The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 18, 1858, Image 3
=ME ~--4t4l:ll4oiiii- V iltri7 l etlat - ''' ' ' Fib ir ShlpTpLii( -if ' ill ..- ICl`'... ~,,,,, i'llept 25 . rtto mst i• zliiir. 4 ,,,,,0u1,rui, stru ,-• anioo.o! 1." tgifit M - _ • "A l t •- a q ° Bl • ..flispote - , %Witt - aatao33.ll •, - ;441 4. ' a l k°Ptl oo- •-' qutrltilikiiirois;s, 4 46 , 1 - : - : - 4 - A -- , o.Acp,,yock .r., „ Ba = qAtilldarrg.- tiedslV,Sh(4l/41 1 ):14) - } 7 . ! , &Tills, soon' '-• -.llvquil A Atli "ktniffiriftsikis6 , ,ukt - q , - 51__,!. , , ,6 51,,,,, 41ilit AtspOilsAtil ga-fwgm.4..ll.4ll.4„lflugWkr: ~,... „._ --. ...., , _ eettlatiCAVA . • Etiatop Ltelievr;A..borg!trte thi Via Q ithfiritkilehlet,LOHl.„'="3ll.Llvei? t :Eatathlelyththatrfaell'ipli.llool4alge"; pool,'at preliorhiblhe.tiaW ii v gl _ „.„,„ -- below_the Brandyrriaele . V." trom Bthathehip ; Oltr of '0310 1,1i- • : A a - envoi • Mtholi;VilObichloikOLtrie,lfzape, - to Thoe-Wibiterf Bte4mabill Nalßlehite , 40 na:a .'-- , t hen Oapablinithitaldee"o } ”Par s 4- mm . zreirble?Nigli,haetrAr Brig :Lilted', Werra,- litottort;,B - daya t from..Pktltylita, witlinetthav4Rlghthuler • seendmniaipdanntilii,4,s_froFn BttreorgeiAß, • withtethir.thTivellodtetlot'co• Jamei.dlirrett, ihrvis ? Adeys - from • Batt Oh•ThiOititATlA.." - , V r • - =42 ,—"e • • •h>". • BohVßitortaKtillioltocinl day . toVaa L Bewley 16,00 =, ;_ - 41404.11111ekittl* Oonner i i 3 l. day ,PrOM_Oolyriia; Nal; VvithAittAblLillayrleyye- , . ' , .'"Ettla-lbraeorar, IMO; 2 • .gys.- rrori;Bammitt Bridge,' Nel, ititeokletirrltiettliitonik Oterinan: 8 1;r 1 4 3 Vrad10; ttitilms.iSK-an Baton. On the! : 4011 N tigt;qoB - orionirdJoillosa, • Beanell,'ithtt-ithalethi- Bch*. filiatill;' , lbritrOthhek",cdaye from Nantioolof ItivikfiflAttijiks ointise,tita."'W'Bioawir. 09,& , • • EisheCitalnoool4o,:iVpin% :othhOsi . 7 0 1 4 wheat to ttitliiif, A= l- -4 ,"=" , •-- Soh; A4pionik - 4113410day . 1 frozi-Okosspea2l Otty, = with' Vii&tO OtikothiliedAttriko Bohr- Ladies' Ohoieectithughter; 1 day cram Clattle,.with dgrito Jtb Birtact.4-8ont:. Behr 8 le Jouee. JOrthi,; - rroxii - Yroyldeitheg Bohr Jowls Cleric, hooey,LiroM,B.oetotli. - trom 80at149-„=/ Bohr L Dimenhtheer,-Miller: trOM Sam F 0 Banthitarditat,linin Behr B 'l` Smith. Leer - CrOra - Boateai',`r • • Behr Wdodnifir 13imm biotin; troui . Bud' BOkOonah; Barka, ribioltoitha $ 01 07.1". Wbil4 l .l4kk . nt9, fro m Boatou.',, , Astir Itobt tthrsoo, 00m4.4. lituaOharlastol:, 9 mir El Outoton,l4pin Chign " .„ "- Be le Childs; fromyalmeuth; - .„.t...,. - , oolriNit Remoter'. B4nAtir, from HaverhilL..., Soudi 13 Azusa, Liklike, trom: Watehato. Bohr John Cadoodokir,Alihttrob' .. r . rooi New:Bedford Swop Olivia, Poril„day,trozao.drma4leloritherheat - to Ohnthian , Hteamablp Rannetwo,atind, beer York; T'Alideidieto", 14au, ' Item tankillro&fr. - gagan,,koaNli riernoeF. Pchc. , Geokltilttrukuimi,Anfiar, Ruh( matt d :' Oaldpill .'. Oactir 04:Rift lidadat i Lynn, L • 6 0 metaq /44,:14Kt@ti 9011#1direjr . tt; So 'tlitlic,tlichiNk4thi liosto41) Pearian &,0o: ' Behr L1: - IDdifenhowar - Millar Raton flinnlokaod & Sahr.ttf ;4 3 ' lfasonclibato - igo , llfiller & Co, ' BounJ,Oadwittider,' aiy;liostoirißalioroft, Leiria & 04 , .-• .; , • fichkliCht 1t beritOW,lllitisosi: - .lkultdir,'4.4 ' bokrX kinittt..Lee;'N&lfon; PrOitt Pchr kld, pktidi, ,H• - - - de teht - S,Elrnt,,l'onsi:Waabinittoti,Tyiet,'Storie it c o • do Ruhr L B Parkisoirilttiiiitt,llnincy,- ' do' • ' Rehr P.O Brditir, , ,kkatbAitletn,,ft . kinstannt & 0 . 4 ' Behtl l / 4 0.,fikieroKehr,dref,'Hoatim,- - do , Mt , k„,lTlkali, - flphipt.buitthrilees, yen Duaeu, Nor., _ Sou &..oti -` • ' -• Behr 11 . 11'11 =g I litiWi7iiiiiiimm'i — Sokt P Wkitd Eatotinuitiorfolk, Johnit • &lir 11pro, , Terryrikittinlor4 T Webster, Jr. - • l 3 chrflit9tni4tdldge, , lfigginwiTurtlat4,l7ll. Heckaker- Pair a& Bilitait _ " 40 - 1, --x otaik — #ootvatthgbaui. - do evrlii4l,l4.9sisnrotifihNiAoo,:kapiis, :•';! t ' <MATRA - DN - GRAOR,'sepf 17.1855. The Wyotbliigleft, RCA:rucrtdrig with'', busts, nt laden and oaignedita foil:bloat • - "•• -. • , fitrangir and %WS. lumber • to - . Nal jc: Taylor; :Jacob •fearkb - iti;. , d0.:67 kaltbn,,Tiurderener Co; do to NI Trump k eons; -W P Fidler, bark lfu to Doo7A,Pfloe,,,Ciredt Republic and Weat,Wind , Mtaninotin cost to - Orden-elf & Wilson; louthward and Oolutubodirintlyatin coalte,Raliirrara,o4. , _ • (Oirrulk"nams•a-Ate Rbtladetpatilizotierike.) ' - 4 t - Del.. Sept 10.'1858: - Tha:rarenue,.ciatter,,,Poywartl left. thet• barbOrjlethi * a-nttinber 'GU resiels passed the isme'day without atopniugl- - N E„ accompanied with rain; end , blewao.treeb-thet the'fikoiturneletti4 to., over. Itttreeesels,-whtolentlll row. - main at th4 ll -041Ww.. , ,An10ac,-,them are•-two Unplug,- •threa brigs, arid aohne:Picles, , luttaildiula, , VOluntcer, Idoutelisy,.Ellen.ltatd:lll. -Itaktotiyot P., „Harris, and L 000 ttog;- 41 tO brig:Mont. itelbetri,,trontlintieelbo for,, Stew Irork; - ,-Oirtnr,to, the. bigh-iess , and strong Wind from &Naive oculdnot asiScrtain Daum of Mid otbeia., Last' nighk.thccoint Atha:4'4A° R, and'aOt moth nuxierate,• - •hacompanied.with retii; ,whleal u :now . fauing quite filet . Yonu, &a. 1- - - •• 1 1itiNismiaaarir.f, • •: (lilourislissApnes of the Philadelphia _Exchange.) 3'. • rsOarlt Isaasti: Sept 17=-1.% A M. ' ThiishipTaselltatE frOln,Live:pool, an barquo Mar ths, Isola ti await, are at anchor off this place ind NW. yoursi tco,r THOS. B. WSEIIIIIIh. • . , , ... Sept ,-,... ,:,- ~,- . ;-1-- - -o.t. , — IVILIKINSiTOW,• NO,. t 1 7. , ' The sehoeneitivid Boost, Moslander. Ito ace for Noir York, yet orned.thisi afternoon in , diotrelaihavirl bast ail herAills; and sastfilioot ',Aker .doroake, -- , '.' -. , I - - - cr,-_,E1,1*1111.11117111.41% TO Val MM.] "'' =L - - -'New -.Swot. Sept 3,7, Artjeod,'iSSP' Tiottese, - troit'Susade!landi *ropy • ' W Saybuite,fteln - tdonterideo. - '" = • • -• -' . • 110EFOLIt. Va. 09prn 71 - o:bitit:George,rhittieji from , phta beind to ChOilestonOteot unite on - CutFltnek Beach on the; • , T 01.14 tor * hilitfolpkto, • mole d Tom Illehmend lOth.litit Stem:inlaylllortOMM -, " ;,Vokwermed, from Noir York, tt' limoorifik"2Btki - tilt,Y,., • ' • •. • • ••_ StaanninaSeiton, { cotton, cleared atNawyorkyea-, terdij tor .11#02, ' ,'• - Tlicinipeort, 'cleared ,st-New , Yolk yoperdai f4t 01,1w1.7.: - • ' - ' • 0 symacehiri , Salidtie . OW. - Ididdloten, cleared - at- bleW York ye s terday r ut Livorpoot- - •-- ••••• • -. 814 kleitwing, liowee, cleared at New York yeeter day roe eau Standee°. 't 4 Ship Ocaaa lielle 4 Kelletaa, keno* itilow - york , 'yel• - •• ~tordAy, to fliisteloadiMetor,Elmiyriirebtid.',. ' - Ship rldnird Stanley, Niedrolir:idAated at - New- , York yenerday for San Pitnelecii, , - - WindWardi.) iraersoni , froor' Sombrero; entered Inward at L00dAi0•314,nit1...• . - -4 - -., -- " ,, ,-0 - ,••••• • ~ , •„. . , . • _ Ship'-Thaiice - Ileff, Johnson; frau( New; ;York, entered . inward at London 34 fear,- •t , ..• ', --•._. - tt - • . Shfp Vanipthydthttirrost i - fredritMobile;-4"Litittrpool . $d - - z , . • thlf Phienti,•litowie, herlit-reiralred, -- Monied at Ll verpool;AlocrittV,•lbirPhilifaillpkii.'-^Yf - '' , l , _,- - 8010 'David' Stemul,S , trentroitt, Called from Liverpool 29th trit forMaliusiored"J .4 , - 7-;••. , ic -• • :_-., "• L - ., •-. , - Bate' AltiathBA, YandykM for a - port in 'the II States,- was loading at lirocktioird 24th all. •_ -, , • - ' m • Sb Plli bay Zon,-J lan'ayde, from bottom, arrived at Dem.' ,•• , - • Ilbip, , City or Mobile, MarehoU; -from Liv erpool, at lion,boylnly 21.2-•_,. - 2 - •-•- , ---, • - - ',‘ •••' '-- ' -, __--,- ----.: Ship 8111114ght,matole, for'..tr9iton, satlt d from Saroir. Ship lakes - moo, Groot, for D . :4*km; sailed from BM. Ship Stec gieen, Barber - ir Boatorknal l ed from goii, gar anlytld;`:: it t; , -, - - . 2 - -- • ~.: 73 ,;--,•- v, ; ,. , .---, - EMO rittrefteh;Sedlarnagne, ficirnlsmitroriii a rrived at p.guv-alikr-ia:-.2- , if , , -...„,, -:e„ , ,,.,. ~ 3c.. , ~,,,, Ship Isaak ',VfalloO;ifirdle, (root New ,Irork,airirek at Stopf.ore Jrtti:4, Addirdinathedl4thi: - . - t1":; . -' -• .' Sic , P.Uftio#;9/9 ordandittnet New York; Baltimore iditp.idinitiel;NorloWifrorn Boston ; at Data. 1111 JR11,24' ~:, , ,,,- , ,,s't , El6l9',Q l f ekatep.-Nado, froM lieW,Yeri, arri v ed at Bbtrilhs9 Adeft 27. , ...;•• , r, -- , '.: ;,--- - ' - - • ; ..- t ~ Ship. Isaac Jetties; Ohlidiaitt ef9 ,9 011414' for , 4!)nii, lieng,,parestl 'Attimr•July 6 -,,, „!.. -, ...; •,..."... -,-.. • . gOlp.ginot;wboO,.•DOle, omle - it'f(orif;OsaMitt.oT 4,1470 th for -Ships Airde • Eltae;Siem ,Noeinte, - I,,ihitenti; Stalnirt; • Luz*. and Xypmingcßertoniorsfeilwadtheit at, iltirer..„ pool - . Wiest. for Mt ladophiti. t, -' 7 -1,;;,.?,, --,..- - .. Ohio' V Witillky, MA.opmaii, from :shields int nit: for phitadelphln.,„wai spoken Stir Mit; 11,142, long 6,„%,,, , Ship UrlMoui 3 Opm‘flig can trenelsce, was at Yong, Kong 6th Jul . ,. - ' ----!,_. , - , ,_, . . _ , ' ilhip.4inlmd ,PsAti t4plyorpilotpstlnAk:. trim Aps-, Iforque,;Ctiirritieltitild3Wrioil , i4.ll-: 04,10i arrived en-autaiksiiiiho pit u tt,,,.. - ..,, ~,..„, r , --,_ ; ~.., - BABlBBVolcisii,Bitlletd, for ,lipti.Lpik; iiitlOd 'fiorn 'Mango tignu# kta,.,:!), .., . , • -, - -- . ,.- : :.-. • - - lionint4toonoaillijni - sallo4froin Itramerhareir 29th ;ult. for l'ldiadelplais.. :1 . - '--,-,' ~,.',- • --. ' - i - '..,- -,.- ~,,.:, -- Barotari-larbiern' Main' ,f r om Boston - at iNidagil sath' , tiltirocro , i . :, , ,.. t.-- , --''' %,- ',,, ~ -:,.'. ~7 •<77 , ..., , .1, ~,',-: 0; ,I, Buena , Early Bird, Sock, zor San sranaiseo, wssra Moult Mtreghth-July-,,,,„ - -,..-,- "- ---.; ---,- -" ' •,, ~. Brig Unlade, Millisma,ceenAitt at-Nei York yiatere•- day fur it eorgelown, 0.1. , -,",.! ; •,•:-;; ,:-...• •-, ti ",‘ , ' ---• - Brig -Ablir Alicaboth; Briggt, hence, ;wariiii:Pernattr, bore , BObow! mor Itho r,:v4lin„frOra litolmOood,lrso atpergllhnl.., Brig Creole trait iltitlinnie " 's.i Serientbdito 11th ali." - Brig .Wi l belntilleiffirdirns&GP444 ,o l ,4 ;!4o, P 3 ;- Itott'Ardekii, MO-M6l/464-it ;nit,.,,;'. ' ,; _, '' " - - i chili' W V SP - iftio - ,%C . 0i/kili.lilibitda r indlleitliit,; Ifoffmo, hence at Wilmington, NC. 16th init.' . • - Ache Jebw Sztee, , ,Stic a; 11.002 flew, tokk, ot. Filming ton. - 910, - 19th fait . -- •;',.,... ; :i„ ;'"-• .• ' - ,--, •,. Sabin Mary Vitt i l loenrid . , • ini • ilirt, „01inniplOn a hence at Sicumond .10th1(.4„, ~,...-',-;'-, ' _•? . ' ' Sobr Maria Bowe_ nna,_4;l63e, hence ,, scirtylniAttPortiand, Sob ri 3 Ono .',ol',,iireha, _knot/mit, oleare .nt,Atalpiiro, -10th loot "forlikilladojohln. • .• _ • • • .. s •-0 ' • - r -• 7 - Bohr Martha Wrlghtington, Wright inghtr, saile d front - : ifammirec,l4thinst : for Ptillo4elphis..,: ~ • -" Bohi .1, eitiroi;ertitalicir. from„ikoo: lioir - ,l9olidoi• ‘ :phin, at Itololoirgatiloin4n4indiinliid melt diy. - - ~ .ihdenrdt- N ewniiiPoreit.frona-cwhinnntgor,Shllidel4 • Idat;And AlfaL , P.aokantroint,oili,foT.43o; - '• uomitr*WitictfM4s Bll i , a5t.. ,, ,, , f , -,,;....,.%:: : , ,, , ,, ...:,,1-y . „_,,_,, ,, , ••• ,:-. , Benriltiicllioiroll; iniiirie - Anderien, - BMskAiait, - -- s4 9 # l 4.rif i eri"--NilkisPflit) o4 , 4o Skar°o,4 oo6 .l 4 iit, • 'lnst. far hi adeinfili;; ; • ,- • 1 . . • .-,.•••••, •,- :',- , 17 , -,-, !.;.; e4.4.*:1-0,7- - A-ctopl4‘tiliiils. foi4tilikoliflinfid ' rrinkr#4;. 4 (l l 44f ' , 803/4.4i50110C foonClfOlk Xt,ifor: - ,l4th loot' and:lnns at ItleirmWt nest riat- - ,:-A , . : ,-,3, ' 4 . ''' PrOp e d i giallter , Miiu - 50w41*,0A945 1 , 40:21 , 16*, - : yoitliiiiT - 19i ; 011.414,0115.;.7 4 -,:.-,:: ,:,-, ;,- -, .:, ? .!.,-;.: ~,,,.. - - : ;ifiVr.:=f-rf,'-'4,4i,i.: _ --, .: -., ,f -,- ; , .:‘,'_ir.,=l- - ilirv . •:. ..- Sehr4obit.Verice", hair Of Bridgeton ; im,Sti tons, ballt tit AMMAiroini-yrelLfortild irreitiltr,ilggingt AO,- has been; ,- puriliased by partirinift t.ilaiWiidurtinsirrivato terms, and: ...`"_, nor? halls front tbst - pdre;',• -,,-- : - -,•••--,,-.,-..•,-.,- ot:• - -•-• , - .' , = .:.;tiii; Sept. 9.-4The - :"Amerfena ohlogiiiiaoirer,•Pintt, - . ,:frottcbtew Orleans for Nasitite, whirittionmWothdonigas ::,- -frepor tar Ado 8; lat ,41$11 Wit 44,Wi,iifoo passed on the .- ' ,. .linttiliigt - f nitOfti-lonfo2 IN by t4o . Loniits 'Maher, at j': StisEoi~ -:- . 114, 14 1 .9 9 . /0 stli-11,4 Thearneiteed skimi, , Levantitr, "-.Mnlnnergarignottftlt,:seinier - were ;struck by lightidog ~ -- ,.lli'lltistjratliotfirri the moping, of, the 2411, Juneiind -.-- ' rregm' dated drditigrnid"spturirlighlitillic , ..} '''' '-` """; ?:::"' , ,:ldiatPlier 191Mpt 44.2hcilOhip! Racist•ilitarAW, benne :rfgr=linturaoi*rwoo - ashore on Oakland Bank Act inst.f. and , - ••••"„... , ..repprted.dtkely,Ao',Tßlgliiillo a total iroot.-1: This ' J. ,-.:".••• - . - aalii4lon, thel,Alk - August. , , , •-q-,_ -- - - • --.• ''' •-.-," -- ' ; •;',-; , ; t: 2 t"-••• - the itlifi - ,'Abltyleantion, - liont"t'Altyab. for ' Antwerp; • -atoned In:capon hay, ()Mk Atognat)-,was 'width*. , - . (cday; fee th •iwirdlintit of mad hare been soot to Sonth ..i.tonritori'..V - , :4- . `g ;?,g 1 , ;;";' , ;R -7-, ~-,;- L•;. :/,',-,-- ..-• ndoers from ,- etnamonmo hotl9th Angest stile than -7 4 -, . , .",ll,4z,Agteticouto,birguttnlelegstel•froin Al ?loge foeftio, • ot- put Lwilrhatirk lest i ifeht•treldee;rtrid wittilddlatitunge -;› . .. 1 1 1 1E0"olonrin .FirfY 4 tol ly , .. l l4 l fPO 4 : llll t 4 Ti'•W 4 4 ,- , '3', ,, ...V.4 ,- ;02-517 , -A- t ;?, - gYo.";1 , 15g4 ,,,,,,,,,,,, t-,- 11:10-4.:WeeltdAllaGN!-P0a116:-,`f,e4 - .'- '- . P• r. 414:titthltisiti,iiiiiiiisfatOrizitois„It kirtil it 'llWhieltkPtalitianiotfinolidtlekiyatoigc,' Ai: - "=doir. :n•t• t ..torhilWlAMi;.,tt , ".-;,.Siatreri dl 2d, itibilti:' •.`;, M r , •'i - „'t r ;ft/tfiffet' 7l lt l ll 9 lX!. s ..„)(n l o 6 *-1" - kc ' --IP • '". 't • -: 19kW1h001/MIV .:',:l.r , - , '-;--',, ,: .‘-••-,'- ow l : f.' r• .. a , ' 1,01 ', Vi t tm - illitdi - arteptiws,l4lficelirrti; Mit 41 11 04 2 2. AAte9 l l4ow o ;o 4 l4 l o :- - 1 " 'ffi l.. „Kti . : O. fre5,_,T0t,:„ ... .11., ir,, ~• •, Or a S r • ~..4 , • - - 0 4,1t!tM„1,!4 ~&?,r., „ •ttrtt •3' - r.: 0 1: if' - I t ),Atrieg . ~ ' ‘,...- - - ' - '•AL ' -, $0 ' •-l ' xV • 8 4kE4 4 ,' ce; 0 0:00.ttett ~,,Ip. *;514,,,Ni - e ' '• 4 1 A l i fi Atic % - iii ? ' c... .:(, .) ' ., _i r k' On 6 1., -' , , -7 44oitAr;;414.16.!'WiZ6ki ;,,, , f ' • _1 3 ; 8 41 1 4,4 1 .. rf' - --',-":9P616 66 ' , T.Ofiek#:,ll..7--.' i V.,„-',;,,5i:.!--; , , ,I,liiir •-lhiteitidinwerar Int,th - - dort, - .9furibut,- .1;• , - 4 0;1 1 1-,,,thrvOtititisiiit'OwenthWNN Wtlititry„Woyasit, 4.",4")' - v It f?; a(+• .' lefAlrTifo, l olTe kt/atilltiOt , Day • WA!' v s `: ' Olfi*Virtlissorc,,l! , l4,ol4 y .. 1, , ,0,„;- ~ : .. - - iiirtrAh*TVist.3qPi Ifs iiiiPit . -,-,4 1-, - 1,1 -. , . pliNnimi 4 Iltits..l. k:fs - z.y. t4t:' i ' . ~. I ,lo o thi . ~.114'1 111 *rni. 4 4 s'll4; - ; ..:. eVi•-i - A .,- -1 - , , ...Pi. t .' , 4: , ,, , -.-i,tiis.- ,::::.- , _ , l'-'--gii,t• 4 ,t- - -'f's , - - ' tt , 4 , 71-- -- it - . - ,"- •-,-- °;1;•-t, - ,,•- ; ....- --• - ;:.; , •••• - :1- - t• 4 '...T4aWev:* -- e_*ll. - .9,11 , v 1 ..---SLE, Inantent i r r 'llet * PMNO}P . .AkH 4l. OTEU I P • VP Mi . F,°, 67 .;,:olirifitt'tql l :ll ls tat i "nin t ' h iN twson Pa - , „ wvadugto „ oMpliii w o uppimoppriliti, - t ,, , W.Wilassedy „o„.,,Dloitinstiof 'AM Milligram. Balt , geo Lewis; Oin, 0 P Garwood, Ohio tfAßrobaut, - Ind - . tsit`A;Bpattor,,lnd - m NMI ',AI A Hlleeder. _Easton, Pa ' 0-R WV& la,Washingten, -T H Whitney, N `. HP °work - 11l &la, hid ' ; BreeisterifiltArleetoxi) lefra Brewater, , Oliarleston , Elise AP Ortwaters, Eo' El Schmily", N a Grant, - - Aitsypys - Licy., kelt - - 4100 W'Peidei Va ;; - -;„ La : , LLEuilei; ' W dela, E 7 RandretyPranklitt; La- (o,,ltip„Nliii . 9t, Pa ?, II Poster, Ohio . - • ALPeyno, Nit ,••• • B D ; .4; ~B 14 Makin, Alt; Z Hendiridit, , Ala .!O,S J Whaily;'Aia - J P Bobteiright, , Tenn : - N Maion, Pa `Joh*. R P Mnotts;;ldd , o-4 , -; "tA Al Dart, ilettatifft r a r'" 4tireCkllBo, t.' - Builidge; , , :Hiss Itozlidse, 8 O , - - , MienElges, , 8 0' - • r. ,- A Beaty dr; sty, ' 11 Stewart, Vs. ; Bias Etawart, ya " Wm B Miner, Pa fitivatilia ROoff, TA W. Owens, B.o' - , - , W Whaelockili I' • Bud; ==y a,'" `, Sloe iltitt;Va J-Napreik itt: Brooklyn V 'P Noble, N . • Down.y.:ll,Y , D A Boyd; Ala,.- . - •11' Balser. N Y, W00d; , 14 .11f Stamps, Madison, NO 'IIL Wllion, Va '" OR Onthrie, N Y I. A Chase, Boston ,J,Wlmwson,•Newarkpli 7, J.W-Zinlomrer,ya Plyaq; 8 0 , All RsoNer, Lynchburg. Payati,T4tchburg Dr,A liTands lc la, Si .Mr Odge, N A HeOrealyds -Mrs Webb, Ala ' T Chaired; Pia': •-_ ' 2 - , Rey J B Collronn,110:t Rdw ChriatopheriN a..., lal Oordon, Boston' Prini McClung, Onid, Va. ! „ P.O brontan, Vs' 0 B Braley, Va -n Price & la, - 'W Webster,N J D Gbleelin, jr, Norfolk. , D. Haves, NY, .0 N Y D Morton,,Va - 'Mrs ffavilaridi - N Y. ' P A Small A. wife; Pa , ;Paul Swett & wife. HIM - Miss 0 B Swatt,Milie Miss M. It Swett, Boston 3' A Moak, To •: - Berl l'Earge, Pa Isaac Smith, R !; G A Seagrove. R I Francis Grose NY '• • ' Jit Brotherton, Ohio Broom,pra7.o Wheeler, N Y ... • PIRROIIANTB , HOYEL—Tour;th. street, below Arab. 0 N Spencer. °Moira . N Stroig, Ohl'eso. 0 Smith', Clerksville , Mo B T Fhb, Clarksville, Pa Jag A .Brovriq untingdon Win G Bane, Pi • • It Wirth,' Ohio '• ' - 7 al Dunlap A la, Indiana Alex. EfEedgel, Reading;, Geo Tl,O,Nettl, Balt • 1 Geo J Paphos, Balt ' Ohne I Steee,ltaleigh. N 0 It a MiltG - Mrs MW • Woodward, Mint 11 S Montgomery, - • Elizabeth Elizabeth, ,••• Hon Geo Scott A ion, Pa Winslow;Mik e 6. Ps; c =W Il'Axe, Pa 'rhos P Sttarpnieli, Eislem,o D Andaman, Ohio Wzrill Cool, Ohio Jos AlicOonnel, Ohio • Worley Adams. Ohio , T Struthers A le, Warren 7 N Phillips, New castle Mile Morrison. N Castle 'Nathan Worley,' ldsobelta Lloyd, IVillionoTart -Wm "cOabe. Pails, Pi.-• LoweLback, Dayton AHO Cramer, Missouri ' - 0 Boven.'oltio " Orerßeld, Jr; Fenton :Walter Hubbard, N Y D tiangbanout, Scranton Thos 0 Yields A la, N Y T. , lllt,Ostorhout, do 'jotur li Plitt fc son, N J Y ',~^e ' ~t ~; 7r S~ 3 ~n.w ~ ~~~*r::t~x~tf~:~~7.~1 i 4trtnas foaro Enda, 0 8 II Bradley, Fairfield, Ind J Eionfoger, Ohio - jullan._Lancaster; 0 !IV Peunock,ldarlbo ' ro', 0 J Mande_rville, Ohio P'idatiderrdlei Ohio David Goodrellow,-Pa , • .Ttesser, Phila Theel Baxter, Pa , Zoe Thompson Pa -- M Davie ei la, Ohio - 1111 Willard, Ohio: -„ OW. Hunnicutt, !3a 'A Taylor, Oa ' J F Crew, 'III Lovejoy, Gs , • 0 G Elle. , ILAMiahburo, J Elmer to la, NZ tettir. is, N J EII Bolliday, Pa 'Mrs OV. Taft:llawlay, Pa .F 11 Glbson,k la, Pa „ J Richmond, Orange,o 8 Houpt "Ohio Jas Rloei Ohio •„ John 8 Fox, Ohio Jos 8ollidsr& la, Pa Wm B Kirk, Rook Hill, 0 Elmer, N Orleans G C Bethel, Flushing, 0, 8 Bracetn_, Uniontown, 0 J Trochlood, Ind J Blunt, Oblo- .. R Cooper, Ohio II W Duncan, OhloT- J F Hay, Winslow, N 8 Mcsa, N , VP Philips, NO * P , Wlienian, N O _, , L trogrr, Pa I. H. (Wolf, P. „ ' Geo Shelden, N J • 0:0 Jsoksim,,Oonii — J L Ripley, Flit O'o Oolman,-Va . A ORege, N 0 COnangli: it O ' T B Wilson, Allentown J IdcArthur,p ' D Will, iticartitr, 0 P liorton, N O J T Horton, N 0 °Hoard, N D Wood, Phila 1J Beck x rrile ,_ lod ' — T Olmsted &,„ wife, lowa ABIBRIDAN, 110011B—Oheittntit" street. below Sixth. SG:• Wilkins, Pittsburgh A &Anthony, By J D Barnard; Philo - • John B Antone, , Vs Nathan E White, Vit James Amor. bid • .0 0 Barr: N'Y. Jamie Dennison, Wash , ton A Pryne, N Y Joshua, Price, Washington Wm Sanderson, N Y Bliss Sanderson, N Y - John H Sanderson, N Y - - A B Brown & la, Boston - P . ,l,Plemieg, Lynchburg Jas W Bowman, Lancaster W:Whitroorri, Lancaater - O Al3aker, Virginia Joshua D Pulleri-N,O - , • Robt Stewatt, Ohio R W Beckwith - , N 0 SL Harris, Jr Da Sand W Hawthorn, 'Pa Woo T Bider , Vs Itobt Summers, N - -- •Oeo Bolter, N 0 Mitten, - L Thompson, NY. • D O Dodd. Newark, NJ ;A B Vandilog, N Y -John - Daily & lai It J . , , -aeo - W Cobb, N J-• L Seigle, N 0 J M Culbertson, Troy, 0 Pennock,flit• • J P Byers, Yeuaogo, Pa - J 0 Danrkelmenn, P - ottselle Robt Simpson, N J - WlDhiadrarlankN W.Reed, Hartford. ltobt Lamborton, Pa J Stoltz ,N 0 '3'4 °baths:dile _ A J Hiaee , N • Mr 'Raymond, N Y 8 RHolder,ll 0. il 'Sam' trdth, , N 0 - , RIM, Vs: W Beacham-Da , - J Taft & la, Oitiolnuati, 0 Afyon, Georgetown , DO T, Blackwell, Vs J A Peathor ton, Na • - W R Brown,lll Jld Robinson, 11l : - Jrus - IV gears & wife, a NATIONAL NOTBL.,Baeo Arcot, above Third. , Richard Oliver, Aatiliud,L'aß T BMW', Pottsville 8 btark and lady. Pa Wm Schuyler, Phila B Wilhamq, Wo•dside, Pa Solomon smith. Luzern& Ohio . 11 It OhldseY, Easton, Pa :Jarnes:o_ll..essler. -- 0 Hoary. Lebanon, Pa John IS Sine, Pottsville ' Uhlee,lll2leraville Jon .Whltalser. Ddrham, l'a Geo A Smith, Tloga, Pa 'Geo Liman, Phil* , 'l4 W Steiger, Beading - Jog Beinmund, Ohio - . henry Ludwig, ri Y , , Daniel N,llerr Ps : , John Peterson. Pa John BePer, Pa . - Peter But, Liglktatreet, Wlt But,- Lightstreet, Pa 3 B (cod, Manchester, Pa `MOUNT:VERNON HOTEL— Second street, above Arch. J Gem A Whistler. NJ • - A R Walters, N J -0 R Ifemple, Princeton, NJ. A Morton, N Mns Borner, , Norristown A L Hares & la, Del . Mien E T Barris. Del Miss T Barris, Del A Webb, lkenobtown, N ,CFN Webb, Frenchtlwn. NJ D L-Weatherhed lady, that G Evans, Milford, Del ' ;tit DrasSlMolord, Det= MADII3OIIIIOI7OD-Bsoona ;treat, Moire Market. A B. Diet:NT' Semi Gm.. Delaware'' M' Sutherland; Delaware M Matter, Philada Mr Houston, Delaware Mr List le Itt, Washington rhba Stack, Maryland . 0 Dempsey, N Y • +DB Dickinson. Cleveland J Brewster & Is, Indiana 4.13 T I Achey, Philacla - - 178 Vassal, 'Washington . BABLNI opal HOTEL4-lieocend street, below Yin.. 711 Brodhead, A Tailor, Cl'nton, N . , Coinrui t, Pa , 0 Mal , Bustleton, Pa • J Elkhorn, I • - B 0 Harvey, Pa .Jos Butcher &boy. Pa Miss !derrick. re, a Buckman Ws. Newtown J Newbold, Mewtown Treso, PIROVIIIe, • • J & la, Burke ea 0 Torbert; Beaks co . • Goo Merrick, Bohm co Butburn Pa' V A L Peasant, Pa H Yardley, Pa ' • . Gee Piowere, Attleboro L Thomas. Lumberrille • • Time Parry dr. els, Pa 'Joe Gilbert, Greenville ,W H Gilbert, Greenville 'Areas Buyrer,llar , • _Sao Walton. Pa • &mg Sutton,-Ps. , Jos Smith, Newtown , Daild Pell, Pa* S Phillips •Newtown Jaa 0 Cornell.-Pw . • Mrs Psul, Pa - Christ lox; Holland, Pa Robt Ettstburn, Ps Rbbt Longibore, Newtown Seneca Beans, Newtown ~ 'Jno Hoppeck:Newtown , .0 Heath; Newtown, Pa • 11 Hildeeth,Kansis 0 Dastbtoin, hocks eo ,Jadob Fisher, Becks co Sllasilough, Bucks CO. S Sutton, Montgomery co 1 Buckman, Newtown, Pa 'Jto Eyre, Newtown_ Joo Dainsley, Newtown 0 Cadwallader, Pa . . - Hon Bamo Bradshaw, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third, &bore Oallowhill. /IKarlaberger;lleading - Gro Butner, Reading 'Baml Prom, Pa- • Dr Reading, Byberri Dire Readint, Byberry G W Peering, Coonerebnrg J - 11: Haldeman, Werriogton .1 Bedrock Warrington Baml Bhuttt Warrington Geo W.Welf, Dauber., J Gerhard, Denville _ Wm Eddowe, !foreland limper Roads, Byberry . P Lehner', gunmeytown P Miller, - Bnmneytown ' 8 Roada,Rontbaropton eo L Clemens, Doylestown.Ps 0 Bony barges. Reading 'Andrew Ditty, Georgetown SIL lemmas, Cheater Valley -- „ HOTHIrThIrd et - root, &b. Oillowhill. Airs Steckel, Pa - H Hollingsworth, Pa Yost. Reading, Pa 8 Mark k. , a, Easton, Po J liartinon, Ps- - , Beni Smith. Bricks co. Ps Wm Beemerthmics co, Pa P Leight, Lightstreet,ra IT FGallstlns k Tenn John Jones, Y Lett Simmons,h Pa - • - „ - BLACK liE/UllNN—llith and Merchant street/. Hestia, Pa - 'Gilson G Bmlth, Md ,Jee Brown, lifd`.. - 'HP °woof Cheater oo ' /3 Perris, - West •heeler '•'• - .1 - Nies, PA • ' ' M Bitter, Idd' $ H Aldridge, Jr, Phil* John (litentsr. Pa - H Bosel & eon,-W Chester ;Geo Wolters, Phoenixville N'D , Wilters,t Pbceatuille laming Harty, Pa - • John Gregg; Del L Gregg:Mel , . Isaac Taylor, Phila • OUR b Thompson, Philo T W Thompson & la, N .114 Brewer, Pa .„ On the 16th instant, by Bac Dr. Toeeph P. Berg, Mr. Ulm Pt H y to Mtn. SARAH POSTER, all of On . Thuredny, Sept. 9. ad St. Luke's Church, New. town, Pa., by Rot: Mr. lloninon. ARLES BEANS, 'of Danmike, to.Miu MARIA LOUISA BOND, of the former Awe.' • - at On Thursdaymorningi 16th inst.', BELINDA 0., wife of I- B. Lancaster, In the 61st year of her age. Mer male friends andthose of -the -family are incited attend-her funeral, -this (Saturday) afternoon, llitlittatantott 8 &clout - , from the residence of her husband, No. 1420 Arch street, without further no. Hee.' Afatter",l eel riceit tit: John's Church, Thlrteenth streetiaboveThestnnt... ; • ** On-the Hillt inet.i-JOHN MeA.VOY, elde;,t son of Mrs. Margaret and' thelate Treads MeAroy, In the 30th leer oft& age; • • ' Nis friends; ittd Seel of the family, are Invited to littend,the , fooeral. 'from the residence of his mother, -N.:W. corner ol.l..tith and Fitawater streets, on Sunday ' . afternoon, atl wlthout further notice. * the "16th Instant( Sir: DAVID J. JOHNSTON, aged 27 years. - • - - The relatives and Mende of the faintly are respect fully invited to attend the tenant, from his late resi dence, 1804 South street, this (Saturday) Morning, st 10 "o'clock. On-Thursdayileth blatant, CHARLES IifoOONNgLL, In the 26th year of his sire. - The rela , lres and friendlier thefamily are respectfully lutlted- Mottend the fix beret, from the residence of amnia, 3fcoonnell, No. 834 &menden street below ,Questk: this (Saturday) afternoon, at 1 * At Trenton, N. 7., Sept. -le; VISOLNIA D, only daughter ofthe late - N. D. end M. L. Mount, In her 19th year,. t' The relatives and - friends of the family are re 'ipeetfully Waited 'to attend the funeral, from her mother's reeidence, State street, Trenton, this (Setae .day) afternoon, at 4 o'clock. [kThird Reformed JUMelt W. J. R. TAYLOR, Pastor, Service in this _Match .TO-M 0 dItOW, at 103$ &clock in the MORN ING-, end 7x, o'clock in the RVIANINQ, by the Pas ter. „ - - selB-I.t* O- ;._CONCERT H A LL, 'the Covenaut.—Servlces at HALL, CHESTNUT above Twelfth, , TRnovir * (Bundaly) at 10% A. M., by Ray. B. 8. MCINTRIUTON, a e d at 1% I'. M. by, Rev e .ta.. 4 .o ' -try: Thirties - IWWard to the Rescue. ..An Ad. Journed mestisg of the 'People's Association will be ,held - at` the Southeast carper .of NINTH sod fiP8.4 4 4,04,14DEN, second-story, oiligiNPAY Bept.:lothi at l 3 o'clock, for the purpose of ,elesting an seentire Committee for the coming cam• p7 l gui - ,l94.49uNiating importset business. President, noire. * - -Ews, Elec!,j.. • stelB4t* Bible' T'efriritims Ehilnie'Of Hours ! T.. it. FITOUktON,AD,N,i ;at NATIONAL fiL," HARICKT aniop, above - Twelfth, SABBATH ifornbfg, at 10)j o'clock- s t pataethelightningcorn. eth:out of _the Beet, Ind shiriath even unto tee 'West, elsolhe eon:1114ot the Bon of Man be. ll Union gr 810 ,11641 14 &Mkt to ACM: Au invited. it* 11Carriages. bleat o. , „ 'figNEWEA - 60 1 ,0en of tb - tt Union Taber. -Pau& _6OBO anEMlSAßD , Aireottetut. To.. ay, Ohildren , e Uneting,at 4 P. 41...„, Pm er Meeting at 8 P.M: t• , rJ . f. ,, 1 * S :•;;„ .., sr ... , ---To. °now,- Preaching at 6 A. M., b.f.ts.e'r• E. M . _. I ~ 'A At 4 P. - ll'clir , lteraote. NEVIN and BTOEX. - P . k. 81., by,Ttetr'll. lE' °ROWEL L. , - . ' ') Thci parling' Meeting on MONDAY -Ilvenlng nett. - • •.: '', I '* 451reen.Street "111: —Cheirch—Rev. A. - COOKKAN, Pastor, will'Preach' YO-31.0R1,{0W Morafng at 10.36 nod in the Evening at 7X. In the Eeetant;bil special 'request of Many Young Men, ,, h - te.wili repeat the Connery .presched by him last Fall, before the Young Melee Christian Assoolation It* nIU 'E , X4lfth-Street' 111, - E. Church, 'corner of TWELFTH and OGDEN fitreata.—Prencbing TO. MORROW (Siiday) September 19th, at log A. M., bk,ll4iy. A. A. WILLITS. Preaching also at BP. M , and_ 7,4 P. M., by Rey. GROR4:OI RIIQUES, Agent of the Seamen% Friend Society. AelB-]tie • Twenty.sreond Wnrd.g...The Cilitene of , tho,Ward in favor of the eleetion of the nomi pees Of the " Peonle's 'arty" are requested to moot at the TOWN HAIL, Orreedutown, on - MONDAY EVE. bl,Nelt, 90th instant, at - 8 &cloak, for the purpose of orkaidsatlon. By order of the selB-2tiv - EXCOUTIVE COMMITTEE. (fir Notice..--Sealed Proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Furnishing Supplies .to the Board of Cowrollers of Public Schools," will be received' at the office - of - the Controllers of Publio Schools, Southeast _corner of SIXTH and ADBLPIII Streets; Addressed to the tandveigned; until September 28th. 1858, at 12 o'clock 'AI, for the supply of all the 800118-and STATIONERY to be used in the Public Scheele of the City of 'Philadelphia, until the let day of JatinarvLlBs9. The Proposals - must state the price and quality pi the Books and articles of Eta lonery pro posed tole furnisiol; bud he accompanies by a sample of each item. ff." lint of the Books and Ste lonery au thorlied by the Beard can bo procured at -tbeßecreta ry's Office, Southeast corner of SIX 2 II and ADELPIII streets„ By,order of 'the Committee on Supplies. ROBT J. HEMPHILL, Seey, Board of Controller of Public Sollools. ra'Tubercular Disease, or Cousurnpflon— No. - L—lf false 'foots be once on foot, what, , through neglect of examination, the countenance of antiquity : and the use Made of them in discourse, they are scarce eVir retractcd.—LOrd Bacon. "Nothing ban so much checked the progress of phi losophy as, the confidence of - teachers in delivering dopiness truth+, which it aroma be presumptuous to , questhni."—Blinumphrey Davy. Tho universal failure of all the methods - heretofore 1 . . . . .. . . emp'oyed for the arrest of Cure of Consumption would, it might barebeen supposed, have induced the procm- Mon to have questioned- the i truth of the doctrines so lot , g received in relation to the nature of Consumption. On the contrary, the'hypotheros of the medical schools have remained undoubted; hence, notwithstanding the endlees - chauges'of treatment which have from time to time been adopted, the terrible fatality of the disease bee remained unchitoged, while annually hecatombs of victims have been othisigned to the darlineos and silence Of the grave. Is it then surprising that the living, on reviewing this fearful sacrifice of life upon the altar of false science, should come to the conmusion that for the arrest of this fell deetroyer every mofessional ef fort in alike futile. unavailing, and hopeless? Doctors KENT and BEACH hove, after yearn of successful re search, effected - a coinbination of gases possessing in a very markeddegree a controlling power over glandular a , largements and degenerations, particularly in the structure of the lungs. Their exhibition is not attend ed with anyinipleseant effects upon the patient; on the contrary, they aro rather pleasurable than otherwise; In sheet, we deem these elemental, combinations as amongst the most efficient aide Belentie hoe rendered in the treatment and arrest of the phenomena called Con sumption. Upon the Britt nae'of our new and pbllo - those laboring under - pulmonarydis ease experience a remarkable end moat salutary fall of the pulse, ranging from ten to thirty beats per minute —immediate relief from the dtstreseing shortnest of breath, and Jammu ,casen a Complete restoration of voice where this line been partialleor wholly lost. Weloare known patients eingor whistle 'she hail not been able to do so for months, and who wore astonished at their min power of voice. We have subjected all grades of conaumptives to its influence, from those on the confines of the grave—who under other eircumstanpeo could not have sat up lorg enough for the operation —to those of simple congestion of the lunge, and always with the Most *avertible remits._ The lever and night•sweate are promptly' arrested and a permanent state of tranquility 'secured • the further waste of tenscular structoree la remarkably checked—the blood diverted from the sur charged and congeited lungs, and dtatributed more gen erally and vigorously through the eyetem Au enlarged' respiration te induced, and the system generally is gradually restored to its normal functional condition. ,In Bronchial afrections (olergyrnenee sore throat) the eifects or our treatment are very , marked and sansfactery, in many camellia arterialleing power • minces, in a eing'e hour, a complete evacuation of the engorged 'capillaries. We have 'effected cures of Bron chitis in a single 'mar, nor have we yet met with a Riegle case which has required a month's treatment: Oftlee,ll22 VINE. BT. HOURS-9 !to 5. • D7' Oonoumptivea should not_ confound our new method with the antiquated, recently revived, and al lead/ stain ea p oiled ye:mai or, d toted inhalation. A Stites of ratlines expla.story of 01).0 theory and practice wilt from time to time appear in the journals of the day.*. -- • - Bt. Louis Ten Per Cent. Mortgages.— The undersigned, President of the Real Estate Savings Institution of St. Lone, and an old resident of that city, can be mien between the hours or 0 and 12 o'clock, for a few days ' at the Office of Charles D. Keen, No, 825 Walnut street, by parties ,desiring to invest in Deeds of Trust, or 31ortgages bearing ten per cent. in terest, (the legal rate,) in the best city property_ Any information desired will he promptly giren. _ ' • W. K. RUDD Refer to John B. Budd G , Reci , Wm. W. Keen, En. gell4t L.Ga , Man Meeting of the Democracy of the FIRST CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT IN FA VOR OF THE ELECTION OF GEORGE W. EERIE GER, THE REGULAR, DEMOORATIO NOMINEE FOR CONGRESS.—The Democrats of the First Con gresslonal 'District', and ell other citizens favorable to the election of Dr. G. W. NEBINGER, the regular Democratic nominee for Congresa, will meet on SA TURDAY. EVENING next, Sept 18th, at 8 °Weak. P. , at.the corner of El° II TEEN fir and WILLIAM Ste, Seventh ward, to reiterate their devotion to the great principles of Popular Sovereignty, about to be endorsed by the whole Aznellcan people, except the mercenary supporie aof the minority rule; to denounce the on. warrantable interference with the rights of conscience, and the war upon the rights of garage waged against the mechanics and laborers of this district by the Na tional etaneaselders:.-teetlecieete.the sapaal tee-pros rent tariff, and the passage of a new one which will adequately protect and foster all branches of American indualry f to rebuke the present Representative for h s heti &yet of the interests and principles of hie constitu ents, and his degrading subserviency to the nullifiers and dlimelonlsts of the Booth. Let the untrammeled Democracy of the dieted turn out in their atrecgth. The following distinguished gentlemen cordially and publicly participate in this movement, and will be pre sent to whim a the meeting: Ron. JOir N 0. KNOX, Attorney General Penne, . . Col. JOHN W. FORNEY, WM. E LEHHAN, Esq., DAVID WEBSTER. Erg., Dr 0.11. KA &MIX, D DOUGHERTY, Esq , J. NICHOLSON, Eng , JOHN.O43RIAN; __ Eng , J. L. RINGWALT, E-q., JOHN• HOLLAnD,Erq.. .1 J. GREENFIELD, Eeq. 3 _.__ aIeELHONE, Esq. Dr. G. W. NI:BINGER, the Demo ratio nominee for Congress, will be present and define his position on the ,political levees of the day. By coder of sel7-2t COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC MEETINGP. • Firemen's and ether Union Prayer RIEEVINGB, under the auspices of the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION ON SABBATH AFTERNOONS United States Engine, Wood, below Orown et., from 11X to bx o'clock. Penns% lyamin nose, Eighth et., below Green, from 4 to 5 OclOck, United Um, Brown et , below Twelfth, from 4g to 6) o'clock. Perseverance Hose, Quarry street, below Third, from 4X to 6K P. M. ON SABBATN, at 7K P M. '*Dillgent Fngine,forrier of Tenth find Filbert etc Delaviare Engine, South at., above Nineteenth at Western Engine, Oallowhill, below Sixteenth at. ON TUESDAY, at 7X P. M. America Bogies, Buttonwood, belon Third at. Philidelphm Engine, Seventeenth, below Chestnut Hobert Morris two, Lombard at., above Eighth at. Columbia Hose, Cherry, above Seventh et. ON WEDNRSDAY, at 7K P. M. Kingsessing School Douse, Darby coal. 'lndependence Engine, Niring Garden. near 24th at, Bontawark Engine, S. Third, above Washington et. Diligent Hose, Madison, above Race ot. Fairmount Hose, Pleasant earnes t above Eleventh. - ON THILREIDAY, at 73i N Liberty Rose, New (Quiet aliOve Coates et. Railed states Hose, Buttonwood, below Fifth et. Bauylklll note. Locust et., below Thirteenth it. Naval Asylum, Gray's Ferry road. Fairmount Engine. RI ge avenue above Wood it, Good Will Rose, Wood et , below Twenty-tbird. Clubltoom, corner of Fifteenth and Filbert sta. ON FRIDAY, at TX P. M. • Western HMS, TVl<Otigth et , above Lombard at. Vigilant Hose, Eighth at.. above Wharton at. Warienllme, Barker, above Eighteenth at' (Spring lamden Hose, Parrish, near Eleventh at. DAILY. * Diligent Engine, corner Tenth and Filbert eta., from f>toae.lit. Young Mena Union Tent, B. Fifth, below Wharton at. from 6t06 P. &dies and Christian friends are affeeti onately invited to attend., order of the Executive Committee of Young lifen , s Christian Association. sell-sat tf The Fran and Floral Festival In aid of IE Tllle PHILADELPHIA SABBATH SCHOOL AESOCIATION will be held in JAYNE'S HALL, com mencing on MONDAY BCENINO, September 20th. Sabbath Schools, in a body, will be admitted every day before 6 P. at. Donation's of Yrnita, lihmera, &o , (which will be - gratefully acknowledsol, ) received at the Hall Seam Tickets , 25 cent.; Teachers' Ticket., 10 cents i Children's Tickets, 6 cents. JAMES It RODGERS, J.B CUMNINGS, wrcuAbt GETT Y; Committee. - ' 0. A. lIINGSBURY,M.D. sel7.2t ISAAC SUMBA, iirrPhiladelphia and Darby Railroad Cora- U. 3 pant' subscribers to the Clapital Stock of the Philadelphia and Darby Railroad Company are no tified that YOUR DOLLARS per share (below the ba. lance of the first Instalment) will be due, and is hereby DV:tested to be paid, on the 23th September Instant, Office of the Treasurer, No. 121 W ALNUT Street, be tween the hours of 10'A. - 11. and 1 P.M , DAILY ; and at the Blue DOD Tavern, Twenty-fourth Ward, on SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, between Four and Ftve o'clock. By order of the Board of Moreetern. 5e144.2t THOMAS SPARKS, Treasurer. or, Horne 'for Invalids with Affections of THE CHEST S. W. corner PARKE and CHESTNUT Streets, ie9•lm West Philadelphia. BANK 'TEA STORE, SECOND AND ORESYNU f Bradt imported GREEN and BLACK TEAI3, of the New Crop, at the lowest whole este pikes: Oolong, Young Dyson, Imperial, Gun powder, Oongou, end Medan Teal, all warranted pore. Another retail branch of thin Store, 1206 RIME AVENUE. above Spring Garden Streak. Remember, " THE DAVE TEA STORE," Second and Obeetnut, Philadelphia.* ADIES' NOTICE.—GoId Oval Photo _ I graph Frames. gilt on the edges, fitted complete, $1 each ; large Gilt Looking, good article gl2; gilt work, mule to order, cheaper than any home in the city. •el 84t* 708 South THIRD Street. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS.— LUg*The Steamer YOIINS F ngton, every AMEICA leaves IiIEttARODE Pi Wharf, Kenni SUNDAY for RED BANK, in place of the Logan at 1034,1 X, and 3 o'clock, stopping at Arch and Christian streets. Re turning at 12, 2)4, and foji o'clock. Excursion 53 cents. solB-It* . r 49000 $3,000, and $1,600 TO LOAN 9 oa Mortgago. M D. LIVEISETTER, iselB-It,* 1 . 29 (loath FOURTH, opposite Library. COD LIVER OIL, wbon united with Old BOURDON WlllSlCElf—both of which can only be proanred ofd truly genuine and superior quality at J. O. 11A1011 & 00 , 164 North Third o reet—Pos- MUM infinite gentle° propertied .* BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE—A aupe 17 rior make and In complete ordor. Inquire or J WANDELL, Jr , 409 Chestnut et. aell3-Itie lIIP ()HANDLER Y.—A full assortment constantly on band and for alas by WEAVI3,I2, grELF.II. k. CO., No. 23 North Watfir street, and No. 22 North WHARVES IVO ONE should go to the Sea-shore with ont a bottle of our lIEDIOATED BRANDY in their Valise. In canes of sudden illne.s It would be the means In many instances of saving life, Di Ld- PEPTIC persons and those debilitated, have . been re stored to health 'y its ABS. ZIEGLER A RAMIE, Druggists, anEl.dtd Idonthweat Ger. oeoond and Green etc into pitEss e —pinujagt,PMA:. SATURDAY. SEPTEMI3ER 18. 1855: " S ' 6' T L At 4.14 -06 - w- "0 , -.. rn,ocrob4 - M.? 0 R "/' DRY GOODS J3t E A-La h:itsf. ootmor Tua BEST ASSORTED swap, —NET, FRESH, `AND ELEGANT' , JUST RECEIVED 'PER RECENT AE RIVALS . FROM EUROPE, Tti now exhibited and for male* our . WAREROOIB, . • DE FOREST; ARMSTRONG, 00., SO . AWE 94 ORAMBERS STREET,.N&W YORK, TO WlllOll WE 130L'IOIT ATT:ENTION. Having mail° extensive additions to our Stores, we have with great care, selected a SPLENDID VARIETY-OF DRESS AND FANCY GOODS,, Such no will enable our customers to give a Now and Attractive Appearance to their Stocks, and aid them In retaining their trade in the face of all competition. - We have purchased for cash 'AN EXTENSIVN. MOB OF DOMEBTIOS, Which we give to buyers at Prices below which none will care to sell. Thle patter. of our Stock embraces the leading atyles DIERIMIAO, COCHECO, PACIFIC. AND SPRAGUE PRINTS, MANCHESTER, PACIFIC, AND HAMILTON D ELAINE S. LAWRENCE, CABOT, AMOSKEOG, YORK MILLS DWIORI', LONSDALE, exo WAMSUTTA MEETINGS /ND SKIRTINGS. WHITE GOODS. In this department will be found Linens and Handker chiefs of our importation, eapremily adapted to the wants of alga Trade, with a choice line LADIES' SKIRTS ow , Tito MOST APPROVED MAKE CLOTHS, OASSIZERES,AND VESTINGO, VOTER CLOTHS, ITO. YANKEE NOTIONS, Compete! ug the latest and most useful Inventions BROGUE, STELLA, and .yO()LLEN, In great variety. The principle upon which we do buelness in grounded upon MUTUAL INTEREST, knowing that, unless our Customers make money out of us, we cannot make It out of them. DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG, k C 0.,. Noa. 80 and 84 OBABIIIKRB Street, NSW YORK 1 111 E ATLANTIC MONTHLY DOR " OCTOBER, NOW RII.e.DY. CONTENTS ,The Now World and the New Mae. The Poet Heat'. Her Orace, the Drummer's Daughter. W aldeinsamkelt. The German Popular Legend of Dootor Faustus. ➢liss Wimple's troop. The Cup. Tne Language of the Sen. The Whirligig of Time. The Tel, graph. The ilirda of the Garden and Orchard. The Old Well The Dead House. The Autocrat of the BreakfaaLTable. The Dot and Line Alphabet. Literary notices. Tux ATLANTIC with the present number completes ite drat year Its publication was commenced in a sea son of ummarapled depression; but !oeuvres' has more than equalled the expectatioes of the publishers. And the character It hoe acquired for ability, candor, spirit, and variety, it is believed, Sully redeems the promises node on ice behalf. - The ViesT VOLUna, consisting or seven numbers, ended in May lest. Tito Semen VeLone, also contain ing seven numbrre, will end with the December issue, in which the Index will be given. Hereafter the vol umes will begin with January and Yuly. Tho pageant' the ATLAWTIO aro etereOtypOd, and back numbers can be supplied. Taunts: $3.00 per annum, or twenty.five cents a num. ber. Upon the receipt of the price, the publishers will send the Magazine, post-paid, to any part of the United States CLuns.—Pive Copies will be sout for $lO, the sut• scribers paying their own postage. PCILLIPA, 8 431PSONT, k CO., Publishers, No. 13 WINTBR Street, Boston. selB-Itt 36 11 .„ E ,co w ..p . C t O en U b il r T l , 2 11 /m F d E l l ei T Ei S t)c h e a P v e T e toltr a B r t e h l . , awl aro only fully de l t:rib l eu by INLAY& BaC.NELL'o B NH-NOT4 Iit:POUTED., published on Wednesday IMLAY & BICKNELL'S BANKNOTE REPORTER, now ready. IMLAY & BICKNELL'S BANK-NOTE REPORTER, now ready. IMLAY & BICKNELL'S BANK-NOTE REPORTER, now ready': IMLAY & BICKNELL'S B A NK-NOTE REPORTER, now ready. INIL AY & BICKNELL'S BANKNOTE REPORTER, now ready. . - IMLAY & BICKNELL'S BANK-NOTE REPORTER, now ready, at $2 per annum weekly; $1.25 semi monthly; or 75 con n monthly; single coulee 5 cents, not 10 mtg. Office, No. 112 South TOMO Street. 0017-2 t TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN—Ey Dr. I 11 FRANC fB. the Inveabor of the Galvanic Process, Odic., No. 1125 Riau !Watt. Also, medicates, tills, and inserts Teeth. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. sel7-3t* EODr. W. S. MaILMENNEY - ,Dentist, would Inform his friends that he has resumed prscUce at No. 1343 CHESTNUT Street, second door above the U. 8. Mint. sepl-Sm E'NGLISH. VERMILLION and ULTRA PIAK,NE BLUE, especially imported for Painters and Printers. Put up in 1 lb packages, and for sale by LAY & BROTHRR, 2411)00K Street, up stairs. CIEMM 1110 CO N IehOTIONERS AND BAKEki S.— JL 600 lbs. Oil Peppermint, warranted pure; 1000 " Carl,. Ammonia; 200 " Carrawny Boed. Per sale low, as wanted, b• WIkION & MERRITT, Wholesale Druggists, 208 Market street. rIIIIOiIAS CUARNOOK, FURNISHING .11. UNDERTAKER, having purchased the right to GOOD'S PATENT CORPSE r ItE4SRVER, is now prepared to furnish it m connection with his business, at No 427 South UNTIL Street, above Lombard street. Nel7-Stit JUST RECEIVED—An invoice of Welch, Margetson, & Co.'s Superior Londommtde STOOKS and T11?,3, for sale by DANCOoIL & CO, Manufacturers o , the celebrated II sbit Phtrts, eels-12t 712 Chestnut et , opp. Masonic Temple. CI DNS, RIFLES, AND SPORTING IN VW PLR/dr:NTS, • The Subscribers have In More - THIS LARGEST ASSORTMENT FOWLING-PIECES, RIFLES, &C., Ever offered in tbie city. Desirous of reducing their assortment as much u possible before the let Dec , they will sell AT VERY LOW PRICES THEIR ENTIRE nTOCE, comprlitar GUNS FROM VIE MOST ChLEDRATED MANU FACTURERS OF ENGLAND, likI.GIUM, AND FRANCE. RUMP S. JUSLIOE ‘t GO., No. 21 North FIFTH Street, above Market. WILLIAM GEISSE & SONS, No. 116 South FRONT Street, below Chestnut, LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, AND BEADS Cal EVERY DESORIPTION, Vor the INDIAN TRADE, ,!co , /co TO CASH BUYERS. TAMES S. EARLE dc SON., 81.0 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention of Western and Southern Custom ers to their Immense and elegant assortment of LOOKING-GLABSEB, PORTRAIT AND PIOTURN-PRAAIEB, ViTING'S FARINA CRACKE S.—These Crackers aro acknowledged to ho ono of the molt healthful articles of food ever reduced, and they are now used by camellias falai' les with great advsntase. One pound of WINO'S ORA.OKERB in estimated to contain as much nourishment as two ponadlt of bread. Thai° who use WING'S CRACKERS regularly. find them UNEQUALLED FOR THEIR INVUIORATINO POWER, not only in aiding the action of the atornach, but in restoring those forme of the system which have become reduced by disease or mental and physl labor. Eminent 'physicians recommend their use as a valu able fowl in sickness ea well as iu health, and especially for Children. Re cure and get those etamp•d " A. WING." These may be had of the best Family Grocers gene rally, and at wholesale only of A. N. THOMPSON & CO., Nos. '221 and 223 PULTOII Street, New York, or RINGER & BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, No. 10 South FRONT Street, For the convenience of Purehaseis, we glee the names of some or our beat Grocers who sell them: selB 20 MAGIC SHIELD COOKING STOVE. NOB BMX ONLY BY O (MBE= & CO:, 849 Korth Second street. 17.0011 1.171tY.E5, northwest corner Second and Ship pen. WM. A. CANNON, 317 South Second, and 937 North Second Arcot, GIVE 6 6,N, 249 South Second street. JOUN LYONS, northwest corner Tenth and Callow hill. STRIMIETZ & DUCK, 1323 Germantown road. \ YRANOIeI FALLS, 639 Race street. melo-3t* PHRENOLOGICAL EXAMINA ;•-, 'PIONS, with written descriptions of character 16 Including advice iureferenco to business, health soltvtuprovernent, &G., ate made day and eve ning at POW LSO, WILLS, & CO.'S, sell-3w 922 Chestnut et., Philadel BONES. -100,000 Shin Bones, enitablia for timbrehi and Button Makers, In store an. for Ws OBOABDALE, PEIROEI, & 00.. 104 NORTIT "roVIAB.I7IB QUERRY AND PORT WINK.-80 qtrs. 10 Eighths Harmony Sherry. '2O qrs. Wallis Port Wine, in bond and for sale by WnSuiA.ll H. 1 EATON, ee3 216 South PRONT Street CHEESE.-250 boxes Cheese for sale, by 0. C. door & co., m.ll ARCH AtroPt, 2d door above Frout. lI .P T IA NA I acco ti t g A .3 l:— mar lO y O u ß . al o es Hiavyanas ale Leaf 443 140 Nova' /front stint; OF VARIOUS FABRICS, EMBROiDEHI.ES, WOOLLEN GOODS, SHAIVLS, Mery publuatiotto. illienizoirp. Importers of OPPOSITE TEE GIB MID EMI, OIL PAINTINGS, ENGItA9/1K413, Suitable for the GALL TRADE WILY Sc BROTHER, No:- 920 CHESTNUT: STREET ' : - , OPEN TIUS DAY TlLolr Pall,lmportation • or CARPETINGS, ' 44 • PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. 00154 r " CARPETINGS. ELLINGTON DEOBSELEL BIIPBW ALL•WOOL INGRAM, EXTRA FINE INORAINI3, DOUBLE 00TiON OHAINS INGRAINS, VENITIANS, AND LOWER GRADES, Of cholceatylea and apirnrod, manufacture, constantly ieeolving and for oats by Nolo toc2l Non. 128 and 130 CLIESTNIIT St NEW FALL STOOK. McCauley, Brother, & Brewster, 23 NORTH FOURTH ST. HATE Just opened an.entlre new stook of HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, to which they invite the attention or first•ciass buyers Our stock la particularly adapted to THE SOUTHERN TRADE. pisa LINENS, WOOLLENS, BTURIt tiOODS, BLAI4IIETS, A full,and geitoral asoortment of FALL DRY GOODS for solo on fayorablo terms by WRAY & GILLILAN, 121 CHESTNUT STREET atL3l-ttt th 924 t AUTUMN TRADE,.IB6B STAPLE AND FANOY DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE DRESS GOODS OF NEWEST STYLES, SHAWLS OF EVERY VARIETY MERINOS, COBURN, MUSLIN DE LAINES, VELVETS, SILKS, ALPACAS, GINGHAM, OLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, TESTINOS, FLANNELS, PRINTS, DLEAOIIED AND BROWN GOODS, With a complete Line of EMBROIDERIES, And other styles of Goode adopted to a FIRST-CLASS TRADE, All of whloh are offered for sale Obeap W. G. CHITTICK & CO., 43S MARKET and 433 MERCHANT ST anl7-tn th aat2measain .... CLENDENNINGn 3 DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, TABU] COVER. 3, TABLE NAPKINS and TOWELLINQB TO TIIN DRY GOMM DIERGITANTS GIINtLEMEN: Ao I have bestowed more thou usual expense and labor In getting up this article of Damask Table Damask in this country, and have succe-ded in furnishing an article equal, and in some respects taupe dor, to the imported one, at a much less expense, I trust that those who have a disposi . ion to encourage Aimless Ilaraneatati and American labor will not forget my address. atlomnammarct ARAMINGO BMA FRANKFORD, 211IDADELPIIIA. P. S.—Pedlars and those who travel and supply Coun try Trade will find it to their advantage to call at ihe Mactory before purchasing elsewhere. Parties wishing to buy, and cannot make it convenient to call at the battery, will please send their address, and they will be waited ou with samples of the above. se3.lml f Mal estate VALUABLE FARM AND OOUN RIP TRY SEAT AT PRIVATE SALE —A valuable ]farm and Country Seat, 75 urea, with largo end supe rior Stone Mansion, ex enalve out-buildings, fish.pood, &n., bet teen the Second street and Word Plank read, about 'IX miles (rem the Passenger liallroad depot at Prankto4d. It is situate in a most beautiful and de sirable neighborhood, and well adapted for a Country neat, park, or boarding-house. Immediate possession. Apply to 11l THOMAS & i'ONS, Roe. 189 and 141 South FOURTH. St VALUABLE LOTB AT PRIVATE BALE—Estate of Dr. nowt BiIiENDERGEft, deceased —Valnatile Lot southwest corner Broad and Arch streets, extending through to Cuthbert street. Federal Lots ou the east and west sides of Broad et., north and mouth of Federal. Loth on the north and south side of Federal street, between Twelfth and Fifteenth eta. Lots on Thirteenth street, Olarion street, Watts et., Tiernan street, and Flfteenth street. Null particulars will be peon on application to . . M. TIIONAS & BONS, 4,13 115 18 21 23&25 No 139 and 1418. 1/01711T13 St Cartinpro. CARRIAGES.- WM. D. ROGERS, COACH AND LIGIUDCABRIAGE BUILDER, 1009 AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Orders for CARRIAGES from all parts of the world executed with promptnesa, and satisfaction gum anti oil. ,3nuelq, tot. BAILEY & CO., BAILEY & KITCHEN, Have removed to their new Firelproof, White Marble 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIM BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE Now opening their fall stook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, To whit& they invite the attention of the pnblie SILVER-WARN, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WHOLE/31LN AND ANTAIL ANDSCRUBS AND CLAMPS lIANDBOIO/118. No. 1. 62%0. per - doo. No. 6. $1 12 per doe 2. 76e. " 6. 1 26 ti 8. 870. ts 7. 160 4. 1000. " 8. 1 76 ,4 CLAMPS S Row, $1.25 per dozen. 7 Row, $1.75 per dozen. 8 Root, $2.25 por dozen HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, 52 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia 0 ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. AOADIA XREESTONE Now landing, and shortly to arrivo, 1,000 tone of this beautiful Stone, both of the BLUE, GRAY, AND BUFF TINTS, the former or which, for softness and delicacy of color, is unrivalled For the character of this storm please examine the following buildings Joe. Ilarrison's, Eighteenth street and Rittenhouse Square. Harrison's Building, Locust street, between Seven teenth and Eighteenth. Samuel Smith's West street and Rittenhouse square. Airs. Peterson's No. 1210 Walnut street. A. K. W omreth's, 415 Arch street. kamuel Sluice, Twelfth and Chestnut streets. T. K. J. Fassitt, Seventeenth and Locust streets, and others. ARNOLD t WILSON, Agents, PIIILADELDDIA. WARMING AND VENTILATINQ , 1010 CHESWARE HOUSE TNUT STREET. M3lO-8m 11. lt. FELTWELL, Sup't A WNINGSI AWNINGS I JOSEPH U. FOSTER, Awning Maker, No, 443 North THIRD Street. above Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for Dwellings and 011 Re Win dows ; Awnings for Stores, Awnings for Steamboats and Ships. All Janda of Awnings. Touts, Flags. or any thing in canvas, made to order by JOSEPH 11. FOSTER, Awning Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street. Resi dence, rlo 340 South Front Street 5137-1 m JOSEPII 11. PORTER. CAMPBELL'S DINING SALOON, V Corner of THIRD St. and HARMONY COURT, Has been closed for several days past, in order to be regenerated and disentlyalled. It will be opened on MONDAY nekt.2.oth lost . with improvements and al terations which will astonish the town. The inset has thrown lila soul into the task of iron zeal, and we think that his efforts will meet with universal approbation. When reopened it will be a model establishment, sell-tf - - riIHE DELICATE, and those who are pro nounced convalescent after a long duration of ili um, are recommended to use slight stimulants. We mm, in all cenildence, commend the PURE PORT NM of oar own importation to those who are allowed the luxury. It lea fruity, 'unions Wine. ZIEGLER & SMITH, Druggists. and it-dtt Banthwaßt nor pound and OreAn eta. A ARAM SLACIIV6 ENGRAVING, DIE Sinking, and Ernie:mend Printing, 'Envelope, and SW Preps htsporsotory j No. 1 Month SIXTH Street, rili4daPhia? iiulS4ll4 2 inep t&oirlra. GREAT ATTRAOTIOZT;! OVPR $1,600 WOB,TH OF SHAWLS FROM WHICH - • (-TO BIAICE A SELECTION; • N. B. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN (Atte% Have therbest SHAWL Stock in Philadelphia They would respectfully call attention to the following very cheap lobs, viz • • • 46 LONG BROOM, SHAWLS at 8 each. 20 Do. do. , do. ,• - at 10 41 20 Do. do do. at 11 w " 24 To. , . do. do. at 12 10 Do. do. do. at 33 20 Do. do. do. at 14 it 20 Do. do. do. at 10 • 8 Do. do. do. at 18 w ,8 Do. do. do. at 20 w ' 8 Do. do. do. at 25 as In the above Lots of Long Broche Shawls will be found every desirable color cf centre. BEAUTIFUL STELLA SHAWLS From $2 to $l2, la every car. French Blanket shawls in new dei•igas. Plain fhlb.t Shawls, Square and Long. Real Canton Crape Shawls, Plain and Embroidered. Ohildren's rhawis, Atlases' Shawls, and Gentlemesoa 'Shawls, at' - - " CHISM'S, -"ONE PRIDE CASH STORE.,' Northeast Owner EIGHTH & sPRINO GARDEN N. 11.—City and Country Storekeepers buying for cash !nay find - hargaios at T & C.'s - P. S.—A Magnificent stook of Silks now on hand. sO/8.41 Black SILKS. SHARP LESS BROTHERS NAVE NOW OPEN Glow Black Rrott de BriManta ; Ileavy Bleak (roe (}rang; Bilwhoff's rich Black Bilko; Bonletc, superb !Inns silk.; Wide rich eilke for Clooks • hints for Mourning without lustre; Bich Figured and Bayadero Hike; 131ack Armares and Yer allow:Les ; Honey Black' 'lash Poplins; Patin do Chines and India d•ilko; - Bolton, double Jupes and a Lee; Black Flounced itches, very cheap. 8017 " EIGIITII and OUSE3TNITT_Streata JObEPH LEA, (1)1AS. LAING & CO. IN THE FIELD.- vv The light goes bravely on "—Pall styles Gents' DRESS RATS now ready. The atteetion of gentlemen is invited to thin model style for the Fall of 185 S, having been approved nod met the approbation of gentlemen of taste. We offer it to our customers with confidence, and recommend it, knowing that none but the beet work. menahlp and first quality of material have beep used in its minstructiun n o solicit fur it the consideration of gentlemen. CELLO. LAING & CO., flatters, sol7-2t,* N, E. cor. alit STN UT and SIXTH Ste NEW CLOTH. STORE. HENRY D. NELL, SUCCESSOR TO QEO. Sf.„OOATES do CO., No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Just received, the Newest Styles of FANCY CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, Also, a choice assortment of FRENCH ET.;ACE. AND COLORED CLOTHS, And other Goon adapted to Men's wear. sel6-19t VESTINGB, &c., &a NEW GOODS, BY THE STEAMSEIP FULTON. 40' L. J. LEVY 44;.., CO. Are now opening from the Steamers, AFRICA AND FULTON A Variety of Now and Beautiful Goods for FALL SALES. Their assortment embraces all the Novelties which have been manufactured for the • PARIS RETAIL TRADE. 809 AND 811 CHESTNUT BT. selMt • FALL CLOAKS. "the 'Sabecribere will exhibit ON AIODAY AND DURING THE WEEK, ELEGANT CLOAKS, (In advance of their uintll opentng,) to which they invite the inspection of LADIES AND STRANGERS. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., NO. 7QB CHESTNUT STREET, solS PHILADELPHIA. NEW FALL GOODS. 11 Opened from recent Auction gales— Bayadere Potencies, at 40 cis. Rich Plaid Poll de Morrie, 20 to 37% eta. Neat Bayadero 51ohairs, 28c. Fine black and White Lusora, 25 eta., worth 38 eta Plaid; Black. and Brown Mixed Poplins, 18% eta. Lupin'al Black, Wool De'ainea 35 eta. Block, Wool De!nines, 25, 33,35, and 37% eta. Mode Wool Helsin-g, Lupin's, 33 and 35 eta. Lnpin'a French Merinoes, 00 eta. FRENCH CHINTZES. Gay colorings and new designs at 25 eta. Beat English D a and Merrimac rela H. FALL SIANT LES. Now making, Silk Dusters for Fall Wear. Also, Cloth Cloaks and Dusters. Now Shawls in Shawl Room. Daily receiving New Gouda. COOPER & OONARD, ' gall 8. R. corner NINTH and MARKET. N. B.—POSITIVELY no deviation In the prices. ANTILLAS ! I MANTILLAS! ! Mc- LTA ELROY respectfully invites the Ladies to call and examine his Meek of Mantillas, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our patterns the latest styles, and our prices so low that we defy competition. 5,000 yards' Black and Fancy Silks, 37,4, 44, 50, 56; rich, 62X , 60, 76 ; Tory rich, 8.1,117 X, 95, $L 10,000 yards DelMnea, Bareges, beads, at 10, 12X, 16X, 18X, 20, 22, 25, 28, 31, 35, decidedly the cheapest in the city. 10,000 yards fine French Lawns, 10. 12X, 16X, 20, 25, worth, many of them, 37X to 52X, very fine. Ono lot of Crape Shawls, at $l5, worth $3O. 500 yards sido•band Cassimeres, 37X , worth $l, 'with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear, less than usual prices. 1,000 yards 81nrseilles Yestings, at 25, worth 76. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest in the city. 1,000 fine French Needleworked Collars, at $l, worth 10,000 yards of Plain and Plaid Taconets t Swiss and Cambric White Goods, the greatest bargains in the city Ribbons and Fringes and Trimmings, In endless va riety, at less than half the usual prices. MoIILROY, No. 11 South NINTH Street. Jel•tu th e-tf SPLENDID ()Pk:MING of NEW GOODS FROM THE GREAT FRENCH AND OTHER SALES. CHARLES ADAMS Will have arranged on second day morning, the 13th Just., a large and choice variety of new and desirable DRY 0001)3, retnpted to the present setson, LUPIN'S 111011 PRINTED 14101ThSELAINI13, All- Wool, in variety. All-wool, in variety, Robes a Los. • Do. FRENCH MERU% OES and CASHMERES. All•wool Plaid and llayadere Poll de Climes, and all w..0l Flails. Boyndere Nlshatrs and Valencias. Lupin's black Bomb•zines. Do. plain colored Mons Delaines. • Tinton Printed Delsines and Plaid Cashmeres in great variety SHAWLS FOR THE SEASON. LUPIN'S SIELLA. sHAWLS, in many kinds and styles Brown, Black, White, and Colored CENTRES. Plain mixed Oil EN lI,LE SHAWLS, bound and with fringes, for FRIENDS First quality rich Plaid Bay State long BLANKET SHAWLS. D,ab Centre and mixed Blanket Shawls. Nair, and medium Square do , Sea., Ac. sell-cod-tf Etatati and ARCH &teeth. — E YRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, OPENING OP FRENCH GOODS RICE! SILK ROBES A LEZ ; SILK 'toms, DOUBLE SKIRTS; SPLENDID ROBES, TWO FLOUNCES; SPLENDID ROBES, THREE FLOUNCES; NEWEST STYLES FALL SILKS; ROUND-CORNERED SHAWLS; EXTRA RICH PRINTED DR LAINES; PLAIN AND BAXADERE BLACK SILKS. EYRE 8c LANDELL, sepl-86t FOUR= AND ARCH STREETS 114 R. BIAS'S SYRUP for Scrofula, Li ver Complaint, and all Imperfections of the Blood. also, a general assottment of Eclectic Medminea may be obtsined at hie Medical Store and Office, No. 405 South ELEVENTH Street, (Masonic Hall.) Office hours, from 8 tc 10 6. M 8 to 4, and oto 8 P M. nolB-110- I.llAlt •Jr,. B. OR Di B S CURE-ALL—TUE 11 GREAT PAIN ANNIHILA VCR AND REMEDY FOR DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELS. Prepared by a Chemist. Bottles 12X, and 60 cents. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAL SCIENCE! lIAMSELORRE , S CURE-ALL should be kept in at families. in case of accidents or sudden sickness. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Rheumatism. HARTMORNE'S OURE-ALL cures Orampg, Cholla, Pains in the Stomach or Bowels. HARTSHORNE'S OURS-ALL cures Pains in the Limbs, Bite, Sack and Breast. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Spralne, Bruises, Scalds and burns. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Minim in the Joints. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Cholera, Dlar rhcea and all Pain HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL curer Ear Ache and Deafness from a cold. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; also, Canker and Sore Mouth and Sore Throat. HARTSHORNE'S OURS-ALL cures all Spinal Affect- tione and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSIIOII.NIVS CUBE-ALL is a great tonic to Weak Stomach and Dowell., and Improves Digestion, [IT' As the frequtint eharrs of the weather produce a bad Cold, Rheumatism, Pain in the Limbs anti Body' also, Stiff Neck—ovary person should get a bottle. It acts upon the Novice, Mueeles, Sinews, Blood and Bone'; and, by its warming electro- magnetic power, ex pels all pain from the system. Gec a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at its happy effects. N. B. If you have a Cough, use HARTSHORNE'S Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is the beet Cough Syrup in the `Billold. Bottler, 25 and 60 cents. and $l. If you are ns, use HARTSHORNE'S AN'TI BILLIOUS PILLS. They act upon the Liver, Stomach and Bowels, carrying off all Bile and Foul Secretions, BMA, 2ficents. Sold by It. tr JENKINS, No. 25 SOUTH EIGHTH Street, Between Market and Chestnut Streets. Shuts , Stores, Chestnut and Market streets, Garrigneat. Tenth and Coates streets. Wagner's, Tenth and Lombard eta. anl2-th atudtf If CLIERMAN CIGARS-800,000 in store and %A for sale by WILLIAM IL YEATON, No. 110 south HRONT street. 13TAPLE AND FANOY SILK GOODS TODAY Alebtnnal. Sot' Bale anb to tet. 1 A GOOD INVESTMENT.—For Sale ch three-itoi7bri ek houeit, new. Two on Earn eap—Two ; 'one on, lAnna nl etreet, s above Eighth. - and below Wharton area. Will pay to per cent. Apply to D. S. PAUL, No. 623 QUEDx Street, South wark.' selB.U4 ; VIOR SALE-Lot of Ground, Nortb side .of COLUMBIA Avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets. No by 80 feet, with three fronts. Apply to IL 0. THOMP4OR & G. M. CONARBOE, SeIS-St , 933 &HOU Street FOR SALE- _ _ bandsome residence, with gA l ,the modern imprevenienti,,large side yard, Ir.pery, &o , SIXTH', near SPItIN,I2 "GA ROEN Street Terms easy. P. R. LYND, trX f3opth SIXTH Street, (second gory.) "" : - sel7-lm_ FOR - . .8 . 01 . 14 OR ,EXCHANGE—A Ltuil. haryisnmeneitmaniion, 19 rooms, and 90 /Levis, near Gwynedd Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. Site splendid, fruit tibundant,lth nueurpasaed. Any person really desiring a hantlsorne Pountry Seat in ;es change for city proprty, will find this, an unusual on- L P ° Y r N t" D, 5h ni ' tYor S a . ' SWYI. P l llB u h t , ( i ng 21a a tO b iy e - 01 7 . FOR SALE -A prkty - Cottne ? nine) Ida out and ono ormore Rojo, on Wydining , avenue, two mike out the Second-ttreet Turnpike. Alto, several handsome Cottage lots The neighborhood it healthy, beautiful, and rapidly improving.LYND; bk, S.._ SIXTH 9t; (24 story.) - oemith Fro SPECULATORS and CAPITALISTS. _IL —Thirty acres or loss otbeatitilut Land on Wyoming Avenue, near New Second street, only two miles north ot the pavements, for sale a bargain, and terms easy Apply to P. K LYND,SX South SIXTH Street, (second atory')• - - ael7- .0 TO RENT—The new iron-front Store, No. 24 North THIRD street, above Race, with the use of Shelving. Counter, .ke. Suitable for the wholesale- Clothing, ,Notione, or any other businets. Terms low. Apply at No. 252 North TIIIRD Sveet, three doors above. - . - sell-12t1. If., 0-1„. FOR SALES 04 TO RIENT.--A Denim, fad ble property in Rising Sun vlllllO3. Lot sixty feet front on Germantown road, by mix hundred feet deep to a main, street. Thi improvements are a brick dwelling, with strite;coutaining fourteen rooms In all., Also, a, two hot.houses. edttage on back streeit, stables, coach•house, ko , including a choice variety of fruit trees, all of whioh will no sold on ac— commodating terms, or a portion rented to a good ten ant. Apply to CREBSW.ELL di WILLIAMS, sole-et 206 WALNIII . Street. fIIEFICE TO-LET.-AN ELIGIBLE OP FICH for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same Door, No. 224 WALNUT Street, above DOCK. Immediate possession given. Apply to 3ogN lIEFFMR, or TIIbMAS T. BUTOHNIt, No. 112 South FOURTH Street, mhtlo-tuths-tf second story, front room. em : To' LET—A fuTfurnished Hous6, in Li a Off ESTIVUT Street, east of !troad rowseion immediately. Addreis BOX 1868, Post Office, sele-St FOR SALE- ' Ono of tho most Valuable,ftsd Deoiraile DOUBLE BROWN STONE RESIDENCES IN TIIE CITY, No. 1810 GELESTNITT STREET, EXTENDING THROUGH TO GEORGE STREET Having been built by the owner for his own Residence, no expense has been spared in its construction. Apply to CHARLES BOGGS, 629 Market Street, Or to M. THOMAS & SONS, s 14-imif /39 and 141 South Fourth St. C 4 HOICE COTTAGE SITES, WITHIN 'kJ three minute, walk. of two Stations on Philadel phia nod Germantown Railroad, for sale cheap. Apply nt corner of Tioga Street and Plank Road, or at No. 23 North Sixth Street, to een-lm* - T. L. LITTLEFIELD. , ebnrationai. ALLEN GROVE BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL for Youog Ladies, PRASSYORD Penn eylvania, six mile, from Market street, Philadelphia, under the super" tenderice of Mrs. E. L THOMPSON. Young Ladie9 received at this Institution it nny time during the regale:l • it* DENN INSTITUTE—Southeast corner of IL TM itv.SENTH and BILDERY Streets, opened on MO' DAY, the eth of September., - Private instruction, though favorable to rapid pro gress, yet mends the scholar into the world with a keen sensitivenem, which titan) , diequalifien him for active life; whilst attention to many oftentimes forces the instructor to meet general difficulties rather than those personal to each individual, and the learner either loses all iutereet, or becomes superficial in hie acquire ments. For these and other reasons the number is limited For foram information apply paraonally, from nine o'clock A. M. to one o'clock. r. M., or by note, to aelB , lf It. STAWART, Principal. VNGLISH SINGING—BaIIad and Opera. tic.—Mr. FRAZER gives Instraition in 'the above styles, on the moat approved system. sell3-1m 409 South XIOLINEENTII B'reet: pOLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, P ENN Square—Applicants ,for sdiettnitta titto the TECIINIVAL BOCIOOLS are regnested to present thembolves for Examination on MONDAY, September 2D, at 9 o'clock A. M. A. L KENNEDY, AL D., a018.3t Pres:dent of Faculty. 0" - N . LASSICAL EDUCATION.--V,OBERT vFI. LADE ERTON. Ph. D. of the University of Groningen, will hererfter have charge of the Oleuteicel department in the SCIENTIFIC and CLASSICAL IN SIITUTE, CHESTNUT street, northwest corner of Tivelfth.._sm_pame have...been spared .to_rander this School eminently worthy of patronage for boys of all ages, and ,p all departments—Engl ah, Clinical, and Salentine. Entrance on T WhLFT El Bt. nel7.lEn J. ENNIS, Principal; T J. R} ED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG •P • LADIES, No 1523 WALNUT Street. Tor terms, apply at the Institute. Dementia ose.—Ter. Converse, (editor of the Christian, Obsereer,) Rev. Dr. C. Wadsworth, Rev. Dr. W. B. Stevens, Col. . W. Forney, 0. Ir. Leland, Esq Prn °teem Vothske, Allen, Frazer, of the University, and ether gentlemen aelSlm J REED has resumed his course of in: • struetion in Mode and on the Nano-forte- No. 1623 WALNUT Street. nels-1m M. 110 RBEOKE has the honor to announce that he will resume his instructions on the PIANO immediately after lila return from lburope, On the latter part of September. Pit sae address commtmidations to "Box No. 1808," Post Ofhce. - sel4-12t* eIEORGE R. BA.hKER'S ENGLISH _ .CLASSIPAL SCHOOL, OER\IANTOWN,wiII reopen on MONDAY, September 6, 1858. an3o-IBt* lIRTANT & SThATTON'S CHAIN OF 31-1 NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. For inforination, call or send for circular. jelit•tf EVENING SESSIONS HAVE COMMENCED. Buote anb Oboes i ttl EN'S FINE CALFSKIN BOOTS, SHOES, and GAITERS; Boys' and Youths' sewed hlontoes, best city manufacture. Low priers. With a general assortment fur Alen, Women, and Chil dren's wear, at DOTION'S, No. 111 North SECOND Bt., ab. Arch, East aide, selB.2t "Sign of the Red Boot." WHELAN & COt, WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES STRAW GOODS, No. 513 MARKET STREET, an27-lui PHILADELPHIA LEV/CRABIN, & CO., K, BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSB, MANUrACTORT, NO. 525 MARKET STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW DIEM HENDRY & HARRIS, MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, N. W. Corner THIRD and ARCH Streets, au2s-2m PHILADELPHIA. & M. SAUNDERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES, , Of PHILADELPHIA and EASTERN Manufacture. Auto, STRAW GOODS AND SOFT HATS. 0 511, and prompt SIX-MONTHS BUYERS will God it to their interest to examine oar Stock. au2.0.1m. No. 84 North FOURTH Street. BOXER & BROTHERS, _ . MANIJIACTUREBS WIEOLEOALSI DEALBIIB CITY AND EASTERN MADE • BOOTS AND SHOES, Noe. 432 AND 434 MARKET STREET, Below Fifth, south aide, AulMm PHILADELPHIA FALL STOOK or BOOTS AND SFIOBS. JOSEPH H. THOMPSON & 00., No. 314 MARKET .13TREET, AND Nos, 3 „,„3 5 FRANKLIN PLACE, HATE FOR IX axons A LAMA AND 'WILL ASSORT= STOOK or 1300T3 AND BIIONS, OF CITY AND EASTERN MANUFACTURE. Which they offer for sale on the best terms for cash, or on the useittlotetlit,. Buyers are invited to call and examine their stook. jy3l•tf fIOOTS AND SHOES.—The subseriber RAF has on And a large and Taxied stock of BOOTE and SHOES, which he will sell lit the lowest prices. GEO. W. TAYLOR, n 0214.7 S. E. corner end MARKET Sic — BRIDGETON.—Ibe Steamer EXPRESS leaves ARC Street Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 8,4' o'clock A. ys M. Returning, leaves BRIDGETON Aloodaye,Wedu New C esd astle, a, and Fridays, at 8 o'clock A. Al Stopping at Delaware City, Fort Delaware, and the usual Landings on the ()Annecy. Through tickets for Milleville, Port Elizabeth, Maurlcetown, Dividing Creek, 'Newpse7-Im* ort, Cedarville, and. Parton. G OOKS, 0114.11BEBNAIDS; foie ; General Ifousawdrk,Knalf.grOlro !din; Boya, 17p sod Down - town Domestic -- Ferrante want-to all parts of Oity and Oottotri; fromptooripß7B Maio, 18 A80AD.4,. Oheatnnt ab. 6:12." pelftito, =_- VITANTED--A - Ardting Lady,tio attend,in a RetairSaricifiti)re.- *Addregat , 1 at this . selMt* A . prENTEAL:GLIZI., "ivishedlmployinept In - wpriyato family to do Hongosioili:_ _ls' a good washer and Ironer. Apply at No. 4,-Or4 Court below- CHRISTIAN, on BIRTH. - ; .-187841.1. iIit‘TANTED- , -A Sales man in a 'Wholnnis V,, YI Oloth Stoic. None need apply" except these ac. quainter' with the baldness: Addneee "S. B." office of The Press. - oelB4t* WANTED_—A sober, industrious Man to drive and:felre charge of a horse. Must be Well acquainted with the' city. Apply at - No. 410 fikittla' BU 01111 i Street. ' selB.lto_ VITANTER.---To Adopt, a Male:Child-not younger than three Years - Good - care - And moral training iv patantioa, Address CHAIIITY, ati this office. - seiB SW 1 VITANTED—The Loan of $1,200 for three V menthe, for which 10 per cent, Intend and good real +otato seearity_wlll be given. Address FACTOR, at this office." salB-2t* WANTED —A purchaser "for Patent is r right of an ititicla "needed for every day use: $3BO only reqblzed. A sure and profitable business will be insured. For particolars address F.DMUND3, ]]food's Despatch. aelB-6t* WIDOW. LADY desires a situation euperinteod the altars of a house for a Gentle s:nun. or would be fully qualified to act as GoTerneaS. The beat of ,referentea given and required - Address BXBERIENOE, Blood's Despatch. - selB-3t* ma' WANTED TO HIKE-A: good Bothld, with-ribdern improyements, within's!' squares of sixth en I Noble street's. Address L t Box 12.8 r. 0. 8817-8 t VITANT.BD:—By the advertiser, a loan of 5500 on a lire-policy for double the amount A - liberal -intereet 'will be paid. Address .11Ita.NEGIN Bloodls Despatch. ' selmoSt* , INIANTED—By an expeiltinced BOOK= KEEPER, a Situation in a Factory or Wholesale House. Would hive no objection to go South. Address PARKER, Dine of The erase. sel64t* WANTED—Ic person haying $BOO, tb join: the advertia.r in purebaelng a patent right of great Tit ue A large pr•'Bt will be guaranteed Address 3 .13. NORTON, Blood'a Despatch. sele.ets A N Experienced Book.keeper desires .L Situation in a Wholevale - or lianuthaturing Eats= bliehment; The beat of reference' given -Ad.:levee J. T., at the Office. - 6°16 6t* IVANTEto—tA Mon perfectly acquainted„ with the Produce ilturiness; one who is compta tent to go through the country, and purebs•e coon paid ace. Most be a smart atteve Man. A liberal emery vr,II be given. Addiese, with reformat, L.- B, Pram Office. VA/ANTED—In. a Forwarding and - 430 - 3 m. misdon Rome, an intelligent. Man to attend to out door business. - -A oinitualesion wilt be paid, or, if he suits, a good - salary. Hone bat A comp.a. tent person need apply. Address BROAD artist, at this Office. gala WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATI CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, nruninded men, t o - whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and - medical attendance. Pay from to- - m 9 per month.' - Noinan having a wife or child will: be accepted. Ap for hiI)IINTND axavroz atlio 817 - 11ABLIT iltee above Niphth, north tide. - B. N. NAGLN, - Ist Lieut. 2d Bev. of Cavalry, Recruiting - A- HOTEL KEEP N', R StrangerStranger NOM arrived in this city on Sunday last, at 1 A Ikl:„ from Cincinnati was taken with his baggage to a hotel, where he slept and breekteeted. - He went out after. - wards to take a walk, but has never since been able to recognise the hotel he stopped at. Any person having such trunk in charge will please a 4 drras - JAS. ARCH' ER, care of T. ILLMAN, boa ARCH selfl-11* PERSONAL. -;- This' is to notifythe:pub4 that EDSON JACOB§ Is no longer employ. All debts must be p.,14:1 to the undereiped. . itelS-St* T.JVDSON.' BOARDING. -A Widower, with Three Children. age] respectively five, nine, and thir. teen yearn, wishes to secure BOARDING- with a retired Private Family. in &Central Dart of_the City. Address M., at this Office, stating terma. A- GENT LEMAN .A.ND WIFE, one. or two SINGLE O ENTIAM EA, may obtain dogfish's BO ABDING, at 121 North NINTH Btzeet. References exchanged. , - - • aelB.lt4- G 25 NORTH SEVENTH STREET.—Gen. tlemen can be accommodated with Dinner or tall Board. Also, large and email rooms to let, with beard, mutable for families and single gentlemen. sel7-6t* • BOARDING. -A handsome snite - of apart ments on the second door, WALNUT St.; between Breed a..d Sixteenth: . Address, with _reference, L. M. It , Press office. - sel6-tf -, _ BOARDING —Seieral very desirable Rooms to Let, with Boarding. at No. 426 PINE Street, below Fifth street. sel6-thatufm* BOARDBOARDING.—To Let, with Board, a-very ING.—To large end doe second-story room, with gas and nee of bath; suitable for two Gentlemen, or Gentleman and Wife. Also, a front room in third story. Apoly at No. 802 North NINTH, second door aboTe Vine street west side. RS. D. P. BOWERS's- WALNUT-ST. TFLEkTftE, corner of NINTH' and WALNUT Street. _ . , SATURDAY EVENING, September IS, 18511. THE youra OF FREDERICK THE giltE&T. Frederick WilWarn the First of Prussia,. Mr. Ricking Charles Frederick, his eudest son, Miss A. Cruise; Queen Bo i .hia of Pruisia, Mrs. F. B. Conway ; Mina. both of Brunswick, Princess of Austria, Mist O. Rich- Inge. To conclude with THE ADOPTED CHILD - Prices of admission--Second and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet", Big - cants; Draw Circle,- 50 cents; Private Boxes, according to their locale, $3 and $5; Single Seats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 75 cents. Doors open at o'clock; Curtain rises at 7g o'clock. EATLEY & CL ARE 'e ARCR-ST. 11k; A T S. Zredexicke, Acting and Stage Manager SATURDAY EVENING, September IS, 18513, rnE £OLDIER'S DAUGHTER. . - . Widow Cheerly. Mee. John Thew; Mrs. Malrort, Mies Emma Taylor • Governor Heeriall, Mr. John Gilbert; 'Frank Hearten, Mr. Wheatley To conclude' with the WILLOW COME! Admission, 61 eta. Secured Beets in Dress Circle. 671 i eta; Orchestra italls, 60 eta; Beata in Private Boxes, 76 eta; Gallery, 13 eta ; Gallery for Colored. Persons, 26 cast Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persona, BS eta; Whole Private Box, IS. Doors open at quarter before 7 o'clock; earoznenes tl 7 X, precisely. M USICAL FUND HALL. ONE MORE CONCERT PARODI. JO RANNEEN, HEMP,. MIL-LARD, JUN.. BIOLLENITACER, BATTER. CARD OF THE MA AGEDIENT —The Manager at the STEAM:MG COuCUNRTE recpectfnlly eanouncee, that in consequence of the inability of many families of the city and vicinity to gain admieeion to M'LLIS PARODI'S loot Farewell Concert. it has been de termined, on the return of the whits fromWaehingtOn to New York. to gins . ONE MORE CONCERT IN PAILADELPRIA, ON TUESDAY EVENING, SEP P. Slat. This will be positively the last appearance or ?MLR PAIIItDI In Philadelphia. The programme will be moat carefully a.lected, forming the moat attractive ever eSered ton Concert Room. In addition to other selections, MLLE PARODI writ sing the soubatirring Amerman National Song. "TES STAR SPANGLED B NW:4BR," And, by request, repeat the celebrated Scenott Hytna of Liberty, writ,. ARBIULLAIBB,II Both of which have produced, on each ocotorlou, the most Intei_se entlitueiasra. serf-dtf CONCERT HALL. SECOND WEEK OP SANDERSON'S COLOSSAL REPLEBENTATIONE 07 THY RUSSIAN WAR. Open every Evening, and on Saturday Afternoon 3 o'clock. Adtmssion 25 °ante; children 18 cents. sapl2-1w Doors open at T. Performance to commence at h' of 8 NATIONAL HALL--MARHET STREET. NOW OPEN J. /WOO W11.1.1130'8 celebrated PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. This magnillovnt PAINTING commencer with OM% and continues, down to historical order to the Eabylo nish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the moat irablime and interesting scowl' In the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Doors open at If ;to commence at 8 o'clock precisely. Tickets 25 cents—to be had at Hall door. Childre order 10 years 15 con's. Also. Exhibitions on WEDVESDAY and BATUR. DAY AFTERNOONS for families and ashools. Doom open at 2; to commence at 3 precisely Explained by Professor TIBBETTS PHILADELPHIA B ARRETT's GYMNASIUM. BILLIARD ROOM, PISTOL AND ItIPLIC - DALLIRY. Will open on MONDAY, September Bth, at No. 804 MARKET Street. QAIOORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, above OHESTNIIT. Open for the Seven, with the largest TROUPE Or ARFISTS IN -THE WORLD. The Entertainments nightly offered by SANFORDis T comprise all the latest Songs, Glees, Duette, chorus Refrains, Dances Ballets, Re , interspersed with WIT AND ELOQUENON. In fact, all the Vocalism of the day is produced by MUSIC, SONG, ASD POETRY. The whole under the management of Sir. S. S. SAN FORD. Admission 25 cents. Doors open at 7N e'clords ; per. formance to commence at S o'clock. at24.lm EDWIN N. PAYNE, IRON BUILDING, ARCH STREET, One door above Fourth LASTIN43: PRENOII KID, PATENT LEATHER, CONGRESS WEBB, TOILET SISPPRRS UPPERS, SLIPPER TRIMMING'S, GACEd, &o. aul9-2m FEW SHOE MANUFACTURERS AND -R. FINDING MEN.- We are now prepared to fill all orders for LASTS for the Fall Trade We have in. creased our facilities In the Manufacturing Department, and with a larger working stock of wood on hand than any other manufacturer in this city or New York we can furnish Dry Wood, and at the lowest Philadelphia or Eastern prices. J. ROWARD & CO. Philadelphia. .1011 N MURPHY, late of Ferry Street,New York, at 112 BREAD Street. 53.23..wam IVOTIOE TO SHOANIJFAC ate TURERS. j The undere , lgned. (eoeoeitioreto the l JOSEPit T. JOHNS) are now prepared to meet the wants of the trade at the Northeast corner of ARCH and FOURTH Streets. Their facilities for IMPORTING and , BURNISHING every article in the SHOE STUFFS and TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices and on favorable terms, are unsurpassed: The attention of BUYERS le respeotfully solietted.' 19M. JOHNS & SON, N. N. corner Arch end Booth OW. atmlo. personal. Doarbing: a.musements. =ta==! Oboe nbinge. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN 4ALLOONB, BHEETINGO, OLD STAND, se34f s