y VAT 'll ~wito,ikinnin is.. • • rupolie4Prllle Prow] ; '•4;141 iraklr Maii4 --jitakb Theintosen:--4disiel,fieory had a bearteumsesteriaxmoraing before Sedge Thompson, en hahiaj iorpwr,.oharged:withinter: faring with an o[6oer of the Board of Health la the easoution of hie 'pada' &aim— -The ;linger, et tot ided by hie, eouniel, Mt.-Paul; wet - In clotirt; 111.• Altamon Phillips. the, eolieltot,of ' . .thibe`ard, in tie somo'praliinteaq oblietiOn tp the'ease•pro— nling, atithire'did-pot- aptitiar warrant of arrastista o ; After sointtgajivarastion . be tween &nisei; this Obja‘ition waa'watved, and the o ? p,poiladakwith: - Arthur Hughes , the health officer, was Sworn,' and testifted , that-mi: the "OtteilfJnne he had re -es vedinstinotibria , From the; boarid to Close the First district station -fionse,"- s it. having been de -ot tied' a - nnisaneet‘ thatlie went dowtito the eta -ti in'hhOse, andsiviLientenantHarailton, towhees he communicated - , the, ordere of the board; that anbarquentlylie Wei wailed , upon -by Hamilton,' :-..anditir. Ruggles, thief of pollee; Who'asked him if the order could notbe suspended for some days, It ifeuldpot them ta greet ineenventenile tontine ; , that by seine means MO. order was resioinded, arid on 014,29 th of June a' fresh ,order wasipaseed by k the - bciald: by which he Was direeted to close the station house in fortyleight hours ; that he comma floated that order to the Mayor, whcilriformed him that he would reale, 'the'olesise Of -the' Minding, . and upon sending dOwn some mett,there, that af , *anima, theY:wero;nrrested, taken:before an al - dermas, and lield,la haft; thatlie 'went there a second time, and 'ithilid' the plaoti" full .of police; and was informed-by the:lieutenant- in - oharge _ that he-would rosist..eyery attempt toJeloserthe building, and that ho was actinge by orders of Mit -Mayor. , , --'.- • ,- - - , 7: - '• ' - - . - -",- ' ' , Upon eieer-elcanilnittion,, the *Wiese admitted La did not • e,-liatelho" banding- to examine its chlidition ;- ' truf ho knew the basement to hare been la - tt filthy condition and unfit -te-pc ;used ',..is a place 'of custody., JamtisSmith, an ex-police iifileer,testiffed that the cells were, in a filthy condition,-and, full of vermin, but he believed that the rafts Wee now closed. ..,.., , , , - , , ~,--, - . • Mr. Jiinies H. Taut, for the diferident,, : denied the right of thelloard of Health to close the sta tion house, and asked to be shown the law on the =' ;.: Fitillincreplied,-,bi readimg - several -pas4 sage(' PrOM - ,fhiaistridaftnir-the board.. wh' • be.oontonded.-give them -thisnpow9% ., lfAolt , e, A. - balding , a nulaaneinud elostAte 2 --.• ":, .! '.,-, ' • Judge Thempintic'thelfiptikaieigilie delliiii - the 1 oploion of the ,00nti,:and.,,reviewed,thei .poifers given idthe - Boardmillealth.very fully. He was ,of .pinion that the,board.hadno right-in this ease, 'after the - 'were closed and the nuisanea Abated. to OM' up -the bulldingi - end 'Ahab the ,Mayer,, in riolating , the Meer of: the' taitird:in attempting:A° 'die whit lie had litilegal, right to'do,, ! had been gunk, of am breach of the law whioh gave these powers terthe beard. He would :therefore: order the.diseharginfehlavor 'Henry. .- • - ' - Qoanratt Bssarottaudge..Allison.—Ths kirk patria• .Poiseniug, 'Cam—Yesterday morning, having,lieen fixed for the trial-of this - ease, the court room Wee, crowded with the 'Ritlies6l,s and, friendiof. the`Parties. ,Thilie,are no leas than five counsel engaged for the defendants, nod the .ogee; seems to exolre !taloa - deaf.cif,ii3terest, end is .a singular one considering the standing.nf the par tlea:-proseentor and defendants.- Messrs. ',Brent ster,HezieliaraULL.-Hirsti and Hagert; fur the-de= -fondants, respeotively inade'applioatioritifora-tiest ponement, in imnsequenee Of the - akenetinf a n.lt.• terial witness, "which' Was :stiiiialY- opposed by', Meseta. 'Kelley' and2Ctiffee for_ the proseoution. Judge Alliscin Axed llie, ease. positively for ten o'clock this morning, ; and the. probabilities -are that it will peen py two or three days on "trial.' - FINANCIiVAN*V6IMEROIIi:. THE MONEY. MARKET. PAinaDatffitre";Jii 0858 Steaks were a,- ltttlo ,more flan tti:Taithan at the olote , ef,the Meek , Bileiweremotil!ygo• ItCjbe market the IN raer:ent'ettipall IN eteaaiip _ 9a "find dull. . . • Thellieinanyance.Compani'of the County:Of Philadelphia, has deelared_al•diVidenli three and a halirpor coot . : payable : on and after duty 16th. • The Planters' Bank of Tennessee has de:dated a dividerisl criers - Per cent..out of the profits -of the fast twelve months, whioh Is payable, to Basterh steelthold'ers' ou demand at: the - Western-Kink, - '.••• , 7.;• . The Mechanics' Banlr tottiti;'. Sae been In op%riatioif tinily u year s but which was -the only bank there that did not snsperal,:makittneW the handsome dividend of text 'per lient..bn all stook raytatnte made prior to : lhe first of . elprAt i 18vd, haying firet Fat aside, as required by charter, t•Ao per cent. for -,the oontingent-fund; , 2004 4 log still loft a r:”.terve raid 0,f460:42, The Bank - of the ;•:,titte Of' declared a dividend of 5 perAent. out of -the profits of:the; past six !Female, after placing' 2 per, cent: tosthe credit of the striking rand. There is also declared by this batik a Vidded .0 , 15. per nentio hollers of the oldateck;pri;aceount of the surplus of profits under theeld.charter:-. • = The Bank of fit,: loafs 'bat &mitered a alitAiind of 5 psi c'ent.:_ oneot: gip" profits:of the last Rix months, on-alkstock paid prior to thelOtli and at the rateef I~l ' per omit : - neon alt;pgid stuns; after rosorittno ferrient..for special contingent fund, and 1-per tteptiTet ,the paid-up capital to the credit of thig4rtMeathierttlitud.%-, The Iderchantal,7Banits Intqatilare4 divfdets of-8 per= sent briAbilidg4ip ZwiPitit of--he , profits of the orriPsix•onathellogetneSs, artist pay ixiilkg;tlStelSAVP,,_!..thol.4lo„:ol,i'4.l4l44k 2 per a t it: fainCaarequired by , the chartar L and...bal*lailiarairOftod of "444%. Theta area:o4 j4iinyTriglitriatiiiitliaitetlie PS-Yinsiyaf:lttfabser•iiii s Pammylvaallt4.lo l ol 4 l 4o6 .inlisfi'i.tilit that balffiiiiVtiVt 'en the tgis ' p'ar en Ipndli lap in44. ll O44 4l 9 l .ittibitr,"ehithg', g iVo 3i . C ft ri/ P.0 1 ,Y1-3' ,41i ate L tarn ' Tier cent: bondel:dna , the*Janaltift4ofAil*.W: durink tkfiftat.*** l 4 ll Z - * id; :ll l :tiliaiaings7iit theAtalfai'Ailigilf-itliargaVeesr, noiv entered mu wilt be desittidfif,ttiliiiitno - ntanner, to the pll)7ilintr,:qf tiii",l3.lte'reak that fell. due 'on-the , first of :July. The bondholders are' Very gene:: rally well 'satisfied _With tide: ariangemptpl.it, being at- once,: an evideno. of--Ahe(c • entire good- f aith of• te oompitty,,and,:s4 th e . earn, est - distract iti - offitters to fultikto'their 'greatest ability its eagsgotoenta. Tho reeelpts,of the-road during-the six-months ending,vidtbtigay, knotted of groat -, depression , weie 5t.14;84; aninerease of Sie,o49:ever -the-recelpti for the eerfesiptinding- - ri0d.443 proViotniyea:i.:_,The,,Oceerninga were. fo AM - Oaths s7o',l9s;.watiortiot far sliertnf thttlitele amount of, thg itoorutng liabilities of rood4i interest,:d44,illie . :reitiL is now-doing it • good; busineniiartd-th is itot'at all a sarigulno erliegen that thrinat oavpi>Ygs of the present halt year viii frefdezablypaore than mace for - these purosetand give prolatee of something fortdookl .httidati lathe notilletatit:fritate.„ ifeanwhile, an irieteirnentint•tbo" interest due will be paid 'oh the ihtitY.of t!1 , bolop; vim), 4 k - 41 - vr,,r...4ntr.5:, g , • IL: 2..E1514.1 0 4 , .- ei Fo. 1 - ; triCZ VW22..2 k-,115,„ ~tmc • ' 4. :ill' qpigEbt2looo - -1101§§i§I§§§§ms • ••••,... • -to •1••••ko-isoidti t . ..IA.VE-.'pr.140)..gt , 70 4 1 4 -4 4; w,ra g m 2 At t 7,l37. 0 4- 5 1: Ingarettnee§"g fauwiag***ll4,6ololam gtAVgPOW4PFIoR otttaarginuM . . . aviONilooo44;l4 2 1100400000 kg ~ ; el pUN=Slgt.owa E i ..hßt2glelta'§ gg 6- 1 aZkoo ". L'lgnpreg2M - AVS 7,I 14-plisszimtW,72:4s , geu§l-. Thestatetnent shone thefiiewAng chitties In the aggregates, when computed vlitnthat of -Cite-pre 'Vilma week. The - tne,rease'' liiie 'may 'hero arisen mere froni'ari eArtitifireand on tutoonnt of preparations tor: th;o0 -abming tile. end of the week; than from. riti,,vitily'inereased business _4 O ' • Sine2,B;- July 45; CepiteL ' Ettorkt.BQo'ol:Bl.o 486' . - ,1300- I, oen e- 24.010ir08 24 - ,311,024' Inc $241220. .Specie ..... f 6 6 0 4 6 6 K, 0,634,871, Dt0...20804 Due fret o therbke:nV7l4;llV . r 10.663 Dee—, .4,084 Due to otherinf. thlll.ol3f-,' umg o tti k ,,a26,6/1. Depotite .. ... ;.`46106.12e - ,540,10:ibb,170 . 707 .ci ren t a ti o . c, 2 489;252' '2,9 , 11.141 1n01.144,929 ---- Thellenbury,Ametinssnjusys thit the fives freight train over dui Northern. Central Road, eoneistink of one lattnassad . ea triensi, tiftleeil lit Shit pi ne .00 Witpeidetifiet., :liinit of those. oast 101140 .sent inick-icateltinvege loaded -lOW Cost .' PHiLARELPB24fiIIieg`t7CiVANCIE fie.i.ES, - sepones p ,:nr sunistreaultows.;tA c 0 t, 012210215:, 01'052) , L P Zi42422 1 2022000,..11411111522 dolman Vassar eitst Otteisittirettonte,:.; ~t • ., • • „ . ... 1 gr 100tiiieteg;ttz2t - Vattk ; ' ' eftelita k 11;.4'..-- .22g 2000 1 , 01:115 .7," eoBa Irtk- ,26 • °, 'do , ...e4.1t.22% 1000 Horeb . 0121%104. IST- , .10 't ". do '...cu1l .42%. 1000 5 1 .02500 ..88 16 om P t t, m u tts I, . efte . Idtoe - 22% t a00 N : 5ta4•244;.67k 207_ „ d0• - . , "ii„V. 21% ":,OQ' :44 4 0 0 1 ,-"do safe[ do .aaam ‘ soslK'ld.,'i."l' ' sgta boo B 64i20) • ~ 100. 0, " d e.', ~i/..22 g k k 1000 Pittab'eb 0s **OW 1/44-1...<1*-- ~.4 s 6elk 22K 1000 Elminat Is 'strut 00(t0 1, 40 4, 1?'' hit ir t ..Z 4 Penes It .... ....AIX '1(.0' . : A 'ffie'' -- Y: ' ''' 100 Reading it . ..gown.22X 100 '.` -" ,dgt" law.; 60 do ~,...416 e.:40 , .e:' ....440 , att . : Q.,, 100 do ;:.eags 100, - dest AMA - i 100 do ..t AI T I C t" - 44:14,eitetim it 08,1% 50 do,j, , b 0 ..- be do 98,4 ~,..041k .1 . - .: 60 Elit 4 r _ft.„.., r 0 , Jlo_-.2114 6No , pl . A. ; 09 * fz-r49 -": 4 0 4 • 4 % tY l '• I PM - A OP "' --'.' 4o'fatg - i - jr if.!147.).11e ..'"' '" ''''''''''' '-'' ' iit'ilttircii6AßliS. -, . , . 1600 City R 111...11 - .'.:90"f l9O Reading R... 2 dya.227(, 6000.Readll 6a 10....69 60 " ' - do ' 22% /000 .111mink . k 71 1 99 - 60, -,-•'. . do -„. ,e6wn.22% . : , - , mort 65 . . ~ .r . , . -, • RACOND MAW:. '-' -" ' 8200 My ea , lots 96 - - 900'5911mingtonR 6a ' 3500 --do-now ltdym lOU ' • - ~• , - ' 10te.97 1 .100 '-, do :. .. n0w.100% 18130 • do ..; .965( '. 40 0 - 4 7 11 YR 61 . ' - 00 8000 Sohliav Oe 'B2 24 67X 100 do ....aun.96 50 L Setkot IR' - 27 100 •" . ' 4o ' . 95% 8 Ilerrlabtglt R.10te , 5 8 1600 COY Cad 61.011' 96 Reeding 11... :lan 221( 2 Jaya 97 1 100 ' 00 ,••••••k 6 . ' 22 X 1 1000 do ' new 96 - 1 ,14 Lehigh Strip •• ~ — 22 , ' 1000 Reading I'l 6e 's6' 1 5 Yount R' " ' o %* ' , --' • bsdn.7o do 41% 2000 R Penns R 68....67% 100 1 , 0 0 2 pi R 11% , , -ASTER. ,130ABD. - lOC° N '204 7= /t- Am RI • '2 98 it 1650 Wilmington It Os 96% 1 16 • Long Is 1t....;0t0.11% CLOSING PRIOES.--SrEADY Bid. Baked. Plala 8 . 118 96,1 g do 96 96x do Now..looXlol. esnosirls . 5s • 81% 88 Hooding 11 2:4% 227 s 4o , tslndinoft 76 do DAG+, do• mt6t'BB..oBX- 67 Penns 11 41)g 41IC do let:lnt sex do Um 88 In o$ &Igor Marls Osta C011..40 d° 101 3110 RX Bata 61 6.1 6 4,.. ..66 67 • -- Bid. Athed Belt Nav "Imp 6e..69 00 do, 5t00k.... 8 do . prof 14X 15 Wmep't & IlluiS.loX 10% do 'Pella mt .64X-85 do '2d rat • 48 60 Long leland 113 i 11% Girard Stank ''lo% 11 Leh Coal & Nay.. 46 48 N P do ettus . R 9 OX 6'e 67% 68 New Oreek X X Catowleso Ft 6 "7 , Lehigh Zhr,........ X 1% LATEST. 200 Reading Reading clones at PH114.111;1)RIA MARKETS-July 0 , EVEN /NO.—id Rieadstuffs there le nothing new. The Floexmarket continues very dull, but prices have undergone no change. The sales are wafted to the wants of the trade at $4 25a4.311 per bbl for superfine, $4.8204.0f,f0r extra,' and ssa6 for ex tra &roily. arid'fandy lots. Rye Flour is steady at P -3 14, - and•Corn Meal at $3 37i per thl. - , but no sales, o( either, have bean reported:" Qf Wheat, the 'anitplies - eonie — forward slowly, Not there is very little demand forit. Sides of 1,500 bushels redittlole pOi bushel , tnd 2,500 htishels white- at 110a1150. , 500 bushels Pennsylvania Ryo sold at 71 cents. ; Corn continues in good request, but there 10 very itttle offering ;, sales of 2,500 bushels •. , • Mond •, - 4,opOlt:ittibibl,i'e,tinsylianis; sold at .soa4oq .per bathe]; now ' held , higher. —Bark--There is a fair demand for Quaroitron, and further sales of 45 hbds No. I:were niade!at43o'por ton. No change in Tannerlallark. ttiottowls steadyin price, with moderate sales. Olovesseed is manse ,and wanted at $45011.62i per buihel. Flamed sellson ars' , vat at 5ti55a1.62 per No sales of Timothy. Vioiterfes and PrOvisiens, no change andhut little doing te•day,. Whiskey is Bonsai and on - the ad vance sates of 250 bb!s at 2310 for 'Easton and 241e:for:Ohio hhds eie . ciuoted at 230, and Drudge, PHILADELPHIA CATTLE;BIAILHET, July 6; 1858.--Thearrtvalle`oeßeel,,Ctittle at Wardeli'e Avenue Drove Yard:oamp . rbie about 850 head the market was brink, and the prices °Veined' were the tiamerhe !norm:4V. The following are the par tioutarepf - per 100 Ibe. 84 Green co, Beadirige, by Baber $8.1a9.1 42 Ohio, Ward VlCoivirvAlerander a 9 52 'Mo o B Gray , 8 e 9 28 Ohio-, Brown " .ft 9 52 . 0h10; iii"Cronsq • - • ' - .4 ' 1;9 01 Va,' J M Battelle' by 8 tradly, MO 32 Ohio, Jnollusby ''? " - ' ._ • ' .8 s 9 '.5.7,0hi0,„.7 T Hooker, by Jno It Chaim Magi 18 Laneaater o'a, Itliferriok, bYR H00d....-8 ail} 41Yienyatie 00, IA Com Smith k Co - ' tli afl 18 Obio,H - Coobran,"by Ir'Obeen" . 8 a 9 58 Ohio, BISISQueId - ` ' - - fag 84 Lancaster' oo::D Bakraan 11191 40 Ohioi.:Alexarider:&.Co - ' a 9 11 Westmoreland, Miller Co - ' 89 28 Pa 4.7, Abrahams:, .' ' '- • ' a 9 17 Ohio, J. Myers, by A Ghaan aB.l 10 Obto, , Wruldurdook, - aBl Va, Murphy 1 Cassidy ‘ loin 64 Ohlo,'T Bthelclind• •• t - a 9 16 Ohio, 8 Shinn - . nB+ . ' 24:0bi0, J . Franks ' a 9. —AVout 2,200 , Sheep were laid •Ist this yard it from S 2 to $4 each, equal to 6a70 per lb dressall; the market wan brink. Some 300 (lows and Calves were at market and'all - soldit from $3O to $4O for Fresh Cows, $2O to $3O for-middling quality, and $l5 to 629 for Dry Down."' Mayhew brTelegraph .BALTMOSIC July 5 — Flour 'steady; also steady sod unebariied dull for.artute; bqt yellow brisk at 113m77e; Whiskey_ firm at 22853; Provisions dull and unelianged. °meson, July 0: Flour steady...Wiest firm at. 830. Corn lower. Oats firm. Shipments . to "Junols—No 510ur,48,000 bus Wheat. to Oswego—No Flour, 08.000 bits-Wheat. -"liscelpta—' 3,800 bbls Flour, 100,000 bun Whe.t . and 178.000 bon Corn'. Oani A ' ir'4lily fi rm" Is 3 904r4 25. Wheat m Is fl a-11010110 for, rod, and SOo for White. Whiskey adviuded to 210.' Pork is in fair demand; sales at 1514014 7 NeVriterii: . lllldikiis' ot .VestetdiT .Aerie —lO to's. Pots and Pearls; small sales. Corms —Market dial and nominal prices. • , - Wntincsifirm;"bist In moderate demand; sales 400 bbls at 28 cents. „ . . Correa firm; supply limited; Wee , - Itibs.—The market In quiet arena niter or the buy ere; sale: flll5 tee at Setti fur common tn • Linc.—Comnnid.ROCkland le In'ofiadertio demand At , 50e perbbl..ritliisaley 400 bt4s. - • flora are buoyant 'eaten 140 belie &Cog aftp for crop 817111.1314 —Wo notice a quiet: bat . sales sincerturlist,.4oo ttiltlfiliNgNeJ „ir 3 for Cubs and 'Pertallido. atut.Assse.—Ther , is oily a moderato demand to *ante, but the market rromlas steady. bales since our last 185 hada Cribs at 2n, and Bayed do 200 • - 'Pation:L-Ftolne Inere?,Sed demand ,imiciable .both Tor home qonsuraptiou and exportatiThe common and medium grades have improyed.lilevrise in price, tho - trt little.- Bales ince our Pet. 16 000 able at .86 'for superfine nate; '60,950 , 54'05 for extra 99 1 93 (o *.o o o lol owho "-good amperage West. torntmli atistol 6 for comnaoli to medium extra Western, and $4 60¢410 Tor shipping brands of round hoop extra Ohio, the market closing Orm. • lotAglitt in.the sales are several thou Sand bbisidper. firitat!soi /data for export stprices ith n the range. (isanattian..Platat .is doing rather better, with sable 600 bl j , lt fit.,2oA6 20 for common to cbolce extra. • 3 110091 , VItorn Mont. the demand is moderate and the IP6lltetle without .triatottal• change. Sales-1,669,bb1s at 64A544.76 far. superfine and 14 8006 for fancy and „ lye Heil end Corn Meal remai n steady at pre Vous, ttUotations. - - • Gnats.—The Wheat market may be quoted a shade firmer, with abetter demand both for export and how ,conatitoptioul isles 26,600 hue at $l.lO for red Southern; $l2O ter White dol. white Kentucky' t the prite which the balance ot the, cargo. nulls for; 80a for unsound 'Chtragq spring; •69m900-for fair and good 6111wankeo 'Club; SI 03 for common white Canadian, and 61.10 for good white Michigan.... Dye is doing better, with stied 4,1350 bus at 70e. Corn la 14 good ,dlinand , for th‘Kast at better prices • soles .. 17 ,0 0 0 at 70411e.f0r inferior to good mixed West lidcfpr good ;rotund, two years old ditto afloat ; 42800 for Attie, and„83.3850 (or yellow Southern. Oats Amin iketioand at better prices.. We quote Dela ? rirate,Artley,,flati.Permaybraula at Meitolsod 460480 d'orlitate,spd. Weetqle . .•SPOYSIIitaP.7-The Pork market remains steady, and not. undergone moment, birsnorl..;s.: thin do; $17.60 for firer , and 813.46 1, 13.40 for prime. Priirio inetiris qtriet.',• _ ' • • 4 . ;In Dee( there ie moderate businere doing, and, the ',market is firm; sales ofl4o bale at slo.7call 60 fcir ,Country Mem ; $12m13 60 - tor-repacked - Weeterur Mesa, and-$1.4m14,150 for Mersa-do: Prime Mead Beat la dull and nominal at $19021: - ' nos( Paula ituadr. - with small sales. Bacon" Is dull. Cut meats are arm, but quiet market; sales 40 blidei at 00)(6 for Ilhoulderc'eud , 7jc&l)jc for Ileum. Lead is miry firmly bald, with smell sales 107( 11o.e But ter Is steady ableer.lllefOr Stata:and 12;s10.1 for Ohio.' Pheefe 44214.303 a gain duality. (UT 1-1 I S • E 'l t :, '• M P g Et, 1,4 TrIE , CEL;EDISATION AT SERNANTOWN.—On Sun day eftertiden, it this request of the Young Men'e Cbriatlin:Aruiedition of Germantown, the Reverend Rfpgetsu.4tioddard .preiChed a sermon in the tent re cently erected titbit Place. The text eeleeted for the, : "If the Son, therefore, shall 'Make - you friii,:ye shall be free indeed " The pennon 'which felltisied Was one of this popular divine's hap. , pitiet efforttGiact w as eminently adapted to the day on Which Atm delivered. - Mr. Goddard' war Assisted in the excitants bytheitev. Mr.qtatidelph. At the dime s of Ask exercises a ,brief but, spirited address was de. by Ifenrilf. Tarr, Esq., the President of the Young Men's Christian Association. • A PLEASANT Stmontew.—The members of the Irving Literary Institute were eget/ably surprised, at . theolose of the present session, to receive from a lady of Spring Garden a beautiful Bible. The gift was lor mally received for the Institute by -Mr. George F. Be on last Friday evening. - The Bible is splendidly bound, bearing upon its clique' the words and date of preeentagett_Erem.tholly-leafieterlifeßilh-olfikli wairorthe lrving , 1, Nibs Desperandutu." The book liolosed by'a hievy clasp, bearing the emblem of the ri,stnute. SFriltlOß CONYZOTION'ETtY.—For riob, finely flavored conteettonery, In every Satiety, we would re commend our readers to Messrs G. G. Whitman Ic 00., Second :street, below Chestnut. 'nick candies are . , 9{ , ZR ,AND' Gons.—Tho " gloriona Fourth," — which, by the wey, seems to be rather Ingloriously kept by the sons of, the i , Sires of '7B"—passed off without no) , "moving Incident by. flood or Bold" unneueily w.orthipf nolo. „The stem,* generally were closed, 'and the Ottyrissurded the appearance of a holiday, There ; were a great nituy li . edestrinui 'out, the ladies in -full featly:4'4nd erldoline, ithd the gentlemen, as usual, In the beautiful and becoming styles of Granville Stokes, the great fashioner, No. 001 Chestnut street. LORD BystOet ..nr( ' EDITORB.—MO lordship. said that "with alf his follies, he had never stepped his 'lsivir because the editor happened to displease him." , *L4rd Byron wan also proverbial for nentnees in dress, and', B were he now Ilving,..:lvould patronise the "Old , Fraa,klin hall" Clothing roportum of A: 11. Eldridge; No.', 321 Chestnut street.' , 'f lie' "Byronic style of Bathing Robes," for those who contemplate a Visit to the sen sikerenro specially worthy of commendation. ,Cuntoos Firtzwonics:=About ten o'clock last night, an i111MP11. , .! rocket Was discharged from near the Slate fion,e. it went whisfing upwanls through the 'air, leaving in its traek a fiery tall like a comet, and scattering In the night sir myrjade of ,brilliiint sparks. When the, splendid artificial meteor had got an inn , Meuse distance skywnd _ Lt burst, and myriads of dif ferent colored sparkles fur, , el the following sentences, ineliarsiters of living fire : "'Buy 'all your _garments at the Becht Stone Clothing hall of Rockhillk Wilson, Nos.; OS Mid 005 Chestnut street. above Sixth !" The hitillatit spectacle was Witnessed by admiring thousands, .713`e':eil101otibtleis, profit: by the suggestion. - :: , PASSENGERS ARRIVED : '-.4W ' steleithrt i tateline f Obsrleston Mn. -ET On:toter: lordS Klastiati;N 72ieg BO‘ter, B Tag= Alit Sutton; and fdlinshinen, A Wheeler, N Aertseni loireoflrerhingtotWATagnO. Ltisie r Ferkine, L oitlfilLitiasid Lat4.olon6i4t r lliliwter end - Mime U °eV: , ?Skeins Et Takrip) Mester - 4 0 Ptnith. T B Baker 4fainkr - Iftlid: lifesaiin Beatty, . Snow, J DlTatss iteitfi;ell, - I fl Brown, 0- A Addison . ititiOke,Ori3OtiesEanks, 0 0 Trambo, ladyjand sowBHE - Benha Jiniklaa.k. Mrs kitchen. chit. drenAsni setrititrAW otiNtaind ,Ealy, Hobert Banks _.Bll , aonaserith 011etteir.drer la.o.4fles n Bantle d nEußC,SGAGitir.l.W.Drihriair.-19 - W - Lemon," Thos - lett and eon, Bead. J Forrest and lady. Mitaebter, lnr. Wm Doman, W T 43 I W H Hankins, Dr J WiWynter, MAP andablid ,• Dodd,d Mr Barrett, Mx* 1 , oaths: 'fiffvfilS and the atteragp.. • . . [Reported for The Press.j • • OIENPUBGOB—Berine Chase, Carleton, 650 hide 58 toe 4 bbli sugar 8 & W Welsh. PA LERMO--Parque Wiuona. Gallison, 1400 boo lead seal sumo* 80 casts pumice stone 100 bales rags 100 bags canary seed 60 do hemp 100 do almond* 10 cases oil le mon 2500 biro lemons 440 has oranges Isaac Jeanee & Co. - CHARLESTON—Steamship Keystone State, Marsh man-IrB tea Ile* J Palmer & Co;, 60 Palmer. Thomas; & 00; 118 do 6 balsa cotton H Sloan; 10 A Whilden• V Cochrane & Russell; / box B A Kelly; 4 W P.ll7lletarlb; 1 11 J Elting & Co; 31 bags Jesaup & Moore; Emotes B K Aehurst• hf bbl Massey. Collins. & Co; 42 empty 22 full bbls J & PE.lrs; 14 hf do 29 qr bble Smith &Eng lish; 1 case F Gaul; 8 Engel & Wolfe; 50 empty bbls .11 D Plumbrall; 01 G Buleoo; 14 boxes J Gradt; 76 pnkge B F Brady; 100 do 3 crates 400 bales cotton 100 pkge to moor . BOSTON—Steamship City of New York. Howes.-74 pkge domestic' Frothinshato & Wells; 28 Bangs & Max well; 06 Farnhern. Kirknam & Co; 60 BW . Chase & Sons; 30 F A Elliot & On ; 00 Little & Stokes; 28 G F Peabody; VIII Goldoni I; 184 A Blode & Co; 22 Smith, Williams, & Co: 54 Waln Leanong & Co, 134 cause boats and shoes It P Williams & Co; 180 3 It Thomp. - son &- Co; 184 Haddock, Reed & 0o; 29 W Brown; 80 West. Botrthworth. & Co; 6 barrels ore J 0-Baker & Co; 26 barrels catch Cunningham & Smith; 10 halos cane ft Johnson; 30 bundles do Wilcox Bros; 0 bales skins J 8 Keen; 19 cases boots and shoes Lerick, Rosin k 00 ; 16 bolts duck J W Logan; 24 bdla paper 0 Megargse ; 18 arms braes tubes Resney. Nestle & Clo ; tdo indigo J'W Rulon & Son; 88 doors - .I CI Worth & Co ; 22 pkge glaisalumy & Monroe ; 15 B E Southland; 53 do dab Stroup & Bro; 10 do tools Newlin. Marshall & Co; 15 do mdse Bremer. Reichert do Co; 13 J A Par ono"; 17 Geo B B loat; '5OO Leech A- 00; Co; various Oonslguees LIVERPOOL—Ship Emily Gardner,l tee mdse Field Loogetroth & (Jo; 2 Wray & Gillion; 1 W 8 Han sen & Son; 17 Stuart & Bro; 4I) Graham & Co; 200 kegs Pods Millar; & Cope; 100 tierces Bodo Aeh P Leon% 80 pkge Earthen Wore 8 II Fleece & Bons; 166 tons fine Balt Immo Jerkins & 0o; 10 do coarse do A Kerr; 578 bars, 420 bale Iron It Leggett; 348 bdie do 0,1:1 Robbins & Co; 120 bdls Iron. 872 bare . do Morrie. Jones & Co; 166 b dia do N& G Taylor; 70 pkge steel, 4do hdw A M F Watson; 72 bbie Beer 8 'Baldwin k0o; 16 pkge mdse; 10 shalom, 102 casks, 100 hhds,. 25 Mama Bodo Ash, 180 crates earthenware, 4,981 Backe common salt Peter Wright & 8 nu. ' • • • 1 .6wE'yi /31111111.11N—Barque 'Meta, Pesach-8 bas wine Hes. ton & Deakin; 2 caekddo P Klett; 1,000 bas clay pipes F H Hayes; 100 bee mdse Richardson & Overman; 1 bale do J Dlcllwain & Son; 16 bee do Bchlesioger & Co; 2 bales do Wight & Brown; 19 cues do John Doll; 30 do 8 bales do Henry Coulter; 33 cases do Ueo Doll ; 21 do Henry Cohen; 15 pkge do John Baylis; 8 casks wine J A Kemper; 15 Vega lase A Forstat; 5 do II Dubrlng & co; 17 do J F Kseicher; 5 do John Weik & Co. 4do 0 Habeilef"3 do L& 1.1 Oroashelz; 6 do J 0 oethe Mir &Woodward ; 23 do A Moline; 0 do 460 demijohnd Rosengarted & fione; 4 pkge mdse W 11 De. hovely; 2 do II Wiener; 2do T Heuenbruch & 0o; 1 do 1 do P IL Haver 10 casks wine L Poh; 2 pkge rase Runge & 'Bchtvi ' eteung; 5 cake wine A Lambert ; 1 pkg 11140 , 41 0 P Haged.rn; ,8 calks wine 0 W Ohorehmen; 1 pkg mane Schae f er & Horsdl; IdoW 31 Baker; Ido W D Glenn ; 1 do Ed Holwig ; 1 do 0 Landman; 1 do J Millington & Son; 1 doll Mathlew; 1 cask wine Gott. frold Bcheik ; 108 bee rase order ; 48 do and 853 nettle baskets J T Plate Bohottler ; 100 ban Admit Heaton & Denckla. LETTER BAGS Al the Merchants , Exchange, Philadelphia. Ilrtg Met Queen..Lyle' paella, loan Phii ii.DRLPHIA BOARD OF TRADR.' 70861.11 O. GREBE. WILLIAM 0. TWIT, 00111EITT111 OP THE MONTH ALLIS YARELLI., Marine 3ntelligence PORT OF PRILADELPRI6. Slily 7. 1865. SUN 1118E13.... 4 38 I ON SETS ..7 22 'tl.loll WATER 21 02 ABRIYISD MONDAY. - • - .0 B M eteamehlp Keystone Mote, Hershman, 48 hours from Charleston, -with anise and passengers to Heron, Jr. July 4, 11 15, exchanged signala with steamship! State of Georgia, 22 melee B of Ohickotank; 5 A M passed" a large ship comic ,into the Delaware; also barque WI -none, of New York; brig Ids, Rogers, from Matanses, off Morrie Liston'', bound up. Steamship City of New York, Howes, 48 hour' from Boston, with mice and passeengers to Henry Winton. Borgne Obese, Carleton, 20 dm 'from Cienfuegos, with sugar, &c. to B& W Welsh. June 28th let 84 87, long 70 05. spoke brig Atkins, from Charlatan for Li verpool, 8 days ont,• Bahr John diarnum. Baker, 7 days from Providence, with rodeo to Crowell Lc Collins . . Bohr J H Cater, Patterson, 4 dajs from Ohoptank with grata to J W Hama k 00. Bohr Zeno, Fields, 3 days from Ohoptank Mier, with lumber to J W Bacon & ro ARRIVED TUESDAY. Steamship Delaware, Copes 24 hound from New York, via Cape May, with anise and passengers to James All. derdice. Passed a barque ands Behr beating below the Ledge; bng.Chmt II Frost, from Sagus la Grande, off Mo rot Limon's; tongue Gem, from Boston off Reedy Island': a foreign barque off Christiana Creek, and about ten saws below Chester, bound up. abip Emily Gardner, Litneburner, from Liverpool 10th May, with indite to Peter Wright & Boos. Barque Winona, Gallism, 60 days from Palermo,with fruit, Ice. to-Isaac Jesass & Co. Barque Meta, (Olden) Pasache.42 days from Bremen, with mdse to J 1 Plate es Bohottler. Barque Monmouth, Herrick, 63 daya from Palermo, with fruit, &o. to Banners &' Bro. Behr Monte Christ°, fitgrklart. 13 days from Jaclutont Lille, with lumber to Bri,Wi yanderveer & Co. Bohr Josiah Holly. Trompson, 12 daya from Williams ton. NO. with shingles to Bolton, Vanderveer & Co. Bohr Charlotte Williams, Golding, 20 days front Wil- Ilamston. NO, with shingles to Bolton, Vamhvveer & Co. Bchr Jonathan Cone, Whatley, b days from Haddam, Conn, with stone to captain. WI Almon moon, Williams. 5 days from Haddam, Conn with atone to Thos Mansfield. Bchr Mary J Hoyt, Hamilton, 0 days from Holston, to ballast to captain, Bohr Al It Carlisle, Winsmore, 6 days from Providenae, in ballast to Repplier & Co. Behr Aimira & Cornelia, Mama, 10 days from Me herin River. NO, with shingles to Norcross & Sheets. Bohr Pair Leador, Adams. 3 days from Balisbury, Md, with lumber to J W Bacon & Co Bahr Ohm Atkinson. Atkins, it days from Milton, Del. with corn to J L Bewley& Co. Behr A Tirrell, Ifiggins,Acisysfrpro Boston...with.ftsh An ➢bcap 4.1.-e. Bohr Lows Mulford, Doylo, 4 days from Boston, with los to captain Behr Juliette, Chase, 6 days from Boston, with mdso to Crowell & Collins Fehr Peens Nolen, Kelly, 6 days from Portland, with plea , er to ()rowel! & Collins. • Behr Jullae Webb, Fargo, 6 dais from Norwich, with miles to captain. Bohr 14 Flower, Gaynor, 3 days Exam New - York, - 4. 11 ; mdre to J Baker &Oo Behr Amanda, Dry. 3 days from New York, with ce ment to Prenob;Richards & Co. Behr B Ti. Dillon, Marti, 6 days from Bath, Me, with tee to captain. • Bohr Brazil, Howes, 8 days from IraDowall, Me, with atone to captain. • , Behr Bobn A Renard, Laws, I day from Milford, Del, with bark to Richardson k Overman. Behr Chas 8 Peasleo, Poster. from Boston: Bohr A Hammond, Paine, from Boston. • Bohr N B T.Thompeon. Barnes, from Boston. Behr 0 A Ileaksher. Stubbs, from Boston. Bohr David &rah- Douglass, from Boston, , Bohr Evergreen, Itinehiey. from New York. Behr Flyaway, Davis, from Sag Harbor. Behr Richard D rden. Ireland, from Fall Ricer. Behr South Tuttle, Rich. from Prorincetown. , Behr Isaac. Doh, Prnith, from Nowburyport Bohr Jacob & William, Matthews, from Newburyport. Bohr California, Spilfie, from Ipswich. Bohr H P Simmons, Barrett. from Roxbury Pclir Deborah Jonee, Winstoore. from Roxbury. • Ssht• Henry May, Watson, from Wein. Steamer Balloon, Whildin, (, hour,' from Cape May, to captain. Steamship Boston, Bellew, New York. Jae Alikerdiee. Steamship Pennsyleania, Teal, Bachmond, Thomas 'Webster- Jr. Brig Pauline, Atkins, Boston, Twells & Oe Brig Yeloos, Sims ' Port,mouth, 0 Millar &- 00. - Brig Samuel Smell. Lane, Salem, L Audenried & 00. Behr Harry Maybes, Tuttle, 'Weymouth, do Echr Mies 1, White; Smith, East Cambridge, do Bohr Sophia Ann, Smith, Roxbury, do • Selma-race Oirdler. Paine, Boston, do Bohr A Hammond, Paine, Boston, do Bohr 0 8 Peaslee, Boater, Boston, do Bohr Thrall. Higgins, Boston, do Bohr Mary J Hoyt, Hamilton. Boston, do Behr Eunice Bose. Small. Boston, do Bohr Z Stratton, Haley. Roxbury, • do Behr Alice Mows, Pendleton, Port Spain, Trinidad, J T Alburger & 00. Behr Julius Webb, Fargo, Norwich, Van Dunn, Nor ton & Oo Bohr D Smith, Douglas, Bolton, D Pearson & Co. • Bohr N ILT Thompson, Barnes, Doeton, Van Dusan, Norton & Co. Behr Leesburg, 13wiff. Salem, , do Behr Lizzie Maull. Mann, Itonton. N Sturtevant &Co. Bohr Evergreen. Hinkley, Norwich. Dishleron & Cox. Behr 11 May, Watson, Belem, Noble, Hammett & Caldwell t chr II P Simmons, Barrett, Newburyport, Blakiston & Cox ENIMI;MMEMMI Bohr Oaliterals, Spline, Ipswich, Van Damn, Norton k Co. Bohr Flyaway, Darla; Peg Harbor, 0 Miller & 00. Bohr E Flower, Raynor, Hartford, Rappller & Dro. Steamer H L (law, her, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. (Correspondence of the Frees.) HAVRE DE GRACE, July 5.1858. Tho Wyoming lea here this morning with 10 boats, laden and consigned as follows: 00l Wm Mills, corn and staves to Humphries, Hoff man & Wright; Emma, lamber to Malone & Taylor, Union, Columbus`` Southward, F Glentworth, It & Hitsell, Denton, Niagara,-Stranger, coal to Delaware Olty. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) ..y.www.s..-neh.,-, et • . .• . tww-mniterlrom the southward, which came to ither last evening, reports having spoken a barque from Rio de Janeiro, (name and r estination not recol lected) which threw on board a written report, stating that the barque Phantom, °apt Quilt . , arrived at Rio on tbod,ld May, and bad spoken on the Bth of that month, in let 3 28 N, long 21 bt, atop Anglo Saxon, from New York for Ban Francisco. who *nested to be reported The ship Thee JaKerson. for Et alto, Nil. tied a fleet of colliers went out yesterday The celebration fa being obsonred here 'with due bocor, being favored with du l!ghtful weather, and a strong breeze from the eastwatd. Yours, &a. WM. M. HICKMAN. IDT I .lOorAMI. 1 (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) Okra 'BLAND. July 0-640 P M. The barque Rowena, from Leguayra. brig George Downer', from Weet Indies, and several cobra went in to-4e), ..Wind BE-4r gather fine. Yount, &o, . THOS. B. HUGHES. ramtOrtarrt TO vas ruses.) Saw YORK. July 6. Arrived. sh'ip °aroline Nesmith, from Liverpool; brig Ethos, from Matanzas. BOBTON. July 6. Arrived, steamship Joseph Whitney, from Baltimore, ship uarollue Simpson, from Liverpool. Steamship Persia, Jnilkina, cleared at New York yes terday for Liverpool, Steamship Hosea Taylor, McGowan, cleared at New York yesterday for Aspinwall Steamship Indigo Buiplre, ( Sr) Courtenay, from Gal way June 10th, via Halifax, July 2d, arrived at New Yoik 4th inst. Bteam4r Vixen, (11. ) Meat Coin. .7olan K. Dner, from Coact of Texas and Florida, arrived at New York 4th Inst. Steamship Kennebee, hand, hence at New York yen. terday: Ship Exproore, Genial', cleared at Mobile 29th for Liverpooi, with 3 805 bales cotton, 'valued at 8200, 908 27, and staves rained at 81,000. • Barque-Sophia Jones, from Ulu de hirielro May 29th, at Bel runcrre yeaterday. Barque Phantom, Quig, hence at Rio de lanitro -- yre. 1110911 IV Rabe May. Barque Grand Turk, Doiliver, hence eth tat for Hs• tanzas,,was opokon 25th, let 2820, lon hi. - Bs quo Blicabeth J. Wiliette, cleared at Meant 21th' nit for thle port; Barque J m Morales, Burmeister, bane, was pike Into LIAM:I4 97 th ult . . . . ....Barque Freda Lannig.Sumne•, from filo Janeiro; ar. rived np at New Orleans 28th tilt. • , - _ Boyne - az,,f, gammons, for Marseilles, was towed to lire. from New Griming 20th nit ,nargneticeol, Winslow,. sailed from ilavanaßith nit for Retriedlos and NOW York. , Brig d.l W Applegarth,London, from BM de TaneirO, arrived it Baltimore yesterday. Brig Gera, Eintchinsolor hence, arrived at Portland ad inst. , Brig Martha Gilchrist, Hawley,. for Philadelphia, 'cleared at Portiand3d Rust- ' . • Brig 0 Webster hence arrived et Salem tti inst. Saws Vanodere M Reinbardriand Lady Suffolk hence, arrived at Salem 3.1 Mat. Soh Moravue, Palkertberg called from Salem 3d root for Philadelphia. Bohol Madonna tad Gitea Blotter laquqt at Natrbary• port WWI, IMMO MEMORANDA PRESS.-tpIiILADEWIA. WEDNESDAY; .I.UtiL7 z 7. . iB6§. Bohr Mary, for Philadelphia, sidled from Proride4ce 4th inst._ Soh W L Cogswell, Mears, for Philadelphia, sailed for Olonfuegor 22d ult. Bohr Bally Gay, Grassy, was IdTat Olenfuegde 224 tilt for this port. Bare L A Danenbower, Millee,'anti Lady Ellen, Cor son, hence at Boston 4th Inst. 'Bohr Charles Carroll, Pratt, from Delaware City, at New Bedford 8d last. Bohr Geo 0 Gibbs, Gibbs, for this port, genii! from New Bedford 8d inst. , Behr Wm Henry, Pampas, galled from Richmond 241 last for this port. • Bohr J G Stills, Ootaon, Wm, at Darman lit lost, Bohr L P Pharo, Creamer, rifled tram Belem 2d inst for this port. Bohr A Vanclelf,,Yanclelf, for Philadelphia, sidled from Richmond 3d Inst. ' Behre Charger, 'Coley, and Mary Anna, Bowen, hence at Providence 3d lost. Sohn Fidelfa, Shaw, and Eva, Wheaton, sailed from Providence 3d last, for Philadelphia. Satre Lillie Sondem, Corson, and John Loncatite,ri Stites, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 4th lust. Bairn Mary Jane, Wall, and Alfred Ir Rowe, Sawyer, for Philadelphia, HOW from Providence 4th lost. Behr L II Endicott, Leeds, for Philadelphia, . exiled from Newport P M 9d inst. &lire Mahlon, Betts, Godfrey, II E Weston, Maloy, North Pacific. Marry, Paugassett, Walden Flight, Ifuntley ; Chester, Brower, Pequonnock, 'Burrows, and Lombard, Minting, hence, at Boston ad lost. Propellors Planet and Beverly, hence, at New York yesterday. POKEN June 80th, lat 30, lo n 73, shi . Duchess D , Orleaus from Callao for Baltimore, 119 days out, short of pro visions, andcould not be supplied by brig U Mears , , New York. MARINE MISCELLANY. - Cant Mabee and crew of saw Virginia before, re ported lost on West °Meal reef, atriTed at New York lth lust, In Behr .7 Millard, Prow Arroyo, P B. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS UP TO ONE O'OLOOK THIS MORNING. GIRARD HOUSE—Ohestnut street, below Ninth. B W 0 Mossett, NY W R Young. Natchez Dla Evans, La 0 Godfrey & Is N Y • L H Blackston , N Y Thos Piddle. N Y ' Arthur !lobbing, N Y W Wall, N Y T J N Berkman, N Y Albert Horn. N Y 1 B Liggett, N Y J B Balder, N Y J B nen, N Y JR'S il Bach, N Y A G Sergont, N Y Thee Temple, Belt Ed i and I. Rogers, Belt Wm Mitchell, Balt , E 'Mishears, DKR - _Et ogre vd.,tre abs nets • A Mahaffey, N Y A 0-Anderson. St Louie T B Smith & la, N Orleans J Rathbono, Albany Howard Rathbone, Aibiny 3hl Billups & lady, Mae GII Brown, Charleston, 80 JOnenvenn.Charleston,So J T Myers, Charleston W Dense, Charleston Thom ll Rhea, Baltimore J W Dodd, Georgia .1 F Puree, 8 0 .7 D Fates, Charleston, 80 J B Sykes, New Orleans R W Bonner, N Y Wm Jones, N Y Warren Carter, N Y. Clement D Newmha, N Y Mr Harris. U 8 N J A Moore, Burlington Frank Phelps, Washington I L O'Neal, Phila. Jag Illistilanchford, N Y John E airmail N Y It, Catter. Greensburg, Pa A G Brener, St Louis A 9 Wentworth, Cincinnati I II Reed, St Louis Dr F Ralme, St Louis 0 0 Warren, N Y J L Bens, NJ . . • E 0 Jacobs, Boston M. Brewe'er, N Y J P Meyer, N Y i John Stuart, N Y 11Z R L Bryan & la, 8 0 Rll Allen & la, New Or. It A Clark lc la, Charleston leans Mrs Chambers, Charleston Mr Broalca & Is, Florida D Davis, N Y E Marsh Jersey City Wm II Talcot, Jersey City Fredk T Frelinghuyaen, VI F Whittier, San Fran- Newark. N 3 also°, Dr W W Young & la, N 0 Wag Mollie Young, N 0 Mica J E Royeter, N 0 H T Rayner, N 0 T J Young, N 0 3 Avery & Is. Lowell, Pius John Avery, Jr, Lowell, John li Erskine, Alabama, , i Mins , r Plump Bremen H G Hubbard, Middletown 8 ill Hubbard, Middletown 8 B Armstrong, _N It J P Jones, Reading Geo W Hatch, N Y L 8 Hoyt, N Y id Dulaney, Va EAI Earl, N Y Rid Cornell, 7 Wm W Marsh, N J J V Ham, Canada James Black, Lancaster Lewis N Dembritt, Louis- John H Speed, Memphis villa, Hy Miss Armour. Memphis - A E Whitom, N Y Lewis Lubblett, Ky J W Ponthworth & lady, Geo N French, Ye Missouri Wm M Gale lc dim, Va Mr Johnson, Georgetown, Mr Dodge. Georgetoirn,Do D 0 Wm 111 Browne; N Y John Nelson & lady, Pa Semi lif Bailey, BJchmond, W B Shaw, Washington Vs T Anderson, Nashville • Dixon A. Alleson,Neshville J P Birthoright NYf Mrs W 0 Bheckleford, Vs Mrs 8 0 Shacklgfont, Vs J s ISlonoock & lady, Hal- W H Webb & 114 y, Nash 'fax villa MERCHANTS , HOTEL—Fourth street. below Arab. Wm 8 Dearman, Washing- Geo F Morrison; Dayton, ton Ohio 311 Trainer,Steubenville, A G Kirkpatrick, Mon- Ohio month, 11l Theo B McGowan, Prince- H B Taylor. Balt ton, N J haul Bei tech. DI Ohunk Walter Leiseuring, Pa J 9 Taggart. Pa II Liam Williamsport, Pa A Hester, Millersville, Pa G A Tanner, Vs 0 B Snow, Phila W T Thomas, Charleston, G A Addison, Savannah, 80 Oa Geo A Miller, Phila H It Linderman, Pa Win L Turner, Phila. Edw A McGloin, Now Phil- Jai; Wallace Jr. la, Hopkins- adelphia, Ohio villa Ky Hon olt Buckalew, Gahm -8 W Boop, Germantown Ma co. Pa A 0 Black, Ohio V T West. Princeton, lowa David A Davin, Princeton, Jas T Embree, Princeton, Indiana Indiana John Adden, Boston 8 E Parker, Boston W G Nixon, N J W P Galbraith, N V !Minh], Mo J 8 Gramm, Wrospoyt, Pa Hon .1 8 Yost, Pa L F Russell. Boston J D 0 8 ark, Ohio John Franco, Washington It France, Washington J Fromm, Jr, Washington W Showell, Did DI I Johnston, Phila. U Sharpies'', Phils W H Bell, Owego, N Y John ()arson, U S It 8 AMERICAN 110138E—Ilhestnnt street. above Fifth. H B Titcomb,Columbia,Ton J 9 Otis, N Y Jois B Brown, R I M T Bailey, It I II M Wonderty, Mass A II Tau Ling, N Y II ,1 Harding, N Y A T Boon, flan Fran, Cal B Cooper, San Fran, Cat Was Cooper, San Prass,Cal .1 Burley, Tyrone, Pa, 1 M Toney, Tyrone, Pa 5 M Brooks Boaton Wm Li Simla So . . A' a n......wt, Is Is - . - it:a...as eft f - ' Joe F' Iloke, 3 0 - \Vm II Michel, B C II B Wilson, Md Jun Harrison, Bait Wm 11 Brougham, Balt T Brett, N Y G Duncan, N Y J .1 Wallace & la, St Loots Mies Brown, St Louis, W Y Sendall, Wash Mien Potts, Trenton, N J .laso S liuthey,W est Chester Rich Sharpe, so - Leonard PaSSMII3O, Pelt D H. Fox, Pa L Br uton, West Cheater Jesse Landon, Lancaster W 8 Young, Jr, Phil& 0 E Do Boss, Doylestown, W it Cross, Bal i Geo 0 Williams, N Y John Brown, N Y N M Eisenhower, heading .7 E Dougherty, Delaware Thom Henry, N Y co, Pa N Al Latham, N Y Thos Brett. N Y G Duncan. N Y Wu, II White, N Y . John DI Kennedy, Boon- Time B Withi:lmM, N 0 villa. Mo 0 H Barnes, Philo Win Il Holm, N Y NATIONAL HOTlL—llaee street, shove Mt Oeo Wynkoop, Phils Geo W Romig, Phil& J rtalderston, Phil& 0 8 Shelve, Odle, H J Handler, Pottsville Aug k` Atkin., Doylestown W H Smith & la, Trenton, Hon J W Hiliinger, Leba- N J non, Pa Dr Samuel Dam, Lebanon, Geo W Ramsey, Lebanon, Pa Pa Jacob Rondo', Lebanon, Pa Joe Shantz, Lebanon, Pa A B Ely, Esq.; Lebanon, Pa Vol William Shirk, Labe.- Wm Eckert, Lebanon, Pa non, Pa D M Barman', Lebanon, Pa Bdp A Uhler, Lebanon, Pa Prot L It Daugher, Lebsoon, Dr 0 D Gloninger, Luba- Pa non, Pa Dr D 11 Marshall, Lebanon, Prof It McCormick, Labe l's non, Pa lion • A it Doughter, Lebo- Jno 11 Kinporto, Armenia, non, Pa • Pa W F Vonto, Pottsville, Pa P 111 Goodwin, Wyoming Too W Ulrich, Esq., Lab*. Volley non, Pa • 31 0 Patterson & is, Ken- Darld Dreneman, Elizabeth• aington, Ps town, Pa Robt Darlington, °beater . Thou M Clark, Lanctater cut Ps X 11 Lamborn, Obatbam, Pa Dr 0 Neil, Lycoming co, (.1 II hardwell, Columbia Pa J M Reston, Doylestown 0 L Fisher, Ashland, Pa Dan , ' J Carey, Danville, Pa Nichols,' Gerber, Ashland, Caleb H Darh, Rellarstown Pa Goo A Smith, Tinge, Pa Wm E Halal' eh, Lancaster F Clark & la, Donn G Backe! & la, Lananator Jacob 'Ludic dc dau, Pa Danl Weitzel. Read ng .1 0 Miller, .811tImore - David Walker, Lucerne no Grant Weidman, Lebanon, Pa ITSION HOTEL—Arab street. below Werth, J it Frits, Reading P J Plimpton, N Y Jee II Cougden. N Y 2 B Nicewener, Md Col R Rsteliff Pa Wm Zane, Fasten, Pa J T Jeken. Camden, Del J I Join:ll.ton & le Oln Ohio 3 B Mn alllster, Pa A L Rani,. Pa U Periling. Reading, Miss Rodgers & sister, W 0 Rutter. Pottstown, Ps. Weebington Joe 0 Wright. Pe Dr J N Patterson, Atlan- John MeNeul, Pa tie city Philip Waggoner, Clearfield Thos Wsgroner, Clearfield 3 klnllnpeter, &Emmy, Pa DO Wheeler,lleneocic. NY Cleo Dean, Attleboro. Ps B Erraeotrout. Reviling W Frmentrout, Reading W C'Ermentrout. Ruling if Wolf, Harrisonburg, Ye 3 Grist, Harrisonburg, Ye D Ennontreut. Reeding B Com:lard Reeding Wald Lee, Potterille W B Benjamin, Trenton, NJ DUCH BEAR INN—Pifth and Merchant streets MI, James, West Chester Wm Lelia, West Cheater Levi Bissell, N It 0 H Hartshorn, Cheater A D Campbell. Chester 00 county Bharoleen, Chester co 14 Miller, Union, Pe W WOO, Pliteulxvllle, Pa M Hammond, Delaware Oen WaHere. Phomlxvllle 1) Keeley, Phrenliville 0 M Taylor, Delaware co.PaZ Pine, forks do. Pa Mien S Simmons, Deets co A M R0b11311012, Wilmlug Stroud, Wilmington, Del ton. Del AN Cleland. Wilmingtan,Del Mr Oollina. Maryland J . Steno, Cumb'd co, Pa Ohne V StAdiger, Phila A P Bunting, Pa . Oeo W Linville, Pa sintor• r • • •nlootioonv orrititrithblrif. W P Merritt, Boston J Puebatlett, Vermont Blythe, New York J Mowbray, Albany, N Y J W &Mabel', Pittsburgh .P G Leib. Lebanon, Pa B,Sehlusaer, Lebanon. Pa Henry Comly, NY' J Lake, Middletown, Del I ;longest, Dayton, 0 P Malay, Dayton, 0 II L Buford, Virginia BLACK BEAR nOTEL—Third. *holm flallowhill. Jacob Tillman, Pa T !Aster. Outhav , le, Pa 0 Pawl, °admitle, Pa F Leistcr, Cluthav'lle, Pa Elias t hilorhold,rontrerle Tsaac Loran. riamb'g, Pa R. Yergor. 0 reon Lane P A Reed, Perldomenville Rev G 0 Johnson, NAM- IT Walter, Now Milton, Pa maudlin Jona W Wider, Porklo if enry Thom., Pa r menvills Nathan Lands, Dist%let Jacob Huth, Pa Nab W Ettinger, Pa ' .7 W Weller, Pa Wm Sayer, Snydertowti Wrri Snyder, Snrlortown Wm Ti! Stickman, Jenkintin E Hersh, Zionsville nAtb EAGLE HOTEL—Third street, ab. Celtowblll Joe Doody, Pa Levi 8 Moyer, Rahway John Huuulweil, Rahway. Wm Hnualwell, Rahway L Stein, Fa‘tou Hanover E T Gerbrloh, Easton Han J 0 liarman,N Y - over &smut.' Aimmone, Lucerne 0 A Rapp, Do,lestowo . , Pa co, Pa 'W R Andth.Doylestown. Pa Itobi -Jones, Dimlollllllle, 'W I Donuskey, Allentown, Penns Ponta Ben) Elemmel, Lehigh co, Pa BARLBY SIIDAP lloTlbl,—ftetiond street, below Vine. Vsnhook, Burlington' 11 Morrie', Pa Jae Ilenderron, Newtown " Herm' Bieber, 0 goCoonell, N J N 0 licOartr, Pa Walton, Newark, Del J %titillates and Lady, PO Oltss Kirkbride, Bucks co John Betts: Rucks co Stephen Betts. Bucks co N Miles , Ducki D Jarrett WOO' co, Pa Thos Deer, Doxlenroimr,Pe W Obtason. Pa Win Clamor!, Pa 0 W Levitt, Phila 0 W McCoy, Philo W Long, D Sire Doylestown Chu Price, DoyleEtoirn ' T Bailey, ' m Ooto sv rt d :l37e . ltTu g alaut 15 N t u ml o tit:I p li a djay,14!5 , r , Hope W. 7 Eiperial Nqiirto. Idles llfaiscl , a Edu Athentriitio,' or Mite Re. 137'OItER, peasesses four wonderful Proportiesi Ist. It is a beautifier and preeerrer.of the hair. 2d. It prevents It becoming loose and fallingbff, 3d. It pro.' &ices a new growth of halt - where baldness exists. 4th., It clumges gray hair and'Whisters to their original Ufa color: -It la the greatest chemical wonder of tho ago ! It le not n dye ; Is easily applied, and will not soli the shin or Mien. Sold by all Drogglate, and by JULES CO., No. 704 CHESTNUT Street. 1y0,16t telt . Grovar is Bokov • i ' ' 02LtBRATIM /ilktlLY•fißiTl'Ne MAOratiNAik; ISO OfI2IIIIIIT'STRAir„ , .. These Mai%then - are now Inetly adinittiel to be the best in, use for fan:illy setting, making a new, strong, and - elaatio atitlb,,whiph will ROT rip, even if every fotitlh stitch he Ont. caranlarg gent on application by Lotter, • " Singer'• Sewing Machines.—After a fair trial of the several machines that have yet been offered to the public, the unanimous verdict of operators has been given In favor ofSinger , a. This Is, in fact, the only machine capable of performing every kind of sewing. BINDER'S NEW FAMILY BEWINCI- MACHINE to, beyond all question, the most complete article for family coo yet Invented, being at once ornamented, easily operated, and superior, in every respect, to any other machine. On this statement we challenge the world. I. N. BINDER & 00., jeT-dm 0111ce,No. 602 CHESTNUT Street.' Marriages On July let, by the Rev, Wm. 0. Johnstone. of the Kennington Presbyterian Church, Mr. WILLIAM FUR LOWE to Mine NANCY bIoOMIAN. * On the 10th ult.. at Heidelberg, by the Rev. J. N. Sheppard. ELLiAS -YARNALL, of Philadelphia, to MARGARET ANN. daughter of Daniel Harrison, E'q., late of Elmhurst, Upton. ESBOX, England. On the 30th ult , by the Rev. J. BI Ormvell, THOMAS TURNBULL to JANET DUNO AN, daughter of Archi bald Oda: ash. all of this city. Elzatba ' On Tuesday afternoon, 6th inst., FRANKLIN BEN NER, infantson of Henry and Mary R. Young, aged 11 months and 0 days. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, on Thursday afternoon, at 4 o'clock, without further notice, from Citron street, five dome below Twelfth. ** On Sunday, July 4th, ANNIE E. HILZ, the 20th year of her age. x. The relatives and friends of the family are respedt fully invited to attend the funeral, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from the reactance of her parents, No. 920. North Second street, above Poplar. On the 4th inst., THOMAS MATLAOK, in the 16th yeara of his age, The relatives . and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from hit late reel : deuce, Seventh street, above Master, this (Wednesday) Afternoon, 7th inst., at 4 o'clock. Interment at Monu ment Cemetery. On the 4th instant, after a lingering Illness, Mr. CHARLES KENSIL. Br , in the 68th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, also the Northern Liberty Fire Company No. 1, and the Tire Department generally, also Chosen Friends' Lodge No. 100 of• the I. 0. of 0. P., and *the order generally, are Invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence No 617 Emlen etreet. between Front and New Markel, • and Noble and Pegg greets, on this (Wednesday) after noon, at 4 o'clock, without further notice. * Suddenly, on the fid. last ` ,OHAItLER FINNEY, in tha.. l . " * GrandlGodge„and '''...s. Lodg .th es e , No. methibere of A. the Itai 186 attend the tone , • • • North Tenth street,' this (Wednesday) affsinooli, The 7th 'nit at 4 o'clook. ' On Sunday, 4th, JOHN CHARLTON, in the 85th year of hie age. • , On Sunday morning, the 4th Mat., Airs. PRANCES, wife of Jima' Peters: 0 • • On the 8d inst., Mrs. MARCAH . ET HOLLAND, ard 46 years. • On the 4th int.,. at the residence of her grandfather, James 8. Steelman, North Camden: N. 7. CLARA. ELIZABETH. ;laugh*/ sr:Henry H. and , Mary• Steelman, aged 1 year and SI eleys •- • • - IK At Reading, on the morning of. Sunday, July 4tb , , the 16th year of her age, Mrs. MARY MILLER, for merly of Philadelphia, widow of - Henry Miller, and daughter of the late - Adam Bruner. ak at Ohioan°, on the 25th ult,. MARGARET, wife of THOMAS fdcARTIIIIR, and daughter of John and Mary Coulter, aged 21 years and 2 months. NOtlce -A * Meeting of thr Commissioners of .the GREEN and COATES-STREET PRLIA-' 1! ) ?7;111A PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY will be held at the Commissioners' Hall to THIRD Street, below Green, on, WEDNESDAY, .July7th, 1858, at 6 o'clock P. Af. ,tys order. WILLIAM READ, Secretary. .2t . , :Vew Orl.nns One Light Company. FARMERS , AND MECHANICS , BANE, PRILADBLPfiII, July 2, MS. Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the New Orleans Oen Light Company, that the Agency for the Transfer of the Stock and the payment of the Divi dends.of that Company will be closed from susdafter the first day of October next; and they are requeeted to surrender the Certificates issued by this Bank and .re ceive Warrants of Transfer to the Company in New Or team • W. RUSHTON, Ja., jy3.4lw&mthtocl Cashier. n 7. Commercial 'Mutual Insurance Cont. PANY.—A Meetlog of the Stockholders of this Company wi l bo held at their Office, In rear of No. 218 WALNUT Street, on g 2IIUItSDAY, July 8, 1858, at 11 o'clock .. M. AIeCOLLOSf, . Je2541y8 Secretary. cir Th e Semi-annual Examtnut.on of the candidates for admission of Pupils of the NOR. sciwor, will be commenced, on MONDAY, July 12th, at 9 o'clock, A. St To be admitted, the candidate must be at leastfifreen years of age, and must a satisfactory examination In Or thography, Definition of Words, Reading, English Grammar, Ilistory of the United States, Geography, Theoretical and Practiad Arithmetic, and Penmanship. The NORMAL SCHOOL is designed to qualify fe males to become Teachers In the Public Schools, and previous to examination, every candidate must make an explicit declaration that her object In entering the School is to qualify herself to become a teacher, and that she intends to engage In teaching in the Pubfie. Schools of the City of Philadelphia. By order of the Normal School Committee. je29-tu th-2w P. A. OREGAR, Principal. o:l.:Office of the Frankford and Southwark PRILADELPRIA CITY PASSENGER RAIL. COMPANY, Corner of GERMANTOWN ROAD and 011A111A.M. Street. Plll.l.l.DlttPuti, July Ist; 1858. The Board of Directors have declared a Dividend of FIVR PER CYST. on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, payable to the Stockholders or their legal repro sentatlees after the 10th instant, at title Office. Tho Transfer Books of the Company will be closed from and after this day until the 15th inet. Stockholders are requested to leave their Certificates at this Olace to be exchanged for others with the new title of the Company. Jr2,fmwlst E. lIART, Treasurer r2Lny.to I t KETC iTM's IMPROVED MOWER AND REAPER FOR 1958 —Thin machine in far ahead of all others, both an a Mower and Reaper. SPANGLER & (lit ARAM, Sole Agents, fy7 No. 821 MARKET Street, below Seventh. sut PR ATT's PATENT STEEL SPRING TOOTH HORSE RARE.—This is the very best Rake in One. *WANGLER & GRAHAM. iy7 No. MT MARKET Street, below Seventh. 5. Theodor , . Meal, residing No. 337 North Eleventh street. In said city, is the only Special Partner. 6. The said Theodore Mindll, as said Special Partner, has contributed Five Thousand Dollars, in cash, to the capital stock of said firm. - 7. The said partnership shall commence this day, and terminate on June 4th, 1859. THEODORE AIINDIL I CHAS. AI. BOMEISL.F,R. Atli Juno, 1858. jetiewfit* CHARLES ROTH, IW: TURNIP SEEDS, new crop, war ranted genuine. Also, Buckwheat and Millet fiPA.NOLNit & GRAHAM, !SI No. 527 MARKET Street, below Seventh, REMOVAL. -JOHN P. DOHERTi TAILORS, 'HAVE REMOVED N. E. CORNER OP FIFTH AND WALNUT STREETS .1).7 MESSRS. CIIICKERING & SONS, haring removed to their new warerootns, No. 1307 CHESTNUT Street, (near the United States Mint,) arc prepared to Mier to their friends and the public an extensive assortment of Grand, Parlor-Grand, Square and Upright PIANO-FORTES, manufactured expressly for this city, finished In various styles of cases, and at prices which cannot fail to please. Piano-Fortes made to order, to suit any style of furniture, and all instru ments warranted to glee eutiro satilfaction to the pur chaser. • Grand and Square Plauoa to rent, upon the moat Ca vorable terms. Messrs. O. & SONS bays received Thirtyfour 'MEDALS. The firnt Premiums over all competitors lu the United Staten. All orders for TUNING and REPAIRING will be promptly attended to. jy7-6m BRIGANTINE HOUSE, BRIGANTINE .lam Beach, N.J. MINDY D. SMITH, Proprietor. Title large and elegantly located house is now open for the reception of visitors. Terms $8 per week or $1.2.5 per day. Talc° carol of Camden and Atlantic Railroad ; get out at the inlet where a comfortable boat (Capt Recd. Turner) will be in readiness to convey them to the Ilotel. jyT HIPPA HAPPA.-SUMMER COOLER, Soft-finished, Extra-flue Panamas, Impressed Crown, Slight Curve of Brim, and you have—Hipps Happa. Price VMS. Same an cold at 1.3 and $3.60, and no mintake. CHAS. LAING} & CO , Hatters, SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets. nATIIING-ROBES, IN GREAT ety, at SLOAN'S, 806 MARKET Street, Piffle dolphin, or at his Agree, CAPE ISLAND, and at AT LANTIC CITY, N. J. SY7* JSTEER, • (From Bone's, Rodon, Mesa.,) PRACTICAL lIAIR-DRESSER AND WIG MAKER, REMOVISO Faux BOOTH EIGHTH STREET TO 415 CIIESTNIIT STREET, Opposite the Custom House, STERN'S New Svatenn of Cutting and Dressing Gen tlemen's ii it is acknowledged by all who have tried It to be the only true system rax the hair. The ertims_atui_execation dilTer entirely from the usuri of hair ratting and dressing adopted hero, as also the expedition and gentleness with which the operation is performed. The patronage already extended to him since the In troduction of his system in this city, and the flattering elCOMlUlitfl pronounced by till who Lore had their ap pearance not only improved, but their hair highly benefited, induces him to im Ito all gentlemen who either study personal appearance or the alluremonte of fashion to place timmuiree under his charge, ensured that one trial will prove the truth of the assertion. Jrs FIE LSH' S it I3ADDLERY AND HARNESS WAIMOUBB, Ebtablioliod 1818. B W. corner FIFTH and PRUNE Stream. , Single and double Harness of the moat fashirMable deseriptio" and warranted of the beet material and workmanship. Ladies and Gentlemen's Saddle' of elegant styles, Horse Clothing, Brushes, Ourry Combs, Oharnoie, Sponges, Knee Cape, Interfering and Poultice Boots, and every Stable requisite of the most euporior quality. N. D —Horses carefully fitted. roylo,ntwf-2m 109 k Q.R. CASKS PORT WINE. • LI. 111 Ulf. Pipes Alicante do. 23 Qr. do do do, . - 20 Qr. do Sberry do. - 1l Pipes Superior PeJarete Wine. , 20 gr. Pipes do do ' do.' 40 g do do do • do. • . 111 Bales Assorted Oorlds. 1116 Begs Almonds. 26 do Filbert' "(Analog from Brig , g Arroonte 8me110, ,, and fOr sale by A. Id IMMO n0y274.f 140 SOUTH FRONT Street, BLANCA.RD 110 U S £,--BROADWAY and TWELFTH Street, New York, re-opened, elegantly furnished with every modern improvement. The location as fashionable end healthy. • . The rooms are large and wet ventilated. served at all hours, and - dray attention paid to the comfort of gueets. Transient, board $2 per day. Per manent board at lower rates. - The whole under the mansgementof 0 J. ItIAOLEI, 'LAN, (late of the United Staten Hotel. Philadelphia.) who respectfully solidus the patronage of ,his friends and the travelling publ c • JeSS-2m QEISING OUT.—The well-known. Store on EIGIall Strut, at No. 31, between Arch and ?docket, kept by 11. 11. DURBIN, consisting of a well assorted, fine stock 'of -DIAMOND GOODS; and all kinds of flue Gold JEWELRY—aIso, a stock of flue - Either Ware and Oil ralutlnga—will 'be sold out lest than'cost price, on account, to quit the entire business. jys-nirtf* VORIC.-200 barrols Heavy Moss Pork. S 3 barrels Prime Pork. • 113 barrels Leaf Lard. ' For eels by 0. 0. SADLER & 00., - spill Nn 13 Nnrth Water intrimt , . . 11LIEESEI —195 . boxes' Film?, 'Herkimer - 74::r± county Ault landing and for Bala by . - O. 0. BA DULA ic CO., pig . No 8 North Wator rtroot , 11111ACKEREL.-1,800 barrels Nos. 1,2, awl /V-I 8 DIAOKEREL, lu unsorted psoksges, - now In store ivad for sale by JOUN INNWPOYI' & CO., op 3-1-4 Vas, UP 182 ;OM !bum errpartnersliip Noting. CCOPARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED.T.IIE Copartnership heretofore existing between the un dersigned is this day dissolved, by its own limitation. The business will be settled by DAVID HORN and Id IC SAYLOR, who will continuo the same at their old stand, No. 353 North THIRD Street. DAVID norm, JOHN HEISLER, H. H. SAYLOR. PIIILADV,PIIIA, July 1, 1868. The undersigned have this day entered into a Limited Copartnership, and will continue the Wholesale Boot and Shoe Business at the old Mend, No. 863 North THIRD Street. DAVID HORN, PHILADELPHIA, July 1, 1858. Ti. AI. SAYLOR. Jy7-It*All COPARTNERSHIP'NOTICE.—THE undersigned have this day entered into Copartner ship, under the Ilrm of HOWELL, 8511 i & CO„ as successors to Caleb Cope & Co , for thd transaction of the Wholesale White Goods, Linen Hosiery, and Glove Business, &c., &c., and have taken the Store No 503 MARKET Street. HENRY 0. HOWELL, SAMUEL H. SMITH, EVERETT D. HALL, WILLIAM G. STEEL. PHILADELPHIA, July 3d,1558. TY'r-Gb THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED a Copartnership for the transaction of a general Dry Goods Commission business, under the firm of WOLFE, WILSON, & CO , and have taken the Store No. 132 CHESTNUT Street, below Second Street. E. D. WOLFR, C. N. WILSON, D. H. WOLFE. PIIILADELPIIIA, July 6, 1858. ' jyl-6t DISSOLUTION.—The firm of JOHN FREDERICK & CO. Is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. Either of the partners kJ authorized to settle the business of the lirmi at their late place of business, 330 MARKET Street. NOTIOE.-7 . - WE WILL OFFER OUR STOOK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Previous to closing the Store for - ALTERATIONS AND EXTENSION. • THOMAS y/...EVANS CO.; _ • : :818 and 820 ORES24ll7Tlitieet. or the on. s . _ :T :PHEwo ' COPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned have this day formed. a copartnership for the transaction of the' Wholesa to Clothing Intsinebs, under the firm of JOHN FREDERICK /6 00., at the old stand, 330 MARKET Street. JOHN FREDERICK, PETER FREDERICK. f) 6.6 t 3tri4 1,1868 MOTICE.7:-.The partnership heretofore ex• J. l• fetinr the firm of ACKER., LEA 'te C: Las this d a y ee und ss e ed, by its Own li H mitatton. The b , uoldonOs of the Leto firm will bouillon by either of the uncle- P. W.HEMBLEY THOS. R. THNI6. - PRILADBLPIIII., 6 mo. 30th, 1868. THOS. It. TUNIS, of the late Inn of BACKER, LEA, it Co., hoe REMOVED his Agencies of Csacimeres, Satinets and Woollen Goods to No,TRI_CUESTNUT Street below Third, north Me. .jys43t • JOTIOB.—EDWARD B. WOLF has been admitted to an interest in our buidnega from Oda date. JUNE 1, 1868 L. 4t, P. TIOSHOLZ. jyl.6t* XOTICE.We 'have this d 4, opened a house' In New York, under the firm of GEORGE H. STUART CO., and have taken the store No. 12 PARK - PLAOE, for the purpose of conducting' the in- PORTIKG and OODIMIIIIIIOII blllithellS In YORSION. AND DO =ma DRY GOODS. Ommignmente or Philadelphia manufactured goode will receive attention. STUART & BROTHER. Poliamitmni, July 1, 1859. jyl 6t COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The un dersigned have this day formed a copartnership, under the firm of TINGLEY, ENGLISH, & 00., for the transaction of a Domestic Dry Goode Commission business, at No. 28 South. FRONT and 29 LETITIA Street. BENJ. W. TINGLEY, ALFRED ENGLISH, BE'. TINGLEY. July lot; 1858. „Iy1-66 TAE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE THIS DAY entered into Co-partnership, ender the ntlle of AIIDINRIED & ROMMEL, to • terry on the COAL lowliness. ' J. T.'ATIDENRIE ,D JACOB M. ROMALEL. PIIILADELPHIL, Jane 21, 1868. TIIRE WILKESBARRE LEIIIGH COAL, FROM VIM MAMMOTH BALTIMORE VEIN.— This highly esteemed coal in now being introduced into this market by the subscribers, who have secured the excluelve control for its axle. In the Baltimore mar ket, where this Coal has taken the precedence for the past twenty years, it is universally pronounced ae deci dedly the best FAMILY and STEAM COAL mined. We can therefore guaranty our customers universal antis. faction. AIIDENRIED & ROMMEL, CALLOWHILL-STREET WHARF, je2B-tf Delaware. T IHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED ...... A copartnership under the style of FROTIIINGH AM & WELLS, for the trarumetion of a GENERAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, and have taken the store Be. 34 South PRONT Street, and 86 LETITIA Street. THEODORE FROTHING/IAM, KIRK B. WELLS. PHILADYLPHI6, Juno Ist, 1858. • lEiHE UNDEItbIGNED have this day formed a copartnerobip under the firm of Ala. COLEY, BROTHER & BREWSTER, for the trace action of the Importing and Jobbing bestow in foolery Gloves, and Fancy Goode, No. 23 North FOURTH Street, HUGH B. MCCAULEY, DANIEL W. MeCAULEY, CHARLES 0. BREWSTER. jyl-thstu lm July Ist, 1858 LIMITED COPARTNERSHIP.—It Is _RA hereby certified to all whom it may concern , that we, THEODORE HINDU and CHARLES 11.11031EIS LER, have, Oita 4th day of June, 1868, emaciated our /micro together for theurpon of forming a limited m m11)10_112 ‘...34.It_VAL Ityig,aLlVßAmlaradyttv,.:; to wit: 1. Thp name, style, and title of the firm shall ho CHARLES M. BOMEIBLER." 2. The location and place of business of said firm shall be No. 331 MARKET Street, iu the city of Phila delphia. 8. The business of the concern shall consist of buy ing and selling of Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods. 4. Charles If. Bouteisler, residing at southwest 'cor ner of Fifth and Willow streets, in said city, Is the only General Partner. 'E, THE SUBSCRIBERS, have this day entered Into a Limited PARTNERSHIP, agreea bly to the provisions of the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the Chet day of March, 1836, entitled " An act relative to limited partnerships," and do hereby certify that the name of the firm under which the said partnership Is to be con ducted is CHARLES HENRY BRIAN ; that the gene ral nature of the business to be transacted is TAILOR ING, and the same will be transacted In the city of Philadelphia; that the name of the General Partner of said firm is CHARLES HENRY BRIAN, of the city of Philadelphia, and the name of the Special Partner is JOSEPH. It. HUTCHINSON, of Bristol, in the State of Pennsylvania; that the capitol contributed by the said Joseph B. Hutchinson, Special Partner, 1 , 1 Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, in cash; that the period at n Lich Um SON partnership is to commence is the twenty-first day of JunerA. D. eighteen hundred and fifty-eight • and that it will terminate on the twen ty-tirst day of June, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty, (1880.) CHAS. H. BRIAN, J. B. HUTCHINSON. PUILIDIILMIII, Juno 21, 1868. je22-tuft Notices DIVIDEND OF THE PLANTERS' BANK OF TENNESSEE. 11=1 PILILADELPLIU., July 6,1868. The Planters' Bank of Tenneenee has declared a divi dend of Ten per cent. out of the prate of the beet twelve months, payable to Eastern Stockholders, on de mand, at this Bank. C. N. WESUAN uT, jy7-3t For Cashier. A. N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL B. MONROE, deceased. Whereas, Lettere of Administration upon the estate of the above named decedent have been granted to the undersigned, notice le hereby given that all parties Indebted to said estate will make payment, and all parties having claims against said estate will present them with out delay to ELEANOR MONROE, Administratrix, • • No. 934 MARKET Street, or DANIEL DOUGHERTY, (her Attorney,) S. E. corner EIGHTH and LOCUST Streets. jol..tu 6w* rpm GIRARD LIFE INSURANCE AN .L NIIITY AND TRUST COMPANY OF HULA . . . DELPRIA.. Jam: 30. P6B. The Managers hare this day declared a dividend of FOUR PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, far the last six mouths, payable to the Stockholders, clear of the State tax, on demand. • •- - ' fylAttS JOHN F. JAME§, Actuary. SOUTHWARK BANK n 4 o a twit.ral if T31616'29; Yeti, NOTICE le hash) given, that ‘• The Bouthwatk Bank of Philadelphia'," located la the City of Phila. delphis and created for Banking purposes, with a capi tal of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, intends to make application to the next Legislature of this Commonwealth for an increase of one hundred and fifty thousand do lora to its present capital stook. by order of the hoard of Director'. iedo-wed 6 me -Y. P. fiT EEL, Cashier. NOTICE• TO ARCIIITECTS.—In pureu- J. II once of a reaolutiou 'adopted by the Monument Commissioners, at a meeting, at Harrisburg, on the 13th blatant, Plane, Specidcations, and }lntimate!' are invited for the erection of a bIONIII,IEDIT to' the memory of citizens of Pennsylvania who 'lost their lives iu the late War with Mexico: The coat of which is not to exceed the atom of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Communications on the aubJect of plans, &e., to be addressed to the Governor, at Harrisburg, prior to the Ist of July. Proposale received from July 1. until Au gust 4,1358. Pomona furnishing Plans will please send their Esti mates under seal, an they will be for the use of the Com miasioners only. For.the Plan which may be adopted a premium of Two Hundred Dollars will be allowed. By order of the Commissioners. JOHN W. GEARY, Secretary. Ilauftisnuno, May 14,1818. jyl.-tf , M --- OTIOE.-AN ELECTION FOR SEVEN 1.1 DI ItISIOTORS of the MONTOUR IRON OOMPANY, to serve daringthe ensuing—year, will be held on SA TURDAY, the thirty.fl et day of July next, between the hours of twelve o , oloek M., and one o'clock P. M.. at the `,.• La Pierre In the eity of Philadel phia, Pennsylvania. jeBo-t bill T M: DAY - .O;Ja., Secretary. Wicion4L 1101 - GObbS.—l wish fo Iniy $2O Er $26,000 worth FOREIGN AND DOZ4ESTIC DRY GOODS, if one-half or thtee-fourths ilia amount eau be paid In on Improved Farm weer ()Mono; beence CAM. Address J. Pros Office. - jy3-ot* 113AITL7s FARINA CRACKERS. The 1 enduring popularity 'of PAII L ' 8 FARINA CRACKERS results from their 'remarkable excellence. Paul. has no fears that the high reputation of his Crackers will be Injured even If one or two individu als , ehould make and offer the ordinary kinds under, the nadm'of Barton Crackers. Errant of this character aro always corrected by an actual and comparative trial of quail ty by a discerning public. Paul's Farina Crackers ore more nutritious and whole some) mid retain their freshness longer, than any other •Crackers mode. Paul's genuine Farina Crackers are made of th 6 pure Sari no. Ask for Flut.'s FARINA CRACKERS, See that they are stamped "PAW.."' Test them ; compare them wlthothers, and buy them. Bold by the principal birocors and wholesale by JAMES R. "WEBB, Jy3.3tsi 223 South BRUM Street. H ERRING. —BOO bbla: No: 1 HERRING, Eastport liarpsetion6oo do. Halifax, now in store owd - for sale by JO IN M. KENNEDY & CO., ti) ;lOC WI OE4 /53 In D oYATIT.i.PATTE B OF SUM " B LAWNS and ORGANDIES. - • MERGES and GRNANES. AfARS.ILLES and BRILLANTS, DUOALS and BAREGE DELAINEB. PLAIN and BA YADERE .LAVELLAB. PLAID, INDIA, and SUMMER SILKS'. - GLOSSY BLADE SILKS. WITE FRENCH BRI LIANTS. "EDGINGS and INSERTING/I; FLOUNOTNGS, tr.c. MATERIALS FOR TRAVELLING DRESSES and DUSTERS, all kinds. *SEA-SIDE P AIDS, for Bathing Dream!, In medium and gay,Plalds, fast color. Rho whole stock of SUMMER-DRESS GOODS tO be closed out for coon , to prepare for fall. CHARLES ADAMS J , 3 , 3 , EIGHTH and ARCH Street. . , !TRAVELLING DRESS GOODS.- Travelling Dilaters to match. Silk Dusters and Mantillas. French Lace Mantles, from auction. White Barege Dusters. Shawl Baregos, black and white. Thin Black Cloud ,e reduced. WHITE G. Cambric, Jaconet, and Mull, O l O 2 DS X ate. up. Figured Swiss, plain Swiss, and Victoria. From auction, cheap lots plaid Cambric. BAIBROIDEBIES. Jut opened from auction, several lots Linen Sets, fancy Breakfast Sete, neat Collars, and fancy Linen Col lars at about HALT PRIOR. Mohair Mitts—several good and cheap lota. LINEN GOODS. Fronting and Shirting Linens, by.the piece or yard. BOYS' WEAR. Seersuckern, Blay Linens, Linen Coatings, Pantaloon Stairs, dcc. Alno, light Casehneres. MARSEILLES YBSTINGS. COOPER, doCONABD, Jy3S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. J. FREDERICK, O. MULLIKIN. , • . , ELEGANT . MANTILLAS. CLOSING SALES OP THE SEASON. REAL GUIPURE MANTILLAS. _, , ~. FRENCH. LACE MANTILLAS— . . ... • ~ .• PUSHER LACE MANTILLAS. - • . • Fluxion LACE CIRCULARS.; i , • , BL ACKEGE CIR OI CULA RO RS:. . .. WRITE BAREGE GLARS • '' ' ' TRAVELLING, pIISTERB,- In profuse ...Todd , y. - V, ' ' ' •:• -" J.,IY: PROOTOR%•OO 4 , e • j 029 '• v '' ' - '-' ...," _ , No. TOB 4 OBINSTNUT street, SLAGS CANTON CRAFT, FOR MEN'S Coate and Yenta. Blade Clinton Silk Cam - blete. Striped ardriVbite Lutons. Do. and CheekelSieraucker. - _rxtra n fitiabuff and Stab, Linen,. - • - • •• Drab Nankin Pongees".• - • • , Yellow India and French Nankeens. ,atuatpbms‘BßOTHEßS, CHESTNUT , and EIGHTS. je244f HE GREATEST EMBROIDERED A. 'GRAPE BRAWLS ever offered in 'tills' City' are now being sold by TIJO-ENLEY 'A OITIBM , N. E. nor. EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. We purchased', a few dip' ago, at a most tremendous sacrifice for , - „ , . . OAI3II, • a lot of very rich Embroidered Crape Shaine, umo quality and style ea We have sold for '. TWENTY DOLLARS! ' _ which we are now selllng_at the extremely low price of TWSLVE.DOLLABEI: I Ladles, yon may; never have such another opportunity of buying a . . . Also, Plain Crape Shawl!, front $4 to ITS. ' • MANTILLAS AND DIIFTERS: Special 'bargains in lace, S il k, Moir Antique &c. - • - - Travelling.Dresstfaterials in great variety. Thin Summer•Drelef Goode: ( " 3" IIIVA I OVV:II G t. r , 4 =IItkt o , - Our name ie joetly celebrated for Cheap Silks: - Materials for Men and Soya , Wear. Linen Goode, of our own importation. Summer Gauze and other Flannels, &0., &o. Mitts, Vells;Embroideries, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., at THO4NLBY th OHIBM'S - ONE-PRICE • CASH STORE," N. E. Oor. EIGHTH & SPRING GARDEN Shasta. je19.4.f MMANTILLASMANTILLAS I I— Mo- ELROY respectfully invites the Ladles to call and examine his stock of Mantillas embracing many styles not to be found elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our patterns the latest styles, and our prices eo low that we defy competition. 5.000 yards Black and Fancy 811k.s, 3714,44, 60, 68; rich, 623 g, 130, 75; very rich, Si, 87X, 08, $l. 10,000 yards Delainee,Baregea, Ducal., at 10, 12X, 18X, 18k, 20, 22, 26, 28 , 31, 36, decidedly the cheapest in the city. 10,000 yard. fine French Lawns, 10,1234, 16X, 20, 25, worth, many of them, 37x to 62x, very fine. One lot of Crape Shawls, at 515, worth $3O. 600 yards side-band Cassimeres, 37X, worth $l, with a great variety of desirable goods for men's and boys' wear, leas than usual prices. • 1,000 yards Marseilles Vestinga, at 25, worth 75. 1,000 yards new style Ribbons, the cheapest In the city. 1,000 fine French Needleworked Collars, at $l, worth $3. 10,000 yards of Plain and Plaid Jaconeta, Swiss and Cambric White Goods, the greatest bargain in the city. Ribbons and Fringes ap't _Tr in - -vuctetat ye. Jteti„at jeektlitabalr the n., .1 Jei-tuth.-tf No. 11 South NINTH Street._ RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS, ,dco CONSUMERS of RICHARDSON'S LINENS, And thou - desirous' of obtaining the GENUINE GOGDS.ehoild tee that the articles they purchase are alealed triflithe full name of the firm, • RICHARDSON, SONS, & - °WHEN, As a guarantee of the soundness and durability of the Goods. • This caution le rendered eanentially necessary as large quantities of inferior end defective Linens are prepared, season after season, and sealed with the name of RICHARDSON, by Irish hotness. who, regardless of the injury thus Inflicted alike on the American Consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goods, will not readily abandon a business so profitable, 'While pun. diatom can be imposed on , with: Goods of a worthless chamfer. :J. BULLOCKE &J. LOCKE, • me2g- . era Agents, 36 olitißCH Street, New York. A ,OARD. JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer in DO.BESSTIO AND FOREIGN. DRY GOODS, No, 448 N. BBOOND Street, above WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA. Large story White Building: TM:MB-018 PBJ.OIII POB OA.BH, 1D Priebe narked in plain,figures On each article sp2a4m FOR REGISTER OF WILLS, JOHN SWIFT. Subject to the will of tho PeophAl Convention iYf.tf FOR 'REGISTER OF WILLS, • ALD. JOHN THOMPSON. Subject to the People e nomination. REGISTER OF WILLS- ANDREW J. WESTER. Subject to Democratic Rulea. - je3o-tN* CLERK OF •ORPRANS' 00EI1 T—, 709EP11 A. MONITEIMER, Eleventh Word Subject to the roles of the Democratic party. 3e17-dtO* A T THE SOLICITATION of trip Monk rs. I offer myself as a Candidate for the Office of REGISTER OF WILLS. Subject to the People'e nomination. R. CALHOUN SEE, Of the Eighth Want: jell-fmw lm* QHER FAL T '.—Eocuuraged by my 17 friends, I offer myself sa a candidate :or the Mike of BLEERIFF of the. City and.Oonnty of Philadelphia, aubiltio the decision of the People's party, wdose ile min op I respectfully - molten. WILLIAM 11. KERN, Fifteenth Ward:- FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— rorm °ARUN" , 1,7 Ihnuactuypearotti, ifuitTs. FOR REGISTER OF WILLS OILARLES D. KNIGHT TWENTIETH WARD BubJect to the People's Nomination. - F"REGISTER.OF WILLS. = I • JOHN OA.MPBXLL; OP NICVSNTIT WARD. _ • Eiubjeat to Democratic ram' A UGUST BELMONT, . BA.NRIER, 76 BRAVER. STREE, _ • NEW YORE, Isouse Lefton of Credit , avallallo to Travellers, on oil parts of tho word. j050.6m ORONISEIi CO., AL , ' SPROIN AND E %MANG . I BRORMIS„ .- :1 No. 40 South TlllRD‘Street PIIILADELPHIIf Refer to the BLEU and BROILERS of Philadelphia je7-ly OIIS: MANLEY. • R.II. BROWN.' ' R. Ninay, JR MANLBY, BROWN; & CIO; BANK-NOTE, STOCK; AND ' SZONANGH BRORRRS, N. W. corner of THIRD and CHESTNUT Streets, • tHILAPELIMIA. - 0 lloctlone made - and Drafts drawn on all parts of the United Staten and the Canadan, on the most favorable terms. DOlleations madei and Drafts drawn , on England and • • Uneurrent Dank Note" bought., Land Warrants bought and sold. Dealers in Specie and Million. Loans and Time Paper negotiated. Stocks and Loans Vought and gold on -0o minission. at the Board of Brokers in Philadelphia and New York. Je3-ens. BDIVARD R. PARRY, RICHARD' IR pARRY; Notary ?ablator Commissioner for Minnesota. Pennsylvania and New 7tirsey. LAR - RY & BROTREII.,•- •BRQ,KRBB do OENIORAL RAND AOTINTB and OONVEYANOBRB, ' S FRONT S TREET ] above , mama Y, MANKATO, MINNRBOTA, Pay particular attention to loaning and inveetitig Money for non-residents , and ethers •aud collecting Drafte, Notes dee. Any letters ' ttera of strelUtlY or bneinese dill receive prompt attention. Defer to Wriod Bacon, ec Clo., Philadelphia. Dale, Rom . , Withere, Philadelphia. • BharPo tralace. dt 00.. Philadelphia. Rioliard Randolph, Philadelphia.. • . Marini Ellie dc Co., Philadelphia: , Parry do Randolph, Philadelphia. my2l-din* FOR GAPE MAY— . DAILY EXPIVESS VINB, by Steamer "BAL LOON," Capt. W. WitILIAJIH. Thb swift and • favorite steamer BALLOON" leaves Arch-street Wharf for Cape May every Morning, (Sunday excepted,) ail o'clock. Returning, leaves Cape May at 1 )f o'clock P. M. Rare $2, carriage hire in cluded; Seresutg Pam Meta 0, carriage Site extra, netail DTI) ecrabgr 111.ADSOXB ABAWI 86 OZHAIN! Vialaical. Brokers. excursions 2llnusenettle. A MERMAN ACADEMY OF MUM— s. W. corner of BROAD and" LOCUST Mister. - GRAND PROMRSADD sorrow= For fire nights more, Commencing on TURSDAY, July 6tll, by the OZAMA ORCHBSTRA, CARL MINTZ; Lssnsa, Doors open at Tg o'clock ; to commence at 8 o'oleolt. Stogie tickets 26 cents. • - Packages Of 6 tickets $l. Stockholders and Ticket 'holders admitted free. ir6-6t WHEATLE Y'S AROH-ST. - THEATRE. FOS JOUR NIGHTS ONLY. (Commencing on WEDNESDAY 'WANING, July 7 th. BOSTON ORDIVAPS ..EOLZANg, comprising EPH HORN tort FRANK Raowy.R, ohs great Ethiopian Comediana) E KELLY , E. 130 w -us TIM NORTON, W NURTt3N, E. B. FAIRRAIVISB„. . PAINE, 0. HAYNES, E THOMPSON, fcc. Thewhols et t ,is talented Troupe Will appear nightly under Medina. tion of JOHN P. ORDWAY, who will preside it the Piano Their Programme -will nomprim man/ new feature., with old favorites "that never tire"—"The Break-Neck Act, ,, U Happy Boole *Tom," Burlesque e . A Locomotion, and thfrlcaM La Perch. Equipoise. &a by this corps of RIIRLISQBE-AF.RiOAN ARTISTE& For particulate, see Bills or the day, , Admission 26 omits. Doors open at - ; to commence at B,l‘. AN APTBENOON PERFORMANCE ON SATYR. DAY: • .13-5•5 t Sin—gale attb (to Let. ge. TO RENT.-OONVENIENTSTABLEI MEL and Oarriago House, for a - pair of Ilorawhire BRANCH Street, between Third and Fourth ,treats. Apply to ' WM. 11. BACON, • jy7-3t* ' , 218 WALNUT attest . , FOR. SALE—Very'desirable Delaware and . Maryland PARMB, close to Railroad and Nay*, Non. Prices low; terms very oe-comm.:slating to actual settlora. 'WALNUT Street, No. 8 2 3X—Oinceback. jy3-8t TO' GENTLEMEN STOOK GROW ERS.—FOR SALE—A beautiful COUNTRY SEAT and ,FAR.III, a short distance, from the city or New York, in a delightful and_ healthy region, com manding an extensive prospect of land and water. The. situation is ..unsurpaascd in natural capacity. To the. man of business or leisure, who is fond of stock breed ing, urtd is-desirous of a country,residence near the city, the opportunity is a . rare one -for Investment. On the place te aline large Mansion, in excellent order, replete with .• conveniences for a large family, ant ear rounded with the usual a • 'urtenanoes of-a •ntlem • boon. ,Ora .) pery, And rho ee, Bruit of every Tarietyt growu truth climate.. The_ owner has , given hi re pe -00nekaileatiOct to the careful cultivation and improve ment Orthe place, but unexpected providential changes to hie famliS have Induced him-to offer It for sale. POS.. seeslonsirenAmmedlately, aa the owner le making ar rangenrenla for residence abroad. Sm. further particulars, as to terms, lee., address MOßßlS, box 2137 New York Poet Orace, je3o-wed2t ist TO RE.NT—TIie, new fOir-otoried Iron Alafront 8168 E, Na. 24c North, TEM Street, 'above Rua street, with Hl:tares, imitable for the -wholoesle end retail clothleg or any other Widnes. Terms easy, Applytit, No. 427 VANS Street; from 6 to9A.M.and2to3P.M. j73-6tif* maFOR SALE—The desirable STORE nna DWELLING, on the Northireer-torner oC ELEVENTH and CHRISTId.N Stresta. -Lcit DI by OIL Apply to H. O. THOMPSON & G. AI CONARROE, jy34lt • 933 AROH Street. ggi - TO LET—The large Upper BOOKS of 8319.8t0re No.lB North FOUTITD. Street. Inquire bee the premitiee. jy3-3t+ vi TO LET.—A' FURNISHED C 0 atf.- gla„ COUNTRY RESIDENCE at ITorriedde, having s river front, ample stabling, supply of ice, &c. /op* at 115 CHESTNUT Street. • giat OFFICE ROOMS - TO LET.—Three 'animating COUNTING 800118, (in Griggl Proof DulkOng,) on, The second floor ; front, No. 220 WALNUT Street; snitable faninsoranee, or nay other _Oompenles needinstounntutleetingroOroe. • - J019.16E* JOUR GRIGG, 226 WALNUT Street.. tirkioE, ELIGIBLE JIM( for an Insirsnce Compsnyi qr similar car poi.tton, hiring three communicating rnoma on the same floor, No. 226 WALNUT .Stroet, &boy.. DOCK. Immediate possession given. -Apply to - JOHN-0: KOPER, or - THOMAB.T. BUTORKS, N 0.112 South FOURTH Street, mh£lo.tuths-tf . second story, front room. - TO LET.—THE •UPPER ROOMS O' etorea No. 327 and No. 333-MARKET Street ' below Fourth. Apply on tho premises, to M. L HALLOWELL & CO , or • - GIIILLON, ANDERSON, & CO. Wante. Air ANTED IMMEDIATE LX.—FIVE active and energetic CIANY.LBSEBS, to sell Powers'a Diagram and Statistical Record of the Si era of the Declaration of Independence , city. Apply to J. O. POWER.% at the Lithographic Set a bb.. of P. S. - Dural .4t Son s 22 South Pilaff, Street, where Lingle copies may always be had: Je3o.Bt* - WARTED, FUR THE UNITED STATES OAVALRY—Able.bodied, unmerited men, to whom will be given good pay, beard, clothing, and. medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to Ift2 per month. No man having a wife or child will be NM ted. ApAr, for MOUNTBD RBBVIOR at No 817'DIASRBT Ilft• above Mighth, north aide. WILLIAM B. BOYALL, Lt Lieut. 24 Begt. of Cavalry, Recruiting Meer. iDinitstrp. C A. KINGSBURY, M. D., • - ••••=o' •• •• o has REMOVED to 1119 WALNUT Street, above Eleventh. - JO2-3m LARGE NO. 8 MACKEREL --NOW IN gore and landing, 800 ,bl.lB NO. 8 MdAILEREL luxe 288balver ditto, tor rale by JNO. KENNEDYOO, Nor.lBo and 182 N. Wl3Allvia. From Eighth street, along ,ItisrketZstreet, to Loon and along Logan to llaverford street, AT INTEUT/LS OT AlOO 1 lIISFE MINUT 118 47" WM. S. MANN., SIIN UMBRELLAS, x,A.Duce AND d-nzrrx.P.mErr, Manufactured and, for sale, - wholeiudo and rota% kr -WM. A, DROWN k CO., 21a MARKET Street. a irAOKNON, . • JOb PRINTER. liae Removed to FIFTH AND CHB UNLIT FiTREETA • VVING's FARINA CRACKERS.—The V V remarkable' excellence and great'popularity of . Allege Crackers have attracted the attention of those manufacturing-other descriptions of Crackers, and many of these persons buy WING'S CRACKERS, in order to supply their, ettatomens with Farina Crackers. One or two Individuals, however, have been offering the ordinary kind,..whicKthermake under the name of Farina Crackers, and hare succeeded In selliagthem to it email extent. . . ' - The selling of -such Crackers for Farina has a ten. decry. to injure the reputation of TRUE' FARINA CRACKERS, made by hlr-WING. - - Errors of: this. character however, are Usually cor rected on being properly ea l posed. No other person has -ever - succeeded. in Working the material for earina Crackers, or producing any article which 'contains such highly hutritious'aud healthful properties arWINGT...... - . WINO'S CRACIC.ERS _hare a delightful. tuts; set w'e~ll ? ~ae seden kindly upontary and delicate persons' inTeraly, ' t es ~hey are most ac ceptable, and peculiarly pleasant for shildren. Ask for WING'S CRACKERS, and take none bus those stamped with the name of A. WING.” These may be procured of the best family Grocers generally, and at wholesale only of A.R. Thompson & Co., Nos. 221 and 229 Fulton street, New York, or, DINGIER & BROTHER Wholesale Agents, • - No. 195 South-'FRONT Street, Thilad'a. For the convenience of purchasers, we glee the names of some of our best Grocers who sell thew 711113,..4D1MP1111.. Anderson & Dunlap No 1816 Lombard et It. in T Atmoro... - -: • No 1000 Buttonwood et Jarbia Aslibitook.. ...... ....Cor Becond and Queen sta. It. Black - - ,- No 1739 Che• tout et. R. Black --- No 1700 Market et. Thompson Black , No 20 routh Broad at. James K. Bowman • No 053 North 17th et. R. &B. Boyd - - No 1044 Race at. ' ht. ,L. Burt ......No-268 North Fifth et. ,lingli, Brady•. • Cor Eleventh and Pine ate. hi. 0. Brown Cor Niath • and Locust sta. W. Campbell• . - .No 044 Plno st. - , •' Wm. Campbell &Co -•' Cor Elweenth & hiarkOt Ste. James W . Campbell ' No 200 Walnut at. • Simon Colton No 1400 Walnut at. John Devine. - ' - ' No 1502 Market et. James Dobbins' - No 1931 Market at. ...oor Ninth endliip Garden. ...Coe Ninth and Bp Golden. Twelf th and Lombard ...Cot , Nineteenth and Market :-..Green 'ear Btxth st. - ...Cor Si xth and Cherry. • • •No 1035 Market street. . J. NI. Ellis & Sena:: Edward Friel Henry Floyd Gordon & Yorguaon. David D. Graham.. Thomas Graham... Graham k Martin . Samuel W. Gray No 362 S Fifteenth at. Frederick. Grubb ' Cnr Eleventh and Coatea at. Samuel ilayes ' Cor Eleventh and Walnut. John H0We..1.1: . .... .... Cor Second and Lombard. William G. Johnston - Cor 13th and Girard av • B. & ,8. - A. Love Seventh and Brown eta. . MaCar hy ' Tenth, cot George at, ' J. /411. McOleos ' No 719 North Second pt. t 3 R• Mattson Cor Tenth and Arch sta. Watt L. Maddock .k. C 0.... No 116 &M at Third at. W. R. McKinley ...... .• • . Gerrn an ttn it and Jefferson Samuel Moon Paul and Seventh ate. John Moore Pine, above Ninth at. Prone!. Morris Cor Tenth and Shipon ate • John O'Brien Christian and Fowler e'e. John R. Parker ' Eleventh and Market p.a. Wm. Perrin, Jr Twelfth, car Chcatnut at. Philip R. Purdy No 10 1% clout at. Thomas R. Patton, Locust, cor Thirteenth at, Samuel Rogers • Sixteenth and Pine ate. Samuel It. Rosa Cor Second and Brown eta. Albert G. Roberta ...... ....Eleventh, car Tine at. - Robert Ralston Thirteenth and Girard ay. Samuel Roan ' Second, mad Noble eitn, ..... Andrew Sproule.., Cur AI .rshill and Coates_ 'Morris F. Splllin Cor F.ighth and Arch et, Jeremiah Starr Cm VIM end Merchant ate Wm. C. Stevenson No TIS South Second et. Joshua Wright Cor rp lianten & yranklln J. 11: Wheeler' ...Cor Third awl Lomlard sts John 11. Weaver &Co ' Cor Secoud and Line sta. 081t31ANTOVN. - ttlx , z lintes & Itra lIARIIIBBIIIIO, PA. II . Frew' Wm. Dock, Jr 81.1JILINUTON, P. kt• Thonvot F. H. Burling m wed-if If WHITE FISH.-b 0 BBL 3. W4II T E MINA, ter bale by C. C EADI. tat & Crt /OP 419101 WAWA/R.1104 SVPRRIXTHXDBIit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers