g ~....„ ~:,....: ~ ,_ ..,fl, llll ~ ~ .:, • -i: -. 4 .. IR ~-,. ~, .."S --- f :.. ~..*, x.g f e..t.lt , .!:, Cuil -- ''' ''-' i -• YfiSii • " : MON DAY., • , arrived at., St; Johns fens days '-Ifter• Intuit from Rtireps. .Thfatieloes,-(rom Vtaluitheetiewel et. 'llonsfli :Wai t e eta Were Withontini, notigialdsrelifoOk-Ic The VelegraphAret had riot, I t ienleartt,fyinn..f.Thelniton -e n c o un t eredstien g .sestettly :etude. ' ;;,- • ;Xikie_pdvjoegjnim,;lidezice.inform. us .thetan ' airthirottolf-plitth on th e by which . flO'' INN Wri,th e r.,ltvelx-V-,11:16 end Titbit% tilnistera advise the 'payment of the forced Widttorsytb, - the American' hitnisteri'ep• StAittand aintnded his,psespoits. o r • imposed a duty . -44;:ett,eil f)teteem toreehlp ,Relief. has - arrived 10,-AlWTork,frenti-Astinetallivrittetite• invalide Of , thePeollief‘ttatirtint:'Titere ei?i!liikr Ivi4**oodrisliii, the ite,tifiriliod;, • :,'Oteiie;;OONls:l2ll.4-yop4,llxua-,t9.lthe:- 6th ihninted. of" -eight -thousina, troops: was .nihrehing-upoia San Lois a nd the Oapif tat • Elhe:lmtidyi,foiinfelf- of' Zatiiga - and : The forisdk con, tAbitttions veil oellt&itted'velth rigid -eittettutss. ,&••• ;Thestetunship-City of bialttniotelailed at noon" , yostardait froniAtallfax - Son stor,Douebis had a most ',brilliant reception ii(teeWle twenty: 4.41430,1'204411,"ireye presses;' at le4thAenetiWeasjengteet on the kettles . ques tied. sad defended his comes. ' - - '-&lasterdapmerning at twrott'oloOkthe New r.ork ~ilttntoejv 'resoled . - home , and & were , received stile; 14:their'Ibiethert Wafers And shadreition: - , -.Thinsainitiefpeopliertkded Bietta;' The ilitAY,o ?lien* ifturdititii; of the.' Seventh' BiStilisat ef'Nerr'York:Vniunteers, Was found in a creek .intar . ,the staambeablettding at Richmond. person were found -a. - handsome gold Watch andaltuM off:"mohoy.ecThel.Rithmond • volitilleers - ttektimitotly obtargeyangi one from ettelt; pitcy,;escoMpartied!i: Ocohingeo,- ;ottltito 11th day of Julf;',lBo4, - the duel was fought hottrien Aaron-Burr and-Alexanatir.lianailtonkibe Hobtatin,ioar' Nevi York; olKwillidt reiM4ea in; the , deatli: if *flitter' • 'H kll mortally, Vroiiiided it the 'first -fire; on the saroe.spoawhere a short thae,preirions his eldest son bad been killed Intl:dealt lingered- until ,the afteindin, of the' " following fitiy;', -- Whtin 'seipirea." - And.noti his grandion ; !mho a for„dayttegerttlf in the fall truth or fOoktifol lies. in the cold 00 . )m - 001'44:lath, although ,his momorieWill ever be green thehearte of his gallant comrades of 601 , 13eventli:" , ' - • - - Tho -, lliTti 4ii;e3,7 *Vine, which arrived at New York on Stittirday,',iepoini the :death. of- William' Mntphy of Philadelphia, a' passenger, Of yelloi • -Pavar:',Ort the sth isit,i'aiso the'death.4.iier Can; fain T.4*. •Fyitian• 'of Ltneglit, ise,;el,:feipi„on 'the figi , xtto ; Cratted to quaran , - . • The • thip Tropta ,iihe'•bas;been. en West point of ,Inagna; .Tho - first and seoond olfiects and two , of , the crew 4 ave atrlved - it New Tork:;: :• • - ";" • Geri: pitrier teas in St..Loithietitheith, on his vvef.ter' las:prObabli :reached there : hi:this time• , :liewill be from Kan , sett Only' for a short Imp... • - .r , , ' • : 3rt:,llerpon)l,`Ctllliertt thetionimerolal reporter: of the; Bditslo Cienifyriialf_diiaretissr,wa.s sod - , dentellY killed In that city on Friday afterneon.''' Tito •llemporats . of, the. FintlAbingresilontd, triscof Ntlf:Jersaymilt held Convention to tto• minate a nandidetn far Congrisi, atirey's Vane far, on,thti 18th of karat. Vie ojty, moretiel of Laxiugtoti was murdere d bi a man Whom hewair,attempting to arrest; when a; mob oeit ea - As ntutairer and lynched him °lithe ra,f ,thilate RenitiMin Bab 'Of 'llairmitisfor; Pi.; Wee recently drowned' at Red.Bweet Springs,_ umber Very painful "tat i.unritepoci;; .„ , „. - A vim actions lire - has - 000ttrred in fottreilli: Property tothe,suniunt of V2o,Coe wasaeitroYed. We 'glee elsewhere. Soma' &rater particulars ir , yes eta Jo:llitt_,latablentiapeohool defaloation.. 9 :;POLITICAL 4-PROPHECk. It wotild'mot-;ffitta - Surpitse :be -to find` a change ef.Pietefershfiln Ragland befOre i the Closti:or thin` eiti.;` , ,The'lltignati. Ministry am prettf-itita of, kottin: thren h the rernainder greatAffiCulty.y aryiningust Parliameni will .bo ,piorokned, With little .exPaptatiOn_ot, re-saieinbling - before the 'begineitig "nes t Februiry..: five 'month's; 'therefore, after Porlbunatit break! _up, the'Denny Ministry are pretty slue' Of 'continuing in power. The'in , - trignee ,of ' the: Psiitartaros-, and Museum, cliques' liwie•;ended; not in the-defeat of the liinistry,but In their otra oincomilture; - Every, Individual assault, - separately-made by FAL stirtsvis and',Rosamm,; has signally failed. Meantime, - the- Derbkites, with-'that 'cool; ness, which senictitites 'is' imown as. dencei are -carrying, or elhiwitig to be ear tied; most, of :the „groat reform - - meaatirer 7 . which their OpPOrientit Veen so -long Pro 7 Church-rates, the abolition of the property qualification of Mem bers of - Faille:dent, ,the'abblition'ofAnedorn from atiejepow.liceorded%toinembere of the Legialsiture, the admiseiOn. of Jew's into' tht 'Souse of Coinnlons; the reducing the County voting, qualification fromß6o.to. £lO annual rental, tho. abandonment', of •"!c the -right of search," (PALKERSTOY . B pet measure,) ire, 911 the fruit! Of three' Months' Tory Loud:, do the" jounials coMplaid- that 'the Derbyites aro poising all tbe•Whig measures. What care the People isho grants the boons, so they aiigrantedi Pitmansroar and Roseau, only pre - Mined.: • -.- -Getting on so well, why should the Tory Gaierament Imo, a n9yt!lead I As Lord DZR BY will ii0 . 7(1 1 1 0E41 . 0d 'on hid next birth-day, nod is auat,i' a martyr to hereditary gent that the, public •biletnese of thoaession,hattyhe,b seriously incommoded, during .the kiat three months, hy. , mpreihrtn ope;cfthase seVere at. tacks Which whotly..pitintvhiii, , - a,ttenticiii ,to Wahl- . 6i'Ptato. Mintater of Englitokluirf l a'greitt' 441 of • work. to - get ..tbrough every. diy, if he be an honesernan who feels the extent et, his responsibility, and is resolved riot to shirk the, perferreance ids ditty. Lord flirter otre'r was an office- seeker; in 1858; as in: 10 . 52, it was office 'that, - .sought and Solicited him, net, he.tt. ' With his immense 'Olivetti :fortune; 'about $890,000 a year, the mere :salary of eke is nothing' to him :—liis °apemen, its ?rimier; are Probably. - .iwice tii , irainonAt of his "salary: If hie health cOntliittcyte'initfortinder,the burtlien of official work and eaciteintint, nothing', is- more likely than that Lord - DEFBIr • alit retire from public life ere long; ` r „ ' „ Eminently! : elect -at! tieje, ono of . the,best public .epeakeitt pkighitid,'