The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 16, 1858, Image 1
vi. " ifS' oliib.i* ' .. ; ■■; * ~«ta^ \&s 1 ill -v \ . M% SI ?! -• -'v :, KVI ! ,- ••4|k^f3^@^ia^iMi^f> i '‘t'vi-. I--' V ' '■ V\ '.'J'i* ,-^e.Watiy/mj^jbgDeirjMl^UoiUti.»ur fitook '■; -*, Auction YorJkjin* Pltf ;' ' J '4 : '^S®*^ l i^^ kl, 'Vo‘J , Mt:,reoeiT§di--ji J Wfc*4ifW''Jot of * -?. % JfXOJTBfiS-^iiUKATHERB!.’ nini ;•; .»SB&HSHw$ ,l *'**!'"» orStU(4to>*^foa«Mßr*Sl» -.- -jiioBert^^^^t«^t,Wv , iV*j'^“*;c‘,tf^' ; "i'i^/' i 'v'. ; -V l 'jgtafitil-;:/-} -- - -<■- ii&£wsT. i'ii-it-Si’Wa o’/f^i'S^ - Bo*s BgOOND StrteVT ? qASES: ‘ } STBAW- : BOljtNßTßj\} I ‘f-i■ s i 'X, XXiV. - ‘ ®oop' ; iTTLM: ’ SOlfeBßcb)ro:S!feßE®T,T , r ,7 . . Boot* fcboiteCheitdnt. STHBBT.:-too ■ ,-.^'''.' i/ •t'* l ••.- if;*?. -** v */.**•*s eomyUto and _ I&?'A ' - '' f f 7'' ' '■. „ JU.BB.ONB, iia tmmgpit T*ri»fr,~ * ' - ' ; v ' " . : ,“-1 -'- ,u xi *SJ; j 't-.-y. <•’>} &V.'N>*,*iv ** " ‘ ■ a^Einr' : ©X)o i> s ; ?, ?»*p 4;. ; ■ -DHAUiRfI from adlH^nc«,wlio'may not bs awij* - in OOT otf ' MAkkkT’ BllißKTjlwUlvbflaQflt ■ themaalrea by a ;,v.S v.^**;?■?* f- '*; ‘ ?J -\' -- \ -/ ' •'-i ■,. w-i v* ] ’' f ’"'■' r - " ■ '.. OEB B T N U I Bjr : R*E *: ■ Baj«* of-OARPKTtNGB' will find, im«ig; otir Neir Zarop^ :^^g>|b^]^ . ■■t,»MC«'-;~r*f:.-.' ;' , :- ". iS ', ■:-■■» ■ owE ;i)oi , |;i* ; i’Js* Yi*i.. ,: .;. j : ~ ;",.' . • ohbisi ; n ut;?SSi ** >,• • : • No/ »a« fHIBXHWT STBBBX, : J -, \ "t - H t ’-J-p• V■: r£; 4 .CARPETINGS, ,••• /-'< PBXCKaVQBBATBy-jBBDPOBD.' 1 - '? .■-•*•*.•■• //v • .;■':>• -• v ";. - . ikzr/^X'j 4 *** l ~i l zi'XV r .‘ _ 1/ ' VBHITIAHB, AND MWKB OKADM, '- ' ; ;i; r" ~r l ■.r ;: '; 5 ' -■,■ *‘, ' "^' Of «hos<» ftjlM Bal»ptrof MmiMfMtnre,- «m«t»iitlr .■ Kir .:i i/ea, X nlO toeM l;No»J 13 6 «ia ISO CHKgIMPT «. ; Kof AOTDttEBg ANP WHftLE3ALH I)*ALSEB .■■ - ;V i 7rr'"'r:'f-r ; 'rr- '- r . r BOOTS AND SHOES, * » N. W.. Corner THIBD swd ABOH StTOeto,' fjTAbL STOOKii 'i K T; ;,-i - ■ ■■' l v: ■ - - ■ ■■’- - _.',y Jlkd . V:I •' v ! /'tutl's *at e liiteloi/Eiribßft! - •• -- --V.,- '•- ••-•'W» a f-,l>-v-.-'VK'S f ■ Un iov n bio*»|a •“*W* 8 „-: ; '; : - r ,ir :YM l atoos#*- - •>• 0» ■ or co •\jgOCK' 3 ;swp^HQ?sS^so]ji(ubwrS« '• ■M^ ! io«<r^oi?¥ t ® 9 ; 'MiinatatarTug :: .: : -y T firindfAWni- M'J', ffia&f,gygfc ilipP^Pffiip iyjtera#w«w!»ls?@. ;^ PBroEa 'i’BOM socxa. upttabdi, SB;ti&- * ‘- 3 Soots on& : 8l)oto. *f: Joseph. ; h.;;ibpmp|9h :*: oa, ~, ; ,KofBX«MAItKET BTBEM, /V;.!;!;, -f ' V- t- fnx fitir.-is sH's-i: :-i '-v'^"‘ r Vv'''■ '.r-Vr't, K»7?/-^; •.f'rys -ixWiiiiir mi I. V l -/* Ml V*’ J r- o r;a~Ri ./if-s-.W’&l- Vr* I *-.' tPllolcsale glrg gSocfra. > GOODS. ' t,;.;, SHIPLEY, HAZARD, , *£••?:. f.--; MABINBB snaiß vOSNABOTOHS. FLANNELS, . BBOWtf.'BtJEAOItED, AND COLOttBD MUSLINS, J-In’elleHdthaTrotnthe ' BALTIC MAN’G 00., . BATES JIAN’G CO., : NORTHTILLE DO. */ a XQWELL-J>o. .■ , BAIHBILLp6. V- J : WEB! BOYLBTON BO. : *= -I! T-» _r "AJiuL. 4; «. ; ! Templeton Mills ftoukinSeu , "--T Caafllmorel, -WooSnVd • do. do. do,„. c-Saxon/Mill. , do.. . do. do. ■ > Togeihernith alirgoeaaortmontof desirable Foreign npOiDEALERS IN OH. CLOTHS. . ■ •. - kaTlngknperior facilities for Mena *w^*?r- r ■ •••••/."'■ i-VSi FLOOB, TABLE, STAIR, end . / . . , t «4B-.i^y^<:.^ o j^^o , E’:jßiL,OLqsHS,. - ,It'n(rw prepered to .offer greet Inducements to Bayers fromell parts ofthe country. - . A lerge end choice Stock Constant!/ on head, f e 'o;rest'oSrd,wlll selecting'. Beg'. . wlo 6rd<skb/mall.-,', ' . . . .. ■ ■■ ■' * ; v.. :;WAB*aoDSB, Hoi 829 ABOH Street, PMIe. . POTTEB.'UapuMurer. 1 SMITH) ; * • • 1. MAMUFAOTUREBfI OF '* \'• #7%Q THS. ' WAREHOUSE}, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, V, - Orraa to the trade * fall stock of Floor Oil Oloths. Mediant awfeitra qftalitj enamelled Muslin'Drills ana Table Oil neff sfrierf; green glased Oil Cloth foMdado* elude*: "* - , \i' ‘ , , ■ r ■ >*66nslefe isMortimmtof Winddw Shades, trimmings, -4e. i ’ 7 We Unite theattentiou of dealers to v our stock. - aal&-2m _ 4 . . i . LINENS, .< * WOOILENS, v,; STDS? GOODS, jpjwiral assortmentof %■<. PALL DRY GOODB V W BAY » &. 0.1 LL X LAN, auBl-tuth»JMt irißlLtS & SHEETINGS FOR EXPORT. wL*BROWN, BLEAvJHKD.* fiLTTK LKILLS. 7 * HEAVY & LIGHT DRILLS, * •flnltible for Export, for tilts by « ;\Y&OTHINGHAM&WELLS, - Yt. U South FRONT ST., f:*S-LETITIA ST. ' >:•-* <■ : ; ' OClfi-lf i TRADE, 1858* - S£jL*'.V?,-0-\> > * \ ' ■*< " . V ! V:' , :‘ 7 8 l rAPi'E iirD. , ’tANor ' I rir goods ; ; AT WHOLESALE.. , DRESS GOODS OFNEWEST STYLES, SHAWLS ' • ; •• . OF EVERY VARIETY. I HEBINOS, COBUBGS, MUSLIN UN LAINBS, ; VELVETB,.BILKS, ALJAOAS, ginghams, -! OLOiHS, .OABaiMERES, SATINETS, VESTINGS, ) ikANNELS,PRINTB,BBEACHEDAND’ BROWN - jwiUl A complete Lins of : . ‘ ;j. V; •;• * EMBROIDERIES, |And otherstjlei of Goodiml&pteiDto» : j , Fi a*B T-0 L ASST RAPE, . !aU of which are <tfered for *rie Cheap, ; j W. *G. OHITTIOK & 00., I 438 MAHKET iMJ 433 MKItOHANT ST. ,i' imlT-tatltMtgmAy2M , ~ - <, ■Six. />-v jJIOHABDSONfS, KISH. LINENS, DAMASKS,. DIAPERS, Ato. ;iOQNpUMgBfI.of,BIOIIABDgUNfS LINENS, udUon lttuagefihflin, -.1 A. • WO)M»DSON, SONS, fc OWDEN, iAsjn guarantee gf .the aoundneee and dnnbility of the :v-*.» «■' '* ;• qnlntitfes of inferior and defective Linens axe prepared, •aabon after sealed J with’. the.' name of RlpllAßDSON.'byXriah honse*, who . regardlM* of the mjfcry thyjJnfiieUd alike on ihe f Americin consumer and the mShnfaotnrera of tho* genulneGotods, will not reajmyffcbandon'm'businesa eo profitable; while pur chasers lmbOded on with Goode of a worthless ” J.BOLLOOKE it J.B* * K ‘:] Agenfoj 8d ogPßoH.Btreft, flay, YoikC 1 ' ipfs ©coji^. iJvjADIES’ DEESS TRIMMINGS, BERLIN ZEPHYR, , . v .V. SHETLAND WOOL, - ; TJ EMBROIDEBED.SLIPPERS, - FRINGES, &■€,) OLOsiNG pUT, TO 'BUSINESS. . Tie Sahseriber willcomnionoe- closing oat his fieent stock on' •‘;. ~, | MONDAY, .1868, ' At prices that will induce Parchseera to supply them- Mires with A'fiiU jwsortment of • • \ TRIMMINGS ./-Hie whole Stook,comprising MANY.NOVBLTIBB, togeiWirHh ft full Itas'of 3 ‘ ‘ ; 1 . _.s TAD, L S ~QOO » S, rt Wfll besold low prices, until closed oat. ) . ' :,:: ‘ | JAMES, ,£ I .IT H ARD, ‘V ' "V*!' No: 729 CHESTNTtJT Street, iS dobw >l. EIGHTH, north side. UPBEAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOPDS.— t B.V. B. HUNTER Haa.REMOVED from No. 80 to Noi 40 Booth SECOND Street, where he ip now. prepared to furnish Ibe Ladies with ft fresh and well-selected stock pf ! , ' DBBBB GOODS,' . To which he invites their attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW PRICES. - N. B —A large assortment of Broche, BteUa, and French Blanket Shawls'. Also, a variety of Bilk and Cloth Circulars Oomtantly on the ' v . . CLOAK-EMPORIUM,” M o©sflm . No. 40 Booth SECOND Street. * UOTION BARGAINS offloe. FRENCH Jim. Goods and . . : : . BEoonß.sitAWM,.., . - '. From tha two great Kalo. of HKNNEQUIN & C0.,- ini THEIBON, HAILhARD, & 00. ’ CHAR L E S AD AMS .Has now’arranged In tils ' ’■ BHAWL AND ’MERINO ROOM A'large assortment of auper , „ . , BROCHE LONG AND BQUABB. SHAWLS that cannot be surpassed for beauty, of design and style :of‘coloring, &nd at pt icea mnch, below the,usual rates. - Splendid do with wool Chain. - r ; Soper Silk Plush Shawls. - Thibet do Plash Borders. . Round Corner Stellas. $5 to $l2. V.Square ’ do. all kinds. v , - •> Black and Square Shawls. High colored Bmelines at 37,£0 6-4 French ' Merinoes, High and Plain colors, at 63, 76, $l/ * ’ 7'B«p*r White d« *« *l. '-Black do ' do at 700, and 88c. ' , 6-6 Cashmeres 75c. to $l. ' Ait immediate examination is requated. •- oc2-eod-tf : ' EIGHTH'and ARCH Streets. Q.KEAT ATTRACTION I OVERSMOO WORTH-QFBHAWLB FROM WHICH ■.:r < ■’ to U AKB A SELECTION. - w • ; THORNLBY * OHIBM. , N. », eor.EWHTH andBPRING GARDEN Btreets, --. Here the best SHAWL Stock In Philadelphia. They would respectfully .call attention to-, o following Tory 'Cheap lots. rls: - r- 46 LONG BROOHB SHAWLS at $ 8 each. _AO Do. do. do. at 10 ‘ -30 Do." • do. at II ‘ ‘ a Do. f . do-, v ■ ‘do. at 12 “ 'lO Do. . . 4oi ■ do. at IS- “ J 20 Do,'- . doi . do. -t 14 “ .-., 20 Do.-- do. do. at-16 “ -’ ' 8 DO.- A. - do; ■- ' do. at 18 “ ' -.'. 'A DO. do. do., ~ at 20 “ : i' 8 D0.,. r do, do. .at 2S “ .In tho sboya Lota of Lung Broche Shawls will he found arery desirable color of centre.; BBAHTIPtIL fITBtLA SHAWLS .7' -;- ’ - Ffbzh $3 to $l2, lh every .color. ’-French blanket Shawls ,lnneif;de«lgos. - ‘-Plain’Thibet Shawls, Bfinafe and Long. --'BealCanton'OrapoShawls,Platband Embroidered. Shawls, Misses’ Shawls, and Gentlemen’s -So’HIiBY A CHISM’S, • w~ - “ONB.PRIOB ! OASHBiqRS.V;_ _ ■ stock of 'SUka now on, hand. sslS-tf ' drlss goods. .Xi /-Black’All-Wool MopsaeUneß, 2S to 11 fi oonts; Vt Bl|?k Iffhoh Merinofl, '/-“rßlaok Betnbitiheß/ ~ Blttk Bllke ftni-AJpacM..- .■> 6 ’Blft<jkl4pe-VeUa,round corner... . OOOPEB A OONARD, : .ocll - 8. E. corner NINTHA MARKET. KEN’S -AND; ROYS’ WEAR. - -..Cloths, Oaasimorsa; and Batineta'. "■ -, Bit Velvet and other Vestings. 1 : ; German Hosiery. ’ ■ 'tJnaershlttt end Drawers. 1 -, ;v: , -•Linen, Otmbtlc, snd Bilk Pooket nendkeroWefl. .’,■>*> JSSSS. B ®’* OONABDi ; . peUii ■-» B,B,-eomSrNINTH * HABEIT Btti VERMIIaIiION ahd iTTI.TRA? PJ HAIIINB BLUR, especially imported for Psintors ■■rtdTHntefSjJflrt uptnl and for salo bj ■.'"oeii-ihl* . .';SMDOORs*^^p stain. BLANKETS, ; TBBIINaS,Ao., &e. for wle on farornble terma by 1210HBSTNUT STREET. Differences* .. BV THS B4HD OF TOWBB HALL. There' are all-importanttoplca •That engross thepublio mind. And antagonistic) parties We at ev’/y cornerflnd, • • Who are mystified by shadows, And are to the substance blind.’ First of all we hare thb'blergy, Who their doctrines ably teach j, Sectarian guide-boards rearing' Ih the sermons tUat they preaohj' Pointing out the md'ny pathway! To one heaven all, would, reach. Then wo bare the politicians, Those so often crossed In breed, That each party has an anti - <. ■' ToeaohotAer'partr’s breed— Wl*h oneony aim Jn common— At tbe'pnbifc cribs to' feed. Then, again, wehave the lawyers-; Men to give us legal light; What le black to, one attorney, ... To another must be white; For the fee-bestowing client Will be erer in the right. Then we have the skilled physicians, v :„. Api the sick ones .to them go; Someß&f-this mod that their ailment, Bat u many say, *> not so And while dDotoraare disputing. i Death will lay the patient* low- Than we hare the’sturdy farmers, The produciflgsoos o r toll Some will say ft fertilizer • • Has enrlohed their barren »- U, While their neighbors who hate tried It, Say, “ the land ’twill surely spoil. We here authors and hare artists,* ~ Those without the “gUtdlVlhe,” . Arid a ftw whose draft* are honor’d AtParnaaaUi, by the Nine; These will beam as stars in heaven. Those, as glow*worms, faintly shine. Best of all, we haye,ttie mechanics, And they differ, hntagroe . That the mon should be encouraged, • 'And should well'rewarded be, Who construct the marts of commeros, ‘ And the ships npon the sea Who build the stores for traffic, Where the merchants count their gain, And erect In towns and cities " Homes where love and peace may reign, Where we taste the choicest blessings Han can here, on earth, attain. Then we should the sons of labor' Ever hold in high regard, . For their hearts are warm and tender, .. Though their busy hands are hard, And their nobio deeds are subjects Worthy of a bettor bard.' Hen wiU differ In opinions Uponsome things—not in all; For in buying clothing, needed >On account of Adam’s fall, Lo! -the millions are united ' - Upon Bennett’s Tower Hall. JUra ®ooi>a Jobbers. 1858 PALL GOODS. 1858 Tm Subscribers beg leave to inform their friends, end country merchants generally, that their stock of HOSIERY, . GLOVES SHIRTS, 1 DRAWERS, WOOLLENS, and SMALLWARBS, Is now Complete, comprising their usual assortment, and which they will seU atthe lowest market rates. They would especially oall attention to their stook of 1 BUOKJ9KIN GLOVJSB AND MITTENS? Comprising the HANOVER, GERMANTOWN, JOHNSTOWN, AND OTHER DESIRABLE MAKES, Whloh they have purchased directly from the Menu* (actorera for cash, and are now prepared to sell at reduced rates. SHAFFNEB, ZIEGLER, h 00 IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, 36 N. EOURTK Street, PhUadelpUft, Near the Merch&nta’ Hotel. gttXTH, MURPHY, & 00., 387 MAKKKT BT. AND 228 OHUROH ALLBY, Am now opening ▲ JBBBH STOCK . STAPLE AND PANG? DRY GOODS, , To irhieb they Inrltottia attention of GASH AND PROMPT SHORT TIME BOYBBB. Tbiuouihu, Augu.t, lies. ao2t-2m. j t. Way & go., NosV 2901 MARKET Street and 10 CHUBOH Alley. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS DRY GOODS, Aw now folly prepared for th# TALL TRADE. ’ ? " VARIETY A»D PBIOJBS, Will bo found to offer odrnhtage* to Imyfcn, nnsar pQMod by any other la thla country. , anil-3m KNOWLES, • ~ IMPORTERS and wholesale dealebs HOSIERY, GLOVEB AMD FANCY GOODS, (HIT* MHOTIO 10) K<*. 430 MARKBTAND '423 MERCHANT BTB., And hare jtut opened a NEW AND 00B1PLET1 STOCK OF GOODS, expressly adapted to FALL TRADE, To whloh the ftttention of their customers and FIBST ' CLASS BUYERS is invited. aulY*dfoovl gOHAPFER & ROBERTS, No. 429 MARKET STREET, nitTOBTBBS AMD JOBBIES OP HOBIERY, GLOVBS, ‘ SMALL WARES, COBIBS, BRUSHES, TAIEOBS* TRIMMINGS, LOOKINQ-GLABBB3, GERMAN AND FRRNOH FANCY GOODS. a024-2m ... , .fertiliser*. pHOSFHATIO GUANO. 2,000 BARRELS AND BAGS FROM SOMBRERO ISLAND, ta Store and fee salt by JOS* B. HANSON & CO., ■•. MS North WATER Btroct, and Ne. 196 North DELAWARE Avenue. Silucr ttlorß. I L YE R "WARE. WM. WILSON & SON, Having completed the alterations to tholr store, invite speolal attention to their stock of Silverware, which is now unusually large, affording a variety of pattern and design, unsurpassed by any house In the United Btates, FINER QUALITY THAN ANY MANUFACTURED FOB TABLB USB IN ANY PABT OF THE WORLD. Our standard of BllverJ* 985-1000 parts pure The English Sterling i 5.... The American and French 15... 900-1000 “ Thus, it will be aeen thut w. give 38 parts Bncr th*n the American and French coin, and 10 parts finer than the English sterling. We melt all our own s«o«r,omi our foreman being connected with the refining depart ment of the United States Mint for several years, we guarantee the quality as above (985), which is the finest that can be made to be serviceable , and will re- sist the action of acids much better than Hie ordinary silver manufactured. WM. WILSON & SON, S. W. comer FIFTH and CHERRY, N.B,—Any fineness of silver manufactured, ua agreed upon, but positively none inferior to the American and French standard. (Sbncatiottal. TENNENT-SOHOOL — HARTSVXLLE, PENNSYLVANIA.' BOYS .FITTED FOR COLLEGE. . . —“OR—w BUSINESS. MIXT TSB¥ OOUXXHOHS KOVEUBER.S. . M. LONG, FansoiPAi.. Reference*—Rev, 'Albeit Barnes, Lewis r. Abh BDBST, Esd., Hon I Chab. Ji'FAULXiEft, Virginia, Hon. Hbnst OBAfUAtf.’’ see-eod6w# DINING SALOON, Corner of THIRD Bt. and HARMONY OOUBT, Has been dosed,for several day. past, in order to bo regenerated - and disenthralled. It will bo opened on MONDAY next, 20th Inst., with improvements and al terattons which will astonish , the town.. The host hsa thrown his'soul into the task of Iron seal, and wo think that bia efforts ! wiii inset with, universal approbation, Vfksn reopened It will bo a niidcl oatabUshmsnt. - - eell-tf { > ? iimuwm ytMttV.vv.w rtjs«s^«e»* ,^,^;{^*^'t?^‘s^f!?. #war '*' '- '' v, '-“r"_'. f -, \'• * ,' -- * --•'— -:- - . -.► •• " - - - PHnADELPHIA» VKIXAX, OCTOBER ; J6, : :1858.;;/;' TJETERSONS? COUNTERFEIT DETEO JT TORi AND DBEXEL’B BANK-NOTE LTBT. —The Semi-monthly number, for October 16< id this dfty pub lished. It contains an engratlogof the designs upor* the, NEW' SPUMOUS BANK-NOTB -;r : .Which Dbb been altered to the . V'", 1 BUBLIHaTONgiANIt OF.HBW. fgRBEIr t - ’ ; PEOPLE'S BANK'OF BOXBOKY, MASS., >l. BBASIIB BANK. 0» BOSTON.:’. 't ■' •' ?: . MBBOHANTSUiANK OP BOSTON, ' r;{ and no'doubt will bo Altered to various other Bataks. ! Also,' description} pf t .<* ■ -*• - r . .«• that bare bepn put in oirculation'.Biaeo the ipsue of oar last number, many.of which have nefrer been do*; scribed m any Detector. . 5 ■ ’ 'Philadelphia Counterfeit Detector is esteemed, and most pj'oper.Jy, too, the most reliable now. published ' The Petersons are not conneCtcd wHh any; of the-miserable- wild' oat-concerns with whiohUhe/ country has been Hooded and cursed, and, consequently, the their * Deteotor»-may be relied oh' as the true value of Bank notes at the time of publica tion. vrntr. > > J . Terms 0/ Su&ieffption to Petersons' Philadelphia . ' Counterfeit Detector:. ■ '* ' *'• Monthly,per annum..,,sl.oo - per annum..,,.....Jt0Q- 5 . Subscriptions may commence at any time . Terms al ways cash in advance All lettera must be addressed to T. B PBTBBBON 800 CHESTNUT St, Philadelphia, (fILEASON’e ■ • a* . , New weekly - •*. kINE-OF-B ATTLE SHIP. The object, of .this paper is .to present, every - week, an agreeable mclaxqbo? the~ notable events and liter ature of the time. Its ample- columns' Trill always contain a goodly store of 1 popular Original Tales, sketches of Adventuro on Sea' and Land, and Poetic Gems, by the BEST AMERICAN AUTHORS. - * * • - • Also, the cream of domestic and foreign news, so condensed as to present the largest possible amount' the intelligence of tit* day j the whole well spiced with. „ ‘ WIT AND HUMOR. In politics, and upon all sectarian questions, it will be strictly neutral. Esch edition will be * - ' BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED with accprate Engravings, by eminent Artists of potable objects, carrent events in all parts of* the' world, and the national customs and social peculiar!-* ties of every people It will contain views of every important City, of edifices of note in the Eastern and Western hemispheres, of all the -principal ? ships A™. £ l eauierB - the Navy -an 1 Merohant • Befvlbe: * with,floe, accurato portraits of-every great publlo' character, male and female. Sketches of-pictnresdne soenery, represontations of * Life on the Wave,” and exact illustrations of admirable or curious - Bpsciinens fester a^ma * kingdom,-will also be given. 1 One'great -GLEASON’S • - • . LINE-OF-BaTI‘LE SHIP ’ will consist of a- <( broadside” of humorous engravings! executed by the best Artists in- that line, and aimed good naturedly, and in a spirit of genial fan, at the reigning follies of the sge, and such new public pro jeots, fashions, and occurrences, as shall seem te be fit subjects for comia illustration. AN UNRIVALLED CORPS OF CONTRIBUTORS* J have been engaged, and every department will be con ducted under the moat efficient aud perfect System that* experience can suggest. This popular journal will be : printed upon fine satin-surface paper, from new and beautiful copper-faced type, manufactured ex pressly for us, and will present in its mechanlcul execuV tion the most acceptable evidence of the. progress'or size or this elegant specimen or art will be about 1,500 square inches—eight superteyal quarto pages. 6 • * ' • _ „ , TERMS. $2 PER ANNUM: The first camber of this new illustrated Paper will be for sale on the IbT’Dat of Novhubbb hbxt, &t all the prlAcipal Periodical and News -Agencies and re a* fianadas ilterarjr Attain the* United State* and the OLE AEON’S #itt ... htNE-OP.BATTLE SDIP will be published regularly every Saturday, at GLEASON’S PUBLISHING HALL, Comer of Tremont and Bloomfield Street*, Boston, Massachusetts, By F. GLEASON. * A. WINCH, 820 Ohestout Street, Philadelphia. oeli-d3*&W3t General Agent. npHIRJ) EDITION now: ready. X TB* PUBLIC AND PRIVATE HISTORY Off NAPOLEON THE THIRD. DY SAMUEL 81, BMUOKER, A. Al. OPIHIOHB OF THi HaSSS. Written with ability: and is. quite interesting.— [Phils. City Item. ' ~. Mr;Smucker’s volume is a good one, and will be *o pronounced by the majority of.readers —[U. S. Journal. New York,- - .. , 1; ‘ It is the most complete biography ot Hie French Emperor vet published —[Baltimore Republican. . . This volume presents us with Interesting dehrila'of the private and publlo career of the most successful ad venturer.of th(s«ge fN. Y. Ersngelist. It Is a work of thrilling interest and great historical value.—[Arthur’s Home Msgarine. . . .. This work does full and ample justice to the subject.' —[Phil* Dispatch. It Is au ably writton work, presenting a full and com- Slete history of the remarkable career of the French Imperor IntelPgeucer . . . . Mr. Bmucker is a leading American writer of popular historical works: this Lite of Napoleon 111 is very In foresting.—[Gtanam’s Mng&ttae Mr. Smacker has here ptoduced a master-piece of historical composition [Godey’s Lady’s Book. It is complete, thorough, and artiitta.-*-[MohAwk Register. style is a model of elegant composition.—[Phlla, GIFT.-BOOK STORE, ' ocl- f sAtu th a 439 CHESTNUT St. npHB AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL X UNION PUBLISHES KOBE VHAM ONE THOUSAND - CHOICE ILLUSTRATED 'BOOKS FOB CHILDREN AND YOUTH, Being the Largest Collection in the Country. THEY ARB VOW PUBLIKHHa A NEW BOOK EVERY BATOBDAT MORNING. Elegantly illustrated Catalogues may be had without oharge, by addressing TUG AMERICAN t»UNDAY*SOHOOL UNION, • 1122 CHESTNUT Street. Philadelphia. A large oisortment of Bibles, together with the de votional books used In the various Evangelical Churches, always kept on hand. ‘ ocll-tf JAS. CHALLEN & SON, No. 25 tooth SIXTH Street, Publish this day. OHALLEN’S NEW JUVENILE. LIBRABY, 2d Be rlea, 10 tol'., Illustrated. Adapted to the Sunday School and Family. Net sectarian. Also, new editions of OHALLEN’B NEW JUVENILE LIBRABY. Series No. I. Illustrated. * ' These books hire been endorsed by Sunday Schools of ererr denomination. 10 role. $2 60. “ THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING.” “The most accurate and relUble account of modern Jerusalem yet giren in the English language.”—Bib. Sacra. . HADJI IN SYRIA, doth, 76 cents; blue and gold n. ' * IN AND AROUND BTAMBODL, $1.25. ■ OAVE OF M/COHPJSLAH, and other Poems, 76 cte.; bine and gold, $1; Ao. } Ac. eeSO.lm gIDWIN W. PAYNE, IRON BUILDING, ARCH STREET, One door above Fourth, laroara* aid bsalbb la HASTINGS. IBBNOH KID, CONGRESS WBBB, TOILET SLIPPERS UPPERS, SLIPPER TRIMMINGS, LAOEB, Ac. ftulo-2m mo SHOE MANUFACTURERS AND A FINDING MEN.- We are now prepared to fill all orders for LASTS for the Fall Trade. We have Id* creased our facilities in the Manufacturing Department, and with a larger working stock of wood on hand than any ether manufacturer. In this. city or New York, we can furnish Dry Wood, and at tho lowest Philadelphia or Eastern prices. J. HOWARD & CO., Philadelphia. JOHN MURPHY, late of Ferry street, New York, at' 112 BREAD Street. jy2l-ws3m# TVOTK3E TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. JL v The undersigned (successors to the late JOSEPH T. JOHNS) are now prepared to meet.the wants of the trade at the Northeast corner of AROH and FOURTH Streets.. Their facilities for IMPORTING and FURNISHING every article in the SHOE STUFFS and TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices and on favorable terms, are unsurpassed. ?he attention of BUYERS Is respectfully solicited. WM. JOHNS * SON, N.B. corner Aroh and Fourth ets. TTNITED STATES GOVERNMENT U LAUD LOCATING AGKNCY. CHICAGO , ILL. The subscriber, having had muchpraotical experi ence in selecting and locating lands in the T&rlous Land Districts in the Westerri States, has unusual facilities for making valuable selections for ' LAND WARRANTS OR OABH. ~•..925-1000 « Hating Burttyots constantly in4he field to make personal examinations, he can always make the most Judicious locations. Lands unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroads, may now he in „ lOWA AND WIBCONBIN. Satisfactory references given when required. 10* Money invested in Kansas and Nebraska, and toy of the Western States. 3 B. SALISBURY, 40 CLARKE Street, Chicago. IJANDSCRUBS AND CLAMPS. No. 1. 62X0. per doi. 2. 76c. “ 8. 87c. « 4.100 c. « CLAMPS. 6 Row, $1.26 per dozen. • ; 7 Row, $1.76 per dozen. 8 Row, $2.25 per dozen. nENRT C. ECKSTEIN, M*lo 62 North THIRD Street, Pbil&delchla rjio OASH BUYERS. «eZB-ta th e 8m JAMES S. EARLE A SON,, eie chestnut street, InTito the attention of Western and Southern Custom* era to their Immense and elegant assortment of LOOKING-GLASSES, ITALIAN HEMP.—A large stock of Ita. - LIAN HEMP on hand and for sale br : - WEAVES, FITLER A CO., P P J3 No. 28 N. WATER St. A 2SjN. WHARVES. Nem Jlttblicfltiong. ; ’ Sljoc Jlniiiags. GALLOONS, SHEETINGS, PATENT LEATHER, OLD STAND, HANDBORUBB. No. 6. $X 12 per doi, 6. 1 25 < 7. 1 60 ' «• 8. 175 « OPPOSITE THU GIBABD HOO3l, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVING- PORTRAIT AND PIOTURE-VRAMEB, Suitable for the PALL TRADE. “ I ootobek "■s, issb. t r— c I-.:—— f |^UGl6UB;iN^B^lGBN^.;; Pf.^OUt, Apjject .of, the .'Revival-in- this ■■. H V-Cityi ' ; Wo %ve fqrsonio; weeks past said little about tho lidyivalffor- this■*rerfson 'v ‘Notwithstanding the UDUsaal religious, fervor, Ikept up dating flummor, joevertheiosa., during-that interval; a manifest fallings off orjtmra'ari' effort' In 'the'good causa|/dnd' tho 'consequence -has been a correspond ing falling .off .in, tho quarterly accessions to-tjie Churches, ns domp&red with the spring communion, ShcrWlng _th at,'al though,&qd' equally will* ftll.tiiaoa-to -draw.rinnerfl-unto himself, yet. oneof the conditione bpoti whieb this mordy. ia diapensbdVia * ihe of his pfofea&d'servants! ‘Wehave preferred, therefore,. to wait and see what-,the manifestations would bio. ' at thQ jaturn of.cooi woath'or. In looking around. : to-day,howevor; 'theprospeots are moat flattering. . In a word* that which One 'year ago was seen fed- fronta.thousand crevices in : the rock 1 whioh-hod* been smUtenlJy the thunderbolt of a .monetary panic, is to day flowing quietly through our a.widening stream. The dews of Divine favor.'have descended upon tho hill tops of Zion, glad in their deeconfc, and opening .now tribjliirios to this stream in tho hearts and homos of thelftnd. he true, whiohjt confessedly Is; that tho* of tho Hevival taovemont were pecu liarly of exoitoment, dt even greaierferco to; its progress 1 nottfi[Digested dntifuly from the popular curiosity, which'six months ago* attracted numbers to tho union yrayoMUeeirrigsln pur pubHo hdllsj it may' be stafld t unfidataiqid, by anything senso of -religious duty on the part of those who attend them. We' do not mean ' by this that none .hot professors of .religion attend those meet- Ings|;ihe daily record of. theßo.gatheringsJa fall of propfto the oontfary. The fncfcthat; many, who, haVe heretofore beon unconcerned upon the sub ject, are being brought-to a knowledge of their coiUiJjon, through the thus employed, is <tally 5 The great, central'meeting for business men, whioh now .daily, at the noon-tide hour,.fills the ,old Church, furnishes abunimt jiljufltration that the. doop.workings of 'tEo’jjpirlfc are as poworfal to-day as during the seasons at Jayne’sHalllastspring. AU ttis otber daily .union meetings that have been resumed within the last few weeks are giving like indications of feat life. ThU,is.especially a marked feature of the pre sent moyemont, and commends itself even to peace loyiiJghumanitarians who profess little rogard for religion itself; vis.! that it furnishes a praotioal solution of thO problem of universal brotherhood. Not timt the human part of this work is perfoot, or ev<n what it should be with* all the-light'we pos less ftt thiß age; but wo hazard nothing in saying that H ls hopofnlly in advance of anything, we have Been la. the,past.. Is it not a matterof rejoicing that even the ministry, (who, if they 'did not lead, honorably followed, nevertheless, in the wake of thisrnorement,) who erowhilo werd acou3tomed, in two many instances; to mako tho sacred desk a forfresi from which to discharge their sectarian -volleys, are fraternising, as becometh those who proferd to follow, the same, Leader ? That there is .roomer stiil further progress in this dircotion must' be admi ttedj but'very much has already been accomplished; and, in the. language wo heard used 4 tbe otpor day by a pious disoipie of George Pox, “ f wftplight to thank 'God 1 that at last tho division •walls have too long divided the Ohurch are being sunk in the ocoan ofLoVe.” WJiftbwt wishing tp he didaotie, wo may hero bo aIIpW«Mo any, In.-view of tbe whitenod harvest in which! All,/who truly love the Lord, are com manded to labor, that it is to pur* sue -a course toward all classes of be lectferv, [than to “ cause weak brethren to offend” by instituting anything that savors of proscription. Persons!r whof attend tho .union meetiogs may be sincere in requesting prayers for the conversion of theirl'rlefids fromone “form of faith” to another; yeti 'fehp , brand 'tbrown canDOt but "tend to •Widen,ihA-dljuanfilona »—Fryx-vrioro-and ifrtfgreaa bt : We are not of thos£ who believe that Ohristiani*. ty should not be aggie£sive; but that aggression should be of truth against error, of light against darkness,. and -especially of belief against unbe lief ; and If nil, of whatovcr namo, whose faith is pr&otloally would lay aside tho Weapons of civil warfare, and unitodly direot their efforts, not against soots, creed, or individuals, but in fa* vor of the plain Oospol truth, that without “ re* pentanoe toward God, and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, ’' no man can be savod, tho great victory over blind Infidelity would soon be To this end we believe the present movement is tend ing. Upon every hand we aro sooiDg a greater seal to instil .truth than to fight tbe ignorant. The merited oontempt which a once defeated Infi del mountebank has recently received at thoh&ndg' of our Christian community, is a proof of what we have aid, and is, in itoelf, an encouraging sign.' Therearo certain vile things which can only live by new and again emitting thoir venom in a fight, and Irfidelity is ono of them. Take from those head Baton Infidels the opportunity of sowing their infamous doctrines, by avoiding their assem-' blies, and, like Othello, “their occupation’s gone.” Rrv. Isaac D.—From what we learn, tho following paragraph from the National Intel • ligenetr will be news to Mr. Colo’s congregation. We learn that from the kind relations existing between the pastor and hts people, the change spokenof is not at all Ukoly to be effeoted : “ Rot. Isaac Colo, M. D., of Philadelphia, sup plied tt» pulpit reoentiy ieftvaoant by Itev. Dr. Teasdab, in theThirteonth-stroct Baptist Churoh. It is tin hope and tloslro of this church that he will accept tho oall extended to him to beoome the pastor <f this church. Dr. Cole is a good preuoher, and aneffeotive, successful pastor. It was under his labors that tho new ohuroh edifice of the Fast Washington Baptist Church was built up. It will be to thu destitute ohuroh a star of hope if Dr. Colo shall bioom theire pastor.” Tbs Bible in Russia.—Tho present Czar of Kussiah&s reconstituted the Bible Sooloty, which was supendod during his fathor’s roign, making it a donttion of 25,000 roubles (about $20,000), and promisng it an annual subscription of 10,000 rou* hies, 'here is a now edition of thirty thousand of tho [low Testament in Finnish and Esthonian, and uany roligious books and troots arc circu lated. AsßmnLY T Jmiunon. Wabhinciton.—Wo learn from tie Wanßgtoa Union that ltev. Moses D. Hoge,). D. t of Riahmond, Virginia, has agreed to aocejt tho pastoral oharge of the Seoond Pres byteria Ohuroh, Washington, Distriot of Colum bia, lab tho Rev. Dr. Eokard’s, and that it is designd to make this tho basis for tho “Metro politanChuroh,” which is to be oreoted under the auspioe of tho General Assombly. Bail: PbAyerV Mbbtimq in Aberdeen.—A oorrespjpdent in Stirling; writes that a mooting for prayer,s now held .daily at two o’clock P. At, in the county rooms, Aberdeen, spooially with a view to pleal for tho outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is sad that it ib attended by abovo a thousand pereonedaiiy. PHILATELMIIA SABBATH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION.— A quarterly mooting of superintondonts, teachers, dolegatsj, and the friouda of Sabbath sobools, will bo held m Monday ovening next, at 74 o’olock, at tho chuob on Arob, abovo Tenth street, (Rev. Mr. Wadswath’s.) number of new studontfl at Priooota ThooUgical Seminary is eighty. Those, with tht former students returned, will mako the entire amber is attendance about ono hundred and Bov-nty—& larger number than has ever before been inwy thedogical seminary. Chob'uop thi Covenant.—This ohurch, whore the lW Dudley A. Tyng was pastor, hoe at last called apastor t> sucoeed him. Rev. Mr. Pratt, settled or many years ovor the Episcopal Church in Portlnd, Mo, has been oallod to this rootor ship. Cali/whill Christian Union Mission, Sara nak Hib, Eroura and Oallowhill streets,— The firft regular weekly prayor mooting of this mission ras held on Thursday ovening, tho 14th inst., athalf-p&si seven o’olook. Rev. Geo. Dof* field, Jf» presided. The Bi'Nod oi Pennsylvania will hold its next stated oeetibg in the Green Hill Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, beginning on Tuesday, tho 19th of October, at half-pasb'seven o’clook P. M- Gov- lino has issued bis proclamation, appoint ing Thnsduy, tho 18th of November, to be ob served ffl a ddy of thanksgiving in the State of Now Yofr. In New Hampshire it is fixed for Novembr 26th. Tnß Rsv. Dr. Guthrie, of Edinburg, has given to the pass a nev volume of discourses, founded upon aprtion of the first oh&ptor of Colosaians. RKOiftsmD oi’ Dr. Vinton.—Dr. Vinton, of Boston, Los accented the reotorship of tho Churoh of the Bly Trinity on Rittenhouse (Square. DbAt| oi f Dr.* Mandbvillb, op Mobile.—We learn tht tho Key. Henry Mandovilie, D.D.., pas tor of >he Government-street Churoh, Mobile,. Aiftbami, died in the 2d inst. Tnß Annual lebbion of the Philadelphia Union Assooiatbn of tniyersalists cloaod its session, at Qermnnb wa ‘ ysUrday. Recent lettiu! from England state that the health cf Biahoj of Pennsylvania, is not improving- ■yWAYI fuff F.ROM CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL OF TRE STAR OF THE WEST ;,8i,40(>. oo>.m q6ti>. . Tho tJnited-States mail.’ stea,mehlp,,Star of the West, Commander A'. ,(3-. (jray,f from Aspinwall sth, and K i uga ton, J fjran jo a, with pog- New r York yesterday morning,... f - • * . • Tho Star of tho West left at AepmwaU, United States sloop-ofwar Saratoga—all well. The British fleet left Kingston'on the 7th ins* under command of,Admiral Kellett, for Greytown'. The mall'stoamer Sonora left San Francisco Bepl 21, at 10 A M. ;-met.Btoamor Golden Gate Sopl 26, 4.30 P. . c - - At Aoapulco, Ijnited. States sloop-of-war St. Mary s, bound to Panama; also, ships Star of Hope and Neptune’s Favorite, with coal to Pacific Mail Steamship Company.’ - . .• , - s ‘ , * . Tbo news of the success of the telegraphio cable occailoned great rejoicing in California,' and Mon-- 4ay, Septeuber.27 was Selioltid fora grand oel*‘ brationinhonoroftbo'evont. ' : Treasure last for “Star of the West.”! Clark <fc Wilbur 10,6(10 P. Nay10r..'........ ‘.10,000 II W, DavWge..,.,.10.000 1 J. H.CoghiH,.. 8,167 1 J. G. Parker & Son.. 7,0C0 B'O. Knight tc Co.. 6,000 Straus* H n&Co.. 4.110 3. 0. Beed <k C 0.... 3.087 O. If. Ouiumiogs,..,’. T. Wat*on &80n5... 3.000, A. Hardy & 00....2.050, TI r L iUch&i Coi.J.. 2 628' Tr//Hand &C0...1 „2,500 j Tqtfon AT ■ Carey d^CIo, W (roramiug A. QdfiV//l /Ji' R. O. Thonjaa6jBon. .1.490 Ri 8. Wade...... 1,006 Wells. Fargo &.CJ0..324 000 Am Exchange 8k..110.MK Scholle Sc Bros 103,6*8 Jaa .Patrick 85.000 Bi Kelly Sc 06.'..... ‘73 000 Freeman Sc On.. .. . 04.825 Taffee.McCaliill&Co 60,768 R. Patrick 48.000 Hobs, Falconer St Co 30 020 Loon. Hoffman Sc Co 80,600 Duncan, Bherman k Co... v ,,. , 29,460 W. fieDgmonkObV. 1 20.000 Order.... 23,0001 L. 8. Lawrence k C 0.23,000 < J. B newton & Co. .20,952 O. W. Crosby 19.877 'Wymab&Co4, , : R. Mpader Sc Adams 17.600 tiutcberfe Bro I7jooo Howland Sc ■ Aapin • wall 16.010 1 James B. Weir ,16,490 i Treadwell A; 00.....16,0>0 Jauson. Bono, Sc C 01.16,000 I J. H. Browniog.... 16,000 ( T.H.AfJ .3 Bacon.-IO.COO , Renard A,00.,..i. f .10.000 - F.Baker..,, .10.000 .LIST OF PASSENGERS PER BTAR-OF THE WEST, Mrs’,Herbert, G Miller, D O Hayden, Airs Emerson. Mrs ITarris and. three. 6hUoren,.R Xtane, Mrs Rice and Infant, Dr Wood, 8 B fctakosby, H B Blakeshy/E B Pond, H B Litbrop, Jr, Mrs’ Overton 'and infant. G L‘Bradley, Miss O Thomas, Reverend .J Csrro, F B Htght, Mrs Morgan and child, Mrs Daniels and child. Mrs J M Plndall,'. Captain'Shetnrian', 8 Keyes, airs Van Honten, Mrs L A Means, Mrs tt Oster-’ •menu, D F Verdonal, Charles Delaplaioe, FBioe. J Ste venaon, T Davis, Doctor Nipholson, A' Reynolds. BBK Galea, J Loon’er, J 8 Harbison, W Taylor and three children, S Davidson.’L Meto, W.HLester, wife, and lofant, p Burbank, G RLnngway, G E Dutton, Valens and wife.'G'G Briggs, L Ringer, J D Staples, ;Mis9,;Binwing, J.M fltrorg aod wife. J 8 Braith, J jßaicbinson, H Glddlns, J F Wilcox, H Meredith. O W Raymond. H Book .and wife, R Brothers, W Pavia, M EaUm, O Lovell, O J, Smith, O Armltego and child, Mrs Meyer, Mr Wheelwright and two boys, K Romero, W Morton, 8 N Henriqura, W W Pratt, Jos Ruckbeo, R R R Co. 245 steerage. [From the San Francisco Bulletin, Sept. 21.] A band of Mexican robbers attaoked a party of Chinese minors near Charooai Flat, eight miles from Downieville, and after killing One of their number, and wounding another, stole their geld dust to the yaluo of $l6O. The villains have not fceen detected. - % Great quantities of salmon are now oaught in the Sacramento river, and the other large streams on this coast. Fresh salmon sell here at a oent and a half per pound, wholesale, and from four to eight' cents at retail. - - A discovery of rioh gold quartz hfts been -made near Valloolto, in Calaveras county. Bo far the lend bos prospected from two to fourteen dollars to the pan. A large quantity of mackerel has been taken on the Santa Cruz shore of Monterey Bay. People versed in the business predict that our mackerel fisheries will soon become a valuable branch of the business of the State. ; Mrs. A. B. Mason died suddenly in Bncramento on September 32th. under, cirqumstancea, whioh, create a strong suspicion.that'she poisoned'by her husband, from whom she hadVean separated. The rate of, taxation in Sacrhmento city is $2.85 on the $lOO. In Ban Fronoisoo, it is s#.oBl on the. s)oo.’ The heavy funded debts of the latter' oily is the ohlef cause of hCr hlgb taxes. On the 22d of Angußt, Thomas Sharkey, an Irishman* a falling boulder,iwhile working lu his claim'at Jim Crow Canon, Sierra oounty.. The.dead bodies’of throe men were lately found oh the beach, about three, miles north of Bodega Hpnds.'Ttr'issupposod that those are the bodies of three persons'who wero lost from the stoamor Oregon when she atruok, bn a recent oecasum, on ihajytouit Point Keyes. \ ' nanoo department at tbo Bonioia barracks were burned on the 13th September, together with five horses,ton mules, some carriages, provender, etc., all worth $5,000. Barnabas Kelly', forraorly of Rome, Kennebec oounty, Maine, met his doath on Sunday night, sth September, by falling, of feeing blown by a high wind, over a steep bank or prooiptce, fifty foot high, Into tho Evans’ claim, at Seorot Diggtogs, Sierra county. The big lump of gold found in Columbia, re cently, by Mr. Strain, has been molted and run into a bar, whioh weighs 101 ounces, or 33$ pounds, and sold for $7,438 50.- - Besides this, Mr. Strain has reserved some four or five hundred dollars’ worth of specimens, belonging to the same boulder, making trio total valuo of the piece found about SB.OOO. This is the largest lump of gold ever found in California of whioh wo have any authentic re cord. A terrible tragedy was enacted at El Monte; Bos Angeles oounty, on tho Oth September. Hilliard P. Dorsey, a native of Georgia, where be has rela tives at present residing, was shot dead by his own father-in-law, W. IF. Rubotfom: The authorities of tho locality declare that ltubottom acted justi fiably, iu self-defence, and his neighbors all side with bim and his daughter in the dreadful affair, as Dorsey was a very violent and brutal man. The most striking proof of the sympathy felt for the late Vigilance Committee in this city, bv the people throughout the entire State, was manifested reeently at Downieville, Sierra oounty. James Hennessey, one of the men expelled from the city by tbat'organization, brought suit at Downieville for damages against eertain mouthers of tho com mittee. The trial was set for bth September. The committee, who were represented by able counsel, were anxious to have tho. oasa settled without any delay or resort to legal quibbles. It was found utterly impossible to ompannel a jury. Out of a venire , of fifty jurors summoned, only twooouldbe found Who were not “prejudiced” in favor of the oommittee. Ono or two, Who were not even citizens at the time, had read of their acts at home and approved thorn The question was asked a juror by one of the lawyors, “ If he thought that tho trial of the jurors just bad would be a fair expression of the feeling and sympathy of the people of tho country!” when ho was an swered, “ Yos, and I believo of the entire State ” The fudge’wns so thoroughly convinced of the im possibility of procuring an unbiased jary to try the case, that ho stated his impression to the lawyers, that it would bo a wasting of tho time of tho court to mako any further effort, and' ex pressed his astonishment at tho unanimity of fool ing in favor of the Vigilance Committee. The opinion of some lawyers who wore present at the trial, and who had been opposod to the illegal aots of the oommittee, was, that the oppo sition to the organisation was confined solely to a few “politicians” and lawyers. There is no de nying tho fnot that the sympathy for tho commit tee is as warm and popular to-day as when they first organized. Opposition to real reform is use less In California. On the evening of 15th September, a colored man named Gas. Ennis, while sitting in bis room at Coloma, El Dorado county, was shot dead, by a charge of buokshot. 4 The eighth anniversary of tho admission of Cali fornia into the Union, was celebrated on 9th Sep tember, by the Sooiety of California Pionoers in a becoming manner. “ William L. Ferguson, of Saoramento, who was wounded in a duol with George Penn Johnston, at Angel Island, on the 2Ut of August, died in this oity on tho 14th of September. Forgueon was wounded in the thigh. Ho refused to have tho limb amputated until the 14tb, and then died un der the operation. He was a momber of the Senate from Saoramonto, and a prominent politician. His death cansod a profound sensation here and else-' where throughout the State. Ueoame to California from Illinois, wherehe leaves a mother and other relatives, to whom his last thoughts woro turned. A goneral dornand is made for tuo prosecution of Johnston, bis slayer, who has quitted this city for the presont, and also for the punishment of his seconds, who are thought to bo evenmoroblamablo than the principals. Georgo F. Wnrdoll, a young man employed bb a clerk by A. B. McCreary & Co., was detooted in a scries of forgeries upon his employers on the 13th September, and has beon sent up for trial undor two indiotmentsfrom the Grand Jury. Wardell was respectably connected at the East. Tho first mail coaoh over the Southern overland route loft this eity on the morning of tho 14th Sep tember, to make tho through trip to Memphis and St Louis. Throe passengers started for the East ern States by this stage. t „. A . ... A smart shook of an earthquake was felt in this oity aud in tho noighboriog country on the even ing of the 12th September. No damage was done, but many pooplo wore frightened. By the report of tho tax assessor It appears that the total amount of assessments in this oity, this year, is $30,725,950. Last year, the amount of assessments was $35,397.176— showing a falling off of $4,071,229. The taxes that should be oollooted this yoar amount to $947,895 65. Tho nows of tho laying of tho Atlantio Telegraph Cable, which reached here on tho 16th of Septem ber, by tbe steamer Sonora, caused general rejoic ing- At 5 o’olook P. M > ono hundred guns wore fired by tho old California Guard, under the direc tion of tho Moohanlos’ Institute, and all the bells in tho oity wore sot a ringing. At night bonfires wore lit on the plaza and othor plaoos, and a number of prominent building B Illuminated. A meeting was also held on tho evoning of tho 17th, to make arrangements for a uioro formal celebra tion of the glorious event. Thiß meeting appointed a committee, who have fixed upon the 27th inst. as a day for a grand celebration in this oity. A comet hss boon observable in this oity, end other parts of the Stato, about twilight in the evening, during tho past week. It appears in tho northwest heavens, near the horizon. From Frazer Klver— Horning of the Steamer Sea Bird* &c* Our dates from Vfotoria> V. L, are to the Bth of September; and from the diggings, on Frate? river, to September 6th. The mining news is opnßiieied cheering.' The tlvOT had taUbn four ■ *1.314,703 FROM ASPIRWALL.' H. ClassoD r &, Sons . $2,780 8. Laueburgh Sc Bro. 2 168 '• H0n1gmRu.....'... 1,070 Culbert Sc Ffnlfcy... 303 Gainey ■ OaaadoT..,l 300 SUMMARY. ' ■&, •- --- y :;r^ ;^;v'.;Two; 'CEi\Ts. fe’ot withirija'ifeelc, and continued tofall at the. Tate of fremsii fcTeiglifc’lhehes per 'day. • A. miner, at Fountalh’Diggings bad taken out s9ou in fifteen days; . Two men.on Santa Clara l Bafc took-bat $BO per day, A gooddealof gold, dusfcwas being; offer ed for sale' at Forts HopeanclYale at sl6.per owof.i “Dry diggings” had undoubtedly ,'Veen* coverod'near Fort Yale. r John DPGalbrailh, late ajnfember of the California LegfslataW?aiidkdown‘ .to be a roanof integrity, declflseB.tbatb.ebaBfound ; diggings pn the bairks of a,orsei Froier river,near Fort' Yale, which ylebiashigh. as eight or ten cents to tbe'patr. ' Hid statement Is corroborated by'bthett> fi ** *\ 4 ? -No new Indian difficulties'hid Occurred.t < The* , savages seemed to,observe <tho -treaty, lately entered into. Work.-on the Harrison and. Lillooet'-Tfair'had' been, resumed: and'ft was thought that this- trail t, would "be finished* "and opened tb publio.‘travel Within-ten-days; The” ‘.‘ Whatoom Trail” is also, said to be completed, but as yet, has not attracted muehtravel.* This latter trail leads from Whatcom to the Thompson river." i: '’ : ■ 1 > The steamer Sea Bird, owned by CaptrJi'T. -Wright, was burnedoh her'way" from Victoria to Fort Langley, on the 7th of'Sep tember; She. was .discovered f»/.bp on about sixteen -miles "out from Viotoria,'and wo* immediately beached on Discover Island.* ‘ AH’oh .board isonpedwith their lives,’ bat one passenger, 0. A. Übj-ig/.was injured in jumping ashore, -The boat' and oargo.were a total doss. ..The cargo waA valued at Tho ’ boat'was insured aor as mncH as she was worth." •*” ’ ! - f * GENERAL NEWS. Pike’s Peak—lncrease op JBxcitehent jn > • REG Ann 'to Gold Discoveries —The Emporia! (Kansas) Afar?* says: - Just- now the great’centre of attraction ,is iPike's Peak, and thegoldregfons of the .Rooky .Mountains,. •Every-day or two Fresh nisws odnfirmatorf *bf'the "first reports of thndls oovery of gold itf-Jai’ge* quantities'is received. Trappers, -miners, land * traders air'telLtbb same story, and show their .sincerity'rand faith hybrid utting at some of the river towns for.en,immediate return. The last Salt Lake mail, too; added tes? timony to the confirmation Another company hag left Lawrence for the gold region, and partiis are almost.daily-ieavWg Kansas City, Leavenworth, and Wyandott. The more excitable predict that tho new gold regions will equal in extent and rt s >urce those of California; and should further pc* , counts prove favorable.- there is no doubt that the *«rush” next spring will* equal that first made to the gold fields of thePaoifio, v - ■- .*~-- Bev.Edwin .W^Hotter,pastor of the Now. street Evangelical Lutheran'Church; of: PhiladeJV phia.and President of. the Eastern ’Pennsylvania Synod 'of the Evangelioal -Lutheran- Churoh, whioh body has been in session 'the, past! week’ in, this town, 'preaohed c BloomAbdrg ’First .Presbyterian Church last Sabbath'mortilng, ; fty .invitation of the pastor—Rev. Mr. the congregation of hfa*ph*rg«.; -Mr.-Hattertsau able minister, a powerful and forcible speaker, -and preached one of the best sermons'on that oo*. oosion, which will long be- remembered 'by' all Who had the pleasure of attendiog "on his- 1 minis tration. . We hope to have the pleasure again' of enjoying another social visit from our old friend' Mr. Hutter, and that our people may also enjoy the privilege of hyarlngfrom'him the “Word of Life and Salvation.’’— Bloomeburg Democrat* October 9. ,> . ;.- ;, .- . * Can Obstruct. the Highways ? —This question has been decided in the negative by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania., In .the ease of Patrick Kelly vs- the Pennsylvania Kail road Company, it was lately decided that the rail-, way company was liable for damages arising from tbe obstruction of, a public highway at’ a “cross-- ing” by their locomotive, oara,-&o. In this in stance the plaintiff bad sont his/son, a boy nine years of age, to town’for tobacco. On reaching, the tofapike, ho attempted to creep under tho de fendants oars, whichhad just arrived,,and were .standing oorossit. The train started,'and his leg wasooughtin tbe wheel, and 'so injured ,aS to render amputation necessary. TWjury foundj by, . their vordiot, that, the defendants were obstruct-’ iog the crossing, and gave plaintiff $3,000 damages. ~ . - . . -• . r , Better than Stcmbing.—lrad Kelley was an independent-candidate for Congress'fa tW Nineteenth distriotof following “card ” was pnbHsbedjiitheOlevcland papers*' ;<c Mr. and Mrs, Irad Kelley invito, all their ao* qoalntnnoßs'aod others, ind strangers of suitable Inge and character, to their,Grape Levee, on Mon day, September 27ib, at precisely; seven; o'clock* Theyonll be In waiting,until B,o’clock,,at which time promenading ana-'dahcing' will At 9 30' the will be opened, aifd. re main until-two!ve;* dancing, Ac;, until .then, At which- time. sing' * Home; Bwfcet; Il^meafter whifih> the band will ‘ Yankee Boodle Vend other national oirsutituthe •guosta rofiro.. AU- porson& will -be expected to leave their'names/or cards, and be introaacOd.un less previously acquainted,*’ 5 . .««/*. w « lndian.”— States Circuit. Court, daring the examination of Alexan der Robinson, Chief tain, and old-.timfriptvpreter to thegarrison here, la qaitaito-<W(jt«i«l r ,ii,'BnUwa^ l riginol , to bo confined to its proper place in the reported evidence to-day. It was a view’ of wftttomle thirst that brought down the house, court, bar. and bystanders. - Quoth Alexander, “I was in those daysmuoh about the garrison; kept within a few miles; al ways went to the sutler’s when I was thirsty.” •- “ Were you often thirsty V* Hadn’t much money in those times.”. «!- “Weroyou thirst; whenever you had money?’* u Was very muoh "thirsty, always when I had I money.”—Chicago Press’and Tribune The Alliance. —The Danites and Repub licans are openly in concert of notion. At Charles-. ! ton, on Satnraay last, Dr. Chambers, the Repub* i lican marshal of the day, stated lo Judge Douglas that he had received a letter from R. B. Carpen ter, of Chicago, requesting him, Chambers, to an* nounoe that Carpenter would hold s meeting at Charleston on *Wedneeday next. Chambers asked ; Douglas if he might* make the announcement at the meeting, Saturday, and Douglas replied that ! he wished he would do so, os it would be another link !in the proof that tho Dauites'and Republicans are acting in concert—tho Republican And, Danite loaders being in correspondence with respeotto tho mooting and ticket. Chambers made the an* nouncement In behalf of his {III.) Democrat. All Swept Away. —Among the many sad incidents, says the New Orleans Delta % of the pro* sent epidemio, whioh haveoomo to our knowledge, and which we hnvo gooerally abstained from pub lishing, is the following, perhaps unsurpassed in afflictive interest: A Gorman, who came to this eity many years Bince, had acquired a large pro*, perty. and last sprlog he sent over. to “. fader- , land 0 and removed to this oity all the members of his immediate family, in number soiqe seven or eight—father, mother, brothers, and sisters. Not long after their arrival the pestilenoe entered Ms household, and ceased not its work of death until every one of tho newly arrived relatives were car ried forth to their graves in a strange land whioh they had come so far to fill. - Lonoevity.—On tho morning of Sunday, tVb 3d instant, there died in East Corinth, Me., a maiden lady named Ddgerly, whose age, as shown by the written record, was one hundred and seven teen years. She was believed to be five years older than that. The Bangor. Union says: She perfectly retained her faculties until within tv.o years, her eyesight being clear enough to enable, her to thread a needle as readily as any young person. : She was born oh Cape Cod in 1730, at whioh time - 'Washington was bat four years old. At tho Declaration of Independence she was forty years old, eight year* older than Thomas Jeffer son, who signed that instrument.— Lowell Adver tiser. i New Hampshire Granite for Queen Victoria. —The Boston Journal of a reoenfc date Bays : “ A ploce of granite was exhibited at the Merchants’ Exchange this morning, bearing on the surface tho exact resemblance of the top part of a troe or shrub, ail the lines oi the. foliage be* ing dearly and porfeotly visible lb is supposed the sprig or branch of a tree accidentally fell into a orevioe in the rook, whioh afterwards by the action of the frost dosed up, and in oourse of time the frceh groen bough became petrified into a solid rock. The blook of granite was found in Wolfborough. New Hampshire. It is intended as a prosent to Queen Viotoria.” v Kansas Sweets.— They are making sor ghum sucre in, Kansas. A letter from Leaven worth says: “I was in the Quaker settlement, some twelve’ miles from Leavenworth, and saw them making the Chinese sugar cane molasses. The gentleman boiliog the molasses told me that tho juioo only needed rodnoing two-thirdato make thick inolaesos, full as tbiok as New Orleans or sugar*house. He said he coulcL make nine gal lons of molasses from seven rods of ground One man near Leoompton, I understand, would make a thousand gallons. It is expected to sell at fifty cents a gallon. It is ongaged at that prioe. ’ * . Singular. —Two brothers arrived at Che raw, S. C., a few days ago, on their way to oon* suit Dr. Hall, of Darlington, for canoer in the eye. Tbe cancers wore of long standing, having come upon each of them about tbe same time and in the sauio oyo. On the day after their arrival at Che raw, Saturday, ono of the brothers fell dead on the floor, and on Monday following the other died smidonly.—i Salisbury Watchman. House Moving.— The schooner Hamilton, arrived on Tuesday from Nantucket, brought tho store reoently occupied by T. W. Riddell, auc tioneer, whioh has been purchased by Thomas A. Gardner, reoently of Nantuoket, and is to be placed on County street, in this oity, for occupation. This is the second building that has been recently moved to this oity from Nantucket.— New Bed ford Mercury. ■ The 'WasrBDRHES— W. D. Washbonie, youngor brother of tho famous three. i» no “‘ natod to the Minnoaota Lo ,2' e ' a '“ i r< ! h o? e t Sk p f uWi ro^h,“ e r?ir^u^aXVongro» of adding hun ia still another brother in CaU ?° xt - a candidate for Congreaa in 1856; a°nd“ wh? yot intend, to ndd his name to; tho ° a A statement just fnrnishcd by the Secre tho Interior, in oomplianoo' with a tesolu ♦fen nf Congress, shows that about twenty-fire mil lions of dollars have been expended by the United States Government in the District of’Colombia sinoo its formation, exolnaive of salaries of olerlts of tho departments, nnd tho appropriations for tho Smithsonian Insiitnte. Brandt. from the Arctic Regions — Among tho cariosities on exhibition at tho fair of tho Industrial Society of Rhode Island la a bottle of brandy found on board the barque Resolute, when she was piolied up after her abandonment in tho 100 of Wellington ohannol, Lancaster sound. . Bear Kih.ed.-A boar, weighing ovor two hundred pounds, was recently killed by three hunters on thejneuntain ah»« Dauphin, P». Them animals are said to be quite numerous this 8008011. ’ ’ "ft £r --V .tt? typography., but I» ' yplttoa anon. \,' ' . . ■t -yr* T»ni» StateiroVcau;; j "f®™ of the rorroruidlhg conn try, th" pojmfttfpa, OT’anjr v|u Uj < lal^r ! «'.*'r l , s&*S!!&i*srx V? *''"' '“ s: ‘'’’' ’"" S’. ’ V' f Leah .—Thera. i»; a, married lady In Salem, ."hoMT weight, wheninfall drew, s W , ?» , j;-ti>i!«i>:P9nsd». She ha* beenmar »“ 7?}ra. and ft a model housewife, perform' •: FnrAJTCKS w. the'fiscal W *J^J b £f h . e ' 8# „ ,h T H U 7 thB reeeipteofthe tress 1h yij***** anionnted,'lßolnatng 618,907, opd the. ofthateements to S 3 RfU son leavin(r*W*ooe'aftlSi;b6r™- ■ • j r SrßßEH'DEi.Tlt.—bn Jfoftday last Ktt Har irietfßowSD^f^Fioltft^Royal.^Va.f^rhc^ibdatre- expired; ; ;ifc ia supposed H'jru s disease of ilia hearty _ , r - r r\’^^ ';: ; y ; >< - IranDg tlje. sefentbenth century the] patents.jpantod for ioTftiii{b&i !a> England-'■were 250 ff k mr 5 tfi e next'Bun 4red yean .they amounted fo 2,600? and la-tbefirit fifty ;yefti* -of tba present century they chad exceeded 250.000. ' BoauarCoi2f.~lt l« atat6d;tlxat as much ns sl(UM)QwQrth of bogns ooin'ii issuedeyery month a fc'Hoosab, a fejt m jles, \ The American halm and aresowell executed as nearly ;to defy detection; '* l l- ' •■' -»'• ; r - Ah exchange says that It is jnst asAdapible -a move to undertake ttfget inc-ss to; attempt ! to .mowed in busineiSwithbiit aavertiB!Bg f -,f -,--7 TjfOf CnicAqo.' liADles . went to a.ball the other evening in a furniture wagon; no.ordinary carriage could contain the dresses they Potatoes.—Hr. J. A.Kartin,of Enfield, has raised this season,. from' two potatoes, 84* pounds, “with nosigns of rot,!sV /;\\ ; 4~ * V~ ‘ ’y. 4'> 5 \ T‘ Weekly Review of *fce PhiladelplUa <• <t Matietel'. V-'--/—- " [Bepoztrt for Tie Preuyj ' r 'n-.j „ Oct. l6,'lMi There hu t*an.« greet' irent af intention in the Predaee markets ihle week. Qfliititron Bstkls Sligo t !y lower. Bre&dstnffs 'jwra'JoU;' •jfloorY.'Whest, and Corn hare met a limited inquiry, without-chango . •in price*. Coffee is quiet, and'pfioe*- tending upward. : Sugar and Moltuis are weak.' |Flgh role irregular, ihtffor Bieiensl pirfeesareJower. | Fruit—Dome*tic in more abundaotijtad priwi-loitr. The Iron market inaotiTe.' Lead is. firm. ’Lumber—Very little doing. Navid Store*aadOilshaTa |been quiet, for Spirit* of Terpentine price* are.lower. iPlaster Is dull. Provision*— h*t benii t itlmr • jdeiog, tad price* are ffiwi.' /BfoaJ* steady./Cloywaeed -has' been in'goodiequeet At tally former ratee.-Tea*- Tobacco are dull. Wool U held' : firtaly, ,wifk* limited- sales.•• --JWblrtey ' iß'-nnpettlea'-' and lower, |Tn Dry, Goods, there rivaled ,’lesa dolsg this woeki the plectlon country bujw& There are potaaogesin good*.-Brown Meeting*, and shirtings, ' ; fnd drilla arc steady and&m at prerioui ;qaoted rate*. : Bleached goods keep well sold up, and command good/ prices; Delaines and Prints, good styles especially, are t&ken freely.aud there Is' no t change/lit quotations. , Ticks, Stripes, ; and : Cheeks are-' without alteration In. I srice or demand of all hinds are helil'more. firmly, bnt the demand is'oniy moderate; except fop the', finer descriptions of Cloths, and " setts. . ~ --'V,-- 1 :'-*•? | BREA.BSTUFF3 continue dnll drooping, -■with 1 - moderate receipts and stock* of msrtJkind* diand for Flour is limited, and ljolders eremoreanxlott* wll; the- trunsactloas’for export Vcaob-e0m04,000. obis at $5.6005 623{'I?'bbl-for-’standard superfine and hotter brands, $5.75©0/or extra, and 6606;85 for extra . umily, including' half bbls at '{B. the pair, and eon * moeaat a price sot made-public/ closing fe&ty with - roore seller* than lowest flenre*; the/ sales to the retailers audbakers hare beta within tha range of ss.soe>6.?ji>&'<bbl for common toextraiesd " ffney brands. .Rye Plpurw scarce, and s sells only in a • small way at bbl. Of CotaMeAl SOO bbls Pennsylvania have been sold, at Brtamn iA * worth 84 62# # bbl- •. „ \ . v . . I WHEAT meets with a limited milling, tat at rather lower prices. ; -The' sales .foot* np'about -t -25,000bushels at Sll 5 »1.28c.#r bushel for. inferior and prime reds:tad $V2501.400 for while' ’ Tbe bulk . of the .sales; hQw©ver l; were;at $12601.280' farmer and $135e1.88e for-the' latter. - Bye cornea tu > elpwJy f bntrthB demknl v for >it hes falfen off;' 2,000 bushels • sold at 750 tad pld iS Cota? c -• hisdeellned: 'about 18,000 bushels yellow werodlspesed „ Bo# <?88c for good yellow,'tad 78 e Wefordsmaged. • Oats roeetA fair inquiry;, 2s.ooobushel*at ; 44©*6e for good Southern'»nd 60c for old Penna.; The following arcr the inspections of Flour awl : Sftal‘ fop the week ending Thursday*October 14,1868 i Half Barrels'bf Superfine./..;.... /.», ,80 BKretoof. Bop«rfine...i. 4..1T,624 Do. Rne.((i4 88*;, 1 Do. Middlingsl ; f 5 . Do. 8ye..........i - Do. Corn Meal,. I^l4 Dn • Condemned ..‘..i.4..;...'49 Pmicheo^ Com Mea1...,..4.*,;;.50- ■ n I . /Total ./V.V./,i...19128 ' 4 - PBO,YI§IONB —-The' ail kipds are light; tad - holdera'are rstbftr Bm. ’u thclr.Tlewi, with, sales of ' • Mess Dork in small lots atw? X bbl. on tizee/asd^ pribe at 815 Small sales of citr-picked Mesa. Beef at ' f bblf?orehlps^atdreV' 3joon—There has been ratherJttOTq Inquiry.•butwUhout.change U price; sale* - of atlOmlSc for plain and fancy auted,-,- ,Bidu-£fr; 8 X r Shonldei* at 6ko7b, eata and : i r uleststliei s r* fsiyHittelstt .tu'-f -firsthand", and .none coming in; safes of^lßO.casta /■' Hams at Boon tlme. 100 casks Bides mostly at " andjl26 casks Bhoulders at, Lard comes forward ■ slowly, and meets a limited inquiry; sales of bbls and - tea at 11 Vo. and kegs atl2Jf<BlBeper ft, cash. Butter— Solijl packed is du l Lat HolSc, but roll is worth 170180. ObM-fft ranges at 7©Bo ft. and len 17c W dos. METAL3>—The market for (He Iron has been Isac-' tirej; sales of 500 tops Bos 1 andj Anthracite at £2l o' .20; }7OO tons No. Bat 6 tad 800 tons forge at 819 caih ,r In Sootch Pig/no sales ;'«nd prices are nominal at 822024. A lot of Charooal Bloom*. > brought $00; 6 months; for*Rrilrbad Bars and Boiler ' i Ironl there is a steady inquiry at folly former quota tions. . _ . LDAD —There is bat litUe stock of. Pig Lead here, and ‘prices are tending upward: the last sales are at $5 70 the 100 lbs, cash. • 1 s COPPER continues dull, and yellow metal is worth ~ 21c, 8 months. . BARK.—There is bat little inquiry, and prises are ' lowet; antes of 100 hhds bare been made at 8313? ton lor No l. oloslns steady. BREBWAX.—SmaII sale* of good yellow at 81082 esah ' CANDLES'—There is a steady demand for Adamau tine, tad the manufacturers generally hating sold eon -slderibly ahead; sales 1,200 boxes at about2oeV ft. fimohihs. Sperm and' t&Uow candles remain without change... , ' COAL.—There is rather more go East; priceß. however, centinue rteady, with moderate 1 re ceipts end etooksof all kinds. ; . COPPER.—There has been very little doing In.thls. article, owing to the high views of holders,And the re duced state of stock; sales inolnde-1.000 bigs Rio. In - •lots, at 10Vo for inferior np to prime; 500 bags Lagnayrasold atllVol2V, 4 months; Cope at 10Ve. and Java at 17e lb. cash. - COTTON.—The receipts and stocks are on tho In crease, the demand quite‘limited, and prices lower; with sales of 800 bales, at 12V®13Vo ft, cash, for low grades middling and middling fair Dp lands,'.and 13014 c for Orleans, cash and on short time. 1 The crop movement ha* been as follows:., . , ‘ * 1858. ’ 1857/' ltefi.' 1865. Reo’ts at Porta 881,000 102,000 185,000 269.000 Ex.toG.Britain....". 89.000 21,000 17,000 81.000 Ex. ta France 26,000 4 000 16,000 18,000 Ex. to otherF.P 4,000 2,000 5.000 7,000 Total exports 63,000 82.000 ‘ 87,000 106,000 Stock bn hand 188.000 102,000 163.000 218,000 FEATHERS—Good Western command 50052c h and. but few offering. . FISH are dull, with; light receipts of Maekerol, but the stock is ample for the demand. Prices rule some what irregular. The retail prices are $14®14 50 for No 1, $12.2&013 for Ho. 2 and $9®A6O for No. 8. In voice rates are considerably, below oar lowest figures. A cargo of Codfish sold at about Pickled Herring range from $2 50©3.60. 'according to' quality. 800 bbli do tnd : 1000 boxes sold on terms sept private. FBUlT.—Afewnewßalilos have been received coast wise. abd are celling at about $2 50 for bnsoh and $3 for layers;. Green Apples come forward freely, and prices range from $2 to $l, as in quality. Dried Apple* oave been arriving f-eelr, and sell from 7<o 7tfo Dried Peacbet are more abundant and rather dull, at 10©12o 4? lb foe Unpared. FREIGHTS are extremely dull. To Liverpool some Flour has been taken on private terms 100 hhds Bark at 20s, and 60 bbds Tallow at 12* fid ton. and Oil at 16s. A vessel oo the berth for London is getting 20*4? ton. A ship Is loading for Bt. Johns. NB, at 20*; for Flour and Coal on terms' kept private Shipments of Railroad Iren are making to Savannah at $2 V ton. Goal freights continue as last quoted, say 95c to New ‘ York. $t.25 to Boston, $1.06 to Rhode Island, and $1 to Connecticut. GINSjSNG is scaree, and there is nothing doing In either crude or elari*ed. HEMP.—No transactions worthy of notice are re- x ■ported ~ HIDES are unchanged and some 2,000 Qaraccas sold at abont 20c V per lb, 6 moe - - HOPS,—The sales are only in smalTlots from 8010 for old and iPc for new cron LUMBER is very dull; a cargo of yellow Bsp Boards sold at $lB. Laths command $1.15®1 according to quality. PLASTER is but little inquired after and dull at $2.76 ton. MOLASSES hhs been quiet, and the only sales re* ported are small lots of Cuba at So®Blc, and Porto Rico at Bfio3Bo. on time. NAVAL STORES are coming forward more freely; sales of Rosin at $1 72©l 75 bbl fer common. s2® 275 for No 2, and $4 for common No 1. Tar and Pitch are unchanged. Spirits Turpentine has declined, selling at 51® 62c gallon. . OILS—But little doing, and no change to notice in prices in Fish Oils. Linseed Oil has again declined, and is selling at7o®Tle. Lari Oil is very quiet, and the stock is small; we quote Winter at 90e, on time. No sales'of Red Oil. .. ... ata RIOE.—Tbe demand has boon limited, but prfcilS MB firm; sales of ISO casks, in lots, »t *3J8X«3.0.1X, cash The stock ii light. SALT —No arrivals or sales to note this week, gnnnq irho.n ]g g good demand for Cloverseed at tb! B S«i7e nmiMd last week,* and pricea are firm; sales of 1 200 bushels at $5 C 2 for old crop, and 65.87# rlw nrime new, mostly at the latter quotation*. Sa? bushels Timothy sold at t2e4.UK W Iralhsl. D?tnostsoy"«» B<d > ir hor0 > Ifonld command tI.TO V' 0 *— I Th® onsy 8018 reported ts a small lot of nntmeirft at 580, on time. > SPIRITS —Brandies are unsettled, but in Gin there is no ohange. N. B Rum Command* 37cSSc. Whiskey is in fair request; sale* of bbl* at 28®23#e for Penna and Ohio, 23®23)50 for hhds, and for drudge MSUGABp Is fiAt, and with light eupplies sad a small stock'prices aaetriinchanged; sales 360 hhds Cuba at * 7 ?l^U{le^~.* , ea t ve 7 r 6 . C . S t i; fd^^ tt fo r hut without o *TO^A l O^—Both leaf aud manufactured are firm. Th J?NE a V™Sl h rd%"wnO. Pries, arelower. WOOL -The ormoee, of boldere bee somewhat re- A V V A a Hdal .nil * the Stocks of the low and medium etrietedthedemaud. the r swm n<r „ hl( , h sro grades are light, of M o.ooO ft,, ranging from "5066 c the'»teri“ extra fiooflMee, ea* and time, ANd'dTES hare been Inaotlve. Boda Ash . ’’m™ to louit 2X030, E fired Borax at 190200, ia selling 18iic, Balsam Copaibs at 60c, and Oil Bq»&Ut ««■-Si* is an adTaneo. TnE Ihtbhboxwal Season Commenced.— Tl,» lecture asason, whioh ia about opening, will 00 oulte brilliant from the advertising Indlcetlone and Jnrrent gosaSp. The first discourse of the saasonwill he giv.n at Musical Fund Ball, on th o oTonlD * “/.LVui, oar B the 19th, by Park, Esq. Bis subject a “ aiii.l Life tn America.” .nd wea-e M.nnd tbat tha lecture Is one of the most brilliant an* Mr * many able worki of this distrniralßhea euthor. BeSamln was very successfulim tol.oity . last eeae-n, and we presume he win sttrset tot mrgo, fashionable audlengee during the potning moa(hs,_ :? ’ ’4-> •-?