The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, August 31, 1858, Image 2

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    r 7
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: -3todi :,
Tim; liewi::: - - - ,-.---: =••••:,-.: i'
~i.-:.,..7., ,. . • - r,, -- „
r 44 o'oo -04,..,.otti.401.,t_tlYnonep, ,
ye'ilws,frota Liver =
i.4,:ilutivitri o , - ;Ekfr'4i-,.:::.'t.F‘
r int akt -, 42k , •al:fit V, "... - ,---as, Q4-^ r.
p' . 'V' F Ll 141 Pftt it Al n° 10 ,1 4:7T, i i° 0 )... 7 4 ,./- o_
; ; ;?k,#-.,V . ,,r,tf4 , • i1it04, 4 -, '* pe'b elestria_tele.:
" . *:;.1 .- -,4l4 . ily_igs - 4-44.lii`k*Paiitil t -It ? -...iiiii•let.9l!lid - lhat
-1 1 1.' • o.ll4'KPiestlii*fil aidteilatil'OotobSi!': - Ohe
' - .*';r4;.,‘ - ' 4 . - - ' illetilltatetstisttifititionli9o - MeTutV
=-;"-'. iiiii-04 , 4 - -glapiauffor. r willoqi4L i n avian T or Chip.,
' - " - ' - -iveita , aitilli g le iViii:Mbla town hit&
~._yzz,l-,4,10 4 , . s . f 9 'no , , t .
'... - '; * ": 1 &;'.•* -; ;Tbialteitiiiiliairdiid.: for -Ave- days by _the' stamina!'
,-TV4llaliflat,_lil Elefeirfif that tiltrdeiets .Willereie:.
--- - -' , g-;',9lintatissiittivoqiiinS•.- - titih;letantinopla. - ' - / - Cebeill.
ri'llircalidginecid*,f(i , 2ol3}llllo3 - , - ',.'4i460# securities
', ,, ,::,i , e,,l.r4X.4liligit;:**W:','• - 4.;:1-:::I_;q .
__,' •--,•:-,!-;•-
.',.'•-4 4 41,-I.oklialivi'ficiaa3 ;108146gtoni4bati y9E 0 4 31 94 0 0 .,
....:-.'':'*___Maaliklelc.helbieli isliteteditY3lie 1111:0`;.'D.Par-e'
' . ': 4 - - Mitikt to iiiinifitAkce.e fiiiiiiwziiia4o,4 o ,o , 'lri i t
'?:?:::47Atiogii -z ;?'flitt-it t ailaik,;'lifyi - 13thfie,trotFo . r w. :
'"' - '• -; ' ,1= 4 034 ; 1 0-- 1 4- ; :ffiaitlf i kk 4 k4 -,: x 4 i 344.4404.Pmini,-7-,
L'• 1 -- 40 - ;14 - , - .1firtreift:4•th'iratigitpctliefi ' NT 1 .)i:-Ititaclii:
:!*,-4,1 , led -- ;ta i twitiiiaio,i, , i'knAtthe - -YOF.'?O- 4 :f • 1 9 1. '" , -: i
5t...014 . 740 . 11iii okit.,..tiriai.:**l7tf),* ~;
-,;:- ?'lla f igitre q * .- 41 - ;iitisk:Aiiroli , 7.,) , ,i IA ~,,=f•c•
,ar t ''" - ' - liti taikis'.46.l.te iiSis=stilMitlkimie -
- - .1 ,, -, • -'"..e',.ii_r s Tent, .._ , --„..... .. .
~; ,__ _.,„ .. • -; z .
• i - '-' , '....-:‘ ,- ; , lithe',ldlivelt fedi& iin/''-liettithlhe lbilgtArko' t - 'lFr'
'-'" r -- -' t* -- ' -*" ed e---av6ilifiiitiiiicilit tract`
, VPIt r -?! . .P' 4 ! ,' , _il. i - • , = , lvirTtir -
, -,- , oterhedtethetc/-nst
. 1..4 jai:A.''' . ~ rk.''P i
: -' -'t.,..Aiiiitt*NiAO . 44(l,#ii.d.Arrifilf.".o 4 : 9 -44 : t1 . 16:114 ...
'',-,-..--,,,,,,---_. , -, - ,‘,-,- 1 .:
0, 41 ... 1 , 1 , 461 ,,i., 64 .(0. 0 -, W ielgili l ts,ke,Leklin t aturp':
4.''li3.B'b ko l .4 l°4ll . 'a l# Vil,#. r '9,l* : l2l4,!*(lo',Tdr
- '--- t' ; ' o l ,t - P i M!,,:j!.t . FkI O 4FAITIA A13"1,7,1:*J , ha.!M
,f<;;Cligi;Vo" - ;i'tile'64l;iii:.'oi:ti;'iiinl i '•‘.iit,i. - 4
iy:AifitikentiitlitiCeisitY:,tp:":3 . 4iniiieWiF from ;the
---', : - ' : -Y: . uoilPailicihi i iil . 4=kiaiT , e . ;)it'irii:troic. it,',l,y,rei
*'-.iilltilliii4riliidl:r,-..--;-:-::" /.,•r ;:31, , : 5 ,1 , 1 ,-7i 1•.; : - --: - -.., . , i
--- ' — I7V -- the' , feW days 'the Atlantilintblelinsy
• - ;' , ,a//1 F--2, . . neat - -
:- t" , /hti.-elliditibtor to,forte 'the ahlerteirls',ef 4tnetism,
' ..O!
•?I the - 4'loi. -P4'o
, aity ta.weriiW li ii.bS l et
': 4 4l.4Jlifta l e 4yif'iktifoßv , tor 04:',*atiit
I.7liNlellil 4't*sitti494ool4olBl.-itlidtiii?
liiiikervilride l .azllwe,
havceensi'seascsi te'bli
_ - tallitielhatithit*asitin bilk'bettelishlittedin*llei
- : - t_itiliffilftaiiiibi.:'' - ''''''r * '2'l
!" '''' 4 : '-
1 : ''*-,'-';.:.,'--;
';'7,,iifititT,l44 .that 49: - Yelitli feint. ll en- the;
-..ltitliSiulli4c,-1101.2.'-.Prlesni. On; Saturday last - 57 i,
idind;'-lnifthe weiklyllst Showed 'an theta**, of 9131,
scram ihil*ilfirtatit'*e_4:'•.:''''_: - .' - . ,r,.', - ; ....---';'* -',': '
_ • •' o 2liliiiiiarfaiateasese YRllPty.f.v._,ei hirciioiried - :
f:34'10;110ft d uring the Ilia fiti__thiya/: Vo'-'-'- -_
. ',...-.4.,444 , ,P.5p - plibiAlltenrentionqf met I& the' county :
;.j.., eatiit,4llStala iyitittelda‘y, z' fferatien;'"arld''''On 'the :.
_'' - ;jli4iftletwalitt:tiondritited;lyillitine t #:,KalliV, 14, i.
- - friilifiiiiiii- - " , :!• --, A - P - ' - ." - ' - . 1.... is -; - - 1 - " .-i „.-:: . - -„, -
.: :%1.- 1. - .;i„ - ‘ ,l 7 r.,„ t ri.9.9 . elikststlotz. : -.- ::,: i 4 , .
-toptiOtte — Ahe efforts of nionie , -of-- our bewail**.
• !pitsfai,,AtaiiOrilia'aiiidatci'imktitiiialllM - We - d:
neaday r beltt, Taoriing, , F9o94p4 . inight, °gm
- initstatiiiittng .the litece'seftd • .eoinpletion and
' - -WniklOgsof,r: the Atlantic cable; We 'are glad to
* r iihiliVite thatlilieltidk#l94 lit'fitiOr ',or a ~.thi
:1 , ... - --, •-,9oeld*tail74l-thitf,Aiarit.eireitedlnglianspi
'%:" --. : I....zAdnis4 - ..bno .. Or Ow ;Tow - York benteinsieries
'-).*4141. - ailiVittlidelself:',lkiiiitiAni the - ,961e.
, • •_6li7ll . ,l"jbat: , a,(tiffai:tia - •Orisolg ; ..1144 4: yeti
time English/ ploido quitte'./iiet
,:gin s litOintlitt"„,
•_, • kiit - ktle - X144 -5 114-LtiAttoitSilfi -, 'iiiiiii::. Piii.o 6l- 1
il.Olattierialoninalsi are -felicitating.- themselves ' '
' .
tha 1
--.a on
f t ho =
o Ithwhich
' exil ; bite l oyo
emotions at i coe . carpnkation,of — ithla grand
- iinde;taking: - One -paper does - not` like" the
ilintninationOieettoSit it' may set , 'liiii: to, ; the,
- --- ' holdall; and atiother grumb les if: . the expense
'Whlefi - jilitsflte Inaililid:iiiildi - peopie. - Now;
•-- _ ' - England o , kr.taiii6 Ail-0 - 'iost,been apolfdlOg'
- -- ' . Oa il ltattaiti:i*O4ol;:;ifte4ae itid torgeona
• _ * reception to fOixiliiiOlitrCalleAt,oiniaPtiO.:
.1,11921; , 4(1-...111; c.._..011T13_, - LB T. - Hail,' ,,
ilii ' '.
lif ''; il . 'J.- A
lip: ' - 'n'a
*ali4 . .l",riooiyi - ,GyEtili;v4to are jut as cattalo
„ -:- • -- IA kil_ll,anaor the shafts 9f-/death as the eatintlesiti:
- r
unwashed who gaped -at the prpppeAlno In
vadeittiigitgic:o4 ll 4o. l ei**Kwl4:ar° l 4
. - in ' jil i c4iliat taiiti*fkii‘eailtlea of our coin:
monlunaanityil • Ntimondiiiki)* such .s tiiti.;;;,
- - Plf i e#l,l,iiiit ; with Indlifei49l,enbit.iilriwupti ;
' Italy* 4aiag:achioveij, in.the.-mtion'or- the Old -,
• , . ~, wpitejoiktiolate* , ±49 . *9 - s6e - that: - Ole, I
- " 46 01K,Iiiiil41_ ,#
0,-: - ,4iiiils - ,iiatol
-. -aliiVs4by*ll,:t3,#.wlttalt74-",nOwtaoto.diiy
. I( 4 l tY/f O E:# l-81 r.'* 41 0 ititt6 Cltiebi4V. - bleitit '10:
piviraft iinfil!iiilvi#kifiolit; l l4oo46 - "aiisk
' 1 4,, ~, ,N , , , „ ,, ,
4- catax. webellei*tliiil . -,9ur Eidtitliiili„prcit*;:
• • - .-*, relitiwtigroolft6l4tailSlitevedient;:, ,Tltiy:
-' aiiiiiii4lia'Aiiritaia;;:*f-- . th Wi4rth4
.--- ' • .-- , Theybaills64;ttiitit:-&Oisniti; araftiOinid'aaj'. l
-; - --. altothst: bt!gariande round „111!11Fov. -.,- They _ I
- , alpfbat:, Aleirlo4 - ?;tb -r 0,,i6,343 rose,” ; • `aromatic"
. ,: _- - pi6, o . l ,l4hialkpiii , .41*pi . rlea.00dtin!:the p 0...
, • stati!Of; tifiat4'4teliir,atir :Of , nti*iiiii - *4*oit *'
aittiiiiM* - :91 - ilitku r iM04•41;:` ..r.41,-*assai.
Cairen--Mr; - .Eimrat
who did not/tikidant,
-36' ; ; `A fi gi g rr o .rl i kilo ga t ii ii ',9 P* ,8t41- .
tiai'idlito c ilefiate;*44auied: - taittiailev- -
' , - ton; gernl - etioite_lbt of,'StluthOarollintAy 04
- Rnrsti*YzAiocili;:iii? I burst qOf rhetorical
'' ' fl#o .2 l9 o lS o '3 ol l*:: t 4f*A44.l* it .if Ahoy:
. ._ aoiglitigiikeikiktfiiirt 3
'or clitsateatpyiketeehnitir4 - -. . o '. " ; ,--- 4,-, -. •_2:
- /144:', : thp 4 : congthdttfi of 4ile ,N*liyi,lr94 .
. * Paiti;' , 7f.4l 3ll :4 P 6 -`4 o iiiit!Octif i;iiit, of: and ,
i - sande; wlll 'crowd; to',
- at,elty;ta , ivitilessl thf
- celebrationthefel -4 /o‘titkthis494l4
feetettisAk.a .behibiatlonOf souse ' sort tbat;
. - wftid(dieellY'efedlt:
',Te':koait - *i - ilocriar,
- I - •:,. ' iitfolaif and ivOiti;iciiiir.l4: iiiiiiiimiiiiitj-•,
,_ --:- thai Iliailifiaelitiane.. , .-;:i - ..f*- , .. • .-Sc• i; 1 , , ?-f:. , :; - . 1 , -I , t ,-..-
- „
'', ' - ~.:-, -:.•,):4-7(i:,„_'_ ... -..=• __:;. - 5: - • ; ,',...: ::: , a-..:'-'.',,
- - ThwAllenioopitO , Nopaiiiatiop fot:sigilleitff:
- _ There ,are two '
._ porfectly ens
init - neer& lbie - henibiatioiL,; duele r - did
mail named LIMN 4 ..ZECIAN- VOietWiatr - on the,
trielith•ballot for Mrz Biala= The "Othetia;:
were-both or
• • _Thet 3 Poc.i 4 NAt,rele-• PiAO:g4r. IL#.f - A*Otwkic
- 0,0 4 .10.'0 1 . , 41 0 ::97 11 111.6 0 . wascalled,
a apecindtfine *hen:, the name of
bythe'efildierlic 'Plitinise r ,co.tiniOle
' • verlicone*ltO:Jaieira ,him:::111!fhe satisfied
. • mittriihr** - 46rdi itetjtfioirc *to' 'de;irit •
know him
ill ni-AO
PublKgt(t - 1 14
,tqw:7olo l o. o .gi - iP l 4this tIA4 ,
: -
. • 'lnure frlinater Aft:koKienier 'in,: (onyim;
tioN:st - 47P f 7 gtfor, ,13p f pfe after
- had 'been withdrawn, settlee i gni
tton =that RmsaarrJ did` `hole: twits 'en t 6
- -
- -twe1#4*16Y11,41.0*,614104.:*.n.g7r.tii those
= _who , ,141101 , 4d!ci inot voto , l:ut .
theo ,
elueßlZAderni!fini - , (mettle% ide r
• rereilinithftheee- - 'votea:.reperdecil
• lt is car
1461)3r:1'11104fttiti;,00-,*ete,:::: wore,-bat
sqiiii*tiiiltrhicTii it if in the poyier ,
- - • ef:l o *'PO i r*ff h t/ ( de t
- j44-.06: : ; Oda!:
• telly 310 eiN.t*inelfth baliof be-produced,
,•.• with titC ) ,'oo,fkrit '
that, ihol hare not been, altereif,., and their it.
will be -41 9,1'''!tlettie,f-?MrI:I9M 1 41ett - T'' 0' •
• Semi&
Lot. Mr. Binawi i'e .friends =pro
duce%B:tint Velegateti:
who +4,4,:t.f!fl l * * * - ACi.Lg*- 64et.,;.• tha t
• ; _ thq aria then''.the: • public will~be' bets',
'. ' • ter e4ttefiekett.khii*ttiOlkittie
laxity i- oppodati4.,- As to:
tally Itstoll*64Tl#4o4l4titti/i4vd:r.ti9Ard'Or
k,eiftkikArAirp_ol:olo44,6fi , 'At;fil* -
-• 'd±i4 , .itisiPeitht l ißriltittlit. - t only; ninety..
-i1itt0 3 0 1 0 1 04 0 . 9
- bi*e'Teely&oi - edy_Sivilleivithr torthe'Rower.'nfifi:
• r4Pe
cas ,tt . #4!ti4lo;;:,7l! - stiel), see h w the.
Th° ,o PPq ii i- 49 *
The Peopie'!i' Paitthaye 1 - Zennifeete/ . 1 for
: -
• man!Wilif*lffeetoit for i .Efe l :icWatfon-",-`
me n whe, , Ale - ,Arnetnenta to", gn)
- wierthf-ttlte'hiiifeetlicinen4htiC-,lirl
rifted tit***,w4tigliv**o44l,4oAtci
• - tialit(iiind . . that. Dale) onind Sits tioininattoh
In-our OliiViV4k*k +oo9l4Ait'd).Fetii:
Mr Hiiiitiiiab ' iis elected t o In%neither case Is
e:: -- -there kir*****x4. - isfaotig-ac;k.' reform 1/%,
etavat ttl i# gnaliti
iotne,:metnodd be
0r. 6 !"0.'
ter eta~y Ili 4WD*
Ale knew
• , . ..,
50 i",4 , ,,1,A.F.,
alf ;4;
-t .:4 r 4votholigttt!co.t9pkbfoig
,c-05';' , 6 c 7 • 7 ftelideeltariftlaft) l6 l4)
'&0104 op il e,
, • - - , -- . •
• • „ -
Tikettiglish , Opera. , -
- It would by no means surprise us if scores
, our - readers, seeing; the above heading,
should imagine thatthey have sem°.
thing about the ckrnglish protalti.ery bill for
bribing Kansas.:W9,ll:l„canine,,r,stch thing.
The legislativ e bantli4 - Whlchheitis the name
of Mr. Escix,xsu, L.t.hinigh,!dniinitile in its cha.
meter, as yetbelOnie* - -tio,dete'r*tuitp Plan,
No .one : yet kiteivs heist' - out. It
'was melo-dramatic in the House, serious
comedy in the Senate, and might have been
tragic for the country, if the free voters of
Kaiak; had f notfitstahowit it tote a faroe.
M, realf .rdewnright, musical
, English,opere, about which we should' - "feel
semis, interest, , inasmuch -as 0rM.4.0444ea1Y of
OFT , the ,world,
ie disengaged,:and would be the,best location
iri• the whole for' sunh-e company. Attwo.,lMilan,Oper4Oompanies . are 'Mr:
poted , t, toz:' be' '.hr: , t,Lotive rivalry,- at New
TOrk,'-ditrinetherehaultig season. Indeed,
time,by.the forelock,
:thi s . ir et z , ett!dng 'commences:a' two:months .
[fee; , tOrk, with Idadanie
:44iiimiaces hip prima donna, in -illatSennam
hiali7,';',aty; prOmlaqii,Synittutt, a new tenor.
a:4_,.§rnasoson are in ; EuroPe,
makinipengagements—Umetals .of an Italian
'and Srasar:oson of a French Operatic - Corn ,
paPY.- -.There, 44 : lipt much chance„we sur
mise,that Mr. Izmir will be so Barnumised
: est() n inflict:hie' five 'Mildred singers, musi,
chorusters, scenepainters, ,eestumers,
dannotsi' , and , sapernumeraries upon' us at five
dollars for' paCh; periorMance, `with' cash in
advance for twenty nights, Procommmx, the
star, , or - lief:sHajesty's -Theatre, is certainly
CO:gni livet - ,thic autumn, secured by tile en
-Unwise of who„ though denounced
al a humbug and charlatan,"has, always 'paid
his way as an honekt man, and eiren - disbursed
gold to his employees, to savethem loss' by
, diseount at the, exchange-40i, during last
'year's Panic. -
1 .4. , ...AZ-44-I* -- ;' •
Mr.? /PISTON Iked - Nr;" STUART are in the Mid,
tilse,neeli,.with an English operatic, company.
hir.'Boaroir announces tbilit his vocalists are
:seven', - including- Loci Esporr, Haney
"8, the" tenor , Eau HErwoon, and
.:Cuinnss Dortain, a basso. • These, he says,
are cc the prineiPal menibers of the celebrated,.
English Operit„Troupei whose Career - Eu
rope has been ended -with the most ta:lurciphant
auccriss,:ecitini the highest enthusiasm by
theictirllllant Arid artistic representations of all
the hest. opiaras of;he - day." LuorEscorr is ,
h a_ the announcement , "PrimaD..enit at Naples . and Florence, and Drury'
Ltmeia world.renowned vocalist, of imegualled :
pitriti - and_freidaness of ,Voice." She is an
&Mericarcladywho has been several years in:
Europe. . She once
. plaYeda short i m3gage-
Ment :the Drury, -lane ; Theatre, London,
Where, if we'recolleet tightly; while the rest of
- the cempini,iafofe an English audience, gave
an English version of te Lucrezia Borgia,"
she insisted on• singing the part hi -
Sroiar;whe also will give English opera
(it.Wallack's Theatre 1) will havetliiss
rtsa,for hts. prima '.donna--an English lady
jvhofitts sang several times hi this: city in the
early part of the present year, and deservedly
won repittation 'first-clase . concert
singer:,.. „44.
-Amid all these preparitions in
We hear: of . nothing being on tapir for
the purpose -Of making -our -own Academy
of Music available for principal purposes
for whieh, - at,vitst Cost, it was erected. Its
, lian opera will succeed here again, as - It' did
before,_if novelty and'a good company be
supplied. ,Lacking these, which are easier
*token or thin. secured; would not English
Itii)Prl6lie,,a, safe :appv,ulation,? With a strong
:company, a_sticcession of good operas, old
reasonable prices, and libe
ral management, there would be strong pros
ipects-of success. ' - '
u The Demooratiii party; amftived the defection
Of White, of Miele; of Van Buren, and of Benton,
'the great giants—enrel it will eurvive the defee-
Aen of "Donglea; the , l ittle' one:"—Warktngton
- • '
''Bincreg y 's f(defeCtion" was So far forgiven by
iii;;lfirompurin ihat his support in 1866 was
eagerly courted,: and now that he is dead an
0. 5 04 i midii to pr ye thathe died a Lecomp
tonaite.,,XE:-VaNWSZNi'tb.O- elder, wrote a
'tatter In2faitrt'ef Beimarraiir,•aad Joan VAX.
43421 made speedhes on the same side, which
were- gratefhlly received; and will be, doubt-,
itioaiidrilYrenfernberec So apt, in these
at leak, ic defection?? has-beerrratim.e-tirrotita
ble ':gapae. • ''There is some hope for Dotroras
1:17 - There Is one Met apparent and upper.
,mciatitrithepOngt:essionarCanvtuni in this State,
that'inkliC laid aside by the Seekers after the
littrtostties of piditics.-I : =The =most' active and
Mtohlitin , t-,4COMittonites :in the ! State. have•of Mr;:/3110HANAN, only
- Ohnilging::#kllV . fchOn': bedarne President,
Messrs FLoakiies LANNY, OW&N
/toms Wir.son REILLY are speolmens.`•
Tins • Ettortkr , Onnsn:t7'phe
expresses its notions of
'the criminality of poconas and his , mi
nions," as it tetras his friends
'‘i de the matter mow stands, far 'more than at
any former pe Helot oar hietary;we maintain that
a , failuis to alai htt the laws of the Deptecratic
liarty id the grogE , T."CM'slP':that,a R epre
mottattve •
;Then. Um ; is. ,guilty of-this capital ,
crime in opppning theliwe of the Democia
tic pasty,'. ' in Illinois.
, r -
'.ll.,Corrititcr —The St. Louis Republica n, in
iipealitrig of the meetings at Harm:von the
14th, 'says;that ,lloOtraLis,' had thousand
hearers= Whilst Lrieciras had, five-hundred and
sity-seven, by. c ount : We 'Catmint tho follow
ing , ,
" Whist a contrast wet presented by .the nin
th:Mot Lincoln ! He , arrived .at. this: place when
'Douglas:: was, in his rpereraticin; he. watt met by
seventy-three persons. '.ranged: in double file.. A
• rreijitt of fittylsix pounds bad been scooped out to
maim a oierumitherowith to manta him, and at tho
prat; d(seharge it bunt, seriously wounding a man,
(Ai Democrat by 'the ,way,) , named Oreglin, end-a
boy)orliese _name, Vootild; not learn. - .41s the Un-
Menu bry*Ssfait which,followed , the Judge came
dowri,it et that; ,whieh , wast•in the train of Lie-
Coln, an m d stood the, fair 'comparison &au inoh
,a„mlle road.f' •• • • -
Donoras'a Orrancxs:—The Washington nor
respondent olithii,Baltqacire Sun, a,paper.not
to':being favariaile.tqDollClLAll, writes
that! favorably:of Donaz,tir's prospects in /Ili
noldt; .;
fiaveral gentlenuM, residents of Illinois, have
latterly been .here, who 'express the opinion that
Mr. Doaglaswill • suoinied by a. heavy ',majority.
K. Mekes„two, er.thrso speeches a day, and by
reason of the heat is obliged to,change his clothes
' r
three times a daat leso t - , It is also stated that,
intelleotintl efforts,
-hie speeches. surpass any
ever before made brldra before the public)."
• , •
, /Mound City. . , •
The" pioallar location of Mound pity, :Pulaelcl
fietioti; fCeitt=_otti'llaoiplages, is
sittractlifitlia faVciiabie attentioit'of, man . ); shrewd
'capitalists and bustnias Men. Those most familiar
_With its stuvoundlnge, resources, do., claim for it
sit enideble-position 'thie-respeef, and seem' to
argue from 14aStblelteinfscs :that at 'no „dletant.
day:kfolgOity'ls dcatified 'to , , take a high rank
among our Most tionrishing Western cities. Situated
11, at the very head of uninterrupted navigation
on the 1)hio. klisibuippl - VlVere t , makes it at
.oneo eatiet folho - agithaltaral
and Milints,ctured 4frocluets of & great interior
the`.territory , of the Northwest
4;67004 it, • , •
• 'lre'iidw`Ce‘ '1C16144.14 Westirti pfqiere that the
.Emporium ; Real llstite and .fdeaufaotaring Com
frol.l 'Offhand pity hold their fifth sale of
tote :on."the - Mei:thou§ on tbe.'23d and-24th of Sep
ror. 'the itiforthation of - the reader we
IrCihe spring
1.841.-',lgke;;Arli': Icitej Nat. made oti. the
l'ttitee,tuly of that year, since , which time it has
if:pointiether . etritirly - three thorieem,
e fr— 're t" ifestablish=
.with ever, large gent atm ur n
meats; aud'lA.,!l.l3.9;ealailail'elicitii fekether - trith„the
'laud - ,Mitritkk44iray..en the river, , a largo
number , of stealneral . :at - the trbari- and. on the
iltooksqinddriglifitirepaire-: '
' 334070 ttl 011,141,9 ire heekitigaziaploy
.ment, WAth-raidemfte means who wish to.
in4n. • active; busy, and ^ prosperous town;
lottitylOorated. l .4l WC they judge
front exoel.
14'4 ai'itkiirlt.724OUiid 'Chi; oriip indncenteats of.
ho= Ord
,fi 'faceted •/Ix mate
Abov'e"Sle*Nron the Ohio olvory possessing the ad
ii:ntages of Sittig Railroad,:the Ohio
itYerg, ' Bdd 'Mt' a htseuteetariag
'1 6 ; , 0 fo rikuihlPL'ATYlifte Ptton Would,seem. to be,
'llite"ittetrettl• . 'lll q
-Thearprottobing eflot.i4o leant Is exbitins
,dek'vecir-otiintiir#t 'threnihiri/t 4 the
tttifeiirieh:lStilatO Pi:eeett;
'.4;tge,reed:eietttei444l**Aiel . te enetheie4tenu t
..telatter, fie the proposed laseengek- ratlvrey;:ein•
'4%11141104d Wahintetteetey a'Aitijority of
Seth eteettes -
[ *411 1 0 0 40 10 0.4 1 ;00 6 i0; 1 4 80.4 ,va,r7A.
Aitajerliy W()W
our ien/ eitieleie, we
bDpe;thecity, °pendia will-without-delay provide geA)reeilitimteklibireh t 0 *ere the daily , . out.
- 11,5
- "-
- Letter Prom 46 OcessidnaL , "
Norrespordenee of The Pool,
:elyientrurroll'Ang 80,1859.'not think'ettr, Minister IO Ohina, Mr. Reed,
any latut,elibeoausa he Wait not a party to
the 04:Mit:Ode at the fold ofilhe bayonet by the
-troops and navies or France; and England. Late
.intelligenee leads me to liellevelthat.Mr. Reed has
made morn character than either hie Gallic or his
Saxon rival. John Ohinancan., is a most impe
rious and incomprehensible fellow. He has a think
hide, and even It is penetrated he can afford to ewe
a few millions out of hie swarming myriads of lives,
and not feel the lose of them. He is proof to bul
lets and to blarney, and is alike reoklese of.tho lies
I he tells and of the promises he breaks.. An emi
nent officer of the Vatted States nary, lOw hero
who has spent lame years in Obinaigivee it as his
deliberate opinion that no diplomacy-and no
hostility, 'no treaties — and no armed ships,
-will ever make an impression upon China, and
that, after millions. have been squandered, the
olvilised nations of the earth will And that the
semi-barbarians have been too much for them—too
wary, too ASK too MYs6rious. is stated that
long after Mr. Sighing had made his, great treaty
of 1848, and had bad it duly ratified, it was found
with the seal unbroken, and ,in .the package ad
dressed to the Emperor himself, lying amidst the
rubbish' in the desk of ono of the many gold-but
toned mandarins, thousands of miles from Pekin;
on the coast
,where ifwas originally made ! Haw
to deal with such a people is, after all, a difficult
problem. Pence may be the best polio', or the
reverse., ...The time has not yet arrived when this
can be decided.
- - -
As,l predioted, Reverdy Johnson, of Maryland,
has taken ground against the proscription of
Judge Douglas: The ory is, Still they come.
It is now stated that a new.Demooratto organi
sation is to be started,in Pittsburgh, in your State,
against the regular ,Demooratlo organisation, be
ano/3 the latter refusal' to endorse the Kansas
polioy of the Administration. • I give , the item for
what it is worth. „ ,
The news fr . = Indiana is not good for the Le
coreptoultea. The Democrats who :tend by popu
lar- sovereignty refuse to yield,, and even the In
dianapolis Sentinel, the Leoompton State paper;
speaks most gloomily of the future, after having
talked the other way for weeks.
It has grown to be a matter of remark in po
litical circles here, that your people of Phila
delphia, unlike, the people of New York and
Boston, remain silent under the Injustice of the
delay indulged and ooeasloned by the commission
created under the act of the last session
,for the
loOation of your post effuse. Months have elapsed
.since the commission were in your city and heard
all the fasts of the oase,_ and yet they deign no
decision. Now, it is known that journals in your
city are interested, pro and con, for this or that
cite which hes been suggested. It has been more
than once stated that the deolsion was withheld, to
operate upon the, papers of Philadelphia on - the
Lecompton issue to be sustained or rejected in
October. Is it possible that so-styled independent
journals take ground for Calhounism and the
frauds perpetrated in Kansas in order to secure
one or two things for their own convenience?
Can what your public ask, and their interests re•
quire at the hands of the Federal Government, be
obtained only by opposition to the right? Let
those who know answer. OCCASIONAL.
Letter from New York.
[Oorreepoiderme of The Prem.]
N2W Youx, August 90,19b9
-Mho. military and civic celebration of Wednesday next
promises tabs an immense -affair, and will certainly be
superior to any previous publlo festival, if the pro-
gramme be approximately carried out. The done will
be closed, stooks and - general markets left to take care
of themselves, and, probably the banks will have little
disc:omit duty to do. Allot the list Division will parade,
and receive; as yleiters, the Montreal Field Battery,
under command of Captain Stevenson, numbering some
sixty men. The Pirii Department will have an illumi
nated parade and procession. The Trades will turn out
handsomely, with the paraphernalia of their labor—the
butchers on horseback, with white aprons and cheek
sleeves. Altogether, we may expect &doe affair, if the
day be propitious as regards weather.
Neverthelesa, with all the excitement of cable preps.
ration; not a few good citizens are alarmed at the in.
crease of yellow fewer, and the occurrence of two well.
marked cases in the city, as well es others in Brook.
lyn, Staten Island, and Hoboken. It is reported this
afternoon that two men, landed from'the ship Rattler,
after performing - gnexantine, bale died in a central
part of the city, and that two other cases exist lftWash
ington street. Dr. Rockwell• has been deputed to ex
amine, the latter. The Battler Is now in the lower
The funeral of 7. W. Reynolds was yesterday at.
tended by the Amerieati General Committee, and many
private adieus, friends of the deceased.
We had an exalting bull-Minis in our street to-day.
The animal, driven through Centre street, became In
furiated, running a murk down Canal, and ening
several men and children; till, finally, Oflieer Garr, of
the pollee, levelled him with two shots oUtrevolver.
, Th e steamship Philadelphia, now lyinikt . one of the
docks, Is now reported as infected with yellow fever.
Nothing further is repotted regarding the miming
wife of Clapfairslirennen.
2' he sto k market was uncertain, as on Saturday morn
ing. Binding Opened at and closed at 49. New York
Central opened -at' 8016 role to 8034, and fell at the
close 080%. - About 1,000 shares of Erie were sold,
beginning at 18%, and leaving on' at 18%—which is an
- advance of-% since Saturday. - Paoido Mail Steamship
brought 88 and 8.9%. • . - •
In ,W,estern roads, about the lowed wall Michigan
goitpiern; .. tble old otookopoolog at 24,V, sod,rising to
24%—an - , advance. of)( ,on precious quotation°. The,
guarantied likewise improved N. chrreland and Toledo,
advanced ,Wlllln9lis Cootraf - 30. - lialeassodckleiivil.
Book Island opened at 74%; and decluied,X: Milwau
kee and Mhudesippi also went - Jamb - selling at lag.
The following it'Aforidayis business at the Milne of
the Aulitant Treasurer
Receipts $564,768.76
Payments 1,063,758 85
Balance 12,919,018,10
The recelPht include $161,003 fiom etudomi.
The payment. include 883,000 California drafts, and
4500,000 lent to New Orleans:
Inman tioaso.
800 Reading It
$3.000 08174 NM' bBO 84
100 do 49)4
60 Mich Ofin It' b3O 69
10,000 Ito It 0e 100 84%
6.600 do 80%
2,800111 Oen bd 91N
1,000 Leo M 1 g 244
150 Paelfle 2d B Oo eOO 88N
132 do 89
MS Penns Co 75N
120 310 & Elks It 17/1
400 N Y Don R Bog
100 do 80%
100 Edo It 060 18
125 - de 111%
100 do do
50 Ohl to Rock l R 74%
60 dos b2O 74%
86 BR ehßecNlsal 24%
50 do blO 24%
50 ' :do slO 24%
100 do -e8 , 24%
50biicL8oRprf eta 46
40 Illinois Oen R . 77%
24 Galena & Obi R, 84%
60 • do 84%
100 Cloy lk. Toledo R 86%
100 lse Or Es Jill It 8%
A &lantern llustnurrox.—ln another part of
'our paper wili,be found the advertisement of .a
double broWn-stone residence, on Chestnut street,
west of Eighteenth, which is well worthy the at•
tention of men• of means desirous of 'proouring, ,
without the care and disadvantages of-
One of the most splendid, private monotone in the
city. A perional acquaintance with the• owner,
no,lesa than a knowledge of the property offered,
enables tog to £peak with the utmost o.'nAdenoe as
to its merits. To those aoquainted•with the re
cent arehiteettiral improvements of our pity; espe
cially in the line of palatial • residences, we - need
not say that the block embracing the property
here referred to—No. 1810 Ohestnit—is one- of
the most elegantly constricted' in this city; nor
need we atiy to those moat familiar with this im
mediate 100 ality;that the double brown-stone front
designated in the advertisement, is the very fore
most in' the row. The exquisite' symmetry of the'
outward tireldteotnre of this valuable mansion, in
connection with the singularly good taste and
judgment• displayed in its Internal construction,
stamps it alike as a strueture of extraordinary
merit. In thus briefly referring to it, we are, of
course; unable - to enter into details, but would only
all to those who,have the requisite means to pur•
obese, that the opportunity of securing so•desirable
a propo rty is but rarely afforded:
tional interest to the exhibition of that "wonder
of the flower world, the century plant," Mr. Geo.
W. Childs has. plsaed in Parkinson's Garden a
bunon of Pitlestinngrapee, twenty-five inflates long
, and twoutpfolir, in width, containing upwards of
2,000 pities in the single bunch. The knowledge
cif this fact will, no doubt, draw still larger orowde
to-the Garden, seouring to the Mixing Men's Chris=
flan AssOOlistien,for'whaio benefit the exhibition
is being,held; somothingkandsome towards theif
library and building funds . - •
To•morroW evening Sanford will
.00ntributo in
_the general celebration of the'laying of the cable,
and have a grand 'illumination, together with a
splendid programme, which will, no doubt,l as
attriot large crowds. Sanford is always on
the right eide, and deserveethe . patronage of all
aliases. - . • „
4110T/ON fiCITICE,^49O. !Celle the attention of
`diatom to the largo lot of new style embroideries,
now arranged for examlnation r with catalogue, to
be' sold tbia morning by 13. 13cott, Jr.; auotionter;'
431 Oliestird etzeit, "giC
_,lO -o'clock,, clereprishig
cambrio.and jaoonet collars, eleeyee r eete, waists,
bands; do. Abm, - inoluded in - este, - jewelry, no•
dons, elothi, cessinieres,,*eetings, kar
OP 0•1111.IAOS/L—Mr. If.hlterr,
auctioneer, vrill bold his first 'trade-sale of oar
-ridges at the Oldtrown.street Ohuroh, widen hiis
heezi beautifullyy, fitted up for a !meant for the
publlo and
, private sale of oarriegee. . Over, two
hundred carriages erill , be - offered at this sole, em•
bracing every style arid maker.
311111Od tlreeiditn; aiiatlonsen wilt sell • if lifoot
ber of jaw,aud intioalianeons, books this afteFnoon',
bfottibi 'of the, adOnlstratp,r, the
422 Walnut street ! • -' s ; • ; ,
FamacY-.D.ltAallitd 1N trtalThan.r-81X Men', named
Joan MaOleary,'Peter. Seller, (Miran Ohae.
/reitz Gustav um • Blettaredorff," and4ohn - Owlnorera,
arreated and taken before Alderman:Clark to hamar"
to tae *144. 5.- of bOdit umaarnad In the manufacture
end sale ót lanai* Itolialos. Their kaid4tkittaiketera'
nt rue - 00111er of Matilda and.Thatifihon Omaha They
"146 Old to ',Amer In 11,000 - ' "
'amigarßit. ,
WHIM CHIEITaII, August 30.—The Demooratio Dele
gate Convention for the county of Chester assembled
this day lathe Court House in this borough, and pro
ceeded to organise by the selection of the following
officers of the Conventionillll: ,
Chairman Dr. Win= WORTHINGTON.
Vice Pre:Mott—Dr. J. STRWART Limon, Honssv
H. Blum*.
secroarica—Taoa►e H. B.l9mir, Mnior N.M. Hz.
°remotion, Gen. John T. Worthington was appointed
treasurer or the party for the ensuing year,
The sieretarles then proceeded to call over the dole
gates, from the Berms' townships, and among the fol
lowing names you will find the .moet reputable and
substantial Democrats in the several townships of this
Birmingham—N. Y.leater.
Past Bradford—C. H. Kinnard.
, West Bradford—T. 11. B. Wed,
- West Biandywine—E. P. McClellan.
' Cherlestown—Preston Avers, Moses Kinc.
East Caln—Dr..T. Stewart Leech; Evan Woodward,
Went Cals—B. V. Kurtz.
Booth Coventry —Lewirieltuler.
East Coventry—Peter Brownhack.
Pranklin—James Coney. .
Rest Fallowfield—James Nowlin, btrode Powell,
West Trailoweeld—Nathan Linton, Moe. ficinlan,
East Goshen—Thomas Bale. •
West Goshen—Carver Worthington.
Sennett—Washington Om. Henry Roynolde.
Kennett Square—John M. Anderson.
Londongrove—Aaron Baker.
East Marlborough-48.meg Smith.
New Garden—Vincent A. Quail.
Newlin Joseph Brown.
East Nantmeal. 7 ltnfue T. Einest.•
East Nottingliam—Jecob 0. Gatehell, R. M. Jackson
• Oxford .Borongh—PattersonWileon.
Upper Oxford—Jahn W. Hickman. .
Lower Oxford—Pranklin Ash.
Penn—Samuel Jackson.
Poeopeon—Benedict Oheen.
Penn•bury—Thomss 0. Chandler.
Phcenixville—Michael Tagged, N. M. Ellis, Issao
B Pikeland—Chas. Holman, Owen Gbenholtser.
W.Pikeland—Dr. Wm: Davie, James D. Jones.
Sadebury—ltvan Jones, A. W. Turner, W. Irwin.
Ileneybrook—Bawl. Pinkerton, David Buchanan.
Londonderry—N. I. Nichols.
Tredyffrin—lsaao Thomas.
Thornbury—Thos, W. Oheyney.
Uweblan—Jos. H. Lewis, J. Benner Evans. ,
Valley—Chas. Ramsey.
Vincent—Henry Clubman. Alex. Kennedy.
W. Vincent—Jacob Binder, Wm. Brownbaok, Abel
Weettown—Bobt. H.Miller.
Williatown—John Stewart, Nathan Garrett.
E. Whiteland—A. Robb, Nicholas Smith. ,
W. Whiteland—Pearce Oakes
W. Cheater—Dr, W. Worthington, E. Elton, T. Hen.
nen, Jr.
The ,President announced, after culling the list of
delegates, that nominations were now in order.
On motion, the Hon. Joni 11101CIUN was nominated
by acelamatibn.
Oa motion of Dr. J. Sr /WART Isamu, the following
resolutions were unanimously adopted :
Resolved. That this Convention deem it inexpedient
to make further nomination. at this time, and that the
chairman of the committee of correspondence be autho
rized to call this Convention together at any time he
may deem It advisable , •
/tendered, That the doctrine of popular sovereignty,
as recently applied with great distinctness to the Ter.
ritories of the United States, is only a recurrence to
that 'principles, being clearly enunciated by Jefferson
when he said that Governments were only legitimately
instituted among men when they derived their just
powers from the consent of the governed.
Resolved, That we believe that the people of a Ter
ritory, like those of a State, are fully capable of se
looting the inatitnlions under which they are to live,
' and. therefore, when they have, by the fair expression
of the majority, chow= inch institutions, it is treason
against their moat sacred rights for any power to in
terfere and attempt to force upon them a system of
laws, fundamental or otherwise, that are repugnant and
odious to them.
Resolved, That the regent tariff is inadequate to
defray the enemas of Government, and we are, there
fore, in favor of its revision. In making each revision
we hold that the dutiee should be so adjunted as to give
ample protection to aU the indriatrial interests of our
country. •
On motion. Dr. J. Stewart Leech, N. Y. Jester, and
Dr. Was. Davie were appointed a committee to welt
upon the Hon. John Hickman end inform him of his
nomination, and request him to address the Conven
Mr. Hickman appeared and Was received wit% tre
mendous epplanee, after which he proceeded to address
hie fellow-citizens in one of his moat able and com
manding speeches. '
After Mr. Hickman had concluded, the Convention
adjourned with throe hearty cheers for the nominee.
Wm. A. Moore, T. 11. B. West, Geo. W. Pearce*.
were appointed conferees to meet similar conferee.
from Delaware county
Arrival of the Steamship Propeller
Decline in Cotton—Consols 90/a96
[By the American Telegraph Co:,Line.]
' 87. Jouse, N. P., August 80.—The steamship Pro
i3;_ww.lfitvbribartais. arrived
ver - ohe 20th Inst.
She left Galway, Inland, on the evening of Saturday,
the Slat inst. , ' •
The American adrloes by the steamer Northern Light
reached Liverpool on the 20th net.
The general news in the London and Liverpool papers
is rather unimportant.
A project heft been brought forward in Paris to con
nect Europe with °hina by telegraph, in consequence
of the anoeees of the Atlantic Gable.
A boundary difficulty has occurred between France
and Swltserland.
Austria has decided to increase the expenditures for
the support abet. navy Aft y per cent
It is reported that the King of Prussia will abdicate
in October.
- -
; The accounts of the crops in Russia are unsatisfaetory,
particularly to the neighborhood of Odessa.
The British steamer Cyclops bombarded the town of
Jeddah dye days before satisfaction WU obtained for the
recent minder of Christians. Plushly, Ismael Pasha ar
rived, when eleven of the culprits were executed, and
four others sent to Oonitantinople.
- The despatch conveying the above information gives
no account of the extent of the damage dose to'laddah
by the bombardment, nor of the immediate grievance
which impelled the commander of the Cyclops to so
summary a proceeding, as it was previously nod erstood
that be was to await the !Lis:rival...of Ismail Pasha before
proceeding to extremities.
,The details of the news from India confirm the pre•
vim statements that thecountry was quieting down.
The NmperOr Napoleon had nearly concluded the
tour of Brittany with theßmlreau Eugenie.
Some of the Madrid 'journala ridicule the Idea which
bujuit been renewed in America, of Spain ever ceding
Cuba to the United States.
LIVERPOOL, Saturday, Aug. 21.—The Cotton market
is qudet, with sales of 8 000 bales.
glour closed quiet
Wheat still exhibits an advanc
ing tendency, and holders demand an advance. Com
is quiet.• . -
Provietona are quiet.
Lunn, Aug. 61—Noon.-oousolt 'dimly at oego
' Commercial Intelligence.
Liviapooi, Aug 20.—Cotton—The sales of Cotton
for the'week hove been ' 87,000 bales, inoludlog 1,200
bales to speculator', and 4.000 to exporters. The "ales
today were 8,000 bales, including 2,000 to speculators,
sod 2,000 bales to exporters. goalless hare de
clined Md, the market closing steady at the decline.
The quotations are as fellows : -
Orleans • 7,4;
Mobile '
'Uplands 7K
The stook of Cotton!ln port is 000,000 bales, of which
507,000 bales aro American. At Havre, Orleans tree
ordinalre 103 i•
075711 or THAD" —The Blanchester Market was with.
out change. and Arm.
The market closes dull. Wheat elocee with an advanc
ing tendency. All qualities have/lightly advanced, and
prioes are ld higher. Bales of red Western at 5. Oda
Os 3d. Plour steady. Bales of Ohio at 22sm2Be ed.
Corn Is quiet, rind quotations nominal. '
Messrs, Biehardson, Spence, & Co.'s (drunter reports
the following quotations : Western easel dour 20021 e ;
Philadelphia and Baltimore 21e 64102211; Ohio 2280235.
In wheat there bas been an advance Grid on iii grades:
the market closing buoyant, and with a tendeney still
upward. Western red 55 edo6t 3d' Southern do to
Mods ad; Southern white es 9des7sEd. Corn quint,
and quotations nominal ; white 842¢84e ed.; yellow 880
The market °lend steady. Beef 'miry; bacon stead';
lard firm at 620.' ' ' •
Lard Orrn at. 60ers62s for ,retall „lota. 'tallow tin%
and quotations barely Tualutained. -
steady at de 2deede 4d for eommou.
pager firm. Coffee dull. Mee quiet at 190 4d0205
for Oarollas.‘
Bark—Phliadelubia 90 &Ink 9d ; Baltimore 7e.
Linseed 8450 34 e 6d. Spirits of Turpentine
closed quiet. Coffee firm ; , Mae fine; ,Dreadlitutre
Mlles quiet at 32E82e Ed for Pots, and 32®33e for
Tee slow of eel. at former prices. Fish Oils nn=
changed in price, with about en average Manus.
sperm is quoted at 480e82
LONDON MONEY MARKET, Aug. 20.—1 n Amerlesn
securities there has been an average business without
quotable change.
Consols closed to-day at SISK toile% . -
Arrival of the City of Baltimore.
New ,Ypan, Angnat 80.—The steamship City of
Baltimore has arrived with Liverpool dates of the 11th
instant. Her political Rdvloes are the Same 'ea brought
by the steamer North Star, Intercepted off Cope Race
by the news lachSof the Assoelited Press.
The Commutated advices are one' day later.
laysaroot, Wednesday, August 18 — Cotton market
steady with salmi of 8,000 bales. - Breadstuffs dui!.
Provisions eteady;
LONDON, AugustlB.— Console cloned at DOM 1/NiNN
iffy the American Telegraph Con:many. J
- The Louden Timer states that the message of Queen
Victoria to President, Bunhanan, which contained
nifietrnine Wade, was rent over the" ocean cable in
"sizty.seren minutes. The meseage from directors 'in
England to these In America, which contained thirty
one words was sent In thirty-five -minutes." l The latter
message wan sent first, and both meassgem were repeated
back to insure accuracy.
The Qnden , e 'message' had - not been published - In
Yield's first message to the directors Ina been
received in England. It contained thirty-eight words,
and was transmitted in twenty,-two minutes.
'The eteamer' Pacific 'was to take' the place of the
Indian Empire, Mid was to leave Galway on the 24th of
Ansust., ,, :. , .f , n -. •
. The Bank of,pranoe„ wan eaneeted to reduce the rate
of direount from 8,34 to B per omit;
-A deficit casts in the Australian budget of more than
four millions'aterling, -
A conspiracy has been discovered at .Linbarg among
some gai:l9l4)pm from trelve,to fifteen, years of age.
Elevou of the culprits were;tried end eentenced one to
death, and the °thereto iniprisoMnstit: ,- The hrrestl=
gallon It phld to haie led to the diritevery Of a niers for
midable oonintirMY with rairdileattem4 in Resided Po
land, having , in' view,' general rlsittg_erlll die
,ionic porellatkod'in /Metes to form Republic: - -
The mean - telegraph eberos were quoted at 18006
'5O. - • -
Adykftistioin - Pluto Indloatelbelprobitblllti an eX
pedltiOdn tgatne m t,Ditul,vutopir tinittl forces al *hp
Jan Mu, -
fly M cLAi IATION.
at St. Johns.
tugspAY, AUGUST ,31,
.185 S.
* ; k* . itajpaytzgtiay Expbdition—Captured.
~..vr,, , ,rei,7:- v - ..• Mayes.
kifierint a - toIW, August 80.--Commodore Shubeick ina
`Jdotifeender-Pose were at theleafy Department to day,
iOu o butifness connected wittillM:-: Paraguay expedition.
11110jorery111 be connected with It, and ee r Ver under
cabacOdore Bhubrick as fleet captain . •
Tlim,ei goverment, beet,* been efilciallY advisee of the
landingof the captured slaves, taken onboard the hag
igebiii4elegrapbed to.dayi through the War Depart
anent,iii the United States marshal,' to haie them re
-meretito Port,l3urenter, about five entice from ' Charles
,to-rh44,yrangernents will be made to reetote them to
- their ,ative lend. Twelve of the 'slave!" have died
shicejthe capture of the 'easel, which was in an ex
tremely illtby'eud unsafe condit'on.
Special Session of the Nebraska Legis.
, Sr. Ulm, August 30.—A Leaienworth despatch,
itated-tha 27th Mot , received per United States ax.
pries to'Booneville. states that Governor Richardson,
orfistrfaska, has called a special session of the Legisla
ture; to convene on the 21st of September. for the pur
pose of remodelling the laws of the Territory, many
of which he alleges conflict with each Other, and do not
olPor ample security to life and property,
. " The Overlalul California Mall.
Si. roma. Aug. 50.—Mr. Butterfield, one of the
overland Oolifornis mail contractors, has arrived in this
city, for the purpose of completing his arrangements
for putting the contrast in operation by the 15th of
: The Yellow Fever at New Orleans.
NNW ORLI] SNS, Augast 30.. The deaths from fever
in this city on Saturday were 57. The mortality from
the epidemic daring the week shows a large increase
over the previous week, being 402. The increase is 98,
thedeathe daring the previous week having been 810.
Fire at Cincinnati.
Angunt 80 —At twelve o'clock last nigbt
a tire 'Abutted In the cellar beneath the drug store of
Dr.llarria. The building was slightly damaged. The
leas to Dr. Harris la $l,OOO, upon which he had an In
asUrlkeee of $5,000.
The Empire City at Quarantine.
New Yoga, Aug 80.—Tb a steamship Empire Olty.
from New Orleans, hm arrived below, but is detained at
Quarantine In comely:mace of coming from an infected
port. '
Markets by Telegraph.
fluunao, Aug. 30—Flour dull. Wheat Orin, at 20
adraoce. Corn active at 020. Oats dull. Shipments to
%Oslo—No Flour, 87.000 bushels Wheat and 51.000
- Until& Corn. Shipment's to Oswego—No Flour, IT 000
bushels Wheat, and 18,000 bushels Corn. Receipts
-2,800 bbls Flour ; 52 000 bushels Wheat, and 96,000
bushels Corn.
New Oamuss, Aug. 30.—Cotton has advanced it,
with Hales of 2,500 bales ; middlings of the new crop
sold for U. White Corn 05. Lard, in bbls, 12c.
Now OHLUANS, Aug. 30.—Plotte dull, at $5.75 for su.
perdue. nod $1.90e.5.26 for extra. Wheat has declined
20. Bales of Whiskey at 21k.
linargonS. August 50,—Flour dull; sales of Howard
street and Ohio at $5 50. Wheat steady. Corn—
White, 7581300 ; yellow. 86m880. Whiskey dull, at 25
6200, rates being nominal. ideas Pork 47.50, bulk
shouldve 60630. Provisions
New York Bank Statement.
New YORK, Aug. M.--The Bank statement for the
past *sok inhibits) the following results :
Decrease of loans ' $284,000
B 682,500
D:o u r: a l se o o f f o " ito c u i l e ation 14,000
Decrease of deposits 681,000
Degrease of uudrawn deposits 1,441,000
" The Terror of the Road."
" Smiles and Teara"—" The Olockmakees Hat."
it The Clandestine Marriage"—" One Coat for Two
BAttroluVB °URA Etouss.—Ethiopian NnUrtaln
mentl, &a.
Tnouvor's VARlll7lis. hiisoellaneong Concerts
P6lOlOll Gnovn.—Mammoth Musical Jubilee, Gym
nuitia Feats, &o. .
again yesterday at 13 o'clock, having adjourned over
from Last Wednesday, to afford an opportunity for the
settlement of the contested. delegate mats from the ward. The question, It will be recollected, was
referred busk to the people of the ward. An election
wae.held on Friday afternoon, and resulted in the
choice of Francis Keyser, James Alcorn, Ellis B. Arch
er, and Wm Y. Pascoe.. -
President Birch nailed the Convention to order at
the specified hour; when, atter calling the roll rf mem
bers the body proceeded to the regular transaction of
The credentials of the members from the Tenth
ward were presented and read.
On motion, the delegates were received.
A large number of communications were placed npon
the president's desk, which, on motion, were read. The
first communications were from candidates for the no
mination of sheriff, pledging themselves to abide the
decision of the Convention, and to me all honorable
mend for the success of the nominee. There were se
venteen gentlemen placed in nomination for the office
at the first meeting, a majority of whom responded at.
firmetively to the requirements of the Convention; but
there were two or three of the gentlemen placed in' no
mination who did not exactly commit themeelve as de
em' by the resolution.
On motion the Convention proceeded to the election
of a committee of superintendence, consisting of one
from each wird—their duties being the Inspection of the
ballots for candidates.
'On motion. the Convention proceeded to the nomina
tion of a candidate for sheriff.
Au additional Secretary, Mr. R. T. Mull, Was sp
pointed to maid in the ballot.
- It WWI oontended by several gentlemen that the corn
munications of Thomas J. Jeffries and Barman Baugh
did not come up to the requirements of the resolution
With reference to pledges, and a motion was made to
strike their names from the list of candidates,
This motion, WAS considered Impolitic and ttnnecee
ury. and the names of these gentlemen were dropped
The Convention then proceeded to 'ballot for a nand!
datee forlheriff, with the following result:
1. 4 . 1 i
Min U Brlnshore. 221 i
Win. H. Kern f 282(
A. U. BAlguel 1:1 1 I
Chivies Marbaober 1 3 0
B. Milford Bard 4 i 3
loaeph M. Correll l 4 18
Samuel 11. Rotbermel...l 9 10
Beery D. Moore 6 4
Peter Outor 6 4
Geo. W. Oolladay 8 7
It was moved, sifter the third ballot, that the lowee
cendidAte be dftped , was not agreed to
After the result of the fourth ballot bed been an
nounced, the following resolution sae offered
Resolved, That after the fifth ballot the lovrest can
didate be dropped ; and that at each anecemlve ballot
the lowest Candidate be dropp•d. until but four caudi•
dates remain before the Convention.
The resolution woo not agreed to.
After the eith ballot, a motion was made that the
door be looked, sod no member bo allowed to enter or
leave daring a ballot. - .Agreed 20.
Previous to tho ninth ballot, the motion to drop the
lowest candidate at each succemaive ballot was renewed,
and carried.
The name of B. Milford Bard was dropped on the tenth
ballot. On the eleventh ballot the name of Mr. Celle
d'', was dropped., On the twelfth. Mr. Rothermel was
dropped. „ "
After the result of the twelfth ballot had been an
nonneed blr. Kern, having received a majority of al
the votes polled, was declared the nominee of the Con
►eotlon. On ?notion the nomination was made anent
The Convention then adjourned until We morning at
10 o'clock. In Hansom-street hail.
committee of the Board of Trade and city Government
met again yesterday for the furtherance of their ar
reegemants for the celebration to come eff to-morrow
We have given, in detail, their , proceedings up to
Saturday evening, and to-day present those of yeeter•
day ß :
MW) dlsourilon arose as to the hours at which the
belle of Midst, Et Peter's, and St. Stephen's churches
should be rung. It was finally determined that the
belle should be rung alternate half hours during the
day arid - evening, from ton o'clock A. IL until ten P.
M. Representative's from the bell ringers rf churches
named were present and made the necessary arrange
Mr:T.llldt, of Germantown. asked that the committee
use lee Malone° with the Germantown Railroad Com
pany to keep back the lout train on Wednesday night
until 11% o clock , to enable the citizens of the Twen
ty.second ward an opportunity of witnessing the fire
works and illumination. A resolution to that effect
was passed,
Mr. Godard, the aeronaut, proposed to make a balloon
,emension on the day of the celebration, provided the
oommlttee will pay expenses and give him 8160. The
natter was held under consideration.
The Committee on Fireworks reported adversely to
the seleotion of Twentv-moond and Spruce farads as
the place where the exhibition should take pleoe. The
committee proposed that the Obit:Von ehtiuld take
Place in Broad street, at Ateb. w ith
committee were finally authorised to consult with
kir, Jackson, and dx the location.
The chairman prorosed that Brigadier General Sir
James llassom, of Sweden, who is now in the city,
should be invited to participate ip the celebration.
Col. Snowden moved that the Committee on Pro.
gramme be requested to provide a place in Independence
Squire for ali distinguished foreigners who may think
proper to participate in the oerentonies.
The question being, taken, a balloon
distended with.
A communication requesting that the strode should
not be watered on Wednesday morning, to make tleem
sloppy, was read. A resolution requesting hertsekeep
ers to refrain from watering the streets on that dap
wee passed.
The Committee on Squire were Instrooted to f.
don— _
arrangements concert:ling the mud°.
llfly dollars additional were, on motion appropriated
to aid the firemen in meeting the expenses el their
tomb-light procession in the *Teeing.
A committee from the clews of the ilusquehanna
and the Niagara stated that they designed to parade in
their caller drew' with bannere,teuelo, ko. They de
sired to hare a place ssalgued them in the line. It was
explaimid to them that the committee did not propose
to laterfere with the Arrangements of the processions
They would only control the arrangements in the
It' was proposed that on the day of the celebration,
the American flag, and the gag borne by the St.
Geotge , s Society. should bo placed upon the platform in
the ware, and bound together by a piece of the cable.
This arrangement wee agreed to; and the comma:Up ad
journed to meet again this evening.
The committee met again last evening.
The chairman read a letter from Gen. Oars, &anew
ledgicg the' kind invitation of the committee, and re
grbillt eeting that his official duties will preclude the pos.
siy of his acceptance.
Mr. Ludwig, from the committee on fireworke, re
ported that they had selected Broad and Spring Garden
streets as the moat imitable plsoe for the display,
whiehreport wet accepted.
Oohnel Snowden, from the committee on route, re
ported the following as that adopted for the procession
of tbemilltarys
DOWEL Locust to Thirteenth, down Thirteenth to
Spruce, down Spruce to Fifth, down Fifth to German,
down German to Third, up Third to New, up New to
Fourth, up Fourth to Vine, up Vine to Sixth, up Sixth
to Sprkor Garden, up Spring Garden to Tenth,. down
Tenth to Arch, up Ards to Sixteenth, down Sixteenth
to Chestnut, down Chestnut tVSixth, down Sixth to
Walnut, down Walnut to the entrants to Independence
The 011 owing resolution was offered, and adopted :
lieso;verf, .Thata committee be appointed to confer
with sal arrange such order of movement for the sub
ollicersand Seamen of the Niagara who are present, and
the elide bodioa and societies who may .desire to parti
cipate la the cerembniee, from their places of rendez.
vow telndependence Square, as may be consfatent with
the order assigned to the military. -
The committee adjourned to meet,
ANOTBER RAILROAD AeolnzNt.—Anether - es
*ceasing railroad casualty matured on Saturday' after
noon, the particulars of which are as follows : Ae Oro
trains of_bierden oars Were uncoupled in Third street;
•opposite the alma Bank, Mr. J 40309 Marrey attempt
ed to andit the street between the detathed.cerll,
jest 'she got between them the, oars were brought te
gatherauddenlr; and Mr. Murray was eruehel hetweed
the bunpers, The unfortunate tun was rescued ac seal
as possible, and corned into the tobacco store of Mr..
Ayres. ,- Ma; was afterwarde lent to his home In a Innen
street West of Broad street, running south from Base,'
irbere he dlocPryeeterday mornlug. The deoesced was
'about forty-eight years-or age., Re left a wife and
several children ' tie Was formerly employed in, the
sherfiret and W.ty co.nnalrelonees offices. • •
Baronet leaner held an "Irquest yesterday, the sir
diet of which was that the deceased 04149 to hie death
seeldeatt, - - • •
- '
GUARDIANS OP TRIO POOP..—The regular meeting
of this hod was bald yeeterdep t at the m o ckl o y
hones, the President. Dr. Hahn. In the chair.
The number of people to the institution le 2 807
Same time last year 2 007
Various applications for relief, and to be sent to die..
tent parte of the country, were made by Atindry;per: - :
sons. With the exception of a young widow,-,,a me & ,
Mary Dougherty, deserted by her husband, sad who;
wished to be sent to Pittsburgh, all the applicatione
'were declined., •
A communication was received from 7 . H. lones, to'
whom a contract was awarded at the last meeting of
the board to furnish beef and mutton at $4.38 per hun
dred. He now notifies the board that he cannot fulfil
the contract without losing from six to eight thousand
dollars. lie is willing, however, to accept the contract
at f 8 25 for beef and. $8.140 for mutton, and at these
prices to enter fall security for the fulfilment of his
Mr. Dunlap offered,a resolution, that John IL Jones
be required to close hie contract, and enter security, to
furnish said beef and mutton for
the ensumg year, at
$8.25 to' cwt, for beef, and $0.30 for mu ton.
A proposal was rend from J. Hinkle, offering to far.:
nish mutton at Si 4fs hundred,
The question was taken on giving the contract to
Jonee, and was agreed to.
A motion was made that a contract be entered into
with 30130 P in $5,000 on each contract, the same to be
signed by two o'clock on Tuesday, the contract to be
drawn by tbo secretary, and the bonds to be prepared
by the solicitor.
- .
A motion was made and agreed to, that the clerk be
empowered to ascertain whet &meanie, if any. remain
in the hands of vielters whom terms have expired, and
take the necessary means of recovering such money;
which was agreed to
The committee appointed to consider whether some
Improvement could not be made in purchasing goods for
the institution reported that they could not improve
the proreat system
A minority report was made by the otlier portion of
the committee,
The minority report was rejected, and the majority
report adoptet by a vote of 13 to 4.
Mr. Armstrong offered a resolution that the Presi
dent appoint a committee to confer with Councils no to
the propriety of appropriating a smell earn of money for
the purchase of picks and other toole, so that a large
force of able-bodied paupers now in the Muse may bs
employed in quarrying atone upon the premises of the
The resolution wag adopted, and a committee ap
A preamble and resolutions were offered by Mr.
Hoopoe, to the effect that a committee of five be ap
pointed to confer with the Committee of Poor In City
Councils, to devise some means of employing the able
bodied paupers who now fill the home in cleaning the
streets end in grading the new thoroughfarea in the
upper part of the city.
Dr Oliver offered a resolution that inquiry be made
into a report that a medical officer in the Institution
was engaged in the busineas of selling dead bodies
without the authority of the Institution, and without
bringing to it any revenue.
Mr. Armstrong did not like the phraseology of the
resolution, as it was rather a reflection upon the board
an sanctioning the business, under certain circum
Another member described as cowardly the offering
of a resolution censuring a medical officer, without at
the same time naming the person.
Dr. Oliver defended himself by raying that he was not
willing to give publicity to the name until gailt was
proved. When a committee investigated the matter
they would. The resolution was adopted.
Bills, am•unting to 26441 29 were then ordered to
be paid, and the Chamber adjourned.
Siinglvn ROGUES Catratrr.—A gentleman named
Swink, from Lynn Crock. Missouri, is &guest at
card Rouse, where be has been sojourning for some two
weeks. Shortly after his arrival Ire was accosted in the
eitting-room by a genteel and very pol is young man
named Barrett, who pretended to bail from Jefferson
City. Missouri. He soon made himself very familiar
with Mr. Swink.
Last night, while the two gentlemen were etanding
in front of the hotel, Barrett bailed a young man who
woe passing on the oppoelteside.' The young gent came
over, when Mr. Barrett introduced him to Mr. Swink as
Mr. Jones, of the firm of Smith, Jones, & Company.
Mr. Barrett then proposed a walk to the Franklin
Rouse, where ho is stopping. They accordingly walked
down, where they partook of a sherry cobbler. Barrett,
whilst in conversation, Raid to Jones, "By the way.
Jones have you my gopde yet!" " Oh. yes,"
said Jones, "I shipped 'em to-day." "Then if
you've got the bill," returned Barrett, "I'll pay t,"
saying which be pulled out a well-filled portemonnale
Jones produced a bill amounting to something in the'
neighborhood of ono hundred dollars. Barrett, unfor
tunately, had nothing less than a hundred-dollar bill,
and as Jones had no change, he called on Mr. Swlalk.
That gentleman thought he smelt a rat, and remarked
to them that he would change the bill if they would
visit his room. Jones said it wee no matter, the bill
could be paid to-morrow.
Barrett demurred to this, saying business is business,
I'll pay it now. The gentlemen then went up to Mr.
Swink's room, where ,he took the hundred-dollar bill,
handed the strangers thitry-live dollars in good money,
sod said he would get the balance down stairs, saying
which he etepped out of the room and turned the key
upon the sharpers. Officers were procured and the gen
tlemen taken in charge to the Central Station.H ere it
was found that a cone carried by Jones was a " gun
cane," a very dangerous implement. Upon the pereon,
of Barrett was found a porte-monnalei containing a bo
gesebetk for eight hundred dollars, filled up with the
evident intention of victimizing Mr. Swink, and dated
hilsaout i, and a' braes twenty-dollar piece. The check
purported to be upon the "City Trust and Banking
Company of New York.". With the exception of two
floe-tooth combs and come small change, neither of the
parties bad a dollar about them.
It is thought that during the time they were confined
in Mr. Swink's room they may have thrown something
from the window ; bat this will be ascertained In the
They were locked up for a hearing. Barrett has been
about the Franklin House for some time, and it is be
lieved that both of them have been punning Mueller
operations in thin oily. They aro about twenty-five
years of age, and of prepossessing appearance. -
A CASE ov SOAIMAL.—The particulars of another
ease of ecandal are given, in brief, in' the afternoon
papers. It appears that, on Saturday afternoon, a man
was arrested at Eleventh and Girard streete with - a
loaded revolver In teas bend. The weapon was covered
with & handkerchief which was loosely, thrown over it,
and the pistol was all ready for tile. The police of the
Ninth ward got wind of the movements of the man. and
took him into custody. It 600M3 that the excited in
dividual was desirous of obtaining a divorce from his
wife. and he feed a lawyer to prosecute the case for him.
The lawyer, the husband had reason to suspect, had be
come very intimate with the wife, eubsequently, and on
Friday the pair a ere found together under circumstances
which excited the Indignation of the husband. The
latter and the lawyer engaged in a fight, which resulted
la the husband getting the woret: He then swore thathe
would kill the lawyer, and be was waiting for him to
some out of the house at the time be was arrested.
men - or -- tun — ch-renteenttt - ward, at a very ear y hoar
yeetonlay morning., made a descent upon a (Wardelly
bawdy house in Amber street, above Phccalx,
for a long time past, has been the resort of the most
disreputable characters, and took into custody seven of
the intnaka. The place has bean the sulkiest of fre
quent complaints, as mien of minder iSSUO from It
nightly. The nuisance had become intolerable, when
the anent was planned and made , by the officers The
prisoners, all of whom were females, were token before
Aldermen Shoemaker, who administered a well-dear Ted
reprimand, and held them to &newer at court.
31 sac
13 ,25 262321
10,21130 31
0 14 0 01
211 Al 0 0
1 14,1814 14 14
81 812 10
380 8 6
334 4 8
01 6 4 4,8
24 23 16 26 98
81 8010 46 62
000 0 0
OC O 0 0
0 0 0 010
16 14 1312 3
010 10 0 1 0
7 6 712 0
6 3 0, 0 0
6 0 0.0 0
AN IriXCITING Locerair.—The vicinity of Sixth
and Chestnut streets Was the scene of coneiderable ex
citement throughout the whirie of yesterday—more
particularly so during the session of the People's No
minating o:invention. As the ballots for Sheriff pro.
greased, the results were telegraphed by members to
the crowd below, and they were always received with
decidedly noisy demonstrations. When the nomination
of Mr. Kern was announced, there was a perfect hub
bub for a short time, and throughout the whole evening
there was no diminution of the excitement, both on the
part of the friends and opponents of the nominee.
FIRS IS WEST Pnznanmpnia..—A fire broke
out in the third•etory of Mr. John L. Gorman's; hotel,
at the corner of River street and the Lancaster turn
pike, in the Twenty-fourth ward. The flames speedily
communicated to the roof and from thence to the upper
part of the dwelling of Mr. John A. Drown, adjoining,
upon the west. Both buildings were unroofed and
dtrnehed with water. The flames were extinguished
by the West Philadelphia firemen without the aid of
the department upon the east tilde of the Schuylkill.
The origin of the lire I;eunknown The entire loss is
about si,poo, part of which is covered by insurance.
POISONING CASP. —Coroner Fenner WAS caged
upon yesterday to tako cognisance) of a suspected poi.
seeing cue, In which a young woman named Mary
Louisa Italusberger wee the victim. It appears that
the Wag found dead in bed, at the house of bac mother,
on the north side Of Christian street, above Seventh.
The death of the female caused coetiderabte excite
ment, end rumors were rife that the had been polgoned.
A post mortem examination was made yesterday, the
result of width, however, we have not learned.,
kFiatiT.—A disgraceful affair took plooo in the
Eighteenth ward, between the Globe linglle and Taylor
bee Companies In which horns, spanners end stones
were freely used. Wiser Ketcham, of the Nineteenth
ward, WAR struck In the face by a brick, and severely
cut ; two or three other officers were struck by the fly
ing stones. During the fight, Robert Squibb. a prise.
fighter and notorious bully, was arrested by Officer John
Watt, of the Eighteenth ward, and held to bail for Its
appaaTunce at couct.
BODY FotISD —Coroner Fenner, yesterday after
noon, held an inquest on the body of a man who was
drowned at Nob,e•stroet wharf. Yrom papers found
nom the person of the deceased, his name was cup
posed to bo August Liastadt. Be was dressed in plaid
csarimere pants, plaid linen vest, white merino under
ahirt, white muslin shirt blue flannel drawers, and was
without oboes or Goat. Ile had candy hair and whiskers,
and was about forty years of ago.
A WIYE•BRATER.—A man, or, at least, some
thing in the shape of a men, sailing under the 114100 of
John Campbell. was arrested yesterday by some of the
tiecond-ward police, on a charge of basting kis wife in
'the most cruel and cowardly manner, and then turning
her and her infant out into the street. The evidence
against the accused wee of a character well calculated
to create a feeling otriatense indignation. Alderman
Alien committed him to snorer at court.
for drunkenness and disorderly conduct In the several
&strict! , slime Saturday night hare been unusually
large. In tho first two districts, and in some of the
up-town wards, there was considerable rowdyism. The
imam were geuerelly very summarily disposed of by the
officers before whom they were made to appear.
aroonston was
man yesterday bad before him Charles Wier'll, charged
with the larceny of seventy pounds .ti silver aed piano
wire, the propsriy of Adolph Bergsfelt.
Patrick McVey wet aen up f.,r, having received the
stolen articles. They were both held In MO ball to
answer the charge.
RoDUENS.—Yesterday , mornlng,, a lad named
John Snider burglarloctily entered a shoo Store in •the
Twenty-third ward, and stole therefrom • very large
'quantity of boots, shoos, and uppers. The thief Is
well known in this coo, and by this time is probably
in the hands of the officers of 'the lave.
Tnn PROCESSION. —The Police Arrangements
for the cable celebration are now being perfected by
Mayor Henry and Mr. lattice, Chief of Police. The
streets are to be ip pt free from every obstacle in those
districts through which it Is designed the proceeslon
shall pass.
HALL DEDICATED.—The Turner Ball, on Third
street, above Willow, was dedicated last evening, upon
which occasion the ceremonies were of a very Interest.
log character.
:ANOTHER Plc-NlC.—The accond annual pia-nlo
of the Lafayette Library Company will take place to
mortow. A g tla day of it le anticipated.,
[Reported for The Press.]
• .-
QOATCHIR EMMONS—Judge Ludlow.—The Court was
esoupled all day yesterday , in the 'trial of a women
named Fredericia Addable, who woe charged with
having set fire to her house, at No. lel, South Sixth
street, in order to obtain the insurance effected on the
furniture, wearing apparel, &0., In the State Mutual
Iticerance Company , to the amount of $7OO.
-• The teatimony, which was entirely of a circurustati.
tial Character, weavers , strong, as all the evidence of n•
premeditated Ore wore discovered, and a person, said to
resemble strongly the defendant, was seen to leave the
premises a ehort time previous to the tire breaking - out.
Another circumstance, strongly urged against the de.
At:ideal . , was that the furniture, Ac., found on the pre.
mimes after the Oro was entirely Inadequate in value to
the amount of the Insurance.
For the defence it wee 'contended:that ,Mrls: Addams
Was absent from the halm at .the Mulatt) tire &at
made its appearance, and could toChave'set It en Ore;
'that • hoc ,businese mil a.mldwife .took her away con
sjantly from her, beetle, and it pas subject to be en..
tere4 In her abeenne'br initbelenttlersons; that the
Amount..of. property =in the &Aide after the fire Wm
greeter Ilk Mine' thertihn ineutinest ; that the house
tiad been insured In the'same company foranumber of
&O. mid that theAciteudaiat bore a good character.
,The defendaht des very ably represented by Milldams
Itsmalc,-lsow, who had great difficulties to contend'
with' all,:while he-was iuldrepaing the Jury, between six
watt fifep t ekleleett fa the afternoon , the partisans oLthe
differenteetidbibtes for Sheriff ea the People's gaol.
Weie!gMing.vent to their feelings in loud cheers rie.the
liellota were announced. The qpnvention sit ha
upper roam - of the same building-wherejlati,. trial rg
yrgeoellng: Jai, -
19 . 44,Mry Market.
Vp' 3 - 1 , -lliratr Ailayrita, August 80, 1888.
are prettrajeadraltatn to-day, sad prices for
iPactillitiiirshaiesiind investment taconites alike firm,
Tha Money marlicapreseutalrio change in its features,
and the , bank loancare dente - Nang more from want of
ipthni t p aper : to discoant than from lack of means. Their
spaole:line ie linwardn4 one-thhd of their immediate
'liabilities, and they 'appear to be in a safe and strong
2.94 ,, wpmAvvigxmvdx , d
.." -
is . El. 4PriatlPlß•t4. , t" =, ffi 0.
1 'A; 2K - IFVer/4,41g,,V. "R-. SM
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V. 1.1111 - §§ Ml§ HIM 1 7 , 1 :
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E10a.41..00,141.-41.16-6-0;.6 g
.cA. g ......0-. 2 oca og v no E .
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35 t., . .., .
E vl4Ntrealianti32.:32o* RQ , gro-°
10 o P 1-:
7 5 EFirIitEiEEEEEtEHEI g's A ;;:l
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~ „ ,,P.:
3 Immnrilmp.....l 1 IS
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5 mnn5.!4A44t0111 1
Sap~ g
. i eeati.misat EWte.BB
Since 'sat week the following changes in the aggro.:
gates have been made
Aug 23. Ang. 80. •
Loans $24 913,626 824.843,131 ...Dee 870,895
Specie.. 6,605.880 6,476.406 ...Dec 129,476
Doe Ica other like 2,159 798 2 346,188 ...1u0.186,340
Due to other W5:1.3.421 217 , 8,446.195 ...leo 24,978
Depoalta 16 848 980 16.061.496 1nc:112,5V
Circulation. 2,505,899 2,460,645'...Dee. 45/54
The foPowing named gentlemen wire on Saturday
eleoted directors of the Corn Exchange Bank: Alex
ender G. Cattell, &Median T. Harman, Edmund A.
Soudor, James Steel, Hugh Craig, Joieph Lindeay,
Jacob T. Alburger,' Wm. H. Gilpin, Robert:lL 'Reif,
Alexander Whilden, Samuel Bolton, Benjamin B. Cray,
croft. Jr., Dell Nobli:t. Alexander G. Cattail, &sq.
has been elected president, and John Torrey, Esq
cashier. Mr. Cattell le well and favorably known, not'
only among the brisinesi circhM of this city, but" all
over the State, and his urbanity and affability of deport
ment make bins a general favorite. Ills character as a
business mania unsurpassed. Mr. Torrey is a practies. ,
man in banking, and has filled stationa of great reopen
eibllity in the Philadelphia Bank and the Bank of
Chester County. We are glad to see the stockholders
of the Corn Exchange Bank taking their officers from
among Philadelphians, instead of im:orting them from
abroad, as In too much the fashion of late in the organi
gallon of public institutions in Philadelphia. The Corn
Exchange Bank is to commence business , at once, and
there is every reason to anticiptte for it a proxpernua
and successful career.
. According to the lad statement of the United States
Treasurer, the condition of the Treasury Is as follows :
Amount on depoeli $15,824,777.79
Dralta drawn, but not paid ' .2.920 853.15
Amount subject to draft 12 895,42464
Increase over last week 266278.85
Doceipts 2 886,132 19
Drafts paid ' 1,025,272.36
Drlfte Issued 1.119,853.84
On deposit at New York 10,r 91,276.05
Assay Office, New York.... 434518 00
Mint at Philadelphia ' 788,054.16
Branch Mint, Charlotte, N. 0 32,000 00
Branch Mint , Dahlonegs, G 1.... 27,950 03
Branch Mint, New Orleans 489,267 46
... ..
Brooch Ufa, Ban Francisco 500,000.00
The London Times City Article of Angina 18, aye:
"The English fonds to•day have scarcely experienced
any movement, the prianipal transactions being at OA h'
to % for money and account In the Mew tent market
there was again rather more demand, but loans on
stock were still freely offered at I,g par cent. The
favorable accounts of the harvest, some farther grid
receipts at the bank. great firmness in the Continental
exchanges. and an improvement on the Paris Bourse,
were all calculated to produce increased confidence, but
the market for the moment name - to have lest its
buoyant character. The Government brokers continue
their dailyprunhaxes of about £lO,OOO New hree nor'
Cents.: Bank Block left off at 219 to 228 ; Reduced and
New Three per Cents , to VT. India Stock, 216 to
218; India Bonds, lee to 18e and Exchequer Ewe
(March) 80e to =a% (June) 20s to 28a premium "
The Anal quotationut of the French three per caste.
on the Paris Bouriefthie "evening were 60f, 850. for
money and 091. 450. fen Paek end of the -month, showing
an advance of a, quarter per cent. The market has
probably been etrengthened by the' general anhcipa
tion of a reduction of the rate of discount to 4 per
Aug. SO, 1868.,v
3000 Penns 5e...ea5h.80%
2000 do 89%
250 do 00
300 City Cs 97%
200 do " 98
20 Penns IL 43 %
10 do 41%
10 Morrie Onl Pr7..100
00 Reeding R 21%
ROO N Ponni B Bds
500 do
400 d City It Os
9 91 X
o 8X
1000- do- .-.Nev.102
800 City 66 '6O 96
- 6 N Penns R Sr
1000 Alleg Oo Us AT
103 Wading R ' 043§
60 Ontawlsoft R 7
4000 Ohes & DelOanal
b5.77X .
8 MAOI Bk 113
4000 Bending Bd 4 1 70..80 X
1000 Reeding It TM 16.70%
Bid. Asked.
II 8 88 '74 109%104
Phlla B's 87X 98
do B. 97% 98 , . I
do New.. 102 102 M
Penneylv fie 89X 89%
Beading 24%
do bd ICIn off tog 80% 1 ,
do mtes .44-901(
do int 68.88..70X 70%
Penang dBX 43%
do Man Ce 10017.99 XlOO
do 2din 00..d0.: .88X 89
'Morrie Ogiol C0n..48X 44%
do poet &doff 100 ICOX
&MAN Oa 63
Bid. Asked
Sok MIT Imp 08 ..661( 07
do 5t00k.... 9 91(
do'. prar.".•:.1614 17 •
Wmapit h Pam R. 101( 111(
'do Velat mt .71 713,
do .2d mt 49 60
Long Island • 12,1 t 12x
Girard Bank 1134 11%
N oal
Penns 16 Bk. Na,.B
..X 49
% •
do - 99% 00
Near Oreek
Ostaariaas 17,• 7 7
Lehigh Zin0...." 1X 131
I Beading 0105e0..24X 24,4
600 Beading II
In Flour, the receipts era light and holders firm, but
with small sales to notice, which are :mostly to the
trade, at from $5 to $.5 25 for old stock super, $5 60 for
strictly fresh ground do, $5.7586.50 for extra, and Mrs
7.60 Er bbl for fancy lots, as to quality. There is very
little inquiry far shipment.. Rye Flour and Corn Meal
are scarce and firm, at $4 Er bbl, with idles of about
100 bbis of the former to note at that figure. Wheat—
There is a moderate business tiling, and prime lots only
are wanted; tales include some 6,000 bushels, in lota.
at 125 to 1300 for fair to prime reds, and 135 to 143 c for
white: Strict'y prime lots only command the highest
figure. Rye is dull, and old sells slowly at 800; new le
wanted by the distillers at 70c. Corn is in limited de
mond, at a decline, and yellow hasheen sold in a small
way at 900 afloat; at which flipire it is dull. Oats are
wanted, and'about 7 000 bushel', new Delaware brought
42c afloat. Bark—Quercitron is lower, and sales are
making at $3l tan for first quality. Cotton is quiet,
bat holders are firmer in their domande: Groceries—
The market for Sugar and Moitcos Is quiet, owing to
the high views of holders. Beeds:—Oloverseed to mice
and arm, at $5 7586 17 bushel, but Timothy is dull.
Whiskey—Tian * demand Is limited ; sales o! bbls at lie,
hhds 26n. and drudge 25025%c 40' gallon. ,
1858.—About 2,1C0 Beef Cattle arrived at the different
yards this week, including 600 et,the'Brill's Mead.,The
Offeringe were large and the market _dull, but .the
quality of the Cattle was better, and prices ruled about
the same as last week, ranging at from $7 to $8 50, with
a few extra quality at $900.25 the 100 ms net; 100
head were left over at Wardell's avenue Drove Yard.
The following are the sees there :, ,
138 Murphy & Oassidy, Tfiginia ... ... .... 8 ° o4 t B 50
- 82 E. & 3. Chandler, Cheater coun ty.... . 7 50478 25
170 McQuaid I Smith, Ohio S 00479 25
80 Coates & Trequcir, Chester en 7 (0478 50
20 di. Orison. Cheater co 8 SUDO 00
33 0. Marshall, Chester county 8 0008 50
24 J. Oreenwell, Delaware co 7 0008 00
22 A. Reldebaugh, Chester co 7 0009 r 0
25 Emei ick & Seymore, Ohio 7 00478 00
163 Alexander & Co.. Ohio 7 Wog 50
38 Pyle & Underwood, Chester county.... 8 00478 82
11 Jacob Pyle Chester co 8 0008 26
35 B. Gray, Ohio ~... 7 0008 00
88 Joe Stewart, Ohin. " 7 00478 50
25 Franks & Co., Ohio 8 00478 50
11 J. Leverson, Ohio 8 00478 50
48 Litman & Storms, Ohio 7 00478 00
89 Chauffman & Postellwaitt, Ohio. 7 00478 00
49 Thomas Strickland. Chester county 8 Mete CO
54 D. Eckman, Lancaster co 8 00478 50
22 R. Strickland, Chester to 8 00470 00
21 Jas. Glhopsey, Virginia 8 GOBI 50
48 B. 0 Baldwin, Chester co - 7 7508 50
80 Win. Puller, Ohio . 7 50472 On
65 lease Abrahams, Pennsylvania 8 0068 50
18 J. Merrick. Chester co 8 0008 25
6.7 'Shelby: Chester co ' - '‘...' S 0061 25
47 Berry & Co., Pennsylvania . 7.00478 00
. , , ..
About 8,000 Sheep were offered at market this week
which ruled dull at from $2 tii $8 80, with s few extras
at $4 each, equal to oamodreased. ' - -
Some 200 Cows and Calves ar4yed, selling as follows
Good and extra quality at • $BOO4O
Dry Cows ' 16020
Of Hoge r the'reeeipte at Phlll4o Delon Drove Yard
were 2,650 Miring the week; sales ranging at from 16 75
to $7.28, and tern fed at 511 50 the 100 The nett. TIM
market - trae firm. " ,
Nev York Markets Yesterday.
F .sslls quiet, and without change ,
:Fiona —Theinarket for ]State and Western Flour fe
boaey,'and unsettled, with a strong diapoiltion on
the part of hoidens to' realize ; the market closin g with
a drooping tendency.- Bales 8,000, bbla at $8 9504.15
for owned, stiperdne . State;, $4 2506.50 for nosoind'
extra State'; "SsOriVfOr cpintrion to fair extra Western,
and $5.150 6 10 for shipping brands of. az tra. round hoop
Ohio. Southern Flour is dull; salei 800 tads at $5 20a
5.75 for mixed to food brands, and $5.8005, for, extra,
'mends. • Canadlius • Flour Is quiet; piles SO) bbla at'
$5 26e6.60 foe extras: ' —' 4 - :
Itarn.-LlFfieat•is dull and' norninallyl . 62o
With only limited sales at $1.21 for Bannon:Mid. Corn
is lower;- tales 25,000 buabela at. 090820 for - totted-
Western. Cate me quiet and unchanged, •
PnortslOas :-Park Is Umbel , • sales 1300_bbli it tiT,5O
fin Rises nod $1501536 • for time. Beef sMdy.,.•
`sake 150 bbls at $ll 7551i12 for ountry Mesa; and $12.75 -
851475 for repacked Western Mess. Bacurri clittet:"l
,I.ard Orreerc salea 160 bble Cat'lleata
tirtn at ego for Shoulders add B,l‘ess,ljo AM./11114,J ~ -! 41
-Walgaardallaad moderate at 24026,1‘0., ,
.KSPY9,ll4tyassa. , -ArrivaL or; ther!.--.Elnßiret
'i: The steamshilv ;• Eiiiiire.CifY, Can't. W. Duffle,
arrived at New York, from Havana,- on. Monday,
Morning: She left New Orleans August 20th; ar
rived at Key Weston the evening of the and
left the same night for Helium. arriving off, the
Moro Castle at an early hour thenext morning,
and communicated with_ the harbor by a steam
tug. after which she left _the same after
noon for Key West. - She, arrived a t
, Key
West at sunrise on the' 24th, and the 'authori
ties 'refusing- "prat/qua," she was oqmpitted
to remain 'at anchor off that place tifty . hours, -
until - the arrival of the Daniel Webster. to whso
ship the Empire tty ,transferred her *California
passengen, and left for New York s at 10 P.. 31. on "
the 25th' The" Empire' City left at Key West the
United States brig, - polphil, Lieutenant 'Com
manding Moffitt " - -- - •
- At Havana,. the American brig Nanay still re
mains-in charge of the Spanish' authorities, her
release onlytemcdolayed by necessary formali
ties. - Eichange is quoted—London. sight, 103 to
164 Nati York, sight, 3f to 4d ; United States
gold pieces, 21 to 3d. - • • -
- - Freights for Europa dell, and (Or 'United States
deolined:• •
The Empiro City. brings 64 paeaengera, 14 tram
New' Orleans; and 50 from Havana, beige 76114,-.
000 Mexican Film.. on freight from the former
port. -
-- Ttztrolotra.The corner-were of the Proteetant
Episcopal free Church of the Holy Cross, (iew. J.
Phxkney Hammond, Rector,) at the corner of Wayne
and Coulter streets, Germantown, will b ) laid this
(Tuesday) afternoon, at
,434 o'clock, with appropriate
ceremonies The congregation ate - invitel_to meet at
the temporary chapel in Queen street. near Malni at 4
P. M. 'Addressee will be delivered by the Bight Bey.
Eatonelßoirman,D D. , Assistant Hie/toper the Dloaese,
the Bight Rev. GW. Bootie, M , Bishop of New
Jersey, and the Berl }Gigaton Goddard, of this city.
Oruilit naltO .oialillto.7—Frout a card Pub•
hshed in another part - of our paper to-day, it will be
seen that the opening orlfall Millinery for the aemein,
by Mr. Thomas Morren, foriterly at No. 'ISO North
Ninth street, will tate place on Wednesday morning,
September lot at his rplendtd new store, No 718 Arch
'street: To those 'of our lady readereacquilntfdwith
Mr Mcrgan'a taste, and efficiency fa getting up his
etoch at other Seasons, we need not say that his opening .,
this, in-his new quarters, will be every way worthy of
their attention sod patronage.
ye &dottier' to the' superior array of choice end
faildonslie goods; got'eo up more especially for his
retail sales we &terve that Mr Morgan besets sea
son mode ample arrangements to supply the tilde with
bonnet materials and millinery goods of every descrip
As tide opening is among the first, and u we have
raison to believe it will be among the choicest of the
'season, we commend It to the prompt atention of our
appreciative female readers. fihould the day prove ans.
picione the event will in all probability attraat a
CHINA AND QUZENBWASS.-Tbe eiridl3l3oeN that
Philadelphia 13 bound to do her propirtlon of trade this
1033011 are daily accumulating. In every department
of bueinese we find that our principal houses are ex
ceeding the extent of sales they anticipated In the line
of Mikis and Queinswaie our ally has long been known
ae posseralog the largest Importing establiehments to
tbis rountry. It is true, the very fact of this forming
an almost exclusively imported branch hes, to a great
extent, confined the number - _succeuful houses
to those having the requisite, carnal to get up costly
Imported etocke. •We speak advisedly when-we say
that the leading houses In this line are, at th's"
time,,nnnanally active. In a recent visit to the -
large house of Turnbull & Co., - Nos. 25 'and 25
South Fourth street. we were presented with a
very practical illustration of the truth of what we
have here e'atcd Their stock, which le immense--
Ching five stories or a very large waTehoose—is arch
as reentry merchants now visiting the city will find
adequate, In all respects, to the waste noted In their
memoranda. The large number of men now constantly
employed In peaking goods for shipment, and the- pro
fuse 'accumulation of planes on Vail , promisee,
despite ail tt air et:forte to remove them, is no. slight
indication of the present activity of trade. '
-MlLLingrix Goome.—lt our notice of the ieveral
leading establishments In Nile line of trade we-have
hitherto omitted to mention the well-known home of
Mews. H. Bernhelm ft Co , No: 21 Second
street. This house, belongs to that class which Is de•
voted exclusively to bonnet materials for the trade•
Their stork—to which, we understand, additions are
being made by almost every arrival from abroad—hi
large and varied, presenting to purchasers an array of
the eeveral fabrics - and fancy materials used In this
branch of our manufactures exceedingly inviting In
every particular. Their facritles and long experience
In the business they are now engaged in are well known
to a large circle of patrons, and, from present appear•
armee; we doubt not their operations will - be materially
extended daring the present season.
, Fox's - so - JOirEs,lat Granville Stokes, 'but get your
Olothlmeof hire, if -you want to have that serenity of
mindwhich iier :accompanies the conevlouscees. of
harts]; performed a 'good action. He will rig you out
in a style which no lord can aspire to, because his ap
parel is of the best, well 'made, and fashionable. At
507.,Chestnut street the - se faCti are_ daily proved. 'We.
Advise every °nolo repair to. that - establishment and
atisfyihemselves thatwe speak the words of trixthisnd
soberness. One trial will conelnee:Any one of what we
say. se
Tuonzur's VAntxrtss —Thts excellently eon;
ducted place of ionnaernent 1 thronged nightly. - The
vocalization of Mies Frotbingbam le resolved with na
ecinivoeel marks of ' favor. On Wedneaday afternoon a
grand cable entertainmentwill be given. See advertise.
went. •
Tax OABLZ asea•Dnass.—At a ball soon to be
given in honor or the sneeesefol laying - of .the Atlantic
50 Reading R 344
2CO Cats..les& R..... 7
150 Western 'We Coal. 4,16'
35 Etsbnyl Nay 9
16 Cam A-Amboy-101 ,
1.100 Lebigh Nay 81....07
100 CatawiessltTs„...42l(
_ 4 Norristown 8.:..54k
80 Girard Bk ' 113
Cable, the ladles intend to alio In their head-dress for
the occasion a deilie - of the American and British lisp,
one to be placed upon each' side of the bead, and
cable red, white, and blue connecting the two doge.
The gentlemen will wear no distinctive : dries, bat wilt
appear In the elegant garments made_ at the Brown
Stone Clothing flail of lifickhill k Wilson, Nos 608
and 806 Chestnut street, above girth.
Terms.-7Shiney Smith - says DO Man e -- n•
himself contemptible as long on his cost was present
able!, TO preserve these unities in all their force, -
gentlemen should purchase &ailing it Eldridge's ' , Old
Franklin Hall Clothing Emporium," No. 821 Chestnut
street. All Who appreciate elegance, comfort, fashion,
and a prudent economy will be careful to follow our
2000 Elmlraßlet m blial
General .-Debility.— This convenient term
includes numerous ill-dedned ' and supposed incurable
forms of disease; accompanied by general lassitude and
ethausticin, without any ascertainable external or In
term& cause. - The PERUVIAN SYRUP Made its re
novating influence to the inmost recesses of the system,
and bas relieved in our community rainy otaaa of 'sup
, •ed Incurable dieeme. • -, -
For sale In this city byF. Brown, Fifth and Bheatnut,
and Masud io Co., Twelfth and Chestnut.
. an3l4l.sswtf -
. . . .
Professor . !Matadors' Classical Institute, at
'.the West Philadelphia Institute, earner of Market
street and William, will be re-opened on the tint MON
DAY of September. Pupils to the number of Any,
will be reeelred 'WITHOUT 3X1713212 or itiLl 05 ran
Thus, without expense, by a pleasant and safe con
veyance, pupils can be canted into the fresh air of the
country In less than half an heor from thecentre of
the city. Fevered sores of open ground border on the
beautiful groves of this teminary, which Is patronised
by many of the di/Mast:tithed gentlemen of the city,
among whom sre the Editors of The Press, the Ledger,
and The North American and United Btatee Quetta'.
Pupils are received by the day, or Into the family of
the Principal.
" We, the undersigned, have had sore or wards in
Professor Saunders , Institute and family during the
scallion which hoe just closed. In respect to parental
kindness, happy iniluencee, attention to health, end
progress in thorough education, our expectations have
been fully realised.- To our Mende, who are looking
for a decidedly good school for their sone, we tordially
recornmend - Profeesor Sannderal Institute.
" MATTHEW 14)114111R1E., No 1800 Arch street.
".INH. W. 'FORNEY, ones of The Press.
"OHARLRS E. THOMPSON, Thompson .h Rood,
413 Chestnut street.
J. S. SILVER, 1400 G Irard Avenue. _
W. 1.. SPRINGS, 331 Market street.
GEORGE H. MARTIN, 1625 Walnut - street
One-Price Clothing of the Latest Steles, and
made in the beet manner, expreeely for ENTAIL 81L/IN.
We mark oar lowest sea'ng pricesln PLAIN FIGURES
on each article. d. 1 goods made to 'order are warranted
satisfactory, and our ons-rnion 828TNN Se et.letly ad.
hared to. We believe this to be the only fair way of
dealing, as thereby all are treated alike.
604 hi.LRICET Street.
The Beet, the very Best.—Jules HaneVs
L weld Hair Dye is not only the best preparation for
dying the Hair, but inoomparablysuperlor to all others.
the black it produces Is not a dull, but life-like and
, beautiful oolor; the brown and 'auburn are so natural
as to render the detection of dye an impossibility. No
previonfpreparation of The hair is requisite to its nee.
Sold by all Druggists, and at the Laboratory of Jutee
Haulm & CO:, Importers and Perfumers, No. 701 i
Chestnut street, Philadelphia. au.2o-t[
0 as Bakers
479L7/ HUT=
Theee Machines are now justly admitted to be the
best in We for family sewing, making a new, strong,
and elastic stitch, which will coy rip, even if every
fourth stitch be out: Oircialmi sent on application by
Utter, 1 0 4 7
Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heads, Cir.
Wars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at
prism to salt the times. 001747
; Saving Fand.—Five, , Per Cents Interest.—
Street, 8. W.oorner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money
, rneived In any sum, large or mall, and interact paid
frbm the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
Money Is nenived and payments made daily, without
nutise. The investments are made in - Real Rene,
.hicirtgages, Groun d
. Meats, and not gnat-elansecuri
ties a* th charter requires. Mailman, from o'clock
In the nornliemstil, h,o'cioek In the afternoon, nd on
Mendily and ThitildaY evenings Until 8 o'clock. - fee
'l44teriaSea Saitudirrairdribir SOW Walnut
atratritone door west of Sooond,atraet. Bee.lves de.
'rifts *low of One {Dollar. andorpererda, from alt
`et sea of the opmm:er4t7,, , iad — 414014 4 interest at the
ire' or Ave per tailt,pereahaso: • - -
.;,01100 opeh deal, troth had on Mon.
.6.l,2sutd_thatir riestdent,
IPn_u_adih Troia - 4 - oi* ispifyirri 01600144?
goats! Notices.
" l'EtLiDuLruis, July 1,1888