The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, October 01, 1858, Image 1
f £ ft- theCltjH ,Bi* D<>*ii»B W? : .iiosi" MOlS»B i 'S<|SfeS® ifosria,. inmrifchWlß ad wortsisa,io„w;?,“->>., UiWBKKi,ir ■ prks»,- : '' •' ;■ '•' *■■ itTesHDOt 'lJ^Y 1 ■ -Vrt K’ .'•' -" *iu be Beat to gitaKrlton In wWo.,) ob: -,6 0(1 ; ■ t- 8 00 H.j* ■ ■< —v. ..113 00 ;<w» .miuiM ,to not u Aprat. for UviV’i-;'- ■: - 1 UOKRUnUHH. OtllforoU - > - » ♦ t,». , . iS ; x a-J • ''*■* ■: S',': rs ■. v; '•• ? K i >i. "’'. p " v :y|^^te^^:* B, ''V l ’ /, ’ ■ * .^f,, .-,4 , '--* - "P f'" 0081. J ■?:: ,ASsfc< , #iMfi» 2J‘*<Vr' •. 17 0%. ; ;,4 r^ *,!>?; -;i l by • -."AVf z&Akiiv&vsXf-* Tr fi .v'-' t - .r 7 lA- j a ' ; . :. „V~<«3»* sJ'i'iA.-:H.-'B08EI(HEIM ; ' fc:BB„QOKS; v; "? Hoj 3S ?- A A j • 1 ••■••?' AMnilOUl'-JIiOWBRI/KTIOHI!^'**.-^*’ . .:. ,:Tk*»tt«ntlonD/(jUyftn(!coQnti7(lo*l€!r,i*iDTlt9<l 1 >: '-'it A’AA iii-’A'r*H*l'irto<rtt'ofih*,»bsT«good*, tt 7 <’£'; ly-. ■?.<'.■'', t Aflitf £;fi .vyr.^-T^-, , i . ;... «... •• ;*!•! ;K^eftiv#frSs'S%r--'J®4.S!9?ss? i 'A' c ' ! '-’ ’ .••-.f-'V. w^^t^ilt^MfaaPiatn^Aaf 1 .; "»*•** ’ V.' ?• 4- jA, 3* ;i-"-™£ v ',• 4 \:-"»5 >, • " -,. : - .’}'; ; r .: -y. ■ '^U'-.^ : H.' J -‘ r '-■' ' - .'./ .; ■fcWTNortli'WATßßgtfWt, -!,y. '!• .-‘'.•M- ••: :' ,*'■«*,>■'-•' ; e < y : ;.y>;s?;y’r—A K*. »l»Ncirtll®»CA.WAM Anuu. . : :yyy r Ji\ :j.- ; '' - - ‘ . |F• • i ,;y FF 'F'FFSF'FBOT«OB 4 *«vj^®iaiiitt',; ,>ry. tr --, y-tf- r? r J -|- f if£‘ lF- * ‘ ’•’** * f S ' w ; '*' '* , .V V r ,,.i viisilMßSuWS for ccic'ct m/office'.et:lector/ priwo.,.. . , -• . vi.' 1 jltethe 'tiis Comjioj to Bob * :’,'. c \ ' tr 'V„£, r-i*' ; i i<-.i ! '£/.;s,H*»ax*.OOf/A*mt,., ;. - . #2B OHKBTNUt Btmt.Phlladelbiili. - ;• •' i 4in4lfo' 5 T W«l’Bi»&%tc«it,*rtiioii, ’’v^' • r - HA- Uofrproittfihe ppMie u ihe mbrt xelU - fretfiSmi’ oiz to v cl^ Qfi ftU kind* ! i{" [,-'if firom MUtMt Ao <&Mit^’CAsaMos.-Xt : l*f , i iheklmplwi trilta'B^Kkhicol Tf' : .7 v or'iw woii, kra w >:zantod. to tii ftererpaiiiftbyonyother.' Itkapied range* '; ? permls^ ! }'j’ l * tkerpoole, . nu esomujl orMirnrDnro. Infktft,lti* Y o raetoliitlutU WMrtedbj wry family la thelaad, tad - 1 ;»? ■ r- vv- - ■ 5-f\^:;^;'-\^ > y/':-tfp|lTriH)LL ; AßB |; \ . J - : J : r >o*l, krtoga them within fee reach of . «W7 one ■ ; : B.D.;BAB3SR, Agent, ,: r- }*JB-<i&m •wkyaowflni' ‘-'" *0 fcmthEIGHTH fltreet. V gOTrALO.aCBBd, 3«. i? Vs^rJs; **/>_*;* •■ *; /■ -’;, _' - ■<i*v/''7i f'’"'•'•• J ' * , ‘ ; ' • • J ) ■*4**»■ * * - ■, '->* - 1 - g'o.,- *,;.*.dicsATa -a 416 ASTD tH AROH BTRKBT. ;>«jM*r - - .;oiU>jietjo anft; grintmitißfl. Q.OFF & PETEKSON, IMPORTERS AND MANUIAOTURIRS . saw****, " ,i:^\:-A, , - l [, (: W4 oi go. '/f.; i f:;fflato.anb':Ca|iol & 00., HO/ 823 MARKET STREET, • : '-'’- , " , -i'- /mm now 1» iTom* JL* r ; /,?-•: 1 ili' NS W 1 STOCK H-AfPß^A^ N ;i)' G A PS. ‘ ■•: .to'rack'Mist mttfispm^&vfWnpxot , BDrSB@ ?HOSI Ai.L ?ARIB Of .TM ■ - . -•<. ■:• ; v . :•.' - • •• union. ; = ,[ ., : "% "l\V ' i;, '.v'','. '" *. ■ < : : GARDEN fc OO.i ' k -i"’kv‘> ‘-■ 1 ■ . 'V t .' juavrlottmxß) or.* aud notnui duuu a, --- ;, • •. 3• HATSj’ OAPB, : FOBS, STRAW CfOOBB, ;; 'JZK6 «IjUVTßOtfi&lk, j&TIFI. ' r « ••' v -" . . = ■S- r Slxth «treeti- PWladolpWa.' ; i> Hta&OßiKTk Stt 5 iwiwtDUl*lnrft«4 to ettklM aaaofcU-* ""••*' ' -■-v Jtify3^&AlM6U)'fc-WlMOlf>’ ■' - ~ - ■‘' , ' *f»-.ii.iy; tstiooftiaoMi*• aiuißoc. •-'>•'• »f«w«oor»/Hlow the «. whsw w BtoA« MiflUlij pAYlof ,:5 ;, wm{Mtirii» <JHILBOH’fI oiilSBaAT*D PA*- './.MT^^^^a^OOSTOmiIO.JPDENAOJ.tM . V*. vAUoY » T&iairat ' V. - • ;w|*eomNWMßis^*»iAoag,-gAtiTii : BKATB «4 w-tftm. *ti*t ’ leaf ’.P*5 PHILADELPHIA. 'l ' ~ '.''''■' '' " *\' ' " ;; '" ' ”.'-p j ?"‘L - :/ k. “iI,-U' 53. JobWa. ‘^■liwillWwij’n'oißWllnVwMywfowwVOMHVllWWW^WMWOWl 1858 ' I*;i LL;GO 0 D S. 1858 THa-Snbserlbers heg leave to Inform their friends, end country merohenta generally, that their stook of 1 HOSIERY, > • -> ' OIKI YES SHIRTS, DRAWERS, WOOLLENS, and r ~ r, . SMALL WARES, la now- complete, comprising thoir osnal assortment, and which they will sell at the lowest marketrates. - -They would especially call attention to> their stook of BCOKBKIN GLOVES AND MITTENS. 'Comprising the. HANOVER, GERMANTOWN, JOHNSTOWN, AND OTHBH DEBIRABLE MAKES, WMeVftsy haTO parchesed directly from the Hana lecturers for -ceeh, end are now-prepared to sell at reduced rates, SHAFFIJEB, ZIEGLER, & 00., IMPORTEBBAND JOBBERS, , 30 N. kOUBTH Street, Philadelphia, VjieS-Sre‘Near tho Merchants l Hotel, OAHPBEMVJb., kOO.y ;■ IMPORTSfeS AHD JOBBERB HOBIERY, GLOVES, tnd } ; MHOT GOODS, Wo. Ml MARKET STREET, .. , Korlh’ooat Corner of FOTJBTS. v ' js, JjIAXJj BXOOKOPOLOTIIING. OHABIjBBjHABKNEBB A BOH,' 1 ;;si.'BMMiJLK*T stmet, , , . tBOTJTBJBAS IrOOBHU OI IOTJRTH, .1- SoHlkom lal WMt«n Thuls, «Ueh Ouh, or cu ti» anttlOMlir . /»■■'» ‘. ' 2tnrjfißB »x* iiiTit«d to o*ll anil ftMmlne or thsra j»»lt«.,. t . v .;. ' ■ -.1 4 I KiiiJha :iBsgr 'WitiK GOODS • ; 1858 JAttiM POBTATIO KB. . ; yS^xsraaQaiis. ■ .VaaiIMIAiRkKX.STaBBT, ’ ,T i'B' r> rcoarMi'ii-cK stiikt, Kr;-*! H> • : 7"; ' PHILADJU*PHIA. ;>’H*Tinowlnftbr®iliel*’’oeinpUU * v ~ IMPOMITIriN QI'jBILS AND JiNOY GOois, J*o ifhklitbn attention of tfe* TRAD is Ijinyited **• SBT'KiBKBT Sri ASD' M 8 CBtJ BOH ALIBY, W*c. -J.iT* > W ’W, >NS-'- 5 1 • ' ' ; , . * ; ~ Ar«aov opanJo* «o ok. '■ -' ;/ SXAPIiE DRT 800 DB, "■ s ~ T«wUoh tfceylnyit4tll« fcttfntloQ of ' % - OABU AMB Papiapi ERORT iitu BCYEBB. ■• - ■ '• w«*-an gHAPILEIOHy BUB/* 00., • JJK 8 .• - -■■or .7-UNW»Bi ; .! :• ■.-*,>.- HMBBOIDXBIBB, - i i K<)VB29 MARKET STREET,' \ • w " PHIIiADELPHIA. jjIALLSTOOK HIX.K AND FANCY GOODS. o # t.. ».--V;',6«^ ! itanttt '**■■■*.'.*— i.. JOKS; JSXBBONS, AKDTfANOT <*001)8 • J'tf '»kieh tharJ«iTlt« taß ißeaUiii'or ; • j " ■dlftSm' ’ ! ’ f .“' '/V ■■-. ’ / J / t. wat 8i co-, Kml 22J MARKET Stmt ud 10 OHUROB Alley. . t ' .IMPORTER? ARP JOBBERS' j ... IST GOODS, . ■ - Are oow’fally preparedfor the i - RdIL-T#iD-B. : ' ,'i Theeompletoneel ofthelr Static, both for Will be fcrindte offeredeantagea to bayeri, onini pwM bp any other In tMecountry. a dll-3 d jpiAUf STOOK. FITHIAN,. J.ONBB, & 00., No. 216 MARKET STREET, ; TBBOUOB.TO No. aO4.CH.UR6H ALLEY, Bara sow In atozo a COMPLBW STOCK BEASONABLBDBY GOODS, To ehiehthoy Inrlte the attention of Buyers from all pert* of theUnlon, ’ anl&-2m gITEB.YAN AJULIN, A GLASS, IMPORTERS .. ABD VBOIEBALI DE ALERS,; IN HOBIBBY, ~ GLOVES, j PANCJY GOODS, to. ■ No. 428 MARKET STBEET,. ■ ABOVE POURTH, PHILADELPHIA. A KNOWLES, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HOSIERY, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, (HAYS BaHOTBD TO) ' N0a.430 MARKET AND 42$ MERCHANT STB., At *A jost optatd % NEW AND OOUPLBTB STOCK OS GOODS, ezpreealy adapted to PALL TRADE, To which the attention of their customers end FIRST • CLASS BOYERS I* in»H«d. aolT-dtnoTl gOHAFFERtc BOBERTB, Noi 489 MARKET STREET, lurtoTiu aid joßßKas or HOSIERY, GLOVES, ;; ; ■ SMALL It ARBS, COMBS, BRUBHES, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, LOOKING-GLASSES, GERMAN AND PBBNOH PANOY GOODS. "aoilAni' ./ ... ®enUsratn’H Jatnialjina «ooi>a. -WINCHESTER .& 00.; GENTLEMEN’S TV PURNIBHINGSTORE, . . PATENT SHOULDER; SEAM SHIRT MANUPAO. . • TORT,- At tbe Old Ftud, No. 70S CHESTNUT STREET, oppo eMothe Wnahuipoa Homo- - A. WINCHESTER will tire, aa heretofore, hla par. eonal eapmrlalon to.theOutttng and ManofMturins departmenta., Ordera for Me oelebrated stylo of Shtrta andOolUrt SUed'at the ehorteet notice. Wboleealo trade .applied on Hberaltermr. Jy24-ly •T WVSfIOTT, (late of this Arm of Wih- W • OBaataß *Sto’n,)IGBNTLEMEN'S PURNiaa- INGBTORM and SHIRT MANUFACTORY,; 814 CHESTNUT Stmt, (nearly oppoalto tha Girard Houee,) ? JVW?!!, would' reepeetfnlly call tha. attention of hla format bitronaand hla naw, Sttre, tad ie pro oared to All ordera for'SHIRTS at abort notice, A nwfeot St narantltdF COUNTRY TRADE eupplted SdthPINESH(BTB and COLLARS.;. Jyft-tf iwJJa* «riJ> iparaaols, CLEEFEfe it, FENNER, ” , MaHupaotokebs op : UMBRELLAS and ! FARASOLS, \; . No. 334 MARKKT STREBT, INYITH THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS, To Their 1 ': IiABOE AND VARIED BTOOK. /3AMPBJ3LI/* DININa SAXiOOK, V'OonlMOf THIRDSt. and HARMONY OOUBT, . s foi erranl Am Wfti tQ U ‘MONDAY »«*, fiMffinat., vrlth Ituptoftmetoi* tuttL al -tOTittfmjrvrbfeh'WiitdolbH ibe town’. Th« host hss ilurttwa his tom hitd the tssfc of Iron sesl, and wa thins -thitrhls eßhrtSrwUl meat with anlyeml spprohstlon. Whan nopenad It wIU be s model asUbllshmant.. fiIALAD finest ToAcan Lynoh :»*sjOil,',bratbr»'*idMropailobjr'w- r ■.. t's is r ‘?» WIIIiUMH,^YBATONt >: !'' ? -;.->WSeHU‘ «RpNisti.. - • ■ ifiboießaU glrg IJH> DEALERS IK OIL CLOTHS. TJis oal>acriber k*Tlng superior fullitleti for Muni fwittring • • .' ■ • TLOOR, TABLE, STAIR, and ' :J CARRIAGE Oil. OLOTHS, I§ now prepared to offer great tndaeementa to Buyers from all parte of the country. - A large andoholoeßtpck Constantly on hand. . Great care will he taken In seleoting for Dealers who orderby mall. WAREHOCBB, Ho. 239 ARCH Street, Phils. au33-3m» ~ TnOAIAB POTTER, Manofaotnrer. . jgLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERfI OF OIL OLQTHS, WARBHOBSB, 14# NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA, ■ Otni to the trade a full stook of Floor oil Olothe. medium ud extra aualltr enamelled Muslin Drills ana Dock. '‘ Table (Ml Cloths, new styles; gteen glased OH Cloth for window shades. " A templet* assortment of Window Shades, trimmings, &o/ w* invite the Attention of dealers to our stook. a*ie»fcn JJIDGWAY, HETTSSKEB, & 00., IMPORTERB OF OWTHB, DOESKINS, uit OASSIUBIUBSr SOLSiOUM #OB TBS FOLLOTTCRO CELEB'R ATED MANOFACTDRHRft: IRBDi BROKERS, (LlttU Tloktt,) : W. A. JOHAiiST, Abbot, OKVEfii) t BOHWIDP, (8 And M Olotha,) 9AMBONA BROTHBRS, (Ptaoj Oaulmwat,) BROICHA LAMBERTB, (t and B Olothi,) a. TOBNRIBS A 00., r. G.HBBRMAN A SON, (Uuob Cloth) HASELOff A 00, ifo. IH CHEBTHUX STREET, PHILADELPHIA. H. W. HIDOWAT, OHAB. HEOBBHSR. T/Onft PACKAGES Afiwvv Brown and Bleaehed SUEKTINOS, SHIRTINGS, and DRILLINGS, *■ *■' direct from LACONIA, GREAT 7ALLS, HADLHY, PERKINS, .MASSACHUSETTS, DWIGHT, BABTLBT, and CABOT HILLS, In which will be found a Urge and desirable aaeortment, 1 to which we Mg to oali the attention of the trade. ROBESON INDIGO BLOB PRINTS, HAMPDEN XWEBBB, BTBIPBS, TICKINGS, AND COTTONADEB, In great variety*' SATINETS, PLANNELB, *O., • Por eele hy' FROTHUfGHAM '& WELLS, Ageatd, ani-Bmlf ti LETITIA Bt. and 84 S. VRONT St. JJIOHABDSON’S XSISH LIKENS, . X>AJyCA.6KS« I>rAJE>BRS, aco. OONOtJMSRS of BIOHA&DBON’B LINSNB, end tho«o desirous <* obtaining the OBKUINB GOODS, ahould •M tk»t ili« Articles they puroheie Are sealed with the full name of the flnn|,. RICHARDSON, SONS, fe OWDBN, •As AgsArAnteebf the soundness end dorabillty'of the Goods. This eeutloa is rendered essentially necessary u Urge qaantitiM of Inferior end defective Linens ere prepared, eeeeon. efter -season, and sealed with the name of SIOEAKDfIONa by Irish houses, who, regurdlesi of the liyaxT.thtts inflicted alike on • the Amenoan consumer lendtth? menafeetaren of the genuine Goods, will sot reMUy'abandon a business so -profitable, while pur* chasers,can be Imposed on with Goods of * worthless character. v , . , jr. BULLOOKE «t J. B.LOCKE, . Wr2»-«n»' Aeente. 88 OgpitOH Street, New Toth, JJtokirfl. Rb.;ooes.on,, • ‘ BEAL ESTATE BBOKBR. - Money,Loaned on Bond and Mortgage, v Collection! promptly .made. NORBISTOWjr,, PA Vl/ITHEBS &PETERSON, , . ma turing in ttii or : other States. and parties adriaed immediately on rflMipt of fund*. . , -'ihatf't* at (lighter a few days id ran, ©ashed at mode* rate rates. - .*• >-'• -■ ■ J > T- ‘ * :• Southern, Eastern. Western, and PennwlTsnla State Money bonght at low figures. ■ Drafts drawn on all the principal cities intheUelon. aa2l*3tn : : |*'IHARLEB E. BOOK, REAL ESTATE BROKER ARB AGHNT, < Ho. Mix WALNUT STREET. „Rml Rotate pnr&sasd - and' soldi Houses rented. Rente and Ground Kent* collected. Hone; procured on mortgages, ground rents, &o. > - aiFMOSOOS. rtederlok Tralej, Bsq.* , 1 Was. D. Lewis, Bsq. Morris L. Hallowell, Esq. I Thos. V Bpwhawk, Em., James Dunlap, Bag., | Caleb Jones, Esq. auBo lm A DGOST BELMONT, ~~ iJL BANKER, » BEAVER STBBRT, Haw TOBK, laaoaa Lettora of Ondlt, arallaole to Trarallora, on all parta ot tha world- - JeBo-8m (pIBONISE’A 00., V 9 SPECIE AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 40 South THIRD Btnat, raiaanaLrau. ** Refer to the Bihih and BaoEate of Philadelphia. Jaf-ly . ous. xuan. ». k.bbowb. M.utaun.n MANLEY, BROWN, & 00., BANK-NOTB, _ 6TOOK L AMD BXOHANOB "'brokxrl H.W.oorwrof TBIRD and dHEBTNUX Btmta, raiLADILMU. Collections made. and Drafts drawn on allp arfi of the United States and the Canadas, on the most favorable terms* < Collections made, and Drafts drawn on Sngland and Ireland, Unourrent Bank Notes bought, land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers In Specie and BoUlon. loans and Time Paper negotiated. - Stocks and loansbought and sold on Commission at the Board ef Broken in Philadelphia and New York. JeMm IDWABD B. PARRY, BIOHAKD B. PARRY, Notary Pnblio for ■ Oonunlntoner for . Minnesota. - Pennsylvania and ! New Jersey. PAR RY 4 BROTHER, ■ BROKERS A GINEBAL LAND AGENTB and QQNVEYANOKBB, FROTfT'STRSET, abcvt HICKORY, - MANKATO, MINNESOTA, Pay particular attention to loaning and investing Money for non-residents and others, and collecting Drafts, Notes, Ao. Any letters of sxQoiar or business will receive prompt attention. Befer to Wood Baoon, A Co., Philadelphia. Dais, Boss, A Withm, Philadelphia. Sharp, Haines, A 00., Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Bills A 00., Philadelphia. Parry A Randolph. Philadelphia. aygl-flmW ■ QTarpetinss. Aroh-stbeet oabfet ware- have received our Pall supply of Carpetings, and have atmeof the HANDSOMEST GOODS IN THE CITY. All the neW styles of Velvet, Tapestry, Brussels, Three ply, Ingrains, arid Venitiana. of the beet make, bought at YEJVY LOW PRICES FOB CASH, to be sold accordingly. With a full assortment of . . OIL 1 CLOTHS, DRUGGETS, Ae. We have all the goods usually kept in a FIRST-CLASS ESTABLISHMENT, and are prepared to sell them at extremely LOW PRICES. FOB CASH. OtDDBN A RIORNBB. aefeB-2w 832 ARCH Street, 2 doors below Ninth OABPETS FOR FALL SALES. DAILY A BROTHER, No.. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, Are now prepared to exhibit to the trade a very ex tensive stook of FINE CARPETINGS, Imoorted direct from the best manufacturers, or pur chased at the large sales in New York, oonsliung of THE NEWEST PATTERNS (manor never before offered for sale) Of VELVET OABLPETAin single and donblo widths: TAPBBTRY BRUSSELS, extra inallty; OHOIOE HEAVMRUB3ELB, neat designs, Also, BUBER THRBE-tLY INGRAIN and VENETIANS, of every variety of style ra|guallty.» , Confining ourselves exclusively ffiOn CASH SYSTEM, era shall ho enabled at all times to give oar onstomers the best Goods, at the • LOWEST PRICES Cijino, ®ia<sßwaxe, &t. rjnJBNBXrt.L & 00., IMPOSTERS AMD WHOLESALE DEALERS CHINA ANJD QUEENSWAHE, No*. 23 and 26 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Between Merkot and Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. K7* OLABSWABB, open oe b j the package, atißl-fim fjNO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN HEROHANTS. A lug. Stock or OHINA, OLABSWABB, AND VANCY ARTICLES, ~ A* *BB uvm KIBMI 7BIOEI, A* - , MARXSEN A WITTE, Importer*, ' MASONIC HALL, TlB CHESTNUT STREET. janjWy „ _ , ... , .. ■ . ffi&ttrational. TENNENT-SOHOOL. HABTSVILIiE, PENNSYLVANIA. ■ ' BOYS FITTED FOR COLLEGE —OB— business. ,«« 08. OOSN.HOM . .R«ference£~Bev. Albbbt BASISS, Lbwi» JN*; hS». cbib. j. jrmuw»B» ylr P R fh?* a ‘ PHILADELPHIA,; FRIDAY, OCTOBER I, 1858. Nero jpnbiitaiiona..T, Get the b^est.—! OUT. OUT, ■ !: . OUT. ,j OUT. " ' - • i IMLAY A MOKNELUd ' , a « • BANE NO** kBtO&TEfc. ' WITU ’ T" ' ' tr NEW COUNTERFEITS FOR THE MONTH. ■ ■ 83 NEW COUNTERFEITS PORtTHStWESK. IMLAY & BIOKNELL’3 REPOHT.It 1» the onlj oouruxa Built Note List la tin; United ' Kf*«Aoty takes it. It is the BEST «ni thh CHEAP EST. i - IMLAY k BIOKNELL \ >■' ' - .Detected., yesterday afternoon, in tbitUUy* t[>“O"UJ 1 t«rrelladescrtbedin IMLAY,&vBftKNELt'S *r N VT R»ady Single Copies. 5 cents; if you want the \y eekly for 1 year, call and subscribe,-or send sl\ Berai- JSSISITt, W,2S .Monthly, 76 cents. Qflcef, No,-112 8. THIRD Btreet, Bulletin Building. 'lf ae3Q-2t# TAS. CHALLEN & SON, ■ ; ' Publish • OHALLBN’SnE# JUVENILE LIBRARYj 3d Be- lO toD.j , illustrated. Adapted’ tbthe. Sunday, School and FaraUy. NetsecUrian. ' - - , Al« 0 »new editionsofCHALLEN’B NBTf JUVStNILE LIBRARY. BeriesNo.l, Illustrated. .? \ ' ‘ ’ These books hare been endorsed by BOnfiay Bohoole of erery denomination. 10 to!s. 82 50.. > -0 . " THE CITY OF THE GREAT KING.*? “The moat accurate and reliable account of modern Jerusalem yet, language ” ' ' jjHADJI IN BYRIA. Oloth, cent*,; bluascui gold IN AND AROUND STAMBOUL, $1.85j . ‘ v - OAYB OF MACHPELAH, and other dtS. ,* blue and gold, $1; ’ / t , -’^efiO-lni- gtrr EAKLY COPIES.—NO# beady, 1 ■., THE fOBttOAL WOEKS Of r . , :'■EtfsA&y : , kL%'A'8 y ;')> t Qr&i BBi.DTirCLLY ILLU&THATBD frllS tiOBB&Afr ‘ , ONE HUNDRED ORIGINAL DESIGNS, By,Barley, Birkot Poster,-Pickerggill, Crop *ey. Duggan, audHivlot; ; , . , . Ana engraved in the finest stole of Wood Engraving by Cooper, Linton, Evans, &0., &A. ' 1 ” Splendidly Bound—Prise Six Bollars. 'Aftv QopUt. in' JkTorocco, Hine DoUart.\ jr Albo, the Fifteenth Edition.of POE'S - OOMPtETS WORKS, In Four Volumes, l2mo. Prfces4 60: Containing the Tales of the Grotesque end - Wonderful Stories of the Imagination; Alibis Poetry; The Story of Arthur Gordon Fym; nndj a.cgmplete collection of all his contributions ’to the] Mafailnea,; Edited by RUFUS W GRISWOLD, D. D.j of His Life, by f. B. LOWELL and N. P, 1 ytllfe.. J. S, REDFIKIiD, Agopt, 84 Beekman Street, New Tork, W BOOK S 8&27»<16t&w2t PROE THE PRESS OF THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL tINION, ' Published Saturday’, September 4th‘. OOOPBR GENT, and other Sketches from ‘f The.Coun* try Pastor's Visit to his Poor » 1 18 mo., clothi' - A record of God's gracious dealings iVith the.m&aneit and humblest of his creatures. Buoday*schooLteechera and other visiters to the abodes of porerfc/;and misery will be encouraged by it. As a testimony faithfulness In bestowing bis blessing upon .labors wrought in Christ's name among.tte children df'sor row and suffering, such a record has pormadent v*lu»j while It also serves as a sample of the method of ap>. preaching, Instructing. and winning those who aup jjosed to be alienated from the common sympathies'of Published Saturday, September 11 tb, LOTTIE’B THOUGHT HOOK. Beautifully, lUttatn* ted. 12m0,. cloth. ,> ' Ir * , Published Saturday, September 18th. ? ’ u ORACLES. A daily Scriptural text-book 'on an.en tirely original plan. 32m0., cloth. To be followed on Saturday, September 25th, by . GRACE TRIUMPHANT. A brief Memoir of John Fleming. By a Teacher. 18mo.,dotb. On Saturday, October 2d. {v ■ HOW TO LIVE. Illustrated in the Lives or Frederick Perthes—-the Man of Business.' Gerhard Torateegen— the Christian Laborer. James Montgomery—the Christian Man of Letters. 12m0., cloth. < T ' f - On Saturday, October Oth/ i t HARRY SEYMOUR; tho Little Boy whose feet would ran home. 38m0., cloth. . < On Saturday. October IQUu ! ' Mrs. COOPERS STORY j or, tho Goldeu Muthrodht. 18mo., cloth. . a .r-' On Saturday, October 23d. KITTY MAYNARD: or, < ( To obey Is better than MC liUce.” By the author of *» Irlah Amy,” tl 'Beafly Work,” etc., etc. 18mo.. cloth. , On Saturday,OctoberBoth. J , ,*• A WEEK.WITH FAN* Yj or. Th*Plfth QcwdteU, , meat. ' IBroo , cloth. Embellished fromrwg“sl 4T:' t&Bufu Hmwir*wtu xm 1 xwr THE GOSPELS; compiled**!*-- prepared with especial reference to the'wants of reuta*ad Bunday-scbool Toacbers. Part HI. LUKB AND JOHN. Edited by Rev. Robert J. Parftn/fer Loroy, N. Y> 18mo , cloth.- - • - ■ . . . jOa Saturday* November Wih. «.*•*■ ALLIS £AmEYj o~r,EtecnesofWosterfiLlfe, cloth. . , • ' DAISY}, or, The Lost Lamb. Beautifully illustrated. 1 Ou Saturday, November 20th'. ’ • THE DRAMA OP DRUNKENNESS} or; Mxtoen Soenes in the Drunkard’s Theatre. 18moJ cloth, ,» On Saturday', November 27 th ' OBHIBLLB; or, Missionary Life Ih. Africa! ljmo.*' cloth. Fully Illustrated. Sa reral other books of great Interest will be published' during the season, by the . , j AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNIOK, No. 1122 CHESTNUT STREET/ ' Philadelphia. : And for sale by all Booksellers. , ’ae24-f tu-JSel ~ Baninas ifan&o. rjYHE STATE SAVINGS FUND, I J No. 241 DOCK STBEET, NEXT DOOB TO THE POST OFFICE INTEREST FIVE PER OBN* Mont/ received Daily, end every MONDAY EYEHNG, oh nnroßir, IN SUMS LARGS AND BUAX.I, PAID BACK DAILY, FROM 9 O’CLOCK A. M. TO S O’CLOCK P.M DBTOBITOBB OAM DBAW TBEIB MOKKY BY OHBOJQ, AS IS BiHK, ir DBBIRED. GEO. H. HART, Prealdeot. OHAB. G. IMLAT, Trewam J. HENRY HAYB, Teller, THE SfEIHU GARDEN SAVIN* FUND. (Ouinug BTjrn LiaißUrsuor Fnntßn.Tiiiu4 PERPETUAL OHABTEB. OTB FBB OBNI. Xntorat tilsirad to D<{Mltgn, , ~*7 ~~ and aU Monera Paid baok on Demand. OIFIOS, 881 NORTH THIRD BTREST, (OOSSOLIDi-tlO* fim BOILDIH0.) > Thle Inautntioa la now open lor the tranaaothn bosineea, and lathe o air Chartered Baring Toad toatel la the northern part orthe oity. The Offloe will be open (daily) from 9 to 2# o , dool r and aleo on MONDAYS and THUBfIDAYB, from 6 until to’olooklntheßrening. • • MANAGERS. James 8. Pringle, Jaoob Dock, Joseph M. dowell, George Woelepper, J.Wealej Brer, Robert B. Daridaoa, R. 0, Bllm&ker, John P. Vcrree, George Kneaht, i John Horn. , (t, JAMES 8. PRtNGIB. THORN. * ap2Mtf ‘ Frederick Klett, Stephen Smithy John? Levy. Hon. Henry s. Strong) Daniel Underkofler. Hon. Wm. Mlllward« Trederiek BUake, Vranole H&rt, Joseph P. LeOlere, John Ketaler, Jr., < . Presides Secretary* G2OBGE T. 1 tSAVLNG FUND.—UNITED STATES TBUBT COUP ARY, ooroer of THIRD And OJ9BBX KDT Street*. 1 t«M and email sums received, and paid baok on d< mand? without notice. with J?IYB PSR OBNT INTXH IST non the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal, j Office hoars, from 9 until 6 o’clock every day, and oi KONDAY EVENINGS from T until 9 o’olock. ] DBATTB for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland torn £1 upwards. President—STEPHEN B. 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The mvestmentfl are made in oonfonnit/ with the provisions.of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MOBT &AGKB, GROUND RENTS, andsaeh first close eecari- Ues as will always insure perfect seonrlty to the depoel* tors, and which eannot fau to giro permanency and stt bUlty to this Institution, aal»ly NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET FIVE FSB CENT. STATIC BAVINQB FUND. [VO. 88 (241) DOOR STREET. —FIVE LY FSB OENT, STATE SAYINGS FUND. NO. 88 (241) DOOR STREET.—FIVE FSB OENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. IVO. 88 (241) DOOR STREET.—FIVE Ll FEB OENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND, nnl-ly Safes. jgALAMANDER SAFES. A largo aaaortment of EVANS A WATSON’S PHILADELPHIA MANSIAOTUIBt SALAMANDER SAFES, VAULT DOOBS, For Banka and Storoa. BANK LOOKS, Equal to any now In nee. IKON DOOBS, SHUTTERS. Ao., On an good terma aa any other establishment In tho* United Statea, by . EVANS A WATSON, No. 26 South FBONT Street, Philadelphia. . PLEASE GIVE US A OALL. • • . aulß-tf . express (Eompnmes. THE ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE, 820 CHESTNUT BTIU9ET, forwards FABOELS, PAOKAGEB; MERCHANDIZE,'BANK NOTES’and SPECIE, either by Its .own LINES, or In oonnaetlon wlthothec EXP BEES COMPANIES, to aU tha principal TOWNS and CITIES Of the United feutea.' - ’ - B. B. BANDFOBD, Mlitt.. , ! . SWTnlSppaUitMidtnUi ifh T'RIDAY, OOTdjBER 1, 1868. Past itints towattis the Magnetic Tele- Onoe upon a time, we encottntorod a man of groat ability, who Hadfoad, thought, and "Acted mtich. biit w.hoao. oplnion of modern’ ■science, tUochaulcai and .otherwise, was very' disparaging. lie ■ believed - that 1 the ancients hnew a' hundred things, in the Way Of me-, chanics, of wbioh’ iSC werU wholly ignorant j tbit HiKtid, and net James Watt, invented tbe steam-engine; and that the Marquls of WonoESTßß'was the undoubted re-dlsaoverer of steam navigation and railroad locomotion. TSeT arguments'by .whioh he sought'to esta blish his proposition were curiously ingenious At any Tate. 1 - • ' We directed Attention, a few days ago, to oneoftM papers of Addison in.TAe Spectator, in whichi reference is, made, to a passage on the works-of -pAMuntf s ■ Steada, in wbioh the modern mothbd'of'teligrS{itlfc'feommttnl(iatlon is very,curiously shadowed forth. A* literary iriepd, who has rather, inoro industry and time than ourself, has -kindly sought and found the passage in question, and has favored hs, alaoy with some particulars respecting its little-knowhauthor. , . . . Stbada, was; born at Rome-in’.1672, and having joined tbe Society : of Jesuits, in his fifteenth year delivered lectures on rhetoric in the College ‘of the Propaganda’., He devoted his life to letters, end was specially ambitious of-earning literary eclat.'-Among bis-most noticeable literary performances was a series of essays upon Oratory, Philosophy, and Poetry, first printed in .1817, entitled Prolusions* Jtcadtmica', in which are contained some ad. mirable imitations of difTorent Roman authors, In the style Of “Father Prout’s Heliques.” Amongst the poets, whose style, is: parodied, figure Ovid, Viroil, Lucan, Claudius, Sta tius, Lucretius, and others. The' imitation of LughetioS, whihh occurs in the'dzth,Pro lusion of.'the',second .Book, contains the, re-, markable description of the Loadstone and-its power of communicating intelligence, which we here glve in theongihal verbatim ■■ “ Magnes genus est lapldis mirablle cut si Oorpor* ferri plura stylosve adtnoveris; inde Non modo Tim, motumqae' txahjnt; qaO 'semper ad Qua lacet rieina polo se tettere tentent; Vertun e tiara njlr* inter so rations znodoque Qqotquot awn lapldamtetigere styli, simol omnes Gonspitare situm mototnqae ridebis in anam, Ut si forte ex his aliqalS Boms moTo&tar Alter ad hunc motuna, qaimtis sit disslhulonge. Amno ee natural feeder© vertet.* ■ “ Ergo age, si qnid rclre toles, qol dlstat amlcum, Ad qaemnplln aocederepossltepi&tola; same Planum orbem patulnmque, notaa elementoqae prims Online, quo dlecunt pneri, describe per oras Bxtremas orbia: medloque repone jacentem, Qul ietiglt magneta, styimn; ut versatilis Inde Litterulam quamenmque Tells, contiogere posslt. Halos ad pxemplumj eimlU fabricaferis orbem Margins dworiptem, munitomqae indies forri,— Perrl quodmMum magnate accept tab 1110. • Hano orbem ileceißuras eibi portet arnicas, qdo tempore, queUvs diebas .Bxploret stylus an.trepldei, quldre indiee signet. > •' ' - “ HU ita eoiß]X>altU, si clam eapis slloqul unlcum, Qnem prowl frtoto tirftlidUtioet or* | • w Orbl adjudge maaum, ferrum temtile tract*; ' ' Hla dUpoat* tM«9 Vecarot* Is marglbe toto:. Quail opa« *d terbs notU,huo dlrlfe ferruca, mod* hsno, aod<T et illatn cusplde tang®, Mjltflraroqae Ueromqiia rotando, liirail<l«ji ! : 4i»tig*qtrf«ilfitit'edrxilt"ECßlcaii * Naltlni iraptiUu trepMaretohibil® ferram, Ntmditie, nttn*iHao4fa6amr«r4oaaciasbseret, Obaarr»tqa« atyli dtt'rtura, seqditttrqaa lagaodo (i 'Bioft a*4ne bte« dterntfat*, qalbua larerb* floaqtla, ' “ Quid alt opa* Bentitrrtrroque lotarpVoWdißCit. ->- Qolo etiam cum attYe itjlum vldet, I pig vlolsilm Sl quM reapoadanda pntat slmil! ratUne, Liitemli* v*ria Uetla, r#serlbH amlco. “ 0 atinun haao ratio Hribendi prodeat nra, Oaut'or at oitlor properarat cplatola, nulla* Latsouum t«iIU ia&ldUa fluvloate morantas Ipsa aula Prlncepa m&nJbaa slbi oonficaret ram ! Not soboles scrtbarum, et/ursi ex aequore nigro, .Qonsterartmvs talamum MagnetU ad aras!” Having a,’thorough antipathy to dead lan guages In si live newspaper, we take leave to present hero a litoral translation of the above passage* The oonclnsion is so remarkable as to be actually prophetic: “ The Loadstone is a wonderful sort of mineral. Any articles made of iron, like needles, if touohed by it, derive by oontaot not only peculiar power, but a oertaln property of motion by whioh they tom ever towards tbe Constellation of the Bear near the North Pole.' By some peoullar corres pondency of impulse, axiy number of needles, whioh may have touohed the loadstone, preserve at all times a precisely corresponding position and motion. Thus it happens that if one needle he moved at Home, any other, however far apart, Is bound by some seoret natural condition to follow the same motion. “ If you desire, therefore, to communicate Intel ligence to a distant friend, who oannot be reaehed by letter, take a plain, round, flat diso, and upon its outer rim mark down tbe letters of the alpha bet, A, B, C, Ac., and, traversing upon the middle of your diso, have a needle (whioh has touohed loadstone) so arranged that. It may be made to touch upon any particular letter, ad libitum. Make a similar dieo, the exaot duplicate of this first one, with, corresponding letters on its margin, and with a revolving magnetised needle. Let the friend you propose corresponding with take, at his ‘departure, one diso along with him,‘aod let him Agree with »• you beforehand on what particular days and at what particular hours ho will take observation of the needle, to see if it ba vibrating, and to learn what it marks on the index. With this arrangement understood between you bath, if you wish to hold a private Conversation with this friend, whom the shores of some distant land have separated from you, turn your finger to the diso and touch the easy-moving needle. Before you He, marked upon the outer edge, all the various letters; direct the needle to suelr Heitors as are .necessary to form the words yon vfAnt, touching a little letter here and there with the needlo’s point, as it goes traversing round and round tho board, until you throw together, ono by ono, your various Ideal. Lo.! the wonderful fidelity of correspon dence! Your distant friend fcotes tbe revolving needle vibrate without apparent imputso* and fly hither and thither round tho rim. He notes its movements, and reading, as he follows its motion,- the various letters whioh make up the words, he perceives all that is neoessary, and learns your meaning from the interpreting noedle. When he sees the needle pauso, he, In turn, in like manner touobes the‘various loiters, and sends back his answer to his friend. “ Oh! would that this style of writing were brought in use, that a friendly message might travel quicker and safer, defying snares of robbers or delaying rivers. Would that tho Prince him self would finish the great work with his own ,hands» Then, we race of scribblers, emerging i from our sea of ink, would lay the quill an offering ion the altars of the loadstone.” se23~tJanl i This idea of Strada’s is based upon the er roneous inipresslon' entertained generally at kho time when he wrote, that magnotio power, when transferred from the loadstone to me- Ullic articles like needles, communicated to them a kind of homogeneous impulse, whioh, pf necessity, caused between them a precise sympathetic correspondence of motion* The Practical idea of telegraphic communication by means of a wire is, however, of much later lt will; perhaps, astonish most of our (readers to learn that as early as the latter part o\ the eighteenth century, before Mr. Morse w,B horn, the theory of eleotrical corres pndence by means of a wire was practically ilistrated. In the «Tour” of Arthur Yung, Esq., F. R. S., tho- distinguished Ag rlulturiat, published originally in 1780, and wlchi contains a record of a journey through 1 Irtand in 1775-78, tho following passage oc cui: ‘ 'in Eleotriolty, Mods. Losmond has made a reo-rkablo ;difioovory: you write two or three wois on a paper : he. takes it with him into a root, and turns & maohine enclosed in a oylindrl calrnso, at the top of whioh is an electromotor, in thehape of a small fine pUh ball. A wire con no <s with a similar, cylinder and eleotrometer in a dtant apartment, and his wife, by remarking thoorrosponding motions of tho ball, writes down theworda they indicate, from which it appears thahe hat formed an alphabet of motions. At thekngth of win makes no difference in the ef&\ a correspondence might be carried oft at any rffstjMto—within and without a besieged town, for Jn|ancer-or for a purpose muoh.more worthy and ASihowAnd.'times tmore harmless,- between , two / ■ loyeri, prohibited or prevented from any better epistolary interoour&e.*’ A- second edition of, Mr. Young’s Tour .waa published in:quarto in 1794, and the above ex tract may/be found on page 79,volumo,lst.i; • The statement* by Mr* Brett; the English Electrician, which’ follown this article, would appear to' establisji'ibr thVfc' gentleman a ■ very strong, claim to’.: priority' of practical sugges-. tionasrespectstheOce/inTelegraph, > . Firstldeaofthe Atluntic Cable* r. .At the Tecent’ b&nquat*at Killarney,.(lre? ; • land,) to Celebrate the laying of the Cabje, Mr* Brett, the is one of the Di rectors of the Atlantic Tolegraph Company, ■made the folldWiftg interesting statement: l' • « The very-fiWfc idea of the 1 Atlantic oable—l may, perhaps,-be accused of egotism, I wish to borrow no man’s laurels—was registered by my-' self, and giy brpther in the Government office,l4’ Jeara ago. In .the year f 1845, at ttie-Jointstock we registered .a submarine tele* , graph to go from Valentla, Ireland, to St John’s, • Newfoundland. ' N I will gd baok for one moment .to, tell you the origin of that.- The telegraph had' i been .working., botwean London and Slough. ‘ It” struck ue ih conversation in the evening with‘my. •brother; 1 whohad a coneiderable meohanioal turn,* ' tbat there was a latent power in ihetelegr&pVfor r the 1 , benefit ofiall mankind;* In that evening the idea. may say* took possession of. my owamind>, and It never until X a&wjc earned out. lat oboe urged it tipoh my brother, who Was then llv- me;-and'wishing td'see him occupied, I said if he would take opt averse to pa-.. tentSr-X would find measures to carry them out. I then and there addressed- a letter tq Sirß. Peel, who was then at the head of the Government} pro*, 'posing to unite' England and Franceif Government would afford us assn lancer I rdoel ved a reply di recting as tooall at the Admiralty-Office. l l/oalled on. Sir S. Cookbum,- but. all the made were rejected,' I then applied to the,King of the Frenoh for assistance, wbiob, under.certain restrictions was-at last ■ granted. fHear,' hear.] I dame forward -purposely with my own funds, for none were ready to support, so foolish an Idea, and as the Times very justly observed on the oo i oaeion, the jest of yesterday is become the fact of to-day. I shall never forget -the day. whon ’ the' Uttle steamer went-on her journey, with-the -oable from Dover to .Calais.. jl watched . the little boat with' trembling nntil its funnels ap ’pßara below tbe horizon, and until -its. smoke, died away in the air, 1 dhtu 'at longth having arrived' at Calais,' a signal was transmitted to the opposite end ofthe line. / T fc. is quite true, as Pro fessor Thompson said/ that there wa&but one mas-. SSge transmitted ; audio mrprjsed were the by ■ standertf when the first message came out of the tclegraph that'they asked if the paper. and all, had travelled; across. ..Our telegraphic message, was received between 1 aqd 2 o’olock in( the morn ing in a little horse-box; in foot, myself and an at tendant were the only persons left In oharge of it. At 2 o’clock in the morning he said, ‘.All is well, good night after the fatigneS of the day,’ and we retired to. rest., Negt morning the continuity was broken, and we ascertained. by .means similar to those' by which'Professor Thompson, \ with his 'great ability, waS'able to ascertain almost the very point where the damage to the Atlantio oable took place—we ascertained i that. the had taken place near,the£k9re* The. submarine-cable, as you all' know,..was carried out next year be tween England and France; but then bame the question, could electricity be safely used at great, depths?- The obanqel, as you are. aware, is but a .merefishing-pond. 'Codld-a oablo belaid down safely at the bottom of the ocean! I 'then pro , posed to go ipto the Mediterranean, though the two lines wbloh had fixed my mind wore ueomedly India and Amerioa. 1 appealed to the, Emperor of the Frenoh, and asked him to give me bis assistance in the undertaking, stating that I pro- Sised to/establish communication, between the' ontinent and' Afrifla, and from that to India. His reply was,'‘-Why don’t your own Government: and the.lndian Government support you?’ I said, ‘As yet they faith in such an under taking ; when they saw the signals transmitted to Africa they would, believe lt. r Thus,,'l Regret to say, U was from a forbign country that I was obliged to get enobunmement. • Mr. Brett; proceed ed with a statement of bis laying a line to Corsica. The. Sardinian, Government met him most nobly, and placed assistance at his disposal. When they were about to* bommenoe laylogthe oable in the deep water the’ Emperor of the French expressed 1 a desire to. get tbe nest opinions in tbiaoountry as. ito the pbssibUity :.of laying,the cable in those grekt depths. On being-referred , to, the gentle , men who were 'ai.that time believed to bejbeat ac quainted with those matters said it would be im possible. to lay- a. cable ,in water exoeeqing 600 fathoms in u denthr, i He (Mr. Brett) soldi he had ' TartMt-fc/vooXathoms;buttheyeald thathnust be* an accident, and that'it could not be dorm again. At that time/ however, he (Mr. Brett) had the < cable all ready, and/rathdr than stop the underta , king, he determined to oonooal the adverse opini ons those gentlemen.,bad gVfen, tbe babTe'at onoe. 1 * That was done* and the only fault was want of length, being twelve miles'ahdrt. Tho Mediterranean cable being laid, be*agaid turned bis thoughts to-Amerioa, nod communicated with Professor Morse and Mr. Field, and tbe underta king was attempted, the successful issue of whloh they were met that day to celebrate.” ’ Hotel Marketing in New York. Oar New York correspondent sends ns a I sketch of the market statistics of a first-class ! hotel in «the Empire City.” He has been invited"to accompany, the steward, or inten dant, to market, and assist in purchasing one day’s food, and says t I oosfess the programme was rather appalling. What hungry wretohes we are! What heoatomba it takes to tame down eurappetites! Pint to Washington market— u the land of the beef, the home of the bird.” Here the Reward intimates to the man who “ runs wld do masheen and kills for’Keyser,” that he desires thirty racks of mutton, three sets of ribs of beef for roasting, three sirloins ef beef, two lambs, four logs of mutton, two rumps of inebriated beef, besides any qnantity of calves’ heads, kidneys, livers* tripe and sweetbreads. Next, of the feathery tribe, he oalls for thirty pairs routing chickens, thirty-five pairs for broiling, thirty-six Philadelphia rquaba, fifty ohioken partridges* and several ‘ flocks of young duoflk and greemgeese—the whole making a carHoad of roast, boil, broil, and fry. Our anticipatory'appotite gorged with the flesh of beasts of the field and fowls of air and barn yard, over we trudge to Fnlton market, at the other terminus of the street. Here, after a few satisfactory experimental tests and tastos, we think we shall be able to got thrdughthe day with six : barrels of musk-melons, : six 'water-melons, four baskets of peachos, fifty poundß of hot-house i grapes, four boskets of tomatoes, two hundred ears I of oorn, two hundred okras, two borrols potatoes, | and frightful quantities of string beans, Lima ■ beans, turnips, carrots, onions, cabbages, ououm* bers, lettuce, egg plan*! parsley, mint, Ac., <fco. Perhaps you may have the honor of recollecting three highly respeotabto otd gentlemen of antiqui ty, called Apioius. The first, who lived in tbe time of Sylia, was simply a feodor, and of not muati account. The second, who was more of a gentleman, lived during tho administration of Ti berius. This Chap went in strong for fish and oake. Ordering up his yacht, he made a speoial sail, on one oooosion, over to Africa, where hq un derstood the shell-fish wore tip-top; but when he approaohed the land, and'the fishermen came off with what they assorted to be their best artlole, the rubiound old gontleraan found them to be in ferior to the Italian, plaoed his .thumb tip of made a certain peouliar movement with hjs fingers, winked a very sly wink, ordered the jxiot to pumbout, and “ put” fdr home with eleven. landing. Apioius number thvfee was a great fellow for oysters, and wrote seveAl scrappy 'pamphlets'on cookery. Gould these musty old an oints have witnessed the general looseness wijh which*we orderod the day’s edibles, they would have confessed the maize, at once ordered dinner'at the hotel we oaterod for, and so licited iho honor of au introduction to its genial - Books Received* . Frank Forester’s Field Sports of tho United States, and British Provinces, of North Amerloa. By Henry William Herbort 2 rols. Bvo., with illustrations. New York: W. A.'Townsondi Peasant Life in Germany. By Miss Anna 0. Johnson. 1 vol. 12tno. Now York: Charles Soribner. Mrs. Leslie’s Juvenile Series. Vol. 1. The Motherless Children. Vol. 2. Play and Study. 12md. Boston: Shepard, Clark, A Brown. Phi* ladelphia : T. B. Peterson A Brothers. [For The Pres#.] * THE TELEGRAPHIC CABAL. On the Cable’s shockingsHeuce wears hearing constant “ whys ?” And against the operators there are many hues and cries j 1 But soon our Yankee battery will report the current news, , And then the people’s hues and cries will change to orles of Huohbb. THE CABLE. The Gable In Ireland’s seas anchored dead, Or else held by whales la a lighthouse, And the only thing by it got off for a month Is the shocking Philosopher WniraHouse, A Man Crushed to Pieces.—About eleven o’olook on Saturday, morning, says the Cleveland i Plaindeqler. a deck hand on board tho propeller j Globe, bound from'Bdffald to this port, foil down idto. the engine*room, some twelve feet, striking on the. engine whilo it was in full moMon, anu literally‘orushfn# him to froemeuts. His natne was James’Malosy. ’The 'bulkhead around the engine batch, ip pon*e five,feet high and was sur rounded by.freight, amqng *¥°, h w * on Borne barrets. It seems Malony laid down on the sofa and fell eelcop. In turning over, on* awakening,,ho upsot,the-sofa,and.fellasttboye stated - His remains wore brought to this oity for; Interment. HU father and brother live on Sotteoa , street, in Buffalo. . ,* , ‘ t A chess club, is to pe Organized. iu £qrsey City, thirty 'oitl*®M ibaving' ihaV purpose. 3 , .^TWorcEwTs. * FOKEIC}^' INTfiLtIG^CE., V ' '■ [recbiybd iiUßlAi’] *. Tho Britlsh fifOjTemment have jtUflh-enewed tho contract'wltlf'tM Taolfip Bteam*lTAvigstion< Company oftLivefpooF/for^ ofaUyearfli* for tae oonv'eyano.e,;MiniTmOnthlyrOf;iho^BriUs^ Jttauß along .the west ooaat.ofSoufch America from Panama toVaTrW , raiBb^ I 'The'W&p4ny hiv6'sltQ v 4' oontraot' with?.the ohtH-GbVerofiiofaf fof : the coifc mails.of; that reppplto' Between* Yalparaiao and the island oCldAflee. aSyWall-as* subsidies from I ''the several'ietmfil^lfolultinVepn.-, yeyanec of thelocal letters - alonitoe fwfcole iitia 9f;qoastThis s pajl service,in,the! Psclff<rfs«r hitherto, for a ‘period of, thirteen l yeare, r 'Been toll ! 1 and t very punctually eeridtfeled? and in <ihafcj#* gioD, ojyjnj* to.thp qosfeof,obalj,there {would J>e no/ progpeot of a strain Hup Being L direct assistance.' Nearly 'the foreteifComniercedf the republ Ic's'of, Ne*Ur aha* da, .Ecuadfrruggrii, .Bolivia,. and! PbUj, the.’ shores of Whfph are embraced In.the -itinerary of,the Pacific* Steam Navigation Company’s ipaokeli, are be hrthehdnda pf<Engliah merchants. Tim?*., , , -*•' * • ** *'•-* ~ The Lohdon Tmej .publishes a; long letter from a Co'freypon'dent at Valentia in'regard to'the? ■difficultyon uKe-AUabtio telegraph ;cab!e..*,The' ylewj. is ratbor a discouraging one, but it u never-,, thelesa stated, that ‘‘ Mr. Henley, too baa been •for' some dayimStilng' experiments upon the cable, is sangiiinaibftznakihgtbcCflinO again j by the use of. hia , ma chines,.which are nowon their wayfrotn Lqndon. ,, > Mr. Lundy,'one of tbe^elecfrioal 1 aiifytanto. pro-* ;pßededto .Newfoundland? in thO -steainef.Pnnoe Albert fcom.Gatway, for the., purpose .-as asMtUin* ing the condition of the andialsdfdnuthe'purpose. of arraigning* a day on I a oerfcaip kooTjn-'qodo of signals is /o 'be 'Beni at boricerted times from, both endaj and to 'eb deavor thus tove-eafebiifih * intelligible! oommu6i~ ;oetjon~. r; a ' - "i - \ The Ttmestot the lTth .JiM..the.fonowim?'Ju its'' 1 City x AirJole':;*‘Th'e shares ,of \ihje Atlantic Telegraph Company haVeex£erienb&l 4 deolipe to between.£4so,to £46o..:ltjappears .the! recebt ex periments induce a belief ihat.the fracture', or. fraoturea—forit is fHodgbfc there maybb £wq-f~will be found to : «xist J at- s a 'disfcahoVOf between ,tVo„ three hundred'mileg ffom ihb shore ' For about two hundred .and thirty, or, two hundred •and forty miles, the depth four 1 hundred’ ‘ •and;ten fathoms,and withlnthat rangi the mls-/. chief,oould repaired,* bat a sudden-. de-,, scent then becurs'to 1 ,t>\B fathoms, where ex? fcrbmeiy doubtful if aoythlogbbuld'bb done. ' : The probability seems tbat it teAti the damage has been, sustained.’?-,,,,. } | ' ' The BristorAfercwry saya': “Itisl intended ; that a powerful flicamer 'run between. this • port and daiwayin aonnectlon'with the Oalway line of American steamers. ” r *,\ . , I " Thb Great Danlel Baker ohairmanrOsptl fiarrison," and’ Mrl Yaies, seore-' taryof'.th’e Great EssterU 1 Stbamihip Company,- visited Bristol■)ately to, inspeo t the site of tbe pro posed docks at,the mouth of.tlie 'Ayon,.'with.a yew U ascortoin- their 'capability 6f Adaptation to the purposes* of. the Great Eaistern.--;They Were 1 ceired by the Chamber, of . Commerce. The plans* for the proposed docks were submitted .by Mt-- Thornton, oivll engineer,'who"has-beeh actively engaged in. the matter- >and .who.alsojfurnished various soundings whjoh, haye .heep taken. Mr. Baker expressed 'bninfoxiiwhioh was coincided in,by C&ptain Harrison and Mr. Yates, that, if the proposed accommodation, were afforded, Bristol woufd‘ nq the most desirable port for the departure of the Great Eastern; It Kdd Veen found that Liverpool andsoathampton. would b({ unsuitod for saoh a vessel, and the only port, presenting anything like the'neeessary requisites’was Milford Haven'. > If, however, thaneW uocks' made at Bristol Mr. Baker stated that ; itv presented so. many other advantages that he should hnbesifa-' tingfy rocomtuend the adoption of thatpc(rt for the" Great Eastern. 1 ‘ V, ] . -ii Mr. William’ Weir/the principal editor.,of the Daily N&ws } died on the* afternoeu of that. 15th, at hxßVesldence, in London, after an * illness which lasted only a few days.' M 'j '• ‘ - Tho Ero gives currency td a repprt very generally ourrent that A. Wigan 1 will beoome . lessee of the, Brineess’s Theatre, .on the’retirement of Mr. Chas. Kean in July next. . j A Worcester journal ' announces [that, on . Tuesday last 4 Mrs.’P:, of Droitwioh, was safely delivered and hars!- ; . ; I ? ' 1 Sir William ,o’Shaughuessy, an. Irishman, and a native of Limeriok, was the' first who sue-- oocded jn transcnlttiug a voltaio current .undor,, waters 1n.1839.he deposited an-insulaUd oon-r . dueting wire attaohed toa chain-cable in Hooghly, India; by which the electriobnrrent Was* transmitted from one bank of that■ -rivar to • the other.— Times., , > < Split Obanjoesieh.—TVe reslg-, ; nation by Sir Hervey Bruce bf .tho oflioei of Pro- , viuctal- Grand Master cf"the Orange Society ’is the resal tof A groat ; split wbiohbaa ;takpn place 'among the Orangcmon of the county ,pf Ecrry, It appears that; in Anticipation of a general flection,, the Provinaial ■ Grand Lodge, some'time prior to 1857, passed a resolution brethren to' vote for Slr He’ryey Bruce. v Atdhe^election, how erer, a great’number of thcm'dld not Vote for him? They , independent p<*iti6n, iind‘Bpid that, the Grand Lodge had no right to diptate to .them as to tho manner in which they, should exercise their electoral righto. These refractory members, to tho Dumber of at lesst a hundred,.were Drought before their respective lodges and expelled, and in consequence * great' agitation prevails '.in the order. It !b with a view to conciliate the brethren and dissociate himself from the prooCedingk calcu lated to endanger his popularity, in the pounty, and seriously to interfere with bis success at any future genera! eleotion, that Sir Herrey Bruce hag resigned the office of_Grand^Master., FRANCE. The Emperor Napoleon is expected at Paris on the 22d, en route for the camp of Cba lOl'H , - i Paul Morphy has turned the. tide of;battle in his favor on the ohess-boardvand there remains only one game out of sevfen to decide pionship.between Harwits, the Prussian, and the -Hiberno-Amerioan. | Tho Paris correspondent of the Tinies re peats with confidence the'slatement that a batter* tag-ship. completely cased in iron, is at present being constructed at Cherbourg. ; Following the exemplary courage of Duke Malakoff, Marshal Canrobert enters tbe holy hoods of matrimony with tbe widow of tfie late Bnoa do Sottomayor, and beoomes, in right of his strife. a grandee of Spain, if any grandeur attach to that rfoorepld dignity The Paris correspondent of the Times, men tions, ns a report, that the question of free’ trade with Algeria is to be submitted to the examination of the Oonnoil of Btate. It is said that the Minie rifle used in the Frenoh array is to be replaced by an arm on the same»prtaotale, bat much lighter and easier to handfo. AUSTRIA. A letter from Vienna states that it is pro posed to increase the number of dlooeses in Aus tria, though there are already ninety-four bishops. The expense, it is said, is in tbe first instance to be paid by the Government, but os the Church oan now receive donations and legacies, it is believed that it will soon receive enough to maintain them. « The situation of tbe Protestants iu ’Aus tria (says the Zeit of Berlin) now threatens to be come deplorable. It may be remembered that the Protestants of Hungary-petitionedthe Emperor for permission ft). form an Independent religious community, enjoyffcg the Bame rights as others. During t his Majesty's visit tothat country they were led to hope that their wishes would be grati fied, but it is now understood that the request of tho Protestant synod has been rejected, and they have been told that matters must remain in their present state.” t ' WURTEMBERG. A letter from Stuttgardt states that a report having been generali/v spread that the King of Wurtemborg was about to ohange bis faith, his Majesty, & few days ago, summoned all the Pro testant prelates of the kingdom to the and assured them that the rumor was altogether un founded. , PRUSSIA. Letters Trim Berlin announce that the Prus sian ohambers will be convoked in a few d&ysj when tbe Regenoy of the Pxinoe Of Prussia will be deolared. Tho Chambers then wlll be and a'general election will take plaoe. DENMARK Tho abrogation of tho Sound dues has already shown the advantage derived from that measure iu the case of Stettin, where the arrivals this year have already been 3,217 vessels, whioh greatly exoeed those of the last; and the value of the exports and imports there has likewise exceed ed that of those of the preceding year to the ex tent of 6,000,000 of thalers. V RUSSIA. • Vhe Emperor Alexander wishes tho Grand Duke Miohaol to take the post of Govornor of Po land, in the room of'Prince Gortsohakoff, who wishes to retiro. • A Paris correspondent of the Times says that the story about Russia’s Gibraltar in tbe Mediterranean has been a most successful oanard. The inquisition by a Russian mercantile company of jftew coal sheds is a peril only to one Power, ana that perl! of a political and oommeroial, but not of a warlike oharaoter. Russia is no doubt preparing a formidable opposition; to the Great Steam Navigation Company of the Austrian Lloyds. Austria dreads tho development of the Russian Commercial Steam Navy, fearing to see Eastern oommeroe change its track'from Trieste to Pied mont. ' The, Emperor of Russia, not satisfied with having recalled so many Polish exiles fromSibsria, has actually restored to them tljeir formerly con fiscated estates. Tho returned exiles are reinsta ted at once into the fall possession of their proper ty. wlth the oondiUon of pdyidg for t after eighty years. Few oao imagine tho " fPi light oreated in Poland at this unparalleled aotof ® Th& ministerial journal of Berlin asserts that the report of a visit of .the Emperor.AleXander to Vienna is a pure £j’ ’ The Emperor Alexander u said to have made up the profit and lossfooouut of the Circas sian war, ana to have discovered that the bargain hlthorto was, and in future; probably willhe, in reality; a very bad one.- It is, thereforej. his in tention,: so the report-says, ’to pat a stop to th,o war» . '* ,'t‘ . The forest fires in, Russia have cut off tele graphic. QomipuoiQßtiqnbetween Moscow, &t. Petersburg, and NovorogOd. , -v. ' • * SPAIN. -' disturbances having taken at iHnta.'in Spain, on the occasion of a religious fete,- the JSspana; ascribes, them, to ProwsUnt agenU, .And denounces tho different religious societies in ' A-Madrid paper states that Lord Malnies ’bbry hoariven the Apauißb’ Government full ex pianJßi-of tho postages in his speech in the fioiJHsLords on tho slave trade. - He disclaims nil i of.offend iiig tho. “w>M«j gMBjJ*,- tfon I ’—iattoatlng, howovor, » jastlfionUon for : complaint* of tiore nations-who hhvo not obswyod • thb tjriatfeson the 1 *" J ‘ 1 1 C|w»|)f||nt. for|« mind ttfl favoring ral«(/ J most be accompanied by the - iaafocf %ft-i£iter. ? tn*der to insure correctness oC the typogrephycbut one side of the sheet should he i,,V; * . •: A Wdskan be obliged to gentlemen In Pennsyl rothwSU^f^^nbriVdti'cmegiving the cur*- vent hetra localities, the resources 5 ©? thesurroubdlnk’ COobtry, the increase of any Information that will be interesting to tho geheret raider. -- „ v ie|tera fropi y ßarcelona,§tate that Captain ,Gen oral Bale? yeopinme-nda thbraifing of the state hlegeth vatjQqmafifhleh/with'short intervals, baa laitedurfwardy of twenty' - years.' -i a r**W*Jk avb; accoonteifrom Lisbon to the 9th. Ch® .-Xisbop pommeroial -Aseoeistionh ad reported .to the Gov pro men tin favor offree,trade through' bat JPortdgalJ and'wjth'alithe countries. The "Gorfnftnenfwfth'ekpeo'ted todccree the temporary 'admission of the'intborisition voted .jlestseasion, general measure to f vintage Jbf’iB£s will, probably be the 38*fc ~<Ee Already a : very iarge qu«itity ch'giwpw.naY© been shipped and - I* alone who, uprto;thepreflenfc time? had forwarded more grapes amount 0/ the s entire shipments of last year. 1 * * .* ’j'. , ;£ _ Mr? Botanic GardehsHd the island of Madeira, is now in Lisbon^with 1 the'"e'xpfcct£tion Of-obtaining the patronage and 'aesUtfttite Oftbu Portuguese Gov ernment Tor. useful 4 botanioal and labbrs! This gentleman states that J°?re is 'a prbbab'illty that the'yield of wino la Madeira 'this year will bb 800'pipes, whereas iMcntneri years it used te averagebetween 15,000 >U5* %Bpo pipes. ;The farmer, Jbowaver, are still attending .jo rthe cultivation grape, and planting new vines ln' the’ d&triota where the old 5. ave . ou t, sq is every hope that the island restored to its vine producing, condition.’ -An: unqualified contradic tion. inay be ©yen to the assertion so freely pro- Eogland r tbat-the inhabitants of Ma deira have oe&eed to attend to the cultivation of thevine* '' . .. .INDIA AND CHINA. i.The..malls from .Jndia -and*China, already Airgraphed, -Fall details H.V.B*T®£ of this treaty,negbtUttoxui>t Tientsin, bnt little 6f impprUnee W added'to the previous : 'ls«nfTi# editbrial~Temarkß on the subject the ? cABi 1 . “Jf' Our. correot* the two most Important Articles o/ thla treatyrribe resident ministerafPekin/ afidtbe'rfght hf Englishmen to gatoainypartor tfieStinplre for onrloUty or trade r-rWf rq in peril at tbo'verf’ last moment, and wore obtained by Eogland si agio-handed,and only by a of * the Same article it is insinuated, that the Bns« siansresorted fesdme intrigues‘to ,defeat the nago ’tiatious f andthat' a when ’theßussian'and Ameri can-eaglea-take companion 1 • the younger bird does .the work, the elder, eats the prey.*’ The'United States steamer, Mississippi was at Hong Kong, the frigate,.Gmuntpwn was in the Canton river, ‘ steamers Powhatan and Minnesota wertfinihe GulfofPe-chefr-lee. , -A, Hrc, oy Kohah^b.—fjuitojfclittlo buzz has eriete" been moving abont- ih the generally quiet fowu of Beading. - It" seems thaVa young lady, a mttl.e mirriageaotS.age'of twenty, a NeW'Ybrk/of good family, and said to be worth/ the.-snng -little sttnx of eighty thousand dollars—sometbiDg worth -posaes^ng—took it into her precious noddle tbakshe wpuldpatroDixe tho Sensible' advertise for ( a husband,''She believing ih that'mode, wblob of coarse sbe bad a right to do. Among the answers , to, her ptoposala from a -donrbeyman cord oUs-proporiHon kindly, apa np apd oame this ■ way to plasty youth. -'Tmmediately upon >her drriv«Wn the the of tho - ff !| lawtoUad herself in the snug and cosy hotel there, ag&plaeedjieraalf under tho 2« r «of JapdloraKilherh, and then sent for the aforesaid > ybufH. < «hh forthvnth yospondod <rpfi«V'eall^aiid'%bpea^d^Wf(>re t: .her - ladyship.' Th«tyoUng man, it alittletinge of ver daupy about hiim .th& ladyaeeiDS disposed to overlook -th is 4.eM9 t^and, by appear- ,thaf hss, oris fast finding favor ih thd'stiSi^Kdy’rsight.l- Reading Ga zette. a* .-.“i?-?:; • A Shukwd TnvAßroiKß;-~a;' certain church in thia.oityrbeing-Sbouttta their Sab bath*whpql lihtsryjrf&.fiowbookSf wished to rain the Bum pt |25-o,for thatguyposo.% At the morning seryfepione Sunday they pppqinteA one of the in fitientiaf brCtbren tO ifixppOif ln the ln leraission he took his pdndfl ana marked against every.member’s namothe sum whieh? he thought service he the list,-stating that if any one : bad been ajuistsed .too mhob dr not enough, he mutt speak;" Saifioe itto say.'silen6o prevailed in the assembly;* and in fifteen'-xbinutes‘ the : sum was raised.— jy&§ Bedford hfercury: ■ ...MTSTEnious Miuu>*n. —A dcad body was r found, within .one and a. half mflerof Charlestown, ludlana. on Saturday, night lastj under ciroum* - stances which * induce, a very strong iptsplcion of >fbul>playi- } Thebody witfconceoled in'the mouth Of a rugar- handkerchief twisted around the neckband wrappeAover a-pole, which ' rested SpoiTiEe top of Uie.furnsoe. A. Strip of eot -ton eioth wis'.tied around each leg.. 'Some marks Visibld upon another piece of cotton '.good«,~ by/which thPhandkerchibf was attaohed to .the pplp^.-Iheindividttalhad,evidently been dead for some weeks, and the body was in cuob a condi tion asto'preclude the’poeirihility. ofreooguition. . Canadian CaysrAi./pALAOB.—The Palace of Industry, a splendid building constructed at Toronto-for the Provinoikl Pair, is oompleted, and will be dpaugurated on the th. It is' situit ed near tho railway stations. Its plan is that of the oydenham Btraoture. .It is 258 feet in length by 144 feet in breadth, covering 2,200 superficial feet on the gronttd floor, with‘l,loo feeV additional in the galleries. The' glass is obscured to prevent the glaring heat of tho Climate. < Th* building is composed of iron and glass principally, and is de scribed as a graceful pieoe of architecture. Copper-Head Skaxe Evacuated y&ou a Child’s Stomach.—The Cleveland Review says that on Friday last, a eon of Captain Connelly, about fourteen years of age, was relieved, by pas sage through -his bowels, of .a “oopper-’head snake,” a foot' and a half long. How It found its way into, his stomaoh'ie a matter of oonjeoture merely. The. boy for a long ,titp* bad a ravenous appetite wbioh exbUed'notiee, anAbdd frequently spoken of feeling “ Bomethihg' crawling In Us body.”, ..... , ..: Artesian "Well in Corpus Christi—A letter from Corpus Ohristl, in the Galveston NnaM says: u The 'artesian well of this plaoe the finest mineral water. All, from' lowest, from Anglo-Saxon to young, tell some marvellous tales of .its faots bear out their assertions.' All heresl^^^H faith by works. -'Of early mornings, Hie swarm' around .the well, like Eastern visiting a shrine by the rays of the.rlsing sun.” JaheB : TRobp, a colored individual! and also, a teamster in Newark, bus fallen upon pleas ant lines. A gentleman appeared in that part of Jersey, last,week, on discover a James Thorp, -who was entitled to an estate of $75,000, left by a planter in North Carolina. Tbe teamster turns out to be the man. .He was born os tbe estate, but was sept North to be eduoated, had his schooling at Norristown. Pa., is married, and is Baid to be industrious and worthy. Persy's Flao Shiv.—-The remains of the flag-ship Lawrence, of Perry's fleet,. are being raised by Captain Van Norman with his wrecking machinery. A large portion of the bull has been taken up. . Tbe timber is in good condition, not withstanding, it has laid in ,the water for a long series of years. Some of the planks and heavy timbers bear the marks of oannon balls, and are considerably shattered. Apples.—Ono of odr oldest ,Chester county farmers informs us that he does not remember a season like the present—there being hardly a sin gle apple in large orchards. There are none offered in the West Chester markets: "It is said they are plenty in the Eastern States, and there are oooasional trees which have a few even in Chester county.— Republican. G*. Wi Garner, one of the murderers of Mr. Grant, in Polk county, Texas, was captured recent ly, near Woodville, in tho, same ; State, and was summarily dealt with according to Judge Lynch’s oode. •An attempt was made'to hang hhn, but he broke away, and yr&s shot. , Drake, tbe other mur derer, was also arrested in Houston county, and i a now under arrest to'be'de&lfwith by law. Tbs Richmond South says there are now at the small-pox hospital at that place three seamen, named Matthew Sylva. Peter Polyment, and Wm. Pengeliy, lying sick of deoided yellow fever, one of them eo ill that his feoovery is very donbtful. These men were brought up to the hospital from a lumber-laden brig from Savannah, lying below Rocketts. ' - J Lettebb for thb.EastJlndxa Squadron.— The letter bag for the United-States squadron in tho East Indies, to be forwarded from the Naval Library and Institute, Boston navy yard, by the store-ship Charmer, will remain open until the 10th October. Letters and newspapers sent to tbe care of the Institute prior to that date will be for wardedt^-Boston Journal. Forging Land Warrants. —An old man, named Samuel C. Albro, has jost been at "Whitestown, Oneida oonnty, Now York, for forging land warrants He has carried on the business for four or five years past, during whioh time he has' manufactured about ono hundred spurious warrants. - - A heavy fragment ot stone was thrown from where workmen were, blasting rooks. In tbe highway of -Melrose, Massachusetts, on Friday laat, into the ho'nse of Joseph B Wild! It passed through,tbe yrjindow.into the Bitting room, and smashed a bhairfrbm which a lady had just arisen. .George, Lewis was hunting in the vicinity of the female college at Lansing, Michigan, one dtty last week,-and shot a large she bear and three oubg. . The Lansing Republican cays: “The bears are after shack about these days, and are to be found wh6're aoorna are plenty.” pRESENTa'FOR the Kra<f of Siah. —Several boxes, containing prints of United States public buildings at Washington, have been prepared at .the State Department as a present for his Majesty , the, King of Siam. A young lady by tho name of Susan J. Lane, aged about fifteen yesrs, committed suioide a few days ago at Holly Springs, Mississippi, by taking strychnine. A statue, of Virginia Dare, tho first white person bom in Amerloa, Uon exhibition ir. Bos ton, Massachusetts, and much commended. It is the work of Miss .Lender. Edmund Smith, of Berks county, Fa., has boen eleoted to deliver the annual address before the Phllodemio Society of Georgetown College, next July. . 1 In New Haven, Conn., a few days ago, George Mercer, An Englishman, cutler by trade, ’ killedJn an amateur prise fight by William Houston, anothof Englishman. The « Oakville Pis Comvany/Mu Water bury, work up, monthly, into that useful artiole, some thirteen tonir of brssd wire. “ Where do all the pins go to Pi -c ; '