The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 24, 1858, Image 3
=EN= _ ft - 33 . 11 . 4 -tvinitreSf4rßeilsiti:Olievi drug stein, earner "SilapllL 4,t 4 a 'eat xotikotii),r,tui t handsomest s hest variety kifilV, ilacgflio4l;iitt•ehOice:,,lltiiieln el - gars . Illno*lffruiti.)9l , 44.ollnt bode, , 33y tia z et32o',4` hair 0 41.0119#45.41144.,themp1td0ne iv;rtsla satrans,, ts:• 2 ran W Or T?:inik g tr k eorder: ,, n number of the bullej.KA:fiAßiels'initeiuktie folow r log desPeteir4lWYdnilal'elnthlit:ofiGrihylil ?." Stokee, Gov 4 0iniOnt . 1111,8 : V. Phil adoyid - al:ft A m gnoient , :Greeke`wee . ,_ ,'> that the l.fiattereri who lifte,yflL t!PYJhe theannisA4tiifisiiheeilOk AbilillA , "0 11 0° toise in tiiali--iniiikie,slAtilllo.i**4 ll - 30 11,? 1 ;y0 14l i WI.. Our motirer;h6littiral4dilferenti 'nor do we think ourself ,liable t 4 tlvi s 'Aiargp of:'tnittery When we openly aittilliii_AiWat'liejnititur end Winter Olothioir hal.;the. ,. ,,tly: to„ from the._ fiskfaMed' l, Oidf g mu kti n ajothiae‘ ckfi , R: ~.V.ldridge,,,!/nl. 021 Ohestuntl!street; ur 'readers In wany,of. a really beautiful at•ifele areinjited tditle hindOh • , welnu. took mipo2leatoPliWitintnribldell2opintone from , tat ntannitatVitil , 4bYr;gatilillfickaTiYde . itigiolintiii bearreg the of general remark, and oa they pee thrlinteLltto,:atreete the exalt of , -the fate are bent kindly ntlitrittire' "Fe ' htieid'a elnint men I if they looked Welt in uritferni i bow' would .they, look in elegant suite the Brewnli3tMM eletbint - HOC of tion:Boeiad 006 aliatitant et4i3i;Yitioie: ! • - -414totiaraorie, [Repotted forThitPiees.] RlollikillfennisishiP:Tligitili.lrelltbmi baceo - Sitektioq,, 'Lles 213 do Thee ,Wisbater r , Jr; 63 doldsehael.Wortinad 00i 121 do_ Note <eektikl 3 hkdc do OiDenitelli , l , do•All-Peters; 117'dei Meteor & &utile; 1 Archer. Warner &Col 40 empty casks hiss , any ()adios & Co; 89 do'S titielo 46 . 1. do 'Robert, Newlin; 63 Nagle & Wolfe; 10.! bags sereanlngaPreeitten'& Simp son; 6 big; flaxseed hilliter'Zi - Bh4lo bales rage Parker & 'Volum; 71 Wee oetton ya•ti'l 11:Wilodwardlt Sons, 9 - Jos leather os llowell'&170; .:58 bales mdse Tingley 34 .0 1 . h & Ce; 120 do 4 Palmist & Co;-, 198 de Greiner Narkoese; 00 do 'N HeNtrigsfll2 do N. Smith & Co; DAVIS Pa Itator .•1 2= • Spxoso t. 00/91111 . 7111 ' , 01,1141(ONTI 0/10k0E1 L.)31.1,11fr, ' - AS the Sfetebaets' izeheingi;ritiladelPhia;, Tonewease. Jaffee -- - " lifverpooli Sept Sia Barque Plotide, Mornay '„ ' Oerdenee, soon' Barque "Peale Lepeley. . I ... ".. fitetatiess, NOD Bargee samiltpp , Janii ” ,sOA, i lsteAo dubs, , 00 . - Barque tillazieeote3Yeieoo4:.'"ii.i.e" iSertietabaeo, Book .Brie ptap Qacen, pvie - - Yrba co s - goon' 134 Sppatleadtiek;eohat" - London; soon iMtitte. Ittit4Ulgtittc. PORT+ OF PiIILADitit.PHIA, 24, ABPS BUN 1311118 - - 01,1,1517 N UTE -5 - 68 EttEDI ; WAVER ' - ' ' 14 Steatosblpyirginia, Kelly, from Riohinond, - via Nor folk, 80 hours, with rodeo and Passengers ,to Thomas Webster' -Jr. it...setts-Ai sabobner .nihore -abont'ulx miles ea r th of Smith's L4an4abont 800 tons. earthen, fore Jib: and equate, gait, yard. , , ; 60 , 0sa, , %Passed! below Reedy Island - Mimeo ,Rdinund ,, -Dwlght, and barons - 0 Alexander below Cambay Keel 4 and several' brigs and schrs in the river bona& • • Steamship Kennebec, Nandi 20 hours from New,Torli, via Care May, tviih Indse and passengers to. James All. cordite—Smiled:a barque and a brig off Delaware Oltyi bound en; full-rigged btig off New Castle, and a fleet of light ochre lu tb" bay and river. upward boned. Bar -Robert, G /dila ,D Smith, 4 dye from Boston, with plainer to - Usury Winaor:. - Behr R,B Birine. Sivibi, /1 days. fro= Plymouth, NO, with alilaiglaitii"Lialtoa; Vanderreer._&. Co, • flobrlandi*itradleyiB days fromNantleolte River,: with - • &dm Walter &Weinned,l34.64; fionißoaton.- ; , Ear Wave -Barrett{ from Beaton,. - , Seer Ann Cifitte. -- triirtid s ' frith' - black Rock. - Bahr Rani WherataS. Towlio,Dom - Saha- John Beatty. Sharp from , idelden. • Bohr Mary Anna. Gibbs. from New Redford. blooplAncet,:tlaysid„ 1 , day from Olaistiaria, Del, with oats to Christian & Outran . . , , 1 dettrom gdeasa, Del, with wheat to eh deg . /in - & Outran: . . Q3' Hrkr "John Walker, from-Bonaire, and , cargo, &totalhave.beenconeigned,to B Bonder & 00. , v. • • • - tILIAAND. •- • - _.- • • , = Barque Amy, Hammond, Boston, :Twilled. " ' do Brig- Bugeof.alog,- Haskell, •Boston, N Sturtevant Ecbr Ossons,..Toixey,BkThotoisr, If Penlaton. Bobs Als t riArinsii Gibbs, Alepruiria, N Sturtevant Bohr J. Move tooßleteni Belfetti E A Bonder & Co., Senrl u ßentii;Bneri)ceeolgetorrtt; Dneen, ton & Ore"' • • Behr Wave, Barret; Denvereport, - do" Bohr Aun Curtis, Ourtlcttioubierg;'4 , Behr` tatly Wheaton; Tomlin; ttevirpoitvltoble,,Haiti, sit's /3 Willing, Claypool, Baltimore:A Cfrociii, Jr. , . - - (Oorntopendence of The Prom) - .SAVBB DB ,C311A010,-Sept.23; 1858. Tim Kieln' lett Ibis 'short:deg ,nth 8 boat, laden and codefgabd be follows: - - 0 id EttititeOrbear; 'corn; rye, ito,J Hollmaii , la Wright' Cell II Eck, corn go - .'lttiliodd Coeds . ; nod Wietestison, limber to'Malone & Taylor; SII Tramp, Id Tromp - to Bons; John Miller, do to Trenton; tsaineliee,'Ditnesincne Oar to Chesapeake City; Liiiiii - and - 13ope; to Del. City,% (ClOrres*alinee , - - "4EADINfI; Sept 22,-1888: - The folleilng - -,boite pieced enit of ;he Union Canal' to.dah . b,und to. consigned se Dalta. , bittiiiiiiiii - coal to - 0 hfoisitiabion Tweet wer, ask luinber io Siospicre Bobellenger; limber to W. ec - Adethi;ltitaiitiethtowni ./r WilliathiC - deeto Sttioas -- .65.-43hdiite; 'Bald - Eagle: grain end Iron telittimptdies, Etditinan Es - Wright; Mary ?Linn. PaliteeMgriWidatilite giat . Ponn'e - .BllCow-Cornwall, . „ Ist (Ootorpolidengt Al the Philttlfp.bliZicharigio • - ,Tr - ,-q - Sept 23 4 PN Two•ttjicititif; names ateettatneti - ttint- lit, tug 'vtisidslll-sight"outwaid bottiuk;eseept • few et the Itreiki(sifliCs..••Xlid - Nwitather Eine: • -•T••• v THOS. 'O . .i.IIITGWAS. • . [IT naLoolartfav awe Pine , News Ypeni Sept' 28. Arrived, Alpe fr9rifliveipooh and- Thiele Zoe, from - Shande: ‘, • , Arrived at lowerqieriuttner,',brte . Strih - Peters, from OlenStegoe; Tltfed Bet.sstottdPGTl'Lemar,lroal Cardiff. •$ The ache ,$ Stoektoit, from hleaandria hoard to Dridgeportlreeelfed damagetra a gale; arld'prib In here' for repette..!t. ,=-. The iota. ,Oeprie: , ht• Nei`Yorklor Da- Attu, put la liere'for raprais; tiering loit her foremut. -•-•; — Sirainan, Sept The ;delta's - Oath4lrib Starts, from 'New iork bonid 'to NI trinerpnirpattoto able port - for fuel: , _ • Nair OnLealle, Sept 28 Arrlied;ablps-VlYStorerend Glad Tidings, from NY; Yoaebooleifrilm Lifetpaif hautneDirld KimbaU, from 1117 -- flee Holmes', Hole. Istosioahip Boston, Bellow; hence, airlsed et N York Browns/I , p Canada; (Br) Willoughby, arrived ot Noir. Yoxk 21d. Mat; from Quebec - la bailout.- , , - Ship - .Wentmoselandi.Teal, kienesi arrayed at N Orleans Bbip'6l - bion;Williarei; from New York for kintralla, was 'puked Jody 23, let 10 8,-tong 05 W. ..- .BblP.J.oo9bilkoer.-frpos , Liverpoollot Calcutta, seas sPokaaJtill- 24 dat. 7- N,Jong 24 Od W.,-_ • , 8111PlfrUilte j .Jannin, (tom Boston 0* OaMittta,*ao spoken 60g 0; 12 N. look 8802 • W. , , Ship Windsor' Round, from goatee, arrived at London Ship BeimMer, frOmlhillao for Itamborg, tlitled from ()burl Bth ' - - " Ship ,Seaman's Bride, Wyman, cleared at New' York yesterdV Ito Bin Yranolame, "- Ship 011111tlii; L alky d OatiltranolsoO;olosie4 at Now -York yestordaY.''' : fnillsaburg, sailed frotoVowes btb Met " - _ Ship Shelispare, Noreross from Csßao arrived 'at Cowes s'h fast. --- Ship ",Breaster; trOm arrived-_eft mouth h Mgt' Ship Blytoouth, Austin, for Livirpool(oleared Mo. titre 19th-,liisq Pith' 1621-bales 'or - colt:us,' valued at 11121..555. - f , • - ~ ~ ShIP gEllia # , Anlar;filiilo{o.t.iYektl Arrived at Boa isa 224 .' ship_ vorop,eir, Seidoris) cleared at Boston 22d instgoi4oblie: „ • 'Barque iillNVilker; Itsyiei; froth, ifiy_West, arrived up at Peosacole 18th , Barque g,cotlisitd; llowo; frond Caldera, irrivedAt box- lirignattopck, Tacker, cleared at FOCIiISCOYI 12th !net for Itostditn: , . Brig Bolin, 011 mor es front,.Pictou For Philadelphia or Fail hirer at NewOort2lat last." - , gcbr „Vir!Webster, Bartuatr,han!a, arrived at Nit, Oriesciyaaterdif. - • Bohr 'Atlantic, Morse', haute:, arrived' at Illoacester „ Bohr Jacob & WiUfat is, Matttwirl; hence at Ports; month 201.1 s Snot. • • •-•- • • - Fehr_ 'lt_ ileibort,•lotinacilkheniie, arrived at Bangor' ,Solir g - 14011er, - 4114in oleariid'af gay 'York yester ! . • day foriPentanota --- - ” • - • • Rohr W 13 :Dat li ngißiliveter;lieneoiarrived at Ports, mouth mist 'net' - - - Bohr Oen itenry,Smit,ll, for Philadelphia; sailed from Riebmoiki • , - - - Bola OinegN - TWxlisn'heittii; arrived at -Blithmeind 224 - tnet'Sohn' Anna "firoltli, Rae Yoili, - and John Jones, Stevenson,lot Nip Haven, salledtiom Wilming ton, Del; 221 inst. -•- „ Bohr Leesburg, dwiftfleide, - 'arerltild at Portland 21st - Rata S.Vanenhower, ilter;iL Sturtevant, Corscin; Vevey Ma, WS. ion; B. Weeks, WietsicW a Belson,' Redloot4 '42. - Realer, Lake',' " Jae Munn; Davls,'And Andsurled, Bartlett, benne at Boston 22d init. Rilatitoti,.Nioloe; P • philliper,' Smith; hence at Bow,buryport 22d that ._' • Behr Uniaisda,-Bilvi, (dikeds& _Baltlrhore 224 Wit. - for Phfladelpta:-,,,,.-tir, •, - • Bohr for:Yellentsgtolf,'NO, cleared:at Baltfamear:224 "-- " - Bohr Itookingluttai,:llalabite;- frank Portersoutß for Philadelphia,- as Newport 21st fast: • ' - Bohr, If Itt•Oilis' oii; Csoeitiii,lfeneifoe Iforpieli, at If- London 21st • - •- r - nohrat4olid - lantiuitiv; - stitetr, - .21 - v - lie6tt, Birdsall; J 14• Browning, Bitialnan p innd.(seriiy stesisneS at soca 21st , Behq '4 - Dlekirstn; Wheaton, and`BtratClmiga ~ Crow, for, Philadelphia, and garriot;ging, for do or Osiala,ealied from Providonea 21st lost: Bohr Bataisf it..likyloi, - leCueig; hinny, arrived at War min 201241n5t;-. •-• • ,- - • -' • SohP44.ohn""itoggleti Ryder, TOi Philadelphia or Band got,' atimeding to wind • sailed from Warren 2let ion it - .. . -,' - Aug I ;3ttetilllti , Mrgeit - "Vti. — lta'Am ebip"- with 410 . 111 tit 1 t lief' is Meek re se Mime in it. steering B by, N , 0 Balt -- Aug 'Dicier-4P 111,-164 11 OVtautfaegsry Orte,*rery, trove LlverpM4 - lor - New.York , ~,' ..,.: • -,-,- •_, • , , ding-lt a lit 32105; long 85 AO: ellisi, Itlenlettie ?derv, from Liverpool for New orleans.;: •... '-,. - . , 1 ti , 4011 lent ~Z HWi- s n Lo, ship, allowing , - I° A tt b e- g t W pa' l. `:la a ti' ir ,ta b o i r ft; eB; ttlpt l. A, z ist:elttp.ltTetrae . ,m, ,, tram Uttlito foi - tirdarC. r; ~;._,,_,.= j, ,, iiv ,, , 6 g ~tar#23; tat : 85 60.;‘,310ng a gy,•iv., lli 1vi0d,...„„.41, 4sw-„„, yak, fee Nen irienotaoa, . . .. ' f "' — ''''''' ' 'al9 lv iii ' Eingdeher A1ie2C;16.1'46 gt X. ion; ....., , p, , - homrti . dit f6r- t i r! l ?- .-, :j - e::::: -.4 ! .- : , ::''ril-•:.:...'i , ,. , , :1: , , 1:.. ---: - i 4 f`j . ;'•7 l, ' kiiiiio i'oll'rit'''. .. ~,„ , :', : ' ''' —AI° ,';A/ • la , t.iii(Cliiiircia '' - n°ll3d V' n°l4l —13e1"1) ' . 7 ' - 'tk " aiitaTitaa' ' .: plouto ,, ;tifeateiet,rbil_tio)„o!!.•,.r I. ,-, .• s .1467;;abviot 0 titafghtothi.' - OPL '04 , - - i l i i iii de I n , f6i - - -2 114 - 1 1 6 .Ciiiiiiiw i totaesitirstititti L , 4 , : P w pli„ ' nOiti o V .NorthPOl , N;lghatiy,.oll. ~ p!Pi. l A ..-•,._ 1 ._ rri, odatifiti iirniar,lo - 1, - 14011(11,01_,14.4?ap,."1.1, d 'jib; OteerftereirkiOvel44l,tto.,tM„o,,r,-:,. i:1 !Alla r iiit iti,ifigi thiiii, ' . 2241" ''ab - ' '" "I ' ' "J 3 MINN* ) ; ''.. afttle i l # 4'W" lavt . '•ll ol. 4 f'lmlcor t iai, roi Dn. • 'end "V- IVVid 13 . d; 6).1 ''v id44l°- - , m ' 'Uzi- . • , A l. G s siale - linero, do tor Net ‘ , 011eW . my , :bey .; bole ; o for Seism{ yll_tlerd,,,r.: , yhUlt,,,..pitiSatt tN, do, -. , .",tarlfattbas M:'..7-...:.`, r i i .i i. :l o ; l.. i ii v aiviit.ii.ii, w i iir 6 1 4''"*Iira' .-ilr-hai f7l-Piliao',P---mifoirtilaiiLLOis liil'ut_*i. _. 1 P rl-N' ? 1, ;..„ : „ ,„ , 1 -:t; —•,—,- '.-,...,,,;• ~. 1, 4'NtiNtriftltd- a^ !Altet'iiid,-gilifl4l6letilietreeliilitio' AO ;-;,.,.-..h.';:dAti ,!',O AT O! od , Withexteie,` aterrirdit J'it :,'" 2 -': ' , :..jt,•' , ;•' ~ , -ti' ik..-4:t.r. , ,i ee, ; . 1',.. ,- ;. , ,- , • , ''-."- f" . - ' ,l , r.-, - „i-mi'i,...reortr - rAr , icii..,1.13 l',, - - _ - (Per idemnahlp .714tdarl; 'dr from New- York Sept. firlditint. and mamma, at Bremen; lith,,Olernentine,t'evtArlisototbl;,,ll499,lebio., 4 stPoi t d ot, o t a L i ve ,l, , Bpirolnondso..o t'Ai:^fritifi‘Norr_Orlinus Sept-10th,, Poolata, genies; -6thrJlC ASaina, at Schelde; : 9th V threrpOol ,-, -• • ' „ , s, r from Boston Beet 7tb, Mitoedonian, 1W at. Ar from: Savo:malt Sept 9th, Highland phial', it, la, • . I 11, • - • '; Ar ffom Mobile Sept 9th, Noirntnr, at Liverpool. or New YerkSepsl4lGrAweanentp,..fr_om Bremen;, 7;6, era. from Shtelde;.-Mack from Pill; Gertrude from . „ - ' aro for New Orleans - Sept 13 1 'Baden; fiom /Caere; 9th, Acme; from Deal; Pocahontas, from 'Liverpool - -,.. 814 torßoston Sept 9th, Herald of the Morning, from 814 fOr',flaiitianah - Sept 9th, Oak, from L - = _ for Idx,SA Mot, Cerro eordo, -sham.'llaltlmoreiPlora McDonald, Oaldwe9, do; Elias both Oushing, Prichard, Calcutta;_ Jahn It Jarvis, Col lier.--Oastiner Mary O'Brien, Vaper, Golf Stream, fisgtos, New Orleans;' 6th. Express, Patterson, Bum bayi.Arkwnglier Darla,'.lsfoblie; Joe Howe, Driver, New Oilmum; Arab; Draper. 1911mtugton, - NO. Pilrirouth—dr 4th, Alvarado, Burton, Cuba; 6th. Sa- A1 1 5. 1 1/tohor, Hamm. , 814 4th; Lucy to Herriet, Haw :tom)", Antworß, • :Off 4th J.,11 Adams Renck from New York for Ant. - ,Eristol- - --Ar 6th, Delphos, qin, New Orleans; Nino lass Eleferich. kaark;',N York; Bra Perry. St John, N 11; .814 OM, Agamemnon,' Goodwm, ' Obarleston. • .‘ 811 eth;. -- Kate Sweetland. Spalding. 11 , York. .2. In Benartli Rosati 4th, 91114 Bunter, Some, for Point :de Oallef Optsena,phinnor. for N York; Roratio,Ohase, for flevapti; all from Cardiff-- ARRIVALS , "At THE 'PRINCIPAL HOTELS, ei'ciocnc irys #oitztma,. • GIRAIID HODSD—Olieetrint street. *Mow Ninth. A J Steele, ileehester, N Y Capt Wallcoe, USA '3 I'M-Marl & r ill; Chicago Walter M Millie, Va Dr P Braxton & ls,Ya W Panone to la, it 0 RS Moodey, Ohio - John 8 Moodey, Ohio Jae B Paw, Jr; Boston ' 13 II W Fieet, NY Mies di A Fleet. N Y'Dim L Neale; V* Shepordßrown & la, ND A Lotkrop, N Orleans Jos - llarvey, - Portamonth." 0 Wltrown & la, Bogen Chas A B Shepard, Boehm 'AIeX Calhoun, Ky Bottle Tenn, Wooster, NO Lieut 4 2 W Battalion, N B Wm H Scott, N Y 'l' Braise, Boston- dire 0 - Brans, Boston - Wei Sewell, Boston' 8 Meter, Salisbury, N 0 id 3 Riekert, " fleo Berle & Idd Biles L Grome, Maryland 8 0 Keyser, Milton, Fla W 0 Bibb. N,O - •W 0 Saffold, Madison, Gs W Boyd, Om, 0 D A Smyroser, N Y - di J Thompson; 8t Joseph 0 W Burwell & la, Va P Chandler & la. Chicago If 1611001, N Y M Brown & la, Brooklyn L Jewell, N Orleans P/I Pletcher; N Orleans Mr Mercer, Oa - Mr Theiripson. Ga . • B P Greenough, Bolden , L Forman, N M Saxton & la, N Y l 'R Craig & la, N Y — - P Parse, it It Smart, Greenfield, J . °inners, Oohs Ohio B Vinent, Cuba A Itlidelan, Cuba " .7 V Ode Esorrusa, N Y B W Telford. WIF 3 I) Champlin tc la, Mo Miss Champlin, Mo "JAW L T Woodruff, - Mobile ' G Ingorsoll, Mobile W 0 Mmeir, N Y Thoe Britt4n, N Y B S Cala, N Y J Hobart. San Francisco J . 8 Boos, N Y - Thee Sloane, N Orleans Hinman, 0 D Pointer & WI, Pittab'gh Mrs .7 Paloter,' Pittsburgh Miss Lothrop Pittsburgh Jahn .W Nieheleon, B B' Lawean N Y Wm II Clark. N Y W B Potter, Boston 0 W Beige, Addison, NY' P II Butler, N J R Allen, Va - T W IV Alter. N Y ,0 3 Thomas, Vs , M Miller, N Orleans Thee Wilmer', - Bald- M W Chapin Hartford N Y _ , R A Biome, N'O , A Thompson, Troy, N Y 11 N , Wm• White, Ye ". T Reennn &Ia ,7 A 3 Cresariell.lifd -• B 0 Burgess, Fla - Lieu Tattnall, DB M. 0 . Cant ' R Magruder, rdd ,7 r Warren, Clin, 0 E Cuthbert ~k,daa, NO GOV A V Drown & la, Wash 'Min Brown d: eisteri Wmh 31 B Grigg, Obleago Ooven;Plttabargh hi Allen, Springfield, 0 O B,LAmar & 2 dims, Ga ' , "MBRORANTS , ROT/iLlourth street. below Arch. I Jennison, Pa Bd R Brink and la, Ohio Win Patton, Columbia, Pa It W King, Detroit Wm S Devote, Ps ' J 0 Arnie. Mines B P Martin, Tenn T B Sprout, Va T L Cathcart, Dillsbury A Cathcart, Carlisle H G Sidle, Dillabury 'W liturg on. Ohio D 0 Anderson, Ohio LJ Galion, 111 F Gabbers, Dityton, Ohio Jon 0 Baltzell, V Bidleman. loon - 'Miss Bidlennin, Tenn it Ocr, San Francisco Powete, Ban Francisco Wm Rhoads, Jr. Reading U. L - Miller,' Reading ,W H Levan, Bah Raven D L'alontgoniery, Penns -Win 0 Bentsen. lowa 0 D Roberta. 11l , G B Barrett, Ohio John George, Ohio, Dr P Connell & lady, Vs' D A (tarter, peons, , A U Meoown, Va A Bartholomew, Ira • ' J S Roseberry, Ohio N at Stone, lowa JB Bard, Butler co, Pa . MP White. Butler co, Pa Geo J Bolton. Penn II Duncan, Poland, Ohio _ J 'l` Bracken, Ohio W II Rodgers, Ohio G G Clemens, Penna, lli Brownfield, Peoria - Wm J Wallace, Lana co,Pa Miss L Bobertson, Ohio J D McGill & lady, Penns W Bunter, Ohio . .1" B Blake', Portland, Me John Frame, Ohio - D Anderson, Ohio Mrs A B Bardwell, - Perina W B Lamberteon & la, Pa D Thomts; Catesanqua T Poster, Penna Krouse, Pena . L Morton, - Phila Major Cummings, Penns N G Oglesby, Ohio 9 Johnston, Ohio , - AIS1111088"1011138r.Ohestant street, below 812th. Baud it Bishop, N 7 . „ hi Newman, Washington 'Jacob Broom; 'Llinstracis, ilreenabg, Pa A Geo Mixer laeldasa ' „ Albert Shattuck, Masa ThoaeriiMer,,Biltiriore • John D Lucas,. Baltimore John 'Sallie, Baltimore L J Bard., Baltimore - J W Murray, Peoria,lll • - M Prick, Minereeille, Pa 0 Little, PotterillePo- ' 80 donee: Ild W Attgle,lnd NV 8r Reed. Hertford, Ot - We, Gilmore Sc wife, 3 , 1 CApt,L Itobertei Minn BJ Elliott, Ohto P &abort. Lynchburg, Va .0 A Bmith, Va d A Griffith, Ole, 0 NS , 0 Mille, N Y ,W B Street. Va Mr Mackey, Elusion. Md - A Haywool, Seveneah , W B Washtiern, N E P Barrauger, Balt IL T Blrchett4Peteriburg Miss Barringer, Batt D J Juntliie, St Pita, L Rent, Gin, 0 • Blre Bariengor.i Baltimore .` • MIXON NOTEL—Asoh grist. below ?MIA. Joa F Davis, Aid Datil Boada Afd T L iturkhart, Aid - F Smith, Strafford, Vt 0 Unkefer, Hine, va, 0 W A Hoover, kto 88 shoonaker, Ohio - , J_AFlsiaon lil Jonea, , Pa ' - - -Joel' Booxer, N - lohn - Leamais, Es:Stoll, Pa Mrs Pogeli Port Wayne Wm Hauler to le, Pa ,11P Hoover, Ya Wm I.l•Ladd,ltiehmond,Va' Henry Bakeehooe, N Y - 3 It Falkner, N Y iA Merrick, Zaneovlfle, 0 Oeo WlWl:mon. Pa- W N McCoy, Ohio 11W Burton, Eidanolid,Ta E N Deaner, Ma P a Wilson, N 0 ' I B Hileman, Altoona, Pi John London, a Itoons,ro A Olbboney, Leaist 3 u,Pa A ktliipsso r ,Laoristown Pa • I McKee Lswistown,Pa - • NATIONAL HOTBL—Bane street. abode iiiN. D Lindamer,Llin, 0 - II H Beaoh, York,Va Moe P Potts, Pa , Joe Loeb, Phceeiatille Simi Steamer, Phcentxvie Wm Blanchard, N Y Henry Woodburn, Ohio , ,J Zimmerman, Lancaster T H Balmer ifs_ ne,Ya" Philip Goodman,.Md B Koniginecher, Lancaster Bid Sheldon, Pa .1 . U Sheldon, Pa - ' NO 811 Pnterbangh, Pa WM Ault, Pa • _Wm /I Wenrloh, Pa d P Schwenk, Pi' L B Shelter, Reading Mils Matilda Mick, PIS A it Roil, Reading Henry Ford N J , M Edmonds, Pottevllle Ueo Russel l , Balt 11 G Smith, Allentown MADISON ROUBE—Becond street. above_ Market J W Nall, Frederica,' Del Robert Brooke, Baltimore Edward Small, °beater, Pa Edward Hunan. Phil. Albert Manes, Newark,Nl 0 .1 Downing, Ey 7 - B Looming, Boston . E 0 Tillson, Alleg co, Md MOUNT VERNON ROTEL —Second street. ahove Arch Semi Dunaeith, nits 3 L Liggett, Delleionte,Pa - A Carson, IC ac ds, N 3 . ' Oliver Arnold, Del Master Arnold, Del ' Paul Wagner, Del Min 8 Wagner, Del ' 0 P Myers, Ohio - _ OD Myers, Ohio ' A.l Myers, Ohio G .E. Allen, Lyeonaing, Pa , Wm Aline, Savannah, Oa BARLItY BEHAP HOUL:,Beisond street, below Vine. 8 0 Olayton, Newtown B Seott, Burke co, Pet John Tucker: ra' Stacy Brown, Pe Peterson, Darby,PA W D Large & wt, Books co Wei Brown, N J • BLAOK BEAR HOTEL—Third, above Osllowhill. A Mettle; Dauphin co, Pa Mrs Mattis.Dinphin ett. PA Mrs M Reichert, Kutztown Mlet H Kirby, Kutztown Line, Allentown, Pa - Judge BB Allent'n D . Billing:, Allentown, Pa N German, Allentown, Pa Et Coirer, Allentown, Pa 0 rmeigbergor Reading G Onieraan,lleading J P nom, lien/burg, Pa BALD MAGDA DOTAL—Third etreei. ab WiHower, Easton, Pa. P-Iteerr, Tr, N M W Boudenbnele, P ell a Moe George, Allentown A Thateher,lehigh co, Pa W Morrle,blontgeo, Pa BLACK BRAE INN—filth and Merchant streets. Rothe Wiley, York co, Pa Jae boon. Louisville. Ps DM Taylor, Del co. Pa .1 Oleveuatine, Phoeuixvilie J Devoe, Went Cheater D Melds, West Cheater 8 Darlington, Pa Amos Kimble, Chester co Doyle Kimble Cheater co Derry Willower Pa Jae Dunwoodie, Del co, ra John Garrett, Del co, Pa Opetial Natirzo. Slnvess Sewing Machines.—That Stager's Fairing Machines' make the beet ditch over invented, hiv been widely known for years, Other machines may make a similar stitch upon a few light fabrics, but 'Singer's alone are competent to do every kind of work upon every variety of fabric, - Singer's new Family Bowing Machines have the same relative superiiirity as hie machtees,for manufacturing ,purposes. They are also more beautiful than any Cahn-. Gemming and Binding Gauges of the most improved style are applied when desired -to any of Singer's Ma- I. .111.'SYNGER CO No. 602 cIiEBTNUT Ste's**. &hies. iso6.4Jan22 Professor Saunders* Classical Institute, at the WEST,PHILADELPIIIA INSTITUTD, corner of IdAßECET,htreet sod WILLIAM, will be -reopened on the drat MONDAY of September. , Papils, to the nom• ber or fifty, will be reeefred wirnoirr Krranes or rens ON-TOX ressisoßß ien.waya or TOO VITT. - Thus, without expense, by a pleasant and ears eon veyance, - pupils can be carried into the fresh air of the eountry la leas than half an hour from the centre of the city. - Several aeree of open ground border on the bean. ;Ifni grovee - Of this Seminary, which Is patronised by many of the distingulehed gentlemen of the city, among whom are the Editors of The Prom, the hedger, and The North - American and United States auette. Pa. pile are received by the day, or Into the family of the Trinalpal PITLADHLPHIii July I,IEOB "'we; the. undersigned, hays had sons or wards in : profeisor Saunders+ Institute and family during the Session 'Shish has last dosed; In respect to parental kindnemi, happy intinenoes, attention -to health, and progross in Thorough education, our expectations bare been fatly' realised.' To our friends, who ars looking fora decidedly good school for their sons, we cordially ieramonnind Professor Saunders , Institute. , i4MATITIEW NSIVIIIRK, NO. MOO Arch street. W, NOYINNY, office of The Prem. OHABLVS B. THOMPSON, Thompson do Rood, No 4111 , Gbeatint street. ' IL SILVER, 1460 Girard avenue. W. L. SPRINGS, 831 Market street. ozoittia H. MARTIN, ISM Walnut street. „ Other Patrons of this Institution t 'ELKS. BURNET P,, 400 Market street. JOHN C. MITORTLL. 203 South Sixth street. T. B. COLOHAN, 142 South Eighth street. N. B. BROWNY], Us South Fifth street. , '.I3AIMUNI. MOORE, Logan Square. P. WATSON, Logan Square. - , WM. SWAIN, office of Ledger. "'_MORTON IdaMIGHABL, office of North' American. LEWIS, Penn Square. (ITN° OCKIIIAIT EIRE 61114101% set-tt • • • • JOB PRINTBR, BIFTB. AJO) OBBSTNOT. -4,olllMte, Bates, Brats, Ms Lading, 818 Beads, 01.1 , Cards, sad all other • Wade of Job •Printing, et ;Am to salt the times oe1T•1! dine-Price Clothing of the Latest fityleo, and made hi the beet manner; expreeelyini BI?AIL 'We reark 4 onn, lowed selling price" In ptatti /1017/1110 on each lOWs made to'order are warranted eatiefactory, and our onn-mon STITIM Ss etiletly ad hered to. We believe this to be the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all era cited alike. ;ONES & CO., 3 40,17.1.7 OptA#RANT Arott. 1. . , =i=l OILIBIRMID.• ti iAMILT B.lllWlNG'lth.'dliiNlia, 780 ogasnipT. STREET. - Vivre brichinbe nOw - justly adraitted to be the Vrit - use for ramify sawing, making r new, strong, nil elastic stitch; which wilt NOT rip, eien If every meth stash be out; Oiresilare sent on application by - • .—" • 'poi Illeititeies. Marina - Pond—ollice 903 Therm* street; one door west of Beoond street. Reeeires posits In slims' of One Dollar and upwards, from all chases otthe aottimuoity, and allows interest at the rate of five per oent. per annum. 0194 open daily, from 9 until 6 &eke*, and on Mon day and flaturdsy Until 9 in the evening. Prealdent, Franklin 'Falf;:Trainiurer, and - Setrete4y, Charlet It: Kerrie. , • - altivlng - Fend.—Five Per Cents Interest.— NATIONAL 13APETY- TIMM COMPANY, WALNUT Street, N. W. corner of THIItD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sure, large or small, and interest paid from the day of depoelt to the day of withdrawal. Money Is received and payments snide daily, without notice. The investments are made in Coil Estate, Mortgages, Cirotind Rents, 'and int% first-01w securi ties as th charter requires. Ounce hours, from 9o'oloch In the loaning until 13 oldest in the afternoon, Ad on Monday and Thursday avotranoi until 8 o'clock. fee Hatt I ! nstrali, or Hair restorative of Jules loar..—This article has obtained such a wide-spread celebrity for its virtues in cleansing, purifying, and in vigorating the Hair, that It is now coneldered a sins qua non to a lady's or gentleman's toilet Hair that has become her , h or diseased from neglect or eickness, Is speedily, by Its nee, transformed Into beautifully soft and glossy, and prevented from decadence. Bold by all Druggista, and at the Laboratory of JUIACEI Hamm & Co., Perfumers and Importers, 701 OIIISSNOr Street, Philadelphia. se2o-13t Thomas W. Bully. No. 622 Market Street, Importer and Dealer in Floe Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. First-clue goods constantly on hand. The subscriber, paying cash for every article, is enabled to sell at a small advance. Those about purchasing would do well to all. All goods warranted as repro. entsed. ee4.Bm Impurities of the Blood.—The food and habits of civilized man induce in a great majority an impure condition of the bicod, the ileum of a great variety of painful diseases, which disturb the happiness of almost every family in the land. A. core, safe, and agreeable remedy in at band in the PERUVIAN SYRUP, a feat which cannot be denied. For Bale in this city by F. Brown, Fifth and chest nut, and Haggard & Co., Twelfth and Chestnut. mold d&w tf itlarriages. On the 23d Instant, by tl a Rev. Albert Barnes. Mr. JACOB BUNTON to Miss ANNIE a. GRIIMILL, both of this citr. On the 20th Tole, M. by Res N. Flegtan, 252 N. Thirteenth street, Mr. EDWARD M. CLARKE to Mies JULIA M. HUHN, cl Philadelphia. is On the lath or August, by the same, Mr. CHARLES BWItRV. of Philadelphia, to WAS FRANCES 0. OHAALBERLING, or Delaware. ißeatbs. On the 224 !natant, MARGARET, daughter of .7o eeph and Margaret Jane Broady, aged 7 months and one week. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from - the residence of her parents, Ne. 1129 South street, this (Friday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. * On tile 22d instant. of animal disease, aged 9 years and 1 month; WILLIAM 11.0NRY, youogeet eon of L. I'. and Atm Breyer. The relatives and Meade of the family We re. spectrally invited to attend the funeral, from the real de oce of bis parents, corner of Bhurbi lane and Minot., Macayunk. this (Feder) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. * On the 224 lost , JANE LAMB, n the 86th year of her age. The relatives and frienda or the family are reaped.. fully invited to attend the funeral, from rte residence of her husband, Patrick Lamb, Carpenter street, below Tenth, this (Friday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Bt. Mary's Cemetery, * On the 221 instant. ELIZABETH, daughter of John and Elisabeth MoPoyle, aged 2 years The relatives and frlends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral,- from the residence of her parents, in Unman court, Tine street, below Elev enth, this (Friday) afternoon, at 1 &cloak, without further notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. * On the 224 instant, Mr. JOHN BRANDT, Br., aged 72 year!. His relatives and friends are particularly Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, No . 180 Swanson street. above Catherine, to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o , olock tt At Germantown, on the morning of the 21st inst., 81184 N H., wife of Wm. Doreoy. Her relatives and friends are revectfrilly invited to attend her funeral, this (Pedal.) afternoon, at 3 o'nock P DI .• from her huaband , s residence, on east aide of Hein "street, above Washington lane, Germantown, without further notice, tr Oa Monday evening. ELIZA. W., wife of John R. Barker, and daughter of James Watson. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend bar funeral, this (Friday) afternoon, 48 o'clock. Interment at Laurel MIL On the 21st instant, EIIBTEN A., wife of Win. Sprigs, and late widow ,of Andrew Lake, in the 71st 'ear of her age. The relatives and frlonde of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her ton•lti-law, Joseph Butler Carlton street, below Twelfth, this ander) mo ning, at B o'clock. To pro ceed to Barren 11111, • ocr. I. 0 of 0. Ir.—Hermony Lodge, No. 16. The members of the Lodge wig p ease attend the Meetirg, THIS (Friday) EVENING, Eleetion for &Hoare, and °goer important end Interesting business will be acted upon. Attest M BOWEN, se24-1.1.* Secretary No. 16. Grand Rally THE PEOPLE! 41.1 BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS THE CITIZENS 011 PHILADELPHIA Who are OPPOSID to tho FREE TRADE POLICY . Of tho existing National Administration, and who are against the TYRANNICAL DICTATION which has been attempted by the President of the United States ; who are in favor of a PAIR PROTECTION a TO AMERICAN INDUSTRY AND POPULAR SOVEREMNTY, WILL /SEINMOLE IN GRAND MASS MEETING, AT BROAD AND 011E3TNIIT STREETS, ON MONDAY EVENING, 27th SEPTEMBER. Come one! Come all ! Come from your workshops and your hotness ! Come in your strength! Come as tho winds come when forests are tended! Come as the waves come when navies are stranded ! And let us !thew tho minions of Executive power that the People are still determined to be free. Addresses will be delivered by Morton McMichael, Esq., Ron. Henry D Moore, George A. Coffey. EN., C. O. Lathrop, Erq , Col. P. S. White, Mon. Chas Gilpin, William B. Mann, Esq., William B Thomas, Esq., Mon. Edw Joy Morris, Oliver P °outman, Esq., J. R. Flanigan, Esq., John P. Verree, Eaq , Ron. Wm. Mill ward John W. Ryan, Esq ,John Wood, Esq., John Go forth, Eeq and others. ae23-46 - -- Err Post Office, Philadelphia, Sept. 22d, 18513.—A Foreign Mail will be made up at this 01lice on FRIDAY, September 24th, closing at 8 o'clock P. M., to be despatched for Liverpool by steamship MO. on SATURDAY, 26th. 5e23.2t GlDatiN G. WESTCOTT, Postmeater. CG.Philadelphia and Reading Railroad COMPANY.—OiIice 227 South FOORTII St. •PIIILADBLPIIII, Sept. 21st, 185 S. To avoid detention, the holders of Cautions of this Company, due on the Ist proximo, are requested to leave them at this Office, on or before the 00th inst., when receipts pill be given and checks will bo ready for delivery on the lot proximo, in exchnhge for said receipts. A. BRADFORD, 5n2240e1 Treasurer. irrGirard College.-. The Directors of the Girard College glee notice that they are pre pared to BIND OUT, in the State of Pennavivania, TIVENTY•ONE ORPHANS, in accordance with the Will of rtephen Girard, to "suitable occupalons—such as Agriculture, Navigation, Arta, Mechanical Trades, and Manufactures." The master will be required to teach hie apprentice his respective art, and to furbish him with suitable board and lodging In hie own place of reeldence, (except where, for special reasons, the ap prentice may be allowed to board elaewhere.) The master may be allowed to take each Orphan on Trial for a term not exceeding one month. Perrone d-airous of obtaining an apprentice can apply at the COLLEGE, be tween the hours of three and five P M., or, If not resi dents of Philadelphia, can ti , drese the underelgned. in writing, staleg name, residence. occupation, and refer ences, the latter, whenever posaible. to be residents of Philadelphia. HENRY W. ABBY, iie22-5t Secretary of Girard College. Ifs . Office of the Mayor of the City of PIMA DELPHlA—Sarranale, 21et, 1868.-- OW RAM/MD—Whereas, the body of JOHN E. CLARK, a, citizen of Philadelphia, was found in the Schuylkill river, above the klarket-street Bridge, on the 22d of April, 1858, and thereupon the Coroner's Jury did render a verdict that "deceased came to his death by having his throat cut by some person or per sona unknown to them," 500.; and whereas, all efforts for the de teution of the murderers have been ineffeete al row, I, ALEXANDER HENRY, Mayor of, the city of Philadelphia, in accordance with an ordinance of the Councils of on'd City, do hereby offer a reward of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS for the apprehension and con viction of the person or persona, parties to or perpe trating the murder of JOHN E. CLARK, or for such information as shall lead to their detection. Attest, JAMES B. MONTOOMERV, ee22-w C m-St Mayor's Clerk. .ElePhiladelphin and Darby Railroad Coni. pany.—The aubacribers to the Oapßat Stock or the Philadelphia and Darby Railroad Compaey are no tified that SOUR DOLLARS per share (being the ba larvae of Manna Instalment) oink be due, and te hereby requested to be paid, on the 28th September instant, Oftlee of the Treasurer, No. 12t WALNUT Street, be tween the hours of 10 A. Id. and IP. , DAILY ; and at the Blue Belli Tavern , Twenty-fourth Ward, on SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, between Four and Nave o'clock. By older of the Board of Directors. selt-Idt TUOIdAd BPARICB, Treasurer oSayne , s Hall Prayer Meetins.-•For the yre•ent. the Business blen's 'Onion Prayer Meet -11 be held in the SANS° if-STREET CHURCH, near NINTH Street, the Hall being otherwise engaged. The meeting yesterday was one of thrilling interest Come all who • oan and spend the noon-day hour in prayer. ad2l,st* in- The Citizens .1 the various Wards, in favor of the PBOPLEPti TICKET. will meet i n "FRIDAY MIMING, the 21th Met , at 7,4 o , olock. et the ward houses, to {eke such measures, S oil appoint committees, as will insure the success of the ticket at the coming election. • By order of the Committee, se2l4t J. 'ARM, Chairman arN.:i.e....5e... Proposals, endorsed .1 proposals for Furnishing Supplies to the Board of Controllers of Pattie Cehools trill be received at the office o the Controllers ' of Public Schools, Boutheaet corner of SIXTU and ADELPIII Streets, addressed to the undesitgned, until September 28th, 1858, at 12 o'clock M., for the supply of all the BOOKS and STATIONERY to be used In the Publle Schools of the City of Philadelphia, until the let day of January, 1859, The Proposals must state the price and quality of the Books and articles of Bta ionery pro posed to be furnished, and be accompanied by a sample of each item. A list of the Books and Stasionery au thorized by the Boara - can be procured at the Secrete ryle Office, Southeast corner of SIXTH and ADELPIII streets. By order of the Committee on Supplies. ROBT d. HEMPHILL, Seo'y, eelB-td Board of Controller of Public Schools. 02r. Home for Invalids with Affections of THE OHEBT. 8. W. corner PARSE and OXIEBTNITT Strode, sehant Went Philadelphip, ,111-0„ PAtimsß.,gm,wpay.ol,4t,firtvo, , A tiTgiv.1PE4,,,,24,, JAMES CHALLEN& SO*, No. 26 SOIITII SIX= Muir, PIJOLISII TIM DAY, AND AROUND STAMBOUL." A captiva'ing book on Constantloop) , , BY URS. B. lIORNBY. This la ono of the motet interesting and fascinating works on Oriental lite ever issued. Hrs. Hereby has here prreented a' graphic account of the Kosice and. Mode of Worship, the Harms, thp,Sultan. the Valley of sweet Waters, ttie kicenory of the Bosphorus, the Gardens, the Veneta end Fasts, the Schools. and the Customs of the ]Shat; air°, of the C, false, the Black Sea and fiehastupol, (immediately ,after its capture') and mane other Items of Information that can be found in no other work extant. The work is elegantly issued, and contains 600 pages. Price, c'olt, $1 25 per copy, postpaid. heavy discount to agents and the trade. kor sale by all Booksolers 5024-2t* NEW BOOKS FROR TEE PRESS OF THE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, Published Saturday, September 4th. COOPER G.ENT, and other bketches from 3 - The Coun try Pastor's Visit to his Poor 33 18mo , cloth. A record of God a gracious dealings with the meanest and humblest of his creatures. bluntly-school teachers and other visiters to the abodes of poverty and misery will be encouraged by it. As a - testimony of God's faithfulness in bestowing hie Meshing upon labors wrought in Christ's name among the children of sor row and sulfating, such a record has permanent value; while it also serves as a sample of the method of ap proaching instructing, and winning those who are sup posed to ho alienated from the common sympathies of life. Published Saturday . , September 11th. LOTTER'S THOUGHT BOOK. Beautifully illustra ted. /2m0., cloth. Published Saturday, September 18th. ORAOLES. A daily Scriptural text-book on au en tirely original plan. num., cloth. To be followed on Saturday, September 25th, by GRACE IRIUMPHANT. A brief Memoir of John Flouting. By a Teacher. 18mo., cloth. On Saturday, October 2d, BOW TO LIVIS. Illustrated in the Lives of Frederick Perthes—tbe Manor Business. Gerhard Tersteegen— the Ohristian Laborer. James - .Montgomery—Dm Christian Man of Letters. 12m0., cloth. On Saturday, October 9th. BARRY SEY9IOIIR; the Little Boy whose feet would run home. 18tuo., cloth. On Saturday, Octoberlaib. Mrs. COOPER'S oTORY; or, the Golden Mushroom. 18mo., cloth. On Saturday, October 23d. KITTY MAYNARD ; or, ‘• To obey la bettor than sac- Ilice." By the author of Irish Amy,",. "Ready Work," etc.. etc. 18mo. cloth. On Saturday, October 90th. A. WEEK Whit NANA ; or, The fifth Command ment. 18mo , cloth. Embollished from original de signs On Saturday, November 6th. ONION NOTES ON THE GO.t.P BLS; compiled and prepared with especial teference to the wants of Pa• route and Sunday-school Teachers. Part 111. LUKE AND JONN. kdited by Rev. Bobert J. Parvin i of Leroy, N. Y. 18mo , cloth. On Saturday, November 18th. ALMS FAMILY; or, Scenes of Western Life, limo., cloth. DAISY; or, The Lest Lamb. Beautifully illustrated. On Saturday, November t.Oth. THE DRAMA OM DRUNKENNESS ; or, Plateau Scenes in the Drunkard's Theatre. limo., sloth. On Saturday, November 27th. WHIT= ; or, Missionary Life in Africa. 18mo , cloth. Fully So .oral other books of great interest will be published during the Benson. by the AAIEKLUAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, NO. Da2 OLIESTAUT SITED; Philadelphia. And for sale by all Dookgellers. se24-1 to-tJ al IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Estate of TIIO3IAS CHAMBERS, deceased. Notice is hereby given that ANN BUZ CHAM BERS, widow of said drcedent, has flied in the Orphans' Court her petition. and the appraisement of personal property which aim claims to retain under the provisions of tho act of Assembly of April 14, 1651, and that stid appraisair ent will be presented to the Orph was' Court for approval on FRIDAY, the , sth or October. d. COOKE LONCISTRETII, Attorney for Widow. Ss Me ae2l4 tu•4t SPECIAL NOTICE. An ADJOURNED MEETING of the S. G. CONS) TORY OF I. 0. S. M. OF COLUMBIA Will be held at the HALL of tho GRAND CAMP, OP THE STATE OP NEW YORK, IN NEW YORE CITY, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 11TH, 1858, At 10 o'clock A. Membere elect, and delegates, may commutate with _HORACE L. PETERSON, B. G. Secretary, 718 PRIME Street, Philadelphia. rcr The New York Herald; Traveller, Boston; Morning Post, Pittsburgh, Pa.; American, 13sItt more; Aspublicon, AA Louis, and Picagune New Or leans, plearo !WA the above three times, and send bills immediately to this Office for calico.. lion. se2l-3t Isig- lIYGEIA UOTEL, OLD POINT NEL 0019 FORT, FOR 6ALS.—I offer for eale this moat valuable property. It is beautifully located in broad view of tr-•oPiao Roads and the Oheeapeake Bey, at 014 Vtlia Cowart, now the largeat militarYtinat ,Lo United. States, and, as a watering place, promote every possible attraction. The past season wag mach longer than that of any other waterlog piece, North or South Itbee an abundant stock of furniture. an Icehonse, Bath-bouses,Billlardßiloon, Ten-plc greys; Plato] gal lery, and every necessary and desirable appurtenance. To a company with adequate capital for enlarging its accommodation'', it may be made the most attrac• lye and the most profitable summer retreat in the country. A very long credit eau be had for a large portion of the purchase money. Far the character of the property, I refer to the Hon. J. B. Floyd, Secretary of War, and Bon A. Dudley Mann, ashingtoo; M. N. Fails, Esq., Baltimore; R. W. Latham, Esq., New York; and A. o.Bouthall, Jkaq Washington House, Philadelphia. JOB. BROaR, OLD POINT Colmar, Sept 21,18b11. se2l.Mdltwa MoELROY" PHILADELPHIA CITY DIRECTORY —lB69.—odlee, 432 CHESTNUT Street, (sBCIVeld story ).—The twenty-second edition will be publethed and delivered to aubscrlbera and ()lore at an early date. greatly improved by the addition of seve ral new features Canvassers are now, engaged. in making corrections and soliciting subscribers, and will be very greatly aided in their work by baring emir access to places 01 bet. loess end dwelling houses allowed to them, and by the Citizens giving correct information. The want of attention on the part of the business men. housekeepers, and others, is the most fruitful clause of dillicaltirs attending this annual publication. The agents are instructed to call at every house and place of business, and a few marmite spent with each will add very much to the value of the forthcoming edition. Tho compiler, therefore, very earnestly so. lieite the aid of all interested, to hap a reliable OIT DIRECTORY for 1850. Ronson!' residing in the rural diatriets, not within the reach of the cansassers, can hare their names inserted if sent to the office in tune. se2 I.ltW A. MoELROY, Complier. - nllEST.l4iff4foArtlV lIISKEY.LA de. A.../ sirs to lessen the consumplicn of impure spirits, knowing their injurious effects upon the constitution has induced the offoring to the public of an article which the avelysation of Professor Chilton, Analytical Chrunfat, of New York, and Messrs. Booth, Garrett, & Came, of Philadelphia, proves beyond all question, to be the most pure and consequently least injurious spirits ever offered the American Public. CERTIFICATE 01 , DR JAB. R CHILTON . . I have analyzed a ample of Chestnutqlrove Whiskey, received from Mr. CHARLES WHARTON', Ja.. of Philadelphia, and having, carefully tested it, I am pleased to state that it Is entirely tree from poisonous or demotions substances It is an unusually pure and fine Savored quality of Whiskey. JAMES it. CIIIkTON, 51. D , New York, Sept. 9,1858. Analytical Chemist. Pnii.gnaLPllis, Sept. 9, 1858. Dna Sin: We have carefully testa the sample of Chestnut-Grove Whiskey within you mint us, and find that it contains none of the poisonous substance known gas Paolo Oil, which fa the characteristic and injuring Ingrettlet4 of the W hiskeye in general ueo. Very respectfully, SOO'Sfl, GARRETT, Sc OAMAO, Analytical Chemists. To Camas WIIASToIi, sr., No. 23 South SIIONT Street, Philadelphia. se2,l-dtcal E W AND VALUABLE CORN •HUSEER.—Purchaaera wanted for State and County Rights Good property taken in Exchange, Call at , s Arcade Motel," CHESTNUT Street, above Sixth, and see Machine.sc2t-atie pERSONS who are desirous of purchasing V/ ALL PAPER of a superior quality at very low prices, will Owl it to their advantage to f nIl at . . . rilo SOUTHERN AND WESTERN HER- A. CHANTS —Manilla Rope, assorted sizes, from Inch up, nmnufaotured and for sato by WEAVEtt, FITLEIt. it 00., No. 23 North WA PER street, and 0•24 No. 22 North WHARVES HAVANA CIGARS.-106,000 La Flor de In Havana let 2d, end gda, Jug arrived por brig "May Queen," from Havana, in store and fbr sale by WLLLEAfeI U. YEATON, a024-tf Nn '2lfl Routh {MONT Ntr.ot BRIDGETON.—Tbe Steamer EXPRESS IMO ARCU Street Tuen days, Thursdays, and Saturdaya, at Byi o'clock A. M. Returning, leaves BR IDGETON Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 8 o'clock A: M Stopping at New Castle, Delaware City, Fort Delaware and the usual Landings on the Cobansey Through tickets for hllileville, Port Elisabeth, Maurlcetown, Dividing ()reek, Newport, Cedarville. sod Fsfrtna. ~a7-lm* siIkCONSIGNEES' NOTICE.—Tho ship NONPAREIL, Green, from Liverpool. is now discharging under general order, at filllPPEN.Street wharf. Consignees will? lease attend to the receipt of their goods PAPER, PRINTED CARDS, AND ENVELOPES. 405 COMMERCE STREET. se2l.ot, N. J. L AWE F.NOT: rino STATIONERS.—Joseph Rodgers & Song', 7onatban Orookes', and Farmer's fine pocket Cutlery. Bankers , Photo's, Erasing Knives, and Steel Pens, for sato to the trade by ERASMUS 0. PRATT & BRO., ae2l•Gttr Importers, 28 DANK Etreet. QOUBRERO GITANO.-220 Tons Som. brero ()nano, cargo of the barque c , .1. W. PAW) , from Bombrero Island, now at Hampton Roads, and daily enacted. Par sale by J. B. HANSON & Co., ee23 flt 105 N. Water St., and 106 N. Delaware At. MACKEREL —863 bbla Nos. 1,2, and 8 ItIL Mackerel, in ',thole, halve,. quietens, and eighths, for wile by O. 0. SADLER & CO., men ARCH St.. Naomi door above Front. LARD. -144 this. prime Western Leaf .14 Lard, kettle rendered, feat received and far sale by O. 0. SADLSR & 00., seta ARCH Street, 2d soar above front. rrEes.—J. R. WEBB'S TEA WARE .IIOI33E. FINE TEAS FOR FAMILY MR. re 23 3t* 223 South MUTH Street, G ANGS OF RIGGING made to order by WEAVER, FITLER, & CO., No. 23 North WATHR Rt , owl ae23 No. 22 North WHARVES. liaT ()RAGE . —Storage can be obtained at a OU fair price In the Warehouse, No, 9 North Water street, or In the iseeond and th,rd stories of No. /08 Arch /Area, by applying to 0. 0. SADIJIR & 00., • 1100 AROU street, ad door above Bronx. Meru Legal Notites. HENRY A. BURTON'S, 165 North BIXTII street THOMAS RICHARDSON h CO. 101 WALNUT St — taberfidltle . intreNterbo. ~ tgAlsi OF CaSSIMERES. I- 'Medium Grades in,Bide Stripes, Totte r &c. f a hlonian Casslmei es. Cadet. Otioni. and Brown Mix. I Dell, Double, and Isw.ated Oassimeres, " 1 Plaid, Side fitripes,*and plain. _ Cotton Warp Cloths: !Leavy Black and Brown. &dinette in a variety of styles . , Black, Brown, and Printed doods. Vesting:a, Pine Outliner s, Velencias, ice. !The. attention of the Trade is solicited to these de sistO Goode, which are offered on favorable terms, by . ' " ' SAMUEL B. FRY, 5t.23.6t-iiio 213 cIiiitSTNUT Street. BMW( & DROVIER, • No. 920 CHESTNUT STREET, WILL OPEN THIS DAY Their Fall Importation CARPETINGS, PRICES GREATLY REDUCED CARPETINGS. ELLIN4TON BRUf3SELS, f3IIPER ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, EXTRA PINE INGRAINS, DOUBLE COTTON CHAINS INGRAINS, VENITIANO, AND LOWER GRADER, f choice styles and approved manufacture, constantly reoolvlug and for male by JOAEPH LEA., eel° toc2l Nos. 128 and 130 CHESTNUT St NEW FALL STOOK. NeConley, Brother, & Brewster, 28 NORTH FOURTH ST. Ws Just opened an entire now stook of )INSIEDY, OLOVEB, AND FANCY GOODS, b which they invite the attention of firstalass buyers ur stock Is particularly adapted to TIM SOIITILIMN TRADH atitt-2mif CLENDEN.NING'a DAMASK. TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE COVERS, TABLE NAPKINS and TOWELLINGS. I'D THE DRY 000D3 MBROITANTB: GaNTLSMON: As I have bestowed more than um' ixperem and labor In getting np this article of Damask ['able Damask In this country, and have aucce-ded lu ttrnishing an Article equal, anti In enure respects enco— der, to the imported one, at a weak less expense, I trust that those who have a disponi:ion to encourage EMERIOAN ENTERPRISE and American labor will not !argot my address. JOHN CLENDENNING S CO,, ARAMINGO MILL, PRANKFORD, PIIILADELPKIA. P. S.—Pedlars and those who travel and supply Coun try Trade will Sod it to their advantage to call at the factory before purchasing elsewhere. Parties wishing to buy, and cannot make it convenient to cull at the factory, will please send their address, anti they will be salted on with samples of the above. se3.lrnif CARPETLNGS. JUST RECEIVED PROM THE MANUFACTURERS, Oa Consignment, a largo lot of INGRAIN AND VENETIAN CARPETS, To be sold at AUCTION PRICES for Cash or City Ac ceptances. WOLFS, WILSON, & Co., jy2Q•frm&wtt No. 132 CHESTNUT Street New fork 111 hp Goubs Theaters. IMPORTANT TO DRY GOODS DEALERS ONE or Plla BEST AMOBTED EsTOCKS, NEW, FREER, AND ELEGANT, JUST RECEIVED PER RECENT ARRIVALS FROM EUROPE, Is now exhilltod and for sato at our WARDROOMS, , DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, & CO., 80 AND 52 °RANDERS STREET, NEW YORE, TO Wil/011 WII SOLICIT ATTINTION• llmingmade extensive additions to our Storni, we have, with great care, selected a SPLENDID VARIETY OF DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, OF VARIOUS BARRIOS, Such as will enable our customers to give I Now and Attractive Appearance to their Stocks, and aid thorn in retaining their trade in the face of all competition. We have purchased for cash AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF DOMESTICS, Which wo give to buyers st Prices below which none will care to sell. Thle portion of our Stook embraces the leading styles MERRIMAC, COCIIECO, PACIFIC, AND SPRAGUE PRINTS, MANCHESTER, PACIFIC, AND HAMILTON DELAINES. LAWRENCE, CABOT, ADIOSKEOG, YORE MILLS, DWINIr, LONSDALE, AND WAISISUTTA MEETINGS AND SR lETINGS. WHITE ti OODS. In this department will be found Linens end liandker chiefs of our importation, expressly adapted to the wants of the Trade, with a choice line EMBROIDERIES, LADIES' SKIRTS or Tun MOST APPROVED MAKE, WOOLLEN GOODS, CLOTHS, °ASSUMES, AND THSTINOS, DUSTER CLOTHS, ETO. YANKEE NOTIONS, Comprising the latest and moat useful Inventions SHAWLS, DROONE, STELLA., and WOOLLEN, in great variety. The principle upon which we do business is grounded upon MUTUAL INTEREST, knowing that, unless our Customers make money out of us, we cannot make it out of them. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, .4 CO., Nos. 80 and 82 OBAMBERB !Street, 6818- Ot NSW YORK TINS, RIFLES, AND,SPORTING IX YU:MEETS. The Subscribers have in stare THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT or FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &c., Ever offered in this city. Desirous of reducing their 09110 i Went as muoh ae possible before the Ist Deo they will sell AT VERY LOW PRICES THEIR ENTIRE nTOOK, ceinpog GUNS FROM TILE MOST rbl CELEBRATED MANU FACTURERS Ole ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND FRANCE. PHILIP S. JUSPICE t CO., No. 21 North FIFTH Street, seP-201 • above Market. VAISIPBELL's DINING SALOON, 'IL/ Corner of THIRD St. and ZIA lIMONY COURT, Rae been closed for sestina days past, la order to be regenerated and direntlvalled. It will be openod en MONDAY next. 20th that . with Improvements and al terations which will astonish the town. The host has thrown his soul Into tho twit of Iron zeal, and we think that his efforts will meet with universal approbation. When reopened it will be a model establishment. riIAW & BEERS' LUBRICATING GREASE, the beet awl cheapest compound for greasing the axles of OMNIBUSES. CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. For sale in tin cans, kegn, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS In the city and the MANUBACTURKR 8, iela-to NT, 1/11 ROUTH WATI4R Fitrwel A WNINGS ! AWNINGS CX. JOSEFIL R. FOSTER, Awning Maker, No. 448 North THIRD Street above Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for Dwellings and Oho Win. down; Awnings for Stores, Awnings for Steamboats and Ships All kinds of Awnings Tents, Flogs. or any thing in canvas, made toorder byJOSRFLI Id FOSTER, Awning Maker, No. 443 North TIIIRD Street. Real. demo. No 840 South Front Street sel-lm JOSEPH 11. PORTER. ANFortiLIiJ kD A, N D G E L A, R P L R I 1 0 D A . PItRIG.BT TOR oARRIBBURG.—The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company are now prepared to forward ireight to HARRISBURG, and to all points OR the Lebanon Valley branch of Ode road. Freight delivered at the Company's depot, southevat corner of BROAD and OMBRWit Btreets, before 4 o'clock P. M., will be forwarded on the same day, and will arrive at Harrisburg before 10 o'clock on the following morning. For rates, Ice., apply to JNO. P. BRATS', General Agent, se2l-1m Bated and Cherry . streets. ow. PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA roi TIONS, with written descriptions of character, Askincluding advice in reference to bush:cam, health, self-improvoment, he., are made day and eve ' tang at BOWLER, WELLS, & i O.'S, sell-Mn 922 Cheatnut at., Philadelphia. ri3E SCOTT'S LEGACY PREMIUM.— The Commi*Lse on Science and the arts, constituted by the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania for the promotion of the Illechanie Arts, having recom mended the award of tke Scott's Legacy Premium to Dr. J. B. Francis, for Lis process for removing teeth—by the use of Electro-Magnetism—tho Board of Managers will award the above Premium In two months from thiedate, unless satisfactory evidence Is given of the want of ori ginality of the Improvement. WILLIAM' T ON, Jy2l-tufrißw Actual U OBE should go to thu Sea-ehoro with- IN out a bottle of our biNDICATED BRANDY in their Valise. In eases of sudden illness it would be the 13108118 in many instances of saving life. DYd- PEPTIO perilous, and those debilitated, have been re stored to health by its use, ZIEGLBit A SMITH, Druggistil, azilA-dtf Flouthaant onr. liprond sod Groan ate j6IOARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS SEGARS.—A choice Invoice of these celebrated brands on board brig "New era daily expected from a xo ns, and for sale low, by dHABLEB TETR, (Ifew) IBS Walnut street, below Beeond, and Romeo story'. LFAITANA LEAF-100 Bales Havana Loaf JUL Tobacco leading ex Mary R. Rendell. Bee sale by A. MERINO, •: 440 loath iroAt street. rafil - (9oabrir -- MEW AUTUMN' SHAWLS. WEAR PLEBS BROTHERS have received an ex— cellent assortment of Plain Styles and Bich Autumn and Winter Shawls Brodie Long and Square Scotch and French; tilanket ; Preach Jacquard and Ombre ; - Berlin fine wool Reversible • Black Kik, Thibot , and Cashmere; • ' Rich fine-bordered Stella. FRIENDS , SHAWLS. ' Neat bordrred Bne btella and Square ; Plain colors Chenille and Oassimere; 'Rich colored Silk and Ottoman ; Scotch and French fine Blanket; • Barcelona end Genoese, all sizes. ee24 EIGIITII and ORESTNUT Streets MOURNING CLOAKS. OPEN TO-DAY. BEESON' & SON, MOURNING` STORE. 5024-I.t No 808 CHZBVNIIT STREET GRAND OPENING WINTER CLOAKS LIXECI PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24nt, The SUBSCRIBER'S will open their IIfroBTATIONS AND 111ANDFAcTuREs, =23gl CarEE PALL AND WINTER SEASONS, Comprising the most extensive and superb display of OVER GARMENTS Ever exhibited in this City J. W. PROCTOR & 00., NS CHESTNUT STREET INDIA SHAWLS AND SILKS. . . L. J. LEVY & CO. Aro now opening a large assortment of NEW FALL GOODS, To which additions oral be made by all the steamere arriving during the next six weeks. Their assortment is now full and complete In the fol lowing articles : INDIA CASHMERE SHAWLS; RICH AND MEDIUM PRICED BILES; FLOUNCED AND DOUBLE SKIRT SILKS; BIM PRINTED CASHMERES; , 111011 PRINTED MOUcELINES; FRENCH MERINOS AND OASHMERES; RIME FRENCH CHINTZES; NEW STYLE POPLIN DRESSES; DOUBLE SKIRT WALKING DRESSES; FRENOLI Er)BROIDff,RIES; SAXONY AND FRENCH PLAIDS; NEW BLANKET SHAWLS; PARIS CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS; HOSIERY, GLOVES, FLANNELS; SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS. 808 AND 811 CIIESTNIIT 5e23.3t - - OURI , .ING GOODS FROM AUCTION. 1 7 . R. --190 will offer to-day the following Goods, at less than usual priooe : Black Figured Silk. 76 cents. Rich B sok Bayadere Bake, $l. All-wool Black alousolioas de 'Leine, 23c. AIl•wool Black Mouselines de Laine, 3:30. • il-wool Black Mooselinee de Lain.. 87g e. Lupin's Black Bombazine, 75 and S7i4 a. Lup'u's Black Bombazine, Si to $t 873( Lupin's Black Bombazine, extra line, $1.60. Lupin's Block aleritioes,62X and 76c. Lupin's Black Merinoes 87) and $l. Lupin's Black Casbmerem, ',E. to $l. BESzON & BON, Mourning Store, No. SOS CIIESINUT Street. - -- BARGAINS FROM AUCTION THIS WEEK. Three lota (120) Children's Ramis ; Two lots (81 yards) 811 k and Plumh Peelings; One lot (72) black 011 k Cravat; One lot (217 yds) dark plain ribbed Casaimeree; One lot (163 yards) easel mixed Batinets; Three lots (60) Robes &Quill° ; One lot (240 yards) all wool Plaid; Ono lot (36 yards) Poll do Ohevres. N. B.—The above are cheap and deairable. 000P.B11. a CONAILD, se2o B. B. corner NINTH. and MARKET. 3TERS, and SIisIWLS. niters. new Hell styles. :cies, for Fall. ly in one day's notice. NIANTILLA.S, DM. silk Circulars and Dui Cloth Raglans and Circ Orders token, and read? kCARLET, GREEN, AIME, IILA CR Etalia, Brodie Borderer is Shawls, auction lota. COOPER Cc 0011AltD, 11.cini and MARKET Eta 8. E. corner N UP I N S 6-4 FRENCH MERINOES - 1 1-4 AND CASHMERE DE COME, PROM THE GRUA r MERINO SALE. OffARLES ADAMd ham now arranged several lota and qualities of these well-known Goode, in choice and desirable colors. Also, plain Moue. Delaines, in mode, plain, and high Colors, All-wool Plaids, choice styles. Mous. Boletus'', Yalenclas, Mohebs, Poll de Chevron and urooa Gouda in •arincy. GLOSSY' BLACKSILKS, OP ALL WIDTHS. Newry willed black Poulton) New Englah end Moir' mac Moto. Fine ati - ek of Umbrilakable Flannels, Shirting, Sheet lug, and Pillow 510.8E04. E VELLA. 1311 AWLS: In many desiraele styles. New Goods being daily received and sold at the low eat market pr.ces, for CAVIL sethrral-tf EIGHTII and ARCH Streete. GREAT ATTRACTION 1 OVER $1 4 500 WORTH OF SHAWLS FROM WHICH TO MAHE A SELECTION. THORNIARY d o.lllBsl, N. E. cor.RIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Have the best SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia. Ticay would respectfully call attention to the following very cheap lois, viz: 46 LONG. BROGUE SHAWLS at $ 8 each. 90 Do. do. do. at 10 20 Do. do do. at 11 " 24 Po. do. do. at 12 " 10 Do. do. do. at 13 " 20 Do. do. do. at 14 " 20 Do. do. do. at 16 " 8 Do. do. do. at 18 " 8 Do. do. do. at 20 " 8 Do. do. do. at 25 " In the above Lots of Long Brodie Shawls will be found ovory desirable color of centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From $2 to $l2, in every color. French Blanket shawls in new dmig...s. Plain FhibA Shawls, :quer° and Long. Real Canton Crape Shawls, Plain and Embroidered. Children's shawls , Misses' Shawls, and Gentlemen's Shawls, at TUORNLEY "ONE PRICE CASH STORE.,' Northeast Cotner le ',UTE & SPRING GARDEN N.B.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash may find bargains at T h P. 5.—A lilagnitlcent stook of Silks now on hand. seiB-tf NEW CLOTH STORE. HENRY D. NELL, succurasou TO GEO. M. COATES k CO., No. 28 SOUTR SECOND STREET, Just received, the Newest styles of FANCY CASSIDIERES AND VESTINGS, Also, a choice assortment of PRENCII BLACK AND COLORED OLOTEIS, And other Goode adapted to Men's wear. eelB-12t FALL CLOAKS. The Subscribers will exhibit ON AlOn DAY AND DURING THE WEER, ELEGANT CLOAKS, (In advance or their usual opening,) to which they ' invite the inspection or LADIES AND STRANGERS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., NO. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. TYRE & LA.NDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, STAPLE AND DANOY SILK GOODS OPENING OP FRENCH GOODS TO-DAY RION SILK ROBES A LEZ ; SILK ROBES, DOUBLE SKIRTS; SPLENDID ROUES, TWO FLOUNCES; SPLENDID ROBES, THREE FLOUNCES; NEWEST STYLES PALL SILKS; ROUND•CORNERED SHAWLS; EXTRA RICK PRINTED DE LAINES; PLAIN AND BAYADERE BLACK BILKS. EYRE & LANDELL, eepl-86t FOURTH AND ARC/I STREETS rnatrllcs, Aewelrg, &r. B &ILEY & 00., NORYINBLT BAILEY & KITCHEN, 11 we removed to their new Vire-proof, White Marble 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD ROUE Now opening their fall atonic of LMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WAREN, AND FANCY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of the nubile SILVER-WARE, WATONES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WEIOLSBALZ ARD RETAIL BILLTS7RTIONDO-N for sale at the II . floe of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANT T 1.10.3. T. FlRTlT,.Treasttrer !'CHEESE.-105 boxes Herkimer county ‘,/ Chown , now landing, C. ad for sale by n 0. SADLER It 00,, oteB ARCH Bt-eat, 2d door above Ifront, pOItIC.-120 bbla Mesa Pork, for. sale by O. o. SADLER & 00., se22 ARON Street, 24 door &bore Nront. ipa WANTED TO RENT—A good Far ina nished Dom, for throe or Six months, between Tine and Firteenth, and Arch and Twentieth Weida. Addrees Immediately, "L. G.. H.,it at Blood's Des patch, stating location. ile23-21;* tile FOR SALE ,OREAP—The Stock, Good will. aral Fixtures of the ,old-established Phila&lphla Seed Warehouse, 138 DIADIEET Street. Apply as above.. 0922-3t* oil FOR S&LE—A. handsome residence, Art with all the modern Improvemente, large side yard, grspery. &o r SIXTH, mear, SPRING- GARDEN ,Street Terms easy. P. E. LYND, 6N South SIXTH Street; (second story.) . sel7-3m FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--A handsome new mansion, 19 rooms, and 40 acres, near Gwynedd Station , North Pennsylvania Railroad. Bite splendid, fruit abundant, health unsurpassed. Any person really desiring a handsome Country Beat in in change for city property will And this an unusual op porterity accomplishing bie object. Apply to P.B. LYND, 51i B. SIXTH et , (24 story) ecill-1m IaFOR SALE—A pretty Cottage, nine rooms, and one or more bores, on Wyoming ItYBTIIIO. two Wiwi out the Second.vtreet Turnpike. Also, several handsome cottage lots The neighborhood , Is healthy, beautiful, and rapidly Improving. P. K. LYND, B. SIXTH St., (Id story.) Fro SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. 1 —Thirty acres or lees of beautiful lend on Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, only two it north of the pavements, for sale a bargain, and terms eaay„ Applyto P. B LIND,OX South SIXTH Street, (second story ) eel .lm MaTO RENT—The new Iron-front Store; No. 24 North THIRD street, above Race, with the use of Shelving. Counter, he. Suitable for the wholesale Clothing, Notions, or any other busine , s. Terms low. Apply at No. 252 North THIRD Street, three doors above. sall-12t* if FOR .SALE- One of the most Valuable and Desirable DOUBLE BROWN STONE RESIDENCES IN TUE OITY, No. 1810 CHESTNUT STREET, EXTENDING THROUGII TO GEOEGB STREET Having been built by the owner for hie own Residence, no expense hoe been spared In its construction. CHARLES BOGGS, 629 Market Street, Or to M. THOMAS h SONS, 139 and 141 South Fourth St. =II CHOICE COTTAGE -SITES, WITHIN three minutes walk. of two Stations on Philadel phia and Germantown Railroad, for sale *help. Apple at Corner of Tioga Street and Plank Road, or at No. Wi North Sixth Street, to eeB-Im* T. L. LITTLRYIRLD. .fist antl .ronitb. LOST OR MlSLAlD—Certificate of two Shares of the Capital Stook in the Liberty Saving fund and Building Association. The tinder will be re warded for leaving the same at No. 864 North NINTH Street. se22-3t* lioarbing. nOARDIN G.—A single man wishes board jag In a private fancily In a central part of the city. Address fiIANSPLELD, BloodN Despatch. se2t-at* DEsIRABLE ROIAIS can be obtained for Families and Single Gentlemen, at No. 701 VINE Street, opposite FranklinSquere. Reference re quired. se234i* I.IOAR DING.—A handsome suite of apart /LP meats on the second Boor, WALNUT St , between Broad a• d Sixteenth. Address, with reference, L M. , Press office. sel6-tf Qfbutational. .t 1 TERM OF THE LAW DEPARTMENT of the UNIVERSITY OP PENNSYLVANIA com mences on the 4th of October. Prof. tiHARBWOOD, International and Conatitutiom al Law, &c. Prof. IfoOALL, Pleading and Practice: Prof. MILLER, Real Estate and Conveyancing' An INTRODUCTORY LECTURE will be delivered by Prof. SUARAWOOD, on the 4th of October, at eight o'clock P. hl , at the Lecture Room of the Department by Prof hfoo ALL on the sth, and by Prof. MILLER on the 6th of October, at the same hour and place 5e2040c6 lENN INSTITUTE—Sontheaat corner of THIRTEENTH and FILBERT' Streets, opened on MO • DAY, tee 6th of September. Private instruction, though favorable to rapid pro gress, yet sends the scholar into the world with a keen sensitiveness, which totally disqualifies him for active life ; whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those personal to each individual, and the learner either lima all interest, or becomes superficial in his acquire ments. For these and other reasons the number is For farther information apply poi/woolly, from nine o'clock A. M. to one o'clock r. M. or by note, to cell3-tt STIWAP.T. Principal. YFHE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY, located at WEST CHESTER, Pa., an Institution designed and arranged to prepate Boys and Young Men, for any class in our best Colleges, or for bufiness in its varied requirements. The corps of Instructors conslats of seven Teachers of ability and experience. The ave nge number of ,students is seventy•five per session. The Preach and German Languages are taught by na tive, resident teachers. The Winter Term commence* on the let of November next. Bar Catalogues, &c., apply to W M. P. WYIIIB, A. M., Principal, se9•th a to 2m at West Chester, Pa GINGLISH SINGING—BaIIad and Opera tie.—Mr. YRAZBIt gives Instruction In the above styles, on the most approved system. 409 South EIGRTBENTH Wreet. CCLASSICAL EDUCATION.—ROBERT I. LAKBP.RTON, Ph. D. of the University of Groningen, will hares fter have charge of the Classical department in the SOIENTIFIC and otakeawel, IN. STITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, northwest corner of Twelfth. No pains have been spared to render this School eminently worthy of patronage for bop of all ages, and to all departments—Engl eh, Olaasical, and Scientific. Entrance on TWALTTU lit, eel7-lin 7 . ENNIS, Principal. 1 J. E 1 ED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG al • LADIES, No 1623 WALNUT Street. For terms, apply at the Institute. RBFXRIOOBB.—Dr. Converse, (editor of the Christian Obsgrver,) Rey Dr. C. Wadsworth, Rev. Dr. W. B. Stevens, Col. I. W. Forney, O. tr. Leland. Esq., Pro. Upson Vothake, Allen, Fraser, of the Unlvereity, and ther gentlemen sel6-1m T J. REM) has resumed his course of in etrnetion in Music and on the Pimolorte. No. MS WALNUT Street. eel6-1m NI R. THOBBEOK E has the honor to ILL announce that he will resume his Instructions on the PIANO immediately after his return from Europe, (In the latter part of September. Phase address communications to "Box No. 1898," Poet Office. sel4-12t* MRS. MaGOIRE'S BOARDIN Alm DAY em.1117. 1 '.,":1ina.. 2 ',2,11411°5,RFT: tember Bth. im23.6w* Political pEOPLE'S TICKET. STATE OFFICERS JUDGE OF THE BUPRERE COURT, JOHN M. READ. CANAL COMMISSIONER, WILLIAM E. FRAZER. CONGRESS JOHN W. RYAN ...EDW. JOY MORRIS ....JOHN P. VERRSH WM. MILL WARD JOHN WOOD FIRST DiSTRIOT ...... • •. BzcoSU ~ EZEEE= 'FOURTH .. Ham I, STATE SENATOR THIRD DISTRICT, JOHN H. PARKER. FOR REPRESENTATIVES JOSEPH H. MEX. SASIVEL SWENET. WM. H. MATTHEWS, TOUT:SU .1 J MORRIS HARDING. FIFTH f t GEORGE T. THORN, SIXTH " I JOSEPH M. ORTIRCH. FIRST DISTIZIO? SHTTINTH DAVID H. SVYEIt. EIGHTH 0. A. WALDORN NINTH GEORDB W. WOOD DINTIT IWO J. DEALL ELsvcvnt ISAAC A. SHEPPARD JOHN A. FISHER ....PRAMS EDWARDS SIMON GRATZ TWELFTH 16 . THIRTEENTH " . FOORTSENTS " • GEORGE W. RAMERBLEY FIFTIIINTII " GEORGE WILBY .........0. I. ABBOTT SIXTRENTO BRUIT/MIMI " 00UNTY OFFIONRS SHERIFF, WILLIAM H. KERN. REGIME OP WILLS, BORGE W. MoM.A.IIAN VERII. OF ORPLIANB' 00IIRT, NIMROD "WOOLERY ELECTION, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 110240012 Marriages CARRIAGES. WM. D. 'ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 011EISENUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. selS.Smif Q.LATE 1 SLATE 11 SLATE 11 I—Roofing r.. 2 Slate, or ill atom sad at W 7 low rate , kept eon. 'tautly on hand, and forage VOIRby ING, !O E & 00., GRRMANTOWN ROAD and TH IRD_ suet. stmt. p N. B. Mate Roo& ut on in the beet and rfa• string attendid to, AU work wounded; t f I -cr: Y". -r-.- _~. wIM:S :X:;IY.a rr.: "£-T' ~ _ _ _ xc~..^-S" (WANTED--A young Man _ accjusinted With the Cite. to drive a wagoqs.nd Ooliedi- - Wers for mini:dictum! goods pf.ovory day wit Addrefit Ec Co., office of this paper. - 8825-11* WANTED4-ArCii - Wholesale Jobbing Dry • V ca hewn, eimietent Wm oen. one who can influence Southern -borers s liberal eelery will be given., Address " /3:1 ,"at this office. ne24-St* aNTED--A - Pettnei' bating $5.000 • • buy an Interest in a Mercantile establishment doing agood cash and *bort ;Soda btialneis Noce need apply except those „twin ,the ;ready cash: Address • A 0.," at this °Bice. - • • - se24-80., WANTED—A BOON wi th Eteam. No Power. Addrem BTEA2d, Pre:: office.. 1t AYOUNG LADY, wielles employment u reacher of Mos% his Semtuarj. Terins madeiete. Address ELLEN. °Ate° and. paper - . re24411A THE ADVERTISER wishes a LOAN gzoo, for Three &loathe, or would be trawAs take a Partner harlot that amount. 'The badartat ft care and profitable. ,Por partleulara,addrees A. T. HODGES, through Blood 4 Deapatoh, se2aBt , ' WANTED - -A Teacher in a PRIMARY SCHOOL a few miles fiom the city. in a alaassat and healthful locality. Address 1101132/laM, at this office. se26.2tw LIVANTEI). -A Purchaser for the whole or v v bait interest in a kiontbly,Putileation peon handsome income, and which can be, increased by as energetic literary gentleman., Por particulars. addsres Box 3001 P. PlNew York. • . , ae232ttit . WANTED=By a young Nan" from New • Jergel, wbo has had seem' yawl experiencii, in the oboe business,: cod cm influence irvie, a 8/taa lion. Van give the beet of city or country reeommea. dation. Address INDUSTRY, Press office.. se23.Btta. A LADY of refined education wishes a intuition lo a private family, as faalerneui. Un exceptionable reference can be Oren. Mrs T. D of fice of Ohs Press. tATAITTED—By a Graduate of the High _School, a Situation fa a Store.' Address GRADUATE, Blood's Despatch. ss2S.2tAS VirANTED.—A Situation in' a Jobbing V V Dry Goals bows as Entry Clerk. Good refer ences will be given. Addtesi WILLIAM, °Mee of this paper. 11923.4t* VANTED --Employment as Gardener In or out of the city: by a sober and industrious Man who fully ruidereands hie tmsiness. Address A'dOS I. LUDLOW, Norristown, ka. sea OW WANTED—By an industrious, sober Man, emp'oynsent as Porter in a w bawds Store. Apply at No.l OILLEV Court, NIITH Street; below Christian ser.S.2t* COAL, COAL, COAL.—Wanted to buy about Fifty Dollars> worth of 00.AL, is ezahu~ for BOOKS. Addresi Box 9130 P. 0., natio, price per tad of Lehigh, Schuylkill, And But. - seSS.IOO WANTED; FOR THE UNITED ETAT/ II OAVAJAY—AbIe-bodied, niamarrled zoon, to whom will be given good pay, 'board, &Midair, and medical attendance. Pay from PIS toMmonth. No man baring a wife or child will be Apply for MOUNTED DEBVIDD at No an biro*, above Eighth, north aide. - W. VII. MAGRUDER, tat Lieut. let Dragoons, aaernitina Omar. Veremtal. IF H. F. 'ELLIOTT will mike known his wheresbouta. he wi I hear of momething to hie ed. vantage. Address "B. D.," Blood , ' Despatch. 3'24-20, 2lmusementa. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC, BROAD AND LOOTIST Biree:a FRIDAY EVENING. Sept 24,1868, THE GREAT RAVELS! Moat night of Toeko, Gabriel Ravel Evolutions on the TIGHT ROPE by Marietta ult. Scotts and others. - THE SECRET MARRIAGE. Grose Pierre. Emends Ravel. Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony, SO vents ; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, ES Meta. - Beata can be secured from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. with out extra charge. Children nad•r 10 years half pea*. On Monday THE GREEN MONSTER. NI ES. D. P. BOWERS* WALNUT-ST. LTA THEATRE, corner of NINTH and WAINCIT Street FRIDAY .EVENING, September 24, 5 66 The Great Ttekle Play, entitled - 1.013t8E Dit LIGNBItOLLIISI Henri De Lignerolles, a thematic Poet. Mr. H. A Perry; Louise De Lignerolles, wde of Benxi, Mrs D P. Bowers. - To conclude with the Comedy. entitled NATAL -IIfiGAGEMENTS. Prices of admission—Second and family Mole, and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet, 87J cents; Drell Direct, 60 oentai Private Doges, according to their locals, 63 and thi Single Boats in Oroheatra and Private Boles, 76 cents. . Doors open at 7 &cloth; 'Curtain rives at 7,}1 Waite*. WIEATLEY & CLARKE's ARCH-ST. TELZATEN.—WiIIiam S.Predrinte,Aatinganit Stage Manager. FRIDAY EVENING, September '34, In accordance with general desire. Oolman's CLANDREGTER MARRIAGE! Lord Ogelby, by Mr John Gilbert; air John may% by Mr. Showell ; Miss 'Sterling, by 'Mrs John Drew; Nanny Sterling, by Aire. W. O. Silidetane ; Mrs Helder. berg, by Mos. John G lbert. 2 1 / 4 , conclude with ONE COAT - BOR TWO SUITS. , Admission. 26 eta . &mired Seam in Dress Circle. SIX eta ; Orchestra &ails, 60 eta; Bests in Priests Boxes, eta; Gallery,lB ate ; Gallery for Colored Persona, 26 Oki Private Box in Gallery for, Colored Persona ; 66 eta; Whole Priests Box, _ • Doors open at quarter before T o'clock; i rt onantenee at precisely, • -- ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, TENTH AND CHESTNUT Streets. Here again! batten or the old favorite, SIGNOR BLITZ. New and Comical Scenes in vssranoquism. Natraordinary Magical Demnn•tratioos, and the LEARNED ,OANAEY BIRDS. Grand opening Night, MONDAY, Sept. 27th, and every Evening during the week, at half past 7 o'clock, and on Wednesday and Saturday Afternoons et S. Admission, 25 sante ; Children, 13 gents, CONCERT HALL. - • - TRIED WEEK OH SANDERSON'S COLOSSAL REPRESENTATIONS OP THE IitiESIAN WAR. Zahlbite tide week, en Monday, Ifriday; and Saturday *wahines only, and on Saturday Afternoon Admission 25 cents; children 18 cents. iwp2o4w Doors open at T. Performance &commence at Mot S. NATIONAL HALL-MARKET STREET. NOW OPEN J. Telco WILIJAJES'S celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This magnificent FAINTING commences with Chaos, and continues down in historical order to the Baby lo. niati Captivit containing more than fifty of the most sublime and Interesting scenes in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Doors open at 1; to oommence st S Ogee% precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Childre under 10 years 15 cents. Also. Exbibitlone on WEDMIDAY and BATDIS. DAY AFTERNOONS for families and schools. Deane open at 2; to commenoe at 8 precisely, Explained by Professor TIBBITTS BARRETT's GYMNASIUM. BILLIARD BOOM, PISTOL AND RIPLX GALLBRY. Will open on MONDAY, September MA, at No. 8011, MARKET Street. se3-Imet tamps. DETERS's PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE 1 BE -Y-GENERA.TING GAS LAMP is me only Patent Burner that has a Non•Oondnctor attached. The public are cannoned against all other Dunne, as they wilt beat, and liable to explode. /rate and County Bights for sale. Apply or address Bela D. P. PSTERS 422 BROADWAY, N. Y. ptntlstrg. Dr. W. S. MoICAENNEY,DentIst, 'rue:. would inform hie friends that he has regnmsd practice at No. 1343 OLIBSTNIIT Street, second door above the 11. S. Mint. sepl.3ns TO OASR BUYERS. JAMES B. EARLS a SON., KO CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSMITII2 GIRARD ■om, Invite the attention of Weetern and Southern Custom• en to their immense and elegant sandmen, of LOOSING-GLASSES, OIL PAINTINGS, PORTRAIT AND PIOTIIRS-PRAMER. anttable for the I 4.LL TRADE TO ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. ACADIA FREESTONE Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both of the • BLUE. GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former& which, for softness and delicacy of oolor, Is unrivalled For the character of this stone please erasable the blowing buildinp Joe Harrison's, Eighteenth street and Rittenhouse Nitre. artison's Building, Locust street, between Seven' teenth and Eighteenth. Samuel Smith's West street and Rittenhouse square. him Peterson's No 1219 Walnut street. A. K. Womrath's. 4115 Arch street. baronet Simee', Twelfth and Chestnut streets. T. K. J. Fassitt, Seventeenth and Locust streets, and others. ARNOLD h WILSON. Agents, PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING. WAREHO 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. sel6-9m B. M. FELTWELL, &got. HANDSORIIDS AND CLAMPS. HANDBORUBS No. 1. 62M0. per dos 2. 750. " 8. 870. " 4.1000. " CLAMPS. 6 Row, $1.26 per dozen. 7 Row, 81.75 per dozen. a Row, $2.2.5 per dozen. 13.3NR1t C. EORSTRIN, u.-16 $2 North TIIIRD Street. Philadelphia MACKEREL. -833 bbla Nos. 1, 2 and 8, Mackerel, In mooned packages, fcr tale br 0. 0. SADLER k 00., tell AI ME( Ettr.t. 2d don. above Front. HERRINGS-- 800 bble. NO. 1 PIOBLED Herring ; 800 bble extra Newfoundland ditto 120 bble Potomac dry salted ditto now in store and for erdeby JNO. Annum & 00. W. 11311 4.01 ISKI N. 111/114RVRR. rib CONFECTIONERS A.ND BA.KERS.- 600 lbs. Oil Peppermint, warranted pare ; 1000 « Oarb. Atainiosla; - 200 Oarraway Seed. For sale low, u wante, bV . WILSON t MMORITT ; Wholesale Druggists, 808 Market dna. WINDOW GLASS! WINDOW GLASS! W. barite the attention of the pgb- Uo tr, onr exteneire steak of Branch and American Window GUM. The large and well•seleeted nook of films eonatantly en hand enables na to till all orders with deepatch, and as low as any other hones in the say. Vas a tt. 8_ ,1111TH Wholwas Druggists, s.mile : W. ow= of Elsoosid awl Green sir. ENGBAYINGS, No. 6. $1 12 psr dos 6. 126 •« 7. 160 i• G. 1 76 c,