• ' Lord thigith 'llertheileerth'ltalee : " Bode us e Attintlit*libtkliiitieforth . our unloW4l itf.otand,i-up;for Jesus. -The "Lord hath* thingaterne, , Whereof weare `glad." FA,,,ti3 , r 4. ,' It was n(4,4' . 3 , 4 iigEthe , r hottr :for , the' praYif.ll4oi list of„. invited Speakorsitiiiinbt, yet exhausted, it wes ediaided 7 to., prolo*lfthe present feasto even ' , A7,'lthocil4it 'should infßngekepori the tinie of , daily • . 0 , 1 •-••- • . • • er...Jon,Ohembersythe:a '..introdneed ithromermed tby sayini that they would ;nll admit , that.tha.wati. 'prudish/Milt neer being pushed elf theplatforitt: There were hoWiferiknotiev•in the house • whose . heart wag more 'beeikletely isethiffslit be , tlie. great enterprise therbad Resembled' teeelebiate.: Was of the opinion that few, lf ear-Of wi k saMolently realised what gr`eht advantagealad isearuid thlhe . world - through elestriolty. , iln - 4 „ the , ffeeT., 151 4 - Martin Luther had , walicieff Mg, hilisinnfainy.,Witik. sdear companion ,to take storm erase, and speedily °a= fatal bolt from the Wealth, cloud laid hie friend a BMW r beleathill • side. This sail and extraordirary:etumeity had at once effeibitillyhhangeeLithere Purposes of life, and - he sgehßeentered the monastery, at Er;' fort, wherei 06te;knowi r he flie bilit'aeoess'to the' Old chained Bible, from vibleh'his - Imbibed the stirring end un dying truths thealted--Inthe, Reformation. , Had - not thisilitinderbolt fromleaven been thus: made to intermits:between'•Luther ithd his plane, In the way it - dtd; egtalti-potbebertaiii that - the W today- *444 basking ,IWAt..ti, sunshine ")( an Bible. • • The speaker, ia auk maistorliityle on Inith odisahleas, ,reVievred with- gralit Warmth the pro grass of the ;Open -, Bible in Our: , owdboMatrylrom the time whontiliffPligriM , fittheril landeitimPlY l month Rook wheellider-Britilford with his men knelt down in the wilderness„ind therai within the hearing of the,soaring,oarledediesited th em , nivel; anew to - the steritlaiset 04 and AVIS' eause'of tid the Bible. By, a .wite&the; bogie heard that first prayanfront,theen4'of- the tele graph between Northern Auserioans and Oed, had grown a little tentinc , thie 'Ainerloiti . Petiole had' caught him and 'plaied' hitt( at-Alie(iteat of 'their , stars and stripes, He had now lenititilgg Atneridii:' He presumed his_,ltestrent all knerrthat he wsano,„, thing else than Irrelt-Ainerloan, and meant to live and die an Irish-Aniarlinur.4.lthWantedtomin however, that , Franklin weir its 'American; that Morse wan an Amerloan and that ten -thotesaiiiii :sere FIELD wiamateezeoen: (Lind eiPPlendea But, he wished hi sib What meant these - bind) ing thousands all over tab and other; lands •but . the deliverance widthwas invilisid' in_that open Bible. What meinti theta thrilling , ,,scenee they had, for the last , eight witnessed in Zayre's Hall, atirtiltou'lzdre months , witnessed New York; end' et" ', a hundred other piniee, , and that would; erelong, be witnessed, all over Europe. not even excepting ` the beightef Capitoline Hill and St: Peter's it Home. He believed firmly that , the day was hastening when the delltrayer meeting would be established all over the world, and -the banner of salvation Would 'float triuraphintly,OVer every land. Mr. Chanibers' felt himsolVortimplicti for' time, and throw what-behad-to nay iw the shortest possible spaie. Hleispetiole fMoiently 'tip? plauded, and was by those present ,considered as eminently characteristic.. - ' - ohairman, at the close of kr,. Chambers's ",-.,,R4ipieob, mid Asti-se-the Proceedings had 'Veen .9ipStuid in a stirring apeeish - froth a YognitAmerl.." rian•l it was eminentlyoOper that glowing one 2 .shbuld have bliiM,lnadelsy Saltislititin oh Are: S-ILoudlaughter."l - Ar.,l3tuarttilso said gregation that he reporteri., ef;:the,prese pre sent, and they might expeOt loess iePerte of Melte proceedings in the morning mete:. but he propo sed they should tell theit:.fritimis who - were not present to httar'4'ferA triehitielvee, the; reports could afford ingaillicht idea of the. Pre' ceedings as they olliisfrial:tfge wished to iliyAlda with all due defereiberAo the gentlemen of , the press . ee the Pleiliforet; for WM bed =reason to believe they were welt their but' to undertake to report - shah a'meetina'ig:, h=all :its looked to hinianify Meth-like attempt.' tog to report a thunderstordiit' Wientherly practicable. 'And to all of thie ' tse'cordially say Amen, admitting, at the same time. that, tinder the circumstances we have done , the beet our time and space would afford, After the singing of the Doxology, "Praise God, from whom al:dustings finis." the audienoe was dismisaed VOA benediction by the Itev. Hr. Dales. The following deapatobes were, received:. ether, the meeting had adjourned - 1 :' , , Sew 1et,1858. Georg. Stuari,',l•2l4.4 hall •PniadePhia t • The New yorkrourialieda Christian Aseemetion to, the PhiladsletibiAtoung Mentafthristao Amisobitios, in session at Jaynes Hall, sessidem.geasiting : Beloved brethren, the Lord.reigoethjlettlweart4 relolee.-i- Let the multitude: of tereebeglad thireef,.' ills lightnings enlighten the ..worlC , lfbe,..o r4".9 11 .0igh , 1i mightier thou the voice of many water s; yea, than the mighty waters of the sea. llama= O. HoOthstiox, Oar. See: Y. M. O. A. of New York. ~ .4 4.1 1svertnoins, September , l,lB6B. To Geo, II Stuart, Prastt y, df C. A., Jamie , : Hal The Younulden , e•Obriatisst Association. more send greetiag to their brethren. May the glo rious event you ship day celebrate 4e. bat the forerun- nor of the spu itu Al intion_plich shall bind all.'men, of all nations .and deeds. together in, the bonds 'et the gospel, tittle knee of-Christ, our Lord. _ • ni J. DIA}, Erika It, Mi O. A.,of Baltimore; 7frP-0 1 .VilWATIN, nammaar hterier Anotiir outt suarsgas asrAa zrearaxis. We have already:attended :a_ meeting, of two , hour's duration; Bali/doh 4 erai beard and notedeight speeches, ireldunditlieeet sarY to ew ran,thrhagli%thlifpleteir:'Pegrea,,or. cap It is now ten'o zieedcZair/brit i late Just returneArreinsiiightqfrx 'Aces, our ladinStlionsughbtreit-i- 1 - As might be alpetitod,the bulk of the tion was trienr4;rtdjaCent to" Chestnut ;Street.'-" , 11 shall, therifire,' befoir-lirrpose noverte minutely iia,thrieft Wow; what' this' singular note-talriniliedestrien - trip by gaslight revealed to our view- ...Takint -This;;s4a Chestnut streets for our starting 'point,,We may data ilistthat, the. several telegraph: ranee in diet MoinitY-,were.ra speetably, and; in. tome eases, brilliantly lighted up. We may notice' next, , that , the illundoetion along even . Chestnut street wasby no means gen . aril, thoneh - lhe.iffiletfof:thla liens' to altiiirliff in more pie tureseue,brilltatuif those that. Ore.,. The; street, et nine la -the,avening,,wat a si t ti ; , tu ..t w&th, crossing the Atlantic t0 . , 10-tiPont , rlnali• nine Costing mithe „evening. air; its splendidly lie, signed trensnaresieles; its -doodad gas-light dash- , ing from s:thonsand=iiiidOwsiitc. - motley, but we are glad totestify srolthehaved throng of men and Leaving' Third ' Street, the reader may rest assured that vit one point of even the alightest.f.Ullinninsted shall; be intentionally omitted' in Able rapid -pen-and-ink pleture.—thisteattiftial^panoramaTaketohed - OlKa; the pages of , a stiffly covered r note.-hook) the esta blishment of4dissre ! DubOstt; Cerro! 'eV Vb:, mann- i facturers of jewelry.; There aria some:two hundred *Panes of Xlasain this building; everyone of which was supplied with a lighted candle, and the effect was very pretty. The ; Franklin , 'Beane, Se* doors aboirer, this point, , eri tbo,eatim - stinare, was; open, and thejasheing, Bain all the g ave it a rather, lanai:lope appearaboa--:Frein Wanda& to Fourth street' and ..even: beyond', it , the !Ming propensities et 'dui; storekeepers were; net conspicuously manifested; the et:rest:in:that 11150,-- Pre"n9ig 'l,"_„„tb 1!?.51,961q. and 193nk,r? appearance. - The only,„feature!of note on„ tbiSsquatklw, beautifully,. Aiiiiiitista,-*C ; astiatioilly.,etieonted transparency:int front lit the, °Moe Of The Preis.,_ Europe and Amertearweit 'symbolized, in the pie- • tare, the represontatiens thetifsgara and Aga- , memnon werekOok:•ind the electric strealr," flub: ing from shiraTtOdherf 'risk happily ' suggestive of the great nehievinlent i of Aimee it was intended, to represent., *printing ;profs, dash{ streams`streams` of light, appeared in the centre: 'Over i ng. t yeas in scribed Warn - Mt* r 4l Tea Pness,,i4xst run Tars =; OAAPIf sreitrii'ed::ol:-Lsieria:',' ,. i.. A large UroWd was attratiterte this , ITtlity",for several koOrd ring the evening. • : " .• On the, oorner . Fifth and. Chestnut' Streets;' Thomeuf displayed..a: transparency, representing on two shields the British Lion and the- American Eagle, with a *able - extending from a paw of the lion to tlui talint Of ;tho'ettglet-lsd E bearing this insoriptiod;! - = "erlintrsibaz"drntlst“-CABLE'iO a: { 'r This 0410141 d le:math the sea., ' '• • Shall breodeintionelPeapS_ , tstaleyetjandimi.” The Boirdef T irade room. were littiki anlikada 'elite flag suspended in= front:' - ; ; - , • . In front °Vibe DaguerrrotYperriaims arr-4. Richards was a transparency bearing in the nentre the following : ' , The' Telegraph anti Photograph,' The 'Wonders of• the world ;';'. and on the ends here printrid tha nuioss of Moran and Daguerre. ; The American Muse was lit up, tmt made no special demonstration, • The old Stat•Monse was similarly illuminated: • _ • Mr. Wm. J. Keep °bins hall made a brilliant appearance. On, jilifinrepey ! r y_r(m t erns d id._ played the following::.. • „ " Amerinna InduatiT nlni.Stlnfnikl) • • with'ilair PIELD, is ninFollluconas ...•.: • Whore „Everson. goes." ORLEANS 110Ve5, 01111STPITT BT The transparent," ot,ther„Ktridsamoso • iii,e , serves especial notsta.MThe host there, Mr. Cur tis, never does thinobrhabras t If the - shade of "old Ben Pranklin,'!, as our.„Antis familiarly him, could slid Mat of Mr grava, 'inside that old I ohnroh-yard - ivallnlrifth' and"Areit: et., *se think he would find as nanoh point, or wit as he purposed where he wrote, Ufa ;letter. r to Mt. , Stratton, dutingltbr...mission , . to. En . glitsid,,,When, Yalluding to the oats of the British Ministry, he said ' he had made bimself-Aisterica'a enemy; and Prank- Un oonoluiled'hisi•Tatter bridaying am yam.”, The transposailo, of tife','"prTions Mose " emblematid alari,ot tiiii:Arioortoi:moto of_ ihei family of the great and pad& foinder of Penn.; Sylvania; A in.'s/zoo) f 14 . 41•Parfrkfar= warA'.. , !The , mane of - thertaval•notion' of , lB I 2,1 t tabulated to: remind ma of this maxim, but the goddess of Nicer floe ta above, like " the oherttb"l,l2ldlOokilire of the life of "pharlack;” andAfebes the fool demon of War, whilst he who chained .the light ning to the " ; groat„ etible r lt, and—hronght our, motherland to our htratts:stOideli dally;',seallest ant of the canvas _in etitentitiiiordaAho . We cannot but taie:lo - ,* the usual hamor .of thelhost OrleantOihnu, in uniting ” ViatoratVandA.tlittehanank! in 1855 2 with the gallant stea mer.•r•orossing the , the that named liArfedltd 'undo' the tittnal 'drain MEM= The pietmial_ representation show! tiVo' i Semi-spheres unfiell ' hjo..,thn' 4tiantio calAti. *MA en-, dingo/ the ;, Oath-eh, the d'ete.c`, l all:" shOwi, • assail eontest,between..-Amerioan-smCßritish‘ vessels. s , Tbe other; underseribeirc.. 4 ,lBsB,',. shows , the Agamemnon awl : Niagara separating in mad. man, for thirptir*St Of lay inif the'Atlitliellabie. , On the extreme right - o,lloi otnrs,tifintadatlicra portrait of Ifrankllti;Vbiz,dreir 'the' Promethean Are from gilvOit; PrlzAhcilift, ft e r jnedsin„ of : Morse who h er sidled " the horse .eelled 'tight ', ming"' tirol , madt4itettedfent to =' the eenttol•of. ~ man. -st ^... , ..- - o*^:) E. The itaVatiiiiie .4 ti*Vb•ilett ,Litingl 'l3O 'i' E on the 1:19/Lvilliit,e4ti, .i . e,c,cogith . tio . chatnat streets ikailtiaminatidilf?'4lKatory.. ' . ..:, f, . Sixtfi'etreet,sontitel,oll lite Intet•Anatie br ll4 C . that by.tho- itiumlnattosi ith•J‘Exetalslerol'47 . , f; Wllliani , Tilerst inso•Vcsvel-.• o, r;..ixt - te.ff!'scrrl.at i • ' From !Math streeVoilietAti; toponfo lop 4n ilin• • itide.walk hosatene.fasPNataliblkii _ .9 - ai ',gilt 4 . 0,...„ In the !.."Vy•ailft ' Oil thtelti ;110"11rd f, • object of intelaat jorarrestlattaifitin* ile flora. r.• of the pointrar Olothliiiestablishimenteflift. Grad-. t 'ltillo-ettatiee;# l';',',":4;ts -?4 , ,,,,,tw , (~., P ?_.lii . 4 ' Vt.' 1 •i:• :- !.1.1kAiii4v,Vbalkerefadcommto , (ht. 'lrro4,irera, - - pritiWAturotitole4V4atut Field-114 Airge _letter* p `Oo - orhiriffWnt ettegetef variegated Vifolarel4 'llllrtiyTikitat Orn t iilsrge . sykr 1 :-T.lti•Siqilrit Sktliti*ltArK4Vihjoii;:being pro.; '004 . .14C . : W.lO/VitiA %.,5 , 1:9 7 .- 11 .0.? 1 ,10M-'-; '. A -- • e neat o prom neat po n • wasone , • Over the °agora entrance to the hetotwas form ed-in-largo; letters, oompoead-, of_porforated gas, pipes, 1 114, the , 'Word BuroPeel'while , tram *this Po itt excendedatearvet row.otjets - to the western , entramie, '&s'4lllC:the. latter door of. •the hotel beteg surmounted with;the yrord " Ame• .rioa . 1, to dorrespoiorsatli the enCon-tlteast.' Among the melt - sPlendid ttensparenoles„ was the mammoth one prepared ' by, Mr. J. D. Broke,. Of the Arcade Motel t ohestnut street , - of widish' we gave a'foll description yesterday., As it, le the intentianofakir. Brown to -allow it to remain in its , .plioe for few evenings,: there will he an oppor tunity, afforded of taking more than a single look -at it, - and feasting upon its beautiott.': ' ~ -4 fdr.•l 0 akford's- bat -.establishment , presented a wary handseme . appearance. Flags were •stream , ing froM the windows above,-sad the building was illuminated in ever i part.' " - • The Bret point of interest - Alive` Seventh street :was the - itere 'Messrs: - Cornelius A Baker. glaicestablislipient was 'lit up, with a brilliant, .chandelier at every window, and a row of burners :11)i:tending along in front of the building, forming .arr arch the enshrining a star. The brilliancy of Omar ligitte was' so great as to make ea Street almost is: light as :day for - - nearly a :Aguayo' fa' either Mist:Alen. Upon' th whole, wee, a , diap,laf inleateful keeping With the haftite' .e.f.itio,lsoase it represented. - . , -; ;. ~liie Mseon i e Hail was - lit-up within, and dealt oat eidintreligions light through the etained glue, of, that sombre edifioMassbest - - Ode of the most notable points beyond this was Itliielegapt.militartstore -of 'Messrs. William .llOntmart k °or.- The tipper stories of- this house ifersi,all lit tip brilliantly, and from each one were Suspended 'in graceful festoona the stirs and. irripes of our, country:, Immediately, overzthe sign, Otani te Abe *Mid story,tras a row of lighted bafflers, Whigh,threw, an eifeotlye glare ',,over'the entire - front , From a cable, extended across the street in front, - ,were suspended the flags of France, England, and Amerioa. In the- east window- A:ink:Was riman in glittering armor, got- up at :great expense, expressly, for thil occasion. The, display. taken as a,whele,-Vraa eminent) y oredita-, - ble to, its ~ getters-iip, and:Wait. in itielf, mean retweitintationd thabasinsias in which this house 'has hiseisini long and so mumessfally engaged. ;---Thetalloringestablishinent of Messrs. Sartaiell i o A MaGrath was also lit up., The Grover A. Baker ,sawing-machineestablishment was handsomely illuminated framAbe roof to the pavement, and at- - -treated mooh'ittention: *The' tobacito and: cigar, store , ofMr. George W. 'Stead, milli's, N. E. corner of Bightlf , and Chestnut streets,' was ,lit up in the tinkeepoVot , • ''Parkinson's alp; onNighth street, below Chest nut, though alwaye*as unusually so on -this occasion. - • " " - 2;:- Upon the eqteareifroin" Eighth - en ,Ninth street, there were not many dienlayseAnd what there: here ; ' were of the most gorgeous character. Levy; ,-Evens, , and the Girard Boum were 'the tenor the illumination in Ibis section; in foot, 'it may be set down is the • group of •the evening's illumination. • • ' , Tirt store of Merits. L. J. Levy - A Co. - exhibited" row of buiners along the - entire front, surmount= ed with six stare, - the semanticist:4' wbioh was at on6b-brilliant and 'chaste- Messrs. Bailey A - Oe., jrkellerS; werivilluminated by means of a similar ariangement of burners in front of their store. .The Girard House waapteiblely'decorated with" ', transpereoeieseend Chinese t e mps along the entire length of the main building. Of the threertrans. , pareneles exhibited, the western One represented Trinity Bay, the one on' the east Valenti& Bay, "and the middle one, omit the entrance, the Niagara and the Agamemnon in mid ocean: - • -- 4 The; leading' feature on' the South side of this •aquare was the selendid'lrmispareney in front of iMesers. J 44. EC Earle & Son's. This was a very large picture, evidently with a geed, deal -of4eareirefirettenting the landing of ehe'cable at Trinity Bay, linperint.endlng that bniortantevent 'were' painted, - large"as life, the portraits of Mr. Cue 'W.:Field, Captain Hudson. and -two of his Officers, while down at the water's edge, end in ;email boats away from shore, were numerous men ,2blisily engaged in' the Work of executing their arduous labor. - Away-off in the distance, far clown the Bay, was seen, tying majestically, theyoble Niagara- and her atteniant, Use Gorgon, The Migeilleent , ,new store of Mesas. T.." W. Beans & i Ce.orry iindergoing,,an.extensisie course of few_ piovements, which; we understand, are to be eons -pleted-in time for an opening:smith's:6th was also handsomely lit up ; and:iprettented ap, pearanoe. _< ' Along - the square' betWeert Ninth' and' Tenth_ rivets therewtm, really nothing of special note. The establiihnients pr George ;Fryer, ohn Kiehl & 'Son, - Rahn; -the ,Daguerreetyptst, tbel carpet • besile.of Messrs. Bailey & Brother, and 'Garland's 441004 . ,..weie , th0 only ones that made any proton 'ions toeluminete. eln•the square between Tenth and , Elev e nth, n was beyeriCall_question, the ost effeetivei 1- feliture, of the illetaihatimi, and'one whiith''realif deserves abetter...notice than - out preeent meagre I,lme•Will allow. us :to bestir! ,upon it., We will pawns, however; for a fifer - moments, and endeavor to oonvey:to the reader a brief outline ofthe great picture to which we allude—the transparency got ten's by , the Young ' en s 'Christian Aesoolation of thii"esity, and displayed in front of, their moms, on Chestnut street, abete.Tenth. ; - - The'design , of;this attractive feature of the illu mination was happily conceived, and, considering the brief specie allowed for getting it_up, was ad mirably executed. The device 00 0 11 Pied a cleaves Some fifty feet - in:length, and about eight feet in breadth, and tir r ialighted from behind,by two rows of gas butnerst extending along the entire length. Immediately,"in - the. foreground was the out stretched ocean, extending' to both hemispheres, whiob were iippropristeli reprekented by the fol. lotiingliharticteriatios : Upon an ornamented Oval,' :rear the • loWer corner, was painted the mune of the _astestation,„direatly over Nitta, in el ouryed• alitevappesired the following,: in „told -lettering- - UP it To - the Young Men' Associations of ;EuripaiNrieting," whi lst immediatelyoveitthis, approaching the Millet-the ~ , eativam, upon a prothi netesSPporhapi intended'MVPllV - Plymouth Reek; - :Were idtawn reran eneiti„egtirtesceix of whom, in an attitude expressing a mingling of_jey; surprise, and n -adoristien r,epreaeotted, the , Y oung Mon's -Christian As sociation, ,whilst the, seventh; an In dian'in the background, stood -in wonder and astonishmetiVat the evangelising of the world I *Mehl" now being rapidly secOmplithed through the Of talent% andthespreadof civilian tton.,; ; front of this group, approaching [ the western' isetaitlit the 'Atlantic, was a maestro ' Meld, painted ia the colors ot_tke American , en ;attn-and surmounted-by an eagle with ,extended wings, bearing aloft between their extremities an ;open -Bible ' , from: 'which' *er' =lnning golden Street:no of light in every direction. - Witlithese embletes to - petiOnafe our nntion nitty;-this vie* Of the - American 'continent' was brought to the ocean brink. At this point, and - extending ent_overNie waves was inscribed the. undying motto of the lamented "Stand-up for Jesus." Through the aerial space above,ox tending from shore to- shore, was revealed curved Linea the message reooived by the directors of tbeitelegraph company battlefront theiliiimeordon theiother side, which; we may say, hes novrewioe, in 'the history of the world, caused a universa l tartll of joy to ev,ery,Ohristian -heart : . ~, Glery to God• in the 'highest, and an earth ,peace, good-will towards Men." - te:Direetly under this'` inseription appeared in smeller letters;theteit of Soriptuto_ — li Whatsoever the Lor&Pleased; thus did He In heaven; and' in earth, In the_seas, and 'all deep yleoes.": 2- - • --.`" • Of•the-picturti were delinea ted three winged celestial messengers, bearing in , their ilightitoward either-country their trumpets;' , In the act. of sounding'- the glad tidings of two Worlds united:Deneathiluile was Written, "Cant -ttiou send lightning's that they may go and say unto thee: here we are?" . Also, 'These see the works _Of, the LOrdond his wonders in the deep."- • • - - _,'llaviittenow-briefly glanced at the American end ofthe_tratespatendy ; : and the features Occupying a large portion of the lei= and sky intervening be tweerit it and the European shore, we will devote a fel words to the description of the latter. Nosr _ the.right, heed ,lowee Seiner:of Abe can- yasr4on ovaleorreenonding with- the one al ready, referred to, was this itisotiptionqn answer -to the greeting ofour young men to the associa tions of Eurepe: - - • - • "ChineOpenfot theGosmi." Immediately' Otter this,- upon e' rooky bluff, the Irish boast, was a grim, of individuals bearing -,oyident marks of:the-most Undisguised' astonish ' inexitvaerireitentieg,Alfferent, nationalities of Eu .rope and Asia. • The rear of thismotley mixture was tespeetablymade up by,an ad'mirable picture Of tardy 'John Bulllimself; who- in-- this instance - appeared as the ready Mickel*, of hie moustached izehrbber,ldi. - Prencriman. • In fiont of these two European dignitaries, peerede the hirsute •Maseovitti, the Chinese, and the Turk. ' Io front of this group Was the- English lion, back- of which, on a towering rook, rested an open Bible; the counterpart of the-one already referred to op:the American Side. Underneath this was the 'scriptural ,quotation," Oh,, let the :nations be glad nudging for joy." This comprises. the more prominent points; at least, of the Eastern shore. - Near to either coast was sketched a ply ing steamer, in the act of bearing the messages by coati eoncerning the etteeess of -the .telegraph en terprise. r The most essential feature, however, re mains yet untold. The cable was represented in this splendidiy gotten up device an Passing from the beak of the, eagle, 'dotrit intetheydepthe of the ecoliti;and Antlingite eseternterralune in the, mouth 'onto% - 2, • - • We' learn 'that it was only-by a bandeau effort that this extensivepteee of work was got in readi ness for theiltnetinetion brit - evening by the hoar . it was needit'rier - ie ebbs' to'bewondered at when 'we consider thiSbrieraPimetif time allotted for its 'design ind.tigeention._ , • - The carriage • establishment of - Mr. Win... D.. Avers; immediately under -the rooms of MO asset elation, also-presented a very attractive appear atiog. Thearciit was throWu open; the great mart ,Within ; was profusely :lighted, end" the shining - vehiclesl , vero 'fairly - made, to sparkle 'under the, Lied ef in - whlehltheyerete exhibited. --- ~T hiesterts7of Mersin. Arnold -&, Wilson, on the itentlitside i mearlY opposite, bed a novel attraction hilhe.erindows. Thelight consisted of- a OAT of triple eflietiorated gee - pipes; omitting bun- Aredief jeti.2 2 and,,haylpg a,„tieelitedly,novel and handsome 'o ff set The St. LevrreneelletelVies lit up, but- not ex tr4Y4Aalltl, illuminated . • Beyond this point the ilmestbotable feeture, , and in feet ono of the most ,riirsarkablCof,the whole illumination; woe' the 'insmanseholiding ,tetallPied,h7, Messrs: Reward ' 2 0e.;:droggiets;- 7 ,0n ;the eerner of ,TWelitli, and . ;Chestnut streets , the great Peruvian Syrup depot In, this city,••.4: *,:`,27," ..- 1 Above Twelfth - 0M . east ,- 01--Thirteenth street, • the establielinients of J;'ollifet,hair-dresser and • golly; dyer and sceureronade a slight at iiitipt illimilnate; Veyond Alike there - was Mithleg else worthy of neteVi:f • • , •-•••' 1, - Vie United States Mint inhibited- fisrattraetive tranapereney,., The - represerstatitni was a large 'globe, effiercittiated hfaifeirosilellgurei, bearing in sh ti in' left hand:the emblem of Peace, with 'Mellen • t England cronChing, ether feet on one aide, and , thaeagia,on theother, while the, le legate and Agetnemnen Wei° geed in the didtatee, Overhead ,wee wtitten "Science Triumphant," and- under ninith employed TV. Providence, td's d fortffthe lighting aspe e liengers, of Peace # geoffWill to men. - "' ' - "W e have nowoompletiefout tour; from Third- to ;Weed; and,will. conclude byeti.necesserily-veri "-ow( allusion-to' points in otherperte of the city, „ they atone to our nettle.' - ",•• 9,n Broallitreet, below Chestnut; the La Pierre Xonse hrifuhronielY' Illuminated. On - the N. eerier. ef.BAsil and. Walnut-!treats . the Man- Won of DO. lances Dniutialittrtiotarelininen' crowd' igring,,tho whole eirening.by the " preface and tasteful ' manner in which-it was illuminated. %it for thedmpudetfoe'of:an til.bred biped on th e vremises, olothed"rritlvalittle brief 'entherity(wa : - elhoiEd ho. able to, gif,eAre6f6 - InterOetintaenonnt refithis revs exfithitionv,--11 :‘"' • 914 ; ,.tiottea,,op, the, X.,39!:,eeiner of Elf: -teenth and Walnut' etreets,wae, alse-rhandsomely rviamilletdrug , stota of, °Messrs. tittthiroppotlite oothete-' , 4n the-Win d° of this stop) ippood Ake Soilopiu '. ` „ Maur ' ' ' - the - friendship betirean-Anierlos -and- Europe be everlasting,!' and M another, l!Morse for Inventor, Field for Perseverence,". and Wider, this ",May the Atlantic Cable never -be severed."-- ' The illumination along Market street was not, so general, although there were some creditable, and we may- any handsome, exhibitions In this way. The large, ,handsome bongo - of 'Messrs. :Truitt, , Brother,'dc Co, pre, li Sented a - very brilliant a_ppear and the Same is true of-the Mansion ons°, en' the °miler of Eleventh. The saloons of Mrs. Uo ha rd B. Jones, in &roi l street below Eighth, were decorated in a moat tatty manner. The. Amterlean and English flags were'diepiayed in the large` windows and illumi nated,with prim tapers. The entire front of the house was one mass of miniature flags Interspersed witVolnetere of variegated lamps. .The effect wan really beautiful. . - - - The house of the PhoMix Rose OomPany, .on Zane street,' above Seventh; was also - handsomely illuminated. • - • • - The vicinity of the display of fireworks, - on Spring Garden and - Broad streets,. presented • a 'very creditable illumination. Many -large build ings, public and private,.made a.very handsome appearance ; but among those most deserving of mention, we may instance Odd Fellows' Broadway Hall, which bad a beautiful design on Broad 'Street, some fifteen feet Icing and ten feet high, representing Franklin experimenting with his kite.' Beside him are placed his bottle and keys, while his kite is cleaving • the okiesand toying with • the lightning, as it is wooed along the phi losopher's hempen string. By the side of Franklin Stands his ; son ' the solitary, but yet interested, Spectator, of the great experiment. Above the transparency are words, "This is the locality where Dr. Franklin first caught electricity from the olouds—afterwards „harnessed by Morse, and placed-within the power of- Man ; and the perse verance of Field causes this day's rejoioings." On Spring Garden street was another beautiful trans parency, suspended from the same hall, wall the cable surrou nding each division of the globe, and .above the motto—.,!'The'world in the bonds 9f Friendship, Love, and Truth."- Along the line .of the Sixth street railroad a large number of.private.houses were handsomely illuminated, and the same la doubtless trueof many other Wanda. On Sixth street; the trio most noted points were the Model. ding establishmeista of Mr. Henry A. Bower,.on Ate corner. of Green, and that of Mr. Geo. 0. Bower, OD the corner of Vine. • The large manufactory of Masers. William H. Horstmann Sons, on Mellor. of Fifth and Gherry, also presented a very attractive and novel device. As the-reader may imagine, from' what we stated some . . twenty odd pages of manuscript ago, the hour at which we write is such as to preolude a much more extensive notice for a morning paper to be delivered, in the extreme outskirts of the city', by early breakfast time. -There are, doubt less, • many 0111i6810118 along- thoroughfares. which we did not reach ' Such omissions, how ever, where they have occurred, we aro sure will not be charged to any want of industry or lack of disposition on our part to do full justice to'all con cerned.: . THE FIREMEN'S PROCESSION. The line of procession was - formed in Arch street, the right resting on Broad, and commenced marching at about eight o'clock It presented a very, heautiful and imposing appearance, although we regret that the turnout was not as general u was expected. The pronession was interspersed with flambeaux, hundreds of torches, banners, transparencies, flags, and bands of music. As it advanced it presented the appearance of an H. , 'laminated moving forest. The firemen were all handsomely equipped. We noticed in the line the following companies: The Hibernia Engine Company, preceded by a band of mulct, 62 men. - Good Intent Hose Company, 32 men. Empire 'Meek and Ladder Company, 45 men.. Northern Liberty Engine Company, 60 men. This Company bad three' handsome transparen cies, representing a globe en either side of a canvas, bearing an appropriate inscription. Perseverance Hose Company, 42 men. Delaware Engine, 48 men., Washington Hose Company, 25 men. Assistanoe Engine Company, 35 men. United States Hose Company, 40 men. America Engine Company, 30 men. Northern Liberty Hose Company. 50 men. Robert Morris Mee Company. 26 men. " 'Columbia Engine Company, 44 men. ,Independenoe Hose Company, 35 men. - The Unioxi Bose Comrany, from Rising Sun, 34 • Lafayette Hose Company, 45 men. Schuylkill Hose Company, 40 men. Decatur Engine Company, of Frankford, 43 men. Each member of the company bore'one illuminated star, and the effect was very lino. . Western Rose Company, 82 men. Columbia Engine Company, of Germantown, 26 men. ;It had an appropriate transparency. Franklin Hose Company, 58 men. A handsome transparency. 'United States Engine Conipany, 56 men. " Spring Garden Hose - Company, 32 men. - South Penn Hose Company, 40Men• The Rescue Hook and Ladder Company, of Frankford, 42 men. Fairmount Engine Company, 57 men. - Fairmount Hose Company, 29 mon. The procession moved so rapidly that it was im possible for us to obtain a full description of the various banners and devices. FIEBVirORES. , ' • • The grand display of fireworks took place in the evening, at Broad and Spring Garden streets. The display were a very brilliant one, and wia•wit. "pissed by' an immense throng—far exceeding in nimbeit the gathering in Independence Square. Broad and Spring Garden 'thesis, for many squares, were a perfect Mass of human beings, and as the different pieces lit up the scene, the sea of beads - presented was perfectly a:ldeal/filing. The only..drawbaek to the-pleasure of the .entertaln. Ment z Was the length of time intervening between the pieces-presented, and the pressure of the • crowd., When it is taken into consideration that the throng hi thld vicinity was *flee that -in the square to-day, and that Chestnut street Was a perfect jam,. whilst Aroh and Market, and other thoroughfares were almost equally crowded, come Idea, and yet a very Imperfect one, may be formed of the immensity of the living tide which ebbed and dewed upon this gala occasion. - The fireworks closed at fifteen minutes past eleven o'clock, and although mon, women, and children bad stood front dusk; there was, an/La rentlY, no diminution in the pleasure of witness ing the varied and interesting display; From the Evening Bulletin, of yesterday, we extract the following-fine gauzes, by our distin guished townsman, who uses pen and peneitteith equal success: THE CABLE LAID BY TOR " AGAIDINNON" AND " NIAGARA ~ BY T. BIIC*A2fAR READ. Me fit the grand old kingly flame, ' Of which the kluelest poet Mugs, Should eastward bear Jewel' track flame, And link It to the land of hinge. 'Tin well Niagara, whose renown With Freedom mingles evermore, Should westward lay Its burden down, And chain the world to Freedom's shore 'Ti. done ; the angry sea consents— The nations stand no more apart ; With clasped hands the continents Feel throbbing' or each other's heart. Speed, speed, the Cable; let it run, • A loving girdle, round the earth, -Till all the nations 'neath the sun Shall be as brothers at one hearth: As brothers pledging hand in hand, One Freedom for the world abroad; One commerce over every land; One language and one God:- Poetry by Telegraph. - The literal Oorreotness of the verses oomposed by Mrs. Stephens, as received by telegraph, and published yesterday in Ten Panes, is very sur prising—not a word Ls omitted, not a line injured. Now, by previous inventions, however satisfactory in many resPecta,"mistakes in a lengthy message were almost inevitable. But the agent of the Associated Press was supplied with this poetry by the "Higbee Instrument," used by the American Telegraph Company, and be bad no trouble with the rhyme. To receive 'poetry correctly by tele graph is indeed most' imrprising. We saw it, printed as it was by the telegraphic apparatus which transmitted it, and therefore speak of this Matter from personal knowledge. AIMEE/4M THIS EVENING WELON'S NATIONAL TENATRIL Gaspard°, the Gondoller"—. 4, The Terror of the MM.' , 11a5.. 7 D. P. Bowen , WALNOT4TIIIIIT TONATON.— " The Pounding or the gorest , l—A gpeetaeoler Alle gory. WEIN/AIM' k OLARIERIN AROII•BTIINIT TitHATAS I The Clandestine Marrlago' ) —g , One Coat for Two • • 9•nioaD'S Orse• acives.—Ethloptan llntertaln. mesas, Ems. ORIOKMYER'S OBLEPWATION.--A match Wan played yesterdaY on the ground of the Philadelphia club to Oamden. between eleven married and eleven single men all of Philadelphia, which resulted In the eignal yietory of the bachelors in one inning, and seven sans to awe. A Very handsome cricketer's hat wail presented to the Philadelphia Club, by W. 9. Warburton, gsq., to be played for by those taking part in this match. snd was won by Mr. Ohatles 001111, he having made the largest wore-28. - -AccunonT.--John Marsh, lamplighter, whilst lighting Ucamphene lamp, was eeverrly burned about tge head and fees, lastnight. His relddenee is Deal. etie etreet, below Tenth. "MAX fieiniiED"—A man was stabbed In the eye, yeeterday, during below of the day's °creme • ntes, at Water atteeto Spence. • - CITY ITEMS. • oEinlnn OF,PALLFASItIONS.—MeStra. Lincoln, Wood, tr. Nichols, No. 45130uth Second street, will this diy open for the inspection of the lodine of the city a very extensive and beautiful assortment of Vail Milli nery, comprising every variety—the latest atyles, both French and American—to which they particularly call the attention of the ladles. MEDICAL LECTURE.--Wm. Paine, M. D., Pro fessor of the Theory end Practice of Medicine in the Melodic Medical College, will dellyer a lecture on the Cancel and Cure of Conettniptlon. Par particulars see advertisement. TEE CELEBRATION YESTERDAY.—Theoolebrstion ieitiuday went off magnificently. The military looked infirrtlie sailors Were in full. feather, thd ladies were delighted; the boys were tickled' to death, and the; rest of mankind,,arter being paraded, belllunged; Apeeehl fled, and Inuminkad to their hearts' content, went to the Brown Stone Clothing Rail of Rockhill & Wilson, Not. 003 awl cop Cheataut greet, above Silthi and bought themselves mite ofPall,garmente. - TEE LANaueO OP FLOWERB.— * 4 In Eastern lands they talk of flowers, And th.y tell in a garland their loves and carts ' Each blospom that blooms In their garden bowers, " On its leaves a nvetla language bears" In them latituees, the . 1 g language of go - worsts hi not ao generally; _understood, although moat people under- stand the plain admonition to WY 'their clothes at the 'tinhionable emporium of Gnu:Ripe Motu, NO. OOT iiheatnnii*rt„, HOW TO Nynypoßrrg Rionr.— • • ,• • - • It Is not right to write, rite right; gtir jot to trite It right or wright; . ' But write it always simply rite, 'lf pip riOuld ever Write it right. - i tie aboro le a very pretty play upon words . ; hitt the right way to Asti is, buy your clothing at the Old Franklin Efall Clothing Emporium of E. 11. Eldridge, No. 8210bestnut street, and secure graceful Me, superb fabrics and a wring ()f i tful:4y per Gent. thereon. 1710 ifigsse--4111,14DPLPPW.,.TAtuAspAy,,, i grry,m3Eft . 2,, ~18.5,$ THRLATEST NEWS FROM LONDON YESTERDAY !' Despatch train the plcectorato,Cyrus W. Wield. Arrangements for Opening the Cable to the Public Nnw Yone, Sept. Ist —The following message has been reoelved • Lorieori, Rept. lot, 1865., To Cyrus W. Field, of New York: The Directors are on tbeiffesay to F►lenttrto make arrangements for opebing the wire to the public. They conwey;:thrOugh the cable, to you and your stens, their hearty congratulations on your Joyous cele bration of the great international work.' The Cable Celebration at New York. - - - Nsw YORK, September 1 —Tbil le the most Want'. MI day of the Beaeon—a Wear aky, warm ens, And cool ing northweat breeze. • Preparations for the strand fete have been going on in Broadway nearly all night, - and at early morning that thoroughfare presented is moat animated appear ono. Platforms and temporary balconies are plentiftd.:,, along the whole route narked out for the proatastont Throughout the city flags aro displayed with apple priate devices. Mottoes are more numerous than ever before at any celebration. , ' Many of the buildings on Broadway . are gorgeously decorated, and the most lavish preparations are being made for the illumination, Haughvrout's warehouee alone will chow over eight thousand variegated lamp'. People began to Seek into the city from the suburbs at an early hour, this morning, so that before nine o'clock Broadway wee crowded to excese. The grand telegraphic banquet dpee not take plitolik until to. morrow. It will come off at the Metropolitan Hotel. Messrs. Leland & Co. have arranged with the American Telegraph Company to have a telegraph in strument in the banquet hall during the dinner, to send des/min/lea to all parts of the world. New Yoax, Sept. I.—lt is understood that Lord Na pier will return to Washington on Saturday morning. He will dine on' Friday evening with Cyrus W. Field, Seq , in comiany with Captain Dayman of the British steamer (lo.gon, and other British offlaere attached to the Telegraph Squadron, together with a few select friends of Mr. Field. Lord Napier le In attendance at the celebration to day, and will be one of the guests of the pity at the dinner, to-morrow evening, at the Metropolitan Hotel. The - following wee one of the coogratulatry de epatches received and g oad at the celebration to-day: OFFIGIS Or THIS MkrOX or TIE I CITY Or PHILADEL- To the Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements on the Telegraph Celebration :- The home of Franklin tend• kindly greeting to the home of Field. God willed—the hempen thread of the man of science, and the iron cable of the man of mighti made known nil wonders. ALEXANDRE /UMW, Mayor of Philadelphia. New Yomc, Sept. 1 —Evening—The day continued fine throughout, and the celebration came off according to programme, with lees confusion than might have been reasonably anticipated from the extent of the preparations, and the vast conoonree of people assem bled to witness the chow. The pry:fusion wee 'very long, and surpassed In ap pearance anything ever got up here. The military made a eery brilliant display, and several regiments,' which joined in the llne, . were greeted with °beers ou all sides along the line of march. The other divisions of the celebration, especially that embracing the various trades, were also greeted with demonstrations or appla.ee. The most cesspit:a. one among these with Ve telegraph inetrnment of Pro - fearer Hughes i printers, lithographers, masons, car penters, cabinet makers, operators oh sewing machines, with many other trades, were appropriately repre sented. Cyrus W. Field rode, standing in an open baroucho, and woe greeted throughout with the waving of hand kerchiefs and vociferous cheer.. The procession did not arrive at the . Palace until nearly 0 o'clock. That building wee crowded to ex cess., The mimic's were of the most impaling nature, the music Bypath, and the Teaches appropriate and eloquent. The presentation speech to Mr. Field, made by Mayor Tiemann, was neat and complimentary, and was re sponded to by Mr. P. as follows : Bine : This will be • memorable day in my life, not only because it celebrates the success of an achieve ment with which my name is connected, but because the honor conies from the city of my home, the me tropolitan city of the New World. I uses hero not only civic authorities end citizens at large, but my own per sonal friends ; men with whom I have been connected in business and friendly Intercouree for the greater part of my life. Tive weeks ago this day and hour, I was standing on the deck of the Niagara, in mid-ocean, with the Gorgon and Valorous in sight, awaiting the Agamemnon. The day was cold and cheerless, the air wee misty, and the wind roughened the sea, and when -I thought of all that we have paned through, of hopoe thus far disappointed, of friends maddened by our rever ses, of the few that remained to sustain us, I felt a load at my heart, almost too he•iy to bear, though my con fidence was Arm. and my determination liked. How different is the scene now' before me i—this vast crowd testifying their sympathy and approval, praises with , out idiot, and friends without namber. This occasion, sir, wee me an opportunity to qx. press my thanks for the enthusiastic reception which I have received. And I here make my aoknowledg mania before this vast concourse of my fellow.cltisens To the ladies, I may acid, Shit they have bad their ap propriate place, for when the cable wee laid, the first public message that passed over it came from ono of their own sex. Th's box, a'r, which I have tho honor to receive from your hands, shall testify to me, and to my children, what my own city thinks, of my acte For your kind ness, sir, in such flattering, too flattering, terms, and for the kindness of my fallow-citizens, I repeat my most heartfelt thanks, The oration was delivered by David Dudley Field, and woes masterly performance, eliciting repeated applause from the vast audience During .the ceremonies, the two beautiful odes, written for the occasion, by Mrs Ann 8 btephens, were sung by an Immense choir, composed of several of our largest musical easoolations, After the services at the Palace a torchlight proms, slot of the Bow York Biro Department took piece. It was a ileghidoeiit - displtrY, and formed a fitting clod to , the day's brilliant demonstrations 'Broadway was a blase of light from the Battery to Union Park, all the public buildings, and A large portion of private ones being_brilliantly illuminated and many drsplaying msg.' nlficerit devices, transparencies, illuminated lanterns. Fireworks were displayed In abundance in all the pubilo thorourbfares. The municipal display of fireworks, In the Park was imposing, and warn witnessed by an immense concourse of spectators - - At ten o'clock the city is comparatively quiet; no whole show haviog passed elf with rimaatkable freedom from disturbance or adcident Congratulatory despatches to oyrue Pleld,•from the mayore of nearly all the cities In the United Statee and British Provinces, from many State gorernore, and from- many corporations, were received by telegraph Irving the day, and read at the Palace. The Cable Celebration. WADISINOTON, Sept I.—The National Hotel, together with the Teregreph Offices therein, are splendidly illu mine ed to-night, deploying flags and transparencies At iireirds Betel, the Associated Preen roorns, and sev— eral other pubbe and private establishments, the success of the AtMutter Telegraph is elmilerly celebrated. Flags are flying at prominent rarts of the city, Aversive., Ga , Sept. 1 —There is a pleasant excite ment here this evening ; bon-fires are kindled and bands of music parading the streets. OIACINNATI, Sept. 1 —The entire Telegraph building le illuminated this evening with seven hundred varie gated lights, presenting a splendid appearance. Mama , Exprees 011E8 is also illuminated. 'There are no other demonstrations. NAL/11111TH, Pa , Sept. I.—The sehelere of Nazareth all had a telegraph dinner to-day, In company with some guests. Their dining room wee tastefully deco rated, and, amongst the rest; a splendid specimen of the Atlantic) Telegraph Oable, presented by Messrs. Taimyr & Co-, through John 0 ciunther, of New York s to the inatitntion, was exhibited A aeries of resolutione were passed,'showlng the Inte rest taken In the laying of the Atlantic, Cable. • From WashingtOm WAfintworon, Sept. I.—Lieutenant Pegratri, who dis tinguished himself In the fight with the pirates In the East Indies, during the Perry expedition, has been ap pointed to the command of the Water Witch, now fitting for Paraguay. During August 1,700 bounty land warrants have been flamed, to satisfy which 104,000 acres are necessary. The Secretary of thiatiavy will soon make a I.it of Inspection to the Norfolk navy yard. Adjutant-General Cooper lett the env, this after noon, to meet Lieutenant General Scott at Old Point. HARRISBURG, Sept. I.—The Congressional conferees of llott. John A. Ahlis district met to-day at Bridge port, at the end of tbellarrisburg bridge. The dis trict is composed of York, Oumberland, and Perry counties. Cumberland county voted for Mr. Ahl, York county voted for Mr. Wisher. and Perry county for Mclntyre, through fourteen ballots. There is no result yet, each county adhering to its condidate. The conferee/ will meet again to-morrow utornrng. Br. Louts, Bept. I.—The Fort Bridger correspondent of the Republican says the 6th Infantry and a company of sappers and miners, under Lieut. Duane, arrived there on August 4th The departure of the 6th Infantry for Oregon, was delayed in consequence of insufficient sup plies of clothing and provisions. The Utah Indiana were committing depredations. Spasmodic Description of the New York Festival by a Visiting Reporter. NKw Yone, Sept. I.—arrived this morning—city swarmed—hotels filled—floors covered—mot a sot to be bad—Rage streaming even from church-steeples—mili tary assembling—bwdness auspended—ceremonles cow meueing—Broadway thronged. P. O.—Taken lodgings In telegraph office. Sr. LOOM, Sept. I.—The Utah Indians were com mitting depredations. Tho annual elections for Territorial and county cla tters took place on the 24 of August. The Democrats of Green and River counties cleated the whole ticket by an average majority of eighty Wm. T. Osborne was elected to the Legislature. Nothing has been heard from the other counties. New YORK, Bept, I.—Tly the brig Lady Chapman, we have Bermuda dates to the 17th inst. The Bermuda news is unimportant, The ship fialsette arrived at Trinidad from China with Coolie emigrants—one hundred and twenty of whom died on the passage, and many more on land ; the remainder had been sent to the hospital. A smart shook of earthquake was felt at St. Kitts on the 18th of July. The Newly Discovered Gold Mines. By. Loots, Sept. I.—The Republican publishes privdto letter to a gentleman in thin city, giving an ac count of the newly-discovered diggings on South'latte river. The writer of the letter examined the country for several miles around, and expresses the opinion that live or six done , a a day can bu obtained by several hundred men without further discoveries. DXTROIT, Sept, T.—non:William a: Howard in the First and Hon. henry L. Waldron in the Second Con gressional districts, were renominated to-day. The Democratic State Convention meets here to morrow. Arrival of the Emigration Agents at St. St. Loma, Aug. 31 —Paul Einlle Paden, Col. —, in the Elaytien Army, and 11. Martferd, the head of the commercial house in Port-au-Prince, (the oVect of whose presence in this country le to induce free negroes to emigrate to Ilayti,) bare arrived in this city. The Slaves at Charleston. OiTARLBEITON, Sept. I.—The Mercury contains the opinion of the Attorney-General of South Carolina regarding the Manna on board the brig Echo, to the effect that the Africans can be retained by the United Statee Marshal, and are not subject to the laws of South Carolina. - Fire in Ashtabula county, Ohio. OLIIVELMID, Sept. I.—The factory of R. Page, at Wane, Aahtabula county, Ohio was deatroyed by fire laat y night. The lone will exceed ' ro,ooo, Contested Election . in Missouri. OT, Loma, Sept I.—lfon. Frank P. Blair, Jr, ham given lattice that he will Contest the right of "J. Rich ard Barrett to a seat in the 88th Oongrese from this , district. - Departure of the Arabia (or Europe. Nxw YORK, Sept. I.—The royal mail steainshlp Ara bia sailed at aeon to-day with seventy passengers and $300,000 in specie. Mal:bete by Telegraph. CINCINNATI, Sept. 1.-4elour la active at $485®5. Whiskey le steady at 21,40. Men Pork is quoted ert PM • BY TELEGRAPB. 121121M1713222 State Polities. Army Movements. From tike West. From Bermuda. Michigan Politico. pRELADALPHIA:BOABDOIII:TBAD", - -: Iwolyn 0: tiai 1 WILLIAM 0. Karr, cOMMI421)1,01!,11111'bima BLIAo avALL. ,~Ciariiu:7ntclu9itt~ie. VOLT, OF, PRILADIMPaIei, - Sept. 2, 1226. 1161 AIM ' , 62S 166311 FIZTB 628 HIM WATAB - 8 84 ABRIVED. - Bohr John i7onee, Stephenson t S days,from New York, with laze to Jaime Baker. Bohr 8 B Bailey, Whirlow, 4 days from 'New York, with mdse to Oro well 0011100. 80hr !dory H HMIs, Melvin, 6 days from Rockport, with fish to Stroup & Bro. Bohr Delaware, Hess, 4 days from &acorns°, Va, with wits to J W Bsoon 00. Bohr James Barrett, Davis, 5 days from Boston, in ball-at to Uenry May. .801ar A Oordery, Albin, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to 0 A Beoksher & Co, Bahr .1 0 Runyan, Budicotty 5 days from Boston, In ballast to Van Dusan, Norton & 00. Bahr klOntateu, Yftlkenbarg, 6 dayi from Boston, In balsa to J 11. White. Bakr J H Allen, Wok, 6 days from Baotou, la bal. MAIO 0 A ileekaher & 00. i T io aylor, days . from Bogor', In Brink, Donallty, 2 dayifreen May's Landing ; .601 tit r e grown & White. 114; 1 With g w el y n2 .day from MUM flreelt Land. toBoahrii?titenvlakidtfgaday Be w l ey k Od ° eses. with wheat • „, Tuff J u u4uuie MenoY, 1 hour from the Lazaretto, With Br brig•Jtaoliailtress toff. Left at Quarantine four, b‘ruues,and four brim—names preciously report ed, e• - 4 OLBABBD. ~ , ,.Steamship Delaware, Dopes, New York, J Allderdloe. 4c. DSI Breege, Outerbrtdge, Bartutdoes, J F Peniston. iatinr•Jai Bart ett; Davis, Lynn, N Sturtevant & Co. - • eakr D-Prink, Doughty, Lynn, Brown & White. &br Jai! Jituglish, Neal, New Haven, Repplier & Bro. 7, ..,BelOterb)ne, Champlain, New London, B It Corson c,Ch 400,11p4Irri & Anne, Dole, Boston, L Audenried & Bohr liortieveu, Palkenburg, Boston, J R White, Nair A Corde,y, Allen, Boston, 0 .d.„Ereckitter & Co. Bohr J Allen, Babcock, Boston,. do Bahr II B Basoomb, Berke ) Boston Van Dusen, Nor ton, & 00. - , Bohr J P Oake, Endicott, Boston, ', do Bohr B C Runyan, kndioott, Boston, do Bchr'NevrDiatico.lrelard, Port Cheater, et, do - Bahr Barak BGLOACd, Clark, Portland, do Bohr Valiant, Reed,,Baltimore, do Bahr Olars, Penton, Baltimore, • do Bohr M L Green, Atmore, Providence, do Bohr Lisile Taylor, Taylor, Providence, B 1111112 es & Co Bohr Worcester , ithottes Providence N Sturtevant & Btr Ann, &llsy Boßloson, New York, %KM Baird & Co. Oh` J B - Ohriver. Bennis, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. , (Correspondence of be Press.) IIEADING, Aug 24, 1858. The following boats passed out of the Union Canal tO-day, behind to Philadelphia, laden and consigned as tollowMAt • J &D Rieliard, flour and grain to Richardson & Over man; 'John Trowel, do do to Uumphries, Hoffman & Wright; W & 11 Taylor, do do to A Fitzpatrick; Major Landis, gown to Clena , Helm & Co. (Oarreapondenee of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES, Del., Aug 81. MS, The bark Wolfe, for Pinion, and Rohr Bailie T Char tre far Oharleaton, left the harbor 29th; ale) brig My. ra, saws A Thomas, J A Mcßee, Martin, and. Eclipse. One barque and several Bohn paned to aqa yesterday .The brlg.Lady of the Lake; entire Nalfsbury, Elizabeth Deadly, and Oar°fine Tucker, left at sunrise this morn { rg. Wind BW.. Weather fine. Yowl, • 'WM. M, HIOKMAN. OW T'LlasAncl (CoOsepondenea of the Philadelphia Exchange.) GAPII 'exam), Sept 1-0 P M. A large barque is now going to sea Several sohrs have come In to 107. Wind E—weather fine, Yours, &O. THOS. L. EEGItES, MEMORANDA Erzes liolmes , Sole. Help Et Parlngton, from eadis, arrived at Portland 80th nit. ghlaTragoon, Wanton, et Manilla June 15, was load. to hemp for Bolton, at $lO for four bales. 8121 p Orpheus _nese, for gala Francisco, remained at Hong Kong June 21 Ship flying Mist, Lennelf, rematned at Hong Kong June 21. uncertain. Ship Darroda, Brothers, which sailed from Hong Kong June la, for Manilla, has been ehartored for 18 months by the California Sugar Banning 00, to run be tween San Fran°lmo and Manilla. Bblp Borodino, which sailed from Valparaiso July 7th, for OhHoe, will load lumber for Callao. • Ship Hellespont, Kennard, which sailed from Volpe.. ratio Ott nit, fol , Caldera and Coronet, was to load ore. for Brame& at It 2e. BMA Ocean Pearl, Orewell, from Callao, was off ilwaisie'Polot, below Baltimore, yesterday. Ship Mortimor, from Liverpool, arrived at Bavannah ffetk ult. Bark Washington Butcher, Collins, hende, arrived up it NOW Orleault ETth ult. Brig War ;Eagle Martin, for Philadelphia, sailed from GibraliarAng ' ll • Brig Grozimbo, for Philadelphia, galled from New. port 28th ' Brig Geo B Prescott, Gilkey, for Jacksonville, Fla, frorailharleaton 29th nit Wig 001 W Owego, Mutt, arrived itt llavana 221 tat Brig Ohicohee, Howes, cleared at Boston filet nit, (or Philadelphia. Brig SI & & 313 Gilmore, Berry, cleared at New York 81st nit, for Arroyo, Pfl. Brig Orison Adams, York, hence for Beaton, at. lie l lololl' WO 28th ult, ar.d sailed next day. Bilg Mm Gras/ford, Oolburn, hence for Gardiner, at Maims*' 80th nit, and nailed again. Nehi Martha, Hail, for Philadelphia, 'geared at Oa. lain 284 ' Bohr Samuel Castoer, Uargood, hence, at Fall River 29th ult itchra Restless, Smith; W A Hammond, Gates, and td• henoe, at Boeton Slat ult. • rarMgAdam, Demon, and - Vletoria, hence, at Stet - - • - • Nitre Arletta, Itebertson; J P Crouch, Hankins; Ham Jeinae; D G Floyd, P.ackett, and B Rogers, Elli ott, hence. at Providence 80th tat, Behr Larkin, - Ohurbuct, hence for Blattspolsett, at Newport - 28th ult. Bolero Jacob & Matthews', end Smith Tuttle, Kaye, hence, at Newport 80th ult. • Bar J i fleas, Loper, hence, at Newport 80th lilt Hchrs W W Brainard, Bowdlichi and II W Benedict, Ems, for Philadelphia, Called from Providence 80th Behr T Potter, Mover, from Bristol Ferry for Phila. delphiOtt. Newport 28th alt Behr Leesburg, Swift, from Portland for Philadelphia, et Salem 28th nit, and sailed next day. Bahr W Oollyer, Rayner, hem o, at New Bedford 30th ult. Bohr Antra, Primula, for Philadelphia, cleared at N York, alst ult. Behr A N Douglase, Buckman, hence, at Hartford Slat Behr W gardner, Bourne, hence, arrived at Bekaa Met alt. Eche F A Oodwiri, Fairchild, cleared at New York Met nit, for Brazos Santiago. MkRINB MISOHLLANY. Manisa Losses von Amer —The New York Cou rier and Enquirer of yesteruay publishee he usual ta ble ormarine losses for the past mouth, Farming an ag gregate of eighteen vessels, of which cue au a ship, four were barques, three were bilge nine were salmon era, and one a steamer. The total value of property lost wee $200,760. Veasels. Value. Total losses for January 15 $ 443,500 Do February • 39 1,182,300 Do March 33 818,600 Do April 33 961,040 - Do May 38 714,000 Do June • 22 814,901 Do July 22 640 700 Do August 18 • 280,760 Total for eight months 209 85.020,191 flame period in 1857 400 $11,686,200 DOMESTIC PORTS . . HOLMES , HOLE, Aug 27, P M—Ar schr Eleanor, Townsend, Alexandria for Boston lamo Smith, Smith, Philadelphia for do; Sarah Brig ht, Noble, Boston for Wilmington, Del; W 0 Ellagon, Buckaloo• do for Phila delphia; Emma L Day, Hackney, Hingham for do. 2811,—,kr sabre Luny W Alexander. Alexander, Alex dria for Boston; Snow Squall, Buckinineter, from Nor folk for do; Richard Thompson, Lloyd, Philadelphia for Roxbury; Louisa Gray, Weaver. from do for Ply mouth; Dr Rogers, Mame, from Wilmington, NO. for Saco; David Smith, Douglass , and Mary Natt, Ireland, Boston for Philadelphia; Feed .Reed, Blatchford, East port for Philadelphia. 20ih—Ar brig Mary Cobb, Montgomery, Dix Island, Me, for Washlogton, DO Sailed brig Albert Adams; nears W 0 Bllason, Aetrea, Lucy Antes, Empire, Louisa Gray, Dr Bogota, George 'lnd Mary. and Mary Matt. 80th—Sailed brigs G L Bucknam, Mary Cobh, William Crawford; ochre Delaware, Eleanor, Immo Rich. T Jones; Look Out, L W Alexander, Snow Squall; David Smith, Richard Thompson. In port at 8 AM, cobra Sarah Bright, E L Day, Pre , dorick Reed, and Caroline Knight. Uvula! Notices. Jules Ilaneh• Eau Athenienne, or Hair RENOVATOR.—ThIa chemical discovery is not a dye ; acting on the capillary tubes, it changes gray hair into a brown or black, beautiful and llfe•likeoshereby de cadence Is prevented, apd the ravages of age and 111 titan's repaired by a beautiful growth of the most soft and glossy hair. It will not stain the skin or discolor the finest linen. Bold by all Druggists, and at tho Laboratory.of Ansa Hanel. & Co., Importers .and Perfumers, No. 704 Chestnut otroot, Philadelphia. sel-3t Seamen's Saving Fund—Offtoe 903 Walnut street, one door west of Second street. Reeeires de posits In coma of One Dollar and upward'', from all gasses of the community, ►ad snows interest at the rate of eve per cent. per annum, Oftlee open daily, from 9 until S &cloak, and on Mon day and Saturday milli 9 in the evening, President, 'mishit) Valli Treasurer and &nutter), Chubs Si. Morris. Professor Saunders' I.:fasciae' Institute, at the West Philadelphia Institute, corner of 'Market street and William, will be re-opened on the first MON DAY of September. Poplin to the number of Of ty, will be received WITROOT RXIIINSH OF reds OR TUC PASS/MORA RAILWAYS or IHR 011 T. Thus; without axpense, by a pleasant and safe con veyance, pupils con be catried into the fresh air of tho country in' Ices than half au hour from the centre of the city. Peveral acres of open ground border on the beautiful groves of this f =Mary, wElch is patronised by many of the distinguished gentlemen of the city, among whom are the Editors of The Press, the Lodger, and The North American and United States Gazette, Pupils are received by the day, or into the family of the Principal PIIIIA.DIILESIL, July 1, MB " We, the, undersigned, Lave, had eons or ward! in Professor Saunders , Institute and family during the session which boa just closed. In respect to parental kindness, happy influences, attention to health, and progress to thorough education, our *lpeotations hare been fully realized, To our friends, who are loOkfng for a decidedly good school for their sone, we cordially recommend Professor Bounders , Institute MATTHEW NEWKIRK, No 1306 Areh etreet. " JNO. W. FORNEY, OfnOd of The Press. GRAMM E. TIIOMPF.ON, Thompson 4r Rood 418 Ohestant etreet. J, 0. SILVER., 1400 Girard Avenue. II W. L. SPRINGS, 831 Market etreet. ea GEORGE K. MARTIN, 1020 Walnut street au2B BE One• Price Clothing of the Latest Styles, and made in the best manner, expressly for . 1111 TAIL SALIM We mark onr lowest sell . ng" prices in PLAIN MOANS on each article. A I gouda made to o•der are warranty' satisfactory, and our ONB-pRION STOTNIA is ot , lotly ad hered to. We believe this to be the only fair way of dealing, as thereby all are ttoated alike. - - Thomas W. Bally.. No. 622 Market Street; Importer and Destor in Floe Watches, Jewelry, Silver and rioted 'art. Ftreloclms goods constantly on hand. The ser, criber, paying gash for every article, lii enabled to sell at u small advance. Thoso about purchasing would do well to call . All goods warranted as repro scaled, liel* • General Debility.—This convenient term includes numerous 111-defined and supPoied inoriiable forme of disease, accompanied by general lassitude and exhaustion, without any ascertainable external or in ternal canoe. The PERUVIAN SYRUP sends its re novating infiltence to the Inmost recesses of the system, and has relieved in • our c ommunity many eases of sup posed trieilmble clisee.ie. • For enle In this city by P. Brown, Fifth and Chestnut, and Hasserd & Co., Twelfth and Chestnut. anBl-d&wtf a & Bakers FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 780 CHESTNUT STREET. These Disabling are now juatly admitted to be the beet in nee for family sewing, making a new, strong, and 'elastic stitch; which will NoT rip, even if every fOtirth stitch be out. Circulars sent on application by letter, ap9-y Jackson, JOB PRINT/11, WPM' AND OBBBTIiIIP. °beaks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heads, Oir• Sulam Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printig, at prim, to.nuft tap timeS ‘nel7-ly An the 13th of August, by Bey. 51.11. Slav, My. EUGENE JOHNSON to 1111se DIARY ANN STANTON, all of this city. * . On Monday evening. 30th ult., by Rev. Oharlee A. Smith,' Mr. inf. TAGERT to Miss JULIA ANN HOOVER, both of Philadelphia. On the 30th nit, by Roy. Francis D. Ladd, Mr. DEN SARIN P. LANOASTER to MN HESTER DICKSON, all of Philadelphia. On the 30th ult. ' by Rev. Frauds Church, Mr. JAMES WALKER to Miee MARY JANE RINOADE, both of this city. On the 81st ult., JOSEPH DOUGHERTY, in the 22d year of hie age The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his 'mother, Dire. Mary Dougherty, Govet's court, Bewail street, Ninth, above South, this (Thursday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. • On the Mat ult., MARGARET JONES, in the 79th year of her age. Her relatives and friende,.and theme_ of the family, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, this (Thursday) afternoon, from the residence of her ne phew, J H. Gallons. 436 North Fourth street. * On the Mat it , Mr. CHARLES LYONS, son of Mary and the late John Lyons, in the 46th year of his age. (Lancaster papers please copy ]• His relatives and friends, and those of the family, are respeotfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, N0..1.644 Deokett street, this (Thursday) afternoon, 24 Sept., at 4 o'clock, without farther no tice.. TO proceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery. tk Suddenly, on the 80th ult., Miss ELIZABETH PRI OHETT Her relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from her late resi dence, No. 1201 Spring Garden street, this (Thursday) morning, 2d inst., at 10 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Bonaldson's Cemetery. On the 80th nit., Mrs. JAMIMA. BATHES, wife of Mr. Anthony Sayers. in the 27th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect folly invited to attend the funeral, froni the residence of her husband, in Fifth street,. above Shippen, this (Thursday) afternoon, Sept. Id, at 1 o'clock . , without further notice. Funeral to proceed to Monument Ceme tery. August 30th, 1858, in her 70th year, MONONA NE, MOBS, relict of the late Andrew Nebinger. . • Her friends, and those of her family, are kindly In vited to attend her funeral, this (Thursday) morning, September 24, at 9 o'clock, from her late residence, No 1018 South Second street. ar. New Orleans Gas Light Company. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS , DANK, PIIILLDELPIIIAL , July 2, 1868. - Notice in hereby given to the Stockholders of the New Orleans Gas Light Company, that the Agency for the Transfer of the Stock and the payment of the Divi dends of that Company will be closed from and after the first day of October next; and they are requested to surrender tho Certificates issued by thin Dank and re ceive Warrants of Transfer to the Company in New Or leans. W. RUSHTON, SR., jyB-dlw&mthtoOt Cashier: WNotice.—An election for seven Directory of the MONTOUR IRON COMPANY, to serve ig the ensuing year, will be held on SATURDAY, the fourth day of September next, between tho hours of twelve o'clock M. and one &cloak P. M., at tae late Office of the Company, In the Reading Railroad Corn pany's Buildings, In the city of Philadelphia, Penna. By order of the Board, T. U. BRYAN, Jr., au4-dtsept4 B °crawl. arNotice —Howard Flre and num. In- BURANOE 0051 PANv_—PalL Amnion ra , August 25, 1858 —ln accordance with the provisions of the Act of Incorporation, an ELECTION for TWENTY DI MOTORS, to nerve for the ongoing year, will be held at the Office of the Company, No. 412 WALNUT St., on TUESDAY, the 7th day of deptember, 1858, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. au2ti-tdeepB CHARLES A. DUY, Secretary. taty tiortinrit.n.eirpen, z ij a Augu st 80 1858 TIIE BOARD OF RE V ISION in set at titts °Mee to P. 1161 the deities of their appointment, as follows: First ward—Monday, September 6th,1868. Second ward—Tuesday, September 7th. Third ward—Wednesday, September Bth. Fourth ward—Thursday, September 6th. Fiftliward—Friday, September 10th. Sixth watd—Monday, September 18th. Seventh ward—Tuesday, September 14th. Eighth ward—Wednesday, •eptember 16th. Ninth wwd—Thursday, September 18th. Tenth ward—Friday, September 17th. Eleventh ward—Monday, September 20th. Twelfth ward—Tuesday, September 21st. 9 hirteenth ward—Wednesday, September 22d. Fourteenth ward—Thursday, September 23d. Fifteenth ward—Friday, September 24th. Sixteenth ward—Monday, September 27th Seventeenth ward—Tuesday tierember 28th. Eighteenth ward—Wednesday, September 29th. Nineteenth ward—Thursday, September 80th. . Twentieth ward—Friday, October tat Twenty-first ward—Monday October 4th. Twenty-seoond ward—Tuesday, October 6th. Twenty-third ward—Wednesday, October 6th, - Twenty-fourth ward—Thursday, October 7th 113' The Assessors of the various wards take no tice accordingly. J. M. LVDDY, JANES LOGAN, City Commies. ADW'D R. WILLIAMS, A. J. FLOM. tFELT, Receiver of Taxes, WILLIAM - V. 'MoGRATR, autl-tf City Treasurer. FREE MEDICAL LECTURE .-WM. PAINE, M D., Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Electric Medical College of Phila delphia, will Lecture on the Caries and Cure of Don— na:loo% at the Eclectic Medical College, northeast corner of ninth ant Callowhill etreete, this evening, at 8 o'clock. The public are invited. col-It* of . Alt b:d r )a e ld ud fo l r ig th ut e e r a l :1t)25 covert' a dark brown th arL, f ; i la o r o ni . 3B , l, e aLd b Lz i te r r , Z- 3 n o e t t, u t t kelt l t i 'r e e 3 tl a b r e e fL.r m e a black scar on the left buttock and one ear clipped. The wagon bas just been repaired, new tires and one new hnb, - W M. A. REED, M. D., set-It* flea ARCII Street. .—T [VOTICEhe public are respectfully W- I formed that the 'BILLIARD SALOON. eouthweet corner of TWELFTH and CHESTNUT St' eeta, has been thoroughly refurnished awl fitted up with HICELAEL PHELAN'S LATeST PATENT, and will be opened to the public on MONDAY evening, September 6th. Du ring the evening aeveral matches will be played. by Michael Phelan, C. Bird. Dudley Cavanagh, (the cham pion of the late tournament at Saratogad and V, Eatephe, All lovers of this gentlemanly game are in vited. It la the Intention of the propribtor to make this Saloon a NINA for gentlemen, and he hopes, by a strict attention to the buelneee, to merit and receive the pa tronage of the community. eel-3t* V. ESTBPIIE. CHESTNUT AND WALNUT-STREET RAILWAY. ANOTHER MIMTATEDIENT 001111E0THD OPINION OF A LAROE PROPERTY-HOLDER, WHO, IT WAS REPRESENTED DFIFORE THE RAILROAD COMMITTEE, {VAS OPPOSED TO THE ROAD PIIILLDELPILML, August 28.1859. Nett Bin—Being under the impression that you con. eider a Passenger Railway in Chestnut and Walnut streets a desirable Improvement, (sad, indeed, that your disconnection from that enterprise arose merely from an unwillingness to associate yourself with any new projects,) you will much ob`ige us by an expression of your opinions upon that subject, inasmuch as It has been stated In some quarters that you entertain doubts of she present expediency of that improvement. We are, dear sir, your ob't serv'ts, ROUT. W. OCBILMAN, WILLIAM DUANE, THOMAS DART, CHARLES LELAND, B. BRADFORD, PLINY FIBS, WM. PARTIN, Jr., BAM'L BIDES, (to., kc., Commissioners of the Central Passenger Railway Co. To Dr. DAVID JAMUL PIIuLADELPIIIa, August 81, 1858. GENTLEUNN—I have Just received your emninunien. tion of the 28th (net , in which you desire an expree szon of my opinion upon the subject of a Pasaenger Rail way upon Chestnut and Walnut streets. That my vlewe upon this question will panne any particular weight or Importance, I can hardly suppose; bat inasmuch as you have asked .or an expression of them, you can have them for what thj y are worth. I am not now, nor have I been at any time, inter ested as a stockholder or otherwise in any of the Pas senger Railways non built, or proposed to be built, in this city. I have, however, given the subject much re flection and consideration. weighing their advantages and disadvantages to all concerned, with great care, and the result is a firm conviction of their great benefits and usefulness, not only to the public. brit also to the owners of property along the routes traversed by them. The opinion which I have formed in regard to Passen ger Railways generally, I consider peculiarly applicable to Chestnut and Walnut etreets. Chestnut Street Is now the great artery of the city, into which are poured the great roue of the public, for either amusement or business. Our largest hotels. our finest buildiege, and our most extensive retail stores, as well as the courts and public otibma ' are located upon this street. The result is a arowd of pedestrians, of omnibuses and vehi cles of various kiode, that frequently render it almost impassable. Will a Passenger Railway increase or di minish the oonfuslon already existing there? I firmly believe that it will greatly lessen it. In the first place, the convenient: well-appointed car, moving with little noise, in one direction only, and alwals on the same line, will take the piece of the lumbering, inconveni ent and noisy omnibus, now occupying nearly the entire street, to the serious inconvenience and annoyance of nearly every person having bus'nese there. The omnl bun has been a useful vehicle, but it has had its day. It is notoriously more destructive upon our atreete than all other vehicles combined ; and in addition ; the jar made by it. upon streets where it is cooetantly raw ning, shakes our dwellings to their foundations. Chest: nut and Walnut streets, by reasou of them ' have be come the most unpleasant thoroughfares In the city to travel upon with a carriage or light vehicle If Chestnut street is to preserve its present position and to remain the great thoroughfare of the city, it can, on y be done by keeping up with the improvements o the day in regard to travel, This le a matter I consider of serious moment to the ,owners of property upon it Travel will go where it finds the greatest facilities. Every convenience you afford of this nature increases the number of passengers. If you deny the public these faollitiea on Chestnut street, they will in time go to those streets where they do find them, and eventually Chestnut street will lose the advantages It now enjoys, and they gill bo transferred elsewhere. Not In a day nor a year. perhaps ; but, in my opinion, the revolution will not be the lens certain. Edo not deem it necessary to notice, in this connec tion, the many objectione that have been, from time to time urged againyt Passenger Railwaya., A year ago it 'light have been proper to do so ; but now it Is suffi cient to point to the practical operations of those now in use. The reedit has been to dispel all the prejudice and imaginary evils attendant upon them, and to satisfy every candid man, that for cheapness, expedition, and comfort, in travel upon onr streets the Passenger Railway can have no rival—while the Inconvenience to the property owners along the mates is not one-tenth of that experienced tot years put from the omnibuses. And I have no doubt the day In not far distant, when owners of property, who now oppose the railway a' In jurious to their interests, will see their , tears entirely dispelled, and, perhaps, regret (if their opposition should be snceensful) that they stood in the way of a great public improvement, alike beneficial to the pub lic and themselves. Very respectfully. DA.YID JAYNE.. JONES .& CO., 004 MARKET Street To Messrs ROOT. W. CUBRI(AN, ) Wir.LlAll DOANE, Tuoitas HART and others, commissioners of the Central Passenger Rallway ‘Ompany. 002 16 lilarriageg. Meat Do. N EW FALL GOODS. - J. LEVY . 8a Deg leave to call attention to their elegant assortment of FALL DRESS GOODS Now on band and arriving by every steamer, comprising RICH SILK, by the yard ; ELEGANT BILK ROBES, Double Yupe ; MOH PRINTED MOIHISELINE 'DE LADIES, and Od.EIHMEREK, together with a large variety of PLAID GOODS, and other new Dress Mated nab WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 809 AND 811 CESSTNIIT BT. se2.st 1111!littera evaba. FALL OPENING. AWE SHALL HAVE OUR ANNUAL OPENING OF FALL BONNETS; FRENCH FLOWERS AND STRAW GOODS, ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2d,1858, When we shall be happy to meet our friends, and the patrons or oar establiehtneat LINCOLN, WOOD, k NICHOLS, ge2-E 45 SOUTH SECOND STREET China, elm anb euetnemars. BARGAINS CHINA AND GLASS. Lately received a large quantity of useful house 'cooping ware, which is offered cheap for cash. PIA& WHITE MOUTONS WARN. Chamber 13 eta, 10 piecess2 50 Dinner Sets, (sufficient to dine 12 persons,) 12 00 Tea Bets, 48 pieces 2 50 Dinner Plates, large size per dosen....' 1 00 Tea Plates, (c 60 . Tea Cops and Saucers, (24 ps.) • 4( • 5O Also, Dishes all slues, Covered Dishes, Pitchers, and other articles in Ironstone Ware, at half the usual prices. GOLD-BAND 7113N01T OHINA. Tea and Coffee sets, 46 pieces new shape, f0r....510 00 The usual price of these Sets is 15 00 Tea Plates ' per dozen.... -1 60 Tea Cups sad Saucers,2 60 OUT at es. _ Goblets '': per dozen.... 225 Tumblers for Table use, - it 1 50 Also, lt large assortment of Moulded Glass at len than factory prices.. : • Tinted Goblets per dozen.... 51 50 Diamond Goblets, • - 2 00 Call and see the great variety or cheap goods, with prices marked in plain figures, from which there is no deviation. These reduced prices circler cash. MI J. KERR, China Rail. ' ' sent* Chestnut st , opposite the State House. ShilMing FOR SAN FRANCISCO =via NEW YORE.—Freight taken at New Yeti. rates The magnificent Clipper Ship - OCEAN BELL, T. H. /Ifßeran, commander, now loading at first wharf above Lombard street. will receive what freight may offer fora few days,.and finish her loading in New York, with quick despatch. Shippers will please hurry their engagements along side without delay. For balance of freight or passim, having 'elegant accommodations for a limited number of passengers, aPPI to 1118110 P, ONS, cc 00., se2 y -dtt, 105 AltoH - Street, above Front. A rk FOR:NEW ORLEANS- LOIIISDINA LlNE—Quarantied Bret and only Teasel for Ali Weft. Freight taken at as low rates as any other vassal loading. The splendid and fast-sailing paeketshipPLElADNS, Nathan %below. master, is now completing her loading at Race-street wharf. Haring the" larger part or her cargo on board, and large engagements coming alongside rapidly, she will be despatched as above. - Phlppers will elms complete their engagementa•at once, and them) wishing to avail themselves of the grit revel will please hurry their good. alongside, and bills of lading to the counting-house for signature; and may depend on this being the grit vetted to sail. .Yor balance of freight, at reduced rates,apply to • - - BIBIRIP, BIbiONS, f.. CO., •' ' 105 Arch street. above Wont. The P. will lulu(' at the lowest rates, and will take steam down the Delaware and up the Mississippi. . The flue, fast-sailing, A 1 packet-ship SH &MELODIC, B. D. Dome, will succeed the P., and is now receiving heavy freight. sea tf A gyt FOR NEW ORLEANS—LOUISIANA naig„LINE—To succeed the packet-ship Pleiades with quick despatch - Freight taken at the lowest rates. The elegant and fast sailing paoketeblp SHAMROCK, Bam , l B, Doane, muter, is now receiving heavy freight, and will have prompt despatch as above. For freight or passage apply to BIHOP, SIMONS, & CO., eel-dtf 105 ABOH Street, above Trent; Boarbing. A Gentleman and Wife desire Board in a refined private family, where the eon:Oben of a home can be had A front room and eleeplog apartment on the second floor required. References exchanged. Address OHARLEd R. D., at this Office, with terms and location. Will furnish their own apartments. estate • SECOND -STORY communicating , Rooms, furolehed or untarnished, with BOARD • also, anutle Room for Gentlemen, can be had by applying at 268 south FOURTH Street, above Spruce.. „sepl.Bt* perezmal. Tr MARY JOSEPHINE ALLEN is in the I. city, she will please eall on d. P. ALLEN. N 0.1620 RIDGE AVENUE. ShewJll,hear something to her advantage ee2.lt* INFORMATION WANTED, OF ED WARD and FRANCIS 017618 KY n a tives Of Ire landotho left New York for South - Carolina in 1868. , Any Information addressed to their brother; at Kairrhzei Ferry, San Joaquin county, California, will be Thank fully received. PATRICK 0176113 KY. aulB-Btee Obucational. VLOOUTION TAUGHT, STAMMERING Cored, and Defective Articulation Corrected, by A. COMSTOCK, M. D., at. his Vocal Gymnasium, 608 ARCH. Street, Philadelphia. Dr. Comstock's Circular will be sent, if desired. . sepl-3t* EMAN ALLEN, A. M., Teacher of the ilLia Violin and Pismo. Mr. Allen maybe spelled to at the residence of hie father, Professor Allen, No 215 South SEVENTEENTH Street. , eepl•tocl THE AMERICAN SMOKER. A LUXURIOUS AND HEALTHFUL AROMATIO SMOKING TUBE FOR RIFFS AND CIGARS This invention removes the dangerous and polls:4lmm oil of the Tobacco, which is so prejudicial to the nerves, allowing the smoke to pass through it cool and fragrant. liidon with delightful aroma. _ All the luxury of the heavy Turkish Water-Pipe is obtained by this contrivance, which can be carried in the pocket, a single drop of perfume giving any SaTor the Smoker may desire. Invalids may use these, not only with Impunity, but advantage; a number of prominent physialarut bear tes timony to this, recommending It In their practice, whore smoking may have a curative elect. The Tubes may be obtained at all the Druggists and principal dealers in Cigars. DEPOT, No. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, BELOW EIGHTH STREET. A liberal dimwit to the trade. au27.13t. THE "OLD DOMINION" ooprak POT, THE "OLD DOMINION" TEA POT, Are Inenureeturei t ander the patent for the United States, by ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & GILROY, Nos. 117 and 119 Sonth'TENTII STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ID" Merchants visiting Philadelphia, should, by all means, lay in %supply of these COFFEE and TEA POTS, which are rapidly coming into use, and destined In a shOrt time to supersede ell others. ID" A. B. & G. are also manufacturers, under the patent, of ' ARTHUR'S OELEBRATED AIR-TIGHT SELF-SEALING CANS AND JARS, Which, it is conceded on all hands, are the beet to the market. anl7-tatheestnola • Also, Trade Agents for TORREY'S ADJUSTABLE DOOR SPRING UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATING. AGENCY, . " . CHICAGO, ILL. The enbscriber, having had ranch practical experi ence in selecting and locating lends In the various Land Districts in the Western States, has unusual facilltiei for twitting valuable seleetions for LAND WARRANTS OR CASH. • Having Surveyors constantly in the field to male personal examinatione, he can always- make .The most Judicious locations. Lamb, unsurpassed for fertility of soil and salubrity of climate, near the line of railroada t may now be had in lOWA AND WISCONSIN. Satisfactory references given when required. any or it 7" Money estern Sta invested tes. in Kansan and Nebraaka, and W S. SALISBURY jylB-em • 44 CLARKE Street, Chiceirie. ef:AYE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY.- N..." There will be no necessity for travellers taking a supply of CIGARS with them, as a complete assort. moot of GENUINE HAVANA, of Samuel Slmes's im portation, will be found on Bale at CONGRESS HALL, Cape Island, and at the UNITED STATES, Atlantic city ~13,111 ACKEAEL —250 bbls Nos. 1,2, and Mackerel, now landing, and for sale by • 0. C. SADLER & CO., ael Arch et., encond door above Front PROVISIONS.- 100 13131 s Moss Pork. R. 1 000 pre City Smoked Hams. 1,000 ' " Shoulders. 100 bble hard. For sole by C. 0. SADLER k CO., eel Arch et., eecouedoor above Fiord SHAD.—bO Bble Sea Shad, just received 10 and for sate by 0. 0. BADLICR k CO. eel Arch et., second door above Front. .e,p, FOWLER, WELLS, & CO., 922 rCUESTNUT Street, keep standard works or lig Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure, and Pho , nography, wholesale and retail. Phrenologl• cal Examination, with charts, and full writ. ten • descriptions of character, -"given day and eves lug. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders by mall to be addressed to Fowler, Wells, & Co., 922 Chestnut street. Jen.arnolf-wky t eep SO 11 ALE ROPE-1,000 coils or superior Bale Rope, manufactured exprenly for the Southern market, and for sale by WEAVER, FITLER, & CO., 4 1 484 f Nprtb, Water screen, ~:~Q7[29: cr AYOUNG MAN, Imain'g - a: th oroughly pet - alma Book=keeping, Aferrantils 8111110.31111, &O'wishes to obtein ►Situation in Whole. late 'louse where his render& may be available. Un doubted-City ?areal:less, from most reliable seamed. Balmy not so much an °bleat as a permanent situation. Address S: D., Press efllee. - - se2.4lter A A Genteel Young Girl ' , mishit; a Sitaitioi in a private family to attend to Honammk. Addrem MARY - RLIZADATH, through Blood's Despatch. se2.2t* WANTED—By a young Lady,u - Situation v V as Teacher of Frenah in an deademyln otneaithe city. Addreae EMILY, at thla Onloe. - sel.at4l, IVANTED-413. a Retail Litt Goatla Stare; V a Young Lady as Saleswoman, Address " COIINTER," altblif Office. - selatse iit(TAITTED-By a stont i able man., a altos- - V r tion as Porter is a WholeisMe Hamm. Apply to DENNIS QUIQLEy', No. 4 Wilder's Court, Eleventh, - near BM ton. ' ael-Bt* • WANTED—A BOY is a 'Wholesale Boot , v r and shoe House, to learn the Mutinous, No - compensation the flrat air months. Address' Box 980 POST OPPICE. soplat*, VVAITTED—By a young monied man, ens • • ployment to take charge of a Farm. Bea bad ten years , experience, and can give good references. Address FARMER, at the office of The, Press. ssb3l-otAl S.. 'WANTED—By a Graduate of the High School, a Situation as Assistant Book-keeper in a Wholesale estabitshtuent. Address T. 11., at this Otago., attal-Et* - WANTED—A Situation as Salesman or Book-keeper, is a Hardware or Notions House, by a person that can 'control a 'donsiderable amount or Pennsylvania trade. Address O. W., Preis Mon.:. au3l.Bt* WANTED--Oanvassers for an Illustrated Work of much popularity. -Three or fourilollaill per day can readily be made. Address BovFLAND, Blood's Despatch. suSO-Bt* WANTED—A competent Salesman in a Wholesale Dry Goods Jobbing House', to ona who can influence a near cash trade a liberal salary will be paid. Address L. & Co., this Office. auBo-41* WANTED—By a first-class Book-keeper. a Siltation in a mercantile eatabllduneat. Om gie,e the beet testimonlabe, and will offer hie cervices at a moderate Wary. Alarm RICHARD, at this Offb3a. autlantie • WANTED—A. Situation, by scompetent Book-keeper. City references will he given. Address "BOOB;BEE g 811.," at this Office. • au3o-6t* WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATER OAVALBY—AbIe-bodibil; onnmrded men, to whom will be given good pay, bout, clothing, and medical attendance.- Pay from in to S ill month, No man haring a wife or child will be awe Apply for MOUNT= 13311V0/1 at No 817 T 8 above Eighth, north aide. B. N. RAKE, lit Lint. It Rogt. of Cavalry, . ' . Boonalting OBoer far sale a n to ret. el TO LET—A desirable tbree-story jEa. Brick dwelling, containing ten rooms, range, gas and „bath; with not and eold water. Kitchen on Brat floor, in perfect order, having been papered and paint ed throughout. No. /IS UNION Streit, north of Pine; and east of Second street. Bent iIIICO per annum. Ale ply at §I9 VINE Bt. ' - sepl3lle FOR RENT—The Basement and Floor of new Hire-Proof Building, earner otl3econd and Chestnut street. Apply to E C. =GET & 00., • Corner Water and Chestnut aired ga- TO BENT—The new iron-front Store, JIM No. 246 North Third street, abort Rem with the use or Shelving, Counter, &a. - Suitable for th e . whole.. sale Clothing, Notions, or any other business. Terms low. Apply at No. 262 North TILIBD Street. three doors above. au22.6telf istel FOR SALE.—d. handsome residence, ma, with all the modem improvements, large side Sard, grapery , eta: SIXT H , near SPIITNG GkEDIN treet. Terms easy. Y. S. LYND, Smith BUM Street. (termed story.) IRFOR, SALE* 011 EXOI2IAIRIE -A handsome new Mansion, 12 rooms, end 40 acne, near Gwynedd Station, North .Pennsylvania Railroad, Site splendid, fruit- abundant, health - unsurpassed, Any person really desiring a handsome ootuttry seat in exchange for silty property, Will and Shia= nnusited opportunity of accomellehing his obJeet - Apply to P. bX South SIXTH' St., (tad entry.) anl4-lna FFICE TO—LET.—N Or. O PION for an Insurance Oompany, or similar tar= potation, having three emoronnicatinz rooms on tie same floor ' No. TY.r W.U.NUT Street, "abate DOOK. Immediate possession given. A ply•to. JOHN O. ,or '. - - THOMAS T. BUTOSIOI, ' No: jl2 South /MUTH Street, - InhBo-tntlis-41 • second atozy, front room. 4n-n FOR SALE.—A. pretty_ Cottage, nine looms, and one or more acres on Wyoming avenue, ` two miles out the Second street Turnpike. - Alan, sere. cal handaome Cottage lota The neighborhood-As healthy, beautiful, and rapidly ithroving. P. R. . LYND, bki South BIXTEI , (dd story.) anT4-1m gp-m TO BE Lter-on account of removal IEL to our new store, the house No. 432 CECIBTNUTi below Fifth street. Possession may be had abort' the Bret of October. The position Is one of the moat deal table in Philadelphia. For terms of lease apply to anl3-1m 7. E. CALDWELL •i 00. ARs-1 FOR SALE - Valuable Real Estate on Ma North Third street, Including THAIS BTONSO on Third street, Nos. 422, 424 and 426. Also, two four story BRION :BUILDINGS on Dlllwyn street. Nos. 411, 419, 421. Lot 60 feet front, estending lo depth 178 feet. to Dillwyn—nets an annual rent clear of taxes of about 82,600. .Apply to: . - W. id. LEVIOK, 846 North SIXTR Street. LTO PMNT--Octuiting-Nouse No. 180 jaa North Delstvan Avenue, with floor extending through to Water street. Apply to - JORN M. KENNEDY k CO., . an° 132 N. Delaware Alrenue. gel TO RENT—The second- and third HIL stories of No. ]O3 ARCH Street, second doerabore ;front, north side. Apply tO O. 0. SADLER & 00., 9 North Water Street . TIESIRABLE OFFICES_ TO RENT ON A-, the ant floor of the new fire-proof building of the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD OOMPANY t Sontkweet corner of Third Aran and Willing 's alley. Apply to 3.13111:11.1D an23-12t. Secretary. 1. 4 F0R SALE—A valuable LOT, in the viol ulty of the Baltimore Depot, in an improving neighborhood. Par particulate, address J. K., Boi 927 Pon-office. tele amusements WIBATLEY & CLARKE's ARCH-ST. TELEATRE.—WIIIiam S. Fredericka, Acting and Stage Metemer THURSDAY EVENING, September 1, 1868, THE CLANDESTINE MARRIAGE Lord Oplby, Mr. John Gilbert; Brush, Mr. Wheatley: Mies Sterling, Mrs. John Drew; Betty, Mille Moloch. To conclude with ONE 1705. T FOR TWO SUITS. Nelly Nab, Mrs. John Drew ; Mr. Gallllard Gaßles, Mr. Wheatley ; Mrs. Piled°, Mrs. Nicholls. Admission. 26 eds. Secured Seats in Dress Circle. tITM eta; Orcheertra Mane, 50 eta ; Seats in Private 80. xes,7s eta; Gallery, la ete v Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cts ; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Personk 88 eta Whole Private Box, $3. Doors open at 7 o'clock; commence 'at 7,4, precdaely MRS. D. P. BOWERS's WALNUT-ST. THEATItH, corner of NINTH and. WALNUT - THURSDAY-EVENING, September 2,1858, THE FOUNDLING OP TRH ROBERT Count de Valmont, Mr. Perry; Baron Longueville, Mr. McDonough; Geraldine, Miss 0. Richings. To conclude with • A SPECTACULAR ALLEGORY, In celebration of the successful laying of the Atlan tic. Telegraph Cable Pricee of admhaion—Second 'Pier and Family Circle, and Third Tier, 55 cant.; Parquet, BT,il cents; Drees Circle, 50 cents; Private Boxes, according to their $.3 and $5; Single beats in Orchestra Stet Private Boxes, 75 cents. . Doors open at 7 o'clock; Curtain rises at TN o'clock. LCH's NATIONAL THEATRE.— Joseph C. Poster, Bole Lessee and Manager.- .0. Poster, Stage Manager. THURSDAY EVENING, September 2. 1888, GASPARD°, THE GONDOLIER. Gaepardo, Mr. Fitzgerald Raphael, Mr. A , Beeketi Catarina, Mrs. M. La Brun To conclude with THE TERROR. OF THE ROAD, Harry Halter, Mr. C. Foster; Natty Noose, Mr. Wor rell ; Dorothy Bruin, Mrs. J 0. Poster. Tickets of admieelon, 20 cents ; secured seats, 08 Gents ; Oroheatra chairs, 60 cents ; Beate In Private Box, 75 cents; Whole Box, gs and ft; Family Circle, 15 cent'. Doors open at 7 o'clock ; commences at 73* o'clock. CONCERT HALL. SANDRRSON.B GIGANTIC ILLUSTRATIONS OF FO3 Bussien WAR. Representing the most important events of the late War, concluding with the • BOMBARDMENT AND DESTRUCTION OF BEIVAST OP OL. This great eXkliblt3oll will open on MONDAY RYRNINO, September eth. ICIr See programmes. sa2.lt PANORAMA OF THE BIBLE. THIS GREAT PICTURE, By SAnseo Williams, will open, for the Brit time In this city. on FRIDAY EVENING, September 11, AT NATIONAL HALL, IifiRRET Street, above TWELtTE SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, above CHESTNUT. . Open for the Season, with the lamed' TROUPE OR ARtISTS IN THE WORLD. The Entertainments nightly offered by . ' SANYORD's TliOuPE comprise all the latest Bongs, Ghee, Doetta, *brans ,Refrains, Bounce WIT AND S ELO &.0 ,QlJENtut inters . persed wlth • Ia host, all the VoceNem of the day is produaed by MIISIO,AONO, AND POETRY. The whole ander the management of Dlr. 8. 8. PAN= HORD. adcalasion 29 cents: Doors open at 7N o'clock ; per formance to commence at 8 o'clock. au24lso 33Ipac finbinge EDWIN W. PAYNE, IRON BUILDING, ARCH STREET, Ono door above Fourth INPORTBR AND MIAMI)/ IN LABTINON OAFLOONB, PRENOH KID, CONGRESS WEBB, TOILET SLIPPERS UPPERS, SLIPPER TRIMAIINGS, LACES, &a. &nlO-2m NOTICE TO -SHOE MANUFACTURERS. The undersigned (enseessora to the late JOBBPII T. JOHNS) aro now prepared to meet the wants of the trade at the OLD STAND, Northeast corner of ARCH and FOURTH Streets. Their facilities for IMPORTING and FURNISHING every article in the SHOE STUFFS and TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices and on favorable terms, are nneurpassed. The attention of 1113YEIRS to respectfully solicited, WM. JOHNS & SON, aulT N. E. corner Arch and Fourth sta. HERRINGS --800 bbis. NO. 1 PICKLED Herring; 800 bbla extra Newfoundland ditto - WA bbbi Potomac dry salted ditto, now in store and for tale by JNO. id KENNET'S , h CO., mule vn. 1111nml r: c WHARVES. BONES. -100,000 Shin Bones, suitable for Umbrena and nuttnn Makers, in atnre end for sale . . OBOASDALE. PRIRO.O,& CO., 14',!4 N0W414 OREETINGS, PATENT LEATHER,