The press. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1857-1880, January 02, 1858, Image 4
e _ THE P OLPIT: fltepotteil rot' The Preval THE ROOT 0 V ALL EVIL. , 4-Sermon, based upon _this .tople., entitled -; ceSin revealed bytho judgments' of,God,.or the iiMrdinato desire of wealth in, sonic of its moral- Issues,"' was recently preached at St. Jude's Church, by - the -rector, Rev. Edward . , Lounebery. ;The tort of: Script:ire selected for tho occa sion may be found -in .St. Paul's First Epistle to. , Timothy, sixth _chapter and ninth verse, as follows : ' 4 ; They That will be rich full into temptation and.a aiaare, and into many foolish and hurtful katfonhich - drown men in, destruetion•and ' per- The discourse which followed this announce ment, !as one of the most forcible- and elo quent rebukes upon the mammon-worshiping spirit of the age that we have ever listened to, and_plunged the Probing instrument of Gospel integrity &little deeper into the moral ulcers that infect liecielY, then ve have been - wont to hear even from the sacred desk, - • • In the speaker said there was no feature :of the Bible more remarkable than its wonderful adaptation to the.perpetually-vary ing condition of oursoce. Thus, in its deli neation of, the ways 'and works of , mon, and the practical issues to which they lead, though drawn thousands of years ago, we found a faithful portraiture of the world it 'now is., Ito portraits 'then were living ;Lets,, and its pre cepts were alike ,applidable to every land and age, and which fact alone was, in the speaker's Opinion; one of the strongest .evidences of their' diving origin; Nor was 'this' admirable adeption oil a circumscribed character; it was `146- manifest in the economies of man's mate-. fiat life, as in the deeper spiritualitles of reli gion, and in his social relations as truly as his individual. . , • . A.strilting illustration ottlie truth of this, was efforde'd in the teat under consideration, in s its application to . one of the great loading motives of the human-heart. Thus, the idola try of :wealth- 7 411e .detornalnation to be rich, wore the sime , dAtigerons. foatnies ,now, and brought forth the same bitter fruits among us; as it did tifthat forSlistant land' and age when Sti-,fl gni-declared -that " tho love of money Was. the soot of all evil;" and," continued the speaker, , "could-'we but look upon this eager strife 'for wealth—in the midst of which we are living—in the - light of that, eternal • world to which we are hastening; could wo bike our principles And, purposes to the scorch ing ordeal of the dying hour, and the bar of - God, we should ice/ that however others may base - sat for the fearful. delineation of • our text,' its admonitions and its warnings are all for us." There was enough to convince us that money had never held such a controlling sway over the human heart and life as here in our own land.. 'With us, it - had become the . . ruling passion. Among the ancients, virtue N'abut another name for Warlike courage and - ,daring;brit with us, a man's'wealth often won for him -a position in society, that was with hold.from the mere, but nobler characteristics :of,a pure and pion* manhood. • c( Ho* Dutch is he worth?" was the touch- stone of popular judgment, and which to the Speaker's mind indicated the first great sin of our land. We had made wealth our idol by investing its current symbol with one of the attributes of the Almighty! and bad rendered ,1 •to it a,deferenee, a social homage, and a per- Nobel- respect, equal, and in Many cases mine- rior, to those which we render unto God. But God - had now laid his hand upon our idol, and Made us Teel. how worthless and powerless a thing it was, and which had done to tear away the delusion that has blinded our eyes to , this national sin. The head and hands'of this' Dagon of our day had, like .his prototype of old, - been cut off by his fall. But the judgment of God wont beyond this, and touched not only the." root" of our sins, bat • also its growing trunk, its spreading 'branches, and its maturing fruit. The ayes toile figpre .warranted us in characterising the popular inapulse, "let am be quickly rich" 'as the first , product—the great trunk =of the tree; for it was this that was allowed to ine• Mopolize the mighty energies of the human will, and the, lofty ambition of the human heart, and direct them toward the achievement Of this world's.wealth as the one great purpose of -To trace this evil to its end let a man set out with this single purpose, to die a rich man; let him determine at all hazards to amass wealth, and from that moment ho loses the noble elements of his manhood, he binds him self to the service of a degrading pasSion, and becomes, step by step, the helpless slave of Satan! And, yet, such was the plan of life which, as a people, we had adopted. - To be rich was the goal to which we were all pushing; wealth was the prize for which We were all contending, and to this one end all - other - things- -were made.' subordinate. "Wrr.r, rr PAY 1" was the first great question to 'be Settled in undertaking any now enter prise, whether conceived in the workshcip, the counting-house, the3council chamber, or even the church itself.' ThiS fact, the speaker thought, emphatically stamped our age as 'mercenary, and might well lead us to inquire, is it true that "every man has his price ?" and is it true that the mer chant will barter his honor—the judge his inte grity—the witness his conscience and the legis lator his, patriotism ? and is it true the votes at - the ballot-box, and in our halls of legislation, like-stocks "on 'Change," fluctuate with the state of the market? and true that ver dicts can be bought like lawyer's pleas, ankle dicial decisions be swayed by a bribe? and lastly, is it true that no law can be passed any longer in our Legislatures which ie not first well paid for, and that no man can any longer bo elected to office unless he or his friends are willing to bleed freely in the Procees ? And if se, to _what do_ we owe it but to .this intense thifst forlold—this grasping, besotting ava rice of money - And does it not show, too, if these things are true, that we value money higher than character, or honor, or integrity, or patriotism, or truth, or justice, aye I higher than the soul or arousal - Ho did not know whether such things were true or not. For the honor of his country and his race, he would fain brand them as malicious libels I Yet, what ho Would ask, mean all these sad symptoms of corruption on the surface, if there be no disease covered up beneath As a first deduction from the naercifullesson which God evidently designed to teach us in our present financial troubles, we had tho evi dence before us that milltitudeshave sought to gain wealth without rendering to society any equivalent therefor, and which - was In'open violation of God's law, which made labor' the basis of.wealthhy declaring that no one is en titled to 'claim anything -as his own until lie rarm it. The law of Heaven mado it right for every man to reap in proportion as he sows, and if he thui grow rich, no matter how rapid ly, lie is fairly entitled to it, because he has earned it; but when a man wick) to grow rich by taking advantage of the igno ranco, or ireaknesses, or mistakes, or necessi ties othia fellow men, as is the case with those who:embark upon the- troubled and treache rous waters of speculation, he places himself • :beneath the ban of gospel rebuke ; and he would add that no honest, conscientious man could ever be induced to enter upon such a pursuit unless he werefirstfatallyblinded by the two eager desire of:gain., In no respect did the speculator differ from the gambler. The --one staked his success upon the cast-of a die, or bin skill in guiding of a ball, whilst the other based it upon the possible, contingency • of a rise in the value of his purchase, or upon his ability to forestall the market, but both were alike fortuitous ;" neither rendered a fair equi valent for his gains ;,both grew rich 'upon the `losses of their victims ; neither added one par ticle to the wealth or comfort of society, and accordingly both Were alike hostile to gospel morality. ' ~But, in the next place, it was affirmed by the speaker that many, in their eager pursuit 'of wealth, Were willing to adopt loss/1.9 not only unproductive of, any zood to society, but which were positively injurious. , ' In this class :'were included thote• who -mado aud sold the means of intoxication ; who palmed' off upon the community, as, a wholesome beverage, the most= deleterious" 'and fatal drugs; and how - fearful, indeed, mist be the deluding power of the love 'of money, when it leads men, pro fessing to be Christians, to plunge lute such a vortex of falsehood and crime! The vile nos _ trums, us void of healing power as the drain ago of our streets; iv* classed - in this same ..disgraceful category; as Were alao - onr theatrek '.,operas, drinking -saloons, and dance-houses; - all of which Were characterized at the fruits of man's avarice to grow- rich and coin money out of the ruined virtuk'and,broken health, and lost scads:of Men., All these things had been' too much sanctioned by ;our silence. The ballot-box had Uttered no word Of reproof, and even •the pulpit had been dumb! 'And,, in view, otthese facts, he would ask his hear ers. whether they_ were in=no way responsible for- them, and , whether they: did not feel that in some degree they were their "brother's keeper." „ - The nett point taken up by the speaker and -forcibly presented, was She disregard of con- St atts in the 'payment of our debts.:: In this re apect it was apparent to every. ono- th.t 'there' - bad. been a great Jetting -claim in the standard Our,:integrity_,as i political and commercial -people, The day had been when to " honor a claim", meant to pay it; but he blushed for his nation - _when he• reniembered bow ,diffe- rently such obligationd were regarded among Church even bad not escaped ~il- t c,•_tregiadation this 'lax of morality. , The presenttlitancial etorm had fallen with special force upon our whole system of credits. • Confldert betweenMunt and Man had, been swept adinty a c,onjuroes wand. The '-''•.language modern:Babel.freilders had been ConNunded inito :midst,-of; their' work ,f,-,:of, , avericei BO that,comptiratively,lhe only • • men;consideredgi safe " wttrelhbse Who' had 1.•4,--;ilf44tY;t:o :41`;‘"htiiyas not going to:dittos , the eeono.. mks" -1)e trade, though theimmovallty which ", .Fi?araet~fizka them, helliought; called loudly . , 'for pulpit animadversion. „ • , It Waa tt , false idea that the masa of the pulpit was not attwftle thlp Bible; and, as • ''tfte Bible laidiedewn "as a rule 'et Christian iptylfrity and act.op t to st Owv Lio mau any. thing, but to love one another," ho saw great reason to rebuke those men who deliberately repudiate a debt 'when , they find themselves unable to pay. For a Man with a capital of ' $5,000, toeontraet debts to the amount of a hundred thousand, and at the same time live I at such an .extravagant' rate as -to sink the atnottnt'of his capital in his pereonaleexpenses, with the view of defrauding lits.erediters, was characterized as a most culpable knavery; and no matter how faChuman law might go tc wards protecting a man in the perpetration of moll a wrong, it was certainly in open conflict with the teachings of the Gospel. There were many thieves and robbers among us who wore called by-milder names, and among which Were those who regarded it as a less dishonora ble thing to fail for a million than for a /hau -1 sand. With these evidences of national idolatry thick around us, it was not strange that God should visit us with his judgments, and he would ask, in conclusion, if we repent not, "will the Lord noit be avenged oil such a na tion as this ?" w Can a Christian church be spared which sanctions such a morality as this ?" The sermon was congest in its diction, and remarkably clear and p o inted in its conclusions throughout. The above synopsis of it Is given to tho reader as convoying the train of thought and ideas of the speaker, rather than his lan gangs. • URI 118 H TRADE. An aesount af the declared value of British rind Irish produce and manufactures exported from the Milted Kingdom to each foreign • country and British possession In the nine months ended 30th fleßtember, 1857 : UOVNTRIVS TO WBlOll Earoarsn• DECLAIM TOREION. VALVE, Russia, northern ports- £2,303,495 southern ports 219,763 Sweden 448,089 Norway Danmark Meolcleuburg Itannver Oldenburg 37;775 lian9o Towne .7,750,007 iloliana ' .. 4,908,810 Belgium . 1 878,801 Franco - 4 987,:60 Portugal,Proper... Azores, • • - . Spain 1,505,335 Canary Islands ... 82,701 Sardianian Territories, . I 001,414 Tuscany 022,917 Papal States 250,306 Two Siellies 786,652 Austrian Territories 806,250 a recce 150,374 Turkey 2,548,458 Wallachia and Moldavia 200,675 . . Syria and Palestine 547,417 Egypt• (ports on the Mediterranean) 1,385.880 Tunis 1,488 Algeria 17,013 Morocco 120,700 Western Coast of Africa (foreign) 61:1,085 Eastern Coast of Afrioa 301 African ports on the Red Sea 2,054 Cape Verde Islands 11,794 Bourbon 175 Arabia 526 Pondicherry 3,060 Java 527,908 Philippine Islands 407,264 China, (ozolusive of Hong Kong) 1,134,338 South Sea Islands 52,623 Foreign West Indies 2,338,1M0 United States of America, (except Cali fornia) 16,613,007 California 298,100 Mexico 425,785 Central America New Grenada Venezuela Ecuador - Brazil Urtiguay Buenos Ayres Chili Peru.... Total of Foreigv. Countries. , BRITIBII POSSESSIONS. Channel Lianas 407,046 Gibraltar 459,191 Malta.. t 362,203 Dinian Isles 201,737 West Coast of Africa (British) 248,048 Cape of Good Hope 1,246,666 Natal 107,921 Ascension .. 10,744 Bt. Helena .• 21,495 Mauritius - ' 466,100 Aden ",0,274 British Territories in the Heat radios (ex- ' elusive of Singapore and Ceylon) 8,720.937 Singapore 564,259 Ceylon 295,011 Hong Kong 500,554 Australia: • West Australia 50.335 South Australia 023,323 New South Wales 2.272,945 Victoria 4,955,949 Tasmania 340,215 New Zealand. 257,918 . ... 8,500,704 British North American Colonies 4,107,920 British Ward India Islands 1,140,763 British Oulair.- 395,64 n Honduras (British settlements) ' 115.835 Total of British possessions 28,003,652 Total to foreign countries and British possessions 595a35,592 Important Political and National Tables for Ittat3. • Tho following table shows the Governors of the several Slates and Territories in the Union : States. Governors. Alabama Andrew B. Moore. Arkansas Elias N. Conway. California John B. Weller. Conneetiout - Alexander 11. Holley. Delaware Peter F. Clausey. Florida M. S. Perry. . Goorgia Joseph P. Brown. 11l . int . . .....Willinai H. Bissell. Indiana A. P. Willard. lowa R P. Lowe. Kentucky , Charles S. Morehead, Louisiana R C. Wickliffe. Maine ' loaeph 11. Williams.* Maryland Thomas H. Hicks. Massachusetts,— Nathaniel P. Banks. Michigan K. S. Bingham. Mississippi William McW 'Me. Missouri R. M. Stewart. New Hampshire William Haile. NewJorsay William A. Nowell New York " • John A. King. North Carolina Thomas Bragg. Ohio ' Salmon P. Chase. Pennsylvania ' William F. Packer Rhode Island lilisha Dyor. South Carolina R F. W. Alston. 'sham G.3l.n.rrio TenneJlec - - . Texas — Hardin R. Runnelss Vermont , Ryland Fletcher. Virginia Koury A. Wise. - Wisconsin Alexander W. Randal Territorie.r. Oregon George:L. Curry. Minnesota Samuel S. Medary. New Moxio o Abraham Rancher. Utah - Alfred Cumming. Washington .Fayette McMullen. Nebraska Wm. A. Richardson. Kansas James W. Donyer-tj it Acting Governor. Secretary and Acting Governor. 'Gm Runnels, died at Houston, Texan, on the lith November. LEGIS LATIMER OP THE STATES--TI3fES AND PLACIA oi' MEETISa. By the following table it will be Been that the Legislatures of tivelveof the States commence their 00551005 in January : Alabama*, second Monday in Nov., Montgomery. Arkansas*, first Monday in Nov. ' Little Rock. California, first Monday in Jan., Sacramento. Connecticut*, first Wednesday in May, Hartford. Delaware*, first Tuesday in Jan., Dover. Florida*, first Monday in Nov., Tallahasse. Georgia*, first Monday in Nov.,illedgoville. Illinois*. first Tuesday in Jan., Springfield. Indiana*, first Thursday after first Monday in Jao : , Indianapolis. lowa*, first Monday. in Deo,. lowa 911 y. Kentucky, last Monday in Deo., Frankfort Louisiana*, third - Monday in Jan., Baton Rouge. Maine, first Wednesday in Jan., Augusta. Maryland, first Wednesday in Jt . sq., Annapolis, Massachusetts, first Wednesday in Jan., Boston. , Michigan, first Monday in Jan., Lansing. i Mississipp*, first Monday in Jun., Jackson. Missouri*, first Monday in Nov., Jefferson. New Ilimpshire, first 'Wednesday in June, Con cord. Now Jersey, second Tuesday in Jan.,Trenton. New York, first Tuesday in Jan., bany, North Carolina, third Monday in Nov., Raleigh. Ohio*, first Monday in Nov., Columbus. Pennsylvania, first Tuesday in Jan. Harrisburg. Rhode Island, at various times and places. S. Carolina, fourth Monday in olumbia. Tennessee,* first Monday in Oct., Nov., Nashville, Toxas,* first Monday in Nov., Austin. Vermont, secorulThursday in Oct., Montpelier. Virginia,* first Monday in Deo., Richmond. Wisconsin, second Wednesday in Jan., Madison. h. In the States marked with an asterick the Le- gislatures meet biennially. '• political. MITE CONSTITUTION AND THE 11 UNION-JE FFER SO 4V AND .rActisuN D 0 C RAC Y.--SIIERTIT aJORQI7 AIIIi R, 719VNT14.141 WARD finttleCt ta Democratic Principled. CITY CONTROLLER, WILLIA3f CURTIS, YU I ItIIIIIHTII WARD. Subject to Democratic mica. Jal-tr CITY COMMISSIONER, CIIARLIIS M. D. SMITH, /MT WARP. Subject to Democratic rules dell dtn* FOR REGISTER OF WILLS— RANOOORB, TWELFTH WARD, 412-3m* Subject to Democratic Rules. pox SHERIFF -4; ALDERAAN GEOItON MOM, FOUR= WARD Subject to Democratic Rules. FOR SHERIFF— JAMFA O. OTBSON, . - TWRATT-EIROORD WARD. SRbiliet tO temocratio ntasH. no4l.3in* OVER -SHOES.-700 Cases 4Ven's 'Long and Short Boots, Oier , hoes, Sandals, Ologs, and Pont-holders. Woman's Loo Boots °alters, Buskins, Sandals, and Qvor 812.008 Of allkinds. Boyle Long Boots, Over Shoes, and Sandals Misses' and Children's Lops Boots, (letters, Over shoes, Sal/date, and Clogs all of the boat makes, and fresh made .' liar sale by the ease, dozed, or mingle pair, at reduced' prices. Wholesale and retail dealers will find our prices • lower then they can be bought in New York. JOON TtIOIteTLEY, 811 CHESTNUT Street. , above TIIIRD, roArth side. MED CCARRIERS' ADDRESAES prepared by an experienced writer, at Np, U 69 ZLNYENTH BUM, 014111e40rel. deb Legal Notices, THE COURT YOR TRH X. EASTERN DOITRIOT OF PENNSYLVANIA Senjamain 11. Thomas es. William DaviVand Henry D. Dolby. Venditioni Exponss, linuery Term, 1656, No. 30 The Auditor appointed to make distribution of the fund raised under the above procoedifigs by Sheriff's rale, of all that large Lot or Ground. composed of ton contiguous lots, with the unflulshed brick buildings thereon erected,' 'Macao on the southeasterly tide cf Almond street. 131 feet 6 Inches northeastmardly from Lehigh avenue, iu the Nineteenth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, conteiuing in front, unsaid Almond street, 114 feet, and extending In depth, southeactoardly, of right aogles with said Almond street, 04 feet. inject to a yearly ground reut of 144 dolling. • Will attend to late duties ve TUESDAY, the 18th ay of January, A. IL IMO, at 4 o'clock I', 01 , at his office, No. 201 South PIFTEL Street, iu the city of Philadel phia. when and where, all parts In interest aro re quired to present their claims, or be debarred from cool ing In upon said fund. de3o-101 OEORGE W. DIDDLE. Auditor. ALL PERSONS HAVING CL AIMS against, or indebted to WIIARfON LEWIS, Esq., late of the city of Philadelphia, ere requested to pre sent and pay the same, without delay, to the subscriber. to whom letters of administration, with the oil an uexed, have been granted by the Register of Wills of Philadelphia county. EDWARD WALLA, des. of t Ne. 702 WALNUT Street. TN THE COURT - Ok' Coslllokl PLEAS .11 FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. June Term, 1857, No OS. EMILIE SEATON by her next friend, Ace. ye. CIIAS. STN WART SEATON. Our libel for Divorce a viuculo Matrimoni• And now, December 19th. Mr, on motion of William B. Hood, for libellant, the Court grant a rale on the respondent to show cause why a divorce from the donde of Matrimony should not be decreed—returnable Saturday, January 2d, 1858, at 10 o'clock A. At. Charles Stewart Seaton, Sir: Please take. notice of the above rule. WILLIAM It. HOOD, de2-1-2.taw-2w* Attorney pro Libellant. giFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND ll 110.11 p APR, PIIII.ADELFRIi, December 28,1857 BRALED PROPOSALS will be received at thin ODlce until 10 A. T.I. of the 30th of January next for furnleh-, ing, by contract, during the year Ih5R , loather of the best quality of the kinds herein specified, Deliverable at the United. States Clothing and Egnipage Depot, Schuylkill Arsenal, and in quantities as may be Te ll:ll[Pa, vie Wax Upper Leather, oak-tanned, shaved from slaughter bides. 1,428,678 ..... 49,000 Bole Leather, oak-tanned from Menne Ayres or La PLeta hided Stock Leather, droascd by the morocco procert, and of moat thieknens. Slack Bridle Leather, oak-tanned from slaughter hides. Russet Bridle Leather, from hides of the name claps, curried down without splitting. Morocco Skim, Tampico, black kid finish. Visor Leather, japanned on both 111d00, one black, the other greet', by the patent practise. -.1,141,375 17,469 Chin Strap Leather, japanned blacb on the grain aide, by the patent proce , is. Slaughter Leather. for o cite. Contracts will be based on accepted proposals, for the fulfilment of which two or more stifficient securities will be required. The names, address, and the responsibility of the persons imposed as securities, with the acknowledge ment of said persona that they will bn such security. or will sue that good and sufficient security he furnished in case a contract to obtained, will be transmitted n Ith the proposals. Payments will be made on each delivery, should Con gress have made an appropriation to meat them, or as soon thereafter an an appropriation shall be rondo for that purpose. Ten per cont. of tits amount of each de livery will be retained until the contract shall be com pleted, which will be forfeited to the totted States in case of defalcation on the part of the contractor in tot alling the contract. It is to be distinctly understood by every person ob taining a contract, thht said contract is not transferable without the consent of proper authority, and that any sale, assignment, or transfer of it, without such consent having been obtained, (except under a process of law.) will be regarded as an abandonment of the contract, and the contractor and hie securities will be held re sponsible for all loss or damage to the United Staten which may arise from said abandonment. Proposals will be addressed to the undersigned, ani will be endorsed "Proposals for furnishing array sup plies and materials." I/ FIIVRY C. WAYNE, de2o..tu the tja3o lit. Major, A. Q. Mr. 206,032 .185,639 4,247,750 348,009 901,278 1,135,775 HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, NEAR FALLS OF SCHUYLKILL, PRILADELPRIA.. SELECT BOARDINO AIOHOOL FOR BOYS. MEC= -•• . . The Rector, Rev. B. It SBYSER, may be seen every WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, from 3 to 5 o'clock, at BOOKER'S Bookstore, S. W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, where also circulars may be obtained. Address Rev. B. R. SMYSER, d3-3m Falls of Schuylkill, Philadelphia. 67,781,910 ORITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COM METWIAL COLLEGE, 8.. E. corner of BEVESiTIi and CIIIEBTNTJT &rearm, Second and Third Storiea. BOOK-KEEPIN4, PENMANSHIP, every style COMMERCIAL LAW O AND' FORBIB. COMMERCIAL CALCULATION/3. LECTURES, &o. Each Student has Individual Instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, tinder the Immediate " Ye r e of the or ß i e he et .1 1 "en ns m i en I pal n the Oonntry,has charge of the Writing Department. Please call sad see Specimens end get a Catalogue of Terms. ko. oce-y PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PfIILADELPI.II/1. No Seminary whatever is more like aprivate family. The course of study Is extensive and thorough. Pro fessor Saunders will receive a few more pupils under fourteen years or age Into his family. }lnquire of &Imre. J. S. Silver and Mathew Newkla or Oul. J. W. Forney, Editor of this Paper, whose aOrtii or wards are now members of his family, septl4-if TAMES H. BRYSON'S BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ROQMS, 2 North SIXTH Street, first above Markot, Phltodeiptils. Blanks, Cards, Bill- Heads, Pamphlets, and general Printing attended to. Binding attended to in connection with printed head Mr of Blanks and Reeelpts. d2-tf i E VA N 8,-10,000-PRI P 4 IV E It, Z Cards per liour : Me Pr.r. UM• •Lcis ir L Or IVA D r.. 1-14 a ere.. at 11w. We . ruig.121...2.• C ii. 25" 12.1 X 21.14.6 0, AO his Pree ... f the .. - Pao% Celt snd /I.e. L ..,.. 1 9101.°. - TesTiocandC.4s Tvell,ur,la 'olr I .' de my 1.1 g.)1.-1141 . Prlon .1.4 nd,..1. 8 I CAtktatri, FOURTH' T. below Chwnot. NOTIGE.-CRESTNUT STREET N PLANS AND ESTIMATES for a Bridge over the River Schuylkill, on the line of Chestnut street, in the City of Philadelphia, will be received by the Chief En gineer and Surveyor, at the DEPARTMENT OP SUR VEYS, City Building, FIFTH Street, he'ow Walnut, until the second day of January, 1858. Slid Bridge to be of the following Moonstone, .without any pier, or with not more than one pier In the water-way ; the =With' of construction throughout to be Indestructi ble by fire. Distance between abutruentn,.. ....... .....388 feet Width of Bridge ' out to out, not lens then.. 42 4, Elevation above low water . 57 For an arch the springing line should not be less than eleven feet above low water. The Plans and Estimates will be received under the arrangement and conditions specified in the ordi nance of Councils, approved November 24,1807, as fol lows, via I BEOTION 2. That all plans and r stimates to be received by the Chief Engineerand Surveyor of the City of Phila delphia, each plan nod estimate to bear a private mark, and be accompanied by a coaled communication baring a corresponding mark thereon, so that the name of the designer may not be known until the plan meet ap proved chili have been 'elected. SKOTION 3. That all oath plans and estimates shall, when received, 'become the property of the City of Phila delphia, and shall be ptenented within two months after the panne of tide ordinance, when it shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, by and with the advice of the Committee on Surveys nod Regulations, to Invite a commission consisting of three civil engi neers, who, in conjunction with the Chief Nngineer and Surveyor of the City, shall examine and decide upon the relative merits and applicability of the plans presented, to the Bridge cite proposed, and report to Councile the number of plane received, the names of the designers, and the charactealnd eatimatel coat of the three plane by them preened. SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief Commis sioner of Highways, upon a certificate presented and signed by the Chief Engineer and Surveyor, to issue warrants in payment of the coat of the aforesaid adver tisements, and 11190 in favor of those persons who may have presented the three plans preferred by said com mission ; to the first in point of merit, the sum of $400; to the second, $250, and to the third $lOOl said warranta to be charged to Item No. 19 of appropriation made to the Department of Highways, dm, for the year 1851, approved March 10, 1857.1 per further information, or for cross section of river, address STRICKLAND KNEASS, Chief Engineer and surveyor City of Phienda. no6•dtjan3 BRIDGE NOTICE.-TRE TIME FOR receiving Plum and Eatlinatell for the Chentaut Street Bridge, ban, by Ordinance of Cannella, been ex. tended to the 26th day of January, 1655 STRICKLAND KNRAPS, Chief Engineer and Surveyor. de39•d tj926 G REAT REDUCTION IN TUE mon OF CEMETERY LOTS. The Glenwood Cemetery Co. have determined to sell the lots In their Cemetery at frirE HALF The present prices for cash. By this reduction some of the most eligible Lots will be sold at TWELVE'DOLLARS. Only 300 lots will ho disposed of at them rates, and the opportunity is offered until Janunry 3,4,3858. Ap ply at the office, No. 934 WALNUT STREET. below Fifth. d2-lm L ONGWORTH's OHIO WINES. GENERAL AGENCY FOR ALL THE STATES. TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. By a special arrangement with Mr. LUNOWORTII, am enabled to offer his Wines, In large quantities upon the lowest and best terms. The Wince to be delivered in Cincinnati, and forwarded by usual means of convey ance (railroad or steamboat) direct to the purchaser ; by which the expenses of storage, C0111111i9510114, double freight, etc., will be avoided. No orders under this arrangement bill he forwarded for less than twenty-five cases. All orders must be directed only to FRED. 8. UOZZENS, 73 WARREN Street, Now YORK. By the present arrangement a handsome profit on these wines can be inside by the wholesale dealer. Sparkling Catawba, vintage 1853, quarts. Do do do do pints. Do do do 1852 marts. Do do do do pinta. Still Catawba, vintage 1852, quarts. Do do extra, vintage 1852, quarts. Sparkling Isabella, do do do Still Catawba. in casks, of various qualities. Catawba Brandy, of superior quality. PROD. 8 coZEENB, Ge n eral Agent for the sale of N. Longworthis Wince, 78 WARREN STREET, (opposite Hudson River ItallrosAt Depot,) not-6m ' New TOM `WONDERS OF THE AGE—LIGHT, LIOUT FOR ALL—PETERS & Patent Non-Explosion Self-Generating GAS LAMPS la just the thing to suit all. Price VA up ; all may have a superior Light by calling at their Depot. This Lamp le adapted to all places and purposes, and only requires a trial to test its advantages over all others. The Lamp forms On own gas. Our Patent Burner, can be fitted to every ordinary Plrild Lamp, with little expense, without the least possible danger. All are invited to call and examine for tLemeolves. Town, County, and State rights for sale. The proprietors are in want of Agents, giving a rare chance to melee money. PETERS & SUMPS, Gas Lamp Depot, 128 Smith 4th St , below Chestnut Phi CHEAP SUMMER FUEL.-GAS COKE, of excellent quality, 'afield at the PUILADELPIIIA GAB WORKS for the reduced price of Bre cents a bomb el, and may be obtained in large or email quantity by ap 7 plying at thellea Offfae, No, 20 Sobth BYVENIM Street. To Purchasers by Wholesale, it to cold at the Work'', In Pint Ward, by the ton, at a price equivalent to An. thracite, a ts 2 60 par ton. (Bigned,) J. 0. CRESSON . , Engineer. PUILADII,pa,A Wolae, Aug. 20, IL au2741 COTTON -100 bales Gulf Cotton, in atm and lox We by MARTIN ft MAOALIBTER, 14 W *Mit WSW lamb. THE ' PRESS.-IPHILADEtiMA I 'SATURDAY. JANUARY 2, 1858; proposals. VI motional ALONZO POTTER :gob printing Obipping. "V OR SAN FRANCISCO.—To snit on the 18th instant,-.The lemons clipper shipi EDWIN Is LYE, 0, P. WrAven ) Commander, mill EDWIN FOR REST, Oicoenscu, Commander. Both of - meet) roagnllleent ships Ain now landing In New York, and will be despotoken no abwre. For balance of freight apply to BlBll.or, SIMONS, c 00,, Jolt 120 (late Ettn . NORTH SS lIARYES nri ..ei BRITISH 'AND NORTH AMERI . CAN ROYAL MAIL STEASISIIIPII: 'ROM new TOM( TO LITERL'OOL. Chief Oabin Passage Scrawl. Cabin Passage ' ' ' .., erteu , nuarew vitro vsurouL. Chief Cabin Pa55age...,,,,,'., Fecund Cabin Passage , ~ • . The shipa front Boston mil at Montag. PERSIA, PERSI, Capt. Judkins. , CANADA, Capt. Lang. ... ARABIA, Capt. J. Stage. AMBIGUA, Capt.Wic man ASIA. Capt. E. G Loot. NIAGARA Capt.ltyrie, AFRICA, Capt. Shannon. EUROPA, Capt. J. Leitch. These vessels carry a clear white light at mast-head; green on starboard bowl rod on port bow. AFRICA, Shannon, leave N.York, Wednesday, Deo. 9. AMERICA, Lott, ' 6 Boston, Wednesday, Dec. 19 EUROPA, Leitch, 66 N.York, Wednesday, Dec. 23. CANADA, Lang, 66 Boston, Wednesday, Dec. 30. PERSlA,ltulkins, 6 . N.York, Wednesday, Jan 6, , 58 NIAGARA, Wickman, Doston,Wednesday,Jan.l3,sB AFRICA, Shannon, 66 N.York,Weduesday, Jan. 20. Berths not secured until paid for. Au experienced Surgeon on board. The owners of these Ships will net be accountable for Gold, Silver, Bullion, Specie Jewelry, Precious Storms or Metals, unless bills of Luling are signed therefor and the value thereof therein eXpreared. For freight or passage apply to deB-y B. CUNARD, 4 Bowling Green, N. York. SAVANNAH STE.AIitSIII P LINE STEAMSHIPS STATE OI? GEORUIA KEYSTONE STATE. In consequence of the depressed state of trade, the above ships wilt be withdrawn for the preterit. October ,I.Gth. • A. 111:11.0N, Jr. VIAIDE REDUOED .1' 'AND lIAVRE.—Ttio • Edward 'nig& will salt TO SOUTHAMPTON • aguiticent steamehlp VAN. 4, commander, 6 , 285 tone, Yrom:Naw York for South- I From Southampton and ' arepton and Ilavre. Ilavre for New York: Saturday Oct. 24 Saturday Nov. 14 Saturday Deo. 6 Saturday Dec.4ll Price of Passage —Yirst cabin, 5100; second cabin tko. Specie delivered In London and Rads. Tor freight or passage apply to D. TORRANCE, Agent, No. 5 Dowling Green, New York. Letters for England and Europe, pre -paid, 26 cent. each half ounce, (by enclosure of postage stamps if from other cities,) will be received at No. 6 Dowling-green, New York, up to 11% o'clock on the morning of sail ing. oclo-tf - ---- - - 11OR ENGLAND AND FRANCE, 1857.- New York and Havre Steamship Oompany.—The United States Mall Steamahips ARAGO, 2600 tons, David Lines commander, and FULTON, 2,600 tons, James A. Walton, commander, will leave New York, Havre and Southampton, for the years 1861 anit 68, on the following days : Lirvl 11W TOIL. 1857. 1858. fultonolaturday, Aug. 22 Arno, Saturday, Jan. 9 Arago, do. Sept. 19 Balton, do. Yeb. Faltou, do. Oct. 17 Arago, do. Marche Arago, do. Nov. 14 Talton, do. April 8 Walton, do. Deo. 12 Arago, do. May 1 Fulton, do. May 29 LIAVI 00Th . 1867. Lino, Tuesday, Aug. 26 Fulton, do. Sept. 22 Argo, do. Oat. 20 Balton, do. Nor. 17 Arno, do. Deo. 15 1850. Fulton, do. Jan. 12 Arago, do. Feb. 9 Salton, do. Match 9 Arago, do. April 0 -* Patton, do. May Arm., do. June 1 Patton, do. Joao 29 LULU GOOTRIX?1011. 1867. Arago, Wednesday, Ang. 28 Fulton, do, Sept. 23 Arago, do. Oct. 21 Fulton, do. Nor. 18 Arago, do, Deo. 18 1848. Fulton, du. Jan. 13 Arago, do. Feb. 10 Fulton, do. Mar. 10 Arago, do. ._ l lprll 7 Fulton, do. May 6 Arago, do. June Fulton, do. Jame 30 PllO2 OP PABOAOII : Prom New York to Southampton or Harre—Flret Cabin, $lBO ; Second Cobb,n :75. From Havre or Southampton to New York—Pint Cabin, 800 Duos; Second Cable, 800 francs. For freight or passage, apply to MOIITJ,MNII LIVINGSTON, Agent, 7 Broadway. WILLIAM ISELIN, Havre. °HOMEY A. 00., 44 Bouth'ton. AMEHIOAN DIIHOPEAN EXPRESS AND EX- Pula. CHANGE 00. ans IRE - NEW 'YORK AND LIVERPOOL UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS.—The Maps Composing tine Line are The ATLANTIO, ()apt, Oliver Eldridge, The BALTIO, Capt. Joseph Comstock.' The ADRIATIC, Capt. James West. iThese chips hare been built by contract, expressly for vernment service; every care bas been taken in their eonstruction, as alas In their engines, to ensure strength and speed, and their accommodations for pa.ssongers are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of mange from New York to Liverpool, la first cabin, 1180; in second do., $75; from Liverpool to New York, 80 and 20 guineas. No berths secured unless paid for. The Wpm of thin line have Improved water-tight balk heads. PROPOSED DATES OP SAILINO. 18048 NNW YORE, 08048 LlealWOOL. Saturday, Juno 20, 1857 Wednesday, Juno 24, 1867 Saturday, July 4, 1867 Wednesday, July 8, 1867 Saturday, July 18, 1851 Wednesday, July 22, 1657 Saturday, Aug. 1, 1857 Wednesday, Aug. 5, 1847 Saturday, Aug. 15, 1867 Wednesday, Aug.l9, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 12, 1857 Wednesday, Sept. 2, 1867 Saturday, Sept. 28, 1857 Wednesday, Sept.:Rs, 1857 Saturday, Oat. 10, 1857 Wednesday, Oat. 14, 1857 Seturday, o.t. 24 1867 Wednesday, Oct. 29, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 7. 1857 Wednesday, Nov.ll, 1857 Saturday, Nov. 21, 1857 Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1867 Saturday, Deo. 6, 1867 Wednesday, Dee. D r 1857 Wednesday, Deo. 22, 1857 Tor freight or peerage, apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS, No. 66 Wall street, N. T. DROWN, SHIPLEY A C 0.., Liverpool. STSPIIEN KENNARD & 00., 27 Austin Pears, London. D. a. WAINWRIGHT & 00., Parts. The owners of these ships will not be aotonntable for gold, [diver, bullion, specie, SCIIIIII4 otones or metals, unless bills of lading I. c nod theetfor, and the value thereat expressed therein !'GREAT REDUCTION IN FARE TO EU ...A lIOPH. First Cabin gel) I Second Cabin F5O In the first-class WAN-wheel steamship ADAM . , 2,000 Unix, O. D. LUDLOW, Commau anti NORTEK STAR, 2,500 tbns, P. E. Laverne, to sail (roar pier No. 3 North River, et noon precisely, carrying the CNITED STATES MAILS, sin: Leave N. York for Southampton, He.. Bremen for Southampton vre mad Bremen. Southampton for Now York. Artul Saturday, Oct. 31. Weds , day, Nov. 4. N. Sat'y, Oct. 31. Saturday Nor. 28. i'Veds'd'y, Deo. SO I These steamers touch at lA. VIM. Specie delivered In London sad Paris. For passage and freight, apply to D. TOSIRANCD, Agent, No. G Bowling Green, New York. 0c1.0.0 'Mints anti Liquors AMSAY'S ISLAM MALT SCOTCH RA' WHISKEY —CO Pnorheoun of the above Surrior Whirkey, now landing from chip Windsor Forrert, at Shippen street wharf, for rule by JOSRPII F. TOBIAS, 200 and 208 South FRONT Street. BBRANDIES.—" Pinot Cast!lion," Mare; and other Cognacs of serious vintAgel, In half pipes and quarter 011•101; Yelleroinla Rochelle Brandies, pale and dark, In half pipes, half casks, and miemighth casks. Imported and for sale by - KERRY ROMAN it CO , 221 and 223 South Fourth street. A LEXANDEL V. HOLMES, WINE AND -El LIQUOR STORE, No. 220, Bouthout Corner tf CIEORGE and SOUTH Streets. aut-1) I. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, A e., South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. aul•ly I.IR AND IE S —Pinot, Oastillon & Co., Ma rett & Co.,nd other brand" of °epitome( various vintage', in half pipe" and quarter tank" Pellevolsin Rochelle Drandiec pale and dark, in half p j lpen, quarter asks and one•eighth mask", all In Custom oboe stores, Imported and for sale by HENRY MEILEN & 00., av 11 Nos. 221 and 223 Booth Fourth street. DITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LAGER BEER BREWERY, No. 520 (new No. 938) North TIIIRD Street, Philadelphia...4E4ring orders promptly attended to. aut.- tf att' anb Eiboco 'HOOTS AND SHOES.—Tho bubselihel Lan on hand n largo and varied stock of BOOTS and .9111.11:2, which lin will sell at the lowoot prices. 0110. W. TAYLOR, no2l-ly B. R. corner FIFTII and MARKET SW. fiIALL STOCK OF BOOTS AND.SHOES. 1 --JOSEPH U. 'THOMPSON & CO., No. 814 31AR HET Street, and Nos. 3 and 5 FRANKLIN PLACE, have new In store a large and well-aasorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, of City and Eastern Manufacture, which they offer for aide on the beet terms for Cash, or on the usual credit. isotele attb Restaurants 'MERCHANTS' HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH STRUT Avon: brlvicsi, PIIILAPELPHIA. hiaKIDBEN & BONS, Paorawring JONE S IB ARCH STREET SALOONS, 1 727 and 720 ARCH STREW HOLIDAYS! HOLIDAYS! The Holidayn are close et hand, and loncall Arch etreet Saloon la prepared for the immense demand that will be made upon it for CONVY.CTIONI9. CHRISTMAS AND NW THAR'S CANDIES 14====n= Every variety of Bon bong, Pastiles, Bourbon Props, now style of Gum Drops, Eau Sucre Drops, L'angliterre lion lions, and overy variety rare and costly candies manufactured in Pnrili. POT Presents, all ninen and PVII . IiIINB of Ornamental Boxes, Pyramids, Ribbon Tien filled with the choicest variety of Confections, and varying in price from One Dollar up to Fifty Dollars, Some of then Bogen are the mos? SUPERB SPEGIMISNEI ur FANDY woof AND ARTIStICI DRSION 01 . 011 0171i1t00 Iv THIS coosny. . . To the Ladles, en well es to the whole public, donen'n Saloon.; are the roost attractive in the City, and 10 splendor of adornment nod With are superior to any in the Union DREAKFASTS, DINNERS, AND SUPPERS Sorred up in the choicest and moot szpoditious style. FRUIT OF ALL RINDS, WE CREAMS, JELLIES, GAME, AND OYSTERS Constantly ready for visitor' lu profusion. PLAIN, FANCY, AND URNAIIPNTAT OAKES AND PIES -08 EVERY DEsclurnori. WEE' YORE TEA BISCUIT, And, In riot , all the VARIETIES, LUXURIES, and DELICACIEd or every clime and country RAMA, PRIVATE PARTIES, Pienentation Suppers, and Families eupplled at the ifautteat notice and on reasonable terms. A continuance of the patronake hitherto so liberally bestowed by the , public is respectfully solicited. ded-tfn. B JONES, Proprietor. CAMPBELL'S RESTAURANT.-VENI SON, Wild Ducks, Torkeys, Gorse, Grouse, Fresh Salmon, Chluoatique, Opinnohlque, Princess Bay, Atom com, and Cove Oysters, with every variety of GAME, wild or domestic, In season. Green Turtle Soup and Terrapin Suppers served up at the shortest notice, at JOHN CAMPBELL'S, No. f. 27 CHESTNUT street, op posite the State House. N.B.—No expense or pains has been spared by the Proprietor In Uttitag up this new establishment in the most sumpthous manner—the second story being for the accommodation of Private Parties for Dinners, Suppers, Entrance for Ladies towards Sixth street. VILARLES P. CALLAIrELL--Wholossle pe 1..." end. Rithil WIIIP had PANII Manarnaturer, No, 4 OURTP 11,.•",4 hu4 MOSS -17 bolas Carolina Moos, for saw by KOJITIN A, MAOALIBTER, ani 110 Nnrth Waal. MoGICIWAN'S REATATHANT, south weet corner of BROAD and WALNUT..—Game sod all other delicacies in season. Famines supplied with Oyeternea the Alerted notice. sep7-7ru C()A L I COAL I COAL I—TAGGART'a OZLNBRATED CEILING MOUNTAIN LEIHOU GOAL. J. & R. DARTRR'BOBERNWOOD, TAMAQUA 00AL GEORGE W. ONYVIRI3 YOREST BOHM KILL UOAL. RANDALL & MEREDITH Have for sale, and are eonetaritly receiving from above celebrated Collieries, COAL OF ALL SIZES. . . There Is no Coal ruined anywhere, equal in quality those, and a trial will couriers Icy one of their great superiority. Our Opal le very carefully screened at our yards, and we ivill warrant it perfectly flee from elate, dantitnaltlreparitles. Our .ERIOES are LOW no the VERY LOWEST. Orders left et our Odle', No. 161 801:11.11 FRONT street, AloossAVlDult. , OnlersliireAS bur Yesd, OALLOWIIITZ street, betas BROAD ANA' Orders left at ear Wharf, WATER etroet, above DAL. LOWHILL- , —orwent to either place per Despatch Post, will receive prompt attention. Purchasers for Family use will do well to call and es• saline our Coal before purchasing elsewhere. AND LEHIGH COAL.— "..7 I am daily receiving, st my yard the beet quality o. SORLIVI,RILL AND LlilllOß GOAL. My customers, sad all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. s' - " No Inferior Coal kept at thin establishment to offer at LOW PRIOR. ALEXANDER CONVERY, N. E. corner of Broad and Cherry Eta LEffiGII AND SCHUYLKILL COAL.- DALY, PORTER lc CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 Pl4lllBl Btgeet, above Eighth, keep constantly on L aud at the very lowest rates, a full eupply of Lehigh and Sohnylklll Coal. au 1-Btu iitcraiont (Sailors. JOHN P. DOHERTY, PORMIIRLY 'WM JOLLY k BISOTIM, LATE WITU LUKENB, KELLY, & 00., TAILOR, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH, Use now with him the best Tailors that are engaged In the business in this country. Oranise -11 Ors, formerly the leading tailor of this city{ 1. KAMM, formerly cutter for 0, Roth ac Co., and late OW and Test cutter with Lukens, Kelly, & Co.; /lima WAGNIE, the beet Pants and Teat cotter In the United States, for years cutter with Repeals, snider the Irving noose, Broadway, and with Depierris & Pettne, under the fit. Nicholas Rotel, Broadway The most unremitting attention paid to the 'wishes of all who patronise the establishment. The best of Clothes made at moderate prim, for •crtdit, lout prices for each. 0013.4 f ARES SHERIDAN, MERCHANT als TAILOR, Nos. 16 andlB South NINTH STREET, ABOVE CHE3TNUT. A large and well 'elected Mock of CLOTHS and CASSIMERIIB always on hand. An (Nothing made at thin Establishment will be of the bast quality, and in the most fashionable style. Patticular attention gieen to UNIVOILII CLOTH ING. aufl-tf QARPE'S MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, lel North FOURTH Street, between Arab mid Ham. auo-17 Q[ommu3oion itlerrbanto ir H. CHASE & CO. 111 • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, '4B North YRONT and 44 WATER Street, Philadelphia. CONSTANTLY lINCEIVINO CLOVER SEED On Consignment from the Interior of Pennsylvania, Where our new Cleaning Brill le now In general ore. [l:r Also, TIMOTHY AND RED TOP &tante on band. ael2-tr HANDY & BRENNER-COMMISSION SINEOFIANTS and Dealers la Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Noe. 23, 25 and 21 North FIFTH Street, /tart side *boys Commerce street, Philadelphia. aul-ti CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER CHANT and Importer of HAVANA VEGANS, (New) lan Walnut street. second story. llobatto anb Cigar°. A bandsomo se ort- HAVANA CIGAR, went, such tut Figaro, Portagas, Cabana, * Sultana, Gloria, Jupiter, Coles°, Convertthatch Torrey Lopes, Union Atnoticana, Orejon, Plora Cubans, &o , &e., &0., In X, y,l-6 and 1-10 oxen, of all Blies and quail- Gen, In 'fete and couetantly receiving, and for nate low, by 011ARLES TP.TX, ' Low) 188 WALNUT Street, below Second, necond story pIGARO, CABANAS AND PARTAGAS SEGAIII3.—A choice Invoice of these celebrated brand. on board brig "New Era," daily eipected from Havana, and for Bala low, by CHARLES TETE, (New) 188 Walnut street, below Second, 181 Second Story. furniture B. KITE & CO. PURNITURB, BEDDING, &e. No. AD (late 129) WALNUT at., Philadelphia. A new and superior styli of Bprlag Beds. LYDIA B. KITII. Toe/111% WALTON au3l Am soap anb Canblea ,10A.1 3 AND CANDLES. REMOVAL from 187 SOUTH FOURTH STRF.F.T, to my Manufactory, 10 and 14 RELIEF STREET, be Vanua Lombard and South, and Front and Scrota streets. Thankful to my numerous Wends for their past favors, I solicit a continuance of the same, haring enlarged my matnifactory 80 as to enable me to hare constantly OD hand a ra re stock of well-seasoned Soaps, free from Fish Oil; Palm, Variegated White Henry, Castile, and all kinds of toilet Soaps, Chemical Olive Soap of pore material, Bottled Pale, and Brown Soap, English Nal. Soda and Pearl Starch, Sperm, Adamantine, and Tallow Candice of all sizes ronstantly on hand Haring adopted the cacti system, I em enabled to sell my goods at tho loa est prices. F. CONWAY. Philadelphia. N. 11.—Cash paid for Tallow and Crease. no 14-0 m Z to 1 to ncrn BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DAVID M HOGAN, ItLink Book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 100 WALNUT Street, is pre pared at all times to furnish, either from the shelves or make to order, Books of every description, suitable for Banks. PAIR, Oaken Merchants, nod others, of the beet quality of English or American Paper, and bound In various styles, In the most substantial manner. Orders for JOB PRINTING , of every description. Engraving and Lithographing executed with neatness and despatch. A general Assortment at English, French and Ameri can Stationery Concerning Mr. Hogan's contribution to the Franklin Institute. the Committee say—" This display of blank books for banking and mercantile use is the best in the Exhibition. Tho selection of Go material is good, the workmanship most excellent, and their Dolph awl op. pearauce neat and apPropriate." ilato, !Elva, tZr SULLENDEU & PASCAL, HATTERS, aul•tm No. 8 S. SIXTH stroot. SltHadolp!lis garbware QUAKER CITY NAILS, DINRCIIANT DARR, . . RIVET IRON Manufactured at FOUNTAIN GREIiN ROLLING MILL on the Schuylkill, above Spring Garden Water Works, WAREHOUSE, 103 North WATER. Street. QUAKER CITY NAILB are warranted equal ta any made. JOHN HALDEMAN, Agent rpIIO3IAS E. BAXTER.—HARDWARE CUTLERY AND TOOLS, No. 919 MARKET ST Bose Ninth, south aide . Philadelphia au 1.6”, IJOOOBOXES Or AMERICAN WIN DOW GLASS, of all sizes and qnallties, for Nio at lowest priers. Our as,ortwent nY complete, and aro daily receiving fresh loin from tho Kensington Olavn Works. Eheets & Duffy's make superior to any In the marks as to brilliancy and regular thickness, equal to French We are now receiving two.thirds of the (flare made a these works. 2,000 bones French (class of all Aces. 4,000 feet though Gloss for skylights. 0,000 feet Engraved and Enamelled Glans, of all pat terns. White Load, French and American Zinc, Paints, Arc 100 000 lbs White Lead. 10,000 lbs French Zino, (Vieille Montague). lbs American Zinc. Broyn Zinc, a full supply. Chrome ("men, a full supply. Chrome Yellow a full supply Prussian Illu•, a full supply. Paris Green, a full supply, Address your enters to • ZIEGLER k SMITH, Wholesale Druggists awl tlartufeeturers,' Solo Proprietors of the Penne. Ream Color Works Store $. W. curlier SECOND and GREEN Streets Philadelphia. dell 11 EmoiNAL •BRANDY.—Puro Old Me diclual Cognac, the moat powerful strengthener for weak lungs and general debility of the age ; a sure cure for Dyspepsia, whether acute or chronic, Low Spirits, Ac. Moen 2.5 per bottle, or $10.50 per doren. Warranted pure. IMported expressly for IN, " Bole Agents' , for the United States. ZIEOLER 11, Wholesale Druggists, B. W. cur Second and Creep. We refer by permission, to the follow log meinbern of the Medical faculty, an to the purity and chemical etaudurd of this Brandy: C. P. Keichline, M. D.. Fourth, above Taimmy. Chas. It. Taylor, M. D. Fourth, above Brown. Chas. IL Roberts, M. I/ , Third, below Franklin. Wilson P. Teeny, M. D., Fourth, above Thesopsou. J. K. Knorr, M: , Front, above Poplar. dell-if ÜBL IC L AMP S.—TIIE PUBLIC IS respectfully informed that Offices have been opened by the District Superintendents of Public Lighting, et which citizens are requested to give Information respect ing accidents which may happen to the Public Lampe; or of any failure in lighting or extinguishing them at the proper time; or if not properly cleaned and in good lighting eondition. The Books will be kept by Joseph Deily, No. 808 Wharton at . Find Ward; Charlton Nark!, Supt.of2tdistrict,No.Silaineset above Sixth: alrarr it. Kirk No. 820 Not lb Sixth et , above Drown. Twelfth Ward; 111 W. Deshong. No. 2231Contex areal, Niftoemtli Ward; Thos.V.llowlby, Gas Olitice,Twenty-Pourtk Ward, ((Weal Philadelphia;) M. U. bil'addau, Dan Office, Twenty-Second Ward, (Germantown;) Wax. N. Market, (ha Office, Twenty-Third Ward (Frankford,) and at the Gas Office In Seventh street, below Market. By order of the Trustees of the Thlholelphla GU Worke. A. J. RITE Superintendent of Distriliutlon VOAOII, ENGINE AND HOTEL LAMP YaotOryof E. W tiBBHERB, No.loo (late 43) Bomb EICHITLI, below Chestnut street, has become a saving of 50 percent. to our SOUTHERN AND WESTERN MERCHANTS, and also the convenience of having their Old Carriage Lamps new silver-topped and bottomod, and molt hr exprese to all part. coil It A LBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE MANUFAOTURER, NO. 155 West Broadway, New York, nolo manufacturer of the celebrated Concert Piano. Tho subscriber would inform hie numerous frienda and cuatomere that he has greatly enlarged his manufacturing department, in order to meet the increases In demand for Ms unrivalled Pianos, and an e very piano, modally tone and touch, personally ouperintended by the subscriber, the public will be warranted an in strument which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetness of tone and touch, stands llama passed. Every piano sold at the lowest manufacturer.' pricee, A call Is respectfully aolicited. or2O-Cm SeiaPIRITS TURPENTINE-200 bble Spirits Turpentine, to only°, for sole by kilidgLa MIAOALISTAB, on 1 119 North Witter street, insurance Companies. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND MOM COMPANY OF PIDILADELPRIA. OFFICE IN COMPANY'S BUILDING, No 403 WAL NUT, Corner of FOVRTII Street. Charter Perpetual. Authorized Capital $600,000 FINN, INSURANCE, Broiled or perpetual. MARINE INSURANCE Co Vessels, Cargoes, and Freight. INLAND MIMI ANC'. by River., Canals, Lakes, and Land Carriage. ASSETS, Nov. 1, DU. Real Ngtate 0.57,000 00 Real Estate held in trust, (In Pinla ) 2a,700 00 Bonds and Mortgages 36,:160 00 t tocke, (par value 502,40) present value.... - 57.,91.) 00 Stock notea . 39000 00 Bulls reeelrable . ' *l. ~..- : .',..t.... 270.111 al Caah In bank and on barid l ' , ii - V. - :, , .3.;... '4,IM 9:9 Cash In hands of Agent,, h. :. t 1,053 te2 Premiums unpaid • ' ' T;'" , 11,1198 as .:. • • . 1 . - . I 1.(6,5'.020 99 DIRECTORS CHARLES O. LATHROP, 1443 Walnut street, • Wlll DARLING, 1510 Pine street ALEX. WIIILLDEN, merchant. 18 North Front, et. ISAAC HAZLEHERST, Attorney sad Counsellor. JOHN 0 HUNTER, firm of Wright, Hooter, k CO. N TRACY, firm of E Tracy Ps Co., Goldsmiths' Hall JOHN R. WOURLY, firm of Jon,. White. &11I'Curdy THOS. L. GILLESPIE, firm of Hiltespio'k. JAS. II SMITH, lino of Jas. 11. Bulth & Cu E HARPERJEFFRIES, firm of Wm 11. Brown & Co JON. R. VOGDES, °Piet, eon Seventh and Sausom et, CHAS E. THOM rsoN, t.ffire 411 Chestnut street. ALFRED TAYLOR, office Cairo City Property JONA J. SLOCUM, office 226 South Third street CHARLES 0 LATHROP, President. WM DARLING, Vice-Prreidrut LEWIS CHU/DRY, 2.1 Viee-Drewideut, New York 11. K. RICHARDSON, A eeletant.Secretery. de23•U VIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE TIJH QUARBR CITY INSURANCE CO , 408 WALNUT Street, Will take Marine and Fire Rial,a on favorable terms, CAPITAL AND BURFLUS $2250000. TORO. H H.R. 0000.31111.4., liPerotary 41.48.1 f CORN EXCHANGE INSURANCE COM PANT, 331 WALNUT STREET. Chartererpottul. Capita , ssoo,ooo. Subscribe d, s2oo,ooo. Paid np;51.40,000. This COnipAllf is now prepared to lane FLEE and MAP.IN! POLICIES on faaarable tame. PR BSI DENT—JOUN VIOR P AlBl DENT--UNRY DIED. DID YOrnRS. JOIIN SWIFT, B P JACKSON, JAMES W. QUERN, PLINY FLAB, JNO 11. PARKER, A W. THWIPSON, S. P. DRIFT/TT:I. II D. MEARS. HENRY BIRD R I deld4o, LEANDE W. V. I. STARR, Seer. Lk INSURANCE AND TROST COM ANY.—The PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE OOMPANY. Northeast Corner of THIRD and DOOR Streets. Capital, $612,726.03. INSURES LIVES for ehort tense, or for the whole term of life—grants annuities and endowments—pur chases life interests la Real Estate and makes all contracts depending on the contingencies of Life. They act as Executors, Administrators, Assignees, Trustees, arintiard tans. TRUSTRPA. Daniel h. Miller, Samuel E. Stokes, Benjamin Coates, William Martin, Richard S. Newbold, James B. McFarland, William P. Hacker, Joseph II Trotter, William H. Kern, James Ruston, Samuel C. Huey, Theophllus Paulding, Charles Hallowell, Edmund A Souder, Henry C. Townsend, Daniel L. Hutchinson, Rodolphus Rent, John W. Horuor, William 11. Carr, Fills S Archer, Edward T Mott, Samuel J. Christian, William Robertson, Joseph M. Thomas, Warner M. Basin, John G. Brenner, P.B Mlchier, Easton. DANIEL L. MILLER, President. SAMUEL K. STORKS, Vice Preet. Joint W. Itoma.F4cretary. a39-1y HOWARD FIRE AND MARINE IN SURA NOS COMPANY—Ofbee No 412 WALNUT Street. Philadelphia. The following statement of the affairs of the company in published to conformity with a proviotea of Ito charter : ERERIUME RECEIVED FROL ACCOST 1, 184, To AVOCET 31, 1b14: . . . Fire premiums 11l urine premiums Perpetual premiums.... Total amount premium! taken Fame:l2re premiums 25,072 90 Earned mariue premiums 155.005 06-180,078 513 Deflect return premiums Net earned 9108,359 09 Marine lours paid. 90,886 70 Fire losses paid.... 8,081 11 $101,91.3 8/ salvage re. eelved... 1 76 0 157 Entereetre• ceived...4,851 67 Re- Incur auce 2 071 51 --0,023 a- 03,883 10 Expenses ter coranallefluns to agents, abstements la lien of scrip, safari., ofilee rent, furnishing office, books, eta. titlary, tee 60,300 61 Profit and loss 63 40-141,203 2t Net profft $21,076 82 assays. Ouch on hand 512,510 89 Bills receivable 119,267 02 Donde and mortgages 191,000 00 Stock. "92,100 00 Stock notes—. 142,000 DO Due by agenta and others 22,812 03 8754,090 84 DIRECTORS. P. M. Potts, Wm. F. Leech, 0. R Spangler, It. T Renntl, Abraham Rex, U. H. Houston; Wm. 11. Woods, Joe R. Withers, ()serge Howell, Abraham P. Eyre, J. Edgar Thomson, W. Raiguel, 0.(I Bower, Charles F. Norton, John W. Sexton, Jobn R tenure, Herman lianpt, James Nathan It Potts, H. 11. Shllimgford. PERCIVAL M. POTTS, Preedent. 0, R. BPAXOI.BI, VlenPresidrnt. W. U. Woens, Secretary. 0c22 R. T. Eltism. Treasurer. F iam INSITRANCE. SPRING GARDEN FIRE INSURANCE COTS PANY. OAPITAL $120,000, PAID IN CASH, AND 8 EC oRELy INVESTED, • • CORNER OF' SIXTH AND WOOD Off lON, N PT'S, SPRING GARDENS. OHARTER PXRPETUAL LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. DIRROTORS. John H. Dohnert, Henry H. Phil, David Woelpper, Lewis Shin/rack Benjamin Davis, John Landoll, John Evans, Jr Charles Field, Raley H . Park, William X. Woo . Jambs Burnell, John B. Stevenson, hook B. Mlntser, Onrwin Htoijard, Henry Homer, Thos. D. Tillinghast, George H. Chada JOHN IL DOItNIRT, President. L. ERUMBILIAR, Secretary. sept 21—Iy EYT t 114 NCE CIIJIYANT.- 1 II OFFICE 41.3 'WALNUT Bt., Franklin Itall,rngs. FIRE' AND 31.41t1NK INSUII¢NCE. CAPIFAL $lOO,OOO, WITH PRIVILEGE au INCIFIXABE TO 600,000. This Company is now fully organ led, and prepared to make all kinds of Insurance agaiust toss or damage by Fire any Marine Perils. at Current rates. OFFICERS. H. 0. LauctniaN, President. RICHARD 8111 XLDS, Vice President. OZO. SCOTT, Secretary DIRNOtiRB. George Minster, W. 0. Stoteihnry, R N. Cecilia, 0. 0. Butler, Geo. Beat. faulb-y 11. 0. Laughlin, D. Sharwood, IVIII. Osborne, Richard Shields, T. F. Bbewell, iA EMIG FIRE INSURANCE COMPA .C3I. NY, NEW FOREL-08Mo, No 29 Wall street, ad joining ths ,:ileclian;rl' Bank—Cash Capita!, 52.50000, with a stir 'Tun. This Company insure Buildlngn,Mer chandise, i uruiture, Yessele In port and their Cargoes, and other property, agalwit Lone ur Damage by Fire and the U 16113 of Inland Nanijation. DIREOTORB. Henry Grinnell, Joshua L Pope, Caleb Barstow, RuPee It. Grates, Henry 0. Brewer, Henry Davis, Edmund Fanfold, O. 11 Lilienthal, Hanson K. Corning, Then Folhemue, jr. Ogden Hagerty, Minh& E. Morgan, Thomism Blouson, Abm. R. Vial Neat, John 11. Earle, William A. Cary, Albert Ward, Thomas 8. Nelson, Chariest Easton, ',arose W. Phillips, Look Lorrit, Charles A. Macy, Samuel O . i f 'Edward 'Hocken, Steph. Cambreleug, Wm N. Shepard, Thomiuircott, Oharlee L. Frost, John Ward, Lathrop L. Sturges, Henry K. Bogert, William R. Fosdick, Peter Eden, Emery Thayer, Benjamin 11. Field, Geo. Wentfeldt, A. R. Frothingham. Zahoon Taylor, Thos. Y. Youngs, Henry 11 Blossom. Samuel L. Mitchell, ALBERT WARD, President. RICRAID A. OAKUM, Secretary. in lOsly MANUFACTURERS' INS URVNGE COMPANY.—{)barter Perpetual. Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. Capital, 000,000. /fire, Marine, and Inland Transportation. DIABOTOIOI Aaron 8. Lippincott, Charles Wise, Wm. A. Rhodes, Alfred Weeks, Charles J. field, James P. Smyth, Wm. B. Thomas, J. Rinaldo Sank, Win. Neal, John P. Simons, AARON 8. LIPPINCOTT, President. WM A. 11110DE8, Tice President. ALFRED WEEKS, Secretary. J. W. MARTIEN, Surveyor. This Company was organised with a cult capital, and the Directors have determined to adapt the business to Its available resourcee—to observe prudence in conduct ing its affairs, with a prompt adjustment of losers. Office No. 10 Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. THE MERCANTI. RANCE COMPANY C No. =I WALNUT Btreet, o RINE RISKS on Vessels t LAND TRANBPORTATIC Canals, Boats, cud other ea ALL TUE PROFITS die' cured, and ample security fi LE MUTUAL INSU- T PIIILADELPIIIA. oftice i ppoete the 'Exchange. MA Jargoe4, and Freights. IN IN MAKS, per Railroads, mrlagee. ided annually among the An n eases of loss. OTOSB. Edward Harris Mee t John H. Odanheitrier, }dahlia' 'Williamson, Samuel J. Eharpleu, Isaac J Gauen, Henry Primal., F.. Award G. Junes, William L. 13pringa, Franklin U. Jones, Daniel Haddock, Jr., William Taylor, James Murphy, Wm. 1' A. J. Aztelo, Samuel L • EDWARD HA ALFRED FA; /OBE O. H , Hacreti, Thorium T. Butcher, Algernon E. Aehburner, Mind Fessitt, Thome S. Foster, Gustavus English, ;ernes H. Stroup, Alfred Studs, A. 0. Cstts Charles B Bantam, Samuel Robinson, John 0. Heger, John P. Steiner, Hoary Ors.mtro, Wm. J Caner, oreutsborg. RlllB MILES, President. :ITT, Vice President IRE AND MARINE NY 0. HARTFORD, CONN. I+os/1011 in Phaadelphla and amt./141a Office. CHARTER OAK INSURANCE COMPA Cash Capital 3&10.000. vicinity adjusted et the PA tiy leave we refer to D. 8 Itrewsi &Co . Phila Hon. Joel Jones, l'blla Chaffee'', Stout dc C 0.," Hon Rufus Choate, Boston Hacker, Lea 6; Co , '. lion. It. 8. Williams, tiart'd We bare facilities for p acing any amount of Inn ranee in the most reliable Companies. PHILADELPHIA GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, No. 418 (41 No. 145) CHESTNUT ST. THOMPBON 6, ROOD, Agents. CLOVER SEED.—NOTICE TO PENN SYLVANIA PARNIERS AND STOREKEEPERS. The undersigned are now prepared to purchase for eaah, prime Clover Seed of tho 11PlIcrop. Pennsylvania storekeepers and farmers, by sending samples to our address, ens, at ail times, ascertain the price at which we are buying. Perim; wishmg samples, by which to be governed us to quality, can e thorn sent by mail, by addieili.g us. .11 CHARS h. CO. eepla-tr L 7 Nnrth Peat, and 44 Water streets LILLE R OPE .—Buyera aro invited to call X.IP and elglialle our Manila rale flops, wniels we can can sell as low u Acuriean, and warrant It superior In trent& and darability. WRAY'S, TITLIR & 00 , tai No. S 3 N. Wotor at. !NA 4N. Whim/. "1311ILADELPHLA. AND ELMIRA RAIL ... ROAD CO 3 IPANT.--QUICKNST ROUTE to El— min, Buffalo, Chicago, Rock Wand. Niagara Yalta, Milokukio, Burlington, Montreal, St. Tanis, Detroit, Duolieth,and Bt. Louis Passenger trains will tears the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Depot, corner BROAD and VINE Streets, daily. ;Sundays excepted.) as follows 'LW A M. DAI EXPRE4S, For Elmira, Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena. St. Pauli, Burlington, and St. Louis. 3.80 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS, For Elmira, Niagara Falls. Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock Island, Galena, StPAVAN, Burltrigton, and St: bouts • • irr Tlekists good till used. Baggisornittaked to Elmira) Sulfialsh and n tlua • - • Elinira Canandaigua . . ...... Geneva, via Gorham. Rochester.. ...... Niagara Valls .......... ......... Ilnffalo Erie Cleveland, via N. Y. and Erie, i• via Niagara Falls,., Toledo, via New York and Erie_ Columbus Cincinnati, New York and Erie ..„ i• Niefirs. Falls Indianapolis, via Ntw York and Erie Detroit, via Niagara Yalta Chicago, via (treat Western Rsilway Lake Shure Aauread.... Rock Inland 'is Niagara l'arr Lake Shore Railroad Harlington . lona City. St Louis, slit Chicago .... Indianapolis Dunlleth St. Paula Tmkets can be procured at the Philadelphia and Elmira Railroad Company's Ticket Office, N. W. corner of SIXTH and CUIIdTNUT Etreets, and at the Paz conger Depot, BROAD and VINE. THROUGH EXPRES3 FREIGHT TRAIN 'eave, the Depot, Brea] etreet, Mow Vine, daily. pond rya excepted,) tor all points West and North, at froighta must be delivered herons 3 P.M. to Imams tbvir going tho same day. • Freights are forwarded with' greater 'despatch mot Lower Nates than by any line from this elt,y to the West and Northwest For I cutler Information apply to ALLEN & Through Freight Depot. Broad. below %Ina, er to the limners! Agent. N W cor.Sixth sod ebeetontess. muds. a A. Nthocr.4, Clan! Supt Phllata. and Ilmalln; Railroad. II A FONDA, Bent Supt eatasim., W. A E. Railroad I. A REDF I ELI), de3l-ly Deal. Supt . m4port and Elmira Railroad. prIILADELPHIA AND READING R AIL ROAD—FAST FRI:MILT LlNE.—Freight truism leave the Depot, BROAD Street, b low VINE, dilly, for Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, Canada, Detroit, Chicago, ➢fllwankie, listens, Dubuque, it. LIMO, and Interme diate points. This Is the shortest route to Canada and the Lake Porte, and goods will be forwarded with greater despatch to the above points than by any other route, Basp+nxlou Bridge. BON.In or Dunkirk Detroit I 13 91 75 Chicago I 60 1 la I 00 Freight going through by rail all tne way moat be mach ol n'CIA , RAIL " Nn trealehlpsneut between Philadelphia and Elmira. Mark good!, via Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, and send to the Depot, Brood street, below Vine, daily, before 5 P M. For further lnforrn►tion in regard to thin route, rail at the through (relight ofdee of the Philade plata. Nia gara and Great ti eatern Line, N. W. corner SIXTIi and CILESTNCT. dead-y PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD.—THE HERAT CENTRAL BOUTII, connecting the At lantic Cities with Western, North-western, and South western States ar a continuous Railway direst. This Road also cons aat Pittsburgh with daily line of steamers to all ports on the Western Rivers, and at Cleveland and Eanduaky with Steamers to all ports GP the North-western Lakes; making the most Diakor: CHEAPEST and RELIABLE ROUTE by which Frsigh t Can be (otwarded to and from the GREAT WEST. RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND PITTS BURGH. Pinar Otsas—Boote, Shoes, Hata, and Cape, Books, Dry Goods, (in boxes bales and trunks), Drugs, (in boxes and bales) Peathers, furs, .ko 900. per 100 lbs Siooso CLABB—Domentio Sheeting, Shirting and Ticking, en original bales), Drugs (in casks), Hardware, Leather ' Liquor, On casks.) Wall Paper, Wool, and Sheep Pelts, Eastward, No. fce 160. per 1001 be Tam OLsart—Anvils, Chains, (in casks), Hemp, Bacon and Pork, Salted, (loose or in sacks), Paints, (dry and in oil ) (except lard and resin) Gbe. per 100 I be 1017alli Cisais—Colliee, Fish, Bacon, Beef, and Pork, (in snake or boxes eastward) , Lard and Lard 011, Nall', Soda Ash, Garment:nay, Tar, Pitch, si Ron, bled, blennfacturei To bacco, Rosin 011, Quecusware, Sugar (hhds bbls , and holm) kn. &c 500. per 100 11 s Ptoot—.9l per bbl , until further notice.. 131111N-45C per 100 the., until fur her notice COTTOX—S2 per bale, not exceeding 600 lbs. weight, until further notice. 113 729 51 217.793 02 VA 00 $258,747 A 3 In shipping Goode from any point Hut of Philadel - phis, be pof Scalar to tuna package." ria Prnar No ' All Hoods consigned to tt.a Agents of this Rood, at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, will be forwarded without detention. Fantail? Apure.—Clarke & Co , Chicago ; Packer & & Co.. Mempbi , Tenn.; R. F. Sus & W Bt. Loafs, hio.; P. O. & Co., Evanseille, . Indiana; Win. Bingham, Louissille, Kentucky.; IS 0. Me drum, Madison, Indiaus; H. W. Drown & Co , and Ira, A Co., Cincinnati; ii. B. Pierce & Co., Zanesville, Ohlo; Leech & Co , No. 64 Kilbr s'aeet, Boetoe • Leech A Co., No. 2 Astor House, New ierk, No. 1 William Hew Turk lir.eoSar, Philadelphia; Magraw & Koons, Baltimore; D. • Stewart, Pittsburgh. H. H. HOUSTON, General Freight Agent. H: J . LOHBARBT, de9- ilin • .rintendent. Altoona, r• QAVING FUND-FIVE PER CENT. IN. )•..3 TEREBT—NATIONAL 13APY.TY TRUST COll - STRERT, BOUTII-WEBTcomna OP TIIIRD, INCORPORAIIO DT THI 87•11 01 PIIIEBTIVANIA Money in received in any sum, tarp or small, and in tenet paid from the day of depoalt to the day of with drawal. The omen is open every day from o'clock in the morning till 7 cs , ch.ds in the evening, &ad on Monday and Thureday evenings till 9 o'clock. HON. HENRY L BENNER, President, ROBERT SELIRIDOB, Vice President Wm. J. RAID, Secretary. D 11160,013 t Hon. Henry L Benner, O. Landreth Irma, Edward L. Carter, 1. Carroll Brewster, Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry Semi. K. Ashton, Henry L. Churchman, James B. Smith, Francis Lee. 3laney is let sire 1 ant payments made deity. The investments sun mado In conformity with the provisions or the Charter, in REAL LSTA TIC .1.10 HT• GAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such fret due seensi tif, in will always insure perfect security to the deposi to, 4 and which cannot fall to give permanency and sta bility to thus Institution. ant-1y 83 (241) POCK STREET. —FIVE PER CENT. Sink SAVINGS FUND. NO. 83 (211) DOCK STREET.—FIVE i.ll PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. NO. 83 (241) DOCK STREET.— FIVE 11 PER CENT. STATE SAYINGS FUND. I‘lo- 88 (241) DOCK STREET.—FIVE .4 PER CENT. STATE SAVINGS AWED and-ly - VENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL RR WORKS. REANEY, NEAFIE & Co" PRACIVAL AND TILKORETICAL ENGINEERS, MAINIINISTEt t BOILER-MAKERS, DLADEC- Raving for many years been in ■uceeasfel operation, ant been exalasively engaged to building and repairing Marine and River Regina, high and !ow promos°, Iron Boats, Water Taal, Propellers, &c., & 0., reepectfolly offer their eervioes to the public, as being tally prepared to contract for Engines of all sites, Marine. River, and Stationary. Having seta of patterns of different cues, are prepared to execute enters with quick despatch. Beery description of Pattern•making made at the ehorteat notice High and Low Pressure , Flue, Tute lar and Cylinder Boilers, of the beet Pennsyl I'll:lift char coal iron. Forging, of all slues and kinds• Icon and Bram Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work connected with the above business. Drawings sod specifications for all work done at their establishment free of charge, and work guaranteed. The subscribers have ample wharf dock room for re pairs of boats, where they can lay In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, ho , As , for mighty heavy or light weight'. THOMAS BSANBT, JACOB 0. JOHN P. LEVY, ettl.y BRACH and PALMER Streets, Kensington HAMUEL T. 111110[. I.,Atrolis imam WILLIAM H.llllOllOl. SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY, MUTH AND WASHINGTON STRUTS, • PHILADELPHIA. manufseture High Ind Low Treasure Steam Engines, tot Land. River, and Marine merriest Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, , Out ings of all kinds, either Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Oas Worts, W.:01,111mo, Railroad Stallone, Ice. Retorts and One Machinery of the latest and most Improved construction. Every description of Plantation machinery, inch se Sugar. Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Open Steam Trains, Defecators, Filers, Pumping Engines, &e Sole Agents for N. Rillieux's Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth's Patent Steam Thimmer,• J. P. Rose' Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. Superintendent—B. 11. BARTOL. an3-y RICHARD NORRIS & SON, LOCOMO TIVE STEAM ENGINE BUILDERS, 1111/INTIUME eraser, HAIIILTON, 7/11117LIW Alb STRING 13•11DZN mums, PHILADELPHIA. /VIVA exclusively In the nuotufsetnre of LOCOMOTIVE STEAM ENGINES. lifslinfActore to order Locomotives of toy Went, weight or capacity, for the use of Wood nal . , Or Biloinmour Coat ix tic C 1 .1144 state, or ANTLIILSOITX COAL, WITYOIII. NorrTING 6111001, 005 Oa Fllll. In design, material and workmanship, the Loemno tires produced at these Worke are equal to, and not ex °oiled by any. The material" used in eonstruetion are made on the spot, and (near* the beet quality and most nil:able stock. The large extent of Shop, nod I'm plots Equipment of Machinery and Tools, enable them to execute the BEST OF WORE WITH GREAT DESPATCH, OP ANY ARRANGIVIN? a.X.QUIRID. OBILLRD OAR WHIRLS, fLAMALERID ASLIB, With Forging, of Any siva or form, IRON AND BRAS S CASTINGS, And IiAOHINN WORK generally. RICHARD MORRIS iul•lj AGENTSANTED.—nio to Ten Dol. W tars per day can be ea.bly wade. Call on A. FLACK, at Jacob LentaLl'a Furre 1 Ilona llntnl , Wea' King street, La ne,ter, Ps. WANTED, FOR TILE UNITED STATES CAVALRY--Able-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good Dar, board, clothing, and medical attendance Pay from $l2 to ll= per month No mar.. baring a wife or child will be accepted. Apply for bIOUNTEI) SERVICE, at No. iIT MARKET strain above Eighth, north shie r WILLIAM B. MOYALL, Lt. Llent 2d Regt of Cavalry, cot 5-Zimel , Rsornitlng OSieer. SURGIIUM, or CHINESE SUGAN:CANE NEED-25 bashels for We by 0110.101DALN, PNIRCE, et CO nolo4r No. MN. Di i n MIMIC itailroab Fine BATES OF FAa • - * 5 9 0 7 00 8 01 8 0) 8 50 10 (A 10 00 10 50 ,1300 13 00 16 25 16 20 10 00 19 00 21 00 I .10 50 "200 .2300 00 .27 00 .29 00 .29 25 .29 00 .29 GO .27 60 .33 10 TARTIT At PRIACC PCR 100 LDS Via Railroad Lt dam. 2d chi" t des. . 83 83 . 85 Bantngs /nabs Illarbutrrp nub iron AND FOUNDER* MERRICK & SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, 813tH LATICIR WORM tilants. flailroabs NEW YORK LINES.-THE OAADEN /1 AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND PRILAMPHIA AND TRENTON RAILROAD COMPANY '8 USU. /MOM YEILLADILPIIIA TO NSW YO7ll, AND WA . . Leave u fellows, via 7.• .7/211 At 1 A. Si., from Kansingtoa Depot, via Jersey City, Mall 12 'N At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Aoavannottn. ties I "AS At S A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Morning &Mail 5 At le A Id., by steamboat Trenton, vis town) saa Jersey City, Morning . . ..... —. 8 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amory, C. sad .2. .cc • press It ' A 5 P. 11. via Camden and Jersey City, Droning MCI , • - I .At I Pi It, via Camden and Amboy, /acuminate , Una, Ist Class I At AP. )1. Via Camden and Amboy, Acoommoda. • tlon 2n d Chas. 1 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, J.econunctia• tion, Ist Class 2 Gil At SP. M. via Camden arid Avai.iy, Aeon:mods- Wien, 2nd Class . 1 13 The 6P. M. line tons daily, all others tlimAsys en espied. Yaprees Linea Mop at the remised rAtione only. Yor Belvidere, F.s.ton, F euirr,rten. Ac., ate A and 2x , 11t , from Walnut street wharf. For Water Gap, Stronisbeirg, Smanton, Rillitsber e, Montrose, Great Bend, te at 8 A via Ottawa, e, Lackawanna at est,rn Railroad. !or Freehold, at 8 A H. nod 2 P.ll. Tor Motuot }lolly at 5 A H, Led 2,511, 3 Led IS P. M. WAY I.EiL3 for Bristol, Trenton, to , at 2,4 and i P. M. WAY LLYS POT Palmyra, 11112leaCii, BLTaIJ, Barlingtts, Sorties town de.. at 3 P. M. Steamboat RICHARD STOCKTON for Bardenteern and intern.. diets places at 3J P Id Steamboat Tltklrft..N for Taceny at 10 sad 111; A gi.,ande P.M All lines, exmpt 1 A. M., leave Walnut street wharf. 117 - Plity pounds of baggage only allowed each pea settler. Passengers are prohibited from taking my thing as tagkage but their wearing apposed All b.lg pge over fifty pounds to be paid for extra. The Com parry limit their responsibility for baggage to elm dollar per pound, and will not be liable for toy Lament be - yond 21.05, camp; by epeeial eontrant. WM. IL GATLILYIL Agent an 1-ly O. Jr. A. R. It CO, DENNSYLVANIA CENTR AL RAIL -a- ROAD, 1817. - POR PITTSBURGH, IS.'S?". Cincinnati, et. Leda, lona Cit,r, Louisville, New Orleans, Et. Paul, Indiacepiller Cleveland, Kacsas, Tarts Haute, Chicago, liebinsaa. Fornung riots coanectiars Ildrok ell tea Great We.':. era Raiitoadi. ARRIVAL AND DF.PARTI - RF. OF THE THROUGH TRAINS. • - • At and from Th e Timmlnnis Rai .t& Piumengee Station south-cart comer of ESEIENTH and MAR RET 'treats (entrance on Flasent§ Mast ) 'PH 0 TRAM. OH TRAINS LEA VI: PHILADELPHIA DAILY Forming close connections at Pittstnitlik M all inlnts West. Fart Mail act Acecramr.dation Tnlas, (S clays ai ceptPd,) vie: Fitt Mail Line , at IP. M arrivin; in Piti-lalt-gh at 5 A. M. Exprrsv Mail Train at 11 night, arriving in Piti-1 , 3r55 at 155 P. 31. Altnotut Way Train at 3 A M . arnvlng at Altrona st 8 P. 14. llarriebarg Aecomarelati.di Snio , '64 Co lea.l• leavei Philadelphia at 3 P M., ArtiTtrg la Ifare , ..euri at 9 P. M. RftTLMLNIMI. Plait abgi Train leaves Pittsburgh at 3 A M., ant rev .a Phi_ Iplus at 11 45 night Expresa Mal Train loaves Plthteurgb at G 50 P M , a- - rivea In Philsdelph:a at 1 P. M. Altocus Way Trani leaves Altanaaat 7 4.5 A.ll arrive. PlelLeidelplais at 7 PM. Ilarriibnig Acennineotation Train. via Coinnts haw. Itaniabarg at 6 A. M.. arriving in PAlS.lalphia P.l noon. The Express /fall rant daily, the other trains. Pis days excepted. Baggage will be received at the Paasenvr Depot by the Delegelwe Master, at any ttee during the lay. No charge for hoodlum baggage. NOTICX.-112 cage of leas, the Company will hold therroeivee reeponrible for personal taygego only, sat for an amount not exceeding /100. 1f OTlCl.—Ocenibur e e will be in readineire at the New York Depot to convey passengers for the Rost to the Peroreylvania Railroad StAtiost. THOILLP MOORS, Agent, Pageenger Line Penneylverda Lallread Co. Philadelphia, November 21, MT. n2l-ly 10 WESTERN TRAVELLERS. SPRING AND BUMMER ARRANGIMILITS. NORTHERN CENTRAL BAIL - AUL TWO DAILY TRAINS ?ROM BALTIMORE TO PITTSBTROM AND THE WEST. On and after Jane Ist, 18b7 TWO DAILY TRAMS will leave Calvert Station for 'P NA in *M eru and Loath or Northwesters cities. THE MORNING MAIL TRAIN /AIMS Bantams daily (Sunday excepteds at 5.16 A. M. connecting with the Mall Train over the Greed Alm erirania Railroad, and arriving In Pittsburgh at I D A. M. Tint AFTERNOON EX RI TRAIN Leaves Baltiraare daily (Sunday excepted) at 3 P U. for Harrisburg. TRH NIGHT EXPRESS TRA.Dt Leaves Baltimore EVERY NIGHT at 10 P.ll , wes netting with the Light'hing Ex seas over ilex Pennsyl vania Ramat (or Pitt.bargh, arriving at 1 P. pi- MI these trains connect eloarlx at Pt wait 'trains over the Pit:star:A, Fort Iranev• Chirago 12 , 1i:rend, and its Northern, Bonteern and. Western cetosectione. 117' Passenprs for Chicago , Hoek Woad, Hart lx,y too, lows City, Milmaukce, Dobuque, St. halls, )fad wm, and other leading cities iu the Northwest, will savi, ewe hundred miles of Irarel and fell hours in Vine, with four less changes of cam, by taking this routs. V" Ps...engem for Cleveland, Burotuoky, toledb, and Detroit, go by this route, and the time is unequalled, being 113 mils, shorter than by say other route. tly- Passengers for Pt. Laois, Indianapolis, Tens Haute, Cairo, and all points on the Lower and Lipper Mississippi, maks less changes of oars. an entre lb ad vance of any other route ; and to eliminated, Columbus, Dayton, Louisvill e , and other prominent elites, as path as)y soy other route. handled Wesm irtek rn limp ig rra. e 011ECRED THILOUGH and te TOR THE NORTH. The 11S A M. ceanecta elosiely with Exprwagaz over the Dauphin !Ted for WlAlarnaport, Rochester, Buffalo, Megan Yalta, and anada, than forming the most direct railway mote to florthweetsrit Pannsylnusla and Western New York. Passengers will find this the shortest, cheapest, and most elgeditloas root, to Niagara Palle and Canada. Through Tickets are issued to Philadelphia ria Go tomtits mid Lancaster by all the tredve at $3 tenth s etch train having sure conneetiona. Peasengen be this route avoid trmiselled bridges. and all the inconvenience of ferrying zeroes the frasgitelinana eel/. Pm•engers for Hanover, Stsinekaster, flertysbong Trri mltteharg, Cvho t Chambereburg, go by the - tains • t 11.15 A. SI, and 3 P. M. WPITNINSTER BRANCH. The Cars on this rowt oaks one trip per d_sy r ewaneet log with the train at 3 P. M. er TEIROCGII TICKETS sad further Lesmatlro, apply at the Ticket OGiest. Calera Station, K. R. corner of Calvert an 3 Franklin streets. esp3S•tf 0. C. LDSZO.T. PHILADELPHIA, GER .AISTQW2CIi 6,ND X OF RI6TO WN ItAILROA.I) —11 ( 9 t 1 . E11 41t11, 61:0113LENT.—On sad aner XOSDAT, 19th, 1151. POR GERMAN TOWN. Lea.. Philsle] phls at 6 IN, 83. j. sr 3 i ; , 11,ti d 31.. 2, 2-10 min 4,5, 6. 7. 9, sad 11 P mate Germantown at 6,1 k, 7-25 min S. 9. lOX A. M., 1.10. 3-10 min. 4,5, 6,7, 6, ao.l IG P. M. DU — The 7.35 o'clock A M. Train from Gremantra - a will atop only at Wayne Street Station. Ole STI:DATS.. Leave Philadelphia at 999 non. M., 2 and ISX P. M. Leave Germantown Bto4 nun..t. K. , 1 lu min ant 6 45 milt P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD IMVM2AI=IO=I Leave Cheatnet UM at 71‘,8-104.5310-11 ale. A. 31 , 1240, 3-40 ; 640 and 7-40 min. Y. 31. ON BUN DAYS. Leave Philadelphia, 0421 A. 3i., 2 ALI trk P. M. Leave Cheateut ILO at 8 A NI., and 6..5) p M. 10K MA.N.VITSK, CONSHOLIKS.I.N AN NORM:IL TOWN. Leave Plata&lplaa at 6N, 9, n A L ,3. 4N, 61i, and 11 P.M. ==WMZEMI3MII - - ON SUNDAYS, Leave PhiladPlplais at g A SI , a:A 3 P. NI Laava at 7A. 3,1 anlS P. 1,1 CREST FR VALLEY RAILROAD FOR DOWNING TURN. Leave Philadelrhis at dyi A N .and 3 Leave Dornatetnan la 7 sta 1 P. N. A. S. SMITII. Paperiaterdeat Depot, Ninth and Green :treats, Philadelphia. - - - - NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Pot BITTFILEITEM. EASTON, ALLENTOWN. MACCR CIITNR, WI LKESBA lICE. DOYLESTOWN As .1 Ott and after Wednesdny, November 4th, 13.51. ta i trams on this mad will (este Philadelphia daily (Eno. days excepted) as follows: For Rethleham, Easton, Allentown Manch Chink, and W.liesharre (Express) at 0 A. M. For Bethlehem, Allentown, and Manch Chunk, 41:‘. prem.) in counettion with L. V. R R. and Eastoo, to' stage, Lutn Iron Ilia Station, at 2 15 P. M. Fur Dv; leitewn, (Accommodatlona at 4 Sil p. M For Gwynedd, do at 10 A.ll. Ou Tuesdays and Fridars the 10 A. M. train will ram through to Doilent•vn, leaving Do)flestown to retr..• at 1 35 P. M. TRAINS FOR PIIELADRLPIIIA Losve Bethels= ()xpress,) ILIS P. M Lease Doylestown, (Accommodation,) at 0 06 A. M. L.. 4,8 Gwynedd, do. at 3.20 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. For From Gwynedd 915 A. M. Gwynedd 3 P Doyleatc Tit 4 '4O P M. [Doylestown 6 35 A M Fare to Bethlehem SI 50 Manch Chunk 2 EC Wilkesbarre . 4 50 FASSF.NOER DEPOT. FRONT and WILLOW Ste , Phila. ELLL3 CLARE. Agent. CHANGE OF 110LTES.-P HIL ADE L. PIfIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD. On an OW Monday, Nor. 233, 1557, PASSF—NOMS TRAIIBI. 4 LEAVE PHILADELPHIA Por Baltimore at 8 A. M., 1 P. M., (Elinera,) an 3 it P. M. For Wilmington at B A. IL, 1, 3.30 and 11 P. M. For New Pattie at 8 A. M., 1 and 330 P 11. For II illietown at 8 A. 31. and 1 P. 11. lot Doter at 8 A. M. and 1 P. M. For Seaford at BA. M. and 1 P 11. TRAINS FOB PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore at 8.40, Repress, 11 A. M., and P. M. LAWS Wilmington at 7 25 and 11 45 A. M., and 2 SS and B 55 P. M Leave New Cantle at 65S and 11 66 A. If , '3 P. M. Leave 11iIdietown at 10 10 A. 11. and 7.05 P. M. Learn Dover at 9.1. 5 A. M. and 5 P. M. Lair. Sotfont at 730 A. M. and 2 P. M. TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Lean Wilmington at 915 A. M., 9 P. M. and 19 IS A.)l 81:NDAT8 only at 11 P. M. from Philadelphia to Baltimore. do. do. 525 P. 'Si. from Baltimore to Freight Trala, with PannopSia ne? Car attached, will ma as follows : Lea , . Philadelphia for Permit's and interrzedltte platen at 500 P . Leans Wamington for do. do. 6 30 I` M. L.A... Baltimore for Ha - me-de-CI rue at 0 P Y. no 21-17 8. U. ISLTON, Pree,d+et. fire proof Safes SALAYAN DER SAFES. A large smoorttoent of SPAN S & WATSON'S PHILADELPHIA MANUFACTURED SALAMANDER SAM vArcr &ow, for Bavia str.l Stone. 'kmAl to nay now to em. IRON DOORS, SIIIITTIRS, On an goof term+u my othtr tutetlaiment In th CLAW ...Matra. by RTANS A WATSON, No 16 &Ai% TOIIRTH raw, PhiLbicpirts nal3-ft BANK LOCKS PULSE GIVII ER A CALL COTTON -200 bide' good Middling to l[;& dllng Isis Outtaa, ix stars mod far W. b MARTIN & It/CALLtrus, aal 119 Wank I/stow oThket WE LOGUE RANGE .—SOLD BY cast/, wog a in, PI R. MUD It. vals-tis