- greaslorkei: , [From the,ROMO,RPTakttliette, rune 6,1 -. ' The • Ne_pas i PagarA accodyeds Bar" arr i te : 1 2 2 R"../iO O ,-v ,Pe.YOl,lO - all tn zWit - vroleate, dettarsr and • - odic Sia " - bearing 'Loa .4ho_s alleged out. rages of the BritialrAtavaltforeo dr-Cuba on- fire -Auserloan‘digipTitetaliv such ant evident. WWI; of oxaggivationiivaltatalejodrnids (the` Tribune alone excepted) thty, f the truth ,is quite l_heyond One's grasp, anaritit sine_orusi t , fu Alteral.la s a , whether in fact this:,,ttetwagmel . have,or:Val'a, not sustained any initiate lojotrifee,Whioh•Areat Britain is bound to makikapologran /operation' to that Power. If thaphavetof,whetherfrom raob nem or' from Ignohtlioo;'"any - oeldee the - Gulf has wantonly or lightly, impeded, - AMeriearsqopp, memo or tiffs:kited tate Amerromi tag; theqtritieft' Government,will, wo again roPoeV,lnalth milky in funho'ilatia ratinn at 'Wash ington the moat •'arepte,,reparation: f This will- be' whether Lori Oinrosnionit Lordldaintesbury na ty happen to prosidsvover the Foreign 011ioq arid • whoa) er Lord Derby - be Lord — Palnieraton 'fitayhe the PritueddhOder etthh day: • - sentt, in faot, thsvangrz ,complostion, of doesre relatlatelidtb: 'the - United •.Eltatei not ariso fromtmx danbt 041 Great Britain Jo ready and ylllll4lO do Whitt's tioWeiftil and free coda try ought..to:do, *Alm ”way. of , gieing.honowasifs Aida° tion for outrages or °deuces committed., but from the doctrine now advanited so ' , getierodly and maiut deed se warinly in all States, to ti.e effect that, noteriaistandink all Orlating:trtafie‘for the suppresaiOn of the' slave trade, '.notwitiifandino , t!.O admittodlibpitit to forfeituro of aleyeta wilt a defected; ittspotorloinerpatel; is entitled to immu nity an anat, tat liar character or-voyage he of what kincilit.rany. 4114-3 this dootrioso-is poundost AfGe jeratgaia;llM - Setretery lif Otato , in terms, - ,donft lloss,t roAnuntiy,:valitahin to the. people a (An' siltsoilitMos; but *bleb scam 41r% signed irgohalleage:a most dtaislvetimenton ti e part of the Itylattr Eitiverninefs. - -zlttne 'dommid of AmeriWtothisdlir aattittge less aik nitleauocr tetitFlittiOtti feat or tha rosin.' or. the presin tat 4Biee.?::BtKeare...aittatt7 Great Bit Me ttrintseaimitletserthkelainta of the Tiiitan (Sabina, which . virtually must pat an end to alt efforts at, suppressing the truth° in slaves? Anson The Nuor,Yerir ,Segatdr:whlchibr course', *eau-, pies the 'vanitviettking tefehohroil tbrt rotations ' of the two oountries, witt(grAal Industrj; has :col; looted twonty•soren oaseerin•whioh;*as Is the American flag has IflitOf inAdted.:- l'hcmost cursory glance at the detaikof some ofgbeiorn , in suffice 63410* howsindiatrioualy thia jotirneVis bent on m Ischicf-maktnvsa'hW , Antalle aro stfit'o7: luminous that we - cannot&WlNE reogrfor even any rastdorablepait'otttielklito going no further timilhelicarinnts erliil4,llte relators of vessels themselves, we cangOldilteyee that there is a constant effort MadaJg 4 rierY.. lumter. , who comes in to become at ,oncreftm here of a fresh' outrage. Yet some initairces of -Ines°. candor are found in nooks and corners • of the popOsa:not groat meny,. indeed,yehenOugh to suggest to one rho inquity,%otir.it` Bannsthatlarts 'oticer.who In one carp condeette„Wsettyrithidf -.the dean rUM of °`lrlflOif fa itO nf de t . 1 1/0,,:dolloaoy of - a captain in ci Ike of one 0T- ships, perform.' in" an aulaealutetAduty, - _ahouht the: nott , bein-' suiting in.theinott gloss and wanton manner- the' proverbialitensitiveneu Of the'linltedttetes merc cantito " • ' Yet, after imaking 4ajunplAtalowAnoe as possi ble fort ii - ","eitO.Cotc" tqndepey egaggeration ' , enough; isafinereineinkte,:ebbii.that the Unite d. Buttes bare;-in fact, culotte ~orlust., complaint la this businers,nniess thelshole of the:stories aro absolutolrfalsoothich4e do not ' - Is it triK so Attila !Aso' maeY"Witnefaii, ' Wat American •vesielg; Wore watched" and; bo:?ardod In the harbdi of ; Grande IT: 16,1 he duty of bar Majesty's q#Verphient; however painful, is not, we apprelleakAtteetlinntblpoudthe Ministry of ,ha day, whethetliberal or Conservative, will not jtineh.frota the.perfaitnaaaraf thatnittty. Is it trufthittllffiltesof AmerladlysettnlinVand' even of women and_ children un ooeid American vowels, have beenlitopardfied• bk , :an 'firmed 'at tack on taorendlorvessols? If iris, by gwinenna let Greteitiffidn - -,dirftif AV dates, to t tle3r - what' she would expect than` toiloVb4heX tomorrow ruler choumstances qt. tdialitir.figraVity-and hag portance. The question which_ is, what should we expect - - oni:own aovenunatit; to demand t mittr,.sol;44 , ,....,alfOtialtilajoeit?-.;;And , whatever - the antivier may be, thei man hasten toAet (n.-tlesvprorstiandAhe people be forward to sou that ustioeti4ample- >and! speedy. justice- 3s ilitedlitateWa As regards the Visitatio!tel vessels at Sagas is Grande, Virebeifieritietvile' ideithrti - ,of the two vessels witioh„ w ere 'hoarded IL 8: Bossard; have retorted itt, were offered to them: ..The.lridignatianOto3r, assert, was chlelltdelt faught.to:lave beep) by 'the Spanish authorities, The‘Stihniarde ,were , right;, The iiilepernibitbe 4 or -4 .Bptdn'Was 'kat itez riously involved in this transa,otipo r , and,,, to our mindsi, v ll,4.,,far, fron, - „palltatigg;,..tha., seal, duct of the - Buszar - Cthat an inault appears to have been offered ,to,tkitaySalj and desplsedeleWli which no ‘ofrater would have thought of lemurs or 'the ITutted States; and if any consideration,catfrendeethie affair more:unaccountable-Wad It tothtrivilso would be, it is BM - obvioni impoliey ,. we -bad, almost said the madness, of committing an hank so certainof, embroiling-,Bpain with; the lhlited.:l3tatcs—a state of things.which every °fiesta Ctreatßritain should Alin at preventing by alt honorable-means: • The uncertainty to,. which have 'toter - 6 al!' luded asitetilnetvalthntininiaothineeemplained. or, thoughSaMolopt, preient „any, prematire judgmeotheing pawl ort.any officer concerted in . the alloged•nutrageton the higiteesta;, isyetfavo: 'Able to ilicleytunelation , of thorn kind - prism!' les on which the'etentist Ortilreats , _Biltain on this oc casion must be regulated. To announce at once the dootrineaterwhich thetWo - Powers ß will - con-' tend, is what is just and. natural,: Amr,l first: Pre' may say that this crisis mustatlsiast'ilusblt in a distinct understandingvbetween , thltWo,conntries, as to therlairelifrplliable telhe;iightof viiitation. This moot Important questionl'iMixt4qiongsr he, lot t naltterorden,bfor,aisMaey: :-",- Indeed'," if irohylitils e 3P.,_olgairva.lOw adrolti.V. Gen aid Pees:o4m thio , iMPertuuity Of claiming f Amerimutlessels thwitig.bestl-peasibbarights of immunity on the high' seas. Ire does not, of mime,' say thawevery vissselAilitplitylligsiheitaM` an str i pes letti'dieeenaidtitied exempt Trani itigitliy;` visttation, and even vigilance, on tho.part of Bri tish cruisers; „bitt o shortof thisdifthaltmi the bold! eat stand passible when 'he -sip that, let the voy-, age of the 0(0(4 have been of what character 30.. ever, she carried papers showing.her nationallty, and therefore was not subjaStthsearetA"-,...-- What the British fliii!erarnelit'efay'bis eittfeated to contend for is 44 - Whenever a Just ground exists for enapseting it'-i!fs.sser on the high Seas to be a slavo!,,4o,„mi,suitleet 'to,vjitation,,-iit'Arder',l4 aseertanatirfehrehilittlitietitillf,'On'inveatiga:. lion, she turns out ter,keit 'ildver; SIM is liable to capture.... We doubt- whether Great Britain would allow anytMinietmwhateype its homtx Tolley, to ve tip‘rthlt,mplit..xliivoitatiieoleigi ;, „and-if ,the United Aitumwitt lot; loam tom, it. is not easy to fereouithew the-preecnt 4406t101111 can be amioa-. bIY settled. , Death_ of 'si Old„llljblinlaltio.!:.she Elephant. The following we copy frOm the Cleveland-Ph:in dealer : This -old"- - -and justly , dlatinguished ole• phant Milliday:' He waequite Wahliio heard hit age stated variously a 1 bandrod".tO one. thousand, years. At times,Hannibal ytas rather Wild. Do. motto troubles:may have4been 'the - cause of this. We bolieve,ilds4aultS wereof the head, however, and notolt-the heat. He tinier - toed lobachein' any form,linddrrall his travels was never forded to vont' hia trunk for ..his-hotel:bills. What other shbvtmah' of any: Bete, earl eay asmuott,T thifficittosiVot^ditquisd, Hannibal sift up. some veryharti.Aaperatiunng his life. In Maine, years ago, ,ffeitaa oini`night. shut up in a shed. In the morniprhe-was found Abre9,or four-miles off, with thereofAtf..tho,slied.upou his back-! Who Conueefed with Jun's& Titus' pitons and menagerie holatkafallin,ipoutfrwitli - some of the performewatulanicidaymbilst they were making their grand eatree'lu the,,rieg;..nn their high mot. tied anirgnigsiiitup-oapaylionett borses r liannibat burst his, , ,faelatitngs,.. rushed Intethe.ring ; and unhorsed:exit.) , memo:4'4'om.. After tossing them around for a while he returned to his accustomed place, and .permitted -his:keeper to tie him up again. Going - Irony Boston- to' Salem some years ago, he became ompgedeboutsomething or other. and made terrific *oaten the'road—tearing down fences, tipping over wegOnt;itinklis:sting men' , and horses into the air. - : Travelling frout,,,oue tOWnli,anothei; ore Sunday afternoons in New Hampshire. Hannibal met a long line .of carriages, fillethwith people going home from churob;` ,- TheMan in - the' head carnage struck the elephant astnart•-blow with his whip ea impasse& , Hannibal immediately, un loaded thiretitiro,litio'of carringel: • No ono was seriously injured., as his keeper was , driving Win. I.,brouh's,,strip of woods in Vermont, a violenCtbunder'storm arose. - 4 .-A'tree - *ha "struck by lightlittiv- and . one of , the Shattered' branches struck the keeper and killed hint 'istantly. All night long her thaidephanOratiiited:the dead mart, closely ned,lenderly, ,eveti tit -a. another , would. watch ihe ,turrhatiEtif ,, ~ t hild; amtiiever frinn that montenteleftlithltnti,Lbli , Wlterjustlish , :liannia hal meint,wellp,AWittdoit'fihearf , what ailed Han nibal—probably-ft-Witireltrage. We understand that he ~t lis,2,,leakcirntipf;-yan Anslitirg Co., $l4 000,t-igliitje tokli'eshes.-lr - - ". • ;-- , The iltdinlin of "Itoivitkilr4;,-fiiia.a % Watt:, tiful pleascntly until towards . evoning„when 801110 drunken rowdies made an ankayaked assault on a man named Howell, Inaelfolefenco be stabbed one of them named Stepha n Bel13y ; killing him' almost Instantly. , • - An Eioprment—TheVeser tett-Husband claim log , hie child.; [Prom thefrd'Utdget, j No ilfttii'•oualiiititatieiyWoretiiiil:yeeleitcay , lii. the elopenrent,ota female:from:Albany ;with her paramour the ;following_ of , air. guilty parties of this city by the- busband‘of 'the woolen; rind. Oki oireumetanots. alio WOO tif,the - which trOcotheel4 tatonSmil iv illi . 'her: . The, troil huabanibeb;naMlS teWsittui the !MAW here , inomireT writ of abeas ioipue to seantitti44ol4ovhieb,w,rit Nana placed in the hamlet' of Oguay,Ripp ftr;ifervfeei The 481 t 444.0 0Wrotiod by-Mr.111:, Searched for the gliltr.partiasofndloruhrthent 'Walking in River stvoet k ln,tbe - vicinity of ' l ,ilra4bington 'Hall. On the Anglers servi-ili•lfi44l9Seri s on husband seised hisiohl Ideishtelrmscia *Ming-be tween die telyliftivir :Off TO. ‹AlliditlY'llif fgtna !' b` after" iee he. greatlytter,olk,tit . • tote 'or u f,jo her ; .-k• paramoffmtdr swore tikribiA"tbria `fling all serfactroingamee.' Thu oflieeM quietly hinted , ;' , twilifurdotic , thatithe least htatraidisbeit_ , thirsaffiii•thdigitet it•tvenld. be fur lailri , -sobtriti'imMidefablVitlar by tidal §oll6ool.ll(ceetiellif,,tliu r ,efijoeriilo vitcd t o ri t triblOlNtgliqi:ctsgtiVi.P,olfeb' yl O Ol. 494'0i* teatteis::; T . bithei the re raw - aYnyrnAdocloiting,, entichyAhm ' time they:tsystied at" the °Mee several hundred people hiscieongrapted iw that vicinity. - alre.3l 4-.oorgekoP themmersation,, , hk relatiofq i!..1 7 3014 .f,eßV 4 4, l ooPreir die wauld:VO reason - , Potowsies‘pam....Thimittorniog Mrs. .h poaredtfin the *I 2 :•tust fit* lief ai hou ,left Mr. Mo.l)Ancci4; Ther , t4l . orneidc • vAt:, for sev • I itctazw . ' Now '•,as to 1f httlß 3~nd two oni • , il " hone app lioawdr • I• ht drt rev role year, of S234#WP irptYcliliclearatbellewnlerl, rey _ at oarticil 27,000,060,0tApaammiess. , This ro9l.4l ! Jrrecwriey imorkrugo i ngoro7op Q tallarin fOtherikad'Oniat ITO 014 C. - „ ref ,1.401k1:i4t4C10444kg.'r.V. I~tSl i`N: I gjj a g_, vatv;ncann,„—Wo are 1044 to,learn that lipelatsinpened at ?,ayne% Hall, on Tuesday of o titis .weedy for the benefit, of the Young bleit , s Ohlietian issooictfon; will . , , he' priltriefed Vitlirlhiri- 'evening, when, we learn, the rirnaining "OAS" irill.be die 'POl* 6f by =Mors) Thijoeue preeeuted there fast arn'aing was tine .of *ere brilliancy, and the music die '""nbed ,i , y, IS eftiYand Vas' in' elegant leeeideg 'with -the tither iliatttris /if, tlie,ente, tatoinerit. The puldfc, -titiii tar.:baa manifested the kindest liberality. towards •Otia.ivorthy'entefprfiefand to•derwill doubtless Wit ness a liv l ely rceue ln the conversion of the host of nice thinrni Itlat, yet renialn;lota; the; necessary material AOtt, 9r - wpfoh the essoolation is so much in need,' in .order to berry on encomia - fully their nUnieroushenencent projects already COmmeni - Cd. ~...I..et the closing day bUtt 1 ' heln'ilai'. 1,, • : ;,-. . - : - ". s ..:Szavtef'dMacultrus.--In another, column of our . parcel to-day will be. found the 'advirthiementof Mr. 8. D, Baker, agent for the, sale of the Marris' Boudoir betting Machine, in this - city,' We 'take special plea sure in directing the attention 6,r the publid to bile ad. cettisembet, from the feet thattlie article it oilers to . the publls is one which wo believe could be profitably ,adopted by every:fatally in this 'city: • Of all the labor aavingnutrhlnes extant, that which in our day hoe come to roman itunan from the' curse of the liSaltli-destroy- Mg nee* Is entitled to peculiar consideration, Mere. tolhro,BewingblaChines, to be worth owning at all, ware Usually held afirlece beyond the abllt , y of the mains to purchase them; but-the forty-dollar article adver tised by Mr. Baker—recommended, m it is, by many of our leading cltizonanhom ye:know- , lentores the ob. ;Jeclfoll: to price, and plumy it within- the reach of al- ~_ " • - &n ay HA:rd.—We are glad:6 see gentleman inailitea to adopt the straw hat this lemon: There' is antilr,otaotorert:evehliettiaifeiiitiiiiititia that ehould :reh'eratae,nd Iliete;t9 pla,act:"mtniled . Akti!* daring ,th e heft :of ~-.19a have just Adopted one these cow d'ortatae head coverings froth the -eolebrateddlowse of, 12nisidarklOsIgistimhypIff.'415 South ffircimd street; "which house Welt 4,31,y honored With Ito notice of this important feat. We must say, moreover, that their stook of gents' Straw hat.., Wad In fast straw . goods in general, is the most complete we have eve? . „ GEN ea! illinrrillHlN a -goops!- 7 .t10re, / eatlemon, •ts 'Jot r 4 led ant tr t +o • You e,xiiiitto leevo the. Olti, end to do so satlshisterlly, , yon,lbed.yourselv es in need of shirts, cra vats, halls, andorolothine, collars, a handsisivi Wrapper It ' may, Pe, and eruvllry ,other, necesaary nick-nacks, .ifery well; the olio to gat thine is itt, W. W. Haight's, No. 606 droll street. - • - ' • - - Tna RACE YESTBRDAY.—Tho suooess'of Flora itemplo, at the Vet on Wednesday, de 'attributed to the skill of the jockey who droyedhe victorious mare: iVe "understaild that those who were on the winning side in dead prefienling him with a new and elegant 'suit from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Bockhill & Nos. 8031 and 605 Chestnut street, above Sixth. tip ; 3ztraordinary session of tho 'United States `Seiiate , finally adjourned on Tuesday, after having idoPted the resolutions in relation to British Aggres- Xiousi , and,a stirring appeal from - stason, of Vir ginia, to' the country at large, to supply Itself with clo thing lit the' " Old Franklin pall Clothing Empori • urn " B. H.-Eldridge, No. 321 Chestnut street, Tho distinguished speaker passed a high eulogium on Mr. Harem N. English the artistic- and skilful foreman in the 'eustonie deparlinent of , thiccstablishment. BRAIP77 - ;‘, , -!‘ I base been often daztted by the blaze of manly beauty; but, till now, ne'er knew per fects,' Irelilless.!' This was the expression involunta. rily used in our hearing by a fair friend, on geeing her betrothed elegantly attired in a suit , of the bewitching styles of Granville Blokes, the Philadelphia fashioner, No. 607 Cheetntat street. Our reader's who desire to similar impressions should avail themselves of the isiivices of the ekilful cotters in this eetablishment. importattono • . ported for the Prem.] . WINDSOR, 178—Brig.. Meander, Mariann-250 tone .lastge E A Sender do 00. PHILADELPHIA BOARD 07# BRAM Dieatinnfißli • RlCtlit.tAD WOOD, Omouyring or THI MONTI monnte,„ Oaritie 3i U~ezice OAT :OF 1.111LAJDE1,P,11.144 'June 18, 18458. -311i111,11188. I SUN BETS " OZ6 KGB - WATER 8 17 - .•.. . ARRIVXD. Steamphip Boston, Bellew, 20 hours from New York, via Cape blay4.with mdse and passengers to James All. derdlee., Passed an unknown ship below the Brandy .Wine`artet • full rigged brig off Reedy Island, bound up. Alsolahlp Rochester, from Liverpool, below the Pea . Patch, in tow of tug J . O Barque Oak, Ryder, b days from Boston, with mdso to Wells & 00: - r 22:Brig bleitader, (Br) ' Darloon, lb days from Windsor, N 0, with plaster to B A:Bonder & -ball .Brigst to B .Ocean Wa ve, M & C oreton, 3 days from New York, In aer o. • ' Brig ClomßteWirt,lllshop,lo days from Pcntlanglotith India to:captain. -:Bohr Gun Rock,..Wilaon, 10 days from Cape Breton, ;with-160 tons ooaltb 8 Morita Waln & Co. —. fiche Julia Anisailtarding, 5 days from Boston, with -mdse to David Cooper ., - - ' - Behr Ohio B Caratair ,s Somers, b days from Boston, In ballast to Van Inisen, 'Norton er. Co. , • Bahr Woodroft aim% Mason, B dayi from Boston, in ballast to captain.,, Behr Xliaaboth Davidson, Long, 8 days trim Boston, with rods* to Geo A Wood. Bahr Palmy, Spence, 0 days from Boston, in ballast to ' captain: - Bohr J If Deputy, Neal,B days from Boston, In ballast to N Sturtevant & Co.. - • • &chi:Bill Outer, from Boston, with mdse (o Crowell k Collins.„ Bohr Si Raynor, Raynor, 4 days from New York, -Witllsagar to captain: Bahr bfary..Mlller,• Laws, I days from Boston, in !ballast to Ohm Miller & Co. •• - 11ihr Gee Paws- d, Baker, 8 days from Salem, In Ital ian to N Sturtevar t a Co. , Sethi Jlt Stroup, Corson', daye from Boston, In bah •laatto John It White. •" - ?Eigighr Sarah Louisa, Palmer, 3 days from Baseafras River, with bark to Itlohardeon & Overman. ..IBehr 0 A Greiner, Weaver, from Boston. 'llchr Village Gem, Hinckley, from.Boaton. - Behr A Cordery, Babcock, from Boston. Bohr Ald Bugllsh, from Burton, - Behr % ti Bigamous, Godfrey, from Boston. 'Bohr Firm, Endicott, from Roxbury. 'SOW Jacob &William, Motthewe, from Newburyport. Behr A P, Talpty, from Porfamouth. Behr Thomas P °dipper, 'Williams, from New Bedford. - Bohr J ii Allen Babcock, from Belem. Behr Ontario, tan cider from Providence. Nish, Bell, 1 , day from Lewes, Del, with mdse to Theo W Parker. OLBARIID. _Bteemehip Kennebec, Hand, New York, J if Menne'. Brig Grace Worthington, White, Meteors", J Mason. Behr B 0 WiNetts, Thompson, Newport, L Audeariei, &00. ' ' ' Bohr Village Gera, Hinckley, Boaton, do Bohr Joe Porter, Adams, Buxton, do . Bohr &Corder', Babcock, Boston, 0 A Hecloher & Co. , Bohr Aid Idgnslij,Booton, do Bohr .W Simmons, Godfrey; Ihiston, lobo B White. Bahr Marylifiller, Lawe, Boston, 0 Miller A Co. Bohr Geo Rdward, Baker, Boston, N Sturtevant A Co, Bohr J II Stroup, Corson, llostOn, J It White, Same A r Greiner,Weaver, Lynn, Sinnickson & Glover. -Behr 'Jacob A William Matthews, Newburyport, Sturtovant A Co. . „ Behr Polly Price, Frio', Brighton, Yin Duren, Norton ~ dc Co. Bohr Oboe 8 Carstairs, Somers, Portland, do ' Behr 1)N, Talpey. Portsmouth, 0 'Miller & Co. Boor J It Allen t ßaboock, Salem, 0 A Hecksber A Co Bohr Jas Martin, Harding, Providence, Noble .Ham mett A Coldwell ' "Bohr Frank A Hall, Cain, Charleston, , do - Bohr Arctic, Brown, Wilmington, NO, do , "Bohr I 0 Boynton, Gillings, ALiddletown, do Bohr Neitune, Baton, Now Haven do Bohr G L'Burns, Knapp, Albany, do. - Bohr Sea Shark, Knowles; Troy, ~ do Solar Richard Yana, Frink, Boston, via Wilmington, Del, Rogers A Vuther. Achr Ontario, Vangilder, Providence, L Rothermel. Steamer H L Gaw, Iler, Baltimore, A OfOVON, Jr. (Corr,2l , ll::nlpct of the ?.re1411.) nivnx ny, 411 : A010,4utie 17,1858. A great wash in the canal at htoCalltit Sorry hee pre tinted boete from coining down until late lest evening, but all is right again. The steamer will matt a short time foi. boats,that have been detained. There are now but four here, is Tollowat—Thomas Craig, Extenuate, Two Sisters, awl . oorsesiondence, with coal for Dela• ware City _ Tigiontrlf.l (Coftezpoit ' dew* of t the Philadelphti EXClinnge.) . OAPS limano, June 17 - b lll. The barque. SCean Bride, for Cienfuegos, and a few sabre went to nes today, And several schrispaased fn. Wind ENE—weather doe. Yours, THQS. B. 1.117011110. ST T 513101141471 TO 781 THUS.] NSW Wax, hum IL ~Arrivo4 brig. Executive, from Cordense.. Al Port let Mot, brig J, Dockmoo, from Boni 'moro, diseltargiog. , Rome . Jane 17 Arritod, ship Cochlusta; 110 dale frtna MEMbRANDA Steamship Heystone,State, Hershman, hence, arrived at Charleston 14. th Ind. Bncountered fresh southerly - winds and hiti'vy mint motor the passage. ..cflteamship, Yang Tee, r Dearborn, irons- Shanghse, at 'Mug Hogg 4, and sailed. Steamship'ldibtil, Hotline, from Charleston, arrived at Nevr. York 16th last, to undergo Topeka . Steamship, Delaware, Cope', hence at New York yes liteamshiP Philadelphia, Garrison, for New Orleans sod Havana, cleared, at Now,York yesterday. liteamehli . Ariel, from New ,York, arrived at Weirton Stet silt .. - -.. ' !I/hip:Windsor Forest, Graffam, for Qtiebeo, sidle,' from ,lidirpcppol 3d inst. ,9thip , Oceem Hollis, Holleran, for Philadelphia, entered ;for loadipg at Liverpool ad diet. • , Ohio: Thomintlyattaan, Laorelle, from Gibraltar, at ,Cadis 19th Mt.. -•- •- . • • • .Bhip; Sweden. Mead; from Gull; via alauritias, at Bombay April 80.. , ShipJaaritan, Wyatt; from Prorpool, arrived at Bona :bay-April 80. • ! "..: ~. ' Ships North Carolina, Tinsarora, Phosnix, Shamrock, "Batitak, and Ohimborazo, for Philadelpha, were 190- ing,at Liverpool 6th lost. ' . , Rap MarykAdoline,Watticwhioh sailed from Genoa '22d , ult. for New Orleans, put back 24th nit, through 'stress of weather. ~ • • .-- ShiP , Frlgat 4o Bird, GO/10,95t Hiing,Hong April 12,, iris sip for atin leidielleo. --. • ! -13kip,Allfitica, De Forrest, from Cardiff, at Charleston 'l6thkid. , ! Ship ; Esther . ; Wilteby .„ 'tient° was discharging at Ilio -doliineiro sth silt. • --jhuoMlTOinis Ilelena, Hi Wail, for 'Philadelphia,had notaailed from Getroet 30th ult. - .„, 7--Darauts 'Argentine, LaMbert, - frord Zanzibar, arrived /it Adenldity,ll. , • ,- , --Barque flunk, (Olden )' Hoplier, oleared at Boston 16th ',Wit for Cape Town, OGII. Barque Vola"nt,itt Bettina 9th list, was chartered to 'tilutat, 00iiruilloa tar Baltimore, Philadelphia, or Boa. drfni.lso Idsde; at 423( cbi per 100114. "Baistue'Asi9 - Rooker; Gould, from! Shang'hke, at Hong 1 'Hoag April /Si and sidled 9th fOr blioasear. , '1" Barri Hirlrflird,' Cook M Tpuigoort 19th March, - Barque 0 61'00 . 0 Tiik,irdelmps, ; oliixoa at New Or- jeans 10th , luiltsfor Diii nelapeTro, - wittt 2210 bble flour. 'Brine iniodottei Irternit,'Oleared at gammon. 113th ;put: for Mittens's. . . . .. , . , .1g: BlfeaffitH,DilibeKfroM St liartd,'irrlved at Ef 1 - tkettitte aoth t., , - .;iifirP'olll4lr, Tii,fiiir:',QPliilidetphis' wie - at, an hcif 1 .1 1.14 - itit . et Cad um: -. , . .. - ...:190hrr Alf' AldrldtP,'l, S Leveriiii and jaw R./ditch "Al rl l )* X t ril i t 11 111 ' 4 ! I LVir "br4 1111 iitki ' ,Iflotlilthlll4. ‘ t': ~ CP fir ROLbif,i', at youtew !Atli aklial,4oYel, train glitskoroi.lifildi Philadel ;PlO* at 110 0.0 1 9 , Ilitlic IDOL '. L' . -' • ra '8 Ajfamixiorid..PoltiO; - anif WiriliViaridiltidge I ioi i ' 'pity - Ir. bc9,o 9 9",' . ll o 4,at" l l9 Th aaa' hole 10th S n o t'' ' he Juana ' dc 'Harr; Trio, Yof 'Philadelphia, railed : v iedrii Yawl, navels 15thinat. - : - - • 'Behr Watchman, Forham, hence for Pembroke,kle, jiiiiirit Provincstown 14th inst., , i lac Wave, Joline, hence arrived t' dbarliislon 16th „Icily ;• , ii mew Slia Patiffirk!Of Philadelphia,arta J N Baker, 4 " , i 4 i ‘ki , V , l. - •": , ,, , 15.-1 ''.l, ~, j York" /oth last Bohr M R (Imitate, Winamorei salled . froin Boat Green wich 16th inst. for Philadelphia. Bchl. Blilowar, , Bsyner,herice, arrived at' Proridenea gOth lost. chri Gee Pales, Nickerson; Applegate, Lee; P. Golsen, Gotten,. U rr Cramer, Huntley, and Mary A,, nn, Bowen. sil ted front proildenalkth inst. for Phila delphia. • The P. H Colon wont, int* Newport. ' - Bchr Ban. Ldis,,.7leteham, hewed at Pawtucket /6th. instant. . • • Behr Gazelle, Bowers, hones at Marblehead Bth inst. . Schr Marginate, Wildon, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York 16th Inst. , • M1130.161.1ANY. Cork, (Fessall. West) May 31—The American shin Bosoius,p - Airrhauled out of the Royal Victoila dry dock — oifter having, received general repairs, including new fore:stem, keel, seildrY pletike, caulking, copper &o, in. making good damages 'imagined by having, struck on the Boilly rocks, AA previously seported,whea on her voyage from this port, where Ate called [or or ders, for Havre 'cotton.) Bristol.pi[l, anti%) 2—Two - of our pilots report that the crews of the American ships Fortitude, for Manilla, and 'the Winged Arrow, also for Manille, both from Cardiff, were in a refractory state whop thetleft the Channel, and that the officers wore Inflicting severe punishment. , . SPOKEN. March 36, off Solo Aor, Alpe Prank /ohnaon. Lothrop and Loo•Ohoo, Morton,. from- Oalcatta, Is Singapore for Hong Kong. • _ . . • , • --NOTIOB TO 51AltINNRS, • • ORATES LEDOR, BOSTON RABBOR. • Notice .Is hereby given that the iron bell boot upon the above atation will be - removed the first fair day for repaint. • • A black can buoy, of the first ohms. will occu the py station notil the replacement of the boll boat, of which due notice will be given, By order of the Licht Boum) Board - 51BLANOTON 851.1T11, Comdr US N, - -Lighthouse Inapector, Second Bastriet. Boston, June 12,1858. Notice 'ls hereby given that the light ship near Rat tlesnake Shoal, which parted her chain on the 27th ult, wee anchored on the Slat Blay as near her former poet. tioa as possible, She now lies about a quarter of a mile E or that minion. • • • • - By order of-the Lighthouse DoiiriL T 1108; T. 1117NTSR, • Lighthouse Inspector, Sixth District Charleston' June 12, - FOREIGN PORTS At Whampon (not ;long Kong) Aug 12. ellip Grey realm , Brown, from long long, for New York, ldgp Storm King, Oallaghani and Snapdragon, Dania, for do, unoortain, At biseao April 12, thin. Antelope, Clark,. una. • • "Kr it do -April nebarque ;Nymph, Sricei Hong ,Kong, and ald 6th for Singapore. - . At fang Kong - April 12, ships•• Atmosphera, Mat, for Uri Francisco May 15; . , goarlea., Manson, and William. Sprague, Bowers, unc; barquellanefMtori Oornlng; do; and others as before. • • At Amoy April 8, berutto Pathfinder, Mimeo, from Ningpo, or March 15, una.l3ld April 3, brig Progresorre Age, liohnee, Bwatow. Ar at Milford 80thultiohip Flora Southard, Small, Moulmein. • . . At St Thomas 30th Ult, brigs Wm A Browns-Nicker son, St Michaelli;• 224, Fit . Mary, Johnson, Martinique, and sld 23d for Naguabo, to load for Now York; 23d, barque Mary Attalla, Keller Newpertr brigs Bohlo, Bartlett. York, and sle 26th for Porto Cabello; 24th, Addy Swift, Avery, do. and aid 28th for Maracaibo; 28th, Flora, Rico, Jacksonville. 81(1 11th, eohr Meteor, Borne, Turks Island, to load for New York; 23d, barque William, Geath Nsguabo, to load for Baltimore; Teresa, Terry, Maracaibo; 30th, echr Sullivan, Goodwin, Angostura. DOMESTIC PORTS NEW YORK, Juno barques Evelyn, Har rington. St ?die web; Onetime, Glaskon, Bremen; Con stitution Savor, Rotterdam; Yrros, UmMelt, Liverpool; achy Christiana Noon, Many, Charleston. BOSTON, June ld—Ar, steamship' 'Europa, Leitch, Liverpool; ship Callender, Patten, New Orleans; brig Marshall. Smith, Accra, Africa; steamer Wm Jenkins, Hallett, Sultionre. Old, Br aleamer America, MilleN Liverpool, via Hali fax, NS; barque Sahib', Gould, Baltimore; brig Mecha nic, Haven, rl Inidad de Cuba; ochre Marthallurr, Nick erson, Alexandria, Ye; Golden Gate, Hammond, BOG 'more. PORTLAND, June 15—Ar, barque John Aviles, - Hart, Alatanzar brig Edward, Hodgdon, Boston for (Wain; echr R ll'Pertinr, Roberta, Penobscot for Baltimore. Old,brigs Henrietto, Blesses, Henna; Frances Ellen, Sawyer, do. CHARLESTON, June 15—Old, Echr Col Lester, Dela: nay. Orange Mille, Pia. Went to sea, ship Leconte, Freeman, Savannah; barque Mary Anna', Green, Liverpool; echr J T Grine, Rodgers, St Alary'e, Georgia. NEW ORLEANS, June 10—Ar, ships S E Pettigrew, Burdick, Liverpool; Columbus, Hopper,' Havre; Ben nington, Douglas , thew York; 'Pernik', Carder's, Have ns; brigs Rosalie, thgnaroli, Palermo; Pizarro, Sturgis, Stonington, Oonn; ochre Peter Howell, Small, Rich men, Va; Helena, Roemer, Camden, He. Old, ship Highlander, Sherman, Livvorpool; barque T Vennard, Wyman, St Petersburg; Span brig An o nieia, Roig, Barcelona; brig Rufus Soule, Darla, Matan zas; echr A B Moore, Smith, lialiimore. ARRIVALti AT THE YRINCIPAI, HOTELS, UP TO ONE O'OLOOK TslB MOANING. GIRARD HOUSE—Ohestnat street, helot? Ninth. 0 8 Bradly, Providence F S Dorsey, Providence Thos James, Memphis, Tenn Semi Lynn, N Y W P (lhambliss, U BA. R W Rodman, N Y J Jones. N J ' Geo W Carr, Alton, 111 John Willis, Alton, 11l W J Walker, Indiana Miss Steinman, Lancaster A I Steinman - , Lancaster Mr Johmon A la, N Y J F Kennel, N Y A .11 Lathrop & la, Mass A &hell, N Y 'no Bevan, Va . E Bodwell, Balt Jared Pratt, Moss 0 0 IC Pratt, Harrisburg ~ Mout Si Laughlin & la, USN Dr Golder, Balt W B Allen, Charlestou,l3 1./ W A Allen. Boston A J Wright, Chicago F P 11111, Elizabeth oily A N Halter, N Y Nelson Bash &. la Ohio Dr Sarni Grimes Ind Henry Brady, Indianapolis W W Coyle , Louisville, By - J P Davidson, Balt W Ford & wife, Bliss Ohas Goodyear, Washinen C Goodyear. jr, Washington IC E' Chaney & lit, Wash. Miss II A Watson, Washing- ington co, Ind ton co, Ind . Mrs Conrad, Phila Mr Strebeightt. ia, N Y John S Henderson, Edin -0 P Gooding, U 13 A, burg, Scotland John B Ward; 0111 . .1!1,11 L Hatway, NY _ _ 13 li Seymour, N Y ' - Dr T Rll Smith, Fulton, Dr W S Chiploy, Losing- Mo : ton, Ey .1 S Wilson, Lerington,-Ey Geo W (froward, Moss A C Blayne, Milford Blass W C Ilubbert, New York T 3 Campbell A; la, Tenn J Walker, Boston Min McDermott, Boston J Higinbotham, Baltimore 0 B Steuart , Michigan , E Wheeler, New York T F Plunkett, Mass W (I Norwood, Savannah llon olt Singleton, Miss lion A 111 Scales, N C J P Scales, Miss - . ' W Norwood, Georgia 11 S &inlaid, Coin J T Hateb Buffalo (I W Hatch, X Y - A Harris, Waeltington Jan Donovan, Batton, bid H B Brown, Balt, II Zenteno, Mexioo - Jos do Garay, Mexico D bielltialn, Bolt W T Hall, Balt I II Wyman, Balt W L Southard A la, Port. S Templeton, Balt land, Me ' J E Templeton, Balt A Pia, Havana' N &mane, Havana B Arioca, Havana V Alva= ' Havana . Id Lino, Havana ... J 11.Bartholonfew, Conn N Mimes, iIfITAIIII. Dr W Mount, Cin, 0 A G Gullet, Md alexCollie, England P II Wentworth, Boston , J Robinson, N Y A 0 Palmer, Boston 1 N P Oarpenter, Moss L P Fought, Hose ' A Welch, 'Washington 10 3 L Nicodemus, Md 3 Dixon, Tenn A Ja•kson, Jr. Tenn Chas S timith, Va Chao Stover, Va Miss AI G Stover, Vs It A Hunter, Reading Henry Storer, 2.13 Miss Warne, Pa Jordan II Stover, Pa A Baird, U El A 3 L Cabsine - , St Louis W P Stuly, N Y II 3 De Wolf, N Y If J . Banks. N Y W A Martin, Chicago Andrew Johnston, N V MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arab Edw Behr, N Y * II D J ones', Derby, Coon Win F Hyatt, N Y John 9 Drowning. Va D J Castieman,Wasbington P Book', Neat Hampton, Jae King & son, Miss Conn II Y Libby, N Y - F Barrie, Albion, 11l L Harris, Albion, 11l P iii Hay, Pa I) W Moore Clearfield J 0 Hill & la, Ohio D G Burnam, Donlon Sarni Gardiner. Jr ,NY L A Hudson, N Y L Blossom, N Y Dr T Rush Spencer, Hud- Wm P Ramsey, M. Chunk, son Mo Pa Sam Patterson, Id Chunky 0 W Rowland, Pike co, Pa Pa Hon L Q 0 Elmer, N .1 Thee J Brooks, Ind John E Johnston, Ship :James Campbell, N J pensburg, I'a Wm Bone, Balt Mrs L Bone, Balt J T Pratt, Pa • A 0 Loomis, N Y R Jennings, Brady's Bend J Winslow & wi, Brady's I II Cooper, N J Bend Hon Richd Brodhead & wi, D II Neiman, Easton, Easton " .7 Van Valkenburgh, Bing ,' Thompson, Allegheny City hampton H A Guernsey,Weliaboro,Pa Wm Winkle, Ephrata, N L Smith, Reading Lancaster, Pa Lewis Kirk, Reading .7 li, Almond & la, Ye AMERICAN HOUSE—Chestnut atreet, above Filth. W B MeAtee, Phil& John Burke, l'hila B Philbin, lilnenachinietta Jae Porter, Phil,. Chas Gill, blassachneetta J B liarrieon, Mammehrlat'a John Wilson, bleesachuaellaJ A Boyd: Sunbury, Pa J firnyeer &b., York, Pa J Cunningham do la, Tren- Dr Miller & lady, Chilli. ton, N J cothe, 0- - M U Cobol, N Y J M Fleming & la, Maryl'd H P Fleming. Maryland C C Ilornbloorlng, Del , John 0 Tuckwalter, Va Joe T Campbell, Mum -U Crawford. St Louis Dr U T,Young and dough- A I Avery, Fulton, N Y ter, St Leiria N P Dice, Fulton, N Y James Dugan, N Y A IV Hoff, Reading John Wittolore, Reading Si b' Willis and eon, Balt Thou Lester, Balt James Hopper, Md 11 Aiken, Franklin,N II UNION lIOTBL—Arch street, below Fourth. U Williams, Port IVapne, I. A Junking, Dridgport, 0 Indiana O II Locher, Dalt W 4 Thompson, Juniata Rev V P Hagen, Mit, Pa co; Pa, David Gana, Easton, Pa E D Draper and:wife, W 8 Dreitenbaeb, Lebanon ford, Guts co, Pa 0 W Mixoll, Easton, Pa W U Ifuyett, WillUme- Jae Riley, Williarnebarg,Pa burg, Pa Jlf Frost, Cincinnati, 0 G G Braila, Newark, Del I Palm, Palmburg Wm Monroe, N York L Ries, South Carolina • NATIONAI• HOTEL—ltaee street, above WM. 000 Barney, Vt H Behiverling, N Jno D Hagerty, Carpenter. L Vitus, Easton, Pa Title, N J A Davis, Easton, Pa C P Jadokson, P Dr Lewis Royer, Bch Haven Dr John Treor, Montgome. Mrs C Yoho, Bethlehem ry co, Coo W Atkins, Bethlehem Wm Byerly, Bch Haven Geo A Polio, Bethlehem B Puterbaugh, Milken- It fiehidsey, aston, Pa _ b arre W Reirsoyder, Pottsville, Jacob Botherutel, Lanooo. Pa ter, Pa D U Lebkochor, Lancaster MADISON noun, Second street, above Market. L Slocum, Maas F Woodall, NJ John Woven, Md • II Delta , 'ler, Fa Loyd Hancock, N Y 11 }Uhler, Chesapeake City Wet Davidson, Baltimore P F Meltinsey,,N Y Bobt H Davis, N Y WESTERN. HOTEL—Market street, above Eighth. Thor Thomas, Del Mr Downs, Del B W Whitmore & la, Lan- J J Beiges, Lancsator caster Wm Hutzler, Pa Ohas Donley, LIIIIO2IMOr 080 Pyno, Del J N Galvin, N Y clasper Beecher, 8 0 A Woodln, Booth Amboy, Pater BlBinge, Boston 'N J W T Hubbell, N Y It Asians, Washington Paull Vs:ideas, Ps. Bitseri Pa BALD 'KOBE MOTEL—Third argot, ab, Oaliowhill 8 Whitaker, Deposit, NY EL Austin, Deposit, N Y Darld Arron,Deposlt,,N y Jos Beiple Burka on, Pa Wootring BLuckerto wq 8 Byer, Lehigh co. Pa Pa' P Rees, Jr. Warren NJ Andrew Galvin, Bastian A 8 Pohropp, L,Y Geo Miller, Lebanon co,Pa J P Thomas, Norristown A,W Gates, Pa Pa BLACK BEAR INN—Plfth And Merchant streets. B 8 Elliott, Md L A Potts, Wed &inter Geo W. Priae, , Po._Wm Elder, Franklin co Win J4nes, Pa .Tbon Darlington, Chest co Pee Pearson, Chester co Z Darlington, Chester co B Robinson, Newark, N J Thee 11. Coleman; N Y T, Reamer, Newark, N J Geo It Carpenter; Md P Enerologer, Harrisburg Ii Willaner, Pughtown, Pa 8 H Binder, Pughtown, Pa Levi Bissell, N Y .V A Gault, Pa Mist, A Hutton, Chester co Mid 14 Baker, Chester co Miss 8 Marsh, Chester on . • SLAGS. DRAB HOTEL,-Third. et., above Callowkill, Dant PUbleri „Kutztown Geo Westin, atalden Creek A liorner,.Pa. . Wm Johnson, Ohio ,' A B Bechteli Ohio Geo Wolf, Danboro, Pa Adam 'Pout, Berwfille, Pa 7 P Conrad, Berriville, Pa ilenry,Lefferts &lei l'a • Andw Ditty, Georgetown BABLET fiIIEAP.IIOTBL—' -Beeond atieet; below Vine W 0 Hamilton, Lambertvl T M IlletOn, Pa M T Miller. Pa Wm Hawk, Backe co; Pa DrainTlowere, Udall co • Jae Wilson, N J W Prenton,Stackport, Pa &Atm Pell Hooke co Wm M Kirk, Porrestville Sausaved, N J P 8 Preston, Stockport, Pa .1 Williams, New Hope Job Bitters, Lambertville, N J Pritg,,,..j0ng5 7 ,,,,r,0,1-pLAP.V.miifim,„ yvpAy, , ? I,iI;NE ~,1.$„; ,$0.., , Nottuis. Sate - tack's TnMonte Syrup, the pest 'and most licialtivo:cure' for youglts, 'Coide, 'Coninumil,loil, Giver c omp l a int, lyilluouia,Soro Throat, tloaracuurp, Anthem, Whooping Cough, Scrofula, and .ail tlimaom of cm -Tho reputation that this afedicine has elitlained during the .twenty years it has been before the PUhile, rendCrd It'usolesa to puff It. iilOUltallebt who ha t 0 been bene fited by its use testify to its merits. Price $1 par bottle, or air for 0. Wilco, 59 North SIXT/I Street, corner of NORTH Strout. jolB.tf Saving Fund.—Flve Pis Vents Interest.— ' NATIONAL RUNTY TRUST COMPANY' WALNUT :ptroet, a. W. corner of THIRD, Philo'lelphle. Money received In any sum, kip or small, atd ,intereat paid from the day of delZilt to the 'dny of irlllidrawal. 'Money IN received and payments made . dally,,,althout notice. The investments are. made Itt Real Relate, Mortgages, Ground Bente, and such liret•olass marl. Mee an th charter requires. OMeohotrs, from 0 o'clock in the morning until 6 o'clook ih the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday, evenings until 9 o'clock. fah Saving Fund—American Life Insurance and Trust CindIVANY, S. U. corner FOURTH and WAL. q. 500,000. Deponllors paid on dornaud, In (hold rind Silver. Thla old Inatitullon never comid to jay lilt MUM in full during the PANIO'AND DANN RIP PE/MON. jcll•}bt Bowers Enfant Cordial.-,This satyalunble amnia! la prepared from a variety of the niestOholciaud efficient a ronatica known In medielpe,adie the moat perfeot sad reliable carminative natant (Or ; infanta and yonvg children. . , By Ito rowerful influent)* apeedy affve Is 'greeted In all ouas CholiE, windy paltui and apairom, Relinves and mltleatee much of childrsn)s'arilfering during *burp. tioh or teething, and by Its soothing propertleatrar, m 2111360 pains of the bowels, lemons/is, vomiting, The Infant Cordial - kis betionle a standard rethedy,. and hae been need In ;Wonsan& of .4see with the Most ibundaut euesees. , Nolltmlly ehauldbe without Propired only by • •NnarniA. Downs, hla - Prieg and o,bemleal Mea t • • N. corner of Plith and Nrean eta., Philadelphia. To whom all order/ nowt be wildrotiaott. And for ooze by Pnagglate gonersily. an 113-17 ddrier to Bu „• • PAMILY.ONWING;IOOII.I.riNa, 780 OFIEBTNUT BTABET. These Machinee are sow justly admitted to be the , boat in me for fendly Hawing, mektog a new, ;arcing, and Ghetto stlioh, which will Eli rip, oien if every l'onrtkeldtob be out: Clroulaii 'sent en application by letter. ' Jackson, , 708 PRINTER, bI.I4ROILANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bills latillog, BM Heads, Oir• colors, dards, sad all other kirohlof Job Tenting, at prices to'sult the Limos. 0017.1 y Singer's Sewing Machines.—Aftee n fair trial of the several machines that have yet been offered to the public, the unanimous vmdict of operators has been given in favored' Singer's. This is, in fact, the only machine capable of performing every kind of sowing. SINOER'S NEW FAMILY SEWING MACHINE is, beyond all question, the most complete article for family nee yet invented, being at once ornamental, mildly operated, and superior, to every respect, to nay other machine., On this statement tre.challeugo the world. I. M. SINGER Sr. CO, je7-13m Office, No. 602 CHESTNUT Street. Seamen's Saving Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of Second etreet. Receives der posits In some of One Dollar and upwarde, from all ebonies of the community, and allows interest at the rate of Ave per cent. per annum. 015ce open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Moit day and Saturday until 9 in the evening. President, Franklin Yell, Treasurer and Secretary, Charles Id. Morris. The beauty of glossy stlkin tresses has al ways been the theme of poesy and of love. Persons whose heir is harsh and wiry should use that elegant preparation, JULES 11AUEL'S EAU ATUENIENNE, Olt HAIN RESTONEE. It removes all impurities front the skin, keeps the pores open, and promotes a healthy growth of luxurious hair where baldness ex ists. A.few applications render the hair rich, soft, and glossy, and change gray hairs and whiskers to their mi.: ginal life-color It is not a dye, and soils not the skin or linen. Sold by all druggists, and by JULES IiAIJEL & CO., N 0.704 OUESTNUT Street. jel4-dtt•wlt Pulmonary Consumption.—The Inutility of ordinary medicines , in this Intel disease is an undenia bin feet. Pulmonary Consumption being primarily and essentially due to improper assimilation and disordered nutrition, can be rationally attacked only by a medicine which renovates the nutritive powers. Such a medi cine fa the PERUVIAN SYRUP, whose chief ingredi ent sets directly and immediately em tho blood, and ar rests tho disease safely and surely, wholeser relief is possible. jelL-dlit wit Strauss & Goldman, 11M. 306 Market street, above Third, Wholesale dealers In CLOTHING, are now selling off their entire stock at Retail, at toilotesale prices. je3o.lm Mut-vino On the lath Instant, by Res. X. D. BleGollongh, Mr. JOSEPII. TAYLOR to Mies REBECCA LAWSON, all of this eity. , . On the lath Instant, by tho same, Mr. PHINBAB L. ORAIG, of Philadelphia, toMlss HANNAH M. TRRGO, of Chester county, Pa. • On the 6th ultimo, by Rev. J. D. Maddox, Mr. JAS. GOODFELLOW to Mies ELIZABETH O. NELSON, both of this city. . * filtathe On the 15th !natant, FEEDERIOK SEWS; in the 824 year of bin age. * On the 16th instant, ELIZABETH HENKEL, in the 76.1 t year of her age. * . On the 16th indent, MOB,DEOAI, son of 060. T. and Mary Stokes, aged 2 years nail 5 months. * On the 16th instant, CHARLES WHEELED, in the 11st year of his age.* On the 14th instant, ALIDIANDER LINDSAY, aged 16 yews. . Philadelphia. Lyceum Twenty-fourth 11,51 ANNUAL EXCURSION will take place on SATURDAY, the 10th Indent. The company will lento the Depot, corner FIFTEENTH and WILLOW Streeta, at 8 o'clock A. Al., and proceed to Judge Pe ters's Farm, whore the usual literary - exertiaes will be held. Tickets FIFTY CENTS ,• children .under 11l yearn of age, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. To be procured of William M. Harper, notrhesst corner of Third and Vine iamb; ; Jacob M. No. 600 North Seventh street ; or at the Depot on the nsurning of the Excursion. No person admitted un the grounds without a ticket. Spirituallein.—A Conference will be held at HANSOM STREET HALL, on SUN DAY, at 10K A. M., and at BP. 51 Mrs. CO AN gill lecture and give Spiritual manifestations. Admission S cents. ./I,* [rte. Floral and fitrimborry Festival, AT JAYNE'S UALL, NHL TIM YOUNG MEN'S CIIII.ISTIAN ASSOCIATION, Continued, by general request, until FRIDAY EVENING. Beck , a Band will perform each evening. Contributions of Flowers, Strawberries, &c., will be thankfully received at the Hall, WILLIAM GE'FTY, JOHN IVIES r, Je174.1 Finnan° Committee. gy Big Mountain Improvement Company. I . IIII.IDELPIIIA, June llth, 1856. NOTIOD.— A Spada] Meeting of the Stockholders of the " Dig Mountain improvement Company" will be held at the office of the Company, southeast corner of FRONT and CHESTNUT Streets, Ehilitdelphia, on FRIDAY, the 25th instant, at 12 o'clock M., to receive a report upon the unexpected condition of its affairs, awl to express their siewo as to the future courso they wish the Di rectors to pursue in the matter. By order of the Board of Directors. jel2-dl2t WM. P. JENKS, President. RinrGermantown Passenger Railway.—The Commissioners of the 1 . Germantown Passenger ay Company" will attend on MONDAY, the 28th June, 1858, and on each business day thereafter, from 10 o'clock A. 111. , t0 2 o'clock I'. Al., at N 0.30 South SIXTH Sheet, to-receive subscriptions to the stock of wild Company, until the same in fully subscribed. Charles Magarge, William S. Perot, Vincent L. Brad fool, J. 11. Wheeler, J. S. Struthers, William Mill ward William W. Wistor, Monist:fa 0. Dawson, Thos. A. Biddle, George W . ilammernly, Jabez Gates, John J. Griffith, and Robert P. King, Commissioneni. .1012-iltJyl [ Girard Collegerassonger Itallway,Cotn- PANY.—At a meeting of the'Commiesionets of the GIRARD OOLLEDE PASSENUER RAILWAY, COMPANY, kohl at the WethorDll/oUse, Friday, May 28,1858, it was Resolved, That in conformity with the act of Asseni.'' bly In Ruch camas made and provided, we will meet on MONDAY, the 21st day of June, A. D. 1858, at the Washington Drove Yard Hotel, RIDGE -AVENUE, above Sisteonth'sdreet, at 0 o'clock A. M. open books for receiving subscriptions to the capital of said Company, and thatthe Rutd booliii shall be kept open for the said purpose at the same place, between the hours of 9A. 51. and 3 P. M. on MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY, the 2lst, '22d, and 234 of June, 1858. In puisuencefie the above resolution, , books will be open for receiving mithemptlona to the capital clock of said Company, at the time and place mentioned in the said resolution, by the undersigned, a committee ap pointed fo thor purpose. • • • -• , • CHARLES THOMPSON JONES, JACOB ESHER, JAMES F. NICHOLAS, ROBERT MORRIS, JAMES PAGE, Commissioners. Resolved, That in order to afford the cititens nt largii the fullest opportunity to participate in the enterprise, that it be recommended to the Commissioners, as far so In their power, to limit the oubecription to each indivi dual, the lirseday, to ten shares. tny3l-dt,le23 tirGreen and Coates-street Philadelphia Passenger RaiWray Company =At a meet ing of the Commiesloners named in the act to Incorpo rate the Green and Coate/I-enact Philadelphia Pennon gee Railway Company, held in permanee of public. no tice properly given, at the Madison Rome, in Second street, on Monday evening, May 24th,1868, it we/1 Resolfed; That the (Akers of this meeting be au thorized to proton) the neeeseery aubtoription books, and to give, in two or more papers, twenty Jaye notice that books will be opened arid subeariptione received by them to the capital Block of the company, at the Commiasioners , Bali, on Third street, below Green, on Wednesday, the sixteenth of Juno, at 10 o'clock A. bl,, to which time and place this meeting gentle ad- Journed.” Notice to, therefore, hereby given, that the said Commiesioners will meet at the COMMISSIONERS' NALL, in THIRD street, below Green, on WEDNES DAY, Jude 10th, A. D. 1858, at 10 o'clock A. M , to re ceive subscriptions to the capital stock of the aforesaid Green and Coates streets Philadelphia Passenger Rail way Compile!. HARRY CONNELLY, Chairman. m. Rose, Secretaries. my2s-tf Saw B. Joints, TrHome for Invalids with Affection, of TLIE mum, - S. W. eat. PARKS and 0 - I.I2I3i'NUT Streets, - mayst-ltrilf Watt Philadelphia. Tics.—WlLL BE SERVED UP THIS DAY, (Fridny;) nt the Eating Bar of the Exchange Hotel, No. 77 DOOK Street, (late ,CoL.R. D. Jones's,) n large GREEN BEA TURTLE, In Soups, Steaks, etc., together with other choice dishes such tut Boston fresh Salmon, Soft-sholl Crabs, Terrapins, ko. The friends AM acquaintances of the proprietor, Mini's of , the honk., and the citizens in general, are Invited to car Private families can besupplied at their dwellings, desired hit M. SLOCUM, DENTIST, 809 GREEN 1 1-la Btroet, adjoining Uermantow4 Railroad Depot. "Jal7-attt Iv. Crookg and FichetnN Intl n-Englibh School Lexicon A flow Latin-} nglliili School Lexicon, on iho loviii of the Lain-Gemini Lexicon of Dr. C. P. Ingondey. By 0., It, Otookei, 11. 8., and A. J. Schem e A. M. Ono vol ume, royal octavo. Prlco $3 . . V - , . 'Contrlbligona to Americanistory; By the Distort cal Society of rotino)lvaula. Ono volume, octavo Price *l3. J. Ii ItIIMINCOTn & CO., Jelg.qt , 22 and 24 North FOURTH. Streot. ,AARitANDRE SEIGNETTB BRANDY. -EJL The'aubserlbein Bare beenrippointed sulo ngonts in the State of Pennsylvania - for the above well-known ROCHELLE BRANDY, which, Way aro prepared to after to the trade at the lowest market price, from Uni ted Mates bonded warehouse, OntHled to debenture. A constant supply on betel, In half, quarter, and ono eighth pipes, dark and pale. - ARNOLD da WOItL, , Joitl-tf .120 'WALNUT Street., ' TIMES ROBIN & 'CO. COGNAC.-:-Tho nubscribpn, sole agents in the State of rennnylvit iiiii for the above celebrated brand or COONAG BRAN DY, beg to call the attention of the trade to its superior midity, and feel confident it compare favorably oath Um most favorite brands in the market.. ARNOLD & WORL, 110 WALNUT Street A constant supply of the above in the United Staten bonded warehouse, entitled to debenture, of various %int/igen, In half, quarter, and eighth pipes JelB-tf A M BRE Y GRAPE-LEAP •G HA M PACI 1g E. /110 GROCERS.-TOLET-A SAR- A- GAIN, if ep plied for moon—tVit old end tobtioheil GROCEDY STORE, adjoining the Black Horse Tavern and comminuting the country trade of thu yard, & C., hietioto on SECOND Street below Callow hill. Apply to W , 11. KEICOILINE, ,10.8..2ta 1025 CALLOWIIILL Sired. HIGH-BRED SPANISH JACKS AT it AUCTlON.—Peremptory Sale.—On WEDNES DAY MORNING, June tit 10 o'clock, at the Bazaar, NINTII and GEORGE Streets, Philadelphia, will be cold, without reserve— ' Four extra size high-bred Spanish Jacks, 3 years old, 15 hands high, In good health, and perfectly sound, just imported per brig Arrognuto Binelto, from Barcelona, Spain. TO LET.-COTTAGE AT LONG flit BRANCH. newly furnished and newly built, with in 300 feet of the ocean. Ten sleeping rooms, dining room, large parlor, kitchen with convenient cooking ar rangement+, conch house, stables, garden, and about 200 acres of ground. Further particulars apply to No. 26 South FIFTH Street, or to HENRY HOWLAND, Long Branch, N. 3. jel7-2w 'lO LET.—THE UPPER ROOMS OF stoiren No. 327 and No, 333 MARKET Street, below Fourth. Apply on the premises, to M. L HALLOWELL k CO , or jell-0 °DILLON, ANDERSON, k. CO. L'OR SALE.—A handsome LOT of ground, 62 by 100 feet, on Spring Garden street, east of Broad. Also, desirable Building Lots on Thirteenth street and Columbia avenue, on Oround Rent. Ales, a valuable Property on Market street, west of Permanent Bridge, 60 by 220 feet. Apply to If. C. THOMPSON fr.. 0. M. CONARROE, jel2.6t* 933 ARCH Street. -.11.V) RENT, THE FIRST FLOOR AND BASEMENT or the large STORM, No. 226 MAR KET Street. Apply to . . . rpm UNDERSIGNED 'HEREBY GIVE %IL notice that they have wltivirawn from the man 'agonient of the WAREHOUSINO COMPANY OP PRILADELPIIIA, and hero no longer any connection therewith. W. C. PATTERSON, S. MORRIS WALN, G. C. HARVEY, CIO. 11. STUART, JOS. WELSFORD. PIIILADELPHIA, 14th June, 1558. jel6-at* IVOTIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1. application has been made to the Trustees of the Fire Association for the renewal of policy of insurance issued in the name of JOIIN MURRAY, ou the Otis day of December, 1847, N 0.11,092, for $1,600, and by hint transferred to JORN MoCOY, December 0, 1861, and by him troneforred on the same date to CATHARINE RAN KEN, which policy has been lost or mislaid., Any information thereof will be received by JOAN McCOY, jeler•tv f nt-lm* 311 and 313 South FRONT Street. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING THE SECOND AND THIRD STREET PASSENOBR RAILWAY, and furnishing materials for the some for the entire road, and also for doing the work and furnish ing the material'', each separotely, will be received at the office of the Company, No. 2 Grigg'. Building, in WALNUT Street, between Second and Third Streets, until WEDNESDAY, 23d instant, noon. Plena and specincatlona can bo even at the Office after WEDNESDAY, the lath inst. JelB-43t JAMES VERREE, President. TO CAM' T ALIST S.-A SPEOIAL PARTNER, with thirty to forty thouSsild dollars, Is wonted to join In a lucrative Mercantile business, well established. This opportunity Is ono that aeldoin occurs, as will bo clearly shown to any one desirous of thus embarking. All communications addressed to D. 11. H., at this office, will be conaidurest confidential, and moire prompt attention. JelB-st* NVANTED.-A YOUNG MAN DE. SIRES a situation as ASSISTANT BOOK KEEPER in a wholesale house, by tho let of August. Unexceptionable reference given. Address Box 1402 Post Nice. Jel7-214111 J. OTTENKIRK, Proprietor Oeunitg - , 'AARE IS ' B , /MUD OIR SE WING MA "11. is 6lTorod to Vho pUbllu ee the mind. retie hielo6lo4ed 80Wing Mtichine f in use. It will son; from efx to slaty stitches to ah inch, on all kinds of goods • from coarsest bagging to the fluent eatnbries. It is; without eisception,qlse simplest in its mechanical con struction pour ntrulo, and can be run and kept in order by,a chiltfof twel Yo yours of age. The nua.inimrit ,of this machine, and the, OuSLITir or ITS WORK, are MlT ranted to be unsurpassed by any other. Its speed ranges flout three hundred to fifteen hundred stitches per min ute. The thread,thiud is token directly nom the spools, WITHOUT 11In TR01181.1: or lIHWINOING. In Ind, it in n Inneititau that in Wallind by every family hl the land, nod the low price of ' FORTY DOLLARS, nt whie . h they are sold, lrciugy them within the reach o aiweat every MO. 13. 0, BAKER, Agent, -jelo4losn wky aowilin 20 South EIGHTH Street, Nto - publuatiolt6 DECENT PUBLICATIONS FROM THE Jl.to PREs3'ol' •'J. 11. LIPPINCOTT & CO, Principles of Social Science. Ily If. C. Carey. In 3 tivo. Vol. 1 flow reedy. • Price MO, IL. Illetory t oronenota, from lie Berlina Exploration,' under thelerencit nod liritieh Coverinnenta to the Pre- FentTiur6, lly the Rev. Edw. Duffield Neill, Secretary of the Mitinenota Itistorlent Society. Ono yolutne, m -141;0,62.8 papa. Price 82.50. Flandera' Chief Jtintlene The Lives and Timex of the Chief Junticeit of the Supreme Court of the United ;Antes. By Henry Flandere. Commixing urn Life and Tierce of John Jay 'William CI:011w, John Rutledge, Oliver Ellsworth, Jelin Mareliall. Inn volumes, octa vo; Price $3 Uittcs anb .Eiquors ARNOLD & WORT Solo Agents, - 120 WALNUT Strout Stir ale anb too Ert. May be seen at Conway's Stables, Prune street. No poatrneinent on account of the weather. jel74tll ALFRED M. HERRN HE S. Auct KILDRBURN & BROTHER, ' No. LOS MARKET Street Nottcto. Wants) Q, ALE SMEN WANTED.-TWO FIRST -1,7 CLASS SALESMEN—Engagement to commence on tho lot day of July next. The subscribero will en gage none but men of known ability, (to whom liberal salaried will be paid,) who can Influence a large South ern or Wootern Trade. Apply to CHARLES HARKNESS & SON, Wholesale Olothlors, SOS MARKET Street, my2l-lm Philadelphia. WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No men having a wife or okild will be accepted. Apply for MOUNTED BERVIOE at No 817 MARKET Street, above Eighth, north side. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, let Lieut. Id Begt. of Cavalry, apl7-tf Recruiting Officer. T. Oa Se M. • To the Grand Com!nanders of the various orand Councils of the I. 0. S. M. meeting in the United States : A Convention of five delegates Iron each of the Grand Councils of the respective States, with a view to form A Supreme (trawl Council of the United States, will be held in the city of Philadelphia, on MONDAY, JULY 19ru, 1868, at the Hall, southwest corner of CHESTNUT and TENTH Streets. Subordinate Councils, not having a representation in a Grand Council within their respective jurisdictions, will be entitled to be represented as fully as Grand Councils. By assent of various Grand Councils. Communications should be addressed to HORACE L. PETERSON, Chairman of Committee on Correspondence of S. G. C. of Eastern Pemieylvania, Philadelphia. 11 - The Now York Herald; Traveller, Roston; Morning Post, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; American, Baltimore; Republican. St.l.ouis7 Picayune, ,New Orleans- and Union, Washington, will please insert the above three times, and send bills immediately to thin office for col lection. FIRE -WORKS! FIRE-WORKS!: A full amortment of FIRE-WORKS, AT REDUCED PRIOBS. STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, 1210 MARKET, STREET, .Jels Wed of Twelfth —A FIRST-RATE MORT SIO,OOO. GAGE of this ornount for onto of discount. Apply to 11. C. THOMPSON & G. 111. CONAHROE, jel7-at No. DS3 ARCH Street. OORDIALB.—ANISETTE, OURAOOA, NJ and MARAECIMINO, In atore and for sale by apzt A. MARINO. tem P. PRCINT At. QHOULDERS.-60 hhds, Shoddors, in dry salt, for sale. by - C. Q. SADLER & jo4 9 NortIiWATER &root. GIN.-80 pipes Dutch Company Gin, in VS bond and for solo by WILLIAM li. YEATON, Je3 No. 216 South FRONT Street. 10 ;LATE I , SLATE I I SLATE-I I I—Rooting Slate, of all Biles, and at very low rates, kept eo n .' stoutly on hand, and for sale by-- - - VEERING, TOE, & 00.; GREMANTOWN ROAD and THIRD street. D. D. slate Roofs put on In the best manner, and re palrhur attended to. All work warranted. fit& DIIRE BONE DUST, _GROUND FINE.- - - A very superior article. For sale in large or small lots, by OROASDALR, PRISON, & lays 104 North Delaware avenue-- GERMAN OASES VA MOW) triu3dp, in store and for sale by ' WILLIAM 11. YEATON, job 114 loath FRONT Btreat. - lictail '4l,crpbs,- 4 4 FRENCH CHINTZES, 181 CENTS, decirehlo etylee frir children. • OUNIVEN STODDART & BRUME% 460, 462; and. 464 North SECOND Street,• jelB-3t • .• alone Willow. CRBAP BLACK BILKS, GOOD GOOD'S at 52. K, 70,- 76, add Sroonte together with a ful lino of nuporfor grades, - at low prices. • - CURIV EN STOOD/till's& BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, - ' above Willow. ;ACE CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MUSLINS --Sevetal cheap iota, from auction. CUItWEN STODDART rac BROTRER, 460, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, - above Willow. , PLAIN AND EMBROIDIRIED ,WHITE CRAPE BLIAWLS.—Chomp lota from the late auction Nolen. °GRAVEN STODRART 'tr. BROTHER, ' 464, 462, am! 464 North SECOND Street, above Willow. A - T - ERIALS FOR DUSTERS, AND iLL TRAVELLING DRESSES.— - - - Chen° Tanjoro Clothe. Ilayadere Luvors. Ottoman Poplins and Madonnas. illalndero 5f °hairs. • 811 k Warp Lavellas. Cotton Warp do, at 10 and 12% cents. Ilayadern• do, at 12% cents. •. I.upin , s Kuper all-wool Debege. Oriental Lustros, kc., tea. JUST PRO:11 AUCTION. A fresh lot of Omit:llas and Ducats, at 25 cents. A floe Klock of French Organdies and Jacoucts, reduced price. Mossy Black Silks In great variety. 011EA1' AS THE CHEAPEST. Plain and Plaid Nelnsonka. White French Brilliants. NEWS AND BOYS' WEAR - . White Lineh Drilling and Duck. . Brown Dfllle , &e. - Shirt intorno in variety. Linen, Cambric, and Silk Pocket URN. Black Silk Cravats, &o. The whole Mock very cheap, for coati. CHARLES ADAMS JOLT "EIGHT!' and AECU &roots 11IGURED SHIRTINGS.—Wide French Wimp, neat styles, 4-4 small figured fine Linens. SIIARBLESS BROTHERS, CHESTNUT and MOUTH. CHANTILLY LACE MANTILLAS.— hist opened ft four of them) goods, - and French Lnco Flounced Points. ' • 811ABPLI88 BROTHZREI. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH SI.BLACK SILKS.—Best wo over ltd for Mantillae or Dresses. Lawns at 8 etc.; new styles, fast colors, 12). Travelling Dress swira ; also for Dusters. , Thin Robe Dresses, closing out cheap. , MEN'S SUMMER WEAR. Linen Drillings, for cool Pantaloone, Marseilles Ventinga, warranted cool and not to fade. Boys , Wear, in thin, light, cool material. WHITE GOODS. Nainsook, Jaconet, and Cambric Mualina. Swiss Muslins, plain, dotted, and figured. Linen Cambric Itilkfe., figured, bordered , and white. MANTILLAS. French Lace Points and Mantles. Silk Malaise, the inuch-rulinired new shape. Combinatione of Silk and Lace. Low-priced Mantillas. NEW and FRESH. MANTLES from the womb-room ovary hour during the day. COOPER & CONARD, jell • S. E. corner NINTH and MARKET. R EDUCTION IN PRICES. SPRING MANTILLAS, ALL BILK BUMMER MANTILLA SILK AND LACE, SILK AND NET ; ell reduced in price on and after MONDAY, JUNE Tra TRENCH L/CO POINTS AND MANTILLAS. JUST UPB:0113, A LARGE ASSORTMENT • DESIRABLE GOODS, which we will offer at LOW PRICES. 4. W. PROCTOR h CO. No. 708 ORESTNIIT street lOHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS, DIAPERS, &o CO NSUSIERS of RICILIRDSON'S LINENS, and those desirous of obtaining the GENUINE GOODS, should see that the articles they purchase are sealed with the full name of the firm, RICHARDSON, SONS, & OWDEN, A e a guarantee of the Roundness and durability of the Goods. Thin caution ie rendered essentially necessary as large quantities of inferior and defective Linens are prepared, Reason after season, and sealed with the name of RICHARDSON, by Irish hinnies, who, regardless of the injury thus inflicted alike on the American consumer and the manufacturers of the genuine Goode, will not readily abandon a business eo profitable, while pur chasere can be Imposed on with Goods of a worthless character. J. BULLOCKE & J. B. LOCKE, my2B-Bin Agents, 30 urunoll Street, New Yotk EYRE & LANDELL, YOURTEI AND AEON STAPLE AND FANCY SILK GOODS OPSNINQ OP FASHIONABLE SPRING SILKS AND ROBES. DAYADERE LIGHT SILKS DAYADEBB RICH SILKS: MEND DAYADERE MUNE DIODE BLUE AND 13.110WN8 NEWEST STYLE ROBES. 12, /SAO, and 1.3 for the STEEL SPRING SKIRTS. EYRE. & LANDELL, znyl4-t Jyl FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS A CARD. JOSEPH A. HAGY, Retail Dealer In DOMESTIO AND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 40 N. SECOND Street, 1100113 WILLOW, PHILADELPHIA Largo Story Wblte•Buildlog TEAMS—ONE PRIOEI FOR CASH. Prioeo marked In plain tlgnina on /midi Wide ap29,3m MANTILLAS! SHAWLS I SILKS ! &a THORNLEY b. CIIISM Would invite special attention THIS DAY to ono of ho mod, complete Mocks of MANTILLAS IN THIS CITY! Comprising the newest and most desirable goods made n every material used this season. PRIOBB RANGE PROBI $3 TO $l5 i We have n large Mock of Plain Crape &Istria, from $4 to $lB ! Embroidered Crape Shear's, from $8.60 to $4O ! Stella Shawls, In every color, centre, from $2 to $l2! Plain Thibet Shawls, Mourning Shawls, &o. Our stock of SLACK BILES AND FANCY SILKS le worthy of particular attention, as they are POSITIVELY VERY 011EAP ! ! ! We have a beautiful stook of PREECE( ORGANDIE LAWNS, GRENADINES, °RALLIES, BAREGES, LAVELLES, SUN UMBRELLAS and PARASOLS. Cloven, Mitts, Yells, Linen Handkerchiefs, unusually cheap. We have just opened a large lot of BUMMER MARSEILLES QUILTS, DIMITY QUILTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and DRILLS, For Men's and Boys' Wear. BEST IRISH LINEN, Of our own Importation, ho., at THORNLEY h CHISM'S, N. It. Cor. EIGHTH k. SPRING GARDEN Streets. • N. R.—Several lots of Plettnaings, Edgings, ho., at lees than half price. myls firopartitersliip Notices. ►jIHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED -IL a eopeitnership, under the name awl style of AR NOLD & WORL, and have taken tho h tore No. 120 WALNUT Street, for the transaction of a general Im porting and COIIIIIIIII3IOII business i u Wines and Liquors. J. W ARNOLD, of Washington, D. C., GEORGE M. WORL, of Philadelphia. PIIILADRLPHIA, June 1, 1805. JelB-Dr T" UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED o copartnerxhip muter the otyle of FROTIIINGHAM & 'WELLS, for tho transuctiou of a GENERAL DRY GOODS COMMISSION BUSINESS, awl linen taken - the atom No. 34 South FRONT Street, and 35 LETITIA Street.' THEODORE FROTHINtiIIASI, KIRK 11. WELLS PUILADELPHIA, June /St, 1858. SPECTAOLES, kJ IN GOLD, SILVER., AND ELASTIC/ STEEL FRAMES, of a great variety of Patterns, with superior GLASSES, adapted to all sights. SPY .GLASSES. STEREOSCOPES, With gt large assortment of MAGNIFICENT VIEWS FROM NATURE. OPERA GLASSES, THERMOMETERS, SURVEYORS' INSTRUMENTS. FOR 01L0 BY SAMUEL L. FOX., OPTIOIAN, 637 NORTH SEOOND STREET, ABOVE BUTTONWOOD, Six years with the AfoAtmarsas. Agent for FIFE'S Patent OtAlque Point Pens, and the $25 Double Thread Sewing Machines. mylB.lmo Me BRIDGETON, MILLEVILLE, PORT ELIZABETH, &e. ' &c.—The steamer EXPRESS leaves first pier below ARCII Street TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS, at 8 o'clock A. 51. Returning, leaves Bridgeton MONDAY'S, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS, at 8 o'clock A. M. ; touching at New Castle, Delaware City, Oreenwich, Mulford end Tyndale's. going and returning. Through tickets, by stages connecting with the " Ex press," for the following places, to wit: lililleville.. 51 001 Port Elizabeth 51 26 Fairton or Cedarville. 75 Newport ...... ..,.... 88 Dividing Creek. ... 1 00 liffturicetown.. i 1 25 All landings on the Cohansoy 76 Delaware City or New Castle 50 The stages meet the boat punctually. No disappoint ments pr delays need be anticipated. Freight, of every description, taken at low rates. ,3e3-lin* FOWLER, WELLS, & CO., 922 CHESTNUT Street, keep standard works on k Phrenology, Physiology, Water Cure, and Pilo- Ask nography, wholesale and retail. .Phrettoingt cal Examination, with charts, and full writ. ten descriptions of character, given day and even ing. Cabinet free to visitors. Orders by mail to be addressed to Fowler, Wells, & Co., 922 'Chestnut street. jog-3watt K E B L /LD S D I L I' 3II S Y AND HARNESS WLPEUOUBE I • Betabliehed 1818. B. W. corner FIFTH and PRIME Streeta.. Single and double Harness of the - most fashionable deseription and warranted of the beat material and workmanship. Ladle?! and Gentlemen's Beadles of elegant styles. Bowie Olothingi Brushes, Curry Combs, Ohamois, Sponges, Knee Olapa, Interfering and Poultice Boota; and every Stable requisite of the moat superior quality N. A.—tiorsee carefully fitted. mylo-nawf-2m CHEESE. =195 boxes Primo llorkimor county jut landing and for sato by 0. 0. SADLER & co., plB No. 9 North Water street. w inneentattg. PR4 - MRS.; D. P. BOWElig's . lisrAti+TUT ST TEMATFOL-- . , • • dOMPIAAMITARY T.ESTIti t rIAL 'hIIS (irbiej) I{VESU NG, /dile Mb', Will be presorted birs..Cowley , s Comedy, entaled - BOLD 13 CROKE' FOR A HUSBAND. , Datear, Mr Worrell ;. Don Julio, Mr. Showell Don Carlos, Mr. DuLore; Donna 00thli Mr°. B. B. Bow ore; Donna Victoria. Mira 0. Rtohinge. - DAUGHTER OP THE REGIMENT. ' • .. - • • - • - Sergeant oartonche, Mr. Riehingis; Tonio, Ale. Shaw ell; Bortenslue, M. Worrell; Marie Mims R. Bleating', FRIOBS 02 ADMISSiON. • • Orchestra and Dress Olrtle ' EO Cent,. Family Circle WHEATLEY'S ARCH ST. THEATRE .T • FAREWELL BENEFIT OF MR, JOHN BROUGHAM. - TIIIS ,(Priday) EVENING,- Jane 18th, The performance will commeacd with COLUMBUS EL FILIBUSTER° After which the burlesque of PO-OA-110N-TAS. To conclude with TUE 'IRISH Ttf With MASTER ALFRED STEWART. AD lIIBBION. Boxes, 25 cents; Brimmed Bente in Dress Olrele 8711; Orchestra Stalls. 50 cents; Beata In Private Boxes 75 ; Gallery, 13 cents. Doors open at Tx o'clock; performances commence 71( . ,4.1 d. B. WIIIWON T 111811111,01% LAST , WEEK T -TIIE THLUTY-FIFTH ANNUAL EXIIIBITION OP TEA • PENNSYLVANIA AOADEMY OP THE FINE — ARTS Will close on SATURDAY, the 19th day of JUNE. In order to give all an opportunity of viewlog this large and interesting collection of WORKS OP ART,- Tho Directors have reduced the price of Admission, until the close, to Ten tante for Adults, and Five Cents for Children Catalogues Five cents Philo, June 10, 1859 Camps. LIGHT PATENT KEROSENE, OR 00AL OIL LAMPS, Unrivalled in beauty, eimpllelty, safety, or economy. Every person wishing to obtain the very beet and oheapest Portable Light within their Kew% stmuld call and examine these Lamps before purchasing elsewhere, and we pledgo ourselves to demonstrate: • - ' Ist. That no accident can occur by explosion. - • 2d. That they omit no 'Sentare oder while burning.. lid. That they are very easily trimmed. 4th. That they are emily regulated to give more or less light. sth. That they-burn entirely free from emote. oth. That the light is at least 60-per cent. cheaper than any other light now in common use. Perfect satigaction guaranteed In all cases. Wholeeale and Retell Agendy, 8S South - SECOND Street, above Chestnut. • - . . Southern and Western dealers supplied with LAMPS, OILS, WIOKS, SHADEB L and , everything in the line, on favorable terms. S. E. SOUTHLAND, Agent. • myl4-finw-2m pETERE'm PATENT NON-EXPLOSIVE BBLIP-GIMBRATING GAB LAMP la the only Patent Burner that hag a NON•OONDUOTOR ATTACH:CD. For Safety, Oheay nen, and Brilliancy, it suipmst all othara. STATE AND 09UNTY RIGHTS FOR PALL' - Address ' D. P. PETERS, S. W. corner FIICOND and CHESTNUT Ste., PhDs • deipbla ; and 422 BROADWAY, New York. mh4-Iy-rp LIVER.Y STABLE KEEPERS,. LOOK to your 'Merida, and patronize USSEI pineMP FACTORY, 109 South EIGHTH etrect, belotnut. Previous to hie opening a responsible factory, you were charged $lB for work which he le now doing in a war ranted manner from $8 to $lO Support him, or you will here the name chorale to pay. _ Jald-y . ebentionen's Surniebing Qfpoba. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING-STOKE. W. W. KNIGHT„ COO AIM Street, above Rath, Philadelphia. Dealer in all kinds of 'Furnishing Goode, and manufacturer of- Fine Shirts, warranted equal in every respect to any others manufactured_ in this city or elsewhere, wholesale and retail, or made to order. GEN TLE u E N'S WRAPPERS OR DRESSING GOWNS.—The largest and beet u , sortment in the city, wholesale and retail, with a full line of Under Olething, suited to the season at , 19, - W. KNIGHT'S, 608 ARCH Street, above Sixth!, Philadel phia. niht-tf VVINCHESTER & SCOTT, OENTLE BMWS FURNISHING STORE, and - PATENT SHOULDER SEAMSEEIRT MANUFACTORY, No. :tee CHESTNUT Street, above; Seventh street, Philadelphia. .The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, la particularly Invited to this improved out of Shirts, the most perfectfitting article tnad t o.• At whols. ale and retail, and made to order. illincrp an Strain Et•bobs. KEEP COOL. STRAW HATS. LINCOLN, {MOOD, do NICEIOL6, 46 South SECOND Stwot t jo 111-Ut.Tyl - - Foul -!oore above Chestnut .linsurancz Companies. °ITT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 110 V south F01:111.711 Street. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ' 6206,000. -Organized 1861. Privileged to insure Rouses, annually or perpetually; Personal Property, annually, or for a lean period ; take Marine, Inland, and Lite Insurance Risks ; receive De posits , hold Trusts and grantannuities. ALFRED WEEKS, President. B. 0. TYLER, Vice President. J. W. lilzurtEN, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Alfred Weeka, E. 0. Tyler, J. W. louder, C R. Bicking, J. L. Ilutchiuson, J. W. Stokes, G. F lion.O. D. Kelley, J. W. Forney, P. U. Mingle, James Watson, Ludlam Matthens, Williew Curtis, turner. TN S UR A NOE COMPA:NY'OrTEE 1 STATIC OF PENNSYLVANIA—FIRE AND MA RINE INSURANCE—No. 4 .EXCHANGN BUILDINGS. Chartered to 1704—Oapltal /200,000—Assets; Jana-, aryl, 1558, /347,446 50100,, , All Invented In sound and available seculties—conti one to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stock! of Herehandise, &c., on liberal terms. DIRECTORS: Henry D. Sherrord, George H. Stuart, Simeon Toby, Samuel Grant, Jr., Charles blacalester, Tobias Wagner, William S. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, john B. Budd, 'Henry G. Freeman, William R White. Chalice S. Lewis, George C. Carson. HENRY D. 811ERREED, Piesldent. WILLIAM lILIMICR, Sooretary. lefl.nfrm.tf A MERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., INCORPORATRH 1810—CHARTER PER. PETUAL: • - - No. 810 WALNUT Street, above Thlrd, 'Philadelphia Saving a large paid.np Capital - Stook 'andl3explini Invested in sound and available Beiroritles continue to insure on Dwellings, Stores, Furniture,M erchandise. Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Losses liberally and promptly adjusted DlllOlOlB. George Abbott, John T. Lewis, John Welsh, Oaspar W. Morris, Samuel 0. Morton, Jamas R. Campbell, Patrlek Brady; Edmund G. DutJih. Charles W. Poultney. GEORGE ABBOTT, Preeldent. THOMAS R. MARIS, Secretary. ja2,11. lf tiolitital. CLERK OF ORPHANS' COURT JOSEI,II A. MONHEIMER, Eleventh Ward Subject to the rules of the Democratic party. T THE SOLICITATION of my friends, Tx I offer myself as a Candidate for the Office of REGISTER ON WILLS. Subject to the People's nomination. It. CALHOUN SEE, Of the Eighth Ward. jeu-fmw ln* F AL T Y.—Encouraged by my w.o friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of SHERIFy of the City and County of Philadelphia, subJect to the decision of the People's party, whose no mination I respectfully solicit. - WILLIAM H. KERN, Fifteenth Ward. R OF WILES— R REGISTER CASSIntli Ward - Subject to Democratic Rules F OR REGISTER OF WILLS— CHARLES D. HNIGIAT TWENTIETH WARD Subject to the Peoplota Nomination. Jel-tf VOR REGISTER OF WILLS. JOHN CAMPBELL, OF SEVENTH WARD.' -Bubjeot to Democratic rules. . Otwings H E SPRING GARDEN SAVING FUND. (OrteaTsFsD 11' THILLIROMCV.”II.O/ PERPETUAL CHARTER. FIVE PER GENT. Interest allowed to Depositors, and all Moneys Paid back on Demand. OFFIC (CE, 831 NORTH THIRD SREET, ONSOLIDATION BANK BUIL DI NCO.) This Institution is now open for the transaction of business. and lathe only Chartered Saving Fund located in the northern part of the city. The Office will be open (daily) from 0 to 23i o , olook, and also on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, from 5 until 9 o'clock in the Evening. MANAGER& Frederick Klett, " James S. Pringle, Stephen Smith, . • Jacob Dock John P. Levy, Joseph NI Cowell, Hon. Henry K. Strong, George Woetopper, Daniel Underkoder, J. Wesley Bray, Mu: Wm. Milittera, Robert B. Davidson, Frederick Steaks, - P. 0. BIIMAker, Brands Hart, John P. Ferree, Joieph P. heOlere, I George Knecht, John Kessler, Jr., John Horn. - - President, SABLES S. PRINGLE. Secretary, GEORGE T. THORN. , - ' - ap2l-111C: VONING FUND.--lINITED STATES TRUEST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and GUST. NUT Week'. Large and email same received, and paid back on de mend, without notice, with FIVE PER OENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office henrs, from 9 mail 6 o ' clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 9 o'clock. OASTS for sale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from .£1 upwards. " . President—STEPHEN R. ORAMPORD. Treasurer—PLlNY PISS. Teller--710d3R B. ILLINTAB. earr-bif WALL 'BRUSHES, DUSTERS, A large assortment, anitable for CITY 031.12,00W.8.,5, And for sale by lIENBY O. iONSTEIN, BUSH AND BELLOWS MANUFACTO RER, - 62 NORTII TURD ST. trlBtf HE nlnCrt. supply pp & ly or G t ( h ) a . ge U n ij ui A no M br i a C i r t iIE l bond A bond and in store, for tale by WM. H. YEATON, jai 816 Routh FRONT !Wed. R. LUDO* AS REMOVED to tio w° 4,l do of PENN SQUARE, fourth door north . Illarket .„ jol46t* O co THW'SON AND G. H, _ _ AT LAW, aP S- .1 1 No,. MAWR street; below Teutk , DANIEL - -I)OIIGHEETY," A.T.TORNET AT LAW, Southeast Conies of,. SMITE( apd LO OUST assets, ' rifrARLEs bontairssiox KEE `LAMIANZ And Importer, -of HAVANA, OZGABI3, tigeirMa Want street. Aseand dory , • - WILLUX MOTU MOORE,ITENIMI -. - INN UNDERTAKER; NO. 1416 ARUN; Minot ; Wed of Woad, 1at0,0f6015 - AROH Et.-eet . . Laid Cfolens always on hand. l jai...lW REMOVAL.—' O. IFAWORTT, HAIR , CUTTSH AND WIG MAMBA, Has removed to 102 d OLLEETNIIT street, four doors be. low ELEVENTH. . 11,1 Y T.llO SID,. ATTORNEY AT k/-/L LAW, OBINTIIAI ittrebtfOttiville, Pi. 144./7 Al MINT HOLLY SPRINGS HOTEL, 5 iIL MILESTRObt CARLISLE; PA., AT THE GAP OF THE SOUTH MOUNTALIC—Tbe subscriber . , of the _St. Lawrence Hotel, Chestnut stied, Philadolpb in, hav ing leased the above popular summer resort of the late proprietor, James W. Patton, trill open the same for the reception of guests on the 20th of June. Terms mode rate. Address ' A. O:3fULLIN, , • Mount Holly Springs, 10/6-Im* Cumberland County, Pa. IVHOU SE, ASHINGTON CAPE ISLAND, NEW JERSEY. The above House will be open for the accommodation of visiters on the let day of June. The subscriber - Would call attention to tho foot that he has fitted up the 4, Washington , ' particularly for the early visitors. A small dining room has been added, Steven are fitted up throughout the front houso, a first class Restaurant and Bar is now in operation, and every thing now in order for the comfort of the guests for the early season. S. B. WOOLMAN, Proprietor. Iti ANSION,HOUSE, MAUCH CHUNK.— Luit This elegant eitablishment, beautifully attested on the banks e the Lehigh; is now ready for the recoil tion 6f saturuirvleitirs. - There Is no' lotss, litY In' Penn sylvatilii, nor, perhaps, in the_ United Mates; which soul; blues so many attractions mi the' valley of the Lehigh,' and the above Mite' will afford amOstcomfortable home to visitant desirous of viewing the inag,nlecent scenery, inexhaustible mines, or stupendous works of art of this interesting region, jot-3m* ►VHE WHITE SULPHUR AND CHALY BEA.TE SPRINGS, at DOUBLING GAP Penti'ii, are open, ea usual, and are accessible In eight hours from Philadelphia, by way of Harrisburg, thence On the Cumberland Talley Bailroad to Newvllle, thence in stages eight miles to the Springs; where you arrive at 5 o'clock the . aame evening. For particulars, Diguireof „Messrs. Morton McMichael, Samuel Kart, James Steel, 11. S. Janney, Jr., & Co., or Proprietors of Merchants' Hotel, Philadelphia. SCOTT COYLE, Proprietor, , jel-2m* Newville Post Office, Pa. SEA BATHING. - - LONG - BBANOII, N. J. HONFLAND , S HOTEL. - This Zstablishment will be OPEN for the - reception of visitors on SATURDAY June .10th,1868. Families wishing to make arrangements for the ma eon OM do so, by addressing • • H. HOWLAND, Proprietor, Long Branch, N.. 7: my2B-1m BEDFORD SPRINGS.—THJS . ligh4 well-known and delightful Summer Resort will be opened for the reception of Visitere on the 16th of June, and kept open until the let of October. The new and spactoua Windings erected lad year are now fully completed, sod the whole establishment hen been (crotched in impeder style, and the accommoda tions will be of a character not excelled n in any part of the United States. • - - ' The Hotel - will be tinder the management of Mr. A. (.'ALLEN, whose experience, courteous manners, and 'attention to his guests, give the ampled &ere of comfort and kind treatment: '• • min In addition to the other means of &mesa. It is deemed • proper to state that passengers can reach Bedford by a daylight ride from Chetahs:shrug. . , The Company have made extensive arrangements to suPply dealers and Individuals with " Bedford Water• by the barrel, carboy, and ixt boHlee,' at the following prices. at the Springs, viz ' • Btira barrel (mnlbery) ' $4 ao Do. (oak) 8,00 g Do: ' (mulberry) ' • 4 Do. • (oak) ' - Carbo g y, 10 gallons - - Bottles, 1X pint, per dozen - 150 The barrels - are carefully prepared, so that par.- .Masers may depend upon receiving the 'Water fresh and eweet -All 001111XMIliClai0IIII &mad be addressed to •-- THE BEDFORD MINERAL SPRINGS 00. myl9-11 - Bedford County, Pa.. di t un T, LAN° = tom , This EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINAS; PA - oar , Will open the eighth. healthy mummer resort May ad vantages which re commends it to tliP public, in search of a home place to enjoy the mos.stain air during the hot season.. It is elevated t wa in) hundredleot above water level. There are guardWelke through donee forests, and shaded uh os ,r by the way side are many epringer of the purest son"wator at, a temperature of 49 to 62 degrees of baron -belt: -At the etunmit is an .obeervatory overlooking an area of 40 miles square, of feria in the highest state of cultivation embracing the whole of Lancaster county, And points in ten other countleee The newt/ fades away in the boundary of mountains at the-dis tance of 70 nines. It it altogether one of the most grand and eatenalve panoramic views to be met with in any country. No kind of epidemic has ever been known here at any season of the year. bleny . beautiful drives over , good roads. The hotel will accommodate com fortably 400 persons. - Every variety of baths. All the modern improvements now in use in Brat-elms waterlog pieces will be found here. All vegetables raised on the farm. The best help employed In every department- The P eprletor flatter, himself that he will be able to give ample satisfaction to his guests. Good stable room: Good stook of livery. Horses and carriages on hand.. . Por further information and circulate call on JOSEPH B. BITERS, THIRD and VINE Streets, JAMES 8. EARLE, No. 816 OHESTNOT -13trset, And on the Proprietor , JOEPH E.O.NIGMAOHER, • Ephrata Post Olilee, Lancaster county, Pa. my17•412m - &gat- POINT AIRY I-THIS PLEA SANT SUMMER RESORT la now thrown open to. the labile, under the control - of 001. THOS. H. WARAId and Major HARRY PIPP.ER Buriog the warn season our readers can enjoy :balmy breeze'', choice mush , fine bathing, with , all , the 'etceteras that conduce to creature comforts, at,this popular resort. BOATS will leave the wharf, at BOOTH Street, every .few telnutew dosing the day- - ap2l-dtf HARTSHORNE'S CURE-ALL - THE GREAT PLIN ANNIHILATOR: and Romedir for DYSPEPSIA. WEAK BTOMAOR AND WEAK DOWELS • • • • - This article is the greatest dissoveryin Menke or Medical Science f the rapid Ouse of RHEUMA.TISM, NEURALGIA, TOOTH-ACHE, SORE THROAT,STIP, 'NECK, or Pion Io the LIMBS, SIDE, BACK, or any_ part of the body, It acts upon the Blood, pieties, Sins cles,Sinews, and Bones, conquering all pain. ' It Is also au excellent preparation tor Dyspepsia and Indigestion, which arises, Item a week etomach or bowels.. Thonsands of persons who have need HARTS HORNE'S OURE-ALL, have been astonished et its wonderful power In removing any pain from the system. Buttleal2, 26, 60 cents, and 61 to be sold by B. H. JENKINS, • ap22-iftf Oorner SECOND and WALNUT Streets. FIARTSHORNE'S HEALTH-REST°- HER, OR BABBAPARILLA CORDIAL. The Life of the Flesh is in the Blood. Prepared ,by • Chemist. The best Restorer of Health, and the best Blood-Purifying Compound in the World! It does not contain a particle of Mercury. • The above preparation IS suited to the impaired and weakened condition of the human race; it invigorates the whole constitution; removes all pimples and mop tions from the akin; gives bloom and freshness to the complexion, and is particularly adapted to the weaken ing complaints of both sexes. Ms a perfect cordial in taste, and acts like a charm upon the feelings, spirits, and energies of-the weak and iebilltated from any cause. Quart bottles $1; small bottles 50 oents; sold by 11. H. JENKINS, JING's FARINA CRACKERS, made from material prepared from that portion of the Wheat which is most NUTRITIOUS and REALM FUL. It in estimated that ONE POUND CONTAINS AS MUCH NUTRIMENT AS TWO POUNDS OF DREAD, as it is usually baked. WINO'S FARINA CRACKERS are of small size, over ninety to thu Nowt, and balte,t They arc delightful to the -taste, and nee of the Lett Crackers ever produced fur FAMILY USE. NOR LUNCH, and with Oyaters, they are unequalled. We ask every !nether to procure WING'S 'FARINA CRACKERS for her children. They are far superior to many of the preparations usually given to them, being decidedly more healthful and nourishing, and, I( s they dissolve readily in the mouth, are ale n3s eaten with a fine neat. Ladies and Gentlemen will find them unsurpassable for their FINE FLAVOR AND PLEASANT TASTE. Delicate Ladies, and all persons o hose habits are more or le.e4 sedentary, will find R'ING'S CRACKERS most excellent. For Professional Gentlemen, Bankers ' Merchants, and Clerks, they may be used for LUNCII with great advantage in maintaining a healthful regularity of the system. Teachers and Scholars, in schools generally, will find them very agreeable. ITINGI FARINA CRACKERS are a most vette ble article - Tor Travellers in the ears; or en shipboard, at sea, they are ono of the ve,y best things that can bo eaten. The two of them is becoming o idely extended, and, in order to guard agchist deception, EACH CRASHER IS STAMPED WITH THE NAME A. WING., There - are no other Crackers manufactured in the United States like these, or known as trite Farina. Crackers. WINO'S FARINA CRACKERS may be procured of the best family Grocers generally, by whom they are extensively sold, in different portions of the United States, and at wholesale only of A. N. Thompson & 221 and 223 Fultonetreet, Now York. DINGEE MUROTHER. Wholesale Agents, No. 14Is South FRONT Street, Philad'a. For the convenience of pureliephrn, w•e give the names of come of our beet Orocers who sell there : PHILADELPHIA. Anderson & Dunlap, No. 1846 Lombard street. B. & T. Atmore, No. 1000 Buttonwood st. N. Black, Nu. 1139 Chestnut street. Thompson Black, Nu. 20 South Broad street. Jitti. R. MoVinall, No. 552 N. 17111 street. 8 A' H. Bute, No. 1544 It ace street. M. L. Burl. No. 269 North Fifth street W. Campbell, No. 644 Dino street. Win. Campbell ,b Co., cor. 11th inal Market sts. James W. Campbell, No. 200 Walnut street. Siolon Colton, No. 1400 Walnut street. John Devine, No. 1502 Market street. James Dobbins, No. 1937 Market street. J. M. Bilis & Son,- cor. 9th and Spring Ganten Edo ard Friel, cor. Othand Spring Garden Henry Floyd, cor. S. 12th and Lombard Gordon & Ferguson, con 10th and Market eta David B. Graham, Green, corner Sixth street Thome Graham, corner Sixth and Cherry. Graham & Martin, No. 1035 Market street. Samuel W. Gray, No. 352 SouthFiftemith Et I, SituWel Hum O. &Ottvitou J. B. & S. A. tom, M. MeCru thy. I. & IL mei:lees,_ No. 710 N: Second street. C. H. Mattson, cor. Tenth end Areh sts. Wm. L. 'Maddock Sr, Co,, N 0.115 South Third street. John 11. Parker, Eleventh and Market at, William Parvin, Jr., Twelfth, cor. Chestnut at. Philip N. Purdy, No. 10 Walnut street. Thoinah 11. Patton. Locust, car, Thirteenth at. Samuel Rogers, Fivteentli and Pine ativetv, Samuel H II ass, m or. rieemi•l and Brown M.A. Albert C. Roberts, Eleventh, voi rice tins st. Andrew Sp: mile, cur. Marvhsil & Coates st. Mori is F. Spillin, cor. Eighth and Arch als. Jeremiah Starr, cor Fifth S. Merchant ate, Win. C. Stevenson, No. 712 South Second at. Joshua Wright, • co, Sp. Garden &Franklin J. 11. Wheeler, • '. cor. Third and Lombard at. John 11. Weaver-b Co:, corner Second and /tie std. jel7.3t - . - lIANDBORtiBB .oitntlitir Reaorts. GEORGE ROPPES, Proprietor Itt4blti Conker of EISCIOND and WALNUT /Wrote, corner 11th and Walnat. corner 13th and Girard aro, Seventh and Brown street s, Tenth, tor. George Rtteet. ONAR-