MOM A - ' l -;;;.- - . .. • v 37 . - ..4fit4 . 44:tumtreri!; : ‘ l4,4 t o At '''' . o l l: - 1 1..7'. 'l-P . l" ' . 4110 ..b. , 4 , Vti ' i ,.- :‘ I ,i•-•' ; , ' , , -‘st tv,,,zl: ; .• 1 •;-... , , _-,.• •-• -_____:_____„ - • efix-• liVA'r ..; r ' ..:s‘ ": '-' v:4:1 aIIAT.;.,:kAtIVI*O4IOI.BSB:, Admieetoa o $ Bike* Ebtliiio l into the: Midst: 11 ir**-o,44.ipti - Vl ll l l *t i fin , tba , Polco; - za tte: ElalAizoaoljo4Ao7 - ,. o :lsflpie 0140 - ,Yrollm raTey,A,Slitrie#9oA9efill ihr. • " Public; ;in , t4le,eitY to Wave a great Colebration - in honor of the, rultlfg*4B'carry_out t '6 Bri g" gestion and`-the tithe andmhde; to be dabided` 'lt'appears' to - as' that - the , ,thern' . , . taeelinglregied tho u question;.. lakinta stiniption when' !hay tlia£ it hAiAltrllitaY.4 o 4.7 fkllal7 determined :simultaneously .to nelobrate the great event = of the %nie in Londlin and New;', York,: on the: first of certain that Loudon „has not yet acceded to the sugget; lion, if it hat , yet received When • the; fully knoeln, It mill be found, - we suspeet;:tinkt - , the antf O ittete,st tocq In' England, (a attlOh less tharywhat:- proValls4rilong•onr selvage.' We do', n'ot.*,4lo ll6 * :the OatallarY , interesi;for "ontqtl - 10Vi 'shares, on which the =Atlantic - 4°l4ra* Ontnilitly raised their ca p i l,, lll l 6l t , ' ,3B4 " Sr° 0 4 .P1 -606 .. ' 4f11r 5 Pa tbia aldO,o'f;,oi,kixater. , the•nobleve= ruentiQte'rinespeethAlyand happily'crovnied with success has ,been warnly'coinplimerited in the newspapers,,buttberelthematter seeing. to teat -(r 4 - In the great, cl . tles of Europe . fpeculatiim will bo rifd Whieti r tho new 'anode of UPPi n 07 411 2 : mere° ificioli!icia; ',lint, in every village in this Uninn--...wirnight say in every leg-cabin— thereziarldalkild ttic . tan tlonel ' aatisfactlon: at-tWiriat ;Everr_ one= feels that, thnuilVthp ftindsmeti- largely faiin abri.l l ad,l4iispitiiolitiC4= snake 1134,614 mph was American, the' Catensiori of it beneath the Atlantio-Wid Atherfcan,' the skill which wad' etaPlqrg, Waa ~APPr!Tllll:aid.) above all, the peraeyerainewhicli brought It through was eininintlyzAnierlean Tea, itie dni ada t ifigonal triumph. merits.a rattional*celetiraticrni and will have it, ' • ~ • Auction., ' - • : been febently. held' iii'lbe suctiorieliii of, tbitl;leitk;fiv ti otrOxkplaictire emodffleation of the7Olistfif laws tirlic.Stdteln regard their` :> yales of , imidi." As Ai, stan4d,flearztere required, in the, first instance to poiOconee:of two thonsand,dollara,before theydr . e,eilibl'iesi*:prolt,ieei4l.h - eli justness' 'td all;:atOef , dardif:tofpiy.aShAe!jaiel one-half of- one per .cent. on sit:domestic goods, ‘ and of one and a half per cent. on all foreign, - goods ~..tbey.'xic ' ..Nes!,7 . .-tr..rie'; nc licenee.titel;;:iiiitirOd;:and no tax -11U-:levied or domestic', goods4aold ati•anNOri, and a tai 01 only three-fourths Of, one per cent: is' on fofogtiligo.j.i..? - f ° 7. InAtitrylanfi , tho annual license fee is $760. imposed on'ldomestic geode, 'enO only three-fourths orßnu per cent. on foreigi goodd,Z,ltlis,,,'OtcOrtree, clearly evident that our auCtiOneerearerseibfected ton ruinous cote. petition`-by the discrimination against theb, interests; which arises _ from , the .facts dirt have: „ stated ,, Ant ° the 'trade of Phila delphia brAserikrisly,Vaffected - by • ft. -Thi; is the kiefe:ifiannfaptafiiiir, city of tin Union; c i .. prO4rielrig, Lein ';'iminense' quantity of deiniestiej'goOfis;. anilj.mider ordinary , cir oumitaitcos, _they would be sold, as Well Iv manufectatedUre": l 'But our Staielaxei then - if titej!';are"!- - difilf',.by,'''aliction, - while in Ned York no lill4l Chifili is made. As a natural vonsegnence;manyfolAhein ' , are sent to thsi _ vity for sale. It is Bald that at least flvo mil Iron dolla . m! worth 'Of our inaitufhottires an annentOold r „bilifeiv 'York auctioneers, and -that in mini Inatanses our own mercha'ntege there•-to 'pare:hese nein, to avoid paying er State tieflerhieh would lie enacted, upon, then' here. 3 ' ',',111,13 1 :i04,14401r4V,:0t, have . . done;Se inich,-tiy.inerossing the valet, 'of propOrtt'itele; to - soreti the receipts of the Commonwealth from'her ordinary method' of - rairittrorf;•' that" she Coidd ,- to abolish itri elaatiori ' , 'Whielt 'ls 'inipOser neither at New Yorrifor Belfnore. Tli6 tax on foreitr4Ods sold it bathe twice' great : TlCre those cities, aids g t( crippli4nrcommeree, and thwart the general prosperity of, .aSio 4 ,lireft th; _ auctioneers itireiSiding the generekwelfaresff I,'hiliflelifbifOhd State will aventMillt.l6iO7nicif than gain by con • tinning= tOiffin s ctiOn—tiM, present -exactions. We hopo, thereforeklhat 'this antijeot hf actedtiPon'if iifeAleat session , f "the ' Legfsle=- tare, and , thatiminissa interests . Of.oar metro: polls triatipilth tiiik!seititsiiiegreo of &inlets and IfhOtielity t :tilidthei Legislatures of our sta. ter Stated hair° extended to their leading Eisglaud4nd:llfetko: neis; ;lip: flu . angla -*:zo* received .- on Saiitty , evening:: IntermitlS Sl i d tlio leundOtfes ' Tim tad ,Tiliotk , lndicat