The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 09, 1858, Image 3
r-'77774.1."-oniestatsTs_iluti;ostime. , MBlLM".C'TiawitaiKWipah3siadur,Titiallas, N. I, nonata'otliitarir-ilifiViiarr.-4Wana 5140.00'...“ Wirlituara Akan, 81.4s7, , ractial,liiiiiii &MST, nova Atireo.-- 14 Tbctisat Pomptil"-.." Scalp , • ,cuacTaa, ime.n &Gwen. CoNtitiaitraat; near Tweit tb.-;Dr Yclentinalcanmaing h`ntertahltnents. - 'Acta* Mil, Market Street, between Twelfth and Tilirtgp '-And "Pallet, Clamart., Baaiont4 °pasta $0 a, Emscamust Bissau sitars Cate'Sadf. Ogg ays L a Ithidthrtedi concluding with a rantluditCO3 • • - ' - „ Tot. Wei. :of. 1812.,—The surviving defenders Of the War 0f.1812 met yester day - the - County Court-House, for the purpose of celebrating the anniversary of the Bottle Nets , Cr] emit. -Hon: Joel , ' B. Sutherland Prosided,aisisted by.xt number of .. m .Vico - Presidents arid SooroterieS. Delegate's *tre present fro hlontgomery,, UM:caste*, Tlelaware,. Berke, end Solittylkilb4oruitidai,allo,•famthe States of Tie laWare and New:Jersey; • . , Thie folloiiing resolutions - were read liesatid; That We with pleasure - assemble this day to commemorate the arteiveiWar,y Of the Dattlb of Nap Qrleane—a battle that we trist Will he co-; lebrated by our descendents for many generations yet to come: - Replved, That t o %great; eyente o 1 the Vier of 1812 ate- too - deep .i,linpressed upon the recorded: history of tlie Comatry„to be toxgotten -or Ware- Mhirded'l4 oui*.phstly.. On the Ocean, on the akes, as d on the ten • the hands 'and soldiers of the War of Ole prove themselves wOrthy of theist reValutioniry Otbors., ,It has justly been called the Semind,War oflndeiondenee. ' Roar:v(l,lla we ',recommend to each of the States to_fotm'assoolations - of.the survivors of the Waref 1812, and to have annual meetings on such day.asmay bo advitiabbi. - Rfse/yed, That while death is Constantly cutting Own our beloved brothers on the tight hand and usi the left, it becomes tho'so who remain behind to drist (he cords of _good fellowship closer and still closer; nor should We ,forget the widows of those Who hre deed,' bat . ei+tu• xeddy tO Ald them in their declining years as much as we can. Resolved, That 11-be teoommended to Co& gross to Cake care of the poor and deorepid old sol diers, and 'the aged widows of such as , are dead, by granting - them pensions during their Grief journey through the balance of their enfeebled os mtenen. Rasfilvod, That Congress ought not to overlook those mon who wore confined in foreign prisons daring the War of 1812; nor those gallant fellows lobo-Wino wounded in the defence of-oar country iiptivdtkartned 'resseleof war. Thole open should, like Curselyel, 'hate the bentilt of- the bounty land act. Resbityi; That the thanks of this t onvontien be lendered to the 'members of the houses of Con; gross who voted for the Vaunty lead bill, and to ex-President Pieria for his approval of that patri otic measure. /resolved, That we deeply sepathiie with the relatives of our deceased frien d, the late Geo. W. Parke Custis, in their sad bereavement. We shall greatly -miss him to-day, as it was his practice stvery.year to join and give us splendid exhibitions of his patriotic eloquence In behalf of our glorious ilnion. In token of our eialtdd regard for him, we each resolve to wear crape on our loft an* fur thirty days. He was a true patriot in every - sense of the word. . Oen. 'Diller offered tbo following : Whereas, Mr. Zollicoffer, a member of Oongress from the State of Tennessee, has introduced a bill providing for the establishment of a branch of the Military Academy at the Hermitage, in 'tunes. see: therefore, , , - - Resolved. That this meeting heartily approves of, Mr. 7.lHk:offer's movement ; the Hermitage having been the residence "of the .distinguished hero and President, Andrew Jackson,. it Booms to lad a fltplace for a literary institution, on the plan of West Point; such an inetittitiatt at this plane would not only be of groat salad to tlto aotintry, but would also be a beautiful tribute to the memo. ry and honor to the name of him whose horns the Hermitage was. • . - Resolved, That the seientifio and military edu cation acquired at West Point is undoubtedly thorough and of service; but its benefits aro tbo limited-. Resolved,, That we reepeotfully request Ali Zollicoffer to add to his bill a proviso for the estab lishment of a similar institution in each State, and that the cadets educated at aldthe institutions be placed on the same footing With that of West Point, and have the sane chances of appointment by Congress; and that Congress be 'requested to make appropriations to each State for this pur pose: The Ant tworesolutions were unanimously adopt ed; but; the litafwitS net agreed to: The following tciatta *ere then submitted: 1. The Glorious Eightirof January—.hfay it long be remembered by our countrytden. It will never tie forgotten by the British. - z • 2. The memory of General - Washington—The Father of his Country, and the model General of the World. • 3. General jacksin—ono of thh illußitiods men of the War of 1812; the best disciplined troops of England made no headway against him and his sharp-shooting troops.- ' 4. Tho memory of (on. Lafayette—A grateful .world applauds his actions. • .President Buchanan—A private soldier' in the War of 1812 6. Vice President. BreekinridgoA soldier, le the War of Mexico. . 7. Gen. Cass--One of our fraternity. 8. Our Army and Navy—Always victorious. 9. Mite:lent General Scott—Oongrem deserved , our, thanks for doing justioo to his high claims upon ' tour country. 10. The memory of Governor Marcy—He took the first flag from the enemy in New York in the War of 1812. 1t Governor Paoker—Admirably fitted for the "high aloe to which ho is elected. Al'ennerva , man to the, heart's core. ' Health and happiness attend him. " 12. The Dalt of Independence= , A, 'Temple 'of Liberty, dedicated forever to the memory of the mighty dead • 13. Pennsylvania--Always ready to coma to the rescue when the Union is in danger. - • , The memory of the Signora of the Declare.- lion of Independence. • 15. The two great Declarations of this country— the Declaration of Independence, issued the 4th of July, 1776, and the Declaration of War, issued 1812 The first noneuneed the Declaration of our Fathers to be free; the last; that we had resolved to maintain the Freedom purchased by our gallant ancestors. The:followMg oSi:duties was adopted JUso/ved, That a dopy of these proceedings be sent to the Mom Mr. Zollieeffer, and to the mem bers of Congress for Pennsylvania; and that our Btato Legislature bo respectfully requested to pass resolutions recommending the foregoing proceed ings, and that our President be requested to send copies to the Members. Col. John B. Warner moved that the soldiers of the War of 1812 celebrate the 22d of February— Washington's birth day—byn dinner. The reso lution was adopted, and tho_putting of it into exe cution was referred to the raeoutive Committee. The President then addressed the meeting in an eloquent manner, detailing many interesting inci dents which happened during tho war. Be con cluded by calling on Mr, Thomas Mellon for a speech. Mr. M. begged to be excused, as ho bad nover'spoken in publio.. , • A number of, addresses were made, after which the• Meeting adjourned, Police Item: Between twelve and one o'clock, yesterday, the door of a tailor's shop on Exchange Place, below Chestnut street,was forced open. The proprietor was at work up stairs, and bearing the door forced violently open, he rushed down stairs and ;caught the intruder in his arms. The fellow turned and ran, followed by the tailor, who shouted "stop thief , !" and " murder !" most lustily. -Offieer Conway pursued and caught the fellow, and-he was taken ,to the station-house. A young fellow who was In company with the accused was also Captured. Theygave the names of John Roach and Charles Marks. Coroner's Case.—A. man was found between eleven and twelve o'clock on Thursday night, lying dead upon the door in a small room in the rear of a tavern on Dock street. The deceased bad gone into Ihe tavern be tiveen ton and eleven o'clock in the Morning and appearing 'to be in a stupefied condition, as though from drink, ho was led into the apartment where be was afterwards found. CITY POLICE—JANvAny 8 !Reported for The Presel A Goon BOP WITH SOME EXCEPTIONS.—The character of .Master Nathan Himlooh, a lad of fourteen, seemed to taki; subject of dispute between his mother, who appeared m his mansel or advo cate; and an old gentleman, Minted Joshua Raw. , don, who earn° forward to accuse and denounce him. Rawdon had caused young Nathan to be arrested for„varlotte acte.A. malicious mischief, mob, as breaking windows, killing favorite oats, chalking naughty words and sentenees on his front door, and other deeds of fearful note," by which 'the Sentelog party and many of his neighbors had been haw% annoyed and distressed. Nathan himself listened to those charges with a smile of undisguised contempt, but his mother repelled them with a degree of anger, and declared that there was not a better boy in the whole neigh borhood than her son " Natty." "Mr. - Ra.ivdon. Does he not' curse and swear, madam, like a ptivateeraman? , Mrs. Himloch.-Well, 'he does swear some, be cause allthe other boys swear, and he doesn't wish 'to appear eccentric. Mr. Rawdon. Does he pot break windows for his amusement? . ' , Mrs. llimloab. No, sir ho throws stones because it's good wholesome exercise, soul If any "of them happen to hit the windows, that's accident, and ho cant help It; „ , ItewdOn- 'ljdoSbe not take a,delight in for Wring and killing demh animals? hire. Ilimloch: I 'wiat to knoW whether 'taint better far bins - to kill doge and eats, and sich like, than humaneretin*? Nobody can say that Natty ever killed 'anything that - , had a soul, and so long • as ho dont do that, it'anot worth while to hurt the poor child's feelings by scolding him If he wee to kill any body, I'd talk to him pretty severely, • you may 'cleriendon't. Now, Mtg. 'llintioeh, I want td ask yon if 74:air sou has not the name of being the worst boy in our part of the city ? Mrs. IL Pooh! what, signitlea how people talk in that gossiping neighborhood? I know what sort of a boy Natty is. Ifirliee w e th e Ten oem_ mandments and the multiplication table •all by heart k andhe fire'a'platol without winking. Mr. R. Yis, indeed; and did ho not flro one at me twit Sainiday? Mrs. Hi That wag bananas yon.wera going to lfpk him When howatt &dog no harm, only t r yi ng to improve his hand brwriting with a piece of _ piterifeal i Atryrindow shutter. I.lndge from your own admission, Himlooh, that-your Soh trill beaPt to find his -tarattirthellottge Of Range- hr- wine worse place. ZAttitattanta Atilt bind him over. fOr pod bp ,. ..,.as_rfilflrofoult i litarlea out in search of, aomeiody H who nigh ba verdant become :aspens!.. 1 -.l3)ifer;jzt air do ti ti#l . 4 of Nat faMtieopeet,37z ;w. CITY ITEMS. tAIFING &court. Srocx.--In one Sense our hdereitlikti may Alm he safd he be doing the gatarday 'drudgery of all tifijhtli--tallog account of stock. Pew persons inexperienced to JIM matter can properly . appreciate the great amount of fedibila labor . tbis an nual "footing - up" process occasions cud there" are probably equally few in any of the various branches of trade but who seriously incline to think that there aro :more difficulties attended to their own particular de partment, whatever it may be, than are attached to any other. Upat the whole, however, this annual dusting, rounhng, and ma-Suring revolution of everything to an interesting period, although its results may not In all eases show as satisfactory a state of things as might be 'desired. Milli it is of finale ulable iniportahce to every man In business to knoifjfie eisaCt state or tho pulse of his 'Oaks, Indeed, this is as important to the business mariner who would make' a safe entrunSe into the port of fortune, as It la for the - pllot to kaoeO his iatititde and longitude upon a trackless sea. The present year, lath many, is not likely to feet up very " fat," but in a sea son like the present, we Opine, corning off with " whole bones atilt be considered a rather lucky year's work. Mani, tie dre assured, booster, will lind,a more cheer ing exhibit in the retina than they anticipate, (for they have been economizing) and many more there are wheat, etporlence within the past season will more then components for any (cemetery iota they may have sustained. In the retail departments or trade the present week is being particularly devoted Zia stack taking," and as in many instances the chief effect Of the crisis has been to reduce stocks to an uou- Cully low ebb, the effect in this respect has really been ddvantageous, as superfluous stock has been the bust. noes sin of many of our merchants for some time past. But we will conclude this item with the fond hope that everything will tarn up " right in the gluing. NEW IDuAe.—A Truth for Lawyers to Stare At—The case most easily got up is the staircase. Motto for an Auctioneer—" A sale in eight appears." The bankrupt's 1.1 wind that blows no one any good ie a trade wind. Motto fora Bub-Editor—d ue scissor, out otahis Top Dressing for Ladies—From the time consumed by a young lady in "doing her hair," it Is evident that this Is the mane part of her tingeing. tor Ciktits----The elegant new styles of Clifton, Al bright; dr; igyna's hall," No. 627 Chestnut street. Iv Ina n•AB between tho Romans afol the La tine, (A, P.. 416,) T Manila! Torquatue and P. Deckle, being consols, had command of the Roman forces. As an engagement was soon expected, a council of war wan hold, consisting of the two consuls, all the generale, am! legionary tribunes. Among other things it was unanimously determined " that no officer or soldier ishould dare to light the enemy without previously ar raying himself gorgeously at the palatial clothing store of Granville Stokes, No. 007 Chestnut street." Nan , littiali:r.—Oomi nature in a young lady is always restored, or in most cases, if you tell her you will buy her a package of candies at E. C Whitman ac, Co.'s, Second street, below Chestnut. The ladies all bow to the potent charms of their excellent confec- tionery. ." TUE GRIMM, GIFT BOOK STORE.—Mr. G. G. Evans, at the Original Gift Book Store, 4,19 Chestnut street, receives all the latest publications. One may bnt of him on quite as favorable terms as of any other dealer m town. With every purchase, it should be re membered, a gift is furnished worth from twenty.five cents up to one hundred dollars. R. C. WALBORN dr Co —The fame of this firth is wide-spread. Not only throughout this city and county, but all over this and the Heathens. and Western States have they customer.. Their gentlemen's fur nishing goods stock is one of the beet ever offered in the market. In wrappers and linen they particularly excel. TII EIGHTH of J'AltUAllY.—YeSterafty ivetl the glorious anniversary of the battle of New Orleans, and a gloried:l,4v It was. The old soldiers had a Conven tion dt the °minty Court-Ilouse, and otter paying a visit to the daft of frulehendenee, they all went over to the splendid Brown Writ Oioding Vali Of Rot:Milli & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 606 Chestnut street, Above Sixth. They expressed themselves much gratified with both visits. PiiILADELPILIA pOARD 9,,P TRAMP. ! Rownoo O. limatrr,. t FRANCIS R. Corr, : 'Commorris or in Mom( Tom KINIIF,R, JR. . 4 , LETTER BAGS At the Merchants , Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tonawanda, Julius Liverpool, Jan 25 Barque Mary 11 Kendall, Brock Matanzas, soon SAILING OF THE .00EAN STEAMERS. FROM THE UNITP.D EDATES, same ems Now York..Havre FROM EUROPE. FROM FOR OAF Africa ....Dieerpotli..New York Dec 20 Hemmonia Hamburg..Noir York Jan 1 PoHoe Ilavre..New York Jan 12 'The California Mail Steamers cad from New York on the 6th and :Mix of each robnih. MOVEISFAITES 01F Ii&VANA STEAM :115 PRI LLOSLPRII-41OTEI NOW York 2d, arriving at Ha vans, Bth, and New Orleans 11th. From Now Orleans 20th ; Havana 23d; arriving at NOV York 28th: Oanewns—From New York 12th, arriving at Havana 17th. and Now Orleans 10th. From New Orleans 27th, Illavatio.29th, arriving at New York 3d. Fairing Cirr—From New York 17th, arriving at Ha vana 23d, and New Orleans 26th. From Now Orleans sth, Havana Bth, arriving atHew York 13th -BLACK WARRIOR—From New. York 27th arriving at Havana let and New Orleans 34. From New Orleans 12th, Havana 14tb., due at Now York 18th. Issnac—From Charleston 19th and 4th, due at Ha- vana 23d and 7th. From Havana 10th and 25th, duo at York 18th and 31st Illarine intelligence. PORT or PHILADELPHIA, Jun. 9,-1658. BUN RISER • 120 I AIIN BETS MGR WATER MEM Steamship Delaware, (lopes, 24 hours from New York, eta Cape May, with Inds° awl passengers to James All. derdlee.. Reports the brlgklartha..laue, for Parsboro, NS, as having passed to era Thursday forenoon. 01,BARSD. Steamship Delaware, Copes, Now York, J Allderdice. Brig Blink, Carleton, Nevis, J Baker. Bchr Smith Tuttle, Bich, Boston, via Delaware City, G A Wood. Bohr Blackish, Hotchkiss, Charleston, SC, D S Stet eOl2 & Cc. Mr It Claypoole, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Sir Elisabeth, McLaughlin, do do (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) ' LEWES. Del.. Jan. 7. 8 A M. The tugs America and Jacob 0 Nearile, having taken their tone to Bea returned last evening, and are now in the roadstead. 'Nothing in the bey Lund in our out. Wind IV—weather clear. Yours, An, _ Wbi, M. ~ HICHMIAN. • :IST TILKORAPH, (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Eithange3 CAPE ISLAND, Jan 8. & 80 P M. No vase's observed going in or out during the day Wind NE—weather moderate. Youral too., THOO. B. RIINIINEI. rat nuattin SO TOR PSWA3B Naw Yonx. Jan 8 Arrived, chip bum Webb, Dryer, Liverpool, with 42 passengers. - Bailed, chip Ocean Express, den Francine°. Ilesinvoir 11081,8. Jan 8. Arrived, clipper chip Charger, llerd,•from Chinches, with gnaw), to order. linaroLx, Jan. 8. Arrived ,seler Wm F Abbott, from New York for New born, leaking badly. MEMORANDA Steamship Arego, Lines, for dam, cleared at New York yesterday. , Steamship Palmetto, Baker, hence at Boston 7th Inst. Ship Excelaior, Mitchell, nailed from Heimelmokport 4th Inst. for New Orleans Ship Regulus, Thompson, froni Callao, arrived at Queenstown 17th tilt, and remained 21d. Ship Criterion,Rerding, cleared nt Mobile 2d inst. for Havre, with 4 115 bales cotton, weighing 2,143,154 lbe, value at $20 &471 07. Ship B Baldly in,1335 . tons register, built at Ailoways town, NJ, In 1837, rating A 2)4, wee Fold at auction 7th inst. in New York for sll,soo—one-third cash, one-third three months, adding interest, and the balance nix months, adding interest. Ship Berlin, Stay, hence, which arrived at Savannah 4th Wet, left the capes Dec 23d, and experienced strong southerly gales during the passage; Doci 2b , lat 3515, lon 74 10, experienced a severe gale, commencing from the BE, and hauling round to the westward, and then north, the ship laboring heavily, with a very heavy sea; cargo of railroad iron - shifted, stove water caaks, blew fore topsail out of bolt rope, split foresail, and did other damage. Were obliged to run the ship before the wind for twelve hours, in order to save the masts. Jan 2. lat 3120, lon 77 20, experienced a very heavy squall from SW and NW; split jib and spanker, and blew mizen top sail of the yard Barque Madeleine, (Pr) Port, for Senegal, Africa, went to nes from Charleston sth Inst. Barque Edmund Dwight, Nickerson, from Oulm, at Mobile 241 inst. •llarque Indiana, Elvers, for Donlon, cleared at Savan nah sth inst Barque Laconia, Bears°, for Mayaguez, 111, sailed from Lattimore 7th inst Barque Powhatan, Simmons, for Philadelphia, sailed from Palermo 10th tilt. . . . &id David Bufiell, Pliimiey, sailed from New Bed ford 7th inst. for Philadelphia. • - • Brig New Era, Walker, hence, arrived at Cienfuegos 234 ult, inl2 days passage. Brig Joseph (fables, for New Orleans, sailed from Rockland ath inst. Brig 'rhos B Watbum, Barnaby, cleared at New York yesterday for fiagnayro.. Brig Josephine, Stone,cleared at New York yesterday for Honolulu, Behr II P Cushing, McNally, from Cardenas, arrived at Mobile 2d inst. Bohr George Slangharn, Scudder, hence, arrived a Mobile 2d inst. Schr D B Barnard Ito Nos, at Charleston sth inst. from Port Spain , Trinidad. Behr Jane N Baker, Vanneman, from Inagua, at Wil mington, NO, Bth root Behr B Howley. Godfrey, for a northern port, went to sea from Charleston Bth lost Schr W A fiamill, Sowers, for New York, cleared at Charleston sth lust, and went to sea the Bth. Bohm Btarlight, Yorh from Portland for Philadel phia, and John Magee,Magee from Bristol for do, re. mained at Newport 8 A M Oth inst. Behr Alhambra, Coombs, for Boston for Philadelphia sailed from Holmes' Hole 6th inst. Behr Wm A Hammond, Cain, berme for Boston, Holmes , Hole 6th last, and sailed again. Behrs. Lamartine, Johnson, from New Bedford, an, Ingomar, Case, from Boston, both for Philadelphia, re mained Holmes , Hole A3l 6th list Behr Alfred Banat, Russell, from Smyrna, Del, fo Boston, at Holmes' Hole 6th lost, and remained nex morning. AtIRINB MDMIELIANY. Accounts from ship Serampore, from New Orleans for Boston, aohoro en Oohaaeet rocks, dated 7th lost, state that she will be a total loss. tier bottom is out, oho Is bilged, and full of water. Part of bee cargo will be saved M a damaged state. The Sorampore came to an chor In the thick snow storm on the morning of the 6th loot, about half a Mlle NE of the Black Rock Ledge, oohasset, and about half poet 2 P M drove ashore near the Minot Howie. Bar cargo consists of 740 bales cot ton, 46 bade tobacco, 1050 bbis Hour, 1020 do molagses, 100 too tallow MO pigs lead, 100 staves, 100 bdls and 222 bides, 70 Age mdse She wee a good ship of 499 tons, owned by Matthew Cobb, Nsq, and insured In Boston. - [Capt Stone gives the following report of the disorder to his ship: On the 6th Inst. passed Highland Light, Cape Cod. At 2 P M oth made Boston Light, and hove to fora pilot; wind NE. At 4 A M it commenced snow ing; wore ship to southward, and at 0 A were ship to northward. - At 8 A M the gale Increased, with heavy sleet and sneiv; wore ship to southward, and at 9 30 took In all sail and let go both anchors, with 00 fathoms chain orione and 110 en the other, in 12 fathoms of water. The gale increasing, drifted to westward about Ix knots per hour. At 1 P M port chain parted. At 2 P M laud WAS 111 sight-astern, and the ship wee drifting towards -the rocks. To save life and property, deemed It corer airy to - slip the chains and put the Ship heal on At 241.1 RM steak onrock on Pleasant Beach, Just ahreisi, Of theldinot Hence, the sea making a complete bteach over lteri and the ship going to pieces fast. At SE P M the life lasi succeeded in TWAIN; the Wesel, and t6ok off ten men. At fmnset Wheat Made ad other trip, and took off the captain and remainder of the crew badly frozen.] Lersit—ilostozi, Sin $--Steamer Nopiiiner CIS 11/or ris, which went down this morning to ship &Tampere, arrived up again in the evening with the ealle and a Portion of the rigging from the ship, Capt Morrie .re. porta that the water was up to the ship's upper dot Her bottom was out, and elm will no doubt prove a•to tel loss. The win blew too hard and the sea was oo rough for lighters d to go alongside. The greater NT. toed, if tot the whole, of the cargo will be saved in a damaged elate. The cotton on board 'in insured Am $9 OO O at the National office, $9OOO at the Americas., $6OOO at the liferchants , ,and $5OOO at the 51anufactik , rare'office. Copt Morrie will return to the ship to. morrow (Friday) - with lighters,'when they will com. , menee getting out the cargo. Behr Independence, before reported ashore at Well fleet, was sold Bth lest, together with sails, rigging and spars for $75. The keeper of the Dlonomoy Lighthouse given the fol lowing list of vessels which have passed that light dur ing the quarter ending the 31st December: Ships, 4; barques fm; beige, 58.3; ochre 2181; sloops, 307; steamers, 52. Total, 2053. Quarterly return of vessels which have passed by or in the vicinity of the light ship at Pollock Rip during the quarter eliding the 31st day of December, 1857: Ships, 4; barques, 69; brigs 591; ears 35614 eloops, 187, steamers, 86. Total, 448 d. NAVAL. The ship Kate Hastings (not the store ship It'eleitse) will sail from the Charlestown navy yard in the Morse of a week or ten days, with stores for the East ;mils squadron; a mall will be sent by her. There is ala' , a vessel to sail with stores for the African squadron no at week, which will take a mail. Pont paid letters an.l papers sent to the care of the Library and Institute, Charlestown navy yard, will be forwarded. FOREIGN PORTS. At Cambia Nov 18, barque 3 IV Porter, Stevens, nor. At Mauritius Oct 27. barque —, of Portland, (sup posed the Palestine, flowed, with coal, to discharge part of her cargo, and proceed with the remainder to Singapore. At Antwerp 222 ult, ships Harriet Reale, Smith, for Singapore; Benj Reward, (Dan) &wave, for Seat Fran cisco, lino; Frederick thibbard, Edwards, for New York 20112; Jacob E Stawler, Mita, for New Gleans, do; barque Saone, Karsteria, for Beaton, uric; Behr Level Peacock, Matilde, for New York in January. Arr at Deal 20th lilt, barque Philena, Deming, from Newcastle for Naples, and anchored. t'Arr at do 21st, (net 10th) ship East Indian, Lecraw, London for Bombay, and sld. Bid from Cuxhaven 10th tilt, ship Levonter, Peterson, England. Old from Liverpool 10th ult, ships Riversmith, Davis, and Lydia, Dennis, New Orleans. At Mayaguez 16th alt, brig Rainbow, MansOeld, for New Raven, waiting cargo Sailed from Constantinople Bth ult, brig If G Berry, Race, for Palermo to load for Boston. She had started 4t h , but was deta ined below by adverse winds Dates are to the 11th. Barque Eft Farrington, Gorham. fin Boston Oct 1, had not arrived, which renters the for mer report of her having been in the Dardanelles Nov 27 doubtful. Bailed from 'Palermo 10th ult., barques Giovanni Bat tiste, (Sic) New ,Orloans. Dates are to 12th, but no particulars of vessels in port. Sailed from biessina oth Wet, brig Palestine, lingers, Boston. Accounts are to 12th. --- . - - At do 12th ult, barques Fernandina, Cottrell, for Bora too; Vivid Light, Blanchard, and Commodore, Williams, for do; Henry Shelton, Burr, for New York or Balti more; and others. At Leghorn 12411 hit, barque Tremont, Baker, for Si cily and Boston FOOD. At Rotterdam 18th ult, ship Mountain Wave, Ballet, for Charleston, ready DOMESTIO PORTS NEW YORK, Jan 15—Arrived, ship American Engle, Mooro, London and Portsmouth; experienced heavy westerly gales during the passage; echr Evergreen, Hinckley, from New London for Isnitmoro. Cleared, barque Yuman, Loisgaug, blananne, brig Zenith, Deering, Cardeuwf; Rehr Mary, Havens, Haiti- More. . . Sailed, ship Heide°, Whitney, Gibraltar. BOSTON, Jan 7—Arrrived, Barque Ann, Munroe, N Orleans Slat ult Came into the bay during the storm, but when the snow became dense, hauled off. In the earning anchored below, and rode out the gale in safe ty; brig Northern Belie, Paine, New Orleans. Cleared, ship John Haven, Salter, Apalachicola; barque Telegraph, 01Ica, City Point; brig ranola, Da vie, Norfolk, to load for °muleloupe . achrs Oen Tamale, Teel, Port au Prince; Cuickidep, Ouch, Jame!, Pilot Fish, Adams, Connives; N J Haight, Law, Turks IsPC ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 o'clock Last Nzgle GIRARD HOME—Chestnut street. below Ninth. T Bltazieton,N Y T Adams, Harrisburg S El Chorch, N i l M Whitey, N Y IV Fisher, Jr, Boston S A Cantle. N Y R F. Hitchcock, N Y J 0 McCullough, halt Oen 8 Suggs , Washington L Mclntosh, Washington W Myara, II S A. D Bone, Washiogton T M Bradley, Clncinnati, 0 118 Hallett & lady, Boston E Waters, Troy, N Y J Began, St Louis SS Miller Bristol A A Hobart, Chicago W L LUBA St Louis .1 Banks, Rending J A d'Abrauchem, N Y II $ Smith. New litutlord J II Wooster,lioston, S J Speigelberg, N Y Marcus Hughes, N Y R Beeman, St Louis J M C Brown, Malt E Wilmer, Elkton Chas II Mntrheld, N Y 3 0 Muirheid, N Y W D Lunipkin, Memphis Moses Tin r, Maas Ed F Pratt, N Y Jas Ring, Halifax, N S B Posnanski A la, NY' Jno W Sterling & In, N 0 A 8 Fkko, N Y .1 IlulTum, N Y T It Whitney, N J E AI O'Brien, N Y J Wilcox, Meriden D Jones, N 0 NO Clarke, Chicago Sami 0 Trippe, It I R J Haldeman, Ilarrisb'g 0 NI Mel:titian, Lancaster NIA liuntee, Rending F A Roe, USN P Perserlen, N t Wm Rogers, lialt Jas 'Wright, Owego Wm klontgoinery, Conn Elon Comstock, Moss 11 A Water, Conn R P Black, Easton, Ps Henry W Inman, RI Sanders Shanki, Louisville W 0 Murray. Jereey City I. F Clark, Wilco Del J D Alden, itertforel 0 A Nieholes, N Y S IS Shoemaker, Knit MERCHANTS , HOTEL—Bourth street, below Arch Thos Craig, jr. leshigh Gap .1 C Rhodes, Harrisburg Mrs Rhodes A con. Po Miss Lee, New York John Russell, Now York Genl J James, Pa W C Bradley, Columbia, Pa 0 Maples, N Mr Abbott, N Y Hon Asa. Packer, Pa Wm Irvin, Clearfield Hon G Scott, Pa lion II S Mott, Pa J C Evans, Harrisburg A Dyeart, Pa AMERICAN llOTEL—Chostnut street, above Mil. S C Noyes, Dag Jas 0 Matlock, New York J W Bailey, New Jersey W Seaver, Philo W L Lewis, Phoenixville Chas Campbell & wife. Del Denj Campbell, Dover, Del Llf Johnson, Went Point L L Johnson, West Point John B Deemer, Boston Wm J Beamer, Boston , LOlllB Roerer, St Louis J Bond, Philadelphia S A Peugh, Washington Joseph Ells, Esq, N J UNION 110TBL—Arch street, below Fourth. W C Chihli!), Port Clinton Mr. McKee Wilson, Ind A Clark, Mauch Chunk It Hammersly, Allentown it (./ Swope, Pa Joe N Stokes, Stroudeb'g donsart, Danville, Pa :kt F. Cross, Delaware co NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street. above Third. Henry Stark, Tunkhannock D 8 Stark, Tunkhannock J Stemple, Tunkhasnoik lion M Weaver Minersville J Steele, Mechanicsburg, W Relfanyder, Pottsville Col J Nolff. Dordentown (I W Morgan, Pa J L Richardson, Wisconsin II J Headier, Pottsville A P Dixon, New Orleans . W V Wornlck, New York F A Chadwick, New York I K Loos, N J STATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth. F Thomas, Mantuavillo J T Lewis, Balt Mrs L Lewis, Balt II L Hooper, N Y II Goodman, Pa J Andrews, IYiMOM, Del It W Boole, York co, Pa B T Tanner,Patteburgh D Leiber, York co, Pa t.l W Unffnagle, Now Rope 0 7. Bentz, Pa E J Cochran, Balt L Wilkison, Balt J Oarratt, Chester co 9 Biiumons, Yorker), I'a A L Meson, Mt Pleasant J I , Kautz, Lancaster W 9 Boyd, Wrightsville DNeigle; Ilarrisburgh J Jackson, Reading P Flynn, Norristown . 11 Oilman, Pa Stewart McClung, Ya BLACK BEAD INN—Fifth and Merchant streets. John 0 Iledding, Maryland 0 Taggart, Delaware Enos Pricer, Doylestown S3l Dutton, Del co, Pa John Hill la, Doi co, Pa 3 S Garrett, Del co, Pa li Dunlap, Delaware Jos Thomas, Fulton, Pa lien 1. Brower & la,Lebanon J B Plankerton At In, Pa Hunter Moore, Chester co Sand Pugh. Montg co, Pa A B Leedom, Tenon J II Howard, Boston It Howard, Maryland Edw Maya, PhHada Jesse Brooke, jr, Del co, Pa Enoch Harper At la, Del 8 Jackson & la, Delaware Stephen Dllyere,Oheater co 9 Meanie, Maryland BALD EAGLE—Third street, above CaDunhill N A Felix, Reeding I) Beigle, Easton E P. Warren. Phila. It Itrovrn, Bucks co Leaser, N Waleu W Deleon, Pa 3 el•arer, Pa 31 Usher, Pa J Keyser, Germ:Won C Beene, Bucks co S Hill, Reading C Frame, Reading J Rittenhouse, Germantown B Beans, Bucks Co MADISON HOUSE—Second street, abort) Market IV I. Cannon, Del (I Brooke, Ohio Fanwel Ford, aid J II Marston, Ind w L Ande,son, Albany C S 'Cowell & la, N J Calvin (been, N Y (I Lincol, Md V, W Thomas, bid BARLEY SHEAF—Second street, below Tine, It DeLacy, Pittsburg J 31 Bryan, Belvidere J It King, Belvidere J Ferran, Doylestown F Coroloy k non, Muntg' co Smith Harper, Fox Chase 3 T Blair, Hartsville 3 1) Buskin, N Y nos Divan, N Y W Cornelius, Pike co, Pn C Ramsey, Hartsville A German. Newtown J Hoppock, Newtown W Crook, New Hope II B Hough, Doylestown S. 13 Cook, N J D Ii Reeder, New Hope J 31alliews, Centreville BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab. Callowhlll. John Freed, Moses Haldeman, lunch, co Sigmund Hogland, ByluTry .1 Thomlinson, 31orcland Th. Rocket, Allentown A P Stockel, Allepton a Lewis Clemens, Doylostwn A Clayton, Southampton Carper hoada,llybcrry Woe Polklowa, Moreland John Van Attatialen, Foos- Henry Landis, Buck,/ co terrine Nall, Haldeman, lineka Co Henry Woltera, Hocks co Lindford Itoadx, llynerey Mrs C Roads, Ityberry (leo Clennnons, Choi Val THE WEEKLY PRESS THE WEEKLY PRESS, Vol 2, No. 2, for SATUR DAY, January 9, la now ready The preaent number contains a cant amount of valuable reading, among which will be found tho following: ECIIIMME! THE ADMINISTRATION AND TILE FILLIDUSTERS. SENATOR DOUGLAS AND THE COMMITTEE ON TERRITORIES. DEPUTY SECRETARY OF STATE. VALEDICTORY TO THE OLD YEAR. ATTORNEY GENERAL. " A SAFE TREASURY AND A SOUND CURRENCY CALHOUN AT OXFORD. KANSAS. RATIONALE OF COMMERCIAL TROUBLES. DEATH OF MISS LESLIE. FRAUDS IN KANSAS. PENNSYLVANIA UPON POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY MEXICO. - EXPEDITION TO UTAH. NEW TREATY WITH JAPAN. SOUTHERN OPINION. THE VOICE OF AN ORIGINAL BUCHANAN MAN DEMOCRATIC OPINION IN PENNSYLVANIA. COMMODORE PAULDING. THE DEMOCRATS IN KANSAS. THE ISSUE STILL THE SAME. WASHINGTON'S LET PERS TO LEAR. GREAT CORRUPTION FUND. EMIG33I THE DEATH OF THE OLD YEAR —Dy TIN TBON SONo.—(Orlginal.) ALL RlGHT.—(Original.) THE PASS OP DEATH.. TILE PERILS OFF ORRTAIN ENOLIMI PRISONERS (Oontlnued.)—By aIIARLEB DICKKAB. TILE WEEKLY PRESS in furnished to subscrihern at $2 per year, in advance, for the single copy, and to clubs of twenty, when sent to one address, $2O, in advance. Single copier. for ealo at the counter of Too PRIMA of fice, in wrappers, ready for mailing. Persons Bending clubs of twenty or over will please bear In mind that the paper thus ordered cannot be di rected to each subscriber, unless the club price of $1.20 per annum in paid, and paid in Meanie. Thin Is In accordance With our published metes, and some of our friends have overlooked It. Our heavy lists compel on t o adhere to this rule. PRESSe-PIiILAI)ELPMAi SATURDAY. JANUARY 9, 1858. Eiperial Notices Sewing Machines—Price 82.5.--. Persons wish ing to purchaeo a REALLY (ICOR blachino should call at 922 CHESTNUT Street, and get one of PRATT'S Patent. These Ildschinei are warrantml to glee eat's faction. Stitching done, for Two Cents per yard et the Office. jaD.awilw• William C. Meßea, 907 Chestnut Street, Is selling all kinds or tine Stationery at one-half the re gular prise. Call on him at once and you gill be satis fied. • Aubin , s Patent Gas Works, RittiCTRD FOR TOWNS, TILLAGES, AND FACTORIES, PORTABLE OAS WOJIKB, For HOTLI,S, STORES, and COUNTRY Suers, put up at short notice. Those works occupy but little space, are easily operated, and furnish a num.' ore GAO mom. at low cost For further information call at No. 114 North SE VENTII street, Where the works can be aeon In opera Lion, or addsene CHAS. N. TRUMP, Agent, No. 114 North SEVENTH street, Philada. Cuss. TIMM', Agent, Baltimore, Md. 3ido.ler* S. C. Dawnld, Commission Business an Com mercial paper and negotiations of loans, 68 'Baum Sr., opposite the }lxehange, Philadelphia. nolo-2m The Grentest. Bargains in the World.—The subscriber, boing about to close his business, offers his entire stools of superior Ready-made Clothing for We. it In want of a superior article are invited to give ltim a call. Moro to let awl fixtures for sale. M. T.RACY, 2T4 MARKET Street. del6-2m Saving F.4n(l.—National Safely Tenet Co., Office, WALNUT' areet, B. W. corner of THIRD. A.BRANGEMENT9 FOR BUSINESS DURING TILE SUSPENSION OP SPECIE. PAYMENTS BY BANKS. I. Depoelta received and payments made daily. 2. Current Bank Notes, Checks, end Specie will be received on deposit. 3. Deposits made In Plank Notes or Checks will be paid back in Current Bank Notes. 4. Deposits made In Gold or Silver will be paid back in Coln. Interest Five Pee Coat. per annum. n 023 Seamen's Salina Fund—Office 203 Walnut street, ono door west of aecond street. Receivee de polite in sums of One Wilms and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Office open dolly, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon. day and Saturday until 0 in the evening. Si esident Franklin Fell Treasurer and Booratary, Oharlee M. Morris. Sewer's Infant I.;ortilal.---Tlitta Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the moot choke and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and to tho moot perfect and reliable carminative exts.nt for infants and young children. lly its powerful influence a speedy care is effected In all CMS Of CitailC, windy pains and spasms. Relleres and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti- tion or teething, and by its soothi og properties tram gunnies pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &0. The Infant Cordial has become is standard remedy, and ham been used in thousands of cARCS with the most abundant museum. No tarnlly should be without it. Prepared only by 116NRY A. DOWNY, At hie Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth and Green sta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. ea 111.1 y For Pertnmed Breath, White Teeth, and leautiful complexion, use '• Balm of 1.000 Flowern." 'or dre,:ing Ladieal hair, use Woodland Cream, a ew Pomade." It curls Gontlemen'a hair beautifully. W. P. INT/{lllOl4 & Cu., Proprietors, N. Y. For lisle by T. 11. Peterson, 306 Chestnut; Samuel Ssines, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. B Durand, 718 Chest nut; T. If Peters & Co., 716 Chestnut; G. 0. Evans, Gift Book-store, 439 Chestnut; 0. 0 Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and Mar ket; A. B. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut; J. W. Simen & Sons, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Christman, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lansaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. nol2-17 Saving Fund OF TIIE AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, S. E. Con Nag FOURTH AND WALNUT SIMMS, Dag always paid in full on demand, AND CoNTINUNS TO DO DO. INTEREST, FIVE PER CENT. d023-lniio Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 324 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SWAIM OEO. J. HENKEL'S, 624 WALNUT Street, 0r22.8m Late of 173 Obeatnut Street Good Coffee. Lorenz of Coffee cannot realize the full value of their favorite beverage without having It made in the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. ARTHUR, RURNIIArt, & OILROY, 117 and 119 South TENTH, cor. of George, d3-6n3 Solo Manufacturers Jackson, JOB PRINTER, BIERCIIANT STREET. Checks', Notes, Drafts, Dills Lading, Bill Reads, Cir• oulars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to suit the time.. ocl7-17 On the 7111 inst., by Roc J. I'. II Wilmer. rector of Mnrk's Church, JOAN POTTER, }leg , of Princeton, Neu. Jersey, to Miss lIPLEN, eldest daughter of thou II Norris, of Philadelphia. . . On Thursday evening, 7th instant, at the Arch street Freely terian Church, by Rev Charles IVadaworth, Li 11., CHARLES N. ANSPACII to ANNA, danghter of the late Samuel 1400111411111 On the 24th of December, 1657, in Alligator, Florida, by Her. D, McNeil Turner, Bee B. E. LANNEAU, of Clundeeton. S C , to 1111,, FANNY lI.FCCIiEtt. daugh ter of tho tote John D. Ecelee, Frit., of /Netter - 111e, North Carolina On the 7th twit , of typhoid fever, MATIS ANNA, daughter of George A. and Mary Dueline hillier, aged 4 yenta and 0 montlut The friends and rektirea of the family are invited to attend the funeral at Lancaster, Gila day, (.Caturdny,) at 00011 ar On the morning of the 7th intt , CECELIA AUG U.S. TINE, daughter of Granville and Cornelia fitoket, in the 13th puma her age On the Bth instant, Alien JULIA, daughter of Bev. E. Brou n On the 7th intent, Mr. JOHN ROUNNO, in the i 2 year of his age. On the 7th instant, at Launder, Pe , Mra REIIECCA. LIGHTNER, relict of the late Jo,lge Lightner, in the 80th year of her ago. WI - Sermon to Young Alen.—By request of the Young Men's Christian Association, the Buy. EDGAR M. LEVY will preach u bermon to Vonog Men, by Di ine perminsion, on BARHAM EVENING, January 10th, at half past seven o'clock, In the First Indepen dent Church, (Rev JohnOkambera',) corner of BROAD and GEORGE Streets. Seats roierveil for young men is9-It* rp — lly DiVille permission, T. II Stockton Rill preach on SABBATH, at 104 A. PI . and 7)6 P. Pt , in JAYNE'S HALL, CHESTNUT, below Seventh. Sub- Jeetn Important. Peata free. Friends requested to tally and make the work sure. Jou lt* Err Unpardonable alln.—l.retade by !try. A. C riiomAs, T 0.8101111019 EVI:NINO, at 1 o'clock, }lra Unlyersulint. Church, LOMBARD Street, Above Fourth. fEr Rev. John Chatithere will deliver a Ser mon in the Eleventh tlaptot Church TWELFTH Street, above Race, TO-MORROW (Sabbath) EVE NIN(I, at 7); o'clock. .Vter which a Collection will be taken in behalf of the 'MIME MISSIONARY SO CIETY of the City of Philadelphia " THOMAS T MASON, itta-It* Chairman Committee on Public Mvetioo ID' Consecration to God the Duty of Man.— By particular request, the sermon en the 1609 e suhioct o in be reheated to-morrow (BABRATID morning, in the M E. Union Church, FOURTH street, below Arch, by the pastor, Rev. JOSEPH CASTI.II, I) It., at 10A o'clock. baingpreparatory to the Mishionary Festival to be held on the following .9 .blath, January 17th, throughout the day. Thu public Is Invited to attend. jai -it irr Col. John W. Forney will deliver a Lecture, entitled The Alcorn an Statesman " for the benefit of the nomad Avgneiatien of the Eighteenth Ward, on TUESDAY EVENING, January r2th, in Rev. George Chandler'e Chorch, PALMER Street, above Gore n. Tickets (free) may be obtalne.l at the Drug t4toreg. The Richmond CoAchen pace within a short di•tanc of the Church over few minutes from Om Exchange. jan 3t* Ili what Shall we Ent':—What Conotiimco W holceonte ‘ C microuo, and Economical Diet ! —Theme queptiona will be conxideted inn course of 810 Popular Lectures on the 01110118 Tb Y OF TIM 'I Alll.O, by Prof. 111 MANGUM!. Introductory Lecture on 2,lday (MONDAY) Eteninu, at 8 o'clock, et the HANOI% AND HAYDN 111G310 Beeson Tlckele 75 cents —To be obtained at the principal drug atoree. jail-dsl* ID' Notice —AI an Annual illeeting of the Stockholders of the Milan() M INS CO , held this day at their office, No 3021VALNUT Street. the following 011ticers Auld Directors were duly elected to horse for the ensuing year . rrilikilDllliT—JOEL JONES Vier. 8 GILLETT SEOR).TARY AR? TRIUBIOREB-JNO. 8 M MULLIN Assiernir Sic TART-JAMES Ii AINOB.1) DIIINCTOUS . . . JOEL JUNES, GEO. W. WOODWARD, Whl. M. SWAIN, 11. N 11111111011U118, JNO. ANSPAOII, JR., Tllll. CRAVEN, JOSEPII KLAPP, 31 D., A 8. GILLETT, JNO. Met:LURE, JER WALKER, J. 11 1111011E8, C. D. BUM:MAKER, W. 8. BOYD, 11. It COOOSIIALL, WM. C. ROIMIAN, JNO. W. CLAGRORN, FRANCIS PETERS. J. 8. Mo3IULLIN, Beerethry. Pm ~ DELPIIIA, Jan 5, 1858, jRILAt it r Granite Land Company.—The Annual Meeting of the Rockhold°re of said Company trill be held at 16 North SEVENTH Btreot, TuEsDAr, the 12th day of January, 1868, at 6 o'olock P. M , for tho election of Ofileors for the ensuing year. N. B. Amendments to the By-bows proposed will be acted upon at said meeting. de22- tut* llT'Llternry Mnrene.—An Experienced Editor, a successful author, and a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary with twenty-five years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, him determined to hire out or sell his brains at retail to those who may require their services' in any honorable way. Merehants, Business Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will ho supplied, off-hand, with Advertise ments, (political or otherwise,) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, or any species of article desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications, and every other sort of Brain. work, which they may find it inconvenient or trouble some to do for themselves. Lanes and Gentlemen, of every rank in society or oc cupation in life, can hire Letters written on any sub ject whether business or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Corres pondence of every kind, either English, French, Span ish, German, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladies , Albums, Notes, Billet deux, Monodies, and Compositions of the most delicate and confidential character incident to every possible circumstance or event in life, will be furnished in In violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, And explaining their wishes. Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, dl-qut Pei 2,238 PllMAdell+hie.P. 0. 4 r filarriaqcs /Deaths THE SUBSCRIBER'S HAVE THIS DAY -K. entered Into a limited partnership, in accordance with the acts of Assembly In ouch Cases made and pro vided, under the firm or REEVES k DEAL, for the transaction of the GROCERY BUSINESS In the city of Philadelphia. The general partners ere CLEMENT REEVES, New Castle county, In the State of Dela ware, and GEORLIE DEAL, 10., of the silty of Camden, in the State o' New Jersey i and the 'pedal partner, ISAAC REEVES, of the cOunty of Gloucester, In the Rate of New Jersey. The capital In each contributed by 'ISAAC REEVES in eight thousand dollars. The partnership will commence ou the first day of January, 1858, and will terminate on the thirty-Brat day of December,l669. MAO REEVES CLEMENT REP.YES, (GEORGE DEAL, Jn. ja9.Bat6 HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, NEAR FALLS OF SOUUYLRILL, FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. This Institution is designed, under the auspices of the Church, to give to a limited number of boys a thorough co leglate education, or to prepare them for any clam of college they may wish to enter. Reference t The Rt Rev. ALONZO POTTER. For particulate, address Rev. PINRNEY HAMMOND,. Rector, or tall dtFebl7 Prof. L. ANUELE, Principal. OFFICE OP THE NATIONAL. SAFETY INSURANON AND TRUST CO., S. W. corner WALNUT and THIRD Slreetg. January , 1858. The Annual Meeting' PnlLADll of LOIIIA. the Stockholders Sth will be held at this °Moo on :ItONDAY, the nth lust , at 12 o'clock Chen an election will be held for Ten Di ruetois to serve for the ensuing year. The Polls will &pee at 2 o'cloek P. M. JO 11 Li 111 18 WILLIAM J. REED, Secretary. A N ODD AND WELL-ESTABLISHED 11 RETAIL DRY GOODS FIRM, being desirous of changing their buninese, offer FOR SALE a desirable 'dock of Staple Dry Goode, and the Good {gill of ono of the beet etande In SECOND Street In addition to their Retell buelneee they have a considerable Whole sale trade. Addrees Box No. 3.38, P. 0., Philadelphia, with name cud address. jag -6t* 1119NDS OP I'ITTSBURGII AND ALLE OItENY COUNTY.—holders of the above so euritten ore requested to call at the office of J. It A; 11. B. FRY, Net-1:A1 South THIRD street, whore informa tion of importance to their interests may be obtained. Committee of l'ublic Meeting, G. N. 1.00108, CRAIG RIDDLE, ja9diat ' HORACE It. FRY. rEAS.-WEBB'S TEA WAREHOUSE, J 223 Situth EIGHTH Street, below Walnut. English Break act Teas, Fine Young Hyson Teas, Oolong Tess, pure nod fresh, for sale, Wholesale or Retail. jag 2tw CONS IGN E S' NOTICE.—The ship CO STALWART Ix now discharging unier gentral per- InHs. Consignees will please Attend to receipt.' of their good,. THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. " 4 Orn Opobs. 117 4 1NG LI SII KNEE WRAPPERS.- SHARBLESS BROTHERS have Knee Wrappers, for carriages and travelling. Also, Gentle men a alas Is at reduced prices jot> CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. J3LAOIC VElLS.—Black Prone!' Veils, rich ntyles Also, Mode, Crape, and forego V°lbil. For gala by SHARPLESS HROTHERS, jag CHESTNUT And ER/11T1t streets VARLATANS.—WILITE AND COLORED TARLATANS, for Evening Drown, nt 811ARPLESS BROVIERN, jn9 CHESTNUT and Minn Street/1 LONG BROCHE SHAWLS FOR $8! We do believe that we are selling, at this pre• sent time llroche :Maeda CHEAPER THAN TREY WILL EVER DE AGAIN Blanket Shawls, new styles, vet., cheap. Chenille Shawls, considerably under cost. RICH BAYADERE SILKS, BLACK ii . ILRI4, he We hare received and nre selling Bross Silks for SIX c.. worth $1 25 They are from a NEW YORK BANKRUPT SAW:. ELEGANT LONG BLACK CIRCULARS FOIL A great variety of other Cloaks cry cheap, from 52 up. IRISH LINENS OP OUR OWN IMPORTATION. Oloths, Casslmeree, Blankets, Flannels, di oy ho. We keep an 11=011110 stock of Midi:Frio GOODS. All our Goods BOUGHT FOR CASH, anal guaranteed to be as cheap as the cheapest, TIIORNLEY k CHUM jas-y N. E. con EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. CIiXAP CLOAKS.--We have now a COMPLETE AsaoaTMENr of lorr•orleed Cloaks for ',Airs, Miners, anal Children made of BLACK AND GRAY CLOTHS' The prices range from $1 75 to $5, and the workman ahlp, material, style, A.e., are believed to be superior to the generality. Also, Suer Oleaks, many of which are MUCH REDUCED TO INSURE SPEEDY SALES. - - Pearlet-Centro Mocha Long Shawls. Greens. Whitey, two-faced, Ile. at $4. Hew Black Thibet Long Shawls, $4. French Blanket and Bay State Shawls. blisses' and Children's shawls COOPER k CONA RD, Jai S E cor. NINTH and 3IAIIKNT 13ARIS AND VIENNESE BIMCHE LONU SHAWLS, At $B, $B, $lO, $ll, and $l2. With a largo ortment of nupuriorgoods, which we are Belling at very reduced pric x CURWEN, STODDART, & BROTHER, Nen 450, 452 and 454 de3o NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW. BROAD CLOTHS, vASsimERES, BATTINETS, Boyle wear generally, And Clotho For Ladies' Cloaks rorathe late Auction Sales, at REDUCED PRICES • CURWEN STODDART A. BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, deal) above WILLOW CLOAKS. - CHEAP AND Y,LECIANT CLOAKS _ - The largext and handsomest stock of rELVED AND CLOTH tiLOAKS In the City, AT RE/VOID PRICItS, 1 T OEO FRYER'S, No. 916 CHESTNUT STREET, dO 2 L ADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS NEV GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL k. SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1016 CHESTNUT Street, four doorn below Elereath And 318 S. SECOND St , below Spruce. BACTORIII3.—Noe. 95 and 97 GEORGE It , Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union Orders made at a few hours , notice . F I ARLE'S GALLLERIES J OF PAINTINGS AND LOO N 6 GLASS WA REHOUSE ILL VIM NEW FRENCH, ENGLISH AND GERMAN ENGRAVINGS, PORTRAIT, PICTURE, AND MiNIATURE FRAMES. IN EVERT VARIETY OY MIN dND PRICE .MANTEL, PIER, AND {VALE LOOKING GLASSES CONSOLS, BRACKETS, CORNICES, PIER TABLES M%tF TO it TIDSII. EAII.I.EIi HALLERIEB, 8113 CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA CHINA AND GLASS. DINNERWARE TE,I AND TOILET SETS VIII7K, GOLD BAND, ANU DECORAIND FRENCII AND HOIIENIIAN GLASSWARE, FANCY ARTICLES, he. WILL 06 SOLD, AT TUX LOWICBT PRIM, AT MARXS . EN A WITTE'I3 MASONIC HALL, 713 CHESTNUT STIIEVT N. ll.—tioodi loaned to partiri pt rk•monnble tertnr PWIE MUTUAL INSURANCE COM PANY.—Office No 411 CHESTNUT etreet L 01,01.11111, Jan 1, MS The annual meeting of the Stockhohlerx of this Com pany will ho held on MONDAY, January 11. 1E53, at 10 o'clock, A M , when an election will he WA for twelN e Directorn, to servo (or the onquing year Pone open until 2 o'clocir jAT-ThSat.k3l-3tif THOS S MARTIN, See'y KEROSENE OIL, DISTILLED FIIOIIICOAI KEROSENE LUBRICATING OILS. Thin 00 i 4 not only CHEAPER, but SUPERIOR TO THU JOIST 81 . 1:1INI. It will NOV GUM Olt CONO NA AT A LOW TEMPERATURE,nnd tt n ill RUN LONGER AND KEEP TILE JOURNALS COOLER THAN ANY OTHER LUBRICATING MATERIAL. 11:7" Machiniala and others are requented to call and examine the, oil at the mole agency, GIIGItGI 111. YREEMAN, Agt , del9-3nvdf No 1.16 Walnut street, above Front. STORE ON FRONT STREET TO LET. 'l b. iitore No Vi South. FRONT ntreet, running through to Letitia greet, non occupied by ?leers. John Vrtruont 6, Co. Apply to L J LEVY & CHESTNUT /Area, eibo,e VOL. G. DE KORPONAY lIAS THE honor to inform the Citlaens of Philadelphia that he line been anpeieted INTERPRETER of the totted elates Coortl, and opened An Unice for trailed:Ohm, of all Modern Language! at 1010 UEottli I: Street, above TENTH, where he e JI ho in attendance to all the bate au, trametion, In Ina Ito,. V.A.VING FUND.--UNITED STATES TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. - - - Large and small Name received, and paid back nn de. mend, without notice, with FIVE PER CENT INTER. EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office houra, from until o'clock every dap, and on MONDAY EVENINGS from 7 until 0 o'clock. DRAFTS for Bale on England, Ireland, and Scotland, from £1 upwards. President—ATEPTlEN R. CRAWFORD. Treasurer—PLlNY FISH Teller—JAM Ed R. HUNTER melTlylf WI At,ll, 1 N 1: 1 1I E TA l i t t E l 3I i - tNT R I4 I ; 3 l A ' l U t C 1 11. N41 1. S r ° l e f t - . weer of Broad, Into of 505 ARCH tHreet. Lead Coffins always on heed. jal-6m Qr,wING N E S.—The , t Knlpire 13 Candi, Sewing Machine" is the only low•yriced double-threaded machine In the market No " chain stitch." J. W. TAUGART d CO , Agents, Corner SIXTH and ARCH County and State rights fur note. Machine* cup plied. ja9-201.- "fI)USSIA MATS.--500 dozen RUSSIA 1-1 , MATS, suitable for gardeners' use. For solo by WEAVER, A. CO , No 23 North WATER street, jaS•tf And 22 North Wharves WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS. WANTED—A situation by a young man, in the above business, who has had two yearn' experience In Merchandising, and who can command from twenty to twenty-live thousand dollars for the first year in near Pennsylvania trade. Address Pox 380, Ifollidaysburgh, Pith. co , Penn. )aO-7t* WANTED—A VESSEL to load in the I V Louisiana lino for Now Orleans. Apply to BISHOP, STAMM, h CO , ja7.6t 120 (late 30) North Wharves. ROSIN.--600.13ARRELS SOAPMAKERS 111 , ROSIN, to Arrive per arhoonor J. 11. Flanner For axle by MARTIN k DIAOALIBTER, Kn. 119 Math !Wen street. 14THEATLEY' 9 -ARCH ET. THEATRE. —SOL BWHEALEY SATURDAY EVENING, Jarmary W Sth,. /858 T. Alia performance to woimence frith the Grand Spee• hosier' Play of THE LAST DAYS OP‘POMPEII. A rbacee, Mr N L Davenport; ,Lydon, Mr Wm Wheat ley; lone, Miss Emma .Taylor ,Nydia, Mrs E L Doves pot I'. 7 o conclude with a New Romantic Drama, entitled 7'7111 MALI! HUNTERS; Or, A SISTER'S LOVE. Beg Sin, Mr. E. L. Davenport; Henry Haller, Mr, W I.i!. Myers; Rube, Mr. Tennehal; Adele, Itre. Dave.. port; Roe, Emma Taylor. Dame or Palince.—Boxes, 25 cents; Secured Faits, 88 cents; Orchestra Stolle, 50 cents; Seats in Private .Bootee, 75 cents, Gallery, 15 cents, Gallery for Colored Petenons, 2.5 cents; Private Box. in Gallery for Colored Benions, 38 cents :Box Office open from 10 A. M. until 3P. M. Doors will open at 6X, o'clock; performance to Commence at 7, precisely. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST. NEAR EIGHTH. LI ESEI3 WESLEY BARMORE. Al 6113TANT MANAGER R. JOHNSTON. BI'AG hf DIRECTOR lilt J. B. ADDIS. SATURDAY EVENING, January oth, 1868, The performance will commence and conclude with th o Great Local Drama entitled THE POOR OP NEW YORK. ['tad Fairweather Mrs Proctor Id vingston Mr R Johnston Bitdger ....Mr. Barmore Meta Mrs Cunningham. Lucy Fairweather lira. Butler. PRICZA or A/MIS:MN-25 Cents to all parts of the House. Doors open at tihi o'clock. Performance to tom- Mence at 7x o'clock. .11e1liS. D. P. BOERS' w 1 NUSTREET THEATRE Si.le Lemon MRS. D P. BOWERS Acting and Stage Manager ... .... ....MR. RICAIINOS SATURDAY EVEN Mi, January oth, Will be performed the celebrated Tragedy of JANE SHORE. Duke of 6louce•tor, Mr Sher ell; Earl or llnetings, Mr lloniface; Jane Shore, Mrs 1) P Demon); Aline, Mrs Conway. To conclude with the COMIC Draine, entitled GIBALDA. Gil, the Miller, Mr °wean; 1 ucio, Mr Yen Osten; Giralda, Mies itichinu; Grand Dachau, Miss A Wilke. Prices of Adrnieeion 25 Cents. • Secured Beats in Bross Circle 373 Parquet Box Oflico open from 10 o'clock A M. to 3 P. M. Poore open at a quarter to 7 o'clock; curtain will rime at a quarter put 7 o'clock. OLD FOLKS' CONCERT, AT NATIONAL it ALL, MARKET, Street, above Twelfth. FATHER KEMP and his Ohl Folks will give FIVE GRAND CONCERTS, of Ancient and Sacred Music, in Costume of Olden Thee, on each evening of the week 6th, 6th, 7th, 6 th,Janusdy, beginning Tuesday, the ,6th, at 7% o'clock, GRANDFATHER FOSS, going on preside at the Great, Grandiltther Fiddle The unparalleled carom of this unrivalled Musical Company in other cities, where hundreds could not gain admittance, in the e largest halls, bespeak for the citi zens a great treat. Come one, come all, hear their sweet music, and see how you would have looked had you lived one hundred years ago Single tickets 25 cents, at the Hall Season and family tickets for male during the day 01.1.) FOLKS will give an additional Concert this (Saturday) afternoon, at 2'4 o'clock, to glee Children an opportunity to visit them Children's Tickets, 10 cents. E LEVENTH ANNUAL BALL OF inn FRENCH BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. The committee respectfully announce that their AN NUAL BALL for the relief of their indigent country men, will take place at the MUSICAL FUND HALL, on WEDNESDAY EVENINCI, January '..klth.lBk9. Thu tickets, admitting a gentleman and two Indies, V.I. Every effort has been made by the managers to render this popular fere superior to any heretofore given. and they took ronnOently for a continuance of the patronage of the friends of thLi benevolent institution The Germania Band hasbeen engaged for theotcaition Floor Manager, JULUS kIARTIN. COMMITTEE OF ifiIIANUFMENTI S. De,tomt., , M. Sloulier„S, D. Duran.), 1 Durand, P 6 Ducal, Paul Pohl, E Itotiqkel, 11 A. Pintard, W. Pelletier, A TA,Tore, M V. Olry, .1 II Champrony, A. Ardley, Jules Flint, E Franfernut, 11. Perdrirana, It. Tire], jol•.a Mattis Tickets maT be procured of M. E ItOU:SELL, 44 PRUNE Street, and of No. E DI:IIAND, Treasurer, 71$ CIIESFNUT Street. jay tutlo?ArAdtJa 7t .1111 t. VALENTINE.—Ming to the int ..lll-, 1110119 e .511CCUh3 of thin celebrated personator of Ec centric character, he will give three tuore of there very ainuaiii; Entertainments nt CONCERT HALL, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and BATURDAY, nhich elll be given to aid the neceBBitonit workmen of the City. Tickets, 21 cents. Lecture quarter before S o'clock. N.ll The Dr 18 now ready to receive epplications for Lectures, Apply to TILOS. It. ANDREWS, Jai date Concert nail. SANPORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERFORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Lite Illustrated. by Sanforit's Troupe of Stars—New Dances by the Sanford Children Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE AFTERPIECE Admittance 25 cents. Ilitriarance Companics nELAIVARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SURANCE COM-ANY. INCORPORATED IIY TIM LEGISLATURE of PENN- MICE, S E. Corner THIRD an,i WALNUT Etreet.9, Pip LIT)LU I•tlt I. MARINE ISSURANcE, ON VESSELS, CAROB, To ell parts of the World FREIGHT, /,VE,IND INSURANCES. VESTING S, On Goods, by River. Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage to nll tarts or the Union. FIRE INSURANCES, On Merchandise generally. On Stores, DereMpg Houses, k.c. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 2, 1837. Bonds, Mortgages, and Real Estate 8101.330 94 Philadelphia City and other Loans. 137,011 25 Stock In 13.11%, Railroads, and, insurance Companies§ 12 508 00 DIM R0c...15-able 220,2 , 1 93 Carl on hand :10,002 06 Ilaience In bends of Agents, Premium. on Merino Pol.:len recently leaned, on other debts due the Company 02,730 37 Subncriptiou Notes 100,000 00 DIRECTORS. William Martin, Jainea C Hand, Joseph H. Seal, Theopbilua Paulding, Edmund A Sotler, James Trap:air, John C DANIA, William Eyre, Jr , John It Penrose, J. P. Peniston, George 0 helper, Joshua I'. Eyre, Edward Darlington, Samuel E Stoke'', Or. It M Iluaton, Henry Sloan, Wm C Ludwig, Jenne, B McFarland, Hugh Craig, Thornaa C. Hand, Spencer Mellram, Robert Burton, Jr , Charles Kelly, Jno It Semple, Pitt,bgh II lone, Brooks, Dr 'l' Morgan, '• Jacob I' Jones, J. T. Logan, WILLIAM MARTIN, President THOMAS C. HAND, Nice President HENRY I,II.BURN, B,eretary. J.O. y -- CEIMI g riFFICE OF THE QUAKER CITY IN SURASCE COMPANY, 400 IV St•ert. PntLseet moo, Jan 5, ISIS The second mutual meeting of the Stockholders of the Quaker Ci y Insurance Company 11111 hit this use. when the following Officers nod Directors %ere tom, mot Ply elected for the ensuing year; President--CtiO 11 11.11C1'. VI, President —E 1' ROSS Secretary and Treasurer—ll Q COCIUSIIALL Feervtary—S 11 lIUTLEII DIRECTORS Ce,go II Hart, 11'.11AlIry, 1: I' Itonm. Atutrow It Chimnl,rs A C Calton, J L Pomeroy, Joseph I:.lwar•ls, Chas U linky, John ti Dltto, II It Cogghhall, Footer S Perkton, :tunnel Junes, II St Fotkr la 7 Gt /I It COGCSIIALL, See'y GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, PIIILADELPIIIA— office, No SW WALNUT street, west, of THIRD . . "FIRE 1118K8 ONLY TASKS." DIIIIOTOREI Joel Joneq, (leo W Woo !ward, Wm M Swain, II N ihirrough , , John A n.pich, Je , Tlao4 Cm, en, JoPeph Klapp M 1) , A 8 0 ,Ilett. John MoChico, Jer A% alker. J. II lloglie.i, C II Shoemaker, W 8 Boyd, II It CoJ:701111, Wm. C Itwlinan, John W. Claghorn, Franca Peters lion JUIN, JUNES, Pre.]'dent. A. S. (il LLErr, Vice President JNO. S MOMucue, Secretary and Treaenrer JAWISB 11, ALICID, Aeeietant Secretary. Je.7.3m-11 COMMONWEALTSI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVA NIA —Rico, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streett, Philadelphia Eubecrlbad Capital, $500,000, raid -up Capital. $2OO 000. DAVID JAYNE, $l. D , Prositlent. THOMAS 8 STEWART, Vie* Preet. Ilimun. 8 Bloox, 80eretary. tal-1y ItEMOVAL. C. FAWCETT, HAIR CU . :7EI:AX!) W Ii; MAKE' , rett,,,,,t to 102t3 CItiIiTNCT Atreet, four 1b.,. be ET,EI t:NTIL jl2-tf LONOCIIANU"S OLD TOM LONDON conDiAb OlN—The best specific for Dy 7 7,,,, Ditro,s of /ht Krdaryt, and oil At Urinary or,ont TIM 41FE4T TONIO AND INIILORANT The late important reduction of the duties on erents hits pet mated the introduction o f U,,, rr mutable firth to, uNed ro extern,. el) in Europe, a ith the appro bation of the medical faculties, guarantiod pure and unadulterated, withdrawn for consumption Iron the vaults at the Custom 1101,0 It is reco.nmendei to 1.11 families by the best physicians, either as a curative or as a pres,.utita a! the *bore tiara,, F. D LONtiCIIAMP, Sole Importer amt Proprietor, 217 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia, Pa For slle at the principal Drug Stores of Philadelphia and other cities ot the United States, CIIAMECIN, 201 South FRONT Street, Sole Agent for the district of Philadelphia del2-tutlislmst 18 -DIARIES FOR THE DESK 08. and POCKET, of every size, variety, and description of Binding, for sale, wholesale and retail, by the Publishers, tio MfgS .4o l u l4 , o;FAT i lt r fr i CO jal-inweslw corner of Merchant street 311NOED MEAT.- The Bubscriber hex commenced manufacturing ha which ho offers to hie customers in Linos or SMALL. QUANTITIES. Orders through BLOOD'S DISPATCH wlll be pun°. %%tally attended to. JOSHUA WRICHIT, nl3 2tnd SPRING GARDEN And FRANKLIN me. VERY SUPERIOR N 0.40 TWO-THREAD Y LUANG TWINE, just recehed and for sale by WEAVER, FITLER & jrP2-tt No. 23 N WATER bt end :13 N. WHARVES. 52000 TONS or MITCHELL 14r. OROAS daIOn Improved nuper PHOSPHATE) OW LIalE, for aide CROASDAI.E, PEIRCE de CO , No. 103 N. Delaware avenue MANILLA ROPE.--SUPERIOR MA LC& NILLA ROPE, mannfeattmed and for este by WEAVER, PITLER k 00 buR-If No. 23 N. Wear it.. and 77 N Wharyo SPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 titils Spirits Turpentine, to arrive, for tale by MARTiff k bIAMISTEIt, an 1 u 9 riorth Water ;dread. FLOQIUNG BOARDS-23,680 feet Care- Us A oozing boards, .boat, for sale by MARTIN ec MAO/LISTER %Al 11C0 North Wear Rtn.ll VHARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholoaale V and Itetwil WHIP ~pd CANN Ltanasoturer, No. 41 np OUP 4 TgiiteNik 11114 2lmitotmento 70..7 , 4 37 ilemovals Ne Plus Ultra MINCED MEAT, Salts by cAuctitnt. MTHOMAS & SONS, •. Noe. 139 eAcl 141 800tH FOURTH 8 2 / 1 2112 (Formerly Noe 67 and 69 ) STOCKS, MORTGAGE, REAL ESTATE, /cc. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing (11 de scripttoLe of all the property to be sold on Tuesday next,l2th instorith a lame arnouat and great Ira. rlety of VALVAItLE KCAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. HEAL ESTATE, STOOKS, de. Public Sales at the Philadelphia Exchange 4,4 ry Tuesday Evening. 1D Handbills of each property Issued separately, to addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giv'og full descriptions of all the ikoperty to be sold on the following Tneedey. 1.7" FURNITURE SALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. 1U - We have a large amount of Real Estate at Fri vol. Sale. including every description of City and country property. Printed Lists may be had at the aocnon Btote. PRIVATE BALE REGISTER. ITS` Real Estate entered on our Private Sale Re rater, and advertised occasionally in our Public Sale A ee bstr of char acts, (ogt which 1,000 copies are printed weekly,) fre, . STOCKS, LOANS, &c. :elo.•uke,l4l'at Evening, phl 7,Achange nat__ToOa T . e rry Compaq mortgage coo 400 shares Now York and )fiddle Coal Field Railroad and Coal Company. One share "Butler Houle' Hotel Company stock-4100 paid. 5 shares American Academy or Music Share's in the Philadelphia Library, Mercantile Li. beau., and Philadelphia Atheneum. 19 shares Cheater Valley Railroad Company, without reserve, by indeed' Executor. Executor's Sale —93 shares Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Company 9'..6) paid. Sale absolute. :15 shares Greenwich Improvement Railroad Com piny. Par 5200, all pail. REAL ESTATE - SALE--JANUARY 12th. This sale will include Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John 9 Jones, Dee'd. VIM:F.-STORY BRICK DWELLING .--Sontheast Corner of Ninth end Poplar streets. MODERN RESIDENCE.—Neat modern residence, No. 615 North Eighth street. below Green street. FARM OF THIRTY AORES.—Delurable small farm of 10 acres, with improvements, Chester county, Pa.. near the Chester Valley and Reading Railroads. Full particulars now ready in handbills. PEREMPTORY SALE—STORE AND DWELLING.— Three.atory brick store and dwelling, No. 1201 Coates street, west of Twelfth street. PEREMPTORY SALE—TWO BRICK DWELLINGS -Two three-story brick dwellings, No. 1912 Olive street, west of Twelfth street. MORTGAGE —A first mortgsge for 12 824. secured on a three-story brick dwelling, Northeast corner of Beach and Maiden streets, with a perpetual insurance for 4500 ORPFIANS' COURT BALE, 26T11 JANUARY. Esbito or Frederick Pfeil, deceased —Three-story brick dwelling, brick slaughter house, and lot, South Nth street, north of Reed street MODERN DWELLING —The modern three-story brick (livening, No 2031 Vine street, west of Twen tieth street LOT, THREE FRONTS —The valuable lot and Bvs small brick buildinge, 8. E corner Catharine street, Leber= street, and Moore street, between Ninth and Tenth streets Extensive Sale. STOCK OP COTTAGE PUILNITUBX, CANE-SEAT AND WINDSOR CHAIRS, SPRING, HAIR AND , HUSK MATTRESSES, Ico. On {fedoralay morning, January 13th, at 10 o'clock, at No 1010 Chestnut street, by catalogue, the entire stock of Messrs. Ware & Hall, comprising a general assortment of cottage chamber furniture, and parlor furniture, extensive dionig-tables, cane-seat and Windsor chairs. spring, hair, and husk mattresses, Ac., all manufac tured in the best manner, expresnly for retail sales. 51.1 y be examintil with catalogues three dap, previous to sale. Salo for account of United States CLOTHING, BOOTEES, DRUMS, Se. On Friday Morning, Jemmy 15th. at 11 o clock, at the suction rooms, for account of the United Staten, 234 uniform costa, 215 pairs woollen overalls, IVi fatigue jackets, 10 linen I ickets, 25 watch coats, 146 cotton sliirta, 31 blankets, '.57 Nur bbotAss, 403 kntpnaeks, 34 yards scarlet cloth, It tenor 7 nun., 3 buts drums, 110 drum snares, lot uni form and fatigue caps, pompooas, belts, hair mat• tresses, he. ILI Terms--sash, payable in specie. AT PRIVATE SALE. Shares in the Academy' of Music; Point Breese Put; Philadelphia and MpreantileLibraries ; Athenatrt,&e. FAlthai AT PRIVATE'SALE. The elegant country seat and farm, known as " Par ley," late the residence of Richard Paxson, deceased, formerly of Dr. Shipper', is offered at priente kale. Pall descriptions Inv be had at the auction rooms FURNESS, BRINLEY, R CO., 22.1 MARKET dtreet jal-y n SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, (succes x). Ror to WOLIOIRT & SCOTT,) 43101LESTN V T Bt., oppoalte the Chetom noose, betteen "'mirth and fifth Streets. BY ALFRED M. HERKNESS, PHILADELPHIA MORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR, nouth east corner of Ninth and George Ste., between Chestnut sad Walnut streets . . ID- Sales of horses, carriages, and harness, held regularly every SATURDAY lORNINO, throughout the year, commencing at 10 o'clock. The largest collection of new sad second-hand carriages, harness, paddles, Ise , in the city, may be seen at this establishment for priests sale. lrr Carriages ' , stele ed on storage. ID - Out-door sales attended to on reasonable terms. I.IOIt4IES ' VEHICLES, AND HARNESS. On Satunlay Morning, At 10 o'clock, at the 13••aar, will be sold, horses, vehicles, and harness. JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO 422 WALNUT STREET, above FOURTH. OARD-ALE OF HOUSEHOLD PUTINITURS—TUZS. 1.17 - We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 4:h2 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor us with consignments. Families having portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, can hare their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALILB BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF TIIS FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORM IN TIIII CITY. 117. Persons tayoring ns with conslgnm ants can Zed immured that their property will not De sacrificed. ID — Commissions more moderate than those charged by soy other Auction House in the city. Consignments re iipectftilly solicited. LICr Sales paid immediately after the Fronds are Sold ltEkL ESTATE SALE,-JANUARY 13th _ . This ash" at the Egehauge, on Wednesday evenhog, January I.ith, ISSI, at 7 o'clock, will include— Orphans' Conrt SAle —Estate of John Ward, Deed TWO Frt.t.sin HOCSES. SOMERSET ST , NINE TEENTH 1S ARD —The lot of ground, with two frame houses thereon erectrd, northwest aide of Somerset street, 100 feet northwest from Almond etreet, Nino teenth ward, 20 feet front and 10d feet deep $l7 ground-rent. ID" f5O to he pool at the .le. 'IF:AL ESTATE SALE, 27TH JANUARY. This sale at the Exchange, on Wednesday evenatg, "7th January,l , •:S, at 7 o'clock, will include— Orphans , Court Sale—EKtate of Henry BretbotT, deed. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE AND 1,01, VERNON A tao-story brick house and lot. east side of Vernon rdreet, Southwark. IS feet front, 6S feet deep It IN tsterlioo ground rent. Orpbani` Court tale—Estate of Lyßa Thompson, deed PROPERTY, HARMON 1 . STREET, LATE SOUTH A lot of ground north side of Harmony street, 85 feet Irmo Fourth street, feet front, 6 feet deep $l.l ground rent C. 7 - 41,10 to bo paid on each of the aboes when the lithe is struck ol( REAL ESTATE SALE—FEBRUARY :i4l, Icii This sale will be held at the Exchange on Wednesday evening, February ?t, Pr.:lt, at 7 o'clteck, and will in• elude— Orphan.' Court Sale—Estate of Wm R Daniel 4, Sectl BRICK 1101"Sk: AND LOT, CHESTNUT STREET, A two-ntory twit hou4e sot lot o f ground, south ids of Chestnut street. 175 feet westward of Till street. is the Taenty-fourth ward of the etty, '2.5 feet front and fret deep to Georze street Clear of Itteututaanee ED' (JO to boo paid when struck off AT PRIVATE BALE. A first-tiros Prieting, Office, with • ga.,l ran of tIVIi• sees four printing presses, two Hu and one Adams Type nod everything necessary fur the business. Apply at the Auction Rime lANICIEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, And .110 NET LOAN OFFICE, No 112 South Street, below WaLoot, opposite Pear st., only eight doors below the Elchange nears of bualnesa from 7 o'cloek, A. U., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and mass at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL Icloo 000. listaWiked far ;Ai Bin Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thoccands on Dla monde, Silver Plate, Wetchee, Jewelry, Hardware, Her chand Lye, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Inatrumeota, Gun', Horses, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of Urns agreed upon. All Advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will be charged 2 per rent. per month; 1500 and over, the lowest market rate. This Store Mouse having a depth of 120 feet, has large fire nod thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pre rate watchmen for the premises ' • also, a heavy Inca ranee effected for the benefit of all persona havens goods felvaneed upon N R —On accoant of baring an unlimited cap,tal, this office le prepared to male advance, on more sate= factory and accommodatuag tenni than any other In this city. Money advanced to the poor, fn small amounts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE PALE Gold Patent Leven arid ether Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be soli at reduced prices. au.l-11 310 A S N . D E e S 03 N im .:1 :,3 T io i s i A m N I;R S tIIA A N U T CT B I( x )I . !R e, SIXTH and RACE Streets. - - AT PRIVATE PALE' —Gold and silver patent lever, Leploe, English, Swiss, ►ed French watches, jewelry, of every description, mutiatl instruments, Jte.,.ke AT PRIVATE PALE—Arranged on eeeend door household furniture, of every ttttcription, bogs, cult carpotiog. locking glaNses, fancy &Melee, Ac., Ac , d.e. Out-door sales attended to Personally by the Auction eer Charge, very low Coneignmente of (=attire clothing, jewelry, Act do , solicited. MONEY ADVANCED. Ltheral each 84,I1CPi taste on SI3MOII t 4, watches, iewelry, silver•plate. dry goods. clothing, grocer., bards are, cutlery, /wars, inns:cal instrument., fowl• lug pieces, furniture, betting, horses, vehicle., ant on all articles of value . • . AT PRIVATE SALE, AT RALF TILE CSCIA.L SELLIND PRICER —Pouble•bottomed and hauling mile gold patent lever watches, of the most ap proved makes; hunting vise and open face gold escape ment levet and lepine watches, full jeweled ; fine gold enameled lever and lepine watches for Isdies',• gold jewelry of every descripti in, silver lever and lepine watches, In hunting cues and open face; silver English, Swiss, and French watches, a general assortment of fur niture, beds, mattresses, mirrors. OUT-DOOR, SALES SOLICITED, andeharges to Eat the times. low. Consignmeeti of erery description of goods solicited for public or pmvate sale MONEY ADVANCED on all and emery kind of goods, for public or print* sale, or to be held for a bruited time. Charges low. GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. B. oorner of BARRON find SOUTH Street' &bore Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVERY SATURDAY EVENING, At Tx o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cot let), llonsekerp ng Articles, Clothing, Watohes, Jewel Ty, Yoncy ito o cu tionen'o furnisliing izoobo FINE SHIRTS, made to order, and war ranted, of elegant material and superior *ark insesbip Ale°, Dress Stocks and Gentlemen's Wrap p er s, at the Premium Store Cl W. W. KNIGHT, 814 ARCH Street, above Sixth. no2l-) Ai/RAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP PERS i—A. very large and elegant assortment at reduced prices. Also, heavy antler-clotld❑,r of all de scriptionn, for gentlemen's wear, at W. W.KNIGLIT'S, 812 ARCII Street, above Sixth. no2l-7 WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. Tee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the moat perfect fitting article made. At whole sale and retail, aad made to order. any-lyit uutiL%iwi_ t HOMESTEAD FOR *2,00 ! LA-ND DM 281.1rCOOIC 011ANC3 101 1001_.1111! The Northwesters lineal Lead SWIM -Ariectiseem will makes grand distrfaatker of $30.1100 man og real moate ant maps to it. samisbers. /le airsiber of MlA ben 14 linseed to 160000. 1209 ,AAPtis lethe Mew per membership, or a Aare. Aayladletchnel essai ng $lO and the stamps, shall be entitled to ex storm or my person aeodiag $lO with xis names with thudding" of each, carefully writtea, shall be entitled teas above The following Is the real Mato Itei be Merillmsei No. 1. An Improved farm of SO aorta la Oldie Co , Illlnole , aired at 13,000 No. 2. An improved farm of 160 aorta In Mate aides Co-, Illinois vaned at No. 3 An improved farm of Maass In Whits sides Co., Illinois, Tasted at 1,000 No, 4. An excellent priests madame haDabume, lows, valued at SAC No. 6. 169 acres superior farm lard ix Cooks Co., Illinois, valued at 3,000 No. 6. 160 acres well pine timbered in Wairpades Os., Wisconsin, vaned at 1,000 No. 7. A good lot mil cottage residence is Ohl mgo, Illinois, vaned at SOO Ao. _LI 160 acres superior Ised in Whiteside* Co., Illinois. valued at 1.600 No. 9. 100 acme good land to Chlppeway Co., Wisconsin, valued at SOO . No. 10. 160 acne good land to Chippeway Qo Wisoonsio, vaned at 900 No. 11. 100 acres good land I. Chippriray Wisconsin, valued at No. 12, 100 acre good land l Dam Clo., oonsin. Tamed at 100 No. 13. 80 acme good laad in Marshall Co , Isms, valued at POI No. 14. 80 urn good land in Marshall Co., Dews, valued at ooo No lb. 80 acres good land In Marshall Co., lowa, valued at 180 No. 16. 40 sores good land in Mutual Co., fain, valued at 101 N 0.17. 40 acres good land la Linn Co., lowa, mi ned at 709 No. 18. 40 acres good land In LusnCo., lowa, val ued at 1100 N 0.19. 40 acres good lead in Linn Co., lowa, rai ned at 1100 N 0.20. One building lot In Dubuque, lowa, ray zed at SOO N 0.21. Cue building lot in Sterling, valued at No. 21. One building lot in Sterling, Lilincds, valued at 1111 No. 23 u - O one building lot in Sterling, vald 2130 No. 24- 49 acres farm land In Grant Co., sin, valued at SOO No. U. 40 acres farm land in Grant Co., Wiesee -1112, raked at atit No. 26. 40 acres Land la Groat Co , Wiscoma, valued at N 0.21. 40 acne land la Gnat Co., Wisesesta, valued at 5160 No. 28. 40 urn laud to Crawford Cht.,Wltotaata, randat 600 No. 29. 40 aerie land is Crawford Co , Rinestart, valued at 309 No. 30 40 acme land in Crawford Co., Inmost% valued et No 31. 40 sow land la Monroe Co., Wleconds, valued at 106 No. 82. 40 scree land lE Monroe Co., Wisconsin, valued at EA No 33. 40 acres land In Jackson Co., Wisconals, valued at No Si. 40 acres land in Sedum Co., Wiseman, valued at Xb NO 33. 40 acres laid In Bad Axe Co , Wiscoosto, valued at 160 No 36 40 auras land in BM Axe Co., Winona% veined at 110 No. 31. 40 acres land IA Bad Are Co.,lfiaconds, valued at 160 No. as One let In ratan, Illinois, rand at. 700 No 39. One lot in Palma, Illnois, raised at ZOO No, 40. One lot in Patton. Illineu , valued at 100 The esteibutioa will oci conducted fatty and lereo-a ably The names and addrias of stockholders shall be wmtten on es many small ands ae they by shams, and the whole placed In a box, and the list sans talon out shall be entitled to the improved arra NO. Ila the* above lift, and the next taken out will be entitled to No. 2. and so on until the 40 steps of real estate at. all distmbuted Then to each of the remaining la ir t stockholders will be sent a cheap map of • State or Territory. A full account of the listiiherden will be forwarded in a printed eireaLar, to each resesabee of the Association, with the names and address of men as may receive the real cetate—to whom also the dead., will be sent and immediate poeseudon given. Each ap plication must be accompanied with 42.00 sad OVA 14/2144 stamps. Address LINDELL, JONEE CO., ao - laChicago, LLlkneht. fIEIOICE FARM LAMA, roil SALE.-- V TR& I LLINOISCIENTRAL RAILROAPOOMPANT is non prepared to sell anent 1,94,000 sem at dolt* Paraus; hods, is tracts of 40 saes and *prude, oft long emit Ls. std at los rates of interest_ These lands were granted by the Govenneeat to aid In the construction of this hoed, and are among the richest ant wrist fertile In the world. They Weal from North-Nast and North:-Kest, tit:oust the middle of the State, to the extreme South, and include every variety of climate and productions found Uptown flume parallels of latitude The Northern portion is Weedy prairie, interspersed with line groves and to the middle and Southern sections timber p altereatiag with beantifol prairies and openings. The climate is more healthy, mild and equable, than any other part of the sonntty—the air is pare and has. ring, while living stream and springs et excellent water &boned. Bituminous Cued is ertenlirely Ruined and npplies • cheap and desirable fuel. being famished at meow points at 2 to 114 per ton -- and 'wad can be had at the same rate per curl. Building atone of excellent quality also aberrads. hich me be procured for little maze Chas the expenee I truzuportation. The mat (agility of these Linda viaoh area Wadi rich mould, franc two to Ore feet deep, aad putty roll Inc, their °nativity to this road, by which. every bed lity is furnished for travel and transpairtalices to the principal markets North, South, Tin. West. and the economy with which they can be cultivated, runter them the most valuable investment tat can be found, and present the most favorable opportanity for persons of industrious habits and mall means to acquire a cam tamable independence in a few years. Chicago is now the greatest grans market to the world; and the facility and economy with which the products of these lands can be transported to that market, snake them much more profitable, at the prices asked, than those more remota at government rates, as the addi tional cost of transportaton is a perpetual tax on the letter, which mast be borne by tke producer, in the re dnead price he received for his grain. foe. That lila is perfect--and when the Baal payarata ara made, deeds are executed by the trusteed appointed by the State, and in whom the title la seated, to the par chasers, which coney to them absolute tithes in fee free and clear of ewery inexualinince, lien at snort. Fie prima ars from VI to pa : Interest only a per ct. Twenty per et. trill be deducted from the prim for coal. Those who porches on lougereiit,gire Rota payable in two, three, four, live and idiyeare chordate, and are required to improve one-tenth annually for En pant, so se to have one-half the land under naltiraticia at the end of that time. Ocirepetensaarrepera will sooinapany those srhe vials to *LAUD° these Lands, tree of charge, and aid then in making seleetwo.a. The Lands remaining unsold are as rick sad minable as those which here been disposed of. - SECTIONAL MAPS Will be sent to any one who will enclose tfty tents to postage stamps, and books or pamphlets containing so merous instances of sucrestrfal farming, sigma bl ro spectable and well known farmen liviag in the neigh borhood of the android Leads, throughout the State— also the cost of fencic.g, price of castle, expense of har vesting, threshing, etc ,—or any ethic Mforination— will be chesrfolly given on application, either petsonsily cc by letter, in English, !much, or German mildreemd, to JOHN *WON. Lard Commissioner of the Illinois Central R. R. Co. Ogles In Illt • roes Central Railroad. Depot., Memo, Il linois. sal LANDS! L AND S!!-I OFFER FOR ale the fallowing. rainable LAMA BOVIR WESTERN GEORGIA. All persona an hereby am none , ' against ttrepUeing non an) of them. October, 7557 l t . B BLOOM, Mufti, Oa t Dutrict—Nat. 60, 95, 97 7th Thstr:ct—Nor. 3.13. 9th So—Sta. 19. VA. SM, 340, MI, 370, 00, 410, 406, 403 oth routslct—Nos. 45, 46, 47 wets C UT Ith 11:strict—N.A. 124. SIS 15th do •• 11. 12, 5.5. 16th Co " 27. 23. =. LIZ C,CITT lit Distriet—Net.l.V. If 4, 165, 194 13th do 4 lil 14th do 113., 144. I:13= =ll XXXXX LL 00:11TT its Dlstrict—NW 122, 250 Ith do •• 13.?..11)1 =II Sat Di.lrlct—So 144 LIM= EBIIM2I 13h do ‘• d 14. I. M. .7.4. NI. NY, S 4. DECIT:7I ct-ICri .1::h do •• 190. It4i. 13111311313M3 PA.trict—Nel 211. 212. 213. 211, 22.221, Tom. 152, 211 •cc+ioa COCITT 13311=113 I=l Sth Ms:net—\o+. II:, 88 Ith Co •• 63- 64. rrKINGSFORD 8: SON'S PURE • ooIVEGO STARCH , for the lacniry) has etate. I.,hed a Oreater celebrity than has tote Lees by any oth , r Starrh lble has beer. the resell of its marled tcperrointy is ..ratllty. t..l :Ls .n•sr.ahle The c may he assured of the cont.taanee. of nos high Canis,: now e.t.a:a...het The production is over 20 tone daily, azi .L.ZIL4I kis extended throe bout the whole toiled Slates atel to fore ;u countries Working that on it very large seal*. and ttvxer a r-gtl IrteD3. they are able to totem a perfect uniformity in the lailtty thircaghont the year. Tha ts the great de s deretura to its :eh-making, =lie [lAL:ed now for the Era time The very beet Starch that can be made, and as *rise, I. always wanted by consamers.alad this w.. 1.1 be sop plied to them by the Grocers mecca ea thtlr ceston.rre. have learned which is the beat. and sal for Wise they wonll be likely to get that artscle em which the large.: pmnt mute made. )Sr Elora:or! has here engaged in the siamfactur• of .5' tar( Et coo t. r the Ise:'.'." yea.-,. and daring the whole of the penal the Starch male stmber bee been, beyond any qaestlon, the best Ir. the market. For the Er't II years he had charge a the works of tort Colgate &. Co , at whirl period he in. seat,-! the r rort•• a the manufactory of Cara _.arch Fr Ask for KINGSFORD'S BURG& Ls the cars Oswego has recently been taken by another factory. It is sold by all the best gres.Yri in nearly every tart of the country T KINGSTORD & SON'S OSWEGO CORN STARCH (for puddings, de.e. ) has obtained an Neal eelebrtty with their Starch for the Landry. This artitle is pe fectly pore, and is, in every respect. equal to the best Bermuda Arrow Root, besides harms additional seal, ties which reader it invaluable for the dessert. Potato Starch has been esteivively pac ked and to:3 M Corn Starch, and has given fide, thlprewthr.B to many no to the real cent* of oar Corn Starch. From its great delicacy and parity, it is coming also nto general nee as a diet for infanta and invalids. .E. KELLOGG &CO , Agents, 14t3 YCLTON Street, S. SE WING MACHINES.—GROPER, BAKER. k CO '8 UNRIVALLED BEIELNG MA CH INE-S retain the confidence of the public. and their popularity increases. After years of trial it is de monstrated beyond all question that it is the popular Machine, and the only one upon which any reliar-ts can be plated to work .ell on ail kinds of shore. The fact that it does one-third more work in the same tune, ant does it better; that it is the treat liable to get out of repair, being simple in its construction; that it makes the least noise, and that it is acknowledged on all heals that it is best for a new beginner, has given the pro prietors a demand for it to such an extent that they are obliged to delay the filling of orders in many cases for months. Over eight hundred are in operation in this city, and the case has yet to °omit where a person who has purchased one has exchanged it for another kind Taking . into constderation, also, the fact that those who employ from lb to 40 banal in their shops, doing the work for the manufacturers, without exception.. use thts machine in preference to any other had, and al ways recommend them in preference to others, it would seem unneceresry for the proprietors to advertise their excellence, or set forth their superiority. The anderaigned,SOLE AGENTS for the sale of these Machines. always bare a supply, and hare made such arrangement' that they sell them upon terms that will meet the wishes of all. Unlike other Machines sold in this market, it ti free from all Infringements of other patents. BAKER & BROTHER, CitaTRAL BQelak. Loll. PP lISSIA AND AMERICAN TARRED CORDAO2 —a superior article, irianatacluar • and for sale by WlAvElit., YITLIEt & CO., ri0.113 N. Wider et., & 11 N. Timm.