The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 15, 1858, Image 1

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Ati pr. INOELEgTgaittilo4 GENTUMZIPI3
A.A. , 43",42oltrilrifkmerk
AkiliglAndAtitak 2 figAPF/P 1 71# 1 7, 1 17! 3 1ni qiwk
- , l^AgrWaitAtiiie'Vtiiiiiiiigra"
=ftlaistount — tioE,,orde tok
ritivagebr atedestyworindirte
• and 0111arsAltalott.tuAlicirtai,sinotteiow t _ W/Loisigat
krsdkaitPOred *Algaz;,:,•••
c - IN';W-g4B4loT.Tiqlato ttioArm or , War- .
J'ißeulOl ;boo 4oN 1711011.8 -
OltEßTN bl& UT,B.44i4,ll444tltoppasit•Alle4ll=4.llirow t y
iouKrompearthillys4l,o.o, 4 4 1ciatIOn'fbf.Plf.
MIA of tiituakoderl4ll4l 10114 as* tare", add Jim. •
7 4424. telllPairliii VorfBllllll43 , 4lsshoitizotissA.U.
visreiatrAt - 44astintie4WOolartarTRADIlilupplt•it
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• Publiii, of 74 - I , faiiiiPtios iris AkuiVni3
, thdze;yho iiiif.l,ll4 sp4l-gpplkat Um
-- iiinutof ,iiii. hoitiikaibiliitienk r itiWiltii .
fotm the' Vie of lie - abiioi4biiiiie-it,pifkii idooni.
, 1144 - . i-"AlleViai ;;-
'mend &la Ai* tit itilikfaiistron ..
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"- , :e' '--;.- Lai - . she - t Fifiekilienifral' ipitirthiont ird'aman
~tior a l aritaTotti , Ar4Wpmtleallilria#436oo. -1 A 1 41.1
"..kiiiiiiar a ntiA o tos Wifili ilia, t,...44t e 0=
. , expo-Wined t*TdilirdßlP. . 1 . 611 .P 1 01;,,- -* -54 1* - Ar - Avia.
- :iirq fervltteettefaqi-I-A440'..i)5,4-,;-,41.,, -...;..i,,t.,,,:i,Lr.,,
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• AtiktaC $4. friods,tbantplim roomed,
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Np1it0"5:1.4. 74 yptu0va.10,;,..
tie/v.4 ; ni-otycinip,sts,„,„tt
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• • - thezeials ;i1 Alttk lublitZfat . bair bun *Om
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loath' litiornic and toot 'lands In rottic '
IttitelatifiietteßrOtern L IMP '_Unillstuit , trallititir
atubel i ty
to‘"--c4-490)*Vog, flf)Aftl4s:o_4l.9o..gfint7o#:-*,;:,
;.,,-,', - -;i4-r , tiowkr-,,iNbAteisoonetir.: -
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—Pie?7t3g;lo stiltPo t
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.;,-- ,ii+.?iiiiii**)oPkilitiatSfesitor, mann
4, ~,,R11 4 : . ,: " ~,' . " -" -' - - .
-i ':4II4,9*ITAPIA SCkiii; . U , i'' ‘" ' -"--. ' '
i-4-4. tr f 4..., :-- ,:thisitiieit'itirtjiiioiiii, , '
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1! - , -4 4 74_" 043 # , # B*.k dOik iiiiiWon 60;
-*.- 5 4 4,.,1, - ;07 VaPAPYA tli mt .#4l , - Pff; who
', yountotiofif iii , ' -- 4taliitmet - pidi .,
Se "*A l W i t %.4 4 ; * ooo B <t i CiTTiii..i.PLunf ahl6,o) <
4 :. „ 4 / 8 0, W_ATVAlaktniNDs fre , AMIE 'DRILLS.' •
'k‘-'ro,-.l,.(l?;t._.nrr4AWdr.-.LlCULT,Bo,ronizios„, ~,,,,
1 't - viir,rtilatnY'Farrt,...for loge , jl •
~ P ' . ti imial k. WE LI,E4;._
n 6 'StaPiedo Ir, 491 VT-fir.; 4.45 zsr.r2l4 Sr.
:-`,l-7 i ' •
TEN •MisuiAoTtritions, - ,
'oool l iYnlfPsi 11 , ,
91 4 ' #l ,
VWI4: -
10 - im a po b ts d n vrl %yob Of s worthless
warB,423l;TAFtaitts. 131117R0U Btraet, New York.
eipattilto Mt:
ta.11.11 - triiic" . tobe
" ?Wilt=
•± G
# l4
r „ BELo}v*lwa.
imp - i:ila lonsiuil man a* re, comprising
T'O'R' WA T E•l3
anthorlrel~',~gentsin Rel!ni7lrual", for the pale
'of T!tnekeii r o;,
with oefOastea;
..Tuloa:7nrkipitin; I Janda
ICapOitinennit,lllolo:44‘;eiconlif J: ; 8. Oeldwell k
Biano;4l4 nAel
if/aNnuclikz-B IVALISR PLATS]) ON GO.
• 71Arr8icr.0. 411 D FINN 'out GLASS
OBokralNAviißszays; tf
-40B14131iERT 12171 6141111NTAL PURPOSES'
: adestii AND ; OENAMENTS,^:
-mos pui Diumufq jtopx,
lit E T -C'•
2.=• - • t" •• • ••.;
Anfttirgq to the ttblo. • '-
',l7,ltoraNryl',.alirfys reeflyt,jl9llti attiblion'yrhetker
44 ; 14,:i,1454 paarethoiia_oi pthatirlgo, , _
X •~ ;
' PO Marllo4l, naw,a
*: v;;ATinre haeri °UMW/psi - 1114 Obalsao , • -
2 -f' W O . Ol
niittitan4ibimps/Baups• :
Jot Goiolo soul Plowor Volum , • -
• .*.i.'-I , Corol v likva'and Mosolo Seri.
,- 0111.,Agonts Pkilii46.lphts for 4ko solo of Charles
trodiharolo LONDON TIME•XEEPEB , B nor 8
', ,,, (llLANOlAirtiritlllta 4Nei:I6 , OITM Or
- : , ''''-" , ...=IIILVER•PLATED WAIK, -,
No - tOrlikeetnatAftre•V - aboreLThira, 'OLP - ,1,11600,)
, • - -••
Qiinittialiabliiiitissidlarlisle to .the bade
,Pi_Tonasta-4310B143,TICOOPHOTATTERS.BA44 ,
4, a- •
-, - , 1 0 11 .4040 1 044}b5a41., '44
....;~rgtig~~ ~ ,
top,t.crlyjj ,
it* -1, 4 - ;- e - ..-AkIATOSST,II% -BRASIL
- , , tomiiitt:o:l3inutsnd Mortgeigt;..: ,
_ 701 y, N;' - VA
Alla iSr, ATILMONT O %.4 -, ~ , : 4 -" .. ,
. _ . ,
..f.,.... !...?,q , - ;. ? , , -_ a.4,4 . ,—, ,-, BANKER, e,•,-- ' • 3
't - .;E3r• 1,!-:-.3,34•14_7.1t,,T.911Avillt,- frkBER , 4 ' ;_•_ ,
_.•-, • - •- _
z tiyoinlitiiiliifiliiidlOttilliki to Trifgaters, - cm an
Olt* 44 IgifFirorldi•-%tt 4n. 1 .Pt , t , ' 1 , .'-,,; :' ,
ISE..410:;:. •!, • •
;;Raaul ,L7MAXI:IIIANGif
40'1160Wrifrita.prot 2 'aad. .
.apd Muni's of Pktla4•lo6,.`
t r•
tZt .4 " - fitel il!asiunePs'
ANLEY; , BROWNA (104 •
I.lo.42lK l N9T , lfigra; s,3lXoaLliell
sAil Drifts &Mini 0/11141 'arts of the
illsOtadpoloo sad saeOmuidas i , on Itlacmost firforablo
- • .--
LiVolliettoom 1ri5i4i*,;.i.14,44,4
-, _
-, ,:tFamasiiint'Oßaik7Notia bought. Lea Wernata
lbovibtobtooldinliftlels Ilpeo sod Loma
111 61:Grofi l r , uei retttglitti 'at
wawa - or lizolurs Ist011.14•101a and tiro Yo l a
t toe
atoiWui R.Peasi, -
, Omegasloner for
, • • f• • reenaylosnie and
• ," , „ •
JD 13 , 11 , 9 , T:11 E - sit ,
2- Intonla*. emau#4'w* - ,40„F1e
OtM9RTANORRE " ' • d
NT' sheldt et iarnizoiv,- -
lay. perttealar , "ROW°, to7,lesnlng sat tweeting;
ref lieittreaßteete' atol','ethero,,'ond eolloatlng
rkeite,ltetio:Se. ' , Anyliktleroter seciuter Obtepose,
orijiteettAt*cift attettlenl7Reter ;.; "f*,
jusup ie cu ek ta now l,l4 - k m _ , l i i,th oo erit ..; , 2 - P kwi taises ipv lottr;
Sandolpts, Philadelphia. , "
Ohezletrallo to Oot, Phthutelphte.; - ' '
Philadalolds; t0y211,-ercillis
W:SOBILPIANO4 aelekated for - tons;
appeatanon: 7 Ocitsivesi
Maid LOU iitAivi , Pearliniatdi and Toad keys,
from :1100,tipirarde.1A116. , PIANOS to rent.
TAIIIMBELLAKO279I South , /FIFTH Jitseet, Awn&
hger4lcir: Cummings &
~Canitald; mid &
/whir: noll3-Im*,'
ORlOXHRlNV.Ar'S * ol l fir ' hiann .
- 6C0R4.1 , 11) :1 0 4$1,0114,BitPiD,
;Kt! Tr42.OO,ItTES. •
T trig the' argeit lin4 - ii44est "trun'hihetory'in';hi
f -• • •
- And ,a 0 .testimpnbiis J O, their BllPZBl
'll:lltrgir,niateklUntlitid, qoti • !lbw, and 4
Tined; indlietidre4i.`
ICAlirc e trVfq?;4l'F,4,4l4/4q'„}lAA bat iiKri
PIANO E + OBTEB..; - , •-•- •
_ : • -litstriiebist, gtf elegait itoolc of EATEN,
son COIft ir&t 0 1418. EALLII,& tiladrAlXte.o.o:,S-RIANOSt-SBLO
nmoreiltird -4,1 6 ,00M1,D911 ;, - •
0. A. ceorsqllo:l l lfnuetttrorpurrwrr dr. -.
atpuntoß:, 00N Y ,21 7.; • '
an etiemivraft4B,' • ,
IA4z.ED **ion, 0 a
~,',Tykiiii*(ltiii:','943M/BS,' •
i;iojilitii4ol . efpas
It Y rtulnl ' ,l-r- i • g, ° :Vi;
741 1 . 61;
4"2 1 . •
, t)
qflit .;k
.4#l l 4 l tietkeiritiaka.
/ 3 /spie
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1,, Pfe _
N0W4.2 ;" 8-sikod 4f4voirde, - •
oxf „, .z.ztjt - itna 44ietat6tunr,,,-; ,
1.00Q:i.#1f14±, ; ,9 3 , kftilitatOslialinksrd Bond& t;.
yor,oalpa atill.ll).; , ,MAVlCkal3olllWitaleatale,lind,
Jordtalsolar LiimberASPlW43:llll; ~betwatiu
44 " • , , F.14 , "::1 1 ".••• - t
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~.. -,..„ _.:-.,•_-_-.43, - ; ...,..:..
N= o Vnblitati,oo
ENGLISH : , PtifitiCATiONJ3..
Ao. - 8813onth SIXTH Street; abort , Chartatit,
TUE AQUARIAN NATURALIST .—:lA , Mnfitial. , efor
•theteasida;•• By 4. BymerJones:' • 41 ithevigltt colored.
plates Smell Brn . cloth. •-- , e e •••
THE AUVROSOOPE: Mirk: •Olleloo a
lopillartleaoriptiotvot the most Instructive-and boanti.,
fat objeota for exhibition, 12mo , cloth.
New and revised eoo. Edited by the Kim. B. Wle
mai. M. P. 8 vole., 12too . cloth, • z
THE lIIINISTRY ,E.! Mails l calm
Oharleswarth: Illustrated. .12mo„ cloth
MILTON'S L'ALLXONO.„ll!nstratetl hy.the Etch
ing Club ' " ,
'OIMITORIEWS , PICTURE 1300 X. 'or Apia.:
'tzar iIISTORYE.' ,
FAVORITB: eolgats:-nrirtvii: lett two ".ointorlea.
ifinerrated witiOrmideolcrailitt'hy' the
most em`rient Enettliabiletcs Padiere'Bro.; ninth gilt.•
Illustrated with'iro6d cote. •
' , HlBl'oltY - OritilliDllitlON„' TUE 3 GREAT:" . I.By
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,' YObil -.., royal 890., oldtilv' , - , rg. , •; , , ; '.f. ;, : ,
VAUGHAN'S - , BAOiiitIUYOZI.IB: :With' mimoir by,
•cr Bev. Y. H Lyto-r;NO, vi • editlon, enlarged. 12mo i
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, VEPY'S DriOtar'litiD C I 9 I .P.VP:P7 °E ,'
.... 1 ' ',. • . Saiiii.hy. aidltifybrpoito, laiii, odition.
0 , ..: • eiOlir,Byolf , libzid ~.—oititli.'; , -, 4,, , --,-,. . • ~"
k..:.,:.,,,T,Aolits•or,,,fizok,Howkif..,- By the
• 3!, • ~•KHtiry Pawall".,l2.viga,,A2np t i.ploth , , ..„ • i -
' . ''t • • Hooks 149pkiiiiiriAi.oyder by othy steamer. ; ,
,;) .„ Eostalogoaa ,ol4bitr, Nicoyk AlNOlo,,Booke,
- 4 r , , slituron i l pitqpton.. ~,,,,,,,,.,,, ~_ nol3
s-ttnEmpun3 , llAST WORK..
• • •
P• :1 1 9 be tetbibliedi Nov. 17th," ' 174.- FOUR` -SISTER'S.
BR}liklElt, ' '
Xitilto;oo4 4 ,breigitini - 0 )
- ; Yoiniljakii, ‘ &9„
;- • 41XSLA.T.N.0 BY, AU Rt-. 130 WATT.
ComplatOtkpe large volume, neatly bound to cloth,
-RirCOM:Dolar and Twenty-live Vents,
• • volturtsm papa finer,
eye any otber llvin
liet-olassilbia -- power to, the imagine - -
lion every indiVidut.l- she, intrednees• i The 'moral
beauty and womanly purity which steadily Illuminate
her narrative. must receive Implicit admifatiOn
allok. Omens ! , Syris wou l d
l advise all to boy-and read this
bo --- , „-
nt,elther edition of the *belie' work will' be
sent to any, person,lo'any part firths United States,,
free tif postage - , en their remitting the priceof the edi—
tion they may wish, to the pobli&ers, in a letter. - Ad=
dress all ardent to s . -
-..•41012.4t SOD 0 IIESTNyT Street, Phila..
A Now Edition. NivßieAdy, : '
" PSALM' PEAYERS,"for. ovary ; 's od hfortilgg„ Even
ing in-the Year .. 'with Reference toapitojdiate Scrip.
totElteidinget: vole._ Volume 1, laa*asy. to June;
yolitnio 2; Ju l y to December .... - -
, °LES, I.vol. _ _ t
PROPHETIC STUDIES; !:11., Lectures
on the Book of Daniel. 1 vol..
Perional, Practical ; ,and Pointed.
at' : : '1 vol.
, Do. SIGNS OP. THE , TIMES ; • The
Piet, Present, and Paters. 1 vol. •
Leisoinfoli the Life of Joseph, I vol.
Do. _ Minor Worke. , in &yam.
Sold separately or Waste. Price IS cents each.
" It will do the heart and head good to read Dr.Hout-
Wird wiltitign ;",they will elieer,lnany a pilgrim on his
way to, Hicreis. ,l -thilsiiriO 2dossais; - •
PubliehereAnd Bciokaellers,.
9i loath SIXTH Stitiet, above Ohaatnall.
Being the Largest Collection in the ()wintry.
Elegantly Illustrated Catalogues may be bad without
dime, by &Orating -
' ' 1122 ORSSTNUT Street, Philadelphia.
A large assortment of Bibles, together with the do.
irothinal - books need in the varions , Evangelical
Churches, always kept on hand. -
0011-tf '
avittgs 4rl2nbs').
No. 941.D0p1i,81A17T,
hione7iecidTeaPplor, and awry IKONDAT BiBNIO;
IN, BUMS L.AEGJI-AND aitara!,-
---- 7774 - 41 - 41:7 - 71! 4:0 Z - 11
' 9 . 0 , i)1:008 d. 70.1,46" ' it (POI;CiCak:M.
DILOBiTONVOAN Ditlx Tama Routs NT, =Sap, AA
ar'ilAsk 'Lir mintier)
, .•
e 11110.-H. HART, Preeidellt .
: . CHAII,4.)*AT,
rIP.RIV-4 4 PRW0414,3"..48PRAC SWUNG
(51149999/IDRF,t9kidiffinisiiin'or PiOntr ri. i.up.)
ZVls PIR:011191T. Interest allowed to Hamilton,
~,aitd all Moneys POI biol. on Damao ,
.'"OrfI019, 881,NORTH" THIRD "STREET,
(09901,InnY1oit Tdien a9ILDDfd.I
This /mutation L ,now. opest „for ,ta" , tronsootlon of
badness; an !Stile only Chattered Paving Fond located
the northern part of the cdty.
,The Office will be open (dally) from 9 to to o'clock
end'also MONDAYS end T ATEI, from until
8 °Woe* in the Result:id. ,
Frederick Mott, John keaaler, Jr.,
Stephen Sinai '"James a: Pringle, •
.John P_ Lirm, • - , • Jacob Doak,
Eon. Ifenzy,H. Shout , , Joseph H. Cowell,
Ploael tradotkoflor, Wesley Bray,
Robert B. Meridian', •
Frederick Batiks,' • P. P. 0. Bilmaker, •
'maim Hart, - 'John P: Vern*, •
Joseph P. loOlero. - likoone Hneeht.
• • --. • , President,' JAMES O. PRINGLZ.
, Oomest,ry, GIORGIO -T. THORN. • • -
inetaLVOIATID BY 'Can iiTAVI Of ramrrwraura.
-Stoney!' resolved la any emmi lone at mall, and
Wrest Deldfrom the day of deposit to thCday
• The olden lc open every 'day, from &Clank In the
morning till 6 °NOM". in the, evening, and on Monday
end 1711111/ay evening/ 1111'8 &Kook. "
- MON? President,
-'• "- ROINCIT Viet Eletiderd. :„
xis. 3'. Item ) lielemtary. •
; • . ,1111SCITOWIt " -
iron. Limy L. , Bsausr, N. Carroll Brewster,
*twat L. Outer, „ Joseph C. Bin
'Robert Selfridge, - Zransis Lee
Dana. Ashton , Joseph Ter ai na ,'
CI: Landreth Mans, Henry Diefenderfer; •
Mon ey iireeeivedand Payments made dally.-" ,
= The inTestmeots ars rude In oonformity- with they
provisions of the Charter, In Mb 163TATIII MOST
GAGEO, GBOtitiD MINTS, ant arch Soot class send-
Mei is will always Intare petted seourity tolhe doped.
torn;and'Which cannot fail to eve permanency and Mi.
bill to this Intl.itnUon. • t • ' 4.111-1.1 •
?MT OWEPANi' s oZmui Of TRW pad cfalitrr.
,Lasawand email same reogyad, and paid bask oil do
meadj without 'sotto, with PIVN Plat CIENT , DITBIEt
18T from.the dire deposit to the day , of withdrawal.
Oldoo hours, from 9,until Wolosk, and oa
lIONDATIMININEII3 toms 7 until 9 &cloak,
Ditd/TEtrof Age on "Ragland; /rtilaw3, and pootland,
boos til*aitts. " -
Piestdent—aTlMlClN 11,' ONAWPORD
Tellei44,Allll3 B. lIITATIII
'Of every leseriptlon, hendl; of Anted
,sod liound
toyittex:n, suitable for
Warranted fn qtpillty, and at lowest-prices
- „ ~ • .
00M&IRROXAL BLLNKEI, .to., .to
In all their Varieties
MOSS,' lIROTBEg,''et 00.,
n011.2m. New N0.16.130UT11 POIIRTIL lITRWEIT
bzuga:ai,lb Qthemicals.
® O ;Fe,y:83191,. Co.,
likuistaiti,vitkoarsTa, .
iii2tipa4ar sad Diglor; , PAINTS, VARNISH:O,
end WINDOW G1,A613 Nortbelet corner POUR= sad
NOLO,* AVo.old)
!Sole Amite- for the ale of the oelebreted /lona
Plate _ „
tit :NQT. 1 .09. 'DYE - •
nAnt - ,ootol niszviiitt'iriu re
,store Gray italetti original 'color .10" front tett to
trrolfeltayirtOd reatote the Hair where Mbar falleh off
. . ‘..11:4 . 13 NOT A DY79I - •
. _
Ittnay bd knied'astreeli eV/rater, audio the most bean
tifeLDreieing for the Heir now In nee.
Thome& in dlfferentparte of the Union have testi• -
40 ite wonderful•.virbles, atrial} who bare need it
job) tn'theteeet.tee pfjt. •
q, 09t# 1 ,ntefeelle dad 0.041 1 114 . 1* i eW4M 80 N1
PmbIEVAINT/1 Omer, abeyeIIARIFFV, Sq.
Trek up,ppll.4. tracks
- , t
PHILADELPHIA; .1 1110N,ONY,i , NOVEMBER ; I 4p, ;11558%
, - -
There lied upon our table, as we write, a Ito
lOgiaph latter, - wiltten by Dr. *Sanest, Jelin%
soit,'“ the Leviatban of English Literature,"
ho' been called,' on October 6, 1784:
`extictlYultie weeks bilere his death. It,hearS
the 'date of Lichfield, and the. poht °thee stamp
119 LIT0111,111LD,'?. 6:denotethe distahq9l 4 4
miles,; from London. There As a.elirge ,
five pence (10 cents) for postage, and the ad-i
dress -is cc To ifir. Dynast), Merchant in Low
doh." 'The seal has` an impressioniof aSi
- ::;r4,111; to the', authenticity
_of tIlftl;
,auto ralid
there cannot lie any doubt; 34 4 ...:12i4iii,,, 3 4
,Ciefli 7 tnerciaant E,a4agU:GarderiN
Tower . London, was :an. , 014•
mato.fidend,of Joansolt!s. He_ivas a mornbe
of Jonason's own Ivy-Lane Olub. , In _1708;
' , when Jonmsort's 'wife 'died, Mr. RYLAND 'WAS,
one Of the meet constant *Miters; and c'onso4
lere in his Sorrow:l-1n,1788, ,'*lien • Joi*SON;
wanted ihe 6'rel e tiseinblartidd
Sine with ; him, It was a",cenVeisatiin,lifflfgi,C,,,
• RTLAND which 'suggpsted the reaelOp,
was Mr. lisniffn who went, to. look
old club-house and the 'old , landlord, fWheit;
after - this , reunion, JOHNOON elltablithed a newt
Ohiti, in Essex 'street; Mri
inefnber,; , "lnJuly, 1794, when .ionstsorda..i
. '4niftiedlO put IC siOrc'civer'the'gra:;s'e ofhis
10; it was Mi.livn'ann 4 7,ho Waited upon the
elergyniain 6: submit the inscription to': his'
apprOval.,,,The •last_ time that -T,onason,-was,
.out of, his own house, was'on the ?Rh Nevem--
ber,-1784, - The occasion:. was -,to -.make
will, and-he dined at Mr. SmunktPtian corn
pany with Mr. Itytainorho' saw litiii hOtab.i
The veryll4t.e'vening4l,:tani is recorded'asi
having sat with him j'indeed, all thenednints!
of Jonisou'i last` illness show that
visited him, daynfter day, and that be attended.
11S funeinl., Mr. Diini.nn died July 44,1700,,
aged.Bl, having survived ; his illustrious friend%
nearly fourteen years. - , •
The following letter 'Won given to nib;
ansa , MTLAIIII;Eaq., ono of' the Bencherre
Gray's Inn, and one of the four City Pleadeks ,
of London. He is . 'grandson of Jorulion's
friend : , • s
am glad that so, many could yet meet Lathe ,
(flub; whore I do not yet despiir of Mmo chcer-
Jul hours. Your account ,of Poor, diar Payne;
Moires me uneasy: if his distemper ,wero,
the trueßia•Sagrey, it is ono cured easily, and'
,• x. belloiOnfallably curable, but lam afraid if
11warse, not a !Motion of particular humoars,l
but a debilitation of,the whole - frame, an effect
. not of oasuality but of time. I wish his
very, and hope that ho wishes and prays for
, Lhave, for some days, to speak in the lighteiti
and softest longings, made no, advsnoe towards,
health. My, breath is mush obstructed, and my:
limbs are wells of water: Mowever, , l have,
tie reason to cietoPla ,
My mind, ho,w,oret,' is calmer than in tke,h6 ,
ginning of theyear, and I comfort myself with
hopes otevery,kind, neither despairing of ease
la this world, 'nor of happlueis in another. ,
I shall, I think, not_return to town worse'
than I leftiand unties I gain ground again, not
much better. But, God, I humbly hope, will
have Drawly on me.
I am,
, Dear Ste,
Your most humble savant,
,Lionpumn, °debar 8, 1724
"- The Club here alluded to was successor to
Octal dub, founded bYDratinitiett in 174 w,
in - the eleventh year of bla • reisid*e t iii Lou
don."„At this time* he:liad_,Mierged from the
utter poverty which :ot' onekith . „44lßieted
MM. The, Gentleinatiq' 1141144,4ci tfhich
nattil!DrYC,Aoitt '044-o)„itor.atiirar
wis ttuw - Artrtuatirwrocrr-'tow - -"ruarnsieriiiikis
far as the litefary, department was concerned;
for Cava, the publisher, may be said literally
to have nursed this periodical 'to the 'last,
mourning over the iallittkoff of a single sub-.
scriber, and evidently believing that the Maga
iiiie was at onep.s ppwer and a blessing in the
land. 'Jenne* , had issued the Prospectus of
his great pletioriary of the English Language,
the greatest literary work ever executed by ono
man. This great work was not published un.
til 1755, and drew from GAltllloB, his quon
dam pupil and . 11feolong friend; theTollowing
epigram—the point of which lies in the fact
that lonasou alone had done for the English
language what the French Academy had em
ployed forty of their members to execute;
when their celebrated French Dictionary was
to be published :
Talk of war with a Briton, he'll boldly advance,
That one English soldier will beat ten of Franco;
Would we alter the toad from the eword to the pen,
Our odds are still greater, still greater our men :
in the deep mines of Meuse though Frenchmen mop'
' • toil,
Can their strength be compared to Locke ! Newton, and
Let them ralli their heroes, eend torch all their posers,
Their reree•men and. prose•men,then match them with
ours! '
First, Shakepeare and Mitten; tike gods in the light,
Rave put their whole drama and OW to Altai
In maim, epistles, and odee would they cope,
Their numbeie'retreat before Dryden and Pope;
And Johnson, well armed like 'a hero of yore,
Ilan beat forty French, Ind will bees forty more.
While Jourrsos was making his 'Dictionary,
commenced in 1747, be mixed In good literary
and general society of a very respectable class.
/n 1748, accompanied 'by his wife, he visited
Tunbridge Wells, and in a print which repro.
Stints the, leading persons then at that watering
place, .Tourisox and his wife appear among
the company, not exhibiting any interiority in
dress or appearance. Speaker ONSLOW, the
great WlLittelt PITT (Lord 011ATIIA31), Lord
larrirron, and other eminent characters, till
up the group. In (g The Virginians," the
time of which is nine years' later than this
actual visit, Mr. TILACKERAY giies glimpses of
Joassex,' ItionaunsoN, (the ' novelist) and
others who really Were at Tunbridge in
In order to obtain some rolaxation,Auting
the labor of Dictionary.maklng, Jonsson' esta
blished a club, like that referred to twills letter:
It used to meet at the King's Read, a tavern
on Ivy Lane, Pater-noster Row; famous (is
Dolly's is to this day) for its beef-stealts.
Dr. Dawnlawman was a-member. $o was
Mr. RYLAND—to whom the letter, was address:
od. Mr. PAYNN was also a member. Ho was
a bookseller in Pater-noator Row, but event
ually obtained an office in the Bank of England,
and survived Jonsson. His son successfully
continued his original business, and, until
lately, his grandson was bead oNhe 'London
booksolling house of PANNE & Poss.
Jormsott's Ivy Lane Club held its alt.
tinge, chiefly for literary conversation, for
a few years, and then 101 l into a state
of ,suspended animation., Over thirty
years after
,this collapse, viz : in Novem
ber, 1788, only thirteen months before
JOHNSON'S death,'he wrote from 'Bolt Court
to Sir JOHN HAWKINS, ono of the • old mem
bers, saying, 44 As Mr. RYLAND was talking
with"me 'of old friends, and past times, we
warmed Mir/wives into a wish, that all who re
mained of the Club should meet and dine at
the house which once was Houseman's in Ivy
Line," and, concluded by asking him , to fix a
day when they could meet at dinner. In the
following week, Toitssoi - reriorted that in per
ambulating Afr; Itriurn found nei
ther their old landlord Housimandaor his sue
. ,por,—th „ „
cesat the old house was shut up, and
:ho did not like tho appearance of any near It,.
and that they had agreed 4o dine, at a tavern
in'St. Paul's Church yard. Ho subsequently
'wrote to Mrs. -TimAirt; ,saying' that this din
ner consisted 'of ,lbimsell and :three others.
44 We bad not' mot together for "thirty years,
'and um of ua thought the others bid grown
very 'old. In, the, thirty years two of ~our set
have died. Our meeting may be- supposed to
'be.somewhat tender." The original- number
was ton. -
To the last, Amon's' lo*e foe soel6t9 eon'
- tinned., Immediately after , the above.named
'dinner, 'lnatome: instituted •ft Olnb'at the
3 E44 Essex Minot, near the Tem-
:".ple.• He drew up thet rules, attended thrice
' 1.-Week, 'and proposed BOSWELL is a member,
do 'the capital- grinind that "he was "a yob ,
!elebitble nwie:": some of Abe first politiCal
:and literary charade* in London were ITITM.•
Tiers or this sixramn) , Club: Joritismi'S
*eaten of• a Club; in his Dictionary, is ff. An
-assembly of ,good fellows, meeting under cer
tain conditions."
As lately as April, 1784, only eight months
-before his death, he :wrote to' Mrs. Tawas..
Wont the old Ivy-Lane Club Yesterday; I
bad the pleasure of giving another dinner to
the remainder of ,the old Club. We used to
I.• • .•
:meet, weekiy about the year 1750, :aoil we
;iiere as cheerful as in former times: only I
could not.make quite so much noise ; for since
ilia paralytic affection, my voice is sometimes
4 ifeaki" A few days later;returning to the
iiibjeet, be mentions that but of the Ivy•Larie
Ottb only two had Aied. Two, out of four
'teen, in thirty-three yeari, was a smalljtality.
, •
.‘; limbs," said - .TOHNSON, in this letter,
_tare,wells of water." He had• been out of
- 4ei:otee for several months, immediately after
- 4FlMvere attack of dropsy, from which be al-
Meat initainlonsly recoveied. He writes from
thfield,under date Oct. 20, (Desivuur. prints
letter,) saying as My diseases are an asthma
i - Old a dropsy, and, what less curable, seventy
: •
Ellie returned to London, about a. month
'ter writing.tho letter which we publish to
*: •His ailments increased; nd his ragna
ten, and piety were undiminished.' At the
VA' when'ttsked'to take` nourishing fOod; to
'440'6 his,BMem; he said, in fear of the de;
bilitation of - his mind; "I willtake any thing'
but In9briOng sustenance." The night- be-
Sore his death, his lower limbs being ft wells of
; water," JOHNSON scarified himself with a lan-.
cat and pair of scissors, , ,to relieve the
and at least eight ounces of blood!isimed from
`cuiti of these -mot - rude; ' 'At haft-Past 7in the,
tretinifig, (Deceinber 18, - 17840 Uttering tbe ,
Words cciarit moriturus," he died without a
4.omerson's caligrapby was remarkable. • Ho
;wrote with-singular clearness, r dotting, cross
ing, -andv.topping, in a very laudable manner,
'butt sometimes beginning '
• 'sentence with a
small"letter'. - His - Writing - leant considerably
"fraiii left to ilght.--What we' might call slanted
the Wron g -way. There is po erasure through.
oaf. , The writing is remarkable for a man
affilited with mortal disease, and bending be-,
meath the burden of seventy-five years. = The
lona of 'resignation which pervades this' let.'
terrmbieb has never been published-by COorc
owe, :or any other editor--is In keeping with Cr.
'Vim:Waffles character. His singalar that With all
- lils'fOndnese for sesqUiPedelians, icdebDitatiOn"
isfbe-only word.Mrceeding three syllables in .
4. 11 18, 1 et4r-, • • •
The ',Coal Trade,
~Congratulating you on the great viotory of pope.,
laroveroignty, in the recent elections. which will
t heAcountless value to , this -Union, I call:
your 'attention to a. mattor in which you may be
of essential service to a large and, suffering olau ,
ofonrcilizene. I allude to, the coal trade, the in-
YestMents in which amount ,to tens of millions,
aye over one hundred millions of dollars—all or
nearly of ,whioh is at present greatly depressed.
Cluai, article of the. first necessity should,
oominand a fair living price, which It does not;
the lone competition between the different
glens has nausea the .nriee of coal- below its fair,
!Win; end it understood that, ea hr hod any:
attempt, being made ta,improve this state of things,
the year 1859, r.bioh to all other branoltes of bushes!,
promises to be remunerative, holds out no hope to
the eAttrade. Lowerprices, and fruitless efforts
hir Connoting lines. to get undue quantities of
holdalls!, lkikundersteod, it/Übe the order of the
day,,,,liew r oannot you spare a .little of your
ytduable . timt for this coal question, so important
to soferge a clang eitisens . Cannot you indnoe
ttinSidlot .041,interests to_ be represented- at
:41C llatliint, and Agressupen, prinea,which
• j;e' ., tivA, allowing- a modecate.profie
to tliftride; and On agree - awr - a - jar nliarinn•
tion of the coal trade among :gm withal regions
and trastrigtieg lines? Such an arrangement
would enhance the Tattle of all these interests,
estimating them by their increased productiveness,
ever fifty millions of dollars. , Here is a field
worthy,of you. • Will you enter it? If so, I will
take thetherty, with your permission, of again
addressing you on,tito subject, and giving some of
say viene.
13.41 t : Jousom.
Very truly yours,
Pair4Dra.rurA, Nov. 11, 1858
A Washington Monument,
[For The Prod.)
In the first flush of my. manhood, it wee my for
tune to bear's conspicuous part in the groat pro
cession whiah merohed through our streets, " a long
time ago," to plant the corner-storm of the Wash
ington Monument, Bedecked with ribbons, and
bearing aloft a behner with the
,portrait of Wash
ington; with uniting on either aide, dressed in
white x I fanoied myself a hero of no small dimes-
atone, and kept time to the music of Fraidt John
son's band with all 'the grate and dignity of a
young gentleman strong in the knees.
What a change has come over me since that gala
day! Twentialst years added to my age! my
fondness for 'ribbons, banners, sashes, and martial
music, all gone! the scanty hair remaining on my
poll sprinkled with gray! and' the corner-stone
still 'undisturbed in the spot 'whore we safely
left it !
Now, is it not time to do something In the way
of a monument? Can we not do Something worthy
of the oily and establish for ourselves some little
reputation for patriotisin and publio spirit? It is,
sit! We ean,ssir Wo oan now build a monu
ment Without labor and without money. Prey!.
donoe, with a little aid from our friend Build, will
do it. Let us comidenoo the work anew. Lot our'
Oily Fathers moot In 'their chambers on the next
22,tr of Februery,'and March In procession to the
Stone: Let ono' of the inost, patriotic of their
member be tielioted to dell:ear' an . : appropriate ad:
dress., Plant a WARIIINGTOIifiti Glad.sitEA. It
will thrive and flOurish.,' It will in time reach the
height of three hundred foot, and it will endure
for a thousand years. Do this, and wo need no
eager fool the mortifloation of having no monu.
Mont to Washington. The Cost will be a dollar!
lttiramon►a Defeat of Vidaurrt.
For The'Prefts.]
It would be doing Infuetice to truth and,to honor
not to • take notice of the statement going the
rounds of the southern papers relative' to the
battle between the forces of the Mexican Govern.
ment, commanded by Miramon, and the insurgent
forces under Vidaurri, near Ban Luis Potosi.
The Press-of today copies the statement re.
furred to, which statement, however, is from a
Mexican source in the interest of Vidaurri It
cannot be] true. It le, as will bo perceived by " The
News" of the day in to-day's Prigf S, that Miramon
bad taken 400 prisoners, who bad been massacred
after being disarmed. .
Now, we have had no acoottnis of the viotory'of
Miramon, except from the, Mexican presses ,and:
letters In the interest of Vidaurri The victory
Of Miramon must have been very decisive, because
it goes sa much against the grain of the paity of
Vidaurri to believe it, At first the victory of
Miramon was Stated to be - a defeat of Miramon by,
Vidaurri, and that Miramon was. so overcome by
his defeat that be had committed. "suicide."
When the defeat of Vidaurri was no longer to bo
denied, then it wail stated that : " all was not lost,"
as Vidaurri bad at first stated. '
Then came au account of the battle from the
pen of-4 Vldaurean, statieg that ".Vidaurri bad
lest all his guns, fifteen hundred ,prisenere, and
with aloes or four 'hundred. , Then, the
account came that " the battle , was lost by
treachery in Vidaittri'downoarpp,"—blaguns hay.
lag been !spiked before the notion. Now, to make
the matter as bad as poselblo against the pre.
viously acknowledged heroism Of Miramon, it is
given out that the four hundred killed in the,
engagement were usessaored: after a surrender!"
the engagement being stated to have continued
four days— exactly four hundred killed, fifteen
hundred Prisoners, loss of guns, ammunition, and
baggage!! , - .
For the foregoing reasons there is not a word of
troth the stated charge of massacre. Four
hundred killed was a small allo wance for a four
days 'engagement. ' Horton.
' FamanaLruta, Nov, 12,1858.
A OuAlatsitue.n.—Pat. Boyle an Irlah
man, performed a foot in New York that butt; the
Yankees clean out of their eking. At the early
ago of sixteen, he had adopted the New England
profession, and become a pedlar ; and Wednesday
while perambulating Market street with his wares
—not `!,wooden nutmegs,?' but -stone watches !
.be met and .ncoostod a weltmatured Jew, named
Solomon, and , positively, sold him, a nice round
,stone for $3.0 after having shown Solomon ,a
silvor watch, whcoh, upon payment of ,the money,
he slipped into his• pooket, and handed over, the
genlogioal epeolmon. Now, unfortunately for 'Pot,
Solomon, unrolled the paper, and -found himself
sold ; and straightway cried : " Vetch ! Vetch V.'
and to his joy found- that a • genuine watehmin
was it his elbow. Poor Pat bad to give up hip stook
in trade,,watehes, stones, and all, and "turn in"
at' the Second Diatriot stagon-hiausi, where ho ii
noW doing penance, and Awaiting examinattatt,
e -
Anveppons 'and Discoveries.
[pFep4red for The Prese.j
SySEI.:PUSSB,7--It Is said that upwards of a thou
sand millions of steel and gold pens are manufao
tured in Birmingham., ,Ono establishment there
anufaottires for five hundred' wholesale dealers
through Out the wOrld,'and putaeach dealer's name
on the'pene he Orders.' The 'sheets of steel are re
duCed to the requiAlte tenuity by successive trait
' sits through 'the rolling 'mill operations,' tended by
Well and boys. .When reduced to the thinness of
a steel pens length about two feet, breadth two
and a half to three inches, the sheets are .ready
for punching Out the blanks. t The,, process is per
formed with great rapidity, one girl of average
industry and deiterity being able to punch Out
about one hundrcegicss a day. The neat oporal.
lion is to piece the' blank in a emotive die, on
-which a' alight ' touch from a convex punch
produces the 'requisite, shape—that of I -the
• semi tube.' The elite and , apertures to An
crease -the •,elastiolty, • and , The maker's ,or
,vonder'e name .or-,mark, are produced ,by a
milar tool. ,P,reviausly, however,, the pen under
goes a variety - of other processes,,.l9hon complete,
all bit the slit,' it is softnnd and may be
'bent or twisted' in the hand like' a'Plemi'Of.thirt
Beineoolleeted ' the grdsies•or great
grosses, tha pens are thrown into little 'Won square
boxes, and placed in a furnace; ivhere they remain
tilt box and pens are of, a white heat. They. are
then taken out and thrown, hissing hot, into pails
or tankiiof oil,whon they may be broken like so
many wafers ;, after'dreining they are made to re
volve rapidijeln a'perforated 'cylinder.
Bran' ot• %Ruined]) Tit:mg.—An Intelligent
Anierican' traveller, who bas 'Personally Investl-',
gated , the railroad econoray:of England 'and the
-United litates, 'minds that the speed oldie Brithh;
passenger, trains exceeds that of.the American, the:
average there being twenty.eight miles , an hour.,
The weight 9f these trains is mutt less than thatl
Of 'the American, and,, the , difference in speed is
likewise accounted filthy the lighter grades , 4 the,
foreign thane. Besides': this, the - tracks are more
'carefully laid than hensuill here ; the cuttings are
wider, the drainage very thorough, the *luting:
twenty-eix feet wide and.two' deep, the Oross'ties,
ninefeet long, and saturated either witli coal tar,,
•kreosote,,or sulphate of copper •Theruils'alineat,
uniformly weigh seventy,two4ounde 'per yard,
,being in height five inches, and, mush, more oars-,
- fully manufacture d than those which are shipped
to this country. The geed iron is kept forborne
rise, whtle' the refuse article is sent to us: ,
ARTIFICIAL STORE of these preparations
have been found to answer an excellent purpOse,
especially f6r interior decoration. But that in
vented by Ransoms is believed to be as perfect a
success in its way as any preparation of the kind
which has yet been brought to public notice. The
;general proportions of the, ,mnterials used in
,this article are said to bb about as fol
lowri,l. Ten Pinta of sand, one pint of powderedilint,
one pint of , ciay, and one pint of -the alkaline so
•intion of flint. These ingredients are first well
mixed in a pug-mill, and kneaded until they are
-thoroughly incorporated, and the whole "mesa be
comes of a perfectly nniferm consistenoy. When
worked up with Olean raw materials, lhe corn
pound possesses a putty-like consistence, ;which
can be moulded into any required form, and is
'capable of receiving very sharp and delicate im
premien."The' peculiarity: which 'distinguishes
' nig from Otler'artilleial stones °tingles in the'Mn.-
ploythent of Silica, both es theliiie and the dem
-billing material, 'To ',rodeo •different kindeof
the stone, adapted to the - .various purposes-for
which natural,stones are,usually applied, both the
proportions and the charnoter of the ingredients
are varied air circumstances require. -By using
- the Coarser diserintien of, grits, grinding stones of
all kinds e'en be formed, and - that with ,a uni
formity of texture not met within 016143 A natural
- An. artielei purporting to be artidotal marble,
has also boon brought forward by Mr. J. Clandor,
a French artist'. He takes slaked lime, whieh•is
put Into a vessel tilled• with water,- and stirred
strongly. ..Virhen,,the lime is sednead to a milk of
lime, it ixdrawn,off the ,surfaoe into &second yes
lel. Fresh 'weter;is',.then intred, upon the lime,
which la 'again stirreAnn and,driwn.dtff; until the
limo is exhausted.
,Upon the
..desiredsurface, a
Stone wall, for instance; allot coat' of - this milk
lime is laid, with a round brush, and is then raga
tarty spread' by nieane.of what 'is 'oilied a nod's
tail,-brueb, plight)7,wetted. Whea,the surface is
entirely covered l T is ,:strongly compresSed by
Means Of the hrueb,,until the peliskaad,brillian ;
oq` of reierhle,,are . Obtained:: The surface, thus
notopoSedaireguit'lly"aliforyty the oailieniti v aeid'ef
the air, 'until it presents the''hardtiess of merble: .
This prooeis is an extremely simple ens, ' but is
Well-worth lattentlem, as it is said to insure the
most brilliant results. • "
A Very Sensible Article from the Nett
YorkEvepiog Post.
OllA.—Almost every, despatoh whloh the Press of
thiSoity receives from Washington hos something
te, tall , us about, William Walker, the filibuster,
who decoyed ao many of his countrymen to Nica
ragua, treated' theta'so brutally, and abandoned
them so shamefully. • How this man; who semi
to have none of the qualifiestions of a leader; ox-,
oept a certain spirit of adventure, is able to get
together a second 'expedition, we find it diffioult
to imagine. He does not seem to possess the 'art
of attaching his comrades to, his person;, that cer
tainly is not the secret Of hie success in obtaining
followers ; nor is there anything in the shill -with
which his first expedition .wee planned and exe-,
mated to tempt men to - a. second trial ofhis for
tunes. ' . „ .
--The truth must be, that the great number of
those who cent:mot themselves with him in this ad
venture are men who gospels. of making a re
speotable figure at home 1. -men who have quer!'
relied- with fortune;,men :of a thoughtless and
foolhardy enterprise, or of ruined character, or of,
debauched habits.'l4:so different cedes are po
tent enough; In so la a country ne ours to
le a motley throng o adventurers :read,;,to en
gage in any undertaking which has a pertain
touch of romance in it, the scene of which is in a
distant country, the possible rewards of which are
plunder ; and poweri - and
- the dangers - of- which.
seem to them as remote, es the country,. The,
officers of Walker's Previous expedition' are repro
mated to‘have been a , drunken and brutal'get,
and those who enlisted in the ranks seem to have
betin either desperadoes or easy dupes. ' The 'soil
of , Nicaragua was the grave' of hundreds of both'
classes,- not entirely -to the disadvantage of the ,
oonntry from which they came.
Meanwhile it it intimated in the reports which
we receive from Washington, that if Great Britain ,
should assist Nicaragua to preventing the landing
of these freebooters on her coast, our own Govern
ment will 'regard' Melt' ste outraged by the' ot,'
and will make it , the °Weston of wserlous quarrel.
• ' If s). our Governinent will-quartet for a vstleiliSr.
reasoh. Nietarttgini certainly - hits a right le pro
vide for bar' own safety 'when menaced by nava
sign. It is clearly our business to. r-prerentahost ,
:tile expedition front,preaseding te a .that country.
Wive neglect this, er And ourselves incompetent
to the duty, Nicaragua met dothehest she can—
she must repel the invaalen by, such means as she:
possesses; and if these are not sufficient, or If she
'does not deem them so, she must calf in the aid' of
,any friendly nation whom she - can persuade - to'
help her. • - . ,
To deny to Montagne this right is to deny her
the right to defend henielf against ahostile attack
'ln the early, part of our own Revolution we resorts d ,
to Freon jor, assistance, end France aided as,
both by her fleets and her armies; against England.
Stinnes° there bad boon on on; continent, at that
time. a Power strong enough to' make its enmity
formidable, which chose to. take umbrage at this
interference, as it might call • it,-of European
Power in, the affairs of the Weitern Con t inen t, and
• to demand that we should, be left unaided to our
fate : would any Words have boon deemed too
strong to express our indignation at this eitreme
of arrogance and injustice?, •
The proclamation of Itir.,Bitobanan has stigma-
tised the expedition 'of Walker as unlawful and
admitted , that 'it is a wrong which we oug ht to
prevent. If the expedition be -criminal, and we
cannot obstruct it, let the guilty hand be stayed
fteriits purpose by some Power which knows how
tango with better <Afoot the means at its oommand.
Lotus applaud whenever the weak aro protected
and lawless violence restrained, whoever it be
that is' the agent.- The power of great nations
has been too often used to oppress the feeble and
defdncaless ; let us not sot the example of quarrel
ing with any nation bebaUse it shields them'froM
oppression. What a spectacle win.- our nation
present to the world-,if, after conniving at the
formation to,
a piratical expedition, within our
own boundaries,
it 'employs its power and iglu
epee to save it from failure after it has left our
shore t. ,
'Lire or GALlT2lN:—ltieliard B.' 31.'Cabe,
Esq., one of the most distinguished liorateurs of
western Pennsylvania, is now engaged, in writing
the life of Bor t Galitzin, the original settler pf Lo
retto, Cambria county. There is material enough,
and an abundance of varied incident?, in the life,
of one who renounced wealth, hereditary titles, and
the comforts of a home among orowned heaths, to
live and , die on the, wilds of the. Allegheny
mountain - in the ottpaellY of an humble priest;'to
make a most iintereiting volume. There' is, .per.
haps, no man living better, qualified to .be
biographer than Mr. Isl'eabe ' as be Was per.
smelly acquainted with the hian,has a retentive
memory otroveats which transpired half a century
ago, and has access to papers to aid him in collect
ing facts. The biographer, is nota Catholic, and
will, therefore, not produao sootarlan work, but
one 'which, will be entertaining to all seats and de;
nominations, and espeoially those who admire the
self-denial and devotion of one who was eminently
deVided to the'tervioo of God:
Two Tenn/nom - occurred in Eastern Miii/
sissippi reeently. One passed through the western
part of Jasper county, and swept away every,
house on the plantation of Josiah Moody Of thir
teen pereons In hie house, the lifeless and mangled
vomitus of iiine"wire piolted up the neat morning
by the assembled neighbors. Two othererMre„
Moody and-a little,daughtor l —were found alive,
but so severely wounded that no, hope Rlls enter
tained of their recovery. Only one of Mr. At oady's
faintly, R escaped 1 iihe 'wail 'severely
respondent of the'RlXheater hiidn'ltlited
following anecdote 'of , the' Ruse-tan' bear;' whleh
shows that not even -Emperors are exempt- from
the operations of sharpers: The
der gavo,a hu g e order for the manufacture "of can.
non balls to some ooncern at'llelaingforS; a port on
the Galf: They coMpleted`the brder;istielfed iip
and dellYered the balls, received 7 their , m,`and
put the money in , their. pockets., The Emperor
being, teak Ante , his. heats.
sped the balls. Taking one up, he disio;rered it
to be exceedingly light for iron,' Mid' taking Out
hie knife, sorapod it,.and behold! it was a Wooden,
ball painted bittek, , as was the entire let.• He
.caused the arrest of the swindle's, and they were .
'transported for life to Siberia."
Itrou Son/'fn.—An, old negro, attempted,
Wednesday last to illustrate Rarey's art Of, horse
taming near Jarratt's hotel, -Petersburg, Va,
-having for his subjeot an , old'wheel• horse, whose
groat fault was tO make for his stable whenever,
be was left -alone upon the street.; Cuffyi after
going through divers. incantationi. Whispered in
old Rosinante's oar; and '81.49ed off the:bridle to:
'show" That he • had acoomplished a Cure but.l
strange to say, no sooner did he led himself at,
liberty thawed he started for, fodder and oats as,
formerly, giving the darkeythe benefit ofn smart•
chase for half a, 'ruile before lfe could suooeed In!
heading him off. • • - :••• ••t -
GREAT moitrarari Auer:o , c2WE FerninTr..",
—The caravan of pilgrims Whiett left Damaseos fee"
Mocaa last summer, accompanied by the. Sultana"
and her suite, returned to-Damascus en the 25th:
September, its ranks the cholera.'
Of the eighty thousand persons wbo composed the,
caravan, sixteen thousand were carried off-by the
epidemic. The Sultana 'arid her entire suite, With:
the eaception'of a young Georgian Aare arid an"
old eunuch, are among the vict i ms. •
- The malig-'.
nant character of
. tbe epidemic is asoribed. to tille
'prevalence of the Sirocco. ' ' , ,
ENfirniaa.—There being a lack ofetiginetiin
in the servi6e, the Seeretary of the Navy has. ap-,
.pointed the folloning loting"engyieere'to .. sill in
the steamers &onward , ISlettioomet, via : - 'For-the;
Aretio•-,•Met Willtatn,S. BiontgomOry, l / 2 sith the pay ,
of a second aeaistent . ertgineer andiMr.. James!
Shaughnesgy, with the pay of lethird assietinieri.q
gineer. For the Motaeomet—idr„-Samtiel Mont-.
gomery, with the pay 'of CO letiond tusiistant,,andi
Messrs.. Wm. Bolden ;and Eta ' , Fai'rett; withlhe I
pay afglini,aaajAaakt• - •- I V - Pahingtan. Alar, 1i"...:.. ;
hour on Friday, morning .the body of, John Quinn,
t y
'a' 'longshoreman; wee' found 'ban ini 14 the beefs',
underneath the ;platform ion one to!thirlVell,
street ferry bridge,•N. Y. • Ris, ead,waa near.the;
'surface of the water, and ho ha 4;40°1211y' been!
-dead several h'onite- , Being a than of ititeittperatai
hablte.iit ,is .supposed tbat.lie was strolling about;
,the place while-intoxicated, And aooldentally, fell i
- through the platform, and was caught in theyesi-
iron In'whieh he Nllll3 follrld. --" , '..
• tf. - S- Anarr.—The present militttry force of
the Unitocl States, OonsiS ts of ,nineteen, regiments of,
the line, composed of the following corps: rive
regiments of oavald, 'four regiments Of
Yen of infantry, making a grand aggregate of thir- ;
teen thousand rank and fllenf all arms. Tbis lib
tie ,array covers an area of over two millions of
square miles, 'being tiro:thiratiiii" area of aU En-
, DISGRACEFUL QuannEn.—Tlie New Orleans
Delta speaks of a dead man ;who bad been:lying
in the street several dam' becauie the coroner
and street oommiasioner quarreled as to whose duty
At:was t* bury,hini. -All quarrels are disgraceful,
but thisshould consign all concerned .to an in
-. •
fautetts.notoricty.- „ - • •
-'• IfoitnierAt Dxsairsit:-.:Mti find The follow
ing in 'the Brownsville (Ark;) Echo -Of -the 27th
- .
71 1 E - ckiiiTki'S: ‘'),-; :
The Spruce and Pine Street flat'way
• • • Case.,
nzczetorf 1.4.v0n 'or TU OXI7IIIIIB PISOPM
[Reported for The Preas.i
Opaixox PrzA9 7 —JudgeLnglpw,r r On Satur
day morning the Feßowing opinion wee delivered by :Judge Ludlow: :'' '' ;
• Whiisons and Skillman vs. • The'Philidolphla %tad
Gray , i Ferry-Passenger Company. ' In 'eliiiity. ..ippll;
nation, for a speelsl injunction:. 1
,-;,, 7.) .1; 1.-;,i.
Wahave,fully ,eammuied our views of till principles
by which We ehtill,be. guided. in the determination if
this clue of Wei, in the' opinion deliveriA irithe mat
ter of the bill filed by beethamp , vs'..The SeMind'
Third Street PeAsenger Reiiresd Company, and it is un
necessary now. to repeat, them. Trill, therefore, tat
once proceed to an investigatio n of the rode presented
by ibr ineidol.l6 in this Moe; 'and 'eneenvai to
apply to theni the orb:10101a aliesdraditortneed.
Tam nharter,of thin company orearidec—r• • -
41 That the said company. befare eommeeleing to run
their - sari 'upon the ..taid'streets; "shultpurchase the
*locks of omnitmem . sleighs, horses, ,and, harness,
Owned and nied,i;pon thefprime:strelit and?lete street
hoes of: am elbuseesitit , the tittle attitedampletiOn of tint
ealdrallway, at a 'prime to be'eseetieed in,thefollowlog
Manner, to wit !' the Owners stall 'ettroie one dialider
este] pereon, and the said commay - shall' choecte
second person. and the two persoonthus chosen shalt
choose a third perion, ;rho together' shall appraise ,
earth said Incas, and tile plan Atte arrived Atpto.lll
binding and lin.l
• The eciaiplainints ire the owneri s ie thd- iine.tetriet,
Coo of omnibuses, and tbeyaliege that, the dere ndente,
are neer rtmning'their Cars upon ' the street heed' by
them, and along their route. to a very oonaiderJbleux ,
tent, although theyhaee not, paid. the Floe asseased,by, ,
the oppra'aera: ' - • •
„. The defendants do not deny their. liabilitytoNmemt
plaluents, but resist the payment of the amassed
tithe PinC..street line of omelbusis, first; because they
ellego,that no appraiser bat ever been appointed by'
them or their agents ; aml, ,secoreily, became the sp•
praisement am made was the result of nn undue: and •
maybe fraudulent, infittenceelertedurmtbeaPP'al , "
supposed to have been , appointed by , the company,l
wher; by he Wu Induced to agree to the Mord 'msda,.
including therein the,goed-will, 161 W011,11.0.101,0MU5-,
buses of the
In the viewfAltiolaWit tape of thin Amos; It will be 116.. ,
neeespary to °Quaid° , the second around,of defence tto
this application, and ere will confine oar remarks anon:"
sively , to tha first propdaitien:i , .
, 'i •
The facts of the case, es far alit li!flisig.for•ualitP.
consider thins: are as followi: • • rt, -• ,
The complalnaateappeldtetrone appraiser, in accordel
-save with the provisions of the charter, of the radway
company, Willie& AI - Reilly. the president of the Coetol
pony chat, as is alleged, without the authority of the
board of directors,) appointed a second ,appraiser, and
the two ?elected a third The three appraisers thueap
'pointed proceeded to discharge their dutiee,`and assess
ed the value of the property of complainaute $15. 0 0 0 ...
Premeds to the appointment of the apprablerbj
liana bi. Reilly, the president Of the road,the company,
had contracted with - John Frazr, ta build and luny ;
equip sold road with'ears and everything neceesary; and
arrange lota, Purahase, and pay jerthe omnibus lines,
as provided by the act ern:monthly, which, contract was
attbaeouently assigned bY ., Yrazer to Di. William Youn g
and Ateph Singerly: • , --
.After the, three appraisers bad reported the amount
;of their app'arteiment, ' the contractors refused tore=
acgoi.e their sot, inasmuch' at neither the company
nor the contractor had mahotised the appointment of
so appraiser,. mad the appointments 'wbleh bad been
made were to be considered es informal, and therefore
not binding upon either the partien tho contractors
:haying upon several occasions , notified the' board of
directors of . their right to appoint an Appraiser up tr,
the port Of the company, and the board bevies ea - often
referred the whole matter to the Contractors for their
oonaderetion sod
Upon tide statement of fiats if mod be apPaient that
the dilikulty has sliest' by reason of the contrast made
by the company,with ,Fraaer, and in all, probability
throtiglia mistaken idea'of the relative - 404 of the
parties to that contract. -. = t. ;• '
. _ .
, The charter undoubtedly requires the appointment of
an appraiser on behalf of the company, and after due di
liberaticin,We havei.cometo the conclusion that the true
intent and meaning of. the charter is that the company
obeli celeatthat appraider: The complainant bad a right
to look to the company; and to the company alone, for
the appointment.- The board of directors may undoubt
edly contract with whom they please, and an far as they
and the compaby aro concerned, they.will be bound by
their see; but when the rights of third persons are in
terfered 'with, or are to be in any way affected," neither
thecompsny nor any person who may contract with
them, can be allowed to take advantage ,of their own
private acts, especially If by no doing a wrong may be
committed. The affidavita of- the defendants them-
selves fully establish the fact that neither have the
company nor the contractors ever appointed an apprais
er, and the ecru' n Rho thus acted for the road wen no
denbtedly appointed by the unauthorized act of tie me.
aldeot, under, we doubt not, a mistaken view of his
own power or, it may be, informality.
The evidence ban not satisfied no, however, thattbe
complainants were entirely ignorant of-the method by
which the creamer-VI appreleorhad been appointed; and
yet in balancing the testimony. we have concluded that
they might have been misled by the eppesent concur
rence of all parties in the sots of this appraiser up to
the time of the final award
n view of the whole case, we think there his
been no arappistm,nt whatever made, within the mein
lug of the of the company, and the only question
remaining for our consideration in; what power have we
bathe premises, and whit cootie to to be Donned for the
future 'I
It lice been suggealed that the complainsute aio with
out a remedy until the final Completion ot:the road; but
'from this slew of the case we must entirely dissent. The
rights of the defendants are wattled in Ithelechaiteir
before commencing to run their CUB" they
purchase the stook of omnibuees, iho., owned and•need"
upon told etreetett , and. we cannot consent to an inter
pretation of the charter 'which might destroy the tights
of the complainants altogether.
Again—" Before commencing to run their oars tipon
'said etreetail the company , shall purchase the stock of
omnitiesseis, dco., .inta prodato be assessed tt There
has been, ee we havihgfore remarked; no'assessment ;
'this, therefore, - is nde the Case of a disagreement tie
tween the appralsere, nor of a stubborn Intent upon the
part of the complainants not to appoint an appraiser
ripen their part, and thus defeat the whole spirit and
intent of the charter nor of the Ira- &dent appointment
of an appraiser; but it In the cue of a company run.
'fling their care upon a publie etreet without hevirg
complied with a most material preliminary step We
'think our right to interfere to undoubted ; the complain
ant has *strong claim upon our consideration,. for he
appears to have aoted as in equity he ought to hate
done, and this claim is made the stronger because the
award made le in effect destroyed by thie decree.
In the meantime, we Insist protect the rights of the
complainants to the use of their property. and we will
so mould the decree as to• recurs to the defendants
their rights an or the charter of the company; ,
The special iDj•notion, therefore, in this-case is
granted, and we deem it proper to say, that under the
peculiar circumstances of this clue, should the defend
ants, upon a motion to dissolve the injunction, Rather
no that within ton days from Able date they have op.
pointed an appraiser and complied, on their pert, with
the terme of their charter, after full notice to the COM
phithante, and a refusal On their port to appoint an ap
praiser for the mime of obtaining a proper valuation
of the stock, Chat then the onort will -feel at lib
erty to olosid y s the -Injunction
-ineschamrs vs. the Second and Third stieetPassenger
.Railtottil Oompany, An Intonation wee granted against
'the defendants in this case, upon sehrciritybeing entered
,t lull COO, ' '
/ 41 "Ci - PLlclifi — . - Jiudge Allison.—The Crea
m .. .Mores Case—Jury Ilischarged.—The Jury in
the • case, which had been out alarm -Wednesday
came into court on Saturday morning and stated their
utter inability to agree, and requested to be discharged.
Judge Allison mold in substance that he regretted to be
,obliged to discharge them, but would couttdet it untair
to keep them longer together, especially atilt was a case
upon which there might well be -a fair' difference of
opinion. the Jury were apondinglydiscriarged.
44; wi t oLaug a iugai it g ; a 1;u j
'CorreilPondente `for* , Tine P 31240. will please beerpr.
Wad tkefolloidog reset-I
, e-r s
er Y; 4 "Mingalticab• alOwLparried rko
name earn of tke *Mee korcjer-lo e po
the typography. hnt OUP' eide of the skeet should be
written -
We'shall be greatty obilik to - gentleman hi Nom!.
raids, sad other States Bifocal:Mattes' eying:ea smug
rent noire of theidayliithely pirtieniar localities; the
rissoOrces of the sorrosadihk eotintry; thO iiteross• - Ot
popaistion; or so f information that drill hiintareatiog
to thelrOkeral reeder;•"- -
- ::,l7,Etk; 6:rP"'!-'
. .
Pettnetted , — , ttroole John ,„_ _
AC/Annus' dr Ramo —The - Btrakinch‘Opera Troupe,
; NAiroxii:Onicroa —“Leiat f iViranstompsny." •
yooacentr Cloneext. 140upe. ,1
. MRp..D P. • Binizast .WALlotrz-tornewr . l'unAtin
Plve " Nights 'on the Delaware"—" What will-they
•Sei atlleme; „ ••
• A8O1iBL1PO4;f11108..r8[inl0r Bins.
134 ORD'S I T O P I X. -- P4 I 9P - En ti rt a ic'
FIENDISILATTEMP . T.--A moat fleAdigh
tempt was made on Yridaita barn nachnollionse: The
principal of the public salami le Buttonwood Week be
low Eleventh, notimd that theremas a smell of, smoke
in MI6 building." lIMM - inarchingfrir lhis s- Oanse or the
smoke, he discoverecLthatlot cithenehea line Other
lumber, had, been plied ; up under the stair:twin - the
be/element - eta het on Are' ,Whim the flamed were dts
cove-ed they were burning briskly, and im - agery,abeit
time the sttirway would-have been completely an, firg.
The 'primal pa' . was . learittl' Or: the 'cairmentiences"r an
alarrnamong the ebildregottid i preceded a , basket, he
succeeded in extinguishing the fire by active exertions,
and without the fearer the 'exhiterice of the Ere be:_
- The school rpo t ioi . Wiwi Ailed With I .childilon stilts
' nod the timitenticuld haveoht Off , the 4; letreat'of
most of the papilo„wirticularly the girls, had the stair
way got on iire. The conecmace: of a tweed lit the
flames, or even an alarm, withent-absolnte. immediate
danger, ,would (have, been
.terrible. Fire ,Detecttvo
Btloightirn'is Investigating 'the day& end lt to be
hoped'tbat the guittywretela whir amid kindle a lire in
such a PK!. and at such a time, way be discovered and
biodeht to Jail - lie:- It is • believed that the kindling'or
the. drelVas the workof boys.: ; . ; ,
GRATS'-. Apsoirr.--It, boa
'been sintainnead that`.the 'aitilleyy,eorpe - ,ot Ehl)adel.
'phis Grajs 'will -, take , ihrmal• Posseasion their'new
armory, in Market street, 'above - Eighth, on Monday,
29th inst. The drill roo is 88 by 60 feet, which Will
give abundant
,gpme - for - the - new drill (Hardee's),
which, weirielerstand;•till - le.adegted,by,the entire
Gray battalion- been,auggested Aab,-the
Gras' open their armory sot! the thatatatien or the
paella, so' that ter, ettlaias nay see of themselves
whet, may be, accomplished by, an, energetic company
without adverifitious aid: • -
einflerstand that movement is Onloot, heeded by
Rise of oar moist prominent dithans,,to tender, ty the
ili)111141 4 ii: lll3 3plimehtair.bal4tueti upon the scission
„ofqtheir,takling.. possession:ofjtindr juuntrryj _This ie
done as in expression of the,high apareciation in s which
their valuable services - ars bald-Hint ; ritnin , they'were
oheerfally,tenderedrfor thepro7cotion Of the property
and lives of The (Aliens „of - .the - State, et BirriAntrg,
during the bumf: bur genes of ithoWlister of 18314: sod
attain, in Rbiladelphla, d aring the ,zettuarable ,olots of
1814 and 1840: ''' Prom'otir knowledge of the gentler - reit
whoheenerwhis annenlleted in:thrs, fitting teatirbordal,
we feel onidident that Itwilknot be Waxed to
A ;ban. nailed' JIM . Strbiona:siteUideet of German:
town, was taken to the hospital about 12 elelooken
Bridsy night, having -been severely hurt, under the
following circumstances : He had been forcibly put out
from one of the care on'the Frantford and Southwark
Itat,way. at Fifth and Chestnut atftetai became he: ca
is alleged, was sompirbstlntaxtestsd, the =lea forbid
'dinithe - condhotor from permitting , any intOxliated
person riding In the esiYJ The - Mani attempted to re
enter, wbetihe either fall or wag i - poshed.-down by. the
conductor. ,life leg pine in nontackwlth theiron rail
and wee Sereielilacerated,"sormich so thit It we. ceit
elderld'necessarrto remora him to therholpital:: '1
Ur. Simmons, le • widely known. and ,w e understand
that some of bit Irian& inteid - bringing a mit against
the. company for damages: - has slime been
amputated, - • ;:••
ta'llis nay,. ImsvOußATicii.--QUite. sal gni;
meted scene was erew,t,d on the, Setiendkill..above. the
dam. Saturday afternoim, ea - theaccagon of the a:san
itation Or totter:nation of thelichuyikM - Naiy! About
a dorm boat. were well manned by memberwwfthe dif.
ferent barge clubs. 101 Q we 'l3 dresa9l,ln, uniform ; The
eourmaridee trawelwient'fyim'the city, and the &Mee
were performed by a - deputy.; The isholieffeir was int.
'Wrestles, end„ quite a crowd of speetators were.preount,
who seemed to be' gratified with the • display. The
create of the afternoon ended In a scrub race, "that
caused yalewanianifestations the part of, the siec
tstore and friends Otto Navy:
ATTBMmtse:Pwritatin.-,thi SiturdliTinOsike
log, d scoundrel 'Shined' o.liaileillfcGie, aVeged to be.
long to theinfamettegang - ittilthitylkill Bangers, was
taken before Aldeiman Premium, on -. the: charge of at ,
terepting,to commit a rape .upo,n a little -girl- on • the
18th of :teat nionth It is charged that ba h d enticed
the girt iota a. factory iltueite in tbeviolnity of here:”
ditb and William .
s treets. where hems& the attempt.
He Bed the city. anTmade himself scaireuntil flatur
d4y." When be returnid Ind was'irreat bitten-tenant
Henderson, of the • Refferre , Corr: The ; pihiousr.wat
ordevid to enterhall bathe sum of
afternoon there was a.e.ralaine of `ivileie liotel;li be
called oho Parford'llonee.t! at the - starting spoint of
the pumpocganway. at Teeth street and
Colutobleavenne. The - in:aiding is the,Preperty of the
well:known and enterprising. - Bamtiel 8. Sanford.' the
peppier_ Htbiopian Opera House manager: :,We -learn
thet Hoistale Hianterighthas leased the Banford.iftnass.:
The "establishment will be's - greet iseureuistioslo:per.
epos who have neogr ri n'toitelt that portion Of the city;
and it canhardlyfail tide a goodfinsineeit.-.:
CoIitN33n4TORE corner-gone
of the new Weanteoe engine -house sets laid-co Friday.
afternoon, "with' appropriate ceremonies- - The store
was laid- by 'Robert - Lijndisli: - Afeq' president of thill
company, who dedicated the building to the purposes of
steam and education ,the upper pee : ions being intended
for so , ool comae. "In - our - sotto% - lest_ week we stated
that thaftentstotill. he of . imitetirn of'
marble., Thleweislincorreat.! . atm front will bentteas
ble, tocoryeepond,wfsh the,adjohiligjibildint„ ,
Priests WatthMals`Beatty , Werehttreeted to'.dinh•ttreet
wlnuf gel . s,pareen. to ilioldesiv,iftebrlwtp 4
eliding to the spit theypaewroWed k man atritigllog
thewater. -' Thelitifostmiste7hWrldettAhiSit
out, , Said hetwayed , wthe
whore be Wee resided w..thidrysultot,Clothieg.. - Ifer ,
gave his name alAnthony said that. hares
employed on a vessel - lying. at .oub of the Whaerei:
IFtraralud:‘ (lokwwww. - - , -Yeaterday, morning
!the.a t <ttllery ow•oo, of lithiladelpida,tHreyefi nodes the'
compand of Llowilmunt,Ot4l. ignited, to. the itrave •
• t remains of the latUlautes alleiddrig. - Who - wee for
, =SST yearlarslethre seetaberiatthateorpe. John's)
Lou, is. No, 14,• theAtiFiesto - iflar Coas
t pany, nisi, attended the forma& 01:nteite left the -
'late residence of theleciluief,' raw street 'below Cel
310whilti at ten o'cloek,',.antl.: procsieded-te ,Laniel
Centeiery . ,..
woos Drewsnesciii;-,44 niooig the deeioims miles re:.
cent y•twfo-e" the Coort'of, Quarter &Woos, was one in
wt faiths difficulty betweenman and wife arose from
a ddferenee of opinion on religion, and. politics. The
hitsband'dld not tote We ticket hie wife writhed him to
;wobsould for Odd reason she beet him sad kept hus`
;home low dlrtysiiste.: Thecusepf Abe squabbling poll-
Helene - ediriebstetit,
• iftliqcso';,-The West-,
'ern' Heae COMpaniier.heir' carrlige will be housed on
Thankegiiineray Y , Tbe.- Mintage -has a -blaelCbody:
picked „in.with carmine and gold, running gear. end,
wheels ere :el ;.thettentispiece is hanaaomelroalwed,
hairdo 11 - the het of mating a
'ploope; .thechiMk-loitkor ti Elltetpleadi with. the - date
of thadompany's Inatdtation.,;(la the top of the bell
'PalloWa tea lamp' On the aloes - its piloted two wild.
- Western Scenes = , -
: - WOMAN Ditowszn.—A , woman 'named Al
i:l3lmMller,,irho kept a _small shop in the vicinity of
Washington and Swanson streets: committed cute de on
Yriday night,by drowning herself In the river Delaware.
it - Matelots above the Navy Yard, .whtle she was
labaringnuder a fit of mental derangement - . The coro
ner held an inquest, and s 'verdict of "_drownsd ,, was
rendered. • Thefdiceased, has left a husband and two
children. - - • "
atifDr&f , lifusranY.:—The Camden Light
Artillery corps, under the commend of Captain Isaac.
W. Mickle, hays made arrangements for their annual
target practice, to take place on' the 24th instant, in
the, city. Among the list of prises for the otoasion we
hays been ahown, a beautifully wrought alter goblet, to
be awarded to the contributing member far the currant
year Makimithe best shot. • '•
Nsty 10ittradi OttrAlf.—=' A splendid first
ortranortf forty stnoa; 'has been tdaand-u. at The
resa's Obnrola t oorner.ofll3road and tlajberine streets.
It played for theArati,bne there on Sun
day nent,nr. diet, 5t40,4 Wales& 'A M. ',
celebrated Grand Maas, No. 12, will be perktmed by
some of t'nebeakaineteau• talent In , the city.
, A Ponnin CisirsiTy.—As a . wagon was
befog unloaded - in the rear of the foul store of J. F. to
d Jones, on Germantown avenue, , opposite Chalton
avenue, in,the Twentpsectond,ward, 'the bone backed
and' the wagon wee thrown down an embankment. The
animal bad Ms neck broken. Mr. Samnellones was Mao
seriously hurt.
THE KEW.' BATTALION.— The' Phllndelpliia
City onarii, chiptata F. Vallee, have determined •to
unite with the liVashington Blum captain Greline, in
the formation of the new battalion The two companies
erpeot to - parade on' the VA of February in the game
noVorm, with orercests. A third l oompany will be
formed, when a major will be elected to command the
battalion. - . .
MitaTma.v BALL.; -:-The 'seventh - annual ball
et. the Meagher Goardacrlll be .giveli it the Salient.
etreet evening. and judging from the arrange
ments made, it wiltlionbtlees be a fine strait. Capt A.
tV. Power the mister of ceremonies. "A number of
distlogaehed, gentlemen, have. accepted Invitations to
attend on this cesaion. , _
ORICEET,—Our ericketing friends willeele.
bi ate Thnottilylng fey lay,a grand =etch for the benefit
of lien] Owen, the prof - melons!of the Delphian,'
The Mayers are selected from the ;latter otrib and the
Philadelphia" in elpbabeticat.ordev_ the. members
front Ato E, with a bowler given, playing thane , from
J to Z. : ‘ This will be a Wale and - exciting match
PosreolitroPenkr:The Hibernia Target
Comptny, Captain , John T. Doyle, - have_ revolved to
postpone their contetnplated ptrade on Thankvgiving
day tilt the I3th of December, in comequvnee of the
exertreitht of the 'Hibernia Ittutine Company to New
V ork occurring on the 20th, two days after Thanks.
Plcut-Poolicir Aaaarrao.--John. Riley wag
arrested iu the Shippon-street - market, ..?sturlly after
noon, on the charge of picking the pocket of a Jersey
man of a porte-monnate,pontedning forty dollars The
money was thrown open the pavement by the - thief.
Eller was committed to answer.
ROBEEItIES.—On Saturday afternoon it was
discovered that the Oxford Obureb. in the Twenty-third
ward, bad been entered and tobbol of, e. lot of-Pressen'
carpets On the same afternoon the dwettlog of lean
Relnetine, No 412 North Print street, was robbei of a
lot of clothing and other art•les.
FITtET REGIMENT GT limusio—On Thursday
next, Thanksgiving day, comptny D,. under command
of Lieutenant John b Charlton, teal Rands 'tor tweet
practice, and proceed to eamac'a woods a equate above
the terminus of, the Tenth and Elevonth.eireet Rani
CoaNDEN SnErtur Sworus IN.-4Tho sheriff
elect et Camden county;Winand Brewer; Rrq ap
peared before lodges Cowperlhwalf a and Dotterer, in
pursuance of law., on Vice d-y last, when the necevary
bowie were executed, and the oath, of office admiral
Nitaori&TED role A. T. - MT.—The Fame Hose
Conpsny are at present running their Milne from
the Columbia Engine house, Filbert attest_ above
Tenth The members have negotiated for a lot on Fil
bert West. below Tenth, ,on 'Ol' Abe"
, intend to
erect snow hose house.' ' • ' -
To no BRovotrr Houn.==-The - Hcipe cc steam
er'>._will 'be brought home this aiternonn, when a trial
will take place.: On Tuesday she will be open for pub
lic Inspection, and after : that will be put Into august
- FAIR AT JAYNII I B HALL.—Me - Yale for the
benefit of flt: Aerie's Ohara and parochial schools. at
Jayoe , s Hall, has been liberally attertled- It will be
confirmed for another Leek: The object - is areal one,
and the fair &huddle) liberally patronised: - -
. , .
blee, ()apt/la:Nati. Lirlog , ton Grife. Oiptitn - L - wry,
end the --eoond reglm•nt, neder,Oolonet P. W. Ocuiroy,
will parade on Tbsokeglying day: • . , -
- INTENDED - VISIT.—The LarBYette-ilO B O COM-
P.lni an making extenilve Torparatlancfor
430timore and W*Shiegton the ansalngspring:-