The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, September 07, 1858, Image 3
3., _ D ' , #* l l 4 l ,l Wiri '.Dcp#Mkril - - ----. . . ,-,..c. , rAtittiga, .litttis!: , ,`,, , - - L,: -,4 , ',1k , ., =4 , ....-....4-,-..,.. , .. , 0d4whia... --,, ' .A;-j,' , .. :tele e r e. liiiii, 4 - if. Oi4. ~:. i thre,polpt Sept 96 ''' '; g1i ""w1114 11 1, 1f.6114 , 444 : 1'..-i - ,.E4,tilreani)fied, 8004 04 ' : I 'katritnefilliikbntlis,kdr7","':. 33" d 6nik l' sTif k l . ta ll tribtibiliAllibeai 61 ," . .. '4 ' l 1.., " ! li hr ' 'n l i tt ' 8000 . 'up bitikt•riapileik;,,Etishtlp • ''' , . t Wm? -, own .. j' r. `ststio• Etrann — etty;l34'rriii*..-..', ..... .'.-.., . d ttpuon, _ ,-- 3 ) ,- 704' thitlittlii. 4 dolma:At :ago Cuba% I t '°: 'll'' S Whlle•U'ing I sling .... i i - ' 1 1+8 11 17!") 8 '2% ri u g g _li ti likklquill u &rue : ' '''''. etleßela VIM ' A ''' ' ' >`',l!ljßlf t p„ HIADSLPfIe. liept.',;r,;,~l9 d 1 1 r+k-4.1:8116' . . - r%V:13}P. 7 6 10 11,YVM*413.. 4- . : - - 16 _ - • • - firoia rAi/tiool, ',.eapiain".:,'..,Tow.e4wEl,hr7iteie2-ttit:laeoh . ,v.."... • „- . I ✓ei ripe, ileheat, $8:,41111s :froniApstarl i== albtaa & ' via ', '.:Qaetautfo ' drwltli;@ngrr and wtqbalea piria r thicter;ll.oeyer, frowi,Pdekihina, }id Ai - ys (rein Pnividenee, o . t6Yelt Collins.l T. ~t eil' e ,.efla- X ir+Giliiellj.9ieen; 6 Asia triiii . ...Shatow, with tch to Stroup • ' 'da y , • from' ia' ltedie te.Oroeell .'; • ' Bolt on, Bufma;' , Vent;"4.l4iir,htitNew Erman, hi beitis toNotilus , lleowjetc4t`Clehlweit;':' ' " • , fiOie".Lewee f wheat to Jas aler'et-' 06'• ' • " • Patir:itqh - liawkinai rdkr'fri - ize iyeekbird, Del, with hate to 4-1.- : frOM tiohr - .Telagriphi ; - ,t,rom OaFiden, Del; _with eib.6oV3. - 44.1 thar,itt.'&llon. - • ~ aolir Delawaxe. Deahr,;,l..slay f,rea2 Saiitaa', Del, with • oiahiti 3ai If artaft,& *11.'41 - • ' 13ahtiadw , ' froni'Beitow. • gait hihaelialf.tilehti.Endieetti' from Boateu. - „' puotiey,. frottrth - r..,,B.iygellgytolewer,lrorn[Clitaienticie44lthjpoitfpaircit 'the olargoes:?l, - kiis:a . ,dgcl.l44ll,ll*, soht2 , .:,ceic bons*.-i • 810..03,4nW -W litte r from ,Delattace -B,reakwatec 41 , % -1-I, ?EiNawkabfp'lConixOtiogiliwk, Now York;4.l,llderdico. Nem York,42lB4lldowiloi. 4.aNtler Worrox . i'SioNorikeidloglrei'Boraikahi D Stetson h-Uo`- Writ Tiboilas i llokhos, OloOftiegoo, susvitti-cmion Brig Wm tiMai:kiMlZiimii4r l 94:WeeleitieikCio. Brlg OhowtifelluKHolOwsl3basbo. L Audeoried . brlif Clectitai Navonsikb_cfli John NB Twollo Eohw Jnnitii~Pot~~~~ASr%cudeis{ dco~_.T" Webeter~ ir. ed3iitViltoiyoiri,l,Roti,robitiiil•Na, , Not?lejlfriorroott &' ,•••„ . ;-,q l .• Satz GooliGibilAbi.a,:New Radford, `'BahrlN3~HildiLio gilArui6~BsgH9ibot~' Nola. flair ft illTe Wearer., lietton, do • . B.thr 8 H DAT; Compton,"- Dtaton,' lt rtieli ft-White. Behilt linightAidieiA4Asoiitod, N gturter,int & 00. •-•- ,-,4 1130br Slight, Huntley, Neat•Oambridge, Lts.yee ft God., ehtil:- . • , steamier H A Groves, • fbakreei.dallei co - of thi Prem.) - - .41107101 DE'I3•RAON. 8er01858;r' rThitegittizi• left: this' niotithig with 17 boat, laden • hod ooteigord as fotiows: John, o,iffle, railrat4 iron to Neevet,'Abbott & 0o; earn, oats, Typ`,7lion,' a:to,Perht - Seltral.l. Heitardi wheatdlehr, &5. to P to - mity yordis Dr H P Loo'g, Wear n;; 00 A' Ol'artlu end ' Wright 'Brothers; do W Boiton;yeaderreer ti , 0o; Ste.r - et Danner; bAtttelahos eoftll.o P.NtOirie &,0o ; . -Itofrojituary Hirilt;',Atoblineloor Hots, , Thrio Sit-. WenrielioLul H 11,;&, Wright, coal to - , • _ _ _ . . - (Clottoopoptoultu of the Pita.) : • - • ` :• 7 — "Y RIIADINS}i'Beit 6,1868.- The following" boats - potted Out of theffoloti Canal $041.1.1?oup! . ; Phifaaelptilklalen" andyondgotidno tuiortglii.'fatie*ldCetti Euist?iiimniiiiinti: Ihmtiel,judi" cord *pod to r,tlitch Ift 141.16ouidiltou otor o'loo'4 fO , 00; .13 Volk 'to CibtOolL:(l6,sitiairsiti to Budd & Comfy; Jos 11 , p• per, lumber t Bolton; Tor . . doktoot Cofo 0, Cook, do F. . . -, :[CorreepandenoO ebbe Vhiladalaids Xiabilage , . - LAZARETTO, Rapt. 6, 18.8. *, biliOdaitkuden, from .flavana, with' 100/ boxes sawn; h ILEda'do and segire Ala tobacco, to thomia Wattson,ec Bans; his arrifed bare. Tha Q , woe ' , of -her 'ataea,,Wa-,lTaiauw, Ind one lan night: , - Abe hay. , - - Eche:Geo Ban lA, frota New. Orleans, with'hidea and tohnetihas also antwed„: • - Wargo/rd.. S. FILBERT. (oorresponddaaaot , the Philadelphia Ilzahange.) liNWittiL': I. Eept 5. UM. She orii BNan Yani;'z,rocnthei,Weivern Idende, earn', le the karbbelpitetdayi aid thieelee, hi company with oneanhoaaer,,Jeveral, fa hiaara7 ,, now passing' in, and quitie's fleet 'valued up pi:tardily - 7401Na toueldas al tuabarimic.; Wied.BVV—vrealhor warm. - 1 ." tOeuuspbudenee ortle Philadelphia Nichaoge ISLAND, Bert Ma' Vita for-"Caroebaa, site* to. , raies last evening: aett,Odgoia Cordelia,Le ' A; Ism, brig" ideNtirliurniort; and Retell Odin meree,let Jadeli:o s !rent , on. this rooming: Wind Aly—deilhet ' - •" non; Sae, :TT.100:- , B. P111611.38,-,- . - . - JAY gIiSIUkt_SO'"MIPSZBIO — • .„- , ;Nzw" Yell: Sept q. • Autpatiala . p.PriusivAll, 1411, - trenk Lipeel. , • Arrividit- rowar, Aaatauthre, barque - Aura; iv:mam; pat brig Glostga WA Isisoirai"-iseds Trinidad do cut, Rumors, Sept /OW; IMP* 3 awalsbneis, fronillarse; Bei Poo. - ajittelidabirrab em,;(llidg. vq.plaieri-frosterateride;„bry Niewadd;Sibatat r tattsNe4. , : - #. - 1 7 ,Baletat , c-birgfi. PolfrtiallfavatiaL_' °voila; from Tarifa ciariteaa4:Witfil"ifiri'fivri Rost as ' oft Media • Ohip:Citivf.llist,YDrivironi•Thifild.firaissai - Bs'storifo basitufJ,mi.a.Alll4,tro-.4oN9Eas• „. -- " • Boaigidfronalairsialriai , bound to Bisiari lost, Ti.e otaw.,or isds . brlcßuieta i befararteßiati r eti . U,a're - - arrived " : „.. • • - Oats.' ta.arg,ieati. sksrired; Optoadahip_Coltussbdi, deem 'X, York.' • .. - , bk., - Ber 6. Arrived; ateaniahip_litas of the Pooch, from N • - (Per eteemehip_Filtan ) = - +Juane, Nlf;'#eit 8411 r d, from, Liveepool,deg dettii etnp4ordan, foi' Bit/wt, Aut24—;• ' The Magistrate, from New . Otteine, Wee pissed:weterloeged and , staiidnned'on Angina qqa• • Her Grew, hainhaen fended here • ' ' • , The 1108.64rVigir deli 04' Etolyhand on the evenly% of the 24.4""hngnet, • .. 31610 , tijioicliSCpciriti, Mewed at New' YorlOyetrilril ftor'Siiituwatt - - • - Rehm forth, orriird rp at New Orleans Met nit. - thligtleati -6 Oritt,t, Notttin,"fir Liverpool ,' cleared at Charleston rithina • •,. , „ - • Bargtho';Bl Jaaiiefroixi, Poraembrieni arrived at Rio de Jimmin about - _ - . Barque ciontutd rialobuyy r hones, arrived at Richmond 4th loot Bingos Gisitestirk, for'PriiiMisbniati; with 4165 bele' dour, clamed at New Orleani Mai Borgne lAzdte,l9rum 7.lmadithoant from Perrouribui" : "LV1 4 ' 1 1 144 .2 4. - 4 Noedu•••rrired at!Nsw York yesterday': Barque I , ..plying, Ke11y , 43 days from Rio de Janeiro; with toffee, wee- below Beliiniore • y estifitt4:l:Reports - Waif lichinOtidiarrived out. 07-51 k ti and that and bad takajn dine: sea ia thi „999991•1 4 ,',410id'.:14,;:spititerisoirs;:abusbastitital'- - andz • irrisied:for, •ftcreial days -nada Morte - dbisortrod: It ' wan eatioginirkidJaly 4L4larcregoffot known. — _ - • " '-' ll lllV• 7 o l o o .9 l `.Kettir , Fisher, frontOk'lagiitie tubs', ;mitred rifotilieltitittiraldtt lost, - •• -"-dtileAnti; liffii4barlf tiiinired'arDaltimon 4th' but for Norfolk,' ,'• '' • - • • • Brig. tiolly:Whittrey; arrived at New Mayen oar trot. from Pore Aug 9.' _belt latique,B Deming, for • • Miw'l'ink;'ldv .brittirrrettio, Druilmr,lrom New, Yorki :st t .g • Iffoluihno, Otttebell;frineWhidisoriMh for Al: essoirts, - sailed front Jf.itport 29th nit. • ' Brig Lou illis a issth;-Taytor i - lienceiarrtved at Boston 4th • rear:Otetlen ',Tidier 'for Phtledelphts, was towed to sea from Now Orleans 24th - Ochre Pidelic litlicatour J - - P: EBBW - Conduit' Mary' Ann, Rowan; ,P ;Jake, Zndicott; Therem, oandyf Emith, and N B T Thomp-, Soo, barns, hence at Boston dtb lost, ,• • Behr , AlC.olold4forl phtiwilelphitti ettitart„, frons,l4- , mouth 8d '„ , gehur Atildrk tPtiodk r •No.thain,•Ligliti 'dice, and '. - 11 ,1 :441,yer,"Rijnerifiec011adelptilit , Miffed from prow Andended, Diuo44 , et - tit-lee RUM* -Witistraff ':Effros; M•wa;='l 7,Djer, Roger. Al. Ripgeos; Speed,,dourers; gdwapsi, alarri-, Otiwoing, nice,. and - Lewis Olark,,tooey li ; berme at Roston 4th inst. , - ' &Mar W 0 Maritima, Role, cleand at New,York yesterv. day for trhorieston, - • - ' Ociti Mary . = ice Tice; Philidelpitiei Ralik from lifow Raven 6th . • -, • ,• • &lir. ;protium' pine; lifebaffiti frOml , ,Oarciectiont • litror f..,r Phliadeipteri; arrived at ti York yesterday. • Ockr.o tritigar,. (stearnon fakir!, hence at Itartford 'Otti Bak' - , ' • - .. • • Bohr &Nth, Beacon, from Nivy Begird for rlltiadet• " phi*, arrived at New York 6th'intit...."-, - , Rohn ‘l . Washburn. Thrasher, and - Perna Neibiikr" .— r-r, • lor . Fltilidellthlaisailed,rront Pamitori Sirt Bch r,limistlaill'aeltiwee Claric e - horLicytklitextford. 2rl. lneteatri'-;' , • PAW Julius Webb:ißogeris;ead,-Ailda,Oarbury, for , Philadetibur,"eleued at Niw London 3.2 foist. Rohr M W Ohapto, Kellogg, for Philade4lo, cleared :at ilartford , misorkiniirV lohr Buena POl.orore elkr for •liimport" . : with oral. before reputed - estiore tiro miles ,sontti of Beinrgat foleirt . ging!, telijedeg e i k - tgo a t o o 1 0 4 Clqit" teterthatlili veteef went on daring .r dense n,,11` .Inm bolt Oreek, Det, to I ittEK 01'159 lone trgiefer; valued et and ' owner by thint /400 ,011aerif:::'NeOnedreirce oni 'Oster , Captirldl3 sold bet inaterlateTer Tali • • = ,sQUebeedeept B=4,Divere are etitteinyloyee in itecrer - • tug gritdictum tire week of ,the MO 111dh•-wk- i iibich Ives lost off Alert Moo Point , fn the I, tier odd of &intim ber,lBo.- ":Ifjen - eckre..loadi , bave been recovered thbi •sodoi3i-eono.rjo ." s chiefly ofdrodad tra.: - i0 ; r114.,i0,14 .- ARL.AISI:I3" - -NotioeYfehoteby, given thattke ,BnOryiaced on Jack Kotts:Ledferto insalf;thft eporbath to linobebso; hie trial* , ftoullbs Ineceitle, It trikl , be replaced Aa • Efonbiebf iinljikt-benae Boair: • -- -lIIEO - 'P! GRID/M. 5. ,4 5 Lighthoune 'sweeter, 4.t Dial. rort4eibi, Bepb:i; lbbe - ,•' _ , :=Tofd WWI TORTS .:-'• YOtlC;',Pop% 0-4r,,abip ZisrichiJnk,sHserei - MO „LiaetAar,lerna) Ziannooneni rencluuonco, els citesayton Aidner!lis (Pant, -Wteelatog,, Area:mot wit snai l , nitric Reig4crtebunft. Obi' James Rani ; eon: BeosonoteeciPkj - ,Wide Wnelt,lteeklehlf 11= Okl;lnieuntini-Akierbenelegif, ilooncp, jai:jun; • battenkOkikealf4 l ...tal!ei Allelbettipoek, - . ; "31113101iliepeb-akr: IleinnlOdonill, Lisbon; c is! , 'Ann.,sb s atten, , ,lnckt oer,bntimes,l3erjr Lior. gee& dnoeq,,Oientnegoe,'• fle•lteki - e•Wein; eon ,Jaratute " - ' : •-lfratuayttaiistoprbitiki 7 P - fitlientkAhnekeee;; - penim: `neisrTirinealin. - ittvonee ; Alti,24ldrisi - tbbr fS .1 1 / 1 11001 1- 0 i ,, ; , i ;. , e ktb ji; L iellii, it • ntiii iii r yig .. i t 2114 ' 41eflAii;'''11';'14-‘l"lutH left n7 n tl if ,i' ' _ i r i : ilr ' gT: :: .- il u ak 7*) Etelk P", In ‘1,066i tr , "o IP 9til'e `4ltittt`l,4l4 VA 4 ',...*MEdttrol4l( 4., .. , 111102 ertrxxili fi , ,_ , ~ mg- s - :4",, , ,, w 1 i 1 otx`Rz '. qhd thilibif **7 ° I, ...-1 ~..,21 1 tur d f,, -',.. ~ l' 1440A14*Ib6117,ii*i*SO4-1 1)91' A.;CO:, 11 , .-,:460.14(01240..!"11`,,,,,,;; ; 1 i•; 40 / 41 , _Alicrir tweet. 1 "''''------- ,lititriann, - , ~, i.a;:,,,4',•,..,,,;,,..-_6OO-Al,l` i- _ a , , , • ..“' an T. nelY,17:1)1! lwilt.' '''''''r'''4l .,PlLl-% z: relilii','`Aiftutit!'"' On Mu, Stro \ rik ll ugu il eti l , to mr,...tifionisg,wP4lll3f4r_s,4„.._ '''''''' ' --c'iiiiii."447"kf.ra`,4o,thi,, w,"Nur nomesburg, , wen 3: 1,,. - -4124,„,,,it sAmir-mat,,,-putimiiihic,ie7 sTic. ' - - ... tfr, vtwistrio.,..... -,'•24.4'f1,-ir *131 r.„.. 1 ----• - , , :. triterest Pt" de ewtemb'r 24. taluata WORaVt;t4 l*uuma. * " 1 ,1014 ~ _.,v-1,'•^ . ,..,. , ''. t0,,,,4.4.4*';^,=?......,' '”oi '4itiarsvd., kat to A1i,113-ri'vetity.thlrd Yu*, P e a l me JAMES ° 4,- 4.140",` ‘,, - --'%. ,t ;44104t439-11:,-t-atik`,A7,..irithout. mod te* lt t at,"br iht , Ilk ittiN r c, ',ma Frap . *- -:;;:,/0,?1,1:j,..-1;,Aiztl'0,..21;46 tat giiivii6,4w`,',lbitaiN to bilmtl.."4l. -, . tt„ ;,. '-'4.'..w ww ff -l lnt. 4 o' liieg ia°* ".- n''' ..... 'vt r .7,ion.dophop.,,,tii t o i t, tb. asy.tri,,,E 4 bot, -.4.-44-t-t-7 41 - '' / 4 "ilt.eo ''''*' '' ie. * Lo 94"the 1 I t h a "Ap WA* "law , * '''', _ll6lo4.wri. ,l o4iariaP s, ,, , ~ ,;,;9,ll2l4eitik ''„ll**" pg,Tl3.ll;_ti;:f; ..*.` 414/o*„.,mikkobaoßks."'''sif"6.77-, 4,' ~ liou te siti2o3.W".. ihf ittart l!st.1; , i l k, 4 1 , , :",.., .. .'.• '4, 44.= 1 •44 , ' , 4 4,q,t,--4, .5, ' 5t ' IRRlttig . 4l'll3.E VP, TO- PM (gaol= 1748 MORNING. ;GIRAED,HOGSE:.,...OIistnnt titreiLlnsfew Ninth. , 14f 47 P"nii- 8.0 •Mt Simmons& - Miss ' 421 , E KY = „ meakin. gniciand W Goideary, , Anguste, Ga 8 TannehilliAtignsti, GaM Tinsley, Ga ••• • Mr E.trellai Richmond =G W - Wilson, Richmond TheiJ , Iliwood, Pottsville ; V Oherdavoine, Ala - Mrs Cumiekey 'eons Salt Jasßeetle; Arkansas Miss Helen Thsbettle, Ark Dr E Rinser, Lane I n n Neal, fly , y o exenightlicher, Pa Gen 8 Cameron to 'Geo 111•8telnmen, Lano Ii A Roland. Lane co "Poo it Bykes,'Gennentown J Spencer. N Y. - Wm - RC/lure. N Y, Ityames, N.O • 'ML BrOekett, T J Clotithers, Tenn B Oaruthent, Tenn • Adman, Parkerebtg,Va W H Armstrong, St Lours Thee II Dungen; N Y A 11 Taft Oharleston, S 0 ' Bl2 °. OOOl d,•N•Y ' Mies Goold, , N Ghee E Geoid, St Peril 0 Siderewether, Englena B:Heairmant, England' W S Tkaw,ltichmend L Nor.rose, Boatels J . a Gellert, Ala Ooin Stockton,lg ,• • W DAblott; N J A. Lvon,Golismbiteildles'' M 8 Sheftelii ilemlinebßa Thos Ohelmer, NY - • G-A Nicene, Reeding 8 .„" 11 , 11 4 Pa e' .'"s W Eillinger, Lebanon , "`" '"'``litlev, Lebanon Dr A tillalbarball;Petterl H gaud:int, England Pas H Cutter, Texas E R Hinghurst, N Y .1 Oarter & Is. Burke, Ga Mire V Varner, Burke; Ga Mies. V Thompson, Burke W Langdori &.1a; Ala L Berkeley. Norfolk, Va TR Jones, Norfolk, Va. A O Dicharde, N Y 'A riPotee.'Gre.,' ' ` ' • ' - Geo D Jewett,,Washington MaJ G 0 Hatter, & Va P,O Hotter, Virginia ' H . Byrd, Beltimore Hera P Green. N 0 Thor Russell, England W-It RI &nen & la, N C Dll i , mey. Alabama Miss L otoomi Alabama John Webb Afimissippi I? 'Rain it lady. Nashville John Webb, Mies <OR 'T i en, New York ` R W Detain" & la, Ohio Dr A- Helbirtadi,•Pa Tames, Del '• J• W auro, Det• " • TEf Holt, 'Louisville (I,Watd, - Memp` is; G M 0111. Memphis 0 P Lowrylk lu, Ey G A longstreet, Ge 0' a Freeman, Ga , 111 Edgerton, Ind , Mlsii Nulls& sae, Lad . Wm LBradlay, N 01, Hatch & la. NY • - 0 Scott. Oteubmville, 0 P J Feguair, N Y St,allile, • le Y , 1" giapters; Nlt Edw White, 'MY -II L Hitchcock, N Y - ' olt Hodges, Bait A tingledeve, Vs "' John W Dudley, Gin 0 0 Churchill,. Memphie• 0 Nettleton & la, N Y BOorley: Argenta. Gs' ' B Tibbette,N Y How O W Pitman, Pottsville MIRONANT/P HOTEL—Eourth street, below Areh. 7 Itosentild, N Y J N WardlaW. T nneesee Dtietil. Milton, Pa , " W 0 Ausbults Sunfish', 0 T Long NO , ' D luso Miss • ' W - ' " Oen L y, Manels_Ohunk L Troch, Carbon co Pa • J ailpin;EittOming, Pe 8 "'medley. Philadelphia 0 A Power, Meedvllle. Pa w 0111 Jr. Meadvill a, Pa lieddis, lihlnpensbarg, Hays & Is. Dresden, To lir Leonard, Pittsburgh J Ilßrady, Phil& - ifs Parker. Lewlitown .7 S AteOubblos, N 0 IL Lllnrst, N 0 T J Preemso, Trenton, Te W - A Lowey; DanyLle, ;11' Mill J . II Walton, Pa Holle.Sentt. Pa-, ,W 0 Bentsen. lowa W Gale; ' Mina EV4123, Pa Henri, Aderrus. N Rombro, N 0 Joillisigson, 'Vs , Win Alexander, lowa Pas It Neal, N 0 J WOarpenter and bro, 0 B Glamor. Pa , Alphonse Cross, Tenn M Bell, Tenn John D,bert, Pa David Dibert, Pa - IL nitoer, Harrlsburg "J:Alyster and son. Pa J N Simpson. Kenai 8 Winos°n and wl„llansas J N brewer, Pa A 1, Snowden, Phis tui -,* ONION 110T111 , —Arab streetbelow Fourth Jno B Moser, Allenton DI Drown, Savannah, Gs If Davidson, Tenn Wm a Grocery. Ohio 31U Grocery, Ohio Ed Marshall, Phil* - A J itsy, Tains . G A Ramsey. Salem, N D. Hawl,y,, Phtenisvilin , P Emory, 14 J kr Frey & eon, Easton, Pa' Jeo Make, Easton, Pa Mile W Micko. keston, Pi Miss A Dawen,3 won, Pa Ileden. Md - litenstl.ld. Doboone, Ia UH, Dubuque, - lowa ,F P Heller, Reading. Pa M Itsiohart, Tsmsqua J W Wahl; Johnstown, Pa YHoke,Ohamberabnrg llBHuite.Ohamberebnrg WE Forret, DniVin, Ind • W 0 Sawyer, Pa .o.POarletgo, N 0 , JB 'Wallace: Lane co, Pa Geo Douglass, - N Y N T•llarris, Wheeling. Ya Baker ; N - W Fumy, nab% G Kann. Phillipsbnrgh W thiishirosso, Lase, Pa H Hirsh, N 0 • It Parlor, Pittsburgh J 0 Wright,. Ninersville Wm 1, Anderson & son, Ps 'AMBITICIAN 110139B 7 Ohestent etreei, below Sixth IPlierne; St Lords ir Gee &Oaten & la, Gs A Brownell N W Oreit, NY . W H ?Montt, PhDs lat Haywood, Oa. ' Dr ElaVannah, Os Mini Winans, Savannah Dr I.mb,Bavaroth 3_111014, 111 L itkr , Wilkembarre , Z Butler Wlikeabarre Gee Newell,N Y ilnhn PelailFng, Ohio _W N BreWri,Alezandrla",:Va,t Baia, N Y feteri, Masa ° 0 J Haig Jahn ficbinek, Pa 4'o D4nokletwp,.PA J:DA4oaleb, Pa . , . . • .. ~ _ . • . :- NATIONAL ; ROTED;;-Beee street.above.Third. W bloffiev, - Phila - D Montgomery, pato • . _ T 0 Mark, Leneaster , . -- E . Darliegton. Chester co J White Sr. la. Elmira, N Y 13 Lisberger, Danville, Va FL Et Swartz, Lebanon -. EIC Msnbeelt. Berke co, Pa , J D (hymen. Shippeosburg 3 Heck. fkippeosburg DO Bl.yer, Freeburg, Pa 0 A Smith, Tioag, Pa John-Wooi..Pa . . Dr ..1 . W Rope. Trappe. Pa - H-lloyer, Trappe, Pa .-Prir Bendier, Pottsville A F Rosa. Reeding W G McGowan, Reading _ 131 Sunderland, Trapp, Pa If D Sharer Stroudsburg J T., Elope; Pa.; -WO Sutter. Pottsville 0 D Wasp', Oatawiesa B 0-Fisher. Pa - . . N. 0 hlorrlson,.Pottaville'. P Hersh, Lewisburg, Pa I . .BTAOK BEAR INN—Fifth and 111 ,, rohint streets, M Kirk & 14; Cal - nFt MoOollough, Md 'Johan' Metiallonwth,,Md ;Id Suoklay,,Jr, Lana co. C B Hirt/113cm: Pa • Penns . . Men LATIN; W Cheater. , 'David Pield, W Cheater Jacob Devoe. W Chester W 0 Buckley. Md B Nevin, Cheater co, Ps P J Alison, Cheater co, Pa bliss Williams, Pa P Baurbeer. Lena co, Pa W D'Eirans, POttstown Hartranft, Pottstown Chas B Leripold 'Pottstown MHobart, Pottstown Wm El Webiii-Pottetoww: • BaRLEY FINVAY HOTEL—Feetrad street, Many Wine. Mice R Fell: Buckingham .Mtea A E Kerr. Lancaster Gen Thimatt. Gartaville - V Reading, Hatboro, Pa B Werford, Port Pleasant Williamson Lamberts, , - t J - Birtleyew Roppee • - I 8 Noteombe, da - Alry .1' it gulp ave. Phila' L Opdyeke, Pittstowa, NJ 'A Taylor.* N Amos snydo ,r Pa B _Welkin; New R ope • Wrn DaYls„N • . • - • 1107XLiFTliii , Vitnrre Caloirblll. •fi P Rnepert, Beadles ' .70 Burkhart, Derain]. - -Wm W . Miller:-Bernvilla' - 7 Weber, Sertville 'AM Bright,. Darnall!. S W dftljer, Bernville DGlibert,Pottldown J Johniqn . . Perkinmenv Yerser.'Groen Lnite ' 4 .Davld AVarOb4l4, Pa • Stmon , Trexel, Pei David Peter. Pa Jacob OrepPri' P4,W.ll4lder, Pa M D wkel.iteadins '' _ Albert Rine Pa , D Lehr,' Gratatown - Master Lehr, °rattans' Rani:BON 11000/1-8600nd'st, not above itaskSt J- , - Thos Mud, Plata R Tills, Del J 0 Laecor Trenton - Jossph Stagers, Itst; Po , so n 1 en, VIL piney 11 - Jones, Bolt J W.Johnston dc la, Pa -BALD . 11.tOZN HOTNI„.--Tbirti street. ab. OaNowlin., Twits Johoon, N • . Wm @shorts, Pa Ntnanael He'pe, Pa Zonaph Newnan, Pa Mtea timmieh 'Ps ' A W Pattelger. - Pa Nes ry - • thal. 'Di HFhotlenberger,P a Pr ednith, Ps Wm Thomrson, By 'Cheese Ms/et...Line ea ?olio Neligh, Pa Jammed - Jones: Ps Nottssi. On motion of Jmnee Goodman, Erg oi ,John 0. 'lCtitteElAN wm this 'dity ttimitted to practice m an /at ortey 1p the /nail ict Court of the City and County of Phimdtlphia. - Sept. 0,186 S toa-Int Try Alain —Meet, persons, once imposed on, are sasOolous. Mutton is needed,ln these times to es eairi hunitulif, And the "certalnoi of being. victimized. iuys Ha ueps EcuiLatstrale Hair Restorative is au Infallible, remedy for baldne a. those who have either lostlbelr Hair, or ire beeetnhig held, should try thie 'M46'61016 - preparoVeo, whose effects are atrecu Bold by ail-Druggists, and at the Laboratory ofJolse Ifewer...t oo.,,'Perfuoiere and Leportare, No. 104 Obeettititstrit, Philadelphia. sett6t Saila/ere! elassicol Institute, at the. ES'S _PHILADA,.PIIIA INSTITUTE, corner of - MARKET Street sad WILLIAM, will be 'reopened on the first SIONDAY..of September. Pupils; to the ram t4 received WITWOOT CORM 0/ 7.11 S OW , Tlll P.ABOIWOIM OAILWATO 0r ' 11113,11 , 14 Tpue, - ,eitbout exoeose;by a'pleeesnt and safe con • veyance, pupils can be carried Into, the fresh air of the 'country in Imes' than halt an hour from the centre of the oily. Several acres of open gmund border on the beau tiful Fovea of this Seminary, which is patronized by many of the diatingut.hed kentleMen of the city, among Wheat - are the Editors of The Press, the Ledger, and The North American and 'United ?Wee Gazette. Pc ply are rrceyed by the'olay, or into the family of the PHiLADRLpHIA, July 1, /654. , "We, the undersigned, have had eons or wards ,n Professor Saiinders , Institute and family during the Session which bee jut closed. In respect to parental kin!iness,.heipy lufluenoes, attention to health, and - proven in thorough education'. our expectations hive been_ fully. resifsed, , , TO our friends, „wife are looking fora decidedly good - patine! - for,their 'sensors cordially recommend'Profeasor Fru:lidera , liistattiti. • 0 MATTHEW NIWNIRII, No, 1300 Arab street, «/ NO. W. FORNEY, office of The Press. ' , "i•.OIII.B,LIES.E.:,"TROMPROS, Thompson is.Rord,li o Ohestrit street. 1, 1. B: SILVER. 1400 Girard avenue: SPRINGS, V 1 Market street. 4, GEORGE H. MARTIN, 1626 Walnut sheet? , Other-Patrons of this Institution: ELI 8. BURN/MT, 402 hiarlet street. 3011 N O. IIIITIMRLI4 . 2.qB Booth Sixth street. C9l_olleNe 142 0911. th Righth &treat. N.,}3jiltOWNE, liB_Bonth Pifth street, • o'; , SAMUEL, MOORS;Loiin Equaish' , • - P. WATSON, I,orstrEquare: ' WM. birATif atlip of &Ayer. 's MORTON - IstoM.iogA.lL, - Gino% of North gmerioan, ELLIB LEWIB, Senn Square. ' HOAR iIELIICT, That:mai W. Bally, No. 622 .Alaikei Street, Importer atd Dealer la Fine Watcbet, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Were First-class goods constantir on band The sub , eriber, paying rash for every article, is enabled to sell at 4-'arnall advance. Those about purcbasing Werild,AU'riell 'to goods warranted as repro - sul-am et, r3iteiaL Debility.— This convenient trent lac:hales ronieroue ihdenned,and supposed incurable forma of disearm;aceoinpanted by general lowlande and exhaustion, without - any secertoinable (literati or itb. -terns! cause, PERLMAN SYRUP anode Its re novating intimaten to the lumostreeesseo of the opitem, ant o,„,, n oi a , e a sn our Community many owing of cup poled incurable disease, Nor sale la thhicit.tby P. Brown; Bath end Ohestrint, arid llosorird & OC.i Twelfth and Chestnut. aual=d&ntf - - a Sakarya altassarta 4 ,•lll.ltltir OBWING i 710 0111#3*UT . I3TRBICIT. _'alsolliktes are now ALAIy admitted to, be the' ;yen;- Mae fOr fatally sewing, making a newstr o ng, sikrilarrtio,stitoh,whieh wilt not rip, wren if every • fourth it ttb at.. Qiroalan sent - on application bp iittsi." • • IP9-7 •- • • ion Panama, - .1/11111 AND OHRBTNDT. ' j ,bheafiy ' Notse~ Draf?si DUD ,Ladtog, Bill neMis, env 04rio; - : sad 011 other kinds of Job Printiog, it p'44•ti tnAttittlio • • . onl7-1," On Monday, Bth Instant, Arra. HART !alma, In the 78 h year of her age: ; . • ' - Her' Wends, and thee' of Ake family, are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her ton, {times Armlet street, west of Till,- Vir:'et . P. 11,1 'dolphin,- on Thursday afternoon, at _1 &cloak, trlthOut fu - ther notice. *** ..On the 4th lnatanti MART M. IrELRALIi, in the 181 k year of her age , per friends, and these of he: , family, are respectfully !wetted to attend her funeral, from the resideuee of. het i abtrrthte,ralinbil(arw.,.'Bl',doLiis lik, f rom 1612 North Fourth afternoon, at 3 o'clock. ' * On Sunday; ', 6lik , instant, 8 %RAH O'DJNNELL, daughterg of Edward and Elizabeth O'Donnell, aged 4 years and 8 months, . The relatives and friends of the faultily are respect. ful.y invited to 'attend the, funeral, from the residence of her Parents, N 0.1245 Nagle street, below Thompson and 'above Eleventh, this (Tuesdny)` afternoon -at 2 o'clock. without tanner exam. On the sth tru3tant,', Dire: MARTorre cf Wm. Rue, aged 66 per.. Her relatives and friends are respectfully inaited,to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband, in Itlarlbwough street, above Queen, righteenth ward,- (late Henri neon.) ion Mosley af , ernoon, at 8 o'clock, without (other notice ' -*** On the 81 instant Mr . CHAS. SOIIEURMAN, in the 67th'yec . of'hie ag e. - On the Lid instant, GEORGE DIXON , aged 68 yea - s. , On the, 3d Instant, Mr ADAM JOHNSTON, in the 76th year of his age. 41 On the 84 indent, GRAS W. GUNNELL, in the 63d 'year of bra age ' ' * At Brantford, on the 4th instant, Mrs. MARY AWL i ri, in the year of he - age. * - Suidenly. on the 4th inn int, ELIZABETH MAR WELL, iv the 69th year of her age tr On the 4th ins.ant. Mr: JOHN GRANT, aged 36 I years. , Great Craton Meeting Tills Afternoon, 11 3 AT JAYNE'S HALL —A &f-,et ne of all Evan gelical denominations 'ail be held THIS APPLR NOON, at 4 o'clock, in JAYNE'S HALL, to receive and hear JO/IN MACGREGOR, 11 , 0 , Honorary. Seore lary of the Protestant Anton w, end of the Open-air WHAM of London, a co.tabo:er of• Lard Shaftesbury, and Intinuttelr connected with Reined Sal bath Soboole, and other reformatory movements in Great Britain 'Mr. Matigregor's statements in New York were listened tetwith great interest Let Philadelphians give their brother from abrerd a warm fraternal welmis, and avail themselves of the on.y opportunity which will be air .rded in this city of bearing what Is doing by. the friends of Ohrfot and ha 'Malty in Euiope. •Thomas Brainerd, - J-11 Kennard, A Atwood, . . Jho. Leyburn, Zoo 0-asabere, • . Richard A. Garden, Saml H. Pertins, J. Humphreys, Allred Nevin, John P Da Hamel, Thor Wattoon, Duglase, Arthur G. CeMn, lasso Colo, Denies Dunlap . . J. Al. Olmsted, P. Illatchfo d Starr, ' Wm Getty, Thos. T. Mason, unite Pearson. Goo. H. Stuart, 007-It* rrPhiladelphia, Sept. 3d, 1958.—At a afeeting of Delegates tor the Third Senato rial of the PhOPLE'S PARTY, bold at the bona° of' Abel Lukens, Third and Willow ',trees, Col. John S. Warner was called to the Chair, and William hfurptty aprointed Secretary. Ottertail Stein, Am. bruit.) Hawkins: and Edward B. tle were appointed Committee on Credentials, and William 11. Seller Treasurer. Conandtteo on Credentials reported 63 Delegates pre sent. On the 4th ballot Mr. JOHN K. PARKER wee dn'y eleated the candidate of the party for /Rae Senator, whercup^n the nomination was made nuani MOW, Attest : WA!. O. MURPHY, Seey rrsAt d Sleeting of the Delegates repro. noting the Fifteenth Assembly • District, on Saturday evening Isar, (1130 lIAMMEKSLY. keg , of Gerznantown, was uhroimou,ly nominated is the Candidate of the People's Part). to represent said Dia. trict in the State Legislature. set-104 Democratic .State Committee. -- The (17.,members of the Democratic State Committee are requested to meet at the ST CRADLES ROTE L, in the city Of Pittsburgh, on WED fESDAY. Seetember at 7 o'olook P. M. R. RIDDLE DI:MEETS, Chairman. - The following are the names of the Committee: DiSTRIOTB. lath—Oen. W. 11. Miller Cyril. Cloning°, 10th—Dr. John K. Raub 11. M. Korth. 17th..W. tc. Stable. 18th..Bamnel 'Robinson. 19th..A 11, o,flroth. 20t.h..,1 B. Crawford. 21et.,.,T. K. Calhoun. 224.. 'P. B. &aright. 284.: W. Workman. 24th—Jimee P. Barr. Timid Lynch. Janos A. Giblon. 25111—Ifugh McKee 28th..13.. P Cochran. 27th ..W. P. Bhattuok. XSth..W. T. Alexander Bee SILIATOBIAL let..lohn Hamilton, Jr. Lew 0. Clascey. J. D. Campbell. H. B Browne: H:•gh Clark. John H. Dobnert. 2d... , 0bn B. Rhodes. &I..Plorence tth..Robert Tyler. 6th..0. A. Cooper. eth..•amuel L Young. 7th..P. B. Ksereher. Parker. Ellwell. leth..Steuben Jenkirui. lith..George Whito. 12th:.blaJ. J. Cturuningl. 13th..1" W. Knox 14th.J. B. Dratton. ' ry-=,-• Price of Ail.: 113. CIENAT OMIT MIX Gaston Reduced --Th riNT MIA IN BLOOM.* Joriuoity of vein this FLU, Welt, from all appearance . of Admission has been re %Odeon uncer twelve Five netlt of the YOUNG URN'S se6-3t* — .abet all may have am up,. Rat. We:num this week, (is will be it/ lent ) the price, 'aced to TiN 01011 - 8. 01 Cleats. Erreeeita for the bet OfIRIaT/ AN .19:2001A1101 r?fallen _Howard Fire and Marine In. EURANOE COIIPAVY—EBIL kiNYLPDI A, August 26, 1866 =ln accordance with the provisions of the Act of Incorporation, an MIACTION for TWENTY DI- EhOTORS; to serve for the ensuing year, will be held st the 'Office of the Company, No. 412 WALNUT St., on TUEBUsY, the 7th day of ieptember,lB6B, between the hours of 10 A. If. and 2 P. hr. an2B.tdaopB CHARLES A. DUE, Elecretary. Comm te.lon..rat Office. OT .4311 POILACIALPHIA, Augy 80, 1656 TRH BOARD OF REVISION 1011 wee at chic office to fulfil the deaf geof their appointment, as follows: First Bard—Monday, September 6th, 1668. Second ward—Tuesday, September 7th. Third ward— , sedneeday. September Bth. , Fourth wend—Thursday, September 6th. • Fifth ward—Friday, September 10th. Sixth ward—Monday, September 18th. treed—Tuesday, September /Oh.' Eighth ward—Wednesday, cept.mber 16th. „ Trail werd-;-111iday, September/7th. Eleventh ward—Monday, September 20th. word—Tuesday Pep amber 2let. 9 hirternth ward—Wedneeday. September 22d. Fourteenth weed—Thirre My. September 2.3 d. Fifteenth ward—Friday: September 24'h Sistsenth ward—Monday. September 27th Seventeehtb ward—Tuesday Sep ember 2°th. Eighteenth ward—Wednesday, iteptemb:r 20th. Nineteenth ward—ti messy September 30th. Twentieth ward—Friday, October et Twenty-tint ward—Menday October 4th. Twenty-second ward—Tueeday, October 6th. Twenty-tbad ward—Wednesday, October 6th. Twenty-fourth ward—filen:lday, October 7th. J]7 The Amason of the various wards will tithe no tice acoordingly. • J. AI L , •DDY, JAMES LOGAN. S Oity Oommista. EDW'D It. WILLIAMS, A. J. FLIAIe FELT, Receiver of Taxes. WILLIAM V. MoUlle../f, Otty Treaenrer. irairtg BRIDGETON.—The Steamer EXPRESS 'leaves ARCH Street Tues days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at lig o'clock A. Returning, leaves BR I DG ETON Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8 o'clock A Al Stopping at New Naito, 'Delaware City, Pert Delaware and the usual Landings on the Cohansey Through tickets for Milleville, Port Elisabeth, Mauricetown, Dividing Creek, - Newport, Cedarville, and Falrton. se7-Im* MBE MECHA NICAL BAKERY, Now manufacturing a variety of kinie of SUPERIOR FAMILY DREAD, To which are Just added RYE, DEAN, AND MIME DREAD. Its purity Is warrlnted, and for weight aid quality this Brest to unrivalled!' irr 1r -r ate at the Agencies throughout the city, Cod delivered, when desired, at flee cents a loaf. (Mk 0. MADDANIEL, Superittendent, Corner BaOAD Bud VINE Streets. 10111ATTL'S FARINA CRACKERS. • Asic for PAUL'S FARINA CRACKEI3 2 if you went the pure unalulterated article. It le evident from the increased deniend for them, that PAUL'S FARINA OR WHIMS are more generally Wed In the sick room and nursery than any others Principal 'Wholesale Depot at 3 It WEBB'S; No 223 80.% Street, and of arocers generally. ee7-3t* NOTICE.—Aa there is a change contract -11 plated In the Business of pIeKEE, 'ROBERTS. Sr, MOSES of Columbia, Gs , the publie are notified not to (menet any further business with that firm, wiubout the consent of the undersigned, 11. O. MCKEE September fth, lOC se7-6tde CAMPBELL'S DINING SALOON, of THIRD Street and II ARMONY Court, bee been aloed for savoial days past in order to be regto crated and disenthraflud. It will be t paned la TUESDAY neat, with improvesoonta and alteratlond which R ini ustentett the town. The host toot thrown bin aqui into the tuskof ren wal, and wo 'tbink that his efforts will meet with univ real -approbatioa liken reopened it Islll be a model extabilabrueot. ,t7-5t AWNINGS I AWNINGS I JOBSPII 11. FOSTER, Awning Maker; No. 443 North TiilltD Street- above Willow. - Italian and French Window Awnings for Dwellings and 0111 o down 7 Awnings for Storrs, Awologe for Steamboats and Ships All kinds of Awnings Tents, 41 , gs or any thing In ennvaa, made to order hyJOSNPII H FOeT elft, Awning Maker No. 443 North TMLAD threat neat. dente r o 840 South Front Street, seT-1m JOSEPH M. F 0 TER. POSTPONEMENT,—The opening of the BILLIARD SALOON, B.W corner T VifIrLYTII and OLLESTNIIP iltreets. Is unavoidably postponed until THUIU3DAII EVENING. September fl.h, in 'Conse quence of the inability of Sir. Michael Plolan, Mr. Ravened), and others lam New York, to be present be o a that than, ee7-86it VICTOR YEITSPHE. AN ENTERPRISTNG MAN WITH. $BOO, , can now purchase a Inn•toegs route in Pon.,sylvtt nla, on which diligence will insure an ample return of proat. Apply at 1111 .11A1tIKEP Street, above Fourth, front 10 to .12, and from a to 4 o'clock, for three gaps, se7-2tit Li&S ANY ONE DEAR TO WU TAKEN 11... TO irrttONG DRINK? Pa Ziel.t.,32t SEVENTFI &net, below Spru o, has discovered a Powder whith all. set any Dranitard aping: the very sloe 1 of lig or Itarra , ted free f, om poison. and can easily be mlxed In food or drit k without fear Of detection. To bo hal in One•Dallar and lerre-D Mar Palkoges eel-,tai , NOTlCE.—Consignees per Dutch Brig s , itYPO EIENDBIK," Sehut, Master, from dm ierdam, will please a‘nd their p.rmits on busrd, at tiourh street Wharf, or td the Counting House of the undersigned, as all goods nst permited within Bee clays will he sent to Sahibs Stores, HENRY BORLEN & 00., 221 and 223 South FOURTH Street. atiOAUTION.—AII persons are cautioned against trusting any of the crew of the Lew, brig V.PrO liMiiiiitlli., Rebut, Master, fr. xo Amsterdam, ea no debts of their contracting w1:1 be paid by Usplain or Consignees HENRY DOOLEN & CO., se7.Bt 221 ant t2B South FOUR II Eiveet. IDEOEIVED PER SHIPS WINDWARD XL a,A RYTTENDIL MAI, a full agortment of MINIM and COON AO horn the, well-kpown boners 0. Leßoy, eArondel, & Co , and for sale, in bond, by B. D. imMOOLIAMP, . - , 217 Mouth kritONT Street. . Sole Agent for Messrs. 0. Leßoy, d'Axondel, & 00. ael•Ot* (11.1010 V! YOUNG HYSON' TEA. lu "QUEEN MOP," Tom superior Tea, of receot impolitton, pmeciaus frokbnees and delicacy of fla vor seldom met: with It may be bought, In all ity wily at - R Wa1310 , 8 Tea Warehouse, 213 South 1101121.1 Street, below WALNUT. 0.1-Btit ITALIAN largo stock of Italian &limp on hand, and for Dale by WELVF.It, OLTLER ec. CO., No. 28 North Water stroot. ands :seq ' '„ • No. 2/Forth WIIAR.V..a9 AMERICAN HEMP—A superior lot of Droned and Undreamed American Hemp on hand, and for mile by WEAVER, FITLER, & OR, No. 23 North Water Arent, owl Sol No. 22 North WHARVES. DROWN STOUT.-40 casks c< Fins{ & liiiported avid from Landon, store and for Dale by - WM. H. YHATOO, deS >7to Boa* PUNT Pool YET. fa PIIKAPEUPPIA,.. jUESp . Ay.,_EpTE,I6II-Ipti,, 7, 1855. ~.... :.ltttllllt~erg C~q . 4D~~w :,....._ MRS. AL 001 , 11 AH: = u . 413 ormiii) -•- At her Estab;iotment, No. 24 North iINTLe Wheie ediern'ost "iisieniftilliirnrlteli her friends and the Ladies generally.. THOMAS MORGAN, N 0.718 ARCH STREET, 10ove SEVENTH, (Formerly of NINTH Stroet,) • ' • FANCY BONNET, DRESS CAP, and ' BONNET FRAME MANUFACTORY Also, Dealer In , FRENCH FLOWERS, • ' _ ' ' FEATHERS, and MILLINERY GOODS generally, WHOLEFALE AND RETAIL. Orders sellcited and promptly executed 5e1..12t Erliosolutions rinb Copartnerobipti ritHE COPARTNERSHIP HE RET 0- .i FORK existing between the undereigned, wider the dna of OKAY dc STALEY, was dissolved by mu- Ina consent on the 2d Instant The business of the late Oros will be settled by GEORGE W. OKAY. ANDREW 13PALEY, (MAGID W. GRAY. Philadelphia, August:ll,lBs2. GEORGE W. GRAY will continuo the Drawing bold ness at the old established stand, No 24 and 28 Booth SIXTH Street has constantly on band old Brown Stout, Porter, and Alo: aul7 to th ea-12t A.NDSOMTE - MODERN RESIDENCE nit WITH LARGE GARDEN, STABLE, and COACH 1100SE—n T PRIVATE HALE—Situate on the west side of SIXTEEN T R ntreet, between Walnut and Spence. The garden IF beautifully, laid out, and planted with finest fruit sod ornamental trees and shrubbery. The whole pre.elies in first-rate order.' ca LARGE AND VALUABLE LOT, cor nor BP RIME and BROAD streets,* by 120 feet for es , e or to let on ground rent. _ dm ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE, LiiriAROIT Street,'No. 1405,.bui1t of brown atone, and flubbed throughout In a superior manner with all modern improvements and eonvenirnees. Apply to DI THOMAS k Kiss, No. 1.19 and 141 fiouth EOWITH Street. sed-frm&wa - g - EIDY BROTHERS' NIGH'-SCHOOL, Nos. 148 and 110 SIXTH Street. near Race, IS NOW OPEN TO 0 YR INSTRUCTION Is DOOK•REEPINO, WhITING, AND MERCANTILE ARITHMETIC INSTRUCTION IN THE DAYTIME, Al UdUAL, 13ROFESSOR &SUNDERS' 'INSTITUTE FO t BOYS, at the W.Bil` riiirapnanire IN "E.• TIER FARE Id PAID FOR THE PUPILS On the Railways and Omnibuses, frum all parts of the city. By' See adreribement 11, another column: se6.lm UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA 1.41 PA RTM ENT OF ARTS. The Yrit Term of the Co lege-year will open on WEDNESDAY, the Bth hat. Candidates for admie• glen will appear at the University, for examination on that day at Pt o'clock A. M. Tuition f.r each Term Thirty Dollars. GEORGE ALI,EN PROFESS OR SAUNDERS' OLASSI CAL INSTITUTE —See advertisement tn another column Thia seminary is (stair ''sited by a short ride on the Weat Philadelphia Passenger Railway. set-tf AIR. LOUIS S. D. REES' will re-open his Airrping School for Young tallies, 1232 Rpruco street, on W V.DNESDA.* , Sept. Ittla. suss-Im# tNGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. 4 The Scheel of the enbccriber, in EDON' BUILD ING, CIiE•TNUT Street, above, T wel•th will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY, the lath day or September. aw2o-tt CHARLES eIIORT, BKENDALL'S CLASSICAL AND • 'ENGLISH 801100 L, 120 LOCUST Street, will re-open AIONDAY, September 6 an2s.lm* RS. B ARTON ' 8 BOARDING and DAY SMIOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1020 CIIESTNIIT Street, Philadelphia.—The Winter Term will *pen on the woad MONDAY in September. For circulars and particulars apply as above. au`24-1m CIRIENDS' ACADEMY FOR BOYS, East of Elerputh Street, below Arch, ?emporia the 30th lost. All danomlnatl one admitted.' sl.t per term of 22 weeks. aurz4-12t I LASSICAL INSTITUTE, DEAN Street, ' l l.-/ below Locust.—Duties resumed MONDAY, Miguel J. W. FAIRED, A. M., Principal. m FIE GERMAN TOWN ACADEMY will re-open B , ptember Bth, 1858 The Principal will receive a few pod hoyet into Ma family. an27-1m J Li. WITUINGTON, Principal. A CADEitir Or VIE PROTESTANT •En. EPISCOPAL OFIURCLI t LOCUST sod JUNIPER Streets. The autumnal Session of this Institution will open on MON DAY, September 6th, at 0 o'clock N. M.• The Ep , scop,l Academy presents peculiar advanta ges, both for the moral end intellectual training, end tor the ph' Meal development of the youth comm.tted no pats wilt be spared to perfect the peptic in the va rione studies which from time to time they may pur sue The rooms or the Academy Building are numerens, lofty, nod well ventilat d. and the pupil', during re coon enjoy the advantages of an enolosed play-ground. sed an ample gymnassiurn. Boys able to read, and not less than eight years of age, are received as soon as they have begun to write and cipher, and are ruminated through the various clams of.the Academy , with a rapidity proportioned to their ability. The tuition fee for those In the lowest class is gm per annum, for all others V/5 per annum ; payable halt yearly. in advance. limedes this tee, there are no other charge!' Drawing, the erench immunge, and the use of the Gyinnassiurri being included in the price aura mentioned. Application for admholon may be made to the Prlncl eat, at the Academy, deity, after Auvat, blet, between the hoots of 10 and 12 &ohm& A. If • r== SCHRACK & CO.'S VARNI9HB3, JAPANS, &o Tho attention of Dealers and mourners of Varnishes le boll cited to our SUPERIOR COACII AND PURNIPURE VARNISU, • DRYING JAP ANP, IRON JAPANS, MASTIC AND SPIRIT TARNISHES. We claim to Se the Oldest Varnish Manufacturing Establlshinent IN TIM COUNTRY Our Varnishes having =now been in constant nee over forty years, and are admitted by competent judges to be superior to any others made in the 'United States. ' All we ask is a fair trial, and we are satisfied the merits of our Varnishes widbs FULLY ESTABLISHED. C. SCHRACK & CO., . OLD STA ND..Nos. /52 and 154 North FOURTH Street z',..,e3 FOWLER, WELLS, &CO., 922. ' CHESTNUT Street, keep standard work. oc Phrenology, Physiology, Water Care, and Pilo nograpby, wholesale end retail. Phronologi ," cal Examination, with charts, and fun writ tea deseriptione of character, given day and even lug. Cabinet free to visitors. Ordure by mall to be addressed to Yowler, Wells, .k On, 022 Chestam street leitamottwky t cep 40 D R. F. A. GEN T H CH E RICA L LA BORATORF, No. 833 WALNUT Street. (len t e men wishing instruction In Chemistry, illineralogy, 0 eology, or Metallurgy, have an opportunity of rocmys ing a thorough and practical knowledge or thtsa sci ences, Fur furirber Information apply as above. n 4 St* ryiRE DELICATE, and tboso who are pro .l pounced convalescent alter a long duratinu or Imo, are recommended to use alight btimulaots. We can, in all confidence, commend the PURE PORT WIN el of our own importation to those who are allowed the luxury. It Ina fruity, lusclons Wine. ZIEGLER k &SITU, Drugglate, nulgdilf Rnot haws! nor funennd and tires,, eta, TAW & BEERS',. LUBRICATING GREASE, the best and cheapest compound for greasing the axles of OMNIBUSES. CARRIAGES. CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and HEAVY MACHINERY. For sale in tin cane, keg,, and barrels, by all the DRUGGISTS in the ity l and the MANIMACTORNRB, ivl2-Am Nn. 18 SOUTH WATER Street GUANO, GUANO.-200 tons, part of the calgo of schooner Dazzle, f r sale in lota to suit. Sample can be seen by app y ng to CIIAIII.ES MIDDLETON, se4.6t* WILLOW Street, below Secant!. B - -- ONES.-100,000 Shin Bones, suitable lot Umbrella and Button Makers, in atore and for Bale by OROASDALEI. PNETtOg. & 00., • 1. 1 104 NOitTri WII'ARVSEI if`WEESE.-105 boxes Herkimer county Chem) now landing. and for sale by C 0. SADLER & CO., ore ARCH Street, 2d door above Front, 1%/N ACKEREL.-300 bbls. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 LTA Meek, rel. Nor oath by EIERRINGS-800 bbls. NO. 1 PICKLED Herringi 800 Ma extra Newfoundland ditto 120 bble Potomac dry salted ditto, now in stare and for sale by JNO. M. KUNDIBDY dr. CO., mule New 100 and 102 N, Wl4 A fa h:8. PROVISIQNS.-100 Bble Moss Purk. 1,00 pra City Smoked Dams. 1,000 " " " Shoulders. 100 bbls Lard. For sale by C, C StDLISA. & 00., eel Arcb at., second d,,or above Front 'VAR, PITCH, AND OAKllM—Constantly on baud, and for sale In lota to atilt pnrobanoro, by ITU I% HAVER, PITLER 00, No 28N WATIRR At .nrl 22 N WIT ARVFIR SLATE ► SLATE I I EILATE II I—Rooting Slate, or all alroa, and at vat) , low ratan, kept con. ',tautly on tand, and for aala Ay HOMING, PDX & GERMANTOWN RuAD and TlllRDarreet. . . . . . N. B. Shads Anon, nano in the bent mann.r. and re mien, •finnelowl in 41 , .40 • HAVANA LEAF-100 Bales "Havana Leaf LA Tobacco binding ex Mary 11. Kendall. For gale by A. MI,IIINO, . sea 140 finutb Front street. QFIERRY AND PORT WINE.---33 qtrs. 10 STghths Damon) Sberry ; 20 qrs. Wallis Port Wine, in bond and for sale by WILL:IASI R. 1 FIATON, era 216 mouth FRONT Street. MACKEREL, —250 MR NOB. 1,2, and 8 Mackerol, now landing, and for sale by 0. 0 RADLER & CO., gel Arab st., second door above Front. SIIAD.--50 Shia Sea Shad, just received and for sale by 0. 0 SADLOSH CO. „el Arch et., evened door above groat MONONGAHELA W HIS KEY.— 00 rib's, 20 half bbl, Y ure Rye Whiskey in store and lei sale by WILLIAM A. pc44 No. 2103 Booth FRONT Street. WZIPMI latal estate: ebutationai. Secretary of the Faculty of Arts W. ROBINS, Priuolpal 0. 0. SADLER & CO., AROri Street, 2d anor above Front Alrotro, Jobbos. 1858 FALL G: 0 0 S 1858 Tux Subscribers beg leave to Inform their friends, and country merchants generally, that their stook or EIOSIEnY, °LOVAS , . SIIIRT3, DRAWERS, WOOLLENS, and MALL WARES, is now complete, cordprlsing their. usual wasortment, and which they will sell at the lowest market rates. They would "especially cell attention ti their stock of Buoxpaitf ISX.OV SS AND ItllTTpid. Compri , intr the HANOVNR, GERMAIsTOWN , JOHNSTOWN, AND OMER DESLRABLE MARAS, Which they have purebaeed directly from the Mane , factures for cash and are now prepared to sell al reduced rates. SHAFFNER, ZIEGLER, & CO, IMPORTERS AND JOBRERA, 36 N. FOUR= Street, Philadelphia, Near the Merchants' Hotel. SCHAFFER & ROBERTS, No. 429 MARE= STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP HOSIERY, GLOVES, • SMALL WARES, COMBS, BRUSHES TAILORS , TRIMMINGS, LOOKING-MASSES GERMAN AND FRDNOII FANCY 000D3. au24-2m SMITH, MURPHY, & CO., 287 MARKET ST. AND 228 CIDEIROH ALLEY, Are now opening BItHSU STOCK STAPLE AND FANOY DRY GOODS, To which they Invite.the attention of CAPE AND PROMPT SHORT TIME BII`OB. AILADBLPHIA, August, 1858. au24-2m JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 304 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE tEALERS; WRITE GOODS, LINENS, - BLANKETS, AND YOREIGN AND DOISEBTIO DRY GOODS SU3LEY, MOLTEN & WOODRUFF, No. 325 MARKET STREET, Have now opened and are daily receiving a alnico Stock of Bilks and Fancy Goode for the FALL TRADE, flonelatlng of— BLANC AND HANEY DRESS SILKS, BONNET AND VELVET RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS OF EVERY VARIETY, WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES AND MITI& LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, he. Totyhloh they Invite the attention of Buyers gene rally. au2o-Ina SPARHAWK, DUNTON, & WURTS, SO2 MARKET STREET: Are SELLING OFF their STOCK OUICAP TO (LOSE BUSINESS. GREAT INDIJOBAIENTS WILL OH OPREIIIID TO OASET. BUYERS. The Wok conototo of STAPLE AND DRESS GOODS, And Is lane and wall selected ALEXANDER & KNOWLES, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HODA'RY, GLOVES' AND FANCY GOODS, WPM NEMOVXD SO Nog. 450 MARKET AND 426 MERCHANT RTE., And have just opened a NEW AND COMPLETE STOOK 01 GOODE, expressly adapted to FALL TRADE, To which the attention of their custoncore and FIABT OLAS3 BUYERS le invited. aa174.t0.0vl itiSHIIA L. BALLY, N. W. COIL FTlelii AND MARKET STS., PHILADELPHIA, Hu now open I -- 1 4eettoicen _ieue Y.I7T/SLIZZAr NSW STOUR - FOREIGN & DOMESTIO DRY GOODS, FOB SALE BELOW REGULAR PRICES, To which be invitee the attention of Buyers from all deafens of the country. aul7ltn 1858 _ SILK GOODS. 'lB5B ALL IMPORTATIONS. D.4..1.,M, ROSS, az vrxrxx - rmits, 521 MARKET STREET, 618 COMMERCE STREET, PRILARELPIETA. Rave now In store their complete IMPORTATION OF SILK AND FANCY GOODS, To which the attention of the TRADE in invited. IRISH LINENS, WOOLLENS, STUFF GOODS, BLANKETS, A full and general assortment of FALL DRY GOODS for sale on favorable term, by WRAY & GILLILAN, 121 CHESTNUT STREET au3l-tu th 824 t MARTINS, PEDDLE, & HAMRICK, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ROBINAY, GLOVES, and FANCY NOTIONS, No. 80 NORM FOURTH STREET, FIVE DOORS BELOW TUE MERCHANTS , HOTEL, Offer for sale tho most complete stock of goods in their line to be found in the UNITED STATES, Consisting of HOnERI", or every grade, GLOVES for men, women, and children, comprising an assortment of over 300 kinds, UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS, LINEN BOSOM SHIRT'S and COLLARS, LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS and SHIRT FRONTS, LADIES' ELARTIO BELTS, with clasps of entirely new designs, with an endless variety of Notiowt, to which they invite the attention of rittar CLASS WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. au244lw MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND TAILORS' TRIZSMINOS. LONGOOPE & ' PEARCIE, „ 9 SOUTH FOURTH, ONE DOOR BELOW MARKET STREET, Mors in store a. full assortment of Men , a Purniahing. Goods and Tailors' Trimmings, to which they invite the attention of Clothiers and Merchant Tailors. aulinut FALL STOCK. MK AND FANCY GOODS. HERRING & OTT, N. W. Corner of FOURTII. and MARKET &MEETS, Have now In store a splendid aseortment of SILKS, RIBBONS, AND FANCY GOODS OF THEIR OWN lAIPORTATICN, To which they Invite the attention of FIR BT-CLAB9 BUYERS. aul3-22n QUINTIN CAMPBELL, Ja., & CO., MMUS AND JOBBERS DOM 'ILY, GLOVES, and FANCY GOODS, No. 841 MARKET STREET, Northeast Corner of FOURTH 11. A. SIIAOICELPORD, aul2.2nA QUINTIM OAMPII6t,L, :11 FALL STOCK OF CLOTHING OHARLES HARNESS 14 SON, No. 838 THAIMET bTREET, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FOURTH, Have now in store a large and splendid assortment of FALL and WINTER OLOTHING, manufactured ex pressly Mr the Southern and Western Trade, which they otter for sale on the bent terms for °Rah, or on the usual Credit. BUYERS are !melted to all and examine for them aelree. aul2-2ru PHILADELPHIA AND GRAY'S FERRY 11 l'ASFlNNetkilt RAILWAY COMPANY— Notice is hereby given that the third instalment to tht capital stock will be due and p tyabie at the office rf thr Company, 001 WA, NUT street, on SATURDAY, th r 18th inat , between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock. cr8•llt STORAGE.—Storage can be obtained at a 110 late priea ts the War ehowe,, Nu: 9 North Water etreet or in the second ate third stories or No. tea Atoll street. applying t.) 0. 0. MUIR & 00., sat) A/4011, Street, :id dew above Ftrouts FALL GOODS. - MARTIN 84. - ,:sv(iLF.E i , na MARKET STREET, - DRY GOODS. stld4m FALL STOOK. FITHIAN, JONES, "& 00. No. 216 MARKET STREET, TEIROIIGH TO No. 204 01111R.011 ALLEY, Have now In atoms a C6MPLETId STOCK SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, . To which they invite the attention of Buyers from all parte of the Union. aule-2m SITER, VAN OULIN, & GLA S S, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN NOSIERY, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS, &0., No. 423 MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, PIIILADELPRIA. sulalta T T. WAY &GO., Noe. 221 MARKET Street end 10 OHTIROLI Alley. The completeneas of their Stook, both for VARIETY AND PRICES, Will be found to offer advantages to buyers, nosur palmed by any other In this country. aull4m NEW FALL STOOK. fire Cooley, Brother, ar. Brewster, rlivo Jnet opened an entire new dock or HOSIERY, DWYER, AND FANCY GOODS, to whloh they Invite the attention of fistrtnlass bum; Our eta* in particularly adapted to THE SOUTHERN TRADE suMmit U. L. HALLOWELL & CO., liars now In More the largest and most attracttre BRAWLS, MANTLES, AND CLOAKS, to be found in the city They have also an rumsnally handsome variety of FANCY DRESS GOODS, An examination of thoir stock is solicited from OABI3 AND MONT CREDIT BUYERS ONLY atr3l-tu th fri 6t SHAPLEIGH, RITE, & CO., WHITE GOODS, LINENS, AUTUMN TRADE, 1858 DRESS SJPODS Or NEWEST STYLES, SHAWLS MERINOS, ,CODURGS, MUSLIN DE LADIES, VELVETS, :SILKS, ALPACAS, GINGHAM, CLOTHS, CAA%apIERES, SATINETS, TESTINGS, FLANNELS, PMINTB, BLEACHED AND BROWN GOODS, With a complete Moe at And other etyles of Goads adapted to a FIEBT-OLABE3 TRADE, All of which aro 'Ahead for solo °heap 438 MARKET and 433 MEIRCIIANT $T aul7•tu th eat 2m&a2an MEN'S WEAR DE COURSEY, LAFOUROAINP, gr, 00., (335 MARKET STREET) Dave now in Store their PALL lAIPOBTATIONfi, of the greatest novelties of ouch goods, to which the' attention of THEIR CUSTOMERS AND THE TRADU ' 18 INVITED. VESTINGB, tkci., ace BURNETT, SEXTON & SWEARkNOEN No. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH KOH, Omeletlag of— DRESS TRIMMINGS VELVET AIBBOOB, SKIRTS of Jill kinds, nod ineterials for them. HOSIERY IN (MEAT VAWETy, 13 DERSIIIRTS, DRAWER BRAWLS, COMFORTS, GAITERS Ladies and Chtldren , a BELTS, To MI of which we Invite the attention or FIRST-CLASS BUYARS, call-lm JOHN B, STRYKER & CO., 310 MARKET SfiREET, wnonseena mains IN BRITISH, FRENCH, AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS AND CARPETS, BOUGHT AT AUCTION And will be sold low for rash. SMITH, WILLIAMS, & CO., FOREIGN AND D01,13E4110 DRY GOODS, No. 618 MARKET STREET, Are now constantly receiving NRW SEASONADLE, GOODS, Of Desirable Styles, from the best markets In tide Country and Europe. The attention of purchasers is aolialted. BAROROFT & CO., (Noe. 406 and 407 MARKET EITREET,) IMPORTERS. Abt D JOBBERS OP ' DRY GOODS, Would give notice to Buyers, IN RTBRY SECTION OP TER COUNTRY, That their arrangements for the B AILEY & CO., POMMY neve removed to their now Fireproof, White hiathigi NORTH UDR, BELOW TRH HIRAM) HOI Now opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WAREO, AND PANOY GOODS, . To which they invite the attention of the publie BILVER-WARE, WATOHEB, DIAMONDS, AND JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, WA Removed to FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREET. etr2B:lm i fyi - RMAN CIGARS-800,000 in store and I.A for sale by WILLIAM It. YEATON, sea No. 216 Heath 2R91C2 street, Mrt - oPb.fa'llobgrPP iMPORTERO ADD IhIPORTNR9 AND datIBBIIB DRY GOODS, Are now fully prepared for the FALL TRADE. 23 NORTH FOURTH ST 333 MARKET STREET, assortment of And other &Woke in their line IMPORTERS EMBROIDERIES, LACE GOODS, &a No. 829 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS AT WHOLESALE OR A'TERY VARIETY EMBROIDERIES, W. G. CHITTICK , & 00., Offer for sole at their store, THE LATEST FALL STYLES Imported and name Manufactured FANCY DRY GOOD 3, WHOLESALE DEALERS' FALL TRAMS ARE NOW OOBIRLETB. aull-OW alattlies, Jetnelrp, SOr. BAILEY dc KITCHEN, • Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, PEARILS, - Sor,Bale , an3r ta Let,- 11_4FOR ELALEThEi 'Cowl 'Will and Fixtutes I. of a Hat class Wholesale and - Retail CIGAR and TOBACCO Illtabliahment; 1.1.0ne ;of, itie ino.t de .sirable locationa In the city If de iced, iberi d will and fixture,* Will be cold - exclimire the Brach, or ai parties may desire Here is p Chance ,eldom to be met with brit party with a enial ,_capital.. Per full partiau tars address 8., Blood's Despatch. se7-2t*._ &I WASHINGTON-SQUARE HOUSE. &ITO SENT—South side of litqaere - - No, 704; is iri perfpot order; taliable fora professional man. se7Autlaset3t* , pa TO RENT.-:-Clounting-House;No. 126 nua, North DELAWAUN avenue, aith llooreatending t .rough to Water street, wall adapted , for Grocery or Flour business. Rent $4OO per annum. "Apply on premises. - • • see-60 COICE COTTAGE SITES,' WITEIIN three minute's Walk. of two Stations on Philadel phia sud Germantown Railroad for sale cheep.. Applr atoorner of Tiogs Street and P lank Road, or at No. 23 Nom. Sixth Street - to ' ' aeB.lm* - " ' T. L. LITTLEFIELD. tem FOR SALE.—A handsome residence, SIEL with all - the modern improvements, large nide putt, graperv, etc. SIXTH, near tikiliNci GARD"' street, •rerms eau. P. X., LYND, GN Street. (eerond story.) FOR, SALE OR EXCRANGEA ma handsome now mausinn, 19 rooms, 0,2'4440 acres, near Gwynedd Station, North Pennsylvania Railroad. Bate splendid, fruit abundant, health unsurpassed. Any person really desiring a handsome country seat in exthenge for city property, will find thhi as unusual opportunity of accomplishing hie °Wad Apply to p K. L7ND, &if South SIXTH /It., (2nd unary.) tul4•lm 61:1 TO RENT—The new iron front Store, No. 246 North Third street. above Race, with the uae of Shelving, Counter, &c. Suitable for the whole sale Clothing, Notions, or any other businees. Term low. Apply at No . 262 North THIRD Street, three doom above, - au2.2.lstalf gm 'FOR SALE.—A, pretty Cottage, nine Nrei rooms, and one Or more sores on Wyoming avenue, two miles out the Second street Turnpike, Alpo, seve ral handsome Cottage lots - , The neighborhood is healthy, beautiful, ant rapidly linp.oving. P H. LEWD, 6,4 South SIXTH At , (23 get,) anl44m , TO BE LbT—On account "removal sia to oar new eters, the house No. 432 CHESTNUT, below Fifth street. Possession may be had about the first of October. The position is one of the moat desi rable in Pbiladelphla. For tease of lassie apply to - -attl34m „- J. E. CALDWELL & 00. OFFICE TO-LET.-AN ELIGIBLE OF VV PIC if for an Insurance Company, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same Boor ' No. 224 WALNUT Street, above DOCH. InaneMatepoeseesion given. "inlay to JOHN O. HEFNER, or THOMAS T. BUTOHBR, N 0.112 South FOURTH Street, rah2.o-tatha-tr xecon4 story, front room. aFOR , SALE—Valuable Real Estate on North Third strset, including TURD& 82011.148 ou Third street, Nos. 412,424 and 428. Ala°, two fear story 111110 K BUILDINGS on Dlilwyn street, Nos. 417, 419, 421. Lot 10 feet front, extending in depth 178 feet to Dillwyn—nets 4n mutual rent clear of taxes of about $2,800. apply to •W. R. LEVIOB, No. 845 North ISIS.TII Street. LTO RENT—Munting•Nouse No. 180 North Delaware Avenue, with floor extending through to Water street. Apply to JOHN M. KENNEDY & 00., au6 182 N. Delaware Avenue, j. OR SALE—A valuable LOT, in the vici nity of the Baltimore Depot, in an improving neighborhood. Bur particulars, addross J. K., Box 921 Poet-office.jylB , lioarbing. DESIRABLE LODGING-BOOMS, WITH Full or partial Board,-at 233 West WASHING TON PCSJARE. so4.4t* A FINE SUIT OF ROOMS ON SECOND -CA Floor, with or without Board, or a private table If desired cau be obtained in one of the beat localities, CHESTNUT Street, above Fifteenth. The apartments will be rented, furnished or not, to snit parties. Ad dress ALMA, at this office. • se4-Bt* Ilersonal. PERSONAL. -If JOHN L. PERCIVAL, of Louisville. Ky., is still - in the city, he will oblige the Advertiser if he will address s note to BOX No. 927, statiog hie whereabouts in the city. ' se7-11$ china, Glassware, ,Set. TURNBULL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS CHINA AND QtrEENSWAHE, Nos. 23 and 25 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Between Market and Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA GLABSWAItE, open or by the package. an9l-2m F ALL STOCK CHINA, AND QUEENSWARE SOYD Zkc 5T11.01:77, No. 82 NORTH FOURTH ST., FOUR DOORS BELOW THE MERCHANTS' HOTEL, Mire now In store the larygest assortment of . CHINA AND QUEENSWARE In the city, of their own importation, to which they invite the attention of FIRST CLASS BUYERS. Also, Agents for Manufactured Pittsburgh elms au20.1.m TO SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS A large Otock of GLABSWARD, AND FANCY ARTICLES, AT TEE LOWEST MARKET PRICES, AT MARXSEN it WITTE, Importers, 371,307.110 HALL, 713 OtLESTNIIT STREET jan6-17 VVHIGHT, SMITH, Sc CO., 50G MARIET T. AND 502 COMMERCE ET., CELINA, GLASS, AND QUEE,NSWARE. TO WESTERN MERCHANTS GLASS SHIPPED FROM THE PITTSBURG FACTORY AT MANUFOTURERS' PRICES. TO TEA DEALERS OEN& CUPS FOR DRAWING SAMPLES TO ELHOTROTTPISTS AND 11101CORAF313I3 CROCSIBRY BATHS for CHEMICAL PURPOSES anlo-tuElt Eiguiing illacilineg WHEELER & WILSON , SEWING MACHINES, SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS 7011 FAVILIES, TAILORS, DRESSMAIIERS, PLANTERS fiIIIRT-BIASERS, AND ALL SIITCHINO OF WOVEN FABRICS. Everydrinf., style, sloe, and pattern of these unrivalled anstrtunenAs for sale at my office at factory prices. J give amain:on commission to the Company to Sub Apnta, and hierohanta purchasing on orders. HENRY COY, Agent, 628 CUESTNITT Street, Philadelphia. j¢sl4. pto 1 Weat State skeet, Trenton, N. J. •u2B-4m BOUDOIR SEWLNG MA LIAIM'S !Prod to the public as the most rolls OIIINE 1s Ap 4 4,11413 in use. It now from bin low-priced Sew, six to sixty stitchesn ki mb n ri ds . o . f g l o t oda i , , from coarsest bagging • . without exception, the sin:VT. sl d In I ts nuiv" - A. in order ,traction ever made, and can be ran and kb, -•-• of by a child of twelve years of alle. The DVILIBILit this machine, and the quat.trt 01 Ira worm, are war. ranted to be unsurpassed by any tither. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred atitches per min. ate. The thread used Is taken directly from the spools, WITHOUT Tae THOUBLII 01 11SWIlibING. In foot, It Is a machine that Is wanted by every family in the land, Lad the tow price of FORTY DOLLARS, 4 which they sold, brings them within the reach of almost every one S. D. BAKJt, Agent, JelB-dem why edwem 20 South EIGHTH Street. Oafes. SALAMANDER SAFES. A large assortment of EVANS & WATSON'S PHILADRILPIIIA RIANUFACITERBD SALAMANDER SAVES, VAULT DOORS, For Banks and Stores. BANK LOOKS, Equal to any now in UBO. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &0., On as good terms as any other establishment In the United Sta on, by EVANS A WATSON, No. 24 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia. PLEASE GIVE US A GALL. aulha THE "OLD DOMINION" COFFEE For, And THE "OLD DOMINION" 'Mt POT, Are manufactured, under the patent for the United States, by ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, Nes. 1.17 and 119 South TENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. fEr Merchants visiting Philadelphia, should, by all mean s, lay inn supply of these - COFFEE and TEA POTS, w hich are rapidly Coining into use, and destined in et chart time to supersede all others. icr A. B. Et G. ace elan manufacturers, under the patent, of ARTHUR'S OELEBRA.TED AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING GANS AND JARS, Which, It Is conceded on all hands, ore th- in the market. litili-tuthO;stoolS Also, Trade AKent=l for TORREY'S ADJUSTABLE DOOR SPRING. „ R p.,,,,Et Ab f,, N A G p itA EL,,,p R II AND o , t New Accomanottatiou betwe n Reeding Ppd Leaves Reeding (Z..odaye excepted) at 015;A. 5t., raTiViIM a hbilnielphia at 9.L0 A. 11l and retutm log at 1.45 h Paasenrln by this train have over? hours in Phila- delphia before or leaving fer New York. set-lut IF. U..1011414N, NEVI Secretary; ykiVANTkIa.A. - tad in a -Cloth - Store, to -- • - run errands sad deilver'goods: AdUritite:WOOL.. , LEN, office of thqipapevi . 6e7.#* WANTEDI4 Partner midi ti.eatti capital V •- of $l4OO. toloin 41v/tsars , end - avant:WO bug. roes, Address PARVVICR, gating where iind when aa interview will to eonveatent.: - se7-3t*, ANTED-=By a middle-aged'Ainarleaa Women, employment ea ousekeepir. - Oingtve undoubted testimontabs to to, character.. • Adana h. 0. Blood , iDeepateb. • • , - ue7-11* , IL7(TANTED--By's German Girl - who streaks V v vod Englab, employment to do llonseemik to a private faintly, appirto NO: a SPILOGGra Avenue, Chi-Willi street. • °, - WANTED:—A by - ri yornei , plan • _ Ina Grain or Produce Ito Bala& it; :object. 2 tit - Address SVILBEg; 11 1 / 4 1 . W' DenatA. WANT 13D, -y ivbEi - bas had much 'experience 1p selling goods bi sam ple, an engagement with a responsible hones to sell on comemasion ,- setl4tit Address CC/Min/M . /ON,- Odisipt the Pram A YOUNG LADY wisies situation u MUSIC TEACHER in a school or fandly.. - In or near the city ;Address S.M.A., Prase oilee. ee6 2t4t, WANTED.43It: competent= gALESMAN in a Paper Wirebonse; ` be - acquainted with the business. Address D. 8., at thin ofilon. " se6-.34 W4NtED.—=An indttatriow, isobeti as LIGHT PORTER. - , Addlpsul,L., 8., at" this se6.2t* A N INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG MAN from AN lite country p capable _ot'assistilg it Books, de sires 'a situation in a Xobbloi; 'Hones. A moderate sala , y expected_ Address ALBERT,'nflioe'ot Ws paper. sea 41t* A YOUNG -MAN - FROM VIRGINIA, near time LvortK Ciarelina - line , Wishes to 'Obtain "Situation in some W Wavle house, Dry Goods or Liquor preferred, bat would engage Maui for aeommenaement p thinks he can co emend a large trade inn good house. Saiisfsoto4 reference; as to troorality.and 'lntegrity, given. Address (*FAROE E. BEATEN, at this office 4, oe4-3t* ALADY, competent to instruct in the tumid English branches, together-with' French and her. roan, desires a situation as Governess in a p irate ram. Hy. Address A.-L., - LEwinune -- k. Wien 00.,, VATAICTED-L-By a Graduate; - :(A:'31.) a position as 7 Garter either !Allis City or Country. His specialities ars the Oiessics and Balsa ;Lettres, which branches he has tanght.satiefactorily-in a promi nent Institute - In the State. Address WILLIAM, at this Office. - - - - sett4ot* lATANTED.FOR THE UNITED STATES V V - CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unnianied man, fo whim:l3_lFM be given good-pay, board, clothing, sad medical attendance. Pay from slsi. to Sig per month. No man having a wife or ekild will be accepted. Apply for alOtitiTSD 8148T143111 at No 1111-IdARBIST ISt: eat, above bilabial, north side. ss. let Lieut. 2d 800, of Condi% - Beoraitlnit Ofiloor 7tmuotmenb3. WHEATLEY & CLARSV° -ARCH-4T. TREATE.R.—WiIIiam 8. Fr,tteriake, Actin eat/ Stage Manager TILKSDAT EVE Z.l rNG, September 7,1868, HISR. 'OR, SWIM. - Lord Yawnby, &fr.-Wheatley ; Adam Sterling, Mr. Gilbert; Mn. Sterling, afri:lohn Gilbert, To col:minds with SATAN IN PAY.IB. - The Myntsrions Stranger, Mn. John' Drew_ k Count Henri Beansoliel, Admission. 24 eta. - . Seemed Beats In DreasiClrete.37% eta; Orchestra Stalls, 60 eta; Seata in Private Boxer! 76 eta; Gallery,l3 etc; Gallery fortokwed Persons, 26 ; Private Box in Gallery for Colored :Persolm, SS ate Whole Private Box, Mr. Doors Open at 7 o'clock ; commence at 7X,, pee:4oy. A/IRS. D. - P. 80WER. 1 . 5 . WALNIIT,ST. TELEIATBS, corner of KINTH'iod WAIMIT Street. TUESDAY EVENING,- Septembir LOUISE DE LIONESOLL)111 , Henri de Liquor°llea, Mr. Perry Iskerange, Mr, Mak ings; 001. De Glen', Mr Conway; Lollies de Ligeterolles, Mrs. Bowers; Cecile de Givry, Riebingee - - SLUM° & 00., . Mr. Simpson, Mr. Tknyer ; Dim Bromley, .MMe 0. - Itichinge. . - • . Peirce of - admisaion—liecond Tfer and Penally Chyle, and Third Tier, 26 cents; Parquet s - 37S‘ _crusts; Dress Circle, 60 cents; Private Berea, according: to their locale, E 3 and 26; Single beats inOrchestra and Private Boxes,l6-cente. " • • , Doors open at 7 o'clock; °attain sham at 73 o'clock. - NATIONAL = TB:EAT - AB.— W E Jneeph 0. Foster, Sole . Leisee and Manager: 0. Palter, Stage Manager. TUESDAY EVBNINO, September 7,-1868, The grand speotacle, founded on ainewortble work. call ed HOOKWOOD ; OH, THE GIPSY QUERN. -Dick Tarpin, Mr. Foster; Tom King, Mr.:PAM - MUM Tyroonnel, Mr. 'Caber; Luke Bradley, Mr- Weer; Itannlph Bookwood,: Mr. Boyd; - 87b11, afre; Le Brun; Barbara, MM. J. 0. Poster; Eleanor Mowbray, Mia Price. - • . . Tickets of admission, .25 cents ; . secured seats, 38 cents ; Orchestra shako. WY cents ; Beats in Prints x. 75 cents ; Wkole Box, $5 and $5 ;F amil y Circle. 16 cents. . Doors open at 7 o'clock ; 'commences at - 7g setleck STRAKOSOR CONCERT-COMPANY-- 11'1,'.S TRRESA PARODOS - BARNWELL CONCERT IN_AHERIOA. - M. STRAROSCH has the honor to &matinee that the unprecedented euccese which attended MILLE. PA -110E1.'9 apOtarince In Opera and Concert-In every part of the llroted illtates,has,indnied him _to engage this distlegulehed - and most popular 'ode - for - her farewell tour in this country. - -' The first of her Farewell ,Onucartn lalasterloa take place In Philadelphia ON TUESDAY, PEET. It - '- • • AT THE mrsruAL - F t ND HALL. - Particulars in future adrectieentants: A MERICAN - ACADEMY OF ' MUSICS.— ra The public ia rave:Maly informed that the oeh brated and popular ' 4,VEL COMPANY, and t •I : ho..ft Br•t • - Gabriel and kran. cola Sarah) with the unequalled dansouse, SI'LLE Tiled MATHIAS, " - will make their first appearance at the abaci estAbllth- ment on or about MONDAY EVENING, Sept 20th. ' Gabriel Ravel is now on his return front Europe, whither he has been to make several additions to their already POWERFUL AND NUMEROUS CORPS OP • ARTISTS_ j . _ Prancnis Revel has been for some time actively en gaged in superintending the necessarily extensive con struction of siEOIIANIVAL AND EONNIO PROMOTIONS, co that neither labor nor expense will be spited in ren dering their representations every way w•rthy of a continuance of that liberal patronage which they hare hitherto enjot ed. N. B particulars will hereafter be announced. aet•6l CONCERT HELL. _ _ ti OW OPEN. SANDERSON'S GIEFANTIO ILLUSTRAtIONS OF Tag RUSSIAN WAR. Representing the most Important event' of the bite War, concluding with the BOAIDARDILENT AND DZSTRUOTIO6(OY SEBA.uTOPOL. Admission 26 cente; children 15 cents; colored per ilous, to gallery, 25 cents, Bee programmes , TEUREN FESTIVAL -1,0 To be hold on MONDAY sad TBILWAY. 8111 Arad 7th of BhPT.IIMBRII, ON LEMON HILL. Greet turn out of all the' German Afttitary eompsnies, Singing Societies, Turners, and Beneficial Socletiee, ete. GMEI2EI The Procreator will be formed at 7 o'clock A. M., on Old York rued. near Vine street. Ihe route to be an nounced bereafter. All the Societies will turn out with their respeotive Banners, Befalls's. eto anlefilcient Banda of Must*. The exercises of the day will nougat of ORATIONS, eYMNOTIO9, And other direrthements. The Withal La to alone at amulet BELONG DAY. GREAT TARGET PRACTICE Numerous and valuable priers hare been presented for this and other °armless, such as Gymnastic Peat°. Pole Climbing. - - Foot Faces, eta. Ea- Admission 25 cents each day, for one gentremen 8.1 lady. No ladles admitted without being aceomparded by gentlemen. The very best arrangements have been devised to se sure a respectable society, and an efficient police has ' been engaged to preserve good order. 117' Gentlemen are requested to wear their Badges l o a coespicuoue place, to facilitate the control of the "cagey'. eep 4.8 t - 'rrF' s VARIETIES (Café 0 bantant,) '4lkor di. BIRTH and CREAM:VC PHOML, .Northwest - 7402.11 Ti NIGUTTX bewi'chingg ballads by "QOTRINGEEsst. sates, by tht MISCELLANEOUS Ot— Compriiing coma of Opera anu Miss JENNY WREN, and Milts 1. Glees, Chonvie Madtigals, and goal REGULAR and YCELSIOR COMPA, _ among whom are - Masers. MOYER, HASSET,Lobo. - Tbe WHOLE interspersed with ETHIOPIAN DELINEATIONS, by J. R. CAMPBELL, and (Ahern. Dances by Mee MELINDA NAGLE, and Comic Bongs by Mr. GEORGE W. WREN. Oommenoing at M before 8. Admission-10 cent/ SeB.6tV NATIONAL HALL—MARKET STREET. Now OPEN J. INLCO WILLIAMS'S celebrated PANORAMA OP THE BIBLE. This magnificent PAINTING c:mmtomCea with Chaos, and continues down In historical order to the Babylo- Dish Captivity, containing more than fifty of the most sublime and intereatioa enema in the Bible. Exhibition EVERY EVENING. Doors open at 7I to commence at 7X o'clock precisely. _ Tickets 25 canto—to be had at Hall door. Children under 10 years 15 CPD'S. Also. }..lLlMbittons on WEDNESDArY and SATUR DAY AFTERNOONS for families: and :schools. Doors open at 2; to commence at 8 precisely, Explained by Professor TIVIDIITS B AKRETTns GYMNASIUM. BILLIARD ROOM, PISTOL AND ItIBLN GALLSR-Y. Wilt open on MONDAY, September 6th, at No FO4 melacra Street. seS-Ina* SANFURD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, above CHESTNUT. Open for the Season, with the 'arm', TROUPE! OF ARTISTS IN TRH WORLD. Tha Entertainments nightly offered by SANFORD'S TFIO..I'D Comities all the late.t Seep, Ghee, Daslta, ahem Retraine, Dances Salem-An , interspersed with WIT AND ELOCITIENOE. In fact, all the Vocalism of the day is produced. by MUSIO, r ONO, AVD POETRY. The whole under the management of Mr. 8. 8. BAN FOItD, Admission 25 cents, Doors open at TA o'clock ; 'per formance to rommonca at 8 rOclordr. ' an24.trn --- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING AGENCY CHICAGO, ILL. The subscriber, having had much practical experi ence in selecting and locating lands in the V 0.4011. Land Districts In the 1Y eaturn States, has unusual facilities, for making valuable selections for LAND WARRANTS OR OASH. Raving Snrn• vors ran We Ott fierid to make personal examinations, be can always make the most Judicious locations. ' ' Lands unsurpassed for fortllity of wet and saTtanity of climate, neisithe line of railroads, may up. hith • lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. j 7 Money invested in Bansaa and Nebraska, and my of the Western States. 8. BALISMIRY, 08 CLARKE Stmt., 01410,4%