The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 24, 1858, Image 3
ESSEM IrVoUftitim , [lteportedfOr The Preis.) ' • ' ' '`. LIVERPOOII-914 Beranek, RoWland.:3o9 boxes tin Nathan Trotter'B2oo; 4 casee John Yount rigten & Son; 1 do Muslin & Bennett ; 200 bap tin liebn & Everett 71 do Madden, Cern & Porter; 2 cues J X Mc/twain & Ions; 2 casks Morgan & Orr ' • 50 pkge order ;Al boxes do Nathan Trottor & Co • 1 can J & P Stainer & Co ; 3112 pkgr,W, B hiahoity, & Co ; 15 boxes tin Mark Pedrick &•Co ; 1 box' S Morris 'Wain & Co; Bdo Win Raphael ; 5 clues order ; do J & J P /Reiner , & Os; 1 box Canby, Neville & Hughes; 1 ca•e order; 1. bale W P WI latach & Co; 4 ones °attar , - tare & Woodward; 3 fti'Coie & Real; 7 bales (t BRisou, Soo A; Co; 1 case Edtr'd Morley; do Lent, &Om 3 do Mustin & Bennett ;, 3 do Bates & Coates; 22 do 2 bales' Esherick, Black & Co; 1 ease De Courser, Larourcade & Co; 2 casks 1 0 else Jets Lmlie, Jr; 10 cues Thus Dialler On; 8 cake yonce & Landis; 22bales0 20 . 01660 briateja) , & Hess; 106 emu 17 bales GDP Partlah; l trues Mulhollan; 3 cases John Pearce & 1113. do Bates & Costae; 2do Grundy, Wardin & Co; 5 befit (F 11 Roue, Bon k 06; 760 package 0/ifroni smith; / cask / case order; 3 casks and 5 bundles Jas Lenge: Jr; 1 bale 1 trues Robt How ard; 2828 pckgallorrio• I ,bccc & Co; Jql Hurl son; 12 bales 10 CABB/1WCIO(YO3COtl ' & Cori cue 1 cask Laing, Maginehrk.litownp cask 19 bags nails Joe God frey; 1 can John Krider & 00; 2 do E 0 Pratt & Bra; 2 do MoDaniels & Sat; 8 do Nathan, Trotter & Co; 4 cases 10 anvils N & G Taylor; 1 4 , 0 Leonard Denkert; 1 ease 11 casks 1 bag Under and Thatkei; .0 eases 1 cask Had-, den; Ca:11 k Porter; 3 'bialei, David Eleyr.l do Ml. Hallowell ec' Om - 5 cadge' James Elliott; 2 do John Pearce & Co; 7 packages .T & J P Steiner, & 0o; lb do (Indian, Anderson, &'0o; 9 cues Bancroft. - Beaver, & Co; 1 bale order; 6 cases I bale Lippincott & Parry; 9 bales 11 L Knight*, I , ease -1 bale Esherick, Black, k Company; 6 oases Thorns Thompson , Bon, & co; 11 do Canby,. Neville, & Hughes; /do Oarlile & Ewing; 9 cases 1 bale DeClonrsey, , Latbutcade & Co • 13 pkge i 1 tor, Price & Co; 52 do Marten & Smith ; 88 'cues G D Parrish ; 1 .do James It Oampbell '& Co ; 2 casts Yield, Laugstroth & Oo ; 4 pkge Reedoe le Thacker ; 23 eases Alex Wray & On ' • 13. do David Graham & Co ; 32 pkgs Sharp, Haines &- 00 ; 1 cask W G H len ; 4 do 2 aces E Mullins; "1 cult Garrett & Bono ; cases H Duhring &Co ; 2do El Beaton ; 2 cabs A W P Watson; ,7 bales Golf & Peterson; 4 pkgs P B Justice & Co; 1 ii,tak It W 0 Diddle; 2do John M Ford; 1852 package John Gillingham k Son; e5O do Wm Potts ; 600 boxes tirrJames 8 Mason & Co; 100 do E J Etting & Brother ;'2 bales, lease W H Horst mann & Son • 7 casrs,9 casks to order; 2 cases Wight & Brown;, 4 cues Joel J Bailey & Co; 19 do.filtarp less Bros; 4 balei'd & B Orne; 1080 packages Mor ris, Taster & Co; 29 plus Truitt, Bros & Co; 5 cases Beeson &Eton; 3 do „order; 3 bales 4 eases G ki Reeser. Han & Co; 8 eases I Daytime - & Co; 453 pkgs Potts & Roberto, 253 do Steever & Whitaker; 904 do Thomas J Potts; 363 do M P 5/ebony & On; 1,015 do 0 D Roboins & 00; 183 do Nathan Trotter & Oo; 823 do Middleton & Harn•d; 104 do Stewart & Broe; 2 bble Wm Mart; 1 case G tl /Leese, Bu'& Co; I case I ,;urk New/In, Mar shall & Co. RlOECEOND—rSteamship Yirginia, Kelly-444 Mrs 100 cases tobacco Thos Webster, Jr;, 350 do 62 do Ducknor, McOammon & Co;, 191 bu Bohan - 8e Tlltt;. 94 do 12 es /tierce/ & Antelo; 15 'os 92 Via MObfk Boehm; 17 bXs X Bonk; 11 bdho paper Jessuplc, Ware; 0 bas ihunseed Miller k Boo; ,11bblibeer 'Jacob y Albumin k Oo• 23 bales domestics Thomas & Martin; 12 do Tingley,'En glish & Co; pkge sundries Parker & Toland; 104 bbls potatoes 79 bui tots swell N Hellions; 70 bbls Dept Kelly; 67 empty casks Money, Collins k Co; 22 do P Gaul; 10 bags feathers 387 bbl . potatoes 010 bra toma toes 140 pkge sundries 20) empty clinks various eon _ signees. PIiILADELPHIA BOARD 07 TRAWL JOSEPH 0. 011.13111,, WILLTLY 0. 10611., .ooinurrin 01 TEIR MONTH ELLIS YkrIALL, „ LETTER , BAGS At tha Merchants , Exchange, PhiladelpAiii. Bhip Wyoming, Burton ..Liverpool, soon Snip B eardoer, Llmeburner Bt Jan, NB, soon Barque Meta, Pasoan, ._ London, seen Barque Hamilton, Jackson Bt /ago de Ouba, soon Brig Col W Coggin, Ooggine ' Havana, soon £laritu ltttcUigetue. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. July 24, 1825. 2117N,11NT8 1 11:: BUN MEM& HIGH WATER - I=lM Steamship VliginiA, Elify, - from Blohtiond, , via Nor-, folk, 80 bourn , with indict gni passeagort to Thomas Webster, Jr. - ' - Steamship Belawire,'Oopes,ll hours from New York, via Oapo May, with molts() and passengers to Jenne All. derdico. Passed two barques. two brill, and a topsail Rehr below the Ledgei barque Elm And brig - Ohieopee,' front Boatoncrand Cadiz lam New YOrk,'Sbtve the Buoy on the Middle; sal. Jonathan Blay, a berm brie, and a fleet of light sabre above Bombay gook. Packet dap Beranek, Howland, from Liverpool 14th ult, with mdse - and 140 pasirangers to cope Brothers. - Behr Elizabeth, Parson*, b days from Wade's Point, NO, with lumbar to Bolton, Yannerveee & 00 Behr Fly, Oheesaman, 4 days from Nantucket, In bal last to 0 & Oo Bobr Larkin, Ohurbooki 8 days from Warohim, Map, En ballast to u Behr W A Neweomb, Bacon, 6 days fm Boston, in bal last to L Audantled k LW. ' Bohr Diamond littite.-Smithari,'l days from Milford, Del, with ooro to J H hicOollay. Bohr Peri, Stitt, 2 day/ from Milford; Dal; with grain to J H alcOolloy. • &hr Expediiion, CoinOr, 1 ,dip from Smyrna, lie!, with wheat to ,7 L Bewley & Co . Behr J, L neVerfri, liUMltgreiol . o3, 1 day fromaJorar, Dol, with corn to Jas Ilarratt klon. • Eche' Delaware, Denby, 1 day from Elinyma, Del, with wheat and Corn Kraal Daman & Eon. Behr Putnam, Caulfield, 3 day' from Albany, NY, with mdse to .llte & Bone. - Steamer Balloon, inalldlrt, 6% hours from Cape Nay, with paasengera;&e : tn-naptalu, BELOW. • . Barque J W Blodgett, from Wilmington, NO Brig John R Rhoads, from Pensacola' Brig Enoch Pratt, from au eastern port. CLEARED Steamship Boston, Fellow, New Fork, J'asHerdic°, Barque Jos Marvell, Davis, Lagnayra, Lanett Bros. Barque Irrna,Nobre, Barbadoes, Fre Teta. Behr Magnolia, •Aiekerson, Wilmington, NO, :afros Baiter. • " &hr Martha Wrlghyngton, Wrightlagton, Fall River, Cabeeo Ja . Co. „ Speed, Souiere; Boston, Lewis Nothermol. Behr Yly, Oheeieuctn, Nantucket, 0 Mfller c 00. flchr Larkin, Onurbuck, Idattapoisett, do laelmW It Newcontb, - Baten, Lynn, L Auden:.lyd Steamer U L Baltimore Ail/roves Jr. (Correspondence of the Press.),, , HAVBE DE GIIAOK, Jul , 23.1868. , The Kinpton left bete this morning wi th 12 boats; laden and consigned as folio " - , - James Barrett, none, bark, &o. to Poplar at wharf; Harry, rye, corn. oats, &o. to Perot & Bre; Emma Cook, lumber to Croaker, Parry,' an th racite we' to Brides burr Pour Boys, J Kintry.'HOlgqin & Grubb, Prince ton, Capt J A Moyer; liOhrirson„ - Bentois; and Columbus, coal to Delaware City. ; ' (Oornsliondedes of the Prete.)' HBA.DING, July 22,1868;' The folloirineboate petted:Oa of „the Union O►nal to-day, bound - to Philadelphia; laden and consigned at follower 0 D Boon, bituminous, eostEco', Cantalni'lECDoneldi iron ore to' tebertV Oo"• 'Ltd N 0 P Q; lumber to Y J Poo.; J B Nett, de do ,13 d Borne• t ,Blies Beber i light, to R Reber; Tradeiman, —, to liekertlF 00. , inr. 711,11011111111. I (Correepondeneetit thaPhllsdelphla Exchange.) , -Cs July 30 P The_ packet ship Paratialt, from Liverpool, a barque, and three berm brigs passed up this morning, and a large ship this atternoon.Wlud Pouth.,:The- weather continues very pleasant, Yours, Ice, T.E!O33‘ DrHUGHM3,- far rkcioranj ro ruirrisa.l : • Arrived, ships Cordslia and Toieih Gilchrist from 'Liverpool; Arshin, , rout Llarrei ,Esetern State, from :Laudon; Harsh, from Trieste; barquo Homer, from Cientuegos, - MEMORANDA. - • Steamship Slate of Georgie; Garvin, hence at Sevin snah P.4lth toot. Ateannibip America, WWI Man. from Lirdrpool 10th lest, &rev; at New York yesterday' Steamship ffennebec, nand, hence at New York yes terday Steamship Elinburg,Gummings, cleared at New York yesterday for Glass,o4. 'Steamship Indian -Empire, Courtany, for Galway : :cleared at New York yesterdaY._ Ship J P ilaierood,..anttroe, sauna from Liverpool 9th ,inst. for Philadelphlail • Ships Thorne H Perkins, Wayne; Tonawanda, Frank Planate, handcar Slusoongus, Carter. and Crown - Poi ot, Cook,.vrere loding at . Liverpool lath init. for ..Philakelphia. Ship Susan G,Owens, Norton, from Cardin, Wales, 26th May at "Charleston 20th i nst .' Had light winds not ragbag weather, not haying had occasion to - reef the taprollashe entire paamageyor scarcely furl a royal. Ship &etas, /anvils', cleared at Boston 2 2 4 init. for, Calcutta, Rhlp Peas Plush, linguine, from London 21st May for 4 witralls, vas spoken 12th lilt, lat33loN, long 16 ins t . Ship Launnergler, Coffin, cleared at Boston 221 for Callao. Barque Predertek Uania, Sumner, cleared at New Orleans 11th hut' fot Boston.. Barque OW. Poultney, Marehmati, for Philadelphia, wee towed to sea from New Orleans 10th loot Barque Caroline -Ellems, Elleme, was towed to sea from New OrlenaslOth inst. for Boston. ; Barque Oak, Ryder, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boo ton 221 inst, DAT que - ioater‘Boster, cleared at Boston 224 Inst. I for et John NB, to OW for Oork , Barque Lincoln, Merrill, from Paitiontb, Si, put into Montego Bay, Je,l9th ult, with the crew in a Mats of anutiny; and *ailed next day for Leaden. . ' - Barque Warren White Howe. sailed from Cape Coed, Africa. May 6, for the Bight of Benin • • • , Brig Semi Small,- Lane, hesce at Salem 21st inst. Brig floa.:Wormi, Warren, eleued at unto° 224 inst. for Philadelphia. Brig Loniaa,,Webber; from- Monrovia, Africa; at Sa lem Sat feet. " • ••" - Brig lemon Davii, Sh6pleccleared at Boehm 224 last for Philadelphia.' • echr Berl Obepherelitirsh - hence at Georgetown, D O. yesterday:" • . Behr Penneyltiniii,.ltotilorioti, hence it . Alexandria yesterday: - • - Betas .2 - D. litord;Catupbell, and Ai-lotto, hence, and Deborah, LudloW;from_Tranton, arrived at New Haven Pchr Sarah Betsey, Seliey, sailed from Now Haien 22d Last for Platholelpiria„ - ' • Fehr Lewis Mulford, Doyle, hence at 'kitten 222 lust. Behr Henry P ti.mmons, Barrett, hems at "Ilebbury• port nist nit. . " Behr Etonian, '1 butter, for Philadelphia, cleared at Bruton 224 inst." • . • . Paws George 13 Adams. Chase, and Iphrittm & Aims; Dole. hence at Went 214 lest. = . Behr Frank A Hell, Powell, cleared:4 Charleston 20th lost for Providence. - - • - r • . Behr J W Webb, Fargo, hence for Ndrwlch, at New London 21a - inst. - • - • - - Behr Blinerva, Brooks, sailed from Newport 21st feet. for Delaware City. . - Richard Wag, Frick, from Boston for Philadel phia, Railed from the West Bay, Newport, 20th Inst. - ?rope' lem tophia; Ely., and Parab, Immo, hence at N York yesterday. - . MAKIMM MISCELLANY. If oasis° Vatial, —The Rockland Gazette states that ash Chance. of Rockland, Captain Calvin Gregory, - sailed from New York for Reonebuule, about 26th or 27th alt. with a cargo of corn and, sad not having been seen • since the :30th . nit,, it is supposed tint the vessel sod art on botrd are lost. The ilimoe wee seen off Cape Cod 30th nit, at which lima she wallin cow. pony with seViffal Rockland schoene': among which .0 , a4 the Sarah; sod -the Slaty Wise; Ospt Hiram Hail. By the latter aloe Wilio;ilten on the evening of Gist day. It is supposed that she Was lost the saute night, in the same squall In whieh, the- 4, urn Franceor was capsized. There were nye Tfirstiss on toard, els: Copt Gregory, hie wife, and a bays thiihinthOtrotthe litter, or Rock land, th e mate, a 16. in tt hutoan• - Lut.Boulty Tbtornaltun; 'andn lad or young men odrood - MOttn. B on of Horace -Martin, also of South Thomouitott:,.The Chance was owned by Obas W Snow. Req. and L Oapt Mal Haskell, of Iteekland, and Mr A marish lialloch, of south Thonu ton. z , • • _Barque Cora, Bteiling, whinh sidled from New York 4th Met fuLthe Rot Indies ' , returned to port 224 Met. Copt 8 gave no part collars of the cause of inevetura. , -- The derl4 lad Pf.l,bitactii ildt.rn, of Maltitooro, fiord New Samna, Rt-yor,..lloston,,whioh sun ashore on the bar 28th tilt, asprevionify reported, had been discharged, and the 'roma,' atriopoo tirlmto the Bth hat, , The hall would laiplarly a totatlosa: Beg Anstalt', Boylind, from Vera Grua, bound tOttor. , elasaz, pot lOU Norfolk Beth inst. legit,: would repair. molosirs,West, 014110a4, kinis York -NOV for Arts, emu," WhiShplit - Into St Malone Bah 0 0-11; May is, pith hus,l-e;Aptidep tmorliirculd - repeir and proceed soon 'MOW Otultni 2 o 7B tatiSi'hilllttw.Wtimore in 1853, his* been sold en private terms —_ Remittal) old - , eirt - Oherlestpna242tona built at Dana . 1. riscottei -1846.4iti bred, valise in Boston Dtt private tars of, • i . Capt,les .4 ; WheodervriWoommand her. axzistdx P0R28.-- - - - At Aata,tootolkitArtloa-, *ay io,tliurpo Mer , r4orikseinfrO- • • :• ". Pasted ' to Venturi siopoiiiti2,t4e :E 4 W Clark, fro 010nlitpaittqt:gnnii 3 O ,1 % bound, o leeward' At IT itrgesB o ,ll . 55)? 50,411 g roliaouth, Bray, for Massrard. At Badagry May 8, barque ,tMar of tho East, Boyer, ..uniertatu. 0;Mo:A May 8, barque May - Queen, Debaker, for weird. . Old from Salt Pond may B p barque Era Ply, Cann, for • • leeward. - At Cionstautinople 25th ult, barquelKyatery, Knowles, nearly discharged , . .No Am Tenets at Smyrna 28th nit ~ Atillalsise. 24th tilt, barquee Delegate, Chase, for IUo de Janeiro next say; Laura, Wright. UDC. Ar at' Alicante 24th ult, nolo N do H Gould, Smith, Tarragona. Slit- from Havre ad lust, slaps Amelia, Drummond, Sunderland; Bth, Belida, Balls, N Qrleans. Sid from Queenstown lit last, (not 80th ult) barque Austin, Wlldee, (from Gardened ) Glasgow. At L ondon 7th (net, ship Kingfisher, Crosby, for Bos ton with despatch, and others. At Tabasco 7th inst, Naha, Tallahasse, Merrill, for N Orleans, ldg; W W Harkneaa, Peterson. from N Orleans. Going down' the river, schr W R Patten, Poultney, for New Orleans. Ar at' Quebec 19th inst. ship Europa, Patterson, St Nalatre; barques Bien, Brune, Genoa; Jamaica, Prost, 'Alicante; Jane London, Burroughs. London; Moun. taineer.Wllllon, Liverpool; New Empire, Randall, Bris tol; Pearl,--, Newfoundland; Loohlibo, —; brigs Royal Oak, Nattras, Alicante; Walker, Parsons, do; Ro salind, Colledge, Spain; James Bales; Hall, Vallaticaa; „Harvey Miller, Muller. Old /9th, ships Advance, David, and Adept, Camp bell, Port Glasgow;' barquira Dorothea, Chrlatoobersen, Liverpool; Chieftain, Swag. Belfast Kiblain, Moffatt, Exmouth; brig Mary Ann, Hunter, New Qua'y; Bowes, Ellwood, Workington. • DOMESTIC PORTS NEW YORK, . July 23 —Arrived ehipa Louisiana, Bremen, 46 days; Caravan, Bands, Liverpool May list; -Charter Oak, Carver, Liverpool; Louis Napoleon, Har ting, Hamburg, Jane 1; Robena,. Martin, Glasgow and Greenock, June 14y,schrs Chief Trader,, Remedios; ,Pocomoke, Monroe, Washington, N O. Below—Oldenburg barque I Von Beaulieu, Pesenfeldt, Bremerhaven, Jane 4th. ~01d, Barque Oem of the Sea, Miller, Malaga. - Barque Brunette, Linikin, Cadiz Barque Clifton, Lewis, Rithmond. Bohr Basin Canon, hooka; Para and a market. Bohr 0 B Knudson, Squires, Larees. Bohr Swan Dill, Jr, Baltimore. BO3TON,JuIy 22—, Ar, ship Rising Bun, Skolfield, Liverpool; barques Tahiti, Davis, Cadiz; B Oolcord, Coi cord, Elitabethport; brigs Martha Hall, Dunnella, Re medios; Belle Barnard, Coombs, Ellzabettiport; ache Harbinger, Gerry, Jacksonville. Old, barques Almona, (Swed) Rydin, Cape Verd Tel- Ands; Sylph, Jones, Baltimore; La Olguena, Sargent. Portland; • bilge B W Packer, Lee, Cape Haytien; Fan nie, Campbell, Frankfort. • PORTLAND, July 21—Ar ' brig Sarah Flagg, Runt ball,_Bagna,• eche E W Pratt,Nielterson, do; NEW HAVEN, July 21—Ar, brig Sarah, Lancaster, Guayana. SAVANNAH, - July 20--/er, _steamships Huntsville, Post, aud Alabama, Schanck, New York. • - Old, brigs Gee Lobse„Lightbuther, Havana; Orlyava, 'Shute Bath' seta. Olalitopo; Loud; Barton. ,NZW' ORLEANS, July 17.—01 d, ships Moue, Pales Liverpool; Gulf Stream,Higgins, do; barques Flight, Ainsworth, Boston; Aice Tainter, Post. Now York; brig Belle; York, arseilles; astir Julia Maine, Martha, Boston. Mowed to seaUth, ships littler, Indiana, and barque Prince of Wales. 10th , barque Mount'Vernon, and brig A A Chapman. Below coming up, barque Morioka, 89 days from Rio do Janeiro. INTICEN. July 18, tat 40 45, loog 86 06, ship New Orleans, from New York for Liverpool. ARRIYAItS AT TILE .PRLNOIYAIi HOTAB, D 2, TO ONT VOLOON. THIS MORNING. GIBARD HOllBE—Chestnut street, below Ninth. Edw Cohen, Balt Rohl Coburn, N Orleans Edw *Morrlai Louisville, E Longley A son, Emory, Hy Va • Lindenberger, - Louis- 0 W Lents A Is, Br it vine . Mine Lents, Balt AII Potts, Washington El 0 Humphreys, Souls- D E Plant, N Y bury, Tenn W Heron, Balt - P O Acme, Hartsville, Ala Mn arms, Hartsville, Ala Miss Allen, Hartsville, Ala 'Mrs Noland &.son, Ark Jas W Prather, Louisville, P Pomeroy, Chicago, 111 Hy Mies X 8 Carpenter, Pa 8 Snowdon, Pa J 0 Thornton, Pa . Mugs 83 Thornton. Pa lienj7 Barge, Pa , ' Jae P Stephens, Trenton, A Deface A la, Chicago N,.1 . F II Williamson & F 8 Hunter, Pa Baml D McCullough, Hy Lewis Ginter Richmond, M Hannay & la N Orleans HH Dodge, DO Mies Dodge D 0 Jno A Loring, Boston Steph Higginson, Boston P Higgins, Boston P Poulton], Parannak, Ca E 0 Jacobs, Chs, 0 A Wolf. Oin, 0 , Mimi Pike, Oin, 0 Jtio T Creed, New Albany, E V Bryan, St Louis . Ind H E Clark, Phil& G la Waters, N Y JAI Bentholorr, Balt Jig Webb, Bait John P Thomas, Balt Chad Berlin, N Y A R Taft, Charleston, 8 0 A F Lester, Petereburg,Va Geo RBerry & is, Balt N Logu, N Y J M Roses, Venezuela Jno.W Speari Belt Col Isaac Al Denson A la, P M McDonald. Balt Balt W 8 Brown, N Y " bliss M Dodge D ' ZII Grayson, Washington . Hamilton Bias, Wash J Hremelberger, Balt ' A J Spencer, eterabg, Va R McHean, Washington W B Moore, Clarksville, B P Weaterrelt Jr. INN Y, ' Tenn 0 L Halb, Circleville, 0' • ECI Clarke, Clicloville, 0 Jam A Frazer & la, Cin, 0 II CI Buckley, Mich Louis Eihisaler, 11l G T Jenkins. Belt Miss Porter, Harrisburg A N Eevely, Washington 0 al Hall, Washington Joe B Clement A la, Del W W Lurnpkin .k. la, Oa • Wm Spraunez, Del W 0 Ellson'& is, Bel Thos It Matthews, Jr, Balt Geo W Cummins, Del Purcell, N Y John 8 Parker, N Y ' timul Leeds, N Y X Brainard, Jr. Conn Mrs E 0 Halley, N B Halsey, N Y Edmonson, N Y Jae Cummins, Trenton Dr 0 H Bradford, Oal 0 O'Brian, Nashville V P Elleatres. Havana F W Bruggerof, N Y Niabolas Hunter, Bending John B Taleott, Conn Blr,Trowbridge, N Y Mr Dow, N r - • MERCHANTS! HOTilL—Vourih street, below Ltoh Col W D Covell. Williams• Francis liiratt. It I port, Pa A Johutton & it, BaMonte Wm T Stokes, Loitisville,Ky 0 L Fox, Virginia Wm Benin, Misaouri H 0 Hearn & lady, La E Stokely, Manton- Orange Oa 'vine, Tenn Mies K U Stokely, Madison- Al) Thompson,Ohniellllll, vllle, Tenn - Texse , A Stretch &, IsNashville Mrs J Stretch, Nashville Mrs J W sylan S c von. Lao- Longnecker, Cumberland ember co. Pa Carrier,Harrisbnrg Oen A Rule r Pitteburg ' Robe 0 Albree, Pittsburg J Lloubetger, Booneville, J 0 OIeMIZI, Baltimore • Miaow! -Dr J W Crawford, N J JohitAiher, Petersharg,ya A Starke: Augusta. Me J Orabh, Ulan/Be, Ky El Buckner, Lauls,glllo J Irvin, 74 Pa, - • J D Bradley, Pilteburgh W PidePhall, Lannater J K Greta" Blooniaburg„Ps E Foster & dan t MIAs L Bushnell - St Louis Win Buhk. Easton, Hon 1111 Wright, Pa Hon W Ifiester,Pa . D.W Moore, Clearfield, Pa J B Brewer, Pa • . Hon J B Poet, Pa Mrs° Shiink, Lan - testa A W Shunt, Lanneter L Pry & la, Trappe .Ps Mn Sarah Ilubley,Laness• Miss% Redseelterlancatter tar, Pa Xdwin H Nevin, Beaton T Daniel., Mass 0 N Lull, Chimbersburg II Obtain, Tenn John Wilson Baltimore Chas Illacksiee. Coon t.J.A Ennis liarriaburg K Guild, bllasoici Asnussceis HOUSH—Cheabint street. above Ylfth. _ 'ld Patera & la, Weablngton,W B Washburn, N Y W.B.Yankirk, Allegheny, JohnOoleman, Allegheny, B Browning, Indianapolis Wm B Robhine, N Y _John II Gauls, Del , L Lawson. Wawa?. Alex Optima'. ill -. Win Hilebrlet, Una I D Muller, Di Chunk, Pa W 8 liuntinger, N Y 118 Henry, NY- - L 0 Mason, Alabama B 8 Guilford. Conn . '.. RCI Oimphrli, N y 'Chu 0 Sporn, N "k• :, ' ' B Blanchard, Dalton, 0 Elias 8 Boed, Cambridge, T Berivner, Cambridge, .14laie - . Mau Semi 0 Sanford, N Y B II P.lllot, N Y ,Patol ittkrinsoo, Brooklyn, 8 el Our.le, Newark, Del O,A Reed, Waterloo 'UNION ROTEL—Arch street, below Yount. Mine Benjamin, Treuton,NJ L Maury & eon, Cincinnati U SaPPOS, Pa. 0 M Waggoner, N Y P it Dodge, N Y Jae Sprout, Dayton, Ohio Mice bummers, N 0 m 0 Hamner, NH D F Karaner, Md R J Mulford, Itridgeton,N.7 Miu Mulford,Bridgeten,NJ J Core, La K Reed, Freeport, Pa 0 McClelland, Allegheny O °timer, Lafayette, Ind city, Pa II Grote, Ilarrlsburg J It May, Winslow, N J - A Kling, La NATIONAL HOTEL—ltace street, above Th ird. Dfartin & la, /diddle- II 0 Laughlin, Trenton tan, Pa J B Thomas, Dalt 11J . onea, Dalt 011 Kunke l, liarrl!hura /IJones Pittsburg W D Berkshirer, Yao E Niue, Schuylkill co A. Fonda. PhDs .1 0 FsMasten, Phila Jos Whitaker. Mt Clara W P:Voute, Pottsville Ira P Gensel, Doylestown BALD XAGLN HOT.EL—Third street, ob. Callowhlll. /mot 0 Snyder, Milford J onathan . Smith, Books 1346 are. . co, Pa Joshualroulke, Quakertown John Simmone, Lycoming Sarni Wilkins, Pa co. Po, James Brower, Pa Wm Beans, Bucks co BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third, above Callowhlll-, Banal Trumbower, Boyles- ?dins Trumbor er, Boyne.. town . town Mrs Trambower, Dsyles- W Bassaman, Sumneytown town Thom II Wolf, Danboro Dr It Reading, Byberry Mrs J Rending, llyberry Bilu Rhoads, Southampton 800'V:4 Yell, Buckingham John Anderson, Norristoesi David Bruner, Doylestown Diemen', Ohester Valley BLADE DEAN INN—Fifth and Merehant drubs. Jamul • McCloskey, Chester E Townsend, - Weat Ches . county; Pa ter J Meted, Md • M Taylor, Del co, Pa W It Taylor, Del co, Pa P Malin, Del co, Ps Mrs Duckett, Del co, Pa' Chadw ick Cheater, Pa James Duckett, Del co,,Pes Nathan Books, Del co, Pa Amos P Fees &Is Chester I. Ilabn; Phil* on, Pa David Onyder, Er, Phil' B M Nyco, Cheater co, Pa B Rage, West Chester Wm Weis, Dal co, Pa BAHLRY.BII2O HOTEIEIeCond street, below Vine. a W Hosier. Md .. .'D Doncyan, Trenton It 'Vauban'. Trenton J D Ernsek, Lambertville X Header, Bolebury J El Heston, Newtown ' 'IC 0 Pony, Newtown T ll Pickering, Newtown A Wbiteeide, Montgomery co/no Kelsey and lidy. Ps 8 E Broadhurst, Pa Janob Bambara, Pa 8 Y Addle, Hartsville Joe Newbold, Bucks co lanil Hole nab, Bucks oo 1:1 R Martindale, Banks co 8 Hobensack. Montg'y to J P Eppelsbeimer, Philo Ceo Palmer, 'Hatboro 8 8 Ely, Pa /I Yardley. Pa his McNair, Pa '0 Cadwallader. Pa J Buckman, Pa Wzn Davlegn, Pa , E Hall, Pa . MADISON NOMA, Second Arent, oboes Market. B 1.1 Desoto, Pa . Non Jos Wood, Trenton Thou Buckmaster,..Frederl• II Brubaker, Lebanon co ca t Del Penn J M kteasicuer, Lebanon eo, Phiilp Derlotts.N Y Penn J J, MoOrey. Ohio D o Jnetln, Providence, RI,LB Lilly, N . York fige6al ratites. The .American Telegraph Company, be. 'TWEEN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA, end connecting with ell Linea nut end North of New York. KEDuc:noN OF RATES Bach additional word. 10 words 25 cents 2 20' g, 40 . 4‘ 2 Offices, N0..105 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. ... . , ,-No: 8 MERCHANTS' t XCHANGE, Now York. jy22.3t* Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 903 Walnut street, one door west of Seeond etreet. Receives de posits in slims of One Dollar and upwards, from all dames of the community, pad allows Interest at the rate of live per cent. per annum. °flee open dilly, from 9 until 6 ololook, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Yell; Treasurer and Bearetery, Ohmles M. gorrht.. lersver Ic Battens - • • 0111LIIBIASID • /FAMILY OSWING MACHINES, 780 CHESTNUT STBEET. - These -Itieldnee Sire 11011100 i admitted to be the but In use far tunny sewing, nsking A Dalt, strong, end eleatto etitabotaieh will Nor rip, even It every roarth aUttaibe out.' Mutant! sent on Application by k e t tei. OP9-Y Certain Cure for Baldness and a Promotion OF 'TUB GROWTH AND IsEAIITY OF THE HAIR. .31:114.8.1IACI. , 8 Bps IS:THEXIIINAN or, Hair Restorer, the greatest Chemical wonder of the age, is not a dye, bn changes gray hair, and whiskers to their original ilfet color. "Fold by all Druggists, and at the laboratory of .TOLEFLIAtrEi k C0.,,N0. 704 CHEBTNOTAtfeet. )41.14t4w1t Dower's Infant Cordial...Thie invainable Cordial Is preparedtrom a variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, midis the most perfect and reliable carminative extent for infants and young children. By its powerful lumens. a speedy cure is effected in all sues of Chalk, windy pains and spasms. Relieve* and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti. lion or teething, and by its soothing properties tram %Woes pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &a. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and hoe been used in thousands of cases with the most abundant success. No family ehouldbe without it. Prepared only by star A. Bowes, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. 11. corner of Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally- am Way Censumptien.—liow many diseases of de• bility, incurable by ordinary medicines, are closed by physicians, as well as the plate, under the convenient term Oonsumption ! All of them agree In one thing, their fatal tendency; and moat of them, in their pri mary and even secondary stages, may be arrested by purifying the springs of life through the renovating agency of the PERUVIAN SYRUP. Sold by F. BROWN, Fifth and Chestnut, and HASSARD & 00., Twelfth and Chestnut. fylikitit wit Jackson, JOB PRINTER, FIFTH AND CHESTNUT. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bins Lading, DM Heads, Oir.• °alarm, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to suit the times. oaf Singer's Sewing Machines.—After a fair trial of the fLeveral machines that have yet been offered to the public, the unanimous verdict of operators has been given in favor of dingoes. This to, in fact, the only Machine capable of perforinlng every kind of sewing. BINDER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE la, beyond all question, the most complete article for family use yet invented, being at once ornamental, easily operated, and superior, in every respect, to any other machine. On this statement 'we challenge the World. I. M. SINGER & CO., je7 - .43m Office, No. 002 CHESTNUT Street. Frind.—Five Per Cent, In NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received In any eum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of depoelt to the- day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The irkveatments aro made in Real Estate, Mortgages, around RentS, and' such frst•clase semi. ties as th ,charter requires. Office hours, from 9 o'clook in the mortring until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock. fee iflarnaneo On Thursday, the 22d Inst., at St. Joseph'a Church, by the Rev. Father Illinkineop, JOIN A. 1110QUALE to MARY JOalliP RINE BIAQUIRM, botliot thie city. On the 15th instant, by Rey W. O'flarra, O. D., FIUNOIB ERWIG, or Philadephia, to ANNA, daugh ter of the late Capt Cling, of Delaware. lk On the 2let Inst., by Rev W. 11. Carroll, GEORG% RAKER, Esq., to MARY LOUISA SPOONER, both of thin cl.y. On the 2let met., by Rev, George A. Durborow, WILLIAM A. MYERS, of Philadelphia co ' Pa., to Mine FIANNA!" EBERLY, of Franklin county, same State. eF Meatbe On the 22d Inst., PHILIP PELTZ, M D., in the 50tb year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, Nicetowo Lane, near the Norristown Railroad, on Sunday after noon, at 3 o'clock, without further notice. Oars leave Ninth and Green at 2 P. M. . . . On the 22d Instant, Mies ELIZABETH V., only daughter of Joseph and Sarah A. Lame, aged 34 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect folly invited to attend the funeral, from the residence other parents, 848 North Ninth et., above Parrish, on sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. On the 21st Instant, Mrs. HANNAH MILLER, wid ow of the late John 0. Miller, Esq., In the 87th year of her age. The relatives and friends of the family are reelect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her son, Thomas Miller, No .123 John street, on Sun day afternoon, at 4 o'clock. • On the 224 lest., WM. HENRY, eon of Edward and Jano7. Clegg, aged 10 months The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully...lnvited to attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents, No. 942 South Eighth street, on this (Saturday) afterno• n, at 4 o'olook, without further no tice. • . On the 2let Ind., after a abort but severe illness, BURY R. WHARTON, wife of Henry.l . J. Young, iu the 18th year of her age. Her relatives and Mende of the family are respect. fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her mother, Anne. Decor. N 0.3 Mareellie Place, east of Fifteenth, below Spring Garden street, on Sunday afternoon, at 6 o'clock. To proceed to the Monument Cemetery tr At Germantown, 22d inst., JAnET STORRIE, dalighter of Robert and Rebecca Starr's, aged 2 yearn 2 months and 21 days, The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, No. 4 Eldridge Row, Germantown Road and Fifth street, on this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. • . . On the afternoon of the 21st inst., JOHN WESLEY OKAY, in the nth year or his age. Hie ruintives and mato friends are ply:Ocularly In 'Mod to attend his funeral, from his It e residence, corner or Seventeenth and Cherry streets, on this (Sat urday morning, 24th that ,at 0 &cloth. Interment at Woodlands. TrThe Union Tabernacle (Tent) htis been removed to the corner of Broad street and Gi rard avenue. TO-MORIIROW (Sunday), Rev. Dr. BERG will preach at 6g A. M. Nov. J. O. LYONS at 10 A. M., (In (lemma); Rev. A. A WILLITS at 6P. Rev. y. D. LADD at 7); P,M. Union Prayer Meet ing Bout 4t06 P. 11. Room for thousands. fy24-It4 Rev. E. II LONG, Sup. MChurch of the Covenaut.—her vices In CONCERT HALL, Chestnut atreet, above b, TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 10)4 A. M., by the Hey. J bIeALPIN HARDING and at 8 P. M. by Rev Wit. OLIALTNOZY LANODON ' .* Early flobbath Wormitlp T. H. STOCKTON will preach (D. V.) at NATIONAL BALL, (Mato Saloon) Market street, above Twelfth. BABBATM MORNING. Service commencing at 6K o'clock, and Wooing bylo. UNION PRAYER MEItT ING from sto S o clock in the afternoon. Seat; free All Invited. orGeorge Storrs, of New York, will preach TO-MORROW at HALL, R. E. corner liettlNG GARDEN and hINTII Streets. at 10 &cinch MORNING, and S EVENING. The publie are In vited 3124.1t* (um Second Deformed Dutch tihurch, Seventh atreet, above Brown. Rev. Dr. BEM*, Pastor. Services on SABBATH at 10 A. M. and 8 P. M.* 117. Notice—Congrep , lon of the Zion Mie.ioei OUURCII, S. itsE ENTII Street, below Dicker non, will take place on SUNDAY MORNING, the 26th inst.. at half mud ten o'clock, at which time several addresses will be delivered. STEPwAN SMITH,* Minister in Charge. rfrSpirituoliam.—Mrs. A Coan will pare n 'Lecture, accompanied - with Spiritual Manifesta tions, on SUNDAY hVENINO, at 8 o'clock, at SAN- Saki ST. HALL. A Conlomat, will Lo held at 101 y A. M Admix,'lon 5 cents. Jy 24-It* BT. Green end Ventre street Phtludeiphin PASSENGER RA. LWAY COMPANY.--At au Election held at the Commissioners' Hell, North Third arreet, on the 22d Inst., the Hon. JAMES COOPER wesunanimously chosen President, and the following gentlemen DI rectore of said Company for the present year, viz: Harry Connolly, George Read, George Collyer, Ell Krupp, Geo O. Presbury, Jr., Henry DI. Fuller, '• Henry W. Andrews, Andrew Mcßride, Samuel B. Jones, Samuel Groome, Jas. F. Stlleman. • John Deemer. And at a electing of the Board, held on the same day, the following (Mere were unanhnoully elected: Secretary-6EO. W. lIAMERSI.Y. Treasurer—lialtßY CONNELLY. Solicitor—Wet. 0. KLINE. Engineer—WM. READ: jy24-3t wrDemocratic Elections.—ln the Schedule to the Macs recently adopted by the Democratic Uonvent'on for tae government of the Democratic party, it is ordered "that an Election shall be held in each Division or the seversl Wards of the City of PlaPadelphia on the Evening of the last Monday in July, (SIONDAY NEXT,) 1858, between the hours of 4 and 7 o'cl ck, for Officers of Election and members of an Executive Committee, to prepare an enrolled list, and conduct the first election prov'ded for In Rule I. Theilolection hereby ordered shall be conducted by the officers who performed that duty at the late election of Delegates to tele Convention to reviee the Rules, and in accordance with the provisions of Rule I. CHARLES DROWN, President. H. G. LEIRP.NRING, !Sadie/Liles. 7011 N C/AbirIISILL, Entrtnount and Arch-Street City Pas- SENOER RAILWAY CO —At a Meeting of the COllll3llllBlOllOlll named in the Act 'to incorporate the Fairmount .and Arch-street Oity Passenger Rail way Company, held to pursuance of public notice, properly given, at the Office of William L. Hirst, Esq., Sixth Ptieot, below Walnut, on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, the following Commissioners, William M. Randall, Lewis Bitting, Robert J. Hemphill, George H. Thomas, James D. Smith. together with the Chair man, were appointed a Committee to make the neces sary arrangemeittat and open BOOKS OP SUBSCRIP TION, according to the general Railroad Act. NOTICE is hereby given, that the above-named Commissioners will meet at the Wetherill House, SANSOM Street, above Sixth, on TUESDAY, WED, NESDAY, and THURSDAY, the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of August, 1858, at 10 o'clock A. M., to receive Subscriptions to the Capital Stock of the above-named Passenger Railway Company. ISAAC LEECH, In., Chairman. MIST. J. Ilempium., Secretary. 1y22-tonl2 urOffice Philad.lphin andiTienton Rail- ROAD COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, July 18th, 1858. The Directors have this day declared a semi-Annuel Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. from the profits of the Company for the loot Mx months, payable to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives, on and after the 21st inst., at the 011 Ice of the Company. jy2o-6t J. MORRELL, Secretary. ay. Union Lank.—At a Meeting of the Boot of Commissioners of the Union Bank the following preamble and resolution were adopted Whereas, Thu Coinnilesioners of tho Union Bank, by very general request of the Stockholders, remoked not to entorco the payment of tho second Instalment on the subacription to the Capital Stock of said Bank during the financial crisis of last year, and as, in the judgment of the Commissioners, the proper time for the organization of said Bank has now been reached, therefore Resolved, That the wont' Instalment of Twenty Dollars per hhare on thu subscriptlon to the Capital Stock or said Bonk shall be paid at the Office of the batik, Southwest corner of THIRD and ARCH Streets, Philadelphia, between the Suit nod fifteenth dnyn of September next, sod between the bourn of 10 and 1 o'clock daily. Stockholders wiablog to pay prior to the above dat can do so as heretofore. JOHN M. POMEROY, Elecrebiry, July 10, 1853. jy2l•w•etanl6 gcrPiotice..—West Philadelphia Passenger RAILWAY COMPANY , July 15,1855. he care of this Company now run every Ave min utes from THIRD and MARKET Streets to their Depot, on LOGAN and HAVERFORD Streets. jylo-1m W. 8. MANN, Superintendent. Notica.—Green and ,Coates-Strimi7Phi. LADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM- Mi 7 Y.--The Stockholders in this Company are notified that a Meeting of the Stockholders will Le held ou THURSDAY !HORNING, July 22d, at 10 o'clock, at the Commissioners. Hell, North THIRD Street, below Green, for the purpose of holding au Election for Pre sident and Twelve Directors of said Compaq, to serve till the second Monday in January, A. D. 1850. The polls will open at 10 o'clock A. Ai., and close at 2 o'clock P. Al. By order of the Commissioners. jyB , 2w WILLIAM READ, Secretary. GREASE I GREASE! GREASE! TAW lc MORS Rare REMOVED from Minor street, and are now at • 18 80TITR WATER STREET, where they have constantly on hand their celebrated brands of Bleck, White, and Yellow GREASE, for OARS, OMNIEDSSES, OARRIAGEB, OMITS, DRAY/ WAGONS, acd REAVYMACIIINERV; at These Greatest have been in use over ten years, and are eminently superior to all other compounds (or ex oellenee and economy . t 11). V) South WATER Street, 4724 (3 rolla4elthlo, THE PRESS.-PRILADELPHIA,,f SATURDAY. JULY 24„ 185 g. Sentlemen'e Surttiobing Qfoobo. WINCHESTER & CO., GENTLEMEN'S FIIBNISHINO STORE PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFAC TORY, At the Old I tend, No. 708 011ESTN UT STREET, oppo site the Washington Ileum A. WINCIIESTEn will give an heretofore, his per- Bonal supervision to the Lotting and Manufacturing departments. Orders for his celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest notice.. Wholesale trade supplied on liberal terms. i924-1Y Y %V. SCOTT, (late of the firm of WIN •••• CHESTER & SOOT?) ,GENTLEMEN'S FURNISH ING STORM and SHIRT MANUFACDORY, 814 CHESTNUT Street, (nearlyopposite the Girard Housed Philadelphia. J.W . S. would respectfully call the attention of his former patrons and friends to ids now Store, and is pre pared to till orders for SHIRTS a short notice. A perfect fit guarantied. COUNTRY TRADE supplied with FINE SHIRTS and COLLARS. jylg-tf. CIENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. NLA W. W. KNIGHTS 608 ARCH Btreet, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer in all kinds of Furnishing Goode and manufacturer of Fine Shirts, warranted i equal n every reaped to any others manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail., or made to order. . • mhl-tf GEN TLEME N 'S WRAPPERS OR DRESSING GOWNS.—The largest and but u sortment in the city, wholesale and retail, with a full line of Under Clothing, suited to tho season, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, SOS ARCH. Street, 'bore Si xth, Philadel phia. mhl-tf MITE USE OF FARINA IN ITS MOST lIEALTEIFUL FORtf.—The working of Farina, as connected with the peculiar process by which WING'S FARINA CRACKERS-are made, is known only to Mr. WING'S establishment. The superior quality of his CRACKERS has already caused them to become widely known, and they aro now in extensive use. Their remarkable excellence and great popular* have attracted the attention of those tnanuracturing other descriptions of Crackers, and many of those per- sons buy WING'S CRACKERS; in order to supply their customers with Farina Crackers 81,140. One or two individuals, however, have been offering the ordinary klud, which they make under the name of Farina Crackers, and have succeeded in selling them to a small extent. . . _ The culling of such Crackers for Farina has a ten dency to injure tho reputation of TIME FARINA CRACKERS, made by Mr. WING. Errors of this character, however, are usually cor rected on being properly expelled. FARINA CRACKERS AltE MADE ONLY BY MR. They are not made by others, because the pron . ens is unknown to them, nor have they suitable works'-these require a !scientific arrangement, and great care in ne cessary in passing the grain through the different pro- CMOS. The practice required in order to prepare and Work the material successfully is a serious impediment to others. The impossibility of arranging the 'Tonga without experience in this particular branch or kind of material, and the critical knowledge indiapensable in producing such an extremely light and nourishing substance an WING'S FARINA CRACKPIRS, cannot be accom plished without consummate skill and the means neces sary to carry it out. The whole business requires groat care and good judgment, and must be carried on extensively in order to make It successful or profitable. The objects to be attained by Mr. WING were to pro duce a superior article at a price suitable for all classes. For this he has labored long, and subjected hinaielf to an adequate outlay of capital. The pretence, therefore, en the part of any one otos., that they make FARINA CRACKERS, is simply a de vice reported to in the hope of selling more of an arti cle than they otherwise wttuld do, If offered under the proper name. With the view of a largely extended business, Mr. WING hoe continued for some time past the-present low price for hie Crackers. It has been freely asserted by prominent Cracker Bakers In the city of New York, that with the great amount of hand labor bestowed on WING'S FARINA CRACKERS It la imposelble for him to realize a profit at the present price. Mr. WINO'S object, however, to to place hie CRACK ERS in the market at a rate that will enable all germane to use them freely, and not advance the price, Wool absolutely necessary. The Increased use of WING'S FARINA CRACKERS, with the commendatory remarks of Parents, Teuchera, and Physicians, as well an many persons in rufous pool- Lions in life, whose powers have been more or less weak ened by sedentary habits or occupations, Is strong proof of the healthful and beneficial results which have at tended their use. Their great nourishing proportion, and the ease with which the stomach digests this pleasant food, aro well established, and. there con be, on testing them, no doubt of thin fac, ale: that the samo weight of WIMPS CRACKF.II9 will make more good blood, and act more kindly upon the delicate texture of the stomach, than anything else ever introduced in this or any other form of bread. All the FARINA CRACKERS have the name of A. WING stamped on thew, and those wishing to buy should ask for WING'a CRACKERS. They may be hail of the beet Family Grocers gene rally, and at wholesale only of A. N. THOMPSON & CO., Nos, 221 and 223 FULTON Btroot, New York, or HINGE E & BROTHER, Wholvemle Agents, No. 145 South FRONT Street, l'htlad'a. by the coutoolonce of Purchasers, we give the usults of some of our beet Grocers u ho sell them : I . IIILADHLPHIA. Anderson & Dunlap No 184(1 Lombard st R. & T. Atmore Nu 1000 Buttonwood st /tones Ashbrook Oor Second and Queen ate B. Black No 17:30 Chestnut st B. Black No .1100 Market st Thompson Black. ...... ....No BO South Broad et Jan. K. Beeman No b 52 N Seventeenth at Meet Brady M. C. Drown W. Campbell Wm. Campboll dr. Cu, James W. Campbell.. Simon Colton Jahn Bovine Jaws Dobbins - . J. 3S. Ellis & Son Oar Oth awl Spring Garden Edward Friel Cor 9th and Spring garden Henry I. Icyd Cur 8 12th awl Lombard Gordon & Ferguson ('or 19th and Market.ats... David B. Graham - Green, corner Sixth at Minuets Graham Cor Sixth and Cherry Graham & Martin No 1035 Ma, het at Samuel W: Gray No 852 8 Fifteenth et l'red'k Grubb ...... .... ...Cor Eleventh and Goatee ate Samuel Hayes Car Eleventh and Walnut John Howe Our Second and Lombard ate Wm. J. Galt North Second at William G. Joluuston Oor 13th and Girard avenue Wm. Kelley Tn elfth and (Grant avenue Samuel Kerr • Sixteenth and Market eta J. S. & S. A. Love Seventh and Drown ate . . . . M. McCarthy Tenth, car (lcorgo at J.& 11. Meehn' ...... ....No 719 N Second at 0, U. Mattson Cur Tenth and Arch sta Win. L. ;Maddock & Cu....N0 1159 Third at . . _ . . . W. R. McKinley Germauto Nu R & Jefferson Samuel Moon Paul and Seventh eta John Moore Pine, above Ninth et French, Morrie Oar 10th and Shippln ate John O'Brien Christian and Flower eta John U. Parlor Eleventh and Market eta William Perrin, Jr Twelfth, car Chestnut at Phillip It. Purdy ...... ....No 10 R alnUt et Thomas R. Patton I ocuet, cur Thliteenth at Samuel Rogers Sixteenth and Pine eta Samuel 11. Rosa ....... ....Cor Second and Brown eta Albert 0. Roberto ...... ....Eleventh, cor Vine at Robert Ralston Thirteenth and G [rant av Samuel Roes Second and Noble eta Andrew Sproule Cor marshal and Coates eta Morris 1' Spilllu ....... ....Cor Eighth and Arch eta Jeremiah Starr Cor Fifth and Merchant eta Win. C Stevenson No 712 9Second at John Sayler ' Sixteenth and Cherry els David oulli van - Third and German eta Joshua W right Car Sp. Garden & Franklin T. 11. Wheeler Oor Third and Lombard a a John 11. Weaver & Co Cor Second and Pine ate Robert Woodside Market, ab Seventeenth et GEitue.Nrows. Jabez Gatez k ltro HARRISBURG, Pd. Win Dock, Jr BURLINGTON, N. J. J. 11. )3urliog Page & Thom, Jy24 sat tu 2t.& th & tu 4t. TO THE TRADE. A full lino of TEE MOST FAVORED STYLES STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. MORAN & CO. TOURNURE, REED & CO.'S BRIDAL DOUGLAS A; SHERWOOD'S PAH BUSTLE, EEEM=II JOBBERS SUPPLIED REDUCED PRICES. W. J. BORSTMANN & CO., jy24-stuth6t. CHESTNUT Street, below EHMTH A LLEN GROVE BOARDING AND DAY POILOOL FOR. YOUNG LADIES, PHANEPOItD, Pennsylvania, eig miles from Market street, Phila delphia, under the supeentendenee of Mrs. E. L. 1110DIPSON. Young Ladies received at this inetitutian at any time during the 1101181012. Jy2.4..1t* TOP AR M E R S.-NITROGENATED 13UP 811 PIIOSPTIATB OF LIMB, or Prepared Blood, mantdaetred by BLAKISTON doWOODVi'ARD, and for sale at their Store, west end Market-street Bridge ; also by dealers lu the city and country. Iy2l-6t* I • Pll OPOSALS 1%411 be received at the 01lico of COOPER & STORES, No. 120 South SIXTH Street, for Building the Green and Coates-street Philadelphia Passenger Railway, and furnishing al l the material for the same, until MONDAY, the 2d day of August neat. at 1 o'clock P. M. Plane and specifications can be coon at the above Office on and after Monday, July 26th. Jy24.14u2 JAMES COOPER, President. TAR' PITCH, AND OAKUM—Constantly on hand, and for sale In lota to suit purchasers, by 3y24 WEAVER, SUTLER 00, No. 23 N. WATER St. and 22 N. WHARVES. HO USE OF REFUGE BRUSH MANU FACTORY. The subscriber would respectfully call the attention of tho trade to his EXTENSIVE STOOK OF BRUSHES Manufactured by him AT TUE LIOIISE OP nErun, AND FOR BALE AT PRICES DEFYING COMPETITION A large stork of Blacksmiths' Bellows on hand. HENRY C. ECKSTEIN, Jy2l4l' 12 North THIRD Street, below Aroh. • A WNINGS AWNINGS! 131. JOSEPH 11. FOSTER, Awning Maker, No. 443 North THIRD Street above Willow. Italian and French Window Awnings for Do ellings and Omen Windows p Awnings for Stores, Awnings for Steamboats and Ships. All kinds of Awnings, Tents, Flags, or any tiaing, canvas, made to order by JOBEI'II H. FOSTER, Awning Maker, 443 North THIRD Street. ltesidonee, 310 South FRONT Street. Jyl7-lm JOSEPH H. FOSTER. Filo SHOE MANUFACTURERS AND FINDINE MEN.—We are now prepared to 1111 all °niers for LASTS for the Full Trate We hare In creased our facilities In tho Manufacturing Department, and with a larger working stock of wood on hand than any other manufacturer in fill; city or Now York, we Can fuiriMill Dry Wood, and at the lowest Philadelphia or Eastern prices. J. 110 WARD & CO., Philudalpb 3011 N MUDDILY, late or Ferry street, New York, at 112 DREAD Street. jy2l-ws3inil airti killed daily 1.3 by Bunddroke, and thousands are Injured by it, and yet e4o4,pensible people neglect tig procure one of the PATENT - PARACION VBIBRELLAS sold by WM. 11. RICHARDSON, .13,10-12 t If No. 418 AIARH HT Street. EIDSICK & CO. CHAMPAGNE.-A 11l constant supply of the genuine brand In bond and In store, for sale by WILLIAM H YNATON, 8010 Agent for Pennsylvania, jy23 918 Routh V TtONT SALAD OIL.-25 Cases finest quality Tuncno knob 011 in Ntoru nod for oals by WILLIAM H. YEATON, iY23 PBONT fittest, .• • No 1644 Raco nt No !d9 North Fifth ?st .Our Eleventh and Pine Ms .Our Ninth and Locust ate No 644 Pine at Cor lith and Market ate Nu 200 Walnut at No 1400 Walnut at No 1502 Market at Nu 1537 Market at i33ljolesalz l Jrp kliatibo. WELLING, COFFIN, & CO., lln CHESTNUT STREET, Have on hand, and are constantly receiving, the fol. _loving description of gomte A. & W. SPRAGUES' PRINTS, in great variety, Including Chocolate,, Turkey Reds, Greens, Blues, Starlings, and Fancy Styles. BLEACHED MEETINGS, BIIIRTINGB, AND DRILLINOS. Lonsdale, Masonville, Slateraville, Hope, Washington, Union Mille, Blackstone, Cohannet, Johnston, White Rock Phenix, Acton, &c. SiIIIETINOS, SHIRTINGS, MID OSNA— BURHS. afatonca, Virginia Family, Groton, Ettrick, Enst'n Virginia, Eagle, Manchester, Mec's & Farm% Still 'Water, Mechanics', Warren A, Carts' River, Riverside. CLOTHS. Bottoinley's, Pomerny's, and Glenham Co .' s Black and Fancy all-wool and cotton warp Clotha in great variety DOESKINS AND CASSIBIERES. Greenfield Co., Saxtons River, Bristol, Terry's, Stearn's, and others. SATINETS. Stearn's, Ayres & Aldrich, Taft & Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Mineral Springs, Swift River, Carpenters', Florence Mills, Ifockantun, Duhring's, Conversville, he. SlLESlAS.—Loosdale's, Smith's, and other .makes, plain and twilled, of all colors. Fancy Negro Stripes and Plaids. Jewett City and Irene Stripes, Denims and Tlckings. Rhode Salami and Philadelphia Lingual and Apron Checks. Shepard's and Slater's Canton Flannels, &c. jy22-2m Heal! iihn .%.clairs. HOODED CLOAKS, FOR THE SEASIDE, AT SIX DOLLARS. TRAVELLING OR DUST CLOAKS, Indispensable for a Country Ramble or en route to the Springs, at $2.50, 83 50, 54 60, and 56. ELEGANT MANTILLAS. FRENCH AND ENG LISTI LACE. - BLACK SILK, SILK AND LACE. CRAPE MARETZ CIROULARS. WHITE BAREGE CIRCULARS. AT ONE-HALP FORMER MOBS, TO 01.080 THE SEASON, AT TOR PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 OTIESTNUT street, if l7 J. W. PROCTOR tr. 00. QIIMISIER WEAR. Vory light-balled Black French Doeskins. 0 " "" llablt Cloths. Drop Wets's, Summer Clothe, Castneretta. Pompom. Camblets, Mohairs and Lutons. AR the lightest and cool est kinds of Gentlemen's Bummer Goods. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and EIGHTH BATHING GOODS. Plain and fanopcolored Mitt (4 It " plaid Flannels. Worsted Cambieto, Unsays, Beintonate. And an assortment of plain and fancy Bathing Goods of every description. SHARPLESS BROTHERS, Jyl7-If CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. 13 IIIiIDIER STOCK CLOSING OUT.—L. J. LEVY & CO. have reduced the price of all their Summer Stock. They are now selling many articles at lees than the cost of manufacture. jy1.7..8t Lurnys WIDE WHITE AND BLACK DAREGE, for Shawls, Telma, &a., wholesale and retail. Storekeepers supplied for nett sash. CHARLES ADAMS, jyl4 EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. 91RAVELLING DRESS GOODS. Travelling Dusters to match. Bilk Dusters and Mantillas. French Lace Mantled, from auction. White Barege Dusters. Shawl Barnes, black and white. Thin Black (foods, reduced. WHITE GOODS. Cambric, Jaconet, and Mull, 1234 cts. up. Figured Bwise, plain Swim' and Victoria. Prom auction, cheap lots plaid Cambric. EMBROIDERIES. Just opened from auction, several lota Linen Beta, fancy Breakfast Sets, neat Collars, and fancy Linen Col lars at about tUALF Anion. Mohair blitta—sevoral good and choap iota. LINEN GOODS. Fronting and Shirting Linens, by the piece or yard DOYS"WEAR. Seersuckers, Play Linens, Linen Coatings, Pantaloon Stun's, lico. A l / 1 0, light Cassimeres. MARSEILLES VEBTINGB. COOPER & CONARD, B.E. corner NINTH cud MARKET Rill ANTILL ! MANTILLAS I m a , ELROY respectfully invitee the Ladies to call and examine hie stock of Mantillas, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock Is the largest, our patterns the latest styles, and our prices so low that we defy competition. 5,000 yards Black and Nancy Bilks, 37,4, 44, 60, 56 rich 62%, 69 76 • very rich, 81, 87%, 96, $l. . . 10,000 yards Detainee Dareges, Ducats, at 10, 12%, llti,lBN, 20, 22, 25, 28, 31 , 35, decidedly the cheapest in he city. 10,000 yards fine French Lawns, 10,12%, 10%, 20, 25, worth, lusty of them,37% to ea% , very line. Ono lot of Crape S hawls, at $l5, worth $3O. 600 yards QUA mtreti, 37%, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear less than usual prices. 1,000 yards Marseilles Vestings, at 26, worth 76. ci l,ooo yams new style Ribbons, the cheapest in the ty. 1,000 0119 French Needleworked Cellars, at $l, worth $3. 10,000 yanie of Plain and Plaid Jecouste, Swiss and Cambrie White (I node, the greatest bargains In the city. Ribbons and Vringee and Trimmiugo, in endless va. rlety, at lean than half the usual prices. McRLROY, th No. 11 South NINTH Street. REDUCTION IN PRICES OF SUMMER 000D8 FROM JULY lay. LAWNS and ORGANDIES: DAREGES and GRENADINES. •• MARSKILLES and BRILLIANTS. DUOALS, awl IJAREGE IIKLAINES. 'PLAIN and "IIATADERE LAVELLAS. " PLAID. INDIA, and SUMMER SILKS. GLOSSY BLACK SILKS. WITH FRENOU BRILLIANTS. EDGINGS and INSERTINGS; FLOUNOINGS, &c. MATERIALS NOR TRAVELLING DRESSES and DUSTERS, all kinds. SEA-SIDE Po AIDS for Bathing Drosses, In medium and gay Plaids, fait colons. The whole stock of SUMMER-DRESS GOODS to be closed out for OABII, to prepare for fall. CHARLES ADAMS, jy3.B to th tf EIGIITII and ARCH Streets. THE CHEAPEST EMBROIDERED CRAPE SHAWLS over offered In We City are now being sold. by THORNLEY & 011 IBM N. E. cor. RIGIITII and SPRING GARDEN. We purchased, a few days ago, at a most tremendous cricritice far OASII, a lot of very rich Embroidered Crape Shawls, same quality and ntylo eui we have hold for TWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now selling at the extremely low price of TWELVE DOLLARS!! Linlien, you may never have Much another opportunity of buying a HANDSOME SHAWL SO CSIOAD! Also, Plain Crape Shawls, from $4 to $l6. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargains in Lace, Silk, Moir Antique Man tillas, &o. Travelling Deem Materials in great variety. Thin Suunner•Dreas Goods. Organdies, lineages, Grenadines, &c., &e IMAGE SILKS, FANCY SILKS, ha. Our name is Justly celebrated for Cheap Bilks. Materiale for Men nod Boys' Wear. Linen Goode, of our own importation. Summer Gauze and other Flannels, &n., leo. Mitts, Veils, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, &a., at THORNLEY do CILISM'S ONE-PRICE CASH STOVE;' N. E. Oor. EIGRTII A. SPRING GARDEN Streets. jell94f RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS, &o CIONSTIMERaof RIONAEDSONIT LINENS, and those desirous of obtaining the %pi:TINE 000DS, should see that the articles they purchase are 'sealed with the full name of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goode. This caution Is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of Inferior and defective Linens are prepared, season slier season, and sealed with the name of RICITABDBON by Irish houses, who, regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while pur chasers can be Imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, my2B-6m Agents, 30 011IIRCIII Street, New York A GARD. _ JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer In DOMESTIO AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 444 N. BHOOND Street, above WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA. Large Story White Building TERIIIB—ONE PRIOR FOR OASII. - QT Prim marked in plain riguree on each wilds ap'294m i3oarbing AGENTLEMAN AND LADY or SINGLE GENTLEMEN may obtain Board at 712 GUEST NUT Street, opposite Masonic Gall. jytll.otir BOARDING.—Two mechanics can be ac ts commodated Ai Ith good boarding at 1174 8. SIXTH streat. jy24.3t* just and Sounb 110 G LOST.—A largo Newfoundland Dog, all white with the exception of a black apot on the tip or hie tall and ou the left ear. hat bream col lar, on which It enaraven the lettarn D. L. The finder will receive Five Dollars reward by returning the D6g to .1r 24 - 2 t* GRAY'S Lana, nearlt)211I:131aLllia°11(rpoill OST—A Gold FOB CHAN, with Seal L 811.1ted with the 'totters .1. S. on it. The Coder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the mune nt No 211 CHATHAM Wool,. .b24-2tit Dlersonal. PERSONAL.--INFORMATIO.& is wanted or JOHN Y. ANDERSON, a native of Somerset. shire, England, who arrived at New York on the 17th of April laid. on the ship Queon of the West. When last hoard from he was in Pittsburgh, Pa Any in formation of his whereabouts will be thankfully re ceived by his mother. ELZADETLI J. ANDERSON, j124-1t Dhiladelphta, Pa. LAUMAN & RABORG--- Importers and Wholesale Dealers In WINES BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI IHJORS, No. 1017 MARKET Street, between Tenth an. Eleventh stroke. lel9-t( i t NEW ART ICLE.—CIIESTNuT -1.31_ ORM.: WHISKEY.—The purest Spirit offered the American public, possessing malty medicinal pro perties, and none erne poisonous qualities inherent In the Whiskey in common use, is now *offered for Halo by the Druggists generally, and by CHARLES WHARTON, Jr., General Agent, At D. B. Taylor , a, Wholeealo Grocer, No. 23 Soot FRONT Street, Philadelphia. All persons desirous of using this 'Whiskey may rest assured of Its purity. DEAR SIR: No have carefully examined the sainpl , of Chestnut-Orove Whiskey left with us a few (la). sineo, and Silt it to contain littlo or none of the poison oils substance known ea Fuoil Oil. BOOTH, GARNETT, & CAMAO. Analytical Chemists. To CHARLHS WHARTON, h., No. 113 South FRONT Wed, Philadelpaic y2l-314 for Dale - anea get. FOR BATE—Two beautiful Italian bouncle, three menthe old. Please address Mrs STONE at this Office, stating when and where an interview may be had. Jy24-2t* WANTED—The Bret floor and cellar, or the whole of a store of moderate size, situated near Commerce and Fifth streets. Address, stating lo cation, rent, &c., Box 397, P. O. 1y24-2t* sat FARMS FOR SALE, situate in WASHINGTON VALLEY, one of 80 acres, 6 miles, ono of 120 acres, 6 miles, one of 160 acres, 8 miles from Alexaudrla, l 7a. These Farms are all excellent grain and grass soil", woll located for dairy and grazing, and portions adapted to garden vegetables. All have comfortable Dwellings and good Water. A turnpike in now being made by two of them, and within 1;4 miles of the other. The groat difference of price of these lands with those of equal quality and nearness to good markets with those in Pennsylvania and New Jersey holds great inducement to Invest in these Farms. For particulars inquire of JOSEPH GILLINGHAM, 1235 SPRING GAIIDEN Street. Jy22.3t* - VIRGINIA LANDS FOR SALE.--The v sn'tscriber has tive Farms for sato in the county of Albemarle, varying in size from 140 to 1,300 acres, and ranging from $6 to $5O per acre. Ono tract of very rich Land, but unimproved, containing over 1,100 acres, he will sell for $5 per acre—no money to be paid for four years, and no interest required. For further information inquire of JOHN L. O'NEAL, 609 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or of the aub. scriber, at CHARLOTTESVILLE Va. jylo-stu4w MUL 0001:IGOE. OFFICE TO-LET.—AN ELIGIBLE OF BICE for an Insurance Uompany, or similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same Boor, No. 224 WALNUT Street, above DOCK. Immediate posseoolon given. Apply to JOIIN 0. WYE% or THOMAS T. BUTOURR, • N 0.112 South BOITUTEL street, mh3o-tuthe-tf oeeond etory, front room. .OT FOR SALE, fronting on NINTH Street, below Wharton, 16 feet front by 105 feet deep, to a back street ,• suitable for a person wishing accommodations for a shed. Apply to THOS. MOORE, jy2243t No. 10 South FIFTH Street. VIRGINIA LAND, situate in WOOD V COUNTY, near the Little Kanawha river, and 12 nines from Parkersburg, will be exchanged for im proved property in this city. Address Virginia, Office of The Press.* 09 WANTED TO RENT—A small matousE, with an Aare of Ground attached, a short distance from the city. Apply to JOHN B. STOCEDALE, jy224t* 920 Saab ancrn Bt., bolow Chriotton. BUILDING LOTS,— in the vicinity of TWENTIETH and CHRISTIAN Street.), tar sale or to lot on ground rent. Apply_ to JOHN 11. STOOKDALE, Jy22-4t* No. 929 S. SIXTH St., Indoor Christian st. $2,00 0 —FOR SALE, a Mortgage for • $2.000, well enured on property worth more than double the amount. Apply to JOHN B. STOCKDALE, 929 South SIXTH Street TO LET—The four•etory STORE, 28 mi. South SECOND Street, extending through to Strawberry street, opposite Stuart & Brother's large stores. It Is lighted with a large sky-light in the centre; is well adapted for the Dry Goods Importing, Commission, or any other business which requires ex tensive rooms. Could be made to suit a Wholesale and Retail Trade. Apply to ROBERT MAGREGOR, jy2o-ot* 2i3 South THIRD Street. WANTED TO PURCHASE—A cor ium net-store Property, suitable for a Grocery and Provision business, with stabling attached. South of Arch street preferred. Address GROCER, Puss office. jyl6 FOR SALE—A. valuable LOT, in the vici nity of the Baltimore Depot, in an improving neighborhood. For particulars, address J. K., Box 921 Poet-office. 5978 TO LET.—TAE UPPER ROOMS OF A. stores No. 827 and No. 333 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the premises, to - M. L HALLOWELL & CO , or Jel4-tf OUILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. Neu) publications NEW LAW BOOKS, JOSS PUBLISHED BY LITTLE, BROWN, & CO., 112 WASUINOTON Street, Boston KENT'S COMMENTARIES, NEW EDITION. COMMENTARIES ON AMERICAN LAW, B)• lion. JAMED KENT. Ninth and entirely Revl,44 Edition. By !lon. Wit. LIAM RENT. 4 'DIA. 800. $l4. ANDREWS ON THE REVENUE LAWS. PHACTIOAL TREATISE ON THE 11505005 LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. By C. C. ANURRWS 1 Vol Bvo. $3.50. "Thin is the first treatise on the Revenue Laws which has been published in this country; the other books on the subject having been merely compilations of the statutes. * * * * A practical treatise, thus illustrating the law and its operation, is well calculated for a guide and text-book to custom house officers and practitioners generally, and roust ne .corwarlly be valuable to the importer. kir. Andrews hos performed Ws task with industry and care, and mad,. a good and useful book."—Bosion Courier. jy2o-tuths 3t if • IVE "" LAW 1300 K, IN PR ESS. FRY ON SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE will be ready by September. T. & J. W JOHNSON & CO., 535 CHESTNUT Street j)23-3t t%fEW MAGAZINE DRYANT & STRATTON'S 16 AMBRIOAN MSR CHANT" is now ready, and may be had at all NEVIS DEPOTS. Their Agent, Capt. J. Bell, is canvassing this city for yearly mubsoribero. Prior 12 per annnto. Address'BßYAAT & STRATTON, Mercantile College, 8 E. corner ISEVENTM an.l-CHESTNUT Streets, Phi ladelphia. my2B-ly GREAT SUMMER BOOK. JUST OUT, TUE AUTORIOCRAPUY AND LECTURES LOLA lONTEZ. A handaome 12mo volume, elegantly bound in muslin, with a superb stool portrait by Rogers. Price $l. CONTIINTS: Autobiography, Part I. Heroines of Ilistory." Autobiography, Part 11. Oomic Aepect of Lore. Beautiful Women. Wits and Women of Paris. Gallantry. Romanism. Them lectures abound in the most spicy anecdotes and piquant reminiscences. They show an acuteness of perception and an amount of careful reflection and re. search which aro truly surprising, the more striking from the highly moral tone which runs all through them, and adds to their beauty without detracting from their brilliance and art. AR is usual with women of an active mind, Lola Mentor Is a great talker, but understands the art or con versation, sugiciently never tobe wearisome."—Frazer , s Magazine. "Let Lola bfontes have credit for her talents, intel ligence, and her support of popular rights. On foreign politics she has clear Ideas, and has been treated by the political men of the country as a substantive power."— American Lew Journal Lola Molten is a woman of superior talents, of ex tensive reading, of great political information, an ox tenslVO traveller, a forcible writer of English, a better linguist than half the college pedants, and one of the moat charming of conversationists."—Boston Daily Poss. Thls book will bo sent by mall, postage paid, to any part of the Unitedatatos, on tho receipt of tho price,sl• RUDD & CARLETON, Publishom and Booksellers, je22-tuths-tf No. 310 BROADWAY, New York. A CCOUNT BOOKS, MADE OF THE rip , . beat stook ; for city Balm Call .and look over the Monk at PERRY'S Blank Dook Manufactory, je4-2xn FOURTH and RACE. DERRY's BLANK BOOK MAN UFAC i. TORY.—Remenbor FOURTH and RACE In buying Account Books. I make all my stock of good material, and sell at fair prices. jet-2m 1,700;000 ENVELOPES, EVERY style, size, and price at O. . FERRY'S Stationery Establishment, jed-2m FOURTH and RAOR. re LA BOOKS, MADE' IN ANY DE .ALP BIELDD idyls of ruling and binding. A good as sortment of Papers for cuntomers to molest from, at BERRY'S Blank Book Manufactory, je4-2m YOURTII and RAOI. FAMILY PORTRAIT BIBLES, HAND SOMELY bound. Old Bibles rebound, to look and wear good as new. Call and look at the stylei, at PERRY'S Bookbindery, jed-2nl Farm" and RAOE. 2 FOWLER, WELLS, & 00., 922 CHESTNUT Street, keep standard works on Phrenology, Physiology, Water Oure, and Pho nography, wholesale and retail. Phronologl• cal Examination, with charts, and full writ tan doscriPtlons of character, given day and even ing. Cabinet free to vialtors. Orders by mall to be addressed to Fowler, Wells, & Co., cot Ohostuut street. 4eo-Bmoif-wky t sop 80 iclohtiral. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. ELI OE THE FOURTEENTH WARD, Subject to the Rules of the People's Party. Aud, if elected, I pledge myself to confine the 011ie° to the legal fees established by law. jrl4-te* F OR CONGRESS—THIRD DISTRICT JO.4ICYII SITES, OF TOY. SIXTRENTR WARD. Pubjeet to Ihunoeratie rules. jyalgrull iTTEEREI OF THE ORPHANS' COURT, I.) TIIOB E. HARKINS, lARN ENTRRNTII WARD. Subject to Detuocentle Rules. jy2l•tu WILLIAM H. KERN, SHERIFF, Buljoet, to thu Room or Poorlo's PArly ApARD —The undersigned hereby informs hid friends that ho will he a catalhisto for the Office of of the City and County of Philadelphia, at the ensuing election, if nominated by " The People." JOB. M. COWELI4. Puthenni.rniA, Juno 5,1858. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS, JOHN SWIFT. Subject to the will of the Peeplob+ Convection jy64l R EGISTER OF WILLS— ANDREW J. WESTER Subject to Democratic Hulce. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT JOSEPII A. SIONIISIMER, Eleventh Ward Subject to the rules of the Democratic party. jel7-ilto* FOR REGISTER OF WILLS JOIIN OASSIN, Fifth Ward Subject to Democratic Rules FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— ORARLES D. KNIGHT, TWENTIETH WARD Bubjeot to the People's Nomination. jel•tf FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOAN CAMPBELL, OF SEVENTH WARD. Pubjoot to /41490r0101 1 /100. inyll44 Wants. WANTED —A partner with $25,000 to $30,000 in a Banking ., well'establiehed, in a large Western city. Good references reqUired. Ad• time boa 213, Philadelphia P. 0. 1y24-3t* WANTED—By a young man 18 years of age, a situation to attend in a Qrocory store. Has bad experien ce in the business, and can give good references. Apply to southeast corner of Lombard and Sixth:street. 3y24.41• WANTED — EMPLOYMENT—By a jour neyman house-carporkter. The country preferred. Apply N. E. corner .POUNTH and QUEEN sts jy2.l-at* og TO RENT—A throe-story dwelling and IRiiL store, No. 834 8. FOURTH street. Apply on the premises. 3)14.21* WANT E D-A PURCHASER, with $2,000, to purchase the Stock of an established and lucrative business on Market street. Address Phil's P. 0., Box 088. ir23-2tct GOVERNESS.—WANTED, a SITLIA TION, by a young Lady, an excellent Pianist, well qualified to instruct children. Would bo willing to travel, Address " Governess, Box 43; MOUNT HOL LY, N. J." jy234t* WANTED—A PARTNER, having $4,000, in a 'Wholesale Cash business, paying good profits, which can be Increased. None but a good busi ness man need apply. Address Partner," at the Office of this paper. iy23-3t* WANTED.—Tho advertiser desires an engagement with Wholesale Jewellers, of estsb- Halted reputation, as SALESMAN. Mae many yenta , experience In tbu business, and can influence a large Southern Trade. Address " Sumpter," at this Office. jy2.3-6t,* WANTED—Employment, by a BLACK (a good workman,) who thoroughly understands ship smilhing; machine and tool work. Apply at 409 CARPENTER Street ; above Fourth. Jy23-atir WANTED—An Entry and Bill CLERK; one who to accurate and quick at figures. Ad dress, with handwriting of applicant, U. On,, thin Office. jy22,3tit Via GOODS.—The advertiser has a gene ral knowledge of the wholesale business, and a large trade, with some means 1 would like to connect himself with an established House or make a new firm. Reference given and required. Address B. HARRIS, at this office. .H22-6t* A ----- A LADY OF REFINED EDIJOATION desires to engage her services as GOVERNESS. Is competent to teach French and Manic. The best -of city referonco will be given. Address "GOVERNESS office of The Prelim. .01-Atat WANTED, by a young man, a SITUA TION in a Wholesale Forwarding or Commis sion House. Has had some experience in business, and is willing to give his services at a moderate compensa tion. Good city reference given. Address "'Clerk," at this Office.* WANTED, by the advertiser, a middle aged man, of sober and ind.trionn habits, a SITUATION, totakereharge of Horse, or Drive The beet of city reference and security given, if required. Apply to MIAS. D'ORSiIY, .1.09-Bt* No. 431 MARRIOTT St., below Fifth et. iirANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES OAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child will be af i e t ptir. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No 817 above E ighth, north side. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, Ist 'lout. 2d Regt. of Cavalry, Recruiting Onion. 2Lnuzgraunts. WELOH's NATIONAL THEATRE.— GRAND OPENING NIGHT! - JOSEPIi C. FOSTER Solo Lessee nod Manager. C. FOSTER Stage Manager. ' " SATURDAY EVENING, July 24,1858. When will be produced., in a inyle of magnificence and splendor never excelled on the Amencan stage, Mr. J. 0. Poeterfs adaptation of Alexander Dttnia's great work, the THREE GUARDSMEN Mr. O. Foster " as ....D'Artignan. Miss Julia Gook ..... Lady Winters. Mr. H. A. Laugdon aw Athos. And a cut unarroVoachable. Previous to which, the admired petite comedy of NAVAL ENGAGEMENTS. . . . The Orchestra under the direction of Mr. O. Reinhart. Doors open at 7% . To commence at 8 o'clock. Tickets of admission, 26 cents ; secured seats, 88 cents ; Orchestra chairs, 60 cents ; Beata In Private Box, 76 eente ; Whole Box, 16 and $3 ; family Circle, 15 cents. ttemonale REMOVAL JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO, 432 CHESTNUT STREET, PnE{IOCS TO IMNOVINO TO THEIR NOV SionE, OFYMP PLATED GOODS AT A HEAVY REDUCTION FROM USUAL PRICES jy23-1m If REMOVAL.- BAILEY .1. CO., Seweliars, and Manufacturers of Ster- ling Silver Ware, flare removed from their old Mond to the stow store, No. SD CLIESTNIIT STREET, (Three doors East of the Girard Housed where they offer for sale a new and choice assortment of STERLING SILVER WARE, FINE JEWELRY, CLOCKS and WATCHES, PLATED WARE, and FANCY. GOODS JAOKSON, JOB PRINTER, UM Removed to FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS lid-1m earrings Snubs. TAE SPRING GARDEN SAVING FOND. (QUARTERED BY THIII Li 0111.170111 or PHNNSYLTINLI.) PERPETUAL OTIARTER PIVE PER CENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, and all Moneys Paid back on Demand. OFFICE, 881 NORTH THIRD STREET, (CONDOLIDATION BANC BUILDING.) Thls Institution Is now open for the tree/diction of business. and Is the only Chartered Saving Pond located in the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from 9 to 2X o'clook, and also on MONDAYS and TURSDAYS, from 6 until 9 o'clock In the Evening. MANAGERS. Frederick Klett, James E. Pringle, titephon.Binith, Jacob Dock John P Levy, Joseph M. Cowell, Hon. Henry K. Strong, George Woolappet, Daniel Underkoller, J. Weeley Dray Hon. Wm . Milbeard, Robert B. Davidson, Frederick Steaks, P. 0. Eilmaker, Frei:tole Hart, John P. Yorree, Joseph P. LeOtero, I George Knecht, John Kessler, Jr., John Horn. Preeident, JAMES B. PRINGLE. Secretary, GEORGE T. THORN. ap2l-iftf QATING FUND.--lINITED STATES TRIM 002dPANY, corner of THIND And OILIBT NIIT Streets. Lge and amall sum received, and paid back on de mend, without notice, with PU B PER VENT - MUER IST from the day of depoeit to the day of withdrawal. Office honrs, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EYNNINGB from T until 9 o'clock. EMITS for rale on England, Ireland, and Nootland, from £1 upwards. President—STEPlllN It. ORAWNORD Treasurer—PLlNY VIBE. Teller—JAMßS R. BUNT= NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE .11 NCR CENT. STATE SAVINGS PUNT). MO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE N PER CONT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE PNB CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. and-1f Brokers AUGUST BELMONT, BANKER, 70 BEAVER STREET, NEW roas,.. Issues Letters of Credit, available to Travellers, on all parts of the world. Je3o-0m CRONISE & 00., SPECIE AND EXORANGE BRORRRS, No. 40 South THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. Refer to the Hawse and Bnosurts of Philadelphia OrtAR. i.ILNLEY. W. R. BROWN. R. MA111.W7 3 JR IVIANLBY, BROWN, & CO., DANK•NOTE, _BT2CFS L AND EXCHANGE Budilk - ge N. W. corner of TUIRD and CHNSTNIIT Streets, PHILADHLPHIA. Collections made, and Drafts drawn on all parts of the United States and the Canadas, on the most favorable tonne. Collections made, and Drafts drawn on England and Ireland. Uncarrent Bank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers in Specie and Bullion. Leone and Time Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loans bought and sold on Commission at the Board of Brokers in Philadelphia and New York. je3-Om EDWARD R. PARRY, lIIOIIARD R. PARRY, Notary Pale, for Commis.eioner for Minnesota. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. PARRY OBROTHER, BROKERS & OENERAL LAND AGENTS and CONVEYANORIU3, FRONT STREET, above HICSORY, MANK T O, 7 M Pay particular attention to loaning and investing Money for non-reeidents and other!, and colleotkw Dilate, Notes Ac. Any lettere of seettriav or hooineee will receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Bacon, A 00., Philadelphia. Dale, Roes, & Withers, Philadelphia. Sharp, Raines, & 00.. Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Ellis & Co., Philadelphia Parry A. Randolph, Philadelphia. ruiRERMOMETERS, SPY-GLASSES, LMI CROSCOPES, (aude Lorraine Mirrors , Opera Glasses and a large rusortmeut of Optical, Mathemati cal, and!Pidlosophietil Instrument.. MuALLISTER & lIRO.. (Established iu 17960 j)23 qt 738 CLIESTNUT Street. CIAPE MAY AND ATLANTIC CITY.— 'Li There will be no necessity for travellers taking a supply of CIGARS with them, as a complete assort ment of GENUINE HAVANA, of Samuel Simea's hn portation. will be found on sale at CONGRESS HALL. cope Island, and at the UNITED STATES, Atlantic City. H'23 CLARBT.-160 Cases low grade Bordeaux 50 , g fino quality do. iu atom awl for halo by WILLIAM H. YEATON, oQutt, gitoz2r ot • GRAND ODD FELLOW' AND - CITIZENS' FAMILY EXCURSION ATLANTIC (ATE, IT CHOSEN FRIENDS LODGE, ON MONDAY NEXT'. JULY 26th. Every possible provision has been made for the elm frt nod plespure of the Exert' sionista. Tickets o• :y El EC Can be procured from W. D. MIMING. t of the O. F Cemetery, Sixth, above Cherry street ; Wbf. H. SOH s&FFEB. No. 1211 Fasesunk rosd ; B F STOREB,llatter, Second, above L.mrel street. Last Boat leaves Tine street Wharf at 6 o'clock A. M. 1124-11* NO TICE.—TIIE RED JIER'd EXCURSION TO ATLAIN 'W, A. M. Nosher's Pennaylvame Cornet and Quadrille Band will accompany the Excuralon. Ticketa $1.26 ; Children between the ages of 5 and 12 years, half-pt lee. Tickets can be' procured from the members of Atte Com mittee; on the wharf, before otarting. The Band will meet at the wharf at half-past 6 o'clock. "1y24.2t* SUNDAY EXCURSION.—The Steamer LOGAN leaves MEGARGEE'S WHARF, Kensington, eery SUNDAY, at 1054. 1% , a and 5 o'clock for RED BANK, returning at 12,254, and 7 o'clock. Excursion 15c, j124-It* ALLEGHENY MOUNTAINS, THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY DURING THE BUMMER ALTOONA, MOUNTAIN ROUSE, AND HOPEWELL, (Where Passengers take Stages BO miles to Bedford Springe r ) GOOD FOR SIX DAYS. Fare to Altoona and Return.. Fare to Moantain Ronne and Return Fare to Hopewell and Itßum Pate to Williamsport $5.60; Elmira $7; Niagara Balla $B. Ry this route passengers take the Northern Central Railroad at Rarrisburg, enjoying for 126 miles the beautiful scenery of the Susquehanna Valley. 117 Further information to be had at the Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, S. E. conker ELES'ENTII and MARKET Et/vete, 'where Tietet4 ; may be procured. FOR OAPE MAY.—EXPRESS LINE—The swift and favorite Steamer "BALLOON," Capt. W. WRILLDIN. leaves Arch-street Wharf for Cape May every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Morning at 9,ti o'clock. Returning, leaves the Cape on the intermediate days at 8 o'clock A. M. Fare $2, carriage hire included; Serrants $1.50 ; Season Tickets $B, carriage hire extra. Jr6-Bm* =- AND AND ELMIRA RAILROAD LINE.-GREAT REDUCTION. PAHA* TO NIAGARA FALLS ONLY 7H3.00... Train leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, dallif, (Bull dogs excepted,) as follows 7:30 A. M., day express. 3:30 P. M., night express. Tickets can bo procured at the Depot, and also at the General Office of the line, Northwest corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. MD. NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD FOR DELAWARE WATER-GAP, MAUCH CHUNK, HAZLETON, AND THE LEHIGH COAL REGION.-- Vititers to the above popular plates of 811101/111. RE6ORT will find the Route offerdfi by the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in connection with the Lehigh Vol ley and New Jersey Central Railroads, to be novel and agreeable, passing through some of the richest and meet highly cultivated counties lit the State, and pee. mimed of comfortable accommodations, both on the road and at the various towns through which it passes. FOR THE WATER GAP.—Take 2.251'. M. Express Train front Front and Willow Biretta, pass the night at Bethlehem, and take cars next morning at 9 o'clock, through Roston to New Hampton, where a close Con neCtlon is made with the Deaware„ Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, and arrive at the Ilan about noon. FOR MAUCH CHUNK AND THE COAL REGION. —Take 9 A. M. and 2.25 P. M. Ezpreas Trams from same Depot to Bethlehem, where a close connection Ls made with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, through from Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk in 5 hours. A NEW AND PLEASANT ROUTE 'TO NE W YORK CITY.—Tako 9 A. M. Express Train to Bettie. hem, thence at 2.20 P. M. via L. V. R. R. and N. J. C. R. IL through Easton to Elisabethport, thence by Steamer, and arrive in New York at quarter past 7 P.M. Parties travelling North that have a few hours to Rpm, will find this a new end agretable route. For further particulars, inquire of ELLIS CLARK, Agent N. P. R. R., Front and Willow streets. FEILIDELPHIA, June 18, 1858. Jel9-2m OR CAPE MAY • ANDNr YORK. - - - DAILY, at og o'clock A M. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STEAM NA- VIGATION COMPANY. The splendid ocean steamers DELAWARE, Captain Copeei BOSTON, Captain Bellew ; and KENNEBF,C, Captain Hand, form a daily line between tide city, Cape May, and New York, leaving from Brat pier below Spre. etreet (Bundaya excepted) at 034 o'clock-A. M. Return ing, leave New York from pier 14 North River (Sandaya excepted) at 5 P. M. Returning, leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) at A. M. Yare to Cape May (carriage hire included) ES 00 st " tor servants 1 60 tt " Season tickets (carriage hire ex tra) 800 " New York, cabin 2 00 _ " steerage 1 60 Freight taken at low rates. For paasage, state rooms, &c., apply on board, or at the Office, 314 and 916 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE NUE. JAMES ALLDERDICE, Jols-3m. Agent. jyl3-tu th eat-Ln MIS FOR THE SEAS • O' CAMDEN AND ATLAIrrao NAIL D. (1( TWO AND HALF HOURS TO THE SEA MORE. On and dafter Monday, Jane 7th, and until further no- Mee, (Sundays excepted) three trains daily to Atlantic City nod return. First Pasaenger Train leaves Vine at. wharf 7.30 A M. Second <, , c 4.00 P. M. Preight Train with Passenger Car attached, 4.35 A. M. Accommodation Train to Weymouth, 5.35 P. M. LEA2aB ATLANTIC CITY. - - - . Piret Passenger Train leaves 6.00 A. M. Second ea a t 4 4.40 P. M. Freight Train with Passenger car attached,ll.2o I'. 3d. Accommodation Train leaves Weymouth, 525 A. 31, EIADDONFI.ELD TRAIN Leaves Cooper's Point, 11 A. M. sod I P. M. 1 I'. 31. and 3 I'. M. Pare to Atlantic, when tickets are purchased before entering the cars, $l.BO. Persona wishing to go down to 'the Sea Shore and return the same day, can spend Zicketa for the round trip, $2.50 Tickets to go down in the afternoon and return neat morning, or down on Saturday afternoon and return on Monday morning, EXTR A NOTICE. Tho Accommodation Train to Weymouth will run through to Atlantic on Satuniay Afternoon and con tinue to run every Saturday until further notice. Leave Vine street. P. 111. Atlantic City . Stopping at all Stations Monthly tickets will be sold at the following rates For the month of June, 510 I For the month of Sept. 516 July, 20 For three months, 46 August, 20 For four months, 60 Churches, Schools, Lodges, Companies and Library Associations, wishing special trahm, should make early application. Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by P.M. The Company will not be responsible for Idly goods until received and recelpted for by their Freight Agent at the Point. R. FRAZER, Secretary. je7-te DIRE INSURANCE A. BY THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. On Buildings, Limited or Perpetual, Afirehandiss, Furniture, 4.e., in Town or Country. OPPIOI{, No. 308 WALNUT STREET. OIPITAL. $177,928. 1038111 . 3 3 $252,486.38. Invested as follows, via : Pint Mortgagee on Improved City Property, worth double the amount 120,200 00 Pennsylvania Railroad Oo's. 8 per cent mortgage Loan, $30,000, cost Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penna. R. R. Loan 10,000.004 Pennsylvania Railroad COB. Stock 4,000.00 t Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Company Stock of County Fire Insurance C 0.... Rorie of Sundry Insurance Companies, Rills receivable, business paper.,.... Book Accounts, accrued Interest, &e. Clash on band and In Dank, Clem Tingley, Samuel Elephant, William It. Thompson, Hobert Steen, Braid 8. Brown, William Musser, Cornelius Stevenson, Benj. W. Tingley, John B. Worrell, Marshall 11111, 11. L. Carson, 8. Lothrop, Hobert Toland, Charles Leland, Moeee Johnson. J.oob T. Bunting, Charles 8. Wood, I Smith Bowen James 8. Woodward John Bissell, Pittsbur.b fe2o-s to th-rp-tt 11 . DI. lIINCIIIMN. Secretary, HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCN CIOMPANY—OfIiee No. 41.2 WALNUT. Stied, Philadelphia. . . . . John H. Diehl, J. Edgar Thomson, P. M. Potts, H. U. Shillingionl. G.M. Spangler, 0. G. Sower, Abraham Rex, John W Sexton, E. S. Warne, John Garrison, George Howell, Nathan R. Potts, Wm. F. Leath, R. T. Kenai!, H. H. Houston, Joe. R. Withers, Abraham P. Eyre, Z. Booth, Charles F. Norton, John H. Lowe s, JOHN H. DIEHL, President R. S. WARNS, Vice President Onaa. A. Dot, Secretary. Leyte AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO,. INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PEA RENTAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia. Raving a large paldup Capital Stock and Surplus Invested in Ilona and available Securities, eoutinue• insure on Dwelllnsv, Stores, Furniture, iderchinllsa. Venal. in Port and th - Wsllargosa, cud other Personal Property. All Looses lilbOtitlly,avl promptly adJuo lsi. DiamOtOrts. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welah, Oaspar W. Morris, Samuel 0. Morton , James B. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Rdmund O. Dunn!, Charism W. Ponitney. CROWD: ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIS. Secretary. ja.23-y If pETERVB PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE liSke-GENIIIATING GAS LAMP Is the only Patent Burner that has a NON-CONDI:IC/TOD ATTAMIND. Poe Safety ; Chivas's, and thillianoy, It Autism ill °there. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS POE PALE. Address D. P. PETERS, S. W. corner 'WORD 011ESTNIIT Sta., Philo dolphin ; and 42'2 BROADWAY, New York. mh4-Iy,p "'LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK. .a_.A to your interest....ndsat ouiru U69llEll'B LAMP FAOTORY, 109 Foutb tu street, below Vhestnut. Previous to Ws onerous a resoousible factory, you wets, charged $lO for wort which he to now doing to a war ranted manlier from $8 to $lO. Support Wm, or Tau w111!lir: Alm map 0b.404.1.0 par, Summer extureiong. FOR THE BEDFORD SPRINGS, NIAGARA FALLS. EMI= EXCURSION TICKETS THOS. MOORE, Agent. CHARLES 8. TAPPAN, General Agent SIX HOURS ON TUB BBACII 3 itenrante Companies 3252,485.84 OLEM TINGLEY, President. DIREOTORS. DIKKOTO.O tamps 26;600 . 19,150.00 . 1,050 00 . 175.80. . 62,711.50 9,334.10 18,048 2