The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 30, 1858, Image 4
~~,.° , ~~~~.~r~ • ' ,iyri t oehis. Big iialkfO i l i fies FOORifi r WOO , ~ ,, t, ;a evict" va.. - 0 61. , them , oral am 893, 1* e a ",'--- ' 21P/tIittkIALINI-EITOONIPAISIS ANAL BSTATsf. 1 2; fie fitAPall Bale."sth Oritoberafthellielfarge." .1 , 1 ; 9C I YAr4 afMO re titt a Nt, t %Wage , 1 ..,' 7',,,..,01'114 dolrif 617.nevatt , ealee now. r-eay,- ;v- ‘,..44 ,v , ..t : -• .: , e ehra r “,e'l ) f . 1 ' s "'''' j lerteilliiild,'EtTOllkit-&e. ''iniall Halm* the-FlißedelFWelantanWilell 2 : 1 : -./ } 44046:440. ii " 1 „,pt ' Tie, en t tgratdruttreakezeitle ton a : f (." ' Iti 1 utiserititiellrol'illifte prOglo 'to 101 ba* V i i ..,--4. ~ '4 f ...- 01Ektra0 01 0 1 .0ff.... _t_..2: 1 ~, ti , .. 5 .,.. i., , e . 4 . 4 .4; 5 m r .. . ii . ~ , 1 0 11 4, ,iuu,...2 . s ~*gl . <Aide , it seri oebasianany f „ oift.Bub e , 19.f_w14. 0 2o_k 000 !ko.Ples_11ittikintef w e .if) , t 'P. °ls l=44sPA4}*V, r fi r i x '' . ., l ltrafhitv, t rinitilitit WHO& telitlFt - 'l'l l l V"' e.fraegrliken'toralifi a !MI try 't) Pe . " fitit Lfitie w'i US at' e ._sis 070,,t, - k. O-1. vr.2.22 ~e2,- M , 'tavern 3 - ERTA I "/ 117 $ 11 4=OtffelNIt..1V e , ' 1 1 la '11',271h r ne r u kei,3 Tlutri..l. 4.-. t.4i ,- - ,-; 1 i --iAtioontoes tFerMiintoty/Balso-liftatetot /0. Tadaker, , '' I "'"'"' ""' '-' 1 " ''l• , r2Deresubedl laiteer-e2 vsn r. , 1 v'YOURACIF.B.B.SsinviontsisitiVSLLINGS,OTTNN. "lltrietkmeet of Leopard street. Nenslngterabv '''' '.." 1 . 1,,:- Ttitt4) Tklitif,ll-srouT.p,m% P, • S II -farillt9TlT EMI); MVO fOa ltotil s thirt,'Setaltbgto . `torptani s Com-stsafe-r•Boute.f Boultolth le!„ E P , 4 ~ , , tedesisse&i, i. • 0 •i" , b • ''£ 11111.4.18 1 44-stilifk,`F BAB if 'DWAVLINCI,'A 13T &WA% and large LO.r,libent..* ontesere?. rank, ' l4 , 1164-7,73slWaTP,Vft'fri°S tfertAt t ft , R4l.l l Of :•-*liksa aaijaiatitilliflf 7000`406osdealt ' : ,- -t )I'o r i tql v t l ay t ight l ll ll4 "Piß4PlVN „biratt,,it a 0 V 00 0 eneledion. ' •- I . Atkpli . o2oo , court_kerionntou-Sslbitate_of Benjamin I.trite,t) 1- , ;tr. 1,51.e.ebbC 111 0 1 4 I l ti t A * .I" -VAINAtiLE 1.10,9 I'A.VI, kIULAT)III4II,4 2 '.-ertilreetelddeletfri r P.VV24 ll ll!**thlfate car" •sier, aril apd.j.dmus s eats 4 /ixeclutoraCgensinaters -Sato--Betate of YaneLCllarit, 23,4 1.2 , 2,1 2 4."14.3. dic"eltsW f A I '7 ,4 .1,3 A t i o . t ", , , , NALNANS4IeNTINNE)I94LCIOATION -t-Tvro nave*. 2Steeyttriak*Wellings;llo/1/ itatand 40 North Fifth street,. robsuem4fraket mg Arch streete,;:-•t es ~, ~.. - •' . .5,0 ~ ? ..- - - - -- . 14, ?at'MC 4 4 Jeinfeallteto4 1 , , 4^, I s .47 ' , !r --r 0.1,00 norttrialdift Nottli*etreet, wed of ./ Fifth- irivolt,, I, otetrignlteitteve.l a ,".- “,,,,, . ~..., -.. '.. i 1.,*:: Ada libettlarbmo -4.1. 2 5 , • .tr ,2 , IC -1, '2, ' ..". I v 3e9 lithographic plena of the three properties, - • - Ziehri aterVitemhtlide•fiele.--listatlii latetofo Jam s - 4 , - 0 *4.* ,e ,, ~ ,2 t r , B*11; demised, .. se • ri, , '9 T 1 VALUABLE LOTS, 'emit side,BZWAR Streitobore .1 •. Sotiiititteabi, Je ~1 1 2.--2-11 , 4, c... 1 :,/,,, '2, ;1. , ! 'ltreentoret Pale-Estate of George W ltforrbr,deeesitetis ' , .NOttlll^TwEL 9TH - ISTREBI , , , -Heudrlne mode ," resilleillei'viiilt lkige - side laid. Nb.221-North TOtelf •, etvietlebetnatate f a LOASO feet front: ) , !...4..if 41 , 1 1 lavritre BTRESIT--Thi eleirent, blutait•lttanktelt -2*-den/flCArdlrrit EllintAtrOt:Mtar Itlttenhotnersquare - . """4, , tW - '"Waylbetioremlnetr ale day- between Ot *mai A i 0te10ttr,,, ,,, , , - ~..,- a-.... 1:,,, .2, kr , 22.17 11. . • WALNUT 1 8TREET---Ifeadeome 2 modernrrestdence Nontil icalanaalseet;bearien Eleventh and • Twelfth Y AtreoleAtepth itai,ts f. u-= . „, A ,„,-, , nz ,-, {- , .... , --, , ~....,:atitOmr-STONN •KESIDICNOBB.- Two';handsome brown atone revideneee, Noe. 517 and AMA:4h•Thlti dr etiG. itela derbtcor T 2, 11i.5814411T 37101/Er.-Two handsome modern reil denees,"Ner.lso4 and 1500 Chestnut street; Colonnade t‘. , ,ftust , -- .--. , - - -Ar.o.*-- , 0--.... -, (-0..evavett0.•, , , , ,,,, ..' e....,,, , i 2 SF fitiOrSTßlßM.:4lfgant item 120 ml-stone reel-, dente, No. 17174Preedlltreektetween Seventeenth and, - Illebteenthetreets, near Ritteahouse square. - I PRlFATfcliftrl9l 4 - POP= 7144 9 41 0 0,1 1 1*- 19 1 11 2-me street. VIVO 111010,nth ',yet ~ , i VALUABLE wall, LIAT,. I -,Soog" liteoefiln 67, etreet!.l2B*fat on Montgoraery i etieet< l Also, a tar4e . ki'''Pt' . 0 4 00,66 tmantiM. 1t2V. 1 0- .T 49 7/ 1 1 9 v 1 . m i l nel f brie i'alitatTo fronts 'fir'N "0' il ' TARSI. - 100 ARM .-10% acres .wlth 7 improvemen , ew its e county, new Smyrns:`llelaware,_ .2 • I . NEAT ItifIDSRN , Bll0101r(Og-No' 22ti N: 147 -tieth street. ` ethith oritinlitieet. , . , , . Nieman? Male to in:.kstate. • - "i#,BSßVit . FKOPUBF itBOWIe As 13ouvzsy,p1 , s , , ,*., I SI44IOI3INIVANDAAMILN MILLS; , , ,_ ' Large lot; steknenglas, Act _ situate emit Of Delaware f , Bccund street, apdtorth Of ;Walnut, fronting also en lickareir ll'oltrt; an g dlntyingan outlet lotollont street. .FOlLpertlentare in kiiinablUs.- __ - , • . 1377...711e patmilloo TOYS afemined any day previous ,to hale, between 2, and A Carry* . ~,, We abeolute ' - '' WALNUT STIENST Loiv-msa' it tile 'mite thee, the valueble lotnorthside,Walluttegaal*PAuf takar.r" Court" Nate hoeltivf e , l wi - *••• ~- ~Perenptbrk,,eale.. .: - i , ''.- "itii.tironvin , trcE DS9BLL;b:9-, No 115 Ilebbird street, between Fifteenth mkt Xteenth Streetd, north ef .quarry.etiuit: Seht aboolutor: -, . , . Safi, matte Preurleed,lVilnui street. < , zupayq BESIDIONOB ABB YVltellr:fP.s, : . On Vedneedisltforning, ',„siotobee fith - . litat, 'O'clock will be whir on the iterPi ses, Nelo2l Walnufstreet-L '"",,,, , ' , ~, . The,haudaome m•dern Residence with marble' front, ' to rrolliTifieenili' god flitteen'th streetd, 22 feat frost, 120 feet deep. it was built by the Messrs. rufght, in .T , ltilifbeet.tnitiniirltir.thliesseallnd "always been:x.4.- A,.,rby tjto nwe,ery 6 ,- , IP '.r-.q.--,I '' i 'L V -, 1": fiDLIOSaIt /lIBNITNB32, LAWN At=o.l:l4l, CUR. $ ;WA laltroefrvri-TAlttkAlz tart-. , . r , i 0 Iturn araly,aftentbissele of toe / Norm Id Ibe sold bycetetolink-4,itesittperier cabinet , nrnitu'reilarge mil , rota. aligautlerrtainatldta • \lves,' 2. lb" ....,t, ~ 2" llr V Wart touters, whandbilbs and Catalogues , To MINIS # AND Ar*GA PlkaglußTOßS-11) ON: r'-• ,e'-414 1 7110/2*NVINNP,IIa elBAkiftiBNgBB, Ito. I ~. Ontober ft ,at 11 Wale*, at the_Bteblesief the lair .4"onnt,Rallreed Company, Wood street, between Twee ty.necorid and Twenty-third 'drop* witheat reserve. '-, ~, jti Omnietteee. post neariv new, andAn in Saud ran' nion. order. Terms et sale , , -- ____ll.l - 3asy be examined at any, timeprevlons to the eslail""" - 'l.' v 'f2- , 221 , ' v." - ti ' l'. ,v ,_- asalritt nbia.,l99 and ,11,1 South Yourtit sliest." , butll.l32olt, IrtaBOTITILB; PIAISO-101tTB, 81 N 3 ' 11 1W115.1ZE1TA892T8',..2411 / Nolllli & 9 . ,IVildortang, At 9 tv'eTOO;ltt tbo , ,attottonatore" in ' *stoned vs vs extellentfeceldd-lland furniture elegant ,I,iiino.rortee; ti n Arearpe,' eta; from' the LaMilles deoll "hottsekillplng, zantojedlo the atom f: , 'llor eilecrloltinWo 1150‘41,1- t--i "-- _ ~,,Ti ~, r BALE Olt sUPBSIOIt lIIBNITTfajt, PIANOFORTES ( blaNTE1,01111), PUMA, !MINORS., ,g13N51y,.. °Ali t ' ( " 4 :5 1 -'r tilit::te'ervdng,' at,, the- auction • , store, w_illsoomptlee, besidespeoo IoU of excellent seconehmnlittinttate2 Ace pliers lodes, Mantel ine , t Ome- 1 401so; to, tioti • Silt, framea,,donble.berrel gune, mailet2o:llinseelSo tenetut and Vesitiell ear Pate. Obi oa, sad glaptpure„,,beds,aml bedding? tea.. an attractive tw tortmen worthy the. attention of ladles and others - . - '' dasirodi . of • • 1.1:r OaralogiketapTreivly, Aid for examinstionr. , ..f. , ,, , ,!-- : .•- sp,te,s4-064244rinth;ttleitiinth - stisiit. AurEartuk—puaraTogit;ROSEWOOD- ,P NO VAS • Q.l,lr 4 , 7RA.T.rflff GB" ; ,-T4fllEiTfl.Y . . CA[ll.P.E]fB, , 4.11.` , e•aloek ,ati„.510„32t Worth -Thirtenth street, tho superiot:flanNike,a o l o 74o4 0 000 4Ortei tspektry cupoto i .vosntel chick,Bo, , , of s aentleman deolining housekeeping,. NU - Miriwtextmanwdat oVelookamtheriiornini of AfObitih LLIAN4iEWNi X?/; ,- 1 v. ••• t::011111104111,1vening. , •--- October-41lb !Al &sleek, : at the -Philadelphia EV change, forjimentit Of*Nion it nal. compi•tri.' y 15 shares Darby, and 10Epatu Plank Road Co. 1 1? V' arßer OrrArXerlttere... - ',Zee! At. 150,;,ka0ti5,:414,4 4 v5x B tref 4 .e'rupYt er m ul ;..f.thriroh. Int r. ~, 5 4.450i-eWtfOkirriquWe.-3 0, -; , rem, ar • _ are - •--4uio r fos other &Wants. - - pa sharospifsunt dtk?Treferr=FAZZ Ca uartehf..' fr, - 4orninpu Stock- .Atte..fOrnisbed.Pewlitrt.lll,lslsdieitlille;„ St. Philips , rllplicapsl.ohttrohg,()h Vrif Mon ohanael,}, CAPITALINTB; BUILDEREIJOisz-LARGE AND VALUANLIPLOVAT.PRIVATE EALII,t LOCIISTpt Beetk:Ndeftle o o. oo ' Broad'and4iftsenth streets,. lot hint front on'lmutilVatrestpby - 178 feet in.deptirto 110 ~;;;;.x.or ad., 44. 1,1e.:14, f.lfs rZ kr PRIVATE BALE-HANDSOME ER OWAETON ._ how. " ItEaIIrEGORMIGAMPRINII:OItIN.W.IuerefIIite!' Wei° /V is, AIIOTIONEXItt ILL AND 0 4 uni jiourowrzcicir. ao no. XIXT/I and RACE Street.- - O. "tr <4 GREAT PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONtI r s -I;l9lfllllLaMANEY2titro MOO Y! Slonsy liberiadvaittO2l in lie ge of fungi smoints, from one dollar thousand", on gold and silver gistep fitamonthi, ea,"Jefielki.,Nowling-pieees, musical histrnments fr miture, dry pods, clothing, groeerles. efgericA4ol ifkatlOTilocksbleinssit 0 4 110 / 08 , her MAI sad al artieles of male, for any length of time egretdaPlLAUYlC.Lato , ,,,Prisffput, BstablisAnOst, southeitetworearof-tefttlawa lade Streets, 117 . Promissory notes, with collateral dboonilted , ThirAtrariea k n NATIIANZP PRINCIPAL ESTABLISIIIT g E. CORNER OP SIXTH AND RACE STREETS), Whore inertia willliberslifsdfanced on gokrand silver plate, dlamondapratches,jewelry, fowling pi ees, jr _ dry ilreeerieei .. 11 41 00 /ei 01 -Pre rd • •;ware - tratlern' fanny' artielis,-rnirrM ,tismitinge en. •-• rtvings, musleal instruments, fougulinf ,, bed oreeerveltleiss, kernels, stocklyand atherartfeles ,of !L, , Pam 6444 a a', *lt ...40041m either „ e lBtreft ke4Dgixtooss, c > oeleSMLere , "Largos ' - • QAM .'•INALTIIANII, AUOTIONEEI4 .ono-.MoNNY—LOAN- wino,N -No; 924-4ntb, TDISD Sheet, below 91tkiliot4 Otiptiono Moir at. 'not; e! ht4o9ll=t, ,, h c o i li , nt o o t ior -•• k_: r iliV 0 ),bges 4 =onus., -•-; -- (1 3 - 4, - ,4a,ifskoofay,-117itrA 44 13VgitrAt . , felt r nehrl i ro i = i gt o oravaing,uxiiirun, • - tOfti"Uta lti a rt : PM lt ! r !7;c l ,7 l ,M) R nd "r"" l _71 4 , 11 21:14,464; Oa* italic iro oter, s , l l, Dir r tln t ir. 44 9;- I .M. Wigs 1it1y494 6 krintly t ta ) ( l 4,ll l lll.l eE 31 110 Art:gielPitilPi r t o; , ri JtAncl. , ffeatoi-icts-Pe,?9,*Yrit,PS -,AII, • „,{1" - i d • . N.=4l'sninoint o ikerosAiOsolfinitOltos Soli; = totorio toinakesdirsooeo on - gala ontio ,a,...g9 01,0 1?44 1 914 4 , 3 1:RP1.0,x30r to isiiiinOik t . ** in initifo wtin i, ,„.941•FAIt tr f-14 MNivirE,_:•',.. f 6kotioil3,roo(o.;.rieuy, west , twt Iig,t4TVAPISO-"-f•-7; lookirNetsAGE,Sar , l-, .4; ,410/001004-I“,t -' IV " 1 -; or 4 4., b. • eueer, bar, m i ca . ft . ' "D 6l44ll4 citt e la lec a t ,47, l :ll d i l Q 4 EttaTio, lisp; unatual4ao Mee for g Tia4lll , " , , t,44 , 10,1v4 I . O i : he -fiiteto ; 44.1 1, Pivit 4'sgruesqmsl,67'4"- aiways_make 'the ;mod wake rollout' inuuniqatlawi, CAW _ .judiploutio4tiozut 3uFweplvest orfe -; ~tai:f4Ctteo.B(Kr..lift.ll,-fit"P'-,- • - Billernatocrrefircumt 14onay, inv,eitait .119W:up, 2,4:epr!sx',l•W any of Itte Wdeteptt States. ' .4t l ,. t ‘ ; YEN • A l atlG . • • r -- y..W.eadentiOßLß • Nhelinlywribet would tarste.the special' attentlen' of Arehitect Builders end. ebs,pabllelo his r, , ; 44...„1,..ranimn10135,91;,,ATANT; linatc,OhNANDllliN `AND VANTILATIMI w ARK AIR FIIIINAOR, 1 j u .w . ,biehitts. haeA aniineeefullytntandletedlitering the , laat winter•and WITIO 1 lichvg o 4olll luktfilsotpur.l It is" ItlselligedAs tususilulsl Weil from Os Obi,, 'caking it One Of the most oanuunlogrisAtholarslrlc .p. , RPM9IO ncra9w310....-liA;io - I Aleo, all steep and putorcotot,OookincßiAtso Rid ''ir/131,AtRyou4/44,1r3D0WICAAa ißferatia Osillm' Patent Chimney Oaps, maestaiustotin Nora in .cne of us ess*l., • ~1 ,4 -eqt_dialditentieltileCdku 7 y e tikileateir 'rfpaii ot-411/.4wrigesireßvltil oft ctltitue t -62 41nn, Arr • - ra r.ex vale_t? Low , ' , Bejorr 4ink(tVi; l444.l{ltliteilet.Thlll4i'l. ,ttrAPtin. 1 Carskkot.treet. l l),Aueekierei ..kiinfit,ols{met sedleeu , 4osedtibreskielesilelkysielisdn-ptdeirdO 4t tildtd,AtliatitliMated. wit-W.01,11e one ed en itirclint 4 Alano enVsnntkinstfcyralt.leywnreee ir e r - a n dd • fsterntlk4ll'44.*/ 1 3 1 141t 0 r4elattliataostri; gab* boat' has .} . .J . K.AthrownhiennAnileno the taciworieennatah andiwe think „...„,,w4h.vidworte,wjltlutirtgyrlth,maltpottbstiop < , a4licbgVeAlltlPOMlClso4. ll be4 4 ..l 2 odel sauulhatrienk • -:,§141A/4.4( ~6).44,S " • 16 IfifilligiiitOrk, Alt sale by & -libtiorsoo., Atitvou.l.4 - I,l,4itr:atZito4.o4 mi t 0 -0 4g.: 41 4 4,40.• • . 47, I.f_re - Oatto - .bp , tv -NAITANEBI3,43RINLZY r Sr-00, i • .Ik=l- ; . 1 - Y -i!NON :4 I2O.III,.RICBT, liT BERT, ' . ,t-- , ;,„,,,,,,,, ~ - :84y,, 1 1,0N, FDENQII ,DRY GOODS. _.:: - : ~, i ; ~,,,.., -,, -., ,On I ' Naar Morning,. ;.• , , Dgcliiyy lgt,-. gi 10 oiolook, by,,catMegne, on 0 m onths 511. i iige t s-ts,o I?t4t ; of fanny- and ntdple Yrono -Dry Meg.,,..02 4 . ~.i „ 1 ".4.1... e ,_ - '. ; -', -- e(' - ; , • ) f' 1. 1-r474-2371/00.10iitciAt140101/iieg 10gr1y. , 04 toe nariz:nirfg ,T,,FiX9I I O 444.- glidtitTY-.7411'1U14,,E11.W i •,, • vp.T.ivitTo.. .vi .., , , 1 ,,,. ~ v' : • 4141iisti4oRet silk,lmatilis vo:011. - : i • ,r, • 0-,,,-oupeoloalios 1111, MIRO., „ :- . t ` '' ilJ. ,l 9_ ' 4 AA ali lies - y.llolis,lll,,iiii Oros dillhinen; ,t-,-V,0.1ie0001,011RD7,11 0rzp01ui,,7,54„A8T.4.W, - --Y _-_- --•--- - - - f Ir-ii. 001140, tdrit quidytyligtisirddiplaffeli SY -- 1 . ,.. • RAMO -01,1P10,0,4IIALITYgtaxast,l_BLEHfiewL13, 17.0 ,, t 4., .. -Ii .1 g 4 ItOVITY. , TR ABA ~ • _ , 41$5144enper,qtrall Eillk.4)honele;BlAwls, ; ir , Iti4 4I2 thIte , fITELLA;ANDiP ME tq L4F ! ,/ g t : 05.7 01 t . - _ , 2 .:1 1• , --1; Pirlollll3 , l4Ornintit, ~-,,:,, • 1 --- .: ,/,I , TO §4- FAA. 1.41,00 0- 1 0 , Illic .-,' - , i-1-; , 'i ': .I"t' - .'ti ,' 00 -titii dilllZAkerdilin Sliorifi.,.,;_y, • .-, --, i P: ,01),:;, 4 do Stella Min rat Show e. " - • - ; _ - - OURNELLE BOAR'S. o , 4ooyßoottonollp ikarys,,,,, ' ,„ _. I, N ~ ,,; 0 011"07,100,PT01 ; 13,B, gyALITY; 803/41irr i i 4 t ' . .._'', ,--' 4 - ' OiCtirldo-i'° ' ' • - :' ` --' ' gOO tot e No. IQ ind2o iiitiir quality now style Plaid lititlyn; Miff ,AiroblietElgitdVand Ombre Pi:made Sole -13bahaf Rthbano . _ . _ , o3xicauktrAT.RE, 810X1C 1 41:1 - AilTY,,ubAinC eROb Ani 41..11114.E8 , POE, 01.21YRRADE. ,i ,214 . 18 1 1 40 1 ii i krs.4eiTZ0 1 . 110 X 111 .11 1 1 16 :ghtoPc • :'-• dExt A I LIOTZON , ANDICOMM/95ION•STOBA Node NortitZlGßTll,Eltrest, bolo drah. ' J. A. BLlSON,Auctioueer.; SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD-.II7ENITUREI, CARPETS, MIRRORS; PLATED -WARE; OEOOEB, &p.:: tv:-. •• ' Oulltridaptforobig,: , c4LEI.O o'clock, at the auction, will i be` iold a allegrior , ,assortment, or "Briar, chamber, ,and dining. room :TurUlture; taryeta r mirrors - , Ec. " .• INOTIOB.—On Sattirday arealtig,:EatOberlet, we will reenter,* regular 'Mining, saes. of cutlery, 10,010, bookaPgbake, arid' uktecellsceowa-goode,:coualgarneldta ot *k% are roopectfaily - ' • ! 1 1ANZISJA. , :PREEMAN; AIIOTIONBER, r'110. 1 428!-WilLNIFZEITIIIIIIMialioevPOUltTni Yemen/ !hearing al'irith• emielgrunentsoan at inturid-thatAkelk pitmerty,will notbefuerilleed,., ,1779-Vozoridgeloterinete moderate than thole chanted rirrenfother Auction House hi the city. - iMrCralihnilatiticregoaettallwoolieited. - after,the - toodi art 1014 --'-'43STENTH:BALL!SAIOOTOBBRAtif; "...t This sale will include— ,8178.1ff.11813 - : STAND /AND ,DVIBLLINQB, BBOWN 15TRAT, YOIBITH • IIiTBSIVP: A , -.heat "lone, Oman •drielhnge , on , the iwtthe lot of greund south side of Brown street, 1 '174 feet *eat from Fourth etrifet,-18 feet front, 77X feet dnbjeet to $24 ground-rent. The property is in end, rente for orer $4OO to punctual •thrtaiitiC ' o?it s r, , , Abg: i tt e te l) - B e V e t ed lets ., te. r EDNIOE.BTORY DEICE DWELLING, SIXTH BT. BELOW COATNE"STBEET:-z-'8 genteel 'llitee.sto , t4- briok dwiilliii,'Ellith':etreet; below Coates street, T O feet front, - 68 - feet deep: VT ground-rent. oinet Absointe Bale—Same Estate. TWO DWELDINCfrOABLIBLACOURT:—AIso, the in thkkear of the' shoe, fronting - onllirlieleiCetirf.,2o feat 'nicked Ili! front, 64 feet B Inches deepo, co: - - 1 , , 840.-Bmo' DOM.). BUlldAlie:- LOT,' 00AV$8,, vt.di with the Crania house thereon. southeast car- Der of.llallele.SPArkfind Ceetee etreet,lB feet front,!bB feetdeep. '135 ground-rent.. 2 , ; -ul->£.Orphfinel,Conrt al-Ailme Betide., : ; - -THTUDI -71 - 10118/38,- OARkIBLB --091111 T. Three -11nallsiatonen and lot of. grotuidoti Carlisle court, ed. -joining.the store on the rear, 67 feetkit inches front and 18. feet deep. Clear of-lncuaibranoe., -,:1171,880,to ,be.„paid on, each otthe snots when the tames le situ* off.- •-, • • 13ale - likidion , s Alley. - T - P RI N_TERR—EXTENSIPE BALE OP POWER >paßßSEiro ,TTPR,,,AND PRINTING - MAT-HAIM. , OP - 800TV.ELJOB PRINTINO,OPFIOE. _This Mornings ,Atlike!oloch,E4lll.,be cold by catalogue , hilindson , s s ll o9obninlrOhltninatt,atreeti , thnfintirp stook of, print ingmsterials piths estAbliehment known as Andrew Scott's jolvoilicerone , of the largest establishments ;in the country, nomprising savant 'power presses Moe's and Taylor's inches; a large acsortment of type and prinAing materialnr, evety-Aind end variety , n , ith - elry other - salad thi business; ' ' ' The erhole,will be eloped out, without reserve: -'"! On account orybpm it may,concern. On Wednesday Evening, October Bth, 1858, previous to sale of Real Estato;at 7,44 , rPelocie, trill be sold, on account of whom it may 0911COtti-.- A.mote dramitby Rubittaus, datedJuly2o,lBsB, for $5OO, at 4 mooths *TwolvolliPts. dated. June 23 , 1868 , for $250 each, etib' scriptious to 500 share's, each, to the Stook of the ()on neetioutldining Ogi.; tt. G.rWeet, President. • $100: to be POL. .41e6-L: shiiii:West Branch Bituminous Coal Co. p. 20 0,, 49,, • 7. , -do do - do 100 do - do do -3 WAlriutStroat Land Oo do Weetera;Flrginia Lumber,la did 117 - $50 , t0 be potion eaclirat the sale,. P •'BALE OP BUILDING-MATERIAL AT TAB CITY Under authority of au Ordinal:lie, approved Sept. 25; 1556; wBI bu sold at i t t ublio sale, . Oct. 4, 1858, at 10 .o , olock, the building material, of every kind, now ebntatned in the building' on the pre. mimes of the Oity Hospital, Coates street, between Nine leenth and Twentieth etreets—to be removed . twine , lErfhtle, peep " tv,e, by order of the CommteeloteT of Eity Property.; BE STAT AT PRIVATE BALE. C rucuplen,,southweet corner of ileventeenth 'Mid Walnut streetc,' • _ . - , %Reddened, Washingtonfillinare and Walnut street, 627 Vine Aired. ' - • 4;-90 mares of land, 'lndian Queen lane. Valuable, property, lfrankford road. - Hasidic= dwelling ,'No. 1612 WalliMe.itreet. , Budded,. staid anddwelling, ilevanteentß and Wash 'Mani property, 30 acres, ece., above Torresdale. -. 1 - nacres orland,- (Melton avenue, Germantown. Handsome residence and lot, ,Wed Philadelphia. ; Valuable lot of ground, Germantown Railroad and - Handsome dwelling, Spring (}olden - street, abfve Twelfth. ,‘ • CABINET OP MINERALS. At liiitate e'valtuarie Cabinet' of Minerals, oent, Anteing over .1,000 specimens, the collection of several years, Thaproperty of- a gentleman who has no room for theta. They are very desirable for a public institu tion. Apply at the epsilon 'stOrs. • 'WAN° FO4TE.--:411i.. J. A. GET.tE reexioctfally annennces that hi :has reserord Instructions on the Piano. Residence, 807 , Nerth TENTH Street. Pe. SeS&Stls Dream ?OR!rEs. - , - .. duet reeeleed an elegant stook of RAVIN, BA CON, tc 00" NORM! & Oralt_ K, IiALLTIi b DAYIB ..k.. 00" and -4A1,11 do 00, q P , 1A2108. htl3 tilloNo Of bees gnality, la, • ' " ' 1.79: GOII Die, , 8.7. corner seireumG and 01188TNUT rte. mlil9-7 OHIQKERING 8 - EONS, hay -their iiiriiroome, No. 18070 BTNIIT Btreet, (neat theypitcd Eltiktec Mint ) ) are prepared to oink to 'thair *Minnie and the public am ewienallw, assortment, of Grand, Parlor-Grand, Boars and - UPright'RIA2IO4IOBTEB, minnfactared expreSal for this city, finished in yeTiolui styles of cases, and prices which cirnottill , Wpledose. Plano-Porten dada to order, to t carcVlit oI Jittwitare, and ,nll lostru merits warms 'td tivii" entire' idildifsetion to the t ar the moat Torah'', terms. 4 „ Messrs. 0. & 'SONS' have received Thirty-row MEDALB„ The fir st klmnitrui, peer all competitors in the United 'Mates: - All,orders_Ar Turmict b iroiiptli , Atended" - - ArbOnt -1 10 A I GAND Sc. 004 - -•:. MAI4hTiDDIT utitrt: NAN& Nor IN 01'021 Al ,/INTIBE:HEW:STOoR or • `HATS AND CAPS, 40 *idea:till , / INVITE THE ATTENTION OR .- , !;ENYINUIENOSI , ALL PARTS OP THE, p.•. • - • , UNION. Inl9-1010 GARDEN .3r, 00., rILLSO/Aol'Valllll or, AND WITOLITALY DEALIMS HATE, O 1 PS, BUBB, STRAW-GOODili, rialcrArra ',..11:14:D 'STRAW :B9NNETI3,, dart Fl chit Pl4Wilitli,:ltllooEl3, REATH:Efts,. • /to. 600 MARKET STREET, "" S; Cortier:of,plAth street, Philadelphia. Anntouesio 'are - re' iipoctfully Invited to ozainipe .R4"4" - - - - lnl44m. USSIVELL . "fBi No.od V WALNUT Btreety,Phlludelphia, Agents wad Dealers in BROAD-TOP 00A - L in! COAL LANDS, respectfully 011 the attention, of _Dealers, end, Consumers to their 'celebratudToouli known se. the Launder Company 's 'Mine. • • ~:740.21:441 tixtgivAl# l .l In this'll/whet for all mann ,nntlalug.PnrPoliegj being eenif-bitumlnous, and leaving - a altar white ash„ All orders, to the above addreea, for ahipp,e4, , pr loetdellvern w lI reektre prompt atten- PEg ,Toll` - for the,best WHITE tv.r_illott , ANT COAL; Warranted free from elate or d t. 12.0405 thtbatit.s.tikeheapest in '.a...n:the city; re-Strienad'in paid and dry under , Over. HICKS sells none brit the very best Lehigh and lishtqlkill Coal, end.Warrents full weight. :14101LVdtiperintends the delivery oft all AJL:Osailtsoislly, and tharifore guarantees It to be 1 111 KS", Yard and Office is at the southeast ALL corner' of MARSH SLL and WILLOW, where he invites ell to cellist examine torppiselyes the above ,• • • - • - • • • O I:IOAL , DtALERS.—Parties receiving - -OW direct from"the'lltines; Wishing Stoiage and 'theta,l(l43l7W. their' Coalj wiil please ad tees S. BEL runs frifION;GALLOWIIILIt Street, nratyaid below Broad. : Arent; Ohl il - B:.7.4lFotAoslittos of LBAIGfif Op;lfKnignf WEILL r o . o . ltwitykod fowastcfah pplooa. Oolif,bo* wdounfq-;:''P,OX., - '11o.; *bowie& and jn''LEiliGli and 801111YLEILL OpppAZ~,jird—DllßD_street and CtRUBIAN 10WICIVIV_Bohnyllcat Tad—RdOß and BOAD ta t .PAlladalpldt,_—Habp.oansta4itlpatiAiliad Coal t"g par 4P - 63 49 4 .apprayed udnea; nada. 60Ter, mud pm. ,tanraajyrortanglvasa t tad.y gu Ns 4itlFLpsi AND •At i Oß4lll)p., , #flipliphyribesitlkayi tit eiolse r ,„.. 11 1 814.40E8,T -480wIlmiNT ` - ' . FP'ITPIXG:F.ISOES; RIFLES, 40,, = - .Eiir'offeted app.> , - • I,EabeeirOeibrieduaiii tbetv'eeibitmeneatimaeb ea— eats peeelblebefeisi the let•Dea that wUI eel' AT ;VERT LOW PRICES, „ , Ta11f.111 7 19N7n1.31T,01411., " • ' • ' OVHS,PROM -Tmar. cELEBRATED ALUM , , PACTUREAV OP 'BNGLAND, Evaxtrra i - AND SF - SNOB. - - • - PRILIP. 8: 'JUSTICE ',/c.`80,; 111:11ortli LOISTIE Street, aitiOna ; c r above 4arket. :';7:THREDI - 9/40q1chai, ; .0 4 x.4ritui.41, wltzewiweitAilictision4 or durpaps, Ideltiding4dlritol4icifetetteetabtrelnesijunil t -414, eelOttlprptenieil,'&o"l - aVirfriiidi daY:dia . -*dug at; ..41tOWLsiti )9.ILLEI, & CO. 8, 444 04413-ipo 4 '" • OW:abut et., Philadall44l6. NOTES. 81'00118, ,to HOSPITAL. pimui Scrum. OlaqL Sale by 24Itti'Dtt COMMEROLILL - SALESROOM., • 7 BANK and 10 BTRAWBEHritY; betwienllAß- HET and oKKEITNIIT and SECOND and THIRD lAreeta 11, G. WIWI/LT. AtIOTIONXIM SALE - ON Id/Apt-408 OtOTIIIE4 ANDVAILO4- ING GOODS. •Onltriday'Mothlrig, Commencing at 10 o'clock, will be sold without re. serve, a valuable stock of Ready-made Clothing, sort etetlaffg— Overcoats, Raglans, Of the beet materials, made Froth Coate, -iti the, latest fashion , for city Dress Good., 'and country trade. Pants and Vesta, ,1 ~ TAILORING r Also, genemritathitinentOT felll and *Mier tailor. lug goods, consisting or coatings, pantaloonery, 'reta ins, leei •., ri The whole may be examined, with catalogues, prior to sale when purchasers will Ind 4 their interest to attend. • .x • • - we SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (Immo • nor to WOL1311111:44BOOTT,) 431 01111BTNUT Hi., f3 .t r p : ll4 the Custom between Youth sail PHILIP-. YOR,D„ AITOTIONEER, Nb 4 530 MARE.II2 STREET, between FIFTH and SLETII. south aide, „ CARD.—We bare now arranged forexamination, with catalogues, 200 lots of .Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Brogans, WoolpHata„llmbrolles, Travelling . Trunks , &0., to which the attention or the trade and purchasers gene rally is requested. fp'Sele to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 31. PEREMPTORY SALE OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, BROGANS, &o.,'SY CATALOGUE. This Morning, 80th inst. ' at 10 O'clock iireolsely;we'will sell by cat alogne, 800 cases men's, women's, misses', youths', and children's% boots, shoos, ialtets, brogans, dippers, &c., comprising the anal assortment, to which the at. tention of the trade leYeslieetrullitequeeted. WOOl. - LIA.TS; 'UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING TRUNKS, &c. • • ',.: • ;•' Thial!doraing, 30th Instant, Included. in catalogue, a line of wool hat ,s umbrellas, travelling trunks, &o par' Samples will be .arranged, with catalogues early on thernorning of sale. NOTIbE. A large amount of desirable real estate to exchange forboote;;thoesclething, hats, or' dry goods: Inqc4re at the %notion store. • • - - SALE OP HANDSOME WALNUT lIIIMNITURE, ho. • '•::1':Ore. Tuesday Morning, Ootober b at 10 o'clock precipuly, by catalogue will `' On the Promisee, No. 282 CROWN STREET, The property. ALA gentleman relinquishing lipase keeping, the entire household furniture, comprieing Walnut Bedsteads, ,Dresslig Buresua, Wadi littande, Setae, Tepostry,Oarpethigs, Mattresses, Table Covets, Looklpic glieses; Also, the Kitchen Furniture, toe. The particular attention of purchasers to requested. Oatalogues will be ready and the goods arranged for examination, early on the morning of sale. , SA. DYSART' & ,(30", AVOTIONEZES - .AND .p.Ootausozost, Masa/min, No. tI aootit . BIGHTll BMW. corner of LODGE t3TRNNT. te2at DiAides. IN• THE •ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE nITY.AN,q9CTIITY'OF ?lIIIADELPHIA' Estate of ALI~XANDEB ' OAbiPBELL , deceased.. — The 'Auditor appointed by the Court to audit,•nettle and adjust the account_of Margaret Campbell, admiels tratrix of Alexander Campbell, deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the bands Of toe account- ant, will meet the' parties interested, for the purposes of his appointment, on TUESDAY afternoon, the 12th day of October, 1858, at 4 o'clock, at his office, 115 South FIFTH street, in the city of Philadelphia. • JAMES H. CASTLE!, " ' Auditor. en2f3 to th&N 6t* Ili THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR TH AL OITY, AND 00IINTY , ,OP PHILADIOLPHIA. ! Erdefe of AMELIA MARIA CONE de'ce;ik. , The Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle and adjust the' account of Demo Elliott, and Henry 0. Blair, Executors! of Amelia Maria Once. deceased, and to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountant, will meet the parties Interested, for the purposes of Ms appointment, on MONDAY after noon the 11th day of October, 1858, at 4 o'clock, at his office, 116 South FIFTH street in the city of Phila delphia;'- ' ' , JAMES M.. OAS I LE, ee2Btntbka 518 Auditor. IIN THE COURT 'OF COMMON PLEAS - POE THE•OOIINTY OP PHILADELPHIA., - Estate of GEORGY. A _BOUGEAN, a Lunatic. , The undersigned - Auditor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the account of ROBERT :A. ALLEN, Committee of the estate of said Lunatic, end to audit the claims againstaaid estate, will meet the parties interested for the purpOse of his appointment, on MONDAY, the 4th day of October, s ,at 108, at four o'clock P . M., at the Office of Inca Riot, Esq.,'ln SEVENTH_ Street, above Walnut, west side. in the city of Philadelphia. . BYRON-WOODWARD, trt-st4t, Auditor. Zioto aith 04oce PRY & HARRIS, HANIIPAOTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS ~..BOOTS AND SHOES, N. W. Corner THIRD and ARCH StOetil, e.u.26.2m • ' PHILADELPHIA. FALL STOOK or MOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPH H. THOMPSON .t . CO., ' No. 814 MARKET STREET, 414 R Noe. 8 and 5 FRANKLIN FLAOR, NAYS NOW I STORM ♦ LLIQZ AZD WILL ASSOWIIU) OTOCE OP BOOTS AND MODS, OP OITY - ,IOID &ASTERN MANOPACTIJOR Which rhiy offer for sale on the but terms for cash, or on the Osnal credit. Boyers are Invited to call and sundae their stock. jyBl•tt BOOTS - AND BROBB.—The subsoriber ham on hand lb Lugo' end elated! stool 1300T0 end BMA !blob he will sell it the lowest Flom ' GEO. W. TAYLOR, ," n 021,17 8.1 . corner MTH and 141.11.11 T Ste. 5311ae, nbingo EDWIN W. PAYNE, IRON BUILDING, ARCH STREET, • One door above Fourth lILTOIIIII3 AND DLILIIR IN LASTINGE GALLOONS, SIIMETINGS, IRENCIII KID; CONGRESS WEBB, TOILET SLIPPERS UPPERS SLIPPER *TIMINGS, LACES, &o. aalo•2m NOTICE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. The undersigned (successors to the late J013)!Pll T. JOUNB) are now prepared to meet the wants of the trade at the OL,D STAND, Northeast corner of 'ARCH and FOURTH Streets. Their facilities for IMPORTING and FURNISHING .every article in the SHOE STUMM and TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices `and on faiorabla terMs,i, are unsurpassed.' attention of BUYER ale roe - paced& solicited. WM. JOHNS & SON, 1617' -N.2. corner Aroh and Youith ilarb . tnars. TRUITT, BROTHER, 1c.'00., JUNO3I2IIIB AND /mimosa HARDWARX, OUTLERY, 529 MARKET STREHT, . Below Sixth, North olds, PHILADELPHIA IaARDWARE.—The subscribers, COM- M-IL MISSION MEROLIANTB for the sale of FOREIGN AND DOSIESTIO RANDWARI3I, would respectfully mill the attention of the trade to their stook, whioh they are offering at lowest rates. Our assortment con sists in part of— . Chains, of all kinda."- . Trace , Log, Halter, Lireast, Ox, °ow, Fifth, Back, Wagon, Stage, Tongue, Lock, chip, Woe, and Coll Chains. The celebrated "L Horse Nails ; Stone and Sledge Harconere. - EiMMMM=MI ktartinlil superior Niles and Itampi , 'Bad aerie's. it lizaelidor ".Batty Sure ; Bleating Tubes. COM, Grua, and Brier Scythes ; Hay, Cora, and Straw .nines. Hay, Manure, Tanners', and 13piding of Rakes and Hoeg ; Shovels and Spades, of all kinds. Tacks, Brads, Shoe, ()lout, and Finishing Nails. out and Wrought Butt Hinges, Screws, Locks of all. kinds t Cutlery, Hams and - Pricape, Axes, Hatchets, Hem= tmers,Blanes, end other Tools,;&o., &o. W. G. LEWIS & SON, mh.1.7 NO. 411 oOnotERCIB Street. ,tUatchee, Jzwelrg, J'E. CALDWELL & 00'., • 482 CIL&STNCT Street. Hare reeelvidi per iteeeeere, new, etYlee Jewelry, ClAtelattle t lfeet Chalet , Splendid Fgus, Mgr no. Fruit - Meade', Boger Baskets. Jet Goods end Plower Vises. Coral, Lars and gouda Bate. 8010 Agents in Philadelphia toe the sals of Charles Prodshiun's LONDON TIME-KEEPEBB dela SILVER WARE.— WILLIAM-'WILSON & SON, . MANUFACTURERS 0F.5.114 , .6R WARE. • • (103TLBLIEUIED 1812;) P. W. ,00111411 R 11TH /MD OHIRRT A large assortment of SILVER WARE, of every der• aoription, constantly on hand, ormede to order to nut& any pattern desired., .Importers of Bhelßeld and Birmingham imported Hare., seBB•dd:wly IT. S. JARDSII & BRO. IF • MANUFAOTONVIDI AND INIPOITSBN or SILVER-PLATED WARE, No. Sea Obeetuat Street, above Third, (up etalred ' - Philadelphia. Conwtantly op UM and for pule tO the Trade, TEA SETS, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS, PITCHERS,: COBLETS CUPS, WAITERS. BAS.SETS, CASTORS, KNIVES, aPOONS, PORES, LAD, ito., • Gilding and plating on LES aU hinds of metal. , ee 2 .17 tat!'imern. BANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M. HOGAN, 'Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer aid printer , No:100‘ WALNUT Streit, Is pre pared at all timee to'furnish, - either from the shelves or &Med to - order;Books of everrdesoription, imitable for Banks, Public Maces, Merchants, and othere, of the orAitiericini Paper, and bound in ?Arlo= styles, in the most substantial mem:Ler.' Orders for JOB 4 , SINTING of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness A, gene andsitst eb: ral, alsortnient of.Z ,nglleh i PrenebUnd Amer!. can Pfuitionery. • Cow writing r. noon's oontnstion to the Tranklin institute, the Ocrminittee say—ll This Oiplay of blink boosa for banking and mercantile use lathe beat in the Exhibition: The selection of the Material is good "the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and sp. p,earancenest and anpropriete,) , ecad.w. A/MAN .BLAO 'EIVIRAVING, DIE n, stiOripir l and tiobooded Printing, Envelope, and Pal Prat" ilatiratorg, ?to. / eolith" 01217.11 Strait, nelltkii.e.WOJß o + eti.L4.64. NEW- 13,621 t,: • - . TB.E H. N: PEPPER PiRBIRE I j ILLIIIITI4TBD: One voltiiim, bound in ` , ?14 , 12,." Prbr • , • gamier intent °MIMS: , Biographical. Owl on a Woelbarer—ln 2 parts. - Conflict: Alegalter`and Wotter Snell( Astronomy—A lecture. •", - • ' • • ' Boliliquy : Adreet to a Bird onto the les. - • Fame p A noodle the Grekßlatv. • A Lytell Ueete of Lewya Clarke. ' • To the Aingel•aais gone. Hanah Gant, Fre nolig ov the Revlon. With paintig. On the clam. <' • " To an °kill's. A Grate Tickle. Pete—an averij 'Dome (far length'.) . A noad to the Comeok, kc , lc. The numerous laughter-provoking verses °tibia well.: known humorous and sparkling America: writer, •which, so widely copied, have so often convulsed the reader, are here •cellected -in book form, and make, a more attractive - volume than has been !newt in many years. Lewis Gaylord Clarke, of the Xitiekarbocke Maga , zinc, says: "The bones of those who have exploded in the perusal of :the 'verses of-K. N. Peplar whiten the soil of the Untied Staten; from the Rooy Moon- Wee on the cast, to the extreme west. A nerd to the Grek state' is as immortal as the States Atich in spired it." Sold hy all booksellers, and sent by mail to any part of the United States on recelptof price—sl. BUDD & OARLETIN, Publishers and BooksiSers, - - ee2l-tu th s-tf No. 310 BROADWAY, Mif York. lii..S...BISHOP WILL GINN ON MIA THURSDAY, SBptember ' 80th a faehbnable as leant of PARIS MIII,INERY, for the ittl, at her etablfahment, N0..916 CHESTNUT Street. _se2B-St FALL ORSIsTLN,G9I: MILL I NERY. THOMAS MORGAN., (LATE N 0.136 N. NINTH 8T.,) WILL -OPEN, AT , 11113 NEW BOTABLISBEENT, No. 7/B,A.ROH HT., AB. SEVENTI, THURSDAY, Tan Sexn INST., A rich assortment of MILLINERY, oompridng 800, notaiDress Caps, Heed Dresses French Flo1 , 7111, Rib bons, Blondes, &c:, ho ; including, also, a tandsome line of French Pattern Bonnets. - fe27-4t JUST RECEIVED, 100 OASE§ COLORED STRAW •-BONNETS, FRENCH -FLOWERa, SILK AND VELVET BONNETS, ,to. LINCOLN, WOOD, & NIOHOLB, M . BERNHEDE & 00., Jo 21 13017T11 SHOOED STRBET i ve w ow. * la plendld FALL OTOOII MILLINERY GOODS. In is will be found a superb assortment of FRENCH FLOWERS. FEATHERS, , , RIBBONS, atiorms, and BONNET EIATBRIALS IN ' GREATEST VARIETY, A largo portion of irbloh but Just been reoetrid per BTEAMEB ALPS. The Indneementa we offer to - CASH ; SHORT-TIME, AND REOPONINDLII BIZ are unsurpassed by any other establishment-la this oountry. To merellsoste now 'visiting the olty, we ex tend a cordial Invitation to call and examine our stook before making their purchases. Our motto is, and always has been, "QUICK DALIN AND /DULL PRONITB." an3l-21n 33 SOUTH SECOSD STREET. 33 WIII Sod ne prepared to eablatt a moot oomplote and elegant assortment of New Styles BONNET MATERIALB, RIBBONS, in Immense variety, //BEN= and ANBRIOAN nowsns, Also, a beautiful Stook of STRAW GOODS, Oompeeing all the desirable Wise. Oa PRICES, which are fixed and uniform, are grade/dad st. MINIMUM ADVANCE UPON 008 V, Nelda which we allow DNA.LBIIB from a diataum, who may not be aware of the ealstenoe - of fish an Establiehment, OUT O➢ KAMM BTREBT, will benefit themeeleuf by *it to A. H. ROSE / NHEIM EiBROOSB, No. 39 South BZOOND atreot, above Ohootaut au2S.dtnorl ELLBOEN JONES, • NIANDIPAOTOINA AND ANOLINALN DIIALIR TN FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARE:IIIOUL BLOWERS, RTIOHNIS, two. SOFT BIIR.AND WOOL HATS. The attention of city and country dealers Is Invited raided stook of the Otero goOde, at • MARKET STREET, BELOW lIIPTII. PATZNT LEATHBB pHOSrHATIO GUANO. 2,400,14ARN5L0 AND BAGS SOSIBENNO ISLAND, ak nen aid tar age by ',708. IL RANSON & CO., sa9l4m 2 WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINES, PISTOLS, ece PAMILEEIS,.TATLORS, DRESSMAHERB, PLANTERS, SHIRT-MAXERS, AND ALL STITCHING OP WOVEN BADEN& limy kind, style, else, and pattern of theme unHvalleit Lletrameate for made at my office at factory prime. I give the same commieelon u tLe Company teSub Agente, and Iderchante purchasing on ordere. HENRY .00Y, Agent, 028 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. And No T Weld State street, Trent4in : N.J. an2B,lM BUFFALO ROBES, 6110. P. WOMELATEL 5 Eiablerp anb gayness ennunittp GOFF & PETERSON, VDPOBTEED AND MANIIDAOTDIUIRIS OADLBEt, No. 311 MARKET STREET, ,nl2-2m PUILAVISLPHI A X!LAPEL PII IA WARMING AND BMITILATING WAREIIOIIIE. AHEOLD WILSON, innwiessaorm To 8. A. menecaole. We LAVA removed from our old stand in Walnut greet to the LARGE STORE, No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doom below the. St. Lawrence Hotel, where our old friends and the public are 'respootfally invited to elemine our extensive stook of Warm Air 'furnaces, Cooking Ranges, Bath Bolters, •Ilogistera, Enameled Stone Mantels, Parlor Coal Grates Ao_,, aso. We are now roattnfaotaing CHILSONVOLIOBBATED PAT ENT NEW ,GOAL GAO OONEII NO PURNACE, the moat powerful end emmonileal Ueatet ever invented, and salted to all Gleason of buildings. Also, new and beentlfnl psa l ms e t L ow Do . Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all Miss end pattern We have also commented • the manufacture 0. ENAMELED , STONE MANTELS from Penn sylvania 'Stine. Eliseo' Modell' were awarded • SPECIAL PRESLIffdr of as late phi, and Bx/a• bitiqn of the "klanklol,.Tistitute tof Mid city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Atinqin. MARBLES, are not Injured by Smoke, Coal Gas, Oil or Acids, bad are aold Wholesale and Retell, ist Muck tees price own pidryble. " Coll and ass' them. ARNOLD it WILSON. M. 1BLIIIILL; HapitintlyedeAt. Autyl.ltteB-11.0411 ' - TAW .& BEERS' . OREAII% the beat and cheapest compena f o k Ar gi, +b. &t ies of OMNIBUSES, CABBIACES C TO, VHAYB and WAGON'S, end HEANY %WHINE Y. lot sale in tin cane, begs, and.: barrele b try all the 11:013.13GGIBTO in the city Out the MANUFA TUBERS, 4.12.-8 m Na. 8017T11 WAITTL Fttraot LirAV • A LEAF--100 Bale s Havana Leaf A.A. Tobacco itoprifi ea Icepdo x ll: rot: sale by A itmo, AO. : 3 ,L 10)4atreet. Cem~ P blirdticns illilliner2,6pobs. 800 D OTTLIIII PRIDED PROM 80 OTB. UPWARDS. ALSO, 100 OLIITONO OP 88/MIER/I, RIBBONS, 45 SOUTH SEICOND.BIREST, Fear Doora above Obednat MONTHS BUYERS Buyers of MILLIMABY GOODS, FEATHERS, Rama, to., ao vg pia CENT. POE OMNI Jcrtilitera. M. Ll* North WATHE Obroot, NA Nu. IN North DELAWARII Avenue. ming Irtattinee BLUNISIOS TO ALL °THEM lure, fZ.c. BY TUB Blum olt BOB', 4115 AND 417 ARCH lITREET. CARRIAGE, and HAREEM TRIMMINGS, UILMMUAAII yi;s ciatier Jobbito. 1858 ,FALL GOODS, 1858 . ' THi inlisoribara tieg leave to - inform their friends, and country merehante generally, that their stockht , HOSIERY,' GLOVES '' ' ' - iIIaRTS,. , • ' r DR.KwEas, . ' WOOLLENS, and ShIALL WARES, . . is now complete, comprising their usual assortment, and Which they will sell at the lowest market rates. They would eepecially call attention to their stook of , ' BUCKSKIN GLOVES AND MITTENS. , . • . Comprising the niNOVIA, GERMANTOWN, JOHNSTOWN, AND . OTHER DEBIif4DLE MARES,, Which' they ha . ve purchased directly from the liana, feottirere for cash, and are now prepared to sell at reduced ' •' SHAFFNER, ZIEGLER, & CO., lISIPORTER3 AND JOBBER 6, 86 N. BDUBTII Street, Philadelphia, Near the iterohanta , Hotel. QIIINTIN CAMPBELL, & 00., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS HOBIBRY, GLOVES, and FANCY GOODEI, No. 341 MARKET BTItHET, Northeast Corner of FOURTH rt. A. SHACZZLIVID, sul2-2m • FALL STOCK OF CLOTHING OHARLBS HARKNESS 16 SON, No. 888 - MARKET STREET, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FOURTH, Have now in store b large . e.Ml splendid assortment of FALL and WINTER QLOTHING, manufactured ex preeely for the Southern and Western Trade, which they offer for sale on the beet terms for Cash, or on the usual Credit. RIMERS are invited to oaf and examine or them selves. anl.2-Um 1858 SILK GOODS. 1858 PALL IMPORTATIONS. ri.ssaais, ROSS, 8t WlTlTTiazthii, OSI MARKET STREET, 1.13 001111tIEROE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Hare now in store their complete IMPORTATION OP SILK AND FANCY GOODS, To which the attention of the TRADE is lowited. SMITH, MURPHY, & CO., 287 MARKET BY. AND 220 ONDROU. ALLEY, Are now opening A FRIIBII STOOK BTAPLB AND FANOY DRY GOODS, Te whioh they Invite the attention of CASH AND PROMPT BRORT TIME BUYEILL PHILLDIOLPIIIA, Augnet, 1868. an24-2m SHAPLEIGH, BUB, & CO., IMPORTERS MUTH GOODS, LINENS, MIBROIDERIED, LAOS HOODS, &e. No. 029 MARKET STREET, aull•Bm PHILADELPHIA FALL STOOK. SILK AND FANCY GOODS. HERRING & OTT, N. W. Corner of FOURTH and MARKET sTasSTO, Have now In store a splendid assortment of SILKS, RIBBONS, AND FANOY GOODS OP THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, To which they invite the attention of FIRST-CLASS BIIPRILS. *ilB-9m T T. WAY & CO., Noe. 221 MARKET Street an 10 OHIIRO/1 Alley DIPORTBEIS AND JODBDRS DRY GOODS, Are now fully prepared for the FALL MIDS. The completeneee of their Stock, both for VARIETY' AND PRICES, Will be found to otter advantages to buyers, unsur passed by any other in this country. sull-Bm F e' .L S T OOK. , EITIIIAN, JONES, &. 00., 50.215 MARKET STREET, THIIOOOO TO No. 204 CHURCH ALLEY, Hove now In store • OOMPLETII STOOK SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, To able!' they Invite The attention of Buyers from all parte of the Union. aul6-Igtu" BITER, VAN UIILIN, & GLASS, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN NOBIRIII, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, Ito No. 426 MARKET STREET, ABOVE BOEHM, PIIMADHLPILIA. atilOan ALEXANDER & KNOWLES, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS EMBRY, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, (RATE SEINOTED TO) Doe. 480 MAREBT AND 426 NEROFLANT BTB., And Imre just opened a NEW AND COMPLETE STOOK OP GOODE, 9:pronely adapted to PALL TRADE, To which the attention or their customers and FIRST °LASS BUYERS is tr.Tited. anIT-dtnoTl SCHAFFER Sr. ROBERTS, No. 429 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JODBIRS OP HOSIERY, GLOVES, SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUSHES, TAILORS , TRIMMINGS, LOOKING-01AM], GBRNEAN AND PIIENOII PANOY CIOODO. 5u.242e2 Umbrella!) anb pimple. MaigEß MANII.VACTUREILS OM UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, No. 336 MARKET STREET, INVITE TUE ATTENTION OF MITZI* To Their LARGE AND VARIED STOOK enreas CECompattue. rgADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE, 0 CHESTNUT STREET, torwarde PARCELS, PAWLAGEB, IdEROHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPCIE, either by Re own LINES, or In commotion with other EXPREN COMPANIES, to all the prinolpal TOWNS and 01T118 of the United Stated,. B. 13. SANDIOND, etttUtmen's Surnisliing Efoobe WNONESTER & CO., GENTLEMEN'S YURNISHING STORNI PATENT /MOULDER BEAM SHIRT MANUFAC— TORY,' At the Old Ftand, No. 700 CHESTNUT STREET, oppo site the Washington House. A. WINCHESTER will give as heretofore, his per sonal supervision to the (Jutting and Manufacturing departments. Orders for his celebrated style of Shinn, and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Wholesale trade supplied on liberal terms. /7244 Y JW. SCOTT, (late of the firm of Witx • 011E87ER a<BOOTT,) GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORE and SHIRT MANUFAOTORY, 814 CHESTNUT Street, (nearly opposite the Girard Hoy") Philadelphia. J. W. S. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to his new Store, and to pre pared to fill orders for SHIRTS at short notice. A perfect lit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with PINE SHIRTS and COLLARS. i9/9-11 tENTLEMEN't3 FURNISHING W. W. HNIOUT, 606 &11011 Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer in all kinds of Yundihing Goode and manufaeturer of Nine Shirts, warranted I equal n every reapeat to any others mannfaetnied in thM city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. CiENTLE HEN'S "wiAPPERS. OR DREBB/N4 GOWNO.—The largest and beet as- Nortutent in the city, wholesale and sets*, wlth'a full line of Under Olothlug, suited to the semen, at W. W, lINIGHT% 808 ARM Btreet, shore Sixth, l'hiledet.; phi.' • t. NINGS I AWNINGS JOSEPH IL POSTER, Awning Maker, No. 448 North THIRD Street, above Willow ., Italian and Preach Window Awnings for Dwellings and Office Win dows ; Awnings for Stores, , Awnings for Steamboats and Ships. All kinds of Awnings. Tents, Flags, or any thing in canvas, made to order byJOSFIPiI II ROSTR, Awning Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street. Resi dence, No. 840 South Front Street • Wald JOSEPH H. NOSTB.S. gO, 1858. WSW FOREIGN AND' DOISIESTIO GOODS. ' = ' 4 PEMBERTON - 84 lIIITAINBON, • __ No. - 112 Ohetitnnt'street, , • • ' , Offers for Mle • , • DRILLS; JEANS,'SHEETINGS.,IIIITATIN4B, MARINER. STRIPES, OSNABURGHS, FLANNELS, BROWN, BLEAOHED, AND 14/LURED MUSLIMS, In all widths from the ' • BALTIO MANIG CO., * BATES MANG 00., NORTHVILLE DO. LOWRLL •, DO. , BAIRHILL - DO.--- W EST BOYLSTON DO. • Also, Templeton Mikis Doeskins and Dandy Oassinsoied, Woodward , do. • do: '- do.'- • , Saxony . • do. - do.. do. Together with alarge assortment of ,destrahlo Fordo, Hoods. • , - TO DEALERS IN OIL OLOTHS. The Subscriber having superior faeilitieS for Mann factoring FLOOR, TABLE, STAIR, and , - OAARIAGE OIL OLOTHS,- Ia now prepared to offer great inducements to Buyers from all parte of the country. A. large and choice Stock Constantly on hand, Great care will be taken in selecting for Dealers who order by mall. WAREHOUSE, No. 220 AWE Street, Phila. an23.Bma , THOMAS POTTER, Manufacturer. jptLABON & • -RAF IVIANUFA9TUREitIi Olf OIL CLOTHS, WAREHOWES, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PIitLADELRYLIA. Otrin to the trade a full stook of Floor 011 °lolls, medium and extra quality enamelled Muslin Drills and Duck.. - ; • Table Oil Clothe, new etyles ; green glared 011 Cloth for window shades. A complete assortment of Window Shades, trimmings, &o. We invite the sittention of dealers to our stook. atalB-2m • 4131119117 OanP9att, Ja RIDGWAY, ItpIISSITE.R, & CO., IMPORTERS OF OLOTHS, DOESKINS, and OASSIMERES ROLS ROUTS FOR TRIO FOLLOWING CELEBRATED MANUFACTURERS FRED. BROKERS, (Little Tlokot,) W. A. 70)11iNNY, Abhoo, OBTERS & SCHMIDT, (8 said M Olotha,) ZAMBONA BROTHERS, (Nancy Oaasttneres,) BROICH & LAMBERTS, (F and B Clothe,) E. TOENNIES & 00., F. G. HERRMAN & BON, (Mason Cloth) _ HASFILOFF &'OO. N.: DOB CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 11. W. RIDGWAY, aulttam CHAS. HEMSNER. /AO Bro wn PAC KA GES and Bleached SHIRTING and DRILLINGS, . , •• Allred from" LACONIA, GREAT PALLS, HADLEY, PERKINS, HASBAOHUSETTS, DWIGHT, - BAETLET, and GAIIOT MILLS, In which will be found a large and desirable assortment to whloh we beg to call The attention of the trade. ROBESON INDIGO BLUE PRINTS, HAMPDEN TWEEDS, STRIPES, TIOKINGS, AND COTTONADES, In great variety. SATINETS, FLANNELS, For sale by FROTIIINGHAM ac WELLS, Agents, an6-2mlf 86 LETITIA St. and 84 8. BROT7T 8t RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, OONBUMNBB of ItIOHARDBON LLNENB, and those desirous of obtaining the GANTllfill GOODS, should see that the articles they maltase - are sealed with the full name of the arm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, Alf a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goode. This caution Is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of Inferior and defective Linens are prepar ed , Reason after season, and sealed with the name of RICHARDSON by 'frit& house'', who, regardless of the Injury thus inflicted alike on the A merican ooneumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business an profitable,' whlle pur chasers can be imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. - - J. BULLOOKE &J. B. LOCKE, iny2A-em AsAnts. RR 01117ROIT Nev Pmt Fp R. CORSON, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage. Collections promptly made. 'ee29.6m NORRISTOWN, PA WITHERS & PETERSON, BROKERS, No. 89 South THIRD Street, (East Side.) Promissory Notes, Drafts, Acceptances, &c., ma turing In this or other States, promptly collected, and partied advised immediately on receipt of (undo. Drafts at sight or a few days to run, cashed at mode rate rates. Southern, Eastern, Western, and Pennsylvania State Money bought at low figures. Drafts drawn on all the prinoipal cities In the Union. au2l-2m CSAMLES 3/11014., REAL ZSTATE Backmas AND AGENT, No. 814 X WALNUT BTRERT. Real Relate purchased and sold. Rouses rented. Rents and Ground Rents collected. Money procured on raortgages, ground rants, &c. Frederick Fraley, Esq., Wm. D. 'Lewle, Esq. Honig L. Hallowell, Esq. Thos. P Elparhawk, James Dunlap, Esq., Caleb Jona, Esq. arta° lm i A t tirGIIST BELMONT, BANKER, 76 BEAVER. STREET, 11W TOHICi - lames Letters of Credit, avellable to Travellers, on all parts of the world. CRONISE & CO., • SPECIE AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 40 South THIRD street, PHILADIMPHIA. Refer to the HANOI aed 81010118 of Philadelphia je7-ly MIAS. KLICIET. W. H. BROWN. N. scour, .nt MANLEY, BROWN , . & CO., LT& BANK-NOTE, STOOK; AND NXCHANGH N. N. earner of TRIED and CHESTNUT Streets • • • IMILADILPIIIA. , , - OoDeafens made . , and Drafts drawn on all nits of the United States and the Oanadas, on the most favorable terms. Colleotlons made, and Drabs drawn on England and Ireland. ljneurrent Bank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers in Specie and Bullion. Loans inid Time Paper negotiated. Stooks and Loans bought and gold on Commie/Jou at the Board of Broken In Philadelphia and New York. jelt-em EDWARD B. PARRY, RICHARD R. PARRY, Notary Public for • Commissioner for Minnesota. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. P&RRY & BROTH.EIt, BROKERS & GENERAL LAND AGENTS and CONVEYANCERI3, FRONT STRRWR, abort SIGNORY, MANKATO, MINNESOTA, Pay particular attention to loaning and Investing Money for non-residents and others, and colleathn Drafts, Notes. &e. Any letters of 'esautnar or !mines. will receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Bacon, & Co., Philadelphia. Date, Rose, & Withers, Philadelphia. Sharp, Haines, & Co., Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Ellis & Co., Philadelphia. Parry & Randolph, Philadelphia. ARCH -STREET CARPET WARE - 110IISE.—We have received our Pall supply o Carpetings; and have s line of the lIANDSOUBST 600DS IN THE CITY. All the new styles of Velvet, Tapestry. Brussels, Three ply, Ingrains, andVenttlans, of the best make, bought a VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH, to be cold accordingly With a full assortment of OIL CLOTHS, DRUGGETS, &o. We have alt the goods usually kept In a FIRST-CLASS E , TABLISIDIENT, and are prepared to sell them at extremely LOW PRICES VCR CASH. OLDDEN t Ea2B-2w 882 ARCH Street ; 2 doora below Math ATWOOD, RALSTON, & CO., C.A.EFETS FOL FALL SALES No. 920 OILESTNUT STREET, Axe oow prepared to exhibit to the trade a Tory ex tenth° stock of FINE OARPETINGS, - - - Imported direct from the beet manufacturers, or per chased at the large sales in New York, consisting of Till NEWEST PATTERNS - (many never before offered for sale) Of VELVET (IARPRTs,in single and. double widths TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, extra quality; °ROTOR HEAVY BRUSSELS, neat designs. Also, SUPER THREE-PLY INGRAIN and TENETIANB, of emery variety of style augatiality. Confining ourselves exclusively iltrUn SYSTEst ' we shell be enabled at all times to give our customers the beat Goode, at the LOWEST PRICES, TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tens of NA beautiful Stone, both of the BLUE GRAY, AND BUBB TINTS, the former of w hloh, for softness and delicacy of color is unrivalled For the character of this atone please examine the following huildtuga : Jos. Harrloon's, Eighteenth Skeet sad Rittenhouse Square, • - Harrison's Building, Leone, street, between seven. toenth and Eighteenth. Samuel Smith's Went etreet and Rittenhouse square. Mrs. Peterson's No: 1219 Walnut street. A. K. Womrath's, 415 Arch street. Samuel Simesi, Twelfth and Chestnut etreets. T. K. J. Faseitt, Seventeenth and Loouet atreeta, and others. • •• • • 'ARNOLD 5; WILSON, Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, N 1010 CHES TUT STREET. sel6•Sm B. M. PELTWELL, GANGS OF RIGGING made to order by WEAVER, SITLER, & 00., No. 28 North WATER et, And Ao2B No. 2'2 North WIIKRVES. MACKEREL —BBs bbla Noa. 1,2, and 8 Mackerel, in whole; halves, quarters, and eighths, fo'r asle by 0. 0. SADLER & *CO., se23 ARCH Bt., eitoona door above irant. tUliotesalelarr kh. yobs DAMASKS. DIAPERS, Bco. Brokers. =111:13 BROBERB, Qrarintirtgo. 533 MARKET STREET, ACHIM FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BASTE= OARPET MANUFACTURERS, Bole Agents In this city for the, AUBURN OARMINGB, Manufactured by Josiah Barber BAILY & BROTKER, ACADIA FREESTONE Milner--Ware.•— szLvRE EN. WM. WILSON & SON, - Having completed the alterations to their store, invite Ilpectal attention to their stook of 1311r n en4ara, which le now nnuonally: largo, affording a variety of patternald (tootle, unsarpaseed by any house in the 'United itatea, gINED QUALITY THAN ANY MANUFACTURED FORTABLB USE IN ANY PART Of TDB WORLD Our 6tander4 of Sliver is The English Sterling is 925-1000 The American and 'french is 90040*0 .i Thom, it will be seen that we give 86 parte Auer the the Amerlean and French coin, and 10 parts basis than tasEnglish sterling. We me/t-an Our own si/venand ur foreman being eonneoted lei!h, the refining 'depart 171411 t of the United States Mint for seeeiel yeeik we guarantee the quality le above (936), which la the finest that can be made to be serviceable, end will re' Met the notion of acids much bettor than the ordinary silver manufactured WM. WILSON & SON, B. W. corner IIPTU and MERRY N. B.—Any Buenos of silver manufactured, as agreed upon, but posirinely none inferior to the American and PrencA Jtandard Cbirta; (blagaroare, TURNBULL & 00., IMPOSTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS CHINA. AND QUEENSWARE, Nos. 23 and 2& BOIYIN. FOURTH STREET, Between ldsrket and Oheatnnt, irr pLABSWAIT, open or by the package anBl-2:m TO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN NEROHANTS. A large Stook of CHINA, GLASSWARE!, AND FANCY ARTICLES, AT THE LOWEST MEREST MUMS, AT if.AREBEN WITTE, Importers, MASONIC, HALL, 7/3' CHESTNUT STREET Jia-17 Bovine limbo. T HE . STATE SAVINGS FUND, No. 241 DOCK STRUT, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST MICE INTEREST FIVE PER CENT Money received DAILY, and every MONDAY EVENING - ON DEPOBIT, IN SUMS LARGE AND SMALL, PAID BAGS DAILY, PROM 9 O'CLOCK A. M. TO 3 0 43LOCH P. M DEPOSITORS OEN DRAW PRIOR HONE! RE ORZOKS ; ES IN BANK, IF DRUM, GEO. H. KART, President CHAS. Q. IMLAY, Treastirer I. HENRY II &VI, Teller lii H SPRING GARDEN S&VIN( PIIND. (Chum 11D HT THE LII0!BLATI111 or PMEITLTAMIL PERPITUAL CHAZTEB YIVBEt 9ENT. , lnter . elgt . : allowed to Baratta's, and all Moneys Paid baek - on Demand.. 092108, 'BBl NORTH THIRD STRUT . , (Conscarokrion RIIL Btoranzo.) This Lostltution is now open for the transaction 01 business, and lathe only Chartered Saving Yazd located in the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (dell y) from 9 to 21( o;olock, and also on MONDAYS and T ATO, from 9 until 9 o'clock in the 71wening. - MANAGIBEI. Protteriok Klett, Stephen Smith, John P Levy, Hon. Henry X. Strong, 'Daniel thrierkoner, Hon. Wm. hilliword, Predertok Masks, Pranois Hart, Joempn•P. meenom, John Howler, Jr.. Presiden Secretary, HHOILGE T. IAVINU IrIIND.—IIN/TED STATES TRUST OOMPARY 3 comer of THIRD . and 013:123T NUT Streets. Large end small sums remised, and paid book on de nand, without notice, with TM PBB. ONNT MUSS MST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. 0111ce home, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and ft MONDAY BYBNINGI3 from T until 9 o'clock., DRAPTB for sale on England, Aoki*, and dootland. from £1 upwards. President—STENEW B. OBAWNORD. Treastuar—PLlNT 91811. Telles—UMr9 B. ITUNTIB. SAVING FUND—FIVE PER DENT. iN TBBEBT-NATIONAL'BAIMUT 002 - PANY.-WALNMT BTBEET WITH-WEST CORNBB OP TIMID, rah LADoLroie. • - liOOII , OIAVID ALTRI 81 . 41/11 01. PINIMTLYIIIIII. _ . Money Is resolved in anyimm, largo or email, sod In Serest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. _ The oleo L don every day from 9 Web* In the morning till 6 cod in the evening, sad on Monday and nitride_ y evenings till g. look HON. L. BMNffilt;Preeident, BOHM BILIMUDO6I, 'Woe President. WY. 7. Itann,•georetavy. - ,'Dlinelelet Hon. Henry L. Benner, I I. Cana Hornier, lidward L. Outer, Joseph B. Bare , Robert Berridge, Bawl. K. Ashton, Joeeph York's, — G. Landreth Mama, Henry Diffenderfler. Money is received and payments made daily. The investments are made to esTaforrnity with the provielons of the Charter, in , SEAL MATE MOM GAGES, GROUND RENT S, and - nch drat clue pasta'. ties as will always insure arfeet esearity to the done!. tore, and which cannot fill to give permanently end at.. bility to thin Institution. and-ly fV . O. BR (241) DOOR STREET.—FIFE L I 11111 OINT. BUTZ SAVINOB FUND. O. 88 (241) rims. STREET. FIVE MIR OUT. STATE RATINGS FUND. NTO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.-- FM LL I P.V. OINT. STATE RAVINGS FUND, NO. 88 (241) CODE STREET.—FIVE PRH ORNT. STARA RA:TINGRIRND.. eabarca FUGUET & SONS, Importers of lI&VANA. CIGARS, se23 . 216 South FRONT Street AVANA CIGARS.—A handsome assort- El meat of Cigars of fine new crop Tobacco, of the following brands: Virago, Prnebese, Sultana, Cabanas, Union Americana, Orejon Tropical, Ca-ten:on, Floc Beien, rebate, &0., , In X,l-sth; and 1-10th boxes, of Londree and Opera slam jest rewired in Store, and for sale low by CH &RIES TETE, 188 WALNUT Street. 5e27.10t HAVANA OIGARS.-106,000 La Flor de la Ravens let, 2d, and ads, just arrived per brig ~ May grown,' , from Havana, is store and for We by WILLIAM .1. YEATON, seSt-tf No 9110 Booth 'FRONT Btreet OABANAS AND PARTAGAS SGARS.—A choice invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig ci New Xra,p daily exposited froze Hams, arsi for sale low, by 0113SW1A8 (New) 188 Walnut street, below &wad, eel .genond Star A NEW AND IMPORTANT DISCOVERY PRZNTISTB WASHING AND SCOURING PATENTED JUNE 22, 1.658 This important discovery has just been patented by the United Staten, and it la now oonfidootly recommended to Manufacturer's, Housekeepers, and others. It Is a labor-saving preparation, and coats leas than half of any other article known for -cleansing purposes. While it cleanses, whitens, and purities Cotton, Linen, Ind Woollen goede of every deseription, it will not injure the most delicate fabric. Certificates of its value have been given by some of the leading manufacturers of the country, as well as by many reliable housekeepers and cititens. Manufactured. by tho Patentee, and for ale by RAIATTEL GRANT, JR, & CO, 139 SOUTH' WATER STREET, jy24, htu ly CIaJTION. PRENTISS'S WASHING AND SCOURING SOLU TION.—The undersigned Would caution the publics against the purchase of Liquid R asking Solutions, pu - porting to be similar to, or equally efficient with, bis The unteringned is protected by a patent in the menu. facto a of the only article which can be safely and el& clent'y uses. Spurious imitations have been pot up, which will prove inefficient in cleansing, and deleteri ous to the fabric. Grocera and retailers should be careful not to purchase the Washing and Scouring So lution except of us, as they will otherwise reader them, selves liable as ieringers Purebaiers should be care fill to purchase ONLY PRBNIII3S'EI SOLUTION, as they will thus avoid all risk of destroying the fabrics washed. Oonolunlye proofs can be furnished that the article will not injure the fabric. septffil-Smo•th&tru To CONFECTIONERS AND BAKERS.- 500 lbs. Oil Peppermint, warranted pure; 1000 " Carb. Ammonia; 200 g" Oarraway Seed. For sale low, u wanted, be _ WILSON 4 MERRITT, Wholesale Druggists, 208 Market street bbla. prime Western Leaf JtJ LardOtettle rendered, Just received and for eale by - " 0. 0. &IDLER & 00. •`' Alto/1 street, Sat door abore Pratt; E OP WIMP-TICK ET JUDGE OP THE . BUPREHE COURT, WILLIAM E. FRAZEE. FIRST DISTRICT 01100 AD " E=Mll3 936-1000 virtu pure I=nl'il 12M=1 JOHN H. PARKER. FIABT,DIBTRIOT FOURTH it Plug ElOlll7l It ELBVaNTR TW6L7IB • " THIRTEENTH " se2B-tu th a Sim Founvesm“ Flitglitini " 1:!=M111 BEVENTICHNTII ,, PHILADELPHIA GEORGE W. MOKAHAN. NI3IROD WOOLERY. ELECTION, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 ige22-tocl2 ARCHER, WARNER, MISKEY, & CO., GASALIERS, BRACKETS, PENDANTS;YITTINGS, And sD kinds of ' - OAR AND LAMP WORK, GIRANDOLIi, dcd., 119 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELP Eli ARCHER, WARNER, & CO, 376 BROADWAY, NEW- YORK: fl Buildings fitted with ass - Pipea, and all kinds of Altering and Repairing of Gas Work. , - Will fruiters spent the Itith of October next to oar New Store, - 718 CHESTNUT ST., below EIGHTH. se2Sfit a t TOR LONDON.—THE HANOVE WIII.IAN brig ADELIBB, Sohnlkea-insider, now loaolog at Adams' wharf, above Oallowhill-street, Ting two-thirds of her eargo engaged: For freight ap Ply ' lO ,' L H. HAWES, se27-6t* 23 &oath THIES) street. I=l - FOR R A.VANA, via CHARLES TON.I en d Rey West..-The sidandid ateam sblilßAßAL, Capt. William Rollins, will leave NEW YO for HAVANA, on FRIDAY Oct. let , - touching, at Charleston and Rey West for mails and paasengsra. For passage apply to • IietPIFORD, TILEBTON, Ec 00. , No. 29 Broadway, Or JOHN WAGNER, '• No. 7 Walnut street. ./AitFOR - SA V A NN,A .11.-AIERON'S LINE—ONLY El- OMAR LINE—GOODS RE 'ED AND DILLS LADINO• SIGNED EVERY DAY.—Hreight and insurance at lest than sailing yes; renal Mu. by the steamship STATE OF GEORGIA Dept J J Garvin, to sail on Saturday. 04 2, at 10 o'clock,•A It., from aecond wharf above Vine It. /for farther particulars please sea advertisement of liteanithip STATE Of GAO/101A, in this paper. For freight or paeans apply_to - , A. HEROIC. Ja., ea= 828 North Ulmer, James S. Pringle, Jacob Dock, Joseph M. Covell, George Woelepper, T. Wesley Bray Robert B. Davidson, P. 0. 21lmaker, John P. Verne, George SWIM, John Horn. JAMBS B. ORM, FOR ONARLEStON AND SA VANNAH -HERON'S clown many= AND alma 01 LADING Ries= The splendid tin4olmesside-wheel Stesinshlps RRYSTONR STATE and STAYS OP GDORGIA, Now form e weekly line for the South and Southweert, one or these ships_ every SATURDAY et 10 o'clock A'. M. alternately for Oluirleeton and Be- TOR OHARLISTON. The steamship KETBTONS STATB, Osptsis C P. Marshman, will commence /011410 fir on 83.TORDSS October Sd, and sail on TUESDAY, October b, at 10 O'clock, A. M. . . „ YOB PATANNAII. The STATE OP GRORCILA., Oapt—John•l: will comment* loading on Saturday, Sept, end sell on dataittey, Ootaber 2, et 10 o'olook At both Oharieston and Savanna, these extipsecomeet Kith steamers for Nlcrrlda sad Umiak, - arul with rail roads, tre., for all phase la the Bank and ihatthwest. Heavy freight at an average of it par MIL below New York ateastabip rates. INBUHANON. TEEM= and INSURANCE on a large proportion of goods shipped South will be found to be lower by these 'hip, than by sailing ♦awls. Cabin paaeage 420 00 Mame do , 800 _ _ lizeruilon 'fidgets, good forte present year. ei No bills of lading signed after the ship has soiled. for freight or passage, apply to 41. 11:820_N .Tr , No. 818 (late 81) North lilharitetfai t y; . T. e; MTN. Aients in Savannah, . A. GRIMM Tor Florida, from oharbiston, steamer CAROLINA, every Tuesday. For Florida, . from Savannah, ;steamers ST. MARTS and ST. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday " For Havana, from Charleston steamer Malt the 4th and ISh of every month . ' Jan THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICA If BMW, DWI 87111 A- M. 110 X XXV TOBY TO LITUTOOL. Met Oabin Panto $lBO 'Second Oabin Passage • 76 ISOM lIOEITOIL TO LITIIXOOI. . . Chief Cabin Passage $llO Beoond Cabin Passage 80 , . The ships from Boston call at Halifax. I PUMA, Capt. Judith's. CANADA, Ospt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AIIERIOA,CIapt.Wi ASIA, Capt. B. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Eyrie. APRIOA, Capt. Shannon. lIIIIAPA - , Oapt. T. Leitoh. These weasels carry a clear white light at mat-head; green on starboard bow ' • red en port bow. ASIA, Lott, leaves Boston, Wednesday, Sept. 22. PERSIA, Judkins, ‘• N.York, Wednesday, Sent. 20. NIAGARA, Millar, .< Boston Wednesday, Oct. 8. ARABIA, Stone, , f N.York, Wednesday, Oct. 38. CANADA, Lang, , I Boston, Wednesday, Oct. 20. AFRICA. 3hannon, .. N.York, Wednesday, Oct. 27. ABTA At tt, ~ Boston, Wednesday, Nov. 3. PERSIA, Junius ~ N.York, Wedneaday, Nor. 10. EUROPA, Leitch, ' c. Boston, Wednesday, N0r,17. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgers:, on board. • The owners of theee Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Stenos or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the Talus thereof therein expressed. Tor freight or passage apply to 13629. y B. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. STEAM TO GLASGOW, LINER •' —; " POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN, and LONDON- D ' Y, without delay, for 80 dollars. Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places by say steamer of the tine, 00 dollar* for the round trip, out and Mick. New York, McMIILn, Batardsy, Julylo, at 12 Wolook, Manburgh, Cuoming, , Oct. 80; it Glasgow, Gooiwtn, " AngpetT, . . . Gliagow, Goodwin Batozday, July' 10. New York, McMillen Wodneodoy, Avant U. Edinburgh, Cumming Biturday, -Aug. 14. SATES OE kkESAGII. ISOM GLABIAOI , I%, Pint Clam 16pilaw Steerage, found via, cooked pro ..atone a . <, First Olise Steerage, found with soaked prorisiona ...... .• • .‘ 80 00 Obildren under /A yews of age, half nisei /aunts Steerage, free. Rata= tickets araikble within six IDootka , by any steamer of this line. First Class EllO 00 SteeragetBo 00 An experienced Surgeonat Mc eaoh Steamer. Per freight or passage apply to WORKMAN l C0.,23 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. ROBSRT (MAI% 17 Broadway, New York. HALL & LONHY, Buohanan , s Wharf, Baltimore. THE "OLD DOMINION" THE "OLD DOMINION" Are manufa:Auted, under the patent for the United Staten, by ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, Noe. 117 and 119 South TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ED' Merchants visiting Philadelphia, should, by ely means, lay in Reapply of these COFFEE and TEA POTS, which are rapidly coming into use, and destined is a short time to supersede all others. [l7 - A. B. k it. are also manufacturers, under the patent, of. ARTHUR'S CELEBRATED AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND . JARS, which, it Is conceded on all hands, are the last in the market. aulMutlukstnolB Also, Trade Agents for TORREY'S ADJUSTABLE DOOR SPRING QLATE I SLATE i I SLATE I I I—Roofing Elate, of all eines, and et very low rates , kept ora. otantly on hand, and for sale by 72,81NG, 803 d 00., GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD ithwei. N. B. Bled. Roofs pot on in the beet manner, and so *Wm "Waded b. /Laval* iramanall. - = antic - • STATE OFFICER 3. JOHN E. READ. CANAL COMAIIBBIONER, CONGRESS ~...JOHN W. RYAN. .EDW..IOIt MORRIS. „JOHN I', VEltains. 'BIIILWABD. v VT* STATH SENATOR. THIRD DISTRICT, FOR REPRESENTATIVES JOSEPH H. SINES 13A11111EL SWENEY WM. H. MATTHEWS. 7 MORRIS HARDING. GEORGE T. THORN. JOSEPH M. mutes_ - DAVID H. ETTER. O. A. WALBORN.. GEORGE W. WOOD.. 113iA0 J. NEALL. ...... A. SHEPPARD. JOHN A. alum PROMS EDWARDS OIMON GRATZ -GEORGE W. HANEBSI.EY. GEORGE WILEY 0. 1: ABBOTT COUNTY OFFICERS BREItI/1, /KEAN. REGIBTER Or WILLB, OLBBK OP OBPHANB' COVET, Gas ii,xturto. arixor•croginto or eons EVERY DAY YREICkHTB BSDII013:D, izz= corers rot., TEA POT, $l5 00