Mtf inutf 2 0 do f.ttii&if!’ it'fliiki htd ui aW«I BD^rtom^Tontw J' r fS»n»n« A f Ibwinui; li do P WfigVtWsonri: 1 1 sfi^S£?i%iAtn?. oi i * Pil»?n*Kn 2 %»?««» BHMB^N-BtjgiuirtoaißoVne^lOOolaaglilo^Mioed V P s Pf® 2*Bdo jjltoopUjg d 0 mdae FHHarges; 13, * bp*e??pd»jyy|ter •;r'S#i \® «w* “dw Win D Glenn- 21 do John BayHs; AiiolpV?or»tfirj 5 doH&aden/carlft'Porter: 19 ' "’ 0 *£W«a’l’UiWj B doGouge Doll} SiioH jtrv V ] tol A ri fe J Mellor ftGo: 600 demijohn* 8 bxs , Bohotttef} lW bdeki debater ft -» '.„ l °r* < **» mdse lien Ooolterj'B mkt 6 cues 0 F 'MlwertfVboiOßerger;* 4casksWlrieOdoer'ftKohnj 2 ' do India O ’A'ThudJunij l boX book* JPehington ftßon; 1 do, Obertflafferft- Freytag; Ida zudse Oitheimerft . Woodward; 1 3 > Rowmgarten ft 8ohs: 2 Ghas Yeatn ft Co; lOf Hamlon: I4cisks 700demijohn*radieolder., .LONDON—uirqueAchUlea,, pkgß 60 ‘ • W)Qn Llm»' XenDlg; Wfl pkgs, tudsePowers ft ; pf! Welghtman: 26 B ft F O’Yamall: 6 JDunton; 6 D B*m ' ' .net ft Bod;-* W Curry* ClDLandreih ft Son; 42.JWag cor; (OU Fisher; TBW? Taunton; 23 Kosengartenft Boii; 8?do Dalle* ft Cope; 11, C -KHU fc.Oojl do artisti’ materials P'Gengerabre; Md do mdse 20tona Lion wood jit do spelter order., t-* . ,* !,V »’ " BOAKD Of TRAD*. « l ’* Eiwi|*tfcaJoa*BoH;;i . \ -» : /FbtfiaftO, Bidplk, SOouxittbs or thb Mouth, * ' • buwa^^.'Jinks,. y .^.v, jKatih* JtiUUifl w<. V FOr-f v oF-rmuDKiirHiAi oct» 23. is<». 1 son au»tb;.....w.6 21 ’ *;■arrived. 1.. Ship Noe mi. Jobhaon, 40 days from Liverpool, with - tnds? to^etjerWright ft Bont.. Barque Achilles, Bpodden, fronLLondon Bth, and Deal TUb Sept," wUhindse io'Tbos Richardson ft Co Passed barque.Aim Elisabeth,'from Buoi.Oaj, off Obester, bound npr r ' " * ' Brig ‘XmMiihrfßwoiy'HelDe, 46 days* from Bremen, with nidae’toFlrliargee" / ~ " <:< • Ur schr Smith, 8 days from Halifax, with' fish to order. - ‘"• : v *' - - Bcbr Cyclone,' D&il, 3 days Cram New York, in ballast' to Nerios ft Sawyer. ]';‘ T ' Bchr 11U Shannon,'day* from Keanebeo, Me, with Ita to order. V- - ■ . ‘ ■ ’ Bohr Vaodalla, Cooper, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wh6at*td Ju ft Co. * - ’ ■-Bohr Wui-’George, 1 day tram Smyrna, Del; with oatfftoV L'Bealey.ft Co. r , - B*br£ W Ferry, Bemson, 8 day* from New York,with mdee to OroweiLft.OoUitts. . Sloop 3 D Fiah,-Bell, 1 d»y from Leweß, Del, with n mdae and pftßMngen to captain. *'• OLIABID. >♦ - / Ship Nonpareili.Green, N York,’ T Richardson ft Co. .fecbr Oyolone. Dall, New Bedford, Nerlna ft Bawyer. Bchr Heimx,' Long, Norfolk, Hayes ft Godsliall. (Correspondence oCThe Frets.) - '• -baveh d* grace,oci ns. 1868. The Wyoming left here this morning with 8 boats, laden and consigned ss folloes: ~ l’hoe Welsh, lumber to Perot ft Bro/and clorerseed to Kirkpatrick ft Co; -Major N S rKeodig, lumber to Xeadiog RailroaS Co; Stephen Gooid, do to AC Tramp ft eon, * t { (Correspondence of The Press.) READING. Oct. 21,1868. The following, boats, from the Union Canal, passed Into the ’Schuylkill Canal co-day, bo and to.FnUadel* * Phia, laden and consigned as Allows: buddy’s Lane, lumber - to U Oroskey ft Ooj Mary Ade laide, do to D B Taylor; JasHopper, lumber, potatoes, and Hour to Bolton, Vanderfeer ft Go: H Niles;lamber to 4 U peieher; 3 0 Fremont, do, ta R Jd Hanna; Cayoga Cnief, do toJlunyon ft Wolrerton; John Trumel; Boor, _&e. to HnmphrieSj'HoffmaQ ft Wright: Tradesman, iron ore to Eckwt ft Ce; Ijem Surrender, lamber to Nor* cross ft Sheetß... y i . - . : ,-j [Correspondence the Philadelphia Exchange. l * ,v ' . 'LHWJSB. Del.. Oofc2l;BAM Ur Charles 1) BcbeUenger, pilot,' landed last evening, and reporto the ship Npeml, uom Live* pool, and Brem brig Amazon,'from. Promen. to company with several schooners, a* having passed to yesterday,? The brig Express, for Halifax, and a fleet of colliers, went to sea yesterday. Wind south.' The weather continues wans, calm, and foggy. Yonrs, &o. ~ wm. u. hiokicabt. . £lTfSlK«ftlFH*omn«M.] , , , „ , , _ Nosroi«K,-Ya,, Oct. 32. Arrived, Br brig Hope, from St Tbomaa. ' t ’ '.'i*. .. V *“ COABLMT9*,O*ft& Arrived, ships John Barenet,,from. Antwerp: Uncle Joe. from New York; barque’Avola,from Boston. ' There are Ift ships, 12 barques, and 6 brigs in port. “ r ‘i •„ " ‘ BATis*xM t GAi;oots2. Arrived, ship Vanclcae, from Boston. . . There Are 30 ships, 7 barques, and 2 brigs In port. , Nnir Oblbasb, Oot 32.' Arrived, ships Kentuckian; from Liverpool; frank YHnt. Jobn'.ParsQbß,'and'South Carolina, from New York; Baden* fromHevrei* barque Harriet, from Rock land. ' ... MEMORANDA: Steamship State or (leorgta; ttarvin; henee, arrived at Savannah 19th lost ' ' 1 Steamship, OUrof-Baltimore; Leltch, for Liverpool, cleared at Niw York yesterday.' •" * .. Bteemihip Delaware, Cope*, hence, arrived. at New /* York 'yesterday. •* • , ’y_ - BteamsHlp Ariel, Ludlow, from Harre and Bouthamp '■' ion Oct 6, arrived at New York 21et Inetl / BWp WUd, P goon. MajheWi Irom Pie&gua, Peru.'ar* > rhed*t_NewYork2!(itilß*t- Ship Fanny 4 Ponjjtb from Bombay for Li* ▼orpool, Iras spoken Ang'4 lac 3224 S, long 17 25and again Sept 11, no lat. 3tc. given.. Ship 8 Q tiWvdr, Sellam, from New York Inly 12 for AtutrUfA,wa*kiwkan'Aag 19, Ut14,40 Pi, long 17 30 W. SblpArt Union, Grant, from Calcutta for London,was epokon'Abg 27, lac 6 long 37 80 \ , Ship Jin land,.Post, for Mow York, cleared at Liver -. pool 2d Inst; and was in the river Btb, outward hound Ship J Q Richardson, Lewis, Tor Montevideo, clsared at Liverpool Ttb inat.', . SUp Berlin,' May, for Savannah, cleared at Liverpool 7ih was in the river Bth, outwardbooad . Shfp north America, Collier, from Caltaoj arrived up at London 4th Inst. > ’ , . Ship Qeo Marshall, Hearr, froia.UalcutU, arrived At Gravesend 7fe Inst.. * l ' k ' ' . Shlfc Champl6n,{WlbHm. from Callao for Hamburg, jullcd frooiCoWMiUx lust.' — ; a..-, . ' Bhlp' Horizon, Reed; from Callao tor Bataliurg, ar rived »t CoweS OUiJnst., .t*- /*> Ship 0 A,f arwvU,Orocker, from Callao, arrived at Cowes 7tk inst. -- - < Bblp Bmlly. Gardner, Limehurner, hence, via Bt'John, NB, 7th last ■. Ship* Victoria, Reed, Preble, Hampden, Batman, and Saransk; Rowland, were loading at LiverpoolOth lost, for Philadelphia^ Ship Naples, Eastman, from Corfu and Trapani for I'rFtan, oleated at Gibraltar CBth nit. Bhip Isaac Jesnee.Cblpman, sailed from Hong Hong Aug 8 forfibanghae ; -.fillip henßanger, Burnham, at Palmouthyß, 6th Inst from Havana. ; s. t. Bbip Imperial, (new, ef. Boston, 1181 tons) cleared a Boston 21st lost foi? Bau Franclaoo. > Barque., Our .Union, Sent, for Boston, was loading at f u Wa*semea6th Inst. ... /V.>; . ;* * Barque Asof, Simmons, for Biolly' neat day, was at . Marseilles Bthinst. - , • ' c ' Barque.Dorchester, White, 7 bom Bio del Janeiro, waa below ? >' Barque Warren Halldlk, uallett, cleared at.WUtning* too, NO, 21stjtast,forRlodeJaneiro, with lumber. Barque Messenger. >£ird,:p«lcey, from Richmond for Rio de Janeiro, was In Hampton Roads 20th Inst; • n , Bvque ;OoohUuate;;o(bsb7, for Philade’phle, was -'loading at Liverpool 9th lost Ormus, Baker, for Philadelphia, sailed from N Bedford Slat lost - “ :\Bche Will o’ the. Wisp, Hoot, henoe, arrived at H*ll - .. . . . . fichr C&meo. Wyman, for Philadelphia, sailed from N London 21st lost. f fchr Brandywine, 'Wheeler, from WUmlngton, arrived *1 Albany2lst'lost. Bohr .Silver -Alagaet, Perry, hence, arrived at Boston jUstiust. :* .. ... '' BcW > H Rowley, Godfrey,‘from New ,York, atWil- NO,2othinst. : A| ir d natjedfrom . -Brig Breese. Outerbridge, hence, via Barbedoes. was discharging at St Thomas Ist lost. • - '• Bohrs.Jamesßugliah, Neal, from New Haven; Mary /-..Price, Blimrd. from.Boaton; Ellen, Allen,-from do; Almira T,Ganay,-fvoxn-Providence, and Yankee' Boy, - Rtflley, from Hartford for Philadelphia, at New • York yesterday.-.- . - ' 11 . . - - • - fichr A Hammond, Paine, cleared at Boston 21st inst. for Philadelphia. .’'i*/'.*"* v i. ,5. -fichrs Theresa' o,Gandy,from-BpetobfoV Philadel phia, and Grecian* Matthews, frobi Portsmouth for’do, a^fewportSWthlnst.‘ .v-vV ‘j> >' Sehrs Mail, Kelly, and 8 B fitroog, Mott, sailed from Providence 20th lost. for. Philadelphia; ' * s ' - ; ' * ’ fichr 0 Mkrenob, French, for Philadelphia; sailed ’.from New London .Oth.lost... - ’-'.-i- Bohrs.JkmesM YaoCe.Burge:from BostdaforPhila- Amanda,.Kelly,‘.Jtastport for do; Starlight; .York. Portland for do; Rockingham, Murphy,' Porte* mouth for do. ahd.BallieT Cbartre.'Ohartxe, Provident* for do, remained at.Newpori 20th Inst ' /.v Propeliey pianeVLuper, cleared at New York ye*ter- Itij for Philadelphia.,/ ; •- FOREIGN POSTS. * 4•- . . - (per.PaoMe.atSt Johns, NY) . ' - ' ■ Ar from New York 2d hut, Washington: at Genoa; «th, Sflloto, *Arr-r> • > , r .T . V-^ ’ BS4 for New York 9th-Inst, Isaac Bell,from Deal: Onl llrator, Harvest Queen, Jane Parker, an 4 Bardinia, fm Liverpool ?*T c>* - i-'s i-i*";- ■ Bid for New Orleans 9th inst, Anna F Bshmidt, r B : J jfCimbail, Sod il*rgar*t Pollock,/rom Liverpool ' Sid, for OityPolaV 9th itut,'W FSctunidt, fromld* vlrpool ’ - 1 --*Bl4 for Savannah 9thinatj AlicerMunroe; Highland Chief, Vanguard, and Monti oajto, from Liverpool Bid for OharleaUn 9th loot, AlUanoe ana KUsa Mo- Kenaie, from Liverpool.- • - - ■- - • , • Sid for Mobile pth-inut, Montesumaffrom Llrerpool; - > - > i ' The wtffdrlte,from' Liverpool to, Savannah/pntlnto, Queenstown* 9th last; leaky. she bore.op from lit 16, long 80. _ , Llirerpoolr-Ar : Bth inflt,'3smeraM .Isle, CornlahVSt. Old 2d, Sardinia, Crocker, N York; 6th, B F.Catting,, ■Poet, do; Oth ,3*ll**, McKflnrie,, Charleston; - Alliene** 'De Foreit, do; Robert Treat,.Abbott, New, York;?7tn.; Fibre McDenaid, Caldwell, Baltimore;; Baa tern Queen, iHincock, Bermuda;' Anna PSchtaldt, Mullikeh, :Nfw Orleans?-' » 1: ’~ 3 1 • - ‘ - Also, old 4 th,oliver Putnam, Smith, Calcutta; 'BjB f Klmbail, Ho«mer,N Orleans. v r- r . £ :« ’ ~ Sid ith,?B Cutting, Yost, N York. \ In the river outward bound Bth*.Cultivetor, RaaaeU, .’for N YoTkj’W'P Schmidt; SoVSjGlty Polnt;RkFMlll»’ Bturgea. Ob* rleitoti: MontlceHo,Laoderkio,Savannah: Minnesota, FUnn,- Charleston; G l W' Ikmroe,*d wards, N Orleans; Regains, Thompson,' Mobile; Faith, Kenny, Uaettae; VnognatdrNOftojttV'SaYSuuJiSi Pioneer,,Mont* fgomerf, Bdckb^f;ri.P'Monrlo{'Morwla, < N York: Har vest Qaeefi t Yi>ung, N'Yorkf West Point;' Alleh,N Yofk. \ lAr at hoodoo 4thlnet,R’M Bldrhim, Bhepardson/N 6th, 7 Maren^/;lk>ttghty,-M*nsauiU*,‘ j B E .Smith, Creighton, St dolin', NS; 9th: Venice, Street, N -York: 7th, Danlei-Webster, Spender, dd. -Also ar at do 6th, Courant; Graft St Johtt. HB. **s Old 2d, Christiana, Monk, N York; 6tk, Xaetern Star, • Ackley. Janeiro; Onward, Blander*. Boston vend parsed Deal Tbht Wjlit, Pattereoo, Cardiff .and St Thoms*. • v v .r .-.v, Ar at Gravesend flth, Nathan, Lfanan, Pierce,N Or lean*; Jth/Ocogbif.ißmart. Wniologton, NO, both,-for liOndonj Yatrick HenrivMoore, New York for do- r. i J • Sid from Bdn,7 b, John Fatten, Patten, tf Orleans., £x at UrisUl4th, deorge YPotier. Mitchell,St Bte phdn*. N 6: Moon?onlh, Doaue, ChatWam, NB. ~ » Ar atQloaceater.eth, Nonna, OlAtk.N York. -• Old: at', Newcastle .previous s to let bst, OedTornsr, lsleft, i, - » ■ * Bnt £ outward* at do previous to 4th inst, Emily, Da- /. i . gy from CJoX&Men ,4th ioxt, Donwi, N York; .Oaten* <£'» ■ -" New 7oik; Ger "At »t Brtnea MjMt. iohenaM, B»Mmore;-4tt free N vVjr >_ £‘-,i; J; -.;• '-n; POSTS -- p - Ott .sa-rfctfited, itewniMp AUbom*, Palestine, Tinker, fcfndom 3 O'ThorDlqi«, ; TheQi)4adjßreineDi ?, bii^ae*Troj4n > oo. - nsnt, Turk a l*fand> BcWigOcteitßiidy PSnnfetbtt/tioi BeyleyrAwiborPßw-, , ,^-v B^t&x£^le4;.ilCcS«odd U )'lfd)rtoß; - 8t Hathnwer, GoneiTee; 0 > WalUcelf*«kw>nTil}*i kfafi.ttJOtlsftfifitoddflMj doj Bed - import.; »o4P<>*ler in ■ *ewolr/ I BUj«r '- «w* &«■& *»w*s :'■ 'tol( ; U»#»'iioilt yfiihtrtjSg ‘^'^PpNp^ 3l *£&*&** •*& wb ' ARBIYAIB AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS. OF, TO out O'CLOCK TBIB 'MOBBUHI. GIRARD HOUSE—Oheelnut* treat, belowNlnlh. MreJl) Brent. St Louie » J -Vngln, OMago BHBoulin, do Mre liMillMdon, N 0 . J W Plnohot, N Y E t Hlcbee. NY W Browne, N 0 W D Beattie, Qlevtla*rt H Spring, «t T McClure. Staunton, Va > Miss McClure, .Va MlnaPl’aon, do , MreTbompeomdo 0 Jones. Pa A. Anderson, Tenn B a Schenok, Lancaster .J T Robertson .Wilmington B O Banker & la, Va G,L llolmea, Charleston T White A la. Pitta Mies & W Davie, Pitts It Edgerton. Newport , W, Green, Princeton d Knapp,-N J 0 M Bussell, Ohio F J Ingeils, Haverhill, Has D Goodrich, Haverhill W G Remington, NY Miss Remington, N Y. R WPerrie.Md Miss Ma-yA Perrio, M 4 - Miss A Townsherd. Md ,J BB Perrio, Md X G Perris* la. Md B 8 Jewett, Buffalo > . 0 Furbish. Me . X J Miller A la, N Y J G Wyman A la, N Y O H Tyler A la, St Louis t JMattlson Ala, N Y John 0 Roberta, N Y 8 Albuquerque, Brazil A K. Fahnestocki Harrisb’g Gee E Leonard, Md , Geo Leonard, Bevsrly EHolland, Va W Morrison, England TM Nimmo, NY R Bose, Washington 118 Marks, Mobile Miss Lincoln, N Y A B'Peabody, Pbila A B Darling, Mobile JEP Storms, Boston -AB Beech, Teun Jos Haller, Boston A 0 Mayhew, Milford Hr A A Sheppard A wl, Pa Mrs J Chickering, Boston JII Willeox A la. Boston A Worrell, Del 00, Pa H Wager, NY . .BP Johnson, N Y DrHl Wood, Va J H Wright, NY BHenriques.NY B 8 Uipkios,Va T Passayant, NY B 8 Loney, Baltimore T D Loney, Baltimore Com 8 L Creese, U S N Idw Field, Masa G J Brown, N Y L Meeks, NY WE King, NV Wm M Tweed, NY Jos 8 Holurege, N Y Geo T Bowrue, NY .W 8 Mullins, 8 O 0 A Crane, NY Cba*AMay,NY John L M&rqo, Va ZD Gilman, Washington. M It Bradfie.d NY Wlf Baldwin. Washington IB D Finney, Miss D Kenddll, Ga J O Love, NO' O M Packer, Va A Sokoloff, Russia J P Bateman, Washington W H Merriss, NY A 8 Orr. Va . Dr Hardesty & lady, Ya Miss Price, Va Mrs C B Hardesty, Balt W F Proctor, N Y J Hunter, Bichmond, Va J F ChatlUier, N Y UNION HOTEL-Arch street, below Fourth. A McCormick, Pa Mrs Robinson, low* JK Johnson,-Pittsburgh H o Christman, Bloomsbg L*ycum, Pa J MKelker A dau, Pa W N Davis A son, Pa" B B Wolfe, Va M F Maize, PottsvUle Henry Saylor, Boh Haven J Ohambers, Aurora, Ini . NATIONAL HOTBL-Bace Street, above Third. N Yeager, Bethlehem W Blanchard, N Y D 8 Cushing A la J 8 Hiller, Balt G H Fry, Wash 8 W Samuels, Wash H Fisher, Pottsville W Crawford, Fa HO Christman, Danville .. HD ShoeffersteiP, Leb David Brans A lal Lancaster Mrs MoPadden, Ohio' Mrs Maxon/ NY H J Handler, Pottsville John Bine, Danville Geo W Bsmsav, Sch Haven ■ Luther Staler, Pa Henry Yeartm&n, Pa Jas Shants, Pa J D DeHoff, Pa BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Morchant etreots. J Belfsnyder, Berks co Jacob Fisher, Berks oo X Fisher, Berks oo 8 0 Thompson, Chester oo BFBtadlger,Phlla HO Ohrlslman, Dlouusbg GJB Johnson, Del 00. Pa Bobt Hodgson, Pa , , Ohaa Bishop, Chester co W Aiken, Bucks co ' J Leedom; Jr, Montg oo B*nj Hickman, Chester co A HTanguey, Cheater CO G Hpeakman. Del oo ‘ J Keeley, Cheater eo , Jas Lyale, Ohester co Chas Fmrlamh, Del co , 8D Byers, Ohester co J Andbnon, Jr, Chester oo BLACK BEAK HOTEL—Third at., ah. OallowhlU. H Yeagor, Danpbin oo WSassamsn, Sumneytown A Buckman, Feastervilie - M Haldeman, Bnckiogham 0 Boads, Byberry ' J Cadwalader, Buckingham 8 Hoagtand, B Haldeman, Byberry W JSddows, Moreland Jacob Haldeman, Bucks co J B K'-tb, Qettyaburg E Haldeman, CulbsvUle 8 Southampton G Olemmens, Chester Val ' BALD EAGLE—Third street, above OallowhlU. BWillower, Easton J Smy'er, Easton Mrs fihaeffer, Monroe 00, Pa It Smith, Backs co, Pa JMutohler, Easton, Pa .. W Mutchler, Easton, Pa B Beans. Bookioo • 0 Beans, Bucks co 3 P Tolaod, NY W Bchahel, Allentown, Pa ■ UADIBON HOUSE—Second street, below Aroh. Jas Prettytuan, Del J D Heed. Va ' N Twlchell, Plantville J B Johnson, Va - James Jones, Boston C A May, Boston H Benson, KY LN Hern, Del J Henderson, Johnstown, T Jones, Downlngtown, Pa N Van Scbwtok, N J i > Mrs Fennimore, N J A P Merrick, If f . Robert T Mercer/ N Y Andrew Llnaley, Beading MOUNT VERNON HOTEL-Second at, above Arch. J P Kline, Pa T H Shinn, N J M Archy, Clearfield, Pa H Yonsg, Del A Heberts, Del Miss B Roberts, Del Muter T Roberts, Del ' - A L"Jackson, Ohto J P Bt*ler, Reynoldsville TO Davis, Lock Haven Mlm M j Staler,' do ■ J 0 James. Pine Grove, Pa - 5 - '--j ■ NelscnApp'ehaoh,N J • • , Spetiol N0l»«a. To All who Want Money.— Jones A CO., Broken, Northwest. corner' of' THIRD and GABKBLL ;BTBKJBTS, below LOMBARD, advance Cash liberaUy,.in Luge and small amounts, upon deposits of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Gone, Clothing,. Ao { , on moderate.terms. Office hours from 6A. M. to7.P.M. oo2Mm ’ , Mew Trimmings and Zephyr-store and Fac- TORY.—J. Q. MAXWELL & SON, Southeast Ele venth afid Chestnut- . .", oa2l-lnt' ,', EauAthenlenne, or Hair BenAraUr.**Jnlet HAUJJLoffers iris great ohemicat discovery to (be pub lia with entire oouadence,itbelbg highly commended by the thousands whq hare ~tued It. It is not a dye, bat, ftctlng cheioicaUy, changos gray halr to its prii tino,eol9r.;ii prerents baldness, and where the hair has fallen off : from «ge or sickness, its use will produce 'i'taewahd luxuriant growth. ■ Bold by all Druggists, Wd at rite Laboratory of Jonxs Havml IQREBNS, PLUSHES, GIMPS and TASSELS, OILTCOBNIOEB and TAIN ORNAMENTS;- Gilt Window Shades, with all the trimmings, 4s low as 76 cents each. Just received from Auction V largelnvoke of Curtains, which are offered at the foliowlng nnprecodented. low prices: Curtains, 1100, worth |3 00 a pair, j. “ • $2 00, 1 “ ft oo « ««■ Tambour Lace - ’*3 00, « *6 00“ ‘ Quiteheavy I **.. : *6 00, “ *lO 00“ “ Elegant rich Embroidered, *lO 00, “ *2O 00“ “ Jamask Curtains from *lO 00 to *l5 00 per window, complete. Certains made and put up at the shortest notice, by Competent workmen. ' ~W, HENRY PATTEN, 630 CHESTNUT Bt,, ■ OCI2-flmos • - Opposite Jayne’s New Halt 850, 850, 860, 860, 860, 850, 850, 850. SINGER’SSEWING MAOHINBB.-PBIOEB HE DUOED—A new. and elegant Family Sewing Sla ehjne.for *6O, and the general scale of prices greatly reduced. Allwbo want a substantial, si ople/aud re- Jiable Sowing Machine, which has an established repu tation’, for dolng the Very best work on every kind of material, are to' call at onr office and examine the new machines, iat the reduced prices. They can not fall tobOMtisfied. , I. hi. SINGER A CO., : ocl-lni - • No. 00* CHESTNUT Street. Singer’s Sewing Machines.—That Singer’s Sewing Machines make the best stitob ever invented, has been widely known for years.'. Other machines may, make a 'similar stitch upon a few" light fabrics, but Singer’s alone are competent to do every kind of work* upon every variety of fabric. Singer’s new Family Bowing Machines have the same relative superiority as his machines for mannfaoturing purposes. . They.are also more beautiful than any other. . Hemming and Binding Ranges or the most improved style are applied when desired to any of Singer’s Ma chines.':, I. M. SINGER CO., No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. . sel6*tjan22 , One. Price Ciothlng ef the Latest Styles, and made in the best manner, expressly for bhtail balhb. vWe mark our-lowest selling prices in' mAtff riGonrs on- each article; Ail goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and our ohs-mios btstsm Is strictly ad hered to. We believe this to ba the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are treated alike. JONES A CO., 604 MARKET Street. Scurvy.—Scurvy is not confined to Arctic ■travellers and neglected sailers ; it shows Its disgoatlng features also among the ill-fed poor in our QUby lanes.- Nothing iias beeh found so speedily efficacious in ar restiog the decomposing tendency of the vital fluids in scorbuilo disease as the PERUVIAN SYRUP. 7-, ??? io this city by F. Brown, oomer Fifth and Chestnut, and .Hassard & 00., corner 'Twelfth and Chestnut. aeW-d&w tt i -SemueS’s Saving rtnd-fOMc* ,903 Walnat street, one door west of BeoOhd street.’ Receives de bits la sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of 'the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. ,pffiqe open daily, from 9 until 6 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9. in the evening. President, franklin Fell; Treasurer, and Beoutery, Chari* u. Morris. ;';*7 ~ ‘ - ■ Thumbs .Patent Case Shoe Brushes, compact AND OLE ANLY.-Just thelhlng for Travellers, Board ers,: and - Housekeeper*. Sold by Grocers and Shoe Dealers. Charles D. Thutd, Manufacturer' of every de scription of Brushes, No 160 North THIRD Street. - ■ -■■'ekllaghcrH‘making, Silver'* Air-tight Go* BDBNBBB M thej ahould be, in the moat workmanlike manner, end'of the beat,'material*. - I WARRAHT MIS STOVE TO GIVB BATIBFAO TION,’OK L THBMOEf*Y WILL BB KEptiHDBD. There are’many imitation* in the market,‘which have a’teKdontyto destroy the good qualities of'.this stove. Call at mj,*to», acd eee one in nae before malting year pnroheeea. A.J, OABLAOHER, ' oeu-tr , Ho: EOS H. SECONDfltt.'ab. VINE. ' 7 , ' - • ’ r. c -‘-' » v . ' , Sroyerfeilalier'e Celebrated Family Sewing MAOHINKB. ■ ■ ; A IfHT7 fiTTLE—PRICE *5O. ' '7SO ObxBtnot' Btsut, Pa^SnBLFBfS, These ;M*chiuea sew.from twospool a, arid form a •urn,' of tw?qttftUed strength, beauty, and elasticity, Vhioh will Rot rip, eren if erery fourth' stitch be cut. They are juiquestipoablj the. best In the market for YipnSj use# WIIMI ■ JST BMDW* l OlgOilint, jia ' ■- pRKSS—I*HII,ADEIJ*inA. SA'rtrKbiY, OCTOBER 1858. GallagherU Celebrated Morning Star t’ccli -ING-STOVE. -- 80,000 NOW IN 08H. The colobrity of this wonderfully popular Btove, PoB sesslog, as it.does, suoh a combination of superior ad* orer all other Stores now in existence, ba* spread Its fame -throughout the whole United States. lie-advantages are as follows*. It has two largo Oveus for baking and roasting j It is raoro economical | it possesses far more conveniences; It never falls under any oiroomstanoes; and is more durable than any other Stove how in use. It will bake Bread, roast a Turkey, boll a Dinner, broil a Beefsteak, and hfot wwli-wster, all at the same time. WARRANTEE. I warrant this Stove to operate in the most perfoot manner, or the money will be returned. NOTICE.—I am the original inventor and patentee of the Stove called the “ Morning Btar,” and It Is for Sale only in Philadelphia, at my Store, No. 805 N. BE COND Btreot, first Stove Store above Vine. Take particular notice that the name of the inven tor, A. J. GALLAGHER, is cost, in Large Letters, on the front and side of each “MORNING BTAR” COOKING STOVE. OALIAOHSHte SUNRISE AIR TIGHT, A now large Ovtu Flat Top Cooking Stove. The plates are very heavy, and the whole Stove is finished in a su perior manner. I WARRANT This Stove to be superior to any other Flat- Top Stove now In the market. I rospectfally invito my friends and the public to call and examine the above Stoves. I have also a groat variety of other Cooking Stoves of every style. Parlor Stoves, most beautiful patterns. Together with a heavy stock of Stoves for churches, stores, offices, hotels &c. Repairs for the Morning Star and Sunrise Stoves, to bo had only at my store. A. J. GALLAGHER. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Stoves, Ranges, Cast ing*, &0., No. 805 North SECOND Street, ocll-mwsaSfit first Stove Store above Vine, Phila. ittatringes. . On the evening of the 21st instant, by the Rev. Theo* philus Stork, Mr. OLIVER WILLIAMS , of Chicago, llinols, to bliss ANNA A. HEILIG, daughter or John Heilig, of Germantown. _ * On the 21st instant, by the Rev. J 0. Clay, Mr HUGH ADAIR MoMASTER to bliss RACHEL BLADES, both of this city. * On Tuesday, October 18, by Rev. Wm. Bacon Stevens, D.D., Dr. DAVID ROBERTS and Miss EMMA M. 80UTH, both of this city # On the 2lat instant, by Her. A. A Wiiiltts, Mr JOHN X. ABBOTT to Miss ELIZABETH 8., daughter of ROBERT EVANS, all of this city, * By Rev F. o,* Pearson,'of West Philadelphia, lOtb August, 1858, Mr. HENRY ISA AO HENDRICK to Mias KATE WATSON, all of Twenty-fourth ward. * By Rev. F. 0. Pearson, Ootober 14, Mr. EMMORB. RUDOLPH to Miss MAttYE. SEAL, all of Haverford, Delaware county, Pa. (Media paper copy | * On the 20!h Instant, by Rev. Dr. Oole, Ur. THOMAS OLIVER GOLDSMITH Jr , to Miss RACHEL 0. LB* WELLYN, both of this city. # < iDcatljg. On the 21st lns»ant, Mrs. SUSANNAH HARRIS, re. liot of the late John Harris, In the 53d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the| funeral, from her late re sidence. Lewis street, Bichmond, on Sunday afternoon next, at 3 o'clock, without further notice. * On Thursday morning, 21*t instant,Mrs. MARY DEG- NaN, in the filth year of her age. The'relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, Germantown road, below Jefferson street, this (Batnrday) afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * On the 21st instant, THOMAS ORILLY, aged 66 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence. No 647 Bedford street, Seventh, below Bouth, this (Saturday) morning, at 9 o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to St. Mary’s Cemetery. * On the 21st instant, LYDIA ANN, daughter of JOB and MARY ANN BUTTON, in the 7th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the fuoeral. from the residence of her parents, corner Sepvlva and Dickerson streets, above Cumber land, on Sunday afternoon, at 1 o’clock. * On the 21st instant, Hr. MATHEW MADARA, In the 69th year of his age. His friends and acquaintances are invited to attend the funeral, on Sunday 24th Instant, at 1 o’clock, from the residence of Heury Bimon, No. 627 Brown street, between Vienna end Cherry, Eighteenth ward. # On the 20th instant, Mr. JOHN T. GRIFFITH, in the 68th year of hie age. [New York and Boston papers please copy ] The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the fuoeral, from the residence of hfr son, John U.. Griffith, Jr., No. 2121 Summer street, between Race and Vine, on Sunday afternoon next, at 2 o’clock, without further notice. * On the 20lh Instant, PETER W. SULLIVAN, son or David and the late Mary Sullivan, iu the 20th year of his age. 'the relatives and friends of the family are respeot fully invited to attend hie funeral, from the residence of his father, Northwest corner of Third and Germau streets, this (Saturday) mornlng.atßVo’clock. without further notice. * ' T C?* Spiritualism.—ljeclare and Confer* of ENOE will be held at SANBOM-BTREET HALL on SUNDAY) at 10# A. AY., aud 7# 1\ M. Adinisalon 6 oenta. 0c23-lt* David’s Inquiry after the Family of I*2 . SA P, L Tjf er «Jf4S?S N JEWIIEY trill Preach on thii euhjeot To-MORHO# (Sabbath) afternoon. In 'ho -MKRWAN MKOIUNIOB’ BALL, corner of FOURTH and GEORGE Streets, above POPLAR, at 5,0 clock ' Meeting for Children THIS AFTER NOON, at 2 o’olock. Binging by Professor KBME- Rk R - om-lt* [Y=f=» Sermon to Young Men By renueii LLS? of tho YOUNG MJSN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCI ATION, the Roy. O. H. CAItDHN trill Preooh o Bor mon to Young Men, by liirlno permlealon. on HA li- HATII KVKNINti, 24th lost., at half-poet seven o’clock, In the CHURCH OP ST. MATTHIAS, North out corner of BROAD And SPRING GARDEN Eta. Seats reserved for Young Men. P- S —.Medical Students respectfully Invited to at tend. _ . , - -*c2B4t* m Key. Henry Ward Beecher will De« liter the Introductory Lecture of the Bixth Annual Course before the PEOPLE’B LITERARY IN BIITOTB, In CONCERT HALL, THURSDAY Even ing*, October 28th. Doors open at seven. Lecture commences quarter before eight. Mr. fiEKOHER will be folldwed by GEORGE W. OORT 18, 'Esq , Rev. S. H. CHAPIN, Rev J. \f. JtAKHALI/, lion H. MANN, and other eminent Ora tors. Dingle Ticket*, 28 cento; Ticket* admitting two, 80 Ticket* xlmltllDg ON* to conroe of EIGHT LECTURES, $1; admitting two to coarse, $1.60; three, $2; five, $4. i’or sale at the Hookstores. J. ELLIOTT, President, 428 Walnut Street. G. Coluss, Secretary, Mo. 160 Worth Sixth Street. rv-»T. H. Stockton will prcnth (D. V.) at NATIONAL HALL, MARKET, above Twelfth, SAnOATU, 10# A. BI Subscription* will bo received for the winter All friends of the cause are invited to uonj in ita support. ii Sed loveth n eheer/ul giver.™ rvy* Church of the Covenant*—Services in (15- CONCERT HALL, Chestnut Street, above Twelfth, EVERY SUNDAY, at 10.* a. M. and 7% P. M. Seats free* ltw Chapel—Locust anti Twenty- U 5 SECOND Streets ReV. R. A. GARDEN will Preach in this Church TO-MORROW AFTER NOON, at 3# o’clock. Service in the Moraine at 10JT o’clock. u* rr^„Ti l ®^ ourlh Annlreraory of “The Voting IL3 MEN’S OUBIBTIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHI* LADRLPniA” will tako pUc* at JAYNE’S HALL, on TUESDAY EVENING, November 2d, at TK o’clock. Particulars will be given hereafter. t JOHN WANAMAKER, It, . Chairman of Committee. Meftlng of the Hoard of Trade—A LLS Stated Meeting of the Association of the Board of Trade will beheld on next MONDAY EVENING, SOih'inst., at 7% o’clock, at their rooms, N0.'603 Chest nut street. * The resolutions offered at the last meeting, in refer ence to a better system of assessing wharfages, and of modifying our laws of pilotage, and also concemlog'the unreasonable charges imposed by the State upon our auction business, will come discussion. The attendance of the pullio generally is requested. ocgidtt , LORIN BLOPOKT, Secretary. (Y^*, e Po*t Office, Philadelphia, Oct 7 22, Lk«3 1868 —The-steamer Tennessee is to commence running between New Orleans and Vera Crus on the Ist of Novembtr; and She will leave New Orleans on that day, and subsequently on the Ist and 16th or eaoh month. Mails for Mexico trill be sent br this line, and letters intended by the writers to be so sent should be mailed at this office at leant five days before the ist and «*• • GIDEON G. WESTCOTT, ©cil3-3t Postmaster. rv-i?* Spalding Concert—Wo, having been IkJ? invited by Mr. SPALDING to withers the en closing of the Certificates of Presents to be awarded at his Ooncori.en MONDAY Erasing, October 25th, at MUSICAL FUND HALL, certify that we havo wit nessed the enclosing of vwo husdrso and fivvt oxn- TIVIOATBB or PBBSXNTS, scaled and thoroughly mixed the same with the envelopes that do not contain such Certificates, the whole being done in a fair and impar , tlal manner, os set forth in his Advertisement. We'further certify that it is impossible to distin guish the envelopes that contain awards of presents from those that do.not. The envelopes remain in charge of the Committee until the evening of the Concert.' Signed, JO. BEVEBNB, “Argus.” J. P. MAGILL, “Sunday Mercury ” JNO. HARRINGTON. “ Buoday Transcript.” H. D. NAULTY, THOMAS FITZGEKAuD, “City Item.” J M. HARDING, “Irnatrer.” C. B.IIALDERMAN, J. H. LAIRD, H. L. GOOD ALL, “ Mirror.” 0023-lt. vrsp• Grand Celebration of the Annual Ses i 3 BION OF TIIE GRAND DIVISION OF THE JONS OF TEMPERANCE.—The Committee respect fully anuounce the following arrangement*: On the evening of the second day of the Session, THURSDAY, Get. 28th. a Temperance Banquet will be hold Jn tbe splendid Saloon of tbe National Guards’ Hall, Race street, below Sixth, at 7# o’clock. The entertainment will bounder the direction of that well-known caterer, J. W Parkinson, Eighth and Chestnut Btreets. Tickets can be procured at Bowers’s, Sixth and Vloe: Parkinson’s, Eighth and Chestnut; l'atern. Fifteenth and Locust: Bowers’s. Sixth and Green j Paul G Oli ver’s, Broad and Chestnut, or of either of the follow ing Committee of Arrangements: Wm. N. Ashman, Ebeneser Mu*tln. Joseph R. Bol ton, Daniol Yeakel, T. 0. Lott, Wm. McGill, Charles Howard, Joseph W. Martin, Thomas Stewart, John E. Flynn, Richard Twelves, B. Franklin Denuisson, T. 0. Lewis, Leonard Jewell, W. W. Axe, Arthur Thaoher, B.P.Qaane. , Gentlemen’s Tickets $l, Ladies’ Tickets 60 cents. On the evening of the third day, Friday,' October 29th, a Grand Temperance .Meeting will be held in Dr. Jayne’a large Hall, Chestnut bolow Seventh. The members of the Grand Division will oocupy seats on the platform clothed in regalia. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. Kingston God dard, Rev. A A. Wlllltta, Rev. U. A. Carden, Rev. Jolm Chambers, aod others. Ihe members of tbe Grand Division will meet at 7 o’olook at the Hall, Sixth and Walnut, to proceed la a body to the Hall W* 0- OLAGHORN, Chairman, 127 South FOURTH Street. rysga* Krmmerl’s Free Juvenile Siuging- UJ3 SCHOOL will commence at Jsyno’s Hall, on CUBBTNUT Street, bolow Seventh, on BATUBDAY MORNING, at 10 o’clock, to prepare for a Union Con cert. Singing Books for sale at the Door. Price 10 oSnts His Class will meot at Mechan'c’s Hall, corner ot FOURTH and GEORGE, on SATURDAY, at two P. M. 0c22-2t* Q3 = "T?K I OHBM. ln ' ,aUa * W ‘‘ l * A,,tcMon ‘ 01 11. W. corner PARKE and CHESTNUT Streets. . ocSl-l« , , West Philadelphia. Park Benjamin wm Repeat his Eec llj} tore, “ Private and Social Life In America,” at the Hath northeast ooroer at BROAD and SPIIINQ HARDEN Streets, on MONDAY, Oct 25, at 8 P. M. Tickets or Admission 28 cents each, may bo hod at • Mr. ROWERS’, Sixth and . Mr. HUjNAh, Nineteenth and Green sts. Mr. WEDRIS, Tenth and Spring Harden tts., and at the DOOR on the erenlng of the heotnre. oca-It* rysssa The American Patent Company of Cln- ILs OINNATI, OHIO, organised July, 1868, with a capital ot $lOO,OOO, bays and setts Patents on commie alon, aollclw, Patents, executes Mechanical Drawings and Rograviogs, and transacts all business pertaining to Patents* ef whatever nature. .The Company also pub lishes the SCIENTIFIC ARTISAN,the best raechani cat paper in America) at $2 per annum. The Company can furnish all information in reference to .either American or European Patents. __ Address AMERICAN LATENT COMPANY Clu cliinatijOhlo. otfl-Ptuth-lm Office of the Dauphin and Susquehanna ILs OOALOOMBANY-NbwYork,Outober2Q, 1868. Anou-1 Meeting of the Stockholders of this Oom psuy will bu held at the “Girard House,” Inl’hila delpbla, on the third WEDNESDAY, the ITtb day of November next, at noon, whon and where an election will ba held for eleven Directors to serve for tho ensuing year. The transfer books will be cloaod from the 6th to the 17th. of November next, both Inclusive. , , By order of tho Board of Directors, > . FRANK S. BOND, oo 21-dtnovl7 Secretary. Union Drenching for the People, under IX3 the auspices of the Ministerial Union, in Con -11 cation with the Young Men’s Christian Association, by tho various ministers of our cKyon every TUESDAY and THURSDAY, at 4 P. M.. In tho SANSOM-STRKET CHURCH, until further notice. Services confloed to ONE HOUR precisely. Rov. E. de Schweinitt. on Tuesday. 0c7,-tf iv» Business Men’s Uuion Prayer Meeting lij* Dally from 12 to l o’dook, in the Bauson-street Church. Havel been there? Knot, why? Specisl Prayer for Sabbath Schools on Saturday. The presence of a large number of children will add Interest to the occasion. 007-tf ry-» The Kegulnr Lectures at the Frmtilc LkJJMEDICAL "COLLEGE OF PENNSYLVANIA, No. G 27 ARCH Street, begin this woek. ThOße on Ana tomy, Physiology, and Guemlßlry, from 8 to 6 in the afternoon, furnish a rare opportunity to Ladies who are not medioal students for a thorough course upon all or any or these branches Anatomy, by Mrs, E. H. Cleve land, M. D. Physiology, by Ann l’reston, M, D. Ohe rnistry,by Mattnbw Sample, M. B. Arrangements can be made for teaehors and pupils at reduced rates. .... ... . . * . Ladies invited to the Lootures this aud next week free. ocl9-Qt fY-=s» Firemen’s and other Union Prayer jJJj MEETINGS, under tho auspices of tho YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. ON SABBATH AFTERNOONS. United Stales Engine, Wood, below Crown at., from 4 to o'clock. 1 Pennsylvania Hose, Eighth at., below Groen, from 4 to 5 o’clock, United Hose, Drown st., below Twelfth) from 4X 1° 6% o’olook. Perseverance Hoflo, Quarry street, below Third, from M. ON SABBATH, at 7# P- M. ♦Diligent Engine, corner of Tenth and Filbert sts, Delaware Engine, South st., above Nineteenth st. Western Engino, Callowhill, below Blxtoenth st. ON TUEBDAY, at7>tf P. M. America Engine, Buttonwood, below Third st. Philadelphia Engine, Seventeenth, bolow Chestnut. Robert Morris Hoso, Lombard st., above Eighth Bt. Columbia Hose, Cherry, above Seventh st. ON WEDNESDAY, at P. M. Klngsoßflng School ouso, Darby road. Independence Engine, Spring Garden, near 24tb st. Southwark Engine. 8. Third, above Washington st. Diligent Hose, Ma dlaoa, above Racest. ON THURSDAY, at 7J$ P. M. N Liberty Hose, New Market, above Coates at. United BtAtcsHose, Buttonwood, below Fifth st. Scbuylklli Uobb, Locust st., below Thirtcouth st. Naval Asylum, Gray’s Ferry road. Falrmount Engine, Rl ige avenue above Wood st. Good Will Hose, Wood st, below Twenty-tblrd. Club Room, corner of Fifteenth and Filbert sts. Fairmount Hobo, Pleasaut street, above Eleventh, ON FRIDAY, at P. M. Western Hoie, Twentieth at, above Lombard st. Vigilant Hose, Eighth st., above Wharton st. Warren Hose, Barker, above Eighteenth st. Spriog Garden Hose, Parrish, near Eleventh st. * Diligent Eogine. cornor Tenth and Fllbertsts.. from 4 to 0 P.M. Young Men’s Union Tent, 8. Fifth, bolow Wharton at., from 0 to 6 P. M. Ladies and Christian friends are affectionately invited to attend. By order of the Executive Commlttoe or Young Men’s Christian Association. ' sell-sat if , The Crusades and the Crusaders—The LLS Bev. WM. BACON BTEVKNB, D. D., wllldeliver a LECTURE on the Crusades and the Crusaders, on THURSDAY EVENING, Octobor 28, in the MUSICAL FUND HALL, for the benefit of the Mission Sond»y School, on Thirteenth street, near Federal. All who wish a great intellectual feast will avail themßclvcsof this opportunity to hear this eloquent divine treat of the exoiting times and the thrilling scenes when the followers of Peter tbo llormit, Walter the Penniless, Itildebrande, and others, undor the sanction of Pope Urban the Second, attempted to re cover the Holy Senulohre aud the Holy Land, the scene of our Saviour’s life and sufferings, from the power of the Infidels or Mohammedans. Tickets of admission, 25 cents each, may be had at The Episcopal Depository, Chestnut street, above Twelfth. ’ Mr. F. Brown’s, northeast comer of Chestnut and Fifth streets. W. 8. A A. Martien’s Book Store, No. 008 Chestnut street. Braith, English, & Oo.’s Book Store, Blxth street, above Market. Jas. B. Smith & Co.’s Book Store, 610 Chestnut »t. The doors will be open at 7 o’clock, and the Lecture oomraence at 8 o’clock. WMhstutd ry*=s» Girard Bank, Philadelphia, Oct. lltli, IkJ 1858 —AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN DI RECTORS, to serve the ensuing year, will bo held at the BANKING UOUfIK, on MONDAY, the 16th day of NOVEMBER next, between the hours of ten and two o’clock. The Annual Meeting or the Stockholders will be held at the same place, on TU BBDAY, the 2d day of No vember next, at 12 o’clock M. W. It. SCHAFFER, ocl2-eodtnl6 Cashier. Office Girard Fire and Marine In -BUIIANOE COMPANY, 416 Walnut St., Schuylkill Navigation Building. The Directors of the Girard Fire and Marine In surance Oompany bavo this day dcclorod a dividend of BIX PER CENT, upon tho Capital Stock, payable to Stockholders, on and after tho Second day of November next. ALFRED B. GILLKTT, Treasurer. Philadelphia, Oct. 11,1868. ocl4-thstuUw rv-=» Bank of Uommorce, Philadelphia, Oct. IX3 3, l«sS—Notice in hereby given that an Elec tion for THIRTEEN DIRECTORS to servo the on suing year, will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, tho 16th day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. M. oc3-stu th-tnolfi The Annual Meotlngof the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, the 2d day of Norembor nett, at2P. M., at same place. oc2-stuth-tro2 J. O. PONNBMV naahtor. Notice.»-Thc Third Inslalmont of Fire X 3 Dollars per share on tho Stock of the Second and Tbird-Btreet Passenger Railway Company of Phila delphia will be due anu payable at the Offico of the Company, No. 220 WALNuT Bt, on or before No vember 20th,1858. By order or tbe Board. BENDY BUARWOOD, oclO-tatbs-tN'JO Secretary v<==* Corn Exchange Dank—Philadelphia JJj OotiißKS 10,1568 —The Annual Meeting of the JWckboldera of this Bank will be held at the Da* king honse, northwest corner of SECOND and CHESTNUT Streets, oa TUESDAY, November 2d, at 12 o’clock. An election for thtrteea Directors, to servo the en suing year, wilt bo held at the Banking-house on MON DAY, November Ifltb, between ten A. M. and three P. H. JOIINW. TURKEY, Cashier. ocIC-dtNIS. rv-==* Tronsnror’s Department Pennsylvania jj? RAILROAD COUP AN Y—PQii.ADKi.rHiA, Oct. 16.1868. NOTICE.—The Board of Directors havo this day de clared a semi-annual dividend or three per cent on the Capital Stock of the Coicpany, (clear of State tax,) payable on and after November 16ih, proximo. Blank Powers or Attorney for collectlog Dividends can be had on application at this office. ocl&-lta TllOd. T. FIRTH, Treasurer. ry'Ttfsa Seuthw&Th Hank) Philadelphia, October 15 11, 1858—The Annual Meeting of ine Stook lolders or this Bank will bo held at the RANKING HOUSE, on Tuesday, the 2d day or Nuvomber next, at 12 o’clock M. And the Annual Election forDiieotors will be hold at the BANKING HOUSE, on Monday, tbe 26' li day of November next, between the hours of 10 o’clock A. 11. and 2 o’clock P. M. F. P STEEL, ecl2-dtnolfi Cashier. and Mechanic*’ ItonK, Phlla- Lg dblfhia, Oct. 2, 1858.—The Ahmiftl Election for Directors will bo held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the 16th dAy of Novombor next, botween the hours of 9 o’clock A. M. add 3 o’clock P. 81., and oa TUESDAY, the 2d day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o’clock P. AI., agreeably to tho charter. Oc4 dtNl6 W.RUSHTON, Jr., Cashier. ry-==» Philadelphia and Darby Railroad' 15 COSIPANY. —Tho Subscribers to the Oapltal itock of the Philadelphia and Darby Railroad Com-. >any are notified that the following instalments will bo ue, and are hereby requested to be paid on the foilow . ng dates, via: Second instalment of $5 per share, on Thursday, 28th October Inst. Third instalment of $6 per share, on Saturday, 27th November next. Fourth instalment of $6 per share, on Monday, 27th December next. The Stockholders are si«o notified that nJJ or aor of tho instalments on the Stock subscribed for by them may bo paid in advance, and that interest will be al lowed from the date of payment of each instalment up to the Ist January next. By order of the Board of Directors. THOMAS SPARKS, Treasurer, No 121 Walnut Street. Subscription Book now opouforthe balance of the Stock, at the Office of the Treasurer, from 9 A. M. to IP.M. PfIIbADXLFHIX, Oct. 2,1858. Notice.—Green and t’oates-Street l*hl- Jjs LADKLPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—A second instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share on the capital stock ef the Green aod Coates street Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company will be due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 423 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the Bth day of No vember next, between the hears of 10 A. M and 3 P.M. oo?-td HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer. fyrxs» To the Fire Department of Phlladel- PHIA,—The Directors of the GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY have re solved to appropriate One Hundred Dollars to each Fire Company within the City, now having lu service, or who may hereafter put In service, a STEAM FIRE ENGINE. Companies applying for this appropriation, through their Commlttcos, Trustees, or Agents, will be re quired to furnish a certificate, signed by their Pre sident, authorizing them to receive tho money. They will also be required to furnish the certificate of tho Mayor, certifying that the Oompany applying is in service in this city, and has boon approved by City Councils. ALFRED 8. GILLETT, Treasurer. Philadelphia, Oct. 13,1668. oo!4-thatu3w ry-sa* Pennsylvania College of Dental Snr -115 GISRY —The Lectures In this Institution will' commence on tho first MONDAY of November, and con tinue until the first of March ensuing. For further information nppiy to T. hi BUUKINGIIAM, Doan, oc2o-Wfl4t* , A> No. 248 North NINTH flt. MEN’S FINE CALFSKIN BOOTS- Waxed and Waterproof Boys’ and Youths’ Boots and Shoes, Women’s Oalfskln Pegiod Boots, with Heels, with a general assortment of all descriptions, beat City Manufacture, low prices, at The “Sign of the Bed Boot.” DUTTON’S, No. IXI North SECOND St., ah. Arch, East jldo. 0028-21* 1 Pi I Min GKAPE VIBES, 2,3, and 4 lUjUUU years old, for sale by 0. B. ROGEIIB, 0c23-6t* JHo. 11l MARKET Street. jig 50,000 FEACQ TREES, for sale by 3S 0023-Ot* 0. B. nOGERB. POTATOES. —Superior Peach Blossom Po tatoes, for family use or for seed.' Farmers that look to their interest will secure a supply of these. For 0. B. ROGERS. No. 11l MAPKET Street. sale by 0c23-6t* Aa consignees of goods by Sa3£BREMEN BRIG AMAZONE, now lyingatsocond wnarf above Race street, will please send their permits on board, or to F H. UAYKB. All goods notpermitted within five days will be sent to the Public Stores. October 22,1868. 0c23-st# A* NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES.—The SSsßarque ACHILLES, Captain J. A. 81’EDDEN, from London, Is now ready to discharge at Shippen street wharf Consignees will please send their permits onboard. All goods not permitted within fivd'd&js from this date will be sent toPublio Btores. TUOS RICHARDSON & CO. No. 101 WALNUT Street. October 22, 1868. 0c23-5t IT IS OF THE HIGHEST IMPORTANCE for every one to know where they will got tho most for their money, especially such times as these. ZIEGLER tc SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, corner of SECOND and GREEN fitreetß, nra disposing of their White Lead. Ground Paints, of all Colors, anil Window Glass, all of the best quality, at prices whioh will be pleasing to buyers. ■ noil ANGS OF RIGGING made to ordor, by XX WEAVER, FXTtiKIt, Id 00., No. 23 N. WATER St;, and a N , WHAEYES, ’ ooiU New JMLAY & BICK NELL’S BANK NOTE REPORTER Ua, fletocted, night and day, sinoa Wednesday lost, thirt Y-ONH New and Dangerous COUNTERFEITS, on thirty-one different Banks, in this State and else where, all of which are minutely described in IMLAY & BIOKNKLI/d REPORTER, and ne other. Many of theso djuigerously-exoouted Counterfeits are now circu lating Treoly in this city, so that persona without this lUroaTim aro without priteodon. Tho variety of important matter In tho present Num ber to the money-handling community is of value equal to an annual subscription. This fs the best and cheapest Bank Note Detector in the world. Bicknbll Isa “household word.” Single copies now ready j price 6 cents. If the Weekly is required Tor one year, call aud subscribe, or Bond f 2 Somi-Montbly, $1.25 5 Monthly, 76 cents. Ofllce, 212 South THIRD Street, Bulletin Building. JIJEADY THIS DAY. THOUGHTS ON THE LIFE AND CHARACTER OF JESUS OF NAZARETH. Bv Rkv. W. n. FurnsßS, Philadelphia. The Publishers deem it only necessary to announce bho above work, to secure for it that attention which tho popularity of (he author and h/s reputation as a deep thiuker, demands. PHILLIPS, SAMPSON, & CO., Publishers, Boslon. For sale by 0028-sattuAthSt WILLIS P. HAZARD. Get the best.—new testament In One Volumo, Paragraph Form, large Leaded Type, purest copy In the world! Cloth, $1: Half Tur key, $1.60; Foil Turkey, gilt, $2.60 ludexes to match; Horne’s Introduoton to matvh. Fresh supply of “SERMONS FOR THE PEOPLE,” “STAND UP FOR JESUS,” &o STOCKTON’S BIBLE ROOMS. 0c23-lt* 8. W. cor Broad and Chestnut St*. £tflal Notices. Rachel e. hewlinus »j. Charles E. HBWLINGB. Court of Common Pless, Juno Term. ’6S, No 62. Sur Libel for Divorce. October 22,1858. —Rule to fhow cause why Divorce, a Vinculo Matrimonii, should not be decreed in the ab ve cose, returnable November 6,1858, granted by the Gburt. Please take notice of the above rule. WM. W JUVK V AL, 0c21.2t* Pr > Libellant. ileal (Estate. Ma dandsome farm at public SALK—-All that FARM, now owned by Dr. Scbenok, at Schenok’s Station, will be sold, on the premises, on MONDAY, October 26. It contains over 72 acres, under the highest state of eußirAtion. This place will positively be sold to the highest bidder, and will not be bought m for the present owner, as some are trying to represent. It will be sold, and perhaps very cheap. A good portion of the purchase money oan remain on the property, which will be stated on the day cf sate. Do not forget the day, MONDAY, the 26th. Take the steamer John Neilson, at 10 o’olock, via Tacooy, for Schenck’s Station. Any porsou wishing to view the premises before the day of sale can take the boat at Waluut-street wharf at 2Jf or 4 o’clock, and roturn the samo evening. It# TO PHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS. JUil The subscriber will offer at PRIVATE BALK bis valuable property, situated in tho flourishing vil lage of OoatenvUle, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, two hours’ ride from Philadelphia, consisting of a large threerstory Brick Dwelling, with Drug Store attached, new, and everything in complete order. Retail Drag business of $O,OOO per annum is now doing. Also, his Private Dwelling attached to Drug Store, with his practice, worth $2,000 per annum. For a business stand this has no superior in the county. For further partic ulars, address DR. O. B. COATES. Foa Brfkkbhob: —J. Price Wethorill, Front street, near Azeh, Philadelphia; Dr. 2. H 8.-SlcOleltan, Wal nut street, above Tenth, Philadelphia oct23-lt# WING* 8 PROCESS.—WHEAT, IT IS believed, yields a nourishment better adapted to the healthful requirements of the human system through life than Buy other one substance known to olvtlftation. This nourishment is made up of those properties In grain chemically known m saccharine matter, gin ten, Ac. The saccharine matter contributes most of the nourishment, and contains also an active principle which, wheu received Into the stomaoh as a component of bread, aids digestion. These, great nourishing and Invigorating properties of grain produco, under the action of beat and by tbe aid of cSrtaio machinery, a most powerful stimulant. If such a product can be extracted from grain by arti ficial means, it indicates, unmistakably, the inOncnra which the saccharine matter or sugar property iu wheat baa upon the bodily powers, when subjected to the natural chemical action ef the human stomach. It seems, therefore, that this is an indispensable pro perty of gralu, as a nourishment, given to it for tbe most benofleeut purpose, aud consequently should be retained, as far as practicable, in all the preparations of grain for food. WING’B PROCESS secures tbe highest amountof nu triment that has ever been produced from wheat. In the preparation of the material, and in the manu facture of WING’S FARINA UKAOKKRB, the life-sup porting principle of tbo grain remains, not deadened, or t Gored, as in Hour, by too close grinding, but retaining it* moil Stffive properties, «o bmmm*/ «o and the energizing force with which It Imparts to the body a health nl growth or renewed vigor and strength. ■ The constantly*increasing demaud for WING’S FA RINA CRACKERS, with tbe commendatory remarks of parents, teacher*, and physicians, is strong proof of the healthful and beneficial results wnlch have attonded their use. • WING '8 CRACKERS have a pleasant taste, act kindly upon the stomach, and fur dyspeptics or the aged, as well as sedentary and delicate persona generally, they aro moat acceptable! It la believed that there never has been anything in troduced eqtu! to WING’S FAUINA CRACKERS as a healtbfol nourlsbroent for children. In purchasing, it should be borne in mind that there are no genuine Farina Crackers made but by Mr. Wing. Hl* are the only Oraokers manufactured in the United States oonUlalng tke true qualities of Farina. All other so-called Parioa Crackers aro imitations. Take none, therefore, for Farina bat those haring the name of “ A. WING ” stamped on each cracker, WING’S FARINA CRACKERS may bo procured of the boat family grocers generally, by whom thoy aro ex tensively sold tn different portions of the UnltodStates, And at wholesale only of A.N THOMPSON k 00 , Nos. 221 and 223 FULTON rtreet, New York,or DINGEB k BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, No. 245 South FRONT street, 0c23265Qn0l Philadelphia, FTUIE SUBSCRIBER most rcspoctfnßy A informs bis frionds, and Customers generally, that lie will open hie NEW RESTAURANT, No. 808 MARKET Street, fourth door above Eighth, TO-MOR ROW (Saturday) at 0 o'clock P, M. 0c22-2t* JAMES PROSSER. J PROSSER’S RESTAURANT, No. • 808 MARKET Street, four doors above EIGHTH, South Mdo, Philadelphia. Oysters Stewed, Roasted. Fried, Pickled, Ao , &o , for Romo Consumption anu Transportation. N. B.—Dinner from twelve to three o’clock. 0c22-tf Philadelphia school of design FOR WOMEN —An Election of Twelve Director* to seivo for the ensuingyear will be held at the School Rooms, 1334 C IKBTNUT Street, on MONDAY, No vember Ist, 1858, between the hours of ten and twelvo o’clock. P.P. MORRIS, 0c22-6t* Secretary. A HOUSE DOING A WHOLESALE trade on Market stroot is dosiroue to lnoroose capital by taking a special or general partner. Com munications addressed MARKET ST., at the office of The Press, will be confidential, and have early atten tion. oc2i-fit* jpOTTON, GINGHAM, AND SILK UM BRELLAS—Every variety of style, superior thako and finish, for sale wholesale and retail by JOS. FUSBBLL, 0C22-31* No. 2 North FOOKTH Street. TTMBRELLAS FOR CHILDREN—SmaII, neat, light, and durable; together with a general assortment of well-made Umbrellas of all sizes For salo wholesale and retail by JOS FUSSELL, oe3£3L* No 2 North FOURTH Stroot ATi RISOOM’S HOME-MADE SAUSAGES VA and SORAPPLE. to be had fresh, at CALEB CLOTHIER'S Family Flout Store, No. U 6 N. FIFTH Street 0c22-3t* WILLIS’ 8 PATENT STUMP EX TRACTOR —The attention of Farmers and land-owoersgenorslly throughout the county is called towards this valuable and powerful machine for the extraction of Stumps, pulling duwu trees, removal of rocks, buildlugs, Ac • A company of gentlemen of this city have secured from tho Inventor the Patent Right for the Btate of Penusylvania, and aro now prepared to sell county rights, machines. Ac , on reasonable terms. Application) can bo made to AARON OLBMBM\ Agent, at tbo Office of the Company, No. 230 South THIRD btreet, back room. Philadelphia, Oct. 20ta, 1858. N. B —Pamphlets, wilh illustrations and testimoni als, can be had on application at the office. cc‘£l-3t ASPIRANTS to West Point Acndemy obtain individually that special instruction in tbo study and acquisition of Mithematical and Mechanical Science which insures distinction in pursuing the ardu ous course of that institution, and attainment of the higher Academic honors, at P.STEWART’SInstItuto, 108 FOURTH St , below Chestnut. ocfll-flt* mo " WESTERN AND SOUTHERN X MERCHANTS.—A largo stock of Manila Ropo, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, FITLEB, k CO , oc2i Nos. 23 N. Water Bt., & 2*2 N. Wharvos. CAMPBELL’ 8 DINING SALOON, Oorner’of THIRD St. And HARMONY COURT, Has been closed for several days past, in order to ba regenerated and disenthralled. It will be openod en MONDAY next, 20th last . with improvements and al terations which will astonish the town. The boat has thrown his sou! into the task of iron teal, and we think that his efforts will meet with universal approbation. When reopened it will be a model establishment, sell-tf [WON EXPLOSIVE BURNING FLUID.— ll We are now manufacturing, and are prepared to sell, a BURNING FLUID, free from the objection ap pertaining to the commonarticie. Its liability to ex plode is destroyed, and may now be used with safety. It hAO been experimented upon, and subjected to the severest tests before the best chemical talent in this city, without a single failure; and wo now offer it to the public, feeling confident that a great desideratum has been attained. YARN ALL & OGDEN, 0016 d3m 4T2 N. THIRD Street, above Noble. ORNAMENTAL, and COLORED GLASS. We have just received a comprehensive and va ried stock of this truly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to Churches, Vestibules, Conservatories, end other buildings, where it is deemed necessary to embel lish, or to give a chaste and elegant appearance. Any color may be bad, either plnlu or ornamental, elsbo -ately or in relief. ZIEGLER k SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint, and Gla«s Dealers, se2B-dtf Southwest cor. Second and Green sts. PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA- TIONS, with written descriptions of character, yljf including advice in reference to businoss, health, J__ HT self-improvement, Ao., are made day and eve* plug at ALE—A desirable Dwelling house, situated at the northwest corner of Thir teenth and Aroh, with all modern conveniences. Ap ply on the premises, or at the Counting-house of C. A. RUBIOAM, 2025 CHESTNUT St. oolfi-Kt* 453 TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE 1132. Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to WaterStreot, 148 feet deep. Also, the Double STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the best lecations for large Business in Phila delphia. Also, STABLE and COACH-HOUSE in CHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, In rear or Ash land House Apply at 273 South FOURTH Street. OFFICE TO-LET.—AN ELIGIBLE OF PICK for an Insurance Company, or almilar cor. po rat ion, having three communicating rooms on the same floor, No. 222 WALNUT Street, above DOCK. Immediate poasesslon given. Apply to JOHN 0. EJSFPER, or THOMAS T. BUTOHBB, No. 112 South FOURTH Street, mh3Q-tuths-tf eeoond story, front room. Rooms on commerce street.— The Three Upper Rooms of 416 Commerce Btreet to Let. __________ se27-lm Boarding. [VOW VAGAN T—Two Communicating It second-story Rooms, with or without Board, will be rented low to a permanent party. Location. Chest nut street, above fifteenth. Address COMFORT, at this office. oc2l-3t« A FAMILY, consisting of a gentleman, wife, and three children, aged respectively ten. eight, and six years, desire Boarding from the first of December next. Best references given and required. Address BOX 1174 Philadelphia P. 0. pc2o-4t* A GENTLEMAN and LADY, also Sin gle Gentlemen, may obtain Board at 712 Chest nut Street, opposite Masonic HaU. ocll-12t# personal. INFORMATION WANTED OF ROBERT EWING, aged 11 years, who loft New York City four years ago for the West Any information of hia present whereabouts will be thankfully received by his sister, M. EWING, corner of FOURTEENTH and SECOND Avenue, care of Mrs BRUCE, New York City. tl . 0c29-Bt* niaidjcc, 3ew>clrjj, Bailey & go., VOBMB*LT BAILEY A KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THIS GIRARD HOUBI. Now opening theli fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARM, AND FANCY GOODS, To whloh they invite the attention of thepubllo. SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WHOUBSALW AJID BBTAIL. {Dissolutions anil ffioiiartnersliijis. NOTICE. —Tho Copartnership heretofore existing between tho undersigned, under tho firm name of MARSHALL & POWELL, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. AU persons having business with the said firm, are requested to cell upon J. T. MAR SH ALL, at No. 1004 URESN Street. October 22,1858. JONA. T. MARSHALL, 0c23 3t* ISAAC POWELL. Dissolution op partnership The Partnership heretofore existing between DANIEL W PORTER and ABRAHAM BCHONE MAN has been THIS DAY dissolved, by mutual consent The Undersigned respectfully informs his friends that he will continue, on his own account, tho PLUMB ING and GAB-FIT3ING Basiaess. at the Old Stand, 303 North FIFTH Street, above VINE. ABRAHAM BCHONEMAN. Philadelphia, Oct. 20,1853. 0e22-3t* VOTICE Tho undersigned have this day .. v associated together, under the style or firm of PEACOCK, ZELL, k HINOHMAN, for the purpose of transacting a Forwarding and Produce Commission bu siness. at their new depot, No. 808 and 810 Market St. DAVfD B. PEACOCK, THOMAS M. ZELL, HOWARD HINCUMAN. PniLADKLPni*, Oot 18,1858. 0010 tu th a3t* C^O-PARTNKRSHIP. —THE BUSINESS J heretofore conducted by Hunt. Webster, k Co . will from this date be carried on under the style and firm of LADD, WEBSTER, A CO., who will continue the manufacture and sale of Sewing Machines, the former in Boston, the latter at 820 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in the principal cities of the Union. September 1,1858. se2T?lm iilFbumai. ZOLLICOFFEB’S ANTI-EHEUMATIO i CORDIAL is the only preparation ever placed be fore the public that has performed se many MIRACULOUS CURBS INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. The most prominent and influential citizens bear wit ness of its efficacy. The abundant evidence from all parts of the country is enuagh to warrant us In pro nouncing that It is the greatest wonder of the age. It is an internal remedy that s rikeaat the root of the disease, and thus eradicates it entirely from the system. Prepared by THEODORE DILKS, Chemist, * Northeast oorner of Pina aud Sixth streets, 007-8 m Philadelphia. (EarriajKs. £JAKRIAGES. WM. IX ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. sel3-Bmlf ___________ JAMES S. EARLE A SON., 810 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE TH* QIKABD BOQ9S, Invite the attention of Western and Southern Custom* ers to their immense and assortment of LOOKING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE-FRAMES, Suitable for the FALL TRAPS TO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS.— NATIONAL TELEHRAFfIIO NEWS ACMNCY. —OAHU * JOHNSON annouuco to the Press through out the United States that they are completing ar ™,,eoments ou a most liberal scale, tor a system of TFLJSGHAPHIO NBWS ItEPOKTB, vrhioh has never before been equalled in this country. They pledge themßelves to lurnish tho earliest and most reliable re norts of all the stirring and important events of the day at a price which cannot fail to be advantageous to tho Press geuerally. All letters aud communications to be addressed to CARR k JOHNSON, National Telegraph News Reporters, South THIRD Street, opposite Exchange, Phil&da. E. W. CARR, G. W. L. JOHNBON. Geo. W. L, Johnson, 21 Wall st.. New York City. ' John T. Smith Merchants’ Exchange, Boston. John Wills, corner South and Baltimore streets, Bal timore. For experience‘and reliability ta the boßjnejts, we would refer to: Morton MoMichael, North Amerltan and U. 8. Gazette; Swain & Abell, Pnblio Ledger, Jesper Harding * Bon, Penusylvania Inquirer, John W. Forney, The PreßS; Cummings & PrscoeS. Kveninij Bulletin; P. W. Grsvson & 00., seph Severns, Kveulug Argus; Joseph R. Fianigen, Dally Nows; William R'eePemi.ylvanUn.Lawlor, Everett, k iiincken, Sundaypisnatcb, Magril* Jones, Buuday Mercury; Joo. 8. Jackwb, Sunday Transcript. oe2o*tf * x. ,£ T three experienced Canyons. -- ~hu a^aiiirf* asUaayawr. in ortob WANTE D Blood’s Despatch, for Stock and Fixture- . ~0 c23 Bk * Store,‘in a location that will —■■■ obtained.. Address, with parttSß— I The 'ontlfG office of this paper;' ■•'d Trimmi< z r— ■' v>d bej * —By a Colored Man, a aiWv , ww as Waiter in * private f& App'y * ’ ' i‘w LOMBARDStreeet. . -s > M HOUSE WANTED.—Tho «dtortj*^r desires to rent a nett Dwelling, between South *• *1 Christian, Third and Tenth streets. Bontnot/o -xeetd 1290 per annum. Address‘DWELLING, tin* office. 0c33-St# '* •: TOfOOLLEN SALESMAN WANTED— Tf In a Domestic Commission House. Address “Commission,” PhiladelphiaP.o. 0c73.1t* ViyANTED.—A Young Girl wishes em v V ployment as Child's None. Apply at No. 3 DONNELLY'S Court, Marriott street, between Eigffith and Ninth streets. ; ‘ ; _ 0c23-2t* A YOUNG MAN who has had three years experience as Salesman in a Notion honse, desires an engagement In a similar establishment. -Good refer ences given.' Address NOTIONS, at this office. 0c23-4t* WANTED-A person haying $1,200 to v V purchase a Grocery Stook and Fixtures. The rent of the rrore is low, and the business done is large. Address GROCERY, at this office. 0c23-St* \\T ANTED—Ah active person with capital, * V to take the place of a retiring partner, in a well established Lumber business. Apply before 10, or af— tor 1 o’clock, to JNO. H. WEEKS, Conveyancer, 0c22-Ct* Oor. puTH and NOBLB. V*/ - ANTED—A Partner who can command $3,000 in eash, to purchase an Interest in a Ma v®“°P, doing a good business. A practical M** oblmst preferred. Address FOUNDRY, office of The F 0c22-3t* BRONZE CLOCKS, V^ANTED —By a middle-aged Lady a 7 7 Situation as Governess, In a private family. Best of city reference will be given. Address GRIFFITH, office of this paper, ‘ 0e22-4tw A YOUNG MAN, a good Penman and Ao conntaht, well posted in doable-entry book-keer ing, desires some Situation where his services would be available. Salary Is not so mueh the object as employ ment. Unexceptionable city references can be given. Address »8. P,» office of The Press. 0c22 3t* ANTED—By a young Man, a Situation Tv as Clerk in a Wholesale house. A moderate salary will be satisfactory, as employment is desired, ffliress HONESTY, at this office. ocfflLSt* WANTED— A PARTNER with two or three thousand dollar* capital, to join a young man 1 in a well-established and profitable mercantile business. Address, with name, BOX 329, Philadelphia Post Office, s oc2l-3t* FREE OFFICE for Families wanting Ser vants, Cooks, Chambermaids, House and half grown Girls. Men. and Boys. Bend your orders from all parts to O'CONNOR’S, 19 ARCADE, CHESTNUT, above Sixth. oc2l-3t* VTTAETED—By a yoang Han, employ v v meat. Is willing to do anything that will af ord him a living compensation. Address ELTON, at this office. oc2o-4t* \IT ANTED—To Rent, for the winter sea v T son', with immediate possession, a Furnished house' of moderate size, with modern improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., office of this paper. ■ ' • - 004 WANTED, FOE THE UNITED STATES Y T OAVALBY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom Will bo gives good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l3 to 932 per month. Homan having a wife or child will be aoeepted. Apply for MOUNTS!) SSBYIOS at Ho 817 MABKST Street, above Eighth, north aide. W. TH. HAGBUDSB, Ist Lieut. latPiagoone, Becruiting O&oer. se29-sm# MRS. D. P. BOWERS* WALNUT-SX. LTJL THEATRE, oorser of NINTH and WALNUT Street* ¥ISN IN&, Octob«r23 ? lBW, RETBIBOTION for, Th»Jfatiof> iftMtSoT*’ Oscar de Baupre, Mr K. F. Keach; Rodolph de Mor nac, Mr. H. A. Perry; Madame de Baupre, Mr*. D. p. Bower*; Madame de Ponuneairs, Hiss Laross. LOST SHIP! Or, The Man.o'-War's Man and the Pri vateer. Prices of admission—Second Tier and Family Oirols, and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parqnefc 87# cents; Dreaa Circle, 50 cents; Private Boxes, according to theU locale, $3 and $5; Single Beate in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock; Curtain rises at 7 o'clock. 4 MERIOAN ACADEMY OF KUSIO* XA. BROAD AND LOCUST Streets, THE GREAT RAVELS! SATURDAY EVENING, Oct 83, 1868. EVOLUTIONS ON THB TIGHT ROPE. The magnificent Fairy Pantomime, entitled ' BIANCO: 08, THB MAGIO SWORD, Bianco, Don Albino's Valet, Gabriel Ravel j Brooolo, a Gardener, Francois Ravel. VENETIAN OARNIVaL; Or, Punch In Good Humor. THE SCHOOLMASTER. Master Tricks Boniface, Francois Ravel. Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony, 60 cants: Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 26 oents. • Seata can be secured from 10 A. M. t 0,4 P. M. with* ont extra charge. Children under 10 years half prioe. VITHEATLEY & CLARKE ,B ARCH-ST- Y Y THEATRE.—WiIIiam 8. Fredericks, Acting and Stage Manager. SATURDAY EVENING. October 23. 1858, THE HEIR AT LAW. - Lord Dttberly, Mr. John Gilbert; Dick Dowlas, Mr£ TVbeatfey; Dr. pang Toes, Mr. J. S. Olarke; Lady Dn berly, Mrs. John Gilbert; Cecily Homespun, Mrs. John Drew. To ooncluie with THB WRECK ASHOBK. Admission, 20 cts. Secured Seats in Dress Olrole, 871 C eta; Orchestra 8 tails, 60 ott; fiesta in Private Boxes, 10 ctj; Gallery, 13 eta; Gallery for Colored Persona, 25 cts; Private Box in Gallery for Cobred Persons, 88 etc; Whole Private JBox, $3. Doorsopen at quarter before T o’clock; commence at precisely QRAiU) CONCERT. MUSICAL FUND HALL. MONDAY EVENING, October 26th. 11. SPALDING haa the honor of aanooneing that the Renowned JPiaoiet, ■_ _ . MB.-GUSTAV BATTER, together with the following eminent ertutea, Mine. BERTHA JOHANNSEN, Bistingniehed Prime Bonne; Mias MARIA 8. BRAINSRB, American Prune Bonne from New York, Oratorio* end Coneeria Mr. W. H. BEUNETT, Primo Bauo, recently xetorned from Italy; Mr. J. P. TAUNT, The Popaler American Tenor; Prof OLABE H. BE AMES. 'Will Appear in grand Concert as abore. In order to insure a large attendance, the Manager will distribute amout the audience, several handred valuable presents, indtading TWO HIGH SILK ROBES, valued at $76 and SZQ. which may be seen at the dry ififts house of Geo. Fryer, No 916 Chestnut street. All*, a beautiful 81L715R-PLATKD TEA SET, valued at fw; a BPLENDID CASTOR, valued at $29; and a MAGNIFIORNT ICE PITCHER, valued at $l6, to be seen at John O. Mead & Sons’, corner of Chestnut and Ninth streets. Tickets, with referred seats ONE DOLLAR. To be bad at the music stored of Lee & Walker and Beck and Lawton. Sale will commence on Wednesday, October 2Qth. ocl9 WEEK!!—CONCERT HALL, ►3 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. The CRIME Alt SCENERY and BATTLES, repre sented by gigantic revolving DIORAMAS, illustrating the RUSSIAN WAR and destruction of Sebastopol. •IX?* Open every Evening; and Saturday Afternoon. Admission 25 cents: Children 13 cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock. Performance at a quarter of 8 o’clock. 0018-6 t A S&EMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND xjL CHESTNUT Streets. Hero again! Return of the old faTorite. SIGNOR BLITZ. New and Comical Scenes in VENTRILOQUISM. Extraordinary Magical Demonstrations, and the LEARNED, CANARY BIRDS. Open every Evening during the week, at half-past 7 o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons at 8. Admission, 26 oenta; Children, 18 cents. ae24-Im* [STATIONAI« HALL—MAEKET STREET. 11 . ONE WEBS HOBS. i. IH6OO WiLMAxa’s celebrated PANORAMA OP THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING- oommenees with Obaos, and continues down In historical order to the Babylo nish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the most sublime and interesting scenes in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Boors open at T } to commence at a quarter before 8 o’clock precisely. Tickets 38 cents—to be had at Hall door. Ohildre under 10 years 18 cents. Also. Kxhibitions on WEDNESDAY and SATUR DAY AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Poos* open at 2; to commence at 8 precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITTB JT E . Mac LEES, PHOTOGRAPHER, 626 CHESTNUT STREET, Would call the attention of the public to hia new stylo OHBOMO-ORAttON PHOTOGRAPHS They are pronounced by artist# and concolueun to surpass any Photographic Portraits ever boioru pro duced. oc2o-wam-2mif MAGDALEN. “THE MAGDALEN DENOUNCING THE VANI TIES OP THE WORLD” Must positively be otosed In & few days, In order to prepare for a magnificent collection of specimens of MODERN FRENCH ART. Our proportion of the proceeds of the Exhibition is to be demoted to the Union Brnbyolrst AsgoouTion Open from BA.M. to P. M Adinisflion...* 25 cenU. JAM KB 8 EARLS & SON, 0010-stutMt* Karle’a Galleries, 816 OOEBIHUT fit MASON’ 3 SPERM OIL.— The subscriber has been Appointed sole agent for the State of Pennsylvania ana the Western States, for the sale of MAgON , g BPERM OIL> Used for LUBRIOATING or BURNING. Warranted not to gum or heat. Consumers, as veil as the trade eeneratly. are respectfully invited to call and receive samples and judge for themselves. 4 R. WILSON DKBILVER. Agent. 110 S. DELAWARE Ay. below CHESTNUT Bt., Philadelphia. ENGRAVING ]|/IASON’B SPERM OIL.— XfX One great advantage this OIL possesses over some others is. that It answers as well for a Lubricator as a Burner. R. WILSON DESILVER, Agent, MASON’S SPERM OIL.— Warranted to bum In any ordinary Lamp; free fromeuatL, Agent, XfOSontbDKbdWAß^Aveuo^^ MASON’ 8 SPERM OIL.— the public. War ranted not to DESILVEB.Agent. JlO 8. DELAWARE ATenno, below CHESTNUT, 0010-tn'hs-St Philadelphia. EN’S FINE CALFSKIN B O OTS, Hoys’ and Youths’ itutred Boots and Shoos,with all other deeoriptlona. Beat oity manufacture Lee pricoß. . DUTTON’S, No. 11l North SECOND St., ab. Arch, Eaat aide, oc2l-tha-2t# “ Sign of the Bed Biot.” VtIBISKEY.—3O bblß., 20| do. (Miller & V V Hichorston’s) Old Monongahela Whiskey, , atore and Tor aale, by A. MERINO, 0011-tf 140 Bonth PBONT treat. SHERRY AND PORT WlNh.—3o qrt*. 10 Blghtha Harmony Sherry; 20 gra. Wallla Pert Wine, in bond and ter liM H * EATON, SO Booth PBONT Stmt, {Dante. amusements. .Conductor, BELOW SEVENTH, THE EXHIBITION OP BUBKNB’ Great Painting of 110 South DELAWARE Avenue, Below CHESTNUT Btreet.