. • -• , • 1";:ti .417 • '4 147- 4!4 4.4 44' 3 "":•'• - 47- • ' , O .lnYWi/tq .58 ' - . --•1 WOW , A f n simeri '"Or*,s„ HUM indicated ; s4iPoinleb,bis-sTrosselavrsofeetiershferr _ pate ~ A itenonsitabto AtTstr ; Great , Swear o Dou4las, at•Chioe4ol3lSMlFiet)oral, Neu& r kv..414 p , r4, • 45.):* 4 1 , 1fF fltagf4tyAßilit:44oollbliVe been igi b iPahftgrrsiloNaditt e siff tlopo Baer, riets .„pe`thi twierat toeberie off aittrsol4 ft: l ,•-•-exkiessmethatitp—lairbarlig.. ous Ali nt gliwinWitoWa iteuith brought Ofittex ..__tliditiViatterpoycz - Thi) . - qapfeihts - Anhetlibsees no, importarit'AbOthie i'o l- t•"e' Teel issOlueut wet, Pltheted. pt Vill3PtOtOekr; ; Ttivi raiiTregtit,C,Olettel StePttetee , A T).iniej4ll47,4lfii4at t rAgor+i t h 4t oiseirenoleoo we.. ! firttsbi-hstelthreneet:fi t Atte-, J,,4VARift4t4t.;l 13: a at , Q a o b6 k 4: ,5ii.:...,..,464;60-40..fitui Aiouneraliot vs,r)..oxrt) , ....qta i tA° 9 stl) „ Le w', wittothent on the 10th Je{toret"teP" rsi. , t ',WS's.lll4)e &Shia' fttAtkreiler,b6ot.Ple,teet being et 46 4D ' A s„ . ',Bi d tisisstipsiAtitus eiti)uitmoo Corimis. • stonerent,the ( glinds et thtbfgrnibli : 4 1 .3 , 31/ . ';‘ - ti f itOrtriirtti:ooololltniitt?ii Itto=rtsptlen., •'''''-'2lstrterstitAkrlietigriailAr With aellPetikee fOr the; Ws* .rs•l 4 - 1., The -stet `oft -the,Nini)ignelst Brew Toth, from . Oaligsnith, Asincoveisitaillion and, lustf •) • • '- . 1-1 44. 4. 1 Via° 4**4 11 0‘ Let in!lithitintri4istUnt - +a ,ADeeoh-44-1340tossiti *Aellvsk, '4 - 1`4 , -0•5101*IlterIM 1 7:57, 4 11, 1 1 0 ,0 I .;t-u iu 4 ' l ' 4, 44 016111/491PittNiiz- _ 6• ` s:. *tik4olloolillfvit: !... ice :met r , vehueu-te,leitterdet.,a.--; , • %,,i,bfategobtfaiiieltiVentptpg the Fourth (Harlot ' l - . - l 'of-gbdttbfelsiii#Mfattel 3,ngjii stoical:nen los '• • Ift,tl 3 be tr a o o tipi ti optosifseldsgtoopitipork, 4e , 3.1;," 4t4 l lll,4pyrig4g lopork t hee-,hsert re4elyed;l3., s,the , xTreueetil Peleertreelttabura'refetiior`Ale.4". '• „ an ,fifii, l3o3 (.) idarataido - , eningeg smdeivotust I littii4etty34.tthOtenlogitire; , ../ 10 . ea j b t tt l Y iietAttutAu'ititokitlitlit; rsta ‘ dtiy agreed: upon b; f-the,-00bonsiestonere.s , ' •Ai'usweating of the Alioeintlon for:' promo ""igin'O(fignedbia 1) 1 4 146 7 , '.0 1 : 11 : 11 '°t°4°,if`si -attendea r ,bitweptit 1A0M • 75 4 , ~ ' lmra, esaemenis beside) manr.othere; resole , • ), ttroseiverelssissed; "trent puineoewlty: of squid. ' Estneolli - fssift..With'thit ttieoJistbtsf States, with a vlow v , to „ptep e sllncnofor kteelrade In ran. ' J tbo c l ipui,ind,abloroiotitmend. laid be pe Ted to ,„; .13;1„, et the oyeynment. o em we iiiimiht - duiroikiottottlgoodr, after' die - Ira - toe, Whimseys's , tbetsi woe cetkolntythit'theli ess dans 1101441446" . 01104:411F194 gf Mtett)II,IIIITIfaO - t • - stenonslip It 'Nat-Lis, so; hiteeleelpplsi d % n"'il tholiotet ", : thebritiensf„Biik:it 6sietibil)olgi47:tl34:bk,kers! A nomober,of laborers eailed-Jrom Nosy Yotls - ; "'Yeeteidlt3) ibi'the plume Of kolas ,to itoirt On the „-, ..I',Tshwslitelsee,..tetlrood. . • • „ _ v's)An infritinaltheetiog bf the Peopleli gtite (ion. vemAlodwae heti In Iforllabgeyeetersfei. Joao' 1 7 • 7183 UP i'6 3'. ':ObOieir,4l . 4lpir;ryAittaisman , yhe not'. ineete'lollse hall of the Rouse Of 'Retire: Eanotives to-,day,”; - 4 ct s A:inebnebiiiyticetitreribio loaf gehuit' . I 'l l tu. per Ones were. taped' .3 , 3r,,b;kolr'duroP.e.'.`,2tle' ethere hilUrtet• VPs` Itdi ; itrrerid glorious showers yiestersisz.• The:rains' and_ limit:mete* comb down togethe'r, "•'' 11 1 . 4 °U 'lit a ..# 6l. aal ' lnviicOtr.4 atzittsphere. 7 -1 AR Pt :t: A tS•Vl rg, _. - r *- • • qv* Alittiaeastof faction, and through , all the `intstlit *Unions -1- 4C thenrogreis erthi .principle, l'OPtifter - Scilereigiity as ihe'•future afd• only • hartiutidsing the' qnestiotti of NIA: ' . cfrOus t ily,jt:ut Coising,to'he , aisceptedi, common platforinne:altitatlenitl,^Junui Even t. 404 1 teat it. his. been,most--,vigorously . .",defended. and. Explained; and will; he as riga, - Guilt insiseed ,nee 'that'i rather - up rather than Oetulirtritell some of the leading Democratic Statesmen et ttie nation Inise :not c hUnitit* to. tike issue 'Wfth ary-Adriduhdiaiton; in the thish and fu1,,,. ,,,. -Juts' ot - Its patronage and power. in the law t ' Oungress the Republicans and the Atuertcanx sepperted•it itt`. a body i:and one shape snottier; ell Pie thiteoCiiits did the same thing. • Even -those who, yielded to the exactiOPs. o f :•• the I...uOtitptorlites'',deented it the - highest policY,to say, 'Obit theiwerestrongly attache(' and fully, committed te' it.' The •lA., -tiOn,ithrptigh its - Orlitins, 'Proclaimed Its; Spot. ."efaltegarg - foi 44 grit; the, President , while taking" Lecompion, a teat; look „ care to, Stu, , , 'that' w herea ft er' the - pebple of every Terri. fori r eliont4 befwateetale that:of which thi. , piopleof Kansas here 13iten • so tpersistentl3 Po itligrl;¢serelgi $y meana:much It` to flit,: 'PleclirOtfibit'netloti;,Sed'-ek every considers. • - political- organization:in the 'nation,- if ‘ bupli,lirt of thoprinciple Of, thn,Deoleft‘tiori of the , :stutrattioes 'oe - -the =;;Pederal'' Doniditation.‘.Arid," . Wee U betide r :load4 oi,tbq perty.tilitenitinTtito • itCdgo.* : . A - It true that -heroand there eittjeCtiens,are • ~. :-nrgekagalitst 'the, - diobtrine of Popular S eve. •„, southern man ;Insist, That bte edires Can_bi3tarried into and kept in a- Terriiiii and Jewel and au 'eatiermi.d . litioniet , demande le' hope know.the people can be - clothed withfull • Phienr to - regulate' their domestic' institution!. "'-'' their Omi way. ynth.the'Dred , . securing to slitveltelderelhe,l.righi carry ne 4 9 - 211 41P ,ti r l- wf-A 40. 9 1 2 . info,"ani „ eitaiqjn:Manilpf.thp local law. _-.l3ut thitse objections Alt-into- nothing before the tact.", that ISF,ophiaty'Rtrteretentilenot:liitetidea' , • , - the - --Soittli"of any of its _rights, neither.isit intended to be niade " the cloak of politieltinewhb think the Oen-brew of tin. 'if:the:people of &Terri - • tory ,Went slaveryohey will hail,e'and ought te h'aile Ifietnitioritiehtieee to held Slaves, dedanco Os Ate ,p,0730.410if, ezPresitini at, the Bred Setitt decieleit will be eel' t * ,:, -•- _tie piactiona. Ccinackt,lefilfV . t4efi etiVitle co'. ntzo slavery in itanisi:falled; andlkiled,,toe, "wit-both the infringement of the' right brit Single bh-oked - 4 the .:ruinerity were • tin) Who% iftWit:t l .4iilliti 6454exiingl1t 'Oe AMY- itie.441 7 .0i-i--;:lfhere alareq, • ' it will Lind its way; and-Where It is net:, Dann' z- -rL Sobrr, will scarcely becalledlit'te 'perpetuate Will tllnd.i . lleV,way.f - wheretit.-wilb &rotate* are - Y. l ';'•:',"atherielifeiteivlitire it' Cannot ho nlainfain d, 's Villi this - come in aid