, ••• - , , ... •1 . • . • 1 / 2 4,..',"- - , ,'' . '' - . ~„ - , '24 , " • ~. , ~ -''' . 1 ' '...-SE, TITO PRESS.—PIBLADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, is.g, ..„ : .._ ~.:",..- - 1,.57,-, „., ~. ..... THE -IPA TE s T NEWS , S-,-4-• I• t zt-....--,-. \ N. , ' , en••• •• l , , • ~...............,..a . ,., FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL: , The Suburbs of Philadelphia. BY MIDNIGHT = . 2: - 1., Letter from New York. . 7 f'‘ViniCh's" Chinese Tea Party. - - , ;` , t" , 7:0; -,•'. 41. , ,' • „, .., -.' . MAIL ., ,, moss OF TIIE TRADIR SALE—ADOUNT OF JED SALE— -'; , ,r. . ~,,_ .\...,. •- l ' ` IV-Wit/4 fit manifested in this ereotion of meat suburban real- Iffiloss Punch contrive to brighten up, ere During the past few years muoh spirit has been • . i. - Letter' from 'fli Oecasional." _ . .. ..„ , REACTION AT PARA IN ci C 117 N— ntoustosn's IN TUN ' FIELD" IN RICHMOND COUNTY — .INTERMSTFNO' MITI - 1 w _ 1 ,4 !fin ,s ect. li 20 ) 1858. LONITWORTR.-11111 NNO RODSZ—LAITECII OF TUN EPS , ORS AT TEE 01IIIRCIT OF THE MESSTAII-11101101.AS BY TEI;EGRAPH. Hickman at West Chester. ._ ' • , ..,1; •- ; - 4 , -.,, , •04 7 nnzt,/lloney Market. 7_, • li•,-, -•,..-h.v, , , ',This was 7ilath'''er'dll n d r i t y ln i :t . r t u o i c tSe . p . t d . th 20 : 18 1 63 .0 .: , , -4 '''`. - 0 l' . 4k '1 Usc a Ili l';c• '..-' s ' „ long, we shot) be,nnderz the necessity of Send on the pirt`of our eitiXens.. Such is the in ,i 1 . ', - ' '.:;' '•-" ' " .'-`-. ,I .1 ' "'''' iF/fri . ing over for hi 3 s aid,:iiiinte of the mils ' „:- ' `-'•'•"•••,', ,-- -"-.. • , • pe ~....r kj. ° - [Oorrespandenee of The P u r i ess J o nt love of pie beautdhl in Nature, that all men . . . • WY •• ,-.. .11,t'if trliatki.",4•m t a,t4es.m. nt-psaguistitOVAll A tacit and literari,,empripyesnpon.kt.rper'idife- ,barß - t eittire'of the incessant eaerillea of health and m . I „ ...Pere al a t,rilnior on the town" that the au. SIAN relearn -Mt. CHARLES WALOOTT—nivAL OPERA wisT [B o B ,l B 3 o . 6 l 2 A . L .. li b lt e a p P t AX 2 o o B2;l h , ..Lll ti li .i P e t ca g m li p a ti r i , , : o. in partionl4BlBro esli e „heacy. Bank stooks are in de- ~ , . .- , i 4 . O,4SDALANITAIIDWIIi 4 t ...- ganne, Yankee-14%1n5 -- ' iitul the - Pfiart6; lii.- a ' i ‘th b - marts of over-orowded - ) ...-J,,, -:. i . • ,- comfort , ..n is , witness mend Stria alight gait impievement, and city aria; t ''''''''' thy t , abback has lie- • -, I , „ - --•--••••• ~....3, = == ew;,== - a word, the ceite:Wor. r tin ~ cities, .nds gh for the country," whether they thoritios be,er,de'oided icon taking the Pest office COMPANIES—NNW TO.EIC Hesston* SOCIETY—FUILA -4 i0..D......4.- .. ~, . .„ „ on .9 _ not . . In a'drive to Chester the other s ree ,in defiance o Philadelphia pt COMPANY—VISIT OF but , WARREN MOEN OPMPANY (N. Y.) TO ruthansxesia-- People's Convention, which nominated Michelin by ac- rbki elmui ea 1 ''''',l it's' 1 tOriall - rind ..ra Isi- n r soh it or The bank aa4mari, J ahows no coned& , g to Second 1' t • 'Etbile DET.PNIA ‘ RTNAAT PINE RNOIND °ratio oonvontionyemsombies hero to.si ty ,,, n d aik, the Stet°, loans , als o eg lic nd s o mewhat better figures. opinion. I hairs: tried to find out all the facts, r.`co - ...:TiTh VldederitnTeraplatir;l Tke come intole_rab.y.„,..l4.o.o -,-- Y --, ~.- P , .. n e w ' ROOKS IN PRESS—BANIC STiTEMINT-BTOOKS. Ve a rri l t i e n . d h, elamation. An i m mense crow d . of people vies inlatten- ‘ in the chlety„tariliorn lest week. The Inanea have hi,-,_ iikey•' Tya Goblet; Edward tally, andlfonlV4lll-onerrArti" arid Binnivr 'evening, by way of the plank-road, we were much .016f9r,..4- ( K VIA- 1..' -,- 'Az ,s doll bted with the cannot got beyond 'the report. The jobbers and fOorres ondence of The Press dance, and the greatest enthusiaarn prevailed. The in tressed $68,716, the specie, $148,621, the depoints, election of John Hickman is placed beyond a doubt., $ 126 , 080 , ~ on thiltngett• cloXibra lifival• ~,„" I -• Carelessly throw oil ' every week, better thing g fine country-seats dotting many hucksters in polities and money have all been . P -1 Now Porte, Sept. 20, 1858, against the people on this, as on other questions : After transacting their huffiness, the two Conventions caption to be taken to the beak statement, which ShOws - °lonltiBesatie°4lThe book tra d e-anti Closed on Saturday night, after J ul h . g n w .ll m i t c , k a m n a d n o , i1..-21/4, , "1r4",tru.$ oaks .. .3 ,y . I.••• ..., ."5 ISA 1 4 :"." ''''' " ''''' l' '- than TENNIEL and LEECH so -carelessly and P andsomely located town on the - margin of the Delaware river, is a drive pad that , when e sentiment was /10 but I had ho th • one of the most prosperous sales ever known to the assembled in mass meeting, which was aldresSed by and the circulation, $25 506. There Is n 0,44-, these institutions to be under easy eon and. eaSe ma ktek.4o-Ike. , ---A •I':," -- uniinceesef_tillY• __._ _ _ - . trade. Prices ran much higher than was anticipated, 11 M O n la" itr il e aMIYIE'VaF4A"`I ' ""JIas an' ' 'arl a " f as ''o . "'' Wilted tbe la in of an hour.snd a half from the city , and, by the strong in favor of Chestnut street, banked by the masterly and h ig hl y" thidentiao repor t of Major , reaching, in some instances, the retail price. The toted t h W e far e McVeigh, Naq., 001. Samuel nagement. - ' • • ---' 8-T-1-, ''.."l .r"44-';'.4 - ". '' --- '' - - ' F -1" it Wag cruelly dull, on the ,;___,n_ead, I nig tas below t glatv ir tiaxppwii had. InityYdesign''w di ili hit illus Y g railroad, one bo reached in thirty Mini/This, for owman, t Ehnen ' , lyre() ext won O 1 ..., -,... B h k "' -ld bra il d Ato - fth l ll . amount o esaes wi retch nearly $258,000. Of Foreign Nerve • . c''''''7A.ilwapic.xec,trtri 1 . ..,.- . -o . Si m . . OIP Id - 4 '.. 4. - °' 4 '.° 4 • I's' f-.. 1 °°..... 1 :' °° f. ". 1 ...`.. -4. 1U.r.., Of - : Telegraph ; -it failed most .. . . . ,_ „,, _. , ~ _ . twenty-five cents. It Is rich in rural scenery the jar Bowman p roves oonolusively that the poe t Appleton & Co.'s hooks, 05,000 worth were sold; Phi. at Hand. ••- "- - §-4 fl ;a 64 agro 0 ogeie- 7,t "'-,- ,3 , g 1 ~ .... t the, Cherbourg de mon- lips, Sampson, & Co.'s Invoice reached $20,000; Derby dared to be ma 'e - 1:' .' O'' ' 4 " 'p e 'yg -P-r 'a-The I S: p p: 4 10 11s . .hi which steamer ra o i.. North lt llt Br 1 almost:, p : i n . gitgymitty,ili 48 claS,a...f-. , • .. whole distance, both by road and rail. At Th ar - Jackson, tlf,,tist i Little, Brown, & do. 87,000. This heavy Ma; L XrBpnotal n el 4 esg Me. r.• e• 0 ''. ' ' • Goa of the Mina war - ' subject as the„terinnia firs of a series designed by finite advantage to all disinterested parties, [ arm sold - a number of Kent's Commentaries-the Brat Me to board her to-night , bat an attem thas been or. Ma ' : e,.: Ei ,- •w • • g.B.w • li • stratten, ..andl new, 'When AuPll a stlggestive In 1e.., two miles below Ws town, a new villa has office can be removed to the present Custom House building, opposite the office of The Press, with in- s ptember Bth, lies anchored below A 1 r t „ ax: a lf c a.E., V e , e ,. , s . es , _ •g•eio• 0 • P 0 0 0.• 10 il - We- time thin book bee made its appearance at a trade sale. g• le': :,:, :-' i_; :r . 4-- ' 1 ri , ,. r . kk got • out was a an enterprising firm. It is located upon a bewail- ought tc; say, here, that our correspondent must Harding & Bon, of Philadelphia, mold as ,000 worth of 4413011110, tiept. 21, 1 o'clock A 11.-The North Briton to' , I'd .., Allne upon the' "(ifp - 4;, • fi11. haszcy heavy. It is impossible to gat her none to . ie. -•- lew- ;CI ' 4 - hored fifteen miles below St. Socks The dorm 2 ~., ,-,- - ..- es .9. ~ sbabby design called c_ 4 A Little Tea, Party." fel slope of land, from which the far outstretched not suppose that for this reason we have a personal their beautiful Bibles. Leavitt & Allen disposed ef . i s . wateranf the Delaware and p the Inc forests of New interest In the matter; the location of tho post $B,OOO worth of books; Blanchard & Lea,s7,ooo; Tick- night. i There Britannia, France, and China are re _.„ iNDRPENDENON, Sept. I9,via Booneville, ' Sept. 2Q, per 1 ' R g h l oi g ifc ESI g § t l" '' 8 0 e a ;. 1. 0.0.40._. „., 4 - . nor & Pield, 0,009. 1 , , , ' ti omne in our neighborhood would probably in.• ted as inking' what Irish Judy • would Pretten , _ , i . Jersey may be seen. This location is perhaps one of the finest for a country seta on the fine - of the crease our rent-helping us only as it would help We are having a strong reaUflnt wave or public ;United+ States Exprees Company.-The Santa Fli mail t o. From New Mexico. c e: I Il l int c if§ ' a - FainNl i- - 4 - , g i‘i . , , ca ll fi fi raking cup of fay." [And here, by the . - r g -.. t , trappase..... Philadelphia. W i lmington Lind Baltimore Rail- any other citizen .- En, Tun Prune,' But the opinion In reference to matters at Quarantine. The ;Th":'Af Xeitigird'iittitler - ,way „. , let n 8 mention that undoubtedly Irish road, and the scenery is of uncommon loveliness , public interest Meat be lost sight of, and private l a w-and-order people are moving in reference to the with dates to the 80th ultimo, bee arrived. • " :PI 1.2 1.....:. • 1-.1-.1...“.t 5 1 .. t. ..4 ~,,i , ,ltEir,ii_li! , 7_.tliiiiliiiiiiigkili.l l• lM, . . riPtlYjr3 ) 3 ll d lqo CorreCt in giving tniCh a broad It appears the gentlemen - , comprising the firm s p ecu i a t or s and managers provided for alone. So nuisance, and already it has throat Itself forward Into The latest date. from Bort netsurf, were to the 18th 1 2 „ na tie k ....-..-4. 0. -. s 0211 ..,.... 'Bl 2 H .. .- , b gig nisiditY,trilatara regular lizniot 0,..... .pirtomtpciition to the word Tea. In ltis ~ Rope have taken up a large traot - of land, and have the politMal affairs of Richmond county. The pen- of August, at which time uo boatile movement bad es' . o 50...4X 528 Ig ct, 8.. ce .., ee, re Zii R a ,1 • a solicitation al an influential chief, the commanding . .0... mi.. se e.g.... 5e.......... i ~- ' 4 ' .-. wags the world.' been made against the Navajos Indiana. At the earnest - „,..5 , - 5e,,,, - _,.; , ... '''...„.wl-,,,1e„. se.,;t4 - 8 . -.„„ s , z ,t, ; Vttl ee ~... esi - ; 4*.fr ' gn: 14 it'4 116' 40. t l i 'll ‘ g 4/4**aimil" ' ',,',' ''•• ?•-• ; ' l , , .ori l ia,,X ig etc,"'ito smaller authority than i' . ore, apportioned it in l o ts o y a b ou t t wo sores each, The Administration quietly gives up the re- ple demand of Governor Hing the rescinding of his ' - -. '311M011 MOD/8 Itilititlib 6 HiPeent °barged lllth 7 ° - h h election of Dowart, In the Northumberland am ..__ proelamation 012 d withdrawal of troops; they deny that officers had given him ten days to raise hie people and - 4 2 la v ,'Y ~.., ` ,1 . , , i. ~i , - ~. Ara , i .,..,..,. mcnE - e v n i ad e r tbiliti ng w Tile r ,Ylll9B are considered authority as to running east and west, and divided by .treats e k e armed, or 081 0U I y , Brooke servant. _co ' • , ' ' ' '''' •i O. oP•%" e i .1 . ° ' ' - .Y”.E. fto"tAL , clr , l*- - ;-7 - ; - , - I'.-i .. -, q.l . `•"' prentinciation has this couplet • • sixty feet wide, running north and south, trios , in your State ; Gillis, in the Clarion die- the mob was the nick Ih n anl treated •go in search of the murderer of es I . Three companies of rillea under 4 .t. ......,, , - , gtgm.s...lp,ia2mco`.g,; .o • 4 1 , ..., , c „, ~ c 0 ...., i _i. , 4 Qui totfidY-10 ,110 trt ° earirW e re • -•I. . ... ~ • and on the south of which is Highland avenue. triot ; Owen Jones, in the Montgomery district; t g r ie y t o s b t l r e c o o t t : s to o t r h t e h p a t= i o n co a f o a o r . m . e r d n e , :n p t i l i zl , : . I:t ig t l l L i t e s ? , :r a c ins Linder and Eillott,and Lieut4an c tlrew a °a d n ' l f . fa .1...1L . ..M.. c 0 ~ .0 t0, ! 5:10a.11,0....."F., 0 4,5 14. g. o c f mn t h p e .y . Third t. p l i ii e f s a n s t o r i r , guides. under .• L teli e t: 731 L E , , ..." I E resEr g li i i v o,§, a § n ..§ 1 ibr, i v or i? , ' - "'''' 4 4 " 114 P' 9 ' es ''''' • ' --- miles ... s t h oer , ".liiire,,thou, great Annal. whom three realms obey, ql.c. ire:Voting et-ilte-ritairt, thirty-fiverm e ' , nest s o metimes ee nneettakt.-and sometimes tea ' ' This avenue is about one hundred feet wide, Ahl, in the Cumberland district ; and, of course, of c iti ze ns. 'Th ere are m ore tha n .• five Hictimonds in ifill, ° lco mP r a r , lied Vlteirbst;iessitirdieni4i4‘..6,Bfore „pounds , gravelled, and hint a floe gravel walk on the side Landy and Phillips, in your city. Florence is tops the fleld, ,, and Govornor mos mus t be cautious how Luce". had been ordered to be In readiness in the , _•••,,,r.:.,::3loii';;l..' A itiitt,,.:ria;i4iiiAlialarg.4l,'lor - of it, and' will be shaded by trees on both aides, saved by pouring a flood of workmen into'the navy he stirs up the gory Islanders. event of swat with the Indium. , * . .. „, „, , •ta o ft rt e , " ' Oral- eon ,AM iliiaea •Yieit r f' 4-- ' ', 3n a t, , _ „ ~,,., . Some political excitement prevaPed in New Mexico, Ir, Ls 6. ' - . . "'" l ea di ng u p th e r ise of the road for a mile or more. y a rd ; Reilly, by divisions among the Republicans A fashionable and crowded audience assembled lan : o ll et r .h e , :a u : :i t to u .d t d h as e ...t e as i t. 7 .. ti on o ti n h : t o: : : tm ep e i g e , s t e 7 n w t : a ir ti i. , : e . s .: l :o: t oo h nn..r n ueNsroe t' :1 . :;;::: .24 ;,..: 4 2.1 0. g . 7 0 ;: c :: : : 1. : . p, o4 : 7t:i 'F e ; ii : -' :''' if "St"i - 'tliOr'"' ; ~,_,- -, er a .11 . an The lots anti do from the hi h ground, and run in his district , white there is terrible uakin over evening in the Unitarian Church of the Messiah, to Legislature, in eonsequenee of the existence or two Ic, 0,b,•;-...;-........0 1. :, 8 ,,jci10 gg 1 ~le, .., , g Pe q g ' t f dr te• t ‘4l 1 4.., be +I, Atfit.•z' hematite of Importance had been transacted when the if, down to within ono hundred and thirteen feet of the the Swartz aspect of the field i n Berks for Glancy welcome home the Bev . Win. Henry ()banning, a dale s H UtOtrety • • line of the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Balti- the John, and some dismay over the fact that ga te m f o r p om b3 ,lll , :lni o tzia i d g en , o ft Lina t t h l e on . o a r d E re v . g .e l s an b d. s .T t la more Railroad. there is a Shoemaker after Dimmiok , to take the , I-J,l -i. 6./ ° 44 tn t li: Bev, Dec Bellows and Osgood, were quite interesting, meal left...-. .. ~..0.,Rc...V. ....`'l.c.c•git V., 4 n 1 TigsgrealiihliraTtlii : , f,r , F t 4" Measure of his foot. while the musk, was beautiful. Tho tenor at thin --"*.---- Later _from St. Domingo. church, young Mr. Wm. Cook, is one of the vocal nota bilitleg of the city-a youthful Erignoli In church' natisfo. 1 ' ,ll. .... .:." - ...," ~,T...,e iii S P Po NI - T. 5 . 5 1 F. E r tilit g is: 1 1 .. •-. e. ta, cil '4g - h - g - -gye - s --- 2. g, F ........a a.u. :FIRST Paoa.--The IdodernMPoolplarir, The “"r:CAgftgVlPl'6f9r 4-9919kAri;Igir•AciAll-%;,rz Ed,w111.4, • pmeivetliisAm i.,,1 31 . 4 ,51W,,,,, 1 1 1 '19;44.mtf ; `94-IF4--,11 - 4,, ,,, r 4 394,•g,ter 0 I,7aiv , /,;S vr/1 14 4 - V{1F4 43 54 911 0 1. OVAIRE'CP•M'qC:(I4-4°Vltii aq '4lQUlked, last night as beton fAlekee i aer , new had, x4l>zK3jo4,„n4ol l laNUF,,orlot " / ..tot 4mOdtfLeitkappelvre to belpiAdthgliat that!aliahle - P 4,ll • l4 etAltarnit 9°p cn the'easteidai : ' P.O ...+l4fell as dui westerndiNpe-Of theffloolgy Idenntanie, ' 194 - 1.9 n kliuk,stibje,o.l- , TOS Bald Mist $B, $I1,1001,4f; $ll, lave', heed ditald..iieridayl :tt7 0 4 " K iti , C# l 4 l . l l 4 "ii i g34 4is ft it i. 6 M l44.i "" "gbf 11, • °Maimed T' ' en rid tueh for the to ne`S it ntioipatad ' t•saprsed-that nano unore g It t - ;: - .aprittg.A..geittlittqt at n. i'ait7g4o o ,nf. - era P, 0 7 -being traidirr,to,:starar!#9lor lia c; oojoyeel,* - ` 774fr6i1(:"., • Maore tilliaTbeiniwout char g ed bing , lteitinitcplrfltatbolint,' „ Viiitinado,o "darin g afteidptYo4eape lesqa9iistpdy_lol4l.l9s airs were stilurritioot thirty-Oventiles pet 4nr,.. ~..4 6)T e . ..4 3! ) atf a is.• • • :„`,,j o iAg r priditc,,.,ll„,,,,,, - 4-4itabargwa.,•.for. -want of jurftalettqal"ll4,"4..o.l:lot tribl £q pro ' Aar 'Stile kif f , • , Atfiigi;trul anoident matrred at the State fair -dinliniltl....tatft.driV ?An. „excited 1,,', - ,„;z_atetai;ina In a contest for, the • prizes, -gr„ , tlglagh:t hey •bartiers o'f -the :arena,"dashed , sr _VrtiO,F,CoPle*lo4o4:,o344liTlone, eo, isalyAbot.thy died soon after' the accident: commenced defdeftsh(ok :the (krilik pjb 41"isnlilln,,A9pitra _dSry:idialsittiin Its place an iron raillinethibugb ' 1 4',11 11 ,10 1 , Oh. j ;) iii, • ,;' , ;;The:Ron,tEldwerd •Enneti has written to ph, Preittlent to OC7 the :Institute, a The-, Franklin. • - , 9oatso•on for.,Ottlifornia' hai recently' "kl ,,, itarted on its first' Ailifrom Abe , i'vestern,btate!,, TrIL title lakeeted to Ile great,,thil* • 1 'Tin' din to Si Co a t s yesterday Will ToO,OI gO • 0 be N.:43ttiel interetting,nß IVERIMi7er of important cases , • , trioans on board the slater -.4Eillio;andito' Of, the Orpir,„haya2diad X.Viriii4:#4i 4 aton; : -Asear gi lef nine - bundred 'Dogma has reeently . _,;ol?o(landeilifin the neat of cube by a sliver. 16.re4•444tt: died In EitT,Lonie.oll Friday night. - TheetkrateTforkera de:get ahead u - ,o t,c. from a police• '},-,-141'#k;tiitAIllaXt174Y,a.,11CAtrra; 9f'",P3f4gtr4at., ,"thaC `,their;nte" wondetfally;adieltt - in, natiney thhi:[etnatrahrdhnity ` pith t Of :41natinteine,(di lets halt`tadiniringly • befo're'lltikjnd Icier atlthoritles-;-,911‘n0. supported by.„ t pretty•strong atlitlavifis we Oat lefer 7XXefieollY, - ivithinte ; 7 . - tioning ' names: of )ersons az' place. • &1S ° ::Itf01:01:1041:01140 are tv:eliT4noivn and leadidg , I;tois , . - Yor,,k, city, and •L ' • . 1 404. rlOketieT _ le'deele Yotk iedikittllist"sPr @ inenine Ittihad: GAtili i g "- SPIAOO - ? i F;Prp r yp.ti ts s: • pnlilio company ; for business - purposes, in a Ade2.'state of , i'Orli.--that • the declared - capital was • $ 560 ; 0 0; PO :that within: flt' Weelis or ouch -, incorporation, four _of. the, financiers in quell % tion ; made,* ,pflldtiele and filed north:l- Cato,ShitAliilt-Ooper , COnnty• officer that the whole cap,#al hadikeen pitidln. All this,wonlil heZ r,iikeirai find - like ' , fur' iher, , alleVid; that thh4ftiltvlt and cerililcato-were" untrue. that the, 'a u titlable •frtefiniindierilg":,ifenot,sl,.) , iga the • anoney, ; ok ; apy of it.-.-that•• $160,000 was.put Into a bot3 - whicyboa'n:de tatcen JO:111d thiral . pity',ii,,slol64; - , attq, fi ve liines sue,cessiielire -moped, and s tleally , carried away...' • •• • viirto is precisoiy in th - 9 spirit - of ',the felloi. ; ) ,V,)lo.[Jittiing„ototirage enough to forge's algae:- ,tolivrill; shrank tro‘ptirjury, and-put t ' r ftt'i n .t 6'6tl l s' 4o:o 6/ .#4 -.11°03 placing' a Pea „Int k is s , ! !han n ti, , , andi,gaidingr, it'•itsi ;imitate • thp and ,thtt pseudo •;" - wit . a •aliva:svhCn:„bn - signad - the - swearing,•A , There twas",life.•in l,flainfateilhe ,s,i)illdaVit;inttlaeriC, had 11:06,00,1) - :chif0Y - 60.;to,tbieir f.,ioStpany'W•etticei live times Irrauccearden; (and'Aveitintel ftiked • with thes' i ; l‘f t it Aka ' i gt da Yit*Atgi'allit Ipaataisr,fitor:OeCusstion, , says .13 , ,.1" This 'egad takesetiroolvor its hoifostfto t ii the ftiOfthai 9,?*".l.ll,l4#4B.lfg,a*Pdqd with I t are widely ;known" and•have Itolkmany positions If hono4 ttlitV`44t:!'-jt , iiitiittateelthat . imald t,O.L i dtly, and that aCcased ' ileacuncti the * affair tut Itit artful.cOnsPlittCyj tilo 5 4 4 ' g.F-b s ei ' d4tial4 lanCthe t . aa9aiatiOn:iit'lrpaitlattlar , :aid:ln detail.; Them eawbe dittlaulty itufht - thainitttCr:Li tht?sS4so;ooo ioas n w'isithi4Critied`Vhdtic-i , r tds iI .X-PAiliastfiftll o 9Jelilte , TNeanrerof , said; .„..conikpanyp-„itptitelfoin socnstidtpartiesrawotel , tianiaidl i i-:Pradtatke Trea- 1 J W.44: 11 0_ 4.k_ - .;17 1 4 1 44 9 .04r 69Va t r inifi; and . co-:' ," ':ll;_et,,y k ‘ our scooter ith ~ ,eternal shafae,ll3esides PrOfidittlaglitta!'fOr piatfar'f;• ThO -,e,stay,onerto T., 4 , - ~,••••• ; c< Extraordinaryglower Tinltticidring", id- referred •th - •by 'She' chtit4iailorary wa' perhappPvety aPhod3pal',f tiehlildelitCor• ett,ctiletettactipitalt wathotttirgreuly, straining the N, ,ad~chdpipgs in' ew,York' ketbre4toroiyiredisballwataltthe Piiheess' of ~tici,;#o344:Foe:FAxo4.oi6ttio',int9t4t, .The _Morse ' • _43 ?piet . ,Parlarooriapoillent'ctit , "o6 - ,3friwprk tlt e'e. q, " 4 .. o 44 o4,l#flAft4i ' 'r'e;; ti,41#4001-0 1 .0.4 4 l • frtniesfirriot yet- a:rtillein anti:l - I g eObvern, rnontlOPlY regtmikrit.l.kgini*ign9swooid6 . yo Pro 04.941014 1 g, and. not 'a dobt,/and , ea snob they M. • •*iii*it - frif , :r,4lilpfares,'lioWairiif,'cthat when 14.; - .o'civarnixtent aloiJo withhold their sl'gnlitures , ho" wi ll b'v a*Priz°d.„.t? 491 a TrIA/m°,.<6oa , kciAgictottirgna3 114*,6011.Crane,a , fie first ntate4J France', *doer ltifrerf#,6l4l-44#1'•VOic100 eti'4 ll aditililliidisiAg to Riffiwriefoiesa , thqwholtrathettuit:iu k siqkdq: rl, tour nritteeablo;7andz''hiyi -hatini 4 nOtlied Jo I , iethlii; 1 4441)1 1 ;15iaering ,, N.r. uhionan'a, elalinsi.y Yet, .' 4 A t t i dteif4 t iffki ll iii"/**( 4ll Y cbhclexiO,nras :that eatablishO i lietwethit N.4l4oifotkAttit. Baltravirer.Wlfrl'lgon'sif,_ indee4Oontklfkkeivrincr,' rao c :VreTieltaf thit'hOiAiriatifeli;;Uni inatti;r -004/lit, AO mon al, not only bantam:Mewls tiiff44qieCii4,74a :tikth.'ple of , • gt:eati'leiontiflo :invention-'which has literally linked Itw6 Avfm-51,4•.? -s.-.- .... A.r,Psswhs , „.... tVE W en4A3llli rT,'" il rn ill /41; ) _ iVei . i o ki:lL I: iin nominated he *ert h ' dfitilifettlY•4o4t'qgpiyeglihpilNiiVi4t .ol i • tArt4l)4*-00444F,;L0tS =l4 genirenati, of( ' ll4l W ll fo l lents , 4 7 ansthip , iihrtefliqftnsl.will tlb i t i kAV l lii,,,oo.!#J lo 64 •FITOS A L. •••••••-Atinc MIA '.ypposigOns:candgatei whq , ! is4g444ii ' ;b64 l l kbttlifitit l ,filtit? of his ilartS'y . T V,T 2 O, t a VArlitilojriqn, l #64.A9nerid • W...fe. f l -Ykf,X„';ihe 'follaiiing,_ainong: other , ' r ing3 f Yli.Vlf44a, _ 4 ' : 4 ' l 4.44 .4•14:1 us --Anew 7 wkttishWi 4 ow s thimasti4othitiuriko4, Inc*lioots ' alOSAtotaisillAS4e4l4nder *d a m . .r oi vai l giorlihcarteltrioll4tinifleo lettaia _ : ,•e l y jakUVestElaiiiiitutied) 4 4l7ldifivothatitreforicolog q - =.0.0 14•0 . 011ikrig•the.lwarJattorsttka boun. l. , ~,- wpot opitagast,7.branob.-t i tet, 4 k radm I . ~I : : „ :_, 11 ,--,. tt i t i .,,,, : ...1 -. fo-, „ 4 '9424P a yr t ) h flaillett i rCtaed.iteril; `-,':• ,'".;. ' .ge 1' 6pti a lie: tote rittclo - gAidip, f f ., , f,e -'' cot , `u AP 07 of tos dtm t lino , MteLV :A, , 41 . , '- ' ' t r ittfriittiovtligagiak atillar -, .1 a A li• 0.048;v14 ( jib he ~ _gab** • kb.. • !Ot,iffAVOLlP,olltl#,#6 -,--,' ,` - "ft ga t t - Wat-i, xiiiif,l4-4. ve;- •-•''..., .z , ,' ni I:1 _'/iiSTESVirA , p Arf.,1 1, A.#16TPA48 , 4 1 , 1 e -,-; 4. , -Sslgult4,#s _.ttia'- VE9 1 0 0 !;j4felifrn,ffITMLOF :.:,. -iitillampiparktortasfohrlby4Oddiv9Lf44324ol4totwo •.` , ,,-,•'iski , , - *:,3,.; thipkgffekwitailpfte#4!stilbi l liolFiqui , id-s -, '.'7 -- ,4kg . A10131064.q 14 *• 44 -•- la v ' ''''' 'V!' -.l:k_fjf ',' ,=-,,,,, ,-..4F•o i iwitni- CArA!'io: *nip LZItiL . ,, , -T . ,h . 431a4 # '690! •,-_V-` 7 -'7' ! - ,13 L, ritto mp t i rle#,Whotdaa : '4..'; •- V.• ' 1 11 - Nvi P ••'s /09 ,0 44 t# 4. i t. 1,•,--s - ,,,,t,-„I , - 4 ,,, I! .• A.• • , •••.,-;.,v , V- , ~.,11...;,....,,,,, -;,,,,. ,•77 .. q 5. ,!-4 ; 4 . -:: ~.: ',..- : . .bilfri.4l 44'..4t14,1',. 1,,,:r4 ~:."- :2, 5Z:.%?!,', •, - " . •-, 1 ,-' 2 ., . ',_ • .. ' • - ' - "WmurrEa-pronounces . the word Us, but in' the,original ChtUese, ati well as in the Russian, Spanish, Italian, and French languages, the word is flp)riiadirsounded al3 it was by Pope, as'it I 'ill - Indy : l.3' !This little episode concluded, we return to the' . rea!Paiti . ,jAelice and China are seated at t . he :table prauca,:ivlth a,cdp of liberty on her head, iistpping her' tea -very quietly. China teptesbntedl by full-blown-and full-dressed, Randarin;;peabock's feather and' all, tills a great chair, Rl:ire - all tioints'of which, carious ly-Caried lri'WOOk'saliant griffins are showing their dreadfid teeth to ,unappalled Britannia, who, gored much as she is exhibited on the peri a nY 7 Pleccs, toga'd and belmeted, ;presents a teapot belligerently shaped, with a cannon for the spout and the wheels occupying tho body ot•thifyessel, and demands "A little more 'gunpowder,` Mt. Chine I" The Manda rli back In affright, and stammers out iilbolno4an•ke-ramn." is all, positiinly; that Punch has been atqe l e' TL' , ,_ to, make, ef• suck a ,suggestive subject. - ,And;Wittioutjhe,,slightesi , desire, of exagger7 agog , our own power of description, we mod eitly ask anal- oUour •readers- is' have seen 'Punch, whether' , what . we' hayn written above - dcieenet "ddrive'y rather a coidiui - de rose idea 'll4st - ration 7 Think; then, how P ' 4 7 F 1 11 !/ ' 1:.nh114 be. y . • ' ` h- / - The Adtritesion Ifansas., MEI Derneeratic Pabst. .Of Kansas ? suggests that in case that Territory should - apply for admiesion.ints the Unlon before she has obtained the population .required bithe terms of the English bill, that ; Jaw should: be repealed; ,The first departure from the nsnalpractice of demanding that new States should possess a' Population sufficient threntitla a':member-of Congress, was in'thesitie of Florida, 'a slayehslding State. `tee nest ittie Watt Kansas, when, the South united to admit her under the Lecompt on Con. stitetion r iVithla less popttlation than she now poiseadak slmild, 'therefore, bb no ohjecAlin'' quarter now against the, .sifinifisiiin"4 Irunahs, no matter what her. : population, may be, .As the Herald remarks t 4 Allconserv,ative men r of what ever party, will at once see the .necessity 'of yielding to the force of circumstances, and ad- Milling Kansas as 'a State. - The only test - Which ehohlcl be made upon . the - occasion, is loofi Timiritrofthe Constitution itself. In bur acildn"nie'iffialt:be guided by this alone. I.a.ctise a Constitution, liberal and republican bi,its provisions, shall be, presented, then we shall certainly . advocate its adoption by Congress.", Min. Townsend 'Haines, of West Chester The extraordinary pressure - upon our col .prevent us from publishing entire tho.rnasterly speech of , this distinguished gen tleman, delivered to the people of Chester county, on the 9th of September, in support ofthe rre-electien — hf,lion. „Jens Itroznew. . Judge Ileum has lOng been a distinguished member of the. Opposition party, but, fully impreseed with the importance of sustaining such a Bepreientative ae Jens :Hicurnarl, hp has not hesitated 10, disregard the, mandates of party,And, in com pany with some Of the first intellects of -his own section of the State, to assume the ° boldattitude of a patriot who prefers principle to expediency. [By the way, we notice in one or two Le comptonjournals bertain'enipty platitudes corn, plaining of Judge, Raises for daring to take part in politie,swhil he is on the Bench in his judicial district, and a threat of legislative in terference is suggested! :We should be and: are •resolutely •opposed to the practice of judges interfering-in' polities, but' in the pre sent ascii:When, poWet;'drunk with passion, and insane hOte'rnacidnga , after 'despotic rule,itt temPtOo, stifle and to punish independent opinionythat man is recreant who refines to allow his good impulses to contr.' ol him in de pouncing such, an eNaMple. 'Our best men shettlif Spefilf 'gilt' 'against the worst attempt h ' - .tl-that been made ' upon the rights of a „. 'free - people : in shill•eountryi and • we honor „ , S i sdge I.4et*xtt „ 'for ; hislndependent and -patri- But'pviiat 1o; , ',4le'statido • , ,‘, deiired.'cidefty r . :ibiffartiele; was: to , intiodttetr-the Rhitet„fronCthelinpressive,... speech of Judge • ' • ,:• s 'l,f''..And nevi, one word in regard to Mr. Illokman htraself;•.; That-he is honest . , no man - oandoubt.' That he As-able, and hits with ability represented' this Congressional district during the time he has beervin Offtigress;yrilljbe admitted by bothef,,thisie particidars b e , is equal to 'either of ; bbLeppbSing carididiftife.; - Re is in the field fell' re:aletitiOn,.not shoice, but necessity. The po-1 Sidon lie , has assumed •against the pollov of the ;I Administration has•bronght upon him the Berea :anger 'Of, the -whOlo party_ who yet cling to' Mr. Suohanrup arid it fierce war - his boon and still is Waged "dgainit him. tlederthese circumstances, for,bfmlo bet* deelhieda 'nom - Mitten, and to have ihrtiniChner tho,eotitifot, Would.have'been coward -1917--"Liff3,, gind hnOt "do , so,with honor.' He , hes bravely advseated•the rights of the North, and for •this contumely !to slayery.ho tenet be put down. The whole South 'are'agatriet* him ; the Adminis. tratlen - „,of tkie'-'llenene Government , through the agoras mattered ,over the, distriet; are working to, ."defeat . hire; '„the .patronage of the Govern thent,,throngh tiliedoeloers and office-seekers, to gether with. paid jonrnale in' other plaoee, send forth•their anathemas to blast him ; • and he is still in‘thelield ofeornbat, fighting for Northern rights, Nortr i honbr; find Northern interests. larett=- hide Piwt:Olainie - her:right to deposit a vote' n"...lth.bebitlf,Ceondstentli demands for him onr.fauPpOrt.';'thiiprimilples.of free '3llOll and free /109 r ,, the laterosts of 'the North, require his oleo- Sons: tireperienooradde to ability; if a knowledge ,of. schemes against liberty assists to defeat them ; if hoar of :danger a tried soldier is better and more' tinetrierthy.thr,n' one Who, with, equal biarerinisiOkliandled a ,nsusket, then is:Jehn itioknuoglite- most; woteity ,eupport. ' No thiStesv.e,linhiferSsee to Northern interests and Vuitton:l, honor cirk defeat ;him. Mee who • turn thek - backs to-the 'light. walk •in •tke darkness of their own sbadowe: This is alike true 'in mental andpolitical; es - in physical applioation. 'Whether enough iirthis ;desoritlion will be found to defeat • Mr-joalinlifil...oaraiot certainly be known, but I • sew' roPose.etinfidenee in' pir eleotton,eatiefled Orat'leatty36-partY, with an intelligent comma- AlrYptrill never prevail over undying principle)? , . Senator Jones on Die Stomp"; Douglas . 'IOU,: 3 0. -. Joi 3 O, - Abe distlngtrielied old , „ ;line Whig--Senator or ;of -Tennessee; arrived in kningliclo4lllnoili; on,the 16th inst., and de - , :11liefed tyvety - ; t9hquerp mid forcible address to ! an,,,ionnense_. ineeting,. in „ support of Judge r Ei r ctinnee.. It t p folloydag 'estre.it ;front the laketbh of dus,remar 8, in,. the Springfield .Re die controversy Vetween the-'resident iatniltfe. , Deuglas, be and they might have no oar 'Monier interest, yet there was , ono' prlnelple In ;volved in 'this iunatroversy to whieh, as being _ono, of"the; fer4athental. dectrines of this, old' 'Whig ,PlialYS , ;t,hpy;'shotild now Show Ureferen'eo by, OltstatiklegMr.'Donglas ; •thii was the freeclem. of 'thevleettsce franchise from_Breectittne control or Oterfereniremin this, and the , oentralizat on of powertlit the Federal Government our fathers re-. allzedliiatt 'Me:greatest danger to our freedom?. Nth7sitilyernit •ef'inoney; ttlAiredninin . n4, a n d: thatettneid, ifficet:holdere Oar places' 41f0.4:J 1 11, -4..ereeielOtt, af he se, desired,' tn.v . ,.(4A4p, - ezetens,yower al 10 sap Me went faun. itattowif Government and destroy the gone r signer oftheStates: -.lle did not oharge Mr. Dn this,' bnfif he 'uas attempting ,IFlotajfete , .lo'the elietlonehtthe nee' of Breen "PlO tufdlfatronge,,that' course ought to ; 1.51, 6 1 1 4 5 4-',WWbigkAtid ildspioorats. tholight ; more, and eutild still do~.rppore„ toffy n " lta tits. interests and prosperity oUt e State'of dultiols; than anrothervinen—and hEdid , not-helitiVe Ittat, "by searilhing,-another conitillui found trliolidd the heart; the will, and ilia brdtnS alit* for'this State as DoUglas... ilrfre_l o ,i.., 71Theithol,'hekneir the Ina ,li had . "OA'. I.U4qie stioid lug ( 58 f;a 160 , 6 1:1 , 5ibLirviiimetilly, and reatrietleally .1 derentung, tncgreat; principles of the Elongate tiozna Meths& been , with:Dongles lathe rented in relatlici to the ,- Transtisliebraska , blll, and knew thht h institi e'irgeseft i gol , trinidllythir , Meet pitriotle' . - Serciter4oline lato erienlC at Vailene places tlfratiglio*;ifif §tattiV ' ' ' . B,- ragh, book- . pottor j zatibcidroado t hgei ht ndo4 net the Atian(ic. : • Near the Highland avenue one of the villas has just been finished, whioh, for style of arehlteoture, We consider an improvement upon the plan ,bitherto . piirsued in this region. It is•two and a half etoriee high, built .of frame, and the design aud . ,proportionsepts arehitepture look, light and cheerful., Berlers, dining-rooms, spacious cham bers, closets, pantries, bath-room, kitchen, wash room, and pipes carried" through the building for gas, hot and cold water; a verandah the entire east and south sides of the main building; with an observatory on top, make up a degree of comfort in its appointment of oonvonienees you seldom find In a modern constructed country-house: Fur ther on in the same line of lots, we observe a brink, house of still larger proportions than the one described, partially finished. These gentlemen deserve mush credit for their enterprise. We understand these rural residenoes, With ground attached, are Sold comparatively low, and as a satisfactory residence for a business man, we have eeen.nothing more comfortably designed and exoellently , oonstruoted. - By far too-many o f the villas that ,are ,built now.are extensive and costly, and many persons in easy oiropmstances tire deterred from,Emilding in the country because they have an idea that they must have a large house or none at all. This is an error. A groat deal of enjoyment of rural • life may be realized In -lesiexpensive housii, and in less proportions than the habit heretofore pursued.' Public Enteitaiuments. Parodi's Last Concert. 80, many, persons failed to obtain seats In Musical Fand Ball, on Friday evening, that another concert, by Parodi, and her gifted"oempanions; could scarcely fail to be effec tive. That other, to be given 'this evening, is realiy,the last .at which Parodi , will 'sing in this city. , Fhe, will sing the - two -National songs of America and ; France, and will be assisted ,b.t Madame Johannsen, Miss Kemp, Mr. Millard, and Marcel Jnnoa, vocalists, and by Batter, Wolfsohn and Mollenhauer, ;instrumentalists. This is the greatest quantity and boat quality of .singing and music at any fifty cents' consort ever given here. Tan RAVELS AV TUE AOADERV OF MUM.— The attendance at the Ravels' opening, which -ha* plaoo last night, was immense. With the 'exception, perhaps, of Gough's lecture, there never was so full a house. The crush, without as well as within, was great. Outside, hundreds ware waiting their turn to ho admitted. Only one en trance was open, however—which will never do, on a wet night, or a cold night. Three entrances 'ln front sh'ould be open, when a crowd is expected. Within doors, there was some confusion, (ae might bane been expected from the' crowd,) but'Jmoh -beings as ushers, to show people to their seats, or to point out what seats were taken and what were vacant, were " like angels' visits, few and far between." This, also, must be amended. The performances went brilliantly Off. The two Ohiarinis, "Young America," (certainly four 'years old, for BD we, recollect him &zeolite timed and Gabriel Ravel danced very well on the tight-rope. But a new 'damns°, named Ma rietta Zenfretta, took the audience by sur prise, at once,, with the . most daring, dash lug, graceful, and certain dancing on the tight-rope -we ever, saw. She- used no bal ance pole. She has made ,a , most decided hit. A new ballet folloWed, (millpond and got up by Yroa Mathias; who charmingly sustained the lead ing character. It 'is called Rose and Papil lon"—Madomolselle Line Wendel being the Rose, and Yroa Mathias the • Papillon. Both ladies danced extremely well, and were greatiyapplaud et That old and favorite combo Pantomime, "DeSchalameau," in which Gabriel and Frangoia Ravelled the leading parts, concluded the even ing's very stiooesafut performance. '• We are glad to learn that, despite the attraction Of the Ravels, neither Mrs. Bowers at the Wilma street Theatre, nor Mr. Wheatley at the Arch, bad cause to complain ; both houses were fail. ' . New Teisey Politics. laorresiondenee of The Press.] Trtzwrox, Sept. JO, 1858 The annual State fair, which was held in this place, opened on, the 14th inst., and closed on the 18th. The city during the whole week was crowd ed with strangers from this and other States. Extra oars were running during the limo, and each was filled to overflowing. I think it may, be safely ro. 'marked that . Trenton was never so eatensieely visited. The articles exhibited were not numerous, or of such a character as to reflect high credit upon their possessors. Of the agricultural produotione, it can be safely Bald that a much better colleotion could have been gathered With little exertion. • , Atnamber of beautiful horses *man irlibition,' and many. of the best blood in the State were tried d to *Deed; and in this department the affair was creditable,' and' it was the only one in which the ,numerous visitors manifested interest. . . . • Politically, mush change is not discernible in Trenton. 'lts journals maintain the same spirit of .hostility toward each other; tine Aenonnbes a measure because it is of the Democratic party and Administration r the other, it would seem, easera• pulOusly supports anything and everything which _emanates from the Executive, truckling . to it in ,order to gain its favor But an ignominious de -feat 'awaits those who still oliog to the English swindle, unless they eschew that, and advocate the admission of Kansas with such a Constitution as may have been formed and properly submitted to the people, in accordance with the spirit of the • Ilansas•Nebraska' Mt. That is all 'the anti.Lo oomptonitee demand, and unless the Several Con ,gresslonal candidates come out upon a platform similar it) that there will Se, discord and dissension in the partyi and' a complete defeat at last.' , In the Fifth,Congrersional district, the lopped thin candidate is sure of an election, under exist. lug eireumstances. Wortondyko, the old member, folloived the pro slavery party throughout the en tire Leoompton controversy. In his district that fact Will exert a powerful influence against him. Many members of the Convention whilst' nomina ted bim felt aasered that he was a safe man, and that it wag absurd for any who stood upon the Cincinnati platform to withhold their support from him; and in - oonseqebnoe, a'aonsiderahle number support bins now with the ;ballot that he will in future represent the true, sentiments of hie son etituents. In feet, a report from prominent poli ticians neta'the matter right with many; but Idr. Wortendylce should, in speed!, or through the col umns of a public journal, state distinctly his son tfmenta, and what will regulate his future action. If he is willing to disregard his course last winter, and vote. for the ,early; admission of Kansas, let Lim state it definitely. Such a proceeding, al though inconsistent in itself, would be of incaleu labia advantage to him, and, in a measure, unite the party. It is thought by Many that the Now 'Jersey De- Mocracy.still uphold all the doings of the President and his Cabinet, but such is, not the ease The people of this' State are - ionservatlve, and aro not as excitable as some of their neighbors. They have their attachments, which are of a durable na ture, and they are always willing to w compromise, for the sake of pan. They wish the Demooritio party to sustain its high and honorable position, to maintain its integrity, ,honorond nationality I untarnished and unsullied. Hence they make no loud denunciations, - btit 'calmly survey ' the past and act oantiously•regarding the future. ; To many of the purest and Influential members of the party, the past courseMf the President and "the Govern meat organehas been exceedingly annoyingg The recognition of tho,dospioable gang•of office.holders • in Illinois in theirpresumptuous opposition to Sen ator Don - gins is regarded here as suicidal, and as derogitterytti the character of a man and Democrat. The fall campaign, .has, just commonood; and there will doubtless be many sioltdevolopments ore it onus. Of thiti I shall keep the readers! of The ,Press posted as it•ocours. Neglected Ordinances. (Per The Press.] , There is probably no Silty in the woild‘better supplied With good and wholesome laws than Phi ladelphia; but if they are not enforced they might as well •be laws of Timbuotoo' or-Constantinople; for all the good they do. , • ' , Thera is an ordinance against emptying coal out of the parts upon the sidewalks : . It Is hardly ever ,emptied,anywbere elso. It ineonvenieneee pedos trians, and much' or it ie trodden to dust end Wasted. - There is an ordinance against flying kites in the street, which frighten horses, and have occasioned, In our city, the loss of valuable lives; but in my vicinity I can see one Or more kites flying in the street at easy hour of the day. ,As we have some Itew.polloomen, just gone into office , , I would suggest to thorn to distinguish them selveslrom.their sleepy brethren by Putting these orlinanees in forms. W. 'D: JIM LANE Lane, of Kansas,. has been brought down to a level with tho Go. veinor of _Missouri. He heibeen whipped, no we letwn'by the St. Jdeoph pitpers.• mho whipping was done by a -lawyer named Quigley, and co- Carted In one of the border towns of Kansas, Lane was dissatisfied with the thrashing, 'and sent' a ehallenge to Qitigley.' was accepted, and a duel was expected. ; • Why is it that the Washington Union does not read Henry A. Wise out of the Democratic party? It is all the time engaged ostracising Douglas, with the - foot patent that Governor Wieo is quite As resolutely against the Kansas policy of the Ad ministration as Judge Douglas himself. The Union's thunder, however, is reserved for North ern men only. Col. Nett may rave at the Presi dent in choice Italian; the New Orleans Delta may onoore, and Governor Wise may differ in the boldest manner from the polioi of the Administra tion, and yet the Union in silent and satisfied; but wo upon Douglas, Raskin, Hickman, Bro derick, and AtoKibbin. They are Northern men, and. therefore, are expected to be obedient, or to be excommunicated. OCCASIONAL. The venerable Nicholas Longworth, of Cincinnati, is one of the guests at the Now 'York Hotel. The old gentleman is active and vigorous,. and his conversation is as bright and sparkling as bin Catawba. The palatial edifice of whit , . marble, at the junction of Broadway and Fifth avenue, is to be called the /No House, in compliment to the original projector. It is to be kept by Pomo Stevens, of Boston, Nahant. Mo bile, and other places—the most extensive hotelerian in the country. Its cost will he about $1,250,000. The rent is fixed at $BO,OOO per annum, for the hotel part. To-morrow we are to hove the great marine event of the year—the launching of the Russian man-of-war, the General Admiral. Several Russian enicere, whose namea all sound like Wringhisrmeeog, are here to par ticipate in the jollities of the ocaaaion. Mr. Obarld.Walcott, one of our cleverest author.. actors, goes South in a few days on a professional TREEONT HOUSE, Boston, Sept. 20,'68. , tour.-:;. Letter from Graybeard. raorreopendence of The Prem.] Emphatically is now the time of all the year to visit New England : the crisp, eilvery weather, which at this season graces as with a halo the land of the Pilgrims, is proverbial. A little later than this will find the frost-stricken ferule ar rayed in richer robes, but the colder atmosphere will than detract, somewhat from the pleasures of travelling.: By a lucky freak of the weather the great days of the Horse Fair at Springfield were, reserved for my arrival there on Friday. It was the third National Exhibition of that character held in that city, and by those who attended the two former ones, is said to have greatly excelled them in every respect. The banquet and speech making, which, came off on Friday evening at the City Hall, of course constituted the intellectual portion of the programme. . It is a faot full of pleasing significance that this horse fair banquet was inaugurated by asking the Divine blessing, the clergyman who ollioiated having expressed, among other petitions, a hops that while men were progressing in the art of governing, training, and thereby enhanning the value of that noble animal, the horse, they might at the Same time be zealous and progressive in the work Of subditing their own passions, and training their own powers to efforts of greater usefulness. The spectates made by Mr. Everett, Governor Banks, and others, were among the. most polished and erudite disiourses upon the home I have heard or read. A large number of reporters were pre sent, prominent among whom was Solon Robinson, of the Traune, with his snow-white board rival ling in hirsute luxurianie the tails of some of the premium trotters. You have thus had opportuni- ties before this of reading the speeches ire ter nso and, knowing the continual press upon your columns, I will therefore make no farther refer ence to them now. The scene on the fair=ground—which is itself a splendid model In its 'way,' being flanked on the west by the Cenneetiout river, and on the east by the Connecticut River railroadwas a speotaole which distanced everything in the similar exhibitions I bad ever seen. There were two tracks for the exhibition of 'the anitatile, and the trial of speed—ono within the other—one a half mile in length, the others mile. blrooily oppo- site the judges', stand, outside the course, was an Immense gallery, sufficient to neat rive thousand parsons, which, on Saturday whining, was almost entirely oeoupiedi atid mainly _ by ladles. The bright colors in whiqtr the lad ilie were dressed, shawled, parasolled, rising:a they did like a living mountain against a blue itherial back ground, the whole made doubly brilliant by the clear sunlight, was snob a picture, viewed from the stand, as neither the, pen nor,the penal can adequately pain t. The opening cavalcade, on a batufday was made by pnegrig thrice round the course all the bomb entered, sash State represented forniing a separate division. Pollowing this, the preminine wore awarded, and flags presented to' the sue cessful competitors for prises, after which the unsueoessful ones were all withdrawn from the 0311110, leaving tome fifty prdud victors to oak:. brats their triumph in a grand finale of speed and carriage, with the colors they had won stream ing, and rn some cases flying like lightning through the air. I have not space to particu larize. Professor W. K. Rarey was there, sue-, oessfully, illnetrating his singular art. The two most valuable animals in the exhibition were the Zthan Allen and ifile I3iram Drow. The best time made was 2.39. We shall doubtless have sundry wood•out sketches or this great exhibition, prosented to us in our popular piotorials. My only regret is that we bad not an American Rosa Bonhent on the spot to transfer to canvoi the moat striking points of this admirablo display. By. the way, the prize banner which was pre sented by the managers to the two States most largely represented—New York and Vermont,— had, painted in oil, on one side, a very fair repre sentation of Rosa's world renowned picture, which attracted so much' attention in our oily a few months ago. Apropos of this, your remarks in The Press of Saturday strike me as exceedingly well-timed. There is danger of the mere speed of our horses gaining an undue asoendenoy in the minds of our people over other and, perhaps, more important qualities. The Intoxicating practice of turning such trials of speed into a game of hazard should be espboially diecountenanoed. But I am in Boston—the "City a Notions," the "Athens of America," et cetera. It is a great town. Since nine years ago, when I was hero last, it has undergone many marked Improvements; but I must not trust myself. to speak of Boston after having already consumed so much space. I will only add that I have visited the house in which Franklin • was born, and found upon It a printed card, " Td let," adding as an inducement for its demolition that money .will be advanced to any one desiring to build upon the property. This venerable mansion, be it remembered, fain a good state of preservation, and if Boston really will sub mit to the destruotion of this snored relic, then for once, at least, will our own city of Philadelphia Lave found a fit twin for meanness in the neglect of tho ashes and memory of ono of our country's greatest worthies. I have nisi, had a' squint at old Faneuil Bail ; visited tho tomb of Franklin's father, and seen the first house built in Boston, of all that are now standing, (so I am told, at least,) bearing a distinot date upon its gable, of " 1680 think of that the year when William Penn landed at Philadelphia. - I have been in the old South Church, whieh the British used as a 'tortes stable—for a little while— and seen a cannon ball sticking in the' brick wall of the old Battle Square Churoh, which was fired there from an American gun at the battle of Bun ker Hill. This ball fall from Its lodging place a few years ago, but woe carefully replaced by the c itizens nig is as it should be. Who faults England for her Westminster Abbey ? And yet, without this commendable regard for the nabobs- Bons of the past, the world would to-day be de prived of that invaluable historic legacy of bygone ages. You may believe me I have aeon even more then I have named, - to talk about write .about, and think upon, and, God willing, will ace a groat deal more before I return, of which you may 'bud again: For the present, farewell. Country 8Rn11.13. For The Presel An article in The Press of this morning calls attention to tho Honesdale Bank. The writer gives the circulation of the ,bank without giving any assets except specie. Every ono at all ac• quainted with country banking knows that the country banks depend upon their oily bank account both for their spoolo and-for means for redeeming their eiroulation. The article referred_ to ; slates the circulation of the genosdale Bank to have boon, on the sth of Xoventber last, $195,275. The official statement of the bank shows that at the same date it had cash assets as follows On dopostti in Philadolphla. Bank $7OOB do. . -. Del.,and Hudson Copal Co., N. If .. 24 240 do. Merchants Brcharge Bank 17,400 do. Notes and drafts on other banks.: 59.000 do. In specie ' 87,300 --- . Making cash stoats of - ' $(46,517 To redeem Its circulation of $100,270, besides having bills discounted to the amount 04283,000. Tho business of the Honesdale Dank is almost entirely connected with How'York, and on that account it did not suspend specie payments with the Philadelphia banks; and the ttb3ve statement shows its condition after sustaining a sever° run for specio in connection with all the banks of the State and the fact that it was the only bank in the State whose issues we're rodeemid in Now York during the oriels of last September and October is alone suffugent to show its strength. .TUSTICM TO TnB UOUNTAT BANKS. pitmenßbyate, Sept: 20,1858. Prom what I hear this morning, ft is more than pro- bable that we shall have two rival opera companies thronshout the autumn and winter. Of this, more hereafter. Your musical people may possibly be interested to know that the New York liarmordo Society, whole annual meeting has just been held, le In a flourishing condition. Ilandel's greatest work,' the oratorio, Israel in Egypt, is now in rehearsal, under the direc tion of their conductor, Mr. Briatow, and will be pro duced during the coming summon, together with eeveral other large choral works. Not only our Biro Department, but large numbers of our tax-payers and insurance men;look forward with Interest to the forthcoming visit of your steam_ ire= engine company to this city. The coolneee of their first reception . la destined to give greater ec:at to the next. Our leading journale are making It the subject of comment. The Evening PO3l expressea the general sentiment of the community when it says that the rowdyism and quarrelling which not infrequently occur on the occasion of fires ,have somewhat impaired the public confidence in the eMcienoy of our engine and hose companlee, as at present organized, and have pre disposed our citizens to look . with favor on any inven tion or project 'by which it may be improva If the employment of the Meant fire engine can supply the desideratum, Its introduction will be generally wel comed. The award of the WO premium, at Boston, to the engine manufactured in your city, has stimulated curiosity to witness the practical working of the ma chine. Warren Hose Company, No. 53, of this city, go to Philadelphia on Wednesday on a visit, where, we bear, you have made preparation to receive thorn in a style worthy of your Department. I have been favored with a few advance pages of ,an Interetilibg work soon to be published by Little, Drown, Co., of Boston, in four ootavo volumes, entitled Genealogical Dictionary of the First Bottlers of N•w England," showing three generations of those who came to this country prevtota to June. 1692. The work has been prepared on tho beats of "Farmer's Register," but on a plan much more extensive than the one adopted by that author. More than twelve years have been passed in the preparation, and groat care taken to melee it accurate and reliable. The same publishers have in prase the third volume of 2dward ZveretVe Orations and Speeches; the Life, Letters, and bespatches of Major General Nathaniel Greene, by his grandson, George W. Greene, in seven volumes; and a now edition of Eartlott's Dictionary of Americanisms. Typee ,, Melville hoe prepared a lecture descriptive of his personal adventures in the South Seae, wlech he proposes to ventilate doling the coming season. It to expected to cantata a racy narrattro or the jp3ly times he need to have going In swimming With tie yoldis ladles of Typee, Omoo; Sod parts thereabodta. Ticknor & Fields ore about to tmue au enlarged edi tion of the po'erna of Fanny Kemble. Zilfff YOUR STOOK SSOLL&NEMO—Sept. 20. 1000 Pamouri St Ss 1000 Hudson 24 nt 2.00 La Or & L,6 b 6 Dell: Iludlon Co 08 , 800 Cantos 90 • 19' 751 , a0 Mall 88 Oo tax 50 do bSO 97x 25 do e6O 96 250 llnd Itir n elO 27 400 do " 27 60 N Y Oen It fa 773( 100 do 77% 100 do 800 774 100 Ilrfo 11 • 17% so do - be 4 /tit 150 do 17S 100 Olev & Tol 11 02% ASITES.—Tbo Inquiry is steady at $6 nous, &c.—The demand for Western Canal Flour la more geueral, and the market is quite firm for the me• diem and better grades; them are In brisk demand for tho trade and the - East. Choice brands ere more sale- able at the close. , . The gales are 13,100 bble at $3 6004.60 for nneentid, State; 84 Obecs for goal superfine do; E 5 5165.00 for good extra do; $5 0005.10 for eloper fine Western; $5.50 06 80 for low grades of Western extra; $5 7506 50 for fit. Lottie brands; $5 71 1 05 80 for shipping brands round hoop extra Ohio, and $5 8587 for trade brands do, Canadian Flour Is unchanged, the inquiry is limited ; eaten of 360 title at $6.6006 8). Southern Flour laßold, with much confidence; the tow gredea of sound euperflne , are lore plenty; sales of 1.600 We at $4 5005 40 for unsound nunerdne Baltimore ?co , 15 4605 02 for good do, and $5 7007.50 for fancy and extra brands. Bye Flour le quiet. Corn Meal firm ; gales of levier at $4.25. Gsars.-=The demand for Wheat is fair, and the mar ket is buoyant for moat Mode—very choice lots of white are better—the Niles are 28.000 bashele at 878003 for crmmon Milwaukee Club and Chicago Spring; prime do on private terms • $ll5 for Ted Tenness•e ; stool 42 for white do; $l 4OOl 95 for white Kentucky ; $1,160 $l.lB for rrd Indiana and Ohio; $1 2501.44 for White Southern; $1.160123 for red do, and white Canada on private terms. Barley la lean freely of f ered; small sales of 1,700 buckets at 820 for prime four rowed. Oath are batter and in demand; males of State at 400500, Western and Canadian 490520. Corn le quiet, bit micas are unchanged ; very poor is this plenty; Bahia of 27,000 bushele at 700750 for Wetter° mixed; 870 for fair white Southern ; New Or leans white and mixed on p Irate terms, and Pennsyl vania yellow at 980. Pnovislowe —The demand la limited and' prices are lower and nominal for pork ; sale, of 400 bble at $l7O 17 20 for mese; $l6 60 for sour do; $15015 20 for prima, Including 100 blds mess deliverable up to the Ist of De. comber. at $l6 60 Beef is in moderate request, and is ,ready; Palos of 170 bble at $ll 25012 for country mee a $lB 37014 5714 for repacked mess, and $16015 37) for extra do. Beef Flame are quiet. Out meats are dill and heavy; gala, of 60 blids at 63 064 i for nbonlsers, and 8)988% for hams. Lard is In moderate request. and le firm ,• sales of 262 bbls and toe at 11011 Xe for JAM etid old. Butter and Chem are without change. , Warem.—The market Is steady; Bales of 300 Ms at 240. Philadelphia—New York—Boston. for The Preee.l Ma. Herron: I have just passed through these great cities, nod find that there is, in the mind of the superficial observer, a remarkable tendency, In all these cities, to "up-town affairs," to "up town hotels," Ac. Now, I have seen this matter fully tested. and whilst I know that " up•town hotels" aro all necessary, kv , yet lot it not bo for gotten that those old pioneers who located the Tremont Rouse in Boston, the Astor Rouse in Now York, and "Jones' Hotel" in Philadelphia, bad their eyes fixsd on certain great commercial nts; and, let tho agthe progressive or not, those points never will be wrongfully located. Upon my arrival in Philadelphia, not having, visited the city for some years past, I felt some what at alms to know where to stop. I felt as if "Jones' Hotel" in those }pasttimes had aeon swept away, and listened, as I reached the city, to hear what names of hotels the porters would call. At last a porter cried out "Jones' Hotel—who wants a carriage?" Said I, this is the first hotel, and the only hotel, where my father stopped in his lifetime. It is the hotel where I stopped years ago, and therefore Concluded that, in spite of " up town" hotels ; I would risk BM "Jones' Hotel.' Mr Editor, It is but duo Messrs. Marshall ,t Powell, the proprietors, as well as their coadju tors, to say that, after travelling up and down over these States, I have not had more comfort, eare. and enjoyment than I have felt in this oklfashioned house—"Jones' Rotel." aIIArDZARD Tho proprietors are exceedingly polite and courteous; and, notwithstanding Mr. Marshall has been sorely afflicted with a boo felon on his hand, (enough to make a saint very peevish and fretful,) yet he is as.pleasant and calm as a sum mer's eve. . - I write these few lines, which rbolieve in jus tice due to the proprietors of the "Jones Hotel ;" and, let matters progress as tbeymay "up town" or "down town,". I shall always feel to be at home and perfectly comfortable at "Jones' Ho tel," especially if you wilt place at the bead of affairs such men as Marshall dc. Powell, and their worthy coadjutors. , A KENTUCKIAN. DECILINE OE SLAVERY Di MARYLAND.—A Baltimore paper says "The decennial statistios of the population ,of Maryland exhibit a steady 'increased percentage of white population. and ten almost equally steady decrease of the percentage of slaves hold in the State. Between 1800 and 1810 the increase of the white population was 8.08 per cent.' ; between 1810 nod 1820, 10.07 per sent.; between 1820 and 1830, 11 86 per cent.; between 1830 and 1840,9.30 per oont. ; and between 1840 ,and 1850, 31.34 per cent. Up to 1810 the percent-. age of slave population increased; but in 1820 the 'decrease was 2 68 per cent.; in 1830, 4 00 - per sent.; in dB4O the decrease was 12.87 per cent.; and in 1850 t was an of 0.70 per cent.; the nnrabseofhere slaves in theincrease State in 1810 being 79,737, and in 1850, 80.368. The agcregatri in crease of the white population from 1810 to 1850 has been 71.58 per cent.. while the decrease of the slave population, from 1820 to 1850, has boon 20.50 per 'sent. These figures, we think, indioate that the problem of the future condition• of Maryland no a slave or free State is solving itself. 191[00ND O'ARD• 843 100 Beading It 02 100 do 1500 do . . MO 101 do $l5 47 47 m X 100 db etw 41% 5 Milk Wee 101 100 Mich So It pret 530 44 le; do 441( 50 do 44m 10 Panama R 113 MO Ohio &Rk lel R 67 u 100 do b3O 87X 200 do bBO atig 200 do 137 0 ' ' d - 60 d o sib Pt 100 do D3O 87 NEW YORK MARKETS. halted, and the market is NSW Yong, Sept. 20.—Advices from St Domingo have been received, bringiorsome additional particulars of the resent revolution ' General Santana Disrobed to Santiago on the let of September, and• immediately took possession of ; tho fort. Valverde, together, with - the collector of Santia go, and °there. fleeltO ISbote (Nieto, where they were to embark f Turku Wend There. wee consequently no responslble governenent of St. Domingo; the mer chant. had cloned their storesi the paper money In cir• eulation had become wortbleas ' and none knew bow to buy or sell, or what the neat political move would be. - The Maine Election. •••• Dixon; 1151 , Sept. 20.—The official count will- only determine the result ot.the election In the Sixth Oon gressional district, so ClOlll3 is the . • ••• The Quarantine Riote--More• Buildings Burned. flaw Yong. September teznruirary buildings - .mead by the Health Coq=Wieners outside of the quareut'ne enclosure, for the aoeommodation of pia falauders from the infected district, were burned last night. - The Trial of the Captain of the Slaver 130elotr, Sept. 20.—The second examination of the slaver Echo will take place to-morrow. It fa, rumored that thedefence of Townsend will be that he was not the captain; that the latter was a Spaniard who is now In prison at Charleston, and that he (Townsend) was a mere passenger. , - Fire at Weston, Missouri. Sr Loma, Sept. 20.—k destructive fire occurred at Weston, Missouri, on the night. of the 13th Wet., de :lloo,ring the furniture warehthme. of John Deity do Show, and the grocery store of F. Kaufman. The court house and one or two other buildings were also burned. The entire boo le over $33,000, with an insurance of about MOW. -" The• Fever at Charleston, Savannah, and Mobile: OUARLESTON, Rept. 20: —The deitha from yellow fever; during the past week, hive been one hundred and twenty-eight. The Savannah News sari that the fever there Is abating, and that there la none in the hospitals. The .weather fe favorable to the health of the cite. At Mobile the fever wee declared, epidemic lent Wednesday. - The Yellow Fever at New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 20.—The number of deaths on Saturday from yellow reser was 74, and the total num ber during the week 400 The if ealth of Savannah. SAvsmren, Sept. 20 —lt is officially announced that there has been no death from yellow fever to-day, and thereare no new omes. There are no apprehensions of an epidernio in this vicinity. Lake Trade with Liverpool. OaWroo, September 20.—The barque Chieftain, from Liverpool, thived here yeeterday. Sailed from Mon treal, the companre barque Illaokitawk, from Liver pool, bound to Cleveland. Death - of Dred Scott. _ . Sr. Louts, Sept. 20 —Dred Scott, the negro whose name obtained each political notoriety,- by his connec tion with the Supreme Clout decision, died In this city on Friday night last. The Store Ship Relief. BOSTON, Sept 20.—The store shin:Belief arrived at the nary yard, yesterday, from the Mediterranean. New York Bank Statement. . . . . . . . . Misr Year, Sept. 20.—The bank statement for the past vreek exhlbits A decrease In loans.. SBOl.OOO circulation 217,000 An lacreago In specie 743 600 " deposits 1,886 000 . 4, undrawn deposits 221,000 THE CITY. AMUSEMENTS TSIS EVENING. Aommirt or hitigie.7-livellr-h Tight Itope"-- , ! Go denski ; or, The Skaters of Mina." - MCBIOAL FOE/ The Ehnikogeh CioneerVi Mae. D. P. BOWllita' TirEATRIL-, " The Youth et Frederick the Great ,, --" Simpson to Co.'' , WBEATLILY & OIART.IO2I A.11608-IMILIZI , The Wistrd of the Wave—. A Roland for an Olb 01411.1. Hooea.—ffithiopiau• Hntertain •• - • • • . CONCERT tilLl.--Bandereozia Paxiotams of the Titus elan War. NATIONAL Ilafa,.—Panorama of the Bible: . Berm Oyza.—We yesterday. alluded to the eteture, 'at Pittsburgh; of Moore. one of the persons who committed the recent robbery at the'United States Mint, in thie eitv. The prisoner bad a bearing yeeter. de} before the United States Commissioner. The evi dence was brief', and to the roint. The messenger of the mint teStided "td the facto of the robbery. lie was _also satisfied that the defendant w;s in company with the men upon ',shoot- SOON of the' !dolma coin was found. ;Geonte Itoll.wiu; sworn.—lle had charge of the emit! mist of coffee at the mint, end discovered the robbery on the 18th of March ; he saw the defendant at the saint with the men earesteidon that day,. The prisoner had diyorted the attention of: the, witness from the cabinet at the time the robbery was committed. • , Officer Taggart was sworn, and testifisd to having re. noised information which led to the arrest of Moore. °Meer Carlin testified to hiving armompanied the prisoner to prison on Saturday, and to hearing him ar knmsledge haring Auld the stolen coin. Moore wee fully committed to answer, and was taken to parent while clueing deeply. though not lordly, the confederate who had betrayed him. rugAke OF A MAD &TER.—About _three o'clock yesterday afternoon a steer p'synd some wild freaks, creating a petleet consternation among the In habitants of the vicinity, in which he no extensively splurged. At Nineteenth and Cloites streets be tossed a boy, severely injuring him about the head and face, and knot hag out some half-adosen teeth. His next performance was that of knocking down Michael O'Brien, in Fairmount Park, breaking hie col la•bone. A lad was also knocked down and kin arm severely injured, atilt, several others were upset, and either more or leas injured and considerably frightened. The timt boy was taken to hie residence Twentv.third street nod Pennsylvania avenue, and O'Brien to the Bt. Joseph's Hospital, The infuriated steer wee at length shot by Jalias Burkhart. MILITARY Vzsrr.—We see by the Reading Times that Major W 11. Heim has ordered the Ring- gold Artillery, Reading Artillerists, and Reading Elite CO parade in Refilling to-day to receive the Lancaster Pe Whim. Captain Dnalmmo, who wilt arrive* from Har risburg this afternoon. The .Yencibles will quarter at the Heyetone House. Reading and will leave for Phila delphia in the 12 o'clock train to.morrow:They'vrill be properly received 422 d escorted on their arriVal In this city. Take it altogether, and the Bremen and military will have a', good time of it to-morrow. The Warren Hose Company, of New York, are to 11111 , 10,-hnd be received with .all the honors. 'The arrangements made for these receptions have been on a very exten- Rive scale: and something worthy of the reputation of this city for genuine hospitality may very remonably be expected. STABBING CASE.—On Sunday evening, about seven &clock, a row occurred at Seventh and South etreete, between several intoxicated md:vidnais. During the trios ft colored man, named Elias Green, was stabbed in the side. The wound, which le not con aidered dangerone, was dressed at a neighboring dlng store, after which Green proceeded to bin Sooldince, No. 108 South Eighth street. A young man, named JAlZlONSfirkland, was arrested on the charge of indict ing the Mato. A small pocket knife was found upon his person. He bad a hearing before Alderman ratchet yesterday, and was held in $1.500 bait to answer at court, James Trainer wag subsequently taken Into custody on the charge of being concerneeln the affair. He was committed by Alderman Flemington. HONOR TO WHOM HONOR Id DOE.—The awing VommaniCation will explain itself: Your correspondent H , or yesterday, states that in the regatta of Friday last, had not the Gleverry parted her throat-halyard, she would have won the • secend prize, stating that the yacht had to - be stopped to re pair damage, baying lost some ten minutes in repairing Such a statement Is simply absurd As the wind was free, there was no °deletion to slop the heat to repair. Neither did she losetime, as all her canyon remained spread while they were repairing the halyard. Such statements are unfair, and calculated to strip the Fly ing Cloud of the honor she so gallantly woo. being, by the regatta rotednot the New York Yacht Club, entitled to the first prize. Instead of the second. G. CHARGED WITH HOtragnlticaHnvG.—At an early hoar on kinder morning; Morris Gpidsmith end Ohristtan Itoffner made an ,stteropt to force their way Into the house rf - a resrectable family in Bhippen street, above Bath. They were arrested to -the act, and one of them made au attack with a dirk upon the 'officer who arrested them. The other man wad armed with a heavily loaded pistol. Both men were committed to answer the charge or housebreaking and carrying concealed deadly weapons. The eaeuee given by the' men is that they thought the house they were trying to enter woe a dieroputable establishment. A PROFEN. COMMENCEMENT. Yesterday. a number of workmen began the work of demolition on the brick.wall, friend d to be removed at the Midst Church burying ground, at Elltb and Arch streets, ter the purpose of allowing the.grave of Franklin to be seen from the street. fixteen feet, of. the Wall are to be removed, and the space occupied by a neat iron rail ing. The work will be completed in the course of a few dept. ANOTHER CRUSADE AGAINST BILE CANINES.— The dog war was renewed yesterday morning by Capt. Jim Francis and bin band of true and tried followers. A number of unfortunates or all kinds and sizes were oaptnred by the daring band and tak it to heal...law tern. They will be tent to the regions'of 'canine feli nity, ardent claimed by their owners before this after. noon. FIRE.—At au early hour yesterday morning the frame sheds It the brlek•kilne of Dieser'. Bath 1 Bro., on Twenty fifth street. between Pratt and Brown. caught Are, and were destroyed. The loss sustained was about 8160. The men were at work at the Attlee of the Are. • - CENTURY PLANT.—WO notice that this plant is not to be mean after Thareday of this week. and hope those who haeo not been to *hat it wilt go at once, Some of the buds, which are a great curteeity, may be eeaured. NEW OPEItAT9RA.—Mossrs. G. M. Cullen and John Lovett were sworn in yesterday morning as (Tango sof the Police and lire Alarm Telegroli The former Will be stationed at the Centred office, and the latter at the Illeventh-ward station bonne. • ,CORONER'S IliqUEST.—Coroner rppripir held an inquest yesterday morning at No 1217 Mallet street, upon the body of James Cullen, aged 40 years, who died of apoplexy. :Verdict acomdingly, , , , InlW WW.ANO : 1 11 % - =gte'Lmt l -441 .5 4 1 ?Ilurgsto.B4a-.T. 1 . We reprint the "aggregates of last week's statement for comparison. , Sept. 33. rept. 20 '.. Loans.:l:., - $24 961 828 . 124 972,044 Specie ..... .. ..... ~.... 6.701.753 8 853 374 Doe from other ........ 2,184,728 2,021,913 Dne to other Banks 8.405 637 —, 14 187,62 a Deposits , 17.188,243 37.264.823 Circulation ' '`'2,672 278 2897,781 - Thithrisinesi of the Clery lil gem? Tor the meet liras is 101191 re 1 ' 7 '' ...,.., , .., . i ' Clearining., Balances paid. Sept . .. 7 U '' " ' 7 12.657.708 15 ' $244.648 21 IC '- - • 1 , 2 695.068 42 223,135 12 15 -• • ' 2. 0 41,812 12 168 898 10, ~ g, 16 2.479.06974. -....-157,397 95 ~ •17 ' " - 2.605',801 55 -, . 121,261 98 . t, 18 ' ' • ' 2 798 916'21 '-' 15E133771 ,65 415;658,781'19,!,51,141,612 40 Edwin R. Brown, -Ere., has been eleoted.oishier of the Barrners , „ Baultteftinummter, In place of Henry 8.. Deed, Efq , resigned. Mr. Brown is a man intbe prime of life, fall of energy, end of Brat-rate bttaineas talent; and will make an eicellent ot6cer.. ' The•followiag in the last comparative , statement of Hatt . finty Orleanallanini ;; c _ 'Sept:4: . fleet. 11. Short loans 114.194.919 116.323.168 ine.14 28 -780 Specie 11.288.308 11 321,848 : Inc; ,ssg,s4o Circulation 6128,889 6,853,924 Ina. '4.24,429 Deposits,...... . 13.496,695 13,684,268 1nc:187.691 Fschange ` 3 853.3%6 "1,8515 019 Ina. 1,093 Due dist banks.. 1,1°9.010 1,220,262 Ina 81.686 Long and abort loans, Sept 4 21,964.936 Long and short loans, Sept 11 "131,766,387 Actual increase of Joni and short loans for the week.. f 599,587 According to the monthly rtlonre from the custom house froth the; let of Jiinuery to the let of September, 1858, the Imports of foreign merchandise at New York amounted to 598.031,817 Add two 'nein' in September ' " 6,917,50 Total since January 1 - Against same time lut Decrease this season $78,876,028 According to_ the sane tables, the exports at New York or domestic I:moat - be. indiniscellaneous goods, including foreign re-exported; amounted 'to 811,1,0.00 Add two weeks In Eeptentber • 1,09,030 Total eirom Warmaryl " $43,639138 Against same timeleat year, ,E1,11.1:,245 Decrease this season ' • • $1,577 i 603 The same tables make the export of specie from New York since January 1 517,883,009 piece let September, • - - —1.762,12 p ' Total alone January Against mute tlmelast year• Decrease this season The receipts - of gold from California, and of gold and silyer from foreign Btstes t at.Nirs, of from_Jannirjr 1,1858, to Present lat, are Californialn gold Front abroad - • 'Total t .$17,858,017 Against the same time, "1881: In - Califorittii "gold " ' 1 420,81101T • From abroad 6,873,000 $34400,917 - Decresna since Zwisyy I -- '- - : ;,/q3/,575 PHILADELPHIA Budd.thionerrei BALM); 8080.10,1868. -..., • - airoitib or StiAiii,' 240114, it . 0 0 ., 11.1.11440111; aromr, LID slattAnna "Ronald, *omnivore nouns VILID .AAD 01118821101? IMILIZIS.. . /. ..,. : __, ... . , FIRST BO AR D. 4500 Penns 66 891( 4 Camden & Am ..109 100 do 89• -50Readlog R s6wp.. 23X 10000 do "• -89 x 60 "do -158 n.. 23X 600 Otty 6a -. 98 k 1 -60 , do- , - ,b 6.-23% 800 do 98% 60 do _ b 5.. 2890 200" do ' 4 28X tO , do "•-' b 5.. 23x 180 do 90x 1, 60 .. .do b6., . 23% 1000 do 08X 6 Rermant'n Gas.. 47 • 1060 do ......98 31 2 Phlladia Bank ..115X• 100 do Rlt 98% ' 5 51 inebill R ' 543( ' 200 do 98X 4 _do UV 000 do , 98% '1 Am Fire Ina Co.. 67 200 _ do. new.... 103 2 Morris Can pre..lol,x:, _ 1000 °arl k A Cs '83..88 18 Bearer Meadow., 500 N Penn B. 6+ I.' d'o' •= 65:4 dLl4b).Etchnyl 8.. 25 1000 w/tra 21m 7e ..60% 600 Prank&Sou Is ..58 Camden & Am.loo `BOARDS. 10 Penn B cash "—Oar 10 do cash ....433 lirel'W333N 34 Little °oh x 6 aliard goad'. .117 i ' EMOOND 20 Penua R 43% 10 . do _ 43 4 • do 43% % do ' ' '43% 6 do 43% 25'Peim , Bk _34% 631 City 50 98 ..5110 do 65 ne5t....103 700 do 033,j 100 1 Allog 0 68 A V.. 51 2000 Bob N6s 'B2 b 5.. 66 6000 do Im Os b 5.. 69% 3 Ulna MG 8..... 68 ij 110ermant , li Goo. 47- ,-. 8 do - .... 47 6 do ; do .6 gni Bonk. .. 46 10(1 Rending - R ‘65.:.:28X 60 do cash • 23% 16 do prat 26 10 Oso kAm - 110 CLOSING k • Bid. Askad Oak NAT IMP aa..69X 70 do 0t00k.... 9 9ti do Wom't &Elm 9.10 ]O% do 74 /St _ • Bed. Asked: U 8 68 'B6 1033(103X nab. 6 , e 93%_ 19 do B ' 98% 99 do New .108 nag Penroll 61 89X 83% Reading It 2.3 X 23% de bd 'lO 82X 83 do tot 60 '44.91 93 do eadfle 1 86.14.:11 Penes B 43% 43X do Ultra 6a.: —lOO 100% do Wm 6e 02% 927( Morris Oard 00n.41 44 „ do prof 101X , 91% Mill 01 02 ' 66 do 243 5eX 61 — Long Shand 31X Girard Bank 13X 31X Leh Coal & Nas.49x. 60 Penn.& B 8 9 - • •do r 58X % 59 New Creek 3( Oatawbgee It 6% ex Lela& Zino .... 1 13( PIIILADELTGLA MARKET 3, Sept. 20—Meaning -7 Breadstuff's continie alkinit the isamp„The Fieririnarket Is dull, and hoid'ini,lf anything, are more anxious to sell, — There le oid deniind for Shipment, sod the trade me the only buyers at from $0 87X to $5.62,4 for super_ fine; $5.87)06.25 for extra, and $6.25c6.50 for earn family, and $6 75c7 4P' bbl for fanny lota, according to quality. Shipping Flour is offered at 15 37441,5.50 tir bbl, without finding buyers at these - ratM, and the market closed del and - drooping; the receipts and stock, bet the increase. Corn-meat and Bye Flour are a ta ppi i to- ay ; t t ere Is not much doing, , sod prices are feebly eupported, with sales of only. about 8,000 otisU note at $1 250130 for fair to pet me'red; and 1.8001.40 for white Corn in better, sod about 3,000 bus, mostly good-Deis ware yellow, sold at 940060, afloat.. Oats Ara steady, with sales of 3 500 boa Delaware at 433.. Bye continues in request , and scarce, at 800 for 01iK1at,73k7,5c for new Delaware and Penns) Ivanla. Bark. ii;ialited at $33 for No. 1 quercitron, and farther imalleshis hive been: made at that price. Cotton Is firm, and a email budi nese doing at from 123' tio . 140 for- middling and mid. dling fair uplands, cash. Groceries are unchanged, with kennel Mildness doing in sugar, at praylotie rates Provisione remain dull, and prices about the mime, Seeds are dull ; 900 bus prime Timothy sold at $2 123. and 80 bus Clover at $5.75; old seed is worth 15 50 ip 'bus. Whiskey moves off, as wanted, at Ho for Penn sylvania bbts; 300 bble Western sold at fillio, - and drudge at 22)441230 el,' gallon. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE DIABEET—Darr. 20. About 1,000 head ,of-Beef Cattle ordy,were offered at the different yards Me week,' ineluding 800 Itedd at Wardell's Avenue Drove Yard.... The market was lively end prices 202506 the 100 Ibe better than mat week, ranging . at Ind/ for common, 1707 60 for . middling, and $8&8.50 the nett 'IDO - Ibtr for good Quality. The patina lam are se Of/owl „- 35 °heater county, Isaac Abrahams; 40 do, D. Eck man; 65 Virginia, A Fuller; 401Theetee , eonnity, B. 'Baldwin; 35 do„ Underwood 70 Ohio, Eolith dc Co; 80 d o . Cohen; 35 do, Thompson ; 45 YirginiayAlexen:. der ;r4O do, T.,Strokland; 40 Cheeter, count,y r lllarehall & co ; 90 do, Coster, & Traynor; 40 Ohio. 11 Meson; 25 Cheater county, Shelby & Co.; 50 Ohlo;E.McQuald; 80 do, S. Walters ;.80 d0,,1i. Hier, „ • Abbot - 6,000 Sheep were at-market, and all sold at. 1209 each, equal to OititieWiesieC - " Of Cowl and Caltme the, receipts gore 200 head, melt.' Mg at $l5 tifs2s foi Dry OrAii, 'aid $BO to $5O for All&h flows, the latter for extra. Rep.—The arrivals at Phillips , were 1,850 bead, in eluding- 860 taken" to New York. The Weida ooldcat • from $6 to $6.75 the /00 lhd4letqt.. TelekrtiOi. l Sitinitaon, &pt. 20 —Flour jek Run; Wheat quiet at an advance of ; Corn active at 614: mute to Buffalo—NO Fidur, '12,600 'bilsbels•Vheat, 97,000 bushels Corn. To Oswego- r 12.000 bble Flour. Receipts 3,210 664 iflonr, 31,000 builiels Wheat, and 43 opo bushels Corn.. Bei iniOnn, Peg: 2.0.=-Fleir to dull, sad the prices are drooping; saleii At $5.3706 60:.i Wheat is unchanged. Corn—sales of yellow at 900930, and white at 78c80. Whiskey in sold at 250 The Provision market to gene- rally very dull Bacon-Aoulders flX,e7c ; aides 8,1; - • StliOttitlATT, Sept, 20 —Flour to unehanged; sale% of 1,600 bbis • at 1148505' for' super,' And 15 Meg 95 for extra. Whiskey is steady at 20c. Provisions have a declining tendency. Mee Pork is quoted at $l6 76. Bacon—holders are willing mailers at 7x0., .Wheat is nnebanged. Now °ALBANS, Sept: 20.—Ontton—The prices are stiffer, but quotations unchanged ; sales to-day 6,000 bales. Sugar IC quiet at 7,l(Ve7Xei the new crop is quoted at 103io. Molasses (new) 88e. Whiskey is IKo better, at 24c. ; • - • OITAMLISTO2I, - Bept," 20.—Bales at Ootton for the put three diva 1,900 Dalai. ;The inailtit la Unchanged. • =IO=M U.t.e.P?ArkigrtY4lariPS:l , • • II 8. Memo? ,Corrar--Judge, Oadwateer —Thi caurifetyisterelley for jorylilahl, but adjoarned over until this morning,..withent doing !Leyte:slum L - Qesletta7SStrittoll9—Jodges Ludlow and Thompson.-- - Yesterday morning Mr. _bonehead explained why be had not tried the cue orPf.d. to Porter. late of the Sin der acbool Union; chargedtwith obtaining money order Pete repreeentatioas ; also the case oP afessmallibooe 'sod Newhall, charged with conspiring, to; defraud the itteckholdert of the' hank: ; of ,Pentievlvaiiii. With re ilPe4t'-i.the etateetlist when the aid of the commonwealth was-first snitched to" bring Mr - Porter on, it was understood t'hst helm wanted for the em bezzlement Of - Starr, sutra of money—s7o,ooo or IMO 000; ; but When he onwbrought on. charge was preferred of obta nine $l,OOO noder false repreneetations. de the of. fence charged was a misdemeanor, the counsel for the pandeyrelehool Mien had been pernsitteetto tate charge °fit bytherepresentativeet the ComMouweelth. Subse quently-, Mr.llleuri received S. letter - from the flacitor of ithelyclety, saying that he deelred,,to glee it up to the -District-Attorney for proem:arose, inquiry was then =dein reference to it, and itwene found that there had bold a settlement, and that the.chief witness watt beyond the juriedictiOn'or the court, having gone, as was believed. voluntarily. "." - - Thaleletifet,',lteho' appeared for Mr: Vetter. said that his client was reigy" for trial.,:ae he had been for , aorild menthe. 'He'deeitred 'that i'delhkite . time be fixed for the trial. The DlatifiefAttitirtay laid that to ex a day rsltively might have the t ffect,..o defeat the ends of lattice. He would try it, however, at the es:rile - 4 possible - period. ,Withre erect to- the cue of -Allibente - and Newhall. Mr. toutehead said that afteithe finding of the b'll of indictment; the 001111E61 for the, defendants had urged a trial at ri lined whin the Commonwealth was not ready Smile delay had ccourred.iq the finding of a second bill of Indictment" - At the June term of the court, the Commonwealth being reedy the cue was called up, when the conneellorthe . rieferedants applied for a post pceoement, ans'gning, seea reason, the absence of one witness and the slckneme'Of 'another ' The court poet- Roved the trial ;; Slice then the counsel for the de fendants bad olgeilled 'Mit 'they were not ready for trial ; and the cue bad not been called op The Com monwealth was not ready now for trial for resume which; the District Atteroey diefnot with fie mate pub lic"; but would be as early in the coming term as the rrgnier huskieu of the court would admit of. Judge Ludlow said that the court had asked for a public explanation of the - reasons why the eases had not been tried, for a special object. It desired to fix the responsibility of the nori•trial of these cues in the proper place, so that the - pablid might understand that the °earthed performed, its duty. Mr. Lougheid. When I commenced to occupy the jeiwition I hold, I was aware of all its reerponsibilltiea and accepted them: I-have performed my whole duty, and shrink from no responsibility for anythiol I hare 2 '4 II Cri 31 0 F, g a F The Carson Cuss....-:hfr: Cassidy asked Judge Thomp son when a decision s might be expected in the cue of Damned Carson, convicts', of perjury. _.Tgag t jepp.a•th t a when be left theehy. Come Month or two ago, it was understood that Judge 'Allison would delivei - the _Opinidn 'of ttie court. Why be had net gone AO, wu unknown to him., If he bad not be. Dived it would have been done at once, he would not have 1101160tIt of the city until the opinion was daily- Oren Ann Tarantella •—judges Thompson and Lod low. —Tbe ease of :William 11. Smith. - charged wall the murder of Charles Dray. by shooting him on a morning ini July, at'Second and Sooth streets, was called tie for trial. The prisoner is defended by D P. and Et E. Brown. -Ems.' District Attorney. Looghead for the iJommonarealtti. . - After a jury had been empannelled. which was done without much difecultj, the case wag opened in a brief aneeCh bt Mr. tbughead, in which he narrated the dr cumstances of the killing, and said that the Common wealth Would. auk for a verdict, if the testimony bore him out, of murder in The first degree. .Dr. fl.,R , Brown ' ?who mtde the .post martens egami nation, teethed to the nature of the pistol-shot wound. He isaltlthat the 'peat motion examination was On the 2d of J01y,, • at the Union street etat'oa house. The ball went , thriughlbe stomach, kidneys - and liver, and the wound caused death; had no doubt or that Charles - FlietWood. a young man. teatiged to the on currence. tfeeaid thaths yea, akthe corner of Second and South streets on the of the shooting. The hose carriage bad been out, and Itad just returned a short time W03'8;411 had 'gone except Charle s Smith, Petorious,,Me., Bray, and - myself i..-Mr:.Vandeveer 1111111 in the hose bones; Mr. Bray was siring on ...chair 'which the watchmen of the 'market had 'hit; he'wee at,the cud of the market where the howl:owe is; "Sinith; the primmer, and a companion came along. up Second street; they had gone past; throughthe middle ante of the market, when Mr. Bray remarked, ,those two young men are ...tight; , the defendant turned around and, gams inset 10. 1 11 r. Wei, and asked him if he meant hmil MC. Bray said, Go, I'm not talking to you; with that- say off hie peat; they both then backed off towardS South etreet; no conversation passed between them then; Bray then put up hie bands and Started to run from him ; Bray then said not to shoot him or don't cheat me. andvabilhis soinettfo or three times be!ore the defendant did shoot..- Judge. Thompson here. said that the' note - 43 - '4i to great that it.was almost impossible to bear whet the witnees Mild; slid he bad almost come to the conclusion not to hearany more homicide caseate this courtroom. Mr: Brown miggeated that no the Supreme Court room would not be occupied after to-day, he would ask the court to adjourn to that room Judges ,Ltutiow and Thompson said the court Wellldtoke,the matter into consideration. The homicide case -woe then proceeded With. • On trial“. - $lO 919,174 178,815,157 (Correspondence of The Prossj StSGEREIV/14,13, Lehigh Co., Pa., Sept- 19. The Deixbiaratio Cohiention "of Lehigh county met at this place to-day, for the purpoie of nomi nating a oonnty,lioket, to As au ppoted this fall by the Democracy of this county and Senatorial dietriot. Yon will, doubtless, be gratified to learn that - anti , Leichiptort was in the ascendant, and that. spite- ef, the influence of: the friends of the Administration, and the petty postmasters throughoht.lhe county, c !Lier4tiaptonisrn was beat en bask by three to,one the,Oorrreption , There were four candidates for' i theSeiiiiii before the Convention, , fisq-Jeremlah'Shindlo,lohn D. Stile, Jacob Ertinial, ttndAen."Liatinit. The first-named gentlentati-ia Out and out 'anti- Lecompton, proclaiming himeelf as snob wherever :he went. The' sicond is itiewl to be anti.Leekimp ten by his nearest friends, but did not openly,avow himself as each.. The thltd.ifl decidedly -Limon: l 9- ton, aneirae brought' before The" Convention by the Buchanan wing of the Democracy.-;-The fourth was willing, to be-called anything; but was set down as a friend - f the - Reglish bill; On the first ballopAfr, Shindle received 22; Mr: Stiles 19; Mr. BidthinlC Mr. Lanny 11; giving the anti-Le hompton wing' 1 - to Opposition 21. Mr. Stiles then withdraw, and his friends threw- their strength - to Mr. Shindle, who was nominated on third_ ballot; a vote of three, to,one against-Erdman. Captain Tilghman klobti *as nominated - Ear' the Assembly. Re is a gentleman - of fine *sittelomenta, - and - will doubtless beeleeted with htirl‘Shlridie Both will faithfully repreaent this district in our text Ltigis- $10,125126 sB,oitoo ile 960,525 - 1,833,000 Later from t nesanit;;Airigal of the ":313,1a0k.. ;Wsirrior 1 1... Another r ,;:Coptered.- The TtUatied States mail ;Latimer Black Warrior, J. 'W. Smith - , commander, from Nee', Orleans 12th, and Harat4lsth'initant, arrived it' Now York The Spanish Marine authorities had taken oif Colotada Baer Spanish vessel, abandoned—sup posed-to have !aided nine hundred negroes. She wasoommandedfin her late voyage by Btigenio Vince, --celebrated as. a_learicss and successful slaver. - 'Businessitt Eavane was dull, with a - few -braes `antiori lesugari owing to the advanced pretensions of-holders., .Stook 125,000 boxes, against 200,000 seine time last year. • - Exchange on London:l4 to 15 per-cent. premi um- Onliew York 3to 4 per cent premium: ---_The health of - Havana-was good. PASSEMILES. Mae Dense,. ldielLking,' Mine Paul, D. Yanaga del Valla and family; Vanaga•del Valle and brother, F. Framelirrand - wife, D. Lavrolette, Gallol and boy, Messrs. Menaive, Megonette, Va lero, Breaher, G. Domingues, Jain/6,, Barra, Le, CITY ITEMS. TIIE BUSINESS MEN'S 'UNION PRAYER, Alialii/NS. —We notice that this meeting returne d again to the Sansote-street, Church, Jayzje's Halt being engaged at present for the Fair of 'he Pabbath School Association. The meetingieetirday in the 'Cinarcitirits very large and exceedingly interesting. In case the body pf the house will notaccomoudate,: the Lecture. Room be low will be thrown open for • second meeting, on the plan of that in Fulton etreet,-New - York. We have heard it said tharthe Handel and Haydn Hall would soon be opened again for a prayer meeting The re-. ligious feeling is our midst seems to ba t drpening. . , -•- WILLIAMS' BIBLE PANOB4MA.—Wis have sel dom, if ewer, seen an : exhibitipn-et-erny kind which more completely - tilled all expectations as to its merits than does this great and beautiful pointing, now ex hibiting at National Hall, en Market street. The vig orous and truthful. conceptions of the artat, auf the faithful execution of the work, together with beautitul sketches_ and pictures of thriilicg historical events so vividly portrayed, render It one of the, most pleasing and initructive exhibitions 'of the ege. PANORAMA or mer. littestim WAR.Hrite pano ramic view of the Crimean War is' drawing croidei. houses. It well worthy of is vleit on the part of those who to see a faithful representation of one of the mod sangniinnl sieges of ancient or Modern times. . Quante —Lemma- SAVAoz.—Rumbo'dt once met a South, Sea , Islander who - ha¢ painted his naked liAly to resalable a bluejacket and tmwmre, with black buttons. This plan had obvious advantage, for the wearer of the ehortltalled blue, when his clothes wanted mending, got his patches out of the paint-pot, and his paint brush did service as needle, thread. and thimble But -the style would hardly look well in Phil& lelphla, where we have civilization, and magnifi cent, garments from the Brown Stone Clothing Ball of Rockhill & Welson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. TEE Snow' ENDS OF THE ATLANTIC HABLE.--. We learn that the delay experienced in awl - log the Telegraph Cable le owing to the shifting of the shore ends by subitituting a stouter article for the one now Laid to shoal water; whit Xi s -more subject to the action or'thewavee. By the beginning of next month it is expected the entire length will be traversed by the elec tric fluid, and the drat rasiage will be an ex battalion Wall - men - to - buy their clOthes at E H: Fitrldge'e ii Old Franklin Hall oYltkihil Emporium," N 0.321 Ohcotnut et. _ _ A Poveran IlEBonv.lThElladios, whose shop ping propensities are usually rather prominent, evince that peculiar trait more conspihuounly 'jot now than at almost any other season of the year. The secret of this is the "new fall bonnet," Which will, of course, be set down as an absolute necessity with every lady between this and•the first tif Oct'ober; or soon after. The im mense establishment of Messrs. Lincoln, Weod, k Nichols, NOi - 45,ZOtith Second 'street. is now being thronged on every fine day with ladies to examine their Splendid assortment of fall hats. The five stories 'of theirlionse are now filled with seasonable articles In their line of business. A TIME kit]) PLACE POR EVERYTHING —This time-honored adage when applied to the article of con fectionery -resolves itself an : The Time to buy those delicious things for the palate is when people feel like it and have the money; and the Plate—lf they Vat to obtain them in their richness and purity—is at Stephen F. Whitman's, No. 1210 Market street, above Tiveyth:' ErreriltiN'S NEW MODEL Ditua Broom, 'corner of gpring Garden and Seienth streets, Is certainly the handsomest store In that part of the city, and his stock .a railed and eanspiete. • 138.:7T1F0L FALL exorMXo `'• , kyr, Plming, 'AND FABRIO il`'• Bre[Sei GRANTILLS BTOKSB No. 607 CHESTNUT ElR'isr—No. 807 CHESTNUT FTBEZT leiteet'stairtrnent of Clothing to be found In the lorded' ATTEMPTED SOUSE ISREA RING Yes, itiday morning Daniel Vi'lltlarne Wu before Alderman or , the, charge of ittemptiig to rob the house of. Air. 31oDanlele, in Prankford. He bad entered by the front door, and remarked the building from top to bottOm, but obtained - no booty. The accused wait commit:sd, In default of /so bail ; to answer at ataqt. - . M=MME= I aiih County.