4 1,„ouzir o l l **11:11*, ifOr" =titan xvi g grip . •-• lenbllctia 't ." I "l l i de r Ir ° , rP T ,Y; TaoitkvAnglagfinArOtt,PibA 4 l 117 -c rualgrnM u el,, 4 - 11.4 " t a • ewasmy # lo i n t4fr i e °4s reim "h ta ate l aj tartZl i V6t, .tcrb• 4 64 " 4 1 • --61°-1-:,:•---VtftiariA r •‘. „ - -414-*Olet 74 7 41 / 6 1#1Vtoit I PX fir , • 13111, tWriTAKOLTI : 16 1 4tootood. .1.;1.04:11a *IL= erVAVZ I VENVI;O 4O .OI 3I -A : • • - :t - • - 'afe s te.,,u : s. •r g - r l . -- 411 0 0 4 - 94Pt i ; _ . 82, 1 3 wry , 1 40 72 - 4 1 *Olau t rtftt , aeceadirbf - WhOtes.#,,rsl( 13.1ii"404AVOittfillat coin* of Araistroeg, - Aisualno A. to the Atteghony• - ..tteelgo airt0,14 4 ,,r tegaii)agehirelialre AP% AtAtulloYer toupWartiOlialfAciell'ai , 307; red,unpild .1, .800 Ag Big, 01otuatidoIingeoyepote4, 1 ji - ,•-•.-s'gET(l, -a dkV:ZteldTErtilifitatort I.6'7 VstiiB'r fr Allak-4410a0th.,;,;: T OilTffi4ll BPI I ry, - fts.MagioNTl.723224Dotab)gatteatrotV'Edlotros 9 .0 1 4Dernt1A`rif1 'LEO ;'..trt...;„41 , '..J.A.t.1 ' SICAIM OTBUT - l—Pwo two-eto4.briek•dwallingt, NOsoeSradfirstaire etreet, south of Wnittornatreat. 7 , l ,l 7=l%egMteniltaiyealekblll - 114old•,, , ,Irar.4IROUNICItENT,I4OI4geek yrinlikraliddLf itta r - ,1 / 4 - granand'eing imbetehtisi teak etwellittrilingaitebetire s ,a-r4l4lardstieestlferemnikatEildityrodatgoefertielatrr ••••••RALItIABLEMOTBIL .PHoPsarys - itatrwn - raitithe 4 4,NsitiOfial Rotel?' fanned:, VPheWhite ihked,re Bide *Vett , hotweep•Abled ,andqqwth iMeet t s ;• 74 hot, 'Li-11.MA,, 140 nettifidaptle- tbaltieb&latorE' - • 14.11110,r , araWA-ALwell , birdt r ltheedestiety6ltiok • .:Plwedilerg; Lennon adfeet/li'iiM,i - +' And 'NOM, ET.4 NAM btr b f i ll ek et'-, - • AlißitattAJEßHlnee.sioyrrdreelin • IftedOralloell,.,_, , -••••'esteitATE4iTtiBEe•BEDIVEL"LiNGThith • rnbaeltinge OWN. 161i..11httelieried . d'ilteeitiaMtA • '-.ohattrativ.a.n . •••1•41 Eilirat - Nos:10 and 141 Beath Piheillietriit. ATURNITITHE,f , ELEGANT , , 20111 WOOD PEANOAPOEIZS A TTEIEERIII3SELBI3AIIPETS4 'MEE EGEII - 4A - z- • -.00-- • •Lr ,rq • ,:oniThttraday"Mornine " ' ..ow: , 1•114'.01ePelbole, 44 1 the lonian rtoteiten ixtenetie aisortneent eiteezallentlifetnid , hatid Peetitule, , edegient leaniNforteelfikaidp . sheile, tits., from ,private tainilieil • rezoned to' he -tore • 54140. 4 .3A 1 - I• well-seetui , tl 1 t AXV rt40--1 1 r rA;Arlittked4 tinted . tot ' iot Itgeatooe Theb•-4 if I - HEAL ZIITATRATCPAIPATEIIALEI • ;'•• ' SPLENDIII. BBOWN4TONIVMANSIorri.Ohibtoitt street; - withal:4W and-cdsch‘bouth, One, of Abe Meat rosi daa rMOD the ERNty ci: '''' " tlNktie • tileOtal:o.i.M.4,-141:..."V..; 4 / ; :i '?ELEGANT BROWN•43TONIP1110111/1114011,%Ifilfint . Irl W. meet ofliroirL. , s' , ?'%VraragolltragATNGSTONlTtiggirDigla#Of?.3o l ' T it iaW 4l4l4l3 4Vg" llPCtltia2l;t:irid • and lieTentieuth -••••• t -gi.- - .ELEGANMENE , A totntatuthriz E, _^-,meet card= attetta.r. is TWO ELEGANT44oolllliVentie•llittenhonioielotari arT.Piel HANDSOME REEEDENONSAWashretSpare ,- , -...-ELEGANT BEOWN4STONII - ; EltigDE OE; 'Moth , Broad etmat: _ - -- • 4.4; HANDSOIita , MODSBN;tB.I2IIDSNOB, Northwest, *Mier of Attreliantilfteentailtriets, -; • NANDISOIOIIBOBEENRIBSIDENOEVen.-1480fikeein ' ' - "Iirde t = I DYIKONK. I3 M ts ; 4,41 1 4? - -t ' A;reenl3eoid !Aka -, • WHANDSObtiIdMitrifirOtIVSTORY•I I / 1 311ittiOE, , SriIi,GANT -BROWN-STotit*itilDENo2, No. 13J2 Pine street, wee4o ll) ,ohihr • - -11ANDSOMEBROWN,STONBASSIGENOE, N0..1516 Phis street. _v.-A - A:SF, , ' I HANDSOME MODERN 11.1121DENCE, No. 1805-Pine ~ e tteili.i4A 3,:ir„ ••• • •• 7:ILits•DEEOMIVILISIDENCE. rim - 433246(1'4*X ....ainkollA•11D0011g.,1 1 1M 1 , 1 4-02/INEA/40 1 DEN01 18 , Thintisireet,lelowlornak - - - , , NEAT )1E8111111401V140. 1142lkinthalghth strait,' _below Walnut.- , • . • - - 111,ASOSSINIE 49- I) AR I4 : I 4 BI DRIP__OPo- 818 'Nwt h ,f !•-, appspz *zp.w,-EP9z3.41070./ orth r is2 i,„piriArsixth 1 ;1' 4 6- ~,P,BETY, New Market etreet , ‘,., , • , ,-' • 4311 P IMO It - A.IIO."IILIGANT 'IIB6WIL4ITONE. Qp;' lIILDIN , I i p•Nee. 401 anil WOO skeet. v law ;slur ,ALII&B.L8 LOT; Lac' ait, Mau, and, • Oink etriati, gait Plelladelphii, 200 by het: $ HAN WOMB ElBET.DENON„NortbwoO.coraor•Loctuit `,ibd:Markstiliste,'Ootskitit the'ilkivol , % , r,,, , • ` - - verornAtipsomarcovrtmay.,-ntepzo . 4,'; rico, 'Dogs station, on the GafteibtOwelltailreid. 'IaND INNINT_*IIEihT;. 7100 _acrec heterein'Tokelsdele and B,r 2 44Q't. ' • - 13011NTIVE' SEAT , ' with *boat won Hill- AN ELEGANT EARN, 100, itc*iwith'aupetior yrorstecota tiae,River Liebman, one nen, -cone New - SABGB, ELEGANT, aitirl - AttilltairrAßlC - 1,8- tweentbe city of Wilmngton anerßihn' djaiirle Eprinee. rita-Aftr AsouNTRT SEAT, 10 aerie ,with die inipreichasido,'School How° time, Gettodotoeru, aße the late Dr.-J..-14",‘Mtiehelire.• ' NANIO,aO/12,140DEENDW,,NLLLNE4,010.10 . Gdlow ',BLit street.' • •• ceroinf„iii(9lo.iyti; 'lB5 Areh °•', - - PfeIIPATORY BRION; EWEN DWELLING, Pilleantleatreet - • "• • MGDERN 'DWELLING' No, 040 Peieral street: -, - .'Er du o, e • of rothee propert y:Ground lenti,lortgagee; iaeay,babutatthes •Over `Elea Eitel. entered ,on'itraPtlveite Nate 8e ;ter ' and advertiii.doeeielonallyln Otir public Bilifilbatticts (of which - I_ooo vigleir ire rinted:riekly, ' 4014,4 he ,)ueineee leisim,) free, -ifiarge:': " . tRiEM-A.V; .4S-#ol7.otiktile • IP WALNUT STRBETi, ahoy* 03• Perilous ravarill ne with monEgniaents Can meal steered thatiltairpropartywilleothe saarblded. - .CommladonalliOrirrebdanite. th an those. cha r ged by any otherlAuotionllOnsialo the citys Elarc.:,Conshputianta respootfullyeolletted:;: , g NT, -Wee hamediatele. After the goods axe said • TWZNTY,PEOCND - *WILING BALE—JUDY 14th. This solo will Include-L.4 s ••, •••. • ..-- - Orphan's , Court Abselntofialeo.Netataz of Gray, :,.Li:: Deceased: 411388.8T01LY, • BRICK .THIRTEENTH ABOVE WOOD ,•-•A thimorrharrbrieklieuse an( lot, went side- of,Tbirteetth !treat:abets Wood, 'ilfiflefatiftrintil 32 fiet - deip) Cliegiof Igegthbratiree THREN.STORYIBRICK HOUSE, I,I twtHANYCIVI NINTH BTRSST . t-A thrWittory,btlek home, two.std. Ai briar beak bulldogs, abil , lot , ofr.grainud, Neil 2t9 South Ninth street. ldfastfrolti SP - feet deep. $1,d09 assliv-balenie may remain: •-•„ L.' !I; -._ll , IfItE,BTONY. 111140 R. iiiOIIBEp.DICHINiON • 41THENT —A , three-story' hriekohouse saUlotilnaina kiteherw• north alilla-,orisDiekhuiod •street,'Hl festailat oirsi Fourth : iitreatAgclistsfroutige reet dee*. ,-thia Opel througboutma °Tau t batli:roomi&e. I.BoBaash-- balar.ol may remain. . -•-• • ; TIII/11E-oTORr.DRIOIr HOOSIIiCHMIIIIIIIIA, ANN PHD AND NINTH 8T RENT.-LThrermitmi briel.houre aodjet, • wooed, Colecribtaroeeneel.belowlillath 8t , ,JIG feet pout 07 feet de to.kAbree-feet alley. Two - irlorf,•lirlelt-baek. Milldiri ep girangir; with , bathe. •'Coot .=_SIPA h4l.lo...dan.Ceet —bala-ce may rermln. DADORIALS ButuDlNG;Lop, , cartmer STREET, i4fER111A1.. 1 .T0W15,2 0 0 by 805..emar,,T IMRE PRONTB.- , - A lot of. gr, and, north side of Queen atreeQ.'adjolning .I.•leakof.,lt. alernm,Mon., 2CB feet • 8% moat front: feet CP bask moue, 04208 feet Sit Inehea on Penn street, , ,Puleablcoteausels eo feet wide, and will probe- Sky be tse line of the new railroad now larder contract - toiloga Street. Queen street is graded r anrbedrpased, - i and lighted with; gas ,:to witlg;i t s square of this lot - , airbag Viedid'peet Ht* advs. -Violet-IS tistrtirprot? , - ,. .p6e:iite7ree6lls:gto r thirds play remain „ , " Orplakei ,- Ciouiditetkaafatetkiff:.TbliiiMa • ,THRBI-OTOEY;BIetOK 110tION;:„WisTn,','EtT.—Y , '"..tetleittlltiligitOir - briefriltrolllo:„rifthick bedldings icroegms 7 , tes:2 -i-Tentkaireetififeefkint; 60Telf, '111(40.'11104.= n . - rents fer. 522.5. ' coal ers „ Potato, • e ol : 4 11K111 1 80Aftr. ghbiNSlON: t 'OttilticKgTiA • a it iguatr - otgeotind'sibrifigest boroer.:or 911001 Auld Tweutieth.streets glilfeet 1,0% ildthel"itiong - Ontaiio feefonikk GarilitritoWtOßillrlid t 'alad 188 'oktdetrittTliettletli'straitleThelnigniton'is 38 feet freint. parlototi one. side. hell in the oantielglol4.igonfirbd 'ltifobicwrd iilhgt hiliebstorrbVierbeek'boild - :ing,litintroduced; lenge dower end vegetable garden - . • --Itia , wittrilbrio Kole* of- tge - allegory et glop street. , 11,150doesr:reogiin.J r • • k 5 OrptdeisvOoriet inlo-3e4o.iretato, /Mit BTOrtY nous% CHEST ;HQ r eraser handsoihe four,storrbrlek residence, . 4 witlitliteeetttibeek'bulidinie; sad lot 6r, ground:West .z-orTithutlelli'atillitillEfeet lichee' front; and lide „feet . deep logobilsod.stieetrgitteit - fwide. , The house jaaloonjuirlgis, beakfastlilomiid L kltcheniu the goglogrty;glieng.tiogaboyebede! .- iteri'llti te „. rniloiedWertndehiled4l the*ein , tfiguneetelic , llehta:101$70. , Peliti4l4r.lginidailll . dedred gg v• : • r :04, , itato. THRES•drOILY BRI014 , 1MELL11111;' : ,-, IIIINAITIQSBT - ,4OIIIITIcNNTII VADD,;•;-A handsome liriblrg r eildlideigadleVereit.sterehmilr buticligge, tit; , Appch _.elder,drtffairdiegiedrinedit, % west or Tenth - , ' 4o,reellitntimo seef deep. Illradou'per. ttr r.lor4eat'sititatile,bilthicikw.wllehteloglloo.'9B,Boo I •, uorDSOMPPlAlK A lit r,l4 lll.olMD. , °Afittlilliit IcTIONTOIHRMANTOWN•."-A eligible lot Oftrinuidl adjoluhlrtha elet_property pt,ll6eAL - elodderd, on the north eldeoMehhalmiltfolrild feet s o u th owi t froni , lolWetidet;' r bithfeett they kild'Hreen Heridentaatil;l93; fiet iheeltddrind 898 Nfeet 93011'40 dellp-on Ihti.nortiliiiitelde; earl 889 feet Con tiweenifbweettido. ,, Erlt lout ekhandsome row of 'C=hoir 'Slanted , ltagronthratand *anti illonenfitillehn "aittnetaorlieleditlthifil Timis-49,000 cash— I*mtifiFfr -•5- 71CIMAGROTOP'?" 441 -t . "cookotbii owe umilticNkitilluic thilAtne6ll. !SETT tined north bait side or Palmer streak:Al feet Jitratkeast frout..P[Anklln_exanne, .18 feet_ 6. liaises -front'BG feat - despAiarragreend rent — , J. , :.l.ltri4o o l l .o.biligettetiOn":da4ltAtlie 007 a :When PO same is struck olf. • *-- . AT PRIVATE _SALE. SOAP , P.AOTOJtY,IIO,IIIBL kllQUalß9.l3Tpoe, A gatcy Fietoff:Yritleddrititie bonds; - 'sok, obinery, ~ c omplete for carrying on the beldam. situate, In the boar,t ofAhnotty, I} has a good min of bubbliest. Mel Omsk theimisent 610neloOfer WOO. May be examined at any tines by application to the enc. Monter.. Will be sold at a 'wince. #9 4 /044 1 STAT 1 t . landserrie-mansion, southwest corner otileventeentla and Walnut street! HeabloheeMaahingtda fkissiguind Walnut street. • Dwelling house, N 0.821 Vine street. - 20 aciis of land, Indian qtieen lane. ; 'filtrable property. PranhfoAf firarr- cif 9Gs,:.e ; ' Itandoomettwolfing, No. 1618 Wallace street. , Byelaw' StaPlififid_dyrellpg, Bemlninentlt and Wash. beton 'trade. • ,‘• - - Xlegsnt Property, 30 'sires, ece., above Torreedale. 14 termol.cland, Ope}fon avenue, Germantown. , StrildlOWor reiddeneehed lot, - West Philadelphia. 001 yalltable lot of ground', Germantown Railroad .and =b l WtP. • it , 4,1 • Spring 22{14 , len'strbet; . above Twelfth. ' ;7:4 - ;I .1 14 1! a OADiNST OP MINERALS. _ At prltstesals, a valtiable Cabinet of Minerals, emu ' prising over 1,C90 speelmens, the collection of several yeeie. The property of 'a gentleman who has no room for them. They are very devirable tor apAbil l intditu-; theidetidn'aieferk: • aafekßlNG;f34:iioo:bblifiArf P•rfOlttEly - A 14114114 too bbht take Newfoundland ditto • •no e Rofem, orj ael, Nido lll NtM, nowAn gore and foe * Web, W - • • arlo.._ HYNNEDY & CO., • - 180 And IU2 N. wlieitvis: , filditarafk; EfLA- : zi, • .---15,bbje. 6/4 14° " 46141 "fbiß l,Tate • jos 916 &mg" 1110 N r 111 2 ^ 4 l 4 tTg /ft t, A: O' STOOK. OF ImPerif?7 nautYlr of i e l Wi4irig. eoo Sit mixt wszla stA -,410 INI NNW Wow , CWaitOIII;:rOXES IOW; Y DANK and-10 BTRA.WBBIiIrA betwaaTtAli -117448)100ND and THIRD ding!: , EP. A ISUOTI",-TrW-4:II7.OTIONZER, (imgceo- 4 311‘.` • iiiitoWOLBUT .0i parr; )sat oinforNuT BC, oppoorite4f*pu?l4,F, Bso ,lkaw,iton Rc!IF". 144 Y lft4 1112 " , " •' • " seti: ov evywritO; (Made by g?aritt• Af,,Nr,.Tannitntsfr , s go., '9l'.l)lVlLdivl7l - ) • •• - - - . torning dt -10 eolooh,'s larirelot '.olVinnorkp' Nothieg, plAm2- 'facitured ktetµin k lic T. Jopplftgo & 06.; for, th eir ,prlente Wee. The trholieomprising the 'finest lot of ,y41041,,0f emery "arkity. of material . ; saltedsto,the - 'present and n 11„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,, ppeelple Pial!m e r. : „ , win - - - ho, 100 dAk6ii,llo',4,l34lity' 4npri: 14aTeellles lYtltter -"*”- OtOTSSBY ES'aND PAI - LeAT iiilvern'isAL - E,' ,48174ta k"ded horn schooner - M °/ " . 40 1 PIM" amen inif 11)Q1- EMOVWIa•-=?UItNESS, , BRINLET, 1.11) rdifOedtil tho Vottgilfo. 42@ MARHOR Street ., ;:ftiiizierly decupled by Nelms. Caleb Cope &.-00. fYlt' IIIIINLEY, '& 00.. 14,17R.100$8; -- BRII4LEY, ./k CO,, - • No. ;429 MARIETIT:E4reet , E . ,ls!•B'o A.TgA iv a, AIIOTEON'EfIR ' " _ - ik)ip maguisum KFitoqAtrrr, 8. ?a t: oonxei and Lion street. '— "—, 141111 . 1) BABB'OP PORPBI,TIV PLBDIRB: - • '', By ASS' af:Abialuint Niothansi - Broker, liormerly Of tliatiOutbeast corner oi:Fourtb and Barontreets. - I 4 r I it ~',.' ‘' i.vi .01YItesilay- MOraingi - • - - 1' It'll 20thpatnit ofehocki couslating of gold and sliver ignateno .lageri.lepine, and _Other -Wilshire, gold iobalns, ear- Inge, fingertininge,, penults, braceleti, breastpins,. sliver spoons, Sco. Doubleibarrelled ;tonne, revolving and single barrelled plstobwriollos,. - . challis lko. , OLOTII - 111Cis.4410atoirdmuts,:•and - .Yeste, milks, dupres orlioiwier sliocs,,bed.clotbse..kn...... ,— ' 1 '. ' ' i•NOTIOX —. aUgoorecourksaluggooae son' deposit with me over the legil length cnt,,titne, , will eall'aud redeein or' pay charges , theism% otherniso -they will be sold. . Pidollo sale on the above day., ___ .-, ~. , , --,.;IABRaiIaiLii..NA.TIIA.NI3, Broker. • GREAT,IPUBLIO , AOOOBI.IIODATItai. .i .v.i, BONNY.! ~ .. KONBY Li._ i MONEY ! ! ! _Money liberallymtlyanoed-in largewr -small amounts, `'gym one dollat to thomminds, on. gold and sliver, plate, ilitp, monde, watobes i loweitypirowling-pleces, nautical —Sailboats, furniture, dzygoods, - -Aolotbing, groceries, cigars, bardwireiletitlery, books; banes bar • nese, and alVatiteleauf , ,wlabas,lor auzy.olength Of time, agreed on, int,Ratlians! -. Principal ~-.Pstabiiihmcnk - wititheset oozier Oit,Blsth and Ittimielasets. , ,_. 113.• Promissory 'notes, -with- collateral, discounted at the lowest marketrates. - ~ •, . NATHABB2, ,P13.7.801P.0 . B . BTAB . LiBB„kiIiNT, 8. B. CTO — IrtaIkIiMALIET I I AND RACE STREETS. Where monsystill be OberSily.advanced on • gold and diver plate,diartionds,watoheir,jewalry, fowling pieces, dry elothing, , groceries, fiquars, , Elgars, hard ware, cutlery; faney.sodieltuf, mirrors_ paintings, en gravings-, musical , i nstruments , furn iture, bedding, horses veldnlsechignesii, stooks, Wall , other articles OUT-DOOR' BALES. - Persona] attention given-Wall out-door sales, either at private dwellings, stores, or elsewhere, and - charges WM/many low.. - . • TO PERSONS IiBLINQUIBMNG aousialEspitra. -Penton@ relinquishing housekeeping, or having sup-' plies of furniture to dispose of, will find it to their ad ,santsge by sending the Same to the =alms store, south "sit corner of Sixth and -Race street, where lt , aiq be pproperly arranged in the y furniture salesroom;and bold • ictthe:bestadmteSei tvf4lania of Ahe goods advanced if required, and the balance handed over the afternoon et thttday Opole, .„ - . AT maven BALI. Wine gold: and-eilverhimting case, double MIMI, and. double bottomed leyst, - .lepines, Engliah, Swim; and' Frei& watches.• gold speekil; •gold shams, gold brace lets, a variety of fine gold etude, breastpins; and finger rings; fine flatus timporior ol_d_giolin and guitar, very fiee.inelodeoorand rinuieroueothW. articles. PRIVATE'S/LLB AT VBEr LOW PRIORS. Gold Engliehlatentleier watches, fall jewelled end plain, some of - them fine le-karat-cases of the_ best Makers. • • ...... • - , Silver English.patent 'lever watchas,/ino jewelled and plain, of , the Most approiedinakers. ‘' Gold eecapament lever and • lepihe watches, — bi eases and open Wei et the eery .best mike. Ladies , gold onautelled watches, set with pearl and diamonds. Silver English, Swiss, and .Prenet Watches; diamond breast pins and finger rings,' gold bracelets, air rings, linger rings, breast pine , studs, fine gold vest. fob, mat neck chains, gold spectacles, and. cartons otheearti cles of .leweiry,A.c.-,-dro, USlth NATEtANS, - • AITOTIONEER; t.. 7 and ~MONEY LOAN • ORYIOB, , No. 224 loath THUD Street,. below•Tralntrt, opposi te Pear MI, only sightdoorabelow the HrOhange.'• • • • Hours of business froxel realm - VA., It., until 30, ofelock4n.the evening. • ; t : ••• • •••• -Ont4oor - uleal and , selewatthe: Auction Hone., at- Madeclagion the niost eatteffratory tactic ; ; ••-vofwoo,00o: - • r , n3stailistodfor thcian v‘irtrisors. 'Janina& nude froth one dollar- to thousands on Ma .made filliiiPLata,Matches, Zewelry, Hardware, Ilea shandise, Clothing, Yiuniturej BeddlogiOlgers, B on d lustramenti, Mune, limies t ., Carriages, and Ligoods of every description. - - -• . • All goods wan • remain 'any -length - of time speed , Alttlisiasoltrom one hundieo dollen and upwardk -will -be charged 2 Pia , cent. per month j 1400 and ever, • - •Thle StOre Heine having adepthof 120 feet, ham large • erfaand thief proof vaults to store all valnablee, end prli Tate watchmen for the promisee; also, a heavy hum racks elected for the benefit of all parsons tiering good, - odniood upon. N. B.=-0n account- of haring- ac sinliznited papiia/, thin ofdoe liprepared to make 'advances on more oottic ttAand, neeammodichng -terms than dmy other In r. -•- Money idithieo4 to the poor, to small amounts, with, out say aim. r - • • - - ------ —AT -MUTAT." SALT. - Patent Leisr Mad -Other Watches, Jewelry, one caotkiNg yim be 80111_0 reduced priest. Av-inTART. & CO., ArcrriorzEss AND 1 , 74 , Omunastoi South EIGATI.I .T earlier f LODGE STREET. _ . _ We will sell at No 27 South Eighth street. a large and splendid assortment of bounebold and kitchen furni ture of is person declining housekeeping. Also, a lot of drawers, doors, and lumber. „ : AT IPRIVA.T.R - A. lir& and valuablo tract of valuable coal and Um berland, arprivade We, well worthy 'the - attention of cap . itallateand others, as the owner is 'contilelled to well - - , ;'1rr....?91: further psitlonlara , pavan, at the 'notion Jr OUT-DOOR ak.ras,§Olote4 and promptly at ed . AIIVABORemedti- on 'eorudgranents when de Arad. without extra charge. ttl BALM-R.OOAR open until io P. M. Notepre ft e T i Ortz ' r t e " ' d n .I I IP e ay . , D4 T BO DI WPM RANDIEURNYTIIItn, PAINTENGB, BOORS-and STA' TIONERY, ito.; - ' - ~-117- , Elalee or Wattor Eldon! Overy evening, - "•114201 Notices lIN THE DISTRICT COITRT FOR THE cal , AND COUNTY'OP PUILADELPIJIA. .101 IN BROWN, WILLIAM BROWN, and JAMES , BROWNr_tradinraeJohn Brown '& o°4- r. LIA hl J. .McCANDLESS and JOHN CARRICK, -- trading no 1r0t.4. MOCAO(IJORS & CO. Vonditionf Expense. Dec. T., /857 NO. 802. • ',All that cortain.lot orpleco of ground, with the two 'itori brick stable thiirion ereeted, situate on the south pido ocifilhort street, at the distance of alsty-three lost Sik'hiehei eastward from the east side of Schuylkill Second street', in the city of Philadelphia, containing fir troilforibreadtli on the said street eighteen feet, and . eatending. In' length .ot denth southward of that'srldth one hundred feet toll:mimes alley.' Bounded on the west •by ground Dow or' lite of . the, estate of 'Henry Prett,,docessed; on the south by the paid Jones's 'alley, onthe east by other ground of the said William Brown, granted or intended' to have been granted to 'James Nally on ground relit, and on the north by Fil bert street aforesaid. (Being the same lot of ground which William Brown and •wife, by deed dated'the twenty-fifth day or September, A. 11,1.852, recorded at Philadelphia in deed Look TR, Nn: B 9 page'. 439, &c., granted and cehveyett note John Ourrik,ln fee, tinder and subject to 'the payment of.-the - yearly ground rent or sum of $87.60 to equal half.yettrly payments.] _ Ancbalso, Al 3 that certain two-story brick messuago or tiMemmit and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north Aldo of Filbert ?Area, at the diatatisq of twohun dred and'thlity-th'reo.Teet eastward from the east nide of Schuylkill Third street, in the city of Philadelphia, containing. in 'front Air breadth on the said Filbert street - fifteen feet eix ,inches, and in length or depth '..nOrthwrird sixty-seven feet. Bounded On the West by .groundnow or; late of Richard stud Andrew Allison, on I 'lidreaSealid tie - ilk by, ground - nor, or late of David and Tsaae hibiden'and on the south by Filbert street afore fileini:the same remises which James Peoples and Wife, by Mxtdatedtheseyenteenth'dayof February, recorded, et Philadelphia to deed book. T Ll,' NO: 11, page 7; 'granted conveyed to the said John Carrick, he Pee ,under and aubjeat tO,the. - payment •of tha.yearly'greruid rout of 142.0JK, in' equal half. , - YearlepaythentA, on the drat day Of the months of Punt' ' ary and July in eyery,year, ~t.odohn A. proem, his heirs and assigns. • - The. Auditor appointed to distriteate. the fund in Ucbri'raleed bYSlterifra side of Real Estate, as Aiwa 'dein - abed, - of John Carrick, one of the defendants, will attend to the duties of bin appointment on MONDAY; the' lath day of July, 3861),' 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at his Office, No: - 2.40 &nth SIXTEI Street, in the-city of Philadelphia, when and wherisdi parties in interest are required..l4 present' their claims, or be debarred from coming in upon the said fund.- - .7.IP. , TROMAS, - Auditer. if- , ,ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION "rxislutitturia tiff, to the' astatiOf MARIA W. NASH deceased, having.been granted to' BENJAMIN - NAM', all persons indebted to - aald estate are requested to make pliptient,- or having claims to make the name known without delay, to , _ - ,EDWARD %VAIN, • ::21 - ttlitmet , for Administrator, ..01#1tedir4 41 .t.-T' - .Ntr.IO2,WA,LNIJT Street. ;get° .:9ablicatiopo. • .F9A r .:7 I .AckAZ/,. ,Nrf. BRYANT ktil l Al.T7lol , ls " ASSEBIOAN 'NMI/ 'OIIIIaNT , , , , is now ready,,sad may be had at- all NEWS URR.OII- Their Agent,Ospe. 4, U. 80, is eaurseslag -Ads eltylor yeerly aubearlbes; Pries 1.2 per mum. Addiess .131t1AA STRATTON, Mercantile College, sorrier 8.&17.11NTH suit. OILKSTNIIT Streets Yid '"•" • = -' • ' 12 10 3- /y • Accotart: BOOKS; 'IIADE. OF THE 1 1 - 7th best stoak k for city ages; Call and look iiveriba • -• . • ,Blank Book blannfactoryyl . P 4 - 2 ot •"••••• - •• ROM% and BADE. Rlitti n BLjANK , -.1391* . TORY:--RicriOnabie FOURTH and RACE In buying Aooomat Boolu,!-PmaXeAll my , stock of good material, 'sad Bell at fair price'', je4-2m . LOPES,, EVERY 1,700 000 J; N 11,„,, _ 0. 3?.,. t .o 4 RipaYAllonery E!tatittl e nt PA "21 1 4 ; ‘, -- ,197.11.14 end VIELANK BOOKS, MADE, .IN D N 'ANY -E- A.; SIRED style of ruling awl , binding. A gond as- Borth:Witt ofTapere for customers to select from, at PERItYI alank , Boolt Manufactory; ',1464-.2121 • , FOURTII and BA BE. IR,AMITY PORTitiaT:BIBLES, HAND , Old Olblen rebound, to look end __*reer gte#Cell et , r , „ cell sod look et the eitylos, et h: • ; EirdtßX'B Bookbindery, • Je4402 ,t; and RACE. ,„. rIRHIWQMII.SI FIREWORK 6 11 ' fall 'assoriiiieni of ITtE•:WORic 43, AT REDUCED , . ' "STEPHMN 'P. WHITMAN, •• - 12:to 111AR.EXT, STRUT ' 3,315 Weilt of Twelfth HERRING. —BOO bble: No. I HERRING, Eastport isorpaction 600 tiok Uallraa, now in store end for we by JOUN M. KENNEDY& CO., OP • •••.- .#04. , 340' eliV/1214114 Jfirnel. PERUVIAN SYR, • , osy PROTEdTED 136141T10N 08 RROTrOXIDE Ry . IRON Havin g successfully% flamed the ordeal to which'new coveries in the Materia Medics are'eubjeoted,'must now• be received as an established medicine,: Its efficacy in curiig DYPEPSIA, Affection% of the Liicr, bropsy_, Neuggia, Drenching and Consumptive tendeficial; ;State of, the mood, Bona, scurvy, the Prostrating Dffect% pf Lead or' Mercury, General Debility, and nit .Disenges which re , quire a Tonic and Alterattie Medicine, is beyond quoit. tion. Tbo proofs of its efficacy are pa nu; 4 .61 e .rnerons, an well authenticated, and of c , 4 ' euch.,,,ec t . reuaslia6rnacthlaralcieteatthoattosurffece:ig the *offered aid. y * The Peruvian' By4dp deed ziotprefess to,be a cure-all, but its range is eaten -468* sive, because many diseases, apparently unlike, are intimately related, and proceeding from one cause, may be cured by one remedy.. The class of diseased' for which the Syrup provides a cure is preeleely that which lees so often baffled the highest outer of .medical akin.: The facts are tangiblethe witnesses accessible f and the safety and. efficacy C lf the Syrup incontrovertible, • • • Those persons who may wish for an,opinion,from dis interested persons respecting the character of the Syrup, cannot fell to be satisfied wlththe following, among ma , Marone testimoubtbt, In the hands of the Agents. The signatures are those of gentlemen well known in the community, and of the highest respectability. CARD— ! The undersigned having experienced the beneficial ef fects of the " Peruvian Syrup, ,, do not hesitate to re. conimend it to the attention or •the public. • From our own experience, as well as from the testi mony of othenywhose intelligeneeand integrity aro al togethertuiquestlonableo wo have no doubt of its Mee- Cy incases of Incipient Diseases of the Lunge and Brow ohial Passages, .Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Neuralgia, ho. Indeed.'ita effects would be incredidr. but from'tlie high' character of those who have wit nessed them, and, have volunteered their testimony, as we do ilurs, i to th , naive power, ' ' Rev: JOAN PrERPONT, IROMAtt •A... DEXTER,' 'IV KENDALL, M. D,, 84MUEL MAY, THOMAS C AMORY, 'PETER HARVEY, JAMES 0. DUNN, • • Rev. THOS. WHITTEAIORE. ,•.VEHTIViOATE OF IHt. HAYES. At Vi well known that the'mediclual effects of Protox• * lda of Iron le lost by oven avery - brief exposure to air, and that to Maintain - a sointiott of Protoxide orlron, withontturthet oxidationfhruAbeen deemed impossible. In the Peruvian Syrup, this desirable point, is at• tamed by combination in a way before unknown, and thin solution may replace all the protoearbonates, al .trates, and tartrates of the lAA Mediae. HAYES, 11f D , Assayer-to the State of Massachusetts. 16 Boylston etreet,Boston. • - SOtD BY - N. L. CLARK & Street C 0. ,, on Proprietors, Mee WATER Bost. - • - -t" • F. BROWN, PISTIL end OIIESTNUT Streets, '• ' • - - HASSARD & 00., TWELFTH and CUESTNITT Streets, Jelb-tu th ott-Om weot Agents for Philadelphia. MORE TO 13E ADMIRED' THAN THE RICHEST =I:OIAD'EM. WORN BYRANG;TR EMPERORS WIIAT T WIIY, A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF Van. Because it is the ornament God himself Provided for ell. our race. Reeder, although the rose, may bloom ever, so brightly in the glowing cheek, the eye be over so sperkllng,,the teeth be those of pearls, if -the head be bereft o f its eoviring, or 'the hair be snarled and shrivelled; harsh - and - dry, er worse still, if sprinkled with grey, nature will lose more thou half her charms Prof. Wood's risk Restorative, it used two or three ls times aeeltOrlll 'restore and permanently secure to all ouch en ornament. Roth the following and Judge. The writer of the Bret Is the celebrated pianist, Thal berg Saw You, April 19,1868. Dn. WOOD Dear Sir—Permit "me to express to you the obligations I am under for the , entire reetoratlon of my hair to its original color i about the time of my ar rival in the Unite.' States it was rapidly. becuming gay, but upon the application df your Hair Restorative it. soon recovered its original hue. I consider your Re. storelve as a very wonderful invention, quite efficacious as well as agreeable. I imaj dear sir, yenta truly TLIALIPAICS. Drych abr clivyliedydct." Wstim NSWEIPAPHR • - 18 Nassau et., April 12,1668. 5 Nor. O. 7. Woof): Dear Sfr—Some mouth-or six weeks ego I received a bottle of your Hair Restorative cuid,tave it my wife, who, concluded to try it on her hilt, tittle thinking at the time that it Would restore the gray Oak to its original color ; but to,har, as well as my surprlie; after afew weeks trial It has performed that wonderful effeet; by turning ail the gray halm to a dirk - Frown At - the barns tiniebelidtifying and thicken log the hair I strongly recommend the above Hest°. rattle to all persons in want of such a change of their hair. - 0111.114.118 OeltDlls4 N%w Yozz '7111.i'25 1857 • Poor. 0.. T. WOOD :—With confidence do I recommend your Hair Reatorative ee being"the most etlicaelous ar ticle I ever saw.• Sines' tieing your flair Restorative my hair and whiskers, which were almost white, have gradually growndark ;.ind I now feel confident Diet a few pore entitle... Hors will restore them to 'their imtu ral colbr. It also relieved me of all dandruff and on pleasant itching, so common among persona who per spire freely. J. G. KILDY. ' DAM WOOD :—About two years ago my hair com menced falling off and turning gray; I was fast be coming bald, and bad tried many remedies to no effect. commenced uslog your Restorative In January lut. A few - applications faateued my hair firmly._lt began to fill up, grow out, and turned beck to Its fomer color (black). At this time it is fully restored to Its original color, health, and appearance, and I cheerfully recom mend its use to all. J. D. HOES. Chicago, 111., May 1,186 f. The Restorative Is put up in bottlee of three Plies,vls: large, medium, and smell. The small holds ball a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium hold* at 1840 k -twenty per cent more in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds fonlifee tfdtfitilit '" 43 J. WOOD lc 00., Proprietors, 312 BROADWAY, N. Y. (in the greet N. , Wtre RailinglEateblishment,) and 114 MARKET Street, St. Lento, Mo., And cold by all good Druggists end Fancy Goode Dealers. , myl2.wfm-8m & sow in wk,vBm ANALYSIS OF. LY BIUNDY by A. A. HATES, M. D., AMMER TOTEM STATE OF gLBEIAOITUBITTEI .—A. Waite', Comte oren light-yellowish brown. colored spirit, having a fragrant odor; when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil' or offensive Analysed.. for volatile and fixed drugs, of which no traces of any kind mere found. Its color Is proved to be due to a colored resin an extract derived from wood. jr7ln every respect it le a pure spiritous liquor. The-fragrance or bouquet which it pommel,. Gan be iso lated,'and. it then appears unlike that from Oomble Brandy or Wine, being a fruity essence resulting from s peculiar fermentation of Catawba. and Isabella stapes. CHIMIOLL OnAILLOITI.-1, parte in volume of this spirit contains at 80 deg P. 4812.10 parts of pure al. eoholi'besides the fragrant - oil. 1,000 parts of the opirit afford 23 parte of a strong solution_ of the oil :which characterises this .Brandy; the spirit left, alter removing Mean, is pure and odorless, and In all its qualities a perfect spirit not rubor, to change. One U. B. gallon of this Brandy at 60 deg. R. contains, be. sides the spirit and oil, only 220 gre. of matter com posed of extract of fruit, gum. and colored resin froth wood. . Boma, January 26, Dr. COXE, State Impactor of Ohio, and Dr. JAB, R. CHILTON, Chemist, of New Torlc, hoth pronounce this to be pore Brandy, and free from all adulteration. Por Medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Brandy has no tival, and has long been needed to eupereede the poisonous compounds sold under the name of Brandy. As a beverage, the pure article is altogether superior, and a sovereign, sore remedy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Low Spirits, Languor, General Debility, Ars., &a. • Alen, ESIIKLBY'S STILL AND SPARKLING CIIAMPAGNR.—These Winre are made in the neigh borhood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to be the Puro Juice of the Grape, and are eminently calculated for invalids and persons who aegitire• a gentle etimu• lent, and for Sacramental purposes. Retail price $1.25 per bottle. A liberal discount made to the trade. Dealers will please send their orders to the "sole Agents >, for Abe State of Penn. eylvanta, • A. Y. HAZARD k CO., Wholesale Druggists, No, 508 MARKST Street. Also for sale by the following apotheoses's : AktettOSS SMITH, Seventh and Chesnut eta. JNO. W. }HMS lE BONB,lBth and 224 and Market streets... D. L. STACHHOUSS, Eighth and Green stn. R. NEBINGKR, Second andidary eta., Southwark. G. W. =BINGER, Paaaynnk Road and Washington street. - GM. B. ILOBENBA011; Third and Orson eta A. R. HORTER; Broad and Goatee eta. HOBENSAOK'S IRON BITTERS. This Medicine, aA Op name implies, Is one of the greatest strengthening preparations extant: It le ee. pecially adapted to Game who have a loss of appetite' or are &Mated with Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint,, Piles, Nervous Debility, General Weakness, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition, of the digestive organs. FOR FEISAL O,QMPLAINTB GENERALLY there is perhaps' " no medicine In the world equal to it, as it enters, purities, and replenishes the blood whielt is so important tohrtinr, about a healthy action. , , THOIRJAN,DB ARE LIVING a miserable a:Waco:N.4A a pale slekly color, weak and emaciated, who could, be restored to health by the usoot one bottle of this invaluable medicine. It Is no humbug, but a genuine remeey, being free from any thing that In of an Injurious nature. , FOR ALL DIFFUSER OF THE BLOOD ' . . there Ls no better antidote than nobensackie Iron Bit• tors When the blood ie impure the whole body la full or. dieease.. Blood letting may...enswer for a time, but cleansing a part will not purify the whole. At the fountain we must begin. and to cleanse the blood there is no better remedy than thee., Invaluable Bitters. Their chief constituent le iron, end we all know its efficaey in-removing the Impure-matter from the whole visceral system _They.arei prepared by 2prue float chemist, and have been pronounced, by eminent physicians and others, se_tho Sue plug ultra , ' of all tonics. HOW OHATIFYING to the proprietor thathelhas .suctooded in compiund lug a remedy for-many of the ills that his fellow. mortals are subjeet, to; And .that the public appro. elate it le-not a question of doubt, but a fixed fact, se the demand Or If has - far, Surpassed his sanguine expectation.. • - Ite.AD THE" TESTIMONY, OF A WORTHY CITIZEN. This is to certify my wife was In dedicate health some three yearn, with a dillollßo WOMB to her sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving any benefit, flooring of liobensatk's /rot Bitters, and knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, induced me to obtain a bottle, which proved to be the medicine she re. gutted, by restoring. her to health. She hesitates not to recommend it to times who are einnlarly affected ; as elm believes It to be a sovereign remedy. JOHN COLE. • No 881 Capitol Street This Invaluable Medicine Is prepared only by CZORGE 8. 11011ENBAOK, Pharotseentleal Chemist, N. W. corner of THIRD sixtd GREEN Streets Philadelphia To whoni all orders mast be addressed, - Pries $l. Discount to deelere. Dolct , by Druggist' generally. WIY SUFFER WITH DYSPEPSIA 7 ZIBGLER d; - 'SMITH'S PIIRD, MEDICINAL OOGNAO BRANDY has cured Dyspepsia, Low Spirite; General Debility, &e., &c., &o. Price P. 26 per bot• tie 0r510.60 per dozen: Warranted pure. Try It. I hereby certify that I hid been afflicted with dys pepsia for the last ten years, during which lime'l. have tried all the popular medicines, but of no avail. Having bad- Zeigler, & Smith' Pure, Medicinal Cognac Brandy reeommendedby many persons, Induced me to try It; One bottle has almoit cured me of dyspepsia and costive habits, of ten yearn' Mending. I canny, with a thank. ful heart, that I have never found its equal during my painful and - distressing pomplaint. I sincerely recom mend it to dyspeptlci, nervous ,and debilitated sufferer,. , . • )out 0. BLAllliOrny 16th 1868. 1281 Olive street. Also, ZIBIGLYR & SMITH'S Pure Medicinal WINES, warranted pure, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public as genuine wines. These Wineeare especially adapted to dyspeptics and cone t unp. Brea, and In all eases ofgeneral debility, leas of apps? late, Ice. Old Madeira Wine, Price per bottle $1 00 ' Old Port Wine, do, do. ...• • • ...... /00 Old Sherry Wine, do. do. 1 00 , Address your orders to Sole Agents, ZEIGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists, S. W. corner SECOND and GREEN Ste , Also, for sale by JOHN DLDY, pragglet, • fel-1 • • Prankford road, opposite Hanover. • SALMON, SRAD; &c.-20 tierces No. 1 1 , 7 Salmon ; 18 bbli. do.; 60 Ibis. prime Sea Shad; 200 blda. Beale-Ooh j 180 bbls White-Bah, now In atome an d tor sale by mitt & co P". PO "iS N 6 104 w4fii RRESS. -- r.RAMADELPItiA. •FRIIIAT. .1 . 171,x 9 1$ sa; WILL' RE-OPEN ON .T.HE FIRST .v SEPTEMBER,,for the Soholastio jai!, eogruett4 of: ten months, • „:. 3.7, JIBED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, 2p23, • WAtNIIT Street, `,'MMLADRIA , IIIA. The systmin of tuition is based on that adopted In the beat Bonlinaries in Europe, and comprises thorough in struction in the English, Yronch, and Latin languages ; spatial attention is also paid to the formation of an ele gant style of composition, and to the cultivation of a taste for polite literature. The course of study will embrace every branch of, education: A limited number of pupils admitted Mtn the family. •Thcir religions and moral training ill Under the special care of Mrs Reed, who has bad many years experience, and deference will be paid to the feelings and wishes of theli parents in Miele niaMers. The health and comfort of the young ladies is also carefully attended to by her. Weekly boarding Pupils, from Monday till Friday, re ceived at proportionate rates. A week's vacation at Christmas and at Easter. Payable half in advance, and half at the expiration of • fire months.) For tuition In tho regular course of study $lOO 00 N.B.—A Junior close wilt be formed. • • German, Spanish; Italian. and other languages, Mu sic, (vocal and instrumental,) Drawing and Painting, (in oil and water colors,) at Professora' chargos. Use of Piano, per annum $ 20 00 Harp - Guitar. - For Boarding Washing at 50 cents per dozen Each boarding pupil is required to bring her own tow• eta silver fork and spoon, Pow rent at cost It affords me pleasure to state that Mr. J. J. Reed is recommended by official testimonials of distingulahed gentlemen in London. From persOnal acquaintance with hint, I can•most cheerfully recommend him as an etc coroplished scholar and gentleman to the confidence of the public. A. CONVERSE. The subscriber takes great pleasure in uniting a ith Dr. Converas in the above recommendation. , groin per sonal acquaintance with Mr. Reed, as well as 'from hie distinguished testimonials, I am confident of his emi nent abilitiesna a gentleman and scholar. • OH ARLES WADSWORTH. We are happy to hear that, Mr. J. J. Reed, a gen tleman of considerable liternfy attainmentiiy and who has contributed to Graham's many excellent sketches of eminent persons lias . re-opened his Institute for Young Ladies, at 1523 Walnut street, one of the moot admira ble localities in the city. 51rs. Reed is a lady who has had many years' experience in tuition, and beam a high reputation for/locum In hal rag her 'Mils; both one. rally and mentally., 51r. Reed, from his knowledge of European huaguages, and from' having graduated, in the firet &lieges ip England, imparts the advantages of the best European systems of 'education; 'and. particular at-' tention is paid to the 'Andy of English Componition and Polito Literature. We 'would lay Come stress en this Niter faet, since general literary information and cul ture, though try far the most distinguishing s of tn.: telligencs and refined education, are, on the whole, for snore neglected in most schools and colleges than any other brauchee.—Editor of Graham's Magazine for Arty, 165.1, p. 81. . . . REFERENCES. Ilenry Vethake, U. 14., Provost of the Univereity Of Pennsylvania. .Tohn J . Frazer, LL. D., professor of the Physical Sciences in dittO. George Allen, LL. D Professor of Ancient Lan guages in ditto. lion. William M. Meredith. Col. John W. Forney, editor of The Press.' Charles G. Leland, Esq., editor of Graham's Maga zine. Rev. William p. Stevens, I. LI., Rector of fli. Ap drew's. 11ev. Amass Converse, D. D., editor of the Christian 0 beercer. Rev. Charles Wadsworth, D. D., Arch-Ova Presby terian Church. Joseph L. Keen, Esq., West Philadelphia. Thomas S. Taylor, Esq., West Philadelphia. )yl-1m RRYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF - I.le NATIONAL IVIERCANTILN COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College, - Southeast cornor SEVENTH and OnESTNUT Streets. Nor Information, call or send for circular. je1641" ORITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA OOMMEROIAL COLLEGII, sartheast corner a OIINFITNEIT fiEVENTII Strata. An Institution' &aligned to at yom men for AC TIN'S BUSINESS. • The whole building in oomipled, aad fitted up in style aurpahsing anything of the kind in this country. Thorough preparation for the counting-house BOARD OP TRUSTEES. B. B. (lomegys, Francis Honking, George H. Stuart, David gilne, John Sparhawk, David S. Brown, Maim Backer, A. V. Persona, D. B. Hinman, .. • Frederick Brown, • - ' doehu► L npintott. ap2S-tf LONG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, N. D. corner EIGHTH awl BUTTONWOOD Ks. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT.—Book-keeping.in all its various forms; preparing Students thoroughly for situations in any branch of besissen; Plain and Orris,. mental Writing; Commercial CaleUlattni; Law and Cor respondence—No Institution in the United States gives more thorosigh, and practical course. In this depart mina no teaching is done in classes, and Ic open DAT and 'EVENING. Time unlimited. • MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL DEPART MENT,—(Separate from the above,) 'Young Men and Boys are prepared for any grade of an English and Clas sical Education, vie: Spelling. Reading, Writing, Gram mer, ' Geography, Arithmetic, Philoeophy Svc , Ancient and Modern Languages with all the higher Collegiate Studies, Sessions of 6 months commence September Ist, and February let. Pupils received at any time be. fore or after these dates and charged accordingly. Cata logues furnished gratis. mb26-tf F. DONLEATT LONG, Principal. • I I J . OILN' H. BELItAonsR OF NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, , 002DISROIAL COLLEGN. O. E. Corner BBVNTH and 011103TITUT Kreeta - - -- 11, 1 0.NKKR, 70 BRAVER STREET, NNW TOOK, Issues Letters of Credit, available to Trayellers, ON a parts of the world. Je3o-fice CRONISE & 00., SPECIE AND EXCHANGE BECHER% No. 40 South THIRD Street, PUILADKI,PIII/. Refer to the Dings and BROZNIIS of Philadelphia N's OATAWB 011/.8. HANLEY. W. H. DROWN. R. MANLEY, JR MANLEY, BROWN, & CO., BANK-N 02% TOOK ) AND EXODANGS N. W. corner of 'Mini) and CHESTNUT Streeta, Collections made, and Drafts drawn on all parte of the United States and the Canadas, on the most favorable terms.' Collections made, and Drafts drawn on England and Ireland. Uncurrent Bank Notes bought. Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers In Specie and Bullion. Loans 'and Time Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loans boUght and sold on Commis'.ion at the Board of Brokers in Philadelphia and New York. je3.4315 EDWARD R. PARRY, RICHARD R. PARRY, Notary Pub]® for Commissioner for Minnesota. Pennsylvania and New Jersey. PARRY & BROTHER, BROKERS & /GENERAL LAND AGENTS and CONVEYANOPREI, FRONT STREET, above 11,1CFORY, MANKATO, MINNESOTA., Pay partionlar attention to loaning and investing 'Money for non-residents and others, and collecting Drafte, Notes. &o. Any letters of Roomer or business will receive prompt attention. Refer to Wood Eaton, & Co., Philadelphia. Dale, Boas, & Witham Philadelphia, Sharp, Haines. & Co.. Philadelphia. Richard Randolph, Philadelphia. Charles Rills & Co., Philadelphia, Parry & Randolph, Philadelphia. KETCHUM's IMPROVED MOWER AND REAPER. FOR 1365.—Thia machine is far of all others, both AA a Mower and Reaper. SPANGLER & Olt ARAM, Solo Agents, Jy7 N 0.627 MARKET Street, below Seventh. PRATT's PATENT STEEL SPRING TOOTH HORSE RARE.—ThIe in the very held Reke in use. riPAHOLEK & (+KAHAN. Jy7 No. 627 MARKET Street, below Seventh. TURNIP SEEDS; now crop, war ranted genuine. Also, Buckwheat and Millet Si , e.NULBB. & GRAHAM, 3y7 • , No. 827 MARKET Street, below Seventh. PHILADELPHIA WARMING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. We have removed from par old stand in Walnut West to the LARGE STORE, • No. 1010 CHESTNUT street, a few doom below the St. Lawrence Hotel, where our old Maude and the public) are respectfully Invited to examine oar extensive stock of Warm Air Enrnaces, Cooking• Ranges, Bath Hollers, Registers Enamele S t one Mantale, Parlor Coal Grates /co., &e. We are now manufasturlog 011ILSOWS C ELEBRATED PAT ENT NEW COAL GAS CONSUMItG FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and suited to all elegies of buildings. Mao, new and beautiful patterns of Low Down Grates, and Parlor Coal Grates of all ekes and patterns. We have also commenced the manufacture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from Penn sykania Stone. These Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at the into Fair and Exhi- Wien of the Remelt,' Institute of this eisp. They represent all the rare and beautiful-Annus MARBLXII, are not injured' by Smoke, Coal Gas, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholesale and Retail, at much less price than Marble. Call and see them. ARNOLD & WILSON. BENT .Id. PELT WELL, Superintendent. Philadelphia, April, 18513—ap24 ly PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY N. W. Cor. THIRD and OIDNINUT Sta. - L. PELOIIKE & 80N, thankful for the liberal pa. tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit Its oontlnuatioe, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new BPEOIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased facilities, arc now prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no. tine. Their long practical experience in the business, and the feet of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justifies them In asserting :that they can furnish a more durable and better (shed article than their (*temporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previone to purchasing elsewhere. , • Old type taken at 9 sante per pound, In exabinge for oar at epamman prlewe sal.tf 111:111J,SSIA MATS.-500 DOZ. NO. 1, AND , 800 dos. No. 2 RUSSIA MATS, suitable for pack ing furniture and Gardeners , neo, will be sold low, if applied for moon, by WEAVER FITLER, 00, ap • - USN. WATER St.. A. 02 N. witARVIIIII: WALL BRUSHES, BRUSH AND BELLOWS MANUFAOTV REB BONES. -100,000 Shin Bones, suitablo for Umbrella and Button Makers, in store and for sale OROAEDA.LE, PEIRCE, O 4 NORTH WITARVEII ViREIGFIT FOR NOVA SCOT lA. flu About 700 bble bulk con bo bad for a port in No va, Scotia. Apply to . . SOULDERS:--50 hhds. Shou 1 lders dry in salt, fqr sale by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., JoS S North WATER Street. FISH.-60 BBLS. WHi TB pm, tor 9 ilitaV:4 oo o4 I • PAD - ebitiatietial: At BRYANT & BTRATTON'B Brokers. Bnora7o3 ==rl `A.grictiltural ARNOLD & WILSON, BOOOESSORS TO S. A HARRISON DUOTIRB, EIANDSORDIIB A 10110 'assortment, outtable for CITY G-ROIDIEES, And fog. able by HENRY 0. ZOKSTRIN, 67 NORTH THIRD ST JOUN M. KENNEDY h CO., 132 NORTII WIIARYLB - 4nottrat*Okaniiiiniks. . .. CITY INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 Ankh FOURTH Street. .. • , , CHARTER, PERPETUAL., Capital ' $200,000. Organized 1861. , , Privileged to insure Rouses, annually or perpetually;, Personal Property, annually, or for a leas period; take Marine, Inland, anti Life Insurance Rieke; receive De posits; hold Trusts and grantannuitles, - 1 '' ALFRED WEEKS, President. , . , • ' B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W . MARTIEN, Secretary. . . . DIRECTORS. Alfred Weeks, , lion. W. D. Kelley, B. 0. Tyler, .1. W. Forney, " J. W. Roeder, P. B. Mingle, ' 'C It. Ricking, James Watson, J. L. Hutchinson, Ludlam Matthews, 1. W. Stokes, William Curtis, ' jelB.lm G. F. Purner. HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN AA Phils4 ol eI:MANOR COMPANT-01200 No. 412 WALNUT Oireet, okift„ CAPITAL AND EIDRPLUB, $754,006 84. . „ P. M. Potts . J. Edgar Thomson, 0. B. Sponger, 0.0. Bower, Abraham hex, JolurW. Benton, • B. B. Werne, John Garrison George Howell, Nathan R. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, B. T, Kemal, H. Houston, Joe. R. Withers, Abraham P. Byre, B. Booth, Charles P. Norton.• , John H. Lowers, H. H. Bhillinglord. 0. B. BPANGLBB,,President B. B. WARNB, Vice President. 083.8. A. Bur, liteorotary. roylo CORN: EXCHANGE INSURANOE 00)i PANT, No: 831 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. CHARTERED CAPITAL $5OO 000—PAD) UP OAPI 'PAL $366,900. This Company haying been recently REORGANIZED, and its - actual Capital largely increased, respectfully eolielts a share of the patronage of insurere. Fire and Marine Policies will be issued at ecnitable retail of pre mium, and losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. DIRECTORS: William .l Godwin, S. R. Crawford, James W. Queen, Jno. L. Redner, . George W. Bali William B. Thomas, D. Franklin Jackson, FL N. Winslow, J. 0. Hopper, Henry D. Blears. WM. IL GODWIN, President, J. 0. ?Lorena, Secretary. . • mrlo-dtf "LEM INSU ANCE AND TRUST' 00M- La PANT.-- ZNN MUTUAL LIFE INBURANCII 1.2 4 COMPANY. Wort t Corner of THIRD and DOCK fitreete: Capital, 2,725.08. INECEEB LIV2O for short terms, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and - endowmenta—pui , °lmes life' interests .in Real Rotate and makes -ail contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They eat es Executory, Administrators, Asylvsyksa, Trustees, sod Guardians. . . Daniel L . Miller, • , 13 axonal B. Stokes, Benjamin Coates,William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, James B. ?Saarlad, William P. Meeker, Joseph ti. Trotter, William IL Kern, lames Huston, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A. Bonder, How C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphus Kent, John W. Horner, William H. Oat; Bill, 8. Archer, Edward T. Mott, - - - Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Witmer M. Ruin John G. Brenner, P. O. Miehler, Barton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vice Preto% Jou W. Main. Secretary, ulfi.ly T" QUAKER CITY INSURAROE 00MTANT.—office 408 WALNUT Stieet, PHILA. DULPIIIA. CAPITAL SURPLUS 8277,655.86 Insures sgsmst toes or damage by FIRE and the PBRIIS of the SEA, INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATION. Ten per ceitt. in caeh 'returned on the earned pre. 121.1111111/ of Open Inland Policies. OPPICERS. OXOltfitE H. llART—Prestdent. E. P. ROSS—Vlee President. • H. H. 000118111.1 L—Secretary and Treasurer. B. H. BldTLEE—Amiletint Secretary. DIAXOfOIB. George H. Hart, Joseph Edwards, E. P. Bose, Poster 13. Perleins, A. 0. Cattell, Mame G. Imlay Andrew B. Chambers, Samuel donee , H. W. Batley, Hon. EC 4. P i t ' dler,l John H. Dale, U. ooggeh 1, John E. Pomeroy. U. B. COGGSHALL. Bseretbry. ARCTIC FIRE .111311 RANGE 00BIPts- NY, NEW YORIL-0111ce, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics , Bank—Cash Capital, M $200,000, with a surplus. This Company Mauro Building, er chandise, Furniture; Pastels in port and their Cargoes, and °liter pro_pelty, Retest Lou or Damage by itre an 4 the Mika ef 7.1 d Emotion. DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, . Joshua L. Pops, Caleb Barstow, Bens B. Graver, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Durk Edmund Fanfold 0. H. Lilienthal, ,Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Polhemns, jr. - Ogden Haggerty, /Blahs E. Morgan, Thohms Monagan, Abm. B. Yen Nes% John H. Eerie, - William A, Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas 8. Nelson, Charles Easton, James W. Phillip% Louie Long, Charles A. Macy, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward Hincken, fiteph.Dambreleng, Wm. E. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Charles L. Prod, john Ward Lothrop L. Stsuges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Ede% Emery Thayer, Benjamin H. Pleld , Geo. Westfeldt, A. R. Frothingluuld Salmon Teylor, Thos. N. lowly, Henry H. Blouorn. 1341111101 L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. IldntanD A. 0/ALIT ,Stioratary. an 10-ly COMILONWEA.LTAI 11112 71111 STaTli OF PENNSYLVANIA, OFFICE, NORTHWEST CORNER MITRTITAVR a INAWFIT__STRTOMIt _ - Subscribed Ospltal s 000,000. Paid up Ospital,s2oo,ooo D 11107013. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. B. Stewart, H. L. Delmer J. IL BoSlur, J. H. Whittle, J. H. Walker, Edw. O . Knight, M. B. Wendell, H. Lewis, Jr., B. g. Houle. DAVID JAYNE, H. N., President. THOMAS 8. STEWART, Vies Preen. Iluturm B. Moos, fieersrarY. 140, INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTE AMERICA. MARINAS', FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR TATION INSURANCE. OPPION No. 232 WALNUT STRRIT, Routh Aide, east of Third street The propertied of this ' Company are well invested, and furnish an available thud for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be protected by Insurance. MARINE RIBILB taken on Vaned, Breightd, and Cameo. INLAND TlieNsponeTlON RISKS on Merchandise per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats. FIRE 1119K8 on Merchandise, Poroltaxe, and Bull& infs, in City and County. INCORPORATED IN 1794. 011 , ITAL 1600,1X0, ALL PAID IN AND SECURELY INVESTED. TOTAL PROPERTIES $1,007,626 26, ir1iffi717 . 1 .. 1 . .....011_•11..7 Ea. i""Yli6 Aivrana G. Corns, WILLIAM WHIMS, SAMUEL W. JONES, WILLIAM E. BOWIES!, JOHN A. Baowv, Jmnie N. Lummox, SAMUEL P. Bitira, EL MORRIS WANE, CHARLIE TAYLOR, Jot= MASON, Amagosit Winvi p MSOIOO L. IlmusoN, JonN B. Nur ,7 PRANOIS B. COPE, itIOHADD D. WOOD, EDWARD IL , TllOll2ll. AItTEGTII. G. 00YVIN, Preeitient. HENRY D. BHIBBERD, Secretary. ,149-tf DELAWARE MUTUAL bAFETY EVEIRANom COMPANY. INCOHPORATED NY THE LEGIBLATUBE of PENN * SYLVANIA, 1835. OPYIC2, 8. N. Corner THIRD and WALNUT Streets, my2l-13m PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, OAROO, To 8.11 parts of the World. FREIGHT, INLAND INSURANCES, On Goods, by River, (hinge, Lakes, and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, &A. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 2, 1857. • • - Bonds, Mortgagee , and Real Estate 9101,850 94 Philadelphia City and other Loan... 187,011 25 Stock In Lanai, Railroads, and Insurande Companies 12,508 00 Sills Receivable 220,291 95 Oaah on hand 88,892 86 Balance is bands at Agents, Premiums on . Marine Petioles recently issued, on other debts due the Company 92,780 5? Subscription Notes 100,000 00 William Martin, James 0. Hand Joseph H. Seal, Theophllue Paulding, Edmund A. Solider, James Traquair, John 0. Darla, William Eyre, Jr., John 8.. Penrose, J. W. Penteton, George G. Le[per, Joshua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Hammel E. Stokes, Dr. R. M. Huston, Henry Sloan, Wm. 0. Ludwig, James B. McFarland, Hugh Oral& Thomas 0. Hand, Spencer Males.ln, Robert Burton, Jr., Oharles Kelly, Jno. B.•Semple, Plttabgh., H. Jones Brooks,' Dr. T Morgan, 44 Jacob P. Jones, I. T. Logan, IC WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THOMAS 0. HAND, Vice President. HENRY WILBURN. Secretary. ja9.l VIRE AND INLAND RISICS.—FAME INSURANOR COMPANY. Capital $lOO,OOO. (Organized under the Act of Assembly relative to In bronco °ampoules, passed April Id, 1860 ) GEORGE W. DAY, President. THOMAS S. MARTIN, Vice•Presldent. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. Moe 411 CHESTNUT St., PhiLsdelphin. DIRBOTORS. George W. Day, Jacob H. Vaughan, ' W. Walters, Henry Longo, Jr., Chorine Richardson, D. B. Birr Bombs) , Lippincott, - John W. Ammon, R. Brognard, A. H. Rosenholm, (Ass Sleben, fe24.y If Stern. BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. 1.-P DAVID M. ROGAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer sad Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks, Public Officee, Merchante, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound Iq various styles, In the most substantial manner. Orders for 308 PRINTING of every description. rd° ev An d Lithographing executed with neatness andA general assortment of English, French and Ameri can Stationery. Concerning Mr. lloganis contribution to the Franklin Institute, the Committee Bay—. Thin display of blank booze for banking and mercantile ma is the beet In the Exhibition. The selection of the material la good, the workmanship moat excellent, and their Antall and. ap pearance neat and appropriate." n090.4f exproo Comp an to THE ADAMS' EXPRESS 00., OFFICE, STREE, forwards PAR, PACKAGES, MERC OGESTNIIT EIANDIZE T , BANK NOTES CELS and SPECIE, either by Ito own LINES, or in col:lunation with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the prinelpal TOWNS and CITIES of the United Stator. E. B. SANDPORD, Osnend flaimintekhd•olii PLASMA OR ARTIFICIAL LARD.— SP2OIAL NOTION TO PIIITIOIANS.—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remediee to dis eased surfaces, which combines the following advanta gee: A good And unvarying con-istenee, easily washed Off with water, dissolvea all eubatancea that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and does not get rancid. The last property alone renders it an invaluable acquisition to the practitioner. Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail, at BMWS Laboratory and Pharmacy, nihtl Twelfth and Oheetnnt attests. CLARET WINE.-DE COEIRSEY, FOUROADE, '& CO., 82.6 MARKET Street, have au Importation of Latoureade'e Pure Bordeaux Claret 15 109, 41107 tilfitA4o 4114 w DIREQ 0118 INEIIIIIANOII COMPANY, 102,786.87 DIZIIOIOII3I etationern. 01 01 1 0f4, FOR ffilsrPitii.dlfi.Oo,:— ; OLlPPEß' OF .THURSDAY, 15th Judy 113/It.—LOWEST MITES, AND NO DETENTION. The ettperior A 1 Clipper Ship WANDERING JEW, ./ The Commander, Is now recelving.het cargo, 5 ; Pier 10, E. R., (New York,) and will posltiirely sail as, above. Thu Wandering -Jew wee built for the California Trade, Is throughly ventilated,. and of small capacity; has just made the voyage in 54 days from Amoy to Havana, being the shortest passage ever made between those ports. The superior nailing qualities of this ship, her small capacity, low rates of freight, and early day of .salling, present unequalled Inducements, Por balance of freight apply to BISHOP, elmorra& 00, jy3-dtf .2 • . 120 NORTH WHARVES -QTEAM 'TO LIVERPOOL .AND GOIV, DUBLIN, DEL POT, end LONDONDERRY, els LIVERPOOL. TIIE LIVERPOOL AND PIIILADAPIIIi. STEAM SHIP CO.'S Clyde-built Iron Steamships aro Wended to Ball as follows : . . . . CITY OF BALTIMORE CITY OF WARII/NOTON Thursday, July lat 29th RANOAIIOO ic _ ii 2oth And each alterdate Thursday, from Pier 44 N. R. PROM LIVERPOOL. CITY OF WASHINGTON KANGAROO CITY OP NALTISIORE.. And each alternate Wednesday. - Cabin Passage from Now York and Philadelphia..; .STS Third ei0.85 to any of the above mentioned places, and found in best cooked Provisions - 30 Return Tickets good for 0 minathe6o" Certificates of Passage front Liverpool to New York or Philadelphia 40 Passengers forwarded to ilavro, Paris, Bremen, Ham burg, &e., without delay at through rates. - Tho Company's Steamship BOSPIIOII,US. trill sail regularly between Antweroand Liverpool, in connection with the departures fo ew York, taking goods from A Antwerp to New York, a through rate of freight:: Oertirleisioa of Passage from Antwerp to New York U.S.' Drafts on Liverpool from £1 upwards. Per freight or passage. apply at the Company's Offlcee 15 13110ADWAY,'New York t and 109 'WALNUT Street; Philadelphia.4ollN' O. BALD, Agent. Or WILLIAISI 'NISSAN, je22 ' 02 and 63 Tower Building, Liverpool. tita , LIVERPOOL -AND PRILA DL. • Steam commun LPHlA ication between STEASISHIP New York COMPANY and Ant werp, via Liverpool. " The splendid fast screw-steamship BOSPHORUS, Captain dfcGuigan, (lately employed in the Royal Mall servlce,) will sail regularly between Antwerp and Liver pool every alternate THURSDAY; in connection with the company'. steam.hips from Liverpool to New York. floods for New York will he received and Chipped by the Agents in Antwerp, and bills of lading signed there at a through rate of freight. • The fleet eallinir from Antwerp will be oniltol7Eh of June, lu conjunction with the OITY Ole WAIMING. TON from Liverpool, on June 23. For further particular. and terms of freight 'and pas sage, apply to J. P. Kremer de Co., Antwerp; William fnumn, Lower Buildings, Liverpool, and at the Com pan'oe Qftes, 15 Brooders'', New York, and 109 Walnut street, Philadelphia. JOLIN G. DALE, Agept REGULAR , .LINE FOR PROVI ThIat.DENCE.--Sehooner WORCESTER, RIIODBq Mager, now loading at Callowhill-stroot Wharf. For freight, apply to Captain, on board, or to JNO. 111.43ENNEDY & je2l WI and 132 NORTH WHARVES. FOR CHARLESTON AND-SA VANNAH -HERON'S LINE. GOODS RECEIVED AND DILLS OF LADING SIGNED BvEnir DAY . . The splendid first-olaes side-wheel Steamships HEYSTONE STATIC end STATE OP GEORGIA, Now forma weekly line for the South and Southwest, one of these ships sailing every SATURDAY at 10 o'clock 'A. M., alternately' ter Oharleston an „Sa vannah. , FOR CHARLESTON, The KEYSTONE STATE, Captain Charles P. ?Sarah man, will commence loading on' Thursday, July Bth, and nail for Charleston, B. 0., on Saturday, July ,oth, at 10 o'clock FOB BAYANNAII • The STATE OP GEORGIA, 04i.. John J. Garvin. will commence loading on Thursday, July let, and nil for Savannah, Cia., on Saturday, Jul4od, at 10 cOoloals A M. At both Charleston and Savannah, these shipsoonnect with Memnon; for Viorlds and Havana, and with rail roads, do., for all ;daces in the South and Southwest. FREIGHTS REDUCED Heawy Yreight at an average of 16 per cent. below New York steatnahlp rates. INSURANOE FREIGHT and INbUIti.NOE on a large proportion of goods chipped South will be found to be lower by these ship than by sailing vessels. Cabin passage - $2O 00 Steerage do 8 00 Excursion Tickets, good for the present year. - 80 00 No bills of lading signed after the ship hu called. ' For freight or passage, apply to A. HERON, Jr., No. 228 (late BI) North Wharves. Agents at Charleston, S. &T. G. BUDD. Agents in Savannah, O. A. GREINER & 00. For Florida; from Charleston, steamer OAROLINA, every Tuesday. For Florida, from Savannah, /tenure ST. HARTS and BT. JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. . For 'Havana, from Charleston, dimmer ISABEL, on the 4th and 10th of every month. jell STEAM TO GLASGOW; LIVER POOL, IJRLF.tfir, DUBLIN, and LONDON DERRY, without delay, for BO dollars. Return tickets, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any steamer of the line, GO dollars for the round tnp, out and bEls. MY NM 9011 X. Now York, McMillan,Baturday, July ID, at 12 o'clock, M Edinburgh, Cumming, Jigs , 21, 14 Glasgow, Goodwin, 4, August 7, fg !ROM OLAIGOR Edinburgh. Gumming Saturday, June 20. Glangow, Goodwin Saturday, July 10. New York, McMillan. Wednesday, August 'll BATES OF PASSAGII. _. B . oo Akrir.asOoW. FirstOless _ '4 • 1.0 Steerage, found with cooked provisions 8 cg PROM NNW TOIL. Bret Olase 176 00 Steerage, found with cooked prorisione 80 00 Unlittrou under 14 of age, half fare; Infanta In Steerage, free. Return Mohate available within Mx months, by any dimmer of this line. Plret Ulan $l4O 00 Steerage $OO 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For freight or passage apply to WORlibLiN & CO., 120 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. ROBERT CRAIG, 17 Broadway, New York. NALL & LONNY; Bitehaluin's Wharf, Baltimore. 'FHB BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN _M. ROYAL MAIL BTRAMBRIPS. FROM NNW YOl6 TO LITILSTOOL Chief Cebin Passage Beaond Cabin Paeeage •sox mos.= To LiTintrooL Chief Cabin Passage _ Second Cabin Passage The ships from Boston call at Halifax. PERSIA, Capt. Judkins. CalsiADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wickman ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Eyrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Oapf. J. Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head; green on starboard bow; red eu port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, Navel NYork,Weduesday, June 9th AMERICA, Noodle, ... Boston, Wednesday, June 18. ASIA, Lot . N York, Wednesday June 281 CANADA, Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, June 80 PERSIA, Judkine, " N York, Wednesday July 7 NIAGARA, Wickman ," Beaton, Wednesday, July 14. AFRICA, Shannon, . N York, Wednesday, July 21 Berths not secured tsgsal paid for. An experienced Surgatih on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Spade Jewelry, Preelone Stones or !details, unless3illi of lad ing are signed therefor and the valnetheeem: t ),. ein expressed. For frelghtc : e apply to my 10. y E. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green. N. York. thanes anb Coors A LEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY. .CA. The subscribers have been appointed aide agents In the State of Peunnylvania for the above well-known ROGUE:LLD BRANDY, u hich they are prepared to oiler to the trade at the lowest market price, (rein Uni ted States bonded warehouse , entitled to debenture. A constant supply on hand, In half, quarter, and one eighth piped, dark and pale. ARNOLD h WORT„ joie-11 120 WALNUT Street. TULES ROBIN & CO. COGNAC.-Thu intbscribera, solo agents in the State of Pommy've ld' for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DY beg to call the attention,of the trade to its superior quality, and feel confident it will compare favorably with the most favorite breads in the market . ARNOLD & WORL, 120 WALNUT Street. A ootudant supply of the above in the United States bonded warehouse, entitled to'debenture, of various vintages, in half, quarter, and eighth pipes. jel&tf A.MBREY GRAPE-LEAF OHAM PAGNE. SIT ARNOLD di WORL, Sole Agents, 120 WALNUT Street. ealikl.-410 pipes Dutch Company Gin, in N.A bond and for sale by WILLIAM 11. YEATON, No. 210 south FRONT Street HEIDSICK & CO. OuluneAulm.s.—A constant supply of the genuine brand in bond and in More, for sale by WM. R. YRAIOPI, jeB 216 South FRONT Street. CLARET -126 OASES MARGAUX, 160 Oases ST. JIYLIEN, in quarts and pinto in store and for Ws by • A. MERINO, an= 140 Sonth FRONT Atrant. BILANDLES.—" Piriet OastMon," Marett ) and other Cognacs of Tartarus vintages, in hall pipes and ouster auks; Pelleralsln Rochelle Brandies, Yale and dark, In half pipes, half casks, and one-eighth casks. Imported and for sale by HENRY BOHLEN & CO., oss22 221 and 223 South Fourth street. I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER %J. IN PINE WINNB, LIQUORB, O'GARA, & , " South PIPTII Sheet, Philadelphia. attle-iy QIIERRY WINE.-15 QUARTER PIPES various grades Harmony Sherry, b .nd, and for a 1041 WILLIAM If. YEATON. - hid Rnnth gIIoNT CORDIALS. -ANISETTE, CURACOA, and BIARIJ3OOIN9 In store and for sale by an 44 A. ' , MUM"). 140 Ft PRONT at. A LLSOP'" YALE ALE IN HHOS.-A Z.*. constant supply on baud in Custom Rouse stores, for sale by WILLIAM 11. YEATON, Sole Agent for Pennsylvania, No. 115 South FRONT Street. octaves Renault & Co. Cog nee, very old vintage, in bond and for gale by MILLIAM li. YIIA'2OIV, lea 218 Booth Bt. 11011IIRE LEHIGH AND BROAD-TOP COAL.—JAMES R. MONTGOMERY informs hie Minds and the pubile that he has effected an arrange meat with the Back Mountain Coal Company for the sale of their justly-celebrated LEMUR COAL. Tie has also, arranged with' the proprietor Of the Broad-Top Mines fot the iiale of hie valuable SEMI-BITUMINOUS COAL, and is now prepared to receive orders and make prompt deliveries, at his Mee, No. 402 WALNUT litreet, eeeond story, front room. jeibSin FCERING, FOX, & 00:, wholesale and retail dealers' In LEHIGH and SCHUYLKILL 00AL, _Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD. Schuylkill yard —RAOII sod BROAD streets, Philadelphia: Heap constantly on hand Ooal from the most approved mites, under cover, and pre pared expressly for family nee. fee," QOHITYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.- 7 I am daily readying st my yard,the beet qualikro. SCHUYLKILL AND LEILiGH COAL. My elastomers, and all others who may favor me - with their onion, may repwettint Coal that will be satisfactory to them. No inferior Coil kept at this establishment to otter at LOW YAWNS. ALBXANDIR fIONVAIIY, N. IL corner of Broad and ahem Ma DORT Quarter Pipes, in bond and for Bala by WILLIAM N. YEATON, je2l 216 South FRONT Street. FISH.--76 half bbls. of the cola -9'l braked Detroit River White NIA Just resolved and for Well 0.0. BADLDB. & 00., Walla Ptifol 'amimNOTIOE-SITIMIER sak ; ARRANGEMENT, • I.IILADRLPRIA,- AVILMINGTBN, I AND BALT!- , MORE RAILROAD.. On and-atter Monday, Afay 10,18 Sc PASSENGER • TRAINS .LEA VE PGILAD,ELPHIA For Baltimore, at 8 A. 11t., 1 P. El.i (Express,) ar!d 11 P. M. For Wilratogror!, MS A. Et., 1, 4.30, and 11 P, g For New Castle, at 8 A. EI., and 4.30 P. ?it For Middletnitn, at 8 A. N. and 4.30 P. EL For Dover, at BA. EU, and 4.30 P. M. , For Seaford at BA, Af.; Mid 4130 P, N , TRAINS FOR> PHILADELPHIA, • , 'Leaveßaßinfore at 7.30, Exprese,„ A 19,15 „,,M., and Leave Wilmington at 6 40 an& 10.30 A. M., and -1.45 and 8.4,P. M. , - - Leave New Cabala at 6 ant' 0.60 A. M., and . id 3.15 P, Leave lifiddletown at 8.58 A.: U., and 8.45, . • Leave Boyer at 8 A. 11., and 4.55 P.ll. Leave Seaford at 0.26 A. M., and 2 P.M. • TRAINS. F,OR ,BALTIUORE., Leave Wilnlington et 9.10 A. AI. I U. •and - 2.15 A. Ef. • SUNDAYS only 'at n P'. Tl. from Philidellibla to Bal. , • timore p Do do .5.40 p P. ll.from Baltimore to plaits , hia. Freight Train, with Passenger Oar 'attached, will Hz! as follows Leave Philadelphia for Perryville ;mad intermediate places at Leave Wilmington for • do do do 745 Leave Davro de Orace for Baltimore do 630 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Ifavre de iirnoe do 610 P. 51 Leave Wilthingtori for Philadelphia - de' '6 40 P. AI; 8. 111.,-.IIBLTON, President. Wodueeday, Juno 23d " July 7th 2let. ..14' NOR TH • PENNSYL.: VANIA RAILROAD. • • spa iiXTEL t. 1111111, • ALLENTOWN - , — itl Au t o ' ,caruipi, EASTON. DOYLESTOWN; ke. - • SUMMER ABRAIIGEPINNT ; • TARES ETEEUT,BION,DAIt, MAY 17th, 1858. Tor Bethlehem, Allentown, 'Manch' Chunk, and „ton, Ac., (Ripreaa,) in connection with L. Valley Rail road, from_WILLW Street at A. hz. , and..2.26,P. M. ' Passengers kir Easton . lir_2.'2s" P. Train . take Stage at Iron Hill 'Statical ' • • ' - For Doylestown, (itoocurintodationi) from ,Willow at 8.80 A. 111 and 5.80 P.M For Fort Washlogton (AtoommodatlOn) from Second and Chatham Streets, at 7.25 end 10.25 A. arid 4.10 and 8.45 PAL - - A , . - , TRAINS FO R PilitLktfllPM3l.4i.„; Leave :Bethlehem (Express,) 'ite"o A. 'M and 220 2. M., with .peoseilgore from , . Lehigh road, and origin? at Willow Btroot at 12 and .5.25 Leave Doylestown 'at 6 A. N. and 2.50 P:114 aid at, rive at Willo Street at B.lq A. hf.;apdl4,p, . 2 . 5 - Leave Port " Wiehington a . 6 and D A. IS., s 2.46 end 680 P. M.. and arrive at Second and Ohettiam Streets at 6.50 and 1/.50 . A'. 01 , and 3.35 and 0.20 P. M. ON ni3NDAYIS - • - • Leave Willow street for poylentown at LBO A, M: and 2 P. M. Leave Doylestown for Philadelphia at 6 A:111.. aryl 6.16 P M. • ' . All Paasenger Trains MOVING NORTH. and BOUTiI will Mop at chathara Street and couteatmitit. aenger Ralfrosd. Pare to Bethlehem • - 81 50 " Mauch Ohnok - ' " • Doylestown ray. 17,11: .311,1d8-I:lLARKiAdgaid. , NEW' YORK LINES.7II.E C A MDEN' / AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00._ , IPANY'S LINES. 116011-PH TO -703114ANDIVAlf PLACFII,, _ -.Rosie - as follows; vim :" ' " ' ttai At lllf Palwitom ReiudigtOn Depot; via Jersey City, Mail - 72 26' At 8 A. Id., via Camden and Amboy,- ,Aocommoda- Con • S 26 At 6 A. AL, via Camden and Jersey.Oity,,N. J. A0...t. • oommodation , 2 2 At 8 A: M., via Camden and Jenny City, Morning - MtII At 10P1:. M.,' by''Steatnboat , Trenton,' •111 Taeony 3 00 and Jersey Oity, Morning Rapress 3 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, O. and A. 1x.".. e- 00 Ai i.r 6l 7 .ld. via Camden and Janie/ City, Diening Mail'3 0 At 8 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, lat Olaaa 2 00 At 8 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Clan. Arsommods. 160 Cori duct Claw. At 6 P. M. via Camden and Amboy, Aecommoda. non, let Class 2 00 At 6 B. M. via Camden and Amboy, Aooommoda. Bon, 2nd Class 1 76 The 6P. M. line reins daily, all - others Sundays ei eepted Rapress Lines atop at the principal etations only. For Belvidere, Batton, Flemington &o:, at A. ht and 4P. M. from Wilmot street wha rf. For Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Seranton, Wilke - 004, Montrose. Great Bend; &a., at 8 A. ht. Via Delineate Lackawanna at Western Railroad. - • For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. ' For Mount Roily at BA. M. and 8 and 6F. M. WAY L 1102.6 _ . . _ _ Nor Bristol, Trenton Y . l i n and 4P. M Tor Palmyra, Itanoodas, Beverly, Burlington, Borten . , town &0., at 8 P. M. Steamboat Richard Stockton for Bordentown, and in termediate places ' at 2 44 P. M. Steamboat Tren ton for Tqcony, at 10 and 11% A. Id: and for Borlinoton and Bristol at 4 P. M. All lines except 11X P. M ; leave Walnut street irlaari. 113'PiftY Winds of baggage only allowed esok km manger. Passengers are prohibited front taking any, thing as baggage bat their wearing apparel. All bag gage over fitly potinde to be paid for extra. apparel . , Con pany limit their responsibility for baggage to one dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount ble yond $lOO, except by special contract. an My ROAD LINE.—QMIOENBT ROUTS to Elmira Wilkesbarre, Buffalo, Chicago, Rock Island Niagara Otwoultio, Burlington, Montreal, S i . t Pauli Detroit, Dunßeth, and Bt. Louie. Paasenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and PINS atreate._dally, (Sundays excepted ) as follows : BAPBEBA Yor /Elmira, Niagara Palls, nfla o, - Iletp6lt ; Milwaukee, Book Wand, Galena, Bt. Paula, Burlington; and St. Louie. 8.80 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS, ' For Blruira, Niagara Palle, Buffalo,Detroit; Chicago Milwaukee,Rook Island, Galena, 13trauls, Burlington and St. Lacic . . . . . ... . IQ' Tickete good till used. The 7.80 A.ll train connects at Reading with the train for Harriaburg and all stations on the LEBANON WALLIN RAILROAD; AND At Rupert, for Wilkesbarre. Pittston, Betantee, and all stations on the LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Blmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. Wilkesbarre SI SO Pittston 4 60 Scranton ... 4 76 Wilkoebarre . 4 60 Williamsport 5 00 Elmira' Canandaigua 8 00 Geneva, via Gorham 8 00 Rochester 8 60 Niagara Falls ' 8 00 . Buffalo .10 00 Erie. 10 60 Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erie 18 00 , " vh Niagara Falls ' 18 00 Toledo, via New York and Erie 16 26 Columbus 16 60 Cincinnati. New York and Erie. 19 00 , l ' Niagara Falls 19 00 Indianapolis, Tn. New York and Erie 21 00 Detroit, via Niagara Falls 16 00 Chicago, via Great Western Railway ' 22 00 Lake Shore Railroad 22 00 Rock Island, via Niagara Valle. 27 00 - Lake Shore Railroad 27 00 Burlington 28 00 lowa City 29 25 St. Louts, via Chicago 29 00 it Indianapolia 29 00 Dunlieth 27 80 . Vela 85 10 Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Line's Ticket Office, Northwest earner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pas senger Depot, 11110ILD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN ' Lomat the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, (Surive excepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 k. ni. nio Freights must be delivered before 3 p. g. to Insure their going the same day. 1 eV- Freights are forwarded with greater despatch and Imwer Rates than by any line from this pity to the Weet and Northwest. Per further information apply to ALLEN & HEIGEL, Through }freight Depot. Broad, below Vine Or to GRAB. 8. TAPPER; General Agent, N. W. nor. Sixth and Chestnut stn., Shilada. G. A. NIOOLLB, Genl. Supt. rhilads. and Reading Railroad. H. A. IPOND.k t Gent. Supt. Ostawiesa, W. & R. Railroad. J. A. REIDSTELO, den.ly Genl.l3upt. W`miportandlThnlia'RAiiroad. upHILADE L PM A AND READING- RAIL 1 ROAD—FAST FRBIGUT LlNE.—Freight train* leave the Depot, BROAD Street, b.loW TINE, daily, for Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, Canaria, Detroit, Chicago, itUrtankie, galena, Dubuque, St. Louis, and interme. Mate points. This to the shortest route to Canada and the Lake Ports, and goats Idaho forwarded with greater deapsta to the above points than by any otter route. 11•2111/1 or ?mon PER 100 Lao. Via Railroad Ist ohm. 241 slam 8d slew. 4th alms =l"Briage 90 70. 80 40 . , Dunkirk 95 75 85 • 46 Detroit 91 20 93 •78 "42 • Chicago . 160 116 100 , 80 •, Pmghtgoing thrtmgh by rsli 11 the way mut% marked "'VIA RAIL." No transhipment bete:yen Philffidelphia wad Elmira, Mark goods via Philadelphia and Road Lug Railroad, and Bend to the Depot, Broad strare, belolf PIH9 I 464 3 before 6 P. M. Nor further Information in regent to We routs, rall at the through freight otUne of tbi 1 4 1tliedelgAtia, Nia gara, and Great Western Line, N. W. quota' SIXTH and OR.ESTNITT. • - de3o-7 DENNSYLVARIA RAILROAD.- TI:. GREAT ORNTRAIi MITE, oodneating thq. Judie Cities with Western, North-western, and o Western- Stated, by emaidntions Railway direst. Road also commas at Pittsbatvh with dally nos of etiolation, to an ' ports on the Western Rirere,,, +Zara at Cleveland and Sandrialty with Steamers to a1 , tre.4.5 on the North-western Lakes; making the moat Du t go r CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by trolle,, Yreighl can le forwarded to and from the CIEHAtIe 'V gBT ELATES BETWEEN PHILA.DELPWA; AND Prin. BURGH. . - Viler Onses—Boots, Photo, Hun, am Cape, Books, Dry Goode, iht bow bales and trunks),Drto, In bows and balms) Piathdrin lhard,&o .. , .... Yfie r led It. noon. 0 1 . 1 .138—Dototetto thee.ing, " Shirting and Tithing, (in skeletal bales), Drugs (In auks), Hardware, Leather Idquor, nuked Wall Paper, ' Wool, anti Sheep Pelts. - lastward, e. 500. per 1001 be Titan fleses— Anvils , Hemp ; BOMB '• and Pork, 'Salted, (loose of in lecke), Paints, (dry and lo oil,) 011eL (eicept lard and ropy ) EL pet 100 DI lOVam OhAss—Ootree ' rah, Baron, Beef, and Pork '(ln makerah, or bones eaetward), Lard .nd Lard 011, Nally, Soda Aeh , German Olkr, Tar, Pitch, Bonin, Steel, Manufactured To baceo, Reisin'll Dusenewar e • Sugar, (We., Mils., and bozi sj frm.,"o A .40e. per 100 lb 114cm—f64. per bbl., until fnrthe :: notice. Gssin.-550. per 100 lbe., until frothat. notice. Oorros.-52 per bale, not enemodlng 500 lbs, weight, until further mottos. In shipping Goode from any point But of Philadei;- phia, be parttotdat to SOIL packages Penarlduatio - Rai/road." All (loads nousigned to the Agents of this IWO, at Phlladelphis or Pittsburgh, willbe forwarded without detention, ratiour AOttrre.--Olarke dr. 00., Ohibmgo ; Panted. & CO., Memphis, Tenn.; It, P. Sass ft 00.. Bt. Lode, Mo.; P. 0. o , Riley & Co., Evansrllie, Ilinglukm, Lotter/11e, Kentnosy.; .R. 0. „Heldman, Mod - loon, Indiana; H. W. Brown & Go., and Ather & Hibbard, Olueinnati ; H. B. Pierce & 00., Zanesville', Ohio; Leash & 00., No. 54 1111 byetreell, Boston; Lomb & Do., No. I Astor House, New Y wk, No. 1 William et. , New l'ork; B. S. f i n e eder;Philudelphtia; Magraw h Hams, Baltimore; D. A Bbewrai, Pitteboegh. H.; H. HOUSTON, tiatemitl height A gent. H. J. LOMBAKR, del/. (lateral Baperintendent. Altoona,,PM. _FISH - 200 qulntale Cog! eh. 100 do. Pollock, • 800 bble. Maikerel. po do. White Piet., for Bale by 0..130.,. • sssss $ • Sit WiILTP Melt Iroatiqk Wit. H. HATESIZR Agent 0.& A. R. R. 00 • D RUHIFIVIIMB3II3IWArreiII =1:3Z1! IRaiirgbSines. 111)ItiL A.D LP RiA7,- OkRIIAIiTOWN , ANDNORMISTOWN'ItA.,4II7IIIMEB AMIANG.IOI.I4IIL—Qn and after MONDA Y, Arm nth/ 1868. • 7011. O E I 6I/(11V:7P17, •" • Philadelphia &COX, 9-06 min. , 10, 3..iN • A. 14..-1, 2,8, .1, 5,8, 7,8, 9,10, and P.M. Lamm German town at 6, .7,7%, 8, 9. 93i ,10%, 11% A, M. 1-10 min., 2,3 X, 4%, 6X,6X, 6%, 8, 940 min„ ac ,, 10g: M. The 7)( &cicala. M. Train from' Germanto"ma wZitop only at Wayne cad-719ga Etreeta Station& ON SUNDAYS - 1.98' 4,oll4elphis - at8.20,r010. A. H., 2,6%, and 8 SLeaae theisiktitown fkit A. It., 1-10 min. 4K, 011JIITNIIT HILL ItAILROAD. Lave Philidelphiiiq OM, Eli 9.05 min ,11,14 A, 51., 2,8, 4,0, a; 1.0 p: ' • Lerma OheetantlWl it 040 and T. 86,0.10; and 10 10 min. A. M 12.60, 8.10, 4.10, 8.10, 7.40 i and 9.40 min. ON SUNDAYS. Lail) Phitidelpb_ 9.20 A. M. - 9 5%, and BY. M. • Labia Obestnut Hill at 810 mi n -11. , M., .12.50 4.10 FOR 00 N8HOU0OnaN ANS. N 64,148 TOWL liesTellinadebbia at OX,' 9, 11 M.,1. 06 8.10 min:. 4,4‘.`63(,11X' P. "'' Leas Norristown - at 7, 9;11 A. id., 1,0 x; and og , . Oft-SUNDAiirB, .- „... 61 Una Philadatibia at a A. M.,and 8 P . -Leave NiATlstown at 7 AM. P and 8 P. M. • - - - •%-%011 Leave Philadelphia 7)4 ,9,11-4. ht. 1.05 2.e6•min., 3.10 min , 43. bg, 636, .8, 11,tf P. M. Leave Ilansynnk at 6%, 7g, sg, ox, 11N A. M., I}B t 4; OM, 7; soda PLAI. - Bundaya lame as Norristown. - , 'MUST= VALLEY ,EALIdIO4I) NOB Leave Philadelphia - at Om A. H., And 8.10 mitt. P. bi LOMB DOWninittOWlt At 7m A. M , &mil P. M. -_. H. H. BMI7I/ General Superintendent. DePtl;Villth !ma Green istieeta, Pb.l l BBelPhit .• . 1858POlf - N 'LIN' A N I - A 4858 • bENTRAL atattatukt• f ~ mat , PIIILADELPHRICAVnTTBBIIIION, ~ ., ,A nd.thenoe by Bailroad to _ KILDELIN4 - • -L. JSTI LOUIS • - • anrcuotaiiroti, or,tvzLitut, • ' OINOINNATI, ' • - CHICAGO,' , Bußtnaitos, .. , AL-avart,H, • Intermillate points in lfl OOiANDIRKATILI..IIIO 8; KENTUCKY"; lentil 9AJY,43VISCONSINiiNIINNEBOTA'AELSSOURI, KANSAS_AND,XERKASKa.- Paine Awe to;peinte;:wisit orrittebtagh,.,%ineling, Wevalend and Oteitilne,hafe'eUdeii of iontes, aedare reiOnOtedin Make Culeetiniibefori applying for tick- THEW TBBOUGH TRAINS LEAVE TII - aapar PHU. DAILY, Forming aloe. , rionnections et • 7ittehargh to all Polnta On and-. atter ..MONDAY,iday 10th, 1808, .Three through, and To accommodation traine,_ will leave the depot, S. E. non!er, nr.:IILEYENTK - and MARKET 'meets, as follows:• ' • ' - • • 'TRAINS 600 - 1 , 127081314 H eilitturvioit igrrenimOn lAHD THS WEST LEANS. I AND THE WEST ARRIVE. Mall train at.... 1.30 4. M. Alan train at... 11.46 night. Put line, 100 noon. Feat 1ine.... . 6.10 *. 61. * ll.tpreie mail:.:11.00 night.' Depress mail.. I.l6'noon. WAI TRAINIVLIIIATE: ' , VAT TRAINS ATOUTS: Hartleburg AS- - : Tisbnrt nelamodattort 8.00 P, M., uninaodatinn.T.l6 -P, M. 'Lancaster .4:00 P. M s " Laocaater -Thu mail train stain fat al.theitationsbetiree i Phila delphia and Pittabrugh. The Express mall rune dallyi the other tanineEtindar excepted. • . The este Teaireihe'Pennajlvaidatimiceld Pa-manger Station, isotithieet eniner of ELEVENTH and MARKET streete, entrance: on Eleventh_ street, where:through tickets to all plaint/09785t can be - }luggage will be recelvad at the Depot at any time dn ilnk the day. 'Ncl'ellirgelor binding baggage. ' - For , thrther inforination r - applY at 'the Depot or he .Pennsylvania Railroad „Conapanyountbeast,corner of Eleventh - and AtarAototcaotootweentlachoure of A. At: end 112 Y.". moues MUOs® my 10 • nillfOlid do: ~gtets.aic ;#eeia i ltti. . .. • JONES HOUSE, .. • ITARRISBITEG PA • • Jo ' ELEGANTLY PURNISHED. (Eroded - 19U.) NOW OPEN TO VISITORS. - • ' r0y29.3 , WELLS OOVERLY, Proprietor. A VORRELL HOUSE, .. . ; — , N. N. W. cor. TRIM) sod IklikfONY 0017 RP. The tindersigned takes pleasure in informing hie friends and , he pnbile at large,- that Ihehas opened the above .EfiTABLISHAINNT, andpiedpe himself to merit the patronage of hie patrons,. every article ilof supe rior-qualify, having been selected withbut 'regard to prirofif-8m ce. OHABLNI3 wosasra, Proprietor. NICHOLLS HOUSE, (E.I3ROPEAN PLAN ' ) ' • ' OPEN DAY'AND NO. 115 SOUTH EIGHTH BT., BELOW OHESTNEPP. PHILADELPRiA. - • This HOUSE is for Permanent and Transient Lodg ing leery effort will be made by the Proprietor, LL NIOHOLLI, to give satisfaction to his 'Petrone. This establishment is situated in the heart of the ety, centre of business, and convenient to all places of amusement, The Mercantile and Travelling community will find it a dellrable place for comfort, oleanitriessi and econo my. Meals furnished at all hours. Single Rooms, 60 cents per - night. - By the week $2.60 and upwards. , , mh2o.tf MERCHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH POURTEI BTA—irt% AMAX Maxim, PIIILADKLPITIA. a 5.2141 mammon k lIONS. Yxorti grata Matta Sours 111/I . E SSR S. CHICKERING & SONS, edete f c ermined to their new ,ar”re,cri.-, No, 1307 CIIESTNUT Street, (near tho United td tee 'tf t. ) arc prepared to offer to their friends and tee pcl.llo extensive tuwortmont of Grand, Parlor-G;.:.0, :deo and Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufactn, for.this city, finished in various styles of CRAP 2, and • 4 , priced which pannot fail to please. Piano,l'ettes nitetd to order, to suit any style of furniture, and :111 metro thetas warranted to give entire satisfaction to the pur chaser. - Grand and Square Pianos - to rent, upon th racer la- Corablelerms. Messrs. O. 1c BONS have received Thirty..t.unr MEDALS.- The nest Premiums over all competitors in the United Slates. All orders 'for TUNING' and REPAIRING will be promptly atteuded to. jy7-6m PIANO FORTES.• inet received, an elegant mitotic of RAVEN, Ed... ON, & CO., NUNES & CLASH, UALLET, DANIEL & CO., and GALE & 00. B YIANOB. MEW DEAN& beat quality, at' - J. E. GOULD'S, mh19,3 , 8. B. corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT als, IjIHE UNION -PIANO MANUFACTUR 41- 117 G 00IIMANY, No. 1104 114.1018 - Street Plailadelphl4. The Union Companyare now prepared to offer to their friends, as well ae to the public generally, their Piano', as being unsurpassed by any others as regards bv..uty and fullness of tone, perfectness and durabi'4ty action. quality of materials and The Union Company being compered of persona who are all practical wotkmen, and rho, having bad year* of experience in manufactcries both of this country and Europe, are each perfect in their department; and, by their combined efforts, are enabled to offer to - the public a first-Class Plano at a much lower rate than ant other manufactory, and at the same time, are sure of the_ quality of - their instruments,. each part being made by one of the members of the, Company; and will therefor,: guarantee each Warn ment as haring all tue qualities claimed for it in,, thts circular. 117. Tuning and retair;af; attended to. Please call and examine ; at 1104 MAP.S.ST BTREAO - Kumbet. . . LIIiti.BER YARD. R 011 TA & 0 0 ~ (Successorii to Montgomery & Nesa,) d. W. corner of TWELFTH. and PRIME Streets, Phils.-„, Old Moyamensing District' - are now receiving a large and well-selected assortmerV't of all descriptions of LUMBER, such as White Pine„ Yellow Pine, Norway, Ramie*, Lath, Pales, Pleketa.„ Fence Boards, Flooring, Shelving, and every-variety of, well-seasoried Lumber. Also, a large stock of Mal Stuff, of every variety and description, constantly on. hand and sowed to order at the shortest notice. Otir connection with hlesars. Mehatfey, Monte, & Qtr and Duffy, Houtz, it oo.,'at Marietta, Pa., gives its tin emrpassed litellitles, and - enablesnet° warmly orders:los all descriptions of Lumber with promptness and despatch. PINE-CREEK LUMBER, soft and mellow, Ratable for PATTERN-MAKERS, &o , oonstantly isind. Prompt paying purchasers are respectfully Invited to examine our stock before going elsewhere. LIIMBER Al' WHOLESALE s AND 4P, tall. at Marlette, Lancaster county, Pa. MEI:UV/BY, HOUTZ. & Co , take this metY o d ~,e informing-their customers and persons desirous of Pm, chasing LUMBER, that they hare now on ha. .id a large and well-seasoned stock of all descriptions which they are prepared to sell at dither . .ctory.prieee. I Their timber is all from their own 1 1.1 ILLS on PIN'S of Lumber, OMAN. They're slag connentedW it • r S m em ,. Inn FY„ IIOUTZ; & CO., and p 'Spared of Planed &Ards, Bill Staff, Lir .i Pa l es, rickets „ at to furnish alt kinds Building Timber for Bridges -on the shortest notice. Tl• ' would . also take great . io , of all deicriphons, pleasure Meaning the at. 3 ' ~ and those, in Want of Lumbar lb r Rati o n oPhl Builde rs aoitio to tho• Lumber Yard of jr IO •u 0 01 ?: ofl a P I, ..ts, with whom they are also COl2- .d. PRIME s tm .- ...TZ & 0., corner of TWILITTIg neettd, . , B LL V-iS AND SHAD ES, L .s i OR OkBH B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 16 NOATH SIXTH STREXT, Is the most extensive Manufaetorer o WINDOW BLINDS, And Dealer in WINDOW SHADDO, Of every variety. He has a floe stook to be sold at Reduced Priem BUFF, and all other Oolore of Linen Bodes, Trim io3nge, natures, /co. STORE SHAW'S Painted to order REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO WE STUDY TO PLEASE.. O ILS, CANDLES,' SOAP, STARCH, &c 1,200 gallons Winter Sperm Oil. 950 pandas No. 1 1 . 90t...r Lard Oil. 5,000 gallons BlisoLta IPn ter Whale OR. 8,000 sallo' Light Racked Whale Oil. 250 boa's Chemical Olive Soap. 200 do Oleine Bosp. 400 do Brown Soap. 100 do New Bedford Sperm Cr.. ,, ike. . In store and for sale by N. W. POMEROY Al Late J. B n k .t , e A tt.•o. No. 14 South DEL&WORI: Rai u,ie SUMMER PIIEL.—GAS C01;:!_7 IL./ of excellent onality t is sold at the PUT 1 , A 1 )1.4 PHIA OAS 140111(8 for tbe reduced price or il‘o tent a bushel ; and may be' obtained in large or 4-unCi ,u-p My by applying at the Du Wee, No. 2G Er , ry onvEtan Street. - • . • To purchasers 111 , wholesale it is sold at th. in First Wad, by the ton; at a price eqw, to Anthracite It $240 per ton. (Blined ? ) J. 0. °RIBBON, Xrginr,r. . Philadelphia Gas Work,. .opt. 28, 5t12741 A".-25 Casks Muir's, Younger's,ul, Allsopp's SparkLinz Ale in pinta landina and re: sale by WILLIAM B. 1E124 216 Prmth FRONT Rirwett LIVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOS to your Inteteste,,and patronize 118.911.1tR58 LAMP FACTORY; 109 gout! RIGIITH street, below Chestnut. Previous to his opening a responsible factory, you were charged 118 for work which be is now doing In a war ranted manner from Mito $lO. Rapport him, or you will have the name oharif tO DRY. PURE BONE DUST, GROUND FINE— _EL A very superior article. For Sale in large or small lots, by OROASDALR, PRIP.OR, & 00., mp 6 - 104 North Delaware veoae. 500 TONS MITCHELL Se CROAS: DLLS'S 800, - Amoulated Super Phosphate of Lime for mat, O#OASDALE, & 5 .5 1,01 NOM Se/IMT Siaaail,