The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 27, 1858, Image 4
-,,..-,,z 7. ...g"' - n - L e -f : - : -. 4 lllpitinitj . '-- -'. ':'"•-• ' '-' - ,_ ; . •", •t' , ~....., .. „, .:!.-'4,."44,T el, ' ,'il 1-J" : : , 11.11 - 1M AIIer,A.WBA OHIO' BRANGY:=-AA thiaartlcle ill manufactured from the - PIIIIIIAMOVOI. ,thi,!CitdwbaKirape, cultivated, A%"in b*TUOAT4ll4,:thlnktillkt West,— itpheValpecial - •-Yolalm to ,our 'notice. The - proprietor , griarantlearthin .4 ..;.,ve,,,,d, Op box STRIGpLyeI,I7/R- And,„AIRRIt .. 2 1fROAt a, t - BULIERRATIONovIucb its corroborated br NW ~,, e ,t - A Dr s (10,4-781ataquspector Ihr•Ohlo; Aloe. .e :the ate br,attiVAnalyticataThemiat: DO.•OI4ILTON, of - New York, to which we Inriteattentfon :-...,•, - + ,•. 4 . 41 A1utY,310 - 13111! COPS Pfllttl7i)A . Sll#lA BitipiY. AlAt jeir: P,....,11-tav6i2-- KW-tr,e gw,1141.1 -L. 1..c. , .. ,,- .: , - 0 4#91. 1 ;x 11 37,1 8 f4. kr.s tif-lierebragibfy ,t that , t: harafAhia day.inspacted a 't-'+dfatioVottff Ina OtVoibe'llitaidy fifflifi:-,Vradeti; Vol] , 143 Thirdatfelj t and atter a pareAtiA4ailatisittaN find , , 6 „all,.pwroi, , ,oridghkoVaMiaigalitudeitiltfld.fsee-Srmn fit' ' s.".s3foralgti oe:pideontent:tmtatandesilutd Imam rosiyed• it ~ i•Alli , thilled attioto: - - - ,-- r- ,, , , .. ...,,,-:—.. ~,,,,:, :0,--. tvAlYgrolgsrl 4 ';.° ,7`: 5 =_, RIM* 09 . 4 ji.i). ~....N., , ,,,. .:-., ~, , a...6 ...- -4, , . - C bbrw,:roor, luly.RS, AUL cf. , ,,a3Atartaanalgatal 'io , botilw of- Lybdts ' , Pure -Catawba Bitli, f pfhlishO tiflff.X4,l44 0,1 i r*,t : tepicpirt 14'4t,414.14"4-e!li444o:; only the '‘o,4BTw ,,. ißrliPlqiistW-PUrewt , The`•PthPet: 2 •-,-• ~ t tioSSllKAOhotobtatad - fiem 4 qt ia47 4al• Witt •;I be . CA WO thli itilit . lihidlOiailffiliaAjilikAt j Otile-Ya , 'tfrii,"l:ll4lo4/o•4o . koliAite'emaitiC,4lfir.. , - 1 ~ ,,d,;(3ltroadf',L.,aaf,TA:t3, „ ll . ; 011,1.LT.0f.4151 D 4 Ohemfat. '`. 3 - - altrrldielintoalgureraetalybrVa 4 tatawbaißrand,t bait - ..0.,1106 rlealtaddlias longs biew - I needed , to aupereedo the ---xisaisoneacearOottadauld. under -the name of - Brands As a beoprego, the pure article , Is altWtheiterporior, 4 tandlitiloaarailni- aufathreedyfra , Djiliegal ii irlatuleacY, 1 Low Sratitia;lAngtuirSGeberat Debility; Ec.-, &a- 2 , , „.,, Also, -,ZIRIRLBY9fiti , 43TILR , AND SPARKLING , , ..-:AtCIIII.IIIPACINK:..Thare Wales are:made 13-'the , neigh; , borhood. of Ctuctnnati , „taud , are.Vtiadrastled to: lid the • Pure Jnics'or the Jaram - and.stre ear rently calculated' ,arfAir 'avail& I and rpersottawhezequirOf it:giathistidau,, taut, and for Sacramental /mono. ..' ~ .4 ~,,-,' I) , 2,o,i,it.dimeolittla."parebbffleA , llbiii - al dieconnt made •to the trade. Dealere 4111; iilealw OM their' .vorderalOr•tha, wade lagerAe , 0 -for the , ' State , or Pearl+ , ,„ B yl iiv ,o4 V,' :.1 I 04 f 1 I - j'ikritAZAtilti Ai CO., ''''' -_,...k . .,.!: ,,, art, , ,ir ~- •- -, '._.., ..-Wholesale Drugging. i tf..µ Apjalfor ' , .1 1,, V ~, ,•••: - , ••Nd 608 ILARKIPP-Street ' ' ,F,d EMEDX.-LIVIL% Vestsld ANTf-tii'SPEPtiOLLATA, 441 ‘045 , ,;D3gd isle now plepared Ylikt TP. I , -; PFe'Rts Bo F B . 4 i Pier ~, , ,Radpary" akirkine . 7 year :nay,,iftat #n ;the' nat., liar/og eontraetnit n severe attack paia indeetil to try year Elixir Ilea. Ann - bottlu,i o il 'lathe tlnie itannnfabta were 'Unlimited, y,„:; ana:rieritetlf,:bee *inn Bniae.irrete,beB Ifeelinge o eiltanation,, faintness, became again heart • y , t gio4 I . 4lly4gura • 11 ttt i Vr arl'A tit " Vilil 0 Anti 8 :t.!..E( -01 FREDERICK BROWN,: ~ - '-`O/fRitIISDAND DRITIMIST, N. E. CORNEWEIRTIC •AND'ORNSTN I,T i . • §TI!EETS, ~.• ;Painantit.fttre, - - • , •trurrinfaiaturer• of iSHOWN'I3 , ESSENOR Or le, • .M.A106. GINGER. whith Is rt 'km/raised .and',preicrined m....bythekledicar Taculti. , and lien beatimii theatandard. ,ivallamlly-Illedlelac of- the Milted States. • • -• • tett reinhdy gutted td the eixtrenien 'of , heat and cold, end at alltintek.betieffelal 'when gentle ionic and Ile stimulating property being Indeplindentef aleoholle power, its effect dituas it:frequent remedy : need never do dieaded. - While It 4 , tetzengthan'ts arstrefresheathedebilitated in the summer - swill's:Jon) ft hi hot Liege potent during the incletanney of winter,'"4l trarmintwith 'its - healthy tante iprrnciple, It tc and enabling the system to resist thelnillieneeo of in -, eipient dioenses which lurk in a changing climate. No withotitit) and travellers on long journeys ) or by seaiit will be feund iaminable. t.sli.nUanttow: Persona destrlnfarearticid that can be re lied upon, prepared solely - front pure ..Tetnalta Clinger, should be particular to ask for BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAIOEGINGERjhfCh is •warranted telni what it is feyirosentad, and is "prepared-only by IirREDERIPE BROWN, end forsale at his Deng and Chemical. Store, E: corner:of-TUT:EI and OILESTNIITStreetsr, ; -• Pbila 'for aide by all reaped/kW° Druggists;hi the 'dul l- '..teddtatsis. •- - • -' fApOultelwarcAl.," cOokid y_ I,afle.l3l ' 3Ett origin cure for. iikispepsts, whotlier ,--‘,6,ento or ,Ohronie, :now ,in 111,0 , ;- 4%11mi , , as s powerful I„ , gicongthener for,weak lungs and goner sajlebility, it has :,4 a no equal. Itecorompluiedbiall the eminent Physicians , e •kijon,ouly,tl,2s,per bottte,orslo4oper dozen,: . & gatITH, • eorperBF,ooND and GREEN Streets, , Solq Agents:or - the United Mites: Job iuttii rcE,,!:',Er: BRYSPNWOOOLAND,JOBJ , , pliateilhhay:o4slll3,- 2 north, SIXTIf S treet / drat ~.4 . Ve hteriet, Ph 414,010416.. ~I,Blinlce, „Cade . , :Bill. inuli; Piifiaphleta, int:L.6B,l'6U! I eintiak ettended;to ~03hAing attenami,Va 4., coneeegoe . frith, printed heed "'i ?4 8, ! 5 / 7 . 4 / 1 4‘,ilii,E4e0Pta.,_!. - - ,-, ..—r --r ;; ~';'ll2-if . .., Bir,.,vit Nse- - I rM lO --- 1 1 11 T:1qb u , ON . i per:floilt.: :- %o.w di I -0, 1tt i t1r,,7„,•,..,, , ,,.....-„ v -itio.. ---, : : I'l6 th-• B '* 00 .4. 4 - P..•::' - - .11 07 — ,'," tmec e0....1 ii, l / 4T at , AI , ~..1 -,', - ,,yiill.° , ..• . 1 cot. ri11...6. g .... toicw ;FA : - fr.n.i+4 , 441-43tPlaes..4 . , ~.. . j? ni i.: biii7,7o,ol:llVlMMT`b.elioVbeittautf (PEENS:AND ' INRBNrARRTILIZER COMPANY 4 „ 7 iis pi;* . ptepk*l. to receive Driers for , this important manure_ Yor all lands uponWhiehaellesata beneficial, the Atari .te Mere than aenbetitute.- • 4 4 . 49feSSoritlimk, in hle,mnsual:reinit.tojthe -- tare of New lersey,,sayp:, , i The vatuc. of tliese`Marlh to best seen in tho.,rinentk .highly cultivated district. ,„which ea been improved, aloha) ~reado, by their use ; '' - hilth'iney,bianterestingto iraairthe a theamutesOf their groat'daine fu. Alsicultore, to_corapare them'arith other fehilirers, '.Yor„.execople The potash elope Mey. be taken at, an Ograge et _flee percents of the whole Marly a_ bushel - when,dry:avoighing A eighty, Yentidhtiga KI AP PrePertienalentiOn - ed enuldconthin' c ,fatirpomide 0f,..n0 twit ; -this is ;madras; much as there to a bushel' of unleashed_ Wooxasheß." Paid agaip,- .1( ait IS 'probable that the great Vane of the, Marl let° be. ro 'und in the fact that -it contains nearly all the sub , dances itecessitry to „make up the a ash a of our common miltiiatedplants. , - , I Pride, `delivered on board a yessel, at the wharvei of c ...thesonipany at _Portland heights, on Raritan Ray, New 1 0;_ereey, across cents per bushal:, For further„particu lin,s, boo cirmit, twat ~ free. of postage. Orders for other fertilizers trillrecelite prompt attention. Address either of the anderaigned.,, „ „ - ' CHARLES nem, President, Riceyille.Post Otßee, New Jersey.. , ~,TAP Pal TOIVIISERrit Tfeeserer, t.' "No. - 8.5 Nassau street, New Toth, _ 43SORTS, W. ATW9OD i fiecretary, fin t .ll3 Cedar street, bile* York: • . . N. :13.—ThOse - wishing-Ilitil for ppring nee should &del immahately, to secure its early shipment, Orders be filled in rotation. t a pct 2e.em - 1113SITADIPPlittC . tX.Pt-.,!r011113141X— IV: cox, Alf/Wand -CILESNUT 80. & NON, thatiltful-for' s the liberalpa- Gxc ; trottaga "heietirfere, acieided- toaatidF--Ratsb/lehment, .sad merit itemmtinuance, ,Woold-anneurmo to Printare end, rabilahemibatlitaitl ram 13PROIXEN BOOK. is uow.ready, ape tram their increased reinitiate, ' furniWereri a thing necessary In a Complete printing ,Salablieliinps . t, at atkaa4ortest no 'Ns -.The bin - Ca en, ce in the tininess `''':id'the - facq '" P i their, pawns super ntendenee of the ~,,,,, m atittikee t uring dop i est:neat, jastillesithean is asserting tthdurable ' 1 7, 4 rThbee`,„' who ; desire - Printini a mAterills, " Wdfild"do sm Piasters, *purchasing elsewhere.;, , . • . Old type taken' at Van* pafifinad.,, d s azaltaaz:e' for ttetrls m *!t t VY,ef 4 Fl 6 fYttees, - • - _ .44-tf :.3 ~ t z t PHOTOORAPtir ROOMS, corner gliy4NTg, and-OaIiSTNUT etreota —All thn.varyitia ot' portraiture. !mown in the:Photo grandticart are produced it tills astnbliattinont. -A new I juskinteoAti.e . ,e4l,gurpassies .the fittest -- lairditurCenti Wary, *ening all others in pohot ne, like -and delicacy of coloring, with most wonderful 42 i iteroweivia effect The 'public Are invitad to call and this new style of twintature. - :4_1418 AA7ONDERS OF THE : , ,'AS.G,g- I :LTGIIT, •v. v :FOIL ALL.-1): P. PET,EttiP,:Patent Noti r pt . !Mon Sett-Oimerating OAS LAIIPBI* just the "thin Ault all.- Price glgo ; ,sithmy hate tope ight by calling at - the tepot: ' ' "Thivetempis adapted to all plates and parpoeei, and only requires a trial to tent - Its advantages 'over all otfters: ne - Limp forme its own gas: Our 'Patent r can he - fitted to every ordinary Fluid - lamp, with little expense', Without' th'e r least possible danger. All arp invited' to ball and' examine for ;themselves. Toivii7Couoty, and State rights for Salo. The ')ir_oprietor is in Want of Agents; giving a me thinee,to mato money . .. • D. P;TETEIIii, rAtmliD.Pot, ft r;Or.'gerxind and Chestnut sts.,Philad. -A ROEIBle; IvARXR,,.MJSC.EY, - 8i - ..09 7 , •,. ~'-' - iv- ~'.. -- - . i fscikadirrassa. or. '':' ft ASALIEIia; PErit9 e . 9 0 7 .8 114 , 8 11 . £1 1 , , 4 -and all ki t:V . 4o'M Thar, i'741441 X .11,4 .. ' 14° 81 A Roarft, wARN.EIt, a 00 ., m __,... z „No - TO' 8110XDWAY,, Ng W. it. .. ',""': 7- Errr- - )3 1 1imibg# fii.cod, with, Gaa Pipes, and all kinds of - luitliiit Stid ropairing of Rao -Work. „ . ~ .del2. am. _ , STABLE ;IcktpEns; .t,C4OK .kei sour Interests, and patio - ate BESICEIVE. LAM RACITORY. DV Eolith EIGLITIL street, belOw Chestnut. ,a,PrOVOUR tttbinopening nresponsible feetory, - you were ..-ebargedsl.l3-lor work, which be Is now doh:qr.-Inas War.' rintlutmannenfrom 00 $lO Support burn, oryou will -kneeftle, mmo charger; to pg. . •- - - , - , VLDMBING AND GAS-FITTING. - • JIL -- W. - W. RENNEII I No: 143 North srxru Street; above' nAcm, - OPPOSITE-ODD PELLOWB GALL, prepared `to attend fo PLUMBING and GAB. dEITTING In'all radoan branches. ' 4lie force of egherience - d wrirklnen, now engaged in firs , ostabllshtnent,- will Onahliii tarn to•gire his nmnerous and the 'lraq, generally, prompt atto alba at notteti. `,, " ja2s-thuu ',C4I;TA AfirP,'GbA§S; • . = DINA.FJA - WARI . I. • TEA A.ATI) ~Toth..4. s.Ers, GOLD-RAND,, AND DICORATID FRENC.II OD, BOEFEVIANII4B£IFiIItE tI ' ..NANCY ATITIOVES, rat, BE' flOtD, /yeTais 1.1)W8ST: PI(16118, S AT ./.4/ EN. WITTBII, lIALL„II3:OIttfiTNI7I! ...!,; ' ,,fii::l3,46da 442 . '4 to parties at reasonable terms, r * Tirial,, - air dorfa.aer seed, {linger R ;l t 'dow" Ass Theet, -& Duffro • 1 1'4°1 °I1" Wlnd• Who market, - Woare now Ina e ; superior -Cr any i n the 011189 1/194 , ! . 4t. iiiickitities , to suit it:t SMIRK 092417416ClatiVhil to , jai& as (inn BOXES OR AMERICAN , WlN turutur- DOW ettiAwf, ()Tam Maas adiEgnalitiik for sale at lthiSat prices, r- 011-faisOrtmint is' cotoplate, and' Are daily recelvlak fresh I'o4 fidnithic He rfolngton:ONge wcitut 7 Shasta kllaftrs malts 2 Enverfoito fIPY In jho Tliarket eqaal to Proneh iiB6 , nerkirrooivlnglivo`-thirderof , - V ut Glogo'ne at these Workli, i . .. 4 .7 - Vn 2,00 haxedlfakoblilMrrof.alt sizes,- 4,000 feet_Reagh Main for okyughts. "",• Y 06,406 Eatitlograiiileand'Enditialled Ghia, of all pat; White lead, French - and&c • , sw.j.i•Agefolnlina Vote - Um, 1 , 13.4 AVM 'IR twlegao lbeateerleakZinel , - • , Chrome Green, AM' supply. frappir , ‘ 01.4.„.-lEkenealoarßlua a toll < et ir , all'arla Orson f lu -'-' Address your orders to ' Pro bau.s. FerkilLlß-&`l334.T.Tni Wholesale Druggisto and Itanuraethierip, - Bole ProprieNrit`Orthe Nati: steam Oolor Winks rtnar,,' itu.WV6ornin. gliVANtriukplit_Mw • ' ^ if - - ROY.g.—Buyere.are inviter' to call ILP and examine our Idauliallati Itora, - iihich;*o'64 ar; * .reaFtitreaelliklidtisf , ao ittheritirr,Jr!trraut,)t . a unrier . tu treagth end durability. ' - - • X 3 wOLVE't, virldelt •oe., 110 Ma, 78 N, Weer et, cad ZiM, Tarr*. alffiatirr - V3WlZACr..f , Merteardldeflrtote , A , ... ), ; ,:.Ft PgalitWit% ail vi'T .011:ftiC00 , • =Between - 1 . 11.0.31A8 ,E , SSLITH,• Corriplainant, and 00MHEROIAT,BANE OP NEW JERSEY, Perth Amboy, Dafendants...Onbill, kof, Upon opening -they matter to the (jourt by Oliver 'B. Related . Solicitor-fslb and. of counsel with cam .plainapt la the above Canso, - , • ' _,,,•.Thte ordered:that the creditors of the seld the Presi dent and Directors or the. Commercial Bank of New' Jersey dorpresenV bithe,Recetvers appointed In this Cease. and prove before:them, tinder; oath or; affirms • Con, or otherwise, as the said Reogivers shall direct, to .tae- Satisfaction , of , the . Receivers L, their.. several elahrisAnd demands against the said Couipany, within _throe morithafrom the date. of , this order, or that they hte, l 4riudedlrent.thP. henefft, of , _suith: diridende es may thereafter be ;Oda and deelered.bYthie CP110,4612 the `proe'eedit ofthe:effects U4'l4 eorperetto#;. and-for the Botha. itheartiilninif the cieditiare of - salt corporation, and what IS duct tathem,rospeotivoly, the said creditors are to tieex said Titecelyers" ehpt.direetordtdday dsini necessary and expedient, and - Produce _hooka end papers before tho said , Receivers 011 oath or affirmation,• which oath or etormatiOn the eahl 'Receivers are hereby authorized to administer,' as' well se to examine, under foath or affirmation, rgt, such witnesele en Audi be pro ' doted before theni touching the denuolda Or. laid oredi• —,,A04 3 I, furthep ' tha said ffeeelveirs' do 1 cratag PV o Per'Orirtiee moan to; be published io at least ''elk newepapereptildisited In this State, and such news- I T:rogpub : libelaat oitier: of New YLrkendlhila eieNtt 4pstlL c ?lll l l9"anlad,biefortie creditors :of OCri:4olto,comoin before thenk ani'proxi tbet;;Olahila . nankrdenande as in this order directed I arid.',that with' publication be made within Went( daYki'frdiu the Anti lamed. lied be continued is ouch yeller)) ns aferesaill CO the apace of three monqui t 1:•444 lanno l , 50;4 •. , , • - " - , wifue - msoN, 0. 2C - iti,..L•rict,ioluit'Aco theforegoing order, Oredliors 'inn/ forilltd the r 'etaims 'to' Robert S. Green, Esq., -Elizabeth, New Jersey, or Oliter S. Halsted, Jr:, `New ark, Nevi Jesey;ltatelvers, ,ja24.3m 1114' ThE' tISTRIOT COURT OF THE .._MNITED STATES in and for the Eastern District of •panneylvania,, - • • - - Th 0,14 ltedltates:vir:, - Throe MPCS of , ' - The `underdigmed, to whom it woe referred to report distribution of the fend In the regiatty of said Court,- the-appraised valuer of said merchandise, drill the parties interested fik said fund at the office of :the i'llerk - of sass Ciiart, xo. , NA sou th' FU-Tll 'street, on FRIDAY,-the fifth day of Fabruary next. at 4 o'clock P. M. CHAS: P. HEAZTATT, - ja23•4Bt - Commissioner.. IINI THE, DISTRICT-COURT 'OF THE .1. - AINITED STATES id and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. , Verighart tr. Fisher vs. Dergue " .-Thf) undersigned, to whom wag referred to' report die tributiOn of the fund hi Court, being proteeds, of the sale of said> barnde; ineet all partleti interested in sald fund at the office of the Clerk of Said Court,' No. 104 South FIFTH etreet, on MONDAY, the eighth day of February nett; ` at 4'WeloolrP. li. • ,OHABDES V: HEAZLITT, Ja23.40t . • - • - • Commissioner. TN 'THE COURT OF COMMON'PLEAS 2 NOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PITILADEL ID the snatiefalheEstatell HEOPAR W. BMW, . , . • • • • " The Anditoilnpartited by the Ceart tip audit eettle, and adjust the, account of the committee of the said lunatic, and to Teport - dietribution of the cash balance, and other property in the bends or the committee, will bidet the'parties 'interested it his Oblee, .M the routheast corner of MOUTH and LOCUST streets, on TUSSDAY , ASTERSVON January 26, at 4 o'clock. bAIYIEL, DOLiOHERET, jab-Want . , . Auditor. ILTHE. OREELA.NS'.COURT F,OR THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA.— In the matter or the Account of 'JOHN MILLER, Guardian, In account with the Minor Children of ABEL M. JAMES, deceased.: •. The Auditor appointed by the comet to and;t, settle, and adjust the account-of John Miller, as .0 uardian of the Minor Children of ADEL M. JAMES, - deceased, and to.seport distribution of the' balance, will enter open this discharge of his Wiwi on WEDNESDAY, the third day of February, 1855, at 4'o'clock P. at hie office, No. 231 South SIXTH Street. Philadelphia. ja22-fmtvst/ P. SHEPPARD, Auditor IT TERS, OF ADMINISTRATION A having been taken out by the undersigned in the -matter of the estate of GEORG'S ISCH.N.EOK, sr., de ceased, all persona haring claims against said estate, and those indebted thereto, will call for settlement on B. FRANKLIN JACKSONi. f •2 MU 11. ANT street, Adm , r ,,. or B. W-.• TRINKLB, Jawaew - TRIED end DOCK. ', WHEREAS ; LETTERS TESTAMENT ARY to the estate of ANN L.'DORRIB, late of this city, deceased, have this - day been granted to the subscriber; - all persons indebted thereto are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them forthwith to • N 0.1218 GREEN street and RIDGE AVENUE. August 8, 1857. • jal3-103w* ESTATE - Or, 'JOHN ;A., GOODMAN, deceased.—Notice Is herebygiven, that the Widow of said decedent kM presented to the Orphans' Court aninventory and appraisement of theproperty she has elected to retain under the set of April 14th, 1851, and unless exceptloas thereto be filed before February sth, 1858, the. acme will. be allowed and approved .by the Court. 050.11 EARLE, ~•jel.4•swlt*. Attorney for Widow. 11Eritultural lmillentento. CIARDEN SEEDS:—Fresh and ~genuine AA Garden Scotia, of every variety ; a cotnplote ntock always unhand, Dealers supplied on the moat liberal terms. ' ' ' BOAS, SPANGLER, kgo Jal4-y.. 627'ilkAILET ateeet, below Seventh. tilf26-14ING'S , HAT, STRAW, AND FOD , ,DER CUTTEI3.B.—We are -solwinalantanturere o thuntnineaunrivalled Rap, Straw, and Fodder ("littera which are"gnarantled , annerfor to any In the market. 808 SPAtitiLER, & CO.. .Jal4.-y 827 MARKET etreet, below Seventh. AGRICULTURAL _'IMPLEMENTS OF t eary variety, the moat _complete, stook in the city', embraeing ;Corn Shasta, 'Grain ram florae Powers', Steamere, Straw ' Yodd,r ()utters, Root Cutters, flortleoltural Toole of all kinds, Seeds for field and harden, guano, Super , Phosphate of Lime, ho., villeins:tie and retail: • '• ' " ' BOAS. SPAM:WEE, &- CO., jel4-y 627 ISIAIt/LET street,below Seventh exlirees, MOritiMiliCl3. rithE ADAMS EXPRESS - CO., OFFICE, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES," SIERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES. en d SPECIE, either by Its own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS CIESIPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS and CITIES of the United Staten. Z. 'B. SANDFORD, General Superintendent Olcomitnoion illettljante. , HANDir;:ii ; . BRENNEIf-COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealer' in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE' and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, Wand 27 North FIFTH Street, East Bide above Commerce street, Philadelphia.-'; tol-tf CHARLES ‘ PETE, COMMISSION' MEN 011 ANT 'lmparter of HAVANA lINGA)I9 (New) 138 Welnnt syeet, second stery.- ecap Ittib Ctinblis QOAF AND CANDLES. , IiENOVAL -from 187 SOUTH FOIIRTIT STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be trn Lombard- and South, and Front and Second at eta: , hankful to My numerous Tr` emits for their past favors, I solicit a continuance of the eamo, having enlarged my manufactory so as to enable-rie to have constantly- on hand a Tarte stook of well-seasoned Soaps, free from Fish Oil; Palm, Variegated White Honey, Castile ' and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pure material, Settled -Pale, and Brown Soap, English Sal. Soda and Poarl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candles of all 'ekes constantly on band. Having adopted-the cash systtm, I. am enabled to sell my goods atthe lowest prices. • " P. CONWAY.: Philadelphia. N. R.—Cash paid for Tallow and Grease. - no 14-6 m 7 "ijitadare. QASEA.CITY NAILS,, • • -.AtEreonANT . . RIVET-IRON, Manufactured at 'FOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden "Water Works. ' WAREHOUSE, 103 North, WATER Street. QUAKER DITX:NA-118 are warranted equal to any ocSett JOHN HAIEEHAN, Agent. riIIIORILS. EL BASTER.,----HARDWARE ;1: - OUTLEBY AND TOOLS, No, 919 BARNET BT 'NITA I.llrth. 44:ntill side. Phibuielplds au 1-6 m pacts anb filjace. BOOTS AND' SHOES.—The subscriber JUB has on hand a lirgi and sailed stock of BOOTS and 8110.0, which be will sell at the lowest Twines. - • OEO. W. TAYLOR, no2l-11 8. E. corner FIFTH and MARKET Sta. QPRING STOOK OF BOOTS AND SHOES TROMPBON & OD. Ito. 814 MAR= 'KET'Btioet, and Noe. 8 and FRANKLIN FLACK, have new in store a 'ergs and wittl•aaaortad Mock of BOOTS and ISIIOXS, of 'City WI Ratite= tenunfieture, Which they offer" for sale on the befit terme for Oach, or on tie usual credit. , 'Wyatt' are invited to call and examine their stook. atilAtt ' • ifttxttiturt. Ii: . .I.ITE ":81. - co . •: • Rtn,3ll4rnmE, BBDirmo, ao. ,•, • , : Na. 413,(15te /29) WALNUT at. , , . . Philadelphia. A new and gape or ety aof Opting Bede. LYDIA B. , Kith ., , josgm WAITON • anal 6to ~ , , . • gate, Gaps, &7.0 SULLENDER _& PASCAL, NATTERS, ata.em • No. 88. BUM. *treat. KlLN&!pills ebitrational. 1.3. SNI:DER LEIDY.. JAMES hi. LEIDY TO PASS LEISURE HOURS WITU PROFIT, • LEIDY BROTHERS' BUSINESS AOADEMY, Noe. 1.18 and 15Q AIXTH Strect,Boar RACE, Hui Ilroi elitfibliohed INSTITUTION in We city for • n hops,rting exclusively HUdINESS KNOWLEDGE . , viz: , 'URI/ANT= A RITTIET 10, WRITING AND '• • HOOK•liiiiiiii4K • • ACADEMY OPEN DAY AND EVENINGI, Especial attention glean to ja.l9-Iw . :' • ORNAMENTAL wityptcra,. HAIJIIi OF ST. JAMES TOE LF 4 SS, _ NEAR FALLS OF 13011IITLEILL, - • Puitangt.Pitie: 7 , ) • - FAMILY' BOARDINO EOHOOL FOR' BOYS. Thht Institution le designs:candor the auspices of the Ohureh, td s limited number of boys a thorough, c'Sitegiate education. or to prepare them for any class of college they they wish to enter. . Reference The Rt.,Roy, ALONZO POTTER. , For partiOnlare, addreeef " 114. piratriEy TrAdAIOND, Rector, or 119 , 48,011,,, . ANGELE, Principa. PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PHILANELPEILi. No igimlnary Whatever to more like a pirate family, The course of WO le oatenalye and thorough. Pro. Meant Salmulere will recel 4 re a few more purls Tinder fourteen.yeare of age, Into, hie family. Enquire of Ueeero. 7. S, Sitter and Mathew Newkirk, or 001. J. W. Bdrney, Editor of this Paper, whose none or wards are now toemherd of hie family, septle-tf US, IA AND AMERICAN f.9. 7 1i Ell 1-10 OtiNAGEI.--a surroridr' article mantaboturt Vitt for rale by WEAVER, PITLE II - vmr f.-if • No 44 (J. Water N, WharTria USSIA 'MATS. T =SOOI dozen RUS 'IA, k*Al3,, ° 9int WlC7ffr vr°,;. , laaijkto„' No, ortiWt.Eaatreet, n422iortilyharre THE - -PRESg.--PHIApELPHIA, 'AVEDNESDAY, JANUAItY 27, 188. 4otete anb liestaurante. , , pORREST 110IISEi- r.. South side of Anon irtilimilvaAns. • , H. I. 11A.1q, ?BpP,AIRT9II. :.41N14.11.8 froin t 0 .8.. .(toil Bill of Fare. iderehante and others wilt Ond everything of the beat quality. Haven Say Orders received by eVery .Norfolk steamer. , ' •• ja2o.3tn MERbIIAITVW. HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH 81717115 T . , . . Asora tdizo v, • PHILAMILPIIIA . , sia-t-u, • - MONIBBIN & BONS, FliClPatito2ll J ° ITQ S H - 7T. ) 8 :R.;/"iT'BAL'.O6I,IB; 127. an¢ 729 ARC* SIRE ST , HOLIDAYS I". HOLIDAYS ! The Holidays are elm at band; and Tones's Arab street Saloon is prepared - for the Immense demand that will be made-upon It for coargaircoas. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEADIE DANDIES , 114fORTICO InraIiSSLY'VAVTBM 4RitteRRT EINABOR! . . Every variety of Don Boas, Pantiles, Bourbon Drops, pert style of Gum Drops, Eau Snore Drops, Vabgliterre Bon Doos,..and every variety rare and costly candles manufactured in Faris. For Freseate, 8J) klitos and Fr:range of `Ornam ental poxes, Pyramids,. Eibbou Ties filled with the choicest variety'of OenfectiOno, and varying In price from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollars. Some of these Dozes are the 11000 etipee epßoilie2O3'ol. i , ,UtOr WORK Pill Art'llette ,DoBlos 50111 QYFIRIOi fa THIS OOVNYBY. To the Ladies, as well as, to the whole publio, Jones's Eteloone are the most .attraotire In the Gity, and In Wender of adorwnent and finish era superior to any in the Linton DRiAiFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, Served up in the ottoicost and most expoditious skslo. F R UIT OF ALL KINDS, IOE, CREAMS, INLVIES, 'GAME AND OYSTERS, • COnstAntly,rostly for visitors In profusion. ' PLAIN, FANCY , AND ORNAMENTAL CAKES AND Tas OF _EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA BISCUIT, • And, in feet, all the VARIETINO, LUXURIES, and DELIOAODS of, prery clime and country.' BALLS, TRIVATIC PARTIES, presentation Suppers, and /amities supplied at' the shortest notice and on reasonable terms, , A continuance of the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed by the public is respectfully solicited. ' de&tf • . it. B ZONES, Proprietor. "' '" ' G SEVENTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. TUE LARDER contains, in part, Causes-back Ducks, lied,head Dram, Chedapeake Bay Terrapins, taken from fishing , bosta,) Jersey Grouse, Prairie (Rome, Pheasants, Partridges, Venison, Capone , Balti more and Norfolk Oysters, ,ke. . . TILE DINING-ROOMS and PARLORS of this es tablishment will compare favorably with any hones of the kind in the States. - By en arrangement and con nection with ,4 Guy's Monument llonse,” Baltimore, and one of the finest houses in New York, It is enabled to furnish delicacies from Northern or Southe - n markets at short notice. Private Parlors for Parties, and Chambers to let. , , • jala-finwat nAMPBELL'S lIESTKURANT.—VENI- V SON, Wild Ducks; Turkeys, Geese, Grouse, Fresh Salmon, Chlncatique, Opine.%'qua, Princess Say, Abse com, and Cove Oysters, with every variety of GAMS, wild-. or. domestic, in season. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers Served up at the shortest notice,' at 4OGN OAMPPIELL'B, No. 627 CIIESTNUT street, op posite the State House. • N.B. No expense or pains has been spared by the Proprietor in fitting up tins new eatabliehinent in the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, Suppers, &u. B_7 - Entrance for Ladle!, towards Sixth street. nov7-301 ItIeGOWAN?S RESTAURANT, SOUTH welt corner of BROAD and WALNIIT.--Game and all other delicacies he 111918011. Families I:applied with Oysterson the shortest notice. sep7-7m Wino anb Ximiaro. BRANDIES.-" Pinet Castillon," Marett, and other Cognacs of various vintages, In half pipes and quarter casks ; l'ellevolein Rochelle Brandies, pate and dark, in half pipes, half mks, and one•alghth casks. Imported and for sale by HENRY Bormn & 00 , oda ' 221 and 228 South Fourth street. ALEXA.NDED V. HOLMES, WINE AND LIQUOR STORFL No. 229, Southeast Oorner of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. and-1y CI I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN PINE, WIRES, LIQUORS, ODIA/I£l, &0., South FIRTH Street, Philadelphia. aul•ly BRANDEF.S.—Finot, Coatißon & Go., Ma- Tett & 00., and other brands of Cognacs of Tarim; vintages, In half Opals and quarter casksPellevolsin ochelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter cooks and ono-elgktb casks, all In Custom Rouse stores, Imported and for sae by TERIMY BOHLEN & 00., au 6 - Hoe. 221 and 229 South Fonda street. DITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER DEER BREWERY, No. 620 (neir N 0.938) North THIRD Street, Phtladelphla.--Bhlpping orders promptly attended to. as .M 'lobar° anti Eigaro. ITAVANA CIGARS—A handsome s I ort -11 meat, such as Figaro, as, . . Portagam, Cabon Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Ooloso, Converolontes, Torrey Lopes, Union Atnorloons, Orejou, Plora Cubans, &0., &0., &0., In ..ti ' 3(,1.8 and 1-10 zee, of all sizes and quall. tiee, in stem and constantly receiving, and for eale low, by • OUARLEB TATS, (new) 138 WALNUT fitreet, aul-ly below Second, second atory 'VICAR°, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS BEGMI3.—A choice Invoice of these celebrated brande op board brig "New Bra," daily expected from Mean% and for sale low, by 011ARLRS (New) 188 Walnut street, below Second, and Second Story. Itlertbant Tailors. JOHN P. DOHERTY, • TOMMY WISH KELLY & BROTHiI, LATE WITH LUKENS, KELLY, & CO., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Has now with him the boat Tailors that are engaged in the bushman in this country. °KAHLES Born,' formerly the. leading tailor of this city ; - 1.1. KATSBU, formerly cutter for 0. Roth & Co., and late Coat and VeSt cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co. LIZEHT WAGNER, the. bee Ponta and Vest cutter in the United Slates, for years cutter with Depierrie, under the Irving House, Broadway, and with Deplerris & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas .Hotel, Broadway. ' The most unremitting Went! Jai paid to the wishes of all who patronize .`.he establlshrsent. 'The beat of Olothee made at moderato prices for credit, loto prices joy cosh.. oel3-tf TAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Hoc 10 Asidll3 South NI STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and well selected stock of OLOTEU3 and 'OASSIMEREBAIways on band. All Clothing made at this Establishment will be of the beet quality, and in the moat fashionable style. Particular attention given , to UNIFORM CLOTH ING.. and-tf SHAE PE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 148 North FOURTH Street, botreees &rob and Baas. 4nB-1,7 %Moments at raw. DANIEL DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Southeast Corner of ICIGHTH and LO CUST Streets, Philadelphia. attl.l7 YER STRO USE, ATTORNEY AT , LIS- LAW, CENTRE street, retterrille, Pa. an 4-7.7 ®ASS'" EAST INDI 'YALE ALE.- The consumers of tide celebrated beverage need no description of its qualltiee, or evidence of its excellence, beyond the benefit they have derived from its use since its introduotton Into thin country ,• to those whd have not yet made an acquaintance with thin DROWNING Malt Liquor, it may to well to state a (ow facts : lIABS , B EAST INDIA PALE ALE Owes its excellence m a beverage to the superior quality of the hops and malt, the mineral properties of the river water immediately communicating with the brewery, and the scientific skill applied in its manufacture. . . BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Not being sweetened or strengthened to please vitiated palates, le, therefore, neither heating nor heady, but stomachic and appetising: BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is the delight and solace of the Indian Subaltern In hie fuming bungalow—the worthy rival of brandy pawn". . . . . . PAWS EAST INDIA PALE ALE Ie the drink without which no tiffin can be complete— no journey by dawk posaible. - - lAMB EAST INDIA PALE ALE Ie the favorite drink in Eng:and of lord and bagman dnehese and flume. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE AIM Is the much-admired tonic for invalids and percent o weak Interiors. DAMPS EAST INDIA PALE AIM Will keep In all climates; and le good at all meals—lua eheonj dinner, or supper. BASS'S EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is pronounced by' the medical faculty one of the most icholesqxpe - buyerages that can be taken, and is found to be not leksbgreeable to the palate than it Is beneficial to the health. DASSPS EAST INDIA PALE ALE Is universally conceded to be unrivalled in excellence by any other imported into the United Staten. Donley' and consumers will find it their interest to give thin Ale a preference. For sale in cask and bottle by THOMAS MoIdULLEN, • Agent and Consignee, 44 BRAVER flt., N. y, On sale at Delmonico'a, William at., corner of Beaver, and Chambers corner of Broadway. sotherland'e, 18 Pine street, Berry's, 10 Pine street. Richardson & Ilayter, 120 Water et. ' George F. Burgess, 483 Broadway. N. B. Gosling, 337 Broadway. no2-8m 91 KINGSFORD & SON'S PURE •'O9WEGO STARCH for the laundry) hos ettab limbed a greater celebrity than ban ever been obtained by any other Starch, This has been the result of its marked superiority in qiudity, and its invariable uniformity. The public may be assured of the continuance of the high standard now established. prodnetion Is over 20 tons daily, and the demand hex extended throughout the whole United States, and to foreign countries. Working thus en avail large scale, and under a rigid eystem;they are able io Impure a perfect uniformity in the quality throughout the fear. This Is the great de. eideratum In starch-waking, and le realized now for the drat time. The very bent Starch that can be made, and no other, is always wanted by consumers, and this will be 'sup plied to them by the °Nara at noon se their customers have learned which Is the best, and ask for it—other wise they likely to get that article 'on which the largest protlt can be made. Ktngeford has been engaged In the manufacture of Starch continuously for the lent 27 years, and during the whole or.the• period the Starch made under his nuper ' vision bas been, beyond any spiention, the best in the market. For the first 17 years he had charge of the works of Wm. Colgate & Co., at which period lie in vented the processor the manufacture of Corn Starch. Ask for KINGSFORD'S STARCH, as the name Oswego has recently been taken by another factory, , It is sold by all the best grocers In nearly every part or the country. T, KINGSFORD & SON'S OSWEGO CORN STAMM (for puddings, kc.) has obtained an equal celebrity with their Starch for the laundry. Thin article hi per fectly pore, and Is, in every respect, equal to the best BermudArrow Root, besides having additional quail ties which readout invaluable for the dessert. Potato Starch bas been extensively packed and sold aa Corn Starch, and has given false impression' to many as to the real merits et our Corn Starch. From its great delicacy and purity, it is coming also nto general nue as a' iet for infants and luvalids• R. N. Ii.ELLOOO k CO , Agents, acg-tf DO FULTON Street, N. Y. COI7OX-100 balsa Gulf Cotton, in afore and for male b 7 itARTIN MACIALIBTEII, U.O Muth Water Pinot NEW' ORLEANS PACKET NO II LW:tarot". LINE. Shippers per Lambe MAII,OiRFT, (Apt, Wood, will please Complete their engagements, and hand in bills of lading to the counting Louse for signature. Freight van hg received until this eveniog. BISIIOF, KIMONO, k 00., 120 (late 80) NORTII WHARVES. VOR NEW ORLEAN—LOUISIANA LINE.—To succeed the barque MARGARET with quick despatch. The coppered and copper•fastened fut.eailing ship BTEMEN BALDW/N, Downer, muter, will commence loading for the above port to a few dam and, having large engagements, will have immediate despatch. Yor balance or freight, apply to DISIIOP, SIMONS, & 00„ N 0.120 (late MO North Whence. ja2o-dtt I Yvan BRITISH 'NORTH AIitEIZIOAN 11 ROYAL MAIL STEAMBUIPB. . - YROI RSW YORK TO LITRIPOOL, Older Cable Passage.. Second Cabin Passage /110.11 TINTON TO LITURPOOL Chief Cabin Puniage $llO Second Cabin Passage 00 - ,Tho thips from Boetoh eall at lialifaX. , puma, Oapt. Judkirut. , OANAIIA, Capt. Lang 1 . ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone, AMERICA, Copt;Wickman ASIA, Opt. E. G. Lott. NIAGARA. Oapt.Ryrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA. Capt. J. Leitch. These tremolo carry a clear white light at mast...head; green on starboard bow i red on port bow. AFRICA., Shannon, leave N. York, Wednesday, Jan. 20. AMERICA, Wickman, " Boston, Wednesday. Jan. 27. EUROPA, Leitch, tS. N.York, Wednesday, Yob. B. CANADA, Lang, tt . Boston, Wednesday, Fob. 10. ARABIA, Stone t. N.York, Wednesday, Feb. 17. NIAGARA, Miller, t. Boston, Wednesday, Feb. It. Berths not el:mitred until paid for. ' An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie, Jewelry, Precious' Stones or Metals,. unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof thereir expressed. For freight or pawing° apply to Jal4-y E CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. STEAMSHIP LINE. 9 FREIGHTS REDUCED. The well-kuown tirst-cluss aide-wheel steamship STATE OP GEORGIA, :oho J. Gismo. Command-r, will be ready to receive freight on WEDNESDAY, Jan uary 27 ant sail on SATURDAY, January 30, at 10 o'clock A, M. At Savannah this ship connects with steamers for Florida, and for all places in tho South and Southwest. Cabin passage... $2O 00 &wage do 8 00 No freight - received on Saturday morning. No bills of lading signed after the ship has sailed. For freight or pasaage, apply to A. HERON. Jr , No, 328 North Wharves. • 0. A. GREINER & CO., jal4 Ageidts in Savannah. WOE SAN FRANOISCO.—To sail on tlia 10th instant.—The famous clipper ships EDWIN Y LYE, 0. P. Wessficu, Commander, and EDWIN FOR REST, CROOSEIi, Commander. Both of these magnificent ships are now toadies in New York, and will be despatched as above. For balance of freight apply to BISHOP, SItdONS, k CO., 120 (late 86) NORTH WIIARVES. TILE GLASGOW AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S splendid and powerful steamers, EDINBURGH, 2,600 tone, Wm. Cummipg, Commander, NEW YORK,' 2,150 tone, Robert Craig, GLASGOW, 1,982 tone, John Duncan, Are appointed to sail PAOM GLASGOW. New York, Saturday, 19th December Edinburgh, Saturday, 10th January. Glasgow, Saturday, 30th January. FROM RBI/ TOR R. Edinburgb, Saturday, Feb. 13th, at 12 o'clock, noon RATES OF PASSAGE. !ROM OLASOOW. .... First Clam Steerage, found with cooked provielona - PROM NEW 0000. First Class $75 00 Steerage, found with cooked provisions 30 00 Children under 14 yearn of age, half tare; Infants in Steerage, Return *tickets available within Mx months, by any steamer of this line. Out and home, First Clam 1140 00 Out and home, Third Class GO 00 An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. For passage, apply to WORKMAN & CO , 123 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. HALL & LONEY, Buchanan's Wharf, Baltimore. ROBERT CRAM, 17 Broad lay, New York. Ja4-6m FOR ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1867.- New York and Havre Steamship Company.—The United States Mall Bteamslups ARAGO, 2,500 tons, David Lines commander, and STILTON, 2,500 tons, .Tames A. W N otton, commander, will leave ew York, Havre and Southampton, for the years 1851 and 58, On the following days : SUSI 11W TOlt. 1257. 1259. Fulton, Saturday, Aug. 22 Arago, Batitrday, Jan. 9 der , d d o. Rept. 19 Fulton, d Ir. 396 A ul • doo.. ?o u t ;. 174 A F on, d o o . . Balton, do, Deo. 12 Arno, do. May 1 Fulton, do. May 29 LOAFS HAVIN. 11357. Arago, Tuesday, Aug. 25 Fulton, do. Sept. 73- Arago, do. Oat. 20 Walton, do. Nov. 17 Arno, do. Deo. 15 1855. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 Arago, do. Feb. 9 Yulton, do, Hardt 9 Arago, do April 0 Fulton, do. ' slay d Arago, do, June 1 Fulton, do. June 29 POlOl OF Lll/711 BOUTELIIP2OI. •1667. Juno, Wednesday, Aug. 28 Folios, do. Bept. 23 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Potion, do. Nor. 18 Arno, do ; Dee. 18 1848. ulton, do. Jan. 18 Arago, do. Feb. 10 Halton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. Aril 7 Fulton, do. May 6 Arago, do. June 2 Bolton, do. Jane 80 TABBIOII From New York to Southampton or Havre—First Cabin, SISO ; Second Cabin, STA. From Havre or Southampton to New York—first Cabin, 860 tram; Second Cabin, 600 francs. If or freight or passage, apply to MORTWER LIVINGSTON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, HAvre. °HOSIERY & 00., Sonth , ton. AMERICAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS AND EX CHANGE,OO. ITHE NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL 'UNITED STATES HAIL ISTRAMESI3.—The Ships eomposing thu Line are : The ATLANTIC, Oapt. Oliver Eldridge. The BALTIC Capt. Joseph Comstock. eThe ADRIAT'IO, Capt. James West. Gohese ships have been built by contract, expressly for vernment seminal in every care boa been taken in their eoustruotion,ae oleo in their engines, to ensure strength fad speed, and their socommodations for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, in trot cubist, 8180; In second do., ITS; from Liverpool to New York, 80 and 20 guineas. No berths secured unless paid for. The ehips of this line have improved watertight balk heads. PROPOSED DATES OY SAILING. 11011 IlaW Toil. 510 M Li risrOOL. Saturday, Juno 20, 1857 Wednesday, June 24, 1857 Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, July 18,1867 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1867 Saturday, Aug. 16, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 19, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, Sept, 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 80, 1857 Saturday, Oct. 10, 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1867 Saturday, Oat. 24 1857 Wednesday, Oct. 28, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 7, 1857 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1651 Saturday, Deo. 5, 1857 Wednesday, Dee. 9, 1867 Wednesday, Dee. 22, 1867 F or freight or ?wage, apply to EDWARD R. COLLINS, No. 50 Wall street, N.Y. BROWN, SHIPLEY k CO., Liverpool. STEPHEN KENNARD k. 00., 27 Austin Friars, Loudon. B. Q. WAINWRIGHT & CO., Paris. The owners of these ships Will not be accountable for gold, sliver, bullion, specie, scions stones or metal", unless bills of lading ; nod therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein aul-tf Expenses for commissions to agents, abatements In lieu of scrip, salaries, ollico rent, furnishing °Mice, books, sta tionery, &a 50,986 67 Profit and loss 63 40-14-7,288 27 PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL- I Net profit V 24,076 83 SR WORKS. ...___ _ Alarbinerp anb Ilron REANEY, NEAFIE & 00., SEAOTIOAL AND TIIEORETIOAL ENGINEERS . . . . . MAOILLNISTB__ BOILER-MAKERS, /ILAOK BMITHB AND BOUNDERS. _ . Having for many years been in suocessful operation, and been exclusively engaged in building and repairing Marine and. Elver Engines, high and low pressure, Iron Boats, Water Tanks, Propellers, &0., &0., respectfelly offer their Ben - toes to the public, es being Wily prepared to contract for Engines of all sines, Marine, River, and Stationary. Haring sets of patterns of different shies, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch: Every description of Pattern-making made. at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, of the best Peru3sylyanis char coal iron. Forginge of all nixes and kinds. Iron and Dram Outings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and ispeciticationa for all work done at their eetabliehment froe of charge, and work guaranteed. The enbacribera have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lay in perfeet safety, and are provided with 'hears, blocks, falls, ho. , &e., for 'raising hem or light weights. THOMAS EBANNY, JACOB G. NEAPIN, JOHN P. LEVY, BNAOII and PALMER Streets, Kensington lIYDIL •. htlitillClZ. .1. 11.1001 ail 111111110 E WILLIAM 11. =MOE. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, 7/12111 AND WASDINGTON STRUM PHILAMILPIIII. MERRICK & SONS, ',ENGIN/MRS AND MACHINISTS, numnfactnre High and Low Procure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Boilers,Gasometers, Tants, Iron Boats, ko., Out ings of a kinds, either Iron or Erase. ISM frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, &s. Relent+ and Gas Machinery of the latest and most Improved conetraction. Every description of Plantation machinery, such sa Sugar. Saw, and Grist 'dills Vaouum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Defeestore, Vn ite , Pumping Engines, &o. Solo Agents for N. Rillieux , s Patent Sugar Bolling Apparatus; Nesmyth's Patent Steam hammer; J. P. Rose' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pampa. Superintendent—B. H. BARTOL, ana-y RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOOOMO TIVN STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, maimmern OTRIIBT, HAMILTON, reinvilw AND fIAUDEN BTRIENTII, PHILADILPIIIA. Ingaged eaoluivoly In the manufacture of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Locomotives of any arrange ment, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood or Oohs, or BtSummons Coal in its crude sink, or, ANTHRACITE COAL, . WITICOUI 111111100 00000, CUB In deelgn, material and workmanship . , the Looomo. tires produced at them Works are equal to, and not et celled by any. Tho materials used irk conetruction are made on the epot, and lusters the best quail)) , and moat reliable stook. The Huge extent of /Elope, and Com plete Equipmout of Machintry and Tools, enable than to exeonte the BEST OF WORK WITH ORRAT DESPATCH, OP ANY dHD,dNONMNNT ItICQUIAND. MILLED OAR WIIRELS, ILUDIERED AXLIIS, With Forging! of any eke or form, IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, And MACIIIN.II WORK generally. 111011ARD POMO. RIMY LAT/11111R Noun's SICIIITYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— N. 3 I am daily receiving, at my yard, the beet quality co. 3011IIYLKILL AND LEHIGH GOAL. My customers, and all others who may favor inn with their °Here, may rale! rottlntrelrlooarl,tithoaal •fircielltbeaisattillfeee.TazitiolleiTto offer at LOW PZIO2B. ALEXANDER CONVERY, N.E. eornor of Broad end Cherry BU 1 EHIGH AND SOHLTYLKILL COAL ILI DALY, PORTER & 00. 00AL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. au 1-em 11 - 10TTabt-200 bales good Middling to Mid dling fat Cotton, in store and for sale by' ant IgARTIN to 111/10ALISTER, 319 North Water street. istailiattrc C vutpatites. PHILADELPHIA FIRE AND LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF PENN SYLVANIA IN 1848, Are now established In their new office, No 433 CHEST NUT street. where they are prepared to make ALL RINDS OF INSURANCE. from loss by fire, on property of every description, in town or country, Including PUBLIC BUILDINGS, STORES, DIM LINGS,IVAREHOUSES, FACTORIES. and MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, ere. Also, Merchandise of ail kinds; Stocks of Goode; Stocks of Country /Rome; Goode on etomge, or In bond; Stocks and Toole of Artificers and Mechanics; Furni ture, Jewelry. Fixtures, &0.,&c.. at moderate rate. of premium, and for any period of time. Thie Company refer to their past career as an ample guarantee for the ROMPT SETTLEMENT OF ALL THEIR LOSSES. There are at this time no unsettled claims against hem. ROBT. P. KING, President. U. W. BALDWIN, Vice President. FpniODSBLACKBURNH, Secretary. Jal4-3stass $l3O Tb MARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. LTA THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE STATE UB PENNSYLVANIA-CIIIATERED IN 17W—with a capital of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, and a largo surplus in addition, invested lo sound and available securities, continuo to insure on Vessels sad Cargoes, Buildings, Stocks of Merehoudisa, A.c., Ac., en liberal terms. OFFICE, No. 4 EXCHANGE BUILDING, WAL NUT Strout, below Third. DIRECTORS FOR YEAR 1858 : John Stewart, William 11 White, Billlooll Toby, Chanel: 8. Wurt, John M. Scott, George It. Stuart, Charles Gaealoater, Tobias Wagner ' John 11. Budd, Samuel linuit,Jr.. William S. Sniltli, _. Thomas B. Wattaon, Henry G. Freemen. JOHN STEWART, Prethlent WIL.I.ux Marlin, Secretary. Jol3-eddy riMIE MUTUAL UEALTU INSURANCE SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Me, No .IE4 South FOUND] Street, above WALNUT, (Up Stalr4,) Philadelphia, . . CAPITAL ,$20,000. SILAS 8. DREW, PHICIIIIMIT. Pinanolal Committee L. BROWN, J. JOHNSON, B. F. HAZLETON. The object of this Society Is the creation of a Mdtual Fund, to be applied In the moot advantageous manner for the benefit of its sick members. By the payment of the following yearly deposits you will become a Life Member of the Society, awl will be entitled to a Veal, benefit if you should be disabled by sickness or accident from attending to your ordinary business or occupation. NO LIABILITY TO ABBNBELIIIINTB. Yearly Deposits of Members under 50 Years of Ake 00 02 per year draw $2 00 per week. 3 00 ti It 3 00 11 It 400 a 11 14 4pp u is 00 44 14 It 800 it tt 000 tl 14 11 000 41 It 700 u u 4t 700 u it 800 .1 11 It 8 00 tt tt 000 ig at 000 tt 10 GO 44 44 44 10 00 44 4, First week excepted. In addition to the above an expense Fee of $1 50 will be charged the first year which must be paid at the time of making application and the yearly deposit in thirty days. All claims for sickness will be promptly paid. All communications should be addressed to GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND V't TRUST COMPANY OF PUILARELPHIA OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILDING, No 403 WAL NUT, Corner of FOURTH Street. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital $500,000 FIRE, INSURANCE, limited or perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE on Vessels, Cargoes, and Freights. . . INLAND INSURANO I 4 byßivers, Canals, Lakes), and Land Carriage. ASSETS, Nov. 1, 1857. Real Estate 867,000 00 Real Estate held an trust, (in Phila.) 28,700 00 Ronda and Mortgages 96 i 350 00 . 1 took., (par value 592,450) prevent value.... 57,913 00 Stock notes 39,400 00 Dille receivable 27,448 81 Cash In bank and on hand 2,164 38 Cull iu hands of Agents 7,658 92 Premiums unpaid 9,388 88 15 gulueas 8 4t DIRECTORS. CHARLES 0. LATHROP, 1423 Walnut street . Wld. DARLING, 1110 Pine street. ALEX. WHILLDIIN, merchsut, 15 North Front at. ISAAC HAZLEITURST, Attorney and Counsellor. JOHN 0. HUNTER, firm of Wright, Hunter, & Co E. TRACY, firm of E. Tracy & Co., Goldsmiths , Hall, JOHN ISITURDY firm of Jones White, & M'Onrdy THUS. L. GILLESPIE, firm of Gillespie A Zeller. JAS. D. SMITH, firm of Jaa . D. Smith & Co. E. HARPER JEFFRIES, firm of Wm. 11. Drown A Co JON, R. VOODEB, office cor. Seventh and Sarisom ate, CHAS E. THOMPSON, office 413 Chestnut street. ALFRED TAYLOR, office Cairo City Property. JONA J. SLOCUM, office 220 Routh Third street CHARLES 0 LATHROP, President. MIL DARLING, Vice-President. LEWIS GREGORY, 24 Tice-President, New York H. K. RICHARDSON, Assistant-Secretary. de2.34f CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANT, 331 WALNUT STREET. Charter perpetual, Capital, 8500,000. Subscribed, t. 200,000. Paid up, 8140,000. This Company la now prepared to issue FIBS and MARINE POLIOIEB on favorable terms. PassiDINT—JOHN SWIFT. Tian Passim/sr—HENRY BIRD. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST 00M PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Northeast Corner of TUIRD and DOCK Streets. Capital, 8012,722 03. INSURES LIVES for short terns, or for the 'whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life interests in Real Estate and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They art as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Guardians. TIMMS. Daniel L. Miller, Samuel E. Bloke., Benjamin Centre, William Martin Richard B. Newbold, James 11. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph II Trotter, William H. Kern, James Ruston, Samuel 0. Huey, Theophilue Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Bonder, Henry 0. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodelphus Kent, John W. Horace, William 11. Carr, Ellis S. Arthur, Edward T. Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Josopb M. Thomas, Warner M. Amin, John G. limner, P. B. Mohler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Flee Pren't. Joint W. HOIINOR. BaCretarT. nil-ly HHOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANOR COMPANY-0111os No. 412 WALNUT Street, Thilmielphia. The following statement of the affairs of the company is published In conformity with provision of its charter : AKRMIUMS BROEITED 'mom avousT 1,1820,10 Alms? 81, 1827: Fire premiums 688,729 81 Marius premiums 217,793 62 Perpetual premiums 223 00 Total amount minium taken Earned fire premiums 26,072 90 Earned marine preodume..... 185,006 00-180,078 66 Deduct return premiums Net earned 9108,959 09 Marina losses paid. 993,855 75 Wire losses paid.... 8,031 11 Salvage re ceived... $l6O 67 leterestre. ee1ved...4,061 67 Re-insur ance 2 971 62 -4,088 06— 03,888 70 ./.081M19. Cash on hand $12,616 89 Dills receivable 119,207 02 Bonds and mortgages 165,000 00 Stocks 292,100 00 Stock notes 142,900 00 Due by agents and others 22,312 93 8764,096 44 DIRECTORS. - • P. M. Potts, Win. F. Leech, C. E. Bpaugler, R. T. Komi I, Abraham Ilex, II H. Herndon, Wm. H. Woods, Jos. R. Withers, George Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Ralguel, C. G. Sower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Buxton, John H. Lewara, Herman Haupt, James E. &Ilea, Nathan R. Potts, U. H. Shillingford. PERCIVAL M. POTTS, President 0. E. &annum, Vice President. W. H. WOODS, Secretary. 0c22 R. T. linnelc, Tr...trim FIRE INSURANCE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY. CAPITAL 1120,000, PAID IN OAS% AND SECURELY INVESTED, OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OF SIXTH AND WOOD ITS., SPRING GARDENS. DUARTE:Ft PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRECTORS. John U. Dobnert, Henry M. Pklll t, David Woelpper, Lewis Shinnaok Benjamin Davie, John Landoll, John %vans, Jr Marin Field, Anley M. Park, William E. 'Woo James Darnell, John D. Stevenson, Jacob S. Mintzer) Ourwin Stoddard Henry Homer, Thos. D. Tillingtutst, George R. Childs. JOIN 11. DOIINERT, President. L. KRUMBIIAAR, Secretary. aept 11-17 A RCTIC FIRE INSURANCE 00111 FA ii. NY, NEW YORK.-0111ce, No 20 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics ' Bank — lash Capital, 8200,000 with a surplus. This Company insure Buildings, der chandise, Furniture, Vessels in port and their Cargoes and other property, against Loss or Damage by lire an. the Risks of Inland Navigation, DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, . Rufus R. Orates, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davie Edmund Paulold, O. 11. Lilienthal, Hanson K. Corning, Theo. Polhemus, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Mahe E Morgan Thomas Monagan, Abm. It. Van Neat, John H. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas S. Nelson, Charles Elston, J 1113308 W. Phillips, Louis Lorut, Charles A. Macy, Samuel G. Glidden, Edward flinches, Steph. clarabreleng, Wm. E. Shepard, Thomas Nett, Market., Frost, John Ward, Lothrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Edes, Emery Thayer, Benjamin 11. Field, ties. Weatfeldt, A.ll Frothingham, Zalmon Taylor, Thos. It. Youngs, Henry B. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President, HISMIID A. 011LRY, Secretary. as 10-ly MANUFACTURERS' INSURANGE COMPANY.—charter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, $600,900. fire, ktsrine, and Inland Transportation. Aaron S. Lippincott, Oharles Wigs, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Week., Charlee J. Field, JIIMell P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, Wm. Neal, John P. Simone, AARON 8. LTXPINCOTT, President. WM A. RHODES, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. NARVER, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a cash capital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to its available resources—to observe prudence iu conduct. ing its affairs, with prompt adjustment of looses. Oboe No . 1 b Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia, aul•dlY OOMMONWEALVI FIRE'INSITRANCE V COMPANY, OP THE ISTATIs OP PENNSYLYA NIA.—Office, N. W. Corner YOUNT!! and WALNUT Streets, Philadelpbta, Subscribed Capital, $500,000. Paid-up Capital, $200.000. DAVID JAYNE, M. A., President THOMAS FL STWFAItT, Vibe Preet. IJOstrisi O. MOOS, Secretary, SILAS S. DREW, President, 154 South Fourth street, Philtdelphut $265 020 99 $260,747 48 $101,916 80 DIRYOIOIIB nonrante =patties DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN BURANOE COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY TIIN LEGISLATURE of PENN SYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE, S. E. Corner THIRD end WALNUT Streete, MARINE INSURANCE, ON VESSELS, 041100, y To all parts of the World. FREIOIIT, INLAND INSURANCES, On Geode, by River, Canals. Lakes, and Land Carriage to all parts of the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses &e. ASSETS OF TILE COMPANY, November 2, 1857. Ronde, Mortgagee, and Real Estate.. 8101250 94 Philadelphia Oily and other Loans 157,011 25 Stook In Dance, Railroads, and Insurance Companies little Receivable Cash on band balance to bands of Agents, Premiums on Marine Policies recently issued, on other debts due the Company 92,730 51 Subscription Notes 100,000 00 DI/MOTORS. William Martin, James 0. Rand, Joseph H. Seal, Theoplillua Paulding, Edmund A. Sunder, James Traguair, John 0. David, William' Eyre, Jr., John R. Penrose, J P. Peniaton, Georgu G. Lei per, Joebna P. Este, Edward Darlington, Samuel E Stokes, Dr. It M. Huston lleury Olean, Wm C. Ludwig, ' James B McFarland, Hugh Craig, Thomas C. Rand, Spencer Mellsain, Robert Burton, Jr , Charles Kelly, Jno. B. Semple, Pittsbgb, R. Jones Brooks,' Dr. T Morgan, Jacob I'. Jones, J. T, Logan, it WILLIAM MARTIN, President. TllObIAB 0. HAND, Vice President. ILENRY LYLBURN, Secretary. lan-) (111ARTER , OAK V INSURANON COMP& Cosh Capita, $600,000. I vicinity adjusted at the Phi By leave we refer to D. B. Brown & Co., Phila. k Hon. Joel Jones, Phila. Chines, Stott & Co., ,‘ Hon. Rufus Choate, Boston Hacker, Lea & Co, ~ BOIL T..S. Williams, Hart.d We have facilities for p wing any amount Or Imes mune In the most reliable Companies.' PIIII.ADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 418,014 No. 146) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPSON & ROOD, Agents. IRE AND MARINE NY dl HARTFORD, CONN. Lome in Philadelphin and Hadatphin Offica. tlailroab Lino. 11DHILADELPHIA AND ELMIRA RAIL- A. ROAD OOMPANY.—QUIOREST ROUTE to El— mira, Buffalo, Chicago, Rock Island, Niagara Falls, Milwankie, Burlington, Montreal, St. Paula, Detroit, Dunßeth, end et. Louis Pumenger trains will leave the Philadelphia and. Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and PINE Streets, daily. (Sundays excepted,) as follows 7.30 A. M. DAY EXPRESS, For Rimira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chirags Milwaukee, Rock Island, Daleria,St. Paula, Burlington and Bt. Louis. 3 30 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago Milwaukee, Rock Island, (Miens, Rt. Paula, Burlington and St. Louis. tEr Tickets good till used. Baggage chocked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. Wilkesbarre Williamsport Elmira Canandalymi Geneva, via liorham Rochester Niagara Falls Buffalo Erie. Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erie ‘‘. via Niagara Falls Toledo, via New York and Erie Colombo. Cincinnati, New York and Erie Niagara Fall. Indianapolis, via New York and Erie . Detroit, via Niagara Falls Chicago, via Great Western Railway... Lake Shore Railroad.,... Rock Island, via Niagara Palle Lake Shore Railroad. 100 Burlington 20 00 lowa City 29 25 St. Louie, 'via Chicago 29 09 Indianapolis 29 00 Dunlleth 27 00 St. Paula 36 10 117 - Tickets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Company's Ticket Office, N. N. corner of SIXTH and CHESTNUT Streets, and at the Pas senger Depot, BROAD and TINE. THROUGH EXPRES3 PREICHIT TRAIN _ Leaves the Depot, Broad street, below Tine, daily, (800 M by' excepted,) for all points West and North, at 5 B. Freights must be delivered before 3 P. AL to insure their going the same day. irr Freights aro forwarded with greater despatch and Lower Rates than by any line from this city to the WeeUand Northwest. For further information apply to ALLEN & HUGEL, Through Freight Depot. Broad, below Vine, CHAS. B, TAPPER, General Agent, N. W. nor. Sixth and Chestnut sta., Philada. 0. A. NIDOLLS, Geol. Rapt Philaila. and Reading Railroad. 11. A. FONDA, Gent. Supt. Catawisaa, W. & E. Railroad. J. A. REDFIELD, de3l-ly geol. Dart W , cosport and Elmira Railroad PHILADELPITIA AND READINGRAIL ROAD—FAST FREIGIIT LlNE.—Freight trains leave the Depot, BROAD Street, 1:e low VINE, daily, for Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, Camels, Detroit, Chicago, hillwaukle, Catena, Dubuque, Bt. Louis, and interme diate points. This is the shortest route to Canada and the Lake Ports, and goods will be forwarded with greater despatch to the above points than by any ether route. TAMS' or raters PIM ISO LBS. Vie, Railroad lat chum. 2.1 class. 3d class. 4th clan Suapenalon Dridgo..] 05 80 70 50 Buffalo or Dunkirk.] 45 80 70 50 LIME= El Chicag0......... 190 1 45 . 125 100 1 , eight olug through by real 41 the way mast be marked ~VIA No transhipment between Philadelphia and. Mark goods via Philadelphia and Reading Railroad and send to the Depot, Broad street, below Vine, daily, before 6 P. M. For further Information in regard to this route, call at the through freight office of the Philadelphia, Nia gara, and Great Western Line, N. W. corner SIXTH and CHESTNUT. de3o-y DENNSYLVANLi RAILROAD.-THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, connecting the At lantic Cities with Western, North•weetern, and South western States, by a continuous Railway direst. This Road also connects at Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports OD the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Sandusky with Stemmer, to all ports on the North-western Lakes; making the moat DIRECT, 011EAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTEby which Freight can he forwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS BURGH. Izmir Otitis—Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Caps, Books, Dry Goods, (in holes bales and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Feathers, Fors &e 00e. per 100 lbs aIICIOND CLAlM—Domestic nesting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original bales), Drugs (in easks), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (in cashed Wall Paper, "Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Bastward, &o. &o 760. per 100 lbs Tulin Otago—Anvils, Chains, (In cube), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or in sacks), Paints, (dry and in oil ) Oils, (except lard and rosin) 660. per 100 the /MIRTH Crass—Coffee, Fish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (In casks or boxes eastward), Lrd and Lard Oil, Nails, Soda Ash, German Clay, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Steel, Manufactured To bacco, Rosin Oil, Queeneware, Sugar, (Midi., bble., and boxes,) &o. /tool—Sl per bbl. until further notice. per 100 Its LLIO-46e. per 100 lbs., until further notice. Corrox-42 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice. In shipping Goode from any point East of Philatel phis, ba particular tow/a:packages old Pomaytoonto Rs tieeml. ll All Goo& comigned to the Agente of this Road, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. FREIGRIP Aolllllll.—Clarke & Co , Chicago; Packer & & 00., Memphis, Tenn.; K. F. Baas & Co. Bt. Louis, Mo. ; P. G. o'llll7 & Co., Evansville , Indiana; Wm. Bingham, Louisville, Kentucky ; It C. Me.drum, Madison, Indiana ) • U. W. Brown & Co., and Irwis & Co., Cincinnati; H. S Pierce & Co., Zanerrillv, Ohio; Leech & Co., No. - 54 Hall street, Boston; Lerch & Co , No. 2 iator douse , New York No. 1 William at, Kew York ,• E J. Eineeder, Philadelphia ; Magraw & Koone, Salthnore; U. A Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent, H. J. LOMBAEHT, del). Superintendent. Altoona. PA .13aningo innbo SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TERM-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST 0014- PANY.-WALNUT STREET BOHTH-WEST COWER OF THIRD , PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED NT TUN BTATI 07 PRSIDDILTANIA Money Ls received in any sum, large or small, and in tereet paid from the day of deposit to the day of with dzawal. The office is open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning till 6 o'clock in the evening, arid on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock. HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. Wee. J. Henn, Secretary. intaamall Hon. Henry L. Benner, I B. Carroll Brewster, Edward L. Carter, Joseph B. Berry, Robert Selfridge, Francis Lee. Sand. K. Ashton, Joseph Yerkee, O. Landreth Manna, Henry Dillenderller. Money le received and payments made daily. The investments are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE MORT• GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first class securi ties es will always insure perfect security to the depot. tors, and which cannot fall to give permanency and sta bility to thin Institution. aul-ly JO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET. -FIVE 1. PER G E NT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. INTO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER GENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. N O. " (241) DOCK STREET.-FIVE PER GENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE N, PER GENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. sul-1F kW)TONS of MITCHELL & CROAS dale's Improved super PHOSPHATE OF Mull, for sale by CROASEALE, PEIRCE & CO , nolo-tf No. 104 N. Delaware avenue. (11IARLES Y. CALDWELL--Wholesale wad.ltatall WHIP and CANN Manilla:4nm, No. Nn OTIATFT R ant MOSS -17 bales Carolina Moss, for sato by HAMM clt MAOALIBTER, and 110 North Wator Rtroot. ROSIN.--bOOI3ARRELS SO APMAKE RS .R-In ROBIN, to arrive per schooner .7 11. Planner For sale by MARTIN & MACALIBTER, nal. lin North Mater IUANILLA ROPE.—TO WESTERN AND SOUTHERN bIEROHANTS.—A large stock of Manilla Rope, for R ale by • WEAVER, FITLER, lc CO , jal2 No. 23 N. WATER St , and 22 N. WHARVES. QORGHUIS, or CHINESE SUGAR-CANE 1.3 BEED-26 bushels for sale by OROMEIDALE, PEIRCE, & CO., No NUN. Dolaorsro SPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 Ibis Spirit,' /...7 Turpentine, to arrive, for male by MART= &__IIIA.OALIBTER, an I " 116) North Water street &TA NI LL A ROPE.-SUPERIOR MA LIJL NILLA ROPE, manufactured and for gala br WEAVER, PITLRR & 00., anR-Of Nn 2a N Watat at.. and 22 N Whams liILOORING BOARDS-28,680 foot Caro Una doorlng boards,. _`afoot, for rate by • MARTIN et MAOALISTIIII milelf Nor a / 4 Ws* P--• Railtoalts. - NEW YORK LINES .—THE 'CAMDEN AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PHILADELPHIA PROM w AND TRENTON RAILAD stra as. PHILADKLPHI RO A TO NM/ TORE, AND WA PLAOIB. Lave so follows , via : Plias At 1 A M. from Kensington Depot, vls, Jersey City, Mall At 6A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Amommods. Non $ 25 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning LMail 3i l 0 A. If by steamboat Trenton, via Tammy and Jerry City, Morning Repre55 ......... At 2 P . via Camden and Amboy, 0. and A. Ex rAreMall. H. via Camden sad /army Olty, livening At 8 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accommoda tion, Ist Clam At 9 P. M. via Oaniden sad Amboy, Aroommoda non, And Glass. 1 At 6P. 31 via Camden end Amboy, Accommoda tion, Ist blase .... ......... 2OO At 5 F. M. via Camden iin4 - 51:1Xiy, Irk:M=odr Stipa, 2nd Class 75 The 6P. M. li ne nuts daily, all othera 5 4 . 044 7 1 01 °opted. Eaptshie Lines atop et the principal stations oily. For Belvidere, L Elston. Flemington &a., at A rid ' and 2N P M. frm Walnut street whist. For Water Gap, Strotelalemg, Scranton, Willses)ar e, Montrose, Great Band, &e. at 6 A. M., via Delimit: e, Lackawanna at Western Railroad. For Freehold, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. For Mount Holly at 8 A. M. and 2N, 3 and 6P. M. WAY -LINES /or Bristol, Trenton /to. at 2 and 4Y. M. 46.1, if Per YalMpts Ranoocas, Beverly, Borlington, Borden town &a , at B'P. M. Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON for Bordentown and listermsdiate Places at 2,1‘ P5l • Steamboat TBENT‘N for Tammy at 10 sad ng M. and 4 P. M. All line, unapt 1 A. If., Iwo Walnut street wharf. 1:13 - Infty potted, or baggeotily each pea ganger. Paasepgers are prohThitatp reran *WV any thing as baggage but their wearing sppnull. M 1 bag. gage over City pounds to be paid for.axtra. The Qom pony limit their responsibility for baggage to dole: per pound, and will not be liable for any amount to yond $lOO, except by special contract. Wsf . GATEMEN, Agent an lay 0. & A. R. 11.. CO 12,508 00 =TA 96 38,80) 68 702,785 37 DENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL BAIL ROAD, • 18.51. 701( rurTsßuimur, 18ST. Cincinnati, St. rails, loirs Citr, Louisville, New Orleani, St. Paul, Indianapolis Cleveland, Kasocus, Terre /Saute, Chivalry), Nebraaa. 7brrning close toMtlittilM4 Witil all Las Great Wdst ern Railroads. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OP TEE TT1R01143.11. TRAINS. At and from the Pennsylvania Ra!DOM Paasenger Station south-east corner of ItLEVISRTH tad Kilt- ENT stmts. (entrance on Eleventh street.) TWO TIIRDIRiII TRAINS LEAVE PIIILADRLPIIIA DAILY Forming close connections at Pittsburgh to all points West. Fast Mail and Aectumodation Trains, (13uadtyi ex eepted,) vie: _ . _ . Fast Mail Line at I P. M , arriving in Pittsburgh at 15 A. M. Express Mail Train at 11 night, arriving In Pittsburgh at 155 P. M. _ Altoona Way Train at 8 A. M , arriving at Altoona at 8 P. M. Itarrieburg Accommodation Train, via Columbia, loaves Philadelphia M 3P. M., arriving In 'Louisburg at 0 TURNG. Dud Mail Train leav ßE es Pitteburg lN h It 8 A. M., arrives in Philadelphia at 11 45 night. Express Mall Train leave' Pittsburgh at 9 50 P. 51., ar rives in Philadelphia at 1 P. M. Altoona Way Train leaves Altoona at 7.41 A. M., arrives ia Philadelphia at 730 P. M. Harrisburg Accommodation Train, via Columbia, loves Harrisburg at 6 A. M., arriving in iluladelpilla 12 noon. 4 50 5 DO ...,. 7 00 8 09 800 8 50 .....10 (.0 10 00 10 so 13 00 1300 16 25 ....18 50 ... .19 00 ~...19 00 0 1 00 18 50 22 00 22 00 "700 The Express Mall runs daily, the other trains, Sara days excepted. Baggage will be received at the Passenger Depot by the Baggage Muter, at any time during the day. No charge for handling baggage. NOTICC.—/n Cue of Jou, the Company will hold themselves responsible for personal baggage only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. Norms --Omnibuses will be in routines* at the New York Depot to convey passengers for the West Pennsylvania Railroad Station. THOMAS MOORE, Loot, Paaseuger Ms Pennsylvania Railroad Co. Philadelphia, November 21, 1862. Pilvssunau, January 28,1858. Seven feet of wider and rising; boats taking in frelgbta for all points on the Ohio and other western rivers. Three boats receiving freight for Nashville, Tenn., at extremely low rates. • .i. 27 TO WESTERN TRAVELLERS. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANORM REM NOILTHE AN CENTRAL RAIL WAY, TWO DAILY TRAINS FROM BALTIMORE TO PITTSBURGH ANG WEST On sad after June Iot,II3AT, TWO DAILY T will leave Calvert Station for Pittatetzgh and all Wes}- and South or Northwestern cities. TRH MORNING MAIL TRAIN Leaves Baltimore daily (Sunday exoeptedj at 8,16 A. M. counsatinf with the Mall Train over the areat Penn aspirant& Ral road, and arriving In Pittsburgh at 1.20 A. 111. TUE ANTIRNOON EXPRESS TRAIN LSILTOII Baltimore daily (Sandal ejoepted) at S Y. M foe Ilarriabore.. .. . TUE EIGEITEXPRESB TRAIN Lesvos Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 10 P. If., cow fleeting with the Lightning Express over the Penns:l -TALIA Railroad for Pittsburgh, arriving 5t1.20 P. K. Qf All these trains eonneet..eloaely at Pittsburg with trains over the PiessLurgA, Fort Wayne aea Chirago Railroad, and its Northern, Southern aid Western connections. try. Passengers for Chicago, Rook lalond, Burling ton, lowa City, Milmaukee, Dubuque, Bt . Pamir., Mall son, end other leading (tibia in the Northwest, trillion one hundred miles of travel and tits hour., In time, with four less changes of care, by taking this route. 11 - y• Passengers for Cleveland, Sanduakur, Toledo, and Detroit, go by this route, and Sue time hi unequalled, being 113 miles shorter Shall by any other route. DJ" 1 . /mongers for Bt. Louis, Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Cairo, and all points on the Lower and Upper Mississippi, make less changes of ears, and arrive In ad vance of Loy other route; and to Cincinttati Columba% Dayton, Loularille, and other prominent cities, as quiet as by any other route. .all Western Baggage OREORAD THROUGH and handled With care. FOR THE NORTH. The 8.15 A.M. connects closely with Uprise reins over the Dauphin road for Williamsport, Shhiro. Dosimeter Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Canada, thus forming the ' most &root railway route to Northwestern Penneydvaula and Western New York. Passengers will And this the 'shortest, cheapest, and most expeditions route to Niagara Falls and Canada. Through Tickets v.:clamed to Philadelphia el* Co- lumbia and Lancaster by all the trains at $3 each , es& train baring sure connections. Passenger* by llits route avoid tresaelled bridges, and all the inoonvenienee of ferrying zeroes the Susquehanna river. Passenger' for Hanover, Manchester, Gettysburg, Dm mi ttsburg, Carlisle, Chambereburg , go by the Inane at 8.15 A. M., and P. M. WESTMINSTER BRANOM. The Can on Ude road make one trip par day, eonnost. In with the train at 8 P. M. For THROUGH TICKETS and further information, apply at the Ticket Office, Calvert Station, N. E. corner of Calvert and Yranklln streets. aep2S-tf 0.0. ADREON, &Wt. PHILADELPHIA, GERMAN TOWNP AND NORRIS TOWN RAILROAD.—WINTER ARRANGEMENT.—Oa and atter MONDAY, Mobs 19th, VW, Iron GERMANTOWN Leave Philadelphia at 0,7 X, BX, 9X, 11% A. M., 3 ; 8-10 min. 4,5, 6,7, 9, and II P. M. Leave Germantown at OX, 7-35 min. 8, 0, 10% A. M., 1-10 3-10 min. 4,5, 6, 7,8, and 10 P. M. The 7.85 o'elook A.St. Train from Germantown will only at Wayne Street Station. ON WUNDANB, Leave Philadelphia at 9.20 min. M., 2 and 6% P. M. Leave Germantown 8.20 min. A. M., 1.10 min. and 5.45 min P. M. INIEBENUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia at 7X, BX , 11X, A. M., 2,4, , and 9 P. M. Leave Chestnut 11111 at 715,8-40 and 10-10 Min. A. M., 12-50, 3-10, 6-40 and 7-40 min. P. U. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phlladelpl4, 0-20 A. IL, 2 end 8,1( P. U. Lease Chestnut Hill at I A M. 12-60 and FOR HANAYUNH, CONSHOHOCKEN AND N08.R184 TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at OM, 9, 11 A. M., 8, 4,x, and 11 P. M. Leave Norristown at 7,9, 11 A. If., 8 and &AO P M. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 A. 11,, and 8 P. M. Leave Norristown at 7 A. M., and b P. M. ORIESTER VALLEY RAILROAD FOR DOWNING TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 63 A. M., and BP. M. Leave Downingtown at 7,,V A. M and IP. M. H. K. /MTH, Superintendent. Depot, Ninth and Green streets, Philadelphia. lv i °BTU PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. BETHLEHEM, EASTON, ALDENTOWN, HAIIOH CHUNK. DOYLEWOWN, &e. On and after Wednesday, November 4th o MT, the trait's on this road will leave Philadelphia daily (Bno days exeipted) as follows: For Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown and Mauch Chunk, (Express) at 9 A. M., in connection with L. V. R. B. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Mauch Ohinak, (Fs. pes o ) In connection with L. V. R. R., at 3.1 b P. M. Tor Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 4.30 P. M. Tor 0 - rynedtt, do. at 10 A.M. On Tussdays and Fridays the 10 A. M. train will Inn throne, to Doylestown, leaving Doylestown to return at 1.85 P. M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bathelem (Exorcise,' at 9 A. M., and 2.26 P.M. Leave Doylestown, (Accommodation,' at OM A. M. Leave 4 wynedd, at 2.20 P. M. ON BTINDATS. For Prom • 0 rned4 916 A. 11. Gwynedd 420 P.M Dor lestewn P. M. Doylestown ..... .8.716 A.. 11 Parr to Bethlehem $1 60 ii Mauch (Munk 2 00 •• Wilkesbarre 4 60 PABBENCLER DEPOT. FRONT and WILLOW She , Phila. val•tf ELLIS CLARK. Agent, CCHANGE OF HOURS.-P Hit. A DF, L PELLA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On and after Monday, Nov. 29d, 1861, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 8 A. M., 1 P. M., (Expresa,) Lodi.] P.M. For Wilmington at 8 A. M., 1, 9.30 and 11 P. M. For New Castle at 8 A. M., 1 and 9.30 P. M. For Middletown at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M. For Dover at 8 A. M. and 1 P M. For Seaford at 8 A M. ' and 1 P M. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.40, Express, 11 A. At., and 8.88 P.M. Leave Wilmington at 7.25 and U 46 A. 31., and 288 and 9 66 P. U. Leave New Castle at 655 and 11.66 A. H., and 8.50 P. It Leave Middletown at 10.10 A.M. and 7 06 P. M. Leave Dover at 9 r 5 A. H. and 5 P. M. Leave Seaford at I' 30 A. H. and 2 F. M. .TRAINS FOR BALFIMORR. . • • Leave Wilmington at 8.15 A.:11., 2 P. M. and 12.11 A. M. IK/NDAYB only at 11 P: if. from Philadelphia tt Baltimore. do. do. 525 P. 26. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Freight Train, with Panehger Oar attached, will rue as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intermediate places at b 00 P. M Leave Wilmington for do. do. 060 P. M Leave Baltimore for Ilarre-dottrace at 6 P. M. no 21-1 y 8. It FELTON, President. Sire proof gales SALAMANDER SAFES. A law assortment of EVANS to WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SAL/MARDIS SAFES, VAULT DOOSII, For Soaks and Stores. BANE LOOKS, Equal to any now in nee. IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, &e., On as good terms as any other establishment in the United States by SWANS & WATSON, 20 South FOURTH street, Philadelphia. FLRASH GIN'S US A CALL. lATELOOKE RANGE.—SOLDBY GRAD ` V I►loll a DK 8110021 p U. 14116.1 a. Laub Salts. fIEOICE FARM LARDEI'FOR BALE Ili TEE ILLINOUICENSIULL =IMAM COMPANg la now prepared to sell gent 1,600,000 nom of choice Farming lands, to tracts of 40 nem and egrwaree, ea long credits. and at low rata of entered Thee* lands were crested by the Gorerusesst to ai I the construction of this Road, and are anurag the richest and most fertile in the world. They eztead from North-pet and North-West, through the middle of the State, to the extreme South, sad turlade every variety of climate and productions rowed between those parallels of latitude. The Northern parties is &lady prairie, Interspersed with firm greens, and la the middle and Soothers melons timber predominates altersatiag with beautiful prairies end The climate le more hes.= wed equable, than any other part of the sponstry—the air is pure and bra cing, while tiring streams sad springs of egrallect water abound. Bitamlneas 04:41 Ii a.V.enziTaly wad loPfalot • clasp and dmirelde feel, being *cd roan) points at tit to $4 per ton—mad wood am be hod at the same role per cord Stone of otoellest quality also abounds, of transportation. which can be procured for little more thus the coma The great fertility of thee. lands, which are a black rich moald, from two to eve feet deep, arid gently roll lag; their oontigraty to Misread, by which every tact lity it furrlaked for travel and transportation to the principal markets North, South, But. West. end the economy with which they can be cultivated, render them the most valuable investment that can be found, and pressmt the most (area Sportunity for persons of indastilons habits and Means to sequin a com forts/tie independence in a few years. Chicago is now the greatest grain market (nth' world; and the tamlity sad moncenp with which the products of them lands des be trrospactW to that market make them much more prefitals s, at the prices aeke. , than those more remote at government rates, se the addi tional 1,04 of twisportation is a perpetual tax on the latter, which meet be bone by the prodester, la the re. done price he meet's* foe his grain. &e. Thet itle is perfect—and when the find payments are node, deeds are executed by the trustees appointed by the State, and In whom the title is rested, to the par amen, which *only, to them able:date tit le in fee sim ple, free and obese of every hosambrauce, flea ft moot- e prima am from 36 to $3O: interset only $ per et. wordy per et. will be deducted from the pries for cub. Thom who wane on long credit, giro notes payable in two, three, four, QVe and a= years after data, and are required to tarpon one-tanth annually for Ave years, so aa to have one-half the land orator =ideation at the end of that time. Competent surveyors will accompany than who wish to educing these Lauds, trim of chug*, sad aid them in leaking selections. The Loads tiotodalag unsold arm aa Ash and Tabula. as those whi..b kite Men of. 'MOTIONZ MAfl' Will be sent to any one woe will endow Ifty pats to vertigo stamps, and books or pamphlets containing au morons instance' of successtal fanning, signed by re spectable and well known firmer' living in the neigh borhood of the Itallmed Loads, throughout the the colt of tensing, prise et cattle, expense et har vesting, threshing, ete.,—or say ether information— will be cheerfully 10 , 111os spirtilattan, tither personally cr by letter, In Bngllab r ?reach, or Gartoza, addressed to , JOHN WILSON. Land Commissioner of the Illinois Central IL H. Co. linoisw 3a Illinois Contest. Bailrosd Depot, Chimer., 11. . frOMESTEAD YoR $2,001 LAND DIS -111-11-TRID.UTION ! MANOR FOR POOR HEN!! The Northwestern Mtitual Lind Benefit laudation will make i grand diatribe:Coo of PO,OOO worth of red estate and maps to its members: The number of mem . here is limited to 15,000. $l.OO and five letter damp, per membership, or a share. Any individual Bending $lO and the stamps, shall be entitled to di sharer or any person sending $lO with names, with t headreas of each, carefully written, shall be entitled tolls shard The following is the real estate to be distributed : No. 1. An improrbal farm of 30 sans to Cooks Co., Minot', slued it $3,000 No. 2. An im roved faro of 160 sitesfo Mato sides 00.,' craned at 3,000 No. 3. An'improveil two of Maar in White side* 00., Illinois, v*lnad at 3,000 N 0.4. An ezoollent priest* readenevinDabooss, lowa., valued at 8,000 No. 6. 160 acres superior farm land In Cooke Oo Illinois, valued at 2,060 No 8. 160 acres well ON limborod In Waterless Co., Wisconsin, valued at 2,000 No. 7. A good lot and cones* residuum in Old ono, Illinois, valued at 2,060 No. 8. 160 acres superior land in Whltesidea Co., Illinois. valued at 1.000 No. 9. 160 acres good bind in Chippewa 00 Wieunain, valued at 960 No. 10. 180 urea good land in Chippewa CO., Wileol32llll, valued at 980 No. 11. 160 acres good land in Chippoway Co., Wisconsin, valued at 80( No. 12 160 acres good land in Dunn Co., Aleamain, aa in, amain, valued at - 801 N 0.13. SO acres good land in Marshall Co., lowa, valued at No. 14. 80 awes good laud In Nuslail Co , lowa, CC valued at No. 16. 80 uses good land in Ifauludi Co., tows, veined at No. 10. 40 urea good land In blushed' Co., lowa, valued at a N 0.17. 40 uses good land in Linn Co., lowa, val. ned at V No. 18. 40 acres good land - in Linn Co., lowa, ye: nod at N 0.19. 40 acres good land In Linn Co., lowa, val ued at No. 20. One building lot In Dubuque, lowa, val ued at No. IL One building lot to Sterling, Illinois, valued at N 0.13. Ons building lot in Sterling, Mina* valued at No. 23. Ono building lot in Sterling, 11llnobi, valued at No. 24. 40 urea farm laud in Grant Co., Winton. sin, 'valued at No. 25. 40 acres farm laud In Grant Co., Whom: vin, valued at No. 20. 40 acres land in Grant Co , Wiaxinsus, valued at No. 21. 40 acres land In Grant 0.., Wiacoo.sin, valued at No. 28. 40 acres land in Crawfordoo valued at No. 29. • 40 aartoland In Crawford 00., Wlneonata, rained at No. 30. 40 &eras land In CrarfordCo., Wiseousin, valued at - N 0.31. 40 urea land In Monroe Co., Wlaconaln, valued at No. 82. 40 sores land In Monroe - Co., Wlaolnitu, S2MMM!II valued at No. 34. 40 acres lead in Janke= Co., Wisconsin, valued at NO. 33. 40 soon land in Bad Axe o.4.,Wleeoosta, valued at No. 86. 40 acres land in Bad Axe Co., irlaoonain valued at No. 37. 40 sorsa land in Bad Jae oo.;Wlseonela valued at No. 38. One lot in Pniton , Illinois, valued at 160 No. 99. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, valued at 103 No. 40. One lot in Fulton, Illinois, veined at 100 The distribution will be conducted fairly - and hono-a ably. The names and address of Mockholdera ahall be written on as many small cards as they have shares, and the whole placed in a box, and the first name taken oat shall be entitled to the Improved farm No. I in the above Het, and the next taken out 'trill be entitled to 'No: 2, and so en until the 4b items of real estate are all distributed Then to each of the remaining 14,1360 stockholders will be sent cheap map of a Wutern State or Territory. A full mount of the will be forwarded he a printed titular, to - sash member of the Association, with the names and address of such u may receive the real estate--to whom aba the deeds will be sent and immediate possession given. Each ap plkation must be sccomptmed with 82 00 and five letter stamps Address LINDELL, JONES k. CO., as 18 Chicago, Illinois. LANDS! ode the following ralnable LANDS In SOUTH WESTERN GEORGIA. All persom are here by can boned against trespassing upon any of them. October, 1857. T. R. BLOOM, Mason, Oa DOCCHEITT 000tsTir lit Distriet—Nos. 69, 95, 97 ith bittritt—No. SU. 9th do—Noe. 18, ns, 329, 533, 889, 318, 879, 880, 419, 408 10th Ihetriet—Noe. 45, 41. WOBTX COINTL 7th Distriet—Xoe. 124, 625. 15th do " 11,12, 65. 16th do it - 26,27,15,23. LEI COUNST let Matlict—Nos. 130, 180, 188, 198 13th do " 4,181, 14th do 113, 144. 811X77111 0017317 16th Distriet—No. 91 TIMULL cons?? 11th Dtatrlet—Nos. 128, 250. 12th do " 198, 201. RANDOLPH COMITT Bth District—No. 144 EIMEITEMM 12th Distriet—No. 209, 227, 2t2, th..". 224, 222, 9571 931 375, 978, 398. E=Miati3=4=l DRCATITI OGUSIT 14th Dittriet—Nos. 130. 27th ' do ~ 190, 246 DOOLY COUNTY lot District—Nos. 7, 208 211 212 213 211, E 1 2222, 223 is e 427 2d do 66 152, =7. 7th d 066 211. 9th do ' 110. El= Bth District—No. 214 I=l Sth District—No. 102 TATUM COCIIIT 73th District—Nog. 67, U. litb do ', 63, 64. rfIROY FEMALE SEMINARY.—TIIE School Year, consisting of two Exams, will wm menex on the SECOND WEDNESDAY af September, and eime the last Wediseaday of Jane following. Normal Class, Troy Female Seminary—Toition free. Winter Term commencing September 10th. The charge for tuition and board, including all ne cessaries connected with it, such as room rent, washing. fuel, light, etc, is $2,25 per annum. An additional charge is made for music and the other ornamental branches of female education. Where a Sied sum is preferred, $350 per annum (onis.haff payable at the commencement of each term) will be received, and for it the pupil entitled to all the advantagea of the Insti. tution. Pupils may enter at any period of the term, and are required to pay only from the time of entrance. The Institution furnishes all possible facilities for a thorough course of useful and ornamental education. Tho Principals are assisted by more than twenty Pro_ femora and Teachers. Extensive coursea of Lectures are annually delivered by Professors on Chemistry, Natural Philosophy, Geola cy, Botany, Astronomy, and %locution. This Institution is furnished with a valuable Library and extensive Philosophical Apparatus, a well-selected cabinet of Minerals and Shells, and Mara, Cha-ts, Globes, and Models. - Every facility is afforded for the thorough study of the French language. The French teachers reside in the family, and adapt their system of instruction to the use of the language In conversation. DIPLOMAS are awarded to young ladies who have passed satisfactory examinations in the full course of English studies, with Latin, or one of the modern languakrec CERTIFICATES to those who have com pleted the partial course. The pupils are received into the family of the Princi pals, In which every arrangement is made for their physical education, and the improvement of their man ners and morals. They occupy private rooms, two in each, the rooms of the female teachers lad that of an experienced novae being among those of the young The advantages of this Institution are the result of the accommodated facilities of more than thirty years of ito onward progress. Circulars containing more particular information may be obtained by application to the Principals, John H. Willard and Sarah L. Willard, Troy, N. Y. The terms for day scholars are *3 per quarter for the introductory clan of English studies. These are Read ing, Wramg, Spelling, Grammar, Arithmetic. Roll merits of Geography, Geography for beginners, and Geology for beginners. For the second clam; $7 per quarter. This includes all the branches constituting the extensive course of Eng lish studies. TRUSTEES. ' BENJAMIN MARMALL, president. Joao 11. WILLARD, Secretary. Mayor and Reoorder of Trey, ex-offlcio. Denjamin Marshall, John D. Willard. Robert D. Sillision, Thomas W. Blotehtord, Jonas O. Ileartt, Silas H. Stow, Jae Van Sehoonhoren, Jonathan Edwards, Gee. B. Warren, Thomu Clowns, John A. Griswold, John Mallory, Uri Gilbert. oellittm CREAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, of extolls nt quality, is sold at the PRILADILPHIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of Eve (rents a bailie], tad may be obtained in Urge or quantity he ap plying at th e Gas One., No. PO Routh aItViNTIL Street. To Purchaser' by Wholesale, It la sold at the Works, In Pint Ward, by the toe, at a price equivalent' to do thracite, In 50 per ton. (51imed.)011.10.9017, Ingineer. tsar/air/1A QM) Wdnie 10 4. 25 , 16 T. da27-4 Wisecedn