~~: MM=M Ee WAHD B tlft! nAfitlfft vos ,Reed 'YlisaltocaistoEihe,itiiiminidetieitt that tieketeettik Mr. Everett's lieture on Wasitheshin t v ,. to be deltreroffefibrlitheklistorlaillitoOtetY of 'Penn. - eyttania, at itill:49ffivikof I,sttudp,on Thfreday 44. fling, lehyuasy`464::iiere to be ohtiAgatfhohetdc:-, Stores yesterday:3'4ll4C , the' eigeetter **Lott rush at the &JAW desileated,andhl one honrafter.the. tale of thattelliiiibookinentiori..thaf.w*W,4tuably, wbe exhaeltld, eed*:ltY4ltie From whattweltatoleartitst, however, from unaoubt, , edl authority tateralOinjtist isoputitionwpiek the,fool tires snit thi..„witinalisvirot of the A /Histories!, Enelytty ea, that thipliWll, thE to taint for' thi being sdequeWle,Elflitillo Abe titate. , meat which fisvpireasty- keen. ..e(rmlated„ that nil tlot2 tickets emrs.,,soldoit'sTithistfatiOit Twenty-tato hunired mrmq"d"" ins to Writnebeittfasecti Ist the 'Academy orkftislei; Were jointed 44 ftt o4se of . stltleh, Was placed is the hinds of Vs* atkie,,Wete 4 , 40104i:if to the tnneappointod yra44i4er.. 2 0. 0 mhigq It, la- trot tererai *retie 4,tqlielftereeetrotordeterol , tlekote sitiot!re-' panted eiitti s iSi 4. eh ) ' en ',the Ithitta'ol;,' ;Yet . none were deliterect, - r and''*. pOifirtior , were still atumwßA este; oseanneastsP yesterday =rata; . ilialsonseitandtthe par. chimed for its owti ult; tielvbliarefitefi WAS Its FAhh k e:,„ soutraa„..lf t , ,roper to do AO. Ant if, indeed, certain parties itive 'secured nitre number rot tielnitsiirithwAeWOrlipteulalteß ) it 'welth . ti as we conceire foT 40 ire'itud ,- -thethji - linetnrietton tither of asiiiiiesfieis igahist the fPettlit- , sal RecietY”Of thittagewtilOttellieg,ite Ma4.oinent. The Immense stage or. that splendid edifice will 43011141 W% 0140 atilltitile - this -Obetede4 . ; IRA tf, be true tilsk 4.lo`of„Oiificiiikt;T:o4*sotti, to; PAC ifieen - huudied ist&a:tif: tE wentd-perhaps,be silvlsable. ford appointed-Z*lw wait 'for- fartherAnformstion. Unite paying eiiishitihinitailetni*ennyitiorSi' . " THE txtte,3teetaktetiteet. oat," esj , " Lord Brougham;' „ etinsietehehhil being inn advance of ha age." tOtiest,•tiotate , 11 , t,5hAticiargt traititirsoryi of nowt to4b.tirm' • tel - 411ply.1VIth gkestoilbietahen ma 144 11 clititon„Aitrtotrt; h r fashionable elothietsiffiWyrAtkedrifitit atr,t •11.1 We geitlpue ß , are for ie am* atethe vtt.-ji , 440:1 to the' !Uteri, orityjtoir-feba4: ek4surelevinot oretyles. Albright 01 , 001 ctp 4l,re ItegOte*i_ktrid'OAtit - ti howler Itteira.ini tepartinetir,"„ 1 .'" 0 filltiatitV.g r e 444 if Or the' b th 6 t-Virt t itt4Atifg, Att, 9 0 0901::11: : navies' _tfOiler,e3 l l t4.=4*0 00 0 43 ** hove bassnitiMOSOCnithtiaMovO r haltadb'' ,,, etiihit, hosytat hha clothes of Me;eieitt,e l whose liniple of o. 13hestniat atetiot, AN Alitel%thrliDl'ir:i•=jrhe thatairSierlitS, the hole:opt Ttotheehlidi of bu, ,fs seld to spelt/4 ; h/ the Incredible' Sum of forty mil li ons sterling ! One It almost bettlldeied at the "coiStitiplallon of ateh'a som as this, 1tzt.474,i, would be.a fttriens oalCnletica to ascertain how M any ' resieotible &Sillies <Muhl be provided with a - tithing with theinteteataf this MPlial: The vitiates; of °ohm, V.' be iticiaisst at the hroirtv Stout Clothing fall of Itoolthill Itilson,.bles. 605 and 605 Chestnut street, - • ••, • ; • , krrertizott,„ is invited to 'the aavOt - 18,1010 hoodoeil Remedy tor pulittotAiry Itni*Obitttotlor Contostptlott.".. , - kaopt,Eo,,Ltupi*y . , lettarimf,o4le,nmeoprill, be dell-rued ; on TeeedlY evening, Vebruery 24, in ..the . Musical 2 and Bali, by Italph - Wildo4ineriteri; Esti., whet; thatigh - lut p ti 'not lout eyenln the list of greet zwitakelip.kuive preiodea, him. lnitilrei, In the oonntyy draws &room Intent gent and appreciative andlence. - • ' amuse In the pre: sideney of the - ii litenithwhtrattP 'flamenco Company," which - We - ifiteir4ild; - the' election - by the stockholders: a the 4th (tar , obt,:irrleno,,lslr. I.lpplncott,•flealtmlamse , eleotiento this Mete, and Mr. Rhodos, :one Of the, most qt.:Ain:VA anteltigeot chnutt, 'OS*: .2114 the place. Ohas: ;Wise; whom Oleirsig the embodhitePt: if the honeekaqtt tree nteriminille life, was elected- 'Iollll, - the attae of, vica-presldent, made' vesent,by the prianotlon'ef ldr. Ithodea; We observe also !bat onr friend breath. of the .Liogir, - liitieleotillo, t1.11:17 'Teprtedirkftl the 4'4Ardl. ea wee also Tholnes)l4 Walnitytrapti! The storkholders*y sleepeeetwely on'thelrix!itest: meet when anlnstttutbin iltoilleered and controlled hy mnal. ratt• as coquet4b6=inArtkiSclk,g alive •IShitaGe turariljtOtitanati bompink: emenany steeds higher le the' estioilttio or our` eit4oul; ankriono, we ate Imre, ie more worthy of their pitronago . :,t- s' Tait' ficttzter;oi '!lcitttn =-No be,tteiop . potlOW, eouht Itie"iitthideat It ,tirsone dashing to Mahn" toots. intelligent eksiieshitenee with their I/moat Selves then , is offered IMAW i . tweiler ••the - rtuo:'et ii„tireholegy that irioW feinting At the taimi ollowleta;*ea, Co., No. en °heftily:l street. , The' class will meet on MondayiamtWedneedaltevenlnge, of the cemlno week, at a `quarter: befoto-'efght 0 0 0 look, Adteleefon ens's, jeMion: 25 5 545 1 5214 SI 50 'PM the, Mintlwillif moon of, thimiiiie, whfoh all the known Mganewlll, be deficalbedantaooated; - - • VHE PLOT LINE. NEW IfORN. ICorilstroidenc'eterhe Pram) . . •Nsw-Yoaa, Jan. 29-5.20 P. M There is bat littleUrietion le the state of our money - if anyhhhig, there le less ectirliyaod gisiter rase fortnirroworii.. Those who are deservedly classed among the doubtful, and on whom the taint of supen.. Dion, er what is Uniameun_ t to etarlditioned - briliaik ;lint., with this exception, money is procurable -by.tborrowere on - advantageoils tem.:Alm great toreplaint 16,U:tat-goal boirciwen am en reef/n/1U old 'No reldOtatit to make piiptor 77 the - Confillerioelidollil4o4:44,l44- 41eAt'e*Pile,*4r.e' once entitill4l;this temple at would come. de life; the specnbitions hare-the ptefereiide stilt Inn marked iligees.;:iltoelthrekein ere: ireppllid.l with nitary imalitirslanciyorrmost favorable terms, and , the consueeneentiltim potent support' is a vim in all Elude, of .Locke; the bad as trail as the goat ',n010 , . reign neweneema ti:hathe added to the strength of tho; stack movement end Maims Predated ant little ellut on iintehYtantlegitimatil ft , Mei ..1 here - already, mere than oneeoleeribd this are Calainity, and km -still of the same Opinion. : • dfoyof the stockimhich!thefetimelecou/toice of the publicpronouneedtobabialdroing.thelestthree month* . of '67 are now eagerly botight it an gni* nothinglme eastreed to alter the . - verdict' he to - their value:l.f they: mere. bad Imudetober /wadi llovemlier,' they ere quite as bad now, inderedurerse ;. U. they were unwdo Ifeetalthienteithen, They' are so still. , "The" increime.littlie Tama Sot dating -at therastem house, as down Li iny,daity vetrryna of the leceipts the 'lobar/Annul, paleSt(Vit ba Winn in nay evidence of eritarisiesutretion. Ahoy ruendroliewi"..ibit "a a large lttount 4 'iplodeli , hlifig withdrawn from the hooded warehouse. „ , Dun .tbly ItUmitehnliet; het litrthn ad largea scale as T ebotlitiliketu , of en excitement today lb ceralermence orthe -Uri- I mil of the Mobll4'rnaihr . fr.ha goilcud224.l" t!'"0 -I g , the custom for remittent 'to alio* a'' dip to betekrati eetifeerf-theirdeepreiciret draffii real, - andllielont or theft of these two de' " polls 'bad ilintroyed all trace of many valuable !ottani; and causetne emo. i ,inconve nleqato * greet dumber +Wrier/hint' Add' other Ith9 expected vernittaioni.- = ... • •. - There la no 'branch of the public service that re.: quires greater reforril Atom' the'pest" office. ,^ Any one who see* the inanner,bitehleb the - mall 'bags nre trans mitted from the poet offices to the railroad depets;end. the careless-way they are nalerded, -- ormither left unguarded, In the .are mut Itbrader %backdate ars' not mare frequent and dfiestratts I bear"tbitt the onorement firebug earl - AV:banks' against threpayntentorAntatent incdepuits lsgradusily_ approachletbietristialsiterrcerepletiottic, There are four or dee wlib' still hold ant, but it La thought that thatorty Mina ere Ulmer 'of theniiismas wilt overcome their opposition, I own that I 'do 'Wet ; beliere that thesucoese will Wes rapid - es teeny pew , pie haulm. The SulrTreasuryls inier ready to supply the treasury nbted of Um:Urea denareinationt to all who are willing to 'Laramie them:. - They are not veey . much itidethand.:4Those 'rehab - hare "lieint'taken" by ; °averment creditors, in paytent of their chime, are mosey selllrtg hi the /treat at .lee discoruitil The ink:tatted onerszatdertilloateware new fedtaled to' 82,348,000. The exefourges althelDlearlng House to.day were 612,778,976.90,and the: betances werele6loll.66, The -oach. tranfutlens at -the ilub.Treseury were as . ' taxv .. ~ ;; . .. .- Payments... ' ' - 22.1;688 82 Balance -- t 3,817,002,h7„ The rivelits Mastro IDIOM from"custeme, -, • ' The Co= Bickner *le evil • Oill to,any . '. The de. prtheinOntitrenctior theeonids , rheiti SUM adatttniei,' and-door has Oaten • 60610reter , Idstrit-tban"ybefildky6i N icol e , wheat, Con, sad ProvieleaS sre sled dollmid": lowdri but it to bop& tbett - the letters by the 1 0nitedri, ectli ootrteln sditices bp. titOternbeerlntt, nethre them th's telmospbte sOmonirlf ' -'" " - ' ' 'the i%ockinasitst stsitrieeedirilymttireto•dig,Tntots ' puttentikly Shrocritta itnost'spretdatfve [Kochi - pekes ~dri,eoo geedcatityfrom 303 89' cent,, end- the, Inkt? kerecosed itithlicest iteidtheati.,.Btite stoo99lYoi,ettlla activist ferineedudestioaeoLsd ssaltetosi* tesaysaeau slightly, with etteadri,r 9 arl ( or J.FL7 o oi i rlu, 9 i' - ' !MIT YOSIKOCIOX 5X'0ga10dZi.,.14134,1171 AL,, , IfIgEr'BOARD• '• ' - fib=- 6000W.Y, de dot * Ner )34- 4. - 1$ Ad fidef ~,"`„,, .f 7000 31tcb se di - -et s ': , Avtinotia— • ISS 6000 Tenn ds '9O bBOll A, 1 , 'do sIO 68=, r ! 1000 , , do ~ 6 *llOO, .do ~ 00,11 10000 Iriigtelt" se ' :,',927( 190', f. do '67 I 8000 18 esteltde Os 937 e TIC . ' de . „tap; 14, - 1 1 1000 Atisionti tie ' ' 84. g 323 Repeal 11,;', ' 7e( 0000 It Y Oen 8o - , 88 ' lO -: , eft:-..., . 7 )4 2000 ICI' Oen 11 le' 9$ _ . ` BO liSiltdd Vsfd 16 8000,8 head 111,96t1 , . ,10„: , 'IQ sp .. c . liors et " eog 1000 . _ - Aia, ~slO la, 7 10 ' -do 1,430 X 6000'" ^46' ..! - 60 '703 200 Mar Southern A 193' 60Crxrdirsongoieft — 00 4 0 - -1 3 350 "lad ItlitnitiO 96 ' f 1001>:1 Its '‘ 2 ; ;' %. 0 1 . ,in 0000 in Otaleoe , I '',... , 95: '13294 ; ; :', *.- 11 9 ', -"," ' ''' l 33 7000 hr 943 116 ' do 18_ t 10000 '4o;'„ r O, , 04 4 1 , ; 1 0 0 1,teaddisid,;, ;, 90 191:110.07sli l axl 9 o 'r • :,', 6 ,, .. - , ... die: ..._-• 4 „,..--.:_ 90,w 2090 T./1*.41 at 88 4 ‘. OMN , T,Oettril”, , , • 8 2_, , 11000 LsOiltill h . q,. 68 !,00 do - 81,19 ..., ~.,, 10000 -2 40 , •• 810 , 40., 1000 0 glO f'JO $ 5000 do - a10 , 1411,-. 4000 do 0 do AO, OA 49,V, 500 0000 do' al pa r,.43., 10000a14.1311 2dni'.l 6166 10 National Bk LOX 2d' Bank of Cam - 101 , , 10 Ara Si Bank 1028 do x 104.1 26 Metro - ratan Ilk 10. 17 4 10 ShottEL66Ustik-,102,4: 6 do 210 Deldcllad Odial,ll2, 100 do 00, 111 0 0 d Bann Cool 00 .43)4 1.0 MIA 20500 Pookbd, 1 Co6lq 4)6 o 5d , 40 dr, .! ,blO 16 ' Pecltlc 5 1 Co bal) ,0d . 60 do 810 68 s 7 , 100 60 A , ,t430,81.,if 100„ do - Pe6 , 82,6( 68416214 ' , TV ' 43 •.‘23je 60 Ido wo6o 22116 000,1 q 400 r do .60 274% 76 , 610.4 , 11.21z5,,,:rff 163, 4 36 N Itemen&lll246l 114 i r. 80 Logio6lll • 11 60 do INToIO /00 t 00 2 t:.,b10-414. sock ,45-314 240 128 CioNlotittOt -20 Oleo, Col&0 204 100 Nao/0100, 0097 70 , N1.,5 do 78 200 eler aoTol B 42 -200 Chic ac It I It - IN' 6o . ; 06X .. .. . ~ ~,,o t , r4r405 1 / 1 1105513),••• ;,-, i , .; , i i 7560 Moms' Els 84% 60 Erie Rellroad 'e3 2210 10000,' , ;,110 .Ji 600 64 % - 50 —036 , i, ',sag 2 0.6 1696 %awls St 52 . .161% 250=r - , du ';-... , -.., -22 x 380 Otto fili 'OO ,:, .1 0 0/ir 160 do ' 160:,22% 10y.441i coossiA4E .—tax, . 4 4---,d0..„..,-A6O-...22„... Napery ss es fr,:" 144,4 leo --. do WO 22,g .. 1000 lir6clqn Oily 8e 1% 1 . 200 440444 il 11) 00 0 /I 1 Oen It Blit" WA - '24ol.lstitivn. I x 3000 Mob Oa 9BY et 85 - de .. 75g I Bantling Vd 664 .lisribigiurlii f''. kii l V. - #,, MO Read It Ms b3O 70% 200 do 530 itili , I 12. Bic of America 108% 200. • --.do , -..,e10 elm ' 11 Continental bk -,;9z Ø . 50 Mielttioll 1/ 50 61 60 Arripi6Txdre Bit , . 109 t • 00 ..,,, "Ado 1 A• -. ~ 150%t 02 nerebants Ins + , ...:107N, .;54/Annarea It 90.% 10 Neti06411566: 1 - 4911^.; 0111 Oen 16 i 96 100 Peolde Di 88 OA, ••,•;akf.,. Jso.k Up elO PO 10 , do ROO 07 200 BetkOtsto Atoss , ~ ,,1 0Aq Ho N Y Oen B a 3 0„: sty. rftle.Tol B. e3O 42 100 i, 100 ~ ,t 10 1121 ~- 3 40. ' , ,-. 42% .100 ..: IV i 4 C,:7'; 'rit”,., Si* 41C0i0e,,frovix, jp,,, '..‘"• • - '4O il ,velto,s; af, bib 87 50 ' Ile ,- sly on's - 1, 4.694 44,9e,disolsed is roir ; Pots 85 02%, and mode ratith&gesris tor t 5.60,., OtkAtr. 11 :0 1 "-ibakiti 'AN , e,azi,r. -Aso ikra.9ler „ppm mayo. end prices-ors! r'4ltiiikofi-orittextemsl nble.ooktf,Trogrpino.„66kroptir leiallph - r '. - :Wdswirstrotll , AWAs* . , 4 1, ..t ;•:. \ 0 , , , !'4 PSlttriglr - Tlee llllKl4lo.4o.o4sUeinintistao A Sr At i,d .1, ci ior.ds•., 11 061106044461 business doing. =Elll=llll .lbOttli.:;:liekiiltifOr A l eatorit ilt4.l)noiti,ii rather 'utoygOotirk, but the doliirele'sell feArroater.- and. ordf , !f brand[ State go sealer, wViood auporans is -motiOned and to not - abundant. The , arrivals. arit fatr; MilAltolocal and Bastern thole parttime only to meet Preledit,lfifild.' - The isles ' ere 4,100 bat at $ 40154.15 for , Iffest, pin State, $4 2060.80 tor eomusonko spiel do ; $440015455 for extra "do 1 $1.200 5 480 ler • inperfine Illithigen and Indiams; $4 40055; 11 , 4 10614.00 OoMmon &Sant round hoop eitiwOhlo;•s4,oo6ls 35 for good to ,attoice do; $5 26657 for St Louts and extra. brands.' Canadan flour le in bettdetettheat mid to Wirer some- Aritat4 , -OteiVef - 400ibbla dt55.10054.25 for . superfine and r -54.4iNa14.00 far extra brands.' Southern flour Is in bet , terdezOnd, and t o without change to note; OM Arrivals , Aim fete—sales of 700 Ude at $4.504056 for mixed to geed ' , brands Baltimore, fro., 'and $50660 50 for the better , gnats, Rye Sour and 8401 Meal are qdlet and plenty. Oittekwheat Soar s fit to fair deltestuf at is .n PSI' 100 SO. QtAtte,—Tho - Wheat market fi tonee ttla and nond , ' , molly ;tlalemdry le mainly fortinidling.-amea soo*bul at 050 for - unsound fed liontbern $1,70 for 'good do,`andsL.l7M for choice red Southern. Barley is firlr.rtkpiest - end vary choice is tirm—sales of 1000 , bus four rowed State at 18s. , " Vats are in moderate demand end heavy at 42648 c for weetnrtt. , Klo le , IA fair - dontand •at 700720.• Vern le rather beam and more plenty, the arrivals are ,mostly et Northern. Sales of 12,000 bum at OlaOdc for !Mothers yellow, and 85010 e for do white. Arsorisloms:-..Tbe demand for perk is moderate, and , hdmarket la-unsettled and nominally lower. Sales of WO bias at $150515 25 for • mesa; $ll 90m512.08 • for .Ptitn,O+closiug.at STE: , - Beef, Is in lair demand and is firm. Sales of 780 bbls at 411/A04413 far repacked western mem ; 58057 for *trl' Prime; Peale - for do mai, and $13.95e514 for extra western, • •••.) . , ~,trinie Kees is in fair. demand at $16a524. Beef Hams are quiet at $15016.50- 'Bacon - is in fair demand at .711mS . Mo. Cdt Mesta Sire 'steady. Lard is very - firm; the demand VI tote—sale* 700 tibia and tee at Ormilm ; small lota OM : • - Bredied'hoge are firmer, and in'good demand at time 0. :Butter to in better demand and ia firmer. sneeze .is saleable stem/101 • bOolns.—The Vivant* sakedhyholdershadltmtted Ihe,dirnand 00 Mill sales :fort Immediate wants. The iniproVement from the lowest point. of the enitoh to ti i lar„„i, cent. Refined are (fillet et OMo for crumbed, ground, And granulated. - , • , .-Tat4l.—There fir mA e teirdend ter both Greens and Sleek* end POW are fatly supported. ;391f1smay.—There, Is little. change to note In this irr4te; roles of 260 this at 21Mo ItipOXUfll tio. =l,l=ll . r PALER:SIO-13mi uo. Powhatan, 00010003-3200 6611. injtinfOrle 6,4 q cativo-pod 000 bap 60E066 160 Wm mart stedl.oo fists illtiortii 460 do widmilta 25 dues bcoclott 1000 boXes lemons VA° to Ollingea Irmo Roulet TO.RIC—Sohn J.,3L tord-4676 toss gulno, Aj ' • . . 8.k 1 74 " _ ! _- -- " .>• AiiltilifteellosiiiicOltalkallii;PAlMdeffiar ,- 4 kII 0411,4616 A Tal/b.a. , ` , Lliqrpool, Jan 80 .114tade lauidirstreteu, De limn - Loadoa loon 'll6,rql.e - .larmireaqtlieldon .. ' ..... .-., .. 1.0 10 Jaataro. ' Yeb 3 .Boglike Itowens,:iffloti . 144 u yre,, Nab 1 'Uti,., g /lolling Wavoillguere...,-..; -Flo /Colro, Feb 2 ZAILT Starlighl, York - ,:- • - . Havana, Feb 1 PORT or POICADXLIPIIIA, San. 30, 1863. •amr tags 7 218112108T2 41 62 - HIGH Winia $ 21 ARRIVED Barque Yowhatan, Slmmoni, from Palermo, 11th nit, with legit, ko to InaanSeanee be Co. Bailed in romps.. Jig with. barques Ira Buck, for Banton, and John Nat. tiatei, for New Orleans. lad very doe weather all the pasiarre; haring reefed aalbi but one.. Jan 31, let 31 02 lOng 7410, spoke barque Antelope, of New Haven, from St Incenla, for law York; 270, lac as 10, long 16, spoke b Milton, from Port an Ferloo for N York, Behr .411 day. from New York, with gismo to Neadlee. Steini n, Sallow, 22 horde from New York, via Cape, 4 with mdse and passengers to James AU. derdlee. , ' • . , OLBABED. Steamship State of Georgia, Garvin, f3aranbab, A Heron, Jr. - Steemabip Shineae Sprague, Sfatitteive, Dolton, Henry *rw. , Claw, Iler, Baltimore, A Cfroree, dr tar iraxwasarE) (Oorreeponctence of the Philedelphls Exchange) OAP ISLAM), Jan Zit. 5P M I bare 'not observed aWI etcher toward or ontwatti bowid today. No tweed, at the Breakwater, Wind 'NW—weather quite cold lons, Av., . , fairatieltern roses MSS.] Naw, , ToS6, 304129. eteronship Delaware, Copes, from Philadol phlk sehrsll,,,anattn and Borah %Inge, from do; dap Usurer'', (rem Lfrerpoot. liar Waer, Dui 24. • The abl_p filddierei, of Provineetown, from Boston, January WO, for New Oriesos is Bore wrecked. Balsenso,'o.l.., Jan W. - The barque Brilliant, from New Orleane fot N York, arrived here from New York looking badly; also , v,t her sank most diseherge to repa ir. Arrived, ship Toulon, from Na l ; YO R r i' ls 2 , ll3' 'filn 28. MIIMONANpiI. - Steamship ;Yang Toe, Dearborn, from Bombay, isr riv ed at HUM Not 23 tiresmstiip'Polinetto, Baker, sailed from Boston 28th ,inst. for Philadelphia. - Ship GreyNagle ilughes,havim, repaired, cleared At Norfolk 2lth inst. for Rio de 7sureiro. Ship Hotspur, Potter, sailed from New York 'eater -day, for Rohs Roog. • Skip iiiMphOn Baldwin, „Downer, for Philadelphia, Nailed from New York yesterday.' ' "'Ship Wandering Jew, Carlton, at Sbaughad Nov 28, was taken up to carry cooties from fiwatow to Havana, at $llO per Med..: .i Ship- thingOe, Eva* for Boston, sailed from Sanger Nov 20. Shiplirsish Bradlee, Harding, far Boston, sailed from 'Sanger Npv 23.• - Shipp Borneo, Edward,, from Boston, arrived at Be. Ship Ceylon, Bassett, from Boston, arrived at Penang Ship Bunks, Lane, from New York, vu at Bombay Not 6 . - &tip Mannerin, Perritt for New York, was loading AissasstelBowAt..._.__ Ship sea Nymph, at Singapore Dec 7, wee chartered to load at Rangoon for Metop e, • Ship llolionda, Leverett, from Liverpool, arrived at -calcutta Nov as, -„,, - 'Ship John, Patten, Patten', at Liverpool lath tact. from Savannah. ~i.flitipr Rams, liellenzle, from Lieerpool, at gharies .ton(2oslilmti Everienced heavy weather during the fildp , Moumouth, Doane, tram wart below Cherleston 26th, tut , - 78 ,7 sfodern• Thnes, - Oieiton, from -Ibiston, arrived BerniM Jonnette,/iiirchiy, for Eaugiolc; salted from Worm gong Nov - thiripat Rainbow, Kerlin, from Richmond from Itio de Janeiro, iraa spoken 20th-nit, lit 2918, long 4161, tatqaea'antatailtlag,lram Calcutta for limo Granola. • co ; was MUMMA Nov " condemned; her tarp wield -60 - ferwarderf,by the brig Christian.- • Barrios Vie Hole; Merrill, for Philadelphia, cleared .at New Orkflane Tidiest. ' " • Barque -Brody Banning Miner, at Valparsitio 18th nit, wee chartered toload l o t-Tahiti at $8 per ton. - - Brig Milton, Potter, from Port an Pattlett, it It York 'Yesterday., 1 1 &ISt Critidtkiati; Taylor, from Delaware City, MlAs ton 28th fast. !- Rehr Mary ',oohs 'Steele:ma, from 'Rey Weit, arrived -at Mobile 230 lust. •- - - • - Bohr Frank Herbert - Olmsted at Boston 28th hut. for Pldiadeljobia. r Wei DiMbritir hem!, Mose/ore, tome* at Wilming. ton, Del, and cleared 28th inst. for New. York. • Wire Sarah Bright; Noble, and J 8 Weldon, Smith, for New York, cleared-It , Wilmington, Del, 211,11 ;net; the Daniel Monte, Hoover, for New , Mmen, cleared the 2.3 th inst. ' §chr Little Maui, Maul, from Greenwich, NJ, at New York yesterday. - Behr Lewin guitord i . Doyle; cleared at New York yis terday for Baltimore. -"v - Behr 0 II Rogers, Johnston', from- Virginia, at New 'York 28th inst. .• - • Behr Geo Darby, COM, from' Pensacola, wan below-11 ,Orlisans• Behr W A Newell, Turner, from Rey RAM, vise below New Orleans 233 fut. • - Schilferragaissett, Hate; for Philadelphia, °leered at New Orleans 233 Jut. _ , fleht Martha: Wrightingioni Wrightington; for Phila delphia; ratted from pill Itieer,2lth Inst. , 'idiuntirmisoniart.'" fihip Now Dltosbard, Lawrence, from New York fop Plow A/elegem, wfacb was sabot° On 'Romer Abatis, was towed to the Atfautio Dock, proeklin, 20th: fast." dike IfCsict, leaking, but her bottom to supposed to be cOnsidefsbtradvited.. kbe will be taken on On dry dock for eternisation.. " - ' •"" ' 4611. $40,foo116110,I:"rig oreyflotoid, of Port- WO; for nt.44ol.o;t:tioli' ,0 II 8 1 8 00 , of woe at Hooololu NOTIOB TO MARTNBRO: Notice la hereby alien that the buoy on )3outb.l3reak. fir, entrance to Unecle fildite Channel ' , him gone from lb rpo?rings, • - . . Tbia bwaybri-Lorle hedge; in; Seal !arbor, also 'dlaappeareit:-botb of ' which will be to as !WO go j*llaibbh embiefr dire,notice be veni, . • , Sy order or the 'Lightly .uae Boat, • TlitiO. Y. 'OREM, • lagbthoriselnapeotor, itiret Distrkt !Pottlidid, JIIV{ 27,.1.136W-:-, .4 • - - • ..-' 0 "..11)RBIKIII PORTS,- • ,_. • . ... ... i (Ben fittaniehip Canada, at Rallfax- Bp Te l egra p h,) •Ar at Liverpool lath lost, Old Zealand, 'Delano, INc. toter, 81sine"Jand .W.. liL atlisen • &law, New - .Orleans; 14th r lIsliie l BerePiNeM Ytickellome,J4neelo, Bayer'. nab; Traveller, Mobile. - • „ _ • . „ •-• ,Ar Cl Queenstown 12th inst. Avarice, New'York for I,lverpool, leaky,end. toren:mat eniung.:,, - - ~ ~ Ar at Deaglitla InetpAvnacon, /Jerre'', N York; Kings-, ton, Gunlock, ableldeter, New. York. . 'OI i • Ar at Hem lith hvitt, Globe Baker New r e lir Gllchriet, - flew - York. . ,Ar at Binglipore, 114,..Blerliy,,loWitivit . 00, Boston,, A; AtialitinKa NOY, , Nnialliti i 81004. " Ar _Ati-liettipireini Kovisicktiircedes, 8111" kranelsoo.' 2741 ;Arjetia; 4 - o,fB t r ,011ipitni MillianiKallillilla 13,0 0. 1 4 ' 11" tilittorra4g . eini'OW 8' in ' tilaKetrill Bosh)." ' , c , :f tiottwaric - nos: ~ Nyacyolug; An Ale, Ilrem barque Oarlolan, Stainfislii, Bremen; 'enperletviest feisey weather Behr 1 K Eibaccilltaisi'Mgg Kerber; steavnehip Packers. Irati2 lilltelliay,Alattilsorn --• • - -• ; . B.TON, Jen,-,* 3 2 .8re; cliff T'o 'Bitomileou',„Preit, Oho tank hitch': - ; , filigiell'or optirik;' ) 74' , ' ~. ; `„' • • . • • ' , ' Old. barque &eon ()lark; Elliott, Trinidad. -. arliNstoo, for Keith's., is at, rasher below. , , .. PQATLANDs-, 018.Bith., plaque 0 B )l anallien, Chase, rsiebtliltaneinallbl, Dinning:Cardenas. • ~, BKow_lßlKOßirliui 27-814; ochre George lioihnau, 004 BRKOore; 'li'D Kaiward, litelpllo sad from 'Pe /ow/eche, Alien Miesileton, Jr, and MK Oar„lishi.:- i BRISTOL -Ind 2704, trig Marls, Ingraham, Verona. ' 9 4 .11 Pr 4 m .Mittii Pan Blatt Wright Begets, Belt!- , N088,01,K, /itia l'ili-Air, lirli )taco, from B o ston; echnino,D;Nevr - Yerk, cm, Behr K.K.Moree, Phillips,' 'Bitvoton. oliivitUSTON Jan. 200U.A.ri,"ship ausaell, Oondry,' N York; barques Jolla Been, Gage, New Weals; Clam:. MaKlll,l ,n Matanstinv,telmetatsgerda,Vardlivr, do. Vtetir, lVilaue,lhterriet,' ifrances; vyebli, Kerte; brig mmetoU4 art: Bettelona; setts Vol !latterly, 1 Tajlor, No! ;jotk; li hi Wigton, Kelp, BalthnOts; Target,kuxmatii, - Wltmtoginii . NO; A Gerdes, * Allen, I 1 Keorgetowit.A; T P Lerned,'Frainbes, Attekepati, La. SAVANNAH; Jdn' 26 - Arr; Pr ship Adialral, Mat hews,Liverpool; edits Mary Whit, -..--, Attakapas; 'il llfd il , M el l;Oni 4 o po w n i ta o , r tipti; B' es Ypip , , ! MOBILE, Jan 22-Arr, ittlpe Botiand, Miner, Green belt. Bridgewater, Minnow, Ilierpioal; lisiquee Orehli la, bevereux , Balton; Wyandotte, Berk; do; b lir Bre l.ine, do; eoluAjilogneher,,Attakapasi Barletta, r liowler, New Orleans; Shit", !Mover; 'lassoes , Vile, Hathaway. Ostdenin: - , , . , old, lAilljllo #0116304 rhlia; 26 7; ihidAn ., , ; • ate.yr. Olikli ANC len tl-Art, barque Paul, Boggs, Yoder; Mobile. illd, Alpe Bar West, Bennett, New York; liolly rood, "Jetaiii,BlverpoolpMent Blade, Clinardi Bostobj Itanny, 191%1, Blemuler..blaw York; .pehation, Kaantion, 'do. ' twat Berri,ere, p r icoion,,Jila, v re ; Carmen ()erode,' ' ' 14a44 1 t a r il4 : l l l :irgettV e ; i 4 l ?ll l'll : 2r, i aehr4„Jth e ttilc--Bieksotr,: I,llsny NB; Batati ....110,'1100en Akir4wel4tiV) , ''i..z" 3 ' ' " ' 23 , 1--Atr, shine wortnabdy, Tyler, New Torki A . m. ,cant, Whit*, lawdqn;lßasaar,,Otewart, New York, liar !vestilf.o4og, Keel:lobe:it. - . _.- , . . . i O i l, ) , tevhshif limited state., FIRE, 1 ,6186 ei ably Si" mt 3 pip, lirre; . brine J )3 00orge. Atvell,,BaltS, ish'i L t . B b l .B o itilipMkeiil thq sat Br if hietenitillnsc. 1 tiid, milWasia•:: ,.. i ' • ' '• • • ' ' ' Towill'td Sea Mith inst. barqWei Arendel and brieS Mi. 1 oatttlevir and Kopf 16tli linit,lllllo Ilumbrr, Lord ivnt fermn, and Ms Dorothea, ApRIVALB AT THB PRINCIPAL, BOTX,S, , Up to U o'oloo,2out iNight, • ontARD MOPM4--Ohaitnnt street. below Math, 1 Wit pristia, Harrielnirg , 'M T Seymour, N Y 11, 0 Gardner, Nashville Win M Mann, Balt lig, Simmons, N.Y 0 Stacholin, swifter land. .yip Hatch, N Y 'NM 0halet:411011ton II Prodeltam, N y Mai Carleton, U B A 11 A Oergill &,la, NY CO Rockwell & la, N J I Drake, N Y , Mrs Lawrence di;dan, N Y Thee 'Rainey, N Y John Harris, N Y Wm H. Akin, N Y (leo W Button, N Y Ll 4 Child, Lowell, Mass, Tbos M Meson & Se, halt 0 Hager, Lai:muter,. Pa • Jas It Larkin, St Louie D Hartwell, fit Louie Jas 0 Jones, Tenn .1 0 Holland & eon, Tenn AHDouglass, Tenn Sun Tompkins,Louisville Jas D Smith, N Y - As A Unit, NY J Shelleto, Oincinnati • Jun Grecian, N y . 11. A Goldsborough, W T J W Weir & la, IlarriatOg Hon J P °omens Del Win Winnow), Wm Jno 0- liteiggs & wf, N Y N 'A Anderson, Y • W K Ilinnean & la, N Y Mrs MLivingeton, WI T P Chapman & la, ri Y John X Rumen, N Y Joe Winlock, Mess 311 ICeitrev,Seritzerland Mr Lyne, It Y • T Drew, N Y . 0 11Bmviti, N 1/ .1 Dutry,Marletta; Pe, , Mies EL Beaman, Pa J Leayoraft, Si Y Gen .1 Mclntosh, lowa Andrew McDlusky, lowa 11 P Seam Geneva. N Y Marcos Hughes, N'V A 0 Yalgil, N Y . Was Stettman, St Louis . . Rev P;, Knight, M 4 Ed Parini & la, N Y Wit Sprague, Providence Wll Beare, Phila . , . Daniel W Sower, Va David Preston & wf, Detroit if G Ilubbard„ Middletown I B 1 Hubbard, N Y E LangworthY l Dubuque G II Shields, N Y W 11 Cameron, Del T MeElrath, NV' . A Allman, Iluiralo It Robinson, Del G Leavitt, N Y J 41 Crouse & lady, Naas SIZROIIANTB' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Arch. WE McAbee, Hagerstown M T Warne _Easton Jar Schendel, Allentown 0 0 Hotchkiss, New Haven J Lawrence k. la, N Y T T Wlerman, Huntingdon Time ROB, Pa, „ Wm St Herpor, Pbtta G Zermatt, N Y • P. W Rajas, Easton Wm Darr, Oumberland co Jae K Riley, Trenton, N • UNION HOTEL—Arch 'treat, below Fourth. B Earl, Pa A R Hurst, PA W 8 Blimp & la, N J J d Phaeltor, Pottsvillo W Psalm, Pa ' A L Ste. rev; Pa J P Baker, Pa Geo Philo, Pa P Thorne, Ohio J Oates, Ohio J B Ritter, Plata J'Henning, Pottsville P B Spearing, Belt B T Strong, Dolt P A Hansel, halt J llondricka, Tamaqua J P Ootel;Readiug AbIZRIOAN HOTEL—Chestnut street,iboreFlitl. A B Powers, N Y Elijah Ro,rd, Natehes bi M Rhodes, Taunton 0 W Petro, Baltimme Oboe llarryton, Phil* Juo L Harper, ,Phila 7no 0 Campbell, Pittebl 07 11 Lunsford, N Y it Bearer, Phila Bain W Pepper, Phila Barg B Thompson, N 0 Jon 0 Cummings, N 0 B J Johnson, Tenn A Tiatirt._.N-Y - - Jammu, Pa 11 Thomas it la, Boston Mao Thorne Boston B P Lincoln, Washington lire W Wolff h dc, PA O 1, Harrison, Boston Wm Simmons, Boston br R,Klrkbride, Pa Franklin D Brown, Salt Ed Taylor, Washington Joe 11, Oaldwall , Witahlu'r, Bawl P Walling, N J P lyre((. Phila W Ltawn, N J P J k'lcherty,N Y NATIONAL ROTEL—Race street, above Third. 0 Tronsen, Pa L Royer, Bch Raven 0 Long, Clinton co, Pa J Gormley, Philadelphia RP ankh, Laneaster hir Smite. {d Y Elr Babies, N Y E Nice, Bch co, Pa J Bogert, Boh co, Pe P 8 Whltenlght, N Y 0 Heebner, Lee, Kau 4 W Horgan, Pottsville Y A Yale!, N y Blmonnothroch,Dralington Reuben Ulrich A: le, N R 8 Hiller, Pittsburgh E 8 Ohlmer, Allentown L alfalfa, Lancaster STATES UNlON—Market street, above Oath, II B Getz, Lancaster P A Gerry, Phil& .1 Thomas, Lewlsbarg L I Boyd, Bs BB Cox, Lancaster B A %rattan, Jht W P.Biker,Pa B N Yemen, Pa Col A 110lton & la, Pa John kloVey, flartlebug J . B 1 Bricker, Lancaster, DARL'SY SMSAY HOTEL—Second atroot, below Vine. P H. 'Thome, N 1 A St %eller, Germantown A 0 Mince, wife kdaughter T J JanneyNowtown Montgomery oo 7 Y Plait., Martelllle TIl Piekering, Newtown A Dannanhower, btonVg W McMullen, Phlli P is Parker, Lambertville lumen Dird, Lambertville E. Enetburn, Centre Bridge A German, Newtown A Synder, Pa 0 Ramsey, Ilartaville W T Trego, pl oo , r in e J 8 Keith, Newtown A It Clayton, Newton .1 Clayton, Newton I Carroll, Mute co Oliver Allen, Oxford Valley W Darldeon, Cheltenham DLAOR. BEAR HOTEL—Third street. above OMlorrbill Jacob Gruber, Pit d R Emery Easton Edw Lowell ZEllitOtl Coax&leder, Pa 0 P Rho% Doylestown Moses Haldeman, Pa Oeo M Garner, Pa J Oadwalader, Backs co John Van Ardsdaleo, Ps Henry Walter, Pa Joe Landis, Pa Wm f.ddomi, Morebmd _.. _ TllO3. D. HUGHES Ohai floods:Southampton N Iraldeman, Southampton M Lynn, Shritararilla Geo Cleramens, Pa (favor Roads, Byberry Cbful Eckhart, Ducks co 8 Roads, reasterallta _ ' ISLAOK. SITAR INN—Filth and Merchant streets. 1u Drown,,llitton, alnkead. Delaware 1/' Gorton, Norristown Send 1/ Leech, Phila Soot Iledgeon, Chester co I' P Anson, lowa ilarntoond, New.k, Del J 5 Ineei, Glasgow, Del Wel Cloud; West Chester Wm J Orstman,Williarospt ktAIMBON 110138 Z—Second greet, above 'Market. E W Thomas, Maryland . D M aranfield, Bethany W r, Duffield, Phila. ' J t3tobert, New Jereey A S Brown, York, Yi Henry Landis, York, Ba 0 R Brine, New York BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Canova/111, DS Stover, is. , Jahn II Moore, Labseon co Duo BaDiet, Lehigh co Thos llllton, N J JohnP Shepherd, N .Professor elnonders's Institute, West Phila. deiphfs. Parents )(poking fora Seminary at this period when 'chests ow* on their second term, will please read Professor thinnderr , s advertisement in to-day's Ledger. .430,1 t Newlog Machines—race 825.—Persona wish, tor-to - ptrtrtta,n , w DUALLY GOOD Machine should call at 922 011ILITNUT Street, lad it one of PRATT% Patent. These Machines are warranted to ZITO tail. faction. atitobincdone for Two Conte per yard at the Once. Ja9•asbwa Gold and Stiver—liarlag Fund.--Anierloaa MYR INSURANCE AND TRUST CO., 11. N. corner FOURTH and Hi'AGNUT, pays all sums on demand, in arketne„ „ Ilcvrev'e 'Oast Cordial... This Invaluable (lotttlet to prepare 4 hoz a eastety of the moat alleles and eilielent aromatics known in rnedialuei m 4 le the meet perfect - aivireliable cantle/Mire eitaat ter infante and :young children. , iy Its powerfalindnenea a speedy ours is sgeoted in all oases of Chafe, windy pains and spasms. Bellow and mitigates moth of ehlldren'e sugaring during tenth. lion or_ teething, and by Its soothing properties tram. gainsay paths of the bowels, looseness, smutting, &o. • The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and tea boon ; need In thousands of ,eases with the most abundant inteems. No faintly should be without it. Prepared only by Ham A. Bower, At his Ding and Chemical Store, N. N. earner of Sixth and Green Eta, Philadelphia. To whom all orders mutt be addressed, And for sale by Dragglabi , generally, an 1847 Saving Fund.—Nutteuta safety Truss Coil °Mee, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of THIRD. ABRANGEbtENTa TOII EIMINP.22 DURING THIS SUSPENSION OP SPECIE PAYMENT'S BY THE BANKS. • 1. Deposits received and rive:lents wade daily. - 2. Current Beak Notes, Olieebs, i d Bpecle will be received on deposit; , B:llspositiO made in Bank. Notes or Cheeks will be paid bank In Current Bank Notee 4. Dermaite wade In Gold or Sliver will be paid back In Gen. - Interest Yiest Tea Gem per annern. non Gold and Sliver—Fite rer Ct. Saving Fond. AMERIOAN TRUST, B. E. corner WAI.I4I7T and : FOURTH Streets, pays all sums on demand, In verde. • Ja2B-lm Jankten, • JOB PaINPDR, AIRROIIANT 13111ENT. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill needs, Cir. milers, Dards, and all other kinds of /oh Printing, at prices to suit the times. 0c17.1y good Coffee. Lovers ofOoffee dm:filet 'kesOee the ten value of their 'favorlie beverage wilbeet, , baVieg it mode le the 01 4 Dominion Coffee Pot. . • & GILBOY, 11.7 and 119 South TENTH, tor. ot,Heorge, , '4lo.ena Solo Maeuraolurers. Gold find Allver.—A.inerlcan Tenet Co., S. E. ocirnor FOURTH and WALNUT, poye pll mune lu epode, on demand. Interest 6 Tn. cent. - - , Je2B-Ini Seamen's Sating Fund—A:Hike v 93 walnut street, one door west. of soeond Ares:. Receives de. posits in eume of One Dollar and . npfrarde, (rout all 4118300 of the, coonntinitp, and allows interest at. the rate of nee per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 0 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until oln the evening President, Franklin ,Fell Treasurer and Becretary, Charles M. Morrie. • Specie Payments Hire Der Cent. Saving liund of AMERIQAN LIFE INSOILitIOE TRUST 001IPANY, B. B. corner WAL. SUIT itod 417OURTAI Streets., This old Institution, hiring ALWAYS paid In full on derniod, cautious to receive on Deposit, in Current Buadri, and ply all Sums as outbid for in GOLD and swum. je2o.lnl The Greenest Bargains in the Worlll.—The subscriber, being about to dose his business, offers his entire stook of superior Ready-made Clothing for sale. All to want of a superior article are invited to give bine e. cell. Store toilet and fixtures for sale. M. TRACY, Za UMIAK threat. del6.2en For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, use "Balm of I.ooo.lflowers," For dressing Ladies' hair, net " Woodland Bream, • dew Porrade.” it curia Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W. P. YIFTRIDOId & 00,, Proprietors, N. Y. Por Bale by T. D. Petersen, MS Chestnut; Samuel Shnes. Twelfth and Oheatunt s A. B. Durand, 718 Chest nut ; T. U. Peters & Co., 716 Obeetnut s 0.0. 'lvens, Gift Book-More, 439 Cheetnut ; 0. S. Itubbell, 1410 Chestnut;, French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and Mer bet s A. R. Tsylor, lituth end Walnut; Dr. Morrlsort, Seventeenth and Cheetnut; J. W. Bimes & 801111, kkriateentlt , and Twenty-Second and Market; Rdward Ohrhemann, 702 Cheatnat s Thome Lancaster, corner kleventt. end Walnut. no12•Iy Geld and 1ii1ver.....-Sarbig Fund, (American TRUBT,) S. K. cok e er or POTIRTII and WALVUT, pap an suns ea demand, Id "peels. ,}eyodm William V. tricßen s '9o7 Chestnut „Street, Is selling all kinds of fine Stationery at one•bal( the re gular price. Call on biro at once and you will be satis fied. JaB-4nl OGICAO BRANDY.—IINITED ‘..-0 yard Proprietors' old vintage, in halm, quart era, and eighths, for side by „ A. SlERtiro. ja3o-7 240 Bouthllsottr. CIAS FITTINGS.—MALLEABLE IROI4 au Fittings, Odo Tobti, From - Coop t &o. For ;axle b' BANDY & MORRIS, • ,jet3o-3iao FRONT arid WALNUT Rtrrett; SC. O'NEILL, . ' IMPOi7IIIII SIP - " WINBS, BNANDIEB, /to., No.lo North TNNTII fit., Philtolelthlo. feb§..3m SATITIMAY, .I,A*IJiRY 30, 'lB5B, .53pctirtl Notices. Marrtagto. On the 28th inetant, by the Re,. J. II Taylor, Mr. SUDLY.It to Mies 5A.8411 CLAYTON, dare's ter of Jas. M. Conrad, Esq., all oC Philadelphia. [Dela ware papers please copy.) On the 7th Instant, by Rev. 11. G&W, ZSPII NIA P. GROSS to num+lna GUISIINBERGES, both of Philadelphia. On the 22d Inst., by Res. Jos. U. Jones, at hie resi dence, Mr. WM. STINSON, or this city, to Mks JANE AUGUSTA JULIUS, daughter oC the late Adolph In lius, of Hamburg. Germany. On the 25th heat. , at 1410 Ifanover street, Kensieg ton, by John G. 'Wilson, Y. G. 11 ., Mr. ISAAC 8102- AMIN to bliss bIARTIIA. ANN CURRY, both of this city. lacalbs. • On Thursday, the 2,8111 of Jautiary,ldAßlß LOUISE, wile of Relive D. tenets, and daughter of Charles A. Reppher, in the 's/4 year of her age. The male friends of the family are Invited te attend her Cockerel, without further notice, from the residence of her father No. 1221 Rune ptreet, this (Saturday) af ternoon, at g'o'clock. 4 On Thursday afternoon, the '29th instant, HENRY RA 1:0IIROADN, in the 91st year of his age. Ills relatives and male Wendel are respectfully Invited to attend hie funeral from hie late residence. No. 246 North Seventeenth !street, below 'Vine at., this (Satur day) afternoon, the Nth instant , at two o'clock ' without further notice. On tho I:7ih loot., UOW.BII, (MAIM, on of nano 8 and Sarah Clink, in the Std pear or hie age fEr Geo, Stun' s, of N. Y., wilt Preach at the nen, S. N. corner or SPRING imitDrai sod NINTII Streets, T0.4101180W DIORNING, at 7034 o'clook, end EVIINING, at 7. The public arc invited. ja7o7- It *' UT Jayne , . Rau, Chestnut below Seventh. Ny Sirius permission, T. H. nTOONTON alit preash, se usual Sabbath Morning end,Evenlvg, at 10Ji and 7X O'clock. Nvening subject—Continuance of Series on Unmans I,I6—TIIS GOSPEL OP 0111118 T TUN row- ER OP GOD UNTO SALVATION. MI who wish to be saved, earnestly,lnvited; b‘thOitisens and strangers. Neste free. Boom for thoUsands. Young and old, iab and poor, all welcome. It* Irj• Sermon to Young Men.—fl y request of the Young Men's Christian Association, the Rev. JAMS NEILL, will preach a sermon to young men, by Divine permission, TOMORROW EVENING, 3lst last at Idf.past seven o'clock, to the Nest Independent Church, (Nev. ono. Chambera's) N. Lt.:quer of MAU and GEORGE Streets. Beats resorred for young men. ASO Hs U 1 Rev. J. nralowell, D. D., wilt deliver • eermon ro-moratow (Sabbath) MORNING, ;a 30,4 o'clock, in the STRING GARDEN PRIBBYTERIAN OFIUIU It , ELEVENTH Street above Spring Garden; end Rev. JOHN ORAMBJtB will preach in the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. BUTTONWOOD Street, below Sixth, N. 1., in the Eveningat 'TX o'clo k, on The Evils of Intemperance " Alter each aerwou collection will be taken to tlid, the HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY in taking oars of the .to water Ito charge. THOMAS 2' MASON, Ji3olt* Chairman Committee on Ptilblle Meetings. "The Impassable Gulf ."—lotAnre by BON". A. o,' THOMAS, TO-DIORROW EVENLNO, at ball-part Seven o'clock. First truirerealfet Church, LOMBARD above Fourth. jaBo-11. Spirlinnlisoz.-11r. Reim will Lecture at BANSOSI-EiTILSNY TIALL, on SUNDAY, at 10 S .M . • and 7)i P. , " The Coincidences and Antagonism of Bpititualinto with the Religious and Secular Qum tions or the day." Those who wish to hear an able exposition of the riewl of Spiritualists will hare an opportunity.. Ad• mittance fire cents. Jan Grand Exhibition of the Magic Lantern, Dlesolvieg Than, M the 11.11100CK-BTRICBT M. E 01W/tat, on next FRIDAY INlfttiN(i, for the benefit of the bonday School Tickets ten cents {l7' People's Literary instltute.—Rolph WA/ DO EMERSON will deliver the closing lecture of thy coarse on TUESDAY NVENING, Feb, 2d, in the MINNA FUND LULL itubjeot: "Oily Life and Country Life." Tickets 26 cents. Doors open at ; Lecture quarter before 8. ja3o•dBt* Oorden's Plan, for Settling the Uncut• toyed. and others of limited mremostancee, on FARS'S, Y worthy of notice. Office, 100 SEVENTH, above Arch 117' Masonic Notice.— The Of Mars and Mem+ Gera of Lodge No. 3, A. Y. M., and the Order generally, are regretfully requetted to meet at the MARONIO HALL, on bIINDAY AFTERNOON, at ID o'cloelt, to attend the funeral of our late Brother, ADIOS P. HUGHES. Ry order of EDMUND BREWER W. M. Attest: WM. j MARTIN, Secretary. azo-itn 1W - The Republican Citizens of Philadelphia l meetwil at the times and place(' mentioned below, for the purpose of taking such measures as may be deemed necessity to secure the succose of the Republican party at the ensuing Spring Election : Filth and Sixth Wards—At the County Court House, On Tuesday. Feb. 2, at Tg. o'clock. Seventeenth and Fie hteenth Wards—At Wont sad !theater iambi, on Friday, Feb. I, at 734 o'clock. Seventh and Eighth Wards--At Hall, Lombard street, below Brood, on Tuesday, Feb. 9, at TI o'clock, Eleventh, Twelfth, aud Sixteenth Wards—At Me armies' Hall, Third street, below Green, on Friday, Feb. 12, at T X o'clock, Fifteenth Ward—ht Twenty-second and CAllOl.'6lll streets, on Tuesday, Feb IS, at Tg o'clock. Twenty-fourth Ward—Ai Odd Fellows' all, on Fri day, Feb, 19, at 7,14 o'clock. W Twentieth Wart—Tuesday Feb. 28 , at 7 o'clock, Twenty-third Ward — At , {'right's Institute, Frank fort!, on Friday, Feb 28, at Tg o'clock. Twenty-drat Ward—At Manayeank, Friday, Feb. 28, at 7% o'clock. Twenty-second Ward—At Germantown Hall, Tame day Feb.lB, et 7% o'clock. First, Second, Third, and Fourth Wards—At lien oock Hall, on Monday, With 1, at o'clock, By order of the Republican Executive Committee. ja26-ler JAMBS VENUS, Chairman. (LT To the Republican* of Pennell...linha The time has arrived when, in our judgment, the vi interests of the ItopubSean Party, end Its solemn di to the cause of Freedom, Labor, and Ilumenity, al , hoperatlrely demand that Republicans should email from every part of the State, for the purpose of ttro organising the party on the solid and distinct baste its own principles. We therefore invite our fellow Republicans to no In informal CONVENTION, at KABRIFBC/10, on 1 2211 of PRIIIIIIARY. 1223. at a e'aleek-P. al -, ee ad. ouch measures'', m be deemed best calculated to preen upon the legi slation of the nation the pried!, enunciated by the Philadelphia Republican 001rentl 0fe1un0,1656 Gideon J Ball, Erie Co. T D Gar*, D A Finny, A Ituidekoper, Crawford. E D (Imam, Allegheny. George 8 Blfing, Cambria. Luso Benson, Potter. It W Winslow, Clinton. ,E 4 Myer., Pranklio. Samuel Allman, Snyder. Wm II Mellurtrle,Runtingdon. David Wlll4, Adams. John A Platter, Dauphin. Wtr, Wright, Adaina, Theo S Claret, Linton. Joe J Lewls, Chester. K T Darlington, Bucks Ilene T Coffman, Cheater, Wayne McVersgh, " M a Cobb, Tiogs, A Humphrey, . 0 J Morton, Delaware. E. T. Poster, Carbon. M. D. Richards, Montgomery. A. Ring, Bedford. A N Rankin, York. Country papers please copy. Win 8 rIIOMIOI. Wft/ el WM/Meet t Wm Duane. Jewel; Verree. Wm Greve. Id D. Hoary R Strong. Wm D Se)3ey. John M Thaler. Theo B Wender Beni Iluekbl. Wee 8 hem, Monty Ml:erten. Hammen Haugh. Thos Babb Oeo A. Coffey, E B I,leDowell 42740 re 3 6 1013-kit }"The Mek arid Suffering Poor Need Help Dry Goods, Clothing, KM, Fowl ore all wonted by the HOME 1113SIONSAY SOCIETY For the poor now ander its taro. P 0480121 haying either to contribute , wlll Owe Bend the name to the Once, N 0.531 Emit NORTH The demands upon the Society for help ore daily in creasing, while the tontributionts to meet town are to tally insufficient. The Managers have, therefore, appointed two additional collectors, Mr. TBOMM3 and Mr. ISAAC BARSIL, who are calling upon our citi zens for subscriptions. The Society minuet continuo Its operations without prompt and liberal help. The sick alone require more aid than it to afford them, von aequently, hundreds who are really suffering must be turned away empty every day. Persons wishing to acqUaint themselves to regard to the operations of thle Society aro requested to call at the °Mtn, where every. inquiry will be cheerfully re. *ended to, Persons giving written recommendations to applicants for help will please Mate the residence as well as the name of the applicant. URORGS U. STUART, l'resident. Toot. T. Maaoli, Treasurer, 434 Market street It. K. Ilosniort, js26.tu lh 11431, Mr• The Semi-Annual Examination of candidates for admission as Pupils of the 'NORMAL 8011004 will be, oommensed on MONDAY, February Bth, at 9 o'elock A. M. To be admitted the eandidate must be at leant fifteen years of age, and peas a eatieractory examination In Orthograph Definition of Worda, Reeding, Moglish Grammar, fl tetory of the United States , Geography, Arithmetic, and Penmanehip. The lioßidAliFicliool., le deeigned to qualify femalee to become resehere In theDnblie Schools; and, previous to admiesion, every candidate must make an explicit declaration that' her object in entering the Behool is to qualify hernelf to become a Tamils?. and that ales In fends to engage In Teaching in the PUBLIC 8011001 OP THE CITY OP LPRIA. By order of the ;f ormal School Committee. ,jandatuth tfeB , P. A. ORPOtift, Principal. ROOX'S RIAIEDY 1 , 04 PULMONARY AND Tuptnotudat CONSUMPTION. Eariug been appointed sofa Agent for the sale of DONO OICRONIMO 1100 A'S coiebreted euno for CON. BUMPTION, the public will now be put In peereselon of one of the moo , oxtraordlosry remedies extant, for what has heretofore been cobsidered an Inearsidt Medea& I have the more readily undertaken the agency from the fact of its vitriol° eimpilcity, being en onitrard opplicolion, the action of which Is seemingly II& ACII. loos and Its having none of those attributes which make np the numerous compounds now la general nee. With the utmost confidence in the MOM of thie remedy which has heretofore been used in private prac tice with great success, as le shown by numerous let tern and certificates, it le now offered to the potato. A pamphlet containing directions, letters from dis tinguished individuals, and documentary evidences from the Physiolan of the hospital of Hanna, Island of Cuba, &0., hs., will aarompluy the remedy. There speak volumes In its praise, and publicity Is only reunited to render It as popular ea It. to I:Art.4O4UL Address, JAMS REES, Bole Agent for the Molted State. No 341 MARKET Btreet, Philadelphia. Principal Offico, No. 1020 IitITZWATSIt htrect. ja3o-strtit COME Y & HAZARD, 1 , 7 AQIHITB, DRUM IN AIIRRIOAN DRY GOODS, 2D OIIRSTNGT Street. NICI•InItif ITEIDSEICK CHAMPAGNE.—PIPERS' 11 IleWeald', in quarts and pinta!, constantly on hand, received from eoie importers, and for sale by A. MERINO, South FRONT Street, hole Agent in this elly. I.foOLOTJD, JR., (OF ST. PAUL,) cr. GENERAL AGENT FOR MINNESOTA, No. 9 Washington Itulldlng. THIRD, above Spruce street, Philfidelphis.—The subscriber, having been engaged In business In Minnesota for the het eight years hes had the opportunity of obtaining Information durlog that time which will give Lim peculiar facilities for tho Purchase and Sale of Real Estate, the Payment of Taxes, Inveatment of Money, Location aria Bale of Land Warrants, Collection of hotel and Accounts, itc., kc throughout the State, S~epe, rind Nswapapers from all parts of the State, can be seen at hie Mice, where any information will be cheerfully given. Ja29.2walf WONDERS OF THE AGE—LIGHT, Ir 3 LIMIT POD ALL.—D. P. PETERS , Patent Non-Explosion Self-Generating GAS LAMPS Is Just the thing to suit all, Price 51.50 up ; all may havoc euire; rim Light by calling at the Repot. This hemp Is adapted to all platen and purposes, and only requires a trial to tent lie advantages over all others. The Lamp forms Ito owngee. Our Patent Burners can be Stied to every ordinary Fluid Lamp, with little expense, without the leant possible danger. All are Invited to cell mud examine for themselves. Town, County, and State rights for sale. The proprietor In In want of Agents, giving a rare chance to make money. D. P. PETERS, Gee Lamp Depot n024-8m B. W. our Second and Ohestuut sta., Phlladv VOLLECTIONB Made on all ameselble point+ In the United State,' at ettlefactorr ratee. ja2b•lm DRBXEL Jr. 00. POTTON-100 bales Gulf Ootton, In esore and (or We by MARTIN & MACIALIATNR, a /le Welk Water Otrot, 11111 q I,ootio. PENNSYLVANIA BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAR. HAMM B. 11685, No. on mAllar Street, north oils, between Ninth *A Tenth, Witt. OrlIN SKIS Oil grtat vulity or NEW 000E8, Among which aro oomo of the . • - • NEST BARGAINS Or TUE SEASON. IUOIIADDON'S lIOIIBEWITE LINENS, heavy RIOUARDSON'S MEDIUM do. RICHARDSON'S DUNBAR, DIXON & CO.'S, and °IRON'S DPONTiNG LINENS. ItARNSLST DAMASK. and SNOWDROP TAULE DAMASK end SNOW-DROP NAPKINS. SOOTOII nal RUSSIA DIAPER TOWSLINNS. DORDEREI TOWELS in ovary variety. BORDERY.I and DAMASK 1111OKADADK. BIED•EYE LINENS. 811IRT FRONTS ' LADIES' L DAMS. lIANDILARCIIIESS. GENTLEDIN'S do. do. BIANBEILLIS TOILET QUILTS, 10.4,11-4,12 4 JAEONETS OdadDRIOSs, NANEIOOIIB . , sod White uoode general/ nut i.t.tiN.s, zoo., Aa., ao. nun ON INUNUARY Ist we ',hall open". splendid aseortrnent of BPItINO SILKY, Jost linnorto4 end of the newest defiant, all of Which, end a great 'Alois of other geode, will be sold at the I.OWEST oAfin Pltlolol. flawing mad. extenelre arrangements to use TON NOW AND 011EON8 MARKT& GOOD on THE DAN C OP PENNSYLVANIA, we will receive them AT pAI, the come no other moues. IS% 11AVI: LITT ONE Moto AND ADIINIIE TO IT. BADIL. S. HESS, No. Otta tfARISKT btreet, Jeao.2t ' , forth Chia, between Ninth and Tenth. MARSEILLES.-NEAT figurit While tdaraefitel for Barques; ►lan nest 'Jointed pored, for [Shirt BOSOMS and Oollar■. SUARPLESS BROTLIERS, jag° WIESTNUT and XlOlll% Btreete. REAL R/SSIA CRASH.—SHA.RPLESS lIIIOTIIATAto.O jut Toteived Rut Runsls Oruh, mottiutn and merlon ja3o WITATNUT and 'EIGHTH Struts. A PUBLID BENEFIT.- B 1 memo of the City Passenger Railroad, per sona roalding in the extreme north and south of the city can nor, etpeditiotudy, conveniently, and cheaply reach OUR,WRN STODDART do DROTIIER'S IVIVY DRY ROODS STORRS, 460,462,60464 N. SECOND street abuse Willow, Where, a t tlll gietera. a. large and varied steels of • RANO/ AND STAKE DRY GOODS are to bo round, sit of wh lob are porchued on advanta geous toms*, gut told at g small advance on surnalsaa', strOnumaton, AND AUOTION ratans. 4 1"1" gilt at - IttITICED PRICEB, AL Attigna, o f makes and alses CLOTISS,IASSI24IItEft, and goods for boys' wear generally, )1100118 LONG SHAWLS, . . of Viennese nod Yarisfstirles. Buperlor goods at 15,19, 119, 111,M BLANKET Sifitit'Lfi of all grsdes In daily retolyt of job tote of goads, which are sold off rapidly atjow vices. Drown and leached ON EV/INGE nod finIDTINGE, by the piece yard, et about whip cost. Ooode deliwpred to any part of the city. CIURVEN ETODDAWP & BROTEIP.R, Non. 450, 452, and 464 NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW, Ja.27-4t Philadelphia, FROM i 5 TO 20 CENTS PER YARD can be erre/ in the purchase or a DLAIDIS SILK DRESS! We would hew assert positsvely and fearlenty, that tee can nod tart, do what we represent &bole, haling JUDI PURORASED FOR CASH OVB It MOO Fl NDS OF BLACK SILKS, .4 TR E DIENDOUS BARGAIN! 1,302 yards to be sold at VI per yd. 1,082 " " $ I )2 per yd. LONG BROOKE SKAWLS REDUCED TO $.7 60: Chenille Maybe, Blanket Shawls, kn., dee. Best quality not newest styles DELAINES for igx coots ; sold eleoshere for 25 cents AN IMMENSE STOOK OF DOMESTIO MUSLINS! Wllllarnaellie, Vamsutta, Pontiac, New York 51{1 1 / 1 , ka 10.4 Sheeting for ISX cents; eery chow, Indeed. Best Faintly Moon of our own Importation. ousinceees, Sattlnetts, Flannels, Blankets An , Al TIIORNLEY Ja23 N. 14 dor:MI.IM and BERING GARDEN. " We Buy and 5311 /or Cash, and hero but Out Price." QTAYLE GOODS--MUSLINS BY THE PIKOE.—We have now in Basement Story a toll stock 7-8,4-4,6-4,8-4, 8-4. 10-4, and 12.4 Shirtings and Sheeting*, in Blown and Bleached Hoods, to which we invite boyets , attention, as they will be sold at a email tractile &draw* on the package price. Also, Superior makes Shirting and Bosom Linen. Shirt Bosoms, machine and woven. Title Lzrieno, warranted pure, 60 relate up. Table Olotha, 50, 15, 88 ceut.e, $l, $l.BO, to $4. Brown Table. Unen, verbena grades.. Napkios, Tovek, D'Oyllee, blaperS, &c. Flannels, Thitings, Table Diaper. too, &e. SWORE STOOK.TAKING, We will sell several od4 lots or ow good,* very cheap. They comprise; PlaldValenclas 12N cts., regu lar price 25; tan other lots at 10 and 20 cents, been selling at 12)4, and 31 cents ; 12K-cent Print* at 70 omits ; lot of Si Oassimereit 76 cents, &o. Remnants sheep. COOPER & CONABIY, la2l 8. T. cor. NINTH and MARKET. D OMESTIC DRY GOODS.— . ISAAC STARR, Ja , No. 12A CIIF.STfitIT Street, Ku in !dare tin [allowing desirable goods, which be offori to the trade on tho moot favorable terms: 1:100 Wee light std medium Sheeting.►:r! Shirting. 1000 tams Bltached 300 . 4 bladder sod Sle►m Prints. 300 paokageeSteee Melba and Conestoga Ttekinge. 100 wee plid and striped Onaburge t Delllloll, oeo - Yletinels, Alen, Doeskin Cesssimerss, (Israbrios, and goods glss telly adapted to the clothing irate, ja3o 0u) SPRING GOODS-1858. PRINTS A. k W. SPRAGUE'S. la louse a.eortment, of superior styles and quality , also, Robert Rennie's,blocklagbaut 00.4, and othts mattes. • DIXACIIND AND BROWN COTTONS. Tamattata, sups , Olnae.latooe, — rortr - Prernturn, Cohan net, Carr's Meer, Central, 191111rnantis, Johnstan uro ton, Virginia Fatuity, Mechanic' and Farmtre', Marren A. ske. Also, Slaters we 4 Shopard's Canton Flannels; Brown and 'flinched Drilla ; Jewett City Denims; Irene Tick. taco; Alabama, Caroline, and neyolone fittipea ; Gona dal° Nankeen* and Sllcalas; Owlet Jeans ; Cambrlea ; Cheeks; Pantaloon aturts, - & 0. &c. WOOLLEN GOODS flreendeld and Terry's litsek Doeskin Cassimeres; 0/enbaut and Porieroy's Cotton Warp Cloths; Stearns' Uoton Cassimeres, printed and plain, in great variety ; 15.11nerst Aping and o th er desirable ist.slea of Da ttnlitta. Also, • good assortment of Black and K Nixed Chualmeret, enteaky Jeans, and Plaid Limeys. loit eALS Br Tlfil PACil(111. A L11111)1/0, D 1600131 MAILR IOR /SNORT MIME, W.ELLINO, COFFIN tc. CO., /HY CHESTNUT Street .for• Oale nub Olto Let. large Cori and Dwelling at the Northeast corner of YORK AVtNUE and TAMMANY Streets. This property will be sold low. Inquire at 1304 OREIEN Street. .430.4tif * A LARGE AND VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY ON TUE DELAWARE, in the Eighteenth Went, for rent. Enamellon given en the Ent of Aprit next. Apply to SAMUEL. B. GNICB, 344-th elk tutt 114 WALNUT street. Frio RENT, FOR RESTAURANT PURPO- M.—Proposals will be received for renting the largo Buernent, furbished with tile door, large Pining. root; Kitchen, 4 . under the Wukington Building, South THIRD street, below Walnut. Apply at Dace NO. 6, in the above Building. ja26.9tW "IIESIRABLE OFFICES at 620 WALNUT Bt., opposite the State Rouse; one of the best business locations' In I Phibutelptda, with heat, light, and all modern conveniences. Apply on the premises, Room NO. 8, to G. W. J. BALL, Agent. tto2l Wants AGENTS WANTED.---Five to Ten Dol - per day can be easily made. Call on A. LAOK, at Jacob Lornan'a Portal none Hotel, West Xing street, Laneaslor, Pa. del6-0 WANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Fay frotn VI to E'°3 pet month. No men having a wife c r child will be wooled. Apply for MOUNTED SERVICE, at No. 817 MARKET street oboes Eighth, north side. WILLIAM B. ROYALL, Ist Lieut. 24 Regt. of Cavalry, oet 6.4mW Recruiting °Meet. LTARTSRORNE'S CURE-ALL - TRR GREAT PAIN ANNIHILATOR'. This article in thegreatest discovery in Chemical or Ifedlcal Science for the rapid Cure of R/fITHIATIS6I, NEURALGIA, TOOTH-ACHE EAU-ACME, BORE THROAT, STIPP NECK, or Pain in the LANUS, SIDE, BACK, or any part of the body. It le also an excellent preparation for Dyepepair. and Indigestion, which arisen tram a weak stomach or bowol. Thousends of persons who hare used RARTB• 1/0RN6. , 8 CURB-ALL have been astonished at its wonderful power in removing any pain from the syetem. Dottie. 24, 60 cents, and Si, to be had of It. H. k O. It. JENKINS. Corner SECOND and TvALtqur Streets, and No. 0 North NINTH Street. N. D. if you have a Cough, use Ilarteborne's Peeks. ral Syrup. KEROSENE OIL, DISTILLED FROM COAL KEROSENE LUBRICATING OILS. This Oil la not only OUIIAPER, but SUPERIOR TO TILE BEST SPERM. It will NOT GUM Olt CONGEAL AT ALOIS' TEMPER &TURN, and R will RUN LONGER AND KEEP Tilt JOURNALS COOLER 'URN ANY °VIER LUBRICATING MATERIAL. my- Multi Mate and others are requested to cell and examine time oils at the solo agency, tIEORGE M. FREEMAN, tgt., dot -3m-ItNo. 11.6 Walnut street, above Front. htIaIOrIOTUNERS Or GABALIERS, BRACKETS. PENDANTS, FITTINOS, and nil kinds of OH and Lamp Work, G CO irandoles t , No. 920 CHESTNA RCHER, W UT STANNER h REET, PHILADEPH/A. . NO. 370 ono.ADWAY, .I , IVW you. BusidiDge fitted with Ow Pipes, and all kinds of altering and repairing of Oart Work. der; Ow CHINA AND GLASS. DINNER WARN. TEA AND TOILET STETS. R 8176, OcLD /MID, AND 1/1100RATED YRRNOII AND 1101111111 AN 01,A88WARS, FANCY ARTIOLEB, &e. WILL El SOLD, AT TAD LoWXIT 711111719, AT MAILXBIN k WiTTE,B, NABONIO BALL, 713 011E8TNUT Zr N.11.--400da loaned to parties at reasonable terms Jad•7 /111111 REST COUGH SYRUP IN THE W0111.1”-PREPARED BY A WIENIMT. HARTSHORNE'S PECTORAL SYRUP OF WILD CHER R Y le admitted by the thous/wide who hire used It to be the best preparation In USA for COMM, from • cold or • CONSUMPTIVII 001100, ASTHMA, BRON CHITIS, CATARRH, or any Lung Affection. It Is alioa great remedy foe Hoare/mere, and allays 111 In tleonmatlon or the Lungs or Throat. Bottles 21, b 0 route, end $l, Sold by IL 11. & 0. 11. JENKINS, Corner WALNUT and SZCOND Street'', sad jalo.ll No 0 North NINTH Street. SAVING FUND.--UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and 011103T NUT Streets. Large and email some received and paid back on do. mood, without notice, with YIVy l PER OMNI. INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Oftloe houre, from 9 until o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from I until 9 13 , a)00k. DRAFTS for We on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from II upwards. Fieddent—STIFTERII It. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—niter visa Teller--713 1 / 4 11t. OMNI. D•37,10$ Nolite° OTHE lOE OF NEPTUNE LI -INSANCE COMPANY, 04 WALNUT street. 1.1.81 A. Jan 28. Mt BTATEHENT of the bualescr, and condition or the Neptune Insurance Company Dec, 31, 3857 , in pur,,, once of section 16 of the General l o . ur .,„ se preyed April 2, 1820 : AUTHORIZED OAPITAL, 000,00, Subecribed and paid•up capital $I00,11)0 00 Premiums on Policies issuedlu 1867 35,001 68 Io tercet received in 1867 3,111 $139,309 21 1,08918, EXPENSES, &o. LOME, Re•lnsurance,Return Pre mining, And 00111Inluions paid„s9,o3,3 Salaries lien!, Printing, Adverti sing, Stationery, and Office Ex pewee 0,291 39 914,84 113 ASSETS. Honda and mortgagee $82,600 00 Stocks and Bolide 23,900 00 11111. Peorlcable 29,249 90 Caen, due from Agente, and Out alanding Premiums 10= 28 11'21,973 29 LIABILITIES Amount at risk 8595,874 41 Unpaid I 04111111 (Dot duo s 14,62 Q oo Saud ry items ZEI 51 13.887 61 RIORARD EGIIELDS, President. GEORGE MINSTER. Vice President. DIRECTORS. Ittchard Shields, Edward 24,01ein, George Minster, Gustavo. V Town, Theodore N. Town, Thome, Heath, W. 0. Stotesburg, D Sherwood, O. C. Rutter, George Scott Isitli-hut GEORGE SCOTT, Secretarg. T"EQUAKER CITY INSURANCE OOMPANY.--Otace 404 WALNUT atnost. PHIL ADIII/ 1 / 1 • F 313 14,1666. ISTATEURNT of the business auS condition of the Quaker City lusuranoe Company fur the year ending Deeembor 51st, 1867 *. Cannel andBtirplus 8:71,644 61 Surplus, Jannery 1, 1867 131,671 76 Iteovlved for Premium* deicing the you 1657 162,807 93 Interest ?solved 11,755 16 &drags and Dolnonxemee.... 6,341 49 714,496 LGSMS, SXPENSIS, &o. Losses paid 571,616 46 Dividends and Oommissions paid. 23,239 32 Delosursnoe and return Premiums 20,047 46 Rent, Wades, Taxes. Adverti. dog, and 011. lee Dispenses 11,126 17 Bonds and Mortgages,. Ground Retail, entrpon Dom% Bank and other Stock* 8160,830 00 Negotiable BM' Rimetextile 166,173 83 Oaah In Balk and Dne from Agts 22,442 42 ----$211,886 86 This Company continues to make Insurances against FIRE and MARINE. Risks OFFICERS. President—GEOßGE II HART. Irloo-President—E. P BOSS Sem sty and 'Sm./um—H. P. 00 1 3 4 38115L1., Assintent Secretary-8 11. BUTLER. Diasoroas George 11. nut, E. W. Bailey, E P. Rog, Andrew R, Chambers, A G Cattell, J L. Pomeroy, Joseph Edwanli, Cherie/ 0. Imlay, John 0 Dale, 11. R Coggehall, Foster 8. Perkins, Samuel Jones, 0. DI. Fuller. jel6 H R COOCISIIA.Li., Secretary INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH ADISBIOA. MARINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR TATION INSURANCE. OFPIOE N 0.2.33 WALNUT STREIT, South nide, east of Third street. The properties or this Company are well invested, and furnish a* available fund for the ample Indemnity of all persona who desire to be protested by Insurance MAItINK RISES taken on Vessels, Freights, and Cargoes, INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Merchandise per Haiti oads, Cansle, and Steamboat'. FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture, and loge, in City and County. INCORPORATED IN 1794. CAPITAL SOO,OOO, ALL PAID IN AND SECURELY INVES T ED. TOTAL PROPERTIES SI 001,8E5.26 PIIIRPHIUAL OH ??? H 4 . DIRECTORS. . .. _ . ... ANTn., a.ootris, wit.LIAN WateA, Sauust. W. Jona, WiLL7AIt R. Rowel, JOUR A. 11110711, JAVIS N Mackay, HADDIII. F. SSITA, 0 Moneta WALK, Cflsol.ss T.-LOl, Ton MASOR, kIiDROBI NT Arra, Gamma L Iltaateni, .lons R. Nan., Wa.OOIII R. Cool. RICHARD D. rirOoD, EDWARD U. TROMR AD.TiIDR G. COVVIN, President. HENRY D. 15118II14ARD, Secretary. .1i 9.ts OFFICE OF THE FIRE INSURANCE 1, -." COMPANY OF THE COUNTY OP PUILADP.i... PIIIA, JANUARY 27, 1868. At a meeting of the Stockholders of said Company, held on MONDAY, the 28th Instant, the following gen- tlemen were duly elected Directors for the ensuing year, to wit; Charles J. Butter, Robert Y. kluge', Joseph Reakirt, Exams( Donnell, Micheal Meti ill, beery Grill?, John Born, Frederick Klett, Frederick &Bober, Joseph Moore. And at a. meeting of the slid Director, held Tlll9 DAY, CIIARLE.3 J. BUTTER, Esq., was arisniwousty re-elected President. j"TP•iit BENJAMIN F. MOICKLEY, Bec'y. OFFICE OF THE CITY PASSENGER RAILWAY, (via FIFTH and SIXTH streets,j Washington Dui!ding, 1R fltD street, above Spruce. CAUTION TO PARENTS AND OUARDIANIS —A. this Company have, with the aid of the pollee. none all in their power to prevent accidents Mang the route, they would ask ,hat parents and others would caution their children from getting upon and running IA front of the cars. MARTIN TliOM AIL js27.lrulf President AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., nvcoitpaßATED 1310-1111.dliTSK PER. PErturc.-- - - No. 310 WALNUT Street, store Third, Plaited elphra Ilaring a lar g e padd-up Capital Stook and Surplus, invested In (MUMd and available Securities, Continue to Insure on Dwellings, Stores, Purniture, Merchandise, teasels i Port and their Cargoes, and other Personal Property. All Loeses literally and promptly &dictated. DIMICTIAS. George Abbott, John I'. Lawrie, John Webth, John Pasnum, Samuel C.Niostoss, Caspar NV Morrla. l'atrick Brody, James R. Counpbell, Edmund . Datilh. (15.:0111.1ti ABBOTT, President TIIOMAS R. 11AT1113, Secretary. )a.M.: It .411.-RCII STREET TIIEATRE.-TILE noel Sleeting of the Stockholder. of this Theatre February be heti in the saloon on DIONDAT alteration, February let, at 4 o'clock. Business: An election for Flee Agents to seise the ensuing year, revision of the by-laws to be considered, Ac , Pot) open until 6 o'clock. A dividend to be paid. l'ilmaositats,Jest. 21,1658. jaill•dst* OFFICE OF TILE UNION CANAL Co., Patt.a.nat.rate, Jim 11, 19.69 Tie Annuli! Meeting of the Stockholdere of the Union Canal Company of Penneylveme will he held at the Office of the Company, No 22S WALNUT Street. (Farquhar Buildluc)ou TUESDAY, February 2d next, at 1 . 4 o'clock M at whl.ll time en Election for °facers end Menagere will tote rho. Jain-He'd 0 THOMPSON, fieeretery. NOTICE.--Tha Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the SUNBURY AND ERIE RAIL ROAD COatraiet: .itt he held at their Office, No 824 WALNUT Afoot, on MONDAY, Ina oth der of "Orn ery nest, at 10 o'clock A. M. At this meeting ae etet_ lion will be held for ten Managers of the Company, to serve for one year. The pens to close at 2 o'clock P )1. PIIILIP M. PlllOl3, Secretary, PRILAD,Lr/111, dsn. 111, 1500 31,10-ihter ttell BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the ?teal dent, Directors, and Company of the Dank of Pennsyl mile will be held at the Ranking Rouse, 226 W ALN ET Street, on MONDAY, the first day of February neat, at 12 o'clock It tiniaedlately after which an Election will be held for twelve Director, to serve for the en suing year. J. L. FENIMORE, Ja2l-tfel Aaalstant Cashier Jnourance ampanue COMMONWEALTH PIKE INBUDANOt Or TIM ETAT% OP PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICE, NORTHWEST CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS, rIIILLOSURTA. enbectlbed Capital, 1690 1 000. PMlt.up WpltAl 1200.000 DlRgetols. Dr D. /oleo, Thew S. Stewart, H. L. Deaner, J. H. Butler, J. AL Hltitul/, ' J K. Walker, rAw. 0 'Knight, H. 11. 'Wendell, 11. Towle, Jr., S. IL. Maple. bAVID JAYND, H. Y. Yreeideat THOMAS S. STDVFAHS, Vice Preen. Sercaett. aims, Secretary. .i..99-1' INSOR /IARD FIRE AllD MARIN E GANON °MUTANT, PIULADELPLUA—Otica, No. SW WALNUT etteet, went of MIR°. 4 . MO RISKS ONLY TAHITI , ' D 121147701. Joel Japan, Geo. W. Woodward, Wm N. Swain, H. N. Burroughs, John Anirpach, Jr Thos. Crsreu, Joseph Klapp A. B. Gillett, John McClure, Jar \Vatter, J. B Moghea, C B. Shoemaker, W. 8. Boyd, II N. Cogpliall, Win. 0 Rudman, John W. °Bighorn, mralacie Peters. Non. JOEL JONES, Presidio:4. A, B. GIILLITT, Ties Brealdeat. Igo. B. AtoldohLia, Secretary and Tremprer J B. ALIOILD, diudataat. &unitary. jal-hrn.lt ANUFACTURERS' INSUIiANGE .I.T.E. COMPANY .-01IARTER PERPETUAL—Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, $600,000. Marine, and Inland Transportation. DIRECTORS. Wm. A. Rhodes!, James P. Smyth, Aaron B. Lippinoott, J. Rinaldo Sank, Charles J. Wield, John P. Simone, Wm. Neat, M. Richards gurkle, Charles Wise, Thomas B.U. WM A. lIHODES,_ President. ()HARLIN WISE. Ties President. LURED WERRA, Secretary. J. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company wu organized witr a cult eapltal, and the Directors have determined to adapt the 11111i001111 to Its available row:tram—to observe prudence la eonoluot. lug its Affairs, with a prompt &Ornament of losses. OiTioe—No. la MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, ant.dly erittlemcifts furniabing t oobo FINDS SHIRTS, mulct to order, nod war muted, of elegant material gni superior Tort tosnablp Also, Drees Stock' end Oimtlemen'a Wrap pent. at the Premium Store of W. W. KNIOUT, 612 AP.V.It Street, above Stith. no2l-y WvRAPPERS! WRAPPERS I WRAP YL^R9 !—A very largo and, elegant aaaortrnant at reduced priced Also, beery under-clothing of all de errlptioor, for gentlemen'. wear ) at W. W. IiNICHIT'S, 6121ARC1I Street, &bora Sixth. no:11-y WINOIIESTER, Pc SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, sod PATENT SHOULDER BEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No 196 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is pertieutarly invited to this improved cot of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole sale end retail, and made to order. au6-I,rlr NrOTICE TO CONSIGNEES.—The ship STALWART, Cspt. Loris, from Liverpool, is now ready to disoharice 811.1PPZN street wharf' Con. Pigmies will please deliver their permits to the oMeers on boart. All goods not permitted within live days will ['tient to public store. TllOB. RICHARDSON A. 00 , ja7 101 WALNUT street AIrILLI AM HENRY MOORE, FURNISH , Y IN() UNIIERTARBR, No. IH6 ARCH Strilet, west of Broad, lota of 605 ARCH Otreet. lei c , Offaa WRAP/ OA WM. 3el Ow FURNESS, BRINLEY, & CO., Eno 222 and 61 ARKS! et.rsost BALE OP 2fo ENTIRE OASES lIRITZSH GOODS. On Tnesday ifornlng, Webruary 2d, at 10 o'clock, consisting of London le racy nottonades, l• ' pantaloon stuffs, l• " ribbed coatings, • ca , rita dills white linen drills, • linen I,lle checks, plain a ad fancy Means, patent finish black Telir•ta '• 0-4 tine to snow'. Idea mobsire, 6-4 blank alliAcce.a, 0.1 drab mohair sad alpacas, '• n-a fine printed lawns, 0.0 tine prtatad sacoviets, '• 9-8 tlns and white !song cod ji:Otif te, " black and whito Ovnarnirg yenta, Cad 6.4 beery Manchester gringluals, .. 0-s doe wild check rochacns, ran. 7 ...hair Imam Also-100 LOTS SUllittlNO LINENS. LINEN DA-11- 4.111 a, DIAPER- LINEN TAUB CLOTIIB, NAP P OINS, DOYLIES, ANIO INEN-CASIBRIC lIDE/3 . SUPERIOR RUALI L TT, AND CELERRATEI/ MANUFACTURE. eoantritio; of 4-4 soft and high Brash super sh4tiog linens, 0-4 and 10-4 linen damasks sad Alaparsi Eatra quality linen damask tab! • Meths sad napkins Extra quality Rain snow drop tabu earth end whoa. Plain and printed linen cambric ladils. BSCOTT, Jr., A UOTlONEElnce eil l. • sor to Winfillt/ & 3COM) 43] cnourrntorat opp.t. the Custom Mum, bat - woes ruust& sui Intl& &tons GEORGE AUCTIONEER N. S. comet of BARRON Lod sours Ste• lts then, S•oond. YINING 'SALES. SALES NYERT BATIIRDAT IMOTINO, At 7k o'clock, At th• Auction Store, of Hardwars, Oat tory, Honackearrang Artlalco, Olotliss, Watch**, lectola ry, Nancy Arttelar, ./C4 BY ALFRED M. RERKNZSS, PHILADELPHIA HORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR, southeast eonser of Math aad 6aorfa Flts between Chutuut and Walaut strasts Er dales of horses. carriages, Nad Wimp, held regularly every BATORD/iT 110LeiING, throughout the year. cocumeucing st 10 &dock ilzr The tersest collection of new arid second-land wriest'', harness, saddles', /cc . in the idly, may he ieen at Oda estabilahroent for prirais sots. Cecriagee received on storage. par Out-door salts attended to on reasonable time. 214,496 24 1101$1.8, AND ILEUMS On Wards) , Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the 13ansar,IttU be *old. horse*, retaclea, and tutnneee. 184,830 99 WSUAW & BAILEY, AUCTIONEERS, No 10M MARKET stmt, above Tenth et et. SALE OF FORFEITED CIGARS AND SUGARS, At the United States Appraisers' Stare, N E. corner at Franc and Lombard street. On Thorsday Yarning Feb 414, at 11 o'clock will be mold, at public silt, the following merchandise imported in brig Mary E Milliken, from Cardenas, and forfeited for violation of revenue laird, consisting of: Forty-eight tenth boxes (4,800) One ease (4 000) cigars. Three barrels anger. Eij . *Will be open for examination foal) on the morn ing of sale. Ja3l 80-41-3-4 AMERICAN ACADEMY OP MUSIC. - E. A. MARSHALL Sole Leung, This morning commences the We of the 11 and re maining 31 50 Seats, at the two Ticket 056 res THIS ',SATURDAY) lIVIININO, AS 8. SPECIAL NOTICE —The certain Have THIS EVE NING et TX, ioatead of 8, no ueusl—Doors open at T. Sixth Night, and last but Four. L'ITA.LIANA IN ALGER/ RIOOLETTO. The two Novelties on one and the name night. First and only night of Roesinl'a (among L'ITALIANA IN MARDI, MADAME DUNORI Will ring her renowned part of ISABELLA t.VLLE CLAUDIN'E CAIROLI Will mete her drat appearance aa Elrirs LABOtATTA, GASSIER, The 4, Italians," being or moderate length, and from wish to eociiply with numerous requeate, the oplendot Fourth Act of RIGOLETTO, Contaloing the Donna e' Moblle," rag the masterly Quartette, * dl be given on, the tame night, by LAURA:W, DIONAItDi, TANYA:IEI.LS, ROCCO. On SIONDAT commence* POSITIVELT TITS LAST IVENX or ?NIB ENGAGESIF.NT LAST nlouT ItLT TIME. When win take place the far-famed DON GIOVANNI NIGHT, On a scale of collosal splendor and magnificence NOTICE.—To prevent any crowding at the 'Mitt offics s the sale for DON GIOVANNI will touirnence at 12 o'clock TO-DAY, prscieely. The Ticket odice will be open at 9, se tunsal,, for the sale of *ego for the rrALLeNA cad aulotErro. ON TUESDAY, TIM SECOND MATINEE When a celebrated Opera will be glean VVIIEATLEY' S ARCH ST. THEATRE. --COLS LESSEE • W. WHEATLEY. SATURDAY EVENING. January 30th, 1355, The evening's entertainments will commence with the Comedy of CURE FOR THE HEARTACHE. Twang Rapid, Mr Win Wheatley; Bit Hubert Stanley, Mr Bradley; Mn , Vortex, Mn Thayer; Jury °attend, Mier Anne. Or u Ise. To conclude with the Historical Drama of WALLACE, THE HERO OT SCOTLAND Sir NY illlsm Wallace, Mr E L Davenport; Lady Marl. an, Mies Anne emits. FOAL' or PM cs3.-13oier, 25 eente SIX7 O WO 5 414 01 i 35 yenta; Orcbeetra Stage, 50 tents: Beata in Prilata Douse, 75 mitt •, Gallery, cents; Gallery for Colored 2.F.Arants...D..=nin Box in Gallery (or Colored Perilous, at cents Box Office open from 10 A 51 until 3P. 14 Doors will open at OK o'clock; performance to commence et 7, prorksely. 1161ATIONAL CIRCUS AND THEATRE.- WALSUT Street, chore Eighth GBAIDCoMBINATION OF TUE CIRCUS AND DRA: Mail() COMPANIES. AN ArTISKNOON PERFORMANCE. tTURDAY AV FatING. annex, 30th. First Night of the National Equestrian Drains, in 3 Arts, entitled TITS BLACK' RANGERS; OR. TEL BATTLE 07 GERMANTOWN Geri Wealsington, Mr }kooks, Gen Wayne, Mr Ham ilton. Gen Sailivan, iii Hermiston; Herbert Tracy, Captain of Renate, Mr It Jobnaton; Marian, Mrs V. Brun; Hannah Smiley, Mrs Wilson; Marjorie, Idre Butler; Betty Moe Pric e . With a BRILLIANT EQUILSTRIAN TROUPE. MR It JOHNSTON, Mr. SAMUEL 911ARPLEY. SPORTS OF THE HIPPODROME., GYMNASTICS and DARINO I.IOIISESIANSHIP Palings at Aoniasios-25 cants to First Tier, 15 Cents to Second Tier. 711 IJSWAL FUND HALL.—SATURDAY, /II January SO. Mt FRAZER will pre A GRAND CONCERT, Amoti'd by the following ilietingniabed Artlttla Miss cmunaNE RICHINUS, (by pernaltalon cf Hrs. D P. Rowers ) Mrs 0 SHEPPARD, Mr ROHR. Mr, A R TAYLOR, `Mr CHARLES 7A.,RTLF Mr.J R.YAIRLADLR. Yiekets FIFTY CENTA,tt tbt principal manta Mona, and of Mr , ,In•ass • 409 South RigtivotoOn K. Pat-tt. SANFORD' B OPERA. ROUSE— ELY.vmcrit Street, above akient,e. EVITOPIAN PERFORMANCES TRIO EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by &Word's Troup* of SERENADERS. To conclude with SEVEN mass OP WOMAN Burlesqued in character by DAN GARDNER, who will personate Ten Thatinti. Chwhaters. Doom open, at T o'clock—to commence at half-past Retail. Admittance 26 cenU. REMOVAL.—TIIE I.NRARD FIRE AND la &RINK INSURANCE COMPANY have removed their 0111ce to No. 416 WALNUT Street, in the Schell kill Navigation Company's Building. 1.20-Int COMPANY, EMOV/d. traLltms, f CO., DRY GOODS JOBBERS, NATI 11)1091D TO IBS SPLENDID IRON-FRONT STORE, tio 6113 111,RKET BTREET, ABOVE Ping, Where, with their Utilities for accommodating the Trate vastly increased, they test themselves prepared to offer inducements to iterchants unsurpassed by ANT OTNNI ZOTABLIONMSNT 111 TUIII COUNTRY. Jald•lmos.if IOpENOVAL.--CRITTENDEN' 9 PHILA. DZLrLIZA COUIMICIAL COLLSON t. movr.o to tho northeast corner of fIZVENTH and OILESTIIIIT Streets The whole building le occupied, ;ad fitted up In a style aurpeasliog any thing of the kind m this ectuttry. Thorough preparation for the wonting-house. Indletdutl Instruction teem competent and itteattre Tem:bore, under the Immediate eye of ths Principal. Open day AlVi er acing One of the Beat Penmen In the Cottatry has charge of the Writing Department. Plaine call mid ace apecimerui and get a Catalogue of Term*. Ike. )al•1-) R EMOVAL.- 0. FAWCETT, HAIR CUTTER AND Witt MAKER, Ms »moved to 100 OiILiTNUT strset, fotr doors be. low ELSVENtif. }O3-it FOR MAYOR, JOIIN ELINE !Subject to Dinnoorstle Rale.. 31A N 1" FRIENDS OF JOSEPH 11. TIIOIIPBON desire him to be a Ofindktitto for EltEalltit of Ptillattelphis. 6ub3set to Dotoorkestto rules. pasts FOR RECEIVER OF TAXES, GOODWi N, Elubject to Democratic Itolea CITY CONTROLLER, WILLIAM CUBTIS, TItILIMMITI WAIL SubJect to Democratio tslos CITY COMMISSIONER, CSSIMLE.S It D. &WM, rigs? YARD. Subject to Derooetatle toles do3l. dteß FOR REGISTER OF WILI.S -11/INOPOS2I, SW«LTTE 111), d 2-30 iinkjed to Drinecratle RON 11-1 0 R. SHERIFF RLDERMtri °SOROS MOORS, Poeta,' *tint, rohjett to Democcotic Roles JAMBS 0 GIBBON, Bot+Jact to Dca:morello Maas _ tEoal. iaCtiIIYLKILL AND LEHIGH C OAL.— I:3 wr, daily receiving, at my yard, ths best quality 0.. KlP:lrma. AND LBILIGII COAL My sotto/nes, =A alt others ache may favor ma altb Ulm cream, may re on (101•1 that Will De satisfactory to them No latorlor Coal kept at this ertab/LALL4at to Offs? 0.14 W PRIOEB. ALINANDIIN CONTENT, aol-tf N. N. corn= of Broad and Oben,' fits. LEHIGII AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— DAVY, POATZP, dr. 00. COAL SEALERS, N. S 2 PRINS Street, Om %W , AS keep Pormisstl)r. o. kurd lit Um very IWO, • WI "ripply of Lough .rid 053111611090. PS /4* Oaks by %Wien. 9ltituattnents. Removals 12111=11! tiolitiral. ==EZES TW1371-SFCOND WARD Sala bg 2aution. m THOMAS & SONS, ale KM. L7G Sad 141 SOLT'S 7011111111 MUM, Forarly SI bad N.) STOCKS, MIL SISTATS, i0..-7013DAY 111111'.1 Pompfilet catalogues art woody owatoindsol teft flo oenpttoos of on the property 14 bo 11 45 4 Tsosithi oast, Yobroory St, with aw Mead , " liat of not OP tate et inval• Balt 11.611, L TAPE, mom. as. Pablle Polto at tie P lissiamp• foal today trilalng t 7 thatbiLls of each property LIZ egaistielY, wil l oloo to .hk .k alt pataah ea th• to "b sole 000 &Wowed ootA/Aittot foo=:• trutVail irtiuta of all tb•por-L. ySe boson oa • fel Nome TalmiaT id%lMilTUßS SALM at rut Ammon 8,0,7 Ph orally Dana REkt. ways At tartans Si. hm.4l4.rp ammo! of tool UW2 .21 PA. vote Bol•. (adds; eierr d.wasytka of CI, art eooDaT 3 =lntr "mi.+ Lido leap as hi et 1&• tames MU TAT E BALI 43,Eastit Er nest instar safari as sax trim* $s Is. gimlet, sad adivriared seessiessl4 is or./ Nabs Ms Al:struts, (at IWO lOW tapir spa priassit weell7.) fns of charts SALZ.--SVPIVOI. DA-131---Oss eats 161 A /Or ni Al Lula& a Lg., sat Um, aboaS 134 sates. rickWtossearsmosts= esasty, Ps. Pal Arileslara mail to itas4Si3Ya. Er Eels a/salute, sratbast marts at Usailaitiaa STOCKS AID LOANS, Os Irebesery WI, at th Tuesda e Pb L y emlesetse sbee iWkhesife st o'clock— 3 Acme Di the Sakttesti at Year_ 1 share is the FLlsolapWs sel Eseimea Plesadep Coingeny. Wares in the Ylsiliotslphie Lthesn' t sal Alettuosay nut eterantile Liberty. I share in the Philiol•lptits eat Conetni Ekmerearelit erre Company lek Owen New York &ad 11411 e Cod 1441 Isllrset Awl Cori Company. 11231. zarATZ FALI3-4112110/ST Id. Orrlises' Coot late.-1441e of PlAlly• Cele, Beet TWO LOTS---Ose th• clisstßat Balls m efts Wileon street, Treaty-oseenet wed, sad ths Ober es ilitesore steset. Tersely-this-I rue date treakforli- PEREMPTORY BALI --- 1 1ALUAIBLE LOT, NM reNHousis /108220,1/A Cofllfr Eighteenth end Eittenhortre ctreets, before Le. cut Sift4i, surly *male Ititarsheses 33 feet ao Dglttesalli street, 113 feel ea aseet. Tale I.bwlata. AS 11111.2DMILLSLIS OROVI/13112.ff Of $2l l YEAR—WeII secured Ity two beAk dwelttov. Assigswet Permptery couvrcv 22A12,—(12 acre/ il peettirm, err Bprts4 UN,lawihro tovati, Pa_ konagotee Perwmpty VALL'ABLS LOT—rsatiagsta sAI afar strasis, 0 oraaantre n 1114.L . p3T4TA BALS-ZABILLAItIr M=Zt=!M Exesaares Wa.—istata of Dr. Ka. /14.441, 31.41 YALU/BLS P1101 1, 72/2T, azvsitLyo..t.- 100 awes, with extaaarn boat ea At *see Camden and Asabs7 Bantam*, AIL Bally tars . rt vsnoos stmts. It Is a req. salailda peepes ~ rslaS /Mit to Ilse iteasslisait Derry aid nillasail ape, - Os " Jau slarticataar to hataltdaks sal visas- Tense rjrdo , arth tsar FAG %STASI 8.4,17.-ILISILITAIT i i;sale rit2 Inala44— PLalllPTOftlf suot—areutaox V&1!4 —A. Imp Ind tslatblo farm, about 134 sera, will Ass tarots outfit, linels toasty, Ps. WI partkatsts tasty fa &at abolubt, rftbobt tegter• belbattelko. VAVULDIA USIDENCE WITS lTl3Lt,—Tatsa- DH vrttb elk& bibi and' bow, rein 6146 or Arch atreet, vest at Tamil Work 11 toot frost vat. mut La aUerIN/36 aTAND —nem rsleski• *lSt - almy brkk stem Id% Ilktiorbbory back tobAbltyr. 606 Arek stmt. w..t of atitk drab. 1t Y lbablabargy abisked in =dun Oils. Peremptory Bsae on the Premises—a mtt elavet. Et.3OIIIT RISIDISCR AND Oa Widnes.lay Horsing., rebraery &I, et II o'clock, sill be cold, withal! re verse, the ILZDANT IDUCE, No. 14131 Ards street. betimes Troth tad Rtarenth streets—lot test hoot, US feet deep to Jacedomy street It is tsisiest throughout fn the meet elegest so:4am style. .11LCOANT mourn:it. Pubvtloar!, LANIIR IiIIBBORS, CURTAINS SPIANDIII oeuvre, ibc— rwriectuatty after the sate at the laceses, toll • • toil the elegant household turuiturs,,esoessiaing fin* pinto forte, elegant rosewood seal setts damask turultare. male by Rome sad Campion, handsome cartabse, ears goat carpets. Urge motel east peer mirrors, nor, he. Sale at the whole eheolute. U7' POI particular* la hay-Thais sad catalogues. Aliniaistrotor's 41t Prune 'trod . aorszamo lICILNITUBJC. On ?sudsy Mointag, At IO o'clock et No. 410 Prone atone., below lII* street, the boussitot3 eal kitchen (=Rare, by coke a( administrator. irr Xsy Do naWast si II eckek ea the axestsg of na. . SALE OP TNEOLOGICAL 30015. Cos Punter lteenng, Feb. 9 , at the union atere, la be mud a collactiset of valuable theologian works 11-• For particulars see catalogue. 8010 No*. lip mod lal Routh Paw* street_ SUPERIOR FULNITOTUS. B4=6V I IT BOSZITOOes PIANO-POSTE, FLNE A 11785.149 CARPETS, /102 ' HOBS, Al. Oa Thursday Mornisig, At 10 o'clock, at the aectles stare, as extenades assortment of excellent funittirs, newt platto-torts, mirrors, carpets, Re , from private housekeeping. MERINO IfIRE-PROD? Cll/37.—Alse, a swpmfait Herring bre-proof ehaet. Sale by order of Coutabla. „kso,a,Aceetity of hmtshold furniture to be Dela by o Uer eutable. NOCSPRAdsdniatratril'e Bak. I D !VILELY DAR, OIL PAINTINGIL EN GRAVINGS, BEDS AND BEDDING, CARPETS, Le. Do Thureday kb:water, At 10 &each, in the woad-story salecroola et the auction time, the enure beneettenfarattue, nil ?slat, fags and env ariegs,beda sad bettOig tine .4.M,c.hta and glsassate, Re ,by ostler et admlalehn. RAI re. moved to the Store tee osatealupee el mac WABLIT" AT PRIVATE aeli. The elegant cotuttry asst and fans, tames a. " Par -1e7," late the rendenee of Indult Puns, dasseswt Ilerrnerly of Dr. Shines, Is ofSered at private eels. Far descriptions may botanist the saetios rums TAXES A. PRIEXAN, AUCTIO2 , II.IeI, 11 NO. 422 IV/MN= BrALICT, aliens ?Orrin_ 011 D-811.1. 01 ROLISZROLD 0:7- W. be 1.. to Warta the Falba *at V. laid our rewnlar weekly plea at 'union. ilTery TIP= Cl= Aotava eu_tos woOIL W B TRENT, where every possible atieattew wrote to oh tain the highest prates for tatty:Ma of thole vlhn war favor as with consignareato ranahatharing scatiosa of their faraitnre to &spoor of, or those &nth:lW; boast keeping and Dot wiablow sates at thetr owe drelllms, an bare their Israltare emusituar RILWOULP TO 017 R SALM ROOM, WHISK TILLY WILL PJWILIZE BE ?TER PRICES IOS TIME WriLWITTILi TZLIN TEST CAW OBTAIN TEAM MIT Or TIM TIME TURN, OZALTiII OA £NT OVUM ilrellOW STOWS LW TU MT!. lE7 Pancras &tor*, at with. coatizaceatt abn test wined thattikeit property will not be uertffest. QT Commissions mots mode:its Qua Um Hind by nny ether Anctzon House in the city. Coettpuotota rryeettellr ediated. 11 BLI al bad hareedsetele eta. the today* ioM. REAL ESTATE ISALE—EIEBEE AZT El, 1114 Thle sole .111 be hell at the Iscluusee ea WI/deadly *teeing, lebroary 3d, st f o'clock, sad will to- Orphans' Court 64.1*--E.tet• et WTI D Destiols. MOE sorsa AND LOT. COUTETT MIMS, TWVITY•YOtB?R WARD. A !aleatory brisk /100le sad lot 01 grastot. Nett We of Chestnut Meet, 17,S feet westward of 2112 04104 ht the Twenty-recall Wad of the ate, 2* feet frame tag CO fed deep to ft.o. 6 e greet. d toeueleed e. h_s4 !AMapt Amok at PU44 ilT#4arll Me W. et the ltzeherege, ea RedoeteLay evesizeg, Fahmary nth, at 7 o'doek, •ta taelads— Orphans' Caul Sala•—LAte now+ Ladder, TWO-STONY MOE BOL - 5.11. L ocLitz& . THIRTON AND ILABILIOTT ?TO. story book bt,oae,aad tot a cassia', assithven maw et Stlierion sad ?Limon strssts, d 9 fast an, Attortiaa street, and 13 hat ea 11.sntott's ♦T PAS - SATZ &11.2. A 146-edua Pristine Cllve, gad num et licsa tettaitintanzieleses,tve Hatilartaad ewe Abuse Type an Ad mrythl Store alobeeitzy tkelltaNdi. Apply at tie 10 elozeeatook North Anenewor. Seemlees nibs Co. Two Drat-rise ifroard-rents, 000 per wwwwm, wed caw of ITS per 'zoom, well eeewrwl Asa pandas:ly peld„ will be sold at YO per cent checoetat. }MOSES NAT NA NS, AUCTIONEER lei AND COMMON xiacaiwr, t 1. waist zxxru and LIMN Swats. AT PRIVATE tiklitr—Gold acid ether ?YANA Wren, Lspine, Regal, &VLSI, and ?neck asechea, Jetralq. of every description, maneitel instrumento, LG.. to. AT PRIVATE PALE—Arrenged ea waned loot, houeetreld fornltare, of every descriptioa, bide. alma trteree, carpetbag, locking glaseee, hazy articles /Le, lee, ie. Oat-door taloa attended to ?treenail? by the Abed= at (Mame 'awry late. Oossigtocerata at Winces tiotbielt, ielreivy. to. to sainted. .110NiT Mend sub advanme made on Manna* estates jewelry, Idler-plots, dry goods,' tag gmeeidea, ,erdwars, critlary, esters, =deal Matra:eats, fend log pieena,fornitare, bedding, borate, reltislea, bad nem, end on all artice.' of tal oa. NOTION —Alt goods forfeited at Nathan.' Kaddish meat, 8. N. corner of Sixth and Bare streeb, will be Fold on Tuesday morning, Id rebroary, at /II e'reregr, asthma depositor' tall prior thereto end pay changes on the same. AT TUNS' 011Yda BALE OF FORFFITID GOODS will tam platy On TatoLay Morning, 24. at 10 o'clockat Moses :Culman' taritios Doves, lootheast corner C lf IN.F:b sail Rue striate It will imbrue the 'largest agaorteneat of lerlittitcl calla tenets Eger °Tared at pail e i tctoa, regalia' lag to part of every variety of tr. ricsis, hue :rich Dom Career shirtlngo, t doe Treach racked contra, anderelegnies, boated*, veils, bead*, karadraioe new eh lila, glares, sect ties, silk, halm, and candela Wale. necktrohlets, spool mites, gibbon,. troche. .Ib, root len, menne, mete craps and stela slants, Wi ped silk•rtlret cloak,. silk-velvet allrts, *levant eith *sasses arid dream pattern*. silk Marta. rich milk and utile men tillage Claque, and cirealars, cloth circulars, tare ...attn.,. sod ehaeila, marts, cashmere, zwrino, to huae.debege, alpaca, French chintz and otter dreamt and dregs patterns, ladies ander eintldecc, ladies' sail children's garters. boots. sad Ones_ victoria's mad e trteti, trarenig trenkt. raperror overstate, Ora and frock coats, Etiolate* casts, raglans, cloth sod cud mere pantaloons, velvet, atm, JAIL iikarly, cloth, other reale, summer clothing, travel's, adereleirts,, linen and 61121 in *torte, toots, slion. dna oak agekirellarc pararglis, several Lee ingrain carpets_ Ina feather bed.. batetere sad patron guilts, conifer:Aire, *prelate, can tatas, blaaketa, , knifes awl forks. lima table clothe, cloth table corers, gntinsa, seecrleoas, tato., and nainerons other article. et clethWg, IC , he WaTCILVS, JEWELRY, sio - WISH, -Ww, he MNPMISIMI=I V" Further rartientars hereafter. AT PRIVATE SALE. AT HALT ME VIRAL BELLIED TWO —Doable-bottomed and hording case gold Went lover trochee, of tis nest op rand wares; heating elm and ern %no polet swipe meat Woe and tepee warthog, tall iseetsi • Sr gold *omelet% levee mei !!pine vetches for /alms' raid Jewelry of every derceiptiese, o th er lever and ng moo r aid watches. to hinting and open toon, Wear Soda. and Tresses eatehaso a raeoral somortameat her aitoro, beds, usattreseee, mireire. Alsc OCTAXKIit SALES SOLICITED, oat Ammo to moll the time., ton. • ConMuseeete cf rem description of pooh scasii..4 inr aN T r or /. rVANC ED en an sod era] Mad of tresto, for pablio or private salt, et to he halo fee • 1.1..it0r Cum. Chores Iry QMLIZIKL NATHAN'S, AUCTIONEER, 4... Y sect ISOMIT LOAM 0/71C1S. Ns. 112 Rom% Wow Ws test, opposite roar it , eight dam balm rise Ezelano Roan of bssioNke boss A. 11, u l4 0 . 4149ek is she sivensg. Ost-doot aloe, seat sales st the /Lactose loss., *-1- t00d.4 spas tS*ll2o,Bi essisfortaa7 trine CAPITAL =wax Ss WA:LI Wpm , iLe 1,41 71. , 4 Toms Adomom asola from can dollar to itoomomta ea DM mood., Myer Plc*, It whoa. Josoloy, HisMias, Yoe etmatiot, Clothis; Prositakro, fisatim, yt. g y gp las trig:mato, (tau, Horses Catnaps, sM eoada rg !tory teser.ptlaa All footts ma mamas my tragta et t.=.o acrd upon aU slaisom. from On* Modred aollan mot aysairU ain is ?Mama 2 per mat. par irmatk i faCal and amt, Ma loam* WOW rate This Moralism* Baling a 4402,0 t 116 Mot, boa lama Bro mot tatot-proof »Alta ta Mari all ealaaa:ao, mkt pat •ate WliktUE9ll tar the samara ; also, a Amoy' Lama ram* elPstoot an As %moat of aft „moot cram &Bombed upon N. B —Os socooot of kavlog ss valloattod otrak, %bit ono. la rowed to mote oiconooa a MVO astir tutor, szd omerauoottatiog to Sue soy attar to Nita ally. Roos, oittaos4 to the poor, to mall onootoU, vlltl oat say slurp. AT .P.ILMITS SALL 43,3k1 Oiosk4itiiii ?Moat Lyra tad mbar 'subs, inqtrivo M ill I* sekt Ms* ! !W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers