The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 21, 1858, Image 3
EIMMB= ..",---,- 71, ,t 1 raipiivAta**Womoma,--- Atir - -it kie - ..4!"4‘ .28...U.Qi .;"•-,-4nidoetitiliiiiMet,iiikv4Brotlori. 1/ 4.4 1 IN:Vspil. -: - .. z-: .MoKiiitt9.,ol„ 2 ". ..,- 944304;ge0b;-11134010. * ''- ,- ,•-r - ti 1410, isr,.-P%-66.-aiics.m4 otohi dig ar*Wr* --. -• El / 4 'n'''Cl°l ."' -'e tr ...a . efig* -- 2 ill Rind; 4 IV& W 0011 d .1 • Co; lquOloe'a , tel r o ft : .4 Rit-sumilhoro*-09.° - ':d1641.0614 " 14t. '" - - I '' the V( iX40:451,-11b***." ' 1 r ..:' if 11°46' *4* v 24 nTritelAtitites If .I..rottotW . . ,-, doll Dori*. fit,,„__Silip.iGeo.snip 011t,9,Pri911.."'(1` v•:-..''':00-1n20‘6..4KST". - ' 7 ' .- 1` Wil, ckii, 42e =al . 4 ,-,,„-: , ~,12 0 - A l v raii , m rea N 4 , 1 . ~.. „,,,,„,,,..., , .5.„...;„ 6d - li* dol , ,wi 7 ,_ . ..... . 41 1-4 4;p.04.'1110.1.4 . 11e l c.41 6 _ .,: 1itt to ..'ir e h il s r - 6 0 T 1 8 -1, 1 , - .4 , s: 6 9crt t icialsi. r- . i flo . gone gli Uhl -;,,-;i,;_wf - 14.0.04 , -Wifd_ ..bdl* it'd* Gino . : _.„ ....„4,_,,,,,,,,, n , th - 41 , 1 4 co l t.iiiicheinp o l d Lingo* & , cdpaf . V!,..7Z.7i 5 .- c r a, - • - .lt WWI ,V*444-thiatsei4,4,l4lVi.fAFArtzgytiteh -'', - 0614448 1*Iiggidglii&d4 , ,00tok, ~.„., _,. t ,....& 111 „ . . ir& ' -'130460824.4iitai10-110*,,,F.0M-9. 7) . ..4t.!'r , .7. -,:;--" bastol4oeivoidlo '•:0-f-70-1kiiit7i4iiiiii, wani•-41tona , •LIVAIVOCIL-AJP-Ziro,,w midi; : 10 Pu!"°,3", ,-!.pi1,1.7k1a i°2•-. itr; -4 6047itidt4:4 L1,4,101r, ji . .B: DVS * - B M aro ltcb `, e It' Isdreilf' . 00;.1:44 1, '& 1 ' 1 1: y 0ut4 . 4 30 & ; ‘ , 1 74 3,4 * , r ,„ Alietta A Or: hatitgEtl3llltVplot**fmn 'IV T 1 . 'Loki iit*&, , C01,...A4r -!:• Rear V., ~......,.....,,,, do , 8 . A. , 7: Pot Alit at oteOst zlif ottval,X2Wilhioda• Dulles, - bdipidriElbo" l l44l44*X.*, vi ~ „ F ar ad ;l a m a* voikii. ' Ql ' i'l°4l 0T 1.V....4 ,t4- I. , Taktolts.4„tiv . iiii 1 , k . , ii , 250-tmoltuffek ,- -*lai ii4 ( - te4 laid' ;AM iMkt, -11711.-10Pl_6_10* T...... , ..14, - - kiwkikar Nibalini , •Y ' i ' ' ill " I ' l ' 6/ ° I - ea" -- 2 birei9MßleAk , modobot. oil Co.* .. A .2 do bdw-Thi,ii-'&Gattr,... .2 kg* 01krtial.:. :; --L i : It igr II; °lad° /Irte .! t.46- - 61( P tlel /k to t" t! 4 , d bids! i',di* —..,..,:;; onit4re 3.4 .4tdr Wafted Ir . 2CW WfisrPlg , - 1- ` , ,,, 1 ....„ „_,,_,,,„ '- ::: , ..:% ,,, "aitti aQ 'A*4114461; . 041* irkdikoy to--ord er.' , seau wat., f4)14.689414:;pr,,,a&t, kofut i t.o.!°_xlq. A 0,1.`4: . ':::...',, *./..r.ii - TA - youilETTAßtAseiapi q ,- - , ~..:now- • ' A•' - ' l - , .. .• ii - iiJr.i44 - 4,41. -- ,;.pkiliaajiAta: ~ : iiig; ' • 4 ' 4,..ep r ifiiss:6-44.t:pVareipool . P1*,25, ' '. . likiiii.s - '44,-.:='.llMardesnisolooi2 -" 8844F1 vp,,,,- u. 5.,......„,„,..„ , -4.01112,' '1,44. N 1144,„,....„,... . ---.Bar— ' l: -',,,,' Vesemi: % .esimuolnietOckm* ~ H aintte 0 ...4 6 ' .- - - f ' , ? - 1 1 Z7 f- kft , tialklisisi' iilon 1 ' Brig-sppoltezidta:o oll o ,4l glwvi• 0.1-00,c,- 1.,,, . 1 , 11 '14i;4 . *. a1 4 . -0 r t;4. 14119 2 96 ' • = x 4 7,, - • fifi• feiliOnfii (loin • 1 ' Btisawillip PhlifflAll et a E, i/Oetbl4,3litieittda4 I,l4l;olBepier.3orirm=l.... -Pisainge•e—lirJohalialbt• Ship 'rhinos Irßarhialifiyla i ra I a 4l :aar i a, '-pool, with fads* Ship freak itifaKitanditl4lB3llWlPPPltTin.r°" withso deal* P = Davos- Mextheillidinatl,ltonte Genoa_ Ilse ala!, via liarantineothh ossrbleowse,/ V *lob* ;-•- 11 e4rigiAleilgei,lletherfay,Sfas11,16,dr... rtata . igavasa viai quarantine orith soot tall* W.; Bohr idaridisk›WrisOthutoncl.Wrlglitiolitalh-,B 4 1 1 71 1 Loptillefintvartlia,: r bilimarkOatitata - Fehr: _f! ' jadorktozOrdweU & rfiliebe4al tette; Ohiateiljmil:4 ll a,,l!GataatlfSh !Os , ' °'•• • •L -.Wife! to - ,osptsin.A. • , 4+-134.1}trtimiThAvRAteb,MsPli,!atiit5qMr? 7' 44 7 -. ir4 o, , o *4 4 .9itilA.'': , 41.34i.1.114,H0w** - ;,_4140*,11 ?V" P'4Utiiir 1404 t.6.4Aultill'a " TACtilie" l- 44A,TA*Aff.-TkiltAns i jk r `,IOA - eilerlaii`to* • ..;filihr "As . „ l , sm.ft*tissi c hi - pollif rot •••—vofP‘tr.,.. :143444 so 9 - , 1 Bohr Vaadello:TiWifer,it,Ply fa:l4 ilshy - rho, wfus - owe to Ali - .llkAffioa. : ' • hobs pitawaroi:DePtip . ;l,Clay froth Smyrna, Del, with, `eolif: to 3t4(Beitigt • _ hey from. Little, 'utast', Jae L • Co. • - - Fehr Mary; Haolune..l - . dep frtionlliaokbir with - -es:. • • - itiatTattlitipitc-Sratta;/ dfrfraalOaaidanipaßalth, • - aata;t o 4444 ll Kriiv•st , Viotort-Xliffaifeff,2 tlaya-froaa LewasiDelm , 1 4 awlaizit 000- - • •••'' i m mil, A 1 4 1 01. - t, PIogOYA 0 11 f).-DAPTd7r; rord, , Del, with grain to lit ifeColiar. - - - Behr,Pahrli;hatt4 2 4araftallAtilatt. Fain to .14,11-Weilfir•e+A;, • Sclbr - Henry virolfe,Atkituyt dayalfrota i, with..gokih,acvOlkairtiat'& Clirresi.., , • • ik r ik ltiogiLeitlifilroorßAchmood., • .••• New fork. tit • Wit o:feibt, Bomei e, raiiiilboetott ' , alibi:owls Wilford; Darlolltom Wu Melia,' Wheaton, from Boston ... • : Ff•-• 1 Bohr J Octal. torn Beaton:- - ; • Bohr J-Chtoptoo f hharp, , troth Provident., • ' •, - • 81.0faitt-taipAtobries;Sinsen, 9 bailiff from the !Ledo. with ships- Thalia Perhimk, and Pralakilaynio; Doti:atom Liverpool, in , t0w..:.-Weporte several sonata ' rigged, tesselistv.the Lay_bourih - npOint two se distera 'kith. names. ' = • A - • 48h eate r rintlertun, New Mans, BlehikilN. via) UntkVaG;ti; : . ' Bdg Judie - Rettitay, Stilton, N Sturtevant & CO LrAssd earied Bohr I:hitlito4,•rtatyle,"sliest:Mt,.lll'.lleoludtai & co: 'Boar Tlldelia,Whestoti,,BostO, lilnuickstuf Fehr aohiPteit; Sharp;Witsaington, - Rbgers* Luber.; Washingteq.pler,vOtoni - &brit klnglieedsdilehmontli .-'iifsbviGicelie," ktiraleheadt - Iltumi Ogle it:Clo. :florMAdelttioi,Notedifiltoakport, - .Brovii & White! Steamer L'ClawklleipllaltimortVA'fitllfeir; Jr: - Of The HAMM GRA08V1541,20: , 18651x -The Wl o rmng left'bore thia-tnorniog with 15 Witt liden'add otitis" vied' ea folloWin - • " 610.91. - or,Antille,'Biead• Tip oostilic'OrelitediP4 •Wilsonf Commodore , do fie* York; Two Brothers; do . t6'-Uonley:& , Budimeret , 96eis iatiflitevind RH Cabala; • *hoed irmito , lloo#ll, - -Athint & Cot. Bausiel , Weivtie; lumber to' Wolverton*Aoo; Oharies , Blanchard. do to John Craig; Malone:de•Tiylor and , Wiet 0 - Bradley; do to to IN , Trtnp. & Bon; .1"-.1Ei'Llpisincott.-dcitcs•lienry Oroalrelp Three ..Bistere; Ititentatelluid Beaton n0i.146 Delhwsre Oitvllizt, of Liverpool, do lid Wilingatnnp • = 4_ , The•Pielie,) - - rho: rell•rnoki DO_OTI.Ttm4 out Of.. the, Unites Canal. boi.AsKts4p4 to , "b 111 .04012 . ,e, rettlitns att conotroo,t- „ !SottAltti.luts . toWo.ll L BoYdee;'4ll-,Clivnife s ytido:,fe D Gandhi& Oel-VOlftdd to galena' &""190 91 54 - ,Barlih Jane, do*, Bolton,- V,indeiteer A . (Comerpezuse of the Mhiladelphie-115colia - Miiil)"- ;' .• • - OMM , lletan"s4;f4PP - 51:, - .lll4l4llswenif; roe Ind A* Gibbed; fai'Bstbiebilie;ls e ent , l4 !We: tcf:daY: t ".?hil ifesioehtp 8-ate'of?oB6igh from OiviiiMillTharliamillle , `.Whid- Conth-LW•ather•pleseatiti , fl Tours &n. ' , T/10111.'8. 1111011:118. 1 " • Ile A ta o*sioP'sl o W ll l 4 y ., s TeinithlllWaM9bsein p e o, i V n e a l:i Gemthimm: 1 i - rti , . ac - :?-t< :tmEgiloit:2o;, i , elopel6s4.4,sdider;llditill,-,lliiiilodactte,, votpbe)f-Aili s ip Ohm the Mediterranean; tie' ir c rsn - , ro :tiiiilSOliiiiiithilitisiiil'Ad.ger. , 9ldiCatir;illevi York; basuun. , Plight. frost Boitoht , twig , Mimi, from Bristol, Engmneetbrirbryitigeq.fidas Nett•TovkiiZivallis t teem tO,NOyclrork.- r eliit'of •le.'cletif.ill,ol4,l3epzls;.;; - : ' Arrived, Sts r firth* . I ' l= . - .'ILNoer- Chit/Aso ' , Arrived, ships .1 . Aiontwomery, from' Boston; Niamitir, front „New Tort;;;lllifiriett#4lstiell; ,Liverp ool; b - Mtit; • ; 5.; _ • 441 tfl.KsitoßaNDA - ; StaanablPiihMksir yetteutsit. for„Aapl 41 vvy ,,, s . gilettem;4ll4telt torkles -Vosyttog: t. 840 %i!rAt i~rr scan; for Phdedeipy [ a;d:uod from' Liverpool 'nth nit ' - , '"'"lidlips:lolMlZielittilee4fae,_49triladelpliii- same ,:dan tryhining - .llnrishe'foe.dol2th , itistr Bleefat.',cid 1!f0 4 .5 ell livoCos6l. nth •; allptifel,ll4lsi6;;;foiTief Oclelinirity4 - from Li verpool al inst. • - Ship urge Itarward;':totitiieon, for • 19 , 'Whtto; litt)tritY;Xim4siottiwOl'otaroditt Raw, roar Yeaterdaj, "•- •,• " 1010114erthialadi'Ateji " foi Valparalio - ,:elesfed ifiNcyMierill7?" *- '" " - " Lat Bwrttne' 81.1' cisaMd. i t'New "Fork ymaimaylor • - Baurce„Atuttln.-Wildi,Voite , Olackelr?fo . CPfiliadel- ; phis," wailAflralk Met, ;olLLittle BO Rabat. '-wlzttlitol. l `; t(avittfiv, 43 4_ l lßich-' mood ;yccllefild ;kW- - -RAMC Vala , .Al4;itilOiiiseciitil,sto; 46 troth' Ett Tait , t , r 01. '1. "1 4 ' -Banktyleindeer, oropzitigr ROCA • f . x " Brig .06f . liffOOrgatiVihitillij; 7 f 6 i - xoi forirs c vti: iititt tined triiiif • gay Wm ut' Moore,-31 - 11eywe,"•41MIG arrival at `Bangor. * - 'sOlfvf, didifei,toftw, toe Pisllidelplila~i6midned, 4t.oirke.ainti - 111124htt . - _„ F o b, h u m jtv tr,lptin.iili,T'Ohliged'ett)haleetett: slthh , leat'Adr - tein-11301ef Siceldohfindies imper,l2B emon, - Itlot of old iron ;191empty bble,-and 50.000 feet • Bohr Goof donee folli fet ton, at Baltimore .4.14414 r r,g, •4/. ve? OthrlCßiekyrtat, for SlitltAelphist , Naha troiit`N , BedforllUith . flab: Thqs ronerkilievel?iillneo at New ItedfordllA Inet,Nitiel , • "f.c.1..' , 41- . 4.- • :5 - 0?S..1; • .41 Soltr Storetiletadloor,tiosoe'stittyi Thtif#4 , lsPt ,fintti ~ Betas Mary A' Brenda,' laid 'AA thiekshar, Stubbs; heriee. sod Onwar,s -, Tionr•Debeirresei, arrived at New . Illistertigth • Bahr 4E4 i:Gessiii• fron Brandywinif)ht Nevedifehin 18th lost, - - 99 &Am W,ll Naszatd, Zomba, hence for Wilmitittonr-51', ettplanapoken nth' inwtoft Ifrylog,PstiTShosis v , J ; of '43elii-nodeW,heittetr, Willman, vim Woining. ton, NO, 17thloot . for Philadelphia. telstfolliMeOloeillif Stabil:4; from Connecticut Connecticut' River fin Philadelphia ot, New York 19th th at, ' atioSatilifena, intiod. at liell , l,billeck UAW S.,:eptitc•Virflit' Bche Blia, Tackerfijteord - ,,?ogismonth 3phi.; at New SbidoslitA'46l4; 1,.;A - t4 tp,v_3lc f Sloop 00noOrd kteroln o ' cleared at NoW York it!tticti ,daffor • - ;l';;A.,-"tf." , `"; - • . il l rivibt at Biatrthorti yeeterday. - - • , "•1-1"7 Ar ' • • fit.Ltro_maiiMpliti:eite.M ` .; u - Oslieetoa; 2d, bactinti. Mem Af t ecithAiilflfpE . Al 4 tie v ri; ship Argonaut, 49,1mh.g.titlia. ;4 1 r? 1 4P351,9'P 1 tT.1.:,!! D° ott? ?rn itl Vi g t:44 l oo r :OitSiti i ; l -K i *t ds •fr'xnititieifiretrtaVutbuiiton; ?ha , tit `York; Sv dr a t 6` IST. OitifTßiltiiiiro)4l . 4lWar cit.r":"Alitsbmte "' IlVirc'X'so - 054 -51 4 . Uhl etarie4figor"Tiiiiellithr - a. , etircVdattilcblelf.ifot v lti nhj 1 `01111.45 ao'fittri't" pideiloic, `Pew ;11Ittri4 .oi_hk.blif_t!„Laita,;iiffoe, ARRIVALS ATIittPHOOIPAL HOTELS TO writ 0:1,095 THIS MOBBING. • i3OfilisolooB.B4lGistaint ',street, belOir ; • ftPoultstri, A Pogilalg, lirlergellnWtin tl-trz`Ohielejz Agulgirlinnfa,oulaisna , - ,V,LtBlolerst Alabama , `Dr YlWTOlAtodalanPro .T 0 Henry, ltdarylatide. Rey Dr ltionenuey, - B alt: o,Poagne_& la, Ohio JCooket P M Byline, hi 0 wy . A Baker . Tejaji f. Comfort & w, at I..onfe Miss Jane IC Ointifbiejleg .Q A Wendell'&ll.ady l.Geo NH Gray, Hegtiosttr, 'P Poullain Georgia ' J Poullaln dz ipjeleorgts: ,`, Mies At Poullain,Ga -Mt sa A pook;. Hears-la; • - -A P. ilitioker, Flarida WlCelith‘,l3o- W 0 Jessun, /intuits, Oa L. Ingraham, 80. _-Master Ingraham B 0 ' -If Shaffer, Oliarleitimi W H•Shaffer,'Oharleston Wm:McKim, Balt „ , Immo MoKim, Balt Setiltlr& - leffe, Bottkin''' Bostorrt • -WM Morriaon AS let,_,Weelqn Mies Morrison, Wash'gton S M Ooltuird &l a; Dmiton- „ 1)f r 1) Tyler, St Login • -18,53. D Tyler, St Lonla ' -A W M Kay, Bermuda , Jos 0 Dlolsbeon, - ;Bermudt -John 8 Danoy..N " • ' tore ForeaPini /TO: , Mtks ItyinaniN Masi M Hyman; N 0 ~ :Masi Lawrence. N.O - • • i_GoLD L,Russall, N f), Sirs Bassett A 8 eh, N 0 ; Mien Walker,-,N • B.P.Oledding, MI De La Hunt*. Y Ttios B Bryson. Pa Xi J Wri Dikter ght St John, NU t"' : MG GT T Didgood o. . Mobile P N , Flievottoti , N y .1 - W W'BOrdettei Wash ton Jos N Y Tilos D Fullerton,. Balt: tilOpmetoo & D Robb, - Vrltist, ' , Dant Miller, Balt • Geo Williama &la, Ark; Win a ..ounninaaiim,ya F P Ooggealiallpllostort- Wm Morrls, , Va atri N,vr Girdon, Vs - Mims Mewl s, V - Ailed 13 Morrie, Vs , - •.- John-B Muter, Va" WmWilte,ngton • J 8 T Simpson; hid B Ititey,- , Wastangton Mike/son; V i a O MeAdory: Ala • . --L P Noble, N Mr Donaldatin, _ B GNiekerson,'lloslon S J simdeibera.l7 al IlenOrtr. Ala `. -G A Burke MAO Milißin• o °' - .7 A Whitertra , - ' Geo , W &manor, Ala XI P Qeyer, St Lents Sartain, Tenn tloartrbrmas 8. la, N 0 IL 0 Julfaii, N Y JogW. Y' " "- 8 It , Allinson, Pa 010 M Steinman, Pa D 0 iAtine, 1 . 1 0 ea7saya4N. HOUSH-rOhestont street. below Blith.• &nil Mira, Phil* • " • Pittiburgh it 181seepaort,;Pittabliigh - Halos, Pittsburgh Ohio Oamikoll,Ritteburgh Henry Brown, Ga , 1" H Ultilktoni MIMI Miss 1,1 Keenan. Mils ",Geo WWilter," Min's . H Wentwo lb, Boston ; . .A Blumenthal, N T. }l)laltifi'N'Y " :Wm HeriingtonvN Y • " A Handersou,'Votiavlllti W lirintott' Lino - - A H Yandlibg, Pa tW,H - Toluison;,`H, o"JohnSou, N.Y • ""- B.ooftln, Indiana ItWtJ - ,ll:!‘* ; *l9l:Phila' 'Le Grand Stitith, - Vi 'Ben)Ban , ;on;Piittaiille A Rabat, York, Pa • 'Airs 14 aniline PA Whitman. Beaton, B 'Freers:pd. N OWiti, , Fst D 0 ALCI Itamiltcin; " Stephen H :IMlrtiate,'Wsishington B Johnson, Del • -* 11111BCMAN,TA , HOTEL—ifourth strait', below Market. MerWhi, 811 tleading,,Wilkeabarre 1P Perrell,..W,ellingtOn; Mo Collide, Delaware , IllEt Heaton, Salem, 0' W Et Hart, Lebanon, Pa J Ludlam; Atlantioall . • X Einstein, Harrieburg 'W,Pryslnger, , Yorlr, Pa J P Stem, York. Pa .O,W Sharpie, Litt, Pi •A L Goodman. Milton, Pa Msetelles, Milton; P. • W Willis, shippensbarg Mrs Orontr Lancaster Mrs Bohook, Lancaster Jll Casale'. Ili Joys, Pa • ,lilre E M Pollock, Har,bg -Mies Pollock 1, ids, Ilar!bat . J 8 Oollice,,lndascia ,L,Shashn,l4 et Louie - H Schwarz, Baltimore Sebwardham attiltirotirsi E A White,- - el 0 1H .1( gield,'N , ,W. W, Harper, Vis" .:11 A TiiriaeriVi, ; P.M Baraer, Washington , x•peT9ozig, Stroudsburg- :Al L , Wents, Pa - iL Herb/sta. York Pa JMaul, J Lange. k 9 ; DiokotorfNikehinen 0 CamaniTo„ ,- -• • • J. A litoConnal,,Ohli., • NY:Riley, Green, Oiustlei,P4 -- , ,, r:" „ •,3 P Thorn; Dmirlile, Ey `J Weldon; Mansaeld, , o Evane ; Cinelneati, 0 'N:PAreeri, itaishiaa,H , 0 0,Donoho; Salisbury; Md G.Lesi,..Elagerstowl, 111 , .- 8 Dett elbaoh Me _ 'L Levi, Hegeritowia;.ldd.: /Wins' Arnold, M 4 • :W Rudolph; St Louisa,.:)halbert, (Juliet& 801111, - York,Pa - :c A Gartman, York, Pa WJorden,,York, Alex Dysart Tipton, Pa ONION HOTlL—:Araketreet,l*low /mirth. 1, T 7 Pliberi, Waynesboro ',DNew:Halland %VolLdoisey, Salem ; N "-A T !If afillei 3 Ohlo' • • • , :0 II nannies, Md J Dunning, Md. , , - 0 M Newton, Hlevelend, H G Moore,'Newbnig, 0 , A P Bachinau. M Ohnnk G T Blake,.Zr albeit!, N J W Benjarn - n; Trenton, N B Dlsalklajad7ol,easting A D & la; &hurt co -- H Carver; N J. Uneasier J . Grabill, lildrpensbarg • • OVJohnson;Shlppentburg BPlalikretimberland co ; PaLeldich,thamberPd oo A Leten,Adsme ca;,PS. t` . -,1 Bridges, Shippensburg 'JltDayis, Ohle' • -4 Nrotser, Bid JO Tonison;Mllforit;Dir Skillman; :Del If G Heaton, W H TLottipson, Bridgton A Miller; Radon ; Pa ' -•"' --rL Kere,‘Wrlghtimillo, Pa J .11,11ths, TA, Bassett, Pa „ W Bennett, N W Steubenville, 0 W. D Who , " ' 13,1441ebangh, Cleveland 10 Hopswell;l/ J - • G H Locher & 11, Belt , 11. T Ptisby & la, Ohio Jae Johnson, Ohio JOllAbrame, Landisburg J Wearer , Waynesboro Min Oolltdower, ' • NATIONAL HOTBL 7 Baa street, ',boys:Third. John ifethett, Lewisburg,_ 'David Nelser,,lteading .• , Ohas Bailor, bah Haven, G-A Kiehl, Lsncaster 41, G Bratlh & la, N /I 13 Hardman, Gunton, 0 T .11.1 Handler; Pottsville James Boyd; South -Easton Purcell & Is, D O Saylor,Shonersville, Ps P Y Brendllager, Ps Allidn,Lebanosi co S J But, Millersville Jai- Arnold, Lsbiniors, co IiEN Atlnersyille /I , o44. , Brenos;!Minereville esiesillMibeste. Bab Haven PEI Boa., Fah Haven - Mrs Barlett, PotterGle le,,Woodside. ,, J Slung, Berke co . Geo Gingrich, Labanon,Ps G P Ileinlard, Lebanon / 7,, BookettlatincY , J Immsl, Lebanon - Money Jos lileinberger, Lebanon Mr,Hollander, Ohembersh Los, Pa , J Dross & Is, Mo , Marsh, Pa, 2 , . Berdwelic Pa • J J Hall, Phoenixville M Ohalfant" Phoenixville Joel Pick, Port P.ovidenc• lifWßaussay, Pottsville. - ,WM Blamer, Anent , wit W Asidend Geo L Ithue, Allen town MHalfpenpy,- •-• ; .J L Haws, Lewistown - Joe Whitaker, Mount Glare MOUNT yIIDNON HOT:EL, —Second street, above Arab. . Thou Wfiliaini -Iritei•Pi: - . Jae Aederson,..Dasten, Pd Ilenritror, Newark Thompson, Newark NJ Baal Mont, Newark - , IC4 Jae Cohort. Smyrna, Del VD Nord& Solythai Dal T WhlteeN J AB/11:110T1W=Tlifid, - alieve OallowhiU. 0 11- Weldeer, Tiexiertowa N Malliatli.Nerthamptott , -M - CkMper, Coopersborg ,•_ •'••••,• N-PaterMeablogtea ' '- D Woodring; Lehigh "epi,• Pro Derioan, Lehigh eo, Pa Wm Weaver, 4 . llloaturri; • 'II Ilreieller, Pa Pitai 11 , 10ina .• .1%14 Kali, Catawba's P l eiby, Sehnri ea', Pa - j'.l" IE , Rothermel, Berke ro It apple , . 0 A Gunett, Pa -• II P Greet'', " Semi /Eichler, Beading 0 Daugbertfiriatlieriy,Pa • - - ; and Merchant streets. Oti•Wat4:;:itthailtl e iouta. Pa Reuben 410 stereo JIP &reaper., Pottstown O Petermaii, Milliioodi 0 Illtfeationee, Pottstown Tboroptimaottaturn; PgiA L Outer Is ou,PotleVu ANiqdrrisiirtif.;lo4a s#, Erelleel,Pm! , • 4,Dals4ipuetowa c re7 , 800tt.,211 0 ADM:mail, llishrigro; PA "- Jease D Stiarpleie;Pa - Joe Thompson, PaM gagemo, itrading G.Nelrpika kla N , ()apt I:tiller Marietta Pa BAB,LIY:BAXLP , HOTXL-4eoand street, blow Tine 0:13 Itabertialowtown - John Cosh, Pa , J Ileanook,-Bartaville tDavid Oarhart, N , I T 3 - Janney, Newtown • Mrs L Bartholomew, Pa It 0 Peek, Phila • , Jos Brant, Phil. • B Hooking,- Philo • 11,Taylor,.Clinton J H B Hough, Moyle down X Oarhart, Zdarylailk AAL BarbereDoylestown. - . -.'6IIIDIEION HODOE-43toonti strut. above Market. Thos WsHear, N Y....Mr.Malooy, Philo Bsciaaliff,.Altana, T .B,osohirt.p.ttooto,lll NV McCall ita;,,Vhila -101, N J Robt Bill, Eillford,Tel , Thoollurd, Ps PIAtD,IIABLN , HOTlVZTli'lreeirset t 'ati. Oalbriti* Awn - 4 es!E Lowright, Pa P Boyer,afeßerstowa Pahaelder and wife s `Blm. John Ball. ' •.• - W B Bonitingar, Pa, `' MriaaalbsahiPa • , Iffasliaultioabi Pa Joiliva-Poalke, Pa- • 'Reariloatisoa, Pa' 'bilaa' i Boffaeri Pa , • —Mita A Hoffaer,-Pa - ' .001' Wxo B Phial , Pa • luso Mar, Pa Jobd Davidheise,f a • • John Eagle, Pa • Z•ltittar, , Bethlehem . , Pa John Hertzel, Pa X Bosteal 8614 . 10 hem, Pa •- • , • • • • NOtitts• Ea* . oc = Hist r ~ Irintria,ative of Jules Hanan,—Tbliarticin'has obtained such a wide•spread celebrity for ita'rirtnes in :•oliansingi'phrilYing, and in„; yllorsting 'the Hair, that it la now considered s'aine qua ,ften,,tce.ladre or gentleman's. toilet Hai' that his beoomehaph or diseased' from neglect or sickness, is epeedllp, by its sum, transformed into beautifully colt and gloinn - aint - Preiented from decadence. gold by ell saiff_i at thn"aalbni"utoiy oflomin Hamer. & Cff:;Perfunnefeand fmnortersi 70t Onseratty Street, . , sr2o-6t 'llingeria new Fondly El awing Maebin e.—A fte r inachirms-altathave yet been offered to the , the, _ opera" been gyen' in fairoc„ruf in 'fact, miehin deilibla of performing e very kind nowingi,and beyondalf, question, the -molt corn pletorriticle for family nee' yet infanta, being at. once' ornainentat 'neatly operated "and' inperber, le every re , srpt, Want other ntchineo , On this statenientore. caulleuge 13ItitfE1(COT, sfl.6 tjap2.2 oei C 4 .) 162 OHESTNIIT Eitriet.,. Professor Sairndnial , IClasseleal' Institute,. at the'S443T,Pfig , ADIII.PHIA ;INSTITUTE; corner of • .64:10iT„StiiSt, , i,iii k WALIsill., - wilt be reli i ip q e,4 on, the first MONDAY of September. Pupils, to the num ber-Of fifty, will be received witwour: MxNEM= or rase ow VIE PAttiIINCIER 1411.:11p OW OTC 0 •" ' 4 _ 3.415 I titraiii,io . ise:ig ii,:sile4sailt -arid safe eon safe julep, Ptiniis4iiX'earrlerl.lntri'lLOrreath 144f:the country in less than half an hold from theeentre of the • eq. l'Beviralaeresofoper' ground border on the beau.; „liful pores pfdltisilsniaary, which la:jatinittved by many of fhi dirtligniehed' geritlimeirei thelltY, among whom- are: tta Editors of The Press, the Ledger, and The . ..lfOrth 2 Anierlemsland Milted - Elates easette: Pm. pile are received by the day, or Intikihe:family ‘ Of the llPlinaultigi t t,:FUly 1,28 as. , We, OA undetslgned,. have. had - sons or wards In 'l9Of4soi Siniodersiniptetat'atid" faintly' during! the respect to, Parental Irealib, and progreachr thorcingiremiuestioii. oar expectations have 'pe;ri fully xeslx.oli c To dor friend!, who are., l ooklDS .fotadaeld idlyget:kr sehiolt feribeiflanal l wirs'oordlipy “itititiviNswxtair, Za.'lBoo:Aitaii street - It ;NO. W. PORNET,offlee of The. Press. rillifikilttlfr., T11934:23001, Iherojmitui its Rood; No 419 OKagt ? dQAtreSt:;, ;20 toi fx.Y.ft - we L. SPRINGS , 831 Market Atreei: z , ' StAIiTMII626 Vihius,str,eve ''OtilartitiOlis of ,thli instfts:tkou :• 7- • • - '4,4101 ii„VßPßelif,*.iiglizket street: JOHN O. MITOFIBILL, 203 South Sixth street. , 7Plf.o,'oothltitrilet'soitthfrighth street. - I - N. B. SATSNE,4I3 South Ptfth street. .418AMIIII,,B10041; )66iipAqu:sie. - _ L•WATBON, Logan eqiiire. = . :I.l*:*/$-'offioiiof-LOgfki; •", • • liatTeht )10M.IbliAliti aloe : of Noriblmerico2, IeLLIs LSWIB, Renkgt WV) ?autrAir.fiOcuipir itctuflatmcf.;'. , ' . . • eetitf • -I,ltVeral, Balfr, fee. MIS Apkrket Streets Rop . artei Id` lfliieVetfliee, r el'47l3llTer and ziaaa:Ware:illist,tolass geOpOonatantly oribauk - The sobierftter;paying iiih,fOrerefrartlele, L iestded 30 *ell at a, email advance.: Three about portlier' log woad d9rell4oalfe4'4ll"-nrrepted as rem. entee4.' .*Pin XLIMUIfe,4I r'3664411?ttiT!.51 Walnut striii4kpi***.'6l a de tertr.l'`. jith'• 'errata', from all elertee .'s'X'44ll6lll Interest itt - the 0.14 0 . t AV , OffefitTe?t Vofalt,'iiia on Mop -414 and Sit a 444.,7 1 ` - 4 . 0#0* - tt4• President, - All*lktiolleflf Charlie M. , _ lexf et: C:l4 :Impurities of the Bliioff.—Tl!,e:food and habits _ of civilized man induce mejorlty an impure condition or the bleed, the source of a great variety.of 'painful diseases, which distirli the hiPpluessef almost , e v e ,r3rrfflk/9 1 .e.„ 1 , 1 0, land. A' sure, safe, and agreeable remedy fs if hand In the',TERIIVIA.II I IIY4CP, a fact'olndot be ' -"Tor -We is this p. Brotrn, Nifth' and Chest put, and Hassard & Co., Twelfth and Chestnut. self, d&w tf , Jnoks•ni , ^ 4 'SOB grIPTH• AND OEIBBTNIIT, CAtonka, Notes, Dents, WWI Lading, Bill Bondi, Oh , cow, thudg, and all other Mods of Job Printing, at prieontn Knit the time!. , onlY4r , . 3 ' . Ittarriageq: . . In Weil. Philadelphia, on the 18th !net, bt BM 0. I. Therdpaon, GEORGE 0. DIBBLER , of Harrliburg, to MATILDA HILLER, ofitabton, Ta. [Mutton papers pleabe copy.] - * On the 4th of May, by Kea. Joe. U. Kennard. Mr. • ANDER-91 , H. HART' to Wes CATHARINE CONV ERTOR, both of this city.. - .' - * •At Camden,N. J. on the llth Inst.. by Roy. H M. Brain', "MONRAYILLE CHEW to ANNIE 0. TAY LOR, both of Stockton, N. J. . * silleatbet: On the 19th inst., Mr. JOHN EDWARDS, Jr., in the 834 year of his age. His relatives and friends are respeotfully invited to attend hie funeral, from ,the residence of his father, Mr: John Edwards,. Sr., No. 186 Coates etreet, below New Market, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock; without further , notice. Funeral to proceed to Odd Cemetery. tF On tee 18th Inst., Mr. THOMAS MAXWELL, a na tive of Carlisle, in the county of 'Cumberland, England, in the 684 year of his age., His relatives and friends. and thee* of the tinnily, also Prospect Lodge, No 197, 1.0 of 0. F., are re speotfully Invited to attend Abe funeral, from hie let, residence, No. 622 South twelfth street, above Shippey, on Wednesday afteinoon. 224 hist , at 8 o'olook. To proceed to Ronaldsou'a Cemetery. On th&l9th iruit o ,'JUHN, bIURTL tND, in the 67th year of hie age.' The relatives end friends of the family ere re Invited to attend the fro oral, from hie late residence, in Molifenemy's court, German street, below Fifth, this (Tuesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. On the morning of the 19th instant, JOHN BAWL 'TON, in the 84th year of hie age. The relatives and friends of the family eve re spectinlly, invited to attend hie funeral, from his late realdence,i, w corner Sixteenth and Bummer slreete, this (Thesiej) aftetricion, at 8 o'clock, without farther notice. , • - On the 19th inetint, ELIZABETH CRAWFORD, daughter of llenry,A. and Emma Virginia Jones, aged 14monthe,` • The relatives and 'friends of the family are reepoot folly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence or het Parents, N. W. corner Third and Goakill effeet", thiCiTneaday) afiernmin,.at:2 o'clock. To to Nonaldson's Cemetery. p‘. Close of Century Plant... The Ezbl. talon of this wonder of the flower world for the m of the TOTING MEN'S CHRISTIAN Auo- CIATIONorIII oboe on THURSDAY EVENING, the 23d Inst.. • BUDS ' frorn the Were, containing some 800 seeds each, and - whioh can be preserves in spirits for many years, together with YOUNG ritOOTS for planting, will be sold to yisiters on TUESDAY, WEnNESoAY, and. THURSDAY.: Many have already been appled for. A11'0185104 10 ota. Children 6 cte. se2l-3t* IrrDr. C.. H. De , ,Wolfe will repeat file abused • Review of the Slaver. Debates, THIS (Tuesday) IMMO*, at iii4NeOII4TREET BALL, st,-7% o'clock, replying to the 'scurrilous attacks of the city Prose - Admission ,10 cents. ' se2l-It* Saynea Hall Prayer M eeting.—For the r s r pre - ent. the Business bleit's Union Prayer Meet. lag will be held In the BANBOSI- STRE ET OEI MUM, near NINTH Street, the flail being otherwise engaged. The meeting yesterd.y was one of thrilling interest borne all who can and spend the noonday hoar in prayer. _ ar4l.6t* - Faceology....A very amusing Lecture u s 3 on Ibis- subJeot will be giren by Mr. J. M. OuNELIN, of tbls city. at 13ANSO4-BT. HALL, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Sept. 22, MS, illustrated by numerous splendidly executed portraits and prattles, exhibiting tthe various aspects or the human Thugs N.B.—No one- should fail to be present and behold 'these wonderful; representations of human nature. Prices_ of admission—Lady and gentleman, 25 cents; single, 45 sent.. Doors open - at 7;' ]estate to commence at a quarter before 8 &clock.: • se2i4l* The - Citizens of the various Wards, in favor of , tho PEOPLE'd TICKET, will meet , n PItIDAY &VENUS(); the 24th but , at 7N o'clock. at the ward- hqusea, to take such measures, and appoint oommittees, as will insure the success of the ticket at the coming elution. . , . By order of the Committee, - ~ ' ae2l.4t. . , ~ -•_ Z. HARPER, Chairman. Ca.- Notice.,--Senled Proposal*, • endorsed' .‘• Proposals for Furnishing Supplies • to the Board-of - Controllers Of Public Schools,” will be received at the office of the Controllers of Public Schools, Southeast corner of.EIXTII and ADELPHI Streets, addressed to the tinde•signed, until September 28th, 1868, at 12 o'clock hl., for the supply of all the BOOKS and , STATIONERY to be need in the Public Schools of the City of Philadelphia, until the let day of January, 1869, The Proposals must state the price and quality of the Books and articles of Staelonery pro posed to be furnished, and be accompanied by a sample each item. A list of the Books and Stalonery au thorised by the Board can be procured at the Secreta ry's Office, Southeast corner of SIXTH and ADELPHI streets.. By order of the Committee on Supplies. - ROBT HEMPHILLi See'y, Board of Controller of Public Schools.' arPhiladelphia and. Darby Railroad Com • • pony.—The imbaeribers to the Capital)Doek Of the Philadelphia and Darby Railroad Company are no tified, that FOUR DOLLARS per , share (being the De lano° of the diet instalment) wilt be due, and is hereby requited to be paid, on the 28th September instant, , °Moe of the !Treasurer, N0.,12i WALNUT Street, be. tweon the Imre of 10 A. M. end iP. DI , DAILY ; and at the Blue Bell! Tavern; Twenty-fourth Ward, on SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, between Your and Five cOolock. -By order of the Board of Directors. ee14.12t , ' THOMAS SPARES, Trerumrer. GT. Horne for Invalids with Affections of THE OHEST. .13. W. corner PARKE and OHESTNUT Streets, - ae9-Im' • . WeetPhlladelphla. Ditto publications. DRAHE ON ATTACHMENT NEW AND . ENLARGED- EDITION PIIIILIBIND :BY LITTLE, BROWN, & .00., No. 112 IYABIIINGTON STREET, BOSTON, ♦ TRIAPISJI ON THE LAW OP S_ILITS'ItY ATTACHMENT IN TIV. - UNITED'STATES. BY CHARLES 'D. DBASE Second Edition, Harked' and Enlarged, with an Ap. pendia containing the leading Statutory Providons of the several Stake and Territories of the United states in relatiOn to Suits by Attachment, and a Treatise on Foielgn Attachment in the Lord Mayor's oourt of Lon don, by John Loam. • In 1 ♦ol STD— law sheep, pp. 768 Prioe SS.SO. • NOTIOESOf THE lIRST EDITION. 'lt I am much plessed with your work' on the Law of Attachments:- It is very creaitable to yon, and will be found a Valuable acquisition to the profession. You lave treated the subject with clearness and ability, and by your references you have sustained your views by the -highest , antharities."—(Letter from lion. John Met.ean;lAielSelate Justice of the supreme Court of the United etates.- • " It will speedily find ite way Into the hands of every lawyer In general practice, upon its own intrinsic met. its. . 1 -13 t. Louis Republican. No law book that `has' recently been given to the profession will be "more-generally useful. Mr. Drake has produced a treaties which -bee long been needed. It le deer andtoplotts, and erobcdiee all the American and English 'authorities pertinent to the theme."— [New York Oommetcial Adve User. . • • . A very °Obsolete epitome or American Law of At hushanant. arranged in a lueld method, and expressed in a very finished style: In a word. Mr. Drake hu far niehtd a very good and much-needed book,,,—(Dincln nati Gazette:, • - " Mr. Drake's work aupplies a place In the lawyer , ' library" which ball never before been filled. His style possesses • far higher merit than belongs to the great major ty,et law books now publishing either in this country or in lingland."--plew York livening Poet. • '• Mr. Drake's work deserves the general attention and patronage of- the profession."—[tit. Louis livening News. - se2l•tn th a St %SILK. E ARE'S Odi/CP tETE WORKS. 11*I11D NLzosmilenniox. EDITID'HY RICHARD IfRANI. WHITE = 'Tata H - A: Puitted : - • .vouius ii.; lIL, IV., V. CONTAINING THE OOMEDIEB. To bo comprised in 12 vols., Poet Bro. Price 21.62 per _ " " - LITTLE, BROWN, ;& CO., 021:tithe:St 112 WASHINO'fO'N St., Boston EVP' riptOttuUS BOOK, TM; R. N. PEPPER PAPERS, ILLIISTRA.TBD One volume, bound lu cloth. Prlee Sl SETEACT FROM CONTESTS: ,Oad on a NV. elbarer—Su E pmts.• - popritot : ElegattoT and Wetter :kin Attronemy::—rfecture. BelHinny :' Adroit to a herd onto the fens. Rome; A noad to the Orek Blaiv. ' A, latell Geste et'Lewya Clarke; ,To the *lnger ;is is gone. lianah Gana. ' Pt, tong ov the Elevlna. With painting. _ ". 'On the elem.:, To tin ,A Orata'Aptk: Tirklo. ' Pete. 7 an,averlf porno (for length.) " A noad to the Comeok, dcd ,ko , tso., The numerenslanghter•provoking verses of this wall• linown . .humoroua and sparkling American writer, ,which, so widely capird; have so often convulsed the reader, are Imite collected In book form, and make a more attractive volume than hal been Issued In many Lewie Gaylord 916ra0, of the Knickerbocker' &foga e, nays : The bones of those who have exploded in the perusal of the verges of„4. N. Pepper whiten the soil of the United States; from theßooky Noun tattle on the east, to the extreme west. , t A nand to the Ortk blaiv' teas Immortal as , the Stabs which in 'mired it.' , " • -. • ' - Bold by all booksellers, and sent by mail to any part .of the trnit4Stiktea on receipt of price—sl.- --- . RUDD & CARLETON, , Publishers and Booksellers, e92Ltu th e-41 . No. 810 BROADWAY, New York. JIISt - gOl4/..ISHED, ;ANEW_AND. BSYLLIANT NOVEL! A'EtNESi BT TIIII Aurucat,oi aiDA: Of ■ bleb over 60,000 COPIES IIAYB BEEN 'SOLD One volume.' pmo. 1500 pp, p r i n 111.25 This 130V61 of the Revolutionary of incident, and in many reopects covering an untrodden field. . " The *tutor presented 'are - true to history and to nature, and not merely Imaginary The merits of the anther have been on widely known and appreciated, teat the publiehers do not think it necessary-to-do more than to commend thie last book to the many readers : of Its predecessors., Ooplee sent by mall - nod -paid, on receipt of price. ruiLiarß, PrON CO. - fi Pu .A.lll blisheri, Boston , . -' Yor dale by 'J.E. LIPPX.NOQTT & 00, , tb-21 , " . Thilsdelphis; 2:*it, ?,p.moss.-t,.,rmwEiA,_.."ruPSP4T.,,FITImM3I44..; 21.; .I$5S. New Vorlt Mrp *Orrobs? hea lers. IAIP 0 R T - Et. N T TO DRY GOODS JUST RECEIVED PER RECENT ARRI,FALS FROM EUROPE, le nor exhibited and for sale et our WARER 001113, DE, FOREST, ARBISTRONG, - 4 00., rso AND 82 ' 011AMBER3, STRUT, NEW YORK, TO MIMI PM SOLICIT ATTENTION. Having made extensive additions to our atom, wo have `DRESS AND FANOY• GOODS, Such as will enable our customeis to gives New and Attraotive Appearance to their Stocks, and eld them In retaining their trade in the face of all competition. We have purchased for cash • AN EXTENSIVE STOOK OF DOMESTICS, Which we give to buyers at Prices below which none will care to Mt. This portion of our Stook embraces the leading styles : MERSIAIAO, 000IIECO, DAUM°, AND SPRAGUE I.II.INTS, MANCHESTER, PACIFIC, AND 'HAMILTON DEL4INES. LAWRENCE, CABOT, AMOBKEOG, YORK MILLB DWIORP, LONSDALE, AND WAMBIITTA BREETINGB ♦ND emanNas. WHITE GOODS. In this department will be found Linens and Ilandker- Otero of our Importation, expressly adepts,/ to the wants of theo Trade, with a choice line LADIES , SKIRTS or TRU MOST APPROVED MAKE, , WOOLLEN GOODS,. CLOVIS, DASSIMEDEO, AND VENTINGO, DIISTHR Comprising the latest and moat useful Inventlona HAIVL BROOUR, STELLA., and WOOLLEN, In great:virility. The principle upon which we do business Is grounded upon MUTUAL INTEREST, knowing that, unless our Customers make monad out of us, we cannot make it out of them. EE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, t CO., Nos. 80 and 82 OBAISBERB Street, 191844 NAM YORK BILLS ON LONDON for sato at tbo Of floe of the PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD 0051- PANT. se2l-Bt. TOOL T. FIRTH, Treasurer. $lO/000WANTED on first-class Mortgage ilecurlty. - 111 D. LIVBNBETTER, selB.ltit 129 Booth FOURTH, oppoettolarary. I. O. S. M. MINNE•IIA-lIA LODGE. A 13PEOILL MEETING of tho LODGE will be WEDNESDAY EVENINQ, 22D mar, at 7' o'clock. A full and general attendance of the members le par ticularly desired; as bualness of an Important nature will be transacted. By order of the GRAND COMMANDER. GEO. W. WOOD, Grand Secretary. te2l2t* T"QUAKER CITY INSURANCE COMPANY OFPIOE 408 WALNUT STRUM, PHILADELPILIA.-OAPITAL and SURPLUS $217.- 60.86.—Insures against LOSS or DAMAGS DT FIRE sod the PERILS OF TEE SEA, INLAND NAVIGA TION and TRANSPORTATION. U7' TEN per cent. in cash returned on the earned premiums of Open Inland Policies. °MOMS President—ONOßGel 11. HART. - Vice President—E. P. BOSS. Secretary and Treasurer—H R. COGGSHALL. Assistant Secretary—S. H. BUTLER. Geo. H. Hart, E P. Boss, A. G. Oattell, Joseph Edwards, John 0. Dale Poster 8. Perkins, MAGIC SHIELD COOKING STOVE: YON SALE ONLY BY . . . . . 0. GILBERT & CO , 149 North Second street. BOGIE CURVES, Northwest corner of Second and Shippers. Witt. A. CANNON, 817 South Second, and 937 North Second street B. oulmeN. 249 South Second street. JOIIN LYONS, Northweet corner Tenth' and Gal- STE/NMETZ & BOCK. 1328 Germantown road. lit AN OIS FALLS, 634 Race street. se2l•Stt.lf PHILADELPR.I4 aJ 1112 , AND RBADINCi RAILROAD. FlittlGnT TUR nARRIBBURG.—The Philadelphia sod Reading Railroad Company are now 'prepared to forward !relight to Harrisburg, and to ,all points on the Lebanon Valley branch of this road. •Yreight delivered at the Company's depot, aoutheost corner of BROAD and CHERRY Btreeta, before 4 o'clock P. Al., will be forwarded on the alma day, and will arrive at Harrisburg before 10 o'clock on the following morning. • For rates, &c., apply to ~ JNO. B. BBATY, General Agent, Broad and Cherry meets. rIPO STATIONERS.--Joseph ,Rodgers & -L Bone, Jonathan °mikes', and Farmer's fine poeket Cutlery. Bankers' Shears, Erasing Knives, and Steel Pens, for sale to the trade by ERASMUS 0. PRATT & BRO., Importers, 28 BANK Street. pAPER, . PRINTED CARDS, AND ENVELOPES. 405 001EMED.OE STREET. N. J.LAWIIENOE OST OR DESTROYED-A OERTIFI- GATE or BOILIP, No. 4,802, for 8 shares of the Stock of the Oonaolldation Bank. Application boa been made to said bank for a duplicate certificate of the Si/00. _ se2l-tn th4t WM. NUTCHIN.SON. DNS, RIFLES, AND SPORTING IK PLEMENTS: he Subscribers hare in store TELE,LARGEBT ASSORTMENT FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &0., Ever offered in this city. Desirous of reducing their assortment as much as possible before the-let Deo . they will sell AT VERY LOW PRICES THEIR ENTIRE STOOE, oompri.log GUNS PROM THE MOST CELEBRATED MANU• PACTURERS OP ENGLAND, BELGIUM, AND /RANCE. PHILIP 8. JUSHOE A CO., No. 21 North.PIPTII Street, „ above Market. TO CASH BUYERS. • JAMES S. EARLE &EON., Invite the attention of Western and Southern OUMOM MO to their immense and elegant anortment of LOOICIN4-4LASSEB, PORTRAIT AND PIOTIIRR-FRAMEO, 0 ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. Now landing, and shortly to arrive, 1,000 tons of this beautiful Stone, both of the BLUE. GRAY, AND BUBB TINTS, the former of which, for 'Whims and delicacy of color, is unrivalled For the character - of Mid stone please examine the following buildings : Jos, Harrison's, Eighteenth street and Rittenhouse Square. Ilartison'e Building, Locust street, between Seven teenth and lighteenth. Simnel Smith's West street and Rittenhouse square. lira_ Pet•reon'e No 1219 Walnut street. A. K. Womtath's, 415 Arch street. Nunuel Shim', Twelfth and Chestnut streets. T. K. J. Fassitt, Seventeenth and Locust streeta, and others. PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE, 1010 CHESTNUT STREET. Nel6.Bm D. M. YELTWELL, Sinn. rrHE SCOTT'S LEGACY PREMIUM ] The flommietee on Sclenceand the Arta, constituted by the Franklin lbstitute of the State of Pennsylvania for the promotion of the Meehanlo-Arts, having recom mended the award of the Beott's Legacy Premium to Dr. - J. B. Francis, for his process for removing teeth—by the use of Electra-Magnetism—the Board of -Managers will award the above Premium intwo months from thisdate. unless satisfactory evidence to given of the want of qui giriality of the improvement. WILLIAM HAMILTON, jy2l-tafriew Aeteary AWNINGS t AWNINGS I JOSEPH H. POSTER, Awning Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street, above Willow. Italian and Trench Window Awnings for Dwellings and Office Win dows ; Awnings for Stores, Awnings for Steamboats and Ships. All kinds of Awnings Tents, Pings. or any thing in canvas, made to orderbyJOSEPH II POSTER, Awning Maker, No. 448-North THIRD Street. Reat dence. No 840 South Front Street. - selata JOSIIPH H. POSTER. ArIAIIIPBELL'a DINING SALOON, Corner of THIRD St. and HARMONY COURT, Elm been closed , for several days put, in order to be regenerated and disenthralled. It will be opened en MONDAY next. 20th inst.. with improvements and al terations which will astonish the town. , , The host has thrown hie soul Into the task of Iron seal, and we think that hie efforts will meet with universal approbation. When reopened it will be a model establishment. eell-tt - THE DELICATE, and thoso who are pro notmeed convalescent after a long duration of ill. nest, are recommended to use slight stimulants, We an; to all oeuedence, commend the PURE PORT WINE of our own Importation to those who are allowed the luxury. It is a fruity, luscious Wine. ZIEGLER & SMITH, Druggists, solO-dtf Sontb•rsolt nor &mood and Groan Ma. . BL4IDGETON.—The Steamer EXPRESS lame ARCH Street Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 8g o'clock-A, M. Ueturning,leaveaDßlDGETON Mohdays,Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 8 o'clock A. M Stopping at New Delaware City, Fort Delaware, and tho usual Landings on the Cohansey. Through tickets for Milleville, Port Elizabeth, Mauricetown, Dividing Creek, Newport, Cedarville, and Fairton. me7-Irek ITALIAN HEMP,—A largo 'took of Italian Hemp on band and for ealo by WEAVER, FITLNR, k 00., eels 2 3 it Water of, and 2411, 'nano% DE4.4"..E18. , • ONH OP VII BEBT AMORTED BTOOlis, NEW, FREW, AND ELEGANT, with great care, selected a SPLENDID VARIETY OP Op • VARIOUS BARRIOS, EMBROIDERIES, CLOTHS, 1170. YANKEE NOTIONS, s Morten DIRECTOItB IL W. Bailey, Andrew R. Chambers, J. L. Pomeroy, Ch.rles G. Imlay, H. R. Coggshall, &val. Jones, M. • Hon. H. M. Buller. Attest, ' ti. R COGUSHALL, Beigy 816 CIIISSTNIIT BTREBT, OPPOSITE THE 011IAZO SOUSE, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, Buttable for the PALL TRADE ACADIA FREESTONE ARNOLD lc WILSON, Agents, 11i!] 4 sal auba. WILY & BROTHER, Nor 920 CHESTNUT STREET, WILT.; OPEN THIS DAY Their Fall Importation CARPETINGS, PRICES GREATLY 'REDUCED CARPETINGS ELLINGTON BRUSSELS, SUPER ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, RXTRA IN INGRAINS, DOUBLE COTTON °HAM INORAINN, VENITIANS, AND LOWER GRADIS, Of ,thoice styles and approved manufacture, oonstantly receiving and for sale by Rol° t. 0021 Not. 128 end 130 CHESTNUT St NEW FALL STOOK. McCauley, Brother, & Brewster, 28 NORTH FOURTH ST. Men jolt opened an entire new stook of HOSIERY, DLOVSII, AND I/ANOY GOODS, to which they fruit' the sttentlon of 9rst-elan buyers Our Wok la partioularly adapted to TIM t3OTITHERN TRADH THOMAS & MARTIN, No. 297 OBESTNIIT STRNET, OOMMIEBION bfFROHANTO FOR TUE BALE OF AMERICAN COTTON AND WOOLLEN GOODS IRISH LINENS, WOOLLENS, STOPS GOODS, BLANKETS, A fulKarolgeneral assortment of FALL DRY GOODS for male on favorable termo by WRAY & GILLILAN, 121 CHESTNUT STREET au3l•tu th eat CLENDERNING* DASIA.SIC TABLE CLOTHS, TABLE COVERS, TABLE NAPKINS and TOWELLINOS TO THE DRY HOODS !ISAMU ZiTS examenex : As I have bestowed more than usual expense and labor in getting up this article of Damask Table Damask in tine country, and have succe-ded in furnishing an article equal, and in come respects sece der, to the imported one, at a much less _expense, I trust that those who have a disposPion 'to encourage AMERICAN ENTERPRISE and American labor will not forget my address. JOHN OLENDENNING & CO., ARAMINGO MILL, FRANRPORD, PHILADELPHIA. P. B.—Pedlars and those who travel and supply Coun try Trade will find it to their advantage to call at the Factory before purchasing elsewhere. Parties wishing to buy, and cannot make It convenient to call at the Factory, will please send their address, and they will be waited on with samples of the above. 8e3.1m1 f Watrbee, lietnelrn, &r. BAILEY & 00., 10IMMItLY BAILEY & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Ylre•proof, White Marble 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH 8188, BELOW TILE GIRARD HOME Now opening their fall stook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARM, AND FANCY GOODS, To tels3 , llt4ltey thelte the 'Mention of the pobite, Ittie*-3TARD WATOIIES, DIAMONDS, AND _ , . PEARLS, F3=l Umbrellas attb Parasols. SLEEPER & PENNER, MANUFACTURERS OP UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, No. 398 MARKET STREET, . INVITE THE ATTENTION Or BITTERS, 12EiM3 LARGE AND VARIED STOOK LLIAM A. DROWN & 00., UMBRELLA AND PARASOL MANIISAOTURERB, No. 245 MARKET STREET, A large assortment constantly on hand, to which the setantian Ar dealer' le Invited. an2e4m Elliot Sinbiago EDWIN W. I'AYNE, IRON BILELDLNia, ARCH STREET, One door abovo Fourth nirozlis AND DIALIIi 11 LLIITINGa CaLLOONS, MEETINGS, TRENCH RID, CONGRESS WEBB, TOILET SLIPPERS 'UPPERS, SLIPPER TRIMMINGS, LAo.E6, &o. aul9-2m NOTICE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. 1.1 The undersigned (sueoemora to the bite JOSEPH T. JOHNS) are now prepared to meet the wants of the trade at the OLD STAND, Northeest earner Or Anon And POIIRTEC Streets Their faolittlei for IMPORTING and FURNISHING every &Mole In the SHOE STUFFS and TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices and on favorable terms, pro unsurpassed. The attention of BUYERS le respectfully soliolted. Wnf. JOLIKS & SON, N. N. corner Arch and Fourth sta. Ilea! (Estate. op VALUABLE FARM AND COUN MEL TRY neer AT PRIVATE BALE.—A valuable Farm and Country Seat, 75 sores, with large and supe rior Stone Mansion, extensive eut-balidinge, fish-pond, &a, bet reen the Second street and Oxford Plank mad, about 1,4 tulles from the Passenger Railroad depot at Frankton', It is situate in a most beautiful and de sirable neighborhood, and well adapted for a country teat, park, or boarding-bouse. Immediate poxes/don. Apply to At T/1031103 & SONS, Noe. 189 and 141 South FOURTH St . _ VALUABLE LOTS AT PUIVATII BALE—Estate of Dr. PETER IIIICENBERCIES, deceased —Valuable Lot southwest corner Broad and Arch streets, entondlog through to Cuthbert street. Several Lots o■ the seat and west sides Of Broad et., north and month of Federal. Lots on the north and south, side of Federal street, between Twelfth and Fifteenth sts. Lots on Thirteenth street, Clarion street, Watts st., Tiernan street, and Fifteenth street. Full particulars will be given on application to M. THOMAS dc BONS, Oen 16 18 21 23&25 Nos 180 and 141 8. FOURTH Ht. printing. JACKSON, JOB PRINTER. Res Removed to FIFTH AND OIINSTNIIT BTRED7i 0u28.1m JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, CHESTNUT AND FIFTH f3TIIEET, JACKSON, JOB PAINTER, OHESTNUT AND NINTH STREET. JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, . CHESTNUT AND RUTH STREET, JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, CHESTNUT AND. PIM STREET. CHECKS PRINTED BY JACKSON. NOTES PRINTED BY JACKSON. BILL•IIEADS PRINTED BY JACKSON °ARDS PRINTED BY JACKSON. CARDS printed at $1.50 per 1 o - .5.• thousand ; by JAMISON, HIFTII and ESTNIIT. ael4 12C PHIVENOLOGIOAL EXAMINA TIONS, with written descriptions or oharsater, Alb:!minding advice in reference to business, health, self-Improvement, &0., are made day and eve -fling at NOW MIR, W. 114,2, & o.'B, /AU- Sat 022 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. VNGLISH VE;RMILLION and ULTRA ICA MARINA BLIJZ, especially imported for Paint era and Printers. Put np Ist 1 lb wimps, and for sale by LAY & DROTLIER, 03.4.1 m S4 . IDOOK atroot, up stairs. WAND OPENING THOMAS W. EV A.NS & 00. ,TEURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 230, EVER °FREI= IN FIIILADELPHIA, EMBRA BLACK SILKS. THOMAS W. EVANS & CO. Would respectfully call attention to their extensive u eortment of BLACK SILKS, - INOLUDING HEAVY BLACK TAFFETTS, VERY RICH • HEAVY GRO DE RHINE, EXTRA QUALITY; BLACK BAYADERE SILKS; BLACK VELOUR 0.1 TOMAN ; BLACK CRO DE EPSOM; MOURNING SILKS; With a variety of other makes, comprising the largest and handsomest assortment they,have ever offered. se2l-iit 818 AND 820 OSEST NUT Street. JObEPH LEA, I NDIA SHAWLS AND SILKS. L. J. LEVY & CO. Are now opening a large assortment of.. NEW B - ALJ., GOODS, To which additions will be made by all the stemma arriving during the next nix weeks. Their assortment is now full and complete in the fol lowing articles : INDIA OASHMERE SHAWLS; RICH AND MEDIUM. PRICED SILKS; FLOUNCED AND DOUBLE SKIRT SILKS; RICH PRINTED CASHMERES; RICH BRINTED MOUrELINES; FRENCH MERINOS AND OASHMERES; RIOS FRENCH CHINTZES; NEW &PYLE POPLIN DRESSES; DOUBLE SKIRT WALKING DRESSES; FRENCH E liabnbauEs; SAXONY AND FRENCH PLAIDS; NEW BLANKET SHAWLS; PARIS CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS; • HOSIERY, GLOVES, FLANNELS; SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT BT. se2o.Bt ARGAINS FROM AUCTION THIS WESIC. Three lots (120) Children's Pbawls Two lots (81 yards) silk apd Plush Vssiingt ; One lot (72) block F ilk 0 , awn • One lot (217 yds) dark plain ribbed Cassimeren; 000 lot (153 yarda) steel mixed Bennet' Three lots (60) llobes alQuille One lot (240 yards) all wool Plaid; One lot (36 yards) Poll de Chevron. N. B.—The above are cheap and desirable. COOPEN. & CONARD, eel) 8. B. corner NINTH and muum. VESTINGB, &0., &o IMIANTIGLAS, DIIS Circulars and Du Cloth Raglans and Cin Orders taken, and real isOARLET, CAREN, BLITE, BL ACK, CRIMSON, Sella, Brooke Borderei CHINTZ FOULARD ROBES—Brown and Black grounds, with rich Obinta boquet4. Alen, email designs in Ohio's and plain colors. an AR PLEBS BBOTLIBBS, ee2.o EIGHTH and 011S8TICUT Streets. NEW AUTUMN SILKS.--Jugt opened, a 11 Line of rich and seasonablo goods of low, =di uul;and superior qualities. ARPLEBS BROTHERS, ee2o CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. LUPINE MERINO AT $l.OO.—A lot of full width extra quality. Lupins Merinos of excellent value. Also, wide Shawls, Merinos, and Cashmeres. PH ARPLESS BROTHERS, se2o CHESVNIIT and EIGHTH. • Q.PLE ND ID OPENING OF NEW 1•3 GOODS IrROM THE GREAT TRENCH AND OTHER SALES. . CHARLES ADAMS ' Will have arranged on.seeond day morning, the 18th avast., a large and cholas variety of new and desirable DRY GOODS, adapted to the present sesson.vls: LUPIN'S RICH PRINTED MOI3O3BLAINEB, All- Wool, In variety. All-wool, In variety, Robes a Lee. Do. FRENCH MERINOES and CASHMERES. All-wool Plaid and Bayadere Poll de Oherres, and all wool Plaids. Daysdere Mehalrs and Valencia. Luptri's bleak Bombiaines. Do. plain colored-Moue Delaines. Union Printed Detainee and Plaid Cashmeres in great variety, LUPIN'S BIELLA bIIAWLS,•in many kinds and styles Brown, Black, White, and Colored CENTRES. Plain mixed CHENILLE SHAWLS, bound and with fringes, for FRIENDIiir First quality rich Plaid Bay State long BLANKET SHAWLS. Drab Centre and mixed Blanket Shawls. Plain and medium square do , duo., &e.:- soLlArod-tf EIGHTS( and ARCH Streets. ANTILLAS 1 1 MANTILLAS! Mo- LTA. ELROY respectfully invites the Ladies to call and examine hie stock of Mantillia, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Oar stock Is the largest, our pattenm the latest styles , and our prices so low that we defy competition. 5,090 yards Mack and Fancy Silks, 87N, 44, 60, 56; rich, 62%, 09, 76 ; very rich, 81, 87N, 95, $l. 10,000 yards Detainee, Dareg. es, Ducats, at 10, 12%, 16%, 18%, 20, 22, 25, 28, 81, 85, decidedly the cheapest in the city. 10,000 yards fine French LaWllll, 10, 12%,16%, 20, 26, worth, many of them, 37% to 62%, very fine. One lot of Crape Shawls, at $l6, worth $3O. 600 yards side-band Cessimeres, 37%, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear, lose than , usual prices: 1,000 yards Ailments. Vestings, at 25, worth 76. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the - cheapest in the city. 1,000 fine French Needleworked Oollare, at $l, worth 13. 10, i 000 yards of Plain and Plaid .76C01:10tB Swiss and Oambrio White Goods, the greatest bargains n the city! Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, In endless va riety, at leas than half the usual prices. MaHLROY, No. 11 South NINTH Street. 3.l•tuth e•tf GREAT ATTRAuTION I OVER $1,500 WORTH OF SUAWLS FROM WITICH TO MAKE A SELECTION. THOHNIBY & OISISM. N. E. oor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN Streets, Have the beet !MAUL Stock in Philadelphia. They would respectfully call attention to the following very cheap lots, viz 46 LONG DROCHE SHAWLS at $ 9 each. 20 Do. do. do. at 10 " 20 Do. do do. -at 11 " 24 Do. do. do. at 12 " 10 Do. do. do. at 38 " 20 Do. do. do, at 14 " 20 Do, do, do. at 16 " 8 Do. do. do. at 18 " 8 Do. do. do. at 20 " 8 Do. do. do. at, 26 " In the above Lots of Long Broche Shawli will be found every desirable color of centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From $2 to $l2, in every color. French Blanket Shawls in new deaigta. Plain Thibet Shawls, square and Long. Real Canton Crape Shawls, Plain and Embroidered. Children's Shawls, Mlesee , Shawls, and Gentlemen's Shawls, at TLIORNLEY 0E1 . 8111'5, "ONE PRICE OMNI STORE,' Rortheut Droner lein-dITU NS RING GARDEN N. B.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash may find bargains at T 113.41. P. B.—A Magnificent stock of Bilks now on hand. selB-tf PATENT LEATHER, NEW CLOTH STORE. HENRY D. NELL, AUCOESBOR TO GEO. M. COATES & CO., No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Just received, the Newest styles of FANCY CASSIMERES AND YESTINGS O Also, a choice assortment of FRENCII BLAOR AND COLORED CLOTHS, And other Goode adapted to Men's wear. sel6-12t FALL CLOAKS. The Sabeeribere will exhibit ON MONDAY AND DURING THEN WEEK, ELEGANT CLOAKS, (In toltrauee of their used opentag,) to which they invite the inspection of LADIES AND STRANGERS. .1. W. PROCTOR & CO., NO. 708 CHESTNUT STREET, • PHILADELPHIA. • EYRE & LANDELL, OPENING OF PENNON GOODS RION SILK ROBES A LET; SILK ROBES, DOUBLE SKIRTS; SPLENDID ROBES, TWO FLOUNCES; SPLENDID ROBES, THREE FLOUNCES; NEWEST STYLES FALL SILKS; ROUND-CORNERED SHAWLS; EXTRA' RICE PRINTED DE aINEB; PLAIN AND BAYADERE BLACK SILKS. EYRE & LANDELL, sopl-36t FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT FAIN—By B. FRANCIS, the Inventor of the-Galvanic Proces, Oillos, No. 926 RACE Street. Also, medicates, Alb, and interim Teeth. MI A work warranted to give entire satisfaction. sel7-Bt* Dr. W. B. MoILHENNE Y,Dentlet, 0 •••.: would inform his friends that he bas resumed practice at No. 1848 CHESTNUT Street ; secon l4 d door above the U.S. Mint. sepm TO CONFECTIONERS AND B AKERS._ 500 lbs. Oil Peppermint, warrant ed 10000 ii ~ Oarb. Ammonia ; 20 Oarrarrey Reed. , Per sale low, as wantol, & by WILSON W MERRITT, holesale Drugglats, 708 Market WM, esoati. OLOA'KS.': WILL OPEN ON THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT 011 Ore OAKS LING ALL THE NEWEST 818 AND 820 CHESTNUT STREET . TEES, and SHAWLS eters. new Fall styles. ales., for Fall. y In one day's notice. CENTRER a Shawls r attation late. COOPER & CONRAD, INTIZ and MARKET Ste B. IL corner N SHAWLS FOR THE SEASON HOURTIL AND ARCH STREETS, FTAPLN AND FANOY SILK GOODS. 'TODAY Elenttotrp. Jar 'Sac drib 'to ta: WOE SALE—Lot of Ground, North, side of COLUMBIA. Avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth Btreete, 100 by 80 feet, with three fronts. Apply to H. 0. THODITeON & GE:M. CONARROH, selB.Bt - - • 988 AROR Street. • AR FOR - SALE—A ' handsome residence, LEL with all the modern Improvements, large side yard, groery. &o SIXTH, near SPRING _GARDEN Street. Terms easy. P. K. LAND, 5 . 3 South SIXTH - Street, (almond story.) - sel7-1m• .* SALE OR. EXO44..NOR—.k El handsomenow mansion, 10 rooms, and 40 _scree; near Gwynedd Station, North Penneylrania Railroad: Bite splendid, fruit abundant, health unsurpassed. Any person really desiring a handsome Country Seat In ex change for city property will find this en unusual OP portonite of accomplishing bis object. - Apply to P. K. LYND, bg B. SIXTH bt (Id story) oel7-lm ILFOR SALE—A pretty Oak°, nine rooms, and one or more acres, on Wyoming avenue, two miles out the Second-street Turnpike. Alsooseyeral handsome cottage lota • The neighborhood is healthy, beautiful, and rapidly Improving. P. K. LYND, Gil, S. SIXTI.I St , (2d story.) senam nilO SPECULATORS.and CAPITALISTS. —Thirty rowan orlon of beautiffil Land on Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, only trio miles north of the pavemente, for sale a bargain, and terms easy. Apply to LYND, t3i Beath SIXTH Street, ( second story ) • ' zelP 1m TO RET—The new kon-front ore, W No. 24i North THIRD- etreet;above Rine; M With the use of Shelving, Counter, the. Suitable for the wholesale Clothing,. Notions, or any _other basins , s. Terms low. Apply at No. 262 North TRIED Sweet, three doors above. sell•l2t* if FOR SALE OR TO RE.NT-.—A. Desire. ble property in Rising Sun village. Lot sixty feet front on Germantown road, by six hundred feet deep to a main street. The improvements are a brick dwelling, with store, containing fourteen rooms in all. Also, a greon.honse, two hat.hotules;cottage on back. street, stables, coach-house, &o inoluding a choice variety of fruit trees, all or 'which will be sold on so commodating terms, or a portion rented to a good ten. ant. Apply to CESINSWELL WILLIAMS, eel6.6t 200 WALNUT Street. OFFICE TO—LET.—AN ELIGIBLE Or- PION for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same floor, No. 2Y4 WALNUT Street, above DOCK. Immediate poasesalon given. Apply to JOHN 0. HEITIllt; or • THOMAS T..BUTOELEH, 'No. 112 South TOUBTH Street, mla3o-tuthe-tf second story, front room. dpip To LET—A full-furnished House, In Jel. CHESTNUT Street, east of Broad POSS.sPiOII immediately. Address BOX 1856, Poet - 061es. sel6-0t F OR SALE- One of the most Valuable and Desirable DOUBLE BROWN - STONE RESIDENCES IN THE OITY, No. 1810 CHESTNUT STREET, EXTENDING THROUGH TO GEORGE STRUT Having been built by the owner for his own liesidense, no expense has been spared in Its construction. Apply to CHARLES BOGGS, 629 Market Street, Or to M. THOlkfAS'Ec SONS ) ael4.lmit • 189 and 141 South Fourth Fit. CHOICE COTTAGE SITES, WITHIN three minutes walk. of two Stations on Phtladel• phis and Germantown Railroad, ( or male cheep. Apply at corner of Voice Street and Plank Road, or at No. 23 North Sixth Street, to ' • set3-Im* T. L. LITTLRFOLD. Boltrbitts. BOARDING.- A young Lady wiahea LP Boarding a short Aistance from the city Te ma mutt* moderate. Address with particulate, AMKL.IA, at tide dace. se2o.2tik BOAR DI N4.—lllevertil very desirable R °ems to Let, with Boarding. at No. 428 PINE Street, below Fifth street. stile•th s tu 61* 110p0ARDINO.—A Widower, with Three Children. ages respectively Ave, nine, and thir-' teen years, wishes to assure BOARDING'. with a retired Private Family, in i Central pait of the Okty. Address hi., at this Mice, stating terms. selB.3t* GC NORTH SEVENTH STREET.— Gen. A• 1 7. - , Vernon "eau be accommodated with Dinner Or full Board. disci, large and email rooms to let, with board, imitable for families and single gentlemen. sel7-61.1S- BOARDING.—A handsome suite bf apart ments on the second floor, WALNUT St., between Broad and Sixteenth. Address, with reference, L. M. , Press office. . - sel6-tf tbutatiortal. lA. A TERM OF THE LAM DEPARTMENT of the UNIVERSITY OH PENNSYLVANIA com mences on the 4th of October. Prof. ISLIARSWOOD, International and Com Motio nal Law, dye: Prof. McOALL, Pleading and Practice. • Prof. MILLER, Real 'Dilate and Conveyancing. An INTRODUCTORY LEOTURE will be delivered by Prof. SHARSWOOD, an the 4th of October, at eight o'clock P. M , at the Lecture Room of the Department; by Prof EfoOALL on the bth, and by Prof. MILLER on the 6th of October, at the same hiar and "place. se2o-toc6 DENN INSTITUTE—Sontheast corner of THIITEENTB and FILBERT Streets, opened on MONDAY, the 6th of September. .-Brivate instruction, though favorable to rapid pro greel,-yet sends the scholar into the world with a keen sensitiveness, which totally disqualifies him for active life ; whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the Instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those personal to each individual, and the learner either loses all interest, or becomes suPertlelal in his acquire ments. For these and other reasons - the number is For further Information apply personalty, from nine o'clock A. M. to one o'clock Y. M., 'or by note, to eel&-tt STEWART. Price'pal.. EINGLISH SINGING—BaIIad ;aid Opera tie.—Mr. BRAZES gives Instruction in the above styles, on The most approved system. selB-1m 409 South EIGHTEENTH Wreet. POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, •PE NN Square —Applicants for admission into the TEOHNIOAL 1301100L8 are requested to present themselves for Examination on MONDAY, September 20, at 9 o'clock A. M. A. L. KENNEDY, M. D., • seill-St . President cf Faculty. THE WEST CHESTER- ACADEMY, located at WEST CHESTER, Pa , an /netitution designed and arranged to prepare Boys and Young Men for any class in our beat Colleges. or for business in its varied requirements. The corps Of Instructora consists of seven Teachers of abtirty and experience. The ave rage number of students is seventy. five per session. The French and German' Languages are taught,by na tive. resident teachers. The Winter Term commences on the lot of November next. For Oatrlocuesvico., apply to WM. P. WYERB, A. M., Principal, - se£ a to Int - at West Chester, Pa. CILASSIOAL EDEWATION.-ROBILRT LABBERTON, Ph. D. of the University of Groningen, will hereefter have charge of the 011esiesi department In the SOIENTISIC and CLASSICAL IN STITUTE, CHESTNUT Street, northwest corner of Twelfth. No pains have been spared to render this School eminently worthy of patronage for boys of all sges, and in all departments—Engl eh, Classiest, and Soientiflo. Entrance on TWILFT El St. sel7-Im J. ENNI3, Principal. y J. Rf ED'S INSTITUTE FOIiiYOUNG J • LADIES, No 1623 WALNUT Street. • For Onus, apply at the Institute. Rays es so ss Converse, (editor of the Christian Observer.) Rev Dr. C. Wadsworth, Rev. Dr. W. - B. Stevens, Col. J. W. Forney, 0: lt. Leland , Esq., Pro. (wears Vetheke, Allen, Inger, of the University and ;her gentlemen , J. REED has resumed his course of irk el • struction In Mosta and on the Plano-forte. No. 1623 WALNUT Street. sel6-1m MR. THORBECKE has the honor to announce that be will resume bin Inatinctlons on the PIANO immediately alter hie return from Europe, (In the latter part of September. Pl.ase address communications to ci Box No. 1808, 3, Poet Office. sal4-12t* IdoGOIRE'S BOARDING AND DAY ILL 801100 L FOR YOUNG L &Dna, 1030 SPRING GARDEA btreet, will. be re•opeued MONDAY, bop tember 6th. an.211-13w* • . Boats anb 'Eitjaza. WEEL.AN & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES STRAW GOODS, No. MS MARKET STREET, an 27-1132 PHILADELPHIA LEVIOI3., RASLN, & 00., BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE, BIANIIPACTORY, NO. 525 MARKET STREET, NORTH SIDE, BELOW SIXTH, HENDRY & HARRIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DRALBRS ' BOOTS AND SHOES, N. W. OornerTHIRD and ARCH Streets, au2s-2m. PRILADELPIIIA. LIALL STOOK oa BOOTS AND snorta. JOSEPH H. THOMP6ON lb CO., No. 814 MARKET OTREBT, AND Nog. El and 6 FRANKLIN PLACE, NATIO NOW II !WORN A LAROX AND WILL ABOONTND STOOK. 01 . BOOTS AND SNOBS, OP OITY AND EASTERN MANITPACTURE. Which they offer for este on the beet terms for wish, or on the tonal credit. Buyers are Invited to ealt and examine their stock. 1014 nOOTS AND SHOES.—The subseriber 10 has on hand a large and varied stook of BOOTB and 818388 3 which he will sell et the lowest prices. aiKk. W. TAYLOR, moOl-13, 0. M. corner PIIPTH and MARKET Bts.- carriages. CARRIAGES. - D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGHT-CARRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptness, and satisfaction guarantied. selS-3mif MACKNREL.-838 bbls Nos. 1, 2 and 2, 111651E5rd : in worted piokageo, for sole by 0. 0. SADLER & CO., Nal ARCH Moot, 24 door abovePioat. ANTED-B , a Bookkeepeip V v requiring but two boors , time per,day. Ad• AWittOWE • . ILATANTEDA: Youth not more than'l6 Shoe etre: of a ge; trtallargin! WANTED—.4.* situation . as Teacher* by a Young Ledy. GoOd testrinOntals as to rapacity, deo., will'bn given. Address TIIEJIESA, Blood's De -niatch. se2l-2t. WANTED—A sitcond-baid Fire proof is for Merchandise. Address , s G. st i Vis ° r ange once - ie2l.Btar ANTED An experienced Penman who' If II 'writes a plain intelligible hand, as Copyist. Ad dress EIVIA.NIIBNBIB, at this office. se2l,llt* lIVANTED--A:; . Lad - or.nnexceptionable, 11 V chamfer, about 16 years of age, to learn the Dry Goode J obblag business. The compensation will be $5O the first year, with an additional $5O yearly. Addresi Y., 7, ..w4th reference, at the office of this paper. WANTED— and' experienced Merman In a Wholesale Drug St re. Good reference required. Address gi g. office of this paper. ee2o-00 virANTED-.-By middle-aged - Ameriomi V Lady, a:situation aG,overneu In a indrite family. Good references Will. be veva. Addreu arc MART A. STOPHEL,'ClieatafiTedad are county. Penn ylvanla. . Bud 2t* ' • A,YQIING LADY baying 'few years' m feel-ewe In a retail dry pars store, desires s tion to attend ins Dry Goods Store. Addtess ELLEN, Dlood , s Despatch. se2o.2t* IVA NTED—Canvassers for a new.Pnbll- cation now In prru and shortly to be Wild. Address "A; B.y office of The Press. _ se2o4ts WANTED—A. Salesman in a VirtioleNde Cloth Store. None need apply ezeept thee. sie quainted vdth the boldness. Address " B. B. 8.._ ogles Of The Press. 18.8 t, WANTED—To Adopt, a Male Child not younger than three years Good are and more trainiog will Is guarantied. Address CHARITY, • this offica. Stec WANTED- 7 .A purchaser for a Patent: right of an article needed - for every day rap. 8350 cnly required. A and profitable haeisees will be Itusured. "For partleolars address EDMUNDS, Blood'. Despatch. • selli-St4e A WIDOW LADY desires a situation to 17 1 superintend the &Min of a house fora Gentle. man, or would be fully qualified to act as Gassiness. The best of references given - and required - Address EXPERIENCE, Blood's Despatch. sell-its WANTED-ek person having $BOO, to join the advertfurr in purchasing a patent right et great wilts A large Prat will be guaranteed Addreat B. NORTON, Blood's Despatch. sell3.lltas AN Experienced Book-keeper desires- a Situation in a Wholesale or MannfaetinintElita blighment. The beat of refereeing given -" T., at the Office. seld ate WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATE OATALILY—AbIe-bodtid, unanualid'aboa,l4o whom wM be give' load pay, board, alathlwar,' and medical attendance. Pay from X 39 to X2l par mouth. No mad baring a wife or child will "b•__ll *PIPS for MOMPTID fiNEVION at No 81 NANK.9I7 Street, ahoy. !Ightli, stalk JUL: "W. TB. NAOMI:MN*, lat Lista. lit Davao, scarlatina officer. ACADEMY .OF MIISIC.• TUESDAY SVENIN6. Sept. 21et, 1868. ' Second night of the wonderful R eirEl,B ! ' The entertalomenta will - cernmenoe with striking and Hovel Evolutions on ths•TIOH P HOPE I The Intrepid Obloaman, by M. °Marini ; Huegerian Polka, by Gabriel Ravel.; Oupid,`by Young *Medea, 4 First appearance of Moni. ALEXANDRE ZANFIFATTA. To be followed by thegraceful sue dashing tight•reps Danseuse, •MAIIISTTA ZANPRETTA.. To conclude with the - 00 , in Pantomime, entitled HODISNOKI ; Oft, THE SKATERS OP WILLS.. Admission—Parquet, Parquet Circle, and Balcony ; 60 news ; Family (Prole and Amphitheatre, 26 ants. Doors open at 7 ; Performance to commenters at guars ter of 8 o'clock. • MRS. D. P. BOWERS's WALNUT-ST. THEATRE, corner of NINTH and WALNW Street • -TUESDAY EVENING, September 11. 18511, THE YOUTH OT - TREDEBION'THE GREAT. Frederick 1711llians the First of Prusitia,Mr. Wahines Charles Frederick, hierh ' dest son • Miss A. Cruise; Queen Sophia of Prussia; advt.-8. A. Perry ; Elisa beth of Brunswick, Prineems of - Austria, Miss O. Rich- • lugs. To conclude with - the popular Comedy, in two Acts, entitled SIMPSOS & tiO. - Prices of admission—diecoud Tier and Family Circ le, and Third Tier, 25 cents; Peratt.4, 87N cents; Drama Circle, 50 cents; Private Boxes, according to their locale, d 3 and 16; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 76 cents. Doom open at 7 o'clock; Curtain r ins at 7N Oda*. WIATLEY & CLARKE ARCH-ST. T E * HEATRE,Williera S. Frederieke,Aetiag mid Stage Manager. TUESDAY EVENING, September 21. 1858, THE WIZARD OF THE WAVE. - Charles Faulkner, Captain of H. 8 Wizard of the Wave...on secret service; Mr. Dolman; Don Jose Del Bandabar, Governor of fit Jago, Mr. al'Oullongla. The performance will commence with the comedy of BOLAND Fan AN- OLIVI6B. - Admission, 26 eta. Secured Beata in Drees Cirele, eta; Orchestra Stalk, 60 eta; Beata in Private Boras 75 eta; Gallery,lB ate; Ga ll eryfor ColorwiPereona,26 els ; Private Box lirGallery for Colored Persons, 1.03• ate; Whole Private Box, EL . - Doom open at quarter before 7 o'clock; lommenes at 76i, precisely. 31 U81°AL CL dUti.loEltilf. -TICKETS PIETY CENTS. PARODI, Jo aANNam, KEMP, MILLARD, MI CA, MOLLENHAVER, SATTER: '- - • CARD OF THE MA eAGEMENT 3—The Manager of the STRAKOSOK CONCERTS respectfully announces, that in coneequeuee of the inability of many families of the city and vicinity ' to gain 'admission to MLLE PARODI , I3 last - Farewell Concert. it has been de termined, on the return of the artists from Washington to New York. to give ONE MORE CONCERT IffiBILADELPHIA, ON TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. Slat. This will be positively the last appearance of PARODI in rbiladelphia. The programme will be most carefully selected," forming thd most attractive everoffered in a Concert Room. In-addition to other selections, WILE PARODI will sing the sonl4tlrring American National Song, - • • THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER," , And, by request, repeat the celebrated Trench/Cy= edF Liberty, Mai MABBRILLUB,” Both of which have produced, on eac h occasion, the most lee nee euthusium._ _ . _ . . M 4 LLE PARODI will afhg—Ada.'Taneredle Diet, 44 Don Beignale, 44 with Mr. Millard. " Last Rose et Summer," the Mareeillaise," and 44 The Star Spangled. Banner >, - BIA , DE JOHANNSZN—ArIu, ig Der Freischnts." sod Torten° n Lombardi," with Mugu.. ffillar and Junes. D 119.3 KEMP—The Lute Bong and a Pooteh MB. MILLARD—FinaIe Lucia—Duet with aVile Pa. nth, and - Teraetto with M'de Jobannien and M. Janos. M. JUNOk—liria, "Jerusalem," " Minas du Nord," mut Tersest° "Lombardi," with Was Johann ten and Ur Millard. . M. MOLLEMAIIER will play "Slag by larnet. M. BATTER will play 4, William Te 11 ,,, Lacia, , g sad Duet Terrautula," for two pianos, with •WOLFSOHN.--. CONCERT HELL. - THIRD WHIM OF fiA.NDINSON , II' COLOSSAL HIP RESIINTATICISTI OF Till RUSSIAN WAR. Z.:White this week, en Blonder, Friday, and Retarded► evenines only, and on Saturday Afternoon Admission 23 cents; children la cents. sepllo-111 Doors open at 7. Performance to commence at Mot SJ N ATIONAL HALL--MARKET ATEZET. - NOW OPEN T. llt6oo Witaisnies celebreted • PANORAMA OP THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING commences with Chula, and continues down in historical order to the Babylo. nish Captivity, containing more than fitly of the moat sublime and interesting scenes in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Doors open at T; to commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Tickets 26 cents—to be had at Hall door. Childs* under 10 years lb cen•a. • Also: Exhibitions on WEDNESDAY and BATHS. DAY diTISBNOOIie foi•fanalllas and, schools. Doting open at 2; to commence st 8 precisely. Explained by Professor T/BBITTB. BARRETT's GYMNASIUM. BILLIARD 'BOOM, PISTOL AND RIBLii GALLBRY. Will open cra MONDAY, Beptimber MA, at No. 806 MARREI Street. V,ANFORD'S OPERA 'HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, above OHEBTNIIT. Open for the Beason; with the TROUPE OP ARTISTE IN THE I VIRLD. The Entertainments nightly offered by BANFORD'd T ItO comprise all the latest - Boom Glees, Duette, chores Refrains, Dances Ballets, Re., interspersed with WIT AND ELOQUENCE: - In fad, all the Vocalism of the day is produced by MUSIC, LONG, AND POETRY. The whole under the management of Mr. B. S. SAN. FORD. Admission 26 cents. Doors open at 7)( o'clock t per. feculence to commence at 8 &cloak: anbt-Im HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL—TEM GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY FOE DVePEPIDA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAR BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. Bottles 12X, 26 and 50 cents. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY IN . MEDIOA_L SCIENCE! HARTSHORNE'S OURE-AIL should be kept in all families. in case of accidents or sudden 'sickness. HARTSHORNE'S CIIRE-ALL cures Rheumatism. HARTeHORNWS CURE-ALL cures Cramps, Oludie, Pains in-the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Pains in the Limbs, SNe. Back and Breaat. • HARTSHORNE'S OIIRE-ALL cures Sprains, Bruise% Scalds and Stuns'. • - HARTSHORNE'S OIIRILALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HARTSHORNE'S OIIRE-ALL cured Cholera, Diem those and all Pain. HARTSHORNE'S OITRE-ALL cures Ear Ache and Deafness from a cold. HARTSHORNE'S ouns-ALL mires 'Dyspepsia and Indigestion; also, Canker end Sore Month and Bore Throat, HARTSHORNE'S CIIRILALL Mares ail Spinal Affesl• tione and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE'S OIIRE-ALL is a great tonic to Weak Stommoh and Bowels, and Improves Dimiation. fiEr As thefrecnent changes Of the weather produce a bad Oeld, Rheumatism, Pain in the. Limb• and Body; also, StiffNeek—every person should get a bottle. It acts upon the Nerves, binaries Sinews, Blood. and Bones; and, by its warming electrci-magnetic power, eX. pole all pain from the system. Ga. a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished &tits happy effects. N. B. If you have a Cough, use HARTSHORNRII Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, It is the best Cough Syrup in Ahe World. Bottles, 25 aad 50 cents, and Si. If you are Billions. use 111.1328/10RNEVI ANTI BILLIOUS PILLS. - They act upon the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Foul Secretions. Boles, 25 cents. Roll by R. 11. JENKINS,. No. 25 SOUTH =alma Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets. Simile' Stereo, Chestnut and Market streets. Garriguesi. Tenth and Goatee streets. , Wagner's, Tenthand Lombard sta. s tnatf if "HANDSCRUBS AND CLAMPS. PHILADELPHIA No. 1. 62Na. per doz 2. 750. I. 8. 87a. gt 4. ICOO. cc A ists.m. AOS2a Erg GRAV/NG, rnß Siolung, and Smboned Printing, Envelope, and Bed 'Press Minufaotory, No. 1 gouts ONUS Stroot. P*. Alibi gltruisements. ..eainnat. HLND9ORIII39 No. 5. S 1 12 per do O. 125 .g 7. 1 60 '• 8. 1 75 c, OLA.MPS. 6 Row, $1.25 per dozen. 7 Row, $1.75 per dozen. 8 Row, $2.25 nor dozen., HENRY. C. EOESTEIN, 52 North THlRD.Strest, Philadelphia