The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 05, 1858, Image 2

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    0T :\. ( " , . ■
■: O - '
■ juxai vW* laift"'» ait
of the Ooean Telegraph « e * I
*titi wj w*!j,f.n3iHswgja»q )»iow
v-slisshfi s n i «^fMAS[WW«<Ktii
Hi >i=iinEfod;‘ WaahtAgtbti'toliAtatlUt-lMbhjPFotneyi
B ,,,,i^l W 4 <^h*r ni«U-.3iift ) ;aiil*« ofty.
•,*1 .to QoßiJtohnstoi’hWi'fleStialoitei'W.W) pjen’to prp«
taken fryijji
S“ l l^T^^Siw»«s2S!«W
t'-i ’iMdbtauiFaiKrn Whi-iS s iw e.i 1 -v
atirtliiW foimtißUtamMßy'ktVeTK Ctui i; s f' j ;
jbas VwAflfeStpdWwliM!!' pi ‘.apiC
pndiPetteiMeGlrkrtb* t*B''
»’4i#tMnuUti iwia'ktlledj add Vma'ti ttambdlaknai''
"a;D tinriifVWy.' *"'? t , C"" i! 0:<l •, ''
' -•' r: “i^A£er4W : ’4W'ii"i^-4ay , in
9W D great ..interest .exalted ;by-»
■'■' of*rSnd. : Bteub»n r near fi-'i! | j
-fee bdSM>w’eflllf«Wt*iient 'Of, the Pblla'airiibla'benka,
%*ss« MMMfywU, .*7,138,i61i !de-
In the Court of Quarter Seulonii ywnMratt;
'•-n’lndganHulhipwa TdelteoM# dbMgef'to Jf%,
’hnJ» eJI jo n-.-’W;! _»/?_ s,‘ h ,Z
’■■St b^Mtitaf‘fespsiciiag. ’s9 iIwWRWi Sbi?* I®' 1 ®'
'^SfflSWJl^wlSwflWaKWr l .flOßtetWilJt'
. Kiifii)n»ikn’(W4'.iiJbheapoodonftl|iBPaSs™t
i<iwho~*«eti«dt'Se Diieetpre ef'a&tfiltnWtiS^nd.
ts %iPs, ,< fmd !{ %r#. tiho ae^en^tiifim.
'Vea I beyo,irecelye4e •ePP&fc-JfiWPPrfWIP
»4®eaaer4it<wbfott r (Bl»rneßtdettoW bent to new*--
v - ihkt
dfisjwwie pfititianedYfaisits rartßwii jbthattljq:
£> th» earticleuon 41 Thei Religtomi'Weakness of
atandlng’afld, ability ;■
“ ‘WuM’ifJi'Rad-bj'a 'of the
to IHPX.& Whorkedp
•rngteil J»tb;ti» imaxchiof rfUteratateJihaßbetjrr
•;!fdb’tK f -Tdt'; , y#ai‘# 'lb‘'te ; '<:aBbs or'bn the,'table*
* Apower.whulh bA&ito/vb&Mi'delcgitßd'tothein
A»sSKws&^fca4 , ‘4
-SO^ilt r ? in roeta-rasiflri bV’>i ■ <
Bid,¥artbarJ“: < /.A | sEfekdbf’ K
wtfiS < ißeetrtc,ifdr
jjtffiS ft.gratnitouaipieco oi'.
.olnterfereaoebn tbe jart-of the>Dlrectpra wjtb
t -ftiij S6ibidnS l ' , rf fBK- SlocSfio&erii'fdr ,which :
4bey;»pnSUp»3WtU9j-pen»lty,i~of a lose^t'fi
bidiapceioi imeddllng iintolerancejrwblchdg'cef-.
.t<aagf«biibte'« "‘i, 95^;;.r:; ;;.-* f " '■
i? r piKbtn.£ingard’«HUtoryof,soj!land appeared,
p -Witfi th«;Oojp« fund
; ibo j(fiitsi«l£(uopftAii J HuU>rie».
I wme offioloußDlreotoir, however, 4n Mb gtoafoonf
' care BtMkiiudoriu rei
( miA: .ipsroprufe.plaoe
~P%ffl®dfibn| ykifvmmmk mm'
- of fist
-ipto offloaj toiCtfibpile'a kbit of mpple'Mdntiry
ipaao, iiii-.Uiati JWrjc) :,bntiit iWilLbeoteerred by
P&nsftU&jEtykdi and thbsdhfflKoii,»TTi (ex-;
fJ . dr®,
nrfSffj pPiiAPiappippiraie, blank-leaf,' ibowing
Etbfinot^eatrip^Biwa^'o^^ilea^^' I
'MiiOW!; ooiumnayarenooncafned. -. Tho matter
'iipatp ;.^i#J M A'eaphiatipn
nil ill -lxl it el
RJ I;»-'<lSl>-!3I .igar. -> J ‘ VI -t£ -wn-.V I
—tet»a a ThoPbbtiOfflowsite. •;! •« -v;;
II c fie IbldotliSß liEVf’s’tSfdiiigMliie'
4te4«t.%£PA t Qffic»,giye»ag9il9ntl Satlfftotlon'
Tolling aronPcbitjai the inelfgtbility of the ltfca-;
iftabpea-pelected, ypp teiugitljatia propecbnild-!
/ing-maiy bB‘bfeotodaff'Boo i n [ as-poailbld.;'Vre|
SMffSf «#HWp 'l“j
!l?Ws^PfH , l l P9-.W ttpjcpP.pJ'bptlgpptp tbiei
WBg-Te*ecl qneetton by insisting tbafrtbe Go.
SyanirPent- shall 'iibrdhii#"t6e'^hple l ’pf , 'thei
•gtreot.n -TU4res ! tia ino .mdtessity: for ' this.;
Post Oaioe business of Pniladelphiawasitratia
taotediin.opow.tiTP-xooiaa'lnftbe'i £kcbatigo,
ifilDpe •.•nmkitst lwmoTOd^itbere a< -Wbile l . we
'ppnle'sfffh<t; l p , bliHbdM''jbgre't''iui^‘‘i(Senpan(:Vi
that would ban P tondebey to: deßtroy tha' w-;
cbitectnral beanty of that 1 edMoh,' “soe nb !
msdtf bf®saw3tßitlbnitaing' l ifitlf Wef nlosti
ampfe; ,^^di|jp^tioqa?cjin, t)p,i ereciEed wjffi-;
.out doiDg -fchlB».T, If it7iB iQeoessa r y,' gMleries
might 1 luW l tte new btipdlng, girlDg 'a
and wo cannot cone (live wby-: nn-amply' Bufß
iclento am'ounti of d aTallable) spacer might i not,
thuB l be'obtulned )! i wlri|ont-.!inynew;')pbrfchSB'e
the appearasco-of the-Custom Hoiise.- 1 ■■■ i’>:
'i • i v. r -j. r.f.v7.i> r ,» j
"' 'Wa pOre'eivbtfiat I 'a' i person., J.
fj . nips ..fpf. ~00IlgrO88 tllO
togansport .(Indiana) .district, against- Hon 1 .
saiie time, 'thd : ;4dltotJOf a paper, In'tthifcliTiO
test. a'^ato
number: of hiajournal; thtfi, LApOrte; Timui
Hd j .has'- tii^tight
ftSra‘litsts7)and! : iltg edilori^in'his,.'category
bfa the! ptiUctibtd. ;Thls -la” occoMlhS th
no doubt. But if we ware's
hpowjng: how, a iHepresentatlva dike Colonel
ffijafcßft'oan boiffUßHav'bh'o^TThilp'tirOfess;
district a horde of effioe-holdere ;paid>by,nn
Adrainlstratlonwhichis/SwerQ tasAEtßrmiUate
all such DemdWafc ae DboatAs, -Wins, Waok*
|l>tdoaV'‘M f«X* >'-r'i'*''u4SVd f‘ W O} orfl fi« ,i 1
’ U v.u,' s; <-*f« <U H
, /f Hijrps?ua ?i?t'eAsii,iBn,*.iD*K.o»».-jt'Sh'!»iM A
inoleds .‘mhandsopw
retidenees/ WnlnuV'streSt, one ipSprnos/two .id
THftdr’ohs In' id
besldek Siflillsrairetl.
IVKPi-i*'i;i f'oni'jsl tidrlo omoS ■ft.iosD sy'C
. .VSp^ftt.a,Ens|Hßs,B i |j4nn > j, iopbi/^niicf
s-AWn °fJ ene.O!arj(,,J'i/lhf;be tw»»n, Jisrr
ket and Aroh ; Bouvier’s property, hear Walnut
ahdifltodid r *Uhable property
and Kensington;' large Vasin* lito? Broad stmt,'
mat* rtfat?‘-faitfab i$ t
iwßnty'eight properties, W"mwuJSm
sImM pifaphlefeatffip^.ftd'naFer
; act *ii &w vs£i ©i^jv?
< bo examined this day, from eleren to foor o'clock.
The Leviathan.—lt is reported that Louts
Napoleon la negotiating for the mammoth Levia*
$»A* IM w»wy 99,000tQQ9 for her.
Grand Mass
Hickman . *'•' j|
On Saturday lajpOotmjr Spo @bpendenfc'
.voters of
I>arty, hold a M»dia> to
promote tho success of tho gallant John Hiohnian,
in. his appeal from proscription and tyranny °
tho s intelligence and patriotism of the P C °P ®*
AlihosV'evOry township of the oonnty'-was r P
feeing Ahi.rUn &**%; , » J".A “M?*
!I2d iM« n 4'»? d ;E° 1U!o »! '^?“’P oei , de ,-,i
rived from all q uarters,. and representing, every
safn’ipfnioS, ‘Seldom-equalled, -and c4r-'
'iafrilV' kiyer‘Wpaqsea, Jn’ ! 'tl*ia or jmy plhbr’
Ao’doyv t'w yeomanry aadoperatlves of Bothel
>add Upperand Lower Chiaheßter, assembled at,
Marbhs,‘H6<s]f f’Snd, after: foririibg Iti'procession,.
tlienco'jto Media. This
IcmgJJnOf of ,! i'ndspepdent. . freemen entered that:
ithriilitgrhofoiighi about .tiro o’clock, flmidst the
thiplrtng strains ofmattlal ihunioland the hurras
.'if'Wndteds pfdevoted' friends fifom all parts of
and enthusiasm became.unbounded. Cheer after
cheer greeted the prooessiun- at . every step, until
■iKfeSfitlri. vast eon-.,
tfouiw ? if,>K»ngVn i
Jiqejaett liritk„ a, oommod sympathy, and
united:for.the same end. - - ;•.■• ’ •;! i ■■' :
.- - The 'delegation from MarcuS Hook, Headed by
' Jhffltei c "WOlliiUiV had vrith them the .o.ld ship
rigged, gayly deqorafed With!
..banners, mottoes, and flags, and manned, by a
'toafly of vratermeh'from that-vlllage. - This smart'
Orifc Wis’-'b’ Henry Otay In.
*? .Wfc, (
jifotm <*d*
soi®w delegation frorii liOWfvChioheßter.oontatiiea
S> MmWtlv'ts,'. 1 Who' cUrriede banner IhSo'ribhd •'
Wfimts■!. , s ; roi
o^if^heVoV^tnEmenandWearers,. ' ill
m- »•;*.
Mii.ioif«wnbMjß.noo!Hi*f»e»d*avoie . j
Jflm. ntWWIW ten-hour bi 11... . - ■ > i ~
-This pertinent allusion to-the persistent efforts
of. John M. JlroomaU, when, », memberof )he Be'
and partfcu-i
Urly his exertions to exclude Delaware. .county,,
irtJfilb'BhliitftryurOvUibns/wlll be often Tepefied..
Beiheli proolaimod, by
projrttfdevtoee, that they Were ill righ t for " Hiok
«&,’tfa%ibtffiik,»Siie VlgHfpiMf;.® l . l b “ k '
&e,r'|?‘di B<>. f !i>
i wi&;enuflry;Otierdnspiring,wd'*PP ro P rla^, j m- (
HtttietttsU wit tj.u.- :z «.»’ J - j 11
i ■}titended' f th 1 hold lie mietitlg in.
%VMti mS, toejwii.;,
.bersj.'dt,Waa.'°9S.einded i to, meet. Jn an, adjoining.
*grove.’i.Th»meetibg wae,called to order by a-m
'‘Witter, Chester* the* able editoruf* the
nominated Edward Daflingtorf,
..president,. and- ft :nnmher: of
of the.county for vice;presi- 1
dtntd andsStorttiirlesi'r.Tho- prerident, Ip .a feir
,i i«rHatol fl feblark# 1 1 introdi»ed'»r: 'WlUlam Klder,'
l of
pied,.therattenCon qf- thp, meeting for,,»ear)y tpq, ;
honrsj in-U -speeoh' replete j vrijhd argoment,, iolo-
Silen'e»rand -Wlt’r rAfler'Br.’ Bfder. 'oameDavfd
febWfe’ofjffladaipWaV t.&ftijm
oWUiiataiMeOartaeypKrq.v of-Bethel, all of.wftom
spoke with great effeot. -The.'prooiiedingls.of lpis
suOc'rßtful ware hot terlnina- -
«xeMpg,'’wien th'Ujke-..
rent dei«s*liwa!*g»ini®>"oned.»nlinB, and, acoopi-
reipSotive bands of mnslo, marohed,
totbeifhoines, V'nobta determlnp,
tlon‘ ! tb'obnrinub’ the
.vigor, and with sfsurahpes; q$ thp ’tqi
umph oflheir fOarlosa and able leader.j
33 twmNtetiV; MAIL. |
' iifetter /OccßStorial.’’ | .
'{ObtMfpohdMikebf *herrteu.]'\ sfttO ‘.n't 'A" ; ‘
■ 1 .-Mpetri. Dandyand -Witte remained With tu for
WdWSjdortPg tiipe'thby mode strong of-.
themaphlneryof thejiteam.sloop at Nprfpjkjio
.thdnßann. worts,v,of„ your-city; whioh Mr. -W.'
‘tsrinftdurssttfiWsAiasnt.o'ltis no wonder their,
cable did not oporato, when each,a le&ky ycssol
Vs employed to work thowircs. At present the,
oafio Stands as follows: ■ Two members of the late
‘Bosrdof Engineers reported in faror of Reeder,
bfßalttmOre.for tbt'Norfelk pontraet;; (price $95;-
'tfioji’Wt oiiii me'mbhr; who has,p peraonaiinterest
igyeitioai tpbular.boUors. opposed hta. Mr. R.
.haying innocently supposed that hoHsontal tobo
ler boirertj wbioh, aredised In nearly all the Euro
'.pptn.TMaels, were' ty; th for navelaleam
ei»,iPiaiuoitted lan.error.wbipV, virtual iubtt felt
palled upon tdpaniah, and he did so. 'When,a dl-
Uded reporcie madepthe-Secretary taker time to
phnaVdef; fapta-'were 'popir
.munioateiV qUailishineht, the patriots paint
downto proToibat liandy. and the Union ootid
only be BAVedbypaying them $145,000 (less patent
fee foVrertloat tibia) forWjobWhioh KeedOr offers
’st'ffjjPOj).', : ,tTbe argument used Is, that Baltimore
dsVßsow, Nothing oily, .and deserres nothing,
Th'o fatne resgoning.T am told, applies with fall
farcek^alnsto«r tstabliskcnsnt ■ T will.keep a
'watch pa ,tjie’so g&tlomep. ; Mr.. Touoey deslres to
do right, anid LinU.Vdo'.sp; ,unless Mr, Buobauan
sbouldoonelder tbe pollUoat - iufluenoe .of liandy
.worth thoodd $5O 0001 ; *" --
.the.Admiplatratiop fpr the be attrl
bntedMitiieiatrignes ofJPresidenUaliaeplrantsin
thVCsblnet.»<: The Beoiretaryiofthe Treasury was
ankloitt tp he'feitored to the'fhytir pf the Soutb;
and'sb hobaokeddown from his eupportof Sort
,W,alkrr„on-tbe Kansu question.; while the Seore
itaryjOf 'tho.''Naty thonght if ha-oonld hold' his
'statics Ifi* the *Bouth ho would ■bo able' to 'rally
1 ftio ’ Bngletid' delegfMps '‘ththV’Cb'arleifon
dloqyeo tlon, end; bo ppmejjn pa'iiort'of, oompromlse
Bcndldate.ln', ell/ this programme, you wlil, per
ceive, tbp Democratic North war entirely Ignored.
'That WOhlci i g 6, "<|f oflul’Sp ) : ‘wlth ’ sllght'-grpaaing. 1
hpweyer, oooarpedjYn'tt,
The great objeot of the ‘Administration Is to pe4
> idro , Ledtimpfdn. < Thiu is
oitirehji, Oeraans and
, Li«h, sure and it is
proposed to doiwithon ttheie if the so .called Know-;
dan be eecared. ' It :1s not doabtod here,
fdr ibsWnoe, that : Mr.;feroom is running in yodr
Fourth- dißt’rlCti ,t 6. Mr. Phillips, the Le
oompton'member,«tp u Anybody w 5O
kriowi' Mr.: Broom’s’'relations “to - ‘Mr. Philips
r aU lAst'fyihteW !! while' bqtH : Were buoys'
.we 'to, 'plea*^hls,'friend,
,to furiously
:«gaiost r&it tyedno ia thelist. bmblod, J Beth
Pttttlijw imd-BwOto were'against the "election of
? CftmpbeU to your'Supreme This h
pother phord 'iu. sympathy. -Meanwhile! While
•this intrigue, isgolng on between Broom and Phil*
adopted oltise'ns are expected to take the
latter!-' 'loan see thU manoeuvre from herb
•without a.teltsoope,' r Wby donlt denounce it?
**•*&«* Mfingemanta , between the he
eomptonites and the Amorieaus that are, equally
Undligaiasd; but of thls again.;
' It"wbuld really : oeom aa'if tho new order of:
thlnga..wera intended ,as an utter repudiation of . all
.our, aeeepted Aoetrlnea. , of .the
•Federal Government, iB, used; for' inatanoi. by
the’. Atmlntatrntion 'tb' ,leot Phillips, Flprchce,
nod. Oaten Jones, who bare all bcen. hiH
ensraiel, till -bo became Proaident, and whose
only tille to hi)'favor ie.that they atalat and de-‘
fend him'ln' hta ‘desertioa of sound prinolplea’-
He ni to fore patronage wag used against the
pthor party; now it la hurled against our own. .1
nottoe that Mr. 'Phillips .takes ground in bia apaeah
infttbr Of ' A Bplendld aoyehimont, and of A great
debt, 'And’ at' Dougtaa ia
roundly araalled’; while' I peroelvo Col. PlqreqoVqS
vocatad' by. mon who, if-.they . haye. any.-party
aa<j(Kj, h6T« . it ln 'tho Amarioan secret lodges.
These things''are omtnAua of the future; -Bo
’ , *® o! i •• ■•■ , ... J,
Do yoq know that It u now beyond a doubt that
an immense fund i a almost publicly paid annually l prlnting to keep up aeyerpl far
iminptDu.ergane.thAt would otherwise go down?. It la
aafarted,’ aamb lesA'true, that Mr. Appleton, of the
Stiile Hepartment. is : a reolplent of parfc i; of tbiH
and.'jih‘ftt r Miff.ftig|er,.e|i'r' P,'jJt)i(-
gross, bae.paiu.intq,hlaxhend.s.,aomp .thousands,of
dollara pArAnnumpout ofttha, same fund, part of
Whlcdi, H is saldi'ia td tblmburao him for'certain
advanniis/ ithsso'arb tbe on di}j herb,;anil
mayoonstitiito tb e baala of Bojnb keen
winter." \lYousVcrratic j,'. bun .. Occasion An.
Id TBa'Cifr—li W'.'Bebiell, 'bdltolßf tbo HOTS-
Heart. published,pt,'puiMitbjrn 1 l ; l l*li.
Tho ; .Htanfiard oirpulatoS ; largely in I'oyetto, and
atHoinlng counties, opened to this market by the
PemSSylfahla KAllroadi'aitd' will'ebon bola dlroot
with, this .city, by the.Unlbntown
Branph Kallrpad. The Standard If an .exoellent
adrertlalng medium. Those of our merchants who
wlsh' to oxteud-tbeltf' trade through that wealthy
(itotibn'orbbttnttbr'wlll'find Mr. Beat the St. haw
ponpe'Hotcl duplng 'the : '. .!
' ! tEtiqwJ'lrllo had loafed ttbbtlt Cq-
Mi »PW
done u dßy’»jW«fe,i in,,tho mines,- wae recently
driTOn by'-WAntbCmeAna tolir», toi obtain -a:ptok
APd'SEorAl'' ahd “sally f6?ih ; tb; try hls fbitAnA'At
fpirrAWftdAJf.i^'Sh.t’ l *-third,:h? W&PK Alptnp
weighedJ stvmtyrtufd
pounds! The lucky fellow took his piece to
Wells, Fargo, A Co., in Columbia, by whom it wm
valued at fourteen thousand dollars ! The place
where this monstrous nugget was dug Is within a
mile or tire of Odoofeift* ;
I ' \si NfB*o ]# *N r NAPIKB—RHBI-
[Correspondence of The Free* j ~ '
Nbtt York,
junketing at Jones’s Woods—a second ladles’ equestrian
'donvehtion'bilng i knitoufioett lo ootnH off dnthat urban
locality If l is to bej jap.efvi.sed &7 Mr. j
Thomas Thorn, who is,
most extensive and' rechercht charicter. Foujteeh of
Hhe’fadies^Wbb'Were' competitors for’ honors' at the
Sprltifeßeld exhibition, have aalhbrizad Mr. Thorp to
Stpte jthattbey WiU<bepwticipantatio the cominar de
first Prbmjum.— To the lqdy.wbo shall display the ,
: tfr&atesii f&tlli deiterlty.knd * rade in the management
of .the hofie, a magnificent .suite. of and bro
‘catel furniture., , -• „\ ~ I
B*oo*i>-^FBi>uosc.i—“o-tud next best retime equea
tfian.agoldsqd enameled lady’s watch, pet with dia*
moods'. . , . > -
' Thian PBrtmru —A Wll set of ladies’ Jewelry—ring,"
•: .
‘ Dodswprth’s fall b&nd' ls to be 'present, so a general
£rand btW-out m»y ! be expbdted- 1 /- r
’The theatfrek—Nlblo’a and Laarb Keene’s —are’ in the
full tide of .lucceisJ ; Burton’s, jost now, Is given tip tb
operattcfl,. By the way, I this morning heafd .lt inti
jnatbd thatJßnrton is ( to take of Mos'o In
tooVember, bVthv ‘off nights; and play Forrest. Per
€ontrts; it' Id said < that the’ tragbdiau’h'as innottueed his'
dual retirenlent.'fr^mJthe:boards. -Laura Keede is to
.play, .Loptog Aasurance eyery night .this week, with a’
aplendld r cast—Blake, J. 8 Brown, Walcott* Jefferson,
'OofiMokk, Mrs: Blake, Sara Btevens, (a rapidly-
heiiielf: ' '
. To.iDoitrowßjght: W*lt»ck'opbusWlth a new comedy
by Stirling Oojpie, epd : J)rpiighara*s hew Jjutlesaue eu
titled “9<pt;aAojßj|)efu.t.” plecejß'
asfollqwi: Neptune, f werriedjlown Wo, bis snbceUpj
byHitfcdiiitabt^torta’dll‘on his Barfbtjo, Woks'hiiqspjf
.sutteladiljibbttof thfe’%ay’of ib&Vtal 'lnfOritertnoe, jafad !
ptisey. tfe* rwtftt fofo ‘■haring induced OlA !
Timß. - In tbe pf.thei#
fondled eecurftyj theyare startled by thVappqsranoe of
'i'T&ai,kMj : ptbUt i ‘ atfd iw daring tlder 1 Eledfrbi', Who,
wUbes'W entry aline frdtn Athlon tio Columbia/bdlng
aoxiotUito their Union; whereupon(Neptuni
storms at this interference, with bis kingdom, and also
oWerring a «ii*bt fltftatlpn between M the young Spark
ittd'Airipiltrlte! pitierj Boreap Jlnto mMterlyacttoty,
'Vbb aneodedB 1 in ’ blowing the I 'whole party out of the
iwatet.'i;! y *' ■■ >'i '•«:/* .* ■ -{ .*
M In his flrat attempt, hleottos, disguised «* aYan*
keo eioQk,pedlar, seeks counsel of Tlmy, who promises to
’aw biy endeiVor by sending' Ills daughter, July, wliose,
toil! Ihffueiibe subdixes the Vl&tfoce of NeptdneVOd the
btfsterotft .winds, i The desirable UnlOoIS effected’ Im-
triamphp.,. His submarine Maje*ty. abdl- r
eatpflj and hands
06lnmbla. and Albion. ” } ' } i- •. j ' '•*
tJ The 1 proposed ( tripof* the 8()tb (Irish)..Regiment tV
Galway U'considerably <&iitt«id about'liithe‘circles of
the blood-thtfatyr The takedOO ineh, 1 4d
t offlcers r 2o b*hdvl6i4nim ocrpi’.and *lO warrant, mik-t
'?* P"1 iiT*W TVUVi'WH** ttrice;P3CF«ek
for two monthsprcTious Wlearlrig, fud' encamp three
deyaftriorti? sailing 'thirty-tire dgysare'to he pkuTd in
Ireland 0 frolfejto be aure ! knd how they will*
belted— tr ‘i'l !» >l'
.. ...MOverthere, ~
f lord and'LadyNapierleave this city for Niagara jails,
tomorrow,'by way of Auburn/ where the'ywltiraake a
abort'steyfclth Senator : £feAArd,ahd J by WhomHheywill
jbeMcompaoled onthelr westward vripi;; i , 1 ■
Peter,s. £ At.
and foes regret 'the Am compelled 1
.him, tp ; \hl<f atepjfor) he enjoys yrMAiwrianal populari-’’
ty. / T^oGpTBrnor ! haa.appolnted Joseph Blunt ae his
‘successor. _ r f -,, t •
! There' Is no Certainty list 1 Appleton?s bnlhtlqg will
hd purehaiei l by* fKAPostmisierGsnerai fora'elty p<Mt
offlCejrThb price demanded laf4o0 } ddot r wliioh la $240,0p [f
more-,.thanlthe., Appletona .paid fofit; but that was l
when land wM ( ch?*pey»rnThe price not deemed eg.
orbltinV, Host likely the ,Tece«ble Aaron .will reftr.
the whofi'feubjsct back ! ,
/ A flne>moßuibent ; hks jkstbeen erieoted to theinemory
tha moat gifted, andpiotalalng young states-'
, menJSew York liM.ftTP^.had,, 3 1 to the, lateXo
renib B’ Bbeptxd , At hla
fihopaTO (Jttards/compNsmg many of onr most respect*.
»bta yotijg »»iii toWotire' sub- 1
.cripttonH for the. Erection of » ntonttmentovrr bis 10-
waiiu Th.ltliboMture b«en eompl,.
ed bj «& IrOh'rfiliog, marks the sjfot where repose r tW
morta). reipaißßpf hlmwho, only two abortyeard ago/
craoy of,this great State and^t© ijhom the highest olvto
prtfenfaahtAAeemsii' Awaiting ‘ his acceptance,
‘‘” " J '
' -AnoTel.safce: took > plioeyeiterday morning in'the-
phurch, ris: the de*
llyeryjof a’aermbn ( KpT. yrgnpia BnraSj bishop*
elect of ' Liberia—the colored man of American
Vlrth : updit ’ the title of
!!;;nn <] -r ••{
;. |The grand
faraltare of.the .pjty. whlch.'was;to come cffjo.l
dayVhaa been postpbnid until next‘Friday, in order,
to giro the Oity Ball Authorities a chanee, tp mat(o,
aVrangemehta id prevent It, by paying tfr. Lowberia
olalm for $io«,flOO in fall. '! , _ „ _ .
The money market la very easy, so much ad that It la
edmlttf d on all aides that; the iterma are quite as mne 1
in favor of the borrower as they were in midsummer.
It fa only when-alz and elgfatmontha bills ef tfae'aecomT
olaaa are offend that a alight advance on the cheapest
rates'of that: period, can ri>e obtained. The stock <
broker«:Teport yjexy easy .negotiations at 304 per cenl.,
At the aecond buardpricßlw'eTfo variable.' • Xa^Orosaa,
Land Grgst* P*CJAc MsJI rose #,• N Y (sen:nU
% ; Erloyell Yl Beading Voie-'X; Michigan Central >f; -
do. Southern Cleveland & Toledo jg r r
It is proposed; to hold a general Conrvntlbn of '’mana
gers of Westerri railr<tade,’in tbe city of Boffalojoa th i
lSthinst.vWe ncderttahd'that 'lhe of
the Convention will bean endorsement of the
features of the fit. Nioholu egreement, and the adoption
by thp Western connections Of a general policy to con
form thorewithrv
.••i.”. ■ 1 - 4sco*i>BoinD.
$2OOO Mini 8t 64 B6‘ 10 .W« Eton BE ' 11 £3
1000 N Y;Bt6jfl«Bos 102# 100.Eri.BRi . . n*o' J4#
toooßrook.WnliOi,..,OS: 100 , do . 14«
moohy oonMinaori to i» q r t miirb , tZ
1000 MllfcMliSdm 1 T 4 1000 itead BR' (60 47 |
4OOOI>MHfcm.O '4O • ■to n '< 11 U
UlhoFwUUUOo.aOlll 800 !,.doi-.;: i ; 470
JS £
so do** *■ n ' “ids# so to 1,1 6't%
60N YOenBB’vSO 61- l26M<ch 8* N U S 3
fl'O d» 1-n 1 •) 61 If 5 Mum dm r .'*eBo 23
U>o do WO, 81# 2Q,Cl«Tooltmnßß&o
800 do adO ,81 ~ 15 Olert To! BK 80X
100 do '■ 81# 100 db' 1 SOj
WOhl&RI * - 'i A
, ySKMABKEM,, .. ;,>^i
\Agttgh«Vnnehiii(rfld.‘" ' 1
1 Flovr,&.o*-~l<be Flour -market In ‘heeTTil*" ooioo
lower >,uleg of,s 000 bbU .at $8 BSo4JS>J nmound
.$4 00a3 10.f<>r gopsrOn*,State j s6.2oi'Si?./ 1 ° r ''* tr '}.
State; 25.2006 40 ‘eo umon to good Westerq .and,
85 r 40»2 TO for Bblppingbraoda round hoopOhlo/
Canadian Floor i> doll, and v**™ «»»'«! «Jw of 800
bbip at 80 to? pap® for extras. Bye
Tho'Wli»^“ a r' ' , ': contlnnea dnfi at '1 ®So
■lower miii l*'.® oo bu*li«Hat 88c»$l for Mil-
SSm OtaifiM o fpi »4vW«gternj a# for|
'wbttAdft >djo la lower s 700 Is offered, and 78c a*ked.;
's2!?!L?Stfrmftr with aaU« of 10.000 'buehela'at fl'.2*Jtf|
bdl Q&'Oom iajoarer; lulee-cf 20,000 bushel* at 68«
•ju%* unsound to R<?od mixed.Weattrn. Oats, ; axel
Vsebdj at 46©520 for State and Western. !
J . PaoviBio*B>-The Pork market Is dull and'lower; 1
aales 2QO bbla at HO.BO for mesa, and spminaLat $l4 75;
©214 00 far prime. Beef la steady; gales' lsp bbla at'
88 for new country prime, 810.50 for do errantry mess, l
.$12©514.26 repacked Chicago. a0df1605J6.26 ’
for extra do. Opt meats heavy at. 6poKcXotShou’--
derri, 8«8#c fof Hama. Lard steady ; gales 200’
bbla fttlOtf elltfo for t>ew to prime old; Batter and 1
Oh»,ej?Bpohangedl.. , . «. '» ;i - • • ' !
. Wniaur. —Very hoayy. 23c r l* offered) and 23#c
tasked,'- ’ “* *
.t Interesting from Utah. ,
. News from Great Salt Lake City has .re
ceived. Governor Camming had returned ,to. the
city after a pleasure excursion of a couple of days
-to Cottonwood canon, witVsomeof th&elite of.
Mormondomwt -General Grant and a man named
-Williams wwe tried and.oonyipted on a, bre?oh of
the peaoe. They .were both found guilty and
sentenepd 'to pay A fine of SlpO and the costs of
the oohrf. '' Breaches of the peace ’ are becomibg ’
quite oommon in the streets of the holy city.;
Trouble is anticipated with the Indians. <Tbe
mail of the 17th of-August had been destroyed by
them, and •tho Barriers barely^escaped with their
lives. Colonel Harbin had',been .obliged to call 1
upon General Johnston for an escort of soldiers to
protect the herds was driving to Cali*
fornia., Tho Indians . have deolared their Inten
tion to rob every mail, and to stampede the'stook
of every emigrant train that attempts to oross to
California. 'Colonel Imnder-had arrived in Balt
Lake City. * He reported* that the wagon road un
der,-his-superintendence was progressing rapidly,
.and .would be completed before-the mountain,
SDowasetlnV Brlgbpcn Young la still at Salt Lake
City. ; but himself lUdbors. Busi
ness Was reviving 'at? Salt Lake, and traders were
doming in ; with their goods. Snow fell on the stb
, a1t.,,-at Platte Bridge, about 160 miles above Fort
frmto-. •• t ■•/-• •- i*,o,-•.;.’•
Fiirther froin HCavana.
‘ -The United States mall’ steamship OahAWba. J.
D. BuUookj.oommander. from New Orleans via Bft
pVaoa,; arrived- early :this A.- M.Th,e ( Cahawba'
left New Orleans on the 26Ux'nnd Havana on the
evening of the.29th. „ ' ", * ,
"Yr om Havana, tho Only lutelllgonbe of interest,.
beyond the oommerolal and 'shipping nows,' Is that
tho'olty is very healthy.- - - , .
Tho Btiglish .sq,ew,.stopmer u -ManrlUns,. sailed
iiWlVtla book effdoUd during tho provldus
holdors woro firm. Stook 120,000 bones.
-''FralgbteAtill oontinacd-Tory dullf-with no pros-,
peofc of improvement. ' 'r r
-’ Erobatigkon London Was quoted at 151 to 15}
-nremtam-; New York, 4i to 6-do.i;- New Orleans,
oto 51 do. ' -1 -.'• - i-'-rt; '’o : i
On the 80th ulfi, lat. 28 50,-long. 79 60, ,tbo Oa- -
hAwba Azobangod signals with schooner Pollux, 1
•bound to thb northward; And-Ootoborlst, lat. 30‘
‘08,'16ng.'79 '42, exchanged signals with an - Ameri
oan barqhe, showing-white oolors, with red border
And thi letters S O in the centre. — N:Y. Express.'
;-i - -,| ’ - -.V «■■■!.— I: : ,, .
. Ijehaiibn Couhty-AgtiCulturalrPalr
-fOoftesbobdcnoo of Th 6 Pitssi, '-'
,a>lm.-,>b.. . •!! •>' -IntßAWAK^'lBsB: * ,
Tfie' L'obanifn'psnnty 'Aefionltnr'al-Fslr Open's
hef«",Cin' WsanoWsy, next"'' And continues until
Friday: ...The ,dlsploy' 6f .oAttle, horsM, shbfeti, 1
twlno, fatni tapicmentS. dtid.doraostlo- nlftntifad-1
turcx/WIH bfl'sitriibfdibAi'llyiarg6. , ..NtiSfly onb
thousand animals and srttolcs haro boon entered
•oh; th# Seoretary's 1 bookr. -iAmongjithe-animals'
•catered for, exhibition are cattle of thp Halatqln
.bleed, imported by R. : W. Coleman,• full-bred
•Darhamar DoTOnshlres, and-AlderneySi owped ppp
-raised; by ottriown d»npty--fannora.,,,
Sure bf.-the-Morgan.,and Keatuoiy, br«% Thqre
stteraWo'vonteyett seroraliMalttso J-tOffr«?Po!w
direotly to this bonnly. This fair will brqvo tbp
most suooossful of any hold this year In Ponnsyl
yania. , , .
Horace flreoley will be here on Thnrsday to de
liver a leoture before the Young Mob’s Christian
Association. His subject will bo “Reform and
Reformers,” Suioa.
... w ; ;fCi.
sfHß.isW |-!
~ Twenty*>two More Persons Saved*
QutßK<f,f barque' Oqtaflas,?
♦filch pfdVek 'to nave • , oeen the vessel «»en - - heat 1 foe*
rAMWft'ftft the, dp&sbe ,w*e burned, arrived at this pi£r
Bhe brings fifteen of the.passengers .end .seven of bo
crew of the lost steatnefj disking, with those picked op
by the Maurice/ eig'fi rjAftms ptttonsHn all safydfrir/i'
jhe‘burn\Ag snip. ,1 ~V , - •. c * •<>
- One of the rescued pMkeßgersls a"young girl of four
teen years.
> ; ,t [per the'American TelpgiapbComp&ny.J j
LIST OP t6e BAVED.' ' ,
Quebec, Oct. 4 —The following are the names of &¥,
BAved?- ~'5 :: > •. . * ;■< • , ‘
Second Cabin passengers O-, Stoeppl, Andrew linq*.-.
sheini.' ’ ■ ‘. . • < . * ,
Steerage OonradEiffert, JorgOn Eitchen, WUWm
Brauasdoff, Heinrich Fourier, Joachim Plena, Edvira
Alilers, 'Joseph Bthfertzech, Christopher Barcker, Sten.
NeiLaon, Peter BveDion,;—'Wintonz, Johannes Dautnl
ler, Christopher Danker. ~
: OreW—MartinYoltgeVobok; Joseph Kara. Yredeibk
.Thefeldt-.Heur Rieper, firemen; Johann .Rohmartt,
'Johann Heinrich, JahrTeailors.
i ■ None oMhe Philadelphians who were on the Auiria
. appear ,on,the above list,. All hope of any of thembdDg
saved i9''tneref6re',eitingolBheU.
• Quebec’, Oct! 4. 1 The 1 following is the account given
of their rescue by; tbeiposaengers that arrived on the
barque Oatarlna:, . j
• Tne pump connection with'the fire engine washirtin
.working order..? Some attempt was made -to, ropier it
available’, but the flames were too rapid, end, rendered
thain futile. u‘‘>" i" -> < ' ■ > >,
.. Ne« the.foreeastle rqpes were made fast to thephsins
ohtaldA, and (o’these numbers clung ; but As the fl&cea
prfigrtseed the ropaswere,burned off/ and, those tins
supported found a, watery grave. 1
'OnthebowstfHc’thb paskenders>ld out,- pilad oie
, on-top of the other, Sometimeafour.deepr Finally, thy
were driven from this last resource tl unli} only one mu,
remained,‘seated at-the extr*m«Und; v Eighteen pr-,
apns. gpthold of theohaiii. beqsath.<,theibQWfprit, afi
atill clung Hbera till'four o'clock in .the morning V.
seAwan' , 'cla'mb«(id thibce •to’ihb bowsprit: TbOe
passed thflif.wfrtolotblog to ; bih h
and tbb fire* was subdned so as ,tQ repder the bowsptfk
.comparatively safe.bTMy remained there till- pick'd
lOeidickj take offhis coat, asd<rdnningtoi:the aids if 1
tbb vessel wan. about to jqmpov.erboard, when B*.
fiwetbaei seised and pulled him .baok! r He'asked hb
. what be Was going T when the captain answerd
him to the effect that he did pot know what he wsr,
about,’" Henhen Tan aft and wad ‘ lost sight of. Th
great part of the passenger* had collected on the for
part of the vessel, and'an the flapm* progressed, wer
prised so eldsely that those’neafest the bew were forc6
Mr Lundatesin Bacoeedinglnmaking a sling with i
ropd which Uupportei'him“ kbdut two feet J from th
water. He aferwards saw tbe overboard ot
the same side of the vessel where he'was hanging, and
▼4* lit,great danger of being knocked.lnto the sea bj
the, yard which, was hanging , over , the side , o
the 1 -Vessel 'And only fell into’the 1 s6a where' tht
ragging burnt. He then let himself down into thl
water aqd ,swam to, the, mainmast, the , ind o
which ‘whs ‘sticking two ,r feet' out' of the water
by which hekentafloat, . Hepawthmpersona hanging
to the side of the vessel by ropes. He threw a piece o
rppC to one who p'r .tefl'to be the cook, And in this waj
he succeeded in* getting on the,mast, alongside of-Mr
tiindfctettn, when they rerniinAdthe rest of' fhh night
Hf paw a numbet of bodies floating by during the sight
Jtx the tnorning they were piokejl up by a boat from th<
iCAtAMna. ‘A young girl and'her brother had suppoite<
themselves on of the bowspritall night, am
were likewise rescued. >
r ln —L ! * ' 1
! i > ■PT6n»Arrival of the Nova Scotian, i
i? 'BtVEEbo/Lohp,‘Oot'. o'clock P. M —There tr<
so'Blgn«of-.the steamship Nova Scotian, now due witt
Liverpool dated to the 22d nit. ,
New Oelbanb, Oct. 4.—Tbe steamship Genera
>Tbe (fever .was raging at, Matsmopos and Brownsville
* Gen' Vidah?ri,was near Potosi on the 13th. (
'iMiramohdeolined fi;hHbg.'
, I The■were, fprming an army at Vera Cruz.,
'".''lrirdm Sabta Fc. V. j
"fit. ixotnsj l dbt^Jtf.—A' despatch ’Trim Iddepebdenq
says that ti
oanta Ee mail arrived there on the 2J inst,. with dat
to tke 23th tilt, 7 Mr. Oralg. thc biy Contractor for J?q
Mataaphusette, is eapposed to hare beed
the Indianp.
•Oensldciable politloal excitement prevails in Santa i
between theresfnlar Democratic, nominations and whl
the Gd'titit calls thd Bobtiil Democracy. ,
■ t The ApaSch'e Indians are atill tronblemme abodt ; Foj
Ducbapaa. Theyhaye stolen a lot of Government atocj
11 No newß fro a Fort DefiancA 'lt' is supposed that tl
expedition against the NaVejoe Indiana will be aba
fWS-.,i , f- . ,:)!■■ • :
Theißritish Brig Esperanza In Bistres
.. Mate, and most of
.. Crew Bead, and tho Vessel Drifiiugn
1 the'Onir. ' . j
i'’ NtwOnLliHa, Oot. 4 Thi Ta'l& (Pla.) Jif
ttaJ, of 2d -.icstanti states that oh the 28th of s
temher, the steamer,Orizaba, of Key West, found ae
Britivh 'brlg Bsperabsa (from Yera Cruz’ for Mrerpl,
with mahogany) drifting id thS gulf, off Bay port, he
went to hyp assistance and found *wp of the orew a.
'and only a. boy Id haalth,th« ’captain, mate, and be
.balance qf the crew, being dead: The Odtaba
the Esperanzeknd sent her to Apalachicola. <
•. Hailroad A'ccident*iFatal Restilfj
V Baltimobe, Oct. 4.—r The xailroad train from-Piw.
delphia, due here at three, p’olock this morning, ks
'detained till six,'in crnsequenoe 'of running orle’
horny at Perryville. about,thirty-aix miles from Brl
more.' The b*ggage c»r was thrown from the Itfk.
aad'PeterMcGirkf"bAggege muter, Ano&r!
named Reuben Jaroar, ,vu itTerely l hurt. Thets
sengCrs escaped uninjured. ' f
> The reporter of the Associated Press is indebtdHo
0. J »Gibbons, Erq , mail agent, who wm in the^u.
Aar when the disaster occurred, for the followiniidf-
'. • •
.The .train approaching the, Susquehanna the locua
tlVe w’as'Hwltcbed off thb ifiAln track, while theret
erpqeedad'.down the.grade. The mail oir sifudeh
horse and wu. thrown down an embankment of
feet', 5 turning end'forbnd in its transit. Mr. leu
bea-Jamyx, ooft.of conductors ou thi
royd, but not in .charge of, tbe train at the -tiue
was' 1 'severely''bat hot dangerously injured; Mr
MoQuft fji. the/tfirqpgb - baggage-master, was cut oithe
head and prm. but not seriously; but Hr. PtsT
r McGirk,‘ the hgeut or the Phlladelphi* iod
.Baltimore road, was instantly killqd; It is suspaect
tbaf Wn4n‘he found the car was rblllNg oyer, he jumefi
■from the platform where he waatUodlog. He'leave a
t wife aodnqechild. u . . : > l? .rn i , . ~t ?
TbC passekger' cars', wbloh wore qetabHed from he
mail car, puSed the latter Without'ootnlog in ooltieou.
1 '.The Telegraph ,c'(iWe,,,J 1
1 Tbisitt Bir[Oct. 2.—Nothing : d<m» with ,v».ntl.
jMlerdty.i i Soma Tery gci*d circuit. rccMTsd from
VilentU, tut nothing lutclU/ibl..' : - Pfj S/CTT
Taifir'TßAT, Oct.4'—No change has yet octurrtd in
- the. elootrioaVraenffekta tfoari Uqoj Voleotla'.
iDg anew system of'working, and wUI
reran." “ J o4uxr t
•i I-.-.h m u • •. ■■ 4» / i' •
ifnjjJl i. . Frora WBj*^ , B tion * ' j
WisniKOToir, October ** }1 « Icdlan I,l ‘ re * u ht-B»y,
nroetTCd * latter froiaC?’'*;'f or , n ,fr> of'
the'ndortof sdhhlrig the ra»II When’threo,
hM?rS ttd from Salt Lake. City. «He says
no »it«m» M 4 to kill the oonductor, drivers. and
thetlfadidoiioa the Humboldt river have
tX en denredatlon* for ton years, and. this U
foboaton. at ihe requestof Govsrfiot'Omn
rnlngi, aeqt a military ,force of a. hundred and fifty
i&en'fofr the protection of the mails and travellers. ' (
atpetnefs Fulton-, and Harriet Lane will leitd :
Norfolk to-morrow on the Paraguayexpedltion.
> Sicrbtary Thompson has gone to Philadelphia oh btt*
Sines*, to,remain several days.: > • t ;t • •; ;
Stflulicn Festival at Harrisburg. i
nißßisntjna.OCl.l.—Thl»(» ft tfftl.-day irilUrr!.-
. bnrg, oD,lho event of ,the Rfend "Steuben Faitlrel. ”
The prooeeatph was & milt In length, and vu partlol-'
pated in by.the Governor, 1 Heads of Department, 0I«e- !
gjr,.County officers, various Qsrmau societies, soldiers
of the* war or 1812 aha df Mexfoo, the Msboos. Odd
' f fellows,eevetal fire companies, (in-full rig, with' their*
apparatus beautifully dresaqd.’wlth wreaths, flower*.'
'flags',' snd bannets.) ’Bouquets were showered tipon the
procession during their wholeTonte,..;; cl ;t u r-
Tbe weather is delightful, and the people'are filled'
with enthusiasm. Ool: A 'JkckednHerf, the district'
attorney,/delivered as oration *tJbb;Papltql c -He
anableand truly eloquent addr*as/Tjhfo)t elicited great
'ippUnsfe; The party'aloe-at Wagner’s Hdfel< where a
sglepdld feast la prepared s £A‘ concert pir (
The proceeds are to be appropriated to tho erection'
of a monument’ to. Baron btouben. The town is In a'
pferfeot whirl dr exdltemdtit.' : * j
Peterßdietdttinred'tuor&tloniuGermin', • < >-
—' -»... i
~ . , |
LoofaviU/B, Oct. 4.UThi Memphis and.
.Charleston Railroad thUvro?***® Saturday,near
Huntsville, fevers! but none;
P estr «, c^#, lrcB . ,
Bobton, Oct 4- of Bussell &:
Faget. Sooth Boston; was Loss $7,000.1
Spveral adjacent bolldiDgavMrelgiared.,
- Four dwelling houses. &'pdrat' r shop,and a stable on!
•Bbhker Mill street destroyed by Are.
yesterday. ;Loss $10,Q04., t •, >, t ■
11 •« » IttmHcipni Eifectlon.' '' "
! BmoaironT} o<ft.‘4 b*.fhe City election took
place to-dty. and the .euMre Republican, ticket was
elected! 1 Booth,■ tho ’ Republican' cancidatefor major,
reoeired fll over Calhoun, Democrat; ; .
• , , •-!; J., < • it,
Mayoralty Election*
HALirix, Oct; 4.—Henry Prydr w»b to-day re>eloot4d
Mayor of thia oity. There was no opposition.
' Struck by Lightniug,
HiLirix’, Obt 4’—The Gloucester, a fishing uchobner,
was struck by ligfatalng on Friday and damaged.' A
pan op board was, filled. , s *,
r.i /.* Burned.
-■'lloSTfiH)' Oat,;4 —The pdper-tnUt of Thomas Bled, at
Newton, ||r ( a yesterday. Loss $16,090,
whlcb 'waa eovartd by lnsaranoe.
I New Obl»ahiJ, Oct. 4.~Deaths from yellow fever
daring yesterday, 68. Total for the .week, 380
Savannah, Oct. 4.—There have bfton’no deaths from
yellow'fbtrsr during the put we4k.
Health of Charleston.
’ CnARLBBTON, Oot. 4.—The health officers report W
deaths from fever during the last week; including flat
*, .. **. K ,_■ j---’ ■ ' r f*
, ' * ' Health of Savannahv v \
•iPavannav, <fft 4,—-The intermehts yesterday were 6,
jflOludlpgSko.m f gyy», , j j . ~4 ~***.
.o j i -Neiv York-Bank/Statement.
NiwYOßjc,Octx4^Thbbank statement issued to ;
dayjshows-the following reaulta {,; . '
Decreaselh 10an5.;.;..'.../....5459,000
M' I‘mM T^M C J5...wy...»;4i 1 .A rv .. 1 . r ,.,..a,,92,000
Increu© in circulation 11,000
’ >’ ' -deposits. i. ; .\t V.A.’.;J. 1 .;2,472j0C0
" > Piyr r , • . v
:*r i'i WarlfetSj by/relegraph.''
.. Bit-TiMflß*, ,00t.,)4,-TFlonr Jl nominal, at S6AO for
Ohlo'Aiid HoWardStrret j red and Cora inch white .wheat
are 406 p Lower I pnmh white, nnohaaged..- Yellow
fa lowsr; sales' It 82©84; white 80&8i. Provisions
untl.' 1 ■■'-a-'-: . j:*. th 1!» -n» r
), I ChARU6TON«’Oct r 4-- t -'nie, Cotton market,pjj.flatur*
day oiosed with ap advancing tendency ; 600 bales were
-Sold/it.l&lormlidllhgS.- .vi-.- j.u fl
t»WS | a ! f®iSlisßil
JdWtfrt Toatrqalet.'ilShtpmeeta'fto.iguflfdo-rNft flour,
46 000 bushels Wheat, »Ud 46 DO!) bushels corh. To Oa-
'As.oikfbusbbis' 'Aorta 1 -'- KOceipt.—l,Boo
■bbl.fionr, ».oMbnsh,wbf|i,»np aj.OJObuJb cofo, ,
-GiBOiNHAix. Cot. 4.—Floor Is,doll and unSSttled J ac>
irWHlakey is uo
-dhangedd! thcxedsjijfaiT! demand at 1 9a. , Provision are
unchanged. 'Wheat dull, and prices fitegnlar.’
4.—Cot to h firm p satis: of,_ 1,000
bales. a
Savannah, Oct. 4.—The Ootton market Is u
°*Nbw Oblbanb, Oot. 4 —Ootton—Sales of 3,300 bales
at easier prices. There Is no change to note in the
quotations. Flour firm at ffi. Corn is quoted at 62X0,
' r. (,< From'’SiTcxlto'6* '- f '•
The Yellow Fever.
i 'THIS JSrBNIHjG. Y\'f£
oy Mdbjo.—“ The' Bavelfl.” T Y
Waga-tplT ‘tc Olarm’s Asoh-strshV TBBA»an,-s=>
««The:Wneel of Fortune”—“ A.'Wloke.d,Wife.”
Mbs. D. P. Bowbrs* Walnut-btrbkt Thkatbb.—
u The Bonof tho Bight.”
Oorobrt Hall.—Sanderson’s Panorama of the Rus
sian War. . . __
piTiOH^L T QALpv—Williams’ panorama of the BlbU.
\ ABBBy9I.T, i BoiCDJNOa I igignor JiUtt V l
Rboovebed her. Property.— -Some two
weeks negro, woman stole' apair of shoes from
another"worfian. of ebony hub,'over In Camden, and
bfltoi Ayer the river, last evening, about 9 o’clock, shV
met tnb pilferer of her uoderstandihgs.'whh 'the iden
tical property'updnther feet' 'The owner immediately
took the law in her own baud* and got possession ofit
the shoes, leaving the other minus any calf-skin cover
ings/. An officer, however, took -the parties in charge,
and in company with 'some-two or three colored w>t
'ninsidl'th^y’appeared before ad slderm&nj who would
tike no noliceof the case as both the principal and',
witnesses would have to be locked -un to insure
)qg; 'When we last saw them,' the officer had them in
tow. seeking so alderman who would either comml t or
discharge the alleged.criminal k
Coroner’s Inquest.— Cordrier Fenner yes
terday held an inque»t hpiih'tbb bidy'of a boy. Thoroai>
G. Williams, aged six years, who was run over by a h< y
-wagon, on tha six-arched bridge, Fr&nkford road From
the evidence It appears that the boy, in company with
btber children, was oross'ng the bridge, about nine
O’clock:, rn their way to scio'l. A hay wagon and light
wagon met Tho child beebme frightened at the pran
cing maoner of the horse in the light wagon, end ran to
get out of the way. when he,fell under the hay wagon and
was run over. Both drivers were arrested, but were
discharged upon therenditlon of a verdiot in accordance,,
with the above facts. , ’ ,
A Fiake-bp.—A. disgraoeful riot took place
it'Twentetk and. Bodth. streets, between five and six
o’olock: on Sunday evening. A great number of parsons
gathered'about the nMghborhood and the htmoßt dis
order prevailed. Officer Watt, while- attempting-tb
an arrest, was struck In the mon h with a set of
iron knuckles, and his, Up was split badly.V The man
who Ipfl'pted the Injury was arrested, but he was res
cued.. John Scott and Goorgq Hsnon were arrested on'
the charge of being ooac'ern*d in the riot. The first*
named was also accused of assisting in the rescue from
'the 1 offioer who made the arrest. They were committed
to answer. - , , j« .
A New Steaheb. —The Good Will Engine
rOdropauy have contracted for the building of a utoaTi
eoglue. wbioh is expected to bo completed by Ohrist
ro4«. The 'dimeDsl' , ns wilt be—steam cylinder, lo£
Inches ; weight from 7.400 to 7,&00 roando. The engine
will bo larger than the Hope, and smaller than the
T hHitdelppla, and is to be drawn by horses. The com-,
pany intend shortly to alter their'house for the new
maobiUe. by tearing down the back part, and making
the building deeper. The new steam engine, wII
$8,600, nnd the aUeration'of the house, horses,'harness
Ac . will probably coat $1,600 more, making the total
.cost $5,000. < ■ ■
; A DisTßEssisa Cabs.—There is at the Sixth
ward station housp anlcsanp young,Englishwoman, who
came' ever la the steamship Washington, and on Friday
last put up at the Merchants’, Hotel. While there she
Octed In a very strange manner, and on Sunday evening
she tpok a seat In a chaise, at the door of the hotel, and
get out of the vobig'e. It is said that this
woman nas olther lost or been cheated out of a con'ida
rable sum of money. u She will doubtless be returned to
her friends.,
Rowdy Abbebte».— On Sunday Ovoning a
notorfons bullv, named Daniel Price,'was arrested In
the First ward, on tha charge of breaking idto Simons’s
laser-beer saloon, in Second street, near Jarvis. ■* The
baity assaulted [Mrs. Sibions, Snd I did other outrageous
things after breaking into the house. Alderman Tit
tevmary committed the 'atehsed to answer. Philip
Whitecar was also held for being concerned in the out*
Bobbed ok the Hioßwat About two
o’clock on Sunday morning two men 'nlnied'John Dun
bar and Hugh Rutherford,'While passing by Twenty
fifth and Spring Garden streets, were'knocked down,
and, after being brutally b»ateu, their pockets wire
rifled. Dunbar was robb'd of his watch and twelve
dollars in money, and Rutherford was robbed of twolve
dollars. The men who were plundered wero under the
influence of liquor.
Burolary.— Some time between Saturday,
night and Monday morn ng. tho provision store of Han- .
niogsA Co., No.lSNor'h Delaware avenue, was on-'
tered by forcing the back-window shutter. The coun
ting house was ransickoi, and' a .drawer In a desk was
broken dperi and robbed ot between fifty, and sixty dol
lars. ‘No attempt was made upon the fire proof. It is
believed that,tbefobbery.Tfaseffected by boys. ;
Fires.—A slight fire occurred about noon
yesterday, at l Maiden-street wharf/ originating In a lot
of old straw. There was but Uttle damage, "; ’'
Another occurred in’ Third street, above Franklin,
about the time hour, in the third-story room, used an
•a cabinet shop. It was caused by some children play
ing with matches. The damage was trifling.'
Larceny op Parness.-t— Yesterday morn
ing ayonng man named Enoch Soyder was arrested by
soma qf ; tjie officers of the Second police district, on
suspicion of having, sto'en a large quantity of harness
from Ne,w Jersey.' A [reward for the detection or the'
thief, In this instance, has boen offered by the author!
ties.- -7lie prisoner was,held by Alderman TittermaW
for a further hearing. . . , <
A*StfAflH-vp.^rA:hdrao l attached to alight
wagon,van,away from R*ce streets, on Sun
day afternoon, and caused considerable consternation
amobg pedestrians ’ Hfe Wai finally checked In his
career by a citizen; who jumped from the sidowalk, arid
at great personal risk managed to restrain the animal.
The wagon was much injured. , ( ’
.Boy Killed.— A boy named Thomas Wil-
Uamai five years ef age, was run over by a hay wagon,
at Frankforfi, yesterday morning, and killed.' Coroner
Fenner proceeded to. Frankford and held an inquest io
the cose Afullinvestigationof all the facte showed
that the fatil,result was purely accidental, and a ver
dict to,that effect was accordingly rendered. ' ,
Another Engine Collision.—As theTfash-'
Ington and Fellowship Engine Oomparifcs werelretuyn
log from an alarm'of 'fire, last evening, they came In
eollfS on,' which occasioned considerable ill-blood, and
out of which a number of thoir adherents sough t
a fight. Two of the/principals were arrested, which
ended the squabble;
Fell OvEBuoARD.-r-At & late hour on Sun
day evening Thomas Fell fell from the Red- Bank' ferry
boat. while on tho way to this city. Ey effort was
mode to save the unfortunate man. but they proved of
no boat was lowered from the steamboat* but
amidst 1 the confusion it was swamped^' The body has
not yet been recovered. Mr. Fell resided at Red Bahl^.
BiD "Streets.— Lieutonant Hampton'.‘ycd
terday morning notified-Mayor Hqnry Grover
street runntpg from Queen to Catharine,"between Front
sod Sutherland sheets, is In avory filthy and unhealthy
conditibn. suppose that the soil oomplainod of will
he removed'.' There are msay.other Grover streets in
Philadelphia'. '* •»*«».
Subpeoted Tnißp Arrested —Yesterday
morning ayoueg man g*lng tbe.namo ef Edward Scott,
was taken before Snyder, of tho Tenth ward,
on k charge of- pickltf pockets Ho wm irreited-in the
Sixth police district The bail requirod for,his appear*
ance at codrttd ariW the charge wib
Fire Last KiariT.—Shortly after ' eleven
o’clock' last n«“t a ’ slight fire o&qfred at York road
and Noble stvet" It origmated ina.tob»ooo store be
longlrig^^O? p . Y I A- n V, The da ? a ?®' w ® wevp>hahlp
to ®°t. it was supposed to be two,or
three huc te< * . ~i , - . Hi'j-t,;
' Burning Fluid.-t-A can of uuid
vaß fire morning, at a house on Main
itr-kf above Bbftrpalck street, in. the Twenty-second
wane flames oommuoleated to several articles of
furnscro, bus no very seflon* damage was done, :• , i
NobUdy Owns IT.- Thore has boon a loet
child—a ’little girl—-at the Seventeenth-ward station
khouatsipee Saturday evening, at seven o’clock! ‘’SnVik
about three years old, has a rod frockon, and {share*
footel. No Inquiries have b’een made for the "tray waift
Min Drowned.— JnliUß F. MarBball^flg64
tw ntr.-one, fell from a tail-boat arid was drowne’d on
flandny'afternoon; i( " |
Explanation of the Montiuik Point I
W- •• »' -Mystery* l >f * *, 1 ‘ ,J v i ' } ' :T ;
fFron the N. Y, Evening poet ofyeatcrday.) '
Some .three w,eeka ago,. United Statue Marshal
Rynderflreoeived information thatia vessel*
been sunk off Montank* Point, under suspicions
jlronmstaices He immediately’sent ’one of 1 bis
deputies; Mr. Do Angelis; to' inquire intoifto-tpatt
Ur. He Angelis shortly roturoodjberirtng the' in*
tarnation, that the vessol had 1 boon scuttled, the
otw had gone to, different parts of the opuntry,
ail that one' of th-m bad died of the .Afrjcap
fver, and Mas buried at New London. Upon this
irormation Marshal) Bynders, sent' MaUriee
CKeeie and Theodore Rynders, two of hisidepn-;
•its,/ in Search of >the orew’of the vessels Thoy.
not dohr in finding out that tbree'of ,thej
mn were in, thisoity. ,** j
rheso men Mere .arrested, early .last week, i»ud
faprlaoned The foot of their arrest waft kept o
l*ocet> so, that those still at large would notibe put
on their guard. ■ From one or the prisoners the
panes of those engaged in >the expedition were
corned, and,: from further information from the;
utnqsourqev.a&dupon consultation with Mr. Xheo '
toss'-Sedgwick;‘tte‘ United States DistriofciAttor*
ley. Marshal. Rynters concluded to send tho do*
latfes, O'Koofo andßyndors, to Boston, in search
<f the, rem&indor p (f theiprew. Arriving .there,
h*J found two of they orrosted and
faced in the temporary custody of the proper an*
orlttfis. .< - * >
: Thwdfßoors then proceeded to Now
jhioh plaoo they Ariested tho ohief mate, who had
dtnraand' of tho vrp?ol whon she was scuttled.!
B* ; name is Mnoombir. Thoy found him-alibis
mUSCi dear i Hew Bedford, arrested 1 him; and '
brought him to this oity. >:
1 They r then returned to Boston, where thoy fell ,ip
wkh Bomo oxoerdlnglj disinterested pqrs6nV,whb
verysobiablo, in one-way. and
aiothei, till O’Keefe atjlthoyqungarß*'
J® to “ smell a rat,*’ Their fluspioions wqrojright,
tot they Jean el shortly alter ward that these gontle
mln were friends of tue flavors, and had even ob-,
tanod a wri t of habeas ctrptts them,
foithe turpqso'of'having tho prisoners brought,
uri Bit tho New York officora .were too sharp
for tho Bostonian gonlcmcn. ‘ A haok was
procured and’ the deputes and their prisoners
junped in. John. orSoksd bis whip, and off
floy to the railroat station, whioh thoy
retched jot in time to taketho oars for Now. York,
suroossfuly ©soaping the seivioebf
than, andwith it, possibly, a groat deal of time
and troubb. Thoy arrived early on;Bnndayiraorn-,
ing and a’onoe proceeded t« Marshal Ryndors’s
resilonco h Henry strqot. w»ko. him up from a
souid sleei, 'and recounted their'adventures to
him at thesamo timo, qxhihUtog tho throo prison*
era whom hey hadatong ’tritk them. The Mar
shalorderel them to bo looked up in Eldridge
strofcjdll ftrthwith'tb T hwait' eiaminatlon I
li the pruont state of the case it Is impossible
to o : tam;foJ;parti(ml&rB, os the prisoners for the
raos'psrt kap silent on tho subject We learned,
howver, thfit tho namo of tho .vessel is “Haidoo,
bf HV Ydrk', n instead of “Elizabeth; of New Or 1 *
lean,” as wss stated a few days ago in tho news*
papes. Thisdisorepanoy is aoooantod for in the
faotbj^.ths7;hadr,nailed a pleeo of canvas on
berserh, open whioh was painted, in large let*
tora/'vEfisabetjjjOf-New Orleans/' *
. It ppeari that the Haidce was fitted ont at this
pqrtjivernl monthp ago, apd sailed to the cpasUof
Atr U,’wnoraih o took in a cargo of 000 t 4 a /®5.-
She hen sailed for Ouba. and theslaves ._,werp
landiat;Cardenas,' At in&t place the oapt'aln
left' to Vessel, and the first mate then took oom.-
ifiand ' ! - •- ! - ui.Oi
It istated that the Crew Had Some iff-feeling to*
wardthe mate, and ho was fearful they, tiad eVII
desigl against him... .The .mate, is ah.Ambrltfan,
and ts orew waVcoinposecf moatly of TortugpeEe.
The deers statp .thot. fhe reason •, thoyos’sol was
souttll was, that she had no papers by she
couldntor any port;- > v* ns'i uvj
nnderttdtids that tho remaining
portibof the orbw hdve lefViWoountryfdirtf Has
oonseqently given up further ehaae-after them-f
andhiayshe believes that he hasidqn o- fus«4pty
indol?what he hasi The. examination'. of>tflfl
partiewill tike plaoe in the oourso Of a fewdayg,
Mr, PJ ‘ Jqacbimssob, ex-hssistant Unltod States
Distrif Attorney, has been, retained as ~do\in'feel
Shoring Acoii)ENT.-—.A. .'UUfe ltfb
years <'ttfee, of'Mr.'Burner, of Alma, Buffalo
couOty!Wfidoiisln,'iltf-attempting to got intl'tho
wagon ’hioh hia father was about starting from
tho bon: with, foil, and tho whcola of thewngon
passed *er, orushing him so that bo died in twenty
infante* We gathor the faot from tho Bau Clalro
Free Fts.
. />:
r * * *#* ** D f * 8 »v
;tXewtt»?torjrhB Pr«M.l •. ;V., .
- -SfAUs_B»£i?ouit Court—Judges
-Grier and Cadwal&der.—-Jona’han Trotter vs. The Bead',
ing Steam Forgp Company An action on & promissorr
note. NaffcaferTco. Verdictforplalntlflf 8518-$B. 8 0.
r > D Dong^rt r ,-B« q for
Quaetee Sessions—Judges Thompson and
Ludlow —Charge to the Grand Jury —Yesterday morn
ing Judge Thompson delivered the charge to the Grand
JurysrrH* commenced
of tho Grand Jury, and of the importance of their ac
the design of t|ie laVia. to.sarrohnd-them with such
pedei by implications °r suggestions, from any spiirce.
That imputations had been mide dgainst Grind Juries.
T£ C a * by perBoDß dissatisfied with their..action, but
that the grand .juror whp ptrictlycnnfQfins to the' obli
which he enters’ need hare no solicitude
Ud is under the protection of the law, and withont direct
lafiu aaequateevlaence of impropriety, hisaction cannot
be questioned. This high. t r u»t is reposed. in the
Grand Jury, for the protection of.the citizen, as well as
to enable the jury to act without fear or favor under
the obligation imposednpon them,' lo the pWforfljance
of their duties, they should allow no one to approach'!
them, with p view toepeak of a case that Is. or mty be.
before them, either for explanation orotherwlse. It is
' misdemeanor in the per*6n‘so acting.' because it l«'
Miculat»d to impede the course of justice . Nor should
they pay any attention outside conversation, as it is
thelrduty to judieof the testimony before them free
from bias, or prejudice ... , .
Attheiast terniof'the court there were nine bun
?M«VHi 6 V e '!i l il D€< *. to J t^e courtb 7 the, magistrates of
this cit/, foot hundred and fifty dfwhloh were ignored,
as there was not sufficient testimony against them to
WWS i"* 1 sending them to'ipetit jury
mr trial. This fact proves conclusively that the 1 ma
gistrates who returned tjmse hills to court did not pro
perly adjudicate such cases. - This hss become a great
evil, for several reasons, one or which is, that it does
great injustice fevtneny of our citizens.’ and sometimes
seriously afr-cts thelr charaCter.'-It-also adds greatly'
to the expense of criminal Jurisprudence in this city
Gf tho edurt or GrahdJUry h*d the authority to put
the costs (n all cases improperly sent to court upon the
magistrates who sent them ther», ft would probably re.
form this abuse ;• but as no such power is vested either
in tho court or Grand Jury, they cannot so place the
-costs,—The Grand .Jury, however.,have the authority
to pdt..lhe costs'upon the 'proesoutor to alt'esses Ig
nored where they discover from the testimony that
suit has been'brought eith*r through malice, spite or
any other improper motive. By strictly pxdrbi log such
authority the Grand Jury'will do much towards re
fcrjpJna this abnse. In deferring persons from prosecu
ting others without sufflciCpt cause, or upon the mere
ehsdow'bf a'cahseV 5 *' '
; subject of a court *roota'/or.criminal purposes,
has'fre'quentiy been before the Grand Jury, on account
of its ill adaptation to thb’pnrposes of justice' It has
been declared a noisance, repeatedly, and that very
proporly TheGraod Jury can now see the disadvsn-
court; the jury, and pirties and
witnesses labor, for tlje uyant of npceasary .accotnradda*
tions. Every judge who, has sit pn this..bench fras
sufferedln hekith from the absence bfyebtilation : and
ho (Ju 4 go Thompson) had.,often felt whea trying a
homicide o*je. where it was necessary to hear all that
the witnessts bad to say, that he had' not been able to
elve it that earful attention which thb jeopardy to a’
fellow-being!* life demanded The court room is
ted at the most noisy corner In the city, end oven new
he.could‘Swtrdely make himsel' heard by the Grand'
Jury, - The attention of the proper »uthorltles had been
repeatedly called to this matter, bnt up to the present
raomentno attention has been given it Baring the
trial of a recent homic do ca«e V*e counsel for the de
fendant had seriously BfggSstbd’tbat the court should
at once abandon’the room, by an adjournment,‘.to the
Supreme Courtroom, where the testimony of the wit
nesses coaid be hwd, He (Judge T.) h»d. more than''
onoe thought of conferring with his brethren on tpe
bench,‘as to tho necessity of abandoning the present
Criminal courtroom'; but he did hot wish to take such'
an extreme measure. The law-requires the clty'au furnish adequate epurt rooms,:and the
Grsnd-Jury, from theirfreqdent visits to'this room,
will be able to set whether it is adequate'or not. and
can so stats in tfaeir final presentment. - ' r ' ,
The coses that will come before the Grand -Jury are
of the usual character, and require no special notice by
theoourfc, . , , ,
■ The Judge then urged the Grand Jury to despatch In
their business.,* ,> • . j
Tho following.sre the names of the Grand Jurors:
Thoraa* Bqrr, Andrew 0, Craig,Elias D. Oraige. George
John li. Derdine, Frederick Emerhardt. ffm.
FI Fleming, James M. Gibson. Wm.H, Hamilton, John
Hancock, John 8. Helsn. Daniel.Kanei’ Charles Reich
line, JolinT Lowry, Joh’n.Meglnnis, Wm. MoMullib,
■James'L. McNeil, Casper Roads. j<Qwia.Bash,rßiohaTd
XT Biddons, Bantel'Stewart, Williamßummers, Georfce
0. Thompson, nod William-Yerger.; ?
Mr Andrew 0. Craig was then appointed foreman bf
the Grand Jury
Outside: of tht panel ofVixtyjarors'sdmmoued to-at
tend this court, alter several had been excused tiy
Judge Thompson, only thirtr were left, and the judfee
fined the defaulting jurors $2O.
The constables of.the different,wards then made their
return* of the licensed and unlicensed houses in thefr
resoeotlve f wards, .> ; j > 1 '■
• The otse of William Nixon, charged with fnvoluntary
mansUugUter. wsbcalled up. .-Ifixpn: is a carter, and,
while driving his loaded cart along the' streots en the
9th of June laet, be knocked down El.zabeth Jenner—fa
littlog’rl about two yea-s a°d three months.old—tbe
«aft passing her body, cetis'tig her death almost ip
stan'ly. Mr. Bayid Paul Brown represented the de
fendant. f * ’ ;
District Attorney .Mum , the esse of the Com
monwealth to the jury,’and called James F. Fenner,
wbo.testiped: Cgdjn :«treot, nevßldge ave
nue ; mydaughtef’s'DAiue was Elizabeths ; she died on
the Oth ot v June; the noise,
and on going td th'e'Btorddoor I saw the child lying in
the street almost dead; I.picked'it Up, but it only gave
& gasp and died: I saw a horn and cart there, it wis
standingetHl;"ldid'not seethe child run over; the
injury to the child was on .the neck, arm, and aoross
the brd&st: I *Aw Nixon Standing near me; he ac
knowledged he had done .wrong; ; I itold him it was
too late to be sorry now: he ought to have aoted more
oarefully. , .. •.
' ‘-Airbn Gilbert testtfiedi I llvedat Cambridge;
I was walking on the.fith o| June last, down Beyen
*te>ehlh street; X heard soineone ruubyme and hallo
ed to the horse to stop; X saw the cart ■ pass over the
:■ child';' the horse knd'ked the child down : I then saw a
colored men pick i;p the chiH ,* Nixon said he koew he
hsd done wrong! and was ready to give himself up.
Geo. O&onon testified; ‘ I was at my shop, door at the
time near nine o’clock; I saw the cirt coming down
ftidgenvenue, and a boy with a cart passing up; Nixonls
cart passed on, bat Nixon stopped to talk to
the boy; r looked .around when I heard Nixon call to
the horse to stop,'and on my getting to,the,
Uttle girl was run oyer: thenorse turned toe corner pf
Francis street alone; I did not see. the accident; the
cart was loaded with dirt, ' . .
John Williams testified: I residein-Ogdenstreet,
near Broad; I.heard the calling to the horse to stop ; I
saw the child knocked down ; I ran, and before I could
get there, the wheels had,passed over her body ; I pick
ed.her up, And. then her rather took her body ;
I then went fora phjslcian; Isiwno driver near the
horse. ‘ ‘• , t
Mr. Brown'bpened the case for the defence, 1 and called
several yritn'essea to'pfovo it was aUeile and
tv good character.' Ontrial, , . k
“District Court —Judge Hate —Gbbrge Land'll vr;
Qf.?rgo Pebavan..,An action pf ejectment for'aTtrlan
■ gular-’otin Kebstagfon f r$ i
j ;-COXKO2T Pleas—-Julg® Allison.’—The jaiy trials Tor
tho flratpertod began yesterday morning.‘ 5 -- "• I
>h Nisi AMites,—Justice Btrong —The CommonweattH
eX rSlatlonS James Shields vs. Joseph 'Clark? An ap
plication forq*io warranto to show by wbat authority
.the defendant holds the office oflnspector of Domes?
tic Distilled Spirits'for the City andOonnty of Phils*
delphia ” 1 The law requires that* such'offlcer ehall be
a resident of said city and county. The* plaintiff allej
ge# tho defendant is acltlsen and resident of Armstrong
county On Saturday last.the "defendant 1 moved tp
quash the writ, because issued at the instance of'a pri*
-vate relilor* without theoonsentof the“Attomey Geni
oral, And that he shows no .interest la the sdbjsot-jbat*
ter of the suit other than every oUttan had. . '/ *
i Yesterday morning. Attorney-General Bnox said that
Justloe Woodward had-requested him to say thatiha
motion waa granted, and-tbe.writ quashed, i ■ ,}.f
v John W Middleton and Oharl*s Noble vs. Allen Mid*
dleton and Gerrge Magee, sheriff of the olty and oonnty
of Philadelphia. In Equity. An application - for a
sppolal injunction to restrain the defendants from pre
oeadlng further against the plaintiffs in a judgment la
tho Dietriot Court of March Term, 1858, Wo 681 and
from selling ovr pausing 1o .be sold the real estate or.
any other property, of the.plaintiffs,under a writ of
vondltioni exponas of the District Court of September
Term, 1868. No. 122;.0r upon any other executioq
upon said jqdgraentj until the trial or final disposition
of the juagpentor otherwise of a'foreign attachment
to this court of July Term,lB6S,No 207 r and that
George M®gee, one of the defendants* restralneq
from, telling said- real estate under any of-the wilts
mentioned The Injunction was refused. - *-• i
, Emelin® and Mary W. Longstreth us. « ThePbiladetl
this. Beal Batata Savings aod Loan Company” and
.others/. An application for an iojanct'ou against .the
, defendants, to restrrin them for assigning or< transfer*
ring a bond and mortgage, and from proo*eding on tbd
same, they being entered in the District Oonrt to Jund
term, 1867, No. 621, for. $4 000. and from granting, bar*
-gaining, selling, conveying, or assigning, Ojr In any
manner encumberlrg the preiuisea *at .the northeast
comer of' Trenton avenue x&d fFork street and from
qolieoting or receiving the motflj. andJfrOm lntermed*
•dling with the same,.and, that.,the:defendants mar be’
. deliver, to a receiver,appointed, l by the court
the title deeds to -the abovsrineutiaaedproperty; and
.said bond and mortgage, until after the decision of the
oonrt. * i 1 -f . •. • . - .11 ■
, The i court was engaged for a considerable 1 ongth of
time Jn hssnpg the argumentas to Why ah issue should
not be granted in the,case of Geise ns. Knapp. *
The liloney Market;
Philadelphia. Ootober 4, 1868.
The unseasonable’ weather we have tells against
trade. Philadelphia has had a falr fall business, and
many new men have, been recognised among the OASh‘
.buyers; They will go home with very cheap purchases
to oompete with old stock laid in at credit prices: A
dlscrlmioaiipgpubUo will prefer the recent cheap tots,
and we shall hive new orders from the now buyers who,
are now cautiouily feeling- tbalr way. The broken-,
down retailers and jobbers must eventually sihk out of
eight, aad ( tVeir'plaoes be occupied by the younger tnem
beWof* the’same trade/ ’ (
/.* We copy the following from the Miners’ Journal of
the2diostant, • It lawolt wortbyof perusal?
In our last we adverted to the communication of
Interior,” jJttbllshed in the Philadelphia Tress , and
since have had our attention called to some remarks of
the'Lebanbß Advertiser on the same subject. The
Advertiser shou’d know. If it do«S not, that the step
taken., by the Philadelphia banks Was suggested, by
the country par banka. 1 It was urged as 1 An act o( jus
tice to the par banks of the interior, because tinder 1 he
non-redeeming system the under-par bank' notes Wfere
ustirpiugtho circulation of the State, partichUriy of
tho par-bank localities through the instnnhehtuHty 6f
country brokers as we mentioned In our'last. 1 ‘
' 1 If the, will examine'the subject. It wtU
find the cicalation of the twenty-two banks with capi
tals of upwards of Are mHllot s, iu the interior,* how
redeeming their notes at Philadelphia, no larger than
the'sixteen nod redeeming Links, With eapltils bf only
two and a half millions. Whilo, therefore, .uader
new system, the circulation of the sixteen non-redeem
ing banks will be reduced, that'of .the twenty-two will
naturally be.enlarged, as it should be. There will then
be no reduction of the circulating medium, as is al
leged, - V * ,
It is useless to deny the faot'jbat under the xca*
redeeming system, the tnechanio, miner, farmer, and
etherij are ue sufferers, not the non-redeeming ranks
cor olty.dealor, . The former class pay the one*half
or one per cent. Therefore, they are ioter*
eated in and must sperore of the redemption system
; The objection that is made to the Philadelphia hanks
taking the notes of the interior,at. par, is
the faot that under its operation conntry no
linger buy those notes at a discount in Phifadtipnlo,
to circulate them in the oountry.' It,n\ay t<s .urged
that-.there- la qo objection- to the Philadelphia hanks
taking tbqse notes at par, ,bnt that there is .an objection
io;the city banks.sepding.the notes-bowq for redetnp
fion n What aro.the olty-hanka to dp.with those notes ?
Perhaps] the,,answer, .will he r should not take
the notes. It >is a poor iule .tbat will not work
Voth ■ W»yS‘ -We will-'take -Philadelphia bank
notes, and send them t home for redemption, bat
the:«Jtjjha»ka must either not send our notes borne for
or not take them at all! “ ; Letuß alone
is the cry from the non*redeemlDgbanks,-‘*vecav man
age our own business!” ” Agreed,” reply th® Phila
delphia banks, ” we do not wish, to'idMf fertt WJth’yhhf
maDagCpjent; wp havenotdone so Youare interfering
wjth our management of oiir own business Our m&u
pgftment Wfiilte In-preventing ih® p?°plf-.
oS.-V.lf W onflpincaKt- •»-•/»"« SJW
e,,rj..,tep thir I.W. In til. JBt[«ntloa .COQr»B »
Wal.V.Vknon/ a .broker "«h»vs Ibo Map. tank
note, thr.a ,or fonr. times io.,ingle day. .|ay that
It .mount, to one-h.lf per cent, ouly, Make n, friend ■Advfrl mar, -irli.f f«r. cent.fper
Ihnnin'th.i-would B.e, and Bee wBo siffera.. AStnrodjy
it iß'the wprklngclMS tq who'inwe have klrcaly referred.
W'tdg.Me'tho Sfift-e/liKt a ctarfije of coneoli-aey, ofcf
prea.:Vf>od' dofenetttion,- Wry .VB'nofonnded. And
we beve » word of warping for our contem por.ry. If to
thn'f-egleTStnro you aend a bill nflnrllotment, yoo
will be compelled to Include the oountry par banka, and
if you aro not careful in framing the bill, so that it
shall contain th o facts of the case, and not your vision
ary ideas, you may b* compelled to pay tho oosts In the
form of an increased State tax on your circulation.
yjjrrr— p’tmgr- 1 ■-
• ® ;Po|lbeness oKue affable manager of the
;ing Bouse, ttfpre te give the average
mentp' hanks’/'-'
gf! !!!«•►! ?
IS &s sg: g
||: fsuh E-: : i S-pf J
•s’* * I-I-;
.‘)c; A V/i—Si ,
w Vii£ ( -V££ J ..***“!? ?4*S
■ •■§ SB"S K B*B g g gVgf§2 a 3
® « y : f' l ‘>. C !’! l ‘ o " hBwo j© lj* S
- . , *-* . «
111 § § jig Is § 151 i'i s¥l
.u .:ai ’ '©» S 2 ’§£
ja <£>j^ iopj- 3»o <■ •j;
©w® ew«o"- j e «14V©moc>«»» „«<
■§BBSaS&BgSgS§SSaBg gE
tS ■•'• ■' •■■' . ..„
,1? i'S’.*/:;* '*s' ' 1
*» >-f«J£#«M£»»j£G9Sj»*icsjs'£i>B‘S£>o
- 'S
- , t r r.
P oo «* *s a 0# © 5 m % Sift ao JS a> >- C ~i
« - - _ - | O
OA L S3J\l‘SS^* jl, ’§■.
3 p
►-* C:
ci Q9ioe<MooQ9<eoooii>eeool o
Tfae movements of the Philadelpfila' , bauki ? since!Nt -
▼ember, 1867, have,been,as follows: <
lfl .. _ nr •' ,t ' Actual
.JWi’;> •• *Loaus. Specie Circulation. Dopnglts.
N ™ M 4,, ' ,21 » l *» 4ea 2 > 07l > 404 2,141.113 16 035,788
t :••*<* <•/. • {
Jan 11....21 802.87 1 3.770.701 1,011,033 11 465 293
:Peb78.;i*>.20.869.228‘i4/88 085 1,208,046 11 001619
March 8...20,471,166 6,147 615 1,916 362 12 251 282;.
April &f?,si;66T 282 6 037.69 T 2 ffW*£i§ ' 13 421 818 .
May 3...*..22.213.824 7,027 712 2,3>9 6 I T 71&fi89,713
June 7 23,542.761- 6,986,208 2.406.308 15 776-261
July 6./. .'.24]311.928' .6 035,877 i-3'43t,13l j1'6.566«846
Augu5t2...24,624,569 7,070,145 2.t05,278 J7'6Mi7Bo
“ .16...24 529,767.. 6 876,620 622.540 16 919 667
Bept. 0....24,988,151 6 835,85tf 2,6 r o.G’t)l 17,420'773
" 13.,7.24,903,328 ; 6,704 753 2 672,275 17,138,246 !
« 20...,24 972 044 6.8 8,874 2,697,781, .17,264,821
- -m *A»w3'fr mi
Oct. 4.. J... 26,248,410 7,189,401 ,2,617^ e
‘ We quote d, * { The foreign, trade at. the,port of If ew
‘York for the past whVk bhokrs a total • import’ •rit’y ,;ln
, in oprlast pa pet,-of $3,303.-
OSO'ai against $2 691,054 the corregpODdJug.perlod. la*
year. .Th& exportclearances’of ’dorttoiiile'prodiee- and
miscellaneous goods are $1,079 316, agiinst'sLo27,?4O
the same week last season. The export of specie. In
cluding $447,467 by the VandertfltforiPAnte onMUtur
day, U $1,126 404, as against $422 000 same week, las*
y««. The cuatoma paid, into the Sub-Treasury durinp
the week amount to $628,000, while the. disburse meets
,fr<hathe officeares7B7,4Bl in excess of theie-audo her
receipts. The deliveries of California gold on Wednes
day amotthttO $1,670,000. '• ‘ "
but for the trautmlasloa of .about $300,000 or $600,000
In stocks.tQ.England, r Fpr« Saturday’p steamer ther*
whs a better’ oflerlng'of mercantile bills, growing out of
heavy'tales in transitu, and the rate bn
London was #©# easier;; we.quote merchant bills
109#®109# ; batik; 109#, sales, prases, 6JS#®5.
12# to the-dollar;”/. /.fir; *m> H.-.* u- ? .
l The apparent decrease In -the; entry of fdre'gh mar
chan disc since the Ist January to the clog*„bf;the past
week at New York,.!* scvtnty-two million dollar*. \
October 4,1868 v >j# > ' f '.
2100 Penna 6s *5 90# 100 Union Bk,Ten.bsloo#
1000 do s 5 90# 6 Morris OnlPrf bslol#
1000, ,-dp. 90# : 10CamdendtrAmb..Ill#
300 Oliy Qai(.'9Bk 20 do T...UIS
W 0 do V v >."«# *7- -do:-. .:.:u-t^niS
200 2. ,w° - BB 08# Gas„bs 48^
2000* do NewCahOS# ’6 Commercfal‘Bk 49,
.300 , do -103 .do: -" t # j; Vi 49 }
600 d 0... b&lo3# 8 Minehill R 69#
1090 do ,/ ; j:5 Rehdlur3/. r .^*»r23#
600 do 98# 60 Penna B T 44
1000 do . PBR,PB# 6.. do cash 44#
1000 dr> ■ BR'9B# 22 r *do ...44#
1000 Beading B6s »Btf. 70 7 do 44i
l r oo Lehigh 95# 18 do 44
2000 Pittsbg 6s Con.. 61 10 , f do, 44^
500 Wilm R 100# 13 do 44i
2000 Peona Resistm 100# 12 -do 44;
10 Bk of N Liberties 58 !
1090 Lehigh Nay 6a... 95# |lOOO Cam &Am «a ’B3 851
‘ Second !
1000 Olty4s;;i A^..s6'oB)T A ABt o^N f America..l37l
2000 do 98# 9 do „,„.137l
1000 ' -d6 98# 3 do lR - f Vil37
3000 N Pehna'E 10s.• 66 60 TfirfooLßk Ten.b4loo*
1000 do .. 60 vJ.T/tjsico},'
600 do .. 66# 100 Long Island... •
1000 do; ->; 'i;v66i ioo;a floitri ~..b6ii#,
WOO Lehigh Yal It os._B4# IQO _do« . ...2dys lit
100 BaMing-R :/,.bS S3* , 20 Ein.Tpßk. Sin 351
60 . do,. .....MZSfi|.,3PUoteiaßkj^ea.lOP
600 Elmira R 2d m0r4V«.’.:.V..'.'.;V.T.'.i.' , .7.. ! ...,.15j<
/- otoaniS'raiou-4>in»v.<6->->uH •
. .Bij.Mked. , ... , ,R«d. Asked.
Phil, 6,.-.’...108 Jtf 08# Sell Not Tmp 6,1..60 70
do R......e8X 88X .:idO 'Btock:i.;,'*f n.S
do do .Praf I6K 16R
P«nn»65...;'..:;>.00y SOX lom»p’t3cXlmP..lo 10k
R.vlldjß S3* 23X do 7»latmtg:69:- ■
_do_ . Bda 170..79 do 2d intr.., .49
do MlgOa’44.oo 92 BopglBlu»l.',v..4lXillJi
to do >BB.6ax 70X Girard 8«nk.... .'.ll % 'll 1
Ponna R 44X 44* Loh Coali R»t„,4BX
- dd l.ti»ai;r.looXlo2'- RlpiniW-R BX' ; 0 :
do 2dm6.,,,.80 ~0O - do., B.r„ 67k 68 ‘
Morris Can Con*.4o 42 New Creek.,# #
do Pref 101 #lol# Ostawissaß 6#
SchuylNay 6s Lshigh,Zino # 1 ‘
PHILADSt, PHIA ■ MARKBTg;° Ostf 4-ETenini.-!
There is do change fa .Breadstuff*; end e smell bnalneer
doing In Floor; .eome goo s>bts .Fiooxooly beingeolte
{6 60e6.62X for ,br»nde, the letto,
7 y»bbl for common t6‘cSoioe
Tots', as in quality. Cora Meal U- fetter, end 20Q bbl>
Penna. brought $4 26 & bbl. Bye liour is wante| ai
llmfted, and.abqut B,ooohut ipld BO for red!
and $1 40©1.45 lor*^white,* as in'quality,' the latter foj
Kentucky. Corn is o ddll VlVd2o for good yellow afloaH
and vS’ h'etkibfnoiaaleK Ib-Ma^; butifeifa mixej
Western sold at 84c. O&ts* are-: uhchangei,t%itl
sales of 6,030 ; hoahelg, .goutharaj at 44®45c. Bye
is selliog in a small' way at’B’c for new, and 86
for old. Bark is wanted, with farther sales of 30 hhd|
Ist NoVi:*# t&W 'ionst OoVtoVi¥firin-fai- ©et, witv
of 1$
•pg, and no change in Sugar aod >Molasat»ldProvfdon|
-are unchanged; with limited Bales
steady dull.* **B4eds^We ( Jjhfet
with sales of 800 bus, CloTprsped at $5.62#©0
the latter for prime new aeedj’nothlng doing In Timrt
thy or F’axteed to alter quotations. Whiskey is sellini
slowly at 24524#c 'for Pennsylrdnfa'and Ohio bbla, 23#
®24c for hhds, and 22# ®23c for drudge. ■
1858,—The, *fie«f different
yards were durlng'the* past week, in
cluding 1,280 head-at'Wardell’B-'Avenue drove yard.
Price* exhibit UUle or no change since lest Monday j
and the market was lively. The following or* the par?
-ticulare,Ti*-:, . k v a i
61 Chester county. Coyes t . l//., 7‘ MoS «
83 Ohio, Blum “ct
41 5-P4#era, by StriciUHd.’.; V.V..; . ; j T '6o©3 2f
16 Chester county, E. Bare 7 00®8'lt
10 do Sehambhrg &, Co 7 6008 V
60 Virginia, J._ Alpxaoder Qo... /tvv ..«. T*,fiQot A
iQ‘ So V .William 'P/Keyf/.i.'/M i* .
09 do Hatter Sc Co 7 0008 0<
87 do 7 00©8 0»
80 Ohio, Smith 7 60®8 Of
,’j rottfert.;.. r 7'oo^8‘o»:
42 Chester county, Oanon Sc Oo 7 6008 6<
-27 Yifginis, Ohrr«ty '«K Pord.' J.. ;I * f 26®7 6<
16 Lancaster,county, J-?K&uffaiau,... 0
25 do J.M. Steel/,, 7 5Q®B 0<!
13 Ohester couDty, 8 00®8 6^
29 do B. Hood 7 60a8 O'
41 ■ l do-. Underwoods. *>l ,TiW®B‘sU
60 Virginia, Wiliam puller., 7 60®8 fi!
72 Oheatercounty, D;Eckman‘ 4 ;.,./.T./.,. 7 0008 Bf!
30 do J. Abrams Oi.
30 Delaware eounty, William Harley 7 0007 Bi>
About 3.000 Sheep wezwatmlrket/Mlll'ng-at-’frrat
to SI each, an advance, of 26c., Of Cow* and Cafve's
the offerings were 230; sales ranging at from $4O to $6(,
for prime milch oows, $4O-for Stcfond quality do
and $l6 to $26 for dry cows. Of.HogECabout 8,700 weri
at Phillips’s yard I,ooo,|aken to New York;
the balance sold at from $0 to s7"the 100 tbs net.
-• I :JC> .l f.dV.i. » i
Atarriases.- 1 ' 1 '
In Lyon. Massachusetts, on the 22d ult., WILLIAV
BOYOE, daughter of William 8. Boyee, of thefformei
place. ' ’ #
'-’ ffinhV23d u!t = ' ih , Oihclhn»tl, i; ’by“B6v:'l4r. Butter
field. Mr.-WILLIAM;B. BROOKS/U»-,8. Navy, fo Mia/
AMELIA WRIGHT, grand-daughter of the Hoh. J. C
,Wright. . - . t .w.
‘On the 30th ult..’in En*. Pa'.by Rev! JT. 0/Preliapv
HENRY W. SPOONER U.'B.‘Navy, itb Miss JOSE '
PHINE WARREN, or this city. *
- -JOrflhi 26th hIG-by KeV Mr;fitork, Mr; JOHN Wit
-c'On th«2Bth' ofJdtelaat;byß«V:‘Mr.‘BtSrr4tt: JAMIF
MJ>RONY, of Philadelphia, to FANNIE M. HANNUM
of WllmtngtoOi'iWlAWMre.- Jj ’t •>* •?« k #
' Onthe lfith' of September, by Rev. Samuel DurboroW
.*< ; ."", r i ,; i i
• I'Afterashortillness, bn Sundaymoriilhgi Mrs
BETH P., wife of -B-. 0. Walborne,'. in the 88d year 0
berxge.i-■ i • ; \v \ j ■ •-
The relatives and Meads of the family We' respect
fhliy invited to attendLthefttiieraVftfdjiuthe' reaMeuc*
of her No. lOffl’-WOst North street, on Wed
nas day afternoon;-at'RlO’Clock,' without :fiirther- nq-
Utl/.iil T2tr>t:TO r > '--a?
On the mornlugof. the 4tkiinstant/UITARLEfi-W.
ni. rol.tlVea (bd (rieide «ro reapestrufljr inTltedT.
.ttend H>. fnibr.l, frQln-’-We’l.t.«, No. 71!
Green street, on rontth-d.jrrirtoreoon, th.Bth l..Unt
‘ t Oo o ’e C riurf.y month*.*4 Oct/lr.'joiltf i. LEwfS
o’clock, without further notice. To proceed to Laurel
U At Frankford, onfnßt./J'BANdtkE. BOMER-;
> The , V(fl<ltlve^ l to 1 attend-tht
funeral, from his late residence, No. 109 Main street,
! Frankford, this (Tuesday)' afternoon, tho 6th instant.’
at 2 o’clock. Funeral to proceed to Paul street, frank
ford. —-,p- .--I?- ; y s/ _ *A t ®
On tho 2d tostant/after a short Illness, Mrs. ELLEN
STEELMAN, in the 67th year of her sge. '* L"--
" The^retattrcs-and-friends-of-the-fiimily- arareepeet
fully inyited'fd attend :he^jfttn'elW; , fnuai*f;&ftd.fesi
deaebVtttLarck strest, above Ann; this (Tuesday) after
noon, at 3 o’clock.- Procsel-to Franklin Cemetery,,< ( #
' On .the 2d instant, JOHN B n BOHNEDEB;. aged 31
years. - Alt;-a.'« •; T.t'fil.-,:' -'/(J,*- -
At Norristown,-on the Sd instant. Mra: MABIi E
BOlLBsb?,in the 67th yearofher age;.,,. : ,r ovn .-
The relatives-aod friends of the faunl)y- ,are respect
fully invitedito attend the funereV-.fTOEty,the rsalaencc
of her brother, W. O Kline, No, 1215 Germantown
road, on Wednesday, afternoon,. lhft_6ttu instant, at
cks*u, ; 'i r
Oheoke, Notes, Drafts, BUls Lading, Bill Heads, Cir
culars, Cards, and all other hinds of Job Printing, at
Prtoti to salt the times. odT-lj
t B 3 fi M ft Tf r
our opppositlon tp tbe sya
ttem- <sf whfth ‘hu'.W effectually
-ihide its great cbnyenience' of the. public,
the means of transit y^om-one. remote section of thw
city tosspot her, b®en;yaBtly- augmented by placing com
• cars on the-Tarioui lines, in lien
of the rickety old- hut 'the 1 facilities fer
passing along our railway streets by private oonreyanca
hajfl;.also? been grdatly inerSased'4h fh'e smooth, level
.raU,4nstead of; eefOrmefly’ this rough, rattling cobble
; 'tones.; * But a rer y parked dßfectpUU obtains in ti •
tois public Tia: the con
.stcntly-recurringiprtessity for turning out. It is to
this ; and means by
-which tt may be remedied, fhafwp npF>lsh to call the
attention of those who j have -the powpr to remore the
difflcolW* ci ; ;. 4 i :/• 'i-? • *
It will b 8 seen at a glance "that ca'rrrage-ridlng on the
rail wilWbe r aitehded"wllh Vastly less wear aud tear
upon veblcTesiban driving 'oY6r‘thi rongh pavement,
W?^^«Lto e .,more sgreeable. .character of the
ride ittelf; the existing arrangements—or
perhaps, mprejtrcperly. the existing tear* of arraoge
menta-ftll parties having ihe right of way, whether
■going op.-orreoming.down,- the necessity for* frequently
turning put almost;‘if-not entirely] tbe
’ >*-;3 uJj j*l.u to the rail; for, a* any one knows,
t is staaia upon & light,' or in tact any kind of a vehicle,
in endeavoring, to move out of the tr<ck, is very r ea».
What ten under .the’, circumriaaees, Common sense
and the convenience of ourcltiiens demsrid. is that a
fil£4-ruleb4 ib’adefor the 'public to observe, by whioh
shall have the right of
way while running in the same direction as the cue are
accustomed id such irack. For example,
letitbe-ijnderft#H>d that all yehjcles.eunntag north, on
Fifth street, shall liave the right of the road, and ex
tend the same right .to all In coming down Blxth street
Such arrangement would be.eminently equitable, and
result greatly to the benefit of all who have occasion to
travel by private coovejance on any of our city railroad
streets. In many ctses, the disadvantages of being
obliged to turn 6aV*more than neutral zss the gain of
runniog a Dgbt vehjcje
of this kind were once fairly understood,,, gur citizens
could choose Intel’lgently for themserve*, when travel
ling in a ln’which th»tnrning out wonld fall
"toitbelr lot; ind-nofi, a* ndw, b 9 exposed to the imposl.
i tion Of etrery one'who happens to-' be driving 1 * v Heavier
• carriage than his own, in a contrary direction. :V
FbeNCH ?IB$-S[pREEir8, Bronzed And
irons. Steel and Brays P«re Sets. Goal Vases and Seat
tle's', Nirfsery'Fenders] eto'.j' ara’ sold at E. W. Oarrylw
House Funhnblng Stor6, 714 Chestnut st!’ ' '
'"'Williims’ Biblb Panoha^A:— pleased
to find that this splendid work of t art 1| daily beoo'mlng
more popular'with bur'olttsens.' The audiences are In
creasing nightly* anditbe.cotnments of approval elicited
from those weU.skilled in judging the merits of jmch a
wdrkju'eVenfffeieht guarantee that it Js.worthy of the
Tvideßtpatrcysge.,. :No one should fall to see this beau
tiful painting of Bcriptdre scene’. r
AE^^Ttcfjßßi^s—rßih«e»tlj!tagBB of m>-
nufastnres, mechanical fitness was alone the object of
competition ; as society^advanced, it beoame necessary
to combine elegance with fitness, mid beauty of design
with utility! l ' of 4&Q dhestout street, as a
manufacturer r of Hats, has had the ssgaeity to see this,
aod, aided by exquisite natural genius, has govsmei
Airn^i aceerrf ing li/ —so tbpt bis .Hats .Invariably pre
sent to the eye of taste ‘‘ a combination and a form In
deed; » a consequence, he is fast drawing to him
self tbo patronage of all who consult the fitness of
things, and claim a*place' among the well-dressed por
tion of the community,, ~ ( ■, > <
*SAi,t / 'RiV'Xr.—On Wednesday mornfng, the
13th old bo it ‘‘ Public Opinion” will
sommehae rdcuiog her regular trips to and from the
head-waters of Salt River.* i Passengers cau sedhret their
berths, beaMlefl olothiageoitable to thesj»-h*gh latitudes,
>by applying l at the palatial -clothing of
Danville Stokes, 607 Chestnut street. * “
A Year Aao — A year ago wo wore in tbo
midst of the great pahlc:'-Bt4eksWrere down, the banks
were cloied, all goods, #ere a dvog market, and
Mie w^orid 1 c3nciudei’it woulft be rathercreaitible than
itharwise to go shabby. But firings have changed' bldoo
that gloomy period, and: those yrhoyould .not he con
sidered shabby fellows must not go shabbily. To avoid
-.his contingency of -khibbitiOSa, It is v hn l y necessary to
oatronise the,BrQwnß.tpne.olothiogH«ll of BockhiU A
WnsoH/N05.'603 4n4'605 dhestnutkVreet, above 81xth.
tho beat aaaoriment of
{armeots for adults and youths to be found In the city.
Wool CuLTivATioif.—ShWp, from the earliest
ages, have'Adpplled materfal'-for warm clothing for
mankind. Garuie&ta of,! wool were .worn bj.the Egyp
tians, the ancient" Greeks, and Romans. 'From the
earliest) the. presantAiutoi .great attention
has been prid to the manufacture of Nothing
for Fall and Winter yrfap; at thepresent time, some of
tbe stoat bea'dtiful woollea* garments 1 for g*ntlemso’s
wear may be found at E. Franklin
Hall Clothing* 321Cheatnut street.
' Tlie Genius of Man never yet, even in this
age of protreii, invented a similar article which has
Heen’o? fitfrabinefit to 'thousands, than Ju&is* Hauil’s
Eau Lustralt , or flair Restorative. Persons ate daily
■wHttng'orconiing'to the'proprietor in person, to an
aonnca the beneficial
have been almost entirely,b »ld,-ond thele hair hae-been
restored; others, whose hair had be:ome dry and bard,
have hadiit; CompletelyureTivediand'beautified; and
others,.whose |calpahare.been covered with jcarf or
landrail have,had’it completely eradicated, and the
hair’ restd^ } tb a deilghtfttV purity and beauty. lor
sale by all at the Labomto*
ry and Wholesale Depot of JULES HACEL A CO I *, Ne.
701 OSBSTiTDI!- Street, Philadelphia.. - - ■ ccfi-fit
fa not cenfined to Arctic
(raVifllr# and pt
fleeted sailors; it aliow«j[to disgusting
T‘S^tir«s*laiy*raonf : -tho til-fed poor in oar filthy l&nes.
Nothing has been fodrui bo -speedilj efficacious la ar
resting theTiecomposlag tscdenc/'orthe Tits! fluids
in scorbutic ia’theiPßßOVlAN-STBTJP.'
Tor Bile la this cltj by F. Brown, cc:D*r l ! f *h »p!
Jhestnut, and Hassard 4 Co., oorner TwelitU mi
Chestnut. ~C> AS *X’-l.h w,’ i »e2l>-diw tf
s l n S?r’ B
dewing Machines make the beet stitch ever invented,
has been widely known for year*,:- Other maehlßOam'ay
make a slialUr stitch npon a few light fabrics, hot
Sioger’s'alone a?e fcoinpetentto do every kind of work
wiaty 7 of fabric,, e ..
Singer's newTamily sewing Machines have the same
.-elatim attPetifltltyJM hi«c machine* fot manufacturing
purposes. They are also more beautiful^than any
~H6mtftlng improred
rtjle are applied wKeh f dftlr&* «maatf'bf Singer's Ma-
Professor at
he W£S7 r corner ot
dARKET" Strict £s reopened ea
-he first MONDAY of September 2 : PapHs, to the nnm
- fiernf dfty„wiU be
>lf THB riflaiHQSß .RAU-WaTa, o»jTtt*, CUrr<'.rt
Thus, without tjjr apieasanfc end safe con
reyance, pupils can be carried liiioue fresh air of the
eouhfryln'lWa than half'ahbotrf'ftotaihe eeSrbre'df the
■dty!' •€eYeril : acrei ofdpen {fotind border ‘<m did he*n<
ittfoDgmp* ,, of thteSemfnaty/arhicfrli patronised by
many of tisedlaUngnisked-geutUman ot*Uenitrt«mdng
rhoni ar4t£A Editors of'.The Press, the Ledger, and
Che’ North' add United States Oasette. Pu«
the day, or tuto the family of the
Principal. ?:
«‘ ysnstnawnrat J uly-1 j IMS.
A 3l* We; sons.ot wards In
tPrsfasßor-Saandersl’ institute and family during jhe
iddision Which faar.just closed. 1 ! Iw respect to parental
(.WfirtnaMj 1 happy dnfluenCee, attention tohealtb, .and
sprogreesin ; thorongh education, esf fltpMt«Hoa»isye
■beeifally rMllisd. To oii*fri«niii, w!u> »M looking
lliiHlldidlrtood- M&60I forti»lEMia,m«nUdlr
ii JNO: WIVOUNKT, offloo of Ih» PlM*. ii n ,-v
-; i> CHABIIKB B.THOMPBOifjtKoinpMi fcßOoii Ho
113 ChMtou?~slr««t
SILVER, 1400 GlrwdWfiuur
-«w; L. BPRINGB,B3I Muietrtreet. - 5 1
“ GEORGE H. MARTIN, 1026 Walnut street*’ l ' •?
Other Patrons of this Institution:
1 8LI 409 Market rtreet.' - " ; ’
Jbm O. MrtbHKLL, 203 South Silth etreefi *
'r.'ft; COLOHAIf/ieS South Bl'ghih etreet. - *'
-.N;‘BrBROWN»,-Tl3 South Fifth-street.' - -
SAMUEL MOORB.l^geuSqaure.
_X WATSON, Logan Squire...
WM.bWAIN, office of LjKtger.v.i < C"
MORTON MoMIOHABL, offlee of North American!
ELLIS UJlwis,;P»nu Square.-y
To Capitalists, tc.•••Peremptory Sale o!
Sods will sell, without reserve, by order of executors,
on Tuesday'naxt,>slh'thsfaDt;rthevaluabl» estate Filth
and North streets, between Market and Arch streets j
tnd, to close a concern, the valuable propertyfcn'own aa
Boutier’s Hfchlbgahy and Marble Worka ~ 'S4lal J of
both estates absolute. -> c'
in same sale are valuable residences, Walnut Street,
Chestnut street, Spruce street, Pine street, Third
atroety Twentieth street, Twelfth street, Crown Street,
»nd other streets.
VALUABLE LOTS, FARM s *, Ac.—A number of va
cant Lots, Farms, valuable West Philadelphia proper
ty, Ao. A large portien peremptory sales.
See advertisements.
6r#ver It Bakers
" ; oklibWatxd
/ -Xi+jtll li.XiSr® w 1 N a MAOHIMIB.
Thesb'Haehlnes'ere now Justly admitted' tor betha
test In use for' Dually sewing, making a new, strong,
-nd elastic stitch, which wtilko* xip v even if .every
■earth stitch be cut. Circulars, sent on Application by
•tier* apg»y
t'x.i'zs-'"'i \ »;■* ,-j' r s
Thomas W. Bally, N0.'622 Market Street,
Importer and Dealer in' FlafTWatehel, Jewelry, Silver
and PlateSWdfar BirSfcclaSS gehdl oouitaijtly on hand.
The subscriber, paying cash.for every article, Is enabled
to selj |tr a small Those, abput purchasing
would* do well to* call.' All gdoda Warrantees tdpre-
SmtasdiV/. i/ fA Ml r k 1 !« HMa\
S aomen’ s BaVini' i*os Waisnt
itreet, one door west ©t Beeoid street. Beceires do
posits In rams of One Dollar and upwards, _from.*nU
Masses of the community, “ d aUowm interest at. the
rate of fire per cent.^tonw^*--IC H - l .r JJ i
Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on M<rS
ia^rad^itidTJayVnHfD in th e ereninf. President,
franklin Wl; ' «rdli«re* Sod BocreUry. Ohsiies M.
a -■ t v
S5O, ;f Ss6f ®fiO, Sso l Bstf^Bso, 1 »30, 830—
DUOED if ;.and J*eirin* M*»
ohine fpr f5O, and. the* general _scale of pri_ee«_ greatly
rfetlricwi. Vant y a-fobtftanti*l, r iilT pi®-
llableiJewing htaehinfj* Am . an aatablUheATepu
tatibii [for doing the very best work on ev«j
material, are invited to call at our office and examine
the new machines, at the reduced price*. They can*
not fall lobe sati&fied. I. M. SINGER A. 00.,
001-lm No. 602 CHESTNUT Street,
ami 3
'it ?-T .D^tf