The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 05, 1858, Image 3
?f , W. lll l'-, , "J l ‘"N I ' . -.SrJlepbrtei-forThePresa.].- v. 1 . r* -.*• r_, »hd* Walter, Hlorth—l3o bbls - oR4rcad bblrtiti Bdot goat skins 6'green JaAreftshe ArCarstair#; > p* »-.? • libANIX^-origiSpeedstray?Th(nnpaon*^623fi . tea-52 4 hhde : Wbmsr^b¥attnmiJ>TSAlbn»^er , l St&oi c* ’fihi ~hf t,-,'-* - { Bobertson; Mdrrowv—lB/hhda <l5 enghr Sl molasses J - u - i KlOHtiOND—Steamship Virginia. Kelly—los Wxe* 27 cases tobacod-Dohav'lfr,Taitfe2iB boxes dojßoonob, McOammou & do M Wartnjoh Be Co}-, W do Mer cer A. Antelo: 14ado XhorWebster. Jr; 82 ao-Wardle k fltftHtffebrtif-do Mots & Boehm;2l bsg*^ 1 * A °*P: plea J Morgan; .IW'bagh walte FLOdg^? MUler Sc Bro; Mtio-peaaßoje%4tßa]oUyjvlOJdj seed aod grain 0 U Quomtogt} Uda.fruit.-A N Pro 181 do 188 do fruit oof 454,d0 »r Hem»gw, 215 do fPbsttn 99 bsge Vx} JfJf pirte/^ 88 bales cotton Pajker-A Tolaod- 27 emuiT oaskrMSißejr.'OoUinsfA Co; 42 do w Glu‘ri« Pk»rwndrit. J 69,Oft 7 <«U TMfoui con- 1 . Si n'e'wßKEN ‘ Woi-oUtJ-iliuiMJi' NrEtliariig^aO kblß ipti tnrpeotu.SSl d ,? [“*'?’Si*Ritmt B Mo3!Lloi WIL'IXfJQTQN.tNO-Sokr A-jB ;Btrmlgt Mott—loJ turp«otlo«'il3»l (to’. ttil tttlpping rosin Bo.lejr, ..hboroer t 00. ' , WILLI WllUltn., Golismltii—Sl dOO at-iiiob thlngle. 186,000 : fl-ioob io . 'BOTo4i*V«M«rw.rfc.Oo;-.'-. PUT (fRSBDBQ, Va—3obr BaKgo. B»4—11,300. feet oaklainb^n'jßott6n,-Vlut6«r?eor6c'Oo. i -: l, ‘ ■ t'fe'Wf'-ntNQ’TON, NO--gchrßll.iboth. fast yflUo'y p : oo lxj.r.3 Uoltop, Vshd. rreflr & Qq. JRarinr.ynteUiflPrtrf.:, • ; ftp. PIULADELiPHIA. 6ct. 6 ( 18»». i'*v» 5iT8........« boon (romNmimk, TrttitJpdso end rins‘9 t *jff' r * tn-JM-Ailderdlea - * 3E3. 9 PonSlV^rptijß diji from New Tork, in twlU*L» WorkmwA,Oo - ~ / Brig'SpMdewoj, Xhomplon, 13 4»r« bom Turin lll ami, with.l lit, & J.TAlburger k. Co. bfifljl&Ph from St Kitts and Aqullla, witiw|iii<*iiuU t 'Ao..*o.Jauwtehe’AO*rstalrs. .. r.v JBa»U ballast tOßTrseuderACo.: " * Schr GlMsfcobettioh,' l2 flay* from Areolbo, -JR r wti>mtg4x T Aco~ia.J RRenlstonu _ 28th ,ult.. spoke schr ZtrtUit BM*J* frpoi Hip Hsche for New York. Bohr Undin*. BsleyfaiL’ours from New Tork, with mdse to OrosmT^Dollinß/'' ' Bohr W ballasttocspuih. ‘" Bohr Tiro tfrothera, Rickatdsj'S "daysfrom Ffaqkford, Del. with com to J LBewley.A Co/ Bohr WmO Atwater*Potter,‘3'days from New,:York, .-■With-mdsC-tftF A Qodwla. ‘ . fU ;l s ' Yiw«* lugsrioll, 4 days from Bridgeport. ‘..J J 1 J - ‘ Schr Mary 0 Jones, 8 uith. % days, from -Newark, -Mdj with wheatogra to Jas Btrratt A Son p- BohnfUKSa'’dster,'o days from ballast HimmTO A CaldwellV,V ' : SohfyElouUe'.'Thatcher,' 5 days from Boston, with Oroveu A Collins - . * ''r Alplhd; Yreathy,' 10 days from' Calais, with lam ' Wto A uentim’A’Co ~ 1 " '' J , j 'V! ‘ ..Behn Uatiaeh N, Etheridge, }9 den front Newborn, ' biO. with naval stores toOocbrab A Kusaeii.* E '_ , ' ftjbt- Wm* t Springs. Corson. 10 days from Wliming* NUTwHK indie to B Oo. V’ '/ 'V Bchr 8 B Strong. Mbit/ rdays from Wilmington, NO, with natal HureS to’Bowie/;' AshbOrnSr ft Oo r . jjchr KiiiaUsth, Par*ons,-»Q days from Wublngton, N 'O,‘VHh lumber to Bolton, Vandervesr A Co’. v ' - Boljr Charlotte William's, Golding, 15 days from Wil , UaoietibrNO’.ltitlibhingleeto Bol’ton.Yanderveer A Co. • Reid; 14 days froth Petersburg, Ve\ with lubber. Xo Botifa'; Vanderreer & Co.' 1 , fietiriTO Lanky Fleming! 2 days-from ■ Frederica, Del, with wheat and oats to' Jaeßarratt Sc Son. ■'- Botir Bohemia,Clark, 2 dsya*. from Chesapeake City, * Wltfc'Vhe*H?Okrißtian ArOorcan, • . CLEARED. ~ ~ "Btestoehlp Delaware,- Copes,-New York, J Allderdice. \ } x ‘- Oops. Bros. . ~kt: Ship Mu«coogus, Carter, Baltimore, 8 Baldwin..' 7 £:Bj^a* I ,HemUion,'Jaokßgn, St Jago de Ouba;G W A JBro, ‘ - ‘V, ;ji ‘fJßriK Taylor, Boston, X Andenrled »>,4b.i00. .... ,* Brig Onmu,.Bak*r* Blakistdn, Cox Sc Co. Vt i Bohr A JBamroogd, Clark, Cooperi . • Sobr QeoHarris, Barbadoes, Boyer Barclay. Brig Jniia Ann'a.'Baraing, Beaton, D.Ooopsri , ~ Sobs Undlne, Haven; Bepplter & Bro. ..-.Bohr Alpine,-Fre'athey, Portimoaih,Noble, Hammett ATciridweU.- . _ -. ... : Bohr .Willard paulsbnry, Hudson, Blehmond, ■.> do , Bohr Colorado) Williams, Pawtucket,. Ii Aulenrled 'IAOo. ; .j*''-! Bohr I Thompson Corson, Providence, do Scbr John fiogers, £liidtt, Alexandria, do ( Sloop Isabel, jist, Salem,', - r ' do r , fitr J 8 bhriyer, Deimts, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. - I- V .- 7'(OoxriWpondenoe of The Preaa.) * ~~UAYBB DE GBAOE, Oot 4,1856. The Wyoming-left here: this .morning with 8 boats, .tladenand >, . '"*&?Heisord,.4pnr,ioJ?‘ PiUpitrick; Alice Welsh pig rjlronto ooat to HN Borrow*} Ivai do to'—BUre and Stripas, lumber:to Haloae Be Taylor;, Stephen. Gou'd, do'to'M Yramp A and.L Olemsoni coalto.Dalaware City. The .&ndwlng boats, from the Union Cabal, passed ' IntcLtha BchnyikUt Canal bound to Phuadel* phla, ladeb ana v epnalgnedas follovrs if -• • t --' v _ ,_. Olresfsiant.flonif bad grain toTludd. A Oomlv; 1 Major J ' ’ Landis, grain US Dr Wtti Moore, %rain to captain} 2 rafts, timber to DaoLKendlg} Id HTaggert, lumber to J „ H-. DeUherj Wright t -Broth'?r,' do .to Bolton, Ysnder* Mtuzninoas ooal to Seidel & 1 Bchweitier. y * ‘Vi , % (j,. • « a* * IBT YlLTO»ir*.| */" ♦ - f .-, r (Correspondence or the-Philadelphia Eiahahgw.) ' -... . , Cam IsLAK0 r Oct 4—5 p.m. Ttot a vessri ‘at' thls 'sight, either inward or amtwsrd,bound. Wind NW—-Weather fine’.’‘Thermo - meter SO.deerees In the shade. . y VUOB. B.,HD^HIB. r ,f NawYosjr. Oot 4. j- . .Arrived, ships E 0 Scranton,ffom, Llverppol:'LlvSr p6or, frp'm.Ldodosrj bariuetf Lamar tine, ’fropi Bio de Ja* -i “ - ”;r - L;- . Bo>wiir<Sct.4. 1 Arrived, barque Griffin|froin Matan**s.~‘ -• * R j‘?um r*'/ /, UrVp.-'i-' ; Pout Hoo>;.Oct4., 7^> The brigantine. Carolme>we , tt. < Mbore Itiand yeblbrday morning. - The captatn wae the orew perished. The vessel is a.tetal loaa. ' ' ’ * HaUfioS Boidb, Oc‘i 4. .1 Arrived','Bb ablp' Floating’ Chnxdj from Bio { oeJa~ aelldi'awtiUrig.driiete.. v ‘; y”. -1 ' * J r»r* ' NonrOLX, Ya,, Oct. 4. r ■ ' A’rtlvcd j brig IdM,‘ from Barbadoiß, In ballast, /' ” „ Btsamsblp Kkjrstonei State.: MaraTam’tn.elearel/at €barlteton 2d ih*V..for; Philadelphia, wJthrJM* baJerof i; .sioiaTwbepfilO? bafts* .yarn,®! 'enipV s beer 'B5 Bags feathers, IG.cmm mdse, 40bX« and pkgS fruit, oa BWaiDfiUpCitt/pf Nev.Yorhi'Hbwts, h‘enc4;at^lioffoa itlfYork r 9 i|^Mis^fpSi^»wba t °BftUb(dr, from New 'Orleans. Via t-Havana2stjt jilt, arrfredattie w. York /esterdij,; .; s Bfcip SytagarkEUGreen,from Ysdpaiaiie, ar tf'sW »t RiW . Ydti Jelter <s.7f-’rCi.ilAO. '- V -.. ... “ . "_ -‘ ' Ship Alice Couno», 6ip t g«r;do«ed »f Row York yei it»rrtm«', jfA dtodhKglng »t ' for,Bio dcjlnclrd, nUel i from Richmond 2d ln|t.,’ "1.. ", -•< i iircßaraae Ir»fcJJobre, wm pi Maracaibo lOlh ult, re f°* day., - V , .• rH V,. ' J^B«qao^nQ(dt/ 'silleUIDiU l DiU henpe.waa at Porta, On* JpUo )T Ajxlt.foaail about 26thcn Bor return’.' ":! *' -17 bleared at £alilfixore'2d Inst. cod’d4»rk*f. "■ - Barque-paladin. Wilson, for Montevideo andßnenos ■^^g^^^^SphUiwuJloiid. *°Be»rqnt Corelli jtCqllin, frpm BoatOQ, arrived at Ha* a^ift?ATor/j' from -Maracaibo Bept 10, ir .* 281 ult. Jat 29 80*Jong TZSe. SWle’-lrtog ta in a BW* fale, h»d decks swept, atore boats, wafer cMks.aod bulwarks; also washea OTfcrbqaid Enoch Williams; second officer, who was lost. r . OWur Coleon, hence; vurired at Boston | ,BcbrsAmerica, -Bfutfsey;WHe3ry,Passap©a,an4J.W •/.Woolaey.Hfliiee, arrivedat Richmond 21 lost.' } ~\\ , rßohr Bosajacpd,Owens, from' Pernambuco Aug Slat, C; arrived at' Baltimore "yeaterd >; Rohrs KU Townsend* Williams: Prquonooekrßnr- V*nmpbr^BmigaAsi, Aid;33ogllsn;sn4 AOerds- hence, arrived at Boston - jTehr.Challenge,' from, Dilewefej'arrive! atNeVr Ha ygh 21 Inst; ** " ~ r j ‘- * j saJied trom New Haren 24; Inst] for Bchr John R Price, from Delaware (Jit/, arrlrdd atN Haven in*t* r W. . 'j '/ •i&hr Ctfh' Cameron, fob Philadelphia, sailed ftott New Qaven 3d Inst. l - ,in at Nqw ; Ycrk /eeterifay> Bchr Dartfofd, Qriswold', sailed from Hartford 21 Inst -for Philadelphia.-- • Bchr OasfeotffliJUptoiTor.PhUadeJphlai wap at Kings ton. Jam. 10th x i Bebr 9lts*imm<)iia r from Wliming •r O' W?I4 I wt^b»jiiKnowlei, forier »»f«ty. Th* W W,4>;»ai2 nnl, of IM7 ton« i»l>tu. tout ot BnEmooi), Mi,in 1853, owoei In Bo«- ■Jin,'*6-io.»£o I»jn«af«disl»9 »t the Bojrtaton tffloo. * 5 frto'dimaged Mttbfr'adVedfrbhftbe wTielf o£ |bls> Whaled, wirsold-bytheU 6 ’sMaahaUfiftilf Uttt fflfiotor.s»;l46 tbs 18th *feuHf'by <kr U* 9 Marshal. QJbbls damiged flortrj *©m ■e.'lheeaigoot barqUeEglantiue, soldfor s4B4' 18; S-i* 10 iiiV 1 1 f •-'I-'lf'i 1 i> r^Von*- 1 - ; o#j)t£BOf>Mt 83 SO*locy 7*43. ablpßennfngtcn,' Oept •sL-CMBushutwdi from *NeW Orleans for Boston, SS'day* * , £«ilt(B«S'h*d »U hands si ok with yelldwferer oxcept the naotain. The stewardess and ono mandiedii -• •= .- 'a -,v% <■■ '-•■> ■V- - r FOREIGN POBTB. " ‘ ’ . Atflln/ipbreAdrlyaWps Oathirin«fWUley r forNew fc-;i£Wnt7 eadf ;> Ladyßuffolk, Lareodar, for ■ Ohlna: xecoppstlngjyßatia wßtbwri Bobtti, teadyror'wa. destinationnukhownfaod -AtberskfbWr*.' fa* • -lv. * < SWJuiy 16, iblp Dolpbm,-Hoyfr, Pa«i«r Boston. **«*-p*sswWo /niy T/ebip-J llllAttiSj'frpai JdJ«« flb»woP»rker, for Hong .Hong, ldg; ,Qolden State. Hepburn,for do.ln.ballast} Pearce, seeking freiget.-- fr} k -r p--ra jr- AtCaloutla Aug 0, ship Mbirjey, AUen,iO lga<|for Boston: aodothelwASrafore.H* *? - • *- ■ t \AVPntf ftfioßftlvult / baTque Crusoe, Weelon, to.load l"?.-’’fQ i: ■') i ' ftaldiyrotfet.Tin^ibinntob Maftla; Leghorn; . Kate Wheeler, fbr Botftdn;' •Ltiey !i Fr4Beei > *»c:? -a&l'jn y.-t; «n! *y ‘lJMdAtfcj'brifr d*tenoe« s Phlnner,’seeJringfreJgbt; ci • esoiO.o? v iSV *»*o. ( Mts.qoi COMES TIOPOBTB »-•' : Aft- abltf f CdittteUiUw, ‘ Mhlll- MiMataboriratfg;'- Bagged tal- I»land; schra Oftpello£B«4&,B*' Isabella, -B<)4«ii(l,4(e'*wlo)7iu| Oneida. Sour, Georgetown, 1) ~ Oj..AunfcJMMof«r r ßobUiwn t WUtnlngtQO r No: Sonny pßooth, WfiejM.-dojqJohn^BuuctimVdoj'OliPraollUrjAck- &ui*W;Vi, D O»rTBr,-ll»morfi’H«T*fwj;TTDti,AmBrlk», Fmdrleiut Bremen; brhr Abby. Taylor/Oraham/Ajpln-' w ™MmdM?oet£-C/$ b»rt«’i PjwVt&MlZ”- : 0 , '< 1 p«>l«Snt. foij Its laai six month*,;wjhlch .wUI be paid to t%a Btoekholdefs or.their legaifreprefentatlTeß on and : ; aJ®|ihaiilVlMt* V. ... ? I :-7 ,' ..r^/J^Beoretary.: fiihell at .lbe I ■;im[ be ; tbeaeetifig, ' oob*2v* * All* ' ABRtVAr.B 'A f P s THE r PRINCIPAL' HOTELS’; • yr yq vHifl /; I i ' QfRABD street. below Nlhth. J l is Hall stLonJa •• * RBlackeslee, Balt • o'Hafrla Al--W«hlngWii’ QBHodges, Balt ./ ; i'G W Shaw,'Ohio' ~ Thos Laufiln, Washington i John H Klrinard, Balt ’ ~,,.W H Uppurman, Wash i ! jHlJopetman, Washington T A BoblnsodLya,. | 'JGWller, , v .. J 8 Robinson, Ya H'X'BWed. Va - Alfred Thompson, Ya | TB Towles, Va , ,-t ~ G W-Bell,MoDtnoath, NJ ; B Samsom'Lowell; Masg' J T Cfc D'Mplblw,*Washington B Boyer, Washington , M» t W ‘ArnoldN Y" -- l Mrs Cleveland, NY' Geo O Irwin. Balt,, . , Miss Greer, Dayton, Ohio 1 Mis# Edmonds, Ihd- I ' /j “Dr F M Helster, Reading J K Pord Ala,N Brunsw’k BD Clapp, NY , P B Smith, Ya ' 'WADoltem,BC , 0 has Mosney, France ./. B D Whitney, Miss .. ;. ' E TFoster, Blchmohd '. H Hall Sc wi, Mass 0 W Newhail & wi, Maas ‘ Dr Hdnkins & la. 11l Reuben Towel, NT, . Geo A Parker,,Mass , B PUtersouA'la,F& Mrs L’t J Gibbons Sc oh,NT .Bdvr Moall, Balt J Lambdon. Havana Mrs JR Bet even, NT ' J MOarvllle, NT J'MBoJes.NT’BHPrichard,Cal , j D P KlmhxU Sc la, Boston Hon J ihpmmon Sc ls,llo 0 M Thompson,’Miss•. Mrs Jones, Miss, j H B Hoskins, Gardiner, Me, J G i Campbell A la, N T Sdtnpel Bills, Tia , Dr H Green, Washington Jnoß Kelso, Baltimore Jas Hall Sc wife, Baltlm’e T Va JO Stockiy.Del, . ‘fro l> wioslow, NT ‘ - J’K Tefft * wife, Ga B 1) Alexander Sc lady,. 111 Mrs 0 tilenas Sc 8 chil, NT Miss iiandall, Fla ‘ P B Yoorhies, Md iIT Ayres, NY ‘ Thos Weddtgen, NT., T M Brown, N J A J* Oowle, Liverpool Jnd'L'.OsM&dy, N Orleans WKHawley. NT . Mrs GeoO Ball, Ala Geo 0 Ball Jr, Ala -ObssMParker,NT ; ;■ GeoNSimenson. N Y DaalaMorgio, N r Y Jas Day, Rochester, N Y H Kirk White. NY.' ' John Holmes, Pa Miss Holmes, Pa. " 1 Mlssßeaid/Pa A T B'Van.Djrck, N Y . Benj Davis, N Y WH Itichj-W Indies . J G.,Thomas Va D Jamison, I>a ,0 M HiUsman,Ga J.Guttman, c * T ' Mrs P W Thomas, Ga Bobt Thomas, Ga s ,'A 0 Alexander, Ga JM Howell, SO Miss Howell, 8 0 JDSturtevant,NH MLoose. Va Dr E R Squibb, NT d Oliver DWe'le, BI H 0 Reed. Md Vi 0 Cox, Md , .Louis F.Snbpard, Md' .John W Anderson, Ga Miss W. Anderson, Ga Miss Luoy Herndon, Ga Jas# Carlin,Va AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut street, below Sixth. G N Davis, Va • B F May, Hanover, Pa -B A Peugh,- Washington - W Pendleton Sc lady, Del - Hon Wii Holden, HI Miss £ L Holden, BI E 8 Fleming,Alexandria,Va Ohaa Johnson, Ya W B JehQS»n,.Ya _ , - Sami G Johnson, Va Wm J Martin, Phila Jl M Rogers, Phila Sami Pe&rde. Md > • , J McFarland, Meadville, Pa G T Harvey & 1,-Doylest’a A Lathrop, LawrencevUie ‘ C W Smith, Nashville LansingVanWler, AlbAoy D P Peters,- NT „ ' W Rodgers, Hartford, Ot £ B Britt. Suffolk, Va ? , W H Johnson, Mass r OW GlbbSns, Winchester ‘ 0 A Bprlnkel Sc la, Pa MChapman, Ya JHLHuoter, Va G W Schindler, Va £ J Johnson, N T P. Pennell, NY • • u G Ewing, Phila MERCHANTS* HOTEL—Fourth, below ArOh street. J M Bowman, Pa HE Martin, Pa C Bowl, stmbnrg, Pa . BanlßPo ts, Btraabng, Pa I Walker, Btraaburg, Pa: ' Lutherßichards Lancaster M WitheraU, NT 1 . A Moree. Wilkesbarre . Philiss Johnson &1, Easton E P Welbln Sc 1, M Ohunk .A’A Douglas A l.’M Chunk J Graham, Fort wayne, lad Wm Sbowell, Berlin. Md - Rev Jtr Robinson Sc 1, Pa 8 H, Case <fc lady, Ohio D W Mahon, Washington Sami Keefer, Pa Wm Murray, Summit Hall J S Maurer, Obambersburg- L Gilbert, Harrisburg, W D Sensaoy, Obambersburg R J Lawton, Shippensburg J M WpUkUl,P* .V'>. * J,O Elliott, Newburg, Pa •J Hildebrand, Lancaster J Kauffman, Pa tT T Fitch, Poland, 0 c f. Wm J Oburch. Pittsburgh Ohsi Sheppard. Mo HG R Heifer, St Paul , , )Hon J,S Yost, Pa r -,, . • John Stainthrop, N Y E D Harper,Athens, 0 W 0 Rentgen, Pbceaixvllle OSKrearner, Pbceaixrille M Abbott, Bethlehem A Trout, ktinewvllle- , Mrs R H Duncan, Pa _ 0 T Brbwn t Bweetwater, Ten 0 Btern Sc bro, N T R Irwin; NT-Jt W French, New Haven H Wilkinson, England' J W Doan, Md H A Bust, lowa G M Riddle, Pa A-L Watterdon, Pa J M'Robison, Pa UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. ‘ J H-Mufpby, JJ J*- ' WTJftqaith.Pa Henry Thomas, Pa J M Kaufman, Pa A N Grseff, Beading; Pa MO’Nlel, Pa Sami Buck, Pa " / Mrßrewoerodt, Pa H G Stephen, Pa GeoLCroll, Pa J D.Patterson, Pa' J Vantrot, warren, 0 John*Rogers, Pa John B Klchmond. N Y W- Datd. Pa - Ohaa W Cook Sc wife, 111 Jno A Thomts, Ohio - ' B Laodsberg. N Y S D Middledoff, ra Jn'o Brans, Rlchm’d, Va J F Batbby, SRlmmertnan, Pa -Geo W Shank, -Md- - Geo Taylor, Ma J Ground. Mo: • A Stoner, Pitts -D WHlghbeyer, Pa ■ • • -AHylau, NJ MJss Morris, N J • OHBwJsbef, Ohio Miss K R Swisher, Ohio Sami Kiußly, Pa NATIONAL HOTEL—Raoe street, above Third. Wra Badman, Allentown W L Turner, St Louis C MoGlnnis, Pa - -Mr Faux, Pa R H Btees, Pine Greve, Pa R Thompson, Pa ~T 0 Yeager, Allentown * Mrs M Guth, Allentown : ,J Guth, Allentown Miss A 0 Rhoads, Allent’n -Joel Fink,-Port Providence G Reinhait, Lebanon Henry-Hissrasn. Lebanon 'Miss Pancoub, Bloomab’g MP Boyce Ala,-Rending- J E Nice, Pottsville J B Hacker; Lancatter J 8 Brobst, Catawiasa P- M Brnner, Lancaster D M Leiolg, Pa EDfck, Pa - . Mr Btilbtsh A la, Pa Mrs Morris, Pa - - TV Rhoads, Allentown G W Geiger, Rett' 1 ig 0 Garber, Pa A Sampson, Pa R Watson, Pa . Jos'Wnltaker, Mt Clare - JDechoner, Pottsville -Miss-Alice Roger,-Muncy-- Miss Mary Catheart, Pa Miss Mary Barkley. Pa- .--Miss J R Mayer, Pa EBH&vey, Wilkesbarre- A‘N Harvey, wilkesbarre J4WLawell,Pa' - * *' Jas McHenry, Pa AD Stewart,'Pa Moses Specht, Pa John J Esstoo, Pa G Bothchlld, Pa EMDLeian, Pa GD Boyer, Pa W Baum, Snyder Coj Pa * J&s Lalrd'or'la, Pa W NPeters;Pa •* ‘JohnD Rouse,Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third, above CallowhUl. Daniel Leldr,' Boyeitown MrsLeidy, Boyertown Caeper Roads, Byberry, Ohas Derr, Bhimersville Gw Mathers;Morthamptbu'W B Erdmon, Mulerstown SR Eittenhouse, Millerpt’n N HBrosman, Beading John Bitter, Boyertown c ~ Boyertown Mrs Boris, Mecungie * ,■ ~'J:K Johnson 1 , Womelsdorf John RCberi' Reberebarg * ' - J B Rothermel, M&idencr’k MrS Rothermel.Maldencrik' John B BsrnOt, Pa 'AbmJtroUtnfrer, District 1 Alex Hntman,Maideno’k nmcker Sc la’Maddencr'k Danl Bhell. Bacrisburx .. . Geo‘ShoopVHatri«bnrgh F Glass A la. Greenville' 0 Stickler Sc li; Greenville. M Cooper A 1, Coopersb’g E Benner'A son, Samneyt’a.Jos EiMnhart, Clou arillo . MABIOOB, HOUSB-4eeond street, aboTe Market. Q L liewli, N 0 „ . . . H.Logan,NY i V Eogleson, Balt. . W Welsh, If J . JM RavUna, IU ■■ < d •. Mias Sipple, Michigan . W ,Pa r: > 3 W Morgan, St Louie GW Jones, Sfioalfl. , H Jewell, &U, Pa ' MOUNT TB&NON HOTEL -Secpnd street, abore Arch. J Parke. Ya *A- < •• 8 Soby, Phlli - •' £ JoneafNorriitbvh, Pa J 5 B Tit ns, Hanoock, N Y D 0 Forthee; Cheater, Pa Bel j J Pa< ? - f BO Porter, Mt Holly ’HR Watson, /: r!i • ■ ; *n BLACK BBAH INN—Fifth and Merebant streets, Sami WlUiatte, Pa ’H Jackson, Pa* A Kibble,- Fa L P Oroeby, Pottetown TOroeby, Pa , Jos Mlntzer, Potts tonn , 8 K Engle, Potts town SBhoads, Pa 1 ■ ' ’ Wff Beardsler, Bel co A L Elmer, Fa J Byner, Pa 8 A lighter, Spring Mills ' Wm Brown, Md' : Geo OaUaghan,Pa Pa BALI); EAGLE street, abl OallowhlU. ORf Good/Beading 1 * ' R WlHower, Easton, Pa ■ 3 B Summons, Lycoming co H X Xintmbower,'BQeka eo YTYoingl Northampton co 1 'Miss Eiog, 3 ! B B Beberllog, Weiispt, pa V 0 mberlTi'g; Pe f BeoJL Peter, Pa M 'Easley,’ Dauphin coy Pa ’ H B fiierer, Lebanon eo,Pa WihGnmbein, Pa' AugStonerrMeyeretown ’ M rf hSrk, Baophln ob J Albert Middletown, Pa . 3 T Gprherloh, Banpblsf eo .8 Mnmah. Banphln co, Pa 'LB Lnt«; Union Deposit .H Oxonrlder,Unionßepost ißoardner, Lebanon co,Pa 9ABLET SHEAF HOTEL—fecond street* below Ylne. Libert Large, Pa ’ ' J W Klntley, Holmesburg Nfi Hubbard, Boylestown W O Bamiiton, N J BjLeedbm, v Newtoihi, Pa ’ Chae Crook, New Hope , nrsß» Address *i the. people's State Central ULJ COUMirTBff—TOTBE FRESHEN OF THE BTaTSOF PENNSYLVANIA ; .,,lh* bighertprivileges of a free, people .that they have frequent sod, regular opportunities to ex* >1 rs**.afc tie ballot-box their approval or disapproval of' the policy audrhsasureß of their Government. Itwas their will r for their good, sad should be *o administered u to preserve their liberty and a core thelr'hfcpplnesa. In a few days you will be called upon to exeroiee your' elective rights, and Id performance of our duty, wo de«' 'site to .address to youafewworda Id regard to the pre- MQt oonditioo of public effatrs.and an esrneet entreaty you Fill show your Jnat appreciation of them, by adminiatasiog a rebuke tothose who, intoxicated wi&fthe possession of power, have balely neglected aqd betrayed -the best interests of the country.. ■ '.-The course'pursued by the National-Administration, : io eadearorlng to force upon Kansas an obnoxious Cou ; stliutien, against the known wished of a large majority I pfiharpepple.merits the oondemuation of ail good oltl zana; ana this,-feeling rbecomes iudigustion when we r the unsMupalousiod proscriptive means employed to secure this unworthyobject of the Execu tive* a -j . *.a . .. . ; That the first President ever elected from our own <B|*te should-,thusharo‘acted is-truly humiliating to 'every Pennsylvanian : hut' when hie whole AdtninUtta* tionso far'forget* wnat Is due to-the honesty and in tegrity of'lh* citizens of this free Republic as te tole rate no freedom of opinion, but to drive from office and exile froin public station s'.lwho honestly differ from x the Executive,in sentiment-all who do.not renounce their manhood, and become the'servile toola of powpr— it exhibits a love of .despotism and attempts a tyranny that the people' of Pennsylvania do most earnestly eon* damn, and will witheringly rebuke at the polls on Tues* davtiext.' .I,.',*' - i ' we desire to enter info no detail in regard to the Leoompton iniquity, and its final product, the KoglUh Mil, which enables the President to postpone for years the a'lreeState. The facts are before the wdrld,* add'upon those facts the sober judg ment.ofktßtory will b» passed, affirming-your certain .terdict on .the 2d .Tuesday of October. , ! To>qu the consideration must be most-galling, that the whole lime and means of the Administration have been,- and will be expended upon this unwise and wicked'preject; while the calls of suffering industry . ascending*; dfcily land hbnrly have been entirely un heeded, by (the Administration at Washington. Our workshops are cloyed, our factories deserted, our mills silent, and our impoverished people are pressed by the hard and griping, hand of want, -'-This is but a faint picture of our ,condition, uodi.yet-the Government has'neglectedj and .will sternly refuse,to provlde-the true remedy«- that o/ proUciion. io home labor t from*basddesire 16 conciliate,the favor of Bonthern demagogues, who wish to repeal all duties on imports, aud tOjleyy of our enormous expenditures cm the lands,ahd;property. of the people by a direot tax. The people demand* and long have demanded, a Protec* .tiro foster domestic industry, and to encourage 'American labor, but the National Administration Is jleaf to their (entreaty. . ‘Shall We again endorse the candidates and approve the policy,mf an Administration so Indifferent to our welfare -and so reckless and extravagant iu: its disposi tion 6f the public money ? This prodigality, alone briogqjibwniupon, tke Government • the condemnation of. an outraged people,- ca.t scarcely be credited, and jet the facts are, as proven by themielves, that they have, by the most;srim}pal wastefulness, expended In jUteffsoal jear;*nding'3dtWune, 1868.,,., eig92,330,461 >WhUst>,the’/ tavgnvfos, Independent of loans, *' were only«••••• •. 46,567,669 .Ma&ing!aajwdaalidoflcit of 46,772,892 Contrast this with the expenditures of 1862, which -were $40,889,954.1 Here, is an increase of expenditure of more then fifty mlilioos of dollars, In a, time of peace, during a period of wide spread commercial dis inter, when-rlgid. economy js Imperatively required, and all durjesoqrccs thouid be faithfully husbanded. A sense of honor, pf Jwrtipe, and of rleht, requires ds »to repudiate .this untrustworthy AdmlnTstratioUr'*ud to■ fdeTeatiJits. oandidatdfy epd show by. our votes that .We eufre*?' ofiheircountry throughout the Commonwealth to support and vote for | .theMudtd.tM of the People. They W« honMt, compe tent mod f.lthfol—theyetand upon the platform of pope .lm right.,,«od of Ju»t protection t0.e11,. They denounce the Leeompton Iniquity and the Infamous Bogush Bill, end wilt teelet Bioouttye uearpetjoni. . They will eaeett theilghtof:the people tothelut to Oldetn their own Opnfltitation, ami the duty of the Government loaffoti JuUand adejunte prelection lo home labor; They will tot i polity wnich.hillbe »Uhle,«nd. VtbSreby.Beohre t, priority that life'., . ..Tete-th*n|fb'.ihe oendldate. of the people: place nppn the reptemo berrth/ohn MBeed, a rhatl' of hnown inffgrlty .DaJof trlal oapaclty, In whose hnowl- of App to frao«e e.tnie jof Tight, all rhen i£my dot fide fSjnd fo the n&tloual Congress, and to the -fltofoUegisfoidre/foen who will truly and ably repre* 1 sent jour i eel interests. * We p*aj you, each and all, to realise ance of «j«ry,Tote. Arouse ,to' Instant end earnest ao vJveohiwa Bant M. ,OhL«», Ohttffiian. Vv. B, Uaaa, Bettetary. it jihhotmo ,yAaK:-HT ..*u-s. vsct-Snr 'mht -•"- ? mnrirri -nnirr* | , ~ :tw '' t ' ; n', r l 'i'i u;t ‘ '- »<•■<.*«r ,„ didate.forCoqgressf r<iaed at the house of JAB. .T* HARMRR, Paajijunk road and, Eighth street' THIS -(Tuesday) AFTERNOON. . There wiHJjea meeting In tbe EVENING, at which anumber of popular speakers Will be present. .• » , It#, ry-is»', Thirteenth', and Faerteenth" Ward* to UjT;... ' . THU HESCtJE! ; :/A GRAND AMERICAN MASS MEETING! t' ' ForRRbOM,, JEFFRIES.' and 1 the WHOLE TICKET, ' Will be held:at TWELFTH and SpEtNG GARDEN Stt.l bn EVENING’Oct. 6th, at ! 7& o’clock/ ’ Allthoae In favor of'Prqtection to American Industry and the cardinal principles' of the American Party, InbbpbßMiori-tb the Democratic Party, and all seottohal Issues, are incited to attend Come out In your strength and show the opponents of AmeMcaniSm that our principles are not yet surren dered, ! ( '' * ‘ ’ Hon: Jacob Broom, Marshal Bprogell, Esq.;G. Wash ington Reid, H.H ; K. Elliott, CohWm. B.’Orowley, and other eminent speakers, will address tHbmeeting. ' ocs2t* • • _ * -• * : hi'' ■ rysa Department of Survey*—Office of Chief lk3 ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR—Philadbl phia, Birr. 29th, 1858. NOT TOE.—DUPLICATE PLANS o' the SECOND BEOTION of the Ra-Snrvey and-Regnlatlon of German town, bounded northeastwardly bjr Germantown avenue, southwardly by Wiwahickoh street,sontheastwardlyby Queen street, northwestwardly by west Washington avenne,in the Twenty-tecoodward. ■ SEVENTu SEQtION of the Survey of the late Tcwn ship of filoekley, bounded' on the north by Oxford st, on the soath by Wyalaslng street, on the east by Forty ninth street, and on the west by Fiftieth street or Usher avenue, in the Twenty-fourth ward: * SECOND, THIRD, and FOURTH. SECTIONS of the late Borough ’of Frankfort comprising all east of Frankfort street, to Stiles street, and from Frankfort Creek to Little Tecony Creek; also, all northwest of Frankfort street, from Orthodox street northeastward to Little Tacony Creek. Also, the whole of tho late borough of Whitehall, in the Twenty-third wart. > FOUR! H SECTION of the Survey and Regulation of the Twenty first ward, bounded-on the northwest by Centre street, on the southeast by Bliur’s lane, on the northeast by Ridge - road, and on the southwest by the River frcbuylkill—are now prepared and deposited for inspection,'uttbe Offices of the Surveyors and Regula tors of the EIGHTH, NINTH, TENTH,and ELE VENTH SURVEY DISTRICTS, and at'the office of this Department, City Building, FISTH Street, below Wal nut: and the Board of Surveyors have appointed MON DAY, the 38th day of October, 1858, at 10 o’clock A. M.j to consider any objections that maybe urged there to by any citizen interested therein. ' . • STRLOKLAND HNEABB, ocs-toclB Chief Engineer and Surveyor. ry-sa A Meeting.of. the Philadelphia Musical iLf BAVINQB AN > LOAN SOCIETY,willbe held st their Office, No t IO2IOHEBTNUT Tuesday Evening, atitjf o’clock, for the d : sposal'of Stock in the Second Scries.. Persons desiring a first-class Instru ment should become Mombers or this highly-bentflci&l Society, paying for their Seven Octave Rosewood Piano, made by the well-known, mannfaotorers, J. H, Scho maker A Co., in monthly instalments of s3< Several of the Society’s splendid Instruments will be, performed upon. Let all who love good Piano mnsio, ana desire to possess an Instrument of their own, attend the Meet log. WM. A. BOLIN, President. oc6*lt# H. W. GRAY, teo'y, 1021 CHESTNUT St. Mayor's Oltice, City gt Philadelphia, CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. BYOBDINANOH, APPROVED OCTOBER Ist, 1858. Letters Marked Proposals for Cxty Loan, '"’'PROPOSALS, to - be endowed'“Proposals for Citj- Loan,” will be received, at the Mayors Office, in the Oitj of Philadelphia, until the 16th day of October, A. D. 1868, at 12 Mj for Loaning, to the City of Phlladel £hla POUR HUNDRED AND PIFTY THOUSAND OLLABS, for -which Certificates of. Loan of Ooe Han* dred Dollars and upwards will be iasuod, bearing into* Hat at the rate of Biz per centum per annum, free from taxati m, and redeemable In thirty years from date. PROPOSALS wili be received for any sum, but not in fractions of one hundred dollars, - ,The Proposal will bo opened, on the 15th day of Oc tober, 1858, hy the Mayor of the City,,la the presence of the City Tteaaurer*and the Committee on .Finance. The highest offers will be accepted, the City reserving the right to accept or decline the whole, or any amount thereof, Payment will bo required on the 30th day of October. Interest to commence from that date. ALEXANDER n^NRT. Mayor of Philadelphia. and Mechanic*' Banff* Phlla. Js«3 üblpjiia, Oct. 2, 1868.—The Annual Election foe Directors urlU bo held - at the BANKING BOUSE, on MONDAY, the 15th day of-Noreraber next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M; and 3 o’clock P. M., and oh TUESDAY* tho 2d day of November next! a general meeting of the Stockholders -will be held at the Banking UoUse at 4 o’clockP. M., agreeably to the'charter. oc4 dtNl6. W. RUSH lON, Jr , Cashier. Bank of Commerce* Philadelphia* Oct. 2* ’lB5B Notice is hereby gieen that an Elec tion for THIRTEEN DIRECTOR* toeerre the en- Being year, will be held at tho Banking House, on MONDAY, tbd 16th day of November next, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2P. fiL oc2*a tu th-tnol6 The Annual Meeting or the Stockholder! trill be held on TUESDAY! the 2d day of November next, at 2 f HQat same place. ' oc2>stath>tao2 fy-9 Office©/ the Receiver of Taxes.— Oc- Iks jTOBER 4to, 1868.—NOTICE TO TAX PAY ERS —The tax payers of the several wards of the city of Philadelphia are hereby notified that if the State and City taxes,doe for the year 1868 are not paid be fore; the let day of January, .1859, interest willbe charged,thereon, and , that the nemos of all delinquent tax payers will be.publish'd, and 87 oenta add|* tlooal will be charged for publication; alto, after the 15th day of January, 3869, a penalty of 6 per cent, will bs added upon all taxes;remaining unpaid, and coals thereon for collection. . A. /. FLOMERFELT, oc4*3t , . - R. of T. r.Medical Department of Pennsylvania ikj COLLEGE.—Preliminary lectures will be de livered dally, In this Institution, commencing on MON DAY, Sept. 27th, at 22 o’clock Bl.* end continuing until the opening of the regular session. There will be a medical and surgical clinic, in eonneotion with the Pennsylvania College Infirmary, every Wednesday and Saturday, at 12 M... . . I . *. . : . FRANCIS G. SMITH, M.D., se26-atuth2w ,Registrar. rv*=?m> Xh» American Patent .Company el Cln- LL3 * OINNATI, OHIO, organized July, 2868, with a capital pf SIQ9 00®, buys and sella Patent* on commie* #lon« aoliclt* .Patent*, execute* Mechanical Drawing* and Engravings, and transact* all business pertaining to Patent*, otwhatevernature. ■ The Company also' pttb •Uehe* the BCIFNTXFIC ABTIB4N, the best mechani cal paper in America, at $2 per annum. iThe Company can furnish all information in reference to ofther American or European Patent*.' : ~ Address AMERICAN PATENT COMPANY, Cin cinnati. Ohio - ■ o«2-s tu th-lm N&Uoqal, Exhibition at -Rowelton.—-> Usjj.Tbe Car* of tbs If eat Philadelphia Passenger Railway Company will? start at; intervals of THREE MINUTES, from THIRD and MARKET Street*, to the Pair. Oar* without Flags will go through to the Depot. v 004-3t** ',‘% f M, WOODWARD, Superintendent. ry-y=». ,Unlon Preaching for the People, under l,L_g '• the 1 auspices' of the Minister)*} Union, In con nection with the Young TOetfsJChrlstian Association, by the rarlott*minister* of otir ! city tin every TUESDAY and THURSDAY, at 4 P. 31., in the SANBOM-STBEET CIIUROH, until further notice'. Senriooaconflued to ONE HOUR precisely.-: . oc2-tf 1 Geology.—Tw6 Courts 1 of Lectures IKSk'oa GEOI&GY will be delivered to Lsdle* and Gentlemen. In the Scientific < and Classical Institute, ' CHESTNUT street, northwest eorser of - Twelfth, by J. ENNIS, Principal of the Institute, ’commencing Oct. 19tb, and contiiiuinethe'!afterooont course at 4 o’clock .on.,TUKBDAYS and-THURSDAYS <*nd, the; evening coarse atB o’clock on TUESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Both oourses will be the -same, eppfc comprising 22 lec tures,,a number sufficient to bring forward all.the, great and woude;foi,TßUTHS pf GEOJaIGY, apd likewise the PAOTB by which these troths are demonstrated. , „ Txrms —The two> Introductnrr-jLectures PARE. Each course S 5. Entrance on Twelfth street: ' 001-lßt ■jv-msm' Heme for Invalid* with Affections of chest: ■ S. W. corner PARKE and CHESTNUT Streets, sefflm •* ‘ West Philadelphia. T ETTRRS OF ADMOTSTRATIOW! TO A-J the Estate of CATHARINE GAGLB, deceased, late of the Twenty-third ward, fbutformerly a resident of Manaynnk.) of the city of rhiUdelpbia, having be** granted to the undersigned, all, petsons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims against the same to present them to ;' - i GEO W. DAVIS, oc6.tu-6t* s .... ' MAIN Stroet, Manaynnk. rH-gfitea OHICKERING & SONS, Manu mmn facturera of.GRAND, PARLOR-GRAND, SHUAR®, «ni UPRIGHT PIANQ-EORTEB. *. > - * This Is the largest and oldest znanaffcetorynin the' United States, having been . ESTABLISHED 1N.,1823,. , Since which time we here „ MADE AND SOLD TWENTY THOUSAND. TWO v , HUNDhED i ; , And haye received as-testimonials or , their SUPERI ORITY over all; otiers, 11 Gold, 1 18 Silver, and 4 Bronze Medals, , , , < in* Piano* to RenVTnned, and Bepairedr .>■ UKANOH HOUSE ,in PHILADELPHIA Is at 1807 CHBSTNUT Street. / - oc6-3m' MESSRS, OHICKERJNG & SONS -ITX PHILADELPHIA—G*j?tIbi(bs : I have the dcasure to inform you a SILVER MEDAL AND DIPLOMA, the highest premium given, has been awaided to OHICKKRING. A SONS, tor the beßt Pi anos exhibited by me at o'ir State Fair, in competition with Nunns A Clark, Raven, Bacon, A 00,, and Stein war A Son’s Pianos. Very Imlyyonrs,. -i , s .* . , JNO. H, MELLOR. PtTTBBPDOn, Oct. 2d, ’6B. , ■ . ' . , -it* frfygsa THE. BHILADELPHIA MUSI TTTTTi OAL.ftiViNO? AND loan eooiuty T m hare thelrTwentj-ftfth Monthly Distribution of Seven Octave Rosewood. Pianos,.on this .TUESDAY- Evening, at 7l47n’clock, nt .their offl-e, No. 1021 CHESTNUT Btreev .Perwrif wishing,to.avail.tbemaelTOs of the be nefits of this Society, may. become Members < thereof by tsking Shares, payable, in monthly' instalments of $3. each. Let all who love good .Piano Music, and dosire' to possess A lirst-class Instrument of their own, attend the Meeting. L WM. A.ROtIN, President. ocs-ll* H. W. GRAY,‘8467, 1021 CHESTNUT St. T UZERNB FRESBYTEBIAN INSTI- Ll TUTB./WfOMING, PENNSYLVANIA.—E. A. LA.WRENOE, A. M access by Rail road, and most ellglbly located, furnishes very special advantages for acquiring a thorough, judicious, Chris-, lien education.; Thdtiest English, Olassioal,and'Musi cal O.btain a Circular of;tbe Priocipsl, at Wyoming, or call and see him atGsut A Volkmar’s Bookstore, on tbu OHi Ocfobpr, between the hours _pf t 9 .and dl 0r,3 and 6 otaiock/ where, also,Uitcular* may be obtained after.the Bth. *‘r, References— Rev : jo. Van Bansalaer, D, D.} Bar. F. D.Ladd; ‘Joseph B. Mitchell, .Esq.j E. C. Knight, ,‘Keq.,* ’ n,- - oc6taths-St# O 8 T E B’S CORN-HUSKING MA CHINE.—-(pptented Nov/17th] 1867.) ' This va luablQ lnrentionlanowoffereddo.the'pnb ic; contain ing all the requisite qual Ities sought by the Agricultu rist; is simple and datable id its/mfeoUanical construc tion, cin bo operated and kept-in order by a boy; itrip ping orery .partiole of Husk from without, loju rlng the graius ; and does the work of' eight ’br ten ek pettlhuskers/ -It can he manufactured at a price thkt brings them wltHlmthe teach of almost every one, and Is In fact the machine that is wanted .by every Farmer In tbeland Rights for sale. - Address «'* *■ '• 4 H. A. DOBTER. «. p-.0c4-ot* Bethlehem, Northampton Co., Pa. T O$T OB „DESTROT^fi A CERTIFI JLi DATE or 80RIP,.No. A,802, ?orB shares, of-the ’Stbck of the .Consolidation Bank. : Application ,-Las been, made to said hank for a duplicate oerUflcate of t^e “SSi-tii th-8i " wm. mJTCHiKBon. A MERIC AN HEMP.—A lirga/Btock pf £%. Amnriß.n £[einp.ibaohloa and rough, foiviale by WKAyEB, FITIiER, A 00., No; 2a North WATER «t, and No. 22 North WHARVSS. r ~-*.'"-00*, Boiler,,, {md flue iron ,of ai< kinds,, qualities.,apd sizes, cut to pattern* at .short no tice. prpniiscuop* kheet?.. Boiler Heads, and Rivets, on hand &nd for sale at lowest rates by i ; ooi-fm*’ s’'' 5 ’'' "”#ray'sVe^ S Bo?ler l ?ron Worfi, | umuo No, 6 ffariufcw SnUdlog, 2t2 Walont at, OCTOBER 4, 1858. L OA N 400,000 HOLLARS. ; J. 0. DONNELL, Oaahter. £eaal Slntites. f > n iX)ljolesiile fOrfl dSooba. J^EW ti F4iili. STOCK. i)9XcCaaley 9 .Brother, dt'BwNSter, JJB, NORTH .FOURTH,,ST. HATXjuBt opened an entlye new stock of’ HOSIERY; GLOVES, AND FANCY to which they Invite the attention of first-class buyers. • f ' i • ■ ' • ' *' 1 Oar Btook Is particularly adapted to THE SOUTHERN TRADE. 1 onn PACKAGES J { Brown and Bleached •,. <* SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, and DRILLINGS; 1 direct from LACONIA, , GREAT FALLS, , ; HADLEY, PERKIN 8,. j MASSACHUSETTS, ■ DWIGHT, t j BARTLET, and CABOT MILLS, ; In whleh will be found a large and desirable assortment, to which we beg to call the attention of the trade., ROBESON INDIGO BLUE PRINTS, HAMPDEN ‘ TWEEDS, stbipes/tickings; ’ 1 ' ’ ‘ AND COTTONADEB, In great variety.’ ! SATINETS, FLANNELS, Ao., ’ .For sale by ‘ ' FROTHINGHAM A WELLS, Agents, j anfi-Smlf -85 LETITIA St. and 84 8. FRONT St. ' TRADE, 1858. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. DRESS GOODS OF NEWEST STYLES, SHAWLS OF EVERY VARIETY. MERINOS, COBURGfi, MUSLIN DE LAINES, j VELVETS, BILKS, ALPACAS, GINGHAMS, ' CLOTHS, CASSIMERSS, SATINETS, VESTINGS,| FLANNELS, PRINTS, BLEACHED AND GOODS, > With a complete Line of ' EMBROIDERIES, And other styles of Goods adapted to ft FIRBT-OLASB TRADE, All of whloh are offered for sale Cheap. W. G. OHITTIOK & 00., - 438 MARKET and 433 MERCHANT ST. aul7-tu th sat 2m&w2m . JRISa LINENS, WOOLLENS, STUFF GOODS, BLANKBTB, A fall and general assortment of FALL DRY GOODS for sale on favorable terms by WBAY & GILLIIiAN, _ 121 CHESTNUT STREET: j auBl-tu th s24t Sfoo MEDICAL BOOKS.— MORRIS ON SCARLET FEVER. A new enlarged edition. RANKING’S HALF-YEARLY. ABSTRACT of the Medical Sciences. No, 27, for July. S ♦ TANNER’S NEW MANUAL, of- the Practice of Medicine. • THE PHYSICIAN’S VISITING LIST 'FOR 1859. Various sizes and styles of binding. 6. THE SAME WORK—lnterleaved for Country Phy sicians or others who furnish their patients with Medi cines. OAZEAUX’S MIDWIFERY. A new enlarged ell tion MEIGS’B PRACTICAL TREATISE on the Diseases or Children; 8d edition. MENDENHALL’S MEDICAL STUDENT’S VADB MEOOM. The 6th edition. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of Medical Books al ways oh hand, and'sold Wholesale hr retail at low prices. 1 1 .i , n» cJ.*ALOfiUEa farnUhed ***«» by , . V * •* LINDSAY $ BLAKIBTON, ■ Publisher* and Importers, ocs 35 South SIXTH St., Above Chestnut. <* £jIIRST FICTION of the FALL CROP.” The above caption heads a column of appreciative and commendatory review in the Qhicago Dai/y Jour • nal of A. B. Roe’s new Book, TRUE TO THE LAST; 08, : ALONE ON A WIDE BVA. One neat 12mo. Price $1.26. Mr. 800 is a general favorite of the critics, a* * e ll as his 100,000 READERS. ‘ “Fresh,” “charm Jug ” “interesting,” and “popu lar,” are a few of, the adjeotlves used by the reviewers in commending f “TRUE TO THE,LAST.” Says the New. York correspondent;of .the Boston Transcript (a litorary gentleman of the highest charac ter:) ’ j \ ~ “Qf a more advanMd species of interest, and yet equally removed from the meretriolous sad extrsTsgant novel,'are -the writings of Roe, who is a sort of Long Island Goldsmith,‘Whose thoroughly domestic, genius was long ago recognised by.hU publishers. This writer deals neither in' the romance of adventure nor. tke in trigues of fashion, while his art far surpasses the moril commonplaces of the 4 poor bat pious’’ He is a very patient 'observer of men and thjpgs around him', and by virtne of an honest sympathy therewith, weaves narratives of snstalhed interest, and draws cha racters which, howpver. humble', are as genuine in their way as Edgeworth or Mrs. Inchbald'ever conceiv ed; moreover, they appeal to average sympathies and charm rural houseboldswith true pictures and praoti , cal examples of worth. 1 Herein Mr. Roe la a benefactor to the masses, and a qniet reformer. The titles of hU' books l&dicet* their scope— 1 A Long Look Ahead,’ <l’ve been Thinking,’’ ‘ To Love and to be Loved.’ Natural, domestic, and genial are these transcripts of one of the largest spheres of American life; and the last, just published by Derby A Jackson, and entitled < T?ne to the Last ’ is, la many respects,the best.otthe series.' We commend it as unexceptionable, graphic, unaffected,'and instinct with unostentatious but truth ful art ” ■' THREE EDITIONS SOLD IN THREE WEEKS. Fourth Edition now ready. - DERBY A AAOKBON, Publishers, 119 NASSAU St., New York. And for salo by Booksellers generally.' oc4-2t Heal (Estate. FARMS FOR SALE.—A . splendid 3m FARM of 100, and one of 109 acres: a Mill Property of 11 acres; A'Saw'Mill and Lumber Yard; a llouso and 2 aores for Sale, all noar Nor 'rletiwn; a farm of 60 aud one of 66 acres, near Phmnlxville ; ono Farm of 65 and two of 79 acres, 6 ‘miles from Norristown; one Country-seat and 40 acres, in Plymouth; Tavern and Store Stands in Norristown and countryCatalogue of Farms and Full description given by addressing RR, CORSON, - oc4dfw-' “Beal Estate Broker, NORRISTOWN, Pa. M PRIVATE RESIDENCES , FQR SALE.—Some of the most bfeautlfally littikted Properties in and around NORRISTOWN isnow offered for sale or Exchange; also a large Brick Building, adapt ed and used fora BOARDING SCHOOL for several years, and for which thero is a good opening. For par ticulars address 1 R R OORSOri, oc4-2w NORRISTOWN) Fa. FOR SALE.—A lot of ground on'flpring Garden street, west of Twenty-fourth, 64’by 180, to a back street. One on Spring Garden, east of Broad, 82 by 209, One on Ooliimbla avenue, between Twelfth and Thir teenth streets, 100 by 61, three fronts. One on northeast corner Golumbia avenue and Thir teenth street, 116 by 80, thrpe fronts. One on Thirteenth street, above Colombia avenue, 80 by 116, two fronts. One on Locust street, Hamilton village. Apply to . H. 0. THOMPSON A G M. CONARROB, oc2-3t . 933 AROU Street. ORPHANS* COURT SALE. Estate of RICHARD McQRANN, deceased. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers—Ten three-story brick dwellings, Pine street, between Willow and-Beaoh Bireets,' Pursuant to an order ot the Orphans’ Court* for the City and Ooantr of Philadelphia, will -be *ol*' at pallio saloon TDSBDAY, Ontobor 19th, 1868, it 7' o’oloek In the evening, at the Philadelphia ExohangO, the fol'owing described property, late of Biohaid Mo- Grand, deceased, vis: The undivided one-fourth part of a piece of ground, situate on Pine street, between Willow and Be&oh streets, on which are erected ten three-story brick dwelling-houses, known and numbered on said Pine street as Nos. 2402, 2401, 2400, 2408, 2410,2412,2414, 2410,2418 and 2420. . By the Gonrt, JOHN SHERRY, Oierk O O. , JOHN MoGOVERN, Ji., Administrator. f three easternmost houses are each 15 feet front; the lots extending in depth 65 feet. The other seven bonses sre each 15 feet 'front/ the lott extending in depth 76 feet.. . ' They will be sold clear of Incumbrance. N B.—OnO-fourth of the -abOve'estata Is to be sold by order of the Orphans* Court—the .remaining three*' fourths by order of the owner thereof,'the'-purohutr obtaining a title to the whole. , ! ~ M. THOMAS fc SONS. - 1 NosVlB9 and 1418.P0tJttTH Bfc. 002? 0c5&19 MTO CAPITALISTS, BUII^PBIJS^&C. Large nod valuable Lot at Private Sale’ .Locust Street, fioath elde, between Broad and ' fifteenth* Streets, 118 feet front on. Loooat street; bj 113 feet in deptK, to'a 10 feet alley. 1 • AT PRIVATE SALK—Handsome Brown-stone Resi dence. Ho. 1620 Fine Street, known as u tJnibn Row ” • - M. THOMAS &-SONS, Auctioneers, Je3o.tb9attn3t: .189 * 1418. FonrfVStreet. g PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA TIONS, with -written description! of character, including advice in reference to business', health Belf-icnproTement.'&c., are made da? and eve ning at ft lOWLER, Wlitl/S, tc QO.%' , .?aajilleß risited when requested, and'ft liberal die* Count made to olubs. , •ell-8m 622 Cheatnut at., Philadelphia. &‘NC tf ; : 111 V - USH VERMILLION and ULTRA MABINB'BLUE, especially Imported tot Painten and Printers., Pat up in 1 for sale by 241 BOOK Street, qp stairs. sel7-lm* BROTTN STOUT,—4O easha & Williams, 1 imported direct from London* in ■tore and for sals #jr- WM. H. YEATON. HAS > , .'.***’«» 216 SOUTH FRONT ntreet. large stock of Xtelidn X Hemp for safe by WEAVER, FITLEB, ft 00., No. ,»N. WATER street, and Ne. 22 N. WHARVES, 1 ©cl ■'; •••!"*.UstaUmru;■ <9pptNt QREATBARGAINSTNPRY goods.— . Has B'EMQVED No. boith 'BECONb' where he Is now prepared to furnish the Ladles with a fresh and welt-seleOted stock of ’ p , DRESS G'tfQDS, To.whichhe invl i s tUefr, Attention,.being determined ®ell at Exceedingly LOW,.PRICES- , N. B —A'large assortment of BrocHe, Stella, and Blanket Shawlk , of- Silk and Circulars Oonafahtly oh hand, at ibo , • i ~ ‘‘.'ctfOXK EMPO.&JUM,” , ! - Kq, 40 Bouth Btrfrat., • 1858. ; STOCK. 185 §l l. j. Levy & 00. j Are daily in tho receipt of N*w Goons for ; ; FALL AND WINTER SALES. r Their assortment ia now complete in the followingar tlclea, ell of which they offer at ' ■ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL At the lowest market priced. PARIS VELVET ANp OLOTH CLOAKS. FRENOH ANP. INPXA SHAWLS. . Tartan plaids long and square. " ■ , -DOUBLE FLORENCE, RICH BILK DRESSES. ■ VERY RIOH EVENING DRESS SILKS. WHITE EMBROIDERED LAOS DRESSES. ■■ RICH PLAID SILK VALBNOXAB. „ NEW MATERIAL SOS STREET DRESSES. BUPERB PRINTED OABHMBRE AND > MOUB3ELAINES. A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OP LAOE GOODS. ; PRSNOH AND ENGLISH CHINTZES. PRINTED FLANNELS, NEW DEBIGNS. ■ BEAL WELCH AND SAXONY FLANNELS, r LUPINS. MERINOS, AND OABHUBRKB; y Alao, a Tory fall and complete assortment of every description of LINEN GOODS. for household use, re* iceired direct from the best manufasturors in the world. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT BT. 004*3t Ootodbb 3d, 1868, OROCHE SHAWLS— CHEAPEST LOTS if. And best stales now offered, being recent auotion pur* ehaaes of rerr HANDSOME STYLES Broohe Long and Square Shawls, from $4 to $23. - Also, Stella Brocbe Bordered Shawls. f French Blanket Shawls.' *7Mltees and Ladies’ Blanket Long and Square ShawlB. . PINE BLACK CLOAKS, , *1 f Now ready, comprising all the newest styles. - CLOAKROOM 'Replbte with PALL and. WINTER outer garments. ... . , BILK 01 &OLES .i Especially ad anted for this season of year. . LIGUT and BLACK CLOTH CLOAKB and RAGLANS, Ready-made, or made to order in one dav’s notice. - COOPER A CONAftD, , 004 ,8. B. corner NINTH and MARKST Sts. Auction bargains of fine frenoh Goods and ’ ; . BROOHE .SHAWLS, . . 1 From the two great'sales of HENNEQUIN Co., <nd THBinONj MAILLARD, A Co. CHARLES,,, ADAMS ’ Has now arranged in his - v. o . SHAWL*AND MERINO ROOM A large assortment 6f super ' • BROCHE LONG AND SQUARE SHAWLS that cannot b 6 surpuse&'for beauty-of . design and style of tolorldg, and at piicea much bolow the uiual rates. '' Splendid do with Wool Chain. ' ‘ ' ’ ' Super Silk Plush Shawls. • >* Thibet do Plush Borders. .- Round Comer Stellak, $6 to $l2. i Square do, all kinds, 1 * ' Black Thibet Long and Square Shawls! ' ’ High colored Emetines at BTJ*o - 6-4 French ‘ Merinoss, High and Plain oolors, at 63, 76, 88, and $l. ‘ Super White do at $l. ’ Black do do at 70c. and 880. - 1 6-6 Cashmeres,76c. to $l. , • ' ' ’ An immediate examination la requsted. - . oc2-eod;tf EIGHTH and AItQH Streets. VESTINGS, &«., *O. ]l/|EN J S FANCr XTJL Stripes, Bayaderes and Mixtures, in fine-French colors. Flannel, for .Travelling. Bhirts. Also, Plain Jiigh colored French Flannel. oc2 EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. PLAIN'- colored Brocade Silks, Modes, Browns and Olives, and Blacks, neat styles. Solid colored silks, imported especially for Friends’ wear. oc2 • EIGHTH and CHESTNUT. JJAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, • WILL OPEN THIS BAT • ' Their Fall Importation CARPETINGS, , sels-tfj- at PRICES i GREATLY REDUCED. JgJYRE h LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, SECOND OPENING 1 OF FALL GOODS TODAY. ROUND-CORNER SHAWLS, , NEWEST STYLE SILKS, ■ RICH DOUBLE SKIRT ROBES, MAGNIFICENT DE LAINEB, '' RICH PRINTED MIRINOKB, LUPIN’S CHOICE COLORS MJBfiINOES, '6-4 NEW STYLE VALENCIAS, NEW FALL VESTINGS, Ac , *O. EYRE & LANDELL, « P 29-tocl3 FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS. fIKANB OPENING \JT o» . ' WINTER fIIOAKS . ■ i - <A* THE ' ' ' PARTS MANTILLA BMPORIUM. The SUBSCRIBER* have now open their * IttFORTATIOItS ANDWANVFACTURSS* 'FOR THE ’ *' ’ ' n ‘ -paLi, and Winter seasons, Gombrliing the most exten.lT. and superb display *>l ' .OVER, .GARMENTS Erar exhlmsod in thi« city. jr. w. proctor & oo. tl ; ; 708 CHESTNUT STREET. 8e27 - ‘ ■! £JBEAT ATTRACTION ! , . OVJSR SI,MO WORTH oy SHAWm SROM WHICH -TO MAKE A BKLEOTIUv THORNLKT * ORIBk. H. B. oor. EIGHTH and BP RING GARDEN c*- 9e (. ■ Have the beat SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia. dv. T would respectfully call attention to he following Ter> oh '* P 46 O LONG : BEOCHH BRAWLS at $ 8 each. SO Bos- do. - do. at 10 “ 80 Do. • do do. at 11 “ 81 80. ' do. 'do. at 12 “ 10‘ Do.- ; do. • do. at 13 “ 20, Do. do. do. at 14 “. '2O Dd. 1 do. do. at 16 “ 8 Do. fc>. do. at 18 8 Do. do. do. at 20 « 8 Do. do. do. at 26 « In the above Dote of Long Broche Shawl* will be found every desirable color of centre. '■ - 5 l BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS ' From 82 to $l2, in every color. French Blanket Shawls in new designs. Plain Thibet Shawl*, Square and Long. ’ Real Oanton Crape Shawls. Plain and Embroidered. Children’s fchawls, Misses’ Shawls, and Gentlemen’* Shawls, at _ : irokniiET a ohism’S,. ft ONE PRICE CASH STORE v Northeast Corner KIivHTH ft. SPRING GARDEN N. B.—City and Country Storekeepers baying for cash may find bargains at T ft O.’s P. S.—A Magnificent stock of Silks now on hand. SelB-tf 1 ' ' - * . iDisGclnlicns qnfr <ffcpqrtngrgl)ipg. P~ v 'emBERTON has THIS DAT associated with him SAMUEL K. SHIPLFaT and SPENCER H. HAZARD, in the Dry Goods Commission Business. ' Octobbr 1,1868. CO-PARTNERSHIFT— WE, the - uh’der - signed.- have THIS DAT formed a Co-Partner ship, Forth* transaction of a GENERAL DRT GOODS OOMMISSrON BUSINESS, under the Firm’of SHIP LKT,HAZARD, ft HUTCHINSON, at No: 118 OJJEB?-, NUT Street. , ' s fiAMDEL B. SHIPLEY. , •- , • ' V BPENCER H HAZARD, . 1 : PEMBERTON S. HUTCHINSON. PamiPßlePßli, Oct. 1, 1868 ocl-12t JPOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. SHIPLEY, HAZARD, ft HUTCHINSON, No. 112 Chestnut street, {Offer for sale DRILLS, JEANS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS. MARINER BTRIPBS, OfINAfiURGHS, FLANNELS, BROWN, BLEACHED, AND COLORED MUSLINS, In all widths from the BALTIO MAN’G CO., BATES MAN ’G 00., « NORTHYILLB DO. ' LOWELL DO. H f": FAIRUILL DO. WEST BOYLSTON DO. -■ Also, Templeton Mills Doeskins and Fanoy Qasqlmeres, Woodward do. dq.. - -do.i Saxony Mill do. , do. . do. Together with alarge assortment of desirable Foreign .Goods. . , 001-liu, CO-PARTNERSHIP. —TJ3E, BUSINESS heretofore conducted by Hunt. Webster, ft i Co., will from this date be carried on under the , style and 1 firm of LADD, WEBSTER, ft CO., who will continue the manufacture and sale'of Sewing Maobioe*, .tho former in Boston, the latter at 820 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, and in the principal cities of the Union. September 1,1858. se27-lm BOOKBINDING. — Tho undersigned res pectfully invite the attention of lovers of books to their unequalled faoilit es for binding l books in a su perior manner. Their work ha* been submitted Jbr a series of years to the examination of Some of the most celebrated connoisseurs in the country. It ha* received the most flattering encomiums and won for the under signet a reputation which they are determined to maintain. 1 Every stylo of Binding oxecuted, from the plain “half-bound” volume for the'scholar’s, tkble to the moat artistic garniture of rarities for the collection of the Bibliomaniao.., < , , •• Specimens'of style, and workmanship vrtll be cheer fully shown to those who will call upon -, * * PAWBON ft NICHOLSON, Bookbinder, ■ •619 MINOR Street, ' . 1 • se29-2m* Between Market and Ohestdut Streets. rpO AROHITEOTS AND BUILDERS. 1 , : ACADIA FREESTONE. ? r ; | Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons Qf this beautiful Stone, both of the • . i BLUE. GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former of which, for softnets and delicaoy of color, •la unrivalled . l For the character of this atone please examine the following buildings: ... ; Jos. Harrison’s, Eighteenth street and Bittenhousa Square. _ 1 Harrison’s Building, Locust street, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth. . . ' ■ -- Samuel Smith’s West street and Bittenhouse square. Mrs. PeUrson’e No. 1219 Walnut street." i A. K.Womrath’s, 416 Arch street, famael Simes’, Twelfth and Chestnut street*. j T. K. J. Fassltt, Seventeenth and Looust streets,and others. ' ; ARNOLD 4 WILSON. A««nte, ' I PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. ».16-8m B, M. FELTWELL, Bnp’t. ANIL A CIGARS.—I Case First Quality Manila. Qig&rfl, just arrived in Store'&nd for Bale WILLIAM U. tfiATOtf, ‘ 215 Bnnth FRONT Street.! PORK*— ~l6obbls Jkleri&Pork, for sale'by O.O.BADLKB&CO., i M 23 AXQU Btieet, 24 door ftbOT* Vroat. STAPLE AND FANCY SILKGOODS. ;w 0iln«o <tda«;)u?j uyor S/; i iiV v, k;; % f ; yr w- 'it ■' e7 * WM. WILSON & SON,; Hating complete! &e ( to tijqir alira, invito special attention to their stock of Silverware, which is i - v *.* i, i .*r i.> < . unusually Urge, affording a variety of pattern and design,.unsurpassed b/.anjr house lathe Uni&d States, >• 1 : -r ' 'msl and of nxm’.tiv-ufoi .sham. any manufactured JOB TABLE- USB IN ANY PABT ojl WOBI.D, Oar standard of Silver Is,, .....936*1000 parts pure The Bnglish Sterling is.. > “ . The Americanaad French j 5....... 1( Thus, it will be seen that wd give parts finer than the American and French coin, end 10 parte .’finer than the English sterling. We melt all our ot an silver.and our foreman being connected with the refining depart • nunt of the United States Mint for sever*! years, we guarantee the quality ok above 1 (936), which Is the finest that tan be made to be serviceable, &nA will re- sist the action of acids mueh better than the ordinary ri * !* i silver manufactured. WM. WILSON & SON, B. W. earner POTH and CHBBBT. N. B. —Any fineness of silver manufactured, as agreed upon, but positivity none inferior, to the Aburitan and French standard, J “ i "' '*• Se2B-tdtbBBm „;: <EJ)iTta, ffx. , , , V / .V-T IMPORTERS AND: WHOLEBALK DEALERS ” Hi' - " , 1 ' "• . CHINA AND QUEENS WARE, Noa. 23 and" 26 FUUATH STOEEX, - * , : : , BHILADBLPBHA. |p* GLASSWARE, open or by the package; auBl-2m. , ,* {J» j f rjlO SOUTHERN Am ... 'MERCHANTS.' OHIN A,.OLASSW AB*, - AND £ , . ! ., : .' : irjkH(3Y l , ! .A^’oLßß,.V.', , ' l ';- . ' 1 A,'»B»'LOWiar iuin;Mtoiai i» ; " ; , ;;■MABXsBH''*'WlSTH,;lip6ttort,' ' 1 MABONIO HALLj Tl 3 OHJSTNUT 81BBM. ,v; - r |JyliticoL Assembly— bioohd nisißior, 0c4.8t» 'BDWABD.B. BEDSTBEAKE PEOPLE'S TICKET. - 1 ■'* *.i ‘ '} ' : :r; a- !< ; r STATE OFFieERS. . . JUCHB OY THE SUPREME COURT, j;o h n . m, it b An".; CANAL COMMIBBIONEB,. i William e..fra’2er. ‘ - ‘ /Jl‘] i a C i *- ‘1 CONGRESS. First Distriot... Bscomd “ .EDW.JOIMOBRIB. ......JOHN P. YRRRBE. ......i.WM. MILLIARD. JOHN WOOD. Tniuo 1 ** Fourth “ Fifth « STATE ,'SENATOK. vrszrvii niDTKlur, J O H Ni'Hv F'AHK E R; FOR REPRESBSfTATiy^. t• : i First District...... JOSEPH H. BINEX. ...SAUUHLSWENEY, .WM. H. MATTHEWS. Bbcond u Third “ Fourth ’ ‘ “ HARDING. Fifth “ i. GEORGE T. THORN. Sixth ■ “ CHURCH. Sktbnth “ DAVID H.STYER. Eiohth f tl | A.yWALBORN. Ninth. , , ..........JOSORGS W v TVOOD. Tihtb “ . • ISAAC J. NEALL. Klbvshth “ , ««••••...ISAAC A. SHEPPARD. Twblftu ,“ .FRANCIS EDWARDS. Thirtkbhth “ FOURTMKTQ “ (( ....GEORGR W. HAMBRBL2SY. Siii'a.Mß " , .......GEORGE WILET. Sbtxhtibkth 11 ..o. F. ABBOTT. COUNTY OFFICERS. B H E RIFLF, WILLIAM B. KERN. REGISTER OF WILLS, I GBORQE nr. Mo M A H A N OLBRK OPORPHANB- OOURT, NI,S R Q D FOOHhTj ELECTION, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12. *e22-tOcl2/. i CRESSWELL & WILLIAMS, No.,?08 WALNUT Street, are-prepared to supply .ship pera and coosumers with superior Broad Top Coal from Lancaster Mines. oc4tf dhQ OK PER TON for the belt WHITE qfOf&J ABU ,G9A&t WfFMtrt free from date or dOJlt.. r> ; • Ooili la the best and cheapest in .JtJlthfl city, re-screened under.corer. HICKS sells none'hut the very best Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal, and warrants full weight. ffTIOKS superintends the delivery of jail* JIX Goal personally, and guarantees it tp be as represented. •. > * > •' , 1 M >.'* •' FTIGKS’ Yard andOifice is ! at the southeast JLX corner of UARSH tit 1 and where he Invites all to oajl andexamlnifor thelnselT** the above laetp/,. . TO COAL DEAL BBS.—Parties receiving Coal direct from the Mines, wishing moragO and the Delivery of their Coal, will please address B.BEL* LERS a SON, CALLOWHILL street, first Yard below Broad n 1 N B.—Best qualities of LB HIGH apd SCHUYLKILL COAL always on htfdd at lowest cash prices. eelS-lm* (BRING, FOX,' S CO., wholesale and.' retail 1 dealers in LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL. Lehigh ; yard*—THlßD MtrWt and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. BchuylklU md—RACE and BROAD streets', Philadelphia; • KMpConstantly on hand Coal from the moat mines, under ooyer, and pre pared expressly for familv oee _ Jfefi-y AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY PRENTISS’S WASHING AND SCOURING 801/UTIOISr. PATENTED JUNE 22, 1858. .This important discovery has just been patented by the United States, aud it is now confidently recommended to Manufacturers, Housekeepers, and others. It is a labor-saving preparation, and costs less than half of any other article known forv'cleanslng purposes. While it alcauses, whitens, and purifies Cotton, Linen, and Woollen goods of every description, it will not injure, -thd.nWst delicatefabrico OectaacatM of its value have been given by some of the leading manufacturers bf the Wuntry, as well as by many 'reliable housekeeper find citiaeM,/. l Manufactured by the Patentee, and for ale I>7 . : ; SASIUEL GRANT, Jr.,& CO., ' 189'SOUTH WATER STREET, &.• .•) ,>• nrrn .RWfMB*: (PAUTION. '1 .O • Vv PRENTISS’S WASHING- AND SCOURING SOLO TION.—The undersigned-would esUtion the publlo against the purchase of Liquid Wtihlng Solutions, pur porting to be similar to. or equally efficient with, his. The ufidetsigtidd U prtwsttd by a patent in the menu* faottt e'of the ohlyartlole which can be safely and em oienVy user., " 'imitations have been got up, which will prove’ inefficient in cleansing, and deleter!- one to the fabrie. Grocers and retailers careful not to purchase the Washing and Scouting Bo lutlon eiceht of us, asth<*y will otherwise render them artrta liable aainfringera PowbM«raab»nl4b» oaie fnl to purehaaa ONLY PRENTISS’S SOLUTION, aa they will thus avoid all rlak of d«atroTing the fabric* washed. Conolusive proofs can ,be furndshed that this artlclo will n'orinjure the fabrie, septaV-Smb-thAtu .rr—‘w BRIDGETON.—The Steamer &g£gm as EXPRESS leayea ARCH Street Toe.i d«.Y», Thumlays, and Saturdays, at B«,Tjdoelt A. M. Returning, leaves BRIDGETON M(>3aays7Wedneßdavs, and B‘o’olofcli A-.’M ’ Stopping at New Oisue, Delaware City, Fort Delaware, and the usual Landings oh tneHrththufey? tickets for Elizabeth, Maurioetown, Dividing Creek, Newport, Cedarrille, and Fairies, *e7-lm# 'GTEAfcf ENpute ‘Fob SALE.— Seventy; ijp: two horse power, Cylinder 17 inches ill diameter; •three cyllndrfcsl-Boilere, 30 feet leng and 60 inched*te diameter; 120,feet of Cast-iron Pumping,of 6 andldiur fihew »Jotof Bpiilmt Backets Also ft lot ofwheelAnd iiaad ,’Barrows, Shovele.and tools used in Miniiurvfoir B ‘i® » BMgsJn..- Apelrio , . . .3. L. MOBB, j* ood>*t Mo. 332 WALNUT St-j'Front room, TJp Stairs. TO BE LET: WITH BOARD.—A hand some suit of. Rooms) with dressing-room, bath! eud T ever?doaventence and euitabM for JfamMies or single gentlemen. No 70l’ : VlNij'‘fltV<ii* posit©FranklinSquare. f o “ r *:r% { *CIOR" superior) .Shelving and ■ Counter, with Brewers, i n Store No 246 North THIRD Street. Terms low. Apply at No. 262. three doors above. <—l-* ''"“oo2*4l# i RENT—A eacond-etory Lack Room, near . the State Honse, suitable for a LiwjerbrCod ▼eyancer>e office. Address BOX 1666, Port Office« : ' oc2- 3t fig TO RENT, a STORE on DELAWARE WaUrftS2? , i!ia , f r ' , * , P l ® Street,' running through to WaterBtreet, U 8 feet deep.* .-Also! the Doab'e STORK, on^oVth^? 1 .!? OtfAKRY Stnet., 40 tot front! ' ths u Zt t '°™„ ,or lorgn Basioeuln Phili ohbrry as*, land House Apply at 273 South POthfcTH Street; ' • ' ' . ' ’I - “ 8629-8 m»; aTO LET—The HOUSE HO. 1626 "CHESTNUT Street. In'goodorder. RentS6od Has a large Yard and Modern Improvements. ee2B-dtf K" OOMS ON COMMERCE STREET^. - The Three Upper Booms of <l6 Commerce Street to Let. ee27-lm \ gnl - FOR SALE, —A handsome .residence, Bit! with all the modern Improvements, large' side yard, grapery,, fce.*, SIXTH, -pear,SPRING- GARDEN Street Terms e«y. P. A, LYNDj 6# Spoth.BIXTH Street, (second story.) < ■ . „ . eel7-lm i MFOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—A , handsome new mansion, 19 rooms, and- 40 acres, near Gwynedd Station* North .Pennsylvania Railroad. Site splendid, fruit abundant) health unsurpassed.< Any person really dealring a handsome Country Seat in ex change for city property; will find this an unusual op portunity of accomplishing hie object. * Apply to P. X. LYND, b% B. SIXTH bt, (2d story.) . ; 7 ; SUFFICE TO-LET.—AN ELIGIBLE QT FIOB for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same floor, No. 222 WALNUT Street, above BOOK. Immediate, possession given, v Apply to - . JOHN 0. KBFTBB, oir • , THOMAS.T. BUTOHBB. , • , i i.; , Np. U 2 South FOURTH Street, . . ■ mhSO-tutha-tf Second story, front room*; ■flali /jFOB> 'pr6fty nine Bill. rooms, and one or more acres, on Wyoming avenue, two mileß outthe Secund*fltreet.Tnrnpilke, AJ|p r neveral handsome cottage lots The nelghborhood is healthy. beautiful, and rapidly improving. P. K. LYND. 6 V fl. IUXTBSt, (8d Story.) ... - ■ . u17.1m ; TO SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS: —Thirty acres or less of beautiful Land on Wyoming Avene, near New Second street,- only two miles north of the pavements, for sale a bargain, and terms easy Apply to P. & LIND, 6Jf South SIXTH Street, /second story.) . • »- • <tel7-lm jpOR SALE— ' , ! Ope of the moat,Valuable and Desirable , * DOUBLE; BROWN / STONE RESIDENCES ' ;IH THE.OIFri - . ■■ i ,vi • . >j V. i no. x?io papsTOUT .street;,.’’ : EXTENDING THROUGH TO GEORGE 6TRBET. ' • i ! :• '• i-r '■ l-r ti Jli 'h ■ C' ; , H&ring been bulltbjthe owner forfeit owaßeaidence, no expenso hu IU construction, Applj to ' "7 “OHAKEBS^OOGB” ' . • ' 629 M&rtet Strict, Or to M. THOMAS & SONS,; *' sol4«lmlf ■ u cr 199 a^ltlfloutfr-Fourth'jit, pHOICE WITHIN .VV .threa mtnut«,Qf 1.0 gutioua on Philadel pH* »nd ten Byroad, .?°r “l» eie.p„ 4ppl? >t cprper ot tIog» BtrMt <md Eluikßotd, or.t N0..23 North Sixth Stroat, to :„ -yT-j-r,. a. li.LITTLBPIELD. . BOARD in a Private Family, with thecom fort# of o holQi, for. OihtMnn and' their wives, or single GentUmen. Apply at No. 220 NortlpTENtH Street. • r ' , ‘ 1 • •' ocS-tuths-Ot BOARDING. —A Private Family will board tWb' J orthree G«ntlemcn of" "best references A pleesantand''desirable borne. ; Location near BROAD and CHESTNUT.:'Address B. C.. at thiibffice. It* A.CHGIOE k QF .Cominunlca ting Booms, either famished or unfurnished, with Board aud-the comforts of a home, In a central and ipleuaht; location, for a.Gentlemah'andwifd of bne or two, single. Gentlemen. .References exchanged. Ad dress P., Box 1190, Post Office. ......JOHN W. RYAN, BOARDING.— A handsome 'sniforrooms on seoond .floor, .with first-class hoard: also, rooms for single gentlemen, can be obtainedjxt No. 261 North TENTH Street. ■ oc2-Bt* 1 IN OWE OF THE , BEST ;LOCATIONS, near, CHESTNUT Bfc.,VLADV. can have furnished Apartments .before and during .Confinement; where the refinements of & heme maybe obtained* .Address VS Press office 1 ’ ',,Vob2-st* r ~‘. , WM. D; ROG-JBRS. . COAOHAWPLiQHT-CARRXAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, u. ’ n PHILADELPHIAN 5 vO.rdefsfor parts of theworld executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied.. selS-Smif -s Bailet&co., ‘ 't c .:. f O&HXBLT - j . . c: f- - • Have removed to their new Fire-proof, White Marble v Store, -' t ' Bi 9 CHESTNUT BTRKKT. -vy .;, BfpRTHSIDEiBEW)W,Ti[i GIRARD ( HbT)SB. J Now opening their fall stockdf/ ‘ * IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATEJI) WAREB, AND .bimonSratz. ! ' , ni - , »ANOY OpODB, '';;;':.„ To whioh they invite the attention of thOjmbUei SILVER-WARB. WATOHES/limidNßi; AND /yaa: Sr. Wv S. MoII.HENNET>DentIBt, g?Tf fw wonld inform his friends that he has resumed practice at No. 1843 CHESTNUT Street, second door above the U.B/rMSht. ™ " f aepl-3m ffHE “01x0 DOMINION” THE “ QLD DOMIINION*’ "-n : _' . 'TEA rot,' ' - An manufaotnfed, under tba. patast for the Unlted , r * '/ , ARTHUR, BURNHAM. &; GIUROT, No,. 11T and 119 Sonth ,i;ENXU STREET, ,i.I . ■'PHILADELPHIA. ID* Marcbanta Tl.ltlnr Philadelphia,' sbould, by all means', lay ina supply 6f tnesb' COFFEE aU4 TEA POTS, which are rapidly coming into use, iad‘ destined in a Short time to supersede all others. £7- A. B. A G. are. also manufacturers, under the patent,'of ‘ " ‘ ARTHUR’S CELEBRATED AIR-TIGHT , SELF- SEA LIN GOANS AND JARS, Whioh, it is conceded on all hands, are the best in the market. anlT-thtb&stnolß Also, Trade Agents for .... . TORREY’S ADJUSTABLE DOOR SPRING. jpOR COLDS AND SORE, THROATS. ICELAND MOSS PASTE, MARSHMALLOW-DROPS, FLAXSEED -DROPS. . BTBPHEN F- WHITMAN,’ - Manufacturing Confectioner, , 11 "no. 1210 MARKET STREET, -> , se29-8m West of, TWELFTH Street. fjto CASH BUYERS. ' ■ JAMBS EARLE ASO N., 810 CHESTNUT STREET, - ' r OPPOBIT* raa QUJLSD BOOBS, Invite the attention or'Western and Southern Custom* ers to the irl mm ansa and elegant auortment of looking-glasses, rjANDSORUBS AND CLAMPS.; HANDSORDBS. ; No. 1. tt}( o. per doi. N«. *• sll* P«r doi, 9. 760. 11 6. 126 >■ 8. 870. “ 7 ‘ 1 M " 4.1000. “ <> HENRY O. ECKSTEIN; ’ • , e -lS 62 North THlRD'Strut; Fkliadalubla RIFLES, AND, SPORTING IM |TT, ELEMENTS. The Subscribers have In store _ , ■ LARGEST ASSORTMENT FOWLING-PIECES,. RIFLES, Ac., ETer offered in this city. -- Desirous of rodoclbg ttelrasrortmeot as moon aa . possible before file Ist Deo . they trill , • AT YEBY LOW PRICES THHIR SNTIRS STOCK, GUNB FROM THE MOST C^LEBRAT ED MANU FACTURERS jtXNOB ’■ ® - PHILIP S. JUSTICE A 00/, No. 21 North «fTH Street, eoB-2m . ebor.e. Market. «- art, 144 - Übla.- prime Western n Leaf L Lard, kettl. reodered, ••28 ARCH Street, 2d door above Front. ■ tfayam. anfrlcr ■ Set: "I f ; 1 . ,T; ■ • iDatxrljes* 3eip*lra;‘-. s~ BAILEY A KITCHEN,- PEARLS, t > AT WHOLBSIIsS XND BlTin>. ©EiUißlra. OOFFBS POt, and OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVING PORTRAIT AND PICTURE-FRAMBB, Suitable for the FALL TRADE. CLAMPS. \ i i' 8 Row, $1.23 per dozen. •' TRow, 81*75 per dozen. 1 - ,t c . , 8 Row, 32.25 per dozen. . £/T-‘ .V ?;s* v . v `Wdntd. PRAT,TIC AD GARDENER wishes em- Bloimsnt. oin furnlxh good roferon<«» *» to ojja nctj. .WmoAXJSXANDKR MoOAli,Blood’oDo ■ Ppxtch.-"'. f' ' oe*-t« 'tsrANTED-In November,“’’fy, a good nopiffyrfl pef'W AddreMP., Bor 1190, jj'.-r.. , , ,-- »: aLadl7 years of «e.» VV Bitu.UottiaaStoreor Offlce. AddxeeaALßEßT, at.thjsoffjof -.1. ' ~ ‘ ood-3t*_ Aar ANTED—To Rent, for the winter sea _„*;y son. .with s immediate possession, a Furaiehed house of .moderate lire, With modern imprcvetnsnta, .west of Tenth, street.. Address'A. M.,omee of win paper. ‘ ’• J ' • no* VST ANTED—By a ypnng Man, (a good penman, JaSitustlon In a. wholesale store, as Entry.Olerkor Asglstantßookkeeper. Can furnish good r. ferences. 'Address T: 0., at ihis office. ofrt-Bt* IMTANTED —To engege the services of a ▼ ▼■/literary gentleman for a short period. One compilation will be well compensated. Addretfl 'PPBLISHEB, office of this paper. oc4-2t» WANTED— ; A Situation in a good Dry Goods Houae/by one who cap Influence a South ern trade.from ninety tbdcsand dollars a year. The very best of . city reference can be given. Address A. B,atto is office . , . . 004-3t* A ? GOOD PENMAN, Quick and Correct ‘at Figures,Educated atPhiisielphia-Bigh School, wishes a bituation. v Address JUNIUS, B n x 98 Pbilada. Post Office.- - ’ . -v- ,1. • ec2B-tathaaBt* \j\TANTED —A Salesman in k Boot and ▼ *■ Shoe House. One that oaninflaenoonear trade. Address BOX 1248 Philadelphia Poet I'ffioe. with par ticulara and name. - . oc2-s tu th4t* A Situation as Entry Cleric, - V byayoungMan who has bad three yea s ex- El”®?® 4 - -salary moderate. Address WILLIAM, at this Office. ooSAt* TO' PRINTERS—WANTED, a good -Washington Dress. Address 8., »t this office •- -i o«2-tf experienced Salesman In ' ® ▼.‘a Wholasait.'J'obbiogDry Goods House. To one who can Influence good cash near trade a liberal salary will be' p*Jd< Address DBF GOODS, at thi« Of flee. oc24t# IM7 - ANTED—A Thordtighly ’ Educated - -▼ ▼ ‘'MAN, to join .the AdverUeerin estcbUshCng an Aoidemy in an Interior Town of Pennsylvasla. ■Frotpeet good.-' For particulars, address “TUTOR,” Office of this Paper.., ■ . . ooi-jt* WAiNTED— 100 Stout Young Men, to go on Whiling 'Adtaoee to the amount of fTA-ptld theach maa; extra pay to CdoperivOarpeß ters/and BUckfaniths.r Apply at 194 West Street oor. Liberty Street, New York.r ' Bgwt WANTED, FOB THE UNITED STATES - OAYALHSWAblefbodied,'] unmarried to whom .wflliba ftoa rood ,pey. board, olothlng, and medical attendacoe.i 'Pay frmu' 62 per.mcmth. No man haring a wife or child will be aoeepted.' Apply for'MOUNTM) AIT MASdUa BtnStl above Eighth, north side. - . - W. TIL HAGBUDXR, . . > cist Lieut. Ist Dtagoona. aplT-tl - ‘ Beeruitlag v Offiear. jjJJeraottal. , call at the Postoifioo ha will flnd an important letter address--d to him, it* amiismetUSi A MEBIUAN ACADEMY OF MUSIO^ BROAD AND LOOUBT fltreeU. ~V r ,’. THg GREAT HAFZLB! TUESDAY EVENING. Oot 5,1958. EVOLUTIONB 0N THB TIGHT ROPE. • ■rf - r- .‘i*. ASPHODEL.* Babilaa, Gabriel Ravel j' Tufralf, Trasools Barel; Aephodel. A. Lehman; Zamlnta, M’lle Lina WlsdeU. *. : rVTj KATY, THB VITANDIBR^. 'Katy. Yrca'Mathias; Hsus, H. Mathieu; Boblntseo, Francoiaßavel; Madame Robintxec, ht’nje Axel; Btswa de.Grimberg»Al- M»ugtn.- Admisslon-fParquet, Parquet Cirde, and Baloony, 09 cents; FamOy Circle and-'Amphithsafoe, 26 cents. Beats can be secured from 10 M. to 4 P. M. with onh-eatra-eharger .under 10 vearahalf prloe. lut JJDI/ BOjTEBS?? VALNTJT-ST. I’A ' THBATRN; corner or’NINTH and WALNUT Street.; - TUESDAY EVENING, October 0,1868. , w THB-BON OF; THE NIGHT. ■ - Beu Leil, Mr. F. & Conway Mr.H. A. Perry; Br»vaduia, Mr. McXhmough j Julia. Mrs. D. P. Bowarw; Ghebe4*,Mm.; Fi/8.-Oonway; Myrtha, Hiss o.Blchlpgs.. uir.'.<•!.* U/IJ- v vti .>;■ - -Briee* of and Family Circle, and, Third 90 cents; Parqhefc eenn; Dress Circle,. 60 <oentsj Private Boxes. according to their locale, |3 and 25; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Bogea r 7Aoenta...T ; y , ~-*<■ Doors,open at quarter before 7 o’olock: Curtain rises •at Ijj o , cloch. ■ , . , TMTHEATLEY £ CLARKE* B AROH-ST. ▼ ▼ B. Fredericks, and BtageHansger,» :;-vy , " > r’- ■, TUESDAY EVENING..October 6,1868.. THB WHEEL Oi:FORTUNE. < Sir David Daw, Mr. J.,fi ,01arke: Byd*aham, Mr. Wheatley:'Mrs. Woodvllle,'Mrs.^Gladstone;/Emily Tempest, Mrs.-John Drew. v; A WICKED WIFE. % Admission, 26 ots. Secured Seatsin Dress Circle, &7X ote; Gruhestra Stalls. 60 cts; Seats in Private Boxes, to ets; Gallery, 18cte; Galleryfor.OoloredP.erecms,26cts{ Private Box In Gallery for Colored Persons. M ots; Whole Private Bax, 83. .. Doors open at quarter before 7 o’elook j commence at 7/C»precisely r m ' -i ' pONCERT HALLypHESTNUT STREET, Vy t ABOVE :TWBLFTH FlftlLWpeknf nnnupused succeis.—THE COLOS3AL;REVOLVING EEPHKSER' TftTIONe OF,THE RUSSIAN WAR, the most *ug nl¢ and.ex?ensiTo, exhibition is < the world. - Con cluding with the DBBTRUOZION.OF SEBASTOPOL. Openeverysevening this week, and on Saturday after noon. Admission 26 cents; r children 18 cents. ’ • DoorsopeuatT. .Performance,«ta;Rof d/jj oofeflt A S£>EAfߣY BTTixjDINGS, TENTH.AND rSL CHESTNUT Streets, l- , Here .Again ! : ttatoro of the old fsrorito, ■ . . .(, -■ .j ;SIGNOR BLITZ’. • -*, - * New-andOoinloal'ScanaaimVßKTßlliOQUlßKf^ * Extraordinary Magical ’ > Demonstration!, and Mia . T LBARH&D. CANARY-BIRDS. . . Open every'Evening during , the week, at half-part T o’otockand on- Wednesday and Sitnxday Afternoon! at 3. Admission, 25 cente; Children, 18 eanta. urti Im* &ATIONAIs HALL—MARKET STREET. E l ; r.i:OPEftnlOa THE FIFTH ' J. iHfioa WiLtJAKe’a. This with Chaos, and oontUmea down In hiatorieal order'--to 'the Babylo niahi aonntaining more 4han of the inbrt sublime and interesting scenes in tbetßibie. *•-' "- •; ;<Roonr opes At T } to oommenqeat?Bo’clock i, p - Ticketa 25 centi—to be]hadi,at door. ChOdre under- lftyearfl¢s.'• ■, rr f* . -'Also., Kxhibitlojaa~oir I ( WEpNE9pAXiM>d SATUR- for-familiqaasd j>pen at to ootpmepoe ft Bpraeleely.. ,: *-■ Explained by Professor TIDBIT Xfi * : - aeS-tf ? , X, Bemooflla. Removal.—’ yak haagen a -mo- KEONB have removed their DETEfcBIVB SOAP WORKa to their New 'Pietory in OALLOWHILL Street, near the Wire Bridge; adjoining David. Thain to Co.’s Adamantine Candle Works. V, ,I'ooS-fit Removal.— o. o. sadle6 & Co. iutva •' remaVed from No. 9 North;Wate*. Street to'No. 103 ARCH street, aehond door above Front. ' eel Camjw. PETERS’ 8 PATENT NbN-EXPLOSIVE BE iJf-GENERATING GAS LABIP ls the only Patent Burner that baa a Non-Condootor attached. The public are cautioned against all other Burners, as they will heat; and liable,to .explode., State and County Rights for sale. - Apply or address selS D. P. PETERS, 422 Meinnnal. TT&RTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL—THE JCX “GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK BTOMAOH AND WEAK BOWELS. 'PWpared'by a Chemist. Bottlea 12 H» B 5 “the°*greatest disooyeby in mkdioal SCIENCEi l ' •HARTSHOBNE’B CURE-ALL should be kept In all families 1 in ease of accidents or sudden sickness. H&RTBHORNB’S CURB-ALL cures Rheumatism. ' HARTt&ORNE’S OUBE»ALL eoias Cramps, Cholic, piins in the Stomach or Bowels. HABTBHOENE’S CURE-ALL eurefl Palm In tha Limbs, SWe. Back and Breast. CUBB-ALL cures Sprains, Scalds and Burns. „ HABTSHORNE’B CURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. • BARTSHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures Cholera, Diar rhcea and all Pain . HARTSHORNE’S CUBB-ALL cures Ear Aohe and Deafness from a cold. HABTSHORNE’B CURE-ALL cures DysMpsia and Indigestion: also. Canker and Sore Mouth and Bora Throat. , _ i HARTBHORNE’S CURE-ALL cures all Spinal Affbo* tions and Weakness In Limbs. HARTSHQBNE’S CURB*ALL. is a great tonic to Weakfitomaeh and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. Ip* As the frequent changes of the weather produce a had Gold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body: also, StiffNeck—every'pefron should get a bottle, it sets upon the Nerves, Muscles, Blnewi, Blood and Bone*; and, by its'warming electro-magnetic power, ex pels all pain from the system. Get a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at its happy effects. N. B. If you’have a Gough, use HABTdEORNE 3 Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is the best Conga Syrup in the World. Bottles, 25 and 69 cents, and |i. ' If yon aro Billions, use HABTBHOBNB S ANTI BILLIOUS PILLS. They aot upon the Liver, Btomach and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Secretions. ■ Boxeft, 25 cento. Bold by B. w JKNKUiB, No. 26 SOUTH BIGHTH Street, - Between Market and Chestnut Streets. Bimes 5 Btores, Chestnut and Market streets. - Oirrl/nm* Tenth and Coates streets. Tenth and Lombard Bta. anlS-tbetndtf It gOHKAOK' 8 YARNIBHEB, JAPANS, The attention of Sealer* and consumers of Tarnishes Is solicited to our SUPERIOR COACH AND FURNITURE TARNISH, DRYING JAPANS, IRON JAPANS, . MABTIO AND SPIRIT TARNISHES. We claim to he the Oldest Tarnish Manufacturing Establishment IN THIB COUNTRY, Our Tarnishes haying now been in constant use OVER FORTY TEARS, and are admitted bf competent judges to be SUPERIOR TO AN,T OTHERS MADE IN THE ' . < UNITED STATES. All we ask Is a fair trial, and we are satisfied the merits of our Tarnishes will be fullt ibtabubhbd. 0. SCHBACK & GO., ODD STAND. .Non. 152 and 164 North FOURTH Street, eefi-lm T'|ETERSIYJi SOAP.—Time, labor, and JL/,mbppy saved. In using it, clothes do not require au/ on washboard One pound will go.aafar pcrthree fpounds common Rosin Soap. War renWt'io give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. ,It Js decidedly the cheapest and best wabhiog Soap ever offered to the public, Manufaetuitd only by TAN lIAAGEN& McKEoKE. For sale by all re spectablo Grocers in the city, and wholesale only by THAIN A MOKEONB, 22 South Wharves. S , iCONSIGNEES OF GOODS BT BREMEN BUIG HEBMKS, DSWSBS MASTER, l Sf n ß Spruoe-BtreetwhMß, ar«-reqnwted to seal their permits on board, or to F. H. HABJBB,B3 Booth THIRD Street. All goods not permitted within flr» ds/i will fejmrt te tbv fa*lte Btorw,