The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 09, 1858, Image 3
BAGS; . Vi: Mfrckanti'. MxcAlMfi, ■■ nw o*t» v7> : OAfolinaiVostwr ...St Catherine, soon ‘ , BhrpP-loce,da;JolnTill6,J'oflt€r.....Pernambaco,soon ' -:;",^ ghlp”AHl ngton, H0rt0n........ Aaplnwall, aooa v . Sanford . .Montevideo fc B Ayres, eoon -.,7■ V:£‘■v£Barqa«-Anferlca^Wortlngen..';;.... • ;,a*rdenas« soon .V #3s vW Tf Bt Jftmes. Cru5e........ .’.Bio de Janeiro, Oot 90 - Adeline,-SohtCken,..’ London, soon Bgering,Havwia, Boon ' KIA s'T. ,;Br|g Gtenfoielc, Sohut London, soon '-t"t~' -‘'’v;' ir ’W&riEigle/8r0wn.............Perneirbuc0, soon. | -' • BrigTSruma; Bafeer.*Pfrrtau I r- v Spbr G\M Robertson, M0rr0w.....Y, Bfc Thomas, soon I 1 . k Bohr Johq,tSfe!ker;Tgrp.V.;.Barbadoes, soon | r PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF [TRADE - .r: Of . )•' .C:/ . * , ’ ' v.EhMOKD A .fiooi>Hß,>9oionttM OF raa Mom. ‘- 'GborqhL .Bpae y, /V >- T ' 2 ;t mar# jjiitgihflgnte. FiUh&BKbFHUi 6ct, 9, 'lSfibl son Rises...2l j sun 5*T8..i...i.v.6 S 9 .'HIGH' 35 • 'arrived." 1 : Steamship Kennobeo, nand,2lhoura from New York, iwilh mdso'arid passengers to Jas Atlderdioe -' 4 .Brig Yelona,''Pettigrew 10:days from Calais, with : lumberto.Bsker fit Shoemaker.. v ' :N '■'* ’ •' * , ~ Brig Moonlight, Small, 4 days from Falltßiver, in . .badlafitto'E'A Bouder,& 00. t .* * -> r - j' -Bcbr' Cbrneiif,-Rnaiell,'4 days from New Bedford, .-' with oil.Ao, to fihober. Bunting ACo , Schr John W Hall, Morris, 2 days from - Little - Creek Lauding, with wheat to J L Bewley ACo ‘ ! ' '■■■ ' 1 Schr, T P MoColley,-Deputy, 2 days from Milford, - 'Del, with y heit to J H McCoUey. ' HchrFiir Leader, Adams, 3 days from Salisbury, Md, - wi h lumber to J W B icon A, Co , r s Scbr Anna Maria, Fleming, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, i with oats to Jag BarrattA Son. . • - Bchr R G Porter, Hudson..from Banversport. ' Sobr Hannah Willeta, Oraumer, from Boston, gchr M B Mahooy,.Hitchens, from Boston, gcht; Mary Johnson,'Scofield, from New York. Schr Only Sou, Ess&mau, from Be dgeton. ' ' tiebr Jonathan Cone, Mehaff y* from Portland. f.' .Schr Kendrick Fish, Wail, from Portland. Pchr-E M Dufllald, Jones, from Portland. OIiXAABD. , Steamship Oity of Richmond, Mitchell, Richmond, /,< <TKoa Webster, Jx. . <.. 7 ! ... „..B»rque Belle, Ryder,Boston,Twells & 00. ' Brig Mary Attn, Cola. 8t John, MB, B A Bonder & 00, >'. f Bohr It Q- Portery Hnason, Danversport, L Aadenried * * 00. ; ;>. » BchrHannah Willetts, Cramner, Salisbury, Van Da , eeu, Morion & Co.' •' • ';\ v ßohr M B AlshoDy, Hitchens, Boston, Brown\fc White. " .b'cbr Mary-Johuson, Saffjlk, Washington; Noble, Hammett Sc Caldwell. . , - »chc Only Son, Rssamsa,.Bangor,' R R Corson A 00. Btf J H Shriver, Dennis, Bdltimore. A Groves Jr. - (Correspondence of Tbo Press.) ' - . .V •• HAVRE DE GRACE, Oct 8,1888. The Kingston left here this morning with 10 boats, laden aud consigned M follower. > H'U Wright, ooruj oatfl, &c to Humphries, Hoffman WHghi; ,T IK lUthmel, Samuel Wearer, and Agnes Amanda, dumber to E'B Wolrerton; Lewisburg, do to .Malone* Taylor; ,Qol A G Curtin, do to Bolton, Yan derveor ’& Co; John'lleisley, J G Hess, and Uanoab Bly, do to i£-Traop A Bon. [Correspondenoe or tbo Pbilodolpbis Exchange.) ' ■ . LEWES. Del., Oct 6.6 PM. The brigs Watson, Gulnare, Emily, and Sab&o.and '"sohw J.'R MoPee and Jkllsa S, were at harbor at ten o’oUicktbis morning, since when three berm brigk and ' firo scfcoocers bare been - added to the bomber. Wind south, andweather cloudy. • Youtt.Ao. WM. M. HICKMAN. f»TTßt*eaars»o - - • Kxw Oblxans, Qot 8. • Arrived, barque Harriet Haze .tine, from Portsmouth ' ‘ ‘ - Steamship Pennsylvania, Tea!, sailed from Richmond - - 7thinst. for. Philadelphia. '• Bteamgklp Bosto% sellew, hence, arrival at N York * yesterday. . -' . - Steamship City of Washington; Petrie, cleared at New •* ' ' York yesterday for Llverpbol , Steamship Qa&ker City, Schafeldt, cleared at N York yesterday fur Havana and New Orleans, ? . Steamship Hudson, Wenke, cleared at New York yes . - terday for Bremen. ■ 1 bb»p California Packet, Wheeler, cleared at N York yesterday for Montevideo. Bbip John jKnox/Gwin, from City Point, arrived at ; Deal iSdult.' Barone Mary 2 Trout, Ames, from Glasgow, at Balti more 7tb inat ' • Barque Cavalier, Farrell, from Rio de Janeiro Aug J3'arrlvedat Baltimore yesterday. ’ - • BaiqnaJS'Wright, Jr, Gibbs, hence for Savannah,was . .. fp <ken 6 thTost, off Charleston Bar. . " B&rqne Yaietta, Looke. for Boston, sailed from Table ; Bay July 23. Brfg Mery H, Kelly, hence, arrived at Boston 7th inst. Brig Hoinnkns, Mitchell, from Alexandria, arrived at Btfiton 7lh inst.' “ ' 'Brig Hancock, , Tacker, from Pensacola, arrived at • ... ' Boston 7th inst. ’ Scht Julia Smith, Crowell, for Philadelphia, sailed frorn HyanoiaSi inat. . , ( V„ Schi Maria Itoxanna, Cox, hence, arrived at portlattj 6th inst/, . ‘ '■ Schr, Gopla; Beane, hence, arrived at Hyannis. 4th inst amt. ' . , Schr Argos Eye, Nicholson.'from New Orleans, at Boston 7th inst. , 1 ~ Ecfar O H Rogers, Langley, from Alexandria, arrived at Boston 7th inst Schrs Ellen, Haltet, Smith, and J Oadwala ,der, Godfrey, hence, arrived at Boston 7tk inst. , Schrs J & 6tonebsck’,Risley, and'RP King, Leeds, hence, arrived at Richmond 7th inst. Schr Jane N Baker, Johnson, from Charleston, with • • ~' r lumber, at Wi’mlngton, Bel, Oth inst. ... flohr Anna Smith, Smith', and Emma, Moody, arrived Wilmington, Bel, 7th inst. ' ;• < Bchr M d Gasse, Smith, for New Haven, sailed from '■ ' ‘ ' Wilmington,' Bel, 6th inst. J Schr Alary Price, Bliztard, for Boston, and barge 2 D - - - Nelson, McQaade. for New York, soiled from Wilming ton,Deli yesterday.; Schr My rover Monroe,'went to sea from Charleston ~ ' ' Bth lust for Philadelphia, with 982 bales upland ootton _ aad2otbnrcld',ir<ro, ' ’ ' ■ Schr -Annala, Rlsey, hence, anived at Baltimore -* v -'- l 7thlnht; 1 's : . . " - Schrs Only. Son, Tltansbury, for Philadelphia,. and , r ’ \Lydl4 Anri, Voorhees, for Newark; NJ, doared at Balti a more 7th lost' ' V ' ’ Schrs h M, Strout>Gbvb» arid L ADanenhojrar,MU ~ iWr, naftOQ,drived at lirWonTth Inst. , . Schn' North Pacific, Marey, Caroline Hall. Graham, ‘ -mI P’ m, End!colt,,' arrived at Newboryporfi . 6ihi> Mt - . fiobi Carpenter, Fountain, sailed fromNewpor Itb inst. for Philadelphia. - Schrs Marla Boxann«,*oox. and-£ F Lewis, York, heooe, arrived at Portland 7th inst. ' - v 1 Schrs Florida, Kelly,'and Rebecca Knight, Endicott, ; for Philadeip ia, - sailed from Salem 6th iogt. - ; v. Schrs Emtdino Rickey, Tice, and WmP Corbitt, Boss, ' sailed from Providence 6th inst. for Philadelphia. Bcbr 31 & Carlisle, Winsmore, for Philadelphia or Alexandria,-sailed from Providence 6th inst. . ~ ' Propeller Commerce, Long, cleared at Albany 6th inst,.for Philadelphia. , Propellers Concord, Norman, and Ann Elisa, Robin 'son, cleared at New York 7th inst for Philadelphia. MARINE MISCELLANY. The barque J Yf Paige, oopparelxnd copper fastened, 9 years old, 200 tons burthen, and capacity 2000 barrels, was sold at'auction, at,noon yesterday, at. the Mer chants’ Exchange, by Metsrf ( Dutllh, Cook Sc Co, for $4OOO cash. Purchased by Mr Win H Rich. . , ; YORBIGN POETS. ' \ (Per steamship C*nada, '4t Halifax ) Ax fromifew York Sept 20, Louisiana, at Bremen; 224, Alliance, at Glasgow; 23d, James'& Keeler, at Deal. Ar from, New, Orleans 'Sept 20, Belie, at Marseilles; • r 23d;tndiaj at Beal. ' . Ar from Boston Sept 19, Sevens, at Marseilles. At from Baltimore Bept 20, Augusta, at Bremen. - Ar from Savannah Bept 23, Ellen, at Palmouth. Bld for New York Septic, Native, from Ardrossaaj 23d, Jane, from the Clyde. Sid for Heir Orleans Sept 21, Josiah Qainoy, frnn ' ¥111; 2®d, Holyrood andPnncoof Wales, from Liter pool: 233, Logan, Adelaide, Bell, and Constitution, from 4* do; Thalatta and Berkshire, from Beal; 24th; Matilda, froipdo, "" . . Bid for Boston Jaly 28th, Valetta, from Table Bay.’ Sid for' Charleston Sept 22d, Elisa Bonsall. from Li verpool. .: ‘ ‘ ' '' r, .J)OHBSKO PORTS -■'-NEW YOJSK.’Oat B~Ar,ihip Marianne Nottebohin, " Lamb, Lirerpoo}; brig flatten Wood. Ponce, PR; sehrs . , Connecticut’, Nelson .Fajardo, PR; Edward Kidder, liar*' ' stem, Wilmington, NC; .Prances Satterloy, Cooper, do; , Adele, Goff, do; B W Brown, Andrews, do. ” Cld, Ships Oregon, Footer,'Apalachicola: J 8 Parsons. Cowell, N Orleans; baiqne K 0 Gamble, Powell. Mo bile; Bohrs A Falkenberg, Rogers, Alexandria; Lynch* Irorg,HariJ(, Richmond; Clapp. L&yaoa; Cd'ctnercio da Arroya, Moofeires, Arroya. Also old, ship Wisconsin, Bcott, London; barque Alice Talnter, PoefMobile;, Cmiar, (Bel Gondere, Antworp: bri*s Linda, EiUDge, Point Petre; Industrie, Wrajrg, Kingston; Bfibra D B Sawyer, Pulton, Richmond; Thos Moloombe, Lozier, flaTanu&b; Arose, Allen, Alexan dria; Kate, Bktdmore, Tamps: N W Smith, Hyatt. Ba* yannah; P Onrrier, Rogers, Richmond; R, H Huntley, ■' Hammond, do; gtblnej Ray, Newborn; 8 £ Johnson, . Day; do; '• _ “ . . ABIUYAIiSAT THE PRINCIPAL huj^LP. DP to OHS O’OIOCK raiß KOBIUHa. GIRABD HOUSE—Chestnut street. below Ninth. HCrease; PhU HOarrow, NashriUe SH Qroomes, Elkton ,■ W Batcher A da, lad lIA Glass, II Y B JSBmith, Ohio W Jones, Easton ' _ , J Miller.' Kv ' • B W 06nr«r*« A la, Boston It Tibnev, Oln 0 0 E Wood, N Y Mrs G B Morris, Mass ' ' HissEathrep, R J ■ J McOalloogh, N Y G H Williams. pa ; W A English ..Va D 0 UpllorT, Beading 8 M Mapes, N Y H Hillard e la; N J' N Jordan A la. Rochester Her Dr Chapman. MO” Mrs J A Patton N 0 ' , ■ 21 Buckingham, Ctn O Mies 8 Heron, Cin O G A Miller, Coitunbas Oapt Osstto, Beq . ■ ,'JiK«fcer,Bcg. HVeaeh, W Middlesex " * 'A~B Bnrcbor, Md ’ 1 D Besldon, Md WAPatton/NashYlUe Nlt Fowler. Oin 0 . . ■- Brßeardon. Harford. Md Obas K Tnckerman, N Y ,tlol W B Hatlelt: MuWlo - Ohas Walsh, Mobile • A H Godwin, yj " . Chus Gajler, N Y • ,JB Kendrick A la, 8 0 . NHlngles.NJ ' 'C A Mitchell,"Chapel Hill 8H Gates. Macon, Ga ' Sheppard; N(j ~ ~DWBbaw,NO / .Mi' MeSt&tOn A' la. NC - /Mrs A Briggs, N C W'B ' ' MissM Bernard, Va .. ~CbM u Ticraan, Bait ■ D, 0 Johnston, N 0 ~ J* W^'Wheelwright, Boston Mrs Briggs, Bai t ~ Mrt Spenie, Md, 1 Miss Norris, Balt ■' Ml«i“Hcitersgm, Staten Is'W N Wjetb, Steten Is . A,MP»p»*en f N Y .OBOnrtls, NY > ' R'WBaibara,‘NY ’ AMls# Mailer, NY, - . , BHOndleppjN Y ~Baml8Bow;sahl NY ■*’ B Bandall. Beading /, /Jamal H Goadby, N Y ' v aoha B Taicott, ot . ,n n B.iasn, n y "WO Panton A la. N Y ' EL Brown Ala, Mass . Ha. Clarke, Boston . Mr SnrgMS, Pror R i 'Mr Burgess,.Ct % Mrs B liWUliams, Mass - Benj P Itnman_& ]a { Cm 0 JjbWagiier. jr, & la, Oln M Locse, Va J 3 WoOdhoaso,’Toronto T Murdock, Balt _ ‘ _ r.DModra'N Y‘ . - MrsßGlUnd, Bichtnofed . H M Hand, Richmond G II Von gpreckelor, N Y 0»H Bosher* N Y,- ..-.MiaslDgram, Va WVU wvuiel « IB>| M • a , - Joj Potta 3 WgßhlDgton " ' Jcs H Spencer, Bait _ , -<Jeb'WftnlDtw»;N Y M Coryell, N Y i ' s ! ' - 0 Jat McDongall, Balt -•■-. %* •ATJg fihiinmel, ; N Y ' 1 .' OJC f>ahlgreeo« La - v ;. s - r 'T-T J Tate, Ala . - -A E Ragland, Qa ' V-*f f BatblKXewla NY 1 OJlMaater, Mobile ; John Phllllpa/Ala * ' 1 ZitSS ABockweU, NY ''• ,!CfH-llodkwalLChicago'' ‘i- K'D'Kllbum 01n»0 ... 1 ,LoWon^K'W Gray,Mia*. - . J - 'BoH BTxne.’HY: > - P Cook, Pottfl?U!e la. Bt Louis''F 0 Lavllle,N 0 . . , / »SBBOBABTP» HOTlL~»Vurtb, below Arch street. ■' • . BamlTfadley, Ind' '. Thoa Hare, Pittsburgh ; W V BtgglDHj Wmaport Ttias Aaderfcon.Ya , . . < ’r ; E O Beatler, Ohio -.>ii •{*'.' Mrs M A'Beilej, Pittab’gh' Mrs & Moore* Pittsburgh . --AlexElmiakY Pittsburgh ..MUsKimick, Pittsburah - '' TGLUtIe.Pa * . ‘ , a V, L K fltorm. Pa ■ ■ :• ;> G Nathan, N Y ' O B Jenniaou. Jl’oh BChampney*, jr. Lnncsat’r B H WeiaerA wi« York t .- - AI.Ua H Bruce, York, Pa ’- , s ,;t ([list B Be«l< Phil*, - ir. .. ■' BTfoster, M Chunk - -v ;j . y ' ■ ■■■ .;.W , •. M.zi.w- 1> i OBIOH HOHI>-i«l> *ti»*t,l)«loTf fcmrtt. 'MkUisPiij.N ¥ : r Wr( OrtMw«ll,.BUp[i«iisVg.Muter TBrMer, do . * ;, rr*.f r - j " > “>•«'• : •: -- • JojrHElinM,,H J,. ... • ,•• ; ■ - ; ,v. I BrHawlej-, Phoenl*TiU» ; :•< v-.- ; p,lo *> ni ...• ?5 j- %< i; jow MtiSSBH' ;■ •' v?;s Jus Birlnattton,jr, N J.v rt-i -Z xm : i , 'Mtgg 1 B J Woodron. P* ■ : g 3otlrhfiAr, ; NJ ' ' J O Elsseksl ord, Ohio - : • «•*> John it Minin#,-potfeftn* Y* -.. „• I 'JmM Blrtpe.jr,Y*v JH Beale, P* ' ; Wm;Browa>Pi s rAtthofffc H.P» .’ c - - Qltjr<Jl) Thcmca, Otuo ! '* - - Vi- H Qrefdirr y£?\ r ? - atelier, NJ, ... =. x’ r , r\ • 1 4 -v WittJtinMij-ChGßteiyPtf * {. v . a . Mum?*,'Bond D«B,0 ” j;v id MEMORANDA John B King;, Ft lAMERIOAN HOUSE-”6kestimt street, below Sixth.- H Mison.N J - ”V 8 Btasoh.-N. J W. N Cooper, N.J c .r Chester, Pa . 8 S MaaOu. Newport, N J A L Roberta On. Harrisburg E Marsh Sc la. Alton, 111 W Wolf & la. Pottsvllle DSBentch, Va' Mrs E LoOand, Pottevllle TKHynson. Md W Moulder, W ( ' W E Mahone, Norfolk, Va Mrs E Rice, Norfolk, Va J R Everhart, W,Cheater G W Shindler, Va 0 Y Diggs, Va ' JO Wilkinson, Boston D 0 DOdd, Jr, Newark D P Baker, N Y H B Ellers, N 0 - ' ZRFulmore, BO B P Williams. Va B T Richards, Va Mrs BA Smith, Va Bichard JOues, N J Ohtfl Bandtord, Del Miss Bandford, Del Wm B Bummors, Del ' NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. G R Powell, N J WmMcOhesney, Pa WPG Whittaker, PJhilada Geo Musser, Lancaster H E Waster, Orwigaburg, Pa 8 Smith, Lewiabnrg John Wasser, Orwlgsbprg Jos M Feger, Pottsvllle S AStrouse, Pottavllle L Rfctein, Myerstowu ; J K Nice, Pottsvllle J Jimison, Lancaster co WraHetherlngton, Pottsv Wm F Voute, Pa, Gfias Hallman, N H Geo W Raimay, Pa 0 0 Ihllng, Sarkaburg joa Longuecker, Lebanon BARLEY SHEAF HOTEL—Second street, below Vine. S Kelley, Jr, N Y J W Sleeper, Hartford ABly.P. ' , I. Ely, Pa MiM P Smith,'Pa ' M Atkinson. PicOTiUe 0 8 Atkinson, Pinovlllo E Taylor, I’lnoyille S Taylor, Pinevills . J Merrick, Pineville -J 8 Heston,'Newtown A H Gammell, Hartsville 8 0 Harvey* 2 la. Pa 8 Sutton, Pa T J Janney, Newtown ' Moses E&atburn, Bolebury Jos Fell,' Buckingham Tom Linton, Newtown 5 B Taylor, Newtown H Taylor, Newtown 6 Bitnpson, Books co, J Faetbnrn. Bolebury £ Williams, Buckingham T E Pickering, Pa Jno Kelsey, Ysrdleyvllle J 0 Cornell, Holland W D Large, Taylorsville H E Moore, Newtown E Beans, Lahaska 0 Klrkbride Sc bro, Pa M M Burnet, Strondeburg 0 Palmer. Pa W S Linton, Pa 0 B Ely, Pa W Sipckert Sc la, Pa A Corson, Yardlovville R Corson, Yardleyvillo J B Lambert. Doiington 8 Reeder, HillqrfiviUe .'W Merrick, Bucks co Geo Knight, Bucks co R Smith, Bucks co J Farrao A son, Doylest’n B Taylor, Taylorsville Thos Warner, Taylorsville 0 Fox, Backs co Berj Goss, Backs co Mrs Davlßon, Cheltenham A L Walker, Doiington S Atkinson, Doiington A Rich, Doyles own Jaa K Taylor. Pa Seneca Baans, Pa R Longshore, Pa W R Foroe, Miilersville M W Balderson, Millerav’e Dr Pine, Quakerlown . £ Newbold, Pa . J Palmer, Pa SO Oadwaliader Sc sis.Pa' JasMacNalr, Bucks co ‘T 8 Snyder, HartavUie Robt Y Linton, Newtown M Reeder, Newtown J Ely, Newtown E H Roberts, Mi lersvllle Miss M Roberts, Millersv’e Mias E Balderson, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third, above Oallowhlll. Edw Roads, Byborry Linford Roads, Byberry Sigmund Hogeiand, Pa Henry Leffert, Pa Jacob Ualdoman. Books co Enos Xlaldeman, Pa Frank Roads, Pa 3 no Van Artsdale, Pa Mrs J Baker, Chester oo Geo Clemens, Pa N U Btoaman, Reading Jno Gearhart, Pa ■■ BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street. *b Oallowhill. Oliver Bolderston, Pa Sam’l Smith, Bucks co i) Ziegenfus & son, Pa B W Smith, Bucks co Benj Beans, Bucks co . Ohas Beans, Bucks co Sam’l Gerr, Pa M.sKGerr,Pa Miss L Groman Pa Ruben Keeley. Pa MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. L Whipple, N Y Miss E 8 Gilobrist. N Y J 8 Stover, Erwitma, Pa D Startyman, Baltimore M Shoemaker, Cheltenham M R Brooks, Phila M Clifford, Oheatnut Hill Wm Johnson,Chestnut Hill M 0 Jones, OhestnUtHlU James Tomlinson, Del J H Gxlloway, Cleveland, OSS Whaly, Maryland Goo L Stephens, Phila . BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and-Merchant streets. 8 Y Wilton, Newark, Del J B Williams, PhoonixviUe IW Williams, Phocalxville 'A W Band, Phila ,R T Hoopes, Oakland W Walter, Cheater co W W Anderson, Chester co J M Pratt, Chester co B P Hoopes, Baltimore David Paist, Pa Jas Brown, Klkton, Md ED Parker, Delaware co W Brown, Phila -ittarriages. On tbe 6th of October, in Hartford, Connecticut, by the Rev. E. R Beadle, Dr. OHACLES P. TURNKR,ot Philadelphia, to JULIA FRANCIS, daughter of Bo land Mather, Esq.., of Hartford. * September 21st. 1858. by Rev. F. J. Barbolin. Pastor of St. Joseph’* Church. Mr. BERNARD McGUIGAN to Miss OEOILIt M. COAD, daughter of Professor P. of Philadelphia. * At Wilmington, Delaware, on Thursday, the 7th Inst., by the Rev. Geo. M. Oondron, ELI TODD to ELIZA* BE I'll DRAPER, i.ll of Wilmington * On the sth instant, by Rev Samuel Durborrow. Mr. WILLIAM JONES, of Ohio, to UiBS ANGELINE OAIN, of this city. * On the-6th instant, by Rev. Wm.’ Harnett, 0. 8. A., JOHN .NICHOLAS .to MARY 8., daughter of the late Samuel J. Robbins, all of this city. ' * JHcolbs. Snddenly, on Wednesday afternoon, the 6th instant, .CHARLES W. BENDER, in the 40th year of his age. ' jHin friends and acquaintances, and his Mssonlo breth ren generally, are particul&r'y invited to attend his bneral, without further notice, from his late residence, Spring Garden street, above Thirteenth, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o’clock. Interment ai Mount Vernon Cemetery. * • On Wednesday afternoon, 6th instant, Mrs. BABAH A. KLDRIDGB, relict of the late James W. Eldridge. The relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her aunt, Mrs. 8. Hawks, No. 700 South Ninth street, this (Saturday) afternoon, 9th Instant, at 8 o’olock, without further notice. * On the sth Instant, THOMAS W. HIGGINS. - The relatives and friends of the family are respect fnlly.lnvited to ft'tand hU funeral, from.hla late resi dence, Richmond street, above William, Nineteenth ward, this (Saturday) morning, at Bo’clock, without fur ther notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. Fu neral service at St. Ann’s Church. # On tbe 6th instant, WM. T. DONNELLY, aged 12 years, son of Thomas L. Donnelly, deceased. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his mother, Jane Dounelly, back of No. 932 South Front street, to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at 8 o’olock. * On the 6th Instant, JOSHUA ELLIS, In the 68d year of his age. The funeral will take place to-morrow (First day) morning,-at 9 o’clock,* from bis late residence. No. 1502 North Eleventh street—to proceed .to Fair Hill, His relavties and friends are invited to attend, without fur ther notice. ,* " * fV==» To the Voters ot tbe First Congrcs- U 3 SIONAL DISTRICT. The friends of T. B. Flobbxcb—the enemies alike of Popular Sovereignty and of Protection to American In dustry-know tßsir weakness,and, fearing me as aOon gcesalonal Candidate, have circulated a report to the tffeot that I have withdrawn from the contest. This report I pronounce positively and unqualifiedly un true, and warn &ll my friends against betag deceived by snch shallow tricks of the violators of tbe pledges or 38*6, the Leeompton fraud mongers, and the ene mies of Protection. I now take this opportunity to declare and give renewed assurance that I am a candi date, and will continue to be a candidate for Congress, and that no earthly power can drive mo from the field, nor fer a moment cause me to falter in my devotion to tho great interest of the abused and too-long-deceived people of the First Congressional Dlftiict. oc9-lt* GEO. W. NBBINGEB. (vrra Hev. Dt. Sawyer will Offic'ate In the l is FIB3T UNIVERSALIBT OHUBOH, Lombard Btreet, abdYe Youth, 10-MOEROW Morning and Evening; oc9-lt* rystt The Prodigal Son.—Rev- Dr. Chollen Lk3 Preach In the AMERICAN MECHANICS’ HALL, corner of FOURTH and GEORGE Streets above POPLAR, TO-MORROW (Sabbath) Afternoon', at 3# o’clock, union Prayer Meeting dally at the same hour. oc9-lt* rVw» Spiritualism.—Mr. Stewart* of New* UJ? ARE, Will Lecture, on SUNDAY, at 10# A M. and 7# P. At., at SANSOM-STREBT HALL. Admis sion, 5 cents. ocO-lt* rv'£=» Disciples.—Rev* E. E* Adams, Secre tary of Ameriein and Foreign Christian Union, whi preach TO-MORROW, 10# A. U., at TWELFTH, below Melon. ocO-lt# • Young Men’s Christian As«ociation.— LkJJ Ah adjourned Monthly Meeting will be held on MONDAY JsVENINQ next, the 11th Ust, at 7* o’clock, in the aansom-Street Church, SANSOM. below Nloth As the Report of Gommiltoe on Branch Aeso« clations, Nomination of Officers, and other important business will be brought before the Association, the ittendanca of each member is earnestly solicited. The Ladies are cordially Invited to meet with us. GKO. W. GlllOE, Registering Secrotary. Green-Street M. E. Church*—The lra- Uv3 provemcnta now in progress not quite com pleted, the congregation will worship TO-MORROW in the Handel and Haydn Ball, corner of HIGH PH end SPRING GARDEN Streets. Rev,. A. OOOKMANwiII preach in the Horning at 10#, and In the Evening at 7# o’clock. Public are Invited. oc9-lt* Union Sermons to the Young.—The w _ first of a course, under the auspices ef the Young Men’s Christian Association or the North Pres* tyteuan Church, will he preached in that Church, North SIXTH Street, above Green, 10-MOKUOW (Sabbath) JsVUNING, bj the Rev. JOHN CHAMBERS, cervices commencing at 7)s o’clock. ocO-lt# h ry'==» Sermon to Young Men.—By request of >JS the' Young Men’s Christian Association, the Kev.WM P UurfßD will preach the first sermon of the Winter coarse to Young Mon. 't O-MOBBOW AVJSN -ING. October loth, at 7K o’clock, in the West BPUUCJE-3TREKr CIIUEUII, corner of gevon teenth. oc9-lt* - ry"-V ■* Fourteenth Legislative District, Attnn- Lg TION —Attention A D. K —TheTWBNTIR LH WaUD BRANOQ will meet THIS (Saturday) NIGH1 1 , attbeTOMß, to nominate a Candidate for Assembly, 'be former cindidate having declined. Bv authority of 1001. GEO. B. WENTZ, president. oc9 It# W. D Elwbll, Sec, fvr==» Philadelphia and Heading Railroad Co., Js3 Office 227 South FOURTH Street PeiLADaLFnu, October 8, 1858. At a Special Meeting of the Board of Managers of the Philadelphia and Beading Railroad Company, J. DUT TONbTEKLE, Eiq , wsb elected a Manager, and subsequently elected Vico-Pretident.of tho Company. By order of the Board oc9-lt W. H.MoILHENNBY, Sec>. rv^pai We Never Surrender.—A Maes Meet* 11,3 ING or the friends'or GEORGE IV. NBBIN- will he held at the house of George Q-. Creasy, corner of Eleventh and Anita Streets, on SATURDAY Easing, at 7jf o’clock. A Banner will he flung to the .breete. George W. Nebineer and other prominent . Speakers will be present. oc9-lt* (Y“~=» Rally, Americano, Rally, and Defend Iks THE HONOR AND INTEGRITY OP THE AMERICAN PARIY.—The Americans of the City of Philadelphia, who who would preserve the Identity of their party and its cherished principles, and who aro opposed to having It placed in a false position, are invited to meet In AMERICAN MASS CONVENTION, at the COUNTY COURT HOUSE, THIS (Saturday) EVENING, October Oth, at 7% o’clock, to decide on a course of action for the American Party to pursue in tho present, Campaign Americans, come out la your migot, and show that the American Party still lives !: Able, American spoakers will address the meeting ocfi-lt* Deputation from the Irish Pretbyte* lIS' RIAN OHUHOH—The Iter, Dr. MoOLUHB, of Londonderry will Breach in tho First Reformed Presbyterian Church, Bread Btreet, beiow bpruco, TO MORROW (fiabbith) Afternoon, at 8# o’clock, and in the Evening,'at 7% o'clock, In the Ninth Presbyterian Church,'cowter ef BixtoenthandUeorgeStreete., The Rev. Prof. GiBSON, of Belfast, will Preach In the Ninth Presbyterian Ohurch, at 8)< o’clock In the Afternoon, and in the First Reformed Presbyterian Church, Broad street, below fproce, at 7% o’clock m the Evening.. , The Deputation can only remain one Sabbath in our City, and those who desire to hear them should not fail to embrace this opportunity. oc9-lt* Germantown and Manaynnk.—l hereby U 3 ’ answer snob questions as have been propounded ‘ I did noi say, publicly or privately, that I wanted to, be,re-eleotrd in order to vote for * free-trado United States Senator. But 1 did say that, If I should be called 'updo to vote for each an officer, X would require In him t*e ability and willingness to obtain such a revision of the.Tarlffss that the domestic manufactures and pro ducts this State inay be adequately protected; that home valuation be substituted for foreign, and duties paid Hi cash'; and this I said believing that the neces fcith.B of the Government reqaiiesuch a revision. "‘I Uilltiot vote .for a'char nr for a new Bank In my District, nor for another Insurance Company. Aud i will ’vote .for an; Investigating Committee into the affairs of some of tho Boaiu lasorance Companies of the eUy., Respectfully; • •* .JOSHUA T. OiVEN, i^ootWt#..'' :> Detaoeratie ftominie fjr Assembly, T. U, Stockton will preach (D. V.) at \S3 National Hall. MARKET, above Twelfth Street, SABBATH MORNING, at - JO# o’olook.M UNION PRAYER-MEETING at4P.M. SABBATH SOHOOL at 9 A.M. All Invited. ‘ - 009-lt* ry-r==» Homeopathic Medical College of Penn* UJS SYLVANIA—The Introductory Lecture will commence on MONDAY, the 11th Inst., and be deli vered In the following oraer: Dr. W. Williamson, on Mondsy, at 7Jf P. M, Dr J. Beakley, Tuesday, « “ Dr. W. A Reed, Wednesday,« “ Dr. J. B. Ooxe, jr., Thursday, “ “ Dr. 0. J. Hempel, Friday, “ . « Dr. Thos. Moore, haturday, “ “ Dr. A.H Flaodcrs, Saturday, at 8W P. M. The Profession and the Public are invited to at tend. The Lectures of the Regular Course will commence on Monday, the 18 h, st 9 o’clock A M. ~ oc9-7t* W. WILLIAMbON, M.P.,Dean. rrg=» Firemen’s: and other - Union Prayer MEETINGB, under the auspices of the YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. ON SABBATH AFTERNOONS. United States Engine, Wood, below Crown *t., from 4)6 to 6)6 o’clock. Pennsylvania Hose, Eighth st., below Green, from 4 to 6 o’clock,’ United Hose, Brown st.,belew Twelfth, from 4)£ to 5X o’olook. Perseverance Hose, Quarry street, below Third, from 4* to 6)6 p. M. . ON SABBATH, at 7)6 P M. Engine, corner of Tenth and Filbert sts. Delaware Engine, South st., above Nineteenth Bt. Western Engine, Oallowhill, below Sixteenth st. ON TUESDAY, at 7)6 P. M. America Eogfoe, Buttonwood, below Third st. Philadelphia Engine, Seventeenth, below Chestnut. Robert Morris Hose, Lombard st., above Eighth st. Columbia Hose, Ohorry, above Seventh st. ON WEDNESDAY, at 7)6 P* M, Kingsessing School House, Darby road. Independence Engine, Spring Garden, near 24th st. Soutnwark Engine, 8. Third, above Washington st. Diligent Hobo, Madison, above itacest. ON THURSDAY, at 7)6 P. M. N Liberty Hose, New Market, above Coates st. United States Hose, Buttonwood, below Fifth st. Schuylkill nose. Locust et., below Thirteenth st. Naval Asylum, Gray’s Ferry road. Falrmount Engine, Ri *gs avenue above Woodst. Good Will Hose, Wood st, below Twenty-third. Club Room, corner of Fifteenth and Filbert sts, Falrmount Hose, Pleasant street, above Eleventh. ON FRIDAY, at 7)6 P. M. Western Hof e, Twentieth Bt, abo»e Lombard st. Vigilant Hose, Eighth st., above Wharton st. Warren Hose, Barker, above Eighteenth st Spring Garden Hose, Parrish, near Eleventh st. * Diligent Engine, corner Tenth and Filbert sts., from 4 to 6 P. 51. , Young Men’s Union Tent, S. Fifth, below Wharton Bt., from 5 to 6 P. M Ladies and Christian friends are affectionately Invited to attend. By order of the Executive Committee of Young Men’s Christian Association. sell-sat tf To Hie Employing Honse Painters.— At a Stated Meeting of the Journeymen Hou.o Outers* Association, it was Jte'oli'cd, That the wages shall remain as at present. ocB-2t* WM L. FORMAN, Secretary. The Philadelphia Bank—October 7, IB6S —The UNION BANK of Tennessee has de clared an Extra Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., paya ble to the Eastern Stockholders at this Bank, on demand. ooS-3t* B. D, QQMaGYS, Cashier. Jefferson Medical College—lntroductory LECTURES. Prof. DUNGLIBON, MONDAY, October 11, at 7 P.M. Prof. DICKSON. TUESDAY, “ 12,at7P.M. Prof. GROSS. “ “ 12, at 8 P.M. Medical and Surgical Clinic, WEDNESDAY, October 13.12 to 2P M. Prof. BACHB, THURSDAY, October 14,at7P.M. Prof. PANCOASr, “ “ 14, at 8 P.M. Prof. MITCHELL, FRIDAY, “ 35, at 7P. 51. Prof. MEIGS, “ “ 16, at 8 P.M. Medical and Surgical Clinic, SATURDAY, October 16.12 to 2 P.M. ocB-7t BOBLEY DUNGLISON, 51. D , Dean. University of Pennsylvania.—Medical DEPARTMENT. The Intaoductory Lectures to the Course of 1858-’59 will be daivered in the following order :j MONDAY, October 11th, at 12 M., Dr Jackson. “ « af IP. M.,Dr. Leidy. TUESDAY, « 12th, at 12 M.. Dr. Carson. “ « at 1P M., Dr. Smith. WEDNESDAY, “ 13th, Medical Clinic, 12 M. “ “ “ Surgical Clinic. IP. M. THURSDAY “ 14th, at 12 M, Dr Wood. “ 4 ‘ “ at IP. M, Dr Rogers. FRIDAY. 16th, at 3)6 P.M, Dr. Hodge. The puollo is invited to attend. R.K. ROGERS, M.D., oc7-Bt-if Dean Medical Faculty. nr=>Penniylvania College—Medical Depart- J MENT, NINTH Street, below Locust. The Introductory Lectures in this Institution will be delivered as follows: MONDAY, October 11th, Dr NEILL, at 5 P. M. TUESDAY, <' 12th, Dr. BIDDLE, at 4P. M. Dr.REReE at 6 P. M. WEDNESDAY, October 18th, Dr. SMITH, at 4 P. 61. Dr. MoOLBLLAN at 6 P. M. THURSDAY, Octobor 14th, Dr. GILBERT, at 4P. M. Br BTILLE at 5 P M. • There will be & Medical and Surgical Clinic on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY mornings, at 12 and 1 o’clock. FRANOIB G. SMITH, M. D , 007 6t Registrar. Notice.—Green and Coatrs-Street Phi* LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM PANY.—A second instalment of- FIVE DOLLARS per share in the capita! stock ef tho Green and Coates street Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company will bs due and payable at the Office of the Company, No. 423 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the Bth day of No vember next, between the hours of 10 A M andSP.M. oc7-td HARRY CONNELLY, Treasurer. rf~=* When the People are In Motion TYRANTS TREMBLE ! FREE TRADE STARVES US, PROTECTION GIVES UB WORK. GRAND MASS MEETING 051 *v THE PEOPLE, at. INDEPENDENCE HALL, ON SATURDAY EVENING; OCTOBER 9IH Torn out in yonr strength, and show that yon are de termined to hurl the myrmidoms of corrupted power from their high places; that yon intend to procure >roper protection for your tabor: and that you design o place, the great doctrine of Popular Sovereignty, upon which tbe American Institutions of our country are based, beside the other oardlnal principles of our National Oread. The assembled masses will be addressed by the tallow ing eloquent gentlemen: Morton MeMicbael, Esq., Isaac Haztehurst, Esq., Hon. K. Joy Morris, Henry D Moore, Esq . Philip S. White, Esq., 0. 0 Lathrop, Esq.,OhariesGilpln, Esq , Oliver P. Oornman, Esq.. George A. Coffey, Esq . John Goforth, Esq., Simon BoyderL*idy, Esq , lion. William Millward, John P. Verree, Keq., John W. Ryan, Esq., and several others. oc7-3t Mayor's Office, City of Philadelphia, OCTOBER 4, 1868. LOAN CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. 400,000 DOLLARS. BT ORDINANCE, APPROVED OCTOBER Ist, 1858. Letters Marked Proposals for City Loan, PROPOSALS, to be endorsed “ Proposals for City Loan,” trill bo received at the Mayor’s Office, in the Olty of Philadelphia, until the 16th day of October, A. D. 1858. at 12 M., for Loaning to the City of Philadel phia FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, for which Certificates of Loan of One Hun dred Dollars and upwards will be issued, bearing Inte rest at the rate of six per.centum per annum, free from taxation and redeemable In thirty years from date. PROPOSALS will be received for any sum, but not in fractions of one hundred dollars. The Proposals will he opened on the 15th'day of Oc tober, 1858, by the Mayor of the City, in the presence of the City Treasurer and the Committee on Finance. The highest offers will be accepted, the City reserving the right to accept or decline the whole, or any amount thereof. Payment will be required on the 20th day of October. Interest to commence from that date. ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor oLFhiladelphla. ryW-* The. American Patent Company of Cln- UsJj OINNATI, OHIO, organized July, 1868, with a capital ofIIOUOU, buys and sells Patents on commis sion. solicits Patents, executes Mechanical Drawings and Engravings, and transacts alt business pertaining to Patontß, of whatever nature. The Company also pub lishes the SCIENTIFIC ARTISAN, the best raochani cal paper in America, at $2 per annum. The Company can furnish all information in reference to either American or European Patents. Address AMERICAN PATENT COMPANY, Cin cinnati, Ohio ' oc2-s tu th-lm Bank of Commerce, Fhiladelpltlo, Oct. Lk»2 2, lssti.—Notice is'hereby gives that an Elec tion for THIRTEEN DIRECTORo to serve the en suing year, will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 15th day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. M. oc2-a tu th-tnol6 The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders will bo held on TUESDAY) the 2d day of November neat, at 2 P Mat same place oc2-stuth-Uo‘2 J. O. DONNELL, Oashier. /ys==a» Office of llie American Fire Insurance UJj COMPANY.—Philadelphia, Oct. 4tb, 1868. The Directors here this day declared a dividend of Four per cent, for the last eiz months, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their legal representatives on and after tho 14th inat THOS. R. MARIS. ocs 7 9 II 13&16# Secretary. ry=s* Medical Department of Pennsylvania o COLLEGE.—Preliminary lectures will be de livered dally la this institution, commencing on MON* DAY, Sept. 27th, at 22 o’clock M.. and continuing until the opening of the regular session. There will be a medical and surgical clinio, in connection with the Pennsylvania College Infirmary, every Wednesday and Saturday, at • 12 M. FRANCIS G. SMITH, M. D., se26*s tu th 2w Registrar. ry=s» The Crusades and the Crusaders —The ijjj Rev. WM. BACON BTEVENB, D.D., willdellver a LECTURE on the crusades and the Orusaders, on THURSDAY EVENING, October 28. in the MUSICAL FUND BALL, for the benefit of the Mission Sunday School, on Thirteenth street, near Federal. . All who wish a great lntellectuM feast will avail themselves of this opportunity to h'ar this eloquent divine treat of the exoitlng times am the thrilling scenes whan the followers of Peter the Hermit, Walter the Penniless, Hlldobrando, and others, under the sanction of Pope Urban the Second, attempted to re* cover the Holy Sepulchre and the Holy Land, the scene of our Saviour’s life and sufferings, from tho power of the Infidels or Mohammedans. Tickets of admission, 26 cents each, may be had at ,Tbe Episcopal Depository, Ohestnut street, above Twelfth. Mr, F. Brown’s, northeast corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. W. 8. & A. Martlen’s Dook Store, No. 608 Chestnut street. Smith, English, A Co.’s Book Store, Sixth street, above Market. Jas. B. Smith Sc Co.’s Book Store, 010 Chestnut»t. - The doors will be open at 7 o’clock, and the Lecture commence at 8 o’clock. oc7*th s tu td Geology.—Two Courses of Lectures IsklSk on GEOLOGY will be delivered to Ladles and Gentlemen, in the Scientific and .Classical Institute, OHB&TNUTstreet, northwest corner or Twelfth, by J. ENNIS, Principal of the Institute,’commencing Oct. 19th, and continuing the afternoon course at 4 o’clock on TUESDAYS and TBUBSDAYS and the evening coarse at 8 o’clock on TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Both courses will be the same, each comprising 22 lec tures, a number sufficient to bring forward all the great and wonder ful TRUTHS of GEOLOGY, and likewise the FACTS by which these truths ate demonstrated. Terms —The two introductory Lectures FREE. Each course 86. Entrance on Twelfth street. W9»ocl-IBt rThe Sisters of tlie Holy Cross are now ILjf .holding a FAIR for the sale of usefai and fancy articles,' at JAYNE’S HALL, CHESTNUT, below. Sß* VRN TH fljnpt*. Will dose tfaU ff«k.‘ ; o«o4t* ' THE SATURDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1858, fY*-. - Union Preaching (or tlie.Feoptaf flildor DC? the auspices ot the Ministerial R°|on, in con nection with the Young Men’s Christian by the variousmlnisters of our cltyon every TUESDAY and THURSDAY, at4P. M.. In the BANBOM-STREET OHUROH, until farther notice. Sjrricoe conO"'i* ONK HOUR precisely. Bey. Wi J. »• TAYLOR TOia AKTKRNOON. ' oc7 » Business Men’s Unton "“J' r * !t ,i LjjJnlly from IS to l o’oloclr. In I* . 7 t f Church. Hstc I hecn there? If not, *hy' 007 “■ Department of Snrvcy.-OlflCeo< Chief IL3 enqinker and surveyor—rniLADßi- FHIi, Sspr. 29th, 1868. „ , o „ rnNn NOTtCE._DUPI.MATE PLANB 0’ the SECOND SECTION of the Re* Surrey and Ilegolatlonof German town, bounded northeastwardly by Germantown arenne, southwardly by Wli.ahickon »treet,«outheMtwaraiy by Queen street, northwestwardly by west TTashlngton avenue, in the Twont.v->ecood ward. , A . ~A - SEVENTH SECTION of the Survey of the late lown ship of Bloekley, bounded on the norih by Oxtora sr., 011 the south by Wyalusing street, onthe east by Forty ninth street, and onthe west by Fifty Sixth (66th) street or HsUor avenue, in tho Twenty-fourth ward. SECOND, THIRD, aud FOURTH SECTIONS of the late Borough of Frankford comprising aU east or Fr&nkford street, to Stiles street, and from Frsnkford Creek to Little Tacony Creek; also, all northwest of Frankford street, from Orthodox street northeastward to Little Tacony Creek. Also, the whole or the late bjroti#h of Whitehall, In the Twenty-third Ward. FOURTH SECTION of the Sumy aud Regulation of tho Twenty first ward, bounded onthe northwest by Centro Street, on the southeast by Shur’s taho, on the northeast by Ridge road, and on the southwest by the River Sehuylkill—are now prepared and deposited fot lospoctlon, at tbe Offices of the Surveyors aud Regula tors of the EIGHTH, NINTH, TENTH, and ELE VENTU SURVEY DISTRICTS, and ot theoffice of this Department, City Building, FIFTH Btreet, below Wal nut ; and the Board of Surveyors have appointed MON DAY, the 18th day of October, 1868, at 10 o’clock A. AI., to consider any objections that may be urged there to by any citizen interested therein: / STRICKLAND KNEABB, ocs-toclB Chief Engineer and Surveyor. lywaFnrmors’ and Mechanics’ IJanK, Phila* LUg DHLPfIiA, Oct. 2, 1868.—Thb Annual Election for Directors will be held at the BANKING BOUSE, oa MONDAY, the 16tli day of November next, between the hours of 9 o’clock A. 51. and 3o’clock P. M., and on TUESDAY, the 2d day of November next, a general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Banking House at 4 o’clock P. M., agreeably to tbe (Shorter. N oc4dtfUs W.RUSHION, Jr., Cashier. M PEREMPTORY SALE— By Order of the Aeslenees of the BANK OF PENNSYL VANIA. THOMAS Sc SONS, Auctioneers. The splendid neWj ’BANKING HO tf BB , "With Granite Front) CHESINUT STREET, Between Fourth and Fifth Streets, Adjoining the Farmers’ and M* chanlca’Bank, and op posite the United StAtes Custom House, erected for the Bank of Pennsylvania. . Oo TUEfcDAY, October 20tb, 1868, At seven o’clotk In the Evening, will bo sdld at Public Salo, Without reserve, at the Philadelphia Ex-. change: AU that splendid Edifice and Lot of Ground thereunto belonging, situate on tbe north side of CUes’nut street, between Fourth and Fifth streets; the Lot containing in Frost on Chestnut ritreot 70 feet, and extending in depth of that width 178 foot, more.or leas, to gronnd of Rulings Oowperthwait The Banking House fronting on Ohes nut street is of brick, with fino Quiuor Granite front, four stories high besides tbe basement; 70 feet 4 inches front by 46 feet 10 inches in dep’h. Theother attached thereto, fronting on tho north. Is three stories high besides tbo baßemont; floe pressed brick front and granite doorway; 68 foot 4 inches front, with a passage way on each side 6 feot wide, and extends in depth 104 feet. The wh<<le built in the moßt substantial manner, and thoroughly fire-proof in every part. The floors are of marble and brown stone tilo, resting fin rolled iron beams with brick arches, and all the partitions of brick j the roof an iron frame, covered with heavy corrugated copper; the cornices and gutters of stone and copper; the stairs are of iron; the Wall bsaos of marble and iron ; many of the door joints of Iron; the doors of heavy boiler iron and black walnut; the shut ters of heavy boiler iron The tho roughly wanned with Morris, Taaker, Sc Co.’s hot-wa ter apparatus, and every loom well ventilated by regis ters near the celliogs. The basement story contains 13 rooms, of various di mensions, from 38 feet 6 inches by 21 feet 6 Inabes, to 12 by 10 feet-J ceilings 9 feet 0 inches high. Also, four water closets And urinal These rooms are all well lighted, and connected by a passage 13 feet wide. The first story of the roar building basa targe room, with au entrance 14 feet wide from Chestnut street. Its dimensions are 57 feet by 64 feet, sad ceiling 46 leet high, tbe side walls cased with an iron base below to ; the height of the window sills The ceiling is of ca»t iron, handsomely decorated with panels and painting: In its centre a cast iron oliptiCAl skylight, 26 feet by 18 feet. Tho floors of brown stone tile; the counter fronts of ornamental cut iron; the counter and desks of fine black walnut. Also, a targe strong room of Yale’s chilled iron, completely burglar probf. Upon the same floor are six rooms of various dimensions, from 40 feet by 36 Let. to 19 feet by 10 feet 6 ioohes,, with ceilings 20 feet 6 inches and 16 feet high. These rooms either open on Chestnut street or upon a corridor to Chestnut street of )4 feet wide. The second story contains six rooms of various dimen sions, from 41 feet by 80 foot to 16 fe<>t 4 Inches, by 10 feet 6 inches, with ceilings 17 feet high; also, five water closets. The third story contains five rooms of various dimen sions, from 41 by 30 feet to 23 by 14 feet 6 inches, with coiliogs, 15 end 17 feet high; also, fonr water closets. ' The fourth story, on Chestnut street, may be re idily divided into three rooms, from 30 by 26 feet to 23 by 10 foot, with ce.Hngs 12 feet high; also, tiro water closets. The sash of tbe Chestnut Btreet front are in the build ing, and only require glazing-all the rther sash are glased The total number of rooms is 34. fljr" May be examined on application to the Auc tioneers Bale peremptory. By order of Assignees. N>B.—The vacant strip of gTOundln tbe tost, about 8 feet north and'outh by 70 feet etst and west. Is and will be sold subject to au agreement between the Bank of Pennsylvania and said Rulings Oowperthwait, dated December 26th, 1867. recorded in deed book R. D. W., No. 112, page 341, relative to the opening of a 40 {feet street in.the rear, to extend from Fourth to F.fth street, said strip of ground to form part ofsaid street, if opened. The rights secured by said agreement will be sold and conveyed to the purchaser. It r may be seen at tbe Auction Rooms any time previous to sale MALSO, HANDSOME MODERN RESI DENCE. SIXTH Street, opposite Franklin ftf&cre. Neat Resldenco, 249 Senth Ninth street. Store and Dwelling, 213 Arch street. Brick Building, corner Front and Linden streets. Brick Building, oorner Front and Canal streets, oppo site the above. Brick Building, Elk street, north of Canal street. Briok Stables and Coach House, between Aicb and Cherry, and Seventh aud Eighth streets. Two large and valoable Lots, West Philadelphia. Two do. do: Richmond And Kensington. ID“ FWJ particulars of each of the above now ready in handbills. S&le of the whole absolute, by order of the Assignees of the Bank of Pennsylvania. M. TIIOMAS Sc 80NS, Auctioneers, oc9-lt Nos. 339 and 141 South FOURTH Street. SALE OP VALUABLE JLLi REAL ESTATE.—Pursuant to the last will and testament of Joel Baris, late of the township of Upper Darby, Delaware county, deceased, will be sold at pub lie sale, on THURSDAY, the 14th of October, 1858, at the late residence of said deoeased, all that small Farm, containing TEH ACRES of highly improved land, situate in Harerford township, on the road load ing from Merion to Chester, and witnln three-quarters of a mile of the West Chester Plank Road, by nhich it is serea miles from Philadelphia. The Improvement* consist of a substantial two-storied STONE HOUSE, withapiatza in front, and a pump near the door; a BARN, stone stable high, nearly new; with other out buildings. Besides a number or FRUIT AND' SHADE TREES, one acre of the above premises <s covered with a grove of thriving young Timber; the balance U ara ble land, inahjgh state of cultivation, and is divided into convenient lots, with good fence. The property Is situated in a good neighborhood, and is convenient to mills, schools, andpltces of public worship. Bale to commence at two o’clock in the afternoon, if hen the conditions will bo made known by WILLIAM B. JONES, 217 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, GEORGE SMITH, Executors. £& FARMS FOR SALE.—-A splendid ZE FARM of 100, and one of 100 acres; a Mill Property of 11 acrea; a Saw Mill and Lumber Yard; a House and 2 acres for Sale, all no&r Nor* riatrwn; a Farm of 50 and one of 65 aorea. near PhoenlxvUle j ono Farm of 55 aud two of 75 acres, 6 miles from Norristown; one Country-scat and 40 acres, in Plymouth; Tavern and Store Stands in Norristown and country. Catalogue of Farms and Full description given by addressing R R. CORSON, oc4 2w Real Estate Broker, NORRISTOWN, Pa. M PRIVATE RESIDENCES FOR SALE.—Some of the most beautifully situated Properties in and around NORRISTOWN is now offered for Sale or Exchange; also a large Brick Building, adapt* ed end used for a BOARDING SCHOOL for several years, and for which there Is a good opening. For par ticulars address R R CORSON, 004-2 w NORRISTOWN, Pa. DR. KANE FOR THE CHILDREN I A NEW GAME FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS AT HOME. Founded on the wondorful Travels of Dr. KLLBUA K. KANE to the ARCTIC BEAB. It is this day PUBLISHED and FOR SALE by PETEBBON & BROTHERS, No. 308 OHESTNUT Street. This is a very pretty, and amusing, and instructive round Game for YouDg People. All the characera whether of MEN, or ANIMALS, or SUtPS, In the MARVELLOUS ADVENTURES, are faithfully intro duced by illustrations, and the 6trife of tbe Game Is to .keep tbo Doctor and his ship and JONATHAN ahead. WHOLESALE AND JREVAIL. This new and beauti ful Game will be sold for Two Dollars per dozen, or TWBNTY-VTVa OKNTB the BINGLE GAME. WHOLESALE DEALERS should send lu their or ders at once to the PUBLISHERS. T. B. PETERSON tc DROTIIER9, No. 306 CHESTNUT Street. [RATIONAL HORSE FAIR, ; J. v (At PoweUon, Twenty-fourth waid") I ART DAY. Grand Trial of Speed, between the following Horses, at 2 o’clock P. U., for purge of Thirty Dollars: Oapt&ln Stone enters Limerick. Wm, 8 Strong enters Brown Geldon. At 11 o’clock a, M., for a massive Silver Goblet) for all Colts under six years old. At 4 o’clock P. M., for Silver Goblot, free for all Horses. GEORGE NUGENT, ocO-lt* Superintendent of Race Track. OR OMNIBUSES AT AUCTION.—On trtM WEDNESDAY morning next, at 11 o’clock, at the Btables of the TENTH and ELEVENTH street Railway Company, cor. Tenth and Montgomery streets, will bo sold without reserve, Thirtj-Qve Omnibuses, including two of extra sice. Also, a lot of running gear, feed wagons, &o. Most of the Omnibuses are nearly now, of the most approved construction, made in the very best manner, all of them in good ruunlng order. fl May bo examined any time previous to the sale. Terms at salo. ALFRED M. HERKNBSS, octlMtlf Auctioneer. Hfl EN’S PINE CALFSKIN BOOTS, X» M Shoes and Gaiters, Boys’ and Youths’ Fine and Coarse Boots, with a general assortment for Mon and Women and Ghildrou’a wear. Boat City Manufacture, at DUTTON’S. u feign of the Red Boot ” No. 11l N. SECOND Bt., above Arch. „ oc9-2t# East side. Dancing.— jesse j. groom and WILLIAM PALLATT’B Select Party This Even log, at Saranak Hall. - Admission 26 cents. oc9-lt# rgio cash buyers. JAMES S. EARLE A SON., Invito the attention of Western and Southern Custom' • ers to their immense and elegant assortment of LOOKING-GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PICTURE-FRAMES, yIE W S STEREOSCOPE MCALLISTER, A BROTHER, ooWK 796 CHESTNUT STREET, ttcal (Estate. 816 CHESTNUT STREET, OPFOSITB THB QIBABD SOUOB, OIL PAINTINGB, f ENGRAVING c Suitable for the FALL TRADE. FOR THE ■VSnNG'S FARINA CRACKERS com v T bine most excellent qualities, and a truly de lightful taste... They are undoubtedly the moat nourishing and heil thy Crackers ever produced, and pecollaly pleasant for children. With hot and cold dishes at' lunch, they'are particu larly nice, as well as with coffee and other drinks. Ask your Grocer for WING’S CRACKERS, and take none but those which axe s amped with tho name of A. WING. These may be procured of tho beat Family Grocors generally, aud at wholesale only of A.N.THOMPBON ACO., Nos. 221 and 223 FULTON Street, New York, or DINGEE Sc BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, No 146 South FRONT Btreet, Philad’a. For the convenience of Purchasers, we give the names of some of our best Grocers who sell them: FiIILAOELFHU. Anderson Sc Dunlap No. 1840 Lombard at R. fc T. Attnore No 1000 Buttonwood at James Aahbr00k........ Cor Becond and Queen sts. Arrlson A Smith....... Ridge Road and Wallace st. R. Black No. 1730 Chestnut st. R. Black No. 1700 Market st. Thompson Black No. 20 South Broad st. Jas K. Bowman.. No. 662 North Seventeenth st, It. Sc S. Boyd 1644 Race street. AI L. Bart ...No. 269 North Fifth st. Hugh Brady Cor. Eleventh and Pine sts. M.O. Brown Cor. Ninth and Locust sts. Thomas F. Bradley,.... 8. W. cor. Sixth and Spence sts. W. 0ampbe11........... No. 644 Pine st. Wm. Campbell Sc C0....00r. 11th and Market sts. James W. Campbell,.... No. 200 Walnut st. Simon Colton..«•»..••••No. 1400 Walnut st, Wm. Clark .......Twelfth and Race sts. John Devine .No. 1602 Market st. James Dobbins, ...N0.1037 Market Bt. J.M Ellis A 9th and Spring Garden, A. Eppelsheimer Tenth A Spring Garden. Edward Fri01...........C0r, 9th and Spring Garden. Henry Floyd.. Cor.B.l2thand Lombard. Frazer Sc Johnson Second, below Chestnut. Gordon Sc Forguson Cor. 19th and Market sts. David B Graham Green, corner Sixth st. Thomas Graham .......Oor. Sixth and Cherry Graham Sc Martin.,... .No. 3036 Market at. Samuel W. Gray. No. 362 South Fifteenth at. Fred’k Grubb........... Cor. Eleventh and Coates st. Samuel Haye5.......... Cor. Eleventh and Walnut. John H0we.............00r. Second and Lombard sts. Wm. J. Holt. North Second street. T Haltemao...,., 8. W. cor. 6th and Oallowhill WilliamO. Johnston.. ..Cor. 18th and Girard av. Wm. Ke11ey....... .....Twelfth and Girard avenue. SamuelKerr...*«*..•••.Sixteenth and Market sts. D. Kehue. .Tenth and Market sts. J. B. Sc 8. A. Love...,..Seventh and Brown sts. J. H Lockwood S. W. cor. 7th and Federal sts. M.McCarthy...... Tonth, oor Geofgoat. J. Sc H. McClees No. 719 North Second st. O. H. Mattson Cor Tenth and Arch sts. Wm. L. Maddeck Sc C0..N0. 116 Sjuth Third st. W. R. McKinley ’.Ge mantowo Rd and Jefferson. Samuel sloon Paul and Seventh sts. John M00re............Pin0, above Ninth st. Francis Morris Cor. Tenth and Bhlppen sts. R. Neff Eighth and Vine sts. John O’Brien .... ......Christian and Flower sts. JohnH. Parker Eleventh and Market sts. William Parvin, Jr Twelfth cor. Chestnut et. Phillip R Purdy No. 10 Walnut st. Thomas R. Patton...... Locust, corner Thirteenth at, Samuel Rogers Sixteenth and Pine sts. Samuel H. Ross.. Oor. Second and Brown sts. Albert 0. Roberts...... Eleventh, cor. Vine st. Robert Ralston. Thirteenth and Girard av. Samuelßoss Second and Noble sts. Andrew Sproule Cor. Marshall and Coates st. Morris F Sflltin 0»r. Eighth and Arch Bts Jeremiah Starr Oor. Fifth aud Merchant sts. Wm. O Stevenson No. 712 South Second st. John Sayler,.,,. Sixteenth aud Cherry sts. David Sullivan Third and German sts Joshua Wright, Cor. Sp Garden and Franklin. J. H. Wheeler. Cor. Third and Lombard sts. John H. Weaver A Co. .Oor Second and Pine sts. Robert W00d5ide........ Market, ab Seventeenth st. Caleb Wood ......No. a 24 South Second street. Oh&rlesWebb Cor. Beventhand Market sts. OtBMAJSTOWN. H. Press..... .Jabez Gates Sc Bro, NOntISTOWN, PA. Aloore Sc Ramey HARRISBURG, PA. Hummel A Kiliinger. READING, PA. Wm. Dock, Jr. B. D. Smith..* LANOABTBR, PA, John D. Sklles. POTTSVILLB, PA. It. J.Scboeoer BURLINGTON, N. J. Page A Thomas. J. H. Burling.. W. T. Hopkins, BORDMITOWN, S.J, Uflah Bennett.**. TRBNTOS, N J. Miller Sc Moore. BRIDGETON, N. J. Samuel L. Fithian. WILMIXOTOX. DSL. Allman Sc Orpwood Edward L. Rice. T. Aiken OINCINHATI, O. Joshua W. Ga5ki11...... oc 011 16 18 4t T UMBER YARD. MLi HOUTZ Sc 00., ‘(Successors to Montgomery A: Neal!,) 8. W. oorner or TWELFTH and PRIMS Streets, PblU, Old Moyamensing District. are now receiving a large and well-selected assottmpnl of ail descriptions of LUMBER, such as White Pine, Yellow Pino, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pales, Pioketa. Fence Boards. Flooring, Shelving, and every variety ot well-seasoned Lumber. Also, a targe stook of Bill Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly os hand and sawed to order at the shortest notice. Our connection with Messrs. Mehaffe*, Houti, 4k 00., and Duffy, Hoots, 4k 00., at Marietta, Pa., gives us un surpassed facilities, and enables us to supply orders fot all descriptions of Lumber with promptness and despatch. PINE-OREEK LUMBER, soft and mellow, suitable for PATTERN-MAKERS, Sc o , constantly on hand. Prompt paying purchasers are respectfully invited to examine our stook before going elsewhere. ap2l-tf 1 UMBJSR AT WHOLESALE AND BE XJ tail, at Marietta, Lancaster county, Pa. MEHAFFEY, HOUTZ,"4k 00., take this method of informing their customers and persons desirous of pur chasing LUMBER, that they hare now on hand a targe and well-seasoned stook of all descriptions of Lumber, which they are prepared to sell at satisfactory prices. t Their timber is all from their ewn MILLS on PINS I&REK't T^heyare ataoepnnectedwith Meaazs DUFFY, 3i)UTZ,a CO., and are prepared to famish all Unde of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, Lath Pales, Pioketa. and Building Timber for Bridges, Ac., of all descriptions, on the shortest notioe. They wonld also take great Measure in calling the attention of Builders, and those a want of Lumber lu the city of Philadelphia, to the Lumber Yard of HOUTZ A Co., oorner of TWELFTH and PRIMS Streets, with whom they are also con nected. apSI-tf JUatijittcrs anil Iran. BAXTOX. Y. NXIXIOX. /. TAOQXAX KIXXICX WILLIAM I. MnXiOK. CJOUTEWARK. FOUNDRY, K 3 FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. MERRICK & SONS, RNGtNSERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pre ware Steam Engines, for Land, Hiror, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, &e., Cast ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Bailroad Stations, Ac. Retorts and Gas Machinery of the latest and most improved construction. * Every description of Plantation machinery, sack as Sugar, Saw. ana Grist Mills, Vaoaam Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters. Pnmping Engines, &o. Sole Agents for N. Blllleux’s Patent Sngar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Boss’ Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pnmps. Superintendent—B. H. BARTOL. anB-y ZOLLICOFFER’S ANTI-RHEUMATIC CORDIAL Is the only preparation ever placed be fore the public that has performed se many MIRAOULOtJS CURBS INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC 11QEU 4IATIBM. The most prominent and influential citizens bear wit ness of its efficacy. The abundant evidence from all parts of the couotry Is enough to warrant ns in pro nouncing that it la the greatest wonder of the age. It is an Internal remedy thats rikesatthe root of the disease, acd thus eradicates it en'irely from the system. Prepared by THEODORE DILKS, Chemist, Northeast corner of Pine and Sixth streets, oc7«Bm Philadelphia. J£JANDSCRUBS AND CLAMPS. HANDSORUBB. No. 1. 62tfe. per doz. 2. 76c. “ 3. 87c. “ 4. 1000. “ No. 5. $1 12 per dox, 6. 1 2b ‘ 4 7. 1 60 «• 8. 1 76 « CLAMPS. 6 Row, $1.25 per dozen. 7 Bow, $1.75 per dozen, 6 Row, $2.25 per dozen. HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, • se-16 62 North THIRD Street. Philadelphia jpiOß COLDS AND SORE THROATS. lOELAND MOSS PASTE, MARSHMALLOW DROPS, FLAXSEED DROPS. STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, Manufacturing Confeotioner, No. 1210 MARKET STREET, se2o-3m West of TWELFTH Btreet. JUST RECEIVED FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, (ha Consignment, a large lot of INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPETS, To b* sold at AUCTION PRICES for Cash or City Ac ceptances. WOLFE, WILSON, & CO., jy2o-frm&wtf No* 132 CHESTNUT Street. DOSTER’S CORN-HUSKING MA CHlNE.—(Patented Nov. 17th, 1857.) This va luable Invoation ifl now ofTored to tho pub ic, contain ing all the requisite qualities sought by the Agricultu rist; is simple and durable in its mechanical construc tion, can bo operated and kept in order by a boy; strip ping every particle of Husk from the Ear without inju ring the grains, and does the work of eight or ten ex pert hunkers. It can be manufactured at a price that brings them wlthlu the roach of almost every one, and is in fact the machine that is wanted by every Farmer Jn the land State and County nights for solo Address H. A. POSTER. Bethlohom, Northampton Co., Pa. i~UTtfS, RIFLES, AND SPORTING IM VT PLEMENTB. Xho Subscribers havo In store TUB LARGEST ASSORTMENT 07 FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &c., Ever offered in this city. Desirous of reducing their assortment as much as possible before the Ist Deo , they will soil AT VERY LOW PRICES THEIR ENTIRE STOCK, comprising GUNB PROM THE MOST CELEDRATED MANU FACTURERS OP ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND FRANCE. PHILIP S. JUSTICE & CO., No. 21 North FIFTH Street, 800-2 m above Market. PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.— SPSOIAL NOTICE TO PHYSICIANS.— I The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to dU eased surfaces, which combines the following advanta ges ; A good and unvarying consistence, easily washed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and doss not get rancid. The last property alone ronders it an invalnablo acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail, at SIMES’S Laboratory and Pharmacy, who Twelfth and Ohflutnnt AMERICAN HEMP.—A large stock of •£A. American Homp.lhackled and rough, for sale bv WEAVER, PITLER, A CO., No. 28 North WATER st. and No. 22 North WHABVBB. ood f QST OR DESTROYED—A CERTIFI -Li CATE or SCRIP, No. 4.8Q2, for 8 shares of the Stock of the Consolidation Bank. Application has been mado to said bank for a duplicate certificate of the same. se2l-tu th-8t WM. HUTCHINSON, I-ffAVANA LEAF—IOO Bales Havana Leaf R.R. Tobacco lending eg MaryH. Kendell. For sale by A. MERINO, I*B I*o South frost street. Btfoil JDtfl fflma&a. JOUYIN’ F S KID GLOVES. L. J. LEVY & CO. Hive received, by the “ ARAGO,” FOUR HUNDRED DOZENS OP LADIES’ & GENTLEMEN’S KID GLOVES, OP JOUVIN’S MANUFACTURE. 809 AND 811 OHEBTNUT BT. oe9*4t DRESS TRIMMINGS, BERLIN ZEPHYR, BHUTLAND WOOL, EMBROIDERED SLIPPERS, FRINGES, &0., CLOSING OUT, TO RELINQUISH BUSINESS. The Subscriber will commence closing out his magni ficent stock on MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1858, At prices that wilt induce Purchasers to supply them selves with a full assortment of SEASONABLE TRIMMINGS. The whole stock, comprising MANY NOVELTIES, together with a fall line of STAPLE GOODS, Will be sold at exceedingly low prices, until closed out. JAMESLINNARD, No. 729 CHESTNUT Street,rggg oc9-lm 3 doors bel. EIGHTH, north side. CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, a SHARPLESS BROTHERS hare oponed O.oth Mixed Raglans. Tricot Cloth Cloaks of ne» styles; Paris raids Castor Cloaks; Hear/ Beaver Sleeved Cloaks; Black Velvet Cloaks; Also, , Referable doth English Shawls Heavj Blanket and other seasonable Shawls, oc9 EIGHTH tc CHESTNUT STREETS. WILL BE OPEN THIS DAY, OOT. 7, an assortment of FRENCH FLOWERS, FEATH ERS, LACES, VELVETS, and BIBHONB of various styles. E. 0. HALLIpAY, ec7*3t# 25 South NINTH Bt., Philadelphia. Great bargains in dry goods.— B. V. R. HUNTER Has REMOVED from No. 30 to No. 40 South SECOND Street, -where be is now prepared to furnish the Ladies with a fresh and well-selected stock of DRESS GOODS, To which he invi • a their attention, being determined to sell at exceedingly LOW PRIOES. N. B —A large assortment of Broche, Stella, and French Blanket Shawls. Also, a variety of Bilk and Cloth Circulars Constantly on hand, at the “ CLOAK EMPORIUM,” ocs-lm No. 40 South SECOND Street. Broche shawls- OHEAPEST LOTS! I And beet styles now offered, being recent auction pur chases of very HANDSOME STYLES Broche Long aud Square Shawls, from $4 to $23. Also, Stella Broche Bordered Shawls. French Blanket Shawls, Misses and Ladles 1 Blanket Long and Square Shawls. FINE BLACK CLOAKS, Now ready, comprising all the newest styles, OLOAK boom Replete with FALL and WINTER outer garments, SILK OIrICLES Especially adapted for tbis season of year. LIGHT and BLACK CLOTH CLOAKS and RAGLANS, Ready-made, or made to order in one (lav’s notice. COOPER & CONAKD, oc4 S. E. oorner NINTH and MARKET Sts. MEN’S PANG 7 FLANNEL SHIRTING, Stripes, Bayaderes and Mixtures, in fine French colors. Flannel for Travelling Shirts. Also, Plain high colored French Flannel. oc2 EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. PLAIN colored Brocade Silks, Modes, Browns and Olives, and Blacks, neat styles. Solid colored silks, imported'especially for Friends’ wear. oc2 EIGHTH and UHESTNUT. Auction bargains of an© french Goods end * BROOHE SHAWLS. From the'two great sales of fIENNEQUIN & Co., and TUEIRON, MAILLARD, A Co. CHARLES ADAMS Has now arranged in his SHAWL AND MERINO ROOM A largo assortment of super BROCHE LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS that cannot be surpassed for beauty of design and style of coloring, and at prices much below the usual rates. Splendid do with Wool Chain. Super Silk Plush Shawls. Thibet do Plush Borders. Round Comer Stellas, $5 to $l2. Square do, all kinds. Black Thibet Long and Square Shawls. High colored KmoUnes at 6-4 French Merinoes, High and Plain colors, at 68, 76, 88, aoQ $l. Super White do at $l. Black do do at 700. and 880. 6 0 Cashmeres 76c. to $l. An immediate examination is requstod. oc2-eod*tf EIGHTH and AROH Btreets. & LANDELL, FOURTH AND AROH STREETS, STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS. SECOND OPENING 07 FALL GOODS TODAY. ROUND-CORNER SHAWLS, NEWEST STYLE SILKS, RICH DOUBLE SKIRT ROBES, Fourth “ J. MORRIS HARDING, Fifth “ GEORGE T. THORN. Sixth “ JOSEPH M. CHURCH. Sxthth •* DAVID H. STTER. Eiohth “ O.A.WALBORN. Ninth “ GEORGE W. WOOD. Tints “ ISAAC J. NEALL. ELSTSNTH “ ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. Bep29-tocl2 FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS 1 Twxltth " JOHN A. FISHER. MAGNIFICENT DB LAINEB, RICH PRINTED MSRINOES, LUPIN’S CHOICE COLORS MEBINOES, 0-4 NEW STYLE VALENCIAS, NEW FALL VESTINGS, &o , &.O. EYRE H LANDELL, Grand opening o* "WINTER CLOAKS PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM The SUBSCRIBERS have now open their IMPORTATIONS AND MANUFACTURES , FOR TBS FALL AND WINTER SEASONS, Comprising tho most extensive end superb display of OVER GARMENTS Ever exhibited in this City. { . VT . PR GOTO E & CO., 708 CHESTNUT STREET. h 027 QHEAT ATTRACTION I OVER $1,600 WORTH OF SHAWLS FROM WHICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. THORNLKY A OHISM, N. E. oor.EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Here the beet SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia. They would respectfully call attention to e following rerjr cheap lots, viz: 46 LONG BROOHE SHAWLS at $ 8 each. 20 Do. do. do. at 10 “ 20 Do. do do. at 11 “ 24 Ho. do. do. at 12 “ 10 Do. do. do. at 18 “ 20 Do. do. do. at 14 11 20 Doe do. do. at 16 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 18 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 20 “ 8 Do. do. do. at 26 “ In the above Lota of Long Broche Shawls will be found every desirable color of contro. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From $2 to $l2, in every color. Frenoh Blanket Shawls in new deslgus. Plain Thibet Shawlß, Square and Long. Real Canton Crape Shawls. Plain and Embroidered. Children’s Shawls, Misses’ Shawls, and Shawls, at THORNLEY A CHISM’S, “ONE PRICE OABH STORE > Northeast Coiner )BI**HTH A SPRING GARDEN N. B.—Oitysnd Country Storekeepers buying for cash may find bargains at T A O.’s. P. B.—A Magnificent stock of Silks now on hand. selB-tf tOljolesale JUrs Ooo&a. JRISH LINENS, WOOLLENS, STUFF GOODS, BLANKETS, A full and general assortment of FALL DRY GOODS for sale on favorable terms by WRAY & GILLILAN, 121 CHESTNUT STREET. au9l-tu th s24t TRADE, 1858. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GrO ODS AT WHOLESALE. DRESS GOODS OF NEWEST STYLES, SHAWLS OF EVERY VARIETY. MERINOS, COBURGS, MUSLIN DB LAINBB, VELVETS, SILKS, ALPACAS, GINGHAMS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, SATINETS, VESTINGS, FLANNELS, PRINTS, BLEACHED AND BROWN GOODS, With a complete Line of EMBROIDERIES, And other styles of Goods adapted to a FIRST-CLASS TRADE, All of which axe offered for sale Oheap. W. G> OHITTIOK & CO., 438 MARKET and 433 MERCHANT ST. aulT-tu th sat 2m&vr2m BOILER and FLUE IRON of all kinds, qualities and sizes, cut to patterns at short no tice. Promiscuous Sheets, Boiler Heads, and Rivets, on hand and for sale at lowest rates by EDW. 8. BUCKLEY, 004-lm# Gray’s Foray Boiler Iron Works, Office No. 6 Farquhar Building, 280 Walnut st. CHEESE.— 105 boxes Herkimer county Cheese sow landing, and for sale by O. O. SADLER A CO., led AfiOH Street, 2d door above Frost, FOR SALE, A. BARGAIN—The superior - Shelving and Counter with Drawer., in Btoro No. 2)9,North THIRD Street. Apply at No. 252. third a6drnhoVsr-''-r,^K i ,, ■ Bar FOR SALE.—Eargeßar 40feet long, with Dishes complete and Oyster Box.-cost will be sold for $25 Apply at BaMUEL NATHANS 1 Auction House, No. 224 South THIRD Stout, be’ow Walnut. oco-3t TO LET—THE BASEMQJjT AND UPPER BOOMS of the Poor-stor/ Building on north side of LODGE Street, between Seventh add Eighth, opposite Masonic Hall. Boom 140 feet deep, and supplied with water and water closets, and wtfl lighted. Suitable for light mechanical or manufac turing purposes or warerooms. Apply to J. D. BKINBOTH, 430 WALNUT Btretrt. TO BE LET WITH BOARD.—A hand some suit of Rooms, with dressing-room, bath, and every convenience, and several rooms editable for families or single gentlemen. No. 701 VINE Bt, op. posits Franklin Square. ooMte mTO RENT, a STOKE on DELAWARE Avenue, below VINE Street, running through to Water Btreer, 148 feet deep. Also, the Double STORE, comer Of THIRD and QUARRY Streets, 40 feet front, one of the best leeations for large Business in Phila- Also, STABLE and COAOH-HODBE in OHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, in rear or Ash land House Apply at 273 South FOURTH Street. MTO LET—The HOUSE NO. 1626 I “ g00l0tdar - Rent 1600. mm a large Yard and Modem Improvements. se2B-dtf Rooms on commerce street. The Three Upper Rooms of 418 Commeroe Street _____ se27-lm FOR handsome residence, with all the modem improvements, lire© Mde yard, grapery. Sc c., SIXTH, near SPRING GARDEN Street Terms easy. P. K. LYND, 6# South SIXTH Street, (second story.) se!7-lm ®FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A handsome new mansion, 19-rooms, and 40 acres, near Gwynedd Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. Bite splendid, frnit abundant, health unsurpassed. Any person really desiring a handsome Country Seat in ex change lor city property, will fl!nd this an unusual op portunity of accomplishing bis object. Apply to B. K. LYND, 6x B. SIXTH bt, (2d story.) selMm OFFICE TO-LET.—AN ELIGIBLE OF -7IOH for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the Mine floor, No. 224 WALNUT Etreat, above DOCK. Immediate possession given. - Apply to JOHN O. HOTTER, or THOMAS T. BUTCHER, v.™ a_a«. a. No * ll2 8011111 Street, mh3o-tnthJ-tf seoond story, front room. |Ssjj FOR SALE | A pretty Cottage, nine JHiiiL tooma, and one or more acres, on Wyoming arenue, two miles out the Second-street Tornpibe. Aleo, several handsome cottage lota The neighborhood is healthy, beautiful, and rapidly Improving. P. K. LYND. 6V 8. SIXTH St., (2d story.) * “ seH-Sn TO SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. —Thirty acres or less of beautiful Land on Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, only two miles north of the Pajementa. for sale a bargain, and terms easy. Apply to P.K.LYND.btf South SIXTH Street, (second Btor r-> selV-lm JjlOR SALE— Ouo of the moBt Valuable and Desirable DOUBLE, BROWN STONE RESIDENCES N& 1810 CHESTNUT STREET, i * EXTENDING THROUGH TO GEORGE STREET. Havingoeen built by the owner for his own Residence, ao expense has been spared In Its construction. Apply to CHARLES BOGGS, 629 Market Street, Or to M. THOMAS A SONS, sell-lmlt 139 and 141 South Fourth St. ASSEMBLY— oc4-Bt. EDWARD B.BEDSTREAKE. jpEOPLE'S TICKET. JUDGE OF THE BUPBEME COURT, WILLIAM E. FRAZER. First DISTaIOT ..JOHN W. BYAN. Ssoono “ ED W.JOY HOBRI3. Third “ JOHN P. VERREE. Foobih “ WM. MILLWARD. Yina “ JOHN WOOD. JOHN H. PARKER. First District JOSEPH H. BINEX. Sboohd “ ..SAMUEL BWBNEY. Third « WM. H. MATTHEWS. Thjbtbbhth “ FRANKS EDWARDS. Fodbtbckth “ ................SIMON GRATZ. Fiftbbhth “ ....GEORGE W.HAMEBSLEY. Sixtbhhth “ GEORGE WILEY. SIVBHTBBMTH' 1 0. F. ABBOTT. WILLIAM H. KERN. GEORGE W. MoM AH AN, NIMROD WOOLERY. ELECTION, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12. se22-tOol2 Bailey & co., VOBKBBLT BAILEY A KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To whloh they Invite the attention of thepabile. SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND QAERIAGES. WM. D, BOGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parte of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. eelB-Bmlf VESTINGS, *O., Ac REMOVAL.—O. C. SADLER & 00. have IV remored from No. 9 North Water Street to No. 108 ARCH street, second door .bore Front. eel rjIUBNBULL & 00., IMPOSTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS CHINA AND QUEENS WARE, Nob. 23 and 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 07“ GLASSWARE, open or by the package. au3l-2m rjlO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN CHINA, GLABBWABS, AND FANCY ARTICLES, AT THB LOWI3T MASXIT mOSS, AT ■ MARXSEN * WITTE, Importer*, MASONIC HALL, 118 CHESTNOT STREET. jans-ly /tga, PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMLNA (SpH TIONS. with written deacriptions of character, 'fiO including advice in reference to TV Half-improvement, are made dny and ere nine at POWLitR, WILLS,* 00.>S, Famlllea vieited when repeated, and a liberal 41a -353-* 40 ° lUl ”' m Ohaatnnt at., Philadelphia. R' ttoqta IT PIMP and VARNS For SALE, S, WEAVER, MTLRB * 00., f N«, 83 North Water street, and K*H North WShRT«, JFor &flle anlr to £et. IS THE CITY, Political. BBOOHO DISTBiar, STATE OFFICERS, JOHN M. READ. CANAL COMMISSIONER, CONGRESS. STATE SENATOR. -Third district, FOR REPRESENTATIVES. COUNTY 09FI0BR8. SHERIFF, REGISTER OF WILLS, CLERK OF ORPHANS 1 COURT, tttatcljes, j£toelrg, &t. PEARLS, ATWHOLBSALB ABD BBTAIt. Carriages. aemotmls. ffiljitto, ©iassroare, &t. Between Market and Chestnut, MERCHANTS. A large Stock of r T'r. ; WANT6D^B|^ria TION, by the treetmoot of; the Plants, Graperies, FiW't OTNSB testimonials will be t iven. AddJ! Office, , / ■ ' - UTED. —The Advertiser haa!fr»jBjjg T-at# TF - oa. safe sad profitable hi flee of 'this Paper. A N EXPERIENCED BOOKKfcEFEHI cm. and ACCOUNTANT, -whose afternoons are un occupied, desires to obtain the charge of a Set of Books. Address “A.T. B Blood's Detpiteh. ■SMjp doQ-2t» VAT ANTED-—An Energetic BUS NESS ▼ v MAN, that has been ;6D'gaged in Merraot‘ll pursuits the last ten j'-afs, desires a Situation as Clerk, to write or to attend to’the business of a Firm, Com pany, or Corporation, at home or abroad. Needful re ferences given. Address “CARLTON,” at the Office of The Press. pcg-fo* Chambermaids, Girls for General \J Honsework, Ladles* Maids, Seamstresses, Half grofrn Girls, Men Boys, Waiters, Nurses, to be had for Hotels, Private Families in all parts of City and Coon try. O’CONNOR’S Office, 19 Arcade, Chestnut Street, above Sixth. oe9-lt* WANTED —An Active Partner, with from $1,500 to $2,000, to engage in the WLolefale Wine and Liquor business The advertiser can furaith au equal amount Can Influence trade to the'amount of $lO,OOO annually, and understands the businees tho roughly. References required and given. Address, confidentially, INDUSTRY, this office, for one week. oc*-Bt* fd29«Bm# WANTED —A Situation by an experi enced Bookkeeper. Undoubted references givea. Please address A. B. 0., at tins Office. ocT-St* A YOUNG LADY of musical education wishes a Situation as Organist. Good reference given. Address ORGANIST, office of this paper. oc7-4t* \\f ANTED—A Situation by one thorough- YY Jy acquainted with the Hardware business Beat of reference and security given if required. Salary not an object as employment. Address, at this office, W, G. * 007-3t# ANTED—A Purchaser for a retail y / Drag Store, centrally located and doing a good business. Satisfactory reasons and full particulars will be given on an interview being had. Address PHARMACY, office of The Press. 007«3t* TO DRUGGISTS.—WANTED—A Situa tion in a Wholesale or Retail Drugstore, by a young Man who haa served four yean under instruction in a retail establishment, and is a graduate of the Phi ladelphia College of Pharmacy. Can refer to his last employer as to his character and qualifications. Ad dress CHARLES, at this office. 007-st* —An Intelligent aged Gentle- T v man in an losurance Office, to go on errands and make himself generally useful.. Address FIRB INSU RANG B, this Office. ocT-3t* TOANTED—To Rent, for the winter sea v T son, with immediate possession, a. Furnished house of moderate size, with modern Improvements, west of Tenth street. Address A. M., offloe of this paper. oc4 VS/ - ANTED, FOB THE HOTTED STATES * * CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to •whom will be gives good pay, board, clothing, end medical ettendinoe. P*y from H 2 to 523 per month. Ho men hiving a wife or child will be weepied. Apply ' for MOUNTED SERVICE et No 817 MARKET Street, above Eighth, north side. ’~ W. TH. MAGRUDEB, lit Llent. let Dragoon*, Recruiting Offleer. BOARDING. —A Private Family, in a first-class How, would let, with. Board, their second story, elegantly famished, to »' Gentleman nod Wife Address ‘•Home. 5 * Office of The Press. otiMt* BOARDING —A handsome Suit of ROOM 3, with Dressing-room, Bath, and every convenience, and several Rooms, suitable for families or single gentlemen. No. 701 TIME Street, opposite Franklin Square. , ooi-fit* ' BOARD in a Private Family,with the com forts of a home, for Gentlemen and their wives, or single GentUmen. Apply at No. 226 North TENTH Street. - ocs-tuth»-6t COMMUNICATING FRONT -BOOMS, VJ with 101 l or partial Board, at 204 West WASHING TON Square. oc7-3t* Amusements. A merican academy of music, XXI BROAD AND LOCUST Streets. THE GREAT RIVELB! THIS EVENING. Oct 0,1868, Tb? Comic Pantomime, entitled the SOLDIER FOR LOVE. The Grand Ballet Di> ertisement, entitled LBS ABRIL tES. To conelnde with (last time) ASPHODEL. Babilas, Gabriel Ravel; Tnrraff, Francois Ravel; Asphodel. A. Lehman; Zamlnta, H’lle Lina WindeU. Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Baloony, 60 cen's; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 26 oents. Beats can be secured from 10 A. M. to 4 P. H. with out extra charge. Children under 10 years half price. Mrs. d. p. bowers’" walnut-st. THEATRE, comer of 'NINTH and WALNUT BATUBDAY EVENING, October 9,1858. THB SON OF TOB NIGHT. Ben Leil, Hr. F. B Conway; Duke Dorato, Hr. H. A. Perry; Bravadnra, Mr. McDonoagh; Jolla, Mrs. D. P. Rowers; Ghebel, Mrs. F. B:Conway; Myrtha, Hlsa 0. Riohiogs. To be preceded by THE CHAPLAIN OF THE REGIMENT. Prioes of admission—Second'Tier and family Circle, and . Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet* 87# cents; Brest Oirole, 60 cents; Private Boxes, according to their locale, $3 and 15; Single Beats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doors open at quarter before T o'clock; Curtain rises at 7# o’clock- TOTHEATLEY & CLARKE* ARCH-ST. it THEATRE.—WiIIIemB. Fredericks, Acting tad Btage Manager. SATURDAY EVENING, October 0, 1856. AMERICANS IN PARIS. Arthur Morris, » Philadelphian in Paris, Mr. Dolman ; Doctor Botherer, a French Physician, Mr. John Gilbert; Amelia Morris, wife to Arthur, Mrs, John Drew; Annie, ‘wife to Botherer. Miss Emma Taylor. To conolude with the eccentric comedy of PAUL PBYI Admission, Shots. Secured Beats In Dress Circle, 37 if cts; Orchestra Stalls, 60 ots; Seats in Prirate Boxes, 75 ets; Gallery, 13 eta; Gallery for Colored Persons,26 cts; Private Box in Gallery for Colored. Persons, 38 ots; Whole Prirate Box, 33. Doorsopenat quarter before To’olockj oomsaenee at 7#, precisely. CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, \J ABOVE TWELFTH —Fifth week of ansorpuaed eaccet#.—THE COLOSSAL REVOLVING REPRKBEN TATIONB OF THE RUSSIAN WAR, the mod meg nificentand ex'ensive exhibition in’the world. Con eluding with the DESTRUCTION OF SEBASTOPOL. Open every evening this week, end on Saturday after noon. Admission2s cents; children 13 cents. Doors open At 7. Performance at a jf of 8. Assembly buildings, tenth and CHESTNUT Streets. Here again! Eotnrn of the old favorite, SIQNOB BLITZ. New and Oomlieal Beenes in VENTRILOQUISM. Extraordinary Magical Demonstrations, end the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Open every Kvtning dozing the week, at half-put 7 o’clock and on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons at 3. Admission, 25 cents; Children, 13 oents. se24-Im* ]\TATIONAL hall—market street, 11 OPEN TOR THE PIFTH WEEK. J. I«oo Wiluavb’s celebrated PANORAMA OP THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commences with Chaos, and continues down in historical order to the Babylo nish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the most sublime and interesting scenes in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Poors open at Tj to commence at 8 o’clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Ohildre under 10 yean 16 oenta. Also. Exhibitions on WEDNBBDAY and SATUR DAY AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Boon open at 2; to commence at 8 precisely, Explained by Professor TIBBIXTS iXUbumal. The great standard remedy op THE NINETEENTH OENTURY. THE IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE EOS PURIFY ING THE BLOOD AND STRENGTHENING THE WHOLE SYSTEM. The Imperial Depurative, prepared by Dr. Loum berry & Co., is now acknowledged u the prlnolpal Family Medicine for the cure of Oaxobbous affections and Soropdloob diseases generally. The success which attends its use in these inveterate diseases has no equal. It is now used in these diseases with complete success, where all other means have failed. Two or three bot tles will satisfy any one of its great curative Hip Disbasb and Whitb Swbllibg. Ulcbbatioxs of the Bokbs, Mouth, Throat, &o. its beneficial and healing characteristics are soon observed in these com- Cl&ints. No matter of howlongstandingtheymay have een, they will yield to the proper use of the IMPE RIAL DEVTJRATIYE in a short time. Tbttbr and Scald Hbad will as certainly yield to this medicine as it is used. Diseases of the Skin and all eruptive complaints generally tannot long remain after using a few bottles of the Imperial Depurative. " Its Tonic properties, as well as Alterative, render it valuable to weak and delicate females. The great purity, strength, and value of this Family Medicine is unequalled in the cure of all diseases origi nating in an impure condition of the blood. It expels all the virus or diseased matter from the blood and re invigorates the system. Those using the Imperial Depurative and wishing ad vice in their case, willreoeive every attention by otter or otherwise. Prepared and sold by Dr. LOUNBBERRY & CO., No. 60 North FIFTH Street.below Arch, Philadelphia. For sale also by J. F. Long A Co., Lancaster, Pa. J. H. Baser and S. 8. Btevens, Reading, Pa. Holman A Co., {Harrisburg, Pa. 0. W. Epting, Pottsviile, Pa. T A C. W. McOlintock, Easton. Pa. James Given, Westchester, Pa. Schmidt A Co., Allentown, Pa. Simon Rau, Bethlehem, Pa. Dr. H. W . Leslie, Bristol, Pa., and Druggists generally. aull-mwAsat6m HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL—THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOB AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK BTOMAOH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Ohemist. Bottles 12#, 36 and 50 cents. _ THE! GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE OURB-ALL should be kept In all families, in case of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHORNB’B CURE-ALL cures Rheumatism. HARTbHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Cramps, Cholic, Painß In the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHORNE’B OURB-ALL cures Fains in the Limbs, Bilo, Back and Breast. HARTSHO&NE’S CURE-ALL cures Sprains, Bruises, Scalds and Burns. HARTSHORNE’S CURB-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HABTBHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Oholera, Diar rhoea and all Pain. „ . . - HARTSRORNB’S CURE-ALL cures Ear Ache and Deafnesßfromacold. __ HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; also, Canker and Sore Mouth and Bore XI HABTBHORNE , S CURE-ALL cures all Spinal Affec tions and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL iB a groat tonic to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. ITT- As the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body: also, Stiff Neck—every person should get a bottle. It sots upon tbe Nerves, Musoles, Sinews, Blood and Bones: and, by Its warming electro-magnetio power, ex pels all pain from the system. Get a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at tie happy effects. N. B. If you have a Cough, use HARTBHORNE’S Pectoral Byrup of Wild Cherry, it ia the best Cough Syrup in the World. Bottles, 26 and 69 cents, and $l. If you are Billions, use HARTSHORNE’S ANTI BILLIOUS PILLS. They act upon the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Foul SecretlcDS. Boxes, 25 cents. Sold by R. H. JENKINS, No. 25 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets. Slmes’ Stores, Ohestnut and Market streets. Garriguea’, Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner’s. Tenth And Lombard sts. anlU-th ft tndtf if iARE-NuH VVUITifi ZitiO, of the Vieille J? Montsgne, ground .pure. It produces a clear, white, fine gloss, and attains a firmness and evenness of surface. Guarantied genuine. For sale by ZIEGLER A SMITH, nSS-Utt Boatbnot on. owb4 pul ema it*.