rtaitcfmi FTMM - FfSIN Et, UTiIBICA.-Bihr Nottief.tite, - 14011et , ..269ti &sea pine apples - .4 8& N URA-rot:, -. • - Wllildfll'o l ll%—"lr.elir 00itparthwatte t Beat.• ty-00T - bb1eV00td1114 . 416.4“ Olives:l%We RowlonAah.t ba aor & 0o; - ,161 hue veil:WA 1111-40 'tlealief at' 001:0! . 'bolos cloollitNkHky & , 9toDesitt;';4ls',ool,ldokell:& : Ba---, Oak; 'l6 hia3'SYoOttett`fllB , bb i lnlipititettitpo4lo4, _o,,chrao• '&Attiosell;il4lnotlir & Nhowell; 20 0:0114 000 tnepootiotKiroollallWeigdon;4lo.4l9'3499,)ible, ros a l '1)• z oldie bored otgolf.l9o liat 11 rooky, orderi• 211 bbta ep: etn , peofi Oa 540 do 4olialtaigrit 4t. Belk _ - ll.NOtildhmtkvAirtuotroui,. 010—I000..dey,Vdas !learn, liiriClatti'e.l67ciDo4,49ol do,-Pollobett dr, '340 da D Son - lit I , OBLP 111.6. - B0 174. , Vymtal 1;1,1, is •• U==3=M P. 3 Or. 190 1.3p - E.617.01)14 a 96 3, BUN I>INII3. ".'.t:it;:i`kil./1 - 221Blf:61 ................ Ulan ' 16 ; 0, , Dergiie'iTddo's 'trod Ciiinfuegod, via R.a.rilititiet iiigh - torgar to B &A' Welsh, - • Bohr /8 days: WOW !leathers,. wit phis apple's tolß & l L Perot. , . Bohr It •it -cOwiserthwaitil, , B witty, 9 •1111 1 / 4 ylifrin_Wit., =I qton,'"NU zivalatoo ea • to , Ittrirleyi - .kohbarhey Bohr Bilitor'Pritit;iidilfiey", 10" dzys from Wilmlog- too, with hi Tramp & Bohr - P!•Arrektiretigi Dlll, - 13. dip' from! 86lem s with hiles teSep,tsie, • eahr Pidgiir,' - s tioditto& 3 days ifram Georgolownjtidi witt oortrixii outs to a - 00, • , Bahr' Riley Wolfe iAttiosi2 ißtyi Prom Milton , DOI/ wish bark-toil, Bawler dr Co. Bear J Skegge, 2 days train p t isafras• River, with e^riii to Richardson*. •- -.. . _ Bahe Jo " l!i~jirlid ,. i oßneba ; 2,daji fro4i MlltoacDel wiiirirain to .1 - 15 , IiiMon & • '-• "" Behr Yandalia, Cooperil - day fromßayne, Del, with Wheat and oats to Jautiarratt &lon. • . Bobr Roari,,Atill,, 2 ,dayCfrom,,Malterrd, , Del, with wheat t td,tiodolleyi_`._:^s.:;; -• " • Behr Louisa Gni, Weaver. f rom Roxbury. . " -- Bahr NV ,Drafeerd,Borrditch; from ,Previdence., r - s Rehiobard trOps Boston. - 8 lir 8 N Stuitl4-Bmith.-froin Boston - . 1: : , Bohr B 11.:Ashto oqd, , Typilin • froli De la `Hay.% Bahr Diamond, Norton t from Pact Jellarsou.„ , Rohr B.T.,Woolthst.-Avickeoll 8 eameratilioonktghillditf.ti dlualia frridao l 2o MAY,. wi passesgen, ese,s to,isapta_ yiefiprts, ship North -0 trains, from Ltrerpool. - at, anchor amnia Du* 'Creek light; baiqteaDhartierLft.froui-Per.AlAut--getallet4teleW-, CurietieuratirsteltinntAome twenty ashoeners obey aad - river's bouild,-Ap4 , ,At barguo ;Telma. teduklued" aground:thrall relies below Reed:l44nd. - O .AT. , QUABOTLIPAC,, - - - 2. - Itrig Ifotancyv2i4ket, 16 ,days. from; thubb22sland - , with sugerUnd =laws to ,-_, - •• „ , Benno:4 Kennebec, Hand New York , Allderdie. Barque Thomas Dalian, Dill, Legnerre - iMellete Bros; Berqueltertell,rPothalj, BaNisnoro,-esp' Brig Briielieper,-9idryer,"-.PorteamnlA, captain. Bahr Darin -Oland, biutlender,,Wilnangeon, NO, D. 13 Behr Blaill' *2d inttent, JA9013 *HST, Sr, in his 66th year, fortgily'of Louie; D.laintre. ' *' On the 20th Igetant, XataLlpl , MULFORD, lithe ald year other, age. ~- • • ' On rabbath• morning; tice'22d Sostant, PALM ANN MOOD.C'eldeet' daughter of Alexander god, Margaret • It" the 20th year of her age. * Moore; Oa the"2ad Inateet„MARIURLIZ 801.11. BARKER - , in the alet year other age. - ' - -- • •Illoticei— . -Thi ttiltuuid HOliM11111; Pa:, Bishop' eleot;', will be iooneetrated ) at Ohrint 'Church; In 'this , eity, on WB1)." IC,ICBDI Augatt ''Birvieeir to toniniente at 10 Eaetd .ht::•• •`- ••• ••• —• • • salt be reterredfd'the Chirgi on oath iiide of -tho Oenttieldelei for the' of the clergy; and of ,the Teett r y-tx et 'James thutehi Lhooater the oaatern lariOf thittiotth aM south aisles; It lee tpectful stl Itturlyitttszlsuoo-to secure their ieate. ITTCantnry Plant.—Thla wonder of, the Bower world, with PLOWER 811161 noe 'grown over twenty feet in five weeks, is still in : - bldoriii - fiirtlin`beneflrotthe -, YOUNG - 818bP811.18 1 TIAN ABSOOW lON, and may be saki daily from - 8 A. Id. to 10 P. Id., at 1019 011FATNIIT street, (late Parkinson's.) Admittance 26 • cents. Children 10 cents. All should lee-fide plant beibre is dice au2.l.6i* r . • PiOliee.—A.llleating, th..Bitockhalderis of tho Darby Turnpike and Plank Road Company wil "bo the•DLUR BELL ROTEL , In Ring gnash* Twenty-fourth-Ward, on third day, the 24th 'lnst.,-at 8 o'clock, do regard to granting the privilege to the` Philadelphiaand Darby Passenger Railway Com. pimy lay a Railway Track along and on the bed of nid,Plaiak Road. 'Punctual atleodanco Is requested. W D. H. SERRILL, Secretary. , au2l.3tit KINT323BTNO, Bth too, 18th, 1858 Notice.—An election for seven Directors of the MONTOUR IRON COBIRANY, to serve uring the ensuing year, will be held on SATURDAY, the fourth day of September next, between the hours of twelve o'clock M. end one o'clock P. hl., at too late Office of the Company, in the Reading Railroad Coin pany?s Building", in`thivoity of Philadelphin,-Penna. By order of the Board, T. id. BRYAN, Tr., aut•dtsept4 Secretary. gr:Home for Invalids with Affections of THE MIMI% •• S. W. eon PARKE and OHESTNITT Streets, aMt-Imtf West Philadelph ia. Ntm pubittlitiono 111YING CHARGE OF REV. DUDLEY A. TYNG. • READY NITS DAY STAND UP FOR JESUS. CONTRNTS FRHISTISPIROR ! Portrait of Rev. D A TYN G. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH of Roy. D. A 'WIG. CHRISTIAN BALLAD : APPLYING THE CHARGE. STANZA r. Tnr.: WIRD-TIAN : Illustrated. - STAHL& 11. THE FAMILY : Illustrated. STANZA 111 THE 'FATHER : Illustrated. 'llrstrzs IV. THE MINIS CRY: Illustrated. STANZA V. COURCEI OF THE OuVENANT : Illus . trated. • - Brim, VI. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN A. 0500.1- - ATION: Illustrated STANZA VII HOLY CHURCH. UNIVERSAL: Illus trated. STANZA VIII. W ROLE ITUBIAN RACIA : Illustratet Musto—by Emerson, Bradbury, and Bower. Anorrrossx Posanl-By author of the Ballad. CHRISTIAN UNlON—Choice extracts Price: 60 cents; cloth; 40 cents, paper. By mall, post free. Churches, Sunday &Imola, Bible Classes, Ac., esp• plied with packages at wholesale prices. Neatly and tastefully got up; contents attractive In an ; eminent degree.'—[North American and Vetted States Gazette. - ‘ , 7 oae of the neatest and most attractive little alnico evaiesued."—{The Frees.• - - 7 ,, T. H. - STOCKTON, att34•lt* B. w; Coiner Broad'and Chestnut sta. THE GREAT EVENT OF TUE AGE BM= ' AN AHTHEETIC HI3TOIII',9P THE ATLANTIC _TELtGILAPH, Large lime, Ituslln - . ABUNDANTLY AND BEAUTIFULLY ILLUS TRATED, wilh numerous wood-cuts, steel engravings, dingramei and a superb folding colored map, which pre sents in a clear and intelligible manna-, a plan of the Fuhmatine Telegraßh„tog4Ulr with thn relative po sitions of Enrage and America,_nearly every Telegraph line in both countries, and is, of itself, worth tho price p f the hook - Containing a coniplete - Hecoid of the Inception, - - Progress, and PinalSnecoie of that noble under • taking. - .t General History of Land end • Oceanic Telegraphs.- Descriptions-of Telegraphic Apgaratus, and Bin. - gr.phlcal Sketches of the Prin • . .clpal Persons connected with the Great Work. • Dedicated to, and embellished with, a magnificent Steel Portrait of CYIII3B W. FIELD, Ban, To whose indomitable energy and unfaltering perse verance the civilised globe is indebted for the accom plishment atlas triumphant enterprise. Thia bOok will be Kent by mall, postage paid, to any pert of the 'United &aka, on'recelpt of the vice, $l. RUILU &ItEXION, übliehera and Booloiellera, No. 310 BRO 41319 AV, New York. N. B.—lnducenienta win be offered to TimiGHAPII and all other Mims who on procure subscribers. an24tuth&sattf , • - gzilat t•Toticro. WISTATE OF JOHN WESLEY BRAY, Deemed. - Letters of Administration on the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persona :indebted to said estate era requested to make immediate pay. ment, and those having claims to present the same to ELLA K BRAY, Adm x, S. W. nor. Seventeenth and Cherry sta., or JOSEPH 111. COWELL, Adm , r, • an2t•tudt - • 3 108 Market street. !or Oale antr to Let. ort FOR SALE—VALUABLE MARKET Ma STREET ST RAW:I.—T he desirable business stand, No 403 Harlot s.reet. next door to the corner or Fourth street, north side ' Apply to ALFRED VITLER, Con 4e)anber, No. 61 North 611TH Street. au24-3t* - TIESIRABLE OFFICES TO RENT ON .1.1 the Arai floor of the now tire• proof building of the PSCNNBYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Southweit corner of Third street and Willing , . alloy, Apply to 'EDMUND BARTH, ' nn23.12t ... , Beorstary. FOR SALE - Oft TO RENT.—A new Ea and very desirable reildonee, in eampleto•orkr alas ll the - modern improvements—No. 923 GAREN i St. Apply on the premises, or to au2l-St P. J. r3IITEE, 618 MARKET St. erk FOR SALE.—The Storo and Dwelling ADA. on the northwest corner or Ele,enth and Chris tian streets. Lot 18 by 87. Terms aocemm•.d.ttng Appl. to 11. 0. T110.11.e.50.12 Q. O. M. 00Naltit0E, ' an2l-3t 933 ARCH ntreet. OFFICE TO-LET.—AN ELIGIBLE OF "I.J, PION for an Insurance Company, or similar cor. Partition, having three communicating rooms on the same floor ' No. 22J WALNUT Street, above DUCK. Ltrunediatepossessionven. Apply to JO gi ILN 0. KEFPER, or THOMAS T. ItIITOLIEIt, No. 112 South MATH. Street, mhBo,itnthe-t{ , smug story, front room. .alillincrn Oaobs, Irj" WARD,Nos. 103 and 105 N. SECOND I • Street, Manufacturer and Dealer In Fancy and Straw Bonnets, Chenille and Straw Trimmings. Also, Feathers and Fiowets, all of which are of the latest and most fashionable styles. N. 11.—Cash Buyers wall find it to their advantage to give us a call.. au24.lma Uctail Ora eootta. ri RE AT DARGATNS till September 4th— Alf White and Colored Zephyrs. 14 and 20a. Embroidered woven Corsets, $2 60, elsewtere, $3.60. Moran's Unequalled Ekirts, $2.50, " $3 5.1 k or Linen Trimmings at heavier reductions. J. G. MAXWELL & BON, ' New Trimming - Store and Factory, sia24..tutheet S. E. Corner Eleventh and Chestnut DINES, LIQUORS, &c. JOSEF? T. TOBIAS, - formerly S. TOBIAS k SON, Noe. 200 and 208 SOUTII FRONT STREET. (below Walout,) PRILADELPO lA, IMPORTER AND WEOLESALE DEALER BRANDIES ; , ' - HOLLAND OINS, And Al kinds FOREIGN LIQUORS AND CORDIALS. Agent fo'r Jno. RamanVs " - " MAY MALT" SCOTCH WHISKEY lwayn on band a large stock of - CHOICE 01,1) RYE AND BOURBON WHISKEY, To which the attention of Buyers Is particularly invited an2d•]m WILLIAI.I GEISSE & SONS, No. 118 South FRONT Street, below Chestnut, Importers of LOOKING-GLASS PLATES, AND READS OP EVERY DESORIPTION, For the INDIAN TIS.ADE, &o &o su234m j A 'CI X S 9 N . JOB PRINTER, Rae Removed to BM AND OIIESINUT STREETS atel3-1m FRAZER RIVER.— 'WELLS, FARGO, fr,roo., NEW TORII AND CALLVORNIA. EXPREB3 00 ANi) SZOBANON DEALERS! A JOIXT STOOK COMPANY CAPITAL, $600,000 OFFICE, No. 400 CHESTNUT BTItEET, WELL!, PARGO, k CO., having established an Agency at .VICTORIA, are 'prepared. to transport .PACSACIES of every deicripti...n to that placo . and vicinity. Raptames leave NIAW YORK an the 6th and 50th of each month. .EXOLIANOE for sale on , California, Oregon, Wadi ngton Territory, Victoria, and Sandwich D. N. BARNNY, so., 11111.240 t., Agent. !LAWMAN & RA BORG-- ALk,•lmporters awl Who Wale Dealers In 11$1113DISIL—WHISICEX•::GINS, and FANCY LI QUORS, N 0.1017 MARK E T Street, between Tenth and Nlivatith street. , lel tk.tf MO ONE should go to the Sea-shore with -111 out a battle 'of our' MRDIOATED BRANDY la their Valise. In rases of sudden illne.s It would be the aaeane In many Instances of saving life. 'DYE PHPTIO parsons nod those dobilltated, have been re stored to health by its use. . . MOVER, A SMITH, Drug3tete, aulnAtt Eiontbweet car; Beeond and Green ate "JAMS, SIDES, AND SHOULDERS. 200 hhds D. Salt Hams. 10 bhde Smoked Sides. ' 2000 pieces City Smoked Mune. 2000 bhotddere. In etore end tot lisle by; 0. 0. SADLER &Co , aulk.et • No. 0 North WATER St 11/9HSS SHAD. ill 20 bbls Hess Shad, In store and tor sale by - ' " C.-0. SADUER tc CO.. onl9-6t No. 9 North WATER Ft CIANGS',OF=RIGGING made to order by X7l - ' WEAVER, BITLICH, & CO., 23 North Wator Eltroot. and No. 22 North WHARVES. AO -WESTERN AND SOUTHERN PUR CHANTS --A latie Flock 'or Nianllla Rope on' hand, and for ash by WEAVER, PITLER, - N 0.23 North WATER Street, and 61,22 • , jNo 22 North WiIARV,ES. , , -I£l EG 'PAR.—Always on hand a full sup- AS- ply, and for Rale by WA&VEIt, FITLETS, & No. 33 North WATER. Street. and au23. , „No. 32 North W.II.4ItYBS. 7110. PRESS.-PHILADELPHIA. 'TIESDAY, AUGUST 24; ISM . ,;.-, :::,,,ef4ura4ortat ' • - . VRIE/P.S'.,A.OADEMY FOR BOYS:Riot of Fleventli Street, belorlArch, re-openilbe4o,h inst. All denominations admitted. $l2 per term of 22 weeks. aml4-12t, i I LASSIOAL INSTITUTE, DEAN Street, • i below Locuilt.—Dutled reinmed BIONDA.Y, Anent 80th. ' T. Ir. BAIRES, A. DI , ,att23-2m .. Prlnolliel.' . CENTRAL INSTITUTE—ENGLISH sip OLM.SIO AL SCHOOL —Will be re•openod MO/4- D AY, September tlth. TENTH and SPRING GARDOI Streets. H. EL fdsGUIRE, A. U,, att23.6wir Prlompal.f MRS. MoGUIRE'S BOARDING AND DAT, SODOOL FOB YOUNG LADiNS, 7090 BUMF GARDES Otreet, will be re-opened MONDAY, Sep, tember oth. an2B-Bw* Glasewart, TO SOU ER N AND WESTERS ORINA, GLASSWARE, AND FANCY ARTICLES, AT TIM LOITABT. MARKET PRIM, AT MARXBEN & WITTE!, Importorg, MASONIC LULL, 718 011B8TNUT BTREET. lans.ly WRIGHT, SMITH, & CO., 505 MARKET S. AND 602 OOMMEROR BT., CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE TO WESTERN MERCHANTS GLASS SHIPPED FROM THE 'PITTSBURG FACTORY AT MANUFCTURERS' PRICES. CHINA CLIPS FOR DRAWING SAMPLES TO EGROTROTYPISTB AND PHOTOGRAPHIBTS °ROOKERY BATHS for OICHMIOAL PURPOSES aulo•tuBt firliesoluttane club gropartnetsbil39. /11HE COPARTNERSHIP herotef9re ea -1 Wing between the undersigned is this day dis solved, by mutual consent. AUGUST 20th,1868. W. WARRINGTON, au2i-30* A. T. GOODMAN. UND ER SI GNED have this day forined a Copartnership under the Arm of AGARD CO., for the transaction of the Hat. Cap, and Straw Goole businebs. HENRY W. Y. AOAED Sto. 146.11.1113 T Street, Philadelphia. Angled 10. 1858. aulo-6t* THE COPARTNERSHIP BERET 0- FORE (aiding betemen the undersigned, nodes the firm of GRAY & STALEY, was dissolved by mu-. teal consent on the 2d Instant, The business of the late firm will be settled by GEORGE W. GRAY. ANDREW 8 PALEY, GEORGE W. GRAY. Philadelphia, /Intuit 11, 1858. GEORGE W. GRAY will continue the Brewing busi ness at the old established stand, No. 21 and 28 South SIXTH Street Ito has oonatantlt on band old Brown Stout, Porter, sad Ale. nun to th es-12t SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS -IL DAY entered into a limited partnership, agrosa My to the provisions of the Act of Ansombly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved March 21, 1836. entitled. "An Act relative to Li:lifted Partner shipe" and the supplement thereto; and we do hereby certify: 1. That the name of the firm, under which such part nership to to be conducted, is X. &E. B. ORNE. 2. The general nature of the business intended to be transacted in the purchase and sale of Carpeting in the city of Philadelphia. 3. The name of the general partners are JOHN P. ORNE, residing at the northwest corner of Arch and Twenty-firnt atreet, in the city of Philadelphia{ and EDWARD B. ORNE, residing on the north aide of Arch street, aboie Twenty-first street, in the eald city. 4. The name of the apeetal partner to BENJAMIN ORNE,. residing at 265 North Ninth street, In the city of Philadelphia, who, as such special partner, has con tributed to the common stock of the Bald firm the sum of twenty-five thousand dollar,' in cash. 5. 1 he said partnership commences July 14, A. D. 1858, and will terminate on the 14th day of July, A. D. 1861. BENJAMIN ORNE, JOHN P 01151 E, EDWARD B. EWE. PVILADELPHII, July 14,1858. jyls-8w puosrms.TlO GUANO 2,000 BARRELS AND BAGS 11 PROM SOMBRERO ISLAND, In Storo and for sale by JOS. B. HANSON & CO., and No. 106 North DELAWARE Avenue rip GINAL ASLMONIATED SUPER A.." PHOSPHATE OF LIMB. free from adolteratlotl, will now be sold to stub pu , shistere et $4O per too, at the Factors or Sore, No. 111 NIA RIM street.. an.2.1.13t* 0. B. ROGERS. REMOVAL- THOMAS N. DALE & CO., Importers awl nenufsetitrers of OLOTHISIth , end TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, Have Removed from No. 19 North FOURTH Street to NO. 313 MARKET STREET. REMOVAL.—BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO. haveaaoo remcwed from 120 North -Wbarree to 106 AROII Street, above FRONT. aul6-10t REMOVAL -JOHN P. DOHERTY, N. E. CORNER OP FIFTH AND WALNUT STB. PHILADIILPHIA, July 16, 1856. jy26 AGARD & CO , NO. 323 MARKET STREET, WAYS NOW IN STORM AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK HATS AND CAPS, TO WIIICR THEY INVITE TRH ATTENTION OT BUYERS PROM. ALL PARTB OP TUE UNION. anl9-2m* C . R. GARDEN & CO., MANDFAOTOIIIIIt6 OF, AND WIIOLBBALN DE1111881; RATS, OAPS, FURS. STRAW GOODS, FANCY BILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFI CIAL BLOWERS, RIICHEB, FEATHERS, ie., Ao., No. 600 MARKET STREET, S. W. Corner of Sixth street, Philadelphia. MERCHANTS are respectfully Invited to examine our Stock. aul4-21i ilJairbee, 3eruclrv, tit BA/LEY & CO., PORMSILLY Have removed to their now Fire-proof, White Marble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, 'NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE Now opening their fall stock of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND To which they invite the attention of the public). SILVER-WARE, WATOIIES, DIAMONDS, AND PIIILADMILPHIA Umbrellas anb parasols. SLEEPER & FENNER, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, Invite the attention of BUYERS LARGE AND VARIED STOOK aul24m • BUFFALO ROBES, GEO. F. WOMRATH'S, 416 AND :417 ARON STREET A' PLEASANT CHArd'idEß, handsomely ni 'furnished, to rent, with !snakiest, if desired, in 5P111.1 1 3.11 Street, near Sixteenth. Address 1.1.011 E, at this Mee. . au24-St* 110ARDING.—The advertiser desires to .11LP secure comfortable Boarding In a private family; location must be central. Address MILTON, at this ofece. analt-atSf- FIRST-CLASS BOARD and pleasant BOOM can be bad: on early application at 024 Louth WABBINTI`ON SQUARE, next to Barnes' Church. • " sa2l•St# BOARDING.—A well ventilated Oham. ber, with smolt Parlor, wanted by two Ong!. gentlemen.. *dame 11.., 1 + at this °Moe.. son MERCHANTS. A large Stack of TO TEA DEALERS Strtilivrt. No, 105 North WATER Street, tientotials. TAILOR, JAS REMOVED Vats nub Cape. BAILEY & KITCHEN, PANOY GOODS PEARLS, MANIINAdTTIRERB No. an MARKET STREBT, To Their Irmo, Se;r BY THE BALE. OR ROBBY Oparbing ~_ r Pr. 2 0 0 , 0 b.1 .;30bb.ers FER ' & 'ROBERTS, No. 429 MARKET STREET, , ' IMPORTERS AND POMMES OF RDSIitY, GLOVES,: - . , SMALL WARES, COMBS, DRG HES, TAUT! , TRIMMINGS, LOOKING-GLA fiER4N AND SRENOU FANCY GOODS. , an24im & CO., 287 LARKET ST. AND 228 CHIME ALLEY, Are now opening A FRESH STOCK 4 , RAPER AND FANCY DRY GOODS, To 'Bch they Invite tho attention or OAEI AND PROMPT 21101 IT TIME BUYERS. Prat.DSLPHIA, August, 1558. au24-2m JAB R. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 304 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS WSITE GOODS, LINENS, BLANKETS, AND FOREIGN AND DOMESTIO DRY GOODS GENERALLY. au2o-11u IQIBLEY, MOLTEN & WOODRUFF, 110 No. 325 MARKET STREET, Have now opened and are daily receiving a choice :nook of Bilks and Fancy Goode for the FALL TRADE, 'Gonelilting of— . BLACK AND FANCY DRESS SILKS, BONNET AND VELVET RIBBONS, DRESS GOODS OP EVERY VARIETY, WRITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, GLOVES AND MITTS. • LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, &c. , To which they Invite the attention of Buyers gene• 1 . nn2o•lm SPARHAWK, DUNTON, & WURTS, 302 MARKET STREET: Are SELLINg OY their STOCK 011EAP TO CLOSE BUSINESS. ' GREAT INDUCEMENTS WILL Ng (MIMED TO CASH 1315YERS. Tilo Stock consists of STAPLE AND DRESS GOODS, And Is law and well selected. aulO-1m ALEXANDER & KNOWLES, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HOSIERY, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, (HATS ANNOTSD TO) .Nob. 490 MARKET AND 425 MERCHANT EITH., And have Jut opened a NEW AND COMPLETE STOOL{ OF GOODS, expressly adapted. to FALL TRADE, To which the attention of their customers and FIRST CLASS BUYERS Is invited. aal7•dtnovl JOSHUA L. BAILY, N. W. COIL. FIFTH AND MARKET STB., PHILADELPHIA, Hal now open a CHOICE AND ENTIRELY NEW STOCK FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FOR SALE BELOW REOULAR. PRICES, To which he Invites the attention of Buyers from all sections of the country. aurnme 1858 SILK. GOODS. 1858 FALL IMPORTATIONS. 3D-PA.MA W., ROBS, 8a "VCTITI-T.M.RE3, - - 521 MARKET STREET, 618 COMMERCE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Here now In store their complete DIPORTATION OF BILK AND FANCY GOODS, - To which the attention of the TRADE le invited. ael4-2m NEW FALL STOOK. LAZ/ZEi3iIR.T THOMAS, MARKET STREET, SOUTH SIDE, Hss jest opened and has now In store AN ENTIRE NEW STOOK OP AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, Ranted expressly for the FALL TRADE, to which he Invites the attention of CAUL AND SIX MONTHS' DETERS. W. 11. HOWELL, attlo-112w-wlui E. HARPER 3.EPYRIES, M.ARTINS, PEDDLE, & HAMRICK, IMPORTERS AND MEMOIRS IN HOSIERY, GLOVES, and FANCY NOTIONS, No. 80 NORTH FOURTH STREET, FIVE DOORS BELOW THE MERCHANTS' HOTEL, Offer for stile the meet complete Mock of goods in thdr line to be found In the UNITED STATES, Consisting of BOSIERY, or every grade, GLOVES for nen, women, and children, comprising an assortment of over 800 kinds, UNDERSHIRCS and DRAWERS, LINEN BOSOII SHIRTS and COLLARS, LINEN CAMIRIC HANDKERCHIEFS and SHIRT FRONTS, LADIES' ELASTIC BELTS, with clasps of entirely now designs, with an endless variety of Notions, to which they invite the attention of FIRST CLASS WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. auld-Ow MEN'S WEAR. DE COURSEY, LAFOURCADE, & CO., - (335 MARKET STREET,) Mire now In Store their PALL IMPORTATIONS, lei of the greatest novelties of such goods, to which the attention of THEIR CUSTOMERS AND VIII TRADI SUILITo IS INVITED. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS AND TAILORS , TRIMMINGS. LONGOOPE & PEAROE,, 9 SOUTH FOURTH, ONE DOOR BELOW MARKET STREET, Hies in store a full assortment of Men's Burnishing Goods and Tailors , Trimmings, to which they Invite the attention of Clothiers and Merchant Tailors, aultilm FALL STOCK BILK AND FANCY GOODS. HERRING & OTT, N. W. Cotner of FOURTH and INIARKET STREETS, Have now in store a splendid assortment of SILKS, RIBBONS, AND FANCY GOODS OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, To which they invite the attention of FIRSY.OLASS BUYERS. aul3.2m pRICE, FERRIS, & CO., IBIPORTERB OF WHITE GOODS, LINENS, DAMASKS, EMBROIDERIER, HANDKERCHIEFS, CLOVES, MITTS, &a., No. 834 MARKET STREET, IsELOw SW:MTH, PHILADELPHIA: J. M. P. PRICE, OHAS. H. IRVINZ, RICHARD PRICE!, JAB. H. COCHRANE, EDWARD FERRIS. sulMx QUINTIN CAMPBELL, Tx., & CO., lAIPORTERS AND JOBBERS LIOSIERY, GLOVES, and PANOY GOODS, No. 341 MARKET STREET, • Northeast Corner of FOURTH EL A. 80/.OIOILTORD, aul.2-2n F ALL STOCK OF CLOTHING OHARLES HARKNESS Jr, SON, No. 938 MARKET STREET, SOUTHEAST CORNER OE FOURTH, Have ww In store a large and splendid assortment of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING, manufactured ex pressly for tho Southern and Western Trade, which they offer for sale on the boat terms for Cash, or on the usual Credit. E11.11C.E83 are invited to call and examine for them selves. anl2,2m EiIEENIIRME WHOLESALE DEALERS YOREIGN AND DOMEBTIO DRY GOODS, No. 618 MARKET STREET, Are nowconstantlyreceivin NEW SEASONABLE GOODS, Or Desirable Styles', from the best mark in thin Country and Europe. 477" The attack:Wu of purobasers ia solicited. aull-Orr FIRST AND SECOND QUALITY FLUE AND BRENT IRON. Also, Gasometer, %Coal Shute, Sagir Mould, Tank, and Plate Iron, out to pat• tern, nr• to3B Inches wide. For isle by the manate.a. torero, T. WOOD .k BROTHRIU3, and-lnx No, 738 North B.IIOOND et., phlladlaphla, FALL GO CDS.: MARTIN & WoLFF, 233 MARKET STREET, DRY GOODS. , anlo-Ira FALL STOCK. EXTHIAN, JONES, lo CO., . N 0.216 MARKET STREET, THROWN! TO No. 204 CHURCH ALLEY, Have now in atOro a COMPLETE STOCK SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, To which they invite the attention of Bayern from all porta of tho Union. anlB-2m SITER, VAN UIJLIN, & GLASS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HOSIERY, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS,Ao., No. 423 MARKET STREET, ABOVE FOURTH, PHILADELPHIA. atil3-202 BARCROFT & CO., (Nos. 905 and 407 MARKET STREET,) IMPORTERS • AND JOBBERS OD DRY GOODS, Would give notice to Buyers, IN STERN 880TI0N OP TER COUNTRY, That tholr arrangomento for tho FALL TRADE ARE NOW COMPLETE. null-6w SHAPLEIGH, RUE, & CO., WHITE GOODS, jlir . T. WAY & CO., Noe. 221 MARKET /Brevet and 10 CHURCH Alley IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS The completeness of their Stock, both for. VARIETY AND PRICES, Will be found to offer advantages to buyers, unsnr passed by any other in this country. BURNETT, SEXTON & SWEARINGEN No. 409 MARKET STREET, NORTH BIDE, THE LATEST FALL STYLES Or Imported and Home Manufactured FANCY DRY GOODS, Ooneiating of— DRESS TRIMMINGS VELVET RIBBONS,_ SKIRTS of all kinds, and materiale for them. HOSIERY IN GREAT VARIETY. UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, BRAWLS, COMFORTS, GAITERS Ladles and Ohildren , e BELTS, To all of which we invite the attention of FIRST-CLASS BUYERS.' aull-lm JOHN B. STRYKER & CO., 310 MARKET STREET, WHOLESALE DEALERS IX BRITISH, FRENCH, AND ASIERICAN DRY GOODS AND CARPETS, BOUGUT AT AUOTION, And will be mold low for cash. atl7-1m "Ir FALL STOCK. McCauley, Brother, & Brewster, "(Ave just opened an entire new stook of DOSIEDY, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS, to which they invite the attention of Bret-class buyere Our stock la pestloularly adapted to THE SOUTHERN TRADE au9-2mlf NO. 415 MARKET STREET. Are now receiving their To which the attention of CARPETINGS.— AUBURN THREE-PM, SUPERFINE:3 AND VENITIANS. Manufactured by JOSIAH BARBER. Sole Agents in this City, ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., Jy3l-tf No. 633 MARKET Street T &M. SA.UNDERS, eP • BOOTS AND SHOES, Of PHILADELPHIA and EASTERN Manufacture. ALso, STRAW GOODS AND SOFT HATS. CASH, and prompt SIX-MONTIIS BUYERS will find it to their Interest to examine our Stock. au2o-1m No. 94 North FOURTH Street. BOKER & BROTHERS, CITY AND EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, Nos. 432 AND 434 MARKET STREET, Below Fifth, South side, ttol9-1m PHILADELPHIA FALL STOOK OP BOOTS AND SHOES. It/YEI NOW IA MEI A LARDS AND WILL ABBODVID OP CITY AND EASTERN MANUFACTURE Which their offer for sale on the beet terms for cash, or on the urinal credit. Buyers are Invited to call and examine their stock. jy3l.4f ROOTS AND SHOES.—Tbe enbseriber has on hand a large and varied stock of BOOTS and 8110E8, whieh he will sell at the lowest prices. GRO. W. TAYLOR, non - l 7 8. E. corner FIFTH and MARKET Ste. QUIRTIN O►HPBBLL I JR EDWIN W. PAYNE, LASTINGS PILENOU KID, CONGRESS WEBB, TOILET SLIPPERS 'UPPERS, SLIPPER TRIMMINGS, LAOEB, &c. *ul9-2m 'NOTICE TO SHOE MANUFACTURERS. 11 The undersigned (sueeessore to the late JOSEPH T. JOHNS) are now prepared to meet The wants of the trade at the Northeast corner of ARON and FOUNTII Streets Their facilities for IMPORTING and FURNISHING every article in the SHOE STUFFS and TRIMMINGS line, at moderate prices and on favorable terms, are unsurpassed. The attention of BUYERS is respentfally solicited WM. JOHNS & SON, nun N. B. corner Arch and Fourth eta. PERSONAL.—If this should moot the eye 11 or my old friend HARVEY H. TYSON, I shall be gratified to see him, as I propose soon to leave for the West. JOHN T. FETTERLiNG, No. 1908 JUVENAL Street, above Nineteenth, east side. au23.2t* E S SHAD.-60arrouthll3 , MI lie. MUD, now landing from Boston doom., and for vale by mill JNO. M. ILENNZDY & 00. Elrn ilpgrabg Jobbers. IMPORTERS IMPORTERS LINENS, EMBROIDERIES, LADE GOODS, &c No. 829 MARKET STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA DRY GOODS, Are now fully prepared for the FALL TRADE. Offer for sale et their store, 28 NORTH FOURTH ST. PHILADELPHIA, AUGUST, 1858 FALL TRADE WM. U. BROWN & CO. FAIL STOOK OF FOREIGN AMERICAN DRY GOODS, BUItkRO Is respectfully Invited Boots nub Sliocs WHOLESALE DEALERS ItANUPAOTURERS AND 'WHOLESALE DEALERS L'OSEPH H. THOMPSON d 6 CO., No. 914 MARKET STREET, AND Nos. 8 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACR, STOOL or BOOTS AND SHOES, f3ljot Sinbinge IRON BUILDING, ARCH STREET, One door above Fourth IMPORTNR AND MIAMI IS GALLOONS, MEETINGS, PATENT LEATHER, 01,,D STAND, pappnat. tiAoltsalt Mrg acrobe. THOMAS & MARTIN, Ho. '207 MUNDT HEMET, OOMMISSION MEBOHLNTS FOR THE HALE OP AMERICAN COTTON AND wizeuirj claim TO DEALERS IN OIL CLOTHS. ,The Subscriber having superior facilities for Menu• featuring• FLOOR, TABLE, STAIR, and CARRIAGE OIL CLOTHS, I, now prepared to offer groat inducements to Buyers from all parts of the country. . - A large arul choice Stook Constantly on hand. Great care will be taken in selecting for Dealers who order by mail. WAREHOUSE, No. 229 ARCH Street, Phila. au 23-3 m* THOMAS POTTER, Manufacturer. NEW AND 011010E'S'I'l(LES ELLINGTON CARPETS, - (CROSSLEY'S PATENT BRIISSHLF;,S CONSTANTLY mozrirnia ANN • MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. FOR SALE BY JOSEPH LEA, 1-28 and 130 CHESTNUT STREET. au2l-2,31 PACIFIC DELAINES, PERSIANS, CASHMERES, ALMAS, PRINTS, ETC. ALSO, A LARGE MOS. OP FOREIGN DRY GOODS', BY THE PACK/GE, FOR SALE ET LITTLE & STOKES, - No. 235 CHESTNUT Street BROOKS' PATENT GLACE r r SPOOL. COTTON. SOLE AGENTS POP. PHILADELPHIA, LITTLE & STOKES, NO. 235 CHESTNUT STREET au2l-18t BLABON & SMITH, MANUFACTURERS OP OIL, CLOTHS WAREHOUSE, 148 NORTH TRIED STREET, • PHILADELPHIA. Orval' to the trade a fall stock of Floor Oil Olo . ths, medium and extra finality enamelled Muslin an d Duck. Table Oil Clothe, new styles; green glued Oil Cloth for Window shades. - - A complete assortment of Window Shades, trimmings, &o. We invite the attention of dealers to our stock. aulB-2m AUTUMN TRADE, 1858: STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS AT WIIOLESALE DRESS GOODS OF NEWEST STYLES, SHAWLS OF EVERY VARIETY MERINOS, COBIIRGS, MUSLIN DE LAINES, VELVETS, SILKS, ALPACAS, GINGHAMS, CLOTHS, OASSI3iBRES, BAT/NETS, VESTINGS, FLANNELS, PRINTS, BLEACHED AND BROWN GOODS, With a complete Line or EMBROIDERIES, And other styles of Goode adapted to a FIRST-OLASS TRADE, All of which are offered for sale Ohesp W. G. CHITTICK & CO., 438 MARKET and 433 MERCHANT ST aul7-ta th sat 2m&w2m TAMES A. FARNIIM, IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MEROEIANT, 219 OIIESTNIIT STREET, OP BT.11118,) Rio Now orals for examination a full tumortment of Gloves, Gauntlets, Shirts, Drawer'', Turkey Red and Madder Handkerchiefs, Comforts, Bails, Hoods, Re golettes, Hose, and other Germantown fancy goods; Domestic Buck Gloves, Mittens, and Gauntlets; Dress Trimmings, Buttons Belts, &0., ,to., to which he in. sites the attention of the trade. • Agent for New Britain Knitting co.'s Mineral Spring, Pacific, Wolootville, Trenton, and Oohoee Shirts and Drawers. 3720-erkilm GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. , JOHN B. ENGLISH & CO., No. 113 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, AND 257 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Are now receiving their FALL IMPORTATION of FRENCH AND ENGLISH, KID, DEAVER, BUCK, SILK, CLOTH, BUR, FUR TOP, AND PLUSH-LINED GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. RIDGWAY, HEITSSNER, & CO., IMPORTERS OP CLOTIIS, DOZSIIINS, and CASSIMIRES BOLE AGENTS FOE TEE FOLLOWING CELEBRATED MANUFACTURERS FRED. BROKERS, (Little Ticket,) W. A. JOHANNY, Abhoe, GEYERS & SCHMIDT, (8 end M Olothe,) ZAIIIBONA. BROTILERS, (Fancy Csesimeres,) BROIMI h LAMBERTS, (5' and D Clothe,) E. TUNNIES & CO., • H. G. HERRMAN & SON, (Meson Cloth) HILSELOPB tc 00. No. 206 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. IL W. RIDGWAY, atel3-2m CHAS. HEIISSNER. GLEHECIIO MILLS, _ GrEitMANTOWN, PA A. McCALLIIM• & CO., MANUFACTURER& AND WBOLESALM DEALERS IM OARPETINOB, OIL CLOTHS, ac WAREHOUSE, No. 80 BANK STREET, 1,200 PACKAGES Brown and Bleached SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, and DRILLINGS, direct from LACONIA, GREAT FALLS, HADLEY, PERKINS, MASSACHUSETTS, DWIGHT, DARTLET, and OABOT MILLS, In which will be found a large and desirable assortment, to which we beg to call the attention of the trade. ROBESON INDIGO BLUE PRINTS, HAAIPDEN TWEEDS, STRIPES, TICKINQS, AND COTTONADEB, In great larletT. SATINETS, FLANNELS, &0., For sale by FROTEINGIUM. & WELLS, Agent& ans-2ndf 85 LF.TITIA St. and 84 S. FRONT St WELLI . NG, COFFIN, & CO., 116 CHESTNUT STREET, Hart on hand, and are constantly receiving, .th fol lowing description of goods : A. & W. SPRAGUES' PRINTS, in great variety, including Chocolates, Turkey Reda, Greens, Blues, Shlrtings, and Fancy Styles. BLEACHED SHEETINGS,_ SKIRTINGS, A DRILLINGS. Lonsdale, Masonville, Slatersville, Hope,Washington, Unlod MIDI, Blacstone, Cohannet, Johnston White Rock, Phenix, Acton, tio. BROWN SHEETINGS SHIRTINGS, AND OSNA iI3RGS. . - Matoaca, Virginia Family, Groton, Ettrick, East'n Virginia, Nagle, Manchester, Moc'e & Farm's, Still Water, Mechanics', Warren A, Carre' River, Riverside. CLOTHS. Bottomley's, Pomeroy's, and Glenbam Co.'s Black and Fancy all-wool and cotton warp Clothe in great variety. DOESKINS AND CASSIMERES. Greenfield Co., Saxton. River, Bristol, Terry's, Stearn% and others. SATINETS. Stearn's, Ayres & Aldrich, Taft & Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Mineral Springs, Swift River, Carpenters', Florence Mille, Hockanum, Duhring 7 a, Oonvermille, SlLESlAS.—Lonadale , a, Smith's, and other makes, plain and twilled, of all colors. Fancy Negro Stripes and Pleat'. Jewett City and Irene stripes, Denim% and. Ticking'. Ithodo Island and Philadelphia Linseya and Apron Chocks. Shepard's and Slater's Canton Flannels, &o. ty22.2. RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DA.MA.sICS, DIA.PICTAS. ace. coN suggyis of RICIEWILSOWS LINENS, and those desirous or obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should sae that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As a guarantee-of the soundness and durability of the geode. This iteation le rendered eseentially necessary ea large quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared !lesson atter season; and coaled with the name of ItIOGARDSON by Inch houses, who, regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the A merican eousumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while pur chasers can be imposed on with Goods of a worthleee character. • J. BEILLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, my2B-6te Agente, 86 OUTIltO#l Street, flew boil'. AMAIDTEIR MUSICAL JUBILEE MoithirragitWwligisDAT, Alt n ig t otti &PIG , - PRICE'S GRO..E. This delightful Grove is situ Y the ated on line of the WEST PHILADELPHIA. PASSENGER RAILWAY, distant about One and a half Miles from the Bridge The Management having gone to en immense outlay in preparing the Woods for this great PETE, is deter mined that it shall be given on the name. - _ SCALE OP GRANDEUR - as those so enteeedniti itarcduced in the enilrons of PARIS AND LONDON, - and mere recently...it 'Jones% Woods, new York. The first day's entertainment will consist of the following . PIIOGRA.m,mg; - _ . 'Rolf TWO TO Ttreell O'CLOCK. TOOAL AND INSTRUMENTAL MCLIO. - PART II - THELSZ TO FM O'CLOCK: - ACROBATIC AND GYMNASTIC YEATS. rive To sevair 0 , 01.00 r.. GRAND BAL (NIA AfPitTRE. , - EIGHT ToTRY O'CLOCK. - OPEN-AIR PhOSSENADE riBEWO‘4II. ADMISSION TO THE WHOLE - 26 CENTS. SEASON TICKETS 60 CENTS. , Children accompanied by parents, no charge. - The Care of the West Philadelphia Passenger Rail way wilt leave THIRD andIEARKET Streets every Mi nute after 12 o'clock H. Whitson's line of Omnibuses will also leave the,EXCHANGE every few minutes, and take Passengeri direct to the Ground. Stages from the different Bottle will also run Passen gers to the Jubilee at intervals daring the day and evening. ' - Private, Carriages will be admitted within the imolai _ . sure. A strong and efficient Police Force, under the direc tion or ex-MARSHAL KEYSER, is engaged, and will manly perfect order. lathe Gates will be thrown open at 1 o'clock P.M. Choice Refresh Merits may be obtiined on the Ground. Should the weather prove unfavorable the Herbal will.be postponed until WEDNESDAY Ang. Eeth. The whole under the personal supervision of au24.lt GEOIIGE ROOD, SANE 'ORD'S OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH Street, above CHESTNUT. Open for the &anon, with the largest TROUPS OE AREISTS IN THE WORLD ! The Entertainments nightly offered by Sh.NEORD'S Tail- PE comprise all the latent Songs, Glees, Deets, °home, ' Refrains, Dances Ballets, thc , interspersed with WIT AND ELOQUENCE. In fait, all the VocaliaMit the day to produced by M 1781.0, t ONO,: Aa Lo TO.STItt. ' The whole under the management of Mr. S. S. SAN FORD. - Admission 26 cents. Doers open at 7 tealook • pea (ermines to commence at 8 o'clock. , a024,-3m WIEBATLEY '& CLARKV S ARCH-BT. T REATltE.—Wiiliam 8. Frederick', Acting sad Stage Manager. - TUESDAY EVENING, August 24, 1868, BEIE 810024 10 GONQC.Ba. Mr Rude/ogle, Mr John Gilbert; Young Marlow, Mr Wheatley; Miss Rankestle,Mri John Drew; Mrs t, srd castle, Mrs John Gilbert. To conclude with AGNES DE VERN. ..• . , Alfred Da Vere, Mr Dolman; Edward Evelyn, Mr Showell; agate; De.Yera, Mn W 0 Gladstone; Lydia, Mies hmma Taylor. Admission. 26 eta. Bemired Seats In Dress Olrele. STM ets ; Orchestra Stalls, SO eta; Beats in Private Boxes, 76 eta; Gallery, 13 e ta ; Gallery for OoloredPersons, 26 eta ; Private Box in Gallery for Golored Persona,' Mr ell Whole Private Box, U. Doors opitt at T,;( o'clock ;.commence at'l X , precis*. MRS: D. P.'BOWERS's • WALNUT-ST. THEATHE, corner of NINTH and WAINUT Street. TITEMAY EVENING, August 24 ,1136% , „ FASHION.' •": . . Adam Trneman, Mr Itichinga; Count Jolimaitro, Mr HA Ferry; Gertrude, Miss Richton Mrs Tiffany, Afro - H A. Perry. To conclude with OIMEOT OP INTEREST - --- Major Onlverin, Mr Eberle; Barnej, Mr Frank Drew; Mrs Major °Wrath!, Mrs A. Perry; Mrs V' rnon,Mhd Rulings: Prices of admission:--Second Ter and Family Circle , and Third Tier, 25 cents; Parquet, 87X - cents; Drew Circle, 50 canto; Private - Doses, according to their locale, $3 and $5; Pines Beats in Orchestra and Private Boxes, 75 cents; , Doors open at 7 o'clock; Curtain rises at o'clock. VVANTED—A. Situation as Porter. - Can furnish good testimonials as to character.- Ad dress D MoMIILLILN, Blood's Despatch. - an24.2tis WANTED—By a young Man, a Situation as 'Arslatent Olerk In a wholesale establishment. Oen eye the best of reference. Address ALFEOID. at this Office. • an 244101, WANTED By a young Man whci -an y extensive business acquaintance West and South, a Situation either as Clerk or Travellingdgent [(warner candle house: Ras been for severalyesrs engaged in latter capacity. 'Address " TR.§ VELLEit,' , office or The Press. sun 13td , - - WANTED. --A Situation in a Wholesale Clothing or Di 7 Goods House; as Seperinea or Assistant Boot-deeper, Could induenee a large West ern and Southern tnsde. Best city reference sr.ll,be &fen. Address S. S., at this Office. - sta44llS UVANTED—By An educated English , Wo- V man, a situation as SEAMSTRESS, tuiderstands all kinds of family seeing and embroidery ; no object, tion tu the country. Address SEAMSTRESS, stAtir office . , _ an. 23.111" WANTED—By a Yam* Man; a *sitnatiot, as SALESMAN in a wholesale Clothing Honer has had experience •and fully understands the trade; No objection to go South or Weld. Address MATH ING, attho office of The Prejs " au23-4tiv A SITUATION WANTED,-By - Yottnif 1 - A. Woman, at COOK and IRONER. - Apply at. Ns. 1103 WEST Street, above Eleventh. malat* ell WANTED—To Exchange for. German town property, five three story BRICK 110111188, two story back buildings, sainted In one of the best parts of the city. Address G. 1311PLL.; Derptteli. ilonsea entirely rew. au24.lw A YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN- wish& .Li a alttuttioa as WET NURSE. Has boat her own ahild, and wishes to have ane at her own residence. Addrem War Nun; through Blood's Despatch.- _ an23-3t* WANTED TO EXCHANGE on iontnal terms, gocdd property ma VBAXKVORD Road, yielding a el nir I,,come of - $44315 a year, for improved property in Brooklyn or Vicinity, N.l. Addict% YORK, beepatch: - sa2l:3t* r T u r c — sc iae l a n ch N e e r w t j o . take c A ha v rge of chool Gradutte Preform!. Address e is r ffiffitX. st thla office. aa2I.BNP /110VERNESS.—WANTED a Situation by kx a:young Lady sa GoverneSa or Teacher in a School. Has had some experience. Is acquainted with the usual linglieh branches, French, Drawing, Music. dec. Ad dress 550 eERNIIBB, office or The PvAs. artil-Stee VVANTED—By a young married man, a Situation in a Wholesale Dry Goods or Grocery Store. Writes a good hand, and is willing to make him sett us.tut to hie employer. Address INDII!.TRY, this Office. attl9-6tat ottiV AN TED, FUR THE UNITED STATER CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, - and medical attendance. Pay from 10.9 to $ 22 per month. No man having a wife or child will be ir.omted. - Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No 817 M AEE BT BRIO, above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. BOYALL, - let Lieut. Id Bee. of Cavalry, Recruiting °Neer.. T'QUA KI 'R CITY INSITRANOR COMPANY, OP PHILADELPHIA, 488 WAI NUT Street. • Statement of the business and condition of The gasket City Insurance Company of Philadelphia, for the Sir months ending June 30,1858 t Capital and Surplus, January 1.1858 8277,079 81 Interest received and accrued from Jan. 1 to July 1, 1858. _8,905 85 Premiums received from January lat to July let, 1858 118,074 ST Salvage and Reinsurance received 4,877 94 LOSSH a, Expiable, &O. Losses paid a 14,451 64 Dividend, reinsurance, return pre miums, and expenses. 98,1148 08 Balance remaining with the Company gulyl; $04,261 Bonds, mortgages, stocks, coupon bonds, loans on collateral, and call loans, kc - $183,153 60 13111 s Receivable 90,61 70 Cash on band. and In Bank, and due from agents 29,916 06 PHILADELPHIA Capital Stock OPPICERS. 68011011 H. UM—President. E. P. HoBB—Vice President. H. H . °poem A.T.T —Amara* and Tram:wee 8. H. BUTLER—Assietsitt-searetary. George H. Hart, Joseph Edwards, .1. P. How, -, Foster 8. PerleinS, A 0. Oattell, Charles O. 'lmlay, Andrew R. Chambers, Samuel Jones, M. D., Z. W. Dailey, - Hon. HH. Puller, John e. Dale, H. B. Ck4SEsinals John L. Pomeroy. H. H. COGGSHALL, Secretary. Attest : jy2tilmolf A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., .L - A. INCORPORATED 1810-011.4RT.ER PRR PETUAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Flaring large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Inveeted in sound and available Securities, continue:, insure on Drrellinse, Stores, Furniture, Merchandise, Vessels in Port end their Cargoes, and - other Personal Property. All Looses liberally and promptly adjusted. D/1101 . 0111. George Abbott, John I'. Lewis, John Welsh ) , Caspar W. Morris, Samuel o.Mortoni James B. Campbell, Patriot Brady, . Edmund Q. DuHlh. Charles W. Ponitney. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS B. MABIE. SeeretarY • 1523-y if HART SEE Olt NE'S CITRE-ALL—TEEN GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR AND REMEDY Solt DYcPEPSIA, WEAR STOMACH AND WEAK ROWELS. Preyared by a Chemist. Bottles I2X, and 60 cents. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY IN MEDICAb SCIENCE! HARTSROVNE'S CURE-ALL should be kept In all tamales. in case of accidents or sudden sickness. warrsnonnirs CURE-ALL sures Rheumatism. HARTeIIORNE'I3 CURE-ALL cures Cramps, Cholla, pains in the Stomach or Dowels. lIAR.TSHORNEIIi CURE-ALL cures Pains in the imba, We. Back and Breast. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cure. Sprains, Braless, Scalds and ennui. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Neuralgia, Toothache and Stiffness in the Joints. HAETSHORNE'S CURE-ALL cures Cholera, Mat thias and all Pain HARTSHORNE'S_ CURE-ALL cures Ear Ache and , eaftiess from a cold. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL _cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion ; also, Canker and Sore Month and Sore Throat. HARTSHORNE'S OARS-ALL cures all Spinal Affee- Cons and Weakness in Limbs. HARTSHORNE'S OURE-ALL is a grelit tonlo to Weak Stomach and Bowels, and Improves Digestion. It 7 As the frequent changes of the weather produce a b a d C o ld, Rheumatism, Pam in the Limbs and Body; also, Stiff Neck — every person should get a bottle. It antethe Nerves, Muscles, Sinews,. Blood and. B o nes; smi, by its warming electro-magnetic power, ex pels all pain from the system. Get a bottle and try it, and you will be astonished at its happy effects. N. B. Jr you have a (laugh, use HARTSHORNE'S Pectoral Syrup of Wild Cherry, it is the beit Coach Syrup in the World. Bottles, 25 and - 50 cents, and Sc. Ir you are Billions, use HARTSHORNE'S ANTI. BILLIOUS PILLS. They act upon the Liver, Stomach and towels, carrying off all Bile and Fool Secretions. Boxes, 25 cents. Sold by R. 11. JENKINS. SECOND and WALNUT Streets. Sims' Stores, Chestnut and Market streets. - • Clarrignee, Tenth and Coates street!. Wagner's, Tenth and Lombard sta. 4142- th s haat( it amuocutgitts Warns. insurarire Ecminanito. 114,894 44 N 4,281 35 ...$200,000 00 DIIIIOTOIB Ilcbkina! 402,00 T HI