-I , #EtnWiTi • PiKi4;ii Prima): resent'4l4oll4-Atertißre.'lmdlow,,Pellierituty 'and:ltn4 Btaaitilaienti- 1 9 1 ..di.'4 1 0W1e re,4l :centiy preached p,astor ThintßefermelDnich church of this city,.'perithAt r d Pilhert, streets. The textiatiSpriPture selected for the (Mee- siow is g,,6*4l4( k iti:,the eighth -' chapter of • Acts, 2sty , err,,.; - _ o.,quee men Stephen:. to: hie . bum/ ' and made great tementiitioris:Qear ' The speaker remarked, in opining, that it - was °neer itedinest4sistinets ofour fallen na ture 'that • gave sanctity to, death , and ?uitta) 'rites atuLtisk,giefe; 'of the.,deast, Zags:elm' ' 1 itself bathlionoredthesii aacred.idiradies.with., its most:' tipeshig - ceremonies, thOuglv it had been • reserled,for Christianity shape towring the etly' 6o l l, WiteifeAlonl. 4 4 o: gill' 41) 4iCrOlue- Sant death,: Aho ,, learned and the- unlearned Christian idike;:ehallangtsdAfidelity.to- abide this test of diiiicilvirig,rultiiipinda i near eter-'j nity. They alone could Azad uponthe narrow 1 istlunni Wbbalr'septirates' the , two: eternities, :, and from the Atlantic, tvlt lid atorms.and ter= • rors, leels..outwith,joy.uneplialtable upontbrit . great Pacifte, with its gentle gales, its chiming wavesfilltilefsafe' and gleiforie by thie, living preseniakelJitrii • who ,sittuth , upon its .eyer luting deeds.. , - The inerWarii'ef StiPlientWati‘chnsidered' by the speaker infearziespeptive,napechi.-, , The .'firitt point : . that - claimed hie attention was Sfeplien'e p,ti . ritptery: He hail been' a: ; -W a s *re: fully pressed; le was citimatiffull of :faith and of the Heir, Gliost: l r=• = In tliesic6iidiallice,the.: l faitit - and Owe,. of Stephietearti-ireferred',,,to,,ind ,foreibly Statedfrom the statements in the sacred word. The great" -ordersnairtieleftWhicli hewas descrlbedas haidng %M:tight' among -the pbo ple were'clutraeterissed -as -.the outworking - of - his own sanctified nature;land the special gift of- - • - Lathe third sidered miccesiffil minister r or s the qmpskAwilattratatp,:ti, o'er n hid spited his faith' in Ohristianitriiihis triumphant death; was pro-. dwelt - -,upon with lfe:and l death'- the..threatilianipiona; of the";Orose which lie was DOW 1000 veep egmeiallyttfato lode id." "iiThett they Miett_ f entWith u lend" voices-ands and ran , uptin him with - nno accord - and ,Citst - him out of the city 'ailebtoneds"hiiiii'and the witnesses laid down their: cloths at aloungteau's feet.wheie. name-;trite- Sael.l. l Andthey'stoned :Stephen,• callideriplitiA64; and - iiiiYing, Void Jesus re ceive. nay ,apirit,',,,.Anir 110,1036010d' doithaand cried Witikttiond voice, lay-not, this sin to .theite- - -eliatge; ,- iiid when lie hati.,said this he fell asleep.",. _ , This, sait-thespeither,teld the %thole story to our hearts, without'Oomtnent." The whole subjept; ender thessaye,rid heeds to Which ~we have -here ,referred;Wsia, ably pretiented, and', constituted's% fitting...prelude to the tribute he was nowithoutte pay to Rev. Doctor,s Ludlow; prisminent Ministers in thealleformed Dutch Church, who• have de-- ceaseditillthi the' *tart peried ef 'fbtir months.' A Thedeeeiiiie of three erroli mith, Within .'so brief a:periodoviiti,:ealenlated 'to make • the. ecclesiastical, year very Memorable in the ariy! nails of the " ; Of Dr:Ludlow: heneed say, nothing now; Mamma' as they hattalreikly,paid their tribute of, rsgkrilf, for NS* preelime. :snetuory , within- 1 , those The Hev.'llr. AbralienePolhennis; who de parted this life, afters lingering illness,, in the month of October last; Was eut off in,the Vigor of bis:dttYls, and at a point in. his Ministry that gave rich promise of unusual "'success.` After twenty years °tam:vice In a:retired; and yet prominent church-in the country,' (at Hope. Y: l 4'hif had-left that' scene 'of:his" popular and useful, bthers to assunnathe charge of the North!: Reformed ' Dutch ;;Ohurch in -heyr ator ivy important entefolll6;`ivideh 'es:inn:deuced - ail an=out-„ growth fioutthe First Reformed Dutch Church of that city. It--was early bathe sprinVef , 1857 when Dr. penal:mails , entered this field of labo irfai'svider Which insiired 'reaped; degree of success which-at - once eurprisedand .gratifiejt :MS frientfei arid, do-laborers, Mad' at: testekih'elerillint reyor-Of. the, great Head of the Church .--- But" , scarcely had the work' be gan beforeit was done.- His sun went down at middy.' idle faith supported hintduring long and paltif)ililldesii, until,-with a tun. ast - aurance whidlt, caste out-doubt' and fear; in death' it burst forth inter' ahrioSt 'the - splendor of the beatific iiiiint.Whieh crowned' the Mar; tyrdom of Stephen. —(After narrating: a part • of the rapturousexperience of the dying minis" Speakercoritintied,) " Like . Stephen; he toci , ifellaslenda," "and devout men 'carried. bin to his burial, and made great lamentation over him:". 'Bellied in the forty-sixth year of his iige,'useful, reapected,nnd h lrixed. end his memory will long tie fragrant. Scarcely had we recovered from the first effects, of this reyaterious dispensation, when anothei„and . a darker cloud gathered .itself around the throne' of our righteous God. The recent death of the, late Rev. Doctor , John 'Knox, andthe painfist eireumetances ot,l acciderit underiwhich it ocourred, required no repetition here ; but he could not close this' disochirse without ;doing ° homage :to the me• - mery.ef that venerable and devoted servant of God and of the church. - • • - rinsing the long period of forty-two'yeare had enatained the relation of a Christian -minister- to a single church, always in active' service, - Without' a stain 'upon hie nainti,tind -with, increasing mien/109n until the last,. deserved :the- adbctionate regards of the community, and' -the highest 'plac'e" in, the meethiY - ef the'clininirwhich served and a d oriaed;.-- - Iltiti Dr. Itntix had achieved more than all•this:'aDr.,,,Llvingstoti k ursebhearing , the littt sermonex, delmted friend, after ho had taken, charge of the .Csilleglate Church, in 'New York,-- as-one of-its pastors, in the year 181 d, was' Said: tojuire rerearkedth sub stance feel - that I , 4in - leave, the church in- peace - since:_we..havestich young men-to intrust with her - Interatitis:"...The - ycrtmg man bere'referied fa hkitalliciagrown gray' In • the service of that. chirchimithont a change in - hiti:pastoral relation, - anti --from :that day untililled - r,q4S - "inflrienee rolled on rizi widening river - rushes to 'the' sear Possessed of qualities, which! were' 'neither brilliant nor efibrVescentrbritatillil;',Wel4i6portioned; rig ttq ordered,„and always praetical, ho Ithed a large ifithere of ection.." If sueh,a character cottiPib - deldirAted iii - OlieWlittlie would de: serlbfair by is He bad' tseen a judicious counsellor, a warm friend y a devout belleyerinetatructive; tender, close, end pro titablefOaelierof, the Apt% wise and faithful *ter; leM„ an *sample tp us all;tind irmodel which few could equal. Espe ciallyttrifilietion were - his' peculiar 'tact and power-, as , counsellor and- comforter- de vets:tied: "Beldom --had ,death taken away a member of the fininietry, who:would be' so missed, An „the, tiOnaini'df sorioWlng .pepple,, as,this ,gentie ilson of consollttimi: . die was, said. the - meeker, is a very Barnabas" , among ministers; - cria'g6od maw and full of toe' ply .Thousands who,`,' bed - 1 61444 his ministry could :bear - . their. willing: witness to their dead pestor'iy worth in' the 'language - of ' PA - 0; 1 'w Ho Wes gentle among us'even as a nurse cheriabetlrher children:: So .being' tectionately desirous of us, ho was willing to have, imparted unto' ias not the Gospel of God onlY,lnt also his; taint seal,-because we Were dear unto him. * - We 'are witnesses , also hoW'holity;" - and , justly, -And' imblonteably iiq 1 4410 himself - aUlooinia that believe, awe know how•he , exhortedj : and comforted," - and charged every one of Us, as a father doth his children, Hutt' We would walk worthy of Gad who:Astil:, Called tis , into _this kingdom and is,opirsititent_Plety hadheon felaWberover he moved, audit was the double confidence in Capacities Or enlarged useful-' I ricia`wliVetilad 'given him great-weight in.the councils of. , the church, and in the many cha ritable and' religious indithtiotis with Which heyiks /*lye& connected fo,r It-his seemed strange to , many that whon thisgSd:mati, this faithful preacher, and Ode dear,,palthr.,catna die; - ; ACV human howeveo6ied, could minister-to his' seal; and. that he:who-had "cheered ',dying hundreds 'of dud 'bad 'received their testimonies for the power of amazing grace, 'should;thus suddenly andviolently be shut out- front the wdrityklid Worn'these very Sources of cons& lattin,Which hohad brought. to ,etlieris. But, alitiliughhewas Unconscious; or at least unable to"ovrepir-his Series:of scenes abouthitn, we kA9mi trot iiWeettie tddis:lo, hid held with:-God. Ono little 40.11; , fence that parted his lipttwas all that surviving frihridi to'fotticinber of his 'dying tigkr', ,ciens+'l.TPansillaVP,MOroY l PP. Mc." ;;Bilf•th'ia sentencewas like the opening „of. the gates of heaven: heeded no!new testitoriy, inAbe last lititirld r cOnviiire an one that child of -god -and • a servant o f-Christ, lifOltr long f iiiiiitstryyWilie litv,fOrilif atteat that , 4 Yet Cregiatibb thought, that idleeins Amived hitstilf , to his/martyr Stephen, so did be-re: veal himself to, his venerable `serVaidi , that wiflO ,to, o.thut liim out front the dearest of earth's scorreti,rhy his grace ho opened to him celestial glories - that'-all the yOlCblioplieloVide - onesaionnil. hint tea dead upon-tali ... ear .'that theSaidolir himself might be his best comforter: hile lib lingered during I thr_ee, &wain deep unconsciousness of olitifard - things—tuid that the, brief whispered prayeroqoans, have 'mercyon tne,'! was but the'faint'itionition to Ibis"weiming 'friends, of h reltr g i dhts. trCh already filled t pion at was. demi. with, time aid earth.: DoubtlessitAutd-been the best way for him to tffe -=sadiGi 1t waB td these' who loved, him: 4.14-2114.t0ne , ,,ray from.lheiwen settled the olii,:sotateiwlth dmmortal light. - v-Blifie fhb lelth' of tlie'ReVY lore luul, Jmett .no each funeral solemn* In our sister etty as that which occurnid on the . t'qle 8J 1 . 44 u.aj of all denoitalriatlcaOrChrlatians, and large representations fetim . telink oPthe mast promi nent,,:institutianrchnd,,united in •tho last sad eflleo of univonatrespene, and sorrow. and. of religion itrAntsitory,of Op, Christian gentleman, the faithful end able preacher, and the area. pastor, the friend of the orphan and of ,the,, widow, the ornament 'and' co-laborer of ntimeroni; public institutions of. learning, be nevoleAce, and religion; the honored, consist .ent, and beloved " friend of God" and' man: " alibi devout men carried him to hiy burial, and made great lamentation over him." RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. . • REVIVALS or RELtototc.--The spirit of re• viral seems to be abroad in earnest le our city. EsPeolilly is this true in the Baptist persuasion. Atthe Sanaom 7 street Chores, the 'earnest and elo quent appeals of Rev. T. 4, Breckenridge, have been attended with great success. At Belmeaburg, ineetingehaveheiff In progress for the lest four or five *edit 'mitt( faiorabte results. -Fifteen persons harqlheen alreadYbaitiled. More are Awaiting the ordinance, - and Inquirers ere - multiplying. At West Philadelphia Rev. E. Kelley has baptized twelve converts into the 'fellowship.of the Oak, street Baptist Church, mostly from the Sabbath sehool; ; •'• • - • • At the Fifth Baptist' Church( corner of Fifth And Buttonwood stree's, (Rev. Mr. Jeffery pastor,) too same - workhas been going forward ,within the past Week. - , ' _ A unit PaEsnrraniax Citenett.—A new Presbyterian Church !snow being organised in the Fifteenth want; • The ; first ineoting was held on Banday,,in,the betiding southetist corner of Savan tteoull aerffastlagien streets, at which Reif. Dr. Alfred Nevin, late of Lancaster, officiated. In the Imeeetat of thisnew religious enterprise considera ble Interest manifested by the residents of- that Iciffrishing •portion of our city,-and we have no doubt the popularity of Rev. Dr. Nevin will soon attract together a larks, congregation. ,It is can .templated to erect a booso of worship en thejot on .the corner of Nineteenth and Green streets: A Sabbath-school is to be started on Sunday neat, to which tiro'hundred well-selected volumes have al reody been - presented to-form a library. Riltranzents CoixposarcE.—The throng &invited to heardho Rev. Alfred Oookroan preach on last Sabbath aveninv at the Green street Methodist Church, was so greet that it was found 'Attessary to open the leeture•room to aocommo data those who could not get into the churob. To thie seeond congregatten the Rev. John Cooltman preached.. while his brother was preaching up stairs, ills.thet, twnlrothets were ,preaohincat Abe same time the same therela; - la reitlfe r suiTrlltirr 000prrenco.' `,sT.Josapu.'e Unonoa,-.-As we announced .last week. the Et. Rev-Bishop Wood preached in Bt. Joseph's Churoh at 101 o'clock. • In the after noon the ague Rt. Bev, prelate addressed the ohildraticand 'o . Poke l'akain at Yearns, and again ltt the aveoing : ,ietnarkir he was hap py and eloquerit:—:-Cadidie Herald,' ANOTHER OLUTIWII OPT _OP .-DEBT.—It wits announced from the pulpit of West Arch Street Church, last ,Sabbath, by the pastor (Dr:Edwards) that the debt'an that hone° hid alt 'been remoied, except the .gtoniid-rent,, by the liberality of its friends. - - - • 'SAIIIIATII OBSERVAiICIN3.-- , A meeting of the Evaugelieril-,olergy of,yhis city and vicinity was hehl on Monde y evening last, at the Seim;ler In-. stitnte, to consider the course proper to be pursued fr the promotion of order on the Sabbath - . About one hundred clergymen of the various orthodox denominations_ were present. Dr. Spring was cho sen Chairmen, Dr. Williams was the Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions; of which six strong and - decided in oharaoter were reported, and unanimously adopted. They will be made public tri-,due time. , The discussion was animated and interesting, evincing not a little of the genuine Puritan spirit, and a thorough determination to rescue the Puritan Sabbath fretrithe reproach and 'contempt into which, with many professing Chris tians even, it has fallen. The meeting wax ad journed, to meet again BOW at the call of the comtnittee.' Hu. LIVINGSTONE.—This intrepid and dis tinguished Missionary traveller has withdrawn front the Londdi Missionary Society, and returns to Afrldif the!servine, and wider the patronage of the Government. A correspondent of the New York Observer. says, that he will have greater fa cilities for the stupendous work before him, but there is some reason to fear that he may not have ,equal freedom, and that the help of the State may .prove an ineumbrance. The simplicity and noble ness of his nature,-hoWevei, most be a guarantee for his devotedness to the cause of Christian civi lization, andlreoantiot see all the thisigiis of Pro vidence in relation 'to the, region ho has gone to explore. GEDUAN RE/7QADED AND :PRIABYTEILIANN :Thrirtn.=At the late meeting of the Synod of -North Carplina, it was agreed, by a joint commit too of the Synod and of the German Reformed Maids, and approved by Synod, "that there is no ,essential difference. between the • two churches, tidier iii-ditedrine or (thumb- goyernment ;" and that the miniiiteris of the-Chassis (with their- re spective charges) can come into thirThebytery in whibh they severally , reside, "by the same simple proeess,observed its receiving' a minister from one Presbytery to another." .T.4orn.t.trvr _Or TEXAS 11IATHODINT8.—It - is stated in the 'Southerner, of Waco city; Texas, that at a recent meeting of the Methodist Confer ence in that place, a collection for missionary pur poses was taken up, - which amounted to $1,500 in cash, and 'six. hundred and twenty-six acres of Tana. And that the sum of five theusand dollars was subscribed by the preachers of the conference, for the.mapoite of aerobe:sing' a steam press for the' Texan - Christian Advocate, and building a publishing house 41 the eity of Galveston This last item would seem to indicate that the preachers are either rich or well snpriorted•lf they are able ta_ha,stimehts.,,saaa..... , -- Oar:As—hr. stitnhons. , PROCRAST/NAT/ON.—Noir the close of his life, Patrick Henry laid his hand on the Bible, and said to a friend,." Here is a book worth more than all others; yet it is my misfortune never to bate read it with proper attention until lately." Wil liam Pitt, when he came to die, said : "I fear that I have, like zany others, neglected my religious duties too much to have any ground to hope. that they can be efficacious on my death bed." TOMstna.—Nearly. a hundred years ago Voltaire resided at Geneva. One day he said to some friends in a boastful, sneering tone : Before .the beginning of the nineteenth century, Christi anity will have disappeared-from the earth'!" In -theft same house, in that same room where these impious words wore spoken, there is to-day a large deposit of Bibles! The altered books fill the house from the floorto•tha ceiling!, So much for Vol taire's prediction Tuz Ominsr :31ET1101War PRDACHER 'IN nit WORLD.-The sale: "Rev. D. Webb, i o, of Barnstable, s said to be the oldest active Methodist Minister in the • world, Though In his eightieth year, his mental faculties are stlil vigor o . He entered the ministry When but eight een.". „. - .tticDtcittal: . .1; Y 0 Ni"S• PURE :'CATAWBA OHIO 'llitANOY.:—as this article Is MODursotorod from the WIIIILJUIOII of the Oatembo. Grape, CUltirstOd in the - Vineyards of the 43084 t. West, It has a speolal claim to our notice. The proprietor guaranties thin ITIT I /D t er/ b lt B ala Els o i rlo by the analyses ofOr. COT, Slate' Inspector for Ohio ; also, the celebrated Analytical Chemist. Dr.' CHILTON. of New York, to which we invite attention ; ANALYBIB OF LYON% PURE CATA.WI3A BRANDY Ontcs 0111.1110.11. Innoron, OlsoikaNun, 61'7,1868. / here* Pally that r hire this day inspected a large lot of fine Catawba Brandy for Mr. I. Jacob, No. 14g Third street, and after a precut examination I find It pure, of high chemical standard, and free from all foreign or poisonous subitancei, and have so marked it " the!"! (Biffeed) HIRAM 00X, M. D. .'Nsw lona, July 28,1867. I . htete analyzed a bottle of Lyon's Pure Catawba -Brandy, furnished by Mr. A. Balaton, Jr., of Lockport, N; Y., for analyeation and Bud it to contain only the irigredients whfch'exiet In pure Brandy: The proper lieu of alcohal'olitained trona it is 47 per cent. I be. Dere this sample to be pare Brandy, without edultera. tic ' Th e 64V°4Pf i t ladelicate and peculiar. ;aligned), JAS. R. CTRILTON, M. D., Chemist. For Medicinal pitirprises Catawba - Brandy has no rival, and has long been needed' to supersede the poisonopa oompounds cold under the name of Brandt. As a beverage; the pure article is altogether superior, ands. sovereign; sure remedy for Dyspeptia, flatulency, Low Spirits. Languor, General Debility, dre., &c AIe°PSIIELBY'S STILL AND SPARKLING CMAIR ' PAGNm.,..-Theca Wines are made in -the neigh. , borhood of, Cincinnati, and are guarantied to be the Pura Juice of the Grape, and are onifnently calculated for lairalide - and peieons who - require a gentle Mime. taut, end fot Sacramental purpael. „ Betilt:prlei.oo 25 per bottle. ' A liberal disorient .mile` to the trade. ' Dealers will please send their orders to, the ' , Sole Agents for the State of Penn Aylvahla, 1 • • , JIAZARD & CO., • Wholeeele Waggish', • isls•l , No. 508 MARK.ST Street, 'F". IDEItICS BitOlVl4', E. CJIRIIIIST AND DRUGGIST, N. D. CORNER FIFTH AND OILESTNUT STREETS, PEILADIMPRIA, _ r Sole. manufacturer or BROWN ' S ESSENCE OF JA. MAIOA GINGER, which is recognised and prescribed by the Medical Faculty. and has become the standard Family Medicine of the United States. MIA is a remedy stilted to the extremes of beitanll dold(and at all times benedzial When gentle tonic and etimedating influences are required. Its 'etbublating property being independent of alcoholic power, its effect as a frequent remedy need never be dreadezl. While it strengthens and refreshes the debilitated in the summer smitten, it isnot lees potent during the inclemtury of winter, by warming with its herdtily told* priliciple, and enabling the to resist the Influences of in. eieleritrdiseesee which lork.in.a changing climate. No family should be:without It and by, travellers on long journeys, or by tree,' it will be fonncinvaluable. OilettoX.—Yerserui desiringlin article that can be re liedliport, prepared - solely from pure Jamaica Ginger, should be-particular to ask for BROWN'S }WENCH OF JAMAICA GINGER which le warranted to be what It i to re resented and s prepared only by FREDERICK BROWN, and for sale at tilaDrdg and Chemical Store, 14. E. corner or FIFTH and °nervy'' , streets, _ Also for sale by all respectable Druggists in the Uni ted States. .. "DIME MEDICAL' CO,GNA.O BRANDY— 'The 1130 st certain cure- for • Dyspepsia, whether Acute or Obtonic Able : In ;Die plao, so 0, powerful strengtheder for.wiak lungs and general debllity, it hie no equal. Becnitnit Wed by all tintinent Physicians. Price only $14.15 per bottle,or $10,14 per dosen. istiLta 11. 14. - corroir - ibtaiNP And'GßßEffltreetei Jalb Bole Agentefor the !Jolted States. take, Zaps; Sn. SIJLLENDERj &' PASOAtt, kATTzne, aull=em' No. B. BlXTlkolowt. Vhllodelphla. 2lnarttego at finxi • ------ ""' VerogryWWW, Nat, -.DOUGHERTY, ATTORNE Y AT LAW, Southesust Corner et EIGHTH and LO CUST &math, Pbilsdelptda. and-II m . Irks, tit i 0 Et dr 'ATTORNEY .A` tor,"blewral street, Pattalllio, pa. sat 447 GREMON ,B PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, corner SEVENTll'and onsvirr street!-All the yellow, etylea of pertraitnre known In the Pl:gao -1 graphle art are produced at tile establishment. A. new styleaf portrait jait'lntrodoeed Intim/Wog the finest miniatilre loory,l it all'atellinrithe/oln point of Me mos; and dellescy ; id coloring, with i nvited most. onderful ate,reoscople effect. The Stile are to call and 711lnalny that new a1.710p1 mlulatttre. Legal Natirea I N -CNCERY OF NEW JERSEY.— Betwee H n A THOIiIAB R SMITH, (loinplainant, arid THE 00DIBBRCIAL BANH OP NEW JERSEY, Perth Amboy, Defendauts.—On bill, Ito. Upon opening the matter to the Court by Oliver 8. Halsted, Solicitor for and of 'counsel with the corn. plainant in the'above cause, • It is ordered that the creditors of the said the Brest dent end Directort of the Commercial Bank of New (jersey do present to the Receivers appointed in thin cause, and prove before them, under Oath or affirms. limo, or, otherwise at the said Receiver. ehall•direct, to tne satisfaction of the said Receivers, their several claims and demands against the meld Company, with in three months from the date of thls order, or that they be excluded from the , benefit of such •dlvidends as may thereafter be made and declared by this Court upon the proem% of the effects of said corporation!, and for the better ascertaining the creditors of said corporation, and what is due to them, respectively, the !aide rsdltoraate to be examined as the said Receivera shall direct or may deem neceseary cud expedient, and produce books and papers before the said Receivers on oath or affirmation, which Oath or affirmation the said Receivers are hereby authorised to administer, as well at to examine, under oath or atiltmation, all such witnesses as shall bo pro. duced before them touching the demands of said credi tors. 'And it is further ordered, that the said Receivers do cause proper advertisemenhs to be published in at least ell newspapers published in this State, and such nowt delere published in the cities of. New York and Phila phia as they shall deem proper ant advisable, for the creditors of said corporation to come in before them and prove their claims and demands as in this order directed; and that such publication be made within tWenty.daya from the date hereof. and be continued in such papers as aforesaid for the space of three months. 'pitted January 6th, A. D. 1858. IL WILLIAMSON, 0. N, D r —ln partneri - coot the foregoing order, Oreditota may forward their dal= to Robert B. Green, Ext., Elizabeth New Jersey or Oliver S. Halsted, Jr., New ark, New Jersey, Receivers. ja2.5.3m ESTATE OF JOEIN • A. GOODMAN, doceneed.—Notice is hereby Olen, that the Widow of said decedent has prolionted to the Orphans , Court no inventory and appralsement of the property Abe bee elected to retain under the act of April 14th, 1861, and unitise exceptiony thereto be flied before February 6th, ,1858, the same will ho allowed and approved by the 'Court. - GICO. II FABLE, Attorney for Widow. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT /I application has been made to the Trustee' of the FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA, for the renewal of a policy 'of Insurance ' No. 18,8130, issued in the name of John J. Shoemaker for $l,OOO, dated Juno 8, 1849. Transferred to WM. D. Fairchild October 8, lii49, and by him to the Western building Association ()dollar 11. 1852, which has boon lost or mishad, and in formation thereof will be received by al-thstu-4w* IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPIMA.— Paste of JOHN LNADBEATER, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the trot account of Reese D. Fell, ono of the Executors of the last will and testament of JOAN, LEADDRATEN, deceased, and to report distribution, pill attend to - the duties of his appointment on MONDAY, the eighth day of February, A. D. 11168, at i o'clock P. h., at the Wetherill lfouoe, B.LNIKIM street, above Sixth, in the City of Philadelphia. ja23-stuthfitii EDMUND A. MENCII, A1141.1t4. IN THE uRPHANS 7 ,COURT FUR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PEILAMPLLIA. Estate of ANDREW ARMSTRONG, deceased The Auditor appointed to audit, settle, and adjust the account of Joseph Walker and James Gass, Execu tors of the lost will and testament of ANDREW, ARM STRONG, deceaeed, will meet the parties Interested for the purposes of his appointment, on MONDAY, the first day of February, 1858, at 4 o'clock I'. M., his office, No 113 HANtiOll street. ja23-s tu tha 0, J. DIDDLE, Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE OITY AND COUNTY OF PIIILADEL PILIA. MARY W. MILLER. by her mixt Irloud, EDWARD A. JOHNSON, vs. DAVID W. 31ILLER. January 234, 1858 —On motion of George W. Arundel Esq., attorney of Libellant, rule granted on Respondent to show cause whys divorce, 4, a tincuto matrinionii," should not be granted. Returnable at la o'clock on SATURDAY, lfebruary Bth, 1858. Ja27-w a2w* 'Agricultural 3mplentento CI:ARDEN SEEDS.—Frosh and ,genidlie viall Gamlen Benda of every variety ; a complete stook always on hand. Dealers supplied on the moat liberal terms. BOAS, SPANGLIIIt, & Jol4-y 027 MARKET 'trent, below Seventh. °MIMING'S HAY, STRAW, AND FOD V DEP. OUTTEIIB.--We are sole manufaeturers o Cumming's unrivalled Ray, Straw, and Fodder Cutters which are guarantied el:eerier to any in the market. BOA SPANGLER, & CO.. la;4•y 627 MARKET' street, below Seventh. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS• OF IM. eery rariety, ,the most complete stock in the city, embracing Corn Shelters, Grain Sane, ROM Powers, Steamers, Straw and Fodder 'Cutters,' Root Golfers, Horticultural Toole or all kinds, Seeds for field sill garden, Guano, Super Phosphate of Lime, wholesale and retail. BOAS, SPANGLER, k Co., 627 MAIIIiNT street, below Seventh C - IARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS ! A very large and complete assortment of Sarin Garden, and Plower Seeds, warranted fresh and genuine Wholesale and Retell Seed and Implement Warehouse No. 627 MARKET Street, below Seventh. BOAS, SPANGLER, ic CO. Irj- Dealers supplied on the most liberal terms. Catalogues supplied. ja29 PLOUGHS, HARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, &o.—A very large Meek, embracing all the latest irherovementv. Purchasers will rind It advan tageous to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. 110A8, SPEW :FEAR, & CO., Implement and Seed Warehouse, jag DIARISKT Street, below Seventh. CtilitßlNGS's UNRIVALLED lIAY, STRAW, AND YODDEII OUTTSR.—Star Corn Libellers, Home Powers, Threshers, Grain Fans, Boot Cutters, , Barmers , Boilers, Am. in groat variety. BOAS, SANDLER, Is CO. - , Implement and Seed Warehouse, ja29 G 27 MARKET Street, below Seventh. xpreos Qtompanito. rums ADAMS EXPRESS 00., OFFICE, 1 IMO CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and titliOlE, either by Its own er In connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principid TOWNS end OITIXB of the United States. E. li. CIANDIVED, General Baperlnteneent Contntiosion literclianta. `ITANDY & BRENNER—COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in Foreign and Ame• dean HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos. 29, 25 and 27 North VIETH Street, East side above Commerce West, Philadelphia. . and-ti ['CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MEE OIIANT cud Importer of HAVANA OIXIAPJI, (New) 185 Walnut street. second awl. attl-kr Bony anb sZatibleo. QOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL froml4l SOUTH FOURTII STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard and South, and Front and Seoond streete, , Thankful to my numerone Wend' for their peat faroni, I lotion a continuance of the ftme.lseelestaniergrodnay manufactory ee_aa.to-deosaree to rare constantly on land-a-nage stock of well-seasoned Soaps, free' from Fish Oil; Palm, Variegated White Honey, Castile, and altkinds of toilet Soap, Chemical Olire Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Brown Soap, English gal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all sizes constantly on hand. haring adopted the cash system, I am enabled to sell niy goods at the lowest prices. - P. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. .11.-43 ash paid for Tallow and Greaee. no 14.6 m Illarbtuart. QUAKER. CITY NAILS, MERCHANT BARS, RIVET IRON, Manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water works. WAREHOUSE 103 North WATER Streell4,. QUAKER OIT I( NA1143 are warranted oval to any made. HALpHUAN, Aunt PIiIIOMAS E. BAXTER.—HARDWARE, A. CUTLERY AND TOOLE, No: 910 MARKET ST. bore Nin th . anath aids. rdlatlelplifa au 1-6 m Boots cinb Olgren "ROOTS 'AND 'SHOES.—The subscriber haa on hand a largo and varied stock or BOOTS mid SUOES, which he will sell at the lowest prices. GEO. W. TAYLOR, zio2l-1y S. E. corner YUPTII and MARKETfite. QPRING STOOK OF BOOTS AND SHOES e•-• —JOSEPH H. THOMPSON dr. 00., No. 114 MAR KET Street, and Nom. 8 and I FRANKLIN PLAO)I hose neff In store a' large and well-amortedßlock of BOOTS and,BllOES, of City and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for Sale on the best terms for Cash, or on the rusal cretltt, MMil;l=ii=iii=l furniture. 1..8. KITE & CO. 71111NITDRE, BEDDING, he. ' No. 418 (late 129) WALNUT et. Philadelphia. A sew and esperlot style of Opting Bede. LYDIA& B. HIM JOSISIII WALTON sun Sed ebtuational. D ITTENHOUSE ACADEMY, N. E. cot ' nor CHESTNUT and EIGHTEENTH streete, Entrance on Eighteenth street. The seventh scallion of this Institution will commence February 1, 1868. LECI.UB' BARROWS,t minci . 1 .. JOHN U. WESTCOTT, 5 " r- QT. MARK'S EPISCOPAL ACADEMY, LOCUST street,frent of Sixteenth. The second half year will begin on the that of Febru ary, at which time pupils may be entered. Oirculart and fult,particulara of the course of In struction, terms, ho, eon be obtained from the Principal, at the Academy, between 9 A. M. and 2 I' M. Rl2l-thstuBwit J. ANDREWS HARRIS, Principal. KTTNYDER LEIDY. JAMES M. LEIDY. ,TO P 4138 LEISURE HOURS WITH PROFIT, ' • •" • " , • " 0010 LEIDY BROTHERS' BUSINESS ACADEMY, NOE 148-and Ma SIXTH • Street, near RAO.E, the tira established INSTITUTION In this city fur linparting exeluaively BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE, viz: MERCANTILE ARITHHETIO, WRITING AND BOOK-KEEPING. ACADEMY OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Especial attention given to Jal9-3in ' ORNAMENTAL WRITING. 1.1A"N.1)1,L.T6 LAsTyLLI}4, LESS, PICIAD. FAMILY BOARDING ELPOI.4 SCHOOL FOR BOYS. This !institution is designed, under the auspices of the Church, to give ton limited number of boys a thorough co'legiate education, or to prepare them for any olans of college' they may wbsh to enter. Reference t The Itt. Rev, ALONZO POTTER. Yor particulars. address Nay. PINKNEY 11AlilblOND, Hector, or 189.dtl'eb17 PcoL L. ANGELS, Prluelpt4l. DRUPES Ort, SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, . WREST PRILADELPHIA. No Seminary whatever In more like a private family. The course of study la extenalve stod thorouh. Pro. feador Saunders will receive few mere pa pale under fourteen yearn of age into his fatally. Nuke of Messrs. J. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Col. J. W. Porney, Editor of this Paper, whoa, eons or Wards are bow members of his family. septle-tt itielniffe - d - 1,75" - c - al MAP mid examine our Manila Bale Rope, which we can eau sell at low an American, and warrant /2 superior la trength and durability. • • N r RAVIR, vim)/ .1. 00., ail No. SO Water *Vaud S 2 tf, Whrrei. Tug,, mss."-,v , f/lotelci ant, Restaurants. WORREST HOUSE, r, Beath side of ARCH STREET WHARF. I. HART, Peoretsvos. DINNERS from 12 to S. Good Bill of Pare. - Merchants end others will And everything of the iseit quality B.—Lynn Haven ➢ay Oyetere received by eery Norfolk steamer. • M:ERCHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH POTIRTI/ 81UEZT • . &sow' Istnecwv, PHILADELPHIA. an 11441 MoBIBBEN & BONS, I'morsimvols JONES'S • AIIOII STREET SALOONS, 727 and 729 ARM BMW HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS! The Holiday's are dole at baud, Sod Joneee Arch street Saloon le prepared for the immense demand that will be made upon it for oordraorlonn. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S OANDIEC IMPORTED ExPREOBLY 100 0/15 MUM? sessuri! Every variety of Bon Bons, Paitiles, Bourbon lbope, now style of Cum Drops, Eon Sucre Drops, Van&!terra lion Bons, and every variety rare and costly cradles manufactured in Paris. For Presents, all nisei act PASTOR:IS Of OMlltrottAl Boxes, Pyramids, Ribbon Ties tilled with the cMieeet variety ore -Infectious, and varying In price froa Oes Dollar up to Fifty Dollars. Some of these Boxes vie the non nurses /mammas or river WORK .AND ARNOTIO costar SVell MIMIC IN THIS Conroy. To the Ladle., as well al to the whole public, Jmee's Saloons are the moat attractive In the City, and in splendor of adornment and auleh are eoperior to my in the Union BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up In the choicest and most expeditious nyle. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, ICE CREAMS, JELLIES, GAME, AND OYBOISS, Constantly ready for visitors in prefualon. ' PLAIN, 'Astor, AND ONNAILISNTAL CARES AND PIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YOB% TRA BISCUIT, And, In foot all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELICACIES of every clime and country. BALLS PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentation Sippers, and Families supplied at the shortest notice isid on reesonable terms. A continuanoe of the patronage hitherto en liberally bestowed by the public is respectfully solicited. de6-tt , B JONES, Proprietor. JONES HOUSE, CORNER OF 'MAR KET STREET AND MARKET SQUAW, HARRISBURU, PA. WELLS °OVERLY, Proprietor. This new and elegant Hotel, recently erected by the Messrs. Jones, in Harrisburg, Pa., having been leaned for a term of yearn by the undersigned, he tatoa this method of calling the attention of his former patron', friends, and the travelling community, thereto. Having a front of 142 feet on the principal street of the city, and 52 feet front on Market Square, it canned tail to prove attractive as well as inviting to Wailers. The chambers are of doe else well mutilated, lied ,• lighted with gee a number with emspecting making them very desirable for familial. ' The halls are warmed throughout by heaters', and every modern improvement. In fact, has beet added, that may conduce to the safety, comfort, and happiness of the guests. Visitor; may, therefore, rent =aired that theJONES HOUSE has been made perfect in all its appointment,'; that each deportment has been placed in alum of ex performed and competent persons; that in oveip putt color tfL, o 'yawn which has been adopted by thyropri etor will afford to those who may make it Untie ?me as great a degree of comfort u may be obtained at any similar entabllahment In the State. To mute this desirable result, he ban furiditied the public and private parlors, chanabere, dining coon, &c., with entirely new furniture, and also arranges within the building a Ant barber's saloon, oyster Woe, deem ing room, hot and cold baths, &e. The culinary department and dining room will receive the especial attention of the proprietor vide", he truats, will be a min:lent guarantee that a i l Ulu will be attited. After returning his heartfelt thanks to his di friends and patrons for the generous patronage so lorg extend ed to him at the " °overly House," and alma to his friends and patrons at the "Columbia Mouse," Cape Inland, during the season of 1855, he respeottallY Mtn a continuance of it at the "JONES HOME." Ja7-eodlrn WELLS °OVERLY. CAMPBELL'S RESTAURANT.—VENI v SON Wild Duke . , Turkeys, Gomm, Greene, Fresh Salmon, Chinoatique, Opinachinue, re e, Abele. com b and Cove Oysters, with everyvariety • GAME, wild or domeatic, In season. Green Turtle up and Terrapin Suppers served up at the shortest [Micro, at JOHN CAMPBELL'S, No. 527 CHESTNUT 'treat, op. polite the State Rouse. N.B. No expense or pains ham been spared by the Proprietor in fitting up this now establiehmot in the most sumptuous manner—the second story leing for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, Suppers, &e. DV Entrance for Ladies toward" Sixth stmt. nov7-3m MaGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH wen corner of BROAD and WALIKT.--Olme end all other delicacies In newton. Zunilin en lied with Oysterson the ehorteet notice. sepi-7m IRANDIES.—“ Pinot Oast.'ilon," Marott, and other Cognacs of Tlrialle Yfilltilg100; in half pipes and quarter COALSj .telleroleln Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, half casks, and one eighth coats. Imported and for sale by HENRY IMILEN $ 00 6812 r 921 and 223 South Fourth street, ALEXANDER V. HOLMES, WIDE AND Z3l. LIQUOR STOW], No. 226, Nonthesit Corner of GEORGE and BOUTII Streets. sally CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER . IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, OIGASS, he , 243 south 711111 Street, Philvlelpkle. ' BRANDIES.—PInot, Oast'lion tit Co., Ali rett & 00., and other brands of Cogneu of various vintage', In half pipes and quarter coke; Yelleroialn Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipe., quartor (make and one-eighth outs, all In Otudom Hose atoms, imported and far sale by HENRY BOHLEN d 00., an 6 Nos. 221 and 723 South Fourth street. XVITH3IIB fic BUTZ,— PORTBRi ALR AND LAGER DEER BREWNRY, No. 820 (pair N 0.938) North MIND Btrest,Phlledelplals.—Lthippio l orders promptly attended to. an t( HAVANA CIGARS--A handsome s sort pentgaro,, suck am Yi Osbenaa Parisian, Stittan Gloria, Jupiter, a, Goloeo, Gonverotantee, Torrey Lopeo, Union Amerleana, Osiktoti, Sloss Cabala, &a., An., Sm., to )j, )4',1.13 and 140 zes t of all emu and quelL ties, in Ws* and constantly sneering, end (or sale low, by . CHARLES TSUI, (new) 188 WALNUT Street, below Second, mond story VIGARO, CABANAS AND PAITAGAS d , 91i4A118 .— A cholos ill.Voloo of threw nelebratut brands on board brig "New Brat,," daily enakeeten from gayana, sod for bale low, by CHARLES MTN, (New) 188 Walnut attest, Wow !Noma, eel 'l3eeand Story. JOHN P. DOHERTY, TOR/IREMT KITH /ILLY k PROTONS, LATH WITH LUKENS, /DILLY, & 00., TAILOR, 1114 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE szeurit, .n. now with him the beet Tailors that are engaged in the bueinies in this oonntry. °JIMMIES ROTE, formerly the leading tailor of this city; M. Hams, formerly cutter for 0. Roth k Co., and late Coat' and Teat cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; Ruler Warman, the best Pants and Test cutter In the United States, for yearn cutter with I/entente, under the Irving House, Broadway, end with Deplerrle & Pettus, under the St. Nieholm Hotel, Broadway. The moat unremitting attention paid to the wished of all who patronize the establishment. The beat of Clothes made at moderate prim for credit; low pricer for cash. oolfLtf 'TAMES SHER IDA N, MERCHANT TAILOR, Noe. Id and la Bonth NINTH STREET, •110170 CHESTNUT. A large and well Wonted stook of CLOTHS and HAMMERER always on hand. All Clothing made at thir Establishment will be of the beet quality, and In the moat fashionable sty3s, kartlottlar attention given to UNIFORM CLOTH. atdi-tf AR PE 'S MEN'S AND BOYS' O." OLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Btroot, beams], Aroh and 8406 AllB4l OFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND 1 .." EQUIPAGE, PIIII4DIMPIII a, December 11,3857. StIALBD PROPOSALS will be received at tote Office until 10 A. 31. of the 30th of January next for furnish• log, by contract, during the year 1058, leather of the beet quality of the kinds herein speelliled, deliverable at the United States Clothing and Equipage Depot, Schuylkill Arsenal, and in quantities as Inv be re• quired, viz: Wax Upper Leather, oak tanned, shaved from slaughter hides. Sole Leather, oak-tanned from Buenos Ayres or La Plata hides Stock Leather, dressed by the morocco process, and of usual thickness. Black Bridle Leather, oak-tanned from slaughter hldes. Russet Bridle Leather, from hides of the same class, curried down without splitting. Morocco Indus, Tampico, blank kld Vizor Loather, japanned on both sides, one black, the other green, by the patent process. Chin Strap Leather, japanned block on the grain aide, by the patent process. Slaughter Leather, for write Contracts will be based on accepted proposals, for the fulfilment of which two or more eufilcient securitiee wil lbw required. The names, address, and the responsibility or the persona proposed as securities, with the acknowledge ment of said prone that they will be curl, security, or will see that good and sufficient security be furnished ,n case a contract is obtained, will be transmitted with the proposals. Payments will be made en each delivery, should Cen• green have made an appropriation to meat them, or as soon thereafter as an appropriation chill hi made for that purpose. Ten per gent. of the account of each de livery will be retained until the contract shall be con pietist, which will be forfeited to the United States In case of defalcation on the part of the contractor in ful filling the contract. , It is to be dietinctly understood by every person ob. Mining a contract, that said contract to not traneferable without the consent of proper authority, and that any sale, assignment, or transfer of it, without such gement having boon obtained, (except under a process of law.) will be regarded as an abandonment of the contract, and the contractor and his securities will be held re• spoiasible for all loss or damage to the United statee which may arise from said abandonment Proposal. will be addressed to the undersigned, and will be endorsed "Proposals for furnishing army sup plies and materials lIENRY O. WAY f, do29.tu. th • tjaBo Bt. Major. A Q. Mr PLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING. W. W, FENNER, No. 143 North SIXTII Street above RAOII, OPPOSIT. I ODD FELLOWS HALL, Is now prepared to attend to PLUMBING and GAS FITTING In all Its various branches. llla force of expel termed workmen, now engaged In hie eetabliehtnent, will enable him to give kin netneroue patrons, and the pu rlie generally, prompt attention at the ahortest notice. Ja2B.6ruoil LANCASTER'S KID-GLOVE GLEAN- BlL—Prepared go. sly by TUOS LANCASTER, Manufacturing Chemtsc, N. N. corner of ELEVENTH and WALNUT Streets. The attention of Opera.goers is especially invited to this invaluable preparation. The shabbiest and most worthless Glove* may be restored, by the application of Lancaster's preparation, to their onglnal color, soft ness, and brilliancy. In 144 economical point of view, ladles and gentlemen eau de no better Venn perelmse quantity of this excellent preparation. Due bottle will restore 100 pairs of Move.. for sale by Druggists and Fancy Store. throughout the city. Je2o-lw MOSS -17 bales CaroHa& Hon, for lab) by 110ARTIN &HAOALIBTaII, ata 110 North Wain MM. ELI) „ SATIfit,PA J • NUARY 30. 1858. Mum anb Kiquorcf. tobacco anb Cigars. faerrbant Mailore. proposals Obi FOR SAN fRANCISCO:---The extreme GAUNTLET," Borelaud, corn• wander, and the wail-known awl favorite Clipper•ehlp 1S F WILLETS, Holmes, commander, are both load ing rapidly In New York, aud will be despatched as above For 6:4W apply to . . . BISHOP, SIMONS, h CO.. 120 (late 86) NORTH WHARVES `LIMP STEPHEN BALDWIN FOR NEW ODLPIANS —LOUISIANA LINE —To Bail with quick denpatch. Freight taken at the lowest rat. The remarkatly ooppered packet-chip STEPHEN D4DWIN, Captain Donner, will commence loading atltaoe-stre.lt Mart In a few drip!, and heviog a large portion of her cargo already engaged, will have quirk despatch, as above For balance of freight apply to DISHOP, SIMONS, & CO , ja29-tf 120(IA 36) NORTH WHARVES. The S. B. ll:marts at the lowest rates, and will take item dux n the Delaware and up the Allealselppl, THE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN A- ROYAL MAU. BTEAMBLIIPB. /ROM ASP YORK TO I.IIIIWOOL Chief Cabin Paasage Bacoud Cabin Plumage PROEI 11081 . 011 TO LIVERPOOL Chief Cabin Paasage Second, Cabin Passage .. The snips from Boston call at Halifax. 1 PERSIA, Oapt. Jakirm, CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA., Capt.Wickman ASIA. Capt E. 0. Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Byrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. ZUROPA. Capt. I Leitch These teasels carry a clear whtte light at mast-head i green on starboard bow i rod on port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leave N. York, Wednesday, Jan. 20. AbIRRICA, Wickman, G Boston Wednesday, Jan. 27. RUROPA, Leitch, G N.Yoril, Wednesday, Feb. 3. CANADA, Lang, " Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 10. ARABIA, Stone " N.York, Wednesday , Feb. 17. NIAGARA, Mlliar, " Boston, Wednesday, Feb. 24. Bertha not eocured until paid for. An experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships'wlll net be accountable for Gold, 811rer, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Preoloua Stones or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or passage apply to l i Jal4-y N. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. SAVANNAH STEAMBIII P LINE. FREIOUTS REDUGED. The well•known first-clans side-wheel stearashlp STATE OP GEORGIA, John J. Oarru. Oennnand.r, will be toady to nada° freight on WEDNESDAY, Jan. 111117 21, ant sail on SATURDAY, January 80, at 10 o'clock A. M. At Savannah this ship connect.. with steamers for Florida, and for all places in the !South and Sonthweet. Cabin pimento $2O 00 Steerage do 8 00 No freight received on Saturday morning No bills of lading 'toed after the ship has nailed. For freight or passage, apply to A. HERON, Jr , No. us North Wharves. 0. A. GREINER & 00 , Jolt Agents In Savannah. F . OR SAN FRANOISCOTo flail on the r 16th inetant.—The (moue clipper ebior EDWIN )LYE, C. P. IYeaTsa, Commander, and EDWIN FOR REST, OROOKIIR, Commander. Nth of theca magnificent ahlps are now loading to New York, and will be deapatched as above. For balance of freight apply to 111h110P, SIMONS, & CO jag 120 (late 80) NORTH WHARVES. GLASGOW AND NEW YORK STE AMSIIIP COMPANY'S eploudid and powerful Warners, EDINBOROW, 2,500 tons, Wm. Cumming, Commander, NEW YORK, 2,150 tons, Robert Craig, GLASGOW, 11,902 tons, John Duncan, Are appointed to sail FROM 01.11100 W. New York, Saturday, 10th Decant*? Edinburgh, Saturday, 10th January. Manor, Saturday, 30th January. raoM TOME. Edinburgh, Saturday, Feb. 13th, at 12 o'clock, noon RATES OF PASSAGE. fatal OLABOOW. Firet 01.mq Bteorne, found with cooked provielone rutin New TOOK Vint Class 170 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions 30 00 Children under 14 years of age, half fere; Infants In Steerage. $5. Return tickets available within els months, by any steamer of this line. Out and home, First Class $l4O 00 Out and home, Third Glans 00 00 An experienced Burgeon attached to each Steamer. For passage, apply to WORKMAN & 00., 120 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. HALL k LONEY, Buchanan's Wharf, Baltimore. ROBERT CRAIG, 11 Broadway, New York. LIM. ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1857.- A: New York and Havre Steamship Oompany.—The United States Mall Steamships AI/AGO, 2,500 tons, David Lines, commander, awl FULTON, 2,500 tons, James A. Wotton, commander, will leave New York, /Terre and Southampton, for the years /857 and 58, on the following days: MATT /XV 71/1111. 1867. 1868. Fulton, daturday, Aug. 22 Arago, Holladay, Jan. 9 Arago, do. Sept. 10 Fulton, do. rob. 6 Fulton, do. Oct. 17 Arsgo, do. Aloseh 5 Aron°, do. 1701. 14 Fulton, do. April 8 Fulton, do. Deo. 12 Arago, do May 1 Fulton, do. Moy 20 L 2171 111/YRS. . 1862. Arsgo, Toandoy, hog. 15 lulion, do. Rept. 23 Jingo, do. Oct. 20 Notion, „ do. Nor. 12 Arogo, do. Deo. 16 1868. roltoo, do. Zan. 12 Arogo, do. Yob. 9 Talton, do, Idarob 9 Arogo, do April Pillion, do. Iday 4 Arogo, do. Jan* 1 rulfon, do. JIII2O 29 LIAIIIIOOIII4IOTOI. 1817. F i r 27; , W go " " telt t Amp, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Nov. 18 Amigo, do. Doe. 16 1838. Talton, do. J w. 13 Arego, do. lob. 10 Fulton, do. Nor. 10 Arago, do. April 7 Walton, do. Mop PINS OP FARMAN Prom New York to Southampton or Havre—First Oabto, $l6O ; Second Cabin, $76. Prom Havre or Southampton to New York—Flat Cabin, SOO from ; Berand Oabiu, 600 fames. jrct. frel&ht or ;I;rait) o N, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISILLIN, " Havre. OftOSHEY & 00., South , ton. APIERIOAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS AND li.X. Parts. OHANOP 00. mai 911 HE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL A. UNITED BTATEO MAIL STEAPIEII3.—The Stipa Summating the Line are The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC, Cept. Joseph Comotook. OThe ADEIATIO, Capt. James West. . / These ship' have been built by contract, expresely for Government service; every care has been taken in their constniotion, se also in their eoglnee, to ensure strength and speed, and their aocommodatiens for passengers are unequalled for eleganoe and comfort. Price of peassge from New York to Liverpool, in drat sable, $130; in second do., $76; from Liverpool to New York, 30 and PO guineas. No berths secured sinless paid for. The ships of this line have improved watertight bunt heads. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILING. I PROM 11W TOIL PROM LITZIPOOL. Saturday, June 20, 1857 Wednesday, June 24, 1861 Saturday, July 4, 1887 Wednesday, July 8, 1801 Saturday, July 1e,ig1867 Wednesday, July 22, 1007 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 147 Saturday, Aug. 16, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1807 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wedueedsy, Sept. 2, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 26, 18.57 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1107 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1851 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1061 Saturday, Oct. 24 1861 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1461 Saturday, Nov, 7, 1867 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1861 Saturday, Nor. 21, 1867 Wednesday, N0v.213, 10.57 Saturday, Dec. /1, 1867 Wednesday, Dee. 9, 1857 Wednesday, Dee. 22, 1867 Poi o fr l e v ini t t n . or s. passage, ap p y_ X LLINB,_ I Nr 50 Wall street, N. Y. BROWN, SIIIPLEY ft 00., Liverpool. STSPIIEN KENNARD & 00., 27 Austin Priers, London. B. G. WAINWRIOIIT & CO., Paris. The owners of these ehlps will not be aecountable for gold, silver, bullion, specie, jerelry.pr Colons atones or metals, unless bill, of lading t” o , r . tied therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein attl-11 .fflachincrp anti ,iron. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL n WORKS. REANEY, NEAFIE h PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENOIN!ZE MAORINIBTB DOThER-MAKERS, BLACK- liaTilfrAßD YOUNDEII.B. Having for many years been in successful operation, and been excluelvely engaged la building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low pressure, Iron boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, Ho., Os r., reepecttully offer their se:Tines to the public, se being fully prepared to contract for Engines of all glees, Marine, Elver, and Stationary. Raring mete of patterns of different linen, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-osaking made at the shortest militia. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers of the best Pennsylvania char. coal Iron. Forgings of ' all alma and kinds. ' Iron and Bran Outings of all descriptions ; Roll Turn ing, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above biudnese. Drawings and specifleatione for all work done et their establishment free of charge, aad work guaranteed. The enbecribere hare ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they cart lay In perfect safety, and are provided with shear', block', fall., ho. , lee, for railing heavy or light weights THOMAS KRANJIY, JACOB O. NRAPIN, JOHN Y. ,LNVY, .113A011 and PALMERNtreete, Kensiegion QOUTIIWARK FOUNDRY, YISTII AND WASHINGTON ETENBTS, nciLADELynia, MERRICK. & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, mminfaetnre High and Low Pressure Steam Engines', for Land, Ricer, and Marine service Boilers, Gasometers', Tanks, Iron Boats, , Cut ingot of all kinds, either Iron or Dram. Iron frame roofs for Oau Worke, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &o. Retorts and Om Machinery of the lateet and most improved conetrnotlon. Every description of Plantation machinery, each as' Sugar. Saw, and Orietilills, Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Defecatora, Ignore, Pumping Engines, /to Sole Agents for N. Ittilleuxis Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Naamyth's Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Rona' Patent Valets Motion for Slut Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—D. H DARTOL DIOE/ARO NORRIS / 1 / 4 SON, LOGOMO KS , TVIN STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, 111171.111/111117 NTRIINT, RANILTON, FAIRVIIIW AND RAMO GARDEN LITRIIITI, PIIILADELPIIIA • Limed exclusively, In the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Idestafgebare to order Locomotives of any arrange ment) weight or eapaoity ) for the use of Wood or Cob., Bsteiwatisous Conlin its trod* slats, or , ANTHRACITE COAL, ITTINOUT XMITTINO 000x0 , OAS OR rum. In design, material and workmanship, the Locomo tives produced at these Works are equal to, and not ex celled by any. The materials used In construction are made on the spot, and Insure the beet quell., and moat reliable dock. The large extent of Shope, and Com yucca Equipment of Nadittury and Tools, enable them to execute the BIeST OF WORK WITH (MEAT DESPATCII, OP .IttITARRANGEMENT REQUIRED. , 01.11.LhItD OAR Wilt HUI, ilAhliiltißKP AXtian, With Yorginge of any six* or font, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MAOLIINK WORK generally. WRY Iniflklllllllloßltli RICHARD NORRIS sol-11 Job Printing • —•-- In EVANN,-10,000 1 --PICIMITEE; A E thinks per Dour: 10 * Th. p,....1141 ...L5...1..1A b, th. %W. .. r ow- A D thil•tetibl. Prot, al th. W hman. Wino" Ttls Peeve R A Ithibllimb, vi iee r Cil'll.' WI P , . INfat, nib •..I tAtteu D crix'" Tem Tteembi Cards I. ite...b. E L /01 01? .mme WO .0.-laTtler r o amen retwca4 N D lestrjarary,FOUDTVl 81r.beIcr Medina. TAMES 11. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB] PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North SIXT/I Street, NIL above Merket, Ithiladolphia. Blanks, 0.145, Bill- Geode, Parspblets, end general Printing attended to. Binding attended to to ronnectiou with printed 1.41 lugs of Ullman and Receipts 42-ff CHARLES P. OALDWELL--Wholeesle su k 4Sstail 19111 P and °ANN Usnabotoror, No. No VllSTRatafts. mit neutante QT 0 u m tie . PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN SURANOE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF PENN. SYLVANIA ml&ta, Are now established In their new office, No 433 CHEST NUT street, where they are prepared to make ALI, KINDS OF INSURANCE. from loam by the, on property of every descrlptiee, In town or country, including PUBLIC B UILDINGS, STORES, D WEL- L/NoW, WAREHOUSES, FACTORIES am.. MANUFACTORIES, WORiSHoPS, VESSELS, tc Also, Merchandise of all kinds; Stock. of Goode; Stooks of Country Stores; Goods on storage, or in bond, Stocks and Tools of Artiflem and Mechanics; Furni ture, Jewelry, Fixtures, , he , Ac . at moderate eaten of prem ium, and for any period of time. This Company refer to their past career as an ample guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT OP ALL THEIR LOSSES There are at this time' no unsettled claims against them. ROBT P. KING, President M. W BALDWIN, (ice President FRANCIS ttaimotassa, Secretory. jal4-3ro* 41A1triAr - ANIS FIRE INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—CHARTERED IN 17S1—with a capital of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, and a large sorpine in addition, invested in sound ant available secur ities, continue to insure on Vessels and Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Merchandise, he., Ice , on liberal terms OFFICE, No 4 EXCHANGE BUILDING, {PAL , NUT Street, below Third DIRECTORS FOR YEAR 1555 John Stewart, William It White, Simeon Toby, Charles S. Wort, • John Bt. Scott , George II Stuart, Charles Macaleeter, Tobias Wagner, John B. Budd, Samuel Grant, Jr , William S. Smith, Thomas B. Wattrion, Henry G. Freemen. JOHN STEWART, President WILLItS Itacrate, Secretary. Jail-eddy rplIE MUTUAL HEALTH INSURANCE A- SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Office, No. IE4 South FOURTH Street, above WALNUT, (Up fitalre,) Philadelphia. CAPITAL, SIM,OOO, SILAS S. DREW, rzasiossir. Flnatke3al Committee :—B. L. BROWN, J JOHNSON E. P. lIA ZLETON. The object of this Society is the creation of a Mutual Fund, to be applied in the most adrantageous manner for the benefit of tie sick members Ily the payment of the following yearly deposit; you will become a Life iddinber of the Society, sod will be entitled to a weekly benefit if you should be diubled by sickness or accident from attending to year ordinary Matinees or occupation. NO LIINILITT TO IINIMINNNTS. Yearly Deronts nf diembere under 60 Yeat3 of do 62 00 per year draw 1:1 00per week. 300 300 14 I. 00 6OO 600 11 600 U 800 it 14 41 60u"„ 7 00 7 00 II 800 u u 8 pp u •. 00 n 41 00 1060 ” 1008 11 Firat weak excepted. In addition to the shove an expense Fee of 51.10 will be charged the fleet year which must be paid at the time of tasking application and the yearly deposit In thirty days All claims for eloknese will be promptly paid. All communications should be addressed to SILAS 8 'MEW, President, d3o.y 161 South Fourth street, Philadelphia - inIREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND lug TRUST COMPANY OP POILADELPIIIA. OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILDING, No 408 WAL NUT, Corner of FOURTH Street. Charter Perpetual Authorized Capital 000,000 FIRE, INSIRANCE, Ihnitel or perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE on Yulele, °Rum, and Freight& INLAND INSURANCE by Rivers, Canal*, Lake., sod Land Carriage. ASSETS, Nov 1, 1 1 13? Real Estate . . .... —.357,000 00 Real Estate held in trust, (In Phila ) '..03,700 00 Ronda an! Mortgagee 38,340 CO Plod's, (par va1ue92,440) present value.... 07,914 00 10tock notes 38,400 00 Dille receivable 27,448 81 Oath in bank nod on hand 2,184 38 0. 1 1 In hands of Agent; 7,633 92 P: euthuus unpaid 9,308 61 16 guineas 8 if 6266 020 99 DIRECTORS. CHARLES 0. LATHROP, 14.33 Walnut street. WM. DARLING, 1510 Pine garret ALBE. WHILLDEK, merchant, 18 North Front at. ISAAC itAku,Eirmesr, Mime, and Counsellor. JOHN 0. HUNTER, firm of Wright, Hunter, & Cn E. TRACY, firm of 11 Tracy &Co., Goldsmithe' JOHN R. as.cintiy, firm of Jones 'White, & 111`Curdy THUS L GILLESPIE, firm of Gillespie & Zeller. JAS. IL SMITH. firm of Jan. D. Smith & Co. E. HARPER JEFFRIES, firm of Wm. H. Brown & Co. JON It. TOODES, mitre eor. Seventh and Saneom ate. PIIAS. E. THO6ll'BOl4, office 413 Chestnut street. ALFRED TAYLOR, office Cairo City Property. JONA .1 BLOOM office 226 South Third street. CHARLES 0 LATHROP, President. WM. DARLING, Tics-President. LEWIS GREGORY, 24 Vice-President, New Tork. H. K. RICHARDSON, Assistant•SeeretAry. de23411 CIORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COIL v) PANT, 331 WALNUT STIINET. Charter perpetual C►ppltnl, $.500,000. Subnerited, $lOO,OOO. PAM up, slxo,ooo. This Company in now prepared to issue FIRE and MARINE POLICIFS on favorable terms, Panama: sr-1011N SWIFT. VIOM PH/MDR:KT—HENRY BIRD. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST MACOM PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LITEINEURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Oinier of TIMED and DOCK Streets. Capital, $M2,726 09. INSURES LIVES for short terse, or for the whole term of life—grants minultiea and endowments—pur chases life intermits In Real Estate, end mattes all eontracte depending on the coutiogenelea of Life. They act as Eleuutors, Administrator', Mongoose, Trotoo, and Ouirdlaids. TACIIITINI, Daniel L Miller, Samuel E. Stokes, llenjamln Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, James B. Maarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph 11. Trotter, William 11 Kern, James Euston, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophihm Paulding, Charles Hallowell, EdcturuLA Acsctc, Henry C Townsend, Daniel L. Dutchinson, ttodolphus Kest, John W. Horner, ylllllem 11 Carr, Ellie 8. Arther, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Basin, John 0. Brenner, P S Mettler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL B. STOKES, Vle• Pripet. ions W. Iloaaos. Secretary. - n 11147 - HOWARD EIRE AND MARINE IN dOBANO.O COMPANY-0111re No 412 WM.: 4 MT Street, Philedelphia. The following statement of the affair. of the company to published in conformity with proaleion of its charter : PAVIUMO 411031111) /MOM 00008 T 1, /851,T0 AUGUST 31, 16.57. Fire premiums_ ..... Milne premlums...... Perpetual premiums.... Total amount premiums taken Earned are premiums red marine premiums Deduct return premiums Net earned Markle lone, paid. /93, 6 186 76 /Ire losses paid..., 8;731 11 Salvage re (*lead... Val 51 Interest re. 0e5red...5,251 61 It e - lever age° 2,971 52 —9,092 ea-- 29,921110 Expenses for COMMill!i008 to agents, abatements in Ilea of scrip, salaries, office rant, furnishing office, books, eta , tionery, ho Profit an d loss Net profit AftMIL Clash on band $12,514 89 Bills seoeisable 119,267 02 Bonds and mortgages 165,000 00 Stocks 292 100 00 Stock notes 102,000 00 Due by agents and Oben; 22,812 93 4754,099 44 DIRECTORS. P. M Potts, Wm. P Leech, C. It Spangler, It I'. Rental, Abraham Rai. 1.1 H. Houston, Wm. R. Wood., Joe. R. Without, George , Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J Edgar Thomson, W Ralgott, 0 G. Pow e r, Charlos P. Norton, John W. Seaton, John II Lewars, Herman llstipt, James E Stiles, Nathan It. Potts, H. H. ithilltugtord. PEROIVAL N. POTTS, Prtsideul C. E. SPANGLIR, Vice President. W H Wound, Secretary. 0c22 R. 1' Raman.. Treasurer FIRE INN:MAI:CB. SPRING GARDEN EIRE INSURANCE COM. PANY. CAPITAL 8120,000, PAID IN OASU, A ND OYCURELY INVESTED, OFFICE, N. W CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD BTB , SPRING GARDENS. QUARTER PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRACTORS. John II Dohnert, Henry M. Phill David Woelpper, Lewis Shlarutek Benjamin Davis, John Landell, John Brawl, Jr Charles Field Anloy M. Park, Wllliam E. Roo', Janne Darnell, John B. Stevenson, Jaeob 8 Mintaeq Carwin Stoddard, Genii limner, Thos. D Tillinghast, George R Childs. JOHN 11. COUNEBT, Preallent. L RRUMBRAAR, Secretary. wept 21—ly ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE UOMPA NY, NEW YORK.-oMce, No 29 Wall street, ad Joining the Mechanics' Dank—Cash °spits!, $260 000 with a surplus This Couipany insure hulidiag a,tiler chandise, Yarn Hare, Teasels In port and their Cargoes and other property, against Lora or Damage by Fire on the Woke of Inland lier*etlon. DMIOTOREI Henry Grinnell, Joshua L Tope, Caleb Barstow, Baton B Orares, Henry 0 Brewer, Henry Davie, Edmund Tenfold, 0 H. Lilienthal, Hanson II Corning, Theo Polhemue, Jr. Ogden flaggeri.e, Mishit E Morgan, Thomas Houston, Abm. IC Tan Nest, John H. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward,, Thomas 8 Nelson, Charles Easton, James W Phillip, Louis Lariat, Charles A Mary, Samuel o.olldden, Edward ilincken, Steph.candueleng, Wm E. Shepard, Ele Thomu ott, Charles L. Trost, John Ward' William l'P B. . B P I ZIe I i, Henry K. Hosea, Peter Edes, .Rmery W Thayer, Benjamin 11. Field, (lea . eetfeldt, A It Yrothinghans, Zalmou Taylor, Then. P. Youngs, Henry It Blossom. Samuel L. Mitehell, ALDKRT WARD, Provident. RI FHA ID A. OA LST , Beeretnry. 1.110 it I UM CAM PHOR , N-A Niriender Peed, Cauthandes. Rad Rhei, Mauna, 'walla's/it., Alex Senna, Day Ruin, Jamaica Ginger Root, Cardatuwn seed. Window Wens Wintow Glass/ Sheets & Duffy' make, superior to any in the market We are no receiving two-thirds of the Wass made at these works Any of the above articles Bold to queutilie, to poi the purchaser. Send your order, to ZEIOLEIt & SMITH. Wholeeale Druggists, Jals S. W. corner SECOND and GREEN Ste. LIVERY' STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to rimy Interests, and patronise MASHEIVEI LAMP FA OMIT, UM eolith street, below Chestnut Previous to his opening a responedde factory, you were charged 913 for work which be is now doing In a wan rented manner from Palo $lO Pupport him, or you will Lave the rime charges to pay. taliLy UUSSIA (MATS.-600 dozen RUSSIA MATE, Pultable for gardeners/400, For ukle by WEAVER, rum, 00., No. 29 North WATER street, JaB.tl And 22 North Wharves. 133,229 81 217.798 e 2 2/4 00 5150,717 68 . 25,012 NI . 155.005 50--150,015 N 1101,416 BS 60,395 ey t 3 40644,283 2 814,078 82 insurance grmwnhat. FIELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN •-• svitkriox COMPANY. INCORPORATED DY TUE LEGISLATURE of Przor- BY !ALM lA, ISEi OFFICE, 8 1. Corner TIMID aod ITALEUT sinew, PEILADOILIMIA MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, CREGO, y To all parts of the World. PRRIOUT. LYLAND INSURANCES -- - . On ftesde, by Riser, Casale. Wet, matt Land Canine to all parte of the Caton. FIRE INSURANCES, On Morehead's* generally. Btoree, Dimities Douses, de AbsEr3 OP VIE COMPANY, Noluabar.2, 1887. Bonds, Mortgages, and Nisi Estate $101.850 H PhiladelphistOtty and mbar LOCI/ 187,011 20 Stook in Beau, Ratlioode, end Lositrasse Companies Bills Receivable Cub on land Balance in bands of Avesta, Pre t o... se Huhn" Policies fee•lltif 11 .1144, on other debts due the Company Subscription Notes ME= • William Harlin, James C Boni, Joseph H deal, Theopkilus Pan Wag, Dimunil A. Louder, James Tristan.it, John 0 Davie, William Zyr*, Jr., John R Penrose, .1 F. Poniton, George G Lelper, Joskna P. Byre, Eduard Darlington, Panvasi B auk.*, Dr. 11. )1 Hston, }Jeffry Sloan, Win C Lnisrig, Jaunt B Sitelarland, Hugh Craig, Thousu 0 Real, bperacer alcilrsin, Robert Barton, Jr , Charles Kelly, Jan B. Seropla, Pittabgh H. Jonas Brooks, - Dr T Morgan, Jacob P Jones. J T Logan, WILLIAM. MARTIN, Prsaident. T/IOMAA C. HAND, glee Provo:lent mmor I.YLDURN. Seer:Lary. jea.7 VIIARTER OAK FIRE AND MARLNZ ‘..1 INSURANCE COMPANY or HARTFORD, 00EN. Osah Capital 1 300,000 Loma to Phildelptilie mall vicinity adjusted at the PAlladetykia OjEce. By wn leave we refer to k D B. Dro &Co , Phila. Ben. Joel Jose', Phila. Chaffeec Stout ACo , " Ron Reim Choate, Bartow Backer, Leo &Co , " Ron T. 8. William', Mail We here (sonnies for p sting any anteant of Inco mes le the moat reliable Companion. PIIILADELPIII4 CE!Y.ERAL INSURANCE SOENCY, No. ii 8 told No. 14 CHESTNUT Zr. TROKYBON & ROOD, Agent, flailroab fines •DIIILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAIL- A ROAD. COM PANY . --AIIICKEAT ROI:MX to Li- MI,, Ohkarro, Each bi Niagara Palle, leankie, Darlington, Montreal, Bt. Pads, Detroit, Durilleth, and at. Louis Passenger trains will Ime the Philadelphia and Readlog Railroad Depot, corner DIWAD awl MY Etreete, daily, •)JO excepted.) as follows: I 30 A.M. DAY .E.Y.PR11.39. For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chimp Milwaukee, Rock lelan4,llaleoa,St Paula, BurLeven and fit. Loul■ 3 30 P M. NIGHT EXPREBB, For Elmira, Niagara Palle Buffalo, Detroit, Mingo Ittbratikee,ltook Inland , Utleaa, 8t Paola, Borboatoo, sod St. Loala. Tickets good till flood liaggago chooktpl to Elmira, BOA°, and Pampeneot t Bridge =EEZU Wilkeabarre Williamsport Elmira Canandalnas. Genera, via 8rabant...... .... Rochester, L i ! ro t Erie Clievellad, via N. Y. and Erie.. vas Niagara Toledo, via New York and Erie Colombo!' Cincinnati, New York end Kris •, Niagara Walls Indianapolis, eta New York and Eris Detroit, vie Nlsgar• Fella Chicago, via Great Western Railway.. Lake Ettore Railroad—. Rork Island, via Niagara Falls Lai. Bhore Railroad Burlington lowa City 2t Loula , ein Chicago Indianapolis Dural loth Et. Paulo . . ... Qj Tlcketa can be procured at the Philadelphia and /Arnim Railroad Company's Ticket Office, N W of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pea. 'anger Depot, BROAD sod VINE THROUGH EXPRESS /REHIRE TRAIN _ . . L he Depot, Broad street, below Tina, dally (Santlays excepted,) for all points Weet and North, at • M. Freight► must he delivered Indere S P.M. to 'mare their going the same day. h ..PC.,ferVitatritif.°77.l`, 4 linwe"ProtrettreitAt Westland Northwest. . • For further Information apply to ALLEN k RIMEL, Through Freight Depot- Broad, below Tine, Ot to CHAS. L TAPPEN, General Agent, N ST cor Sulk and Chestnut ate . Philads. a A NICOLLI, dent Papt Philids and Reading Railroad. H. A FONDA, • Gee! Pup% Citawiaa, W. & B Railroad. J. A REDFIELD. de3l-ly Gent Supt Wimsport and Elmira R►tlroad DIIILADELPIIIA AND READING RAIL ROAD—FAST FREIGHT LINE —Freight trains leave the Depot, DEOADlitreet, D los , VINE, daily, for Buffalo, anspensioo Bridge, Canada, &Atoll, 'Chkago, Mllwautte, Glans, DutaKoe, it. Lotus, and laterals dilate points- This le the shortest route to Canada and the Lake Forte, and goods will be forwarded wMt treater deepakh to the above points than by any other route. TARIIFF or PlllOlll PRA I Llll Via Railroad let olaas. 2d dui Sit clay 4% ribil, Anspanilon Bridge 1 C 5 SO 70 *0 Buffalo or Dunkirk 1 45 50 70 50 Ilatrait_--- .1 fir! 1 27 1 11 81 usicagu . • .... •• • • 1 90 1 is I a. -- a se . --_ Freight going th rough by rail all the way mast be marked i•V la RAIL ,' No transhipment between Philadelphia awl Elmira Mark goods via Phtlatielphis and Reeding and tend to the Depot, Broad street, liekiw Time. daily, before 6 P M. /or further iafonisation in regard to that roots. call at the through freight °Wee of the litulocte'phis, Nia gara. and Great Western Line, N. W wiper 81X1'11 sun CHESTNIZIT 6enn.7 pENNSYLVANLi RAILROAD.—THE SIRRAT CENTRAL BOUTS, connecting the kt... !anti° Cities with Western, North-westemn, and both States, by a continuous Railway direst. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line or steamers to all ports on the Waters Rivers, end at Cleveland and Sandusky with Steamier* o ail potte_Sli the North-weatern Lakes; making the i s ost DIRRITT. CHEAPEST and RELIABLY HOUTZ by which Preiglit an be forwarded to and town the GREAT WEB'; RATIB BETWEEN PRILADLLYIIII AND PITT S. BURGH. Pills ()Lau—Boots, Shoes, Rats, and Caw, Books, Dry Goods, (to boxes bales and tromks), Drop, (In boxes and balsa) Isathers, Torn t &e 90a. per 1001 W 11001 D (h.aes--Dornostie Meetng, fiblrting and Ticking, (In original bales), Drags (In mks), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, Ito esaks,) 'Wall Pa p er,'Wool, and Sheep Pelt., Eastward, &a he Ile. per 100 lbe TRIED Claas.....inrils, Chains, (In east.), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or In sacks), Psi ,nts (dry and In Oils, (except lard and rosin) ma. tor 190 las looses Crasas—Correa, /lab, Baaoo, Beet, and Pork, (in coats or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, Osman Clay, Tar, Pitah, Rosin, Steel, Ilannlactured To bacco, Rosin Oil, Quaensware, Sugar, (beds., bblt, mud iwies,) de., de 50e. per 100 Ili ltoow —Si per bbl until fur that DOURO. GRAIE-45c per 100119 ' until faith*, notice. Corrox—fa par bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice In shipping Goods froza any point East or Ph!lade!. phis, be pax ticalar to tuns packages eta P sy ran • Railroad." All Gooda comtigned to the Age 's % i f this Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will De n' fo rwarded without detention. 'RIM! Misers --Clarke & Co , Chicago; Packer ac & 00 , Memphie, Tenn. • B P. Pam & Co., fit. Louie, kio ; P. O. & Xviuteellle, 2tidlents • Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Aentucky.; B. C. Mehrtim, ' Madison Indiana; 11. W. Brown 4 Co , and Dee, A Co , Cincinnati; U. 0 Pierce & Co, Zanesville, Ohio; Leech et Co., No be /Why 'trees, Boon;n Leath et Co , No. 2 Autos House, New Yak, No. / Hallam al. Now York; E &seeder, Philadelphia • Megrim & Koons, Baltimore; D. A Stewart, Pittsleirsh. H. H. 110USTON, General Freight Agent. U J LOSIBAERT, deg. Sesperintendent. Altoona, Pe Savings !unbo QAVING FUND—FIVE PER CENT. TEREST—NATIONAI. SAFETY TRUST COM PANY —WALNUT STRINIIT BOUTS -WIBTOOINIR OF TIMID, PMILADRLPR IA. Iscorrosirwo sr TUX aTATIO or PRINETLTARIA. Money le received in any earn, tarp or small, sad in forest paid from the day of deposit to the day of with &weal. The °Rica open every- diy from II oielock In the morning till 0 o'clock in the evening, fad on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. LION. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vim Prinkhat. We. J. BIRD, Secretary. 01.300011: • Roe. Henry L. Benner, F. Carroll Dreamier, Edward L Ostler, Joseph B. Baru, Robert Selfridge, Francis Semi B Ashton, Joseph Tellies, 0 Landreth Dunne, Henry Diffendereer. Money is reeeired and paymenta mode dolly. The investment, are made In conformity with the provisiona of the Charter, In REAL ESTATE mom.. GAGES, GROUND 'LENTS, and inch drat elms twen ties ao will always injure perfect security to the depot tore, and which cannot fell to giro permanency and sta bility to this Institution. 0.1.17 N O. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE PER CENT STATE SAVINGS FM. Naa (211) DOCK STREET. FIVE N PER VENT STATE SAVINGS TURD. No. 83 (211) DOCK STREET.— FIVE PER RENT STATE SAVINGS FUND N °.B3 (241) DOCK STREET.— ME PER CENT. STATE SA YINGS TEND. sal.ly 15 000 BOXES OF AMERICAN WIN DOW (ILABO. of all lime and qualitsci, for al at lowest prices. Our assortment Is complete, and are daily raceiving fresh lota irot.l the fierunnaho. Olen Works. Eheeta A Dully's make, superior to any in the market as to brilhanty and regale: thicknecei equal en French We are now receiving two-thirds of the alma made at these worts 2,1300 bolas French Glass of all Niles 4,00 hist Dough Glue for skylights 6,000, het Engraved and Enamelled Olue, of alt pat; terns. White Lead, French and American Zinc, Paiute, etc. 100 000 Ibis White Lead. 60,CD0 lbe French Zinc, Montagne) 70,0001 N American Zinc. Drown Zinc, a full supply Chrome Green, a full supply. Chrome Yellow, a full supply Prussian Plus, a lull sap? Paris Green, is full supply. AtUrssa your orders to 29:01,ER & SMITH, Wholesale Druggiota and Manufacturers, Sole Pniprietnis of the Penna. steam Color Worts Kure F. W. corner SECOND and ()BEEN Streets, Philadelphia. dell tit ROSIN.-400BARRELS SOAPMAKERS ROBIN, to arrive per oebooner J 11. Thane: /or male by MARTIN & MACALISTIR, 4001- 110 Wm*. Wain otraoll MANILLA ROPE.-TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN MERCHANTS —A Imre stock of llamlls Rnp., for ' , Alf. b WEAVER, & CO, jal2 No. 23 N WATER Ft , mad 22N %HARTER. SAXX)TONS or MITCHELL k CROAS dale's Improved Raper PHOSPHATIC OP LINK, for sale by 1010A8DALB, THIRCE & CO , aolo4f No. 101 N. llelawsre seem. i~rosis: NEW TORE - LIZIES.—;THE CAMDEN 1. II 114 D AMBOY 1111LIIOAD AND PHILAML7I.• AND INIXION RAILROAD coacrasys /114111 PHILADILPIIIA TO xirwaysz, JCWAA Lasso as Saloom, Ty PLACA,. At 1A X , from Nomeadtes Depert, Jimmy Shay, Kell At •. X. tlas , via Conadma and Amboy, Amerada- At A. X., Tle Camdina let /em City, aims, 3IS At 19 A M., by soisrallost Tratam,, via 11ealy AAA Jersey City. hieetiat NZirews, 1 111 P. X , eta Carlos sad /labor, mad Ea, vim Si M. via Olaslea sad Amy City, Num* Mau At 3 P. X , Tin Camden sad Amboy, AsiximmX tke, lit Clem At 8 P. 14 , vie Camideo aid letisy, Amincesseda. Moo, Tad Clime. 1. At X., via Caandes mad Annoy, Ammarmis... Um, let Clam 490 At P. M , Camden sad Amy,hc Aceommala artioe, Sad Clam. I TS The P. X. llae rim tally, all elks Ihmdays as aped. Zipme LAJMII liiirs. [s atop e am t P primeval etseme oar Par Deo, lannisnraes, ita ,al fX sa4 2it P M troll Walnut Mead wharf. A Pei Wale Dap. Stroadabord. Emnielma. lrinamr , S. Montrose, Great Bine, ! _e, at 6 A. X . Via Lestaraaas at Wastarn Nalltned lot Prsebold. al 6 A. X Ski Ir. It Pm Moat Holly at 3 A M . 3 sad BP. X. let SPAT LIUS B :laiLit Tmetiell AC Li Va2ll Lid P. l" Fir Pamirs. limmome, flemsty, berflal 4o •. Noels. lose &a , at 3 P. X. Steamboat R/CHAND STOONTON far Berisaiers as 1 lateral. .data plasm &SSA V. le Steamboat TRINTIZ tot Tammy at 16 and 11.1. A. M. sad 4 P. M. AU lives, emelt 1 A. X , ken ;aunt Most wharf. 12,50 CO =MI 96 111,194 00 91 790 01 100,009 00 192,715 SI ID - Plfty pout-s et homes eal7 alkramit wit yea. imam. Pawnor, 1.7* proLiaitael tram halm ray- Wag aa taro. bat thtlr wawa( apparel. baa ma aver ittipaatuls to b. paid fir extra- Tha Chpar.i PAT Watt their toepcsalbtlity G. bowie to eae dollar per yoand, mai wed act he tial.. far say mammal la paid $lOO, elaryt by Areal coatract AX. Oh as 0.r1 31 /.. Aril% DE.NIJSYLVANIA CENT RAL RAIL- A. BOLD, 11957. FOR PITTIIIIIIROL 15,14 T. OuseinmeU, et Lae* - Drys Ohre Lealevills, New Chiesee, et. Peel, Latliseite, Gerelead„ Issesee. Terre Beate, Me Neteveice. Armies dui (4.la4tlie 1 I arta en tie Ore/ Via ire Reareeirs. ',lsamu. Akio DIPAMRI 01 nts 1130111.5 %%AIM At usd e® tsa r 1s baod %Mos, sottboost on dossonar et isi PI IMI r EST etisehitntaisoAmu* wit TWO MG"OH TkAIRB ULU. rumADALPILIA DAILY twain West. dose sounsettess st, Pittsburgh to all petals Taat 114/1 and Atersurtattattort (Pan lapl orptaAl,) Tts Past lUD lava at IP. arriving to Ptttettarak at 11 A. 11 ram. Mail Train 41 11 night, urtrlng to Plttabftrill at 114 P. M. Altoona Way Train at 1 A X , tritnan ►t Alt.,eal at SP. M. Harrisburg Letratoodallaa Teals. els C.iambic leaves Philadelphia at 3 P. 111 , extieiag ls Earreabarg at 51P.M • ENTDIN last Mail Train leaves Pittsto lS n-1 G at 8 A M . arrives re Ptaledelphte at 11.15 night. Etyma Lail Train leant* Pittebersh at af4 P M, *t rim in Philadelphia at 1 P 11 Altoona Way Tr.. leave, Alt• Ams at T 161 M , arrloaw to Pbtlaiplphis at 7,33 p Ilsztl•burg leftemodation Tram, rts Colenete„ Nitres Ihrrisbsure. at I A. 11 , urine( la Philedelphu -12 iota The Erman Mail me Dilly, the other tae, days euepted Baggage will be ',retired at the Puseaser Dept lt7 the Ileyerge Master ) et any tine Wins the day. No charge for handiteg ba,teie NUOICS.-1.12 Cue Of 104. iba ColePew7 • 111 . boil thetnerives responsible for Personal honer oily, sal for an amount not eueeding SRC Norton —thanibares will be in readings at tite New York Depot to noire y peestagers for the West Pentreylvanta Itslirea4 Rotten TIBIMAN MOORN, Arai, Pump, tine Pennsylvania lellresed Gs. Philadelphia, horettaber 21, 1327. n2/47 Prittsereen, January DS, 11122. Semi feet of water entering ; boate taUsi to bights 101411 point. on the DV° awl other western liven area boats receiving freight ler Nashville, Tara., at aureately low rate& jar r:WESTERN TRAVELLERS. PBLVI ♦ND StriOLZA 4RItAI4O &MIMS. NORTH - SAN carirsat Lotwi_x, TWO DatArMLDOS /WY DaLTWAR TO PITTSIRCILOU Asp TWO Wpm. Oa aad attar laza 111,047 t TWO DAILY ruin wlll lam Calvert .?tation for Pittetaangli M 4 ati Wart ern and Boeth or Northwestern vibes. THE MORNING HAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Madly savvisted) at IL A. Al *unseeing with lb. Mut Train awes lb. arid Neja.. sylvania Ragrowl, sad arriving is Pittsburgh 11 7 ID 1.1. THE AITERNIECIN IMPRESS TULLE Leave' Baltimore dally (laariaL eireistrE) at I P. W. for Harrtsbeg g EIGHT EXPANSE TEAM Leaves Bahl:ran BILLET NIGHT &LEO P. W , eon as..eting will the Lightens; kip soar tb rimeaqi- Tama Railroad for Pambargb, arriving at.l-20 P. EL Irr them tridas eo make al 1.1 with trains over the Fituhrrg Fart Wireper b M Cairo/a Rai:road, and it. Nastier% Easstleero sod Western rotmeetiou. frir- Primeness for Ch Bent Wand, berths{ ton, lows city 'Limo/A , apt, Bt. Peet. Mt/ eon, awl ettrerimalicf eitme nibs Ilorthertet, will int% *as h um; et , /es he& sad tra Mots in time, with Jour lest thaw* el tars, ay tint; thit Err Passengers for Cleralsarl„ ?.fay sat Detroit, go by this root., sad UM tics tattputik , t, bcso 1111 wiles shorter than by my ether soak. 11J Pawners for Pt. Intth, Inilanspotts Tam Slants, Ciro, and all paints on the Lame art riper lestosipri, matt less thanes of an. aol amiss is M emos of say Mart route; WI to Claeumabl. Cerhchina, Darns, Loaottm;_rcei m - Ole. sae Mbar prinontast is gni* ts. la All k it l estern - Mans GLESC/CED - Thinnaggl sat iaalftt out err, EVA THS NORTH. The 6.16 6.11. eennects closely will Over ZIPIII= ev the Deeptun mad Wii4M/grart nochaster, 8e..a10 Mame YaNs, .ot Neat% ties forednA the most dime raltway mete to Northvale* Peens tame and Witten New Tea. Pemeasole .43 fuel Um the shortest, ettea= „ and load arpollttoea route to Niageee Palle sod Thelma tickets ate Lamed to Pkiladetelta eta Ik. humble sled Lactoseter by all the troths at 113 each, *e s& Unlit haring cue eencseetiose. Peaseestere IT thte reale avoid trowelled brl.leto, cad all the tocoreeniesce of ferrying Acme the Neectiehease Powseagno far Honorer, Maaelebtor.Gettteharg,New ielttebarg,. Owlishly Chanoboosberg. go by A* taboo a.b 8.16 A bi,ood3P WL37.IUIISPIIIt ItILLNIZEL Ilse Oars ea this nssl ask. ea* tip per day. sonsei tug with tits trsta at PP. X. p Per TIIBOOOII TILL Ts sod tsrlikur bdoraistiss, pl sy at the ittkel 00s*, Canal Nuke, of OSTist Lima Pm/Wm draft. N. mem sepal-t 1 0. 0. AD.53011, OWE DHILADELPHIA GERNANTOWN2I ARD NORRISTOWN RAILROAD..—WINTII ARRANGEMENT —OR AAA Misr AI MAU MA. 1637. 701 OITULASTOWN. Leave PUMA*lfkla at 13, , B)4 BJ{, X., I, 8.10 ads 4,4,6, 7, o,and LI P...M. Lev , * OevameTaela at 814,148 stn E , I , 3034 •. M 1-1CA . 3.10 cabs 4,0, 0,1,8, aol 10 P. li lirn. T. 83 o'clock A. M. Praia treat Geressateara ate, eall at Wayne Street Ststima. ON 14L - NDAIS, Leave Phautalphle at 996 am. H., and 44 P Leave OvveasaToes # TO aim. • 11 , 1- /A ads. 45 mix P. M. CHNEXHUT HILL LitLEHAD Leave Philadelphia at iN, IN, lid, A ill •2, 1 . • siei 9 P. Y. Lean Cbartnat 12.1 U at T 11' .6-40 as6lo-10 ads. •. 1160, 2-40, 6-40 sad 1-40 sea. P ON SUNDAYS. Leave YllHmtelphia, S-20 A. II , 4 sad Ili P- Ctrertnnt at S A. H ,11-50 sod 1-31) P. SE. TOY ALANAYUNI, CONSHOHOCKEN AND 5033 3- TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6), 0, 11 A. M., I, 11‘, it, and 11 P.ll Leave ticerleteve al 7, 0 U A H., I ealliAlit, H. Ott 51:1A1DAYB, LIMIT* Pialidetpkis at 9 A. X. snit P.l/. Lure Norristown at 7A. X. isid 1". N. orszrza VALLEI" RAILROAD ?OH DOWNIIIO Tows. Lear. Philadelphia at OM A. X , and IP. IL Lam Downingtown al I'r A. AL and IP. M. U. It . BIRTH, ftwirialendant. DeTsit, Nina, aad Grw strissti„ Philaarlatia ri N ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARBANGENEST. BETHLYHtIi, lA3TON DiAiellittlVN, On ant atter Meelreetniay, November 4th, MX, the Learns on tlets road wit/ leave Flulade4ble duly (IW.I - days extepted) se sollons: Poe itethleliem, Fasten, Alavatars and (Ispress) at 9 A. M., to connottlan Isla L. T. 1.1. Tor Bethlehem. Allentown, and Maack Cis],, (lA. pr se,) is connection with L. V. KAI , at, 2 ISP 1[ Tor Deilestown. (AeormunolAlson.) at {.SOY Al. Per O,ynedl, do. at 10 A. M. On Toesdayn and Fridays Qs 10 A. M. CUM .111 rat Wong% to Doylestown, tarring Doylestown to totem at 125 P TRAHHI TOR PHILADELPHIA. Leavy Deth•tertt (Etyma) at 9A. M and 2il P M L.av Dcyleatowz, (ActOntoodstion,) et e3SA. M Loave Gwynedd, to. at 2 n P. EL el FUNTaII rar I Prom 0 , 4901421 ...• •.9 13 A Id I (94.79e31 9 :OP X Doyleste-414 .... 4.30 P X Doy Itstovo.... +l3 S.)l faro to 1 , 44914bew 11 60 MAzelt Crhank I ii ifilketbazne 4 4.0 PAIInN(IER DEPOT. FRONT era WILLOW r:ta , nal BLEB CIJEE. Age:A. CHANGE OF HOURS.-1" H ILA DE L. ROADPELIA. WILMINGTON AND BALTIXORI RA-IL _ Os 444 slier Mcsday, NOT ',.1,155T, PIDEMNOHE TRAINS LEAFS PHILADELPHIA ler B•turoore•t 8 A 11 ,I P M (urrite.) sal 11 P.M For Wilmington at S A K , 1. ASO 40411 P for Nev. CAW* SAM. 1 AAA SSAP. H. lcrMMd:ete.natS A sl sal 1 P H. for Drrerat SA M andl P.)l ForPederd at S A M and 1 P TRAINS FOR PFULADELPITLA Lest* Palumort et I 40, Dim., 11 A IS , P.M Leave tillevlaglent at T 25 sad 11 45 A W, 194 1' U sad 9 tg. P 51 Leers New Meth, at 6SS and 11 Pi A M, sal P.M. Leave MMDetown at 10 10 A. M and T OS 1. M. /MIT* Dover at 9Li A )1 erat 5. P. M. Lams Seaford at 1 . 30 A. M au: 2 P. N. TRAINS YOR BALTILORI Learn Wilmington at Pls A Y ,2 P Y gaol I,IIS A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P M from Philnielybis to Baltis+ , r• do. do. 6 116 P 1M from Baltimieeti 10 Philadelphia Freight Team, with Parrearir Cu attar►M, will ma aa loth.. Leave Philadelphia her Prittparlle aai iniemeria•ti place. at ri m P it Leave Wilmingliall tot do do e M P M Leave Baltiaanre kr Mere N /ra.-• at I P N no Z7-1T I It TILTON, Pr... Vent lire proof Oates SALANA.NDSR SAFES. • luga afteortnent of VANS & WkII.OVII PIiIL4DELPI-11.4 11.11VVFACTURIL ILALLII•NDEIt SATES, vAtris DOOM, for Beaks and Mores Riaal to any Dow in Cu. IRON D 0 ,3118, BHOTTRRI , , de, Oa am good term aa any otlnnr oitabLahanrat In the Lai tod Maw by HUNS t WAITON, No IS Soot& reran! quint, ?iiladtty•.za_ 'AMR, BANK LOOLII PL CASH CA • CALL WELCOME RA NGE.--SOLDBY CHAU. WWI 110110, 201 W. lIIKIO/0 It. seli-tik ALLENTOWM A VCR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers