The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 30, 1858, Image 3
~~~~; e it,lyltatUnUM 0 g Roported for ThoProidi.j. • WILMINEM:II4,C-N-0-444_11110}d4,314man-1113 bbla 'ram turpeolol4 l sll34d tbliließowlerg• Aubbiumor & WI; 30 do Rota tir.poutino lKohdit & Bell; 40 baton yarn Hay 44- 3101/4484- 40 4414 rosin Ooobrow & Rumen; 1 box andso,Bo343lll'iletiolir 68:oBility &Walla-64P 433 bblo tordalnn Mot% - .1 inittakliall/ABOADD - 011 . TIAMIL Dane PnlaGon. ZMIOND 41 : 12 0110int gootwiputwraz Kong Ovonaa L. Bazar, micirtaAuli" As al Merchants , Smohangs, .PAilads/pAin. I Ship 'Tonawanda, Jttlitisii, - cc , Liverpool, Oot tihls N Carolina, Poster SS'Ostharine, cook Ship Prince de Toinville;Foster•• • • •Pemambnco, coon linedsY Sudan's, soon •Slyque Lianattna, Jackson, "St'Jaio deSubs, soon 'llrigg .29W rieridriakcSohut..,... • • .... ''.Loudon, soon 136kr.GootbirrAn ....... liarbsAckfm Fos Mt. Von, OF munsitELPWA, Sept. 30, 1848. SUN RUBIO - - 6 8 SUN SSTS 6 62 BLOB .„. . 7 ,82 ARRIVED. Bteilinahiptialawire;Copes; 21 Muni frilmNevr York, with • merenandlie and passengers to Jam &Mardis°. ?meal Dutch brig Hermes, from Bremen, at Ready Island; brig ,`A, Island; Boston, at Winning.' ton Creek, stAibont 16 !hammier,. beating up Brig Iletiora. (Botch) Dowsers, 47 days from Bremen, • with ute.k_to•rat•Aargec - • ,Bilg:rdarjr,:hlizabeth, - Taylor, diye Dina Bio _ion, with -ndselit Crowell & Collins... • 8 0ht 1 1 0aillikeslimith, 16 days from Baotpott, with • flah"to Welfoudel'& 00. " • „ "• ,- ..:80ht , A -- ;"ltairiniond. °lark.° days from BoetonOrith • = yudssi to ,Ortylit.,Otiop e r. YehrtirrialGirdlet,'Payne; 6 Says from Beitoni with noise lb - , 60,hr4 rA,lldinondsort, Leone, 8, days from Salt!- in ballast to Thai; Wiister; Jr. •” ilehr ExpiAition, Oonner, 1 day from innyniai Del. - ,with osts to;j J. Bewley & Co. ficbr Wm George; Jaokson, 1 day from limieuit," Del. rye to .1 1. Bawler &., Co. „. AG', Green, Ageu, 1 day frota,6myrna,,Del.,with *neat Dewitt &Or): • johol,lt Plater, Comm, 5 04 7 11 from Beatonint , ballast to 0, & ifoolumher & Co; " - 'Lahr Osreline, Bsed 1' 'day frows""OdelissiDel. with - ltribilittbil Oblivion & Oman. •• • ,_. B ChrileiliaMin Bh9Pard, Marsh. 8 days from Laurel, linobel , to J Irlhomo & Co. • Bearetary. Adoms,,4.days from Newtown, Rd., with .whestto J W Baum & 00. Astir Illsehanie,'Hendrioksmiy 1 day Dula Odessa, Del. *Ph ~rota to Christian & Curran. - Bob r B.eptieu Taber, Cook, 20 days from New Orkin', via six routine:With lobentD &o. to Pettit, !lutist & Co. fishy Mary J Hoytillamllt - n, 6 days from Boston, With mdse to osofaiti.i• ti Fehr George 'F Brown , Dokei, from Bristol. Pah, Oopia, hears, from BOlitoo. Bobr'•itlilrnglish.^froin' Boston •r ';' Pchr A 0 neovoo. take, from Boston. - Bohr B L Derry. Daley, from Boston. Bohr 1.111L4 ilatidirtl, Corson, from Provideaco. Bcbr rirletta. Roelnion, from Provident.. 'Behr listo,-41nritelv, from Lynn Schr J Idendauv,l'itreori. from New naTett. - • Bohr tool Outlier, Garwood, from Quincy Point. Sloop Lomat, B ayard, 1 day from Christiana, Del. with ostdt.4. l hriiiint le Outran. Sloop Olivia, Fox, 1 day from Odessa, Del. with grain to Christian et thuraz - ,•, , 41 - • Sloop J' if Fish, Bell, 1 day from Lowtoi,"Del. With grain and parseriters to, captain Will lease Pine Street whorl' Oot at to P on her return. Biranishly Boston, Bellew, New York, jag illderdlee. Barque talunesoia, Villwock,' Pernambuco, Tames Do ting AlatraoO j pbbe, Porpo34, O. A: Htokshoi & - - ..Brlg. , katson, Tibbetis,lprtlinid,li &whorled k 00. Bohr Pi SLewis, York da -, do Eine '34 , Billie, Meson; Poxbilry, " do Behr Honry,finit,,Oarirondiparbados, Win Cummings k Bon . • • Salm J,3 Bpsneer„o, D Bleb. ' son &00 - Behr Jahn Et Plater,.oorson,Key West, 0 A Mensher • Bell: i3tebbini, New Hsren ,' B.epplier -Echrlieii ' do Bohr J McAdam, Pierson, Charleston,Blisnlekson & Fohr Mall, CrOWeil: Virovidence, orOwoll & tolOok : • Fehr Arietta. RoblosoO,"Erotidende, Bli.kistors & Cox. r-i k 00, Bandexs, Ourscm, Providencia, Tiler , Stone Bohr Saco, Wsehingan, - • ' do' •. , itelar 8 Vastner,-Qarytood, lOatblehogl, N natural:it & Oo • Rohr A Q Reerreo, Lake, Marblehead, " do • Sahr - Cora.letrs, Boston, Chair Miller &00. • Behr Aid, English, Boston, do • 'Behr B L Berry, Ralph Boston, BAT'', Oglo Co. Oliypooti, Blaum orti`i oioieg i Jr.. ' I !III" I'ILIMULIM. (o,ooslo:4ojuss orthe Philadelphia Nzeldizige.) v -oainevleirisii, Pilot 29-4 PM. T w o, bin 4 1:1•. 1 / 4 503441,„ 0,100011 wail will:nava pi!olot, ,‘lths,m•ln topooll;prout in tooloy; No toilet" in the bayoutward Donal. - , Mad illY—weslhei Ana. , ::Yours; -- ho, - T/100. 8. HE 11031/1-- • . - TstaionArz To TEN mass.] ' - • ..B.Tiw OmaklrB; Sept 29. - AT :iced, elms /forest, King /olto,";Efineock,:Bllso .110;mexiond,Vim lookbon a, from Now-York; blip Boa- ' nose, andimighton, from_llM Janeiro, , , [ittoireepondonee of the Philadelphia llsoltange.] ..L.19WX.8; Del.. dept 28, • The;lL& wind stilfoontiones blowing quite a ple: - The fleet of veasels,hos Worsened- to about 125 sail.- Ws have had but tittle owntatinicatton with the htrber, . oislog to the strong wind and high Cu running. The - cutter Perin% and ilehi-Kattins s are' among the res. sets et hather. • (Oottespondenee'of T'he Prose.) • .111.9011. DE GAO/1, Sept 20,1050. The ltingstonaeft4fere thhs niornhag with' bogs, ' • l&len and'-eonilgned,i4 follow& • - /1 fllackwelfZene Bolton & Qattait, lumber tOTeen- VA fl etArt i nlitst i ef 'VON/ D A " , a g a r ar. ' , obit 4allirils;. - fdary Lied, with the load r of anthra cite „,0 - 011; ma ',of ',the_ &taken - boat - '5l - T Milliken, for Delaware City.', The boat kis gone anal, and Is bot Means:ONO:el. • 4 'ltems; - 7Na/tad/kip, Bennibeir, gilA, keno's; ar/lired at New - ..".'York. yesterday- " ; • , Btelanaltip 'Arabia, Stonf,'from Liverpioloarrivei at New Yolk" yesterday. - 4. - nteatoship Virginia, Rally, hence, arrived' at Rich mond 26th - r ', Noritill;Oleared at N r rlPrek - York 4 Veatmnielind, Teal, heist' indeed - ap New' Orleans 231 lost filito _Frigate IlIrd,•0416, at-Ban Frowsier* 4th •-,; Irim Brauer doer; ruiprioi to salliosilhelOth for Kong -• , Blup•ltelden r 4Sogle, Barling, from Ban Frandsed, at • - -Bonilla/a -.tidy . , e• e• . • 4 Ship Luisa. Daggett, fromßon - Flancisoo, eraa!twOnlY .taties weat - of Ronalula August fith.• , • nip Bias' k4rino - ,; Brow,a7from Ban, Francisco f,oi '-Mae; dui Shin /Filing Basle; Baleilwai loading /Mane atilono luta Aug Mb. toi:Vork, stale& trona Callao Snip Ocean Traveller, Boardman, for Boglaad, Balled 4 74 :: team Callao Aug 21st. ;. • • . 4 4; 4. Ship:John Bryant.-Gardner salted from Callao pre slow/ to Aug 284 for Ohincho Islands, to load guano for •Atiiil•tintted Matta, at 1110 per ton. at 'Well rats ak num ber of vessels had accepted charters. - elthiplllendell,Pluiner, front Bolden, arrived at Callao F24thAug•444 ,- - F Mosta, Oriuy, , frout Bydneyi N arrived at Galls° Aug ; • ; . • = : 4 ,./1136414as OhostonAllyant, from lielbourne;at raleo e as 7th,- - - Mop' Wild Ranger, Bears, for Gorki sailed - from Vali" Farah-tenni . Ship' Northern ISsgleOfelartnoni, fen' the =United 4i States . salted front °alders July 28thi, .‘• narquevassetta - ,llalloyislearod seNorfollt . 2(th hot rot tie,derara..„, , c , / ,4 • 4 , 4 , - • • ; Iltritue4 k 28th loot for Para and a market. • Barqde Prinress,• - Baker. from - Ban Frandsen for Btu- Agapore,..psated Honolulu Aug Bth.' - ; ; - Barque. NW, Tsylor r eleared' Bostoß2Btk Lust fie Grew, from , 'Platoui - at Boston 28th" loot, • •Roports seeing on. tbellat Hist, Ist - 42 40.1 an 69 40, a'errk). supposed - herni; , brig; with half poop, mem 4 ono, painted blacks with'e - whits•arok on the - stern The tuuntrwas under She was apparently lumber boded- ' . Barques Ifoperidor: Nabbord. and Zinotarells, Bnn • ' her, fir 4 1tioldrr laueiria with floari satled•from Rich mond 28th list. - • Barque law Wllavle, Wand, for Bostonorattows4 ' • 4 .• tO 061 fro'm NeW Orl.nne 19th brat - ': ... llarquo -- Achillo;Deverela J , sailed from Buekiiiirt . 25th . • 'lost for Buenos Atria , ,v • - Barque penult, Sanford, cleared at Nei York yeater day for•Philisloiphie. , - - Brig Alfred-Snail; Reading, went to lila from Chinks-, • • . 4 toil 26th lost for West ledies. - 'Brlg Orawtotd, Small, from Boston' for Macklas, at Salem 20th inst. - . , • 4 - ' • Brig klorassiy, Tinker, eleared at iforfolk.27th inot for Bari:ieto:4. , , Belts' arthsseria.- Baker,' and Brian, Unwell, for - Philadelphia, soiled from New-Bedford 27th init. - Bolds Undine, Bliley, and 0' L BayleS, Tooker, old at New York yesterday for Philadelphia.. • Behr Bertry.Castsff. Goldner, Called from" Richmond - 28th - inst Mr Philadelphia. - ' Ochs Blt Balley,"Ropldas, salted fromßlehroond 28th - feet down the Over ? Ilght. , Bohr Dentel:Oodwin, Bemoan, for lrawder Horn, old, - it While 24th lief -„ ,• , •--SchiShoda Jr.- - -ncistah.4llilionni atoned it Wllaiing ton; V, 28th Mat forePhlladolphia; • Bair flidney - Xcleer?GiMfreyq cleared at Wilmington, o, , 2Bth'ibet for , Philadelphia, with luMber„, ,, • Bohr Nelly'Di - R•ally, hence,nlved Ettehmisid2fili ;mit r : - - • - Bohr Pantheitildaswilli for Philadelphia, Sailed from Itiehoicatt 271 h :Mat.. _ • ,-. • ,SobrS G RBIs, Andrews, beneEit'Aletandrin 20th ;natant.'-' , 14- , • Bohr Yeabtl fiharn,liharp';ldinei at Ildifon 28th inst. Behr /twain, Want banes at New York 28th laati BahriTelegraph, Nlokeraron Idllaodererry, for this ports-and If J.Oantmlogif(Jortei, for Newark, eleared at New York 28th inst. • - Schr Susan. Id• Tylor, Bacon, sailed front' FeW River 25th Wit for this poi.' • 44' .-• • • ' Bar Borah Ann' Roe, Baker, Benet :Bit, Bo t t t ,. at !impost 27th last. Beim Join Farnumrßaker•Blobd ThoMpoon,.l„l ti g j and Jos Porter. Yates, hence at ProSidenoe 21th inst. Bohr , B. ii Browning; Steelman, soiled from Proof.. donde fhb Gist for this port. -' '-`4•• - ' Bar Df W arr ived at Bait '," ford 28tilhat, ~,, 4 • •. , 4. 4 e , --' Propellor Borah, lons, hence, arrived at New ;cork yesterday.' 1 4; -44 - : DOMESTIO PORTS - NSW YORK. Sept —Arr, dimmer Montgomery, e Ottfokerda(4lo4nalOtobril Tilinton tor • Aspinviallf J Ponder, jr. S 1 ingsworth, Petersburg Bid, steamship Roanoke, Couch, Norfolk; ships in ventor, Young,, New Orleans; Coney Clay, Caulking, Liverpool; 8 Ornirell; : llurgess, Mobile; barques Sign twins (Br) Love, Kingston; Doman, (Brem) Onham. Bremen L Davis, Pairchtld, Saysonah; brigs A D Torrey 'Griffin, Sagag - la Crude, Tavernier, Johnson, Charleston., Remington, Williams, dt Starks. Aleppo, Boy, Torkts Islind; Anna . (Sired) ligolander, ' Null and sitarbots '49l4toossul (Dutch) Miami Regtdooker, ' Notterdan; kalifs ami dr the South , Trleito; ' OCtoOIWMA. Zoliff,HOriblk,• jPopder,jr, Elting iwor.h, Petersburg; Yountain, Baltimore- II Price, Jo h nson, Rich- Ee d tP,,k n4 q9 ll t at i4atlM„; , TOSIION PORTS. I Atl Ohlneha ,Talabdri Lore, aW, Hey- InktPl A5rae‘ 0 2. 130, 721 , minililYs Boers; Chancellor; `Botlanilt AdVIVAKVIIvta, • BeNietben Cabbt,' Watts; John Briantftlardisr; Icing, Tamer; 'Wild Rover Chiwalli•Mareatt , ClThs7,lohiciti Datil .Nowell, Nowell/ gibhfinsithumsgf Ilhortit.Wltith or the lathr.N.Toddf andillarrasselist, 'Talbot, alt-lordling Span° tartan United litateei liiitighhig Motor, lantien, • e.t t• - o -4,4i17, , , , , • Avi at Osiinn'Ang 1804 ship Petalart, Of) Trifle,. istabwhiw o il 1 , t -144ing p gm. ilia erre, 0:, 11 t h, P lt? 4ll A'P'PlmOrrib Sit tiPdb,• 18t1t, chips Miotnly , Rod gratObiriettialniddiStollstniatisa, Cabot; NOW do;. s ....oltarcknitcr, Stunt, doi" Adranea, Barstow;-do; Eltik; shins Marcia 0 Dar, Otioltiphistot of.Taina,Mnowlss; . Ogler. Niatic*- 01 mpaellor; tiptland; Norm' " I “Nrwalr,NovreVind'iVltit 'of the Wive, Todd, do; *F2,!"2qB,'"abiplitrrassakistdPalbot; Iowa; grow. J 1144.14 %RV 01 1 .10tu ItinOTV l . er)lat.W•Ptxt our - 11;6. 1r • 41°' t o tni 1- to ahMensoort, ~' jelpe itetriboorkettonionve, Plan. tsiTtfibr , Basking; . , • h isor, Hiatin till! an ,kho i t att leiruppg. - - 2== -- .Arr - 11 - Vilfaratio Aug 8, Minion - Alfred Lamont, Ati dersol, Ilitibottrne(Mh, MagaThine, *—,11ws.on;(11114 aid lath for °initial); 10th, batons Vanelon,HOl, iodine; 11th , ship Commonwealth., Grottier. TOMMY. bid Aug 4, ship Prosherii, Leach, Caldera; 11th, ship State of Maio% Humphrey, lon!quo., At c d.,/ , .:Ang-1.5, alp& 8°1,1 , 11'11) . 0r, loid guano in Valparaiso, ores in Rolivis, and nitrateOf, soda ,In,lelaique, for .f,g 10a per ton; .barque Heeper. Armitage. t) load nitrate of Soda at kniqoo tor SilasgowAt 1210,1 per ten. At Caldera' Aug i 4; Ship Hen - tart; for Swarms, idg; barque Ahnena, Robertson, for Boston, - At Rsonimaillt. VI, 28th nit, Chit ship Manuel Monti, 11enderson, for Mendocino in a few days. At Acapulco 11th inst;ships Sunshine, Ryder, and Star of Hope, Pearson, both for New York. - Arr at Panama Bth last, steamship Colombo', Dow, ,Costa D10",m4 ,14 Ugh mg, returni 19th, steamship Zabi L Eitepbeot, Pea Moo, San Prandieto. Sailed 10th, steamship Holden Gate, Whiting, San Praneisoo Salred froni4spleirall'loth lint, bargee Golden Rule,. Whiteberry, New York, ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS VP so THIS zointuta ~•._ . . .. _ GIRARD 13017 BR—Chestnut street, below Ninth. .13 T Taylor & la, St Lonil ~ John •AltirSe & la, Boston 7 T de Miranda N Y W W Leland tC. la, N V ,W..WIIIIng,N lamer, .., tV,B Dobbin, Balt 8 B Jewett, Nlf ' IT J . Thompson, Ala" 3 0 Dungan, Balt R W Morgan, Balt 't 13 Codk; - Alabansa ' 111.-Joixesi Virghala S 0 Young, Natchez, Miss B Moore, Md `A - Hamilton & Is, Tenn . V de lialanarydos, Cuba A Welch, Washington L PhanDr., II 8 N B Moilaftle & Irs, Albany, Mrs Banks, Beadle Miss D.riks, Beading B Lockett' Savannah James Reed, Baotou P II Starke, Virginia R 8 Ring; Virginia ' 3 Waldburg, Virginia Thee Go,dey, Balt Geo Goldthwalt, Ala Leonard Passano, Balt • . ' hire Oelricb, Nl' Henry Palmer, N Y W S Morrell, Stanford Mrs H Mcilonkor, Stanford R L Tucker, Raleigh, N 0 Miss G Bryan, Virginia Mina it T Bryan, Virginia bliss 0 Bryan, Va Miss &revert, Va rho licreven,Ta ' Wm Mackay, Va Alfred Kindelan, Ouba 3 Ouneros, Cuba 8 Vinent, Cuba Mn Witherspoon A la, 8 0 Mina Olinel, 8 0 Boepero Oallis,Washing'n HinaLt.l3lricki washington. Miss H B Ulrich, Wasti'd' Gee Maynard, Illinois Dr Poullain, Georgia - ( 10 0 Tinker & lady Samuel Benton, N V 0 Parnuor, Charleston " ' J Soule, Boston Daniel Herbert & lady, N 3 W A Shepherd, NI , John-II Brigs% NV- ...."•:.`• ' R Edmonds A lady, Va Miss Edmonds & deter, Va bl W Oluskey. Washlng'n L Moore,ll Y . ~ „ D B Bartlett, N Y 8 Loughridge, St Lords H W Lyle. N V J A Erben, Lancaster It Peck, New Haven. Ot N Peck, New Bacon, Ot .. /I,V Mineyer & Is, Vs A G Gower, By - P H Stallard A 1,4 Mobile L 8 Gordon, Balt . - , Miss Taliaterro, Vs , 8 8 Motley, N Y - B Finger, N Y S Ingalls, North Adams .'Ohas Ilsrtiman, NII 0 D Cooke, N Y ' M Blanchard, N Y M.Brewater.N Y ,Egarninfortbf Boston DH McMullen. NY' ' ' ' 'D W Corwin, Own; 0 G B Mowry, N Y . B Ellis, o.ltimbris, Os Geo w George & it, mu. .a r 'mita . , la J A /Mundy' & la: 11l , B Oben,yo,l3l; B SI Remington & Is, N Y, M If Reynolds, N Yi 4 It Strioot - Georgetawn,Dl3 :obi Glikison, Va T 1 Davin& NY. -, .., - ~ : Wil. liayward. S 0 ,John (*.Witte, N 'l' B A Schmith, N Y I 'I , Oottiegys; Ma El Rhawley, N Y F P Hord, Banton' '. ,DUI 13 Poster, Boston A Leggett, Washington .7 0 1 Smith, Portland Ildw Mason, Portland P 0 Martin & son, Balt John a Ely, Fla. Moises How, Haverhill J B Forbush, Nantucket Dr El 0 Pointer, Memphis John 0 Brown, Tenn W 11 Hines, La Grange,Ga W W Smith, La Grange, Gi 0 B Norris, Balt 51EROHANT8 , HOTEL-ImM street, below Arch. W P Edwards, Pa" D W Moore, Pa W•Herr, Pa; • 0 Templeton, Pa H Preysinger, Lewistown Thu J Blackwell, NO W L Glass, NO F-Davis, 80 A P Cramer, Vs Elul V Hecker. Ohio Lloyd Lowndee, Va • 'Aug Fogel, ttO WmlWall, Vs,,. , . . Jesse Thaell, Boston I` Palmer, NO - • David Britton, Md P Carleton, Mug .E W, Baird, Towanda W Towneend; Pa ' Hon Geo Butt & la, Pa WmR Mayer, Pa Hon Nimrod Btrinkland,Pa •leuollarnetnarVlnd - J M 8 Neal, Ohio WJ 8 Clark, Md„ A Muller, Md A Booth, Pt ""• P Ford & wire, Philo J P Crofton, NY 8 H Smith, Pa S G Fry & la, Pa . • D Gorman, York, Pa John Poland, Trenton' ' Cl Piper &la La - Robert Pearson, NO H Blazon, Uniontown W Beeson '1:1 - niontomi - J McDowell, Jr, Va OW. Wide, 11l H Graham, Tenn , M Jenkins. Newcastle, 0 JB T 'Wuhan, Va T.ollbert, Pa„ . , Mr Ear, Pottsville N Clever, Pa • A.'kt BMalds,Blaireville,Pa A 0 Grate Blairsville, Pa H 0 Mclntyre, York, Pa • tai'MaOillaab, Ohio = Henry Bailey, Pa Andrei HOUSR--Oheitnnt street. below BUM. Andrei OuuningliamiNY 'JairteS Newlin, W 0 J Newlin, N 0 R R Richardson, N 0 J Winter, Dayton, Ohio ' 811 Cooper, Coon John Id Waddell, Va . • Geo Taylor & la. Pa Mira N Miller, Huntingdon L Miller, Pa L 0 Johnson, Elroyra, NY. W B Burnham. N Y 8 Summers, Blmyra, N Y Ohaa Y Bush, Va H Hooe, t±a ,0 D Hollenatein , Win Geo G ifinuchett & la, Va W Brinton, W Chester J Grezory..oVs J D Lincoln, N Y H Baldwin, Newark,2l J A Hamilton & lady, Nd Gen Moses, 2dd , • • 0 .11 Graves, Va D Peters...N. Y , A Schwab, Knoxville H Britt;Yo B D Smith Vs Jig:Masa, N 0 Wm Brorn, Vs • L Boar, Alexandria, Vs 0 H Bulkly, N Y 0 LBW', • John W Dawson, MA L T INoGilray, Vs N M Armstrong, N Y IrNlOLHOTEL—Archortmeunmew yonran, P H BAD, - Harrisburg Chu Wood, PhDs D W-Dull, Payette co, Pa Alex Moegrove, Ohio Baoj Sweeney. Ohio D W Fadhbaugh, Ohio Hiram Beall, Keene, 0 JA 'Thomas le eon, Ohio Geo Dean, linoluico • 0 MeElyar, Ohio . • Win McDowell, 8 0 • '..' Bdw n Kiniramore, 8 0 M White. J 0 K G Hillman, °McNutt 0-1 7 -Cooper, °lnaba - Jlt Jackson, lowa J P Wllhamaon, - Del W A Benjamin, Trenton M H Baldwin, Tenn B o,Welle. Money, Pa H Heynhiger, " E Altana, lowa Aug Altman Ohio. Mrs Neville, Boston II W Pitkin o ale, Coon • Geo H Diehl, Ohio T Bleon, Calafornia 3' 8 Ramsey, Cala John Ritter, Cala. Joe Cartwright, Va. Mrs N.L Waco, Ohio • Mtn Polly Day, Ohio Wm P JrPluntor &da, Pa Lou!.' T Bmkel, Pa H Kreider;Tiolumbla Ps W Shipman, N I , Jove X, lady A N J A Gardner. PA Era , _ wm-rAtta, onto - - - • D Lewis, Pa* , - 1 W Awl, Harrisburg, Pa 'BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third. aborts Oatlowhill. John Gerhatd Barnerille MIMI Gerhard, Ilerneville Bevj B Kramlicti,' Pa B 'Lehigh co lasie Schideka, Lehigh co * Ohm Helfrich, Kutztown B B Bpanonth, Wlntersville Alex Kline, Wintersville ScHalnau,'Port Carbon Mrs Seligman Port Carbon J B Risher, Spring Mite ' John Bechtold. Pa Darld'aiir, P. • - Joe Bowman Lebanon .1 Lineal, Barks co . 0 Boor'," Berko oo Geo Hine Pa • D Olorens, Obester Val bibs tat 'lnher e Pa - ' ' -- • - ' BMX BAGLZ HOTll.—' Third street, ob. Cellowhill B Wlllower, Dutton; . Geo Elemeny, Banton, Pe, AntlOalytn, Baaton,"Pi B Einider;.Lehigh 00, Pa Plallpiteeethlr, N BMW, Montgomery co Barnet Browni:Boston - NATIONAL HOTIL—Baca strait. above Third. 'Alailop, Pottsville"- T Loeb., Pima , W H Not,lfight street Wta 8 Well, Allentown W P 0 Wh ' R litilson. Penns W Power, Bloomfield DJ Rice, Bloomfield H P Shttamab, Ohio - 8 D,Loring, Ohio - DBright, Mineraville Wm Angle, Danville B Mem, Plnegrove D Kramer, Milton J B Henry, Anoville, Pa; Niee,'Potteville Buoy, Milton; Ps - - Mrs W J Johnson, Penns M M Marple, Philo " A Jonee, - Hazeiton P A Whitaker, Hatelton-- - G W Barmy, Pottsville N J Belgeist, Lebanon i , B Bothreek, Pa' - ; Mrs Drake Wthissbaris Master Drake Wiakesbarre • ' 'bfAbl.BoN Itol7Bl—Esoond street. above Market. G W PoyreWY< Yuan, Le'pale, Del 3 Fined,' . ' "L-4 W Del Wm WhMiter: Del ' 310 Welt, Del ' • H 8 teeliee, Neil Yoik - E L Meader, N Y , T Itlfeer6; Predeelee k ,"Del SW Milfotd, Bst Hansdela; [lawns, Del 'HOI/14 • VERNON HOTEL' 4enonA street, above irolt B Peters ; Del , W B West, Del P - , , J °outright, Pa HCFPort-eii Mt Willy, T TEloott. - Thils H Gaieon l kbll6 J H Oogill, NJ , H N.-Bostwick and lady. NJ - .- • —,. BLADE BEAR INN-411th and Merchant streets. P - Osmond, 'olleateioo; Pa - A W Beard, Pa, David Miller, 14 Taylor, Del co, Ps D flumes t Is, Pa S Russell . , Pa W DlcElayaes,l3lotenVe, NO J W Mot, Jersey Shore W P Beatty. Del co, Pa . G Callahan &, la. pa, W Harper, Michigan , W M Wilkinson, Chester co J P Wilkinson Ohester Jackson, Cheater co HABLZY SHEA! HOTZL—Heoond street. below Vine Dneenbury Windsor, NJ Et W &nth, NY 0 A Grant & I n, NY , Morrie, willow Grove I Lines, Boston, Ps J N Seagrove, , Phile P Henry & wife, Pa I Gatlin, Trenton,NJ Z Holton, Pa . J Silvers, Lambevire stemma Per Urns, , mszereet.— XLTIONAL SAYRTY TRUST. COMPAIM, WALNUT Street, 8. M. oorner. of THIRD, Philadelphie. Money 'reoetregi ram, large or small, and interest paid trete the diy of deposit to the day' of withdrawal. Money is retieleed and ;payments made daily, without oaks. The. inveetmenta .are atede in Reel Betide, Ground Bente, and such firest4dmis marl tills ae th charter riquitos. Offfee house, from go'oloelt in the re,,rattig until 6 delooh in the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday ow - mining until g o'clock, fed" Yule, Banelts Emu Athenienne, or ilair Re ...1047.A.T0,D, has Producedisanderfutresulte In restoring the hair lo its original life color and preserving the eye night. It Is warranted free from all Injurious sub stances, and li,more efficacious than , any preparation for the hair ever offered to the public. For site by all respectable Druggists, and at the Laboratory, No. 704 ONESTNIIT attest. Phliadsipble, by JULEiI HANDL as CO. se27-at diacurry , --Scnevy. Ist not confined to Arctic travellers and neglected sailors i it shows its disgusting features also among the ill-fed poor in our filthy lanes. Nothing has been found so Speedily efficacious in ar- resting the decomposlog tendency of the vital fluids in scorbutic inseam as the pliftlIVIAN SYRUP. , For sale in this city by Y. Brown, corner Fifth and Chestnut, and Hamra & Co., corner Twelfth and Chestnut. rie29-ditw tf Orirfai kleakeris PA.MILT_BZWING°RUMBAS= • 180 , 0HE8TNIIT BTIONT.• „ These - Siaeldnes ice; now - justly admitted to be the beat in IMO for family sewing, making I new, strong, ' 'nli' elastic' stitch, which will NOT rip, even it every learnt ititeh be eat.- Circulars sent on appllostion by iotteri , - - 4 , 0 4 ,1 , 11, JOB 117711, AND OhOoki!, Aekef, Drafts, J,11114 Lading, 13111113 ads, Onlllo,,Oside; And kinds of Job Printing, at rieimi to milt the tins. - 4411747 Thomann W. Bally, Ao. 044 Market Street, lingorter nod Dealer lu line Watches, !swam Barer and Plated 'kart!. Virst-chew goods oonntintly on hand. i'.lo . ltibfaTit,n3t; Paiipt daith for ivory article) Is enabled to Bell at a small advance., !rims about purchasing' would do well to oill. All iccHidi warrsated ae npre- matesa , a 6srind Faced--Om a• 1103 Walnut atioet, and doer weet'dt, patina great; 'Booolves deo pOilta In Ottio Ana DOI* and npirardr, front all alum of the sumnandti l and allows , Interest at *ha rata or art par cbtit.ler Amnia, _ eilmdint i r ot g wails coda* - sad on Non day and Saturday:al:lW, d in *ha craning.' Oreildent i Vitadditi lalle..Trinanatr adartatary r Okada. M. Ysgitc 1.7'.:c..11, I.) One-Price Cleanly* , of the ,LateitTlityles, and made in, 0 b . aatmalineriexpreasly for Sofet. eaten. We wia'xic.por"toireA In !LAM PlOOlllll . ,„iiaoh - Oa* Aitgood. made to order are warranted eatleacloryi ant our - owaerolola Mimi la st,letly ad. 'lo'64ll:ye:tat,. tost4 the,ocly fair way of JONES t..P•ti 504 11ABISt Street: ) 15_136ticil Te Capttallittp,, 4464 ---P6rempforf gale of VALUABLE .4461N4138 :40P.1111tIXS.—Thooass & Bona will sell, without' , reserve , by order of executors, 9n,Tididly next, 6th blatant, the weldable estate fifth and NOrtti streets; bet Ween - Market and Aroh streets; and ; t 2 Oto'rei'6onreiii, the vsltisble yroperty kittens is Bontleee ,Iltstrogsny and Bfirbbi Works." . pile of : llLEtitaill Al , di PLAIN RICSIDENCES.InoIuded came sale, ar4 yelnable residences, Walnut street, Chestnut street, Spines" street, Pine 'sheet, • Third street, Twentieth street, Twelfth street ' , Orown street, and "" - VALUABLE LOT 3, 'YARNS, &o.—A number of 're cant Late;Paime, valuable West Philadelphia properl ty, k isrge portico peremptory Wee. - adteritietheriti. Professor Saunders , 'elegiacs' Institute, at the IftST ihnidambpnre INSTITUTE, corner of MARK= Street end WILLIAM, will be reopened on the first MONDAY of September. Pupils, to the num ber of fifty, will be received wirnoor PXPEINSIII OP r•la 517111'71.881001111 EATIMAYS Or SOO OITP. Thne, without expense, by • pleaeant and Nee eon veyanae;pnpils can be - carried into the fresh air of the oonntry in lees than half an hotlr from the centre of the City, Several MIMI of open venni border on the been- Wel groves of this Bemlnery, Which in patronized by many of the distinguished gentlemen of the city, &Meng whom are tits Miter/ gif ' , The Ptak, the Ledger, and The North , . Ameritan and United States Gazette. Pu. pile ate; tasteilired by the 'day, or Into the' family of the Pthibleal. • ' Pinttnimpith, lute 1,1868. " We, the undersigned, have had sons or ward's In Professor Saunders , Institute and family during the Benton which has just oloeed. In respoct to parental kindness, happy influences, attention to health, and progress in thorough oduestion, our expeotations have been fullY realised.. To our friends, who are looking for a decidedly good school for their eons, we cordially recommend Professor Saunders , Institute. _ "MATTHEW NEWHIEN, No.lBoo Arch street. ,1110. W.IORNEP, once of The Prods.. OHATILEB E. THOMPSON, Thompson & Hood, No 413 Oheetcut West. - "J. 13. SILVER, 1400 Girard avenue. ",W. L. SPRINtiB,II.3I Market street ‘ , 4akosax H. MARTIN, 1625 Walnut street', Othek Patrons of this Institation ELI B. BUIIIiBTT, 408 Market street JOHN O. IHITOHELL, 203 Beath Kith street. T. B. OOLOiLiN, Id South Eighth street N. B. BROWNE, 118 South Fifth street selauEL mom. Logan Squari P. WATSON, Logan Squire. MN. SWAIN, office of Ledger. MORTON AtoMIONABL, onion of North American. ELLIS LEWIS, Tenn Square. Ecr No 3111111AIT MONS BBLIGT. Singerla Sewing Machines —That Singer's &twin& Machines make the best stitch ever invented, has been widely known for years. Other machines may make a similar stitch upon a fen light fabrics, but Binger , ' alone are competent to do every kind of. work upon every variety of fabric. Bluger's new Family Sewing bleohines hare the same relative superiority as his machines for manufacturing purposes. They are also more beautiful than any other. Hemming and Binding Ganges of the most improyed Style are applied when desired to any of Singer's Ma dames. I. M. SINGER CO , Sal6.tjan22 , NO. 602 CHESTNUT Street. marriages. At Philadelphia, on the 213'h of Sept., 1868, by the Rev. C. D. Cooper, 70EIN K. PRATT to VIRGINIA P., daughter of J. W. Harris, of Morrisville, New Jersey. On.the 26th inst., in St Theresa's Church, by Rev Edward McKee. Mr. THOS. MORRISON to Miss MARY mAeLoNE, both of Ode elty. • On the l oth hut., by Rey. Warren Randolph. Mr. JOSEPH BROOKS to Miss MARY JANE NARPLE, all of Germantown. On the 28th Init., at Wilmington, Del., by Right Rey Bishop Lee, R. A: P. PHNROSS to SARAH H., daugh ter of the late T. B. H. Boles, Req. ilitatbe. On the 28th bid.. at the residence of her nude. Oe leatin Jacot, at Willow Grove, BLEIIHINB V. PRI BASD, in the 92d year of bar age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the rulers!, from No 605 Areh•atreet, above Pin, at 2 o'clock, this (Thursday) afternoon, without further notice On the 27th inst., 3fre. HANNAIi EVANS, relict of the late Captain David Evans, In the 83d year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to, attend the funeral from her son's re sidence, Chestnut-stroet, above Front, South Can den, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without fur ther notice Interment at Fourth and Pine eta. * On the 27th hut ,of dropsy, TH05148 ZELLY, aged 45 years 9 months and 4 days. . .. . . Oa the 28th Mat., Mr. JOSEPH BENNETT, in the 57th year of Ma age. The relatives and friends of the family era respect fully invited to attend the iguana, from his late resi dence, . Twenty-fourth street, below Oallowhill, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 8 o'clock, without further notice Bailers' to proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. On the 28th ircrt., WILLIAM FLOYD, in the 33d year of big age. His friends and Those of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of hie stepfather, John Shepard, Story-street, near the Lan outer Pike, Diantnaville. this (Thursday) afternoon. • 8 o'clock. The Union Nose, and Hook and Ladder Companies, are respectfully invited to attend. * On the 28th inst., of consumption, ELIZA. ANN, wife of 3. W Armstrong, in the 24th year of her age. The relatives and friend* of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late reel donee, nn street, kfanairru2k. this (Thuredey) af ternoon, at 1 o'oleeartfithont fortheenoeme. - * bias. Prxasinrs.—Obituary notices, we admit, are renerally in bad taste, but there are occasions when an expression of respect for the memory of the good should be made over their graves. This estimable lady, the daughter of our highly re ap/dad townsman Jacob X. Smith, was especially one who was sincerely beloved. She woe distinguished for her high magnanimity of character. When pestilence was in her house, and ,they who were nearest and dearest to her were stricken down, she exhibited a Christian character and proved herself a slater of cha rity. The author of this article hie not seen the lamented lady, nor any of her family, for years, but the memories of his mind and heart require him to sub. mit this humble testimonial. X. KrFemale Medical College.—The Ninth Aroma Comma LECTURES willbegln the 16th of October, and continue flee months. For terms, tso , apply at the College, 627 Ana Street, or by letter to the Dean. EDWIN FUSSELL, M. D. sel3o-22t tise Protection to American Labor... Tariff WONTING, TWENTY-SECOND WARD.—The Oitiroms of the Twenty-mond ward in favor of a " Pro tective Tariff are requested toe/tumble at the TOWN HALL, GERMANTOWN, on the Evening of FRIDAY next, the let of October, at haltput seven o'clock. " The meeting will be addressed by Morton M'Michael, Charles Gilpin, John Goforth. W.Blorrls Davis, Zara, and other distinguished speakers. The call is signed by John Button dr. Bons, Freliforth do Lovelidge, Charles Spencer, William Spencer, Ed ward Wade, Thomas Jones, Joseph Hill, Wm. McCal lum, Aaron Jones, William Allen, John Allen, Joseph Crowder, James Parnwortb, Samuel khumbip, J. and M. Prance, Mid numerous other manufacturers. se3o.2t ca,.. Mama Meeting of the Democracy of the PTRST OONGRFoSIONAL DISTRICT, in favor of the Election of GEORG g W. NE eINGER. will be held at the , Garner of TW SETUP ti. and PINE Bttests on FRIDAY, Evening, October let, at 8 o'clock. The following distinguished gentlemen will be present to addreius the meetiog: , llon. J 0. Knox, Attorney General Penneylvania. Col J. W. Forney, J. J McElhone, Eeq , W. B. Lehman, Esq., J. L Eingwalt; Eeq., David Webster, Eeq., W. Sergeant Ben, Jrhn II Aland. Esq., Daniel Dougherty, Beg., B G Webb Esc, Dr. O. E liamerly, Jared J. Greenfield, Eeq., W. F Carlin, Esq. Bernh.rd Maxwell, Eeq Dr. G. W. Nebinger will be present to addrese the Meeting. es3o.2t* liae Notice to Delluquent Taxpayers In the THIRD AliD FOURTH WARDS.—In corn pitenee with the provisions of the 17th section of the supplement to the act consolidating the city of Phila delphia, approved the 21st day of April, 1855 1 the delin quent tax.payers of the 'Third and 'Fourth wards are hereby nOtlfisd that TIIOIIIAB M. hieIEERVER, is not authorised, from and after this dote, to collect any pity or Stale tax due for the yearn 1858 and 1817. by owners of property in said wards. A. 1. 5%051 IiaiBBLT. es23-8t liensiver of Taxes. rr Plano Fortes and Melodeons.---an ele gant stook of lc Bacon, Co % um and N &Clark , s unrivalled PIIII2OB, and Muon &Hamlin's Ma- Weans. J. N. GOULD, sot st* SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Ste. o Philadelphia and Heading Railroad LF OOMPAN Y.—Office 227 Routh FOURTH Rt. PHILIDELPIIII, Sept. 2lst, 1888. To avoid detention, the holders of Coupons of this Company, doe on the let proximo, are requested to leave them at this Office, on or before the Seth inst., when receipts will be given and cheats will be ready for delivery on the let proximo, In exchange for said receipts. A. BRADFORD, 424061 Treasurer. Kr. Medical Department of Pennsylvania COLLEGE —Preliminary lectures will be de- Leered daily in this institution, commencing on MON DAY, Sept. 27th, at 12 o'clock M. and continuing until the °pas:dug of the regular sess ion. There will be a medical and surgical clinic, in connection with the Pennsylvania College Infirmary, every Wedneeday and Saturday, at 12 M. FRANCIS G. SMITII, M. D., 5e25.8 to th 2w Registrar. nna. The Philadelphia, Wilmington. and Hal- U 3 RAILROAD 00bIPANY—Soresx nen 22.—The Directors heve declared e Dividend of Tones Pea Otter. on Pe Oapltal Stock, for elx months ending Slat 'ultimo, payable on and after the lat of Oc tober next. ALFRED HORNER, se2B•th a to-t Poi Treasurer. :few Orleans - Gas Light Company. YARIUSIIB , AND MECHANICS , BAtlli, PHILADSLPIIIA, Jaly 2, 1868. Notice is hereby given 'to the Inockholdets of the Now Orleans Gas Light Company, that the Agenty for the Transfer of the Stock and the payment of the Divi dends of that Company will be closed from and after the first day of October next; and they are requested to surrender the Certificates issued by this Bank and re ceive Warrants of Transfer to the Company in New Or leans. W. RIIBUTON, jra-dlw&mthtoel Cashier. ub - The Fair for the benefit of the Inane. TRIAL 80000 L OT THE 13I8TERE3 OP TII HOLY 011088, 18 NOW OPEN at - JAYNE% HALL. 1021-6t* M T Home for Invalids with Affections of TI CREPT. '• W. corner PARKE and ORESTNIIT Streets oeii /In West Philndelphis. • ARDWAR.E. MOORE, lIHNSZNY, & C 0 .427 NIARKIST and 410 001013e014 $t Are now opal/int a splendid aseortment of goods suita ble for the near trade, and invite purobasm a to call and examine their atoek of Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, &0., before pi:inhaling. ae3G.l.2t ASSEMBLY— SECOND DISTRICT, EDWARD S. REDSTREAKE, ' The PEOPLE ' S INDEPENDENT CANDIDA.TH. seBo-Bt* JOHN GRANT; a native of Ayer, Scot land, who left I iverpoul he February, hut, per Kl ima Atiatin; for Now York, will hear something to hie advantage-b 1 calling upon or sendlog bin address to JAMES PATRICK, No. 80 Deaver Street, New York. meBo.4t* MANILA CIGARS.-1 Case First Quality /WM 01g1111, Just arrived in store and for rale , • - , WILLIAM If. 'EATON, 8080 218 'loath 111101 T Street. ' • : • - •:- ‘;, - - §.IPAPTEMBER,. J9 , 13.N M. READ. kt a meeting held September 26, 1858, of the Com mittee of Correspondence, appointed under the resolu tions of a meetlog, on the 16th of tone het, of the friends of Protection to Domeatto Industry, irrespec tive of party, the following Preamble and Iterolutlon were adopted: WINRSAS. Secret Circulars have been tent to various parts of the State, assuming the plies of friendship to the great measure of Protection, and assorting that the Hon:Jona M READ, now candidate for Judgeship of the Supreme Court, had, In the year, 18211, lathe Legisla ture of the State, voted sgainet Protection—that he had, in the month of July, 1846, signed a letter to Mr. Dallas, congratulating him on his casting vote In favor of the Tariff of that year—and, generally, that he bad been, and still continues to be, adverse to ,the, protec tion of American Labor ; and, . WIIRRIMS, The opinions of Mr. Roan, in , favor of Free Trade, thirty-five years Blocs, wore held by him then, in common with Daniel Webster, and thousands of others, many of whom have eines been distinguished for their advocacy of protective measures—experience having taught them, as it has taught him, the destrue tive effects of the Free•trade policy : and, Wusasss. Tho assertion relation to the letter ad dressed to Mr. Dallas le utterly untrue—ite falsehood having been clearly exposed in an editorial of the North American, a copy of which la hereto annexed: Therefore, Resolved, That we hold JOHN Id ROAD to be a deci ded and earnest friend to Protection to llome Labor, and, as such, entitled to claim the votes of those of hie fellew-citizens who advocate that policy ; and that we, therefore, corlially recommend him to the support of all who desire a revision of the Tariff. [From the North American, Rept. 28, 1858 ] JOHN M. REA O. On the 14th of July last, Jogs M. Raab, of the city of Philadelphia, was unanimously nominated by the People's Convention, assembled at Harrisburg, for the offiee of Judge of the Supreme Court. The Convention passed the following resolution: Resolved, That the revenue mammary for a judicious and economical administration of the Government ehonld be fabled by the imposition of Wiest upon foreign imports, and in lay'ng them such discriminating proteotlon should he given as will secure the rights of free labor and Ameri can industry ;" which resolut on was approved by Mr. Eau) in his letter accepting the nomination. , Home weeks ago we received letter from a friend in the interior, stating the it was asserted that Mr. Miran had signed a letter to Mr. Della., congratulating him for having voted for the tariff of 1846. Since then the same assertion has been made in an editorial of the Laminator Intelligenscr, of the 21st inst., and in ,other papers, and we have been informed that secret circular's, conveying the same information, have been sent pri vately to the leading ironmeatere in rho State. The files of the Pennsylvanian have been marched, and the following appear to be the facts: On Tues— day, the 28th July, MO, Mr. Dallas, as VicePreeldent, gave hie meting vote in favor of the tariff of that year. On Wednesday, the 29th, a letter wee written by Athenseins Ford, aligned by him and a number of Demo cratic citizens, to Mr. Dallas, approving his vote of the preceding day, to which Mr. Dallas replied, in a letter dated (Saturday) August let, which correeporidence was published in the Pennsylvanian of Wednesday, August 6th. Amon3st the signatures to the letter of the 29th of Jtily, the name of Joan M. BRAD doee not appear, but there is the name of John F. Bead, a re speatable Democretio citinen, who then resided in Ches ter street, In North Mulberry ward, but who now re sides at No. 240 Madison street, and who approved the conduct of Mr. Dallas in giving his casting vote for the tariff of '46. In addition to thee. fads, we are authorised by Mr. JOHN M. READ to say that he was n ot in the city of Philadelphia when the letter of the ',nth of July, and the answer of Mr. Dallas on the let of August were written, and that he never saw the original of the let ter of the 19th of July, nor did he ever sign tt, nor litt thorize anybody to sign It for him. hrs. Orxey furnishes no wrath the following: "I bore examined the Pennsy/vonian of Wednesday, 6th August, 1846, and attached to the letter of 29th July : to Mr. Dallas, signed by Athanaslca Ford and others, I find the name of John F. Read, but not the name of JOHN M. RIAD. 530.8 t HENRY 0. OAREY. ), TO THE TRADE. 60 CARTONS CILENE BELTINGS PER STEAMER "ARABIA.,, CHESTNUT ST., nzLow EIGHTH CEESTNIIT GROVE WHISKEY.—A de sire to lessen the consumption of impure spirits, knowing their Injurious effects upon the comititution, has induced tho offering to the public of an article which the analynation of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chemist, of Now York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, & Camas, of Philadelphia, proves beyond all question, to be the most pure and consequently least injurious spirits evor offered the American public. . . . . CERTIFICATE OP DR JAS. A CHILTON I have analysed a sample of Chestout.OroveWhinkey, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON, Ja. of PlL.A.isums, and baring carefully tented A, I am pleased to Mite that it is entirely free from poisonous or deleterious substances, It Is an undsuelly pure and floe flavored quality of Prhinkey. JAMES It. CHILTON, M. D., New York, Sept. 8, 1868. Analytical Chemist. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 9,1858. Dsait SIR: We hare oarefully tooted the temple of Chestnnbarove Whiskey which you sent no, and find that It contalno none of the poisonous substance known tee Yule Oil, which Is the characteristic and Injurious Ingredleot of the Whiskeys In general nee. Very respectfully, BOOTH, GANNETT, & CANA°, Analytical Chemists. To Casuals Wnenron, Jr., No. 23 South' PHONY Street, Philadelphia. se2d-dtoc2l DIIILADELPIIIA COLLEGE OF MAR MADY,-The thirty-eighth annual (mum of lec tures in this institution will commence on FRIDAY EVENING nett at the College Hall, and will be con tinued tri-weekly, (on MONDAYS, WEENBBDAYB, ane FRIDAYEO until about the Ant of March. ROBERT BRIDONR, M. D., Professor df Chemistry. WILLIAM PROCTER, Jr., Professor of Pharmacy. ROBERT P. TROMAB, M. D., Professor of Macula Mediae The Introductory Lecture will be delivered by Pro fessor Bobcat Bridge', at 7% o'clock. Matriculation ticket& may be obtained of ALFRED H. TA.FLOR, Secretary, M97-StiS Corner of Walnut and Ninth streets. WMSORUBS AND CLAMPS. rpio. 1. 62)j . per dos 2. 760. " a. 870. 4. 100.3. " OLAMPI3. 8 Itolr, $1.25 per dozen. 7 Row, $1.75 por dozen. 8 Row, $2.26 per dozen. NEWRY O. EPICSTRIN, so-16 62 North THIRD Street. Philadelphia BOOKBINDING.—The undersigned res pectfully Invite the attention of lovers of books to their unequalled (twilit es for bind , og books in a su perior manner. Their work has been submitted for a eerie of years to the exammation of some of the molt celebrated connoisseurs in the country. It hoe received the most flattering encomium and won for the under signs a reputation which they aro determined to malotain. Ever y style of Binding executed, from the plain ,4 half-bound , ' volume for the scholar's Miele to the most artistic garniture of rarities for the collection of the Bibilemaniao. Specimens of style and workmanship will be cheer fully ehown to those who will call upon PAWSON & NICUOLSON, Bookbinders, 619 MINOR Street, se29.2mt Between Market and Chestnut Streets. TO aASH•BUYERS. JAMES S. EARLE A SON., 816 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Western and Southern Oustom• era to their Immense and elegant assortment at LOOKING-GLASSES, PORTRAIT AND PIOTURE-PRAIVIRO, SOHRAIK's The attention of Dealers and oonsinners of Tarnishes le solicited to oar SUPERIOR COACH AND FURNITURE VARNISH, DRYING JAPANS, IRON JAPANS, :11ASTIO AND SPIRIT VARNISHES. We claim to be the Oldest Varnish bleoutaoturhig Zotablishment One Varnlahee having now been In constant nee OVER FORTY TEAM, and we admitted by competent judges to be SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS MADE IN TEE UNITED STATES. All we ask In a fair trial, and we are satiated the merlin of our Varnishes willbe FULLY ISTAHLIBEED, 0. SOHRACK & 00 . , OLD STAND..Noe. 162 and 164 North TOMMIE Street med-lm BRIDGETON.—The Steamer EXPRESS leaves AROII Street Tues. days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at ag o'clock A. M. Returning, leaves BRIDGETON Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 8 o'clock A. M Stopping at New Castle, Delaware City, Port Delaware, and the natal Landings on the Oehansey. Through Gaeta for Mllleville, Port Elizabeth, Mauricetown, Dividing Creek, Newport, ,Oedarville, and Pairton. 007.1m* ENGLISH VERMILLION and ULTRA. MARINE BLUE, especially imported for Painters and Printers. Pat up in 1 lb LAY packages, a nda for s ale by &R, sel7-Im* 241 POOH Street, up stairs. lISSIA HEMP and YARNS For SALE, by WAAVEIt, FITLEit to CO., No. 28 North Water street, and se-27 No. 22 North WIIARVICO CHEESE. - 106 boxes Herkimer county ohms now landing, and for iale by 0: 0. SADLER /e 00., sell AROR St ea t 2d door above Pront, SALAD OIL.-25 cases finest Tuscan LynCh Oil s In store AAA for mile by WILLIAM H. YEATON, ea 110 tienth 8/KoliT etre HENRY O. OAREY, JAMES MILLIKEN, • WILLIAM D LEWIS, O. N. EOKERT, JOHN W. O'NEILL, WILLIAM ELDER, THOMAS BALOH, Committee. JUST RICEIVIID, HORS TMAN'S, HANDSORUBS No. 5. 81 12 per do; 8. 126 . 1 7. 1 60 .• 8. 1 76 11 OPPOSIT2 TJI GIRARD NOM, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVING Suitable for the PALL TR ADZ! VARNISHES, TA.PANS, IN THIS COUNTRY, ttlbakeale DID qoyabs. FMOY ¢A SIMERES. bbdittinOrtviee in Side Stripes, Tufts, &o. Durkin Cashmeres, Ddet, Oxford, and Brown MU. • ,B I Double, and Twisted Oiseintone, Paid, Side Stripes, and Plain. Citon Warp Cloths, Ibavy Black and Brown. Sktnette in a variety of styles - Back, Brown; and Printed doods. Vertings, Fine Caehmeres, Valenelas, &o. Tiro attention of the Trade ia eolisited to these de elrablegooderwhleh are offered on favorable terms, by • SMUEL 114 PRY, ee2t.itifit 218 A CHESTNUT Street.. BNLY & BROTHER; Na 920 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN THIS . DAT Their Fail Importation CARPETINGS, PRIORS GREATLY REDUCED CARPETINGS ELLINGTON BRUBSELB, SUPER ALL•WOOL INGRAINS, EXTRA lIINN INGRAINS, bOUBLE COTTON CHAINS INNRAINO, VENITIANEL AND LOWER ORADES, Of alpine gilled and approved manufaature, constantly receiving and for sale by JObEPH LEA, se!o ' too2l 1 Noe. 128 and 130 CHESTNUT Bt N FALL STOOL. /ileChttley, Brother, & Brewster, 28 NORTH FOURTH RT. UAT Jut opened an entire new stoat of , GOBIERY, GLOVES, AND HANOI' GOODS, to viloh they invite the attention of Aret•olase buyers Our Stock !a particularly adapted to THE SOUTHERN TRADE. ace-2mit IRISH LINENS, WOOLLENS, WRIFY GOODS, BLANKETS, A full and general assortment of FALL DRY GOODS for sale on favorable terms by WRAY & GILLILAN, 121 CHESTNUT STREET enBl•tu th e24t AUTUMN TRADE, 1858. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE DRESS GOODS OF NEWEST STYLES, BRAWLS OF EVERY VARIETY MERINOS, 008U8615, DITJBLIN DE LAINNB, VELVNTS, BILKS, ALPACAS, GINGHAMEI, CLOTHS, CIABBIIIEREB, SATINETS, 9EBTINGI3, FLANNELS, PRINTS, DLEAORED AND DROWN GOODS, With • complete Line of EMBROIDERIES, And other styles of Goode adapted to a FIRST-OLABS TRADB, All of which are offered for gale ()heap W. G. OMTTICK & CO., 438 MARKET and 493 MERCHANT ST awrj-tu th tit 2m&w2m CLENDENNING'n DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE COVERS, TABLE NAPKINS and TOWELLIIqGB TO THE DRY GOODS DIEROIIASTI3 : exam.swest: di I have bestowed more than usual expense and labor in getting up this article of Table Damask in this country, and have succeeded in furnishing an article equal, and in some respects supe rior, to the imported one, at a much less expense, I trust that those who have a dieposi•ion to encourage Assay:tax Exraturatan and American labor will not forget my address. JOAN OLENDENbiIIIG to CO., ARAMINGO MILL, PRANHFORD, PHILADELPHIA. P. B.—Pedlars and those who travel and supply Conn. try Trade will And it to their advantage to call at the Factory before purchasing elsewhere. Parties wishing to buy, and cannot make it convenient to call at the Factory, will please nod their address, and they will be wetted on with samples of the above. se3,lmlf New icittblirationo GET THE BEST.- OUT. OUT. OUT. OUT. MAT A BIOIENTLIA3 HAMS NOTE REPORTER WITH 77 NEW COUNTERFEITS FOR THE MONTH, 33 NEW COUNTERFEITS FOR THE WEEK. IMLAY & BICKNELL'S REPORTER Is the only COWPLITS Bank Note Met In the United States. Everybody takes it. It is the BEST and the CHEAP EST. INLAY & BIOIENBLI, Detected, yesterday afternoon. in this City, five of the Counterfeits described in IMLAY & BICKNELL'S RISORTER. Now Ready. Single Copies. 5 cents; If you want tbe Weekly for 1 year. WI and gubsoribe, or send 22; Semi monthly, $1.261 Monthly, 75 rents. Office, No. 112 3. TIMID Street, Duncan Building. se2o-2t* JAS. CHALLEN & SON, No. 25 booth SIXTH Street, Publish this day MULLEN'S NEW JUVENILE LIBRARY, 2d Se ries, 10 y 014., illustrated. Adapted to the Sunday School and Slimily. Net sectarian. Also, new editions of MULLEN'S NBW JUVENILE LIBRARY. Series No. I. Illustrated. These boots byre been endorsed by Sunday Schools of every denomluetlon. 10 vols. $2 60. " TGE OITY OF TED GMT KING." The most accurate and reliable account of modern Jerusalem yet Oren in the Englith language. BIBLIOTEISOA SACRA. iIADJI IN SYRIA. Cloth, 76 cents; blue and gold IN AND AROUND STAMBOUL, $1 25. GAVE OB bIAOHPELAII, and other Poems, 15 eta. blue and gold, $1; ka., &a. eeBo-lin BUY EARLY QOFIES.-NOW READY, ' THE POETICAL WORKS OF EDGAR ALLAN POE, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED WITII MORE TEAR ONE HUNDRED ORIGINAL DESIGNS, By Darby, Dirket Foster, Plokersgill, Tennlei], Crop. sey. Duggan, and Idadot ; And engraved in the finest style of Wood Engraving by Cooper, Linton, Evans, &0., &o. Splputidiy Sound—Price Six Dollars. A few Copies 4n' Morocco, Nine Dollars. Also, the Fifteenth Edition of POE 'S COMPLETE WORKS, In Four Volumes, 12mo, Price $4 60. Containing the Tales of the Grotesque and Arabetque; Wonderful Stories of the Imagination ; All hie Poetry; The Story of Arthur Gordon Pym ; and a complete collection of all hie contributions to the Magardneo. Edited by RUFUS W GRISWOLD, D. D., with Noticee of His Life, by J. R. LOWELL and N. P. WILLIS. J. B. REDFIELD, Agent, 0e27-dBt.kw2t 84 Bookman Street, New York. VRANKLIN INSTITUTE. TERMS AND PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERS Annual Contribution, $8; Life Membership, $25, with an additional charge of One Dollar the first year for a Certificate of Membership. the decal year com mences on the first day of October. Members not in arrears are entitled to the nee of the Library and Reading ROOM. open daily from 0 o'clock A. M. to 10 o'clock P. M., with the privilege of taking out the books. They will also receive Season Tickets for the Lecturee and the xhibition, and a Season Ticket for a Lady, to attend the Lectures, and ex sin gle Admission Tickets to the 'Exhibition 'ter ladles or miner'. They will also be entitled to receive One Copy of the Monthly Journal of the Institute at one half the subscription price The Lectures of the Institute commence In Novem ber, and are continued on Monday, Wednesday, and Fri day evenings for Twenty Week.. PRIVILEGES OF MINORS. The minor children, wards, and apprentices of Life Members, and of Members whose anon contributing are paid, including the current year, are, on the payment of Two Dollars per annum, entitled to use the Library, attend the Lectures and the Meetings of the Institute, and vielt the Exhibitions; or, on the payment of One Dollar, they will receive Tickets for the Lectures only, DRAWING FOHOOL, Yoe leetruction, Mechanical, and Architectural Drawing and Designing, commenoes September 20th, and is continued on Tuesday, Thursday, and Eaturday evenings, for Twenty-four Weeks. Popile under tweutp•one years of age are entitled to attend the Lectures in the Institute, and visit the Ex hibition. • Terms, $5 per Quarter. JOURNAL OP Till INSTITUT/I, Devoted to Mechanical and Physical Sciences, Is pub. lisbed in monthly numbers. Illustrated with Plates and Wood Outs. TUB Subscri STptio n ATED Pri MBETI ce. NGS $5 per annum. Aro held on the third Thursday evening of each month, at which subjects connected with somas and the arts are received and discussed. The members tickets, for the coming exhibition and lectures are now ready, for delivery. Gentlemen wishing to become members can do so on application, at the Ball, in Seventh street. below Mar ket, to WILLIAM MAMILTON, ee29.ot Actuary. BROWN STOUT.-40 casks " Finzi & 1..0 ' imported direct from London, in dons 044 Om gas 07 wm. YEILTON, 05 PO 10911TH FEW street BLANKETS, COMMON, =DUDA, VINE, & EMPERFINN, 9.4, 10.4, 11-4, 12-4, 13-4, 14-4; JOSHUA L. BALLY, N.-W. Oor. FIFTH 16 MARKET STREETS, EYRE & LANDELL, ONOOND OPENING OP FALL GOON TODAY. ROUND•CORNER BRAWLS, MAGNIFICENT DE LAINES, mo r n PRINTED 'AIRRINOER, LUPIN'S CILOICE COLORS AIEbINOES, 64 NEW STYLE VALENCIAB, NEW PALL VESTINGB, Ico , &a. EYRE & LANDELL, 5ep2946612 YOURTE. AND ARCh STREETS ROUND CORNER MERINO SH&VVLS. 500 SUPER ROUND OORNERS MERINO SRAIVLA VIENNA. BROMIC SHAWLS AND SCARFS. From the late Shawl Sale. CHARLES ADAMS . Iles now arranged in his SHAWL AND MERINO ROOM LOU of B. oche Long Shams. *White and VAIJOUB colored Centres and Two-faced, In new designs and colorings. Superior do do Chaine Leine do. Do square do Do do Four Faces. Broche Scarfs, Silk Chains, India Pattern Broohe Scarfs Chaim, Leine, Black, White, Brown, and Co lored Centre Melia Shawls •, BLANK KT SHAWLS, , _ Long and Square 10 variety. FRIENDS' SHAWLS Chenille, heal Skin, bound Thibot, plain Blanket, Cashmere:do,Ac. - MENtd TRAVELLING SHAWLS. C. A. invitee particular attention to hie SHAWL DEPARTMENT, The stock being new, well assorted, and the prices very low. Also, a fresh stook of OBIS AND BED BLANKETS, Various kinds and elses, very cheap se2B-eod-tf EIIIHTH and 'ARCH Streets. ROUND -CORNER STELLA SHAWLS, VBSTINGS, ko., &c, RICE PRINTED ¢ BLACK BORDERS, OURWEN STODDART dc BROTHER, ANTILLAS I MANTILLAS ! I— Ma im ELROY respectfully Invites the Ladies to call and examine his stock of Mantillas, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock ix the largest, our patterns' the latest styles, and our prices ao low that we defy competition: 6,000 yards Black and Fancy Bilks, 87)(, 44, 60, 66; rich, 62N, 69, 75 ; very rich, 81, 873(, 95, $l. 10,000 yards Delainee, Bareges, Decals, at 10,12 X( in the , 1634, 18X , 20, 22, 26, 28, 81, 85, decidedly the cheapest City. 10000, yards line French Lawns 'lO, 12M, 16X, 20, 25, worth, many of them, 8N to 62 k , very One. One lot of Crape Shawls, at $l5, worth $3O. 600 yards side-band Cassimeres, 3734, worth $l, with • great variety of desirable goode for men's and boys , wear, lees than usual prim. 1,000 yards Marseilles Veetin ge, "at 25, worth 75. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest In the city. 1,000 fine French Needleworked Collars, at $l, worth $3. 10,000 yard' of Plain and Plaid Jaconets, Swiss and Cambric White Goode, the greatest bargains in the (aye Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, in endless va riety, at lean than half the usual prloee. MoRLROT, Jel-tuth 041 No. 11 &nth NINTH Otreet. SUPERIOR ENGLISH BLANKETS. SR AIMLESS BEDTIMES Have reeeived a few bales of selected ENGLISH BLANKETS, nearly ware, with and without bright hesoingi, Also, American Premium Refs and heavy Blankets. of all shift HOOO Blankets and Railway Wrap are. CHERBOURG ROBES. A new style of Autumn Robe, with Pope's Silk bare, at $T 50. ee29 EIGHTH and CHESTNUT Streets 25 CENT Black and Purple CASH UNREB.--Junt received from Auction, 1 cue of Black and Purple Cashmeres, et 25 Cents much below the timid price. BSB°ON & SON, rie294t hlourteng Store, 808 OfIESTNUT St BLACK and PURPLE MOUSSELINES. A new meortment of Buck and Purple, and Slack and NV htt3 Imported !downtimes de Labile, at 18X to 3134 cents par yar 1. BEHON & ON, 5e29.3t Mourning Store, 808 CIIEBTNUT St, COMPAGNIE FRANCAISE, 810 CHESTNUT STREET. GRAND OPENING or PARIS FALL CLOAKS, AT FURN]IR & 00,'S, ON THE 101 , OF OOTOBER, 1658. ise.wi-ot. G RAND OPENING OT WINTER CLOAKS PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM The BUBBORTBEM have now open their IMPOBTATIONS AND MANUFACTURES, TOR THE PALL AND WINTER SEASONS, Comprisi• OVER. ng the most GABlYlRlN extensive arid sup TS erb (Replay of Ever exhibited in this City. J. W. PROOTOR & C 0. , 708 CHESTNUT STREET. se27 ROBERT SHAW NEAR TRADE GENERALLY, No. 53 N. SECOND STREET, Where be eolielte their attention to Me complete Stock of • CLOTHS, CASHMERES, SATINETS, &a., Prom the Markets of England and this country, to gather with Prom the &nations of New York and this oity. ee2b•lw FALL AND WINTER Excellent FOIL- D.6-011EVRES—New Lots. 26 Oente. Robes, All-Wool and Bilk. and Wool, $3 to $B. BLACK BOMBAZINES. Particularly cheap lots, at $1 per yard. COOPER & CONARD, ae27 B. N. corner NINTH and MA.R.RET. UNGLISH BLANKETS—Large Sizes, 1.141 nearly square, at $5. Low priced and the Blankets. Rochdale Blankets, Marseilles Quilts. 000PBR & COWARD, seri B. B. corner NINTH and MARKET Bic CLOTHS, OASSIMERES, SATINETS.- NJ Broad °lonia, suction lots, $1 50 to $6. New patterns Side Band 041111i111076/1. Blank, mixed, and other Satinets Vestings, Silk, Valencia, h o. 000 PER & CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Ms. N. B.—Tailors supplied on the Right Terms. se= G REAT ATTRACTION! OVER $4,600 WORTH OF SHAWLS BROM WHIOH TO MAME A SELEOTION. THORNLEY A OHISM, N. X. oor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Hay the beat SHAWL Stook In Philadelphia. They would espectfully call attention to the following very cheap ots, 4 LONG BROOHE SHAWLS at $ 8 each. Do. do. do. at 10 2 Do. do do. at 11 2 Do. do. do. at 12 1 Do. do. do. at 18 2 Do. do. do. at 14 4, 2 Do. do. do. at le gI Do. do. do. at 18 " Do. do. do. at 20 Do. do. do. at 26 In t e above Lote of Long Broche Shawls will be found every desirable color of centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From $2 to $l2, in every color. Trench Blanket Shawls in new deeigaa. Plain Millet Shawls, Equate and Long. Real Canton Crape Shawls, Plain and Embroidered. Children's Shawls, Misses' Shawls, and Gentlemen's Shawls, at THORNLEY k OHISM' 8, "ONE PRICE OASH 21ortheant. Owner 111.011T11 &. SPRING GARDEN N. B.—Olty and Country Storekeepers buying for each may find bargain at T o.'s. P. O.—A Magnificent stook of Mks now on hand. se/841 DETERS's PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BELP-GENDRATING GAB LAMP le the only Patent Darner that has a Non , Oonduotor attached. The public are cannoned against all other Durnere, se they will heat, and liable to explode. State and 'Jaunty Rights for sale. Apply or address 8013 D. P. PETERS. 422 BROADWAY-, N, Y. T OST OR DESTROYED—A OERTIFI- Li OATH or BORIP, No. 4,802, for 8 shares of the Stock of the oousolidation Bank,.. Application Lae been made to said bank for a duplicate certificate of the came. te2.l-tu WM. MITCHINOON. Retail Mini attba. A Full Assortment EIMEEMMI PHILADELPHIA. FOURTH AND ARON STREETS, STAPLE AND /AHOY SILK GOODS. NEWEST STYLE SILKS, BIM DOUBLE BKM ROZEI3, FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., Auctioneers From Auction, AT REDUCED PRIORI Non. 450, 462, & 464 N. SECOND Et., Above WILLOW MEM Bogs to Inform hie Mende and the That he has removed to JOB LOTS taint's. ',for Sate fet. .FOR SALE—A FARM of .67f acres, rear POttatcrien,'on the Turnpike . , Montgomery eannty. One of the !net Parma in the county. Fite water, good •batld(dge and front.- Apply at tlit'Ootl Office, METH and S'ATNG GARDEN Sta. sel3o.llto in TO CAPITALISTS, BUILDERS, &0.. Jam Large and valuable Lot at Private Bali. Locust Btreet, Booth elde„ between Broad and Fifteenth Streets; 118 thohfront on Locust street, by 178 feet in depth, to alO feet alley. • • AT PRIVATE BALE—RandsomC Brown-stone Reed dance, No. 1620 Plae Btreet, known as Union ."" M. THOMAS BONS, Anctioneers. seBo-thisktuat ' 130 do-141 B. Bourth Street. a l TO_ RE NT; ti STORE' on DELA W ARE Avenue . , below TINE Street , , throngli to Water Street, 548 feet deep.' 'Also, the Doub'e STORE, corner of THIRD and QUARRY Btreete;4o feet front, one of the beat locations for Itirgo Rusinestrin Phlla delphie. Also, STAMM and 00AUH-HOUSE in UHERRY Street, above SEVENTH, rear of-Aelv land House Apply sitl7B - North FpUBTII Street. • • ' se294m*' F , OR SALE—Stock, Fixturae, and Business of oils of the oldest. largest, and beat-located GROCERY STORES in the City. None need apply but those baying some means and in good standing Ad dress C. & D., Press office, giving seal name. refer-' enco, &o. refe r-' dpel : TO BE LET—A very Convenient Two- Btorr HOUSE in OATHARTNE Street, above SECOND, North side, opposite ?liras Oburch, Hitehen on the first Boor. Inquire of EDMUND J. YARD & EON, No. SOS SPRUCE street Also, a very Desirable HOUSE in SPRUCE Si., near BROA D, Borah side, Your Stories high, fine large Yard, Gas, and Frisrutee - In vitees abort. 5e211.61* al TO LET—The HOUSE NO. 1826 CHESTNUT Street. Has a large Yard and Modern Improvements. • at2.B..dtt EOR, SALE—A Handsome COHN INSI TRY REBIDEN OE, of 7,if Ames, with good Int ptovements, on Grey's Lane, three miles tram Market. Street Bridee. adjoining Datcher's Town Platt. 'Apply to Dr G. STITAItr, on the Premises 5e21143;* ass ' HOTEL TO LET, and 'FURNITURE is. For SALE —A. fine large Hotel in the Northern part of the City. Large Howie, fine run of Custom for Boarders end Travellers. Cali at the CONVEYAN CER% Office, Sixth and Spring Garden Streets. for particulars se2S-31* ZOOMS ON COMMERCE STREET.= The Three Upper Rooms of 416 Commerce Street to Let. seavica MaFOR SALE —A handsome residence, with all the modern improvements, large side yard, grpery. &a SIXTU, near SPRING GARDEN Street Terms may. P. K. LYND, 5N South SIXTH Street, (second story.) terlam (IFFIOE TO—LET.—AN ELIOIBLE'OE- SlO2l for an. Imerratioe Oompsny s or dmilar cor poration, having throe communicating rooms on the same floor, No. 2 WALNUT Bfreetoibove Imme , Mate possession given. ATIAI to JOHN 0. HMINKR, or THOMAS T, IMMOBILE, - No. 212 South YOUNTH Street ; mh2o--tutlui-tr . second story, front-room. FOR SALE' OR EXCRANOR—A EX handsome new mansion, 19 roams, sad 40 acres, near Gwynedd Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. Site splendid, fruit abundant, health unsurpassed. Any person really desiring a handsome Country Seat in ex change for city property will find this an unusual op portunity of accomplishing his object. Apply to P: R. LYNG, 634 El. SIXTH fit , (2d story) sel7-Int diltw FOR SALE—A pretty Cottage, nine w.s. rooms, aad one or more sores, on Wyoming avenue, two miles out the Second-street Turnpike. Also, several handsome cottage lots The neighborhood Is healthy, beautiful, and rapidly improving. Y.H. LYND, 6% B. SIXTH St , (2d story.) _ sel74m 1O SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. —Thirty acres or less of beautiful Louden Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, only two miles north or the pavements, for sale a bargain and terms easy Applyto P. K LYND , S3 South SIXT H Street, (mond story ) sell- int F OR SALE- One of the most Valuable and Desirable DOUBLE BROWN BTONH ItEMBROBB IN THE CITY, No. 1810 CHESTNUT STREET, IIXTENDINQ THROUGH TO GEORGB BTBUT Raving been built by the owner for Ws own Ras(dance, no expense has been spared in its oonakrnetion. Apply to (MARLS'S SWIGS, 62.9 Market Street, Or to M. THOMAS& SONS ; sel4-Imlf ISS and 141 South Fourth St. CHOICE COTTAGE SITES, WITHIN three minutes walk. of two Stations on Phnodal. pile and Germantown Railroad, for sale cheep. .ANdr at ooroer of Tinge Street and Plank Road, or at No. 23 North Sixth Street, to se6.lm* T. L. LITTLEPLELD. Boarbing. BOARDING. -A Gentleman about retiring from Housekeeping, desires to secure Comfort able Boarding for himself, wife; and four email chil dren. Terms must be moderate. Address VIOICEItt.B, Office of thin Paper. xe3o OAP e,EVERAL AGREEABLE PERSONS, either married or single, my fird good• DOUAI, with the Comforts of s Homo, st lel North. NINTH Street References exelisuged. s•Bo.ltti BOARDING. -A handsome suite of smart s-. mentos on the second door, WALNUT St.ibetween Broad acd Sixteenth. Address, with reference, L. M. R , Press office. Haft& Qtarriapai CARRIAGES. WM. D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE MELDED, 1009 AND 1011 CHESIIIIIT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with rromptuess, and satisfaction guarantied. selS4nalf tUatrbeo, 21tweltv, Stt. BAILEY & co., NOSIIIRLY BAILEY /4 KID:BEEBE, Hare removed to their new Hire-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH SIDS, BELOW THE (HEARD HOWLS. Now opening their fell stook of IMPORTED JEWELRY; PLATED WARNS, AND FAIIOIC GOODS, To whloh they Invite the attention of the pnblia OLLYEN•WABB, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND P.BAALI3, AT WHOMUM AID lITAIL. 441 STOVES! STOVE?. I SILVER'S ORIGIIAL GAS,I3IIRNING STOVE, With all the Latest Improvements. Also, the largest assortment of (MORINO, PARLOR, & OFFICE STOVES In the City, at MAN[G.LB'S, No. 909 MARKET STREET. Oall before purebaling. . ee29-6w SOMETHING NEW.-GAS BUR NING COOK oTOVE.—I would respell's' ly call the attention of the public to one of the greatest improvements over introdueed in Cooking Stoves ant R•ngee—the burning of the gee arising from the coal, by which means is saved 60 per cent. In fuel and also more intense beat thrown to the bottom of the oven. We effect the burning of the gases by means of a hollow centre.piece, perforated on the under side, which admits the air in a hated state to mingle with the gases, than aiding its combustion, and causing a Came to pass around the oven equal to a wood fire. This im provement also preserves the centre piece from Pinking down on the tire, thereby saving the expense of repairs One of the Stoves OAN RE SEEN IN OPERATION •t lilt MARKED Street. Manufactured by JAMES SPEAR. Inventor and Patentee, (late North, Obese & North,) Ille MARS= Street sept2B.3mo illzntistra. .....4,-., Dr. W. S. MoILHENNEY,Dentiet, 4111146. would inform hie friends that he hu rammed sweeties at No. 1848 GHEBTNITT Street, mond door above the U. 8. Mint. eepl.Bm Mottep. Qfin ANA $1,200. WELL-SE :ix?. ,lx-j r, cured 'Mortgages of theme amounts for H. O. THOMPSON & CONARROE, se2B 933 ARCH Street. $4,6333 . AT E YE ARLY Grttl 3.7or th....apii. Princi pal well secured, for nate at a liberal discount Apply toll. 0. THOME/30ff & G.M. 04/N aRROB, Apply 983 ARCH litreet. F OR COLDS AND SORE THROATS lOELAND 110 PS PASTE, MARSHMALLOW DROPS, FLAXSEED DROPS STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, Manufacturing Confeettoaer t No. 1210 MARKET STREET, ee29.Bm West of TWELFTH Street. r BE ROOMS of the BOARD OF TRADE, at 603 OEIESTNIIT Street, will hereafter be opened to the use of Members of the Association, and of all persons entitled to their use, durlog bosh day and evening from nine o'clock A M. to half-peat nine P. M., until further notice. LORIN BLODORT, se29-8t Secretary. PRENOH WRITE ZINC, of the Vieille • • Montrgne, ground puro. It produces a clear, white, fine gloss. and attains s firmness and twenties, of surface. Guarantied genuine. For este by ZIEGLISR & SMITH, au2B-dtf Anntimoot nor Elonnnd and Green On ORNAMENTAL and COLORED GLASS. We have just received a comprehensive and va ried Moat of thie truly beautiful and architectural ap pendage to Churches Vestibules, Conservatorlee, and other buildings, where it is deemed neeessary to embel lish, or to give a chaste and elegant appearance. Any color may be had, either plain or ornamental, elabo rately or in , X 4 Ol. ZIEGLER & SMITH, WitecteMe Drug, Paint, and Gla.e Dealers, se2B-dti , Southwest eer. Second and Green ate. PHIL AD IR IA INlffits AND READING RAILROAD. FRRIGIIT TOlt lIARROHIIIRG.—The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company are now prepared to forward freight to Hatousnuao, and to all pollen! on the Lebanon Valley branch of this road. Freight delivered at the Company's depot, southeost corner of BROAD and CHERRY Street!, before 4 o'clock P. M., will be forwarded on the same day, and will arrive at Harrisburg before 10 o'clock on the following morning. For rates, ke , apply to JNO. F. BRATS, General Agent, nehl-Ina Dined and Cherry streets. TO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MEE CHANTS —Manilla Rope, assorted sizes, from N Inch up, manufactured and for sale by WEAVER, FITLER, & 00., No. 98 North WATER street, and No. 22 North WHARVEB. Wants WANTED—An Intelligent Young Man, who writes a good head, to take charge of the Invoice Books in an Importing Bons,. Addnws with reference, N.Ct.,oolce of The Press. aetlO-Sts A PRlir ACTIVE CANVASSERS are X. wanted, to Carnage the City end Interior Towns of Penneylverda, to sell a newly patented Article of everyday use. address CANVAS SS A through Blood's Despatch: seat-4t* WANTED, by a YOUNG MAN, a Situp.- V VY' , - Aion is Oaks Biker in a Oonfectionety east. Jig:meat. Be thoroughly understands the business, and icso sire good reeonunendations. Address BAKER, this Office. 210.3 WA,NTBDr- A Boy, in a Law Office. En 'jars ant year $76. Addreas BLACHSTONI, 'Blood's DeMatah. seBo-2t* WANTED -100 Stout Young Men, to go on:Whaling Voyages. Adycece to the amount $76 paid to each many extra'pay to Coopers Oarpen• ter., and blacksmiths. - Apply at 104 West Streeg, coo. Liberty Street, new York. Be3o4lt* WANTED—A Partner, either Active or Silent, who can furnish $lO,OOO, in a perma nently establlehed business, paying flay per rent per annum" on be Capitalinrested. Address hIBROHAtiT, at this Office. - stBo-4tie COOKS, Chambermaids, Girls for General ,s e o cif ace th , egi k ty 'l;LLllll.Bl:7:kgadlifirownr.ifoyar Hotels sad " and yak' Country, far sad near, at WOONNuIt Chestnut Street; above Sixth. se3o it - WANTED, by a YOUNG MAN from the STORE. Country a e fil i r ow tfilz2.l . l, s a lt:pi e G ufti lß9o , U2' can !mash - good Tterereaces — Aa:".th Cit y and Oseorarti A GOOD PENMAN, Quick and Correct ICA. at Nimes, Educated at Phtlidelphia RIO School, wishes a iltuatton. Address MUMS, B 93 Phliada. Poet °Oka. 1928-tntheatir A RESPECTABLE LADY, from - the .CX.' SOUTH, desires an Engagement In a Seminary aa Teacher Of the English Branches. or would be Wining to engage as Private Tutor or Governess in a - Private Fondly. The highest Trethnotdals as to Character cud Quaillicatlons will be furnished. Wonldhave no objec tions to go to ts.e country. apply to Miss D. O. OUR TIS, at hire. *aver's, corner of NQUETII and ARCH Streets. • : le2B4t* WANTED—Employment by Two WORK -112N,, jut arrived from Europe, wbo bring With *ens iinediy-dissorerect protein; foe making Steel out of Cast Iron. Address T. L., at the One of this Paper . : • ' son at* AYOUNG LAD ' wishes employment es Teacher of Unita in &Seminary. Terms moderate. Address BUTS otace'of thi4 paper. w3{-Citic WARTED, FOR Tat UNITED STATISO CAVALRY—AM...bodied, unmarrisdAnsin, to 'bozo will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attersdano.- Pay from, us to ffill au r month. No man baring a 'fib or child will b. • Apply for biOtitiTlD 8111V1011 at rio - air- ittrast, abort lightk , suntk side. W. TEL ISAGRUDIII, Lit Lieut. let Dragoons, Rearaltbsa Officer. 9Lniusemtnts. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, BROAD AND Locust , Streets. THe GREAT HeSlllB I THUBSDAY lIVENING,I3ept 80, 1818, Evolution' on the TIGHT HOPS hildetiettit Zan fretts and others. THE SECRET MARRIAGE). Gros Pierre, Francois Bevel. THE GREEN MONSTER. Chevalier de Miroque Mona. Man& ; Chevalier Ma. roe, Mr. Waite; Chevalier Le Grew hir. A. Lehman; Green Monster. Mr. Lehman, Jr.; Cecile. Admiseion—Pexquat, Parquet Circle, and Balcony, 10 'ire ; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, ZS cents. Baste can be seamed from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. with out extra charge. Children under 10 veers halt price. MRS. D. P. BOWERS'e WALNUT-ST. TIDELTIIN, corner of NINTH and WALNUT THUBSDAIr HIVNNINGI. Beptembar 80,1968, MATBILDE. itet. Phu, Mr. Comray • Smile de Endentr, Mr. Perry; Dfathilde, Mrs. Conway. - OUR YETEND PETER. Peter, Mr. Dichbnes; Katharine, Miss Madams. Prices of admission—accord Tier and Pamily Orr& and Third Tier, 25 - cents; Parquet, 87)( cents;Dreg; Oirole, 60 cents; ,Private Boxes, aceording to their locale; and $6; Single Beata In Orchestra and Prints ,Boxes, 76 cent.. - Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock ; Curtain rises at 1. oteltick WIBATLEY & CLARKE' - AROH-BT. THEATEE.—Willtaxn S. Prederieke,Aottng and stage Manager. ' THURSDAY EVENING, September 80,1868, SPEED THE PLOUGH:- I Sir Philip Slam Mari, Str Dolmas :- Bob Heady, Mr. Wheatley ; Min Blandford, MN. Drew. THE; COUNTRY GIRL. ' Moody, Mr. Gilbert; Allthea, Was Taylor. Atimlealon, 26 ctn. Be.iiired Seats fa Dress Circle, UM eta ; Orchestra Stolle, 60 eta; Beata in Private Boxes 76 eta; Gallery, 18 eta ; Gallery for Colored Persona, 26 atai Private Box in Gallery for Colored Porton', U ate; Whole Private Box, Sa. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock; comment* at TM, preeisaiy: CONCERT HALL, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH—FOURTH WEEK 01 SANDER/ONT COLOSSAL REPRZSENTATIONS OF THIS RUSSIA!? WAR, Open every evening this weak, and on • SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Admission 25 cents; children IS cents. Doors open at 7. Itzhibltioa at a of a. sep27•dt A SSEBBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND ORESTNIIT Streets. Here again! Return of the old favorite, SIGNOR BLITZ. Nev , and Comical Scenes in VIINTRILOQIIMI. Extraordinary Magical Demonstrations, and the LEARNED CANARY BIRDS. Open every Evening during the week, et half-put I o'o cork and on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons at i. Adulator', 26 cents • Children 19 outs. se24-Im* NATIONAL HALL--MARENT STREET. NOW OPEN J. IXLCIO Wilmette's celebrated - PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. Thin magnificentPAlNTlNG commences with Chaos, and continues down in historical order to the Sibyl°. nitth Captivity, containing more than fifty of the most sublime and interesting scenes in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING.. Doors open at T; to commence at 8 o'clock Facilely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Chiblre under 10 years 15 cents. - Also. Ilzhlbltlona on WEDNESDAY and SATI3II - AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Doors open at 2; to - commence at 8 presdeely, Xsplained by Professor TIBBITTS. BAREETT'B GYMNASIUM. - BILLIARD ROOM, PISTOL AND RIFLE GALLERY. Will open on MONDAY, September Bth, at No. 804 MARKET Street. ealt-Imit EliosolizMw anb Covarittersljips. (10-PARTNERSSI2.-THE BUSINESS V heretofore oondacted by Hunt. Webster, & 00 will from this date be carried on under the style and arm of LADD; WEBSTPIR, 1 00., who will continue the mannfactnre and sale of Sewing Idwitines, the former in Boston, the latter at 820 CriIISTNIIT Street, Philadelphia, and in the principal cities of the Union. !lepton:o:oer 1, 1868. , 'Want itemonals. ASHT 0 N'S CITY COMMERCIAL AGENCY lIEMOTBD TO No. 506 OBESTNUT MEM', 2d Story, adjoining Chamber of THE BOARD _OF TRADE TERM, $2O PBB. YEA.B. For Pamphlet, containing Plan and Conditions, appi at the Office. ee26-tf ppEMOVAL.—C. 0. SADLER & Co. have removed from No. 9 North Water Street to No. 10.3 ARCS Meet, second door above Wont. eel tilebuiniU. D R. BARNES' OAMPHOBATXD BXTRAOT OP OINGIR This Medicine hue, by its own merit, gained a great reputation. It le composed entirely of vegetables, and to made from the formula of a distinguished physician, used by him in the cholera 0f1832. It doee not contain Opium in any form, and never conatipatee the bowels. It is equally efficaelotui in mild and aggravating attacks of cholera morbue. 'thee cured cholera after the a rice water» discharge had taken place. The cramps end pains of cholera mottos and dysentery are in a few minutes dispelled the stomach, and the bowels restored to a healthy action. If thin remedy were used in the premonitory symptoms, dysentery, that dreaded disease, would find fewer victims. Read the recommendations of the railroad conduetore who have need It for eeveral years, in the Olicalars. For the Cure of NAUSEA, NERTOUF DEBILITY, CRAMP, CROLIO, FLATIILBNOY, and NOR EBAD ACHE, it has no equal. DllliFEFilla of over twenty years , standing has been cured by it. The weakest stomach, by twenty drops taken after each meal, may be restored to a healthy ea Me. Nervous tremor, the result of exceeds , . drlukinf. Is et once cured.. It has prevented attacks of delirium tremens. Two or three domes is enough to core sea-sickness. It is the most valuable of eta kind in existence and Is mu pronounced by physicians who are nslog It in their practice. AB a PREVENTIVB of FRYBetS, du ring their prevalence in Autumn, taken In done of thirty drops , when the stomach and bowels are consti pitted or in an opposite state. it will ao prepare the eystem as to overcome any liability to an attack even of Yellow Fever or Typhoid. Persons who have infrared in health from Ague and Fever have been metered to health by this wonderful remedy. No ono ihould be without it. Prepared only at 888 CHESTNUT Street. Bold at stores throughout the United ttates. A very liberal discount made to retailers. an 28.1 m HARTSHOANE'S CURE-ALL-THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a °hamlet. Bottles I 2), 26 and 60 c e nts. TILE GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL .OIENCEI HARTSHORNE'S OURE-ALL should be kept in all families. in case of acoidente or madden sickness. HARTSHORNE'S OLIRE-ALL cures Rheumatism. HARTeHORNE'S OURE-ALL cures Cramps, Cholla, Pains in the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL carte Pains in the Limbs, Bije. Back and Breast. H & aTSHORNE'S OURS-ALL cures Sprains, Bruises, Scala and earns. HARTMOSINE'S OURR.ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HARTSHORNE'S OGRE-ALL mires Cholera, Diar rhoea and all Pain HARTSHORNE'? OURE-ALL armee Ear Aohe and D, leafness from a cold. HARTSHORNE'S OIIRE-ALL sures Dyspepsia and Indigestion I also, Canker and Sore Mouth and Sore Throat. HARTSHORNE'S CIIRE-ALL muss all Spinal Affec tions and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE'S OUREI-ALL is a great tonic to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digest:on. 117` As the frequent changes of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs and Body; also, StliT Hoek—every person should get a bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, Muscles, Sinews, Blood and Bones; and, by its *arming electro-magnetio power, ex pels all pain froth the system. Ge. a bottle and try it, and you will ba astonished at its happy effects. N. B. It you hsve a Cough, use HARTSHORNE'S Bethnal Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is the beet Cough Syrup in the World. Bottles, 25 and 60 cents, and $l. If yon are Billions. use HARTSHORNE'S ANTI BILLICIIS PILLS. They act upon the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Emil Betroth's!. Boxes, 26 cents. Sold by B. Si. JBNRINS, No. 26 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets. Slimes' Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. Oarrlgnme. Tenth and Coates streets. Wilper% Tenth aid tom:bud Os. a1:1124h a tudtt it