The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 21, 1858, Image 3
01,1" t, izf 7p> .:t4 t. 4 3 , Thlto4llord ihorarinis iini,teiitigi-tobOttotkOAr the wtitten_ifortl whicti t if aoxTette4 l , liitiattlrkkigi,i'ietifenef` In elite it~ie erroi ace rr read ` T This9aeriality . of those , 4 .W4Arapygia34 . - 40: .. . , 11 . ,1 Abl etconnoqtlotl:i #tat 'AMP flit; irtlil4-feliolitted "statue eipreaelootlAbrifdr„,.rlfleijors. thaf:Wiey bare ' beenfarindewltir'a z zglimple of 'the OoliakiCo hbeoto .we: MIA we bare: beanfall'dred gith r4oi 'We vkakorhil work of t bias' art, ycon pfiLouree Tett . a igurprlsed 'and ea* altogether beyond. ,our e.atientatlona, ilibateniling the point to witch oririxorctatlon liatli?den_rdiand by the aden4n'klagliab ~.194c4a1i. this pgurnito: piece of. ;sculptor& by en AniericanladY:2 Tbastatue will not bei open - •fO 'the ,to . blio entil Batd , rdai of- Ude- week: Vie peoreeda of this "eiiihitlonr we learn, are to be wholly apirOpriated toonable, the - sifted antboreita pronicute her" ',tufted :Ili — Borne: The American people will do: tbemeelven ,groat credit geqyantily encenrelg:lsiganolkepbclrnelos kening. • : , -„ - , . „.„, „ . • _ Wthvniiis "OS, PHOiOadaltlC:rlfr....zigt. _ witbstanding , the rnOt,that there is haidlin ramify In - Artie conitiry vrithent shadows snatched from the fading subotance or smile- lovedmember, yet -there are comparatifelY raw who have any adechate ideverthefollnito .variety and %eatean •Witch the processes of ob.takning portraits; by gm action, of light, finie carried:, recent' to t tlie rooms ofhli• .17 N's lees, No. 026Ciestout street, his - convinced us more ferciblyer this tut.' Sgme frodtteatidperitf roe, sit (41st-class artlat'sjire' conetantty engaged I _4 thialerttall-making establishment, awl thelispect-, *enacf plotares, done s ip in the. arions styles , or tlO, i• - faiistograplito art;' conatlturn ft.:gallery edwrkya free to . or beantf er tVelijithistitinterest td all who Lite'taet° to admire fie , d aPpriciatavor!ainf teal To attempt even to mania the several- styles pia srlaieb • Mr. Wl:Nees meets: the trants or his patrons would • - grestry eiceed the necossa27 brevity of a' mere news ", ”,pi.pernotice,yinpngh vie cannot bnt remark in paieing 'that tits Most beautiful and satiSfaitory (because the most lifedike). portraits 7 1 have e' ever 'examined ar the life•size photographs, taken an canvas, and colored in oil, exhibite4 in his , colleotion. •'` is a living frestniesi and striking accuracy of 081,10/lion.: in these , picturPS' thrtt trammend: - vastly ; Ak_ beet specimens of the ' oid-tashinned: painted "portraits have ever " . „Z' !: " anhlversary of thiff popular and aralt , condutitesl literary institution was held on' List Tuesday erenbsg, at Handel & herbs `'felt ; sind'we are free to ;nay that we tiara rarely been more pleasantly entertained than we *ere la listening to the deolamatlons t essays, endorsements In &Mite, by 7 the'inembericif the leatititticin. ' the 'mahrity of the mesuberagre t youngmeni and note ter whoare even too' young in appearance to entitle them - to the. claims -of nikehoOd; though it isbutdolnirthemjestice to: bay that ,their pertain the programme of ,the performanee,consti tilted i.e secondary ' restate in the evening's • entetain meet., 'The more 'Meals! object of this association of young Monde iho mOiarand intelleetualimproyeMant of its members, auobject,.bythe way, which', in these days, and especially ip hirge cities, cannot be too.highly corn. , mended by those whose commendation may hare a ton 'denejr to stimulate them to still , grentei 'aTorta In the good worlt they have seen ;goiter tfi _ • APtcoros.—The - sooonittionliersa4 of the lefor ris titar r arylaiditatteWill be held thWiThwrsday) eve ning, at Rev; George Chandler's Church; Palmer street above Queen,-for the benefit of 'the , poor of tbo Mei= trenth ward. The exercises promise to be verj. triter :estl4:: Bay. ITENur WAIT. BEECHER leotures,this eve'. wog; erthe Maltallond , . wno mires a tilt with - fortune, and is baffled to the onset, may well excleinewith . blacbethi ‘• My way of Mils fallen loto,tho,sear, The yellow leafy a.nd that which should accompany old . . As honor, troops of friends, I intuit not look to hare; But in their stead would fain enjoy - - The ease mid 'contort &emptied to, - Buy their clothes - of Granville Stoltes, whose fashionable Empbrium ht•at , flo •607 Chestnet street, • - BrolianwAnn COOKE, Chief justice of tho courts of,commonnieas in England,'ln the',gear 1606,-in his aMtwes - 6e Xiog,,Jmnoth, vlevly and sagleiously remarked, -country ht the noblest passion that ran ,worm , and.'instinate the i}urean •, breasti and that where:cos this, love Of country p:irevells ,in lie genuine it will Induct man to btiearefni , ln - their acts and afmearince, end •to IMy their Clotliini at Clifton, Al bright,:& Co.'s Amor of - raahleit, Jayne's Hell,' Tio, 627 thostnut street." - ;' - • • , -Tui.VERDItT !7-11103 . entire'pir t hlic has - Soto!. - infixed upon its verdict, end 'es faithful chioniciera of stm:eat events it becomes our duty' to' record It. Tho rennet of the community is as follejra ; - The heat and handsomest garments in, the city are those gotten up it the: Brown Stone Clothing Ilan of Backbit( & Not: 603 apd43o3 Ohaitiut stieet;iboie Math. • BY THE . PILOT. LINE. LETTER PROM Yong.. tcorreepondenc° of The P,ress.l,,,' • ' _ , , NEW YORKi 20-5.20 P. M. - If T caning mention any actual improvement in the . money market am happy ,to_say that there, Is. no for tho worse: - There is the • same scarcity of prude paper, deplored by tire bank -- eretaii4 money lenders of every degreoL the same analetYlo Sweet'and the Palatalty to abate theseareity,of the sointiny and 'the - fMdidlousnesi .hitherto observed by lenders towards borrowers: = We are ao full of money. now that it IS forcing itself out in many, ways, and easier rates are had everyday-, I see that most of the coMmeroial tem lA, this city, indeed all, with the exception of one or two,_ who. delight in ruin and never predict anything bat diettater,agree with zee in my hope fal-view of ourpresent condition, and nosey of them were also,of my opinion when I thought it my duty' to critioisoneverely the Conduct of the banks. . ' The - country buyer° are -coining ,"in already in • _fair numbers, payingtheir• debts, and 'returning , • home with newly, purchased-goods, - , They find that their promptness and.honosty.are duly appre , eiated . by our merchants, aid that they are treated "with The-movement ice this direction is every day- becoming more apparent, and when r- ondo'W z iget the Wheers turning easily, the motion will soon' qiiite as rapid as itarife„ ' - New undertakings are still regarded With 'a cer tain :fear, gut, every, :day,is ,lesseping this dread, and many thingslibat a.month ago were regarded • ,assimer madness are now considered 'prudent and • end that the treasury ;idea are not in fiS muoh favor at the banks aril thought:- They - aro-taken in Brasil_ quantities, by ,some of the banks*, -but • others "refuse to taltr them'on deposit: - It is re ported that - a lot was offered at the Stook board at 981 Seller 80 days, with 9,8 bid.- ' -The foreign exchange market was leaslinn than yesterday. There was not much business done for to-day's steamer, in - sterling. The closing rates were 1091a109/ for the -beat - cc mmerciat names. Francs were steady, With small transactions, at 5:17 . 1°5:13. The shipment of gold per 'Africa was $1,214;3643:44:' - --The .amount of the Metropolitan currcnoy certificates now Unredeemed Is reduced to , $2,590,000.; • • - I am pleased to reword to-day en Improvement in the expoirdetuand at the corn exchange. There, was a geod'buidnews done, and prices for flour were viell.rosontained. ',Wheat maka, provisions are-still „rather dull; with indications of meter activity, - Them was a statement M a morning paper that Marshall 0, Roberts had made an- assignment. I am authorized to Mate that it is not true. • The exchanges at the Clearing Rouse to-day were $18,000,119.09,"and.the balanoes wore $952,- 415.15. Time:fah transactions at the Sub-Tree , Bury were azi follows . , • - Receipts- $212,632 ' Payments . 181,407 89 • . - Balance r ' ".” 2,047;702 99 The receipts inolude $4 8 ,000 from customs. - Bowel of the 'Brooklyn banks have' informed "the - Common Council of that city that ,lioneefor ward they cannot pay the rate of interest hereto= fore allowed In city deposits. - Three per cent. per apnea:l,4s all they will allow . pollee average ; balances: The Rhode Island banks-have cow . 'pitted their-arrangements with the Suffolk Bank 'tor the redemption of their notes off the same terms as the other New England banks. They' have not yet „eonoluded their arrangements with the Me troluditaa Bank of this wits., With the following exceptions all the Rhode Islad bills are redeemed by the Sneak Bank: - _Bank of South County, Bank of , the Republic", Farmers' Bank, • ilopkington Bank, R. I. Central-Bank, Tiverton Bank, • • • Marwiekihink,, Mount Yarned Bank. • - The stook market was still lower this morning, with very . largo sales. Holders of railroad Beau ' titled ere,-orowdmg in to realise at present (unripe - - natively high rates, and the pressure to sell has naturaltrdepressed the market. State and hank 'stooks hold' their price steadily, andate in demand -for investment. Reading, Illinois Central, ant New- York Central . . havt Ileolined slightly, but the : y.Bre the firmest stooks in the list. ..The sub scriptions to the Illinois Central loan, in Eogland, ere reported to amount to $748,000, , • TAB SIARKATA. •' Astres.=-The demand - for both kinds is moderate, and prices are supported—sales of 30 bbls at $5.25 for Pots, and $5.50a55.021 for Pearls. The nook consists of 1,400 bbls Pots and 900 bbls Pearls. Sale ' , etas is 'steady at 70;ctoth. COTTeN . is steady.; with it fair inquiry, at 1030 NT middling-Uplands, lie for - Middling fair do o and ilic ftir fair do. , Amin, dc, The supply of W estern Canal Flour is inereating,and the market is heavy, portion lady Western extras:. The low g rades of State are held with firmness, - and are , ea eable-inpart.for• - shipment , . , - „ The sales are 8,700 bbls' at 94.2544.35 for com mon to choice' State; $4.45a54,60 fur extra de; $1.25a54.35 for superfine Indiana and Michigan; - $ 45045 to the better grades of do; $4.75415 for common to good. brands Ohio, extra (round hoop); ' 65a55.10 for , good to choice do; and $5.30a57 for - extra Geneses and St. Louis brands. Canadian flour is rather busy, the demand leSs -• not ire. Sales of 400 bbls at $4 3044.40 for supper fine, and $4.7a66 for extra. Southern near-is irith - out much activity; inferior -Baltimore Is out of , Market, Sales of 700 bbls. at $4,50a55 for mixed , to good brands Baltimore, and - ss.loasBA for the. better grades. Rye flour is quiet -at $3a54..;• mid- is in ' demand, at $6 for Jersey - and $3,50 for 'Brandywine. :Beek - Wheat flour is in fair 'demand at $2.1242,25 per 100,1bs, ' Onzio.-rThe demand - fer Wheat is, moderato, and the market is " heavy ; the arrivala are not large. Sales of 5,000 bus .at sl.2b for fair White Southern; -$l.lB for fair white Illichlgan. Rye ill liniet at 70073 c for-Northern,andthtlee for Jer sey.-'Oita areplinity and in moderate demand at "Mae for Southern ; 3349 c for Jersey and , „Dela,. ware ' .1044201er Pennsylvania ;. 43a44ofer State ; • 442.150 for-Ohio and,Bentulian, and 41140o : for OW car. -. •'• • • • • ' 3 srlei, is limotivenat .70877 e. Barley Malt is ' quiet. at 89a00e.- White Beans are in limited 'do ,•••/:,roand at,'51.55,41.37/ per bushel. Canadian -o ';' Perk , are Matte and 4n limited demand et sl,lsaCorn , , laquiteldenty'anu Minuet'. lOWer; the do-„ 'Mend IS moreactire at the'docline, - .ln pert , `,,t. - -,treortV 'adds or:97,000 %cat 'Manna forinferior tittitetv-Yettow,SOUthernril3a6s6 for derTerfey;,Bind,„ i' `"'•fliSSJOis futwkitsi Sofithotn. Old is nominal at, 718. 'VP/liieiEr:' itndentqator„„SorVa:Midtifate; it-heuri , rkiiisswilrffirahlette add Owes beam 4r-Ossilts*Bletibitilitlsl - 00c$14:80'forrufess, $444 - 4 TUE rtc, _ _ • .thinmess and prime-iness; .and.. 41.7541.2 :for - Beef Is in fife donsisndosnd-goqarqintAtto • i are held :with': more: eentidenbe; sales of* 230 IiTtIP at 85.7546 , 50 for country Orime; s9aslo for do mess; 89.76412,f0r - rermked Western moss, and 442.7.5 a $l4 for extra do. Primo kllOll9 is - attricithig some attention, bu t,„in the abgenoo Of oalos prices. are nominal,at,.sl7a23 Deaf Rome artietendyitind quiet iiksl4, Bacon batter delaand and is scarce ; sales of 30 broom; long boneless at 81c, and 600 boxes short do. yesterday at thesame pilafs; city out. Dressed liege tyro in glee demand at 61a010.' Lard is in fair 'demand ; prime is still in email stook and flin?; whileAritnatan la heavy and Awe. plenty. Sele4.of 200;,bbla at Sia9t, and 600 hogs at 91410, whioh iiloeteifor the latter. Butter 13 in fair demand at 11a160 (or.Ohle and 121a210 for State. (Mem is in moderate demand YORX 814j01V.pX ' - 2000 NY tit o'o, '73 11134 2000 N Y Bt4's. '74 '100,4j 1000 N Y 'O7 107 2000 Otdo St Ws, 'OO 100 2000'01110 B'o, ' 80„ 104% 1000 ReptAtchyot B'o 102' 3000 Tend 0! 0 , 87).i 5000 do • " 87 25000 Mteeouri (Pa 84x 6000 ' do , 04% 10000 do blO 84X 4000 de .630, 84 .1 i 2000 Virginls 02X 1 4000 , do", 63 X 500 City Ws 7 50 , 99 I 100014 Y Coning 85 X .4000 Nlt Oeli It 7 1 / 4 95X 2000 Reading 81888, 68X 1000 MialtAlen B'per'ut lat M Likg 000 02X .6000 do • , 02% 10000 do b3O 92h'' 00 0 0. do 92 10009 11l Cen b 600 90 , 4000 - do 89x 17000't , Ortc.sln LO5 43' ' 'l5 Ilk of York 101- 29 Dk BS of buy 08 60 Am,Ex,llk. t. 100;( '3O Merehantillk 'lOO 120 'do s. `105% . 10 nk of America " - 105% ' -68 City Back 112 - ' 88 Metropolitan Ilk 102 10 National Ilk 105 . 10 Iladover Ilk 70X 10 Comenonw , h Ilk 87S 10 do 87 50 10_-do Dk IVIIPg 107 - 5 Del & Ilud Pan 1.11. X 10 PaelfioltSß Co - 69'; •3.0 - dO ' - 60,,;* 1.25 doz . 68 60 : -..d0, 67X 60 "-- do --. 010 67% 138 Penn Coal Co 70 , ' ' ," 8 8 OOND 3000 Virginia fra 92% 500016.issouti a30"84X 5090 , do b3O 84% 1000 do, B4l 3600'0111d 6 , i, 'do 100 3000 Li ,Croe&M.La 43 6000 ' do 1630 42% 3000 do ' 42% 4000 Harlem let mt 74 50 Dank of NY 101% 23 Ocom Dank , 87 35 Am Ks Dank 100 X 200 Oamberl'd ()oat 13,5 i 450 do -73 X 100 do 300 • do - 030 13% 350 - do ' 010 65% 547 do • •• • •16% 100 •do 05% 100 • do — 13% 5 Third Avenue It' 97 100: do • 160 18% fßoPOited for The Piens.] _ BOSTON.--City of New York, Howes-410 cases oboes J M flauoders ; 187 do do Thompson k Co 0.77 do Haddock, Reed & Co; 75 pkgs domeities A Slade k Co; 20 do do .Bangs & Maxwell; 20 do do Fithian & Jones; Rain ; 100 bagssaltpotrelordan & Brother ; 166 eases shoes Boker & Bro ; 60 boxes oranges Coo K Chambers; 102 pkge hdw Kandy& Brenner; 15 bales nuts 1 Jensn& Co; 10 cases books J• B Lippincott & Co; 100 bdis paper blegarge & Bro;d0 do C Regorge & Co; 25 pkgs glAssware Mussy & Monroe; 182 canoe shoes Whelan & Co, 32 pkgs domestics .11 It 'Wendell; 18 do do Wain, Leatning,& Co; 00 bags saltpetre J 13 Bterens;,lo bales skins W Araer.&'Co; 10 boxes hdw Dilworth , Branson, de.Co;2o bbis oil Hodgson & Keen; 85 bags Coffee order; 100 hf bbls J V West; 200 pkgs Leech & Co; 500 do va rious consignees. „ SAILING OF TILE OCEAN STEAMERS. • NEER THE - ENITED STATES. . iintainsi ". • • 'fore: 7011. DAY Ariel ....... --New York... Southampton ' lan 23 America : ... Boston.. Liverpool Jan 27 N American Portland.. Liverpool Jan 30 liammonia -- New York..llamburg Feb 1 Europa 8.... Boston.. Liverpool Feb 3 Fulton `..... Nati York..llavre ' Feb 5 Oanada ..... ..... New York.. Liverpool ...... ~... Fob 10 Atlantic New York.. Liverpool Feb 13 Arabia ..........New York.. Liverpool Feb 17 Niagara Boston—Liverpool Fob 21 Borussia New York..llamburg March 1 FROM EUROPE. . „ . raOlf FOR DAY Reid - • Bremen—New York Rea 30 lishooonto ' Ilainburg..Nerr York Jun 1 Europe • - Liverpool—New York Jan 0 NaogarOo ' Liverpool—Now York Jan la Fulton - ' Ilavre..New York Jan 13 Canada ..... ' . ....:Liverpool.. Boston Jut 15 Arabia- . Liverpool—New York Jan 23 Indian Liverpool—Quebec Jan 27 'Niagara ... .I,iverpool..Boaton , Jan 30 Baltic Liverpool..NeW York Feb 3 Arago ' Ilavre—New York Feb 0 Irr The California Moll Steamers call from New York on the sth and 20th of each month. Marine Intelligente. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 21, ins BUN BIBEB 7 /0 ON 814TE1 4 60 MOW NAT= 7 31 ARRIVED. EteaniabV'CitY of New York, Howes, 4B hours from Boston, with rodeo and pas s engers to Maury Winsor. Btea.thehip Beaton; Bellew, 21 hourd from New York, via Cape May, with =dee and passengers to James All derdiee. •fiche Edwin Reed, Chipman, 6 days from Boston, with rodeo iv' Jl3 'Peelle; , Bohr Chelsea, Sewall, 4 days from Vienna, 111 d, with lumber to Philadelphia navy yard. Bohr ease Williamson, Winamore, 3 days from New York, with India to 31 White. Behr New Jersey, Tannarnan, 4 days from New Bed ford, In ballast to Pettit, Martin & Co. Bohr 8 B Bailey, Whlrlan, 3 days from New York, with plaster to captain. Bchrs James J Buckmaiter, Fowler, I day from Pre• &mica, Del, with torn to Jarliarratt & Bon. Sloop Mechanic, Hendrickson, 1 day from Odessa, Del, with grain to'Clirlstian & Curran. ' Danitie 0 W Ponltney, Marabman, New Ortonne, D 8 talon & Co. Bohr Marla Tilton, Tilton, OnMuog 8,8 & W Welsh. Behr °aorta Washington, Camp, Richmond, Va. Str .11 Baltimore, 4 Groan, Jr. TISLEORAPILj (Comapondence of the Phlladolphis. Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND, Jan 20, 4 P M A barque and brig are now going to sea, and several echooneroare In the bay outward bound, bet not a nail in sight bound in. Wind B—Weather warm. Yearn, &a, 11:(08, B. HUGHES. [ll7 1711701147// SO 7nt " 11:01 6 71N, Jan 20.. Arrived, ablps IleiriMat and Sunautura, fm Calcutta MEMORANDA. Steamship Independence, Terry, from New York for Valparalau, wee coaling at Pernambuco 20th ult. Steamship Granada,-McOowan, from New York for Aspinwall, sailed from Havana 11th lost. Steamship Star of the. West, Gray, sailed from New 'York yesterday fur Aspiuwall. • Steamahip Delaware, Copes, honed at New. York yes terday. Steamship Black Warrior, Smith, from New Orleans 12th inst. and Havana 16th, arrived at New Yqrk yester day Jan 14, at 4P M, lot 24 07, long 83 23, signalised ship Gildenteeve, bound east; 16th, off Havana, signal ised a barque with double topsail yards. Ship Sunshine, Merriman, arrived at New York yes terday from Chinch& Islands Oat 14, and Hampton Roads 16th last, with 2000 tons of guano: Dee 6, let 26 08 El, long 27 60 W, spoke ship Christopher Howe, from Liver pool for Melbourne; 17th, let 9S, long 88 4019, ex changed signals with the Dutch barque Prospero, steer ing :south. • Ship Diary Glover, Chase, for- Hampton Roads, sailed from Chinahe. Island. ;ikon t2d nit (not Nov 80.) Ship Geneva, Walker, from Calcutta for Boston, was . seen Got 22; tat 213 N, ion 05 80 E, Ship Agnes Leeds, Watts, from London Aug 13 for Melbourne, was spoken Oct 20, let 88 8, long 8 E. • Bhip Chita - Cooper, Short, from St John, ' NB, for Val paraiso was spoken Nov 27, lot 12 34 , long 'gB 50 W. - • Ship Finland, Pont, remained at Apalachicola 18th loot, loading lor.Liverpool. Ship Yankee Ranger, Slohman, ttom Sydney, NSW, put into floubraga Oct 20 to repair. Ship Merrimac, Bray, from Calcutta for Boston, was Seen of( Alga' Ilaye no data, by the Gertrude, at Boston. Ship "Modred, Norton, from Penang for Boston. was apoken btli nit, lot 8618, lon 11 88 r E. - Ship Herald of the Morning, Lotbrop, from San Fran cisco, was at Mazatlan 14th ult, to sail next day for Guayana and Vide Island. "Ship_Kathay, Stoddard, for China, was loading at Ba tavia Nov 0: Ship Eagle Speed, Fuller wan at Rangoon Nov 18, to load rice there or at Akjab', at .6.3 10 for England. 'Ship Star of the West, DicAlmond, for Philadelphia, was advertised at Liverpool 24 lust, to sail the Bth. Ship Gertrude, Hallett, from Calcutta Sept 20, Sand Heade Oct 2, at Boston 19th inst. Ship Maritana, (new, of Providenoe, 900 tons) Pill- Hams, cleared at Boston 10th inst. for New Orleans. •Barque Japonica, Sheldoh, for Philadelphia, sailed from New York yesterday. - Barque Phaqtom, Quig, hence, was at FAO do Janeiro 16th air; Barque Helen Mar, Lowe, for China, was loading at Batavia Nor 9. • Barque K Kane, Hewitt, hence, remained at (ilb raltar 24th ult, - Barque Ann Elizabeth, Nomrrave, 61 days from Meg. sits, was below New Orleans 19th inst. - Barque Chas E Lex, Almeida - at Baltimore 19th Inst. from /uagua, with 150 tons guano, the cargo of echr &Latex, before reported condemned at that port. Barque Emblem, Davis, from New York for Moatevi video, passed'Peruarribaco 21st ult, 80days Out. Barque Pilot *Plah, Hoyt, for Demerara, cleared at Beaton 19th inst. Brig Breeze, Outerbridge, for Philadelphia in ballut, was at Pernambuco 27th ult, to sail next day. Brig II Berry, Rice, at Palermo 22d ult. from Con stailtiuopte, was to load for Boston. Brit Forest State, Stowers, cleared at Boston 10th inat. for Oardenu. Brig Gov Bull, Northup, for Richmond, was loading at Barrel Stake, IA 31st ult. - Saha Colorao, Ilaylor, bent.) . foi Norwich, at New London 18thlnat. •. Rehr 311 Williams, Smith, from Delaware, at N York yeatarday. Oahu Chalcedony, RoWe, and Summerdeld, Pritchet, sailed train Riebraorai 19th inst. for Philadelphia. pchr lunktthin May, Bobtail, cleared at Havana 7th fast. for' NeW _ Schr P li Barnard, Horses; for Boston, cleared at Gharleston 1601 inat. 'SOU Rhoda and !Welsh, Hoffman, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wilmington, 210, 16th Inst. ' Schr Dorcas Ireland, Baker, cleared at Wilmington, NO, 16th inst. Coe Boston. , Bohr 3 M Houston, Russell, hence at Charleston 17th ,ips._ Bohr S N Smith, Smith, went to sea from Charlesto n 17th inst.. for Philadelphia, with baled cotton, 242 casks - rice, 53 bales cotton Waste, 21 do yarn, 51 bills .paper, 17 balsa rope oilttlogo, 20 auks feathere, 15 bbis porter, 895 ,empty casks, and bble, and CO pkgs nnise. Bohm Mary Alisabeth, Shannon, and Joseph Guest, Baylor, hence at Norfolk 18111 . MARINE MISCELLANY. Ship Cambridge, (of , Boston) Chase, before reported lost, bailed front New :York Deo 10,-in ballast, for New Orleatiti= , On thelatir Wit,* they aupposed themselves .185 mike END of - Abate Light, and steering a wsw cOuree, the '6hlp atruck at midnight on a reef, which 'they have elncwaseertaioed to be - opposite Nuejeok Nay, Abaco, She bilged immediately, and In twenty minutes was filled with water—a heavy sea on at the time, with a light wind from E. At 1A St , the waste wore cut awaydn order, if possible, to Aare the ship from ping topleseirihnt, she, began. to break up. On the nsernlngaf the 15tb, stone KtedinF teasels came to as. islet; end naiad part of the mitteria.s, together with the 'aka landed then, at OreenTurtie Nov. The Cam- Parttally insured, as renown: $17,6010at the Th / g ' 44 Mdtua1t....848, 000 at the Kquitatde,, 510000 at the *44 Stater , $B.OOO at the Alliance, ad e $10,020 the , Delitillie PhDs:44lo , I • l4 VDPlallah blibrof,war, in attempting to beat out of .ttraluslatiotliavana on the 28th tilt, mimed gets, And :orkerretx,•74j4l„lii•2o. BOAIIII, : ,• • •: ~ MO biulber Cost b 3 73 • 50 , do ',. - 060 IS ' 480 NN Ceo B b 3 70 38 . lon du 630 78 .13 do • 78% 100 do 810 78% 100 'do - 78) 33•Erie,11 , ' ... 18N 850 do b 319% 60 Hodson Riper Ito6olB 100 Harlem R 8 100 do 6)4 N HavAllartPd 114 10 Stith Avenue It 103 450 Reading 11 b365)4 600 ~ do , .030 55% 700 do , 660 63 800, • do a3O 55)4 200 do . c 553{ 400 do' 630 6534 100' do slO 55)4 125 Mich South It 63 1934 60 do'_b3 30% 20 Bitch BRI p' ' 3334 6 Panama 18 8934 25 do ,1010 90 30 do 88)4 30011'a Oen R DIX 100 ' do' 100 do 1,660 91)4x 92 40 Clev&Pitta R 8 35 Clev Col & Oinfir 93 06 ("alarm & Chico 70 50 do 680 70 200 Clev&Tol R 41)4 100 do 630 41% 200 do 1.3 4134 60 Chicago RIR 67% 60 do b6O 67 26' do 68X 16" do 00% 120 do 8 83( MAUI& 3034 : 125 do 30 425 L Crossed/Mil R .1134 20 do 1134 10 OBA Quincey R 6034 BOARD. 190 L Crosse&Diil s3O 11X 1159 do 11% 150 Erio R 19X 25 'forlorn It 8% 190 to 534 225 N Y Can R 78)4 100 Reading R , 1.39 60 200 do 660 66 100 Mich Con R b 3 54x 20 do 54% 26 Illinois Cent 91,x 50 do b3O 911' 10 do - 91 " 50 C,!ey Tot R 41!( 75 Chia k. RIR litttportntione her otiiti eua lon3 sC echr Stator, Brerldwace; lulu et Who whith :ffiUl iojuirok to the .eitettt uf $1,0,09 or 'sE,6oo ' .' The amount of delesge t(i.the Btar, If soy is not stated. - • • ' • - - Bteamerlfsgpolls; from Now York for - Berwick Bay, La, which put into Baltimoielor repitirs, soiled 17th for destination:" " FOREIGN FORTS . . ' At Ma6ao NOw 16, ships Norseman, Haskell; Hydra, parker, and - Contest, Steele, for New York, Idg At BOMbar Dos 4, Ship • George Lee, Barstow, from Pantin•ar 20, for Calcutta; Sweepatakee, Lane, for N York; Typhoon, Salter, from Gallo, ar 21; Cohota, Day, from Liverpool; Young , Meehanic, Amebury, for Hull; N; Hamlet, Lecraw, for Calcutta; Eliza Bonsall, Tinkharu, for Akyab; John & Lucy, Miller, for Liver -001; ()olden Eta, Brown, from Kurachoe; Chart Buck, Smalley, and St Bernard, Mayo, one Ar at Amoy Oct 27, ships Antelope, Cole, Shangbae; 28th, ship John Wade, King, Hong Kong, and old Slat for Foo-chow. - Sid from do Ocd let, ehipe Dlrlgo, Atwood, Now York, and passed Anjler Nov 2; 3d, Gulden Oity, Lee, do6th, break Walton, Williams, do, and passed Anjler NovN 7; 28th; ?Salvino Vidal, (Ham) Kettels, New York, since put into Singapore. , Old at London 28th ult, Chun, Carlton, Cardiff and Oultaplat,"ahlpSumatra, Abbott, Port Philip. t o r v t i lt V o n;,shipsand i . barques briiHmuotentiur teln N It ' ork,"abtiut readyr Dorton , Champion, for do ' 7th; Patrick Henry, Gifford, for doilat; Devonshire, Moore, for do 28th; aloneks Hamilton, for Rio Janeiro soon; 11 P Roam, Orary; Isabella 0 Jones, Woodburn, and LisleOaktord, Kelly, for Sydney, NSW, Idg; Mover ink, Ellie; Cherubim, Smith; .t.Lemont, &Merton; Law Chow, Seyburn; Northern Crown Mellott, and Well Heat, MeGitvery, for Port Phillip, idg ; Hornet, Ileum, for Calcutta, do; Cyclone, Osgood, for do do; 'Oriental, Whipple, for do do. At Malaga 224 ult, barquea William Patterson, from New York, just ar, in quarantine; Virginia Ann, Wylie, for New Orleans; brigs Rueh, Plumor, for N York, ldg; Queen 'or the South, Chapman, nos; ochre Rate Weston, NSW, and Pride of the Sea Rotkmaater, do. • Havana —Ar 9th lost, brig Belle, York, 20 days from Portland; barque Fanny, Herrick, do 21 days; 10th, brig May Flower, Strong, 17 days from do; 11th, barque E Wright, CMOs, 18 days from Boston; Helm A Miller, Gott, 14 data from N York; Bohr Harriet Gardner, Bnshtnum, 5 days from Savannah. DOMESTIC( PORTS. NEW TORN, 3au 20—Arrived , eehrs Arctic, Ogden, Georgetown, DC; 8 E Linker, Fitzgerald, Norfolk; A 8 Lane, Walters, Edenton NC. Cleared, barques Corinthian, Winchester, Clan segos; Cadet, Guide, ltelize, Iton• Mary Louisa. Jones, Mo bile; sehrs N II Gould, Smith, City of Pa lma , ' Grand Canary; Surprise Patton, Oily Point. ' BOSTON, Jan Io—Arrived, steamer Joseph Whitney, Howes, Baltimore. Telegraphed, barque ICleber, from Calcutta. Cleared, barques Racehorse, Searles, Malta; It 11 Walker, Baynes, Barbadoes; Hadley, Rent, Baltimore; echrs of the Tees, (Br) Hartley, Algoa Day; Geo Millard, Snow, aemet, Bailed, ships Black Prince, Martinez Dias, and Kate Howe; barques Bounding Billow, B Burgess, Lsuerk, Franklin„Lyman, Thomas, Killam, S D Ryerson, and Sylph; brigs P R Richborn, Leghorn and Ranola (not yesterday.) HIGHLAND LIGHT, Jan 19, 1 45 I' M—Passed out, barque, Bonj Burgess, from Boston for Cienfuegos. NEW HAVEN—At. 18th, barque Excelsior, Willard, from Port Basin. Bailed, barque Gazelle, Barbadoes. , ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Up to 12 o'clock Last Ntght GIRARD HOUSE—Ohestnut street, below Ninth. R II Elliott, Md M Jewell, Hartford W P Chtistlan, Va W Woodside, Bait Wm Stanton, Phil's- F W Rescue, D 0 Jan L Cathcart, D 0 ' Mrs N F Brown, N C Miss Augusta Brown, N 0 AJ D Rosset, Jr, N 0 Thos T Collier, N 1 B F Cogswell, N Y A B Westwell, N Y F Furnian, Nashville A 0 Beech, Nashville 0 0 o , Bryan, Nashville L Wells, Astoria, N 17 A II Mecy, Fall River J P Slade Fall River A W Crawford, Harrisburg F Tompkins, Newport , A A Selover, Cal A Sinoickson, N J A Cole, Lancaster J Bauman, Lancaster L A Lyman, Sandusky, 0 MCourtright, Erie Otis Cary, blass it K Ddlard, N Y J McCormick Brown, Dalt W P Webb, I.lalt Baml Sutton, Ilarford, Bid Ramon de hank, Salt d W Brown, N ,1 - Abraham 13rinckerhoff, N V B 0 Horton. N y Richard Hill, Richmond, Va Philip Irish & lady, N J Mr Buckman, Penns, Win 8 Oliver, St Louis Gee Mcßoberts, Hy Wm Huffman, Hy John H Ludic} , h wife, N Y E Heat, Cincinnati, 0 Wm Seweti, N Y A W Smith & of, E L Anderson, Bedford Z F Wetzel! & la, St toms Miss V P Dillon, St Louis II Sanford, N Y J Beers, N Y 0 Douglas, London, Eng E 0 Pike h. son, St Louis Hiram Veazey ,Donn 8 E Lyon N Y Wm Bolder, N Y Col Babbitt, New York Col Hamilton, New York Peter Beatty, New York M B Branham, York II Lyon, Now York at L Convene, New York E M Benjamin, New York N L McCreary, Now York John Navel, New York D L Gray, New York F W Reiner, New York 0 51 Carpenter, New York A B Itolmbee, New York Wm C Bunton, New York Ileury-Ide, New York Samuel D Stryker, jr, NY Geo MacLeod, Loulevlllo II It Bancroft, San Fran'co MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth street, below Aroh. D Sargent, N Y J Clymer, Mo A Rhoads, Pa H N Sherman, Va Wm Darlington, W Cheater S Lowenstein, N Y Semi B Myers, Pa D H Montgomery, Money Footer, Money, Pa W T Willey, Ya Mrs Moore, Germantown Min Moore, Germantown R F Moore, Germantown J F Lowell, Mane E G Smyser &son, York, Pa John Stotser, Easton Jacob Dachrodt, Easton Wm Orertield, Easton II Stork, Wilkesbarre A Si 'lotion's, Wyoming II Bruce, Wyoming ME Mellinger,Bare Harbor Geo W Bhawde, Easton N L Bradly, Meriden, Ct Sarni E Rice, Baltimore Wm 13 Yoynton, N Y John Woodside, N Y James A. Anti, N Y Wtu H Malone, Cincinnati S H Fisher & slater, Centre Mrs J Morgan & child, Wil- co, pa Thunsport Henry A Gliddoa, Tenn John J Lock, St Louis John T Oreigh, Ohio AMIIIIICAN 110 TEL—Chestnut street, above Fifth. Smythtßrown, Detroit W E Jones, Virginia ohn Glrodsden, Virgin's d Robinson, Peuna Wm H Weiss, New York Wm ftworel, PhDs J W Ludlow, New York Drink McGrew, Springfield P Flinn, Penne /t It Hawley, New York Peter Oanipbell & Is, N Y Franklin Tricker, Reading Michael Morgan, Relating Jno S flouts, Wisconsin P Bacon, Wisconsin N J Fleming, Tennessee P J nigher, Tennessee II P Bengal. Columbia, 80 P G Bergen & In, Brooklyn J Brown, Vienna, kid 11 Jackman, Lock Raven .1 It. Whitaker, Placenixv NI Jefferson, New Yoik Prentiss 0 Baird, N York P_rentlix W- crturn—ron--- John J Motto, New York UNION HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. N Stein, Ind Win Johnston, Franklin cu James Ives, Conn 0 Albright, Itt Chunk J B Lawrence, N J J F Coxel, Reading Wm Kellogg, Easton J . B Shaeffer, Pottsville Robt E Sayer, Bethlehem A T Bowman, Pa R P Stockton, Pa Miss &runny, Mien Hui ktrothers, Miss Ore H Studwell, N Y Chas Campbell, Detroit 0 Hilborn & la, Pa A R Huber, Pa John Huber, Pa J II McElwain A la, Pa John 8 Boyer, Tamaqua B Murtangh A la, . a A N Semple, Beaton J Biker & lady, N Y Mrs E R Sage, N Y STATES 'IINION—Market street, above Sixth. Wm CI Barr, N Y Geo It Bartlett, Chicago B Pierce, Chested d, NII Win Wilson, Brooklyn DI W Parke, N Y .1 Zug, (iodide Goedyear, Carlisle L Summa, Del Then Hood, Hartford, 0! G Wallace, laegow Lewin L Corson, Chatter John L Bead, Pittsburgh A P Erb, Harrinburg E B McGurn, Altooua D B McKinnon, Brldiet, 0 Peter Price, Philo Jacob 6 Moore, Clearduld I Able, Philo 1' V Huber, Phila W II Bolinger, Cal E 3 Boatel', Cal ' Geo W Smith, Philo W P Cooper, CM, Ohio NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above - Third. J A L Tice, Fremont Chas Heebner, Maoo Sand A Wallace, Cleveland Miss Ann e 0 Wallace,Ohlo Miss HE Smith, Ohio 118 Boynton, Conn A B Kiocade, Reading J Kauffman, Reading Jos (I Hugert, Reading II J Headier, Pottsville (1 W Morgan, Pa K 0 Shoener, PottAvillo A J Alexander, 'Whoa Thee Reinhart, Lebanon C H Nlintion, Carbon co (leo L Rube, Allentown Eilw F Smith, Pert Carbon MADISON MoloBE—Second street, shore Market C Harris ik la, Del 0 Whitney, N York J Penton, N York Z Horsey, Del T J Horsey, Del It M Reynolds, Jr, Del II Jones, Del Jan Drown, Baltimore W Peterson A 10, NJ I. A Moore, Pa J . r Miller, Pa T P Milligan, Pa 8 IC Danis, Ohio BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. Griffith Ellis, Pa W Woods, Pa JAI Pratt, Chester Co, Pa A B Williamson, Pa DI Hammond, Del A Johnson, Jr. De[ co, Pa Sarah Johnson, Del co, Pa Wlt Spear, Wilmingt, Del 0 Brownback, Chester co Caleb P Thompson, Pa W Porter, Rochester, N Y Itabt 4 Crolt, Pike co, Pa J Griffith, Chester co, Pa , BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, nbovo Callowhill. W Boyer, Pa D Focht, Phlla Benj Shroy, Pughtown, Pa W Cerllng, Amityville, Pa N Waggonborst, Pn G 0 Miller, Pottsville, Pa T B Cooper, Coeperebg, Pa Jens° Geist, Pa Andrew Geist, Pa A Gilbert, Berke co, Pa 0 R Yorgey, "Berke co, Pa U Baker. Berke co, Ps E R Yorgoy, Berke co, Pa A Long, Berke co, Pa David Bear, Berke co, Pa 000 M . /irking, Pa Gideon Sunday, Pa Plea Morkley, Pa 0 Rlluo, Earlylllo, Pa Jacob Ehet, Oley, Pa J Kline, Upper Salford, Pa A line, Bernville, Po BARLEY SIIEAF ROTEL—Second street, below Vine Henry Sender, Backe co Rey J Belleille, Harter's T .1 James, Newtown T hlcNeelie. Atlantic City B W Reading, New Jerecy n Shaw, Norristown BALD EAGLE—Third street. above Callowhill. Beni a Roberta, Pa John IlarbGer, Reading Wm Janney, Bucks co Joe J Ball, Pa ,fipecial Xolices Hobe match's Iron Blitvs cures Dyspepsia Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from a disordered Mon:etch or liver. now many thousands are living a miserable exietence, of a pale, sickly color, weak and emaciated, who could be restored to health by the nee of one bottle of this invaluable medicine. It le no humbug, but a genuine remedy, being free from anything that is of an injurious nature. The attention of come of our first physicians having been called to it, it has been prescribed by them in numerous cases with most beneficial results. Cold by Druggists, and the Proprietor, THIRD and GREEN. ja2l-It* Speclo Payments. Five Per Cent. Baring Fund of AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE TRUST COMPANY, S. IL corner WAL NUT and FOURTH Street,. This old Institution, having ALWAYS paid in full on demand, continues to receive on Deposit, in Current Funds, and pay all Sunni an called for in COLD and SILVER. )a2O-1m Seamen's Sating Fund Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. nacelles de polite In Bum* of One Duller and upwards, from all Owes of the community, and allow intend at the rate of Ore per cent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 mall 6 ololook, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 In the evening. President Franklin Yell Treasurer and Secretary, Charles M. Saving Fund.—Nattonnl Safety Trust Co (ace, WALNUT Street, 8. W. corner of TiIIRD, ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DIMINO THE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYBIENTS BY THE BANES. 1. DepO/Sita received and payments outdo daily. 2. Current Bank Notes, Checks, and Hpeale will received on deposit. a. Deposita made In Bank Notes or Checks vUI be paid back In Current Bank Notes. 4. Deposita made in Gold or Silver will be paid back n Coin. Interest Pyre ran Oaerr. per annum Suring Fund OF TIM AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, S. IL Comm FOURTH AR!) WALNUT STRAITS, Hal &bray* paid in full on demand, AND OONTINDIA 70 DO 80. INTRUST, FIVE PRII OBNT. de2S4mis William C. Monett, 907 Chestnut street, Is selling all kinds er tine Stationery at ene-half the co. gular poles. 'Call on him at once and you will be Wis. fled. jas.lm Cabinet Ware had - npast,Lrg - BRY, „ ' 624 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDNI'SNDENON SWARM. BENRSUB, 624 WALNUT Street, 0021.8ut lade of 112 Chestnut Street Good Coffee. Lovers of Coffee cannot realize the full value of their favorite beverage without having it made in the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. ARTHUR, IMBRIUM, & GILROY, 117 And He South TENTH, oar, of Norge, dB.6m Both Aliumfacturere. Jacksos, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Heade, Oir. caters, Cards, and all other Made of Job Printing, at prices to suit the times. oelT-1) The Greatest Bargains In the World.—Th aubscriber, being about to close his business, offers his entire stock of superior Ready-made Clothing for sale. A.ll in want of a superior article are luyited to give him a call. Store to let and fixtures for este. M. TRACY, 292 BARK= Street, delb-201 Bower's infant Cordial.--This Invaluable Conlial is prepared from a variety of the meat ohoide and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infants said young children. By its powerful IntMem* a speedy cure is effected in all cases of Chofie, windy pains and amaze. }Ultima and mitigate' much of children's mitering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties trim guinea pains of the towels, loom:tem, vomiting, Au. The Infant Cordial boo become a standard remedy, and bee been need in thousands of cases with the most abundant sucrose. No family Mould be without it. Prepared only by ]Unity A. Bowes, At his Drag and Chemical Store, N. R. Career of Sixth and Crean eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addreesod. And for sale by Druggists generally. an 18-ly For Perfumed Breath, White Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, nee ‘, Balm of 1,000 Flowers." For arming Ladies , hair, use ,4 Woodland Cream, a new Pomade.) , It curls Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W. P. FETRIDON & Co , Proprietors, N. Y. Per Bale by T.. 13. Peterson, 300 Chestnut; Damned Ebmee, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. P. Durand, 710 Chest nut; T. II Peters & Co., 716 Chestnut; G. G. Evans, Gift 1304-store, 939 Chestnut 0. 8. Gubbell, 1410 Cheater, French, Richard!), & Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. B. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut ; J. W. Simes & Bons, 'Eighteenth and Twenty... Second and Market; Edward Christman°, 702, Chestnut; Theme Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. nol2-Iy Illarnagto • On the 20th Dec.. by the Rev. Edgar M. Levy, Mr. It H. READ to Miss MARY ELIZABETH WRIGHT, all of the Twenty-fourth ward. On the 10th inst., by Rev. James Cuthbert, JOHN T. PIGGOTT, of this city, to ALICE C. GARR, late of Nottingham, England. On the 11th feat., by Rev. J. Mason, Pastor of Fifth street M. E. Church, Mr. STEPHEN MERRIHEW to Mkt CAROLINE STARR, both of Wilmington, Del. farattii3. ICATN, daughter of Roy. henry J. and Henrietta Vandyke. of Brooklyn, New York, in the 3d year of her ago. The funeral will take place on this (Thursday,) 21st inst., at 2ys o'clock, from the tit. Lawrence Hotel, Chestnut street, above Tenth. On the LY.ith iiist , THOMAS WICKERBILA.M : In the 74th year of his age. His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Woodland Cemetery. Ou the 180 i inst., BENJAMIN 5' NEWPORT, aged 45 years. On the 10th inst., Men. SARAH JANE CROW, wife of William Crow, aged 53 years. To the Contributors to the Provident Bo• OILTY POR TAE EMPLOYMENT OP TUE POOR: The Board of Managers present the following report of choir operations during the past year: The house was opened for the delivery of work on the 20th of Tint month (January) last, and closed on the 3rd of Third month (March.) The past winter was one of unusual severity, the ex tremely cold and very inclement weather cutting off much of the out-of•door employment, on which a portion of the laboring classes depend. Notwithstanding an effort was made to reduce the number of the recipients of this charity, yet the oppli• cations for work were so pressing and urgent, that the total result of the season's operstions shows a distribu tion among 678 women, who made up and returned up- WSW% of 16,200 shirts. Of the largo number of garments entrusted to these poor people, it has been gratifying to the managers to observe that but fetr,conmaratively, hare remained out at the end of the season—e, fact that ahould be re• ceived no evidence of the general honesty of those em ployed. Tho managers do not doubt that many, perhaps most, of the recipients of this charity, are persons who desire to maintain an Independence of character, a self-re spect and reliance on their own efforts for support. The object of this Society Is to hold up the hands of ouch ea these in their season of want, and perhaps of dismay, mud to stimulate them by a little timely ald to cherish and preserve these honorable motives to exertion nn safeguard against the sorrowful abyss of pauperism. Aged females, widows, nod mothers with fatuillea of joung children, conatituto the clam which it is the ob ect of the Provident Society to assist or reliere—a class much dependent upon such employment as can bo taken to their own homes, and there worked upon as they have time amidst the cares of their little ones. Our Treasurer's account shows a low elate of funds in his hands; and the managers fear that the operations of the Society , Mel, ere long, be impended, unless, through the liberality of a benevolent and discrimina ting public, the t.cciocory ebould bo reeenished oil l a994 d oangrijetis elaence, whose plan of operations is based upon tho excellent principle of pro riding employment to willing hands in the season when such employment is moat needed, should be allowed to die out for want of pecuniary aapport. But the managers still cherish the hope that another earnest appeal to our benevolent and sympathising clti zone will meet with that generous and effective re- Imam which shall enable the Society to go forward afresh In its unobtrusive and philanthropic labors. DAVID LAPSLItY, Chairman of Board of Managers. PHILADELPHIA, First month, 1858. OPPIOBREI. . . ... President—JOlN A. BROWN. Vies Presidents—AMßßOSE WRITE, JOB. IL SEAL Secretary—WE. H. LARNED. Treasu or—WM. t, EDWARDS. HANAUERS. Ambrose While, lame C. Jones, Jr., Joseph 11. Beal, 8 L. Tarim, Win. Johns, A 111 'Collins, A. Fullerton, T. Walt Brown, D. Lapnley, Wm. 11 Wrench, Wm. H. Collins, U. V. 111arsh, Nathanlel 11. 'trona, Win. L Edwards, J.S. Kneedler, R. 111. Marshall. James 0. Pease, Samuel Jeans, Horatio°. Woad, J W. Sexton, Wm 11 Lamed, Wm. P. Jones, Joseph T. Johns, J. T. Walton, M. D. ja2l-11. 1.13' People's Literary 'nit Henri WARD DECOMEII lectures TUIB EVENINO, at the MUSICAL FUND lIALL. Doore oven at 7 ; lecture quarter before 8. T ckets 25 contd ja2l•lte 117" The Adjourned Meeting relating to CHAPLAINS, Ac .will be held in JAYNE'S HALL, THIS aIORNING, at 10 o'clock. The Clergy and citizens generally are respectfully invited to be le attendance, and place thole names upon the Nam oriel to Congress. Itev. NATII'L WEST, D. D., nee. Hr. 11l PLNY, of the Sesmonis Bethel, and other able speakers, will address the meeting. ja2l-It* jp.' High School.—The Examinedlou of Gnu- Mateo for Admlsalon will begin on MONDAY, Janu ary 25th, at 0 o'clock. A candidate, to be admitted to the examination, must be a bona fide resident ot the City of Philadel phia, muat be not less than thirteen years of age, and must hero attended the Public Schools of this city not less thou one year. The order of examination will be as follows: Monday, 25th, Ilistory of the United States and Defi nitions. Tuesday, 213th, Geography. Wednesday, 21th, Algebra and Orthography. Thursday, 28th, English Grammar, (Itul , s and Parsing ) Frlday, 21:101, Conataution of the United States and Beading. Monday, let, Arithmetic, (Principles ) Tuesday, 2d, blensuratiou Wednesday, :M. Arithmetic, (Hums ) Saturday, 6th, Admission of the New Clans. JOHN B.IIART, Plincipal iDG' The First of it Series of Lectures on the PHILOSOPHY 011 'rim DUMB, by the Roy. Dr. S. JACOBS, will be given at BANSOSI STREET EIALL,on SATURDAY, the 22d iret., at 7Jf In the evening. Single tickets, to admit a lady a nd a. ,gentleman, 25 els. For the course, $l. Jalo-5t Beetles In Holy and IAMIXIC Lands, In a COMM, of SIX LECTURES, by Rev WILLIAM BACON STEVENS ,1). D., et CONOERT HALL Firot Letture—On TUESDAY EVENING, January 12th—Subject: "Jerusalem utot or four Mottarellien.', . . Second Lecture—On MONDAY EVENING, January 18th--Subject: "Bethlehem, Nazareth, and their Le gentle." Third Lecture—On TUESDAY EVENING, Jannnry 26th—Subject Tho Sacred Waters of tholloly Land Fourth Lecture—On TUESDAY EVENING, Fobru. ary 2d—Subjrict • Tho Olivintlore In do Holy Land." I'i th Lecture—TUESDAY EVENING, February 9th—Suldect " The Aaroplie end the Areopagne of Athens Sixth Lecture—Oa TUESDAY EVENING, Febru ary lath—Subject : " Tho Throne and the Niece of the thoearm." Tickets ttl for the course. Lectures to commence st 7 fi o'clock. The proceeds for the benefit of the ,4 Mellen) Home for friendleas Children. jell-mth IMO II ED' The Retain Alumni Exalt%lnistlon of candidates for ndmfeeion as Puplla of the NORMAL SCHOOL will be commenced on MONDAY, February Bth, at 0 o'clock A. M. To be artful tied, the candidate must be at leant fifteen years of age, owl pass a satisfactory examination in Orthography, Definition of Words, Rending, Refinish Grammar, Elintory of the United Staten, Deography, Arithmetic, and Penmanship. The NORMAL SCHOOL is designed to qualify females to become Teacher:lln the Public Schools; and, previous to admission , every candidate must make an explicit declaration that her object in entering the School is to qualify 'unwell to become a Teacher. and that she in tends to engage in Teaching in the runido SCHOOLS OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. . . . By order of the No..tnal &hoot Committee. jale..etuth tftB P. A. CREGAR, Principal THE SOVEREIGN REMEDY.—WIL tiams,b ANTI-DYBPEPTIO ELIXIR, tho only Medicine now prepared that will. cure Dpiptiptla, Liver Complaint, Acc Du ,liktile WILLI/HO: Dear Sir: In Justice to your most valuskje Medicine I wish to my, that in the spring of last year, having contracted a Revere attaek of Dyspepsia, I was Induced to try your Elixir. I took ono bottle, and by the time Its coußen/R were eibensted, I WAS perfectly free from those wretched feelings of exhaustion, faintness, iko., and became again hearty and robust. Truly yours, EDGAR A. Itoixce. Philadelphia, January 6, 1118. For sale at No. 4, South SEVENTH Street, and by all Druggists. ja2l-ote MARK'S EPISCOPAL. ACADEMY, aJ LOCUST Street, west of Sixteenth. ThO ascend half year will begin on the firet of Febru ary, at which time pupils may bo entered. Oiroulara and full particulars of the comma of in struction, terms, &c, can be obtained from the Principal, at the Academy, between 9 A. M. and 2 P M. Ja2l-thstuanla .1 ANDREWS HARRIS, Principal. CHINA AND GLASS. DINNERWARE. TEA AND TOILET SETS, REIM, OOLD DAVID, AND DMOOHLTID FRENCH AND BOHEMIAN (1148BWARE, FAIWY ARTIOLEB, &c WILL BB SOLD, AT TOD LOWBST MDSE), AT NAIIXB.EN tr. WITTVB, MASONIC) lIALL, 713 CHESTNUT NT N. B.—Hoods loaned to partite at realonabla term 110-y 7‘. ANtfitltit 21; 185 g, OFF4OE OF THE INSURANCE 'COMPANY NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 WALNUT EITREHT, BOOTH 8101, PLOT Of THIRD rattaneanua, Jan. 11, 185$ /STATEMENT OF THE ABBETB Of "The President and Directors of the insorance Company of Northlmorica„ , ! publiaboi in conformity mith the protleione of tbe Act of Assembly MORTOAUEE, All of which are Bret Mortgagee LOAN NONDB 840,000 Philadelphia City Loan, 8 per cent 87 34,800 00 $lO,OOO Philadelf.dila City Loan, OR Works 90 9,000 00 820,000 Pennsylvania State 9 per cent. Rock 85 17,E0 00 820,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Compa ny 8 per cent.; redeemable De- comber 31, 1880 95 19,000 00 870,000 Cincinnati City Donde ...... 90 78,000 00 810,000 Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Company's Loan of 1860 85 8,500 00 826 000 lehigh Coal and Navigation Company's Loan 90 22,500 00 842,000 Chesapeak e and Delaware Canal Company , * Convertible Mort gage Loan 68 28,560 00 $20,000 Delaware and Raritan Canal Company, and Camden and Ant boy Rail road and Traneporta lion Company, 6 per cent 70 14,000 00 $11,0044 Allegheny Coulty Ronde, (to Ponnsylvautia Railroad) 77 8,470 00 840,090 North Penneylvanis Railroad Company's 0 per cent. 20,000,00 $lO,OOO sohuylkill Navigation Compa ny'a Convertible 1852 6 per cent sfortgage Loan ...... • • • • 00 0,000 00 8632.50 Behuylkill Navigation Compa ny's Boat, and Boat and Car Loan, 8 per cent 75 970 00 $5,000 Union Canal Company, 0 per cent 40 2,090 00 BLOCKS. 100 shares Philadelphia Blink 100 10,000 00 85 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company 50 4,250 00 63 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, SC, I p 33 2,079 00 63 '‘ Germantown and Perki%,,, men Turnplko Road Coo,' pany 50 3,150 00 36 ‘• Chesapeake and Delaware • Cans: Company 50 2,100 00 66 Schuylkill Navigation Com pany, preferred of 1852.... 18 1,008 00 54 licbuylkill Navigation Com pany 10 640 00 100 " North Pennnylvania Rail road Company 0 900 00 30 .Phil,dolphla Steam Tug Company, $l5 paid 1,200 00 5 . 1 Philadelphia and Havre do Glace Tow Boat Company .100 WO 00 2 Philadelphia and Savannah Steam Navigation Compa ny 250 500 00 511SORLLANEOUS. Notes Mealy/ails, $313,906 Or Policies, the premiums of which re main unsettled, sod debt due in ac count 50,483 61 Cash in Bank 01,303 56 Reel Estate 22,000 00 fly order of the Board. HENRY B. SHERRERD, Secretary INCORPORATED IN 1701, CAPITAL, 8300,000. CHARTER PERPETUAL ==! EMI= Arthur G. Coffin, William Welsh, Samuel W. Jones, William E. Bowen, John A. Drown, James N. Dickson, Samuel F. Smith, S. Morris Wain, Charles Taylor, John Mason, Ambrose White, George L. Harrison, John R. NalT, Francis R. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Edward IL Trotter. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. 'HENRY D SITERRERD, Secretary. ja2l-3t JANUFALTURERS' INSURANCE COMPANY, FIRE, MARINE, AND INLAND.— Office No.lo MERCHANTS' EXCRAN46. PITILAMILPIII 1, January 10th, 1058. At the Annual Meeting of the liteckboldere of thin Company, held on the dth toot , the following gentle men were elected DI RaCTORS for the ensuing year: Wni. A. Rhodes, Ohm. Wise, Aaron &Lippincott, Jno. P. himone, Ohio. J. Field, Thos. Dell, Wm. Neal, M. Richards Muckle. At a Stated Meeting of the Board, held loot even leg, The following gentlemen were elected Officers for the ensuing year: Prealdent—WM. A. RHODES. Vice-President-011A8. WISE. Secretary—ALFßED WEEKS. 33.21-3 t OOF OF THE NATIONAL SAFETY INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, PIII Li na L rII 11 , January 21st, 1859. At an Election held by the Stockholders on the 18th instant, the following gentlemen were elected Directors to serve for the ensuing year, viz : Henry L. Benner, Edward L Carter, Robert Selfridge, 0. Ltrolreth Manna, Samuel E. Ashton, Francis Lee, F. Carroll Brewster, Joseph Yerkes, Joseph 11. Barry, Henry Diffenderfer. At a Meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the 19th lest , HENRY L BENNER was re-elected Presi dent, nonivr euvitliniz Vico-President, and ja2l.3t WILLIAM J. REED. Secretary. DANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.— The Annual Meeting of the Storkholdernof the Pfeil dent ; Directors, awl Company of the Bank of Pennsyl vania will be held at the Banking 110u5e,228 WALNUT Street, on MONDAY, the fleet day of February neat at 12 o'clock M ; immediately after which au Election will be held for twelve Directors to servo for tho en suing year. J. L. FENIMORE, Ja2l.llel Aaaletanteaahler. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. MARINE, FIRE AND INLAND TRANSPOR TATION INSURANCE. OFFICE No 232 WALNUT STREET, South side, ant of TRIM street. The properties of this Couipsuy are well invested, and furnish an available final fur the ample indemnity of all persnns who desire to be protected by Insurance. IMMUNE RISKS taken on Vessels, *eights, and Cargoes. INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Merchandise per Ralhosdn, Canal., and Stesnaboate. FIRE RICKS on Merchandise, Furniture, and Build ings. in City and County. INCORPORATED IN 1791. CAPITAL $500,000, ALL PAID IN AND SECURELY INVESTED. TOTAL PROPERTIES 81.007,825.29 PeRVIITUAL °HAMM. DIILEUTONS. ARTHUR CORFIN, WILLIAM, Daum. W. Jones, WILLIAM E. DOWER, JOHN A. BRoWN, JAMBS N. DICKSON, BAMUIIL P. Ssirit, 8 MORRIS WALK, Olen Les Testes, JOUR MAROR, All/11101111 WHITS, Dances L. llssaisos, Joel R. Neer, FRANCIS It. COPE, Theo tau D. WooD, IiDP/ARD 11. TROTIOIR ARTHUR O. COFFIN, President. MENDS D. SIIEREERD, Secretary. GERMON'n PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS, corner SEVENTH and CIIICSTNUT streets --Ali the various styles of portraiture known in the Photo graphic art are produced at this establishment A pew style of portrait just introduced, surpassing the finest miniature on ivory, excelling all others in point of like nens and delicacy of entering, with a most wonderful stereoscopic effect. The public are invited to call and examine this new styli) of miniature. 1618 t'I,LEM CAMPHOR, Coriander Seed, Cantharides. Rad libel, Manna, email lioko, Alen Senna, Day Item, Jamaica Luger Root, Cardamom Seed. Window Ohme! Window (Naze' Sheet. & DulTy's make; ariperior to any in the market We are now receiving two-thirds of the (lime made at three works Any of the atove articles cold in quantities to suit the purchaser. Send your orders to ZEIOLRII. & 13)11T11, Wholesale Druggiet., jals H. W. corner SECOND and GREEN Ste. THE BEST COUGH SYRUP IN THE WORLD.-PREPARED BY A CHEMIST HARTSHORNE'S PECTORAL SYRUP 0 F WILD CHERRY is admitted by the thousand!, who hare need it to ho the beet promotion in one for COUtiIIS, from a cold or a CONSUMPTIVE COUGH, ABTII3IA, BRON CHITIS, CATARRH, or any Lung Affection. it it also a groat remedy for Iluareonm, and allay.. all In flammation of the Luogn or Throat Bottles '25, 50 coots, and n. hold by R.H.A 0 11. JENKINS, Corner WALNUT and BECONl)Streets, and Jalo.lf No. 6 North NINTH Street. 1 S.WHELEN & CO., No. 309 WAL -4 ..4• NUT street, above Third. flovernment, State, Railroad, and flank Stock. and Loans bought and sold on commission in this city, New York, or Bolton. Particular attatition given to the wife investment of money, and the negotiation of coca ritien. jalS..rp wfanlin 1 IVERY STABLE KEEPERS, LOOK to your Interests, Lod pationlaelll3Bllllll.'B LAMP FACTORY, 100 Fouth EIGHTH atreet, below etwatout. Previous to hie openings responsible factory, you were charged $lB for work which he is now doing Ina war ranted manner from 89 to 810 Emut hi in, or you will have the same charges to pay. isithy 001.. G. DE KORPONAY HAS THE ‘../ honor to inform the ()Meerut of Philadelphia that he hoe been appointed INTERPRETER of the United States Courts, and opened an Office for translations of all Modern Languages at 1010 GEORGE Street, abuse TENTIf, where he will bele attendance to All the busi ness transactions In his line. de2l-1m KEROSENE OIL, DISTILLED FROM COAL KEROSENE LUBRICATING OILS. Thle 011 Is not only CHEAPER, but SUPERIOR TO THE BEST SPERM. It will NOT GUM OR CONGEAL AT A.LOW TEMPERATURE, and tt will RUN LONGER AND KEEP TILE JOURNALS COOLER TITAN ANY OTHER LUBRICATING MATERIAL. Br Machinists and others are requested to call and examine these oils at the sole agency, (=nom M. FREEMAN, Agt., delD•3m•it No. 116 Walnut street, above Front. 3/INCED MEAT.— A: The Subccrlber has commenced mannfwtnringbb Ni Plus Vitra MINOND DittAT, which he otters to his customers in LAXOI Or NULL outaturm. Orders through BLOOD'S DISPATCH will he puno• tunny attended to. JOSHUA WRIONT L nIB 2md SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN eta. fORAGE on SECOND and THIRD TLOOBS eaa he had at 119 North Water street. Apply to MARTIN & IdA9ALISTRIA, mon Q • TA,,rx,,a PIECE —We here puIe. 7 CLTNS BY THE stock 7-8,4-4, 54,15-4, atory a full Shootings, In Brown and Bleached Goode, to invite buyers' attention, e a they will b e sold at a anatil fraction advance on the Pulteze price. Also, ' , Superior makes Shirting and n atata Shirt Bosoms, machine and wo v e.. Table Linens, warranted pure, 50 cents up. Table Cloths; 60, 75, 98 cents, li , 81 50, to U. Brown Table Linen, various grades. Napkins, Twill!, 100yllea, Diapers, & a. Flannel!, Tick logs, Table Disper,_4 o AIL BEFORE STOCK TARINI, We will sell several " odd lota "of old goods very cheap. They comprise: Plaid Valenclas 12)( eta., raga . ler price 25; two other lota at 10 and 20 cent, b een selling at 12% and 31 cents ; 1210ent Prints atlo conic; lot of al Cassimeres 75 cents, &o. iteunihnti cheap, COOPER & CONARD. Ja2l S. E. cor. NINTH and MARKET. D OMESTIC DRY GOODS.— ISAAC STARS, Ja ' No. 125 CIIESTNIIT Street, Bag In store the following desirable goods, which he offers to the trade on the most favorable terms 8205,600 00 . . . . , ism) bales light end medium Shentinge and Shirting.,' 1000 cases Bleached 300 a udder end Steam Print', ••• • , 300 packages Eagle Medal and Conestoga 'Makings. 100 omen plaid and striped Oznaburgs, Denims, Can ton Blannels, &n. Also, Doeskin Casslmerea, Cambriea, and good, gene rally adapted to the clothing trade. ja.,%.3t0 BAYADE RE WOOLLEN SKIRTS.— SIIARPLESS BROTHEIIA hare recelyed English Skirtings, bright colors in Bayadere, an article much used In England a ik 2o OLLESINUT and EIGIITII Streets. QPECIAL NOTICE.— AN IMMENSE STOCK OP WRITE GOODS. " THORIILK2 & CHUM IYonld cell special attention to their present stock of LINENS AND AIIISLIISS Embracing every variety of make and width, at price. exactly to amt the time.. 4.4 Inch Linens, of our own importation, warranted pare flax, from 31 cents to 51.25 per yard. Table Linens, by the yard and In the Cloth, of various Mr., patterns, and prices. Napkins, Towels:1 ) 0,01os, Diapers, Crashes, &•3 Re Ladies' and gentlemen's Linen Handkerchiefs, In every quality. SHIRTING, SHEETING, AND PILLOW MUSLIM. Williamsville, Weunautta, New York Mills Muslins, &c. 0.8, 6.4, 84, 8 4, 10-4, and 12,4 Bleached and Un bleached klualins. Whit. Brilliant., white Disraeli., white Dimity, he. Woven Shirt Fronts, machine-stitched do, in every pat tern and price. bonnet, Cambric, Swiss, Niuniook, Mull and other Muslin.. Embroidered Collars, Sleeves, Infants' Walet Bands, &e., With a very large stock of general Dry Goode, bought cheep for cash, and to be cold cheep at THORNLgY CIIISM'S. N. E. eon EIGHTH sod SPRING GARDEN. jal6 NO SECOND PRICE. SPRING GOODS-1858. PRINTS • A &W. SPRAGUE'S. In large a•eortment, of superior styles and quality ; also, Robert Ronnie's, Rockingham and other makes. BLEACHED AND BROWN COTTONS. Longa&le, Hope, Blackstone, York Premium, Cohan. net, Clarr's River, Central, Willimantic, Johnston, Gro ton V irgiola Family, Mechanics' and Farmers', 15 arr. Also, Slaters and Shepard's Osaton Flannels; Drown sad Bleached ; Jewett City Denims; Irene Tiek• ings ; Alabama, Caroline, and Keystone Stripes; LODI -4lde Nankeens and Sllesiete ,• Ooreet Jeans ; Cambrl6B; Cheeks; Pantaloon Stuffs, kn. do. - . Greenfield and Terry'a Black Doeskin Casalmeres Glenhant and Pomeroy's Cotton Warp Cloths; Stemma' Union Caasitnerea, printed and plain, in great variety ; Minot, Mineral Spring and other desirable styles of Ex- Duette. Also ) a good aanortment of Black and Mixed Cassinierea, hentucky Jeans, and Plaid Linseys. tot Sate 111' Tna P.IOrAGI. .A. 1.1110011. DIMCOI/37 . Moan ron 01101 , 7 potto. 11cELROY IS OFFERING GREATER ILL BARGAINS than ever were heard of before. $l3 50 Long Brocho Shawls selling at 10 50 760 Square do. do. do. 350 500 Gong Blanket do. do. 3 .50 400 Square blanket, splendid quality, 250 7 50 Chenille Shawls, splendid, 3 60 Closing out Cloaks less than half the regular prices-- 52.2 60, 3, 3 60, 4, 4.60, and 6. Splendid Undershirts and Drawers, the cheapest in the oity-50, 82k, 75, 87,4 cents and S. Beautiful Black and Fancy Velvets. All Elks, auction, surprisingly cheap. Dia* and Fancy Dress Silks, in endless variety—the cheapest In the city. Beautiful Plaids, 25 cents; All-wool, 28 cents, worth 62)$ cents. Merinoes, Paramattas, De Laines. Men's Travelling Shawls, one lot from auction, 13 50, worth $6, all wool. The best and heaviest Bleached Muslin' In the city at 10 cents. Splendid Prints, 10 cents, usually sold at 89,14 cents. Dieghams. Fiancele, Table Linens, Toweling, Fronting Linens. The cheapest. Cloths and Cantu:wren in the city. Trimmings less then half the usual prices. Best quality Kid Gloves at 62X cents, at MuELROICS, jaB-finw y No. 11 South BENTE!. Street. LOOT 825 28 MUSLINS OF ALL WIDTHS AND ILL GRADES. OURWEN STODDART k BROTHER !lave now open a largo stock of 11LEAMED AND BROWN MEETINGS AND SIIIRTiNGS Comprising all the most desirable makes, whlth are sold at the vory Imaged prison, by the pkco or yard. Nog. 450, 452, and 454 jell NORTH" SECOND STREET. ADM WILLOW. BLACK VElLS.—Black French Veils, rich Rtylon. Air°, Mode, Crape, and LlamaPella. For sale by SUARPLESS BROTHERS, jag eIIESTMIT and EIUuTH streata. Ul CHEAP AND ELEGANT CLOAKS. The largest and handsomest stock or VELV.ET AND CLOTH CLO ARS In the City, AT ANDUOID PRIORS, AT GEC FRYER'S, No 915 CHESTNUT STREET. d - BROAD CLOTHS, Ll OABBIMERES, SATTINETB, VESTIN(IO, Boys' wear generally, And Clothe For Ladles , Cloaks itroni the late Auction Hiles, at REDUCED PRICES. CURIVEN BTODDART & BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, de3o above WILLOW LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1056 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Messiah And 919 B. SECOND St , below Spruce. YACTORIES —Nos. 95 and 97 GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at • few hours , notice. ae22 4mlf REMOVAL.—TIIE GIRARD FIRE AND JAL MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY hare removed their °dice to No. 415 wALsur Street, m the Schuyl kill Nwrlgation Company'. Building. la2o-1m REMOVAL.- SMITH, WILLIAMS, 4- CO., DRY GOODS JOBBERS, 111711 W 11110711.0 70 ?DI SPLENDID IRON-FRONT STORE, No. .513 MARKET STREET, ABOVE Iliall, Where, with their factlitlea fur accommodating the Trefle vastly Increased, they feel thernmelves prepared to offer irotueentente to Merehrofts uruturpaceed by ANY INTIM ENTROLISUUNT IN THIS COUNTRY. jade...drool-If r/PEAIOVAL.--CRITTENDEN's DELPIIIA CO.II.IIEROIAL COLLEGE N RE MOVED to the northrtit corner of 6.EVENTII Lnd CHESTNUT StreetA The whole ['adding le occupied, and fitted up in a style surpassing anything of the kind in this country. Thorough preparation for the ludtretnat instrnatton from competent and attentive Teachers, ander the Immediate eye of the Principal. Open day and evening One of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call and are geed/Liens and get a Catalog - as of Terme, &o. .11113.1 R EMOVAL.- C. FAWCIMTT, HA II: CUTTER AND WI!) MAKER, Has removed to 1026 CIIE)TNt T street, Cow doors 61 low ELP.VENTII WANTED—A PARTNER, with a Capi tal of from ten to fifteen thousand dollars, in an old established Steam Saw Mill and Lumbering nese, situated on the Susquehanna, and at the junction of the Philadelphia awl Baltimore markets. For full p.rtienlare,addreei D, II E., Box In Philadelphia Poet 0111 co. Ja19.31* AGENTS WANTED.—Fivo to Ten Dol lars per day can be esetly made Call on A. SLACK, at Jacob LomatCs surrel Horse llotel, West King street, Laucaeter, l'a. ,lels-tf 11 7 - ANTED, FOR THE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be Oren good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from ill to SZ.3 per month No man haring a wife or child will be arcepted Apply for MOUNTED AERVIOE, at No. 617 MAD.KE I' street shore kighth, north side WILLIAM 11. BOYALL, Ist Llent 24 Reit. of Cavalry, OM 5-Im* Recruiting Officer. 3nourance Qtottipanies GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, PILTLADELPLIIA—Offico, No. 80/ WALNUT 'greet, wort of "lIRM Riad ONLY TAN IN." WAVOTOIS. Joel Joties, (leo. W. Woobranl, Wus. Novato, IL. N. Burroughs, John Anepnch, Jr., Thos. Craven, NJoseph Klapp M. D., A S (I.llott, John bleClure, Jer 1l siker, J. B Hughes, C D. Shoomakor, W. B. Boyd, 11. IL. Combat!, C. Rudman, John W Claghoru, in.., r - r Yraneis Peters. Hon JOEL JONES, President. A.B OILLETT p Nice President Jno. E. alcSioLt.t., Becretary and Treasurer. Jams B. ALsosn, Assistant teeretary. ja7-Arndt for Bole nnb (to Ett. !"OFFICE TO RENT AND FIXTURES NJ FOX SA.l.ll—The accord-story Boma, 47 south TlllBll Street, with gas, water. &c. Large f Safe, mutable fora Broker or Jeweler. ApplY on the premiere. fiell.3t* AA LARGE AND VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY ON THE DELAWARE, in the Eighteenth 'Ward, for rent. Possession green on the first of April next. Apply to BAMUEL It OWE, JaLl-th siitutf ill WALNUT street. I)ESIRABLE OFFICES at 520 WALNUT st., opposite the state House; cne of the best lonians locations In Philadelphia, with heat, light, and all modern conveniences Apply on the premises, Room No. 8, to U. W. J. BALL, Asent. D 026 WILLIAM HENRY MOORE, FURNISH. ING UNDERTAKER, No 1416 ARCR Street, west of Broad, .to of Ed ARCM Street. Leal CoOlus always as band. Ja1..(40 WOOLLEN GOODS WELLING, COITIN & CO , 116 CHESTNUT Street Ilemovale rAITADELFIIII, - Wants: otdov 'Pt %ution• SOOTT, dr., ATIORIONEER, (succes- A-wo oor to woutzwr k.scorrolat .1...1NUT St., its the Onetorn Hones. between Noun so d Ruth !!! "Wars LIICT/ONEES, and MONS _ p, in Boa t, TRIAD Attest, below Walnut, oppeops - e'-- - only eight doors below the lltchange. Hann of baldness from f o'clock, A. V I =kJ is o'clock IA the imam. Out doorsales, sad Wee at the Amstban HMOS, M. tended upon the moot satlafactoq terms. CAPITAL WOOOO. Botablisltal for Ike loss Thirty Yearn. Advances made from one dollar to thousands OW Die moods, Silver Plate Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, liar chawlise, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Husical Instruments, Gone, Horne, Carriages, and Hoods ot every description. ' goods can remain any length of USIA agreed fuss rainer, from one hundred do ll ars and upwards wi shamed 2 per cent. per month; 2/40 and 07111, the lomat market rata. Thus MO. Rouse having a depth of nil feet, beeline !No sad thief-proof melte to mime all valuables, and pit vete watchmen for the premised ; also, • heavy lam ranee lauded for the benefit of all persons having rods idea:iced upon. N. L.-On &emu& of baring an unlimited eapital, this aloe is prepared to make admin.' on mom esti* teem and accommodating term t h an en; other in tile atty. - Money Weaned to U. Poet, ht smell amount, with out any chars.. - AT PEIVATI BALI. Gold Patent Lever and other 'W r.inh eg, 7."127, sad Clothing will be sold at redneol prise. GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. N. corner of BARRON end BOOTH Knots ►bore Second. EVENING SAM. SALSB RYER!" SATURDAY *MING, At 7); o'clock, at the Auction Store of Hardware, Oct Ivry, Lionseseepteg Artialee, Olotbeo g, i Waterer, Jewel ry, Pinney Articles, le. amusements; ITALIAN OPERA--SEMIRAMIS.- Wme. D'ANGRI'S first appearance in Opera, on SATURDAY. The eels of Seats commences this morning. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC.— E. A MULAIIALL Sole LePage: ITALIAN AND GERMAN OPERA. Mr. ULLMA.M has the hone to announce to The public of Philadelphia that all arrangements fur a short Opera Semon of Ten blights hare been com pleted first performance will take playa on FRI DAY, January T. 21, when will be given Borah:WA cele brated oyera THE BARBER OP SEVILLE MADAME ANNA DA LAGRa.NGE Will make her first appearance these two years in her celebrateil refs of ROSINA. Big. Gassier se.. Lsbocetta u Big Anisesni Big. Rectum—. Figaro. Aliaatiya. Bartel°. ... • • -. . Madame Lagrange wi I sing during the mode lesson the Munger an Varlationa, and at the end of the Opera the celebrated Lagrange Polka On BITURDAI , Brat appearance In Opera of MADAN!'" D'ARGAI IN SEMIRAMIS. On MONDAY, Brat and only night of RIGOLETTO. On which occaelon the favorite tenor, big Biguardt, will make hie brat appearance is Philadelphia. TO THE PUBLIC. No Opera will be repented. The Repertoire Includes MI new Opens or rel Inds, in addition to which TWO NEW OPERAS, not yet gtren In New York, will be produced for the brit tune in Philada!phis. TWO FAVORITE OPERAS • Will be given as biatineel; TUE SCAM!. OF FRIOES will be the same as in New York, which has enabled the manager to bring tile season to a brilliant does, notwith standing the late (trim:teal retulaion. 15 hilet the regular prices of admission will remain ONE DOLLAR. intim', ag e Oheck for a Rearmed Seat, several will be lore. at a no form price of Fifty Cents to all parts of the Academy, and one few extraor dinary occasions, which will b duly announc• d, there will be a ined.rate ettra charge for securing Seats in id ea cc, so customary In all Opera Houses of the New and 0 d Worlds The prices of admission to this Family Vireo mint Am phitheatre will invariably be Nifty acd Terenty-dre Cents. NUTICE.—There will be, for the oonvenlence of the Pubis, Two TICIOZT Orricis. For the Barber of Seviln, and 4 9emiritmla commences Mc morning at 9 o'clock at the Bog 011dc. of the Aca demy or !ionic, and at Lea & Walker's Music Store, where the right aides of the Paquette and Pargnette Circle will be sold. Tha tale of Beata for Rigoletto will commence on Yrktay morning, at the two T•cket Offices. Jan attf WTHEAILETAR CH STTZEITRZ ;LE;:z W. WUEATL THURSDAY EVENING. January 21st, 11158, Will be performed the new Drama, in a Prologue and Bee nets, entitled FRAUD AND ITS VICTISIS; or. TLIE POOR OF PIIL LA DELPIII A James Seaborne, Mr E L Davenport; Harry Holdrest, Mr Viheatley ; Count do Valmont, Mr Dolman; Agnes Seaborne, Mrs E L Davenport; Julia Hugglestone, Miss Emma Taylor. Previone to which will be performed the Laughable Comedietta entitled TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS Scsta or Pittcs..-110xes, cent.; Secured Seats, SS cents; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Seats In Private Boxes, 75 crate; Gallery 1S cents; Gallery tor Colored Pers.., 25 cents; Private Box In Gallery for Colored Person., SS cent. Box Office open from 10 i. M. until 3P. M. Doors will open at 0,14 o'clock ; performance to commence of 7, preelaely. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST. 1, NEAR EIGHTH. LESSEE WESLEY BARMORE. ASSISTANT MANAGER. R. /WINSTON. STALE DIRECTOR MR. J. B. ADDIS. THURSDAY EVENING, January 2lat, 1855. The petformance will commence with the Great Local Drupe entitled Paul Fairweather '':l ' OW -N 1:W-- -11924 ' lira proctor Lieingaton Mr Liebmann Badger ....Mr. Bara.ore Abdo. Mre. Cunningham. Lucy Fairweather Mrs. Butler. To conclude with VIE BAILOR OF FRANCS. Pnicse or ADMISSIOS-25 Cents to First Tier; 15 Cents to second Tier. Doors open at ON o'clock. Performance to com mence at IN o'clock. SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Lire Illnetrated by Seaford's Troupe of SERENADERS To conclude with SEVEN AGES OP WOMAN Burleequed in character by DAN 0 AUDNEE, who will pereonsto Ten Dmtinct Characters. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence at half-past Seven. Admittance 25 cents. BEATRICE CENCL-JAMES S. EARLE .1-3 will open. JANUARY ESI, lb.. beautiful Statue of ‘• BEATRICE CENCI, SLEEPING, ON THE RYE OP HER EXECUTION."—DT Nees MARIE? Hausa. Aanu9sion 25 cents. EARLE'S GALLEItIF.S, 816 CHESTNUT St. .*SIO ORATORIO OF ELIJAH.- Tho great work of MENDELSSOLLVS •ill be performed, for the first nm to Philndapltia. by the 'WISH/NIA SACRED MUSIC SOCIETY. At their Fist Coneert of the settee°, on MONDAY Etening, Jeoltary V.sth, et OONCERT HALL. Sutiseriptions Tarr•e Dot. Lice each !lay Do made at Beck & Lnwtoa's, Lee & Walker's, ►ad 0 Andres, Chestnut street, where lista may be found for Signa tures. jut 14-it Iltditiral CITY COMMISSIONER JAMES 3i*GAILEY, 71/211 W 1111) Pubjrct to Democratic rules. FOR. RECEIVER OF TAXES, w m . GOODWIN, ?WEL EYE WLED subject to Democratic Ruled. CITY CONTROLLER, WILLIAM CURTI9, reuraeare WAZO Buljoot to Demc•cruttc tolo4. CITY COMMISSIONER, CHARLES D &INTL VIRST RAE) Subjeet to De moc re ti a ruted FOR REGISTER OP WILLS WM. ItANCOOKS, TRICLIIII WARD. d2-3m* Bobject to Democratic Wes. FOR SHER IFF - ALM:P.3IIN GEORGE MOORE, FOURTH WARD Subject to Democratic Rake. F OR SHERIFF— JAMES 0 GIBSON, Twlste-steuvo 1110. Bubject to Democratic lintel no43m• ecntlemen's farnioljing iZoobs pINE SHIRTS, rondo to order, and War 6. ranted, or elegant material arid eoperior work tromihip Also, Drees Stocks ant Gentlemen's Wrap pers, at the l'remium Store ot W. W. KNIGHT, 612 ARCH Street, shore Sixth. no2l-y lit/RAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP r PERS '—A very large and elegant warted.' at reduced price.. Al•o, heavy nuder-clotlng of all d•- acriptiene, tar gantlemen's wear, at W W ISSIG EIS'S, 612:A Hell Street, above Stith INCIIESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MIMS STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SMUT MANUFACTORY, No 1 , 16 CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, l'hlladelphla. The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Btrutprv, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At shot.. aide and retail, and made to order. ans-lyif 110USE'S PRINTING TELEGRAPH, IYASIIINGTON, JANUARY, ISLA. For the convenience of the Government Departments, Bankers, and Aesidents generally of the West End of the City . the NEW YORK AND WASHINGTON PRINTING TELE GRAPH COMPANY FIAYR OPENID AS OFFICE. IN WILLARD3' HOTEL, Whence Melange!! VIII be tranimitted Lim'? to Pal. Moore. Philadelphia, and New York; m 1 from thous cities, In connection with the different House end ?tone Telegraph Lines. to Wheeling, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Menipbie, and New Orleans; Albany, Buffalo, Cleveland, Co'inubus, Indianapolis, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Bt. Louis; Toronto, Hamilton, Montreal, Quebec PTOTifitite, BORIOn, Portland, Bangor, !ULM, St John's, and all Intermediate points In the United et tea and British Provinces OFFICEBi NATIONAL. HOTEL, (Entrance from SI XIII Street ) OS II LARDS' HOTEL, (Entrance from the Testi• bale I jaffliaret SAVING FUN D.--UNITE D STATES TRUST COMPANY, punter of THIRD and CURET NUT Streets. Large and small earns recetwed, and paid hack on de mand, without notice, with FITE PER CENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal Office hours, from 9 mall 6 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINO3 from 7 Instil 9 o'clock DRAFTS for sale on Yalgland, Ireland, sad floothasel, from /1 opnards President—Fri:PLUM It CHAR /01D. Treasurar—PLlNTELSK. Teller—FAMES It HUNTER AA T. CHUB, '=lB GOLD STREET, below Ilk • Dock, burs and stqls ON COUMISSION, Govern. ment, !Rate, City, and Railroad lama, Bank, Railroad, and other Btoeke, ho. Coeutooreiel paper rnotiated }alb-dtt LAMS, HAMS, llAMS.—Estra new sugar cured llama, 10 tents par lb CLI.A.W.EA &Mtn Groc e r, Jals-11t , N W corner 6IXTII P IKE str.ats. gale* - bp' fivrtios. itior THOMAS & SONS, No..lar and 141 SOUTH TORIUM (Formerly Nee. 47 sal SE) P.SAL STOORS, ea. Piablie Bales at the Philadelphia baiamse irreli7 Tuesday Evening. la Cr Handbills of each peeped/ plitition to which ere publish on the Be p• thousand catelognes giving full 0140 , 1,4:a ne of ail din preparey ba adit on the following Teeming. - ZURNITUER BALM AT, HMI AUCTION STORE every Thuraday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVAIR EAU. HT We have a Large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Sale. including nosy drweription of City sad auction country Property. Printed idati may be had at the Store. PILYVATR SAWS EIGISTAII H:r . Reel Estate entered ea our Private Bele Ea giater, and advertised oceasionally in ear Public Bale Abetr;ets, (of whisk 1,000 Copies are printed weekly,) free of shares PEREMPTORY BALE.—SUPERIOR FARM.--Oar eels 16th February will Laclede a large and superior farm, about 334 acres, vith nae improreseente, Backe county, Pa. Full perticalarnasty be heodbilia. (Jr Sale abooluts, without reserve or limitation. STOCKS .AlfD LOANS. On Tuesday Reeving. 26th instant, at the Philadelphia ll:change, at 7 o'clock—,ae ; 823 shares New York and Middle dad Field Railroad end Coal Company, par s2s—fall paid. - - • Shares in the Philadelphia Library, and Athenaeum, and Mercantile Library. 2 Ponth Camden Ferry 'Company mortgage coupon bonds, $5OO each. 5 shares Philadelphia Steam Tag Company ORPHANS' COURT SALE, 26TH Estate of Frederick Pfeil, decemed.—Thr brick dwelling, brick slaughter home, and let, Ninth Mimi:, north of Reed street. MODERN bWELLING.—The seeders three-etery brick dwelling , No. 9032 Vine street, west of Twen tieth street. LOT, TREES FRONTS.—jhe valuable lot and See slow brick betiding', S. N. corner Catharine street, Lebanon street, and Moore street, beau.. Ninth end Tenth streets. MODERN RESIDENCE.—The handsome residence, with beck-building, replete with all modern crivreni ences, northwest corner Eighth and Lombard stre BRICE STABLE AND CARPENTER 5130P.—Two story brick etablo Robertson street, tenth of Polder, be tween Seventh and Pranklin streets. Two-story Miele caTenter shop adjoining. They will he so le geptra g e l y. VALUABLE LOT.—Valweble lot southeast side el Brown street, van; tf Iltuitingden street. 140 ACRES OT LAND, borough of Laporte, Balli nn county, Pa. Also, 5 lots at Laporte. PEREMPTORY SALE—TWO GROUND REBER— One of SIX., and oneof 136 per ammo. 723 shares New York and Middle Cog Field Railroad and Coal Company. OB2lllllB' COURT BALE-71111C5A7tY Rd. Estate of Philip Cain Deceased. - . TWO LOTS —One on the Clarinet PWI Retired and Wilson street, Twenty-second weed, and the other on . Filinsoce street. Tweets third weed flat* Prsnkfced). PERVMPTOBY BALE.--YALUARLI - WY, RIT TENHOUSE SQUARE—The Tellable let, imemhami corner Eighteenth and Ritteuhouse streets, below Le oust street, nearly opposite Rittenheass nue, QS east on Eighteenth street, 113 feet on Rittanhooat street. Sate absolute. AN IRREDEEMABLE GROUND-HIEN? OP 230 • YEAR—WeIt secured by two brick dwelling.. REAL ESTATE SALE—TEBILL'ABY This sale will include— Exeentor's Bale.—Rstate ef .De Wm. Prielt, Deed. VALUABLE PROPERTY, BUILINGVOIN N. 100 sexes, with extensive [tont on the ricer beleasere, Camden and Amboy Railroad . mt. Holly teue *mend vat - lona streets. It in a eery Tamable perearty, befog near to the steamboat ferry and railroad depot. eartienlars in. handbill* and pleas. Term only one•forath sash dodgems' Peremptory Ride.- - COUNTRY SEAT acres sod 21 perches, neer Sprint field, Delaware county, Pa. - Aludenete' Peremptory Bele.. VALUABLE LOT —lVeshington awl Chew streets, German:con. SALE OF SUPERIOR TURNITI3II2, AXMINSTIER CARPET. Es. pa CARD —Our sale at the widen store this morn' lug wilt Include, beaten . large aseertment er excelle nt rum:alien, a - splendid Axminster carpet, See antrums, Brunel., Ingrain, and renitieo carpet., * Rica and tables , china, glees end plated wars, Also, drums, Cotton sh irts. de , for savant of United Iltalat Also, enperior begatellebible, Evens & Watson Iron chest, stoves, ice, forming an attentive sate, sad worthy the attention of ladles end ottani desirous of purchasing. ET Catalogues now'Maly, mad the articled arranged far examination. Sale Nos. 139 and 141 Sunk fourth abaft. SUPERIOR FIIRNITEDX, MIRRORS, PIANO FORTES, BRUSSELS CARPETS, &a.. On Thursday Monde& - At 10 o'clock, at the amnion store, AM exteastes anortment of atiotod-hand hunituie,game-Eerie., Bras. fele carpets, &e. Bale for seamed of United-States. - DRUMS, SHIRTS, &e far acermat of United States, 38 tenor drains, 3 pair dram sticks, /16 Cotten shirts, store, remaining from former sale. BAGATELLE TAB/B.—Also, a superior biplane table, with balls and Cues, auseiate. SALE or BOORS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS—FROM A LIBRARY. ' Oa Friday Evening, January 221; at the amition store, a cellitetion of mu eelbaneco.s books. De For particulars tee eatalepass. Sale at No 884 Locuat ',tree!. - HANDSOME FURNITURE, PIER MIRRORS, PIANO, TAPESTRY CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, dm. This 31craing, 16th intent. at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 631 South Washington lignere, the satire hoesehold far mem., piano forte. tapestry German, wit cloths, china and glassware, tine mattreseee, feather beds, &s., Re ; also, the kitchen furniture, tookleg stove, refrigerator. Ac., &a. Due May be examined at 5 o'clock CM the morning of sale, wittaniAlegnea AT PRITATII BALE.. Shares in the Academy of Mule - Point - Breves Park ; Philadelphia and Merrantile Libra ries; Atheneum; la. "PARLEY" AT PRIVATE BALL The elegant tenantry seat and farm, Mime as " Far ley," late the residence of Itielised - Paxson, deemaed, formerly of Dr. Wrote, is offered at privatesalso. descriptions may be had a t the snetiesi moms F URNESS, BRINLEY, & Nod. =sad '234 MARKET 13ktimit itl-y -rrA.z.ssasi•D • ----- rnaLartgurnia - NOESIN AND CAIIIIAGN BAZAAR. southcsat corpse or Math sad George betalats (Natataut sad Want ezedo. 1t? Sale* of. horses, carriages, and brussau, hold regularly every SATURDAY MORLYnie, ttutuighoot the year, comineung id 10 o'clock. - ET The largest collection of now sad sawed-hoed carriages, harness, saddles% &c., in the al, =JIM seen at this establishment for W ig le Las. onrr • Carriages received on s 0." Ont-door sales attended to On 111/1408131411 twat. HOMES, VEHICLE/3, .314 D IL&EKE33. On Saturday ilonst. At 10 o'clock, at the Barasz, will be lad, lane, eshklet, and harness. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, 'KO. I= WALNUT 8 1 / 7 110IT above 701:11r17. : I : •4I 4.9 ID - we beg leave to lorsirat the public ttud we had our Via. weekly Was of luntitare ortrefue= our El ACIOLTS RIM BOOM, NO. itl3 -W EITILSIT, where every pomade *Motion is jives to oh %Ain the highest orient°, the swede of laboes who wow favor us with cionaiguments. tamilieahaetagportfolio isT their furniture to dispose of, or than deelbehog looser keeping and not wishing Was at their °vs twellisipt, can have their furetture CABNIMILLY RZNOTTS TO OUR SALES BOON MIME THEY WILL asALLat sztrzl: raters ioa THEIR TVIINITITIAN TRAM TUT CAN OBTAIN FROM ANT OP TES Imin- TUBE DEALIRS OR ANY anumAconcmg STOMA /N TUN CITY. fEr Persons farming im with ennidpummti ena rot ensured thattlieix property TM solbe steiniTleet. [l:7 - COSIDAEIiOitiI mere moderate than theme shined by say otter Anthem Rouse is the MIT. Cerialpauteuts respectfully noludted. 'Dr Sa!ite tatl immediateltr after the vide Ni lOW BEAL ESTATE SALE, IllT}l JANUAIY. This sale at the Exchange, Ca Wednesday evening. 27th Isuaart. LASS, at T o'clock, sill inclado— Orphana' Court Sale—Bstate of fairy ffi►tkof, (tha Wet red TWO-STORY BRICK. ROUE_ AND LOT, TliaLltOlS A two-rtory brisk Imam aaat lat. east We of Tars= a tratt, &Athwart, IS fast traat, ISS Nat &sp. 14 100 Oterna() venal rent rphans' art Bala—Estate cf LEI* Sleampisa, died. PROPERTY, HARMONY STREET. LAY' SOUTH ._ A lot of planed, with the two-story brick Loos thereop erected, moth side of Harmony street, Se het from Fourth street, &Athwart, Is feet frost, C feet deep ttll greyed riot. Err 00 to to paid out oseli of Ms above when the sane is struck off. This sal. r.❑ Do Led as the IxChlzic cs Wodkoodlog evening, lebruzy .1.1,1!..:3, e 1 T o'clock, sad rill La- Orr has' Court Salt—Laito of We.. B. Dale... ded- BRICK nor AND LOT, CIEMTNTT ETILLITT, ill, 7INTY-TOCRT II WIRD A tsro-st.ory be* a bolo* at... 1 lot of gro 1. sow% lid* of Cites - mot street. 175 feet sratvsed of Till stmt, is the Tweety-foartb Toed ef tle est - 7, n feet reset sot feet deep to tleo:^0 street Clew: of toonsiremoe. 117 ISO to be paid *ben struck off. 112133 REAL ESTATE SALE-7EBRUART lOtle Shia sale at the Tatham4e, sa Wedaesday mean. Yetreary :fah, st 7 o'elcek, rill melees-- Orphans' Court ef Thar-ss Koehler, TWO—STORY BRICK Horse. S. W. CORNER A THYRTON AND MARRIOTT ETRZEM—A Two story brick how, sad lot of retell, scntheest earner of Atherton nod Merrirtt stfrete. 19 feet oet, Athertou •tract, gni 13 feat on I(emottie Lane. A arettlase Peering Mere, vitt a. goof rem of true mess, fear printin4 proem two lonise sal an* A dame Type sod *northing egteessat7 fee the bummer An 27 $t the Auction atom itiOS ES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER IV 001131L521011 ILESCLIA3I, a B. terser RUTH and RACE fluceta. AT PRIVATE SALE—G*IImA laver palest Logue, Enlist Sous, cad Treacle stokes, jewelry, of semi description, mosicoil lastrometalo, kw, ke. AT PRIVATE BALE—Aorzaret ea woad doer, bou•eb.oli forwitwre, of every temrEptioa, beta, sat tresses, carpeting, looking ear**, feuei ortkies, to., at Oat-door moles attended W pro/ono/1y lig the lactioo ear. Charges very low Cooragimeata Woltz* clothing, jewelry. &e ,&o calicited • MONEY t DTANCititi. Liberal cub advnat•es wade ca dianinada, natebra, jewelry., surer-gia:e. dry to- As eintnirrg, grnotri.s, barderare, estiery, einisi;al lunar% news, Toni lam gingen, furniture. bedding. bars., 'ebonies, kin.- need. Lad en ail amides et 'aloe. hOTION --Ali good. forfeited nt lf &Omni tab...klub went. S E corner cf Stith and Eno* Me sold on Tnesdny Inorn3ng, ti febei•aq, at le o'clock, units, depelaitors call trier 11.4reto Lad gag charged OD the same NATIIANS' GILL tr. SALE OF FOLIPLITID GOODS will take plac., MICEEIZEI Feb. ZS, at 10 o'clock. at Moses Nathan' *echos boar., muthrmt corner cf nt'a and Rao. etreeta. It well ercbrsoe the larree,t act of foe-Ito! colls terrls ever c larva at tabl t sect loot, Oiliceiriag is ran of every variety of dry roods, tee Irish hewn, Cam-, elrtine, maehas, ta,lies' dee Freed voke4 collars, nc,iPril , ..evei, Dheoad, Tees. beads, kamieesne new ghats, glOree. neck Om 4,1 d linen, acanuabne hilts, neckerchiefs, spool enfan t , rlhboret, beetle, Wk. noel. len, }dui, menu°, elute crape and 'tells obaell, ele gant sait-relent clLaks. sllk-velest skirts- Cogent t.ih dresses end dress patterns. slat chits. tech 0,1101t14:11 bIINEIIII, and ftretilball, lath err sn, lace nuntillin and ab•• la, ea:fa, cash mete, re rico. !s -late,, alpaca, French chmts sad ether drew. and dress Tortterod, Into* leader. clothilej., lal e. sot ehrldroci`s gutters. bents. ant taws, a./ matters, truellieg trust. =pence •tercosta, doers and frJek coste.ko.crrers roar, mytanv, cloth sal nan mere pantato.m.. veiret. W. 3 ra. raltmeea. and other red.., summer clotlong. &raven. anderabi.rts, lieen &IA lose:in ohms... bouts, shoes, Inro rat shtlillan permed., several too :apron carpets, tie festker bete, bolster% and Gnat, comlbrtablia, eideals, ear tame, blankets, Odra. knives and Corks. limn tabs cloths, cloth table (demi, Entiana. neeordecros. [seed!, and numemas ether articles of tiothterg. 4e . ke IVATCII6.I, Jim Lute. lIILVILWARS. &e. A large a•sortment of catches. diuscish. jwcalri, allenrorare. be . A. Tratbor partKalArs bertabiler. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT GAI2 TILI rtru, BALLING PILICIM —DvAtlt-bottAlsoil sad East*/ euro voled patent Ism viAr.Ars, et Um* Awn at. peraTed wake.. luistlai ems ILIA eimmo Ads iscaps- Ansi Ism sad lepLns wstraes„ jointed• Isa gait enameled ling sad I vsieluil rad jewelry of smy desrtptleal whew irrst ',lam In koatect awes sal *pea hoc .newt' aeries, tresah watches, a gwitsral sasartestat tar; mann.. s,els. EuttAls.r. lAinurs /Le. OCT-I,ooa SAL M SOLICIYXD, awl darer to son the Ulan, low. Coostemosta of ivory laseeptisa at pod§ PiLlated lOC otlic or prmsto solo. MONEY 1.11'10:CND Oa oil sal Tory Mad argils, tar oat.. or pryroto solapot b. III••• is• 111:2$ ChAtri