The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 21, 1858, Image 4
- , 41414114,1,Thiotsstra ail' JO. ‘ - - - OweeliterrlimalWylialatfouier Aortal.] „ .1• - ~,tolingerAgpir-000,*461 110follrt °44. e I,449;ifliddilea ep lone," bie ;vie, has aiwedvitott something to be wished • for tlitp4fil;tere:iiiotot complete But who "'ION VaitereV tat 10 ' 1 ‘ sons a 111//'4? A 4 1 , 4 Ainenalefettritrunt, thaw: - .• It . 1 ''''''' l l't' ll 44pfiegoivir 14Jobos ' --- - , meat - 40 a. ;,,,,:i iiii , e9 l :::,,,, lira, lie tkten, , 5. ."'Y '' < 4 Avitialeorilthrowl , Mehient, i,Auktiferi ol, ; 44 l" l, l /*lds . 1 9. 1 - - # ,4.41, le e. , 3"43 "X oo r4l°s l " are /Me tae4eaw; ' 14, L. 4 ` 4 sak-Adomlng4 on your (tasty pow, (k o. A 10 -, ` f o---1 John Andetoon, my jo , ,-,Yobx, Angonion, far Jo., mom, ;,-,r, ..,` 'YI . , r..' WO clams the MI Moeller ; ( ;IL./ 1--r-;0 4 - , te ' PY 0, Jelin, ; ,' ':. f • We've had ni , one anithe ' 1 - iz v"1" . .- N 05444 141 MM , toGiter. 0'4711,1004 ' ' 4s ' n t ' 4 L tilit USK, la him Item gb, '''''''' ' , 'A,',.Xiati4t.lithesithat„ etlho tool;" ,--- ' 10.4 • Anderson, my }o, , Pine as tins is, t doev not quite satisfy a ope- f • rb o spistios sand ; when ono has gone so far, the .1 14 4- 4d 14W for, something Porn4thotbing Weyonci the fog pf rlie Ulf Many ii reader .4 , 't ~. Muni must, leave thlt this ; ant it is Amite probable , vtllet,ollV hl)ro etten l P6 l t 4; .upPie 0. , At itelinei , but we know of only, one atierettiii so Ir s " )1 4 lit, PiP eri P 9 M' This is 1 11° ' add , e ' ll , “" '' ' '. Ad= Aulereolhiv jo, Yohn; °r` '1 , , .a:- { : = When we dm% alept titasitkot ~ i 1 i- Thooleip that go mann 0419, i_ohn, , We'll w ake Id , an. annbot :- , 7 - , •i iiia la 414 billet warld, lobn, '‘'''' X4 f el : r" e W er:Te :1; 1 :1711;$1131 ,' i l '' ,-. . .., - No r ~.a ot: Ze krip, nijr, j ai e ' :,rSim ) ip 1 ii, touching,. true-nothing - wantlig, and ~ - oo tgls i t o dpite prootioly h er m oo haorwith the ' Ji l4 s 4lt4l Oulik 111 4 iretrorielf, th# 4 , l 7 the faut '' ceMilg# th ot Pioftole- rfkia P 4 4 . lat' l 4°Y 4 meht is ' -0 ettributCd" to Mr. Charles Otadlies gentleman of ,r..;. :our town> whOo/K5 has . 6 .tlitih i etif , dt ri et e d to the Recessed oombinstson offigurea--but_not figures ' ~ . .i: P r 4,0 4 4 0.1 rittVrerle Iran:Awn. some years ago, but it bair not hitherto, found;lts way into .t , ... , printo et it welf deserve; to be incorporated With t e 4 a #g iall, Il a . l In; any reign etlitlea of Bass's PconatonabiraboPo enteopablisher sin sot on this !';*(illtSgOtiTil ', " .. y'l*;' SpittT lalSVOltwAth / 11 " 3 "° t---shsrom the gew vett steam; Feel . , ..,.= ..- -, Wri are painekin being obliged to record . "''fiilbitieteetion•ofira error-Whichwill redder. Mr. " 4. 'liiiires life 'of Washingtion, hitherto regarded t c as -a lognal sticcers, a nn lea signet failure. <lt 1 4 tritll t j th4t work le,fritteu Frith_ell the limpid -' grace of stylkiNortifch but „pia* tlie anther at v t thelniad of our prose literature ; it •is true that t he lisispent mealy years in collecting original r", '2 mnOrliclet, twain taaldiming them into }kith:l --. -, ntag ana:6o44Eiftll nattatiVe } 'if* One that more than a htuidred mid fifty thonattod copies ''' of it'intie been bought, and eagerly lead by an adraiting public; and it is also. true that ,N 3 , i;..trillety troth f4eign -and domeatic, have hailed the work as the crowning achievement i n a i ~i n eries,of splendid „literary 'performances, now ''''' ' extenlei over nearly half ¢ury ; but the 1-z:1 eitbrto Which weallude is so -fundamental and pgvading as to be fatal.. ,V,-, - Ntt.srrving lattli - Tate misconcei'Ved the ~ 4 ",eluiracter and position of his, hero. In his -- Simplicity, or his ignorance-for we Gannet " ,„.' sappotat that he wouia intentionally commit a - ,:fraudx-he represents George Washington to - havelmen, and Would Thin persuade his readers "''to belilive that hb wlui; the Great Man rof the r American ReVolntien. lie openly treats him thronghout as tito leading spirit of the wail' and jwititontimptuiriagtidedract frourthe reputation er Atni • , Of hie celleagneif,YetdOes not scruple to Trociaim , that Washington conducted •tho ' ' movatnent, and that without his genital, mode . "',ration, and energy, it might have had far other issues than It actually had, . The plans of the 4.4 . 4fleampaignsk the detail of force, thevarious proviSions Tor - the Action and support of troops ~,-,lbo...rairdposition Of•flantbsa, mi tho consults!! ~ tiontvithpeopess andcommittees, he ascribes .. '''' 4l lo GeciPge Winf instep With the most entire r , show of sinner ty And grad faith. ... 4 $ But'all this la a' grave and singular mietake in Mr. Irving, which we hem charge upon him, altinnigh we can see how natural it was ,is=,(. .;for bbn, witblde 11 - earlier Intellectual habits, to -fall into the error. Re has probably written ~ • his biograp hy; according to the old-fashioned -, ; libitortcar canon, that a man who is charged ''''• ''' ~.,with the sovereign responsibility and leader- Ship . of any movetnent, and whom all cotempo '. ituy recoils represent as acting under such re , leponsibility, is to,be regarded as the real head of it. Mr. Irving has, no doubt, further sup , , - Rosa tint the •letters and documents, signed , .by the name of such a mai, are to be looked upon by the historian as emanating from him andlais valid evidence of what he thought; said, ' mad dbl. Sut alas! as the quack says in Mo. litre, nous evens changi foul celts---the heart is no longeron, tbe lett side-mid;history is --',;now-altogether too profound te rest its claims - - upon such antiquated and commonplace• mul ls -. If Mr-Impg had delayed his chiming vo 4-, , lames until be could have-read a •et ltistory of J,`:ihor timitiblic ofthe United States, (littered in the writings : of Alexander Hamilton, by his -, - son John C. liandiron," •he might have es . , caped fide : lamentable overeisht and fault. Ile would Ifaveleateed theie hew lila great and • venerated-subject had' been imposing upon mankind for those JOY Peers and more how; infact, he had Imeii striating about on the his - toric scene In' borrowed. , plumes- F -11ot pre : - Aig° l 3r33s t'daw in peeceeles feathers, but as an ...Ingle 1 1 1 renthet a not his,own; ca, in a trend, 4 - '575 4 that a large part of, tins glorious doings im , pine lt d to ben by it grateful brit,deluded pos ;;,!:-1th, Were "riot Ids doings, but the doings of ,tr,ff • lifr.-4t.lesander Raltintoe. i'. ' - ; 42 ~. - i - Jaiother Mater - lan, also, the laborious Jared :::,',. „'e,parlia,,,whia , has colletted* the writings. of ~-'a`Washington, in • saveal. hirge folumes, might t , „- „have spared Elba/Mir a great deal of labor,anti ',„, -, ~,, libtleaders a gitiat deal of expenee, if he had ..t: .."siilrii..„itneivri whit we' knee now 5 that the 'lwnWrittligerOf If italiington ware hot his, but Ha ''..."l"l-./ i11g63333 1 1W '' ' r ye -41" tl-.. ...At blunikraoo theac histeriami havo been gsnosedity a very islinpieandsatisfactory pro ' ' , doss Otilisterical reasoning. It is 'known that fromAtr year 1776 tifithe pis 1781-a most !„*.... radimPottantspetiod lo the itiatory of the war- TAkiAmer BamitterOherehout twenty years ,* -". or . age; was a "fatorite ale and secretary of ~ • , thee Vaalaltagton, the Commander-in-chief I of rebels, who had - been designated to the " 1-2 . 2 fotclovet the claims of lathe; diatingnished mon, ~.,....„. , by , - , lris. pre-eminent ability, as well as by ,r} ti* • lofty disintereatedness of _character. The former, in his capacity of clerk-Wrote Mune ' „. 'rods letters, despitchat;*d addreshea for the "" • ifs' 'War . it - r a rh ef hi r, celiac y o comman de r- i n - chief er- n-c I ; ~., --4, -- - - 440--,apii herein , conedsts the peculiar`origi ''..`iiiility.or Mr. J. 0: Hamilton's historical logic '' ? 26b ohnh no thO author not Daly of all the Oar 1 -, _.docutileirts, hut °fall the proceedings and con „swimmer; to which this/ gave rise. Wash , 0 kitten merely lent libenanieto the'transaction, - . 4 c 4, Wigre $4114i controlling spirit and the guiding , , hand belonged to the young Colonel, concealed : * `liehludiale flowing and inajeatic mantle. Rc... C. Ramilton bi quite claimmodesi it must ~• - bei confessed, in asserting the of his ” , illustrious • father ; he noWhere does so In for ' , mal Mid positiveteftn`s, but' he, everywhere ingenuously, causes it, to be inferred. Rio - jries aboUnd ha phrases of this kind, which ' ere Welt flitote act libitum;: ~, llamilton, over •• c ths signature ,of Waithington, now wrote to , Geneirel Reath at Beaton." tTwo daya after, ',-.l.A.,trouktortanatk.for WailltingtOn, stating," - , ,40- ~? ,sre com Pose ate feeds gettliitoth over ,1 . - - the signature of Washington, replied to the ()mina ot Safety Of New Tork." "Soon , , aftes,,over ashlngtolfri 'Aviator°, he wrote --`_?=-kto Congress." “Ramilton, immediately in. ..,;. for Med Congress, in the name of , Washing. -- ~,,,„ Atm, that Putnam had been • ordeted," &c. Al' - icFrehr - Yellow Springs Ilanditon, in the ' naind 'of Washingten, wrote to Congress." ,;; 1 ;.; ~.',Having- performed th ese services, llama „,., 1 ton hastened to the camp, Whence, in the , *wit of Washington, he wrote to Congress, •-..„,,,' , detailing the movements of thearmy.” 'Ha , ~-. -Dalkon is againseen addressing lettere, in the ' , name of Washington, to the lloard of War, :: ~- 7 , id Reath 'and Trumbull, 'pressing reinforce '. • meats and encouraging confidence." "Pre vious tx) the opening of the campaign in 1777, - • , Ilarailten, tn behaTof Washington, wrote to 7, '...- ~.. Uri GOvernor Of Georgia" in regard to making 6 ,ma attempt upon St. Augustine-and it is ~.added :, 4 e This ivas the fleet' ‘ iitep towards an „, ~I : esti d asion hi„ the southern branida of this Re l., -.'"- viiblici, and ? 'M command of the Gulf of , >,l,- tr , , Meiticra of whiotrtßamilton wee a :needy ad , ,4-9 ,i 1 4 06140 e1 "IX/ 4 . (General Rowe's) letter was eneloseteto' Congress, with -• , a comment-ist ,_,btlititt of Washington, by, Ilamilton." o The 1 . '', '.,,, jot: written - by gainilion for Washing. '"i - t;tinfclytok 'in these tetras." ii Rowb at ; n 4 Ohitt , tiMe pretaillg A final , thteisioni Handl ,7,.. ''' , `ltetk" la - 14ilittV Of •Weablogton, answered 7; I'il killiLe 1 48. A ll" r " Three dart:after, Colo. ..4. , . -. •,i - nei ~IlAiditen,„ 00er WashingtotAt hgnat ore, ..' - t wrote Ltst , General Putnam, at Peekskill." = . : ::' ,it A lettetiiritten by hini for Washington to i,, , GeoraloMergitgall and Glover was to tiro ~, .-v: Mae eiteet." e.Twoddayel afterw'ards he in • ,7 - .,:lf#We' to rntnera, tit IVaalungton's na me" --40. 0 ,)srda Ye2r 4 vikoes'aelitliton hod written. I Y" 9, lPteltstelleillor • Artiltabiall =Or >. Walhington's Jig ••- , L 7t.....,Atethirei-0,t4 to- the dispOsiti ' or th bite `... -- i , I gurla .„-i ~ on e public .„.„ . .i, ~,,, apes, rue Ailovemente d 1 the ' enemy." ~, itkiv4 igAina preparations. ot Rowe to am. i` . "e 0 OlOnel• HeYoliton Ogel'Wrot:);'hilko 4 a te *set s s rd govnr`or Train -,' 4, 03 4 4 _•Pi X ho „.,)4ohlie Pr Oongrestt Wart upon i- htf , ,•-sac, twofer me reorganization: of the army 44:ga l iZ l i c Licle,IfepTeet irti pen, of .0 . 1: 4 :,..y4ita eramander-m-Chief at Valley Forge. Rare follows the letter, I A & 10A0 11 eterhel ,addlit' -4 Thus stimutared, , xio ~ mOO Rip, conoleration of thbr 44 mtvirldt*'", 2 t , e-- -n ~., . =-',4 r , ver 4o.,, t f l i ritZp-etileri , eitiniii ' Wig 'made ' e 11 nr, ~ eue Y ~:;,e 5 t, l llll, .. 11 ,,firil*tnief Weii or 4 the inr t elpifeti wane' itmleerikrzetwetary managed hy 4-4,1 ,tiktiawirflurand pa te nth proper °Re '*" ''''"'''oottiladqteieg. tqlnd lila battle to thb Madness; #i. ,- 4 - '.P-but t ih 31 . 1010 'iontiorile wee manifestly in. S i comps t, • The , ataroglaphy or the various IFS 3s. MOW ift:MOP PronfO7hatielsd os„L lteateollVO, 9 OOgr,intre h entailed frt....' 4 , the two eyea 41111361 . i ao•we truppoge chile- as P a h tfed. lM onlY i torakrbetti " ii- b ee s W l Vo g l e i ro dig letVnzijigt paanjtAtupleasos; '1" ,400 Pretittnt is eoltainly, an era of-Main/el; ions disco ierlear , - The' learned Herr-Professor Strange has shown, with great crittpjr iirtiii ttlaCt1101061;0210 ' are - 0 • while Hits belie e ofe' e• • - ttut• 'William phauspein e was no more than a theatileal etalking-horse, on whom the yrilet Filizaboth'a ()Dort put such pmctibal jeatdadifiankll4*Tivir;lind . Othello ; and now Mr. o.l.lapiljton 'cbmitletes our emancipa tierofbem,old traditional tfables, by, converting Washington Intd deolemnimme and shadow, ighstot3 Ai '6741)410s eeeretary was the silUstened.."-- resolvingeirents into their first prinolples,,and tracing things to their ()ri gid; it °Court to its; howeVer,rthat the logical Pronnesfrf , r 4r,..ltatiailton, has sec defect- 7 --it :searcelrgees tar enough. _ror If the writings of :iVashilcigten are to birreferred to Hamilton, 't l °.‘d o ii o ß tho3TikeliliWtlin pen et Hamilton, why, notgo fitrtbei•not say• that they belonged to Goosek-Gander, too,because Goosey furnish -ed Ale quill Yet we„ Can easily acquit' Hidnitton'of any intentional injustice to that animal. .• • ; ilkbicifal. "E - OATAWBA OHIO TIM iRANDY.*Aa this article ia • manufactured from "tha KERB 071310 D of the -Catawba Grape, cultivated ,iR tdrolatinayards the Great-West, it has sprelal claiii , to our notice The proprietor guaranties this Brandy to be -STBICTL T FORE and FRED FROM pIajIDIYI/TBIAATICN, which. is corroborated by the malysea of Dr. CON., State Inipeotor for Ohio; gm. t$ celebrated ,, Analytical Chemiet , Dr CIIILTfqi, of New York, to which we invite attenUou - A 14A1,1148418 'WON'S Z'UR CATAWBA. BBANNY. 006.160 AL DI - 8P107014 OINOINNATI, May, 1886. I hereby certify' that I have this day inspected a large'ldt of fine Catawba Brandy for Mr. I. Jico., No. 148 Third' Atreet, ind after a careful examination I find it pare, of high :chemical standard, and free from all foreign or poleonoun stibatancea, and have so marked it a* the law directs, (Signed! HIRAM. COX, M. D Nuw You, July 28, 1867 I have analysed a bottle of Lyon's rare Catawba Brandy', furnished by Mr. A. Ralston, Jr., of 'Lockport, WY., for analyeatlon end find it to contain only the thgridisurti*hich (mint in" pure Brandy. The 'proper ildiCof alcohol obtained from it is 47 per cent. I be lieve this sat4de to he "are Brandy, without adultorte. Cons, Thelialoreof itia dolicate'and peculiar. ' (Signed) - JAS. IL D., Chemist. Per Medicinal prirseees Lyon's Catawba Brandy has no rival, and has long been needed to supersede the pOisenonsfebmportnds sold under the name of Brandy. App' hnietagte, the pure article is altogether superior, atoll iletereign cure romedyfor Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Loa' Spirit.; Languor, General Debility, &0., kc Also 'BB/12LB1'IS STILL AND SPARKLING 011.AmPAGNZ.—Theat Wines are made iq the neigh borhood of Ctnctnnatt, and are guarantied to be the Pure Zuleedf the Orape,and are eminently calculated for invilids' i<nd persons who require a gentle stimu lant, and for Bseramental purposes. Retail price $1.25 per bottle. " A liberal diacount made to ,the Trade. Dealers wilt please send their ordereto the" Role Agents for the State of Penn eylvania, AL. F GAZAUD & CO., , - Wholimale Droggista, No. 108 MARKET Street. FitiDEiii OK BROWN, CILE4II7ST AND DRUGGIST, N. E. CORNER. FIFTH. AND CUEETNUT STREETS, " - DULLMILPHIA, Bole manufacturer of , BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JA MAICA GINGER, which la recognised and prescribed by the Medical. Faculty. and hes become the 'standard Family Medicine of the United States. -- Thin Is a remedy suited to the extremes of heat and cold, and at all times beneficial when gentle tonic and stimulating influences are required. Its stimulating property being Independent of alcoholic power, its effect ea a frequent remedy need never be dreaded While it strengthens and refreshes the debilitated in the summer season, it is not lees potent during the inclemency of minter," by warming with ite healthy tonic principle, and enabling the system to resist the Influence' of in cipient diseases which lurk in a changing climate. 'No family should be without it, and by travellers on long journeys, or by sea, it will be found Invaluable. Ostrnon.—Versons desiring en article that can be re lied, upon, prepared solely from pure Jamaica Ginger, should he particular to ask for BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, which is warranted to be what it is represented, and is prepared only by FREDERICK BROWN, and for sale at his Drug and Chemical Fiore, E. corner oft.FIFTE and 011.F.8TRUT streets, Phila delphia. . • - ' - - Atao for silo by all respectable Druggists in the tit& tedptates. - . jalG-gra* -DUBE MEDICAL. COGNAG.BRANDY— A _The'runt certain cure for Dyspopela, whether Acute or Chronic, now 111115 e j 0160, as a powerful strengthener for weak lungs Ind general debility, It has no equal. 11.ecoinmended by all the eminent Physicians. Price only E. 26 per bottle, or 410.50 per dozen. • ZIEGLER & RIfITR &M. corner SECOND and GREEN Streets, Jal6 - Sole Agents for the United States. Vropostilo. QTEAIII3LS.CHINERY FOR SCREW FRO PELLER SLOOP-OP-WA.R. NAVY DRPARTWINT, December le, 1857. SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed "Proposals for Steam Machinery for Screw Propeller Bloop.of-War will be ,received at this department until 8 9 , clock; the 20th /ennui) 1857, for the complete construction of the steam machinery and appendages, and placing it on 'board it screw propeller sloop-of-war building in the , United States nary yard at Dolton. ' The - offers most be fora specific sum for petting the .whole In SucCeSsful operation ; must include all patent _rem for: any arrangements that may be proposed state the time in which the work will be completed, and `The name of the es b shment-in which the work Is to bee:mooted must be stated. . . . ' The details of the design and Arrangement of the ma chinery trill be left with the party whose proposition -May be accepted •aa combining the greatest number of advantages, keeping in view simplicity of construction, readiness of access for adjustment when In operation, and not being subject to derangement in the working pasta I it being the object of the department to obtain the most speed and power with the moat economical consumption of fuel. and the greatest stowage of coal which the space available for that purpose will admit. The boilers to be of iron, with teleatopic smoke pipe, which must be placed at the greateetpracticable distance from the mainmast; the propeller, with the connections for.hohrting to be of composition; the machinery for heating, for pumps . apparatus for ventilating, aud ap purtenances of all kinds necessary for the perfect work ing of the whole,- to he of the most approved kinds. The costhunkers, abaft passage, Ur° atherar tahlpe 1 son bulk heads, distilling apparatus for fresh water from which can be made not lees than 800 gallons per day; all the tools and duplicate pieces necessary and satisfactory for an efficient cruising steamship of-war, must be included In the proposition, and a list of them meat be furnished. The wood and carpenter work (except the boring out the deadirood for the shaft) necessary to adapt the res. :ael for - the reception of the machinery, bolters, and ap. leanMwill be provided at the expense of the Navy nt, and it will permit the use of such faellities It I as may have for hoisting the heavy machinery on board:. - : • - Ifor the accommodation of the entire steam machinery and the fuel, there will be allowed in the body of the chip the. entire apace. ender the berth dock, com mencing at twenty, feet abaft the mainmast and .thence extending forward &distance 0f66 feet. Within 'Miasma° it La expected to carry coal for 11 days' full steaming, the - daily:consumption of which the bidder will elate in hie specifications ; and the weight of the machineryornter in boilers, shalt, propeller, and ap pendages, with the tools mad vete weak, must not ex ceed 320 tons, of 2,240 pounds. The distance from the aft-aide of the mainmast to the aft-aide of the forward, will be about 05 feet, and the diatanoohetween the forward and the after stern poet wink& 7 feet"; the depthfrom the load water line to the top of the heel , under the, propeller will be 14l Steam-enginemanufactui4 re who Madre to bid can ob. tan a copy of the section 'of the vessel upon making ap plieation to the department. The propowthi must be accompanied by full specifica tions and general drawings having the position of the centre ofgravity of the marlintry, boilers, /cc., marked OD them; giving also the- capacity of the steam cylin ders and area of foot and delivery valves, and of air pump, and outboard delivering valves, space for steam above the water line inhalers, The firs and grate sur face; also, the diameter; pitch, surfar.o. nod kind of pro peller, be other priaolpfd points, that - comparisons can readily be made. There will also be given the estimate of the weight of engine, boilers, water, bunkers, appenda gee, tome, and spare -work, in uns of 2,210 pouods. The terms of payment will be that when one-fourth of the materials and labor provided for in the con tract shall have been completed to the satisfaction of the department, there will be made npayment of one fifth part of tbe - whole amount of the contract; when one-halt MS work shall in like meaner be completed, there will be a farther payment of one-fifth; when three fourths the work shall , have been completed a farther payment of one-fifth; when the whole shall have been completed, and have made a satisfactory trial of one week, then a farther payment of elm-fifth; and when the ship shalt have performed satisfactorily at sea for a Dated of three months , then the remaining sum shall bepata. - The repairs nonsinary during this period from defec tive workmanaltip or materials will bo at the expense of the contreeter.. The Opposite met be 'explicit, and no qualified or conditional offer w.ll be considered. ISAAC TOUO.ET, fiecretney of the Navy. de2lluth Ijci2o iIiFFIOE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE, Puit.sontrui a, December 28, 18i57. BRALED PROPOSALS wilt be received at this Oboe until 1.0 A, It. of the 89th of January next for furnish ing, by contract, during the year 1858, leather of the best quality of the kinds herein specified, deliverable at the United States Clothing and Equipage Depot, Schuylkill Araenal, and in quantities as may be re. quired, viz • . . VAX Upper Leather, eak•tanned, shaved from slaughter • " bides. Sole Leather, oak-tanned from Buenos Ayres or La Plata, hides Stock Leather, dressed by the morocco process, and of usual thickness. Black. Bridle Leather, otik.tentied from slaughter hides. linnet Bridle Leather, front hides of the same class, ' •,` -• • curried down without splitting. Morocco Skins, Temple°, black kid finish. Veer - Leather, Japanned on both aides, one black, the other green, by the patent • proceeds. Chin Strap Leatherijapanned black on the grain side, by the patent process. Slaughter Leather, for welts , Contracts will be blindest acceptedpropMets, for the frilfilinent of -which two or mole sullacient securities 'will he required. • , fille4tarties, address, and the responsibility of the persons propoSed as securities, with the acknowledge mentof Said persons that they such security, tr will see that good end sufficient security he furnished in 01160 a contraot la obtained, will bo transmitted with the propesals. Penitents will be made on each delivery, should Cm. great have made an appropriation to meet them, or as soon thereafter as en appropriation shall be made for that purpose. Ten per cent. of the Amount of each de livery...tern be retained until the contract shall be com pleted, -which will be forfeited to the United States in catutof defaleatlcio on the part of the contractor in ful nllingthe contract. It is to be distinctly understood by every parson ob• tainlog a contract, that said contract is not transferable without the consent of proper authority, and that any sale aaslgnment, or transfer of it, without such consent "having been obtained, (except under a process of law.) will be regarded as an abandonment of the contract, and the contractor and bie securities will be held re ',possible for- all lots or damage to the United Staten which may atlas from sainabandonment. Proposals will be addressed to the undersigned, and will bo endorsed "Proposals for farniahing army sup. plies and materfals.”-. MERRY O. WAYKS, • defiilitn lb, a !Jan „ lit. Maier, A Q. Mr Witot:ttega at taw. TIANIEL • DOUGHERTY, ATTORNEY ifum, ilotitheaat ()Ginn at YOUTH and LO pun t* Stree, - MYER STROUSE,'ATTORNEY AT 1%,114 , LAW, 0111NTAV /treat, Patina'', Ps. att4l:l, 8.14121 - ROPW--Buyera 'aro incited to call Awl examine oar Mantis Bele „Bum Which we eau `lren maxillae tow aa'A ilt terloaa,sa4 wa rtunt it superior In e& awl dust:Sy • - .WXAVBB, Inuit es oe., Water at, awl 114 iflaryto, ; efiltEr p tc941:,-441*; ?IN THE -ORP :AN # . -P. cart OR • - • ' deceased F ppointed to audit; Nettle tud adjust cc aount et A dam Athburner Administrator of MARY ASHIMJRNER, densmed,,,,A to report distri bution, will attend to the duties of his appointment on MONDAY. JAonnty 18th. A D,18611, at 4 o'clock P M at his race, N0.„704 WASMINGTON SQUARE ja7-thstuet A. MURRAY STEWART. Auditor. • LETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON THE }STA.'S'S OS ANDREW ,DIMOND, late of the thy of, Philadelphia. deceased, haring been granted to the undersigned.' all persons having claims against the Estate a- the said decedent PM requested to make known the same without delay. and' theme indebted to mike payment" to ANNA DIMOND, Executrix. 4017-thtt* No. 12 South FOUNTS} Street. ( • 'mvleirtettte CIAEDEN SEEDS. 7 -Fresh and gonuino Garden Seeds, of every variety ; a complete stock always unhand. Dealers supplied on ills most liberal terms. BOAS, SPANOLBR. & 00 . ' jal4.y' 621 MARKET' street, below Seventh. CUMMINCPS" HAY, STRAW, AND FOD• ASA lOUTTSRB.—We aro sole ruanufactureri of C winning's unrivalled Hay, Straw, and fodder Cutter', which are guarantied superb:S. to any In the market. SPANGLES. bit SUBMIT etreet, below Seventh. . . A GRICULTUR&L IMPLEMENTS OF eery variety, the most complete stock in the city, embracing Corn Shelton, Grain Pans, Horse Powers, , Steamers, Straw and Podd.r Cutters, Root Cutters, llortmultural Tools of all kinds, Seeds for field and garden, Guano, Super Phosphate Of Lime, wholesale and retail.. . • BOAR, SPANGLER, & CO., jal.4i 1127 DIAUKET street, below Eleventh express - tlompaniee. VELLS, FAROO, & CO., NEW YORK AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS 00 &Ed EIOII/11011 DIALSRII; A JOINT STOOK COMPANY.' ' • CIAP/TAL $OOO,OOO. OFFICE, 400 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADBLPIIIA. Express sent to Cataronnra, Onsaor4 and 8aso• Irma lexanns on the sth and 20th, and to Havana on 7th, 12th, and 27th of each month, from NEW YORK. EXpIIANGE for sale In sums to suit, stud ooneso• 1101181110 A on California, Oregon, Sandwich lolanda and Havana. ' W. P. It. Co. receive freight consigned to thorn at SAN FRANCISCO, Per Clipper Ship, end collect Invoices on delivery of lie same. NOTI & TO OALIFORNI& BONDHOLDERS W. F. k Co are now prepared to receive tho OLD BONDS of the State of CALIFORNIA, transport the same to Sacramento City, and procure new ones, in ac cordance with the cot of 25th April, 1557, and return came to this ally , d021.1m D. N. BARNEY, .7a., Agent THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MEROLIANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SECIE, either by. Ito own LINES, er In connection with other 'EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the prinelpal TOWNS and CITIES of the Baited States. E. 8. 83.NDIORD, General Rupert uterident (Cominmaion lUtratiante. HANDY & BRENNER-001MISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in Poreign and Arno. dean HARDWARR and CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 26 and 27 North 'FIFTH Street, Hut elde above Commerce street, Philadelphia. attl-tf CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER OHANT and Importer of FIAVANA &WAILS (New) 188 Walnut street. second story. aul-ly Bun{ anti eanbleo SOAP AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be tween Lombard and South, and front and Second streets. Thankful to my nnmerona Wends for their past favors, I solicit a continuance of the same, having enlarged my manufactory so AS to enable me to hare constantly on hand a fade Block of well-seasoned Soaps, ' free from Irish 011; Palm, Variegated White Honey, Castile and all k,ode of 'toilet Soaps, Chemical 011 re Soap of pure material, Settled Pale, and Brown Soap, English Sal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles of all slue constantly on hand. Waring adopted the cash system, I am enabled to sell my gowis at the lowest prices. F. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. ll.—Cash paid for Tallow and Crease. no 14,6 m L'artnpare. QUAKER CITY NAILS, MEILOU ANT BARR, RIVET IRON, Atorinfactured at YOUNTAIN GREEN ROLLING MILL, on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Works. WAREIIOIIBE, 103 North WATER Street. glatrAlrait OITY NAILS are warranted equal to any wade • oc9-tr JOHN HALDEMiIf, Agent rrHOMAS''E. BAXTER.—HARDWARE, JIL CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. MS MARKET BT. boy. Ninth. month side: 9611adolphia an 1.6 m Boot° anb Eibato. and ELHOES, which be will sell at the lowest prices. GEO. W. TAYLOR, n021...1y B. E. corner FIFTH and MARKET Ste. JIALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —JOSEPH If. THOMPSON & CO., No. 814 MAR KET Street, and Nos. 8 and 6 FRANKLIN PLACE, have new In store a large and well - assorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern manufscture, which they offer for sale on the beet terms for Cash, or on the usual credit. a lt i cj .c le t a t aro incited to call awl examine theta stoat Surniturt. 1.,8. SITE & CO. PUBNITURE, BEDDING, ko. No. 418 (IM 129) WALNUT 4. L. A new and superior 4710 of Apring Beds. LYDIA B. NITA. Josarg WeLlon AinBl Bats, Cap, Set. SIMLENDER & PASCAL, NATTNItB, No. 8 O. WITH 'Wet. Philadelphia. ebncational. QSNYDER LEIDY. JAMES M. LEIDY, 1,7* TO PASS LEISURE HOURS WIT/I PROFIT, 50 TO LEIDY BROTHERS , BUSINESS ACADEMY, Kos. 148 and 150 MKTG Street, near RAOE, the first established INSTITUTION an this oily for Imparting ettotamtvely BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE ,to MERGANTILE ABITIGIETIO, WRITING AND BOOK-KEEPING. AOADE3fY OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Especial attention given to jalB•Set ORNAMENTAL WRITING. pre.;,. HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, NEAR FALLS OP 130111:111LEILL, PI/MAMMA. FAMILY BOARDING' SCHOOL FOR BOYS. This Institution la designed, under the auspices of the Church, to give to a limited number of boys a thorough collegiate education. or to prepare them for any clans of °Oleg° they may wleh to enter. Reference I The Rt. Rev. ALONZO POTTRR. For particulars, address ReV.PINHNEY lIAIdatOND, Rector, or 149. daebi7 Prof. L. ANGELI:, Principal. PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, I. WEST PIIILADELPIPId. No Seminary whatever le more like a private family. The course of study Is extensive and thorn h. Pro fessor Saunders will reeeive a few more pu Is ander fourteen years of age Into his family. nquire of Messrs. J. S. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Cu!. 1. W. Forney, Editor of thie Paper, whose sons or wards are now members of his family. iieptl4-tf Job printitig. JAMES H. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JODI PRINTING ROOMS, 2 North SIXTH Street, Bretabove Markot, Philadelphia. LIMAN Cards, Bill- Newts, Pamphlets, and general 1 rioting attended to. Binding attended to In conneetioe *lth printed bead ins of Blanks and Receipts. 112.-tf pi INITArdS,--10,000--PUINT/311,/ , A, (Inds per liour sik.W Ts Pre, OW was rerkoted 11. ak,ta IPU E A pkoympt,... Pros, cho taw /01.1 P e 'Wren., /18 A E.ll.llka. THrov, eats sad TentsD 1. vitelB Ted Ttessead Cards per Hoard. lc 8 leig Ow tarp Led style—KO PA. votly missed D i CWIbraq,IJOIIRTii BT. below Chestnut. PHILADELPIIIA TYPE FOUNDRY— N. W. Oor. THIRD and CHIEUNIIT fits. L. PRLOtIZEI c UON, thankful for the libeial pa tronage heretofore accorded to their Establishment, and desirous to merit its continuance, would announce to Printers and Publishers that their now BP EOIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from their increased are now prepared to furnish every thing necessary In a complete Printing Establishment, at the shortest no tice. Their long practical experience in the business, and the fact of their personal superintendence of the manufacturing department, Justides them in asserting that they can furnish a more durable and better fin !abed article than their cotemporaries. There, therefore, who desire Printing Materials, would do well to apply to them previmm to Fittchasing ehiewhere; Old type token at 2 mints per pound, la exchange for new at specimen prime. 15 _OOO BOXES OF AMERICAN WIN DOW GLASS, of all 'thee and gantlet!, for s a m e at lowest prices. Oar assortment la complete, and are daily receiving fresh lots from the Kensington Glass Worker Marta& Duffy's make, superior to any In tho market s to brilliancy and regular thickness, equal to French Wo are now receiving two-thirds of the Glass made at these works. 2,000 boxes French Glass of all sizes. 4,000 feet Hough Clam for skylights, 6,000 feat Engraved and Enamelled Glass, of all pat terns. White Lead, French and American Zinc, Paints, Ac. 100 000 lbs White Lead. MAO les French Zinc (Vieille Montague). 76,000 lbs American Zino. Drown Zinc, a full supply. Chrome Green, a full supply, Chrome Yellow. a full supply Prussian Blue, a fall supply. Faris Green, a full supply. Address your orders to ZIEGLER & SMITH, Wholesale Druggists ati4 Manufacturers, Sole Proprietors of the Penna. Steam Order Works Store B. W. Corner SECOND and GREEN Streets, Ploladelpirls. ' dell tf VERY SUPERIOR NO. 40 TWO-THREAD !MANG TWINR, jult received and for male by WEAVER, VITLBE, h 00. fa2.-tt • No: 28 N. WATEIt St. and 22 N, WIIARVXB. A ROLLER, WARNER, MISKEY, & CO., tRUFACTURIIIIS op GASALIsRB, DRAGENTS, PENDANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds of Gas and Limp Work, (Mandela'' Ire , No. 329 OIIESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA.' ANDREU., WANNER, & 00. 1 , No. 370 BROADWAY, NEW FOIIK• • Wl' Buildings fated with One Pipes, and all kinds of Oaring sod repairing of (las Work, den tOr4 t 1 .1.7?i-,lr^/VAU •my - HOUSE, , • south side of STREET W RARj „ HART, gsoraiatoa. DINNEII.B from 12 to 8. Ciooit Bill of Faro • • Merchants and others will find everything of the beet quality N. ft.—Lynn Raven Day Oysters received by every Norfolk steamer, ja'2o am MEROHANTS' HOTEL, ____ _ NORTH FOURTH STRIALT Anon. it , le, PHILADELPHIA. au.944t AtoRIDDEN it EONS, Pacramoall • iI'ONES , • Analt STREET SALOGNS, 727 and 729 ARCH /MUST HOLDAYS ! HOLIDAYS ! The Holidays are close at hand, and Zanea'a Arch etreet Saloon la prepared for the Immense demand that will be made upon It for ooe►tortoue. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S INDIES . . . zmpoirrsD mlllOlll4 SOD TIC PHABilif SEASON! Every variety of Bon Bone, Pantiles, Doerbon Drops, new style of tanin Drops, Eau Snore Drops, L'angliterre Bon Dons, and every variety rare and cooly candies manufactured In Parte. For Presents, all shell mad PATTERNS of Ornamental Dozes, Pyramids, Ribbon Tles filled with the choicest variety of Confoolions, and varying in prim, from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollar,. Some of these Boxes are the erring ELPEDINANA Oi ANcr woRK C,o ammo DESIGN lOU orssalin IN 01110 000011IY. To the Ladies, as well as to the whole public., Jones's Saloons are the most attractive in the City, and in splendor of adornment and finish are Alipellor to any In the Union DREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS, finned up In the eholeest and most est - At:Rion' style. FRUIT OF ALL KINDS,' , . lOC CREAMS, JELLIES, GAME, AN) OYSTERS, Constantly ready for vititers in ?tension. PLAIN, FANCY, AND ORNANHNIAL CARES AND PIES OP JITNEY DPICRIPTION. NEW YORK TEA F (SCUD', And, In fact, all the VARIETIES, LUXUIII3I3, and DELIOACIES of every clime and country. BALLS, PRIVATE PARTIES, Presentabbn Suppers, and Families supplied at the shortest suttee and on reasonable terms. A ooutinnauce of the patronage hitherto an liberally bestowed by the public is respectfully oolielted. des-tf R. B JONES, Proprietor. ('CAMPBELL'S RESTAIIRANT.-YENI v SON, Wild Ducks, Turkeys, Cease, Grouse, Ifreah Salmon, Ohlucatique, Opinachique, Princess Bay Abse corn, and Cove Oysters, with every variety of CAHN j wild or domestic, in season . Omen Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers served up'at the shortest notice, at JOHN CAMPBELL'S, No, 627 CHESTNUT street, op. posit(' the State House. N.B. No expense or pains has been spared by the Proprietor In fitting up this new establishment in the most sumptuous manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Pinner., Suppers, &o. Ur" Entrance for Ladies towards Sixth street. nov7-Sm .11.MoGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH west corner of BROAD and WWII:M.-oms end all other delicacies in amen. ;families scipplded with Oystereon the shortest notice. senufm tUince and Liquove RAMSAY'S ISLAY MALT SCOTCH WIIIBKEY.-20 Puncheons of the above Superior Whiskey, now landing from ship 'Windsor Forrest, at Shippers street wharf, for sale by JOSEPH V. TOBIAS, 206 and 208 South FRONT Street. BRANDIES,— ,, Pinot Castilian," Marett, and other Cognacs of various iintages, in half pipes and quarter casks; Pellevolaln Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, hall casks, and one-eighth auks. Imported and for sale by I.IENRY Donut?: it. 00 , eon 221 and 213 South Fourth street. A LEXANDER V. HOLMES, WINE AND .Cl. LIQUOR BTORN, No. 220, Sonthoast Oorner of GEOROIC and SOUTH Weeds. aal•ly CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINS HINES, LIQUORS, MAILS, he., 20 South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. ma-1y BRANDIES.—Pinot, oaBtillon & Co., Ma rett & Co., and other brands of Cognacs of 'various vintages, In half pipes and quarter casks • Pellevohin Itoohelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipe', Quarter casks and one-eighth slake, all in Custom Ilona* stores, Imported and for sale by HENRY BOITLEN & 00., an 6 Noe. 221 and 228 Eolith fourth street. DSc BUTZ, PORTER, ALE ..EJF AND LAGER DEER BREWERY, No. IWO (new No. 988) North THIRD Street, Phllactelphla.--Shlpplog orders promptly attended to. • mil-tt Zobacra anb Cigaro 1.-l AVAITA CIGAR went, sunk ail Cabana, Partagse, Ennuis, Gloria, Jupiter, °close Oonverelantes, Terre/Lopes, Union Ameritans, Onion, Tilers Cubans, &a., ite., ice., in X, X,l-6 and 1-10 oies, of all oleos and quill. Ilea, In atbla and constantly revolving, and for sale low, by OUARLES TSTII, low) 188 WALNUT Street, below Second, esoond story VIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS BEGAREC—A choice Invoice of them celebrated brands on board brig "Now Nra," daily expected from Ravens, and for cale low, by 011ARLES TITS, (New)188 Walnut street, below Osmond, ant Second 8 tory. inerrtiant CEailares. JOHN P. 'DOHERTY, WOHYBELT WITH KELLY & EIOTHIS, atta• ax—nrstams - 7.4 V•annursios...,-ar— - TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Flee now with him the best Tailors that are engaged in the business in this oonntry. CHARLES Borth, formerly the leading tailor of this city; If. KAMM, formerly cutter for 0. Roth & Co., and late Coat and Vest cutter with Lukens, Rally, & Co.; Roney WAOSSE, the best Pants and Vest cutter in the United /Rates, for years cutter with Deplerris, under the Irtiug Uouse, Broadway, and with Depietris & Pettus, under the St. Nicholas hotel, Broadway. The moat unremitting attention paid to the wishes of all who patronise the establishment. The best of Clothes made at moderate pekes for credit, tow prices for cash. col3-tf TAMES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, Nos. 16 and IS South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT. A large and well moleetei dock of OLOTIII3 and OAFIBIAIEREB always on hand. AU Olothlng made It thle Establishment will be of the best quality, and In the most fambionable style. Particular attention given to UNIFORM worn. LNG. als6-tf QHAS PE 'S MEN'S AND BOYS' OLOTIIING, In North FOURTH Urea, betwoo &oh and Reno . an t3-17 • COAL I COAL! GOAL I—TAGGART'a OELIIBRATND /WRING MOUNTAIN LNUIOU 00AL. 11 . 0 ARTERIGREENWOOD,TAIIAQUACIOAL GEORGE W. SNYDER'S PINE WREST BORITYL RILL GOAL. /I.4. , .NDALL & MEREDITH !lave for sale, and are constantly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. There Is no Coal mined anywhere, equal ha quality these and a trial will convince nny ono of their great superiority. Onr Coal is very carefully screened at our yards, and we will warrant it perfectly free from slate, dust and all Impunities. Our PRICES are an LOW as the VERY LOWEST. Orden left at our Office, No. 161 0013111 IRONT street, above Walnut. Orders left at our Yard, OALLOWHILL street, below BROAD street. Orders left at our Wharf, WATER street, above OAL LOWRILL—or cent to either plaoe per Despatch Poet, will receive prompt attention. Parchanors for Fatally use will do well to call and ex amine oar Coal before purchasing elsewhere. aud-tf QOIIIIYLKILL AND LEDIGH COAL.- I am daily receiving, at my yard, the best onelityo. SCHUYLKILL AND LKIII(111 COAL. My eustomere, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may r 51432 getting Coal that wilt be satisfactory to them. No inferior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRIORS. ALEXANDER CONVIIRY, N. B. oorner of Brood sod Cherry Ma LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.— DALY, PORTER & 00., 00AWDEALERS, No. 821 PRIAM Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on hand, at the very lowest retell, a fall tupply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. 1-Pm f~EWING MA 0 H INE S .—PRATT'S PATENT—PRIORS FROM $l2. TO $25, Tho "LADIES' COMPANION" is the rnost !innate, ,durable, Compact, and cheap machine for family use ever offered to the public, mewing equally well upon all kinds of Mile, and without puckering tho cloth, leav ing no bad cord on the back ride of the work, and al waysfasiening the thread when Mopped. They sew from two to twelve hundred stitches per minute, using but one thread, and without rewinding. The stitch can be varied trom live to Afty to the Inch. Any one can learn to operate them in half an hour. Printed direc tions accompany each machine, by which any ono can nee them. We are enabled to offer these miperlor via ehincn at the above foto price, as we are not obliged to pay fifteen or twenty dollen, Aeons° for borrowed pa tents, this machine being made alder our own patents In every part, and Infringing upon or unlng no other. There are some hundreds in constant use In tide city and 'vicinity, which are giving the bent eatinfaetlon. Every machine In warranted to give satisfaction. Ladles and gentlemen aro invited to call and examine them and their mark, and Judge for Ihemeolves. Samples of work, and dy l rawings with description, sent to an part of the countr by mai. Sal y esrooms 113 WASIIINOTON Street, Beaten, and 577 BROADWAY. New York. oo 27-tf BEEN SAND MARL OF NEW JERSEY. G —THE NEW JERSEY FERTILIZER COMPANY Is now prepared to receive orders for this important manure. For all 10.1:11111 upon which ashes aro beneficial, the Marl in more than a substitute. Professor Cook, in his annual report to the Leginla tura of Now Jetley, nape "The value of these Mari.; is best seen in the rick and highly cultivated district which has been Improved, almost made, by their use; but it may be Interesting to examine the canoes of their great value In Agriculture, and to compare them with other fortiliXont For example: The potash alone may be taken at an average of tire per cunt. of tke whole weight of Marl, a imehel when dry weighing eighty pounde, and In the proportion mentioned would contain four pounds of Potash ; this In nearly an much as there Is In a bushel of unleached wood mhos." And again— it Is probable that the greet value of the Marl is to be found la the fact that It contains nearly all the sub stances necessary to make up the ash of our common cultivated plants. Price, delivered on board vessel, at the whereon of the company at Portland Heighta, on Raritan liay, New Jersey, seven cants per bushel. For further portico lore, flee circular sent free of postage. Orders for other fertilisers will receive prompt attention. Address either of the undereignod. CHARLES REARS, President Ricevllle Poet Office, Now Jersey. TAPPAN TOWNSEND, Treasurer, No. 82 Nassau street New York. GEORGE W. ATWOOD, BOOTOUTy p No. in Cedar street, New York. N. B.—Those wishing Marl for Spring uas should order Immediately, to neol3lo Ito early shipment. Orders will bo filled In rotation. oet 29•fim fififi GALLS. WHALE OIL, 1,000 gall. Elephant 011, GO WAIL No.l Lard Oil, for male by OROASDALII, PEIRCE, & CO., No. - 104 N. Delaware avenue lISSIA MATS.-500 dozen RUSSIA JILL MATS, suitable for gardoners , use. For !Me by WEAVER, FIThER, 4 CO., Zio., 23 North WATER street, Azad G Vorth I . Eihipping. BARQUE MARGARET FOR NEW OR LNANB.—Gueranteell a rat vessel. Freight taken at on low rates as any other vessel loading. The remarkably fast tailing Coppered Packet 'tangos MAROAREF, Capt. WOOD is now loading rapidly at MCC 8 BEET IVIIARF, being of small capacity, and having large engagements, atm will possibly sail as above. Shippers wishing to avail themselves of the end sea eel, will please hurry their goods alongside, and Bills of Lading to the Countinghouse for eigneture. For balance of freight, which will be taken at the low. eat rates, apply to Di/MOP, SIMONS. k CO , de2o 120 (late 38) NORTH WIIAIIIIB The 11. luAuros at the lowest rates, and will take steam down the Delaware and up the alisslssippi 91:1nEM. IRITISH NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. ►ROY ?OW TOR/ TO UV/SPOOL. Older Cabin Paviage sl9O Beetmcl Chloio Pon►age 76 COIGN 7108 TON TO Lt VIM POOL. Chief Cabin Fenno 3110 Second Cabin Passage 00 The snip Gera 11010,0 ft call at halifax. 1 PERSIA, Capt. Judklne. CANADA, Capt. Lang. ARABIA, Capt. J. Stone. AMERICA, Capt.Wickman ASIA, Capt. E. CI Lott. NIAGARA, Capt. Ityrie. AFRICA, Capt. Shannon EUROPA. Capt. J. Leitch. Then vessels carry a clear white light at meet-head; green on starboard bow ; rod on port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leave N, York, Wednesday, Jan. 20. AMERICA, Wickman, " Roston, Wednesday Jan. 27. EUROPA, Leitch, 'I N.York, Weduesday,Feb. 3. CANADA, Lang, " Rotten, Wednesday, Feb. 10. ARABIA, Stone, .. N,York, Wednesday, Feb. 11. NIAGARA, Millar,, " Denton, Wednesday, Fab. 24. Berths not secured until paid for. An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of then Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion Specie, Jewelry, Precione Stone. or Metals, unless bills of lading are signed therefor and the value thereof therein annoyed. For freight or plumage apply to jal4-y IL CUNARD, 4 Dowling Green, N. York. RAYANNAII STEAMSHI P LINE 1.'"" FREIGHTS REDUCED. The well-known Fret-class side-wheel steamship STATE OF GEORGIA, John J. Gary n. Commander, will be ready to receive freight on WEDNESDAY, Jan• nary dl ant sail on SATURDAY, January 30, at 10 o'clock A. N. At Savannah this ship connects with steamers for Florida, end for all places la the South mai Southwest. Cabin passage 020 00 Steerage do 8 00 No freight received on Saturday morning. No bills of lading signed after the ship has nailed. For freight or passage, apply to A. HERON, Jr , No. 318 North Wharves, 0. A. GREINER A CO., Jal4 Agents to Savannah. FOE. SAN FRANCISCO.—To sail on tlio 16th instant —The fernoun clipper shims EDWIN P1..114, C. r. WHATER, Commander, and EDWIN FOR REST, Oaocaln, Commander. Both of thesis magnillecut ships are now loading In New York, and will be despatched ne above. For balance or freight apply to IIISIIOP, MINIONS, & 00. jag 120 (late $6) NORTH -111 E GLASGOW AND NEW FOli BTr.kISI6IIIP COMPANY'S splendid and powevful steamers , EDlNßUG; 2,500 tone, Wm. Cumming, Commander, NEW YORK, 2,150 tom, Robert Craig, •• (ILASGOW, 1,962 tone, John Duncan 16 Ar• appointed to nail /ROM GLAMOR. New York, Saturday, 10th December Edinburgh, Batorday, 10th JAMMU. UlanOlf, Haturday, 30th January. fltoll NNW TORE. Eilinburgb, Htiturday,yeb„lth, n nt. 12 o'clock, noon First Clue Steerage, found with cooked provision, 7/10)1 COW TOOK. . _ - First Class ;75 00 Steerage, found pith cooked provielons ...... 30 00 Children tinder 14 yoars of ego, half fare; Infants in Steerage. $5. Rettirn 'delete available within six months, by any steamer of this line. Out and home, First Clem.. 1140 00 Out and home, Third Claw 00 00 • An experienced Surgeon attached to each Steamer. Yor passage, apply to WORKMAN & CO , 123 WALNUT Street, Philadel phia. HALT, & LONEY, Buchanan's Wharf, Baltimore. ROBERT CRAIG, 11 Broadway, New York. 1. 'OR ENGLAND AND FRANCE,IBS7. x' New York and Havre Steamship Company The United States Mail Steamships MUG), 2,600 tons, David Linen, commander, and FULTON, 2,600 tons, l}mea A. Trotton, commander, will leave New York, Elam and Southampton, for the years 1660 and 68, on the following days: LIAIII ItW TOll 1861. Fulton, Saturday, Aug. 221 Arago n do. Boot. 191 Fulton, do. Oct. 17 Arno, do. Nov. 14 rultoo, do. Dao. 12 A haudsomo a - ort Li/.1111 601111113171011. 1867. 1867. Arno, Tuesday, Log. 25 Arago, 'Wednesday, Aug 26 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Fulton, do. Sept 23 Arago, do. Oct. 20 Arago, do. Oct 21 Patton, do. Nor. 17 Fulton, do. Nor. 18 Arago, do. Deo. 16 Arago, do, Deo. 10 1858. 1838. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 Fulton, do. Jan. 13 Arago, do. Feb. 9 Arago, do. Feb. 10 Fulton, do. March 9 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do April 6 Arago, do. April 7 Fulton, do. May 4 Patton, do. May 6 Avian, do. June 1 Arago, do. June 2 Mutton, do. Jane 29 Fulton, do. June 80 711011 OP PASISAOI: Prom New York to Southampton or Ityro—Piral Cabin, $l3O ; Second Cabtu,sl6. From Uwe or Southampton to New York—Pint Cabin, 800 hare; Second Cabin, 600 francs. Pot freight or passage, apply to mottrw Es LIVINGSTON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, " Mere. OROSICNY & CO., U Routleton, AMERICAN EUROPEAN EXPRESS AND EX- a NAL OLUNGE CO. aub `lll It nut,. n- Lavap.Pc.Ku— JIL UNITED STATER MAIL STRAIIERIC—The Etipa Composing this Line are: The ATLANTIC, Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The, BALTIC, Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Capt. James Went. „iThese ships have been built by contract, expressly for tioverament aerate.i every ore him been taken in their construction, u oleo In their engines, to ensure strength and 'peed, and their accommodatiens for passengers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, in fret 1 1 Cabin, 5130; la second do., $75; from Liverpool to New York, 30 and 20 guincsa. No bertha secured unless paid for. The ships of this line hare improved water-tight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP BAILING. 71011 NIA roll. /1011 itvaarool.. Saturday, June 2/I, 1867 Wednesday, June 24, 1867 Saturday, July 4, 1857 Wednesday, July 8, 1857 Saturday, July 18,'; 1857 Wednesday, July 22, 1857 Saturday, kag. 1, 1867 Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1867 Saturday, Aug. 16, 1867 Wednesday, Aug.l9, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1957 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1857 Saturday, Sept. 20, 1857 Wednesday, dept. 39 1857 Saturday, Oat. 16, 1867 Weluesday, Oct. 14 , 1657 Saturday, Oot. 24 1861 Wednesday, Oet. 28, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1861 Weduesday, Nev. 11, 1867 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1867 Saturday, Deo. 6, 1867 Wednesday, Deo. 9, 1857 Weduasisy, Deo. 22, 1861 D Va l l?D o r E l ! aa jO a tl2ll,l fir. 66 Wait street, N. Y. BROWN, RIIIPLNY &. 00., Lleerpool. STEPHEN EANNARD & CO., 27 Austin Friars, 70131,0nd0n. G. WAINWRIGHT & 00., Puts. The owners of these ships will not be mountable for gold slyer, bullion, !Toole, °eons stones or metals unless bills of lidlogi•el ; ned therefor, and the veins thereof eSpresend therein sal'-tf j3ENN STEAM ENGINE AND BUIL JIL R WORKS. REA.NEY, NE&FIE & 00., PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS, MACK INISTS,BOILER-MAKERS, BLACK- Having for many yearn been In euceeseful operation, and been exelualvely engaged In building and repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low preseure, Iron Boat'', Water Tanke, Propellere, Ito., respectfully offer teir services to the public, as being lolly prepared to contract for Engines of all sites, Marine, Riser, and Stationary. Having eats of patterns of different shwa, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of Pattern-making made at the shortest notice. High and Low Pressure, Flue, Tubu lar and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet Pennsyl FASO& char coal iron. Forginge of all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Outings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings and epeolacatione for all work dens at their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subecribers have ample wharf dock room for re pain of boats, where they can lay in perfect safety, end are provided with shears, blocks, /to., An., for raising heavy or light welgkte. THOMAS BRANDT, JACOB G. NEAVID, JOAN P. LEVY, and-y MIAMI and PALMER Streate, Kennington. MAMMAL ►. MIAMIOX, I. VAUGHAN MARION WILLIAM N. WARRIOR. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, ZIPTII AND WASHINGTON STANDTS, NTILADEILITIA. MERRIOK & SONS, ENGINEFIRB AND MAOIIINIBTI3, manufacture Nigh and Low Treasure Steam Engines, for Land, River, and Marine service. Dopers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, An., Out ings of all kinds, either Iron or Bruen. Iron frame roofs for Use Works, Workshope, Railroad Stations, kn. Retorta and flu Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Ryer, description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar. Taw, and Grist Vacuum Pane, Open Steam Trains, Defecatom, I+lRom Pumping Engines, ku, Sole Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Sugar Dolling Apparatus; fisarnyth's Patent Steam Hammer, J. P. Ross , Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumpa. Superintendent—D. IL BARTOL RICH AR D NORR. •03-7 is & SON, LOOOlll.O TIVE STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, 0111VErrillint BMW, lIAMILTOM, P/1111/1111V AND mamma GARDEN RTREETII, PIIILADIMPUTA. Xngaged exclusively in the manufacture of LOOOMOTII7, STEAM ENGINES. Manufacture to order Lotomotivce or any arrange. mut weiett or capacity, for the 1280 or Wood or Cad *IBMs:MUUs Coal in rts crude slats, or WIOROOT EIVOIX, OAS OR rifts, In design, material and workmanehip, the Logiomo tires produced at those Works are equal to, and not ex netted by any. The materials used in conetruction are made on the spot mud Inoue the beet quality and most reliable stock. The large extent of ithope, and Com plete Equipment of Machinery and Theta, suable them to execute the BEST OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, Or ANT ABRAM:DIMWIT ESQUIRE). CHILLED OAR WIIEELS, HAMMERED AsLis, With Forging,' of any else or form IRON AND BRASS CASTING ' S, And MURTON WORK generally. EICITIARD 11011 1 / 1 11 au/./7 fIITEAP SUMMER FUEL.—GAS COKE, N.., of excellent quality, le nold of the PUILADELPiIIA GASWORKS for the reduced price of are cents a bushel, and may be obtained in large or small quantity by ap plying at the One Oboe, No. 20 South SEVENTH Street. To Purehasere by Wholesale, it is sold at the Works, in First Ward, by th e ton, at a pries equivalent to An thracite, a 112 50 per top. (Signed,) J. O. CRESSONEngineer. PRILADELPIISA Gig WORIB, Aug. 28, 'S i . 7 au2Y-tt WONDERS OF THE AGE—LIGHT, warr FOR ALL.—D P. PETERS' Patent Non-Explosion Self-Generating OAS LAMPS is just the thing to suit all. Price $1.60 up ; all way haven Pupa. rior Light by calling at the Depot. Tide Lamp Is adapted to all phe' and purposes, and only requires a trial to test its advantages ,over all others. The Lamp forme Ile own free. Our Patent Damara can be fitted to every ordinary Fluid lamp, with little expense, without the least potable danger. All are invited to call and examine for themselves. Town, County, and State rights fur sole. The proprietor is in want of Agents, giving a revs chance to make money. D. P. PETERS, Gas Lamp Depot, uo2l-3m S. W. car Second and Ghestnut eta , titY 1458.-4 RATES OP rAtiSMIE ►ROY OLABUOW. Arago, Onturday, /an. 9 Fulton, do. Fob. 6 Are.go, do. Laroh6 Fulton, do. April 8 Ara o , do r ay 1 I Fulton, do. Alay RY Iliac Otter!). ant, /Iran. BMIRIS AND POUNDERS ANTIIIIAOITE COAL, USINIIT LatitMl NORRIS Jrusnrante tt ompanies - pnuADELPIIIA FIRE AND LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY, INUORPOE4TED By nu STATE OF PENN SYLVANIA lesl Are now eatabllahed to their new °Mee, No 433 CHEST NUT street. where fiber Cr. pr e p ared to mite ALL KINDS Op INSURANCE. from lose by fire, on pr 'port, of ssery doeuriptlon, In town or country, incluting PUBLIC BUILDINGS, STORES, D WEL. L IRO S WAIT EHO US ES, FACTORIES, coul MANUFACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, VESSELS, te. Alto Merchandise of all kinds; Stocks al Goode; Stocke'of Country Stoves; Goods on storage, or in bond; Stocks and Toole of Art lacers and Steentriles; Furni ture, Jewelry, Fixtures, ho , Ac.. at moderate rates of premium, and for any period of time. This Company refer to their past career u an ample guarantee for the PROMPT SETTLEMENT OF ALL THEIR tossita. There are at this Outs no unsettled claims agalaut them. ROUT. P. KING, President M. W. BALDWIN, FIRS President. FRANCIS FLACK/MISR, Secretary. Jal4-3m* ATARINE AND FIRE INSURANCE. IV THE INSURANCE COMPANY OP THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA—CHARTERED IN 1794—with a capital of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, and large surplus in addition, Invested In irourril and available securities continuo to incurs on Vessels sad Cargos', iturldings;Stocks of Merrhaudies, rho , dr° , OA liberal term.. OFFICH, No 4 EXCHANGE BUILDING, 'NAL: NUT Street, below Third. DIRECTORS FOE YEAR 1518 : John Stewart, William R White, Blineon Toby, Charles 8. Wart, J ohnll. Scott. George H. Stuart, Charles Macalenter, Tobias Wagner, John B. Budd, Samuel Grant, Jr . William 8. Smith, Thomas B. Wattson, Rears (1. Freemen. .101 IN STEWART, President. 'ALLELE( IllnPen , Seeretaxy. Jolt-eody /THE MUTUAL HEALTH INSURANCE JL POCIETY OP PENNSYLVANIA. Office, No. 154 South FOURTH Btreet, abuve WALNUT, (Op Btalre,! Philadelphia. CAPITAL, $.13,000. SILAS A. DREW, vasetemm. Financial Committee:—B. L. BROWN, J. JOIINBON, E. F. lIAZLETON. The oldest of this Society is the creation of • Mutual Food, to be Applied In the roost advantageous manner fur ibe benefit of Its sick members. fly the payment of the following yearly deposits you will become a Life Member of the Society, and will be entitled to a weekly benefit if you should be disabled by sickness or accident from attending to your ordinary business or occupation Yearly Depo.sits of Aremboro 14;tior 60 Years of Jet $ . 2 00 per year draw $2 00 par week 3 00" " 800 "• 4 60 44 II n 4 00 41 5 0 0 II /I 600 44 44 600 it II 600 44 44 700 44 7 00 II 800 It 8 00 41 44 000 II 41 000" It 10 LO " " " 10 00 " First week excepted. In Manion to the above en expense Fee of $1.60 will bo charged the knit year which roust be paid at the time of making application and the yearly deposit it; thirty days. All claims for slcknevii will be promptly paid All cominunicationc should be addressed to SILAS S. DREW, President d3O-y 164 South Fourth street, Philadelph ia. GREAT 'WENTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILDINO, No 403 WAL NUT, Corner Street. Charter Perpetual Authorise,' Capital 000,000 FIRE, INBCRANCE, , iruPed or perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE on Velem', Cargoes, and Freights INLAND INSURANCv by Rivers, Cantle, Lakee, sod Land Carriage. 15 guineas a A 6 A.SJETS, Nov. 1, 1877 Heal Estate 137,000 00 Real Estate held in trust, (in Phil. ) '' , 3 700 CO Bonds and Mortgages 36,350 0) F tuck', (pm value $92,460) prvsent value.... 57,016 00 Stock notes 30,400 00 RIM receivable 27,448 81 CSAI/ in bank and on hand 2,164 3d Cary In hands of Agents 7,673 92 Premiums unpaid 8,364 84 DIRECTORS OnARLEB O. LATHROP,I42.3 Walnut street. WM. DARLING, 1510 Pine street ALE. X. lt LLDEN, merchant, 18 North Front It. ISAAC! I.IAZLEIWILST, Attorney and counsellor. JOHN 0 HUNTER, firm of Wrligbt, Hunter, & Co. E. TRACY, firm of E. Tracy k Co., Goldsmiths' Hall, JOHN It. ICCURDY firm of Jones White, & M'Curdy TIM. L. GILLESPIE, firm of Glilespis & Zeller. JAB B SMITH, firm of Jll.B. El Smith & Co. _ . E. HARPER J EYFRIES, flr ui of Wm U. Brown Co JON. R. YOG DES, office cor. Seventh and Sansom sU 011 AS E. TIIO3IPE/N, race 413 Chestnut street. ALFRED TAYLOR, of Cairo City Property. 70NA J. SLOCUM, office 225 South Third street CHARLES 0 LATIIROP, President. 1111 DARLING, VienTroinlest. LEWIS GREGORY, 11 Vice-President, New York U. R. RICHARDSON, Astistont.Secretury. de -tt CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COH PANT, 331 WALNUT STREET. Charter perpetual. Capita, 8.500,000. SubiaertbeS, 3 200 , 000 . Paid ap, 8110,000. This Company le aow prepared to WA FIRE and MARINE POLICIES on favorable terms. Paulin:m-1011N SWIFT. Vies rAISIDIAT—LIENRY BIRD. LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COM PANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIVE IMAM/LI:CS COMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, 8812,825 08. INSURES LIVES for short termite, or for the whole term of life—greets annuities and eriloomenta—poz chases life Interests In Rest Retch*, and makes all eontracts depending on the oontin Ronde' of Life. They sot as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, and Gaudiane. TIMEITCIIII. Mullet L Miller, Samuel E. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P Backer, Joseph U. Trotter, William n. Kern, James Euston, Samuel 0. Utley, Theophilns Paulding, ca1.....a.s guilt nwsll. Edenutt4 A Sunder, L.Henry C. Townsend, Daniel Mitchinson, Rodolphus Kent, John W. llornor, William IL Carr, Ellie S. Archer, Edward T Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Resin, John G Brenner, P. S Miehler, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL E. STOKES, Vine Preet. Joino W. Musson. Secretary. nlB-1y 11OIYARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURANCE COMPANY—Office No. 412 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. The following statement of the affairs of the company is published in conformity with provision of Ito chaster : VISMIUMS RICOSITSD 'Vol AUGUST 1, MO, TO AUGUST 81, 1857; Fire premium', Blariue pre I UM.. • • Perpetual premiums Total 'mount premiums taken Earned Ere premiums ...... .• • • 25,072 95 Earned marine premiums 156,005 60-160,078 66 Deduct return premiums Net earned Merine losses paid. VABBS 75 sire Imes 0dd.... 8,031 11 $101,016 84 &drag. re ceived— $760 67 Interest re ceived...4,3bl 67 a - imar anoe 2 071 62 —6,083 66 03,036 70 ll:ponies for commissions to agoras, abatements to lion of scrip, salaries, oilice rout, furnishing office, books, sta tionery, /co Front and loss Net profit ASSZTEI Cash on hand $12.515 89 Bills resaleable 119,281 02 Bonds and mortgages 185,002 00 &nuke 0 92,100 00 Stock notes 142,900 00 Duo by agents sod others 22,318 93 DIREOTORS. P. M. Potts, Wm. P. Leech, O. E. Spangler, . RT. Reuel!, Abraham Rex, 11. 11.11oueton, Wm. U. Woods, 3os. II {Tither', George Rowell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edger Thomson, W. Reigiml, O.G. Smear, Cherie, P. Norton, John Pi Sexton, John 11 Lenses, Herman Haupt, James E Stile® , Nathan R. Potts, H. 11. blaillingford. PERCIVAL SI. POTTS, President O. B. Semmes, Vice President. W. H. Wootm, Secretary. 0../ IL T. Rimini, Treasurer FIRE INSURANCE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANOR OOM PANY. CAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CASH, AND SZOVRELY INVEBSED, OFFICE, N. W. CORNER OP SIXTH AND WOOD STS SPRING GARDENS. OnARR I BR PERPETUAL. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRROTORS. John 11. Dohnort, Henry N. Phlll David Woolppar, LewisSbtnnaek Benjamin Boris, John Landoll, John Nonni, Jr Oharles Pield Attley N. Park, William E. IYoo . James Purnell, John B. Stevenson, Jaoob S. Mintzer, Ourwin Stoddard Henry Thos. D. Tillinghast, George R. Childs. JOHN 11. DOHNIIRT, President. L. RRUMBIIAAR, Secretary. sert 21-1 y ARCTIC FIRE INSURANCE CO.IIPA NY, NEW YORK.—Ortice, No 29 Wall street, ad joining the Mechanics' Bank—Cash Capital, $260.000 with a Burring. This Company inanre Buildinge, Mar chandire, I urniture, Weasels in port and their Cargoes and other property, aFaingt Lose or Damage by Fin on 1 the Maks of Inland Itaalgation DIRECTORS. Henry Grinnell, Joshua - L. Pope, Caleb Barstow, Raton R. Graven, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davis, Edmund Penfold, O. H. Lilienikal, Hanson E. Corning, Theo. Polhemun, Jr. Ogden Haggerty, Ensile E. Morgue, Thomas Menage.% Abra R. Van Nest, John H. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas B Nelson, Charles Easton, James W. Phillips, Louis Lorut, Charles A ?deep, Samuel G.Gliddeo, Edward "Hocken, Bteph. Qatnbreleng, Wm...N. Shepard, Thomas Scott, Chide, L. Frost, John Ward Lothrop L. iiturgen, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Ede's Emery Thayer, Benjamin 11. Yield, Gee. Weetteldt, A. It. Frothinghams Zalmon Taylor, Thos. I, Youngs, Henry E. Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. RIEII4 KO A. °MELLY, Secretary. an 10-Iy A C N O If A A N 1 0 11 ,, E RrS' N 17 COMPANY .— Charter Per l petu S sl U B Ol N ted 6 b E y the State of Punnkylvsnis. Ceram, 1600 ) C0). Fire, Marine, and Inland TransportAtion Aaron S. Lippincott, Charles Wile, Wm. A. Rhode'', Alfred Weeks, Charles J. Yield, James P. Smyth, Win. R. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, Win. Neal, John P. Simone, AARON B. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. RHODES, Vice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. RIARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company war organized with a cash capital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the busloads to Its available resourees---to observe prudence in conduct ing its affairs with a prompt adjustment of losses. Office No.lo Merchants , Euhange, Philadelphia. anl-dly VOMMONWEALTYI FIRE INSURANCE ` l, -/ OOMPANY, Of VIM ,STXIMs Of PENNSYLVA NIA.-0111., N. W. Corner POURTII and WALNUT Btrosta, Philadelphia. Submit:Ad ()aphid, $OOO,OOO. Pald..up 0002(0.8200.000. DAVID JAYNIII, M. D., Prtildeat THOMAS 8. STEWART, Vivo Pres , t. 01.1101111 0. Moos, 80orstarr. anl47 $lB5 020 GI $38729 81 217,793 02 2100 3236,747 43 pe5,362 09 60,886 67 68 80--181,288 27 124,078 82 1154,006 S 4 DIRY.OTODEI 3n sdibnii`lg ciiq TIELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN BUIIANOR COWART INCORPORATED BT TIM LICILRIATURE of FERN SYLVAN lA. 1.8.16 MICE, B.E. Corner THIRD and AILRCT !greets, notoosLreto. :if,' RINE INSURANCE, ON 'VESSELS, kROO, y To all ports of the Worn MIGHT, INLAND INSURANCES, On Oa>la, by River, Canals. Lakes, ASI4 Land Carnage to all parts or tb• Union FIRE INsUHANcss, Oo Yorehandige genet...Ky. 00 Stars., Unielltog Mute*, de ASSZ7B 07 TUE C 01171.57, Notembitr 2,1'167. Mortzsgia, and nee Yetate 1101...x.4 G 4 Philo ielph Is City and other 137.011 2 Stott in Hants, Railroads, sod Insurance Coin parties Bills Receivable Cash on %awl balance in bands or agents. Premiums on II trine Policies recently issued, oo o ther debts due the Company Subscription Nota. 102,7P8 VI DIR•CSeIIi. WiMAT MAiiill, Jamey 0 Wand, Joseph 11. Beal, Thaol,bilus Paulding', Edmund A. /loader, J mova Tranoaar, Jollt/ C. Davis, IV, Elam Er re, Jr , John R Penrose, J F. Penlston, George 0 Lelpor, Joshua P Erie, Edward Darlington, Parnael E Ptokee, Dr. IL M llttston, Henry Sloan, Wm 0 Ludwig, James 8 Melariat:Kt, Hugh Craig, Thomas C. Hand, Ppeneer Mellvoin, Robert Barton, Jr , Charles Rally, Jno D. Semple, Pltt,bigh II Jones Brooliv, - Dr. 2 Morgan, l' Jacob P. Jones. 1.7, Logan, WILLIAM MARIPIW; President. TIIOHAD 0. RAND, Tire President HENRY LTLIIURN, Secretary. Jar. y CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE 12iDURANCE COMPANY or HAIttIfOID, COND. Cub Capital DICO,OOO. Losses In Ptailadalph/a sal vicinity 'ciliated at the Piefiatilpaio Ojilts. Dy !eare we refer to D S. Drown It Go., Phila. Won. Joel Jose*, DID& Chaffeee, Stont It Co ~, lion Rena Choate, Barton Wacker, Lea lc Co., ~ Con T..15.Wi11i/Unia liart'd We hare facilitlea for p ing any &coolant of Lan nines in the moat reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No 413 Old No 145) czrzszwrir ST. THOMPSON k FOOD, .ru ts. ticsitroab Cints AND ELMIRA. RAIL- I. ROAD COSIPANY —QUICKEST ROUTE to 11-. mire, Duffel°, Clitearlo, Rork W." 413, Ninon Falls, Milosutle, Darlington, Ifontreal, I. Peale, Detroit, Dunßote, and et Louis Pusengrr trains will leas• the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD *IA Chat Streets, daily, (ittodare excepted,) as follows: 7.34) AM. D. XXPRZiA, Par Elmira , Niagara Tails. &lE.'', petro l, )1111rstikee, Rock Island, Galeas,,tt Pauts, acislingtoo, mad et Goats EDO P M. NIGIIT PIPRESZE, for Elmira. Niagara, Buffalo, Detroit, Clarice, Milwaukee, lock hihuti , °ale's, Et. eaul., Burlington, and Bt. Louis. for Tickets goal till and Br izrge chocked to Elmira, Buffalo, and Buipotioa Wilkeabarre /1 50 Williamepoct 0 90 Elmira 1' 00 Canandaigua 1 OS (limeys, via Gorham I 00 Rochester 1 SO Niagara lifalLe 10 CO Outdo 10 00 Erie 10 50 Cleo,land, via N. Y. end Erie 15 0) via Magus Valli 13 00 Toledo, •i• New York and Erie 18 Colu.tos 16 SO Citicinoati, Ne• York and Fine 19 00 rilvvtra Tall, 19 00 Irithanapolia, via, Na. York and Erie 21 tlO Detroit, via Niagara Fella 11 50 Chicago, via ortiitlYeatirro Runts! "a 00 Lake Stir re Railroad, 22 01 Rock Island, rim, Niagara liall• 01 00 Lake nor* Railroad . Burlington lowa Cit.,' St. Louis, via Chicago .... Indlimipolle. Dual lath , St Paula (Er Tickets eau be preCtlithl at the Phlte,kletta abl Elmira RaHroad Company's Ticket Oates, N corner of BIRTH sad CHESTNUT Biretta, tad at OA Ili. savior D#put. BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRESS FREIGHT TRAIN . . Leaves The Depot, Broad street, below Vice, duly, Sandals excepted,) for all point, West and Borth, at • P. M Freights roast be delivered before 2 P.M. to Insure their going the same day. V.• Freights are forwarded with greeter desretteh and Lower hates than by say tine fr this eity to the West and Northwest For farther Information apply to ALLYN k ITCOEL, Through Freight Depot. Weal. below Viet, Or to COAL S. TAPPEN, General Agont, N. W. eor Sixth and Cheering eta .Phillaa. G. A NIGOLL 4 , Genf. Sept Philsda. and Reading Railroad. U. A. FONDA, Gent. Sopt. Catawlesa, W. & Railroad. J. A REDFIELD dedlly Deal. Copt W'inaport and Elmira &areal. PIIILADELPIIIA AND READING RAIL ROAD—FAST FRETEIIT LINE —Pre!ght trema leave the Depot, BROADEtreet, b ley VIM:, daily, for Bunk), Suspenelon Bridge, Cited... Detret, Chicago. Mihrsukle, (ideas, Dubuque, St. Louts, awl mberrae diate Flute. Thus is the ehottest route to Omuta and the Labe Porta, and goods will be forwarded with greater despateh to the sheep points than by any other routs. TAltltt Of PAICIII PIS 100 LP! I'm Railroad. Ist data. 24 class, 30 elan. 4th clam &invasion Bridge .1 OS 80 TO 60 Buffalo or Ditukfrk 1 45 80 70 60 7 60 . I ..... • • (me n ° 110 lis 1 Ino Freight going through by rail all the way moat ho marked "VIA PAIL." No transhipment between Philsdlphia and Elmira Mark goods lib Philadalphis and Readlni ItaDroad, anti send to the Depot, Urovl street, Letaw ice, daily, befere b P For further information in regard to this route, mail at the through freight office of the Philate'phia, Nia gara. and Great Western Line, N. W. eorner eIXTII and CIiEfiTNUT. dealt-y ii_IENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.-THE RAT CENTRAL BOUTS, en nesting the At lantis Cal. with Western, North-weetern, and South western States, by a *mahatmas Itsfilmy direct. TWA! Road also connects at Pittsburgh with ditty has of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivera, and at Cleveland and Smidasky with Steamers to all posta* the North-weehern Lakes; nuking the meet MUM' CIISAPEST end BYLIABLZ ROUTE by which Freight can he forwarded to and from the QUA? WISP. HATO BZTWLIN lIIILADELPICLA AHD PITTS PISS? °Lisa—Boots. 031=1 Caps, Booki, Dry floods, (in boxes bales sad trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) /fathers, Yore, &a Ns. par 100 lb* 11100 ID OLl6B—Domeetie Meeting, Shirting and Ticking, (in original balsa), Drugs (in casks), Hardware, Leather, Liquor, (In seeks,) Wall Paper, "Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, &a. /cc Tile. per 100 its Tile, CLA.6S--411ViLI, Chains, (In casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or in sacks), Pnints, (illy and In oil,) (except lnrd and rosin) Ma. per 100 lb* Towns Cbses—Ooffect, fish, Bacon, Boer, and Pork, (in basks or boxes eastward), Lard and Lard Oil, Nulls, Soda Ash, Haman Clay, Tar, Pitch, Roelo, Steel, Manufactured To bacco, Eosin Oil, Queensware, Sugar (Slide., bbla., and boxes,) ike Wes. per 100 Bs Pbouri—ll per bbl. until farther notice. 01111W-45c. per 190 ibe., until further notice. CoTTOS-43 per bale, not exceeding 500 lha. Weight, until further notice. In shipping Goods from any point Peat of Philadel phia , be particular to YAWL packages" ma Posousdrania Railroad." All Goods consigned to the Agents of this Road, at Philadelphia or Pittabarsh, will De forwarded wt hoot detention. Yail011? Aomste --Clarke & Co., Chicago ; Packer & & Co., Memphis, Tenn.; B P. Bane & Co. Bt. Lquis, hio ; P. O. Walley & Co., Km/rills, Indiana; Wm. Bingham, Lonisrille, Kentucky.; B. 0. hic.drnro, Hadison, Indiana; at H. W. Brown & CO., and Irwi, & Co Cincinnati; H. B. Pierce A Co., Zaeseilir, Ohio; ' Leech & Co., No. 64 Kllby street, Boaton ,• Lerch it Co., No. 2 Astor House, New York, No. 1 Wlllism N', Kew York ; K. J. Brawler, Philadelphia.; Hairs* & Room, Baltimore; D. A Btotrart, Pittebtugh. H. H. HOUBTON, Honors' Freight Agent. H. J. LOIHIAERT, dog- iktperintendent, Altoona, Ps savings "antis SAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN TEIIEST-NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST CO,ll- PANT -WALNUT STREET SOUTH-WESTOORNER OF TRIM), PUILADELPIIIA. INOORPORATRD ET THY &IMMO, PIEVOTLTAXIA. Money Is received in any sem, large or small, and In Serest paid from the day of deposit, to the day of with draws]. The office le open every day from o'clock In the morning till 6 o'clock in the evening, and on kionday and Thonsilay evening., till 8 o'clock. nON. FEENRY L BENNSR, President, ROBERT BELPHINIX, Vice President. trg. J. Assn, Bcoretary. niascrrose: lion. Henry L. Benner, 0. Landreth Manna, Edward L. Carter, P. Carroll Brewster, 80. in Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry Barn. K. Ashton, Menry L. Churchman, Jame.. Smith, Francis Lee. Money Is received and parmenta made dolly. The Investment, are made In conformity with the provision, of the Charter In REAL ESTATE MORT• (lAG ES, GROUND RENTS., and eneh Ent ela33 secun tie, as will always Insure perfect senility tolls deposi tor'', and which cannot fail to give permanency ant sta bility to this Institution. NT . 83 (241) DOCK STREET. - FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. (JO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (211) DOCK STREET.-FIVE II PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.- FIVE 1 PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS FUND. *al-S7 5 000 TONS of MITCHELL & CROAS faturAdmturrp ruosenent OP L3=lll, 11, for sal:ty '' No. 104 Il g e l la ß • C are E k ek2lll). ¢olo-tf nIIARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholesale anao4lX l . l ll . and CANN Nannfaotarer, No. Nn mut MOSS -17 bale!' Carolina Mom, tor Rate by MARTIN & DIAOALISTER, Kai 119 North MOAT Streit. ROSIN. -500 BARRELS SOAPMAKERS ROSIN, to arrive per schooner J. N. Blsaner Tor Ws by MARTIN & NI...MULL/MRS, wattl. 11;I Netrtl Auto. etra.t IiANILLA ROPE.—TO WESTERN iv.a. AND SOUTHERN MERCHANTS —A large stock of Manilla Rope, for sale by WEAVER, FITTER, A CO. jal2 No. 23 N. WATER St , and 23 N. WHAavts. SORGHUM, or CHINESE SUGAR-VANE REED-1i bushels for isle by CROAIMALE, NORCII, & CO., Nn 10.1 N. habmars sirerma SPIRITS TIIIIPENTINE-200 bbls Spirits Tarpentine, to arrive, for gale by KARIM &_9IAOALISTIR, ah 1 119 North Water greet MANI LL A ROPE.-SUPERIOR MA LTN. NILLI. BOPS, manufactured and for male by WICAVER, PITLIB & CO., No IN N lirs,tor wt.. and 47 N Munroe. FLOORING BOARDS--23,580 feet thro lieefeeeeteg boards ItT/1 &MIA for sal* O bv 4 MAALIBTU bid IA tiortik lister Street mons. NEW YORK LINES.--TIIE CAMDEN AN Miro AMBOY I 'I.3II3TOAD AID PHILADILPI2I.I AND TUN TON RAILIWAD COMPAITI /MU TROY ramosormat.A TO NNW TOM, AND MA MAUL Suva as Venus, viz: TL/LI • At lA. X. frau Mer.viagtaa Depot, Ida Joom7 City, nab to At 6 A. 32 , via Camas* art lesbey, Leausida tiee 5 SS At A. M., via Caseilva mad Jute/ CVI7, Mersin WWI AllO A. 1 AM Jan M 527 . ll rtenabut Tiestaa, es Temp e; Cif tuna • . • At 2 P. M., via Calsdasemiee sad . C eel L. /54 , ' a AriT li . via Caaalea es 3 Inerp City, Mendai Mail 3 At 3 P. M , via Caerlea sal Antep, Autevevele, ties, In Clue At 3 P. M., via Cameo sad Labs), Aevoscaisie.. , Clan 1 At 5 P M , via Cuara ud Amber, Araustiola nos, In Clan I *) At 6 T. M., via Goods nal Aube', A4e012110.110 r 'dam. led Clae4 .I 11, The I P. M. Du rue duly, all other, fardays as etred UptLieu atop al the pal naMine *alp ler Beeindiew. lutaa, . 64., at a A nd • .424, I 11., Cron atrut Tor Water Gap, Stivedstavp, En-aates, WiTheivu. •, XIII true , Groat Brad, &v., at 6A. X via DeSevagr LAAAAAAAAS W•ilona Unread_ For PraihnLi„ at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. Tor Mout Holly at 3 A. M. Lot 2,11 g, S Lai I P. Y. WAY LiNE3 12 5421 CO 220.14 5.3 33,1121E4 42 - 30 Si 100,001 CO Tar Bristol, Tratti.l; aid 4 T.ll WAY Lbbil Dar nbrtyra, aarboam, Drridy, Marliattaa, Smite Lorna Ar SP. M. Etesbaboal RICHARD eTocx.rect t Darbbaboirs AM inters Mau Osaka at 'IX at...mbem 4R M , . N to. Sassy at 10 sod 13% A H,a,..14 PAK CMS 1 gwagt attest vibe, Q7'-Fr l 7 lombda K 1 .1314, 11.4_.‘f tai - maw. Parumrers ar• pral"inte4 trsaa Lamy tb ba Wane bat Limit spp,—.l AR !mg pp COM S lt7 poanda I* pa:4 fzr extra. Ma C . }Lay InLit their ntspcsaibility ter bacrsciia sop Ablat pat pot* 4.4 .111 sot hp little ter my asesza Sod $lOO, exalt bp '1,64 mural! WM. H. oarzwit. Arai c. a a. 1_ i. oo 'SYLVANLi. CENTRAL RAIL- BOAD, 137. YORTISTSIMIIOII, 1931 r• Qattaztn, lAL Lei* Lops Mr, Lcosirrine, Les Chisons, It. Ns{ Isktianapollt, Calilart, Imola. Term Haxte. C!.....k..., ,, ... NO.maaka. nr. , .1 . ttesa t0ta..."1 wilt all LW Frew Prist fflltiet....../, AaazrAt A:6 DirelltriCKK Or TVS THllO26a SLAM. At sad (ot i Peasivirsais kialetal P..= Ataum soatb-osit comer of ILEUM{ aa KKT ttretoto (tatraxe oa Lirrestit lame ) TWO friltoEGH TRAM LZATZ TIIILIDLLI7II.I. DAILY elast. msteottasta at Plttabank t• pads= Wet:. Tait Hatt Aca A ev;t±d.) r,g • Put Bail Liss at I ?. It , arristag is Pittatrogth at $ A W. Express ]tail Train it 11 anirisg is Plttabargt at 1 SS P. W. Altoona Way Train at t A it , anirtzt at Alta as at P Y. liarriabargr ♦rawanadatiem Train- via Cots=Wr. leauom nutria:OWL at 3 P. X., anion( is Hatrir.'arg at i P. U. RITLILI4II.D.I. Put Hail Train learn Plttablargb at 11 - 1 y .arrires n Pbinletpku at 11 43 mien IL:press hail Train learn Pietabank at t 40 P. Y , nen in Phi:a-10;2os at I P. U. Altocta Woe True '44,041 - non at '7 43 X , arena to Phlle.l.lpata as 2...16 P. Y. Ilarnsb-arp .tecca..x.c.latlon l'ealet, via Conr o e is, 1 Ilarrabari at 6a. IL, seri not. In PltalalaiplDs 12 neon The X.L1.1 Mat dolly, tin other V 01.., tarp daps excepted Boone ral tv reeeired at the Para.-jar Depot 17 en Barran Neater. at soy tine Sara= the Lay. o dune for Leaning I,nra4e. gorses.—ln case of lose, the (*.annoy TU. bait tkennsirea nape wait tor personal Vanua nip, ant for an amorist not exceeding SPX. Notzen —Drainer, rat lon ralliswas at ths NV, York Depet to Coety•y pluditenvul for lb. Wen P•anaylnan ItaaDea3 a. 2.7 90 24 CO Z 1 23 29 MC .29 00 riTaiLe wools. Ao & Pll/18114IM Lzintsryirms lannekl inasebelylis Nove C -aLi a Pber TIWESTERN TRAVELLERS. PELN4I AND 3CYHYI ARMAND 1N11173. NoRTIISR2IcIOITRAL RAILWAY. TWO DAILT THINS NUM HALTIWORJ TO is TILT Wlln. Oa and after /wee UST, TWO DAIIT runs will tears Calve rt Ratios far Tatteliargle sad all West on tad Eoclla or NertlwesLera dtide. TRW .111011-VISG MAIL TRAIN Lulu Baltimore daily (Smalay curved) at 9 19 A. eitaneetisc with lb* Usti Trail' over tha Overt Peas olvaeila Haiirwed, seat arrtrtaig is Thitebeiro. at 170 A. h. THE ATTLILCOON 111112138 IXAIX Loans itaitisiors d-uly (lazitay slashed) at i 1". Y. fot Ilitensbasw TIE MGR"! luaus MAD/ Leaves Baltimore ET EST NIGHT at le P. X , eve nectinr with the Lizbtai.r, !imp criir Pena:l7l. TWA Railroad Pittatiamt, arrinoil wtlll9 T. X. 1g CI these trains connect dc....4 at with tram, over the Pi:Werth, Art ITON P VM Chicago Rat:road, a_ne. it Horttown, Bentham wet Weetens cennecUcna. ta' Pannutert for eltiestro, Hoek laiaul_ WI, 101 , 1 City, Milizzakre, Dubuque, St. Pulls, Mud ion, end other leafing citing in the liorthweat, will awl one Asmara wiles dins./ and sea Wier/ 'ill Dan, will fowl' trucking,' of ears, by takhq. th,s route. Er Pswesipers for Cleveland! trandooky, Toledo, awl Detroit, go by this Kato. sad the tuns is tcr.Npalibil, bens 113 tales 0:Ia.-um than by any otbs route. 117. Passengers fen Bt. tools, Latianapolls, Terre H Caro, and all points an the Lower and rips/ bilsaissippi, =he Lein clangers of tan, and azure to ad. TAW) of any other tong; and to Cincinnati, Ciol Dayton, Louisville, ant ethu prozeinent nitres, as by any other route. all lit astern lame CIifIXEMID THZ1317(111 sad Wattled with urns. FOR THE NORTE. The Sit A.M. connects awe.? with Express Elrgans DT*? the Danshht rood for IRpiampmt Megra, Rochester, Buffalo Warm latSa , sad t.aneda, the forming tha roost direct astray route to Northwestern Peentylcsais and Western New York. Pawners will find this the shortest, oh t, sad Least sips:L.:Rens route to Niagara Calla and Through 'rickets are issued to Malaya& eta Co lumbia and Len-miter by all the trains as $3 rank, each, train having rare cannectates. Pummels by route 11roid Rowelled bridges. sad th. 31101311110 of ferrying =ow the Susquehanna rieer. Ns:sensors for Rsnoyer, Xrawkeelnr, Gettysburg, La mittabarg, Carlisle Clumbershurg, go by the Webs • I Ltd A. M. and 3 1;. 11 WESTISINerIat BRANCH. The Can on thls nod make oho trip par day, mutt. lac with the train it 3 P. N. Per rIIBOIIaa SICNST3 and farther isfeesastles, apply at the Ticket Oillso. Calvert elation, N. Z. swear of Calvert sad Itsakito shoats. sep2S-N C. 0. ADB.NON, 2443. PIIILADELPIIIA, GEMANTOWNII AND N 0 11 RIBTO W 2 NAILILOAD.--WINTEN ANNANGEXNNT—tha anti altar MONDAY, °s tab," 19th, 1911, YOB GIGILIUNI'OI9-N. Lean Philadelphi a at 6, IN, BN, 9N, 11,16 A. X. 1. 340 lain. 4,3, 6,1, 9, and 11 P. M. Leave Geraienteren at 6%, 1-116 min. 8,9, lON A. 24., 1-10. 3-10 min. 4, b, 6,7, 8, and 10P. X. vihEThe 7AS o'elcek A. X. Train from Germanteva atop only at Wayne Street Stadien. ON ELNDATS, Leave Philadelphia at 9 XI mm . , 2 and 6% P X Leave Gertnantoin 840 tan. A. H., 1- 10 taln. anl 6 15 inin P.M. CIIESII7L - T RILL RAILROAD Leave Philadalphla at 7X, 3X, 11X, ♦. bit., 4, , sad 9 P. M. Lasts Chestast HU at TX 31-40 and 10-10 Ws. 12-50, 3-30, 4-40 sod 7-43 P AL _ON SUNDAYS. Lea,* Philadslphia 9-20 A. 31., 4 sad 133( P. M Leave Cheetnat HUI at & A. M. 1240 *ad 13-20 P. IL FOR ILANATUNK, CONSZIONOCMLI N . AND NOR TOWN. Loam Philadelphia at 6X, 9, 11 A. M., 11, 41j, 6X, sad 11 P. M. Leave Norestnra at 7. 9.11 A. M., i sat IJJP M. ON 6CSDAY2, Leant Plaladelplll at 9 A. M., lad E P. W. Leave Norrtblown at 7 A At , sad 6 P. M. CRIZTER TALLKY RAILROAD FOR DOWNING TOWN. Leave Philadelphia at 6% A. M , fa 3 SP. M. Leave Downingtown at 7 ,and 1 P. M. H. K. SMITH, Superintendent. Depot, Ninth and Green streets, Pbtladelpitia N ORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER AItiLk:WICKETS. BETHLEHEM, EASTON, ALLENTOWN, mLrea CIIIINK. DOYLESTOWN, A.c. . - On and after Wednesday, Norelnber 4th. 1i27, the trains on this road viil lean Philadelphia daily (Son. days el,pted) as 01/0..: Tor tlethleheri, Easton. Allentown and Waneb (p,spr,sso) at 9A. 22., In co camtion with L V. R R. Tor llethlehem, Allentown, and Manch Chunk, (Ra. pre4,) is oonneetion with L. V. R R., at 211 P. ma Tor 12-yleatown, (Aecommodaton,) at 4.90 P. M. Tor O-vnedd, do at 10 A. W. v. re...tart and Friday" the 10 A. 11. train will m tbmag%. to Doyletaelm, leaving Doylestoem to retail" at 1.35 P. 11. TllkEi3 I'OB PELILVDELTIIII twat* Nth.lens (Eryres&e.) .t 9 A.M., ant 2 P. 91, /ears Doylestown, (AoessamodAtion.) at 13.33 A. Id. Lear* a wynexid, do. at 2.2) P. Y. ON' Bt'SDAYS. _ Tor f Trots Gwyned4 ......915 A. M. IGwynedd 2 20 P. It Daylestrwn 430 P. 51. Doylestown 6 35A. M tar. to Bethlehem 91 60 Month Chunk It OD Wilkesbarre 410 PABSZNIIER REPOT. FRONT and WILLOW Sas . Phila. &LIM CLASH. Agent ("MANGE OF HOURS.-P HILA DE L. `) MIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE ItArh ROAD. On and atter Monday. NOT. =8.1.85T, PA:883503M TRAINS LEAPS PHILADELPHIA For Baltimore at 8 A. M., 1 P. 11., (Exprese,) txB II P. M. For Wilmington at S A. M., 1,3. V) and For Nes- Castle at 8 A. M., 1 nod 3 33 P. M. For Ifilnetown et 8 A. M. and 1 P. M. /or Dover at 8 A 31. aid I P. M. For geotord at 8 A. M , 1 P M. TRAINS FOR PILILADRLPRLI. tears Baltimore at 840, Rrpreas, 1/ A. M and 5115 P. U. Limy* Wilmington at 1 Zit and 11 45 A. 11 , /11/4 2 S 1 tztd2ssP.ll. Leave New Castle at 655 u 111.66 A. M arol 95) P.M. Leave Middleto4.6 at 10 10 A. M. Lad 7 93' P. M Leave Dover at 9..6 A. M. and 5 P. M. Leave Seaford at 730 A. M. and 2 P. M. TRAINS roil 8..ti.7010RE Leave 191Intin2ton at 9.15 A. 31., 2 P. 31. ard 12 II A. M. SUNDAYS only at 11 P. 21., temlladalphis to Italtimore, do, do. 824 P. H. from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Freight Train, with Peonage, Osr attached, will nut as follows : Leave Philadelphia for Perryville and intern ate places at b 00 P. M. Le4TO Wilmington for do. do. e 50 P. 72. Leave Baltimore for Ihrre-de-Orsee at a P. 11. no 21-ly B. IL FELTON, Proideot fire proof Zafre ~EiI+AMANDEE SAFES. A hut* assortment or EVANS & WATSON'S PHIL4DRLPHI4 MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAFES. VATAT DOORS, Nor Banks and Stores. Poll to any now in en IRON DOORS, SHUTTERS, to , On u good tams as any other establishment in the United Metes. by EVANS & WATSON, No. 2t South FOURTH strut, Philade sal3-11 BANK LOVKB, rOTTON-200 Wen good Middling to Aid 11l Mins Fair Cotton. in Mora arid rc-r We by MARTIN k ILACALISTIII, sal 11. Nardi Water street LCO XE KANGZ.--SOLDBY cam.V T 31/01. 1.10, JOS N. MOD b. Nazis Utica Tr iv. filniaLari