T „ poi The Pieta '“-There are 'many', Maga In .heaven and traithivhich we 'do itat,-iireani:of In our phi losophy."' `A:Wit:Seance, ive'shoilld - say to any one, that it adttiiiiimi-Useful power of steam was kriown re' 'the ancients, he would doubtless shrug his shouldera and cry, Bah! g ide - anlnverition of the moderns. The anejentaireit nothing - of this great moving -force .which. has shortened space, brought dbitant eciuntrie 'coniparatively witlaw each , otheida "innifrifee, . supplanted • manual labor,' and given such •a - mighty impulse- to the -pro ductiv,ecuergies of the human race. Yet i let us halt awhile amid , our self-adulation. Let Maitre a tarn - among the ancient remains of Palestina:yet' Greece, of Babylon, and Egypt, and while gazing on,the ruins of those mighty said 3 f.upendous structures Which rennin as evi dences of an ancient civiliiation; ask ourselves' the pertinent--question, "By what motive ,powerivere these immense blocks Of granite rallied-to their position 1 How were they cut ? How moved ?" That the ancients did employ other than mere hand force or simple me ' Chanical ' e:ontrivances for this purpose, will appear evident from the following allegory, to - be found in the Rabbinical writings of the Jews. When King Solomon Was about to Meld the temple,- ho was anxious- to probure a certain 'worm which possesses the extraordinary power of dividing• the largest and heaviest stones., But,-no one - know where he could obtain-this preciou3 insect. Finally, King Solomon 'dis covereil that Aimodeus, the 'demon, or as he is -termed in, Hebrew, Eshmodad, was is pea saaatodof the secret.- - - But hoW was he to ex tort it front such a source ? Here was a puz zle.- However, Solomon soon resolved upon a'atiatagem.- It. was this : kishmodai was in the. habit of repairing every day to a certain ,well indle - desert,- where he used to allay hie ihirat,which s ivas indeed , excessive. , Now, the wise king had a large pit dug close by the well of water, which resembled the latter so much that no one - could tell the difference. This he filled with 'spirits, and sealed up the other. When Amami - offs Came as usual to allay his thirst, he drunk the spirits instead of the wa- ter;_whielf so intoxicated Lim, that Solomon at once bound him in iron chains, and thereby got the secret of the worts . with which be eat the blocks used for the Temple. 'Now, if this allegory ,be -rightly interpreted,: it will prove to a demonstration that King Solomon resorted to the power of steam as a direct agent in effecting the cutting and moving of the im mense granite piles which formed both the groundwork and the superstructure of the Temple; The word r , Esh - modai" is a Hebrew term, composed of three distinct words, viz., .Esh, Mo, dai—ftre, water, supsienti—and in their connected forrn,therefore signify a suffi ciency of fire and water, which are precisely the elements necessary to produce steam— or •the worm which- insinuates itself with wonderflil rapidity into the machinery need by man for various purposes. Dat, besides this definition of the name, lot us look to the whole description given of the manlier in which the secret for malting the stones was obtained, and- we shall the whole "modes operandi" for generating steam illustrated. There was a well, says the fable, in the desert, which Solomon sealed up, but - he had a larger pit dug close by, which ho filled with spirits. Now, steam is generated by `raising the water to a certain temperature, but the boiler"muat be sealed or closed up ; there must be no openings hi the welt or boiler for the retitled vapor to escape ; but this steers, or, as the Table has it, 'spirits, must be conveyed ftom the boiler or generator, through proper channels, to the - machinery on which It is in tended to act, whiclila expressed in the fable in its highly allegorical style. That steam 'may be called a spirit - none will deny; and 'that it is held in bondage in iron chains, sub servient to the ' will of man, is a fact which daily 'experience fully attests. - This was the !sorer which Solomon employed to cut the stupendous blocks out of the quarries. This '.the demon which gave him the secret. It was the secret which science knows how to extract from the, hidden resources of nature, but - which has very often exposed its possessor to the charge of- having dealings with the devil.' S. JACOBS, Rabbi, Crown Street Synagogue CITY ITEMS. "A Girt. You You"—that is, for the readers of Tag Yogis, for everybody, may be had at Evans' 041. nal Gift Book Store, No 439, Chestnut street, by par chaeing a volume worth one dollar. Evans' gifts are both elegant and useful. Everybody who deals with Evans goee away satiefied, whether he gets a ton of onl or a eplendld watch with his dollar book that guser ? Lantie", FURS.—Mr. Pauli, whose store is on l'hirdatrsijit, last below 9histunt, has a capital stock of ladlea!turs dell kinds, which he is soiling very low indccil.' Paull is (anions both as dealer In fats, and in tb , J'llist-stylis hats mid caps that are wins. ' LA BELLE! PARIB.—We have many Ana predate ., Vow of the workshopi of Perla, bat none to excel the Ocsconsier,and...itaian-sins , se,-b.4 1 .-. 1 -whivt , by-the wanes' , sold by ?items. U. D. Welborn .1....00„ at their superb store, Nos. 7 and 9, north Math street; together with other things ituttia,putlenien'afarnishing line. Nnnt YEARS Soinans.-41iere were thousands of 'soirees - last evening, in honor ''or the yiew Year, which comes in upon uo With ,such healthy smiles, and widch promisee, it fair weather , moans anything, to behave with the greatest prop. iety. At ming of these, too, the meta were treated to delicious confec tionery from tlie popuisr:iism:Of 03."Vnilinuin & CO , Second street, below Cheetenit. COMMENCE TEE Yuen ARNllf—Bvery man should stripe - to. mate a fait and proper start in the new year. To that end we advice all our readers who can, to procure for themselves and their growing boys new suite at the Brown Stone ClOthlng Hall of nockhill Ire Wilson, No. 603 and 605 Chestnut street, above course would he makings good Fenimore- Meta. - '• ' ARRINSON'S GREAT. COLLE - CTION OF EN• (OUTINGS —The object _sought in delaying the sale of this almirable collection of cup avings hes been fully accomplished, and the public have now presented to .Thenr, through the enterprise darn Robinson, a gallery of pictures, far superior to anything of the find ever before' offered In this country. Included In it are works of the dist artiste In the world, upon a great rei fied, of sobjeats ; la fact, thereja sesrcely en ordinary picture among them. They will be sold on Monde* and• Tuesday morning® of float Peek , aythe rooms, No. fill) Chestnut street, - by 31. , ..thornis e FAIL The Char - toter , of tho pictures in a t doubtless attract very large at- tendance. JACOBS, O,Y THE PUILOSOI'IIY OF Inn / 1 1BLF: {f the ,vaatness of the subject may betalon as ate io ges. to the manner of-treating Ilona. lestotos an ' atintice.'t to te; delirited . on the eientrigi of the sth, 124,, icup kethi.oii 214 isistantsort thtesmn Street IIal1; by Der, Dr. Solomon Jacobs; will cgriatitute nee.ndary fenturein onr lectures of •the Season. The Vilo,vophy of the , 4ible may in onnsense be seldtp he bat theAllosopby of On ntelqt*lsaain, and such shouldla'mads the beefs of all philpiophy. I'llptendency of thee, leetatei wilt doab lets coutr bite largeiy_to awaken . the' publlend !1to""tlie Ito*. tanco e tble'fact, and any well ohected effort teas - ooinouiti thin-=to familiarise the pablicrr Ind with the trice phtlesaPhy of that Boole pf tmolrli, gill be n . publlc Mewing and as, i.such le oirteloly worthy . ot'ltt meet reward, 'Sfr. 'aud vast relesich'are a .11tAt4tst guarantee' that Ita„wIll)eour before ne,We ~ p tirpaird to trinster tl',emetand weichearintly hFn liriceathe present oppoltunity of 'bespeaking petite • iector'et itlbersit greeting et the Laud ' s of 'Oar citizens ail PyttietnyE "144ciaion.-4 - IoW many 'collation figurative ,enturessinug' in' "oni:•hingmige - , ire borrowed fromthe sit of earpantm,iatiy,lnt seen froth the follow.' log satclefol , Thnis'w,yer who Gird the tat t elait'ed a. " nate, up: melee n ace, split heir, rcade.tin entry, lot up; 'cal, framed an' Andichnont Oinpainellod a, 'lacy; put Moth In a boz, hulled ri witness, liaMmered a Judge, and bored a whole court, all in one' day,' " ling elpeo'turned out to be the Identical individual who buys hts eletlitog all at the palatial atOre .'of 'Granville Stoker, No. edl Chestnut street; QuAeK, QpAkii . illuantc..--The following up vette in nary newapapera "A mixed 'phYslolan wteldnir to -do as inuatrgotod as Possible,will send to oath of. het afilieted, fellow beluga ' a receive for , curing .coniumption on reeelpt, of three postage stamps, thres - esetitobe returned a r pos igge on Pte rOotipti And /he remainder tr go toward jAageng 'triivapriper oderrtixement„ ,, ifthOpe none - of our readers, will be deceived into sending their, money io title retirotr physician, ,, hat ilicedt It in heantifal and 4mopiate clothing et the fadhiosable emporium of Clifton, Albright, & Co , "irayne's Nall," No. 42f Choetout atreet. li,E , ell Y AbIOBIAMMTS,;rIIP3 IVENINO Mil's'. D. P. noweos , Wll.lo7ol'lolll' TUMORS, N. N. 'OOl2lllll OP NitaT A'AVVidLtituT.-:.' , DSLlghtflr of the Begioriout,"—' Al! that 0-fitters le Not Geld'. " 1611ATLIAI XmOII Ancora Birtn.—“The Last Dale, PocopeV—.. Scalp Iluitera ; Or, A atite - r% Love. ,, - . NATIONAL TONATAN, WALNUT STUNT, NZAR EIGHTH 31ono Cristo* , —i , Santa Claus ; Or, ''ho Sports of the Gym:tootle Troupe. • Oittia flown, Balsam= BTRNIT,' AEONS Owssatior..,-Xthlopisti Litti Illustrated; ooncludiag with • laughable, afterpitce. • Paper from a .New Malerial.—We wore yesterday shown n specimen of remarkably clear and- tough paper, made from beet-root. Also a portion, of .pulp produced from beet-root, that was very' clear and white; and - Intended for ' the manufuetnre of the finest witting papers. We are told thatwhen mixed with other pulps, iteaves • a toes which regularly occurs, as by its albuminoini ~.-,pharacter it,prevents the escape of the Auer parts of pulps through the wire-sloth of the Pourdruder machine: , The - inventor of lumbroot paper'is Pr Cellyer, and his discoveryis in operation in Eng land and Prance. - He has likewise obtained a pa tent in the United States. - •' • Chester County Prooision.—Ches ter, Al on tgo mery, and lA - teamster counties have long been eels ' 'batted for , their • superior provender, especially their heel, lI a saw two young cattle yester day, raised,. in Chester, not yet two years old, whose United weight was 2,380 . pounds. • One. of them was to be slaughtered to-day; and presented - to the public froth the stalls at eeond and Loin-, bard streets. Beef,nt• the present time, le same , what reduced.' in price, and mush cheaper than 'poultry - ,There, is nothing more wholesome vr sub ! rdthatiattlien aloe pleceofjuley beef. • ' Hospital CaSe-d—FalaMccidenf,—Joho Kelly :-"::'•'7.lllle.!relseivetkirtfit.4deseptilts Hospital-yesterday, tairogi,ndsain rieiriere burn et_ over his trdat,„'lltikfilenitletate'that' hiD fell in a Dogilf.swiir, - Ibt - the , distillery or j: A. arty,* n On front street. He died in 4 0411 .Birter the sad wourrencte,„ ,Ate Nrse slue 4 I'-'l99l4llll4utkOritstglit9lf,'7oolr4' °— Hen Malt' invaded.- , —the citliens of the Eighteenth and 'Nineteenth wards have suffered greatly of late from the nocturnal viaits of &pro deters who Invaded heu roosts, and attracted fowls therefrom. A man namod . George White, belong ing to the "Pluck Hill Rangers," was arrested by offeer John K. Glazier at Seventh and iSt Mary streets, on a warrant issued by Alderman Fields, of the Nineteenth ward, charging him with rob bing hen roosts. He was taken before the Alder man, where ho admitted he had stolen a largo number of °Matrons, and stated where they COttid be found. He was committed to prison. • Disappointed.—Early yesterday Morning, a report .obtahaerl circulation in the Seventeenth ward that the Lieutenant was about to distribute bread from the station house. Forthwith a crowd of at least three hundred personsassembled around the building and became rather clamorous. The lieutenant was astonished, and telegraphed to the central station to know whether any breed was to be sent to him. He resolved for an answer that nothing of the kind was intended. The crowd was dispersed. Daring yesterday morning, bread was given out to - the poor at venous points: At Sanford'a Opera House, a large number of the needy wore supplied with thestaff of life and et Ilenkel'a oabinet-ware establishment, in Walnut street, several hundred loaves were distributed. A large portion of the community kept the day as a sort of a half holiday. Put tittle business was done; Chestnut street was alive with promenaders, and &operable New Year's visiting was done. This sort of thing is only followod in an amateur sort of way here, and it Is not probable that it will become an established Institution in Philadelphia, as in New York 1858 has made a very propitious commencement, so far an tbo weather is concerned, and wo trust that its career will be as prosperous as its advent is pleasant. Foundling.—On Thursday night a female Infant child, about a week old, wrapped up in a shawl, was placed in the entry of the house No. 1211 Filbert street. The occupant of the house took the foundling to the nearest station house yesterday morning, but the officers there refused to 'comics it. After going the rounds of several places, she went to the Mayoe's office, and, by the advice of a gentleman present, she took a short out through oircumloolition and routine by laying the little ono upon a sofa in the office and walking off. The Mayor was not present, but the messen gers, being compelled to act, procured a carriage and took the poor little outcast to the alms-house .decidents.—A young man had one of his hands dreadfully shattered, in the Boventeonth ward; yesterday. by the explosion of a pistol in his own hands. The wound was dressed by Dr. Pi t ler.- A yang man named Daniel Deal, white tiring a gun on ObrWien , street wharf, on Thursday night, bad his left hand shattered in a shocking manner. Ile was taken to the Pennsylvania Roc pital, where his arm wee amputated this morning. A man, named Robert Morrell, while tiring a pis tol in Oallowhill street, near Twenty-fourth, bad his right hand badly lacerated. Re was taken to the hospital, ' vl Daring Young Thief. On Thursday afternoon a boy named Johu Buckley, aged fifteen years, entered a dry goods store, in Second street, below Brown, and stole a pleas of cloth. valued at twelve dollars. Officer Setterly, of the Tenth Police District, proceeded to a house in St. John street, above Poplar, and searched the premises. In the garret he found young Buckley, with a largo pistol in his bands, ready to fire. The officer sun. needed in knocking the pistol from his hands, and secured the youngster. Alderman Devlin wrote out a commitment yesterday morning, consigning tho boy to the county prison. 4 New Counterfat.—Yesterday morning a new counterfeit five dollar note made its aprear ance in the city. It purports to have boon issued by the Iron Bank, of Rookawey, N. J. The pa per is very poor and the engraving miserably ex ecuted. We understand that several thousand dollars of the notes have already been issued, and strenuous efforts will be made, we doubt not, to pass them off to-day. It would be wise for per sons to be on their guard againiltbese notes. An alarm of fire, about half-post four o'clock, yesterday morning, was caused by the burning of the roof' of a stable in Carberry street, between Spruce and Pine streets. ilmportattono. (Reported for no Poo.) SAVANNAH—Dame C 11 Truitt, Scull, from Saran nah i 15 bales cotton David Trainor; 104 bales cotton D S Brown; 50 battle cotton Henry Sloan; 30 bales cot ton, 26 casks rice °ranee & Darkness; 54 casks rice Cochran & Itussell; . 6 bales cotton waste Jessup dr. Moore; 10 tone old Iron Beeves, Duck dc Co; 90 bare yarns, 45 bales domestics Slay & McDevitt; 4 bags wool J It Lippincott & Co; 5 bales roots J L Scheirer & Co; 28 bags rage Rimby, Lawrence & Co; 28 bags fea thers Parker & Totaled; 70 baled cotton, 24 empty casks order. ITATANA—Itrig Alfred Exalt, Beading.-10 bids pa • per cigars 12 eases cigars Dallett Brox. 335 bxii cigars Mitchell & Allen; 472 do do S W Osborn; 205 do do 2 WON do John Wagner; 3 ihs do P N Soviol; 4 do do Lawrence, Thompson, & Co; 8 do do 450 ban do do F Seeger,• 1 cue do Christian;. 3dodo L Sararam 2 do do C Do Ford & Co; 2 do do J la Charron; 1 do do 8 Miller; 2do do S Fuguel & Son; 1747 bas do; 10 do do Senor Rocs; Ihf bbl sugar B II Bartel; 472 bm cigars Wm 0 Coehrnn & CO; a quantity of orangeo D W Pres cott, & Co; 8 cases cigars order, WlLsitsosos—Scr D S _Mershon, Spragg—'..*.24 bids rosin, 31 dospts turpentine, 15 Logs of pea onto, Bow les., Ashburber & Coi 7 bales waste, Jeasup & Moore; 50 Ws spta turpeohne, rarnall & Ogden; .0 Cochran h Bussell ,• 93 J Baker; 129 do, 132 bbls rosin, 11 Stet son & Co, 1092 do, S bales cotton, Knight & Bell, - LAOITAYRA.—Barque Joseph Maxwell, Daris.-118 bags case Beck, linbuhardt, & Co; 7 balen Ales Stetson &Co. • - PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. EDWARD 0, KSIOST, FRADOID R. OOPS, COMMIT'S' OT TEN MONtit ,Tuns. EIUDDR, LETTER BAGS Ag the iferchanfss Exchange,ThiladelPhia. Barque White Wing. Boling I aguayra, soon Bargee Mary II Kendall, Brock Balalaika, soon Dry( Ocean Isle, Pruddkn, Barbadoee. soon Brig J Nickerson, Nickerson - Havana, soon Brig Calvert, Wlllar,.. Astable . nd Sierra Leone:Jan 2 Bohr Richard Vaux, ........ Bateau, Jan 4 'For Coast of Afrira—The brig Calvert, Capt Wlllar, for Gambia, he, will nail on Saturday, 2.1 int. All lettere and nevermore for the U B Squadron will be forwarded, It left at the rondo Letter Office, Philadelphia Exchange; on - or before the date. SAILING OF THE OCEAN STEAMERS.' FISOBI„ TUN UNITY]) STATES. ATIALICSA FROM 006 DAT /Orloff° - New York.. Liverpool ...... ..... Jon 2 Perot& New York.. Liverpool Jan 6 Arago New York.".nerre Jan ' 91104 f .RTIROP.S. /ROD FOR DAT Niagara Liverpool—Boston Deo 10 Atlantic ..... —Liverpool ..New York Dec 23 Africa ... . ... ....Liverpool..New York ' Dec 26 .I.lammonia Ilamburg..New York Jan 1 Fulton Ilarre..New York Jan 12 1:1j, The California Mall Steamers sail from New York wthe 6th and 20th of each mouth. Itlprime lintellinettro. PORT OF PIIILADELPIIIA., Jau. 2. JB5B. BUN AIBEB 9,a)ISUN SETS 4 37 Emir 3 20 AllItIV ,D Steamship 'Delaware, Copes, 24 home Rola New Yerk, With md2e and pawners to Jame/ diderdice. Reports one brig oft the Capes of •ibilieloware, inward boned; passed a large barque below the Ledge,' upward bound; brig Black , Bqualy, from. lingua, oil the Buoy on the aliddlei , brig „Rdisabeth, below Bombay Rook: passed the barque Joseph Maxwell from fags, Charles it Truitt, JWIlt Savannah; aini:schr A'L Daneuhower, off Wilmington Creek. - Stearoship•Tirginla, Relly, from Richmond - , via Nor fidk;r2.l lioura, with mdse and passengers to Thee Web ster, Jr. Reports having seen on Thursday afternoon a II S alongOf war at anchor off Cape 'Beery. Passed a 'full rigged brig eft Caps Mouropen yesterday morning, .bOund ini'bitintleiano notes, tronanombay nook, with - two berm brigs In company. &Atte lopeptillixwell, Dario, (tom I,sgusyra, Dec 12; and Porto Cabello 18th, pith cense, din. to pailett Brothers: Barque 011 Truitt, Scull, n'tiant from Savannah, witit 'cotton; rite; &..e. to Pettit, Martin d: Po. Brig Alfred Exalt' needling, 9 days from Havana, 'ith frilit.fr 0, to D W-Prescott. Brig II hick 'Bquill,-inckson.' fit days. trorn Alatthew Town, lusgleit,',with s otto d W•Hornsklou Behr VS Meishon;Elprigg s 4 asps from Wilmington, HO with naval stores to intros Baker Vihb, gel), 1 darfrom Pewee, D , el, with mdse tB VhoiW , Pisrter. • CLEARO AT WILMINGTON, DEL Brig Moluakui; Mitchell, Cardvoto, E A OQuder & Co The barque.; Charles B Truitt, from Cavauotth; Jos frbor Laguayrtt• brig Alfred Kull, from lla y,att; Blatt &pall, frehiSt Jago de Cuba; brig Eliza] both; and Several tiara passed up yesterday forenoon. The barque ddl3o Doten, from Darien, boon I to Wil• 'Weston and three brigs unkuou u, passed up early this looming. Wind B—weather cloudy. Yours, Oct), WM. hi. HICKMAN. MEMORANDA _ ship Bea &writ. Wh.tinati, was at Bangkok Oct 17 to'loattlar China at 80c... . . fillip Plying Childers, White, for Mobile, Milled (row Manilla. Oct 16. . . Ship Dashing Wave, Young, cleared at Boston 31e Wt. for San Francisco • • . . . Ship B Webb, Watts, cleared at Now .Orleans 25th alt. fur Liverpool, with 4115 bairn cotton. Ship, Sauk Walton, Williams f r York, sailed from Amoy Oct la. Ship Rosser, llowland, for New 'York, was at Shang. has Oct 23, to clear same day. Ship Ariel remained at Sharighas Oct 23, condemned. Ship Mandarin, Perrin, uncertain, remairod at Shangliae Oat 23. Ship Beaver, Smith, from Macao, at Hong Kong Oct 19. and sailed 29th for Bangkok. Ship United Staten, Blanchard, for Callao, called from Hong Kong Oct 19. Ship Obllo, Hollis, for Shaughae—not New York— sailed from Hong Kong Oct 2,i 0 S t blE Corimp, Smith, for Holston, Balled from Sinnilla - • . Ship 1 1 /En Chamberlain, Sheri:Lean t remained at Cal cutta'Nor 9, nye Barque itenj Llallett, Little, hence, arrived at New Orleans 2itb rut - • Barque Chas E Lox, Almeida, hence, was discharging at Port an Prince 10th ult Vargas , °mut, Burr, sailed from Africa° Clot 23 for N York. • Barque dennotte, Barclay, was repairing at Hong Kong Oct 29. Brig Black Hawk, Ramsdell, for Savannah, cleared at Boston 30th nit . . :Bohr R Q 11$!Wen , Jarman, from Alexandria, at Fol ly. Landing 20th ult. Behr fogomar, Cass, for Philadelphia, cleared at Poe tou Stet Enbc J ane 0 Patterson, Rand, for Philadelphia, cleared at oharleaton 20th tat, Bahr Judge Hopkinson, Macey, cleared at Baltimore 81st alt for Philadelphia, Behr John Magee, Magee, bocce at Bristol Nth ult. - Behr Henry May, Watson, from Boston, for Wilming ton, Del, sailed from Newport 80th ult, Behr Chief, Fountain, from Dolan are, at New York 31st ult. Rim ?dory H UMW, Melvin, from Smyrna, MI, and Sawa earthier, Garwood{ for Little Ygg Harbor { {{ailed from Providence 30th oft, DOMESTIC PORTS. PROVIDENCE, Dee 30—Std, brig Condova, Franklin, Matanzas; eche Honduran, Crosa, Norfolk; Mary Arm, Gibbs, Baltimore. SALEM, Dec 30—A r{ barque Boron; Clark, Cayenne. Below, 30th, brig VD Rite, Mitchell, from Boston, for Sin ?fauvism, PORTLAND, Dec 30—.trr orbs A mytls, llu lob/neon, Ils,:thnore; Ocean Ranger, Kelley, Jonesport, for DIM- Morn; Elfothoth • Arm, Ackley, Cutler, for Norfolk. MC, barque N A 'Kinsman, Kinsinan, Havana. PENSACOLA, Dec 20—Old, echr Kaoline Haight, Mich, St Thomas; brigs Bolling Wave, Cole, Cardenas; Susan' Norcross, Beed, Cardona'. BRION, Deo 31. Br brig Bloomer, Webster, at Johns; lip; schr Bay State, Sherwood, New York. Clesren—Voreigu, Nur Woos Korsvelen, Stephenson London; home Tropic Bird "(formerly Magnolia), Con tot', Surinam. • SlOalitwloe—Ship` Augusta, Kearney, New Orleans •barqueMongler, Prescott, Now York. ,Nothing Selma, for Key West, IS at an Oboe In the rodde. RONfOlai iio.—Obl f brig R/6 Larnsoo, Ath littadeiciupe; Solis 'D IV Eldridge, Og w Tig Island, and IV M. Dodge, Wheeler, Ruadaloope. ptEIV ORLEANS, Dec. 25.- --Steamship Tennessee, Forbes, 'Vera Cruz; Br ship Roseneath, Auld, ldleagow; Ship Marathon, Vandyke, liqston—towed to eat 18th lost barque Brunette, brigs N Stetson and Mary Elite. bath, scbra Col Lester, Baleen's, and Eduardo. 1101E4, dap Ocean Monarch, Page, Now York; Br ship Aga memnon, Parley, Liverpool; brig Brownsville, Simpson, Mayans. MARINE MISCELLANY Issign Losess volt DNCEMBER.—The N Y Courier and Enquirer of yesterday publishes the following table of marine looses for the past month, showing au aggre gate of thirty-three vessels, of which three were steam ers, nine were ships, three were barques, five wore brigs, eleven were sclurners, and two sloops. The total value of property loot was one million one hundred and sixteen thousand three hundred dollars. This is the value of the property totally lost, exclusive of damages to vessels not amounting to a total loss, and of partial losses of cargo. The vessels reported in this list are chiefly A merican, although some foreign are included, when bound to or from a United States port, or known to be insured in this country. The summary statement of the looses for this year shows that there were in 1 emelo 120 Jauuary February March April May June July Augunt September.... October November.... December .... 063,300 - 820,3,00 1,110,300 Twelve moutto-658 Yeasoin marked m are missing, supposed loot; thoee marked a abandoned at sea, and those marked 1. burned. Lose. Sir Yorktown, from Attakapas for N Orleans... 030,000 .Str Wataka, from Savannah for St Johns Bar, Fla 40,000 Sir Bowman, from Norfolk for New York. 20;000 Ship Oxford, from Leghorn for Boston, m 25,000 Ship Pocahontas, wh, of N Bedford, lost at Cope de Verde Ship Northumberland, from New York for Lon don, a 150,000 814 National, from New Orleans for 1favre.....288,000 Ship North Star, from Moulmein, Cork, a 20,000 Ship Juniper, from Eio Janeiro for New Y0rk...155,000 Ship John P Morse, from Liverpool for Calcutta. 66,000 Ship Eva Dorothea, of and from Bremen for Bala 60,000 Ship Dolma, from Thomaston for Now Orleans.. 75,000 Barque Ontario, (Sr) from New York for St Johno, NF, b 8,000 Barone Wilford, from New Coetlo for New Haven 15,000 Barque Nazarene, from Gary° for New York.... 12,000 Brig David 8 Brown, from Philadelphia for Key Weer 26,1:49 Brig Octavio Woodward, from Port au Platte for Manzanillo .. 10,000 Brig Ettwando, Irons New Moen for West Indies 8,000 Brig Malvern, from Jamaica of Philadelphia.... 18,000 Brig Alegi& from Portland for Philadelphia 6,000 S,,hr Shields, from Philadelphia for Boston . 6,000 Schr Zobra, (Br; from Horton for Boston 8,000 Schr W F. Tarbox, (fishermen) of Southport, Me. m 4,000 Schr St Pierre, from Bangor for Boston 4,000 Schr Molly, from Bangor for Roxbury, no 4,000 Schr Northern Light, from Norfolk for Barba does, o 10,000 Scbr 61J Leman, from Virginia for New York. . . 3,600 San' J L Sebrlver, from Philadelphia for Boston 6,000 Schr Frank, from Wilmington, NC, for Norfolk. 3,000 Schr Fair Trader, from Rockfort for Cambridge.. 3,500 Schr C 0 Waterbury. front Attakapae for N York 14,000 Sloop Little Lady, of Accornac, n 800 Sloop John Cox. from Newark for Providence... 4.000 Bark Sophronia, reported tui a missing arrived at Mazatlan Aug 6 from San Paaneisoo. It is quite prob able that Rho wan not due at Valparaiso on the 16th November. It has been suggested, but on think without reason, (says the Boston Advertiser.) that tho large ship seen on lire Nov 22, pat 42 14, lon 61 40. with another ship alongside, may have been the missing ship Oxford, front Legho•u for Boston. Tito Oxford was wily 518 tons, a small ship in these days, and had been spoken Oct 27, bat 42 44, ion 61 08. She would not havo been 26 days in making °degrees of westing, nor would she have been likely to make any soothing. - . At Shanghao Oct 23, ship Intrepid, Gardner, for New York Idg; Nabob. Cole, and Florence, Dumaresq, for do; Surprise, Kanlett, fm Hong Kong, ar 17th, (not 10th,) and Belle of the West, Howe, for do ar 19th, t not 20th) all one: Alfred 11111, Nagel, do • Ariel, Ml 3. donned; Rayner& Drew, repg; Wandering Jew, Carl ton' one; sc h r Minim, Puldter, do. At Macon Oct 28, ships Norseman, Haskell, and Con. test 'Steele, for New York Idg. At do Oct 20, schr, Jae Marshall, Slocumb, one. A r at Hong Kong Oct 19 ship Beaver, Smith, Macao, and old 20th for Bangkok. 218 Oct 17, bark Auckland, Nelson, Shanghao; schr ombon. -, East Coast; 210, ship _Eagle Wing, Wa. tern, Shangbae, 22,1, ship John Wade, Welsh, Amoy. At do Oct 29, ships Wizzard, Slate, for Australia Im mediately; Ticonderaga, Doyle, for Havana. Osborn Howes, Kelley, for San Francisco early; Joseph Peabo. dr,Weston, for do do; Oscar Harding, an Ilindoo, Miller, for Shanghao ; Courser;Colesworth Wind. Gore, and Queen of the Seas, Cobb, rpg; White Swallow, In. gersoll; Ocean Eagle, Chover, and Harrah. Brothers, Poole, use bark !longue, Cartwright, rpg; brig Progres sive Age, Holmes. for Shaughae; mobil Wanderer, Strong, tar Foochow Oct 30; Oar.tbnan, Winchester, UDC. Ar at Itustla Oct 23, rhipeygnet, Graves, llong Kong. Sid Oct Pith, ships Roston , Potter. do; 17th, ship Ma. tilda, Leo, New York. Ar do Oct 23, ship Cygnet, Graves, for New Y0rk.,14 hemp partly on freight. nt $l2 per bale. At Singapore Nov 7, Ships Ann Maria, Rhoades, for NYork; Wild Hunter, Sears, coppering, chartered to load at ArracAu for 'England, at about £t 7a 6,1, Includ ing continental clause; Archer, Osgood, copparing, chartered to load at Rangoon for London and Liverpool at £4 per ton; Colorado. Ricker, copperiug, chartered to load at Rangoon, Moulmein, or 13susein. at .£371 to England or a Derma!, port, and £4 if to a Dutch port, Arab, Crosby. for Penang, to load for Calcutta, at 10 arras for betel mild, and I rupee for rattans; 1' W Sean, Jones, for Penang and U States Idg; barks Annie fiuck• num, Potter, and Hollander, Millet, for U States . Sid Oct 26, ship nerdy Todd, Penang and New York; bark Rocket, Saundera. do do; Nov 1, ship Borneo, Eduard& do do. Niiip lifatueluko Whituey, which aid Nov 4 for A kyab s to lead at tho 'Ater port for England, at abt „C 3 7s 64 Including continental clause. At Calcutta Nov 9, ships Radiant, Beane, for N York, Pig; Niobe, Storer, do do; flanges, 111aus, Abaelttio, linßl—Peoohontas, - Woederson ; Arctic, Lane; Jonialt Bradley . , Harding; Isiah Crowell, Turner and Brutus, Snow, tor Boston, do; Indian, Averille, for do 'ding; Mercury, Hubbard, for do do; Syren. Foster, for do; {l'm Libby, Bishop, for London, Idg; Elizabeth, Condon. for Bombay, do Spirit of the Times, Klein, and Express. Lecraw, for China, do. ' Orion. Llbliyi Noonday,, Shirley, Allen, and .7Q Admix, Lewis ' tine; eato, At. wood, do; Martha, Sampson, from Ilis, Janeiro, (not Minton) ar Nov 1. do; Granada, Dreyer; Win Chamfer lain, Sherman; Edward, Frost; Alike Tborudike, Sputa. Mg; Alma, Freeman, and Vision Bearer, do; Walpole, Woodberry, froin Boston June .10, ith, do; Oliver Putnam, Smith; Holyhead, Lowell Slit from Saugor, Nov 4th, ships Afontniorency, Drool) and Jamestown, Candage, London; sth, ship 'Wanderer, Ryder, New York. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS Up to 12 o'clock Last Night GIRARD HOUSE—Cbeatnut etreet. below Ninth, Jan A Grant, Trenton M Keefer, Aid K Shriner, Mil, Chas 0 Judean, N Y Wm W Hester, Ind S 11 Kennedy, N Orleans Saint Blackford, N 17 11 W Force, 5 0 C It Racers, Phlla Al Kessler, N Y II It Webb, II i Jao Little, Chicago, N Wino, St Louie A Wolf, Cin, 0 S Kirkland, Ale J C Buckley, Louisville J W Bartlett, N I* 11 A Tilden, A. Y A Harvey, Allen M 8 Ackerman & In, N V J D Walters, MS L D Curnminga & la. NY It S Thrones, Yale College ONY Green, Yale College Jen Alrattmora, Beading 0 J Suburt, N Y J Al LlXitt, Lewisburg 0 P Ramsdell, Worcester Mrs nemadell & eh, Woretr .1 NV Drown, Va A A Pelover, Cal Win Wall, N Y A 0 Seamen, WashlngtoW 11 0 Drlgge A 14, Boston N Briggs A In, Bogen MERCIJANTS , , WYPEL—Fourth tared, below Arch J Overauell, Broad Top, Pa F J Leavenworth, Pa L IVestbrook. Pilo co, Pa IV eorneltue. Plke co, Pa Ur Pnval, 0 P Harm, Va • geo P Steele, Wilnexbarre S(I Turner, Plymouth El lord, Plymouth „Steulmo Jenkins, Wyonti'g lloodman Clithomlale I' M arbor Pa Jan a Roman, Nitta AMBIIICANUOTEL—LIbestnut attetat,aboyu Falb. V6bert Wlltkingon Phila. ElNerd Peterson, Pbili. W 8 Newmau, Baltimore W L Liying.ten, Wainletn Baum t Douglas, New York Waableetoo Dunglae. N J Mount. Mie Wm P Cooledge, N It V (haw, NJ - • ' tiles Gragg, N SPATES UNlON—Market street, above Sixth, L Crustal!, Lancaster A D Allen, Lebanon 4aa Munson, llartrord Lewis LI Bennet, Chi, 0 S L Conrad, Cincinnati C 9 Boyd, New York Saml Ind whit': Pa 3 Osmond, Pa Wm Gardner, Chicago J C i'ilorgan. Cheater no Mies Martha Sniii)4, Pa . 11)104 Ellio /1 LIB:Mo. Pa co AV ,ir,,N .1 ThAil JOIIIIRIOI2, Lewis Potts, Coatuville T 11 Parke, Coatesville HOTEL—Arch street, below Pout di. Mageutils, Pinta W S Sharp Salem, N J Mrs Sharp, Motu, N J Clark. St koala J J Marsh, St Louis J P Newly, Vet J Slater, Easton li Barnes, Easton A II Stone, Bethlehem if A 01.0 n, poilelem .10 Cm! ? Rending NATIONAL 110 T EL—Raeo xtreet• above Third. James Thomlinsou , Kansas It Thomvon, Ih.)lol,toui Sand Taylor, Pa A W Snyder, N J J Item!ler, I'4 0 11 etiue, Pn 0 Hoffman, Lane:oiler 17 Hoffman, Lancaster 11 Drisben, halt Hiram Buck, Pa J McCarty, Ilarriliburg J Whitaker, Mt Clear A Oluthtr, 11l DAIILIIY 811NAV—Seetual street below Vine. Rev M Long & Is, Hartsville 3 W Husby, Al 8 Taylor, Taylmxsillo 1.8 Corell, New Hope W Johnson, NeWl.Ol% a 0 8 Fell, Pa J li Lirodegrove, Pa 8 Scarborough, Pa T 8 Snyder, Hartsville N Child, N Y V Chila, N Y W Davison, Cheltenham Saud Rose, Pa I, S Yesotman, N .1 BLACK BEAR INN—Fifth and Merchant elreeta I. °Armtek, Phil& P Pickers, Choeter co J Meridian, Wilmington, Del J J Schaffer, Milton, Ps P Thornton, Pa It Suppler!, Downlgton P. 13 Baker, Del uo A Bunting, Del co A 8 White, Cherter co S D Byers, Cheater co John Blakely, Cheater co BALD EAGLE—Third street, above Calla vhill J B Quinley. WomeWort 8 0 Tok, Northampton 'Wm Beans, Burka co MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market, John II Potter, Pa II L Hingham, Pa ' James Mouser. Reeding Edwin W Roach, Del Oben Vdward4, Del .lllester A la, Moo Jersey Mr O'Brien dc la, New York MAINS MAR 110T8L—Third atroot, ab Callowhil S Rhoads, Southampton, Pa 3 Brumbach, Exeter Special Notirro Saving Fund.—Nntlonal Safely Trust Co., Office, WALNUT Stroot, 8 W. corner of THIRD. ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS BURINft THE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS BY THE BANRS. 1. Deposita received and implants made dolly. 1. Correa Book Notes, Checks, nod Specie will he received on deposit. S. Deposits wade In Book Notes or Chocks will to paid back in Current Book Notes. 4. Deposits made lu Cold or Silver will be paid back in Coin. lutereet VIVA Pelt COM per annum. n 026 Betver's Infant Cordial.•--This Invaluable Cordial in prepared from a variety of the most choice and efficient aroruatice known in medicine, and is the moat oddest and reliable carminative extant for infante and young children. Dy its powerful influence a epeedy cure In effected in all cues of Cfle/le, windy Falun and optima. Relieves and mitigates much of children's euffering during dent'. Dort or teething, and by Its soothing propertied trap guineas pains of the bowelsi looseness, vomiting, AC The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has boon used in thormabde of taus with the moat abundant Ruses/. No family shouldbe without it Prepared only by nrAlli A. Rowse, At hie Drug and Chemical Store, N.J. oornor of Sixth and Green sts., Philadelphia. Tozhom all orders must be addressed. And for sale Dr pruggiste geuerelly. mu /8-4 THP-i P,ltgss"-TfirrADLII,4IA.; SATURDAyi, JANUARY 2. 1858. MgeOftlfiliC{llllig 'and 'Aron and purohaae nun of theie lunproved Double-Threaded Funnily BEWINO MAOIIIIO3B. Price $l5 and $2O. deBo-3t* B. U. - Dawald, Commiesioit Business IP Cow• likexidl4, met and negotiation!' of loans ) 50 WALNUT Eit..,loppoelte the Eitohahge, Philadelphia. 11010-an Seamen's 51114 n,/ 7 ind—olllce FO3 Wendt street, One door went 'of eenond street. BOOAITOD Devito lu BUMS of One Dollar end nornarde, from all cleanse of the comnannlty, and sllowe Intermit it the rate of five per omit. per annum. Mace open daily, from 9 mail 5 o'olook, and on Mom day and Saturday until , 9 In the evening. President Franklin yell; Treasurer and Secretary, Charles H. Menlo.. Per Perfumed Breath, White. Teeth, sad beautiful complexion, use "Balm of 1,000 Flowers." For, dressing Ladies' Lair, use "Woodland *beam, a new Pomade." It curls Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W.P. FSTAIDOE & CO., PrOprlet.Ont,s• T. For sale by T. D. Peterson, 340 Chestnut; Sa;nuel Stmes, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. D. Durand, 718 Cheat nut; T. It Peterd k Co., 710 Chestnut; 0. 0. ItYanil, Gift Bookstore, 439 Chestnut; 0. S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Rlcharde, & Co., Tenth and 'Mar ket; A. 11. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr. Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut; .7, W. Mines &. Sons, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second and Market; Edward Chriattuann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster, corner Eleventh and Walnut. n 0.1247 Value $3,552,700 1,868 800 1,293.600 1,8 8,700 1,261,600 819,600 710,700 043,000 3,172,100 Furst Furs Furs Selling oft nt reduced prices, wholesale and retail, at WIC Y. lifiSEL'S Fancy Fur Store, No. 152 North Third Street, below Race street. ,1, 067,100 Saving Fund OF THF, AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY, 11 CORNIM FOURTH AND WALNUT Braserst, Has always paid In full on demand, AND CONTINUES TO DO SO. INTEREST, FIVR PIM ORNT. deVI-Un* Gold Pens.--The attention of the public la cullod to our annortraent. Each pen warranted to ere autiefaotion. PARR kCrall'BON, de22 Mini Eagle Building, 824 Chestnut fared, Furs.—Joseph Stosenbnunes Furs ore cele brated tot cheapness, style, and gaaltty Mort 416 Arch Least, between Fourth and Firth. N D.—Furs altered lobo faaldonible styles. We study to please. del-lm The greatest Bargains In the World.—The subeicrlber, being about to close hie business, oilers his entire stook of superior Ready-made Clothing for sale. All In want of a superior article aro invited to glee him a call. Store to let sfii fixtures for salts. M. TRACY, 292 MARKET Street. de16.20 Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 69.4 WALNUT ST, ODDOSITN 1171MRSDENON SWAIM UlO. J. HENKEL'S, 524 WALNUT Street, 0e22•8133 Late of 173 Obeetuut Street Bank of Pennsylvania Notice... Notes of this nook taken at par for a 'Wholesale Stock of Clothing, now being soft at Retail. defi-lni No.l North FIFTH Street. An Important Fart...-We now ■ea It an bounced that the estonstvo Wholesale Olothlog Deal ere, STRAUSS & UOLDMAN, No Mt° MARKET St., above Third, have commence,' to Retail their entire stook at Wholesale prices. del-lm Good Coffee. Lovers of Coffee cannot realise the full value of their favorite beverage without having it made la the Old Dominion Coffee Pot. ARTHUR, BURNIIAId, & GILROY, 117 and 119 South TENTH, nor. of George, dl-em Bole Manufacturers. Jackson, JOB PRINTIB, MI3VI.OIIIiNT STRUT. Checks, Notes, Drafts, Bills Lading, Bill Beads, Cir culars, Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to suit the times. 0017.1ig On the 20th ult., by Rev. J. F. Boone, at the Bum merlield Parsonage, In Dauphin *treat, below Frankford rood, tlr. SAMUEL Mal [IFFY to Mine MARY MOORE, bath of thin city. In Hamden, on the evening of the 30th nit , by Rev Jorepli J. Handy, Mr. ISM. BODINE, of enuiden, to Ming 3IARY ANN WHITE, of Ocean county, N J. On Thursday evening, Met ult., by Ito,. B. P. Tem pleton. E. JOSHUA DAVIS, of Baltimore, to Mien SARAH ARNI3TRONII of Nlarlelln, Lancaster county. On the lint ult., in the city of Philadelphia, by Rev J. 11. Niadiltor, Nfr CLEMENT 111011AltDSOH. of Ilooreatown, N. J., to Mini LIZZIE A. FLOWER.% of Philadelphia. The male friends of the late WH FREDERICK ROtillltS and those of his Lonny, are /potted to attend hie funeral, without further notice, from the residence of Evans Rogers, Esq., Washington Square and Locust street, this (Saturday) afternoon, at 3 o'clock. * On the Mat ult., Mr WILLIAM onEEN, in the 65th ear or his age. On the 30th ult., JOHN FREDERR: LEM. On the 31st ult., WM. FISHER, Sr , in the 55th year of his ago. Suddenlv, on Wednesday, Dec. 30th, Mr JON X VIIN, eon of William and Ann Kuhn, aged 'V years. iU"bown Enat.—The Third Lecture of the Course, in alit or ttla Delos Temporary Male fur Chll dreolcill bo debvered by ARTHUR OILMAN, ESQ.! on TUESDAY EVENING, Jao. 6, at CONCERT HALL, commencing at 8 o'clock. Subject. The ^ Yolare Choc atter." A racy and Pleaelug entertainment may be ex • proton. Tickets 2.8 cents, at the 8011. Jon2.3ter Judgment of the World.—Lecture by Hey. A. C. THOMAS, TO-MORROW LYENIMI, at 7 o'clock, Find taiyeraallat Church, Lombard, above Yourtk. Acts xvll 81. ja2.lte VS - Philadelphia, Jou 1, PC:N.—At u meeting of the Officera of the [hill, Police District, held at the Station-bonne, Filbert street, to take into coneldera• Lion the sodden death of our late brother officer. 4011 N COOPER, Lieut. JOAN K4M113 wan called to the Chair, and Thonuts Doyle appointed Pecrotary On motion, a committee of three was appointed to draft resolutions es reeving the °Meet of thin meeting, who reported the following WEIFItA/13, We have learned with profound regret the sudden demise of our late brother officer, JOIIN COOPER, one who won the confidence and respect of all his fellow-officers', not only (bribe prompt and Impartial manner with o blab he performed his ollhisl duties, but also with his gentlemanly deportment towards all who had any tun:inaction,' wltb him; Therefore 11r,utrell, That we will attend bin funeral In a body, with stars craped, en a hint token of respect to our late brother. Resolved, That we cordially epopathize with the nidow and orphans who, by thin berearement, art toil without u protector, and will do all that lire in our power to comfort the widow and protect the tathtrltni. iterated, That the abort icsolutlous be published in the Public 1,41g.r, Fetes, and Pente4yirninate. Ily order of the meeting Lieut. JOIN KANIEB, Chairman Twos Dot LE, Secretary. Ja2.lt, (D" City Controller's Office, January lat. 185 B.—NOT 10}1.—In order to give thin Department on opportunity to settle and close the accounts of the several Departinenta of the City nlovernumrit, with a view to the detailed annual statement of the final inf. Talmo? the City,- required by law, no blue will be audited or warrant); countersigned until the 11th In. stood. 8. TAYLOR, jal,:tt • City Controller. - I.U"The Society for Supplying the Poor with Soup will commence delivering Soup TlllB MORNING, alet lost., at their Ranee, No 23 GREEN Street, near PINE. Donations aro itlepectf ully solicited, and wilt be re• celved by Jeremiah 11 acker, Treasurer, 316 South Fourth street, by John J, Thompson, Seormary, 125 Walnut street, by the Committee on duty at the promises, and by the members generally. Wr Literary Enrenti.—Aii Experienced Editor, a successful author, awl a thoroughly educated Literary man, weary with twenty-Dee years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, has determined to hire out or sell his brains at retail to those who may require their services in any honorable way. Merchants, Business bleu, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, will be supplied, off-hand, with Advertise moots, (political or others coo,) Notices, Cards, (Bren ton', or any species of article desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Contronnicatione. And every other sort of Brain work, which they may bind it Inconvenient or trouble some to do for themselves. Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank In society or oe• cootie') in life, can have Lettere intact' on any sub ject whether bueluese or sentimental. 'no advertiser will also conduct or translate Correa poLdeoce of over' kind, either Briglimb, French, Span lab, German, or Italian. Poetry, Acroaties for Ladies , Albinos, Notes, Billet. deux, Motiodies, and compositions of the 'neat delicate and conthlentml character, Incident to *very possible circumstance or event in life, will be furnishe d in In violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes. Orders by mall, accompanied with cash, will Le strictly sad promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, dtain . Box 2285 Philadelphia P. 0., Pa.. IrrOffice of the Commonwealth Insurance OOMPANY OP TIIE STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA.— PArsuout to the requirement:sof the charter of the Com monwealth Insurance Company of the State of Peuosyl. to an Election for Ten Directors, to serve the ensu ing year, wilt be held at the olllce,of the Company, N. N. comer of FOURTH and WALNUT' o,li MONDAY, ,lanuazy 4th, 1858, between the hours or loam 2 o'clock 1428-stunt-MO SAMUEL 8. MOON, Sec'y. 117' granite Lund Company.—The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of said Company will be held at 10 North SEVENTH Street, ou TUESDAY, the 12th day of January, 1865 at 0 0'01(14 P. 61 , for the election of Officers for the ensuing year. N. It. Amendineute to the Ity-Laws proposed will be acted upon at said Meeting. de22 the*. VERY SUPERIOR NO.IO TWO.TIIREAD WILING TWINE, Just received and !or eale by W.OAVER, FITLER h. 00 . ,j 524,/ No 23 N. WATER 6t. and 22 N. WILARVES. A WELL-KNOWN CITIZEN, ABOUT /1 taking a tour South, dealres to undertake any col lection, or attend to any hominess matters for any mit , chnot or c.tizen of Philadelphia. Entire aatielaNlon can be given ea to character or gualificationc Addrees C. I'., hedger Office 02.1t* Qloportitcrships and Dissolution°. rilitiE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE .11, existing under the fain of MARTIN BURBLER, lIROTIINR & CO , is this day dissolved by tho death of John Buehler. The bueinren of the tato itriti will bo nettled by the marrivluit partnere, who will continuo the neutral Hardwero busineme U 9 heretofore, under the firm of BIIIIIII.IIR & HOWARD, at No 441 MARKET street MARTIN BUEHLER, U 11. HOWARD, PIIILAIIELITIA, Jan let, 15158. ja2.lw• 11111 E CO-PARTNERSHIP OF JAMES HARPER and EDWIN BENDER, under the fine of JAMES HARPER & 00., In the Lumber buslnele, and an EDWIN BENDER, Carpenter and Builder, in this day dissolved by mutual consent, JAMS HARPER, EDWIN BENDER da2.2w* PHILIIALPIIII, Jnu• ISt. 1859 THE FIRM OF DILWORPII,BRANSON, & CO., is fhb' day dissolved by limitation. The business will be settled by either of the partnere at the store, No. 211 Market street. WILLIAM DILWORTII, SAMUEL BRANSON, KENNY D. LANDIS, JAMES W. Vll/11:10• PRO,lbatwitA, Do 81,1667, ,}4-20.* Illarnageo eicatlie 01)161501mi 6110 , R 7 ' eopart n ere ip . THE SUBSCRIBERS TIAVE TIIIs DAY entered Into a limited partnership, In accordance with the sate of Assembly In such CABO made and pro vided, under Olefin:it name of YANON & LANDIS, for the transaction of the Hardware business in the city of Philadelphia. The general partners are JAMES M. VANCE and HENRY D. LANDIS, and the quota' partnere are WILLIAM DILWORTH and SAMUEL )311AN8ON, all being reoldonto of this city. The capt. tai In cash contributed by William Dilworth is twenty thousand dollars, and the cash capital contributed by Samuel Branson in also twenty thousand. dollars. The partnership will commence on the first day or January, A. D. 1858, and will terminate ou the Slat day of De cember, 1859. JAMES M. VANCE, HENRY D. LANDIS, General Pattuere lAM DILWORTH, SAMUEL BRANSON, Special Partnere iatl-wew VIIILADRIPIIII., Dee. 31, 1857 WE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED with us as general partner, EDGAR O. LYONS, and will continuo the Panty Dry (Diode litteitielui, at the old stand, 414 SIA NEXT street, above POURED. POWELL, HAZLETT tic CO PHIL ADELPRI a, Jan. let, 1858 Ja2.St* V HE FIRM OF BARCROFT, BEAVER, & CO. ie thia day dimwitted by the teithdrawat of THOS BHAVER. The dry goods Jobbing business will below/tinned by the remaining partners, at Non. 405 and 407 MARKEP Street, under the firm of BAIIOROF V & CO. - STACY B. BARCROYT, \SETHI:RILL LEE, THOS. S. YOSTSR, MATTIIEW P. hicEWEN, 3. WESLEY BRAY, January 1,10 GS, HE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing underthe firm of 81E0Elt, LAMB, & CO. Jo this day dissolved by the death of /), 11. LAMB. The bushvoie of the late firm will be nettled by the surviving partners, who have avecielitted with them JOHN WIEST, W. D. BPONSLER, and D. 11 ERVIN, under the firm of 1111:11 al, HAIR), & CO , and will continue the Dry Oomisjobloing and importing bualuesa av boretolore, at No. 47 North 'flll HD street. PETER Finsolin, J ACOII Hi Ell 15.1., WM S. 11A/Itfr, J OHN 1 EST , W. D. SPONSLER, D. D. ERVIN. Doismber 31, 1857 NOTICE -DISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNERSIIIP.—Tho copartnerzhip heretofore faxiatlog between the undoreigned, under the Arm of WATSON & BOWMAN, to this day dianolzed by mutual Cement. The business of the late firm will be settled by WM. U. BOWMAN, No. 201 OALLOWIIILL Street, who alone le authorized to settle the came, end to whom all persona Indebted are requested to make payment BROOK WATSON WM, B. BOWMAN, 101dit* Jimmy Ist, 1858 COPARTNERSHIP NOT ICE.-T. B. . PETERSON has thin day unpainted with him, as partners, hie brothers, GEORGE lit. PETERSON, and THOMAS PETERSON, under the named T. B. PET E SON & BROTHERS January let, 1858 • ja.l.3t, HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH me EDWARD RAINS, JOAN U. MELLOW, and O EOROE 0. EVANS as general partners, and will con• tinue the importing of Hosiery and SmalLwares under the style of THOMAS MELLOR k CO.. at No BN. THIRD Street. THOS. 31ELLOR, PniI.aI.F.I.PUIA, January 10,1853. ja.lodaw* ATWOOD & RALSTON HAI S day associated with them THOMAS L ) '- BURN, wader tho firm of ATWOOD, RALSTON, & CO.. Commission MrrellalltA, fur the sale of carpeting/I. No 133 MARKET Street. FINER FIRM OF WOOD, STARR, & GAR IttITT In this day dissolved by nmtutl causeut. It D. WOOD, ISAAC STARR, JR , December 31, MI. FJIILII' C. GARRETT The busluelin or the New Jersey Hills m ill be con. tinned by R. D. WOOD end P. O. GARRETT, under the Moe of WOOD tit OARDETT. January 1, DM ISAAC STARR, Jr., Is the agent for the sale of tho New Jersey Mahe ottoos in thin market. January 1, 1858. WOOD & GARRETT. WILLIAM ALFORD and CHARLES E. tITIIVENS ere admitted to an Intermit In my bu ainene from this date. and the firm will hereafter be FRANCIS LASIf tilt & 00. FRANCIS LAMER. January 1,1248. jal..6te 00PARTNERSIIIP NOTICE.--Tho sub ,l-/ scribers base this day entered Into a copartnership, under the firm of A. DIMOND & CO., and solicit a Outinuanco of the patronage heretofore so liberally extended to the late Andrew Diurnal. A. DIMOND, P. AIcKENNA. A, DIMOND K CO, No. South POUR CU Street.' PIIILADRI,IIIII, Jan.], MM. jsl-3t* rkISSOLITTION.—The copartnership here tofore oxistiog moiler Usti Arm or BOWMAN, YRANCIi t A , LOGAN Ix this dn) did ohed, by mutual rotimint. JONAS BOWMAN Is Aleut, Authorised to use the name of the late Am In the settlement of the busino•e, At the old Mani, Nos. 338 nod MO (10102. A Ana 210) North TIIIIIB Street, Philadelphia JONAS 11011 MAN, MAAS FRANCE, JOHN LOOAN. December 31, 1b57 COP A RTNERSH IP JONAS DOTHAN and 201 IN LOOAN have this day entered into copartnership, and will continuo the Wholesale Grocery builinees, under the brio of BOW MAN di - LOOAN, at the old !date], Nos 3d5 and ddo North THIRD Streit, Philadelphia JONAS BOWMAN JOHN LOGAN December 31 .1837 JAat ll i V3f. H. lIORSTMANN & SONS mate T y the folloyingshnnge4 in their burinem • The LADIES' CHESS TIIIMbItNO br. ob b w ill b o continued at th.proaent location, N 0.1. 2 .3. CHESTNUT Street, under the Urm of WM J. 110BSTMANN & awl !e enameled by u}o. O. EVANS and WM S HASSAI L. oho will have au interest In the hualneas The MILITARY brooch will be continued ((for tho present at the anus location) under the lino of HORST HANN BROS. h CO., 1u connection with the lino of HORSTMANN 111103 /t ALLI in Neu York, and be conducted by JNO. O. PRANKLIN, who will have au Interest in the business. The Elm or ISM. lIORSTIANN Ar SONS will be conUnned at tho manufectory, corner of FIFTII and (MERRY Streets The 011 Ice and ir.trehnuse (or the sale of e 0.1131 LACES, CURTAIN TRIMMINOS. IILIND.MAKKRS' lIIIMMINOS, and of their sonnu• lecturer; generally, will be opened in the Friends' Moot ing House, adjoining the manufactory. on Cherry street jal.3tit NOTICE.--'fho firm of MORRIS L. HAL LHWELL h CO in this thy dissolved, by muting consent, ARTHUR W LITTLE retiring from the firm The remaining partners will continue the business n• heretofore, at No 833 NIARKET Stroot 'MORRIS L HALLOW CIA, JAMES TRACOA 111. JOSTILIA I. HALLOWELI„ ARTHUR W ITIONIAS W 951 ENEV, ENOCH It HUTCHINSON December ;0,185; jai bt fIOPAIITNERSIIIP.—Tho mobacribers have vv amoeittted themaeleeti under the tiro) of A W. LITTLE & CO., for the Importing and JoLblng of Silk and !Pitney Del Onodn, and will occupy the Store No 525 MAU/CET Street ARTHUR W. LITTLE, CHARLES IVATmoN, FRANKLIN JANNtY Fiiii.cotirOil, Dee 31, 183 a, J41.0t DISSOLUTION.—Tho limited copartner ship of tha auheeribero expired on the 3let tilt The tiMitn.fiil will be Fettled by WM U. SOWERS, No. 4V2 COMMERCE Ettreet WM. 11. SOWEDS,(tlnnnryl p i , t nrre ATWOOD SMITH, 5 E. M LINTHICUM ' ) jal-3t. LOUISA SOW Eltd. s Special partneri. 1/,‘/M. H. SOWERS, having tal;ett the Stnra, 412 commEncm Street, formerly oc cupied by Hun. Smith, coutlneea the American Hard ware Comminaton beanie.. ATWOOD SMITH continues hi Diu Job- Ling Hardware business, with MARTIN it SMITH, at No 303 MARKET Street, between Third and Fourth streets. THE FIRM OF JOHN ELY Z 4.: CO. is dissolied by mutual consent JOHN FLY Is alone authorised to oath(' the business and use the nouns of the bun lu thluiitation, JOHN ELY, THOMAS FACON, JACOB Y VINE, TILCHM %N RUPP, R. CHALFANT PUILADXLIIII.I, Per 10,1857 jaLCO,- nISSOLUTION OG COPARTNERSIIII .The firm of K}:}7ll4 & TAYLOR. Stock Drat, has boon dixsolved. hp inutuel councnt. The bulitic trill be continued al usual, et the old Odino, Ni. 3• WALNUT Street, by CIIMILES it, KEEN, who to ni thorlted to uce the name of the firm In liquidation OILAILLES D. KVEN, ALFRED TAYLOR. .emery 1, 1858. IVOTICE.—The firm of TEMPLE & BAI 11 HER la Ma day dimaolved, by mutual 0111401 Either of the underidsned la authorized to attend to it rettleinent of the boldness, at No. 19 Mouth FOUST Street JOSEPH TEMPLE, JOIN It LI lIIKEIt Decumbor 31, 1837 EM=l The undersigned has e thin day entered into copart nership for the tronsnotion of a general Dry floods tinniness, under the fain of TEMPLE, BARKER, 1 CO , ant have removed to thn new marble building, No 19 Routh FOURTH Ptreot, below Market. JOSEPLI E. TONLE, JOHN It DARKER. SAMUEL If MUER PglcsuuhtUlC,January I, 1858. jaddlte NOTICE.—F. A. ELIOT retires from our gem this day. by mutual conem i t. December 11, 1831. DROWN, HILL, A. CO. COPARTNERSHIP Jr, A ELIOT bus Hale day aasoci.ited with hintselt HORACE 11. SOULE, of Hylton, for the transaction 01 the COnittlitteleft business in Cotton and Woollen Yarns, Worsted, nod Wool, under the name and firm of F A ELIOT & CO They base taken Store No 12 North FRONT Street FRANK A. 'ELIOT, HORACE It SOULE _January lobbs. jal-a* DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— The partnership heretofore existing beta eon the undersigned, under the name and style of C J PRICE tb. CO , Is thin day dissolved, it, 6uritntiou , JOHN MILLAR retiring from the Ilrin The teeline,. kilt " continued by the remaining partners, under the name name and style. CHAS. J. PRICE, JOHN MILLAR, Ellt/ENE U. PREVO..sT Pull 101%1'111/, January 1,1858 lIISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. A-, —Notice k hereby given, :Int the lion of DAM MAN, SNYDER, CU. has CU, day been do...volved by mutual consent. JAMES S YOUNG 19 within De.l to me the mild of the late drm In nuttleinont of its ratite Signed !WIN lIASIMAN, SIMON SNYDER, JAMES S. YOUNU, SAME P. tIODWIN, JAMES DEMI PR. Nutt [Atoll t, Dec 201b,184. de3l.6tit LIDWARD 11. LADD will have charge of our Ipines,' to this city from thin Sato, At No 82.0 OUESTNUT Strout. HUNT, IVEESTER, &CO , Manufacturers of Bening hlechinea January 1, 1858 TIIOMPSON BLACK'S TEA WAREHOUSE AND FAMILY OROOEDY STOUR, /3110.415 AND CHESTNUT Streets An extenclve assortment of Choice Tess, and every variety of floe Groceries, at low prices jal.3t* W I LLIAM HENRY MOORE, FURNISH ING UNDEIMAK EltNo 1415 MICH Street vreet or Broad, late of SOS ABL'it Street, Lead 0011 as Mama on hen t, jal-em IZ EMAYVAL• 0..1 , W CET T HAIR CUTTER AND Ira MAKER, flea removed to 1026 IIIFFATNUT street, tour doore Le low 111.NVENTII. jot-tr • EMOVAL. JOHN STONE Ift SONS, IMPORTgR2 AND JOBECIIII Of SILK 'AND MILLINERY 000D8, HAVE REMOVED TO No. 805 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE EIGHTH. 8525.2w* REMOVAL. -DAVID SAMUEL & SON, Furdealera, have removed to No 23 North THIRD Otreet, above Church alloy. Jsl.2t REMOVAL. la CHESTNUT. above EHHITH Street, NEW YEAR' EV E RANK OF PENNSYLVANIA NOTES TAKEN AT PAR FOR DRY GOODS. CLOAKS AND TALMAS in every variett, 0 1 all prices, BED BLANKETS at $2, $.7.10, $3, $4, $l, $O, $l, and TO, A few very superior BLANKETS at 12, worth $lB CRIB AND INFANTS' BLANKETS, a lull assort ment, DALLARDVALE UNSHRINKABLE FLANNELS, 31, 37)4, 44, 50, 82, 75, $l. SCARLET, YELLOW, AND TWILLED FLANNELS, all pricey. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, AND TOWELINOS, or ery variety. IRISH SHIRTING LINEN, RICHARDSON'S beet make, all qualities. DEL &INES, CASHMERES, ALPACAS, PARA - MATTAS. BLACK SILKS, a few pieces very cheap and good. FRENCH CALICOES, yard wide, beet COMM, and very cheap. ENGLISH PRINTS, 300 pieties, of the newest and prettiest idyl" BEST CONESTOGA TICKING.% several widths and qualities. GENTLEMEN'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. LADIES' UNDER VESTS, very nice goods CASSIMERES, SATTINETTS, AND BOYS' WEAR, lIROCHE LONG SHAWLS DROCHE SQUARE SHAWLS BLANKET SHAWLS, every price and style, both Long and Square PLAIN SHAWLS FOR FRIENDS, a few choice kinds. KID GLOVES, WOOLLEN OLOVES,SILK GLOVES, HOSIERY. YARD-WIDE VELVETS at a great reduction FANCY SILKS Several hundred yards REMNANTS for wile VERY CHEAP We ore receiving NEW GOOD 3 every day. SAMUEL 8 REM, No 023 MARKET Street, north side, de3l.6t between Ninth and Tenth. PARIS AND VIENNESE lIROCIIE LONG SHAWLS, At $B, $.9, $lO, $ll, and $l2. With a largo Aolortment of ouperiorgoodm, %bleb wx are Ealing at very Wined prie ctutwEs, STORDART, & BROTHER, Non. 4.50, 452 and 454 do3o NORTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE WILLOW. R. D. WOOD P. C. C ARRETT BROAD GLOTTIS, CASSIMERES. ISATTINETS, Boys' wear generally, And Clothe For Ladle' , Cloaks From the late Auotlon Sales, at 1113151;CED 141.10 ES CURWEN STODDART & 11110T1IER, 450, 45:, and 458 North SECOND Street, de3o shore WILLOW NARROW BORDERED CLOTH TABLE COVERS.—We have just receival one case of in parlor Cloth Covers, in Drab and Brown narrow borders, designed for Friends; also, the same with centre pieces, and Plano Covers in similar styles. SHARBLESS BROTHERS, de23 CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Streets. CLOTH CLOAKS FOR PRESENTS. v Oray Malta, $2 50, $3 50, ike. Black Cloaks, richly made, $3, 15, &c. Fine Black Deaver Cloak., $8 to $l5. Make in profusion of style, quality, and price LADIES , CLOAK CLOTHS, Bought at auction, and for cash, comprising Fine and medium Black Beaver. Black Lionslin or Mohair, SI, SI 25, $1 60 Black Mixt Velvet, for Trimming, 60 eta Brown and Gray Cloths, very cheap BitOCHE SHAWLS Scarlet, flreen, and two-faced Coutrem Opal Broche Long Shawls at TA and $0 I.llaca Thibet, Blanket, and Children's Shawl. CLOVES, CRAVATS, SCARFS. Bents' Shawla, for travelling Warm Gloves, Undershirts. Drawers, &c COOPER & CONARD. cor NINTH and MARKET. N. 11. English 10-cent Printir, In &eases, for Chriat maa Rifts Cle2l 011RISTMAS PRESENTS OF REAL vv WORTII Pine Illack-Cloth Cloaks for $5 Beautiful Chenille Cloaks for #ll A great variety of Cloaks from F.. 1 to FS LONG BROOME SHAWLS, ALL WOOL AND ?MX, FOR it, Square sod Long Biocho shawls from 50 to $2O blanket Shawls, Chenille Shawls , Ac he VERY EXCELLENT BLACK SILKS Fancy Silk. cloning out below cost French Merinos at 51k English Cubourgs erg cheap Figured and Plain all wool 'trinities for 25c per yard Pine quality Plaid Cashmeres for 25c , double width GOODS OP OUR OWN IMPORTATION. Irish Lineni, of the very beat make Ladles' and Gentlemen's Linen Handkerchiefs Lathes' and Oentlenien's Kid Cloves. We have a very large stock of Linen Table Cloths, Napkins, Towels, Mono, Cosi wereA, Blankets, Flannels, Carpets, & c rko TUORNLBY & CIIISSI. den.) , N $1 roe EICIIITII and SPRIND GARDEN i. W e s ou acid roll for Garb nod b..e but one pnce (('ILO CHEAP AND ELEGANT CLOAKS The largest and handournest 'leek et V Rl. t'E T dIYD Cl.OTtf CLO AIL S In the Olty, AS . IKZUPDXI , PHICIId, £? OE9 FILYEICA, No Old CHESTNUT writtET. dg BOYS' CLOTHING. F A 110 YT k. 13110 111,3 LOW 00 hand ayery large assortment of READY-MADE GOODS, Suitable for the present season, which they lael disposed to sell cos tr ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, 6 W COWIE% TENTH ♦NU CUUIt%UT SIB ➢.—We bare a large assortment of uncut goo,ls of superior quality and make, to order from. di-lot TAWES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, ILA AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J 0. MAXWELL Lc SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1020 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 310 8. SECOND lit , below Spruce FACTORIES —Non 9.5 and 97 GEORGE St, Tenth, and SECOND Street, neer Ualou. Onlere toads at a few hours' notice. seTS Imtr rimusTmAs AND 40LIDAY GOODS. N../ W. D ()MINN, No. 23 south FOURTH Street, oilera to dealera and the public a VERY LARGE VARIETY OW FANCY (100 DB Suitable for the Holiday seater, Being entirely of bia " • ' OWN lIWPORTATION Tho asportment ombracen all tho NEWEST fiTYLIIB, AND AT VERY REDECED PRICRA Among it will be found— Paper Macro Work Ilexes, Maks, Portfolios, A n Ladies` Cabals and Traveling Bags Porte Molinales, Pusses and Pocket hooks, to hr., variety. Pearl Card Cases, beautiful styles Bohemian (I lass Toilet Bottles, richly decorated. Odor Boxes and (Dove Boxes. Fancy lirouse Inkstands, Thermometers, &C. Backgammon and Elise , . biomass, Cill11111111.1). Fine English Scissors, In sets Fanny Cigar Stands and Cigar Cases Scotch Wood :Sault Boxes and Fancy Articles Itslssitiens in plastic ivory. Nlensorandutu and Ball Tablets, its pearl and ivory Together with numerous other articles in the line. 6 11;11 VALUABLE ENGRAVINGS, JtAJ IN I:LI:GANT FRAMS, PRENUII O ENOLISII, ANL ()ERMAN NAM abd Colored Dagrerings, OF TIUC STONE OP A. S. ROBINSON. Will be sold by M. TIIO3IAS 2c SONS, Auctioneers without mom, AT THE STORE, 910 CHESTNUT STREET, January ith and stb, COMMENOINt AT 11 O'CLOCK Pictures open for iropeLtiou. Catalogues three dale erlool to sale lf?pl4 COMM 7 HAI? ♦RO QVARTFR BUNS tVnItIoR OOLONG TEA. 400 AtiliokTlM PIeCkGEB FtWi. (WALITY FAMILY 7E4 along, 73 S. EIGIITII ST , &boy', IUE:M.4I:T, leBQ-Ut Nest Sharplem S. 1110 • 51,100 F T 0 Y S , Fixer AUTICI CAN I CIIINA AND I• AI• E I 13 All 1 ES, tIAMED, PIPES, 1 4 F0All OASES, TftICAM, 51410 1117a133, With tut tII4IICBI Variety 01 other Nouds, jumt opened CANES of eery dnyertption mouraad With Gold, :liver, Ivory, A.r. Caney, Opera GleaseB, and Crutchee neatly ropaired de3o-Iyr 001, G. 1)E KORPONAY HAS THE ‘_/ honor to inform the Cltteens of Phtladelphta that be has boon appointed INTERPRETER of tho United Mates Courts, and opened an Office lot tral,l.tthms of all Modern Eanguagea at 1010 01:0110E Ptrert t 'bora TENTII, where he will be in attendance to all the bus,. hese transactions In his 1f.,.. de l-lm FBA!) !-1,000 PIGS CHESTER COUNTY Refined Lead For Pale by VLOOAING BOARD'-23,680 feet Caro Ilastoorizi boarda, afloat, for rale by &LURIA & MACALIEITIR atl 1/11 Yank Wetter littot itemotiale. EDrn epobe L J LEVI' k CO , NNW STORE, TIIIB (Thursday) EVIINING, VESTINGB, ijolibrin Oifto. SILT TO TAKE PUCE: ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY, de29-tu the in4t AL!.F'. CuTHS F: T' .5' 0 EURO II DOLL, No U NORTH SIXTH STREET J L. MOSS, WALNUT Street second door below Fourth 0 aka by %union. THOMAS & SONS, • Noe. 139 and 141 SOUTH FOURTH Bilt ZIT, (Formerly Nos. 67 and 49.) STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE—TUESDAY NEXT. Pamphlet catalogues now ready lcontaining full de scriptions of all the property to be sold on next, Oth lost , with a Het of sales of Enh Instant, and a large amount of real estate at private eats. REAL ESTATE, STOCEn, Public Bales at the Philadelphia EXchange every Tuesday Evening. iIT IN of each property booed separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previous to eaoh sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be sold on the follgwing Tuesday. 117 - PURNITURE BALER AT THE AUCT/ON STORE every Thursday morning REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. 113 - We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri. Tate Bale, including every deacription of City and country property. Printed Lista may be had at the suction Store. PRIVATE SALE AT.OLSTER. Irr Real Estate entered on our Private Bale Re prier, and advertised occasionally in our Labile Sete Abstract., (of which 1,000 copies are printed weekly.) free of charge. S, &c 45 SMARM CONSOLIDA STOOK TED COAL COMPANY. On Tuesday Evening. Jailliary sth, at 7 o'clock, for account of whom it may concern-45 shared Conwilidated Coal Company, Lu zern. county, Pa , par $lOO Aiso. d shares Commercial Bank. 20 shares Delaware Mutual Insurance Company silo scrip Delaware Mutual Insurance Company—by order of Executors. Share in the Point Breese Park Aaaoclation, elates in the Philadelphia and Mercantile Libraries. and Philadelphia Atheneum, season tickets to the Academy of Music, 5 Shares American Academy of Music, share in the Academy of Pine Arta ALto, 5 PLlfireit PellnYylvania Railroad REAL 'ESTATE BALE — JANUARY 6th • T 414 sale will ineltidii-. AN .ENTIRE bQUARE OF GROUND, TWENTY THIRD WARD, OPPOSITE VIE EPISCOPAL HOS PITAL —The valuable square of ground, having a front of 595 feet oil Front street, f... 16 fret on Lehigh avenue, 565 feet on Fillmore street, and 546 feet on Somerset street. Four valuable Gouts. VALUABLE BUSINESS STAND.—The vaitmble four tinily brick store, finiebed in modern stylo, No .136 North Third street, above Arch. NEAT 110DERN RESIDENCE.—The neat modern reeidenee, No. 410 Booth Eighteenth street, below pine Immediate poeveasion Executor's Salo—Estate of Elizabeth Lippincott, Decl DWELLING.—Three-story brick direllinj north side of Parrish street, east of Ontario street VALUABLE LOT—Chestnut street, e rmantow BEAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY 12th • This sale will Include Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of John S Jones, Deed THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLINO.--Sotitheast corner of Ninth and Poplar streets. MODERN RESIDENCE —Neat modern residence, No. 615 North Eighth street, below Green street FARM OF THIRTY ACRES —Desirable small (arm of 30 acres, with improvements, Cheater comity, Ee . near the Chester Valley and Reading Railroads. Full particulars now ready In handbills. PEREMPTORY SALE—STORE AND DWELLING.— Three-story brick store and dwelling, No 1207 Canto. street, weal of Twelfth street PEREMPTORY PALE—TWO BRICE DWELLINGS —Two three story brick dwellings,No.l2V.Olise street west of Twelfth street. PEREMPTORY SALE OP VINE ENGLIMI AND YRENOII ENGRAVINGS OP HIGH cosr AND BEAUTY Stock of Mr. A. 8. Robinson. On Monday and Tuesday Mornings, Jan 4th and sth, commencing at 11 o'clock, at the store of Mr. A 9 Robinson, No 010 Chestnut street, above Ninth, will be bold without reserve 9543ch01ce and beautiful engravings, many by the moat celebrated English and French artists The collection embraces • variety of very interesting subjects, ID heat and elegant frames, the whole to be sold, no above stated, without mess°. re Catalogues with particulars will be ready three days previous to sale Sale Non 130 and 141 South Fourth street SUPERIOR FURNITURE. FINE MIRRORS, PIANO, FORTES, CARPETS, &c. On Thursday Morning, Jan 7th, at 10 o'clock, at the auction store an llUn sive assortment of second-hand furniture, mirrors, car pets, &c , from families declining housekeeping. Salo for account of United States. CLOTHING, BOOTEES, DRUMS, dre On Friday Morning, istnnarr 75th. at It o'clock, at the auction roan's', for account of the United States, 234 uniform coats, 213 pairs woollen overalls, 200 fatigue jackets, Ha linen jackets, 23 watch coats, 140 cotton shirts, 3t blankets, 907 pair bootees, 403 knapsacks, 31 yards scarlet cloth, 41 tenor drums, 3 bass drums, 110 drum snares, lot uni form and fatigue cape, pompoons, belts, hair mat tresses. &c. irr Terms—cash, payable in specie. AT PRIVATE SALE. Shares In the Academy of Music; Point Breese Park Philadelphia and blprcaritile Libraries; Atheneum, Ice FARLEY" AT PRIVATE SALE. The elegant country seat and farm. known Ai " far ley," late the residence of Richard Paxson, deceased formerly of Dr. Shippen, le offered ►t private sale. Ful descriptions may De had At the auction rooms BSCOTT, Jr.. AUCTIONEER, (succes. • $O, to WOLBRIST & SCOTT,)4.3ICSIT.STNIIT St , oppoolto the 041110a1 House, between !fourth and Fifth Streete BALE. OF MS IN SETS, SI.EIOII AND OAR RIAGE ROIMS This :Itorna67. Coalmen.lag at 104 o'clock prerisel,, as will,el without temtne, an eirinut Mau tment of film in tell for IWlrr' and mks.' Wear, conitating of cloaks capes, talmax, v ictorinec muff+, pelerineg, Se. of mink, sable, stone martin, ermine, silver martin, eabe rian >gmrrei Sr gent:,' fur eollar4, fur cap, fur glovae, de Also, an hien., large site sleigh sal carnage robes. LADIES: CLOTH CLIMKS, MANTILLAS. dc Al , O, an invoice of hdles' elegeot style and qusatty cl.th cloche. dasteri, Claque., , merle and trimmed iu the 51051.fin.shlonable manner ID' The whole may he eismined with catalogues early on the morning ut Sate. inourante Companieo /11FIE MUTUAL. HEALTH LVSURANCE SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Odle*, No 144 South YOURTII Street, above WALNUT, (Up StAirt,) Phil:o6oos. CAPITAL, $20,6V SILAS 8 DREW, PREMCENT rioanci•l Comanttea —B. L BROWN, J. JOUNSON E UAZLETON The pipet of tine Society to the C,412300 of s Mistrial Pond, to be applied in the most I.l*.tagewas canner for the benefit of its sick member/1 Ily the payment of the following yearly deposits you will become a Life Member of the Soelety, eel will be entitled to a weekly benefit If you shonlil be dissLled by sickness or ■ccideut from attending to your ordlosery hoc nes% or occupation I*.arly 11,75.15t,0f .Ifernser. un I.r SO 1 , 1-• 4g f 2 DO pot rear draw O) per week 300 •• •• •• 300 • 500 • •• 5 0.3 00 L. • 1100 •• • 7 00 • • CJ • •• ' ••c)• • • 9 00 • JO •• First week swept e,.1 In addition to the atavo nn expente pea of II 5U will be charged the dret veer which auwat 150 poll at the tame of ansktog appl.ention hod the Jury &plat to thirty dojo All who wish to bo moo motob.rs of Oats eoclety ghoul,' make otrly sE.F.ll,atiou All claam, will b. to,roptl3 putt Off., op. u from 7 A 11 to SP. 3I do3U.y ID MARINE! INSTR. IILADELPHIA-oMo*, No f THIRD DNLY TAKAO( " 7103 d Jar. Walker, Joo neCtar*, 'rho Craven, A 8. Glllett, Iriarm.pak elieppArsl, 87,11 JOrMS, M D Josaih M D. CLIRARD FIRE A. x_x ANCE COMPANY, PL 802 WALNUT street, wont so fIYA WM.:B DII•!07 Wm M Praia, Johg Anaparb, Jr, U N Burroughs, J B. Hughes, • D. Bberman, P liseter, J P Steiner, 11 A Bh.okelfurl, Hos JOY JONES, press at G W WOODWARD, Vico Pre4lJont /so S 1101IstLis, Secretary. Luse B ALYosp,AsmatastSaeretAry VOMMONWEALTTI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP TIIS STATI, OP PERMS:LTA. N W. Curlier TOIMITII sod 'WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia Subscribed Capital, ESCO,OOO, rald-up Ciipital.sUoo.ore DAVID JAYNE', 11. D , Praildent. TLIOMAS S STEWART, Vice Preet. BANOS!. e. Moos, Secretary. aul-ly Oentlemen'a eoobo. lINE SHIRTS, Inade to order, and war raated, of eteg tot tontortal NIA PLlFrerlor •vr► ortac.bly Ahn, Dr,i4 ant Oentlem+n'e Wrap. pore, At tho Premium t•,tora of W. W K.N.IOIIT, El 2 Mtell Sheet, ebora Perth. n021.y IVRAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP PERS very !s.-go and al, Aaat am,rtroer.t at reduced peen Alm', heavy uutlor.clothin; of all dv,. aorirtlans, for gentlemen's wear, at W W. KNIGHT'S, tin ARCH Street, stove :math n021.y lITINCIIESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE FUENISMING, STORE, ant PATENT PitorLpErt SEAM SMUT lIANUFACTORY. No Td CIIE:ATNUT Street, above Seventh +tract. Yhalatell hla The attention of Southern end Western 3ferchAlits, and Btrazigero, le particularly invited to tbi3ll2litu,,i tut of Shirte, the moot pit S.ct dtting wilds male. At whole sale and retail, ant male to osier ans.lylf Monen rtut PATRIOT AND SI'AN!SiI I DOUBLOONS, 7 , 215 W, Ur CRONISE S CO , SPECIE BROKERS. )42-‘l.3t 40 .r.outh Th,rl.tr9l.l CAMBLOS, CO., BANKERS, No 35 South Third Street The highest premium pall for AMERICAN GOLD D NNW YORK EXCUANOR. Uucurront FUndd bought and sold. Stocks bought and sold ou cottoois.oo only noNi-2io• A MERICAN GOLD AND ;NEW YORK EXULIANOE AT 1110HEST w i''ITR L' ENT RATEzt, CRONUE s Co SPECIE BROKERS. 40 SOUTH TIIIRD PT II W. TINGLEY / 1 / 4 CO., BANKERS, Juil• No 4: .s—nth THIRD Sreet, Pt,tviell•h, COLLECTIONS vremptly ms.la op a In the enn,la St,kß,ll.al4, he, liourett ittl n l'nen,rt ut ItAnk sottyl, ,t r , bough! •t IJMC\t{Mon Deposits received uid intere , t td, as p< t azret sent. ---e. DILLS AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED. ritystelts. 4 , PEN fIsTS Tb tuEsnrs, and ()the, ran live their Thai .t,,, , usts road , cut , tn,l Cvltertf,l by In expPrienevA Account tot, whn CAD gire the be it ten.renc,, Col h client in this city. from out md, pestte., promptly Mt, oded to ►n 1 rimitte , i Ad. dooot ACCOUNTANT, No 7.:; south SIXTEENTH Stn et Fr WO GEN 'r AI E N AND THEIR \l ire., or four alngle Gentlemen will find Kool Dan!, with a❑ the comfort, of a home, in IL genteel. quiet family, by aildretaingi J 11.,11nx 1350 , P u Ter., mare* Location central tweeze.* eachanged el e • St • KEROSENE OIL, DISTILLED C 0.41 KEROSENE LUBRICATING OILS This Oil to not only CHEAPER, but SUPERIOR TO TILE REST SPERM It wal NOT GUM OR OONUT:.L AT ALOIS TEIIPER AT VIM, •nd it 'tat RUN LONO ER AND KEEP TUE JOURNALS COOLER THAN AN': AJMER LUBRICATING MATERIAL V" Machlnsets sod other, are requested t. call owning these oils at the •ole n;ency, CIEOIIOE M FREEMAN. Agt del9.3m•ir \o. 116 Walnut Welt, abase Pratt C.ialec bt) anctioa. FUR NESS, BRINLEY, & CO., Nqx bra 224 ‘1 jal•y 3 BY ALFRED 11. 11ERKNESS, PUILADLLPDIA liOttall AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR, ern:threat corner of Ninth said George Sts between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Salsa of horses, carriages, and Lineal, hell regularly every SATURDAY MORNING, throng:mut the year, commencing at 10 o'clock 117 The largest collection of new and second-hand carriages, harness. saJdles, Ae , ire the city, =ay be leen at this establishment for private aid a :isc. Carriages received on storage Out-door gales attended to on reasonable terr...s. HORSES, VEHICLES, AND HARNESS. On aturday Morning, At 10 o'clock, at S the 13aaaar, will Le soli, Dorset, vehicles, and harness JAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, so. 422 WALNUT MEET, above - FOURTH. CARD--SALE OP 11 0113E1IOLD FURNITCRE—TtII43- Irr We beg leave to inform the public [haters hold our regular weekly males of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS BALES ROOM, NO. 422 _WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is g iven to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of thou, who easy favor us with eolusiguroents. Families hartng portions or thefr furniture to dispose of, or those drrelloing Souse keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, can hare their furniture CAREFULLY REMOTEP TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL BRAILLE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR PG . .IINITCRE THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN PROM ANY OP THE FUE.NI TUBE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORM IN TILE CITY. LU — PereOnet&VOlitlK MI With etWaliipiateete Me rasa assured that their property will not Da &standee& pg . Commissions more moderate than those attargall toy any other Anetion House in the city. EU' Consignments respectfully solicited. Bales paid immethateir after the goods are KU. REAL ESTATE SALE—JANUARY 13th This sate at the Exchange, on Wednesday erasing, intm'Y 13 th, DMA, at 7 o'clock, win linchpin— Orphsus• Court Sole—Estate of John Ward, Deed. TWO YRAME ROUSES, SOMERSET ST , NINE• TERN' PR WARD —The lot of ground, with two frame homes thereon erected, northwest aide of Famereet street, 100 feet northwest from Ahmed street, Mos teenth ward, thl feat front and 106 feet deep Sr ground-rent VA to be pal/ at the, aale Rile at cornettor Broadaxe,/ lace Sta. MINERAL CLAY AND BLACK LEAD. On Tuakiay Artaracca. Jan. Ltb, at 4 o'clock. at th• trarebousa of J /1. smith A Co . corner of Broad and Race itroeta, ba mold, on sowing of • horn it may comers, 18 bbla tninersl clay or Wadi lead. AT eRITATZ A arst-eleas Printing Odivi, with a good nn at bald ness, fonr printing petal**, two Pagans sad aae Alums Type and everything necessary far the baldness. Apply at the Atte ti Store. QA.7II3EL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY :AAN OMOZ, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear at., cady eight doors below the Nachangs. Hours of businere Irom T o'clock, A. M., oath 14 o'clock in the evening. Outdoor sake, and sales at the Auction Holies, Al tended neon the most satisfactory term. CAPITAL 1,200 000. Er tabliiard for Ms haft .Tiirry Yam,. Advanca made from one dollar to tbonzands on Dia monde, Oliver Flee, Watches, Jes-elrr, Hardware, Net eland ee t Clothing, Yerni tura, Bedding, Cigars, Hui:ad Instrumsots, Guns, Homo, Carriages, awl Goals of every description. All goods can llamado cap length of thste eves upon. All sarsnoss, from one bemired dollars awl upwards will be thargecl 1 per cent. per mouth; 1600 ea ewer, the lowest market rate. This Store Nous& having a depth of 12t) feet, kat liege fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and grl rata watchmen for the pre see ; also, a heavy fr.= mune effected for the benefit of ail persons haying goods advanced upon N. B.—On LeAcoint of having an unlimited capital, this odic* is prepezad to cube advances en =lie 1141 th. factory and sococaroodsting terms than asy other La this eity. Mosey adrattoe4 to the poor, to small szoosta, ova say dans. AT PEI - VASS lIALS. Gold Patent Lever and nth*? Watches, :swag, and Clothing will be sold at reduced 'gift/. ail -by MOSES NA THAN S, AUCTIONEER AND COSIVISSION SULACHAST, S. I. esense SIXTH and RACE Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE—HoId and raver patent Ism, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, jewelry, of avers description, modal instruments, &0., &o. AT PEIVATE SMLE---Arranged on second tocn, household furniture, of every description, beds, not treems, carpeting, looking glassed, fancy articles, &m., &e., Out-door sales *Handal to personally by the Anordon eer. Charges very low. CosudiptrosaL of Enultwor clothing, Jewelry, &o ka , whetted. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN °MOB, S. E. Corner of Sixth sal Roca Streets, Where money will be loomed on gold and aline plata Watches, Jewelry. Diamonds, Clot Ling, Cry Goods, Groceries, Segura, Hardware, Cutlery, Parnitcre. ding, Horses, Vehicles, Horner, Stooks. mod on all ar ticle' of value for any length attics agreed cm, on snore satisfactory and Choral lame than at any ether estato lishment. H. N AMASS. GREAT CHANCE TO PROCLItE CIIIISTICAS PRE. RENTS , FOR LE9.3 THAN HALF THi USUAL HEL,LING PRICE. At ?mate Eair, for Iris thin dal! tba •ellisg priest, a: tha Luau sautbel.st corner c 9..:1th Lei E.. atrtrts— Goll rod Weer watch,* of *eery drecrigb . on, gait chatnt; goll bracelet/A, bed: bracelets; elegant gold bf engin:lls, scut pint sod brgochre: elegent goil finger tinge, Ear gold roe rho; fine gat and 'direr peneil cars; fine gold tgretseles. elront gold shirt stnis, vs riotu drwiptlont; jet btu:girt.; gold kegs; Ante roll noriAtlltont port, naropri,, rtel nolnerom otter gm:ler of letrelry; doter, accord. nt, Wel k stes; noimas,.-tver; sarregorg hut-omen is; Lugar 11l 'w.schlort; corolversi /to, to 1:7 CAA early gni rotate bargAli'lt GREAT BARGAINS TOR CHRISTMAS P aE. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT REMARKABLY LOW PRICES. MaAttng ewe. doable rasa. sad d..vahla o.,:tacts. Intl jeweled andplata Ehglo 01, h tit Irrer V ht 4,111 Sayer Eagl,sh ossat lever 'ratchet YES vow 'PM 1444 lacilta3 twspossent 11.1 lever watches Hauling case and open fore gold lertne watclien Very foe enameled Wise grit wat:heil Ether lever and lepthe vetches, English, flanwr„ sal French watches, gold chains. jewelry- ments. and ramierocu teary srtielea. WYJEUIII great sale of rorfcrad Waukee, Jews/Ley, Gans, Pistols, Musical Instruments, take ',Lon shortly. Due notice will to given. WEBB'S veal sale of Dry Gorda. Clothing, Beading, Ae , being forfeited collateral', will take ;Lew iliattlx Doe notme will be given AT PRIVATE SALE, AT HALM TH3 L'SC.SL BELLING PRICL3 —Doolle-bottocnal nn.t tainting 0440 rOLI patent levee wstrhee, of the m..at proved maker; hunting we =I o;teen Lou. golf Neaps.. altDr./.•fraz2 lepta* u-V.4.1, fail ,styrt,:ti ; ftay r.. 1 enameled lever sod hymn wsuttie. tunes"; ra jewelry of .very leATtpacn. 0:11 . 4.7 14it: tod 6 - VILO matZhtf, is lhaatt,g a1.V..111.1....1 eye. far, alvvr and French vest:hes. s rezar5!.....rt.... -, rat lox mt.*, hide ri Ar I!IEMiiEMIZEMI ectSl4,....en:i of vrir:7 descr!raca ci r Adi toZirAttl for w.. , : the or ;rirate 1.1!* MON 2:l* ADVANCED oa all sal tvan ILLL.I. of cr...4 , 11, for pubLe or prints 141., tr tiMa ehlriell fIEORGE IV. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N N comar cfKFt. act &TM 5 - 4 - siaa 11,04'6 li*Wia SWKNINO SALES SALES Et ART AATURDAT AVANINtI, At T o'dett, it the Anetze .stc,.p. ct Ilarirraret Cat ler), llocrete.pez Artrelea, CIotALLA, Water.h*l, Alert ry, teary ♦rt.dee, 'A m tisem cuts OFOLKS' CONCERT T V HALL, MARKET. F•trs—t. s Twel:th PATREft KEMP h. 4 011 1,.a .11:! g.va FIVE tf SISA.7.. 17. Costal:l,E of Vlltz 2t.e oz each ti ...Z1 of the •tes - eth, ath, the Lth. at 74 tin L.F Craig ,:c . c.; K. th- orrat firar.i fa:h. The ttr.petall ,, ,,t of tr„a Xr.s.,- I.7t , r4AAy . m etht, t:tltt. trh re t o lttittentt. la the lamestteq•ak fzr the dt - Zeus a great treat. I owe 0,01:1, eeet toes!:, atlf,e how Ica Yo-tl.l Leto I as! Lst you lired ent s;c, rt.ogla t.ckett 25 cents at the lien ezl faculty t Arts for elie during the tie? :sir 7l MRS. D. P. 13()WERS' WALNUT STREET THEATRE Leatat MRP D P RGWERS Acticz anl Sta,t .11artt.., ...... SATURDAY El EN rati Jartzart The Eat , rtairmeatt w. , ,N the I",ia:t: taper. ental 1 tt.. D.Lrain.r. T kir. REGIMENT Cart,u,tht, \tr R. t_o; a at: shtortll Mat, N 1 1 , 3 C Alm.. PAS DE DEUI. Mr at.lM.a. IV, 4.1 e the Cele t rv:-. ALL THAT OLITTI.PS aSterE, at: C. Owen., 3lirtCs ............. . , Ceti - ......•....-,. Oft:, p qua fr,ra -„k a 31 tIP )1 lko , a oreu..l a: 117 D, at a ro : NA TI E A „ T E L L E , T; l s .u .AllCii ST E rr " r LR kV. RDAS Tbe 10-tf_mance to c witS ttat c:;•- tacullr l'Jty t E I .k , T Ptl> e rOIIPV.II_ .1,7 E L , 11r Wr..ll , .e e t ee , 31-st.. L. N.Vt. ptt- T. o..:141 , IN,CI a N.•ar VOP o A z•FiTERS LOVE Ur 1. I. raver...if,: 11,1,-1. Halter, Mr ir H Myrri, 11,1 Par,. IZIN=CIMUS :CAI-it or Plf Cr ckr....1 • Srrzrel 3ratr, SS errata, Orrh, , trs tkr.l4 ; Seals in Pr.Tati. 130.1? d, 3 rant., Gallery, 13 errata; Gallery tor Cf,..l:ral Periona, 3 eratr; Prrrate Ikx m Giliary to Cal.rtd Perdous, erne Bcot °Mee °yeti from 10 M until 3P M Pocra nll opon at dy lock ; pie:forum/Ice to cOra eacr at precisely rVATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, WALNUT STREET, NEAR LIGUTEL ASSISTANT 3t tNAGER INItEztTRIAN MANAtiER_ SITURII.I.I EVINIZIer 3.1.L.,11.c The+.t.lthe 14;,..ct.a:LItt r-t't 4 moxrt. CRI.STo ^ t Mr P..J0h,... P C .M,:c,tet 31:4 P C To c0r..7.1.13! n,th the '?ANT'S cL I / 4 1.:0' of tht sir 11.1til, '17.7 Foo of NI, ..-. VF •I , la 11,1 , A:11,01 N—.) 4., I.! ; 1E,•4 p 2.1 s, r• men:e &I. HE 31AENNERCHICS - ELEVENTH T Anut:3l FANCY OFIF-.3:= Tl . F.z. , DAY.Fehrt:trylo:h i at the ..I;ir .!: we: ?sl.x ni ct th- N N tTIL , kl. GI IL.C.INI; Race stre, the! tztr., men 1%.% S.ANFORD' ,3 OPERA ROUSE— FL).VENTII Ste...t.ahos• Chestaat ETIIIOI`IAN PM:FOR:MANCE-A THIS SAti.7aING Stleo pan Lit. Illustrated by f!Antorl'sC4f4 Stars--New Dan-e• by the R an f at i child,ez [kora open at 7 n'elnek—to MaILOO. , II tauter tlf.ars el co bt eonelade .Ith LArGFIABLI ArfERPIECt. Ada:Mane* 23 vents. V. AVING FUND.-ITNITED STATES 1 \-- TRU? COMPANY, corner of THIRD sad CHUR- N - L . ' T Btrvita, Ledge and alma sane received, azt paid beck o de mand, trithoot notice, with /ME FIR CENT LNTBIE• ESE from the day of depca. t to th, 14y of withlnv' Li 011 n kourl from 9 oz.til 5 o'clock ncy day 6.-.1 ca SIONDAS EVENINGS ,c= =:.I 9 c',..l'ock DRATT3 fcr.at• ca Ilkeook.:, trota f 1 optrap.i. ProLleat--FTBPIIEN B CRAWIOID Treasorsr—PLlNT 8188. Tellar-3.131.118 R. littillta •l tt `T -.1.t ITI?LEY FARMORE rIR EINd MIME