-of importance to the Church. Thelr-semo ", intbjibcitydnring, soj'pprn Wlthli -have elicitddmuch attention, both on accout - ' aUEgiarice:to Hjm whoso'righfc-.it'is'to 1 roign.ra Wecould pot hy the word of his ioVmoutb,; could,vifw!fweisefhiB"purpose,-volnn ’ tarily bring mankind unto,himself; - yet,' for his - l f 'dtyir' to em !ploy nh'-agency for' the' achievement .of this front end; and, of which . agency Christ. wap, tpe ead. 'ToI*this' 1 *this' Ohd' ! a’'Gospel ministry' mBtlfn%&, tohpinr ajqft the banner, and - point men to the Messiah as their acknow . -ledgetVHefid and Savionr. ; ,In this way it Was to make/.mtm, , ':humble .creature 'as he was, his co-worker j - and,-in view. Of this, it became a matter of the ’ ■' utnlOst importanCa that all should know ,their ■ (iutyjand do it! rnChechapter from which i.eihe hadutaken ills text Were contained sundry «'■'exhortations' touching thiS grcat. subject. ’of ■ 'C)h;i^rahduty..’ : \.Tho.textitBeh,was anexfedr — 'ati’on ior Christians to.be,-zealous, .and jn the ■i-’ eomtn’ehta heVaaho’w:about'tpmake upon it, ; ; .it'yra.'f'hid. purpbso.yirs/, tocdnsWer.the cha ffaclerisUcs.of . this .demanded Christian zeal; -and secondly, the objects to which that zeal should be directed. . >, <-.»-» j tn'tfi'e’hfet ‘ place,’ our, zeal'as! professing Shalt be ardent. In illustration of . i this ptbodevoteos of. artand the votaries bf sciencojtirnished ns a praiseworthy example; . - Motrin pursuit of,these , worldly: prizes: wej-o indefatigable, : and strained- evety-neiye for the'achievement of thoi objects of .their am bition'.:. Nor was this, discreditable’ in'itself; yetjOifisnbjaCts of- a - mere -worldly, bharactfer 1 - ‘thus* enlisted. the ardor Of; men, how‘ much’ buFzeal be'stimulated in (he puK jSttif of things which’pertain to eternity!,-Alii .else,was,trivial in comparison .with this. . w4s *.iVhe wpnid ask. pbssiblo for any one td‘ be ; lieyii that tlib value of a soul is greater than -‘.that of worlds;and yet be totally-indifferent, V'Md unconcerned upon the subject of religion)? ‘ There was 1 in this 'and similar. interrogations, whjch the speaker hero introduced, enough lie thought toWarraut the highest order of zeal jnjng/Ohrlstian profession.. The Bible. ..was '“full-of striking exhortations. bearing upon this point.; The manner’of love demanded by the ..Creator an," with,all.thy,might ;” tons all . iho dficree came , with Divine unction to dp what ourhaudb' find to do- with' zeal and dili gence. T - ,r ' ;-’ ; i" j fin .the 'third chapter of Revelations were • written.theseAigniflcant words: . " ! ;,1 “iThese thingj saith he that hath-the eevep spirits of God, and ths seven stars; I know. thy ■'worksith&t thou hast a name that' thou livest; and '... [ : Spj ih-ftared, there was much in modern times which had an outward appearance of ! ‘wh&t' ! intbrimlly itdid not ’possess.! To those before hi 111 hewouldsay that they had all .the nppharanee sf' ttio church'j' .fhoy had.a' house in which to,worship,,V ministry io prociaim tho word, and all the other externals- of reli gion.; yet, in'so far as they came Bhor't of the groat misentials.'tbdyhM hht 1 i'!name''to livd and Weire., dead. ! . To tho Church • of taodicea,. the 1 Sa •viout’S message, had. been;l know thy works, that thou. art. neither cold nor hot; I : would.-that, thou i wert cold ,or hot.” These wordß had been elicited by the fact that the r.*diceabs'; 'although not entirely indifferent; ,'worp "nevertheless, in .comparison with their f advantages, sadly in want of a propor zeal- in' • the wbtk they had assumed, and the speaker believed;, that.for persons in that condition it' would jbe mnchdeSi- injurious to the.causo of * rcligioilto throW off thoir profoßsion alto-’ . gether, than 4b; .cbntinue in such a state of lukowarinness. Nor epaid it be doubted that tho.church;'as .£'w' ! hblb;!,haa greatly snitrqredj .;'frbm,’theso causea, apdp we. should, therefore,; , certainiy.be God' for the] ‘ revival of religion nblrTn progress in this and; , other parts of. the earth,; And.who’was there] that could truly say that ho needed no exhor-j -tationsto practisO greateri cpergy?: ~ Ho believed (there'were hone as active as thoy should'bet Men might look around them, from seoing otheys coldbr than themselves 'coTldudo, ft'om the' contrast!' that they, them selves were-sufSoientlyr ardent-in the work; yet this was l a fallaciousstaiidard.TVe might bring the stintedapbclhi'ehs'df humanity irom the' frigid zones! ahd place them in .this.lati tnde in’mid 'Winterj and out olimate woald to them seem : abundantly , ; warm,v,whilst on the otlier-hapd,;ap,inhabitant pf- tho.' torrid’ zone Would, under the same ciredmstances/foel the temperaturp-to’bo'vary/ f& below, his ideas of* comfor J £: ir 'Np;.'matter ;hbjy ..much .men might; .condemu: overzealonsnesß, the truth was that '■wdcoUld; not errin' that direction; : No one on; hia ,; death:bed had ever, cautioned the living 1 to be nipro ,cautious in.this particular, while hundreds-in their lastmoments had expressed thoir regrets for not having labored with more 'energyln their .day.of strength, i • The second characteristic taken up by the speaKdf! ! was, ! : thst ottr zedl ntust 'be' guidedt tjf, fcjibibjeifge;"^ Knowledge .wag nVoe'Mary.'.in! 'everything, and if in the ordinary affairs ofi life,,hpw.mpchmore intheafikirsof religion! From,this cause.'he admitted wa had many in stances of mistaken zhal,>'of which' Paul’s por 'Befeotldff_pf; OhHsHans t.was' a ,Stri; kingCxamplo, The '‘ tiireatenings breathed out” by that.persecutor■ were,prompted!at tho time byhis zealto Servo'God, hhd'hot un til if pleased God to takeaway the scales flora ilis eyes hadiho discovered his eiror. ; Ih'after tirno Paul had written to; the Romans,' 1 ' r Fof I bear them’ rcbord/that tbey havo' a' k’earof God,..hut, not^according toknowledge,”-which passage was cited by'tho'speaker, in’eonnee . Jion with several Oth'eWftp'gh'op'the necessity bi’ lcnowledgo'. in, the, guidance, .of our zeal. 3?6muifl reason it was of > essential importance for,;ell ; ,tp studydiiigehtlyjthe.'W'ord of God, that'they maybodedjnthetnith. r In the third zeal mils spring, from motives: ! * Whetaoever y4!So!’p.o, it junto .the the divine injunction. .--.There was mach 1 watchfulness ' needed jn'thtB;respedf,ah-tlje're : 3wdgo harahjy. of their,'motives, and an ply .to , them:.opprobrious names, hut rather practise ‘tbab Charity which ■■ endureth all things, ancTthat'. Believeth all things.” l .J j, .vHavingideyoted so.mnchof’the morning to tho .consideration. 'Of' the first main’ division' of hisouhjectj.the.dpeiiKerwas obliged to ad-! vort wim rigid brertty to the latter, viz: the objects'tO'whicKmr feat shopldt be directed. . The first object Bhoiud he “tlieuadvancenient of . pcrsmal religion,* fact-which laid at the foundation pf ah our effo.rts. !;Next,'(m'r'efforts' Bhoidd,n6exenod,;.tp'sdcufd and.cultivatethie grace, ; oj!:graceBih thelamlly. j Every indi mdtwlhad of ogejhi 9 esg. I tq..fiH. nugpt hejn|trmppntalji; doing; good—lnsfrn saving spnls from death/ and so cover a multitude, mjisids. -Auptoer great, pnitafekf of„oVby Ohrlatian.shoutd' Be'the extehsiok of ■ Christ’sklhgdoih on earth,-and.,toJhis endit ;wis.'inchmbent npon'iis td’use.'dut'Utmbsthtf deaVorjS tw’toiitoVe-'all bbsUcled in 1 the,wav of the ’duty oSlto “ cart .their bread upon the waters,” as to them of, .its f'relam after, many ’ tUuTO'.s ,t> -rM'.-.tiv' &' SONS, 189 '» a 1« SOUTH WURTH BTP JIT, SfIJOKS AND BEAD ESTATE—TUESDAY NEXT. catalogues, 20 pages, now ready, containing fall description? of all the property to he sold on Toes d&y next. 20th lost., with a Hat of sal«s2d,9th. and WM» November, each comprising a very large ameunt oi xaluable property., j •r/Tr- ''' fForraerJr No* M *nd 69.) CARD.—BANK OB PENNSYLVANIA PBOPBRTY. . Dbairiptiona of.'the'ibovd, Including ttesplen. JldßankingHouse,Ofcesfnnt street,end a dwellings, building lots, &o , to be sold by order «f 4 thp Assignees, are now, roffi in handbUla. S®T&,, irftUtfonto whioh we paMliVoa 'the Satorfar preYSrai to each wile, one thousand oatalognee.ln pamphlet form, tiring fall ieicriptloni'ef all the property to bo 101 l on \e following Taeadaj, \ pAT.-HR— RBAI*JBBTATS; fourteenth full SaW. Mtb Ootoher, at them change Fifteenth Fall Sale, 2d November, attheKxohaoge. 07* P*rt of the handbills of the above Bales sow read j. ’ > •-'* ‘ ■■ - ~ 1 PRIVATh BALB BBGISTBB. nr, Beal. Estate= entered. on, our Private Sale Be* R> 'riater.and advertised'occasionally in onr Publlo Bale ,f Abstracts, (of whioh 1,000 ooplea are printed weekly,) &ee of charge i 1 fcREALESTATN at private sal*. CT We have a large amount of Real Estate at Prl rate Bale, including every deaorlption of City And wnntry property. ] Printed Lists. may be had at the Auction a tore. ! _ BTOOKS, INSURANCE SCRIP, &o. ! ' > *■' On Tuesday Evening, * 26th Inet., at 7 o’clock, at the Philadelphia *x -1 share Arch-street Theatre, with season ticket. . 11.180 scrip Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Co. 1 share Philadelphia Library, with catalogue. 6 shares American Aeademyof Mnslc (common stock) with ticket. ,< • 7 - . , . : 6 shares American Academy of Mnslc, preferred stock. FOURTEENTH PALL SALE-OOTOBER 26th.; EXTRA VALUABLE REAL ESTAI’B. , Peremptory Bale by order of the Assignees of the Bank of Pennsylvania. > BANKING HOUSE. The splendid new granite banking house, erected for the Bank of Peonsrtrente, Chestnut street, west of Foutth street, 70 feet front, 178 feet in depth. , - ■ ;‘..i lt is one of the most valuable and sploudid edifices in the o!ty IC7" It will-he sold .clear of all incumbrance, and with an undoubted title. . UJ* $160,000 of. the purchase.moqey mar remain on mortgage, balance cash on the execution of the deed, within 60 days fromsale. $2,600 to be paid in cash at the time of sale. . „.. _ „ jj jr $5O oash to be paid on each of the following 'properties at the time of sale. 'BOUTH NINTH STREET.—Neat three-story brick dwelling; N0.'240 South Ninth street, between Locust -and Spruce streets, r-- * _ . . . FRANKLIN SQUARE.—Handsome modern reel deuce, No. 281 North’ Sixth stmt, opposite Franklin .^BUSINESS; STAND.—Three-Story brick store and dwelling; No. l 2lB;Arch -street, between Second and .Third streets -/-*>' . VALUABLE STABLE PROPERTY, west of Seventh streetv between Arch and Cherry streets. --. i VALUABLE PROPERTY, LATE DISTRICT OF KENSINGTON, vis i .Brick building and valuable lot, southeast oornero.f'FAbntaudLindep streets. - , -Briok building and lot, northwest comer of Front and Canal-streets. opposite the above. Brick building and lot, Elk street, in the rear or the * VALUABLE 1018, KENSINGTON, RICHMOND, AND’WEST PHILADELPHIA', »i»: Large lot, front ing on Keo»ingt6n'arentie, Albert atreet, Jasper street, ■and Elisabeth street, four frontd. Large lot, Almonil street, Clearfield atreet, and Mercer afreet, three,fronte. Valuable lot fronting on Onedla. Oregon, Seneca, and Markoe streets, four fronts. Valnabls lot ' Deceased. " ‘BRICK’DWELLING,* southwest corner of Callow hill and DUwyn streets. Northern Liberties. NEAT MODERN DWELLING. No. 049 Marshall street, between Poplar and Franklin streets. •WEST LOGAN SQUARE.—The handsome new first class brown-stone and brick residence, west side Logan Square, south of Vine street. It iajuat finished in style, and. is'replete with everymodern im provement and convenience. in* Immediate possession. _ _ •• FARM- AND COUNTRY BEAT, TWENTY-THIRD , WARD..—Valuable Farm .end country seat, 76 acres, vntblarge stone mansion, fine bam and all necegear r .out-buildings, between,Second street and Oxford plank road, IV 'milesfrom Frankford,,; It U a very desirable and beautiful neighborhood.... , : STORE AND DWELLING!—Three-story brick store and dwelling, No. 148 Vine Street,* east or Second atreet. Orphans’Court Sale—Estate of Daniel Oopple. Deo’d. -THREE-STORY BRICK-DWELLING, No. 233 Spruce street, near Third street. , NORTH SIXTH STREET—Neat modem residence* No. 622 North Sixth street, second house above Spring .Garden street., possession. VALUABLE MARKET-STREET STORE —Also, the Veto vainable granite front store, No. 403 Marketatreet, first store'West of Fourth atrfet-a first-rate business stand, In the best square in Market street. Orphans’ Court Sale—Estate of John Wesley Bray, Deceased. NEAT MODERN REBIDE NOE, southwest comer of -Seventeenth and'Cherry streets. - THRBB-STORY STORE AND DWELLING, southwest oorner of Nineteenth'and Centre streets. - Bheri£Ps Bale. BPLENDID BROWN STONE MANSION, with stable, coach-bou-e, and large garden, northwest comer of Broad! and Brown streets. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. 1316 Owen street, "west of Thirteenth, and north of South .5treet........- , - SALE OP MEDICAL BOOKS, SURGICAL INSTRU MENTS, AND ANATOMICAL PREPARATIONS. This Evening, October 23d, at the auction store, will be sold the. library of a’physician deceased; comprising valuable medical, scientific, and miscellaneous works. Also, Oharrlere’s surgical instruments; And Guyaine’s anatomical preparations. Yar particulars' see catalogues. " ■ ' Bale atNo. 917 George street. STOCK OP CABINET AND COTTAGE FURNITURE. ..OnWednesday Morning, t•- . 27th Instant, at 10 o’olook, at No. 917 George street, second andthird stories, tho entire Btock of-Mr. A. Boyd**n," declining business, comprising a general assortment, including a number of oak, cane, and fancy painted ohamber sets, drawing-room and parlor furni ture. manufactured 4n the .best manner. Cr Catalogues will be ready four days previous to wle. . , x RjT sale peremptory. Bale at Nos. 189'and 141 South fourth street: SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO-FOBTE, PINE .FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS, , BRUSSELS • CAR PETS* AO. On Thursday Morning, At 0 o.*bo examined at 8 o’olook on the morning of sale. » 1 ■ TO CAPITALISTS, BUILDERS, Ao.—LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT AT PRIVATE 9ALB, LOCUST Bt. South: side, between Broad,and Fifteenth streets, 118 feet front on Loouit street, by 178 feet in depth to a 10 feet alley; ' ! . , V . . ■ AT PRIVATE BALE—HANDSOME BROWN-STONE RESIDENCE,’ No; 1520 PINE street, known as << Union Row” ‘ * MOSES NATHAW », AUCTIONEER LvJL AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, 0. 1. comer ■UCCH and RACE Streets ... . , , 1 r ? 'GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATION. r MONEY ! "' -MONEY!! MONEY!!! ' Money liberally advanced in large or smalt amounts, from one dollar to thousands, oh gold and silver plate, diamonds;’ watches; Jewelry, fowling-pieces, musical instruments,Torniture, dry goods, clothing, groceries, •iga»,’hardware, eutlery,books, horses, vehicles, bar ness,' and-all articles of value, for any length of time agreed- on, at- Nathans 1 Principal southeast corner of Sixth and Race streots. CD* Promissory notes, .with .collateral, discounted at the lowest market rates. NATHANS’ PRINCIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, 8. X. .CORNER)GP,SIXTH AND RACE STREETS. •Where money will bo liberally advanced on gold and silver plate, diamonds, watches, jewelry, fowling pieces, drygoods, clothing, groceries,,liquors, cigars, hard ware, cutlery, fancy articles, mirrors, pain tings, en i graving*, , musical ) Instruments, furniture,. bedding, horses, vehicles, harness, stocks, and all other artioles M value. Personal attention given to all out-door sales, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and charges unusually low. - QfAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, >3 and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 224 South > THIRD Street; below Walnut, opposite Fear st.,only eight doors below the Exchange, ~ Hours of business from. 7 o’clock, A. M., until 19 . o’clock in the evening.’' ..Outdoor sales, and sales at the Auction House, at* . tended upon the most satisfactory terms, i CAPITAL $200,000. ' Established/# the lastThirtf Years. i Advances made from obe dollar to thousands on Die i monda, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, .Hardware, Mer chindlxe; Clothing.Furniture,Bedding, Cigars, Musical ; Instruments, Guns, Hones,- Carriages, and Goods of ;everydescription. • i l ;”..:* ~ » jj 1 .All.goods can. remain any length of time agreed ,apon. ... All advances; from one hundred'dollars and upwards*' ; will bs eharged 2 per cent, per month; $690 and over, • Ike lowest market rate. This Btore House having a depth of, 120 feet, has large > Sre and thief-proof vaults to atoreall valuables, and priß ivate watohmenfpr premises: also, a heavy Rural ranee effected for the benefit of all persons having goods ; advanced upon,- . . } N. B.—Gn account Of having an'unlimited oapital, * this ofioe is prepared to make advances on more satis factory 1 end accommodating terms than any other in ‘thlsofty. . i Money'ad ranted to thkpowyla sznsU amounts. iHtfca oat any charge, , r ! AT PRIVATE BALE. : Gold Patent Lever and other Watohff> Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices, aul-Iy "OLD DOMINION” OOTMB POT, THE “OLD DOMINION” At.. manufuttuM, under tha patent for the United ■ ' • St&tQS, P> j ABTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, files;- W and TENTH STREET, X , PHILADELPHIA. “ a „ the ARTHUR’S CELEBRATED AIR-TIOHT ■ S’li'li'F'l'SßALlNG cans AND jars tyiiteh, it 1. oonaedod on all hands, are the best in tIJ nuu-ket.; ■ ~s / «nl7-tnth&stnolB 8 ; Also, Trade Amenta for TORREY’B 'ADJUSTABLE DOOR BPRINg. TTALIAN HEMP.—A large. stock of Xta- A LIAN HEMP on hand end for sale hr , i. i , ; _ WEAYRR, PITLKR A CO., : oeia ' No. 23 R. TfATRR St. AB3 N. WHARtEB. OUT-DOOB SALSB. TEA TOT, &tuiion. Bales 1); FURNESS, BRINLEY, fc 00., ,1.- Nn. 430 MARKET' BTREET. BADE 0» FRBNOH AND BRITISH DBT GOODS. •' '■ ll ' On 1 Tuesday,Morning,. Oct. 20th, at 10 o’clock, by catalogue, cn 6 months .. 4 \ 400 ■package*, arid lota of fr' ' -ted . *-•- .., /anoy and St. drygoods <. r ., , -. , , DZ7* Samples aid catalogues early on the morning of Mle. - salesroom;; T“ J-'. 7 BANK and 10 .STRAWBERRY, between MAR KET and .CHESTNUT andfIECJOND and THIRD streets. F, Q, WQLBERTj ApoTiOKKB* R 800TT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (s^cces fJ*ftortoWoißßßTfc6oQTT,)4BMmESTNCTHt., opposite tie Custom Eonjfe, between. Fourth and Fifth Street* r ' y' 1 ,T P . DRAWSBB,'*«., &»: r ' y '-' ' On Wednesday Morning,' . October 27th. by catalogue, commencing at 10 o’clock, wIU be.sold a large assortment of desirable goods, salt ed to city sales, comprising, via— ' '' ‘ ■ EftIBROIDERIES. New style embroidered jaconet and cambrfcsets, jaco net'and cambric collars,'Swiss sets and collars, jaconet edgings, - Also, fine embroidered infants’ jaconet waists, dimity collars, Swiss muslin and French lace Tails. . < ) RIBBONS AND FLOWERS. Fall styles .bonnet and trimming ribbons, French flow ers andfeatHers. 1 ' " '< -• 1 { •. HOSIERY, SHIRTS; AND DRAWERS, i Ladies’ white and colored merino and cotton hose, ;enta’ white and grey merino and cotton hose and half, hose, merino undershirt? and drawers, gents’ fancy ties. ' • STOCK OF JEWELRY. , On Fnday Morning, , October 20th, by order of administrator, a large and valuable stock of jewelry. ! {IT* Particulars in future advertisement. ! By william h. sterr, general AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE, No. ,45 North EIGHTH Street, below Arch. ■ ■ < > J. A. ELIBON, Auctioneer. SALE OF SUPERIOR NEW AND SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, CARPETS, PIER MIRROBB, PLATED WARE, PIANO-FORTE, &o. This Morning, At lOo’clook, at the auction atore, will be sold by catalogue, a large assortment of superior sew and second-hand furniture, carpets, pier mirrors, Ac. NOTlCE.—Hereafter we will hold our regular sales of household furniture, Ac., on Wednesday and Sa turday mornings, commencing at 10 o’clock., Evening sales of watohea, jewelry, fanoy and miscellaneous eoods, will be held regularly every Monday, Wednes day, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, commencing at 7Ko»clock. . • , lE?* Consignments of new and second-hand house hold furniture, piano-fortes, carpets, watobeß, jewelry, Ac., respectfully solicited, on whioh liberal cash ad vances will be made if required. ! ■’ . .IP- Out-door.Bfilea attended to promptly. Charges ak moderate as any other house in this city. j CJ , A. DYSART ft 00., Auctioneers and COUMIBSIO* MBBOSASTB, No. 27 South EIGHTH STREET, comer Of LODGE STREET. Philip fobi>, Auctioneer, No. 530 MARKET STREET, between FIFTH and SIXTH, south side. LARGE POSITIVE SALE 07 CLOTHING. On Tuesday Morning, 25th inst, at 10 o’clock precisely, by. catalogue, will be sold, 600 lots of fall and wintor clothing for men’s, boys’, and youths’ wear, consisting in part extra heavy seal skin coats, pilot and beaver doth overcoats, rag lans, extra fine black and fancy dress coats, black and fanoy cassimere pantaloons, rich and heavy silk and worsted plash velvet and c&sslmere vests, embracing an assortment worthy the attention of the trade and •dealers generally. Jlf. GUHMEY & SONS, • REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, No. 520 WALNUT STREET. SEOOND FALL BALE. On the Premises. On Thursday, October 28, 1858, At 12 o’clock M , will be sold at public sale, on the premises, THE HANDSOME FARM AND COUNTRY SEAT of William Brown, Esq., situated in Delaware county, on the main road from Media to Concord, be tween the lands of Casper and John Bharpless, Ksqrs., about two squares from the station on the new Balti more Railroad, witbin one mile of the station on the West Chester and Media Railroad, and about 19 miles from Philadelphia, containing in all about 183 acre', 100 of which is in a high state of cultivation, the re mainder choice woodland, with a handsome Fish Pond in the woods, with about 8 feet of water in it. The place is convenient to Qburches of all denominations, and there is a Public School on the opposite aide of the road. The improvements consist of an elegant mansion, of dressed blue-stone, 3 stories high, containing 16 rooms, parlor, dining-room, library, and kitchen on Qrst floor, 2 store rooms, with water’in first and second stories; the whole house is effectually warmed by a good heater, and has piaszas on three sides ot the main building, 170 feet in length, and 12)$ feet wide; a fine carriage road aronnd the house. The house has been nowly papered sod painted throughout; there iea handsome kitchen, garden, and orchard, adjoining the hon.e, containing a choice collection of fruit trees and grape vines. There is also a large barn and carriage-house, 105 feet front, and three stories high, built in the best manner, and of the best material, with accommodations for 60 head of cat* tie, and water in both stables and cow yard. This is said to betho best barn in Delaware county: also, a good ice-house, and handsome chicken and pigeon house. There is a good spring house, suitable for a dairy of 80 cows, and a never-failing spring of water tanning through the Farm, and springs in every field. Terms—s9,ooo may.remain on mortgage. $2,000 caßh on’ the execution of tbe deed, and the the balance on the Ist day of Apnl next. C~7** Persons can have every information given them by calling at the office. - THIRD FALL SALE. On Thursday Evening, October 28th, at the Philadelphia Exchange— THE BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY BEAT, known as “ Aston Ridge,” containing 28 acres, situate in Dela ware county, 16 miles from the city, will be sold agree ably to postponement, on Thursday evening, October 28th, 1858. - MODERN THREE-BTORY BRIOK RESIDENCE, No. 31'South Nineteenth street, above Chestnut street * hu - «laba the estate of William Davis, dec’d. VALUABLE BUBINKBS BTANP;—srore ana dwei ling, No. 277 South Fifth street, above street. VALUABLE LOT OF GROUND, .with four fronts, on Tulip, Tuoker, and Jaoksoa streets, and a thirty feet wide street, in the Nineteenth ward, 196 by 100 feet. GERMANTOWN—Cottage residence and large lot of ground, Dney’s, lane, withw two minutes walk of the station on the Philadelphia A Germantown Railroad. Two handsome bulldiur sites, Duey’s lane, German town, within two minutes walk of the railroad station. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, (mastic front,) south side of Green street, west of Twenty first street. THREE-BTORY BRIOK RESIDENCE, No. 2208 Centre street, hai two story doable back building* and is in complete order. MODRUN THBRB.8TOB? BRIOK REBIDKNOB, No. 2607 North Thirteenth street, above Jefferson street. OARD —J U. Gnmmej A Bona, anotioneera, will hold regular sales of Real Relate, Stocks, Ao. Also, household furniture at dwellings. BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. ID* Oa our Private Sale Register will always be found a very large amount of real estate. Including every description of city and country property. J. U. GUMMBY A SONS, Beal Estate Brokers, 620 WALNUT Street, below Sixth. Carpeiiuao. OAEPETINGS. JAMES EL- ORNE, CHESTNUT STHEET, BELOW SEVENTH. Buyers ef CARPETINGS will find, ameag cur New Goods, a large variety of choice designs, selected In Europe during the last season, at unusually low prices. In the above is a large variety of BRUSSELS TAPSBTRY CARPETS, AT ONE DOLLAR. PER YARD. JAMES H. ORNE, , CHESTNUT STREET, s ocB-lm BELOW BEVBHTH. gAIL,Y"& BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN THIS DAT Their Fall Importation OF CARPETINGS, seU-tfj AT PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. j£jlOß COLDS AND SORE THROATS. ICELAND MOSS PASTE, MARSHMALLOW DROPS, FLAXSEED DROPS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, Manufacturing Confectioner, No. 1210 MARKET STREET , se29-8m West of TWELFTH Street. BOILER and FLUE IRON of all kinds, qualities and sizes, cut to patterns at short no tice. Promiscuous Sheets, Boiler Heads, and Rivets, on hand and for sale at lowest rates by EDW.S. BUCKLEY, oc4-lm# Gray’s Ferry Boiler Iron Works, 'Office No. 5 Farqnhar Building, 280 Walnut at. IT IS NOT A DYE I JEROME’S HAIR COLOR RESTORER will re store Gray Hair to its original color In from ten to twelve days, and rtßtore the Hair where it has fallen off and become thin. IT IS NOT A DTE! It may bo used asfreely aswater, and is the most beau tiful Dressing for the Hair now in use. Thousands in different parts of tho Union have testi fied to its wonderful virtues, and all who havo used'it join in their praiso of it. • Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dr. BWAYNE & BON. No. 8 North BEVBNIU Street, aboro MARKET, Sell Agents for Philadelphia. Trade supplied. 0014-6 m BOOKBINDING.— The undersigned res pectfully invite the' attention of lovers of books to thsir unequalled facUit es for binding books In a su perior maoneri Their work has been' submitted for a series of years to the examinatlen of tome of thO most oelebratod connoisseurs in tho country. It has received the moßt flattering encomiums, and won for the under slgnei a reputation which they are determined to maiutaln. .. ? T . er J Bt J ,e Binding executed, from the plain half-bound’’ volume for the scholar’s table to the most artistio garnituro of rarities for the collection ef the Bibliomant&o. Specimens of style and workmanship will be oheer fully shown to thosv who will call upon <• PAWSON & NICHOLSON, Bookbinders. 619 MINOR Street. ' se29-2m* Between Market and Chestnut Streets. DETERSIVE SOAP.—Time, labor, and money saved. In using it, clothes do not require dby boiling or tabbing on washboard One pound will go as far as thrCe ’pounds common Rosin Soap. War ranted to d|e perfect satisfaction or money refunded. It Is decidedly the cheapest ' and best washing Soap ever offered to the publio. Manufactured only by VAN QAAGEN tc MoKEONE., Jfor sale by all re. speotable Grocers in the oily, and wholesale only by ' THAIN tc MoKEONE, . oc2-8m ' ' - ' 22 South Wharves. AWNINGS! AWEINGS! jTA JOSEPH H. FOSTER, Awning maker, No. 443 North THIRD* Strept,. aboyo Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for dwellings and office uin dows; Awnings for stores, Awnings for steamboats and ships. All kinds of Awnings, Tents, Flags, or any •JV!®!! to canvas, made to order by JOSEPH H. FOS TEB. Aiming Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street. Residence, Ho. 840 Booth FRONT Street. oeW-lm JOSEPH H. FOSTER. , TUP PRESS.—FITILADELPHIA, SATURDAY. QCTQBE IJIHE STATE SAVINGS POND, NEXT 8008 TO THE POST OFFICE, INTEREST. FIVE PER CENT. Money received Daily, and every MONDAY EVENING, IN BUMS LARGE AND SMALL) PROM 0 O’CLOCK A. M. TO 8 O’CLOCK P. M, D9P08IT0&B OAM DRAW TBIIR MOHB7 BY 01180X9, AB J. HENRY HAYES, Teller. The spring garden saving fUND. (OSAinHO »r__IM_LIQI6LITD»]« OI PI>BBTI.Ti»IJI.) t I VS PER CENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, and all Moneys Paid baokoo Demand. OIHOB, 881 NORTH THIRD STREET, (OOHfIOLIDATIOH BAHK BVILSIHO.) ■ This Institution is now open for the transaction ol business, and is the only Chartered Saving Pond located inthe nbrthern partof the city. The Office will be open (daily) from 9 to o’clock, and also on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 6 anti] 9 o’clock in the Evening. managers. - James 8. Pringle, Jacob Dock, Joseph M Oowell, George Woelepper, J. Wesley Bray, . Robert B. Davidson, P. 0. Ellmaker, ■ John P. Yorree, George Kneoht, John Horn. t, JAMES S. PRINGLE, THORN. ap2MTtf_ Frederlek Klett,. Btephen Braith, JohnP Levy. Hon. Henry K. Strong, Daniel Underkofler, Hon. Wm. Millward, Frederick Stoake, FranoisHart, Joseph P. LoOlero, John Keuler, Jr., Preside] Secretary, GEORGE T. HAVING FUND.-;—UNITED STATES k? TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and OHRST- HtJT Streets.' Large and small sains received, and paid baok on de mand,without notice. with PIYHPBR CENT IN TIB IST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. , Office houra, from 9 until 6 o’elook every day, and oa HONDA? BVENINGB from T until 9 o’clock. DRAFTS for sale on Rngland, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. 1 President—STßPQßN R. OBAWJOBD Treaenrer—PLlNY PISS. Teller—lAMßS B. HUNTBB. Savin a fund—five pee cent, in terest-national SAFETY TRUST 00H- F ANY.—WALNUT STREET, SOUTH-WESTOOBNEB OF THIRD, PUIIiADJSLSHIA. liaoiroiiTiD BT T2B Stub or Pimbtlyabu. Money is received in any earn, largo or small, ana in terest paid from tSie day of Spoilt to the day of with* irawal. i ; The office la open etery day fromOo’oloekin the morning till 6 o’cfocx in the erasing, and on Monday and Thursday erenings till 8 o’olook. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, • ROBERT ’ BELFBIDGE, Vice President. W*. J. Bun. Seeretary. niuoToas: Hon. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Bari , . Robert Selfridge, Francis Leu. . - Baml. K; Ashton, Joseph Yerkes, 0. Landreth Mnnne, Henry Diffenderffsr. Money Is reoeirod and payments made daily. The Investments are made in oonforaity with tha prorisions of the Charter, in BEAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and each first class seouri ties as will always insure perfect security to the deposi tors, and whieh cannot fall to give permanency and sta bility to this Institution. aul-iy Estate of david miller, late of the CITY OF LANCASTER, Deceased. Letters Testamentary on the Estate of said Deceased having been granted to the undersigned by tho REGIS TER, OP LANCASTER COUNTY, they hereby give Notice to nil persons having claims or demands against said Estate, to present them, duly authenticated, to either of the undersigned without delay: and all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said deceased are requested to make payment without delay. , WILLIAM CARPENTER, Residing at No. 27 East Orange Sheet, Lancaster, Pft. SAMUEL L. WITHER, Residing at N -£■ cor. 18th & Spring Garden, Or at No. 1123 Market Street, Philadelphia. se26*fl6l# & WILSON’ 3 SEWING MACHINES, REDUCED PRICES. NEW STYLE *5O. All the former patterns $25 loss on each Machine. A NEW TENSION. NO WINDING OP UPPER THREAD. A HEMUER WHICH TURNS ANY WIDTH OF HEM OR PELL. orriOßs 628 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. No. 7 WEST STATE Street, Trento N. J. No. 7 EAST GAY Street, Weßt Chester, Pa. oo7*tD2o. HARRIS’S BOUDOIR SEWING MA CHINE is offered to the public as the most relia ble low-priced Sewing Machine in use. It will sew from six to sixty stitches to as inoh, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest batting. to tho finest cambric*. It is, without exception, the simplest In its mechanical con struction ever made, and can be ran and kept in order by a child of twelve years of age. The dubabiutvol this maohlne, and the qciLUTOF its irosx, are war* ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread used Is taken directly from the spools, WITHOUT THI raOOBIJi of xiwixoixo. In fsot, it Is a machine that is wanted by every family In the land, and the low P*loe of FORTY DOLLARS, et whieh the, Bold, brings them within the reach oi almost erery one B. D. BASER, Agent, jelfi-dfim wkyeowfia, 20 South EIGHTH Street. TVAY’S HOTEL, JLI WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY, Pa. The undersigned has purchased the larg* and elegant building, corner of THiKD and PINE Sueet, formerl; 1 occupied by the West Branch Bank, and has enlarge! I and refitted it in a superior style. Williamsport is one of the most delightful inland towns in Pennsylvania, and his house, he hopes, will be found pleasant, as well to the traveller as to those oitl sensor the metropolis who desire to pass an agreeable time during the heated term of the summer. His omnibus runs from his Hotel to the Paokot and Railroad Depots free of charge, Jy2B-3m W. H. HAY, Proprietor. MBEDFORD SPRINGS.—THIS well-known and delightful Summer Resort will be opened for the recqption of Visiters on the 16th of June, and kept open until the Ist of October. ' The new and spacious Buildings erected last year are now fully completed, and the whole establishment has been furnished in superior style, and the accommoda tions will be of a character not excelled in any part of the United States. The Hotel will be under the management of Mr. A. G. ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and attention to his guests, give the amplest assnranoe of oomfort and kind treatment. In addition to the other means of access, it is deemed S roper to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a aylight ride from Ohambersburg. The Company have made extensive arrangements to supply dealers and individuals with “Bedford Water’, by the barrel, earboy, and in bottles, at the following prloes, at the Springs, vis: For a barrel (mnlbery) $4 00 . Do. (oak) aOO X Do. (mulberry) 800 % Do. (oak).,. 200 Carboy, 10 gallons 2 26 Bottles, ltf pint, per dozen... 160 The barrels are carefully prepared, so that pur chasers may depend upon receiving the Water fresh and sweet. All communications should be addressed to THE BEDFORD MINERAL BPRINGBOO., mvJO-t' UMford Oonntr. p». gUFFALO ROBES, GEO. F. WOKHATH S Alex, hckinney, 2ATTORNBY AT LAW. GREENBBUBG, PA. Will practice in Westmoreland, Armstrong and In diana oountlei. sell-tf V. T. 4BBAMB. 0. A. MATH. A DRAMS & MAYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LOOK HAVEN, PA., Will attend promptly to all professional business en trusted to them. Special attention given to the collec tion of claims. Gov. Wra.F. Packer, Xlarrißburg,Pa.: L. A. Mackey, President Lock Haven Bank; General D. K. Jackman, Lock Haven: Hon. A. White, Lock Haven; Simon Scott, Lock Haven: Bullitt tc F&irtherne, Philadel phia: McFarland, Evans, & Co., Philadelphia: Evans & Watson, Philadelphia; Phillip M. Price, Philadel phia; Hon. A. V. Parsons, Philadelphia; w'iUi amsoa, Taylor, A Co., Philadelphia; Tener A Davis, Phila delphia: Hon. James Burnside, Bellofonte, Pa.; J. W. Quiggle, Esq., Philadelphia. jy 20-tf /CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA &XGARS. (New) 188 Walnnt street, second story. aul-ly f AUMAN & RABOBG — JLi Importers and Wholesale Dealers in WINEB, BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI QUOKB, No; 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth and Eleventh streets. jel9-tf Blank books and stationery. DAVID M. HOGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, soluble for Banks, Publio Offices, Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, ana bound in various styles, in the most sabstantiaimanser. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description. Lithographing executed with neatness _ A general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. Hogan’s contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee say—“ This display of blank boors for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. The selection of the material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and'their finish ana ap pearance neat and appropriate. l ’ noSO-tf PETERS* 8 PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BEIF-GENERATING GAS LAMP is the only Patent Burner that has a Non-Conductor attached. The public are cautioned against all other Burners, as they will heat, and liable to explode. State and County Rights for sale. Apply or address sold D. P. PETEBS, 422 BROADWAY, N. Y, No. 241 DOCK STREET, OH DBPOBIT, PAID BACK DAILY, IH BARK, IF DBBIBBD, GEO. H. HART, President. OHAB. G. IMLAY, Treasurer. se23-tJanl PERPETUAL OHARTER. £ejjal 3Koti«a. Benins ifladjines Simmer Ursorts. Jurs, &t. BY THE BALI OR ROBE, 415 AHD 447 ARCH STREET. J3nsin«ss <2Eards. XBFKBIHCSB Stationers Camps. jk INQUIRE FOR THE ROYAL, OR f&Sjl SEA SHELL PATENT GAB-BURNING OOOK iwBy INO STOVES—They are economical, consuming the gas and smoke tbatareußually wasted; dura ble by haring double instead of single plates} and con venient, haring large ovens and being ready bakers. Oar new patented DOUBLE-OVEN STOVE Is the best constructed up-draft store erer invented. It will heat a large boiler of water, boil two dinner pots, broil a beef steak, bake bread and pies and roast meat, all at the same time and with a single fire. Invalids,' and all persons who appreciate the influence of ventilated apartments upon health, will be pleased with our PORTABLE GRATES and MODEL FRANK LIN STOVE*, which are of beautiful and ornamental patterns, and give a eheerful, open fire, and thorough ventilation. Strict economists will be satisfied with our SILVER’S ‘ GAS*CONSUMING PARLOR STOVES. Many of the so-called gas-burning stores introduce cold air to the' top of the fire, the effect of which is to cool the store and waste the fuel, precisely as if a store door was opened.above the fire. Iu a true gas-burning store, the air should be heated, in a hot-air chamber, to a tempera ture sufficient to ignite the gases, on the same principle as is adopted in our gas-burning cookiog stores. In addition to the above, a large assortment of Parlor OookiogStoves, Parlor Stores, for coal or wood, HalJ Stores, Portable Heaters, Cooking Stores, of every de scription, Gas Ovens, Store Pictures, and Repairs may be found, in every variety, at our warerooms, No. 209 North BKOOND Street, above Raoe oo!9-tf NORTH. CHASE, & NORTH. ir ik QUEEN’S PORTABLE FORGE.— Doubtless many of our city readers, in passing jßK&the gangs of workmen employed in laving down * of the passenger railroad tracks in our streets, had their attention attracted to a portable forge, with bellows and everything complete, and in efficient service. These forges, built upon the plan secared by O. V. Queen’s patent, are for sale at the commodious, long-established, and deservedly popular Store, Range, and Furnace establishment of wARNIOK, CHAD WICK, & BROTHER, corner of SECOND and RAOE Streets, who have the sole right for the eale of Queen’s Portable Forge in Pennsylvania. Thero are, wo believe, five sizes of this forge, rang ing in price from twenty-two to forty-four dollars—a sum so small, when contrasted with its merits, as to se cure its general introduction; for any one who will for a moment consider the advantages of this forge, wcich may be removed from place to place, so as always to be on the spot where workers in iron or other metals are to perform service, Vrhether in original construction or repairs, will at once concede Its great efficiency, and ar raogft for its possession and use. 1 The adaptability of this forge to repairs to railroads aod mining machinery especially commends it to railroad companies and opera tors in the raining districts. We, therefore, take plea sure io calling to It tbe attention of road masters, su perintendents of mines, and others.—(From the United States Railroad and Mining Register. oc7-lm STOVES! STOVES ! £2* SILVER’S ORIGIN A L GAS-BURNING Ml STOVE, With all the Latest Improvements. Also, the largest assortment of COOKING, PARLOR, & OFFICE STOVES In the City, at MANIGIiE'Sj JVo, 909 MARKET STREET. Call before purchasing, SOMETHING NEW.—GAS BUR £2% NING COOK STOVE.—I would respactfu ly call kHi tbe attention of the public to one of the greatest T""" 1 - improvements ever introduced in Cooking Stoves and Ranges—the burning of the gas arising from the ooal, by which means is saved 50 per cent, in fuel and also more intense heat thrown to the bottom of the oven. We effect the burning of the gases by means of a hollow contre-piece, perforated on the under side. which admits the air in a h«ated state to mingle with the gases, thus aiding its combustion, and causing a flame to pass around the oven equal to a wood fire. This im provement also preserves the centre piece from finking down on the fire, thereby saving the exponse of repairs One of the Stoves CAN BE SEEN IN OPERATION at 1116 MARKET Street. Manufactured by JAMES SPEAR. Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Chase & North,) 1116 MARKET Street. sept29-Bmo (Simtational. LONG’S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, N E. corner EIGHTH and BUTTONWOOD Sts. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—Hook-keeping la all its various forms; preparing Btudents thoroughly for situations in any branch of business; Plain and Or namental Writing: Commercial Calculations: Law and Correspondence. No institution in the United States gives a more thorough and practical course. In this department no teaching is done in classes, and is open DAT and EVENING. Time unlimited MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT—(Separate from the above.)—Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and Clas sical Education, viz: Spelling, Reading. Writing, Gram mar, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, &0., Anoient and Modern Languages, with all the higher Collegiate Studies. Sessions or five months commence September Ist, and Febrnary Ist. Pupils received at any time be fore or after these dates ana charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. mh2s-tr E.DONLEAVY LONG, Principal PENN INSTITUTE—Southeast corner of THIRTEENTH and FILBERT Streets, opened on MONDAY, the 6th of September. Private instruction, though favorable to rapid pro gress, yet sends the scholar into the world with a keen sensitiveness, which totally disqualifies him for active life; whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the Instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those personal to each individual, and the learner either Josfes all interest, or becomes superficial in his acquire ments. For these and other reasons the number is limited. For further information apply personally, from nine o’clock A. M. to one o’olock P. M., or by note, to se!B-tf B. STEWART, Principal. PARADISE F. SEMINARY, LANCAS TER CO., PA.—Threo-fourths of a mile from Lemon Place Station, P. K. R., reopens for its EIGHTH BSSBION on Ist November next. For terms, which are very moderate, apply to the Rector, Rov. Dr. KILLI KELLY, Paradise, Lancaster co , Pa. Reference—Rt. Rev. Bp. Bowman, Lancaster city, and Episcopal clergy of Philadelphia. oc4-m w s-tNI Allen grove boarding and day SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES, Frankford, Penn sylvania. Six miles from Market street, Philadelphia. The WINTER SESSION of this School will commence November Ist. Paroutsand Guardians who Intend to place their daughters or wards at tbiß Inßtitution.will SUX*}* immediate application to Mrs. E. L. THOMPSON, Prlnciparnnu Huuorintcndent. oc6-ws-Bt* RS. BRYAN*® SEMINARY, BATAVIA, N. Y. THE FALL TERM of this Institution (whose Joca tlon is one of rare beauty and attraction), commences on the 10th of September, It continues strictly a Fa mily Boarding School for Girls, and is thorough, select, and homelike in all its appointments. The number of pupils is limited to those who can be seaced at the ta ble of the Principal. CIRCULARS will be sent showing Terms and Regulations. Batavia, Genesee co., N, Y., September, 1868. se!B f'IBITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, aortheaat comer of OHBSTNUT and SEVENTH Streets. Aa Institution designed to fit roam? men for AO* TIYB BUSINESS. ' ■ BOARD OB TRUSTEES. B. B, ComegTflj Francis Hoskins, George H. Stuart, David Milne, John Sparhawk, DavidS. Brown. leaao Hacker, A. V, Parsons, D. B. Hintnan, I Frederick Brown, Joshua Llpplncott, EVENING BESSIONS after September 16th. Each Student has individual instruction [at this Institution, and a Diploma from here Is the best re commendation a young man can have, for obtaining a good situation. CATALOGUES may be bad on application at the College. aeB-tf CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN Street, Vy below Locust/-Duties resumed MONDAY, August 80th. N J. W.FAIRES, A.M., au23-2m Principal. LEIDY BROTHERS’ NIGHT-SCHOOL, Noa. 148 and 130 SIXTH Street, near Race, is now ops* to o ra ixbtrgotios ih BOOK-KEEPING, WRITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC. INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, Afi ÜBUAL. se4-ly Bryant & stratton’s chain of NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH - and CHESTNUT Stmts. Por information, call or send for oircular. jol6-tf EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. DUFF & CO.’S MEROAN- J£)L4m&jg£fTlLE COLLEGE, Southeast corner ■aaanv-faJT EIGUTH and CHESTNUT Streets, (established in 1840, and incorporated by the Legisla ture of Pennsylvania.) Id this well-known Institution the COUNTING HOUSE COURBH of Practical, Single, and Double Rutry BOOKKEEPING, Including ail the Aoxiliabt Books, Coiokbkoial Cal culations, and BUSINESS writing, Is taaght in the most successful and satisfactory style, P.'EDwlftDS, \ Ur. b. B. EUBTON, Penman. JSU&inital. HOBENSAOK’S iron bitters. This Medicine, as its name implies, is one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant. It is es pecially adapted to those who hare a loss of appetite or are afflicted with Dyspepsia, Lirer Complaints. Piles, Nervous Debility. General Weakness, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the digestlre organs. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINTS GENERALLY there is perhaps no medicine In the world equal to it. aa it enters, purifies, and replenishes the blood which Is so important to brink about a healthy aotien THOUSANDS ARB LIVING a miserable existence, of a palo sickly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the useot one bottle of this Inraluable medicine. It is no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from any thing that is of an injurious nature. ’ PGR ALL DISEASES OF THB BLOOD there is no better antidote than Hobensack’s Iron Bit ters. When the blood is impure the srholo body is fall of disease. Blood letting may answer for a time, but cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin, and to cleanse the blood there is no better' remedy than these inraluable Bitters. Their chief constituent Is iron, and we all know its efficacy in removing the impure matter from the whole visceral system. They are prepared by a prao tical chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent physioians and others, as the “ ne plus ultra” of all tonics. HOW GRATIFYING to the proprietor that he has succeeded in compound ing a remedy for many of the ills that his ftllow mortals are subject to; and that the public appre* date it isnot a question of doubt, but a fixed fact, as the deSKnd for it has far surpassed his sanguine expectations. BEAD THB TESTIMONY OF A WORTHY CITIZEN. This is to certify my wife was in delicate health some three years, with a disease peculiar to her sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit. Hearing of Hobensack'a Iron Bitters, and knowing iron to be a powerful tonio, induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the medicine .she solely re quired, by restoring her te health. She hesitates not to recommend it to those who are similarly affected, as she believes it to be a sovereign remedy. JOHN OOLE. , No. 831 Capitol Streft. This invaluable Medicine is prepared only by GXOKGE 8. HOBENBAOE, Pharmaceutical Ohomlst, N. W. corner of THIRD and GREEN Streets. Philadelphia, To whom all orders must be addressed. Price $l, Discount to dealers. Bold by Druggists generally. mh2o-y iTcrtili^crc. pHOSPHATIO GUANO. 3,000 BARRELS AND BAGS IICN SOMBRERO ISLAND, to Bt*n And f«r Hla bj JOS. B. HANSON & 00., Ho. 105 North WATER Stmt, and No. 106 North DELAWARE Avenue. TOW LINES, and BOW and STEEN LINES, manufactured and for sale by “ WEAVER, FITLKR, A 00., . 0013 Nos. 23 N, Water St., A 23 N. Wharves. 28, 1858. g r HUNDRED tPIANOS. < And have received os testlmunialu of their SUPERI ORITY over all'otbeva,‘ll Gold, 18 Silver, and 4 Bronze Medals (■ f-n •A.i.n -.a ■ ■ 10” Pianos to Rent, Tuned, and Repaired. BHANCIT HOUSE. In PHILADELPHIA Is at 1807 CHESTNUT Street. ’ ocs-Bra PIANO FORTES. Just received, an elegant stock of BAVIN, BA* OON, & CO., NUNNS A CLARK, HALLIT, DAVIS tc CO., and GALS & 00. S PIANOS. MBLODKONB of beet qnality, at J, B. GOULD’S, » 8.1. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT rts. mhlO-y Uhnga anti (Eljeinuals. ROBERT SHOEMAKER A 00., WHOLSBAiB BBDCHHBTB, Wanufaotnrors and Dealer PAINTS, VARNISHES tod WINDOW GLASS, Northeast oorner FOBBTH and BACK Streets, Philadelphia. • Sole Agents for the’ sale of the celebratod Floreffe Plate Glasc. ! 1 ‘ mh2S-tt JUatljintrs awft Iron. bamobl v. xaamiox. /. TAuazAX viiiiox WILLIAM S. MISBIOX. ©OUTHTTARK FOUNDRY, h 3 , FIFTH AND WASHINGTON 6TRSXTB, PHILADBLPBIA. MERRICK A SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, tor Land, River, ana Marine serrioe. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &e., Cast ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Buttons, Ac. . Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, such a* Sugar. Saw, ana Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, pumping Engines, &o. Sole Agents for N. Rrllieux’s Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Ross’ Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pomps. Bnperlntaodant—-B. H. BARTOL ealLir (Express QLatnpanua. THE ADAMS EXPRESS GO., OFFICE, 820 OHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES ahd BPKOIK, either by its own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNB and CITIES of the United States. I. B. BANBIOBB. ftaowral (taper) ntandMti B.B.B.—Badway’g Beady Belief for Headaches, wi ther sick or nervous; Rheumatism, Dial rhcea, Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cramp* Influents, Bloody Flax, Paralysis, Lumbago, Gout, Neuralgia, Toothache, Small Pox Fevers, Swollen Joint*, Kidney Complaint* Scarlet Fever, Pain* around the LiTer, Plea* risy, Meaalea, Heartburn, and Pains of all kind*. Rfdway’a Ready Relief will, in a fev ■ minutes, change the miseries you suffer U joys of pleasure. B. B. B.—ißadway’fl Renovating’ Besolvent, for the cun of chronic diseases—-Such as Scrofulous and Syphilitic complaints, Consumptive ant other affections of the Lungs and Throat. Induration and Enlargements of parts Ernptive and other diseases of the Skin Nodes, Tumors, Ulcers, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases arising from an impure stat* . of the blood. < ' / ‘ ; B«B.B.-~Radway’s Regulators will cure, effective!} and speedily, OosUvenesg, Indigestion Painter’s Cholio, Lead Diseases, Inflamma tion of the Bowels, Dyspepsia, Liver Gem plaint, Diseases of the Heart and Kidneys Female Complaints, Small Pox, Fevers Measles, ete., etc. Whenever the system i> out of order, or the blood impure, a dose o>- . Badway’s Regulators will restore it to rest larity, and purify and cleanse the blood. Nt ' female should be without them. ' < B. B. B. Remedies are sold by Druggists an* Merchants everywhere. BADWAY & 00., New York City. W. B. Zbibee, ;:I:SS££r-{ “*»“• Dr. H. BwATHB&Son., ipia-tu&Badly&eowljr rjlO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. JpERUVIAK SYRUP, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENC7, CHICAGO , ILL. The subscriber, having had much practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands in the various Land Districts in the Western States, has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR OABH. Having Surveyors constantly in the field to make Jiersonal examinations, he can. always make the most adlcious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now be In lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. ID* Money invested in Kansan and Nebraska, and any of the Western States. 8. SALISBURY, 40 CLARKE Street, Chicago. AND CLAMPS. HANBSORBBB. No. 1. per dox. 2. 760. “ 3. 87c. “ 4. 1000. « CLAMPS. 6 Row, $1.25 per dozen. 7 Bow, $1.75 per dozen. 8 Row, $2.25 per dozen. HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, 88-16 62 North THIRD Street. PMladelnbla ACADIA FREESTONE, Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both of the BLUE, GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former of which, for aoftneiß and delicacy of color, is unrivalled For the character of this stone please examine the following buildings: Jos. Harrison’s, Eighteenth street and Bittenhousa Square. Harrison’s Building, Locust Btreet, botween Seven* teenth and Eighteenth. Samuel Smith’s West street and Blttenhonse square. Airs. P«t«raon’s No. 1219 Walnut street. A. K. Womrath’B,4l6 Arch street. parauel Bimeß’, Twelfth and Chestnut streets. T. K. J.Fassitt, Seventeenth and Locust streets, and others. ARNOLD & WILSON, Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. salß-Sm B. M. PELTWELL. SupH. French plate glass.—having .been appointed by the“ Compagnie de Flonffe” the SOLE AGENTS for the sale of their GLASS in this city, we are prepared to offer to the trade or consu mers, from our stock on hand, POLIBHED PLATE GLASS for Stores or Dwelling Fronts; Rough Plate, for'Floors and Skylights; and Silvered Plate, of large size, for Mirrors. The Glass will be sold at the lowest prices,' and warranted superior, in tvtry nsptet, to any other imported. ROBT. SHOEMAKER A 00., Plate and Window Glass Warehouse, N. S. cor. of FOURTH and RACK Streets, mb2ft»tr Philadelphia 171/'ARMING AND VENTILATING v v; • WAREROOMB The subscriber would invite the special attention of Architect Builders and the public to his NEW CULVER PATENT BELF-OLBANBING AND VENTILATING WARM AIR FURNACE, Which has been so successfully introduced during the last winter and gave such general satisfaction. It is so arranged as to consume the gases from the Coal, making ft one of the most economical, safe, durable Heaters now in use. Also, all sixes and patterns of Cooking Ranges, Bath Boilers, Gas Ovens, Low Down and Elevated Grates, every variety of Registers and Ventilators, Fireplace Stoves, Collins* Patent Chimney Caps, far tne cure of smoky ohimneys, with a full assortment of all goods in my line of business. Prompt attention paid to Range and Heater repair ing, and prices reduced to suit the times. OHARLE3 WILLIAMS, (Late Baker A Williams,) su2-8m 1182 (old 406) MARKET Street, Philada. Sauls and Ecatanrania. Arcade hotel, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH. PHILADELPHI A . Conducted on tub European Plan. A new lease for a term of years having been obtained for this POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, it will con tinuo to be conducted as heretofore, on the European plan, and the prices remain unchanged, viz; room Per l£x 600. Dinner 500. mbbakpast asd Tea, baou, 37J£0> The house has been thoroughly renovated, and every thing done to make guests comfortable. The chambers are heated In winter by means of Steam Pipes, for which no extra charge is made. There is no bar kept in the house to be a source of annoyance to guests. ... The accommodations are designed wholly for haziness men—hence no ladles are received, fry This house is never dosed day or night. . J. D. BROWN, oc6-3m E. DE YOUNG, JONES HOUSE, HARRISBURG, Pi., (Erected In 1837. ELEGANTLY FUBNIBHED. NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. m/29-y WELLS OOVERLY, Proprietor. ffiobacca. SFUGUET & SONS, • Importers of HAVANA OIGARB, se2B 216 South FRONT Street. Havana cigars.—lo6,ooo La Fior de la Havana Ist, 2d, and Bds, just arrived per brig “ May Qaeen,** from-Havana, in store, and for sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON, se24-tf No. 216 South FRONT Street. IjHGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS JEe? SEGARS.—A ohoioe invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig “New Era,” daily expected from Havana, and for sale low, by CHARLES TETE, (New) 138 Walnut street, below Seoond, aal Fevmd Story Qardtß»«. rjIRUITT, BROTHER, & CO., IMPORTS! B AND DEALERS HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PISTOLS, &o. 329 MARKET STREET, Below Sixth, North side, an27-2m PHILADELPHIA. Hardware. —The subscribers, com mission MERCHANTS for the Bale of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, would respectfully ooil >the attention of the trade to their stock, whioh they are offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists in part of— ■ Chains, of all kinds—Trace, Log, Halter, Breast, Ox, Oow, Fifth, Back. Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Look, ship. Mine, and Coil Onalns. . 1 The celebrated “L” Horse Nails; Stone and Sledge Hammers. ° “Wright* »» and other Anvils; Solid Box and other Vices. Bhort and long bandla Jry Hum- to und and oral Make Pans. • ■ • •* ' «MMtln>«>> anperior fUe.undßMUj B.d Borew.. < »n 4 Bp«4lng Pods. and 5 flhoreis and Spades, of all kind!. , ?™d B » Bape.'Olout, and Pluisnlng Kails. - OMt and Wrought Butt Hinges, Screws, Locks of al] kinds I Outlet?, Hams and Pumps. Axes, Hatchets, Ham men, Planes, and other Tools,t&o.,&o. W. O. LEWIS & BON, No. 411 COMMERCE Street. EIRENOH WHITE ZINC, of the Yieille Mr ■■ Montague, ground pure. It produces a clear, white, flue gloss, and attains a firmness and evenness or surface. Guarantied genuine. For sale by ZIEGLER A SMITH, auVt-dtf HnathWMt nor Runotiil and Green eta fUGARS.—I,6OO,OOO Havana Cigars, fh- Vy vorita breads, received by late arrivals, in store and bond, for sale by A. MKRINO, - odl-tf 140 South FRONT Street. , The great standard remedy op , THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. ' ; ' THE IMPERIAL BEPUBATIYE FOB PURIFY : ING THE BLOOB ANB STRENGTHENING THE WHOLE SYSTEM. The Imperial' Separative, prepared by Br. Loans berry & Co., is now acknowledged as the principal Family Medicine for the core ; of OahoUbooB affections and Scrofulous diseases generally; The fluccesswhich attends its use in these inveterate diseases has no equal. I It is now used in these diseases with complete success, 1 where all other means have failed.' 1 Two or three bot* l tL t! Batißf y u y °ue of its great curative properties. I 1111(1 SWKLLIKO; UtOBBAIIOSS of wiu 0B l 8 ’ Mouth, Throat, &c. fts beneficial and characteristics are soon observed in these com bowlongjtanaingtliey may have , RIAU E VnL y TIV^!? n l a h ffi P tT ra r ° f *“?*** SteruJiMafeW&tfi* 8 B e fwally cannot long remain T*-- a* of the Im P e rial Bepurative. C J2l 6 ? erti l B ; as well M Alterative; render it vsluableto and delicate females. . -i P and value of this Family i Medicine is unequalled In the cure of all diseases orief nat ugln an impure condition of the blood. It exp?ls . al,i the virus or diseased matter from the blood andre invlgorates the system. Those using the Imperial Bepurative and wishing ad vice in their case, will receive every attention by etter or otherwise. Prepared and sold by Br. LOUNSBERRY & GO.. No. 60 North FIFTH Street, below Arch, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. F. Long & Co.', Lancaster. Pa. J. H. Baser and 8. 8. Stevens, Beading', Pa; - Holman A Co., Pa.' O. W. Epting, Pottsville. Pa. T. A C. W. McOlintock, Easton, Pa. James Given, Westchester; Pa. 'B will eradicate from the bodies of the afflioted every par ticle of diseased deposits, and fUI the veins with new, pore, and healthy blood. OHILDBEN’S DISEASES. itacZieay’s Rtnovatxvg Resolvent should be bailed as a blessing by every mother throughout the land , whose infants are afflicted with Bores, Humors, etc These.- breakings out (thus early) are evidences of dit ease transmitted from the parent stock. A. few doses o* the Renovating Resolvent will eradicate every vestigt of the disease and insure the child a sound and healthy body. No. 5. $ll2 per doi, 0. 1 25 < 7. 1 60 t. 8. 1 76 “ PROTECTED SOLUTION OP PBOTOXIDI OP IBO* Haring snccessfnllj passed the ordeal to which new dlt coverles in the Materia Medlca are subjected, most nor be recelred as an established medicine. Its' efficao/ is earing Affections of the Liver, Dropsy, Neuralgia. Bronchiti* and Consumptive tendencies, Disorders State of thi Blood, Boils, SeorvT, the Prostrating Effects of Lead oj Mercury. General Debility, and all Diseases which r* quire a Tonic and Alterative Medicine, is beyond quee tion. S***T m Bs ) . The proofs of its efficacy are so no /%$> merons, so weH authenticated, and o’ Bach paoulißr character, that sofferen t&S^i'£^l CArulQt reasonably hesitate to receiv* l jmppffilfr Ithe proffered aid. _ wlWii The Peruvian Syrup does not profesi v’mioJ' to be a cure-all; but its range Is exten sive, because manydiseases, apparent!) unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding from on* cause, may be cured by one remedy. The class of diseases for which the Syrup provides s cure, is precisely that which has so often baffled tht highest order of medical skill. The facts are tangible, the witnesses accessible, and the safety and ©fficaoy of the Syrup incontrovertible.. Those persons who may wish for an opinion from dis interested persons respecting the character of the Byrup cannot fail to be satisfied with the following, among no merons testimonials, in the Lands of the Agents. Thi signatures are those of gentlemen well known in tk« community, and of the highest respectability. The undersigned having experienced the beneficial at fectaof the “Peruvian Syrup.” do not hesitate to re commend it to the attention or the public From our own experience, aa well, as from the tests mony of others, whose intelligence and integrity are al together unquestionable. we have no doubt of its effica cy in cases of Incipient Diseases of the Lungs and Bron chial Passages, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy. Neuralgia, Ac. Indeed, its effects would be incredible but from the high character of those who have wit nessed them, and have volunteered their testimony, as wo do ours, to its restorative power. Bar. JOHN PIERPONT.’ THOMAS A. DEXTER, 8. H. KENDALL, M.D., SAMUEL MAY, THOMAS G AMORT, PETER HARVEY, JAMES O..DUNN, RKT. THOS. WHITTEMORE. It Is well known that the medicinal effects of Protox ide of Iron is lost by even a very brief exposure to air, and that to maintain a eolation of Protoxide of Iron, without further oxidation, has been deemed impossible. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point is at talned by combination in a way before unknown, an* this solution may replace all the proto carbonated, el trates, and tartrates or the Materia Medics. A. A.HAYES, M.D., Auayer to the State of Massachusetts. 10 Boylston street, Boston. N. L. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, Ho. b WATER Street, Boston. F. BROWN, FIFTH and OHESTNUT Streets. HAS3ARD A 00., . TWELFTH and CHEBTNUT Street*, jel&’tu th sat*6m wOm Agents for Philadelphia.' The liver in vigor a tub, FRBPiBBD BT DR.SdHfORD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS, Is one of the best Purgative and Liver Medicines now before the publio, that acta as a Cathartic, eastery milder, and more effectual than any other medicine' known. It is notonly a Cathartic, but a Liver reme-, dv, acting first on the Z.ir«r to eject its morbid matter, then on the Btomach and bowels to cany off that mat ter, thus accomplishing two purposes effectually, with out any of the painful feelings experienced in tne ope rations of most Cathartics. It strengthens the sys tem at the same time that it purges it,'and, when taken daily In moderate doses, will strengthen ana build it up with unusual rapidity. The LiTKßisone or the ham&nbody; and when it well, the powers of the oped. The stotiiath is al on the healthy action of performance of Its fanc le at fault the bowels are system suffers In conse* Liver—having ceased to eases of that organ, one made it bis study, in * years, to find some reme act the many derange* ble. To prove that this re fierson troubled with Li* ts forma, has hat to try a certain. These Gama remove all the system, supplying in of bile, invigorating the digest well, purifying the health to the whole ma* cause of the disease—ef- Biliods attacks arc ter, prevented by the oc< Intiqobatob. One dose, after eating, stomach and prevent the in* Only one dose, taken Niohtmibx. Only one dose, taken at gently, and cares Oob* One dose, taken after PBPStA. • JET" One djco of two relieve Biok Wbadaohb. One bottle taken for fe the cause of the disease, Only one dose Immedi vrhile one dose, often re* Cholbba Mobbds, and & Qj~Only'one bottle is system the effects of me* nesa. Jp* One bottle taken Bauownesi or unnatural One dose taken a short tigor to theappetite, and - One dose, often repeat* kECSjk Ja its worst forms, complaints yield almost One or two doses cure In children; theri is no remedy in the world, aa it ID" A few bottles cure absorbents. We take pleasure in re* commending this medi* cine as a preventive For ' Fhtbr and Aotjh, Ohill Versa, ' a Bilious Ttph. It ope rates with certainty, and thousands aro willing, to testify fp its wonderful virtues. ' AU who use tl are giving their unanimous testimony in its /at*or. ID" Alix Wafer in the mouth with the Invigoratot and swallow both together. . THE LIVER INVIGORATOR Is a SdißHTiFio Msdioal Disoovbbt, and is daily work ing cures, almost too great to believe. It oures as If by magic, even the first dost giving benefit; and seldom more than one bottle is required to care any kind of LIVER Complaint, from the worßt Jaundice or Dys pepsia to a common Headache , all of which are tho re sult of aJDISEASBD liver* PRIOE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. Dr. SANFORD, Proprietor, 846 Broadway, New York. Agents for Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT & SONS, 818 North Second Street. - Betailed by all- Druggists. Sold also by SAMTTKL BIMEB, Twelfth and Chestnut streets, and L BROWN* Fifth and Chestnut streets. Philada. SkplB tn th i-ly HUfririnai. CONSTITUTIONAL DIBEABEB. DYSPEPSIA, CERTIFICATE OP DR. HAYES. SOLD BY principal regulators of the perforins its functions system are folly devel moat entirely dependent 1 the Liver for the proper, tionsj when the stomach' at fault, and the whole qnence of one organ—the do its duty. For the dia of the proprietors has practice of more than 20' dy wherewith to counter* ments to whioh it is 11a*' tcedyls at last found, any tbb Oqmplaiht, in any of bottle, and conriotion is morbid or bad matter from their place a healthy flow stomach, causing food to blood, giving tone and ohinery, removing the fecting a radical cure, cured," and, what isbet caaional use of the LiVBB is sufficient to relieve the food from rising and sonr* before retiring) prevents night, loosens the bowels Ttrarass. each meal, will cure Dts* teaspoonfols will always mala obstruction removes and a perfect cure, ately relieves Oholio, peated, is a sure cnre for preventive of Oholhra . needed to throwont of the dicine after a long sick* for Jaundioi removes all color from the skin. time before eating gives makes food digest well, ed,' cores Cnßosio Diar* while Sommbb and Bowsx. to the first dose, attacks caused by Worms surer, safer, or speedier never fails. Drops?, by exciting the OLD TOM GIN, 1 LONDON CORDIAL— Imported bjX.D. LONQOH4MP, SIT S. TROUT Street, ThilatlelphA. ~ , ~ , ' For sale stall the principal Druggists and Grocers i» Philadelphia. ’ ' OATTTION.—The celebrated OLD TOM GIN Is im ported into the State of Pennsylvania by P. D. LONG CHAMP, exclusively ; Hd«* OTHER IS OSNHIH*. James Field, Son, & Co., 38 Mining lane. London, sole export agent* for Messrs- Oh. Booth & Co. CHESTNUT GROVE A de * vv Sire to lessen the consumption of 7 Tn l rare spirits, knowing their injurious effect# upon the co nstitution, has induced the offering to the publlo ‘of an articla which the aualjsfttioh of Professor philton, Analvu ®** Chemist, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, a.* Oam&o, of Philadelphia, proves, beyond all question, to he the most pure and consequently least injurious spirits ever offered the American pnbUo, CERTIFICATE OF DR JAS.R CHILTON. - I have analysed asample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON, Ja of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested ,H, I am pleased to state that it is entirely free from poisonous of dbleterious substances • It is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of Whiskey JAMES B. CHILTON, M. D., New York, Sept. 8,1868. Analytical Chemist. _ Philadelphia, Sept. 9,1858. Dear Bib : We have carefully tested the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey which you sent us, and find that it contains none of the poisonous substance known {as FsoicOil. which is the characteristic and injurious ingredient of the Whiskeys In general use. Tory respectfully, BOOTH, GABRETT, & OAMAO, _ _ . Analytical Chemists. To Cham,* B Whartoh, Jr., Mo. 23 South PROMT Street, Philadelphia. . oc3B-dija2l BRANDIES.—« Pinet Castillon,” Marett, ' and other Cognacs of various Vintages, in half pipes and quarter casks; Pellevoisin Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and one-eighth casks. Imported and for sale by - ’ HENRY BOHLBN A 00., 0c22 221 and 228 Booth Fourth street. UJottljESj Jmelru. JE. CALDWELL & GO., 9 . 432 CHESTNUT Street. Have received, per steamers, new stylet . Jewelry, Chatelaine, Vest Chains. SplendidF&ns.Halr Pins. Fruit Stands, Sugar Baskets. Jet Goods and Flower Vases. Coral, Lava and Mosaic Sets. Sole Agents in Philadelphia for the sale o Oharief frodsham's LONDON TIME-KEEPEBB delO JS. JARDEN & 880. • MAHUVACTOBBBB JJID IHPOXTEXB OP SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. 804 Chestnut Street, above Third, (up stairs,) * Philadelphia. Constantly on hand and for sale to the Trade, TEA SETS, COMMUNION BERVIOB SETS, URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS, BAS KETS, OASrOBS, KNIVES,SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, Ac., &0. Gilding and plating on all kinds of metal. se2-ly AM* THE BRITISH AND NORTH Ses£& AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL BTEAM- FBOH HBW TOBK TO LIVSKPOOL. Ohlef Cabin Passage Seoond Cabin Passage FBOM BOSTON TJ UTB&TOOL. Chief Cabin Passage , gllO Second Cabin Passage. ...r.•••••••••«• 60 ' •' The ships from Boston call at Halifax. PEBBIA,Oapt. Judkins. ' CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt.' 1: Stone. AMERICA, Gapt.Wioxman ASIA, Capt. X. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Byrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUBOPA, Capt. J. Leitrh. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow; red en port bow. CANADA, Lang, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 20. AFRICA, 3hanaon, “ N.York, Wednesday, hot. 27. ECBOPA,Leitoh, « Boston. Wednesday, Nov. 3. PSRSIA, Jndiine, ' « N.York, Wednesday, Nov. 10. AMERICA, Wickman, • Boston, Wednesday, Nov 27. ABIA. Lott, “ N. York, Wednesday, Sept. 24. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net he aeeountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specle. Jewelry, Precious Stems or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor sad the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to ocls-y E CtJNABD, 4 Bowling Green, N. Yoik. 1858. , 1859. MEMPHIS AND NEW OBLKANS UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET LINE —Tha splendid Boat, of thi. old and,popular LINS will leave Memphis and New Orleans,’as heretofore, on .. MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, & FRIDAYS. MONDAY PAOKET3. NEBRASKA BEN FRANKLIN. WEDNESDAY PACKETS. JOHN SIMOND3. Capt.JAß. F. SMITH.* INUOMAR Capt BURDETX PARIS. FRIDAY PACKETS. Cap*. WM.WBAY, T. H. vmLh. BELFAST...... H. R. W. RILL. ITT These Boats connect at Memphis with the Rail roads from that point, also with, regular Packets for St. Louis. Louisville, Cincinnati, and 'Nashville, on their respective days Leave Memphis immediately on the arrival of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad Oars Passengers can. arrange their arrival so as to avoid delay at Memphis longer than business or plea sure may require. For Information, inquire of J. J. RAWLINGS. At Webb A Rawlings’, 316 Main St, Memphis. B.' H, Shook, Adv. Agent. ocl2-2m As FOB CHARLESTON, SC.—HERON’S SS3 LINE-ONLY BftGULAR LtNE—GOODS RE OEiVED AND BILLS LADING SIGNED EYSRT DAY.—Freight and insurance at leas than sailing ves sel rates, by .the steamship. KEYSTONE STATE, Captain' 0. P. Msrshmsn, to sail on Batnrday. Oct. 28, at lOu’ciock, A. M.. from second wharf above Tine at. ' For further 'particulars please see advertisement of Steamship KSYaTONK STATE, in this paper. For freight or passage apply to A. HERON, Jb., oc4 823 North Wharves. FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANNAH —HERON’S'LINE. GOODS RECEIVED AND BILLS OF LADING BIGKXD EVERY DAY, The splendid first-class side-wheel Steaznshlpe KEYBTONE STATE and STATE 07 GEORGIA. Now form a weekly line for the South and Southwest, one of these ships sailing every SATURDAY at 10 e’olock A. ]£., alternately for Charleston and Sa vannah. TOR CHARLESTON. The steamship KEYSTONE STATE, Csot*r. c p. Marshman, will commence loading on T&URdDaF, October 21, and sail on SATURDAY, October 28, at 10 o’olock, A. M. VOB SAVANNAH. The STATB 01 OSOBOIA, Oapt. John J. Garvin, will' commence loading on Thursday, Oct «Bth, and sail on gatordaj, October SO, at 10 o’clock A. M. At both Charleston and Savannah, these ships connect with steamers for Florida and Havana, and vrith rail roads, &e., for aU Places in the Sooth and Southwest FREIGHTS REDUCED. Heary Freight at ao arerage of 15 per oeat. below New York ateamahip rate*. ZNBUSANOI. FKBIGHT and INBTIBA-NOB on a large proportion of goods shipped Booth vrill be found to be lover bp these ships than bp salting vessels. Oabinpassage...,. Steerage do axonrßion Tickets, good for the present year. SO 00 Do bills of lading signed after the skip baa sailed. For freight or passage, apply to ' A. HBBOH. Jr., No. 838 (lat*«l)_NorttWham*. (UtoSl) Norte .. T.B.i_T.G.BUM>, Agents at Ohsrlsaton. Agents in Bavannafe, b. A. &&BH7XB A 00. for Florida, from Charleston, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. for Florida, from Savannah, steamers BT. HARTS and BT. JOHNS, ereiy- Tuesday and Saturday. for Havana, from Charleston, steamer IBABRL, os the