, , .. - - tkrt* 4w« later news. t »%** t j «w/ * t > * ffhas£e*mer ‘‘PrbfceUer,>*Jfjr6m Boston viaßt Johns, ' ■.] .v- orrmd'at■;• morhlhg ot the Sdth - /. . lrom^GaiFty^Btftt M-: that,:-the ,\": v;j- • propeller.wM lald.on,thegrouud<itherrto prevent her i from sinking*] '/.»*■* “ 1 __ GBEAT SfelfcAlH. ■’ iV* ~ „ . v ?>,!•; '.TheZondos^apMeobUlAtheTfolloYtng.,paragraph :-. v.>. V Mr. John Taaßarequ.tbt.aoD the United States,'tuajtufc■arreted fromthecontinent, aud iiiUjlpff it .i'lemtob’a llotel.i After t b ief Tirit to Via: wCafok to the United States.** .»■ '*»* -v v <- »■ iUr,Viiriey,one^t ? tKi'conialtlnaeleotrlel*ae;orihe Atlantic .Telegraph’Oq?;,writes:totheTjw* In response .to ftn-iTtlole thesis-- i states tbathls .means of t»stlog.ats:obT TDSW. dependent tfpon the re sistance offered hy:th®:fihWj«k.aod that he. searched dill gentiy'!b?lhdMlione of a fan It nearer shore, but with out suocese *Ke al* o B»ys that by the model of testing adopted bjr f mmtSe?<!stlmated distracts ore seldom xno;e than ttvtfprfr’fcont' in error, and 'then only In cases of “ u * h * * dl » U4 . Hsd r eSjfbd to lay a Tope-dovofed elec triSwlw) het*oso Valentl4,and Newfoundland for the j/ f 1 , . AtUnUg.Tfclegraph shores arequ ted In the London •'pa^Srs , bT? the?lStiittit*nt. at £350 td-jßtfKVhlchls a miletiil Y' * i "I ■ Thi *h*ft oflWj?.([9 Bank- Owl S(t, aau. Dnrk.m, men andhdifcj'tQ the number of .88*. irere at trork In tbettta»;’lt wMfeared that Jhe ; UT**of' . aUVqqldbVsaerikoed; bat after great exertions iasub ■ ..**• ddingthe''flatn<* f -T5B persons VetedrawnjQUt >Ol. thbpit :v alive. «uad the other 10 dead. !'».•< /- r ** l: f ■ The Smperd^afrlv’fdia'Saris,-from Blarrlts, on the • 2st!hst:,id4 ■ thefoUotfngfoStt’V * A lett^from>'Benie:oontradlete t In ' the': strongest: ■ v ternid/a report<that rihe'FffuJhGevernlnent; had id-: drebtedar|¥itth'hot4rto:the-Sfrlße v Federal:Ge&h2Utihthß " sahjcctpf theyWogoes Genera*and that M. - Xeru; the Bwlss*Mlnf«tof ok Parle, ? hadre«MTed special' ,' v‘, - r , r .- - < s v r The Afoji<&«ratst}»a that the JSmperor of Russia had :• tfivegqdrstiniqlehpd reception- toPrlnceNap>leoo, at WstsKwl a&d •ccdpip'aftlel him back to Ms re*lde&ee/ . . i , KBlghty-mUßone oi’francs'are “said - to -be, required to. i comp ete tbe'worte at Cbarbpnrg - yinceones is .to i v' ; hsy«ith^ : aneit:ptrk ef'orUUery in Sntopa,’and thaii fo twsS i» to tMehl«r£«d, ' ’ ’ ,~ "" », • • .Mr v rAmericin.-chess player, had been i astontehlag thb Paris lent by. repeating his extraordinary. i pSrforirunceofpUylrgelght'gamM.wUh-eightieps •. ; rate playtrey at one aoiT- the same time, Vitheut seeing •: - the Olr. tforphyyon elk ofjthe games, : and the other twtfwefedrawm-Theplaylartedfortun hoars, x during erhieh time-Idr/Mofrphy .never took tha elighteat rerreshraeot.aDdat theconolaiioohe did net appear to vi . be-mach fatigued,"--' <■ <j f - 1 > i- * - Commercial Intelligence# LiveapooU. O<st.'l.—The sales of cotton for the week , . vero 4l'.ooJ'h4leSi infi!uiliog 1,800 Tor Speculation, and : .6.6U0 .baipe for expert. .The market vss generally un changedbut ithe r demand : had : slackened, though ,' v holders-eon'inued firm; owing to the reported damage v. to thb cfops. -The salesto dty (Mday)are 8 000 bales, including i,(OQ bales for speculation and export* V v / . Tfae mafket ctosts firm at the following quotations:-. 1 ' Pair. Middlings/ 1few0r1ean5;„*....4.,.,,,..,;.;*i7J(. -1% Vohilk' /70*16 T6-W 'l7plkndi'...v< IH tit.. i‘no stock of cotton in port is 405.000 bales, Including 428,000 Atheilcsn Uascbeater advjoea are unfavorable, and the market' . closed slow o f Bate,-.but prices unaltered: v.. - BBISAUSTtf PFB ~Tbe-market' continuei.very.dnll. .• . Biohardsotf,'Spence.Ap Co;, quoto Vlour duU. and quo :: -iatlenfi thethorketnomlnilly un6hauged;though;lnrertorqutlitleshaddeollned| hold ota.wero pressing on'<the market. Com also dull, and nominal. f .:.. pAOVISIOSB.—* The market continues dull. Beef -. hosvy...l r orkqu|et. Bacoaslso quiet. Lard dull and . heim ahd all qu.tlUles hare declined from 6d to le. r-i fOHjXW MUVftT IIABKAT, October 1 -Opneols oloefedat9BXst9BX’fcrniouryftndacoount. Mooey.was; _: American keetiriHee were genertUr. unchanged. Ajlsutio' Telegrsphfeharee were.-, buoyant at-£BBO to *■ 4 v - ‘ ' - - LONDON SIAEKJBTS, : October Barings, quote BreadstuffS as declining . Wheat hod fallen 102 on the week. - •. . Soger dnU,j>rices being, esaler,* hot 'un changed. Coffees, steady. Kice heavy. Tea firm—due - Oongon-i advanced ' . Spirits Tnrpentine firm at 88s 6daB9e.’:..■ ... - bSK LATEST. :• LIVEBPOOL, Octobers —No change'in the Bread :. r ■■ stuffs market.; .All articles slow of sale and no business • of the least importance. • ,. ,-.- Uottou'qQleiatvyieterdsj’squotaUons.The soles vr/add up t;9Hi bsles/or ppecnlatiou and export. . ;. LONDON, October far ae oount. . * C Reported for TbtPnn.p v 5 OALAI3, -Hornet} H*n>y—74o,ooo Utt» SO pCO *«fect picket* GwklU & Galvin. > ' Y&tCADSLfJUA BOABD Or IBASB. ' J>iviiYaisßc»p‘ 1 Snuovn A, Sonniß, > Oonnvni ov faa Momi G*obBh E.tiortrfi, i '** ;<« " ‘< ■ 4i I4f MwsMntel £2cAaftgf,PA{tabJp/Ma. Bhlp TcUeiron} ..'i»«*ttlmpMl, Oat 25 Ship IMac* da>3Mn»lil*, foster.;...'Feriutabaeo.*oon JUiquelnfcn;:Nofae;V.v*..Vw..V..v*iß»rb*do«*,*oon :Birqtie Amerlet) Wortli!ger..»w..v«»v«o*rtlenM, soon • Bsrqae 81 J*»MCra*e..v. />.-«;. Rio de isnelto; Obt 20 • BrigAlollnojSflhalken.,. London,soon BrigSppo UeiulrtekiScUafc.Y....* soon soon Bebr SußtbM i otr t ßtlio«>,' > i...^ ( ;,;iv:BtfbidoiB.i3oQ' Qot 19. Marine, £iiuiUft«u?., FOitTVOFTHHiADEbCHU, 0(1^5,186! BUS R188y.....,...v.A80 1 flUfii » BIO’S .'WAE9Baa«*aa*a«a4*••«••« • ••aaa«a«aaa'>***9 ‘33 ■ Barque Gem, 5 ; days-frem Boston, with mdsato T'welia.ft.-.Qo^'. k . ' > r . .Brig^jvfttfnHet; B.days from Boston*:with mdseto * , * « '•• Rr.j- Wm'OrtWford»Odlbttrn»dda/sfrom Gardiner, - Ue, with ies to 4 i. Sehr. Bum* b days from Wilming ton; NO, with narhletorU to Joints Bsker.-','~'--,v, ■ Behr T-LMlilerfVrayfio, &.day« from New Tork, with mdse, to Jalrns Baker*' s .>■ , J . flehe J>-Csrtsr, Hoover; ft dsra Birsr, HQ, with shfogle* to Normpeaft Sheets. . / Behr O H Tolley, SifTard/ndsjsfrom Havana, via. quarantine, with senrs, fto. to J Wsgoer. ✓ Sohr HoraefcHanieyt'lS deya from Calais, with latbs i . and pickets to Gaskitl ft Galrin, <■ i -u is. sBear>Bsrsho ,W6i>dbridg*iiligdias/:4 day# fromPart land; with mdse to Jalnußjker'i ,-t v Bohr Qoidea Wsst J flhort 1 5.d»7» fionj fiswbarTport, ; With fC > *;? i - Bohr Viola; Treworgy; 10 day* from Jacksonville,with . : . lfttabentobeptofa* ' r * :fish.toflfroaptßro. t , ~- Bbijj Sharp, &barp,'4 dAysfrom GardlnetjMe, . ‘withiOs-to bapuia. ■« «-v • >t * n r Belfr'Ceres; Meredith' 4'days from Lynn,Mass,ln ballast to BA Bonder ft Co. , . Bohr BUts,‘l > teemire:4 d!ijs from Woodbridgf,' in ballast to Hturterant ft Co, * , ;. SchrAlert, Obaipplsn. SdAji ftomNew York, In bal-. ’ Ust to N’BtdrtSTAht efc Oo £chr Wov-BYligaton.-fimtlhi h days fr6u Boston, In UllttattoYkuDa»en,fl9rtoa ft Q 3. : , . - : flchrPA Sanders.-IroUnlj 6 days from Boston jin: ballast toßswwh £ Whited Bcbr.A<M*A!dri3ge , /Bafecaaa, J ddays from:To ts • . month, in ballast to itrownft Whit* -" ■ 6ohrfttgbt;\HtioileyvS:4aj* from Newport, In bat luttoßepplierftßro. *■* » * Bohr;O c ßBm)th,Binith, 4 days from Providence, In ballast** b WanesAOo. \ : •./;. Bohs^BUta H WiHUma, Taylor. 6 diva from Boston, In ' ballastto JrAoddnriodft Co : t Bobf ZBimUoti. HalsVj 5 days fromLyno. inballgsV .-io Hayto: Ik'oodsHaU', r .-. A, :- / • BebfH Williams; 5 days from Bdgartown, In ■ fesJJafVto HtyuS'&'Godabalh v /vi-'.v. ••• . .Bohr itE«tts t> roMt«r, 5 davsfrom Boston, In baUait i to Hayes ft-GodatJjall. *■’ 1 : Bcbr Adelaide; Smiths days fromProvldenee, label last to Nol#e<-HamniaU ft Caldwell/ Behr Gaulle; Bomere, 5 day* from Boston, in to7<ifap R Wbtt4. * Boht-BJdelJ*;:Whe*ton} fidaja from Beaton, In bal last tojtowrs ft Lathers. <■ : . Behr Oieoro;Bnrroiului,4 days from iFrovtdeneo, In ballast to,B->ge;e & La;her '‘ r / • Bch«j EIL ToirDflSDdi-WliUaniß, ddays from But Cam* : '. : . : -."..-.bridjo, io ; baUa#tto : Baamr.O*lo-fcOo'/2".::' , .v: , -‘s>'- . Bsnr.Yiotory, Obambers, t day from Lewes, Dtl, with ■. - grain toil? Rowley ft (Jo, .r-- Bobr 8 W Early, fllpplo. 4 days from Yradariea, Dsl, with wheat Baitattft Sonr . ’ - Bobr flhipOarpsqtsr, Yoontain, 6 days from Hewport, In baßwt W> H fitortevant ft Qo - Sohr Admalla iO. Beeres.-Laka/ft dats< from Mazbla*- . head,inbskUasttoBinnloluonftGiOTOr^ OT.BUIID . Steamship Yirglslaj KeUeyi.Blehmond, Thos Web ster, Jr « . Ship North Carolina, Poster,fit Oatharlcsi,li Bonv i der Be. ptt. , " - 1 I • flhlp Tbos H . Perkins, W«yoe, St John, HB,^v John | Peverenr. I prig Hooallght; Small, Barbadoes, Tyler, Stone ft Co. ] r : Bobr B Charleston, Pettit, , ’ Martin ft ob> # Bchr:£ Oltoeru^lake,Boston, dlonlekson ft Glover,. aBob/B A fiasderd, Ireland- Boston,Brown ft:W.tilto.' i .• . • 8el»r A M Aldridge,-Bateman. Boeto4, >:" do ■ v i ; Behr Pidella, Wheaton,' ft Bother; . mi . Bofar BA-!l*intatad,'FeuieF Boston.Nohle. Hammett \:! Bohr B H Atwood, Atwdod, Bostos.lf StfUterantft Co !% Bohr:A)erb L Qhaa)n:on, Boston« -f r H do 4: ; •■ ' foantainv PoTsglikeeptie, do .v 1 Sohr Elft.>»l«lralr« Twy,'* io ■ Behr J W D«lir, H«rlii(t/port ) V»n Dbmo, Vi vWortottfcOo. ' s ’> - - gchrff B tergnMß. Bmltt, W«U«wn, do Bohr MOUon Hum & a, ,Bod«WlI“• %* ’ * |[X ' SehrX’Bfrattdw;Haley, Bynft,*' , do s I ' Bohr Martha Wrlghtlngton, wHghtla|ton, Ball Kt- 1 1 w,Cab4WftCoi-* • - < S Bebr BYdwnseodc Williams, last Cambridge, Baum | Ogle ft Oo> *■ '' $ 1 Sehr PllghtrHnntley, Hewport Peppller ft Bro. & m v £«b? PUB nlth. Smith, Proridenea, B Mllnes ft 00. & > ' Bebr Adelaide", pmitk, Proridsnoe, tfoble, Hammett f' - ft Caldwell * * * t > Behr Cicero, Borronghr, Provldenee, Bogers ft tather | 1 v , Behr G«srileftk>mer*fPtfVtd4n6t, John B White i \ SchriYArxbstfODgi Bilt* Horfolk, Benm, Ogle ft Qfi, | h Behr Ceres, MerSditb, Wsshfogton, E A Packer ft Co. s 1 BohrhGolddn -W^at< Hlloity HvwboniKirti Broini A White. *< - - { Pleree, Bmith.Bi&gorjO A.Heekaher r ft Co. <'* s * , WiA\ : '.vi.'-.Bshr A^tmil.Hieslas.Bqatop.LAudearied. k Od. BebrAfllßtllle, Conwn;WilUsmabarg/ 1, do r IflohrWUießaawlWl Oonoo/Providenee, do Btr j SBMyer»3>oimls/ftJiiinoT#j A; GroteSo^r*. V *t f t* * K ' r u >vtn.ni.iBun:«on>nu..} - 3 . , . , _ , H«r Yok. Oot J 5 V ArrW.di.Blp Amerletoßotos! from limpool: torooe L,. JR ‘onoqtpirom DemerSm j **! v **,? *-" | * '■*' .s* v' ,lr ßoatowi Oet. 15. 1 c ArrlTed.barqneHeWoftßlaoerfrom Gottaabuir. Below, barqne Imaom, from Bneaoe Ayrse - ,V « - - *n* t BANrtox Bioam, Oet Ift. » , ArrlK4dt barqtte XlffdSdays from Blo r with 'toffee, ?' Bh* is awalticgr orders from her owners ■< . i ?T, r - 4 MOBim,Oetls. v r f ThUf Ue dre skips asd eight bardnu in port. , - iswiiv ■» - / tUunililp TUmmoala. (IlMO») R.kw«Mn, 01.u.d.t i Ktr TntlijUiHf 1 gft. fat Btabarg. > •■ * J' < ,BU.ipiliiploitoyi,TfptUtt,fromHMT-YorkforH.t»,' i ’ Bt«*m.hlp>F*i)p»ll«, Tb.toh.r, from; Bo.toa,rl» tt • John.,Jl*,mh nlti-Umo'from' gl IfOhn.da.M, ,VV, .i ,-„i BtMDlAAfpCltf.Bf,lU.Wood,«KlMiell,for.BllUul.l -plil.i ' ' ■'i* , Bhlp PI.IkIm, FollwtoiiiAwlWAt B.w OrlWA.p.^ Kte*“ hfcU r CUsottk', mtlT«d : iA Bu flux ■ -■ * isSW^’ Anjiifcß. elllil&n' * Ship Oh>rlM Saok. teilWiffoi&Boinbv. »* Liverpool lit init w ' / « rf „ . j Shift Ctoeen Pearl, Chandler, for New OrieanSj worn Liverpool «Jth ult. ' 1 * < ' j §hip Annie BUe, Biss; for «f i* £»• -tMt &tH u\t* in'thp tbssehr Glpsey.'from Glasgow: Tbq whtMat foremast)P°rt main rigging, and port anchor and chain 100 a a Would return to’door to repßiridamagea to cutwater Bhip Carioca. Heffner. kßUtff from Key Wert lit tost for Pensacola > „ ( .. Bhip ZeHd, Corish, at Londonderry 20th nit from Bt John,Nß ' *- 5 , JM . . 4 . Ship Marion, Gross, sailed from NeWYOrk 14th Inst for Sydney. NSW : -Ship Northern' Eagle. from' OhiU forßaltimore, spoken 6th tut. lit 80 80, lOog 72 * 1 . , Ship. Helen MoGUw, Tucker, from New Yoik, arrived at Valparaiso SBd uit i ; Buip 'Joseph Jones,Ellery, for Norfolk,sailed from Slide Island Aug Q ' Ship Ocean-Express* Hotchkiss; was loading at Slide Island Aug 12. * Bbip.Jauies.Oheßton; Bryant, sailed from Valparaiso Aug hi for Caldera.' to.load for * - i . Barque Cordelia, Sheer; heneo, arrived at Kingston, la, 80th. ult * * . f ? .Barque • Clara Haxall, Button j from Bio de Jaaeiro Sept lif arrived at New York yesterday. ' ; Barque ThosDalletti Dill, for Philadelphia in 8 *W> was at Porto OtbeUo 24th ult - , ~ Tl<Mlrtinft , ;: Barque Coohituate, Crosby, was loadleg at liirerpooi £d Inst- for Philadelphia . , „ Barque Virginia A fiatelllna, WUklus, for N Orleans, •ailed from Bto de Janeiro 7th ult Brig B Bingham, Southack, for Pensaoila, sailed from K Xi?"a H Bmto. Knight, for Philadelphia, aaUed for Philadelphia or Ban gor, sailed from Prorldeuoe 18 h lost. BrlgQadis, (BrJ Bale, hence for London, at Deal Bum ult, and proceeded-' , . * Brig Ocean Traveller, Sargent, eleared at Portland 19th lnet forBedgwlck „ . . Brig Bobert 0 Wright, Hughes, for Montevideo and Buenos Ayres, cleared at Baltimore.ldih.lnst- . / Brig Elnee, Connery, oleared at Norfolk 18th Inst. for West Indies. . _ . V Brig Andover Crowell, for Philadelphia In 8 days, WiS at loagua 29th ult . . 4 Brig Elisabeth, ilbbey, henoe, arrived at Palmoutb, Ja,4'hJnst > Brig Wm Moore, Eaton, cleared at Bangor 18tk Inst, for Phtfedelphfa. -v - - r-i >-./> IBrig Watison, Tibbetts, hence for Portland, at Ba* i lemlith lost,; . i fichr-Effort, Dunning; from Charleston, was at Hama i ooa* PB % 26th. nit ..v -• ■>-. i 1 Sohr OMNo&l, Hdnderßon.'from Boston, atßloh i:mond 14th lost-: i Bohr;W. B*labury, Hudson, henoe, arrived at Blob : mond 14th. lni&- Schrs .0 A Greiner, Weaver, and Yiotory, Ludwig, hence at Balem 11th lost < rflehr .Edwin, of and. from Baltimore- for Barbadoes, was. spoken 80lb ult,iat 22, long 07 20—was leaking, '-badly.: . :i Sour L B Cowperthwslt, Borers, from Wilmington, NO at New York yesterday. !-.! Bohr Ooly-Daughter, Bunnell, from Wilmington, Del, ‘At New York yea erday. : - - Schr Oharuij Whlttemore,hence, arrived at Boston 14th loit. wropjs; i iPKLLBH." k ~Ky >v,* s vV’fN. I , r ■■ Hchr Alpine, Freathey, hence, arrived at Portsmouth Hth inst SdbrM. Clinton,Veal, from Trenton, NJ, arrived at Baltimore 14th tost. - Scbra & J&oott, Birdcall, and John Alexander, Bim moni, heneo, arrived at Norfolk 18th Inst. ■> Bcbr James Martin, Harding, hence, arrived at Pro* videnee lSth Inst. ~ , • i Schrs Johor Fanum. Crowell, and leabellaThompson, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 18th inat ■ ' Bohr Worth; B one, hence for Galveston, was spoken' 8d inst off Key, West.■. - Bohr £ W Perry; Samson; cleared at New. York 14th Inst, for Philadelphia; Bcbr /Vfra L Springs. Corson, was np at Wilmington, NO; ltth inet; for Philadelphia . - vSehr J F Orouoh, Hawkins, hence at Fall Biver l£th Instant'' - . flshrs Colorado. Taylor, andU k T Oramer, Huntley, hence at Pawtucketl3th init. - ,Bchr Anna: U Edwards, Edwards, sailed from .Pew tucket ISth tost. for Philadelphia. . .. MARINI MISCELLANY. Key.Wert, Oci y -i he sehr Myatie Taller, McOlellan, from New Yor*,hns been seised by Lieut Randolph, by order or the collector, for bringing a slave without a stove manifest, and landing him wlthout a permit. r - The ship reported on the -fith’as the Palestine, proved; to be the ship Pelican State,' Capt Morse, from Liver*: pool fpr New. Orleans, with a cargo of. salt. The, ship iwss ashore three'miles nbrth of..HUlflbdrbagh', Fla Aa«. slated by'font wreckers; ehe succeeded, in getting off. Bha .threw; overboard all the salt yxoept the ground tier.' andarrived at this port on the. Ist Bhe la now awaiting'the decision of her ease, and will then proceed on her.voyage. ; Tbe ach * Brilliant, of Baltimore, Capt Simmons, from Cardenas for; Baltimore, with a cargo of molasses, got auhoreonthenigot oftbe 24th.«U, nearOaryafort Beef Ltehtj the master having mistaken that light for .that of Gun Key,"; The achrdrove over In eight feet water, -and .was pU6t6d to- this port.’for $6OO oy one of .the wreckVriV Bhe . is ' leaking badly,'and will be repaired. Thebarque Iglantine, Gleason, is taking onboard her, cargo, and will sail for Boston about the 16th. The sehr J M Holmes is lbadtog With cotton for New York, and wlllsail In a few days: also, brig Melvin loading for New York. : ’ The Bhlp T J Bogers, Patten, la ready for sea, and will sail for Liverpool as soon as she can get a crew. Sehr H W Mowe, Phillips, sails to-day for Cedar Keys. BOUESTIO POSTS > SAN FRANOIBOO, Sept B—Ar,' Barques J B Mora, Bellly, Victoria,* Ooeanßird. Eeamman. do. . Oth—Steimer Pacifio, Haley, Victoria; barque Ella FrancUj.Bllnn,Sstit:evieCapeFtottory, ; lO|h~BuQueMalohoa,Hoeg, Port Madison. lUh—Dinisbah(p.Gecrop§, Boyeen, Batavia; steamer Oregon.BettersouyPortiand, > 16th—SchrAmo j;Hughes.BHde Island, 1 10th*--Bteimer Sonora, Baby, Panama...... B, steamer, Senator, Seeley, Ban Biego; ship WestJVin4> Baxter. Honolulu. 4th--.ltorijti.aErlehdihip, Oarlton, Paget Bound; Batch barquoKlngWilliam 11, Menk’mar, Melbourne. , fithr-Sohr.Flyingßart, Freeman, Honolulu. • Cth~st«amer JIJ Stephens, Lapidge, Panama; Brship BsattMohde,feelis,Melbourne. 7th—Str Santa Cru. Fauntieroy, Portland; Jr ship :Jean£baj6nyQltßaoq, Iquique. Btb—Sb!p Defender, Robinson, Paget Sound. fianta ,Claus, Foster, Hong Kong; H B M ship Oalypso, Montressor. Honolulu. . 12th—Brship Spas,.Bu£r,Talparalso, -16tb—Bf ship Satellite, Stlch, Melbourne, via Paget Bound: >birque Ann Parry; Botrardi, Puget Sonodt str Pacific, Haley,' Puget Sound. . . ...17th—Strs Columbia, Dali, Umpqua; Oregon. Patter* son. Oregon; barque Fanny Major, Faty, Honolulu. : f 28th—St?. Senator, Ban Diego; Br ship Jacatxa, Mo* ;ToMridge,M«s*Uaa.. Cf :V; *'■ ARRIVALS AT THE TRINCIFAL HOTELS, C* UP TO OHM O'ijLOOi, THU . XOSHIXg. • / ' GIRABD HOUBB—Okestnut street, below Ninth. ; JHRhoser,Louisville Joe.Donegre, N 0.. .JH Kennedy,’Balt A Anderson. Tenn BMWaitjEogW* - MrsNlnninger, St Paul ; 0 Morgan,Chicago HJ Chambers, Chicago ;,Mra KeUamfcfamily, La . Mrs Taylor, Louisiana • Miss Whiting, Louisian* vP D Whiting, Louisiana B Hat: Baltimore W J Hobron, Richmond E H Howe; Mississippi ’ K P potter k la,' N 0 , Mis* M D Hall; N Carolina‘L Robade Jogores. tt fam, ; J Mtnnlck. HaTana J.G8»lt«;ls, v .M*i/)ind JHoppaeh,NewYork WW Wilson; Bf D,Saratoga;■ P L Everett, China AW LelsenriDg. M Chunk Mrs KK Lowry, NT 3 flliayrs & la/Ky " n ' • Urs Uilln A 2 dau TaOsß 8 ilart '- ;, BT Compton, NT G G Williams, Balt " L W Wells. Savannah Dr Eutham * la; V* " Miss L Potter, Va‘ JABarber, Washington Mrs M C Barber; Wash’n Vrs Jaasr Pel L H Kraqker, Balt MleiMS Meeker, NT- A Titus, Trenton, N J EJohnson,La MrsAlden;Bo .PCiWUlard, Qa B F Popttne, Ga J:M B Remolds, Boston . Count T Martin, Tuscan/ Lieut Col Tavis, Turkey TJ Stead, Prcvidenoe W A Crocker. Taunton Sami Holmes, Balt . JDVerm»ye;N J ‘ Jos W TUttle. NJ Jsdw Bnowdeo, Balt BH Sheldon, 80 B M Shoemaker, bait W Wilkinson, Wash N A Jones,NY Geo 0 Bunbir, Conn J A Harden, N T D Bose; New Orleans Andrew Oojie, Wash - BenJ F Barge, Pa Henry Newman, N Y ; . Dallas Bache, Ws*fc .. JooP JEUberry, Alabama W i Fitspatrlok, Alabama Mr Temple* US N .: . - Geo W Dobbin, Balt A B Beech; Nashville .. r/oho Phillips, N Y _RB Hipklcs, Va' . 0 Tuner Ala, Va JasT Ames, Maes T A Napier A la, Pa W-BBlde. WGHudgin, Va 0 A Abercrombie. Alabama Alex Johnston, Ya . VNye,Champlain, N Y Misß NyeA2ch, N Y Mlußl Kye,NY ÜBUOHAHM' HOriL-loarti, txloir Anh itrMt. 0 0 Curtis, Mt Vernon, 0 Itobt Smith, DanriTille, 0 Jos J Smith, Deersville, 0 ffra dark, Deersville, 0 J Grambllt, Deersville, 0. W Harrlmon, Hammond R 0 Metier, Btlem. NO Oross Roads W H Bogle, Williamsport .W.JI Campbell, Ripley, O ' P N;Murray. Portsmouth 0 Miller. SewiokJy, Pa L A Mlllpr, Altoona, Pa Wilson Miller, Altoona, Pa .8 B Kennedy, Pa GHMendeli,Springfield,lll H Cope A la. Wellsvllle, O A P plant A wife. Conn -" Rev W Murphy, Md John lb Oorrey, Milton peter Meinty/e.York, Pa W Wheeler, Yt ABPaoetti, Baltimore . W H fteldln, Mansfield, 0 T J Meroney N O .IT Buck A la,San Francisco GGa|genbeimer, Ya Moaes Nichols. Mau D Samuel Chase, Mas*.. Thoa H Almond, Ya John McPherson, Va Joseph J Stewart, Md Sami Watson, Pittsburgh, AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Sixth. W. MeGonegal, Phlla . . WSDavis.N J R Slight,- Washington ...» , T DUmore, N Y OLeivii, NO ; GW Oonaell,; Delaware G M Mayland, Delaware Miss S 0 Havl&nd, Del :T G kaxwell; Delaware n B Swope. Clearfield D O Herbft, Pittsburgh SL Du Bola. Pa B J Davis NY- JB Davis, NY W BBandford; NY . AT Glenn. NO T Bishop,.Montgomery oo G W LinviUe, I ano co Mrs U Llnrille, Ga BTWIIHog.NJ C L Lawrence, N Y W H Q Beifotd, Del P 8 Maggtl, New York .;■ Fred Vogelgaangi Ga WxnLOieaion, Penna . 8 H Browne, PhUa A A Lyon, Mississippi '- E B Cooke, Virginia J Van. Brunt A lady, LI -L 8 Fowler,Marvland MP/etTyAlidy,NO J Biverhsrt,W Chester drs Durand A dau, Lan’ter Ohu £ Van Vorab. N Y Fohnßmyler, Easton G Savage, New York .W.3Lawrence,New-York WBHunter SO A Strauss, New York . -: W Weil, Baltimore Q Adams Gilkey, N O ; J Lodge, Boston S GBandersi Lancaster-. .v J M Bennett, New York fig Cardwell; N Y v iv. Miss MeGonegal Morris, Pa NATIONAL HOWL-Bace street, above Third. HPHarman, Baltimore ■ F P Donnelly, Lancaster MlsaShlsler.Shamoktnvi ' Thoi Coleman; Lancaster 3HRauch,MauohOhunk DO Luckenbaeh,Pa 1 J DNace,-AUentown.’ /• . ;J. Newman, Wheeling * J Babenau, Pottsvilie ' ‘ ■ H J JUendler. Pottsville BenrynUlmao, Pa JnoJ.OamtnlDggjNY J«8 Klng, Wo#OhMtfir H H Brock, N y WF Yoate, Reading: - ■ G Bardwell, Lanoaater . ■M F Malae.Pottaville .: - WII Hoffman, Allentown Geo W Bamaay, Phlla - . ; '- - DNION Btreet, below Fourth. MrsSenlee, Easton H Epplhlmer, Beading E B England, Wmsport 0 Wbeelerfßeadlag W H Weldon, Mansdeld 0 B Haines, Trout Run J Brown, Lyoomlng M V Bennett, N J Joe F Donnel, NT j Chambers, lod IBJ*? 811 . •? 0„ „ BAW.ujh NO W W Ohe.nutt, NO GBmlth, N 0 W H Plooai.n, Ohio A J King. Ohio 00l B B BotnlllT, Tanuuiaa 100 T Beeklr. Lilia Mra J A KjW| Litta Joo T Graeo. Oarllßla : a W Honnli Easton 3 M Weakler, Pa B O Kimball, Canton, 0 TP E Kel.fa, Glasoland, O A L Otark. Laaoaatn, 0 0 Ayres. Boston 3 Brush, NY Or TT Z.lgler, Pa Special Notices. Grever A Baker’s celebrated Family Sewing MAOHINBB. A NEW JJTTLE—PRICE ISO, 730 OHISTNOT BTBIBT, PniLADBLrHIA. These-Machines sew from two spools, add form a seam of un'duelled, strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will sox rip, oven if evory fourth stitch be cut,. They are unquestionably the best in the market for family use, ecll-tf ‘ JJt* aaaD roft a ainoutkn.^n} • Thum’a Patent Case jShse Brashes, compact yARD CLEANLY.—Just the thing for Travellers, Board ersjiand ,nouje-hpeper*. Bold by Grocers and Shoe ]6ealers v ,Charles D, Thura, Manufacturer of every de .eCription of? Brushes, No; 360 North THIRD Street. vGhllagher ls iuaklng SUver’s Air-tight Ou ,aa lhey shqald be, is the most workmanlike m&oner, and of the bert materials. I WARRANT THIS STOVE TO GIVE BATIBFAO-* YJON* OR THE MONEY ,WlLti BB -REFUNDED iathemarket.whlch have .'a)tdndeney todestroy the good qualities of this: Stove. Cali at myetore, and eee one in use before uaklngyour purobaeed. A. J, GALLAGHER, i ' No. 800, if. SECOND At., ab. VINE, ' 1 J *• -‘fate > Gsllsghet'i Celebrated Merslng Star Ceok- ING'STOVE , V ;: ir , aO . OOO N oW ? IN USB • : The celebrity of this wonderfully popular Btove, pos sesslpg, as >t -does r suph a combination of superior ad* vantages oVer-AU Stoves nowin existence, has •preedits fame* throughout the whole Bolted States .: Its advantagi* are : .It hafl two large Oven* for baking and is .more.sconomlcal; it possesses far more conveniences pit never fails under any ciroumstauces; and Is more durable other Stove now in use- ItwiUbake Bread, roast boll a Dinner, broil a Beefsteak, and heat wash-water, all at the same tlme.> . . • WARRANTEE. I warrant thls Stove to operate in the most perfect manner, or the money will be returned.. NOTICE —I- am the original inventor and patentee of the Stove called the V Morning , fctir," and It Is for Sale only In Philadelphia, at my Btoro, No. 306 N. SB dONB Street, first Btove Btore above Vine. Take particular notice that the name of the Inven tor,' A. J. GALLAGHER, is in Large Letters, on the front and side of each “MORNING STAR” COOKING STOVE. GALLAGHER'S SUNRISE AIR TIGHT. A new large O ven Flat Top Oooklng Store. The plates are very heavy, and the whole Btove is finished in a su perior manner. I WARRANT This Stove to be superior to any other Flat* Top Stove now ia the market.- I respeotfully invite my friends and the publlo to call and examine the above Stoves. , I hare also a great variety of other Cooking Stoves of every style. Parlor Btoves, most bsantiful patterns. Together with a )ieavy stock of Stoves for ohurches, stores, offices, hotels &e. Repairs for the Morning Star and Sunrise Stoves, to be had only at my store. * A. J. GALLAGHER. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Stoves, Ranges, Cast ings, &0., No. 305 North SECOND Street/ ocll-mwsaset first Stove Store above Vine, Phila. >W* Henry Fatten, Manufacturer of Window SHADES, and Importer. of-CURTAIN and .UPHOL STERY : MATERIALS,) LACE and MUSLIN ODR* TAINB. BBOOATELLES,: SATIN BE LAINB and WORSTED DAMASK,.RAPS, MOREENS. PLUSHES, GIMPS and TAB9ELS, GILT OOBNIOBB and CUR TAIN ORNAMENTS. Gilt Window Shades, with all the trimmings, as low as 76 Cents eaoh. Just received from Auotion'a large invoice of Curtains, which are offered at the following unprecedented low prioefl: Muslin ' Cartons, $t 00, worth - $8 00 a pair. " ' “ $2 00, “ $4 00 ««.-«*• TababoitrLace “ $3 00, “ $6 00“ “ Qtilte heavy “ ; $5 00, “ SLO 00 “ “ Elegant rich Embroidered ,$lO 00,' “ $2O 00“ “ .. Damask Curtains from. $lO Op to $l6 00 per window, complete, Oartains made , and put up at the shortest notice, by competent workmen. W. HENRI PATTEN, 680 CHESTNUT St., ocl2-6mos - • Opposite Jayne's New Hall S5O, 850, 850, 850, 850, 850, 830, $50.- SINGER’S SEWING MAORINKB—PRICES RE DUCED.—A new and elegant Family Sewing Ma chine for: $5O, and the/general scale of prides greatly reduced. All vrho want a substantial; slxple, and re liable Sewing -Machine,' which has an established repu tation for, doing the ; very best work on every kind of material, are invited to call at our olfloeand examine the new machines,' at the reduced prices. They can not fail to be satisfied. I. M. SINGER k 00., 001-lm . . No: 602 CHESTNUT Street. - Tne Tourist,-TruvcUer, and the Cautious HOUSEWIFE, shculd st all times have HBINTZEL MAN'S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER near at hand. Its ourstive properties are exteoslvely known in oases of Nausea, Debility, Vertigo, Weakness, Dyspepsia, Ac. J.&G.COOKE, Proprietor, EIGHTH and RACE Streets. And sold by Druggists generally 0016-2t# : Singer's Sewing Machines —That Singer's Sewing Machines make the b st stitch ever invented; has been widely known for years. Other machines may make a similar . stitoh upon a few light fabrics, but Singer's alone are competent to do every kind of work upon every variety of fabrio. : . Binger’s new Family Sewing Machines have the same relative superiority as his machines for manufacturing . They are also more-beautiful than any othar. . Hemming and Binding Gauges of the most Improved style are applied when desired to any of Singer's Ma chines. : I. M. SINGER CO., No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. sel6-tjan22 Jules Hand's Aromatic Vinegar is a dc* lighiful eosmetio, and effectual remedy for Neuralglo pains, headaches, &o. It is also a powerful purifierof the ,air, In close or confined chambers. This article has obtained jort celebrity for its many excellent pro perties. Bold by all Druggists, and at the Laboratory of JULES HAUEL k CO., Perfumers and Importers, 704 Chestnut; Street, Philadelphia. ocH*6t Scurvy.—Scurvy Is net confined to Arctic travellers and neglected sailers ; it shows its disgusting features also Among the. ill-fed poor in crur filthy lanes. Nothing has Wen found so ‘ speedily efficacious in . ar restlog the decomposing tendeooj of the vital fluids In scorbutio disease as the PERUVIAN SYRUP. For s&loin this city by F. Brown, corner Fifth and Chestnut, and H&asard. k Co., comer Twelfth and Ghestnut. seßWAlrtf Clotblng of the Latest Styles, and made In the best manner, expressly for buyail salbs. .W® mark our lowest selling prices in plaik riouißß on each artlele. All goods made to order are warranted satisfactory, and our oira-rsio* srsruc. fs strictly ad hered to. We believe this to be.the onlj fair way of. r dWUhg, as thersby-all are-treated Alike.. , . JONEB ft CO., 604 MARKET Street.' iHartiages. On the evening of the 14th instant, by the Rev, George Chandler, Mr PHILIP FISHER to MUfl MAHY E. only daughter of Mr, Abram Alburger. all of this city. [Doylestown (Pa) and Springfield (Ohio) papers p, i7%r&L> s Ohureh. on the Idth instant, by the Rev. Dr. Odenheimer, JAMES 0 HAYDEN to E&LEN P., daughter of Baxter B. Newton, of-Norwich, Vt # On the 14th instant, 1 by-Rev, William Bndiards, LLEWELLYN F. BABRY. of Baltimore, Md.. to AN NIE, daughter of Joseph Harrison, Jr., of this city. * On the 14th instant, by the Rev. T. W. Wylie, FRANK L. BODINB to MARY BELL MILLIKIN, both of this city;. - '' ' * On the 33th instant.by Rer. P. J. Cox,Mr. SAMUEL MeOAttß to Miss ELIZABETH M. DONLEVY, both of this city. ' • * • On the 14th instant, by Rev. William Meßlwee, Mr» JAMES WILLIAMS to Miss ELIZABETH BALLIN TINB. both of Philadelphia * On the 14th instant, by, Rev. Dr. 8. Townsend, Mr. JOHN B. MOORE, formerly of Chester county, Pa , to Miss MARY FRANCES, daughter of Mrs. Susanna Adams, of this city, •. .. .; ... . f JDeotys. On the morning of the 14lh Instant, GEORGE L. PIJSEY, aged 21 years, son of Elwood T. and data G. Pdsey. His friends and those of the family are Invited to 'attend his fnneral, from his late residence. No 715 Arch atreet, to*morrow (Sunday) morning, 17thlnst., at 10 o'clock, without further notice. w On the 13th Instant, LOUIS U. 00LLIS0N, aged 25 years. The relatives and friends of the family are requested to attend the funeral, from his late residence, Ninth street, below South, on Saturday, Idth inst, at 3 o'clock P. M . without further invitation. To proceed to Ronaldson's Cemetery. * On the 18th instant -.Mis MARTHA DAVIS, relict of the late William Davis, in the 87th year of her age. The friends and relatives are reipectfally Invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, North west oorner of Market and Mary streets, West Phila delphia; this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, with out farther notice. . # - On the 14th instant, ELIZABETH, wife of William Leatberbury Sr.; aged 62 years. > - The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her son, William L*atberbury, in Queen street, above Bhackamaxon street. Eighteenth ward, late Kenslngtoo, to-morrow (Sunday) morolng, at 10 o'clock. Inter ment at Monument Cemetery. # On the 14th instant. Mrs. MARY SMITH, reliot or the late Rev. James Smith, of the Philadelphia Annual Conference of the M E. Ohureh, aged 78 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to Attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, No. 85 Catharine street, below Front, on Mon day afternoon, 18th, at 2 o’clock, without further no tlce. To ptooeed to Ebrn*»r M E. Ohureh. #* On thel4th instant; MICHAEL MoDONOUGH, aged r B7years. 'v- - 1 •' The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly It vltsd to attend the funeral* from his late residence, in Tenth strtet, above Oxford, this (Saturday) after noon, at 1 o'clook. without further notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. : * ■ At Olaymont, Delaware, on the 14th instant, ROBERT THOMPSON, in the 65th year of his age. The male friends and those of the family are invited to attend his funeral, from hie late residence, No. 261 Bouth ..Fourth street, on.' Monday, morning,' at 10 o'clook. To proceed to Laurel Hill, ## . ryr=» Spimnallsm --Mr. Stewart, of New- J.j atk, a Trance Mtdlum, will lecture apd answer questions under spirit control, at Sansom-streot Hall, on SUNDAY, at 10# A. M. and 7% P. M. Admission 5 cents. , f It# Christiana 1 Triumph —Rev. John Street I l will preach on this subject TO-MORROW (Bab batb) AFTeRNOOS, in the American Mechanic's Hall, FOURTH Street, above POPLAR, at 3# o'clock. Meetiogfor Children THIS AFTERNOON at three o'clock. It* rv-==- Northwestern Young Men's Christian lOT ASSOCIATION.—The Monthly Meeting will beheld in the Broad-stroet B«ptist Church, BROAD andBROWN,onMONDAY,the 18thinst..at7J4 o'clook. An Essay, entitled “ Life from t&o Dead,” will be read by SAMUEL MoLAURIN. Ladies are earnestly invited to attend. B FRANKLIN DENNISON, It* ' Recording Secretary. ry» Church of the Covenant*—services in LL? CONCERT HALL, Oheatnot. 'above Twelfth. TO-MORROW (Sunday) At A M-, and 7J4 P. M. by the Rer* JAMES PRATT, of Portland, Me. it# r/s» T. Hv Stockton will Preach (D. Y.)at \IS^ NATIONAL HALL, MARKET Btreet, above Twelfth, on SABBATH MORNING, at 10k o'clock. SUNDAY fcCHOBL, 0 A.M. UNION PRAYER MEBI - 4to fi P. M. Room for thousands. Seats free. All invited. it* ry=- George Storrs, of New York, will UJfTpreacb TO-MORROW at the Hall, b. E. corner NimTh and SPRING GARDEN Streets, at 10k o’clock; morning, and 7%, evening. The publlo are in vited. - •; \ ,'. It* rv’Tss* ' Third Reformed Dutch Church. --Ser lk3 vice in this Church TO-MORROW EVENING, at 7k o'clock, by the Pastor, Rev. W. J. B. TAY LOR. ' It* lrleh Deputation.—At the earnest re- IL3 : quest of many friends the deputation Skve been prevailed npon to remain over the Sabbath, and will preach to-morrow, the 17th instant, as follows: Rev. Dr. McClure, at 10k o’clock, in the Weßt. Aroh street Presbyterian-Church, Eighteenth and Arch streets;- at- 3k o clock, In the union. Presbyterian Oburoh, Thirteenth below Spruoe street: and at 7 k o'cloftk ln the Calvary Presbyterian Church, Locust, above Fifteenth street. * • , V Rev. Prof. Gibson, at 10k o’clook, in the Arch street Presbyterian Ohureh. Arch, above Tenth street, and at 7k o'clock; in -Jayne’s Hall, Ohestant, below Seventh street. , It* ry~=3m Irish Sermons te Young II —By request of the Yodn * Men's Chris tian Association, t>e;Bev. ProL-GIBSON, of Belfast; Ireland, will preach in JAYNE’S HALL, CHESTNUT Btreet, below Seveotb, on . TO-MORROW (Sabbath) EVENING, the 17th Inst., at 7)4 o'clock. The whole of the lower part of the Hall reserved for Young Men, andthe Galleries for Ladies; ; . . Rev. Dr. MoOLtJRB, of Londonderry; Ireland, will preaoh in the CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Revi Mr. Jenkins), LOCUST. StreeVaboveFUteenth, on TO-MORROW (Babbatb) EVENING, at ?k o’clock. Seats reserved for. Young Men. . P.B.—Medial Students are specially invited U>%\- tend the*? lerrJoeS' <; it# i ry*73»» To the rjrlruds of Mteslons.—The corner i: Uof . Stone of the BETHANY MI*SION OH APE L. .of the First Independent Church, South ‘ street,’west of .Twenty-first street, will be laid, bv Dlvlfio bOrmirtinn; on'nexb MONDAY AFTERNOON at B>f o’clock. vices will be conducted by Hev. Drs, Leyburfi and Bn»i- V nsrd, and Rev. John Chambers, Alfred Cookman, James. Nelli, Blohard OaTden; and John MoLond. ■ ; All are affectionately invited. A collectlon wIU be .Ukennp to .aid la ereotiog the new buildings Come and help us. - . • ■ ■ . oel6-2t* 11 ' rys=» Reopenlugof Greeu-etreet M. K. Church lk-3 —Preaohing TO-MORROW MORNING .at halfb s ; Oomlhtmton at 8 o’oldck in the AFTERNOON, lt*.^ ry-» Corhv Exclmuge Bauk--Phtla(lelpliia IL3 Oofoßßß 10,1868 —The Annael Meetfflgof the : Stockholders of this Back will be held at the Baoklogw house, northwest corner of SECOND and CHEBTNUT Streets, on TUEBDAY, November 2d, at 12 o’clock. • An election for thirteen; Directors, to serve the ed- Sulog fear, will beheld at the Banking-house on MON DAY, November 16th, between ten A: M. and threeP. M. . oclo-dtNl6. ; Irish Deputation.—A Kecoptlon Soiree wiil be.glven to the’Bov. WM. MoOLUBE, of Londonderry, and Rev. Prof. GIBSON, of Belf«st, on TUESDAY EVENING next, the 19th. lost., at seven, o'clock, in S&nsom-Btre t Hall. SANSOM below SE VENTH St. Tickets of Admission (Gentlemen, $t , Ladi»s, £0 cent-) can be hod at the Presbyterian Board, No, 821. Ohrsumt, st,; W. 8 and A. Maitle.n, 608 Chestnut st.. and Parry & McMillan corner Fourth; and Ohestniit streets. Early applications necessary, as only a iluilted number will be Igaoad; : . v ocl6-2tw ry=» Philadelphia Sabbath School Assocla- TION.—A General Meeting of Superintendents, Teachers, Delegates, and the friends of Sabbath Schools, will be held on MONDAY EVENING next, (18th Inst) at. 7K o’clock, in the Church on Arch street; above Tooth, (RevVMc. Wadsworth's ) • Important subjeotswlll be presented fjr considerA- Gon. • It is earnestly hoped that all who feel an interest In the gie&t work of “feeding the Lambs of' Ohrist’s (lock," and gathering them into His fold will attend this meeting. . GEO. H. STUART, ' President Philadelphia 8. 8. Association. - J. 8. OUtoMINGS, It . . Chairman Mlssionaiy Committee. rv*3=» Quaker City Loan Association —The LU-C Third Annual Meeting of the Stockholders wIU be-held on MONDAY EVENING, Oot. 18lh; in the Franklin Hall, SIXTH, below Arch street, when the issue of & New Series bf Stock will be commenced; al lowing those who take shares to participate in all tho advantagee of an Association with a large amount of > Money to loan. The publlo ate invited to attend. oclo-2t* J. B. SHANNON, Becrota*y. Park Benjamin will Deliver his New LLs and original Lecture on “ Social Life ia Ameri ca.” in the MUSICAL FOND HALL, on TUE<DAY ; EVENING, Oot. 19th, o’clock. Tickets 25 cents each, to be had at—. Lee & Walker’s, No. 722 Chestnut street, - J. H'Jl'MM’i, No. 633 oheetQufstreot. ' Be.k A Lawtou’s, cor. Seventh and Chestnut streets. Parry k McMillan’s, corner Fourth and Chestnut itreeta. W. H. Maurice, No. 835 Chostnut street, and at the door on the evening of the Lecture. oelo*Bt#' ryr=a Trenaurer’a Department Penneylvaula \ls RAILROAD COMPANY— PHiLADBLPHti, Oct. 16.1858. NOTIOB.—The Board of Directors have this day de clared a semi-annual dividend of three per cent on the' Capital Steok of the Oou paoy, (clear of State tax ) payable on and after November 15th, proximo. Blank .Powers of Attorney for collecting Dividends can be had on application at this office. oolS-lm TtlOA T. FIRTH, Treasurer. rv-=ss» The Wagner Free Institute of Science, U 3 N. w. corner of THIRTEENTH and SPRING GARDEN street*. The order of Exercises for the week beginning Mon* day, October 18th, 1858 : - t. Monday, at 1% P. M., General Introductory, Prof. RICHE. . WAGNE^ 5 Geology Introductory, Prof. TueeJay, at 8 P. M , Elocution, Prof. RICHE. Wednesday, at 7 P. M., Natural Philosophy, Prof. COXB. Wednesday, at 8 P. M., Zoology, Prof CHILD. . Thursday, 7 P M.. Anatomy and Physiology, Prof. DAVIES '■ Thursday, 8 P M., Rhetoric, Prof. ABQMAN. Friday, 7 P. M., Mineralogy and Mioing, Prof. WAG NER. . Friday, 8 P. M»^English Literature, Prof, WARRI NER. Saturday, 7P. M., SocialBclenoe, Prof. BURNS. “ 8 “ Chemistry, Prof. GOODMAN. ID*’ Admission Free to all. oc!6-2t At a Special meeting of “Pennsylvania UJ£ ASSOCIATION OF DENTAL BUHGKONB,” held the evening of the 14th day of October. 1858, tne following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Whereas, It has pleased an all-wise Providence to remove from amongst us our much esteemed and' highly honored fellow»member, DR. ELISHA TOWNSEND, belt * ' 1. Resolved , That tho Association do most sincerely, oondele i i the !rrepar«ble loss it has sustained in the. death of 60 able and eminent a practitioner. 2. Resolved, That the members of this Association will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty dsys, as a testimony of the profound respeot they entertain for the memory of the deceased. 8 Resolved, That .he members of this Association attend In a body the funeral of Dr. Townsend, and that a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be communi cated to the family of the deceased, and also, that they be published In the daily city papers. WILLIAM W. FOUCHBj) T. L. BUCKINGHAM, > Committee. . JOHN R. MCCURDY. S DR. 8. DILLINGHAM, President. Attest—GEO. T. BACKER, Secretary. oclMt# ryy» Union Preaching for the People, under U-J? the auspices of tho Ministerial Union, in con nection with the Young Men’s Christian Association, by the various ministers of out city on overy TUESDAY and THURSDAY, at 4 P. M. in the 6ANSOM-STREET CHURCH, until further notice. Services confined to ONE HOUR precisely. Rev. Mr. WATTS, on TUES DAY, October 19ta oc7-tf rv-=» Firemen's and other ' Union Prayer [kj? MEETINGS, uoder the ausploes of the YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. ON BABBATU AFTERNOONS. . United States Engine, Wood, below Crown at., from 4to 6% o’clock. w Pennsylvania Hose, Eighth st., below Green, from 4 to 6 o’clock, " /.United llOSe,' Rrowa at., 6k o'clock. • . . Perseveranie Hose, Quarry street, below Third, from 4# to sjf P. M. * • ON BABBAtH, at 7tf P. M. •Diligent "Engine, corner of Tenth and Filbert eta. Delaware Englno, South it., above Nineteenth at. Western Xngine, GaUowhlU, below Sixteenth at. ON-TUESDAY, at fx P. M America Engine, Buttonwood, below Third st;. Philadelphia Engine, Seventeenth, beloW Chestnut. Bobert Morris Uose, Lombard fit., above Eighth st. Columbia Hose, Cherry, above Seventh at. . ON WEDNESDAY, at P. M. Kingaesaing School House, Darby road. Independence Engine, Spring Gardes, near 24th at. Boatnvrark Engine, 8, Third, above Washington at. Diligent Hose, Madiaon, above Race at. ON at T# P. M. U>l tuunOVAli Ah . tm N. Liberty Hose, New Market, above Coatee at. United states Hose, Buttoawood, tolow Fifth *t. Schuylkill Hose, Locust fit., below Thirteenth at. Nival Asylum, Gray’s Ferry road. Falrmount Bngine, Ri-«ge avenue above Wood st, Good Will Hose, Wood et, below Twenty-third. Club Boom, corner of Fifteenth and Filbert ate. Falrmount Hose, Pleasant street, above Sleventh. ON FRIDAY, at 7* P. M. Western Hose, Twentieth et, above Lombard et. Vigilant Hosei Eighth et., above Wharton St. Warren Hose, Barker, above Eighteenth at. Spring Garden Hose, Parrish, near Eleventh at. DAILY. # Diligent Engine, corner Tenth and Filbert ats., from 4 to 5 P.M. Young Men’s Union Tent, S. Fifth, below Wharton st.« from 5 to 6 P. M. LadiesandOhrisiianfriendsare affectionately invited to attend. By order of the Executive Committee of Young Men’s Christian Association. sell-sat if Business Men’s Union Prayer fleeting LL3 Daily from 12 to 1 o’clock, in the Sansom-street Ohurcb. IlaVe I been there? If not, why! Special Prayer to-day for Sabbath Sohoola. 007-tf rv*=ai Oirard Bank, Philadelphia, Oct, llih, 1858.—AN ELECTION FOR THIRTEEN Dl* RECTORS, to serve the ensamgyear, will beheld at the BANKING HOUSE* on MONDAY, the 15th day of NOVEMBER next, between the hours of ten and two o’clock, The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the samo placo, on TUESDAY, the 21 day of No vember next, at 12 o’clock M. W. L. SCHAFFER, ocL2-eodtnl6 Cashier. ry=a To the Fire Brpartmeot of PMladel* LL3 PHIA.—The Directors of the GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY have re solved to appropriate One Hundred Dollars to each Fire Company within the City, now having In service, or who may hereafter put In service, a STEAM FIRE ENGINE. Companies applying for this appropilation. through their Committees, Trustees, or Agents, wilt be re* qulred to furnish a certificate, signed by their Pre sident. authorizing them to receive the money. They will also be required to furnish the certificate of the Mayor, certifying that the Company applying is In service in this city,' 1 and has been approved by City Councils. ALFRED 8. GILLETT, Treasuter. Philadklfhu, Oot. 18,1858. ocH-tbstttSw r.—Office Girard Fire aud Marine In \L3 SUKaNQE COMPANY, 416 Walnut St.. Schuylkill Navigation Building. The Directors or the Girard Fire and Marine In surance Oompaoy have this day deolared a dividend of SIX PER CENT, upon the Capital Stock, payable to Stockholders, on and after the Second day of November next. ' M ALFRED 8. GILLETT, Treasurer. Philadelphia, Oot. 11,1868. ocl4-thatu3w Union Benevolent Astcclatlon.-The an- ILS nu&l meeting of the “UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION’’ will be held at the office, N. W. corner SEVENTH and BAN SOM Streets, on TUES DAY EVENING, 19th Inst, at 7# o’clock. Contribu tors acd members are urgently invited to be presort. 0016-4 t JOHN li. ATWOOD, Secretory. Bank of Coraraorce, Philadelphia, Oct* IL3 . 2, 1858.—Notice is heroby given that aft Elec tion for THIRTEEN DIRECTOR* to serve the en suing year, will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 15th day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. AT. oc2*s tu th-tnolS „ The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on TUESDAY, the 2d day of November next, at 2P. M., at same place. * oc2-stuth-tio2 J.O.TJONNELL, Cashier. >VnS9> The Crnsadea and the Crusaders—The Rev. WM. BACON BTEYRNB. D. D., wilidenver a LECTURE on the crusades ana the Crusaders, on THURSDAY EVENING, October 28, in the MUSICAL FUND HALL, for the. benefit of the Mission Sunday Sohool, on Thirteenth street, near Federal. All who wish a great intellectual feast will avail themselves of this opportunity to hear this eloquent divine treat of the exciting times and the thrilling scenes when the followers of Peter the Hermit, Walter the PennlleßS, Hildebrande, and others, under the sanotlon of Pope Urban the Second, attempted to re cover the Holy sepulchre and the Holy Land, the scene of our Saviour’s life and sufferings, trom the power of the Infidels or Mohammedans. Tickets of admission, 25 cents each, may be had at The Episcopal Depository, Chestnut street, above Twelfth. Mr. P. Brown’s, northeast comer of Chestnut and Fifth streets. W. S. & a! Martlen’s Book Store, No. 608 Chestnut street. „ Smith, English, A Co.’s Book Store, Sixth street, above Market. Jos. B. SmHh A Co.’s Book Store, 010 Chestnut *t. The doors will be open at 7 o’clock, an* the Lecture oomraeuce atB o’clock. 007-thstaid ry-=» Philadelphia and Darby Railroad U_3 COMPANY.—The Subscribers to the Capital Stock of the Philadelphia and Darby Railroad Com pany are notified that the following instalments wlllbe due, and are hereby requested to be paid on the follow ing dates, vis: • M • Second instalment of $5 per share, on Thursday, 28th Ootoberinat. Third instalment of 65 per share, on Saturday, 27th November next. \ Fourth Instalment of 66 per share, on Monday, 27th December noxt. The Stockholders are also notified that all or any of the Instalments on the Stock subscribed for by them ®*y be paid in advsnee, and that interest will be al lowed from the date of payment of each instalment up to the Ist January next. By order of the Board of Directors. THOMAS sparkp, Treasurer, „ . , • No 111 Walnut Btreet. Subscription Book now open for tho balance of the Stock, at the Office of the Treasurer, from 9 A. M. to IP.M. [ PHII«AMLFBIAjOfIt,2,IWB. OCI4-121 n^/.»»« e .» aer, cBn Patent Companv of Cln- OHlOjOrganited July, 3868,.with ft capital of $lO3 COD, buyb.abd sells Patents oricommls ■lon, solicits Patents exeoate* Mechanical Drawings Bngravl^ °ge> aridtrassa'diiall business pertaining to latents, of wnateTQrn&tnxo; .The Companyalso pub* Ushes the StilPtfTIMC ARTISAN. the best mechanl oal paper in America, ats2 per annum. .The Company wt> lurnißa all information in reference to either American or European Patents. : ' 'AUfIRIOAN PATENT COMPANY, Cin cinnati. Ohio ~ oc2-stuth-lm and Mechanics* BanK, Philo* UJJ , dblphiA, o<St. 2, 1858.—The" Annual Election for Directors win be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on MONDAY, the 15tU day of November next, between the houraof 9 o’clock A. M. and, 8 o’olook P. M., and on TUKSDAY, the 2d day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at theßaniing House at 4 o’clock p. M., agreeably to the charter. oc4dtM6 y.BUSHION,Jr.* Cashier. rfy* Southwark Bank,Philadelphia, October LkJ» 11,1858 —Tho annual Meeting of the Stock* holder of thia’Ra** will be held at the BANKING HOUSE, on Tuesday,’the 2d day of: November next, at 12 o’clock M. And tho Annual Eleotlon for Directors Will bo held at the BANKING UOUSB, on Mooday, the 15)h day of November next, between the hoars of 10 d'clock A. M. and 2 o'clock P. 1 !!. ’ T. P STEEL; ecl2*dtnol6 Cashier. fyrs=» Notice*—Green and Coates-Street Phi* UsJJ • LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—A second instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per share on "the capital' stock ef. the Green and Coates Street Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company will be due and payable at the Office of the Oompany, No. 429 WALNUT Streetj on MONDAY, the Bth da; of No ▼ember next, between the hours of 10. A. M and 8 P.M. ocT-td y HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer. r/sa Depurtment of Survfya—Office of Chief IL?7' ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR—PBakoif** rsu, Birr. 29ra, 1868. . NOTrOB—DUPLICATE PLANB of the SECOND SECTION of the Re*Sbrvey and Regulation Of German town, bounded northeastwardly by Germantown avenue, southwardly by WUiahickon street, southeastwardly by Queen street, northwestwardly by west Washington -avenue,'in the ward. SEVENTH SEC tION of the Surveyof the late Town ship of Blockley, bounded; on tho north by Oxford at, on the south by wyaloßlng stroet. on ihe east by Forty ninth street, and on the west bj Fifty 8lx:h (66th; street or fisher .avenue, in the Twenty-fourth ward. : ; SECOND, THIRD, and FOURTH BEOTIOKS of the .late Borough of'Frankford comprising all east of Frankford street, to Stiles street, and from Frsnkford ,Creek toLittle TaconyCreek;' also, all horthwtet of. Frsnkford street, tfym Oithodox street northeastward to Little Tsoony Creek. Also, the whole of the late borough of Whitehall, in the Twehty-third ward.' • FOURTH SECTION of tbe Survey and Regulation of the Twenty- first ward, bounded on the northwest by Centre street, oh tso southeast by Shur’s lane, On the northeast by Ridge’ rood, and on the southwest by the River £uhuy)kiil r *aro now prepartHl-and deposited for inspection, at theCfflccß of theßurvoyors and Regula . tore of the EIGHTH, NINTH, TENTH, and ELE iVENTH SURVEY DISTRICTS, and at the office of this Department, C(ty Eluding, FIFTH Street, betow Wal nut; and the Rparcfof Surveyor* have appointed MON DAY, the. : of October, 1858, at 10 o’clock A. M., to corifsidor any.objections that may be urged there to by any cltiseh Interested therein. . . : BTRICKLAND KNEABS, 006-tdolB . Chief Euginoor and Surveyor. Geology.—Two Courses of Lectures fifOS" On GEOLOGY will be delivered to Ladies and Gentle nen, in the Bcientifio and Classical Institute, CHESTNUT street,‘northwest corner of Twelfth, by J. ENNIS, Principal df the Institute, 'oommenoiog Cot. l9tb,and conUuniDg tbe afternoon course at 4o’olook on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS and the evening oonrseatB o’clock on-TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Both oourflC'S will be tbe same, each comprising 22 lec-. tdres, a number sufficlent to bring forward nil the great and wondetful TRUTHS of GEOLOGY, and likewise the FACTS by which these truths are demonstrated. Tbbus, —The twolntrodnotorv Lectures FKBB. Eaoh course ss. Eatraaoe on Twelfth street. ocl-38t (V=» Homeopathic Medical College of Penn* \X3 BYLVANIAi-The Introductory Lecture* will commence on MONDAY, the. Uth But., and be deli vered in the following order: Dr. W. WllHamson, on Monday, at 7# P.M, Dr. J.Beakley.- v -; Tuesday, “ u - Dr. W. A Reed/41 \ Wednesday,“ “ Dr. J. R.Ooxe.jr., Thnrsday, “ Dr O. J. Hempel, :. Friday, “ “ Dr. Thos. Moore, '- Saturday, “ “ Dr. A.H Flanders, Saturday, P. M. The Profession and the Public are invited to at tend. The Lectures i f the Regular Course will commence on Monday, the 18 hi et 9 o’clock A M. oco-7t# >V. WILLIAMbON, M. D., Dean. ftctti publication^. THE: ;N. E W NOVELS. Just pnblishedi FIBBT. ISABELLA ORSINI. A new Historical Novel. by F. D. Guermtl, author of it BE'£TBidd*o£KOt.” Translated from the Italian by Luigi Monti, of Har vard University. Elegantly bound in nmelie, with a superb 6teel Portrait Lom the celebrated Drawing by Frascberi. Pr:eesl2s. Extract from an artiolelnthe Boston. Courier by Pro fessor 0. C. Feltoo, of Harvard Colle. e: “ There can be no doubt that these novels of Guerras 21 ire of marked and high literary merit. Their ate. ® is clear, pure, and vigorous.' Thepvwerof the author Is shown in his brilliant pictures, his vivid descriptions, and his brier, energetic expreestons of feeling His Characters are drawn with short, sharp s’rokea, as with the point of a sword-,. Tbe reader becomes a spectator. From his post of observation he seesa drama enacted before him; the scenery and costumes are perfect; there is a fearful earnestness and vitality in the v performers. With parted'Dpx, and cheek growing.paler, he watches with osgerndssthe progress of the. action till the cur tain falls.” ’ •' BKOOSO. .v' VERNON ;GROVE; . Ox, HEARTS Ah .THEY ARE- A fresh and ilowing American Fiction, by a promi nent Souihern authoress. Elegantly bound in mu* in. Price $l. From Critique of Southern Literary Messenger. “ The novel of Vernon Grbve is in oar judgment the beet yet produced by an American lady. In no Ameri can fiction has the interest been maintained With each power. Pathos is the quality moat at the writer’s corn* in&nd. The Incident of Eva’s blindness is narrated with wonderful and startling naturalness, and affects the reader more, we think, than the similar occurrence In tho ease of Muriel in “'John Halifax, Gentleman.” Tfcese&ook* will l?p s;nt by mall, p ’Stego.pald,toany_ •par fr or%AS'TfoH»nl S titite f o n receipt ofthctrLoe. RUDD dc CARLBTON, FubUaivrs and BookseUora, oclO-tuthi-tf No. 810 BROADWAY, N. Y, NEW POEM. THE COURTSHIP OP MTLEB STAND2BH. Bj HENRY, W. LONGFELLOW*. In one Volume, 12rao Pride 76 oente. Just received by LINDSAY A BLAKISTON, Publishers and Booksellers, 515 South SIXTH Btreot, above Chestnut. KEMP —How to Lay out a Garden. With numerous Illustrations. RASKIN.—The True and Beautiful In Nature, Art, Ac., Ao. . BAKER.—The Life and Labors of the Rev. Daniel Baker. ; ■ 4 OANDLI9H-—Life (h a Risen Parlour. MRS. JOHNSON.—Peasant Life In.Germauy. MRS HOBNBY.—In and Around Stamboul BTRANGER’B GUIDE. Lindsay A Blakliton’s Btra»ger*s Guide to Philadelphia and its Environs. A Nbw ahd Ebtissd Edition, with numerous Illustra- Hods and a Map of the City as Consolidated NEW'BOOKS, of all kinds, received as soon aa pub llahed, and sold at low prices. oeift Grand national exhibition of HORSES to be held at POWELTON, W«st Phila delphia. on TUESDAY. WBDNEFDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY, October 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 1858. . Competition open to nil horse*. The above exhibition will he devoted entirely to the display of boms. For fall particular*, see large bills. Proprietor or Grounds F. A. SHOWER. Genera 1 Superintendent, OH A 8 LLOYD* Chief Marshal, JOHN GHE£N MEN’S FINE CALFSKIN BOOTS, Boys’ and Youths’ sewed Boots and Shoes, with all other descriptions, best city manufacture. prices. At DUTTON’S. No. ill North SECOND St., ab. Arch, Bast side, oolC*ffmth*3t# . , <<Blgn of the Bed Boot.” JJUBENS' MAGDALEN. THE EXHIBITION OP RUBENS’ Great Painting of 11 THE MAGDALEN RENOUNCING THE VANI- TIES OF THE WORLD” Moat positively be olosed In a few days, in order to prepare for a magnificent collection cf specimens of 310DERN FRENCH ART. Oar proportion of the proceeds of the Exhibition is to be devoted to the Unto* Brhbvolrkt Association. . Open from 8 A. M to 6# P. il Admission.... 25 cent*, JAMES S EARLE & SON, tltft* Earle** Galleries, 816 OHKBTNUT ct. IVON EXPLOSIVE BURNING FLUID.— II tfe aro now manufacturing, and aroTrepired to Bell, & BURNING FLUID, free from the objection ap pertaining to the comtnonarUole. Its liability to ex plode lad*atroyedf and may now be used with safety. It has been experimented upon, and subjected to the seterest teste before the best chemical talent in this city, without a single failure; and we now offer It to the public, feeling confident that a groat desideratum has been attained. YARN'ALL & OGDKN, ool6*d3m 472 N. THIRD Street, abore Noble. Mackerel.— 873 Bbbis Noa. 1,2. & 3 MACKEREL, in Whol?, Halves, Quarters, and Eighths—-in Original Packages—just jeceived and for stfeby 0. O. BADLER Sc CO., odd ABOH Street, 2d door above Front. SHAD.— 50 BbU &80 Half Bbla Sea Shad. Now landing abd for sale by O.O.BADLER&CO., odd ABdtt Street, 2d door abovo Front. LARD.— 48 Bbls No. 1 Leaf Lard, Kettle Rendered. For sale by 0. C. SADLER Sc CO., . 0016 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. We have just received a comprehensive and va ried stock of this truly bosutifol and architectural ap pendage to Churches Vestibules. Conservatories, and other buildings, where It is deemed neoessary to embel llsh, or to give a chaste and elegant appearance. Any color maybe bad, either plain or ornamental, elabo rately or In relief. ZIEGLER Sc SMITH, Wholesale Brag, Paint, and Gla*s Bealors, se2B-dtf Southwest cor. Second and Green sts. Awnings i awnings i JOSEPH H. FOSTER, Awnlog maker, No. 448 North THIRD Street, above Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for dwellings and office w in dows ; Awnings for stores, Awnings for steamboats and ships. All kinds of Awnings, Tents, Flags.or any thing in canv4s, made to order by JOSEPH u. FOS TER, Awning Maker, No. 448 North THIRD Street. Residence, No. 840 South FRONT Street. oclG-lm JOSEPH H. FOBTER. r- TWO TRIPS A WEEK TO iTwmi Ti' mTi u BRIDGETON!—On and after WEDNES DAY, 20th Inst., tho Steamer EXPRESS will leave Arch Street every Wednesday and Saturday morning, at Eight o'clock (instead of B#, as heretofore), for Bridgeton. Will leave Bridgeton every Monday and Thursday morning at 8 o’clock; stopping, at Delaware City ana New Castle. Stages for Millville, Port Eli zabeth, Fairton.Oedarvßlo, Newport, Dividing Creeks, and Maurioetown, connect with this boat. 0014-lin* . FIS NOT A DTE I JEROME'S HAIR OOLOR RESTORER will re store Gray Bair to Its original dolor in from ten to twelve days, and restore the Hair where it has fallen off and become thin. IT IS NOT A DTE! It may be used as freely as water, and is the most beau tlfal Dressing for the Hair now in uso. Thousanda in different parts of the Union have testi fied to Its wonderful virtues, and all who have used It join In their pr»iso of It. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dr. BWAYNB Sc SON, No. 8 North SEVENTH Street, above MARKET, Sole Agents for Philadelphia. Trade supplied. ool4»3m Abram slacks engraving, Sinking, and Embossed Printing, Envelope, and Seal Press Manufactory, No. 1 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. Pa. WlB-ftnr. TOW LINES,, and BOW and STERN LINES, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER. FITLER, & 00., 0013 Noa. 23 N. Water St., Sc 21N. Wharves. CIGARS— 1,600,000 Havana Cigars,: fa vorite brands, received by late arrivals, In store and bodd, for sale by A. MERINO, . 0011-tf • . 140 South FRONT Btreet. CHEESE.— 106 Boxes Herkimer county Cheese now landing, and for sale by . O. 0. SADLER & 00* i eefi ARCH Street, 2d door above Front, OFFICE OF HOWARD & CO.'* EX- P REBB, IURNDEfT BXPBEBB COMPANY, «nd HOWARD BXPREBS COMPANY, MB-OHESTNUT Btreet, Plitladolphl,. . . TAK K NOTIU r. tint unclaimed goods which bare remrined ip the Office of said Companies over 00 days, jnd of which tho following la tho Hat, will ho fold ot PUBLIC AUOTIOi. to p»y chargeo. on THOBBD IY, Horoinbor 18 1858, bjr H, P, WOLBEBT, Mo. 8 South BKOOND Street. ’ , lhoxJ’P Aodrows. X box 8 A Albright. 1 box W DArmated, Egg Harbor. 1 chest A Abrahams. X box F Borhenstock. 1 box 8 Baker 1 box & B Brown. 1 box I M Bouden. J box 0 M Black, Bloorasburg. i boi H A Beule, Thorndale Iron Works. lboxNLeßrua. 1 box HB. 1 bag Brinkler A Bhulricb, Borden town, 1 chest Mr 80hn.... 1 trunk ftßrftnflon. X pkg J Buck •" ; ‘ 2 pkg J Brown. 1 pkg S B Black, ErdMoun, Chester 00., Pa. 2 pkg OBr Afield. i 1 pkg 0 O Burleigh, Norristown. 1 pkg J H Bradford ' 1 pkg J Bryan, care Watkins, PhiL&d*, Pa. > 1 pkg D B Bates. . 1 pkg W K Boyer. 1 pkg 0 Brown. 1 pkg H J Black. •1 pkg C Bildenson, Salem, NJ. 1 pkg Z Bliss, Phlla. 1 pkg 0 Borbyer. 1 box F 0 Castle, Millville. 1 box 0 Conrad. 1 box 3 Olyolch, ' 1 box S OaMwell, Gloucester. 1 1 box A B Caswell* Pipaaantrille. 1 pkg W Crossly, fcpreod Eagle. 2 pkgs W F Cramer, Pennaborg. 2 pkg J Conner, Camden. .1 pkg/ Chambers. ; .1 pk< W K Carter, Kaighn’s Point. 2 pkgs W Colbert 1 pkg Prof Crouch. 1 pkg R A Carden. 2 pkg W Conway. 1 pkg Cohen A Inuring, 2 man T Guyler 2 packet Mr Oowdridge«Freehold. i> 1 box G Diehl. 2 box Dewitt Bro. 1 box Drake A Garland. 1 box J D Denney, Penniegtonville. 2 pkg J Dick, Klngsessing. 1 pkg PB Daily. '2 |ikg W R Darnett. 2 pkg S SDrew I.pkgN N Dickerson/ •2 p.g J Dorsey. J 2 pkg G Deiborrow' 1 pkg 3 Jt Downs, Smyrna. 2 pkg T_ 1* Derringer. 2 pkg / M Darnells. 2 pkg A Dolbln. 1 pkg £ Dupuya. 1 box [£,] Phlla. 2 pkg / t> Evans, Wallace, Pa, 2 pkg JJ Evans Phlla. 2 pkg Dr A L Klwyn. 2 pkgs W Elder. 1 box J P Fleming, Ooohraniville. 2 box Dr N 0 Penis, Washington, D 0. 2 box H Fevrler. 2 box W Falgan, 2 box T B Foster. - 1 pkg A Fulton, Marble Hall. 2 pkg F A Frfedell. 2 pkg H Fuller. 2 carpet bag K H Fell. Q 2 box Old Gabriel. 2 box W B Gonld. 2 box Dr W A Gardner. 2 box J Gray. 2 box W Grindle. 2 box Hayes Graves, Centreville, N J. 2 pkg H Fr Gentner. 1 pkg H Grimsbaw. 1 pkg Green A Kelloy. ; , 2 pkg L F Gray. 2 pkg c W Greely. 1 pkg D Gaston. 1 pkg A W Goff. 2 pkg A H Graham, Beading. 2 umbrella G B Graham. . H 2 box Heldrlch A Horning. 2 box H C Hanson. 2 box Humphreys, Northrop, A Co, Homphreyville. 2 box L Hobensack. 1 box Mrs Harper. 1 boz Emit Hanat. 2 box B B Haggard, care Bealch, Wilson, A Co, Phlla. 2 boxes A W Harrison. 1 pkg A 8 Henry A Co. 2 pkg Mrs L 0 Hough. i pkg 0 Henohmann, Clarksboro*, N T. 1 pkg G Holxer. 2 pkg G Haegle, 2 pkg D 0 Hajne. 2 pkg Hartsock, Boalsborg. - 2 pkg H T Helobold, 2 pkg W A Hughes. 1 pkg E M Heston. 1 pkg 0 Harm 1 pkg H T Hanna, Pottstown. 2 pkg D J Henderson. 2 pkg C C Hooland. 2 pkg A V Heston. 2 pkg W 0 biokock, Harrisburg. 2 uuokfi Harvey. 1 trunk J Harris. 1 trunk Herron Family 1 trunk W Hown, Elizabethtown. , 2 bags Geo Hefferkamp. 4 bdls of pipes Handy A Morris, Not Scotch, carpet UN Hancock, Freehold, N /. J Ifcox 0 B Judd. 1 box J R Jordan. 1 pkg X L Janeway. 2 pkg A Juhns. X pkg T Johnson. 2 box Dr ABKlnkUne. 1 bdl J Konnedy, Port Kennedy, 1 pkg J King. 1 pkg G M Reiser. 1 pkg Sticklaod Kheass. 1 pk* J Knight. 2 pkg P B Keller/ 2 pkg Rudolph Kienle. 1 pkg Wilhelm Kneepffer. 2 pkg A C Knight, 1 box J Leudhf r. 1 box J Lang: 1 paper bs J H Lambert.' 1 pkg P Lellmann, care S Stronger, Be&renhall. 1 pkg 8 Ann Lewis. 1 pkg J Lesley. 1 pkg Clark Lowden. 1 pkg Birnon Lepert. l pig W G Lai d. I bdl 0 Laff<;rty. 1 bdl JP Loyd. 1 box J Morgan, trunk and oox. Dassel Maehale. paper box M Moore 1 pig A F Morre, Rockville,Chester co, Pa. 1 pkg G D Miller. 1 pkg J Masder. 1 pkg G Mason. 1 pkg F 8 Maun. 2 pkgs J L Magee. 1 box J Metegar. I trunk M Marshall. cavtlog W Meyers. eastlngJ Meyers. . casting U K Moore. Me 1 box S MeAuley Sc Co. 1 box J Mculartj. 1 box 0 MoMlohael. 1 bag J McMiUln, Baltimore. 1 pkg W L MtOalia. 1 pkg J McDowell. 1 pkg G MeKoighfc. 1 trunk J McOlair. 1 box 0 J Nice. 1 box J Newell Sc Co. 1 pkgE buttle. 1 pkg H W D Nicholson. X pkg G Neff. 1 pkg North Am Oollege of Health castings North, Chase, Sc North. o 1 box Rev Onle. demijohn W H Oamon_d. 1 box Paulina Pohl. 1 box A W Pennoek. Russellville, Pa. 1 box G W Payton, Gloucester. 1 box JM Pattan. 1 bdl W M Pittman, Tulleytown. 1 pkg Alonzo Potter. 1 pkg American Phil Society. 1 pkg Directors Presbyterian. 1 pkg H B Sc J Pratt, Ivy Mills, Pa. 1 pkg II It Pearson. 1 pkg IX Pereira! 1 pVg Mr Patten, Harrisburg. 1 pkg Yeoman Paul, Willlamstown, N J. 1 pkg J Proueor. R 1 box J A K, care. J Mason Sc Co. 1 box J R Rowand. 1 box I Rebn. 1 box Mrs Richer. 1 pkg Mr* Rush. 1 pkg Rand Sc Aires. 1 pkg J 0 Rodgers. 1 pkg Rev Mr Ryan. lpkgBßßud.‘ 1 pkg W Reese, Gloucester. 1 pkg P Robert*. 2 pkg A Rahn. 1 pkg Rivers Sc Darious. 2 machines W 8 Reinhart. 8 2 box J Stacker. lboxPpauldlngA Rogers* , 1 box B Ii Schole, hi D, Pottatown. 1 pkg W Scarewood. 1 pkg E Stanton 1 pkg Otto Staengton. 1 pkg J M tfaylor. 1 pkg C Stein, Reading. 1 pkg 0 A Bltzenberg, Darby. 1 pkg Dr A Seims. 1 pkg Rev W Sterrett. 1 pkgCJ W Shields. 1 pkg L Chill, oare J Rosenbaum. 1 pkg J W Btokes. 1 pkg A Stone Sc Co. 1 pkg E Smith 1 pkg J SchaiTor. 1 pkg F W. Starr. 1 pkg L P Sullivan. 1 pkg A E Smith. 2 pkgfl J U Smith. 2 choirs J L Shaw. 1 trunk H Thompson. 1 box W Townsend. 1 box J Titus. 1 pkg W W Taylor. 1 carpet-bag J Taylor. 1 trunk G Urwller. W 1 box F A Weakley, Minersvllle. • 1 box E M Whalau. 1 box T Weikel. 1 box Mr Wilkinson. 1 box J Walker. Bridgeton. llboxB&G A Wright. 1 pkg TOW Woodward, Unionville. 1 pkg WW Ware. 1 pkg J T Ward. 1 pkg R Watts. 1 pkg J G "Wilson. 1 pkg BB Watson. 1 pkg P B Winning. 1 pkg Dorothy Wesiley. 1 pkg Rod* Iph Wittlg. 1 chest J Woasa. 1 valise G Wright, Glenn Paper Mills. [oclQ-s4t Land warrants located.— Some of the choicest Lands in the State of lowa, are now open to private entry and-location. We have reliable and skilful Surveyors and Land huntors in the Council Bluffs, fort Dodge, and Sioux City Land Districts, and locate only from actual in spection of the Lands. Land Warrants can now be bought at from 65 to 80 cents per acre. No better in vestment of money can be made. W. E. BARBER Sc OO. t ocl2-6t* No. 23 S. THIRD Street, PhlJads. DETERSIVE SOAP.—Time, labor, and money saved. In using It, olotbes do not require any boiling or'rubbing on washboard One pound will go as far in three 'pounds eommon Rosin Soap. War ranted to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. It is decidedly the cheapest end *«-•* washing Soap ever offered to the pubjjo. Manureotnred onlv bj VAN lIAAGF.N & MoKEONE. For »al« byaU n epeotable Grooera in the a moKEO^H, 7 oc2-3m 22 South Wharves, TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MERCHANTS.— A_ large stock of Manila Rope, manufactured and for sale . WEAVER, FITLEB, & CO., oelS Nos. S 3 N. Water St., A 22 N. Wharves. fob .EMbOnsQßi teeoth sod Ai p.ly. oo the prei KUBIOAMV2O: m ‘’ob Sili sToaij eupioif bj tha « of Januarj nest , 0010 St* .. ®TO LET—A large: and COUNTING BOOM. Vith or iritliont Storage. Apply to , WH.JSAB3B & 00 , . ocl6-3t#' ‘ Nbasl2and6l4S; WHARVES! fSB TO fineV jeopiniodiona •HiSLYbree-atory Brietc Dwelling, „ with • Thiee-fltory aouble back buildiDgs.No.ai7NorthTWßLFTH,above Street, with'aide yard.- . Boose modern built, lor 40 feet deep; Gas,H«»Wb, Uange/ Hotand Oold W *\"- Apply to M/DHVRNBBTTBB, * 00l °- 3t * 129 South FOURTH 8t;? opp. Library, T HE SHELVINO AKD FIXTURES OF ply at 42l*MABgET f ° E F°» SALE, A BABGAIN—The superior IHIED Btre.e-Apply fji .TO KENT, a STORE on OK LA WARE Mia, Avenue, below VINE Street, running throush to Water Street, 148 feet deep. Also, the Double STORE corner of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front! one of the best leQ&tions for large Business in Phila delphia Also, STABLE and OOAOH-HOUBB 'in OHERRY Street, above SEVENTH; In rear of Ash- 1 land House Apply at 278 douth FOURTH Street/ Rooms on commerce . street^. 1 The Three Upper Rooms of «16 Commerce Street to Let. . • se27-lm M FOR SALE—A handsome residence, with'all' the modern improvements, large side yard, grepery, Ac , SIXTH, near SPRING GARDEN Street Terms easy. B. K. LYND, 6K South SIXTH/ Street, (second story,) . : selT-lm ® . FOR SALE OR handsome new mansion,l9 ro?mi,and'4o acres, near Gwynedd Station, Norta Pennsylvania Railroad. Bito.splendid, fruit abundant, health unsurpassed. Any person really desiring a handsome Country Seat in ex change for city property, will find this an unusual op portunity of accomplishing bis objeot., Apply to P. K. LYND, 6 % 8. SIXTH bt, (2d stofy ) selT-lm M FOR SALE | A pretty. Cottage, nine rooms, arid one or more aores, pu Wyoming avenne. two miles out the Second-street Turnpike:-Alsoj several' handsome cottage lota The.ueigfcborbood Is healthy, beautiful, and rapidly improving.' P. K.LYND, Bjtf 8. BIXTHSt., (2d story.) ' mil-fm OFFICE TO-LET—AN ELIGIBLE OF VIOB for an Ixumnuaoe.Companyor almiiuoor. (orationj haring throe. commnnloating. rooms on the wmo floor, No. 222 WALNUT StrMt, ahoro BOOK. Immediate poMoulonjlTos. Apply to ' JOHN 0. KBrraß, or * THOMAS T. BUTCHER. No. 112 Booth FOURTH Street, mn3o-tuths-tf second story, front room. TO SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. —Thirty acres or less ofbeautilul Land on Wyoming Avenue, htar New Second street, only two miles north of the pavements, for sale a bargain, and terms easy. Applyto P;R LYND, 6# South SIXTH Street, (second story.) ."ryT . : seli-im Heltrii ©re (Booba. IMPORTANT ADDITION TO THE STOCK. • . . BROOHE, STELLA, AND THIBET, BLANKET, AND MEN’S BHAWLB, A general assortment, unequalled in this market. FBENOH HEBINOES AND CASHMERES, from 63 cts to $1 per yard. Super Ljodb Black flilk velvet; Assorted Black French Lady Ulotha: Orib cud Bed Blankets; Patent Welsh Flannels, assorted; 100 ps Merrimao Print*: Seta of Cambric and Swiss Collars'and Cuffs; Mixed Madonnas; Bayadere Satin Travers j Printed all*wool Da Laines,and Dress Goods generally, all at LOW PBIOK3. ’ CHARLES ADAMS, oc!6-»tu ih.tf . Eighth and Arch streets. Autumn and winter.gloves. BHARFLRBS BROTHERS have opened an ex cellent stock of SUPERIOR GLOVES. / Bajou’a Ladles’ and Men’s fine Kid BaJou’s double teamed Ladles’ an l Men’s. Plush Lined Cloth add Si»k Gloves. Driving apd Riding Gloves and Gauntlets. Neweatstyles of English Fanoy Tope. Velvet, Plush, and Men’s Lined Calf Children’s Cloth and Cashmere Gloves. Mohair and Lace Mitts, and Fr eoda’ Mitts. ocl6 . . EIGHTH A CHESTNUT STREETS, CIALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. R OPENING DAILY. FINS CLOTH RAGLANS. ELEGANT BEAVER RAGLANS. RIOH VELVET CLOAKS. Elegantly adorned with. BEAL LAOES, CROCHET, &<L, &0. OPERA CLOAKS. The largest and most varied stock of thess fashionable OVERGARMENTS, At the widest range of prices, aud suited for MOURNING, PROMENADE, AND FULL DRESS COSTUME, PARIS MANTILLA & CLOAK EMPORIUM, J. W. PROCTOR & 00., 708 CHESTNUT STREET. Blue french merinos Heavy Fine Goods, and the right shade, just opened’, a large lot at 95 cents.- COOPER A CONAIU), 001 l S.E. corner NINTH And MARKET. Bayadere yalenoias, Of X Mid 5 4 widths, for Fall and Winter dresses, at 873< and 44 cents. COOPER A CONARD, 001 l ' B. E. Corner NINTH & MARKET Sts JOUVIN’*S KID GLOVES. Ij. J. IiEJVY & CO. Have received, by the “ ABAGO,” FOUR HUNDRED DOZENS or LADIES’ * GENTLEMEN’S KID GLOVES, or JOUVIN’S MANUFACTURE. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT BT. oeS-H &C. Bailey & co., FomiamLT BAILET & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White ifarble Store, . 810 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their fall stook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of thepnhlie* SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WHOUSAU AID aiTAOi. Southing BOARDING.— An elderly Gentleman wishes BOARDING In a private family, where the oomforts of a home will be secured. Address A., at this office oo!6-4t* BOARDING.— Three elegant Chambers, with Private Parlor, to let, with Board, at No. 381 BROAD Street, below Bpruoe. Refarenee required. OOlfhSt* BOARD in a Private Family, with the com forts of a home, for Gentlemen and their wives, or single Gentlemen. Apply at No. 226 North TENTH Street. ocs-tnths-6t ; A GENTLEMAN and LADY, also Sin gle Gentlemen, may obtain Board at 712 Chest nut Street, opposite Masonic Hall. ocll-Mt* Semoualß. Removal.— o. o. sadlbr & ob. have removed from N 0.9 North Wpter Street 1 to; No., 108 ARCH street, second door above Front. ' : eel SDisaolntuma aitir CEcuarttieraliiiia. DISSOLUTION.— The Partnership here tofore existing between John H. Weaver and Abram d. Bosh, under the firm of JOHN H. WEAVER Sc CO., has THIS DAY been dissolved, by mutuil con sent. JOHN H WEAVER, ABRAMS. BUSH. Philadilphia, Oot. 1,1858. ocl4-3t# CO-PARTNERSHIP.— THE BUSINESS heretofore conducted by Hunt. Webster, Sc Co., will from this date be carried on under the style and firm of LADD, WEBSTER, & CO., who will continue the manufacture. and sale of Sewing Machines, the former in Boston, the latter at 820 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in the principal cities of the Union. September 1,1858. ee27-lm Carriagea. 0&BBIAGES. WM. 13. ROGERS. COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Olden for CARRIAGES from all part, of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. . eelS-Bmlf SDcnliotra. Dr. IV. S. MoILHENNET,Dentist, SjfgSr would Inform bis friends that ho has remmed piirtlM at No. 1348 CHESTNUT Street, second door above the U. 8. Mint. MP I - 8 ? WING’S FARINA CRAOKERS com. bine most excellent qualities, and a truly de- They ar?undoubtedly the most nourishing and hbil thy Crackers ever produced, and pecullaly pleasant for ohildren.’ With hot and cold dishes at lunch, they are particu larly nice, as well as with coffee and other drinks. Ask your Grocer for WING’B CRACKERS, and take none but those which are u.amped with the name of A. WING. These maybe procured of the best Family Grocers generally, and at wholesale only of A. N. THOMPSON* 00., Nos. 221 and 923 FULTON Street, New York, or, DINGED & BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, oe 9111818 4t No. 146 South FRONT Street, Philad’a. ; PHRENOLOGIOAL EXAMINA- TIONS, with written dworiptloM of character, yty including advice In reference to business, health, cKp;*"• Families visited when requested, and a liberal dis count made to clubs. . - . . .. MU-8m W 8 Chestnut it., Philadelphia, A MIDDLE-AGED MAN vviabea: a g»n«- il. tlon as COLLECTOR or AGENT/ I reference as to character. Ao, will be given ? A ALDIN, Blood’s Despatoh. . . . ccl>-b ■•••. TMTANTED.—A. Lady who. thoroiiddy. i:n -:T r -.. der?tands the Strawa&dFsnoy MlUiueiyb»> i nesi.dashes togoto a pleasant knAhealthful cou>»trv town in Pennsylvania; Adoresa LANCASTER, at this office; •' :. , ool6^t* a Wholesale Hosiery and . y»‘ - Fancy Goods House, A fitst-cljss Stlesmth, who einindqenoe a large amount of Kentucky Trade. Ad dress 80x’676 Ph»ladelphla:P. O - oc!4.6t* ANTED—This Ambnnt,' for which on a first-class im proved City Property and a liberal Interest will be given Address. “ S/W.j” 1014 Filbert Street, Phila delphla. oolA-Bt* - WAITED— An Entry Clerb,ln a Whole sale - Dry Goods Bouse; - Good references re quired. Address “L. M.,” Office of Th* Putt* ■ * oc!4-Bt#. IVfANTED.—A Tonng Lfldy, qoilifled to Teach r the Plain-Branches of an. English Education,, desires a .Situation in a private Academy. Address »<B 9 G., this Office; 'ocl4-Bt* se29*3m* •IM^ANTED—An Opportunity to Invest Z,\- $2,000 in a safe Business, on the product of a moderate will be Insured. Address u Trade,” Office of this Paper. ; oold Bt* TITAKTED—By a Gentleman of -Refined * * . Education, a Situation as Correspondent or*fe- • cretagTin a BrsUclas* Insurance or Railroad Office. Un doubted references will be given. Addreu ‘‘ Edmunds,” at this Office. 1»- A XODNG.MAN, a Good Penman and , Aceonntant,' well posted in Double Entry Book keeping/desires to obtain a sltnation where his ser vices would lead to an advancement.. Unexceptionable Oitr references can bo given. Address “J.D ,” Office of TAc Press. - oc^t*^ TM7*ANTED,—A young man, who has had v v. .. four years’ experience in a Wholesale Drag House J wiehes a •Uua'.ion as SALESMAN. '' TheTbest ox tMtimontalewiUVdgiTMi. Address SALESMAN, offles of TkePress. oc!2-«* VXf ANTED—To Rent, for the winter sea- . y v. son, with Immediate, posresslon, a Furnished house of.moderate else.'with modern improvements, west of Tenth street. Address M.,offioe of this. l ' paper. : •?• v VI7"ANTED, FOE THE UNITED STATES V■¥ CAVALRY—AbW-todi*!, wanted m«a f to whom will be gIT« good pij,_ botri, clothing, tad medleel Pay from .fU to 1 SSB Mr month. Kom*n having a wife or child win be aeeetnad. .Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at Ho 817 MARKET Street, •bore Eighth, north «id». : W. TH. UAGBUDEBf let Lient. Ist Dragoon*, Recrniting Oflloet. iSbnuscments. QKAWD CONCERT. MUSICAL FUND BALL. MONDAY .EVENING, October 25th. B. SPALDING Am the honor of uwoonoiiiff tint tio BemmsedPiAoiet; •-• 'v- MB. GUSTAV BATTKB, together with the following eminent attUtee, film*. BERTHA JOHANN3BN, . DliJnrolihedPrlma Donna. Mils MARIA 8. BRAINERD, American Prime Dodos from New Tork, * ' <- Oratorio* and Ooncerte. Mr. W H DXXJNETT, , Primo B&mo, recently returned from Italy. Mr. J; P. TAUNT, The Popular American Tenor. Prof OLABJB H V BBAMBS. Will appear In grand Oonoert as above. In order to inaere a large' attendance, the Manager will distribute among the audience, several hundred valuable: present*, particulars of which-will appear la future announcement.. ' octlft-2t A MERIC AN* ACADEMY OP MUSIC, XM. BROAD AND LOCUST Streets. . .THE GREAT RAVELS! SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 10, 1859, PLEUR DB MARIE. Mons.De Germeuilyfranco!* Ravel; Jean, P. Bril- H nt; Pleur da M&rie.Yrea Mathias. The magnificent Pair? Pantomime, entitled BIANCO; OR. THE MAGIC SWORD, Blanco, Don Albino’s Valet, Gabriel Ravel; ■ Brocolo, a Gardener. Francois Ravel. To commence with dashing and graceful EVOLUTIONS ONMB TIGHT ROPE. . :; Admission-Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Baloonjr, 60 een<s; family Olrcle'aodAmphitheatre, 25 oenta. • Seats can be secured from 10 A. U. to 4 P. M. with oat extra charge. Children under 10 years half price. .MRS.: D. P. BOWERS* WALNUT-ST. ITjL THEATRE; oorner of NINTH and WALNUT Afreet. SATURDAY EVENING, October 18,1668, ' • ; ’STILL WATERS RUN DEEP. ' John Hildmay,: Mr. Conway; Captain Hawkesley, Mr. Keach; Mrs. Mildmay, Mi*s Riching*. THE 80N 07 THE NIGHT. Ben Leil, Mr. P. B. Conway;Dnk6 Dorato, Ur. H. A. Perry; Bravadura, Mr. McDonough: Price* of admission—Second Tier and Family Circle, and Third -Tier, 26 cents; Parquet, 87# cents; Drees Cirole, 60 cents; Private Boxes, according to their locale, 88 and 85; Single heats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 75 cents., •> Doors open at quarter before T o’clock; Curtain rises at 7 o’clock ‘ TITHE ATLEY & CLARKE’*>AROH-ST. T V J,THEATRE.—WiIIiam B. Predericka, ActinguA ~ Stag© Manager. SATURDAY'EVENING. October 1«, 2869, WHEEL OF POBTUNE. * Sir David-Dair, Ur./Jr:B . Clarke; Sydenham, Ur. Wheatley;>..Mrfl. Woodrille, Mrs, Gilbert; Emily • Tempest, Hra;John Drew. • > V- r, ‘ ! OHABD*S‘Xni- Mr. DfilmuT as 'King. Charles XXI, of Sweden. Admission, 25 cts. Secured Beata in Dress Girds, 8T If eta; Orchestra Stalls, 50 ots; Seats In Private Boxes, Th ota; Gallery, 18 ota; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 eta j Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persona, 88 etas Whole Private Box, 83. < v i i > » Coorsopen at quarter before 7 o’clock; eommaseeat 7#,precisely. . ;. . CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STRJSBT ABOVE TWELFTH ' ' TO* SIXTH WEEK! OF SANDSR&ON’S COLOSSAL lIXU3TRATIOHB OF 781 -V RUSSIAN WA R * On MONDAY, October U, and EVERY EVENING during the week. Also, on SATURDAY AFTERNOON. The whole acoompanied by a -CELEBRATED BRASS-BAND. . Admission 25 cents: Children 12 cents. Doom open at 7 o’clock. Performance at a quarter of So’clock.Beeprogramme. : ocil-5t A SSBMBLY BUILDINGS,TENTH AND *3L CHESTNUT St«ete. ;* Here again! Return of the old favorite, ; SIGNOB BLITZ; - • New and Comical SeesM in VENTRILOQUISkf. Extraordinary Magical Demonstrations, and the LEABNED OANABY BIBDB. Open every Evening during the week, at half-paaWf o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons at 8. Admlsalon, 25cents; Children r l3cents. se24-lm# jVATIONAL HALL—MARKET STREET. 11 LAST WEEK BUT OMB OB J. Xiaoo Williams’s celebrated PAKOBAJU 07 THE BIBLE. Tbla magnificent PAINTING commences withOhao*| and continues dovn in historical order to the Babylo niah Captivity, containing more than fifty of the moat sublime and interesting soanea la the Bible. ■ . Exhibition BYEBY EVENING. Door* open at Tj to commence at a quarter before 8 o’clock precisely. . Ticket. 25 oenn—to be kad at Ball door* Ca&dre under 10 years 16 cents. - Alao. Exhibitions on WEDNESDAY and BATCTB DAY AfTEBNOONS for families and school*. Soot* open at 2 i to eommenoe at 8 precisely. Explained by Professor TIBBITTB DR. COGGSWELL’ 8 antiphlogis- TIO SALT.—Be It'koiown to all afflicted with Inflammatory Diseases; that this Medioine ie prescribed forthatoUFsofdiie-sesonly. It cares them by pro ducing an equilibrium of all the fluids in the body, , the want of which is the sole Cause of Inflammation. It has bntonealm, and this it perfectly accorop iahrs. For testimonials and directions, see the c ire alar which may be obtained (xom any Druggist. Depot, 201 SOCK fit. DR. OOGGSWEIiL’* MEDIOAL SALT— The great remedy for Inflammatory Diseases, and those only. Dr. ooggswell’ B medcal salt— Equalizes the circulation without the bloodor strength. DR. GOGGSWFLL ,b MEDICAL SALT— Oorss Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Fjta, Fevers, Headache, and the like. Dr. COGGSWEIiL’ 8 HEDIOAL SAI.T— Gores any and all torma (mark this!) of Inflaxnma matory Disease. . Dr. coggswell’ B medical salt— Depot, 202 DOCK street. Any Information or advice free’y given. TXR. COGGSWELL* 8 MEDICAL SALT— is sold by all Druggists. Ask any of them for a Oironlar. od6 3tt Hartshorne's cure-all—the GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK BTOMAOH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. . Bottles 12#, 86 and 60 cents. THEi .GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SOIBNOS! . .. HABTSHOBNE’S CURE-ALL should he kept in AM families, in case of accidents or sudden sickness. H ARTSHOBNE’S CURE-ALL cares Rheumatism. HARTSHOBNE’S CURE-ALL oores Cramps, Cholic, Pains in the Stomach or Bowels. . HABTSHORNE } B OURE-ALL cures Ealni in the Limbs, Bide, Back and*Breast. HARTSHOBNB’O CURE-ALL cures Sprains, Bruises, B ARTSHORNB’8 CURE-ALL cure* Neuralgia, Toothaohe and Stiffness in the Joints. HABTSHOBNE’S CURE-ALL cues Cholera, Diar rhoea and all Pain. . HARTSBOBNE’S OURE-ALL cures Bar Ache and Deafness from a cold. HABTSHORNE ’8 CURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia and Indigestions also, Canker and Sore Month and Sore Throat. UAUTBHOBNB’B OURE-ALL cures all Spinal Affec tions and Weakness In Limbs.- HABTSHORNB’S CURE-ALL is a great tonic to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. 10* As the frequent changes of theweather produce a had Oold, Rheumatism, Pam in the Limbs and Body; also, Stiff Neck—every, person should get a bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood and Bones: and, by Its warming electro-magnetic power, ex pels all pain from the system. Get a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at its happy * Sofiwnnvwju N.B. If you have a Oengh, use HARTSHOENR>B Feotoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it toth. l»«t Cough Byrnp in tie World. Bottle., 26Md 68oente.andff ■ If you are Billions, use 11 AIITBIIOKKK 8 AHTI BILLIOUB FILLS. They aot upon tie Lrwr, BtomMta and Bowels, dArryingoff BUeMdFo^nlßeOTtions. Saiea SSeeuts. Soldby. R. H. JaRJUNb, lio. SS SOUTH BWMH Street, • Between Market and Ohestcut Streets. Simes* Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. Garrlgues*, Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner’s. Tenth and Lombard sts. anlB-tb s tndtf if ZOLLICOFFER’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC ■ CORDIAL Is the.only preparation ever placed be fore the publio that has performed se many MIRACULOUS CURBS INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. The most prominent and influential citizens bear wit ness of its effloaoy. The abandant evidence from all parts of the country Is enough to warrant us in pro- \ Bouncing that it Is the greatest wonder of the age. •• Itisan internal remedythat* rlkesattherootoftha disease, and thus eradicates it entirely from the system. Prepared by THEODORE DILKB, Chemist, Northeast oornsr of Pine and Bixtii steects. OC 7-8m Philadelphia. .Conductor, Medicinal.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers