The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 08, 1858, Image 3
enrsbr_+rx~u.'ms.~ , 'a'.~. ~,:x;<.st~a - = r `4-r_'~"~v;: , r:G . - _ - - WinutiLins A#CRI ETA ..... T.Haarall. anon Bram, • sore ,I3mra.—"Orderay's IScritOu Moans." 7 Masiiplid ACAPilltir or. Mime, B. W. 0011NIR - or BROAD' CU LOWI . ftranill Promenade CcOatt;'Y Convention to_ Anew! the Rules:--aho Domoeratio Convention - to amend the rules of the party re-assembled yesterday after noon at Spring garden Halt.- ' ' • ' Thp report of the oommittee of twenty-Ave, eon tathing" a now series orreries, varying in some mea, euro from the old rulos, was then read. , Several amendments..were ;proposed.. mph Mogaiy made a motion to strike out of the Brat rub 'he clause prohibiting any calker of oleo tint, or' member:of the exdoittive oommittee being a candidate for delopto at any election under thesexults,,and inserting a clause to prohibit any weril lefty:lite fo i - or nig - opal:officer from being' a candidate 'delegate. thre,vE ß , (l .sedvocated the amendment, and severalretheggontlameix made rather mixed soi.enhes. t. ; '. • .... • • •• 4 ' bre:Unita mdvell: to 'amend - by adding, "and that the offioe-holders,ba not oxpeotod to pay any tax for-election puipbsos." Mr. J. Randalleald he would vote for Mr. Cur tie's amendinent, , priivided he would add, " and thet,the Ofnee-boiderareceiva no salary far their services." :[Laughter.] - • • lirriatit, -- -.Esq; spoke against disfranoyeing any class of Democrats. Ile thought. it'unjust to prohibit any peintufrat from being a delegate, ex cept limit, officers appointed to conduct such dale gate,eleotiou, Mr. J'amealfalann argued against Mr. Wright's Owerr•alse demurred , to Mr. Wright's posi tion. Re looked on Mr. W. as the champion of tho - offol-helderS. :i. 7 -- - ' Moeard • Megaty - and Randall stated that they wore othoe"-hblden, and yet they were=in favor of keeping the 0106o:holders - Out of the'Delegate Con- Mr. Stevenson, of.the-Eleionth ward, ;node a forolbli • .speeoh lu favor of keeping the office holders-Out of, the Delegate Conventions, though ho was the last man in ;the world to disfranchise anylletaeorat • ' , " Mr.:Leech moved to amend by adding the word " salaried" Wore the word &Boer In the amend . . ment: „ Air. 'Brown; President of the Convention, made A few significant romarki urging that the people be leftfree to choose sunk delegates to Conven tions as they pleased.. Restrain the people's re prebeutatiVes,,if you 'choose, but leave the people free !.. , , • Tile read mut :nayi then, .the, arnendnentA 14:•bag41,..a14 resulted as' fol lovr!' "—#- - Potthe amendment (to keep otlice-boldere ont of the Conventions) Art Mat the amendment • tio the amendment was lost. T Hemphill strike out, in ruiel,'Lhe words" of member of the Exeoutive Committee,',!:thus making the members of the Ey e:lifts Committee eligible to seats in the Delegate Conventionttealled.under the rules. The yeas and nays were, called on the motion, andit was ogreedlo=yeaS'76, nays 46.` Mr. Thomas H. Forsyth moved to strike out of Rule .r,thlit entire portion ofthe rule requiring a registry of the Democratic rotors of,eaoh precinct by the committee, and requiring' that the precinct committee may require proof that an individual has voted the Democratic ticket. - ,lift: John Campbell; in an able' and earnest speoeln *opposed the striking out of the registry prbvialon: ';,iiikifoiftddered - this the gist of the la bors of; thcoominittee, and that it was an effort to Iltet-Plareland...peeceable .delegate elections, which welave not had for two years. - -Mr. Jesse Johnson thought:the registry was a humbug. It could never be made perfect, and would- facilitate frauds, instead of preventing Mr. Wright called: the attention of the Conven tion tq tho foot that they had • Ora e adoption of Mr.-Ilemphill'a 'amendment) allowed the Emu five' Committee.' to be candidates for Delegate Conventional ; and thus destroyed the °Moloney of thitt, ._•' ' - • was then called for on Mr.- Forsyth's motion and it was lost by the following count: For Mi..Forayth's motion 42 Against 82 Mr. I'. E. Harkins of the Seventeenth -ward. moved' , to -inseit in Mule 1, a provision that the clerk nppointed,by the Inspeotor shall reside in the division. Adopted unanimously. r , ,ltule 1 isas further amended by Ilaing the hours for holding the primary elections under the rule between 4 o'clock and 7 o'clock P. M. A tnotiod was moved to reconsider the amend ment by-Which the Executive Committee were allowed to bo candidates for delegates. The yeas and nays *ere called, and the motion was carried and the prohibitory proviso was again inserted. The Convection then adjourned until Friday at 10 o'clock A.• M. _greitt lifittih.—Monday and Tuesday, of this week have been days of intense mite:wont 'among the crieketiog community of Philadelphia; caused by the spiritedly contested match between eleven - Englishmen and eighteen Americans,which-was played at Camden on those two dayi. - The intmest.that is taken in this noble gituis_maY be readily imagined when we say that on the first ditythere were over five thousand per sons on the ground, and on the second (though not a holiday) over three thousand. • , The Englishmen commenced hostilities first on Monday morning ut nine o'clock, and at mid-day retired for seventy-seven rune, After doing jail. tics to an excellent lunch, prepared by the Phila delphia Club, the. Ainerieins took the bat, and at the close of their innings. had scored sixty-eight, leaving the Britishers nine runs ahead. On Tues day morning , Albion - again placed herself at thi wickets; and did not 'retire until abo had made, seventy-eight runs, leaving the Americans eighty eight,to get to win. Nothing daunted, Columbia faced the minds!, but potwithstanding all her ef forts, she did not succeed in rubbing off the score of the Britishers by.thirteen rune. - At the conclusion of the game Win: Retch Wider, Esq. ; on behalf or -,the -Americans, pre stilted to henry Sharp, Esq., a new cricket ball. The latter gentleman,' in receiving the .ball _on half othie brother 7,ltglishmen, thanked the gen tlemen of the Philadelphia club for _their -hospi— tality, and soured them that .the cricketers of Now York, of -which be ,- was ono, would always endeavor to be equally hospitable. He, also praised the Philadelphians for the' interest they took in this beautiful gaine,,and expressed a be lief that era long Philadelphia would of herself be able to defeat: anyuity in the Union. After warmly cheering the victors and the vanquished, the multitude dispersed, highly 'gratified at the amusement they had 'derived from witnessing a game of cricket. . • Charge Against an Official.—A select com mittee of City Councils met-on Tuesday afternoon, at the Chamber of Common Conlon, to investigate certain charges brought against Mc. Patrick Mo- Supervisor of the Twentieth ward, by Mr. Lane Schofield. The City Solicitor, Henry T. King,;Esq.; wee present, and took part in the in vestigation. The.charges brought by. Mr. Soho field. against Mr. McEntee are in brief as follows: Usiag. the horses and carts of the public for his (the Sunervisor's) own private work. Expending money in grading streets not thirty feet in width. Spending more money for grading than was, an. tborised .Councils, - and having a pay roll for over sme,roe a period of twenty-five days. . From ea ovidenots-we glean what appears to ko the real "statent the ease. It seems that some months since, Mr. Lawrence Lewis made, a eon traet'With: MoEntee 'to - MI up a lot belonginuM him, an Stiles street,:in the Twentieth ward. Mr.. McEntee employed men to doWork, and Mr. SohOffeld alleges that -ho used the vehicles and matetiiiikef-theeity -for the purpose. One or two of the witnesses examined testified to this faot, but, upoebeing cross-examined closely, 'it turned out that-they only thotight faet'which was rat lied upon by Mr:Sehofteld as a 'very strong point, was the cirourostanop of a horse falling into the hollow while the men were . engaged in filling up the lot. bit'. McEntee took his coat, off and assist ed in resorting theanlnialfrom his peril ; and this, it was urged, was:moot thattbe horse was his Owe, and that he*its using the public inoney, for his , own private parodies. " ' The oorinnittee finally ad-' jusened bier until Tuesday' afternoon next, when the defence willioseommeneed. Police.- iftiiiness.—:On Tuesday evening; atm& nine o'clock,- a cripple stopped at • the store of hlr. : Brotin, In Sedond street, above Poplar. for the purpose.Of Selling a ,pamphlet. The person to whom Ovas offered refused,to,buy, when the yen. der,innashed a • lois pane of-glass-In the bulk window-for which offence he was taken into 'Olll5 , tody.'• He gave the name of Alexander Forrester. Ho Woe oommittedby Aldeittittii Shoemaker. &trite tinie daring Tue.iday night; the cigar store of JObit'Aienat .1.11•Oad 'and .4eust streets, was ranseedrAd and fobbed of.aslo/111 amount of money. The thieveS tiffeotid an entranoeby cutting a panel out of the door. . About half.past' eight o'clock, yesterday mom ing, the Are/proof safe - . in - the 'coal °Mee of Lewis Conrad, - et MlatkatikMitet, er street,' was forced operi," - :ffuring" the' temporary. absence of :the pro• pricier._A prianitsory aote, some due bills, and several ollars In rash wereherrled off. Otto Uleman was committed byAldermanßutler, yesterday morning, on euspieion -of thelareany of a pleas efaassimere, valued ats2o, The aitiole le at the Eleyenthysard "firtatietr;hOnse, "awaiting an owner. lor: - .60e.4uieille in - Coates Street.— Last evening, "Coroner Fenner held an "Inquest on the body of Charlatan, tented 'Anthony Depris, 28 years ef - rtge,:whe - eturtmltted- sakilde by taking arsenic, at No. 437 Coates • street:: , From the evi dence elicited at theinfeeilgatlon,.it appears that the deeeaSed iiiii'indueed to commit.tke fatal get on account of having ,been alighted - lay a woman to whom ho crae,ardeatly , devoted,, 'After t he bad taken Abe-Arsenio,. bewail attended by a physician.' but hi Pokitively refuied to take soya the mad'. oino,hich had been prescribed for him. - 'He ac— knowledged that 'he^ laud %taken the arsenio;and that he eariaestifdeeired In'lettio* this'," false end heartless World " A 'verdiat ,lortocerdertee with the facts'iviis rendered by the Jery...:Tha suicide created much - excitement in the neighborhOod. Literary Celelkralion:—Oa Monday evening the Harrison Literery•lnstlinta of ffensingtim, one of tha largest and most-Infinehtial sootetlee of Phi. ladelphia, milebrated the National Anniversary an entertainment given at Central Hall,-Prankford malt' The were laden with the luxuries of tbo aearon,and: were surrounded by a large and brilliant assemblage of ladles -and gentlemen. A nomber,of appropriate end eloquent speeches were. made . by Mestere CaraMt,. - Con - away, , Wearier,: Er. vine, NUClintordi, - Peratison,lePerlandiand others. Mr. jobiilii" Careen presided, and Mr. Alexander D. Irwin reed the Declaration: - . ' - Building inspedqrs.a4tobert B. Shultz has. been elected president effiliclleard pf Building Inspaitors; and ltatiala:M4oBrailok.. Clork..: , The city has herindivided into threedletriate, via; All soutti'or South. Slant,: together ,with - She of Schuylkill/tad Menayunk to -be• the: first; from South etreat to Coates and West'Philadelphitt to be the second; , all the city nortlrof that, exae_pt Mai nay unk and the; Italia to be the third. ,31r: Leigh" lin hiiialiargo - orth - solratf Mr. Shafts of the se cond, and lift' - B.loWriaht;Of the third. The.ttinerat of Young_Ciirr.—The funeral of the tilarderedßiannal.Carrwill take place from the residence of his parent/kin, Greenwich Street above Jefferson avenue, thisaftenmerl at 4 - o'oloCk. The body will)be-ternporarily placed in a.vault In the Union green:aim:after *Mali it will be iiiterrod in the ground beloggiag - fdthe Shiftier Hose !him puny, in Mount Morieh Cometoty..• fire abo8t:11; o'clock, yesterday morningg wns /mused= by the'.parttal burning olcythe':bo ler•thed --- attiralied to the soap' manufaotorreq.Tosoltililikinton - A Bon, No. 783 South Second :bereati-Dmiligeliltifig.,._.The fire was accidehtitrZtlia`yciaidwork taking lire from etae of the'ffires. - ", - . an ad: The 6Pf:4544. holdj Sa u corn som estm*inehi ll. iiktuoion at three o'clock, al; street a ==i= CITY ITEMS. §nABoX.—Now that the Fourth has pureed, those of our citizens who find it convenient to leave the city at all, are preparing to dQ en at once. For such we have a word of advice. As the chief object sought in going to the seaahore is the bevel!' derived from malt water, the preparations for bathing with comfort and convenience should be carefully attended to. It is always tedious to shop for materials and have bathing garments made to order, and we are happy to say that the necessity for this has been totally obviated by the effort* of our old friend John Y. Sloan ' either at We superb store, No. 806 Market street, or at biz stores at Cape Island, and Atlantic City. In addition to hie extensive preparations to accommodate purchasete, we may also state, for thebeaefit of those who may intend 'slatting either of these popular resorts for a day or two merely, that Mr. fileants airangemen'e for accommo dating transient visitors are most complete. He hoe labored zealously to meet the demands' of an Important pnblio want, and the public In return should chow their appreciation by extending to him a liberal patronage. - THE ' ATLANTIO TELEORAEII.—The arrival of the Niagara, with the newts of the laying of the sub-marine cable, is hourly expected. We learn from our friend Eldridge that among its first use. will be the transmission of drepatchee from all the crown heads of Europe to the " Cld Franklin Hall Clothing Emporium," No. 321 Chestnut street, for, his latest style of summer clothes. Ett renew, we dekire to call the attention of our readers to his very beautiful assortment of bathing robes, got up especially 'for his, patrons who design spending a few'daya at the sea-shore. Call and see him. A. CALK AFTER vim STORSI.—The whirl of ex citement Incident to the celebration of 'the Fourth of July has auhalded, and the calm of tranquility hae suc ceeded the' atonn' of excitement. News items are al ways scarce after this great annual rush of " chips," and we have plenty of time to perform a "labor of love," to wit: to commend the magnificent garments made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Noe. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. LOOK TO Yours LIN/M.—There is nothing more annoying to a business man than to find, when a favora ble opportunity offers for him to cut loose from the heat and duet of the city fur a few days, that his sup ply of that holt of indispensable articles, which come under the head of Gents , Furnishing Goods, to Made euate for the contemplated trip. To all, then, we would give the word in season : Go to R. 0. Walborn & Co., (new) Nos. 6 and I North Sixth rarest, and secure a supply without delay. Timo teas, is past ,•' thou caner not it recall. Time is, thou hest; employ the portion small. Tithe :fietureis not, and may never bo. Time present is the only time for thee: and should be well e ployed in the purehaao of sum mer clothing at the palatial store of Granville Stokes, No. GOT Chestnut street. ,Shooting Case.—Rocordor Enou yesterday committed a young man named James Thompson, for attempting 1.(1 kill John Milligan, on, the 6th of July, by shooting at him, in Fifteenth street, be tween Bonth and Lombard. The arrest was made by °Meer Joshua Taggert. Importations [Reported for The Press.) LAM:TATRA—Barque Rowena, Wilson-2427 hides 2742 bags collet, 32 do cocoa Da!lett Bros MATANZAS—Brig Ellen Hayden, Baynes-705 hhds sugar 55 bid do 8 & W Welsh. MAW ORLEANS—Behr Anthem. Burrows-30 us mho Mitchell A Allen; 442 pairs hubs Wilson A Childs; 273 brit. hides A Peterson; 8 pkgs nada. Arnold A Wilson; 1 do Powers A Weightman; 99 bales cotton Thos Eieger; 43 do W P Helene; II pkgs codes 0 Thomas; 25 bales cotton Wood A Garrett; 8 bags wool J . Mansell & Son; 21 casks old iron Curtis & nand; 068 empty casks Mae way, Collins & Co; 1683 pipe staves 240 belle bides 20 empty teaks 16 pkgs sundries order; 62 empty casks It Newlin , NRWBERN. NO—Sehr Marinab N. Etheridge-53 bble spirits turpentine 613 do rosin 300 do tsr 146 do pitola.Coohl an & Rueael LETTER BMA • At *hi Merchants' Exchange, Phikulelphis. Brig Dlsj Queen. Lyle llama, goon Pali ADDLPIIIA BOARD OP TRAPP. JOSEPH C. Onunn, WILLIAM 0. KERB, (00MMITT(1 OP THE MONTH ELLIS Y/ENALL, tilanne Jnielligenre PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, July S, 1868. JUN REIM_ „ HIGH WATER 4 89 I 811 N SETS 721 10 52 ARRIVED . . Steamship Heonebee, liana, Pei boars from Now York, via °ape 'flay, with mdse and passengers to Jae All derdice. . Passed a deeply-laden brig and some fifteen achrs below the Ledge, bound up. • Barque Envious, Wilson, from Laguayra June 20th, with hi !es, coffee, &a. to Ballett'Bros. - • G Barque em, Liemmond, 4 days from Boston, with mdse to Twellif& Brig Ellen Hayden, Baynes, from Matanzas 27th ult, 7 dsys to the capes. with sugar to 8& W Welsh. In coming out of Matanzas spoke the II 9 steamer Fulton, cruising. Brig Myra, Fuller, 6 days from Boston, with mdse to D Cooper. _ Brig Eureka, Daly, b days from Boston, In ballast to R Ruddell Scbr Anthem, Burrows; 18 days from New Orlolll3ll, with mdse to Pettit, Martin & Co June 80, lat 20 long 79 30, was in company with whaling sobs Walter Irvin, Small, of Provitcotown, 5 months out, with 05 bble sperm and 103 bble black Bah oil. 4th Met saw steam ship Empire City, bound 'south Bohr Connecticut, Lowery, 10 days from Attakapos, with lumbar to captain. Scbr Marinah N, Etheridge, 0 days from Newborn, N 0, with naval stores to Cochran & Russell. Sehr James Neilron, Marston, 6 days from Taunton, with mdse to Twells & Co: . Behr Lavinia Conwell, 2 days from Camden, Del, With bark - to .1 Li kleColley. Bohr J II Stroup, Corson, 6 days from Boston, In bal. ballast to N Sturtevant & Co. Behr Alice Lea, Clerk, 4 days from Boston, in ballast. Behr Jos Cake, Endicott, from Boston. Bohr Aid. Iruglish, from Boston. Behr - Millard Ptllmore, Tuttle, from Boston. Schr J Oadwalader, Godfrey, from Boston. Bohr J Clark, Beall, from Boston Schr'o 81 Nell, Henderson, from Boston. - Behr Bpbralur & Anna, Dole, from Boston. Behr D H F anti", French, from Jersey City. Behr A n n , urtls, Curtis, from New Havel). Behr H Willetts, Croupier, from Roxbury. 'Bohr Roxanne Burley, Marts, from Roxbury. Fehr 8 H Atkipi, from Ifilford. Behr B Elkinton, Naylor, front Newburyport. Sloop J D Bell, 1 day from Lewes, Del, with India to Theo W Parker Sloop Olivia, Pox, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with oats 'to Ohnotlan & Curran. CLEARED. Steamebip Delaware, Copes, New York, .1 Aliderdice Barna° Lucy Ring, /*harlot Falmouth, Jam, D N Wettlar & Co. Brig Shibboleth, Morton, Nevis, T Wattson & Sons. Brig Myra, Fri ler, Boston, L Audenried & Co. Bohr Julia, Noyes. Boston do Behr Monte Cristo, Stodda rd, Beg Harbor, do Bohr Gilbert Green, Weaver, Danvers, do Behr Transport, Tilton, Stony Point, do Bohr George Ames, Nichols, Boston, Bluniekson & Glover. Bohr Maim Rich, Smith, Portamouth, Van Dusan, Norton & Co. Fehr J II Stroup, Corson, Boston, N Sturtevant & Co. Bohr to Wrightington, Wrightington, Fall River, Oa been & Co. Behr Connecticut, Lowery.- Mystic captain Isaac Toncey , Cover, Providence, D Cooper. Bohr Ontario, Yangilder, Stontngton. L Rothermel. Bohr P. W Toll, Burnell, Charlestown, It It Corson -- Bohr 0 A Heather, Stubbs, Salem 0 Miller & Co. r'll Behloulse,'Thaoher, Briton, Cain, Hacker & Co. Bohr Jos Cake, Endicott, Boston, Van Dueen, Norton &.0o Behr Aid, EnglOb, Beaten, 0 A Heokeher & Co. , Behr Millard Fillmore, Tuttle, Boston, W H Johns. Behr J Cadwalader, Godfrey, Boston, Brice & Co. Behr .1 Clark, Scull, Baton, Walnut.= & Cox. Bohr Moro, Jordan. Boston, Hays & Godshall. Bohr 0 M Neal, Henderson, Boston, Noble, Hammett & Behr Ann Curtis, Curtis, New •Haven, do Bahr D M French, Preach, Norwich, do Bohr II Zlklnton, Naylor, Newburyport, Van Dusan, Norton & Co. ' • Bchr Hannah Willette, Oranmor, Salem, do Fehr Ephraim & Anna, Dole, Salem, N Sturtevant & Co Behr B kt Atkins, Atkins, Haverstraw, W /i dohne. Bohr It. xanna Burley. Marts, Providence, do Str P. Willing, Maypole, Baltimore, A (troves, Jr. (Oorreepondence of the Press.) CAVED DE GIIACE, July 7.1858. The Wyoming left here this mornteg with 17 boats, *idea and conalgued aa folloria: F 0 Durrowa led 0 E Granger. lumber to Norcross & Sheek; Oot J 0 Fremont, do'to Malone it Taylor; Jen nie, wheat, corn, awl rye to A Osttell & Co; Wright & Brother , lumber to Bolton, Vanderreer & Co. John Griffin, , railroad, iron-to Wlke Ilay Quadri, George Morton, Isabella, P Stereo', Major Jee McConkey, Dldor Kessler, B .0, Gramm, Judge Long, coal to Delaware Oity. (Correspondence of the Prem.) BEADINQ, July 6, 1858. The following beats passed out of the Union °anal to-day, laden and consigned at follows: JobulY Wooner, dour, As, to Humphries, Hoffman Wright; Tradesman, iron ore to Eckert & W & F Taylor, flour and gridn to A Fitzpatrick ; • ht 11 . Taggart, lumber to Law Gould, Trenton; Undella, lumber to A gi cattail Co. ' JOT reuratira.i (Correspondenceof the Philadelphia Egahauge.) Cara ISLAND, July 7-41 80 P 01. Quite - a number of light vessels are going up, and many °Miters are 'pluming out. Wind BW—weather ',pleasant Thermometer 80 deg. Yours; THOS. B. HUGHES. , • DST TALIOII.4.TO TO TUN PooBo.] New Toms. July 7. Arrived; chip Margaret Tyson, from Liverpool; barque -Trieste, from Leghorn. BOSTON, July 7. ' 'Arrfted, ship 'Wrn Stetson, from NOW Orleans NORIOLT. VA., July 7. Arrived, barque Itasca, from Halifax, NS. Monms, July 7. Arrived, barque Gan Eden froM Boston. MRMORANDA . . Ir - Bee Holmes' Hole Steamship Virginia, Rally, for Philadelphia, sailed from Richmond Ist inet, Steamebip Phloem; Sprague, Matthews, hence at Boo toe oth last. - Ship Omar Pacha, Torrey, 70 days from Liverpool, arrived at Baltimore sth inst. Ship Dacheas D , Orleano, Garland, from Callao, ar rived at Baltimore oth inst. Ship ilosolusr gook, from Mobile for Havre, sailed from Qneenstown 17th ult. - Ship Wabash, Parington, from Cardenas, at Queens town 18th ult. Ship Antelope, Cole, from Akyab March 20 for Belle Isle. was spoken May 26, lat 1713, long 34 Ship Shamrock, Doane, before reported mailed from ,Idverpbol -for Philadelphia, was in the river 2241 nit, outwatd bound Ship Morolog Glory, Hobbs, from Callao, entered in ward atLoodnu 21st rat, Ship Golconda, McDermott, (late Everett, who died March 6th, of apoplexy) from Calcutta for London, 'weed - Deal 224 tilt Ship Blegnoticook, Howe from Rotterdam for New YOrk, was off POrtiand, E, Ilth ult. ' Ship Onward, Flanders, from Cape of Good Hope, was it'Pothimatith, E, 20th alt. ,Ship Crown Point, Gook . for Philadelphia, entered toe loading at Liverpool 19th nit Ship almonds* Bartlett, tot Valparaiso, cleared at New York yesterday. ' :Barque Oak, Ryder; hence, arrived at Boston 6th inst. Barque B Dwight, Nickerson, for Philadelphia 30th, was at gaps Ifetytien 20th nit. Brigs 11" P, gushing and ADD Blitaleths sailed from Boston 6th hurt. tor Philadelphia'. BHit Star nelkins, hence, arrived at Halifax let lost. Brig Naptd e if,Eolby, hence; arrived at St John, NB, 4th Inst. Brig Emily, Sounder*, sailed from Nett Bedford 6th inst. for-Philadelphia: - _ Brig Daniel Boone, Reagan, hence, arrived at Bangor Sd inst. _brig Speedway, Thoropion, roe PhileAelphis., wan loading at Mayaguez, PR, 294 ult. Brig Wellezn,,Wietd, hence, arrived at Richmond Bth . . • Eltrpat bent. for Boston, arrived 'at Robbie , Ride 3d !net, and nailed neat day. Brigs D B Doane, Gilkey, hence for Bath, and L Di Strout, from Harrington for this port, (the latter pith loss of fore topsail yard) at Holmes Hole 6th inet. Bohr Marie, Shropshire, cleared at Baltimore yester day for Philadelphia. Bohr S N Smith Smith, from Charleston, mired at Wilmington, NO. 4th Met Sohr Beni English, Blinn, hence, arrived at New Bed ford 6th inst. ' . . . . Bohr Cornelia, Bonell, sailed from New Bedford 4th is at. for Philadelphia, Bohm Nabobs, Rogerd, hence, and Daniel Morris, Hoover, from Brandywine, arrived at New Haven 6th That Bohr Beaman, Lank, from 8t Ann's Bay, Jam, Arrived at New York yesterday. Bohr Dlrigo, Cook o from Alexandria, at Baltimore 6th inst. • fichr Barnstable, Elorham, hence, arrived at Barn stable let inst. MARINE 311130ELLANY • . . The screw steamship Few York, front Clyde for New York, reported as having streak on the rooks near the Hull of Kyntiro Lighthouse, has heeled over, and were it not from her fore part being between the rocks, she would sink In deep water. The water aft now covers the deck. Lighters have been sent, with a view to save the cargo forward they can get at. Kane, June 20--By report of the French Consul at Portsmouth. under date of Ib•h lust, we learn that the American ship Petrea, ffom 'Havre for New York,which put in there in distrese, after having been on shore, having completed her Repairs, has commenced reality ping the sound portion of her cargo, and It in expected will be noon ready to proceed on her voyage. The brig America, of Salem, previously reported ashore off the Highlands, was on Sunday afternoon get off, through the asnistauce of Oapt Bennett, wrecking agent, and taken into Key Port. DOMESTIC PORTS NEW YORK, July 7.—Ar ehip Jobn Knox, Gwin, Ha vana; barque Mush, Nebbens, Oieefuegos ; brig Mungo Park,.Nichole. do; schre John W Minor, Berry, Mateo zas ; Tiger, Clark, Trinidad ; Laura, Gertrude, Elwood, Baltimore ,• Cheater, Richmond ,• Mott Bedell, Penfield, Georgetown, D ; Robert Mason, Cocoon, Darien 'Neared, steamship Roanoke, Skinner, Portsmouth ; ships Athena, (Brem.) Billing. London ; Wm Wood bury, McLean, New River, N B ; E 0 Scranton, Spen cer, Liverpool ; barque Nazarene. Smith, Bonaveritura; brit II B Emery, Perkins, Key Writ ,• ears Sir W Ra leigh, Tuthill, Savannah; Amos Falkenberg, Rogers, Wilmington; Angeline Adair, Beaufort; Smithsonian, Van Brunt, Charleston. BOSTON, July 6—Arr, packet-ahlp Carlylye, Simp son, Liverpool; brigs Obestelaln, Handy, Pieria; Mar garet Elizabeth (Br) MoDouglet John, ND; ochre John Elliot, Wood, Cape Hayden;ti Marietta Smith, Goodsell Eleuthera Cleared, barques Bounding Billow, Small, Smyrna; Thomas Rlllam, (Br) Crosby. St John, N B; brigs New World, Ross, St Thomas and Porto Cabello; Julia, Sheffield, Aspinwall; Gov Roll, Arthur, Havana; An nandale, Hewes, Rockland; Ben Dunning, Varney, Portland. Salted—Twee ay, chip Zephyr; bargee Bayard; beige New World, Plrt Plnh, Julia, Constitution, Jos Albion, Golden L. ad, Annandale, B Dunning; and from the Roade, where they anchored on Monday, brigs Robt Wing; Lucy Ann. HOLMES' HOLE, July 2, P. 11.—Arr ochre W. R. Newcomb, Bacon, Philadelphia for Centreville; Mary Price, Blizzard, Boston for Wilmington, Del; John 11. Williams Harlot?, and Lizzie Taylor, Taylor,Lynn for Philadelphia,• Jane N Farineman, Salem for do. Sd—Arr seine Tonando, Kellar, and 0 Matthews, Warren,Philadelphia for Boston ; °stroll, Gould, and P a ntie, Keller, Elizabethport, N J for do; Lady of the Ocean, Tibbette, Philadelphia for Newburyport; Gun Rock, Wilson, do for Gardoef; Allan Downing. Rice; W 0 Ellason, Duckaloo; Frannie 0 Smith, Smith, and Polly Price, Price, Boston for Philadelphia. Frederick Reed. Biatebford, Eastport fordo; L P Pharo, Grimmer, Salem for do; John ft Plater, Gandy, Quincy Point for do; F P Randolph. Hyannis for co. Sailed sabre W It Newcomb Mary Price, John 11 Willlame, Lizzie Taylor, John N Baker, N L Wasson. Allan Downing, and John It Plater. 4th—Arr ochre Algoma, Pearson, Delawag. City for Boston; Lamartine, &Amon, Philadelphia for Cam bridgerort; Kendrick Fish, Wall, do for Salem; Wel o,,nie Return. Clark. Philadelphia for Portsmouth Rid bolas 0 Matthews, Tonando, Carroll Gun Rock, Lady of the Ocean, P 0 Smith. IV 0 'Meson, Polly Price, Frederick Reed, L P Pilaw, Annie 111 Edwards, I , P Randolph, end Foreet. fah—ln port at 7 AM. ochre Eagle, Algoma, Lamar tine, Hendrick Fish, and Welcome Return. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, UP TO ONE O'CLOCK THIS MORNING. GIBABD HollBR—Ohestmat street. below Ninth. N W Conant, 'Louisville E Warren, Louisville O T Wood, Louisville G Brewer Balt Jose Id Ronan, Caracas John Roues, Caracas Carlos Zapp, Cantu J P Howell. Caracas W R Lyman, NY Miss E Van Winkle, La 3 1 , Clarke, NY W 0 Chamberlin, Notches T Eddy, NY B Rawson, NY W W Vanderbilt, NY J DI Tucker & is, St Louie W W Uptick, Prov, RI 0 W Doty. Pougliklpale, NY J B Herbert, NJ Joe Seymour, Syracuse, NY A DI Edwards, NY G A Nicolls, Reading Clement D Newman, NY A 8 Abell, Bait Mrs B Jenks, Prov, RI Bliss Nicholson, 8t Johns, Thos H Wright, Cin, 0 NB Judge Warren, Augusta, LO Warren, Augusta Ga Ga F A Lutz, Washington, DO A F Tift, Key W sat, Fla George B Peters & lady, Mr Van Hook, NY. Tennessee .1 R Curtis, N Y. H II Holbrook, Boston Geo Pomeroy, N Y W L Hutchins, Laurence- Jae A sledge, .Athens Ga ville, Ca Semi (I Trappe , Providence, Robertson Topp, Memphis It I Edw Topp, Memphis Miss Lizzie 'Popp, Memphis Mu Emma Topp, Memphis It IV Barrington, London, Isaac a McKinley, Harris burg 0 e l o n go a n n r d o, N Y J T Crowell & la, N J E Armstrong, Di Y T P Wheelock, Worcester Prof 8F B Morse, Pough- It Borkie, England keepsie, N Y John F Green. N Y JR Jones Harrisburg Wm L Percy, N Y F Lane (Memphis Mrs Hindle. Huntsville Miss L Hullum, Memphis Miss A Hallow, Memphis time id IL audio, Memphis Muter Lone, Memphis J W Dimlck, N Y F 0 J Smith, Portland,ale Edw Mason, Portland, Me II F Pultze, Rock Island Rev W D Haley & la, Wash Mr Hayes, Wash Mien McCauley, MlllteriliO B Barnum, Balt John W Colly, Balt I N Robson, Charleston 3 F Bodine, Williamstown 11 Faulk & son, Louisiana C E Galphi, St. Louis Dr L A Edwards, 11 S A Mrs S J Godfroi, Savannah Mrs Dr Bowne,Newark,NJ Miss J Bowue, Newark, N J Master A Bowne, Newark Jail It Simpson, N Y A Girard, New Orleans Joe B F Grady, St Louis Smug Leech, St Louis J A Hoogernoif, Balt ALEHOELINTS , HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arcb. IL hicOlure, Wllllameport, .0 0 McClure, William- Penn port Pa G B Titus, Easton, Pa A i Do'uglas. M Ohunk,Pa T L Morrie, Belt Wm °realeld, Jr, Beaton, J W Frierson, La P &Dimon, Jr Phila 0 11 Love, Pittsburgh A Trowenfeld, Pittsburgh Al Wolff. Padueah, Ky Ai Oanba, Wilmington, Del It A George, Pittsburgh A a George, Pittsburgh J A Monroe, N Y J Monroe and eon N Y W Bell, Bedfont, KT J K Riley, Woodston, N J J W L Emery, Wlikeabarro Ron KB Wright and lady, Wm ost+rhout, NittaPenn . . _ ..... J L Morrow, Wilmington, A 0 Lamson ' N Y Del W 8 McPhail, Lancaster co, Wm Young, Easton, Pa POEM R A Neal, Southington L Ritterkamp, St Louis lion II 8 Mott, Pike co, Pa AMERIOAN ROUBE—Chestrint greet above Fifth Thos J Johnson, Trenton, Baml 0 Jones,Trenton,N I NJ Win Jones & la, Trenton, B 0 Jones, Trenton, N 7 It F May, Elkton, MA P A 'Ellis, Elkton, MA 0 V Bartholomew, N Y II Loomis, N Y •s: John B Douglas, 15chu,v1- E li Green, Pottsville, Pa kill co, Pa J B McCreary, Tamaqua M N Coleman, N Y Geo T Johns, Pottavalle Mae B Johns, Pottsville P L Young, Pottsville Jos W Linv,l e & la, Phila W II Maris Balt Miss 11 Harris Balt 1 Leisenring, Pa W P Gardner, Pittsburg Ja. P Johnston, N Y Jas O'Neil & Is. N Y J d Beecher. N Y A Armstrong, Balt P Dolton, N Y /3 0 Baton, Del J kblatthews, Va Mr Tolman & la, Decatur, 8 R Bathing, Cleveland 11l UNION HOTEL—Arab street, below Yourtb Dr 0 K Thomson & le, BJ . Lowerby, Marietta, Pa York co, Pa T C Worth, Wllming- J M Bsrodollar, Pa ton, N C II 111 Pratt, Pa Goo Wiggins, Tamaqua .141 If Congdon, N Y U Bowtnetti, Milleraw'r, Pa C E °chine, Pa W Underwood, Pa E B Campbell, Pa W II Paxson, Bucks co, Pa L Greenbaum, Pa J J Jobunou & la, Cinclu -7 Simpson, Cincinnati, 0 unti. 0 Elt Titus, Hancock, N Y Gll Hawk, Hancock, N Y D T Norton, Hancock, N Y 3 A Kelly, Jersey Shore Pa llt Kline Bucks co, Pa Dr J Kirby & la, Saleui,N J 8 N Callender, Meadvllle,Pa NATIONAL HOTEL.—Baca street, above Third. John L Polon, Pittston,Pa M T Dill, Altoona, Ps, B Dein, Leavenworth John Strobel, Otneinnati City, K T Jas V Lambert. Reading Blt McCormick, Lebanon, II J Reedier, Pottsville Pa Edwin Clark, Lancaster Bobt Crisswell, Phila. 13 Drumheller, Pa Alex Montgomery, Hanle- Jno B Eilobbach, Pa burg Win 1 Maxwell ec da, N Y W F Vonte, Pottsville John Carper, Lobanon co Wm Myere, Lebanon ce L B Shelters, Reading BALD EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ab. Oallowhill. John Yatuiant, Northam• Dkf Book, Lebanon co, Pa berlaud co, Pa Jacob Henning, Bucks co, John Reimer, Bucks co, Penns P01:106 Levi Kimmel, N Y Jacob X Boats, Ga Barclay Brown, Moutgonae- E T Ochs, Quakertown, Pa ry co, Pa BLACK BEAU UOTEL—Third, above Callowhill. Geo Megan, Schuylkill co, - 0 'betty, Plowertown, Pa Penns flannel Bardall, N J Geo Kline, Eaelvillo, Pa Benjamin Buffington, Ly We Buffington, Lykenn kens Valley, Pa Valley, Pa BLACK IMAM INS—Mi and Merehentgtreete. Jas Traynor; Cheater go. Pa M Pennook, Wilmington, D B Nyce, Delaware co, Ps Del A Conrad, Wilmington, Del Chas W Beatty, Anguilla, Amos Kimble, Cheater co, Ca Pa BARLEY MAP HOTEL—Beoond street, below Vine W B Laney. Ltesyville, Pa H W Hopkins, N Thos But, Pa W Esetwood, N Y A Young, White Haven, Pa J W Caeo, Pa Oto W Reed, Phila H 0 Cue, New Hope, Pa MADISON, noun, Second street. above Market. .1 G Holcomb, N J W Welsh, Swodeaboro , ,N J Chia R y a, N Y L Simons, La John L Harkins, James II Beath, N Y C Pendleton, Bolllmoro Opgrial Naito. Neuralgiti.—Thla terrible disease', so various in its forme, so racking In its pains, and so difficult of cure, will, in the great majority of cases, yield to the judicious-use of the PERUVIAN SYRUP. So re niaricable has been the relief obtained from this Syrup that many physicians rely upon it as a certain and rad. cal cure. For sale at lIASSARD & CO.'S, Twelfth and Chestnut, and BROWN'S, Fifth and Chestnut. jyti.tjyrf Sales natters Eon Athenienne, or !lair Re. STORER, possesses four wonderful properties: It is a beautifier and preserver of the hair. 21. It prevents it becoming loose and falling off. 3d. ft pro. dices a new growth of hair where baldness exists. 4th. It changes gray hair and whiskers to their original te color. It is the greatest chemical wonder of the ago! It is not a dye; to easily applied, and will not soil the skin or linen. Sold by all Druggists, and by JULES 11AIJEL lc CO., No. 704 OILIISTNUT Street. jy3-dfit wit Singer's Sewing Machines.—After a fair trial of the eoveral machines that have yet been offered to the public, the unanimous verdict of operators has been given In favor of Binger's. This Is, In fact, the only machine capable of performing every kind of sewing. " " BINGES'S NEW FAMILY SEWING BIACIIINE in, beyond all quention, the moat complete article for fatuity use yet invented, being at once ornamental, easily operated, and superior, In every respect, to any other machine, On this statement we challenge the world. I. M. BINDER & CO., je7-6re Ofilce, No. 902 CIIEWSNUT Street. Seamen's leaving Fund—Office 903 Walnut street, one door west of Second 'street. Receives de posits In BUM of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum.' Office open daily, from 9 until 6 &clock, and on Mon day and daturday until 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Yell; Treasurer and Beoretary, Marten M. Mania. , Strauge & Goldman, No. 300 Market street !chore Third, Wholesale dealers In CLOTILINO, are now selling off their entire stock at Retail ; at wholesale prices. Je3-1m isittss.—PintliALMA. i ituit§bmt, t' ,V 8. ism Jackson, JOB PRINTS'S, FIFTH. AND OILESTNUT. Ohooke, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Nude, Oir tours, 'Dards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, a prioes to Knit the times oel7-17 Bower's infant Cordial..-This invainable 'Cordial is preparedfroma variety of the most choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infante and young children. By its powerful Influence a speedy cure is effected In all eases of Cholic;windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children's *mitering during denti• lion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quilities pains of the Linear, looseness, vomiting, tco. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been need In thousands of sages with the most abundant success. No family shouldbe without It. Prepared only by Haim: A. Dowel, At his Drug and Chemical Store, N. A. corner of Bluth and Green ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders moat be addressed. And for Bale by Druggist' generall7. an 1847 Saving Fund.—Flie Per Centi Interest.— NATIONAL MINTY TRUST COMPANY, WALNUT Street, 8. W. corner of THIRD, Philadelphia. Money received in any sum, large or small, and interest paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Money is received and payments made daily, without notice. The investments are made In Real Estate, Mortgagee, Ground Route, and such first-class securi ties as th charter requires. Office hours, from 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 o'clock In the afternoon, nd on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8 o'clock. (e 0 GrOTSr k Bakers OILSBRATED PAMILY BHWING hiACHINIIB, 780 CHESTNUT MEET. These Machines are now justly admitted to be the beet in nee for family sewing, making a new, strong, and emetic etitch, which will nor rip, even if every. fourth Mitch be out. Otroulars cent on application by letter. .aPfI•Y On the 28th ult , by Rey Isaac Levier, WM:MING-- TON OROMELIEN to ALBIONIA, daughter of D. BO MB. On the sth July, by Rev. W. Cathcart, Mr. WILLIAM D. JACOBS to Align CAROLINE PARKER, bath of Gloucester county, N J. tb On the 4th inat , by lies John C Baker, 1240 North Fourth street. Mr HENRY SIPE to Minn HANNAH SMITTI, both of this city In Manayunk, on the evening - of July 4,1859. by Rot. A. Culver, Mr. WILLIAM IIaRTZEL to Mee SOPHIA DILLMAN, both of 51anayuc On Wednesday morning., the 7th met , Mrs MARY EiDELDRAKE, relict of the late William Sheldrake. in the 437th year of her age - *I- The r elstives and friends of the family are respectful ly invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence, 8. W corner of Eighth and Spring Outten streets, Phi ladelphia. on Friday afternoon, 9th lost., at 2 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Blockley Baptist Ohurch. On Tuesday afternoon, 6th lost , FRANKLIN BEN NER. Intent son of Henry and Clary B. Young, aged it =Tabs and 9 days The friends of the family are respectfuliv invited to attend the funeral, on thin (Thursday) afternoon. at 4 o'clock, without Bathsr notice. from Oltron street, ere doors below Twelfth. To proceed to church, But tonwood street. below Sixth. On the 701 inst., WEST DELANY, infant on of soot and Phoebe A Wetherill, aged eleven enentlan. * On the morning of the 6th lost , T1.4081A8 011A81. BEM, In The 48th year of his age. Ills relatives and friends and those of the family' are particularly Masted to attend the funeral, from his late residence No. 622 South Sixth attest. today (Thurs.. d .y.) Bth Met . at B.2l>elnek In the afternoon. On the 6th lest . EDWARD H , eldest son of Josiah T. and Sarah Rost, aged 20 years and 10 mouths. * The relatives and friends of the family are respect• fully invited to attend the funeral trefoils residence of bin parents, Shorewood street. west of Twenty -first, on this (Thursday) afternoon. Bth, at 4 o'clock, with out further notice. -To proceed to Odd Fellows' Ce metery After I short illness, on the 4th inst., HART D. WOOD, in the 38th year of her age. wife of Thomas Wood, and daughter of Alexander and Ann Hopkins. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully invited to attend the funeral. from the residence of her brother-in-law, Samuel Coleman, N 0.149 Coate street. below Second, on this (Thursday) morning, at 9 o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Han over street Burial Ground. On Monday, sth lost , MARY LOUISA, wife of Thos. L. Bchrack, and daughter of Daniel Oldenbergh, Esq., in the 34th year of her age. * The relatives and friends of the family are affection ately invited to attend the funeral, from her husband's residenCe. No. 445 Franklin strest,above Nob a, on this (Thursday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock Services et St. John's Lutheran Church, Dace street, below Sixth Interment at Laurel 11111 On the 6th lest , SAMUEL U., eon of Richard and Neslab Clare, aged 26 years. The friends and relatives of the family, the friends and members of the Shiftier Hose Co , the Chief Engi neer and members of the Fire Department generally, the Pawnee Tribe, I. 0 R. M., and the members of the Ord , r generally, aro invited re attend hie funeral, which will take place from his tether's residence, Gar det street, third house west of Jefferson avenue, on this (Thursday.) the Sth inst., at 4 o'clock Funeral to proceed to Union Burial Ground, Sixth and Wash ington. -rrAt a Stated Meeting of o The central Committee of the INFIDEL ASSOCIATION of the United States," held July 0, 1858, the following was ordered to be published: "Whereas, A report Iron gained currency ant those havewho, having long been stigmatized as Infidel, at length adopted the word as a distinctive appel lation, entertain erratic notions on the subject of Love, Marriage, and Divorce; therefore, Resolved, That we disabuse our believing fellow citizens—from whom we would not separate ourselves by holding wild and disorganising opinions, and whose moral convictions we share, has lug, like them, " the Law written In our hearts "—bypreventing them with a transcript of Article IX of the Declaration of Princi ples from then Minutes of the Infidel Convention, held in Philsdelphia September 7 and 8, 1857.^' •i Awr. IX —On Recount of the oft-repented calumny, that Infidels wish to give loose to their pensions, we declare that we hold our principles3and practice superior to the Bible standard. We flint the law of birth, in all countries where records me kept, to be about 105 moles to 100 females ; and that, in 20 Sears, owing to unequal Beat is in the sexes, there are 55 males to 100 femal e s. Therefore, we accept the teaching' of Nature, that one tuna should be the husband of one woman ; MO, that the union should bo voluntary, permanent, In mutual esteem." By order of the Central Committee. JiB-It* THOMAS EASTMAN, Secretary. ------- um The Semi. Annual Closing Eixerctacs of the Philadelphia NORMAL SCHOOL will take place at the School-House, on FRIDAY MORNING, the oth inst., at 10 o'clock. No !croon will be admitted nithout a ticket. By order of the Committee. jyt-It P. A. CREGAR, Principal. Notico.—Grern and Contra - rireet LADELPIIIA. PASSENGER RA, MAY COM PANY.—The Stockholders in Gila Company arc notified that a Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on THURSDAY MORNING, July 22d, at 10 o'clock, at the Commis:4onm' Hall, North THIRD Street, below Green, for the purpose of hold eg an Election for Pre sident and Twelve Directors of said Company, to servo till the second Monday in January, A. D. 1050. The polls will open at 10 o'clock A. M., and close at 2 o'clock P. M. By order of the Commissioners. jyB-2w W11.1,1A31 READ, Secretary. rfr, Building Ifi.pretnre °Mee, July .1, IB6B.—At a hireling of tho Board of Inspectors, held this morning, the city was divided inty Three Building Districts, as follows: First District—All the city south of Chestnut street, together with the Fags of Schuylkill and Mitnayunk. JOHN K. LOUGHLIN, Inspector. Second District—Prom the north side of Chestnut street to Coates, and West Philadelphia. ROBT. E. SHULTZ, Inspector'. Third Sistriot—fill the city north of Coates street, except Manayuuk and Falls of Schuylkill. L. P. WRIGHT, Inspector. jyB.2t* • F. McCORMICII, Clerk. :new Orl ana Gun Light Company. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' DANK, PHILADELPHIA, July 2, 108. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholdern of the New Orleans Gas Light Company, that the Agency for the Transfer of the Stock and the payment of the Divi dends of that Company will be closed from and after the first day of October next; awl they are requested to 'amender the Certificates issued by this Dank and re ceive Warrauts of Transfer to the Company in New Or leans. W. RUSHTON,.Tn., w&mthlocl Clothier. irrCommercial Mutual Insurance rom- PANY.—A 3lootfog of the Stockholder. of this Company will he held at their °Mee, In rear of No. 218 WALNUT Street ; on THURSDAY, July 8 1858, at 11 o'clock t. SI. JUlle Mc:COLLO:If, je2s-tjyB Secretary. La.." Ti n e Semi-annual EX.II.IIIIIIIII.Ort of the candidates for admission of pupils of the NOR MAL SCHOOL will be commenced on MONDAY, July 12th, at 9 o'clock, A. M. To be admitted, the candidate Taunt be at. lettatfiftern years of ago, and pass a satisfactory examination in Or thography, Definition of {Tonle, Reading, English Grammar, History of the United States, Geography, Theoretical and Practical Arithmetic, and Penmanship. The NORMAL SCHOOL is designed to qualify fe males to become 1 eachers In the Public Schools, and previous to examination, every candidate must make an explicit declaration that her object to entering the School Is to qualify hermit to become a teacher, end that she intends to engage in teaching lu the Public Schools of the City of Philadelphia. By order of the Normal School Committee. je29-tit th-2w P. A. OR SOAR, Principal. ITARRIS'eI BOUDOIR SEWING MA. FLA CHINE In offered to the public an the most roils bin low-priced Sewing Machine in use. It will sew from six to sixty stitches to nn Inch, on all kinds of goods, from conrsest bagging to the finest cembries. It in, jilt/lout exception, the simplest in its mechanical con atructirm ever made, and can be run and kept iu order by a child of twelve yearn of age The DURABILITY of thin machine, and the QUALITY or roe IVORR, are war ranted to be unnurpitmed by any other. Its spinal ranges from three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread used in taken directly from the spools, ITIVIOUT TOO TROUBLe Or RISIVIRDING In fact, it is a mnehtno that Is wanted by every family in the laud, and the low price of . . FORTY DOLLARS, at which they re cold, bringn them within the reach of almost every one. S. D. BAKER, Agent, jeld-dOin why eowoto 20 South EIOIITII Street. FOWLER,IVELLE, • CHESTNUT Street, keep standard works on Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure, and no. negraphy, wholesale and retail. Phrenolee ."' cal Examination, with charts, and full writ ten descriptions of character, given day and even ing. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders by mail to be addressed to Fowler, Wells, & Co., 922 Chestnut street. 109-3molf-wky t sop 30 HIPPA 11APPA.—SIIMMER — COoLEtr, Soft-flulahed, Extra-line Panama.s, Impressed Crown, Slight Curve of Brim, and you have—Hipps Hoppa. Price $2.03. Same as sold at $3 and $3.00, and no mistake. CHAS. LAINO & CO , Hutto, jl7-3t SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. PORK. -200 barrels Heavy Mesa Pork. 'B3 barrels Prime Perk. 78 barrels Leaf Lard. For sale by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., aplB No 9 North Water street CHEESE. 195 boxes Prime Horkimer county just landing and for sale by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., 018 No. 0 North Water street ACKEREL.-1,800 barrels Nos. 1,2, and B MACKEREL, hi assorted packages, now In store and for sale by JOHN M. KENNEDY & CO., ►n ft-1 • Nnog 120 Knell 11491 y HERRING. —BOO bbls. No. 1 HERRING, Eastport iorpeetlon ,• 600 do. Halifax, now In store and for sale by JO IN M. KENNEDY & CO., 00 O.V Nna. 180 ant 182 Nnrth wharvoi. ARGE NO. 3 MAOKER6L—NOW IN 1-A store and landing, 800 bble No. 3 MACKEREL; large 268 halves ditto, for sale by JNO. K. KENNEDY & 00., myls Nos 180 and 182 N. NV CARVER HBIDSIECK OHAMPAGNE.—PIPER'e HEIDERF,OK. genuine brand, constantly on band, received from sole Importers, and for sale by A MERINO, Bole Agent in this City, ap22.dens kto South /MKT Street. fflarrtagee Menthe Qtapartncroliip 3Qotices CNPARTNERSTIII" NOTICE.—THE undersigned have this day entered into Copartner ship, under the firm of GOWELL, MI • 11, & CO., as successors to Caleb Copn & Co , for the transaction of the Wholesale White Goods, Linen - Hosiery, and Glove Business,&c. &c., and have taken the Store No 603 MARKET Street.- BENRY O. ROWELL, SAMUEL 11. SMITH, EVERETT D. HALL, WILLIAM G. STEEL. PIIIILIDELMIA, July 21, 1855. jy7.4t THE UNDERSIGNED lIAVE FORMED a Copartnership for the tranaactlon of a general Dry Oooda Commlesion buslnens, under the firm of WOLFE, WILSON, & CO , and have taken the Store No. 182 CHESTNUT Street, below Second Street. E. D. WOLFE, C. 11. WILSON, D. H. WOLFE. July 6, NM. Jy7-6t fIISSOLUTION.—Tho firm of JOHN FREDERICK & CO. ie this day disselved by m ine! consent. Either of the partnere IN authorized to Nettle the badness of tho firm, at their late place of btodnets, 830 AIARKET Street. • J. FREDERICK, C. IitULLIKIN. COPARTNERSHIP. Tho uudornignal have this day formed n copartnership for tho trtinnaction of tho Wholekalo Clothing business, under the firm of JOHN FREDERICK h CC., nt the old stand, 330 MARKET titreitt. JOIN FRELIBRICK, PETER FREDERICK. . jys-5t JULY 1,1858 NOTICE..—The partnership heretofore ex. 1 I Laing under the firm of HACKER, LEA, h CO. has this day ceased, by its own limitation. The business of the late nem will be settled by either of the under. signed. TIIOB. T. LEA, .700. LEA A E. STEPHENS, P. W. 11115181,11 Y, TIIO2, It. TUNIS. PIIILADRI,KIIA, 6 MO. 30th, 1858. THOS. R. TUNIS, of the tato firm of HACKER, LEA, & CO., hos REMOVED his Agencies of Cassimeres, Satinets, and Woollen floods to No. 233 CHESTNUT Street, below Third, north side. jy3-0t NOTICE.—EDWARD B. WOLF has been 1, admitted to an interest in our business from thin dato. L. & P. anosuoLz. Juxs 1, 1858. iY/Alt* iVOTICE.—We have this day oponed a 11 house In New York, under the firm of GEORGE 11. STUART & CO., and have taken the store No. 12 PARK PLAGE, for the purpose of conducting the IM PORTING and ,Commission buhineas in FOREIGN AND DO MESTIC DRY 00009. Consignments of Philadelphia manufactured goods niil receive nttentioo. ' STUART & BROTHER. PultHmtrutt , July 1, 1858. jyl 6t fIOPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—Tho un dernigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the firm of TINGLEY, ENGLISH, & CO., for the transaction of a Domestic Dry Goods Comnsisalon business, at No. 28 South FRONT and 29 LETITIA Street. RENJ. W. TINGLEY, ALFRED ENGLISH, BENJ. TINGLEY. July let, 1858. jyl-65 riIHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY A. entered into Co-partnership, under the style of AUDI:NE.IED & ROMMEL, to carry on the COAL business. J. T. AUDENRIED, JACOB 51. ROMMEL. PHILADELPHIA ; Juno 21, 1858 ; 'DONE WILKE SBARRE LEHIGH COAL, FROM TUE ILASISIOTD BALTIMORE VEIN.— This highly esteemed coal is now being introduced into this market by the subscribers, who have secured the exclusite control for its hale. In the Baltimore mar ket, where this Coal hen taken the precedence for the past twenty yearn, it in universally pronounced as deci dedly the best FAMILY hnd STEAM COAL mined. We can therefore anomaly our customers universal dais faction. AUDEVRIED & lIOMMEL, CALLOWIIILL-STREET WHARF, Jolt-tf Delaware. /11HE UNDERSEGNED HAVE FJRMED 1 a copartnership under the stale of FROTH Mill AM & WELLS, for the transaction of a GENERAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, awl have taken the store No. 34 South FRONT Street, and 35 LETITIA Street. TREODORR PROTIUM/11AM, KIRK B. WELLS rIIILADNLPFILS, June let, 1859. UNDERIGNED have this day 1 formed a eopartnerahlp under the firm of W- C AIILEY, BROTHER. & BREWSTER, for the traria action of the Importing and Jobbing Minium in lechery, Gloveii, and Nancy thoedn, No. S North FOURIII Street. UtJUH B. MCCAULEY, DANIEL W. MeCAULEY, CHARLES 0. DREWST Lit. July Ist, 1858. jyl-thstu lm Nottcro IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE 1 CITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADELPHIA. In the matter of the Estate of JESSE WURAISLEY, deceasetl. The Auditor appointed to settle and adjust the first and final Recount of JOSEPH A. CLAY, Administrator of the Estate of Jesse Wormslee, deceased, and to re port distribution of the balance In the hands of the ac countant, will, for the purpose of his appointment, meet the parties interested on MONDAY, the 19th flay of July., A. D. 1855, at 4 o'clock P. Dl., at his Office, 605 M' ALN T Street, Philadelphia jyB-thstufit ONO. 11. ARMSTRONG, Auditor. DIVIDEND OF THE PLANTERS' BANK OF TENNESSEE. WESTERN PANE, PHILADELPHIA, July 6,1858. The Planters' Bank of Tennessee has declared a 'lfni dcnd of Ten per cent out of the profits of the lnst twehe months, payable to Eastern Stockholders, on de mand, at this Bank. 0. N. IYEYOAN uT, jy7-fit For Cashion 'OTICE TO ARCIIITECTS.—In pursu -11 mice of a resolution adopted by the Monument Coineilsgioners, at It meeting, at Harrisburg, on the 13th ileitaut t Plans, Specifications, and Estimates are invited for the erection of a MONUMENT to the memory of citizens of Denneyhania who lust their lives in the late War with Mexico. Tito cost of which is not to exceed the stun of TUIRTIC TIJOUSAND DOLLAR .. Cuiumunicutioni an the subject of plans, &c., to be atitlreßsett to the Goveiour, at llntrisburg, prior to the Ist of July. received front July 1 until Au gust 4,1858. Persons furnishing Plans will please send their Ilsti motes under soul, as they will be fur the use of thu Corn missioners only. For the Plan which may be adopted w premium of Two Hundred Dollars will ho allowed. By order of the Counnhodooeiw. JOHN W. GEARY, Secretory. )1ay14,1858. JOTICE.-AN ELECTION FOR SEVEN DIREOTORS of the MONTOUUSON COMPANY, to serve during the ensuing year, mill' be held on SA TURDAY, the thirty-tot day of July next, between the hours of twelve o'clock Of., and ono o'clock P. Of., at the La Pierre Hotel," in the city of Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania. je3O•t Jy3l T. M. BRYAN, :8., Secretary. MUNICIPAL CLAIMS.-NOTICE IS lIEItEBY GIVEN to the Owners of Premises mentioned in the appendepl alemvanda of Municipal Clams, that Write of Bare Facies will he issued there on In Three Menthe from this date, unless the earns shall be paid at the Office of the undersigned, No. 189 South FIFTH Street, at or before that time. WILLIAM M SMITH, Attorney for Plaintiff. The City of Philadelphia, to use of George W Stroud, or. Robert Dempster. C. P. March Term, 1859, No 207. Paving south side Sammy street, 150 feet west of Fif teenth, $23.58. Same to same. C P. March Term, 1858, No. 268. Paving south side Barclay street, 120 feet west of Fif teenth $21.97 . . " . . . Same vs. same. 0. P. March Term, 1068, No. 209. Paving south side Barclay street, 198 feet west of Fif teenth, 521.97. Seine no. John Davey, owner or reputed owner. 0. P. March Term, 1858. No 274 Street paving, north side Washington street, 149 feet 8 ruches east of Twenty third street, $213.94. May 18, 1838. my2o-thBm REMOVAL. -JOHN P. DOHERTY OHARLES ROTH, TAILORS, 11A.VE ItEAIOVED COINIER OF FLFTII AND WALNUT STREETS STE WART & JOHNSON, INBURANOE AND NOTE BROICICRS, 4 No. 108 'South FOURTH Street Jo 24u th eat•lm If CONGRESS SPRINGS, OARATOGA, April 12,108 A CARD TO TIIII PUBLIC _ . During the lest season an attempt Iran made to de ceive the public by parsons offering what they celled 00NORE88WATER," from Fountains' and nt the price of six cents per glean. The WiIOLESALE price of the GENUINE CONGRESS WATER, at Now York, being about 7,1,( cents' per glus. the imposition of thus pretending to sell at retail, for less than coat, and with out allowance for Freight, Cartage, and Breakage, is apparent ; but their probable course hen been to empty ONE bottle of genuine Congress Water Into a Foun tain, and thereby christening it total contente. We have NEVER sold Congress Water in Fountains nor in vessels of ANY OTHER DESCRIPTIONS THAN ordinary-sited GLASS BOTTLES. Thecork of every bottle of the genuine in blended " CONGRESS WATER 0. & W., ,, and if without these words and tatters, it is COUNTERFEIT. CLARK & WHITE, - sP2B-w . th t oel-if Proprietors of Congress Spring BLANCARD HOUSE,-BROADWAY and TWELFTH Street, New York, ro-opened, elegantly furnished with every modern Improvement. The location Is fashionable and healthy. The rooms are large and wril ventilated. aleale served at all boors, and attention paid to the comfort of guests. Transient board $2 per day. Per manent board at lower rates. The whole under the management of 0 T. MACLEL LAN, (late of the . trnited States lintel. Philadelphia.) who respectfully Nanette the patronage of his friends and the travelling publ a .140-2 m COMPOSITE IRON RAILING.-T. L. LITTLEFIBLD, No. 23 N. SIXTH Street, Sole Agent for lintehlimon h Viickoisham , a celebrated COMPOSITE RAILINGS, would call attention to his new patterns of Iron Railing, Verandaha, Balconies Carriage and Farm Gates Summer Houses, he., ko , and he Is confident they will bo found the beat articles fit the kind In the world. an2l-Bm* FRESH CONGRESS SPRING WATER, -V Received directly from the Spring at Saratoga, always on hand, in Pint and quart Bottles, and for sale by - Jo, DROWN, Oltemiet and Druggist, N, H. corner OILEHNUT and PIPTII &recta. my26-wth-too 1 SLATE I SLATE I I SLATE I I I—Rooting elate, of all Maas, and at very low rates, kept eon. 'tautly on hand, and for lode by EBBING, FOX, k 00., GERMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street. • - • . N. B. Slate Roan put on In the beet manner, and re. pairing? Yttmuloh.l to All ...noir Yr syrawbul 66 y SI.ISFOR, LINEN GAITERS. 75 cis. for LINEN SLIPPERS. 75 rte. for VELVET SLIPPERS. 75 ctr. for KID SLIPPERS. BLACK LINEN QAITERS. At PARKER'S, Jolo-huts 01 North SIXTH Street 11R. HENRY H. SMITH HAS REMOVED to No. 1112 WALNUT f3treet, corner of QUINCB. jo29•tu th sat•6tlf* Retail Drp q Gabs, REDUCTION IN PRICES OF SUMMER GOODS FROM JULY Isr. LAWNS and ORGANDIES. BAREOES and OREN 4DINES. MARS • ILLES and BRILLIANTS. DUOALS sal BAREGE DELAINES. PLAIN and BAYADERE LAMELLAS. PLAID, INDIA, and SUMMER SILKS. GLOSSY BLACK SILKS. IVITE FRENCH BRI LIANTS. EDGINGS and INSERTINGS ,• FLOUNGINGS, Ac. MATERIALS FOR TRAVELLING DRESSES and DUSTERS, all hinds. SEA-SIDE P. AIDS for Bathing Drama, In medium and gay ' fast, cobra. The whole alock of SUMMER-DRESS 00009 to he closed out for CABII, to prepare for fall. CHARLES ADAMS, .131 EIGHTH. and ARCH Streets. TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS IL Travelling Bunten to Dwelt, Silk Ihuitere and Mantillas, French Lace Mantles, from auction. White Barege Dilators. Shawl Beregee, black and 'White. Thin Black Goode, reduced. WHITE GOODS. - - . Cambria, Jaconot, and Mull, 12X eta. up. Figured Suing, plain MIN, and Victoria. Front auction, cheap lots plaid Cambric. EMBROIDIMIES. Just opened from auction, special lots Linen Sets, fancy Breakfast Sets, neat Collars, and fancy Linen Col lars at about 11ALP Mohair Mitts—several good and cheap lota LINEN GOODS. Fronting and Shirting Linens, by the piece or yard. BOYS' WEAR. Seersuckers, Slay Linens, Linen Coatings, Pantaloon Stuffs, &c. Also, light Uassimerea. MARSEILLES VESTINGS COOPER & CONARD, S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES or ELEGANT MANTILLAS. CLOSING SALES OP TILE SEASON. REAL GUIPURE MANTILLAS. FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS. PUSHER LACE DIANTILLAS. FRENCH LACE CIRCULARS. BLACK BAREGE CIRCULARS. WHITE BAREGE CIRCULARS TRAVELLING DUSTERS, In profuse variety. J. W. PROCTOR & 00., Jell No. 708 CHESTNUT street. BLACK CANTON CRAPE, FOR MEN'S Coats and Vests. Black Canton Silk CAM,lets. Striped and White Lutons. Do. and Checked Seersucker. Extra tine buff and drab Linens. Drab Nankin Pongees. Yellow India and French Nankeens. BIIAMPLESS BROTHERS, je26-if CHESTNUT and EIGHTH. PIIE CH•E APE ST EMBROIDERED CRAPE SHAWLS ever offered in this City are now being sold by TLIORNIARY h CILISM N. E. cor. EIGIITII and SPRING GARDEN. We purchased, a few days ago, at. a most tremendous sacrifice (or CASEI, - a lot of very rich Embroidered Crape Shawls, same quality and style as we have sold for TWENTY DOLLARS! which we are now selling at the extremely low price of TWELVIL DOLLARS!! Lollies, you may never have such another opportunity .f buying a HANDSOME SHAWL 80 °stair! Also, Plain Crape Shawla, trout $4 to $l6. MANTILLAS AND DUSTERS Special bargains in Lace, Silk, Moir Antique Man illa., &c. Travelling Dress 'Materials In great variety. Thin Summer-Dress Goode. Organdies, Baregen, Grenadines, &c., &c BLADE --ILK., FANCY BURP, &a. Our name Is justly celebrated for Cheap Silky. Materials for Men and Dora' Wear. Linen Goode, of our own Importation. Summer Gauze and other Flannels, fcc., &a. Mitts, Veils, Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves. &c., at T.IIOItN.LEY & CHISM'S "ONE-PRICE CASH STORE," N. E. Con EIGHTH & aritlNG GARDEN Streets. jolo-tf ANTILLAS !! MANTILLAS ! !- Mc- LTA. ELIIOY respectfully invites the Ladles to call and examine hie stock of Mantillas, embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our patterns the latest styles, and our prices no low that we defy competition. 5.000 yards Black and Nancy Silks, 37)4, 44, 60, 66; rich, 02)4, 69, 75; very rich, 81, 87,4, 95, $l. 10,000 yenta Delaincs ' Dareges, Ducats, at 10, 1214, 10S, 1834, 20, 22, 25, 28, 31, 35, decidedly the cheapest in the cite. 10.000 iards fine French Lawrie, 10, 12%, 16%, 20, 25, worth, many of them 37% to 62%, very One. One lot of Crape Shetwis, nt $l5, worth $3O. 500 yards side-band CIIHSI tneren, 37%, north $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear, lets than initial prices. 1,000 yards Marseilles Vestiugs, at 25, worth 75. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest in the city. 1,000 flue French Ncedleworked Collars, at $l, worth $3. 10,000 mill of Plain and Plaid Jaconete, Swiss and Cambric White Goods, the greoteot bargain.' in the city. Ribbons and Fringes and Trlunnlnga, in endless sa tiety, at less than half the usual prices. MaELIICY, jol-tu th 64f No. 11 South NINTII Street. RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIAPILLLS, &o CONSUMERS of RIOUARDSON'S LINENS, and those desirous of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, As a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. Thie caution is rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of inferior sadden:dive Linens are prepared. season after season, and Beals(' with the name of 31 CU AMMONby Irish houses, who, regardless of the Injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will not readily abandon a business is profitable while pur chasers can bo imposed on with Goode of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, my2B-Out Agents, 36 taI.IIRCII Street, Drew York OARD. JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer in DODIESTIO AND FOADION DRY GOODS, No. 449 N. SECOND Street, above WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA. Large Story White Building. TERMS—ONE PRICE FOR CASH. 115— Prices marked in plain Iguree on each article ap2.9.3in QI a rp et inn 9 . CARPETS. We will commence TO-DAT CLOSING OUT Our entire Spring Stock of VELVET AND BRUSSELS CARPETINGS, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. DAILY & BROTHER, No. 920 CHESTNUT Street. Purchasers will please call and examine onr large assortment. TAPESTRY CARPETS.-JUST OPEN ED, a large lot of superior Tapestry Carpets, to be sold at a low price. GAILY & BROTHER, CASH CARPET STORE, 920 CHESTNUT Bt. QUPERB THREE-PLY CARPETS . A fresh assortment of new patterns, at reduced prices, at DAILY a. BROTHER'S, OAHU CARPET STORE, rahal-tf 920 OHESTNIIT St. LIED ROOM CARPETS.-10,000 YDS. SUP of superior Ingrain and Three—ply Carpets, of the boat makes and styles, at all prices, loom 60 cents to SIM per yard. DAILY & SMOTHER, mb9l-ff No. 920 CHESTNUT Street REST HEAVY BRUSSELS.-A LARGE iv lot of new patterns, in neat, chaste styles, at low prises. DAILY & BROTHER, CHEAP CARPET STORE, 020 OHERTNIIT St ebentlemett's Ittrttioliing Qf Dials. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE. W. w.KNIGLIT,t COO AROB Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Dealer in all kinds of Burnishing Goode, and manufacturer of Fine Shirts, warranted equal in every mimed to any others manufactured in this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. miff-tf GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS OR DRESSING OOWNB.—The largest and best as sortment In tho city, wholesale and retail, with a lull lino of tinder Clothing, stilted to the season, at W. W. KNIGHT'S, 000 ARCH Street, &bars Sixth, Philadel phia. Inlit•tf NOHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER BEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. Tee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street , Philadelphia. The attention of Southern and Western Merohanta, and Stranger', partioulerly invited to this improved cut of shirte, the moat perfect fitting article made. At whole. ale and retail, and made to order. Political. F OR REGISTER OF WILLS, JOHN SWIFT. Subject to the mill of the Puople'e Convention j354f EGISTER OF WILLS ii ANDREW J. WESTER. Subject to Democratic Huhn. je:3o-tr.l* CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT— JOSEPH. A. INIONILEINIER, Filermilli Ward Subject to the rules or the Democratic party. July-Altat QHER IF FALT Y.—Encouraged by my friends, I offer myself an a eaudhlate :or the office of BIIERIFF of the City and County of Philadelphia, subject to the decision of the People's party, WOOtie no. mination I respectfully eolicl t. WILLIAM H. KERN, Fifteenth Ward. FOR REGISTER OF 'WILLS JOIIN ()AS IN, Fifth {Yard Subject to Democratic Rules tilOR REGISTER OF WILLS CHARLES D. KNIGHT, TWENTIETH WARD Sobjoct to tho People , n Nomination. • fol-tf FOR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOHN OAMPBELL, OY SEVENTH WARD. Subject to Democratic roles, myll-4m personal BY GOODS.-4 wish to billy $2O or 11- , $25,000 worth FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ff one-half or thromfourths the amount can be paid in an improved Farm near Chicago j balance °ABU. Address J. M., Press °Bice. dy.5..0t4S 108 QR. CASKS PORT WINE. MY Pipes Alicante do. 22 Qr. do do do. 20 Qr. do Sherry do. 11 Pipes Superior Pajarete Wine. 20 Qr. Pipes do do do. 40 X do do do do, 111 Bales Apaortod Corks, 825 Bage Almonds. 26 do Filberts • Landing from Brig Arrogant. 'Batelle," and for We by A. MISBINO, my27-tf 140 SOUTH FRONT Street. linettrgna ecmtpanteo FIRE INSURANCE: - EY THE RELIANCE IWTUAL INBQBANOII COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. On Buildings. Limited or Perpetual, Atereitandise, Furniture, tc., in Town or Country. OFFICE, No 808 WALNUT STREET. CAPITAL. 677,926. A551Ti1 ) 5262;466.89. Invested aa follows, r ig: First Mortgages on improved City Property, North double the auuunt 120,200.00 Pennsylvania Railroad Co'a. 8 per cent. mortgage Loan, 230,000, coat 25,600.00 Allegheny County 6 per cent. Penna. R. R. Loan Pennsylvania Railroad Co'a. Stock Stook of the Reliance Mutual Insurance Company Stock of County Piro Insurance C 0.... Scrip of Sundry - Insurance Companies. Dill. receivable, bustnetst paper Book Accounts, accrued Internet, &0.. Cash on hand and in Dank. $262,466.89 OLEM TINGLEY, President. DIRECTORS. Samuel Bispham, Robert Steen, William Musser, BenJ. W. Tingley, Marshall Rill, Z. Lothrop, Charles Leland, Tscob T. Bunting, Smith Bowen, John Bissell, Pittsburgh. HINOIIMAN. Secretary. Ohm Tingley, William R. 'Thompson, David 8. Drown, Cornelius Stevenson, John R. Worrell, U. L. Carson, Robert 'Poland, Moses Johnson, Charles S. Wood, James 8. Woodward, . fe2o-8 to th-rp4l D. Id 'Li R I COMPA TILE LA) RN OF THE LIVERPOOL AND NDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE Y—PUBLISIIED IN COMPLIANCE WITH VS OF TILE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Capital Stock $lO,OOOOOO Number of shares of subscribed Stock, 94,211 Amount of assessments on Stock paid in cash £188,442 at $5 Value of Real Estate Amount of cads in bands of Pinenix Dank and Common & Co Amount of cash in hands of agents in course of transmia. slots Amount of loans secured by bond and mortgages on which there is less than one year's interest due Amount of loans on which in tercet hue not been paid with inone year, (both principal d interest aloes paid)...... 14,600 00 Amount of stocks owned by the company, 63,000 In Vir ginia stock, the remaining consists of stocks of Incorpo rated cities in rariotut States of the Union 153,000 00 Amount of stock hold by the company as collateral for loans 60,000 00 Amount on which interest is due and unpaid 14,600 00 Amount of losses paid during the year, in this country Amount of Unsettled losses Amount of dividend Amount of molt premiums..... 619,187 68 Amount of earned premiums Amount of interest received (nom the investments in United States 33,325 30 Fifth 79 " 3 ° 2.5" g Amount paid and owing for re. insurance Amount of return premiums... Amount of expenses of Company Amount of taxes paid by the company Amount of all other expenses and expenditures of the com pany 41,414 05 POSITION OF TIIN COMPANY'S FUNDS. L. a. d. The Capital 188,422 0 0 The Reserved Fund. 214,010 11 0 The Life Fund 531,285 13 10 The Fire II e-Inau ranee Fund 153,710 8 11 1,088,018 13 9a95 93,440,092 98-100 8330,000 INVESTED IN UNITED STATES. =IMMO Liability of the entire body of shareholders unlimited. All Directors must be proprietors in the Company. Stile, City and County of New York: Alfred Pell, or the city of New York, being duly sworn, says, that he is the Resident Secretary, and the only officer of the Liverpool and London Fire and Life Insurance Company, in the city of Now York; that he has rout the foregoing statement, and that the samel true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. ALFRED PELL. State City and County of New York: I,CHARLES NETTLETON, a Conunissioner in and for the mid State, residing iu the city of News Toils, ap pointed by the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby certify that from personal examination. I am satisfied that the LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY are possessed of bowls and mortgages and other securities to the amount of 5500.000 and upwards, as specified in the fore going statement, and that said bonds and mortgages are well mid amply secured on real estate, and are of the value represented in said statement. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official teal, this 25th day or March, A. D. 1858. CHARLES NETTLETON, [SEAL) Commissioner for Penruiyivanla in city of New York. RICHARD S. SMITH, Agent, Exchange, Philadelphia. jel9-stuthlmo INSURANCE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE. INSURANCE—No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDINGS. Chartered in 1791-oapital s2oo,ooo—Assets, Janu ary 1,1858, $.147,446 50400, All invested in sound and available securitles—contl nue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, /nooks of Merchandise, &a. on liberal terms. DIRZOTOREI Henry D. Bherrerd, -- - George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles Dlacalester, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Watteon, John B. Budd, Henry G. Freeman ; William R. White. Charles S. Lewis, George C. Carson. ........ ...—.......- .. .. HENRY D. SIIERRNRD, President. WILLIAM WAAPBB, Secretary. MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., Ilk. INCORPORATED 1810-CHARTER PER PETUAL. No. 310 WALNUT Street, above Third, Philadelphia "faring a large paid-up Capital Stock and Surplus Invented in sound and available Securities, continue t . Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture, llerohandise Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. AULosses liberally and promptly adjusted. DINECITOI3. George Abbott, Caspar T. Lewin, - John Welett, Caspar W. Morris, Samuel O. Morton, James R. Campbell, Patrick Brady, Edmund G. Dutillf. Ohazies W. Poultney. GEORGE ABBOTT, President. THOMAS R. MARIB, Beeretary ja2.3..y if eaninge innbo. ru HE SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND. f OtURTEHED IT TAB LEIGHILAT . I7RE OF PEXNI3I7_TAFIA.) PERPETUAL CHARTER FIVE PER CENT. Interest allowed to Depoeltort, and all Moneys Paid back on Demand. OPFIOE, 391 NORTH THIRD STREET, • (CONSOLIDATION BANI BUILDING.) Thla Institution is now open for the transaction of business. and is the only Chartered Saving Fund located In the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from 9 to 2N o'clock, and also on MONDAYS and TIIOREDAYB, from 5 until 9 o'clock in the Evening. . HARM/ERB. James B. Pringle, Jacob Dock, Joseph M Cowell, George Woelepper, J. Wesley Bray, Robert B. Davidson, P. 0. Eilmaker, John P Vorree, George Knecht, John Horn. it, JAMES S. PRINGLB. THORN. apal-iftf Frederick Klett, Stephen Smith, John P Levy, Hon Henry K. Strong, Daniel Underkoher, Hon. Wm Millward, Frederick Staake, Francis Hart, Joaepn P. LeOtero, John Kessler, Jr.. Presidea Secretary, GEORGE T. sAVING FUND.—IINITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and OHM. NUT !Mimic Large and small sums received, and paid back on de mand, without notioe, with FIVE' PER CENT INTER .18T from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hears, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on IdONDAY•EVENINGB from rural' 9 o'clock. DRAFTS for sale on lingland, Ireland, and Bootland, from EI upwards. President-4TBPIOIN B. ORAWYORD, Treasurer—PLlNY PIM. Troller--JAMER Ft. 11131111111 QAVING PIIND-FIVE PER GENT. IN TEREBT-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST 00M PANY.-WALNUT STREET SOUTH-WEST DOR Y = OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. INOOXPOIATXD BY TEI STATE OF PIXNEITLTAILL. . . Money is reeeived in any Bum, large or small, and in terest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with drawal. The odloe Is open every day from 9 o'eloek in the morning till 6 o'clock in the evening, and, on Monti} and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. HON. 1111NRY L. BNNNICR, President, 110 BERT BBLYBIDON, The President W. I. Baum, Secretary. DIIILICTOZOt Hon. Rotary L. Benuer, ------ Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Garter, Joseph B. Bart , Robert Selfridge, !ramie Le. Saud. R. Ashton, Joseph Yorke', 0. Landreth Manna, Henry Diffenderffer. Money in received and payments made daily. The investments are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORT GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first alms securi ties aa will always insure perfect security to the deposi tors, and which cannot fall to give permanency and sta bility to this Institution. jO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.=-FPIE PER OENT. STATE SAVINGS POND. No. 83 (241) DOOK STREET. — FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FOND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE L PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE I PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS VIIND. Aul-Iy illebuittal. LIARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL - THE GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR! and Remedy for DYSPEPSIA, WEAR STOMACH AND WEAR BOWELS This article is the greatest Alsoovery in Chemical or Medical Science for the rapid Cure of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA TOOTH-ACHE, SORE THROAT, STIR MR, or Pain in the LIMBS, BIDE, BACK, or any part of the body. It acts upon the Blood, Nome, Mos. °lee, Sinews, and Bones, conquering all pain. It le also an excellent preparation for Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which arises (rem a weak stomach or bowels Thousands of persons who have need HARTS. IiORNE , S CURE-ALL have been astonished at its wonderful power In removing any pain from the &Worn. Bottles 12, 25, 50 cente, and n, to be sold by R. H. JENKINS, ap . M•iftf Corner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. ITARTSHORNE'S HEALTH—RESTO IL A. KM, OR SARSAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh to in the Blood. Prepared by a Chemist. Tip beet Restorer of Health, and the beat Blood-Purifying Compound In the World' it deep not contain a particle of Mercury. The above preparation Is suited to the impaired and weakened condition of the human race; it invigoratee the whole constitution; removes all pimples and erup. Mons from the akin; gives bloom and freshness to the complexion, and is particularly adapted to the weaken ing complaints of both ilexes. It lo a perfect cordial in taste, and acts like a charm upon the feeling', epirits, and energies of the weak and debilitated from any cause. Quart bottles $1; small bottles 60 cents; mold by E. H. JENKINS, Ooruer of SECOND and WALNUT Streets, ap22-iftf LAU"' AN & RAPORG- Importer(' and Vrtirdesale Dealers In WINES BRANDIES, WHISKEY, GINS, and FANCY LI (MORS, No. 1017 MARKET. Street, between Tnth an E l m ent streets. jlO4l AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— 8. W. corner or BROAD and LOOUST ands. . . °SAND PSOlditiADE CONCERTS For five nights MOM' Commencingg on TUESDAY, July 6th, by the OBRICIIYIA ORCHESTR A , CARL BENTZ, Leanne, Doors open at 73‘ o'clock ; to commence at 8 o'clock Single tickets 25 cents. Packages at 6 tickets $l. Stockholders and Ticket holders admitted (roe. jys-6t WHEATLEY'S ARCH-ST. THEATRE. SECOND GRAND ENTERTAINMENT OF ORDWAY'S BOSTON JEOLIAN' , , comprising EPH. HORN and FRANK BROW.ER, (the world-renowned Comedians.) E HELLS. B BOWERS, TIM NORTON, W NORTON. L. B FAIRBANKB, 0. PAINE, 0. HAYNES, E. THOMPSON , and JOHN P. MIDWAY, who will preside at the Piano THIS (Thursday) EVENING, July 8, 1858. They will appear with NEW PEA tiLTREEI m Ethio pian :Madrelay. They will Introduce • a number of new lump and, among which are the following Life on the Mississippi," "Laughing Darkies.” "Happy Uncle Tom Dance," Burlesque Fancy Dance." ‘• Pathetic Ballad," which must be heard to be appreciated, and "Locomotive Nokia." To conclude with the Laughable Burlesque of HOP OF FASHION! ADMISSION. Boise, 25 cents; Seemed Seats in Drees Circle 37X; Orchestra Stalls, 50 canto; Beata in Private Beate, 75 ; Gallery, 13 cents. Doora open at 7X ; to commence at BX. AN AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE ON SATUR DAY. jys-5t 19,160.00 • • • • 1,0.50.00 • • . 476.00 •. • 62.711.60 8,886.19 16,048.20 Say Oak anb titla Ea. al TO RENT.--CONVENIENT STABLE Mil and Carriage House, for n pair of Horse., in BRANCH Street, between Third and Fourth street.,. Apply toWIII. H. BACON, 197-3tiV - 218 WALNUT Street. 042,110 00 600,000 00 ga ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE, PRINCETON, NEW JER SEY, FOR SALE OR RENT. A. large and handsome brown-stone Residence, situate In princeton, New Jersey, with between 8 and 10 acres of laud, in a high state of cultivation; a grapery ; kitchen garden in full cultivation ; a young and thriving orchard, with every variety of fruit, suited to the climate ; a handsome lawn, laid out with taste and skill and comprising almost every description of ores= menial shade trees. This house, built within a few years, is a first-class residence, of best construction, with alt the modern Improvements, two furnaces, gas, water introduced, &c.,• a superior STABLE AND COACH HOUSE, Ice House, and other outbuildings. fa" THE FURNITURE, much of which Is entirely new, and of the moat elegant description, made by Le jambre, will be disposed of on reasonable terms, to a person renting or purchasharthe property, the owner going abroad 65,031 00 473,850 00 " F‘‘.r further Partietaarg _ 41 2. 17 Tr1081AS & SONS, je24-thrrat 139 and 141 South FOURTH Street gel TO RENT—The new four-storied Iron kaarront STORE, No. 246 North THIRD Street, above Race street, with Fixtures, &c., suitable for the wholesale and retail Clothlog or any other business. Tema easy. Apply at -No. 427 VINE Street, IromS to 9 A. H. and 2 to 3 P.M. jy3-6titlt 202,777 01 - - JFOR SALE—The desirable STORE and DWELLING, on the Northwest corner of ELEVENTH and CHRISTIAN Streets. Lot 18 by 65. Apply to H. 0. THOMPSON k G 31 CONARROS, jy3-6t 933 ARCH Street. 474,037 2 4 orig TO LET.-A FURNISHED COLIN- , tiall. COUNTRY RESIDENCE at , Norrisdalv, having a river (runt, ample stabling, supply of ice, &e. Apply at 110 OLIESTNUT Street. j7l-1w iIOFFICE ROOMS TO LET.—Threo beautifttl COUNTING ROOMS, (in Grigg 's lire- Proof 'Building,) on the second floor, front, No. 226 WALNUT Street; suitable for insurance, or any other Companies needing communicating rooms. jelo-16t* 301 IN GRIGG, 226 WALNUT Street. fiFFIOE TO-LET.-AN ELIGIBLE OF FIOS for an Insurance Company, oe similar cor poration, having three communicating rooms on the same floor, No. 222 WALNUT Street, above DOCK. Immediate poseeeelon given. Apply to JOHN 0. KNYFER, or THOMAS T. BUTONER, No. 112 South - FOURTH Street, mh3o-tutheAt second story, front room. 910 LET.—THE UPPER ROOMS OF stores No. 32T and No. 333 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the promisee, to M. L HALLOWELL & CO , or OIIILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. WANTED, FOR THE 'UNITED STATER CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay board, clothing, end medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to 822 per month. No mon having a wife or child will be arepted. Apply for MOUNTED SERVIOII at No 8/T ht nnUT Street, above Eighth, north side. WILLIAM B. BOYALL, Ist Lieut. 24 Begt. of Cavalry, Reangting Officer. C A. KINGSBURY, M. D., DENTIST, Would Inform hie friende that he has REMOVED to 1110 WALNUT Street, above Eleventh. je2-3m Bummer efxrursiong' FOR - THE ALLEGHE NIES.-N)TICH TO PERSONS WISH ING TO TAKE TUB MOUNTAIN AT a.—THE PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD COMPANY will iesne EXCUR SION TICKETS durini the Summer to ALTOOrs A and the MOUNTAIN ROUSE, (Creseutee Station,) good for six days. Faro to Altoona and return, Fare to Mountain House and return Pbtlada., July 2, 1858. -PROS. MOORE, jya-12t Agent Pennsylvania Railroad Company. In" •• PHILADELPHIA. AND ELAIIRA RAILROAD LIN.D.—UREAT REDUCTION. FA 'E TO NUM' ARA BALLS ONLY 88.00. Trains leave the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, daily, (Sun. da3 e excepted,) as follows: 7:30 A. :11., day express. 3.30 P. M. night express. Tickets tan be procured at the Depot, and also at the General Office of the line, Northwestcorner SIXTH and. CHESTNUT Streets. NORTH PENNSYL -0:1W-, . VANIA RAILROAD FOR DELAWARE WATER-OAP, MAUCH CRONE, HAZLETON, AND THE LERIGII COAL REGION.— Visitors to the above poiilar places of 8011111S11 Rimer will find the Route oiii`erdfi by the North Pennsylvania, Railroad Company, in connection with the Lehigh Val ley and New Jersey Central Railroads, to be novel and agreeable, passing through some of the richest and most highly cultivated counties in the State, and pos sessed of comfortable accommodations, both on therm'. and at the various towns through-which it passes. FOR TUE WATER GAP.—:Take 2.25 P. M. Express Train from Front and Willow streets, pass the night at Bethlehem, and take cars next morning at 9 o'clock, through Easton to New Hampton, where a close con nection in made with the Delaware Lackawanna, and. Western Railroad, and arrive at the Gap about noon. FOR MAUCH CUUNK AND THE COAL REGION. —Take 9 A. M. and 2.25 P. M. Express Trams front same Depot to Bethlehem, where a close connection is made with the Lehigh Valley Railroad, through from Philadelphia to Mauch Chunk in 5 hours. A NEW AND PLEASANT ROUTE TO NEW YORK ClTY.—Take 9 A. M. Express Train to Bethlo• hem, thence at 2.20 P. M. via L. V. R. R, and N. J. O. R. R. through Easton to Elizabethport, thence by Steamer, and arrive in New York at quarter past 7 P. All Parties travelling North that have a few hours to spare, will find this a new and agreeable route. For further particulars, inquire of ELLIS CLARK, Agent N. P.P.. P.., Front and Willow armee. PHILADIMPIIIA, JunolB,lBsB. jel9-2m "dr au t FOR CAPE MAY AND NEW TORR. DAILY, at 0,44 o'clock A M NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA STEAM NA VIGATION COMPANY. The eplondid ocean steamers DELAWARE, Captain Copes; BOSTON, Captain Bellew ; and KENNEBEC, Captain Band, form a daily line between this city, Cape May, and New York, leaving from first pier below Spruce street (Sundays excepted) at 9X o'clock A. M Return ing, leave New York from pier 14 North River (Sundays excepted) at 6 P. M. Returning, leave Cape May (Mondays excepted) at A. M. Fare to Cape May (carriage hire Included) 41 " for servants if " Season tickets (carriage hire ex tra) 13 00 New York, cabin 2 00 steerage 1 60 Freight taken at low rates. For passage, state rooms, &c. apply on board, or at the Office, 314 and 316 SOUTH DELAWARE AVE NUE. JAMES ALLDERDIOE, 1616-3 m Agent. wt 171 r FOR CAPE MA.Y.-DAILY aIsnEXPRESS LINE, by Steamer "BAL. LOON," Capt. W. WHILLDIN. The swift and favorite steamer "BALLOON" leaven Arch-street Wharf for Cape May every Morning, (Sunday excepted,) at 7 o'clock. Returning, leaves Capo May at 1,4 o'clock P. 56. Fare $2, carriage hire in cluded; Servants $1.60; Season Tickets $B, carriage hire extra. iigIiONNN FOR THE SEA SHORE. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIO RAILROAD. ONLY TWO AND MALY HOURS TO THE SEA SHORE. Ou and after Monday, June 7th, and until further no tice, (Sundays excepted,) three trains daily to Atiantio City and return. First Passenger Train leaves Vine et. eharf 7.30 A. DI. Second ‘c 4.00 P. Si Freight Train with Passenger Car attitched,4.3s A. Si. Accommodation Train to Weymouth, 6.35 P. M. LEAVES ATLANTIC CITY. Fleet Passenger Train leaves 6.00 A. 31 Second " tt 4.10 P. M Freight Train With Passenger car attached,ll.3o Accommodation Train leaves Weymouth, 3.24 A. M HADDONFIELD TRAIN Leaves Cooper's Point, 11 A. 51. and 2 P. H. Iladdentlcld, 1 I'. M. and 3 P. M. Fare to Atlantic, when tickets are purchased before entering the care $l.BO. Perrone wishing to go down to. the Sea Shore and return the raise day, can spend SIX HOURS ON TIIE BEAOII. Tickets for the round trip, MN Tickets to go down in the afternoon and return nest tnoming, or down on Satunt a y afternoon and return on Monday morning, 3 2 x.7 50. R A NOTICE. The Accommodation Train to 'Weymouth will run through to Atlantic on Saturday Afternoon and con tinue to run every Saturday until further notice. Leave Vine street. 5 35 P. M. . 4 Atlantic City. 400 A. M. Stopping at all .Stations. Monthly tickets will be sold at the following rates: For the month of June, 5101 For the month of Sept. $l6 44 July, 20 For three months, 45 44 Atigust, 20 For four mouths, 50 Churches, Schools, Lodges, Companies and Library Associations, wishing special trains, should make early application. Freight must be delivered at Cooper's Point by P. M. The Company will not ho responsible for any goods until received and receipted for by their Freight Agent at this Foist. R. FRAZIM, Secretary. jey.te THE WEST PHILADELPHIA PASSENGER RAILWAY CO ARE NOW RUNNING THEIR CARO From Eighth street, along filarketristreet, to Logan, nod along Logan to Myofibril dreg, AT INTO/VT/LB Or ♦BOO 2llttimentents. Wants. ilelttistrp. CHARLES S. TAPPER, General Agent FIVE MINUTES WM. S. MANN, :.UNITINTL:DIINT •