The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, July 07, 1858, Image 4
Edg WWI; fefildeitherisitik Midway's rot/eBr none so stekeediessd . st h 144/61 -Pr 4aPPl,d'ititih.pitir OZ. Wire:lMO, thin numb.) , Relay Belief, Itenovnffing, flesolsent, artorCilkilAbei niturerof,tho.dieGtfie bleu 'Te gt u tiVel n ii - g al r ty of l 4 r0P1d19,1 1143 • hese rempaies xpozo st of ,Its4way's newly Relleti ng,lieselynnt; nn4wnY'olteg ulat9 " **ttgaghtertteileipOesiniessi OpealOl a 0041,8 r ig"' over certain4hskitses.F. Yet there late other d season wksroin,theie..namblited ,ni_Adiolnal , properties Are re , neared ••• {Med. if there is sufficient life, ,••••• andatiength within the diseased or dying body to ene tb ~ 4,tala „their aofivi, SAO..Ps-tient efilAlive opals teallored , Raft. : - ,etArati;Dtseasci befittytti c ettory Diestges..Relief and Regulators.. Arr o w D Relief anct , Regylatoes. PAC, et,f Mite' inseassii..:.:llsifsf aiut REgaiefilfh .ll,B'Srbffisions ,Dsisessii.;:itlisitovating &softens.- Chtiitaliiseap# . .Resolvent. Dtiseasis ' e lteiartrang Jtaciesst. 4k-ffionititictteigat pistaiss:..lissoktointunct Regulator/. 04 29bfis Diseases' ' Xenhesiiieg Resolvent.• . Visiaies liegisfe• VoropAptitliinthic tittitaid• . ' .„ 'Many diseases tharalliletimetinity are Inhomts4 'lo6lo4ooms ffinCthe:ffilleVier bodiee'of siclttfasires ,Ktrefuts, Clonsuintthin;lifypitlils,,lndl,Pitif,,:eiss among --pelifost Midden of 'cionstitimionardisefuise." Wasson not hoer snany,generstioas thejsykle. of ,these fAiseiiiiii,YSavo:lunlo—eirtstffietted,,Pt,the nYntomi =mons thu0.,,,,,,4„..-icavaw....E.ati.g. Resolve will eradicate re:ll44m bodietof the afflicted every. p • air; Olt the nine withprt, and helithyiplood: • • •• ~e,tst.,:". CHILDItEtiI , _slesittiatostes ,Restoeaffig"liiSolasat - shonld•be hailed sa biessiole-bi.neisq mother throughout' An, - • whose' afflicted with Bores, litiMois, ,ehit --Vhese•brenkinga out - Litwite'esziyl isseteiridenatis ty.vsatavommattednvalantotock. — A fair iso al ..thisliesetathig 'AsSilvent eilteredieitio Otdry,eatigi saiof •the disaaneempsuntertheehild a eound and healthy •: - .13.1t:8..-Badnyte ReKtßellet rcit'ireadsohes, win). r v.- 1 `.l , i• , ,`, lior 'oak dr-s-nerotini(J3tioutotitimitDiar. ..i 13 --, . ,- , - : ';':.. Awes, Dkreatei-OholidniilfOilia#l Elfgiapil, :, - -.., Lalauenzsißldodyyldlc,rl3llo ,l 9 l / 1 4 1 . ,L-t•-..-tiont,3,lleirfaikis;4l±393.htzl4,,lamsal `, V4l:, sh") ', • , Vilr46llt r lllollol.ll3ilttilOCl4 ll6 l o4s b 3 0 1111 % ~,,, ..7. - ..-,,,, l4ogiilatitorerekaltiii itrousittbl!.ttior3Vl434. 4,it?' .1., '"-,- Villil bleisleir;ltuarttilirio333CPsiing of "Ai •':' , .i • r, - ..,,,,,-Idsidsu l / 4 1tatintrirReady Belief will, tu a fa* -;,-,:, - --- .",,-,3l3lsattightihs33vo,the. Wearies zdu 33a3f7 lo <-,-,,,,. , ~., joysi3rplonaurb. ---,' --:, '-".-' 4 . ' -,-:'''',. :- ''' ~''. 12t. : -.3 er sleArr li as or .r em=l -. Tkrost, - ~,i., .=1 -Lttosttoi I 12V •A ular getntu:lr - ptrta, ~1,,, , A. 7-s,,Eraptivellkut:Uther4iustott3tiAhettun. , f. 40-Nedui, Tusorsi , ttexortDOpeptii itCatj ..:j 1 :3 :,otbirlifiessetvarypAtiroutAfurppriututf 14?.P4::i , +;01tbibiuudrzlw.: ,a.e.41-1 , ? --4 i . ..8;11,11. - --8d4itirs461gniktors 6 481* - tiaif -, 7 618 •48vil -I.* 2.''; k 1,, 4 P . Stla 'z apoildillstzAloitiretiddeeltidi :081061 . Paiute:4 ehaiii,loacanisametrlfitaip •••14- i- , . , , Mton , ot We Boiels'lVPlllii;lliebnis: -::- -r ,- - - -y, plata g ; Dlidasteof -46 extraildll4o.l ,80xi,3177e4, -- 16Tatit - C -''" " -• '' ''- 'ltteisili, dte.i eta. - yrhpuoyertun syatiaU II - out, of old - or; of lhor_bloodlicupt4;4 dtise . of - -11adoraelategiflatoriiiilltittorik It tb'reg.O. Witt atitUnirif.r . At3d doable 410 blodd"'.'ll4 •"' • -... tiosate abould be wltticktrilipm. - , s _ -- -'''' '''''' 3 8. B. 8: Remedied sioispidtbl Draggleftl lid . V % i= g',.9V‘l7, :, ..ft , ; ,1O 41 l I t w i r i . tu .i i -gßaA p ' t s D ,- s T e, , T . .. — A • Y&''.h - - e - op ; R ocro -, rk p , kt i,i.,.... - , . 19 t?tr,Ws-Datr.B,Box; ~Aidnid; 1411lielpta i , -- - - - ,:: • - i . 6 184ilcsan &dowlyr . . . . TERI/ V44(1 ',SYRUP; "PROTEOTED SOLUTION Oh' PROTOXIDB , OP - ifiriVing'ine.43eliftilit p aissed the 'ordeal ti;,which nei dis.. :Ofivertesitrthe Ma ria.biedica' are subjected, inuetiMw. ‘lntreceivedsa alt. establislipd'uiedioine. 'lto *Meaty in, ~., seuxing , . _ . „ -- •. , fa ' --- '• ' riYS PET S IA; --',;.-' ' • !, eAftteilons of t r iVer,:Dronii, , Nettreigt4Bronahithr -40100clhtliPtivoriandenbiek, Alisoldifed , State , of the' t'Dloodilioils.-Scurvy, the Prostrottieg infeetis of 'Lead or "Brerctirn General , Dobilifyiand - all :Distasoti which ie.' , qyins a . Tonle and , 'Altdrutirs Medicine ; bfincdsllos' tan:- -.. . : , r-' , ....." - I. .- • •- • - ''. - . '.. II - 7 ''• . ... ' : The . Friore of - Its ofllmiey are so :in .,;sil'"' . . l' , ;grans's° wilteuthentiated," and of 'imelk,peculiar -,-.. character%that aufer are, 1 •5, i eniunt , reasonablyhesi , ate'to , redeire'l thepoffered ild. , t - a 't- ----",,-- a.. ,-% The Permian' Sirup dabs-not . profeas. I -' .:.letae a care-all; but Its range In exten.;: -• .!ll . i'§L":" - ,%, slie t bilieithie Many diseases, apparently , unlik - eiardintiniately'relited,!and proceeding . from one :• ,, .•eanso r maybe cured bynne remedy :• ,, .• . . , ~ , , . ...t, . ' al. .0 r , The elascof diseaseafor which . . the R.rxell Protideltal'. , 011ie rs.. - pieolaily.thet - -irbieh had no often.bailled thei higlielt order cif tuedfeal Artily-Vie. &Ma are tangible, the witnesses accessible, and the safety and 'Matey of ' the Syrup incontiovhrtible.- .., .1, ' - Those venous ials6 may wish foe.en opinion from dig. Patf-lellted PamionarreOPE 4 lng the aharticior of the 8 .1 7 7 , 1':•' Cannot fall to be satisfied with the - following,' among nu- •1 memos testimonials, IM:the hands of the Agonta The' siguaturea are those of- gentlemen - well - known .in the , posnuitinitliandV fhtligh.est respoitsibßity% .":, -;.% -,. :;.:.,. , (. 1: X.'....":1t t . V-I , ' , . - 4 ~,..... 7-, • ~-'-'",. ", '' , ,'- 1 - S' ' Th , nud4riliglicAllas.tud'atPerlitiee ' d il ' oi". *. ieileinlef' !ems of the ~ Ponsvisn.flyruP," thit'..nbt}heattete to fa cmunleml ,i)to the attention of. the publle. , 5 - • - ' .' From OUX., cm: experience, as welt. ad from the testi. - molly of others, whose intelligence and integrity are al• together unquestionable, we have no doubt of its eMea• cy in cases oflpiciptilift, Mailed Mthe Liter and Bron chi.' Passages,_rime le, Liver Oomplatuti, Drops', lleuraigia, ac. ' r its 'effects would be incredildlE Ilt s frtitn . -thikhig Ositicter of moss *ho have wit. r r noteed tnemoind sve-voionteeied.their testimony, as r42A:cre,rhletßll restorative' ouree;; - -- ..• ; -..--, . - Rev. souts:piiiipowr,. • - . 7 . 3 „,..,- „,, -TkiOMAS A. DEXTER, -.- . ' . -, :fa ...IT: AEEDALL, M. D. ~. ~.,. ~--„!.., SAMUEL MAY, _ . ... .• r .a :c,_ - - - - ,, •••••-•••-•VIOM41,13:'.0-'41‘101t.Y, f' - - - PETRICMARVEY, -7 - AhtEll, 0. , DIINN, ... • Ear T HOS. WHITTEMORE. _ • pr worm% ciffCor... 7.. ip .Dit'it3 • It is well known Ull idsuf Iro n is lost by evens' ve r y brief exposure to air, and truth:dein - a mintier% of Protoside of Iron, without further oxidation,has been - deemed Impossible, 'ln the:--Peravian Syrupi this, desirable 'point - ls at tained by oomhtuation• in away before unknown, and. this volution may replace - all " the priito carbona tes, el • U 494,1114 taitratel of the Matilda Media. ~ '.-, " - , '''''' ''''' '. A. A. , HAVES, AI D',' —..--.,.: titssayer td.116 State ed - liLlaseclinsetts , ' it 3 RoAltwa greet, Buttu4, a ATER Areet,Boston.' " L P. BROWN, _FIRTH and CHESTNUT Streete, - qIASSARD & 00 ; • T*ELYTEI end CHESTNUT Streets, jab-to th sat. dm nem Agents for Philadelphia. alirlAt:El=-4107 - 16613, - - - kr UR' . Panri DID DT DR. 81.11TOID, COMPOTTIT_DXD,aE4YriajELY •7/120M.. GUMS, Is one of the beet Pargatfie and Lied Medicines now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than.suir.other medicine known. It Is not only a Cs/Morrie, but a Liner reme dy, acting trot on the Liver to ejoetl i sobid matter, then on the stornhch 'and bowels to' that tent ter, thus accomplishing two purpoms e Malty, with out any of , the painful feelings esperiencetfa the ape. rations, or mast Xothailiii. It strengthcfris the silk " tern at the same time that It purges it, and, when taken daily in moderato dome, will strengthen and baildit'tip with untureill ripidtte. TheLtrifit human body ; and When ft well, the powers of the oped Th. stomach Wel. on the healthy adieu of performance of its func. is at fault the loewele are system'enffers fir 'cense: Liner— haying ceased to Sans of, , ,that,organyche mattelt hie study, In a years, to and some reins- I - act the many &Statue.; ble, To piaTe that tbbl TR petaoh-trolabled La- its format has but to try a certam. - Than Ohms retboeo all the nyoteas, atipplying to I of bile, inelkorntinuthe digest well, putifYing the health to the whole ma-,1 sense of the disease-4F- M 3 i BILIOUS LTT.LOSS 11'0 ter, preverdect.47 ote on. One dose. after eating. 'ton:tilt and prevent the /NM u240.4 P 4- .4 0,81,04812 t 1 101 1 0_411..r. ivnOt sent/b, One doss, *SU *After - iMOII MPL 01.410114,0f,:tWii re IISII , AAIPAWIM Onehthrtaken for 1e the54441) salmi one nose often re 02.9E•eltlAttt.on iprr 'Only one bottle is kritlEa F°wAugtc.o9..WrOwtia sa arns or unnatural 0 9n4sk4lokiihart Ono 414 4 0 Non tsocittl C2l , etlo44lo.4WOOkfOtenc, whiloltattittin and Icowin. 0 0 NRAsilas 11414:,id5P04 • tofttilrititairp ,,, , ,,, A . Oirr,A) Oats awe r Aeneas del growth kearthatirocAto itkivigirotyweciviwaletl re. zth,.. gis.l4,mi , or Mae • ct , '" !WOO!" nbtsritt *ballet; - t.kti aboarbento. - 111 rffer, Wete?ftpl49#anbidre- ,. ttfile , mbdl eine sul A cppivtektiwfd ,• Omu. icy on, and all VAT AAA of la-Boum Tin. nape. rsteg-wilkosrtaintyr and thonitialsitiVirlll94-tb` tactity to woactful Artkiew Ail who use it are gitTiv4th-waakirnows tulle:Day, IrWeeertiojw,C4A4. +2 - • Ix H ,llx.kwlistetel/leatesia with Ma If ibigoiarir and astßlev o r i Nteessons - • .... A.4624.45;v1, Is A tioresinuileelltsetnistr, esd•ltu4all7 eji ins cores, inkinway,tao'groatto bCiliare. -It othialtd1111:*: e VI 1 1 ,1 4 I , k bintelitiatiersoktom more 'Win' One hattlir la.tegßtoadto.oareanflittaVor LIVER OmpAniptdront 410 , Worat.Jausustice , of ref ,(4 teltenrselachcitall of which tuella , * mut blellitu t o wiput. p 4,_ P Sr) r EVU?AV Alp its 845 ,Rrosharmy; Artitikirork.• cir used elplareT DV:Mt& BONSAIB , North Reeond 00•144 - 4! GAN' .74-wrA) Itatstlect 1iy, , a4Q11.1140411.03R0LL AIiWbT.IMMInp limn, Tsar* es4l.otaitsataitreeht, and o-naose f: Filth 11 . 3 4.04.41/ §4trOittet fillillida• • SPUtlig4St a ir:_ ~,,,, ............... _ L/ G 31-41 - 5i•.. , A0;.. - ..; ~•.=!.,... ..... .. ! .,,.1...;...: : , ... , : z -. ,:-.1-0•14 - .! ..f1.6 . ;44aNt1v , ~ . -.,.>;;;.... ..., ..,,,-, d it l4 RA Velet j#4iWW.04.0411-ADIPIL,..-, Miriv l U4' . PanntrddEn3WaZ i narat7•.on seqsznajv 111100'. - ; ba;adidaog,* 9 ,tbo.vert.lostksatt oteapes iiitthitttifit 704hilike 4., 11/14441hetlignaditi Mid own a 'Maas LainpaWarksiturobselnaselaewhbef and we_pledeoWeeifee 0, Asmoystritte.: ......„1,,.. jet, TbeatkaaVdnakcatmeearjocaxplosidoa/..:••.,_ .k 2 1- 24 . 4 trti r ta Agfaneiipdexichilabarntnif. ' . 59,71.1a0a Vnined..;.• ret-r,..f ,, A; .“. • 4th , • ._. i •r 'et °VOMIT/ t4d,. tp, girs.sladriß, orr oss .1 . 5 ,.., -, ' ,, ,„, 4 .1,...r.,,,,,r, . . ~ , r .- -,1 .. . , `'. T.F.-1 6th. Taatlyibiam eatfejtfreelipanemolge„:;...,.,'" ( °g out th ,tj " t„1ii,94,1tatt,69 per, aenti oheapat tbsb hp, 01 ` 6 ,trlf fillki.R:9t9o9lo.ll Perteetaa r mp ejtgakianceeVa all caiei...,..., WholonidaTandr. Tin Agnnnt. A,Alonth. lECOOND k tuk atreAtodSbfetllar ' st,,t. r T,•• ..... . .L. • ~ .7 f , ,,' ".2. " , Sonthara_and * _ifirsaaplanuttpilien ii,lth LA WI, OTTAIriPat 6 tilf.Vlo toy, aver ,in , thallnei " f6"i t i ll lf 1 1 - -.* t.I I .I• I IO I 7THEANPAdadntr..: n 1714: :416 . 44 . .. n .-- ,;,,, • . .• • . „.,,, , ...,--f• -1..9 ; pg;TEavr.Alx. 4 ,- !Ir-E,V,WBDO: rs g : 141-01:1),Apar the' luirikitithstbas ;WOW I,,,l2lojititt Z , _ ot o: 4, i muuquoyOth:starpat' herf4. s - stionrrpgyipfxrAtatTA: itolt 5.,11 e&Ear, Addriik, lALP.a.LPPABas ,, • g. w:ft.rdgts muuri scha vame-Avorr Sts.. re and 42R,E_IPARYFAX., hie& ,Irprk,, mixt4,7.4.p‘' 1 IVERY, STABLES , KEEPERS, LOOK I triy6ur teterestsoisd_put; subs 138411SRli LAMP SUITOR? 009 Heave , Previous to his oyin3retareinonaltde fast A j` 4 ;sllyere, charged, la for work which he to now doing In a war - ranted Wafer troui Vito $ lO . E h ipPort./Sul,rallAll tlo# 11 ) 11 410 1 41, VIP Plif! mot 4:14 0 16,44 W . d 01 , 7 av, 4 -- • lIZIMMI AI—VIM IJA.•. „Noe. 186 .aild 141 sovvirpoutevi flformerle ID*. 67 and. 439 - • STOOKS AND RICA!, ESTATE—TUESDAY NEXT.' Pamphlet catalogu e s,new ready, containing full de soripiloos of al), the, property to .be sold on Tuesday next, 6th inst:i with, an egtonsiva Est of' at private Ole, , „. , REAV,EBTATE. STOOKS, &a. : Publio - lialeif it the V.hitadelphla larnhange every Tuesday Evening, during the business season. - - lEr , Dx illy.: and "Aagnst" only, octopus' sales he -heretofore., • , . • • - Iner-lfandbilla of each tmperty j le.ined Separately, in addition to which wo.publ h on theDaturday previous to - each sale, one thciusexid catalogues in pamphlet form,' giving full descriptions of all the, property to be sold on the rallnirlialaTneeday." ' EIMNITiIRIi SAVES AT THE AVOTION 13TOBN'tivery Thitratai morning.' • REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. We hire a large amount of Real Estate at rd. rate BMA, including every deeorlption of City and country property. ,Printed Lista may be had at the emotion store,_ I.IIIVATIII MLR Pi - GMBH. E ie l ßat e : re4 gi Pr l tl tli:t st:raverte b ,tofw ilc7 .o l azeyitauavesu h free of diary. . . _ Peremptory Sale. 830,000 BOND 3, ' - - • Orr Tuesday 'Evening,' July 13th, at 8 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Exchange, without - reserve, for amount of - whom it may con -30 bonds of $l,OOO each ($30,000) issued by the county of Armstrong, State of Pennsylvania, to the Allegheny Valley Railroad Company, bearing six per cent. inter. eat. payable the 'Bret Monday of May and November— eoupsna attached; due May let, 1867. and unpaid Prin cipal cholla 1883. Principal and intermit guarantied by .add mturomi..oompaby, and the bonds assigned by them to bearer. . ItItiIL'ESTATyI BALE-4131Y 20th. Thtq eels will inkanda-- 030tiTil sTßElPP.—Threttoitory brick duel )fug, No, 1822 South Sixth street, below. 'Wharton street. SEARS STREET.—Two two-story ' brick dwellinge, Nos. 032 and CBi Hears etreet, south of Wharton street. between Sixth and Seventh streets." They will be sold separately. GROUND RENT, s6eri4year, well secured by lot of ground and substan tial brick dtvelLng, Ring street. 'Assignees , Peremptory Stile, by postponement. VALTIABLII,BOTEL.. PROPERTY,. known an the ‘, Noticing llotel; ,, formerlig• The White Swan," Raze etreetvbetWeen , gbird .and Youth streets; 14 feet front, 140 - flet in depth. Sale absolute. LITIITAT.—A well bn It. three-story brick dwelling, Lemon street, between Wood and Norris lekto Rfohniond) streets ' , Lot No. 60 by 90 , yet. - n7riuturitLerl.lAltPliTd; &c. _ - At 10,0'090C - et 199.:880',ydrk aboTe Ter many street; therbitlre liolteeluild Idris - IWe; by „order of executors. • ' Alm, the kitelikijnnliOanentelpilli" s -L ' I 'no . may )co exam pied - ; on. tfiCzOitalat Of sale, at I do ook: .313,NRIOIC4ORNITtritt,!:VANO-NONTE, ROES, - 04.EPETS;13UPERIOB, ; MICE TURNII TUBE, LETTRIt 7,11,011;:&07 CARD s —Our sele.4o4l6rro iimrning, at the auction store, wtll commute,' tiesidei TOO lots excellent world= baud atiperfor moo, farnftuxe,..lottor prere: ,fire=proof esfq,book.oaies, ~plaao,'BrusspleComd Ober carpets. Cline and unaware, &o. MP" Catalogues now teady, andt:hdattiolia arranged, for examination ' ' • Sale at Nos, 18s and. :80ttitkitourill . drie1. SUPERIOR TURNITURET ; ELEGANT -P-I A N TORTES, TINE MIRRORS: FINE BRUSSELS CAR PETS, &q, „ I ihruidayAforning, •At 9 ovaioak, st..theLanetion store, en 411:6111011 iemetmeot of excellent seeond.hand furniture, elegant ainate-rorto#, one taltwetwi,edirPote, ',,edv;(•frottl Levan , families deoUning.hmseltseping ~rnuoved to th e store " ' - far coinrenlenee or woo. , • - Also, a blaekemith , s Vioo, - and Bellows. Also; a Are-proof Omit ? , I AT. P r lt..6 r 4Tß - BAL I 9 I- ,. A wed-neared flat mortgage—sl,Boo. •• - A beautifully sittuttad•Atet, Perklomen turiplke, -Chestnut MIL • , : BOOTT; 4.Y.;.- - 4.I7OTIONEER; '(eu663;s-, A." 4, sor to 340103N8TA eaorr,),43IOII.FETNUT ht.,: opposite the ilocuclaktrooti Fourth and Fifth. SPEOIAL FEREMPTORYELLE OFISIBItOIDEBIE3,, AUTTO; -he p&P • .. This. ~- • s By catalogue; ona liberal .credit, 600 lots new style embroideries, Included will, be, found .eautbrio;and book collate, setts of sleeves, gauntlet and , flowing sleeves, beadily, flouncing , adgittgantnd ituievting‘ta tante waists, , kc , being the balance.of 'stook of a home declining the,antliveldery, business, tho whole comprising A 'fine suortment of ,needlework. Goods adepts/ to but city sciall nk r ic sad clof 'steal Also, linen cenibric, handherchiefs. , - • . FILLET MITTS. • . • Also, 200 do:en-Vona, Inlet Mitts, liing and short, with and wlthont engem, •-; • . ' ,SO OASES BOOTSAND, A150,,60 cases ladies, path - and eblPlren's Congress gaiters, Oxford ties, knows, &c., &O. STRAW HATS. - - .Also, :-. cases man's and boys , straw hate, ..MANTILLAS. -_ . ", /aso alli,lsee, and Perla mantillas- ' . SPECIAL SALE OP CLOTHING, (Made by - 19. B. Jennings & Co., 'Broadway, N. Y On Briday morning , July 9th, At 10 o'clock, a largo lot of superior clothing, com. prising a full assortmeot of cods, pants, and Taste, selawted to the present Beaton The reputation of the makers In such that comment upon the quality of the goods is mm° mm ... Particulars in future adrertfeemeot. TAMES A. FREEMILN, AIIOTIONEER, by NO. 422 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. 117- Persons favoring ice with corigitrimenta Cu reel assured that their property will not be saorillood. Oommbudons more moderate than those ehamed by any other Auction Route in the city. BC? • Oonsignmenta respectfully solicited. ft?" Pals.. es i d immediately after the roods are sold. TWENTY-SECOND SPRING BALE-JULY 14th This s,ln will include— Orphana , Court Absolute Sale—Estate of John Gray, Deceased. . _ 1:••.••• • ra s • . and let. west aide of Thirtrier th street, above Wood, 14% f, et front. 82 feet deep Clear of tneumbrances sLIREN-STORY BRICK HOUSE No., 750 SOUTH NINTH STREET .—A three.story brick house, Oro-00. ry brick back headless, and lot of ground, No. 150 South Ninth street, 16 feet front, 60 feet deep. $l9OO 'cash=balancomey remain: , - ,THROSISTOBY BRICK HOUSE, DICRIN:ON .• • naatT, - -za "three-story brick house and lot, (rime '•kitchen,' north' side of Dickinson street, 78 feet from Fourth street, 10 feet front 04 feet deep Gas pipes throughout, gas oven, bath-room, ka. $BOO etteli— bslande May remain . e TIIRBE-'TORY BROOK HOUSE, CounsurrA:A.V.H. 'NMI AND NINTH ST RENT.—Three-etory brick bowie and lot of ground, Columbia avenue, below Ninth St , 10 feet front, 07 feet deep to a three-feet alley. Two story brick back lmildiog, range, with baths. Out 82,600 to huild. $3OO cesh—balar QUEENi DEBIR t BLEI 'BUILDING . LOTI3 MEET, .GENMA.b TOWN, 200 by 305 /SST, %IMF. FRONTS.— lot of ground, north !Roof Queen street,, adjoining land of 11, Klemm, Req., 218 ,feat 8% inches front. 835 feet en Pulaski avenue, and 209 feet 8% lathes on'Patin street. Pulaski avenue in fo riot vidoianirwiti proba bly be he line of the newmitiread now or der contract to Tiogirstreet.,,Queen.street is graded, curbed, paved, and lighted with gas to within a square_ or this lot, when graded put will leave the lot 21ffeet above. The lot is level, with,* elope back to Peon 'treat. Two thirds may,rensidn. - • ' - Orpheus , Court Hale—Estate of Thomas Dugan, Deo'd. THREE-STORY BRIDE - nottszr WIBTAR A neat three-story brick dwelling, with beck buildings .and lot, north - side of Whiter street, 1 0 7 teat west o Tenth 'street, IS feet frout,.so feet deep. Clear of ln eumbrances. It rents for $225 $l,OOO may remain. • 'Orphans , Court Bale—Same , Eatate. - HANDSOME MANSION, • ONTARIO BT., " HEN DERTON,"—A handsome•double,meneion house, with a square of ground, northeast urger of Ontario and Twentieth atreeti• 216 feet 10% ineben along Ontario street, 213 feet on the Germantown .Railroad, and-70S feet on Twentieth atreet `The mansion le 88 feet front. Parlor on one side. hall in the centre, dining-rpom and. kitchen on the other ; has teo-stOrg Weighs.* build.' ing; gas Introduced, large dower and vegetable garden. It Is within one square of 'the - station at Tioga street. Orphatte , Cieurtfisle=ElenserEatittf; ' 1 FOLIR.STORY DRION'IdaffSION HOUSE, CHEST!. - iiirr STREET —A btiOdiA -inefeur.story brick residence, - with three-Storybook bulldog/ cannot of ground,'vrest -of Twentieth street, 18 feet 7 inciters front,•and 104 feat deep to Johnsorystreet, 80 feet wide," The house Um saloon pedant, breakfast Coop] and kitchen on the name floor, dining-room eboye, heater, water clouts, enolosed versuldsb, cud all the, biodernlmprovements. Rents for $750. Pouessiort immediately if , dealred; 80,000 may retrain_ • ' Orphans , Conrt9ale—Same Estate... • - Ttuttx.erroxv tuttoK .DwELLING, WAIN:II24O - 81`REET, - ; VOUItTI:ENTII•WARD —A handsome threekstory bask residence and lotthree-Atory bask tenth side of W'aebington street, west•of Tenth; 40 feet front, 80 feet deep. Saloon par ler,'heaters, range, baths, ko. Rents for $lOO. - $4,000 'Mar remain. - ,• - Principal regalstone of the, - Orton:6ll'lM n o tious' ' system are fully derel; - most enlirely dependent the Liver for the proper liono ; when the stomach at, faUlt, awl :the -whole lidence of one organ—the do Ito duty. Pot the the prolirierteis el , ; practice of more than 20 dy.whorewith„to counter manta to -Which it I. medy Is at last found, any, VIA 00YriAIX2. in any bottle, end, OAntletion morbid or bad mattertrom v their place a bealtbyfiow dOialichialitiOng food to "blood, telling tone and chte•ry, removing the tecilati radical wire. cored, and, What is b,q -etll,ftndTif,°tgle,Pnin, IS ancient to relleve-thei fq ° l 4 ;" B, SP 4Bl-1 1 914 :7. befairve,s4, prevents' loololna the bowele meallMiA eaviDiV' :atirayk -- -c le gbetruotl6O - YeMintB• kniVittakcroaVetf4tOrif, 4 met" riffereirOjc ci icei , • ted, trilvore prisTenititt : 10E10 to,pzoirout a the amn• kiterPsl.6diriißk , •' MjaVitingoA jllioi . V &If - 81:110r *AV & •• ' • ' iIIAND3O3I4I-, LOT OH 'OSOtlfilL MANTISIM BTSSET, GERII3.4TPW3i..--A soluble lot of gronitd,• adJolntog the llegant property of:Set. Xi:Goddard, on ;the north olds of ggiultmlut ;street, 203 feet southwest from Knox,streetAbetwesn the plank road and Groan Street, GermentoSrn, 193, feet ON Inches front and 838 foikt.9% tootieri deep on the northeast Ode and 859 feet the,* o .3thfrolt 13(107 -0' It has& liandsordo ,of. -trees placted,ln -front, gad and water - sloop atenholni otielfte,Ths loastlon laOrst-rata.: Timis-43,000 cash— balanaanuky manta. • ' TIIRISCSTORY SSAMI3 HOUBB,PALMER STAN ST • KENSINGTON . , three.story frame dwelling, with bank building and to of-ground northluutt sidikor"Pettneretteet.l6o feet th•east front-Yrrothlld' rive*, 6 - hullos • 4, et dee - 702 !anted tent, setae listen* off. AT PRIVATE igl,ll,p noTORT-,;.DOIIBLE !BOILERS; STOOK, /kif: 4 . - A Soil; ilaotory,',7llla - double bollariii' stook, tea, •Ohinsion,ita rigtmtlettilot , wr e ns on the business, eittuitetn,the heart of the city. . It leas a good run of tiniinesis. and cast the Peesent,oyner ogee St,ooo. hfay, btegantined at any Aline `by application to this nun-' *never. - Will be cold at t sacrifice. • • • t BEAL ESTATE AT PRIVATEIIA.LB. - • - lianaleeme rdestsion e Ronthrst testier Of SeVAtettentli end Walourstreetel.` — Residence Washington figniekikihit Walnut street, Zwelllgg time, BoArt Vine street,--- - - 40 &eras of lend, Indian Queen-kae; , Valuable property, Fr ank bird road- -r,, Handsome dwelling, No :I taCW*ll so* street. ~ t lineineas stand and dwelling, Seventeenth and Wash. 'Ofigton streets. , • - ~ = Elegant proPertg,'Sdieerite, : da.enbovei Torresdale, • • • - ••14 setts of land, Ohelton avenue, Garment 'ern. •_dltind , owe residerede and lot, West Philadelphia: , `: • ` l ' , .V.sloabLe l ot, of ground,. cieroaantoge •Eailrosd any 00111Mbit :; naDdS" ' S 4 W 6 / l i4; l o, l pg, Oititlott itreei, above „, . I.SI A. ,PTS.ARK...cI.OO.,.AIIO2IONreas AND (rciN3lll4o4. IdlesonmunfiNo. 27 South EIGHTH IT DET:obrier it LODGE* 13112,2,w -•- • ' - • ' 'I:AIME _SALE,. or 4 lirtrOor Foos . Arm oNOPErr.. .frverili ealfhtifo 07 math Elbth &treat a largo and iplendid notortment of •heimeho 4 end kltchen•furni. ','tire, et& parano'deilhallr boUseireeeluir. -- - 5 .4150 i a lot of !Immo, doorao44 • Jumber. _• , :, - • ! ~.,,,.. AT,VOIYATEI BALE : , --- k- ,• - :--• 'A fardeuneuvaluable tract of valuable coal and time :Eat laud at ,prirate !self...well -worthy .the attention of , V illa& and ottani, se the owner le compelled tar :',..• ro.7 eed-,10,tf74:9,0711ert1„. lare.,iaqulrett the auction trZr 017„,DOOE• FUMES eolletiCend`promPtly at= .' • Affiiiiisll(Mada on consignments when de. , ' - irt "Irktakozo.ostra, charge.- —-- -- — • ::* - .. ahItROOMIL oVif until 10 P; M. • Now pre-: l i , Ito veAnvoleee of DRY 000DS, NOTIONS, ' pit __- and,3•EWELItY, NEW and 13BOOND ,• D PEENI'TEIRE, PAINTINGS, BOOKS andSTA 'MERRY. Ao.: kn. „ - •• ' ' . 1 - • , ^. Arr gawarinvor GOODS every 4-ening_ , -, ;" 7- tinon I BADE. OP DRUGS, FIETII/tNO, &o. - • • •.Yie will sell ~ ~. , ~ -- • -' 'Tbre_24Cepiaa, ; ' ' - - 4tiou o , elarkott tbe;north- watt corn er of Seven,- veehtblmdleEnbarel striate; the eitlroukok,goOd will, itid ditiiiiiref a'',lolffitdla `drlik Vero ; All to be sold tolthetitcreadivii; ainijrt * Jote” to enit-, purchasers, and , irM pea splendid chante`Thr drujiglita and (Mork,: _ QALMON . , SHAD ; ` Bta.L',4lo,,tioi,dreo i - N.7,l;llmott; bble. do.; 60' 614: Oka Boa &ad; %ii:00 I:kblLlsesto-fleak • 180 bble DOW 10 gtoro aGd ' Azle bye +. 3011N - BC-ICENNXDIr k; 00., , if.,0.r.! - .'",'""":°401 1 :41 0 .0 - sAKlA2.llolloehe.r. ORE BONE DIISIT c ROUVD F Avail Por sslo In large or small lots, byi: I oscraßostaiiPjuncri;& CO, # "rt! • 104 Nortli•pslawararAmostk ta •, TONS : R .1) Al 3 51:1$0' . . foi D4Lt y B .15;4Atoonifited IluDer Phoiphito of 1414. APDALS'PaIItgE &AP eri", — l 9'o tIWO , Pfltrire otemit4* • COMMERCIAL SALES ROOM. 'T BANK and 1Q STRAWBERRY, between MAR kIIT and OFIESTNUT and/3EOOND and THIRD streets. OARD —We invite the particular attention of runlet• sera to the peremptory sale,of, a cboico se•nrtmentof staple and Limy goodei fine cotton hone, long and short Mohair initte, linen handkerchiefs, the,, to bo made thin • (Wednesday) morning, at:10 o'clock. Include I will be found viz A. tine women's nest quality English cotton hose. 'Also, 100 &men beat French long and short mohair mitts. Alen, 100 dogma men and women's linen cambric handkerchiefs. • Also, black silk lace mantillas, thread lime embroi dered book sets, book lintel:tinge and edginge,,Mariblin nett' carpet and matting binding, linen bosoms, linen shirt fronts, white spool cotton, embroidered Lisle threat, cravats, black silk lace, the. - Also a hie of fine white goods, book jaconets, untn nooks, Swiss musline kn. HATS AND BONNETS. ' Also, dames roan and boys' Arad . and Leghorn hate. Misses, women', and children's bormete, Bate, fte. Err. The whole may be examined previens to the tole with catalogues: BALE ON MIME BUMMER GOODS. This Morning, Commencing at 10 o'clock procieely, we will sell, by catalogue, a general' assortment of choice, Aspic., and fancy summer geed's"; men and women's linen cambric hatuperchiefa, 4.4 French ducats, nainsook montane, satin stripe and check musline, white and black figured spool - cot ull muslbas, 4 4 corded skirling, 2EO yard white ton. linen table-clothe, Sirius and book floun cing, Marraillea and linen shirt fronts, talk lace mantil las, cold , kid moves, 4-4 'blue drills, ',aqua fringee, cambric in.ertmg, thread-law collars , embroidered bonk-sotts, blioblien lace ailk, gloves, banded collars. ;Also, bonnet and trimming ribbons, silk fringee, silk buttons. BONNETS AND HATS, Also, 25 cues ladies and miss& straw bonnets And Oats. Men and boys' white and colored Wier hate, he ,[rY The whole may be examined with catalogues. early on the morning of aide, when purchasers we find it to their interest to attend • BALE OP CLOTHING. • On Thursday next Commencing at 10% o'clock, will be sold, withoUt reserve, a large and valuable stook of city made cloth tug, consisting or, tit Raglan/4, of „ , Cotte, . - . - •every variety, for Pants and Vests. ' . men and boys. ID" May be examined with catalogues, early on the morning of .sale.r ~ . P. G. NOLIIEHT.. Amoetossin. ', fEMOVAL...-FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO. have removed to the Lofts, No. 429 MARKET Strout formerly °peopled by Blows. Caleb Colm & Co. [ed/4it k.b.l"r4SigilrßE-15F;Ir-4,- CO. _No. 429 61ARECET Street. WAP.B.MiggAizahAtuTui'prvit SIXTH awl RAGE Streets. GREAT PUBLIC AOOO2OIODATION. MONEY! MONET ! ! _ , DIONEY !.! ! - • • • . Money liberally advaneed hilerge er- smell amounts; from one dollar to thousands, on gold end litter piste, diamonds, watehes, jewelry, fowlinppleces, musical instruments, furniture, dry geode, _clothing, groceries. 'elms, hardware, antler', books, hOlllOll, VStlittatictillXl nesei and all articles of valtte,.for any lepgth of time • agreed- on, at 'Nelhans , 'Ernidwell • -Direeifshmant, . southeast corner of Sixth and Rabe streets. HDr-Promishory• notes, with co ll ateral, discounted at th e lowest market rates. _NATHANEV.PEINOIPAL ESTABLISHMENT, 11. PERM OF SIXTH AND RAO: 'Where money will be liberallyadvanced on gold and silver Oats, diamonde,watchan,jewelry„ fowling Woos, dry goods, ,olothlog„ pommies, litinprivalgara,- bard ware, cutlery, - Ruler articles, mirrors, paintings, en gratings,' Tanaka] Instruments, firniture, bedding, horses, veitiolea, harness ? atooke, - ,and all ,other 'Aides arsine. , . OUT-DOOR SAM. Ataricinal 'neutron given to all , ont.doorsales, either, at pidiate dwellings, gores, or elsewhere, and charges, 'nnusualli TO PBBIIONH 13.11L1N4131131f11iG 11013BEILItleilNG. Persons relinquishing housekeeping,' or having sup.' plies of furniture to dispose' of. kill find It to their ad.' vantage by sending the same to theauction store, south .esuit corner of Sixth and itace atr e , where IL will be properly arranged to the furniture salesroom, and sold to thebestadvantage; two•thirde of the goods advenood' If required, and the beam* handed over the afternoon of the day of sale. line gold end silver hinting muse double cue, and double bottomed lever, /opines, Swiss, and .Preneh witthes; gold specks gold drama, gold brace lets, &variety or floe gold studs, breastpins, and anger rings; 'fine gates,' auperlot old violin and guitar, vary fins melryl.n..iad numerous other artiolee a.,.T.PRIVAT.I4I3#.LE . AT yERy- . pow PRIORS Gold Noglieh patent Wet wetehiti; full Jewelled and Veen, Come of theta tine 18-kaisit este& of the beet makers. r Silver English patent lover watches, full jewelled and plain,' of the most approved makent. Gold escapement lever and depths witches, In hunt cases and open face, of the very beet make. 'Ladles' gold enamelled watches, set with pearl and diamonds. Bitter Boglleh, [Ortega, and Prone tratehee, diamond breast alms , and finger rings, gold bracelets. ear tinge, finger rings, breast plan, etude, fine gold vest . fob, and neck chaise, gold spectacles, and various other arti cles of Jewelry, &n., &e. QAMUEL. IgA.TRA.NS, A.UOTIONEER I 10 end MONEY LOAN OPPION, No. 224 &path THIRD Street, below - Walnitt, opposite Pear et., only eight doors below the Exchange. Moore of business from 7 co , elock, A. If., until 10 o'clock in Um evening. • Ont-door sales, end sales at the Anetlon Ham, et. tended upon the meet satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $2N,000. RstablisAsdfor the last Thirty Tsars. Advances rude from one dollar to thousand* on Din clouds, Silver Plste,_Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Her eliminate, Olothlng,Turniture, Bedding, Cigar., lansiesl Instruments, Guns, Horses, oarrisgee, and Goods of every description, Al goods can MAW• any length of time :speed upon. All advents% from one hundred dollars and upwards , ' will be charged 2 per cent, per month; $6OO and ova, the lowest market :sta. • • This Store House having a depth pf 124 feet, hu large Ere and thlef•proof vaults to More all valuables, and pet mare eniuteu tottfieStullbreAlleptAboltrlifintEif advanced upon • N. 13.—0 n account of haying an unlimited capital, this once Is prepared to make advances on more oath' factory and accommodating terms than nay other In this city. Money. advanced to the poor, In small amounts, wil Got any charge, AT PRIVATII GALA. Gold Patent Layer and other Watcher, Jewelry, and Olothing will he sold et reduced price'. Kc.ani Notices TN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE TN CITY AND COUNTY OP PIIILADSLPIIIA JOIIN BROWN, WILLIAM BROWN, and JAMES BROWN, trading ad John Brown & Co., T. WIL - LIAM .1. MoCANDLESS and JOHN CARRICK, trailing as Wm. J. -BlnCendlelia & Co. %rendition, Exponas. Dec. T., 1857 No 802. All that certain lot or piece of ground, with tho two story brick stable thereat erected, situate on the mouth side of Filbert etraet, at .the distance of sixty-throe feet six inches landward from the cant side of Schuylkill Seeond etroet, in the city of Philadelphia, containing In front or breadth on the said Filbert street eighteen feet, and extending In length or depth southward of that width ono hundred feet to Jones's alley. Bounded on the west by ground now or Into of the estate of Henry Pratt, deceased, on the south by the said Jones's alley, on the oast by other ground of the nald William Browp, granted or intended to have been granted to lumen Kelly on ground rent, and on the north by Fil bert street aforesaid. [Being the same lot of ground which William Brown and wife, by deed dated the twenty-fifth day of September, A. D. 1812, recorded at Philadelphia In deed book T 11, No. 38, page 430, &c., granted and vmveyed unto John Carrick, in foe, udder and. subject to the payment of the yearly ground rent or bum of 07.10 in eqffal half-yearly payments.] And, also, All that certain two-story brick monsunge or tenement and lot or piece of ground, situate on the north tilde of Filbert atroet,.at the distance of two bun drml and thirty-Ibn° , foot eastward from the cast side of Schuylkill Third street, In the city of Philadelphia, containing in front or breadth on the said Filbert Street fifteen feet slit 'lichee, and in length or depth northward elxty-soven feet. Bounded on the west by ground now or Into of Sieben and Andrew Allison, ou the mot and north by ground r.or or late of David and Isaac Merton, and on the south by Filbert street afore- Paid. [Being the same promisee which James Peoples abdwife, by deed dated the seventeenth day of February, A. D.,1852, recorded at Philadelphia in deed book T 11, No. 11, page 1, granted and conveyed to the said John Carrick, in fee, under and subject to the payment 'of the yearly ground rent of $42.13,N, in equal half • yearly payments,' on the Scat day of the months of Janu ary and July In every year, to John A. Brown, his heirs and assigns.] . The Auditor appointed to distribute the fund in Court raised by Sheriff's sale of Real Estate, as above deacribed, of John Carrick, ono of the defendants, will attend to the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, the -12th day of July, 1808, 11 o'clock In the forenoon, at his Office, No. 243 South SIXTH Street, lu the city of Philadelphia, when and where all parties in interest 'are required to present their delete, or be debarred from coming In upon the said fund. je29-10t , I. T. THOMAS, Auditor. iN THE, ORPHANS - ' COtiliTE THE JI 7 COLIN llr OP PHILADELPHIA . . Estate of WM. A. DOBRYN, deceased. The auditor appointed by the Orphs.n.i.,Deurt 'afore sold to audit,aettle, and adjust the account of JOSEPII 0: TURNPENNY, Administrator rum testament° annexe, of William A. Dobbyn deceased ,- and to re— port distribution of the balance in his hands will meet the , parties Interested at Ifs Office, No. d 29 AllOll Street, on WEDNESDAY; the 9th day of July, 18581 itt;4 o'clock P. Di. , je26-fuate at .EDWARD HOPPER, Auditor-. YOH THII CITY AND COUNTY 0Y STIILADBL :PHIA.—DIoorce No. 2, December, 1857. MARY H. :TAYLOR mt. WILLIAM TAYLOR. And now, to wit, 10th June, 1868, on motion of Wm D. KIIILLsr, Req.,. for Libellant, Rule on Respondent to ehOve cause, why the ontt ahordd not- decree a Divorce tineide matrimonii, so prayed for by the Libellant, returnable SATURDAY, ad July, 1888, at 10 A. M. TO wiLIA4As TAYLOR, alias NEHEMIAH LOK, reapondeut above named: Take notice of the above rule. , WM. D. KELLEY, • • Solicitor for Libellant. 19th Juno,' _ je2l.mw2w .71UPTICE Is HEREBY - GIVEN TFIAT /1 application hip been made to tho Pennsylvania Itallread Comminy for the: renewal of certificate of 'stock hi the above Company for five shares, No 8,030, leafed Mayl9, 1862, in the name of I' IL FULLER, In trust; said cortifiCate having been lost or destroyed: th-lea* , P. P. BULLER, Trustee. LETTERS' °•OF ADMINDOTRATION penifente lite, to the estate of MARIA W. NASU deceased, - having been granted to BENJAMIN NASU, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, or having Odom to make the earths known without delay, to EDWARP WALN, Attorney for Administrator, No 792 WALNUT Street. JelO-tu 6w* ATOTI C E .—Letters Teetainentary on the Estate .pf ISAAC BACKER , late of the city of •PhiladelPhtit, deceased, haying been ,duly granted by the Itglator .of Willa for the county or Philadelphia, to the dederaigned, therefore all persona haring claim; or dentandeugainatAlieEstato of Dahl decedent are re. twitted to wake known the same without delay, at Noe. 125 and 130 OIIESTNUT Street, Philadelphia, to _ , W3I. ALFRED lIMOIENR, • Worcestor,.3fase. - ATILIAIt B. STEPHENS ' ""'""'"' jett4ust 1233 Arch Street. • 'IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR, - TLE dITY AIID COUNTY 08. Ip the nuttier of the Estate or BARAII JONES, • ceased, • The al:Miter appoint-d to audit, settle, and adjust the second ancient of 8A811.141. Executor of- the 'said - Sarah .Toues, and to report distribution of the balance to his hands; will meet the parties interested therito at,thq WIITIIERILL 1 10U81... George Street, oc , v e si x th, l o the. clty of Philadelphia, on IttON. DAY, the sth day, of July, 1858, at /I o'clock A. 111. ' - J92,1-thattibtlt , JA,81,08 LIORN, Auditor, NOTICE -- IS 7 HEREBY GIVEN , THAT application has been made to the Trustees of the Pre Association for the renewal of policy of insurance twitted In the 00010 of /OLIN MURRAY, on the 6th day of Weember, .1847, No, 11,002, for 84600 i -end by him transferred teiioliN Bfod'Or, December 8, 1361, and by him lyansferred On - the name date to OATIIARINN ItANENN, which policy hem been tost,oemisiald: Any information thereof will be received by SfoCOY - f in:irr4 ill end 813 South BRONVEltreet. LETTERS ,TESTA.HENVAItY TO Estate of VALUE= 110IlSOfi, late or Phila. .delphla deceased having been granted to the subscri bers, nil personsindebted thereto are regnep,ted to make . paymant, and tho!u) hoeing elalieue to present them forth with to • ' J. lIAIIILTON , oi i Attorner, W 3111). RIILLEY, ' 0/111 CV) • i 134 FgOirt Otreet, trir A PRESS: 7 ,-PIOLADELPIJIA VEDNESTM 7; 1858. VVILL RE-OPENION, THE F T MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER, for the Scholastic year, consisting of ton mont hs, J. T. NEED'S INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1523 WALNUT Street, The system of tnitl.n Is based on that adopted in the bort So:atomise In Europa, and cornmeal thorough le st•vetton in the Rogit•h, French, amt. Latin lauguageet ?ette' atteetmo Is also paid to the formatka of an eta ht style of composition, and th the cultivation of a flOtO fur polite literature. The onus of study will embrace overibranch of education. • A limited number of pupils ad 'lifted into the family. Th. it rell.tions and moral training is under the special care of Mrs Reed, who has had many years exporlenal, and deference will be pad to the feelings and wishes of their parents In these Illation, The health and comfort of the young ladies is also carefully attended to by her. Weekly boanling pupils, from Monday till Friday,:re• I caved nt proportionate rates A week's vacation at Christmas and at Easter. Payable half In advance, and half at the expiration of Live menthe.) For tuition in the regular_ course of study $lOO 00 N . 11.—,CJunior class will be formed. German, Spanish, Italian. and other languages, Mu sic, (vocal and Instrumental.) Drawing and Painting, (in oil and water colors,) at Professors' charges. Uso of Rhino, per annum $ 20 00 Burp " Guitar. For Boarding ______ Washing at 50 coots per dozen 'Each boarding pupil on required to bring her own toir eta, eitrar fork and spoon. row rent at cost It affords me pleasure to state that Mr. 3. 3. Reed is recommended by official testimonials of distinguished gentlemen in London. From personal acquaintance with him, I can most cheerfully recommend him as an ac complished scholar and gentleman to the confidence of the public. A. CONVERSE. The subscriber takes groat pleasure in smiting with Dr. Converse iu the above recommendation. Brom per tonal acquaintance with Mr. Reed, as well as from his distinguished testimonials, I am confident of his emi nent abilities as a gentleman CH and scholar. ARLES 'WADSWORTH. We are happy to hoar that kr. J. J. Reed, a gen tleman of donsiderablo litetary attainments, and who has contributed to Graham's many excellent sketches of eminent perkons has re-opened Ivo Institute for Young - Ladies, at 1523 Walnut street, one of the most admira ble localities in the city. Mrs. Audis a lady who bas had many yearn' experience in tuition,,and boars .a high reputation for success in training her pupils, both m.,- rally and mentally. Mr. ROW, tram bin knowledge of Europeenlauguagesi s s r y s par , .4.. Particular at faisediNfWo t .tratiltsytt - Eriglieh Composiam and Ratite Literature.. We would lay come otrooo an this latter tact; since general literary _information- nod cal , ture,,thongh,by far the moot oliat le pttoldng signs of in, telligence and railed education, aro, on the whole, far snore neglected in most.sehools and colleges than any other buinchiss.--:.Editfir of Graham's Aragaxtne for Arty, 453 p.Bl. - , „ „.. REFERENCES. . Henry Vethalre, Lan D., Proyoet of the thilvereltjt pf Pennsylvania Fraser, LL. D., Professor of the Physical Sciences in ditto. George .Allen, LL. Professor of Ancient Lea. guava in ditto. - • • Bra. William ht. Meredith. Col. John W. Forney, editor of The Press. Charles a. Leland, Eag.,'editor of Graham's Maga . • Rev. William, B. Stevens, D. D., Rector of St. An drew's. ~ • Rev. Amass Converse, D. D., editor of the Christian Observer. Rev. Charles Wadsworth, D. D., Arob.street Presby terian Church. Joseph - L. Keen, Esq., West Philadelphia. Thorns S. Taylor, Esq., West Philadelphia. _ _ IRRYANT & STRATTON'S CHAIN OF -11-1 NATIONAL MERCANTILE COLLEGES. Phi ladelphia College; Southeast corner SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Noe Information, call or send for circular. 3.16-11. fiRITTENDEN'D •P H I LA DE LPHIA 00211PdHitOIAL OOLLEGX, aortheast • corner of 01118THIIT and SHVENTH Stmts. An Institution designed to At young ton for AO• TIVE HVBINRE3B. The whole building is ocoupied, and fitted up In a style eurpassing anything of the kind in this country. Thorough preparation for the counting-house BOARD OP THUBTESB. • - B. IL Cloinegye, Francis Hoskins, Hoorge H. Stuart, Dftld Mine, John Sparbawk, David H. ' luso Hanker, A. V. Parsons, D. B. Hinman). Frederick. Brown, login& Lippincott. LONG'S SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY, N. B. comet BIGHTS and BUTTONWOOD Bts. OOMMSSCIAL DEPARTMENT —Book-keeping in all its various forms; preparing Student/thoroughly for situations in any branch of buelsseu; Plain end °raw Mental Writing; Commercial Calculitins; Law and Cor respondence. No inititution In the Milted States gives a more thorough and practice/ course. In this depart. meat no teaching Is done In datums, and is open DAY and EVENING Time unlimited. '6IIATIINBIATIOAL AND OLASSIOLL DEPART MENT.—(Separate from the above,) Young Bien and Boys are prepared for any grade of an Ensile& and °las sies' Education, via : Spelling, Beading, 4Yriting Gram mer, Geography, Arithmetic, Philosophy, fr.eAncient and /adorn Languages, with all the higher O , ollegiste Studies. Sessions of 6 months commences' Saytmh ber let, awl Rebruary let. Pupils received at any time be fore or after those dates and obargad accordingly. Oats lognee furnished gratis. • Y: DONLBAVY LONG, Principal. JOHN H. BELL; TRAOTIER OP NAVIOATION AND NAUTICAL ASTRONOMY, At BRYANT & STRATTON'S OOMPIRROPAL COLLEIN. B. E. corner SZVENTII and OREPTNUT Streets. at RICHEST DIADEM WORN BY RINGS OR EMPERORS WHAT ? WHY, A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR, Remote it to the ornament God Aimaelf probided for all our rate, lt.ader, although the rose may bloom ever so brightly in the glowing cheek, the eye be ever no sparklingi the teeth be those of pearls, If the head be bereft of its covering, or the hair be gnarled and 'shrivelled, harsh and dry, or worse still, if sprinkled with gray, nature will lose more than half her charms. Prof. Wood's Heir Restorative, if used two or three times a week, willrestore and permanently genre to all arch an ornament. Read the following and Judge. The writer of the brat Ia the celebrated pianist, Thal berg: New Pone, April 19, 1858. Da Worm : Dear Str—Permit me to express to yon the obligations I am under for the entire restoration of my hair to its original color; about the time of my ar rival In the Dolton States it was rapidly becoming gray, but upon the application of your " Haft Restorative' , it soon recovered Da original hue. I consider poor Re storative as a very wonderful Invention, quite efficacious as well as agreeable. I am, dear air, yours truly, S. TELAIDERG. " Duch a'r (Iwylledydet." WELIOI NEWSPAPIin 13 Nassau at., April 12, 1068. 5 Poor 0. J. Worm : Dear Sir—Some month or eix weeki ago I received a bottle of your flair Restorative and gave it my wife, who concluded to try it on her hair, little thinking at the time that it would restore the gray hair to Its original color ; but to her, se well ea my surprise, after a few weeks trial it has performed that wonderful effect, by turning all the gray hairs to a dark brown et the same time beautifying and thicken log the hair I strongly recommend the above Resto rative to all persons in want of such A change of their hair. CHARLES OARDEW. New Yon. July 26, 1857. Paor. O.J. Woon:-:-With oonfidence do I recommend your flair Restorative as being the most efficacious ar ticle I ever raw. Since using your flair Restorative My hair and whiskers, which wore almost white, have gradually grown dark ; and I now feel confident that a few more applicationa will restore them to theft natu rat color. It also rearmed me of all dandruff and un pleasant itching, so common among persons who per. spire freely. J. G. KILBY. WOOD:—About two yearn ago my hair com menced falling off and turning gray; I was test be coming bald, and had tried nanny remedies to no effect I commenced using your Restorative In January het.. A few applications fastened my hair firmly. It began to fill up, grow out, and turned back to He former color (black). At this time it is fully restored to its original color, health, and appearance, and I cheerfully recom mend lie me to all. J. D. ROES. Chicago, 111., May 1,1857. The Restorative is put up in bottles of three slam via: large, medium, and small. The email bolds hall a pint, and retail. for one dollar per bottle; the medlunt holds at least twenty por cent more in proporion than the• email, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large bolds a qu.rt, forty per cent. more in proportion, and retells for three dollars. 0 .1. WOOD k. 00., Proprietors, 812 BROADWAY, N. Y. (in the great N. Y. Wiro Rolllng:liatablishment,) and 114 MARKET Street, St. Louis, ?do., And sold by all good Druggists and Panty Goode Dealers. ' rnrl2 , wfm-8m k cow in wkytm PHILADELPHIA WARMING , AND VENTILATING' WAREHOUSE. . . We have removed from our old stand in Walnut street to the LARGE STORM, No. 1010 014118TNOT knot, a few 'loom below the Bt. Lawrence Hotel, where our old friends and the übllc ar e respectfully' invited to ;ml Warm Air Panacea, •c• • g Ranges, Bath Epilers, 'Registers, Enameled Stemehlantele, Parlor Coal Grata& An..'4,wo are how manufacturing OHILSON'S °MACERATED - nut , - ENT NEW COAL GAO 00N81:11160 FURNACE, the most powerful and economical Heater ever invented, and suited to all clams of building,. Also, new and beautiful patterns of Low - Down Graben, and Parlor Coat Grate, of alleluia and patterns. We - have also commenced the manufacture of ENAMELED STONE MANTELS from' Penn .'s/Jeanie Stone. Tate Mantels were awarded a SPECIAL PREMIUM at the iota Ftsiv and ErAi. bition of the Bank/in Institute of this city. They represent all the rare and beautiful Ativoon ittaaeuee, are not Injured by Smoke, Coal Uns, Oil or Acids, and are sold Wholoaale and Retail, at much less price I than Marble. Call and see them. . ARNOLD & WILSON. BENJ. M. PELTWELL, Superintendent. Philadelphia, April, 1055—ap2A, ly PHILADELPHIA TYPE FOUNDRY— N. W. Oor, TIIIRD and OHMINI7T Elbs, L. PELOIIZE h Eon, thankful for the liberal pa. tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their new SPECIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their Inures/led facilities, are mow prepared to furnish every thing necessary in a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long weediest experience In the husiness, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, justidee -them in assorting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin ished article than their ootemporaries. Those, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them ravioli* to purchasing elsewhere. Old type tikob id 9 saute 'per DoaAQ, fA siethange for saw •t apaaimaa prima iipussut MATS.-600 DOZ. NO. 1, AND SCO dos, No. St RUSSIA MATS, suitable for puk ing 'Furniture nod Oacdeners , [MO, will be sold low, It applied for soon, by WHAVER,TITI,II_,II &00 „_ .” In us N. WA TAIL , . 77 N. wrunvas. WALL BRUSHES; /Clarg - aisortteent, imitable for BRUSH AND BELLOWS MANUFAVT, RES, BONES. -100.000 Shin Bones, suitable for Ilmbrella and Dutton Makers, in atoro and for sale 011.0ABDALE PEIRCE h 00. 101 AR WiIARV& , - VREIGUT—tOR NOVA - SOOTIA.--, :About Tao WAR bulk can bo had fora putt la Na. ya Scotia, Apply to 0,1101:11•DERS.--40 Mils: Shoulders, dry in ma, for ails by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., J e i= D Borth wAvin street. I=! TESTITITONIALS (toilette (Articles. ARNOLD & WILSON, 11000111380103 TO B. A. HARRISON DUSTERS, lIANDSORUBB. f (3 I 'l' 1r G-110 0 11 8 , Add for sato by manor 0. zassronr. 62 Nowrii TlitilD ST JuRN 31. RRNDIRDY & CO, 132 NORTH 1911ARVES C 1 INSURANCE *COMPANY, No. 110 v South FOURTH. Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital .$200,000. • Organized 1851. Privileged to insure Houses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, annually, or for a less period; take Marino, Inland, and Life Insurance Risks; receiVe De posits; hold Trusts and grant annuities ALFRED WEEKS, President. . . R. 0: TYLER, 'Vice President. J.W. 111.inTistr, Secretary DIRECTORS. Alfred Weeke, A. 0. Tyler, J. IV. Bonder, C It. flicking, J. L. Mackinnon, I. IV. Stokes, jolB-Irn e. Hon. - W. D. Holley, J. W. Forney, P. B. Mingle, James Watson, Ludlam Matthews, William Curtis, furrier. LIOWAItD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANOE 001.1PANY—Office No. 412 - WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $754,095.84. DIREOTORS. P. M. Potts, Edgar Thomson, C. E. Spangler, 0. G. Sower, Abraham Rex, John W Sexton, E. S. Warne, John Garrison, George Howell, Netball R. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, R. T. Remit, 11. H. Houston, Jos. R Withers, Abraham P. Eyre, E. Booth, Charles F. Norton, John 11. Lewors, H. u. Bblllingford. O. E. SPANGLER, President E. S. WARNS, Vice President. Clue. A. Dow, Secretary. ' raylo (I . oliii EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM V PANT, No. 891 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. OWARTEItED CAPITAL 8500 000—PAID UP OAPI mei, $366,900 This Company having been recently REORGANIZED, and its actual Capital largely increased, respectfully solielts a share of the patronage of insurers. Fire and Marine Policies will be issued at equitable rates of pre mium, and losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. DIRECTORS: William IS Godwin, B. It Crawford, James W. Queen, Jno. L. Redner, George W. Hall, William B. Themall, B. Franklin Jackson, B. N. Winalow, 'S. C. Hopper, Henry D. Mears. WM. M. GODWIN, President. mvlo-dtf J. O. Itopeca, Secretary ).1.13 INSURANCE AN 1) TBUST.OUM YJ PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE MEC:BANGS COMPANY. Northeßat Horner of THIRD and DOOR Streetn. Oapltal, $012,725.03. INHIIIIBEI LIVES for short term. • saes area • In Estate, and makes all contracts depend.ixl on the ooptlngenelea of Life. They ant as Executors, Admhristratore, Aselgneea, Trustees, and Guardians. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel Z. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard 8. Newbold, James B. MdFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph H. Trotter, William H. Kern, James Elston, &mind 0. Huey, Theophllus Paulding, Oharles Hallowell* Edmund A. Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphrui Kent, John W. Horner, William H. Darr, Ellis 8. Amber, Edward T. Mott, • Samuel J. Ohristian, William Robertson, Joseph H. Thommi, Warner H. Ruin John G. Brenner, P.O. Allahler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL N.' STONES, Vine Preen. ;owl W. Hoaxes. Bemetarr. nlllay T"QUAKER OIT Y iNSURANOE COMPANY.-00lee 408 WALNUT Street, PHILA. DELPHIA. CAPITAL SURPLUS 8271,845.85, Instates agiunst loss or damage by FIRE and the PERM! of the SBA, INLAND NAVIGATION and TRANSPORTATION. Ten per cent. In each returned on the earned pre minute of Open Inland Policies. OFFICERS. GEORGE H. HART—President. E. P. ROSS—Vies President. 11. B. 0000sHALL—Secreiary and Treasurer. B. H. BUTLER—Assistant Secretary. DIIIEO2OIEI. George H. Hart, Joeepb Edwards, B. P. Ross, Poster 8. ?Origami, A 0. Oattell, Charles ft. Iml y, Andrawll. Chambers, Samuel Jones. M. D., B. W. Bailey, Hon. U df. Priner i f John G. Dale, H. It Ooggehall, John L. Pomeroy. H. R. OOGGSLLALL. Secretary. A EOTIO FIRE INSURAME 00.11FA 2-3i. NY, NEW TORR.—Office, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank — hash Capital, 1.250,000, with a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, Mer chandise, Handture, Vessels in port end their Cargoes, and pltier property, against Lose or Damage by !In and the Bake of Wand Navigation. DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joehas, L. Pope, Oalab Baretow, Rem D. Graves, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davie Edmund Penfold, 0. H. Lilienthal, Hanson H. Venting, Theo. POnIOMMI, jr. Ogden Haggerty, Wish& E. Morgan Thomas Menages , Alm. It. Van Neat, John H. Earle, William A. Crary, Albert Ward, Thomas S. Nelson, Charles Easton, James W. Phillips, LoulaLonat Oharles A. Macy, Samuel G . dllddeo, Edward Illneken, Steph. Oarebreleng, Wm. E. Shepard, Themes Seott, - Oharles L. Frost, John WWI, Lothrlp L. Stances, Henry It. Bogert, William H. !adroit, Peter Edes, Emery Thayer , Benjamin H Pleld, , Geo. W stroldt, A. U. Prothinghami ZalmonTaylor Thos. P. Youngs Henry E. Blossom, ' Samuel L. Mitchell ALBERT WA.8.11,' President. EttosAlD A. °Azure'. Secretary. an 10-1 COMMONWEALTH . DIU OF TON OTATIii ON PENNIMSABLi. 084'0E, NORTIIIIIRST CORNER _ FOUltni A-ND WALN U T OTRZETB, salad bed captiii, i 674; 63e.' Paid up Orpital,Mo,ooo DULIOTOIS. Dr. D. Jayne, Thos. 8. Stewart, S. L. Benner, J. M. Slitter, J. 111. Whiten, ' J. H. Walker, Edw. 0. Knight, M. B. Wendell, 11. Lewis, Jr., S. K. Revile. DAVID JAVNII, M. 0., President. THOMAS 8 . STEWART, 'Plea Pres% Swan. 8. MOO3l. BaaretarY. 14.241-y INSURANOE COMPANY OF NORTH YY AMIRIOA. MARINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR. TATION INSURANCE. 01710 E No. 232 WALNUT STREET, South aide, east of Third street. The properties of this Company are well invested, and furnish an available ftu.d for the ampler Indemnity of all persons who desire to be proteoted by Insurance MARINE AUKS taken on Vessels, Freights, and Cargoes. INLAND VIANOPORTATIONRISKS on Alerchandlse per Railroads, Canals, and Steamboats. FIRE RUES on Merctuudiee, Furniture, And Build- Inge, in City end Cennty. INCORPORATED IN 1194. CAPITAL $E40,000, ALL PAID IN AND SECURELY INVESTED. TOTAL PROPERTIES $1001,87b26. WARITAIIAL 0/1611 . 1311. DIRECTORS. AIITHON G. HOP/ii, WILLIAM WELSH, 13tmuit W. Jones, WILLIAM E. Bowis, JOHN A. BROWN, . JAMES N. DIOICBOII, BAMOBL B. SMITH, B. MOSILIB WALK, OHARLICS TAYLoII, Jona Altsos, Animist' Wm', Gioia& L. Utilise*, Jolt* IL NKr' PHANOIB B. COPE, UIOILItD D. WOOD, BOWAND H. TROTTUL ARTEMIS. G. COFFIN, President. lII{NBY D. iffIDEMBRD, Oferetszy. Jalo-tI nELA.WARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN- A-. SURANOE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY TILE LEGISLATURE of PENN ' SYLVANIA, 1835. ORME, B. 11. Omer THIRD end WALNUT Street', PHILADELPHIA. MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, ) CARGO, To all parts of the World, FREIGHT, INLA D INSURANCES, On Goods, by River, Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage to all parts of the union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, .k.o. ASSETS OB THE COMPANY, November 2, 1857. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate. 0 101,859 94 Philadelphia City and other Loans.. 187,011 25 Stook in Banks, Railroads, and Ineuranae• Companies 12,608 CO Dille Receivable 220,291 95 Cash on hand 88,892 86 Balance in hands of Agents, Premiruns on Marine reticles recently Issued, on other debts due the Company 99,780 67 Snbseriptlon Notes 100,000 00 =II William Martin, James 0. Hand, Joseph H. Seal, Theophlius Paulding, Edmund A. Sadder, James Traqualr, • John 0. Davis, William Eyre, Jr., John R. Penrose, J. Y. Pentoton, George G. Le(per, Joshua P. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel E. Stokes, Dr. R. M. Huston, Henry Slum, Win. 0. Ludwig, , James B. McFarland, ' Hugh Craig, Thomas 0. Hand Jr. Spencer Ma DYAD', Robert Burton, , Charles Holly Jno. B. Semple, Plttsbgh., , ..1......nteate0. *sob P. Jones, J. T. Logan, tr WILLIAM MARTIN, President.' THOMAS 0. HAND, Tice President. HENRY LYI.BIIIIN. Secretary. Ail./ VIRE AND INLAND RISKS.—FAME A INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital 5100,020. . (Organised under the Aet or Assembly relative to In Mane° Companies, passed Apill 24,1866.) GEORGII W. DAY, Prealdent. THOMAS S. MARTIN, Viee.Presideat. WILLIAMS I. BLANCHARD, Secretary. • °Moe 41.10MOSTNUT St., Philadelphia. DIRROTORS. George W. Day, Jacob R Vaughan, W . Walters, Henry Lewin, Jr., Charles Riehardtion, D. B. Mrs Barclay 14ppiadott, John W, Avennsn, Jos. R. Brogan/4, .4. IL Ronenheim, (Am Atak an, te94.y M Stern. tattotterg IRLANK BOOKS AND ,STATIONERY. A-. DAVID M. 110 GAN, Blank Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, in pre- pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Booka of every description, suitable for Banks, Publie OlSces, Merchants, and others, of the best quality of English or American Paper, and bound to YO/10118 iitylen, in the most inbetafitial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING of every description Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. • - A general assortment of Inglisb, Tiench and Arnett.. OD Stationery. . Concerning Mr. Hogan's contribution to the Franklin goatitute, the Committee say—. This display or blank bongo for banking and mercantile use is the beet in the Exhibition. The selection of the material I. good, the workmanship most excellent, and their finish and ap. pearance neat and appropriatco no2o-tr Cl/w ilroMpanies. ADAMS EXPRESS 00.,' OFFIOE, J. 820 OHNETEUT STREET, , forwards PAROBLB, PACKAGES', MEEOLIANDIZE, BANK NOTES wid orizong, either ' y Ito own LINES, er in connection with other AI:PRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and 0/Tllli or the United 'Stated!. 11. S. SANDPOED, paean," worwrietendent: 113LASMA 'OR' .ARTIFICIAL BPEOIAL NOTIOg TO PfIYBIOIAIII3,—The above offers a vehicle for the exhibition of remedies to Ms-, eaaed surfaces, which combines the following rulvanta gee A gqod and unvarying con.istence, easily washed off with water, dissolves all substances that are solu ble in water, hence facilitating instead of obstructing their absorption, and does apt get rancid The butt property alone, renders it an invaluable aoquisit'on to the practitiOner. 'Prepared and for sale wholesale and retail at BIIIiBIPP Labdratory and Pharmacy,- mbd Twelfth and Obentnut etreate. CLARET WINE.—DE ,- 00IIRSEY, LA IJ POUROADE, & CO.,O36 , MARKET Street have an Importation of Lateureade's Pure Sordeaux ' Claret MOO; bi r btwAelal for lavondo. 00-414 ohFOR SAN FRANCISCO.-OLIPPER OF TRIIESDAT, 16th July Inst.—LowEar RATES, AND tto DETENTION. . Tho superior A 1 Clipper Shit,WANDERING JEW, STAORPOL, Commander, Is now her cargo, at Pierlo, E. IL, (New York,) and wilt positirely self as above. The ,Wandering dew was built for the California Trade, Is throughly ventilated, and of small capacity ; has just made the voyage to 04 days from Amoy to Havana, being the shortest passage ever made between those ports. • The superior sailing qualities of this ship, her small rapacity, low rates of freight, and early day of sailing, present unequalled inducements. For balance of freight apply to • BlisHOP, SIMONS, & CO., 120 NORTH WHARVES STEAM TO LIVERPOOL AND GLAS 00W, DIIDLIN,DEipAST, and. LONDONDERRY, vis LIVERPOOL. TIM LIVERPOOL aNn PHILADELPHIA STEAM 511W CO.'S Clyde-built Iron Steamships are Intended to sail as follows : . . OITY OP BALTIMORE . . .... July int CITY OF WASHINGTON « n 1 6th KANGAROO 29th And each altornata Thursday, from Pier 44 N. R. FROM LIVXRPOOL. CITY OF WASFIING'FON KANGAROO CITY OF 8ALT1M0RE........ " - Ahd each alternate Wednesday. Cabin Passage from New York and Philadelphia-6Z Third Class to any of the abovo.mentioned places , and found in beet cooked Provisions 30 Return Tickets goal for C months 60 (Jeri/Wooten of Ilaasage from Liverpool to New York or Philadelphia 40 . . . Passengers forwarded to Havre, Paris, Bremen, Ham burg, &c., without delay at through rates. The Company's Steamship BOSPHORUS will sail regularly between Antwerp and Liverpool, in connection with the departures fosstiew York, taking goods from Antwerp to Now York, 47 a through rate of freight. tlortilleates of Passage from Antwerp to New York $45. Drafts on Liverpool from £1 upwards. For freight or plumage, apply at the Company's Offices, 15 BROADWAY, New York, and 109 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. JOHN G. DALE, Agent. Or WILLIAM INMAN, je22 02 and ca Tower Building, Liverpool. LIVERPOOL AND PHILA DELPHIA STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Steam communication between New York and Ant werp, via. Liverpool. The splendid fast screw-steamship ROSPIIORUS, Captain McGuigan , (lately employed In the Royal Mall service,) will sail regularly between Antwerp and Liver pool every alternate THURSDAY, in connection with toe eon, any'. mtonmsnlti • or for the whole the Agent. In Antwerp, and 'AIN of Wing signed there at a through rate of freight. The first sailing from Antwerp will bo on the rieh of Juno, in conjunction with the CITY OF WASHING TON from Liverpool, on Juno 23. For further particulars nod tonne of freight and pas sage, apply to J. P. Kremer & ,Co., Antwerp; William Inman, Lower buildingo, Liverpool, and at tho Com pany's Offices, 16 liroadirkr, Now York, and HO Walnut street, Philadelphia. je2l-/rn , 4 416, REGULAR LINE FOR PROVI N O l4 - --ADENCE.—Schooner WORCESTER, RHODES Monter, nay( loading at Callowhill-street Wharf. For freight, apply to Captain on board, or to JNO. M. KENNEDY & CO., jo2l 130 and 132 NORTH WHARVES. as FOR CHARLESTON AND SA VANNAII -HERON'S LINE. GOODS REORIVED AND BILLS OP LADING SIGNED EVERY DAY. The splendid drst•elase side-wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE Or GEORGIA, Now form a weekly line for the South and Sonthweet, one of theee oldies sailing every SATURDAY at 10 o'clock A. M., alternately for Oberleeton and Sa r vannah. FOR ONARLESTON. The KEYSTONE STATE, Captain Charles P. Marsh man, will commence loading on Thursday, July Bth and sail (or Charleston, 8. 0., on Saturday, July 10th at 10 cOolook A 2d. FOR SAVANNAH. The STATE OF GEORGIA Capt. John J. Garvin. will emptier's° loading on Thursday, July let, and sail for Savannah, Ga., on Saturday, Julyidd, at 10 otelopk A M. At both Oharleeton and Savannah, these ships oonneet with steamers for Florida and Ratans, and with rail routs, &0., for all nlaoesiathe South and Southwest. Heavy Freight at an average otl6 per tent. below New York steamship rates. • • • - - - INBI7RANOH. FREIGHT and INnIIR 4AG/3 on ti largo proportion of goods nhipped South will be found to be, lower by these ships than by galling 'meal Cabin passage , Moorage db Sunnite's Tiekete, good for the present year. 80 00 No Mlle of lading signed after the &hip hoe sailed. For freight or passage, apply to A. HERON, Jr., • No. 828 ((late 81) North Wharves. Agente at Charleston, T. 0. & T. G. BUDD. Agents in Savannah, O. A. GREINER & CO. For Florida, from Charleaton, steamer CAROLINA., every Tuesday. • For Florida, from Savannah, steamers ST. BfARYS and ST: JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. For Havens from Charleston, etoamer ISABEL. on the 4th and 10th of every month. jell STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, DDLFASMIDDLIN, nod LONDON without delay. forNENiolLwO. litetirtn tioketa, good for ail. monthe, to either of the above places by any aleamer of the line, 60 dollars for the round trip, out and back. 11011 Nair YOMI. New York, Ifoldlllan, Saturday, Julylo at 12 o'clock, 151 Edinburgh, Cumming, " July 24, fl (Itangow, Ooodwin, ~ August 7, ii PROM 131.1.1100 , 1. Edinburgh. Cramming Saturday, Tana 26. Glaegoa, Gond , rin Saturday, Jitly 10. New York, !doMilieu Wednesday, August ll RATES Of P2O/I 0L1812091% INIMMANOD 0011PAtiY, What Olen 15 guinea" Steerage, round wig. cloaked pro►lelone 8 fl - First Olsas $75 00 Steerage; found with caolted provisions , .... 80 00 Tear of gees, bar fare; Infanta In. Steerage, free. Return tickets available within six months, by any steamer of this line. Finn Olean $l4O 00 Bteerago 660 00 An experienced Elotgeon et tached to each Steamer. For freighter passage apply to WORRIIAN U0., 4 128 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. ROBERT ORAIG, 17 Dread Weir New York. LULL ec LONEY, Bnehaaan , a Wharf, Baltimore myll rrHE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN 1 ROYAL MAIL EITEAAMIIPB. FROM NOW YORK TO LITSIOOOL. Chief Cabin Passage 1180 Second Cabin Passage 7 r FROM 8087021 TO LI TERTOO I ia. Chief Cabin Passage Second Cabin restage The ships from Boston call at Halifax. I PERSIA, Capt. Judkhzi. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, oapt.Wickman ASIA, Capt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA, Oapt.Ryrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUIWPA , Capt. J. Leitch. These teasels carry a clear White light at mast-head; green on etarboard bow; red en port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leaves N York,Wedneeday, June oth AMERICA, bloodle, " Boston, Wednesday, Juno 16. ,ASIA, Lott, II N York, Wednesday June 23d CANADA, Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, June 80 PERSIA, Judkins, " N York. Wednesday July 1 NIAGARA, Wickman, " Boston, Wednesday, July 14. AFRICA, Shannon, " N York, Wednesday, July 21 Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Surge on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Spade Jewelry, Prl3oioll2l Stones or Metals unlessoill 4 of lading are signed therefor and the raluet bereft: LL. stn ex nexes& for freightoe ~,,, : e apply to my 10-y N CUNARD, .1 Bowling Croon, N. York. A LEXANDRE SEIGNETTE BRANDY. t The subscribers have been appointed sole agents in the Stnte of Pen»sylvania for the above well-known ROCHELLE BRANDY, which they are prepared to offer to the trade at the lowest market price, from Uni ted /hotel bonded warehouse ' entitled to debenture. A constant supply on hand, in half, quarter, and one eighth pipes, dark and pale. ARNOLD & WORL, Jolt-tf 120 WALNUT Street. TIMES ROBIN & CO. COGNAC.—Tho V subscribers. solo agents In the State of Pennsylva nia for the above celebrated brand of COGNAC BRAN DY, beg to call the attention of the trade to its superior quality, and feel confident It will compare favorably with the most favorite brands In the market ARNOLD k WORL, 120 WALNUT Street. A constant supply of the above in the United States bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture, of various vintages, in half, quarter, and eighth pipes jelB-tf I . A hi BRE Y GRAPE-LEAF CH AM PAONE. 702,786 87 dr:U.N.-30 pipes Dutch Company Gin, in bowl an for sale by . . HEIDSICK Sc 00. Cuanir'ii uri constant supply of the genuine brand in bond and In store, for sale by tbM. YIIATON, 103 MO South FRONT Street. CLARET -125 CASES MARGAUX, 150 Omen ST. JUJAEN, /n quarts and pints. In store - - - - - - MERINO, an 22 140 South Oftlitwr-esti-emt. BRA.NDIES.--cc Pinet Castillon " Marett, JEEP and other Cognacs of variona vint ages, in halt pipes and quarter ort...ks Pellevolsin Rochelle Brandies, Ale and dark, in half pipes, half casks, and one.eighth Imported and for sale by UMW BOFLUIN & 00., 0522 221 and 223 South Fourth street. 0 LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER 1 11....4 IN PINS WINES, LIQIIOB.B, OIGAILS, &0., 26 Sloth HUTH Street, Philadelphia. anl-ly QHERRY WINE.-15 QUARTER PIPES variOna gradoa Harmony Sherry, In b pd. and for sale by WILLIAM H. YEATON. ap2o dla Flnnth MINT Pt. APORDIALS.—ANISETTE, OURAOOA, iv and MARAI3OIIINO, In gore and ( or Bale by •n 9 2 A. IKVAT Mel. 14n P 'WIND At. A LLSOP'e YALE ALE IN lIIIDS.—A 131- constant supply on bond In Oustom House stores, for sole by WILLIAM 11. YEATON, 8010 Agent for Pennsylvania, No. 216 Onuth FRONT Street. RANDY.--7 octavo's Ronanlt & Co. Cog nao, very old vintage, In bond and for sale by WILLIAM 11. V.NATOh, 188 918 Booth FRONT fit 'DIME LEHIGH AND BROAD-TOP 1 COAL:4101E8 11. MONTGOMERY informs hin friends and the public that he ban effected an amango mina with the Ruck Mountain Coal Company for the NO of their justly-colebrated LEUIUR COAL. lie han atarranged with the proprietor of the liroad-Top for,the sale of bin valuable SEMI-RITUMINOUS COA. in now prepared to receive orders and make prompt deliveries, at his Office, No. 402 WALNUT Btreot, second Amy, front room. Je3.2tu lOCERING, FOX, & CO., wholesale and retail dealers iu LEIIIOII and 8011UI'LKILL 00AL. Lehigh yard—THIRD street and GERMAN TOWN ROAD, Rehuyildll yard—RAGE and BROAD drools, Philadelphia, Reap constantly on hand Ooal from the most approved micas, under carer, and pre. pared expresaly for family use. fet-y OHUYLICILL AND LEHIGH GOAL.- 1. , " I AM daily receiving, at my yard, the beet quality°. 80110TLKILL AND LBRIGH 00AL. My customers, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may re On getting Coal that will be eatisfastory to them. NO Inferior Coal kept at this establishment to Offer at LOW PRIOIB. ALIMILDIRIM CONVIIRY, an 1-tf N N. ocre:ner of Broad and Ohara BtO DORT WINE.--30 Quarter Pipea IrY and for sale by WILLIAM' N. YEATON, Jo2d 210 South FRONT Street. WHITE FISH.-76 half bbls. of the cele brated Detroit Rifler White Fieh; jiiet received and for sale by 0.0. SADLER & (10., tiortli WATER lAsst.q Wedneßlay, June 234. July lth. " 21st JOUN G. DALE. Agent FREIGHTS REDIIGED 520 00 aOO /SOX IIIIR lox; ill uzc• an° litquors ARNOLD 41.: WORL, Solo Agento, 120 WALNUT Street WILLIAM 11. YEATON, No 216 Annth VRONT Shoat .NOTICE-SIIMMER ARRANGEMENT. liILADELPEIA, IVILMINGT4N, AND BALTI 110RE RAILROAD. . ' - • . , On and after Monday. May 10, 1868, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PMILADELPHIA yor Baltimore, at 8 A. M., 1 P. M., (Expreee,) and 3.1 P. M. , , Fotlniton, at 8 A. M., 1,4.30, and 11 P. i, For New Castle, at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M For - Middletown, at 8 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. For Dover, at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. For Bedford at 8 A. M., and 4.30 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Baltimore at 7.30, Exprens, 101 A 5 A. M., and 5.40 P. M. - Leave Wilmington at 845 niA 10.30 A. id., and 1.45 and 8.65 P. M.' Leave New Castle at 6 and 9.50 A. M., and at 8.15 P. M. Leave Middletown at 8.58 A. M., and 6.46, . . Leave Dover at 8 A. M., and 4 35 P.M. Leave Seaford at 8.26 A. M., ::11,1 2 p. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE. Leave Wilmington at 0.10 A. M., 2P. M., and 2.15 A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Bal. tunore Do do 6.40 P. he. frm Baltimore to Phila plata. Freight Train, with Passenger Liar attached, will run follows: Leave Philadelphia for Perryville ;and intermediate places at 6 P. 31. Leave Wilmington for do do do 745 P. Leave Myra de Grace for Baltimore do 630 A. M. Leave Baltimore for fierce do Greco do 610 P. 51 Leave Wilmington for Philadelphia do 540 P: El jell fag B. M. YELTON, President. • NORTH PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. 101 BETHLEHEM, ALLENTOWN. hi Ltf OH CHUNK, EASTON. DOYLESTOWN, &a. SUMMER ARRANGRITENT TARES EFFECT MONDAY. MAY litb, 1968. For Detblebem, Allentown, Mew% Munn, and Eas ton, &a , (Expremi,l in Connection with L. Valley Rail road. from WILLOW Street at 9 A. M. and 226 P. M. Passengers for Easton by 2.26 P. M. Train take Stage at Iron Hill Station. Vor Doylestown. (Acoommodatlon,) from Willow et etB.3OA.M sod 6.90 P.M For Fort Washington (Acoommodation) from Peoond and Chatham Streets at 7.25 and 10.25 A. At., and 4.10 and 6.45 P. M. TEAINB 70It PHILA.D.UPECIA . . Leave Bethlehem (Biaress,) at 9 A. M. sad 2.20 P. M., with nameugera from Lehigh Valley Rail road, and arrive at Willow Street at Ult. and 6.25 , y . an• 2150 P. Id., and ar rive at Willo Street at 816 A. 11. arid sp. 31. Leave Yort Washington at 8 and 9 A. M., and 2.45 and 5 60 P.M., and arrive at Second and Chatham Streets at 8 50 and 950 A. M_,„ and 8.86 and 8.213 P. M. Zi r a Leave Willow street for Doylestown et 8.80 A. M. Mad, 2 P. EL Leavo Doylestown for Phtladelphla at 6 A. M. and 6.16 P M. , All Passenger Trains MOVING NORTH,Infig SOUTH Will atop at Ohatham Street and sonnet with Oity Pas senger Railroad: . . .. Pare to Bethlehem 11 60 " Manch Ohm* * 2eo " Dayleetown . 80 myll-tt , zia,iif 'dela, agent pIiTEW YORK LINES.—THE CAMDEN 1 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPKIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD 00YPANYI LINES: FROM PIIILADELPILIA TO N* YORK, AND WAY PLACER.' Leave as follows, viz - Yam At 111( P. hi., from Kensingtcm Depot, via Jersey - City, Mall 12 26 At 8 A. hi., via Camden and Amboy, Aecommods- • lion 2 25 At 6 A. 11, via Camden and Jersey City, N. J. Arr- commodation • 2 26 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning Mail 800 AtitA. Id., by Steamboat Trenton, via Tawny . wall Taney OUT, Mtvalng Express 8 00 At 2 P. M., via Camden and p Amboy, 0. and A. Ex ress 800 At 6P. M. via Camden and Jersey City, Evening ' Man 3 0 At BP. M., via Camden Amboy, Acoommoda -Ist Ohms 2 00 At 8 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Anoommode tion, 2nd Class. ' 1 60 At 6 P. M. ' via Camden and Amboy, Aar:obit:kola. tion, let Class 2 00 At 6F. M. via Camden and Amboy, Aecorosacda. tion, 2nd Clan 1 76 The SP. M. line runs daily, a ll. others Sundays ex eepted . - Express Lines atop at the principal stations only. For Belvidere, Emden, Flemington, &0., at 6A. It and 4 P. M. from Wa.not street wharf.' For Water Gap, Strouclibtag, Scranton, Wilkesbur e, Montrose. Great Bend, !to. at 0 A. M., via Dela - Ware, Lsokaweana at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. Tor Mount llorly at 6A. M . and 8 and SP. M. WAY LINES For Bristol, Trentat, to., at 21 ( and 4P. WAY LINE ,• Per Palmyra, Isimocas, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town /to., at 8 P. M. Steamboat Riebard Stockton for Bordentown, and In termediate places, at 25 P. M. Steamboat Trenton for Tacony, it 11:1 and 11% A. M;, and for Burlington and Bristol at 4 p. All lineal exceptliN P. M , leave Walnut street wharf. 1117 . Nifty pounds of baggage only allowed each pas. longer. Passengers are prohibited from taking any thing as baggage bat their wearing apparel. All bag gage over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Coat pany limit their reeponalbility for baggage to one dollar per round, and will not be liable for any amount be yond 1000, except by /peels] contract. WM. H. GATZMEB, Agent 0. /c A. B. B. 00. - DHILARELPIIIit AND. I LMIKA NAIL A. ROAD LIMA.—QUICILEST.ROUTII to B holm Wilkesbvre i Buffalo, Chicago, Rook Islaxv4, Niagara Palls, Mriwaukto, Burllngton - Montreal, B. Pate Detroit, Dunlieth, and St. Louis. Passenger trains will leave the Rkilladelphin and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and FINB Streets, daily, (Sundays except,d,) as follows: 7.t0 A.M. DAY Expruti3s, For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukoe, Bock Island, Galena, St. PAULI, Burlington, and St, Louis. 8.80 P. M. NIGHT DX.PRDIS, Dor Bimira - , - Niagara Buc.lo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena, St. Paula, Darlington, and St. Louis. Orr" Tieketa good till used. The 7.80 A. hi train connects at R4alling with the train tor Harrisburg and all stations 00 the LEBANON VALLEY BAIMWAD; AID At Rupert, for Wilkeabarre, Pittston, Beranton, and al "tattoos on The LACKAW ANNA AND BLOOMER:IR r RAILROAD. Baggage checked to Blmirs, Buffalo, and Beeper'sfon Bridge. ==! Wilkesbarre 84 60 Pittston 60 Scranton 76 Wilkesbarre 60 Williamsport 90 Elmira 00 Canandaigua 00 Geneva, vla Gorham 00 Rochester 60 Niagara Palls 00 Buffalo 1 00 Erie 1 60 Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erlo 1 00 " vii Niagara Falls - 1 00 Toledo, via New York and Erie 1 25 Columbus 1 50 Cincinnati. New York and Erie - 1 00 ',. . Niagara Falls 1 00 Indianapolis. via New York and Erie 21 00 Detroit, via Niagara Falls 16 00 Chicago, via Great Western Railway 23 00 It Lake Shore Railroad 'A 00 ' Rock Island, via Niagara Falls 27 00 " Lake Shore Railroad 27 00 Burlington 28 00 lowa City 29 26 St. Louis, via Chicago 29 00 ‘‘ Indisnapolla ' 29 00 Danlieth 27 60 St. PaulaBs 10 • ED- Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and, Elmira Railroad Llne , a Ticket Office, Northwest corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Par Banger Depot, BROAD and VINE. THROUGH' EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN Learn the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, dally, (Sundays excepted,) for all points West and North, at 6 Preiglate most be delivered before 8 P.M. to insure their going the same day. /13' Freights are forwarded with greater despatch and Lower Pates than by any line from this city to the West and Northwest. Per farther information apply to ALLEN Through Fiefght Depot, Broad, below Vine, Or to CHAS. B. TAPPEN, General Agent N. W. nor. Sixth arid Chestnut eta.,Philada. G. A. NIOOLLB, Geni. Supt. Phitada. and Reeding Railroad. H. A:FONDA, Gent. Supt. Oatearlaaa, W. to E. Railroad. 3. A. REDFIELD, deSl.l7 Gerd. Supt. irinaport and Elmira Railroad. PIIILADEL PIGA AND READING RAIL ROAD—FAST FRBIGUT LlNE.—Freight trains leave the Depot, BROAD Street, Mow VINE, daily, for Buffalo, Buspenaion Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, Mihraiikle, Galena, Dubuque, Bt. Louie, and Interme diate pointe. This le the shortest route to Canada and the Lake Ports, and goods will be forwarded with greater despatch to the above points than by any other route. wean/ or PAIO6II PIA 100 Las Vls Dailroal let ohm. 2d chum. iht elate, 4th elan fitutpension Bridge 90 70 00 40 Auffalo 00 • 70 80 40 Duokirk 03 75 85 46 Detroit 6120 93 78 82 Chicago . 160 1 16 1 00 80 Pieight going through by rail 11l the way meat be ulna, nail. n No tranehipment between Philadelphia ana alnura. Mark good+ vi► Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and send to the Depot, Broad etrert, below Vine, daily, before 6 P. M. Por further information in regard to tbla route, call at the through freight °Moe of Om Philadelphia Nia gara, and Great Western Line, N. W. earner SIXTH and CHESTNUT. deSe.y PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At 'anti° Cities with Western, North-weitorn, and South western States, by a continuous Railway direct. This Road also comments at Pittobargh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamers to all porta or the North-western Lakes; making the most DIRECT, CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUT.ii by which Freight can be forwarded to and from the GREAT 1911,9 T. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS BURGH., finer °Lisa—Boots, Sham, Rate, and Cape, Books, Dry Goode, (in beam bales and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Furs, Ito Me. per 100 lb. 810051, OLASs--Domestic Shooting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original balm), Drugs (In casks), Hardware, Loather, Liquor, (in Cache,) Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, 40:ito aoa. per 1001 M Minn Otabo—Antile, Hemp, Hawn and Pork, Halted, (loom or in Make), Paints, (dry and MI.) Oils, (except lard and r 0 5 14)...... Cs, per 100 lbs Youarn Finit„ Beef, and Pork, (in casks or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Na.. 10, I3odaAah, German Clay. Tar, Pitch,- Rosin, Elteeb Manntsotured Tu baoco, Roam :r WI, Queensare, Ic Sugar, (hhds., bble., and boxem,) 40., e 400. per 100 lb - PLoOS-750. per bbl., until further notice. GRAIN--36c, per 100 lbs., until further notice. Oorrox-42 per bale, not imeeeding 100 lbs, weight, until further notice. In shipping Goods from any point East of Philadel• phis, be particular to sciaz packages $g via Psansy/banis Railroad." All Goods ooneigned to the Agenta of this Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded wittiont detention. linalonr Aoavire.—Clarke k Co., Meng° ; Co., Memphis , Tenn.; H. P. Sees Co b ., St. Lords. mo. ; p, G. Guwey k Co., Evansville, Indiana • Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky.; B. 0. m e td rm Madison, Indiana; H. W. Brown 00., and Ather Thbbard, Cincinnati; H. 8. Platte ',Ph 00., Zanesville, Ohio; Leeohlt 00. ,'No. 64 Itilbystreet, Boatan • Least k Co. , No. 2 Astor House, New ark No.l William at. New York LH. ihneedeti - Philadelphia; Magraw Neon, Baltimore; D. A ablwart i Pittsburgh. H. N. lIOI3I3I'PN, 'General /freight Agent. , LOSIBABBT, General Biperintendent, Altoona. Pa. 200 quintals oo4tlsh, 100 do. Pollock. 24 bble. thekorel. 1,110 do. White Nish, for sale ty C. O.BADEMR & 00., PIM a /i t Ptiloll PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN AND NORRISTOWN RAILIIOAD.--SUBMEII -ABRANOICIMENT.—On and attar MONDAY, May lettz, 1868. - 808 GERMANTOWN. ' - Leave Philadelphia at 6N, 7,8, 0-06 min. ,?0, , /4.. 1,2, 8,4, 6, 8,1, 8, 9,10, and 11X P. M. Leave Germantown at 6,7, 7N, 8, U. 9N .10N , 11 k , A.M. /-10 min., 3, 3 N, 4,N, 6%, 8, 9-10 min , I 10 P. M., The 7N o'clock A. M. Train from G bunt-Lay:, wirstop only at Waren aid Tioga Streets Etstlena. , Lew* Philadelphia at 9.20 OWBUNDA =IA Y . S A. M., 2, ISH, and n Leave Germantown 8X A. M., 1-10 min., 4X, and 1 P. M. ORB9TNIIT HILT, RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at OM, 8, 9.00 rain ,U 3 A. M., 2, 4, 8, B, Lam Obeatnut Rill at 8 40 and 7.85, 9.10, and 10.10 A. M ,14.60, 8.10; 4.10, 6.10, 7.40, and 9.20 min. P.M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia, 0.20 A. M. 2, 6 g, sada P. M. Lean Chestnut Hill at e 10 rain A. Jet., 12.60 4.10 0.40 P. sl FOE CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRIS TOWN. Lem" Philadelphia at 6 9, 11 A.. M.,1.05 min., 8.10 min.:4N , 0X , 114 P. M. - Leave Norristown at 8, I, 9, 11&. 11., I,BX , and em . ON ERINDAYB, Leave PhlLtdelphia at 9 A. M., wad 8 P. - 91 Leave Norristown at 7 A. M., and 6 P. hi.. FOR ILILNAYUNK. _ Leave Philadelphia at 91(, , 9,11 A. U. 1.05 2. 0 5 min,; 3.10 min , 4X. 6A, ,8, 11x P. M. Leave Manarank at 6X , 7*, 83i, 9,4‘,11% A. M., 1E 4. 6%, 7, and 9P. M. - • Sundays same as Norristown. 0 ' TER VALLEY RAILROAD telt •DOWNINfI , TOWN. Leave Philadelphia 'at fli( A. M., and 3.10 min. P. M Leave Downingtown at 73( and 1 P. H. H. H. SMITH, General Superintendent. Depot, Ninth an %rec.. strectG Philadelphia. 1858 PENNSYLVANI A - 1Q,4,4, CIENTE AL EA ILLOAD littLYV PROM PHILADELL`HPIL TO PITTSBURGH, - And thence by WHEELING, . BT. LOUIS • STEUBENVILLE, 1.1. VELIND, CINCINNATI CHICAGO, LOUDITILL'E L _ EI7ELINGTON t INDIANAPOLIS, BT. TAMS, And allintertaatete points in OHIO, INDIANA, ruzziore, KENTUCKY, MI - (DU GAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, MISSOURI, ANSAELAND NEBBABNA. ere-to — points:west of Pittsburgh, Wheeling, Olevelan. and Onetime, have ekolee a mites and are tequeeted to make_ a selection before applying }or tick ets. THREE THROUGH IMAMS LDAND istwatrae PIRA DAILY, Forming olooa mat eatione 'at Pittsburgh to all goblin West. . • On and after MONDAY, May 10th - , DOSS, Three through, and Two accommodation trains, will leave the depot, S. E. corner of =WERTH and MARKET streets; an follow.: TRAINS /OR PITTSBURGH AND Ttla WBST LSAT'S. Mail +rain SO A. M. fest. line 108 noop. Express mai1..11.00 night. WAY TRAINS I.IATH. Harrisburg an ' commodation 3 00 P. M. Lancaster ,1 .4 SOP. M. The mall train stops eta dolphin and Pittsburgh. The Express 'ruins dally", r the other trains Sunday excepted. - - The eve leave the Pennsylvania Railroad Pawning:vs Station, southeast eorner of ELEVENTH end ‘t• wt•T streets, entrap i l on Eleventh street, where through tickets to all to West can be obtained. Baggage Wi r beVeceived at the Depot at any time dn. ! l Aiorthltil ;a: ,t ro ehar ig lo , r i lum pply dl ir baggag e. Depotthe of he Pennsylvania Railroad Company, n southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets, between the hours off A. M. and ll P. „ • THOSLWMUORE, my 10 - Agent Foxiest Ballroad 00. TRAINS PROM PITIBBI7IIOB AII6 . 7IIIRBEIT Mail train at../1.45 night. Fast lln9 bIOA.M. Exprela man.. 1.10 noon. WAY TRAINS I HILniStmIASG. P. M. Lancaster " .9.50 A. id. the stations between Phila. faebitinal ANALYSIS. 01' LYON'S CATAWBA BRANDY by - A. A. ILLYEII, M. IL, AGBA 7 / 1 1 TO vans &Amor Masslarnroorrern. .--K GuIaAL 9ILARACITIR • lightll4loirliat -•1•110118. eored spirit, hiving a fragrant odor; wheat trrohotated from clean linen it left no off or alfsnaive matter. Analysed for volatile and flied drugs, of lohica no traces of any kinedwers found. - Its color !storeyed to be 'doe to a colored resin an egbaot derived from wood. Ug•lii , every reapiiot it is a pore splritons liquor. The fragramee or bongtot whieh it pommies can be fated, and it then appears uolfke that front 0 Bandy or W,lne, befog fruity essence resoltlng%F 3 is a peculiar ,Yettoentation of Ostawba and Isabella Grapes. 01121110 AL OnAttiOTll.--1, putt in Tatume of Shia spirit contains at CO deg P. 461 2-10 parts of pure af t oohed, besides the fragrant oil. 1,000• parts of the ehfrit afford 28 parts of a strong solution of. the oil which' characterizes th!s Bray_iy; the spirit left, aft-r: ;moving the oil, is pure and ^odorless, and in all i on qualities a perfect spirit not Wow, to change Om, U.S. galloo of this Brandy at to dog... ceet,Los, aides the 'spirit and oil only 220 4r.s. of matter com posed of extract of fru it, gam, and colored reolo from wood. Beeson, January 26, 1868. Dr. 00XE, State Inspector of Ohio, and I , r 1 3-1. R. °HILTON, Chemist, of blew yuxk, this to be pure Brandy, and free from all Wu irerclim • For Medicinal purposes Lyon's Catawba Ter,ll,l: - hvr no rival, &Olen long been needed to Mr:erred; thq poisonous compounds eold under the 191119 or. Berizeir. de a bereiage, the pure article is altogether superior, and a sovereign, sure remedy for DYspepsia Low didrita, Unguor, General Debility, &it.. Also, ESIIELIIT'S STILL AND SPARK[INC] ORAMPAGNE.—TheIa Wines are made in tho borbood of Cincinnati, and are guarantied to 100 the, Pare Juice of the Grape, and are eminently ceder:rated , for invalids and persona who require a gentle stnr.u. lent, and forliscramental purposes. Retail price $1.25 per bottle. A liberal discount 'made to the trade. Dealers will please Land their - orders to the "Bole Agenda" for the State of Penn sylvania, A. F. HAZARD & 00., Wholesale Druggists, No. 608 MARKET Street. Also for salt by the following apothecaries : .A.mIIIIOSE SMITH, Seventh and Chesnut eta W. streets. D. L. BrAORMODBE, Eighth and Green atm. R. NEBINGER, Second and Mary 40., BOntimark.. G. W. N.EBINGER, Passynnk Road and. Washington treat. GEO. B. MODEM:IACR, Third and Green MA, A. B ROUTER., Broad and Coates stn. • fail OBE. :I/SACK'S IRON BITTERS. This Medicine, as its name implies, is one of the greatest strengthening preparations satinet. it is es pealally edspted to those who hare a loss of appetite or afflicted with-Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints. Piles, Nervous Debility General Weakness, and all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the, digestive Organs. FOR FEMALE EGMPLAINTE4 GENERALLY there is perhaps no medicine in the world °opal to It, u it uteri. puritie ,s and replenishes the blood; which is Bo important to brine about a healthy adieu, TIIOI3BANDS ARE LINING a miserable ilaistso ce, of"s pale sickly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the use of one bottle of this invaluable medicine It is no humbug, bat a genuine rra.cey, being free from any. thing tbat Ic of an injuri,c, nature. • • . FOR ALL DISE I.SEt OE THE BLOOY. there is no better antidote that. /Powerack's tars When the blood Is kilt Q. , tit/ abide full Of disease Blood lettiog anew n• for a 'hot cleansing a part will rot purity the whole. At tie fountain we most begin, and to cleanse the blood there le no better remedy than these invaluable Bitters. Their chief constituent is iron, and we all know its stades It removing the impure matter from the whole vlsoeral system They are prepared by a pros tical chemist, and have been pronotuned, by eminent physician and others. ea the ne pine Whs. of all tonics. HAW GRATIFYING to the proprietor that be hes succeeded in compound ing .1, remedy for many of the ills that bit feller_ mortals are subject to; and than the public, appre ciate it is not a question of doubt, bet a fixed fact, as the demand for it has fat aarreieurA his sanguine expectation, lirciLD THE TRITIMONY Olt A WORTHY OITIZ.NN. This Is to certify my Wife was ID delicate health soma .ree yam, with a dimities peculiar to bar sex. She tried numerous remedies without deriving• any benefit. nearing of Bobensack's Iron Bitters, and knowing iron to be a powerful tonic, induced me to obtain a bottle , which proved to be the medicine she solely le qred, by restoring her to health. Bbe hesitates not to recommend It to those who are similarly alleeted y as she believes it to be a sovereign remedy. .101.1 N COLE. No 831 Capitol Street. This Invaluable Medicine is prepared only by GROWN B. HOHNNBAOK, Pharmaceutical Chemist, N. W. eorper of TRIAD and ORDEN Streeter) Philadelphia, To 'whom all orders must be addressed. Piga° El. Discount to dealers. Bold by Druggists generally. nl2O -r -WHY SIIVFER - TiVITII DYSPEPSIA. ? ZIMMER ft SMIT/111 PURE, AIBBIOINAL COGNAC BRANDY has cured Dyspepsia, Low Spirits, General Debility, &a., &o. Price 1 .25 par bot tle or $10.50 per dozen. Warranted pure. Try it. )'hereby certify that I bad-been afflicted with dys pepsia for the last ten years, during which time I have tried all the pop ular medicines, but of no avail. Raying & bad Zeigler'smith's Pure, Medicinal Cognize Brandy recommended by many persons, induced me to try it. One bottle has almost cared me ofdyspepsia and costive habits, of ten years' standing. I can may, with a thank ful heart, that I have never found its equal during my painful and distressing complaint. I Sincerely recom mend it 40 dyspeptic, nervous And debilitated sufferers. tpill 0. ELLYSIOTH Jan. 15th, 1853. 1282 Olive street. Also, ZIEGLER gr. SMITH'S Pure Medicinal WINES, warranted pure, and no counterfeit mixtures, which are daily palmed upon the public as genuine wines. These Wleas are erpeetelly adapted to dyepeptice and eorutump• tires andin ail cases of general del/Gary, leas of lipped lite, &a. Old Madeira Wine, pries par bottle Si 00 Old Pert Wino, do. do. .. .. 100 Old Sherry Wme, de. • do. 1 00. Address your orders to Bole Agents, ZEIGLER & holesale D B. W. corner BECONE e n d GREEN Sta • Ph! uaists, a. Also, for sale by BLEY, brugglet, fel.y Frn , kfurd reed, opposite Rano rzr fumlxt LUMBER YARD. HOUTZ k 00.. (Successors to Montgomery h ri^all,l s. w. corner of TWELFTH, and PRIALB 01,1 Moyamensing District, are now receiving a large and well-eels- tad of all descriptions of LUMBER, such as NM, Yellow Pine, Norway, Hemlock, Lath, Pate,. e...Asti, Ponce Board,, Mooring, Shelving, and overt- 11 1:1t, well-seasoned Lumber. Also, a large sioca e" Stuff, of every variety and description, tenet,. ay on band and sawed to order at the shortest Doti,: Oar connection with Messrs. Mehaltev, Hoot , and Daffy, Houtz, @ 00., at Marietta,.f.a., ti t; • surpassed facilities, sod enables into auppli ;et coe all descriptions or Lumber with Rromptassis despatch. pyttp,-OREEirs LUMRETt, twit and spoliate., mute cla for PATTERS-MAKERS, kn , constantly on band: Prompt paying purchaaeri are respeetthily Invited to examine our Stock before going elsewhere. ap2l-tf lIMBER AT WHOLESALE AZT]) L 4 tail at Marietta, Lancaster county, re. BiERAFPNY, Hoirrz, & co , take this method o 0 lamming their customers and persons desirona of pur— chasing LUMBER, that they have now on hand a larger and well seasoned stock of all descriptions of Lumber, which they are prepared to sell at latisfactory prices:l Their timber is all from their own MILLS on MICH OREM, They are also connected with Messrs DUFFY, HOUTZ, & 00., and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Planed Boards, Bill Stuff, Lath ,Pales, Pickets, ands Building Timber for Bridges, &0., of all descriptions, on the ahortest notice. They would also take great pleasure in calling the attention of Builders, and those in want of Lumber lo the city of Philadelphia, to the. Lumber Yard of HOUTZ & Co., corner of TWXLFTIX and PRIBLS Streets, with whom they are also con. neoted. xO2l-tt OILS, CANDLES, SOAP,_STA.ROII,II4en 1,200 gallons Winter Sperm 011. 060 gallons No. 1 Winter Lard Oil. . . 5,000g-idlom; Bleached Winter Whale 011. 8,000 gallons Light Backed Whale 011. bares Chemical Olive Soap. 4 5 do Oloino Soap. do Brown P 3p. ' 7,0 p do New 11....1'.0= 4 4er50 Candles. In spare end folsele to s. P O vBROY ALLEN, 11 A. e.; 8 - Aron, N 0.14 E‘lntbi eLAWARR A nor A LE. --rl6 Casks lifuir's,, i'ounger'i, and Allaopp'a Sparkling Alo, in pint., landing azi lOC sale by WILIJAhI 11. TRITON, WIO §9114 ORNT ADO WAY TItAINS AA lIVL