. - .... a ssemegelffillaw - liiitisi 4, pAyere7ttneeoflgatedat.,lA 4P-4Writivof haeons.oorpue ism . 9 , ?14.04 - 011-Thliredsheenle rdi for a hear! id yesterday morning at ntneo'elock at the HU& sett City court-hewn., ;. - Mr...Raniom appeared .as lemurs/ foe ;Coleus/ Blennt,' Who widelb peened., and Mr. MilfOrd as viunsol for' Mr: Hanalte ; and - chketailtde R,iviere:'/There-Werifliarir fe- pinata., tentineonmand:those'feiewore not' fevitiedte4M slgritnithorof bliss Blount , her ntothar.nr tap tain*Atiters, tidie iaf'whoteltrartr.Torthebining The sheriff' presented .Ithi.rettirii to' tho - o virits, welsh litieettidedAo a:persona eerifoe n net., Ilunake, proprietor of the Hotel:Napoleon, and a sarriceOpon Captain dis k 'lliitieri,ilireugh hie at-. lorney, Mr Mulford, who areepled-tha Same an a due service'. upon, his, cliebt: „I:qt . :Mama: -being made to' this aervide` bythe 'conned .fot Colonel' Blount - Mr. Mattent idi la - explanatloni.that at the time - the sheriff,eamn to- the .liotebitith the;' writ, he told hire• that Capt:Doltiviere had gone out to take a walk; hit' betineated him to make a seerob, which, did; ",thiscsfilling.th vier*); he then the' Sheriff weld leave the writ with bidets ; cantaselfee De Abide; which !maid answer the' asid e paiposiv. that4ifterwerds; at about 4' eelnek:P..6l.4oV that day; di saw-De Si demist the hotel, - Informed him of Wit 'seridoe of the writ, and made 'itrrangements to meet him tho next morning, whbik he Was to-mlike oath, to the proper aMdavitYi which WitletObe 'drawn.up in the meantiatelti his oeueliel ;.',thet he left RV /token aliceattOlotalt;littelen rahtening:the next morning he iias • inforefed; - that , officers ; had been at the litnite3t,r. reel; Capt. De Riviere On another process, and that he ha d lie 'added 'Wit be ha made diligent ifearnh for three houri,Yesdr,-. daynforitingtle , bnriiiiffiable,to Bed - Do Riviera. Un...gottaita ;ifgrona. 'To ,l'art Warr Or ITAMIAO John the thrtined,.,belng dely.eworkforanitier and-retarn to saidirrlt. on his, oath.. with that he hes no knowledge or infer matiorr.lwheris MtM E ntly T. -Bibunt is; that She littethiViretel, of. which HMI deponent Is proprietor, on TkesdatitiOrninit last, , AS • ho,„ th is' deponent, le Irforined end believes ; deponent further saith that Miss Enally-J.l3itaint is not pow; in his eta tt.dy,- care, or coutrel,,and never hiut been ; depo nent farthersaitlitheCalew days since; a Mrs. E. J. Bloun'i,'lthe Mather of, the - Miss' Blount above nomad, aft deponent Is informed and believes, came. to his hotelmnd tookboard there but this depo nent Bath that-lie defer hen detained or attempted to detain her, Or exercise atty. influence or control over :her Person or -actions ;" tlitikeaid..Entily J. * BlotthOlist hairied; leaktletieneut's louse 45f, , her. 1 own - Hee it - liOarder simply, and ,is not,:and.' "ver4q-"-heenexestralned-Af her"-libiiifi 'any! mint b:viltie deponent, antis hot now,bor bath, claregebettely;ror Central; or subject trs • . the power or rdll,ophis,depagent, in any .manner whatever. "Jens.Hutroxii, - - Mr. Bausetkidated.that ‘ theiehould be prepared to traverse the return of Mr. Hunoke, and show to the ioll-rt ;hots AO/Withstanding this. Obtain, MIN' Huthilte, had pustody-of these . persoosienr 0=14,1 Produce them without ditheuityif he otiose: They. only tr-kedthat earl); a 'day as possible Might be fixed for this tearing, — With regarti*de 4wieto , as it dhibbtapPbar that he had been served with the writ,,..ther_ortudil-nntaelt forau attachment ag a inst hid for goat rapt , and th ey could see nti o befirintree. hat Mallow fur extension tiliMonday next at nine A. 'fd at which time herwohld,bepri!_ t . Parndle , gobir *Blithe:hearing in both s edisea.. The sudden disappearance offlaptul ta de Riyierk from.l.bliflitttiK - lamerday, Morning n 'alluded to abovelliiabritiAlonsequenne- of Or warrant-havOg bithe•Crovernot of -Noir..Jersey , or! his acres ~upon a requisition from thegovernoref the B:ate of blew,-York. Thli requisition, which was traseribn the Ohargonf ihduCtion, ak preferred by Cstehel" - Blount, in his alfula r vit before 'Justice Clannoliy; Made, severlildaYe ago, was allowed .by leis fieverntir4NewJnreey en Wednesday last.• It eeettatleAthOsifentliew-York antillawjer- - sly,differ with. regard tothe recta 'necessary to sustain a charge of abduction; there're:ler requiring that the Person abdidtted 'Ababa under eighteen yearibf by the latter atite, Mtuttlie un der fifteen Ax Miele Blount, is seventeen years of age her fatherbould not miiiiitafithe charge of ab duotionageliet 'Centel') :de•Niviere in New jer sey, and was therefore compelled; to. prefer %the charge _of :larceny-, :Honors his anxiety to get the Capfuls liitethe State of-New York; The re olsi lion having been allowed bydid Governor orNeW. Jersey, was plaited is -the hands of certain of:Boors of Jersey City, and at about eleven o'cloOk Thurs.; day &girt they - Reseeded to 'the Hotel Napoleon tit mekeshe arrest. • There • were' about_ eighf'of them, . mad. when; they, arrived at th e - hotel,, Oaptain , 'De Myhre ivas walkin g Okthe piazza of the aegninditerY talking' with' 'a party of ladies: The °Mom?, teethed of , proceeding quietly about their business , meld matched en a body- into"the bar.: room below, and began lo 'beast-of what they were going to do : ,..,Beveral of the boardere of the hotel,..aed hangers-on - abent the PlocO. the bar at the time, and. thinking they belonged to the kidoappers- Who, asserted, have - been skulking'-about ties - .hotel for several • days, watching an 'opportunity 'lO seise the Captain, began" 10,- - mitnitest opposition, and- there be ing de - di"trio 'drunken men in the party,' the prootedings aeon became very holden:M. Capt `:da.lCvieta, bearing, thelond talk below, and not knowing the cease, rushed down stairs, and stationed himself In thedoer leading out of the bar into actually stood for seers eral teinutes,'expoied to the view of all the officers in a body. limit gat length heard laddelenk satisfy him that his presence would no longer be of service to. himself, be proceeded quietly up steins, put ou his mkt and bat, and, with the aid of the servant girl,made hie exit -01st of'the bask' door. The sagaolees officerlfhavinirat length got through with their ber-room broils, produced their, reqUieitlon frtm the Governor; end were allciwed to go up stairs, "and eaarch,for, the Captain aftlittir leisure: The officers' complain loudly of 'having. been forcibly resisted in their attempted service of the process, but the above are the ; truaineta Of the ease, as derived fromaeverat;reliable'isit. nesser, who were present at the time. 'Their Want of success was entirely owing -to' their own eta- , pldity. • " - Captain de Riviera, aide/in bad - made itie exit from the hotel, was joined by two of his friends who conducted him to,theElystan Fieldeiand from there be was rowed in it beet, "they say, to New York It is generally - believed, however, stile boken, that he, is concealed somewhere in' that place. Ho had not been _arrested at ten' o'clock last night, arid there net much prospect that be will before:nue-time to cede. Thus- the hero, and heroine of thls rimed:a haie both disappear ed from public. view. . Ws Blount,. alone of ihe,trio, now remains at the Hotel,Napoletin, where she will-have leisure to prepare her - fOrtbooudur, "it statement" to the --- - - " (Prom the New Tort Herald of last evening.] Jest prtirrionitiriliebaptaitiW,disisPpeaVitice; French gentleman, who has been, tti'qi nniated with him forsome .Aime, _called to see him, 'and while io conversailon asked the Zouave why he insisted in destroying the happiness of Mr. Blount and his family, be knowing fall well that it.was never his Intention to marry .Bliss Blount - Tritiep this the Captain: it is said,' remarked' tharhe was well aware of_. that --fact,- flu t"Mrs: - Blotint ifa9 worth about - -SISMOOO ;- that ler',husbaild 'he'd n ot got anything, an d be wiiuld like to jinow if he thought that he [o,Bit/tete] was fool enough to lose that pile. This 'a remark which Mrs: Blount was. saidlehave - mnde, which wen that she was certain to make Ver 'daughter—by allow ing her to marry deltiviireL-one of the first-ladies of French ; that the Would - be' a duchess and one of the first ladies to the Empress,,- A 4 t 4 Mre: Blount, she still remains at the hotel. She hen ,-written on to Mobile for money'; with which, When- it arrives,:'ehe' says she will pay up all her bills,'.and then. proceed to Mobile and sell liar Wald; sifter which return North. - Daring the past - Week' Hoboken has been :the ecene of another like'ximianee,in which the court will undoulittedly'soen bicompeiled-to take's part in the proceedinge.- Louise K., datighter of the landlord of-Arauxball Oarden,Moheken, was malted - Jo a --young - OormaMlately from , the old tomintly the ceremonies' were" 'civet': OS virent backa with hernarents - .o„livii;, _aid 'Mr. L; returned , to New York; - • Where:he ,was detained' .Severar days on business.: On Wednesday loathe' learned that his new --bride, had %been- married the day previous to a certain Mr. Muller..of Diemen. 'serenely he *mit pirathlikite fo Ifebektini and mended to reelhis wife,,apkop.ttelpg.to found that, what bad hirehtliddlilm was too true; and that she claimed by another. Me immediately vent word to his dial, but he could-.obtain no Retie. fiction. mid lie nowintends,tefratMlet 4' the law' far a divorce The' is said to bo stop ping at some small village up the river, and that she is the wife of no' lotta.thanitbrie mete: The fame will no doubt soon be brought, to light. Dlaustrenfifirit ttsillle. [Prom the Pottsville Journald „ • Oa Monday evening Zito 1 / 1 4C4 out in the Ar cede. situate on the corner of _Norwegian and Centre streets. The alarm soon become general, and our Ore cnmpsniee with.theirepparatps speed• ilv reached the groun'd:-YTltilarialie proper, upon Norwegian street, running -east, from „Nutty, was built In the seat 191011V7ad•VArter..Bed: • The buildings, en: - Oent•re 'street, ,00mmonly, though IneoroperlY, call ;' Aroada,". were elmmeaaeteabdks ttil3 - 'yiiir - Is3l,- by; somerliew Yorkers. and were afterwaidallefshed by Jacob Alter. They were'flettnidla Niti York, and wore considered at the time us,,ameng the more im postor structures of .ouvhdretidt. All of the buildings were of frarnel•-the former being three, and the tatter four. etottee-ia-height.• Theymtiro alike a temptation to the'ineendiery and the dread of our citizens In - the' heart ,- of the town, ear reande l by valuable buildings, had 'tb - e= Ike- toe' starred during the prevalence of high grinds. and at midnight, no entsoan form an estimate of tb e • probable damage: ,;:While the .i(01:falla heavily upon many film are"EillY able to beer It ; it is still a matter of much congratulation that: the dread event, hes transpired withoutrmoreais4trorts eon . • .. • sequences . . „ . The f,licwingAszned!persons ire:theprinelp4 If. Davis,, downorrootypist, third story of 1. A r0ad0.;..1005 in4toolc and -materials over 6140-4nsured itOlie,.4nriuors' Mutant of 'Yolk county for $4OO. John M. r hemp k. Co.,' °l:qui:4.log the ilrit.and Second rodeo (Isms building ar on eating hone.' and green poser? • iOll9 about sl4o—rio insurance Mrs. Anna:B Slater, Centre ,treat; building owned and °envied. by hor os a fancy dry geode and millinery store and dwelling: . loss nrf building IMsoo—no inikirsinent lon on stook $2,500--in. , tared for s2,ooo.llr.lfermerat Mutual of York eanniy. CI, lee 11. Boyer, tobeeohnist;trstatory of next building, wlth , olgar ulonnfaotoryand ararehnuse. bt rear; loss-about $1.50 0-- tiirttranna 11/ Beim/I* kill County Piro and Marine Co....fer ' . lsaan /Wane, millinery eteraltindAriellingilau ssoo—no insurartoo: - -- Jacob Greenawald, ageni, - ,ke. owner of ,two buildings, bat ono of which he - ii4iltiplr'd loss on buildings shoat 401.000-Aniured lit Lyerit.' log Immo° Co. for $1,400 ; Porn:lore Untie' of York leonnty, $l,lOO, arid `in - ,..tbe,Merphents' of, Philadelphia forsl.soo. rogiontatonk end fang. two. $5,000. Stook itsedied,l#llnring Gordetan• suranao Co if Philadelp,bia for $3,000;' Exchange - Mutual, PhiladelphldijoiAl',oool , Partneri': Mu. teal of-York eou,nt}: s2;ooo..enit gebnylkill Fire snit Marine, Pettsillle, far $1.600..-Ilirt furniture was 'neared lb, soo o,lo :tilirlYablififylba.- 140 9 in the Parenerkliutnet,:Pork.eounty: NowSB7i FitlmmtlfeetiPil3"2"°''"" Parts corroopon - dont-iif Oharicij NaPler , ."1 10 :AValiklettuili a fits abort` the-7000D 'seamen that - her might read-with 'thief Itiomsel • Perrot:4lY ynkSi 14.g.itih•OUnt , err-Alterable hadied tatilosetbaitsoniary,:ean =rely and the ors ett-pahrarit- abandirtlettropping the laws 1,-; St ii! t ittliiix a. .Etogi thuilbtEeildatOlk, ° bf the. then biktliftliaV*YVitittilfeCtilittdal44 or elaihid tisk!tilf Ate W:flibotglabA Aufaittif +comae Ma stottithipatotot.;''_. e THE, 'COURTp. s - AT'ultDai.7°* -- :,i-a — ov,ingilizi . et. , COM' PLEAS—Judge boMl3Boll. — Saturday Merrill* Sofia Sanderson, .Beq , made applies thin for a quo warranto to show cause by what right Benjamin Wright"- holds the office of Building Inspector; - . The - blll of complaint sets -forth that on the fifteenth day of April, 1858. the Sabot and Oommon Councils of the Oity_ of Phila delphia jointly elected Benjamin F. 'Wright an 'lnspector Of Buildings; that on the first Tuesday 'Ol May, 1857. Benjamin F. Wright was elected a member of.Comunton' Connell of 'the Oily of Phila delphia by the voters of the Twentieth ward, to ,serve boil the lOthlay of May, 1858 ; that the Oonsolidation act ,provides , that no member of Connoils, - dui-teethe tern' Ph...which_ he s h e ll b e ilteote4,shali hold any office' r employment of emu. nteipal ebaracter., - The court granted a rule on arr. -Wright, Making it returnable on the third fittinday of September. Qtattran SES.IONS—Jutigo Allison.--On Satur day, Mr. T. J. Clayton made an application to the ' court to make the sentence of John School as light as possible in , , oonsistenoe with jostles. School had been convicted of stealing a cow. Wit news wore, examined, who proved the good, char acter , for honesty of School, and also of the con duet of the calkers tabu arrested biro.The Alder man also, appears to have retained School's watch, ring" s.ehirt studs, and a quantity of wearing appa rel belonging to his.wife. The case was continued till next Saturday morning. A,habeas corpus was beard, in 'Old Joaquin Co .breia applied tollio court to grant an order for" permission to enable him to see his child, Angus& tine Cobrera; who was in the custody of his wife and Mrs Taylor. Judge Allison said, as the child was of so tender years, the law Itself said the child must rtfmain with the mother, inlets it was proved that the inother was not fit to take entre of it ; but thefsither mast not choose his own timo to see his child; he toast not- no thete at' late bottri of the night and disturb, the repose and peace of the family, but he must - ge' in the dayttme and at a seasonable hour, and treat the family ina proper manner, and the family must treat him in a proper manner; and fixed Mondays end Thursdays, be theen the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock, to enable the father to see his ehild,' - , . . Hallera • Carpus -Case.--A habeas corpus wan heard, in which Mitt. Margaret Bacon was charged with enticing Israel Jacobs to her house. where an assault and; battery. with intent to kill, was committed uPom his cperson. •ldr. Jacobs teatilled thatXraiAlationsont for him to take down a hod 'gen& and an reaching the Joorri 'where' the bed ,was, he was violently assaulted ,and beaten by a 'adored man by-the name of Wilson 'who escaped. The defendo,nt yratt remanded for trial. ' Rectal Corpus.--LA habeas -corpus had beeh' 'heart in . the ,ease of,Jametillilfeather last Satur day- ftlifeather bad charged several parties with htt,vitig committed a violent assault and battery Atpon him on the , evening• of the last Democratic delegate election,- Shortly afteritards these par 'kits prodeeded before Alderman lifoOonexighy and bad kfiVOitfentber arrested for perjury, . lodgeAlilaon discharged: ffilfeether. In 'dis charging him he said Wit he had never encouraged .oharget orperjuey being made against parties who "obarged.others with-having committed en offence beforethellnal heating in the 0881) hod been bad. 'rt would lead to endless litigation and annoyance, ,as one party, who charged another with 'an 'offence mould , immediately proceed and , have the party 'charging arrested, for perjury, who 'again might •proceed In. the same manner. • in* &amts.—lt is quid that the rays of the sun are not necessary to tbo production of this fearful disease. Pew-mar/ern examinations show that only in a limited number of oases in congea• don of the.brain:present. The great majority of &Islam% are due to feinting or exhaustion, identi cal with,tbet nroduced by Staying too long in, a hot vaTior bath,. The patlont ihOula, of course, be pro early still - Mated; not depleted. and laid with the hend*ery,low,,to as to favor the flow of blood to trio brain., . . liApv : FnAltrug.—The Malta Times says:— "!Ainong the passenters last brought by the /Wadi nine from Tunis was Lady Franklin, wife of the nolobreted—Arotin" navigator: - Tier Itidyship's -health being impaired, she is revisiting on those shores friands,and scenes endeared to :her by re miniscennes of the time when Sir John Franklin was in command of-aahip-of-war attached to the etude - 1:1Z igvery,attention was - paid to the respected lady, who left for Athens on the_ third - day after her arrival." , - The mortality in this ettylist week was greater than in any one week sines the first of the year. .tt'most be attributed, to the evessively hot wea• tber Whit% we have had daring the mutt few ciTy ITEMS. ANOTHER i'rEITSETNELING DODQE.--TllO various - modes of operation' employed by the light-flogered gently of thle and other cities have been multiplying so rapidly of late, that it seems to ne a periodical pub. Hazed monthly, after the manner of Petereon , a Coun terfeit Detiotor, delineating from month to month the Mier' ditoo,V,erlei made and practised in the fields of eyfindleology and' scoundrelistO has become a feasible Mei, If net 4 necessary Institution. Such a publica tion lathe hands pt arcenterprising coma of detectives would, if generally circulated, be likely to put the too wadding portion of humanity on their ggard, and, if reports may be credited, fit'roany cuee . ,eave_ woman fly from the mortification arising from the wrong doing la this Hoe even of the purer sex: ;;;The lest game that has come under our notice cog geettve of the above may be stated thus: On Friday afternoon of last week, two men of genteel atlearance, 'oie tot the other short, entered the store of Messrs. J 0. Maxwell h Son on the southwest corner of Els. Tenth , and Cheatnut streote : sad presented at the counter sidouble, eagles, - for wide% they asked to be ac. , xommeditid with steelier chap. The Mahler (a WO' immediately complied - with tide request by band• log them afire-dollar piece and silt quarter eagles, la order to carry outAbeir 'scheme, the men objected to tinichange all it wu given, stating that they desired it In larger pious, or else to hove their double eagle re. turned.' Rot belov ableito mike the change le accord ance with their expressed Wales, the piece was at once returned : by 'the WY 'at the desk, sad the smaller plecei handed over by the men, when they immediately loft the premises with great haste. 'Upon counting the returned pleads, however, It was wen/load that one of the quarter eagles' WWI missing. ' Mr. Maxwell entering the store at that moment, and being told - of- what bad passed, started immedmtely in their persitt; He had no sooner entered' the street thanhe discovered the parties described coming out of the store of Mr. Vogel, a few doors below. Thinking that pethaps a similar dodge bad been attempted there also, Mr. M. entered, and in a few seconds was made acquainted with the fellowing t The men bad entered Mr. Vogel's, and again prevented their twenty-dollar piece fur ehaoge In this case the change was given in flees, when it was again objected to, on the ground that they duffed it in ~moll plenty, which not b4og found convenient of enures Induced the return of their own piece, as in the former loetance. It so happened that Mr, Vogel had considerable gold lying on the desk before him it the time, which he was preparing to bank; and the day being excessively warm. the tall soqe of 'the party, in wiping his face, accideuta ly (1) dropped hit hotdkerchlef on the gold, bat removed it t n quickly that im- enspiefon was excited until, am he Ins leaving the store,- a dye dollar piece fell to the ,Ooer, when the twain left with all p3ssible despatch. Upon; collating' his money afterward, Mr. G. found that, in addition to the fees which they had accidentally lett behliad -them, there were ttocke anti a half dol. ,Lira missing. ,By the time that Mr. Maxwell, accompanied by a young man fioni the store of hie neighbor, was ready to resume. Ma pursuit, the swindler" 'were near Tenth iteetit.. , The thieves were ,followed in their devious windings for some dozen murex or more, (the par , . emirs Mil title, time -trying in vain to discover a star to arrest it', red when: finally, finding that they were pur sued, they separated and ran, ant the tall one having the advantage to 'point of locomotion, it wan thought advisable, of the two, to paean. the other, which was -done, and after a hot rate, a *tar turning up by the way, the latter was captired and taken before Alderman Brazer,,Nittli greet,' above Race, from whence, after 'Bastin nude minds" icetfeotv.st efforts to have the matt, ter settled, he, wisremtived to the lockup in default of - bail. flir t Mama' anted a creditable part In this mat ter, and if altperliee thus Imposed upon were to exer- Mee a rimilei.deltersuiriatlon to hare the offenders .11rought to Adria, thee" gamed of , ettindllog-weald ere long be ef f ectually checked'. • • Mn. Herron: Alley me through the medium of year paper to return my sincere thanks to those who have written so favorably about my new patent Flour .fag Mlll. It Ja,ludeed, very grat tying to me to know that it meete the approbation of the publie, and I shall atilt o ntinne,to exhibit it, at I ha* been doing for the tact four months and npwards, , in tionstant daily nee 10 hours Or,day, for the benefit of there that may frieeile with a visit. hiltita the elniehe en well en thoreliaterested to call and see It I still have remain log valiiithie county and Slates rights in d.iferent sec tion' of the United fitates,which wilt Cowie of at very reasonable rides also, the Mills for any portion `of the world. All can see It at the old place, (at It bee not been removed, as was malciously circulated) Rem. berton Court, close to the ( inquire of omni bus agents or driver*, it ;the Exchange) the only place in PhiledelPhin where it can be seen or negotiated for All letters addreseed'Olarkets Mill, Box 701, Ehlledel. phis, ga,, will haproinitizatpnde4k to. CoNozwr -Hata..—..Thie evening the - Morrie Brothers, Yell and Trcriebridgiehlinetrele. commence • short summei-lieston. Bitter, Master 'Rentz, Little loingy Trowbr'dgo, Johnny Fell, the Morrie Brothers, and all the company appear. Lb ten to the Mocking Bird, Anvil thetas, Invisible' Oberon, new serge, acts, dances,-•buileitidbit,'&e.reonstittite the programme. aittliao:—Bathing, in this hot weather, le abso- indispensable to peyelmd• health; salt water Is preferable to fresh; the place. to enjoy the latter In perfection ace cape Island and Aileen° bity. at either Of which P. Shinn Is .prepared furnlah the lteneesery robe,. Hundreds of ouraltiieni arc also sup themselveawith these garments, at Mr. Sloan , s elegmat new stare; No. 805 Market; street, before hating the city. INuarnevexc ri DAT rue down,' It is the bound ary line which divides the year. Already we ere think ing :OK olirlitmas, and preparing for the cool weather. kor u time linen conts will flourish, but thtn there will "Aso .i . mMinesA irbielt will Colleign those comfortable fdcoda ter.the turentik drawers. riennels and cloth - clothes trill come out, and people Will talk of the fall ;memorise, Thou the grateful heart, wormed up by past -.lleeMoriee, ine . lhle to fond recollections of btrauville Stoke*. It will be remembered that his establishment, No; 607 Chestnut street, woe always beloved of the town, amlthet Ago, our guest „411etlugulelsed men get their ',- Two NFwAro ;tic Elavthliwjeitanivir—The New York 6eventh Regiment reached the city on Saturday ~.rrisopta froba the South, A large detachment of them Were,aftnillfs ' tfifi - liven ,Marching down Chestnut street, ..thei teeny brongh,t:up at' the, Brown-stone Clothing tide. 603 end 605, above infitfif wfie*Ggeb mall fitted himself with a suit of neasiinablegatinessts. ' bwwlB,-t‘ :What ail you do with your now trow , jtarnll , said as aurlotta papa. • 1, I awppitd thew off!, . . - " For what I' , A elitmgatiot, Ifoyle's Names,' end the Pirate , * OttnliMok ."' ,•tpie omxiouil pariont whim liat seen was making track,' 'fl3t hall Clothing Emporium of E. U. Eidridge, No. WA Chognut atrept. imvortatione [Reported for The Prem.], NBW BSDFORD-3ohr George 0 GLbbe, Gibbs-200 Lbla whale oil,Albera 8 Ash mewl LJTZER .Baas • At Ms Iderehantsi Sze/magi, Philadelphia: Ship Wyoming, Barton Liverpool, loon Ramos Rowena. Wilson ' Lavers. July 13 Barque Joeephhlaswell, Davie.... Laguayrs, &a s soon Barque Hamilton, J'aehisiin St Jago de Cube, soon Barque AMB4OIII. Witham Oardenes, soon Bari iiti Winona Gallienn Rev Went, 'emu PHIL.% 1/116 PULA. BOARD Of TBAJA/I.' JOSEPR 0, GRUBB, WILLIAM 0. liskyr, 0011411.111111 01/ Tkill Morro YA.RNALLL, 111• ' SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS. IROM TIDO lINZTED 13TAT88 RECE=I Ariel New York.. Southampton July 10 Arabia Boatori..Liverpool July 14 Borussia New York..llamburg July 16 0 or Washington New York.. Liverpool July 16 Allies New York. Atrerpool ..... .....July 21 Fulton New York..Havre July 24 1/11061 BIIROYA. FROM FOR DAY gotton ..„ . ..SontaAmpton..New York. .... ....June 30 forth Amerieso.Liverpool—Quebeo, &e Juno BO Austria Southampton.. New York ...... , _ jut). 1 . _ STUMM TO AND PROM HAVANA AND NNW ortLEAiis MUM! Ormr—Prom New York 2d, arriving at Ha. Tana 7th, and New Orleans 10th. From New Orleans 20th ; Havana 23d, arriving at New York 28th. OAHAWat —From Now York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and New Orleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, Havens 80th, arriving at New York Bd. POILAMILMIII—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha. van& 22d, and New Orleans 26th. Prom New Orleans 6th, Havana Bth, arriving at New York 18th. Itt.anz WAABIOS—From New, York 21th, arriving at Havana Ist and New Orleans Bd. From New Orleans 12th, Ravana 10th, due at New York 19th. ,Isassi.—From Obtrloston 4th and 19th, due at Ha vana Bth and 281. prom Havana 10th and 26th, due at New Y.lrk 18% and diet Er The California Mail Steamers soil from New York on the tich and 20th of each month. When the aoove dates fall on Sunday, the steamers will sail on Monday, except from New,Orleane. marine intelligence. POET OF PHILADELPHIA, July 12, 15611 SUN )118E8 ' 441 ORM BBTB 719 iIIGH,WATSII ' 8 47 ARRIVED. Steamship Boston, Bellew, 24 home from New York, via Cape May, with midst and paesengers to James All derdice. Passed two barques, one etipposed the Elisa beth J. from Havana, m. berm brig below Bombay Hook, and some ten or twelve achy. in the river, bound op. Steamship Keonebee, Hand, 24 hours from New York, H+ Cape May, - with nide° and passengers to Jim All. derdice. Ship Weatmoreland, Decan, 44 days from Liverpool, with nutso and 22 museriogers to Penrose A Burton On the Bth lest, let 39, long T 3 30, spoke barque Venice, Atkins, 2 days from New York, who kindly supplied ue with newspapers. Barque arms. Nobre, from Maracaibo 24th nit, with coffee, rustic, Ac. to Frit Tete. Balled In co with brig Addy Swat, lot New York. The Danish ecbr Naviga tor, for Hamburg, with coffee, went ashore on Maracaibo bar a day or two previous,and would probably be a so. tel Bev The cargo woul d saved in a,daruaged state June 25th, otT Point Espeda, saw brig Addy iswlft. Brig Matanzas, Mattoewe, 6 days from Newbaryport, in tidiest to captain Br solar 0 J Marshall, Kemp, 10 days from Eleuthera, with fruit &c. to J B &P L Parr t tictir Geo 0 Gibbs. Climb, , 6 days from New Bedford, with oil tr A 8 Ashmead. 6ekr Silver Magnet, Perry, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to N Sturtevant & Co. - Bohr Resiless, daye from Boston, in ballast to Lewis Rothertael. Behr Joe Porter, A dame, 4 days from Boston, in bat last to N Sturtevant & Co. ache Lewin Mulfud, Doyle, 6 days from Boston, In beast to N ;Sturtevant A Co. ache Eva, Wneaton, 4 dare from Providence, in be lest to Noble,Hammett & Caldwell. Bohr Li l lie Ssuodere, Corson, 4 Jaya from Providence, in ballast to Bancroft, LEWIS A Co. Behr Nary Newell , Omit. 6 days from Blanchester, NH, in ballast to L Audenrlod & Co Bohr Richard Thompson, Lloyd 6 days from Roxbury, In ballast to Van Deana, Norton & 00. Bohr Aorta B Russell, Warrington, Stays from Lewes, Del, with grain to ,T Bewley A Co. CLEARED. Steamship Keyetone State, Marshrnin, Charleston, A Heron, Jr. Steamship ftity'of New York, Howse, Boston, Henry Minor. • Steamship Delaware, Copes, N York, Jes Antarctic'. Barque 'Venice. Sheldon, Havana, Welsrord & Brig May Queen, Lyle, Havana, Thomas Wittman A Bone. Brig Stanley, Davidson; Halifax, D N Vi'etalar & Co. Behr Eclipse, Cook, Charleston, D &Stetson & Behr Itestess, Smith, Boston, Lewis Rothermel Behr Anthem. Burrows, Providence, L Audenrled & Co Bohr Charles & Alma, Leeds, Provincetown, do ~ Bohr Mary Newell, 'Wont, Manchester, ISO Bebe tiranadilla Baker, Beverly, do Bohr Eva, Wheaton, Charlestown, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. - Bohr J It Maim, Bs'ker New York, do Bohr Mary Elisabeth, Price, Boston, do Bohr Joe Porter, Adams, Boston, It Sturtevant & Co. Bohr L Mulford, Doyle, Boston, do Behr Hirer Magnet, Henry, otston, do Bohr Northern Light, Lake, Boston, Van Dusan, Nor ton A CO. Bohr Mary Tice. Tice, New Haven, do Behr Yankee Day, Risley, Hartford, do Bohr Zion. Fields, Gergetown, do Behr Richard Thompson, - Lloyd, Chelsea. do Bohr John ra1211 , 1.1, Baker, Providence, John Parnum & Co. Bohr 8 L Crocker, Presbury, 1 auuton, ?wells & Co, Bohr Ann Pickerel, Leverton, Alexandria, Thomas Webster Jr. Behr Lillie Seunders, Corson, Salem, Bancroft, Lewis & Co. Behr Almon Bacon, Willianie, Hartford, Brice & Co. Mr It Willing, (Baypole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. DIY 'TIILIIOIA.PH.I (Oorrespoudeutio or the Philadelphia Exehange.) OAPS /SLAM). July 10-4 80 The packet ship %Yestioureland, from Liverpool, deeply leder, passed up this afternoon, the ship dui wart, for Itherpool, soda neat or coaelere wept nut this snorting. Wind bW The weather continuos Hue. Therwometer tsiow) 83 deg. July 11, 3 P 31—Two barques went out thin foreuoon, and wars' sabre plumy u 2. Mud eolith, with a con duunuoo of flue trawler. - - TllOl3. B. HUGHES Yours, &o, TELeasArri TO TUN ram) New Youx.July 11 Arrived. barquee Corinthian, (rani Port an Prince; three of the crew dead; Indian Belle, from Cardenas; brigs Preteus. from Sagas, Bum Bradbury, from Nuevi sav, actin; W 11T1toomb. from BtJago do Luba, Haltm, from Pert an Prince; Spencer, from Jamaica. Also arrived, trsrques tlultann, from Smyrna{ Emma Gushing, from Segue; brigs Homeland, from Palermo; Be attie., from Havana; Bremner Ericaeon; U e.oreabip itentr. • • • CILLIILISTON, Julylo. Arrived, ship Emmet, from limo May 30; brig 0 a rollbo A Whits, from Lorton, (Per steamship Fulton. Arrived from New York June 20, Gallego, at Liver pool; 27th, Augusta, at do; 28th, Amelia, at do; 29th, Bouthatopton, at Gravesend. Atrived from Charleston June 26th, Arlington and Princom Royal, at Beal; 27tH, Franklin Haven, at Li verpool. Arrived from Baltimore June 26th, A E Hooper, at UPC, pool. /ratted from New Orleans June 27th, Aldartah, at Li verpool; 28th, Black Hawk and Anna Hodgman, at do. Arrived from Wilmington June 27th, Wm McKay, at Querwetown. Arrived from Havana Jane 27th, Argo, at Gravesend. Balled for New lurk June 20th, Mary Bradford, from London; 28th, Bridgewater and Lady Franklin, from Li verpool Bailed for - Boston Jung 20th, Addle Snow, from Liver pool. Spoken June let, lot 28 N, long 40 W, ship Ganges, from Bostou for Melbourne. Passed DeAI 270,.S.taridderin, from Baraunah for Newcastle; 29th, Ma rie, hoot Philadelphia for London. MEMORANDA Btaacoship State of Qeorgia, Garvin, hence at Saran mat Ttla hat. Ships North Carolina, Poster, for Philadelphia on the ..6th; Ocean Yelle Reliettto, for do on th e 21to; Crown Point, Cook, (Ur do, to auteeed the 0. 8..7.1 bluicuo go., Carter, for do 12tla loot. were up at lavemt 20th wt. Ship Tonawanda, Julius, hence, arrived up at LiTer. pool With ult. blup *to Aeon, Meade, for Baltimore in 2 dava, re trinlned at Baltimore 26th ult. Ship It al Mille btorirlet, cleared at Roston 9th lost for New River, to'lmul for Liverpool. Ship Potomac. Rood, which ideated at New Orleans 2d last for Liverpool, bad ou board 3,241 bales cotton, 6,364 seeks wheat, and 6,000 stares. Ship Joeieh L 11.10, Graves, for Liverpool, was towed to eat from hew Orleans 24th Barque limbos, Lewis, at Baltimore 10th hist from Boston. Brig Llancock, Tucker, cleared at Boston 4th lad for Philadelphia, to load for Pensacola. Brig Abbott Lawrencs,'Baker, hence at Beaton yea terday Bchre Immo Toacey, Gould, hence, and Monterey. A rrante, from Delaware City, at Providence Bth fist Bohr Mary Anna, Bowen, mailed from Providence Bth lust for Philadelphia. Bcbrs (Meek, Thompson. and Thos Page, Robinson, hence, at Pall wirer 7th rust. Bohr P. 8 Janes, tlodfrey, hence at Belem Bth just. Pehrallarcia Tribou,llray; Wreath,Colan; Rogers. and F Elmore, Smith, for thl a post, cleared at ew York Bth inst. Mrs Emily Day, Thy; W P Phillips, Smith; Tressn rer, Vi her ; (leo ts9ward, Baker; nazon, Robinson ; A Oorderey, B•bcock, and /I V W Simmons, Godfrey, hence at BOst•n 9th inst. Behr Luther Child, Nickerson, cleared at Boston Ath bid for this port. Behr Atexender Blue, Hathaway, hence at New Bed ford ath inst. • Para Oberlea Carroll, Pratt, and Ocean Wave, Tammy, sail.d from New Bedford Bth Instant for this port. Behr B. Ei Dean, Cook, from Taunton for this port, remained at Newport Bth Mat. Behr D B Wolfe, Rumen, hence at Milton, 2d that. Behr A J Dorton, stwall , hence at. Quincy, 811 lust. Bohr Bharat°, Stanley, hence at Weymouth last. NOTICE TO MARINERS I:3lEirEB LEDGE, 1.5015T014 Mamma —Notloo ill hereby given that the lton boil boat belonging upon the above station has boon repired sod returned to ito etation. The black can buoy temporailly placed oft the Ledge bee been removed. By order of the Lighthouse Board, BIELANOrON SMITH, Comdr Li 8 N, Lighthotute Inspector, &mond Lehtslot. Boston, July 9,109. MLFIINB 11180BILIDANY 11E4 Bike Mallory, SI er,foottl 12arinses for Fal mouth, 2, before reported put Into Newport. 81, in short of men, three baring died in Ouna, and three on the peonage. The Mayor has furniehed medical ad, and cent many articles of healthful food tor the comfort of all on board. The ship will gall again as coon se men are procured. PORRION PORTB. At Constantinople 16th ult, barque Ittyatery, Knowles, dlach AtLisbon 13th air, ship Ella E Badger, Tarleton, from Liverpool for Calcutta, ropg. At Barcelona 18th ult, barque Daniel, Ildritise, die. At Malaga 17th ult. barque Yonug Turk, Taylor, for Boston about 21st Bld about 16th, brig Mary 16 Jotlee, Jones, Marseilier; 17th, barque Kedar, Crosby, Boston. Passed Ci.braitar 13th ult. chip Ella A Clink, Kopper. holdt, nom Geocia for New Orleans. At Cronstedt 18th ult, ships Caine, Simpson, and Picayune, familia, for imgland,ldg deals; Moses Daven port, Condry, and Agamemnon. Goodwin, for Bristol, Pi, do; Harry Bluff, Badman, from Boston, Idg; Dublin, Lane, for dO; Assyria, 11.1ano, from Now Orleans, noo; Columbia, Sturgis ' seeking freight; barques Ude Kim bleeper: do; Edwin, liti7eut, for Bristol, It, Idg; Wanderer, Ryder, for Baton. do. At Rotterdam 22d ult, ships Charles Ward, Gould for New Yoll Samuel Locke, Sweatier, for do; Brasil, Blair, for Boston barquee Regius, Brooke •, for do; J 11. Van W, ( Dutc i , ) Jensen, for do; Coneordia, (Du'eh) flomeke, and Johanna Wilholinins, (111,m) for N York; Dutch brig America, sleerwans, for Breton. At Olasgow 26th ult, barque Emma it Chase, Hall, to load for Boston. Ar at News' 2let tilt, Bohr Charlotte Minerva, Morse, New York; 251 h, brig Atlantic, Sims, Baltimore. Old 20th, embre Atone°, flueoo, New York. Ar at Halifax sth lust, barque Major Norton, Oorrior, Boston; brig Beauty, Creighton, do. DOMERTIO PORTO . . . " NEW YOU, :ray 10 Arr steamship Tennessee, Forbes, New Orleans, July 4, with passengere, to Chas Morgan & Co. - .lcily 6. at 8 PM, off Sombrero Light (Flothln) aor a *rip attains' ? towel W Oth, et 6 AM' TILE PRESS.---PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY. slittY 12. 1858. 1 4 27 80, loti 79 40, law ateamsblp Bmplre City, hence for Havana and Now Orl a is. Ships Ws at Point, Byan, 1. • .rpool, May 29, wi to wdee and 489 pa 0 ;agars ; Ma o sewn Scott, Sunderland, It days. Barques Glasgow, (Sic) Rap, Palermo May 2; Ondine, (or Baths) Marry mon. Havana June 28. Brine el,a, (Br) Brown Nag a u 1411. Oat Island July 8; Miry Mains, (of Boa to„ D Ar , (late Wyman,] 4t Jago de Cubs Juno 19; 0 B n lea, Harrington) Wass, Piotou, N 8, 10 days 'Queen Bather, (11r) Merriam, Blisabethport for Pt J he, NB. Sabra Mary D Lana, Gardner, Sagas June 28; Star Light. (of Portland) Vora, Havana 18 dap ; lielona. (Br) Roberta, Pleton, N 81U days; J r Lof land, Nichols, Jacksonville 7 days Steamers Boatod, Eellsw, Philadelphia; /sophist, lily, Philadelphia. Uleared—Steamships Moeda, Crowell, Savannah; kfontropsesy. Crocker, Savannah; . Columbia, Berry, Charleston; Atlanta, Laylield, Cherie/1ton; Jamestown, Parrish Norfolk; Westernport, Berry Baltimore. , Ships G Glover, Ballet% Sydney, NSW; .1 P Chap man, chapman, Point Neuf; Mediator, Rant, New Or leans Blrques Peter Oltaton,Bragdon, Bordeaux; °heroine, Andenson. Bahia. . , Brigs Monte Cristo, Northrup, Madeira; Isabella beurmatin, Tames ' Port au Prince; Animus, pathos, Tampa; D Duffell,Talbot, Alisabethport. Setae II Matter, Crowell St Johnv; A Kelly, Kelly, Halrax , ' • Nonpareil, (Br) Monday , Halifax; H Black. man, Sherman, Jacksonville ; Kate Brigham, 'Welch, Savannah; L B Cowpe,thwsite, Beaty Charleston ; La vinia, Jane, Ketcham, Philadelphia Sid—Steamships Arlel, Bremen, &0., Columbia, and Atalanta, Charleston • Montgomery, and Plorlds, Sa vannah; Jamestown, ' Norfolh, &a ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL 110fELP, UP TO ONE VOLOOE THIB ItORNINO. GIRAILD HOllBB—Chestnut street. below Ninth. Plf Smith, Newark, N J O D Gibson,N Y, Blanton Darman, Louisville F Ooleman,Wrosipart, Pa D Sheffer, St Louis G F Dittman, 8t Louis Bonmtlea and sister, N 0 John McGee, N Y K A Smith, Brooklyn A L Haseltine, B 0 G II Potts, N Y Miss Bell Potts, N Y Miss Juliet Potts N Y Mimi 7, Potts ' N Y J Italian-, St John Mrs Brentenall, Newark, Master Montanan, Newark, N Jersey N Jersey N Horn, N Y Jlt Hallam and wife, New- oal Hall, Pa port, Ky B Warnock, NY N warner, Lake Superior Mtn Wilkee, Charleston, Mina Gibbon, Charleston, B 8 Carolina Carolina Mrs Webb, Charleston, 80 0 W Henry, Charieston,Bo Geo Harris, Columbus, Ca Mrs Groesbeck & da, Miss Dr Graham, Va Jan Lewis, N Orleans ' J B Schaller N Orleans Wm J McColloh, La 0 II Ohapin;Washington Wm II Holmes & Follansbee,Pittsburgh ington, V A IticEilroy Miss John B dicker. Bangor, his David Ifingbee, Bangor, Me T H Jackson, N Orleans Mr Beardman, N • John Van Lino, N Y . B Babcock, Pa Alex 51 Schell. California Mrs French, Alabama Mrs Esmond, N Orleans Bdw Townsend. Albany Jesse Nddy, Pall Elver,. Henry W Hollingsworth, Mass Palmyra, Mo D Thayer, jr, Mane Geo 0 Potts & la, Pottsv'e Mrs Judge Dallas, Pottsv'e Jon D Winslow, N Y Don't A Robinson, Jr, Ohs, W J Ilnbard, Richmond, mokin, Pa Va Miss Groesbeck, Mee Mims Burman, N Mr Groesbeck, Bliss Jacob K Tailair, N Y Mrs WM I? Howson, Cin. James 03 Humes, Fort airmail, Ohio - • Washington II Quackenbase & wife, N Y A Sampson. Maine W Jenne Montrose, did Rev It Riley & lady, St F 0 Thompson, N Y Timothy's Hall Alex Erskine, Hants - 011e, D Matt ay, N Y Alabama Gilbert Seaman, Nova 800- Ralph al Hyde N Y tia Taos D Eliot, Mona Chas F Meyer, St Louie .7 !Scanner, Texas F More, N Y W Chase, N Y Thee Whyte, Ga N 8 Pinney, Washington T G Holt, Jr, & lady, Ga Wm F Holt & lady, Oa J P Kennedy. N 0 Miss B T Kennedy. N 0 Misa Boyce, N 0 Miss A Heirson, Clu, 0 • AMERICAN HOLTlE—Chestnut street, above Fifth. Marshall, Balt 0 Johnson, Balt Lewis Kurtz, Balt .1 II Smith, Germantin, Pa L Smith. Germantown, Pa WII Florence, Washingtta J b 1 Stanley, CM, Ohio A Wetherbeo, Oin, Ohio Jon id Miller,Ps. Hanson, Pa N B deabronk, Va bliss J 51 Coulon, Va Miss M G Seabrouk, VA LB Sanford, N B Johnson, N 0 0 S Reid. Balt 51 Morgan, Phi's 12 Frost & Is, N Henry Stevene, Oin, Ohio B liobinson, Ga MERCHANTS , HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arab. Huggins, Cincinnati, 0 11R Linderman. Pa L P Russell, !loam: 11 E Hastings, Pa A D Green & wife, }Jar. Miss !Ismail, N J Wigton, lowa It 'V Bonne.% U 8 A - W 0 Hickok & lady, N Y John 8 Itlunier, Phila Hon Richard Brodhead, Ps Cyrus Brown, Milton, Pa (1 Werinz, Strasburg, Pa Wm W Eastman. Boston Win Perry Cox, Balt W 0 Wagoner, Mile Oretk, rhos Craig, Phil& Pa Ins W Kuntz, Washington, 0 U Barra% Missouri Pa UNION HOTEL—Arch street, baloW Ponta. D F Bands, Hancock, Nlf J M Masson, Cincinnati, 0 Mrs Foster, Armstrong co, 0 F Ayers N Y Pa P B Benders, Ps R J Peters. Pa II Hamilton, Trenton, N J J hi Broadhead, Cincinnati, Oeo Palmer 4c la, Dimon, Ohio 11l G R Inessersmith,Chambers.D F Beroridge dc wife, Cal burg B Foote k la, Milwaukee, J Chandler, Ohio Wis . Sylvester Day, Cincinnati, 0 J . It Strickland, Tenn J B McFarland, Lafayette, James learner, N Y Ind A L Gee, J.pittland, Pa NATIONAL HOTZL—ltaoe street, above Third. J Y Bechtel,' Allentown, Pa II Howard & ht. P 8 Mendenhall, hloorueburg Wm P Voute Potl.llo Jolla A Simons, Witablugtora 0 B Loos, Milford, Mess Miss 0 Haniger, Huntington, Miss Agues nudger, Hun- Vs tiogt)n,2s Louis Haniger, Huntington, Joe Whiteker, Mt Olelr, Ps Pa BLACK. BRAS INN-111Ith and Pderehant etreete. Joe Rowan, Wilmt , n. Del ;a* fl Kirk, Pa P Jones Peach Bottom J J Hoopes, Pa LSt 'smite Pa Jaa Forgison, Allentown W D Blackford, Kansas W P Beatty, Ps A it Leedom, Pa Tim. Griffith, Media, Pa John Lemon, Phila 7 Trainer, Cheater co, Pa BALD ZAGLE MOTEL—Third street, ob. Cottontail Win Uhler, Frenehtovra J Fox, Penton, Pa Mark Devlin, Burlington Blt Brown, Burlington Snail Jut° N BLACK BEAR IfOTßL—Third, above Oallowhni, Baal Samos, Cooporsburg Wm Brumbech, Reading J ft lleltrich, N Y A Buckman, 1'a J Smith, Reading BARLEY SHEA/ HOTEL—Second street. below Vine. Goo Eaitburn, Pa Josiah Rich, Pa J Palmer, Horsham, Pa C N Bryan, Doylestown E Gillingham, Backs co Pa Ohm Bustler, Cheltenham Mrs Sharpe, Wyoming, Pa Wm Brown, Pa L P Worthington, Doyient'n It IVataou, Doylestown A Clown, Hatboro` E It alartindell, Listboto, MADISON MOUSE, Second street. above Market W O Ingram, N Y J ,talker, Rd Jno L Fowl Pltteboxgh C B Logan, Pa Jaa Macholl, AMlaratown, 11 SohLed,ol, Pa Meld P Darla. 111 F Brown, Ohio (1 Mercer, N Y 55perial Notices. Soft Flowing Ringlets of a rich, lustrous glom!, are ens of the many unfailing results of a few trials of JULRB 11111:1BL , S EAU Ammonia, or !lair Restorer. Where baldaeea exists it will speedily produco a new growth of Rain Gray Hairs it changes to their original life color. sold by all Druggists, and by JULES A: CO., No. MI CIIMN UT Strut. 5y12.416t wit Messrs. John 0. Meud & Sons, exclusive Silver Plato manufacturers, have now on hand a now Improved patent ICY PITCHER, whichthey believe to he superior to any article of the kind now In the market. Also, a largo assortment of fine Cutlery, Tea Seto, Urns, Ac. All goods warranted. Northeast corner NINTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Jylo-at rirurnlgia.—This terrible disease, so various In Its forma, ea racking in Its pains, and no difficult of cure, will, In the great majority of ranee, yield to the Judicious use of the PERUVIAN SYRUP. So re markable has been the relief obtained flow this Syrup that many physicians rely upon It an a certain and radi cal euro. For Bale at lIASSARD & CO.'S, Twelfth and Chestnut, and BROWN'S, Fifth and Chestnut. Jytl-t,1y17 wit Bowers Infant Cordial.•• This Invaluable Cordial le preparedfrout a variety of the moat choice and efficient aromatics known In medicine, and Is the moll perfect and reliable carminative extant for Infante and young children. By its powerful infinenoe a speedy cure In effected In all cues of Cholie, windy pains and spasms. Believes and mitigates much of children's offering during &mai tion or teething, Lad by its soothing properties Iran gulling pains of the bowels, loosenese, vomiting, &o. The Infant Cordial halt become a standard remedy, and. hen been used in thousands of oases with the most abundant Noose. No family should be without it. Prepared only by linnet A. Bowen, At his Drug and Chemical btore, N. N. earner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. • au nay Singer , ' Sewing Machines.—After a fair trial of the several machines that have yet been offered to the public, the unanimous verdict of operators has been given in favor of Singer's. This le, in fact, the only machine capable of performing every kind of sewing. BINGER'S NEW FAMILY BEWINO 1,4, beyond all question, the most complete article for family use yet invented, being at once ornamental, easily operated, and superior, in orrery respect, to any other machine. On this otatomont we challenge the world. I. M. SINGER & 00., je743m Office, No. 602 OUESTNUT Street. Bentatenga Saving Fund—Office *O3 Walnut Street, one door west of Second street. Receives de posits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of flee por cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until b &Wok, and on Mon. day and Saturday anti! 0 in the evening, President, ifranlain Roil; Treasurer and Elearatary, °basins M. Morris. Staving Fund.—Five Per Vent; Interest.- , NATIONAL SAPSITY TRUST OOMPANY, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received In any sum, large or small, mad Interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money Is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made In Beal Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Rents, and such first-class securl- Mee ae th charter requires. Office houre, from 9 o'clock In the morning until 6 o'clock in the afternoon, ad on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock. fell & Baker's ONLEBRATID VAMILY SEWING IKAORINN 780 011E8TRIT STREET. These Mash Wes are non joetly admitted to be the beet in use for family sewing, making a non, gran& and emetic etiteh, which will nor rip, even if every fourth stitch be out. Circulate sent on application by letter. 0p9.1 Jackson, JOH PRINTER, FIETH AND CHESTNUT. ohnekA, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, DIII Heade, Cir culate, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, It Crime to suit time!. nel7-1v Manama On the 6th inst., by the Rev. Jo.eph H. 'Kennard. WM A. HERTZ to Id LIZZIE NEEL, daughter of John W. Neel, Esq., both of this oily. tk By the Rev. James (Mallen, July Bth, JOHN P. DOUGHERTY to Miss LETTIE DEUCED. 0 u the Bth inet.. by the Rev Elwin R. Smith,THOS. MERV WEATHER to DEBORAH WARRINGTON, both of Camden, N, J On Thursday. the Bth Inst., by the Rev. rather Car bon, Mr JOSEPH SOHILLER to Miss AUGUSTA PA BEL. both of We oily, AF On the 7th lost , to Baltimore, Md., by the Rev. Wm. Hank, EDWARD P. HAZLETON. of Philadelphia, to QAAHHE iMitir}"T t at Nhitlmore, ilDtatba. On the morning of the 10th, of consumption, ANNIE, youngest daughter of Israel and Sueen Lukens. The friends of the family are Invited to attend the fttoaral, from the residence of her father, this (tleciond day) aternnon, at two &clock. To proceed to Lipper Dublin Menlo 07 Cclll4l. On the Bth lull , HAIRY CATHARINE, daughter or Dr Wm. and Amanda E. Maybury, in the 7th year of her age, The relativee and friends of the faintly are respect. folly Invited to attend the funeral, front the reeldenee of her parents Seventh and Vine etreets,thie (Monday) afternoon, 1211 lost , at 4 o'clock, without farther notion. To proceed to Laurel Hill. On the 7th Met., Hiss MARGARET, daughter of John MA Margaret Bastards'', aged 22 yearn. The relatives and Mends of the family are reenact- Atilt Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, Point rood. below the Wheat Sheaf lane this. (Monday) afternoon, at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Philanthropic Cemetery. ar On the Bth Met , LEWRY, aged 62yearn. The male friends and those of the family, also the managers' f the Monument Cemetery, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from hie late residence, No 617 Second street, above Noble. thid (Monday) mor ning, at 9 o'clock. To proceed to Monument Ceme tery, On the morning of the Bth inst., ANN T., relict of the late 'rands Gleason ss On the evening of the Bth inst., ELIZABETH CAREY, wife of Amon Carey, In the 39th year of her age. On the 9th inst., ANN HATTON, wife of Henry Hat ton, aged 81 yearn. On the Bth hut , PATRICK GWYN, in the 66th year of hie age. tk On the Bth Inst., Mrs. ELIZABETH LENTZ, relict of the late David Lents, in the 83d year of her age. * Os Wednesday morning 7 , h Inst., at the residence of her 'sister, Sire Obarlea Triechel, Pchool-house lane, near Germantown, AMELIA HOPKINS, in the 65th yearof her age On the 7th inet., DENNIS MANNING, in the 624 year of hie age. tk CITY MORTALITY. MULTI( 0/7/011, July 10, 1858 The number of Interments In the city of Philadel phia, for the week ending at 12 o'clock to-day, 1A... 292 a 0' a m. Digesses. e. Mosses. E. C r `"••• Effusion on Drain— 14 Facer, Puerperal.... Amphysia. Apoplexy. Bums Croup de folk' 0 !a sr 1 Casualties 5 1 Congestion orLuogn. 1 " Scarlet 4 Typhoid..." 2 1 Hemorrhage 1 Inthuncn Bract'. 9 ' • c Bronchi... 2 cc - Bowels ... 4 4 II Lunge.... Peiitohlm 4 lifanla.a-Potu 2 111amsmun 2 15 Ideaalea 1 1 014 Age 10 Palsy 1 1 Scrofula 2 30 a Tab•e Menontorlca.. 1 1 'Unknown 2 Whooping Cough... I Drain. 1 Cholera Infaorem.. 60 " blorbus.... 3 1 Conettmptlon Lana 19 2 Coral,Worts 1 21 Diabetes 1 Diard cos 1 Dropsy, Drain 7 Cloak 5 Disease of Brain—. E. ~ i Heart.... 1 2 Drowned Dysentery 4 0 Debtllty 5 0 Of the above there were : Under I year.... ....... 129 From 1 to 2 22 " 2to 5 20 " Etel° 9 " 10 to 16 9 " 15 to 20 4 " 20 to 30 22 Brom 40 to 60 19 " 60 to SO 11 " 80 to 70 9 " 70 to 80. 32 " 80 to 90 5 " DO to ..... 2 Total 292 Colored 18 Boys 106 Girls 88 " 30 to 40 19 Almshouse 19 From the Country 3 Melee 106 Femalee. 126 By order of the Board of ARTHUR Rental. I MILES, Health Officer His*topical Society, July 12, I. ISIS.—A 7 11,3 Stated meeting of the Society will be held thin (MONDAY) Evening., at 8 o'clock. fyl2-1t FRANK M. ETTIN(I, Rec. Secretary. ore Return to the Nell.—The Business MEN'S UNION PRAYER MEETING, held for some time past In &morn Street Church, was resumed again In JAYNE'S HALL, en MONDAY, the sth to continue therefor several week'', through the Echid nas/of Dr. Jayne. This announcement need but to be made to secure as large an attendance as ever, where so many pleasant horns have been spent. The hall is one of the coolest places in the city, so none need be afraid of the heat. Oume, all who can, and spind an hour in prayer and praise, daily, from 12 to 1 o'clock. jylo.2t* Office of the Frankford and Southwark PHILADELPHIA CITY PASSENGER RAIL WAY COMPANY, Corner of GERMANTOWN ROAD and CHATHAM Street. PRILLIALPIITA, July let, 1858. The Board of Directors have declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, payable to the Stockholders or their legal repro. sentatives after the 10th Instant, at this °Mee. The Transfer Books of the Company will bo closed from and after this day until the 15th lust. Stockholders are requested to leave their Certificates at this. Office to lie exchanged for others with the new title of the Company, jyl-fmwlst E. HART, Treasurer ErNotlce.—Grern and Centes•Street LADELPIIIA PASSENGER RAILWAY COM .—The Kaaba'dem fothle Company are notified that a Meoting of the Stockholders will bo held on TIIURSDAY MORNING, July 22d, at 10 o'clock, at the Commlaeloners' Hall, North THIRD Street, below Green, for the purpose of hold ng an Election for Pro aident and Twelve Directors of sold Company, to serve till the 'mooed Monday in January, A. I). 1859. The polio will open at 10 o'clock A. M., and doge at 2 o'clock P. M. By ardor of the Commissioners. Jy2-2w WI...LIAM READ, Secretary Eq.. New Ort nub One Light Company. BARMEN' AND MECHANICS' BANK, PIIILADELITIA, July 2, ISM. Notice is hereby glean to the Stockholders of the New Orleans One Light Company, that the Agency for the Transfer of the Stock and the payment of the Divi dends of that Company will be closed from and after the first day of October next; end they are requested to surrender the Certificates Issued by tote Bank and re. eetve Warrants of Transfeito the Company In New Or leans. W. RUSHTON, Jo., jy2.llwkrathtecl Cashier. I'STATE OF OATHARINE STEWART, Decettped: The Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, to audit, settle, and adjust the accouut of W 51.11 A ot RI NO TON, Trustee un der the Will of CAM 4EIE6 STEWART, deceased, to report distribution, will meet the parties I uterested for the purposes or his appoluttuent, on MONDAY, July 20, 1858, at 11 o'clock A. M., at his office, 8. E. corner of LOOUST and EIGIITII Streets, to the city of Phila delphia. DANIEL DOIDIIIERTY, Auditor. jyl2-merkf 6t TAW & BEERS' GREASE, tho best and cheapest compound for greasing the axles of OBINII3II3ES, CARRIAGES, CARTS, DRAYS and WAGONS, and HEAVY BIACIIINDRY. 'Fur sale in tin cans, kegs, and bowels, by all tho DRUGGISTS in the city cud the Al ANUFACTUR ER 8, jyl2.tint No. 500 MINOR htroet. ILORE WILKESBARRE LEHIGH COAL —Unparalleled Sucosa of the introduntion of thin Superior Coal Into the Shila lelphut 31nrIret! We are daily receiving teFtli»unlnlc from all quarters where thin Coal has been tented of its great aaperiority over any Lehigh Coal ever burned. The Coal yields an exceedingly WIIITE Ash, and is perfectly free from dolor of any kind, while the Coal itself is perfectly clean and entirely free from state or nay impurity. Nor steam purposes It has no equal, the testimony of some of the most eminent Engineers to the country being in its favor. We have the EXCLUSIVE control for its Mi• , AIIDENRIED & ROMMEL Shippers and Retail Dealers in Wilkoabarre Odic., WATER Street, above Callowhill, and brat 'Wharf abowe Callowhill greet, Delaware. Jylo•tjy2B SUN-STROKE.—Hundreds are killed daily by Sun-stroke, end thousands are Injured by It, and yet even sensible people neglect to procure one of the PATENT PAlllitiON CSIDRELLAS sold by W3l. H. RICHARDSON, No. 418 IHuRKWE Street. 100-12 t If CHESTNUT AND WALNUT-STREET RAILWAY EVERY REASON IS IN FAVOR 01? IT TIFF. MASSES ARE IN FAVOR OF IT A MAJORITY OF PROPERTY-OWNERS ON THE ROUTE ARE IN FAVOR ON IT NO QUESTION FOR THE COUNCILS REMAINS A j'AMPIILIa of 100 pagan, containing all tho PACTS, may be bad gratin at W. B. ZIEBEIVS, THIRD Street, below Chestnut UVING's FARINA CRACKERS.—The v • remarkable excellence and great popularity of theda Creams have attracted the attention of those manufacturing other descriptions of Crackers, and many of these persons buy WOO'S CRACKERS, in order to supply their customers with Farina Crackers. Oue or two Individuala, however, have been offering the ordinary kind, which they make under the name of Farina Crackers, and have succeeded in selling them to a small extent. . • . . The selling of such Crackers for Farina has a ten dency to injure the reputation of TRUE FARINA CRACR MS, made by Mr WING. Errors of this character, however, are usually cor rected on being properly exposed. No other person hoe over succeeded in working the material for ,lltillb Crackers, or producing any article which contains each highly nutritious and healthful properties as WING'S. INll'O onacittits have a delightful taste, act kindly upon the stomach, and are digested with remark able ease. for dyspeptics ortho aged, as well ac fasten. tary and delicate persons generally, they aro most ac ceptable, awl peculiarly pleasant for children. Ask for WING'S CRACIIERB and tako none but those stamped a ith the name of 1, A. WINO." These may be procured of the best family Grocers generally, and at wholesale only of A. N. Thompson Sr Co., Nos. 221 and T 2.3 Fulton street, Now York, or DINOLE & BROTHER, Wholesale Agents, No. 145 South PROM! Street, Philnd'a jy2-fr tf VIRGINIA LANDS' FOR SALE.—Tho su'iscriber has iiTO Farms for sale In the county of Albemarle, varying In size from 140 to 1,000 acrss, and ranging from $5 to $5O per acre. Oue tract of very rich Land, but unimproved, containing over 1,100 acres, he will sell for $5 per acre—no money to be paid for four years, and no interest required. For further information inquire of 3011:1 L.O'Nli A L, 300 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, or of the sub scriber, at CLIARLOTTESVILLS, Tit Jyloutu4w TAUT. CtOODLOK. ITARRIS'm BOUOOIII, SEWING MA- L... °HINE is offered to the public as the most calla DM low-priced Sowing Machine in use. It will sow from six to sixty stitches to au inch, on all kinds of goods, from coarsest bagging to •tho finest cambrics. It is, without exception, the simplest In Its mechanical con. etructlou ever made, and can bo run and kept in order by a child of twelve years of ago The DURABILITY of thin machine, and the QUALITY OR ITB WORK, are war ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches Ter min ute. The thread used is taken directly from the spools, WITHOUT TIM TRIABLE OF RIWINDINO In fact, it le machine that Is wanted by every family in the land, and the low price of FORTY DOLLARS, at which they to sold, brings them within the remelt o almost every one. 8.1). BAKER, Agent, JelB4lom why eow6ut 20 South EIGHTH &root. M ACIKE REL.-1,800 barrels Nos. 171, and INA 8 MAOHEREL, So 'snorted packageo, now in store and for sale by JOHN M. KENNFIDY to 00 , nn .a. 4 Nno. 129 and IA2 North Irb xxxxx TIE IDSIECK CHAMPAGNE .—l' IPE JUL 11111D6LOOK, genuine brand. constantly on band, received from sole Importers, and for sale log • - ' :•• A. MERINO, Bole Agent In this Oity, pi42-citim 4 Q gIiAUF /s9m Pinot LOSING SUMMER STOOK. C Drees goods at reduced prices. French Lamm, fine quality, at 18% eta. Organdy Botha 12 Fancy Mike, Bereges and Oballlee. Travelling Press clods, Bsyndere. niIIAIIPLKBn BBOTHIERB, .13 .9 . 1 ( 011EdTIVIIT and SWIM BADEN HUCKABLOK. Very heavy Drown Bath Towelling. Russia Liver and Bird-Bye Towels. " Crash and Scotch " Red-edged wide Grass Towelling. Linen Floor Clothe, bordered. Rich colored-ends Chamber Towels. BIie.B.PLEBS BROTILE/Bil b EIG HTH TRAVELLING} OREM:NUT and. EIGHTH TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS. Travelling Dusters to match. Bilk Busters and Mantillas. French Lace Mantles, from auction. White Barege Dusters. Shawl Bareges, black and white. Thin Black Goods, reduced. WRITY.: GOODS. Cambria, Jaconet, and Mull, I2g eta. up Figured Salsa, plain Sulu, and Victoria. From auction, cheap lota plaid Cambric. EMBROIDERIES. Just opened from auction, several lots Linen Bets, fancy Breakfast Bete, neat Collars, and fancy Linen Col. bars at about HALF PRICE. • Mohair Mitta—aeveral good and cheap lots. LINEN (100DS. Fronting and Shirting Linens, by the piece or yard. BOYS , WEAR: Seerouckers, Slay Linens, tinon Coatings, Pantaloon Sintla, bre. Al9u light Caesimeres. MARSEILLES VESTINGS G REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES oe ELEGANT MANTILLAS. CLOSING SALES OF THE SEASON. REAL GUIPURE MANTILLAS. FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS. PUSH ER LACE MANTILLAS. FRENCH LACE CIRCULARS. BLACK BAREGE CIRCULARS. WRITE BAREGE CIRCULARS TRAVELLING DUSTERS, In profile° variety, J. W. PROCTOR & 00., ja29 No. 708 CHESTNUT street. THE E A PEST- EMBROIDERED CRAPE SHAWLS ever offered in this City aro now being sold by • THORNLEY N. E. cor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. We purchased, a few days ago, at a most tremendous sacrifice for CASH, a lot or Tory Het! Embrnidered Crape Shawls, fume quality and style no we hare gold for TWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now selling at the extremely low price of 719111.Vkl DOLLARS:: Ladies, you may never have much another opportunity of buying • MANDSOMO SHAWL OD °WRAP! Also, Plain Crape Shawls, Iron, 84 to $lB. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS. Special bargains in Lace, Silk, Moir Antique Man. titles, &c. Travelling Dress Materials In great variety. Thin Hummer-Dress Goods. Organdies, Bareges, Grenadines, &c., &o BLAOK FANCY BILKS, &o. Our name is justly celebrated for Cheap Silks. Materials for Alen and Boys' Wear. Linen Goods, of our own importation. Summer Gauze and other Flannels, Ace., &o. Mitts, Yells, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, he., at TII.OhNLEY & 011181 VB ONE-FEICE CASH STORE," N. E. Oor. EIGHTH & SPICING GARDEN Streets. jelg•tf Total. .... .... 90 192 RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMILBICS, DIAPERS, &co CONSUMERS of RIOH AMMON'S LINENS, and those desirous of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should Fee That the articles they Forehead are waled with the full name of the Srm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & °WHEN, di a guarantee or the sameness and durability of the Goods. This caution is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared. !reason after 150116R011, and sealed with the name of 10011Alt,MON by Irish houses, who, regardless of the injury thus indicted alike on the American consumer bud the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, while pur chasers can be imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, my2B-8m Agents, 80 011171t011 Street, New Yoik REDUCTION IN PRICES OF SUMMER GOODS PROM JULY ler. LAWNS and ORO ANDIES. BAREUES and OREN DINES. MAR S ILLES and BRILLIANTS. DUOALS and BAREUEI DELAINES. PLAIN and BM/Al/ERE LAMELLAS. PLAID, INDIA, and SUMMER SILKS. GLOSSY BLADE SILKS. WITE FRENCH BRI EDGINGS and INSERTINUS; FLOUNOINGS, Ac. MATERIALS FOR TItA.VELLT.NO DRESSES and DUSTERS, all kinds. SEA-SIDE P AIDS, for Bathing Dresses, in medium and gay Plaids , flat colors. The whole stock of SUMMER-DRESS GOODS to be closed out for owes, to prepare for fall. CHARLES ADAMS, Jy3.a to th tf EIGHTH and ARCH Streets. A. OARD. JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dopler In DOMESTIO AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, id. 448 N. BEOOND Street, adore WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA. Large Story White Bull* TRIMS—ONE P Ton °Lam 11:7" Prim smirked in plain figures on each article up294int NOTICE.—Tho Partnership heretofore ex, iat.ng under the firm of LEEDOM & HALDE MAN in thin day dloolved, by mutual convent. Either of the undeceived in authorized to nettle the buzi. nevi of tho firm, No, IT North THIRD Street. EMMOR S. LEEDOM, • HENRY HALDEMAN. JuLY 8, 1858. %IRE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED a Copartnership (or the tranaacgon of a general Dry Geode CommDolon buslnees, under the !mu of WOLFE, WILSON, & CO , and have taken tho Store No. 132 WIESTNIIT Street, below Second Street. E. D. WOLF:. C. 11. WILSON, D. 11. WOLFE. PIIII.ADELPIIIA, July 6, 18113. jy7-6t 1 IMITED PARTNERSHIP.—Wo, the subscribers, have this day entered Into n limited partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the tneuty-first day of March, 1836, entitled "An art relative to limited partnership,” and do hereby certify that the mune ender whirl, &Ad partnership is to be conducted Is TIIGMAS L BORDEN; that the general nature of the business to be transacted is that of au Iron Foundry; and the same o ill be transacted and carried on in the city of Philadelphia; that the name of the General Partner is THOMAS 1). BORDEN, of the city of Philadelphia, and the Special Partner is GEORGE A. WALKER, of Weymouth toouship, in Atlantic county, and State of New Jersey; that the capital contributed by the said George A. Walker, Special Partner, Is One Thousand Dollars, In cash; that the period at Which the said partnership IS to commence is the second day of Juno, one thousand eight hundred and tlfty-eight, and that it NM terminate on the second day of Juno, one thousand eight hundred and THONIAS D. BORDEN, General Partner. GEORGE A. WALKER, Special Partner. PHILMILLFULd, June 2,1858. jel-mfit THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FJRMED a copartnership under tho style of FROTHINGHAM k W ELLS, for tho tranneotton of a GENERAL DRY GOODS COILMISSION BUSINESS, and have taken the store No. 84 South FRONT Street, and 35 LETITIA Street. THEODORE FROTHINGIIAM, KIRK R. WELLS. PHILADELPHIA, June let, INS. Je2-2n2 WANTED—A PARTNER, with a cash r capital of $5,000 or $lO,OOO to engage in the Wholesale Grocery and Liquor business. Address B. W., at this Office. jylo-3t4 ViTANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES OLVALRY—AbIe-bodled, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to V 42 per month. No man having a wife or child will be erred. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE at No 817 M ir ET Street, above Eighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, let Limit, 24 Regt. of Cavalry, • apl7.4f &mridtingpmeer. j fmw t L.IGHT JONES' PATENT KEROSENE, OR 00AL OIL LAMPS, Unrivalled in beauty, simplicity, safety, or economy. Every person wishing to data!' the very best and cheapest Portable Light within their reach 'should call and examine thee,' Lamps before purchasing ()Newham, and we pledge oureelvee to demonstrate : let. 'That no accident can occur by explosion. 2.1. That they omit no offensive oder while burning. 3d. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th That they are easily regulated to give more or less light. 6th That they burn entirely free from emote. 6th. That the light is at lout 65 per cent. cheaper than any other light now in common ego. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed In all cases. Wholesale and Retail Agency, 38 South SECOND Street, above tihastnut Southern and Western dealarresupplied with LAMPS, OILS, WICKS, MARES, and everything in the line, on favorable terms . 8. N. SOUTHLAND, Agent. myl4..finw-2ce PETERVO PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BELS-GENERATING GAS LAMP le the only Patent Burner that has a NON.CONDLICTOR ATTACHED. For Bsfety, Chem %vas. and Brilliancy, it sttrpana all others. - - • - • - . BTAT.R AND 0 OUNTY MILTS FOR PALI, Address D. P. kRTRRB 13.'\y, ciortier P .1 olikii , riti delphin ar0:1472 BROADWAY, New York- 00114-14-rp IN TILE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL B. MONROE, deceased. 'Whereas, Letters of Administration upon the estate of the above named decedent have been granted to the undersigned, notico la hereby given that all pa: ties indebted to Blad estate will make payment, and ail partica having claims agniustaald estate, will present them will out delay to ELEANOR BIONROE, Administratrix, No. 934 MARKET Street, or DANIEL DOUGHERTY, (hoe Attorney,) S.J. corner BIOUTII and LOCUST Streets. Jel-tu 6w* FOR LINEN GAITERS. $11...i.cr 75 eh, for LINEN SLIPPERS. 16 cte. for VELVET SLIPPERS. 76 de. for RID SLIPPERS. BLACK LINEN GAITERS A . At PRKER'S, jai tu* 01 North SIXTH Street poßs..-200 barrels Heavy Mess Pork. 1 . 83 barrels Prime Pork. 78 barrels Leaf Lard. For sale by C. O. SADLER tc Co., alas Nn. 9 North Water street L, FOWLER, D ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOUSTON, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS. Twnnty eat roallent in Texan. Prompt attention paid to Lnnd Busim,r, OFFICE OPPOSITE TUt OLD CAPITOL. HMIS To—Ztlawirs. Darts llintoy, P11111'40101% v} r '3l retail TElrp Goan. COOPER k 50NARD, 5. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Copartnersl4 Notice°. Wants tamps. eaningo Sttitbe. THESPRING GARDEN SAVING POND. (oftaarsann Br TON ISOISLAPone or PISPOBYLTANIA.) PERPETUAL °HARTER. rrvE PER CENT. Intermit allowed to Depositors, - and all Moneys Paid beet on Demand. OPPIOE, 881 NORTH THIRD STREET, (CONSOLIDATION BUIL BUILDISO3 This lootltation is now open for the transaction of busineal. and is the only Chartered Saying Pond located In the northern part of the city. The Oboe will be open (daily) from B to 2% o'clock, and also on MONDAYS and TIMIESDAYS, from nntO 9 o'clock in the Evening. MANAGERS. James S. Pringle, Jacob Dock Joseph At Cowell, George Woelepper, ' - J. Wesley Bray Robert B. Davidson, P. 0. Bllmaker, John P. Verne, George Knecht, John Horn. it. JAMES S. PRINGLE. THORN. ap2l-iftf Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P Levy, Hon Henry R. Strong, Daniel Underkoiler, Hon. Wm Millward, Frederick Steaks, Fninels Hart, Joeepn P. LeWere, Jan Reuter, Jr., Preside Secretary, GEORGE T. IAVING EIIND.--UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and OECREIT. NUT Street& Large and smell mum reoelved, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with FIVE PER RENT INTER EST from the day of depoeit to the day of withdrawal. Office hour,, from 9 until 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from S =Ail 9 o'clock. . . DRAFTS for sale on England, ireland,.ana Scotland, m upwards. President—STEPMEN R. 011.6a77010, Tresearer—PLLNY PISA. Teller—TAMS& U. nußria. SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN NJ TM:MT—NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST OM PANII.—WALNUT STREE T SOUTH -WDBT DORMER OP THIRD, PHILADRLDHL6. .140021.011.1 TED BY TEI 874T1 07 PUNITTLVALI/A. Money le rewired in any eam, large or small, and In terest paid from the, day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The office is open every day from 0 o'clock in the morning till 6 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. HON. lIHNHY L. BENtillß, President, ROBERT 13PLPSID6B, Moe President WE. J. Bann, Secretary. insoursOnit: Non. Henry L. Benner, P. Carroll Brawler, Edward L. Carter, . Joseph B. Bars Robert Bellridge • /ramie ' Sam!, H. Ashto n, Joseph Terkel, C. Landreth Menne, Henry DiffenderPer. Money Is received and payments made daily. The investments are nude In conformity with the provisions of the Charter in REAL ESTATE MOST GAGES, GROUND MINT , and such Snit algae securi ties as will always Insure perfect security to the deposi tors, and which cannot fail to give permanency and sta• bility to this Institution. tWO. 88 ( Z4l) DOOR STREET.-FIVE / PER CWT. STATE SA*INGS POND. IVO. 88 (241) DOCK STKEST. - - FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS MM. _IVO. 88. (241) DOCK StEEET..-F/VE 1 PEE OBNT. STATE SAVINGS FOND. ITO. 88 (241) DOOR STREET.- FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS MID. snl47 gentlemen's Surniebing tgoobs. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. W. W. IGNIGHT4 608 ArlOH Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Muller in all kinds of Furnishing Goods, and manufacturer of Pine Shirts, warranted equal in every respeot to any others manufactured in thin city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. - ENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS OR WI DRESSING GOWNI3.—The largest and best as. sortment in the city, wholesale and retail, with a full line of trader Clothing, suited to the season, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 606 ASCII Street, above Sixth, Philestel phia. • inhi-ti 1171NCHESTER SCOTT, GENTLE & MEN'S STOUR, and PATENT SHOULDER BEAM ExuaT MANUFACTORY, No. Yee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia. The attention of Southern end Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved out of Shirts, the moat perfect fitting allele made. At whole. ale and retail, and made to order. - ane.lylr JXUlnrittal. HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR! And Bernet for DYSPEPSIA, WEAK STOMAGEL AND WELD BOWELS This artiole is the greatest discovery In Chemical or Medical Science for the rapid Cure of RIIREMATISII, NEURALGIA. TOOTH-AMR, SORIITHROAT,STIBI MGM, or Pain in the LIMBS, SIDE, BACK, or any pest of the body. It acts upon the Blood, Nerves, Mita (des, Sinews, and Bones, cononerlng all pain. It Is also an excellent preparation for Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which arises from a weak stomach or bowels. Thousands of persons who have need HARTS. lIORNEII CURE-ALL have been astonished at its wonderful power In removing any pain from the system. Bottles 12, 26, 60 cents, and 61, to be sold by R. H. JENELNS, ap2.l-iftt Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. EIARTSHORNE'S HEALTH—REST°. Ult, OR SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood. Prepared by a Chemist. The bat Restorer of Health, and the best Blood-Purifying Compound in the World! it does not contain a particle of Mercury. The above preparation is suited to the Impaired and weakened condition of the human race; it invigorates the whole Constitution; removes all pimples and amp. None from the akin; gives bloom and freshness to the complexion, and le particularly adapted to the 'weaken. tog complaiota of both sexes. It is a perfect cordial In taste, and sets like a charm upon the feelings, spirits, and energies of the weak and debilitated from any came. Quart bottles gl; small bottles 60 tents; sold by R. H. JRNIIINIL Corns? of BROONB and WALNUT Streets, ap22-iftf Name. IOTICE TO ARCHITECTS.—In purgu auto of a resolution adopted by the Monument' Commissioners, at a meeting, at Harrisburg, on the 13th instant, Plans, Specifications, and Estimates are invited for the erection of a MONUMENT to the memory of citizens of Pennsylvania who lost their lives in the late War with Mexico. The cost of which is not to exceed the sum of TIIIRTY THOUSAND DOLLAR'S. Communications on tho subject of plans, &c., to be addressed to tho tiovernor, At Harrisburg, prior to the let of Juiv. Proposals received from July 1 until Au gust 4, Milt. Persons furnishing Plans will please send their Esti mates undur seal, en they will he for the use of the Com znissloners only. For the Plau which may be adopted a premium of Two Hundred Donate will be By order of the Gornmisifoners. JOBN W. GEARY, BeerefAry. UARRISBITRO, Bby 14,1858. jyl.-tt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I N application heo been made to the Trustees of the Fire Association for the renewal of policy of insurance Limed In the new° of JOHN MURRAY, on the 6th slay of December. 1841, No. 11.092, for $1,500, mat by him transferred to JOtiN MceOlt, December 6 1851, and by him transferred on the same, date to OATHARINN RANKEN, which policy has been lost or intala.lB. Any information thereof will be received by JOHN 51cCOY, elSqe frn lmtk 311 and 318 South FRONT Street NOTICE. -AN ELECTION FOR SEVEN Al DIRECTORS of the MONTOUR IRON COMPANY, to semi during the ensuing year, wilt be held on SA TURDAY, the thirty-ii or day of July next, between the hours of twelve o'clock M., and one o'clock P M.. at the .; La Pierre Motel," in the city of Phlladel, phis, Pennsylvania, .je304j)31 T. M. BRYAN. Jo., Secretor, insurance Compaitteo. IIRE INSURANCE. DY THE RELIANCE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. On Buildings Limited or Perpetual, Merchandise, Furniture, 4c. in Town or Country. OFFICE, No. Ode WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. 5177,926. Assays, $262,466.89. Invested as follows, via : First Mortgages on Improved City Property, worth double the amount 120,200.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's. 6 per cent. mortgage Loan, $60,000, coat 26,600.00 Allegheny County 6 per cont. Penna. R. R. /Om 10,000.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co's. Stock 4,000.00 Stock of the Reliance Mutual Insurance... Company Stock of County Fire Insurance Co Scrip of Sundry Insurance Companies.. Mlle receivable, business paper Book Accounts, accrued Interest, Peo... Cash on hand and in Bank. 5262,465.89 GLIM TINGLBY, President. DLREOTOIIB. Samuel Bispham, - Hobert Steen, William Maser, BenJ. W. Tingley, Mani,.ll Hill, Z. Lothrop, Charles Leland, Jacob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Bissell, Pittsburgh. lIINOIIMAN. Secretary. Clem Tingley, William R. Thompson, David B. Brown, Cornelius Stevenson, John R. Worrell, H. L. Canon, Robert Toland, Moses Johnson, Charles S. Wood, James S. Woodward, te2o-11 to th-rp44 B. If MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., 1 - 1 a INCORPORATED 1810—CHARTER PER PETtIAL. No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia Haring a large paid-up Capital Stook and Burping Invested in souud and available Securitiee, eolith:met • insure on Dwellings, Rom, Furniture,Merchandise Veasels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Loom liberally and pibinptly adjusted 011110T018 George Abbott, John T. Leiria, John Welsh, Caspar W. Morris, Batnnel 0. Morton, James B. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Edmund O. lintllh. °bailee W. Potiltney. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIE, Secretary. ja..23-y If INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNBYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANON—No. 4 IIXOI.IANUIS BUILDINGS. Chartered In ITai—Capital s2oo,ooo—Amotot Janu ary 1,1868,5317,410 10.100, AU Invented In coned and available securitles—oonti nue to Insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stotts of Merchandise, ko., on liberal terms. DIRECTORS: Henry D. Sherrerd, George IL Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Chance Macaleater, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Watteon, John B. nudd, Henry O. Freeman, William R White. Charles S. Lenin, _George 0. Carson. HINNY D. SILEARERD. President. WILLIAM HARYYR, SeeretarY. je9-wfrm.tf ED tntiotrn. C. A. KINGSBURY, ST Af. D., DENTI Would inform his friends that , ho has REMOVED to 1119 W ALNUT Street, above Eleventh. jet-am personal DRY GOODS.—I wish to buy $2O or $25,000 worth FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. If one-half or throe-fourths the amount can be paid in an improved Farm near Chicago; balance CAme. Addreae J. M., Pre, Omen. JFS-titit n" FOWLER, WELLS, & Ptft CHESTNUT Street, keep standard works on I: Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure, and Pho nography, wholesale and retail, Phrenologi cal Examination, with charts, and full writ ten descriptions of character, given day and even. tug. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders by mall to be addressed to Fowler, Wells, & Co., 922 Chestnut street. je9-3molf-wity t rep 30 LARGE NO. 8 MAOKEREI,--NOW IN store and landing, 300 bble No. 3 MACKEREL ; large 9.88 helves ditto, for We by JNO. M. KENNEDY dt CO., X361.151.W tad 114 24.1971eAVY.5. 2liattgentettto. CONCERT HALL, COMMENCING- MON- Der uvENING July 14th —Horde Brothers Pen and Trowbridge Minstrels, from the School street Opera Home, Bostou—eonelating-of thirteen_ Scarper former,. 'For further zetrtioalars nee raters and pro grammes of the day. Jytib_fit LON NONNI.), Mudnem Manager. JHEATLEY'S ARCH-ST. THEATRE ErrAAOvDINAILY COMBINATION, SECOND WEEK; Commencing THIS (Monday) ETENINO,JuIy 12th, 1858 Triumphant mums. and groat hit of OR/DIVA Y . 'S 'BOSTON ISOLIANB, Odeatittes of TEN fitsi Performers, whole "Musical Soirees." for the part four eights have beenylatted br orer4 000 of the elite of Philadelphia. LIT This flattering and euncilicent patronage hie in duced the management to secure the services of those New York Star comedians, the brothers JERRY BRYANT and DAN BRYANT, From Bryant's Minstrel "472 Broadway, N. Y., who will appear nightly, in conjunction with those in imitable twin 500 of Memos, ERN. 110BN and PRANK BROWSE, The whole forming the greatest combluallbn of Ethi opian talent ever concentrated in Philadelphia. Tickets 26 cents. ' • For full particulars of the great - doings, queer say ings, new acts, dulcet', Ed.,- see programmes. Doors open at To commence at 13,1(. ,3 um tile r ex atrsions GRAND EXCURSION - OP THE PHILA -DELYRIA ARTILLERY COMPANY, Captain M. EINSTEIN, to be held at LEMON RILL, on MONDAY, July 1201,1858. Tickets 2b cents. • FOR OAPE MAY.-EXPRESS LINE—The swift and favorite Steamer BALLOON," Capt. W. WHILLOIN, leaves Arch - street Wharf for ape May every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Morning, at 9}‘ o'clock, Returning, leaves the Cape nu the interznedipte days at S o'clock A. M. Bare $2, carriage hire included; Servants $1.60 ; Beason Tickets $B, carriage hire nabs. Jys-Snit FOR THE ALLEGRE a_ MS.—NOTICE TO PII6OONB Fleft- TYO TO Teic6 TUB Moortsts Al R.--THE PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY wilt issue EXCUR SION TICKETS during the Summer to ALTOONA end the MOUNTAIN ROUSE, (Cresson's Station,) good for six days. Fare to Altoona and return .- - Fare to Mountain House end rettiro Phlladal,Tuly 2 , 1858 . ' . THOS. MOORE; - 7y3-12t .Agent Pennsylvania Railroad Company. agg AffTWIR D A E R I A/L P LVA I ) LINB.—tIREAT ItBDUOTION. - PANE 'TO NIAGARA FALL& ONLY SB.OO. Trains leave the Philadelphia mud Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VIRE kitroetsidally, (Sun days extepted,) as follovis : 7:30 A. 31., day express. 3:30 P. M., night empress. Tickets can be procured at the Depot, and also at the General Office of the line : Rorthwesteorner SIXTH and GHEBTRUT Biretta. - NIAZE . NORTH PENNSYI., VANIA. RAILROAD FOR DELAWARE WATER-OAP, MAUCIL OHUNU, HAZLETON,AND THE LEHIGH COAL R EGION.— Flatters to the above popular places of Seaman Reimer will find the Route o ff ered by the North "Penneytreats Railroad Company, in connection with the Lehigh Val ley and New Jersey Central Railroads, to be novel. and agreeable , passing through some of the richest And most highly cultivated counties in the State, and pos sessed of comfortable - accommodations, both on the road and at the various towns through which it passes. FOR THE WATER GAP.—Take Express Train from Front and Willow streets, pane the night at Bethlehem, and take care next morning at o'clock, through Easton to New Hampton, where a close con nection is made with the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, and arrive at the Gap about noon. C FOR MAUCH HUNK AND THE COAL REGION. —Take 9 A. H. and 2.25 P. AI. Express Trains from Slime Depot to Bethlehem, where a close connection is made with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, tluotigh from Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk in 5 home. A NEW AND PLEASANT ROUTE TO NEW YORK ClTY.—Take 9 A. M. Express Train to Retitle. heni, thence at 2.20 P. M. via L. V. E. R. sad N. J. O. R. It. through Easton to Ellzabethport, thence by Steamer, and arrive in Now York at quarter past 7 P.NL Parties travelling North that have a few hours to spare, will find this a new and agreeable route. , For further particulars, inquire of ELLIS CLARK, Agent N. P. R. R., Front and Willow stresta. PHILADELPHIA, 11112018, 1858. . jel9.2m sge GA FOR CAPE MAY AND NEW YORK. - AMY, at. OM O'clock A M. NEW YORE AND: PHILADELPHIA STEAM NA: VItIATION COMPANY. The splendid ocean steamers DELAWARE _Captain Copes; BOSTON, Captain Bellew"; and RED REW:IC, Captain Hand , form a daily Bee between this city, Cape May, and New York, leaving from first pier below Spruce etreet (Sundays excepted) at fig o'clock A. M.Ratline. Dig, leave New York from pier 14 North River . (3undays excepted) at S P. M. Returning, leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) at A. M. _Faro to Cape May (carriage hire included), for servants - " 4, Season tickets (carriage hire ex . tra " New York, - cab in ~ steerage Freight taken at low rates. For passage, Mate roonm, &e, apply on board, or at the O ffi ce, 314. and 315 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE NUE. JAMES ALLDER DICE, Agent. at rFat.T.I.TLEDAAvex. RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND HALF HOURS TO THE SEA SHORE. • On and after Monday, Tune 7th, and until further no tice, (Sundays esceptedd three trains dailyto Atlantic City and return. First Passenger Train leaven Tine at. wharf 7.30 A. M. Second 4.00 P. Freight Train with passenger Oar attached, 4.25 A. M. Accommodation Tram to Weymouth 4.35 P. M. LEES ATLANTIC CITY. First Passenger leaven 6.00 A. M. Second It " 4.40 P. M. Freight Train with Passenger ear attached, /1.30 P. M. Accommodation Train leaven Weymouth, 6.26 A. M. HADDONFIELD TRAIN Leaves Cooper's Point, 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. Haddonfield,l P. M. and 3 P. M. Fere to Atlantic, when tickets are purchased before entering the cats, 31.80. Persona wishing to go down to the Sea Shore and return the same day, can /Tend SIX NOUNS ON THE BEACH. Tickets for the round trip, $2.50 Tickets to go down in the afternoon and return next morning, or down on Saturday afternoon and return on Monday morning, $2 MI. ENTRA NOTICE. The Accommodation Train toVieymouth will run hrough to Atlantic on Saturday Afternoon and cen time to ruo every Saturday until further notice. Leave Vine street. 5.345 P. 51 64 Atlantic City. 400 A. it. Stopping at all Stations. Monthly tickets will be sold at the following rates: For the month of June, $lO For the month of Sept. 0.5 . " July, 20 For three months. 45 " U August. 20 For four mouths, 60 Churches, Schools, Lodges, Companies and Library Associations, wishing special trains, should make early application. Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by P.M. The Company will not be responsible for any goods until received and receipted for by their Freight Agent at the Point... R. FRAZER, decreta47. Sir Oak ant, ret. ELLING 01:17.—The well-known Store on EIGUTII Street, at No. al, betueett Arch end Market, kept by D. H. DURBIN, coasisting of a well assorted, fine stock of DIAMOND GOODS, .1.1 all kinds of One Gold JEWELRY—aIso, a stock of line Silver Ware and Oil 'Paintings—still be sold out less then cost price, on account t to quit the entire business. .Iy4-tutrfie UITO RENT—The desirable three-story ltrlck DWELLING ROUSE, No south TIIIRD Street, below Lombard street, basing two Parlons, Dlning Room, and Kitchen on first floor: large Yard and seven Chambers; In first-rate order. Will Ix, rented low to a suitable tenant. Apply to THOMAS MARTIN, Reel Estate Agent sad Oollentor, N. W. ror. TIIIRD and LOMBARD Streets. jylo-2te, firi4 TO RENT—A pleasant COTTAGE JIIOIISE, situated No. 843 South ELEVENTH Street, above Parrish, containing Parlor, Dining Room, Kitchen on the first floor; two Bed Rooms, /dath and Dressing Room on second floor; two Sleeping Known on third. floor; Range hot and cold WaterOas all through; splendid Yard in front; also, good lard hack to alley; first-rate neighborhood. Terms moderate to a No. I tenant. Apply to THOMAS MARTIN. Real- Estvto Agent and Collector, N. W. eon THIRD cud LOMBARD. N.ll a number of Houses to Rent or For Bake In different parte of the city. jylo-2t* 19,160.00 1,060.00 ,75.00 62,711.60 9,880.19 10,043-20 .LROR SALE—My desirable 'Delaware and Maryland FARMS, close to Railroad and Naviga. Lion. Prices low ; terms very easy to actual settlers. WALNUT Street, N 0.823. Call between 9A. 31. and SY. M. Office back Jylo-3t TO LET .- THE UPPER ROOSIS OF stores No. 321 awl No. 333 MARKET Btroot, below Fourth. Apply on the premises, to M. L. lIALLOWELL Sc CO , or GIIILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. political. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS, JOHN SWIFT. Subject to the will of the People's Consentlon jyS.tt AT THE SOLIOITATION of my trienli, I offer myself as ft Candidate for the OFleo or REGISTER OF WILLS. FUltjeCt to the People's nomination. R. OALTIOUN SEE, jell-fmw Im* Of the Eighth Ward. EGNTER OF WILLS ANDREW J. WESTER Subjedt to Democratic Rates. - CLERK OF ORPLIANS' COURT_ JOSEPH A. MONHEEHER, Eleventh War! Subject to the ruiew of the Democratic party. Jel7-dto* Q.HER IF F AL T Y.—Enccuraged by my 5...71 friends, I offer myself as a candidate :or the office of SHERIFF of the City and County ot Potiadelphia. subject to the derision of the People's party, waose no mination I respectfully solicit. WILLIAM 11. KERN, Fifteenth Ward. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS JOHN °AMIN Filth Ward. Jal6•ti Bolded to Democratic Rolm F a, REGISTER OF WILLS CHARLES D. RNIODT, TWENTIETLI WARD Subject to the People'. Nomlllation. Jel-tf VOik REGISTER OF WILLS. .a.• JOHN CAMPBELL, OP BEVENTII WARD BubJ eat to Democratic rules. , myll4m jA.9FsoN, ":108 PRINTER, Has Romocod to FIFTH' AND CHESTNUT STREETS jy2-1m REMOVAL. -JOHN P. DOHERTY UUARLES TAILORS, HAVE REMOVED N. R. CORNER OP FIFTH AND IVALNCT STREP,Te ERRING. -SOO Mils. No.l II Eh'? G, MAL Eastport it.spaevon ; t3OO du Halifax, now in atoz• and for We by JOUR I. KENNEDY it CO., - Pt al Mu. in 010 pit 44904 w 100,4 ST 75 7 60 CHARLES 9. TAPPEN, , General Agent.