street. November la. 1858.. : It Q.PEOLILL NOTICE.- - Our client, Mr. TAS. 1., YOUNG. of Glasgow, haring transferred to a Com pany In the Milted States the exeltri,ve right'to use in the United States his patent for making OIL from COAL, which patent' was Issued by the Government of his United States, on the 23(1 day of March, 1352, and Mr. YOUNG having gu aranteed n to ouch Company that be will suetain and defend mad patent sgaloet al!' persons infringing the same—' NOTIOH le hereby given. to all persona' engaged In the Mutiny's of 'making- OIL from GOAL, that legal measures will bb Immediately adopted against all per sona infrmging eaid patent.- Dotted 10th November, 1858. . . B INEDIOT & , BOARDMAN, Holioltors for acid Young, 128 BROADWAY •New York. I nols- 6 t QPECIAL NOTICE.—BEEOHER &RIDG -1,7 -WAY respectfully Warn their Customers that they have removed to No. 337 ARON STREET, one door below fourth. where they wilt confirm., with in crweed facilltlea, the WHOLESALE NET CASH DRY GOODS Business. ' • „ Cblistitutly receiving new Pawls from the large suction gala. WILLIAM BEECHER, riol3.Bt* ' • T. IL RIDGWAY." CARD.—TO THE rIIBLIO.-4heJudgee of Sewing Machines and Committee on Exhibition at the Franklin Institute having been nue* to lonian the premium of superiority to any. of theinachines of fered for their inspeotion, the tit &reigned would take this method to enab 'e the public to judge for. them selves of the comparative merits of their machine and any other that may be 'willing to come, in competition with them. , We will award one thousand dollars to the depositor of any Sewing Machine now in the Franklin Institute which will, within a week, execute the. same range of work with equal quickness and and nicety of finish as that exhibited by us to the Committee.. We will submit the decision to either : the ',adios , or the Gentlemen's Committee - already appointed by.the Institute to examine the subject, or to the Committee on Exhibition thomaelres, at the option of the party accepting our elyitlengo;, L&ED, 'WEBSTER, & CO n012.8t0 , 820 ORE.4TXUT SE. IVOTlOE.—Applicatione .will be received 1. until NOVEMBER 15th,1858, et 12 o'clock M , , for' the flituation of PRINCIPAL of the OBNTRAL MOH 001100 L of the City of Philadelphia. , Address the undersigned, at the Office of the Controllers of Public Schools, B. E. corner BIRTH and - ADELPHI Rtreete,Athenfetun Building. . WASHiN J. JACKSON, Chairman, nod-St Committee on High Oohed. NOTICE.—PHILADELPHIA And-READ 1. ING RAILROAD.—The "DOWN FREIGHT Depot of the Philadelphia and Resoling Railroad Com. pang, has , been removed from No. 225 to Non. 243 and 236 BROAD, above Race streets ..• . . . AU the-" TO ROUGH' FREIGHT" %whim of . the Company, both OUTWARD - and INWARD 'wilt lie transacted at this Depot. JNO. T. BEATY, nod Int ' General Agent. 133cOrt" Jemglrg, at. BAJLEY & Co., 10/11.MIILY BAILEY a Knonzig, Hoe ten:towed to their now Pirolona, White Marble Bore, 819 OBSSITTUT STREET, NORTH BIDE v tiLOW TUB GIRARD HOllOl. NoW opening their fill stook of • IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND 'AMOY: GOODS, To 01d.% they invite The attention of the BILVNBAVARN, WATWIEB, DIAMONDS, AND AT WHOLV.A.LII MID UTAIL Cfaileite THE ONLY ARTICLE UNRIVALLED IN MARKET. with immense HOME ASO EIIROPELN DEMAND The reason why, is that by Natere's own process it restores the natural color permanently after the heir bwomes gray; supplies the natural fluids and thus makes it grow on bald heads, removes all dandruff, itch ing, and heat from the scalp, quiets and tones up the nerves, and thus cures all nervous headache, and rosy be relied upon to cure all diseases of the scalp and hair; it will stop and keep it from falling off ; makes it soft, glossy, healthy, and bumf :yid, and if used by the young two or three times a week, it will never fall or become grey; thou readers, read the following, and judge for yourselves: Paw YosK, Jan. 8,1858. MICSSRB 0 J. WOOD & Gentlemen: Raving heard a good deal about Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, and my hair being quite gray, I made up my mind to lay aside the prejudices which I, in common with a great many persona, had again,st all manner of patent medlelees, and a abort time ago I commenced using your article, to test it for myself The result has been so very satisfactory that I am very glad I did so, and in justice to you, as well as for the encouragement of others who may be as gray as I was, but who having my prejudice without any teasels for setting it aside, ere unwilling to give your Restora tive atrial till they have further proof, and the beat proof being ocular demonstration I write you this let ter, which you may show to any such, and also direct them to me for further prop( who am in and out of the N Y. Wire Railing Establishment every thy. My hair Is now Its natural color, and rennet improved in appearance every way, being Stonier and thicker, and much more healthy looking. , I em, Yours Respect fully, - HENRY JENKINS. Corner Columbiaand Carroll streets, Yo ßklyn. Limos row, b roo 14, 1858. Nor. WOOD—Dear Sir: Your Hair Restorative has done much good in this part of the country. My hair has been slightly tilmtmehing for several years, cooped, I suppose, from a slight burn when I was quite an in fast. I have been wing your Hair Restorative for six weeks, and I fled that I have a fine heed of hair now gr , 141 g after having used all other remedies kir.wrt to no effect. I thins it the moat valuable remedy now extant, and advise all who are afflicted that way to use your remedy. You can publish thle if you 'think pro per. Yours, &0., S. W. MIDDLETON , PHILADILyBIA, Sept 9,1857. Poor. Woos—Dear Sir Your Hair Restorative is proving Itself beneficial to me. The (rent, and also the back part of my head, almost lost lie covering—wee, in foot, BALD. I name used but 2 half pint bottles of your Restorative, and cow the top of my head DS well studded with a promising crop of young hair, ard the front IA also receiving Its benefit. .1 have tried other prepara tions without any benefit whatever I think, from my own personal recommendation. I con imbue many others to toy it. Yours, reeplotfully, D. R. THOMAS M. D. • No. 484 ' Vine s treet. The Restorative is put up In bottles of three sires, Viz Large, medium, and small; the email holds s pint, and resale for one dollar per bottle ; the mediate holds at least twenty per coat more in proportion than the email, retitle for two dollars per bottle; the, large holds a quart 40 per tent. more in proportion, and re tails for *3 a bottle. 0.. T. WOOD & 00., Proprietors, 312 Broadly, New York, (in the great N.Y. Wire Railing Establishment,) and 114 Market street, fit. Lon in, No. And sold by all good Druggists and Panay Goode Dea lers. nols-mwillm & eowinwky-8m ISAAC P. BRANIN, . . _ 3.. ,WORT COACII & CARRIAGE BUILEBR, . PRANKFORD, PA. AU work warranted to give satisfaction. Orders res pectfully solicited. no:11040s CARRIAGES. Vr. D. 'RUGGERS, 00AOR AND , LIGIIT-VARRIAGE BUILDER 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Ordore for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world montedwlth promptneei, and satlenctlon gruaitntled. 3.18-Bndf =l9 iloarbing. • Mdices. PEARLS, Qrarriageo. Waats. 11=—By 4r,st; petrian, AVAIST obis situation in W.lo3Fi,Othlik"k'tise: The bent of festi;eontals at go Oa anifelutriatai'fral be L4dreas , i MAO Blood's DeliktON n016.8t IVANTR.D A.--LOAN=—sl,soo, for , three ,xonstis.. A polioltif Life' irpq.raige win ba, given WI security, and liberal iist9rimtpoildno3.s;2* ARDWARE YO:17-V1 MAN 111 wantan 131IVATION..P - Beit irferace Awl* enraotAr, ttai "Sinai ciumptilitatliin. Amalfi/a. teay.iiAddreml . TAlLDWAZlO, Blood , s Dtarktch4 lt* AA/ANTED. A -Book-keeper; _who v v ,rplak and write German. , -, -To a oompetent per on a fair itslart.will bir . iiiiren. , -.7Addreali'ADQl.PH. Of floe of this paper nol3-21*-- 'sit:Cuttloil `Entry Clerk, . by a young man whotaa had two yesrrj aim& enoe.• Address-SNTILY'OLBEIK, this Mae:- nolB4tVe WA:NTER.—A,ytidan tb attend in ,a -,RefatiDrug Ettore: _ , ltitted hive - experience, and bying good-reference. ,Addretar LESTBA, - Oil cam ,•_nolB rrifIK;ADVERTISEFI: 18:DE811101TP OF entering.into as arransioent a - intsome manurfae. turer of,OLIEMICALS: hi in posseesion of IA secret integard to the manufacture of a Chemical- whieh with hie precast, can be sold at an, exorbitant profit ' But a small amount of money is needed to construct the ap paratus, ' , Address bil011E11.113T," office of The Press. 4t WANTED— , By a Young Lad, 17 years • V •of sae intelligent and writes a fair hard a-Bituation in a Wholesale, litore, or any : other establlshment Where - bill Services may be neefal. Oan Ova the beet of referent:ea. 'Address .? gamy," at - thle Moo. _ nol2-BtW WANTED—By let January - next,a • tion ae Baseman inn Dry Hoods Jobbing House. Has bad eleven 'years' experience ai Salesmen in a New York Jobblog House, - and can influence a lair portion of trade: Address Box Hal New York I': 0. _ rusl2.3tlS %AT ANTED—A Situation as Assistant TT. •Bcokkeeper Lz silAbolesale Store.. Balmy not so much as, Interest as employment. Address 41. h i Office of The , Press: noL24el, WANTED=A Partner, to take the_place of a retiring member of one of the oldest and toast enecessfol Orme In this City. $2O 000 in Club will be required. All comsonoleatiorus most be eocildontial. Address T, 8.,” at this Office. ' noll-6t* WVI/ANTED—By a , Young Lad; a .-Situa , don la a Retail' Gioe,ery; wheie be would be emplated until btarriveii at 21 years alp. Addrees "Riebarit,l , Office of 'ilia Paper: c, • "nell-4t* laTAßTED—A. , Biteatieli;-'as Bookkeeper V V- sad" Corresponding Ohirkily the di~ertber, whd lilts hid lieTeral'y_iars , eilittlence in lderesbtile biddneas. Best of Feferedieei given. Addrei!dt.B Office of The - Treat. ' • • 'roll-atit gm WANTED To dispose .of an Into- MR rest in the Stock and Good Will of an old natal , . Lobed „Wholesale Jobbing House in the Boot sad Shoe Trade.. Any one =hiving a moderate Capital will find this a goal opportunity to engage In thorbasinese:' Ad dress Commercial," stable Office. with name and ad dress, whioh will be strictly conedentisl.. , no& lita ANTED—To .cent; for ilia Irlnter 11811. W immediate poiliewtoni bons. of moderato also, with modem improvemesito, west of; Tenth Area, ,Addraw A. M., ofto-Of, this NVANTEDiFOR THE 'UNITED STATE X OAVAIM.Y:—AbIe-bodied,": =max& d roan, ,to whom will be: given goal pay, board . , 'eloAlsag, and medical attendance). Fey from 11.2 to' :a =COM. Ho 121431 baring a wife or child will be w oes . : Apply for MOUNTED EIEBNIOZ "at No, 817 eked, *ye Eighth, north aide. - ' - I. N. 1d00112,. - _, - . Ist Lieut.:lst Dragoosuri, _ Riernitier MU*? Mintrammio. A c o A p imty OF MUSIQ.—ITM lAN ,LAST - WEEK BUT ONE.: NINTH SUBSCRIPTION NIGHT: THIS (MONDAY) EVENING; NOVEMBER IbUt,' GRAND GALA:„xxeir °FIRST TIME IN AMERIOA. will be_prodated, in . Italian, Ycorow's chef &antra, MARTHA ' . OR.,THE RICHMOND PAM MADAME COLSON AS LADY HENRIETTA. BTRAKOSOR respectfitily - ; Vuitton° . Cei that for two months the most extensive arrangetnenti, - regaidleal rf expense, haie been'inade te'prodniwthio Opera of MARTHA; in Italian, in &style o'oo:rested cat pleteness and effect, for which purpose' all the re quisite "accessorise of costume will be intnidneed - to give to each of the scenes the - advantage of thi tidiest decorations, so that the miss 'ma runaway preient an animated picture of the peasantry and Court ot Queen Lane's reign. „ : - " - MADAME COLSON - LADY HSNRIETTA.. MADAME STRAKOSOUM - _ - " NANCY. eIGNOR BRIGNO la as ' LIONEL. SIGNOR ETTORE EERILY i 5.... PLUNKETT. hIG. NICOLATIBARIL:f as KR TRISTAN. SIGNOR BLEBS as JUDGE OW RICHMND. - Lords. Issiles, Iltu3tera, People, Demote. fro' APLLE CELESTLNE FRANCK and SI'LLS LUOIH BARRE, the celebrated danseusea, - have been' engaged for this occasion, fo give due Went to the representa tion of the Statute Petri which trill be .sustained by an entirely new Ballet corps:. -' " Sale of seats for MARTHA eounnenoae to,day; at Ainnesios, One Doßari' Bemired fleets, MAY Cent, extra, which can be marred during the day ' All mats which have not _been tenured during the, day will be Bold =on the evening of the performance at' ova D01.L418, with the exception of a limitsdirimber of gnome sears, which will be retained for the accommodation of Ewan pre, at 51.50. , , - Tickets for the Balcony; and 11 and kieitionsef -the Parquet; can be bid at the Offices in,Chestent greet; the Parquet Circle and centre or Parquet at the,A, cadency. Family Circle , 56 cents: _- Amphitheatre; 21% Cents. Boors open at 1 Opera commencers at 8. - The free Hat on the Martha "nights, with the (dm tion of holders 9f season tickets, is unavoidably. etts- To'avold the rush' id ditezition - at the doois on the evening of the performance - Of MIZTITA;" parties, are earneatty requested. foe their own convenience, to imp ply theroselyers with tickets during the - day, foichich purpose the three ticket offices will remain open from 8 AL M. to 6 P. 31., which must afford every accommo dation to the ?ebbe, Tickets, •it 60 cents El, and $1.60, can be obtained during the day and . on 'the see fling of the perfcrmance at the door.- ' NOTIO2.—In compile-nes with •aumeneull requests, the Management hes set aside a portion of the Amphi theatre for the accommodation of respectable colored persons ;- the entrance to which wilt be on the south door of-the Academy. on Broad street. Th.pprice of admission is twenty five tents. An atter will be in attendance to preserve the strictest order. - - On AVEDNILSDAT, GALL NIGHT, second rem natation in America of MARTHA: - • „ . A OIdiEELY OF - MUSIC MATINEE. , THE SECOND. OPERA MATINEE: • TO-MORROW (TIfESDAY) AFTEBNOON, November 18th, at 2.)j o'clock,. ,Doors open at 1%. TICKETS TO ALL PARTS OF THE HOUSE PUTT CENTS EACH, can be obtained today at &lithe principal Hula Stores and Academy of Music. On this occasion Verdi's Grand Opera of . IL TROVATORE will be produced. for tho last time, with MLLE TE REBA PARODI, MAD, STRAHOSCII, SIGNORS BRIG NOLI, Salina in the principal roles. On Thanksilinng Day, Thursday, November 18, Cheap Opera Night—Grand Opera and Ballet. , nola-Bt iu TT SI OAL FUND HALL. MAMMOTH 00NOBIST SATURDAY, NOVEMBER oQth.• UNPRECEDENTED COMBINATION Off TALENT - . , ON THE SAME:EVENING.. . All the arts is of the Italian Open, noluding Ohorus and. Orcheetra, appear,' when the matt elquielte Programme will be offered, with Madame Colson, Wile Paredi, Madame de Wilhoust, Madame Strakoseti, Big. Brignoli, Labocetta, Amodio, Built, and Maurice Stro kes& - Tickets One Dollar. Seats can be secured, without extra charge r to-day, at Les & Walker's and Beck & Lawton's. • - . rriwo GRAND 'JUVENILE CONCERTS, 1 ON THANKSGIVING, the 18th of November, AT, CONCERT HALL, On Chestnut Street; above Twelfth street. Mr. ILBMSIBBBR will give Two Concerts, misted by nearly.l,ooo' Singers, uniformly dressed, and the Penn sylvania Cornet Band. - To commence at 3 in the Afternoon, and 7A . in the Evening. Tickets 25 cents; Children 10 cents. Ladies to the Afternoon Concert 10 cents. nol64t* MRS. , D. P. BOWERS'g WALNUT-BT. THIATEB, oorner - of NINTH and -WALIIIrr Streets. - - ' - The Great Novelti! ' - -MONDAY lIVENIN6, - Noveraber 15,1853, A New Dramatic Romanco,'entitled - FIVE NIGHTS ON THE DELAWARE. Oscar Edhurl,' Mr. Itichinge •, Ilichard Bergrarn, Mr. F. B. Conway ; Absalom, Mr. MoDonough; Colurtance, Mrs. F. B. Conway. To conclude with the Comedietta, entitled WHAT WILL THDT aeY AT HOME! •Prices of admission—Bete' nd Tier and Pamily Circle, and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet. WM cents; Drag Oirole, 50 cents; Private Boxes, according - their locale, $e and $5; Single Beats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 75 cents. • Doors open at half put 8 o'clock'; Onrtaln flees at 7 o'clock. VirATLEY & OLARKE's .AROH-ST. TUE ATI= .—Williara B. Fredericka, Acting and Stage Manager. MONDAY N YINING, November 15, 1E45, PAIIVILETT . . . Bernard, Mr John Gilbert; Count Maurloe de Grand. vat, Mr. Wheatley; Palmetto, Eire John Drew; The Duchess of Beaulieu, Mrs Mansell., To conclude with the Comedy of " 'UNCLE JOflL . . Admission, 25 eta. Bemired Beata in Dreu Mule, 87)f ate; Oreheatra Stalls, 60 eta; Beata in Private Boxes,ls eta; Gallery, 18 eta; Gallery for Colored Persona, 25 ate; Private Box In Gallery for Colored Persona, BB eta Whole Private Box, $3. Doors open at half.past 6 o'olook; ()amanita at precisely NATIONAL - . CIRCUS, WALNUT ST., above EINOTH—DEWIS B. DEN; Manager. Magnificent Equestrian Speatsclel THIS (Booby) SYBSUNG, November 15,1858, In additloa to a variety of performances in the Ring, the eiening'll entertainment will include the Eines. trian Speotaale entitled THE GAMES OP THE CRUSADERS; Or, Recital]; of the Trials] of the Knights of Malta. Which requires the combined efforts of One Hundred ' Men and Horses. SCALE OP PRICES. Dress Circle and Duquette 40 eon% Children under ten years of age 20 ti ,c Family Circle Drum; open at quarter to I o'clock. Performance's will commence at 7X, turf terminate at 10x, plactsely: II:7 Performances on Wedneslay and naturday'Af ternoone. CONOERT HALL. - MONDAY EvsNxNe,:tioyambei 16,1868, Positively the LAST NIGHT in this City of the OLD POLES" Commence at quarter to B. Tickets 25 mats. It QANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, adjoining the Penneyheals Railroad Depot. GREAT BILL l'or the patrons of " EANPORD'i3 OPERA HOWIE. - THIS EVENING, Will be presented Emitordis true version 01 lINOLE TOMB CABIN. The bared Company of " MINSTRELS IN THE WORLD. EVERY EVENING New Songs, Glees, Chorine!, Refrains, tsp., with Dancing by the " SANFORD OHILDREN Admission ES cents; Children lIEE cents. Er On Thanksgivi, Dv THREE NewmanCeB; viz : 10)f ag, and 7x, o olock in the, evening noLam. HERRING'S GREAT ,PIOTURE has sr rived of the VILLAGE BLACKSMITH,: and will be on Eahrbltlon for a few daps only, at the Mon ofA. G. ROBINgONII Picture Gallery. 00$0-t1 910 OHENVNIJT St, ab. NINTH. A SSENBLY'BUILDINGB; TENTH AND 111. OHSSTNUT Streets. Immenee &Uneaten, ;New. NoteMee. Mange of Programme each The LEARNED CA NARY BIRDS and SPIAIT RAPPING-Go end see SIGNOR BLITZ. The great Ventriloquist end wonderfatMagieleo- Performance every Evening daring the week, - at hall-past 1 oleo* and on Wniusidg sad Bataidag . AI Unmoor' at , Admission. 26 °sato; Children; 18eants. 0e26-Im* G_ BUTTER. —29 • Ttibs• Prime woe Ooehen Butter. Per sale by • Q. O. BADLER, & CO., not Pi! 14494 ebrees,