The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, November 12, 1858, Image 4
• , ..c - NAP-ti•-• - r - 4- 0- -•.::,:.••-•= 11 . - •"? . ,4 . '4> t 5 - t,Ent-,1-•••;• - is - - - 2.4••': -. ;-tsr•t•• - ... •'-' • 4'flt,: - . 1- 4 j ) (i -, ' 44- 6 4 1 %p -or rvi : -!-:--„-;4 .1 i ., -.7. 4 =r'' ~ ,P•2•:-7. - -•'.. - 4-- ' : i ..o4t-..,,-7,..„ ~, - 4,-„K ,-.., - ,44 , 71••••• , :•-• _ , , , •,t---,•••••••-•`••-••._,: ,- ; 4 - ..2••••- - ..;. 2 - .. , - ,- .- .•'•_::..,-;••-. .7.• 4.5t:,- - V• 1 . , ;_•,•••-•.4f, r,cm.thr-NAlLlYan?lik7P 4 N,, ,, r , .--;• :•• f-r„ . ••••1 $.;-V,"•_ 727•, , , •••••• , •-•-• , "!‘•%•ss9-:: - . , : , -.--:- t - , •••• , •-•., - -id epeeek--= , :,-.;;;. , t - _ ,, , - ; , , - : - . l * - !lo•4lo,•! , •"AßVlNgif f r- , ' " 04 .1;-4:•I lw, i 9 g A -•7 . ,• - 'A • '' 'cv,iifi- I,X 4 e ifj* ,4 3 , , i * 6 .. a . , . .t , ) .t . t. • ik : • . „ I , Wt w t ,• •v i t f 3 kll, 2 tl) • l -• l)e * t t l loa .' a , . , • ; ffi,•• ,0 !,e 7,M , 1 - -! ,1• - • , . _ tt t' ~ • i•:- l i i4::,O,ga44rAr4gf ~.( ,P , f !At l l l r t ,.r ' „ 1 ,, . ,.•t.- I itrttrfal::qtfiijit,4o:4 - #. l l / fl B 4ryl 4 ~ CO4VitiltlralaM ll 474 ln,M Y; bre,St :: ‘ s tQao4llogledQlov.,- '' P f; '°''4':t?*•`-Vii.4o 0 byi tOPs A f)01 0 ,i , iicif .f.A . 1;:, -- ‘. - - : ; : t. l'„ ,t Ve l - sti,;:sNent- to Ahltr ttt!i , z+;', 3- - it ihtizootoiefet'iyity: *s-3.0 . *-Aillitif - iti - L erfteliCihtlitioir.otttrit , pttr:-.. - .. - ..•:04 -. ...,.1kw-.. ,, ,...1...,:,),, ,, ,, - , - ;, ,, --.‘' ,, ..,.N.13 - .1 , , , . -.2 '' ,- ..=: , .s ,l: * , ' , ifil,ftlittmAlittiP.f i l ui t t pur‘e./ , 1. , . I , - i• I .', :.' •=:', 2 ,;-'s,tf- 1 47"4-4;.,t`ealiaeit ; tipoii ma_iitle , Pg” afikfe-sufAiliit-:".1:•• i f l•trit-A4tl;; - AtdieiiiiV)taiet:yotif )01netrithai gass• - •4,`: •-- _I Al - O':eigiV'sqPti,& - ii - ii:kui 4 '4lat atey WO* de,iitl(lter,",:ig,;, - , / ,- 441i41 ,2 4.'efh',V-•VA.• - • , _l Y' ,, '''' , " , '2.- 4 ,;• ' , C -, ,' 7 ,;#4r.'14k5..- ; AttifiljaLti9l,lnitt64.**l),o:='4:!:Y.'". 1 "._ _,;,'i, , ,;. C L I-"-"e-4V e ` 3 ,,,'`..z - „: - . - r ," : 41 .t. ,, gl ac ir p a gl i atatba3Ceeixtrage.toetert , --,.1 , •,i--,.4.<.4l'4,llllo4l9,k7l,O#ithatlrkia.yott are hay i, - , •, - , -- •-,,., !11 - 4,-;,/fkf.t..,t7-4•4.•kioulmYkkeililitotitttinnzl:koy !Mortis; :-',-,", - 4 , •::,•;t.,,0,•i,•3.-'•.,,4.4:.3-••..t,-,5,.4%,KAz-zr,A::,;'r,r-hl:,-'---T,-•,.--,•!:-:••;..-; .',,,,,,,.:: -'''•::• - ••11-4•••••'"As-•- - .. ••_:114 - eaese_reatmeiFtei my lite ittetee: ,- - i ;: i1 ' "1-. ' Z•v t -3 ' i , ••• l ' . " k'' ''' T" --- 'l:okii(rist , cii)3iiniit r iot= " , t ' T , ..: ',.-;-•;.'•,4§.',,ltli,iceß.T.Pl , . .... t ••• . `r.Cll-P" - el44Q , • lo lieaif oreihrlireslm- and lielf:•lig!ePed'ix.--, - , 4'l,l'i•74ooiiiipirt,lh - e-iidirlit to - iiiiiheirt:qriketity - i -'„ -,: . - " , -41.v'4.4 1-, 'L'- 5 ., ,,,-, -.... , flzs. , P ,,, •_;-4,47.• , - , 4•=t4. AA ••• .. ,t ~ 1, ,, f . , , .. "...',!.., :'•'?-:-:iilftli.;;:i"-i,..,Y..54.41',40,14:114#0.14 , • , , , . I•,::•iil , lV4::,lXOr.4Liki beiiii.k.4 •••‘;43 - 04.? 3,43: , lot.i-,..r, ,, -_ , - . .. ,- = „„: ; ' .-1;:: '.."LT/10:-Iiii'affilia'aiffil„44,11IIii 'tiptiiidittire of •- ' '-;'• • ' ''' • ••' -it leiloininleini -', •'-•';•' •,' ' - t• et,t4ift., - . : ronteltrhaaelcolto • - - , :- *-4 • l'- ' ..,,,S'aillilflidia4terbr - o(Ttee hiapioseepa ,-" -,,,, 1 Jr••101 - 414ntettg,it ,111f1,1 - ..1•, ,, ._,, ,•,:,,,. •.,!., , j 'A.ti;' , -11-,;inli./oteiion..ntri Is deetrotifile oheor'e ,a.tratra ,:- - - y; ; ; , , - ;;', - g*Rflg'ithhoiiiii.ti,i:vt4lvi petbled.Sitids, ;or who .- 5 ;',,, &itlidetiOlietti thiminisAYOdlii, thi( moot jr ' - - - ,a , eidarifiit4ißtigiatiriaii:perdetke2thatitii*vilege ii , iioti.4-for - ilisse who urn•-•tp - .gown,. th ough of '-- j• ' -`:-,-;, .. . ~ . •; ,• .- , - .• ••• , 1 ' ‘''';>)\0:449014101!4,144,79A•;01111•.. .ishd Am )mpor :. j .:1::::-.'”, , iiiiiietfrOPITA: - '4'i" - - -,, k 4 A' • •,:,''- - • , • • • 4:•; - ..1.0l( f iX . 01*!,!,,h,10.1ykleeehleet eilitei;'aikel that it le the 1T.':•.i... , • : ' - 'intifeatOdutor,'Undiil.slibt.kiiiiry - good.'• - oltizen, to `, "• .". 1 -*ilOtiid,i'rei a 400 t It'-`l.k 0100; ; , hii . l,keulAit doe • '": .if;; , :100 1 f„ Klieo „WO iilillei;l 1 . Veil iiireadY foi aotliaser- t•t;,k, ......,•_kine - dalthe: , .k.aforniitiAn of- abiies,'" Ike Is right; 'l',";•';',Vr.;,j_iii : ',4O,l)4OSSt,:firAile"..„o'iriin:b„f:thi - iiit4 ; under •' - •:::,i r-.l7,l o V l * .s .P.O r i l lik` vl . 9 f ls - . ria: l • 4s irioviii ) °:. i ';• - - • ' - ' -• ''Nldie lei Oicktrilliation,i - 41iichi,EY illiisiiii the , -,,,, 4oo,4:hiteteeteep,e , vest popult4lwandeitenEl" " . " : 4 „, - , l i - 414 - 1164.tufiliVii leiiigl4;Gareititiiort4lii:+ktilmen ". ;,. `;_•114-,412;;Lostiortif„krays.ti ;it may near tit ..inenthiu - , • ••..,_Ontr - thoSibiOskipintanC,Of:tlieke l 'and; Aridly; , • -:•:' t .: ,-;:thitYli;t : iithteiiiiientatlytkAkoitsinmant, it hiss the • •• -1 ,-,•• dtkadiuntag•a; either Mudeiing, - tho ifitirolsenta - •-• ' .'•:.-:..3'4; Aftlo4/06)itulliinikk kie.tatiOokne iinwiedly, or Aids iha)ffeet'of [wreaking-thin 0' tele e' between - ' -- -. zilik‘Aiinilisirhiuttheir aearestlepiesentativer, lee . :': . ? . ;:faerdiiiihe:iiiiitioilleg influence of the fotm , er and .':: - 311*Itehioririe*Atibilq:er the letter. ;And, secondiy.,',theit it b nee iilireilthe offoolOt destroying : ' • - '4lto;:iieinoloi , iiis-,.0f Al din .representative;r,• • :, fO. • the - ' ''!'iliciniii of-liElli•blikineu •,,netinekitrili ineriming • t ,t_Tit".juitlitthetimittiit Ofp,oppitlOn and .Uinta Of,terri - - ,ii r- '-• 4 4 4 1( 4 ~,IkKii•P*litt#.!"PlP'siitt ! ?_l. the: L : l r* - • '.j .:-"' of kiiiiiiletage -- ,itipatie.: for, iii lijroper tr oflori f-7 . -eqiioit:iii* -- liii4lo - #lOO *ilia th'efi'iiii ',mud •- - ' piate e latent "'"•:••'''''; - - -- - •-••• t• •-•••t• - t 1 - -- , I 7 iiiiiAllittliS4alia 404 Eau, taken thOome of odallOildatintqfpn'oby,finlialptilitie'ifisio been • anilhilitadYandthelinleiMinuf..which the t had '.- ..• the elititohavihnun' i fOOlisiiikklill Jo A.- 1 04! Go - _,''''' l "•!Nsiiiiiit'ent, - '[nOtilinallythet - 4,:tha• J aeger 1 and Ce.inollii , hnt,lsernality,"astrango and indefinite • •s" . ' - r 'sfiTkEthia,of ,GOVeraoY,MW:lingtaintaier)iltii the '" J siniaiiilMUNg an Inkongrnotul :antimonad of, olty t -, -.'s , Vahkfltifei`ifinagiiaiMt of ilfilrk, ;AEA should be - 7 ,..kuolknivelyyishadAnteif bY -Pie ::, repremnitatlitia of - .'.._•lt-t•;k.. the pao*le ottbanity:,•,• , , , t, - ..•',.,s fi. I l i •,,--.,- .-- ',- t - • , - - -:'-:•."'...:-Thlif;lllVnaiiii • deinCitsliapi4; '.'witlish ',hail; been ~ • • .-:',.; iii94hialiely,kiiiiinittalta , EY. the nkoileaf 47111 - • . ~. .-4deptsialpialqiiiitui4l ! 'il'lti.:Aillital•k4 u tiiol l B ' " 18 -.. • ".•.I..iiitia,Otaiiilufi - kciiiimitet3- - 'fornitilsrlancifimder . out forMainiitkin, l 3l,lll.tlfliOetkanonolualonAthat =, - thO:likigcst":-Ofrikhyvhantnipalititik:,-thna' - 4 - unlng '''','•'- ohnnity;proik'lWtkanimid.ed•thailuiltinahat'f4vor-' ..-- - ,I. ,•,: ,:_•.• abla _to% id•olier • moitoipat ,tadadidetFathai, by a - ' ~ ._, kingloClOvernmeitdiathing' buitid iliodageMent • tt,•,=. l of.the rbildtbinilnesatnightlf haVa.:_bnan looked, ''s "" fik,4ioi 2 x, •- -Fed4u, ,4: 1 .ini . ..t.,04 Aailke - AtetriOta; to= . :•,,,,,,,,gollie b ilth;la',,, groat:, eitent of - eountry. In ta ono • , '. -- consolidated' or • , 's - erth r e s sifeweirOtrii4_44:4l44eilee's - ,te I the, •" • amount i4opilathin - aid'extent of territoryovt# • Lt, -1-mtbloh akingleilittAlikl, fliVoffulnehthiat adven4 1,';•fig14 11 6!• iiii.i•W 0 Atiiiit4 l: 'aid.;.4viank, the ( ...,t.t.•porkini has yohboon :found to --Opsnily, i propose? the = - ' Er , -- - allniftlthiiir alt tliii t inhithlOiWonipoiAllhak WIWI) ' . "--.":Giato; and tha-,extennion,lf- the city- of yhdadel. - -1i1a . ..46 f ill 01' itiOlfit Of ', Penally' mini it; the 'ilo.; . '. - sts - - ,tri 3 O, 9fsa,, ,P4• 4 l"ol . o 6 3ffilii„ ‘ fitio the plaoo, op Mayor _ • 14" 4andOottrieifs;,although; acoording ta the idnak of •''s• , qr s tiniulkiiiihtilakiiiik tioultlyti: nalchat,,P,hiladolola ' • ",,,I.,tholitigast oili.iTthe usaild;,, AMC: 'Java , ttio .lex.- :;•: - ;limit* trouble of On many different nitinfolpalf• - - -:-.. -17'4..-114146iiktAiiii,ftif, bpi( ..hoeinitieli,.;iecom ' • -.; :mendod forAlsimhlikulOnly ' ution, of oar:, riffAiro 7 ; ; Jir,the.linikOgit4 f liOtrii,r4ea: - .': - .Xuliakthissa who •:1 - •:"lcorii*Ohelittiiiilit Othirfolinfotilika is fair average • r ';• I•°!,,thiglllfi3ffoF_AkggP ) ?l l3 o.o.PeaVl:al 2 d ,i f lE P l / 0 _ ,f 4 ,•,t,t;tibitiWlLik quite so rational to cab:ales utmatha •- • ' ; '.'...S.Atintiiiii*encteii7olP:hitiftf. 0 0 i 1 , 1 kaiiielirfFor •_ - ',. 'tt. Mai ,t'is AIX Cahluirgh iftha :Mon, but 'giant - •••• 4 , faultialathiTaYitefis. 4 •. - . ,s" , -•-, ' • •••.--•-'- t - •,;'--. :•••- 1 _ ''''' -, ; 'itliii'eld chitimetieutieV.aiffinligli'tlie* Marie* • the' pcirpikeacif _their oiestlon:tolerubly.well;lwisre __, _ . _ r - 4 - 0 1- Wi hir t 64 l. 4 l l / 1 4 . 0:- 740 f , ! 1 _ , 1 4:1•.4fi, th.e't of - conkolldatlon, most or t thent nod not eamotentle: 'orgy left tiAhlikatolaalfe cillEffort fir: the pro keryaqon,Rtgiedrlfitrji iealate,riap, or :to utter one , ori , . - fer,-regarane their ' Vas* ri ghter But• after . -.. onYtiiiifilldfielOW tilt - it:Oran. ail - 1001g corn( of -' .. • ciiiiiiiiiintiA,4snotilikek A:',matier of , iiiione oonat- T . , ' t •••";!tdsatistlontikhellie.Y.thOyare not pocemartinktitn , _ - • . qoilsiyr,loll. - mset:tisikakektotedAll'oighiloprovedt '' - bilubtriatOinsk 'Milli place, them more directly •,- , . •t•t.gstsidaythe eontroi of oitiiehathin'thej , have .:•....r:_bligli t ssieet • ..t•-.. • -=-r:- ->; 7.1: 1 , tt- , ....v.,. , , j , 2 .. :'. The lame set uhloh has 4eatroyaltiemhasoast A,""ttoff - looal-interekte of •tho„leOple Of,Titiliidkrphia: ' - ', l •llattilliaiiiiifirobilaihi,,whOsailikakisib*OilisrO . i•-''utokieeii•Sior;•iikl-hateililatire of-the-theta ca n ......Zina*.iihFike;..eed etteoheti4lo; Oinitiek.:_at fir . "rosikielpizsdikfthEtit c l OsiiMithietlinik'fit italition ' .."•-thEnthili , isigg'hitafeita. - )irn 'hi the keep ' - '•' `,14 of iiiiii Most of i'vhem•areikot elected-lj theta; •-- - andlhoreiraiiittiakikiiikibioN dent. -•- ,I -• ' ' - The Yrk*.thutoporiskfok%corointion Of the Mum - ' try mombirts In - Our State,Lesgialatufe ought fin ' - tt A‘laflaliii„taWelatilMd,',linst, Gliiilkololv,of New • --._ - ;.1'. • ;.1(P0f; !ditch ir4".4.oiild - ihnitita.'in her eentrillia ;•, '-• "tion,"kibislionl4 , ilia miter keYeteirfrAis !WO int -• teitiinino in the'atildeot ill oily :- - -- ;,f, i _„., ; lat la,nosr *mit to' Wool • titr*attentiony,.th fist I:•=nrineiglei, itildTo'kulfsferiik'hiii'lystesiii;Of ,gatfarn : - i;.4ol l o,sfllts.4PPFiaPfAfollikrtnisaieli;. tha t 411 ' _ :_-'preintnirit(ahould - be'elltabllelietlifor the 00*1i#14 - vic4,thiiithhi,4hreiii. - ekithe:ll2llllt ' - -' . 4erf,ifctlY ittaineeitlian:tin4OVernnient-lavisehd - •- - A alb — l''' Il' nil A --- e "- -i - ' . -,-,, . ; , PP* en 0 ,0, 8 ,-._,, 4. 1 .. u., 0 . 11 .-9.rPt *.e' our ''-`• Ink ithilionk that the fhtilligetioa tit-khe peopleuan • - most Adak tiiii)l,4lireeff tlin"ltio: wet:, *blob wall ' - - - askitotifine.,fidittfaiiPOSiat,'Orani:::,-L,,-4 _• Tiliii_illitiOet utAtildeithaS, present' oity Into a _ !VistifiiiiiiEfalittkritfl,ykskYhttlihOOtiitliififthoold: • o t .datrinhlaYittirXoteatloh•Oescos • milt's : in IQ' :pita not yet kiltillifl_dlitiltitilft-t.;lttiribilmaidnuf each '*ifia,4o,Al4oit o,o :6 * • ,itiiiilif tPfwti . *POilif -t - okakeitsnoietunrAsoat*tives bathe iliktriot council,' ••"-- ~ the- allitsGoirtaT•he ' - aokidiiikti'd' In stiolaiiir(hililty • 4.1k7 4 2 been . fov_k9PillY. deoLAMlstsPOO'Stifte eittile of the precinct ; who may, also , reserve - - - 't his-'this • - - t i.-'oPlillii-Kl4-Pito_iiiigsii it iiidiihfi-tta 'OW pf 1:,_•-•"InterragatfonlaridcfeeallSof thief iipiikhatatiVe br • - ••,-- • rOP,WenittiVatii,;. - 2,,Tha-,-,ilsktkAilisAkakrad” nilOn :::,•••••:thaOltlieneW• Oiler= of buttinek ~. • .I•4nd • noildielfait,"thil hada* '`oiltinatiedicetfila.P l - ' -- .l4 l ,tiftrPiiiiih ftind'eillid', - 44dinotij 'deletieratjte • _ - _ assemblEarif• therpeopleiin -*Molt the •pubilik ado -;,of thok-ialiikitillierr naii'liii."Minkld arid, aid fl ,f4l4lhailifOlsalopportunitrafro, edla-him of -" -, , : - .-•i••eoVrtiolinglifjuiftiltjnimitto,honilonll Mid - of -de _ -- ••' '.}hifighithiilioliiialti the C•Tai4uot,' kw 614; - •, ' i-4 diatiattietiliMatak -,- ;,; ~."- -i 4-t-e24 ~,, -.-- , - ,c, -.-,. ' f - - ,• •_ „"_, : TEA dittleks"f neAlk_difislot.tionneitiliottabi thes - iiiiikagnsniak'nfithaaterg,oft, itazdtetrtetilut act thaw aur Initiate tw,whiolt Manykor all, Of !the dletriota makt•rfaillnitatqf theist general interests. 6hoo4o4l6o . 4ll4.l4A t! commit cOmpoked•Of reprO-:, - , • senfutivek.frMilha dittrtotkilhui 'Would lie l'orni-: • ' _ . - 4 0.1. 11 : : ,crres40# ( 11011410.*Iimaillflitliskinglo'll , - moit'ld_Eli kei"utilikt, u pon fel affairs ;• lint - tt!oeellut-' . - - portant, itti4' ofto,limg liftitriaici:nalify, the °pea.: lag of nilw,• l 4liiiiiiitS.:thilldiagi•o,f,the , ,•moita _ oostly t billgasiklahiging litfiitif•l'istween tit? dill. - ' tl6°4l4#l4th'Alt,-Sikol4.oo(iield“raiii -• - age,' an'OkiatiiPormattiska - • t.' Jr - , -_ -• .. ; Snob a moaidtlll'tdafdBmlr Ihistitntianionght not _- , -• .' -, '',•_Ohirl'ohiliiiilittO;PhilailisiblilitAiltahOtild be Oa --- .'• . ' .= .•1.-tainia:4,lJriiii:siOnnties of lea fittile:?_ln thime :. - , " :_•• "'iPVitatitisllf,'llfafi'ii"4l s ,4l4#nlessill'hti*aiaarY, ,- , •_"' f ag y. iihillitkidillenk t 'reimeseniAt ,ife,4 FhPalli,ba -L. • •". - ' - -",...,OtattiatirFekkihtiiiikiiiitititAinlyhiall,divoMM ,-::--!.,-4tagtOilfliiii Otirlilili - Aulittilh'illiin, kiimehiq - -44A9A439.1.4hii•OfiancilioUthe'eniftkilirattidlilty of '''"' - • '2'' . - 19in •Ji.• il l e rrilf•ifieflgift. :4 iltlif,OVIOAtitiOo • ' • a • puu 6 ,7P , :ItAlli:4 7 -14b01y, : , - Abiali - gairointiient* ifie4gookiiiikoiskratitiii,ofir,iyikiaihe ?,•I(flittiOcr,irsfshil-ittriiicGaitiffifiikil a t kiianty . • '4liiathnifidifilitiliasiOtiklinkiiiiiiall i i iitOliitaglo ••,- .„-, , ";ottliiielfuNWO'tsl_• - t - 43 -- tts -,-.1,••i-0.... - , - ' -''• "s-.. - - t : - .., - ,,,5;:rtt;;.1,1u. •;‘,..,,,:::. ' 4 ., ; ', gg.,AstEr .0,10, - kprje.tlaa,-.aintslatura•pais a ~,..-, ~. , jaw. esta linixhig - ii•aysyni•of:notuity lotii kint : ::.4,..,- - ., ,, z : 7 giikTihrTalFffiE ,l ). - giiiit - iiiireilvvexia - - 4 •x‘- - : , ;:- - ; . ; :dtkotitvAgi.pi9; , , i./0,041-tioginui-100 ties= ': 5 : - ,):.,::: , , , qi11i_ke, disoonlntOkwhq#,ltatii - 14 - •• - l•-•'..i, :2 - ;.';,/,Olikrismente - of Oftioreq6lllo -- ettwiii o f w i t d !-, •:- '. --- -- - • - - - bi ", - Oa • il . if - -.' ' ' - .- - - , A -r- - - •lher'srtigietVosP-00 1 !it , ..- , voteupon - a _:.goitii,it like aptilik4Wlis fall.ltio„Oosiptpli f e + 4 4 " - -7• ;- .-',.,..,' 1414 'kik-V* l 4g :•,:rsk'ki,iiklblp,,,,,taihin" min "tonaG.; i l '-.•-•`; titiksk, faith; may beiaffnotoit by,itit,is - -. 4, - c , -'.4 I 1 04 811. ' k r t ii i T 4. 4 41 1 0 6 40i04 ,- rttotteeti . 1 4 _ - Olt Aiiiii4l4,l - -lii iiiiileinehl , aii ref r'a ° fi ii ii# 40. - IrMlCiri , iilJ":l l ll•JJo- , I* o o l i -,-;-- - , - -i''-`: - -;: - _';•- - ,01e0111445-M-V;1» , ":;1 - - -- i-;:; 7 4? - ii -- ;in'itii/e, • i • %..44,,,„,,, t ; ',. ~-.=_. , ", : •'.7 '-4--1: , 4,,Pi t t a :W C AIA.4. - k*Swi: 144 - Atlifttisi; g= - f:1 - : , :'-; ,, ; ::,tittt - -.Vltkihifq!oPA 4 iittiti4iiiiicijraice 136 - id 1:-_ , ,-' , 1-, , 4 01.1 )Ite ( Ohnr-tqltii104(iliti-fi':11iiic'xiviti ' 5 , , ,,.. ? -, 7 , !, , : , ,% -.. .." . ft l ifitOttlyti..l44, - ,th'iafttelf - thi .1' - Alt r Ati‘fiflor s *Wlt - trereitilei teA' - ' , IF. -, 4, , ..,..5iftittf :0 1 1 ,0 ttiogiAU4 .ttifi liihhui t rail ig , Xlit; ' 4 * ,0-1-# l.o l4 * 4l6l iiiiia** . th! ' b rettlffitete l rlt - 1 4°' ' -tictetk , - _ .1..... „. ,„, ~ ilk,.. , er re ,rerh - thhi p 40,7 : - c m - s • TOL lk et .ituttekotiastail.,, v..„5-{.....A. --... ‘ , ,F ,:i (1... . i t . ngi - mitt thatmeftlailbut _-„iA. _,,s ,' • ; ~'. ,4 , -6 - • - ~ f, , ,,-..f.4.04: - *Ni; tg-otari,..„. i e.qi-56-w7.-TiiToz..;•-;1,-•v,,-.1----,,- - , ... , , -- t44--. -i -ri--:g7,,-,-,4.?-_*. . , :,.. - i-.•*6 - 0...N.44140_1 - 04 - •.:0w ,,, 44 , j %: L .itfats:::,:: : , .. -. .,,.,-: -, ' - . 4 : ,r -.- , CV .llf 4p ES= 'pilaf:ln'. .. , , . .. . g' THOMAS & SONS,. . ._ . . . Splllien: r 4Bo : and 161 SONITH 1013 lint IITMIATii .„-- :, Litormerlv Nos. VI and 603- -- - '' .- Anal AMAMI; mug, &e. ' Mile' Pelee lit" the Philadelphia Illashande ever pir_3„...„,.,....... ~Handbllispc each property,lssued inipsistelp, In s 4 tion tiiishieh lire publish, on - ,the'llptutesi previous Itiedoli aide, 6ne thousand eitaloaidotioieD2Pltlet torn • *riving full desseiptions or all the propene' to be sold en' Iluffelleirliik Tuesday. - .- - , - - - ';' ; ,*- - kl-",,PALL , IiAL33B4rOOILS AND RIAL 1 / 1 3TAT31. ,Setatitaanth Sale,l6thjltradaber o at .the Mal change:, Eighteenth •Pall November, 'at • the *x catange;“ - ----- ' ..,.%ID . v. , Part of the handbills of the above ogee now BALI BIIGIBUIt. ig„lteal Estate entered...on oar Private Sale Re , A idr, idnert4ed_ poaseloaslly In our Pnblio Sale batritattlof,srltlett. 1,000 eosins aro printed weekly,) 1-11 BA X, -113T:nTil AT raive.Tl SALT; mr.tWe Willi a large amount of 'teal Netate at Prl ,4 be, 13ale, Antal:ding every - deeerlptidn - - of pity and ,eountry:peop...rPrinted Lists mayleyheet at the Asetionetoeed = - ; '- '• •- - STOOKS, &o, •• • .„ • -,Qte Tuesday Evening, ,Neriemleer,itith,,st 'Legato*, at the Philadelphia la *sage; foraoraunt of whoin it may oonoern -1 (old) pharele n Franoieoo Land Meociation, - 24 ilharealtiOnnt bio - rlah Cemetery Company stook. 2 shame preferred stook American Academy of Made. - a shares common stook do do - do, With mut:, ; r ' . 2 • - • • piker° Mernantile•Library Company: ` Pad City Loark;lB62 redeemable 1251. 811VINTkENTIt HALL 13ALE—NOYEMBIIII lath '49lllbioliidez-L , • • . • • • 05phaniP 00114 Stiffi-Estite 7 of Iltimplirei Atherton, ' VALUABLE.LOT, MIME ,W2REET, GERMAN TOWN}--Large and valuable lot br ground, northwest side of. Price street, northeast of Evans street; 60 feet front by 175 feet deep. .; •;), • "' Same Estate ,—VALUABLE LOT, nITTENEOIIBII STRUT, GEWMANTOWN.—Large and valuable lot, southeast side of Rittenhouse street, southwest of Ma rlon street; 120 feet front by 116 feet deep. Same Estate.—TWO VALUABLE LOTX,,LEHMAN STREET, 'GERMANTOWN — Two large and valuable lots. northwest side;of Lehman street, southwest of Marion street,l2o feet front by 9f feet . deep, Same Estate.- 4 0ROUND-11.ENT OP SI3X A YEAR, seeuied on a lot of ,ground on the northwest aide of aralnittlane: north - east Of Green street, Germantown. Executor% Peromplory Sale,Bstate:of.d e lm,,,Wllleta, Deceased.' ' t NEAT, DWELLING ,- Neat three-story brick ' dwel ling. N 0.131 Mirth Eleventh street, above Areh,ptreet. Sale absolute. .Same Satattig-THREE TWO AND A lIALP STORY -BROOK DWELLINGS, Nos. 1019, 1021, and 1029; North 'street,' between' Tenth'iwid' Eleventh, and Rade and, Vine slreett..,,,UZ Sole absolute. ' .'TWO VALuAIitarSTORES.--Two sioaera Ave story granite stores, Nos, IRT and 109 Walnut, street, i above Front street, WALNUT STREET.—Nest modern resident; , south east opener of Walnut and Seventeenth streets VALUABLE LOT, v,enaugo„,atreet; Southeast or Batlfstriet,lllohinond. - - VALUABLE LOT, Kingston, street, adjoiniog the above; ' • " • Estate of "Dr. H. Townsend, Deceased. ~,LOOGOT,JITREET.I - 11andsonie mOdein resldenoet• N 0.1608, Lomat street; above, Sixteenth street, Opp°. mite St. ldarkhi Oharith. .„ . - BUILDING LOTS; Mee blillding.lotsyWainnt; Seventh; end' 012. th Ploy enes Rolghta., between Burlington and Bordentown ileirjerasy. THREE-STORY BRION DWELLING, , 1218 • Obsiirstreet' Vest Cif Tsielfti, street. - 0111031'NUT STREET.—Three-story brisk residence. No. 1609 Ohestnut litrailtPlot 22 feet front, 166 feet :deep, two fronts,. , Peremptory Sale—Estete pf Mali S. ,Parker, Deed. lIIRBDREUABIIIf GROVNIOtIeSIT:-Ark itTedeem:. lible'lfrorind-rentSif $4126, untried by'', a Vireo !stogy brick deo)ling, - .lliiiertli' street. bidets Laing street. Seine' Nefato.r-TWO, YEARLY GROUND-RENTS of $3O, secured' by twit:three' brick ' divollinga, - , Plover Ht., above t3Sientli street - • - owruario:ANDlrili ioasi or LAND, Minato onlhe Ifayiene, 260 Yards southeast of the Darby Pas sone Mall t radd,lvithin,fout d oliea :of ',Market-Street SIONB''AiID 'FRAME 'IO - mi:nousi on the River - Schuylkill, fourth - hems, alsovi th e. dim, on the west side, late Wait Philadelphia, bolde 2,000 tend of fee.. - MODERN 11E3IDENOE, NOllBl4 . l,anist etreet; west of Broad street; OpOsite the American # t !mctemy Mn- ale, lot 22 by,150 fait" - • " , • - -• • 'Peremptory Sala. larizimi.STVaiwY:-7,2n0 thrsoatory brink dwel lings,. , N0a.1232 'arid 1284. PodaraLstreat, betreen Tweltdrand Tbirtdentiestssets , . . . 'EOM ILIIIKENTII StREIVF.—Tero Peet modern dwellings,; Nbe.y`,4lo`aed - 413 !l onth lileTenth street, below Pine'elieetr . " WATTLE BZOOND freltliST. Brame etore.and font'. four-dory ;brlele, 516' aid :617` South Second adreet, below Pine street, oppostfolholusrket house. , LI&ND3011IS BROWN-01'0NR IMSIDENOE, 1820 Rime street (Union Plate), between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets. It le handeomely.finiehed with the . modern improfemente oonyerdences. Immediate' possession -7, BIGEVIBNTII BALL fiALI—NOVBBIBBR 294„ Will Include— , '..c..IIANDSOII.2f MODBBN 'BEfllioliNOß, mat - aide of Broad etreet, above Parrish. etreetovith arable sod emeh•bonae, IMO by 160 feat, , .{. - yALIEFABLB "IPOLI&BTORY IBBIOK ,BUILDING, - N0."224.. Pear Meet, tottmeen Dock and Third otreete Muth Walkoit.'" ' " veLisAßLi STEAM SAW:MILL; LUMBER YARD , WHARF, AND LAMB LOT'.Delano, Pprllogto countYc-N-7:,; z , 11 Trustee's Bats. .•• . • yAtuintn ADENESS LOOATTON;sontheast cor, nor or Seventh and Carpenter atuzeta, between' Marks t and Chestnut streets. , YAM:TAUT:MI , lIIIBINitIS • LOCATlON.—Threwatory brink dwellingNo...U.S. South Tenth street, between Oklestant' and. Walnut streets. - Bramiteils Bale--Nstste fate of James pewee, Deo'd. VALITABLX,I3IIALL FARM, emir 65 scree, between Butieton And. the Fox Obese, with a: front oo,Peone p ackmeek. BOUTS, /MONTS Fri Two A. three-atori brick dweiliagi No. 617 linith eeventit street, batireen, Lombard arid Eolith atr.ete. - ISMIDEVITABLII GROITNDMANTB.—Threo irra t deariablii goaund-rente of $BO &mum ; one of $B6 66-100 per,mmom ane. of $4O. per annum; one of $24 annum ; one of $lB 76-100 -pet' annum, and a Ire damnable ground-rent of 6100 per annum—esoh secured by brick ' DALE 14180ELLAN1totrri ;1101:49 FROM A , --•- - LIBRARY. •Tide r e mains, , • •Ifotamber 12th; it 'the anottOn sto re, will be sold' inattention or books, °moutons aubleots, from a library. — Jrllcir pirtlonlara sae cotalognoa., SALK OP MEDICAL BOOKS. •-.• ; , 'O n' llaturday Noiromber 18th, - at*, &nation stole, Dios. 159, and 141 Bonth' ninth street; an asiorttnent yr valuable medloal Or" Par jpartitalaii ''OlitalogueS and the books] wWoh will be arrangodonl3atumtay morning. . • o - Bale N 0.1014 Chestnut street. -. STOOK OP-ZLEGANT CABINET FURNITI7R.II). 011.,.Tneaday- Morning, -Noi. SEttr at 10oNalook,ut leo. /014 Chestnut street, the entire stoat of Meters, "Blander, Deginther, & 00., „declinine,basiness, oomprLsing a general aasortment of irosewood And walnut drawing-room" furniture, in ra tions wit,oure:Apto amrparlor dining room and ohana. furniture, all manufactured In the beet manner, ex. *emir ler their Wareroom sales; and warranted.. frrOatalognis Will be reedy and the furniture may be eremined 8 dayspreelons to sale. . • _„ 'Peremptory Bale. --- -Tap' kresix)rtna - !... cAITEB. IO - On Thursday, •'• • Sotember 18th, at 12 Wolcott noon, ` gwillbq Koldilthout reserro, at the 1%14 weiptds Exchange— - ThiS itdo-vheel Steam-tug "It. W. Carter," hula in 1804 1 Pr.,01,4 ealr—hal. been in , constant we - seer ttowiniCon the River Delaware); is 78 feet in length,andl6 feetin width, and meaSareeB2 41•96 tons; - her ilow4iiitsure condonable engine: with s stroke, of 13X feet, with'sh 18dnela cylinder. - She now;lies at Nrsehington.street wharf. - ' • .•__„ • _ i17' , 8110 obsolete. Terms —cish. MO: to be paid at the time of • • • - ateat N0i:1219 and 141 South VoitrtWatreet. • IP3PIRIOII- IPMINITURN; PIANO-POITII 1.1 N 7/11,11N011 P 14211 , ,BRUOO-614, PETS. Eco: ' On liriaay Kerning; = . ll, Wel**, ,at 'the ¬ion store, an extensive assortment of - excellent seoond-lotrol furniture, elegant piano-ferta ,s` fine mirrtne,' carpels, . sta.; from private Gunnies deallnlog hoiutekeeping,'retaared, to the store e 4fertlParOt 1 !, 1 4: - • - • -TOVAPITALISTL . BIJILDERS, s ko.—LARG.I AND VALIILBLIt 'Loa "AT'FBIVATa ItALB, LQOIIBT at 11loatleolditi between Broad' and fifteenth etreete; 118 WV /rent on Looted street, by , 178 reap/ depth to •10 -101)MiLP • ,FORD; "ATIOTIONEEIi, No. MARKST Sr:OMT, between HUTU and gym., month atde . . „ attention ink deal. ere ,le Wielded to. bit mile Of ,fing, mantillas, cloaks, `ega., - eommeneing this morning, at lo o ' clock pieolsely. - 11T - SaMpleig now, isrratite4: fog examination, with LARGE flithi.OftitigPANoY PUIIS, lititgrAth hief I.7th' Institut, at 1 0 o!olo . ok. we gill sell Ifo lots of at goo4s,'Domprishiggur gnats, capes; miffs, glotorines and Wag to match: of sable, martln,pqnigrel,'llteh, Ace. • io, but/alo and carriage Rhea, 1- ••. Tha,apeglat-attentlon-of , le_ partioglatiy xgfigtod., 00 • • Plegt amtentalOgnee envy on the morning of hIfBEIE . B OLOia OLOAMO'AMD .„ MANTILLAS..:. _ This Morning,!lMP • ohleo, included In gale will be found a Dirge invoice of 'ladies' cal Mielem , : smarted colors ,eloth cloaks .and mantillas, ; made and trimmed-In the latest fashionable Styles, to irldiah - ttte attention of dealers. is requested. • . . 11Y ,, WILLIAM RTERRi GENERAL OOMNIIBBION ATOSN,, No. 45 North EIGHTH ißre,et, belcir•Ardi. ' • • - ,_‘••• , A. ILIBON, Auctioneer . 'Sale at the Alitto - Store. '- OUPINION U. c tiolinuoti - kwiit ,.44lllllo PAINTINGS: SNORATINOOi -. MinuONB, tiANPITO; FIANO , VORTN.;,tke." , - „ On SatitiderMotnioi, • ' Ootomenainiiiit Wolchick; by estedogne; 'wilt cold alsrgeloisertropit Ofloperior.rOsatroodonshosehY, and walnut Ipirlor, theriber. end - diniliptoont kronur., mirrors, carpets, enkrathigs, plano•forto, NOTIO/C--111areafto hold' regular gales of honeeliold furniture, &0.,, on Wednesday. and 04 Mrday mornings; omzunenoing M. 10 'forelock. Myening aMeactof 'wetobee t leiveliy,^ fancy arid - Inliaellenerm pads; will be held regnlarly,,,every, Monday, Wednee 4my;..'Tlinxedayrisind Saturday evenWgeloommenoing at Ornatignmenti onion' kind maiend•hand Mime. ho dlnraltareciano•forbig,rearpsta, 1 / 2 w i tc hia, Jewelry, rrespeettomy abileitsA-on which liberal cash ad• yaneea wtti bemade if fanlike& , Ontoloor Was attended pfenintly;,, ChaViee as moderate NS agir otur this pity. , ais ir,a,Tzt 4:4lth_':ll.l7o7 l :lo2itEß mui•AND 0051038.10r4FlifiliMAA4r t comet 111XVItand1410.11 Titiebke. a "taiNANAVBraL.4OO4OIIdObATiceN• - 41.01431rj... . 11.01iXT I I BMW!! I large or email amoral", from "Oraddllat thoositrasi,on,goldrad silver plate. gm'ongtileg,',3eltear7,,%-./owlug-pleoeac mosical InetrhofPrat nirtrAure, dry good", .olotning, groceries, catleri, books, horses, vehicles, has, heaVand all article' of ralne c torieny. length ofltime Agreed - an;liC'ArfiatiiiiY,Princiril; . amtbealit oditiiir 6f 811th and Itaceatreete. . i s l it l. theio i rr itnia" astider "Y ire ; t i° ia te tei lli ; titallA 2 ihkAplttliolPAL /18T4131d8HBON'es '" 9 OANNlverax7ll. AND' ltAOll, BTIOINTI4- • - Viten; inoraileilt ter Metall, aditineed gold ' and ellyof gete, dUrdoodifiritchtf,jorelry,46VtraiiPeaso cheer"4il.elothing, groceries, Minors, bigare, •hard. ~r a interlytandy articles, mirrors petntl_ngel en gei" musical inatrnmefiliV tare, Pfka, / orssiosaterek harneasialocha and 'other' MITUOION 1- ' • 'l,ritrecesl attezilSozi given to ail mit-door sales, tither at private dwelling's) I,trareior absrahore and "her es eurranallY-loaf.: - , g WITAMENVAII 00L0846.414.13. lave Jut remand a otoniielitiielve 33d vs= sitli-gtookof tbjottylay.bemitiftd and t00E03.1. 3p: 4 44 .4 4 111; i 9 1 31rPIPloaftettbdlesi Cfbnadevatbtlet,t sod :31goot b gaiiwb_§r9,ltledeittediteoisar7to embol- Ilatit eye a chaste, and elegant appearance ;Any. ,ecilor_way.W..had, either plain-or ornamental, elabo "ally or In roller, 3 ZUGlEFaiikahliTlri WhoiegalaDrug r Ealat i Anstgiaea Death* ... 0 9 53:11,f1 i , -"Boalt#4ylOXT. kid Orfen sic ealei , „..._ , BRINLEY, & 11P, BREESE 429 MARKET STOW, 84•L•75 TIIIS MORNING-42'JB 0911,00 K. A CARD.L4he attention of ,purolissarli is requested to our sale Of 800 , lots fir: French fancy and staple dry goodi, (Friilay), morning, Novembar,l2th, at 10 o'clock, by, catalogue, On, "Ix writhe , credit, com prislim'agerieratissortmerill. ;• , sale it& 'morning— ; ' Alarge asdindincint of superior mantillas.- ' Satin-faced 'silk plaid valenolas. • o.4agperlor Pixie valenaiea,. . •-• Plaid l 1W900414‘41.14yri uare hsw. emantles. black teffeLie. 8.4 Preii - cliblack . merinoee.' • • 10.4, 11-4, 124. 18-4ribbon-boundWhltnei blankets. 28 and 84 inch blank Mantilla silk-velvets, • • • Linedbonnet, silk-Velvet, and blackvelvet ribbone. Lined and fdr-top Junk, Berlin, arid kid gloves., , Fine lined 'and tur-biok and kid imuutleti•- - 13AIrE OF FRENCH GOODS. - • - ' Thhi Morning, ." Nov. 12th, et 10`15'cloelt, by catalogue ; rn 8 months , 600 lots of fancy and staple French dry goods. 117-Earitples and catalogues early on the morning of eale,- • , ,9,4, EXTRA SUPERIOR PARIS VALENCIAL This Morning, 75 please 64 extra quality Paris valenclas. •, • . COLORED SILK BONNET - VELVETS. • 50 plena superior Lyons colored silk bonnet velvets. 124 • ROUND CORNERS WOOLLEN REVERSIBLE BRAWLS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. 109 12.4, splendid quality, reversible woollen shawls, round corners. • - , • 800 D'JZEN LINED. AND FUR-TOP• DWAIN, bOll SKIN, AND BUCK GLOVES. Bleak and, colored tan dog skin gloves, lined Berlin gloves, sloth gloves, iamb-Enid buck gloves, French. fur-top gloves. Wintry gloves, far gloves, lamb-bask gloves sabls,gloves. seal gloves, lined cape gloves. • SUPERIOR, QUALITY MANTILLAS AND CLOAKS. An invoice of black cloth circulars, buff horula,- do 'opera cloakaibrown cloh do, silk'velyet do, moire an tique do, beaver and cloth oloaka, &o. • • FRENCH PLAID WOOL BRAWLS. , . This Morning, 10012.4 Paris plaid all-wool shawls. 100 "plaid woollong shawls - PLAID BORDERED WOOL MANTLES. 10012.4 round cornered plaid bordered wool mantles. BLAOK , MOIRE ANTIQUES. 28 inch hear y Lyons black moire antiques. FnENog BLACK MERINOES. 40 pieces 8.4 Trench black marinoes. SPLENDID QUALITY KID GAUNTLETS, SEAL SKIN; SABLE, AND OTTER TOPS. - An invoice of kid gauntlets, with seal, gable, and fox backs. - • • - • ' ; ;; • IVONMEROIAL SALESROOM, ' : - 222 MARKET- IiTRMST , - - • BRTY/BN BEGONV4IND THIRD' STREETS. ' . F. 41. IVOIGHERT . , Auorzonsix.,. ' . CLOTHING SAM. CARD.,-We invite the.attention of city and country pnrobuere to the positi.o Bale of a valuable stock. of readyfutadto cloth'ng, tailoring goods, shirts, drawers, ace ~t to be made this morning., at 10 O'clock. Os ",- Samples and catalogues now'ready. , ..,BALE OT MARY MUM CLOTHING., Ac. _ , • ' - This Morning, &initiating of— , , - Raglans,' - . _ Top Coats . .. . .. YroekColds, .- ' 'Tor men and, bop , weer. Dresi Gotta - Panto and vests, ...' . : .. Alai' 'a 'general varied of tailoring itioili, hosiery, vig SCOTT ; sr.; AVOTIONEER,' 'No. 481 JUL. • - - OHESTNTIT STREET, -- opposite the .oustota House,', between - FOURTH and PIWTH StMeti. . - SP.BOIAL :PREEMPTORY SALE OP OLOTHING. , . - • , This Morning, , 12th, by catalogue, commencing st - 10 o'clock, will be sold a large and valuable stook of readpmade olothing, comprising everymuristy of men's and 'bays' wear milted to the present .salesi being the Moak of a wholesale hone' and well. woethy the attention of the trade. The stook comprises, viz : COATS. • Gents , fine French - 016th dress and frock coati, heavy cloth; anoy and plain easilmere buelneee de, beaver cloth overooate & baugnpe j raglane, &c. - - • PANTS AND TBSTEI. Also, • frill asso rtment of - Moult! and boys ) block and fang fan cloth, plain and fano) °Neiman pante and Testa, of newest and best etT/ea.. samples and catalogue& early on the morning of Isle; when the trade will find it their interest to at, . - L “toItE,BALE OF. I.ADISS , riIDIB, ItOBBH, &o. , On Monday Maiming: , • NoYember 16th, commencing at 10N ecloot t will be seld• large stock of valuable, fan, consisting of setsi capes, muffs and 'cuffs - , to match, - vlotorines, muffs, &0., of sable!, titbit, martin; &o. 117 Ostalogueo early on the Morning of sale, when purehasere,ere invited, to attend. 2 'llllOl-11100F. On Wednesday Morning, A large Dm-proof wife—nearly new. , M. GLIMMEY ; & SONS, ar BRAL lISTNMI , AIIOTIONAMS, No, 620 WALNUT STRUM' , OARD.—J. 11. Gamma/ :Sone, auctioneers, will hold regular sales of Real Estate, Stooks, ao. ,Also, househbld furniture at dwellings. • REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE . . . . . . 113 - On our Private Bale' Register will always be found a .vary /arse 'amount of real estate including everyslaseriptlon of city and country properk • • e• & B ON S, Real Zstate Srokera, - 620 WALNUT Street, below Slang. Q,,,fairjEts NATHAITS, AtrOT/ONSER, end 'lllollllt LOAN oynoz, AO. 224 Senth TIMID Street, balms , Want ; opposite tear si. ; Only, eight doom below the Diohange, - • Alms of,boalneas from t o , olook, A. id.; nortil 10 oteleolin the evening. Ont-doorsalei,- and! ages at, the, Anollen Hot" IV Nadel nponlhe mast satisfeotoxy tonne. - r. , OAP/TAL - 1200,000, '" Dstabliihedfor"As lair Warty loin. L: Admen made from one dolls: to thousands on Dilk• monde eaTer Plate Watches, Jewelry, 8./441,1124), Ob 1112014; Olothlog,lnnsitore, Bedding, Olgars, Alluded IneOrninente, 'Onus, gtiknos,, Ontrisgea, and. (Weds of 81,17 description. AU iteritV . oloe _Main any-length of time agreed All _adianeed, from , one hundred dollars end npwirdei tflll lamed. 2 Per cent. per month; $OO9 and ore") tY• lowest market rate. a'd'epth of 120 feet, Malaria Ors and tkief.proof Tonne to etoreall vidnablea, and pad pits watchmen foe .the, joismlitip ; also ; a heavy and_ isnoe elfliottd Pp the peasant of moons having good. 'N D n - antionstrol hafting an 'unlimited SaPitali thia,Vioe la nrepered to make advanoos op more aptis factor ' and neenoteiddeting terms _Wen any inks: In Money advanced 06 . 01i• - pner, onnii eat any Owe. :; rf AT PREVATB SALT. ' Qold Pateitlever and other Watches, :miry, OM Olothing will be told atredneedorloer. - 1014.7' Ousinitse - Carts; A LEX. MoKINNEY, yIAT TORNIST AT LAW, GAPPNBIII7IIG, PA. Will prints:le in Westmoreland, Armetrong and In Cline ommtles. - sell-11 T. 7..&211.018. O. a. MAUI. A.BRactS & MA.YER, CA. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK RAVEN, Pa., attend pramptli to aU profeesional bnaineea en. trnated to them. 13peelal attention given to the caw tine of adjus t ' Gov. Paoker,Harrisburg, ;L. A. hiiiekey, `President. Look Devon Bank; Ceneral D. J. Jackman, Look Ileven Hon: A. White, Look Raven; 81mon Boort, Look -Hereni BUDItt & .Falrtherne,' Philadel phia; Morarland Luna, & Co. Philadelphia ; Evan' & Walton, Philadelphia; Phillij M. Price, Phila46l.. Parsums, Phil (Aphis; Williamson, Tiylor; & Pidladelphia; Tenor &- Davis, PhDs:. delphlai Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. Quiggle, Beg., Philadelphia.. fy 21141" i nimaxs - ; TETE, COMMISSION OHANT and Importer of HAVANA MAIM, triew)lBB Walnut idreet t eedond itory. - ILA 4.17M.AN RABORG=-: Importe WHIS K EYIesae Dealers In WINES, BRANDEIS, GINS, awl FANCY LI WOES, No:10H MARKET Street, between Tenth and llama streets. , , WO& rigTERSIVE SOAP.—Time, labor, and 1/ money saved. In using it, clothes do not require any boiling or rubbing on washboard. , Ono pound will fro ea fax as three: pounds common Rosin Soap. War. ranted to give perfect satisfaction •or money refunded. It to deaidedly the cheapest and beet *Sahli* Soap ever offered to the publin.• - Sfannfaettued• only by VAN ii&A.ORN & hioffEoNE. Yor sale by all re. speotable °Meta In the city, and wholesale mily by ' TRAIN & DIOREONEI otS4lre t 2 Boat' Wharves grwlg ° wr i tTa G n .le ° B Al4 7 lAMilf ! i pi Ineludingadvice referenrcieto of heuoe: selttaiprovomepj .to., are made day and e4o• Wag at NOWLM , R, WELLS, to 00.11, Families visited when repented, and a liberal die count made to aloha. "rad:TWO - TRIPS A WEEK TO BILIDGETON:—On and after W BD?? .112 DAY, 20th inst., the Steamer EXPRESS' will leave Arch Street eyory Wednesday aud Saturday morning, at Elan? - oloLocat (Instead of 13x, as heretofore), for Bridgeton, Will leave Bridgeton' every Monday and Thursday morning &VS o'clock; stopping at Delaware City and New Castle. Stages for hifilville, Port EU- salmi% Vairton, Oedarrille/liewport,'Dirlding Creeks, and Manricetown. connect this boat. oei44m* - WARMING. AND_VENTILATMW , W&REROOMB The subscriber Would Invite the special attention of Architect Builders and 'Ostolle NEW, CULVER waravr goia-OLIDLNEIING AND SIINTILATING welibt AIR PURNAO3I/ Which has been no suecesefully introduced during the last winter and gave such general satisfaotion. It la so arrsoged u to eonsume the gine from the goal, in ma sti lrlng IV o 4o* illf otof o Vie most econothail, site, durable Hea Also, all shies and patterns of °oohing RangeS, Bath Rollers, Gee Orens, , Low Down and Elevated Grates, every variety of llegittera and Ventilators, Fireplace Stores, Oollinei Patent Ohlmney Gape, far the sure of smoky chimneys, with Shill assortment of all goods in my line of business. Prompt attention paid to Range sad Heater repair- Ingy and prim reduced to snit the times. 011ARLES WILLIAMS, (Late Baker & &ouzo 1192 (old 406) AI/MEET Street. Philada. i_IANDSORW3I3 AND OLAILYS. , : liesboonons. • No. 1. 62M0. per dos. No. 6.11 1$ per dos 51. 760. . " et 125 g - a. 870. gi - 7. 150 " 6 4.100 e. ' 4 ' -0. 115 'le dtAldre. 6 Row, 11.26 per dozen. Row, 11.76 per dog 00. 8 Row, 12.26 per , - rtnraty C. , E6IIBTRIN, Ise-16 , ~112 North TRIAD Sired; 11106.:161A16 tirEIDSIOK & CO.'S - 011A1174.GNS.—A -11k,A. constant sUpply of thioriginsfgOnnt no *and, in bond and in store, for sale by WILLIAM R. YRATON; sots, spat ,for Pennsylvania, No. up Umiak FRONT Street. - nob DROVISIONS.-2,400 plebes City Smoked Shguldero, 2,800 pieces City Smoked Hamm. Por sale tiy 0. 0. BADIATI, 00., nog - 408 ARCH street. 'RALE ROTE AND TWINE manufactured JLP and for sale b WRATER, PZTLER & 00., No. 22 Keel WATER at. az2 Fin. 22 North WRARVN2. oel2 rrAtilaf 11111P.L-A. largo stook of Ito. MAR fliiktP on bond and for We by WRAVBR i IinEIt & OD., , oon , N 0.213 WAT Fit, ASS N. WILARI7IIB CIOSHEN PTITTER:-t-28 Tabs Prime ftoshon flutter. Nor male by .` O.IO..I3ADLER# & 064 - no 2 103 ARON street. . . =GIN. —BO- Pipes(Datieti itlonipany 2 s) in bond, awl for sato by W21;11, ',' YJAATI)N ) 2/8 IL /WW2 At; : - • , , . . , - . „ - • , F.,.:•• =MI trup,„mm. : -Tm f . NQYEIIII3tII. 12, 1858. 92 Ohtwtrint at.. Ph11424101* Heal gEotate. gFOE !SALE .-,4,valtiable. FARM of 60 AOltal in OEINSTES•OO., near , Seefegellie end' Noyees Pord Station, on the Reallug Itallroadi from' which there, are sevaraltrains daily to and from the TanM fs"A fro: 1, beautifully situated. 8 acres' of very fertile,bottoroland lying between the Canal sod Behuylklll ilver,,the balance at an elevation of - about 100 feet overlookldg the thriving village of fmprovereeets good,'nesilj new, and all that is' necei. Serf: Tor further Information apply to 0. OOLLINI BrINE 00.; N0:917 South POUR.= Street -n9-Bt.* earitelittnti. dILY ag' BROTHER'S CARPET WAREHOUSE, - No. 020 CHESTNUT STREET. WE MALL OPEN TO•DA. 'A.NOMER XNVOIOE OP • - • . - MOLISE • TAPESTRY BRUSSELS; '• it OROSSLEY'S" OiriEBRATED'AIiKE, , ONE DOLIZI A YARD. Carpet balers will find our stook full and of fresh, styles, ml 4 PAIC.EB VERY L0W..,, nrB•tf s , 3 triPS::Machines WHEELER & WILS'ON;i SEWING MAGHINSS,• • , .END1:1011D PitiChß. • - ' NEW OTYLElfcc` . AU the former patterns 's2s less on each Illeohlne , A NltW TENSION. NO WINDING OD OEM THREAD. , A HEMMER WHICH TURNS ANY WIDTH OP HRH OR HIILL 0111010 ,0 6 CHNSTNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. 7 WEST STATE Street Trento N. 7. No. 7 BAST 'RAY Bind, West Cheater, Pa. 0074V.20. ITARRISno - BOUDOIR SEWING MA. CHINE ieloffered to the piallo u the most mile tde low.prlcedllewing Idocalne In use. It will keir from eta to duty ; Altana to en inoh, on all kinds dipole, from coarsest bogging to the anent combrlca.l It is, without 'azoeitloncthe iiireidestta its ,Meohmiloid , eon.' striation ever mede, end can be• run and end kept,tb Order by a oblid of twelve years of ego. The •DcruA3i4iir of thle morainai and the goliarr or ma wow, are War ranted to be unentrueedhy any other. 'lts epeed , rujni limn three hundred , t,iditeen hundred stitches per uila rte, The thread IMO la taken directly from the pine% WirnOtrir ran raousin Or nowirmusa. , 14 &atilt!. 'aiiiiaine tlit li "'anted by every family in the land cad thel*Priee • . . ' ' ' PORTS DOLLARS, it wide oar, /old, tamp them within the 1410 of ilmeet every elie - ' S. D. BARER, Agent, - jell4 7 dBm why,eovihn ' 20 South EIGHTH Stisit. HICKORT GOAL . — The clean eat article in the market,' for nal°, at the lowest moth prices, at DEACON Za' NEIVIIALL'S lramilj Coal Yard, No. 885 North Broad Street, below OallowhIll: Bait StigaeLOat Lehigh, the hardest Coal aver mined.. oo2t-'l2l:* CIRESSWEI,L , & WI LLIAMS, , NO. 206 1 -) WALNUT Street, am prepared to supply ship perm and common with superior Broad Top Opal from Landantaltittes. ' ' oe4tf $325- N warr fo ui r t t e 7 res bo: ro t m nlT o E r dast. ' HIORS' GOAL la the boat and °heaped in , the city, re-screened In yard and dry under cover. 11116kS nib none *date very beat Lehigh Ili and Schuylkill Coal; and warrants fulbweight. MOlCS"superintende the delivery of all -KA Coal personally, and therefore guarantee' It tole to idpresenWd: " - , WOICS' Yard and Office la at the eoutheast AA corner of MARSHALL and WILLOW, where he Invites all to call and examine for themselves the above facts. art26-Sin I:XXIDIG, FOX, , &, Vicolesale`and retell dezlere In LIIHIGIE and SOHUYLKILL GOAL. Lehigh patd—TIIIIID street and GERMAN. TOWN ROAD. BelluylkLll yard—ltAON cad IMOAD Streets, Philadelphia. Beep constantly On hand OW trim the trivet approved mines, under Corey, and pre. pared expressly torlaudly 044 ftlebinnal. I_TOBENSAOI'I3 IRON BITTER MU Medicine, as its name implies; is One of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It ti es. pestally adapted to those who have a 10116 of appetite or are &Meted withDyer:psis, Liver Complaint!, Piles, Nervous Debility General Weakness, and all" diadasee mixing, from a disordered condition of the digestive, ans. .10A PDRIALD COMPLAINTS GINN:MVP there In perhaps no medicine in the 'World equal to it, ea It•enteno, purifies, and rapist:Ghee the blood whick so important to bring 'about a heslthy action THOUSANDS AHD LIVING a miserable existence, of a pale eiokly oolor, weak and emaciated, who ,could be restored to health . by the use of one bottle of this invaluable medicine. It ip no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from an,y, thing that is of an injurious nature. - - 408 ALL DIBBABBB ON TM BLOOD there is no better 'antidote than BoberunielOs Iron Bit ters. When the blood is impure the Stole body is full of disease. Blood letting may answer for a time, but cleansing a pert will not purify the whole. ' At the fountain we must begin, and to demise the blood there. is no better remedy Akan these invaluable Bitters., Their' 'abler sonstituent is iron, and ire all know Iti eiticao In removing the impure matter Dome . . whole visceral system . They are , prepared by a Deal chemist, and have been pronounced, by ens eminent physicians and others, ea the ne pins ultsa! , at all tonioa. ROW GRATITY/NO ' to the proprietor -that-he has succeeded in comyelitsf log a remedy for many of the ills that hisfellow. inertias are subject to; and that the publlei appre ciate, it is not a question of doubt, but a Sued ftet, es the 'demand for it has far surpaaled his ' 'angelus Onectations. APAD THE .TIOSTINONY OP A WORTHY CITIZEN; Title hi to certify my, wife nu in Midge heal th sofas three years, with a disebse peculiar to her lieu. iths . tried ntimerous remedies 'without deriving any benefit. Hearing of liobensar4 , a Iron Niger*, and knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, induced- me to obtain a bottle, which proved to , e th e medicine .she -solely l'e goired, by restoring her to health. She hesitates not to recommend it to- those who are similarly affected, 'fie she believes it to be a sovereign remedy.' Patter ' No; 881 Capitol Skeet. This invaluable Medicine is prepared only by GNORGB B. - HOBENSAOK, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. Corner of THIRD and GRIM Streets, • Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addreelled. Prizil. Discount to dealers. Bold by Droggiets cab2o./ ZOLLICOPFEEL'S ANTI-RHEUM/Ala 001IDIAil, le the only preperetlon ewer placed &s -tore the kaolin t i l ai l t h A earar e m , edlueltery INFLAMMATORY AND 0111tONIO KIiBUIdATIBM. . , The most prominent and influential citizens bear wit. CM of its efficacy. The abundant evidence from all parts of the country is enough to warrant us in pro• mincing that it lathe greatest wonder of the age. - It is an internal remedy that s rikesat the root of the disease, and thus eradicates it entirely from the eystem. Prepared by THEODORE DIRE% Ohemiat, Northeast corner of Pine and Edith streets. otT•gm Philadelphia. TO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS.— NATIONAL TELEGRAPHIC NEWS AGENCY. —GARR & JOHNSON announce to the Press through. out the Bolted States that they are completing ar rangements on a most liberal male, for a system of TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS, which has never before been equalled in this country They pledge themselves to furnish the earliest and most reliable re ports of all the stirring and Important ornate of the day, at a price which cannot fall to be advantageous to the Press generally. All letters and oommunloatione to be addressed to CARR A JOHNSON, National Telegraph Mimi Reporters, South TIMED . IStreet, opposite Baohange, Philada. E. W. CARR, G. W. L. JOHNSON. Oeo. W. L. Johnson, 23 Wall dt., New York Olty. John T. Smith, Merchants' Mtchatige, 13oStoh. John Wins, corner South and Baltimore streete, Del tlmore. Tor experience and reliability in the business, we would refer to - Morton McMichael, North American and 0. 8 Gazette; Swain A Abell, Public Ledger; Jesper Marling & Bon, Pennsylvania Inquirer; aobl2 W. Porney, The Press; Cummings A Peacock, Evening Bulletin; P. W. Grayson A 00., Evening Journal • 'Jo seph Seems, Evening Argua ; Joseph R. Planigen, Daily News; William' Rice. Pennsylvanian • Luvicr, EVerett & incken, Sunday Dispatch; & Jones Sunday M e rcury ; JR°. 'gasp; Sunday Transcript . - p`HILADELPHIA WARMING AND VINTILATING WARNHOIISB. - - _ • _ /011NOLD cE WILSON, 8000111400/10 TO B. A. TlB/11001R . We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the St. Lawrence Hotel, where our Old friends end the public are respectfully invited to elamlne our atelElte Moth of Warm Air Furnaces, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Swanned Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Orates, /co.; dce. We Cr, now manntaetuting (11111401MORLEBRATED PAT ENT NSW COAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the moat'ptakertill Add eabhontleel Hester weer invented; and suited to all °lasses of bulidinge.. • Mao, new and beautiful. patterns of LOW Do Orates, and parlor Coal Orates of all Mies and pattern° We 'have also commenced the manufaoture O. ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Peen ey/venia Shine. These Mantels' Were awarded a SPECIAL' PEZMIDM 'at Ike tote Fair earl Rx/tte bitten of the Rauktia Institute of :his city. They represent all the rare and benuttfal ANTI4IOII Malmo, are not Injured by Smoke, Mug Ons, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retell, at muck less pries thee Marble. Call and sic them. ARNOLD & WILSON. BIM. M. FELTWELL, Superintendent. Philededohlik, April, lees—stai 'lv PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LAUD.— SPECIAL NOTIOB TO PIiVBIOIANS.—The above offers a vehicle •for the exhibition' of remedies to die cased endues, which oombines the followin* advanta ges: A good and unvarying consistenoe, easily washed off 'with water, diseolres all substaneee that are solu ble In water hence facilitating instead of obstruating their abeorpllon, and does not get, rancid. The last property alone renders It an Invaluable acquisition to thepractitioner. ' Prepared and for sale wholesale and ratan, at 01111118 , 8 Laboratory and Pharmacy, • • Twelfth and Illiestaut streets. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY. CHICAGO, ILL: The imbue-Ibex, having had much practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands In the various Land Districts in the Western States, has unusual fsollitied for racking valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR GASH. Having Surveyors conataatt, in ace field to make jDemons! examinations, he can always make the most udicious locations. Lando unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be in lOWA AND WISCONSIN Satisfactory references given when required. ID- Monet Od in Zinnia and Nebraska, and any of the Western States.- B. SALISBURY, 10-eut 4D CLARKE Street, Ohßalf*: M - ANIL ROPE—Assorted Sizes, bl eue : A. factored and for ogle at lowilt Now 1 ork - prioes, by - ' WEAVES, FLTLER, &00 , N 0.23 North WATER Street, noB sod 22 North WHARVES. . rilOW LINES, and BOW and STERN JR- LINES, nionarsettired end for Flee by - WBAVER, VITLICR, & 00., onlß Na,. ON. VlTatar At., & 29 N WhsTyps CUBA SUGAR.-250 Boxes prime Yellow HST/11/11 in store end for sale by A: /1140INO, on • • 140 out FRONT Poet. ~. legal ,14Toticas. ESTATE OF JOHNIC. COCHRAN, De' canne—tettere of Adroinistration'upon the Es tate' or JOHN M. 0 00rradspate of the .Qtly of Phi ladelphia, dreeased, hating.been granttdlO, the under signed, all persona Amin- claims -or demands against 'the Estate will Make thero.known 'without delay) and those Indebted thereto will mako payment to • JANE • N. E. corner of Tstenty-first PilberooollllAN Streets. Or to her Attorney, NEW AR.D A. MOSLEY, ,e01.6-frittit No. SOB South Fourth Street, 13touto SUTTON'S IMPROVED STEAM. .11TOVEI ! GREAT ZOONOlille IN FUEL ! 'rho attention of the Public is call<ii to the above recently-patented STBAAL STOVE The• nude attained• by the principle are: lit, Economy.—there being required two.thirds less fuel then by the ordinary artiele ; simplicity of arrangement; a ryided and uni form heat, safety, and. convenlenee. A stove con structed upon this principle will be on exhibition for ono week at 218 watatur Street, Room No A. Per sons desirous of purchasing the right of States can confer with r H. DOWNING. noll-6t Dole Agent of Patentee. INQUIRE FOR THE ROYAL, OR SEA SHELL PATENT OAS-BURNING 000 - t INN STOVES--Theyare e'ooriontical, consuming the gas and smoke that are neually treated ; dura ble by having double indeed of single plates,' and con venient, haying large ovate and being randy bakers. Our newpateuted DOUBLE-OVEN STOVE le the beet oonetrnoted up-draft stove ever invented. It will heat a large boiler of water, boll two dinner pots, broil a beef steak, bake bread and plea 'and rout nicat u all at the same time ana with a single tlrce; ' Invalids, and all persons who appreciate the influence of ventilated apertzuenb upon health, will be Aimed with our PORTABLE GRATES and 'MODEL 'FIUME LIN STOVE'', which are of beautiful and ornamental patterns, and give a' cheerful, open Oro ' and thorough ventilation. Strict economists will be satisfied with our SILVER'S GAS-CONSUMING .P ARLOR STOVSS: Stony of the so-called gae.burning stoves introduce cold air to the top of the fire, the effect' of Which is to cool the stove and waeto the fuel, precisely as if a etove door wee opened above the fire In a trite gee-burning stove, the air should be heated, in ahot-air chamber, to a tempera tore mullielent to ignite the gases, on the Name principle so 11 adopted la our gm -burning (=Wog stoves. In addition to the above, a large aesortment of Parlor Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, for coal or wood, Hall Stove!, Portable Heaters, (looking Storm, ' of every - de scription, Gas Ovens, Stove Pixturee, and Repairs may be found, In every variety, at one Wareroorae, No. 200 North SHOOND Street, above Race oolfo-if ' NORTH, 'Oll/0119, ,fr, NORTH. aSOMETHING .NEW.—GAS BUR liINCi (100 K bTOVE.—I would respectfully call the attention of the public to one of the greatest Improvements ever introduced in Cooking Stoves and Ranges—the horning of the gaearlaing from the coal, by which means , ia saved 60 per cent. in fuel and oleo more intense, hest • thrown •to the bottom of the oven, We effect the burning of the gases by means of a lipliow centreline, perforated on the under side, which its, the &h.- In, a heated state to mingle with the oses, thus aiding its combustion, and causing a flame to pass around the oven curial to a wood fire. This Im provement also preserves the centre piece from sinking down on the fire, thereby saving the expense of repairs. One of the Stoves CIAN BE BEEN IN OPERATION, rt 1116 MARKET. Street. • Manufactured by JAMES SPEAR, Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Obese ,1c Iforth,) 1116 MARKET Street. ' . sept29.Bmo ebncational. I ,ONG'S SPRING GAR - DENAOADEISIY NN.corner EIGHTH. and MUTTON WOOD Ste . „ COMMERCIAL DtPAIITMENT.—Book- keeping la all its various forma; preparing Students thoroughly for situations In any branch of brialness ; Plain and Or naniental Writing •, Commercial Calculations • Law and Oorreepandence. No institution in the United /Retell even a more thorough and practise/ course. In this department no teaching is dime in, claims, and ls open DAY and EVENING. Time unlimited - - MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL -DEPART MENT—(Separate from the above )—Yonng Men and Boys are prepa red for any grade of an Engli,h and Olas- Meal Educat ion, via : Spelling, Reading, Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, ece., Ancient and Modern Languages, with, all the. higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of fire months commence September let, and February Lit, Pupils repaired at any time be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. not, P. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal VENN INSTITIITt —Southeast corner of THIRTEENTH 'and FILBERT Streets, opened on MONDAY, the 6th of September. Private instruction, though favorable to rapid Tiro green, yet sends the scholar into the wasiVWith a keen seneltitoness, which totally dlequalldee•Welk for active life • whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the insernotor to meet general dielculties rather than those personal to each individual, and the learner either lodes all interest, or becomes superficial in his acquire ments. For these and other reasons the number ie limited. Tor farther information' apply penlonally, from nine o'clock A. M. to one o'clock Y. or by note, to fl EiTSWART, Principal. VAUTTENDEN I6 PHILADELPHIA connisnula, VOLLIVaI, sortloant oornm of ORIBTNUT and EINTRWTH atreats. An Institution designed to At pang men tot TIVII gIIBIttB .` BOARD OP TRUPPRZfI. B. B. Comogyo, inuists iloskint, Osorgo tt:Btoart, David Milne, Bohn Pparhawls, Darin B. Drown, Isaia,liaoier, A. V. Parsons, D. B. human, Irodorlok Brown, • .Tookla L fipineott. ...—. • iEV.SNING,SESSIONS after September 16th. has INDIVIDUAL INFIVIUJOTION lat this Institution and a Diploma from here is the beet re commendation opting man QUI have, for obtaining a good situation. , OATAIOMIIifi may be had on application at, the College. ' sett& I EIDY NIGHT-SOHOOL, .11-4 Nos. 1.48 and 1150 BLUE Dtrett, near Race, IS NOW OPIIN TO O•TE INSTRUCTION IN BOOR-REEPING, WRITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, AS 'DUAL. ao4-1y BRYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OP NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. PEl lantelphis College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streeta. For information, call or send for alragar.- - Jel6-tt NV.IINING'SVSSIONS ft . AYH COMMBNO.BD. DUFF & CO.'S MEAGAN TILE!' COLLEGE, Southeast corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Streets, (established in 1840, and incorporated by the "Aglaia tare of Pouisylvasia.) In Ste well-known Institution the COUNTING HOUSE COURSE of Practical, Dingle, and Double Dotty • BOOKICZEPING, Including all the Manama' Boons, 001flutOIAL OIL OULATIOne, and BUSINEBB WRIT/NO, In taught In the most snosesafta and satisfactory style. M. 1100101,_ P. EDWARDS, Principal". Ma. B. 8. 111011, Penmen. atailetic artitleo. TEE GREAT WONDER 0, TIM 2,i_INBT.pENTiI 9.IIIPITURY, PROFEBEWR VirOOLPS It3ffl£3 • l'ol : tAtlV/i/ Says the Bt. Louie (Me.) Democrat : Below, we pub Rah a letter to Dr. Wood of this city, from a gentleman in -Maine, which speaks glen-Mgt,' of the superior merits of his hair tonic. Such evidence must have Hi effect, when, coming from a reliable goatee. If certilb cotes are guarantees of truth, the Dr. needs no enoo- Mame, nor useless puffery from the prose ' Baru, Maine, Jan. 20, 1858. Professor 0. J. WOOD & 00.—Gentlemen: Having my attention tattled a few months since to the 'highly bane, Sciel effects of your Hair Restorative, I was Induced to make application of it upon my own hair, which bad be • come quite - gray , probably ono-third white; my whit. hots were of name character. Some three months since I procured a bottle of your hair restorative, and need it. I scans found it wan proving what I had wished. I used it about twice a steak. I have since procured -another bottle, of which I have used come. I can now certify to the world that the gray or white hair has to tally disappeared, both on my head and face and my hair has resumed its natural color, and I believe more soft and glossy than it has been before for twenty-five years. lam now sixty years old; my giod wife• at the age of fifty-two, has used it with same effect. The above notice I deem due to youjor your valuable discovery lam ,aasured that whoevet will rightly use, as per directioha, will not have occasion to contra, diet my statements. lam a citizen of this city, and a resident here for the last fifteen years, and em knowse to nearly every onea here and adjoininglowns. Any use yon may make of the above, with ray name attached, is at your service. as I wish to preserve the beauties of nature in others se well as myself. lam truly, yours,. A. 0. RAYMOND. BALTINORII, Jan. 28,1868. WASOD'S HAIR HXSTORATIVE Profeekor Wobil-LDedr Sit: Hating had tele mien , tune to lose the best portion Of my hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in New Orleans, in 186th, I was in duced to make a trial of :your preparation, and found It to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy, and no words can express my oblige. Bonito you In giving to the afflicted such a treasure. DINLRY JOHNSON. The undersigned, ROY. J. H. Bragg, is a minister iu regular standing, and Pastor of the Orthodox Church at Brookfield, Masa He 10 a gentleman of great Influence and universally beloved. WM DYER. - linocntritmn, Jan. 12,1818. Afflesder Woad—l/ear Sir : Haring made a trial of your Hair Reatoratito, It gives me pleasure to tier, that Its effect has been excellent in removing inflammation. dandruff and a constant tendency to Dolling with which I have bean troubled from my childhood; and hoe Mao restored my hair, which was becoming gray to Its origi nal color. I have need no other article with anything like the same pleasure or profit. Yours truly, J. H. BRAGG.. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three since, do large, medium, and small. The small holds hall a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; Utah:tedium holds at least twenty per cant. mere In proportion than the setalle for two donate per battle*. the large holds a quart, forty, per cent , more in propo rtion, and retails for three dollars, a bottle. O.J. WOOD , di 00., Proprietors, 11l BROADWAY, ff. r., On the great N. Y. Wire Balling Establishment,) nd ,114 MAR=T Street, St. Louis, Mo., And sold by all good Druggists and ffansY Eleed , Declare. aulA•frro&w-lim eowlqwkvilzo itlathitterm anti Iran. lANAMIOM. TAMIL, ME/UllOl WILLIAM M. MIALIOZ. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, lIYTII AND WARRINK.Ott =MTN PUMA/MIX/HA. MERRICK; tc SONS, ANGINEERS AND AIAORINISTS, Inanufaetnro High and Low Pressure Steam Di:lents, for Land, Mrs:, and. Marine sore toe. Dollars, Cloromoters, Tanks, Iron Bodo, &0., ORA* lake of MI kinds, either Iron or Drug., Iron frame retire for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Ittatloni, ko. Retorts an Gas Machinery of the latest and moat brimmed construction.' livery deteriphicm of Plantation machinery, Stott as Sugar,OCAT, and Wet Mills, Vault= Pane, Open Steam 'Praha, Detonators. ilters, 'Pumping V,nginee, to. Solo Agonts for'Llltllieniee Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Naamyttes Patent Steam Hammer; d. P. ROM' Patent Valve' Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Bonerlotendent—B. H. DARTOL Maim:tn. Dr. W. S. MoILHENNEY,Dontist, would lufortn his Mouth; that he has resumed pm co at No. 1848 oREBTriIIT Street, second door &bow* the 11. O. Mot • ''espl4lrn BBOOKBINDING.—The undersigned res pectfully Invite the attention of lovers of books to their unequalled facilit'es .for binding books in a en. perior Manner. Their work bee been submitted for a' aeries of years to the examinatten of memo or the most celebrated connoiseeurs in the country. It has received the mect'dattertng encomiums. and won for the under algae I a repatothm_ which ,they ere determined to maintain. Every style of Binding executed, from the plain ri half-bound , ' volume for the eabolaele table to the moat artistic garniture of rarities for the collection of the Bibilomeelso, Speelmono o . and workmanship will be Cheer rally e k own to those who will call upon PANYBON & bIIO.IIOLSON, Bookbinders, 619 MINOR Street, ga2g-9a* Between Market and.Oheistaut Wane, Jnourance• .Commaniza. Tr" QUAKER - CITY INSURANCE COMPANY OFFIOE• 405 WALNUT 4STRENTi PHILADELPHIA.-OAPITA.L and SURPLUS $277: 600 85.—Inenree aphid LOSS or DAMAGE By FIRE and the PERILS OF THE SEA, INLAND NAVIGA. TION and TRANSPORTATION. Er TEN per cent. in cash returned on the earned prerniume of Open Inland Policies: • OFFICERS. President—GEOßGE U. HART. Vice President—R. P. ROSS. Searetaryand Treariurer—H R. cociaßgALL, Assistant Becretary-8, H. BUTLER. . DIRECTORS. Geo. H. Hart, B. W. Bailey R P. Rosa, Andrei R. Chambers, A. G. Cattyll, 1. L. Pomeroy, Joseph Edwarde, - - °haler, G. Imlay, John G. Dale, - . H. R. Coggebell, Poster B. parking, Semi. Jones, M. D., Ron. IL M. Puller. se2l.-y AURA, - H. R. COGGSRALL, Beey HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE INSII RANOB COMPANY - , No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS. , John 11. Diehl, Wm. IC Leech, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Truitt, bt W. Baldwin, Thoa. L. Lidera, John 0. James, Wm. R. Ramlln, • • A. J. Ducknor, • • It H. Shillingford,, John W. Sexten, 0. E. Spangler, William' Repel, R. H. Bowdon, Edwin Booth, Wm. H. Lnve John Oarrison, °harks P. Norton E. 0.-Warne, Isaac Myer. President—JOHN R. -DISRL, 'Vice President—E., S. wAglis. Secretary—CHAßLES A. BUY. A MERICAN. FIRE INSURANCE CO., .CA—INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PER P RTUAL. • N 0.310 WALNUT Street, aims Third, Philadelphia Haring a large paid.up Capital Stook and Surplus Invested in sound and available Seinritiee, continnet insure on Dwellings; Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and - other Pereonal Property. AU Loins liberally and promptly adjnate4l, DllllOllOlll. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, .Tohn Welsh, Clasper W. Morris, Samuel O. lifilrtorh James IL Oampbell, Patrick Brady, Samnnd Q. Burgh. Ohroles W. Poultney. MARIE EOBllla ABBOTT, President. THOMAS Seeretarg. 3e22.-y CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 South FOURTH Street. CHASTER PERPETUAL. Capital - 82100, 000. Organised 1851. Privileged to insure Heinen, annually or perpetually ; Personal Property, annually, or for a lona period ; take * Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Rieke; receive posits; hold Trusts and grantannetitlee ALPRED WEEKS, President. , R. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. .IdAirm, Secretary. • - D/81010/.5. Alfred Weeks, . lion. W. D. Kelley, B. 0. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J. W. Bonder; P. B. Mingle, • C. R. Flicking; James Watson, J. L. Rut:3l'olnm, - 'Ludlam Matthenn, J. W . Btokee, ± William, Curtis, jelB-ly 0-. T. nrner. I.NSURANOE COMPANY 9F,THE " STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA..-PIKE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered in MO—Capital 1200,000—Ameta, Janu ary 1, 1868, $347,446.60,100, All invented in'eonnd and available securitlen—coati nue to blouse on Vessebi and oargoes, Buildings, Boots of Merchandise, .tc. 4.. .:p liberal t erms. - Viiiedo - iii - : . gouty D. Sherrerd, George XL Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Ohs?len blaceiester, Tobias Wagner, 'minim 8. Smith, Thorne B. Watteon, John D. Budd, , Henry G. freemen, WilliamllWhite; Merles S. Lewis, George O. Careen. . - ----- ----- - H&NRY D.- SHERRERD, President. WILLIAM HAIRPIN. Secretary. jet, INSURANCE AND TRUST 00M PANY.—The PENN gfiTtrAl LIVE TNSUBANON COMPANY, Northeast Cornet of WIRD end DOSE Streets. Capital, $012,726.08. INSURES LIPPE for ahort terms,or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endolfmente—Pftr chases life Interests in Beal Estate and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. , - They sot as Executors, Administrators, disignose, Trustees, and Cluardians. n 913711111. Daniel L. Miller, flaranel It., Benjamin Coates,WilliAin Martin • • • • _ , Richard 8 : Newbold , dames B. meltar , land, William P. limiter, Joseph U. Trotter, .- William H. Kern, James Easton, Samuel 0. Huey, . Theopialltui Paulding, .. Oharles Hallowe ll , ' .111diaund A. Bonder, Henry 0: Tcnineend, Daniel L. lintohthatel, Bodolphus Bent, • .Tohn - W. Hornoi, - William H. Darr, Dille B. Archer, Adward T. Mott, tiaratiel J. Ohrietten, William Robertaon i Joseph M. Thomas, Warner 11. Basin, John q. Brenner, P. B. htlohler_, Duton. DAM', L. MILLBII, President. BAMURL A. BTQRSH, Vies Pres% Joni W. Mersoa. aeoretary. rail-ly FIELAWASE 'MUTUAL SAFETY IN AU" SUBANCE OOMPAITY.' INOORPdRATBD BY THE LEGIBLATUBJI of PENN- BYLVANI A lB4. OSSION, S. N. Corner TIIIIIIreued, WALNUT Streets, MARINE INSUBANCR, ON 113182.1112, °ARO% i v. To all path; of the World 211111011 T, • ' ' INLA D INSURANCES, On (lends, 137 Riser OaMda, Lutes sad' Land Clarrisga • to 61arts of the nion. FI R EINSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. • . On Stores_,_ Dwelling Houses, he. ABBRTO'O9 TIER COMPANY, November 2, 1857. , Bonds, Mortgagee, and Real Istate - ' 2101,650 94 BhiladolphiaOtty and other Loans 187,011 25 Stook in • Bangs, Rall.roads, and Immranee Companies 12,608 00 Bills Receivable 220,291 95 Cash on hand 88,892 66 Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums on Marine Policies recently Leaned, on other debts duo the Company , 92,780 67 Onbwrlption Notes' 100,000 00 hillughteati WU= Marlin, Teraes 0. Baud, Joseph H. Beal, TheopkUus Paulding, Mound A. Bonder, /shoe Traqualr, John 0. Davis, William Byre, Tr., John B. Penrose, T. P. Perdiston, George G. Lelper, Joshua P. Byre, Edward Darlington, Samuel B. Btokol, Dr. IL M. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, Throes B. hisigartimd, Hugh °sw Blig, , Thomas G. Hand, ' Spencer othilln, Hobert Barton, Tr., Olierles Kelly, Jai. B. Semple, Pittetqh., H. Tones Brooks,' Dr. T. Morgan, - , i Jacob P. Jones, I. T. Logan, Cl WILLIAH MARTIN, President. TICOPIAB 0. HAND, Vioe President. ELSNRY LYLBUBN. Booreisl7. , Jag./ NWELLT.III PIBB TIMBANOI 01 YU STATE ON PANNSYLVAX/A. OFFION, NORTHWEST 00NEU ?MIRTH AND WALNUT 'STREETS, rmanntrarik. SitioNbe4 Ospal,Asoo,ooo. ral4 up Oildtal, DIABOTOISS. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. B. Stewart, H. L. Benner, • J. U. Butler, J. M. Whitall, J. K. Walker, ladle. 0. Knight, M. B. Wendell, 11. Lewis, Jr. 1 B. H. Houle. DAVID JAYNB M. D. President. THOMAS B. SUMMIT, Vice Pruitt. BAlron 0. 10001 f. amatory. ja2o-y L IME AND'INLAND RISKS.—FAME IRS INBURANDA COMPANY. Capital 4100,000. (Organised under the Aot of Assembly relative to In memo Companies, passed April 2d,1060.) GNOMIC W. DAY, President. THOMAS B. MARTIN, Vioe-President. WILLIAMS I. BLANORA.RD, Secretary. Moe 411 ORESTNIIT Bt., Philadelphl44 DIBROTORB. George W. Day Jacob K. Vaughan, • William W. Waiters, Deasy Lewis, Ir., Charles Riehardion D. 11. Birr Barclay Lippinoots, ' John W. Averroan, Jos. R. Brognard, A. H. Rosenholm, Ohms. Stokes. fel44 M. Stern. Otaitottern. ipeLANS. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. _LP DAVID M.- ROGAN, Blank Book Maiinfaetnrer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either him the shelves or make to order, Books of, every description, imitable for Banks, üblin Mime, Merchants, and others . , of the best quality , of English or American Paper, and bound in various etyleS, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description. lingraVing and Lithographing executed with medians and despatch. A general assortment of 2.oglisb, Drench and Ameri can Stationery. Gonoernivg Mr. Hogen , a contribution to,the Pranklin institute, the Committee say- 14 This display of blank boons for banking and mercantile nee la the beet in the Ishlbition. The selection of the material Is good, the aorkManship most excellent, and their finish and ap pearance neat end appropriate." sots-ti Es' =ma Resorts. B DF OR D SPRINGS.—THIS well-known and delightful Bummer Resort, will bo opened for the reception of Vialters on the 16th of June, and kept open until the Ist of October. The new and spacious Buildings - erected last year are •now fcaly completed, and the whole eatabliehment has been furnished in superior etyle, and the accommoda tions will be of a character not excelled In any part of the United States, The Hotol will be under the management of Mr. A. G. ALIEN, whose experience, courteoue manners, and attention to his guests, give the amplest assurance of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other mesas of *mem, It is deemed g o zVg r lit o ,Tleto t a a t t Ar e b ri ng e bit 'i rr reach Bedford by a The Company have made mlleneive arrangements to supply dealers and individuals with Bedford Water', by the barrel, carboy, and in bottles , at the following prime, at the Springs, carboy, Pm a barrel (multtery) 00 Do. (oak) N Do. (mulberry) 800 N Do. 2 00 tlerboy, 10 gallons 2 25 Bottles, 1N pint, per dozen 1 50 The. barrels are carefully prepared, no that par- Masers may depend nom' receiving the Water fresh and sweet. Ail communication' , should be warmed to TED IiNDOORD afiNlittAL SPRINGS 00,i 14.4rnm nermtv. ye. Crgpreos (Eompatuco. MEE ADAMS EXPRESS 10., OPTION, -IL 820 OHBSTNUT STRYIBT, forwards PAROILLO, PAOKAG2B, 11.E1WHANDIZ21, DANK. NOTES wad araonn, either by its own LINES, or In connootion with other IIIEPREEd OOMPANINB,to all the principal TOWNS and OITISa of the Unittd states. H. 8. dANDIIOIiD, elanersl Ellrniii3 anb Chemicals. itOBERT SHOEMAKER & 00.1 IS'HOLZBALp I)IttfOGISTB, Nanufsetnrera and Dealer PAINTS, VARNIEDINS, and WINDOW @L/138, Northeast eorner POMITLI and BAUR Streets, Philadelphia. ' Dole Agents for the sale of the celebrated !lore& Plate Qhme. mb2S-tt TT IS NOT A DYE! JIL JIMMIE'S HAIR COLOR RESTORER xllt re store (tray Hair to lts original color in from ten to twelve days, and restore the Hate where It hae fallen oil' and beoome thin. IT IS NOT A DYE! Dm:tube used as freely as water, and is the most beau. tlfol Dressing for The it now in MIL Thousands in different parts or the Main have twat fled to its wonderful virtnes, and all who have used, it join In their prelim of it. gold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dr. /MAYNE do BON, No. B North SEVENTH Street ) above BIABENT, Sole Agents for Philadelphia. Trade eupplied. deb od ;siite . EguieriEraruLs. Alit 'ELMIRA RA.11,.. .1. ROAD LIN.B.•=4KOORBBT ,ROLITH to Elmira, Wilkesbarre„Buttalo, Chicago,' Book Island,' Niagerii Yalu ,Brirlington, ,Montreal„ — Pourer, Detroit, Dunlieth, and Bt. Louie._ • Beeeender trains , leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad _Depot ' , ocsrner BROAD and W/311' fitsesto, datif,,altuldays excepted, ) as follows - 7.80 A. M. DAY =masa, • ror /Wu, Megan. Palle, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rook laland,OMens, Bt. Paula, Burlington, and Bt. Louis. 8.80 P. Pa. kulka-nsenii3s, Pot Ababa, Magus Alb, Bu ff alo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Want, Galena, Bt. arde, DatholOwzii find ht. Louie. The 7.80 A. hi. train rune ttirongis. to HARAISBURG, stopping at alPBtations on the Lebanon Ballet Branch or the Philadelphia antl,Resding Railroad, . . , - At Rupert, ior Wiliresbarri, Pittaton, Baleen, awl eat otations on the LAGRAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. , . Baggage °Beaked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. lij... Tickets can be procured at the Plitlectelphia and Elmira Railroad Llne'e Ticket 08 loe,NortAwest corner of SIXTH and OIIESTNIIT Streets, and at the Pas senger Depot, eornerof BROAD and VINE. BXPRBiIa PRIII(IRT TRAIN LOMIIS the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily f 8 days exeepted,) for Apointri West and North, at 8 Preighte must be delivered before BP. M. to insure their going the dame day. Per further Information apply at Preight Depot, Broad, below Vine, Or to O. 8. I'APPIN, General Aunt, N. W. cox.Blxtb, and Ohestnntßtreets cd -ifPhllaQalph , „ NEW YORE LINES.--THE CAMDEN L 1 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY'S L_TNES. FROM PHILADELPHIA TO NEW YORE, AND WAY PLACES. Leave as follows, Ms At 6A. M., via Camden and Ambily, Acoosunoda: , tion ' 2 16 At 0 A. M., via Camden . and Jersey City, N. J. Ao• oommodatlon - • 2 21 A7 B A. Camden and jersey City, Morning 8 00 At 10 A. M., by Steamboat John Nellion,via Moo ny and Jersey Oity, Morning Express 8 09 At 2 P. U., tin Camden asd Amboy, 0. and A. 30t. At pr 800 5 Mail 8 0 - At 8 I'. M., via Camden an& Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Wan - 2 00 At BP. M. Ma Camden and Amboy, Acconunoda tion, 2ad 1 60 At 6P. Al., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, let Class 200 At 6 P.M.; via Camden and Amboy, Amoommoda tion, Rad Class 1 76 optedThal P. M. line rant daily, all others Sundays; as AMA( Kensington Depot, via lent?' 'Nth Mal, Saturdays excepted • $2 2a Armrest Lines stop at the principal etations only. for Belvidere,, Easton,, Plamingtos, As. at BA. If and 2,4 P. M. from Walnut • street Wharf, Tor Water Gap, • Stroudsburg, Scranton, WU/mbar:a, Montrose. Great tend, 6A. M., via , Delevrare, Lackawannaat Western Railroad. , Nor rreshold, at 6 , A. M.•and 2P. M. Nor Mount Roily at 6A. M. and 2)( and it'. M: VAT M. Pop Bristol, wrenton, Ai., at 2,v and 4 P. M., Nor Paimyra L ltancocas, Bevorly, Burlington, Borden town kb:; at BP. Ef. ' Steamboat - Bleaard libmkton - Mr Bordentrorn, and in termediate gem* at 23( P. M. • Steamboat John 'Neilson, for Tirol*, it 10 and U% M , and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P. M. • All lines except/1M P. M , leave Walnut street wharf YD'llfty pounds of baggage only allowed each. pas imager. Passengers are prohibited from faking 'any thing baggage but their wearing apparel. -All bag gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Uous pay limit that. responsibility for-baggage tome dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be yond 1100, except py spenial contract WM. H. GATATKIIit, Agent 0. to A. B. 11,00. ORTH PENNSYL MN EMIR VANIA RALLROAD. - FALL ARRANGEMENT. Per BETH - LEG:En; DOYLESTOWN, ko., and by aloe raliroaa conneotioni for Easton, , Oillatrinsa, New, York Allentown,Williamsport, Water Gap, . Manoh Chta, Itimira, - Wilkesbarre, Ha baton, Niagara Palls," Scranton. "On and after WEDNESDAY, August 25th, 1868, Par -longer Trains will leave IRONY and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, as follows : For Bethleliem, Beaton, ,Wilkesbarre, Water Gap, -Scranton, Ice., (Express,) at 6.15 A. M.-. Tor Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Williams', port, Elmira, and the West, (Expvess,) at 2.16 P. M. - For Doyles town, (Accommodation,) at 13.45 A. 51. and 4 P. M. For Fort Wapltington, (Accommodation,) at 9.46_4: M. and OP. Id.. TRAINS FOR PRILADEPRIA Leave Bethlehem (Express,) et 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. Leave Doylestown (Accommodation), at I A. Id. and 8.80 P.M. Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation) at , T.IOA. M. and 2,80 P. M. . . Doylestown ,Trains run daily. Other Trains daily, Sundays excepted. . . All Passenger trains (except Sunday Trains) connect at Chatham street with Fifth and Sixth Street Passen ger Railroad. - Fare to Bethlehem SI 60 .is Manch.Ohnnic ' 250 it I(aston 1 60 . .i Doylestown , 80 FOR BOHOOLIIVBMOUNTAIN—B) 6.16 A M. train to Boston, thence by N. J. O. Rll.:ann D. L. & W. RR. to Washington, thence by stage, arriving at the Moun tains at IP. 61. Pare, .68,10. . soft. tf LIH I 1., ADELE' MIA, GERMANTOWN J. AND MORBID TO W N RAILROAD.—SDAOLDE ABNANGNAINNT.,On and alai MONDAY, May Mb, FOR' GNIMANTOWN Leave l'hilidolphin at ag, 7,8, 9-08 Min., 18,11 X, A. Al, 1,2, 8, d, 0,0, 7,8, 9 10, and 1141 P. M. Leave Germantown at 6, ug, A.M. 1-10 min., 2, BX, 4X, 6M, SX, 9-40 min., and 10a: M. - The TM o'efook A. M. Train from Germantown wirntop only at Wayne and 'Bogs Weida aikidos's. ON fiIINDAYB, Leave Philadelphia at 9.20 min. A. 31., 2,111 f, and ?Ad. Leave eon:uptown BM A, M., 1-1 rain:, 4J(, sad P.H. • 011119 MT ffiLL niummv., Leave Plitiodehibia M 6g, 8, 9.06 WE ,ug A.,16.. 4,8, 4,6, 8, 10 P.ll. ' ' • Leave eheatAit Hill at 640 and 7.86,9.10; and 10.10 min. A. X ) 12.50, 8.10, 4.10, 5.10, '1.40, said 9.40 Ada P. 114. L•sre Ph11;160101a, 9.29 A. M., 2, RA 2. M. Lowe Ohestnai /1111 at 8.10 min A. If 22.60 4.20 6.20 P. 24 . _ , FOR aoNsHortatnum AXED NOBS TOWN. Unite 1101adelpble at OM, 9, 11 A. 111.,1.09 into 3.10 t01n..4X, 0%,113,'P. M. I. ,LeaYs Norriistown at I, 1,9 3 11 A. M.,l,BX,fiivl B yi If. ON 81714DAYM. ItVe Philadelphia at 9 A. di., and 8 P. M. Lease Norriplown at 7A. M. and P. 11. FOR MARATIINN- Lease Philadelphia at 816 ,4 - , 7 901 A. 111.1.05 rain., 2.05 min. 8.10 d)i, #3,X, 8 ,111( P. M. Lem Maneyrink at 8.4,7 g, 8 .4, 11% A. !Cr 14i, 3,4, ox, 7, aid 9 P. as. - ice' Bundays same as Norristown. ONAIBT2II,TALLY RAILROAD 1428 DOWNING. COMPANY, -Leaye Phlladorla at 6,y A. M. and 8.10 min. Lem Dotrnlo ova at Tj( A; M., and IP. M. U. K. MITI!, General Superintendent. Depot. Ninth and Green streets. Philadelphia. I . QM2PE.NN BYL VAN/A 'IQB LAurt...7 CIENTAAL BLISISOLD Vt." PROM PHILADRIPIIIA TO PITTSBURGH, AM thence by Railroad to WIGUILING, - T. LOUIS STstramirrhur, OLBVIILAND, CINCINNATI CHICAGO Louravnzit BURLINGTON INDIANAPWS, ST. PAULS, And all intermediate points in 01310, INDIANA ILLINOIS, RENTOORY,_ MOGI. GAN, WISOON ' SIN , MINNRSOTA,_MDS3OI7/31, KANSAS AND NRIIRABRA. Pasaewre to pointe,weet of Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Cleveland and °redline, have choice of routes, and are requested to make a selection before applying for tick ets. Via= THEIOI3IIII TIS:INI3AVM PHTLAIPIL. PIM DAILY, • Worming °lose oonrootione at Pittsburgh to ail points West. On end after MONDAY, May 10th, 1868, Three through, and Two acoommodation trains, will lea,. the depot, B. D. corner of NUMMI and MARE AT atleeta, as follows: TRAINS PDX PITTS/11M0II VIIAINEI /ROY rtmairmis ♦HP Till 'MIXT MUTH. Mail train e.t....1.80 d. bl. Fast line 100 noon, Xxpreaa 0i511..11.00 night. WAY MUMS IZAT7I. WIT TRAINS A.11311Y1. lierriAnirg 6a- ' Harrisburg aa cconmodattoa.B.oo P. M. oommodstion.7lo P.M Lancaster " 8.00 P.ll. Lanmater « .9.60 d. M The Mall train etope pt al the statione between Phila. delutits. and Pittaburgh, • The Express mall rune daily, the other trains Sunday excepted. The care leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passenger Station, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and 514..8RET atreeta entrance on Eleventh street, where through tickets to all points West Can be obtained. Baggage will be received at the Depot at any time du ring the day. No charge for handling baggage. Por further information, apply at the Depot of :ha Pennsylvania Railroad Company, southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets, between the bourn ety A. M. and 11 P. M. THOMAS mom, • • my 10 - - Agent Penn's Railroad Co. .NOTICE--WINTER, Ng" AANGEMENT. - PHILADELPRIA, W RR ILMINGTON, AND BALT/- MORE RAILROAD. On and - after Monday, Odober 4 H5B, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Fer Baltimore, at 8 'A. M., / P. M., (Bxpreae,) and /1 P. M. For Wilmington, at BA. M., 1, 4 and 11 P M. For Nev Beetle, at 8 A. M., and 4 P. M For Middletown, at BA. M. and 4P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. AL, and 4.00 P. M. For Seaford at 8 A. M., and 4 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADBLPIIIA, Leave Baltimore at 8.80, Bxpress, 11 A. Si., and 6.40 P. M. Leave "Wilth'ington at 7 and 11.40 A. M., 9.25 and and 8.55 P. M. Leave New Castle at 11.08 A. M., and 8.05 P. M. Leave Middletown at 10.18 A. M., and 6.20 P. M Leave Dover at 916 A. M. and 4.55 P.M. Leave Seaford at 7.40 A. M., and 1.80 P.M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Wilmington at 9.10 A. U., 1 /55 P. M., and Izas A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. front PMladelphis to Bal. amore, Do do 5.40 P. M. from Baltimore to Willa ' phis. • /might Train, with Paasenger Oar attached, will ran as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and Intermediate places at 5 45 P. lc Leave Wilmington for do do do 740 P. M. Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 000 P. 54. no 2 8:51, PBLTON, President, FIIGUET & SONS, • Importers of HAVANA. OIGARB, oe2B . 216 South /MONT Stied; R AVAZTA OIGARS.-106,000 La Flor de la Havana Ist, 24, and Bde, just arrived per brig "May Queen," from Havana, in gore. and • for elle by WILLIAM n. YEATON, se24-tf N0.,116 Sonth,PRONT Street. KIIDABO, OABANAS AND PARTA.GAB liNGAItil.—A 'choice invoice of these celebrated brande on board brig New Era daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by dILMILIB TZTIt, - -Mew) 162 Walnut street, below licoond, eat meeond Atm, cEGARS.-A LARGE ASSORTMENT constantly on hand ) and for sale at reduced videos. Fresh in•foloaa monthly, direct from Havana. • It. D. SCOFIELD, No. NIT CHESTNUT Street, under Girard Howie. no 2-1100 V.LATE SLATE 11 SLATE 111—Roofing 1.7 •}Dare, of all sitoo,'and at very low rata, kept coo. stoutly on kand, and for sale by PtßflultG, VOX, & 00., OBRAIANTOWN ROAD and TRlRDEtreat. • lip B. Mato Roofrpnton la the beet mousier, and. VI! 01:121 &Mufti I. AU WWI wunatoll.. • Oki MILLIS CLAIIK, Ag.nt ON 817NDAYN AND 11111Y11. Mali train 5t..U.00 night Fast lino - 4.60 A. DI Express mall.. 110 noon. eobatco 'EPENNSYVVANIA. " Coen.—THif _ MAT OHNTBAL HOUTII, tionneeting the Al lantic CHtleawith North-western. andP3eutli" wastein litatesil•ya toinUnnone Rellwaydireet.- Phli Bond alga •Vonneelar Pittaktuil* . with dilly line of 'steamers to' all 7poirts - iiii7thi WeatariCittiara, ion at Cleveland and - Bandeloky Mine atosmiti to r rsat ports on tbelforth-westerie Laws inakinilike.WaiatY•l22oP, CHIAPBBY andll2llAßlll BOUTHhr Thiel can he forlexted to and trait - Hie 011 BAT 2421 a SH/"V.110212 . p DBGRAZI nTV Four otano-Booln; Mkoiol,'llodn;ioadr'- Boolon;Dry'flood4(111' bozo! Wee end truialts),ltm(pi, (tub a / a d and haled) Peatheri, Jura, A. • ' Per /t 0 Modena Ouse --Loooarou- amo ng; Meats andlloWn, - (In edema •".' • • balea),Drege (in.."te), - Hardware, Leather; TAW; tasks,/ Well , - Paper; Wool( and, Sheep , Patio; • Haatward, /ca. &a • • - (Ipa. per 10 waD Obasd-dltrils,:llempilhszarc,„ and Pork Baited, ( lose or in ' • sacks), Paiute (dry end' In- ell„) • - - (except lard and :grin), • ark, pa r 140 loam' Ouna-Ooffee, Beef, and,ork wake or boxisa etustward),latrd andLidoll,,Nalle, - Soda dab, GermenOlay, Ter,Pltuk, ritual; Manse Wed To. brooo, Rosin Oil - iiineensware. Rapt., bble., and ho.Bea p l, A., As - &e., 500. te ir Mtn It.orra-Tbe. per bbl., until farther notice. Onans-46e. per 1001dr., tmtil further natio'. Conon-42 per bale, not melding 500 Ibti. Weight, Instil farther notice. 1 • • „ • In skipping Goods from any point Nestor Pitilwie!. phis, be particular talcum peekawee via Pennswitteafia All Goods owaregned to the Agents of tide Brad, at Philadelphia or Pittabergh, forwarded without detention. s lestour Aaarra.-Olarke & Co:, Memo; Packer A & Co., Msmphls , Tenn. Y. Bass A Co. : St. Loth, Mo. • P. O. o , llzlep & - Co., NrannOlo, Indisils• Win Binhetri, Louisville, Kentucky; R. Heldrum, .Madison, Indiana; 11. H. Brown & 00,, - and Atter Hibbard, Cincinnati; H. B. Pierce A- Co. Zanesville Ohio; Leech 54 1111bystruat,Btar.a.. L aa o & On, No. 2 Astor House, New York, No: 1 Milian et, New York; 8..1. Bneeder, Philadelphia; Megrim ,y Koons, Baltimore; . p. Stewart; Pittobmt: - H. H. HOOMN; t - General Prelght*went. H. J. LOMmijosio, dod. General Boporiateodoot. Altoona. Pa sminutu • - TIIN BRITISH AND_ NORTH m RI A ROYAL MAIL STEAK TROY NNW TOalt 70 LlTlaroaa. Child Gibln Swage $lBO Semi! Cabin Ream* 76 Yaws 0011705 ,27,LI111309:11, , Chief Cabin . Passage $llO Beiloinl Cabin Passage The dam from - Boston cal at Rilifax.- - TZREIA,CIapt. Zndklnt. I _ CANADA , Capt-Lans. ARABLE., Capt. B. Stone; l AMDlGOAtiCapt.Wiekman ANA Gapt. B. G. Lute BIAGABA , Captllyrte. AMIGA, Oapt. - Bbannozi. I BIGIODA. Capt. /. todpsh. These puede carry a clear white lie, at icsat/teed; erase on starboard turn ;-,red Port w• 8D710P9., Leitch, leave Scene,' Wednesday, Nov. 8 PAR A, Aidkiniii , . N.York, Wednesday; Nov. 10. AMERICA., Wickma n, , Wednesday, Nov 17. AUL, Lott, . WN.,ltork,-Weineeday, Sept. 24. EIAGASA. oh, Welceedsy. Dec. 1. .801tIO et, Shannon, N.-Yol k, Wednesday,- Deo. 8, BUBO Leitch, <, Boston, Wednesday,' Dee. 15, PERtiLk, Adkins, - M. York, .Wednietday, Dec ARABIA. Stone., ‘titcston,-Wednesday, Dec. 29 Berths not secured until paid for. - , An experienced Gowen on board. - ' The. Donets of these Ships trill net be soomintable for Gold, Silveri BullioAdipeeiliae,welry, Preemie atones or Metals, unities bilis of Wing are Nigul. therefor and the value thireof therein eXpressed. .-. • /of freight or postage apply to- .= ' . , „ B 09648181), Bowling Green. 1858._ - - asfir g wa - - 1859. MEMPHIS AND HEW.OII.LEANB iTAT.SS - MAIL PACUIED IMIS.-,The splendid Roars - - or this old . and popular LINE will 'leave Memphis and New Orients, ea heretofore, on •, - MONDLIII WEDNESDAYS, lc PREDAYS. DTBDRASKA. Capt. IR PIN. DAN 21tABECLIN — Capt. J, CLARK, , WEDNESDAY PAOKETB ,lORN SIMONDS ... . ... . OAP I,4Ailf. INGOBLAR 4 'Dept IiDRDETT PARIS FRIDAY PACKETS. bail.WA. *BAY. ...T. H: DELTAS?... _ H. R. W. BILL. - • RP ; There Boats soonest at Memphis with the Rail reads from that point, also will. regular Packets for St. Louie. Lotolevitlo, Cincinnati; and Nashville, on their respective days Leave Memphis immediStely on the arrival of the Memphis' and" Charleston Railroad Oars., Passengers can arrange their-Arrival so as 'to avoid delarat Memphis longer than business or plea sure may TeVaile. - - Yor information, inquire of 1. I.SAWLINGO At Webb,* Rawlings', ale Main at, Memphis . $. R. SHOOK, Adv. Agent. - - 0c1.7,2m 04FOR SAVANNAH; Ga.—HERON'S LINE—ONLY REGULAR LINB-000D8 8.13- 114 ED AND BILLS ,LADING SIGNEW_EYBRI DAY.—Freight and Insurance at less .than vas• eel rates, by the "steameidp - ,STATZ V/ GEORGIA, Oaptaln J J. Gamin. to Mal on Saturday, November 13, at 10 o'clock, A. M. from second wharf aboraVlne at. Tor further particulars please see *draftsman& of fiteamshlp STATE OF, (LEMMA In,pspor. For freight or passage Only to - • 'A. lESBON, - 72., 004 - 828 North Wharves FOrCHARLESTOIT AND BA VADUZ -EDIDOWN LINE. EIDODO BDOEIVDD AND DILLS ON LADING INGNIID - • • NUNN DAN; Tie arentildancieelsaseaids-wheal Meanwhile ENT TONE STATE 'and STATE 01 - GEOBGIA, Now form & weekly lina for,the Onnith and Sonikweet, one of _thine 'skip every. tintritDdr at 10 o'clock A. If., adtatnately,,,foi- Oleawlartaa and Oa loE cnunijarviii. Tbe' steams* ENTST,OOOII 0411 . 6v:0. P. Moralnnen,- will' corn - memos 'binding on November 18. and ull on InTIENINLY, Nor, 34, at 10 &cloak, A. , - roarsAVANNAR. The /MATE OF. GJEOR4L6., Oapt. /Obi J. Garvin. will coninienoe loading on Rbsurodnyi, Nor Mak, and Assn on Elatt, Norombor 19,z at 10 - 40alock At both Clunleaton and Savannah, those stapaananael tritli steamers fort Mathis andrEavansi , and aifth reaola i laa., for 191 plaoee 1n the South and &Ohara*. rm t mlm , lzm l Heavy ,Ireight at 'am- storage oil& par, aut. balmy Now York ottamakti ratan. -1N01311.11/0111. - - ' I.B2IGYIT, and .ni,suitalloz wits proportion of goods. shipped Booth will be bind to be lower by these ships this byeallingyeendo - „ plessie ' /20 00 Steerage do, • '- ' 8 OS __L - Nsiiiiihonitiokets, good for tho masa year. 80 00 No VI! of lading Ogool alftOr .. .MO Alp hag nib& Par freight oigaziiiii;!ifilitiv • A:ILARON, Jr. No. 818 'Oita 81) North Wha ms. Agents at oherleeton, T. B. AT. BUDD; - . Agents in Sarawak,' O..A.,IIIIZINER Co.& - For Florida, from Charleston, steantaz anoraNa, 'Very Tuesday. '" • ' For Worlds from Savanna, demon BT. MARYS mg BT. J 0.1114, every Tuesday and Bstorday. For Havana, from Other/eskoz, damn' /SAUL, on the 4th and iittla of every month. - jell - STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BlifardBT, MTh , D mitliont delay, for 80 dolla rs . . lff " "4 MlNDl3N abo'Baystardpagaiitlakbyeta good ydi. for loser of the it,up to either of the the round trip, oat iinabsek. - - I" dollars fur Edinburgh , Cumleo. Saturday, Oot.Bo , l2o'oloek,lt Glasgow, Goodwin.' Wednesday, Nor. 24th . , Ildinteugh, Oummlng,'Wedneeday, Deo. 2/I !‘ - rack emesoov. Nlfinburgh. Onnuning Wadneshig. Oat Bth. Glasgow, Goodwin Saturday, October 2nd. Edinburgh, Otntuing, _ Wadneoday, No►. 24th swris or PAESA.GX, Pion cassacrw. Ylret Ole .ogubssst steerage, fonn4 vritl cooked provisions g 4C =MEM Eta Steerage, found with docked provisions 80 00 ' Children andsr. 14 yeara of age, half tare; Infants in Steerage, free. steßeta= tickets available within 'six Months, by say Htet nag o this line. 8140 80 Steerage 500 00 An experienced Oilmen attached to each Steamer. Nor freight or passage siply to WOBYMAN & 004.120 WALlfin Street, rhilladd. phie. ROHNST ORAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. _ LOW Y, BrodansnlitWhalf, Baltimore. saylitliroos Wain - ant ligiorsr• grgiERTNIIT GROVE WHISKEY. —A kJde sire to lessen the consamption of impure spirits, knowing their Injurious effects upon the constitution, has induced the offering to the public of an article which the &palpation of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of New York, end Means, Booth, Garrett, 84 Cameo, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to be the moetpure and consequenllyleast injurious spirits ever offered the American publio. CERTIFICATE OP DR /All. R CHILTON. I have analysed a sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from - Air. CHARLES WHARTON, Ja.. of Philadelphia, and having' carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious Substances. It is an unusually pure sad fine flavored quality of Whiskey. JAMES D.,CHILTON, New York, Sept. 8,4858. Analytical Chemist.. PHIL/DILpHIA, Sept. 8,1858. Divot Bin: We have carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiekey which yon sent us, and find that it contain none of the poleonotte aubatanee known lea Fordo 011, which is the characteristic and Injurious Ingredient of the Whisheyain general Use. Very respectfully, ' BOOTH, QARRRTT, & OASIAO, Analytical Chen:date. To °mimes WHARTON, Jr. ) No. 23 South PRONT Street, Philadelphia:- - • 0e22-dtja2l ViIItRANDIES.—(i' rind 'Oast" Mare% ,19 and other flo of imbue sbstagee, In half pines and gagster ; Polleontaln Rochelle Brandies, Pmand dark, In half pipes, half reeky and one-elglith reeks. Imported and for rale 'By HENRY BOULIN k. tree oakil 221 and 228 gonth Fourth etreelt Qpiele anb Reatantarin A ROADS HOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE SIXTH, piriLA.DELPzie, CONOIIOTBD ON TRH SOILOPNAN PLAN. new lease fora term of years having been obtained thle POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will con .o to bo conducted m heretofore. on the European p an, and the prima remain unchangedcrist Root Pan DAP teo. DINNSA 500. BBILMEAEIT-AND THL,BACCE, The house boa been thoroughly renovated, and every thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated in winter by means of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge is matte. There is no bar kept In the hones t o b e a source o f annoyance to guest& _ . The accommodations are designed whorl:Wier business men—hence no ladles are received. 117" This home is never closed day or night. J. D. DROWN, D. DD YOUNG, JONES*IIOIISE, . . .. TILIMIBBITEG, PA. . lereated In IBM) ' - . PILTIGANTLY PURNISHE.D. MOW OPEN TO VISITORS. 1020-y - WEILLS 00V1IRLY, Propriety/ .. DE LANEY'S SALOON.AND RESTAU RANT. N. B corner THIRTEENTH, and CHESTNUT Streets Philadelphia. no2-amo WIS. A. DS LLNEY, Proprietor. PROSSER'S BESTAURANTi No. UP • 308 MARKET Street, four doors above Booth side, Philadelphia. Oysters Etaired, - Roasted, Pried, Pickled, &0., , for Home Coneumption arid Transportation. N. E.—Dater from twelve to , tbrea o'clock. • - ' '602141'. - inAMTBELL - ' 0 DINING SALOON, ' 11l Owner of THIRD St; and HARMONY COURT, Has been closed:for several days past, in-order to be Avgenerikted and disondinalled: It will' be opened en MONDAY neat, 20th bet., with Improvements and al terations! which will astonish the town.- The beet has thrown his soul Into the tact of iron seal, and.:we think that hie effort* -will meet with 'Universal approbation. When reopened !twin he a Wald entabllslimeat. am $76 00