The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 27, 1858, Image 4
J&j < ' jffiii&jxfew... IpP*WP4?BR HXSQINGB.'&o. . j v* -t-c's Wj; _ wiU':-compriie, besMe* t7(KhloU jofi:exoww. '. ’ .«e#ma*h*n<l 1 fafcnltdftKVaftpfiridrs gt«d*«tton PWia c-s j _6tie #«lTaVßtbS*al/ij a&d'lngrata c»rp«t», Obtoa *!*«;wafer bwiMbd.Mddife&r »o at* 1 >4- of ,ladl#» ana; . at: : Ciy now3ffiidy t and jfche trtUlM awtogod 'to frXflmloa.Uqn,. .-■= -rf 1 * j 'ictcont of t ,may “3£S '■‘ i ■’. ‘ ■■ -', -•>• ';■ • | v< - W Michael - Cooper; Ee~ s*T.?-f*f««)*".*’' 'Tbxijiea;:".*•» ' »-*• I Khirpen sheet,. -^a^fyirav^n^piS 1 thl%Mfa«r7 ; 'briclt dwelfisk in the • :.*Banre *at»te—T.WO_»BAMa DWEtMNOT, 6rH- s ’< ViCfW.oM’i »Bejr. iwKKof.htJnrator'fheet'- v.;;;-. 1 ..r, - C*? B «iWd"*«ia'l?-M'WO TWO-BTOBY BMOK-OWEL,: . DINGS, vljolDlug.;heftbQve ouihe Booth.'’* i , % ; prjlu?»SlbdrtTjwfiiß<ta(o <if Thqmea Tfgaera] DC >W *CjKt?R** *b.*kST»w»^S # '>«. I ~. STANb^BfleV-tialidJiwe?,. , GTr There are three btfeVbttttdlng* W South Street, -*H&*J*hln|flH tfe#rear.for^lWßoreM-„It ie ari obt: aUTgebtUiheaaf - ~Vrf 'Iti*a or'J»meslla?peii, D&cea’Cd | t <•,.. ‘ IfTVO THREE-STORY BRtOK'DwELttftGS, N. S,, , :^^' ? ao X iifTor l Tblrte«r.^ r «ji4 : Pleaaaat«t«i«ta. ! >, . < ETA'Nl)''—Two:itory“ brfelf :«to*ol and; “elegiilt'new ' ■''V''rfter-nVtry' v brown'?toce residence;' with extenaiee hack 4* f TtnaigMiqjo:'fl6«s: , *ioH-CTeet. ! -i;t le jort dnlahedj v ''Bud'le^pjete- with AVeiy modern eonrenience. Aim. , L ‘‘. afcuperior iWblßeiid eoeoK.kottie' In the war. tot 25 ■- > f.e't'frW ty «8 fee tin 1 depth. JJj* Only »5,000 »-• . W«ifc - - • i ftTßßS*.—HandiomAnWfeildence, tto.aeOS lt' («' flhUhiid' with air the , modern' im -'' * tC? - ImmediatepoMemion. • > . 'OIIOtWD.BKSt>--|l5O il year, aeonrod on a lot) and . ‘ . ■ lar«o fcrick/aotDryytonjtard streets "It la pnnot|aU; ' - 'Sw Heat" in odera S No. ‘ ; ttOYedersl afreet,'DpwSeite Jadeisoniuihafe.' \ ! •-■« *- r 'AiTKtWiafair#'Twlok'.'dwelJliJj, ; / -lAn^^a!4Jtreet^xtWhStefatV-atr&tr , ' ■»; i brlelr'dirgmiig No. 78 !<«*^roWßfD''.Bt4tt'T.^T*o>tS«^torj>:hirloW'4welr; iinp-'DoiteU a&et.'north. ot ‘ Braoda,' street, late ‘' ,c: Sprtn? r Oafden'.'' 'f’/'i.r''' * '.'■< . '.*• '. LARCH AND,, YALtT ABLE. OOBNBB DOT. n; Vf. ccmer of Bread street and,Columbia ayeuuo, 200 foot. ' ’\; W>B»ia atfeet,' ahi IEO <MtHn'{ateS»(»), death; A. nbrtloe bf J tb« Unrcbaae money niaj remain. ; - FODBTH, BTRBET.—T»o-itdrf hrlck dwelling,;No BllTfdHSßodVth'ittreet;.ahore"Poplar. j >-!.-t-;NSatH:BIBTII.aiBBHT:— Three-etoiy hrloh direl ' ■4 ling , ; < 'Noith'Biath atreet/ flrat liousa aouth of York » =' , fti^^JHOiiBN"THR I sSTOBV:DBIbs‘ DWJBD , A,sfi>iTJßBB*N«.'‘ Ua. ; 122*V;12- );-'1228, and 1280 Ohrle hriek iitore W. . dweUtng, No. 835 BoothatrOot.'d... . j ~ , «nK <rik »A ' =*•!• **No.ol7•floamaatteet.--,. t.- ; e. BTOdKOJ CABINET aRD COTTAD* fUKNITDBB. . 'S'.l This Morn!n®i | * -v r VSTtblaatant* atlO.VeloeK, at No; 917 George atwet, it v ReaoudsimdA thirl atorleB, t*e' ent!re; atook of A\ :;^, t ft. general '■rli allarteieatSliiQlttdink annmber. of Qftkr. eftne, ana fancy palntedcliambiriflta t dr*irlflff'room andparler fdrni- lathe beet manner. -; bareftdy fQar daj*pierloui t° ri>lj»tti*iCNoa.'ia9andmaoiith#ottPtliatrHt> I ' . tiako-tobt*. » in e ; > BUBttOBSi JBBUSiM OA&- - i? s Y^JMWai«toB.l«w^v s ?P > -. %•/ ' ;^. On; Thor»d*y.Morninf,,>;■ r . : ; y doek/cat tbaranetios'atoiayan axtanalTe . ;*i^*MQ«t&«at.ofs : a&MUeftt Meosd'kaad farnlttuw,elegant ,V,t;riwb*fiH*te«;.nno qUfrorit, oaxpetof «to>> Cro« prirate .guoiliM rea°T*d to th* atore MfcfrWfinlanai of Mle 7,**-, • 1 . | , of atock of paper, taasgisgt] torn -. prietagagiraeralftieortment. . , . . piano-fort#, la excellent tone, _‘ -.;*&d<witkJhelateet ImproTemente, . : . v' '' i. ' *SNT**K »mtNITDBB, &A 8 :OHANDBUBB, JASS»?- , 'Jt.4aKDSB*IIBiOARPISTBi*o;v"-- '. ■ 'i * t-1* "JOff Eriday Mornln*»' v -■<i' - ' .< S9tk tnitfJfttlO o’cloeki at Ko»,24«Oiown«trect,)ke-i cMaiVtkelgdLtftalfiimitdraVk^ekandellerft^ ' -Brduebi of ta-'gehtleman-leaTinK the l • 1 */'*’* ! p: > > at 8 o’olookon tke morning of eale.' ' lsJ *; J f ; vHILOELTdANEOUB ..A N I>, : portion * op.them A ÜBEiat.V i - -vsv *%?t va, *■ a OeV>tey,49ti,»at anotion ator«r, a ooUectlon of. ■ -mUeeuaneona tbeologloal booVa-froin a' lncluded If atprmjr of Bowyer’i celebrated «dl-j tloa O f Hame 7 lußduinda.lQ all’tbe b toj vita, s*w, riotrosT pt-? . :■ ftrati,;sli«,c,l!«*wn. I)r<)i>dni4 Pth strselfl, 118 *«* 110I 10 tyrC-Kt PMVAtB BAWiiHANDSOMB BFOWN-3TONS KVIDIHQ*,'NbvIRiOI?IHB Stmt, known m “ Union Row jj ? y ' * . - sotno vw«tttHFir»w«ib&iv walani*dipesiog barman, with i^V^i , 9Pt!‘ n^A^l^ watdhfc Jenny : i Ind' ‘SwM^ttW^“r’tottf«3«*to t fit,'fin* ***her >T>WipSwBr«a: p}Jfdwii' r ?»»lhht;-*wt:aUad- with =i (totaled wash irtMid with marble • . top.'mabofflm y'pfer role 7 wj th ard mirror. *??’?**&»&*?*' wdtools’eaw, eprlng seat sofa. f? l^ F h» i; centre'table with jnaHHe chair, coyer ' cbai|»i,9»ne-«eat chalra, &e ' . rAlfOi sttparjoif fceepß’d-iiand pkno-forte, Terj-inperlor ' iDOAlsaaon* of'UrtllUat-’tooSj -dda 'accoraeoiiS} flati&aef .A”,;;’, .^rFAWNBROMS'S-S^B,;., EaromWr .of gold ul i!l«f p»sfot )oYj(r leriii«. Uirto.fona >the'r orotetioj ; , gold oaalc»/>«a?Og.;wftg#/dlAEaoad finger rlnga. nUrer . pltohftrio' *p -oeb." rt'ewli, sheet*.'fiteH'patterhft, He, SOTJOS ~AU Ott tfepoeit with - me, overdo legal length *r time, will .cell and redeem ' "tfeh ditto; otherwTietheywill be sold bn the abort day. . *7* . <> •■’ "Formerly of.theSouth*«tcornerorFoarth and : ■; ; vEwe itwata.. OBlAt VCBliid ioboMMODATIOH.;. > ..- jij t v fr «annr.l s ;. t ";MaWjren“ Y MOfnrei,!,l ! .. 0 ' r/iaoaily liberally jjdT*h<iid la.large otf'amkll "amount*. AfWnioae dollar to.thmuinilayon' gold and illrer plate, 4 . diamond*, jewelry, -.fowling-piece*, .musical clothing, gr&eries, ’* - *fgtt*f£isdwart* ; <mtle*y, boolu.'bortae.Yebinlw, bar . ae^v ( c^m«<trt.xabi« > of time, .. . av^alwwf>\R* MUhmtnu • eoutfciaetf eobder if Sucth andliidf street*.: 4 . IET* ;*lth.,o<?ll*toral> dliooanted *.-i. - inS" * »Virel»»t*.4w«Uln*i/ftort«, «t. iW*MN l l *fit' chlrgel --. V .-'Ol-' .? STiKpABD^HEMEDT OF •*£,*&* J ' " ■& '. ■ THB'tWPKRtAIi;BBPTIB4.ftVBiSORPtrBIIT . »«WUj- ummror tt*,«UT9. .oOAKOgyOns offocUoni *,£• &*** curatWe ptopertves. w w. Ht^Pv?i?i*^4.WAWß ol ihe. I B<si»«flSrowi^T«,a4T i Ad. and ! . b®A u W‘a»*oon; otwerired In,these com . standing bare -- Terra* andSdliiD.Hein'will an certainly yield to ' > ’':tkl*-moitelhe* ii tt*bd: v T)t&mt'orthe Bffi and ; -, all eruptiracomplaints genenilf'cannatlongtetnain ' 1 a few bottle* of the Imperial Depuratire. - -.'.ftai&mlonropertiei, as well/ as AiteratiYe, \,. tata&ble ttfweaK end delicate female*.' ' ' ■ . talUd ofjthliJfamil? _ in tUenare of all disease* origf **?&*'** » of, thi blood. It expel* ~ ▼iroa -ot'dlaeiiaifel matidr from the blood andre - Imperial and wiahing ad*. attention by attet r l io f otrNBßE, l ßr * 00-, Wo mii«riniiirfflTfr>nn7i W> i(idg« Sftgl # '-1 ■gna'i far*- i ' I ml#* m i&M, troche, JAMBOAT -fefog’iuil SO i?tip«rio* quality all-silk blftok relTfit , ribbons—gteambc&t orand \~‘ ' - MANTILLA BLAOK SILK”VBIiVETS- , 32, 64,'tad SO Snob' Lyons hear/ M4ok zhaatiUa silk velvets. „.•> j, <., ,r, i - OOIWKB OLANBOBDBB SCOTCH J'< i£ "WOOD SHAWLS. <.-200 13-4'printed Terkerri-wool shawls- MANTILLAS AND OLOAKB Of BUPBRIOB MAKE • ’ •« AND FINISH- * . ,60 low cloth and silk mantillas. doaks, and dusters. InotudediQ sale of October 29tb— ,. HIGH 00L0R3 SAXONY. MERINO SHAWLS. - 100 rich high colored Saxony merino plaids. . >.Ui.UPLAID .VIOTOBIA OLOTHS. - ,oQ,pieces o’.aid Victoria cloths. , 6-4 BROOK* BAYADERE VALRNOIAB. . , luO ptebes 6-4 rich Paris broch'e bayadere T&leaclss. LYONS BLACK AND OOLORBP SILK BONNBT r;' -=, VELVETS. ' . TQ pieces Lyons heavy black and- colored silk bonnet velvets! ‘ .f,, / „ . » HIGH. COLORED BIli.K f RINGED THIBET SHAWLS, •. THE >O9 PATUBLE, LUPIN, - BEDOUZ, fIEJBBB, A 00. •v, 200 pieces superfine quality high -Colored silk fringed Thibet shawle. BLACK LONG THIBET SHAWLS , 266 superfine quality,black long Thibet Bbawls. ' PARIS' GOLD, BORDERED - BROOH6 SOAR PS. ' fi^Ori:h‘ Parle gold bordered brofibe scarfs. " • BLACK ORNTRSS PARIS STELLA fiHAWLB—JUBT ‘' 4 ‘ LANDED PRO tt STEAMER ARIEL. , extra .rich -black centres.>Parls. brtohe Stella ’Shawls \ ' J .New RTYtW.REYBRSHABLE PARIS WOOLLEN V n "T-‘ long^hawls^-just,landed. ../lOOjinuarfine'duality new style Paris reverseable : froollta' wag. shawls PARIS! OHRNEILLH BOEDER tD THIBET SHAWLS. . ~3;0 extra, rich Paris cbeneilJe bordered -Thibet •kawl«.>„ . ..} - PARIS.BBYER9SABLB CASHMERE SHAWLS. . ,100.Tftr/-*ljob P*rii reverseable Cashmere ebawU , PARIS LONG AND SQUARE BROOHE SHAWLS fcOO-supeffia* quality and..extia rioh design Parle broclldUodg and equate shawls! 1 PARIS MERINO- CLOTHS, ‘THE MANUFACTURE OP MESSRS. PATURLB, LUPIN,‘ SEYDOUX, 81E ‘BERr* OOr . ' MOOi pieces' superfine quality Paris white and Marie ,Ldnf*e merino cloths. •> < „.JV , SILK: MANTILLA VELVETS .< 26 piece* Lyons extra heavy silk mantilla velvets. <rjr The particular attention of the traae is request* ed to the above sale of shawls, as it,is the. intention of the.owner to 1 sell every lot. fWMUBKOXAL SALESROOM, V : - ' 222 MARKET STREET, \ - MMIpSK SECOND AND THIfiD STREETS. - -» > ' • P. G; WOLBEBT, Auofloffiu. . REMOVAL. i CARD.’—With a view to merit a continuance of the ;enoou?agement of oar friends, we have Teased the eligi ble'store,‘222 MARKET Streot, where will be sold wUh 'ontre«enrer, s i, . On Thursday Morning, Commencing at 10 o'clock: * - • BALE PROM, THE SHELVES, ; ‘Ofa general variety of staple and fanoy goods in lota to suit purchasers. •> > - ; .i On Friday Morning, Sale op ready, made clothing, hosiery ... GOODS, TAILORING. GOODS, Ac. Included trill he found a first-rate assortment of .Raglans, . „ M . ) " , . ' TopCoats,.' Saqnea, - Made in a fashionable manner for frock Coats; ■ ' “ men and boys’ wear. Dress Coats, . . and Vests, J, " •' :,. w : A :‘- ; ; HOBIEBY GOODS. ' AlsOj men and boys’ merino and lamb’s wool shirts andSrawera-- ' . . .' Alee, a general assortment of tailoring goods. . |p» Samples add catalogues early on the morning of xxjotiooter, *. :v r;Nd; tsi I chestnut street, 1 Opposite the Custom Bouse, between Fourth and fifth streets. . —The particular and early attention of the r trade IS Inylted to the large assortment of goods to he sold this morning, at 30 o’clock, comprising in part a' , faUline of .cambric'tad jaconet collars, infants’ waists,' Swiss'sets dimitybands, tidies, veils, jaconet and cajnbrlo muslins- brilliants, valencies, poll deohevres,, linens/ bonnet and trimming ribbons flowers, feathers, 'hosiery,"shirts and drawers, zephyr scarfs, hoods, basques,, circulars; also, Congress gaiters, ladles’ last* ing gaiters; children’s shoes. Ac. -BALK-0F EMBROIDERIES. HOSIERY. SHIRTS, \t vt; DRAWERS, Ao., *O. ~, . ... Morning, , October 27th, by catalogue, commencing at 10 o’clock', wlll.beaold a large.assortment of desirable goods, salt ed to city tales, comprising, vie— • - EMBROIDERIES. . New style embroidered jsoonet and cambric sets, jaco net and oambrio collars, Swiss, sett and collars, j&conet edgings; Ao/ .Also, fine embroidered infants’ ieoonet waists, dimity collars, Swiss muslin and French face veils, r i . RIBBONS AND FLOWERS. • Fall styles bonnet and trimming ribbons, French flow ers and feathers. -.'-HOSIERY, SHIRTS, AND DRAWERS. and colored merino and ootton hose, gents’ white and grey merino and cotton hose and half hose., merino undershirts and drawers, gents’ fanoy •tie*,^. - 1- 5 *- WHITE GOODS. -> A line, of plain cambrics and jaoonets, oambrie and jadonetplaids, Swiss tdosltne Ac., Ao. ' ; DIMITY BANDS. ,£ 'Also/dimity band*, tidiis. Ao. ■ •' .* . t -V, SHOES. f'-Oaies men’s ealf Congress boats. ■ v Oases ladf» S’ Mifiar gaiters. . sCaa»*childrens calf aho«g. -.'Oaaealadles’ white kid slippers, • gents’ rephyr slippers, Ao.» Ao. BY WILLIAM S. STEBR, GENERAL AUCTION ANP COMMISSION BTORB, No. 48 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. • f >■'•> j. A; BLI3ON. Auctioneer. _ BDPKBIOR EO3KWOOD. WALNOI* *»».at, oAft ; ANT aOUSKnOLD Kna»u™;Tl)RTE, &o. v p«T*LvJ*-*^ w ? r "fl r wneMoy. Jttornlog. r - r ArTo7o’cloelc, at tho auction cto/e, Trill "be sold by catalogue.-* large; aa*orimeat~ of enjwrfor well-made parlor,' chamber, and diniog-room furniture, oatpetdj mlrrora.Ac, ~ “ , BAGATELLE TABLE. Alio. l 5 fc&gatellctabl*, in Irat-rato condition, with toalianndeuoa. " ; NOHOR, —Hereafter ire will hold oar regular gales 0? .household furniture, Ac., on Wednesday and Bs ;turday..morntag«, commencing at 10 o’clock. Evening sales of watches, Jewelry, fancy and miscellaneous goods, will be hetdregutarly every Monday, Wednes day, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, commencing at JJj o’clock. » ' Consignments of sew and second-hand house* holdfaroltdre, piano-fortes,' carpets, watches, jewelry, Ac.; respectfully 1 solicited, on which liberal cash od rshce* will beinade ir required. 1 , ... Outdoor sales attended to promptly. Charges s* moderate aa'ariy other house in this city. S'' A. DYSABT & GO.,Adctioneei* and • Ooiaa&sioa Mmosaats, No. 37South EIGHTH STREET, corner of LODGE STREET.'' ■OHILIP FORD, AUGTIONJ3ER, No. A $3O MARKET STREET, between FIFTH and SIXTH, south side , BALE 07 BOOTS, SHOES, BROSANB, RUBBRRB, Ao. On Thursday Morning, 28th instant, at 10 o’clock prelsely, we will sell, by catalogue, 600 coses men’s, women’s, misses’, youths’, and children’s boots, 'shoes, brogam, gaiters, ties; slippers gum boots and overshoes, embracing On ex tensive and desirable assortment adapted for the pro* sent and'coming season.. < fly Samples will he arranged for examination with catalogues early on‘ the morning 'of sale, when the attention of the trade, and purchasers generally, is re quested. 4 ' : ■ • • ADMINISTRATOR’S SALS OF BILLIARD TABLES. ~ On Saturday Morning, 30th instant, at 10,o’clock-precisely, will he sold on the premises, northeast corner of Eighth and Callow hlu. streets, 1 by order of administrator, 4 superior bil liard tables of the following celebrated manufacture, vis: X made by Messrs. Griffith & Decker, New York. 1 u ti u - Leonard A Benjamin, New York. 2 “ »< George Thompson, Esq., Boston (marblo -beds), . *'fly The'particular attention of billiard proprietors is requested.'-, » ITT* The tables may be examined any day privlous to the saja as shore. . . T M. GtfiTMEY & SONS, •we REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, • ' ‘ No. 620 WALNUT STREET ' - -•NOTlCE.—Thefarm of William Brown, Esq., in De laware ooqnty, near M«d<s, we advertised to be sold bn Thursday, has been sold bv us at unvote aale. - ; e.'tf GUMUEY A 80N8. SECOND PAUL BALE. t . yi ftr 7,Pn Thursday Evening, October 28th, #6 the JPliilsrfelpblaJSxcliange— •THE.BEAUTlFUL, COUNTRY BEAT, known as u Asten Ridge,” containing 28 acres, situate in Dela ware county, r p,tul|es from the city, will be sold agree ably tb postponement, on Thursday evening, October 28th, 3868 ‘ ' , «v 1 * MODERN. No. 81 South Nlnsteeoth street, above Chestnut street w 'To olose'the.bstate of William Davis', dec’d VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND.—Btore and dwel ling* No.'27f South FJfth street, above Hpruco street. VALUABLE £OT OB GROUND, with four front#, on Tulip, Tucker; and Jackson streets, end a thirty feet wide street, in me Nineteenth ward. M 6 by 106 feet.. GEBMANTOWN—Cottage residence and large lot of ground, Duey’alane, within two minutes walk of the the Philadelphia A Germaatowo Railroad. Twohandsome bblldint sites, Duey’s lane, German town,within two minutes walk of the railroad station.' HANDSOME-MODERN RESIDENCE, (mastic front,) south side of Green street,'west of Twenty first street. THREE-STORY 'BRICK RESIDENCE, No. 2208 Centre' street has two story double back building» and is in complete order,' ' 1 MODERN THREB.STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, street ■ street, above Jefferson . * Sons, auctioneers, will >hol4 wwlw sales of Beal Estate, Stocks, &o. Also, kogsehold fnnilture at dyelliogs. 1 JttWgMTASBVS mvjtfß SALT!. CtP Ou' our Prltate B&l® Beg! tUt will always bo foonl a very luge amount of real eatatoj inMadlntr T «T«ry dMcnptlton of city and ootmtrr property. ..., - ,j,h, auMufit a sons, '■' u - ' " A "■ ‘ Heal Batata Broker*. 620 WALNUT Btre«>t,beloir Sixth. rCOUHfiKE 'NATHANS, : AUCTIONEER, MONEY‘LOAN- OFFICE, No. 224 South THIRD. Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear <rt„ onlt ’«ffh*dos#below tha Exchange, ' ' 1 rfrelbek, A. M.y until 10 ©•olook la the evening., ; ' _ Oat-door g*leg, dad itltd at the Auction House, at ■ Nnw spoai the moot *«Ai«fft6torv terme. > , CAPITAL $200,000, J - EtiablUhtdforihe laatThirty Years.. °°s dollar to thousands enDi*- mmto, filltwEl.M, mbMoi. l.wolrr, HttiwtM, Met 'MrtfettMSFl? Bedding, olg»W,Mnelo.l tne^ jdto,jy, Hotw., !o«rri«gS, eld flood. of "® u,n “S' length of 'time tgreed jtiMßfiaßaMWse a-S£2@s^?srSSj3 ;^ 7^d; ;^n«.tingHra , ton ' '^i§ r l PJ B -W O.A K V if 1 I HGS. JAMES H. OENE, , ~pHE B T T, BTEBET, below bktbnth. -- Boyer* of CARPETINGS wIU find, among eur Hew Goods; a large variety of choice design*, selected in Europe during the last season,.at tumsoally lopr prioes. In the above is a.large variety of BRUSSELS , TAPESTR* OABPKTB, AT ONZ DOLLAR PER YARD. JAMES H. OBNE. CHESTNUT STREET, ocß-lra BELOW BHVBNTH. i 6 month ft 1 ’ goods, oomj tlie morning LONG- AND lows PAT apKOTii-vi WITHOUT BHTIBB shawls. a, do.' i heavy Che- JJAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, Will. OPEN THIS DAY Their Rail Importation or CARPETINGS, MU-tfl AT PRICES. GREATLY REDUCED. Eoilette articles. rpBE GREAT WOWDER OP THB NINETEENTH CENTURY, PROFESSOR WOOD'S HCA.IR RBSTORATIVB. . Says the Bt. Louis (Me.) Democrat: below, we pub lish a letter to Dr' Wood of this oity, from a gentlemen ,in. Maine,, übich speaks glowingly of the superior merits of' his hair tonic. ' Such evidence must have its effect, when coming from a reliable souroe. If certifi cates ate guarantees of tenth, the Dr. needs noenca tniams, nor useless pufferr from the press; Bits, Maine, Jan. 20, 1860. ProfessorO. J. Wood * c o.—G*ntt*m*n: Havlngmy attention called a few months since to the highly bene ficial effects of your Hair Restorative, I was induced to make application of it upon my own hair, which had be come quite gray, probably one-third white; my whis kers were of same character. Some three months since I procured a bottle of your hair restorative, and used it, I soon found it was proving what I had wished. 1 used it about twice a week. I ha-re since procured another bottle, of which I have oaed some. I can now certi y to the world that the gray or white hair has to tally disappeared, both on my head and face and roy hair has resumed, its natural color, and I believe more soft end'glossy than it'has been before for twenty-five years. lam now sixty yearß old! my good wife at the age of fifty-two, baa used It with same effect. ' The above notice I deem due to you tor your valuable discovery. lam assured that whoever wiu rightly use, as per directions, will not have occasion to contra dict my statements. lamacitisen of this city, and a resident here for the last fifteen rears, and am known to nearly every one here and adjoining towns. Any use you roar make of the above, with my name attached, is at jouraervioe.asl wish to preserve the beauties of nature In others as well as myself. lam truly, yours, A. 0. RAYMOND. , 28,1868. WOOD'S HAIB RBBTOBAifVB .Professor.Wool*—Uaor Str: Haring had the misfor tune to lose the beat portion of my hair, from the effects of the yellow ferer, in New Orleans, in 1851, I was in duced to make a trial of yonr preparation, and found it to answer as the very thing needed. My hair Is now thick and glossy, and no words can express my obliga tions to you In giving to the afflicted such a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSON. . The undersigned, Her. J. K. Gragg, is a minister in regular standing, and Pastor of the Orthodox Ohurch at Brookfield, Mass Ho is a gontleriffn of great inflnenoe and uniTereaUr beloved. wM DYJSR. Brookpibld, Jan. 12,1868. Professor Wood—Hear Sir: Having made a trial of yonr Hair Restorative, it gives me pleasure to say, that Its effeot has been excellent in removing inflammation, dandruff and a constant tendency to itching with whloh 1 have been troubled from my ohildhood; and has also restored my hair, which was becoming gray, to its origi nal color. I have used no other article with anything like the same pleasure or profit. Yours truly, J. K. BRAGG. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three sixes, vis: large, medium, and small. The small holds halt a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds at least twenty per oent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, forty per oent. more in proportion, and retails for three dollars a bottle. - O.J. WOOD 4 00., Proprietors, 812 BROADWAY. N. Y.,(lnthe great N. Y. Wire Rifling Bstablishment,) and 1U MABRBT Street. St. Leuls, Ho.. Ami sold b j all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. aulB-fnn&w-8m Asoowinwkvftm Sewing Maxima. w™ & ™ SON ' S SEWING MACHINES, REDUCED PRICES, NEW BTTLE *5O. AU the former patterns 926 lees on oaoh Machine. A NEW TENSION. NO WADING OF UPPER THREAD, A HEMMER WHICH TURNS ANT WIDTH OF HEM OB FELD. O7FIOHB 028 CHESTNUT Street,' Philadelphia. No, T WEST STATE Street, Trento N. J, . No. 7 BAST GAT Street, West Chester, P*. '00T4D26. HARRIS’" BOUDOIR SEWING HA OHTNEi* nffarod-to A* rm iho-iuogi i«U« hie low-priced Bewing Machine to use. Itwill sew from six to sixty stitsbos to an inch, on all kinds of goods, from ooanest bagging to the finest cambrics. It is, Without exception, the simplest in Its mechanical con struction ever made, and can be run and kept in order, by a child of twelve by any other. Its speed Iran gea "from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches par min ute. The thread used Is taken directly from the spools, WITHOUT VEX TXOUBU O* ftHWIKDIHO, In fact, It la t maofcta'a that is wanted by every family to the land, and the low P*ioe of YO&TY DOLLARS, it whioh they sold, brings them within the reach of .almost every one S. B. BASER, Agent, ' wkyeowfia 20 South EIGHTH Street. Bnaiiwss (garbs. ' A LEX. MoKINNET, J*. hATTORNBY AT LAW, GREENBBURG, PA. Will practice to Westmoreland, Armstrong and In diana counties. sell-tf «. V. 4B&AR9. A BEAMS & MAYER, A. " ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HAVEN, PI., Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. Special attention given to the collec tion of claims. Gov. Wm.P.Packer t Harrisbnrg, Pa.:L. A. Mackey, President Lock Haven Dank; Generalß.X. Jackman, Look Haven: Hon. A. White, Look Haven; Simon Scott, Lock Haven; Bullitt & Falrtheme, Phlladel- Shia: MeYarland, Evans, A Co., Philadelphia; Evans ; Watson, Philadelphia; Phillip M. Prioe, Philadel phia; Hon. A, V. Parsons, Philadelphia; williamsoa, Taylor, & Co.) Philadelphia j Tener A Davis, Phila delphia: Hon. James Burnside, Bellefonte, Pa.; J. W. Quiggle, Esq., Philadelphia. jy 26-tf SL. FOWLER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. HOUSTON , HARBIB COUHTT, TXX4B. Twenty years resident in Texas. Prompt attention paid to Land Business. OPFIGB OPPOSITE THE OLD OAPITOL. Rvfbbb to —Messrs. Davis A Birney, Philadelphia, mb&-w-ly (nHA&LBS TETIS, COMMISSION MKK- V OHANT and Importer or HAVANA SIGABB. (New) IBS Walnut street, second story. aul-ly L ADMAN & KABORU— Importers and Wholesale Dealer! in WINES. BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI QUORB. No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets * ielo-tf Summer fiesorts. TTAT’S HOTEL, AA WILLIAMBPORT, _ LYCOMING COUNTY, Pi, The undersigned has purchased the largo and elegant building, corner of THIRD and PINE Street, formerly occupied by the West Branch Bank, and has enlarged and refitted it to a saperiorstyle. Williamsport is one of the most delightful inland towns in Pennsylvania, and fals house, he hopes, will be found pleasant, as well to the traveller as to those citl sens of the metropolis who desire to pass an agreeable time during the heated term of the summer. His omnibus runs from his Hotel to the Packet and Railroad Depots free of oharge. Jy3g-8m W.H. HAY, Proprietor. »B BS>F O E D SPEIKGS THIS weli-khown and dellg&tfal Sommer Resort will be opened ror the recaption of Visiters on the 16th of /one, and kept open until the Ist of October. The new end spacious Building* erected last year are sow tolly completed, and the whole eetablishmvit has been famished to superior style, and the accommoda tions will be of a character not excelled to asy part of the United States. - The Hotel.will be tinder the management of Ur. A. G. ALLUN, jrhoee experience, oouxteoua manners, and attention to,hisgneflis,give the amplestassurance of comfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of access, it is deemed proper to state that passenger® can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from O&ambenburg. The Company hare made extensive arrangements to SQpply dealers and lndlyidnel* with “ Bedford Water’, by the barrel, carboy, and in bottles, at the followisg prioas, at the Borings, vis t For a barrel (mu10ery).................. $4 00 80. foak) . 800 jf 80. (mu1berry)......,.......... 800 X Do. (oak). »•*•* 200 Carboy, 10 gallons 2 5$ - - Bottles, 1# pint, per doaen * 1 60 The barrels are care folly prepared, so that par ehasers may depend upon receiving the Water fresh and sweet. AU eommunloiftlonß should be addressed to THE BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS 00.. mylO-tr Radford (fcmnty. Pe, CHIOKERING & SONS, Hanu fTTTTJ factarera of GRAND, P ABLOR-GBAND, SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANO-FORTES. This is the largest and oldest manufactory to the United States, having been ESTABLISHED IN 1823, Siooe whioh time we have MADE AND BOLD TWENTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED PIANOS. And have received as testimonials of their BUPEBI ORITY over all otoera,ll 00ld } 18 Silver > and 4 Bronze Medals., - ft/* Pianos to Rent, Tuned, and Repaired. BRANOH HOUSE, to PHILADELPHIA Is at 180* CHESTNUT Street. ocs-8m «e=9tea PIANO FORTES, it t iff Jnrt nwif«d, *tt elegant .took of BAVIN, BiaOM, * 00;,NUNNS ft OWJIK.HALLBT.DA VIB k do., ud GAM 4 00. 8 PIANOS. MBLODB OSB of tietrt ouelitr, at . J.». GOULD'S, 8. B. eornet 81VBNTH end OHBBTNUI «te. ■ BUI., 11l ANILA CIGARS I Case First Quality. '-’A f Hug. clgiri, Jogt .rrWcd In’ Store lujd fog eale b / „ WILLIAM H. YEATON, SIOSwttIROHT.StiMI, h / THE QCKrQBEiI 185&. Caipetiftjjs. a. i'. um, »a»xai«OB0 patto Stole*. >’ R -• * *• £ejjal< Notices. N THE COURT FOR THE AND COUNTY OP-PHILADELPHIA. , _ ‘JOHN B. FOX vs. GEORGB W. BTROUD.* - . pepfW?enh, 1868. No. 48. Vend. Exp. ' The auditor appointed by the Const to report distri bution of the fun! raised, by the Sheriff’* Bale under the shave writ, of , All that certain lot or pit te o' ground with the three etory brlok ireastuge or.tenement thereon erected, Situate on tho neat side of Seventh street, at the dis tance of 63 feet southward fr m the south west corner of Master street and the said Seventh street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on,the Bald Seventh street 17 feet, and extending in length or depth westward between parallel lines at right angles with*the said Seventh street $0 feet. Bjunftd eastward by the said Seventh street south* ■wardby o\h"r ground of the sold Johnß. Pox, intend ed to be this day granted tj George W, Strond on ground rent,, westward by remaining ground of the said /oho E. Pox, and northward by ground granted to Henry Pierce. Being the same lot or piece of ground which John E Fox, by indento e dated the 25th day of Mauh, A D 185/, reorded /t Philadelphia In deed book R I). W;, No. 120, page 295. Ac., granted and conveyed unto ibe 'aid George W.Strond. in fee,yield ing and paying therefor and thereont nnto the said J,!hn B, Fox, his heirs and assign, the yearly rent or sum of 120 do lare, In equal half-yearly payments, on the first day of the months of January and July in every rear thereafter. Also, aU that certain lot or piece of ground with the three story brick messuage or tenement thereon erect ed situate ou the west side of Seventh s'r»et, st the distance of 80 feet southward fretn the south wet* cor ner or Master street and the said Seventh street, in the city of Philodeifbla, containing in front or breadth ou the said Seventh street 17 feet, and extending in length or depth westward between parallel UneH at right an gles tilth the said Seventh street 83 feet. Bounded eastward by the said Seventh street, southward by other ground of the said John B. Fox, intended-to be this'day granted to John H. Craig on ground rent* westward tiy remaining ground of John B. Pox, and northward by other gronvd of the sal* John S. Fox, intended to be this day granted to George W, Stroud on ground rent Being the same lot or piece of ground which John H. Pox, by Indenture dated the 21th dsy of March, A. D. 1867, recorded at Philadelphia In deed book B D. W., No. 120 page 299 Ac., granted and couv. yed nnto the said Georg* W Strond, in feo, yield ing and paying therefor &i d thereont unto tho said 3 ohn E. Pox, hia heirs and assigns, the yearly rent or sum of 120 dollars, in equal half yearly payments, on the first days of the months of January and July In every year thereafter, tor arrears of which said gronnd rente, the properties'above dofloribfd are now about to be sold— Will attend to the duties of his appofntmenton TUES DAY, November 9tb, 18*8, at 4 o’clock, P M., at bis office, No, 133 South Fifth street, opposite Indepen dence Square, in the city of Philadelphia, when and where all parties interested ace required to present their claims or be deberced from coming la ou said fund. v W. B. WHITMAN, Auditor. Phila. v , Oot 15,1858. 0c2610t pRESSWELL & WILLIAMS, No. 200 vi WALNUT Street, are prepared to supply ship per! and consumers with superior Broad Top Coal from Lancaster Minas. bc»tf JhO QK PER TON for the best WHITE ASH COAL, warranted free from slate or dust. HICKS’ COAL is the best and cheapest in the city, re-screened in yard and dry under cover. HICKS bsUs none hut the very beßfc Lehigh and Sohuylklll Coal, and warrants full woigbt. HICKS superintends the delivery of all Coal personally, and therefore guarantees it to be as represented. HICKS’ Yard and Office is at the sontheast corner of MARSH \LJj and WILtOW, -here he inrlteß aU to cell and examine for themselves the above facts. a025-Sm CIGERING, FOX> A GO» wholesale and JL 1 retail dealers In LEHIGH and BQHUYLKILL GOAL. Lehigh yard—THIED street and GERMAN* TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard—HAOH and BBOAD stmts, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand Goal from the most approved mine!, under cover, and pre pared expressly for famUv usa fel-y Safes. gALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFEB, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOOKS, Equal to any now In use. JBON DOORS, SHUTTERB. Ac., On aa good terms as any other establishment In the United States, by EVANS & WATSON, No. 26 South FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. • PLEASE GIVE US A GALL. aalB-tf fUacljinetß attb Iron. cAttcrsh ▼. vxaxtOK. /• rxuaiuir vsaaioz vmxxui k. Muaxiox. CSOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, ►3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON BTRESTB, rHIIeXOiLWIIA. - MERRICK h SONS, engineers and machinists, - nunufaoture High and Low Preisure Steam Engine!, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Bests, fto., Out- Inn of til kinds, either Iron or Bra**. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &o. Retorts and Gas Machinery of tks latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, atieli as Sugar. Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Bteam Trains, Defecators, Filters. Pumping Engines, Ac. 1 Bole Agents forN; RrUieax 1 * Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus: Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer, J. P. Hoes’ Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Rupevtetetirtent—B H BATPPOL auß-y Drugs an& ®t)etmcais. SHOEMAKER & ®O., WHOISSAL* DBOGGIBTB, Eanutacbarers and Dealer PAINTS, VABNISHEB. mkS WXNxwOW aiune, v»* wtwrrs - ~«- IAOS Streets, Philadelphia. Sole Agents for the sale of tho oelebrated Floreff* Mete Qlu*. mM*-? OLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. -E-E DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer* Stationer aed Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks; PubUo Offices, Merchanta, and other*; of the best quality of English or American Paper, and .bound to various styles, in the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description snide* n ifa l<i MthsSriplllllg oxecutod with neatness A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan>> Contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee aay—“This display of Mank boons for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material Is good, the workmanship most excellent, and thotr finish and ap pstnmee neat and appropriate »* aoSO-tf ffixpresa QTompanu*. mHB ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, A 620 CHESTNUT STREET,' forwanU PAROELS. PACKAGER, MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by its own LINES, ©r to oonneotion with other RXPRBBB COMPANIES, to all the nrtootoa] TOWNS and OITIBfI of the United States. . E. 0. OANBFORB, ; **l-u General fttperleUadeutl Philadelphia warming and VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. ‘ ABNOL9 A WILSON, goaosseoxs te a. a uarxisou. We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doors below the fit. Lawrenoe Hotel, where our old friends and the publlo are respeotfully invited to examine our extensive stock of Warn Air Paraaees, Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Registers, Enameled Btone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates, Ac., &a. Wears now manufacturing OBILSON’S CELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMING FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and suited to all classes of buildings. Also, new and beautiful* patterns ot Low Do » Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all sices and pattern We have also commenced the manufacture 4> ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn sylvania Stone. These Mantels were awarded . a SPECIAL PRSAf/tTAf at (A* late Fair and Exhi bition of the Franklin Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Aniiqob Mabblbb, are not injured by Smoke . Coal Gas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale ana Retail, at much lets pries than Marble,' Call and see them. ARNOLD A WILBOK. FELTWELL, Superintendent. PbSlftdeloTiia. April. 186fi—ap?4 ly TTNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY, „ , _ . CHICAGO, ILL. The subscriber, having had mnch practical experi ence In selecting and locating lands in the various Land Districts in the Western States, has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for , LAND WARRANTS OB OABH. Having Surveyors constantly in the field to make personal examinations, he can always make the moat judicious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be iu lOWA AND WISCONSIN* Satisfactory references given when required. Q7* Mow invested to Kansas and Nebraska, and any of the Wasters States. B. SALISBURY, jylfi-fim 40 CLARKE Street. Chicago. npAW h BEERS* A LUBRICATING GREASE, the best and cheapest compound for greasing the axles Of OMNIBUSES, CARRIAGES. CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. For sale in tin oans, hew, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS to the city andthe MANUFACTURERS,, Nn TR ROTTTFT WaTSR Street PLASMA OB ARTIFICIAL LARD.— SPECIAL NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS.—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dis eased surfaces, whioh combines the following advanta ges : A good and unvarying consistence, easily washed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble to water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and does not get rancid. The last property alone renders it an inraluahle acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail, at BIMXS’B Laboratory and Pharmacy, mbit Twelfth and OhAßtcut «tre*t t. CiLATE/ SLATE// SLATE Z/Z—Roofing lO Elate, of all slses, and at very low ratee, kept con stantly on hand, and for sale by FGZBING, FOX, Sc 00., GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street. N. B. Slate Roofs put on in the best manner, and j* *(rlnv Vi All wnrV warranlxf a a « BENCH PLATE GLASS.—HAYING been appointed by the “ Compagnie d» Flore jfe“ the 80LE AGENTB for the sale of their GLASS In this city, we are prepared to offer to the trade or consu mers, from our stock on hand, POLISHED PLATE GLASS for Stores or Dwelling Fronts; Rough Plato for Floors and Skylights; and Silvered Plate, of large slae, for Mirrors. The Glass will be sold at the lowest prioea, and warranted superior, in every respect, to any other imported. ROBT. SHOEMAKER Sc 00., Plate and Window Glass Warehouse. N. 9. oor. of FOURTH and BADE Btreets, wbgft-if Philadelphia MTHISKEY.—3O bbls., 20$ do. (Miller & v V Rickeraton’s) Old Monougahela Whiskey, store and for sale, by A. MBRINO, 0011-tf 140 South FRONT free! TOW LINES, and BOW and STERtf LINES, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, FITLEB, & 00., eelS Nos. 23 N, Water St.. & 22 N Wharves. LARD.— 48 Bblß No. I. liWf iUMa Beodend. Sot »lo te 9. O-S&HBB & 00., » Mia AROHStrMt, .tote Slant/ T4/IAOKEREO —878 Bbbla Nos. 1, 2 & 8 1W MAOKKBEL , in Whole, Halves, Quarters, and Eighths—to Original Packages—just ifceired and for Bale hr . 0.0. SADLER A 00.,' 0019 - ARCH Street, 2d dfop Above Front, A INQUIRE FOR THE ROYAL, OR ?SA SUKI.L PATUNT GAS-BUBNINQ COOK-' t E3X ING STOVES—They are economical, consuming ? as and smoke that are usually wasted; dura-., Mb' by having double in«tead of single plates; and con venient, having large ovens and being ready bakers. Our lie-patented DOUULE.OVUN STOVE 1. thebeßt constrnoted up-draft stove ever invented. It'will beat a large boiler of water, boil' two dinner potß, broil a beef steak, bake bread and plea and roast meat, all at the same time and with a single fire. ■ Invalids, and all persons who appreciate the influence of veu'ilated apartments upon health, will bo pleased with our PORTABLE GRATES and MODEL FKANK LIN STOVE*, which are of beautitul and ornamental patterns, and give a cheerful, open fire, and thorough ventilation. . Strict economists will be tatlifad with cut SILVER’S GAS-OONBUMING PARLOR BTOVjSB. Many of tho ao-oal'ed gas-burning stoves introduce cold air to the. top of the fire, the effect of which )a to 000 l the stove and waste the fuel, precisely as if a stove door was opened above the flro, In a true gas-burning stove, vho air should be heated, in ahot-air chamber, to a tempera ture sufficient to ignite the gases, on the same principle ae is adopted in our gas-burning cooking stoves. In Addition to the above, olarge assortment of Parlor Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, for coal or wood, Uall Btovea, Portable Heaters, Cooking Stoves, of every de scription, Gas Ovens, Stove Fixtures, and Repairs may be found, in every variety, at our 'Warorooma, No. 200 Nonh SECOND Street, above Race oel9-tr NORTH. CHASE, A NORTH QUEEN’S PORTABLE FORCE ffitgg Doubtless many of our city readers. In passing I Biay the gangs of workmen employed in laying down some or the passenger railroad tracks in our streets, bad their attention attracted to a portable forge, with bellows and everything complete, and in efficient service. These forges, built upon the plan secured by O.V Queen’s patent arc for sale at tho commodious, long-established, and deservedly popular Stove, Range, and Furnace establishment Of WARNtCK, CHAD WICK, & BROTHER, corner of SECOND and RAGE ; Streets, who have the sole right for the sale of Queen's Portable Forge in Pennsylvania. There are, we believe, five sires of this forge, rang ing in price from twonty-two to forty-four dollars—a sum so smell, when contrasted with its merits, as to se cure its general introduction; for any one who will for a moment consider ibe advantages of this forge, wf ich may be removed frotn place to place, so as always to bo on the spot where workers in Iron or other metals are to perform service, whether in original construction or repairs, will at once concede it* great efficiency, and ar range for its possession and use. The adaptability of this fo-ge to repairs to railroads and mining machinery especially commends it to railroad companies and opera tors in the mining districts. We, therefore, take plea sure iu oalllng to It tho attention of road masters, su- Serintendents of mines, and others [From the United tales Railroad and Mining Register ooT-ltn 1 Jk STOVES! STOVES! fSaa SILVER’S ORIGINAL GAS-BURNING* |kg« * STOVE, With all the Latest Improvements. Also, the largest assortment of COOKING, PARLOR, Sc OFFICE BTOVSB In tho City, at MANICrLE’S, No. m MARKET STREET. Call before purchasing. se29-6w j. SOMETHING NEW.—GAS BUR NING COOK bTQVE.—I would respectfully call ABPH, the attention of the public to one of the greatest improvements ever introduced in Cooking Stoves and Ranges—the burning of tho gas arising from the coal, by which moan# is saved 59 per cost, in fuel and also more Intense heat thrown to the bottom of the oven. Wo effect the burning of the gasos by means or a hollow oentre-plece, perforated on the under sldo. which admits the air in a heated state to mingle with the gases, thus aiding its combustion, and causing a flame to pass around tho oven equal to a wood fire. This im provement also preserves the centre piece from •'inking down ou the fire, thereby saving the expense of repairs One or the Stoves CAN BE SBEN IN OPERATION -t 1116 MARKET Street Manufactured by JAMES BPEAIt, Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Chase Sc North,) 1116 MARKET Street. eept29-Bmo ®tmcaticiuL Freehold institute.—a board ing 'SCHOOL FOB BOVS, AT FREEHOLD, MONMOUTH 00., N. J. The n»xt ses»ion will oomtnence on Wednesday, the 19th of November, 1858. The following is from a report of tho Trustees, made In April. 1858 : ‘•We dealr© to direct the attention of Parents to the claim* of the Freehold Institute. The accuraoy of scholarship instated upon; the moral and religious in fluence* exor.fßed, and the gentlemanly deportment cultivated iu the school, highly recommend it to the patronage of an enlightened people. “The Institute offers very unusual advantages for the education of youth. The accommodations exceed anything with whioh we are seqa luted. Besides dor mitories. which are comfortable and pleasant, the pu pllshave dressing rooms to which they have accosa at all times.” A competent Instructor ia at the head of each de partment, and tho teaching is done with great accuracy and thoroughness, For circulars, or any information with rog&rd to the school, address either ot tbe J, SOLWDR E WILLIS, A. M. Principals, J 01US A A; M oeM-lw* EATON ACADEMY, for both sexes, at KENNBTT SQUARE, Chtatertounty, Pa ,opeaß tho First of November, continuing twenty woekfl. WM A. CHANDLER, ) MARY G- JACKSON, S Teachers. 0c25-4t* WM. K. GREENFIELD, ) Philadelphia school of design BOR WOMEN —An Election of Twelve Director to serve for tbe ensuing year will be held at the School Rooms, 1834 C IEbTNUT Street, on MONDAY, No vember let, 1858. between the hours of ten and twelve o’clock. P. P. MORRIS, 0c22-Bt* Seer tary A SPIRANTS to West Point Academy XXL obtain individually that special instruction in tbe study and acquisition of Mathematical and Mechanical Science which inwarea distinction in puißuing the ardu ous comse of that institution, and attainment of tbe higher Acadomlobon-rs. at P. BPBWART’Blnstitoto, 108 FQUBTH Bt. below Chestnut. . oc3l-Bt*j3 LONG’S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, N E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Sta. COMMERCIAL DtpAHTMENT.— -ook keeping iu ell Its •various forms; preparing Students thoroughly for situations io any branch of business j Pla n and Or □omental Writing; Commercial Calculations; Law and Correspondence. No institution io the United States MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT— (Separate from the above.) —Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of au Englith and Olas- Blcairducatipn, vit: Spalling Reading,'Writing, Cram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, &c , Ancient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions of fire months commence September Ist, and February Ist. Pupils reoeived at any time be fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues famished gratis. mh26 tf F. DONLEAVY LONG, Principal PBNN INSTITUTE—Sontboast corner oi THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, opened on MO.NDAY, the Cth of September. Private instruction. though farorable to rapid pro gress. yet sends the scholar Into the world with a keen sensitiveness, which totally disqualifies him for active life; whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those fiersonat to each individual, and the learner either oae* all interest, or becomes superficial lu bis acquire ments. For these and other reasons the number is limited For farther information apply personally, from nine o’clock A. M. to ono o’clock P. AI., or by note, to soIB-tf R. STEWART, principal. PARADISE F. SEMINARY, LANCAS TER CO t PA.,— Three-fourths of a mile from Lemon Place Btation, P. R. R.. roop-ns for Us KIGIITII SESSION on Ist November next. For to/ tag, which are very moderate, apply to the Rector, Rov. Hr. KILLI KELLY, Paradise, Lancaster co , Pa. Befer*nce—Rt. Bov. Bp Bowman, Lancaster city, and Episcopal clergy of Philadelphia. oc4-m w s-tNI Allen grove boarding and day SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, Prank ford, Penn sylvania. Six miles from Market street, Philadelphia. The WINTER SESSION of this School will commence November Ist. Parents and Guprdians who intend to place their daughters or wards at this Institution,'will do well to make Immediate application to Mrs. E. L. THOMPSON, Principal and superintendent, oco-wa-Bt* SfKB. BRYAN’S SEMINARY, I“JL BATAVIA, N. Y. TUB FALL TERM of this Institution (whose loca tion is one of rare beauty and attraction), commences on the 16th of September. It continues striotly a Fa mily Boarding School for Girls, and is thorough, select, and homelike in all its appointments. The nnmbor of pnpilß is limited to those who can be soaced at the ta ble of the Principal. 10* CIRCULARS will bo sent showing Terms and Regulations. Batavia. Genesee co., N. Y., September, 1858. sel3 ORITTENDEN’9 PHILADELPHIA v COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, eortheaat corner of OHEBTNUT and SEVENTH Streets. An Institution designed to fit young men for AC* TIVE BUSINESS. “ BOARD 09 TIUJSTEKa. B. B. Oomejy*, IranoU Hoeldnl, Oearga H. S hart, Derld Milne, John Sparbowk, D*»M 8. Brown, Jew Hooker, A. V. Paroone, D. B. Hinman, Frederick Brown, - Joshua Uppincott. EVENING SESSIONS after September 16th. Each Student hoa individual inbtruotiou Jat this Institution, and a Diploma from hero la the beat re commendation ajoung man can have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may be bad on application at the College. LEIDT BROTHERS’ NIGHT-SCHOOL , Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street, near Race, ia HOW OPEN ro O TB IHSTROOTIOH IK BOOK-KEEPING, WRITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, Afi USUAL, Bfrt'ly BRSTANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OP NATIONAL MEItOANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast oornor SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Jor information, call or eend for elronlar. , - JelO-tr EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. DHFP & CO.’S MERCAN- OOLLEGE, Southeast corner eighth and CHESTNUT Street,, (eaiabltshea *n 1840, and incorporated by the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania.) In thi* well-known Institution the COUNTING IIOUBE COURHS of Practical, Slagle, and Doable Entry BOOKKEEPING, Including all the Auxiliart Boors, Oohhrroiai, Oal ooi.aho»b, and business writing, Is (aught In the most successful and satisfactory style, M. ROOM, ) , , P. EDWARDS, < Principals. Mr, I) B. BOSTON, Penman. irerliloero. pHOSPHATIO GUANO. 3,000 BARRELS AND BAGS **OM BGMBBJJKO ISLAND, la Btere aad for wls by JOS. B. BANSON & CO., Ho. 106 North WATER Street, aad No. 10« North DILAW ARB Avenue. ffiobcuco. SFUGUET & SONS, • Importexa of HAVANA OIGARB, ee2B 210 South JPRONT Street. OAVANA CIGARS.—IO6,OOO La Flor CX de la Havana let, 2d, and Sds, Jnet arrived per brig May Quoen,” from Havana, In Btoro and for Bale by WILLIAM H. YEATON, e024-tf No. 216 South VBONT Street. EOGAIIO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS B. SBOASS—A choice invoice of theee celebrated Manila on beard brig “ !)«> Era,” daily expected from Havana, and for «ale low, by OHABT.KS TKTH, (Roy) W 3 Walnut Second, . ,•# . .ftwond Story. itte&innat. TYpBENSAOK’S IRON BITTERS*. , IJL This'Mediclne, as its name implies, ta one of the greatest strengthening' preparations extant, it ia es pecially, adapted to those who have a lose of appetite or. are afflicted with Dyspepsia, Direr*' Complaints. Piles, Nortons Debility. General weakness, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the digestive organs. t * • . FOR JBMALB COMPLAINTS GENERALLY there is perhaps no medicine In the world equal to it, as it enters, purifies, and . the blood which is so important to bring about a healthy action thousands are living a miserable 1 existence, *of a pale sickly oolory weak and emaciated, whe'could be restored to health,by the usd ot one bottle of this invaluable medioine, at is no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that Is of an injurious nature. FOB ALL DISEASES OP THE BLOOD there is no better antidote than Bobensaok’s Iron Bit* .tern When the blood is impure the whole body'is full of disease. Blood letting may answer fora time, but cloanßlng a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the blood there is no better remedy than these Invaluable Bitters Their chief constituent is iron, and we all Know, it# «fflbacy in removing the impure matter from the whom visceral system They ore prepared by a prao tical chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent physicians and others, as the << ne plus nltxa” of all tonics. HOW gratifying to the proprietor that he has succeeded in compound ing a remedy for many or the ills that bis fellow mortals are subject to; and that the public appre ciate it is not a question of doubt, but a fixed fact as the demand for it has far surpassed his sanguine expectations HI:AD THE TESTIMONY OF A WODTHY CITIZEN, This is to certify my wife was in delicate health some three years, with a disease peculiar to her sex. Bhe tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit Hearing of lron and knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, Induced me to obtain a bottle, whioh proved to be the medicine she solely re quired, by restoring her to health. Bhe hesitates not to recommend it to those who are similarly affected. tt she believes it to be a sovereign remedy. JOHN COLE. No.. 831 Capitol Street. -This invaluable Hedlolne is prepared only by GEORGE 8. HOBENBACK, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. comer of THIRD and GREEN Streets, Philadelphia, To whom all orders most be addressed. Price $l. Discount to defers. Bold by Druggists generally. * mh2o-y Snonronte (Eomjjnnieß. THE QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, OFFICE 408 WALNUT BTREBT, PHILADELPHIA.—CAPITAL and&URPLUB $277,- 866 66,—-Insuresagainst LOBS or DAMAGE IsY FIRE and the PERILS OF TIIE SEA, INLAND NAYIGA TION and TRANSPORTATION. K7* TEN percent, in cash returned on the earned premiums of Open Inland Policies. OFFICERS Prfsldent—GEOßG X H. HART. Vice President-B. P. JIOSB. Secretary and Treasurer—H R. COGGSHALL. Assistant Secretary—B.ll. BUTLER. DIRECTORS. Geo. H. Hart, 35. w". Bailey E P.Rosfi, Andrew R. Chambers, A. G. Cattail, J. L. Pomeroy, Joseph Edwards, , Oh*rlea G. Imlay, John G. Dale, H. R. Coggnhall, Foster S. Perkins, Sa«'l. Jones, M, D., Hon.H.M. Fuller. se2l-y Attest, H.R COOGSHALL, 8ec s y. Hovtard fire and marine insu rance COMPANY, No. 412 WALNUT Street Philadelphia, DIRECTORS. John H. Diehl, Wm.!. Leech, J. Edgar Thomson, Robt. W. D. Troltt. M V?. Baldwin, Thoa. L. Lodera, John 0. James, Wm. K. Hamlin, A- J. Buchner, H. H. BhUUngfoxd, John W Sexton. 0. K. Spangler, ’William RajgueJ, H.H. Houston, Edwin Booth, Wm H. Love, John Garrison, Charles P. Norton, E.S.Warno, Isaac Myer. President—JOHiN H. DIBHL, Vice President—E. S. WARNS.' Secretary—CHAßLES A. DIXY. sels-tf American fire insurance 00., INCORPORATED Ito*—CHARTER PER PETOAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, shore Third. Philadelphia Haring a. large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Xnrosted in sound and available Securities, oontinae t j insure on Dwellings, Stordß, Furniture, Merchandise, Vossols In Port ana their Cargoes, and other Personal Property - . All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted. fiIUOToaS. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Caspar W. Morris. BamnolQ. Morton, ~ James B. Campbell. Patriot Brady, Edmund G. Lutilh. Charles W. Poultney, GEORGS ABBOTT, President. THOMAB B, MARIS, Secretory j*23-yif INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSTLVANIA—FIBB AND MA IIINE INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered in 179-4 Capital—Assets, Janu ary 1,1853,1347,440.60.100. All invested In sound ana available securities— eontl nue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks or Merchandise, &e., on liberal terniß. . DiaioTOßflV Henry D. Bherrerd, George H. Btnart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles flncnlester, Tobias Wagner, WUUam 8, Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, John B.BnM, Henry G. Freeman, William B White, Charles 8. Learie, - George G. Carson. HENRY P. SHERREM), President. William Hi»m, Seoret&rj. je9« ftOßl* EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM XJ PANT, No. 831 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. chartered capital *IB», MARINS AND INLAND. ASSETS JULY lßt, ms. Bonds and Mortgages, Stocks, Ac...., $349,625 00 Bills Receivable, {for policies issued,2,l'tf Ift Uanettlsd Book Accounts, (for polioies,).... 1 513 83 Cash in Bank and in Office, 10,433 45 dash in bands of Agonts and Correspondents; No loftcan unadjusted, unpaid, or reported. DIRECTORS-: William Mi Godwin, 8. B. Crawford, J&tnaa W. Queen, Jno. L. •B. FMbilln jnciioii,' S. N. W!a«W, ’ J. 0. Hopper, Henry D. Mean. WiJ. u. GODWIN, Preßldent. /. 0. Hop re*, Secretary. mvIO-dtf (HITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 South FOURTH Street. CUi RTER PERPETUAL. 9300,000. Organised 1861. Privileged to Insure Houses, annually or perpetually j Personal Property, annually, or for a less period j take Marine, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receive De posits; bold Trusts and grant annul ties ALFRED WEEKS. President. B. O. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. SUbtii*, Secretary. dixbotobs. Alfred Weeks. Hon. W. D. Kelley, B. 0. Tyler, J. W. Forney, J. W. Bonder, P. B. Mingle, C. R. Picking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews, J. W. BtokOo, William Curtis, JelB-ly G. F. Turner. Capital...,, J LFJS INSURANCE AND TRUST OOM- X-J PANT.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Comer of THIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital. $012,726.03. INSURES LIVES Tor short tens*, or for tho whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur - chosen life interests In Real Estate, and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act aa Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians, *xeo*ns. Daniel L. Miller, BasmelS.Stokei, Benjamin Coates, WHliam Martin, Richard fl. Newbold. James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William 11. Kern, James Euston, Samuel C. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. Souder, Henry 0. Townsend, Dauiel h. Hutohmson, Rodolphna Kent, John W. Qornor, William H. Carr, Eilfs g. Archer, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian. William Robertson, Joseph li. Thomas, Warner U. Basin, John G. Brenner, F. 8. MiclUer, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL S. STOKES, Vic* Pres’t. Join W. Hoxxoa. Secretary. &IS-Iy {ThELAWASE MUTUAL SAFETY IN -3l? stjranok company. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATURE of PENN SYLVANIA, 1886. OFFICE, 8.3. Corner THIRD and WALNUT Street#, PHILID9LJ-RU. MARINS INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, > CARGO, S To all parts or the World. FREIGHT, ) INLAND INSURANCES, On Goods, by River. Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &e. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. November 2,1867. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real E5tate.........5101,860 94 Philadelphia City and other Loans 187,011 26 Stock in Banna, Railroads, and Insurance Companies 12,608 00 Bills Receivable... 220,291 96 Oaah on hand 88,892 66 Balance in hands of Agents, Premiums on Marine Policies recently issued, on other debtsduethe C0mpany,,........,,...,., 92,780 67 Subscription N0te#......................... 100,000 00 Bmomsi William Martin, James O. Hand, Joseph H. Seal, Theophilus PaaUUof, Edmund A. Bonder, James Traquair, John C, Davis, William Eyre. Jr., * John R. Penrose, J. F. Peniston, George G. Leiper, Joshua P. Byre, Edward Darlington, Bamnel E. Stokes. Dr. R. 61. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm. O. Ludwig, James B. MoFarland, Hugh Craig, Thomas O. Hand, Sponoer Mollraln, Robert Burton, Jr., Charles Kelly, Jno. B. Semple, Plttabgh., Q. Jones Brooks,t Dr. T. Morgan. “ Jaoob P. Jones, J. T. Logan, “ WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS O. HAND, Vice President. HENRY EYLBURN, Beoretary. ja9-y V IFIBB INSURANCE COMPANY, Of f*M STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS, FfiUUZM&raiA. Subscribed Capital. $600,000. Paid up Capital, $200,000 DDMOfOUB. Dr. D. Jayne, Thoa. 8. Stewart, H. L. Benner, J. M. Butler, J. M. Whitall, J. K. Walker. 14w. O. Knight, M. R. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr.. B. K. Hoxsle.' DAVID JAYNE, M. D., President. THOMAS 8. STEWART, ViooPrei’t. BAMttul 8. Moott, Beoretary. ja29-; "CUKE AND INLAND EISKS.—FAME A INSURANCE COMPAIfT. Capital ...sloo,ooo* (OrginttsA under tie Act of Assembly relative to la loranoe Companies, passed April 2d, 1866.) . &EOIIQKW. DAY, Pre»iden«. THOMAB 8. MABTIN; Tieo-Preoldoni. WIBUAMS I. BfcAHOHABD, Secretary. Office til CHESTNUT Bt., PhiladolpW*. DXBIOTOBB. {Jacob S. Vaughan, Henry Lewis, Jr., D. B. Birtfjy, JohnW. Arerraan, A. H. Rosenheim,, H Stern. George W. Day, William W.Wanet*. Charles Richard aon, Barclay Lippinoott, Jos. B. Brognard, Okas. Stakes, f«24-y Camps. OETBRS ,s PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE X BH«F-GENERATING GAB LAMP is the only Patent Burner that has a Non-Conductor attached. The public are cautioned against all other Burners, m they will heat, ,*nd liable to explode. State and County Bights for sale. Apply or address seJ5 3>. ■ P.' PETERS, BROADWAY, N, TV . Bail«rnt> Jtinea. Philadelphia and elmira rail. EOAD LINE.—QUICKEST EOUTB to Blra'.ia, WUkesbarre, Buffalo, Chicago, Bock Island, Nisgat* Falla, Milwaukee, Burlington,. Montreal, St. Paula, Detroit, DanJfeth,andBt.liou6, - - . - ' ’ Passenger trftlns. will -leave the Philadelphia at d Beading Ballroad Depot, BROAD and YXKE Streets, daily, (Sunday* exdepted.) as follows: -' ' 7.80 A. M. DA* EXPRESS, ; For Elmira, Niagara Falla, Buffalo,' Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Bock Island. Gelena, 6t. Paula. Burlington, and St. Lottie. , 8.80 P.M. NIGHT EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Falla, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena, gt. Paula, Burlington, and St. Douia. The 7.30 A. M. train tuna through to HARRISBURG, stopping at all 'Stations on the Lebanon Valley Branch' of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. ' ’ At Rupert, for Wilkesbarre, Plttaton, Scranton. and all stations on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMBBURG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Soapenalon Bridge. irr Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Bine’s Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pas* eenger Dep<»t. comerof BROAD and VINB. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily.' excepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 Freights must be delivered before 3P. M, to insure their going the same d&j. -. V *t tanner information applyat 1 Freight Depot, Broad, belotr Vine. Or to GHAB. ?. TAPPISN, General Agent, H. W. cor. Sixth and Ohesfemt Streets. Phiifdel Jzta. JStwr khNotice-summeb ARRANGEMENT. JagSaggC PHILADELPHIA. WIBMINGTSN, AND BALTI- MORE RAILROAD', On and after Monday, Mar 10, 1858. PASSENGER TRAINB LEAVE PHILADELPHIA jj*» at BA. M., IP. M., {Express,) and lor Wilmington, atB A. M., 1,4.80, anil lIP. For New Castle, at 8 A. M.. and 4.80 P. H For Middletown, at 8 A. M., and 4.80 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. Forß, and 4.80 P M _ TBAIKS FOK PHILADELPHIA, 840 p T *M I ,Uimo ” at 7 ' 30 ’ Express, 10.15 A. M., and Leave Wilmington at 6 46 and 10.80 A. M., and 1.46 ana 8.65 J?. M, 1 Leave New Castle at 6 and 0.60 A. M., and at 8.16 r. M. ’ Leave Middletown at 8.68 A. M„ and 6.46. . Leave Dover at 8 A. M., and 4.65 P.M. Leave Bearord at 8.26 A. M., and 2 P. M. v * or baltimobz. am” w!mii;suju “t 8.10 A. M., 2P. M., and 2.16 SUNDAYS only at 11 P, M. from Piiladelphla to Sal- timore, Do do 6.40 P. M. from Baltimore to PhiH phla. ■ • freight Train, with Pamenger (Hr uttaohed, »m nu> as follows i ’ Leave Philadelphia for PenryriUe and Intermediate places at 0 P M Leave Wilmington for do do do 746p’ U Leave Havre de Grace for Baltimore do 030 A. m! Leave Baltimore for Havre de Grace do 010 P. M Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia do 6 40PM 8. M. BELTON, president. [\fEW FORK. LINES—THE CAMDEN f AM BOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND raBNTON RAILROAD COMPANY’S LINKS. JBOM PHILADELPHIA TO_NSW YORK, AND WAY PfcAOlS. Le&re « fellows, yis: At 0 A. M., tia Camden and Amboy* Accommoda tion.., a At 6 A. M., Tfa Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Ac commodation 336 At 8 A. M., yia Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mall •• 3 oo At 10 A. M., by Steamboat John NeiUon,fi» Taco : ny and Jersey City, Morning .Express 300 At 3 P. M., tie Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex- ytua ; % ©q At 6 F. if. ri* Camden and Jersey City, Srenlns Mail... 8 0 AtSP.M., via Camden and Amboy, Accosuncd*> tiok Ist Class 2 00 At By. M., ria Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, ZnaOlaas. .. 444 * 1 60 At 6 P. M., rla Camden and Amber. Aoooznmoda* tionjlatolftM. 44444 . 44 2 00 At 6P. M., ria Camden and Amber. Aooaznmod*-' t!on, 2nd 01aaa. 44 , 44X44444%4 .1 75 espied* ** M li m* others gandapes AUl* P. Uj from Kensington Pepot, rla Jersey fOity, Mai, B&turdtrs excepted... $2 26 express Lines stop at the principal stations only; For Belridere, fas ton, Fiemington, Ac., at 6A. H and 2# P. M. from Walnot street wharf. For Water Gap, Bfroudsbnrg, Scranton. Wilkesbane. Montrose. Great Bead, Ao., at 0 A. U., ria Delaware! Lackawanna at Westers BaUroad. for Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. U. For Mount HoUy at 6 A. M., and 2jtf and * P. K. WAP LINUS For Bristol, Trenton, Ac., at 2# and 4 P. M., For Falmpa, Banoocas, Bereriy, BarUnrton, Bordca town Ao., at 8 P.M. Steamboat Richard Stockton for Bordentoiro, and la-' termediatc placee, at 2V P. K.» Bteamboat John Neilson, for T&conr, at 10 and 11 tf A. M , and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 P.M. * All fines except 11X P, M , leave Walnut street wharf pounds of baggage only allowed each pas senger. Passengers are prohibited from t&kfnc any thing oa baggage but their wearing apparel* All bag gage oyer tilty pounds to be paid for extra. The Com piny limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar, per pound, and will not be liable for any amount be yond SLQO, except by special contract. WM. H. GATZKBB, Agent 0. k A. B. B. 00. FALL ARRANGEMENT. , Fer BETHLEHEM. DOTLiSTOWN, fcb., and by dose railroad connections for Easton, Catawisßa, New Fork city, Allentown, Williamsport, Water Gap. • Maucb Chunk, Elmira, WUkeebarre, Hasleton, Niagara Falls, Scranton On and after WEDNESDAY, August 25th, 1868, Pas senger Trains will leave FRONT and WILLOW Streets, Philadelphia, as follows: For HothJtfhem, Easton, Wilkesbarre, Water Gap, Scranton. A-., (Express.) at 6.16 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, Maoah Chunk, Williams port, Elmira, and the West, (Express,) at 2.16 P M. For Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 8.46 A. M. Mid. i-'3i« TT w».Haipaa, _ ts«a-SMsani<m3 - »rß3ri. M. and 6PM trains ion pnitArf*i,pHXA Leave Bethlehem (Express,) at 9 A. M. and 5 P.MI Leave Doylestown (Accommodation) at 7 A. M. and 8,80 PU. “ Leave Fort Washington (Accommodation) at 7,10 A. SI. and 2.80 P. M. Doylestown Trains ran dally. Other Trains daily, Bandars excepted. All Passenger trains (except Sanday Trains) connect at Chatham street with Fifth and Sixth Street Passen ger Bailroad. Fare to Bethlehem 60 ** tfanehOhnafc... 2 60 « Easton..,.,, 160 t( Doylestown go FOR BCHOOLEY»3MOCNTAIN~B« 6.16 A M. train to EWton, thence by N. J. 0 88. ana D. L. A W. BR. to Washington, thence by stage, arriving at the Moun tains at IP. M. Fare f 3.10 6 au26 tf MLLI3 CLARK, Agent .9500,000 865,148 85 DHILADEtPHIA, GERMAfTTOWK A. AND NO RBIBTO WN RAILROAD.—BUMMBF ARRANGEMENT.—On and after MONDAY, May 10th, 1888. YOB GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 7, 8, 9-Q5 rain., 10,Uu A. M.. 1,2, 3,4, 6,6, 7,8, 9, 10, and 11* P. M. Leave Germantown at 8,7, 7V,8, 9, 9jf, 10W, U« foj?P M ° ml 1 1” *' *** *** h “*“*» ** 6 BT - The 7)| o’clock A. M, Train from Germanicwi Hill stop enly at Wayne and Tioga Streets Stations. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9.20 mis. A. M., 3, 6jf, and Leave Germantown 8# A. M., 1-1 mis,, 4#, and P. H» CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. LeaveThUadelphiaat 6J{, 8, 9.06 min ,U« A. K. 2,8,4. 8,8, 10 P. M. * " Leave Chestnut Bill at 6 40 and 7.85,0.10, and 10.10 min. A. M , 12.60, 8.10, 4.10, 6.10, 7.40, and 9.20 mis P. M. Leave Philadelphia, 0.20 A. M., 2, tU , and BP. &£. Leave Chestnut Bill at 8.10 min A. M., 13.60 4.10 6.40 P. M ’ JOB OONBEOHOOKEN AND NORRIS TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at o#, 9, U A. M.. 1.06 mis BJO min.. 4tf, ex, u# P. M. Leave Norristown at 0, 7,0,11 a. M., 1,8)f, and 6* OR SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. M., and ?.p. Id. Leave Norristown at 7 A. M., and 6 P. U. POR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia at 0*, 7%, 9,1 i A. H. 1.06 min. 3.05min..3.10 min., 4){, B£, 6K, B,II X P. M. ,„ L8 >” Vt,l)i,Z)S> »K, I IX A. M, 4 > ®X,7, “4 8 P. M. ID- Sundays gams a. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD 10R DOWNING TOWN. Leero Fhlladelphls at 6* A. if., and 8.10 tain. P. it Ls*r« Downinglown at 7% A. M.. andl P. M. H. E. SMITH, General Superintendent. Depot. Ninth enu flm«» PhiladMobis lUKUPBN NSXLVANIA I Xo>o CENTRAL RAILROAD I Ot/O PROM PHILADELPHIA TO PITTSBURGH, And thence by Railroad to WHEELING. BT. LOUIS, STEUBENVILLE, CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, LOUISVILLE, BURLINGTON, INDIANAPOLIS, ST. PAULS, And all Intermediate points in OHIO, INDIANA, ILLINOIS, KENTUCKY, MIOHI GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Passengers to points,west of Pittsburgh, Wheeling Cleveland and Crestline, have choice of routes, end art requested to make a aeleotioa before applying for tick THREE THROUGH TRAINS LEAVE PHILADEL PHIA DAILY, Penning close connections at Pittsburgh to all no inti West. 1M,785 87 On and after MONDAY, May 10th, 1898, Thre* through, and Two accommodation trains, will leave tht depot, 8. S. comer of ELEVENTH and MARKS! streets, as follows: TBAIKB roa PtTTSßOaatf t&AXHS vaow ?I«8BUJO» A*n TM WlB* LBAYB. AND THB WHST ABBITB. Mall train at... .7.80 A. M. Flail train at.. 11.00 night Post line XOO noon. Past 1ine...... 4.60 A. M Express ma11..11.00 night. Express mall.. 1.19 noon WAT TKAIHB LB ATS. WAT TBAIJTB ABBITB. Harrisburg ac- Harrisburg ac commodation.S.ooP. M. P.M Lancaster “ 6.00 P.M. Lancaster “ .0.60 A. M The mail train stops at all Gestations between Phila delphia and Pittsburgh. The Express mail runs dally, the other trains Sundaj excepted. The oars leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Passengei Station, southeast corner of ELEVENTH and MARKS? streets,' entrance on Eleventh, street, where throat! tickets to all points Weßt can be obtained. Baggage will be received at the Depot at any time do ring the day. No oharge for handling baggage. for further informetton, uppljr »t the Depot of ‘.hi PennßylTMiia Railroad Company southeast corner of IlsTsuth md Market etraets, between the hours of T A. THOMAS MOOR*. m y 10 Agent Penn’a Railroad Cfo. ijjotel# ontr Htstaorants. A.boade hotel, CHEBTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA . COKDCOTED OK TBB KtfROPEAK PLAK. A new lease for a term of years baring been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will con tinae to be conducted as heretofore, on the European plan, and the prices remain unchanged, riz: Root* Per Di.x 60a Dicker SOa. Brßakfast asd Tba, each, 37# o. The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated in winter bv means of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge is made. There is no bar kept in the house to be & source of annoyance to guestß. The accommodations are designed wholly for business men—hence no ladies are received. JJjr* TIUb house is never dosed day or night. J. D. BROWN, E. BE YOUNG, JONES HOUSE, v HABBIBBUBO, Pa., NLSOANTLY JnKNISIS»! lt,llaMH '' ROW OPSN 10 VISITORS. ■ raySB-y ‘ WKLLB COVBItLY, Prorrl.tOT FAEIAN Ilk'MV. —Akirgo stock of I tit. LIAR HEHP on band and for Bale by \ . ‘ 'WEAYRR.JfJTLEB.&CQ,. 0013 Ho, 33 H. TPAWta & 24 H.‘ffgA»VJ5J. ON SUNDAYS. ■’ RtfijrflaJv £lne«. # pEOTfStiVAHIA. BAH.BOAD.—THE GMATOMPFBAI ftOTTS, ooiiiMtlßg tee At untie Cities trith WWCeriS. North- western.- nnd|Bouth western States, by a ootttinuoas Baftway direet„ Thl® fioadatoo cbuueote at. Pittsburgh with daily line of ■teftmertto *ll ports on the western s£iekft } -to 6 tt **2MfiSv’* w L fc ® 4 Weaarterete £**££*<>» Lakes; jmakin* the »oeb DWSOT, [ OE*APEBS end t«t,t a yr?p«Pnw-w>dQH-¥Tai^W. [ c *£ fSSSTMSi to and from the GBfiZf WEST. i J6OHGH; PHttA3»LPEJ* Jfltt* KW i VlMt.OMtt—BoeW, Bboi«.'H*ls. end I " S*fi ®° o4l » (In IWM* 1 bo^ -and tale*) feathers, ?ura:Ao .76c, peril**' . " BMOOBD -01.AB8—Domwtic sheetin*. Shirting end Ticking, (isL-erigSsi , bales), Draff a (in casks) . Leather, Liquor, (in easks,) Wall - Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, l Ac. Ac.,,...,;... ..toe. pet 10 Txiin Hemp,’Bacon and Pork., Salted, .(loose or In ~ , tacks), Paints, (itj and. in «U,) OU8 L (eicajrtUrd*ndrcndn).*t„.rk. |tttttQ f otm Cliss—Coffee, fish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in easka or boxes - •artwsrd), Lard and Lard 08, Vails, . Sou*Asfi.German ol*T, Tar,fitck,. fdon, Stefl, Manufactured To haooo, Bd»£n Oil, Queenmr*. Baff&r,.(&hds., Ksi., sad boxes,} 4«., fto pnMl^ , Flops —Tfio. per bbl.* until further notice.. Gxaix—Bsc. per 100165.* until farther cottas, OorTos-43 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until farther notice. in shipping Goode from any point East at PJUladel* Fb' a ) b* plfncalar to Jta*u packages l( iHa Pennsylvania Railroad All Goods consigned to tise Agents erf th?» * ' x /biladelpbia or Pittsburgh, willbe forwarded without dotontiou. PaxidHr dr. Go.,Chicago i Packer * * Oo a Memphis, Tenn. ;B, f. Sau A Co*, Bt. Louis, Ifo;; P. G.O’Riley d; Co.. SyaouriHe,lndian*; Wm. Bingham; Louisville, Kentucky.; B. C- Meldrum, Madison, Indiana; H. W. Brown A 00~ and Ather & Hibbard,,Cincinnati].H. 8, Pierce A- Co., Zanesville, Ohioj Leech A Co,. Ko. 61 Kilbystreet Boston; Lmo* A Co.,' No. 3 Actor House, New York, No. 1 William st. New York: fi. 3. Sneeder, Philadelphia: * Magrew A iKoous, Baltimore; D. A Btawwt, pittaburgi H. H. HOUSTON, General freight Agent. H. J. LOMBABBT, General Superintendent. Altoona, P* _ CDiu£s» onO CiqnoTS OLD TOM GIN, LONDON CORDIAL— Imported by F D. LONGOH AMP, 2i7 8. FRONT Street Philadelphia. For sale at all the principal Druggists and Grocer* in Philadelphia. , CAUTION.—The celebrated OLD TOM GIN j*im po»t«-d into the State ot Pennsylvania by F. D. LONG CHAMP exclusively; HOSB OTBBE is QSHBIXB James Field, Son, & Co ,28 Mining Jane, London, sole export xgents for Messrs. Ch booth & Co. oc2l-12t* |^HESTNDl r GROVE WHISKEY.-A de j—' sir* to lesson the consumption of impure spirits, knowing their injurious' effect* upon the constitution, ha* induced the off-ring to the public of an article which the analj*ation of Pro'essur Chilton, Analytical Lhemiflfc, of New Fork, and Messrs, Booth, Garrett. Sc Oamae, of Philadelphia, proves beyond all question! to be the most pure and consequently least injurious spirits ever offered th* American public. CERTIFICATE OF DR. JAB B CHILTON. I hare analysed a Bam pie of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON,' IK of Philadelphia, and baring carefully teste# ie. I. am pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous ot deleterious substances It is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of Whiskey . w JAMES R. CHILTON, M.D., New Fork, Sept. 8,1859, Analytical Chemist. Philadblvbia, Sept 9,1858. DSA&Bia: We have carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you sent ns, and fini that it contains none of the poisonous substance known as Fseic Oil, which is the characteristic And injurious: ingredient of the Whiskeys iu general use. ■ “Very respectfully, • - BOOTH, GARRETT, & OAMAO, _ Analytical Chemists. ToChablss Whabtojt, Jr., No. 23 South FRONT' Street, Philadelphia oc2&dtja2l OKANDIES.—« JPinet .Oastinou/ 7 Msirett, m-9 and other Cognacs of various vintages, in pipes and quarter ea?ks; Pellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pile and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and one-olghth casks. Imparted and ior sale by - HENRY BOHLEN&CO.. 921 and 823 Boutb Fourth street iJOaltiiea, Jemeltg, JE. CALDWELL S CO.. • 483CR86TNUT Btmrt. . Have received, per steamers, new stylet Jewelry, Chatelains, Vest Chain*. Splendid Fans, Hair Pins. Fruit Stands, Sugar Baskets. Jet Goods and Flower Vases. . Corfcl,Lava and Mosaic Sets. Bole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale o Charles frodsham’s LONDON TIME-KEEPERS delO S. JARDEN & 88.0. • aCAXUTAOTUBBHS ASD XXTOBTny OS SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. SOI Oheatnut Btreet, above Third, (up stairs.) 1 Philadelphia.' * Constancy on hand and for sale to the Trade, TEA BETS, COMMOTION SERVICE SETS, IffiNJK PITOHERB, GOBLETS, OUFS, WAITERS, BAS KETS, CASTORS, KNIVES, BPOONB, FORKS, LADLES, Ac.. *o, . Giidiflgandplatingoflalfkindflofraetal. ae2-ly Sl}ij)}»nJB **£££* THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN -ROYAL MAIL STEAtt- . . FBOKBBW. TOES TO LITEBPOOX*. Chief Cabin Pa55age................ ...... Second Cabin Passage/;...76 FB?X BOtVOX tJ LIVIKTOOI, Chief Cabin Pw5age.,;,,,,..„, # ..,.,,..„ a . 4 ..,‘.£L10 Second Cabin Passage. 60 The ships from Boston call at Halifax, PjSRdIA, Copt. Judkins. ' CANADA, Capt, Lang ARABIA, Qaut. J.StauA* AHERIOA.Capt, Wick man ASIA, Capt. H. G.Lott. NIAGARA, Oapt.Ryrie AFRICA, Oapt. Shannon. EUBOPA; Capt. J.' Latte*. green on starboard bow; red an port bow. .' <-‘j OANADA,Xaag, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Oet, 20. AFRICA, Shannon, 11 N.York, Wednesday. Oet 27. EOBOPA, Leiteh; ‘‘ Boston, B. PERSIA, Judkins, “ N.Ydrk, Wednesday, Not. 10. AMERICA, Wickmaa, Boston, Wednesday, Nor 17. ASIA. Lott, . . u N. York, Wednesday, Sept, 24, Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board.' The owners of these Ships will net be accountable f«» Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie. Jewelry, Precis ' « or Metals, unless bills of lading are'signed thertfTt. »he value thereof therelh'expnsfied For freight or passage apply to - - oc!s-y E. OuNAEPt 4 Bowling Green, N Yo*k 1858. 1859. MEMPHIS AND NEW ORLEANS UNITEDSTATBB MAIL PA KET LINS.—The splendid Bo*ts of this old and popular LINE will leave Memphis-and New Orleans, as heretofore, on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, A fBID AYS* MONDAY PACKETS. NEBRASKA Capt.A. R. IRVIN. BEN ERaNKLZN....* Capt. J. D. CLARE. WEDNESDAY PACKETS. JOHN BIMOND3. INGOSIAB Oapt JAB. P. SMITH, . .Oapt BURDETT PARIS. pkiday packets BELLASf H.R. W. BILL fTr* These Boats coimectat Memphis with the Rail roads from that point) ate'* regular Packets for St. Louis Lnisvi.le, Cincinnati, and Nashville, on their respective days Leave Memphis immediately on the arrival of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Cars. Passengers can arrange their arrival so as to avoid delay at Memphis longer than business or plea* sure may require. for information, inquire of J. J. RAWLINGS, At "Webb'» Rawlings', 316 Main fit, Memphis . 8. B. Shock, Adv. Agent. ccl2-2m At FOB SAYANtfAH, Gs.—HERON’S a£% line-only REGULAR LtNB-GOOBS re OEiVED AND BILLS LADING BIGNED EVERY DAY.—Freight and insurance at less thaw ssilin vei sol rates, by h tbe steamship SPATE OF GEORGIA, Oaplain J. J Garvin, to sail on Saturday, Oct 30, at 10 o’clock, A M., from second wharf above Vine st. For further particulars please Bee advertisement of Steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, in this paper. For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, **., ooi 828 North wharves vg*££fc. FUR CHARLESTON AND SA ABfib VANNAU —UERON’B LINZ. GOODS RECEIVED AND BILLS OF LADING SIGNED RYBRY DAY. The splendid first-class side-wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA. Now form a weekly line for the South and Southwest, one of these ships sailing every SATURDAY at JO e’olock A. M., alternately for Charleston and,Sa vannah. FOB CHARLESTON. The rteomiMp KBYBTONB BTAT*,C.ptsln o.P. M&rebman, will commence loading on -THUH3DAY, November 4, and sail on BATUBDAY, Nor. 6, at 10 o’olook, A. M. *0& OAVAHNAH. The STATS 05 QXOESIA, Capt. John J. Gartin. will commence loading on Thursday, Oot end uil on Saturday, October SQ, it 10 o'clock A., il. At both Charleston and Sarannah, these shlpseonneet •rith steamer* for Jlorida and B&ratia, and with rati roads, &c., for all places in the Sooth and Southwest, FREIGHTS BKDI7OED. Homj Freight *t as average of 15 per tfent. below New Fork steamship rate*. IN9UBANO3. FREIGHT end IKatTRAffOE on a large proportion of goods shipped Sooth will be found to be lower bi these ships than by sailing vessels. Cabin passage $3O 00 Steerage do 8 00 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year. 80 00 Nobiila of fodfng algned after tbs iMj kaj wdlaA. for fnigixt or p&MAge. ipply to A. H23ON, Jr.. No. BSB (late 81) North Wharves. Agents at Charleston, T. 8. A T. <J. BUDD. Agents in Savannah, 0. A. GBSINXR A 00. for Florida) from Charleston) (toamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday* lor Florida, from Savannah, steamers ST. MARYS and BT. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havana, from charleston, steamer ISABEL, on the 4th and 10th of every month. jell STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVEK SSSS&FOOL. BSLFABT, DUBLIN) and LONDON DERRY, without delay, for 80 dollars. Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, oat and back. near nv r ox*. Edinburgh, Cummin? Saturday, Oct. 3Ml2 o’clock, H. Glasgow. Goodwin. Wednesday, Nor. 2Jra ft Edinburgh, Camming, Wednesday, Dec. 22d { * no*«xAfoow Vdlnburgh. Camming...... Wednesltjr. Oct Oth. Glasgow, Goodwin .Saturday, October 2Sd. Edinburgh. Camming, .Wednesduy, Nov. 24th. BATES OF PASSAGE, non onasoow. First Class.. •• * ... .«••••....16 goineas Steerage, found with cooked provisions,.**,, 8 « non *iw Tout. First G1a55....... „*T6 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions... SO 09 Children under 14 years of age, half fare; Infants in Steerage, free. Return tickets available within sis months, by any steamer o! this line. First Claes ..$l4O 00 Steerage $6O 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to A 00., 128 WALNUT Street, PkUsdtl- BOBJBT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. ■ HALL A LONSY, Buohaaan’i wharf, Baltimore, ray 11 gUFFAiiO ROBES, BY THI BALI OR BOBS, OHO. K. TOKEATH 8 ASJ> 41T ABOH STREET. /~t ANGSjOF- JUGGING made to order, by « WRAYER, YITt.SB, A 00., No.» N.-WAIEB .Gapt. <WM. WBAY. ...T-H.NBWSLL.